Living Well Children S Workbook

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Living Well

Children’s Workbook
Christian Practices for Children

Mariette Martineau, Author

Brian Steeves, Illustrator
Brian Parda, Cover Design

© 2009 LifelongFaith Associates, 40 Brighton Road, Naugatuck, Connecticut 06770
ISBN 978-0-9823031-1-5. All rights reserved.
All Scripture passages are taken from the Holy Bible, Good News Translation © 1992 American Bible Society.

Development of Living Well: Christian Practices for Everyday Life was funded, in part,
through a grant from the Valparaiso Project on the Education and Formation of People in Faith.
Living Well Children’s Workbook
Christian Practices for Children
3 Caring for the Body
7 Celebrating Life
11 Discernment—Making Decisions
15 Eating Well
19 Forgiving
24 Keeping Sabbath
28 Managing Household Life
32 Participating in Community
36 Praying
40 Reading the Bible
45 Transforming Community

Ideas for Using the Workbook

The Living Well Children’s Workbook is a companion to Living Well: Christian
Practices for Everyday Life which is designed for the adults in the family. (To
purchase go to

 The Children’s Workbook is designed for parents to use with their children
or for older children to use alone.
 You can begin with any Christian practice. Find a chapter you like and begin.
 Do the activities. Read the Bible passages. Decide which action ideas you are
going to try. Give yourself time to put the ideas into action. Then do it!
 Live the Practice! Children, parents, and the whole family can work together
to do the activities and live the Christian Practices.
2 © 2009 LifelongFaith Associates, 2009
Caring for the Body in My Family
Caring for one’s body involves a lot of different things, and some of the body’s care depends on
your medical care, dentists, water, food, and so on. On the line for each item below, place an “x”
that shows what your family does. The closer your “x” is to the choice, the more often your
household does the practice.

An Example
If we had an item on eating chocolate, it might look like this:
Eat chocolate every day. ……X………………………Eat chocolate a few times a week.
The “x” in the example is closest to “eat chocolate every day” which means that is what your
family usually does.

Now it’s your turn:

1. We brush our teeth twice a day……………………………………….………….………..…We never brush our teeth.
2. We exercise daily…………………………………………………….………..………..…………….……..….We exercise monthly.
3. We eat 5 servings of veggies a day……………………….……………….………..…………...We eat 1 serving a day.
4. We eat fruit each day…………………………….………………….……………………………. We each fruit once a week.
5. We hug each other goodbye…………..………………………….………………Hugs are only for special occasions.
6. We visit the dentist once a year……………………..……………We visit the dentist when our teeth hurt.
7. We share meal preparation……………………………..……………..….My parents do all the meal preparation.
8. We shower or bath daily………………………………………………….….……………...….Only when we start to smell.
9. We dress in clean clothes…………………………………….…….…….We change clothes when they look dirty.
10. We take care of our hair…………………………………………………….………..We let our hair do what it wants.

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Jesus Cares for the Body
How does Jesus show us care for the body? Read the Bible passages below, and then draw a line
to the word that best describes Jesus’ action in the passage. Find the best word for each Bible
passage—because you only get to use the words once!!

Some people brought children to Jesus for him to

place his hands on them and to pray for them, but
the disciples scolded the people. Jesus said, ‘Let
the children come to me and do not stop them,
because the Kingdom of heaven belongs to such Feeding
as these.’ He placed his hands on them and then
went away. (Matthew 19:13-15)

Jesus reached out and touched him. ‘I do want to,’

he answered. ‘Be clean!’ At once the man was
healed of his disease. (Matthew 8:3) Consoling
The dead man was the only son of a woman who
was a widow, and a large crowd from the town
was with her. When the Lord saw her, his heart
was filled with pity for her, and he said to her,
‘Don’t cry.’ Then he walked over and touched the
coffin, and the men carrying it stopped. Jesus said,
‘Young man! Get up, I tell you!’ The dead man sat
up and began to talk, and Jesus gave him back to
his mother. (Luke 7:12b-15)

Jesus called his disciples to him and said, ‘I feel

sorry for these people, because they have been
with me for three days and now have nothing to
eat. I don’t want to send them away without
feeding them, for they might faint on their way
home.’ (Matthew 15:32)

So do not start worrying: ‘Where will my food Blessing

come from? or my drink? or my clothes?’ (These
are the things the pagans are always concerned
about.) Your father in heaven knows that you
need all these things. (Matthew 6:31-32)

4 © 2009 LifelongFaith Associates, 2009

Try It ! — Caring for the Body
We’re created in the image of God, yahoo! That means we are all beautiful! It also means we
need to take care of what God has given us. Here’s the top 5 ways we can keep our body healthy.

Eat well
Vegetables, fruit, grains, whole wheat pasta.
Give up sugary cereal if you eat it, and make
sure you eat way more good food than junk

Walk or bike or skateboard instead of drive
when safe and possible, take the stairs
instead of elevators, even a 15 minute walk a
day can be an amazing gift for your body!

Children need 8 to 10 hours of sleep a night.
Do you get that amount of sleep? Do you fight
going to bed, or say yeah, time to get some
rest so that I can be alive and well tomorrow?

Do you have time each day just to hang out?
To relax and read a book, or chat with
friends, or play a game? Re-creation helps to
recreate our minds and hearts!

Some people would say that children don’t
have much stress. What do you think?
Everyone needs healthy ways to deal with
their stress—writing things out, talking it out,
praying, going for a walk, bouncing a
basketball. What do you do?

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Try It ! — Caring for the Body
Draw a picture of yourself in the middle of the page

After you finish your picture, write or draw your

answers beside each body part.
 Mouth: What do you need to talk about this week
so you have a good week together?
 Feet: How can you use your feet to exercise this
week? Dance? Walk? Jog? Bike?
 Hands: What could you do to recreate this week?
Do a craft? Play a game?
 Head: What could you read or watch to deal with
your stress?
 Stomach: What are you going to put in your
stomach this week to keep your body healthy?

6 © 2009 LifelongFaith Associates, 2009

Celebrating Life in My Family
When your family has a celebration, what do you usually do? Circle the things that your family
most often does when it is celebrating something important.

Think of the last celebration or special moment that you shared with your family:

 What were you celebrating?

 How did you celebrate it?

 What did you like about the celebration?

 What would you do differently?

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Jesus Celebrates Life
Jesus was a man who knew how to celebrate life. He paid attention to regular moments—like
visiting with the Samaritan woman when she went to fill up her water jug, and he paid attention
to special moments—like celebrating the Passover feast with his disciples or sharing a visit with
Martha and Mary. Jesus celebrated God’s presence in the beauty of nature (think of how many
stories he told with birds and trees in them!) and in the beauty of others when he went and
dined with people like Zacchaeus.

Here’s a Scripture match for you to do. In order to explore some of the ways that Jesus
celebrated or spoke about life, you need to look up the Bible passage in the right column and
match it to the correct phrase or summary in the left column.

1. I came that you may have life and have it to the full. Luke 10:38-42
2. Jesus celebrates at a wedding and helps them out. Mark 14:22-26
3. Jesus attends a Festival. Luke 19:1-10
4. Jesus celebrates a special meal with his disciples. John 10:10
5. Jesus hangs out with some little people. John 7:10-14
6. Jesus has a sleep over. Luke 18:15-17
7. Jesus chooses to spend time with his friend. John 2:1-11

If Jesus was coming Would you do

to your house to something special
celebrate something for prayer?
important with you,
what foods would
you feed him? What would you talk
about with him?

Who would you

invite to join you at
the table?

(Correct answers for the Bible match activity: 1 = John 10:10, 2 = John 2:1-11, 3 = John 7:10-14,
4 = Mark 14:22-26, 5 = Luke 18:15-17, 6 = Luke 19:1-10, 7 = Luke 10:38-42)

8 © 2009 LifelongFaith Associates, 2009

Times to Celebrate Life
Let’s consider all the moments in our lives worth celebrating. Review the list below and put an
“S” beside those things that need to be celebrated in a small way (for example, saying a brief
prayer) and “L” for those things that need to be celebrated in a large way (marking the moment
with a celebration of some kind):

_____ 1. Waking up in the morning

_____ 2. Getting to school on time

_____ 3. Doing well (according to your abilities!) on your report card

_____ 4. Walking for the first time

_____ 5. Saying your first word

_____ 6. Your very first day of school

_____ 7. Getting a good mark on a test

_____ 8. Learning how to ride your bike without training wheels

_____ 9. Learning how to read

_____ 10. Getting your first library card

_____ 11. Having your first sleep over

_____ 12. Your birthday

_____ 13. The anniversary of your baptism

_____ 14. Doing well in music or sports

_____ 15. Learning how to tie your shoes

_____ 16. Christmas

_____ 17. Easter

_____ 18. Going to summer camp for the first time

_____ 19. Having a good day

_____ 20. Completing a major school project

Life is meant to be celebrated. Yes, there are times in our lives when we’re sad and we hurt, but
we always remember that Jesus celebrates life. We have been blessed with hope in the love of
God, and are called to be joyful people!
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Try It ! — Celebrating Life
Is there something special you have coming up in your household that you could plan a
celebration for? Maybe it’s a birthday or important time or a special accomplishment or a local
holiday. Here are several steps for preparing your celebration.

1. Think of a name and a theme for your celebration. For example, “Sarah’s Super Grades” or
“John’s Jubilant Hockey Win.”
2. Designate someone to lead the celebration, kind of like a Master of Ceremonies.
3. Create a “plan” for your celebration.
a. How will you begin? A prayer? A special song? A special greeting?
b. What things will you include in the celebration:
• A Bible reading?
• A short story or poetry reading?
• Story telling about the moment or person being celebrated?
• Slides or pictures?
• A special ritual, like a blessing?
4. How will you end the celebration? Special food? A song? Special activities like games?
5. Do you need to decorate for the celebration? Do you need to send out invitations?

Ready? Set? Celebrate ! ! !

10 © 2009 LifelongFaith Associates, 2009

Making Decisions
Discernment is big word for making decisions in a way that you think about the choices you
have and keep God involved in helping you make good decisions.

Think about it. . . How do you make decisions?

What kind of things do you have to make When you make decisions, who do you usually
decisions about? Check the ones that you talk to? Read the list and check who you talk
make decisions about, either alone or with to before making decisions.
your parents or family.  friends
 school projects  parents
 meals  brothers or sisters
 spending your allowance  grand parents
 sports, music, or other activities  teachers
 family trips  pastor
 family vacation  friends
 clothing you wear  God
 what to watch on TV  Jesus
 which friends to hang out with  Holy Spirit

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Jesus Makes Good Decisions
One example we see of Jesus practicing discernment, is during his 40 day retreat into the
desert. Read the story below and see how Jesus’ experience (Luke 4:1-13) can help us to see
how good decisions might take place especially when we’re facing temptations.

Jesus returned from the Jordan full of the Holy Spirit and was led by the Spirit into the desert,
where he was tempted by the Devil for forty days. In all that time he ate nothing, so that he
was hungry when it was over.

The Devil said to him, “If you are God’s Do you ever make choices just to feel good or to
Son, order these stones to turn into find the easiest and quickest way out?
bread.” But Jesus answered, “The
scripture says, ‘Human beings cannot
live on bread alone.’”

Then the Devil took him up and

showed him in a second all the
kingdoms of the world. “I will give you
all this power and all this wealth,” the
Devil told him. “It has all been handed
over to me, and I can give it anyone I Do you ever make choices to get as much stuff for
choose. All this will be yours, then, if yourself as possible?
you worship me.” Jesus answered,
“The scripture says, Worship the Lord
your God and serve only him!”

Then the Devil took him to Jerusalem

and set him on the highest point of the
Temple, and said to him, “If you are
God’s Son, throw yourself down from
here. For the scripture says, ‘God will Do you ever make choices just to attract attention
order his angels to take good care of
to yourself, to look good to others, or to be the
you.’ It also says, ‘They will hold you
up with their hands, so that not even most popular?
your feet will be hurt on the stones.’”
But Jesus answered, “The scripture
says, ‘Do not put the Lord your God to
the test.’”

When the Devil finished tempting

Jesus in every way, he left him for a
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Try It ! — Making Good Decisions
Making good decisions means. . .
 listening to God by praying
 listening to your family and
friends you trust
 finding the best choices you can
 thinking about the consequences
of each choice
 letting your heart and mind tell
you about the best choice for
 making a decision that honors

Find the words listed below in the word search, and then write out the phrase that
remains with the un-crossed out letters.


___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___.
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Try It! — Making Good Decisions
Think of a decision that you just made, or need to make, and practice the process of
“discerning” a decision by walking through the steps below.

 Ask for God’s help in making your

 What’s the decision you need to make? decision.

 Imagine what it’s like to live your

 What choices do you have? What do you
decision for a few days and see how it
know about these choices?

 How will you make a good choice? Put a

“heart” in front of good and loving choices
and a “U” in front of bad or unloving  Make the decision!

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Eating Well in My Family
Draw a picture below of the people who usually gather around your table for a meal. Add
“cartoon bubbles”  to each person at the table. In each bubble write what you think each
person is usually talking about while you eat.
Draw on the table the favorite foods your family likes to eat. Do your favorite foods include
dairy products like milk and cheese? What vegetables does your family like to eat? What fruits,
breads, and meats (if any) do you eat? What are your favorite desserts?

Is this the kind of reaction you have

to new food?? Be brave! Make one day
of the week “new food day” and try
something new! You’ll be surprised.
You are missing out on some GREAT
foods by not risking a little!

© 2009 LifelongFaith Associates, 2009 15

Jesus Eats Well
There are many stories in the Bible about Jesus eating with people. Read the story below. Then
underline all the “doing” words in the box. For example, underline is a “doing” word!

The apostles came back and told Jesus everything they had done. He took them
with him, and they went off by themselves to a town named Bethsaida. When the
crowds heard about it, they followed him. He welcomed them, spoke to them
about the Kingdom of God, and healed those who needed it.

When the sun was beginning to set, the twelve disciples came to him and said,
“Send the people away so that they can go to the villages and farms around here
and find food and lodging, because this is a lonely place.”

But Jesus said to them, “You yourselves give them something to eat.”

They answered, “All we have are five loaves and two fish. Do you want us to go
and buy food for this whole crowd?” (There were about five thousand there.)

Jesus said to his disciples, “Make the people sit down in groups of about fifty

After the disciples had done so, Jesus took the five loaves and two fish, looked up
to heaven, thanked God for them, broke them, and gave them to his disciples to
distribute to the people. They all ate and had enough, and the disciples took up
twelve baskets of what was left over.
Luke 9:10-17

What does Jesus teach us about Eating Well?

1. Work together to gather and prepare food.
2. Thank God for your food before you eat it.
3. Share your food with others.
4. Gather the leftovers—make sure you don’t
waste anything!
5. Share stories with one another as you eat.
6. Celebrate well! Plan meals together for
important days so you are ready to enjoy the
time together.

16 © 2009 LifelongFaith Associates, 2009

Eating Well in Our Family
Read the following statements and find the
highlighted word in the word search below.

1. I could help PREPARE our meals.

2. I could lead GRACE and thank GOD for our many
3. I could gather FOOD from our NEIGHBORS to give
to the local FOOD PANTRY.
4. I could make sure the TELEVISION IS OFF while
we eat.
5. I could SET the table or decorate it for a

f s s f e o g t l g l s r a
f o o d r c i g r p l f s g
o v o g e r i r f p o o e s
s g f d o e b e e t h l r o
i g a g p t p s g t r o a r
n l n g l a i s o e b o p s
o e f i e r n s s h r a e f
i mo s s r i t g g s m r p
s i n a o s e i r r f l p d
i e s e a o e v s y t e i e
v o e a e n n l r l c c e s
e o gmp s a s b s o a a t
l a em l a i c e p s s o e
e c a r g g s r i t n e i r
t g o e e p a r c m o l c o
© 2009 LifelongFaith Associates, 2009 17
Try It ! — Eating Well
One of the important things we do to “eat well” is to remember to pray and thank God for the
gift of the many blessings God shares with us. Have you ever written a prayer before? Why not
try writing a table prayer to share with your family? Here’s a simple way to write a table prayer.

Dear Lord How would you start your prayer?

We begin our prayer by talking to God. We Dear

might say “Dear God” or “Dear Jesus.”

Next, is your opportunity to thank God for Thank you God for
the food and other blessings of the day.

We also need to remember the needs of

others, so the last part of the prayer we
place in God’s hands the needs of others. You
might pray for someone who is sick, or a
friend that needs extra help, or the poor.
We pray for ….
And we close our prayer simply by saying,


18 © 2009 LifelongFaith Associates, 2009

Forgiving in My Family
How does your family say, “I’m Sorry”, when you hurt one another?

Do you. . .
 Just get mad when things go wrong and walk away? YES NO SOMETIMES

 Sit down and talk about what just happened? YES NO SOMETIMES

 Just hope everyone involved forgets about it? YES NO SOMETIMES

 Shake hands and make an agreement? YES NO SOMETIMES

 Write a letter of apology? YES NO SOMETIMES

 Say a prayer asking for forgiveness? YES NO SOMETIMES

 Hide out in your rooms until the storm passes? YES NO SOMETIMES

 Leave each other notes of forgiveness? YES NO SOMETIMES

 Make sure no one goes to bed angry with someone? YES NO SOMETIMES

 Take time each week to talk about how things are going? YES NO SOMETIMES

© 2009 LifelongFaith Associates, 2009 19

Jesus Forgives
How many times do we need to forgive those who hurt us? Read this Gospel story to find out:

Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, if my brother keeps on sinning against me,
how many times do I have to forgive him? Seven times?” “No, not seven times,”
answered Jesus, “but seventy times seven, because the Kingdom of heaven is like this.

Once there was a king who decided to check on his servants’ accounts. He had just
begun to do so when one of them was brought in who owed him millions of dollars.
The servant did not have enough to pay his debt, so the king ordered him to be sold as
a slave, with his wife and his children and all that he had, in order to pay the debt. The
servant fell on his knees before the king. “Be patient with me,’ he begged, “and I will
pay you everything!’ The king felt sorry for him, so he forgave him the debt and let him
go. “Then the man went out and met one of his fellow servants who owed him a few
dollars. He grabbed him and started choking him. “Pay back what you owe me!’ he
said. His fellow servant fell down and begged him, “Be patient with me, and I will pay
you back!’ But he refused; instead, he had him thrown into jail until he should pay the
debt. When the other servants saw what had happened, they were very upset and went
to the king and told him everything. So he called the servant in. “You worthless slave!’
he said. “I forgave you the whole amount you owed me, just because you asked me to.
You should have had mercy on your fellow servant, just as I had mercy on you.’ The
king was very angry, and he sent the servant to jail to be punished until he should pay
back the whole amount.”

And Jesus concluded, “That is how my Father in heaven will treat every one of you
unless you forgive your brother from your heart.” (Matthew 18:21-35)

What would you say to Jesus’ question: Will you forgive your parents, brothers, sisters,
friends? Write your response here.

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Be a Forgiving Person
What needs to be in your heart for you to be a forgiving person? Choose the values and
practices you need to be a forgiving person and draw a line from them to your heart.

I need to forgive myself.

I need to feel sorry when I hurt


I need to ask God to help me see

with loving eyes.

I need to remember that God can

handle anything.

I need to tell some people that I

am sorry.

I need to remember how much God

loves me.

I need to manage my anger and

hurt feelings better.

I need to trust that others can be

good people.

I need to try harder to think of

others needs before my own.

I need to let go of some past

hurts and move on to new life.

I need to try and understand

things before I assign blame.

I need to listen first and respond


© 2009 LifelongFaith Associates, 2009 21

Try It ! — Forgiving
Forgiving is hard work but it’s what Jesus call us to do as we love one another. Here are some
situations you might find yourself in. If you were going to practice real forgiveness, what choice
would be the best one? Circle the best choice for each.

1. Your little brother takes one of your toys or games without asking and accidentally breaks it.
Would you:
a. Yell at him, call him names, and maybe even hit him.
b. Try and explain to him how what he did hurts you.

2. Your Mom forgot to wake you up on Saturday morning so that you could watch your favorite
TV program. Would you:
a. Get real mad and throw a fit.
b. Assure your mom that it’s OK. You can watch it next week.

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3. A friend at school shared a secret of yours with another friend without your permission.
Would you:
a. Write your friend a nasty note.
b. Talk to your friend about how sharing your secret hurts you and why.

4. Your friends convince you to steal something from a local store. Would you:
a. Return to the store later and confess what you did and pay for it.
b. Pretend it was no big deal and not bother admitting your mistake.

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Keeping Sabbath in My Family
The word “Sabbath” comes from the Hebrew verb shavat, which literally means “to cease” or to
stop. For the Hebrew people, the Sabbath was a day of ceasing from work. Taking Sabbath time
on a weekly basis is a time for rest or activities that keep our mind, hearts, and bodies happy
and healthy. Taking time to rest is also a time for us to remember all of God’s blessings: all that
we have and all that we do has been created and given to us by God.

How does Sabbath fit into your weekly schedule in your home? Circle the 8 activities you spend
the most time doing. How many are Sabbath activities? The activities marked with an “S” are
really good Sabbath activities!

• eating (S)
• sleeping (S)
• going to school or work
• participating in church activities (S)
• participating in organized sports
• participating in clubs like Scouting
• doing household chores like dishes,
cleaning the house, and yard work
• serving others like visiting an elderly
neighbor (S)
• doing fun activities as family (S)
• using the computer and internet
• exercise like walking and riding a bike (S)
• hanging out with friends (S)
• spending time with family (S)
• watching TV
• playing video games
• reading a book (S)
• praying
• reading the Bible (S)
• doing an arts and crafts project like
drawing or creating something (S)
• watching a movie (S)

24 © 2009 LifelongFaith Associates, 2009

Jesus Keeps Sabbath
Jesus had a deep respect for Sabbath, and took time to stay renewed and fresh as he served
God’s people. Read each passage below, and circle Jesus’ Sabbath activity.

1 Then Jesus went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath he went
as usual to the synagogue. He stood up to read the Scriptures and was handed the book of
the prophet Isaiah. (Luke 4:16-17)

2 Then Jesus went to Capernaum, a town in Galilee, where he taught the people on the
Sabbath. They were all amazed at the way he taught, because he spoke with authority.
(Luke 4:31-32)

3 But the news about Jesus spread all the more widely, and crowds of people came to hear
him and be healed from their diseases. But he would go away to lonely places, where he
prayed. (Luke 5:15-16)

4 One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he had finished, one of his disciples
said to him, “Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.” Jesus said to them,
“When you pray, say this: “Father: May your holy name be honored; may your Kingdom
come…” (Luke 11:1-2)

5 One Sabbath Jesus went to eat a

meal at the home of one of the
leading Pharisees; and people
were watching Jesus closely.
(Luke 14:1)
6 Jesus spent those days teaching in
the Temple, and when evening
came, he would go out and spend
the night on the Mount of Olives.
(Luke 21:37)

7 On the Sabbath he began to teach

in the synagogue. Many people
were there; and when they heard
him, they were all amazed.
“Where did he get all this?” they
asked. “What wisdom is this that
has been given him? How does he
perform miracles? (Matthew:6:2)

(Answers in order: 1) read the scriptures, 2) taught the people, 3) he prayed, 4) Jesus was praying,
5) went to eat a meal, 6) teaching in the temple, and 7) began to teach in the synagogue)

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Why Keep Sabbath?
Here’s a list of the reasons of why Sabbath is important. In each reason there is one scrambled
word that you will need to unscramble to make sense of the reason. Happy unscrambling!
1. Sabbath gives us time to TEACRREE _______________ our minds and bodies.
2. Sabbath helps us to spend EMIT _______________ with those we love.
3. Sabbath creates space in our lives for God’s presence to be DREMEMBERR ____________.
4. Sabbath gives us CAPES _______________ to think about our lives.
5. Sabbath gives us important YLPA ____________ time to make sure joy is part of our lives.
6. Sabbath invites us to DANEXPA _______________ our minds through reading and good
7. Sabbath challenges us to build a healthy WOLF __________ of work and play into our week.
8. Buying and selling are important activities to FERLAIN ___________ from on the Sabbath.
9. Use Sabbath time to let go of SERROWI _______________ and to trust anew in God.
10. Sabbath is a blessing—rest your mind, refresh your spirit, and renew your LATERIONSPIHS
____________________________ with those important to you.

(Answers: 1) recreate, 2) time, 3) remembered), 4) space, 5) play,

6) expand, 7) flow, 8) refrain, 9) worries, and 10) relationships)

26 © 2009 LifelongFaith Associates, 2009

Try It ! — Keeping Sabbath
Here are ways that can help you and your family celebrate Sabbath. Choose the ones that you
like and talk with your family about making them happen this week!

____ 1. Attending church with my family

____ 2. Spending some time alone reading a book
____ 3. Cooking a nice meal to share with others
____ 4. Going for a walk or bike ride
____ 5. Watching a funny movie
____ 6. Doing fun activities as a family like playing a board game or a group video game
____ 7. Taking a nap
____ 8. Reading the Bible or praying
____ 9. Writing some letters or cards to friends and family
____ 10. Talking with a family member or friend
____ 11. Serving others like visiting someone in nursing home or collecting food
____ 12. Visiting a museum or going to a movie
____ 13. Your Idea: _____________________________

© 2009 LifelongFaith Associates, 2009 27

Managing Our Household
Make a list of all the things that need to get done in your household for things to go smoothly.
For example, making meals, doing laundry, cleaning, taking out the garbage.

Who does all the chores? Place the person’s initials beside each action to specify who usually
does that chore. Once you’ve assigned each chore, add up how many chores each person has. Do
the chores seem equally divided? Why or why not?

28 © 2009 LifelongFaith Associates, 2009

Jesus Manages Households
It’s hard for us to imagine Jesus doing household chores, because the Gospels really only
describe his life when he left home to begin his ministry. We don’t have any stories illustrating
how much time he spent in the carpenter shop with Joseph or if he had regular chores to do.
We can assume though that like any family in Nazareth at that time Jesus would have had
chores to do.

Jesus offers us some wisdom in some of his parables and stories about what kind of choices we
are called to make.

Remember Martha and Mary?

1 2 3 4

1 As Jesus and his disciples went on their way, he came to a village where a woman named
Martha welcomed him in her home.

2 She had a sister named Mary, who sat down at the feet of the Lord and listened to his

3 Martha was upset over all the work she had to do, so she came and said, “Lord, don’t you
care that my sister has left me to do all the work by myself? Tell her to come and help me!”

4 The Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha! You are worried and troubled over so many things,
but just one is needed. Mary has chosen the right thing, and it will not be taken away from
her.” (Luke 10:38-42)

Is this passage telling us to give up our household chores and just spend all day at Jesus’ feet?

No, it’s telling us that we must keep our priorities straight. We must love God, and serve
others—managing our households and doing our chores needs to be rooted in God’s love for us,
and from that love flows our love for others by doing our chores.

© 2009 LifelongFaith Associates, 2009 29

Try It ! — Managing Our Household
A “household efficiency” team has just arrived at your home to determine how well your family
is managing your household. What do you think they would discover? Use the checklist below to
determine how well your household does the following. Be as honest as you can!

1. Each week our household makes up a schedule for the Yes No Sometimes
week, noting events and who does what household chores.
2. We have time limits for how much TV we get to watch Yes No Sometimes
each day or week.
3. We follow a budget, and everyone knows how much money Yes No Sometimes
has been assigned for rent/mortgage, food, clothes,
transportation, entertainment, donations, and so on.
4. We choose to make gifts or do special things for each Yes No Sometimes
other or making a donation of time or money in one
another’s name, rather than buying a gift.
5. Our weekly schedule includes time for prayer and Yes No Sometimes
attending church.
6. We take time each week to be with friends and family. Yes No Sometimes
7. We clean our closets and drawers on a regular basis, and Yes No Sometimes
give away items to people in need.

30 © 2009 LifelongFaith Associates, 2009

Try It ! — Your Home’s Floor Plan
Draw out a floor plan of your home
below. In each room or space write or draw
the main activities that take place there.
 Color in Blue the rooms that you feel are
being well used for activities that
promote healthy family life.
 Color in Orange the rooms that you
think could be used better for
household health.
 Color in Red the rooms that need a good
cleaning. (If there’s already a color for
that room, color the edges of the room
red). Who can work with you to get
them cleaned?

© 2009 LifelongFaith Associates, 2009 31

Participating in Our Community
We all belong to groups of people who gather together for a common purpose or activity. This is
a community. We gather with others to learn at school, to worship together at church, to play in
on a sports team, to celebrate holidays, to clean-up our community, to raise money for people in
need, and so much more.

Which communities are you and your family involved with? Draw a picture of your household in
the center circle, then draw an arrow from there to all the communities your household is
connected to. Add any communities that we missed that you are a part of.

32 © 2009 LifelongFaith Associates, 2009

Jesus Participates in Community
Jesus’ showed us the importance of community. His own life started in Bethlehem because his
parents were thee because they participated in the government’s census where all of the
citizens were counted. He prayed and participated in temple life. He attended community
gatherings like weddings. And he showed the world that to be in community means to pay
attention to our brothers and sisters in need.

Read the Bible passages below, and then think about what it means to participate in community.
 Jesus went all over Galilee, teaching in the synagogues, preaching the Good News about
the Kingdom, and healing people who had all kinds of disease and sickness.
(Matthew 4:23)

 Participating in community means helping those who need help, including the sick.
 Jesus went into the Temple and drove out all those who were buying and selling there.
(Matthew 21:12-13)

 Participating in community means doing the right things in the right places.
 On the first day of the Festival of Unleavened Bread the disciples came to Jesus and asked
him, “Where do you want us to get the Passover Meal ready for you?” (Matthew 26:17)

 Participating in community means joining with our church to celebrate the feasts
of our faith.
 Two days later there was a wedding in the town of Cana in Galilee, Jesus’ mother was there,
and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. (John 2: 1-2)

 Participating in community means celebrating important times with other people.

 So Jesus said, “Well, then, pay to the Emperor what belongs to the Emperor, and pay to
God what belongs to God.” (Mark 12:17)

 Participating in community means being a responsible citizen.

© 2009 LifelongFaith Associates, 2009 33

We Participate in Community
When we look at the early church community, they seemed to really understand what it meant
to live and use your gifts in community. Just imagine this:

We have many parts in the one body, and all these parts have different functions.
In the same way, though we are many, we are one body in union with Christ, and
we are all joined to each other as different parts of one body. So we are to use our
different gifts in accordance with the grace God has given us. If our gift is to
speak God’s message, we should do it according to the faith we have; if it is to
serve, we should serve; if it is to teach, we should teach; if it is to encourage
others, we should do so. Whoever shares with others should do it generously;
whoever has authority should work hard; whoever shows kindness to others
should do it cheerfully. (Romans 12:4–8)

Now underline all of the gifts that you read in the Bible passage.

That’s a lot of gifts! What gift do you think you have?

Imagine !
Have you ever imagined what it would be like if everyone in the world used their gifts in service
to someone else, so that the world and all its communities would be a better place? Let yourself
dare to imagine, and finish each sentence below.
Example: Imagine if those who could sing shared their gift at Sunday worship. . .
The church would rock! God would be praised! Even I would enjoy going to church and singing!

 Imagine if those with money shared with those without money. . .

 Imagine if those with food shared with those who don’t have food. . .

 Imagine if everyone shared their gifts and talents with their communities. . .

Imagine if everyone did their part.

We don’t have to just imagine this, we simply have to do it!
34 © 2009 LifelongFaith Associates, 2009
Try It — Participate!
We can all make a different in the world by putting on our “community glasses” and seeing the
needs right in front of us. Sometimes we can meet the needs easily, sometimes the needs are
really big and we have to be patient. What’s most important is that we see how connected our
lives are to the lives of others, and that we do our share to make the many communities we are
part of great communities.

Put your glasses on, what needs do you see that you and your household could help meet? What
will you do to meet the need?

A Need I See. . .

A Need I See. . .

A Need I See. . .

A Need I See. . .

A Need I See. . .

© 2009 LifelongFaith Associates, 2009 35

Prayer in My Life
What is prayer? Place a check  next to the statements that are true for you.
 Prayer is like a good conversation with a friend.
 Prayer is feeling close to God in all moments of my life.
 Prayer is part of the routine of my day – morning, noon, and night.
 Prayer is thanking God for all that I have been blessed with.
 Prayer is asking God to help take care of people who are sick or in need.
 Prayer is celebrating with my family at Sunday worship.
 Prayer is spending time with God in nature.
 Prayer is reading the Bible.
 Prayer is something we do as a family before meals or going to bed at night.

On the “post it notes” attached to the bulletin board below, write words or draw images that
say what prayer is for you.

36 © 2009 LifelongFaith Associates, 2009

Jesus Prays
The Gospel of Luke records many of the stories of Jesus praying at important and regular times
in his life. Can you match the Bible passages of the times that Jesus prayed to the times in your
life that you could pray? Draw lines to connect a Bible passage with the times we pray.

Jesus prayed when. . . Times we pray. . .

“After all the people had
been baptized, Jesus also
was baptized. While he
was praying…”
(Luke 3:21)

Jesus prayed before choosing the disciples:

“At that time Jesus went up a hill and spent a
whole night there praying to God. When day
came he called his disciples to him and chose
twelve of them…” (Luke 6:12) When times are tough.

When the 70 people Jesus sent out to proclaim the

When good things happen.
Good News returned :
“At that time Jesus was filled with joy by the Holy
Spirit…and said ‘I thank you…” (Luke 10:21)
Before doing important things.

Jesus prayed before teaching the disciples how to

pray: When we need to forgive
“He was praying in a certain place, and after he others or have them forgive us.
had finished one of his disciples said to him, ‘Lord,
teach us to pray…” (Luke 11:1)

When we celebrate
Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane: sacraments pray for
“Then he went off from them about the distance sacramental moments or
of a stone’s throw, and knelt down, and prayed,
remember the anniversaries
‘Father if you will take this cup of suffering from
of sacraments like
me...’” (Luke 22:41)
baptism or marriage.

Jesus prayed on the cross:

“Then Jesus said, ‘Forgive them Father! They Before we make big decisions.
don’t know what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34)

© 2009 LifelongFaith Associates, 2009 37

Learning to Pray
Find a regular PLACE to pray.
Some people find that when they enter a church they
immediately feel called to pray, others have a favorite chair
they sit in to talk with God or a favorite place in the park.
Where is a good place for you to pray?

Use different POSTURES to pray.

A posture is simply a physical position. For example, some
people like to kneel when they pray, others like to sit upright
with their hands in their laps, others like to lie on their bed.
What posture will best help you to talk to God?

Pray at a regular TIME each day.

Routine is important. You might already have a routine for
how you start your day – shower, eat breakfast, get dressed,
pack up homework. Do you have a regular time or pattern for
praying each day?
When is best you for you to pray? Before you go to sleep at
night? When you wake up?

Pray in a regular WAY each day.

Some people like to begin their prayer by reading a few lines
from the Bible and then thinking about them. Some like to
pray by writing a letter to God, or by drawing God a picture
about what they are thinking or feeling. Some like to pray by
first praying for the prayer needs of others, others like to
play a favorite song that reminds them about their
relationship with God.
How can you pray in a regular way each day?

38 © 2009 LifelongFaith Associates, 2009

Try It ! — Praying
Let’s try praying! As you experience each “stepping stone” color it in and see how colorful your
pathway to God really could be!

Pray with a Pray a

saint or holy prayer of
person. Learn thanksgiving.
about your Read Psalm
person and 113.
read one of
their prayers.
Pray with
Pray in nature. the Bible.
Go for a walk Open your
and see what Bible to the
you can see Gospel of
that can teach John and
you about God. read
Chapter 1
Pray with your verses 1-5.
community. Go
to the worship
service at your Pray with
church this art. Sit still
week. with a blank
piece of
Pray for the paper and
needs of some
others. Who markers, and
most needs you see what
to pray for comes into
them at this your mind as
time? you draw!

Set up prayer reminders!

A rock under your pillow Bible passages taped to mirrors
A green dot on your watch so that when you check the time you’ll be reminded to pray

© 2009 LifelongFaith Associates, 2009 39

Reading the Bible in My Family
When I grew up the Bible was a book my parents kept in the closet. It was very pretty with gold
letters and glossy pictures. We didn’t read it because my parents had never been taught how to
read it and it was something that only priests or minsters read.

Today we’ve come to realize how important it is for everyone to read the Bible. Children, young
people, adults—everyone who wants to be in relationship with Jesus needs to meet him in the

Where and when do you read or learn about the Bible? Check off  all the places below that fit.
 1. I read the Bible each morning when I wake up.
 2. We read and talk about the Bible at school.
 3. In our home we like to read the Bible as part of the grace for our supper meal.
 4. We have a copy of the Bible in our car or van to read whenever we get a chance.
 5. I read the Bible whenever I am trying to figure out what to do with a problem in my life.
 6. We read the Bible together every night before we go to sleep.
 7. We have a Bible in our living room and every now and then we pick it up and read it.
 8. I have my own Bible and I use post-it notes or bookmarks to keep track of what I’ve read.
 9. I hear the Bible read at church every Sunday.
 10. I go to Vacation Bible School in the summer to learn more about the Bible.

40 © 2009 LifelongFaith Associates, 2009

Jesus Reads the Bible
The Bible was an important part of Jesus’ life. As a young Jewish boy Jesus would have
attended classes to learn about the Bible. And it was part of his family’s life.

The first time we hear about Jesus and the Bible is in the Gospel of Luke:

Then Jesus went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and on the Sabbath
he went as usual to the Synagogue. He stood up to read the scriptures and was
handed the book of the prophet Isaiah. He unrolled the scroll and found the place
where it is written, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has chosen me
to bring good news to the poor.” (Luke 4:16-18)

Do you remember Jesus’ parable of the Sower? If you don’t remember, open your Bible and read
Luke 8:4-8. In that story Jesus is trying to help his listeners see and understand that we need
to open our hearts and minds to hear God’s word in our lives.

What kind of soil are you? Circle the picture below that best describes how God’s word is
growing in your heart.

seed on the path seed in rocky soil

seed in the bushes seed in good soil

© 2009 LifelongFaith Associates, 2009 41

Reading the Bible
Do you have friends or cousins that you like a lot? Do you think you know them well? How did you
get to know them? Did you hang out with them a lot, listen to their stories, and pay attention to
what they liked and disliked?

One of the important ways that we get to know about God is to read the Bible. Reading the
Bible helps us to build our relationship with Jesus and learn how to best love God and our
neighbors. Reading the Bible and living the Bible work together—it’s not enough just to read
about how to live, we must live that way too!

Pretend that you have just been hired by a top advertising firm to create an advertisement to
promote the reading of the Bible to your friends and family. The one condition is that you must
create an acronym (see the example below) using the word “Scripture” as your advertisement.

Here’s an example of an advertising acronym for LOVE:

Life is empty without someone to share it with!
LOve is like oxygen, without it you can’t survive!
ForeVer will God love us!
Everyone needs to feel loved and to give love

What words can you make from the letters in

SCRIPTURE that would help convince your peers that
reading the Bible is important?

S ___________________________________________________________

C ___________________________________________________________

R ___________________________________________________________

I ___________________________________________________________

P ___________________________________________________________

T ___________________________________________________________

U ___________________________________________________________

R ___________________________________________________________

E ___________________________________________________________

42 © 2009 LifelongFaith Associates, 2009

Try It — Reading the Bible
The best way to begin reading the Bible, is to begin reading it! But where do you start? Grab
your Bible, and try this Bible scavenger hunt! Find the Bible passage and answer the question.

Example: Gospel of Matthew (3:13): Where did John the Baptist baptize?
Answer: The River Jordan

1. Gospel of Luke (2:4): Where was Jesus born?


2. Gospel of John (2:9): What was one of Jesus’ first miracles?


3. Gospel of John (11:3): Which friend of Jesus got sick and died?

4. Gospel of Mark (3:14): How many apostles did Jesus choose?


5. Gospel of Matthew (8:23): Jesus calms a what?


6. Gospel of Matthew (17:3): Who was Jesus talking to on the mountain when he was

7. Gospel of Luke (9:10-17): How many people did Jesus feed?


8. Gospel of Luke (11:27-28): What is true happiness?


(Answers: 1) Luke 2:4 - Bethlehem, 2) John 2:9 – water to wine, 3) John 11:3 – Lazarus, 4) Mark 3:14 – 12,
5) Matthew 8:23 - a storm, 6) Mathew 17:3 – Moses and Elijah, 7) Luke 9:10-17 – 5000,
8) Luke 11:27-28 – those who hear the Word of God and obey it)

© 2009 LifelongFaith Associates, 2009 43

Try It — Reading Gospel Stories
Stories about Jesus’ Life
 Birth of Jesus Matthew 1:18 – 2:12
 Baptism of Jesus Mark 1:9-11
 Peter’s Declaration about Jesus Luke 9:18-20
 Transfiguration of Jesus Mark 9:2-13
 Judas’ Betrayal of Jesus Luke 22:1-53
 The Last Supper Mark 14:12-26
 Jesus Washes his Disciples’ Feet John 13:1-17
 The Crucifixion of Jesus Luke 23:26-49
 The Resurrection of Jesus Matthew 28:1-10

Healings and Miracles of Jesus

 Feeding Five Thousand Matthew 14:13-21
 Walking on Water Matthew 14:22-33
 Healing the Paralytic Mark 2:1-12
 Healing blind Bartimaeus Mark 10:46-52
 Raising the Widow’s Son Luke 7:11-17
 Healing an Epileptic Boy Luke 9:38-42
 Turning Water into Wine John 2:1-11
 Raising Lazarus John 11:1-44

Stories and Teachings of Jesus

 The Beatitudes Matthew 5:1-12
 The Treasure and Pearl Matthew 13:44-46
 Two or Three Gathered Matthew 18:20
 The Unforgiving Servant Matthew 18:23-35
 What You Do for the Least Important Matthew 25: 31-46
 Jesus and Children Mark 10:13-16
 The Greatest Commandment Luke 10:25-28
 The Good Samaritan Luke 10:30-37
 The Prodigal Son Luke 15:11-32
 The Rich Man and Lazarus Luke 16:19-31
 Persistent Widow Luke 18:2-8
 Jesus, the Bread of Life John 6:25-59
 The Good Shepherd John 10:1-18
 Vine and Branches John 15:1-17

44 © 2009 LifelongFaith Associates, 2009

Transforming the World
Have you ever paid attention to a single snowflake or a single rain drop? They don’t seem like
very much, but when they all gather together they pack a lot of strength! Think of a branch
covered in snow, that seems to be doing OK until one or two more snowflakes fall upon it and the
weight is too heavy so the branch breaks. Or think of the raindrops that hit a puddle and push
it into overflowing or becoming too deep for a car to cross. A tiny rain drop or snow flake do not
seem to do much, but wow, what power they actually contain!

Not all of us are called to single great

things like saving our whole community or
erasing poverty in our town. But we are
all called to many small things that work
together to accomplish something great.

How does your family transform or serve

the world? Check off  all the things
you currently do.

Do you (and your family). . .

 recycle paper and plastic
 pay attention to your neighbors and help them out when needed
 give food to the food bank
 visit the elderly at a nursing home or do chores for seniors in your neighborhood
 walk or bike or use public transit instead of riding in the car
 give money to projects that work to change the world
 sponsor a child in another country so he or she has food, clothing, an education
 collect clothes for those in need
 volunteer with organizations that serve others like the soup kitchen
 pray for people who are in need
 work with others to care for the environment like cleaning-up the neighborhood and
planting trees

Circle all the words or phrases below that you think best explain what transforming or
serving the world means:

making a difference helping others feeling good

giving from what you need changing things so people aren’t poor

protecting the earth charity people of all ages impossible

too hard together it’s possible only if it doesn’t hurt

© 2009 LifelongFaith Associates, 2009 45
Jesus Transforms the World
Jesus made it clear that what ever we do to others we do to him. Read the story now in
Matthew 25:31-46.

Jesus also made it clear, through the story of the Rich Man, that transforming the world is an
unending challenge that we all need to participate in. Let’s visit the story:

“A Jewish leader asked Jesus, “Good Teacher, what must I do to receive eternal life?”

“Why do you call me good?” Jesus asked him. “No one is good except God alone.
You know the commandments: ‘Do not commit adultery; do not commit murder; do
not steal; do not accuse anyone falsely; respect your father and your mother.’”

The man replied, “Ever since I was young, I have obeyed all these commandments.”

When Jesus heard this, he said to him, “There is still one more thing you need to do.
Sell all you have and give the money to the poor, and you will have riches in heaven;
then come and follow me.” But when the man heard this, he became very sad,
because he was very rich. (Luke 18: 18-23)

Use your imagination and consider what the rich man decided to do after his conversation with
Jesus. Do you think he just walked away? Do you think he waited a few days then shared more
of his money with others? What do you think?

46 © 2009 LifelongFaith Associates, 2009

We Transform the World
How can you and your family work to make the world a better place?

1. Serve the poor and vulnerable.

To be poor means that you do not have the money to pay for basic things like housing,
food, clothing. To be vulnerable means that you are unable to care for yourself and need
help from others. Nobody wants to be poor or unable to care for themselves. Serving the
poor and the vulnerable means that we help them get their basic needs met and we treat
each person like a son or daughter of God.

2. Work for justice to ensure the rights of all.

Being poor is something the world can change. We can all work together to make sure
everyone has what they need. Everyone deserves to have work, shelter, food, access to
schools, health care, and so on. Sometimes we have to fight for the rights of those
unable to fight for themselves.

3. Work for peace

War is a scary and ugly thing. So is fighting at school or in our homes. As followers of
Jesus, we know that peace is part of the love we are called to bring to the world. Jesus
teaches us to be peacemakers.

4. Care for creation

The earth is a beautiful place, one of God’s greatest gifts to us. But like every gift, we
need to tend it with love and respect before it gets destroyed.

Complete this word search below, and think about what you and your family can do.

© 2009 LifelongFaith Associates, 2009 47
Try It — A 30-Day Challenge
Are you up for a thirty day challenge? Here it is:
In the next 30 days, do something each day, alone or with your family, to
transform or serve the world. Once you make it through 30 days, see if you can do
60 days, or 90 days, or every day of the year!!!

Here’s some ideas to get you started:

1. Develop a birthday-donation habit. Invite guests to give a gift of $5 with half of the money
going to the birthday boy or girl and the other half going to his or her favorite charity.
2. Make sandwiches for a homeless shelter or collect bread and fillings for them to use. Call a
local shelter and ask what they need.
3. Clean up your neighborhood. Pick up trash in the park.
4. Write a letter to our mayor, senator, or the President on behalf of a local or national need.
5. Make a donation to a charity of your choice.
6. Help out at a local event raising money for cancer research or other important needs.
7. Create a charity jar in which you can place part of your allowance each week until the jar is
full. Then choose a charity for donation.
8. Help out an animal shelter.
9. Collect donations of blankets from friends and family for a local shelter or clothing center.
10. Go through your closet and find things to give away.
11. Do some research on current challenges facing the world and organizations that are working
to address those challenges, such as the United Nations.
12. Pray for a place in need:
Loving God, I pray this day for the country or continent of _________. May the children
there __________. Help me to _______________. Amen.

48 © 2009 LifelongFaith Associates, 2009

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