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A UNAIDS Report on the global HIV epidemic states that the number of new infections in the Philippines has

more than
doubled in the past six (6) years from an estimated 4,300 in 2010 to an estimated 10,500 in 2016. The Philippines has
become the country with the fastest growing HIV epidemic in Asia and the Pacific, and has become one of eight countries
that account for more than 85% of new HIV infections in the region.

While the country has the fastest growing epidemic in terms of percentage increase, the number of new infections in the
Philippines is not as high as several countries in the region which are estimated to have tens of thousands of new
infections annually.

“The Philippines has a small window of opportunity to act now and stop a major HIV epidemic from taking hold,” said
Eamonn Murphy, Director UNAIDS Regional Support Team for Asia-Pacific. “If HIV programming is re-directed to
focus on the people most at risk and where they are located, I’m sure the country can not only return to a stable situation
but even end the AIDS epidemic as a public health threat by 2030.”

While the Philippines has controlled the HIV epidemic among female sex workers, the country noted a shift in the
epidemic in 2007, notably among males who have sex with males then persons who inject drugs, and has therefore scaled-
up services tailored to other key risk populations since that time. The Philippine data showed that in 2016, 83% of newly
reported HIV cases occurred among males who have sex with males (MSM) and transgender women who have sex with
males (TGW). Majority of the new infections are occurring among 15 to 24 year old MSM and TGW.  

In 2015, only 35% of 15 to 24 year-old MSM and TGW had correct knowledge on HIV transmission and prevention. This
is indicative of the need to step up HIV information efforts in eliciting behavioral change among people at risk of
infection. Condom use among MSM and TGW has increased from 36% in 2011 to 50% in 2015, which is still below the
80% target. The percentage of MSM and TGW who knew their HIV status by getting tested increased from 5% in 2011 to
16% in 2015; however, this still remains low. HIV testing is the necessary step to access life-saving antiretroviral

The Philippines has retooled its program to expand HIV services for males who have sex with males and transgender
women and has opened clinics that cater specifically to their needs in urban areas, where the risk of HIV is higher. The
strategy is to focus on 117 cities where 80% of the new infections have been reported and to open in each such city at
least one HIV clinic which has convenient evening hours for working people, and is a one-stop shop that provides
prevention, counseling, laboratory work-up, and treatment services. These are the Sundown clinics. The government has
also taken measures towards enabling rapid HIV screening and delivery of test results.

The Department of Health is providing antiretroviral (ARV) medicine for free to anyone who tests positive for HIV, as
well as other out-patient services to a maximum of PHP 30,000 ($US 600) a year per person. Between 2013 and 2015, the
government increased funding for the HIV program, and now shoulders 70% of all financing for its response.

Local governments have also stepped-up their efforts by providing resources and implementing innovative HIV
prevention services appropriate for their locales. For example, Quezon City has opened three Sundown clinics which
provide rapid HIV testing and counseling for MSM and TGW, as well as HIV treatment in a non-stigmatizing
environment. The city has increased its funding for such initiatives since 2012, and is leading a push to encourage other
local government units to invest more.

“HIV is one of the top health priorities for the government of the Philippines,” said Dr. Paulyn Jean Rosell-Ubial, the
Secretary of the Department of Health. “We have significantly increased the budget allocated to HIV in the past few
years, and are now implementing programs which we expect to have a positive impact. The Department of Health,
together with the Philippine National AIDS Council, other government agencies, local government units, and partner civil
society groups is determined and committed to halt the increase in the number of cases and start reversing the trend of the
epidemic in five (5) years.”
NAME: Kyle Vincent I. Parilla
Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act of RA 85041



The Asia and Pacific region's HIV epidemic is

expanding the fastest in the Philippines. Data from
UNAIDS show that between 2010 and 2019, the
HIV prevalence in the Philippines increased by
207%. During the same time, deaths from AIDS
increased by 338%. In the Philippines, there were
reportedly 97,000 persons living with HIV in 2019.
Of those, 44% were getting antiretroviral therapy, In Section 14. Penalties for unsafe practices and
and 73% were aware of their status. procedures. – Any person who knowingly or negligently
One of the most important public health issues causes another to get infected with HIV in the course of the
in the world is HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. practice of his/her profession through unsafe and unsanitary
However, there is an international commitment to practice or procedure is liable to suffer a penalty of
halting new HIV infections and guaranteeing that imprisonment for six (6) years to twelve (12) years, without
everyone with HIV has access to HIV therapy. prejudice to the imposition of administrative sanctions such as,
This article is all about the awareness and but not limited to, fines and suspension or revocation of the
prevention of continously spreading of AIDS in license to practice his/her profession. The permit or license of
the Philippines and nationwide. The Philippine any business entity and the accreditation of hospitals,
AIDS Prevention and Control Act of 1998 of RA laboratory, or clinics may be cancelled or withdrawn if said
85041 is An act promulgating policies and establishments fail to maintain such safe practices and
prescribing measures for the prevention and procedures as may be required by the guidelines to be
control of HIV/AIDS in the Philippines, instituting formulated in compliance with Sec. 13 of this Act. The
a nationwide HIV/AIDS information and Philippine AIDS Prevention and Control Act of RA 85041 help
educational program, establishing a us because it promote public awareness about the causes,
comprehensive HIV/AIDS monitoring system, modes of transmission, consequences, means of prevention and
strengthening the Philippine National Aids control of HIV/AIDS through a comprehensive nationwide
Council, and for other purposes. PHILIPPINES educational and information campaign organized and
ADDRESSES RISING TREND IN NEW HIV conducted by the State. This law also affects us individually
INFECTIONS, the news article where they because it will protect us against HIV/AIDS. This law was
address the effects and the continuous increasing made for the sake of everyone's safety; to inform and to have
cases of AIDS in the Philippines. They shared in enough knowledge about this matter, as well as to know how to
detail the percentage of the people who have avoid it and how to protect an individual once they're infected
experienced AIDS and specifically mentioned who of this but how can we, specially students promote this
are vulnerable here. They also discussed the Republic Act?
possible solution to fight the threat of AIDS, as
well as how to help those affected by it. The news Social media is very popular these days. As a youth, I want to
article shows similarities in Republic Act 85041 use it as a medium to spread awareness in HIV/AIDS because
because they address and discuss the increase the common users of social media are teen agers. By that, I can
cases of AIDS threat, those who are vulnerable spread informations on what is HIV/AIDS, how is it
here, knowledge about AIDS, how to prevent it, transmitted and how it can affect their health.
how to fight it and laws that help you to protect

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