NSTP Midterm Lessons 2
NSTP Midterm Lessons 2
NSTP Midterm Lessons 2
Examples of Socio-Civic Organizations with Social Competences are related with social
Youth Programs interaction and interpersonal communication.
11. Ability to change and adapt to changes 1. Knowledge of basic concepts and
phenomena relating to individuals, groups, work
12. Curiosity to look for opportunities to learn organizations, society, economy and culture
and develop in a variety of life contexts
2. Awareness of the aims, values and policies of
Citizenship Competences have been divided political and social movements
into responsibility, awareness and participation
aspects. These competences encompass key 3. Awareness of climate change at the global
knowledge, skills and attitudes for the level and their underlying causes
development of values in the framework of an 4. Awareness of demographic change at the
active citizenship. The outcomes of the learned global level and their underlying causes
individual and collective actions are bound to
sustainability improvement, democracy 5. Knowledge of European integration
reinforcement and a better coexistence within
6. Understanding of the multi-cultural and
socioeconomic dimensions of European
A) Responsibility: personal actions aimed at societies
contributing to the promotion of social values
7. Understand the role and functions of media in
1. Active support for gender equality democratic societies
By involving youth in disaster preparedness and • Drug abuse is the continuous misuse of any
recovery efforts, youth-serving agencies can substance, licit, illicit which results to changes in
help to not only increase youths’ awareness of an individual’s physical, mental or behavioral
• Drug abuse exists when a person continually •ECSTASY
uses a drug other than its intended purpose.
This continued use can lead to drug
dependence, a state of physical and •BANGKOK PILLS
psychological dependence or both on a
dangerous drug. •COCAINE
•Burnout – the use can become dull, slow SHABU: PHYSIOLOGICAL EFFECTS chest
moving, inattentive and unaware of the pain, irregularity of heart beat, elevated or
surroundings lowered blood pressure, evidence of weight
loss, convulsion and death from cardiac arrest.
•Regular pot smokers are specially susceptible
•It reduces testosterone level so that pre- •Psychiatric consequence are the major feature
teenage boys are at increased risk as are adults of chronic “shabu” abuse and dependency.
with marital fertility –temporary loss of fertility to • Prolonged use and even a single exposure
both sexes. especially if administered intravenously can
•Symptoms of mental illness (Psychosis) is lead to manifestation of a full blown psychosis
exacerbated which is similar to schizophrenia characterized
by the presence of paranoid delusions, auditory
SHABU: Description and visual hallucinations
•The paranoia may lead to violent and • Muscle cramps and weakness
aggressive behavior
• Numbness in limbs
• Some chronic users have difficulty
• Abdominal pains
concentrating and remembering things.
• Damage to the central nervous system, kidney,
• Diminished ability to cope with problems and
liver and possible bone marrow
difficulties in facing reality are common.
• Loss of interest in sex, ambition or motivation
may also result. Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) or
commonly known as "Ecstasy", "X-TC", "Adam",
•Chronic snorters may suffer from severe
"Eden Tablet", or by its any other name "Ecstasy
irritation of the nasal passages and at times may
even develop tissue perforation of the nasal • the other trendy drug, is the term used for a
septum so that they become prone to frequent group of "designer" drugs closely related in
nose bleed. chemical form to the amphetamine family of illicit
•Renal damage, heart disease and stroke have
been documented among chronic abusers. • Methylenedioxymethamphetamine or MDMA
is the chemical name for "ecstasy" but it is also
known as X-TC, ADAM or Eden Tablet, the
•Inhalant abuse is the deliberate inhalation of yuppie drug, and the hug drug, among others.
volatile chemical substance that contain psycho Demand for this drug caused its price to soar up
active (mind altering) vapors to produce a state to 2,000 pesos today.
of intoxication.
ECSTASY: Adverse Effects
• common household products including
• Fatigue and perhaps depression after the drug
everyday products such as nail polish remover,
is stopped
glue, gasoline, household cleaners, and nitrous
oxide. • Restlessness, anxiety and pronounced visual
and auditory hallucinations at large doses
• include fluorinated hydrocarbons found in
aerosols such as hairspray, spray paint, and • Nausea and vomiting
household cleaners.
• A rise in blood pressure and heart rate, death
INHALANTS: IMMEDIATE EFFECTS from heart failure or stroke
• Confusion • Prolonged regular use can lead to the same
• Distorted perception of time and distance
• effects as with synthetic stimulants, including a
• Aggressive behavior/violence
potential for neurotoxicity and brain damage as
• Hallucinations well as liver damage
• Illusions OPIATES
• Nausea and vomiting •Opiates, sometimes called narcotics, are a
group of drugs that are used medically to relieve
• Drowsiness and weightless
pain, but have a high potential for abuse.
• Loss of memory
•Some opiates come from a resin taken from the
• Inability to think seedpod of the Asian poppy
•Opiates that are commonly abused are Opium, a. Cardiac (Heart) Pathology – irregularity of
Morphine, Codeine, and synthesized or heart beat, elevated or lowered blood pressure,
manufactured opiates chest pain, convulsions or death from cardiac
•Opium refers to the coagulated juice of the
opium poppy (Papaver Somniferum L.) and b. Pulmonary (Lung) Illnesses
embraces every kind, class and character of
c. Hepatic (Liver) Problems
opium, whether crude or opium poppy; poppy
straw; and leaves or wrappings of opium leaves, d. Renal (Kidney) Diseases
whether prepared for use or not
B. General Health
•Opium Poppy - refers to any part of the plant of
the species Papaver somniferum L., Papaver a. Malnutrition or weight loss
setigerum DC, Papaver orientale, Papaver b. Infections
bracteatum and Papaver rhoeas
c. Accidents
• includes the seeds, straws, branches, leaves
or any part thereof, or substances derived, even d. Blood Transmitted Disease
for floral, decorative and culinary purposes C. Usage
BANGKOK PILLS a. Tolerance – the individual needs more drugs
•The pill has been found to contain ephedrine, to achieve the same effects they did previously
bisacodyl, furosemide, phentermine, and with a smaller amount
fenfluramine b. Dependence – the substance becomes the
COCAINE central point to the individual’s life and they can’t
function properly without it
•Cocaine is a drug from the leaves of the Cocao
plant, a shrub that originated in South America c. Withdrawal – this happens when the
individual reduced or stopped the substance
• affects the central nervous system as a use.
d. Overdose – the level of intoxication reaches
SEDATIVES a point where it begins to produce physical
•Sedative-hypnotics such as tranquilizers, and/or psychological harm. This can lead to
sleeping pills, and sedatives are drugs which death.
depress or slow down body functions. 2.PSYCHOLOGICAL/MENTAL HEALTH
•dangerous when not taken according to EFFECTS
physician's instructions. A. Perception – auditory and visual
EFFECTS OF DRUG ABUSE hallucinations
RISK FACTORS OF USING DRUGS 6. ORGANIZE. Great minds think alike. Having
a mutual goal, it is more purposeful to combine
- WALA PA DITO efforts and sources to create a bigger impact
WHY ARE ADOLESCENTS MORE about the concern.
Because their prefrontal cortex is still government agencies regarding incidents and
developing which involves the reasoning, cases of drug abuse.
organizing, prioritizing information, control of
• As drug abuse and addiction is prevalent in ♣ Devote yourself to your studies and other
younger generation, it is imperative that the productive activities at home or in school
youth take part in its prevention and ♣ Stay away from people, places and events
rehabilitation efforts. that promote drug use
♣ Learn to manage feelings and cope with ♣ Educate yourself about the effects of drug
stress without using drugs abuse
♣ Develop a strong moral and spiritual ♣ Always say NO
Experimenters COUNSELING
Occasional users
Regular users DRUG
Mentally ill chemical
(Substance induced TREATMENT