Optimizing Rectangular Fins For Natural Convection Cooling Using CFD
Optimizing Rectangular Fins For Natural Convection Cooling Using CFD
Optimizing Rectangular Fins For Natural Convection Cooling Using CFD
Keywords: Efficient heat transfer from finned-surfaces under natural convection is a critical consideration in the design of
Natural convection cooling heat sinks for microelectronics and thermal devices. Previous experimental studies on natural convection from
Rectangular fins rectangular fins on horizontal surfaces have shown that maximum heat transfer per unit base area occurs within
Heat transfer and flow patterns a narrow range of fin spacing in tall fins, and over a wider range of fin spacing in shallow fins. However, the heat
Optimum fins
transfer and flow characteristics of optimum fin configurations and the combined effects of fin geometrical
Dynamic-Q algorithm
parameters have not been sufficiently scrutinized in the literature. This work is primarily focused on char-
acterizing the optimum heat transfer and flow patterns using three-dimensional, steady-state, laminar, conjugate
heat transfer simulations, which serve as the fundamental basis for determining optimum fins. The main fin
design parameters are the fin spacing, height, and length. Multi-parametric computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
optimization was conducted to determine the combined effects of fin spacing, height, and length on heat
transfer. To find a global optimum fin design, we performed a multi-parametric optimization using the dynamic-
Q algorithm, rather than through a single parameter variation as is commonly done in previous studies. It was
found that the fin spacing, height, and length strongly affect the flow through the fin channel ends, and hence the
temperature gradient and heat transfer rate from the fin surfaces. The results demonstrate that the dynamic-Q
optimization could efficiently find the global optimum CFD solutions for the design objectives: the maximum
heat transfer per unit base area and the maximum heat transfer per unit base area and fin weight. The results are
validated through the experimental results available for typical fin designs, as well as an experimental mea-
surement of an example fin design in this work.
1. Introduction only lead to lower heat transfer than the surfaces without fins but also
increase the footprint area and weight of the finned-surfaces
Efficient cooling is one of the key design challenges for thermal and [3,4,7–11].
electronics devices due to increasing miniaturization. Natural convec- Whereas fin designs may vary widely depending upon the specific
tion-cooling through finned-surfaces is the most desirable technique as device design and applications, the most common configuration is the
it does not require any moving parts such as fans or pumps, which are rectangular array of straight fins on a horizontal surface as depicted in
the points of failure and cost. Natural convection occurs due to buoy- Fig. 1. Natural convection from such fins has been studied extensively,
ancy forces as a result of differential heating of air around the fin sur- and various correlations have been suggested for estimating the heat
faces and heat transfer from the finned-surface across the thermal transfer rate [3,4,12,13]. However, these correlations do not often
boundary layer [1,2]. A circulatory thermal flow field develops around converge to consistent results, particularly when determining the op-
the finned-surfaces as a result of downward flow of denser air and timum design of fins [4,7,14]. For instance, Jones and Smith [4]
upward flow of warm air. The upward flow results in a vertical con- showed that the empirical correlations recommended by Harahap and
verging draft of air, commonly referred as a “chimney” or “plume”, on MacManus [12] over-predicted by more than 94% their measured heat
which the natural convection heat transfer relies [1,3–6]. As a result, transfer for similar fin designs. Jones and Smith [4] argued that the use
the flow field exhibits a very complex three-dimensional fluid motion of n in the correlation, and consideration of fin length (L) as the char-
with heat transfer. Therefore, deeper understanding of the flow and acteristic dimension, instead of fin spacing (s), which was shown to be
heat transfer characteristics around the finned-surfaces is crucial to important in their study, could be the main reason for this significant
optimize convection cooling. Incorrectly designed finned-surfaces not deviation. This reveals that the correlations may not capture the
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (R.C. Adhikari).
Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of natural convection from a rectangular fin array on a heated horizontal surface. The upward flow of heated air and downward flow of
denser air results in the convection of heat as a chimney or plume.
combined effects of fin geometrical parameters on the flow and heat h is small. Thus, the experimental test cases of Jones and Smith [4] are
transfer. It is not sufficiently studied what heat transfer and flow field considered in the present study. Other experimental studies include
characteristics constitute optimum fin designs. For instance, the ex- [15,16]. Shobhan et al. [15] studied the variation of heat flux and
perimental results of Jones and Smith [4] showed that maximum heat temperature in the central fin of a three fin array, with a focus on
transfer per unit base area occurs within a narrow range of fin spacing, qualitative descriptions of the flow in transient heating and cooling
particularly in tall fins, but the flow and heat transfer mechanisms were regimes. They obtained a similar trend in heat flux over a narrow range
not investigated in detail. of fin spacing as obtained by Jones and Smith [4] for the particular fins
In the literature, both experimental and numerical studies have at- studied. Yüncu and Anbar [16] measured the effect on h of varying H
tempted to characterize the heat transfer of rectangular fin arrays on from 6 mm to 26 mm and s from 6.2 mm to 83 mm at constant
horizontal surfaces in natural convection. Early experimental studies L = 100 mm and t = 3 mm. They presented a correlation in terms of
include [3,4,12]. These studies were conducted on similar fin designs, non-dimensional parameters for the particular fins studied, however, no
and have derived correlations in terms of average heat-transfer coeffi- explanation for the conditions of optimum fin performance are pro-
cient h, and other non-dimensional parameters. Jones and Smith [4] vided. Although not the subject of this work, the thermal performance
studied the effects of fin height H and s on h at constant fin length L. of moving, and more complex, fin shapes, such as exponential and
They found that H has little influence on h, whereas s has significant trapezoidal, can be better than stationary, rectangular, and straight fins.
effects. They correlated the data of s and H for optimum fins as Turkyilmazoglu [17,18] studied the efficiency of moving trapezoidal
Hs 360 mm2 for fins with L = 254 mm. They compared their results and exponential shaped fins as compared to rectangular fins. He de-
with Harahap and McManus [12], and found inconsistencies in the veloped closed-form solutions for the temperature field and the fin ef-
results for similar fin designs. Here, the performance of two fin arrays ficiency for both shapes, and showed that longitudinal trapezoidal fins
which are similar except for the number of fins n, can be compared. with thicker tips have better heat transfer than rectangular fins. Simi-
Jones and Smith [4] used n = 7 for all fin configurations, and Harahap larly, he showed that straight rectangular fins could have lower or
and McManus [12] conducted experiments by varying n from 17 to 33. higher performance depending upon the exponential fin configurations.
At n = 17, L = 254 mm, H = 38 mm, and s = 6.35 mm, the results of However, it is not clear whether the comparison was based on the
Harahap and McManus [12] for h agreed well within 10% to that of optimum rectangular fins or not, and whether this conclusion holds true
Jones and Smith [4] for n = 7 , L = 254 mm, H = 36.57 mm, and for stationary fins. Nevertheless, it indicates the significance of design
s = 6.35 mm for all temperature differences tested (see Fig. 4 of Ref. optimization of rectangular fins, as well as the above fin shapes.
[4]). Despite this increase in width W by more than twice, the effect on Previous numerical studies using steady, laminar, heat transfer
R.C. Adhikari, et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 17 (2020) 100484
simulations include [14,19–27]. Tari et al. [14] studied heat transfer transfer simulations of the fins studied experimentally in [3,4], which
from inclined plate fins, including the horizontal orientation. They are the most systematic experimental studies that we could find. An-
studied the flow structure and developed correlations. Dogan et al. [19] other novelty is that, rather than seeking a single-parametric optimi-
computed the general flow patterns of different shapes of fin arrays on a zation as is commonly done in the literature, we undertook a multi-
horizontal surface, and also suggested correlations. Baskaya et al. [20] parametric computational fluid dynamics (CFD) optimization using the
studied the general flow and heat transfer features using CFD by dynamic-Q algorithm, which efficiently searches for a global optimum
varying the fin geometrical parameters. They concluded that optimum in a computationally expensive problem. A simple experimental test
performance could not be obtained by simply focusing on variation of was also conducted to verify the optimization results. To summarize the
one or two parameters, e.g. variation of single parameter at a time as in review and statement of our objectives: the purpose of this study is to
most experimental measurements. However, they did not investigate characterize the heat transfer and flow features of optimum fins and
the specific characteristics of optimum combination of geometrical perform multi-parametric CFD optimization to determine an optimum
parameters. Mobidiy et al. [21] simulated the quasi three-dimensional combination of geometrical parameters.
flow over short rectangular fins on a horizontal surface, and char- The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 de-
acterized the single and multiple chimney flows, that are shown in scribes the computational model used in the study. Section 3 outlines
Fig. 1. Karvinen and Karvinen [22] examined the optimization of plate the model validation. Section 4 contains the main results, with a par-
fins for maximizing heat flux based on an approximate analytical so- ticular focus on heat transfer characteristics and flow patterns in op-
lutions. Similarly, Huang et al. [23] studied the dynamic chimney flow timum fins. Extending these results, a multi-parametric CFD optimiza-
behavior of rectangular fins in natural convections for the fins with tion using a dynamic-Q algorithm is conducted on example design
L = 56–500 mm with H = 6.4 and 38 mm and a fixed s = 6.4 mm. problems. Results are verified through the experimental results avail-
Their important finding is that the effect of the downward flow of cool able in the literature, and experimental testing on an example fin design
air on heat transfer is not significantly different for taller compared to conducted in this study. Finally, Section 5 summarizes the main find-
shallow fins due to thicker boundary layers in the fin channels. Wong ings.
and Huang [24] conducted a parametric study on the dynamic natural
convection from long horizontal fins with dimensions L = 128, 254 and 2. Computational model
380 mm using a 3-D unsteady numerical analysis. They characterized
the oscillating chimney flow with reference to variation in L and H We analyze the conjugate heat transfer and flow using three-di-
variation and its impact on heat transfer in general. Shen et al. [25] mensional, steady-state, laminar flow simulations. The simulations
studied the heat transfer from rectangular fins at different orientations were conducted on the commercial Computational Fluid Dynamics
of the fin array. The literature survey revealed that the predictive (CFD) code ANSYS Icepak-Fluent [28]. The governing equations are the
capability of the correlations suggested in the literature for determining conservation of mass (continuity), momentum, and energy for the flow,
heat transfer characteristics is limited in general, and the results are and the heat conduction equation for the solid, which are written in
often conflicting. Also the numerical studies are presented in general- Cartesian co-ordinates as follows. As shown in Fig. 4, x is in the di-
ized form, rather than as specific characteristics of optimum fin con- rection of the fins, y is vertical, and z is in the transverse direction
figurations. Thus, the characteristics of heat transfer and the underlying normal to the fins.
flow patterns are very important in guiding the optimization of fins. The continuity equation for the steady flow is
The first novel feature of this work is the investigation of the effects
u v w
of fin height, spacing, and length on the heat transfer and flow, with + + =0
particular attention to determining the characteristics of optimum fins. x y z (1)
We conducted three-dimensional, steady-state, laminar, conjugate heat where is the density, and u , v and w are the velocities in the x,y , and z
Fig. 2. Variation of air properties with temperature used in the simulations. Experimental data taken from Cebeci and Bradshaw [6].
R.C. Adhikari, et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 17 (2020) 100484
directions respectively. The three momentum equations are steady state Laplacian for the temperature with constant thermal dif-
u u u p u u u
u +v +w = + µ + µ + µ Eqs. (1)–(5) were solved using the steady-state laminar flow model.
x y z x x x y y z z In natural convection problems in fins, Rayleigh numbers Ra < 108
(2) indicate a laminar flow, with transition to turbulence occurring over the
range of 10 8 < Ra < 1010 [28]. As Ra 9.46 × 107 in the fins examined
v v v
u +v +w in this work (considering the fin length as a characteristic length), these
x y z
flows might be turbulent or transitional. All simulations, however, as-
p v v v sumed laminar flow which can be justified on the grounds of the good
= + µ + µ + µ +( 0) g
y x x y y z z (3) agreement to the measurements that is demonstrated in the next sec-
tion. Radiative heat transfer was considered using the surface-to-surface
+ µ
+ µ
+ µ
w radiation model [14,19,28]. For brevity, we have omitted the model
x y z z x x y y z z equations, which can be found in references [19,28]. To account for the
(4) variation of air properties, such as density, viscosity, thermal con-
ductivity, and diffusivity due to changes in T and p, the ideal gas law
where p is the pressure and is the viscosity. These equations are
was used with experimental data for the property variations. µ was
solved for the three velocity components and p. The single energy
computed using Sutherland’s law [6] as
equation for the temperature, T, is
T T T T T T 8 T 3/2
µ = 1.45 × 10
u +v +w = + + +S T + 110 (6)
x y z x x y y z z (5)
where is the thermal diffusivity, and S is the source term for radiation. where T is expressed in degrees Kelvin and µ in kg/ms. Similarly,
The temperature distribution within the fins was computed by the density is calculated from the ideal gas law as
Fig. 3. A three-dimensional hexahedral computational mesh used in the simulations (a). The blue region is the fin array. Zoomed views of a typical mesh resolution
on the fin walls (b) and a cross-section of the mesh resolution around the fins (c).
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R.C. Adhikari, et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 17 (2020) 100484
Table 1
Effect of mesh resolution on heat transfer coefficient, h [H = 49.28 mm,
s = 50.8 mm, and T = 151 °C ]
Grid elements Convection coefficient, h [W/m2K]
120,000 6.08
351,034 7.20
383,234 7.87
425,210 7.36
447,427 7.53
463,334 7.45
Table 2
Fin design parameters (Starner and MacManus, [3])
Length, L Height, H Spacing, s Width, W No of Thickness, t
[mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] fins, n [mm]
Table 3
Fin design parameters (Jones and Smith [4])
Length, L Height, H Spacing, s [mm] No of Temperature
[mm] [mm] fins, n difference, °C
Fig. 5. Comparison of the experimental results of Jones and Smith [4] and the CFD results for the heat transfer per unit base area, Q / Ab , and the convection
coefficient, h = Q/ At T , [H = 49.28 mm, L = 254 mm and T = 151 °C].
R.C. Adhikari, et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 17 (2020) 100484
Fig. 8. Temperature contours at the mid-planes, taken at transverse plane (left) and longitudinal plane (right) of each case, illustrating the temperature resulting into
a single plume [H = 49.28 mm, n = 7, and T = 151 °C]. At s = 4.05 mm, the temperature gradient is almost zero in the inter-fin spacing, whereas at
sopt = 6.35 mm, there is considerable temperature gradient.
Fig. 9. Velocity vectors plotted at the mid-plane in the fin channel in longitudinal direction, illustrating the air flow from the channel ends toward the array centre
and development of a chimney flow [H = 49.28 mm, n = 7, and T = 151 °C].
and Harahap and MacManus [12], but no experimental measurements axisymmetric turbulent plume separating sharply from the ambient air
of the flow (e.g. velocity) were made. As the heated air moves upward [5]. In such flow structures, part of the heat transfer takes place due to
from around the centre of the fin array, the velocity of air in the fin “entrainment” or mixing of the surrounding air into the plume [5].
channels would increase the heat transfer. It can be observed that the To quantify the influence of s on Q/ Ab at H = 49.28 mm, the
temperature contours have a smoother boundary separating nearly temperature and air velocity in the fin channels, at mid-height and top
uniform buoyant air from the surroundings, which resembles an of the fins, are plotted in Figs. 11 and 12 respectively. Fig. 11 shows
R.C. Adhikari, et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 17 (2020) 100484
Fig. 12. Comparison of temperature and velocity measured at the top and mid- Eqs. (8) and (9) were solved using the dynamic-Q optimization al-
height sections of the fins at sopt = 6.35 mm, illustrating heat transfer rate. The gorithm, which applies a dynamic-trajectory-optimization algorithm to
zero velocity indicates the fin position. successive quadratic approximations of the optimization problem
that the heat transfer to the air in the fin channel is almost zero for
s = 4.05 mm. This clearly indicates the restriction of flow in channels,
and hence the cooling effect. Here it is evident that the velocity is too
low to form the thermal boundary layers, in which the heat transfer
occurs. Thus, the fin surface area for heat transfer is equivalently re-
duced to the flat plate surface area or the base area, Ab , the thickness of
the flat plate being equal to H. This is the main reason for the significant
drop in heat transfer. Furthermore, the integral of the vertical velocity
over the channel cross-section (the results are not shown) shows the
volume flow rate of cool air into the channel is small for narrow fin
channels, e.g. s = 4.05 mm. As expected, when s was increased to
sopt = 6.35 mm, both the temperature gradient and air velocity in the
fin channels increased as shown in Fig. 12. The reason is the increase in
base surface area, Ab , and the air inflow in the channels from the ends.
The velocity of the horizontal inflow from the channel ends, i.e. cool air
replenishing the warm air from the walls of the fins, caused a significant
temperature gradient across the channel section. At wider spacing,
s = 12.7 mm, the flow is well distributed in the channel with a larger Fig. 13. Comparison of temperature and velocity measured at the top and mid-
temperature gradient as shown in Fig. 13, but as Ab has also increased, height sections of the fins at s = 12.7 mm and H = 49.28 mm, illustrating the
the total heat transfer per unit base area, Q/ Ab , has decreased. This heat transfer rate. The maximum temperature and zero velocity indicate the fin
implies that increasing s provides more air flow into the channel and positions.
R.C. Adhikari, et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 17 (2020) 100484
[28,29]. This algorithm was chosen as it efficiently solves optimization to 49.28 mm. These results clearly indicate that shorter and wider fins
problems in CFD with minimum storage requirements, where function would transfer more heat per unit base area per unit weight, Q/ Ab Wt ,
evaluations are computationally expensive as is the case of the present than longer, taller and wider fins. These results are consistent with the
problem [28,29]. The description of the dynamic-Q optimization al- experimental results of Jones and Smith [4], and empirical relations for
gorithm is presented in the Appendix. In this work, three problems were taller fins, Hs 360 mm2. Similarly, taller and longer fins transfer more
analyzed. The first is aimed at finding computationally the optimum total heat, Q, than shallow and shorter fins. This indicates that H is
geometry determined experimentally by Jones and Smith [4]. The important in maximizing Q/ Ab Wt . It may thus be concluded that L , H ,
second is not, strictly, an optimization problem. It is to test the accuracy and s have significant effects on Q, Q /Ab and Q/ Ab Wt of the fin array,
of the CFD results for varying T in a fixed geometry by comparison to the optimization of which requires a multi-parametric CFD optimiza-
new experiments. The first two problems are, therefore, validation ex- tion as presented in this work. It is worth mentioning here the com-
ercises. The third problem is the most complex as the optimization in- putational time for typical optimization problems. Fig. 17 shows that
cludes minimizing the weight of the fins. there are 16 CFD test evaluations during the optimization, and Fig. 18
Problem I was addressed using two separate simulations. First, a shows that there are 9 CFD test evaluations to finally reach the op-
multi-parametric optimization was applied to verify the optimal con- timum values. The total computational time for each test evaluation
dition of Fig. 5 at H = 49.28 mm and T = 151 °C by varying s and depends on the initial and boundary conditions, number of geometrical
keeping the other parameters constant. A second optimization was parameters, and the objective function. For the computational model
conducted by varying L and s to quantify the effect of L on Q/ Ab at and mesh resolution used in this study, the total recorded computa-
H = 49.28 mm and T = 151 °C. The influence of L on Q/ Ab is shown tional time for the optimization problem reported in Fig. 17 is
in Fig. 14. The results for L = 260 mm followed the experimental re- 49.07 min and 66.37 min for the optimization problem reported in
sults of Jones and Smith [4] at L = 254 mm, indicating that the dy- Fig. 18 on an eight-core parallel computer.
namic-Q algorithm accurately reproduces the optima found in the
measurements. The results show that the increase in L from 200 to 5. Conclusions
260 mm significantly decreased Q/ Ab . The physical basis for this result
is that in longer fin arrays, velocity of the flow entering from the We have presented an analysis of heat transfer characteristics and
channel ends would not be sufficiently developed to reach the centre of flow patterns of optimum rectangular fin configurations in natural
the array or the extra frictional resistance prevents sufficient air getting convection for fin design optimization. Three-dimensional, steady-state
into form a plume, and thus decreasing the cooling effects or the heat laminar heat transfer simulations were conducted on experimentally
transfer rate. tested rectangular fins reported in the literature to analyze the optimum
Problem II in Table 4 determines Q as a function of T for a given fins. Multi-parametric CFD optimization was conducted using dynamic-
fin design, i.e. constant H , L , and s. An experimental setup was devel- Q optimization algorithm to determine the optimum geometrical
oped as shown in Fig. 15. A regulator was attached at the base of the parameters, followed by measurement of an example fin design to
fins as a heat source, and the base was insulated. There was no heat verify the CFD predictions of the total heat transfer dependence on the
transfer from the back of the array. The increase in T was measured by surface temperature. The key findings can be summarized as follows.
increasing Q. The experiment was conducted in a large room with
stagnant air and the room temperature was constant at 24.2 °C. A FLIR • The results of heat transfer simulations showed a good agreement
E75 thermal imaging camera was used to measure the fin surface with the experimental results reported in the references [3,4]. Dif-
temperature. As per manufacturer’s data-sheet, the maximum experi- ferent fin geometries with varying fin spacing s and height H were
mental measurement error of the thermal camera is ±2%. For each test tested at constant L to assess the predictive capability of the com-
case, the temperature was recorded after the heat sink attained a steady putational model for the heat transfer. From the CFD results, air
surface temperature. This occurred at around 20–30 min. To ensure velocity vectors, and temperature contours in the fin channels were
reproducibility of the measurement, temperature was measured at analyzed to characterize the heat transfer behavior in optimum
different sections of the fin surface by changing the location of the conditions.
camera pointer. The maximum temperature difference between the • In high fins, optimal heat transfer occurs within a narrow range of
different sections at same fin height was 0.1 °C. In the CFD optimiza- fin spacing, whereas in shallow fins, optimal heat transfer occurs
tion, Q was computed at experimentally measured temperature differ- over a wider range of fin spacing. A generic three-dimensional flow
ence values, T . The comparison of the experimental and the optimi-
zation results are summarized in Fig. 16, which shows a good
agreement between the two. The results demonstrate the good accuracy
of the dynamic-Q algorithm over a wider range of temperature differ-
In most design applications, Q/ Ab per unit weight of fin material is
an important consideration. A third optimization problem was solved
for the maximum heat transfer per unit base area for minimum weight,
Q/ Ab Wt . Here, Wt = (tb Ab + ntLH ) is the mass of the fin array.
Simulations were conducted to maximize Q/ (tb Ab2 + Ab ntLH ) for
Tmax = 166 °C by varying s, H and L. Fig. 18 shows the results of op-
timization for minimum weight, in which it is evident that the optimum
points for maximum Q/ Ab and Q/ (tb Ab2 + Ab ntLH ) are different. Op-
timum value for Q/ Ab Wt was obtained for the minimum H = 36 mm
and L = 200 mm, and s = 9.12 mm. At L = 254 mm, sopt = 6–8 mm for
maximum Q/ Ab , whereas for maximum Q/ (tb Ab2 + Ab ntLH ) , the op-
timum s and L were found as 9.12 mm and 200 mm respectively. The
total heat transfer rate at the optimum points, Qopt = 184.7 W for
L = 254 mm and sopt = 6–8 mm, whereas at sopt = 9.12 mm and
L = 200 mm, Qopt was computed as 111 W. It is noted here that L was Fig. 14. Optimization results for the effect of length L on Q / Ab at varying s for
varied from 200 to 260 mm in the optimization problem and H from 36 the optimization problem I in Table 4 [H = 49.28 mm and T = 151 °C].
R.C. Adhikari, et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 17 (2020) 100484
Fig. 16. Comparison of the CFD and the present experimental results for the Acknowledgement
heat transfer and temperature rise for the fin design problem II in Table 4
[H = 17 mm, L = 75 mm, and s = 6 mm].
The authors would like to acknowledge the CMC Microsystems
Canada for providing ANSYS license to perform thermal flow simula-
R.C. Adhikari, et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 17 (2020) 100484
Fig. 17. Optimization of heat transfer per unit base area, Q / Ab , for Tmax = 166 °C and varying s for the optimization problem I in Table 4. Optimum Q / Ab = 9,986 W/
m2 was obtained at L = 254 mm, s = 7.18 mm, and H = 49.28 mm.
Fig. 18. Optimization of heat transfer per unit base area per unit weight, Q/ Ab Wt , for Tmax = 166 °C at varying s, H and L. Optimum Q/ Ab Wt = 12,880 W/m2kg was
obtained at s = 9.12 mm, L = 200 mm, and H = 36 mm.
Appendix A. Appendix
R.C. Adhikari, et al. Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 17 (2020) 100484
The sub-problems, P [i], for the constrained optimization are solved using the dynamic-trajectory “leap-frog” method with the penalty function
formulations [28]. In its unconstrained form, the leap-frog optimizer determines the minimum of a function, f (x ) , by formulating the motion of a
particle of unit mass in an n -dimensional conservative force field [28]. The potential energy of a particle at a point x (t ) at time t is defined by the
function f (x ) . The trajectory of the particle requires the solution of the following equations of the motion [28]:
X¨ (t ) = f (X (t )) (14)
with initial conditions
X (0) = X0 , X (0) = 0 (15)
The solution of the above equations over the time interval [0, t] is expressed as
1 1
||X (t )||2 ||V (0)||2 = f (X0 ) f (X (t )); f (t ) + T (t ) = f (0) + T (0) = K
2 2 (16)
where T (t ) is intantaneous kinetic energy of the particle, and K is a constant determined by the initial conditions. It is noted that energy is conserved
in the above equation. It is also evident that f = T , and as T increases, f decreases. This forms the basis of the dynamic-trajectory method, which
means that the ”leap-frog” optimization algorithm computes an approximation to the trajectory followed by the particle in the force field [28]. The
above leap-frog optimization algorithm is modified to handle constrained problems, such as the fin design problems of this paper, by means of the
penalty-function, the details of which can be found in [28].