1 s2.0 S0920410519308332 Main
1 s2.0 S0920410519308332 Main
1 s2.0 S0920410519308332 Main
Keywords: Single well pressure transient analysis ignores the impact from adjacent wells, while well interference has ob-
Interference well-test analysis vious effect on the pressure response. Additionally, fracture conductivity and half-length may decrease severely,
Double-segment fracture leading to non-uniform closure along fractures. The interpreted fracture half-length could be much shorter than
Fracture closure designed half-length if this phenomenon is ignored. Besides, well interference caused by adjacent wells in multi-
Vertically fractured well
well system could be mistaken as boundary effect in single-well model since type curves of these two circum-
Multi-well system
Type curves
stances are quite similar to each other, which could bring about unrealistic results compared with geologic
characteristics. Therefore, distinguishing interference effect from boundary effect while considering non-uniform
fracture closure becomes a major challenge.
This work proposes a new interference well-test model of vertical well with double-segment fractures
(VWDSF). Each double-segment fracture (DSF) contains two fracture segments (FS) with individual length, rate
and conductivity, etc. The new model allows the observation well and adjacent wells to produce at the same
time, which does not influence production. Analytical solution is verified by comparing with numerical solution
from Saphir, and model comparison is proposed to elaborate the significance of the novel model. New flow
regimes including fracture interference flow, multi-well interference flow, interference-radial flow regime (IRFR)
and system-radial flow can be observed on type curves. Furthermore, the influence of the observation well and
adjacent wells on type curves are analyzed. Case study highlights the ability of the developed model in dis-
tinguishing the interference effect and boundary effect using the novel model. The proposed model provides a
useful tool for addressing erroneous interpretation of pressure transient data due to non-uniform fracture closure
and/or well interference.
Corresponding author.
Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (S. Cheng), [email protected] (Y. He).
Received 10 February 2019; Received in revised form 12 August 2019; Accepted 20 August 2019
Available online 22 August 2019
0920-4105/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J. Qin, et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 183 (2019) 106412
finite-conductivity to obtain the reservoir and fracture characteristics. difficulties. Therefore, this paper develops an innovative interference
In fact, single well-test analysis has been the main approach for inter- well-test model of VWDSF to better estimate fracture closure and de-
preting the parameters of reservoir and vertically fractured well termine well communications in multi-well system at the same time.
(Wattenbarger and Ramey, 1969; Lee and Holditch, 1981; Holditch Analytical solution is verified by comparing with numerical solution
et al., 1983). Dinh and Tiab (2010) focused on the interpretation of type from Saphir, and model comparison is proposed to elaborate the sig-
curves of wells with inclined hydraulic fractures. Dejam et al. (2018) nificance of the novel model. Type curves are developed and flow re-
presented a semi-analytical solution for investigating the role of frac- gimes are analyzed. Sensitivity analysis is performed to discuss the
tures on pressure response of vertical well subject to dual-porosity re- influence of the observation well and adjacent wells on type curves.
servoir. However, fracture conductivity can be affected distinctively Synthetic cases are generated to show the ability of the developed
due to proppant breakage, ineffective proppant-pack cleanup and model in matching interference pressure data. Moreover, interference
fracture fluid residue. In detail, fracture segment near the wellbore effect and boundary effect can be distinguished using the novel model.
owns higher conductivity while the conductivity of the fracture seg- The proposed model provides a useful tool for addressing erroneous
ment stretched into wider formation is lower, which makes the effective interpretation of pressure transient data due to non-uniform fracture
fracture length much shorter since only the segment with higher con- closure and/or well interference.
ductivity can be identified evidently and that with lower conductivity
could be neglected. Thus, it is difficult to match the calculated fracture
half-length with the designed fracture half-length using traditional 2. Model development
well-test model due to fracture closure and formation damage (Russell
and Truitt, 1964; Millheim, 1968; Holditch and Morse, 1976; Lee and 2.1. Physical model
Holditch, 1981). To fill this gap, some researchers have devoted to
pressure transient analysis of segmented fractures and non-uniformly In this paper, an VWDSF is surrounded by multiple vertical wells in
distributed fractures of vertically fractured well and multi-fractured multi-well system. Some assumptions of the reservoir and fluids are as
horizontal well (Huang et al., 2016; He et al., 2017; Qin et al., 2018a, follows:
2018b). The rate transient analysis of segmented fractures has also been
performed curves as well (Qin et al., 2018c). (i) The reservoir is an anisotropic reservoir with constant horizontal
Although well-test analysis in single well system can satisfy the need permeability (kh), vertical permeability (kv), porosity (ϕ), forma-
of parameter interpretation at the initial stage of reservoir develop- tion thickness (h) and total compressibility (Ct). The reservoir ex-
ment. With the long-term development of oil and gas field, interference ternal boundary is considered infinite acting while the top and
effect from adjacent wells becomes evident, which could obscure or bottom boundaries of the reservoir are sealed (no-flow). The initial
distort radial flow regime behavior on pressure and its derivative curves pressure throughout the entire reservoir equals to pi.
(Lin and Yang, 2007a,b). Since it could lead to erroneous results if the (ii) Fluid is single-phase oil and slightly compressible with constant
interference effect is mistaken as boundary effect, interference well-test viscosity (μ), and it flows into the vertical wellbore through double-
in multi-well system becomes a better choice. Over the past few dec- segment fracture (DSF). The effect of capillary pressure and gravity
ades, different models have been developed for exploring the pressure can be ignored in this situation.
response in multi-well system. Onur et al. (1991) raised a pressure
buildup model for analyzing pressure response of a multi-well system Other basic assumptions of the multi-well system are as follows:
consists of producing wells. Later, Marhaendrajana et al. (1999) de-
veloped a rigorous method to interpret pressure data in multi-well (i) The VWDSF is set to be the observation well of which the bottom
system by regarding “interference effect” as a regional pressure decline hole pressure (BHP) is recorded. It is intersected by a fully pene-
which turned out to be efficient and practicable. Although some re- trated vertical fracture with multiple segments.
searchers analyzed the interference pressure response of multi-well (ii) The observation well is surrounded by n vertical wells (VW),
system, wells were set to be producing wells. The research on pressure shown in Fig. 1.
transient analysis of multi-well system with both of producers and in- (iii) There is no need to shut in the observation well or any adjacent
jectors should be further investigated. To fill this gap, Lin (1993) pre- wells during the pressure test process which makes the model more
sented a novel method to interpret pressure data when producing and flexible and practical.
injection wells are both completed. Adewole (2012) proposed a pro-
cedure to investigate the communication between different locations in
the reservoir system using interference data. Besides, a general ap- 2.2. Mathematical model
proach for analyzing pressure buildup data when all wells in multi-well
system are shutting in at the same time were presented (Deng et al., The governing equation considering permeability anisotropy is
2015). During recent years, more and more methodologies for ana- given by Muskat (1938):
lyzing interference pressure transient behaviors have been developed
(Malekzadeh and Tiab, 1991; Malekzadeh, 1992; Dong et al., 1999; Lin
and Yang, 2005; Lin and Yang, 2007a,b; Giegbefumwen and Adewole,
2015). However, observation well should be shut in during traditional
interference well-test which could affect the production obviously.
Therefore, He et al. (2018, 2019) presented the interference well-test
models of multi-segment horizontal well and multi-fractured horizontal
well of which the observation well does not need to shut in. For ver-
tically fractured well, even if the observation well keeps producing
during the test, the parameters of hydraulic fracture are assumed to be
distributed uniformly along the fracture which ignores the effect of
fracture closure and formation damage.
In summary, it would lead to deviation in well-test analysis if the
effect of fracture closure or influence caused by adjacent wells were Fig. 1. Schematic of an VWDSF (observation well) with multiple VW (adjacent
ignored. There is still lack of pressure analysis model to overcome these wells).
J. Qin, et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 183 (2019) 106412
2p 2p 2p p qi
kx + k y 2 + k z 2 = µCt qiD =
x2 y z t (1) q (16)
x fi
k x = k y = kh (2) x fiD =
L (17)
kz = k v (3)
where L equals to the fracture half-length.
where kx, ky and kz are the permeability in x, y, and z direction, re- In this study, each wing of DSF includes two vertical fracture seg-
spectively. kh and kv are the horizontal permeability and vertical per- ments (FS) fully penetrating the formation. In detail, the left wing is
meability. composed of fracture segment L1 (FSL1) and fracture segment L2
Using Eqs. (2) and (3), we can write Eq. (1) as: (FSL2). Additionally, the right wing includes fracture segment R1
2p 2p 2p
(FSR1) and fracture segment R2 (FSR2). The top and front view of DSF
kh + kh 2 + k v 2 = µCt is shown in Fig. 2. Some basic information about DSF are illustrated in
x2 y z t (4) Table 1.
Eq. (4) can be rewritten as: Based on Source Function and Laplace transformation, Ozkan
2p 2p 2p
(1988) developed a procedure to solve the transient flow problem in
µCt p porous media, through which the pressure solution caused by a con-
+ + 2
x2 y2 kh kh t tinuous point source in Laplace Domain can be derived. If the source is
kv (5) located at xwD, ywD, zwD, the pressure drop is given by:
The horizontal diffusivity (ηh) in the reservoir considering perme-
ability anisotropy can be defined as: qsource µ exp [ s (xD x wD )2 + (yD ywD )2 + (zD zwD )2 ]
kh 4 kh L (xD x wD )2 + (yD ywD )2 + (z D zwD) 2
h =
µCt (6) (18)
Then Eq. (5) can be transformed to: where qsource is the rate from the continuous point source, s is the La-
2p 2p 2p
1 p place Transform variable.
+ + = Eq. (18) is the pressure drop in an infinite reservoir. In addition,
x2 y2 z *2 h t (7)
boundary conditions of different reservoirs and wells can be taken into
kh consideration by the method of images. Since the top and bottom of the
z* = z formation are impermeable, the point source solution in this system
kv (8)
equals to:
where z* is also a parameter representing reservoir anisotropy.
For better understanding, the dimensionless variables in this study exp [ s (xD xwiD )2 + (yD ywiD )2 + (zD zwiD 2nhD )2 ]
are defined as: qsource µ +
(xD xwiD )2 + (yD ywiD )2 + (zD zwiD 2nhD)2
2 kh h 4 kh Ls exp [ s (x D xwiD)2 + (yD ywiD )2 + (zD + zwiD 2nhD )2 ]
pD = p n= +
qµB (9) (xD xwiD )2 + (yD ywiD )2 + (zD + zwiD 2nhD )2
kh (19)
tD = t
µCt L2 (10) On the basis of Poisson's summation formula (Carslaw and Jaeger,
x 1986) and Laplace transformation, Eq. (19) can be transformed into:
xD =
L (11)
K 0 [ (xD xwD )2 + (yD ywD )2 • s ]
y qsource µ
yD = p= n2 2
L (12) 2 k h LhD s + 2
n= 1 K 0 (xD xwD )2 + (yD ywD )2 • s + 2
cosn wD
zD =
z kh (20)
L kv (13)
The line source function can be used to represent the solution of a
h kh fracture in the system. Therefore, the analytical solution of each FS can
hD =
L kv (14) be derived by integration of point source solution (i.e., Eq. (20)). Ad-
ditionally, the pressure drop caused by all FSs can be achieved through
C the principal of superposition:
CD =
2 Ct hL2 (15)
J. Qin, et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 183 (2019) 106412
Table 1 pobsD
Basic information of DSF belonging to VWDSF.
+ 1 xfl1D
1 kv qfl1D 2
Parameters DSF belonging to VWDSF = K 0 [ s xD x wfl1D ]d
s kh x fl1D 1x
Left wing of DSF Right wing of DSF 2 fl1D
+ 1 xfl2D
FSL1 FSL2 FSR1 FSR2 qfl2D 2
+ K 0 [ s xD x wfl2D ]d
x fl2D 1x
Length xfl1 xfl2 xfr1 xfr2 2 fl2D
Rate qfl1 qfl2 qfr1 qfr2
+ 1 xfr 1D
Center (x axis) −0.5xfl1 -xfl1-0.5xfl2 0.5xfr1 xfr1+0.5xfr2 qfr1D 2
+ K 0 [ s xD x wfr1D ]d
x fr1D 1x
2 fr 1D
qfl1 µ
L + 1 xfr 2D
qfr 2D 2
pobs = K0 s (xD x wfl1D )2 + (yD ywfl1D )2 d + K 0 [ s xD x wfr 2D ]d
4 kh hD x fl1 s xfl1 x fr 2D 1x
L 2 fr 2D (22)
qfl2 µ L
+ K0 s (xD x wfl2D )2 + (yD ywfl2D )2 d where
4 kh hD x fl2 s xfl2
xfr1 x wfl1D = x fl1D
qfr1 µ
L 2 (23)
+ K0 s (xD x wfr1D )2 + (yD ywfr1D )2 d
4 kh hD x fr1 s xfr1
L 1
xfr 2 x wfl2D = x fl1D x fl2D
+ 2 (24)
qfr 2 µ L
+ K0 s (xD x wfr 2D )2 + (yD ywfr 2D )2 d
4 kh hD x fr 2 s xfr 2
L 1
x wfr1D = x fr1D
(21) 2 (25)
where pobs means pressure drop cause by all FSs of the VWDSF in
Laplace space. The term “α” is a variable that represents the length of x wfr 2D = x fr1D + x fr 2D
each fracture segment.
Substitute the dimensionless variables into Eq. (21), the analytical Eq. (22) can be recast into the following form with the aid of Eqs.
solution can be written as: (23)–(26). Meanwhile, the pressure drop cause by skin effect can be
considered at the same time (Van Everdingen, 1953):
J. Qin, et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 183 (2019) 106412
+ 1 xfl1D
1 kv qfl1D 2
pobsD = K0 s xD + x fl1D
s kh x fl1D 1x 2
2 fl1D Fig. 4. Comparison between interference well-test model raised in this paper
+ 1 xfl2D and numerical model in Saphir.
qfl2D 2
+ K0 s xD + x fl1D + x fl2D d
x fl2D 1x 2 Additionally, the dimensionless pressure drop considering wellbore-
2 fl2D
+ 1 xfr 1D
storage effect is given by:
qfr1D 2
+ K0 s xD x fr1D d pSD
x fr1D 2 pSCD =
2 fr 1D
1 + s 2CD pSD (31)
+ 1 xfr 2D There are different kinds of methods for calculating pressure deri-
qfr 2D 2
+ K0 s xD x fr1D x fr 2D d vative. In this work, the value of derivative is given by Eq. (32) with
x fr 2D 2
2 fr 2D respect to the points just after and just before the time window (x-d,
qfl1D hD qfl2D hD qfr1D hD qfr 2D hD x + d) around the point x, as shown in Fig. 3.
+ Sfl1 + Sfl2 + Sfr 1 + Sfr 2 p (ti) p (t 1) p (t 2 ) p (ti)
kh Cfl1D Cfl2D Cfr1D Cfr 2D (t2 ti ) + (ti t1)
dp ti t1 t2 ti
(27) dt ti t2 t1 (32)
where CfD is the dimensionless fracture conductivity of each FS. where
The integral in Eq. (27) can be handled using the alternate form of
a t1 < ti < t2 (33)
integral K 0 [f (x )] demonstrated by Ozkan (1988). With the help
of numerical integration or tables given by Abramowitz and Stegun
3. Model validation
(1972), the value of the integral can be finally obtained.
Now, we consider the dimensionless pressure drop caused by ad-
To validate the interference well-test model for VWDSF in multi-
jacent VW. The pressure drop caused by the k-th adjacent well can be
well system raised in this paper, a numerical well-test analysis is de-
written as:
signed by Saphir (KAPPA, 2011). In this section, the multi-well system
qk kv consists of one observation well (vertically fractured well) and one
pkD = K 0 [ s ( xkD xobsD + ykD yobsD )]
sqobs kh (28) adjacent well (VW) producing at the same time.
To keep the same assumption with the numerical well testing model
Dimensionless well spacing between the k-th adjacent well and the in Saphir, the proposed model in this paper was simplified to contain
observation well is given by: two identical FS in this section. In the multi-well system, the distance
xobsD )2 + (ykD yobsD )2 between two wells is 1500 m. Some basic information of the formation
rkD = (xkD (29)
and multi-well system is tabulated in Table 2. As shown in Fig. 4, good
Thus, the total pressure drop caused by all n adjacent wells is given agreements between the interference well-test model raised in this
by: paper with the numerical model in Saphir has been noticed, which
n demonstrates the rationality of our model.
1 kv
padjD = qk K 0 [ s ( xkD xobsD + ykD yobsD )]
sqobs kh (30)
k=1 4. Type curves and model comparison
Table 2 In this section, the type curves and flow regimes of the VWDSF in-
Basic information of formation and multi-well system. terference well-test are discussed firstly. After that, comparisons be-
Formation information Value Multi-well system information Value tween the proposed model and single-well model of a vertically frac-
tured well are shown to better understand the novelty of this model.
Permeability (D) 0.033 Rate of observation well (m3/D) 10
Fig. 5a shows the type curve of interference well-test model of
Porosity 0.1 Wellbore radius of observation 0.1
well (m) VWDSF. Seven flow regimes can be recognized on pressure and its
Thickness (m) 20 Fracture half-length of 91.44 derivative curves. After wellbore storage flow and transitional flow
observation well (m) predominated by wellbore-storage effect and skin effect separately, the
Compressibility (MPa−1) 0.000018 Rate of adjacent well (m3/D) 10 fluids in the formation flows into FS near the wellbore (i.e. FSL1 and
Formation volume factor 1.0 Wellbore radius of adjacent well 0.1
FSR1) linearly, results in the linear-flow regime identified as a one-half
Viscosity (cP) 1.0 Distance between two wells (m) 1500 slope on pressure derivative curve. Later, fluids from the formation
starts to flow into FS far from the wellbore (i.e. FSL2 and FSR2). This
J. Qin, et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 183 (2019) 106412
Fig. 5. (a) Type curve of interference well-test of an VWDSF; (b) Comparison between scenario 1 and 2; (c) Comparison between scenario 1 and 3; (d) Comparison
between scenario 1 and 4.
Table 3 phenomenon can lead to the fracture interference flow regime (char-
Basic information of four scenarios for comparison. acterized by a straight line with k1 slope on pressure derivative curve)
Scenario 1 Scenario 2 Scenario 3 Scenario 4
which does not exist on the type curves of traditional vertical well with
single-segment fractures (VWSSF). Subsequently, fluids converge ra-
Well system Single-well Multi-well Single-well Multi-well dially into the VWDSF, known as the pseudo-radial flow regime. After
Observation well VWSSF VWSSF VWDSF VWDSF radial flow period, the adjacent wells begin to affect the BHP of the
Adjacent well – VW – VW
observation well. This could lead to a new flow regime, which is termed
as the multi-well interference flow, and can be recognized as a straight
Table 4 line with slope k2 on pressure derivative curve. Finally, fluids flow ra-
Basic parameters of reservoir and multi-well system in sensitivity analysis. dially into the entire multi-well system, known as system-radial flow
regime. One thing should be noticed that when there is more than one
Reservoir parameters Value Multi-well system parameters Value
adjacent well in multi-well system, another new flow regime, IRFR,
Permeability (D) 0.033 3
Rate of observation well (m /D) 10 appears after pseudo-radial flow. The IRFR will be elaborated in Section
Porosity 0.1 Wellbore radius of observation 0.1 5 since there is only one adjacent well in this section.
well (m) To further illustrate the importance of the interference well-test
Thickness (m) 20 Fracture half-length of 100
model of VWDSF proposed in this paper, four scenarios are selected for
observation well (m)
Compressibility (MPa −1
) 0.000018 Wellbore radius of adjacent well 0.1 comparison. Some basic information of each scenario is listed in
(m) Table 3.
Formation volume factor 1.0 The scenario 1 only includes an VWSSF. For scenario 2, there are
Viscosity (cP) 1.0 four VW (adjacent wells) around the VWSSF (observation well). In
addition, although both of the scenarios 1 and 3 are single well, the well
is VWDSF in scenario 3 while it is VWSSF in scenario 1. Besides, the
J. Qin, et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 183 (2019) 106412
J. Qin, et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 183 (2019) 106412
Fig. 7. Type curves when rkD distributed non-uniformly and qkD distributed uniformly: (a) log-log type curves; (b) semi-log type curves.
Table 5
Value and calculating process of IRFR.
Case qkD IRFR Formula Dimensionless value of pressure derivative
Case 1 qkD = 1 1st IRFR v1 = 0.5 + 0.5 × q1/qobs 0.5 + 0.5 × 1 = 1.0
2nd IRFR v2 = 0.5 + 0.5 × (q1+q2)/qobs 0.5 + 0.5 × (1 + 1) = 1.5
3rd IRFR v3 = 0.5 + 0.5 × (q1+q2+q3)/qobs 0.5 + 0.5 × (1 + 1+1) = 2.0
4th IRFR v4 = 0.5 + 0.5 × (q1+q2+q3+q4)/qobs 0.5 + 0.5 × (1 + 1+1 + 1) = 2.5
Case 2 qkD = 1/2 1st IRFR v1 = 0.5 + 0.5 × q1/qobs 0.5 + 0.5 × 0.5 = 0.75
2nd IRFR v2 = 0.5 + 0.5 × (q1+q2)/qobs 0.5 + 0.5 × (0.5 + 0.5) = 1.00
3rd IRFR v3 = 0.5 + 0.5 × (q1+q2+q3)/qobs 0.5 + 0.5 × (0.5 + 0.5+0.5) = 1.25
4th IRFR v4 = 0.5 + 0.5 × (q1+q2+q3+q4)/qobs 0.5 + 0.5 × (0.5 + 0.5+0.5 + 0.5) = 1.50
Case 3 qkD = 1/4 1st IRFR v1 = 0.5 + 0.5 × q1/qobs 0.5 + 0.5 × 0.25 = 0.625
2nd IRFR v2 = 0.5 + 0.5 × (q1+q2)/qobs 0.5 + 0.5 × (0.25 + 0.25) = 0.75
3rd IRFR v3 = 0.5 + 0.5 × (q1+q2+q3)/qobs 0.5 + 0.5 × (0.25 + 0.25+0.25) = 0.875
4th IRFR v4 = 0.5 + 0.5 × (q1+q2+q3+q4)/qobs 0.5 + 0.5 × (0.25 + 0.25+0.25 + 0.25) = 1.0
Case 4 qkD = 1/8 1st IRFR v1 = 0.5 + 0.5 × q1/qobs 0.5 + 0.5 × 0.125 = 0.5625
2nd IRFR v2 = 0.5 + 0.5 × (q1+q2)/qobs 0.5 + 0.5 × (0.125 + 0.125) = 0.625
3rd IRFR v3 = 0.5 + 0.5 × (q1+q2+q3)/qobs 0.5 + 0.5 × (0.125 + 0.125+0.125) = 0.6875
4th IRFR v4 = 0.5 + 0.5 × (q1+q2+q3+q4)/qobs 0.5 + 0.5 × (0.125 + 0.125+0.125 + 0.125) = 0.75
Fig. 8. Type curves when rkD and qkD distributed non-uniformly while rkD are similar to each other: (a) log-log type curves; (b) semi-log type curves.
J. Qin, et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 183 (2019) 106412
Table 6
Value and calculating process of vn.
Case qkD Dimensionless value of pressure derivative
Fig. 9. Type curves when rkD and qkD distributed non-uniformly while rkD are much different from each other: (a) log-log type curves; (b) semi-log type curves.
r1D < r2D < … < rkD < … < r(n-1)D < rnD, the value of pressure deri- of vn are listed in Table 6.
vative during the kth interference-radial flow equals to vk
(vk = 0.5 + 0.5(q1+q2+ … +qk-1+qk)/qobs, 1 ≤ k ≤ n) since smaller 5.1.4. rkD and qkD distributed non-uniformly while rkD are much different
well spacing represents for earlier interference, as shown in Fig. 7b. The from each other
value and equations of each IRFR are tabulated in Table 5 for better To further investigate the impact of well spacing between adjacent
understanding. well and the observation well when rate of adjacent wells are not the
same (qkD = 0.125:0.25:0.5:1.0), two examples are generated
5.1.3. rkD and qkD distributed non-uniformly while rkD are similar to each (r1D:r2D:r3D:r4D = 1000:100:10:1; r1D:r2D:r3D:r4D = 1:10:100:1000).
other Fig. 9a illustrates that various IRFR (1st IRFR, 2nd IRFR, …(n-1)th IRFR,
Four cases are designed to analyze the effect of production rate on nth IRFR) could be distinguished clearly when well spacings are much
type curves when production rate of adjacent wells are not the same different from each other. From Fig. 9b, as the kth adjacent well be-
(qkD = 0.125:0.25:0.5:1.0; qkD = 0.125:0.25:0.5:0.5; qkD = 0.125:0.25: comes closer to the observation well, the effect of this well on IRFR
0.25:0.25; qkD = 0.125:0.125:0.125;0.125) and well spacing are close appears earlier. The values and equations of vk are listed in Table 7.
to each other (r1D:r2D:r3D:r4D = 1.0:1.2:1.4:1.6). As shown in Fig. 8a,
due to the similar well spacing between each adjacent well and the 5.2. Observation well
observation well, the IRFR (1st IRFR, 2nd IRFR, 3rd IRFR, 4th IRFR)
would overlap with each other and make it hard to tell the distinctions 5.2.1. Rate of DSF
among them. Finally, the pressure derivative during system-radial flow Due to formation damage, fracturing-fluid retention and proppants
regime behaves as a horizontal line with the value of vn broken, production contributed from the FS near the wellbore is much
(vn = 0.5 + 0.5∑qk/qobs), shown in Fig. 8b. The values and equations larger than that from FS far away from the wellbore. To analyze the
Table 7
Value of interference-radial flow regime.
Case qkD IRFR Formula Dimensionless value of pressure derivative
Case 1 rkD = 1000:100:10:1 1st IRFR v1 = 0.5 + 0.5 × q1/qobs 0.5 + 0.5 × 1 = 1.0
2nd IRFR v2 = 0.5 + 0.5 × (q1+q2)/qobs 0.5 + 0.5 × (1 + 0.5) = 1.25
3rd IRFR v3 = 0.5 + 0.5 × (q1+q2+q3)/qobs 0.5 + 0.5 × (1 + 0.5+0.25) = 1.375
4th IRFR v4 = 0.5 + 0.5 × (q1+q2+q3+q4)/qobs 0.5 + 0.5 × (1 + 0.5+0.25 + 0.125) = 1.4375
Case 2 rkD = 1:10:100:1000 1st IRFR v1 = 0.5 + 0.5 × q1/qobs 0.5 + 0.5 × 0.125 = 0.5625
2nd IRFR v2 = 0.5 + 0.5 × (q1+q2)/qobs 0.5 + 0.5 × (0.125 + 0.25) = 0.6875
3rd IRFR v3 = 0.5 + 0.5 × (q1+q2+q3)/qobs 0.5 + 0.5 × (0.125 + 0.25+0.5) = 0.9375
4th IRFR v4 = 0.5 + 0.5 × (q1+q2+q3+q4)/qobs 0.5 + 0.5 × (0.125 + 0.25+0.5 + 1.0) = 1.4375
J. Qin, et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 183 (2019) 106412
behavior of VWDSF, five cases are given in this section and total length
of DSF are set to be invariable. Dimensionless half-length of each FS can
be defined as half-length of the FS divided by half-length of DSF
(xfl1D = xfl1/L; xfl2D = xfl2/L; xfr1D = xfr1/L; xfr2D = xfr2/L). Moreover,
to focus on the differences between the FS near the wellbore and that
far from the wellbore, the half-length of FS is assumed to distribute
symmetrically regarding to the wellbore (xfl1D = xfr1D = 0.5xf1D,
xfl2D = xfr2D = 0.5xf2D). It is noted that when xf1D is smaller than xf2D,
type curves move down and the linear flow disappears later as xfl1D
increases, shown in Fig. 11. Since the interference between different FSs
is more severe when the discrepancy between xf1D and xf2D are greater,
the fracture interference flow regime lasts longer and behaves as a
straight line with slope k2 on pressure derivative curve.
J. Qin, et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 183 (2019) 106412
For the interference model raised in this work, the matching can be
done by the following steps:
J. Qin, et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 183 (2019) 106412
Fig. 13. History matching results of Scenario 1 (a) pressure distribution of multi-well system (b) using infinite reservoir model; (c) using one-fault model; (d) using
interference model.
(1) For multi-well system with only one adjacent well, seven flow re- during wellbore-storage flow, transitional flow and linear flow re-
gimes can be recognized on type curves, including wellbore storage gimes as Cf1D/Cf2D increases.
flow, transitional flow, linear flow, fracture interference flow, (5) For length of DSF, type curves move down and the linear flow
pseudo-radial flow, multi-well interference flow, and system-radial disappears later as xfl1D increases when xf1D is smaller than xf2D.
flow. Since the interference between different FS is more severe when the
(2) When there are more than one adjacent well in multi-well system, discrepancy between xf1D and xf2D are greater, the fracture inter-
IRFR exist between system-radial flow when rkD distributed non- ference flow regime lasts longer and behaves as a straight line with
uniformly. The value of dimensionless pressure derivative during slope k2 on pressure derivative curve.
the kth IRFR equals to vk = 0.5 + 0.5(q1+q2+ … +qk-1+qk)/qobs, (6) The case study indicates the advantages of this interference well-
1 ≤ k ≤ n, assuming r1D < r2D < … < rkD < … < r(n-1)D < rnD. test model of VWDSF in distinguishing the interference effect from
(3) The IRFR would overlap with each other and make it hard to tell the boundary effect.
distinctions among them when rkD are similar to each other. Finally,
the pressure derivative during system-radial flow regime behaves as Acknowledgements
a horizontal line with the value of vn = 0.5 + 0.5∑qk/qobs.
(4) Except for parameters of adjacent well, type curves can also be The authors appreciate the support from National Natural Science
affected by properties of the observation well. The pressure and its Foundation of China (11872073) and National Science and Technology
derivative increases as qf1D becomes larger, while the slope of the Major Projects of China (No. 2017ZX05009-003) for providing research
fracture interference flow regime (k1) decreases. Besides, the funding.
duration of linear flow regimes lasts longer when rate of DSF dis-
tributed uniformly (qf1D = qf2D) than that under non-uniformly rate Nomenclature
distribution condition since interference between FS seems more
evident when qf1D≠qf2D. Additionally, type curves will move down B fluid formation volume factor
J. Qin, et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 183 (2019) 106412
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