Diversity of Steller Sea Lions

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Diet diversity of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) and their population
decline in Alaska: A potential relationship

Article  in  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences · June 1997

DOI: 10.1139/cjfas-54-6-1342

218 1,206

3 authors, including:

Richard Merrick G. Vernon Byrd

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration University of the Nations Kona Hawaii campus


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Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge Aleutian Geese View project

Alaska Ecosystem Program, Marine Mammal Division, AFSC View project

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Diet diversity of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias

jubatus) and their population decline in Alaska:
a potential relationship
Richard L. Merrick, M. Kathryn Chumbley, and G. Vernon Byrd

Abstract: We examined the diet of Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) during June-August 1990-1993 from six areas in
the Aleutian Islands and Gulf of Alaska and related these diets to sea lion population changes that occurred during the period.
Seven general prey categories were identified, but either walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) or Atka mackerel
(Pleurogrammus monopterygius) dominated in every area. The diversity of prey consumed varied among sites. Only the
eastern Aleutian Islands area had all seven categories in the diet, and there, walleye pollock and Atka mackerel each made up
around 30% of the diet. The remainder was composed mostly of small schooling fish (e.g., Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi)
and salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.)). The diet in the Gulf of Alaska included mostly walleye pollock whereas the central and
western Aleutian diet was composed mostly of Atka mackerel. Populations in the six areas decreased up to 49% during
1990-1994. A strong positive correlation (r = 0.949, P = 0.004) was found between diet diversity and the amount of decline in
an area: as diet diversity decreased, populations decreased. This suggests that sea lions need a variety of prey available,
perhaps to buffer significant changes in abundance of any single prey.

Introduction shorter and lighter in 1985-1986 (during the decline) than they
were in 1975-1978 (before the decline had begun) (D. Calkins,
The cause(s) of the 68% decline in the U.S. population of unpublished data). However, current studies of sea lion condi-
Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) since the 1970s remains tion and health have found no significant differences between
uncertain (National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) 1995); adult females and pups in summer in the Gulf of Alaska (a
however, the consensus among researchers appears to be that declining population) and southeast Alaska (an increasing
the decline is a result of changes in the availability of preferred population) (Castellini 1993; Davis et al. 1993; Rea et al.
prey (Merrick et al. 1987; D. Calkins, Alaska Department of 1993; Spraker et al. 1993; Merrick et al. 1995; Rea 1995). De-
Fish and Game (ADF&G), 333 Raspberry Rd., Anchorage, spite the apparent disappearance of thousands of sea lions each
AK 99502, unpublished data; Loughlin and Merrick 1989;
year, it has not been possible to evaluate the cause of the de-
Alverson 199 1; Springer 1992; Alaska Sea Grant 1993).
cline from beach-cast animals because few dead animals have
Examination of the health of individual animals as a means
been found.
of evaluating the food limitation hypothesis has provided incon-
An alternative approach to evaluating the food limitation
clusive results. Kodiak Island area sea lions were significantly
hypothesis is to compare food habits between areas of the
range with different population trajectories. To facilitate such
Received March 26, 1996. Accepted October 18, 1996. analyses, the NMFS, ADF&G, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife
513369 Service (USF&WS) began a diet sampling program for Steller
sea lions in 1990 that encompassed most of the region of
R.L. Merrick and M.K. Chumbley. National Marine Mammal
Laboratory, 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98 115, decline in Alaska, from the Kenai Peninsula to the western
U.S.A. Aleutian Islands. Declines continued in this region during the
G.V. Byrd. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Alaska Maritime period, although the rates of change differed among areas
National Wildlife Refuge, Homer, AK 99603, U.S.A. (from +1 to -49%; Strick et al. 1997). Here, we present an

Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 54: 1342-1348 (1997) © 1997 NRC Canada
Merrick et al. 1343

Fig. 1. Sites and diet analysis areas in Alaska where Steller sea lion fecal samples were collected for 1990-1993. Haul-outs are underlined and
include Long, Amlia, and Alaid islands. All remaining sites are rookeries, with Kiska Island including two separate rookeries.

area-specific comparison between diet and population change. series of three nested sieves (2, 1, and 0.5 mm) or passed through an
We initially tested a hypothesis of no difference in diets between automated washing device (an elutriator; Bigg and Olesiuk 1990) to
areas (i.e., no relationship between diet and rates of declines). separate the prey materials. Identifiable hard parts (otoliths, other
Differences were found; thus, we tested a second hypothesis intact bones, teeth, and beaks) were removed and stored dry in vials.
Prey remains contained in each scat were identified by comparing
that there was no relationship between diet and the amount of
them with reference materials. Most of this identification was per-
decline by area. Rejection of this hypothesis would then sup- formed by Pacific Identifications, Victoria, B.C. Prey were identified
port a third hypothesis that diet and the decline were related. to the lowest taxonomic level possible (often species) using multiple
structures. A detailed discussion of these methods is provided in Olesiuk
Materials and methods et al. (1990). Of the original 421 scats, 364 contained identifiable fish
or cephalopod remains (Merrick 1995), 39 contained only unidentifi-
Collection and laboratory methods able fish parts, and 18 contained no identifiable remains. Taxa identi-
Fecal samples (n = 421) were collected at Steller sea lion haul-outs fied from the 364 scats were grouped into the following categories:
and rookeries during the last week of June and first week of July or (1) gadids: walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma), Pacific cod
the first week of August (western Aleutian Islands only) of (Gadus macrocephalus), Pacific hake (Merluccius productus), and
1990-1993. A total of 37 collections were made at 19 rookeries and unidentified gadids; (2) Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.);
three haul-outs in the area from the Kodiak Archipelago in the central (3) small schooling fish: capelin (Mallotus villosus), Pacific herring
Gulf of Alaska westward through the Near Islands in the western (Clupea pallasi), eulachon (Thaleichthys pacifius), and Pacific sand
Aleutian Islands (Fig. 1). Most of the sea lions (other than pups) on lance (Ammodytes hexapterus); (4) flatfish: arrowtooth flounder
the rookeries were adult females, so most of the scats collected came (Atheresthes stomias), rock sole (Pleuronectes bilineatus), and other
from adult females. pleuronectids; (5) other demersal fish: sculpins (Cottidae), rockfish
Biologists collected only fresh scats to ensure that remains were (Sebastes spp.), Stichaeidae, skates (Raja spp.), sharks, and lamprey
from recent feeding trips. Older scats are harder to process, and could (Lampetra sp.); (6) Atka mackerel (Pleurogrammus monopterygius);
result in damaged hard parts. A scat was only collected if it was (7) cephalopods: squid and octopus. Species were grouped based on
obvious that it had come from one animal. Each scat was scooped into similarities in their behavior (e.g., schooling versus nonschooling),
a separate gallon-sized plastic bag and frozen. Scats were processed nutritional content, and patterns of abundance during the period
at the National Marine Mammal Laboratory’s food habits laboratory (Merrick 1995). Analysis at a higher taxonomic level also reduces the
in Seattle, Wash.. Samples were thawed and allowed to soak for at effect of errors in the identification of prey.
least 24 h in an emulsification mixture (Treaty and Crawford 1981)
until the scat had softened and formed a slurry at the bottom of the Analyses
The softened scat materials were either hand-washed through a Separate analysis of the 37 individual collections (a day and site

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1344 Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Vol. 54, 1997

combination) was generally inappropriate because of the small sam- Diet diversity index (DDI)
ple size and because of biases possible from site- and time-specific An index was developed using the Shannon-Wiener species diversity
samples. We were concerned about sample sizes, from 1 to 22 scats index (Ricklefs 1979) as a model to evaluate diet differences between
per collection with a mean of 10, because unrepresentative small sam- analysis areas:
ples (e.g., a collection of one scat) could inadvertently skew the re-
sults. Thus, we dropped from analysis the nine collections with less
than five scats (a total of 26 scats). This left 338 scats for analysis.
Furthermore, we expected that because each collection only reflected
what was available at the site on the collection day, individual collec- where DDIa= diversity of the ath area. Potential values ranged from
tions were not accurate indices of the general diet of the site or area. 1.0 (one taxon in the diet) to 7.0 (all seven categories equally repre-
Collections should probably be viewed as a sampling unit. Conse- sented). Analysis area DDIa were calculated from the mean FOak
quently, we decided that it would be more appropriate to use some values for all collections within the area.
aggregation of collections.
Adjacent sea lion rookeries have had similar population trends Analysis ofspatial and temporal differences
(York et al. 1996), suggesting that some shared environmental feature Techniques for statistical comparisons of the split-sample FO values
(e.g., a common food resource) might link sites together. Because our have not been rigorously developed. Therefore, we used a contin-
research focused on associating population change with dietary dif- gency table analysis of the numerical occurrence of prey categories in
ferences, an analysis structure that captured this spatial pattern of scats (Pearson χ2, α = 0.05) to test for spatial differences.
common population trends seemed appropriate. Therefore, we used a Temporal differences were analyzed for two areas: the eastern
spatial structure developed from a cluster analysis of individual rook- Aleutian Islands and the Kodiak Island area of the Gulf of Alaska. For
ery population trends from 1989 to 1994 (York et al. 1996): (i) Gulf the eastern Aleutian Islands, diet samples were available from Bogoslof
of Alaska (GOA); (ii) eastern Aleutian Islands (EAI); (iii) central and Ugamak islands for 1985-1989 (40 scats) and 1990-1993
Aleutian Islands Area 1 (CAI-1); (iv) central Aleutian Islands Area 2 (52 scats). Comparisons in the Kodiak Island area were made between
(CAI-2); (v) central Aleutian Islands Area 3 (CAI-3); (vi) western the June-July stomach collections from 1976-1978 (n = 28) and
Aleutian Islands (WAI). This geographical structure (Fig. 1) was used 1985-1986 (n = 20) and the 1990-1993 scat collections (n = 54)
for the food habits analyses discussed here. (Pitcher 1981; D. Calkins, unpublished data; Merrick and Calkins
1996). Because the Kodiak collections from the 1970s and 1980s
Calculation of the frequency of occurrence of prey categories were from stomachs with prey identified only from whole fish or from
within the diet otoliths, it is likely that the results are not strictly comparable with the
1990-1993 scat analyses. To minimize the effect of these differences
The relative importance of prey in the diet was measured using split-
on comparisons, only the proportions of animals consuming a prey
sample frequency of occurrence (Olesiuk et al. 1990). The split-
category group were compared (rather than attempting to calculate a
sample frequency of occurrence of each prey category (FOjk) for a
split-sample frequency of occurrence). Contingency table (Pearson χ2,
collection was calculated as follows:
α = 0.05) analysis was used to test the frequency of occurrence of
each of the seven categories by time or area.

i=1 k=1 Comparison between diets andpopulation change

The DDI and FO (by category) were compared (correlation coeffi-
where i = scat sample within a collection, j = collection (each site and cients, a = 0.05) with the estimated population change of an analysis
year combination), k = prey categories (1 > k > 7), and Oijk= a binary area’s rookery population for the period from 1990 to 1994. Count
variable for the presence of prey category k in the ith scat sample for data were obtained from the 1990 and 1994 NMFS Steller sea lion
area j. Thus, the frequency of occurrence (FOjk) in the diet of the kth aerial surveys (Merrick et al. 1991; Strick et al. 1997). No survey
prey categories in the jth collection was estimated from the i = 1 to nj occurred in 1993.
samples collected in that analysis area. The FOak for a specific cate-
gory (k) for an analysis area (a) was calculated as the sum of the
weighted category FOs for all j collections from the area: Results
The 338 scats with identifiable contents contained the remains
of 29 taxonomic groups, including 13 species (Merrick 1995).
j=1 Atka mackerel was the most common prey category and spe-
where p, = number of animals counted at the site around the time of cies identified (209 occurrences in the 338 samples). Gadids,
the collection, Pa= total number of animals counted at all analysis the second most common taxon (n = 145 scats), included 98
area sites where collections occurred, and na = number of collections scats with walleye pollock, 95 with unidentified gadids (prob-
in an analysis area. Population numbers used in the weighting were ably walleye pollock), six with Pacific cod, and five with
obtained from the NMFS aerial survey typically conducted Pacific hake. Salmon and cephalopods were the third (n = 66
2-3 weeks prior to the date of the collection. scats) and fourth (n = 39 scats) most common prey. Cephalo-
The split-sample approach assumes that remains in the sample pods were always found in association with fish remains.
represent a complete sample of all prey consumed in the most recent Thirty samples included small schooling fish. In almost all
meal(s) and that individual prey taxa were consumed in the meal in cases, these scats contained only small schooling fish remains;
equal volume. Olesiuk et al. (1990) assessed the degree to which these
assumptions were violated using dietary information from the north-
therefore, they were not introduced from the guts of other
em fur seal and found the amount of error to be relatively small. larger fish (e.g., Pacific cod or walleye pollock). Most of the
However, in viewing these results, one must remain aware that certain small schooling fish were Pacific herring (n = 16 scats) or
fish with small bony structures may be underrepresented. A volumet- Pacific sand lance (n = 11 scats), but capelin (n = 3 scats) and
ric approach would have been preferable; however, the requisite data eulachon (n = 1 scat) were also found. Other demersal fish
for volumetric analyses (e.g., otoliths to estimate prey size) usually were found in 22 samples and included a variety of species.
are not available from Steller sea lion scats. Flatfish was the least commonly found category (n = 11 scats).

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Table 1. Steller sea lion’s relative consumption of seven prey categories, DDI, and percent decline in rookery populations by area of Alaska
(see Fig. 1 for analysis areas) for 1990-1993.
Small Other Atka Squid or Decline
Sample Gadids Salmon schooling Flatfish demersal mackerel octopus 1990-1994
Area sizea (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) DDI (%)
Gulf of Alaska 76 (8) 66.5 20.3 6.1 3.9 0.0 0.3 2.9 2.8 -35.7
EAI 67 (5) 32.9 17.3 7.7 1.8 7.3 30.7 2.3 4.0 1.1
CAI-1 33 (3) 40.2 21.8 3.3 0.0 5.4 29.4 0.0 3.2 -20.1
CAI-2 54 (5) 9.7 4.7 0.0 0.0 2.2 69.7 13.7 2.5 -25.2
CA13 80 (4) 3.2 0.5 0.0 0.0 4.9 84.2 7.1 1.6 -48.5
WAI 28 (2) 6.9 4.6 0.0 0.0 4.6 77.3 6.7 2.0 -40.9
Area-wide 338 (27) 25.6 11.1 3.1 0.7 3.3 50.7 5.4 3.5 -20.7
Pearson χ2 130.3 38.3 55.9 19.0 18.5 186.2 27.7
P <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.002 0.002 <0.001 <0.001
Note: Pearson χ2 calculated from the number of scats with or without a prey.
Number of collections in parentheses.

Fig. 2. Proportion of Steller sea lion diet attributable to six fish prey categories by Alaskan analysis area from 1990-1993 fecal samples.

Spatial differences had the highest proportion of Atka mackerel in the diet and the
All seven categories had different (Pearson χ2, P < 0.01) spa- lowest proportions of gadids, salmon, small schooling fish, and
tial consumption patterns (Table 1). Diet in each area was flatfish in the diet.
dominated by one or two categories (walleye pollock or Atka Differences existed in diet diversity (DDI) among the six
mackerel; Fig. 2); however, there was a distinct shift in the regions (Table 1). Diet diversity was greatest in the eastern
dominant taxon from east to west. The major prey of sea lions Aleutian Islands (DDI = 4.0) and least diverse in Area 3 of the
in the Gulf of Alaska was walleye pollock (FO = 0.665). The central Aleutian Islands (DDI = 1.6).
proportion of walleye pollock in the diet decreased to the west During 1990-1994, the adult and juvenile Steller sea lion
where it was replaced by Atka mackerel (Fig. 2). From Area 2 population in Alaska decreased by 20.7% (Strick et al. 1997).
in the central Aleutian Islands westward the diet consisted Populations of adult and juvenile sea lions in specific study
mostly of Atka mackerel (FO = 0.647-0.842). Salmon, small areas decreased up to 48.5% (Table 1). Diet diversity was
schooling fish, and flatfish were found more commonly in the negatively correlated (Pearson r = -0.994, P = 0.004) with
eastern areas. No spatial patterns were apparent for other de- population trends in the six areas (Fig. 3). The less diverse the
mersal fish or cephalopods. diet the more an area’s population declined. We also compared
Only the eastern Aleutian Islands scats contained all seven the FO values for each category with population change; small
categories (Table 1). Atka mackerel and walleye pollock made schooling fish were the only category with a significant corre-
up roughly equal parts of the diet. This area had the highest lation (Pearson r = 0.8144, P = 0.05).
proportion of small schooling fish and other demersal fish, and
a moderately high proportion of salmon. Area 3 of the central Temporal differences
Aleutian Islands represented the opposite dietary extreme. It Scats collected from Bogoslof and Ugamak islands in the eastern

© 1997 NRC Canada

1346 Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Vol. 54, 1997

Aleutian Islands during the summers of 1985-1989 contained Fig. 3. Steller sea lion DDI (based on scat analysis) compared with
only three prey categories: gadids (n = 39, FO = 0.867), population declines experienced during 1990-1994 at rookeries in
salmon, (n = 6, FO = 0.083), and cephalopods (n = 4, FO = six areas. Point “A” is comparable data from the eastern Aleutian
0.050). Gadid (mostly walleye pollock) consumption was less Islands collected during 1985-1989. The regression line was fit to
in 1990-1993 (FO = 0.372) than in 1985-1989 (χ2= 23.47, the equation y = 0.195x - 0.804 (r2 = 0.901, P < 0.01) for the six
P < 0.001). There was no difference between years areas’ 1990-1993 DDIs (x) and 1990-1994 rookery population
(1990-1993) in the proportion of sea lions consuming flatfish changes (y).
(FO = 0.0), salmon (FO = 0.061), or cephalopods (FO =
0.088). All other prey were consumed more frequently in the
1990-1993 period: small schooling fish (FO = 0.037, χ2=
9.89, P = 0.002), other demersal fish (FO = 0.079, χ2 = 7.54,
P = 0.006), and Atka mackerel (FO = 0.364, χ2= 26.61, P <
0.001). The diet diversity index for the 1985-1989 collection
was 1.6: and the 1989 population was 54.0% of the 1985 popu-
lation (point “A” on Fig. 3).
Gadids were the most common summertime prey in the
Kodiak Island area in the 1985-1986 and 1990-1993 collec-
tions, but not in the 1976-1978 collection (Table 2). Of 54
scats from 1990 to 1993 with identifiable remains, 46 (85.2%)
contained gadids compared with 32.1% of stomachs in collec-
tions from 1976 to 1978 (χ2= 23.49, P < 0.001) and 60.0% of
Diet diversity index
stomachs in 1985-1986 (χ2= 5.46, P = 0.019). Salmon and
small schooling fish were the second most common prey in the
1990-1993 collection (18.5% of scats each). Salmon con-
sumption did not differ from the earlier collections. Small the sea lion population has since gone through a severe decline
schooling fish consumption was not different from that re- (Strick et al. 1997).
corded in 1985-1986, but was less than in 1976-1978 (60.7% The available data suggest that the Steller sea lion diet was
of stomachs; χ2= 14.86, P < 0.001). At that time, small different prior to the onset of the declines, which began in the
schooling fish (mostly capelin) were the most common prey eastern Aleutian Islands in the early 1970s and in the Gulf of
in the summer Kodiak Island collections. The 1990-1993 col- Alaska in the early 1980s (Merrick et al. 1987). Fiscus and
lection included only one sample with capelin; the remainder Baines (1966) found capelin in nine and Pacific sand lance in
were either Pacific sand lance (n = 4), Pacific herring (n = 4), five of 14 sea lion stomachs collected in the eastern Aleutian
or unidentifiable osmerids (n = 1). Flatfish were the fourth Islands and Gulf of Alaska during 1960-1962. Walleye pol-
most common prey in 1990-1993 (13.0% of scats). This was lock and Atka mackerel were each found in one stomach. In a
greater than observed in either of the previous collections and single summer’s collection at Chemabura Island in 1960 (n =
was different (χ2 = 3.97, P = 0.046) from 1976-1978 when no 74 stomachs with contents), 12 stomachs were found with
flatfish were found in the summer Kodiak Island area stom- “smelt” (perhaps capelin), 10 with “greenling” (perhaps Atka
achs. The proportion of sea lions consuming cephalopods did mackerel), seven with rockfish, five with sculpins, and 19 with
not differ between periods. Atka mackerel and other demersal cephalopods (Mathisen et al. 1962). No walleye pollock were
fish were not found in any of the Kodiak Island samples. found. Similarly, Pitcher (1981) found capelin in 61% of the
stomachs of sea lions collected in the Kodiak Island area in the
summers of 1975-1978. Subsequent studies, including this
Discussion study, have failed to find capelin in significant numbers of
stomachs. Of these predecline studies, only the 1975-1978
The high correlation between area-specific diet diversity and Kodiak Island collection included a substantial amount of
population change supports the hypothesis that diet is linked walleye pollock (32% of stomachs).
with the Steller sea lion population decline in Alaska. Addi- No Steller sea lion food habits study has found a stable or
tional support for this linkage comes from the increase in diet increasing population maintained on a diet consisting mostly
diversity observed in the eastern Aleutian Islands area between of either walleye pollock or Atka mackerel; it appears that at
1985-1989 (a period of large decline) and 1990-1993 (a pe- least two major prey need to be commonly available (e.g.,
riod of stability). The Kodiak Island data also support this walleye pollock and Atka mackerel in the eastern Aleutians in
hypothesis. Pitcher (198 1) found that capelin and walleye pol- 1990-1993 and walleye pollock and capelin in the Kodiak area
lock were common in the sea lion summer diet during the in 1975-1978). The eastern Aleutian Islands data further sug-
1970s. Merrick and Calkins (1996) found that the 1985-1986 gest that having secondary prey available stabilizes sea lion
summer diet in the Kodiak Island area had increased its focus numbers. However, this apparent need for multiple prey is not
on walleye pollock (despite declines in juvenile walleye pol- necessarily due to differences in the energetic density of prey.
lock abundance), and capelin was gone from the diet. They Fadely et al. (1994) found that California sea lions (Zalophus
suggested that this may have contributed to the moderate popu- californianus) maintained mass equally well on diets of either
lation declines that occurred there between the 1970s and walleye pollock (4.6 kJ•g wet mass-1) or herring (6.0 kJ•g wet
1980s. The 1990-1993 diet indicated a further concentration mass-l). This suggests that the advantage of using several prey
of the diet on walleye pollock since the 1985-1986 period, and is one of foraging efficiency. Diverse prey is easier to find

© 1997 NRC Canada

Merrick et al. 1347

Table 2. Proportion of Steller sea lion stomachs and scats containing seven prey categories for summer
Kodiak Island area collections made during 1976-1978, 1985-1986, and 1990-1993.
Small Other Atka Squid or
Sample Gadids Salmon schooling Flatfish demersal mackerel octopus
Period size (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
1990-1993 54 85.2 18.5 18.5 13.0 0.0 0.0 11.1
1985-1986 20 60.0 5.0 20.0 5.0 0.0 0.0 20.0
1976-1978 28 32.1 17.9 60.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

(more prey patches), capture (patch densities are increased), availability of small schooling and demersal fish prey has in-
and handle (prey size is correct). creased in the eastern Aleutian Islands, it may be a result of
recent declines in the abundance of piscivorous, adult walleye
Source(s) of the diet differences pollock (Wespestad 1994; Merrick 1996). Conversely, the re-
The 1990-1993 diets appear to reflect a combination of the sea cent record high abundance of piscivorous, adult arrowtooth
lions’ preference for relatively small (< 30 cm) schooling mid- flounder in the Gulf of Alaska could be partly responsible for
water fishes (Merrick and Calkins 1996) and changes in the the apparent low abundance of small fish prey there (Wilderbuer
diversity and abundance of prey species. In the Aleutian Islands and Brown 1992; Merrick 1995).
region, Atka mackerel biomass increased significantly after In conclusion, it should be recognized that these results
the early 1980s (Lowe and Fritz 1994). Abundance of small reflect only the diets of successfully foraging adult females in
walleye pollock on the eastern Bering Sea shelf was also high summer. Sea lions who do not find prey leave no record of
during 1989-1993 as a result of the strong 1989 year-class their failure in scat analyses. However, we believe that these
(Wespestad 1994). Thus, sea lions in the eastern Aleutian Islands analyses still represent a reasonable index of the prey field
may have benefitted from positive trends in prey abundance sampled by foraging sea lions. This is because the collections
from both the Aleutian Islands and the eastern Bering Sea and integrate across a range of foraging successes, including sea
had multiple abundant schooling prey available during 1990- lions who forage poorly but find some prey as well as those
1993. sea lions who forage quite well and maintain a rich diet. Still,
Sea lions in most other areas generally consumed only one the apparent relationship found between summer diets and the
category of schooling prey, probably because of the low abun- pattern of decline was unexpected because food limitation has
dance of such prey. Walleye pollock abundance decreased been predicted to most heavily affect juvenile sea lions in win-
through most of the central and western Aleutian Islands dur- ter (Loughlin and Merrick 1989). Juvenile sea lions appear to
ing the 1980s and 1990s while Atka mackerel populations be less adept foragers than adults (Merrick et al. 1994; Merrick
were increasing (Lowe and Fritz 1994; Wespestad 1994). This 1995) and juveniles have a more restricted diet than adults
restricted sea lions there to a diet composed largely of Atka (Merrick and Calkins 1996). Prey densities are also lower in
mackerel. In the Gulf of Alaska, Atka mackerel biomass has winter near sea lion haul-outs; many prey (e.g., Atka mackerel,
remained very low since the early 1980s (1993 adult biomass = salmon, capelin, and herring) are only found nearshore in sum-
21 600 t (metric tons); Lowe and Fritz 1994). Walleye pollock mer during spawning, and in winter are only available offshore
biomass was reduced and declining through 1993, but walleye and in deeper water. Thus, any indication of scarcity seen in
pollock biomass remained much greater than that of Atka the summer adult diet could be magnified in winter, particu-
mackerel (1993 adult biomass = 1 062 000 t; Hollowed et al. larly for juvenile sea lions. Our results suggest that summer
1994). However, most of the walleye pollock biomass in diets of adult females index the prey available to juvenile sea
1990-1993 consisted of large, older fish from the 1984-1985 lions in winter. Perhaps this is due to the absence or presence
year-classes. These fish were larger than those that sea lions of the small fish in both diets because the large size of adult
normally consume (Merrick and Calkins 1996). walleye pollock and Atka mackerel may make these prey dif-
The other feature distinguishing the diet of eastern Aleutian ficult for small sea lions to capture and consume. Insofar as
Islands sea lions from other areas was the common consump- juvenile survival is related to their foraging success, then in-
tion of other categories of prey. Salmon and small schooling creased diversity in the adult diet would correlate well with
fish constituted more than 10% of the diet. Salmon abundance improved population trends.
was high in Alaska during 1990-1993 (Hare and Francis 1995)
and they were relatively common in sea lion diets from almost Acknowledgments
all areas. However, the eastern Aleutian Islands area was the
only area where small schooling fish (Pacific herring and Pacific We gratefully acknowledge all those personnel from the
sand lance) and other demersal fish made up a significant part NMFS, USF&WS, and ADF&G who collected scats at rook-
of the diet. This suggests that these prey are more common in eries and haul-outs throughout southwestern Alaska. Chris
the area, but there is little research to document this. Prey Gburski and Charles Hutchinson processed most of the scats at
surveys begun in 1994 by NMFS, USF&WS, and University the AFSC. This manuscript was improved by comments from
of Alaska in the eastern Aleutian Islands to central Gulf of Jason Baker, Howard Braham, Thomas Loughlin, Michael
Alaska area suggest that pelagic and demersal fish abundance is Perez, and two anonymous reviewers. An earlier draft of this
highest in the eastern Aleutian Islands (NMFS, 7600 Sand Point manuscript was included in the University of Washington.
Way, Seattle, Wash., unpublished data; B. Norcross, University Ph.D. dissertation of Richard Merrick. This research was
of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska, personal communication). If authorized under U.S. Marine Mammal Protection Act Permits

© 1997 NRC Canada

1348 Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. Vol. 54, 1997

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