Gen 002 Reviewer SAS 8
Gen 002 Reviewer SAS 8
Gen 002 Reviewer SAS 8
Lesson 8 Factors affecting self: Biological, Psychological, and Socio- Lesson 9 Physical Self – Body Image and Self-Esteem
Physical self – body
Body’s performance functions least well during infancy and old age
Biological Factors – body or physical self (includes internal and
Body image – how we perceive, think, and feel about our body and
external organs)
Psychological factors- what is in our mind, what we think
Self-esteem – evaluation of self-worth or value
Cognition- important part of individual development
process; refers to how information is being taken and analyzed
Cause of poor body image:
Types of Cognitive Process:
1. Emphasis on thin ideal body
1. Attention – focus
2. Bullying and peer pressure
2. Language development – express ourselves through
3. Media
spoken and written words
3. Perception - (different from sensation) how we respond Effects:
to what we sense
4. Thought – essential part of cognitive process, allows us 1. Body dissatisfaction
to engage in analyzing situations 2. Depression
5. Memory – remembering and utilizing gained 3. Low self-esteem
information 4. Eating disorder
Bulimia – purging after eating a lot
Socrates – he knows what he knows and knows what he Anorexia nervosa – refusing to eat due to fear of gaining
doesn’t know weight
5. Body modifications
John B. Watson – “The Founder of Behaviorism” , Little
Albert Experiment Tattooing
Permanent make-up
Socio-economic factors – quality of life in a society (education, Body piercing
income, social status) , role in the society Cosmetic surgery
*The 3 factors aid in understanding the self as well
Lesson 10 The Material/ Economic Self 2. CBD (Compulsive Bullying Disorder) – psychological
dysfunction caused by materialism
William James ~ “If they wax and prosper, he feels triumphant, if
they dwindle and die anyway, he feels cast down – not necessarily Brand image – impressions on an object
in the same degree for each thing, but in much the same way for all”
Brand identity – how the person portrays itself to other people
1. Feminine
2. Masculine
3. Neuter – neither male or female
4. Common – either male or female
5. Agender – no gender
6. Cisgender – sex at birth responds to gender
7. Genderfluid – gender depends on the day or mood
Erogenous zones
1. Genitals
2. Mouth
3. Breast
4. Ears
5. Anus
6. Entire body surface (lesser degree)