NIM : 2212614140P
1. Can you show me how can I meet the doctor here = dapatkah Anda
jika saya ingin membuat janji? siapa yang harus saya hubungi?
3. How about the payment for medicines = bagaimana dengan pembayaran obat-
Example of sentences : After the consultation with your doctor, you will be
5. Look pale with a hoarse voice, tom = terlihat pucat dengan suara serak, tom
Example of sentences : i feel you look pale with hoarse voice, tom
Example of sentences : doctor, I've had a sore throat for four days
8. I’II have your temperature taken = Saya akan mengukur suhu Anda
9. Have you got a dry and scratchy throat recently = apakah Anda mengalami
Example of sentences : I want to ask you, Have you had a dry and itchy throat
10. Whenever I swallow anything, my throat hurts a lot = setiap kali saya
11. And i have mild cough sometimes = Dan saya terkadang batuk ringan
12. I’II prescribe medicines for you = Saya akan meresepkan obat untuk Anda
15. that's a marked improvement in your condition = itu adalah peningkatan yang
16. I’m not coming here for my weight though = Saya tidak datang ke sini untuk
17. But somehow I’ve got a pain in my shoulders = Tapi entah kenapa bahuku
terasa sakit
18. Lose weight as soon as possible = Menurunkan berat badan sesegera mungkin
19. Better take a few days off, but still maintain your diet balanced = Lebih baik
mengambil cuti beberapa hari, tetapi tetap menjaga pola makan Anda
Example of sentences : I suggest to you, It's better to take a few days off, but
20. I’ve made an appointment two days ago = Saya sudah membuat janji dua hari
yang lalu
21. I dont’t fell so right. I’m a bit dizzy = Saya tidak merasa benar. aku sedikit
Example of sentences : I've been feeling bad lately. I'm a little dizzy
22. Can you describe more clearly = Bisakah Anda menggambarkan lebih jelas?
Example of sentences : well I ask what, can you describe it more clearly?
23. I’ve just vomited an hour ago, and i feel like it’s coming back = Saya baru
saja muntah satu jam yang lalu, dan saya merasa seperti kembali lagi
24. I’m afraid an urgent operation is necessary = Saya khawatir operasi mendesak
25. I think i’ve got a fever ,doctor. My head is hot = Saya pikir saya demam,
26. Can you please roll up your sleeves = Bisakah Anda menyingsingkan lengan
baju Anda?
Example of sentences : Helen I'll check on you. Can you roll up your sleeves?
27. I’m gonna have your blood checked = Aku akan memeriksakan darahmu
28. I’m here to take the annual health examinition = Saya di sini untuk mengikuti
29. Can you open your mounth and say ‘A’ = Bisakah kamu membuka mulutmu
Example of sentences : ok Can you open your mouth and say 'A' to me
30. I’m gonna give you an injection = Saya akan memberi Anda suntikan
31. Now lemme pulse you = saya akan memeriksa nadi kamu
33. I’ve got the worst stomachache = Saya menderita sakit perut yang paling
Example of sentences : Doctor, I have the worst stomach ache, it hurts a lot
36. Does it hurt when i touch here = Apakah sakit ketika saya menyentuh di sini?
Example of sentences : i will check you .does it hurt when i touch here?
37. It’s hurt badly on the top left side = Sakit parah di sisi kiri atas
39. My back’s hurt like it’s killing me = Punggungku sakit seperti membunuhku
40. Don’t have a history of backache = Tidak memiliki riwayat sakit pinggang
my family
41. Your back hasn’t been straightened up for a long time = Punggung Anda
Example of sentences : I feel your back hasn't been straightened for a long
43. you’ii have to be hospitalized for further treatment = Anda harus dirawat di
45. like someone squeezing my head really hard. And i’m experiencing nausea =
seperti seseorang meremas kepalaku sangat keras. Dan saya mengalami mual
Example of sentences : and now i feel like i'm going to throw up one more
48. there’s no appetite = tidak ada nafsu makan Saya menderita insomnia akhir-
akhir ini
49. i’ve got insomia lately = Saya menderita insomnia akhir-akhir ini
a lot
50. I only sleep 4 hours on average = Saya hanya tidur rata-rata 4 jam
53. How long will it take, by the way = Omong-omong, berapa lama waktu yang
Example of sentences : By the way, how long will it take?, for you to sleep
54. Will there be any after-effects = Apakah akan ada efek setelahnya?
55. What’s the matter, how’s she now , is she getting worse = Ada apa,
58. I’ve been having trouble breathing lately = Saya mengalami kesulitan
breathing lately
59. I’ve got a dry cough and always in a tiring state = Saya mengalami batuk
60. Have heavy feeling when you breathe = Merasa berat saat bernafas
Example of sentences : I felt like someone punched me in the chest. It's hard
to breathe late
62. I think you must be hospitalized for further studies = Saya pikir Anda harus
Example of sentences : For the sake of your health, I think you should be