Social Influences of Methamphetamine Abuse Among Youngster in Mardan

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International Journal of Formal Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends

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© International Scientific Research and Researchers Association

Social Influences of Methamphetamine Abuse Among

Youngsters in Mardan


Student at Department of Sociology Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan KP, Pakistan
Email: [email protected]


The present study was conducted to get an idea of methamphetamine drug abuse among young people in
Mardan KP, Pakistan. In this study the researcher examines factors affecting ICE/meth drug abuse, the types of
ICE/meth drug people use or whether they have received treatment or not. In this study the researcher uses
Quantitative research method. The study is cross-sectional in nature. The researcher uses purposive sampling
which belongs to the non-probability sampling technique. The researcher collected data from study area through
questionnaire. Results show that majority of the respondents were 18-25 years old in which majority of the
respondents have used cigarette first before they started taking ICE and most of the respondents were currently
using ICE. Most of them were using it more heavy form of ICE. Family and peers appears to have strong
influence on young people use of ICE. Respondents reported ICE use for several reasons including fun,
curiosity, relaxation and to look cool. Few respondents were willing to receive treatment or have ever received
treatment. Further such studies need to be conducted in order to get more information about social influence and
how relevant policies can be design.

Keywords: Drug Abuse, Illicit Drugs, Stimulants, Drug Addiction, Methamphetamine.

1. Introduction

Drug abuse is one of the most serious problem in the world. Drug abuse is a frequent problem among Pakistani
youth, who represent 28% of the entire population of Pakistan [17][22][30]. It is a complex phenomenon and a
major concern associated with a number of health problems including brain damage, cardiovascular problems,
gastrointestinal problems, respiratory problems, liver damage and damage to the immune system etc.

* Corresponding author.

International Journal of Formal Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends (IJFSCFRT) (2020) Volume 6, No 1, pp 1-10

Drug abuse can have short and long-term effects. These effects often depend on the precise drug used. The
consequences of drug abuse are more serious for young people than for adults [24]. Among the youth population
in Pakistan, almost 25% are involved in some form of drug abuse. Among younger drug addicts, aged 15-19, the
most widely used drug is cannabis. Compared to other national estimates, opioid use is very high with one
million people using heroin or opium [10]. Another drug is Methamphetamine which is widely used drug in
many parts of the world and is close to a decade that is available to most drug addicts and has a significant
prevalence of use [20]. The use of 'Shisheh' with cannabis (chars) and other drugs is a new emerging trend and
is particularly abused by young men, mainly from the upper socioeconomic status in the elegant areas of the
cities [10]. Official statistics show that the total number of drug addicts in Pakistan is 7.6 million, with 78% men
and 22% women [24]. Among these 800,000 people aged 15 to 64 are addicted to a more serious form of drugs
such as heroin [28]. Every year around 40,000 people in Pakistan start smoking each year making Pakistan one
of the top drug-affected countries in the world each year [24]. Compared to other drugs, methamphetamine /ICE
has been shown to have a stronger effect. Studies have shown that methamphetamine users are more likely to
have a more violent crime, risky and hostile behavior, and participation in common violent crimes among users
of illicit drugs and users of methamphetamine [4]. Considering the above facts, it is essential to conduct drug
abuse studies, the use of ICE. Most of the previous studies on drug use have been conducted in other countries.
Few studies have been carried out in South Asian countries and so far, few studies have examined ICE drug use
in Pakistan and therefore there is a gap in the existing literature. This study is designed to examine drug abuse in
Pakistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Mardan. A city located in the southwest of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The reason to
focus on using ice is twofold. First, there has been a significant increase in the use of ICE in Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa in recent years, as reported by various agencies, although official statistics are not available.
Second, there is a lack of research on this drug use, and therefore there is gap in the existing literature.

2. A Short Literature Review

Several theories have been presented to examine drug use among young people. These include primary
socialization theory as presented by Albert Bandera (1986) and group socialization theory presented by Judith
Harris (1995). Among these theories primary socialization theory fitted well with my research.

According to primary socialization theory most deviant behavior are learn are learned through primary
socialization agents. Such as parents, peer, and school. This theory considers the influence of family and peer
and explain how young people develop their attitude, belief, and behavior through these agents.

The main concept in primary socialization theory is bounding an individual well more likely to be influenced
more by an agent to which he or she has strong bond. If the bond between an individual and that agent is well
that particular individual well more likely to be looking for other primary social source to which they have more
stronger bond.

The drug Amphetamine was first produced by Germany in 1887 and methamphetamine belongs to the family of
amphetamine which was developed in Japan 1919 the most potent and easiest to produce [7]. Methamphetamine
was initially synthesized with Ma Haung, a Chinese herb to reduce soldier fatigue during World War II, a
International Journal of Formal Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends (IJFSCFRT) (2020) Volume 6, No 1, pp 1-10

synthetic psychostimulant drug, that significantly increases the activity of the central nervous system [2].
Amphetamine was originally used in nasal decongestants and bronchial inhalers [13].

Crystalline methamphetamine takes the form of bright blue-white glass fragments or "rocks" of various sizes
[1]. In Asia, methamphetamine is a common psychostimulant present in three main forms: base, powder, and
crystal. Since the latter part of the 2000s, there has been a sharp shift in the drug market in East and Southeast
Asia from opiates to methamphetamine [2]. In some Asian countries, the basic form of methamphetamine
recrystallizes from crystal meth or crystal, known as "ICE". Also known as "methamphetamine" or with various
street names such as "Crank", "Chalk", "Crystal", "Fire", "Glass", "Ice", or "Speed", "Shabu", methamphetamine
is classified as a class II drug, meaning that it has a high potential for abuse and limited medical use [14].

The powder form, traditionally known as "speed", is generally of relatively low purity and can be inhaled,
injected, or taken by mouth. Methamphetamine base is a moist, higher purity oily substance typically injected.
Crystalline methamphetamine, commonly known as "ice," is methamphetamine in its purest form and is
generally smoked or injected. In Australia, crystalline methamphetamine is currently the preferred form of
methamphetamine, followed by the powder form [3].

ICE can cause a considerable part of the disease burden, ranking second only to opioids. ICE users have
increased, reaching 37 million worldwide. In 2008, the United States government reported that around 13
million people over the age of 12 have used ice and 529,000 of them are regular users [27]. The young
generation who consumes ice in a way without knowing its damage to brain health.

It is an addictive drug and many times more dangerous than other drugs such as heroin and morphine. Ice
addicts generally smoke, inhale, and inject the drug that makes the user hyperactive for several hours. The ice
curse is spreading very quickly and, in addition to boys, girls are also victims of it [23]. With many other illicit
drugs like cocaine, heroin, and marijuana, the use of methamphetamine remains a popular trend among drug
addicts. Methamphetamine (ICE) is an addictive central nervous system stimulating drug whose chemical
structure is like amphetamine [14].

Methamphetamine is generally a white, odorless, bitter-tasting pill or powder that dissolves easily in water or
alcohol. The resulting product can be smoked, inhaled, injected, or ingested. Smoking and injection are the most
common forms of abuse, as they cause rapid onset euphoria. Chronic users can present aggression, anxiety,
mood instability and psychosis [21]. It was also widely available to treat a variety of mental disorders, including
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), obesity, narcolepsy, depression, obesity, and alcoholism[8].
Methamphetamine (ICE) is available in various forms, including powder, glass, rocks, and tablets.
Methamphetamine is a CNS stimulant produced by pseudoephedrine and ephedrine (ingredients in common
decongestants), as well as toxic chemicals such as acetone, ammonia (fertilizer), battery acid, ethylene glycol
(antifreeze) and ether [21].

Current evidence reveals a continuing trend toward increasing drug abuse worldwide [29]. The WHO report
(2004) estimates that 1.1 million people, representing a third of the world's population over the age of 15, use
International Journal of Formal Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends (IJFSCFRT) (2020) Volume 6, No 1, pp 1-10

tobacco mainly in the form of cigarettes produced [19]. According to data from the United Nations Office on
Drugs and Crime ATS have been used at higher rates than any other class of drugs except cannabis [30].

The number of cannabis users worldwide (on an annual basis) is estimated to be around 180 million, ATS users
around 34 million, opioid users 16.5 million and cocaine users around 17 million [30]. In many countries, there
are no population-based data on the extent of illicit drug use. As Degenhardt and colleagues (2010) pointed out,
methamphetamine can and is produced in a much wider variety of locations and "under more clandestine
conditions and at relatively lower costs [6]."

On behalf of the United Nations Reference Group on HIV and Drug Injection, Degenhardt et al. (2010)
conducted an in-depth review of the literature on the extent of methamphetamine and ATS use and on means of
consumption worldwide [6]. They noted that all regions of the world have documented use of ATS, including
the use of methamphetamine. Although production was highest in the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and North
America (including Mexico), production in Africa, particularly South Africa, was on the rise [6].

Some have suggested that strict measures taken in the United States to limit access to methamphetamine
precursors (e.g., pseudoephedrine) have reduced US production. USA But they increased production in Mexico
[5]. In some countries, the perception of the problems associated with amphetamine abuse has become so
worrisome that even more drastic measures have been taken. At the top of the list is Iran, which has a mandatory
death penalty for possession of 30 grams of methamphetamine in a regime with extremely severe penalties for
all drug crimes. Furthermore, executions can be elaborate and extremely painful.

In response to reports of precipitous increases in methamphetamine abuse, the Thai government banned all uses
of amphetamine in 1996, including for medical purposes. Other governments have also taken steps to limit the
legal uses of amphetamine, although most have not been as extreme as that taken in Iran and Thailand. For
example, in the UK and New Zealand, while d-amphetamine remains available for medical purposes, any use of
methamphetamine (including medical use) has been prohibited. Remember that d-amphetamine and
methamphetamine are essentially the same medication [9]. This knowledge raised concerns about the possible
harmful consequences of methamphetamine abuse on the brain and human behavior. Dopamine rich areas fulfill
a wide range of important human functions ranging from mood to movement, learning and memory. Indeed, a
large database collected from laboratory animals suggests that acute and long-term administration of
amphetamines produces destructive effects in various cognitive domains, including learning and memory. Also,
stimulant drugs are considered drug abuse, but the stimulant form changes from opioids to opioids.

These new or artificial substances like methamphetamine are used in the pharmacological treatment of
depressive mood disorders. A patient with methamphetamine toxicity should be referred immediately to a
psychiatrist, and it should be known that the patient with emotional instability can be dangerous to treat but can
be treated in the emergency room by treating the symptoms of an overdose and through certain therapies.
Furthermore, it is important to treat user or patient addiction, as addiction can lead to life-threatening conditions.

Methamphetamine is a highly addictive drug that is widely used in many parts of the world. According to the
International Journal of Formal Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends (IJFSCFRT) (2020) Volume 6, No 1, pp 1-10

study by Radfar and Rawson (2014) currently, there are no drugs that have shown evidence of efficacy in the
treatment of methamphetamine addiction, but several behavioral treatments have been shown to reduce the use
of methamphetamine and are needed additional treatments to provide a sufficient set of clinical tools to
adequately treat the methamphetamine majority of dependent persons[20].There are 14.7 million people (5.4%)
of the world's population who have tried methamphetamine at least once and 1.6 million people used
methamphetamine in the year before the survey, which is still one of the drugs most commonly used abused in
the world[30]. In addition to its devastating effects on individual health, methamphetamine abuse threatens
entire communities, causing new waves of crime, unemployment, child abuse or neglect, and other social ills.
Methamphetamine abuse has been shown to contribute to the increase and transmission of infectious diseases
such as HIV / AIDS and it also affects the individual psychologically, socially, and medically [28]. A 2009
report from the RAND Corporation found that methamphetamine abuse cost the nation about $ 23.4 billion in
2005[26]. But the good news is that methamphetamine abuse / addiction can be prevented and treated with
behavioral therapies and People can recover from methamphetamine addiction if they have immediate access to
effective treatments that address the multitude of medical and personal problems that result from long-term use
of the drug.

3. Research Method

The methodology proposed for this study is Quantitative and the study is cross-sectional in nature. Quantitative
research collects and analyzes numerical data. It can be used to find patterns and means, make predictions, test
causal relationships, and generalize results to larger populations [16].

Measuring Instrument: Researcher collected the data from the study area by questionnaire survey. The
questionnaires are based on the age and gender of respondents, causes of ICE drug abuse, what types of drugs
s/he tried out, treatment seeking attitude etc.

4. Sampling And Recruitment Strategies

The purposive sampling method was used to develop the research sample under discussion. Purposive sampling
belongs to the category of non-probability sampling techniques, the members of the sample are selected based
on their knowledge, reports and research skills [16]. According to this method, the members are Purposively
selected based on their understanding. After taking approval from university, I contacted psychiatry ward
chairperson Mardan Medical Complex and started collection data from Mardan Medical Complex and local
areas of Mardan. A total of 25 participants was purposively selected from different areas especially from
Mardan Medical Complex and local areas in this research study.

5. Results

a. Demographic Information: A total of 25 respondents completed the questionnaire. Among these all
respondents reported their gender. Out of these 88% were males and 12% were females. The data implies that
the majority of the respondents are in the age range of 18-25 years old, thus indicating that majority of the ICE
users belong to the younger age group. All the respondents are the residence of Mardan, KP, and they share the
International Journal of Formal Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends (IJFSCFRT) (2020) Volume 6, No 1, pp 1-10

same cultural and religious backgrounds. Out of 25 respondents 61% were single, 32% were married, 4% were
divorced. Among those 42% were uneducated, 53% were educated and 28% were students, 7.7% have their own
business, 30% related to other occupation, 15% were jobless, and 7.7% females were housewives.
b. Cigarette and ICE Use: In order to know if the ICE user have ever smoke cigarette, they were asked
whether they have ever used cigarette or currently using cigarette? Results shows that overall, 96% have smoked
cigarette while 3.8% shave never smoked cigarettes. Among those who have smoked cigarettes,94% were
currently smoker and 4% were nonsmoker. This finding supports the previous finding pertaining to other drug
user where studies have shown that those who are drug user will mostly be likely to have smoked cigarette as
c. Level of ICE/Methamphetamine use: The respondents reported both ever and current ICE use. The
percentage of current ICE users among 25 respondents was 68% and the rest of 30% were not currently ICE
users. The respondents reply that they use ICE in glass and powder form. In total 92% reported using ICE in
glass form and 8% reported using powder form of ICE. In order to know the extent of using ICE respondent
were asked how often they used ICE. 52% respondents reported using it on daily bases,32% respondents
reported using ICE once a week and 16% respondents reported using ICE once a month.
d. Peers and ICE use: The respondents reported that their friends and peer groups motivate them to start
ICE. Out of 25 respondents 64% respondents says that their friends motivate them to use ICE, 12% respondents
said that their best friend motivate them to use ICE, the survey results show that 72% respondents use ICE for
fun and 28% use it for relaxation with friends. In order to further examine how ICE user, feel when they are in
the company of their fellow ICE users, they were further asked how to do that feel when they are using ICE in
the company of their fellow ICE users? 36% reported that they feel relaxed when they use ICE with their
friends, (12%) respondents reported that they feel cool, 28% respondents reported that they feel more freer
while 24% respondent reported that they feel more confident while using ICE with friends.
e. Family and ICE Use: The results show that 56% of the respondent reported that their parents or
sibling have never been drug users. 44% respondents however reported their parents and siblings were drug
users. In order to know if the parents know about their children ICE use, they were asked if their parents know
about their ICE use. The results indicated that 92% parents know about their children ICE use and 8% parents
do not know about their children ICE use. To know whether the respondents of this study know about the
danger of ICE use., they were asked the question Do you know about the danger of ICE use? The survey results
show that 96% of respondents reported that they understand the seriousness of the problem of ICE use and 4%
parents do not understand the seriousness of the problem of ICE use. The survey results also show that with in
the family, those respondents who are married most of them reported their relation is not good with their spouse
because of ICE use.
f. Neighborhood and Drug use: Neighborhood also effect the life of young people who live in the
society where most of the people are drug addicts. The survey results show that 85% respondents reported that
ICE use is common in the area where they live. This finding is consistent with the findings of other studies
which shows that drug use is common in an area where drug use becomes a norm.
g. Work and Drug Use: The respondents of this study were asked if they face problems at work while
they are under the influence of ICE. The respondent either reply ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to this question. Among those
40% replied ‘yes’ that they face problems at work while the rest of 60% respondent replied ‘no’ that they do not
International Journal of Formal Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends (IJFSCFRT) (2020) Volume 6, No 1, pp 1-10

face problem at work. This finding is important and need further investigation of how work performance may be
affected when worker is under the influence of ICE use. Respondents of this study also reported that they gotten
in fights with other coworkers while they are under the influence of ICE drug. 52% respondents replied that
when they are under the influence of ICE drug they always fight with other coworker and 48% respondents
replied that they never fight with their coworker when they are under the influence of ICE use.
h. Illegal activities: Respondent were asked if they are or ever been involved with illegal activities when
they are under the influence of ICE use. Among those 28% respondents reported that they have been involved in
illegal activities and 72% reported that they have never been involved in illegal activities.
i. Treatment Information: Respondents were asked about quitting ICE use or they have ever tried to
stop ICE use. Overall,68% respondents replied that they once tried to quit ICE use and 32% respondents replied
that they are still ICE users and they never tried to quit ICE use. Among those 72% respondents accessed
someone to help them in stopping ICE use and 28% respondents do not accessed no one to help them stop ICE
use. In order to know the role of family and friends’ respondents were asked if they were ever motivated by their
family or friends to stop ICE use. Overall, 80% respondents replied that their family and friends motivate them
to stop ICE use and 20% respondents reported that neither their family nor their friends motivated them to stop
ICE use. The respondents were asked about treatment program they were involved. 72% respondents take
treatment related to ICE drug use and 28% respondents are not involved treatment program related to ICE drug
use in which 96% people respondents replied that they felt sick when they stop ICE drug and 4% respondents
replied that they do not felt sick when they stop ICE drug.
j. Perception about youth ICE use: Respondents were asked about their perception about ICE use
among young people. 91.7% respondents reported that ICE is increasing among young people while 8.3%
respondents reported that ICE use is not increasing among young people. Majority of respondents (96%)
reported that ICE use is normal among young people and 4% respondents reported that ICE abuse is not normal
among young people. When the respondents were asked about the help of government, 52% respondents
reported that government do not help people to stop ICE use and 48% respondents reported that government
help people to Stop Ice use.

6. Recommendations

The study has implications in terms of research and practice.

1. The finding of the study indicates that there is a lack of research available on ICE use among young
people particularly ICE use among female needs further investigation.
2. My finding also shows that family and peers seems to be crucial factors affecting ICE use and therefore
future study should focus on the role of family and peer.
3. The findings also show that there is a lack of government policies in terms of this particular topic. The
following policies base recommendation need to be considered. Government regulations and laws
should be introduced to ICE distributors, suppliers and even users.
4. The government should provide proper funding’s for drug centers.
5. The finding shows that most of the young people are cigarette user so, further studies should focus on
current Cigarette users.
International Journal of Formal Sciences: Current and Future Research Trends (IJFSCFRT) (2020) Volume 6, No 1, pp 1-10

6. The result of the study shows that family and peer have strong influence on ICE use among young
people therefore, family and peer-based ICE reduction policies to be consider in the future.
7. The findings of this study show that majority of the respondents have reported ICE use. The common
activity in their area. Therefore, community-based policies should be resigned to reduce ICE use.
8. The findings also show that there is only one drug center in Mardan district. While my studies show
that ICE increasing among young people.
9. The finding also shows that there should be more Rehabilitation centers needed in every city to reduce
ICE drug use.
10. Limitations

There are several limitations associated with this study. First, this study is cross-sectional in nature, therefore it
did not allow to examine trend in the use of ICE over a period of time. A longitudinal designed would have
allowed this, however keeping in view the time and resource meant it was not possible. Second, limitation is that
this study was based on quantitative methodology which focuses on broader picture. A qualitative study would
have allowed more in-depth information about ICE use among young people. Third, limitation of the study is
sample size of this study is small and within this the number of female is very low. Therefore, this study did not
provide more gender comparison about ICE use. Further studies should focus on larger sample size.


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