JI Session 5
JI Session 5
JI Session 5
Instructors Guide
Session 5
It is important to read this manual and have a clear understanding of the contents, prior to the
start of training.
This manual contains a complete outline for these training sessions. It is your guide on what to
say, what to write, techniques you should demonstrate, and even important things that you should
keep in mind throughout the training activities. The following will help you identify the various
types of materials.
TITLE Each section and subsection is labeled with a title, in CAPITALS, for
your reference.
TEXT The material should be presented in the order given to aid comprehension
and speed progress. You may change the wording to suit the teaching
situation - as long as you maintain the same general meaning.
[ ] Instructions inside square brackets are for you, the instructor. There are
four kinds of instructions:
[Thank all for assembling at the specified
In the past four sessions, we have discussed
the basic preparation steps and the four basic
teaching steps - techniques you will need to
apply in order to become more effective at Job
Instruction. Today, in the last session of this
program, we will discuss how you can apply
what you have just learned to your individual
working environments.
Note: Cover the basic points on the slide. Reinforce the 4 steps of the JI method and the sub points
under each heading as needed to ensure that the class has committed the contents to memory.
The first practical problem is, of course, that
the jobs you will have to teach are much
longer and far more complicated than the ones
used in the demonstrations. Because of the
Question: How would you apply the “How to
Instruct” card in such a situation?
Question: Do you think that a new employee
or someone from another section, will work
correctly, safely, and conscientiously if taught
all the jobs at once?
Answer: No
Question: How then should we teach them?
Exactly. We must break the job down into
more manageable pieces.
Question: What should we therefore consider?
Question: What should we look for here?
Question: Finally, what about you, the
instructor? Are you always free to devote
great amounts of time to individual
Answer: No
So, you see, you must split this job along three
different stages.
In each case we have broken larger jobs down
into smaller segments. Remember some jobs
are too large to learn “all at once”. Keep in
mind the capacity of the learner, the natural
breaks in a job, and time available for training.
Question: What are the four steps of JI?
[Demonstrate something illustrating “knack.”
Question: First, which sense can we not rely
upon in such a noisy environment?
Question: What sense can we use to
Since the employee cannot hear us, we must
provide additional clues - gestures, drawings,
demonstration, for example.
Question: What about the amount taught per
session? How should it change between a
quiet and a noisy environment?
Question: What about the number of
Question: If the pace is adjustable, what
should we do in a noisy environment?
Because of the noise, plants do not qualify as
ideal teaching environments. Remember, it if
is absolutely necessary to communicate
verbally with the employee, we can always
move to a quieter location for the discussion
In the first four sessions, we discussed the
basics of teaching correctly. Today we have
seen how to apply them to actual job training
applications. I would now like to open the
floor to discussion from you, the participants.
Question: What you think of this program?
Question: How do you plan to apply what you
have learned?
Question: Do you have any questions that I
may not have answered?
[It is important to motivate the trainees to
actually apply what they have learned after
they return to their individual work sites.
Make sure that they feel the need, as leaders,
to teach more effectively.
[Give examples of how better teaching can
reduce the time required to teach, the amount
of scrap, tool damage, and injuries.]
Leaders already using this approach have
discovered that they can achieve three of their
most important goals: Improving quality,
boosting production, and reducing costs. In
our very first session together, we wrote a list
of problems plaguing us in our daily work.
[Briefly review some of these problems: too
many injuries, problems with the 5 Ss, too
many rejects, too much damage to machinery,
These types of problems lower production and
product quality as they raise the production
costs. Time has shown, however, that a leader
satisfying five basic requirements - knowledge
of the work, knowledge of job responsibilities,
ability for Kaizen, leadership ability, and
teaching ability - is always able to reduce or
even eliminate these types of problems.
[Ask all trainees for their opinions:
By fulfilling all your obligations as leaders, you
will all be able to achieve your goals of
producing high-quality products efficiently and
at a reasonable cost. By bringing out the best
in your team members so that they do good
work, you will earn their respect, the respect
of your superiors, and the respect of other
I will illustrate and show you the correct method. Please watch it very carefully.
Explain REASON
Next time, I will explain the reason why the KEY POINT is important.
________________ is the key point of this major step ______ because
Next one is the key point of safety. If you forget this, you will cause accidents.
Have Team Member explain each KEY POINT as job is done again
Could you tell me the KEY POINT while doing this job?
Please tell me the KEY POINTS clearly as you try.
Please try this job as you explain the KEY POINTS of each MAJOR STEP.
Check frequently
I’ll check your job often (or every _____ minutes).
Beginning is always hard. So, I’ll check your job often.
Checking points are not so difficult, such as the correct position at your work
site, your motions, and the quality of goods you produce.
Encourage Questions
I would like you to promise me that you don’t make your own decision when
you come against new questions.
To ask is not a shame. Ask me as soon as possible if you have any questions.