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Under the Guidance of


in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree






Certified that this seminar report entitled ”IOT BASED INNOVATIVE DIGITAL
TROL” is the bonafide work of K.RAKESH (18UEEC0189), M.BHARGAV (18UEEC0283)
and T.VEERA GURUNADHAM (18UEEC0542) who carried out this Minor project under
my supervision.



Professor Professor
Department of ECE Department of ECE

Submitted for Evaluation of Minor Project on:−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−−

SRC Member 1 SRC Member 2


We express our deepest gratitude to our respected Founder Chancellor and President Col.
Prof. Dr. R. Rangarajan, Foundress President Dr. R. Sagunthala Rangarajan, Chairperson
Managing Trustee and Vice President.

We are very thankful to our beloved Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. S. Salivahanan for providing us
with an environment to complete the work successfully.

We obligated to our beloved Registrar Dr. E. Kannan for providing immense support in all our
endeavours. We thankful to our esteemed Dean Academics Dr. A. T. Ravichandran for providing
a wonderful environment to complete our work successfully.

We are extremely thankful and pay my gratitude to our Dean Dr. V. Jayasankar for his valuable
guidance and support on completion of this seminar.

It is a great pleasure for us to acknowledge the assistance and contributions of our Head of the De-
partment Dr.P.Esther Rani, Professor for her useful suggestions, which helped us in completing
the work in time and we thank her for being instrumental in the completion of third year with her
encouragement and unwavering support during the entire course.

We extremely thankful and pay my/our gratitude to our Minor project coordinator Dr. G. Aloy
Anuja Mary, Professor for his valuable guidance and support on completing this project report in
pleasant form.

We thank our department faculty, supporting staffs and my parents for encouraging and supporting
me throughout the study to complete this Minor project.









1.1 POWER THEFT IDENTIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3



3.1 EXISTING SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
3.2 PROPOSED SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11



5.1 BLOCK DIAGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
5.2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14


6.1 HARDWARE SPECIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
6.1.1 Current Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
6.1.2 ESP8266 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
6.1.3 LCD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
6.1.4 Breadboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
6.1.5 Bulb Holder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
6.1.6 Jumper Wires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
6.1.7 Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

6.1.8 Power Supply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
6.2 SOFTWARE SPECIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
6.2.1 Arduino IDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
6.3 SOFTWARE SPECIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
6.3.1 Adafruit IO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22




10.1 ARDUINO RESULT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
10.2 Adafruit IO RESULT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27


The main theme of execution model of electrical energy theft detection without human connection.
power theft Identification and control system utilizing Internet of things present an effective and less
expensive way of moving the power consumed by the consumer remotely as Electricity customer.This
wireless innovation is utilized to beat the theft of power which should be possible by utilizing over-
abundance measure of power limit of meter. In this, primary design is to screen the power consumed
by a model association like household consumers, Detection and control of power has been finished by
ascertaining the power devoured by the client at a given time with the assistance of meter.Electricity
meter comprises theft detection unit which will advise organization side in case of meter tampering
or robbery happen in power meter and further more it will send data in regards to robbery discovery
by utilizing wi-fi module and the theft identified will be shown on the terminal screen or window of
the organization side, with the goal that they send message to the enlisted contact number of the
client as a notice. Due to this, owner get the admonition message despite the fact that they are keep
utilizing the excess of power then Electricity board segment will cut the power supply of the owner.
IOT activity can be performed by Wi-Fi module which sending meter information to the website page
through the IP address. Open the adafruit website and check the feeds which we have named before
as a bill and power and check the readings.



1.1 Advanced Metering systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

1.2 Automated Energy Meter Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

5.1 Block Diagram of Power Theft detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

5.2 Circuit Diagram of Power Theft detection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

6.1 Current Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

6.2 ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
6.3 LCD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
6.4 Breadboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
6.5 Bulb Holder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
6.6 Jumper Wires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
6.7 Switch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
6.8 Arduino IDE Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
6.9 Adafruit IO Layout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

7.1 Experimental Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

9.1 Experimental Setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

10.1 House one . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

10.2 House Two . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
10.3 House one Bill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
10.4 House one Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
10.5 House Two Bill . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
10.6 House Two Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
10.7 House one Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
10.8 House Two Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
10.9 Simulation result 9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30




Power stealing can be characterized as ”an illicit utilization of power in illegal way with the
expectation to stay away from charging charges”. Electrical stealing is a significant issue in which is
unlawful and stringently precluded. Power stealing is the awful issue looked by power utilities from
the households. power pilferages is considered as illicit and as a wrongdoing. There are numerous
sorts of power stealing like altering the meter, entire meter by passing, showing low meter perusing,
neglected bills. A few clients attempt to take out the meter from their framework so that no perusing
will be recorded in the meter despite the fact that the power in the house is being utilized.
We need to associate mobile phones with the configure system, on which the mail will assist
with arranging with the system. In the event of a crisis, the data will be shared on the arranged
number. We need to set expenses for the unit. As we start the system, it shows perusing on the IOT
screen. Perusing will be changed regarding time. Once the amount of energy stealing occurs, then the
stealing will be gotten and shown on the IOT screen. The even the data will be gotten through mail
on the given mail id of client, the administrator can report the system regarding utilization of power
as shown in IOT to stay away from stealing. It additionally share the message of the system on the
Power stealing is an extremely common issue in many non-industrial nations like SriLanka,
where is a high level of interest on power. SriLanka power station faces loss of adjacent 30 level of its
complete circulation of power. Power misfortune can be brought about by transmission misfortunes
and power burglary. Significant piece of force misfortune is because of influence theft. The power
stealing can be characterized as meter altering, unlawful associations, charging thoughtless activities,
and neglected bills.

An power theft identification system is used to analyses the flow of energy. power robbery
recognition is used to view as the unauthorized tapping on the transmission lines. This continuous
system is additionally used to track down the electrical line tapping. In any case, the tapping is found
by utilizing the remote information transmission and getting techniques. This system will ensures the
circulation network.In todays world, power saving is vital yet it is troublesome. However there are
many power generations methods, power saving has become extremely challenging due to inadequate
assets. Thus, saving of power is vital for our society. This work comprises of checking the system
through Internet based communication. The proposed system will likewise give the error and energy
utilization through internet. In the present world, power saving is very significant and troublesome.
This work comprises of checking the system through Wi-Fi based correspondence.

The proposed system will likewise give the fault and energy utilization . IoT can be uti-
lized for different applications for energy observing and saving it helps in request side administration
and different space of energy production. Power system might faces numerous misfortunes in their
manner of delivering power, mainly the functional misfortunes occur in the generation of power and
in the conveyance of power.Most likely power misfortunes in the transmission lines, transformers,
and in influence system part occur because of the technical losses naturally. The information found
with regards to the energy bill and the all out load is utilized to track down the technical losses in
the transmission and the distribution of power. power robbery technically influences economy of the
country and it is one of the non unimportant crime.so the power stealing is a wrongdoing and it is a
social detestable that must be completely annihilated. The power created should be used in a most
intelligible way by the method of intently inspecting the consumption and misfortunes of power. This
proposed system is used to theft electricity.

Because of innovation development IOT is utilized to the robbery power without the intercession
of the human. Due to this execution, more consumers in profoundly populated country, for example,
India, China will consume power as it saves enormous measure of electricity. Electricity stealing can
be characterized as the utilization of the electrical force with next to no substantial agreement with
the supplier. This power theft additionally can be diminished in numerous ways. power stealing as
often as possible caused when there is separation in the transmission lines.so the lines ought to be
checked periodically. The government should step up to the plate and give mindfulness about the
theft and implementation of law among the consumers. So, this power stealing system will beat the
issues looked previously. This system assist us with saving energy and convey power similarly.


For the most part the power theft happened two spots, family energy meter and pole side
distribution line. At family energy meter side, the robbery happens through avoiding the energy meter
utilizing a piece of wire, individuals essentially sidesteps the energy meter by putting a wire prior and
then afterward the meter perusing unit. The proposed system in this paper keeps a secret electronic
gadget arrangement in energy meters of consumer site and when an endeavor is made for the robbery,
it sends an alarm message to mail.

Today the most difficult issues are the power stealing. In earlier days, power robberies are very
confusion to recognize physically. In this undertaking we additionally added the theft control system
In this system will recognize consumer is pilfering the supply from other consumer furtively. Once
the theft association is related to the assistance of that system then at that point, it will be notify to
the authorized consumer through mail. As said before LCD is used for showing reason.It show how
much units consumed by the clients, bill amount with billing date and due date for that bill amount.
This system will be beneficial to peoples it will reduce the penalty amount which was given by the
government if the bill isn’t paid at the very latest the due date.

The major reason for this success was the availability of prepaid payment platforms for mobile phone
technology. With the tamper proof prepaid technology for mobile phone systems, investors were able
to quickly recoup their investments, and make huge profits as they roll out more phone lines. Un-
fortunately, it is a different scenario for the Power sector; the investors were hesitant because the
technology for averting electricity theft was not mature by early 2000s. This is coupled with several
issues such as illegal connections, old nonfunctional analog meters, transformer and transmission line
vandalizations, etc.

Figure 1.1: Advanced Metering systems

Electricity theft, an activity done, so that the consumer of electricity will use electric power
without paying, is one of the crippling factors in Electricity distribution business. It contributes to
an appreciable amount of the losses classified as non-technical losses. Electricity theft has several
disadvantages, both for the operator and consumer. Often the operator tries to compensate for the
losses by hiking the electricity tariff and causing the masses to pay more than they should.Naturally,
if the consumers do not pay for electricity used; the distribution companies will not be able to pay
for power generated and transmitted to them, the situation creates a vicious cycle that can cripples
any electricity sector.The Internet of Things, a technology that can connect devices (sensors and ac-
tuators) to the Internet or intranets, to reduce human interference to machine operations,promises to
be useful in home automation, transportation, energy management, environmental monitoring, etc.
IoT will revolutionize all aspect of human life starting from the home to the industrial activities. IoT
technology promises to be able to proffer solutions to the nagging energy management challenges in
developing countries.
Power theft causes major impact on electricity system and institutions:-
a) theft of electricity results in loss of revenue to the utility.
b) leading to overloading of transformer creating blackouts or brownouts because of the undesirable
load on transformers.
c) damage to property of the utility such as distribution transformer, protective devices etc.
d) increase in transmission and distribution losses due to tampering of wires and cables.

Figure 1.2: Automated Energy Meter Reading

Every year, the country is facing number of domestic electricity thefts and power thefts in
industrial supply, that results in loss of distributed power to the supplier. Because of power theft,
the country is facing continuous problems like power cut both in urban and rural sectors. It is
estimated that India’s power sector loss is around 16.2b every year due to theft alone. This project
helps to minimise and avoid problems currently faced by the whole country. The studies on power
theft detection are undertaken by various researchers. Prepaid electricity billing meter is proposed by
some researchers to monitor household electrical appliances. A microcontroller based billing system
for single-phase meters of distributed clients is proposed. There are numerous ways using which
electricity theft can be done, so it is difficult to track how a theft has occurred. Our proposed project
is an electricity theft detecting system which is used to detect the theft automatically whenever either
the transmission line or the meter is bypassed. In this method a current transformer is used to sense
the total amount of current consumed by the load. If any tapping has done in the transmission lines
or additional load is introduced, the sensor draws more current. This makes the ADC values increases
the specified value and detects the theft and send commands through GSM Module (SIM900a) to EB.
The EB gets real-time monitoring of various household loads through Iot analytical webpage Ubidots
Education and can switch the desired load using relay.

Generation,transmission and distribution of electrical energy involve many operational losses.
Whereas losses implicated in generation can be technically defined,but transmission and distribution
losses cannot be precisely quantified with the sending end information.This illustrates the involvement
of nontechnical parameter in transmission and distribution of electricity.Technical losses in Transmis-
sion Distribution are computed with the information about total load and the total energy bill. While
technology in the raising slopes,we should also note the increasing immoral activities.With a technical
view,Power Theft is a non-ignorable crime and at the same time it directly affected the economy of a
nation.Electricity theft a social evil.The system prevents the illegal usage of electricity.At this point of
technological development the problem of illegal usage of electricity can be solved without any human
control using GSM and IoT Power theft can be defined as the usage of the electrical power without
any legal contract with the supplier.

Now a days energy emergency is the major difficulties that the world faces. The best therapy for this
is not the increases of energy production, but the actual use of available energy. Energy emergency
can be reduced to a certain amount by properly monitoring the energy consumption and avoiding
wastage of energy. But the main problem is that the energy monitoring cannot be done efficiently
because consumer is not responsive of their power consumption.

The electricity bills are issued only when they will get an idea about their consumption. Bill is
distributed only once in a month in India. So the consumer will be in dark about their energy usage
during this period of time. This procedure has to be repeated numerous times to efficiently control
the energy usage in a month. If custmer can check their leap in the area of energy consumption on
their mobile phone or laptop instead of checking energy meter, it will be a great leap in the area of
energy management. Since nearly all of the people are today 24*7 online, it will really a benefit if
they can check their energy consumption online from everywhere on the globe.

The IoT based smart energy meter is based on Ardiuno. In this system we reduce the human par-
ticipation in electrical energy maintenance. The theft of the electricity increases the costs paid by
customer. Hence this system is used for the detection of theft. The Arduino checks the main meter
and sub meter reading. If the difference between the main meter and sub meter is occurred then that
theft has occurred message will be display on the LCD display and also display on the thingspeak.
Customer can be access the thingspeak from anyplace. By using the consumer number it can be access
on the globe at the anytime.



A.PreethiVinnarasi, Bhuvanesh [1] In this paper Arduino based power theft detection and
protection system is designed. An increase in the demand of electric power for household, commercial
and industrial loads lead to management of electric distribution system become more complicated.
Lack of information at the bases station regarding status of the distribution network has been identified
as the major bottleneck to its effective monitoring and controlling. Electrical power theft detection
and protection system is used to detect and protect an unauthorized tapping on distribution line.
In this paper ACS712 series current sensor has been used as the interfacing instrument between the
power line current and Arduino. To isolate power line from power theft system relay used as switching
gear. Arduino control all operations that all devices do. This system would provide a simple way
to detect and prevent an electrical power theft without any human interference, maximize the profit
margin of power utility company and Prevent fault due to overload. The theft detection of electricity
also became possible by using this system through which server received the message when users by
passed the meter. This system provides billing activity in addition to detection and protection power
K. Pramothini1,[2] In this busy world the people are forgot to pay the electricity bill within
the due date. So to reduce that problem we had introduced the smart energy meter. It is used to
calculate the electric bill automatically and send the bill amount to the consumers with the help of
GSM (Global Service Mobile) through SMS. The controller used in this project is 8051 microcontroller
this will just act like a mediator for storing the SMS which is communicated between office and
the consumers. Magnetic reed switch will ON and OFF the power to the respective consumers
automatically by a single control for the person who not yet paid the bill on or before the due date,
so we can eliminate the additional man power which is used earlier. We also added the theft control
system; this system will identify that which consumer is pilfering the supply from other consumer
furtively. Once the robbery connection is identified with the help of that system, then this will be
informed to the authorized consumers through SMS.

Mahadev A. Gawas, Rushikesh P, [3] Today world is facing major problem in power system
network is power theft. Theft of electricity is a criminal act and due to these power utilities losing
millions of rupees. Internet of Things (IoT) connects sensing devices to the internet for the purpose
of exchanging data rapidly. The aim of this is to design implementation model of electrical energy
theft detection without human interaction. The purpose of this framework is to reduce the energy
theft cases and accidents occurs due to the power theft. It includes Particle photon board which is
completely hardware kit based embedded technology and wireless communication method to find out
the electric theft and distribution line fault. Particle photon is powerful IoT prototyping platform.
The particle photon has numbers of advantages like remote programming, easy code transfer and fast
turn ON of projects. The main part of photon is that it has fast processor, plenty of memory and
inbuilt WiFi. The proposed system with particle photon will be efficient and alternate for Arduino
and Embedded based data processing. Photon will overcome the existing drawbacks and response
quickly without any delay. The target of the proposed framework is to give proper solution to the
theft problem and to reduce the efforts of the human.
Mr.P.Leninpugalhanthi, Janani.R, [4] Power theft is a blatant problem in electric powersys-
tems, which causes great economic losses and leads to irregular supply of electicity.Power theft can
be briefly defined as usage of power without the knowledge of the supplier.It has become the major
problem in India and it is a crime.Overall India has highest losses about 16.2 billion dollar.Power theft
can be happened in many ways one such way is that a registered customers steal either bypassing the
meter ie:connecting around the meter to a live cable on a company side of the meter or tampering
with the meter to make the meter to read less or no consumption. In order to eradicate the power
theft it has to be identified.In this paper the raspberry Pi is fixed with threshold voltage and current
whenever the voltage level get increased power theft is detected.

Adikeshavamurthy S,Swapnalaxmi K, [5] Energy crisis is one of the most important issues that the en-
tire world is facing today. The feasible solution for the energy crisis problem needs optimal utilization
of available energy. However, the state-of-the art energy metering systems suffer due to issues such
as low battery backup, poor network connectivity and excessive memory consumption. To overcome
these drawbacks, a novel automated energy metering framework is proposed in this paper, which
makes use of Microcontroller based implementation for its operation. Specifically, Consumer can get
the energy consumption statistics instantly on a LCD screen. Further, whenever any consumer at-
tempts to tamper the energy meter, magnetic sensors get actuated and sends appropriate signals to
the microcontroller, which in turn sends theft event messages to the management side for further pro-
cessing. Experimental setup and results indicate the good performance of the proposed framework in
terms of energy consumption display on LCD screen, which significantly help the customer to monitor
their energy consumptions.

Harsha Khandel, Suchitra Pandey, [6] Power theft detection and control system using Inter-
net of things present an efficient and less costly way to transfer the power consumed by the consumer
wirelessly as Electricity consumer dishonesty is a serious problem faced by all utilities. This wireless
technology is used to overcome the theft of electricity which can be done by using excess amount of
power beyond the limit of meter. In this paper, main purpose is to monitor the power consumed by
a model organization such as household consumers, various industries etc. Detection and control of
power has been done by calculating the power consumed by the user at a given time with the help of
meter. Electricity meter consists theft detection unit which will notify company side in the event of
meter tempering or theft practice occur in electricity meter and also it will send information regarding
theft detection by using modem and the theft detected will be displayed on the terminal screen or
window of the company side, so that they send message to the registered contact number of the cus-
tomer as a warning. Due to this, customer receive the warning message even though they are continue
using the excess power then Electricity board section will cut the power supply of the customer. IOT
operation can be performed by Wi-Fi device which sending meter data to the web page through the
IP address. The IOT based concept are used so that Electricity board section continuously monitor
the consumption of power and billing information that is calculated using microcontroller.

M.M. Mohamed Mufassirin,[7] The proposed work in this paper aims on the design and im-
plementation model of electrical energy theft detection aspect in Sri Lanka. A high percentage of
electricity income is lost due to power theft and improper management. However a bulk of these
losses are caused by electricity theft. The illegal usage of electricity must be solved by electronic
means, without any human interaction.The purpose of this work is to provide an implementation
methodology for electricity theft detection and controlling which allows violators to be detected at a
remote location.This design integrates effective solutions for problems faced by Sri Lankan’s electric-
ity distribution system such as power theft and transmission line fault. It includes microcontroller
based embedded technology and wireless communication method to find out the electric theft and
transmission line fault.Moreover collecting the meter readings for billing processes from all consumers
is a difficult and time consuming task which requires a great number of labours.In the proposed
method aGlobal System for Mobile communication (GSM)based technology is used to transmit the
meter reading and detection alertautomatically to the authorized energy provider via an alert message
which eliminates the various issues related to the meter reading and theft detection.

R. E. Ogu, Prof. G. A. Chukwudebeand [8] This paper presents an IoT based Tamper
Prevention System for Electricity Meters (IoTETPS). The power sector in Nigeria is an untapped
gold mine for investors, because of the huge population without access to stable electricity. However,
electricity theft is one of the challenges facing the power companies; it makes the infrastructure needed
for effective operations to be unsustainable because power companies cannot make adequate profit
from the electricity they generate and distribute. This work has developed an embedded system that
will help in prevention of electricity theft using Internet of Things technology. The system comprises
of an Arduino WiFi Shield 101 mounted on top of Arduino Mega 2560 board for the connectivity and
controller functions, while a Passive Infrared Sensor and Solid State Relay were used for sensing and
actuation. The result of this work is a functional Internet of Things based system that is capable of
detecting tamper and disconnecting the consumer; this is in addition to sending the GPS location of
the meter to the distribution company portal. The incorporation of this system will reduce electricity
theft, make the Grid smart and subsequently lead to a vibrant profitable power sector.




In existing system already the power monitoring and calculating the consumed power by the
owner, these are implemented And theft identification has been done along with billing system These
two has been implemented separately.The current system comprises of zigbee interfaced smart meter
of remote sensor home region network. The smart electric power grid applications we use wireless
sensor networks.. This system controls any device associated with the power outputs.


Usage of electromechanical energy meters leads to inaccuracy while taking readings and al-
lows energy theft. In order to overcome these problems, a new automated energy monitor system is
proposed which automatically shows the energy consumption in units and can also detect thefts. And
its that through LCD. This detected thefts and power consumption details will send to the owner
periodically Through mail.All the readings will also be shown in adafruit.io



The methodology is mainly divided into the three stages.In the first stage, required hardware
components are acquired depending upon the specifications. The software is developed to the individ-
ual components. The each component is tested individually to ensure that components are working
properly and to check the available specifications are suitable for this prototype. After ensuring that all
sensors and actuators are working properly, then all the components are interfaced to the wi-fi module.

The second stage is the development of software to the interfaced components. The software
is developed in arduino IDE platform. The software is tested before it is uploaded to the ESP8266
board. After ensuring that software is free from Error free, it is uploaded to the ESP8266 wifi module
else an improvement is made in the software until the desired output is observed. Then the output is
observed in the serial monitor of the arduino IDE platform.

The third stage is to connect the ESP8266 to the server. The current sensor data is trans-
ferred to the server”” using the ESP8266 wi-fi module. The data which is stored
in the server will also be shown in the adafruit.The data on the adafruit can be monitored and based
upon the data when it came reaches to one rupee IFTTT will be triggered and send a message to the




Figure 5.1: Block Diagram of Power Theft detection


Figure 5.2: Circuit Diagram of Power Theft detection




6.1.1 Current Sensor

A current sensor is a device that detects and converts current to an easily measurable output
voltage, which is proportional to the current through the measured path. There are a wide variety of
sensors, and each sensor is suitable for a specific current range and environmental condition. Among
these sensors, a current sensing resistor is the most commonly used. It can be considered a current-to-
voltage converter, where inserting a resistor into the current path, the current is converted to voltage
in a linear way. The technology used by the current sensor is important because different sensors can
have different characteristics for a variety of applications.The most common way to measure current
is to connect the ammeter (a meter to measure current) or shunt resistor in series with the circuit.
An ammeter or ammeter shunt is really nothing more than a highly accurate resistor. When we place
a precision resistor across a circuit, a voltage drop will occur across it.

Figure 6.1: Current Sensor

6.1.2 ESP8266

ESP8266 Wi-Fi module was introduced and developed by third-party manufacturers like AI
thinkers, which is mainly utilized for IoT-based embedded applications development. It is capable
of handling various functions of the Wi-Fi network from another application processor.An ESP8266
Wi-Fi module is a SOC microchip mainly used for the development of end-point IoT (Internet of
things) applications. It is referred to as a standalone wireless transceiver, available at a very low
price. It is used to enable the internet connection to various applications of embedded systems.the
ESP8266 Wi-Fi module to support both the TCP/IP capability and the microcontroller access to
any Wi-fi network. It provides the solutions to meet the requirements of industries of IoT such as
cost, power, performance, and design.It can work as either a slave or a standalone application. If the
ESP8266 Wi-Fi runs as a slave to a microcontroller host, then it can be used as a Wi-Fi adaptor to
any type of microcontroller using UART or SPI. If the module is used as a standalone application,
then it provides the functions of the microcontroller and Wi-Fi network.

Figure 6.2: ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module

6.1.3 LCD

Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) consists of rod-shaped tiny molecules sandwiched between a
flat pieceof glass and an opaque substrate. These rod-shaped molecules in between the plates align into
twodifferent physical positions based on the electric charge applied to them. When electric charge
isapplied they align to block the light entering through them, where as when no-charge is applied
theybecome transparent.Light passing through makes the desired images appear. This is the basic
concept behind LCD dis-plays.
LCDs are most commonly used because of their advantages over other display technologies. They
arethin and flat and consume very small amount of power compared to LED displays and cathode
raytubes (CRTs).

Figure 6.3: LCD

6.1.4 Breadboard

A breadboard is a rectangular plastic board with a lot of small openings in it. These openings
let you effectively embed electronic parts to model (which means to fabricate and test an early form of)
an electronic circuit, similar to this one with a battery, switch, resistor, and a LED (light-emanating
diode).A breadboard is utilized to assemble and test circuits rapidly prior to settling any circuit plan.
The breadboard has many openings into which circuit parts like ICs and resistors can be inserted.To
utilize the bread board, the legs of parts are put in the openings.

Figure 6.4: Breadboard

6.1.5 Bulb Holder

A breadboard is a rectangular plastic board with a lot of small openings in it. These openings
let you effectively embed electronic parts to model (which means to fabricate and test an early form of)
an electronic circuit, similar to this one with a battery, switch, resistor, and a LED (light-emanating
diode).A breadboard is utilized to assemble and test circuits rapidly prior to settling any circuit plan.
The breadboard has many openings into which circuit parts like ICs and resistors can be inserted.To
utilize the bread board, the legs of parts are put in the openings.

Figure 6.5: Bulb Holder

6.1.6 Jumper Wires

Jumper wires are basically wires that have connector pins at each end, permitting them to be
utilized to interface two points to one another without soldering. Jumper wires are normally utilized
with breadboards and other prototyping instruments to make it simple to change a circuit on a case
by case basis.Jumper wires commonly come in three adaptations: male-to-male, male-to-female and
female-to-female. The distinction between each is in the end point of the wire. Male closures have
a pin projecting and can plug into things, while female finishes don’t and are utilized to plug things
into. Male-to-male jumper wires are the most widely recognized and what you probably will utilize
regularly. While associating two ports on a breadboard, a male-to-male wire is the thing that you’ll

Figure 6.6: Jumper Wires

6.1.7 Switch

Switch is an electrical part which can represent the moment of truth electrical circuit nat-
urally or physically. Switch is works with ON (open) and OFF (shut) system. Various circuits hold
switches that control how the circuit functions or activate various qualities of the circuit. The ar-
rangement of switches relies upon the association they make. Two fundamental parts that affirm what
kinds of associations a switch makes are pole and throw. The hot dark wire from the power source
goes through the switch and from that point to the light. Flipping the switch interferes with the
progression of power to the light, turning it of and on.

Figure 6.7: Switch

6.1.8 Power Supply

A power supply is an electrical device that supplies electric power to an electrical load.The
source power may come from the electric power grid, such as an electrical outlet, energy storage de-
vices such as batteries or fuel cells, generators or alternators, solar power converters, or another power


6.2.1 Arduino IDE

The Arduino (IDE) is numerous base stage approach (like Windows, Mac OS, Linux) in what
capacities are written in c and c++. It is exceptionally useful where we can compose and dump the
codes to Arduino viable boards.. For this IDE source code is delivered under the GNU Overall public
permit license ,second version(form). The Arduino IDE gives a library of product from project of a
wired one, where incorporates numerous normal information and yield systems.

Figure 6.8: Arduino IDE Layout


6.3.1 Adafruit IO

Adafruit IO is a cloud service available on the network and with which it is possible to con-
nect our devices, such as an Arduino board.

IoT developers prefer Adafruit IO over other IoT cloud providers for the following reasons:

• Powerful API - Provides us libraries for various programming languages, which also provides the
built-in user interface support.

• Dashboard - Understanding data via charts and graphs enables us to make better decisions.

• Privacy - Data is secured in the cloud platform with better encryption algorithms.

• Documentation Community - Many blogs with amazing community support allows continuous
developments of the products.

Figure 6.9: Adafruit IO Layout



Figure 7.1: Experimental Setup

The above picture is Hardware Connection of IOT BASED INNOVATIVE DIGITAL EN-



• Open the Arduino IDE software and write the code in it.

• After that , Install the libraries and boards required from the board manger and library manger.

• Then verify the code and upload it.

• Select the board as the “ESP8266” and test the code.

• If it has executed successfully with no errors, then dump the code in the ESP8266 module
through data cable.

• After getting Done Uploading in the compiling window, then connect the module to power

• Connect the WIFI to the ESP8266 module and connect the same WIFI to the mobile phone
consisting adafruit.

• Open the adafruit website and create a new feed Then name it as a bill and power.

• After that create a dashboard with the name of energy meter.

• It Generates an authentication token from the adafruit website which will be help to receive
data from the wifi module.

• Then create a IFTTT account in that adafruit is linked to the IFTTT when the bill was across
the one rupee it will be triggered and that data sends through the mail.

• Open the adafruit website and check the feeds which we have named before as a bill and power
and check the readings.



First we have to connect the components as per circuit diagram. When the ESP8266 is
connected to the cloud then with the help of adafruit we can moniter the power and bill. When the
both houses has power difference greater than 1 we can say that the power theft has been occur.
when the difference is zero between two houses then we can say that theft has not done. we can also
identify the theft in another method when set an power limit to our house when it reaches fastly we
will receive a mail with the help of iffft then we can identy that theft has done in the house. And
with the help of the adafruit and iffft we can also get the power bill to our mail based on the power
we used for that power the bill is calculated.

Figure 9.1: Experimental Setup




Figure 10.1: House one

The above simulation Result on the left side shows the ESP8266 is connected to the WiFi
and current sensor. It also gives information about which module using, type of network, ssid of WiFi.
On the serial monitor we can display the current and difference which is received from the bulb of
the house one due to the more noise the current will be varry, when the current sensor measures the
current.So the current difference is 3.56 and it slowly reaches to zero.

Figure 10.2: House Two

The above simulation Result on the left side shows the ESP8266 is connected to the WiFi
and current sensor. It also gives information about which module using, type of network, ssid of WiFi.
On the serial monitor we can display the current and difference which is received from the bulb of
the house two due to the more noise the current will be varry, when the current sensor measures the
current.So the current difference is 3.59 and it slowly reaches to zero.

10.2 Adafruit IO RESULT

Figure 10.3: House one Bill

The above simulation Result shows the reading of house one current will be calculated for
the bill based on the current value the bill will be generated and the continues power will be calculated
for the bill that the will be shown in graph by using adafruit IO website.

Figure 10.4: House one Power

The above simulation Result shows the reading of house one current will be calculated for the power
based on the current value the power will be generated and the continues power will be calculated for
the power that the will be shown in graph by using adafruit IO website.

Figure 10.5: House Two Bill

The above simulation Result shows the reading of house two current will be calculated for the bill
based on the current value the bill will be generated and the continues power will be calculated for
the bill that the will be shown in graph by using adafruit IO website.

Figure 10.6: House Two Power

The above simulation Result shows the reading of house two current will be calculated for
the power based on the current value the power will be generated and the continues power will be
calculated for the power that the will be shown in graph by using adafruit IO website.

Figure 10.7: House one Energy

The above simulation result displays the house one of Energy meter shows the updated read-
ing of current which is measured by current sensor and down the small box represent the updated bill

Figure 10.8: House Two Energy

The above simulation result displays the house two of Energy meter shows the updated read-
ing of current which is measured by current sensor and down the small box represent the updated bill

Figure 10.9: Simulation result 9

The above simulation result displays when theft happened the IFTTT (If this then that) is
linked to adafruit with the help of that, we will given a certain value when it reaches that it will be
triggered and sends a mail to us.


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