5 - Vitamin E & K
5 - Vitamin E & K
5 - Vitamin E & K
Muti’ah Mustaqimatusy Syahadah, S.Gz, M.Gz
Tokoferol Tokoferol
Delivery to cells/tissues
Vit E as Antioxidant
▪ The principal function of vit E
▪ Vit E maintains the integrity of membranes and lipoproteins by
protecting cells from oxidation (peroxidation)
▪ Peroxidation occurs in 3 phases:
I. Initiation
II. Propagation
III. Termination → the role of vit E is in this phase
I. Initiation
▪ Free radicals attack organic
molecules such as PUFAs
II. Propagation
▪ L• react with O2 and form lipid
peroxyl radical (LOO•) and
promote peroxidation
III. Termination
▪ Propagation will be stopped when the PUFAs have been completely
attacked (self-quenching) or stopped by antioxidants
▪ Vit E can react with LOO• before they interact with other fatty acids or cells,
provides H for reduction of lipid peroxyl radicals (LOO•)
▪ Warfarin is an anticoagulant that may be prescribed to people at
risk for thrombotic event (heart attack)
▪ Anticoagulant drugs : warfarin (liver), heparin (circulation), and
aspirin (platelet)
▪ Warfarin inhibits epoxide reductase → impaired carboxylation of
protein → inhibit blood clotting
▪ Heparin increases blood flow → inhibit synthesis of thrombin by
accelerates the synthesis of antithrombin III (it is normal)
▪ Aspirin inhibits the conversion of ARA to thromboxane