ANSYS Mechanical APDL Command Reference
ANSYS Mechanical APDL Command Reference
ANSYS Mechanical APDL Command Reference
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Command Reference
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iv of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
List of Figures
1. RCL Lumped Circuit ............................................................................................................................... 220
2. Example Command Actions ................................................................................................................... 495
3. Boundary Condition Key Behavior .......................................................................................................... 496
4. Input Signal ........................................................................................................................................... 623
5. Amplitude Spectrum of the FFT ............................................................................................................. 623
6. Signal Obtained with the Filter ............................................................................................................... 624
7. Basic Ocean Data Type Components .................................................................................................... 1093
8. Ocean Zone Types (Specified via ZoneType) ....................................................................................... 1106
9. Usage Example: Option = COND ........................................................................................................ 1381
10. Usage Example: Positve and Negative NSECT Values .......................................................................... 1381
11. Usage Example: Extrusions with Axis = ZEXT and CEXT ..................................................................... 1382
12. Offsets for a CHAN Section Subtype ................................................................................................... 1424
13. Two-hole Box Section ......................................................................................................................... 1432
14. Cell Mesh for the Two-hole Box Section .............................................................................................. 1432
15. Coordinate System for Load Application on the Faces of 3-D Solid and Shell Elements ......................... 1480
16. Default Coordinate System of Surface Load on the Edge of a 3-D Shell Element ................................... 1482
17. Projected Coordinate System of Surface Load on the Edge of a 3-D Shell Element ............................... 1482
18. Positive Tangential Load on the Edge of a Plane Element .................................................................... 1483
19. Virtual Shell Elements Following the Contact Interface Edge ............................................................... 1514
20. Virtual Shell Elements Overlapping Target Elements ........................................................................... 1515
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vi of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
List of Tables
2.1. Run Controls ........................................................................................................................................... 9
2.2. Processor Entry ..................................................................................................................................... 10
2.3. Files ...................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.4. List Controls .......................................................................................................................................... 11
2.5. Setup ................................................................................................................................................... 11
2.6. Selecting .............................................................................................................................................. 11
2.7. Components ......................................................................................................................................... 12
2.8. Working Plane ...................................................................................................................................... 13
2.9. Coordinate System ................................................................................................................................ 13
2.10. Picking ............................................................................................................................................... 13
2.11. Setup .................................................................................................................................................. 14
2.12. Views .................................................................................................................................................. 14
2.13. Scaling ............................................................................................................................................... 15
2.14. Style ................................................................................................................................................... 15
2.15. Labeling ............................................................................................................................................. 16
2.16. Graphs ................................................................................................................................................ 16
2.17. Annotation ......................................................................................................................................... 16
2.18. Parameter Definition ........................................................................................................................... 17
2.19. Macro Files ......................................................................................................................................... 17
2.20. Abbreviations ..................................................................................................................................... 18
2.21. Array Parameters ................................................................................................................................. 18
2.22. Process Controls ................................................................................................................................. 19
2.23. Matrix Operations (APDL Math) ........................................................................................................... 19
2.24. Database ............................................................................................................................................ 20
2.25. Element Type ...................................................................................................................................... 21
2.26. Real Constants .................................................................................................................................... 21
2.27. Materials ............................................................................................................................................. 21
2.28. Material Data Tables ............................................................................................................................ 22
2.29. Primitives ............................................................................................................................................ 22
2.30. Keypoints ........................................................................................................................................... 23
2.31. Hard Points ......................................................................................................................................... 24
2.32. Lines ................................................................................................................................................... 24
2.33. Areas .................................................................................................................................................. 25
2.34. Volumes .............................................................................................................................................. 25
2.35. Booleans ............................................................................................................................................. 26
2.36. Meshing ............................................................................................................................................. 27
2.37. Nodes ................................................................................................................................................. 29
2.38. Elements ............................................................................................................................................ 29
2.39. Superelements ................................................................................................................................... 31
2.40. Digitizing ............................................................................................................................................ 31
2.41. Coupled Degrees of Freedom .............................................................................................................. 31
2.42. Constraint Equations ........................................................................................................................... 32
2.43. Status ................................................................................................................................................. 32
2.44. Sections .............................................................................................................................................. 33
2.45. Morphing ........................................................................................................................................... 34
2.46. Artificially Matched Layers ................................................................................................................... 34
2.47. Special Purpose .................................................................................................................................. 34
2.48. Analysis Options ................................................................................................................................. 35
2.49. Nonlinear Options ............................................................................................................................... 37
2.50. Dynamic Options ................................................................................................................................ 38
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Command Reference
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Command Reference
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Command Reference
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Command Reference
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Chapter 1: About This Reference
Welcome to the Command Reference (p. 1). This reference contains a complete dictionary of detailed
command descriptions, arranged in alphabetical order. It is the definitive resource for correct command
usage, providing comprehensive specifications for every argument of every command.
The Command Reference (p. 1) is intended to provide information about individual commands. Although
the reference also contains lists of commands arranged by functional grouping (p. 9), it is not intended
to be your primary source of procedural information. For introductory information and procedural
guidelines concerning when and where to use commands, see the appropriate analysis guide for your
A command mentioned in the various analysis guides implies a link to the detailed command description
given in this reference. For ordering purposes, the alphabetical ordering of commands that begin with
a star (*) or a slash (/) ignores those symbols.
A printed copy of the Commands Quick Reference Guide is available on the ANSYS customer site in the
documentation area.
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About This Reference
ANSYS DesignSpace
ANSYS Mechanical Pro (structural, full thermal, and vibration analysis)
ANSYS Mechanical Premium (nonlinear structural, full thermal, vibration, linear dynamics
ANSYS Mechanical Enterprise (advanced nonlinear structural, full thermal, vibration, linear
dynamics and nonlinear transient dynamics, fracture, acoustics, full coupled-field, hydrodynam-
ANSYS Mechanical Enterprise PrepPost
ANSYS Mechanical Enterprise Solver (batch mode)
While connection capabilities and High Performance Computing are included as part
of the release distribution, they are separately licensed and separately installed
products. Contact your Support Representative if you want to install and run any of
these separately licensed products at your site.
Product Abbreviation
ANSYS DesignSpace DesignSpace
ANSYS Mechanical Pro Pro
ANSYS Mechanical Premium Premium
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2 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Product Abbreviation
ANSYS Mechanical Enterprise Enterprise
ANSYS Mechanical Enterprise PrepPost PrepPost
ANSYS Mechanical Enterprise Solver Solver
Additive Suite add-on (requires one of AS add-on
the Enterprise products)
If the abbreviation in the Valid Products list is dark bold, the command is valid in that product. If
the abbreviation is light gray ("grayed out"), the command is not valid or applicable and should not
be used in that product. For example,
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
indicates the command is valid in ANSYS Mechanical Pro, ANSYS Mechanical Premium, ANSYS Mech-
anical Enterprise, and ANSYS Mechanical Enterprise Solver, but not in ANSYS DesignSpace or ANSYS
Mechanical Enterprise PrepPost. The "AS add-on" code behaves a bit differently. When this code is
bold, the command is only available in the Additive Suite, an add-on to any of the Enterprise products.
Even if a command is shown as valid in a particular product, some options on that command may
be invalid in that product. Any invalid options on an otherwise valid command are documented in
the Product Restrictions section of that command documentation.
A chart comparing the engineering capabilities available in the Applicable Products (p. 2) can be
found here.
1.2. Terminology
Various terms are used in the command descriptions throughout this reference, defined as follows:
Analysis -- The set of input lines relating to a single problem. An analysis basically consists of three
phases: the Preprocessing Phase, the Solution Phase, and the Postprocessing Phase.
Command -- An instruction to supply data, or control, to the program. Commands usually begin with
a prescribed name, followed by alphanumeric data. For example, the command ET (p. 571), ITYPE,
Ename, ... may be input as ET (p. 571),1,PIPE288 stating that element type 1 is defined as the PIPE288
element. The uppercase argument name indicates that a numerical value is typically entered in that
field, whereas an upper-lower case data label indicates that an alphanumeric value is typically entered
in that field. Another command, for example, /PREP7 (p. 1235), instructs the program to enter the PREP7
portion of the program. All valid commands are alphabetically listed in the Command Dictionary (p. 63)
of this document. Unrecognized commands are further processed in a macro search (*USE (p. 1727)) before
being ignored. Commands may be indented on a line for clarity.
Data -- Data may be numeric (real or integer), alphabetic, or alphanumeric (containing letters and
numbers). Nonnumeric data should not contain special characters such as
! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - +
Numeric data may be input in a variety of ways as described in Data Input (p. 5). Some commands
are switches of the form Commandname,Key where Key can be 0, NO or OFF to toggle the switch off;
or 1, YES or ON to toggle the switch on.
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About This Reference
Degree of Freedom -- The degrees of freedom are the primary nodal unknowns determined by the
analysis. They may be displacements, rotations, temperatures, pressures, voltages, etc. A degree of
freedom is defined by a node number and a label, for example, 1 UX, 87 ROTZ, 4 TEMP, etc. Derived
results, such as stresses, heat flows, etc. are computed from the degree of freedom results and are
considered secondary unknowns.
Element types with unequal sets of degrees of freedom can be combined in a single structure. For ex-
ample, a 2-D structure composed of 2-D solid elements having two degrees of freedom (UX, UY) at each
node and a 2-D beam element having three degrees of freedom (UX, UY, ROTZ) at each node will have
the latter three degrees of freedom at the common nodes. Nodes which do not have a beam element
attached will have only two degrees of freedom with ROTZ eliminated from the solution printout.
Field -- The command name and data items entered on a command are separated into consecutive
fields. A field is assumed to be as "wide" as the number of characters specified. A comma is used to
end one field and begin the next.
Line -- A line of input is a physical record read by the computer. Input lines are limited to 640 characters
(including preceding blanks, commas, and any special characters). For file input, a line is represented
by one 640 column data record. For interactive input, a line is the string of characters (640 maximum)
entered before the RETURN key is pressed. Several commands may be put on one line as described in
Data Input (p. 5). Blank lines are permitted for clarity.
Command name -- Only the first four characters of any alphabetic (or alphanumeric) command name
are interpreted by the program (except as noted for certain commands, such as /POSTN, /AUXN. *EN-
DDO (p. 527), etc.). The remaining characters of the field are ignored. Names shown with fewer than
four characters are assumed to have blanks up through the fourth character as part of the name. For
example, this sample ET (p. 571) command may be input as ET (p. 571),1,42 or ET (p. 571) ,1,42 or ET (p. 571)
,1,42, but not as ETABCD,1,42. Names may not contain special characters (as described in Data In-
put (p. 5)). If the command name is omitted, the name defaults to the name of the previous command,
unless it was a slash (/) or star (*) command.
Postprocessing Phase -- The set of commands causing further processing of the solution output. These
commands consist of commands from the POST1 and POST26 processors. The postprocessing phase
may consist of input for several postprocessing sessions (in series).
Preprocessing Phase -- The set of commands related to defining the model. The preprocessing phase
consists of input from the PREP7 processor.
Program -- The collection of all processors (preprocessing, postprocessing, auxiliary, etc.) is called the
ANSYS program.
Processor -- A group of related functions, such as model definition (PREP7) or results examination
Run -- The collection of all commands between the system-level commands is called a run or session).
A session may also consist of several analyses in series (separated by a /CLEAR (p. 291) command).
Solution Phase -- The set of commands which apply boundary conditions to the model created in
preprocessing, then performs a solution for that set of boundary conditions. The solution phase may
consist of several solutions in series, such as a static solution, followed by a modal solution, etc.
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4 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Command Characteristics
Significant figures of output should not be expected to match that of input. Machine precision,
rounding of numbers when writing internal scratch files, etc., tend to lower the precision during the
The following features are available with the nonrestrictive data input.
• Real data input without a decimal point has the decimal point assumed after the right-most digit.
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• Real number values input to integer data fields will be rounded to the nearest integer. The absolute
value of integer data must fall between zero and 2,000,000,000.
• Element and node numbers (IDs) should be between 1 and 999,999,999. Element type, material ref-
erence, real constant, section, and coordinate system IDs should be between 1 and 9,999,999. IDs
larger than these may not be written out correctly in listings (xLIST commands), CDWRITE (p. 256)
files, LSWRITE (p. 907) files, and other text-based output files.
• Exponents may be input in the field after the number. The E (or D) character must be used (upper or
lower case). The sign after the E character is assumed to be the sign associated with the exponent
(the absence of a sign is assumed to be +). The acceptable range of values for real data is +/-1.0E+200
to +/-1.0E-200.
• A nonnumeric character in the numeric field (other than a valid convenience label, a parameter name,
or an E or D exponent character) will be ignored and will cause the remainder of the field to be ignored.
When the program can accept an alphanumeric label in a field, it will interpret any alphanumeric input
that matches a valid label as the appropriate label. In other words, the program will not interpret a
valid label as an identically named parameter. If you truly want to use a parameter in place of a valid
label, you can use forced parametric substitution (using % signs). A non-alphanumeric character in
a label field is taken as part of the label. Non-alphanumeric characters (such as CONTROL-characters,
TAB-characters, and other terminal editing characters) should be avoided since they may be used
directly instead of being interpreted by the terminal.
1.3.5. Units
The ANSYS program permits the use of any consistent set of units for length, force, time, temperature,
etc. Care must be taken to ensure that all input data are in the same set of units. The /UNITS (p. 1722)
command may be used to note the system of units being used. Temperatures may be absolute or
relative in most cases. For problems requiring absolute temperatures, such as those involving creep,
swelling, or radiation, temperatures may be input as Celsius or Fahrenheit, for convenience, with a
temperature shift from absolute zero [TOFFST (p. 1683)].
Command Defaults
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Command Characteristics
A command default refers to the specification or behavior that is assumed when a command is not
issued. For example, if you do not issue the /FILNAME (p. 630) command, the jobname defaults to
FILE (or whatever jobname was specified when you entered the program).
Argument Defaults
An argument default is the value assumed for a command argument if the argument is not specified.
For example, if you issue the command N (p. 1007),10 (defining node 10 with the X, Y, Z coordinate
arguments left blank), the node is defined at the origin; that is, X, Y, and Z default to zero.
Values for numeric arguments (such as X, Y, Z) typically default to zero, although exceptions exist for
some commands, such as those with arguments specifying coefficients or tolerances. Such exceptions
are noted in the documentation for those commands.
When an argument has a nonzero default, entering a blank or a zero for that argument triggers the
nonzero default value. If an effective zero is desired for such an argument, input a very small number
(such as 1E-14) instead.
In cases where no default is indicated or obvious for an argument, enter the desired value. Such ar-
guments have no favored default value and require an explicit input value.
The defaults for some commands and their arguments may differ depending on which product is
using the commands. The "Product Restrictions" section of the descriptions of the affected
commands clearly documents such cases.
If you intend to use your input file in more than one product, it is good practice to explicitly specify
commands and argument values, rather than letting them default. Otherwise, behavior in the other
product may differ from what you expect.
The name is obtained from the Jobname (250 characters maximum, including the directory name)
as defined with the execution command. (Windows cannot create directory names longer than 245
Unless otherwise specified, the Jobname defaults to a system-dependent name (usually FILE). The
extension is a two- to four-character identifier. (See Files that ANSYS Writes in the Basic Analysis Guide.)
For example, the error message file (which has the identifier ERR) with a jobname of FILE and sep-
arator (.) would be generated as FILE.ERR. If the Jobname is JOB1, the file would be named
JOB1.ERR. The documentation generically refers to program-generated files as Jobname.identi-
fier, such as Jobname.ERR for the error message file. Unless otherwise indicated, files are written
in the current working directory.
Some commands (such as /INPUT (p. 791) and /OUTPUT (p. 1114)) allow you to specify a file name
other than Jobname, and an extension other than the default extension. Such user-written files use
a naming convention similar to the ANSYS-generated files except that the name (248 characters
maximum, including the directory name) is user defined, and the extension (8 characters maximum)
is optional. The file name can include the directory path, but it is not necessary if you want to use
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About This Reference
the default directory. File names containing directory paths must reference existing directories. File
and directory names may contain blank spaces, but strings containing blank spaces must be enclosed
in single quotes.
A system dependent separator is automatically written between file name and extension (if the exten-
sion exists) input on commands.
File name fields are usually restricted to 248 characters (including the directory name) in command
inputs. If you specify no directory path, the default path is your working directory, and you can use
all 248 characters for the file name.
To help ensure portability of input files across systems, the program has certain requirements for file
names. Avoid using special characters (+,-,*,/,$,!, etc.) in file names unless meaningful, and begin file
names with a letter. Some system-dependent special characters (such as ~) are not interpreted the
same as they are at the operating system level when used in path names. Parameter substitution can
be forced within the name, extension, or directory fields by enclosing the parameter within percent
(%) signs. For example, if I = 5, the name TEST%I% becomes TEST5.
Chinese and Japanese character file names are supported. The input file, output file, Jobname, and
working directory can include Chinese or Japanese characters in the file or folder name. These names
can be input at the command line, through the Mechanical APDL Launcher, or through commands
such as /FILNAME (p. 630), RESUME (p. 1338), and /ASSIGN (p. 173). Keep the following points in mind
when using Chinese or Japanese characters:
• The locale setting of the operating system must match that of the language being used for naming.
• Non-English characters are not supported by GUI operations. Specifically, the Open File button on
the Standard Toolbar does not accept Mechanical APDL files that are named with non-English char-
acters, and the GUI command input area does not accept commands that include non-English char-
Repeat, looping and macro controls are available within the star command set.
Many star and slash commands are global and apply to all processors. For example, the /TITLE (p. 1682)
command may be used to change the title in any processor (PREP7, POST1, etc.). The star commands
can be input anywhere. Most slash commands can be input anywhere; however, some can only be
input at a Begin level, and those commands are specifically noted in the command description.
Graphics displays are controlled via the graphics display slash commands. The graphics display slash
commands can be input anywhere.
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Chapter 2: Command Groupings
Following are tables of related commands. The documentation for each command also references these
tables, providing convenient access to related commands.
Example: To define material types in the PREP7 general preprocessor, see PREP7 Com-
mands (p. 20) and examine the commands available under Table 2.27: Materials (p. 21).
While this document is useful as a reference, you should first look at the appropriate analysis guide to
learn which commands are used for a given operation or analysis type.
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Command Groupings
These SESSION commands control the overall characteristics of the session, including
the jobname, Graphical User Interface behavior, and file switching.
/FILNAME (p. 630) Changes the jobname for the analysis.
HELP (p. 755) Displays help information for commands and element types.
/INPUT (p. 791) Switches the input file for the commands that follow.
KEYW (p. 818) Sets a keyword used by the GUI for context filtering (GUI).
MEMM (p. 933) Enables the current session to keep allocated memory.
/MENU (p. 934) Activates the Graphical User Interface (GUI).
/MSTART (p. 998) Controls the initial GUI components.
/NERR (p. 1014) Limits the number of warning and error messages displayed.
/OUTPUT (p. 1114) Redirects text output to a file or to the screen.
PAUSE (p. 1133) Temporarily releases (pauses) the currently used product license
so that another application can use it.
/STATUS (p. 1575) Lists the status of items for the run.
/SYP (p. 1599) Passes a command string and arguments to the operating system.
/SYS (p. 1600) Passes a command string to the operating system.
/UI (p. 1712) Activates specified GUI dialog boxes.
/UIS (p. 1716) Controls the GUI behavior.
UNPAUSE (p. 1724)Restores use of a temporarily released (paused) product license.
(Applicable only after a previously issued PAUSE (p. 1133) command.)
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10 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
These SESSION commands control file operations, such as deleting, copying, and listing.
/COPY (p. 344) Copies a file.
/DELETE (p. 421) Deletes a file.
/FCOMP (p. 613) Specifies file compression level.
/FDELE (p. 619) Deletes a binary file after it is used.
LGWRITE (p. 873) Writes the database command log to a file.
*LIST (p. 879) Displays the contents of an external, coded file.
/RENAME (p. 1324) Renames a file.
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Command Groupings
These DATABASE commands select subsets of database entities for further operations.
ASLL (p. 171) Selects those areas containing the selected lines.
ASEL (p. 166) Selects a subset of areas.
ASLV (p. 172) Selects those areas contained in the selected volumes.
DOFSEL (p. 469) Selects a degree-of-freedom label set for reference by other
ESEL (p. 548) Selects a subset of elements.
ESLA (p. 555) Selects those elements associated with the selected areas.
ESLL (p. 555) Selects those elements associated with the selected lines.
ESLN (p. 556) Selects those elements attached to the selected nodes.
ESLV (p. 557) Selects elements associated with the selected volumes.
KSEL (p. 828) Selects a subset of keypoints or hard points.
KSLL (p. 830) Selects those keypoints contained in the selected lines.
KSLN (p. 831) Selects those keypoints associated with the selected nodes.
LSEL (p. 896) Selects a subset of lines.
LSLA (p. 900) Selects those lines contained in the selected areas.
LSLK (p. 901) Selects those lines containing the selected keypoints.
NSEL (p. 1057) Selects a subset of nodes.
NSLA (p. 1062) Selects those nodes associated with the selected areas.
NSLE (p. 1063) Selects those nodes attached to the selected elements.
NSLK (p. 1064) Selects those nodes associated with the selected keypoints.
NSLL (p. 1065) Selects those nodes associated with the selected lines.
NSLV (p. 1066) Selects those nodes associated with the selected volumes.
VSEL (p. 1805) Selects a subset of volumes.
VSLA (p. 1807) Selects those volumes containing the selected areas.
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Command Groupings
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Command Groupings
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APDL Commands
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Command Groupings
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18 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
APDL Commands
These APDL commands operate on parameter arrays (i.e., vectors and matrices).
*VPUT (p. 1792) Restores array parameter values into the database.
*VSCFUN (p. 1803) Determines properties of an array parameter.
*VSTAT (p. 1808) Lists the current specifications for the array parameters.
*VWRITE (p. 1814) Writes data to a file in a formatted sequence.
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Command Groupings
These APDL Math commands can be used to create, manipulate, and solve matrices.
*MULT (p. 1000) Performs the matrix multiplication M3 = M1(T1)*M2(T2).
*NRM (p. 1052) Computes the norm of the specified matrix or vector.
*PRINT (p. 1248) Prints the matrix values to a file.
*REMOVE (p. 1323)Suppresses rows or columns of a dense matrix or a vector.
*RENAME (p. 1324)Renames an existing vector or matrix.
*SCAL (p. 1391) Scales a vector or matrix by a constant
*SMAT (p. 1522) Creates a sparse matrix.
*SORT (p. 1539) Sorts the values of the specified vector.
*VEC (p. 1749) Creates a vector.
*XPL (p. 1833) Accesses content of a Mechanical APDL file.
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20 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
PREP7 Commands
These PREP7 commands read model data into the database, list out the database, and
control the numbering of entities in the database.
/PREP7 (p. 1235) Enters the model creation preprocessor.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 21
Command Groupings
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22 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
PREP7 Commands
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 23
Command Groupings
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24 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
PREP7 Commands
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 25
Command Groupings
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26 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
PREP7 Commands
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 27
Command Groupings
These PREP7 commands mesh solid models with nodes and elements.
KREFINE (p. 825) Refines the mesh around specified keypoints.
KSCON (p. 827) Specifies a keypoint about which an area mesh will be skewed.
LATT (p. 844) Associates element attributes with the selected, unmeshed lines.
LCCAT (p. 850) Concatenates multiple lines into one line for mapped meshing.
LCLEAR (p. 853) Deletes nodes and line elements associated with selected lines.
LESIZE (p. 867) Specifies the divisions and spacing ratio on unmeshed lines.
LMESH (p. 881) Generates nodes and line elements along lines.
LREFINE (p. 885) Refines the mesh around specified lines.
MAT (p. 929) Sets the element material attribute pointer.
MCHECK (p. 930) Checks mesh connectivity.
MODMSH (p. 949) Controls the relationship of the solid model and the FE model.
MOPT (p. 960) Specifies meshing options.
MSHAPE (p. 991) For elements that support multiple shapes, specifies the element
shape to be used for meshing.
MSHCOPY (p. 993) Simplifies the generation of meshes that have matching node
element patterns on two different line groups (in 2-D) or area
groups (3-D).
MSHKEY (p. 994) Specifies whether free meshing or mapped meshing should be
used to mesh a model.
MSHMID (p. 994) Specifies placement of midside nodes.
Specifies pattern to be used for mapped triangle meshing.
NREFINE (p. 1049) Refines the mesh around specified nodes.
PSMESH (p. 1287) Splits an initially continuous group of beam, shell, plane, or solid
elements into two unconnected groups, tied together with
PRETS179 pretension elements.
REAL (p. 1319) Sets the element real constant set attribute pointer.
RSMESH (p. 1370) Generates a result section.
SHPP (p. 1510) Controls element shape checking.
SMRTSIZE (p. 1530)Specifies meshing parameters for automatic (smart) element sizing.
TCHG (p. 1671) Converts 20-node degenerate tetrahedral elements to their 10-node
non-degenerate counterparts.
TIMP (p. 1679) Improves the quality of tetrahedral elements that are not associated
with a volume.
TYPE (p. 1707) Sets the element type attribute pointer.
VATT (p. 1741) Associates element attributes with the selected, unmeshed volumes.
VCLEAR (p. 1741) Deletes nodes and volume elements associated with selected
VIMP (p. 1777) Improves the quality of the tetrahedral elements in the selected
VMESH (p. 1784) Generates nodes and volume elements within volumes.
VEORIENT (p. 1753)Specifies brick element orientation for volume mapped
(hexahedron) meshing.
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28 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
PREP7 Commands
These PREP7 commands mesh solid models with nodes and elements.
VSWEEP (p. 1809) Fills an existing unmeshed volume with elements by sweeping the
mesh from an adjacent area throughout the volume.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 29
Command Groupings
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30 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
PREP7 Commands
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 31
Command Groupings
These PREP7 commands define, modify, list, etc., coupled degrees of freedom.
CPSGEN (p. 357) Generates sets of coupled nodes from existing sets.
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32 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
PREP7 Commands
These PREP7 commands are for use with the STAT command.
VOLUMES (p. 1785)Specifies "Volumes" as the subsequent status topic.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 33
Command Groupings
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34 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 35
Command Groupings
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36 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 37
Command Groupings
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38 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 39
Command Groupings
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40 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 41
Command Groupings
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42 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
These SOLUTION commands are for miscellaneous load definition and control.
RESCONTROL (p. 1331)
Controls file writing for multiframe restarts.
SBCLIST (p. 1390) Lists solid model boundary conditions.
SBCTRAN (p. 1390)Transfers solid model loads and boundary conditions to the FE
WSPRINGS (p. 1826)
Creates weak springs on corner nodes of a bounding box of the
currently selected elements.
XFLIST (p. 1831) Lists enrichment details and associated crack information.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 43
Command Groupings
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44 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
These SOLUTION commands define nodal loads on the finite element model.
FJ (p. 633) Specify forces or moments on the components of the relative
motion of a joint element.
FJDELE (p. 634) Deletes forces (or moments) on the components of the relative
motion of a joint element.
FJLIST (p. 635) Lists forces and moments applied on joint elements.
FLIST (p. 638) Lists force loads on the nodes.
FSCALE (p. 649) Scales force load values in the database.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 45
Command Groupings
These SOLUTION commands define body loads on the finite element model.
TUNIF (p. 1700) Assigns a uniform temperature to all nodes.
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46 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
These SOLUTION commands are for use with the STAT (p. 1572) command.
SPTOPT (p. 1553) Specifies "Spectrum analysis options" as the subsequent status
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 47
Command Groupings
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48 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
POST1 Commands
These POST1 commands process results, such as degree-of-freedom results, nodal stresses,
and element summable and nonsummable miscellaneous data.
PLNSOL (p. 1190) Displays solution results as continuous element contours.
PLORB (p. 1199) Displays the orbital motion of a rotating structure undergoing
PRENERGY (p. 1234)
Prints the total energies of a model.
PRORB (p. 1263) Prints the orbital motion characteristics of a rotating structure
undergoing vibration.
PLVECT (p. 1206) Displays results as vectors.
PRCINT (p. 1230) Lists the contour integral (CINT (p. 281)) result data.
PRESOL (p. 1237) Prints the solution results for elements.
PRJSOL (p. 1249) Print joint element output.
PRNLD (p. 1254) Prints the summed element nodal loads.
PRNSOL (p. 1255) Prints the nodal solution results.
PRRFOR (p. 1264) Used with the FORCE (p. 644) command. Prints the constrained
node reaction solution.
PRRSOL (p. 1265) Prints the constrained node reaction solution.
PRVECT (p. 1270) Prints results as vector magnitude and direction cosines.
SUMTYPE (p. 1587)Sets the type of summation to be used in the following load case
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 49
Command Groupings
These POST1 commands operate with the element table, which in turn is used to process
results stored for each element, such as average stresses, heat fluxes, etc.
SMULT (p. 1533) Forms an element table item by multiplying two other items.
SSUM (p. 1567) Calculates and prints the sum of element table items.
TALLOW (p. 1601) Defines the temperature table for safety factor calculations.
VCROSS (p. 1744) Forms element table items from the cross product of two vectors.
VDOT (p. 1747) Forms an element table item from the dot product of two vectors.
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50 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
POST1 Commands
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 51
Command Groupings
These POST1 commands define an arbitrary surface and to develop results information
for that surface.
SUGET (p. 1586) Create and dimension an NPT row array parameter named PARM,
where NPT is the number of geometry points in SurfName.
SUMAP (p. 1587) Map results onto selected surface(s).
SUPL (p. 1588) Plot specified SetName result data on all selected surfaces or on
the specified surface.
SUPR (p. 1589) Print surface information.
SURESU (p. 1589) Resume surface definitions from a specified file.
SUSAVE (p. 1590) Save surface definitions and result items to a file.
SUSEL (p. 1591) Selects a subset of surfaces
SUVECT (p. 1591) Operate between two mapped result vectors.
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52 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
POST1 Commands
These POST1 commands are used for special purpose magnetics postprocessing.
SENERGY (p. 1449) Determines the stored magnetic energy or co-energy.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 53
Command Groupings
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54 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
POST26 Commands
These POST1 commands are for use with the STAT (p. 1572) command.
DEFINE (p. 418) Specifies "Data definition settings" as the subsequent status topic.
DISPLAY (p. 439) Specifies "Display settings" as the subsequent status topic.
LCCALC (p. 850) Specifies "Load case settings" as the subsequent status topic.
POINT (p. 1219) Specifies "Point flow tracing settings" as the subsequent status
PRINT (p. 1248) Specifies "Print settings" as the subsequent status topic.
SORT (p. 1540) Specifies "Sort settings" as the subsequent status topic.
SPEC (p. 1544) Specifies "Miscellaneous specifications" as the subsequent status
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 55
Command Groupings
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56 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
POST26 Commands
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 57
Command Groupings
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58 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
AUX15 Commands
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 59
Command Groupings
These AUX15 commands read an IGES format file into PREP7 data.
IOPTN (p. 798) Controls options relating to importing a model.
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60 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
REDUCED Order Modeling Commands
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 61
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62 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 3: Command Dictionary
This chapter contains a dictionary of the ANSYS commands, listed in alphabetical order. The star (*) and
slash (/) of the star and slash commands are ignored for alphabetization (for example, the /SHOW (p. 1507)
command appears between the SHELL (p. 1506) and SHPP (p. 1510) commands). As in a dictionary, keywords
are located at the top of each page (in the printed version only) indicating the first and last commands
contained on that page.
Specifies whether to use automatic time stepping or load stepping.
Argument Descriptions
Automatic time stepping key:
OFF --
Do not use automatic time stepping
ON --
Use automatic time stepping.
Specifies whether to use automatic time stepping (or load stepping) over this load step. If Key = ON,
both time step prediction and time step bisection will be used. Used only if DTIME (specified on the
DELTIM (p. 422) command) is less than the time span or conversely, if NSBSTP (on the NSUBST (p. 1073)
command) is greater than one.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 63
Command Dictionary
Product Restrictions
ANSYS Mechanical Enterprise Key = OFF is only valid with the ANSYS Mechanical Enterprise family
of products (ANSYS Mechanical Enterprise, ANSYS Mechanical Enterprise PrepPost, and ANSYS Mechan-
ical Enterprise Solver).
Menu Paths
Main Menu> Preprocessor >Loads> Load Step Opts> Time/Frequenc> Freq and Substps
Main Menu> Preprocessor> Loads> Load Step Opts> Time/Frequenc> Time - Time Step
Main Menu> Solution> Load Step Opts> Time/Frequenc> Freq and Substps
Main Menu> Solution> Load Step Opts> Time/Frequenc> Time - Time Step
Specifies whether to use automatic time stepping or load stepping.
Listed on the next line are codes that will help you find other commands in the program with related
There is at least one group code for each command. "SOLUTION: Load Step Options" is the code in the
example above. The portion of the code before the colon (:) tells which of the tables in Command
Groupings (p. 9) the command can be found in. These tables represent major groupings, such as
PREP7 or APDL commands. In the example above, SOLUTION commands are found in SOLUTION Com-
mands (p. 35). Most of these major groupings are processors, and in those cases the command can be
entered only when in that processor. Any exceptions are noted under "Notes" later in the description.
The portion of the code after the colon is the subtable in Command Groupings (p. 9) containing the
command. The subtables list commands that functionally relate to each other. In the example, "Load
Step Options" means that the command can be found in Table 2.52: Load Step Options (p. 40), a subtable
of SOLUTION Commands (p. 35), with other load step option commands.
If you are viewing this manual in the ANSYS Help System, just click on the code to follow the link to
the corresponding table. Then click on any of the commands in the table, to follow the link to its de-
If you are reading the printed version, simply turn to the appropriate table in Command Groupings (p. 9).
The table lists the page number where the command is documented.
The next line displays a series of product codes, which may contain all of the ANSYS product codes:
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64 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
or a subset of them:
For more information on product codes, see Valid Products (p. 2).
Following this "product code" line is the description of all arguments, if any, of the command:
Automatic time stepping key:
OFF --
Do not use automatic time stepping (default).
ON --
Use automatic time stepping.
The argument is described and, where necessary, valid choices for the argument are described. Many
arguments list defaults, which are the values assumed for that argument if you enter the command but
leave the argument blank. On the other hand, shown after the argument descriptions is often another
Command Default
No automatic time stepping.
This is the command default. This is the specification assumed by the program if you do not enter the
command at all. Only commands that set specifications (specification commands) have defaults listed.
Commands that cause some action, such as performing some calculation, are called action commands
and simply do not perform the action if the command is not entered. Defaults are not listed for action
Following the default listing are any notes about the command. These notes expand on the summary
description given up near the command format, and describe any other behavior, restrictions, suggestions,
etc. of that command:
Specifies whether to use automatic time stepping (or load stepping) over this load step. If Key = ON,
both time step prediction and time step bisection will be used. Used only if DTIME (specified on the
DELTIM (p. 422) command) is less than the time span or conversely, if NSBSTP (on the NSUBST (p. 1073)
command) is greater than one.
If the command behaves differently, or has restrictions, in any of the various ANSYS products, those
differences are described in the Product Restrictions section:
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 65
Command Dictionary
Product Restrictions
ANSYS Mechanical Enterprise Key = OFF is only valid with the ANSYS Mechanical Enterprise family
of products (ANSYS Mechanical Enterprise, ANSYS Mechanical Enterprise PrepPost, and ANSYS Mechan-
ical Enterprise Solver).
Menu Paths
Main Menu >Preprocessor> Loads> Load Step Opts> Time/Frequenc> Freq and Substps
Main Menu >Preprocessor> Loads> Load Step Opts> Time/Frequenc> Time - Time Step
Main Menu> Solution> Load Step Opts> Time/Frequenc >Freq and Substps
Main Menu> Solution> Load Step Opts> Time/Frequenc> Time - Time Step
These menu paths are intended as guides to help you find the commands in the GUI. Be aware, however,
that often the paths are valid only if some other command has been previously issued. For example,
you won't be able to follow a path to transient analysis options if you have not selected a transient
analysis in the first place.
Not all commands are directly accessible through the menu (although some of them may be generated
indirectly by some menu function). Such cases are indicated by the following statement in the menu
path listing:
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed directly in the menu.
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66 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Connection Commands
~CAT5IN (p. 67), Name, Extension, Path, Entity, FMT, NOCL, NOAN
Transfers a .CATPart file into the ANSYS program.
CAD Import
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
The name of a valid .CATPart file, created with CATIA Version 5.0. The first character of the file name
must be an alphanumeric.
The extension for the file. The default extension is .CATPart.
The path name of the directory in which the file resides enclosed in single quotes. The default path name
is the current working directory.
Entity to be imported.
Solids only, imported as ANSYS volumes (default).
Surfaces only, imported as ANSYS areas.
All entities. Use this option when the file contains different types of entities.
The format in which ANSYS will store the model.
Neutral format (default). Defeaturing after import is restricted.
Solid format; this allows defeaturing after import.
Remove tiny objects.
Remove tiny objects without checking model validity (default).
Do not remove tiny objects.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 67
Perform an analysis of the model.
Analyze the model (default).
Do not analyze the model.
If defeaturing is specified (FMT = 1), this command must be the last line of any file, script, or other in-
teractive input.
More information on importing CATIA Version 5 parts is available in CATIA V5 in the Connection User's
Menu Paths
File>Import>CATIA V5
The name of a valid CATIA model, created with CATIA 4.x or lower. The first character of the file name must
be an alphanumeric. Special characters such as & - and * and spaces are not permitted in the part name.
The extension for the file. The default extension is .model.
The path name of the directory in which the file resides, enclosed in single quotes. The default path name
is the current working directory.
Unused field.
Unused field.
Sets whether to import “blanked” entities.
Does not import “blanked” (suppressed) CATIA entities (default).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
68 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Imports “blanked” entities. The portions of CATIA data that were suppressed will be included in the
Unused field.
More information on importing CATIA parts is available in CATIA V4 in the Connection User's Guide.
Menu Paths
The name of a valid Parasolid file. The first character of the file name must be an alphanumeric.
The extension for the file. The default extension is .x_t on a PC or .xmt_txt on a Linux system. Parasolid
files are compatible across systems, and do not need to be renamed to be used on another platform.
The path name of the directory in which the file resides, enclosed in single quotes. The default path name
is the current working directory.
Entity to be imported:
Solids only, imported as ANSYS volumes (default)
Surfaces only, imported as ANSYS areas.
Wireframe only, imported as ANSYS lines.
All entities. Use this option when the file contains more than one type of entity.
Sets the format in which ANSYS will store the model
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 69
Neutral format (default). Defeaturing after import is restricted. Use this option if you need to scale a
model to a specific unit of measure (other than meters).
Solid format; this allows defeaturing after import.
Allows scaling for the model
Do not rescale the model; retain the default Parasolid setting of meters (default).
Scale the model if warranted by the model size.
Very small models will be scaled by the factor of 10 or 100 to increase the chance of successful
import; the scaling factor used is displayed in the output window and in the .para_log file. Because
scaling changes the dimensions of the model, you must apply loads and material properties appro-
priately. If the model cannot be properly scaled, the analysis may fail.
If you need to scale your model to a specific set of measurements, set FMT = 0, then use either the
VLSCALE (p. 1782), ARSCALE (p. 158) or LSSCALE (p. 905) command to select a different unit of
More information on importing Parasolid parts is available in Parasolid in the Connection User's Guide.
Menu Paths
The name of the Creo Parametric part to be imported, which cannot exceed 64 characters in length and
must begin with an alphanumeric character. Special characters such as & - and * and spaces are not per-
mitted in the part name.
The general Creo Parametric extension format is prt for parts and asm for assemblies.
Full path name to the directory containing the part. The default is the current working directory.
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70 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The start command for the version of Creo Parametric you are using. proe1 is the default command. Note
that the full path name to the Creo Parametric command need not be used here if the path had been in-
cluded in the PATH variable. The Creo Parametric command name is set by the PROE_START_CMD201
environment variable.
More information on importing Creo Parametric parts is available in Creo Parametric (formerly Pro/EN-
GINEER) in the Connection User's Guide.
Menu Paths
File>Import>Creo Parametric
~SATIN (p. 71), Name, Extension, Path, Entity, FMT, NOCL, NOAN
Transfers a .SAT file into the ANSYS program.
CAD Import
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
The name of a valid .SAT file, created with a supported version of ACIS. The first character of the file name
must be an alphanumeric. Special characters such as & - and * and spaces are not permitted in the part
name. See File Names (p. 7) in the Command Reference (p. 1) for more information about ANSYS file
naming conventions.
The extension for the file. The default extension is .sat.
The path name of the directory in which the file resides enclosed in single quotes. The default path name
is the current working directory.
Entity to be imported.
Solids only, imported as ANSYS volumes (Not implemented, imports All).
Surfaces only, imported as ANSYS areas (Not implemented, imports All).
Wireframe only, imported as ANSYS lines (Not implemented, imports All).
All entities. Use this option when the file contains different types of entities.
The format in which ANSYS will store the model.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 71
Neutral format (default). Defeaturing after import is restricted.
Solid format; this allows defeaturing after import.
Remove tiny objects.
Remove tiny objects without checking model validity (default).
Do not remove tiny objects.
Perform an ACIS analysis of the model.
Analyze the model (default).
Do not analyze the model.
More information on importing ACIS parts is available in ACIS in the Connection User's Guide.
Menu Paths
The file name of the NX part to be imported, which cannot exceed 64 characters in length. The path name
must begin with an alphanumeric character. Special characters such as &, -, and * are not permitted in the
part name.
The NX part file extension. The default is .prt.
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72 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The full path name to the directory containing the part, enclosed in single quotes; for example,
'/ug_parts'. The default is the current working directory.
Entity to be imported.
0 or Solid
Solids only, imported as ANSYS volumes (the default).
1 or Surface
Surfaces only, imported as ANSYS areas.
2 or Wireframe
Wireframe only, imported as ANSYS lines.
3 or All
All entities. Use this option when the part contains entities that may not be attached to each other,
such as a solid in one location and a surface in another.
The number(s) assigned to the layer(s) to be imported. You can import one layer or a range of layers
(designated by hyphens). Defaults to 1-256 (all layers).
The format in which ANSYS will store the model.
Neutral format (default). Defeaturing after import is restricted.
Solid format; this allows defeaturing after import.
More information on importing NX parts is available in UG/NX in the Connection User's Guide.
Menu Paths
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 73
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
74 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
A Commands
A, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, P7, P8, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18
Defines an area by connecting keypoints.
PREP7 (p. 20): Areas (p. 25)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Keypoints (P1 through P18) must be input in a clockwise or counterclockwise order around the area.
This order also determines the positive normal direction of the area according to the right-hand rule.
Existing lines between adjacent keypoints will be used; missing lines are generated "straight" in the
active coordinate system and assigned the lowest available numbers [NUMSTR (p. 1085)]. If more than
one line exists between two keypoints, the shorter one will be chosen. If the area is to be defined with
more than four keypoints, the required keypoints and lines must lie on a constant coordinate value in
the active coordinate system (such as a plane or a cylinder). Areas may be redefined only if not yet at-
tached to a volume. Solid modeling in a toroidal coordinate system is not recommended.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Areas>Arbitrary>Through KPs
Argument Descriptions
The abbreviation (up to 8 alphanumeric characters) used to represent the string String. If Abbr is the
same as an existing ANSYS command, the abbreviation overrides. Avoid using an Abbr which is the same
as an ANSYS command.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 75
String of characters (60 maximum) represented by Abbr. Cannot include a $ or any of the commands
C*** (p. 247), /COM (p. 334), /GOPR (p. 728), /NOPR (p. 1045), /QUIT (p. 1304), /UI (p. 1712), or *END (p. 527). Para-
meter names and commands of the *DO (p. 467) and Use the *IF (p. 774) groups may not be abbreviated.
If String is blank, the abbreviation is deleted. To abbreviate multiple commands, create an "unknown
command" macro or define String to execute a macro file [*USE (p. 1727)] containing the desired commands.
Once the abbreviation Abbr is defined, you can issue it at the beginning of a command line and follow
it with a blank (or with a comma and appended data), and the program will substitute the string String
for Abbr as the line is executed. Up to 100 abbreviations may exist at any time and are available
throughout the program. Abbreviations may be redefined or deleted at any time.
Use *STATUS (p. 1574) to display the current list of abbreviations. For abbreviations repeated with *RE-
PEAT (p. 1326), substitution occurs before the repeat increments are applied. There are a number of ab-
breviations that are predefined by the program (these can be deleted by using the blank String option
described above). Note that String will be written to the File.LOG.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Macro>Edit Abbreviations
Utility Menu>MenuCtrls>Edit Toolbar
AADD, NA1, NA2, NA3, NA4, NA5, NA6, NA7, NA8, NA9
Adds separate areas to create a single area.
PREP7 (p. 20): Booleans (p. 26)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
The areas must be coplanar. The original areas (and their corresponding lines and keypoints) will be
deleted by default. See the BOPTN (p. 234) command for the options available to Boolean operations.
Element attributes and solid model boundary conditions assigned to the original entities will not be
transferred to the new entities generated. Concatenated entities are not valid with this command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Add>Areas
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
76 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Argument Descriptions
Specifies the units to be used:
RAD --
Use radians for input and output of parameter angular functions (default).
DEG --
Use degrees for input and output of parameter angular functions.
Show current setting (DEG or RAD) for this command.
Command Default
Use radians for input or output of parameter angular functions.
Only the SIN, COS, TAN, ASIN, ACOS, ATAN, ATAN2, ANGLEK, and ANGLEN functions [*SET (p. 1453),
*VFUN (p. 1762)] are affected by this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Parameters>Angular Units
Argument Descriptions
An alphanumeric name used to identify the scalar parameter. See *SET (p. 1453) for name restrictions.
Text string to be displayed on the next line as the query (32 characters maximum). Characters having
special meaning (such as $ ! ,) should not be included.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 77
Default value assigned to the parameter if the user issues a blank response. May be a number or character
string (up to 8 characters enclosed in single quotes). If a default is not assigned, a blank response will delete
the parameter.
Intended primarily for use in macros, the command prints the query (after the word ENTER) on the
next line and waits for a response. The response is read from the keyboard, except in batch mode
[/BATCH (p. 189)], when the response(s) must be the next-read input line(s). The response may be a
number, a character string (up to 8 characters enclosed in single quotes), a parameter (numeric or
character) or an expression that evaluates to a number. The scalar parameter is then set to the response
value. For example, *ASK (p. 77),NN,PARAMETER NN will set NN to the value entered on the next line
(after the prompt ENTER PARAMETER NN).
The *ASK (p. 77) command is not written to File.LOG, but the responses are written there as follows:
If *ASK (p. 77) is contained in a macro, the response(s) (only) is written to File.LOG on the line(s)
following the macro name. If not contained in a macro, the response is written to File.LOG as a
parameter assignment (i.e., Par = "user-response").
If used within a do-loop that is executed interactively, *ASK (p. 77) should be contained in a macro. If
not contained in a macro, *ASK (p. 77) will still query the user as intended, but the resulting log file
will not reproduce the effects of the original run.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
The material number to be associated with selected, unmeshed areas.
The real constant set number to be associated with selected, unmeshed areas.
The type number to be associated with selected, unmeshed areas.
The coordinate system number to be associated with selected, unmeshed areas.
The section number to be associated with selected unmeshed areas.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
78 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Areas subsequently generated from the areas will also have these attributes. These element attributes
will be used when the areas are meshed. If an area does not have attributes associated with it (by this
command) at the time it is meshed, the attributes are obtained from the then current MAT (p. 929),
REAL (p. 1319), TYPE (p. 1707), ESYS (p. 570), and SECNUM (p. 1423) command settings. Reissue the AATT
command (before areas are meshed) to change the attributes. A zero (or blank) argument removes the
corresponding association. If any of the arguments MAT, REAL, TYPE, ESYS, or SECN are defined as -
1, then that value will be left unchanged in the selected set.
In some cases, ANSYS can proceed with an area meshing operation even when no logical element type
has been assigned via AATT,,,TYPE or TYPE (p. 1707). For more information, see the discussion on setting
element attributes in Meshing Your Solid Model in the Modeling and Meshing Guide.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh Attributes>All Areas
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh Attributes>Picked Areas
Argument Descriptions
vr, vi
The real and imaginary parts of the scalar v. Default value is 0.
Name of matrix M1. If not specified, the operation M2 = w*M2 will be performed.
wr, wi
The real and imaginary parts of the scalar w. Default value is 0.
Name of matrix M2. Must be specified.
The matrices M1 and M2 must have the same dimensions and same type (dense or sparse). If M2 is real,
vi and wi are ignored.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 79
Argument Descriptions
Label that specifies the read operation:
NEW --
Replace current abbreviation set with these abbreviations (default).
Extend current abbreviation set with these abbreviations, replacing any of the same name that already
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
The abbreviation file may have been written with the ABBSAV (p. 81) command. Do not issue
ABBRES,NEW while inside an executing abbreviation. Doing so will cause all data for the executing
abbreviation to be deleted.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Macro>Restore Abbr
Utility Menu>MenuCtrls>Restore Toolbar
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80 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Argument Descriptions
Label that specifies the write operation:
ALL --
Write all abbreviations (default).
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
Existing abbreviations on this file, if any, will be overwritten. The abbreviation file may be read with the
ABBRES (p. 80) command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Macro>Save Abbr
Utility Menu>MenuCtrls>Save Toolbar
First mode number.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 81
Second mode number.
ABEXTRACT calls the command macro DMPEXT (p. 459) to extract the damping ratio of MODE1 and
MODE2 and then computes the Alpha and Beta damping multipliers for use in a subsequent structural
harmonic or transient analysis. See Damping in the Structural Analysis Guide for more information on
the alpha and beta damping multipliers. The damping multipliers are stored in parameters ALPHADMP
and BETADMP and can be applied using the ALPHAD (p. 102) and BETAD (p. 192) commands. Before
calling ABEXTRACT, you must issue RMFLVEC (p. 1351) to extract the modal displacements. In addition,
a node component FLUN must exist from all FLUID136 nodes. See Introduction for more information
on thin film analyses.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Solution>ThinFilm>RayleighDamp
Arbitrary reference number assigned to the resulting variable (2 to NV [NUMVAR (p. 1086)]). If this number
is the same as for a previously defined variable, the previously defined variable will be overwritten with
this result.
Reference number of the variable to be operated on.
--, --
Unused fields.
Thirty-two character name for identifying the variable on the printout and displays. Embedded blanks are
compressed upon output.
--, --
Unused fields.
Scaling factor (positive or negative) applied to variable IA (defaults to 1.0).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
82 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The new variable is calculated as:
IR = | FACTA x IA |
For a complex number (a + ib), the absolute value is the magnitude, where the IA values are obtained
See POST26 - Data Operations in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference for details.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Math Operations>Absolute Value
NA1, NA2
Areas to be concatenated. If NA1 = ALL, NA2 will be ignored and all selected areas [ASEL (p. 166)] will be
concatenated. If NA1 = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining arguments are ignored (valid only
in the GUI). A component name may also be substituted for NA1 (NA2 is ignored).
Concatenates multiple, adjacent areas (the input areas) into one area (the output area) in preparation
for mapped meshing. A volume that contains too many areas for mapped meshing can still be mapped
meshed if some of the areas in that volume are first concatenated (see Meshing Your Solid Model in
the Modeling and Meshing Guide for details on mapped meshing restrictions).
Because of modeling restrictions that result from its use, ACCAT is meant to be used solely for meshing.
Specifically, (a) the output area and any volumes that have the output area on their area list [VL-
IST (p. 1781)] cannot be used as input to any other solid modeling operation (not even another ACCAT
command); and (b) the output area cannot accept solid model boundary conditions [DA (p. 401),
SFA (p. 1470)].
The output area (or volumes which contain it) will be meshed [AMESH (p. 106), VMESH (p. 1784)] by
meshing the input areas, which themselves must be meshable. The output area from the ACCAT oper-
ation will be coincident with the input areas and the input areas will be retained. Consider the
AADD (p. 76) command instead of ACCAT if you wish to delete the input areas. When an ACCAT
command is issued, volume area lists [VLIST (p. 1781)] that contain all of the input areas will be updated
so that the volume area lists refer to the output area instead of the input area. Deletion of the output
area [ADELE (p. 89)] effectively reverses the ACCAT operation and restores volume area lists to their
original condition. ACCAT operations on pairs of adjacent four-sided areas automatically concatenate
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 83
appropriate lines [LCCAT (p. 850)]; in all other situations, line concatenations must be addressed by the
You can use the ASEL (p. 166) command to select areas that were created by concatenation, and then
follow it with an ADELE (p. 89),ALL command to delete them. See Meshing Your Solid Model in the
Modeling and Meshing Guide for a discussion on how to easily select and delete concatenated areas in
one step.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh>Volumes>Mapped>Concatenate>Areas
Specifies GPU accelerator capability options.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Analysis Options (p. 35)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Argument Descriptions
Activates the GPU accelerator capability within the equation solvers.
OFF --
Do not use GPU accelerator.
ON --
Use GPU accelerator.
Command Default
Activate is set to ON when the GPU acceleration command line option (-acc) is specified upon
launching ANSYS; otherwise it is OFF.
The GPU accelerator capability requires specific hardware to be installed on the machine. See the ap-
propriate ANSYS, Inc. Installation Guide (Windows or Linux) for a list of supported GPU hardware. Use
of this capability also requires HPC licensing. For more information, see GPU Accelerator Capability in
the Parallel Processing Guide.
The GPU accelerator capability is available for the sparse direct solver and the PCG and JCG iterative
solvers. Static, buckling, modal, full harmonic, and full transient analyses are supported. For buckling
analyses, the Block Lanczos and Subspace eigensolvers are supported. For modal analyses, only the
Block Lanczos, PCG Lanczos, Subspace, Unsymmetric, and Damped eigensolvers are supported. Activating
this capability when using other equation solvers or other analysis types has no effect.
The GPU accelerator capability is supported only on the Windows 64-bit and Linux 64-bit platforms.
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84 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
In the absence of any other loads or supports, the acceleration of the structure in each of the global
Cartesian (X, Y, and Z) axes would be equal in magnitude but opposite in sign to that applied in the
ACEL command. Thus, to simulate gravity (by using inertial effects), accelerate the reference frame with
an ACEL command in the direction opposite to gravity.
You can define the acceleration for the following analyses types:
For all transient dynamic (ANTYPE (p. 140),TRANS) analyses, accelerations are combined with the element
mass matrices to form a body force load vector term. The element mass matrix may be formed from a
mass input constant or from a nonzero density (DENS) property, depending upon the element type.
For analysis type ANTYPE (p. 140),HARMIC, the acceleration is assumed to be the real component with
a zero imaginary component.
Units of acceleration and mass must be consistent to give a product of force units.
The ACEL command supports tabular boundary conditions (%TABNAME_X%, %TABNAME_Y%, and
%TABNAME_Z%) for ACEL_X, ACEL_Y, and ACEL_Z input values (*DIM (p. 435)) as a function of both
time and frequency for full transient and harmonic analyses.
Related commands for rotational effects are CMACEL (p. 296), CGLOC (p. 273), CGOMGA (p. 274),
DCGOMG (p. 409), DOMEGA (p. 471), OMEGA (p. 1107), CMOMEGA (p. 305), and CMDOMEGA (p. 300).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 85
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Inertia>Gravity>Global
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Inertia>Gravity
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Inertia>Gravity>Global
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Inertia>Gravity
Deletes all nodes and area elements associated with selected areas (regardless of whether the nodes
or elements are selected). Nodes shared by adjacent meshed areas and nodes associated with non-area
elements will not be deleted. Attributes assigned as a result of AATT (p. 78) are maintained. In the
program's response to the command, if an area, line, or keypoint is tallied as "cleared," it means either
its node or element reference was deleted.
This command is also valid for rezoning. When issued during rezoning (after the REMESH (p. 1321),START
command and before the REMESH (p. 1321),FINISH command), ACLEAR clears only the area generated
by the AREMESH (p. 155) command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Clear>Areas
Number of normal modes to be written to Jobname.MNF file (no default).
Specifies whether to write stress or strain results:
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86 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Do not write stress or strain results (default).
Write stress results.
Write strain results.
Write both stress and strain results.
Shell element output location. This option is valid only for shell elements.
0, 1
Shell top surface (default).
Shell middle surface.
Shell bottom surface.
ADAMS invokes a predefined ANSYS macro that solves a series of analyses and then writes the modal
neutral file, Jobname.MNF. This file can be imported into the ADAMS program in order to perform a
rigid body dynamics simulation. For detailed information on how to use the ADAMS command macro
to create a modal neutral file, see Rigid Body Dynamics and the ANSYS-ADAMS Interface in the Substruc-
turing Analysis Guide.
Before running the ADAMS command macro, you must specify the units with the /UNITS (p. 1722) com-
mand. The interface points should be the only selected nodes when the command macro is initiated.
(Interface points are nodes where constraints may be applied in ADAMS.) Only selected elements will
be considered in the calculations.
By default, stress and strain data is transferred to the ADAMS program for all nodes, as specified by the
KSTRESS value. If you want to transfer stress/strain data for only a subset of nodes, select the desired
subset and create a node component named "STRESS" before running the ADAMS command macro.
For example, you may want to select exterior nodes for the purpose of visualization in the ADAMS
The default filename for the modal neutral file is Jobname.MNF. In interactive (GUI) mode, you can
specify a filename other than Jobname.MNF. In batch mode, there is no option to change the filename,
and the modal neutral file is always written to Jobname.MNF.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Solution>ADAMS Connection>Export to ADAMS
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 87
ADD, IR, IA, IB, IC, Name, --, --, FACTA, FACTB, FACTC
Adds (sums) variables.
POST26 (p. 55): Operations (p. 56)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Arbitrary reference number assigned to the resulting variable (2 to NV [NUMVAR (p. 1086)]). If this number
is the same as for a previously defined variable, the previously defined variable will be overwritten with
this result.
Reference numbers of the three variables to be operated on. If only two variables, leave IC blank. If only
one, leave IB and IC blank.
Thirty-two character name for identifying the variable on the printout and displays. Embedded blanks are
compressed upon output.
--, --
Unused fields.
Adds variables (up to three at once) according to the operation:
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Math Operations>Add
Direction-dependent acceleration coefficient for elastic or elastic-plastic analysis option (default = 0).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
88 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Minimum acceleration value. It defaults to 6g, where g is the acceleration due to gravity.
This command specifies acceleration coefficients to analyze shock resistance of shipboard equipment.
These coefficients are used to compute mode coefficients according to the equations given in Dynamic
Design Analysis Method in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference. The form of these equations is based
on the Naval NRL Dynamic Design Analysis Method. This command, along with the VDDAM (p. 1745) and
SED (p. 1439) commands, is used with the spectrum (ANTYPE (p. 140),SPECTR) analysis as a special purpose
alternative to the SV (p. 1592), FREQ (p. 648), and SVTYP (p. 1594) commands.
In order to perform a DDAM spectrum analysis using a units system other than BIN (default), you must
specify the units system complying with the mass and length units of the model using the /UNITS (p. 1722)
command. Issue the /UNITS (p. 1722) command before defining the shock spectrum computation constants
(ADDAM). The ADDAM command is not supported with the user-defined unite system (Label = USER
on /UNITS (p. 1722)).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>DDAM Options
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>DDAM Options
Specifies whether keypoints and lines are also to be deleted:
Delete areas only (default).
Delete areas, as well as keypoints and lines attached to specified areas but not shared by other areas.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 89
An area attached to a volume cannot be deleted unless the volume is first deleted.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Delete>Area and Below
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Delete>Areas Only
See the Modeling and Meshing Guide for details on parametric degeneracies.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Check Geom>Show Degeneracy>List Degen Areas
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Show Degeneracy>List Degen Areas
ADRAG, NL1, NL2, NL3, NL4, NL5, NL6, NLP1, NLP2, NLP3, NLP4, NLP5, NLP6
Generates areas by dragging a line pattern along a path.
PREP7 (p. 20): Areas (p. 25)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
90 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Generates areas (and their corresponding keypoints and lines) by sweeping a given line pattern along
a characteristic drag path. If the drag path consists of multiple lines, the drag direction is determined
by the sequence in which the path lines are input (NLP1, NLP2, etc.). If the drag path is a single line
(NLP1), the drag direction is from the keypoint on the drag line that is closest to the first keypoint of
the given line pattern to the other end of the drag line.
The magnitude of the vector between the keypoints of the given pattern and the first path keypoint
remains constant for all generated keypoint patterns and the path keypoints. The direction of the vector
relative to the path slope also remains constant so that patterns may be swept around curves.
Keypoint, line, and area numbers are automatically assigned (beginning with the lowest available values
[NUMSTR (p. 1085)]). Adjacent lines use a common keypoint. Adjacent areas use a common line. For best
results, the entities to be dragged should be orthogonal to the start of the drag path. Drag operations
that produce an error message may create some of the desired entities prior to terminating.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Extrude>Lines>Along Lines
ar, nBlades, AutoFileRead
Computes the aero-damping and stiffness coefficients and writes them to an APDL array.
PREP7 (p. 20): Special Purpose (p. 34)
SOLUTION (p. 35): Dynamic Options (p. 38)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Mode type to be used.
Non-cyclic cantilevered blade mode (default)
Name of string array containing file names of mapped pressures from CFD. The file names should be
ordered to correspond to the AeroSpecs array.
Name of numerical array containing data organized to correspond to the AeroMappedFiles array. See
the "Notes" (p. 92) section for specific information that must be in the array.
Scaling value(s) to handle any modal scaling difference between structural and CFD modes. The values
can be entered as a scalar or 1-dimensional array. (each scaling value defaults to 1)
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 91
Number of blades.
Key to automatically read and use values from CFD file header.
0 (OFF or NO)
Do not read scaling values or nodal diameter from the CFD file header. (default)
1 (ON or YES)
Read scaling values (labeled Mode Multiplier in CFD file) from CFD file header. The scaling values
read will be used in calculations and the AeroScalar input will be ignored. The nodal diameter values
will be used to cross check the value of i (input through AeroSpecs array).
Command Default
No defaults are available for the AEROCOEFF command.
The AEROCOEFF command is designed to generate an array of aerodynamic coefficients that can be
used in a cyclic mode-superposition harmonic response analysis using the CYCFREQ (p. 376),AERO
command to represent aerodynamic stiffness and damping. These aerodynamic coefficients can also
be used in a damped modal analysis phase (CYCFREQ (p. 376),MODAL) of a cyclic mode-superposition
harmonic solve. An APDL array called JobnameAeroArray is generated using the AEROCOEFF command.
This array is compatible with the array needed for the CYCFREQ (p. 376),AERO command.
The format of the written array follows that of the CYCFREQ (p. 376),AERO command. The array is
formatted as follows:
Prior to issuing the AEROCOEFF command, a non-cyclic cantilevered blade modal analysis must be run,
either stress-free or prestressed using linear perturbation. For more information, see Modal Analysis in
the Structural Analysis Guide. The file requirements for the AEROCOEFF command are the same as those
needed for modal restart as described in Modal Analysis Restart.
The AeroSpecs values are specified in a 3×r array (*DIM (p. 435)), where r is a positive integer equal
to the number of interblade phase angles and the pressure modes solved for in the CFD analysis. Each
row has the structure:
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92 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The number of AeroScalar values must be equal to the number of pressure modes ( from Aero-
Specs). If the number of AeroScalar values is greater than 1, the values must be entered by defining
an array (*DIM (p. 435)) and entering the array name in the AeroScalar field. For a discussion of
how AeroScalar values are computed, see Scaling Aerodynamic Coupling Coefficients.
The value for nBlades should be equal to the number of sectors of the system. If there are multiple
blades per cyclic sector, then the combination of blades on the single sector will have an aero coefficient
value. In this case, each blade will not have a distinct aero coefficient.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Area number of the area to which this element size specification applies. If ANUM = ALL, size applies to all
selected areas. If ANUM = P, graphical picking is enabled. A component name may also be substituted for
Desired element size.
AESIZE allows control over the element sizing inside any area or on the face(s) of a volume.
SIZE controls element size on the interior of the area. For any line on the area not having its own size
assignment and not controlled by keypoint size assignments, it specifies the element size along the
line as well, so long as no adjacent area has a smaller size, which would take precedence. If the AESIZE
governs the boundary and SmartSizing is on, the boundary size can be refined for curvature or proximity.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 93
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Size Cntrls>ManualSize>Areas>All Areas
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Size Cntrls>ManualSize>Areas>Clr Size
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Size Cntrls>ManualSize>Areas>Picked Areas
Number of the first intersecting area. If NA1 = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining arguments
are ignored (valid only in the GUI).
Number of the second intersecting area.
Radius of fillet to be generated.
Generates an area of constant fillet radius at the intersection of two areas using a series of Boolean
operations. Corresponding lines and keypoints are also generated. See BOPTN (p. 234) command for an
explanation of the options available to Boolean operations. If areas do not initially intersect at a common
line, use the AINA (p. 98) command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Areas>Area Fillet
Lists the current data in the database.
PREP7 (p. 20): Database (p. 20)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Lists the current data and specifications in the database. If batch, lists all appropriate data. If interactive,
lists only summaries.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
94 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Other>Database Summary
Component name for the surface areas of the meshed solid volumes.
Component name for the target lines meshed with fluid elements.
This command macro is used to generate surface effect elements overlaid on the surface of existing
solid elements and, based on proximity, to determine and assign the extra node for each surface element.
The underlying volumes of the solid region and the fluid lines must be meshed prior to calling this
command macro. The active element type must be SURF152 with appropriate settings for KEYOPT(4),
KEYOPT(5), KEYOPT(6), and KEYOPT(8).
The surface areas of the solid and the target lines of the fluid are grouped into components and named
using the CM (p. 295) command. The names must be enclosed in single quotes (e.g., 'SAREA') when the
AFSURF command is manually typed in.
When using the GUI method, node and element components are created through the picking dialog
boxes associated with this command.
The macro is applicable for the SURF152 and FLUID116 element types.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Surf / Contact>Surf Effect>Attch to
Fluid>Area to Fluid
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Surf / Contact>Surf Effect>Attch to
Fluid>Line to Fluid
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Surf / Contact>Surf Effect>Attch to
Fluid>Node to Fluid
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 95
Generates additional areas from a pattern of areas.
PREP7 (p. 20): Areas (p. 25)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Do this generation operation a total of ITIMEs, incrementing all keypoints in the given pattern automat-
ically (or by KINC) each time after the first. ITIME must be more than 1 for generation to occur.
Keypoint location increments in the active coordinate system (--, D θ, DZ for cylindrical; --, D θ, -- for
Keypoint number increment between generated sets. If zero, the lowest available keypoint numbers are
assigned [NUMSTR (p. 1085)].
Specifies if elements and nodes are also to be generated:
Generate nodes and elements associated with the original areas, if they exist.
Do not generate nodes and elements.
Specifies whether to redefine the existing areas:
Generate new areas as requested with the ITIME argument.
Move original areas to new position, retaining the same keypoint numbers (ITIME, KINC, and NOELEM
are ignored). If the original areas are needed in the original position (e.g., they may be attached to a
volume), they are not moved, and new areas are generated instead. Meshed items corresponding to
moved areas are also moved if not needed at their original position.
Generates additional areas (and their corresponding keypoints, lines and mesh) from a given area pattern.
The MAT, TYPE, REAL, ESYS, and SECNUM attributes of the new areas are based upon the areas in the
pattern and not upon the current settings of the pointers. End slopes of the generated lines remain the
same (in the active coordinate system) as those of the given pattern. For example, radial slopes remain
radial. Generations which produce areas of a size or shape different from the pattern (i.e., radial gener-
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
96 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
ations in cylindrical systems, radial and phi generations in spherical systems, and theta generations in
elliptical systems) are not allowed. Solid modeling in a toroidal coordinate system is not recommended.
Area and line numbers are automatically assigned, beginning with the lowest available values [NUM-
STR (p. 1085)].
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Copy>Areas
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Move / Modify>Areas>Areas
AGLUE, NA1, NA2, NA3, NA4, NA5, NA6, NA7, NA8, NA9
Generates new areas by "gluing" areas.
PREP7 (p. 20): Booleans (p. 26)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Use of the AGLUE command generates new areas by "gluing" input areas. The glue operation redefines
the input areas so that they share lines along their common boundaries. The new areas encompass the
same geometry as the original areas. This operation is only valid if the intersection of the input areas
are lines along the boundaries of those areas. See the Modeling and Meshing Guide for an illustration.
See the BOPTN (p. 234) command for an explanation of the options available to Boolean operations.
Element attributes and solid model boundary conditions assigned to the original entities will not be
transferred to new entities generated.
The AGLUE command results in the merging of lines and keypoints at the common area boundaries.
The lines and keypoints of the lower numbered area will be kept. This means one must be aware of
area numbering when multiple AGLUE commands are applied to avoid any “ungluing” of geometry.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Glue>Areas
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 97
AINA, NA1, NA2, NA3, NA4, NA5, NA6, NA7, NA8, NA9
Finds the intersection of areas.
PREP7 (p. 20): Booleans (p. 26)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Finds the common (not pairwise) intersection of areas. The common intersection is defined as the regions
shared (in common) by all areas listed on this command. New areas will be generated where the original
areas intersect. If the regions of intersection are only lines, new lines will be generated instead. See the
Modeling and Meshing Guide for an illustration. See the BOPTN (p. 234) command for the options available
to Boolean operations. Element attributes and solid model boundary conditions assigned to the original
entities will not be transferred to the new entities generated.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Intersect>Common>Areas
AINP, NA1, NA2, NA3, NA4, NA5, NA6, NA7, NA8, NA9
Finds the pairwise intersection of areas.
PREP7 (p. 20): Booleans (p. 26)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Finds the pairwise intersection of areas. The pairwise intersection is defined as all regions shared by
any two or more areas listed on this command. New areas will be generated where the original areas
intersect pairwise. If the regions of pairwise intersection are only lines, new lines will be generated. See
the Modeling and Meshing Guide for an illustration. See the BOPTN (p. 234) command for the options
available to Boolean operations. Element attributes and solid model boundary conditions assigned to
the original entities will not be transferred to the new entities generated.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Intersect>Pairwise>Areas
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
98 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Finds the intersection of an area with a volume.
PREP7 (p. 20): Booleans (p. 26)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Number of area to be intersected. If P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining arguments are ignored
(valid only in the GUI).
Number of volume to be intersected.
New areas will be generated where the areas intersect the volumes. If the regions of intersection are
only lines, new lines will be generated instead. See the Modeling and Meshing Guide for an illustration.
See the BOPTN (p. 234) command for the options available to Boolean operations. Element attributes
and solid model boundary conditions assigned to the original entities will not be transferred to the
new entities generated.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Intersect>Area with Volume
AL, L1, L2, L3, L4, L5, L6, L7, L8, L9, L10
Generates an area bounded by previously defined lines.
PREP7 (p. 20): Areas (p. 25)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 99
Lines may be input (once each) in any order and must form a simply connected closed curve. If the
area is defined with more than four lines, the lines must also lie in the same plane or on a constant
coordinate value in the active coordinate system (such as a plane or a cylinder).
Solid modeling in a toroidal coordinate system is not recommended. Areas may be re-
defined only if not yet attached to a volume.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Areas>Arbitrary>By Lines
Determines what type of listing is used (one of the following):
Prints information about all areas in the specified range.
Prints information about only those areas that contain hard points.
An attribute (TYPE, MAT, REAL, or ESYS) listed as a zero is unassigned; one listed as a positive value in-
dicates that the attribute was assigned with the AATT (p. 78) command (and will not be reset to zero
if the mesh is cleared); one listed as a negative value indicates that the attribute was assigned using
the attribute pointer [TYPE (p. 1707), MAT (p. 929), REAL (p. 1319), or ESYS (p. 570)] that was active during
meshing (and will be reset to zero if the mesh is cleared). A "-1" in the "nodes" column indicates that
the area has been meshed but there are no interior nodes. The area size is listed only if an ASUM (p. 175)
command has been performed on the area.
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100 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Areas
Type of selection to be made:
Selects all items of the specified entity type and all items of lower entity types (default).
Selects all items directly associated with and below the selected items of the specified entity type.
Entity type on which selection is based:
All entity types (default).
ALLSEL is a convenience command that allows the user to select all items of a specified entity type or
to select items associated with the selected items of a higher entity.
An entity hierarchy is used to decide what entities will be available in the selection process. This hierarchy
from top to bottom is as follows: volumes, areas, lines, keypoints, elements, and nodes. The hierarchy
may also be divided into two branches: the solid model and the finite element model. The label ALL
selects items based on one branch only, while BELOW uses the entire entity hierarchy. For example,
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 101
ALLSEL,ALL,VOLU selects all volumes, areas, lines, and keypoints in the data base. ALLSEL,BELOW,AREA
selects all lines belonging to the selected areas; all keypoints belonging to those lines; all elements
belonging to those areas, lines, and keypoints; and all nodes belonging to those elements.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>CMS>CMS Superelements>By Picking
Utility Menu>Select>Everything
Utility Menu>Select>Everything Below>Selected Areas
Utility Menu>Select>Everything Below>Selected Elements
Utility Menu>Select>Everything Below>Selected Keypoints
Utility Menu>Select>Everything Below>Selected Lines
Utility Menu>Select>Everything Below>Selected Volumes
Defines the mass matrix multiplier for damping.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Dynamic Options (p. 38)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Mass matrix multiplier for damping.
This command defines the mass matrix multiplier used to form the viscous damping matrix ,
where is the mass matrix.
Values of can also be input as a material property (MP (p. 967),ALPD or TB (p. 1603),SDAMP,,,,ALPD). If
ALPD in either form is included, the ALPD value is added to the ALPHAD value as appropriate. (See
Material Damping in the Material Reference and Damping Matrices in the Theory Reference.) Damping is
not used in static (ANTYPE (p. 140),STATIC) or buckling (ANTYPE (p. 140),BUCKLE) analyses.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Transient
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Damping
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Transient
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Damping
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
102 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Area number of area to be meshed. If AREA = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining arguments
are ignored (valid only in the GUI).
Only one area at a time can be meshed with this command. The program internally concatenates all
lines between the specified keypoints, then meshes the area with all quadrilateral elements. If line divi-
sions are set, the mesh will follow the rules for mapped meshing (see Meshing Your Solid Model in the
Modeling and Meshing Guide).
If the area being meshed has concatenated lines, the program will ask if those concatenations should
be removed (in batch, the concatenations will automatically be removed). Nodes required for the gen-
erated elements are created and assigned the lowest available node numbers. If a mapped mesh is not
possible due to mismatched line divisions or poor element shapes, the meshing operation is aborted.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh>Areas>Mapped>By Corners
For multiple-beam printers, specifies the number of beams in an additive manufacturing analysis.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Additive Manufacturing (p. 47)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Number of beams used in the build process. Default = 1.
Command Default
One beam is used in the build process.
This command is also valid in PREP7.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 103
For more information, including a list of the elements and commands used in an additive manufacturing
analysis, see AM Process Simulation in ANSYS Workbench in the Workbench Additive Manufacturing
Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
VAL1 – Deposition-layer thickness.
VAL1 – Hatch spacing.
VAL1 – Inter-layer dwell time. Default = 0.0.
VAL2 – Dwell-time multiplier for multiple parts on the build plate or number of repeated sym-
metry sectors in simulations with symmetry. Default = 1.0.
VAL1 – Z-coordinate of the top of the build plate. Default = 0.0.
VAL1 – If YES, create the build-summary file but do not solve. Default = NO.
VAL1 – Name of the thermal-results file (including its path). Default = file.rth in the current
working directory.
VAL1 – Strain Scaling Factor. Default = 1.0.
Command Default
None. An Option label is required.
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104 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
If using a layered tetrahedral mesh, specify the mesh height (LAYERT,VAL2). For Cartesian meshes, the
mesh height is determined automatically.
The hatch spacing and beam travel speed are the average values used during the build.
The inter-layer dwell time (TIME,VAL1) is the span of time from the end of the deposition of a layer to
the start of the deposition of the next layer. It includes the time required for recoater-blade repositioning
and powder-layer spreading.
The dwell-time multiplier (TIME,VAL2) accounts for more than one part being printed on the build
plate, or it is used to reconcile build time in simulations using symmetry. For multiple parts on a build
plate, if the additional parts are the same part as the one being simulated and are arranged in the same
orientation on the build plate, the multiplier is the total number of parts. If different parts exist on the
plate, the multiplier is an estimate of the time required to build the other parts relative to the part being
simulated. In simulations with symmetry, the dwell-time multiplier is the total number of repeated
symmetry sectors: 2 for half symmetry, 4 for ¼ symmetry, and so on.
When specifying the name of the thermal-results file (RTHFILE,VAL1), omit the .rth extension. The
program also looks for the file in the same path.
The strain scaling factor (SSF,VAL1) scales the thermal strains in the structural portion of thermal-
structural simulations by the specified value.
For more information, including a list of the elements and commands used in an additive manufacturing
analysis, see AM Process Simulation in ANSYS Workbench in the Workbench Additive Manufacturing
Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Temperature of the gas in the build enclosure.
Convection coefficient from the part to the enclosure gas.
Command Default
No convection is included.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 105
If using the power-bed fusion process (AMTYPE (p. 111),PBF), the convection is applied only to the top
of a newly laid layer.
If using the directed-energy deposition process (AMTYPE (p. 111),DED), the convection is applied to the
top of a newly laid layer and to the sides of the part already built.
No convection boundary conditions are applied to the plate, although you can define them manually
(SF (p. 1464) and related commands).
For more information, including a list of the elements and commands used in an additive manufacturing
analysis, see AM Process Simulation in ANSYS Workbench in the Workbench Additive Manufacturing
Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Any undefined nodes required for the generated elements are created and assigned the lowest available
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh>Areas>Free
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh>Areas>Mapped>3 or 4 sided
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh>Areas>Target Surf
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
106 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The material ID of the build part. Default = 1.
Melting temperature of the build part (required).
Relaxation temperature of the build part (optional).
Command Default
The material ID of the build part is 1. A melting temperature is required.
This command is required in an additive manufacturing analysis.
If the part consists of multiple material IDs, you can specify any of the material IDs (MATPART), as all
are of the same material.
The melting temperature (TMELT) is the temperature at which thermal strains begin to accumulate.
This value is typically the liquidus-to-solidus temperature, but may be less for some phase-transition
material (such as Ti64).
The relaxation temperature (TRELAX) is the temperature at which plastic strains are zeroed out (an-
nealed). You can use TRELAX during the build process (AMSTEP (p. 110),BUILD) to account for stress
relaxation, but it serves primarily as a simplified stress-relaxation method during the heat-treat step
(AMSTEP (p. 110),HEATTREAT). (A creep model offers a more stringent stress-relaxation approach if
For more information, including a list of the elements and commands used in an additive manufacturing
analysis, see AM Process Simulation in ANSYS Workbench in the Workbench Additive Manufacturing
Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 107
Temperature of the newly added powder.
Effective convection coefficient from the part to the powder bed.
Knockdown factor applied to the solid material properties (to obtain the powder material properties).
Default = 0.01.
Command Default
No heat flow is included into the powder bed.
This command applies only to the powder-bed fusion (AMTYPE (p. 111),PBF) process.
To estimate the convection coefficient (HPOWDER), divide the conduction property of the powder (its
KXX) by a characteristic conduction length into the powder (for example, ¼ of the distance from the
part boundary to the build-chamber wall).
The program uses the knockdown factor (MATFACTOR) to estimate the powder properties. The program
applies the factor (typically 0.01) to the solid material properties to estimate the properties of the ma-
terial in its powder state. The powder-state properties are used during the heating of the new layer
(before its subsequent solidification and cooldown) prior to the next layer being applied.
For more information, including a list of the elements and commands used in an additive manufacturing
analysis, see AM Process Simulation in ANSYS Workbench in the Workbench Additive Manufacturing
Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
108 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Number of supports.
Root name of the components containing the elements comprising each support. (For example, if CompName
= "MySupport," MySupport1 represents support 1, MySupport2 represents support 2, etc.)
Name of the array (*DIM (p. 435)) containing the section-reference ID for each support.
Command Default
No supports are included in the build. All non-plate elements are assumed to be the build part.
The section-reference ID array (SectArray) is NSUPPORTS long, with each array member representing
a section-reference ID of a corresponding support.
SECTYPE (p. 1433) specifies the type of support, and SECDATA (p. 1397) specifies the geometry of the
For more information, including a list of the elements and commands used in an additive manufacturing
analysis, see AM Process Simulation in ANSYS Workbench in the Workbench Additive Manufacturing
Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 109
One of the following sequence options:
VAL1 – Preheat temperature of the build plate. Default = TUNIF (p. 1700).
VAL1 – Unused.
VAL2 – Ending-layer number (for performing the simulation from the first layer to the specified
layer only). Default = last layer necessary to build the part.
VAL1 – Ambient (room) temperature (to serve as the target cooldown temperature).
VAL2 – Cooldown time. If 0 or unspecified, the program calculates the time based on the volume
of the part and the convection coefficient (AMENV (p. 105) and AMPOWDER (p. 108)).
Perform a heat-treat (stress-relief ) step.
VAL1 – The number of a support to remove. Specify 0 for plate.
Perform a user-defined step.
Command Default
None. A sequence option is required.
AMSTEP executes a build-sequence step:
• In a thermal analysis, Sequence = PREHEAT sets the value of the starting temperature of the build
plate. It is ignored in a structural analysis.
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110 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• Sequence = COOLDOWN executes the cooldown step and must occur after the BUILD step.
• Sequence = HEATTREAT performs a heat-treatment step to stress-relieve the part. Issue AM-
BUILD (p. 104),RTHFILE to point to the heat-treat thermal-cycle results and specify either a relaxation
temperature (AMMAT (p. 107)) or creep properties (TB (p. 1603)).
• In a structural analysis, Sequence = REMOVE removes the requested support or build plate. It is ignored
in a thermal analysis.
• In a structural analysis, Sequence = USER can specify an initial step (such as bolt-pretension the build
plate) or a final step (such as a manufacturing postprocessing step).
For Sequence = BUILD and Sequence = COOLDOWN, the number of time steps specified determines
the accuracy of the captured temperature profile. For distortion and global residual stresses, the default
is sufficient.
This command starts a solution. You must remain in SOLUTION between sequence steps.
When Sequence = USER, the build-sequence steps are bypassed and the usual nonlinear solution is
performed during this step. All applicable load and load step options are accessible. If USER is the initial
step, all times are offset by the TIME associated with the USER step.
For more information, including a list of the elements and commands used in an additive manufacturing
analysis, see AM Process Simulation in ANSYS Workbench in the Workbench Additive Manufacturing
Analysis Guide.
Product Restrictions
ANSYS Mechanical Enterprise PrepPost This command is not valid.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
AMTYPE, Process
Specifies the printing process in an additive manufacturing analysis.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Additive Manufacturing (p. 47)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Process option:
Powder-bed fusion process.
Directed-energy deposition process.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 111
Command Default
None. A process option is required.
The powder-bed fusion (PBF) process uses thermal energy from a laser or electron beam to selectively
fuse powder in a powder bed.
The directed-energy deposition (DED) process uses thermal energy, typically from a laser, to fuse mater-
ials by melting them as they are deposited.
For more information, including a list of the elements and commands used in an additive manufacturing
analysis, see AM Process Simulation in ANSYS Workbench in the Workbench Additive Manufacturing
Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
If Kywrd = ANUM, the type of annotation is defined, along with its location. The command format is
Unique number assigned as each annotation is applied to a model. These numbers are applied se-
quentially, although when an annotation entity is deleted, its number is reassigned.
Annotation internal type number (101 = text, 102 = line, 103 = point, 104 = area, 105 = arrow, 106 =
symbol, 108 = bitmap).
If Kywrd = BITM, the annotation is a bitmap. The command format is /AN3D (p. 112),BITM,TYPE,X,Y,Z.
An integer value between 1 and 99, indicating a texture or bitmap. Numbers 1 through 40 correspond
to existing ANSYS textures (see /TXTRE (p. 1702)). Numbers 51 through 99 correspond to textures
defined using the File option of the /TXTRE (p. 1702) command. You can use this capability to override
the predefined logo, clamp and arrow files available from the GUI dialog box (numbers 51 through
57). Numbers 41 through 50 are reserved.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
112 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
X, Y, Z
X, Y, Z coordinates for the lower left corner of the bitmap.
X, Y, Z
X, Y, Z coordinate location for text string.
Text string to be applied as annotation.
X1, Y1, Z1
X, Y, Z coordinates for beginning of line.
X2, Y2, Z2
X, Y, Z coordinates for end of line.
If Kywrd = POINT, a dot will be drawn in space (this option is not available from the GUI). The command
format is /AN3D (p. 112),POINT,X,Y,Z.
X, Y, Z
X, Y, Z coordinates for point.
If Kywrd = AREA, a polygonal area with n vertices will be drawn. The command format is
/AN3D (p. 112),AREA,NVERT,Xn,Yn,Zn.
The number of vertices (n) for the polygon. Your Polygon can have between 3 and 9 vertices.
Xn, Yn, Zn
X, Y, Z coordinate location for vertex n.
If Kywrd = ARROW, an annotation arrow is created. The command format is /AN3D (p. 112),AR-
Symbol size multiplier (0.1 to 20.0, default = 1.0) for the head of the arrow.
X1, Y1, Z1
X, Y, Z coordinates for the location of the tail.
X2, Y2, Z2
X, Y, Z coordinate for the location of the tip.
If Kywrd = SYMBOL, an annotation symbol is created. The command format is /AN3D (p. 112),SYM-
The symbol type (1 = CAP, 2 = TEE, 3 = CIRCLE, 4 = TRIANGLE, 5 = STAR).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 113
X, Y, Z
X, Y, Z coordinate location for the symbol.
Size multiplier for the symbol (0.1 to 20.0, default = 1.0)
Because 3-D annotation is applied in relation to the XYZ coordinates of the anchor, you can transform
your model, and the annotation will maintain the spatial relationship with the model. This works within
reason, and there are instances where changing the perspective or the size of the model will change
the apparent relationship between the annotation and the model.
The overall 3-D dimensions of your model are defined by a bounding box. If portions of your model's
bounding box lie outside of the visible area of your graphics window (if you are zoomed in on a specific
area of your model), it can affect the placement of your 3-D annotations. Zooming out will usually
overcome this problem.
3-D annotation is valid for the Cartesian (CSYS (p. 364),0) coordinate system only. If you want to annotate
a model you created in another coordinate system, use 2-D annotation (note that 2-D annotations do
not remain anchored for dynamic rotations or transformations).
When you apply user defined bitmaps, the size of the annotation can vary. Use the options menu of
the 3-D annotation widget to adjust the size and placement of your bitmaps.
You cannot use the “!” and “$” characters in ANSYS text annotation.
The GUI generates this command during 3-D annotation operations and inserts the command into the
log file (Jobname.LOG). You should NOT type this command directly during an ANSYS session (although
the command can be included in an input file for batch input or for use with the /INPUT (p. 791) com-
Menu Paths
Utilty Menu>PlotCtrls>Annotate>Create 3D Annotation
Number of frames captures (defaults to 5).
Time delay during animation (defaults to 0.1 seconds).
Number of animation cycles (defaults to 5). Available in non-UI mode only.
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114 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
ANCNTR involves an ANSYS macro which produces an animation of a contoured deformed shape of
the last plot action command. This command operates only on graphic display platforms supporting
the /SEG (p. 1442) command. After executing ANCNTR, you can replay the animated sequence by issuing
the ANIM (p. 123) command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Animate>Deformed Results
Produces an animated sequence of Q-slices.
POST1 (p. 48): Animation (p. 50)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Number of frames captures (defaults to 5).
Time delay during animation (defaults to 0.1 seconds).
Number of animation cycles (defaults to 5). Available in non-UI mode only.
Q-slice working plane increment (defaults to .1 half screens).
Topological effect on or off (YES or NO; default is NO).
Topological offset (default is .1 half screens).
Node 1 for start of the Q-slice.
Node 2 for direction of the Q-slice.
Node 3 for plane of the Q-slice.
ANCUT involves an ANSYS macro which produces an animation of Q-slices of the last plot action com-
mand. This command operates only on graphic display platforms supporting the /SEG (p. 1442) command.
After executing ANCUT, you can replay the animated sequence by issuing the ANIM (p. 123) command.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 115
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Animate>Q-Slice Contours
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Animate>Q-Slice Vectors
The number of plot frames for the animation. Valid values range from 5 through 36. The default is 18. A
low value (because it specifies fewer graphical frames) produces a rougher animation but loads faster. A
high value produces a smoother animation but requires more time to load.
The animation mode:
Continuous animation cycle (forward-reverse-forward).
Discontinuous animation cycle (forward-reset-forward). This option is the default.
The time delay (in seconds) between animation frames. Valid values range from 0.1 through 1.0. The default
is 0.1 seconds, which produces a seemingly real-time animation. A higher value produces a slower animation.
Command Default
The default ANCYC command (issuing the command with no arguments) specifies these implicit argument
values: ANCYC, 18, 0, 0.1
The ANCYC command is valid in a modal cyclic symmetry analysis only.
The command animates the cyclic symmetry mode shape plot in the General Post Processor
(/POST1 (p. 1221)). When you issue a nodal- or element-results plot command (for example, PLNSOL (p. 1190),
PLESOL (p. 1172), or PLDISP (p. 1171)) and then issue the ANCYC command, ANSYS applies a traveling
wave animation to the mode shape plot.
Each frame of the animation is created by expanding the cyclic symmetry mode shape at increasing
phase angles (via the /CYCEXPAND (p. 373) command) starting at zero in equal increments over 360°.
The phase-angle increment is 360 / NUMFRAMES.
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116 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The animation display shows the traveling wave of the result quantity being plotted. The traveling wave
animation is applicable only to nodal diameters (harmonic indices) greater than 0 and less than N /
2 (where N is the number of cyclic sectors in the model).
For more information, see Applying a Traveling Wave Animation to the Cyclic Model in the Cyclic Symmetry
Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu> PlotCtrls> Animate> Cyc Traveling Wave
Displays animated graphics data for nonlinear problems.
POST1 (p. 48): Animation (p. 50)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Time delay during animation (defaults to 0.5 seconds).
Number of animation cycles (defaults to 5). Available in non-UI mode only.
The type of results data to be used for the animation sequence. This can be:
Current load step data (default).
Range of load step data.
Range of results data.
The range minimum value. If left blank or 0, defaults to the first data point.
The range maximum value. If left blank or 0, defaults to the last data point.
The increment between result data (defaults to 1).
Key to force the last sub step in a selected load step to be included in the animation (defaults to 0).
A value of 1 enables automatic scaling of contour values based on the overall subset range of values. The
default value is 0 (no automatic scaling).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 117
Unused field.
A value of 1 disables automatic centering of displaced plots. The default value is 0 (allow automatic cen-
Use the ANDATA command to create animations for nonlinear problems. The command works by dis-
playing an individual graphical image for each result data set from the results file. For information about
creating animations for linear problems, see the ANIM (p. 123) command.
The command operates only on graphic display platforms supporting the /SEG (p. 1442) command. It
uses a macro to produce an animation based on the last plot action command (for example,
PLDISP (p. 1171)).
The results file must have more than one set of results.
The command implicitly issues /DSCALE (p. 474), 1 for default displacement scaling. Large displacements
may not give good results.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Animate>Animate Over Results
Number of frames captured (defaults to 5).
Time delay during animation (defaults to 0.1 seconds).
Number of animation cycles (defaults to 5). Available in non-UI mode only.
ANDSCL involves an ANSYS macro which produces an animation of displacement of the last plot action
command (for example, PLDISP (p. 1171)). This command operates only on graphic display platforms
supporting the /SEG (p. 1442) command. After executing ANDSCL, you can replay the animated sequence
by issuing the ANIM (p. 123) command.
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118 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Animate>Deformed Shape
Time delay during animation (defaults to 0.1 seconds).
Number of animation cycles (defaults to 5). Available in non-UI mode only.
Number of the starting substep (defaults to 1).
Number of the ending substep (defaults to the maximum substep).
Increment between substeps (defaults to 1).
Auto-scales contour values, based on the overall subset range of values (defaults to 0, no auto-scaling).
ANDYNA involves an ANSYS macro which produces an animation of contour values through all the
substeps of the last plot action command. This command operates only on graphic display platforms
supporting the /SEG (p. 1442) command. After executing ANDYNA, you can replay the animated sequence
by issuing the ANIM (p. 123) command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Animate>Dynamic Results
Label type.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 119
Save the current animation to a file.
Resume an animation from a file.
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
This command saves an animation to a file from local terminal segments or resumes an animation from
a file to local terminal segments. See the /SEG (p. 1442) command for details on segment storage. See
the ANCNTR (p. 114) macro for a convenient method of storing graphics frames in terminal memory
segments. This command is device dependent and is valid in any processor.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Animate>Restore Animation
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Animate>Save Animation
Number of frames captured (defaults to 5).
Time delay during animation (defaults to 0.1 seconds).
Number of animation cycles (defaults to 5). Non-UI mode only.
Total Trace Time (seconds) (defaults to 0, which is the full flow trace).
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120 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Particle spacing in seconds (defaults to 0).
Particle size (defaults to 0, which is a line).
Particle length fraction (defaults to .1).
ANFLOW invokes an ANSYS macro which produces an animation of particle flow in a flowing fluid or
charged particle motion in an electric or magnetic field by the last plot action command (i.e.,
PLTRAC (p. 1203)). This command is only operational on graphic display platforms supporting the
/SEG (p. 1442) command. After executing ANFLOW, you can replay the animated sequence by issuing
the ANIM (p. 123) command. This command is functional only in the Postprocessor.
The TIME option lets you set the time interval of forward travel for the trace. The SPACING option is
used to define the particle spacing in seconds from adjacent particles in the stream line. The SIZE
variable sets the radius of the particle. The LENGTH variable is used to define the particle length fraction.
By default, the LENGTH is set to .1, which means the particle occupies 10% of the flow region and the
other 90% is a color-code line. The SPACING and LENGTH variables only make sense when the SIZE
variable is nonzero (i.e., the particle is bigger than the line).
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Animate>Particle Flow
Window number (or ALL) to which command applies (defaults to 1).
Angle (degrees) for changing display orientation (positive, counterclockwise about specified axis).
Rotation axis: XS, YS, or ZS (default) for the screen axes; XM, YM, or ZM for the global Cartesian model axes.
ZS is normal to the screen; all axes pass through the focus point.
Cumulative rotation key:
Do not use cumulative successive rotations.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 121
Use cumulative rotations. Rotations are relative to the previous rotation. View settings (/VIEW (p. 1776))
are recalculated.
Default orientation is YS vertical. When the /XFRM (p. 1832) command is set for rotation about two points,
or for entities, the /ANGLE (p. 121) command is functional only for Axis = ZS or ZM and KINCR = 1.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Pan, Zoom, Rotate
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>View Settings>Angle of Rotation
Number of frame captures per cycle. Defaults to 12.
Time delay (seconds) during animation. Defaults to 0.1 seconds.
Number of animation cycles. Defaults to 5. Not available in the GUI.
Period number for the second set of frames showing the decay or growth of a mode shape. Only applies
to complex mode shape animation. Defaults to 1, animating the decay or growth on the first period. Issue
-1 to animate without decay or growth.
Analysis type performed in the CMS use pass. No default.
Modal analysis
Harmonic analysis
Mode extraction method selected in the CMS use pass. No default.
Unsymmetric matrix
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122 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Damped system
Damped system using QR algorithm
ANHARM invokes an ANSYS macro which produces an animated sequence of:
• Complex mode shapes in the case of a modal analysis (ANTYPE (p. 140),MODAL).
In both cases, the results are those of the last plot action (for example, PLNSOL (p. 1190),B,SUM).
The animation converts the complex solution variables (real and imaginary sets) into time varying results
over one period. For example, if NFRAM = 12, then the frame captures are in increments of 30 degree
phase angles.
A second set of NFRAM frames will be generated for damped eigenmodes from complex eigensolvers
to visualize any exponential decay or growth of the oscillations. The second set generated will display
frames from the period number specified by NPERIOD.
In a CMS analysis, the ANHARM command can be used after the CMS expansion pass or the use pass.
To use ANHARM after the expansion pass, you must indicate whether a modal analysis or a harmonic
analysis was performed in the CMS use pass by setting CMS_ANTYPE to either MODAL or HARMIC. If
the use pass was a modal analysis, you must also set the CMS_MODOPT field to indicate the mode ex-
traction method that was used (UNSYM, DAMP, or QRDAMP). If CMS_MODOPT = QRDAMP, it is assumed
that CPXMOD was set to ON in the MODOPT (p. 951) command to request complex eigenmodes. If the
ANHARM command is used after the use pass, it is not necessary to set the CMS_ANTYPE or
CMS_MODOPT arguments.
For more information about complex results postprocessing, see POST1 and POST26 – Complex Results
Postprocessing in the Theory Reference
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Animate>Animate Over Time
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Animate>Time-harmonic
Number of cycles associated with the animation (defaults to 5 in non-GUI mode only)
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 123
Animation mode:
Continuous animation cycle (forward-reverse-forward-etc.) (default).
Discontinuous animation cycle (forward-reset-forward-etc.).
Time delay (seconds) between animation frames (defaults to 0.1 seconds).
Use the ANIM command to create animations for linear problems only. The command uses the currently
displayed picture based on one particular data set from the results file, and linearly interpolates that
data into different sets, displaying pictures of each interpolated data set in sequence to create animation.
For information about creating animations for nonlinear problems, see the ANDATA (p. 117) command.
Do not resize the graphic while animation is in progress; doing so can result in distorted plots.
For more information, see the /SEG (p. 1442) command for details about segment storage, and the AN-
CNTR (p. 114) macro for a convenient method of storing graphics frames in terminal memory segments.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Animate>Replay Animation
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Animate>Restore Animation
Number of frames captures (defaults to 9).
Time delay during animation (defaults to 0.1 seconds).
Number of animation cycles (defaults to 5). Available in non-UI mode only.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
124 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
ANISOS involves an ANSYS macro which produces an animation of an isosurface of the last plot action
command (for example, PLNSOL (p. 1190),S,EQV). The ANISOS command operates only on graphic display
platforms supporting the /SEG (p. 1442) command. After executing ANISOS, you can replay the animated
sequence by issuing the ANIM (p. 123) command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Animate>Isosurfaces
Number of frames captures (defaults to 5).
Time delay during animation (defaults to 0.1 seconds).
Number of animation cycles (defaults to 5). Available in non-UI mode only.
Acceleration type:
Linear acceleration.
Sinusoidal acceleration.
ANMODE involves an ANSYS macro which produces an animation of mode shape of the last plot action
command (for example, PLDISP (p. 1171)). The ANMODE command operates only on graphic display
platforms supporting the /SEG (p. 1442) command. After executing ANMODE, you can replay the animated
sequence by issuing the ANIM (p. 123) command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Animate>Mode Shape
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 125
Annotation control key:
Turns off annotation for each subsequent display (default).
Turns on annotation for each subsequent display.
Deletes all annotation.
Saves annotation on a file. Use VAL1 for file name (defaults to Jobname) and VAL2 for the extension
(defaults to ANO).
Sets annotation scale factor (direct input only). Use VAL1 for value (0.1 to 10.0) (defaults to 1.0).
Sets the annotation x origin (direct input only). Use VAL1 for value (-3.0 to 3.0).
Sets annotation y origin (direct input only). Use VAL1 for value (-3.0 to 3.0).
Sets annotation snap (menu button input only). Use VAL1 for value (0.002 to 0.2) (defaults to 0.002).
Displays current annotation status.
Sets annotation specifications to the default values.
Redisplays annotation graphics.
Sets the annotation text mode. If VAL1 = 1, annotation text will be drawn in scalable bitmap fonts
(default). If VAL1 = 0, annotation text will be drawn with stroke text.
Value (or file name) as noted with label above.
Value (or file name extension) as noted with label above.
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126 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
This is a command generated by the GUI and will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if annotation
is used. This command is not intended to be typed in directly in an ANSYS session (although it can be
included in an input file for batch input or for use with the /INPUT (p. 791) command).
You cannot use the “!” and “$” characters in ANSYS text annotation.
/ANNOT (p. 126) activates annotation graphics for adding annotation to displays. Commands representing
the annotation instructions are automatically created by the annotation functions in the GUI and written
to Jobname.LOG. The annotation commands are /ANNOT (p. 126), /ANUM (p. 144), /TLABEL (p. 1683),
/LINE (p. 876), /LARC (p. 842), /LSYMBOL (p. 908), /POLYGON (p. 1220), /PMORE (p. 1215), /PCIRCLE (p. 1144),
/PWEDGE (p. 1300), /TSPEC (p. 1697), /LSPEC (p. 902), and /PSPEC (p. 1291). Annotation graphics are relative
to the full Graphics Window and are not affected by ANSYS window-specific commands (/WIN-
DOW (p. 1817), /VIEW (p. 1776), etc.).
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Annotation>Create Annotation
Area number having the normal direction that the reoriented areas are to match.
Indicates whether you want to change the normal direction of the existing elements on the reoriented
area(s) so that they are consistent with each area's new normal direction.
Make the normal direction of existing elements on the reoriented area(s) consistent with each area's
new normal direction (default).
Do not change the normal direction of existing elements on the reoriented area(s).
Reorients areas so that their normals are consistent with that of a specified area.
If any of the areas have inner loops, the ANORM command will consider the inner loops when it reorients
the area normals.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 127
You cannot use the ANORM command to change the normal direction of any element that has a body
or surface load. We recommend that you apply all of your loads only after ensuring that the element
normal directions are acceptable.
Real constants (such as nonuniform shell thickness and tapered beam constants) may be invalidated
by an element reversal.
See Revising Your Model of the Modeling and Meshing Guide for more information.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Move / Modify>Areas>Area Normals
Number of frame captures per cycle. Defaults to 3 times the number of sectors.
Time delay (seconds) during animation. Defaults to 0.1 seconds.
Number of animation cycles. Defaults to 5.
Reference frame for the model rotation.
Rotating reference frame (default). The model remains fixed in space and the pressure revolve around
the model.
Stationary reference frame. The model rotates and the pressure locations remain fixed in space.
ANPRES invokes a macro which produces an animated sequence of the time-harmonic applied pressure
in the case of a mode-superposition harmonic analysis (ANTYPE (p. 140),HARMIC with CY-
COPT (p. 383),MSUP,ON). The engine-order excitation must also have been specified (CYCFREQ (p. 376),EO).
While pressure loads are not accepted as valid loading in a mode-superposition analysis (they must be
applied in the modal analysis and the modal load vector applied in the mode-superposition analysis)
you can apply them for the purposes of this animation.
For RefFrame = 1 (stationary reference frame), the rotational velocity from the Linear Perturbation
step, or the current OMEGA (p. 1107) or CGOMGA (p. 274) value, is used to determine the rotation direction
about the cyclic cylindrical axis, otherwise a positive rotation is assumed.
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128 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
You may use /HBC (p. 750),,ON to hide overlapping pressure faces, and use /GLINE (p. 723),,-1 to suppress
the element outlines if desired.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Arbitrary reference number assigned to this variable (2 to NV [NUMVAR (p. 1086)]). Overwrites any existing
results for this variable.
Node number for which data are to be stored.
Label identifying the item. General item labels are shown in Table 106: ANSOL - General Item and Component
Labels (p. 130) below. Some items also require a component label.
Component of the item (if required). General component labels are shown in Table 106: ANSOL - General
Item and Component Labels (p. 130) below.
32-character name to identify the item on the printout and displays. Default: An eight-character label
formed by concatenating the first four characters of the Item and Comp labels.
Material number. Average is calculated based on the subset of elements with the specified material number.
Default: Use all elements in the active set unless Real and/or Ename is specified.
Real number. Average is calculated based on the subset of elements with the specified real number. Default:
Use all elements in the active set unless Mat and/or Ename is specified.
Element type name. Average is calculated based on the subset of elements with the specified element
type name. Default: Use all elements in the active set unless Mat and/or Real is specified.
Valid item and component labels for averaged nodal results are listed in Table 106: ANSOL - General
Item and Component Labels (p. 130).
All element nodal quantities are obtained in RSYS (p. 1383), Solu and then averaged.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 129
ANSOL defines averaged nodal results data to be stored from a results file (FILE (p. 627)). Not all items
are valid for all nodes. See the input and output summary tables of each element attached to the node
for the available items.
Coordinate systems:: All element nodal results used by ANSOL for averaging are in the element co-
ordinate system, except for layered elements. Layered element results are in the layer coordinate system.
You can further specify the element nodal results, for some elements, with the SHELL (p. 1506), LAY-
ERP26 (p. 846), and FORCE (p. 644) commands.
ANSOL does not transform results from RSYS (p. 1383),SOLU to other coordinate systems. Verify that all
elements attached to the subject node have the same coordinate system before using ANSOL.
Shell elements: The default shell element coordinate system is based on node ordering. For shell ele-
ments the adjacent elements could have a different RSYS (p. 1383),SOLU, making the resultant averaged
data inconsistent. A message to this effect is issued when ANSOL is used in models containing shell
elements. Ensure that consistent coordinate systems are active for all associated elements used by the
ANSOL command.
Derived quantities: Some of the result items supported by ANSOL (Table 106: ANSOL - General Item
and Component Labels (p. 130)) are derived from the component quantities. Issue AVPRIN (p. 181) to
specify the principal and vector sum quantity averaging methods.
Default: If Mat, Real , and Ename are not specified, all elements attached to the node are considered.
When a material ID, real constant ID, or element-type discontinuity is detected at a node, a message is
issued. For example, in a FSI analysis, a FLUID30 element at the structure interface would be considered;
however, because it contains no SX result, it is not used during STORE (p. 1578) operations.
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130 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 131
1. For more information about the meaning of contact status and its possible values, see Reviewing Results
in POST1 in the Contact Technology Guide.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Variable Viewer
AQWA file name. Defaults to Jobname.
Axis in the vertical direction:
Y (or 2)
Global Y axis.
Z (or 3)
Global Z axis (default).
Gravitational acceleration. Defaults to 9.81.
Density of water. Defaults to 1025.0.
Waterline height in model coordinates. Defaults to 0.0.
Diffracting model key:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
132 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Create a non-diffracting AQWA model.
Create a diffracting AQWA model (default).
Key indicating if model is symmetric about the global XZ plane:
No symmetry about XZ plane (default).
Use symmetry about XZ plane. Only include (or select) half the model.
Key indicating if model is symmetric about the global YZ plane:
No symmetry about YZ plane (default).
Use symmetry about YZ plane. Only include (or select) half the model.
This command creates the input file Fname.aqwa for the ANSYS Aqwa Multi-Body Hydrodynamics System
for diffraction analysis in AQWA-LINE from the model currently in the database, based on the currently
selected set of elements. The selected set must only include the hull envelope; no internal structure
should be selected.
There should be a line of nodes defined at the waterline. Only those elements that are entirely below
the waterline will be specified as diffracting. If there are no waterline nodes, there will be no diffracting
elements at the waterline, which will severely reduce the accuracy of the diffraction analysis.
The translator maps PLANE42, SHELL63, and SHELL181 elements to PANELs, and maps PIPE16 and PIPE59
elements to TUBEs. It does not recognize any other element types. Any material or geometric properties
can be used for the shell elements, as AQWA does not need any properties at all and the command
does not use them. All the shell elements below the water must have their normals pointing outward.
TUBE elements in AQWA have material density, outside diameter, wall thickness, added mass, and drag
coefficients, so appropriate properties should be used in the ANSYS model. PIPE59 elements can have
added mass and damping coefficients; these will be written to the file. The ANSYS program uses the
inertia coefficient CM, whereas AQWA uses the added mass coefficient CA, where CM = (1 + CA). This
correction is made automatically.
Documentation for archived elements PIPE16, PLANE42, PIPE59, and SHELL63 appears in the Feature
In AQWA the vertical axis is always the Z-axis. The command can convert a model built with either the
Y or Z-axis vertical, but the X-axis must be horizontal and should preferably be along the fore/aft axis
of the vessel. If the structure is symmetric and you wish to use the symmetry options, you must only
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 133
select one half or one quarter of the model, as appropriate. If you model a complete vessel and specify
X symmetry, the AQWA model will contain two sets of coincident elements.
If you are working from a model created for a structural analysis, it will probably be necessary to remesh
the model as the structural mesh is most likely finer than needed for a diffraction analysis.
If you enter this command interactively (with the GUI active) and no data is provided for the command
options, the application prompts you for their values.
You must verify the completeness and accuracy of the data written.
The file will specify restart stages 1-2 only. It has no options except REST, so AQWA may fail if any of
the elements are badly shaped.
The total mass is obtained by integrating over the wetted surface area and adding the TUBE masses,
so it should be reasonably accurate. However, the integration used is not as accurate as that in AQWA,
so there may be a small difference between the weight and buoyancy, particularly if tubes represent a
large portion of the model.
The position of the CG is unknown. A point mass is placed at the water-line above the CB, but you
should change this to the correct position.
The moments of inertia are estimated based on the overall dimensions of the model and using standard
formulae for a ship. You should change these to the correct values.
The maximum frequency is calculated from the maximum side length of the underwater elements. The
range of frequencies runs from 0.1 rad/s to the calculated maximum, in steps of 0.1 rad/s.
The directions are in steps of 15° over a range that is determined by the symmetry you have specified,
in accordance with the requirements of AQWA.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
ASAS file name. Defaults to Jobname.
Key indicating type of file to produce:
ASAS file for use by ANSYS Aqwa (no loads written). Creates the file Fname.asas.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
134 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
ASAS file (all data written, including loads). Creates the file Fname.asas.
ASAS(NL) file. Creates the file Fname.asnl.
This command creates an input file for the ANSYS Asas Finite Element Analysis System from the model
and loads currently in the database, based on the currently selected set of elements. Most common
structural element types are written, as well as sections (or real constants), materials, boundary conditions
and loads, and solution and load step options.
Data Written
• Nodes
Not all data is written. You must verify the completeness and accuracy of the data. Only loading at the
current step is transferred; hence, no load step history is captured.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 135
For conversion to ASAS(NL), the large displacement option is set based on NLGEOM (p. 1028), final load
solution time is set based on TIME (p. 1676), and sub-step times are set based on DELTIM (p. 422) or
NSUBST (p. 1073) (assuming constant step size).
Element Data
If you intend to use the data only with AQWA-WAVE, only the elements that form the wetted surface
are required. Selecting these elements before invoking the ANSTOASAS command will improve per-
formance. In order for AQWA-WAVE to identify the direction of the wave loading, all elements must be
defined by nodes in a clockwise direction. For further information, refer to the AQWA-WAVE manual.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
136 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
1. Documentation for this archived element type appears in the Feature Archive.
Material Data
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 137
Geometry Data
For all beam elements, the third node position must be explicitly defined. If the position is not defined,
the program generates an error code (-1) in the output file.
Section Data
Boundary Conditions
The following boundary conditions are converted for ASAS and ASAS(NL):
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
138 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
No user loading is generated if AQWA-WAVE data is selected. However, a load case (number 1000) is
automatically defined to identify the wetted surface of the elements for use by AQWA-WAVE based on
the normal surface loads applied to the solid or shell elements.
Pressure loads from SURF154 elements are converted to equivalent nodal loads for ASAS. For AQWA-
WAVE, the SURF154 pressures are used to identify the wetted surface of the underlying elements. The
following loads are converted for ASAS:
F (p. 607) (F* and M*) NODAL Load, in X, Y, Z, RX, Skewed systems are not
RY, RZ supported.
D (p. 397) (U* and ROT*) PRESCRIBed displacements
ACEL (p. 85) BODY FORce
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Number of frame captures (defaults to 5).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 139
Time delay during animation (defaults to 0.1 seconds).
Number of animation cycles (defaults to 5). Available in non-UI mode only.
Auto-scales contour values, based on the overall subset range of values. The auto-scaling option defaults
to 0, no auto-scaling.
The results data to be used for the animation sequence. This can be:
Current load step data (default).
Range of load step data.
Range of time data.
The range minimum value. If left blank defaults to the first data point.
The range maximum value. If left blank defaults to the last data point.
The ANTIME command operates only on graphic display platforms supporting the /SEG (p. 1442) command.
It uses an ANSYS macro to produce an animation of contour values for the last plot action command
(for example, PLDISP (p. 1171)). After executing ANTIME, the ANIM (p. 123) command will replay the an-
imated sequence.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Animate>Animate Over Time
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Animate>Time-harmonic
Analysis type (defaults to the previously specified analysis type, or to STATIC if none specified):
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
140 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Perform a static analysis. Valid for all degrees of freedom.
Perform a buckling analysis. Implies that a previous static solution was performed with prestress effects
calculated (PSTRES (p. 1294),ON). Valid for structural degrees of freedom only.
MODAL or 2
Perform a modal analysis. Valid for structural and fluid degrees of freedom.
Perform a harmonic analysis. Valid for structural, fluid, magnetic, and electrical degrees of freedom.
TRANS or 4
Perform a transient analysis. Valid for all degrees of freedom.
Perform a substructure analysis. Valid for all degrees of freedom.
Perform a spectrum analysis. Implies that a previous modal analysis was performed. Valid for structural
degrees of freedom only.
SOIL or 9
Perform a soil analysis including geostatic stress equilibrium or consolidation. Valid for structural and
fluid-pore-pressure degrees of freedom.
Specifies the status of the analysis (new or restart):
Specifies a new analysis (default). If NEW, the remaining fields on this command are ignored.
Specifies a restart of a previous analysis. Valid for static, modal, and transient (full or mode-superposition
method) analyses. For more information about restarting static and transient analyses, see Multiframe
Restart in the Basic Analysis Guide. For more information on restarting a modal analysis, see Modal
Analysis Restart in the Basic Analysis Guide.
Multiframe restart is also valid for harmonic analysis, but is limited to 2-D magnetic analysis
A substructure analysis (backsubstitution method only) can be restarted for the purpose of
generating additional load vectors. For more information, see the SEOPT (p. 1450) command and
Applying Loads and Creating the Superelement Matrices in the Substructuring Analysis Guide.
Specifies the load step at which a multiframe restart begins.
For full transient and nonlinear static analyses, the default is the highest load step number found
in the Jobname.Rnnn files for the current jobname in the current directory.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 141
Specifies the substep at which a multiframe restart begins.
For full transient and nonlinear static analyses, the default is the highest substep number found for
the specified LDSTEP in the Jobname.Rnnn files in the current directory.
Specifies the manner of a multiframe restart.
The program continues the analysis based on the specified LDSTEP and SUBSTEP (default). The current
load step is continued. If the end of the load step is encountered in the .Rnnn file, a new load step is
started. The program deletes all .Rnnn files, or .Mnnn files for mode-superposition transient analyses,
beyond the point of restart and updates the .LDHI file if a new load step is encountered.
At restart, force the specified load step (LDSTEP) to end at the specified substep (SUBSTEP), even
though the end of the current load step has not been reached. At the end of the specified substep, all
loadings are scaled to the level of the current ending and stored in the .LDHI file. A run following
this ENDSTEP starts a new load step. This capability allows you to change the load level in the middle
of a load step. The program updates the .LDHI file and deletes all .Rnnn files, or .Mnnn files for
mode-superposition transient analyses, beyond the point of ENDSTEP. The .Rnnn or .Mnnn file at
the point of ENDSTEP are rewritten to record the rescaled load level.
At restart, retrieve information to be written to the results file for the specified load step (LDSTEP)
and substep (SUBSTEP). Be sure to use OUTRES (p. 1115) to write the results to the results file. This action
does not affect the .LDHI or .Rnnn files. Previous items stored in the results file at and beyond the
point of RSTCREATE are deleted. This option cannot be used to restart a mode-superposition transient
At restart, a linear perturbation analysis (static, modal, buckling, or full harmonic) is performed for the
specified load step (LDSTEP) and substep (SUBSTEP). This action does not affect the .LDHI, .Rnnn,
or .RST files.
For a linear perturbation analysis, set Action = PERTURB; otherwise, the existing restart files,
such as the .LDHI, .Rnnn, or .RST file, may be modified by the linear perturbation analysis.
Issue the PERTURB (p. 1151) command to indicate the desired analysis type (STATIC, MODAL,
Unused field.
Flag indicating whether a subsequent linear perturbation will be performed:
Specifies the first static analysis with a sequential linear perturbation analysis. Setting PRELP = YES is
necessary for acoustics-structural interaction linear perturbation analysis, if the MORPH (p. 964) command
with StrOpt = YES is not issued.
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142 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
No specification for a subsequent linear perturbation (default).
Command Default
New static analysis.
If using the ANTYPE command to change the analysis type in the same SOLVE session, the program
issues the following message: “Some analysis options have been reset to their defaults. Please verify
current settings or respecify as required.” Typically, the program resets commands such as
NLGEOM (p. 1028) and EQSLV (p. 537) to their default values.
The analysis type (Antype) cannot be changed if a restart is specified. Always save parameters before
doing a restart. For more information on the different types of restart, see Restarting an Analysis in the
Basic Analysis Guide.
Product Restrictions
Command Available Products
STATIC DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
BUCKLE DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
MODAL DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
HARMONIC DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
TRANS DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
SUBSTR DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
SPECTR DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>New Analysis
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Restart
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Basic
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>New Analysis
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Restart
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Basic
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 143
Annotation number. ANSYS automatically assigns the lowest available number. You cannot assign a
higher number if a lower number is available; ANSYS will substitute the lowest available number in place
of any user-specified higher number.
Annotation internal type number. If TYPE = DELE, delete annotation NUM.
Block text (not available in GUI)
Wedges, pies
X hot spot (-1.0 < X < 2.0). Used for menu button item delete.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
144 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Y hot spot (-1.0 < Y < 1.0). Used for menu button item delete.
Command Default
Number, type, and hot spot are automatically determined.
This is a command generated by the GUI and will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if annotation
is used. This command is not intended to be typed in directly in an ANSYS session (although it can be
included in an input file for batch input or for use with the /INPUT (p. 791) command).
Type 13 (bitmap) annotation applies user defined bitmaps defined using the FILE option of the
/TXTRE (p. 1702) command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Annotation>Create Annotation
Area from which generated area is to be offset. If NAREA = ALL, offset from all selected areas [ASEL (p. 166)].
If NAREA = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining arguments are ignored (valid only in the GUI).
Distance normal to given area at which keypoints for generated area are to be located. Positive normal is
determined from the right-hand-rule keypoint order.
Keypoint increment between areas. If zero, the lowest available keypoint numbers are assigned [NUM-
STR (p. 1085)].
Generates an area (and its corresponding keypoints and lines) offset from a given area. The direction
of the offset varies with the given area normal. End slopes of the generated lines remain the same as
those of the given pattern. Area and line numbers are automatically assigned, beginning with the lowest
available values [NUMSTR (p. 1085)].
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 145
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Areas>Arbitrary>By Offset
AOVLAP, NA1, NA2, NA3, NA4, NA5, NA6, NA7, NA8, NA9
Overlaps areas.
PREP7 (p. 20): Booleans (p. 26)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Generates new areas which encompass the geometry of all the input areas. The new areas are defined
by the regions of intersection of the input areas, and by the complementary (non-intersecting) regions.
See Solid Modeling in the Modeling and Meshing Guide for an illustration. This operation is only valid
when the region of intersection is an area. See the BOPTN (p. 234) command for an explanation of the
options available to Boolean operations. Element attributes and solid model boundary conditions assigned
to the original entities will not be transferred to the new entities generated.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Overlap>Areas
Degeneracy marker:
No degeneracy marker is used (default).
A red star is placed on keypoints at degeneracies (see the Modeling and Meshing Guide ). Not available
if /FACET (p. 609),WIRE is set.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
146 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Scale factor for the size of the degeneracy-marker star. The scale is the size in window space (-1 to 1 in
both directions) (defaults to .075).
This command is valid in any processor. The degree of tessellation used to plot the selected areas is
set through the /FACET (p. 609) command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Check Geom>Show Degeneracy>Plot Degen Areas
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Show Degeneracy>Plot Degen Areas
Utility Menu>Plot>Areas
Utility Menu>Plot>Specified Entities>Areas
APORT, PortNum, Label, KCN, PRES, PHASE, --, VAL1, VAL2, VAL3, VAL4
Specifies input data for plane wave and acoustic duct ports.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Misc Loads (p. 42)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Port number. This number is associated with an exterior port or interior port previously specified by the
SF (p. 1464) and BF (p. 192) family of commands, respectively. The number must be between 1 and 50.
Incident plane wave.
Rectangular duct.
Circular duct.
Coaxial duct.
List the port settings. If PortNum = ALL, list the port settings for all defined ports.
Delete defined ports. If PortNum = ALL, delete all defined ports.
A previously-defined local (KCN >10) or global (KCN = 0) Cartesian coordinate system number used to
specify the geometric properties of the duct. Defaults to the global Cartesian coordinate system (0). The
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 147
local Z-direction must be the direction of wave propagation. The origin of the local coordinate system
must be centered about the face of the duct port without considering symmetry.
Zero-to-peak amplitude of the pressure. If blank, the port will appear as a matching impedance.
Phase angle of the applied pressure in degrees. Defaults to 0.
Unused field.
Label = PLAN:
angle from positive X-axis to positive Y-axis in the local Cartesian coordinates (KCN).
angle away from positive Z-axis in the local Cartesian coordinates (KCN).
Not used.
Label = RECT:
Width of the rectangular duct.
Height of the rectangular duct.
Mode index for pressure variation along the width (defaults to 0).
Mode index for pressure variation along the height (defaults to 0).
Label = CIRC:
Radius of the circular duct.
Not used.
Mode index for pressure variation along the azimuth (defaults to 0).
Mode index for pressure variation along the radii (defaults to 0).
Label = COAX:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
148 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Inner radius of the coaxial duct.
Outer radius of the coaxial duct.
Mode index for pressure variation along the azimuth (defaults to 0).
Mode index for pressure variation along the radii (defaults to 0).
Use the APORT command to launch a specified analytic acoustic mode into a guided duct.
The low-order FLUID30 element does not support the higher modes in the coaxial duct (Label = COAX).
For more information, see Specified Mode Excitation in an Acoustic Duct in the Acoustic Analysis Guide,
and Analytic Port Modes in a Duct in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Load step number of the data set to be read. Defaults to 1. If FIRST, ignore SBSTEP and TIME and read
the first data set. If LAST, ignore SBSTEP and TIME and read the last data set. If NEXT, ignore SBSTEP
and TIME and read the next data set. If already at the last data set, the next set is the first data set. If NEAR,
ignore SBSTEP and read the data set nearest to TIME. If TIME is blank, read the first data set. If LIST, scan
the results file to produce a summary of each load step (FACT, KIMG, TIME and ANGLE are ignored).
Substep number (within LSTEP) (defaults to last substep of load step). For the Buckling (AN-
TYPE (p. 140),BUCKLE) or Modal (ANTYPE (p. 140),MODAL) analysis, the substep corresponds to the mode
number (defaults to first mode). If LSTEP = LIST, SBSTEP = 0 or 1 will list the basic load step information;
SBSTEP = 2 will also list the load step title, and label the imaginary data sets if they exist.
Scale factor applied to data read from the file. If zero (or blank), a value of 1.0 is used. Harmonic velocities
or accelerations may be calculated from the displacement results from a modal or harmonic (AN-
TYPE (p. 140),HARMIC) analyses. If FACT = VELO, the harmonic velocities (v) are calculated from the dis-
placements (d) at a particular frequency (f ) according to the relationship v = 2 πfd. Similarly, if FACT =
ACEL, the harmonic accelerations (a) are calculated as a = (2 πf )2d.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 149
Used only with results from complex analyses:
Store real part of complex solution.
Store imaginary part.
Time-point identifying the data set to be read. For harmonic analyses, time corresponds to the frequency.
For the buckling analysis, time corresponds to the load factor. Used only in the following cases: If LSTEP
is NEAR, read the data set nearest to TIME. If both LSTEP and SBSTEP are zero (or blank), read data set
at time = TIME. If TIME is between two solution time points on the results file, a linear interpolation is
done between the two data sets. Solution items not written to the results file [OUTRES (p. 1115)] for either
data set will result in a null item after data set interpolation. If TIME is beyond the last time point on the
file, the last time point is used.
Circumferential location (0° to 360°). Defines the circumferential location for the harmonic calculations
used when reading from the results file. The harmonic factor (based on the circumferential angle) is applied
to the harmonic elements (PLANE25, PLANE75, PLANE78, PLANE83, and SHELL61) of the load case. See the
Mechanical APDL Theory Reference for details. Note that factored values of applied constraints and loads
will overwrite any values existing in the database.
Data set number of the data set to be read. If a positive value for NSET is entered, LSTEP, SBSTEP, KIMG,
and TIME are ignored. Available set numbers can be determined by APPEND,LIST. To determine if data
sets are real or imaginary, issue APPEND,LIST,2 which labels imaginary data sets.
Reads a data set from the results file and appends it to the existing data in the database for the selected
model only. The existing database is not cleared (or overwritten in total), allowing the requested results
data to be merged into the database. Various operations may also be performed during the read oper-
ation. The database must have the model geometry available (or used the RESUME (p. 1338) command
before the APPEND command to restore the geometry from File.DB).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Read Results>By Load Step
Main Menu>General Postproc>Read Results>By Set Number
Main Menu>General Postproc>Read Results>By Time/Freq
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
150 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
APTN, NA1, NA2, NA3, NA4, NA5, NA6, NA7, NA8, NA9
Partitions areas.
PREP7 (p. 20): Booleans (p. 26)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Partitions areas that intersect. This command is similar to the combined functionality of the ASBA (p. 160)
and AOVLAP (p. 146) commands. If the intersection of two or more areas is an area (i.e., planar), new
areas will be created with boundaries that conform to the area of intersection and to the boundaries
of the non-intersecting portions of the input areas [AOVLAP (p. 146)]. If the intersection is a line (i.e.,
not planar), the areas will be subtracted, or divided, along the line(s) of intersection [ASBA (p. 160)].
Both types of intersection can occur during a single APTN operation. Areas that do not intersect will
not be modified. See the Modeling and Meshing Guide for an illustration. See the BOPTN (p. 234) command
for an explanation of the options available to Boolean operations. Element attributes and solid model
boundary conditions assigned to the original entities will not be transferred to the new entities generated.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Partition>Areas
Arc-length key:
Do not use the arc-length method (default).
Use the arc-length method.
Maximum multiplier of the reference arc-length radius (default = 25).
Minimum multiplier of the reference arc-length radius (default = 1/1000).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 151
Activates the arc-length method and sets the minimum and maximum multipliers for controlling the
arc-length radius based on the initial arc-length radius.
The initial arc-length radius, t0, is proportional (in absolute value) to the initial load factor. The initial
load factor is given by:
where TIME is the time specified by the TIME (p. 1676) command for the arc-length load step, and
NSBSTP is the number of substeps specified by the NSUBST (p. 1073) command.
The factors MAXARC and MINARC are used to define the range for the arc-length radius to expand and
shrink during the substep solution:
tMAX = MAXARC * t0
tMIN = MINARC * t0
In each substep, the arc-length radius is kept constant throughout the equilibrium iterations. After each
converged substep, the arc-length radius for the next substep is modified depending on the convergence
behavior. If the substep converges and the program heuristic predicts an easy convergence, the arc-
length radius is enlarged. If the enlarged value is greater than tMAX, the arc-length radius is reset to
tMAX. If the substep does not converge, bisection will take place until the arc-length radius is reduced
to tMIN. If further nonconvergence is encountered, the solution terminates.
The arc-length method predicts the next time increment (that is, load factor increment). Therefore, the
AUTOTS (p. 179) and PRED (p. 1233) commands are ignored when the arc-length method is used.
The STABILIZE (p. 1570) and LNSRCH (p. 881) commands are also ignored.
For difficult problems, one suggestion is to increase the initial number of substeps (NSUBST (p. 1073)),
and to prevent the arc-length radius from increasing too rapidly (MAXARC = 1).
ARCLEN cannot be used for any load step that has no applied load or displacement.
The arc-length method does not support tabular loads. In order to use the arc-length method, you must
replace tabular loads by other load types and then run the analysis again.
The arc-length method can only be used with the sparse solver (EQSLV (p. 537),SPARSE). If any other
solver is specified, the solver method is automatically changed to sparse, and a warning message is issued
to notify you.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Advanced NL
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Nonlinear>Arc-Length Opts
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Advanced NL
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Nonlinear>Arc-Length Opts
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
152 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Specifies the basis of solution termination:
Does not use ARCTRM to terminate analysis (default).
Terminates the analysis if the first limit point has been reached. The first limit point is that point in the
response history when the tangent stiffness matrix becomes singular (i.e., the point at which the
structure becomes unstable). If Lab = L, arguments VAL, NODE, DOF are ignored.
Terminates the analysis when the displacement first equals or exceeds the maximum desired value.
Maximum desired displacement (absolute value). Valid only if Lab = U. The analysis terminates whenever
the calculated displacement first equals or exceeds this value. For rotational degrees of freedom, VAL must
be in radians (not degrees).
Node number corresponding to displacement used to compare with displacement specified by VAL. If
blank, the maximum displacement will be used. Valid only if Lab = U.
Valid degree of freedom label for nodal displacement specified by NODE. Valid labels are UX, UY, UZ, ROTX,
ROTY, ROTZ. Valid only if NODE>0 and Lab = U.
The ARCTRM command is valid only when the arc-length method (ARCLEN (p. 151),ON) is used.
It can be convenient to use this command to terminate the analysis when the first limit point is reached.
In addition, the NCNV (p. 1010) command should be used to limit the maximum number of iterations. If
the ARCTRM command is not used, and the applied load is so large that the solution path can never
reach that load, the arc-length solution will continue to run until a CPU time limit or a "maximum
number of iterations" is reached.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Advanced NL
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Nonlinear>Arc-Length Opts
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Advanced NL
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Nonlinear>Arc-Length Opts
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 153
Specifies "Areas" as the subsequent status topic.
PREP7 (p. 20): Status (p. 32)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Amount of refinement to be done. Specify the value of LEVEL as an integer from 1 to 5, where a value of
1 provides minimal refinement, and a value of 5 provides maximum refinement (defaults to 1).
Depth of mesh refinement in terms of the number of elements outward from the indicated areas (defaults
to 1).
Type of postprocessing to be done after element splitting, in order to improve element quality:
No postprocessing will be done.
Smoothing will be done. Node locations may change.
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154 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Smoothing and cleanup will be done. Existing elements may be deleted, and node locations may
change (default).
Flag indicating whether quadrilateral elements must be retained in the refinement of an all-quadrilateral
mesh. (The ANSYS program ignores the RETAIN argument when you are refining anything other than a
quadrilateral mesh.)
The final mesh will be composed entirely of quadrilateral elements, regardless of the element quality
The final mesh may include some triangular elements in order to maintain element quality and provide
AREFINE performs local mesh refinement around the specified areas. By default, the indicated elements
are split to create new elements with 1/2 the edge length of the original elements (LEVEL = 1).
AREFINE refines all area elements and tetrahedral volume elements that are adjacent to the specified
areas. Any volume elements that are adjacent to the specified areas, but are not tetrahedra (for example,
hexahedra, wedges, and pyramids), are not refined.
You cannot use mesh refinement on a solid model that contains initial conditions at nodes [IC (p. 769)],
coupled nodes [CP (p. 348) family of commands], constraint equations [CE (p. 259) family of commands],
or boundary conditions or loads applied directly to any of its nodes or elements. This applies to nodes
and elements anywhere in the model, not just in the region where you want to request mesh refinement.
See Revising Your Model in the Modeling and Meshing Guide for additional restrictions on mesh refine-
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Modify Mesh>Refine At>Areas
Specifies how to combine adjacent line segments:
Line segments combined by connecting ends to ends. This value is the default.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 155
No line segments combined.
The maximum angle (in degrees) allowed for connecting two line segments together. The default value
is 30. This value is valid only when LCOMB = 0.
Issue the AREMESH command after issuing a REMESH (p. 1321),START command and before issuing a
REMESH (p. 1321),FINISH command.
The AREMESH command cannot account for an open area (or “hole”) inside a completely enclosed region.
Instead, try meshing around an open area by selecting two adjoining regions; for more information,
see Hints for Remeshing Multiple Regions .
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Solution>Manual Rezoning>Create Remesh Zone(s)>Create Rezone Area
Area number of the area whose normal is to be reversed. If ANUM = ALL, the normals of all selected areas
will be reversed. If ANUM = P, graphical picking is enabled. A component name may also be substituted
for ANUM.
Indicates whether you want to change the normal direction of the existing elements on the reversed area(s)
so that they are consistent with each area's new normal direction.
Make the normal direction of existing elements on the reversed area(s) consistent with each area's
new normal direction (default).
Do not change the normal direction of existing elements on the reversed area(s).
You cannot use the AREVERSE command to change the normal direction of any element that has a
body or surface load. We recommend that you apply all of your loads only after ensuring that the element
normal directions are acceptable. Also, you cannot use this command to change the normal direction
for areas attached to volumes because IGES and ANF data is unchanged by reversal. Reversed areas
that are attached to volumes need to be reversed again when imported.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
156 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Real constants (such as nonuniform shell thickness and tapered beam constants) may be invalidated
by an element reversal.
See Revising Your Model in the Modeling and Meshing Guide for more information.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Move / Modify>Reverse Normals>of Areas
Generates cylindrical areas by rotating a line pattern about an axis.
PREP7 (p. 20): Areas (p. 25)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Keypoints defining the axis about which the line pattern is to be rotated.
Arc length (in degrees). Positive follows right-hand rule about PAX1-PAX2 vector. Defaults to 360°.
Number of areas (8 maximum) around circumference. Defaults to minimum number required for 90° -
maximum arcs, i.e., 4 for 360°, 3 for 270°, etc.
Generates cylindrical areas (and their corresponding keypoints and lines) by rotating a line pattern (and
its associated keypoint pattern) about an axis. Keypoint patterns are generated at regular angular loca-
tions, based on a maximum spacing of 90°. Line patterns are generated at the keypoint patterns. Arc
lines are also generated to connect the keypoints circumferentially. Keypoint, line, and area numbers
are automatically assigned, beginning with the lowest available values [NUMSTR (p. 1085)]. Adjacent lines
use a common keypoint. Adjacent areas use a common line.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Extrude>Lines>About Axis
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 157
Generates a scaled set of areas from a pattern of areas.
PREP7 (p. 20): Areas (p. 25)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Scale factors to be applied to the X, Y, and Z keypoint coordinates in the active coordinate system. (RR,
R θ, RZ for cylindrical; RR, R θ, R Φ for spherical). Note that the R θ and R Φ scale factors are interpreted as
angular offsets. For example, if CSYS = 1, RX, RY, RZ input of (1.5,10,3) would scale the specified keypoints
1.5 times in the radial and 3 times in the Z direction, while adding an offset of 10 degrees to the keypoints.
Zero, blank, or negative scale factor values are assumed to be 1.0. Zero or blank angular offsets have no
Increment to be applied to keypoint numbers for generated set. If zero, the lowest available keypoint
numbers will be assigned [NUMSTR (p. 1085)].
Specifies whether nodes and elements are also to be generated:
Nodes and elements associated with the original areas will be generated (scaled) if they exist.
Nodes and elements will not be generated.
Specifies whether areas will be moved or newly defined:
Additional areas will be generated.
Original areas will be moved to new position (KINC and NOELEM are ignored). Use only if the old areas
are no longer needed at their original positions. Corresponding meshed items are also moved if not
needed at their original position.
Generates a scaled set of areas (and their corresponding keypoints, lines, and mesh) from a pattern of
areas. The MAT, TYPE, REAL, and ESYS attributes are based on the areas in the pattern and not the
current settings. Scaling is done in the active coordinate system. Areas in the pattern could have been
generated in any coordinate system. However, solid modeling in a toroidal coordinate system is not
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
158 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Scale>Areas
Symmetry key:
X symmetry (default).
Y symmetry.
Z symmetry.
Keypoint increment between sets. If zero, the lowest available keypoint numbers are assigned [NUM-
STR (p. 1085)].
Specifies whether nodes and elements are also to be generated:
Generate nodes and elements associated with the original areas, if they exist.
Do not generate nodes and elements.
Specifies whether areas will be moved or newly defined:
Generate additional areas.
Move original areas to new position retaining the same keypoint numbers (KINC and NOELEM are
ignored). Valid only if the old areas are no longer needed at their original positions. Corresponding
meshed items are also moved if not needed at their original position.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 159
Generates a reflected set of areas (and their corresponding keypoints, lines and mesh) from a given
area pattern by a symmetry reflection (see analogous node symmetry command, NSYM (p. 1074)). The
MAT, TYPE, REAL, ESYS, and SECNUM attributes are based upon the areas in the pattern and not upon
the current settings. Reflection is done in the active coordinate system by changing a particular coordinate
sign. The active coordinate system must be a Cartesian system. Areas in the pattern may have been
generated in any coordinate system. However, solid modeling in a toroidal coordinate system is not
recommended. Areas are generated as described in the AGEN (p. 96) command.
See the ESYM (p. 569) command for additional information about symmetry elements.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Reflect>Areas
Area (or areas, if picking is used) to be subtracted from. If ALL, use all selected areas. Areas specified in this
argument are not available for use in the NA2 argument. If P, graphical picking is enabled (valid only in
the GUI) and remaining fields are ignored. A component name may also be substituted for NA1.
Area (or areas, if picking is used) to subtract. If ALL, use all selected areas (except those included in the
NA1 argument). A component name may also be substituted for NA2.
Behavior if the intersection of the NA1 areas and the NA2 areas is a line or lines:
The resulting areas will share line(s) where they touch.
The resulting areas will have separate, but coincident line(s) where they touch.
Specifies whether NA1 areas are to be deleted:
Use the setting of KEEP on the BOPTN (p. 234) command.
Delete NA1 areas after ASBA operation (override BOPTN (p. 234) command settings).
Keep NA1 areas after ASBA operation (override BOPTN (p. 234) command settings).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
160 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Specifies whether NA2 areas are to be deleted:
Use the setting of KEEP on the BOPTN (p. 234) command.
Delete NA2 areas after ASBA operation (override BOPTN (p. 234) command settings).
Keep NA2 areas after ASBA operation (override BOPTN (p. 234) command settings).
Generates new areas by subtracting the regions common to both NA1 and NA2 areas (the intersection)
from the NA1 areas. The intersection can be an area(s) or line(s). If the intersection is a line and SEPO
is blank, the NA1 area is divided at the line and the resulting areas will be connected, sharing a common
line where they touch. If SEPO is set to SEPO, NA1 is divided into two unconnected areas with separate
lines where they touch. See Solid Modeling in the Modeling and Meshing Guide for an illustration. See
the BOPTN (p. 234) command for an explanation of the options available to Boolean operations. Element
attributes and solid model boundary conditions assigned to the original entities will not be transferred
to the new entities generated. ASBA,ALL,ALL will have no effect since all the areas (in NA1) will be un-
available as NA2 areas.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Divide>Area by Area
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Divide>With Options>Area by Area
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Subtract>Areas
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Subtract>With Options>Areas
Area (or areas, if picking is used) to be subtracted from. If ALL, use all selected areas. If P, graphical picking
is enabled (valid only in the GUI) and remaining fields are ignored. A component name may also be substi-
tuted for NA.
Line (or lines, if picking is used) to subtract. If ALL, use all selected lines. A component name may also be
substituted for NL.
Unused field.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 161
Specifies whether NA areas are to be deleted:
Use the setting of KEEP on the BOPTN (p. 234) command.
Delete NA areas after ASBL operation (override BOPTN (p. 234) command settings).
Keep NA areas after ASBL operation (override BOPTN (p. 234) command settings).
Specifies whether NL lines are to be deleted:
Use the setting of KEEP on the BOPTN (p. 234) command.
Delete NL lines after ASBL operation (override BOPTN (p. 234) command settings).
Keep NL lines after ASBL operation (override BOPTN (p. 234) command settings).
Generates new areas by subtracting the regions common to both the areas and lines (the intersection)
from the NA areas. The intersection will be a line(s). See Solid Modeling in the Modeling and Meshing
Guide for an illustration. See the BOPTN (p. 234) command for an explanation of the options available
to Boolean operations. Element attributes and solid model boundary conditions assigned to the original
entities will not be transferred to the new entities generated.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Divide>Area by Line
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Divide>With Options>Area by Line
Area (or areas, if picking is used) to be subtracted from. If ALL, use all selected areas. If P, graphical picking
is enabled (valid only in the GUI) and remaining fields are ignored. A component name may also be substi-
tuted for NA.
Volume (or volumes, if picking is used) to subtract. If ALL, use all selected volumes. A component name
may also be substituted for NV.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
162 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Behavior if the intersection of the areas and the volumes is a line or lines:
The resulting areas will share line(s) where they touch.
The resulting areas will have separate, but coincident line(s) where they touch.
Specifies whether NA areas are to be deleted:
Use the setting of KEEP on the BOPTN (p. 234) command.
Delete NA areas after ASBV operation (override BOPTN (p. 234) command settings).
Keep NA areas after ASBV operation (override BOPTN (p. 234) command settings).
Specifies whether NV volumes are to be deleted:
Use the setting of KEEP on the BOPTN (p. 234) command.
Delete volumes after ASBV operation (override BOPTN (p. 234) command settings).
Keep volumes after ASBV operation (override BOPTN (p. 234) command settings).
Generates new areas by subtracting the regions common to both NA areas and NV volumes (the inter-
section) from the NA areas. The intersection can be an area(s) or line(s). If the intersection is a line and
SEPO is blank, the NA area is divided at the line and the resulting areas will be connected, sharing a
common line where they touch. If SEPO is set to SEPO, NA is divided into two unconnected areas with
separate lines where they touch. See Solid Modeling in the Modeling and Meshing Guide for an illustration.
See the BOPTN (p. 234) command for an explanation of the options available to Boolean operations.
Element attributes and solid model boundary conditions assigned to the original entities will not be
transferred to the new entities generated.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Divide>Area by Volume
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Divide>With Options>Area by Volume
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Divide>Area by Volu
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 163
Area (or areas, if picking is used) to be subtracted from. If NA = ALL, use all selected areas. If NA = P,
graphical picking is enabled (valid only in the GUI). A component name may also be input for NA.
Behavior of the created boundary.
The resulting areas will share line(s) where they touch.
The resulting areas will have separate, but coincident line(s).
Specifies whether NA areas are to be deleted.
Use the setting of KEEP on the BOPTN (p. 234) command.
Delete NA areas after ASBW operation (override BOPTN (p. 234) command settings).
Keep NA areas after ASBW operation (override BOPTN (p. 234) command settings).
Generates new areas by subtracting the intersection of the working plane from the NA areas. The inter-
section will be a line(s). The working plane must not be in the same plane as the NA area(s). If SEPO is
blank, the NA area is divided at the line and the resulting areas will be connected, sharing a common
line where they touch. If SEPO is set to SEPO, NA is divided into two unconnected areas with separate
lines. The SEPO option may cause unintended consequences if any keypoints exist along the cut plane.
See Solid Modeling in the Modeling and Meshing Guide for an illustration. See the BOPTN (p. 234) command
for an explanation of the options available to Boolean operations. Element attributes and solid model
boundary conditions assigned to the original entities will not be transferred to the new entities generated.
Issuing the ASBW command under certain conditions may generate a topological degeneracy error.
Do not issue the command if:
• A sphere or cylinder has been scaled. (A cylinder must be scaled unevenly in the XY plane.)
• A sphere or cylinder has not been scaled but the work plane has been rotated.
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164 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Divide>Area by WrkPlane
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Divide>With Options>Area by Wrk-
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Divide>Area by WrkPlane
Specifies the output type for an acoustic scattering analysis.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Analysis Options (p. 35)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Output option:
Output the total pressure field (default).
Output the scattered pressure field.
Use the ASCRES command to specify the output type for an acoustic scattering analysis.
The scattered option (Opt = SCAT) provides a scattered pressure output, psc, required for calculating
target strength (TS).
The default behavior (Opt = TOTAL) provides a sum of the incident and scattering fields, ptotal = pinc
+ psc.
Issue the AWAVE (p. 184) command to define the incident pressure pinc. If the AWAVE (p. 184) command
is defined with Opt2 = INT, only the total pressure field is output regardless of the ASCRES,Opt com-
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 165
Label identifying the type of select:
Select a new set (default)
Reselect a set from the current set.
Additionally select a set and extend the current set.
Unselect a set from the current set.
Restore the full set.
Unselect the full set.
Invert the current set (selected becomes unselected and vice versa).
Display the current select status.
Label identifying data. Valid item labels are shown in Table 107: ASEL - Valid Item and Component La-
bels (p. 167). Some items also require a component label. If Item = PICK (or simply “P”), graphical picking
is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). Defaults to AREA.
Component of the item (if required). Valid component labels are shown in Table 107: ASEL - Valid Item and
Component Labels (p. 167).
Minimum value of item range. Ranges are area numbers, coordinate values, attribute numbers, etc., as
appropriate for the item. A component name (as specified on the CM (p. 295) command) may also be sub-
stituted for VMIN (VMAX and VINC are ignored). If Item = MAT, TYPE, REAL, or ESYS and if VMIN is positive,
the absolute value of Item is compared against the range for selection; if VMIN is negative, the signed
value of Item is compared. See the ALIST (p. 100) command for a discussion of signed attributes.
Maximum value of item range. VMAX defaults to VMIN.
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166 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Value increment within range. Used only with integer ranges (such as for area numbers). Defaults to 1.
VINC cannot be negative.
Specifies whether only areas are to be selected:
Select areas only.
Select areas, as well as keypoints, lines, nodes, and elements associated with selected areas. Valid only
with Type = S.
Command Default
All areas are selected.
Selects a subset of areas. For example, to select those areas with area numbers 1 through 7, use
ASEL,S,AREA,,1,7. The selected subset is then used when the ALL label is entered (or implied) on other
commands, such as ALIST (p. 100),ALL. Only data identified by area number are selected. Data are flagged
as selected and unselected; no data are actually deleted from the database.
In a cyclic symmetry analysis, area hot spots can be modified. Consequently, the result of an area selection
may be different before and after the CYCLIC (p. 380) command.
If Item = ACCA, the command selects only those areas that were created by concatenation. The KSWP
field is processed, but the Comp, VMIN, VMAX, and VINC fields are ignored.
For Selects based on non-integer numbers (coordinates, results, etc.), items that are within the range
VMIN-Toler and VMAX+Toler are selected. The default tolerance Toler is based on the relative
values of VMIN and VMAX as follows:
Use the SELTOL (p. 1445) (p. 1445) command to override this default and specify Toler explicitly.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 167
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Select>Entities
Command behavior option:
Write the structural results to the specified file.
Read the structural results from the specified file. This option is invalid during /POST1 (p. 1221) postpro-
File name and directory path of a one-way acoustic-structural coupling data file (248 characters maximum,
including the characters needed for the directory path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the
working directory; in this case, you can use all 248 characters for the file name (defaults to jobname).
File name extension of the one-way acoustic-structural coupling data file (defaults to .asi).
Command operation:
No mapping occurs between the structural and acoustic models when reading the structural results
from the specified file (default).
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168 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Maps the results from the structural to the acoustic model. (See "Notes" (p. 169).)
Interpolation criteria. Valid only when Oper = MAP.
Outside region results. Valid only when Oper = MAP.
If kOut = 0, use the value(s) of the nearest region point for points outside of the region.
Number of nearby nodes considered for interpolation. Valid only when Oper = MAP.
Lower values reduce processing time; however, some distorted or irregular meshes require a higher
value to encounter three nodes for triangulation.
The ASIFILE command writes to, or reads from, a file containing one-way acoustic-structural coupling
Results data on the one-way coupling interface (defined by the SF (p. 1464),,FSIN command) in the
structural model are written to the one-way coupling result data file during the structural solution.
One-way coupling results data are read into the acoustic model as the velocity (harmonic) or acceleration
(transient) excitation during the sequential acoustic solution.
If Oper = NOMAP, both structural and acoustic models must share the same node number on the one-
way coupling interface.
If Oper = MAP:
• The one-way coupling interface must be defined in the acoustic model (SF (p. 1464),,FSIN) such that it
corresponds to the field-surface interface number (FSIN) in the structural model.
• The output points are correct only if they are within the boundaries set via the specified input points.
• Calculations for out-of-bound points require much more processing time than do points that are
within bounds.
• For each point in the acoustic destination mesh, the command searches all possible triangles in the
structural source mesh to find the best triangle containing each point, then performs a linear interpol-
ation inside this triangle. For faster and more accurate results, consider your interpolation method and
search criteria carefully (see LIMIT).
You can also write an .asi file during postprocessing of the structural model. In the POST1 postprocessor
(/POST1 (p. 1221)), issue the command ASIFILE,WRITE,Fname,Ext to output results on selected surface
nodes of the structural model. In the subsequent acoustic analysis, apply the SF (p. 1464),,FSIN,1 command
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 169
on the selected nodes of the acoustic model, and issue the ASIFILE,READ,Fname,Ext command to
read the .asi file.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
ASKIN, NL1, NL2, NL3, NL4, NL5, NL6, NL7, NL8, NL9
Generates an area by "skinning" a surface through guiding lines.
PREP7 (p. 20): Areas (p. 25)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
The first guiding line forming the skinned area. If NL1 = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining
arguments are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A component name may also be substituted for NL1. If NL1
is negative, the line beginnings and ends will be used to direct the skinning of the remaining lines (see
"Changing the ASKIN Algorithm" (p. 170) below).
Generates an area by "skinning" a surface through specified guiding lines. The lines act as a set of "ribs"
over which a surface is "stretched." Two opposite edges of the area are framed by the first (NL1) and
last (NLn) guiding lines specified. The other two edges of the area are framed by splines-fit lines which
the program automatically generates through the ends of all guiding lines. The interior of the area is
shaped by the interior guiding lines. Once the area has been created, only the four edge lines will be
attached to it. In rare cases, it may be necessary to change the default algorithm used by the ASKIN
command (see "Changing the ASKIN Algorithm" (p. 170) below).
To further control the geometry of the area (if NL1 is negative), the beginning and end of any specified
line (other than NL1) can be temporarily interchanged (for the skinning operation only) by inputting
that line number as negative. See Solid Modeling in the Modeling and Meshing Guide for an illustration.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
170 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Areas>Arbitrary>By Skinning
Label identifying the type of area select:
Select a new set (default).
Reselect a set from the current set.
Additionally select a set and extend the current set.
Unselect a set from the current set.
Specifies whether all contained area lines must be selected [LSEL (p. 896)]:
Select area if any of its lines are in the selected line set.
Select area only if all of its lines are in the selected line set.
This command is valid in any processor.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Select>Entities
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 171
ASLV, Type
Selects those areas contained in the selected volumes.
DATABASE (p. 11): Selecting (p. 11)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Label identifying the type of area select:
Select a new set (default).
Reselect a set from the current set.
Additionally select a set and extend the current set.
Unselect a set from the current set.
This command is valid in any processor.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Select>Entities
Acoustic solver specification (no default):
Set acoustic solver to the scattered field formulation.
Option identifying an acoustic solver status:
Deactivate the specified acoustic solver (default).
Activate the specified acoustic solver.
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172 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Use the ASOL command to activate the specified acoustic solution process.
The scattered option (Lab = SCAT) sets the acoustic solver to the scattered-pressure field formulation.
Issue the AWAVE (p. 184) command to define the incident pressure pinc. If the AWAVE (p. 184) command
is defined with Opt2 = INT, the acoustic solver is set to the scattered field formulation regardless of
the ASOL command issued.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
ANSYS file name identifier. Valid identifiers are: CMS, EMAT, EROT, ESAV, FULL, LN07, LN09, LN11, LN20,
LN21, LN22, LN25, LN31, LN32, MODE, OSAV, RDSP, RFRQ, RMG, RST, RSTP, RTH, SELD, and SSCR. See File
Management and Files for file descriptions. If blank, list currently reassigned files.
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
Key to specify local or global file name control for the specified file identifier in a distributed-memory
parallel processing (Distributed ANSYS) run. For more information on local and global files, see File Handling
Conventions in the Parallel Processing Guide.
Reassign the file name for both the local and global files (default).
Reassign the file name for only the local files.
Reassign the file name for only the global file.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 173
The reassignment of file names is valid only if it is done before the file is used. All file reassignments
are retained (not cleared) even if the database is cleared [/CLEAR (p. 291)] or the Jobname is changed
[/FILNAME (p. 630)]. Assigned files may be overwritten. If file name arguments (Fname, Ext, --) are
blank, the default ANSYS assignment is restored. Use SEOPT (p. 1450) for SUB files and SEEXP (p. 1441) for
DSUB files.
This command also checks to ensure that the path/file is valid and can be written by the user. If it is
not valid, an error message will be returned. Ensure that the directory exists prior to using /ASSIGN (p. 173)
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>File>File Options
Existing area number whose shape is to be used. If P1 = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining
arguments are ignored (valid only in the GUI).
Keypoint defining starting corner of area.
Keypoint defining second corner of area.
Keypoint defining third corner of area.
Keypoint defining fourth corner of area (defaults to P3).
The new area will overlay the old area. Often used when the area to be subdivided consists of a complex
shape that was not generated in a single coordinate system. Keypoints and any corresponding lines
must lie on the existing area. Missing lines are generated to lie on the given area. The active coordinate
system is ignored.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Areas>Arbitrary>Overlaid on Area
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
174 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Calculates and prints geometry statistics of the selected areas.
PREP7 (p. 20): Areas (p. 25)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Controls the degree of tessellation used in the calculation of area properties. If LAB = DEFAULT, area cal-
culations will use the degree of tessellation set through the /FACET (p. 609) command. If LAB = FINE, area
calculations are based on a finer tessellation.
Calculates and prints geometry statistics (area, centroid location, moments of inertia, volume, etc.) asso-
ciated with the selected areas. ASUM should only be used on perfectly flat areas.
Geometry items are reported in the global Cartesian coordinate system. A unit thickness is assumed
unless the areas have a non-zero total thickness defined by real constant or section data.
For layered areas, a unit density is always assumed. For single-layer areas, a unit density is assumed
unless the areas have a valid material (density).
The thickness and density are associated to the areas via the AATT (p. 78) command.
Items calculated via ASUM and later retrieved via a *GET (p. 667) or *VGET (p. 1766) command are valid
only if the model is not modified after issuing the ASUM command.
Setting a finer degree of tessellation will provide area calculations with greater accuracy, especially for
thin, hollow models. However, using a finer degree of tessellation requires longer processing.
For very narrow (sliver) areas, such that the ratio of the minimum to the maximum dimension is less
than 0.01, the ASUM command can provide erroneous area information. To ensure that the calculations
are accurate, subdivide such areas so that the ratio of the minimum to the maximum is at least 0.05.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Calc Geom Items>Of Areas
Arbitrary reference number assigned to the resulting variable (2 to NV [NUMVAR (p. 1086)]). If this number
is the same as for a previously defined variable, the previously defined variable will be overwritten with
this result.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 175
Reference number of the complex variable to be operated on.
--, --
Unused fields.
Thirty-two character name for identifying the variable on the printout and displays. Embedded blanks are
compressed upon output.
--, --
Unused fields.
Scaling factor (positive or negative) applied to variable IA (defaults to 1.0). Usually FACTA should be set
to 1. FACTA may affect the position of the angle by a multiple of π, resulting in a quadrant change.
Forms the arctangent of a complex variable according to the operation:
where a and b are the real and imaginary parts, respectively, of the complex variable IA (which is of
the form a + ib). The arctangent represents the phase angle (in radians), and is valid only for a harmonic
analysis (ANTYPE (p. 140),HARMIC).
Since the scaling factor is applied uniformly to b/a, applying any positive or negative scaling factor will
not affect the size of the phase angle, with the exception that a negative scaling factor will change the
results quadrant by π. The magnitude of a complex number is still obtained through the ABS (p. 82)
command. See POST26 - Data Operations in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference for details.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Math Operations>Arctangent
Reference number of coordinate system where the pattern is to be transferred. Transfer occurs from the
active coordinate system. The coordinate system type and parameters of KCNTO must be the same as the
active system.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
176 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
picking is enabled and all remaining arguments are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A component name
may also be substituted for NA1 (NA2 and NINC are ignored).
Keypoint increment between sets. If zero, the lowest available keypoint numbers are assigned [NUM-
STR (p. 1085)].
Specifies whether elements and nodes are also to be generated:
Generate nodes and elements associated with the original areas, if they exist.
Do not generate nodes and elements.
Specifies whether to redefine the existing areas:
Generate additional areas.
Move original areas to new position retaining the same keypoint numbers (KINC and NOELEM are
ignored). Valid only if the old areas are no longer needed at their original positions. Corresponding
meshed items are also moved if not needed at their original position.
Transfers a pattern of areas (and their corresponding lines, keypoints and mesh) from one coordinate
system to another (see analogous node TRANSFER (p. 1686) command). The MAT, TYPE, REAL, and ESYS
attributes are based upon the areas in the pattern and not upon the current settings. Coordinate systems
may be translated and rotated relative to each other. Initial pattern may be generated in any coordinate
system. However, solid modeling in a toroidal coordinate system is not recommended. Coordinate and
slope values are interpreted in the active coordinate system and are transferred directly. Areas are
generated as described in the AGEN (p. 96) command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Move / Modify>Transfer Coord>Areas
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 177
Specifies "Analysis types" as the subsequent status topic.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Status (p. 46)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>Solution>Analysis Type
Window number (or ALL) to which command applies (defaults to 1).
Focus point and distance will be automatically calculated during next display. Settings may still be
changed with the /FOCUS (p. 643) and /DIST (p. 440) commands after this command has been issued.
See also the /USER (p. 1729) command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Pan, Zoom, Rotate
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>View Settings>Automatic Fit Mode
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
178 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Specifies whether to use automatic time stepping or load stepping.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Load Step Options (p. 40)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Automatic time stepping key:
Do not use automatic time stepping.
Use automatic time stepping (default).
The program determines whether to use automatic time stepping (used by Workbench).
Command Default
Automatic time stepping is on by default.
Specifies whether to use automatic time stepping (or load stepping) over this load step. If Key = ON,
both time step prediction and time step bisection will be used.
You cannot use automatic time stepping [AUTOTS], line search [LNSRCH (p. 881)], or the DOF solution
predictor [PRED (p. 1233)] with the arc-length method [ARCLEN (p. 151), ARCTRM (p. 153)]. If you activate
the arc-length method after you set AUTOTS, LNSRCH (p. 881), or PRED (p. 1233), a warning message
appears. If you choose to proceed with the arc-length method, the program disables your automatic
time stepping, line search, and DOF predictor settings, and the time step size is controlled by the arc-
length method internally.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Basic
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Time - Time Step
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Time and Substeps
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Basic
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Time - Time Step
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Time and Substeps
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 179
Enters the binary file-dumping processor (auxiliary processor AUX2), used for dumping the contents of
certain Mechanical APDL binary files for visual examination.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>File>List>Binary Files
Utility Menu>List>Files>Binary Files
Enters the results-file editing processor (auxiliary processor AUX3), used for editing Mechanical APDL
results files.
A pending DELETE (p. 420) is processed when FINISH (p. 631) or /EOF (p. 534) is issued. To cancel a
pending DELETE (p. 420), issue UNDELETE (p. 1721).
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
180 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Enters the radiation processor (auxiliary processor AUX12). This processor supports the Radiation Matrix
and the Radiosity Solver methods.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Radiation Matrix
Enters the IGES file-transfer processor (auxiliary processor AUX15), used to read an IGES data file into
the Mechanical APDL program.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>File>Import
Averaging key:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 181
Average the component values from the elements at a common node, then calculate the principal or
vector sum from the averaged components (default).
Calculate the principal or vector sum values on a per element basis, then average these values from
the elements at a common node.
Effective Poisson's ratio used for computing the von Mises equivalent strain (EQV). This command option
is intended for use with line elements or in load case operations (LCOPER (p. 854)) only; ANSYS automatically
selects the most appropriate effective Poisson's ratio, as discussed below.
Command Default
Average components at common node before principal or vector sum calculation except for the von
Mises equivalent strain (EQV), see below.
Selects the method of combining components for certain derived nodal results when two or more ele-
ments connect to a common node. The methods apply to the calculations of derived nodal principal
stresses, principal strains, and vector sums for selects, sorts, and output [NSEL (p. 1057), NSORT (p. 1069),
PRNSOL (p. 1255), PLNSOL (p. 1190), etc.].
This command also defines the effective Poisson's ratio (EFFNU) used for equivalent strain calculations.
If you use EFFNU, the default effective Poisson's ratios shown below will be overridden for all elements
by the EFFNU value. To return to the default settings, issue the RESET (p. 1336) command. The default
value for EFFNU is:
• Poisson's ratio as defined on the MP (p. 967) commands for EPEL and EPTH
• 0.0 for line elements (includes beam, link, and pipe elements, as well as discrete elements), cyclic sym-
metry analysis, mode superposition analyses (with MSUPkey = YES on the MXPAND (p. 1002) command),
and load case operations (LCOPER (p. 854)).
For the von Mises equivalent strain (EQV), it is always computed using the average of the equivalent
strains from the elements at a common node irrespective of the value of the averaging KEY. If EFFNU
is input, though, the calculation will be performed according to the KEY setting.
For a random vibration (PSD) analysis, issuing either AVPRIN,0 or AVPRIN,1 calculates the principal
stresses using the appropriate averaging method. They are then used to determine SEQV. The output
will have non-zero values for the principal stresses.
If AVPRIN is not issued, the Segalman-Fulcher method is used to calculate SEQV. This method does not
calculate principal stresses, but directly calculates SEQV from the component stresses; therefore, the
output will have zero values for the principal stresses. Beam and pipe elements are excluded
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
182 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
See Combined Stresses and Strains in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference for more information.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Element Table>Define Table
Main Menu>General Postproc>List Results>Nodal Solution
Main Menu>General Postproc>Options for Outp
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Map onto Path
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Map onto Path>FE Results
Main Menu>General Postproc>Plot Results>Contour Plot>Element Solu
Main Menu>General Postproc>Plot Results>Contour Plot>Nodal Solu
Utility Menu>List>Results>Nodal Solution
Utility Menu>List>Results>Options
Utility Menu>Plot>Results>Contour Plot>Elem Solution
Utility Menu>Plot>Results>Contour Plot>Nodal Solution
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Multi-Plot Contrls
Averaging key.
Average results at all common subgrid locations.
Average results at all common subgrid locations except where material type [MAT (p. 929)] discontinu-
ities exist. (Default.)
Average results at all common subgrid locations except where real constant [REAL (p. 1319)] discontinu-
ities exist.
Average results at all common subgrid locations except where material type [MAT (p. 929)] or real
constant [REAL (p. 1319)] discontinuities exist.
Option to determine how results data are averaged.
Average surface results data using only the exterior element faces (default).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 183
Average surface results data using the exterior face and interior element data.
The AVRES command specifies how results data will be averaged at subgrid locations that are common
to 2 or more elements. The command is valid only when PowerGraphics is enabled (via the /GRAPH-
ICS (p. 732),POWER command).
With PowerGraphics active (/GRAPHICS (p. 732),POWER), the averaging scheme for surface data with
interior element data included (AVRES,,FULL) and multiple facets per edge (/EFACET (p. 498),2 or
/EFACET (p. 498),4) will yield differing minimum and maximum contour values depending on the Z-
Buffering options (/TYPE (p. 1705),,6 or /TYPE (p. 1705),,7). When the Section data is not included in the
averaging schemes (/TYPE (p. 1705),,7), the resulting absolute value for the midside node is significantly
PowerGraphics does not average your stresses across discontinuous surfaces. The normals for various
planes and facets are compared to a tolerance to determine continuity. The ANGLE value you specify
in the /EDGE (p. 491) command is the tolerance for classifying surfaces as continuous or “coplanar.”
The command affects nodal solution contour plots (PLNSOL (p. 1190)), nodal solution printout
(PRNSOL (p. 1255)), and subgrid solution results accessed through the Query Results function (under
General Postprocessing) in the GUI.
The command has no effect on the nodal degree of freedom solution values (UX, UY, UZ, TEMP, etc.).
For cyclic symmetry mode-superposition harmonic solutions, AVRES,,FULL is not supported. Additionally,
averaging does not occur across discontinuous surfaces, and the ANGLE value on the /EDGE (p. 491)
command has no effect.
The section-based [MAT (p. 929)] discontinuity in shells is accommodated via /ESHAPE (p. 552).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Options for Outp
Utility Menu>List>Results>Options
AWAVE, Wavenum, Wavetype, Opt1, Opt2, VAL1, VAL2, VAL3, VAL4, VAL5, VAL6,
VAL7, VAL8, VAL9, VAL10, VAL11, VAL12, VAL13
Specifies input data for an acoustic incident wave.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Misc Loads (p. 42)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Wave number. You specify the integer number for an acoustic incident wave inside or outside the model.
The number must be between 1 and 20.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
184 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Wave type:
Planar incident wave
Monopole or pulsating sphere incident wave
Dipole incident wave
Back enclosed loudspeaker
Bare loudspeaker
Displays the status of the acoustic wave settings if Wavenum = a number between 1 and 20 or ALL.
Deletes the acoustic wave settings if Wavenum = a number between 1 and 20 or ALL.
Incident wave outside the model.
Incident wave inside the model. This option is only available for pure scattered pressure formulation.
Amplitude of pressure or normal velocity to the sphere surface.
Phase angle of the applied pressure or velocity (in degrees). Defaults to 0 degrees.
If Wavetype = PLAN:
Incident ϕ angle from x axis toward y axis.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 185
Incident θ angle from z axis toward y axis.
Not used.
Global Cartesian coordinate values of source position.
If Wavetype = PLAN, MONO, DIPO, BACK, or BARE:
Mass density of base medium (defaults to 1.2041 kg/m3).
Speed of sound in base medium (defaults to 343.24 m/s).
Radius of pulsating sphere (not used for Wavetype = PLAN).
Dipole length (only available for Wavetype = DIPO, BARE).
VAL10 - VAL12
Unit vector of dipole axis from the positive to the negative. Only available for Wavetype =
Port number if the incident power is required on the port
Use the ASOL (p. 172) command to activate the scattered field algorithm and the ASCRES (p. 165) com-
mand for output control with the scattered field algorithm. Refer to Acoustics in the Theory Reference
for more information about pure scattered field formulation.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Axis specifier:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
186 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Apply label to X axis.
Apply label to Y axis.
Axis label (user defined text up to 30 characters long). Leave blank to reestablish the default for Axis axis.
Command Default
Labels are determined by the program.
This command is valid in any processor.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Graphs>Modify Axes
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 187
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
188 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
B Commands
Specifies listing mode during a batch run:
The batch output will include a listing of the input file.
Suppress input data listing.
Command Default
Interactive mode.
Sets the program mode to "batch" when included as the first line on an input file of ANSYS commands.
For convenience, this command is automatically recorded on the log file (Jobname.LOG) at the begin-
ning of an interactive ANSYS session so that the log file can be reused later for batch input.
This command should not be entered directly in an interactive ANSYS session since all sub-
sequent keyboard input is simply copied to a file, without further processing or prompts
from the program (use the "system break" to exit the ANSYS program if this occurs).
The recommended method for choosing batch mode, rather than using the /BATCH (p. 189) command,
is to select the Batch simulation environment from the ANSYS Product Launcher task in the ANSYS
launcher, or the batch mode entry option on the ANSYS execution command when entering the program.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 189
Unused field
Memory allocation option:
Use the default memory allocation strategy for the sparse solver. The default strategy attempts to run
in the INCORE memory mode. If there is not enough available physical memory when the solver starts
to run in the INCORE memory mode, the solver will then attempt to run in the OUTOFCORE memory
Use a memory allocation strategy in the sparse solver that will attempt to obtain enough memory to
run with the entire factorized matrix in memory. This option uses the most amount of memory and
should avoid doing any I/O. By avoiding I/O, this option achieves optimal solver performance. However,
a significant amount of memory is required to run in this mode, and it is only recommended on machines
with a large amount of memory. If the allocation for in-core memory fails, the solver will automatically
revert to out-of-core memory mode.
Use a memory allocation strategy in the sparse solver that will attempt to allocate only enough work
space to factor each individual frontal matrix in memory, but will store the entire factorized matrix on
disk. Typically, this memory mode results in poor performance due to the potential bottleneck caused
by the I/O to the various files written by the solver.
This option, when used in conjunction with the Memory_Size option, allows you to force the sparse
solver to run with a specific amount of memory. This option is only recommended for the advanced
user who understands sparse solver memory requirements for the problem being solved, understands
the physical memory on the system, and wants to control the sparse solver memory usage.
Initial memory size allocation for the sparse solver in GB. This argument allows you to tune the sparse
solver memory and is not generally required. Although there is no upper limit for Memory_Size, the
Memory_Size setting should always be well within the physical memory available, but not so small as
to cause the sparse solver to run out of memory. Warnings and/or errors from the sparse solver will appear
if this value is set too low. If the FORCE memory option is used, this value is the amount of memory allocated
for the entire duration of the sparse solver solution.
--, --
Unused fields
Solver output option:
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190 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Turns off additional output printing from the sparse solver (default).
Turns on additional output printing from the sparse solver, including a performance summary and a
summary of file I/O for the sparse solver. Information on memory usage during assembly of the global
matrix (that is, creation of the Jobname.FULL file) is also printed with this option.
Command Default
Automatic memory allocation is used.
This command controls options related to the sparse solver in all analysis types where the sparse solver
can be used. It also controls the Block Lanczos eigensolver in a modal or buckling analysis.
The sparse solver runs from one large work space (that is, one large memory allocation). The amount
of memory required for the sparse solver is unknown until the matrix structure is preprocessed, including
equation reordering. The amount of memory allocated for the sparse solver is then dynamically adjusted
to supply the solver what it needs to compute the solution.
If you have a very large memory system, you may want to try selecting the INCORE memory mode for
larger jobs to improve performance. When running the sparse solver on a machine with very slow I/O
performance (for example, slow hard drive speed), you may want to try using the INCORE memory
mode to achieve better performance. However, doing so may require much more memory compared
to running in the OUTOFCORE memory mode.
Running with the INCORE memory mode is best for jobs which comfortably fit within the limits of the
physical memory on a given system. If the sparse solver work space exceeds physical memory size, the
system will be forced to use virtual memory (or the system page/swap file). In this case, it is typically
more efficient to run with the OUTOFCORE memory mode. Assuming the job fits comfortably within
the limits of the machine, running with the INCORE memory mode is often ideal for jobs where repeated
solves are performed for a single matrix factorization. This occurs in a modal or buckling analysis or
when doing multiple load steps in a linear, static analysis.
For repeated runs with the sparse solver, you may set the initial sparse solver memory allocation to the
amount required for factorization. This strategy reduces the frequency of allocation and reallocation in
the run to make the INCORE option fully effective. If you have a very large memory system, you may
use the Memory_Size argument to increase the maximum size attempted for in-core runs.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 191
Defines the stiffness matrix multiplier for damping.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Dynamic Options (p. 38)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Stiffness matrix multiplier for damping.
This command defines the stiffness matrix multiplier used to form the viscous damping matrix
, where is the stiffness matrix.
Values of can also be input as a material property (MP (p. 967),BETD or TB (p. 1603),SDAMP,,,,BETD). If
BETD in either form is included, the BETD value is added to the BETAD value as appropriate. (See Ma-
terial Damping in the Material Reference and Damping Matrices in the Theory Reference.) Damping is
not used in static (ANTYPE (p. 140),STATIC) or buckling (ANTYPE (p. 140),BUCKLE) analyses.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Transient
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Damping
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Transient
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Damping
Node to which body load applies. If Node = ALL, apply to all selected nodes [NSEL (p. 1057)]. A component
name may also be substituted for Node.
Valid body load label. Load labels are listed under "Body Loads" in the input table for each element type
in the Element Reference.
Discipline Load Label Description
Structural TEMP Temperature
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
192 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Discipline Load Label Description
FREQ Frequency (harmonic
analyses only)
FLUE Fluence
FPBC Floquet periodic boundary
Thermal HGEN Heat generation rate
(updated by volume
changes when
large-deflection effects are
[NLGEOM (p. 1028),ON])
Magnetic TEMP Temperature
VELO Velocity or angular velocity
MVDI Magnetic virtual
displacements flags
Electric TEMP Temperature
CHRGD Charge density
Acoustic MASS Mass source; mass source
rate; or power source in an
energy diffusion solution for
room acoustics
IMPD Impedance sheet
SPRE Static pressure
TEMP Temperature
VELO Velocity or acceleration
PORT Interior acoustics port
FPBC Floquet periodic boundary
VMEN Mean flow velocity
UFOR Force potential
SFOR Shear force for
viscous-thermal acoustics or
poroelastic acoustics
HFLW Volumetric heat source for
viscous-thermal acoustics
Poromechanics FSOU Fluid flow source
Diffusion TEMP Temperature
DGEN Diffusing substance
generation rate
VELO Transport velocity
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 193
Tabular input is supported for certain labels (see Notes (p. 197) for details). To specify a table, enclose
the table name in percent signs (%) (e.g., BF,Node,TEMP,%tabname%). Use the *DIM (p. 435)
command to define a table.
Mass source with units of kg/(m3*s) in a harmonic analysis; or mass source rate with units of
kg/(m3*s2) in a transient analysis; or power source with units of watts in an energy diffusion
solution for room acoustics
Phase angle in degrees
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
If Lab = VELO for acoustics (velocity components in harmonic analysis or acceleration components
in a transient analysis):
X component
Y component
Z component
X-component phase angle in degrees
Y-component phase angle in degrees
Z-component phase angle in degrees
If Lab = VELO for electromagnetics (velocity and angular velocity components in the global Cartesian
coordinate system):
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
194 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Velocity component in the X direction
Velocity component in the Y direction
Velocity component in the Z direction
Angular velocity about the X axis (rad/sec)
Angular velocity about the Y axis (rad/sec)
Angular velocity about the Z axis (rad/sec)
Transport velocity component in X direction
Transport velocity component in Y direction
Transport velocity component in Z direction
Not used
Not used
Not used
If Lab = IMPD:
Resistance in N⋅s/m3
Reactance in N⋅s/m3
Not used
Not used
Not used
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 195
Not used
If Lab = FPBC:
Phase shift (product of phase constant and period in unit radian); or Floquet boundary flag (set
VAL1 = YES) for a modal analysis that solves the eigenvalues with a specified frequency (FREQ-
MOD on the MODOPT (p. 951) command)
Attenuation (product of attenuation constant and period); not used if VAL1 = YES
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
If Lab = VMEN:
Mean flow velocity component in the X direction
Mean flow velocity component in the Y direction
Mean flow velocity component in the Z direction
Not used
Not used
Not used
If Lab = UFOR:
Real part of complex force potential
Imaginary part of complex force potential
Not used
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
196 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Not used
Not used
Not used
If Lab = SFOR:
X component of shear force for viscous-thermal acoustics or poroelastic acoustics
Y component of shear force for viscous-thermal acoustics or poroelastic acoustics
Z component of shear force for viscous-thermal acoustics or poroelastic acoustics
X-component phase angle in degrees
Y-component phase angle in degrees
Z-component phase angle in degrees
If Lab = HFLW:
Real part of volumetric heat source for viscous-thermal acoustics
Imaginary part of volumetric heat source for viscous-thermal acoustics
Not used
Not used
Not used
Not used
Defines a nodal body force load (such as temperature in a structural analysis, heat generation rate in a
thermal analysis, etc.). Nodal body loads default to the BFUNIF (p. 226) values, if they were previously
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 197
Table names are valid for Lab value (VALn) inputs in these cases only:
temperatures (TEMP), diffusing substance generation rates (DGEN), and heat generation rates (HGEN).
mass source, mass source rate, or power source (MASS); the Floquet periodic boundary condition
(FPBC); the force potential (UFOR); and the volumetric heat source (HFLW).
The heat generation rate loads specified with the BF command are multiplied by the weighted nodal
volume of each element adjacent to that node. This yields the total heat generation at that node.
In a modal analysis, the Floquet periodic boundary condition (FPBC) is only valid for the acoustic elements
FLUID30, FLUID220, and FLUID221.
Body load labels VELO, MASS, SPRE, FPBC, VMEN, UFOR, SFOR, and HFLW cannot be accessed from a
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Boundary>Temperature>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Excitation>AppCharDens>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Excitation>AppElecField>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Fluid/ANSYS>Heat Generat>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Boundary>Temperature>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Excitation>AppCurrDens>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Excitation>AppMagField>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Other>AppVirtDisp>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Fluence>On Nodes
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
198 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Area to which body load applies. If ALL, apply to all selected areas [ASEL (p. 166)]. A component name may
also be substituted for Area.
Valid body load label. Load labels are listed under "Body Loads" in the input table for each element type
in the Element Reference.
Discipline Load Label Description
Structural TEMP temperature
FLUE fluence
Thermal HGEN heat generation rate
Magnetic TEMP temperature
JS current densities
Electric TEMP temperature
CHRGD charge density
Acoustic IMPD impedance sheet
TEMP temperature
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 199
VAL2 is the reactance in ohms/square. When specifying a table name, you must enclose the table name
in percent signs (%), e.g., BFA,Area,Lab,%tabname%. Use the *DIM (p. 435) command to define a table.
If Lab = JS, VAL4 is the phase angle in degrees.
Defines a body force load (such as temperature in a structural analysis, heat generation rate in a thermal
analysis, etc.) on an area. Body loads may be transferred from areas to area elements (or to nodes if
area elements do not exist) with the BFTRAN (p. 225) or SBCTRAN (p. 1390) commands. Body loads default
to the value specified on the BFUNIF (p. 226) command, if it was previously specified.
You can specify a table name only when using temperature (TEMP) and heat generation rate (HGEN)
body load labels.
Body loads specified by the BFA command can conflict with other specified body loads. See Resolution
of Conflicting Body Load Specifications in the Basic Analysis Guide for details.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Boundary>Temperature>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Excitation>AppCharDens>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Excitation>AppElecField>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Fluid/ANSYS>Normal Velo>On Areas
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Boundary>Temperature>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Excitation>AppCurrDens>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Excitation>AppMagField>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Fluence>On Areas
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Heat Generat>On Areas
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Boundary>Temperature>On Areas
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Excitation>AppCharDens>On Areas
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Excitation>AppElecField>On Areas
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Fluid/ANSYS>Normal Velo>On Areas
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Boundary>Temperature>On Areas
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Excitation>AppCurrDens>On Areas
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Excitation>AppMagField>On Areas
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
200 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Area at which body load is to be deleted. If ALL, delete for all selected areas [ASEL (p. 166)]. A component
name may also be substituted for AREA.
Valid body load label. If ALL, use all appropriate labels. Load labels are listed under "Body Loads" in the
input table for each element type in the Element Reference. See the BFA (p. 199) command for labels.
Deletes body force loads (and all corresponding finite element loads) for a specified area and label.
Body loads may be defined on an area with the BFA (p. 199) command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>All Load Data>All Body Loads>On All
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>Temperature>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Excitation>AppCharDens>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Excitation>DelElecField>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Fluid/ANSYS>Normal Velo>On Areas
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Boundary>Temperature>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Excitation>DelCurrDens>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Excitation>DelMagField>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Other>Fluence>On Areas
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Temperature>On Areas
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Thermal>Heat Generat>On Areas
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 201
Area at which body load is to be listed. If ALL (or blank), list for all selected areas [ASEL (p. 166)]. If AREA =
P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A
component name may also be substituted for AREA.
Valid body load label. If ALL, use all appropriate labels. Load labels are listed under "Body Loads" in the
input table for each element type in the Element Reference. See the BFA (p. 199) command for labels.
Lists the body force loads for the specified area and label. Body loads may be defined on an area with
the BFA (p. 199) command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Loads>Body Loads>On All Areas
Utility Menu>List>Loads>Body Loads>On Picked Areas
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
202 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Valid body load label. If ALL, use all appropriate labels.
Discipline Load Label Description
Structural TEMP temperature
FLUE fluence
Thermal HGEN heat generation rate
Magnetic TEMP temperature
JS current densities
MVDI magnetic virtual
displacements flag
Electric TEMP temperature
CHRGD charge density
Diffusion DGEN diffusing substance
generation rate
Accumulation key:
Subsequent values replace the previous values (default).
Subsequent values are added to the previous values.
Subsequent values are ignored.
Scale factor for the nodal body load values. Zero (or blank) defaults to 1.0. Use a small number for a zero
scale factor. The scale factor is not applied to body load phase angles.
Used (only with Lab = TEMP) to calculate the temperature used in the add or replace operation (see Oper)
where T is the temperature specified on subsequent BF (p. 192) commands. TBASE defaults to zero.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 203
Command Default
Replace previous values.
Allows repeated nodal body force loads to be replaced, added, or ignored. Nodal body loads are applied
with the BF (p. 192) command. Issue the BFLIST (p. 223) command to list the nodal body loads. The op-
erations occur when the next body loads are defined. For example, issuing the BF (p. 192) command
with a temperature of 250 after a previous BF (p. 192) command with a temperature of 200 causes the
new value of the temperature to be 450 with the add operation, 250 with the replace operation, or 200
with the ignore operation. A scale factor is also available to multiply the next value before the add or
replace operation. A scale factor of 2.0 with the previous "add" example results in a temperature of 700.
The scale factor is applied even if no previous values exist. Issue BFCUM,STAT to show the current label,
operation, and scale factors. Solid model boundary conditions are not affected by this command, but
boundary conditions on the FE model are affected.
FE boundary conditions may still be overwritten by existing solid model boundary con-
ditions if a subsequent boundary condition transfer occurs.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Settings>Replace vs Add>Nodal Body Ld
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Settings>Replace vs Add>Nodal Body Ld
Node at which body load is to be deleted. If ALL, delete for all selected nodes [NSEL (p. 1057)]. If NODE = P,
graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A com-
ponent name may also be substituted for NODE.
Valid body load label. If ALL, use all appropriate labels. See the BF (p. 192) command for labels.
Deletes nodal body force loads for a specified node and label. Nodal body loads may be defined with
the BF (p. 192) command.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
204 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>All Load Data>All Body Loads>On All
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>Temperature>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Excitation>AppCharDens>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Excitation>DelElecField>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Fluid/ANSYS>Heat Generat>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Boundary>Temperature>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Excitation>DelCurrDens>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Excitation>DelMagField>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Other>AppVirtDisp>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Other>Fluence>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Temperature>On Node
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Temperature>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Thermal>Heat Generat>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>All Load Data>All Body Loads>On All Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>Temperature>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Excitation>AppCharDens>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Excitation>DelElecField>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Fluid/ANSYS>Heat Generat>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Boundary>Temperature>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Excitation>DelCurrDens>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Excitation>DelMagField>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Other>AppVirtDisp>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Other>Fluence>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Temperature>On Node Components
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Temperature>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Thermal>Heat Generat>On Nodes
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 205
The element to which body load applies. If ALL, apply to all selected elements (ESEL (p. 548)). A component
name may also be substituted for Elem.
Valid body load label. Valid labels are also listed for each element type in the Element Reference under
"Body Loads" in the input table.
Discipline Load Label Description
TEMP Temperature
FREQ Frequency (harmonic
Structural analyses only)
FLUE Fluence
FORC Body-force density
HGEN Heat generation rate
(updated by volume
changes when
large-deflection effects are
[NLGEOM (p. 1028),ON])
EF Electric field
TEMP Temperature
Magnetic JS Current density
MVDI Magnetic virtual
displacements flag
TEMP Temperature
CHRGD Charge density
Field volume FVIN Field volume interface flag
Poromechanics FSOU Fluid flow source
TEMP Temperature
Diffusion DGEN Diffusing substance
generation rate
Starting location for entering VAL data, below. For example, if STLOC = 1, data input in the VAL1 field
applies to the first element body load item available for the element type, VAL2 applies to the second
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
206 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
element item, etc. If STLOC = 5, data input in the VAL1 field applies to the fifth element item, etc. Defaults
to 1.
For Lab = JS and STLOC = 1, VAL1, VAL2 and VAL3 are the X, Y, and Z components of current
density (in the element coordinate system), and VAL4 is the phase angle.
For Lab = EF and STLOC = 1, VAL1, VAL2, and VAL3 are the X, Y, and Z components of electric
field (in the global Cartesian coordinate system).
If Lab = FVIN in a unidirectional Mechanical APDL to ANSYS CFX analysis, VAL2 is the volume inter-
face number (not available from within the GUI), and VAL1, VAL3, and VAL4 are not used.
For Lab = FORC and STLOC = 1, VAL1, VAL2, and VAL3 are the real X, Y, and Z components of
force density (in the global Cartesian coordinate system).
For analyses that allow complex input, if Lab = FORC and STLOC = 4, VAL1, VAL2, and VAL3 are
the imaginary X, Y, and Z components of force density (in the global Cartesian coordinate system).
Defines an element body-force load (such as the temperature in a structural analysis or the heat-gener-
ation rate in a thermal analysis). Body loads and element specific defaults are described for each element
type in the Element Reference. If both the BF (p. 192) and BFE commands are used to apply a body-force
load to an element, the BFE command takes precedence.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 207
On Reinforcing Elements
For HGEN loading on reinforcing elements REINF264 and REINF265, STLOC refers to the corner locations
of the reinforcing members (individual reinforcings):
• REINF264: Specify VAL1 and VAL2 for each member. For tables, specify VAL1 only.
• REINF265: Specify VAL1, VAL2, VAL3, and VAL4 for each member. For tables, specify VAL1 only.
When using the standard method for defining reinforcing, this is the only way to apply HGEN on the
reinforcing members created after generating the REINFnnn reinforcing elements (EREINF (p. 543)).
When using the mesh-independent method for defining reinforcing, you can apply HGEN on the rein-
forcing members in the same way. The preferred method, however, is to apply HGEN on the MESH200
elements (via BFE or BF (p. 192)) before generating the REINFnnn reinforcing elements (EREINF (p. 543)).
Mechanical APDL maps the HGEN loads from the MESH200 elements to the newly generated REINFnnn
reinforcing elements automatically.
Specifying a Table
You can specify a table name (VAL1) when using temperature (TEMP), diffusing substance generation
rate (DGEN), heat generation rate (HGEN), and current density (JS) body load labels.
For the body force density label (FORC), you can specify a table for any of the VAL1 through VAL3 ar-
guments. Both 1-D and 2-D tables are valid; however, only 1-D tables are valid in mode-superposition
harmonic and mode-superposition transient analyses.
Enclose the table name (tabname) in percent signs (%), for example:
BFE,Elem, Lab,STLOC,%tabname%
Use the *DIM (p. 435) command to define a table. For information on primary variables for each load
type, see Applying Loads Using Tabular Input in the Basic Analysis Guide.
• For layered elements, NTEMP is the number of layer interface corners that allow temperature input.
The temperatures apply to element items with a starting location of STLOC + n, where n is the value
field location (VALn) of the table name input.
For layered elements, a single BFE command returns temperatures for one layer interface. Multiple BFE
commands are necessary for defining all layered temperatures.
For beam, pipe and elbow elements that allow multiple temperature inputs per node, define the tabular
load for the first node only (Node I), as loads on the remaining nodes are applied automatically. For
example, to specify a tabular temperature load on a PIPE288 element with the through-wall-gradient
option (KEYOPT(1) = 0), the BFE command looks like this:
BFE,Elem,TEMP,1,%tabOut%, %tabIn%
where %tabOut% and %tabIn% and are the tables applied to the outer and inner surfaces of the
pipe wall, respectively.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
208 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
When a tabular function load is applied to an element, the load does not vary according to the posi-
tioning of the element in space.
Other Information
Graphical picking is available only via the listed menu paths.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Boundary>Temperature>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Excitation>AppCharDens>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Field Volume Intr>On Elements
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Fluid/ANSYS>Heat Generat>On Elements
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Fluid/ANSYS>Normal Velo>On Elements
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Boundary>Temperature>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Excitation>AppCurrDens>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Other>Electric Field>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Fluence>On Elements
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Heat Generat>On Elements
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Boundary>Temperature>On Elements
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Excitation>AppCharDens>On Elements
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Field Volume Intr>On Elements
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Fluid/ANSYS>Heat Generat>On Elements
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Fluid/ANSYS>Normal Velo>On Elements
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Boundary>Temperature>On Elements
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Excitation>AppCurrDens>On Elements
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Other>Electric Field>On Elements
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Fluence>On Elements
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Heat Generat>On Elements
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 209
Valid body load label. If ALL, use all appropriate labels.
Discipline Load Label Description
Structural TEMP temperature
FLUE fluence
Thermal HGEN heat generation rate
Magnetic TEMP temperature
JS current densities
MVDI magnetic virtual
displacements flag
Electric TEMP temperature
CHRGD charge density
Diffusion DGEN diffusing substance
generation rate
Replace or ignore key:
Subsequent values replace the previous values (default).
Subsequent values are ignored.
Scale factor for the element body load values. Zero (or blank) defaults to 1.0. Use a small number for a zero
scale factor. The scale factor is not applied to body load phase angles.
Used (only with Lab = TEMP) to calculate the temperature used in the add or replace operation (see Oper)
where T is the temperature specified on subsequent BFE (p. 206) commands. TBASE defaults to
Command Default
Replace previous values.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
210 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Allows repeated element body force loads to be replaced or ignored. Element body loads are applied
with the BFE (p. 206) command. Issue the BFELIST (p. 212) command to list the element body loads. The
operations occur when the next body loads are defined. For example, issuing the BFE (p. 206) command
with a temperature value of 25 after a previous BFE (p. 206) command with a temperature value of 20
causes the new value of that temperature to be 25 with the replace operation, or 20 with the ignore
operation. A scale factor is also available to multiply the next value before the replace operation. A
scale factor of 2.0 with the previous "replace" example results in a temperature of 50. The scale factor
is applied even if no previous values exist. Issue BFECUM,STAT to show the current label, operation,
and scale factors.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Settings>Replace vs Add>Elem Body Lds
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Settings>Replace vs Add>Elem Body Lds
Element at which body load is to be deleted. If ALL, delete for all selected elements [ A component name
may also be substituted for ELEM.
Valid body load label. If ALL, use all appropriate labels. See BFE (p. 206) command for labels.
Deletes element body force loads for a specified element and label. Element body loads may be defined
with the BFE (p. 206) commands.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>All Load Data>All Body Loads>On All
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>Temperature>On
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 211
Element at which body load is to be listed. If ALL (or blank), list for all selected elements [ESEL (p. 548)]. If
ELEM = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the
GUI). A component name may also be substituted for ELEM.
Valid body load label. If ALL (or blank), use all appropriate labels. See BFE (p. 206) command for labels.
Lists the element body force loads for the specified element and label. Element body loads may be
defined with the BFE (p. 206) command.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
212 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Loads>Body Loads>On All Elements
Utility Menu>List>Loads>Body Loads>On Picked Elems
Valid body load label. If ALL, use all appropriate labels.
Discipline Load Label Description
Structural TEMP temperature
FLUE fluence
Thermal HGEN heat generation rate
Magnetic TEMP temperature
JS current densities
MVDI magnetic virtual
displacements flag
Electric TEMP temperature
CHRGD charge density
Diffusion DGEN diffusing substance
generation rate
Scale factor for the element body load values. Zero (or blank) defaults to 1.0. Use a small number for a
"zero" scale factor. The scale factor is not applied to body load phase angles.
Base temperature for temperature difference. Used only with Lab = TEMP. Scale factor is applied to the
temperature difference (T - TBASE) and then added to TBASE. T is the current temperature.
Scales element body force loads on the selected elements in the database. Issue the BFELIST (p. 212)
command to list the element body loads. Solid model boundary conditions are not scaled by this
command, but boundary conditions on the FE model are scaled. (Note that such scaled FE boundary
conditions may still be overwritten by unscaled solid model boundary conditions if a subsequent
boundary condition transfer occurs.)
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 213
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Operate>Scale FE Loads>Elem Body Lds
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Operate>Scale FE Loads>Elem Body Lds
BFINT, Fname1, Ext1, --, Fname2, Ext2, --, KPOS, Clab, KSHS, TOLOUT, TOLHGT
Activates the body force interpolation operation.
POST1 (p. 48): Special Purpose (p. 53)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including directory) from which to read data for
interpolation. If you do not specify a directory path, it will default to your working directory and you can
use all 248 characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including directory) to which BF commands are
written. If you do not specify a directory path, it will default to your working directory and you can use all
248 characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
Position on Fname2 to write block of BF commands:
Beginning of file (overwrite existing file).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
214 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
End of file (append to existing file).
Label (8 characters maximum, including the colon) for this block of BF commands in Fname2. This label
is appended to the colon (:). Defaults to BFn, where n is the cumulative iteration number for the data set
currently in the database.
Shell-to-solid submodeling key:
Solid-to-solid or shell-to-shell submodel.
Shell-to-solid submodel.
Extrapolation tolerance about elements, based on a fraction of the element dimension. Submodel nodes
outside the element by more than TOLOUT are not accepted as candidates for DOF extrapolation. Defaults
to 0.5 (50%).
Height tolerance above or below shell elements, in units of length. Used only for shell-to-shell submodeling
(KSHS = 0). Submodel nodes off the element surface by more than TOLHGT are not accepted as candidates
for DOF interpolation or extrapolation. Defaults to 0.0001 times the maximum element dimension.
Relaxing this tolerance to allow submodel nodes to be “found” could produce poor
submodel results.
File Fname1 should contain a node list for which body forces are to be interpolated [NWRITE (p. 1088)].
File Fname2 is created, and contains interpolated body forces written as a block of nodal BF commands.
Body forces are interpolated from elements having TEMP as a valid body force or degree of freedom,
and only the label TEMP is written on the nodal BF commands. Interpolation is performed for all nodes
on file Fname1 using the results data currently in the database. For layered elements, use the LAY-
ER (p. 845) command to select the locations of the temperatures to be used for interpolation. Default
locations are the bottom of the bottom layer and the top of the top layer.
The block of BF commands begins with an identifying colon label command and ends with a /EOF (p. 534)
command. The colon label command is of the form :Clab, where Clab is described above. Interpolation
from multiple results sets can be performed by looping through the results file in a user-defined macro.
Additional blocks can be appended to Fname2 by using KPOS and unique colon labels. A /INPUT (p. 791)
command, with the appropriate colon label, may be used to read the block of commands.
If the model has coincident (or very close) nodes, BFINT must be applied to each part of the model
separately to ensure that the mapping of the nodes is correct. For example, if nodes belonging to two
adjacent parts linked by springs are coincident, the operation should be performed on each part of the
model separately.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 215
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Submodeling>Interp Body Forc
Keypoint to which body load applies. If ALL, apply to all selected keypoints [KSEL (p. 828)]. A component
name may also be substituted for Kpoi.
Valid body load label. Load labels are listed under "Body Loads" in the input table for each element type
in the Element Reference.
Discipline Load Label Description
Structural TEMP temperature
FLUE fluence
Thermal HGEN heat generation rate
Magnetic TEMP temperature
JS current densities
MVDI magnetic virtual
displacements flag
Electric TEMP temperature
CHRGD charge density
Acoustic JS mass source or mass source
TEMP temperature
All keypoints on a given area (or volume) must have the same BFK table name for the tables to be
transferred to interior nodes.
Phase angle in degrees associated with the JS label.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
216 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Defines a body force load (such as temperature in a structural analysis, heat generation rate in a thermal
analysis, etc.) at a keypoint. Body loads may be transferred from keypoints to nodes with the
BFTRAN (p. 225) or SBCTRAN (p. 1390) commands. Interpolation will be used to apply loads to the nodes
on the lines between keypoints. All keypoints on a given area (or volume) must have the same BFK
specification, with the same values, for the loads to be transferred to interior nodes in the area (or
volume). If only one keypoint on a line has a BFK specification, the other keypoint defaults to the value
specified on the BFUNIF (p. 226) command.
You can specify a table name only when using temperature (TEMP) and heat generation rate (HGEN)
body load labels.
Body loads specified by the BFK command can conflict with other specified body loads. See Resolution
of Conflicting Body Load Specifications in the Basic Analysis Guide for details.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Boundary>Temperature>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Excitation>AppCharDens>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Fluid/ANSYS>Heat Generat>On Keypo-
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Boundary>Temperature>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Excitation>AppCurrDens>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Other>AppVirtDisp>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Fluence>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Heat Generat>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Boundary>Temperature>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Excitation>AppCharDens>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Fluid/ANSYS>Heat Generat>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Boundary>Temperature>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Excitation>AppCurrDens>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Other>AppVirtDisp>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Fluence>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Heat Generat>On Keypoints
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 217
Keypoint at which body load is to be deleted. If ALL, delete for all selected keypoints [KSEL (p. 828)]. A
component name may also be substituted for KPOI.
Valid body load label. If ALL, use all appropriate labels. Load labels are listed under "Body Loads" in the
input table for each element type in the Element Reference. See the BFK (p. 216) command for labels.
Deletes body force loads (and all corresponding finite element loads) for a specified keypoint and label.
Body loads may be defined at a keypoint with the BFK (p. 216) command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>All Load Data>All Body Loads>On All
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>Temperature>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Excitation>AppCharDens>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Fluid/ANSYS>Heat Generat>On Key-
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Boundary>Temperature>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Excitation>DelCurrDens>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Other>AppVirtDisp>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Other>Fluence>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Temperature>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Thermal>Heat Generat>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>All Load Data>All Body Loads>On All KPs
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>Temperature>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Excitation>AppCharDens>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Fluid/ANSYS>Heat Generat>On Keypoints
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
218 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Keypoint at which body load is to be listed. If ALL (or blank), list for all selected keypoints [KSEL (p. 828)].
If KPOI = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the
GUI). A component name may also be substituted for KPOI
Valid body load label. If ALL, use all appropriate labels. Load labels are listed under "Body Loads" in the
input table for each element type in the Element Reference. See the BFK (p. 216) command for labels.
Lists the body force loads for the specified keypoint and label. Keypoint body loads may be defined
with the BFK (p. 216) command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Loads>Body Loads>On All Keypoints
Utility Menu>List>Loads>Body Loads>On Picked KPs
Line to which body load applies. If ALL, apply to all selected lines [LSEL (p. 896)]. A component name may
also be substituted for Line.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 219
Valid body load label. Load labels are listed under "Body loads" in the input table for each element type
in the Element Reference.
Discipline Load Label Description
Structural TEMP temperature
Thermal FLUE fluence
HGEN heat generation rate
Magnetic TEMP temperature
Electric TEMP temperature
CHRGD charge density
Acoustic JS mass source or mass source
TEMP temperature
If Lab = JS, VAL4 is the phase angle in degrees.
Defines a body force load (such as temperature in a structural analysis, heat generation rate in a thermal
analysis, etc.) on a line. Body loads may be transferred from lines to line elements (or to nodes if line
elements do not exist) with the BFTRAN (p. 225) or SBCTRAN (p. 1390) commands.
You can specify a table name only when using temperature (TEMP) and heat generation rate (HGEN)
body load labels.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
220 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Body loads specified by the BFL command can conflict with other specified body loads. See Resolution
of Conflicting Body Load Specifications in the Basic Analysis Guide for details.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Boundary>Temperature>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Excitation>AppCharDens>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Excitation>AppElecField>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Boundary>Temperature>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Excitation>AppCurrDens>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Fluence>On Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Heat Generat>On Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Boundary>Temperature>On Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Excitation>AppCharDens>On Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Excitation>AppElecField>On Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Boundary>Temperature>On Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Excitation>AppCurrDens>On Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Fluence>On Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Heat Generat>On Lines
Line at which body load is to be deleted. If ALL, delete for all selected lines [LSEL (p. 896)]. A component
name may also be substituted for LINE.
Valid body load label. If ALL, use all appropriate labels. Load labels are listed under "Body Loads" in the
input table for each element type in the Element Reference. See the BFL (p. 219) command for labels.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 221
Deletes body force loads (and all corresponding finite element loads) for a specified line and label. Body
loads may be defined on a line with the BFL (p. 219) command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>All Load Data>All Body Loads>On All
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>Temperature>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Excitation>AppCharDens>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Excitation>DelElecField>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Boundary>Temperature>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Excitation>DelCurrDens>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Other>Fluence>On Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Temperature>On Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Thermal>Heat Generat>On Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>All Load Data>All Body Loads>On All Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>Temperature>On Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Excitation>AppCharDens>On Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Excitation>DelElecField>On Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Boundary>Temperature>On Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Excitation>DelCurrDens>On Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Other>Fluence>On Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Temperature>On Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Thermal>Heat Generat>On Lines
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
222 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Node at which body load is to be listed. If ALL (or blank), list for all selected nodes [NSEL (p. 1057)]. If NODE
= P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A
component name may also be substituted for NODE.
Valid body load label. If ALL (or blank), use all appropriate labels. See the BF (p. 192) command for labels.
Lists the body force loads for the specified node and label. Nodal body loads may be defined with the
BF (p. 192) command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Loads>Body Loads>On All Nodes
Utility Menu>List>Loads>Body Loads>On Picked Nodes
Line at which body load is to be listed. If ALL (or blank), list for all selected lines [LSEL (p. 896)]. If LINE =
P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A
component name may also be substituted for LINE.
Valid body load label. If ALL, use all appropriate labels. Load labels are listed under "Body Loads" in the
input table for each element type in the Element Reference. See the BFL (p. 219) command for labels.
Lists the body force loads for the specified line and label. Body loads may be defined on a line with the
BFL (p. 219) command.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 223
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Loads>Body Loads>On All Lines
Utility Menu>List>Loads>Body Loads>On Picked Lines
Valid body load label. If ALL, use all appropriate labels.
Discipline Load Label Description
Structural TEMP temperature
FLUE fluence
Thermal HGEN heat generation rate
Magnetic TEMP temperature
JS current densities
MVDI magnetic virtual
displacements flag
Electric TEMP temperature
CHRGD charge density
Diffusion DGEN diffusing substance
generation rate
Scale factor for the nodal body load values. Zero (or blank) defaults to 1.0. Use a small number for a zero
scale factor. The scale factor is not applied to body load phase angles.
Base temperature for temperature difference. Used only with Lab = TEMP. Scale factor is applied to the
temperature difference (T - TBASE) and then added to TBASE. T is the current temperature.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
224 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Scales body force loads in the database on the selected nodes. Issue the BFLIST (p. 223) command to
list the nodal body loads. Solid model boundary conditions are not scaled by this command, but
boundary conditions on the FE model are scaled.
Such scaled FE boundary conditions may still be overwritten by unscaled solid model
boundary conditions if a subsequent boundary condition transfer occurs.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Operate>Scale FE Loads>Nodal Body Ld
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Operate>Scale FE Loads>Nodal Body Ld
Transfers solid model body force loads to the finite element model.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Solid Body Loads (p. 41)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Body loads are transferred from selected keypoints and lines to selected nodes and from selected areas
and volumes to selected elements. The BFTRAN operation is also done if the SBCTRAN (p. 1390) command
is either explicitly issued or automatically issued upon initiation of the solution calculations
[SOLVE (p. 1538)].
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Operate>Transfer to FE>Body Loads
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Operate>Transfer to FE>Body Loads
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 225
Valid body load label. If ALL, use all appropriate labels.
Discipline Load Label Description
Structural TEMP temperature
FLUE fluence
Thermal HGEN heat generation rate
TEMP initial temperature
Diffusion DGEN diffusing substance
generation rate
Uniform value associated with Lab item, or table name when specifying tabular boundary conditions. To
specify a table, enclose the table name in percent signs (%), e.g., BFUNIF,Lab,%tabname%.
Command Default
Set TEMP to the reference temperature ([TREF (p. 1688)] but not MP (p. 967),REFT), and FLUE and HGEN
to zero.
In a transient or nonlinear thermal analysis, the uniform temperature is used during the first iteration
of a solution as follows: (a) as the starting nodal temperature (except where temperatures are explicitly
specified [D (p. 397), DK (p. 445)]), and (b) to evaluate temperature-dependent material properties. In a
structural analysis, the uniform temperature is used as the default temperature for thermal strain calcu-
lations and material property evaluation (except where body load temperatures are specified [BF (p. 192),
BFE (p. 206), BFK (p. 216), LDREAD (p. 862)]). In other scalar field analyses, the uniform temperature is
used for material property evaluation.
An alternate command, TUNIF (p. 1700), may be used to set the uniform temperature instead of
BFUNIF,TEMP. Since TUNIF (p. 1700) (or BFUNIF,TEMP) is step-applied in the first iteration, you should
use BF (p. 192), ALL, TEMP, Value to ramp on a uniform temperature load.
You can specify a table name only when using temperature (TEMP), heat generation rate (HGEN), and
diffusing substance generation rate (DGEN) body load labels. When using TEMP, you can define a one-
dimensional table that varies with respect to time (TIME) only. When defining this table, enter TIME as
the primary variable. No other primary variables are valid.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
226 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Fluid/ANSYS>Heat Generat>Uniform
Heat Gen
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Fluence>Uniform Fluen
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Heat Generat>Uniform Heat
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Fluid/ANSYS>Heat Generat>Uniform Heat Gen
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Fluence>Uniform Fluen
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Heat Generat>Uniform Heat Gen
Volume to which body load applies. If ALL, apply to all selected volumes [VSEL (p. 1805)]. A component
name may also be substituted for Volu.
Valid body load label. Load labels are listed under "Body Loads" in the input table for each element type
in the Element Reference.
Discipline Load Label Description
Structural TEMP temperature
FLUE fluence
Thermal HGEN heat generation rate
Magnetic TEMP temperature
JS current densities
Electric TEMP temperature
CHRGD charge density
Acoustic JS mass source or mass source
TEMP temperature
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 227
Phase angle in degrees associated with the JS label.
Defines a body force load (such as temperature in a structural analysis, heat generation rate in a thermal
analysis, etc.) on a volume. Body loads may be transferred from volumes to volume elements (or to
nodes if volume elements do not exist) with the BFTRAN (p. 225) or SBCTRAN (p. 1390) commands. Body
loads default to the value specified on the BFUNIF (p. 226) command, if it was previously specified.
You can specify a table name only when using temperature (TEMP) and heat generation rate (HGEN)
body load labels.
Body loads specified by the BFV command can conflict with other specified body loads. See Resolution
of Conflicting Body Load Specifications in the Basic Analysis Guide for details.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Boundary>Temperature>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Excitation>AppCharDens>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Boundary>Temperature>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Excitation>AppCurrDens>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Fluence>On Volumes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Heat Generat>On Volumes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Boundary>Temperature>On Volumes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Excitation>AppCharDens>On Volumes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Boundary>Temperature>On Volumes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Excitation>AppCurrDens>On Volumes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Fluence>On Volumes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Heat Generat>On Volumes
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
228 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Volume at which body load is to be deleted. If ALL, delete for all selected volumes [VSEL (p. 1805)]. A com-
ponent name may also be substituted for VOLU.
Valid body load label. If ALL, use all appropriate labels. Load labels are listed under "Body Loads" in the
input table for each element type in the Element Reference. See the BFV (p. 227) command for labels.
Deletes body force loads (and all corresponding finite element loads) for a specified volume and label.
Body loads may be defined on a volume with the BFV (p. 227) command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>All Load Data>All Body Loads>On All
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>Temperature>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Excitation>AppCharDens>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Boundary>Temperature>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Excitation>DelCurrDens>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Other>Fluence>On Volumes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Temperature>On Volumes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Thermal>Heat Generat>On Volumes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>All Load Data>All Body Loads>On All Volms
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>Temperature>On Volumes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Excitation>AppCharDens>On Volumes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Boundary>Temperature>On Volumes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Excitation>DelCurrDens>On Volumes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Other>Fluence>On Volumes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Temperature>On Volumes
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 229
Volume at which body load is to be listed. If ALL (or blank), list for all selected volumes [VSEL (p. 1805)]. If
VOLU = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the
GUI). A component name may also be substituted for VOLU.
Valid body load label. If ALL, use all appropriate labels. Load labels are listed under "Body Loads" in the
input table for each element type in the Element Reference. See the BFV (p. 227) command for labels.
Lists the body force loads for the specified volume and label. Body loads may be defined on a volume
with the BFV (p. 227) command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Loads>Body Loads>On All Volumes
Utility Menu>List>Loads>Body Loads>On Picked Volumes
Specifies "Biot-Savart options" as the subsequent status topic.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Status (p. 46)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>Solution>Biot Savart Options
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
230 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
BIOT, Label
Calculates the Biot-Savart source magnetic field intensity.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Misc Loads (p. 42)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Controls the Biot-Savart calculation:
Calculate the magnetic source field intensity (Hs) from the selected set of source elements to the selected
set of nodes. Overwrite any existing Hs field values.
Calculate the Hs field from the selected set of source elements to the selected set of nodes. Accumulate
with any existing Hs field values.
Command Default
Calculate the Hs field upon encountering the first SOLVE (p. 1538) command to produce a source field.
Calculates the Biot-Savart source magnetic field intensity (Hs) at the selected nodes from the selected
source elements. The calculation is done at the time the BIOT command is issued.
Source elements include primitives described by element SOURC36, and coupled-field elements SOLID5,
LINK68, and SOLID98. Current conduction elements do not have a solved-for current distribution from
which to calculate a source field until after the first substep. Inclusion of a current conduction element
Hs field will require a subsequent BIOT,SUM command (with SOURC36 elements unselected) and a
SOLVE (p. 1538) command.
The units of Hs are as specified by the current EMUNIT (p. 525) command setting.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Magnetics>Options Only>Biot-Savart
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Magnetics>Options Only>Biot-Savart
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 231
Working plane X and Y coordinates of one corner of the rectangle or block face.
The distance from XCORNER on or parallel to the working plane X-axis that, together with YCORNER,
defines a second corner of the rectangle or block face.
The distance from YCORNER on or parallel to the working plane Y-axis that, together with XCORNER,
defines a third corner of the rectangle or block face.
The perpendicular distance (either positive or negative based on the working plane Z direction) from the
working plane representing the depth of the block. If DEPTH = 0 (default), a rectangular area is created
on the working plane.
Defines a rectangular area anywhere on the working plane or a hexahedral volume with one face any-
where on the working plane. A rectangle will be defined with four keypoints and four lines. A volume
will be defined with eight keypoints, twelve lines, and six areas, with the top and bottom faces parallel
to the working plane. See the BLC5 (p. 232), RECTNG (p. 1320), and BLOCK (p. 233) commands for alternate
ways to create rectangles and blocks.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Areas>Rectangle>By 2 Corners
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Volumes>Block>By 2 Corners & Z
Working plane X and Y coordinates of the center of the rectangle or block face.
The total distance on or parallel to the working plane X-axis defining the width of the rectangle or block
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
232 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The total distance on or parallel to the working plane Y-axis defining the height of the rectangle or block
The perpendicular distance (either positive or negative based on the working plane Z direction) from the
working plane representing the depth of the block. If DEPTH = 0 (default), a rectangular area is created
on the working plane.
If you are working with a model imported from an IGES file (import option set to DE-
FAULT), you must supply a value for DEPTH or the command is ignored.
Defines a rectangular area anywhere on the working plane or a hexahedral volume with one face any-
where on the working plane by specifying the center and corner points. A rectangle will be defined
with four keypoints and four lines. A volume will be defined with eight keypoints, twelve lines, and six
areas, with the top and bottom faces parallel to the working plane. See the BLC4 (p. 232), RECTNG (p. 1320),
and BLOCK (p. 233) commands for alternate ways to create rectangles and blocks.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Areas>Rectangle>By Centr & Cornr
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Primitives>Block
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Volumes>Block>By Centr,Cornr,Z
X1, X2
Working plane X coordinates of the block.
Y1, Y2
Working plane Y coordinates of the block.
Z1, Z2
Working plane Z coordinates of the block.
Defines a hexahedral volume based on the working plane. The block must have a spatial volume
greater than zero (i.e., this volume primitive command cannot be used to create a degenerate volume
as a means of creating an area.) The volume will be defined with eight keypoints, twelve lines, and six
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 233
areas, with the top and bottom faces parallel to the working plane. See the BLC4 (p. 232) and BLC5 (p. 232)
commands for alternate ways to create blocks.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Volumes>Block>By Dimensions
Specifies "Booleans" as the subsequent status topic.
PREP7 (p. 20): Status (p. 32)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>Preprocessor>Solid Model
Default/status key:
Resets settings to default values.
Lists status of present settings.
Option to be controlled:
Delete or keep input entity option.
Output numbering warning message option.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
234 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
No effect warning message option.
Boolean compatibility option.
Option settings if Lab = KEEP:
Delete entities used as input with a Boolean operation (default). Entities will not be deleted if meshed
or if attached to a higher entity.
Keep input solid modeling entities.
No warning message will be produced if the output entities of a Boolean operation are numbered
based on geometry (default).
A warning message will be produced if the output entities of a Boolean operation are numbered
based on geometry. (With geometric numbering, re-use of the input with altered dimensions
may not produce the same numbering, and later operations in the input may fail or produce
unexpected results.)
A warning message will be produced if a Boolean operation has no effect (default).
No warning or error messages will be generated if a Boolean operation has no effect.
An error message will be produced if a Boolean operation has no effect.
Activate the Revision 5.2 compatibility option (default). The 5.2 option can produce different
numbering of the entities produced by Boolean operations than the 5.1 option. See Notes below.
Activate the Revision 5.1 compatibility option. The 5.1 option can produce different numbering
of the entities produced by Boolean operations than the 5.2 option. See "Notes" (p. 236) below.
Command Default
Input entities will be deleted, and operations with no effect (i.e., operations which are valid but which
do not cause a change in the input entities, such as adding two non-touching areas) will produce a
warning message. The Revision 5.2 Boolean compatibility option will be used.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 235
Boolean operations at Revision 5.2 may produce a different number of entities than previous revisions
of ANSYS. When running input files created at earlier revisions of ANSYS, match the Boolean compatib-
ility option (VERSION) to the revision originally used. For instance, if you are running Revision 5.2 and
are reading an input file (/INPUT (p. 791)) created at Revision 5.1, it is recommended that you set VERSION
to RV51 before reading the input.
See the Modeling and Meshing Guide for further details on the functions of the RV51 and RV52 labels.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Settings
Axial strain component ( ).
Axial force component ( ).
The behavior of beam elements is governed by the generalized-stress/generalized-strain relationship
of the form:
The BSAX command, one of several nonlinear general beam section commands, specifies the relationship
of axial strain and axial force for a beam section. The section data defined is associated with the section
most recently defined (via the SECTYPE (p. 1433) command).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
236 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Related commands are BSM1 (p. 237), BSM2 (p. 238), BSTQ (p. 242), BSS1 (p. 240), BSS2 (p. 241),
BSMD (p. 237), and BSTE (p. 242).
For complete information, see Using Nonlinear General Beam Sections in the Structural Analysis Guide
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Beam>NL Generalized
Specifies mass per unit length for a nonlinear general beam section.
PREP7 (p. 20): Cross Sections (p. 33)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Mass density.
The BSMD command, one of several nonlinear general beam section commands, specifies the mass
density (assuming a unit area) for a beam section. The value specified is associated with the section
most recently defined (via the SECTYPE (p. 1433) command).
Related commands are BSAX (p. 236), BSM1 (p. 237), BSM2 (p. 238), BSTQ (p. 242), BSS1 (p. 240),
BSS2 (p. 241), and BSTE (p. 242).
For complete information, see Using Nonlinear General Beam Sections in the Structural Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Beam>NL Generalized
Curvature component ( ).
Bending moment component ( ).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 237
The behavior of beam elements is governed by the generalized-stress/generalized-strain relationship
of the form:
The BSM1 command, one of several nonlinear general beam section commands, specifies the bending
curvature and moment for plane XZ of a beam section. The section data defined is associated with the
section most recently defined (via the SECTYPE (p. 1433) command).
Related commands are BSAX (p. 236), BSM2 (p. 238), BSTQ (p. 242), BSS1 (p. 240), BSS2 (p. 241),
BSMD (p. 237), and BSTE (p. 242).
For complete information, see Using Nonlinear General Beam Sections in the Structural Analysis Guide
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Beam>NL Generalized
Curvature component ( ).
Bending moment component ( ).
The behavior of beam elements is governed by the generalized-stress/generalized-strain relationship
of the form:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
238 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The BSM2 command, one of several nonlinear general beam section commands, specifies the bending
curvature and moment relationship for plane XY of a beam section. The section data defined is associated
with the section most recently defined (via the SECTYPE (p. 1433) command).
Related commands are BSAX (p. 236), BSM1 (p. 237), BSTQ (p. 242), BSS1 (p. 240), BSS2 (p. 241),
BSMD (p. 237), and BSTE (p. 242).
For complete information, see Using Nonlinear General Beam Sections in the Structural Analysis Guide
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Beam>NL Generalized
BSPLIN, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, XV1, YV1, ZV1, XV6, YV6, ZV6
Generates a single line from a spline fit to a series of keypoints.
PREP7 (p. 20): Lines (p. 24)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
The following fields are used only if specified end slopes are desired; otherwise, zero curvature end
slopes will be automatically calculated. The slope vector is parallel to a vector pointing from the
origin of the active coordinate system [CSYS (p. 364)] to the position in space that XV, YV, ZV repres-
ents in that system.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 239
One line is generated between keypoint P1 and the last keypoint entered. The line will pass through
each entered keypoint. Solid modeling in a toroidal coordinate system is not recommended.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Lines>Splines>Spline thru KPs
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Lines>Splines>Spline thru Locs
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Lines>Splines>With Options>Spline thru KPs
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Lines>Splines>With Options>Spline thru Locs
Transverse shear strain component ( ).
Transverse shear force component ( ).
The behavior of beam elements is governed by the generalized-stress/generalized-strain relationship
of the form:
The BSS1 command, one of several nonlinear general beam section commands, specifies the transverse
shear strain and transverse shear force relationship for plane XZ of a beam section. The section data
defined is associated with the section most recently defined (via the SECTYPE (p. 1433) command).
Related commands are BSAX (p. 236), BSM1 (p. 237), BSM2 (p. 238), BSTQ (p. 242), BSS2 (p. 241),
BSMD (p. 237), and BSTE (p. 242).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
240 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
For complete information, see Using Nonlinear General Beam Sections in the Structural Analysis Guide
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Beam>NL Generalized
Transverse shear strain component ( ).
Transverse shear force component ( ).
The behavior of beam elements is governed by the generalized-stress/generalized-strain relationship
of the form:
The BSS1 (p. 240) command, one of several nonlinear general beam section commands, specifies the
transverse shear strain and transverse shear force relationship for plane XY of a beam section. The section
data defined is associated with the section most recently defined (via the SECTYPE (p. 1433) command).
Related commands are BSAX (p. 236), BSM1 (p. 237), BSM2 (p. 238), BSTQ (p. 242), BSS1 (p. 240),
BSMD (p. 237), and BSTE (p. 242).
For complete information, see Using Nonlinear General Beam Sections in the Structural Analysis Guide
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 241
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Beam>NL Generalized
Specifies a thermal expansion coefficient for a nonlinear general beam section.
PREP7 (p. 20): Cross Sections (p. 33)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Coefficient of thermal expansion for the cross section.
The BSTE command, one of several nonlinear general beam section commands, specifies a thermal
expansion coefficient for a beam section. The value specified is associated with the section most recently
defined (via the SECTYPE (p. 1433) command).
Related commands are BSAX (p. 236), BSM1 (p. 237), BSM2 (p. 238), BSTQ (p. 242), BSS1 (p. 240),
BSS2 (p. 241), and BSMD (p. 237).
For complete information, see Using Nonlinear General Beam Sections in the Structural Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Beam>NL Generalized
Twist component ( ).
Torque component ( ).
The behavior of beam elements is governed by the generalized-stress/generalized-strain relationship
of the form:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
242 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The BSTQ command, one of several nonlinear general beam section commands, specifies the cross
section twist and torque relationship for a beam section. The section data defined is associated with
the section most recently defined (via the SECTYPE (p. 1433) command).
Related commands are BSAX (p. 236), BSM1 (p. 237), BSM2 (p. 238), BSS1 (p. 240), BSS2 (p. 241),
BSMD (p. 237), and BSTE (p. 242).
For complete information, see Using Nonlinear General Beam Sections in the Structural Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Beam>NL Generalized
Specifies the Boolean operation tolerances.
PREP7 (p. 20): Booleans (p. 26)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Point coincidence tolerance. Points within this distance to each other will be assumed to be coincident
during Boolean operations. Loosening the tolerance will increase the run time and storage requirements,
but will allow more Boolean intersections to succeed. Defaults to 0.10E-4.
Command Default
PTOL = 0.10E-4.
Use BTOL,DEFA to reset the setting to its default value. Use BTOL,STAT to list the status of the present
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Settings
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 243
Mode extraction method to be used for the buckling analysis:
Block Lanczos
Subspace iteration
See Eigenvalue and Eigenvector Extraction in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference for more inform-
ation on these two methods.
Number of buckling modes (i.e., eigenvalues or load multipliers) to extract (defaults to 1).
By default, this value acts as the initial shift point about which the buckling modes are calculated (defaults
to 0.0).
When RangeKey = RANGE, this value acts as the lower bound of the load multiplier range of interest
(LDMULTE is the upper bound).
Boundary for the load multiplier range of interest (defaults to ).
When RangeKey = CENTER, the LDMULTE value determines the lower and upper bounds of the
load multiplier range of interest (-LDMULTE, +LDMULTE).
When RangeKey = RANGE, the LDMULTE value is the upper bound for the load multiplier range
of interest (SHIFT is the lower bound).
Key used to control the behavior of the eigenvalue extraction method (defaults to CENTER):
Use the CENTER option control (default); the program computes NMODE buckling modes centered
around SHIFT in the range of (-LDMULTE, +LDMULTE).
Use the RANGE option control; the program computes NMODE buckling modes in the range of (SHIFT,
Specifies buckling analysis (ANTYPE (p. 140),BUCKLE) options. Additional options used only for the Block
Lanczos (LANB) eigensolver are specified by the LANBOPTION (p. 839) command. For more difficult
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
244 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
buckling problems, you can specify an alternative version of the Block Lanczos eigensolver (LANBOP-
TION (p. 839),,,ALT1).
Eigenvalues from a buckling analysis can be negative and/or positive. The program sorts the eigenvalues
from the most negative to the most positive values. The minimum buckling load factor may correspond
to the smallest eigenvalue in absolute value, or to an eigenvalue within the range, depending on your
application (i.e., linear perturbation buckling analysis or purely linear buckling analysis).
It is recommended that you request an additional few buckling modes beyond what is needed in order
to enhance the accuracy of the final solution. It is also recommended that you input a non zero SHIFT
value and a reasonable LDMULTE value (i.e., a smaller LDMULTE that is closer to the last buckling mode
of interest) when numerical problems are encountered.
When using the RANGE option, defining a range that spans zero is not recommended. If you are seeking
both negative and positive eigenvalues, it is recommended that you use the CENTER option.
This command is also valid in PREP7. If used in SOLUTION, this command is valid only within the first
load step.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 245
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246 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
C Commands
Comment string, up to 75 characters.
The output from this command consists of two lines -- a blank line followed by a line containing C***
and the comment. This command is similar to /COM (p. 334) except that the comment produced by
C*** (p. 247) is more easily identified in the output.
Another way to include a comment is to precede it with a ! character (on the same line). The ! may be
placed anywhere on the line, and any input following it is ignored as a comment. No output is produced
by such a comment, but the comment line is included on the log file. This is a convenient way to an-
notate the log file.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Specifies "Calculation settings" as the subsequent status topic.
POST1 (p. 48): Status (p. 54)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 247
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>General Postproc>Calculations
Prepares the result file for a subsequent Campbell diagram of a prestressed structure.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Load Step Options (p. 40)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Campbell action:
Do not prepare the result file. This option is the default behavior.
Prepare the result file (Jobname.RSTP) for a subsequent Campbell diagram of a prestressed structure.
For an analysis involving a prestressed structure, the CAMPBELL command specifies whether or not to
prepare the result file to support a Campbell diagram analysis (PRCAMP (p. 1227) or PLCAMP (p. 1165)).
To prestress a structure, the program performs a static solution before the linear perturbation modal
solution. For specific information about rotating structures, see Considerations for Rotating Structures.
The CAMPBELL command requires that modal and static analyses be performed alternately. It works
only when the number of static analyses is the same as the number of modal analyses. Any number of
analyses can be performed, but the same number of each (static and modal) is expected. The modal
solutions are appended in the results file (Jobname.RSTP).
For an example of CAMPBELL command usage, see Example: Campbell Diagram Analysis in the Rotor-
dynamic Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
248 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Activates cut-boundary interpolation (for submodeling).
POST1 (p. 48): Special Purpose (p. 53)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including directory) from which to read boundary
node data. If no specified directory path exists, the path defaults to your working directory and you can
use all 248 characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including directory) to which cut-boundary D
commands are written. If no specified directory path exists, the path defaults to your working directory
and you can use all 248 characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
Position on Fname2 to write block of D (p. 397) commands:
Beginning of file (overwrite existing file).
End of file (append to existing file).
Label (eight characters maximum, including the colon) for this block of D (p. 397) commands on Fname2.
his label is appended to the colon (:). Defaults to CBn, where n is the cumulative iteration number for the
data set currently in the database. For imaginary data (see KIMG on the *SET (p. 1453) command), Clab
defaults to CIn.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 249
Shell-to-solid submodeling key:
Solid-to-solid or shell-to-shell submodel.
Shell-to-solid submodel.
Extrapolation tolerance about elements, based on a fraction of the element dimension. Submodel nodes
outside the element by more than TOLOUT are not accepted as candidates for DOF extrapolation. Defaults
to 0.5 (50 percent).
Height tolerance above or below shell elements, in units of length. Used only for shell-to-shell submodeling
(KSHS = 0). Submodel nodes off the element surface by more than TOLHGT are not accepted as candidates
for degree-of-freedom interpolation or extrapolation. Defaults to 0.0001 times the maximum element di-
Height tolerance above or below shell elements, based on a fraction of the shell element thickness. Used
only for shell-to-solid submodeling (KSHS = 1). Submodel nodes off the element surface by more than
TOLTHK are not accepted as candidates for DOF interpolation or extrapolation. Defaults to 0.1 times the
average shell thickness.
File Fname1 should contain a node list for which boundary conditions are to be interpolated
(NWRITE (p. 1088)). File Fname2 is created to contain interpolated boundary conditions written as a block
of D (p. 397) commands.
Boundary conditions are written for the active degree-of-freedom set for the element from which inter-
polation is performed. Interpolation occurs on the selected set of elements. The block of D (p. 397)
commands begins with an identifying colon label and ends with a /EOF (p. 534) command. The colon
label is of the form :Clab (described above).
Interpolation from multiple results sets can be performed by looping through the results file in a user-
defined macro. Additional blocks can be appended to Fname2 by using KPOS and unique colon labels.
To read the block of commands, issue the /INPUT (p. 791) command with the appropriate colon label.
If the model has coincident (or very close) nodes, the CBDOF must be applied to each part of the
model separately to ensure that the mapping of the nodes is correct. For example, if nodes belonging
to two adjacent parts linked by springs are coincident, the operation should be performed on each part
of the model separately.
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250 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Resume the coarse model database at the beginning of the cut-boundary procedure. The database
should have been saved after the first coarse model solution, as the number of nodes in the database
and the results file must match, and internal nodes are sometimes created during the solution.
Relaxing the TOLHGT or TOLTHK tolerances to allow submodel nodes to be “found” can
produce poor submodel results.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Submodeling>Interpolate DOF
Row number of the matrix.
C(R)(R) , . . . , C(R)(R+5)
Upper triangle of the cross-section mass matrix [C].
With a unit beam length, the section mass matrix relates the resultant forces and torques to accelerations
and angular accelerations as follows (applicable to the local element coordinate system):
The CBMD command, one of several composite beam section commands, specifies the section mass
matrix (submatrix [ C ] data) for a composite beam section. The section data defined is associated with
the section most recently defined (SECTYPE (p. 1433)) at the specified temperature (CBTMP (p. 253)).
Related commands are CBTMP (p. 253), CBTE (p. 253), and CBMX (p. 252).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 251
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Beam>Composite Sections
Row number of the matrix.
S(R)(R) , . . . , S(R)(R+6)
Upper triangle of the cross-section stiffness matrix [S].
The behavior of beam elements is governed by the generalized-stress/generalized-strain relationship
of the form:
The CBMX command, one of several composite beam section commands, specifies the cross-section
stiffness matrix (submatrix [ S ] data) for a composite beam section. The section data defined is associated
with the section most recently defined (SECTYPE (p. 1433)) at the specified temperature (CBTMP (p. 253)).
Related commands are CBTMP (p. 253), CBTE (p. 253), and CBMD (p. 251).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Beam>Composite Sections
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
252 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Specifies a thermal expansion coefficient for a composite beam section.
PREP7 (p. 20): Cross Sections (p. 33)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Coefficient of thermal expansion for the cross section.
The CBTE command, one of several composite beam section commands, specifies a thermal expansion
coefficient for a beam section. The value specified is associated with the section most recently defined
(SECTYPE (p. 1433)) at the specified temperature (CBTMP (p. 253)).
Related commands are CBTMP (p. 253), CBMX (p. 252), and CBMD (p. 251).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Beam>Composite Sections
Specifies a temperature for composite-beam input.
PREP7 (p. 20): Data Tables (p. 22)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Temperature value.
The CBTMP command, one of several composite beam-section commands, specifies a temperature to
be associated with the data input via subsequent CBMX (p. 252) (preintegrated cross-section stiffness),
CBMD (p. 251) (preintegrated section mass), or CBTE (p. 253) (thermal-expansion) commands.
The specified temperature remains active until the next CBTMP command is issued.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 253
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Beam>Composite Sections
CDOPT, Option
Specifies format to be used for archiving geometry.
PREP7 (p. 20): Database (p. 20)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Write solid model geometry information using IGES format (default).
Write solid model geometry information using ANSYS Neutral File format.
Print out the current format setting.
This command controls your solid model geometry format for CDWRITE (p. 256) operations. The ANF
option affects only the COMB and SOLID options of the CDWRITE (p. 256) command. All other options
remain unaffected.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Archive Model>Read
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Archive Model>Write
Selects which data to read:
Read all geometry, material property, load, and component data (default). Solid model geometry and
loads will be read from the file Fnamei.Exti. All other data will be read from the file Fname.Ext.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
254 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Read all database information contained in file Fname.Ext. This file should contain all information
mentioned above except the solid model loads. If reading a .CDB file written with the GEOM option
of the CDWRITE (p. 256) command, element types [ET (p. 571)] compatible with the connectivity of the
elements on the file must be defined prior to reading.
Read the solid model geometry and solid model loads from the file Fnamei.Exti. This file could
have been written by the CDWRITE (p. 256) or IGESOUT (p. 778) command.
Read the combined solid model and database information from the file Fname.Ext.
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
Name of the IGES file and its directory path (248 characters maximum, including directory). If you do not
specify a directory path, it will default to your working directory and you can use all 248 characters for the
file name.
The file name defaults to Fname. Used only if Option = ALL or SOLID.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
This command causes coded files of solid model (in IGES format) and database (in command format)
information to be read. These files are normally written by the CDWRITE (p. 256) or IGESOUT (p. 778)
command. Note that the active coordinate system in these files has been reset to Cartesian
(CSYS (p. 364),0).
If a set of data exists prior to the CDREAD operation, that data set is offset upward to allow the new
data to fit without overlap. The NOOFFSET (p. 1044) command allows this offset to be ignored on a set-
by-set basis, causing the existing data set to be overwritten with the new data set.
When you write the geometry data using the CDWRITE (p. 256),GEOM option, you use the CDREAD,DB
option to read the geometry information.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 255
Using the CDREAD,COMB option will not write NUMOFF (p. 1083) commands to offset entity ID numbers
if there is no solid model in the database.
Multiple CDB file imports cannot have elements with real constants in one file and section definitions
in another. The section attributes will override the real constant attributes. If you use CDREAD to import
multiple CDB files, define all of the elements using only real constants, or using only section definitions.
Combining real constants and section definitions is not recommended.
If a radiosity mapping data file (.RSM file) was saved by the previous CDWRITE (p. 256) command, that
mapping file must be present in the directory along with the coded geometry file in order for radiosity
surface elements (SURF251, SURF252) to be correctly mapped onto the model when CDREAD is issued.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Archive Model>Read
Selects which data to write:
Write all appropriate geometry, material property, load, and component data (default). Two files will
be produced. Fname.Ext will contain all data items mentioned in "Notes" (p. 258), except the solid
model data. Fnamei.Exti will contain the solid model geometry and solid model loads data in the
form of IGES commands. This option is not valid when CDOPT (p. 254),ANF is active.
Write all data mentioned, but to a single file, Fname.Ext. Solid model geometry data will be written
in either IGES or ANF format as specified in the CDOPT (p. 254) command, followed by the remainder
of the data in the form of ANSYS commands. More information on these (IGES/ANF) file formats is
provided in "Notes" (p. 258).
Write all database information except the solid model and solid model loads to Fname.Ext in the
form of ANSYS commands. This option is not valid when CDOPT (p. 254),ANF is active.
Write only the solid model geometry and solid model load data. This output will be in IGES or ANF
format, as specified in the CDOPT (p. 254) command. More information on these (IGES/ANF) file formats
is provided in "Notes" (p. 258).
Write only element and nodal geometry data. Neither solid model geometry nor element attribute
data will be written. One file, Fname.Ext, will be produced. Use CDREAD (p. 254),DB to read in a file
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
256 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
written with this option. Element types [ET (p. 571)] compatible with the connectivity of the elements
on the file must first be defined before reading the file in with CDREAD (p. 254),DB.
Write only node and element component and geometry data to Fname.Ext.
Write only material property data (both linear and nonlinear) to Fname.Ext .
Write only loads for current load step to Fname.Ext.
Write only section data to Fname.Ext. Pretension sections are not included.
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
Name of the IGES file and its directory path (248 characters maximum, including directory). If you do not
specify a directory path, it will default to your working directory and you can use all 248 characters for the
file name.
The file name defaults to Fname. Used only if Option = ALL or SOLID. Previous data on this file,
if any, is overwritten.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
The extension defaults to IGES in all cases, except when CDOPT (p. 254),ANF is active and CDWRITE,
Option = SOLID. In this case Exti = ANF.
Format of the output file (defaults to BLOCKED).
Blocked format. This format allows faster reading of the output file. The time savings is most significant
when BLOCKED is used to read .cdb files associated with very large models.
Unblocked format.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 257
Load data includes the current load step only. Loads applied to the solid model (if any) are automatically
transferred to the finite element model when this command is issued. CDWRITE writes out solid model
loads for meshed models only. If the model is not meshed, the solid model loads cannot be saved.
Component data include component definitions, but not assembly definitions. Appropriate NU-
MOFF (p. 1083) commands are included at the beginning of the file; this is to avoid overlap of an existing
database when the file is read in.
Solution control commands are typically not written to the file unless you specifically change a default
solution setting.
CDWRITE does not support the GSBDATA (p. 741) and GSGDATA (p. 742) commands, and these com-
mands are not written to the file.
The data may be reread (on a different machine, for example) with the CDREAD (p. 254) command.
Caution: When the file is read in, the NUMOFF (p. 1083),MAT command may cause a mismatch between
material definitions and material numbers referenced by certain loads and element real constants. See
NUMOFF (p. 1083) for details. Also, be aware that the files created by the CDWRITE command explicitly
set the active coordinate system to Cartesian (CSYS (p. 364),0).
You should generally use the blocked format (Fmat = BLOCKED) when writing out model data with
CDWRITE. This is a compressed data format that greatly reduces the time required to read large models
through the CDREAD (p. 254) command. The blocked and unblocked formats are described in Chapter
3 of the Guide to Interfacing with ANSYS.
If you use CDWRITE in any of the derived products (ANSYS Mechanical Pro, ANSYS Mechanical Premium),
then before reading the file, you must edit the Jobname.cdb file to remove commands that are not
available in the respective component product.
The CDWRITE command does not support (for beam meshing) any line operation that relies on solid
model associativity. For example, meshing the areas adjacent to the meshed line, plotting the line that
contains the orientation nodes, or clearing the mesh from the line that contains orientation nodes may
not work as expected. For more information about beam meshing, see Meshing Your Solid Model in
the Modeling and Meshing Guide.
If radiosity surface elements (SURF251 or SURF252) are present in the model, a radiosity mapping data
file, Fname.RSM, is also saved when the CDWRITE command is issued. For more information, see
Advanced Radiosity Options in the Thermal Analysis Guide.
IGES and ANF File Formats for Solid Model Geometry Information
The format used for solid model geometry information is determined by the current CDOPT (p. 254)
command setting. The default format is IGES.
IGES option (default) to write solid model information (CDOPT (p. 254), IGS):
• Before writing solid model entities, select all corresponding lower level entities (ALLSEL (p. 101),BELOW,ALL).
• Section properties assigned to areas, lines and other solid model entities are not maintained when the
model is exported.
• If you issue CDWRITE after generating a beam mesh with orientation nodes, the database file will contain
all of the nodes for every beam element, including the orientation nodes; however, the orientation keypoints
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
258 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
that were specified for the line (LATT (p. 844)) are no longer associated with the line and won't be written
out to the geometry file. All associativity between the line and the orientation keypoints is lost.
• For beam meshing, this option does not support any line operation that relies on solid model associativity.
For example, meshing the areas adjacent to the meshed line, plotting the line that contains the orientation
nodes, or clearing the mesh from the line that contains orientation nodes may not work as expected.
• Concatenated lines are not written. The line segments that make up the concatenated lines are written;
however, if the command encounters an area that contains a concatenated line, the write operation halts
(that area cannot be recreated during the read operation). If your model has areas that contain concatenated
lines, you must first list these and then unconcatenate them before issuing the CDWRITE command. Similarly,
hardpoint information cannot be written.
ANF option to write solid model information (CDOPT (p. 254), ANF):
• Writes all model information in the database (regardless of select status) to the archive file; however, when
you restore the database using this archived file, the select status of entities is also restored.
• Restores all line attributes, including orientation keypoints. It also writes out any components (not assemblies)
that consist of solid model entities.
• Halts CDWRITE when a concatenated line or an area that contains a concatenated line is detected. You
must delete the concatenated lines before issuing CDWRITE. Similarly, hardpoint information cannot be
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Archive Model>Write
CE, NEQN, CONST, NODE1, Lab1, C1, NODE2, Lab2, C2, NODE3, Lab3, C3
Defines a constraint equation relating degrees of freedom.
PREP7 (p. 20): Constraint Equations (p. 32)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Set equation reference number:
Arbitrary set number.
The highest defined constraint equation number. This option is especially useful when adding nodes
to an existing set.
The highest defined constraint equation number plus one. This option automatically numbers coupled
sets so that existing sets are not modified.
The default value is HIGH.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 259
Constant term of equation.
Node for first term of equation. If -NODE1, this term is deleted from the equation.
Degree of freedom label for first term of equation. Structural labels: UX, UY, or UZ (displacements); ROTX,
ROTY, or ROTZ (rotations, in radians). Thermal labels: TEMP, TBOT, TE2, TE3, . . ., TTOP (temperature). Electric
labels: VOLT (voltage). Magnetic labels: MAG (scalar magnetic potential); AZ (vector magnetic potential).
Diffusion label: CONC (concentration).
Coefficient for first node term of equation. If zero, this term is ignored.
NODE2, Lab2, C2
Node, label, and coefficient for second term.
NODE3, Lab3, C3
Node, label, and coefficient for third term.
Repeat the CE command to add additional terms to the same equation. To change only the constant
term, repeat the command with no node terms specified. Only the constant term can be changed during
solution, and only with the CECMOD (p. 262) command.
Linear constraint equations may be used to relate the degrees of freedom of selected nodes in a more
general manner than described for nodal coupling [CP (p. 348)]. The constraint equation is of the form:
where U(I) is the degree of freedom (displacement, temperature, etc.) of term (I). The following example
is a set of two constraint equations, each containing three terms:
The first unique degree of freedom in the equation is eliminated in terms of all other degrees of freedom
in the equation. A unique degree of freedom is one which is not specified in any other constraint
equation, coupled node set, specified displacement set, or master degree of freedom set. It is recom-
mended that the first term of the equation be the degree of freedom to be eliminated. The first term
of the equation cannot contain a master degree of freedom, and no term can contain coupled degrees
of freedom. The same degree of freedom may be specified in more than one equation but care must
be taken to avoid over-specification (over-constraint).
The degrees of freedom specified in the equation (i.e., UX, UY, ROTZ, etc.) must also be included in the
model (as determined from the element types [ET (p. 571)]). Also, each node in the equation must be
defined on an element (any element type containing that degree of freedom will do).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
260 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
For buckling and modal analyses, the constant term of the equation will not be taken into account (that
is, CONST is always zero).
Note that under certain circumstances a constraint equation generated by CE may be modified during
the solution. See Program Modification of Constraint Equations for more information.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Coupling / Ceqn>Constraint Eqn
Item indicating what is to be checked:
Check constraint equations only
Check couplings only
Check both CE and CP
Allowed amount of out-of-balance for any constraint equation or coupled set. The default value of 1.0e-6
is usually good.
Specifies which DOF is to be checked. Default is RIGID, the usual option. Other choices are individual DOF
such as UX, ROTZ, etc. or THERM. The THERM option will check the constraint equations or coupled sets
for free thermal expansions, whereas the individual DOFs check under rigid body motions. ALL is RIGID
and THERM.
This command imposes a rigid body motion on the nodes attached to the constraint equation or coupled
set and makes sure that no internal forces are generated for such rigid body motions. Generation of
internal forces by rigid body motions usually indicates an error in the equation specification (possibly
due to nodal coordinate rotations). The THERM option does a similar check to see that no internal forces
are created by the equations if the body does a free thermal expansion (this check assumes a single
isotropic coefficient of expansion).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 261
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Reference number of constraint equation.
New value of the constant term of equation.
Other terms of the constraint equation cannot be changed during the solution phase, but must be
defined or changed within PREP7 prior to the solution. See the CE (p. 259) command for details.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Coupling / Ceqn>Modify ConstrEqn
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>Modify ConstrEqn
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Other>Modify ConstrEqn
Name of a component for the nodes on the low angle edge of the sector. Enclosed in single quotes.
Name of a component for the nodes on the high angle edge of the sector. Enclosed in single quotes.
Number of sectors in the complete 360 degrees.
Harmonic index to be represented by this set of constraint equations. If Hindex is -1, generate constraint
equations for static cyclic symmetry. If HIndex is -2, generate constraint equations for static cyclic asym-
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
262 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
A positive tolerance is an absolute tolerance (length units), and a negative tolerance is a tolerance relative
to the local element size.
Nodes are not moved.
HIGHNAME component nodes are moved to match LOWNAME component nodes exactly.
Do not print paired nodes
Print table of paired nodes
The analysis can be either modal cyclic symmetry or static cyclic symmetry.
The pair of nodes for which constraint equations are written are rotated into CSYS (p. 364),1.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Additional node selection control:
Delete equation set if any of the selected nodes are in the set (default).
Delete equation set only if all of the selected nodes are in the set.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 263
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Coupling / Ceqn>Del Constr Eqn
Tolerance about selected elements, based on a fraction of the element dimension (defaults to 0.25 (25%)).
Nodes outside the element by more than the tolerance are not accepted as being on the interface.
The allowed "motion" of a node (see Note below). This distance is in terms of the element coordinates (-
1.0 to 1.0). A typical value is 0.05. Defaults to 0 (do not move). MoveTol must be less than or equal to
This command can be used to "tie" together two regions with dissimilar mesh patterns by generating
constraint equations that connect the selected nodes of one region to the selected elements of the
other region. At the interface between regions, nodes should be selected from the more dense mesh
region, A, and the elements selected from the less dense mesh region, B. The degrees of freedom of
region A nodes are interpolated with the corresponding degrees of freedom of the nodes on the region
B elements, using the shape functions of the region B elements. Constraint equations are then written
that relate region A and B nodes at the interface.
The MoveTol field lets the nodes in the previously mentioned region A change coordinates when
slightly inside or outside the elements of region B. The change in coordinates causes the nodes of region
A to assume the same surface as the nodes associated with the elements of region B. The constraint
equations that relate the nodes at both regions of the interface are then written.
Solid elements with six degrees of freedom should only be interfaced with other six degree-of-freedom
elements. The region A nodes should be near the region B elements. A location tolerance based on the
smallest region B element length may be input. Stresses across the interface are not necessarily continu-
ous. Nodes in the interface region should not have specified constraints.
Use the CPINTF (p. 352) command to connect nodes by coupling instead of constraint equations. Use
the EINTF (p. 509) command to connect nodes by line elements. See also the NSEL (p. 1057) and ES-
EL (p. 548) commands for selecting nodes and elements. See the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference for
a description of 3-D space used to determine if a node will be considered by this command.
As an alternative to the CEINTF command, you can use contact elements and the internal multipoint
constraint (MPC) algorithm to tie together two regions having dissimilar meshes. See Solid-Solid and
Shell-Shell Assemblies for more information.
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264 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Coupling / Ceqn>Adjacent Regions
Options for listing constraint equations:
List equation set if any of the selected nodes are in the set (default). Only externally-generated constraint
equations are listed.
List equation set only if all of the selected nodes are in the set. Only externally-generated constraint
equations are listed.
List internally-generated constraint equations that are associated with MPC-based contact. Constraint
equations are listed only if all the nodes in the set are selected.
Convert internal constraint equations to external constraint equations. Internal constraint equations
are converted only if all of the nodes in the set are selected.
This command is valid in any processor. However, the INTE and CONV options are only valid in the
Solution processor after a SOLVE (p. 1538) command has been issued.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Other>Constraint Eqns>All CE nodes selected
Utility Menu>List>Other>Constraint Eqns>Any CE node selected
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 265
Number to be assigned to the node generated at the center of curvature.
Used to control the interpretation of NODE1, NODE2 and NODE3:
NODE1, NODE2 and NODE3 lie on a circular arc. The program will calculate the center of curvature (and
radius) (default).
NODE1 and NODE2 are the endpoints of an arc, and RADIUS is the radius of curvature. The program
will locate the center of curvature on the NODE3 side of the NODE1-NODE2 line if RADIUS > 0, and
opposite to NODE3 if RADIUS < 0.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Nodes>At Curvature Ctr
Specifies "Constraint equations" as the subsequent status topic.
PREP7 (p. 20): Status (p. 32)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>Preprocessor>Constraint Eqns
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
266 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Retained (or master) node for this rigid region. If MASTE = P, then graphical picking of the master and
slave nodes is enabled (first node picked will be the master node, and subsequent nodes picked will be
slave nodes), and subsequent fields are ignored (valid only in GUI).
Removed (or slave) node for this rigid region. If ALL, slave nodes are all selected nodes.
Degrees of freedom associated with equations:
All applicable degrees of freedom (default). If 3-D, generate 6 equations based on UX, UY, UZ, ROTX,
ROTY, ROTZ; if 2-D, generate 3 equations based on UX, UY, ROTZ.
Translational degrees of freedom. If 3-D, generate 3 equations based on the slave nodes' UX, UY, and
UZ DOFs and the master node's UX, UY, UZ, ROTX, ROTY, and ROTZ DOFs; if 2-D, generate 2 equations
based on the slave nodes UX and UY DOFs and the master nodes UX, UY, and ROTZ DOFs. No equations
are generated for the rotational coupling.
Rotational degrees of freedom. If 3-D, generate 3 equations based on ROTX, ROTY, ROTZ; if 2-D, generate
1 equation based on ROTZ. No equations are generated for the translational coupling.
Slave translational UX degree of freedom only.
Slave translational UY degree of freedom only.
Slave translational UZ degree of freedom only.
Slave rotational ROTX degree of freedom only.
Slave rotational ROTY degree of freedom only.
Slave rotational ROTZ degree of freedom only.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 267
Defines a rigid region (link, area or volume) by automatically generating constraint equations to relate
nodes in the region. Nodes in the rigid region must be assigned a geometric location before this com-
mand is used. Also, nodes must be connected to elements having the required degree of freedom set
(see Ldof above). Generated constraint equations are based on small deflection theory. Generated
constraint equations are numbered beginning from the highest previously defined equation number
(NEQN) plus 1. Equations, once generated, may be listed [CELIST (p. 265)] or modified [CE (p. 259)] as
desired. Repeat CERIG command for additional rigid region equations.
This command will generate the constraint equations needed for defining rigid lines in 2-D or 3-D space.
Multiple rigid lines relative to a common point are used to define a rigid area or a rigid volume. In 2-D
space, with Ldof = ALL, three equations are generated for each pair of constrained nodes. These
equations define the three rigid body motions in global Cartesian space, i.e., two in-plane translations
and one in-plane rotation. These equations assume the X-Y plane to be the active plane with UX, UY,
and ROTZ degrees of freedom available at each node. Other types of equations can be generated with
the appropriate Ldof labels.
Six equations are generated for each pair of constrained nodes in 3-D space (with Ldof = ALL). These
equations define the six rigid body motions in global Cartesian space. These equations assume that UX,
UY, UZ, ROTX, ROTY, and ROTZ degrees of freedom are available at each node.
The UXYZ label allows generating a partial set of rigid region equations. This option is useful for trans-
mitting the bending moment between elements having different degrees of freedom at a node. With
this option only two of the three equations are generated for each pair of constrained nodes in 2-D
space. In 3-D space, only three of the six equations are generated. In each case the rotational coupling
equations are not generated. Similarly, the RXYZ label allows generating a partial set of equations with
the translational coupling equations omitted.
Applying this command to a large number of slave nodes may result in constraint equations with a
large number of coefficients. This may significantly increase the peak memory required during the
process of element assembly. If real memory or virtual memory is not available, consider reducing the
number of slave nodes.
Note that under certain circumstances the constraint equations generated by CERIG may be modified
during the solution. See Program Modification of Constraint Equations for more information.
As an alternative to the CERIG command, you can define a similar type of rigid region using contact
elements and the internal multipoint constraint (MPC) algorithm. See Surface-Based Constraints for
more information.
CERIG cannot be deleted using CEDELE (p. 263),ALL and then regenerated in the second or higher load
steps if the LSWRITE (p. 907) and LSSOLVE (p. 906) procedure is used. CERIG writes constraint equations
directly into load step files. Deleting constraint equations (CEDELE (p. 263),ALL) cannot always maintain
the consistency among load steps.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Coupling / Ceqn>Rigid Region
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
268 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Do this generation operation a total of ITIMEs, incrementing all nodes in the existing sets by INC each
time after the first. ITIME must be >1 for generation to occur.
Generates additional sets of constraint equations (with same labels) from existing sets. Node numbers
between sets may be uniformly incremented.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Coupling / Ceqn>Gen w/Same DOF
Real portion of the complex scale factor used in place of FACTA.
Imaginary portion of the complex scale factor used in place of FACTA.
Real portion of the complex scale factor used in place of FACTB.
Imaginary portion of the complex scale factor used in place of FACTB.
Real portion of the complex scale factor used in place of FACTC.
Imaginary portion of the complex scale factor used in place of FACTC.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 269
Command Default
Use the real factors as described with the operation command.
Defines complex scale factors to be used with the operations [ADD (p. 88), PROD (p. 1262), etc.]. If this
command is supplied, these complex factors override any real factors (FACTA, FACTB, FACTC) supplied
on the operation commands. Factors are typically involved in scaling a specified variable, such as in the
term FACTA x IA of the ADD (p. 88) command to scale variable IA before the ADD operation.
When the CFACT command is active, defaults are as follows: 1) if the complex factor is not specified,
but the variable upon which it acts (such as IA) is specified, the factor defaults to 1.0+i0.0; 2) if the
variable upon which the factor operates is not specified, but the factor is specified, the variable defaults
to 1.0 so that the term in the operation becomes the complex factor itself; 3) if neither the factor nor
the variable number is supplied, the term is omitted from the operation. Once the operation (such as
the ADD (p. 88) command) has been processed, the CFACT command becomes inactive and must be
specified again if it is to be used.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Math Operations>Complx ScaleFact
This command is valid in any processor.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
270 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Argument Descriptions
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
Determines whether existing file will be overwritten or appended:
(blank) --
The existing file will be overwritten.
The file will be appended to the existing file.
Mechanical APDL commands specified by the *CFWRITE (p. 272) command are written to the file opened
by *CFOPEN (p. 271). Data processed with the *VWRITE (p. 1814) command are also written to this file if
the file is open when the *VWRITE (p. 1814) command is issued.
Issue the *CFCLOS (p. 270) command to close the command file.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 271
Argument Descriptions
Command or string to be written. The standard command form of a label followed by arguments separated
by commas is assumed. Command may be a parameter assignment (e.g., *CFWRITE (p. 272), A = 5).
Writes a Mechanical APDL command (or similar string) to the file opened via *CFOPEN (p. 271). The
Command string is not executed (except that numeric and character parameter substitution and opera-
tions (with imbedded *, /, >, etc. characters) are performed before writing).
When used with *GET (p. 667) results and parameter substitution, a command can be created from
results and then read back into the Mechanical APDL program (or used elsewhere). For example, if the
command *CFWRITE (p. 272),BF,NNUM,TEMP,TVAL is used in a do-loop, where TVAL is a parameter value
returned from the *GET (p. 667) operation and NNUM is a specified or returned parameter value, a series
of BF (p. 192) commands, with numerical values substituted for the two parameters, will be written.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Display the first n characters of the parameter, component, assembly, or table name, up to 32. Defaults to
Display the last n characters of the parameter, component, assembly, or table name, up to 32. Defaults to
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
272 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Use this command to control the length of the character string that is shown in the graphics window
for a parameter, component, assembly, or table name.
The total number of characters (NFIRST + NLAST +3) cannot exceed 32.
If NFIRST is greater than zero and NLAST = 0, only the NFIRST characters are displayed, followed by
an ellipsis.
If NFIRST = 0 and NLAST is greater than zero, only the NLAST characters are displayed, preceded by
an ellipsis (...).
If both NFIRST and NLAST are greater than zero, the name will be shown as NFIRST, followed by an
ellipsis (...), followed by NLAST, up to a maximum of 32 characters.
For example, if NFIRST = 6 and NLAST = 3, and the character string is LENGTHOFSIDEONE, then it will
appear in the graphics window as LENGTH...ONE.
If the actual length of the character string is less than the specified combination of NFIRST + NLAST
+3, then the actual string will be used.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Size and Shape
Specifies the origin location of the acceleration coordinate system with respect to the global Cartesian
system. The axes of this acceleration coordinate system are parallel to the global Cartesian axes.
A structure may be rotating about the global Cartesian origin [OMEGA (p. 1107), DOMEGA (p. 471)], which
may in turn be rotating about another point (the origin of the acceleration coordinate system), introdu-
cing Coriolis effects. The location of this point (relative to the global Cartesian origin) is specified with
this CGLOC command. For example, if Y is vertical and the global system origin is at the surface of the
earth while the acceleration system origin is at the center of the earth, YLOC should be -4000 miles (or
equivalent) if the rotational effects of the earth are to be included. The rotational velocity of the global
Cartesian system about this point is specified with the CGOMGA (p. 274) command, and the rotational
acceleration is specified with the DCGOMG (p. 409) command.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 273
The rotational velocities and accelerations are mainly intended to include mass effects in a static (AN-
TYPE (p. 140),STATIC) analysis. If used in dynamic analyses, no coupling exists between the user input
terms and the time history response of the structure. See Acceleration Effect in the Mechanical APDL
Theory Reference for details. Related commands are ACEL (p. 85), CGOMGA (p. 274), DCGOMG (p. 409),
DOMEGA (p. 471), and OMEGA (p. 1107).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Inertia>Coriolis Effects
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Inertia>Coriolis Effects
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Inertia>Coriolis Effects
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Inertia>Coriolis Effects
Specifies the rotational velocity of the global origin about each of the acceleration coordinate system
axes. The location of the acceleration coordinate system is defined with the CGLOC (p. 273) command.
Rotational velocities may be defined in analysis types ANTYPE (p. 140),STATIC, HARMIC (full or mode-
superposition), TRANS (full or mode-superposition), and SUBSTR. See Acceleration Effect in the Mechan-
ical APDL Theory Reference for details. Units are radians/time. Related commands are ACEL (p. 85), CG-
LOC (p. 273), DCGOMG (p. 409), DOMEGA (p. 471), and OMEGA (p. 1107).
The CGOMGA command supports tabular boundary conditions (%TABNAME_X%, %TABNAME_Y%, and
%TABNAME_Z%) for CGOMGA_X, CGOMGA_Y, and CGOMGA_Z input values (*DIM (p. 435)) for full tran-
sient and harmonic analyses.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Inertia>Coriolis Effects
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Inertia>Coriolis Effects
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Inertia>Coriolis Effects
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
274 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Specifies the action for defining or manipulating crack-growth data:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 275
GTC -- Defines the critical energy-release rate, a simple fracture criterion used for the VCCT method.
KEFF – Effective stress-intensity factor. Valid for the SMART method only.
KIC – Defines the critical stress-intensity factor. Valid for the SMART method only.
JIC – Defines the critical J-integral. Valid for the SMART method only.
Par2 --
Par1 = MTAB: Material ID for the material data table.
Par3 --
Par1 = MTAB, KIC or JIC: Specifies the fracture-parameter contour to use for SMART crack-growth evaluation.
Default = 2.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
276 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Par2 –
Reserved for future use.
Par3 –
New crack-surface load value, or the name of a table for specifying tabular load values for crack growth.
The new crack-surface load is always assumed to be constant. If Par1 = PRES, Par3 specifies a
constant pressure load.
To specify a table (*DIM (p. 435)), enclose the table name within "%" characters (%tablename%).
Only one table can be specified for a crack-growth set, and time is the only primary variable suppor-
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 277
FBOU – Stops the analysis when the crack extension reaches the free boundary.
Par2 --
Value of maximum crack extension allowed. Valid only when Par1 = CMEX.
Par2 --
REME – Remeshing-based SMART crack-growth method (the default and only option). Valid only when
Par1 = SMART.
Par2 --
Method -- LC or CBC method. Valid only when Par1 = METH.
VALUE -- Value for the specified Par1. Valid only when Par1 = DAMX, DAMN, SRAT, DKMIN, or
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
278 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
For Par1 = SRAT, Par2 is the stress ratio R. To specify a table (*DIM (p. 435)), enclose the
table name within "%" characters (%tablename%). Only one table can be specified for a
crack-growth set, and time is the only primary variable supported.
Par1 --
SCN – Use a single number of cycles for all cracks in a multicrack analysis (even if each crack has separate
loading) (default).
MCN – Allow a separate cycle count for each crack in a multicrack analysis (available only if each
crack has separate loading).
When Action = NEW, the CGROW command initializes a crack-growth simulation set. Subsequent
CGROW commands define the parameters necessary for the simulation.
For multiple cracks, issue multiple CGROW,NEW commands (and any subsequent CGROW commands
necessary to define the parameters) for each crack.
If the analysis is restarted (ANTYPE (p. 140),,RESTART), the CGROW command must be re-issued.
• Crack-growth element components must use the crack tip nodes as the starting nodes of the crack
• Fracture criteria (Action = FCOPTION) use energy-release rates calculated via VCCT technology
(CINT (p. 281),TYPE,VCCT). For information about the fracture criteria available, see Fracture Criteria in
the Fracture Analysis Guide or TB (p. 1603),CGCR (p. 1612).
• The crack specification originates via the XFENRICH (p. 1830), XFDATA (p. 1829), or XFCRKMESH (p. 1829)
• Action = STOP affects both SMART-based static and fatigue crack-growth analyses.
If the SAVE (p. 1389) command is issued after any CGROW commands are issued, the CGROWcommands
are not saved to the database. Reissue the CGROW command(s) when the database is resumed.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 279
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Specifies which elements are to be checked:
Check all data.
Check only elements in the selected set and unselect any elements not producing geometry check
messages. The remaining elements (those producing check messages) can then be displayed and
corrected. A null set results if no elements produce a message. Issue ESEL (p. 548),ALL to select all ele-
ments before proceeding.
Used only with Sele = ESEL:
Select elements producing warning and error messages.
Select only elements producing error messages (default).
This command will not work if SHPP (p. 1510),OFF has been set. A similar, automatic check of all data is
done before the solution begins.
If the "Check Elements" option is invoked through the GUI (menu path Main Menu> Preprocessor>
Meshing> Check Elems), the CHECK,ESEL logic is used to highlight elements in the following way:
good elements are blue, elements having warnings are yellow, and bad (error) elements are red.
The currently selected set of elements is not changed by this GUI function.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Check Mesh>Individual Elm>Select Warning/Error Elements
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
280 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Checks area and volume entities for previous meshes.
PREP7 (p. 20): Meshing (p. 27)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Name of component containing areas or volumes.
CHKMSH invokes a predefined ANSYS macro that checks areas and volumes to find out if they were
previously meshed. This macro name will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) prior to area and
volume meshing operations initiated through the GUI. This command is not intended to be typed in
directly in an ANSYS session (although it can be included in an input file for use with the /INPUT (p. 791)
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Specifies action for defining or manipulating initial crack data:
Initiate a new calculation and assign an ID. (p. 282)
Define the crack-tip node component. (p. 282)
Define the crack-surface node components. (p. 283)
Define the crack-extension node component, the crack-tip node, and the crack-extension direc-
tion. (p. 283)
Define the type of calculation to perform. (p. 283)
Delete the CINT object associated with the specified ID. (p. 284)
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 281
Specify the number of contours to calculate in the contour-integral calculation. (p. 284)
Indicate whether the crack is on a symmetrical line or plane. (p. 284)
Define the crack-plane normal. (p. 285)
Activate or deactivate the unstructured mesh method. (p. 285)
Crack-assist extension direction. (p. 285)
Plots the crack-front and crack-tip coordinate system. (p. 286)
Define the crack-tip element or crack-front element set. (p. 286) Valid for XFEM-based crack-growth
analysis only.
Define the radius at which the given value is to be evaluated. (p. 286) Valid for XFEM-based crack-growth
analysis only.
Define the minimum and maximum sweep angle from existing crack direction. (p. 286) Valid for XFEM-
based crack-growth analysis only.
Par2 --
Crack-extension direction calculation-assist node. Any node on the open side of the crack.
Par3 --
Crack front’s end-node crack-extension direction override flag:
0 --
Align the extension direction with the edges attached at the two end nodes of the crack front (default).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
282 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
1 --
Align the extension direction to be perpendicular to the crack front.
Par2 --
Crack-surface node component 2 (top or bottom crack face, but the opposite of Par1).
Par2 --
Crack-tip node. The crack-tip node defaults to the first node of the crack-extension node component.
Par3, Par4 --
Coordinate system number (Par3) and the number of the axis that is coincident with the crack direction
(Par4). When these parameters are defined, Par5, Par6 and Par7 are ignored.
Calculate J-integral (default).
Calculate stress-intensity factors.
Calculate T-stress.
Calculate material forces.
Calculate C*-integral.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 283
Calculate energy-release rate using the VCCT method.
Calculate circumferential stress at the location where when sweeping around the crack tip at
the given radius. Valid in an XFEM-based crack-growth analysis only.
Calculate maximum circumferential stress when sweeping around the crack tip at the given radius.
Valid in an XFEM-based crack-growth analysis only.
Par2 --
Auxiliary stress fields and strategy for 3-D stress-intensity factors (Par1 = SIFS) calculations:
0 --
The plane-stress auxiliary fields are used at the end nodes for an open crack, and the plane-strain
auxiliary fields are used at the interior nodes along the crack front. The stress-intensity factors at the
end nodes of the crack front are copied from the adjacent nodes. (Default.)
1 --
The plane-stress auxiliary fields are used over the entire crack front.
2 --
The plane-strain auxiliary fields are used over the entire crack front.
OFF, 0, or NO --
No symmetry (default).
ON, 1, or YES --
Symmetric about the crack line/plane.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
284 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
OFF, 0, or NO --
Deactivate Unstructured-Mesh Method (UMM).
ON, 1, or YES --
Activate .
Par2 --
Axis of coordinate system (default = 2, global Cartesian Y-axis).
Par1 --
If ITYPE = CS, the coordinate system number.
Par2 --
If ITYPE is CS, the axis representing the crack-assist extension direction.
Par3 --
For ITYPE = CS, this value is not specified.
Par4 --
A reference node on the crack front attached to the crack-assist extension direction. To accurately calculate
and flip the crack-extension directions, the crack-assist extension direction defined at this node is rotated
as the tangent along the crack front rotates. This capability is useful when the crack-extension directions
vary by more than 180 degrees along the crack front.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 285
Par2 --
0 -- Disable plotting of crack-tip coordinate system.
Color codes are white for the crack-extension direction, green for the crack normal, and red for the
direction tangential to the crack front. To clear or delete the plots, issue /ANNOT (p. 126).
Par2 --
Minimum angle of the sweep.
Par3 --
Maximum angle of the sweep
Initiate a new calculation via the Action = NEW parameter. Subsequent CINT commands (with para-
meters other than NEW) define the input required for the fracture-parameter calculations.
The simplest method is to define crack information via Action = CTNC; however, this method limits
you to only one node for a given location along the crack front. Use the CTNC option only when all
nodes that define the crack front lie in a single plane.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
286 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
For Action= SURF, Par1 and Par2 can be the top or bottom crack-face node component. No order
is required, provided that if one value the top crach-face node component, the other must be the bottom,
and vice-versa. This option is valid only with CGROW (p. 275) for crack-growth simulation.
To define crack information at multiple locations along the crack front, use Action = CENC. You can
issue CINT,CENC, Par1, etc. multiple times to define the crack-extension node component, the crack
tip, and the crack-extension directions at multiple locations along the crack front.
Although you can vary the sequence of your definitions, all specified crack-tip nodes must be at the
crack front, and no crack-tip node can be omitted.
You can define the crack-extension direction directly by specifying either Action = CENC or Action
The crack-assist extension direction (Action = EDIR) provides a generic extension direction when Ac-
tion = CTNC. It helps to define crack-extension directions based on the connectivity of the crack-front
elements. For a 2-D case when the crack tangent cannot be calculated, the program uses the provided
crack-assist extension direction directly.
• Action = CXFE, RADIUS, or RSWEEP are XFEM-specific and invalid for any other type of crack-growth
• For CINT,TYPE, only Par1 = PSMAX or STTMAX are valid. Other Par1 values have no effect.
The stress-intensity factors calculation (CINT,TYPE,SIFS) applies only to isotropic linear elasticity. Use
only one material type for the crack-tip elements that are used for the calculations.
When calculating energy release rates (CINT,TYPE,VCCT), do not restrict the results from being written
to the database (/CONFIG (p. 339),NOELDB,1) after solution processing; otherwise, incorrect and potentially
random results are possible.
For Action = UMM, the default value can be OFF or ON depending on the element type. The CINT
command overrides the default setting for the given element.
The CINT command supports only strain data for initial state (INISTATE (p. 783),SET,DTYP,EPEL). Other
initial-state capabilities are not supported.
For more information about using the CINT command, including supported element types and material
behavior, see Calculating Fracture Parameters in the Fracture Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 287
Keypoint defining the center of the circle (in the plane of the circle). If PCENT = P, graphical picking is en-
abled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI).
Radius of the circle. If RAD is blank and PCENT = P, the radius is the distance from PCENT to PZERO.
Keypoint defining axis of circle (along with PCENT). If PCENT = P and PAXIS is omitted, the axis is normal
to the working plane.
Keypoint defining the plane normal to circle (along with PCENT and PAXIS) and the zero degree location.
Need not be in the plane of the circle. This value is not required if PAXIS is defined along the Y axis (that
is, a circle in the XZ plane).
Arc length (in degrees). Positive follows right-hand rule about PCENT-PAXIS vector. Defaults to 360°.
Number of lines around circumference (defaults to minimum required for 90°-maximum arcs, i.e., 4 for
360°). Number of keypoints generated is NSEG for 360° or NSEG + 1 for less than 360°.
Generates circular arc lines (and their corresponding keypoints). Keypoints are generated at regular
angular locations (based on a maximum spacing of 90°). Arc lines are generated connecting the keypoints.
Keypoint and line numbers are automatically assigned, beginning with the lowest available values
[NUMSTR (p. 1085)]. Adjacent lines use a common keypoint. Line shapes are generated as arcs, regardless
of the active coordinate system. Line shapes are invariant with coordinate system after they are generated.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Lines>Arcs>By Cent & Radius
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Lines>Arcs>Full Circle
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
288 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Arbitrary reference number or name assigned to this variable. Number must be >1 but </= NUMVAR.
Crack ID number.
Crack tip node number.
Contour number.
Data type to output:
Interaction integral 1
Interaction integral 2
Interaction integral 3
Mode 1 stress-intensity factor
Mode 2 stress-intensity factor
Mode 3 stress-intensity factor
Mode 1 energy release rate
Mode 2 energy release rate
Mode 3 energy release rate
Total energy release rate
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 289
Total material force X
Total material force Y
Total material force Z
Crack extension
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Window number (or ALL) to which command applies (defaults to 1).
Labeling key:
0 or 1
Label contours with legend or color (default).
No contour labeling.
Same as 1 except show alphabetic legend only on every Nth element.
Command Default
Show contour line labels.
Labels contours for identification with alphabetic legend for vector displays and color for raster displays.
Number of contours is automatically reduced to 9 (or fewer) for clarity. Use /CONTOUR (p. 343) command
to increase (24 maximum for alphabetic labeling; no limit for color labeling).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
290 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Contours>Contour Labeling
File read option:
Reread start.ans file (default).
Do not reread start.ans file.
The /CLEAR (p. 291) command resets the database to the conditions present at the beginning of the
The command is typically used between multiple analyses in the same run, or between passes of a
multipass analysis (such as between substructure generation, use, and expansion passes).
The command sets the import and Boolean options back to the default, deletes all items from the
database, and sets memory values to zero for items derived from database information. (All files remain
intact.) The command also resets the jobname to match the currently open session .LOG and .ERR
files, returning the jobname to its original value or to the most recent value specified via /FILNAME (p. 630)
with KEY = 1.
After the database is cleared, the start.ans file is reread (by default) unless Read = NOSTART.
Additional commands cannot be stacked (via the $ separator) on the same line as the /CLEAR (p. 291)
Use caution when placing the /CLEAR (p. 291) command within branching constructs (for example, those
using *DO (p. 467) or *IF (p. 774) commands), as the command deletes all parameters including the
looping parameter for do-loops. (To preserve your iteration parameter, issue a PARSAV (p. 1130) command
prior to /CLEAR (p. 291), then follow /CLEAR (p. 291) with a PARRES (p. 1129) command.)
This command is valid in any processor. Issuing this command at any point clears the database.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>File>Clear & Start New
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 291
Defines a local coordinate system relative to the active coordinate system.
DATABASE (p. 11): Coordinate System (p. 13)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Arbitrary reference number assigned to this coordinate system. Must be greater than 10. A coordinate
system previously defined with this number will be redefined.
Coordinate system type:
0 or CART
1 or CYLIN
Cylindrical (circular or elliptical)
2 or SPHE
Spherical (or spheroidal)
3 or TORO
Location (in the active coordinate system) of the origin of the new coordinate system (R, θ, Z for cylindrical,
R, θ,Φ for spherical or toroidal).
First rotation about local Z (positive X toward Y).
Second rotation about local X (positive Y toward Z).
Third rotation about local Y (positive Z toward X).
Used for elliptical, spheroidal, or toroidal systems. If KCS = 1 or 2, PAR1 is the ratio of the ellipse Y-axis
radius to X-axis radius (defaults to 1.0 (circle)). If KCS = 3, PAR1 is the major radius of the torus.
Used for spheroidal systems. If KCS = 2, PAR2 = ratio of ellipse Z-axis radius to X-axis radius (defaults to
1.0 (circle)).
Defines and activates a local coordinate system by origin location and orientation angles relative to the
active coordinate system. This local system becomes the active coordinate system, and is automatically
aligned with the active system (i.e., x is radial if a cylindrical system is active, etc.). Nonzero rotation
angles (degrees) are relative to this automatic rotation. See the CS (p. 359), CSKP (p. 362), CSWPLA (p. 363),
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
292 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
and LOCAL (p. 883) commands for alternate definitions. Local coordinate systems may be displayed with
the /PSYMB (p. 1295) command.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
CLOG, IR, IA, --, --, Name, --, --, FACTA, FACTB
Forms the common log of a variable
POST26 (p. 55): Operations (p. 56)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Arbitrary reference number assigned to the resulting variable (2 to NV [NUMVAR (p. 1086)]). If this number
is the same as for a previously defined variable, the previously defined variable will be overwritten with
this result.
Reference number of the variable to be operated on.
--, --
Unused fields.
Thirty-two character name for identifying the variable on printouts and displays. Embedded blanks are
compressed for output.
--, --
Unused fields.
Scaling factor applied to variable IA (defaults to 1.0).
Scaling factor (positive or negative) applied to the operation (defaults to 1.0).
Forms the common log of a variable according to the operation:
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Math Operations>Common Log
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 293
File name and directory path to which the log file is to be copied (248 characters maximum, including
directory). If you do not specify a directory path, it will default to your working directory and you can use
all 248 characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
This command is valid in any processor, but only during an interactive run.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Clears meshed entities.
PREP7 (p. 20): Meshing (p. 27)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
When you use the GUI method to set the number of elements on specified lines, and any of those lines
is connected to one or more meshed lines, areas, or volumes, ANSYS gives you the option to clear the
meshed entities. (This occurs only when you perform this operation via the GUI; ANSYS does not provide
such an option when you use the command method [LESIZE (p. 867)].)
If you activate the mesh clearing option, the program invokes an ANSYS macro, CLRMSHLN, that clears
the meshed entities. This macro name will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG). This macro is for the
ANSYS program's internal use only. This command is not intended to be typed in directly in an ANSYS
session, although it can be included in an input file for batch input or for use with the /INPUT (p. 791)
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
294 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
An alphanumeric name used to identify this component. Cname may be up to 32 characters, beginning
with a letter and containing only letters, numbers, and underscores. Component names beginning with
an underscore (e.g., _LOOP) are reserved for use by ANSYS and should be avoided. Components named
“ALL,”“STAT,” and “DEFA” are not permitted. Overwrites a previously defined name.
Label identifying the type of geometry items to be grouped:
Reserved for future use.
Controls how element component contents are updated during nonlinear mesh adaptivity analysis:
0 – Component is not updated during remeshing and therefore contains only initial mesh ele-
ments (default).
1 – Component is updated during remeshing to contain the updated elements.
This argument is valid only for nonlinear mesh adaptivity analysis with Entity = ELEM, and for
solid element components only.
Components may be further grouped into assemblies [CMGRP (p. 303)]. The selected items of the specified
entity type will be stored as the component. Use of this component in the select command [CM-
SEL (p. 310)] causes all these items to be selected at once, for convenience.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 295
A component is a grouping of some geometric entity that can then be conveniently selected or unse-
lected. A component may be redefined by reusing a previous component name. The following entity
types may belong to a component: nodes, elements, keypoints, lines, areas, and volumes. A component
may contain only 1 entity type, but an individual item of any entity may belong to any number of
components. Once defined, the items contained in a component may then be easily selected or unse-
lected [CMSEL (p. 310)]. Components may be listed [CMLIST (p. 303)], modified [CMMOD (p. 305)] and
deleted [CMDELE (p. 300)]. Components may also be further grouped into assemblies [CMGRP (p. 303)].
Other entities associated with the entities in a component (e.g., the lines and keypoints associated with
areas) may be selected by the ALLSEL (p. 101) command.
An item will be deleted from a component if it has been deleted by another operation (see the
KMODIF (p. 822) command for an example). Components are automatically updated to reflect deletions
of one or more of their items. Components are automatically deleted and a warning message is issued
if all their items are deleted. Assemblies are also automatically updated to reflect deletions of one or
more of their components or subassemblies, but are not deleted if all their components and subassem-
blies are deleted.
For nonlinear mesh adaptivity analysis, an extra option is available to update the element component
contents automatically during the analysis, applicable in cases where the remeshing region overlaps
the defined solid element component region. By enabling the option, the component element boundary
is maintained, and the validity of the defined component is guaranteed during the entire analysis run;
therefore, the component can be used during both solution and postprocessing.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Select>Comp/Assembly>Create Component
The name of the element component.
The CMACEL command specifies the translational acceleration of the element component in each of
the global Cartesian (X, Y, and Z) axis directions.
Components for which you want to specify acceleration loading must consist of elements only. The
elements you use cannot be part of more than one component, and elements that share nodes cannot
exist in different element components. You cannot apply the loading to an assembly of element com-
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
296 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
To simulate gravity (by using inertial effects), accelerate the structure in the direction opposite to
gravity. For example, apply a positive CMACELY to simulate gravity acting in the negative Y direction.
Units are length/time2.
You can define the acceleration for the following analyses types:
Accelerations are combined with the element mass matrices to form a body force load vector term.
Units of acceleration and mass must be consistent to give a product of force units.
In a modal harmonic or transient analysis, you must apply the load in the modal portion of the analysis.
Mechanical APDL calculates a load vector and writes it to the mode shape file, which you can apply via
the LVSCALE (p. 914) command.
The CMACEL command supports tabular boundary conditions (%TABNAME_X%, %TABNAME_Y%, and
%TABNAME_Z%) for CMACEL_X, CMACEL_Y, and CMACEL_Z input values (*DIM (p. 435)) as a function
of both time and frequency for full transient and harmonic analyses.
Related commands for inertia loads are ACEL (p. 85), CGLOC (p. 273), CGOMGA (p. 274), DCGOMG (p. 409),
DOMEGA (p. 471), OMEGA (p. 1107), CMOMEGA (p. 305), and CMDOMEGA (p. 300).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Inertia>Gravity>On Com-
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Inertia>Gravity>On Components
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 297
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
Keyword indicating the disposition of the color map file.
Loads existing color map file.
Starts the CMAP utility and modifies or creates the specified file.
Writes the active color map to the specified file, which can be imported into future sessions.
Number of contours to be defined. Default = 9 (even if an existing file is being modified). Maximum = 128.
Command Default
Use predefined ANSYS color map table.
Reads the color map file (RGB index specifications) to change from current specifications. Only one
color map may be active at a time.
For 2-D drivers (especially Win32c), modifying the color map can produce anomalies, including legend/con-
tour disagreement.
When Kywrd equals CREATE, the 2-D drivers (X11c and Win32c) display the CMAP utility with an addi-
tional contour color picker called CONTOURS. Colors selected via the CONTOURS picker affect result
contour displays (such as stresses). No other drivers offer the CONTOURS picker in the CMAP utility.
Changing the color map using the /CMAP (p. 297) command changes the meaning of the color labels
on the /COLOR (p. 330) command. See /COLOR (p. 330) for other color controls.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Colors>Default Color Map
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
298 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Geometric symmetry factor. Capacitance values are scaled by this factor which represents the fraction of
the total device modeled. Defaults to 1.
Alpha-numeric prefix identifier used in defining named conductor components.
Total Number of Components. If a ground is modeled, it is to be included as a component. If a ground is
not modeled, but infinite elements are used to model the far-field ground, a named component for the
far-field ground is not required.
Ground key:
Ground is one of the components, which is not at infinity.
Ground is at infinity (modeled by infinite elements).
Array name for computed capacitance matrix. Defaults to CMATRIX.
To invoke the CMATRIX macro, the exterior nodes of each conductor must be grouped into individual
components using the CM (p. 295) command. Each set of independent components is assigned a com-
ponent name with a common prefix followed by the conductor number. A conductor system with a
ground must also include the ground nodes as a component. The ground component is numbered last
in the component name sequence.
A ground capacitance matrix relates charge to a voltage vector. A ground matrix cannot be applied to
a circuit modeler. The lumped capacitance matrix is a combination of lumped "arrangements" of voltage
differences between conductors. Use the lumped capacitance terms in a circuit modeler to represent
capacitances between conductors.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 299
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Solution>Solve>Electromagnet>Static Analysis>Capac Matrix
Deletes a component or assembly definition.
DATABASE (p. 11): Components (p. 12)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Name of the component or assembly whose definition is to be removed.
Entities contained in the component, or the components within the assembly, are unaffected. Only the
grouping relationships are deleted. Assemblies are automatically updated to reflect deletion of their
components or subassemblies, but they are not automatically deleted when all their components or
subassemblies are deleted.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Size Cntrls>ManualSize>Layers>Picked Lines
Utility Menu>Select>Comp/Assembly>Delete Comp/Assembly
Specifies the rotational acceleration of an element component about a user-defined rotational axis.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Inertia (p. 41)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
The name of the element component.
If the X2, Y2, Z2 fields are defined, only DOMEGAX is required. DOMEGAX specifies the scalar rota-
tional acceleration about the rotational axis. The rotational direction of DOMEGAXis designated either
positive or negative, and is determined by the “right hand rule.”
X1, Y1, Z1
If the X2, Y2, Z2 fields are defined, X1, Y1, and Z1 define the coordinates of the beginning point of the
rotational axis vector. Otherwise, X1, Y1, and Z1 are the coordinates of a point through which the rotational
axis passes.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
300 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
X2, Y2, Z2
The coordinates of the end point of the rotational axis vector.
Specifies the rotational acceleration components DOMEGAX, DOMEGAY, and DOMEGAZ of an element
component CM_NAME about a user-defined rotational axis. The rotational axis can be defined either as
a vector passing through a single point, or a vector connecting two points.
You can define the rotational acceleration and rotational axis with the CMDOMEGA command for
STATIC, HARMIC, TRANS, and SUBSTR analyses. Rotational velocities are combined with the element
mass matrices to form a body force load vector term. Units are radians/time2.
Related commands are ACEL (p. 85), CGLOC (p. 273), CGLOC (p. 273), OMEGA (p. 1107), CMOMEGA (p. 305),
DCGOMG (p. 409), DOMEGA (p. 471).
You can use the CMDOMEGA command in conjunction with any one of the following two groups of
commands, but not with both groups simultaneously:
Components for which you want to specify rotational loading must consist of elements only. The elements
you use cannot be part of more than one component, and elements that share nodes cannot exist in
different element components. You cannot apply the loading to an assembly of element components.
In a modal harmonic or transient analysis, you must apply the load in the modal portion of the analysis.
Mechanical APDL calculates a load vector and writes it to the mode shape file, which you can apply via
the LVSCALE (p. 914) command.
See Acceleration Effect in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference for more information.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Inertia>Angular Accel>On
Components>By Axis
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Inertia>Angular Accel>On
Components>By origin
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Inertia>Angular Accel>On
Components>Pick Kpt
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Inertia>Angular Accel>On
Components>Pick Kpts
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 301
CMEDIT, Aname, Oper, Cnam1, Cnam2, Cnam3, Cnam4, Cnam5, Cnam6, Cnam7
Edits an existing assembly.
DATABASE (p. 11): Components (p. 12)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Name of the assembly to be edited.
Operation label:
To add more components. The level of any assembly to be added must be lower than that of the as-
sembly Aname (see CMGRP (p. 303) command).
To remove components.
This command is valid in any processor.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
302 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Select>Comp/Assembly>Edit Assembly
CMGRP, Aname, Cnam1, Cnam2, Cnam3, Cnam4, Cnam5, Cnam6, Cnam7, Cnam8
Groups components and assemblies into an assembly.
DATABASE (p. 11): Components (p. 12)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
An alphanumeric name used to identify this assembly. Aname may be up to 32 characters, beginning with
a letter and containing only letters, numbers, and underscores. Overwrites a previously defined Aname
(and removes it from higher level assemblies, if any).
Groups components and other assemblies into an assembly identified by a name. CMGRP is used for
the initial definition of an assembly. An assembly is used in the same manner as a component. Up to
5 levels of assemblies within assemblies may be used.
An assembly is a convenient grouping of previously defined components and other assemblies. Assem-
blies may contain components only, other assemblies, or any combination. A component may belong
to any number of assemblies. Up to 5 levels of nested assemblies may be defined. Components and
assemblies may be added to or deleted from an existing assembly by the CMEDIT (p. 302) command.
Once defined, an assembly may be listed, deleted, selected, or unselected using the same commands
as for a component. Assemblies are automatically updated to reflect deletions of one or more of their
components or lower-level assemblies. Assemblies are not automatically deleted when all their compon-
ents or subassemblies are deleted.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Select>Comp/Assembly>Create Assembly
Name of the component or assembly to be listed (if blank, list all selected components and assemblies).
If Name is specified, then Entity is ignored.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 303
Expansion key:
Do not list individual entities in the component.
1 or EXPA
List individual entities in the component.
If Name is blank, then the following entity types can be specified:
List the volume components only.
List the area components only.
List the line components only.
List the keypoint components only
List the element components only.
List the node components only.
This command is valid in any processor. For components, it lists the type of geometric entity. For assem-
blies, it lists the components and/or assemblies that make up the assembly.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Components
Utility Menu>List>Other>Components
Utility Menu>Select>Comp/Assembly>List Comp/Assembly
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
304 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Name of the existing component or assembly to be modified.
The label identifying the type of value to be modified.
If Keyword is NAME, then the value is the alphanumeric label to be applied. See the CM (p. 295) command
for naming convention details. If a component named Value already exists, the command will be ignored
and an error message will be generated.
The naming conventions for components, as specified in the CM (p. 295) command, apply for CMMOD
(32 characters, “ALL”, “STAT” and “DEFA” are not allowed, etc.). However, if you choose a component
name that is already designated for another component, an error message will be issued and the
command will be ignored.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Specifies the rotational velocity of an element component about a user-defined rotational axis.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Inertia (p. 41)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
The name of the element component.
If the X2, Y2, Z2 fields are defined, only OMEGAX is required. OMEGAX specifies the scalar rotational
velocity about the rotational axis. The rotational direction of OMEGAX is designated either positive
or negative, and is determined by the “right hand rule.”
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 305
X1, Y1, Z1
If the X2, Y2, Z2 fields are defined,X1, Y1, and Z1 define the coordinates of the beginning point of the
rotational axis vector. Otherwise, X1, Y1, and Z1 are the coordinates of a point through which the rotational
axis passes.
X2, Y2, Z2
The coordinates of the end point of the rotational axis vector.
Specifies the rotational velocity components OMEGAX, OMEGAY, and OMEGAZ of an element component
CM_NAME about a user-defined rotational axis. The rotational axis can be defined either as a vector
passing through a single point or a vector connecting two points.
You can define rotational velocity and rotational axis for these analysis types:
Rotational velocities are combined with the element mass matrices to form a body force load vector
term. Units are radians/time. Related commands are ACEL (p. 85), CGLOC (p. 273), CGLOC (p. 273),
CGOMGA (p. 274), CMDOMEGA (p. 300), DCGOMG (p. 409), DOMEGA (p. 471).
You can use the CMOMEGA command in conjunction with either one of the following two groups of
commands, but not with both groups simultaneously:
Components for which you want to specify rotational loading must consist of elements only. The elements
you use cannot be part of more than one component, and elements that share nodes cannot exist in
different element components. You cannot apply the loading to an assembly of element components.
If you have applied the Coriolis effect (CORIOLIS (p. 345)) using a stationary reference frame, the CMO-
MEGA command takes the gyroscopic damping matrix into account for the elements listed under
“Stationary Reference Frame” in the notes section of the CORIOLIS (p. 345) command. ANSYS verifies that
the rotation vector axis is parallel to the axis of the element; if not, the gyroscopic effect is not applied.
If you issue a CMOMEGA command when the Coriolis or gyroscopic effect is present, a subsequently
issued OMEGA (p. 1107) command has no effect.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
306 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
In a mode-superposition harmonic or transient analysis, you must apply the load in the modal portion
of the analysis. Mechanical APDL calculates a load vector and writes it to the MODE file, which you can
apply via the LVSCALE (p. 914) command.
The load interpolation setting (KBC (p. 808)) applies to the rotational velocity, in particular the OMG-
SQRDKEY option for quadratic interpolation.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Inertia>Angular Veloc>On
Components>By Axis
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Inertia>Angular Veloc>On
Components>By origin
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Inertia>Angular Veloc>On
Components>Pick Kpt
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Inertia>Angular Veloc>On
Components>Pick Kpts
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Inertia>Angular Veloc>On
Components>Pick Node
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Inertia>Angular Veloc>On
Components>Pick Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Inertia>Angular Veloc>On
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Inertia>Angular Veloc>On Compon-
ents>By Axis
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Inertia>Angular Veloc>On Compon-
ents>By origin
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Inertia>Angular Veloc>On Compon-
ents>Pick Kpt
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Inertia>Angular Veloc>On Compon-
ents>Pick Kpts
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Inertia>Angular Veloc>On Compon-
ents>Pick Node
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Inertia>Angular Veloc>On Compon-
ents>Pick Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Inertia>Angular Veloc>On Component
Name of the component or assembly to be plotted.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 307
All selected components and assemblies are plotted (default). If fewer than 11 components are selected,
then all are plotted. If more than 11 components are selected, then only the first 11 are plotted.
All selected components are plotted. If number of selected components is greater than 11, then the
legend showing component names will not be shown.
Next set of defined components and assemblies is plotted.
Previous set of defined components and assemblies is plotted.
The specified component or assembly is plotted.
The specified set number is plotted.
If Label is BLANK or ALL, then the following entity types can be specified:
Plot the volume components only.
Plot the area components only.
Plot the line components only.
Plot the keypoint components only.
Plot the element components only.
Plot the node components only.
For Keyword = ALL, plot the specified component name in the Label field in the context of all entities
of the same type. Not valid if Label field is BLANK or ALL.
Components are plotted with their native entities. For assemblies, all native entities for the underlying
component types are plotted simultaneously. Although more components can be plotted, the legend
displays only 11 at a time. When more than eleven are plotted, the legend is not displayed.
Possible usage:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
308 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
CMPLOT,CNAME, ALL - Plot component in the context of all other selected entity components
of the same type as the component.
CMPLOT - Plot the first eleven selected components.
CMPLOT,ALL - Plot all selected components.
CMPLOT,N or CMPLOT,P - Plot next or previous set of eleven components.
CMPLOT,ALL,Entity - Plot all selected components of type specified in Entity.
CMPLOT, ,Entity - Plot components of type specified in Entity, from the first eleven
CMPLOT,N,Entity - Plot components of type specified in Entity, if any, from the next set
of eleven components (substitute P for N to plot from previous set).
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Plot>Components>By Name / Set Number
Utility Menu>Plot>Components>Next Set
Utility Menu>Plot>Components>Previous Set
Utility Menu>Plot>Components>Selected Components
Specifies the rotational velocity of an element component in a brake-squeal analysis.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Inertia (p. 41)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
The name of the element component.
If the X2, Y2, Z2 fields are defined, only ROTATX is required. ROTATX specifies the scalar rotational
velocity about the rotational axis. The rotational direction of ROTATX is designated either positive
or negative, and is determined by the “right hand rule.”
X1, Y1, Z1
If the X2, Y2, Z2 fields are defined, X1, Y1, and Z1 define the coordinates of the beginning point of the
rotational axis vector. Otherwise, X1, Y1, and Z1 are the coordinates of a point through which the rotational
axis passes.
X2, Y2, Z2
The coordinates of the end point of the rotational axis vector.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 309
The CMROTATE command specifies the rotational motion velocity components ROTATX, ROTATY, and
ROTATZ of an element component CM_Name about a user-defined rotational axis. The rotational axis
can be defined either as a vector passing through a single point or a vector connecting two points.
CMROTATE can be used in static analyses (ANTYPE (p. 140),STATIC) and modal analyses (AN-
TYPE (p. 140),MODAL).
This command sets the constant rotational velocity on the nodes of the specified element component,
despite any deformation at the nodes. This feature is primarily used for generating sliding contact at
frictional contact interfaces in a brake-squeal analysis. This type of analysis typically involves surface-to-
surface contact between the brake pad and the rotating disk. The applicable contact elements, therefore,
are CONTA174 and CONTA175.
A brake-squeal analysis generally involves a linear perturbation modal analysis subsequent to a large-
deformation static analysis with the Newton-Raphson option set as NROPT (p. 1053),UNSYM. Therefore,
CMROTATE is not applicable for multiple load step solves using the LSSOLVE (p. 906) command.
The load interpolation setting (KBC (p. 808)) applies to the rotational velocity, in particular the OMG-
SQRDKEY option for quadratic interpolation.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Label identifying the type of select:
Select a new set (default).
Reselect a set from the current set.
Additionally select a set and extend the current set.
Unselect a set from the current set.
Also select all components.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
310 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Unselect all components.
Name of component or assembly whose items are to be selected (valid only if Type = S, R, A, or U).
Graphical picking is enabled if Type is blank and Name = PICK (or simply “P”).
If Name is blank, then the following entity types can be specified:
Select the volume components only.
Select the area components only.
Select the line components only.
Select the keypoint components only.
Select the element components only.
Select the node components only.
Selecting by component is a convenient adjunct to individual item selection (e.g., VSEL (p. 1805), ES-
EL (p. 548), etc.). CMSEL, ALL allows you to select components in addition to other items you have
already selected.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Displacement>On Joint
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Force/Moment>On Joint
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 311
Specifies the command operation:
Add the specified component results file (Fname) to the list of files to plot. This option is the default.
Remove the specified component results file (Fname) from the list of files to plot.
List all specified component results files.
Clear all previous files added.
Add all component results (.rst) files from the working directory to the list of files to plot.
The file name (with full directory path) of the component results file. The default file name is the Jobname
(specified via the /FILNAME (p. 630) command).
The file name (Fname) extension. The default extension is .rst.
Valid only when adding a results file (Option = ADD or ALL), this key specifies whether or not to check
the specified .rst file to determine if it was created via a CMS expansion pass:
Check (default).
Do not check.
Command Default
If issued with no arguments, the CMSFILE command uses these defaults:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
312 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The CMSFILE command specifies the list of component mode synthesis (CMS) results files to include
when plotting the mode shape of an assembly.
During postprocessing (/POST1 (p. 1221)) of a CMS analysis, issue the CMSFILE command to point to
component results files of interest. (You can issue the command as often as needed to include all or
some of the component results files.) Issue the SET (p. 1458) command to acquire the frequencies and
mode shapes from substeps for all specified results files. Execute a plot (PLNSOL (p. 1190)) or print
(PRNSOL (p. 1255)) operation to display the mode shape of the entire assembly.
When you specify a results file to add to the plot list, the default behavior of the command (CmsKey
= ON) is to first verify that the file is from a CMS analysis and that the frequencies of the result sets on
the file match the frequencies on the first file in the list. If CmsKey = OFF, you can add any .rst file
to the list of files to plot, even if the file was not expanded via a CMS expansion pass.
If CmsKey = ON (default), output from the command appears as: ADD CMS FILE = filename.rst.
If CmsKey = OFF, output from the command appears as: ADD FILE = filename.rst.
If Option = DELETE or CLEAR, you must clear the database (/CLEAR (p. 291)), then re-enter the postpro-
cessor (/POST1 (p. 1221)) and issue a SET (p. 1458) command for the change to take effect on subsequent
Clearing the database does not clear the list of files specified via the CMSFILE command. Specify Option
= CLEAR to clear the list of files.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Data & File Opts
CMSOPT, Cmsmeth, NMODE, FREQB, FREQE, Fbddef, FBDVAL, IOkey, --, --, El-
calc, --, Eigmeth, nStartVN
Specifies component mode synthesis (CMS) analysis options.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Analysis Options (p. 35)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Product Restrictions (p. 316)
The component mode synthesis method to use. This value is required.
Fixed-interface method.
Free-interface method.
Residual-flexible free-interface method.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 313
The number of normal modes extracted and used in the superelement generation. This value is required;
the minimum is 1.
Beginning, or lower end, of frequency range of interest. This value is optional.
The program always sets this value to zero if the residual-flexible free-interface method (Cmsmeth
= RFFB) or the free-interface method (Cmsmeth = FREE) is specified with the RESVEC (p. 1340) com-
Ending, or upper end, of frequency range of interest. This value is optional.
In a free-interface (Cmsmeth = FREE) or residual-flexible free-interface (Cmsmeth = RFFB) CMS analysis,
the method to use for defining free body modes:
The number (FDBVAL) of rigid body modes in the calculation.
Employ a specified tolerance (FDBVAL) to determine rigid body modes in the calculation.
Automatically determine rigid body modes in the calculation. This method is the default.
If no rigid body modes exist, define your own via the RIGID (p. 1346) command.
In a free-interface CMS analysis (Cmsmeth = FREE), the number of rigid body modes if Fbddef = FNUM
(where the value is an integer from 0 through 6), or the tolerance to employ if Fbddef = FTOL (where the
value is a positive real number representing rad/sec). This value is required only when Fbddef = FNUM
or Fbddef = FTOL; otherwise, any specified value is ignored.
Output key to control writing of the complete transformation matrix on the .cms file to the .tcms file
(FIX or FREE methods) or body properties to the .EXB file (FIX method).
Write the complete transformation matrix of the nodal component on the .cms file. Refer to CMS File
Format in the Programmer's Reference for more information on this file.
Write the transformation matrix of the nodal component defined by the OUTPR (p. 1112) command to
a .tcms file. Refer to TCMS File Format in the Programmer's Reference for more information on this
Write a body property input file (.EXB file) containing the condensed substructure matrices and other
body properties for use with AVL EXCITE. Refer to ANSYS Interface to AVL EXCITE in the Substructuring
Analysis Guide for more information.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
314 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
--, --
Unused fields.
Element calculation key:
Do not calculate element results (default).
Calculate element results and write them to the .cms file for the expansion pass.
Unused field.
Mode extraction method to be used for the symmetric eigenvalue problem during the generation pass:
Block Lanczos algorithm (default).
Subspace algorithm.
Supernode algorithm.
Node number to be assigned to the first virtual node created to store the generalized coordinates. See
"Notes" (p. 315) for more information.
Command Default
Issuing the CMSOPT command with no arguments is invalid. You must specify at least the CMS method
(Cmsmeth) and the number of modes (NMODE). In a free-interface (Cmsmeth = FREE) or residual-flexible
free-interface (Cmsmeth = RFFB) CMS analysis, the default method for determining rigid body modes
is FAUTO (automatic).
CMS supports damping matrix reduction when a damping matrix exists. Set the matrix generation key
to 3 (SEOPT (p. 1450),Sename,SEMATR) to generate and then reduce stiffness, mass, and damping
CMS does not support the SEOPT (p. 1450),,,,,RESOLVE command. Instead, the program sets the expansion
method for the expansion pass (EXPMTH) to BACKSUB.
By default, the static constraint modes are not written to the .cms file for the fixed-interface and free-
interface methods. Issue IOkey = CMS to write them.
If IOkey = TCMS, the transformation matrix is printed out and written to the .tcms file when the
OUTPR (p. 1112) command is issued with ITEM = NSOL and FREQ not equal to NONE. In addition, the
transformation matrix is printed out when SEPR is equal to 1 or 2 on SEOPT (p. 1450). In interactive
sessions, the transformation matrix is not output if the model has more than 10 elements.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 315
For information about the component modes stored in the .cms or .tcms file, refer to Component
Modes Storage.
If Elcalc = YES, the element results of the component modes included in the transformation matrix
of the CMS method are calculated and written to the .cms file. This can significantly reduce the com-
putation time of the The CMS Use and Expansion Passes in the Substructuring Analysis Guide. For limit-
ations, see Calculating the Element Results in the Substructuring Analysis Guide.
Select a nStartVN value to offset the virtual node numbers from the other node numbers used in the
model; otherwise, the program selects nStartVN to fulfill that condition. In the case of multiple super-
elements, if nStartVN is defined during each generation pass, then in the use pass, the virtual nodes
of all imported superelements are gathered and renumbered from the nStartVN value specified for
the first encountered superelement (first SE (p. 1393) command). nStartVN can also be defined in the
use pass using the SE (p. 1393) command. If nStartVN is defined on both CMSOPT and SE (p. 1393)
commands, the larger number prevails.
For more information, see Component Mode Synthesis in the Substructuring Analysis Guide.
Product Restrictions
ANSYS Mechanical Enterprise PrepPost Only CMSOPT,FIX,,,,,,EXB is supported.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
316 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Format of the output file (defaults to BLOCKED).
Blocked format. This format allows faster reading of the file.
Unblocked format.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
CNCHECK, Option, RID1, RID2, RINC, InterType, TRlevel, Val1, Val2, Val3
Provides and/or adjusts the initial status of contact pairs.
PREP7 (p. 20): Database (p. 20)
SOLUTION (p. 35): Analysis Options (p. 35)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Option to be performed:
List all contact pair properties (default).
List only the open/closed status for each contact pair.
Execute a partial solution to write the initial contact configuration to the jobname.rcn file.
Physically move contact nodes to the target in order to close a gap or reduce penetration. The initial
adjustment is converted to structural displacement values (UX, UY, UZ) and stored in the jobname.rcn
Physically move contact nodes to the target in order to close a gap or reduce penetration, and also
morph the underlying solid mesh. The initial adjustment of contact nodes and repositioning of solid
element nodes due to mesh morphing are converted to structural displacement values (UX, UY, UZ)
and stored in the jobname.rcn file.
Physically move target body to the contact surface in order to close a gap or reduce penetration. The
initial adjustment is converted to structural displacement values (UX, UY, UZ) and stored in the job-
name.rcn file.
Reset target element and contact element key options and real constants to their default values. This
option is not valid for general contact.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 317
Automatically sets certain real constants and key options to recommended values or settings in order
to achieve better convergence based on overall contact pair behaviors. This option is not valid for
general contact.
Trim contact pair (remove certain contact and target elements).
Unselect certain contact and target elements.
Split base (original) contact pairs into smaller sub-pairs at the preprocessing (/PREP7 (p. 1235)) level.
The main intent of this option is to achieve better scalability in a distributed-memory parallel (DMP)
run. The splitting operation may create additional overlapping contact elements at the split boundaries.
Contact pairs can only be split once; repeated use of this option results in no further splitting for those
contact pairs already split.
This option is similar to the SPLIT, but it is more automatic and contact pair splitting is done at the
solution level (SOLVE (p. 1538)) of the first load step, not at the preprocessing level. This option is activated
only in a distributed-memory parallel (DMP) run. For this option, TRlevel and InterType are valid;
all other arguments are ignored.
Merge all contact sub-pairs that were previously split (by prior Option = SPLIT or DMP operations)
back to their original pairs. Any contact and target elements deleted due to the trim logic of the splitting
operation cannot be recovered by the MERGE operation. All other arguments are ignored.
Pair-Based Contact For pair-based contact, the range of real constant pair IDs for which Option
will be performed. If RID2 is not specified, it defaults to RID1. If no value is specified, all contact
pairs in the selected set of elements are considered.
General Contact For general contact (InterType = GCN), RID1 and RID2 are section IDs asso-
ciated with general contact surfaces instead of real constant IDs. If RINC = 0, the Option is per-
formed between the two sections, RID1 and RID2. If RINC > 0, the Option is performed among
all specified sections (RID1 to RID2 with increment of RINC).
Contact Splitting For contact splitting at the preprocessing level (Option = SPLIT only), RID1,
RID2, and RINC are used as follows:
• If RID1, RID2, and RINC are non-zero and positive, split the contact pairs from real constant
pair ID number RID1 to RID2 in increments of RINC. In this case, if TRlevel is non-zero, it will
only be applied to these specified pairs.
• If RID1 is zero or blank, TRlevel will take affect for all contact pairs in the model from largest
to smallest.
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318 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• If RID1, RID2, RINC, and TRlevel are not defined, the program automatically determines the
number of sub-pairs for splitting each contact pair.
Tabular Input for RID1 RID1 accepts tabular input in the form of a 2-D array when Option =
ADJUST, MORPH or TADJUST. In this case, RID2, RINC, Val1, Val2, and Val3 are ignored. For
more information, see Physically Moving Contact Nodes Toward the Target Surface in the Contact
Technology Guide.
The type of contact interface (pair-based versus general contact) to be considered; or the type of contact
pair to be trimmed/unselected/auto-set.
Include all contact definitions (pair-based and general contact).
Include general contact definitions only (not valid when Option = RESET or AUTO).
The following labels specify the type of contact pairs to be trimmed/unselected/auto-set (used only
when Option = TRIM, UNSE, or AUTO, and only for pair-based contact definitions):
All types (default).
MPC-based contact pairs (KEYOPT(2) = 2).
Bonded contact pairs (KEYOPT(12) = 3, 5, 6).
No separation contact pairs (KEYOPT(12) = 2, 4).
Small sliding contact pairs (KEYOPT(18) = 1).
Self contact pairs (target surface completely overlaps contact surface).
Inactive contact pairs (symmetric contact pairs for MPC contact or KEYOPT(8) = 2).
The following labels specify the type of contact pairs to be trimmed only when Option = SPLIT or
DMP, and only for pair-based contact definitions:
The program automatically deletes inactive contact pairs defined by auto-asymmetric selection
(KEYOPT(8) = 2). If Option = DMP, the program also trims split contact pairs that are associated
with bonded contact (KEYOPT(12) = 5 or 6) or small sliding contact (KEYOPT(18) = 1).
The program automatically deletes inactive contact pairs defined by auto-asymmetric selection
(KEYOPT(8) = 2), and also trims all split contact pairs.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 319
This argument is either the trimming level for trimming contact pairs or the number of sub-pairs for contact
Normal trimming (default): remove/unselect contact and target elements which are in far-field.
Aggressive trimming: remove/unselect contact and target elements which are in far-field, and
certain elements in near-field.
Number of sub-pairs used for contact splitting (used only when Option = SPLIT or DMP):
The program automatically chooses the number of sub-pairs for splitting in order to achieve
better scalability in a distributed parallel processing run.
Input a non-zero positive number to indicate the maximum number of sub-pairs for splitting
the largest contact pair in the model. All other smaller contact pairs will be split following this
number proportionally. The number you input may not always be honored; splitting may results
in a fewer number of sub-pairs basing on many factors
The remaining arguments, Val1, Val2, and Val3, are parameters that control initial contact adjustment.
They are only valid when Option = ADJUST, MORPH, or TADJUST. The meaning of these arguments
varies depending on the Option setting.
When Option = ADJUST or MORPH, Val1, Val2, and Val3 are CGAP, CPEN, and IOFF, respectively:
Control parameter for opening gap; must be greater than zero. Close the opening gap if the value of the
gap is smaller than the CGAP value. CGAP defaults to 0.25*PINB (where PINB is the pinball radius) for
bonded and no-separation contact; otherwise it defaults to the value of real constant ICONT.
Control parameter for initial penetration; must be greater than zero. Close the initial penetration if the
value of the penetration is smaller than the CPEN value. CPEN defaults to 0.25*PINB (where PINB is the
pinball radius) for any type of interface behavior (either bonded or standard contact).
Control parameter for initial adjustment. Input a positive value to adjust the contact nodes towards the
target surface with a constant interference distance equal to IOFF. Input a negative value to adjust the
contact node towards the target surface with a uniform gap distance equal to the absolute value of IOFF.
When Option = TADJUST, Val1 and Val2 are PMAX and PMIN, respectively (Val3 is not used):
Upper limit of initial allowable penetration.
Lower limit of initial allowable penetration.
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320 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The CNCHECK command provides information for surface-to-surface, node-to-surface, and line-to-line
contact pairs (element types TARGE169, TARGE170, CONTA172, CONTA174, CONTA175, CONTA177). All
contact and target elements of interest, along with the solid elements and nodes attached to them,
must be selected for the command to function properly. For performance reasons, the program uses a
subset of nodes and elements based on the specified contact regions (RID1, RID2, RINC) when ex-
ecuting the CNCHECK command.
CNCHECK is available in both the PREP7 and SOLUTION processors, but only before the first solve op-
eration (that is, only before the first load step or the first substep).
If the contact and target elements were generated through mesh commands (AMESH (p. 106),
LMESH (p. 881), etc.) instead of the ESURF (p. 567) command, you must issue MODMSH (p. 949),DETACH
before CNCHECK. Otherwise, CNCHECK will not work correctly.
Option = POST
The command CNCHECK,POST solves the initial contact configuration in one substep. After issuing this
command, you can postprocess the contact result items as you would for any other converged load
step; however, only the contact status, contact penetration or gap, and contact pressure will have
meaningful values. Other contact quantities (friction stress, sliding distance, chattering) will be available
but are not useful.
Because Option = POST forces a solve operation, the PrepPost (PP) license (p. 2) does not work with
If CNCHECK,POST is issued within the solution processor, the SOLVE (p. 1538) command that solves the
first load step of your analysis should appear in a different step, as shown in the following example:
. . .
. . .
CNCHECK,POST writes initial contact results to a file named jobname.rcn. When postprocessing the
initial contact state, you need to explicitly read results from this file using the FILE (p. 627) and
SET (p. 1458),FIRST commands in POST1 to properly read the corresponding contact data. Otherwise, the
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 321
results may be read improperly. The following example shows a valid command sequence for plotting
the initial contact gap:
. . .
. . .
After issuing the CNCHECK,ADJUST command, the initial adjustment is converted to structural displace-
ment values (UX, UY, UZ) and stored in a file named jobname.rcn. Similarly, the CNCHECK,MORPH
command converts the initial adjustment of contact nodes as well as the morphing adjustment of solid
element nodes to structural displacement values (UX, UY, UZ) and stores them in the jobname.rcn
file. You can use this file to plot or list nodal adjustment vectors or create a contour plot of the adjustment
magnitudes via the displacements. When postprocessing the nodal adjustment values, you need to
explicitly read results from this file using the FILE (p. 627) and SET (p. 1458),FIRST commands in POST1 to
properly read the corresponding contact data. Otherwise, the results may be read improperly.
Option = TADJUST
You can issue CNCHECK,TADJUST to physically move the target body to the contact surface. This
command tries to establish initial contact with penetration in a range specified by PMAX and PMIN.
Similar to the ADJUST and MORPH options, the initial adjustment is converted to structural displacement
values (UX, UY, UZ) and stored in the jobname.rcn file. This option accepts tabular input in the RID1
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322 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
You can specify either a positive or negative value for PMIN and PMAX. The program interprets a pos-
itive value as a scaling factor and interprets a negative value as the absolute value.
For more information, see Physically Moving the Target Body Toward the Contact Surface in the Contact
Technology Guide.
Option = RESET
The command CNCHECK,RESET allows you to reset all but a few key options and real constants associated
with the specified contact pairs (RID1, RID2, RINC) to their default values. This option is only valid
for pair-based contact definitions.
The following key options and real constants remain unchanged when this command is issued:
Element type Key options not affected by Real constants not affected by
CONTA174, CONTA175, KEYOPT(1) R1, R2
Option = AUTO
The command CNCHECK,AUTO automatically changes certain default or undefined key options and
real constants to optimized settings or values. The changes are based on overall contact pair behaviors.
In general, this command improves convergence for nonlinear contact analysis. This option is only valid
for pair-based contact definitions.
The tables below list typical KEYOPT and real constant settings implemented by CNCHECK,AUTO. The
actual settings implemented for your specific model may vary from what is described here. You should
always verify the modified settings by issuing CNCHECK,DETAIL to list current contact pair properties.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 323
1. PINB default depends on contact behavior (rigid vs. flexible target), NLGEOM (p. 1028),ON or OFF, KEYOPT(9)
setting, KEYOPT(12) setting, and the value of real constant CNOF (see Defining the Pinball Region (PINB)).
CNCHECK,AUTO also sets PRED (p. 1233),OFF for the case of a force-distributed constraint defined via
MPC contact.
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324 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The command CNCHECK,MERGE can be used to merge the sub-pairs together again, which is useful
for postprocessing the contact results based on the original contact pair geometry. However, caution
must be taken when a downstream analysis is performed since the MERGE operation may alter the
For more information, see Solving Large Contact Models in a Distributed-Memory Parallel Environment
in the Contact Technology Guide.
Menu Paths
Main Menu> Preprocessor> Modeling> Create> Contact Pair
Contact element type number as defined on the ET (p. 571) command.
Number of the KEYOPT to be modified (KEYOPT(KNUM)).
Value to be assigned to the KEYOPT.
The CNKMOD command has the same syntax as the KEYOPT (p. 816) command; however, it is valid
only in the SOLUTION processor. The command is intended only for use in a linear perturbation analysis,
and can only be used to modify certain contact element KEYOPT values as described below.
Modifying KEYOPT(12)
A common use for this command is to modify contact interface behavior between load steps in a linear
perturbation analysis; it allows you to control the contact status locally per contact pair. For this applic-
ation, the command is limited to changing the contact interface behavior key option: KEYOPT(12) of
CONTA172, CONTA174, CONTA175, and CONTA177; and KEYOPT(10) of CONTA178.
The command adjusts the contact status from the linear perturbation base analysis (at the point of restart)
as described in the table below. It enables you to take points in the base analysis that are near contact
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 325
(within the pinball region) and modify them to be treated as in-contact in the perturbation analysis;
see the "1 - near-field" row with KEYOPT(12) values set to 4 or 5. You can also take points that are sliding
in the base analysis and treat them as sticking in the perturbation analysis, irrespective of the MU value;
see the "2 - sliding" row with KEYOPT(12) values set to 1,3, 5, or 6.
If an open gap exists at the end of the previous load step and the contact status is adjusted as sliding
or sticking due to a bonded or no-separation contact behavior definition, the program considers it a
near-field contact when executing CNKMOD in the subsequent load steps.
In the linear perturbation analysis procedure, contact status can also be controlled or modified via the
PERTURB (p. 1151) command. The contact status always follows local controls defined by the CNKMOD
command first, and is then adjusted by the global sticking or bonded setting (ContKey = STICKING or
BONDED) on the PERTURB (p. 1151) command.
Modifying KEYOPT(3)
Another use for the CNKMOD command is to change the units of normal contact stiffness (contact
element real constant FKN) in a linear perturbation modal analysis that is used to model brake squeal.
For contact elements CONTA172 and CONTA174, KEYOPT(3) controls the units of normal contact stiffness.
You can issue the command CNKMOD,ITYPE,3,1 during the first phase of the linear perturbation
analysis in order to change the units of normal contact stiffness from FORCE/LENGTH3 (in the base
analysis) to FORCE/LENGTH. Note that KEYOPT(3) = 1 is valid only when a penalty-based algorithm is
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326 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
used (KEYOPT(2) = 0 or 1) and the absolute normal contact stiffness value is explicitly specified (that is,
a negative value input for real constant FKN).
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Output option:
Contact output control.
Control key:
Write contact information to the output file or to the screen (default).
Write contact information to the Jobname.CNM file.
Command Default
Contact pair output quantities are written to the output file (Jobname.OUT) or to the screen, as specified
by the /OUTPUT (p. 1114) command.
Issue the command CNTR,OUT,YES to redirect contact pair output quantities to the Jobname.CNM file.
To ensure that the contact information is written to Jobname.CNM, reissue CNTR,OUT,YES each time
you reenter the solution processor (/SOLU (p. 1537)).
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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Valid convergence labels.
1. JOINT specifies a tolerance for the joint element constraint check and is applicable to MPC184 joint
elements. It is a nonlinear element convergence status value, not a displacement convergence value.
TOLER is the only other valid argument when Lab = JOINT.
2. COMP specifies a tolerance for the volumetric compatibility check in current-technology plane and
solid elements (18x elements). It is a nonlinear element convergence status value, not a displacement
convergence value. TOLER is the only other valid argument when Lab = COMP
Typical reference value for the specified convergence label (Lab).
VALUE defaults to the maximum of a program calculated reference or MINREF. For degrees of
freedom, the reference is based upon the selected NORM and the current total DOF value. For forcing
quantities, the reference is based upon the selected NORM and the applied loads.
If VALUE is negative, the convergence criterion based on the specified label is removed, including
the default convergence criterion value. The convergence criterion for all other labels remain as
they were (either a default value or a previously specified value).
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328 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Tolerance. Default = 0.005 (0.5%) for force (F) and moment (M), 1.0E-4 (0.01%) for DVOL, 0.05 (5%) for dis-
placement (U) when rotational DOFs are not present, and 0.05 (5%) for HDSP.
For the joint element constraint check (JOINT), default = 1.0E-7. This value rarely needs to be changed.
A loose tolerance value may lead to inaccurate or incorrect solutions. When Lab = JOINT, VALUE,
NORM, and MINREF are ignored.
For the volumetric compatibility check (COMP), default = 1.0E-3. When Lab = COMP, VALUE, NORM,
and MINREF are ignored.
If you choose to specify a TOLER value, it must be greater than zero and less than 1. This is true
for all Lab labels.
Specifies norm selection:
L2 norm (check SRSS value) (default, except for Lab = U).
L1 norm (check absolute value sum).
Infinite norm (check each degree of freedom separately) (default for Lab = U).
The minimum value allowed for the program-calculated reference value. If negative, no minimum is enforced.
Used only if VALUE is blank. Default is as follows:
• max of 0.01 or internally calculated minimum reference value for force, moment
• 0.0 otherwise
Command Default
For static or transient analysis, check the out-of-balance load for any active degree of freedom using
the default VALUE, TOLER, NORM, and MINREF. Also check the translational displacement convergence
in most cases. For harmonic magnetic analysis, check the out-of-balance of the degrees of freedom.
This command is usually not needed because the default convergence criteria are sufficient for most
nonlinear analyses. In rare cases, you may need to use this command to diagnose convergence difficulties.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 329
Values may be set for the degrees of freedom and/or the out-of-balance load for the corresponding
forcing quantities.
Issuing CNVTOL to set a convergence criterion for a specific convergence label (Lab) does not affect
the convergence criterion for any other label. All other convergence criteria will remain at their default
setting or at the value set by a previous CNVTOL command.
When the GUI is on, if a "Delete" operation in a Nonlinear Convergence Criteria dialog box writes this
command to a log file (Jobname.LOG or Jobname.LGW), you will observe that Lab is blank, VALUE
= -1, and TOLER is an integer number. In this case, the GUI has assigned a value of TOLER that corres-
ponds to the location of a chosen convergence label in the dialog box's list. It is not intended that you
type in such a location value for TOLER in a session. However, a file that contains a GUI-generated
CNVTOL command of this form can be used for batch input or with the /INPUT (p. 791) command.
Convergence norms specified with CNVTOL may be graphically tracked while the solution is in process
using the ANSYS program's Graphical Solution Tracking (GST) feature. Use the /GST (p. 744) command
to turn GST on or off. By default, GST is ON for interactive sessions and OFF for batch runs.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Nonlinear
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Nonlinear>Convergence Crit
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Nonlinear>Harmonic
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Nonlinear>Static
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Nonlinear>Transient
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Nonlinear
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Nonlinear>Convergence Crit
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Nonlinear>Harmonic
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Nonlinear>Static
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Nonlinear>Transient
Apply color to the items specified by the following labels:
Determines the color (specified in next argument, Clab) that the axes of a graph will be plotted in.
Determines the color (specified in next argument, Clab) that the numbering on the axes of a graph
will be plotted in.
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330 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Discretely numbered items (such as element types, element materials, etc., as shown on the
/PNUM (p. 1217) command). Also specify number (1 to 11) in the N1 field. For example, /COL-
OR (p. 330),NUM,RED,3 will assign the color red to all items having the discrete number 3 (material
displays would show elements having material 3 as red).
Outline of elements, areas, and volumes. Ex: /COLOR (p. 330),OUTL,BLUE.
Elements. Use N1, N2, NINC fields for element numbers.
Solid model lines. Use N1, N2, NINC fields for line numbers.
Solid model areas. Use N1, N2, NINC fields for area numbers.
Solid model volumes. Use N1, N2, NINC fields for volume numbers.
Isosurfaces (surfaces of constant stress, etc.). This option is particularly useful when capturing frames
for animating a single isosurface value.
Window background. Use N1, N2, NINC fields for window numbers. The options that you select using
Lab = PBAK will supersede those applied using Lab = WBAK.
Boundary condition label. Enter U, ROT, TEMP, PRES, V, VOLT, MAG, A, EMF, CURR, F, M, HEAT, FLOW,
command for boundary condition label definitions.
Graph background.
Graph grid lines.
Graph X and Y axis labels.
Graph curves (identify curve numbers (1-10) in N1, N2, NINC fields).
Component group. Use N1 field for component name, ignore N2 and NINC.
ANSYS contour stress colors. The maximum number of contours available is 128. The number of colors
that can be specified interactively (GUI) is 9. (/CONTOUR (p. 343), , 9). Any other setting will yield incon-
sistent results.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 331
Specifies that all stress values above the maximum value entered in /CONTOUR (p. 343) will be displayed
in the color designated in the Clab field. Defaults to dark grey.
Specifies that all stress values below the minimum value entered in /CONTOUR (p. 343) will be displayed
in the color designated in the Clab field. Defaults to dark grey.
Activates background shading options (see command syntax at end of argument descriptions below).
The options that you select using Lab = PBAK will supersede those applied using Lab = WBAK.
Valid color labels are:
BLAC (0)
MRED (1)
MAGE (2)
BMAG (3)
BLUE (4)
CBLU (5)
CYAN (6)
GCYA ((7)
GREE (8)
YGRE (9)
YELL (10)
ORAN (11)
RED (12)
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332 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
DGRA (13)
Dark Gray
LGRA (14)
Light Gray
WHIT (15)
If Lab = PBAK, the command format is /COLOR (p. 330), PBAK,Key_On_Off, KEY_TYPE, KEY_INDEX.
The options that you select using Lab = PBAK will supersede those applied using Lab = WBAK.
Turns the background colors on and off. Acceptable values are ON (1) and OFF (0).
Determines the type of background. Acceptable values are 0 (smooth shading left to right), 1 (smooth
shading top to bottom), 2 (smooth shading right to left), 3 (smooth shading bottom to top), and -1
(textured image background)
An integer value that corresponds to a background color or texture. If Key_Type is -1, the background
will correspond to values specified in the /TXTRE (p. 1702) command. If Key_Type is any other accept-
able value, the background will correspond to the color values listed above under Clab.
Command Default
Use the default color mapping.
Issue /COLOR (p. 330),STAT to display the current color mapping. Issue /COLOR (p. 330),DEFA to reset
the default color mapping.
Color labels may also be reassigned any "color" with the /CMAP (p. 297) command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Colors>BC Colors
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Colors>Component Colors
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 333
Comment string, up to 75 characters.
The output from this command consists of the comment string. This command is similar to C*** (p. 247)
except that the comment produced by C*** (p. 247) is more easily identified in the output. Parameter
substitution within the comment occurs for every valid expression delimited by percent (%) signs. En-
closing such an expression in single quotes prevents parameter substitution.
Another way to include a comment is to precede it with a ! character (on the same line). The ! may be
placed anywhere on the line, and any input following it is ignored as a comment. No output is produced
by such a comment, but the comment line is included on the log file. This is a convenient way to an-
notate the log file.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Argument Descriptions
Name of the matrix to compress.
Algorithm or method to use:
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334 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
SVD --
Singular value decomposition algorithm (default).
MGS --
Modified Gram-Schmidt algorithm.
Compress a sparse matrix based on the threshold value.
Numerical threshold value used to manage the compression. The default value depends on the method
of compression: 1E-7 for SVD; 1E-14 for MGS; 1E-16 for SPARSE.
Val1 and Val2 are additional input used only for the SVD algorithm:
Name of the vector used to store the values (see "Notes" (p. 335) below). This argument is optional.
Name of the dense matrix used to store the output matrix (see "Notes" (p. 335) below). This argument
is optional.
The SVD and MGS algorithms are only applicable to dense matrices that were created using the
*DMAT (p. 454) command. Columns that are linearly dependent on others are removed, leaving the in-
dependent or basis vectors. The matrix is resized according to the new size determined by the algorithm.
For the SVD algorithm, the singular value decomposition of an input matrix is a factorization of the
Here, the matrix is replaced by the matrix, according to the specified threshold.
The SPARSE compression method is only applicable to sparse matrices that were created using the
*SMAT (p. 1522) command. All terms that have an absolute value below the specified threshold, relative
to the maximum value in the matrix, are removed from the original matrix. For example, given a sparse
matrix having 100 as the largest term and THRESHOLD = 0.5, all terms having an absolute value below
0.5*100 = 50 are removed.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 335
Type of solution file to combine. There is no default; if (blank), the command is ignored.
Structural results file (.RST)
Thermal results file (.RTH)
Magnetics results file (.RMG)
Linear perturbation results file (.RSTP)
Element matrix file (.EMAT).
Element saved data file (.ESAV)
Modal results file (.MODE)
Modal load vector file (.MLV)
Initial state file (.IST)
Full matrix file (.FULL)
Reduced complex displacement file (.RFRQ)
Reduced displacement file (.RDSP)
Multiframe restart files (.Rnnn)
Number of .Rnnn files to combine:
Combine all .Rnnn files (default).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
336 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Combine only .RN files, where N is an integer from 1 to 999.
The COMBINE command is used within the AUX2 auxiliary processor to combine local solution files
from a distributed memory parallel solution into a single, global file. Before using this command, you
must enter the AUX2 processor by issuing the /AUX2 (p. 180) command.
In a distributed memory parallel (Distributed ANSYS) solution, you can use the DMPOPTION (p. 461)
command to bypass the file combination step, causing all individual local files to be kept on the local
disks in the current working directory. Later on, you can start a new distributed memory parallel solution
and use the COMBINE command to combine local files into a global file for a downstream solution or
another operation (such as postprocessing with /POST1 (p. 1221)). For example, the command COM-
BINE,RST will combine local results files (JobnameN.RST) into a global results file (Jobname.RST).
The COMBINE command cannot be used to combine local files generated during a distributed memory
parallel solution that used the frequency or cyclic harmonic index domain decomposition method
(DDOPTION (p. 416),FREQ or DDOPTION (p. 416),CYCHI).
If COMBINE,RNNN is specified, all of the multiframe restart files named Jobname.R001 to Job-
name.R999 will automatically be combined. To combine only one set of .Rnnn restart files, place
only that set of restart files in your current working directory, or use the NUM argument to specify which
set of .Rnnn files to combine.
When the COMBINE command is used in a subsequent Distributed ANSYS session, the number of pro-
cessors must be the same as in the distributed memory parallel solution that generated the files.
When running on a cluster, the local solution files must be available in the working directory on each
node in the subsequent session. As an example, consider the following command line used to generate
local solution files:
ansys201 -dis -machines machine1:4:machine2:1:machine3:2 -i input -o output
Different machines can be used in the subsequent session to combine these files. However, the total
number of cores must remain unchanged (seven in the above case), and the local files must be copied
to the working directory (or directories) on each of the machines used in the subsequent session.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 337
Deletes all specified sets.
AUX3 (p. 58): Results Files (p. 58)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Issue this command to delete all sets specified with the DELETE (p. 420) command.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Working plane X and Y coordinates of the center axis of the cone.
Radii of the faces of the cone. RAD1 defines the bottom face and will be located on the working plane.
RAD2 defines the top face and is parallel to the working plane. A value of zero or blank for either RAD1 or
RAD2 defines a degenerate face at the center axis (i.e., the vertex of the cone). The same value for both
RAD1 and RAD2 defines a cylinder instead of a cone.
The perpendicular distance (either positive or negative based on the working plane Z direction) from the
working plane representing the depth of the cone. DEPTH cannot be zero (see "Notes" (p. 338) below).
Defines a solid conical volume with either the vertex or a face anywhere on the working plane. The
cone must have a spatial volume greater than zero. (i.e., this volume primitive command cannot be
used to create a degenerate volume as a means of creating an area.) The face or faces will be circular
(each area defined with four lines), and they will be connected with two areas (each spanning 180°).
See the CONE (p. 339) command for an alternate way to create cones.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Primitives>Cone
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Volumes>Cone>By Picking
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
338 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Radii of the bottom and top faces of the cone. A value of zero or blank for either RBOT or RTOP defines a
degenerate face at the center axis (i.e., the vertex of the cone). The same value for both RBOT and RTOP
defines a cylinder instead of a cone.
Z1, Z2
Working plane Z coordinates of the cone. The smaller value is always associated with the bottom face.
Starting and ending angles (either order) of the cone. Used for creating a conical sector. The sector begins
at the algebraically smaller angle, extends in a positive angular direction, and ends at the larger angle. The
starting angle defaults to 0° and the ending angle defaults to 360°. See the Modeling and Meshing Guide
for an illustration.
Defines a solid conical volume centered about the working plane origin. The non-degenerate face (top
or bottom) is parallel to the working plane but not necessarily coplanar with (i.e., "on") the working
plane. The cone must have a spatial volume greater than zero. (i.e., this volume primitive command
cannot be used to create a degenerate volume as a means of creating an area.) For a cone of 360°, top
and bottom faces will be circular (each area defined with four lines), and they will be connected with
two areas (each spanning 180°). See the CON4 (p. 338) command for an alternate way to create cones.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Volumes>Cone>By Dimensions
Configuration parameter to be changed:
Option to write or not write geometry data to the results file:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 339
Useful when complex analyses are likely to create abnormally large files.
The number of buffers (VAL = 1 to 32) per file in the solver. Default: VAL = 4.
File open and close actions:
Typically used for large problems where locally closed files may be deleted earlier in the run via
/FDELE (p. 619).
Record size (VAL = 1024 to 4194304) of binary files (in integer words).
Defines split points for binary files. VAL is the file split point in megawords.
Maximum number of nodes.
Dynamically expanded by doubling, even at first encounter, when the maximum is exceeded.
Maximum number of elements. Default and expansion as for MXND.
Maximum number of keypoints. Default and expansion as for MXND.
Maximum number of lines. Default and expansion as for MXND.
Maximum number of areas. Default and expansion as for MXND.
Maximum number of volumes. Default and expansion as for MXND.
Maximum number of sets of real constants (element attributes). Default and expansion as for MXND.
Maximum number of sets of coupled degrees of freedom. Default and expansion as for MXND.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
340 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Maximum number of constraint equations. Default and expansion as for MXND.
Option to write or not write results into the database after a solution.
Maximum number of load vectors written on Jobname.MODE file when MSUPkey = YES on the MX-
PAND (p. 1002) command.
The NUMLV option is not supported for fast load vector generation (FastLV = ON on the
MODCONT (p. 945) command).
Maximum number of load vectors written on Jobname.SUB file in substructure/CMS generation pass.
Option to automatically grow the number of file buffers for most binary files (.ESAV, .EMAT, .FULL,
and so on), with the exception of the results file and files written by the sparse and PCG equation
solvers (for example, .DSPxxxx and .PCn).
When VAL = -1, the number of file buffers does not grow automatically for any file.
When VAL = 0 (default), the number of file buffers may or may not grow automatically. The
logic is program-controlled.
When VAL = 1, the number of file buffers automatically grows for most binary files to reduce
the amount of I/O. This option may require a significantly greater amount of memory than
the default behavior (VAL = 0).
Option to control automatic checkout of a Mechanical Batch license during solution when the capab-
ility is not enabled, useful for PrepPost sessions:
Displays current values set by the /CONFIG (p. 339) command.
Value (an integer number) assigned to the specified configuration parameter.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 341
All configuration parameters have initial defaults, which in most cases do not need to be changed.
Where a specially configured version of the Mechanical APDL program is desired, the parameters can
be changed with this command.
These changes (and others) may also be incorporated into the config.ans file, read in upon execution
of the program. (See The Configuration File in the Basic Analysis Guide.) If the same configuration para-
meter appears in both the configuration file and this command, this command overrides.
Distributed ANSYS uses the default FSPLIT value and forces NOELDB = 1 for all results files. The FSPLIT
and NOELDB options cannot be changed when using Distributed ANSYS.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>Configuration
Arbitrary reference number assigned to the resulting variable (2 to NV [NUMVAR (p. 1086)]). If this number
is the same as for a previously defined variable, the previously defined variable will be overwritten with
this result.
Reference number of the variable to be operated on.
--, --
Unused fields.
Thirty-two character name for identifying the variable on printouts and displays. Embedded blanks are
compressed for output.
--, --
Unused fields.
Scaling factor (positive or negative) applied to variable (default to 1.0).
Used only with harmonic analyses (ANTYPE (p. 140),HARMIC).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
342 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Math Operations>Complex Conjugat
Window number (or ALL) to which command applies (defaults to 1).
Number of contour values. NCONT defaults to 9 for X11 or WIN32 and to 128 for X11c or WIN32C. The default
graphics window display for 3-D devices is a smooth continuous shading effect that spans the maximum
of 128 contours available. Use the /DV3D (p. 483) command to create defined banding for your contour
values (values of 9 and 128 are displayed in smooth shading only). The legend, however, will display only
nine color boxes, which span the full range of colors displayed in the graphics window.
Minimum contour value. If VMIN = AUTO, automatically calculate contour values based upon NCONT uni-
formly spaced values over the min-max extreme range. Or, if VMIN = USER, set contour values to those of
the last display (useful when last display automatically calculated contours).
Value increment (positive) between contour values. Defaults to (VMAX-VMIN)/NCONT.
Maximum contour value. Ignored if both VMIN and VINC are specified.
Command Default
Nine contour values uniformly spaced between the extreme values, or no contours if the ratio of range
to minimum value (or range to maximum if minimum = 0) is less than 0.001.
See the /CVAL (p. 369) command for alternate specifications. Values represent contour lines in vector
mode, and the algebraic maximum of contour bands in raster mode.
No matter how many contours (NCONT) are specified by /CONTOUR (p. 343), the actual
number of contours that appear on your display depends also on the device name, whether
the display is directed to the screen or to a file, the display mode (vector or raster), and the
number of color planes. (All these items are controlled by /SHOW (p. 1507) settings.) In any
case, regardless of whether they are smoothed or banded, only 128 contours can be displayed.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 343
See Creating Geometric Results Displays in the Basic Analysis Guide for more information on
changing the number of contours.
If the current ANSYS graphics are not displayed as Multi-Plots, then the following is true: If the current
device is a 3-D device [/SHOW (p. 1507),3D], the model contours in all active windows will be the same,
even if separate /CONTOUR (p. 343) commands are issued for each active window. For efficiency, ANSYS
3-D graphics logic maintains a single data structure (segment), which contains precisely one set of
contours. The program displays the same segment in all windows. The view settings of each window
constitute the only differences in the contour plots in the active windows.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Contours>Uniform Contours
/COPY (p. 344), Fname1, Ext1, --, Fname2, Ext2, --, DistKey
Copies a file.
SESSION (p. 9): Files (p. 10)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
File name to be copied and its directory path (248 characters maximum for both file name and directory).
If you do not specify a directory path, it will default to your working directory and you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
File name to be created and its directory path (248 characters maximum for both file name and directory).
If you do not specify a directory path, it will default to your working directory and you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
344 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Key that specifies which copy operation is performed on all processes in distributed parallel mode (Distrib-
uted ANSYS):
0 (OFF or NO)
The program performs the copy operation only on the master process (default).
1 (ON or YES)
The program performs the copy operation locally on each process.
2 or BOTH
The program performs the copy operation for Fname.Ext on the master process and for FnameN.Ext
on all processes.
The original file is untouched. Ex: /COPY (p. 344),A,,,B copies file A to B in the same directory.
/COPY (p. 344),A,DAT,,,INP copies the file A.DAT to A.INP. See the Operations Guide for details. ANSYS
binary and ASCII files can be copied.
In distributed parallel mode (Distributed ANSYS), only the master process will copy Fname1.Ext1 to
Fname2.Ext2 by default. However, when DistKey is set to 1 (or ON, or YES) or 2 (or BOTH), the
command is executed by all processes. In this case, Fname1 and Fname2 will automatically have the
process rank appended to them. This means Fname1N.Ext1 will be copied to Fname2N.Ext2 by all
processes, where N is the Distributed ANSYS process rank. For more information see Differences in
General Behavior in the Parallel Processing Guide.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>File>File Operations>Copy
Flag to activate or deactivate the Coriolis effect:
1 (ON or YES)
Activate. This value is the default.
0 (OFF or NO)
--, --
Unused fields.
Flag to activate or deactivate a stationary reference frame.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 345
1 (ON or YES)
0 (OFF or NO)
Deactivate. This value is the default.
Flag to activate or deactivate rotating damping effect.
1 (ON or YES)
0 (OFF or NO)
Deactivate. This value is the default.
Flag to activate or deactivate rotor mass summary printout (only supported for RefFrame = ON).
1 (ON or YES)
0 (OFF or NO)
Deactivate. This value is the default.
The CORIOLIS command is used for linear analyses in either a rotating or a stationary reference frame,
and performs differently according to the designated RefFrame value. The CORIOLIS command must
be specified during the first step of the analysis. The rotational velocity must be defined using
OMEGA (p. 1107) (when the whole model is rotating) or CMOMEGA (p. 305) (component based rotation).
Specific restrictions and elements apply to each case, as follows:
The rotating damping effect (RotDamp = ON) is only supported by the COMBI214 element when
In a rotating reference frame, the Coriolis and spin-softening effects, as well as the centrifugal forces,
contribute to the dynamics and are applied by default.
The rotating damping effect (RotDamp = ON) is supported by the elements listed above that gen-
erate a gyroscopic damping matrix. It is also supported by some specific elements (see Adding
Damping in the Rotordynamic Analysis Guide for a complete list).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
346 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The rotor mass summary printout (RotMass = ON) is only supported for some of the elements that
generate a gyroscopic damping matrix: MASS21, BEAM188, BEAM189, PIPE288, and PIPE289. The
EMAT file is required (EMATWRITE (p. 517),YES).
To include Coriolis effects in a linear perturbation (prestressed) analysis, follow the procedure detailed
in Considerations for Rotating Structures.
In a nonlinear transient analysis in which the model is actually spinning (ANTYPE (p. 140),TRANS and
NLGEOM (p. 1028),ON) the CORIOLIS command must not be used as any spinning motion applied through
either the IC (p. 769) or D (p. 397) commands automatically includes nonlinear inertia terms such as the
Coriolis effect.
To take into account variable bearings (COMBI214 elements with tabular user-defined characteristics),
you must activate the Coriolis effect in a stationary reference frame. The gyroscopic effect coming from
COMBI214 mass characteristics is not supported.
For more information about using the CORIOLIS command, see Rotating Structure Analysis in the Ad-
vanced Analysis Guide and also Overview of the Rotordynamic Analysis Process in the Rotordynamic
Analysis Guide. For details about the Coriolis and gyroscopic effect element formulations, see the
Mechanical APDL Theory Reference.
Elements with layered section properties do not support Coriolis effects (rotating and stationary reference
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Inertia>Angular Veloc>Cori-
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Inertia>Angular Veloc>Coriolis
Specifies "Node coupling" as the subsequent status topic.
PREP7 (p. 20): Status (p. 32)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>Preprocessor>Coupled Sets
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 347
Defines PSD cospectral values.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Spectrum Options (p. 38)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
First input PSD table number associated with this spectrum.
Second input PSD table number associated with this spectrum.
Defines PSD cospectral values to be associated with the previously defined frequency points. Two table
references are required since values are off-diagonal terms. Unlike autospectra [PSDVAL (p. 1279)], the
cospectra can be positive or negative. The cospectral curve segment where there is a sign change is
interpolated linearly (the rest of the curve segments use log-log interpolation). For better accuracy,
choose as small a curve segment as possible wherever a sign change occurs.
Repeat COVAL command using the same table numbers for additional points. This command is valid
for SPOPT (p. 1552),PSD only.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>PSD>Correlation>Cospectral
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>PSD>Correlation>Cospectral
Defines (or modifies) a set of coupled degrees of freedom.
PREP7 (p. 20): Coupled DOF (p. 31)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Set reference number:
Arbitrary set number.
The highest defined coupled set number will be used (default, unless Lab = ALL). This option is useful
when adding nodes to an existing set.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
348 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The highest defined coupled set number plus one will be used (default if Lab = ALL). This option
automatically numbers coupled sets so that existing sets are not modified.
Degree of freedom label for coupled nodes (in the nodal coordinate system). Defaults to label previously
defined with NSET if set NSET already exists. A different label redefines the previous label associated with
NSET. Valid labels are: Structural labels: UX, UY, or UZ (displacements); ROTX, ROTY, or ROTZ (rotations)
(in radians); HDSP (hydrostatic pressure). Thermal labels: TEMP, TBOT, TE2, TE3, . . ., TTOP (temperature).
Fluid labels: PRES (pressure); VX, VY, or VZ (velocities). Electric labels: VOLT (voltage); EMF (electromotive
force drop); CURR (current). Magnetic labels: MAG (scalar magnetic potential); AZ (vector magnetic potential);
CURR (current). Diffusion label: CONC (concentration).
• Sets are generated for each active degree of freedom (that is, one set for the UX degree of freedom,
another set for UY, etc.), and NSET is incremented automatically to prevent overwriting existing sets.
• Existing sets are not modified. NSET must be a new set number n or NEXT.
• The degree of freedom set is determined according to all element types defined and the DOF (p. 468)
command, if used.
If NODE1 = ALL, NODE2 through NODE17 are ignored and all selected nodes (NSEL (p. 1057)) are in-
cluded in the set, and the node with the lowest node number becomes the primary node.
If NODE1 = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only
in the GUI).
A component name can be substituted for NODE1. The component consists of the node group to
be coupled. The node with the lowest node number becomes the primary node among the node
group. To display the generated and coupled node sets, issue the CPLIST (p. 354) command.
Do not include the same degree of freedom in more than one coupled set. Repeat CP command for
additional nodes.
Coupling degrees of freedom into a set causes the results calculated for one member of the set to be
the same for all members of the set. Coupling can be used to model various joint and hinge effects. A
more general form of coupling can be done with constraint equations (CE (p. 259)). For structural analyses,
a list of nodes is defined along with the nodal directions in which these nodes are to be coupled. As a
result of this coupling, these nodes are forced to take the same displacement in the specified nodal
coordinate direction. The amount of the displacement is unknown until the analysis is completed. A set
of coupled nodes which are not coincident, or which are not along the line of the coupled displacement
direction, may produce an applied moment which will not appear in the reaction forces. The actual
degrees of freedom available for a particular node depends upon the degrees of freedom associated
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 349
with element types (ET (p. 571)) at that node. For scalar field analysis, this command is used to couple
nodal temperatures, pressures, voltages, etc.
A set of coupled nodes which are not coincident, or which are not along the line of the coupled dis-
placement direction, produce an artificial moment constraint. If the structure rotates, a moment may
be produced in the coupled set in the form of a force couple. This moment is in addition to the real
reaction forces and may make it appear that moment equilibrium is not satisfied by just the applied
forces and the reaction forces.
Additional sets of coupled nodes may be generated from a specified set. Degrees of freedom are coupled
within a set but are not coupled between sets. No degree of freedom should appear in more than one
coupled set. Such an appearance would indicate that at least two sets were in fact part of a single larger
set. The first degree of freedom of the coupled set is the "prime" degree of freedom. All other degrees
of freedom in the coupled sets are eliminated from the solution matrices by their relationship to the
prime degree of freedom. Forces applied to coupled nodes (in the coupled degree of freedom direction)
will be summed and applied to the prime degree of freedom. Output forces are also summed at the
prime degree of freedom. Degrees of freedom with specified constraints (D (p. 397)) should not be in-
cluded in a coupled set (unless the degree of freedom is prime).
If master degrees of freedom are defined for coupled nodes, only the prime degree of freedom should
be so defined. The use of coupled nodes reduces the set of coupled degrees of freedom to only one
degree of freedom.
The removed degrees of freedom defined by the CP command cannot be included in any CE (p. 259)
or CERIG (p. 267) command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Coupling / Ceqn>Couple DOFs
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Coupling / Ceqn>Cupl DOFs w/Mstr
Degree of freedom label for coupled nodes (in the nodal coordinate system). If ALL, use all appropriate
labels. Valid labels are: Structural labels: UX, UY, or UZ (displacements); ROTX, ROTY, or ROTZ (rotations, in
radians). Thermal label: TEMP (temperature). Fluid label: PRES (pressure). Electric label: VOLT (voltage).
Tolerance for coincidence (based on maximum coordinate difference in each global Cartesian direction
for node locations and on angle differences for node orientations). Defaults to 0.0001. Only nodes within
the tolerance are considered to be coincident for coupling.
In coordinate system KCN, node 1 of CP + dx dy dz = node 2 of CP.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
350 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Node location increments in the active coordinate system (DR, Dθ, DZ for cylindrical, DR, D θ, DΦ for
spherical or toroidal).
When KNONROT = 0, the nodes on coupled sets are rotated into coordinate system KCN (see NROTAT (p. 1055)
command description). When KNONROT = 1, the nodes are not rotated, and you should make sure that
coupled nodal DOF directions are correct.
Cyclic coupling requires identical node and element patterns on the low and high sector boundaries.
The MSHCOPY operation allows convenient generation of identical node and element patterns. See
Using CPCYC and MSHCOPY Commands in the Modeling and Meshing Guide for more information.
Although developed primarily for use with cyclically symmetric models, your use of the CPCYC command
is not limited to cyclic symmetry analyses.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Coupling / Ceqn>Offset Nodes
Additional node selection control:
Delete coupled set if any of the selected nodes are in the set (default).
Delete coupled set only if all of the selected nodes are in the set.
See the CP (p. 348) command for a method to delete individual nodes from a set.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Coupling / Ceqn>Del Coupled Sets
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Delete Elements
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 351
Degree of freedom label for coupled nodes (in the nodal coordinate system). If ALL, use all appropriate
labels except HDSP. Valid labels are: Structural labels: UX, UY, or UZ (displacements); ROTX, ROTY, or ROTZ
(rotations, in radians), HDSP (hydrostatic pressure). Thermal labels: TEMP, TBOT, TE2, TE3, . . ., TTOP (tem-
perature). Fluid labels: PRES (pressure); VX, VY, or VZ (velocities). Electric labels: VOLT (voltage); EMF (elec-
tromotive force drop); CURR (current). Magnetic labels: MAG (scalar magnetic potential); AZ (vector mag-
netic potential); CURR (current). Diffusion label: CONC (concentration).
Tolerance for coincidence (based on maximum coordinate difference in each global Cartesian direction
for node locations and on angle differences for node orientations). Defaults to 0.0001. Only nodes within
the tolerance are considered to be coincident for coupling.
Defines coupled degrees of freedom between coincident nodes (within a tolerance). May be used, for
example, to "button" together elements interfacing at a seam, where the seam consists of a series of
node pairs. One coupled set is generated for each selected degree of freedom for each pair of coincident
nodes. For more than two coincident nodes in a cluster, a coupled set is generated from the lowest
numbered node to each of the other nodes in the cluster. Coupled sets are generated only within (and
not between) clusters. If fewer than all nodes are to be checked for coincidence, use the NSEL (p. 1057)
command to select nodes. Coupled set reference numbers are incremented by one from the highest
previous set number. Use CPLIST (p. 354) to display the generated sets. Only nodes having the same
nodal coordinate system orientations ("coincident" within a tolerance) are included. Use the
CEINTF (p. 264) command to connect nodes by constraint equations instead of by coupling. Use the
EINTF (p. 509) command to connect nodes by line elements instead of by coupling.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Coupling / Ceqn>Coincident Nodes
Specifies the cutting plane:
Cutting plane is normal to the viewing vector [/VIEW (p. 1776)] and passes through the focus point
[/FOCUS (p. 643)] (default).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
352 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The working plane [WPLANE (p. 1820)] is the cutting plane.
Command Default
The cutting plane is normal to the viewing vector at the focus point.
Defines the cutting plane to be used for section and capped displays [/TYPE (p. 1705),,(1, 5, or 7)].
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Hidden-Line Options
Generate sets from existing set NSETF.
Generates additional sets of coupled nodes (with different labels) from an existing set [CP (p. 348),
CPNGEN (p. 356)]. The same node numbers are included in the generated sets. If all labels of nodes are
to be coupled and the nodes are coincident, the NUMMRG (p. 1079) command should be used to auto-
matically redefine the node number (for efficiency).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Coupling / Ceqn>Gen w/Same Nodes
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 353
Node selection control:
List coupled set if any of the selected nodes are in the set (default).
List coupled set only if all of the selected nodes are in the set.
This command is valid in any processor.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Other>Coupled Sets>All CP nodes selected
Utility Menu>List>Other>Coupled Sets>Any CP node selected
Merges different couple sets with duplicate degrees of freedom into one couple set.
PREP7 (p. 20): Coupled DOF (p. 31)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Degree of freedom label for coupled nodes (in the nodal coordinate system). Valid labels are: Structural
labels: UX, UY, or UZ (displacements); ROTX, ROTY, or ROTZ (rotations) (in radians). Thermal labels: TEMP,
TBOT, TE2, TE3, . . ., TTOP (temperature). Fluid labels: PRES (pressure); VX, VY, or VZ (velocities). Electric labels:
VOLT (voltage); EMF (electromotive force drop); CURR (current). Magnetic labels: MAG (scalar magnetic
potential); AZ (vector magnetic potential); CURR (current). Diffusion label: CONC (concentration). The degree
of freedom set is determined from all element types defined and the DOF (p. 468) command, if used.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Electric>Capacitor
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Electric>Curr Cntl CS
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Electric>Curr Cntl VS
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
354 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Electric>Diode
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Electric>Indp Curr Src>Constant
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Electric>Indp Curr Src>Exponential
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Electric>Indp Curr Src>Piecewise
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Electric>Indp Curr Src>Pulse
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Electric>Indp Curr Src>Sinusoidal
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Electric>Indp Vltg Src>Constant
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Electric>Indp Vltg Src>Exponential
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Electric>Indp Vltg Src>Piecewise
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Electric>Indp Vltg Src>Pulse
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Electric>Indp Vltg Src>Sinusoidal
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Electric>Inductor
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Electric>Mass Cond 2D
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Electric>Mass Cond 3D
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Electric>Mutual Ind
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Electric>Resistor
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Electric>Strnd Coil
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Electric>Vltg Cntl CS
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Electric>Vltg Cntl VS
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Electric>Wire
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Electric>Zener Diode
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Mechanical>Damper>Linear
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Mechanical>Damper>Linear
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Mechanical>Damper>Nonlin
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Mechanical>Damper>Nonlin
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Mechanical>Damper>Slide Film
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Mechanical>Mass
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Mechanical>Spring>Linear Rotary
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Mechanical>Spring>Linear Trans
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Mechanical>Spring>Nonlin
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Mechanical>Spring>Nonlin Trans
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Piezoelectric>Capacitor
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Piezoelectric>Indp Curr
Src>Constant Amplitude
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 355
Set reference number [CP (p. 348)].
Degree of freedom label [CP (p. 348)].
Defines, modifies, or adds to a set of coupled degrees of freedom. May be used in combination with
(or in place of ) the CP (p. 348) command. Repeat CPNGEN command for additional nodes.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
356 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Do this generation operation a total of ITIMEs, incrementing all nodes in the existing sets by INC each
time after the first. ITIME must be > 1 for generation to occur.
Generates additional sets of coupled nodes (with the same labels) from existing sets. Node numbers
between sets may be uniformly incremented.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Coupling / Ceqn>Gen w/Same DOF
Combine only those modes whose significance level exceeds the SIGNIF threshold. For single point,
multipoint, or DDAM response (SPOPT (p. 1552),SPRS, MPRS or DDAM), the significance level of a mode is
defined as the mode coefficient of the mode, divided by the maximum mode coefficient of all modes. Any
mode whose significance level is less than SIGNIF is considered insignificant and is not contributed to
the mode combinations. The higher the SIGNIF threshold, the fewer the number of modes combined.
SIGNIF defaults to 0.001. If SIGNIF is specified as 0.0, it is taken as 0.0. (This mode combination method
is not valid for SPOPT (p. 1552),PSD.)
Label identifying the combined mode solution output.
Displacement solution (default). Displacements, stresses, forces, etc., are available.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 357
Velocity solution. Velocities, "stress velocities," "force velocities," etc., are available.
Acceleration solution. Accelerations, "stress accelerations," "force accelerations," etc., are available.
Label identifying the forces to be combined:
Combine the modal static forces (default).
Combine the modal static plus inertial forces.
Damping is required for this mode combination method. The CQC command is also valid for PREP7.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>Mode Combine>CQC Method
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>MultiPt>Mode Combine>CQC
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>SinglePt>Mode Combine>CQC
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>Mode Combine>CQC Method
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>MultiPt>Mode Combine>CQC Method
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>SinglePt>Mode Combine>CQC Method
Argument Descriptions
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Do not use a directory path if file is to be read with the macro Name option of the *USE (p. 1727)
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
358 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Ext should not be used if file is to be read with the macro Name option of the *USE (p. 1727) com-
Unused field.
See the *USE (p. 1727) command for a discussion of macros. All commands following the *CREATE (p. 358)
command, up to the *END (p. 527) command, are written to the specified file without being executed.
An existing file of the same name, if any, will be overwritten. Parameter values are not substituted for
parameter names in the commands when the commands are written to the file. Use *CFWRITE (p. 272)
to create a file if this is desired. The resulting macro may be executed with a *USE (p. 1727) command
(which also allows parameters to be passed into the macro) or a /INPUT (p. 791) command (which does
not allow parameters to be passed in). Several macros may be stacked into a library file [*ULIB (p. 1720)].
You cannot use *CREATE (p. 358) within a DO loop.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Macro>Create Macro
Arbitrary reference number assigned to this coordinate system. Must be greater than 10. A coordinate
system previously defined with this number will be redefined.
Coordinate system type:
0 or CART
1 or CYLIN
Cylindrical (circular or elliptical)
2 or SPHE
Spherical (or spheroidal)
3 or TORO
Node defining the origin of this coordinate system. If NORIG = P, graphical picking is enabled and all re-
maining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 359
Node defining the positive x-axis orientation of this coordinate system.
Node defining the x-y plane (with NORIG and NXAX) in the first or second quadrant of this coordinate
Used for elliptical, spheroidal, or toroidal systems. If KCS = 1 or 2, PAR1 is the ratio of the ellipse Y-axis
radius to X-axis radius (defaults to 1.0 (circle)). If KCS = 3, PAR1 is the major radius of the torus.
Used for spheroidal systems. If KCS = 2, PAR2 = ratio of ellipse Z-axis radius to X-axis radius (defaults to
1.0 (circle)).
Defines and activates a local right-handed coordinate system by specifying three existing nodes: to
locate the origin, to locate the positive x-axis, and to define the positive x-y plane. This local system
becomes the active coordinate system. See the CLOCAL (p. 292), CSKP (p. 362), CSWPLA (p. 363), and
LOCAL (p. 883) commands for alternate definitions. Local coordinate systems may be displayed with the
/PSYMB (p. 1295) command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Local Coordinate Systems>Create Local CS>By 3 Nodes
Number of the local coordinate system in which singularity location is to be changed. Must be greater
than 10.
Theta singularity location for cylindrical, spherical, and toroidal systems:
Singularity at ±180°.
Singularity at 0° (360°).
Phi singularity location for toroidal systems:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
360 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Singularity in phi direction at ±180°.
Singularity in phi direction at 0° (360°).
Command Default
Singularities at ±180°.
Continuous closed surfaces (circles, cylinders, spheres, etc.) have a singularity (discontinuity) at θ =
±180°. For local cylindrical, spherical, and toroidal coordinate systems, this singularity location may be
changed to 0° (360°).
An additional, similar singularity occurs in the toroidal coordinate system at Φ = ±180° and can be
moved with KPHI. Additional singularities occur in the spherical coordinate system at Φ = ±90°, but
cannot be moved.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Local Coordinate Systems>Move Singularity
This command is valid in any processor.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Create Surface>Sphere>At Node
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Local Coordinate Systems>Delete Local CS
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 361
Arbitrary reference number assigned to this coordinate system. Must be greater than 10. A coordinate
system previously defined with this number will be redefined.
Coordinate system type:
0 or CART
1 or CYLIN
Cylindrical (circular or elliptical)
2 or SPHE
Spherical (or spheroidal)
3 or TORO
Keypoint defining the origin of this coordinate system. If PORIG = P, graphical picking is enabled and all
remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI).
Keypoint defining the positive x-axis orientation of this coordinate system.
Keypoint defining the x-y plane (with PORIG and PXAXS) in the first or second quadrant of this coordinate
Used for elliptical, spheroidal, or toroidal systems. If KCS = 1 or 2, PAR1 is the ratio of the ellipse Y-axis
radius to X-axis radius (defaults to 1.0 (circle)). If KCS = 3, PAR1 is the major radius of the torus.
Used for spheroidal systems. If KCS = 2, PAR2 = ratio of ellipse Z-axis radius to X-axis radius (defaults to
1.0 (circle)).
Defines and activates a local right-handed coordinate system by specifying three existing keypoints: to
locate the origin, to locate the positive x-axis, and to define the positive x-y plane. This local system
becomes the active coordinate system. See the CLOCAL (p. 292), CS (p. 359), CSWPLA (p. 363), and LOC-
AL (p. 883) commands for alternate definitions. Local coordinate systems may be displayed with the
/PSYMB (p. 1295) command.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
362 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Local Coordinate Systems>Create Local CS>By 3 Keypoints
This command is valid in any processor.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Other>Local Coord Sys
Arbitrary reference number assigned to this coordinate system. Must be greater than 10. A coordinate
system previously defined with this number will be redefined.
Coordinate system type:
0 or CART
1 or CYLIN
Cylindrical (circular or elliptical)
2 or SPHE
Spherical (or spheroidal)
3 or TORO
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 363
Used for elliptical, spheroidal, or toroidal systems. If KCS = 1 or 2, PAR1 is the ratio of the ellipse Y-axis
radius to X-axis radius (defaults to 1.0 (circle)). If KCS = 3, PAR1 is the major radius of the torus.
Used for spheroidal systems. If KCS = 2, PAR2 = ratio of ellipse Z-axis radius to X-axis radius (defaults to
1.0 (circle)).
Defines and activates a local right-handed coordinate system centered at the origin of the working
plane. The coordinate system's local x-y plane (for a Cartesian system) or R-θ plane (for a cylindrical or
spherical system) corresponds to the working plane. This local system becomes the active coordinate
system. See the CS (p. 359), LOCAL (p. 883), CLOCAL (p. 292), and CSKP (p. 362) commands for alternate
ways to define a local coordinate system. Local coordinate systems may be displayed with the
/PSYMB (p. 1295) command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Define Path>On Working Plane
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Path Operations>Define Path>On Working Plane
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Local Coordinate Systems>Create Local CS>At WP Origin
Activates a previously defined coordinate system.
DATABASE (p. 11): Coordinate System (p. 13)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Specifies the active coordinate system, as follows:
0 (default)
Cylindrical with global Cartesian Z as the axis of rotation
4 or WP
Working Plane
Cylindrical with global Cartesian Y as the axis of rotation
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
364 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Cylindrical with global Cartesian X as the axis of rotation
11 or greater
Any previously defined local coordinate system
The CSYS command activates a previously defined coordinate system for geometry input and generation.
The LOCAL (p. 883), CLOCAL (p. 292), CS (p. 359), CSKP (p. 362), and CSWPLA (p. 363) commands also ac-
tivate coordinate systems as they are defined. To set the active element coordinate system attribute
pointer, issue the ESYS (p. 570) command.
The active coordinate system for files created via the CDWRITE (p. 256) command is Cartesian (CSYS,0).
CSYS,4 (or CSYS,WP) activates working plane tracking, which updates the coordinate system to follow
working plane changes. To deactivate working plane tracking, activate any other coordinate system (for
example, CSYS,0 or CSYS,11).
CSYS,5 is a cylindrical coordinate system with global Cartesian Y as the axis. The local x, y and z axes
are radial, θ, and axial (respectively). The R-Theta plane is the global X-Z plane, as it is for an axisymmetric
model. Thus, at θ = 0.0, CSYS,5 has a specific orientation: the local x is in the global +X direction, local
y is in the global -Z direction, and local z (the cylindrical axis) is in the global +Y direction.
CSYS,6 is a cylindrical coordinate system with global Cartesian X as the axis. The local x, y and z axes
are axial, radial, and θ (respectively). The R-Theta plane is the global Y-Z plane, as it is for an axisymmetric
model. Thus, at θ = 0.0, CSYS,6 has a specific orientation: the local y is in the global +X direction, local
z is in the global -Z direction, and local x (the cylindrical axis) is in the global +Y direction.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Create Surface>Sphere>At Node
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Change Active CS to>Global Cartesian
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Change Active CS to>Global Cylindrical
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Change Active CS to>Global Spherical
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Change Active CS to>Specified Coord Sys
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Change Active CS to>Working Plane
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Offset WP to>Global Origin
Type of display:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 365
Standard contour display.
Isosurface display.
Particle gradient display.
Gradient triad display.
Maximum dot density for particle gradient display (KEY = 2). Density is expressed as dots per screen width
(defaults to 30).
Dot size for particle gradient display (KEY = 2). Size is expressed as a fraction of the screen width (defaults
to 0.0 (single dot width)).
Spherical dot shape precision for particle gradient display (KEY = 2). (3-D options are supported only on
3-D devices):
Flat 2-D circular dot.
Flat-sided 3-D polyhedron.
3-D sphere with n (>1) polygon divisions per 90° of radius.
Maximum length of triads for gradient triad display (KEY = 3). Value is expressed as a fraction of the screen
width (defaults to 0.067).
Command Default
Standard contour display.
Use /CTYPE (p. 365),STAT to display the current settings. Only the standard contour display
[/CTYPE (p. 365),0) and the isosurface contour display [/CTYPE (p. 365),1] are supported by PowerGraphics
[/GRAPHICS (p. 732),POWER].
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Contours>Contour Style
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
366 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Calculates current flow in a 2-D conductor.
POST1 (p. 48): Magnetics Calculations (p. 52)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
CURR2D invokes an ANSYS macro which calculates the total current flowing in a conducting body for
a 2-D planar or axisymmetric magnetic field analysis. The currents may be applied source currents or
induced currents (eddy currents). The elements of the conducting region must be selected before this
command is issued. The total current calculated by the macro is stored in the parameter TCURR. Also,
the total current and total current density are stored on a per-element basis in the element table
[ETABLE (p. 572)] with the labels TCURR and JT, respectively. Use the PLETAB (p. 1179) and PRETAB (p. 1243)
commands to plot and list the element table items.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Elec&Mag Calc>Element Based>Current
Specifies the criteria for causing a cutback. Valid labels are:
Maximum equivalent plastic strain allowed within a time-step (substep). If the calculated value exceeds
VALUE, the program performs a cutback (bisection). Default: VALUE = 0.15 (15 percent)
If CUTCONTROL with Lab = PLSLIMIT is not issued, the minimum time step specified is reached,
and the maximum plastic limit calculated from the solution exceeds 15 percent, the program
generates a warning and continues the Newton iterations.
If CUTCONTROL with Lab = PLSLIMIT is issued, the minimum time step specified is reached,
and the maximum plastic limit calculated exceeds the specified limit, the program generates
an error and stops the Newton iterations. For the first substep or the rebalance substeps after
remeshing in nonlinear mesh adaptivity or rezoning, however, the user-defined maximum plastic-
strain limit is ignored.
Set values for calculating the maximum equivalent creep ratio allowed within a time step. If the calcu-
lated maximum creep ratio exceeds the defined creep-ratio limit, the program performs a cutback. For
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 367
the first substep or the rebalance substeps after remeshing in nonlinear mesh adaptivity or rezoning,
however, the user-defined maximum plastic-strain limit is ignored.
For viscoelastic materials, the maximum equivalent viscous strain increment allowed within a time
step. If the calculated value exceeds VALUE (default = 0.01), the program performs a cutback (bisection).
If VALUE = 0, the program does not check the equivalent viscous strain increment.
For regularized microplane damage models, the maximum allowable microplane homogenized damage
increment in a time step. If the calculated value exceeds VALUE, the program performs a cutback (bi-
section). If VALUE is unspecified, the program does not check the allowable microplane homogenized
damage increment.
Set the maximum pore-pressure increment allowed within a time step. If the calculated maximum in-
crement exceeds the specified limit, the program performs a cutback. This option has no default and
is valid for coupled structural-pore-fluid-diffusion analysis only.
Maximum incremental displacement within the solution field in a time step (substep). If the maximum
calculated value exceeds VALUE, the program performs a cutback (bisection). Default: VALUE = 1.0 x
Number of points in a cycle for a second order dynamic equation, used to control automatic time
stepping. If the number of solution points per cycle is less than VALUE, the program performs a cutback
in time step size. Default: VALUE = 13 (linear analysis) or 5 (nonlinear analysis). A larger number of
points yields a more accurate solution but also increases the solution run time.
This option works well for linear problems. For nonlinear analyses, other factors such as contact
status changes and solution convergence rate can overwrite NPOINT. (See Automatic Time-
Stepping in the Theory Reference for more information about automatic time stepping.)
If VALUE = 0 (default), the program predicts the number of iterations for nonlinear convergence and
performs a cutback earlier than the number of iterations specified via the NEQIT (p. 1013) command.
This is the recommended option.
If VALUE = 1, the solution iterates (if nonconvergent) to NEQIT (p. 1013) number of iterations
before a cutback is invoked. It is sometimes useful for poorly-convergent problems, but rarely
needed in general.
Bisection is also controlled by contact status change, plasticity or creep strain limit, and other
factors. If any of these factors occur, bisection still occurs, regardless of the NOITERPREDICT
Changes the cutback value for bisection. Default = 0.5, where 0 < VALUE < 1. This option is active only
when AUTOTS (p. 179),ON.
Numeric value for the specified cutback criterion. For Lab = CRPLIMIT, VALUE is the creep criteria for the
creep ratio limit.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
368 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Type of creep analysis. Valid for Lab = CRPLIMIT only.
Set the maximum creep ratio value for implicit creep. Default = 0.0 (no creep limit control). Any positive
value is valid.
Stress threshold for calculating the creep ratio. For integration points with effective stress below this
threshold, the creep ratio does not cause cutback. Default = 0.0. Any positive value is valid.
Elastic strain threshold for calculating the creep ratio. For integration points with effective elastic strain
below this threshold, the creep ratio does not cause cutback. Default = 0.0. Any positive value is valid.
A cutback is a method for automatically reducing the step size when either the solution error is too
large or the solution encounters convergence difficulties during a nonlinear analysis.
If a convergence failure occurs, the program reduces the time step interval to a fraction of its previous
size and automatically continues the solution from the last successfully converged time step. If the re-
duced time step again fails to converge, the program again reduces the time step size and proceeds
with the solution. This process continues until convergence is achieved or the minimum specified time
step value is reached.
For creep and viscoelastic analyses, the cutback procedure is similar; the process continues until the
minimum specified time step size is reached. However, if the criterion is exceeded, the program issues
a warning but continues the substep until the analysis is complete. In this case, convergence is achieved
but the criterion is not satisfied.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Nonlinear
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Nonlinear>Cutback Control
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Nonlinear
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Nonlinear>Cutback Control
/CVAL (p. 369), WN, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, V7, V8
Specifies nonuniform contour values on stress displays.
GRAPHICS (p. 14): Labeling (p. 16)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Window number (or ALL) to which command applies (defaults to 1).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 369
Command Default
Nine contour values uniformly spaced between the extreme values.
This command is similar to the /CONTOUR (p. 343) command. With /CVAL (p. 369), however, you define
the upper level of each contour band instead of having the contours uniformly distributed over the
range. The minimum value (including a zero value for the first band) for a contour band cannot be
specified. If you use both /CONTOUR (p. 343) and /CVAL (p. 369), the last command issued takes preced-
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Contours>Non-uniform Contours
Arbitrary reference number assigned to the resulting variable (2 to NV [NUMVAR (p. 1086)]). If this number
is the same as for a previous variable, the previous variable will be overwritten with this result.
Reference numbers of the two variables to be operated on. If only one, leave IB blank.
Defines the type of response PSD to be calculated:
Displacement (default).
Defines the reference with respect to which covariance is to be calculated:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
370 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Absolute value.
Relative to base (default).
Thirty-two character name for identifying the variable on listings and displays. Embedded blanks are
compressed upon output.
This command computes the covariance value for the variables referenced by the reference numbers
IA and IB. If DATUM = 2, the variable referenced by IR will contain the individual modal contributions
(i.e., the dynamic or relative values). If DATUM = 1, the variable referenced by IR will contain the modal
contributions followed by the contributions of pseudo-static and covariance between dynamic and
pseudo-static responses. File.PSD must be available for the calculations to occur.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Calc Covariance
The full path name of the new working directory.
After issuing the /CWD command, all new files opened with no default directory specified (via the
FILE (p. 627), /COPY (p. 344), or RESUME (p. 1338) commands, for example) default to the new DIRPATH
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>File>Change Directory
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 371
Each result table (corresponding to each CYCSPEC (p. 390) specification) is written to a file beginning with
FilePrefix. If blank (default), the result tables are written to the output file.
If FilePrefix is specified, then use FileFormat to specify the format of the file to be written:
Formatted file (default)
Comma-separated value file
If FileFormat is CSV, use Separator to specify the field separator:
Use a comma (,) as the field separator (default)
Use a colon (:) as the field separator
Use a period (.) as the field separator
Command Default
Write the result tables to the output file.
CYCCALC loops through the specification given by CYCSPEC (p. 390) and computes the requested
outputs. The outputs are given in a table format, with the rows corresponding to each frequency solution
from the harmonic analysis, and the columns corresponding to each sector. The table entries are the
maximum value of the specified quantity at the specified location in the sector. In addition, columns
containing the maximum value at the frequency, the sector in which it occurs, and the node in the
sector at which it occurs are output.
If FilePrefix is specified, a file is created for each output table with the name FilePre-
fix_node_type.ext, where node is the node number or component name, type is the
item/component requested, and the file extension .ext is either .txt or .csv, depending on
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
372 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The CYCCALC results are based on the currently active RSYS (p. 1383), SHELL (p. 1506), LAYER (p. 845), and
AVPRIN (p. 181) settings.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
The window number to which the expansion applies. Valid values are 1 through 5. The default value is 1.
The window number applies only to the AMOUNT argument.
One of the following options:
Activates cyclic expansion using the previous settings (if any). If no previous settings exist, this option
activates the default settings.
Resets cyclic expansion to the default settings.
Deactivates cyclic expansion. This option is the default.
Lists the current cyclic expansion settings.
The number of repetitions or the total angle.
The number of repetitions. The default is the total number of sectors in 360 degrees.
The total angle in degrees. The default is 360.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 373
A specified portion or subset of the model to expand:
The component name of the elements to expand. The default is all selected components.
Sector edge display key.
Suppresses display of edges between sectors even if the cyclic count varies between active windows.
Plots with fewer than the maximum number of repetitions may have missing
element faces at the sector boundaries.
0 or OFF
Averages stresses or strains across sector boundaries. This value is the default (although the default
reverts to 1 or ON if the cyclic count varies between active windows).
1 or ON
No averaging of stresses or strains occurs and sector boundaries are shown on the plot.
The phase angle shift:
The phase angle shift in degrees. The valid range is 0 through 360. The default is 0. For a modal
solution, this value is typically the phase angle obtained via the CYCPHASE (p. 388) command. If
Value1 = AMPLITUDE (or if Value1 ≥ 360), the amplitude is supplied. The amplitude solution for
non-component results (such as equivalent stress) are not valid. For a mode-superposition harmonic
solution, if Value1 = SWEEP, the maximum values across a phase angle sweep are supplied.
Command Default
The default /CYCEXPAND (p. 373) command (issuing the command with no arguments) deactivates
cyclic expansion (OPTION = OFF). The default window number (WN) is 1.
In preprocessing, the /CYCEXPAND (p. 373) command verifies a cyclically symmetric model by graphically
expanding it partially or through the full 360 degrees.
For the postprocessing plot nodal solution (PLNSOL (p. 1190)) operation, the command graphically expands
displacements, stresses and strains of a cyclically symmetric model partially or though the full 360 degrees
by combining the real (original nodes and elements) and imaginary (duplicate nodes and elements)
parts of the solution.
For the print nodal solution (PRNSOL (p. 1255)) operation, the command expands the printed output of
displacements or stresses on a sector-by-sector basis. To learn more about specific PRNSOL (p. 1255)
behaviors in cyclic analyses, see Using the /CYCEXPAND Command in the Cyclic Symmetry Analysis Guide.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
374 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Use of the /CYCEXPAND (p. 373) command does not change the database. The command does not
modify the geometry, nodal displacements or element stresses.
The command affects element and result plots only. It has no effect on operations other than plot element
solution (PLESOL (p. 1172)), plot nodal solution (PLNSOL (p. 1190)), print nodal solution (PRNSOL (p. 1255)),
and calculate harmonic solution (CYCCALC (p. 372)). Operations other than PLESOL (p. 1172),
PLNSOL (p. 1190), PRNSOL (p. 1255), or CYCCALC (p. 372) work on the unprocessed real and imaginary parts
of a cyclic symmetry solution
If you issue a /CYCEXPAND (p. 373),,OFF command, you cannot then expand the model by simply issuing
another /CYCEXPAND (p. 373) command (for example, to specify an NREPEAT value for the number of
repetitions). In such a case, you must specify /CYCEXPAND (p. 373),,ON, which activates expansion using
the previous settings (if any) or the default settings.
The command requires PowerGraphics and will turn PowerGraphics on (/GRAPHICS (p. 732),POWER) if
not already active. Any setting which bypasses PowerGraphics (for example, /PBF (p. 1137)) also bypasses
cyclic expansion; in such cases, the /CYCEXPAND (p. 373) command displays unprocessed real and
imaginary results.
The CYCPHASE (p. 388) command uses full model graphics (/GRAPHICS (p. 732),FULL) to compute peak
values. Because of this, there may be slight differences between max/min values obtained with
CYCPHASE (p. 388), and those obtained via /CYCEXPAND (p. 373), which uses power graphics
(/GRAPHICS (p. 732),POWER).
For PHASEANG = AMPLITUDE (or 360) with a cyclic full harmonic solution, the only appropriate coordinate
system is the solution coordinate system (RSYS (p. 1383),SOLU). This option is not valid for a cyclic modal
solution and will result in the expanded modal results being printed or displayed at a phase angle of
To learn more about analyzing a cyclically symmetric structure, see the Cyclic Symmetry Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Cyclic Analysis>Cyc Expansion
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Cyclic Sector>Cyc Expansion
The file name and directory path of the results file from the cyclic modal solution. Defaults to Jobname.
File name extension for FnameRst. Defaults to rst.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 375
The file name and directory path of the results file from the cyclic mode-superposition harmonic solution.
Defaults to the value of the FnameRst argument.
File name extension for FnameRfrq. Defaults to rfrq.
Command Default
No defaults are available for the CYCFILES command. You must issue this command to properly post-
process the results of a cyclic symmetry mode-superposition harmonic analysis. If issued with no argu-
ments, the postprocessing will be done using Jobname.rst and Jobname.rfrq from the current
working directory.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
One of the following options:
Specify the array containing the aerodynamic damping coefficients.
The name of the array containing the aerodynamic stiffness damping coefficients.
Blade information required for a mistuning analysis.
The name of the nodal component containing the blade boundary nodes at the blade-to-disk in-
terface. Also include boundary nodes at any shroud interfaces.
The name of the element component containing the blade elements.
The number of blade modes to include in the CMS reduction.
The lower bound of the frequency range of interest. This value is optional.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
376 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The upper bound of the frequency range of interest. This value is optional.
Set the default cyclic harmonic solution settings.
Excitation engine order.
The value of the excitation order, which must be an integer. The loadings on the other sectors will
be related to the loading on the basic sector based on the engine order phase shift.
Mistuning parameters.
The type of mistuning:
Stiffness (frequency) mistuning
The name of the array containing the stiffness mistuning parameters.
Specifies if a damped modal analysis should be performed on the reduced system.
On/Off key.
0 (OFF or NO)
No modal solution. Perform the harmonic solution.
1 (ON or YES)
Perform a damped modal analysis of the reduced system in order to obtain the complex fre-
quencies. The harmonic solution is not performed.
Number of modes for the damped modal analysis.
The beginning, or lower end, of the frequency range of interest (in Hz).
The ending, or upper end, of the frequency range of interest (in Hz).
Defines the point at which to restart the harmonic analysis.
The restart point:
No restart (default)
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 377
Restart for a new frequency sweep range (HARFRQ (p. 749))
Restart for new mistuning parameters (new mistuning arrays)
Causes the program to call for a user-defined solution.
Values passed down to the user-defined solution.
List the harmonic solution option settings active for the cyclic model.
Command Default
No defaults are available for the CYCFREQ command. You must specify an Option label when issuing
this command. Other values which may be necessary depend upon which Option label you specify.
The program solves a cyclically symmetric model (set up via the CYCLIC (p. 380) command during pre-
processing) at the harmonic indices specified via the CYCOPT (p. 383) command.
When Option = AERO, the aerodynamic coefficients are specified in a 5×(N×r) array (*DIM (p. 435)),
where N is the number of blades and r can be any positive integer. Each column has the structure:
The following table shows how the IBPA index ( ) relates to other quantities for a system with 22 blades:
20 -2 -32.73
21 -1 -16.36
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378 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The CYCFREQ,AERO command is only valid if CYCFREQ,BLADE is also specified. The blade mode numbers,
m and n, are relative to the values kept in the CYCFREQ,BLADE command.
For constant (frequency-independent) mistuning, the stiffness parameters are specified in an N×1 array
(*DIM (p. 435)) where N is the number of blades.
For stiffness mistuning, each row entry represents the deviation of Young’s modulus from nominal,
(or equivalently, the ratio of the frequency deviation squared). Each frequency can also
be independently mistuned, in which case the array is N×M, where M is the number of blade frequencies
(Value3 of CYCFREQ,BLADE). The entries in each row therefore correspond to the ratio of the mistuned
frequency to the tuned frequency squared minus one:
The USER option activates the solution macro CYCMSUPUSERSOLVE.MAC. The normal solution is
skipped. You may implement your own mistuning solution using APDL and APDL Math operations, or
call your own program for the solution.
The CYCFREQ command is valid in the preprocessing and solution stages of an analysis.
The CYCFREQ,MODAL,ON command writes modal frequencies to the output file. No other postprocessing
is available for this modal solve.
When using CYCFREQ,RESTART, only mistuning parameters or frequency range may be changed. All
other changes in parameters are ignored. This type of restart can only be performed by exiting the
current mistuning solution using FINISH (p. 631) and re-entering the solution phase using /SOLU (p. 1537)
and then calling the desired CYCFREQ,RESTART command.
To learn more about analyzing a cyclically symmetric structure, see the Cyclic Symmetry Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Bypasses all commands between this command and the *ENDDO (p. 527) command within a do-loop.
The next loop (if applicable) is initiated. The cycle option may also be conditionally executed [Use the
*IF (p. 774)]. The *CYCLE (p. 379) command must appear on the same file as the *DO (p. 467) command.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 379
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
The number of sectors in the full 360 degrees, or one of the following options:
Indicates the current cyclic status.
Resets model to normal (non-cyclic) status and removes the duplicate sector if it exists. This option
also deletes automatically detected edge components (generated when USRCOMP = 0).
Removes the duplicate sector if it exists. The duplicate sector is created during the solution
(SOLVE (p. 1538)) stage of a modal cyclic symmetry analysis.
The duplicate sector is necessary for displaying cyclic symmetry analysis results during
postprocessing (/POST1 (p. 1221)).
If you specify a value of STATUS, OFF or UNDOUBLE, the command ignores all remaining arguments.
The sector angle in degrees.
An arbitrary reference number assigned to the cyclic coordinate system. The default value of 0 specifies
automatic detection.
The root name of sector low- and high-edge components (line, area, or node components). The default
root name (when USRCOMP = 0) is "CYCLIC". A root name that you specify can contain up to 11 characters.
The naming convention for each low- and high-edge component pair is either of the following:
The Name value is the default ("CYCLIC ") or specified root name and xx is the component pair ID
number (sequential, starting at 01).
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380 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The number of pairs of user-defined low- and high-edge components on the cyclic sector (if any). The default
value of 0 specifies automatic detection of sector edges; however, the automatic setting is not valid in all
cases. (For more information, see the Notes section below.) If the value is greater than 0, no verification
of user-defined components occurs.
The name of a user-defined array specifying the matching node pairs between the sector low and high
edges. Valid only when USRCOMP = 0. Skips the automatic detection of sector edges. Node pairs may be
input in any order, but the low edge node must be the first entry in each pair.
*DIM,MYMAP,ARRAY,2,14 ! specifying 14 low-high edge node pairs
*set,mymap(1, 1), 107, 108 ! low node 107 <> high node 108
*set,mymap(1, 2), 147, 211 ! low node 147 <> high node 211
*set,mymap(1, 3), 110, 109 ! low node 110 <> high node 109
! etc for node pairs 4 through 14
cyclic,12,,1,,,MYMAP ! use array MYMAP to generate cyclic CEs
Command Default
The default CYCLIC command (issuing the command with no arguments) detects the number of sectors
(NSECTOR), the sector angle (ANGLE), and the coordinate system (KCN) based upon the existing solid
or finite-element model. The command also detects sector low- and high-edge components in most
cases and assigns the default root name " CYCLIC" to the components.
You can input your own value for NSECTOR, ANGLE or KCN; if you do so, the command verifies argu-
ment values before executing.
When USRCOMP = 0 and USRNMAP = blank (default), the CYCLIC command automatically detects
low- and high-edge components for models that consist of any combination of line, area, or volume
elements. If a solid model exists, however, the command uses only the lines, areas, and/or volumes to
determine the low- and high-edge components; the elements, if any, are ignored.
Nodes will be automatically rotated unless CYCOPT (p. 383),USRROT,YES has been specified.
If you issue a CYCOPT (p. 383),TOLER command to set a tolerance for edge-component pairing before
issuing the CYCLIC command, the CYCLIC command uses the specified tolerance when performing
automatic edge-component detection.
For 2-D models, autodetection does not consider the CSYS (p. 364),5 or CSYS (p. 364),6 coordinate system
specification. Autodetection for 180 degree (two-sector) models is not possible unless a central hole
The CYCLIC command sets values and keys so that, if possible, the area-mesh (AMESH (p. 106)) or
volume-mesh (VMESH (p. 1784)) command meshes the sector with matching node and element face
patterns on the low and high edges. (The command has no effect on any other element-creation com-
Issue the CYCLIC command prior to the meshing command to, if possible, produce a mesh with
identical node and element patterns on the low and high sector edges. Only the AMESH (p. 106) or
VMESH (p. 1784) commands can perform automated matching. (Other meshing operation commands
such as VSWEEP (p. 1809) cannot.) If you employ a meshing operation other than AMESH (p. 106) or
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 381
VMESH (p. 1784), you should ensure that node and element face patterns match, if desired. The CYCLIC
command output indicates whether each edge-component pair has or can produce a matching node
A cyclic solution (via the SOLVE (p. 1538) command) allows dissimilar mesh patterns on the extreme
boundaries of a cyclically symmetric model. The allowance for dissimilar patterns is useful when you
have only finite-element meshes for your model but not the geometry data necessary to remesh it to
obtain identical node patterns. In such cases, it is possible to obtain solution results, although perhaps
at the expense of accuracy. A warning message appears because results may be degraded near the
sector edges.
The constraint equations (CEs) that tie together the low and high edges of your model are generated
at the solution stage of the analysis from the low- and high-edge components (and nowhere else). You
should verify that automatically detected components are in the correct locations and that you can
account for all components; to do so, you can list (CMLIST (p. 303)) or plot (CMPLOT (p. 307)) the com-
If you issue the CYCLIC command after meshing and have defined element types with rotational degrees
of freedom (DOFs), ANSYS generates cyclic CEs for rotational DOFs that may not exist on the sector
boundaries. Issue the CYCOPT (p. 383),DOF command to prevent unused rotational terms from being
To learn more about analyzing a cyclically symmetric structure, see the Cyclic Symmetry Analysis Guide.
When using the CYCLIC command to automatically detect the sector, if an area is defined with the
AL (p. 99) command, the lines need to be oriented to form the closed curve.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Cyclic Sector>Cyclic Model>Auto Defined
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Cyclic Sector>Cyclic Model>Status
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Cyclic Sector>Cyclic Model>User Defined
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Cyclic Sector>Del Dupl Sector
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Cyclic Sector>Reset (OFF)
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
382 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
One of the following options:
Controls whether cyclic sector array parameter names are reused or created new for multiple entities.
The flag value.
0 (OFF or NO)
Create new array parameter names (default)
1(ON or YES)
Reuse array parameter names
For linear static cyclic symmetry analysis with non-cyclically symmetric loading only, expands and
combines all harmonic index solutions and writes them to the results file during the solution phase of
the analysis.
The flag value.
0 (OFF or NO)
Disable combining of harmonic index solutions (default)
1 (ON or YES)
Enable combining of harmonic index solutions
Set the default cyclic solution settings.
The degrees of freedom to couple from the nodes on the low sector boundary to nodes on the high
The component pair ID number.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 383
Tolerance for inclusion of surface nodes into your basic sector. Autodetect defaults to 15°, accommod-
ating most sections. Specify a new Value1 only when extreme cut angles or complex model geometry
cause surface nodes to be excluded. See Notes (below) for more information.
ANSYS, Inc. recommends that successful auto-detection depends more on the value of ANGTOL
than the value of FACETOL. Please refer to CYCOPT Auto Detection Tolerance Adjustments for
Difficult Cases for more information about auto-detection and the CYCOPT command.
The face tolerance applies only to auto detection from node/element models (already meshed and
no solid model), and it defaults to 15°.
The harmonic index solution ranges for modal or buckling cyclic symmetry analyses. The SOLVE (p. 1538)
command initiates a cyclic symmetry solution sequence at the harmonic indices specified. (By default,
the SOLVE (p. 1538) command solves for all available harmonic indices.) Static and harmonic cyclic
symmetry solutions always use all harmonic indices required for the applied loads.
For low-frequency electromagnetic analysis only, EVEN specifies a symmetric solution and ODD
specifies an antisymmetric solution.
The value you specify is based on the harmonic index: EVEN (default) indicates harmonic
index = 0, and ODD indicates harmonic index = N / 2 (where N is an integer representing
the number of sectors in 360°). A value of ODD applies only when N is an even number.
The CYCOPT command with this HINDEX option is cumulative. To remove an option (for
example, EVEN), issue this command: CYCOPT,HINDEX,EVEN,,,-1
Solve all applicable harmonic indices.
The only valid value is -1. If specified, it removes Value1 through Value2 in steps of Value3
from the set to solve. By default, if Value4 = -1 then Value1 = 0, Value2 = 0, and Value3 = 1.
For static and harmonic analyses, the tolerance for determining if a Fourier contribution of a load
contributes to the response (default = 1.0E-5).
If Value5=STATIC, it forces the program to solve only the specified harmonic indices (even
if a load may have a Fourier contribution in an index not specified).
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384 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Restricts subsequently defined force loads and surface loads to a specified sector. The restriction remains
in effect until you change or reset it. This option is not available for harmonic analyses based on mode-
superposition (CYCOPT,MSUP,1)
The sector number. A value other than 0 (default) is valid for a cyclic symmetry analysis with non-
cyclically symmetric loading only. A value of 0 (or ALL) resets the default behavior for cyclic loading
(where the loads are identical on all sectors).
Specifies if the program should move high- or low-edge component nodes paired within the specified
tolerance (TOLER) to create precisely matching pairs.
The flag value.
Do not move edge component nodes (default)
1 or HIGH
Move the high-edge component nodes to precisely match the low-edge component nodes
-1 or LOW
Move the low-edge component nodes to precisely match the high-edge component nodes
This flag is used to limit the results written to the Jobname.MODE and Jobname.RST files in a
modal cyclic symmetry analysis. In a linear perturbation analysis, the modal analysis and the first load
step of the preceding base analysis must be set to the same value.
The flag value.
0 (OFF or NO)
Write results for the basic and duplicate sectors to the Jobname.MODE and Jobname.RST
1 (ON or YES)
Write only the basic sector results to the Jobname.MODE and Jobname.RST files for use in
a subsequent mode-superposition-based analysis. Default, except for cyclic unsymmetric
modal, LANPCG, and SNODE solutions, which use Value1 = 0 as the default. This option is
not valid for cyclic unsymmetric modal, LANPCG, and SNODE solutions.
List the solution option settings active for the cyclic model.
The tolerance used to determine whether a node on the low edge is paired with a node on the high
The tolerance value.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 385
Greater than 0
The absolute distance tolerance for automatic sector-boundary detection and low-/high-edge
component node pairing
Less than 0
The relative tolerance for automatic sector-boundary detection and low-/high-edge component
node pairing. In this case, the tolerance is Value1 * Length, where Length is the length of
the diagonal of an imaginary box enclosing the model
Tolerance is set to -1.0 x 10-4 (default)
ANGTOL = Maximum allowable angle tolerance. (default = 0.01°)
If you input both the number of sectors and a sector angle, the angle must match
360/(number of sectors) within ANGTOL.
If you input only a sector angle, it must divide evenly into 360° within ANGTOL.
If you input a sector angle, the final cyclic sector must span that angle within ANGTOL.
For auto detected sector angle, the final cyclic sector must span 360/(number of sectors)
within ANGTOL, everywhere along the LOW/HIGH boundaries.
If ANGTOL is too small, your CAD or FEA model may not be accurate enough to allow auto
detection or verification.
If ANGTOL is too large, you may get an unexpected or incorrect boundary definition, or in
other cases fail to detect the boundaries.
For some difficult cases from FEA models (not solid models), you may need to change the
value of FACETOL to achieve auto detection. Please refer to CYCOPT Auto Detection Toler-
ance Adjustments for Difficult Cases for more information about auto-detection and the
CYCOPT command.
Flag specifying whether ANSYS should override automatic nodal rotations to edge components and
allow you to apply nodal rotations manually.
The flag value.
0 (OFF or NO)
Allow automatic node rotation (default)
1 (ON or YES)
Suppress automatic node rotation. If you select this option, you must apply appropriate nodal
rotations to all edge component nodes; otherwise, your analysis will yield incorrect solution
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
386 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Suppresses automatic rotation of low-edge component nodes only, allowing you to apply
them manually. Automatic rotation of high-edge component nodes occurs to produce the
matching edge nodes required for a valid cyclic solution.
Suppresses automatic rotation of high-edge component nodes only, allowing you to apply
them manually. Automatic rotation of low-edge component nodes occurs to produce the
matching edge nodes required for a valid cyclic solution.
Command Default
No defaults are available for the CYCOPT command. You must specify an argument (OPTION) when
issuing the command. Other values which may be necessary depend upon which argument you specify.
The program solves a cyclically symmetric model (set up via the CYCLIC (p. 380) command during pre-
processing) at the harmonic indices specified via the CYCOPT command.
The CYCOPT,COMBINE option is an alternative to the /CYCEXPAND (p. 373) command and is especially
useful for testing purposes. However, ANSYS, Inc. recommends specifying COMBINE only when the
number of sectors is relatively small. (The option expands nodes and elements into the full 360° and
can slow postprocessing significantly.
If you issue a CYCOPT,TOLER command to set a tolerance for edge-component pairing before issuing
the CYCLIC (p. 380) command, the CYCLIC (p. 380) command uses the specified tolerance when performing
automatic edge-component detection.
In cases involving non-cyclically symmetric loading (that is, when LDSECT > 0), the underlying command
operations create or modify the required SECTOR tabular boundary condition (BC) data to apply on the
appropriate sector. Therefore, it is not necessary to manipulate tables for situations where the applied
BC is not a function of other tabular BC variables such as TIME, X, Y, Z, and so on.
To delete a previously applied load on a specified sector, issue an FDELE (p. 617) command.
Because edge nodes are rotated into the cyclic coordinate system during solution, any applied displace-
ments or forces on sector edges will be in the cyclic coordinate system.
The CYCOPT command is valid in the preprocessing and solution stages of an analysis.
To learn more about analyzing a cyclically symmetric structure, see the Cyclic Symmetry Analysis Guide.
Distributed ANSYS Restriction The COMBINE option is not supported in Distributed ANSYS.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Cyclic Sector>Cyclic Options
Main Menu>Solution>Solve>Cyclic Options
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 387
The type of operation requested:
Calculate the maximum and minimum possible displacement at each node in the original sector
model. Store the values and the phase angle at which they occurred.
Calculate the maximum and minimum possible stresses at each node in the original sector model.
Store the values and the phase angle at which they occurred.
Calculate the maximum and minimum possible strains at each node in the original sector model. Store
the values and the phase angle at which they occurred.
Calculate the maximum and minimum possible displacement, stress and strain at each node in the
original sector model. Store the values and the phase angle at which they occurred.
Places the value of a MAX or MIN item into the _CYCVALUE parameter, the node for that value in the
_CYCNODE parameter, and the phase angle for the value in the _CYCPHASE parameter.
Put resulting sweep values for printing (via the PRNSOL (p. 1255) command ) or plotting (via the
PLNSOL (p. 1190) command).
List the current minimum/maximum displacement, stress and strain nodal values.
Summarize the results of the last phase sweep.
Clear phase-sweep information from the database.
If TYPE = DISP, STRAIN, STRESS or ALL, controls the sweep angle increment to use in the search:
The sweep angle increment in degrees, greater than 0.1 and less than 10. The default is 1.
If TYPE = PUT, controls which values are placed onto the model:
Put all existing nodal maximum values onto the model. This option is the default.
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388 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Put all existing nodal minimum values onto the model.
Specifies the type of values on which to operate:
U -- Displacement
S -- Stress
EPEL -- Strain
Specifies the specific component of displacement, stress or strain for which to get information:
Specifies whether the requested value information is for the maximum or minimum value:
Command Default
No defaults are available for the CYCPHASE command. You must specify an argument (TYPE) when
issuing the command. Other values which may be necessary (OPTION) depend upon which TYPE argu-
ment you specify.
When you expand the results of a modal cyclic symmetry analysis (via the /CYCEXPAND (p. 373) or EX-
PAND (p. 591) command), ANSYS combines the real and imaginary results for a given nodal diameter,
assuming no phase shift between them; however, the modal response can occur at any phase shift.
CYCPHASE response results are valid only for the first cyclic sector. To obtain the response at any part
of the expanded model, ANSYS, Inc. recommends using cyclic symmetry results expansion at the phase
angle obtained via CYCPHASE.
The phase angles returned by CYCPHASE contain the minimum and maximum values for USUM, SEQV
and other scalar principal stress and strain quantities; however, they do not always return the true
minimum and maximum values for directional quantities like UX or SX unless the values fall in the first
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 389
CYCPHASE does not consider midside node values when evaluating maximum and minimum values,
which may affect display quantities but no others. (Typically, ANSYS ignores midside node stresses and
strains during postprocessing.)
Issuing CYCPHASE,PUT clears the result values for midside nodes on high order elements; therefore,
this option sets element faceting (/EFACET (p. 498)) to 1. The command reports that midside nodal values
are set to zero and indicates that element faceting is set to 1.
If the sweep values are available after issuing a CYCPHASE,PUT command, the PRNSOL (p. 1255) or
PLNSOL (p. 1190) command will print or plot (respectively) the sweep values of structure displacement
Ux, Uy, Uz, component stress/strain X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, ZX, principal stress/strain 1, 2, 3 and equivalent
stress/strain EQV. The vector sum of displacement (USUM) and stress/strain intensity (SINT) are not valid
phase-sweep results.
You can specify any coordinate system via the RSYS (p. 1383) command for displaying or printing
CYCPHASE results. However, after CYCPHASE results have been extracted, you cannot then transform
them via the RSYS (p. 1383) command. If you try to do so, ANSYS issues a warning message.
The CYCPHASE command is valid in /POST1 (p. 1221) and for cyclically symmetric models only.
To learn more about analyzing a cyclically symmetric structure, see the Cyclic Symmetry Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Cyclic Analysis>Cyclic Phase>Clear
Main Menu>General Postproc>Cyclic Analysis>Cyclic Phase>Get
Main Menu>General Postproc>Cyclic Analysis>Cyclic Phase>List
Main Menu>General Postproc>Cyclic Analysis>Cyclic Phase>Phase Sweep
Main Menu>General Postproc>Cyclic Analysis>Cyclic Phase>Put Phase Results
Main Menu>General Postproc>Cyclic Analysis>Cyclic Phase>Status
One of the following labels:
Adds a new specification to the set (default). The maximum number of specifications that can be
defined is 50.
Lists the current set of specifications. Node, Item, Comp are ignored.
Erases the current set of specifications. Node, Item, Comp are ignored.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
390 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Deletes an existing specification. Item, Comp are ignored.
The node at which to evaluate the results. If Node is a nodal component, then all nodes in the component
are included. All sectors containing this node (or set of nodes) are evaluated.
For LABEL = DELETE, use Node to indicate which specification in the set to delete.
Specifies the type of values to evaluate:
Elastic strain
Specifies the specific component of displacement, stress, or strain to evaluate:
Direct components
Shear components (stress and strain only)
Principal values (stress and strain only)
Equivalent value (stress and strain only)
Vector sum (displacement only)
L2 norm for the set of nodes (displacement only)
Command Default
No defaults are available for the CYCSPEC command. You must issue this command to define the set
of result items for evaluation in a subsequent CYCCALC (p. 372) command used in computing results
of a cyclic harmonic mode-superposition analysis.
Up to 50 specifications can be defined for use in a subsequent CYCCALC (p. 372) command. If more
than 50 specifications are desired, erase the table after the CYCCALC (p. 372) operation and add new
specifications and repeat the CYCCALC (p. 372) command. All the specified nodes, items, and components
are evaluated for all sectors and the maximum amplitude value output. For combined stresses and
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 391
strains (Comp = 1,2,3 or EQV) or displacement vector sum (Comp = SUM), a 360 degree phase sweep is
performed at each location to determine the maximum.
Additional POST1 controls are used to refine the specification. For component values, components are
in the RSYS (p. 1383) direction. For shell elements, the results are at the SHELL (p. 1506) location. For
EPEL,EQV, the results are based on the EFFNU value on the AVPRIN (p. 181) command. The controls
active when the CYCCALC (p. 372) command is issued determine the result values. If results at another
SHELL (p. 1506) location are desired, issue the new SHELL (p. 1506) command and then re-issue the CYC-
CALC (p. 372) command.
If a single node is input, the Item/Comp value at that location in each sector is output. If a node com-
ponent is given, then the maximum Item/Comp value within the set of nodes of each sector is output,
one value for each sector (the node of the maximum may vary from sector to sector). For stress and
strain items, only corner nodes are valid.
For the displacement norm option (Item = U, Comp = NORM), the L2 norm computed from all the
nodes in the component is output, one per sector.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Working plane X and Y coordinates of the center of the circle or cylinder.
Inner and outer radii (either order) of the circle or cylinder. A value of zero or blank for either RAD1 or
RAD2, or the same value for both RAD1 and RAD2, defines a solid circle or cylinder.
Starting and ending angles (either order) of the circle or faces of the cylinder. Used for creating a partial
annulus or partial cylinder. The sector begins at the algebraically smaller angle, extends in a positive angular
direction, and ends at the larger angle. The starting angle defaults to 0° and the ending angle defaults to
360°. See the Modeling and Meshing Guide for an illustration.
The perpendicular distance (either positive or negative based on the working plane Z direction) from the
working plane representing the depth of the cylinder. If DEPTH = 0 (default), a circular area is created on
the working plane.
Defines a circular area anywhere on the working plane or a cylindrical volume with one face anywhere
on the working plane. For a solid cylinder of 360°, the top and bottom faces will be circular (each area
defined with four lines) and they will be connected with two surface areas (each spanning 180°). See
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
392 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
the CYL5 (p. 393), PCIRC (p. 1144), and CYLIND (p. 394) commands for alternate ways to create circles and
When working with a model imported from an IGES file (DEFAULT import option), you must provide a
value for DEPTH or the command will be ignored.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Areas>Circle>Annulus
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Areas>Circle>Partial Annulus
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Areas>Circle>Solid Circle
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Primitives>Solid Cylindr
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Volumes>Cylinder>Hollow Cylinder
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Volumes>Cylinder>Partial Cylinder
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Volumes>Cylinder>Solid Cylinder
Working plane X and Y coordinates of one end of the circle or cylinder face.
Working plane X and Y coordinates of the other end of the circle or cylinder face.
The perpendicular distance (either positive or negative based on the working plane Z direction) from the
working plane representing the depth of the cylinder. If DEPTH = 0 (default), a circular area is created on
the working plane.
Defines a circular area anywhere on the working plane or a cylindrical volume with one face anywhere
on the working plane by specifying diameter end points. For a solid cylinder of 360°, the top and bottom
faces will be circular (each area defined with four lines) and they will be connected with two surface
areas (each spanning 180°). See the CYL4 (p. 392), PCIRC (p. 1144), and CYLIND (p. 394) commands for al-
ternate ways to create circles and cylinders.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Areas>Circle>By End Points
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Volumes>Cylinder>By End Pts & Z
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 393
Inner and outer radii (either order) of the cylinder. A value of zero or blank for either RAD1 or RAD2, or the
same value for both RAD1 and RAD2, defines a solid cylinder.
Z1, Z2
Working plane Z coordinates of the cylinder. If either Z1 or Z2 is zero, one of the faces of the cylinder will
be coplanar with the working plane.
Starting and ending angles (either order) of the cylinder. Used for creating a cylindrical sector. The sector
begins at the algebraically smaller angle, extends in a positive angular direction, and ends at the larger
angle. The starting angle defaults to 0.0° and the ending angle defaults to 360.0°. See the Modeling and
Meshing Guide for an illustration.
Defines a cylindrical volume centered about the working plane origin. The top and bottom faces are
parallel to the working plane but neither face need be coplanar with (i.e., "on") the working plane. The
cylinder must have a spatial volume greater than zero. (i.e., this volume primitive command cannot be
used to create a degenerate volume as a means of creating an area.) For a solid cylinder of 360°, the
top and bottom faces will be circular (each area defined with four lines), and they will be connected
with two areas (each spanning 180°.) See the CYL4 (p. 392) and CYL5 (p. 393) commands for alternate
ways to create cylinders.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Volumes>Cylinder>By Dimensions
Initial group of cohesive zone elements to be deleted.
Final group of cohesive zone elements to be deleted.
Increment for selected groups.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
394 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The CZDEL command edits or deletes the interface elements and nodes, along with the associated
changes made to the underlying plane or solid elements created during a previous CZMESH (p. 395)
Each CZMESH (p. 395) operation will create groups of elements and nodes with component names in
the format CZME_EL01 (elements) and CZME_ND01 (nodes). The final number of this format will be the
number used for grp1 and grp2. If grp1 = ALL, all nodes and elements created by the CZMESH (p. 395)
command will be deleted. After using CZDEL, all the user-defined components will be unselected.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Component name or number for the group of plane or solid structural elements adjacent to the interface
being meshed.
Component name or number for the opposing (from ecomps1) group of plane or solid structural elements
adjacent to the interface being meshed.
Coordinate system number for the separation surface and normal direction. (if ecomps1 and ecomps2
not specified)
Direction (x, y, or z) normal to separation surface in the KCN coordinate system (if ecomps1 and ecomps2
not specified).
Coordinate value along the KDIR axis at which to locate the interface (if ecomps1 and ecomps2 not
Optional absolute tolerance about VALUE (if ecomps1 and ecomps2 not specified). Allows nodes occurring
slightly above or below the separation to be grouped properly. The following expression represents the
default value:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 395
Where ΔX, ΔY, and ΔZ are the dimensions of the model based on nodal locations (that is, ΔX = Xmax -
CZMESH is used on a mesh with shared nodes at the interface.
If ecomps1 and ecomps2 are specified, the CZMESH command creates/meshes interface elements
(INTER202, INTER203, INTER204, INTER205) along the boundary between the two components or groups
of elements.
The elements in each of the components or groups of elements share nodes with each other and also
with the interface elements. This one-element thick boundary of interface elements splits the body
between the two components or groups of elements.
Subsequent separation (delamination and failure) of the interface zone results in an increasing displace-
ment between the nodes (within the interface element) along the cohesive zone elements. Unless
otherwise specified, the CZMESH command analyzes the configuration and geometry of the adjacent
structural elements and provides the appropriate interface element.
The CZMESH operation copies any nodal temperatures you have defined on the split surface of the
original mesh from the original nodes to the newly created coincident duplicate nodes. However, dis-
placements, forces, and other boundary conditions are not copied.
If using CZMESH to generate interface elements (INTER202 and INTER205) in a VCCT-based crack-growth
simulation, be aware that those elements do not support degenerate shapes. Examine the resulting
mesh, therefore, to verify correct element connectivity around the crack tip.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
396 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
D Commands
D, Node, Lab, VALUE, VALUE2, NEND, NINC, Lab2, Lab3, Lab4, Lab5, Lab6
Defines degree-of-freedom constraints at nodes.
SOLUTION (p. 35): FE Constraints (p. 44)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Node at which constraint is to be specified. If ALL, NEND and NINC are ignored and constraints are applied
to all selected nodes (NSEL (p. 1057)). If Node = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command
fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A component name may also be substituted for Node.
Valid degree-of-freedom label. If ALL, use all appropriate labels.
Structural labels: UX, UY, or UZ (displacements); ROTX, ROTY, or ROTZ (rotations); WARP
Thermal labels: TEMP, TBOT, TE2, TE3, . . ., TTOP (temperature).
Electric labels: VOLT (voltage); EMF (electromotive force).
Magnetic labels: MAG (scalar magnetic potential); AZ (vector magnetic potential).
Acoustic labels: PRES (pressure); UX, UY, or UZ (displacements for FSI coupled elements); ENKE
(acoustic energy density).
Pore fluid labels: PRES (pore pressure); UX, UY, or UZ (displacements); TEMP (temperature).
Diffusion labels: CONC (concentration).
For structural static and transient analyses, translational and rotational velocities are also valid loads.
Use these labels: VELX, VELY, VELZ (translational velocities); OMGX, OMGY, OMGZ (rotational velocities).
For structural analyses, HDSP (hydrostatic pressure) is also valid. However, HDSP is not included
when Lab = ALL.
For structural transient analyses, the following acceleration loads are also valid: ACCX, ACCY, ACCZ
(translational accelerations); DMGX, DMGY, DMGZ (rotational accelerations). The velocity and accel-
eration loads are not included when Lab = ALL.
If the node is connected to an ELBOW290 element, the following pipe cross-section degree-of-
freedom labels are also valid: SE, SO, SW, SRA, and SRT. (For details, see the ELBOW290 documenta-
tion.) The degrees of freedom are not included when Lab = ALL. To constrain all cross-section degrees
of freedom, specify Lab = SECT.
The PRES degree of freedom is also available for porous media problems.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 397
Degree-of-freedom value or table name reference for tabular boundary conditions. To specify a table, enclose
the table name in percent (%) signs (for example, D,Node,TEMP,%tabname%). Use the *DIM (p. 435)
command to define a table.
If Value = SUPPORT, you can specify pseudo-constraints when using residual vectors in a modal
analysis (RESVEC (p. 1340),ON) or CMS analysis (CMSOPT (p. 313),RFFB).
If the enforced motion is active in the modal analysis (MODCONT (p. 945),,on), Value is the base
identification number. It should be an integer greater than or equal to 1 and less than 10000.
Second degree-of-freedom value (if any). If the analysis type and the degree of freedom allow a complex
input, Value (above) is the real component and VALUE2 is the imaginary component.
Specifies the same values of constraint at the range of nodes from Node to NEND (defaults to Node), in
steps of NINC (defaults to 1).
The available degrees of freedom per node are listed under "Degrees of Freedom" in the input table
for each element type in the Element Reference. Degrees of freedom are defined in the nodal coordinate
system. The positive directions of structural translations and rotations are along and about the positive
nodal axes directions. Structural rotations should be input in radians. The node and the degree-of-
freedom label must be selected (NSEL (p. 1057), DOFSEL (p. 469)).
In a structural analysis, you can apply only one displacement, velocity, or acceleration load at any degree
of freedom. If multiple loads are specified, the last applied load overrides the previous ones. For example,
the following commands apply loads to node 100:
In this case, the velocity load (VELX) applied in the last command will override the displacement load
For elements used in static and low frequency electromagnetic analysis (SOLID236 and SOLID237), the
AZ degree of freedom is not a z-component of a vector potential, but rather the flux contribution on
the element edge. To specify a flux-parallel condition, set AZ = 0. For more information, see 3-D Mag-
netostatics and Fundamentals of Edge-based Analysis in the Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Analysis
For ELBOW290 cross-section degrees of freedom (Lab = SE, SO, SW, SRA, SRT, or SECT), the D command
can only specify fixed constraints. The degree-of-freedom value must be zero; no other values are valid.
For hydrostatic fluid elements (HSFLD241 and HSFLD242), the HDSP degree-of-freedom constraint at
the pressure node prescribes the pressure value for all the fluid elements sharing the pressure node.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
398 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Tabular boundary conditions (VALUE = %tabname%) are available only for the following degree-of-
freedom labels: Electric (VOLT), structural (UX, UY, UZ, ROTX, ROTY, ROTZ, and velocity and acceleration
UX, UY, UZ, ENKE), temperature (TEMP, TBOT, TE2, TE3, . . ., TTOP), diffusion (CONC). All labels are valid
only in static (ANTYPE (p. 140),STATIC) and full transient (ANTYPE (p. 140),TRANS) analyses.
%_FIX% is an ANSYS reserved table name. When VALUE is set to %_FIX%, ANSYS will prescribe the
degree of freedom to the “current” relative displacement value. This option is only valid for the following
labels: UX, UY, UZ, ROTX, ROTY, ROTZ. Alternatively, functions UX(), UY(), etc. may be used (see
*GET (p. 667) for a complete list of available functions). In most cases, %_FIX% usage is efficient and
recommended for all structural degrees of freedom.
When Value = SUPPORT, specify only the minimum number of displacement constraints necessary to
prevent rigid body motion: three constraints (or fewer, depending on the element type) for 2-D models
and six (or fewer) for 3-D models.
If constraints and initial conditions (IC (p. 769)) are applied at the same node, the constraint specification
overrides. This combination is useful when a constraint degree-of-freedom value needs to start with a
nonzero value at time = 0.0. For example, if the constraint degree-of-freedom value is prescribed to be
a cosine function, then specifying an initial condition for the same node and degree of freedom ensures
that the initial value for the constraint degree of freedom at time = 0.0 is same as the cosine function
evaluated at time = 0.0. If initial conditions are not specified, the constraint degree-of-freedom value
ramps from zero in the first substep of the first loadstep.
If more than one rotational degrees of freedom are constrained with non-zero rotations (ROTX, ROTY,
ROTZ), rotational velocities (OMGX, OMGY, OMGZ), or rotational accelerations (DMGX, DMGY, DMGZ),
then the rotation of the constrained node from its initial configuration to its final configuration depends
on the combination and the sequence in which the constraints are applied. See Rotations in a Large-
Deflection Analysis in Structural Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Boundary>PerfEC>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Boundary>TimeInt>J-Nor-
mal>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Boundary>TimeInt>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Boundary>Voltage>J-Nor-
mal>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Boundary>Voltage>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Boundary>EdgeMVP>Flux
Par'l>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Boundary>ScalarPot>Flux
Normal>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Boundary>ScalarPot>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Boundary>VectorPot>Flux
Par'l>On Nodes
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 399
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
400 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Area on which constraints are to be specified. If ALL, apply to all selected areas [ASEL (p. 166)]. If AREA =
P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A
component name may also be substituted for AREA.
Symmetry label (see 2 below):
Generate symmetry constraints. Requires no Value1 or Value2.
Generate antisymmetry constraints. Requires no Value1 or Value2.
Displacement in X direction.
Displacement in Y direction.
Displacement in Z direction.
Rotation about X axis.
Rotation about Y axis.
Rotation about Z axis.
Hydrostatic pressure.
Magnetic scalar potential.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 401
Electric scalar potential.
Magnetic vector potential in Z direction (see 1).
Applies all appropriate DOF labels except HDSP.
Value of DOF or table name reference on the area. Valid for all DOF labels. To specify a table, enclose the
table name in % signs (e.g., DA,AREA,TEMP,%tabname%). Use the *DIM (p. 435) command to define a
For MAG and VOLT DOFs:
1. For elements SOLID236 and SOLID237, if Lab = AZ and Value1 = 0, this sets the flux-parallel condition
for the edge formulation. (A flux-normal condition is the natural boundary condition.) Do not use the DA
command to set the edge-flux DOF, AZ to a nonzero value.
2. If Lab = MAG and Value1 = 0, this sets the flux-normal condition for the magnetic scalar potential formu-
lations (MSP) (A flux-parallel condition is the natural boundary condition for MSP.)
3. If Lab = VOLT and Value1 = 0, the J-normal condition is set (current density (J) flow normal to the area).
(A J-parallel condition is the natural boundary condition.)
4. You can transfer constraints from areas to nodes with the DTRAN (p. 482) or SBCTRAN (p. 1390) commands.
See the DK (p. 445) command for information about generating other constraints on areas.
5. Symmetry and antisymmetry constraints are generated as described for the DSYM (p. 479) command.
6. Tabular boundary conditions (VALUE = %tabname%) are available only for the following degree of freedom
labels: Electric (VOLT), Structural (UX, UY, UZ, ROTX, ROTY, ROTZ), Acoustic (PRES, UX, UY, UZ), and temper-
ature (TEMP, TBOT, TE2, TE3, . . ., TTOP).
7. Constraints specified by the DA command can conflict with other specified constraints. See Resolution of
Conflicting Constraint Specifications\ in the Basic Analysis Guide for details.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Boundary>PerfEC>On Areas
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Boundary>TimeInt>J-Nor-
mal>On Areas
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
402 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 403
Area for which constraints are to be deleted. If ALL, delete for all selected areas [ASEL (p. 166)]. If AREA =
P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). You
can substitute a component name for AREA.
Valid constraint labels are:
All constraints.
Symmetry constraints.
Antisymmetry constraints.
Displacement in X direction.
Displacement in Y direction.
Displacement in Z direction.
Rotation about X axis.
Rotation about Y axis.
Rotation about Z axis.
Magnetic scalar potential.
Electric scalar potential.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
404 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Magnetic vector potential in Z direction (see notes).
Deletes the degree of freedom constraints at an area (and all corresponding finite element constraints)
previously specified with the DA (p. 401) command. See the DDELE (p. 414) command for delete details.
If the multiple species labels have been changed to user-defined labels via the MSSPEC command, use
the user-defined labels.
See the DA (p. 401) or the DA (p. 401) commands for details on element applicability.
On previously meshed areas, all constraints on affected nodes will be deleted, whether or
not they were specified by the DA (p. 401) command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>All Load Data>All Constraint>On All
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>PerfEC>On Areas
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>TimeInt>On Areas
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>Voltage>On Areas
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Fluid/ANSYS>Pressure DOF>On Areas
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Boundary>EdgeMVP>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Boundary>ScalarPot>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Boundary>VectorPot>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Displacement>On Areas
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Thermal>Temperature>On Areas
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>All Load Data>All Constraint>On All Areas
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>PerfEC>On Areas
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>TimeInt>On Areas
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>Voltage>On Areas
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Fluid/ANSYS>Pressure DOF>On Areas
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Boundary>EdgeMVP>On Areas
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Boundary>ScalarPot>On Areas
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 405
Lists the DOF constraints on an area.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Solid Constraints (p. 40)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
List constraints for this area. If ALL (default), list for all selected areas [ASEL (p. 166)]. If P1 = P, graphical
picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A component
name may also be substituted for AREA.
Lists the degree of freedom constraints on an area previously specified with the DA (p. 401) command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Loads>DOF Constraints>On All Areas
Utility Menu>List>Loads>DOF Constraints>On Picked Areas
Non-structural area to which mesh movement (morph) applies. If ALL, apply morphing to all selected areas
[ASEL]. If AREA = P, graphical picking is enabled. A component may be substituted for AREA.
Lines to be excluded from morphing. If ALL, exclude all selected lines [LSEL] from morphing. If XLINE =
P, graphical picking is enabled. A component may be substituted for XLINE. If XLINE is blank (default),
allow morphing of nodes attached to lines of the selected areas (AREA) which are not shared by unselected
areas. See Notes for clarification.
Remesh flag option:
Remesh the selected non-structural areas only if mesh morphing fails.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
406 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Remesh the selected non-structural areas and bypass mesh morphing.
Perform mesh morphing only and do not remesh.
The selected areas should include only non-structural regions adjacent to structural regions. DAMORPH
will morph the non-structural areas to coincide with the deflections of the structural regions.
Nodes in the structural regions move in accordance with computed displacements. Displacements from
a structural analysis must be in the database prior to issuing DAMORPH.
By default, nodes attached to lines can move along the lines, or off the lines (if a line is interior to the
selected areas). You can use XLINE to restrain nodes on certain lines.
By default (RMSHKEY = 0), DAMORPH will remesh the selected non-structural areas entirely if a satis-
factory morphed mesh cannot be provided.
If boundary conditions and loads are applied directly to nodes and elements, the DAMORPH command
requires that these be removed before remeshing can take place.
Exercise care with initial conditions defined by the IC (p. 769) command. Before a structural analysis is
performed for a sequentially coupled analysis, the DAMORPH command requires that initial conditions
be removed from all null element type nodes in the non-structural regions. Use ICDELE (p. 771) to delete
the initial conditions.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Modify Mesh>Phys Morphing>Areas
Arbitrary reference number assigned to the resulting variable (2 to NV [NUMVAR (p. 1086)]). If this number
is the same as for a previously defined variable, the previously defined variable will be overwritten with
this result.
Start at location LSTRT (defaults to 1).
Stop at location LSTOP (defaults to LSTRT). Maximum location available is determined from data previously
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 407
Fill every LINC location between LSTRT and LSTOP (defaults to 1).
Eight character name for identifying the variable on the printout and displays. Embedded blanks are
compressed upon output.
Complex number key:
Data stored as the real part of the complex number.
Data stored as the imaginary part of the complex number.
This command must be followed by a format statement (on the next line) and the subsequent data
records, and all must be on the same file (that may then be read with the /INPUT (p. 791) command).
The format specifies the number of fields to be read per record, the field width, and the placement of
the decimal point (if one is not included in the data value). The read operation follows the available
FORTRAN FORMAT conventions of the system. See the system FORTRAN manual for details. Any standard
FORTRAN real format (such as (4F6.0), (F2.0,2X,F12.0), etc.) may be used. Integer (I), character (A), and
list-directed (*) descriptors may not be used. The parentheses must be included in the format. Up to 80
columns per record may be read. Locations may be filled within a range. Previous data in the range will
be overwritten.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Specifies "Directly defined data status" as the subsequent status topic.
POST1 (p. 48): Status (p. 54)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
408 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>General Postproc>Modify Results
Specifies the rotational acceleration of the global origin about each of the acceleration coordinate system
axes [CGLOC (p. 273)]. Rotational accelerations may be defined in analysis types ANTYPE (p. 140),STATIC,
HARMIC (full or mode-superposition), TRANS (full or mode-superposition), and SUBSTR. See Acceleration
Effect in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference for details. Units are radians/time2.
The DCGOMG command supports tabular boundary conditions (%TABNAME_X%, %TABNAME_Y%, and
%TABNAME_Z%) for DCGOMG_X, DCGOMG_Y, and DCGOMG_Z input values (*DIM (p. 435)) for full tran-
sient and harmonic analyses.
Related commands are ACEL (p. 85), CGLOC (p. 273), CGOMGA (p. 274), DOMEGA (p. 471), and
OMEGA (p. 1107).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Inertia>Coriolis Effects
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Inertia>Coriolis Effects
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Inertia>Coriolis Effects
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Inertia>Coriolis Effects
Accumulation key:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 409
Subsequent values replace the previous values (default).
Subsequent values are added to the previous values.
Subsequent values are ignored.
Scale factor for the real component. Zero (or blank) defaults to 1.0. Use a small number for a zero scale
Scale factor for the imaginary component. Zero (or blank) defaults to 1.0. Use a small number for a zero
scale factor.
Base temperature for temperature difference. Used only with temperature degree of freedom. Scale factor
is applied to the temperature difference (T-TBASE) and then added to TBASE. T is the current temperature.
Command Default
Replace previous values.
Allows repeated degree of freedom constraint values (displacement, temperature, etc.) to be replaced,
added, or ignored. Operations apply to the selected nodes [NSEL (p. 1057)] and the selected degree of
freedom labels [DOFSEL (p. 469)]. This command also operates on velocity and acceleration loads applied
in a structural analysis.
The operations occur when the next degree of freedom constraints are defined. For example, issuing
the command D (p. 397),1,UX,.025 after a previous D (p. 397),1,UX,.020 causes the new value of the dis-
placement on node 1 in the x-direction to be 0.045 with the add operation, 0.025 with the replace op-
eration, or 0.020 with the ignore operation. Scale factors are also available to multiply the next value
before the add or replace operation. A scale factor of 2.0 with the previous "add" example results in a
displacement of 0.070. Scale factors are applied even if no previous values exist. Issue DCUM,STAT to
show the current label, operation, and scale factors. Solid model boundary conditions are not affected
by this command, but boundary conditions on the FE model are affected.
FE boundary conditions may still be overwritten by existing solid model boundary con-
ditions if a subsequent boundary condition transfer occurs.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
410 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Settings>Replace vs Add>Constraints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Settings>Replace vs Add>Constraints
Sweep option:
Perform voltage sweep up to given voltage Vmax.
Perform a voltage sweep simulation up to the pull-in voltage.
Element number of the ROM element for the ROM use pass analysis.
Number of sweep conductor.
Maximum voltage. For the PI option, this voltage should be below the pull-in voltage value.
Voltage increment for Vmax (default = Vmax/20).
Voltage increment for pull-in voltage (default = 1).
Gap elements option:
Create gap elements (COMBIN40) (default).
Do not create gap elements
Vinc1 is used to ramp the sweep conductor voltage from 0 to Vmax. Vinc2 is used to increase the
sweep conductor voltage from Vmax to the pull-in value if the PI sweep option is used.
Because ramping the voltage may lead to the unstable region of an electromechanical system, DCVSWP
might not converge when the sweep conductor voltage approaches the pull-in value. To avoid non-
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 411
converged solutions, you should use the gap option to create a set of spring-gap elements (COMBIN40).
By default, DCVSWP creates two spring-gap elements with opposite orientations for each active modal
displacement DOF of the ROM element. The gap size is set to the maximum absolute values of the de-
flection range for the corresponding mode, as calculated by RMMSELECT (p. 1354) or modified using the
RMMRANGE (p. 1353) command. The spring constants are set to 1.E5 for all the COMBIN40 elements.
Along with the spring-gap elements, DCVSWP creates a set of constraint equations relating the ROM
element modal displacements DOF (EMF) and the displacement DOF (UX) of the gap elements. Con-
straining the modal displacements using the spring-gap elements allows DCVSWP to converge in the
pull-in range. The DCVSWP macro has a limit of 900 equilibrium iterations. If this limit is not sufficient
to reach convergence, try the advanced techniques given in Overcoming Convergence Problems in the
Structural Analysis Guide. For more information on gap elements, see Using Gap Elements with ROM144
in the Coupled-Field Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>ROM Tools>Voltage Sweep
Main Menu>Solution>ROM Tools>Voltage Sweep
Key for reference catalog:
The spectrum computation constants are based on NRL-1396 (default). For more information, see Dy-
namic Design Analysis Method in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference
Select the ship type:
Surface ship
Select the mounting location:
Hull mounting location. These structures are mounted directly to basic hull structures like frames,
structural bulkheads below the water line, and shell plating above the water line.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
412 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Deck mounting location. These structures are mounted directly to decks, non-structural bulkheads, or
to structural bulkheads above the water line.
Shell plating mounting location. These structures are mounted directly to shell plating below the water
line without intervening foundations.
Select the deformation type:
Elastic deformation (default)
Elastic-plastic deformation
Minimum acceleration value. It defaults to 6g, where g is the acceleration due to gravity.
The excitation along one of the fore and aft, vertical or athwartship directions is required to calculate
the spectrum coefficients. Issue the SED (p. 1439) command before issuing DDASPEC. For example, if
you want to apply the excitation along the fore and aft direction, you should specify SEDX = 1.0 on
SED (p. 1439). Similarly, for excitation along vertical or athwartship direction, specify SEDY = 1.0 or SEDZ
= 1.0, respectively, on SED (p. 1439).
ADDAM (p. 88) and VDDAM (p. 1745) may alternatively be used to calculate spectrum coefficients.
In order to perform a DDAM spectrum analysis using a units system other than BIN (default), you must
specify the units system complying with the mass and length units of the model using the /UNITS (p. 1722)
command. Issue the /UNITS (p. 1722) command before defining the shock spectrum computation constants
(DDASPEC). The DDASPEC command is not supported with the user-defined units system (Label =
USER on /UNITS (p. 1722)).
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 413
Node for which constraint is to be deleted. If ALL, NEND and NINC are ignored and constraints for all se-
lected nodes [NSEL (p. 1057)] are deleted. If NODE = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command
fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A component name may also be substituted for NODE.
Valid degree of freedom label. If ALL, use all selected labels [DOFSEL (p. 469)]. Structural labels: UX, UY, or
UZ (displacements); ROTX, ROTY, or ROTZ (rotations); WARP (warping). Thermal labels: TEMP, TBOT, TE2,
TE3, . . ., TTOP (temperature). Acoustic labels: PRES (pressure); UX, UY, or UZ (displacements for FSI coupled
elements). Electric label: VOLT (voltage). Magnetic labels: MAG (scalar magnetic potential); AZ (vector
magnetic potential). Diffusion label: CONC (concentration).
In structural analyses, the following velocity and acceleration load labels are also valid: VELX, VELY,
VELZ (translational velocities); OMGX, OMGY, OMGZ (rotational velocities); ACCX, ACCY, ACCZ
(translational accelerations); DMGX, DMGY, DMGZ (rotational accelerations).
If the node is connected to an ELBOW290 element, the following pipe cross-section degree of
freedom labels are also valid: SE, SO, SW, SRA, and SRT. (For details, see the ELBOW290 documenta-
tion.) The degrees of freedom are not included when Lab = ALL. To constrain all cross-section degrees
of freedom, specify Lab = SECT.
Delete constraints from NODE to NEND (defaults to NODE) in steps of NINC (defaults to 1).
Ramping key:
Loads are step-removed (default).
Forces on the specified degrees of freedom (Lab) are ramped during the next load step. The forces
are ramped from the reaction forces of the previous load step, regardless of whether or not a constraint
was present. If the specified node(s) and degree(s) of freedom has a force value currently defined, the
force is ramped from the reaction force value to the currently applied force value. If no force is currently
applied, the force is ramped from the reaction force value to zero. The ramping behavior is not in effect
if the subsequent force is applied in tabular format.
In performing a restart at an intermediate point during a load step (i.e., not at the beginning
or end of a load step), the reaction force information will not be available, and so the force will
be ramped from zero to the currently applied force value (if it exists) for the specified node(s)
and degree(s) of freedom.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
414 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Deleting a constraint is not the same as setting it to zero (which "fixes" the degree of freedom to a zero
value). Deleting a constraint has the same effect as deactivating, releasing, or setting the constraint
"free." The node and the degree of freedom label must be selected [NSEL (p. 1057), DOFSEL (p. 469)].
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>All Load Data>All Constraint>On All
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>PerfEC>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>TimeInt>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>Voltage>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Fluid/ANSYS>Pressure DOF>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Boundary>EdgeMVP>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Boundary>ScalarPot>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Boundary>VectorPot>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Displacement>On Node
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Displacement>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Thermal>Temperature>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>All Load Data>All Constraint>On All Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>PerfEC>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>TimeInt>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>Voltage>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Fluid/ANSYS>Pressure DOF>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Boundary>EdgeMVP>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Boundary>ScalarPot>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Boundary>VectorPot>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Displacement>On Node Components
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Displacement>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Thermal>Temperature>On Nodes
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 415
Controls which domain decomposition algorithm to use.
Automatically selects the optimal domain decomposition method (default).
Decompose the FEA mesh.
Decompose the frequency domain for harmonic analyses.
Decompose the harmonic indices for cyclic symmetry modal analyses.
Number of processes to be used for mesh-based decomposition in conjunction with each frequency
solution (Decomp = FREQ) or harmonic index solution (Decomp = CYCHI). Defaults to 1. This field is ignored
when Decomp = MESH.
Number of frequency solutions in a subsequent linear perturbation harmonic analysis. This field only applies
when solving linear perturbation harmonic analyses with auto (Decomp = AUTO) or frequency (Decomp
= FREQ) domain decomposition.
Command Default
The optimal algorithm for domain decomposition is automatically chosen.
This command controls options related to the domain decomposition algorithm used by Distributed
ANSYS to split the analysis calculations into domains, with each domain being solved on a different
By default, the optimal domain decomposition algorithm (MESH, FREQ, or CYCHI) is automatically chosen.
When FREQ (for a harmonic analysis) or CYCHI (for a cyclic symmetry modal analysis) is automatically
chosen, the NPROCPERSOL argument is also automatically set to a value ≥ 1.
The "mesh" algorithm (Decomp = MESH) divides the finite element mesh into domains. In this case,
domains are effectively groups of elements, with one domain being solved on each process. This al-
gorithm seeks to create evenly sized domains (that is, domains with equal numbers of elements) as
well as to minimize the size of interfaces between the newly created domains. This algorithm can be
used for all analysis types.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
416 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The "frequency" algorithm (Decomp = FREQ) divides the specified frequency range for a harmonic
analysis into domains. In this case, domains are effectively groups of frequency solutions, with one domain
being solved on NPROCPERSOL processes. If there are more processes than frequency points, some
processes will remain idle during the harmonic analysis solution. This algorithm seeks to create evenly
sized domains. However, if the number of processes does not divide evenly into the number of frequency
solutions, the efficiency of the parallel solution will be reduced. This algorithm can only be used for
harmonic analyses using the auto (HROPT (p. 762),AUTO), full (HROPT (p. 762),FULL), or frequency-sweep
(HROPT (p. 762),VT) method.
The "cyclic" algorithm (Decomp = CYCHI) divides the specified list of harmonic indices for a cyclic
symmetry modal analysis into domains. In this case, domains are effectively groups of cyclic harmonic
indices, with one domain being solved on NPROCPERSOL processes. If there are more processes than
harmonic indices, some processes will remain idle during the cyclic model solution. This algorithm seeks
to create evenly sized domains. However, if the number of processes does not divide evenly into the
number of harmonic indices, the efficiency of the parallel solution will be reduced.
For the mesh algorithm (MESH), all available processes are used. This is not necessarily the case for the
frequency and cyclic algorithms (FREQ and CYCHI).
NPROCPERSOL is only used when Decomp = FREQ or CYCHI. It defaults to 1, which essentially means
that no mesh-based domain decomposition occurs. When NPROCPERSOL is defined to be greater than
1, a combination of FREQ or CYCHI decomposition and MESH decomposition is employed. As an example,
consider a harmonic analysis with 50 requested frequency points (NSUBST (p. 1073),50) that uses distributed
processing with 100 CPU cores (-dis -np 100). Specifying DDOPTION,FREQ,2 would lead to 50 parallel
sets of calculations, each working on a different frequency point and using 2 cores for mesh-based
domain decomposition (that is, 2 groups of elements per frequency).
This command must be issued prior to solving the first load step. Once the first load step is completed,
this command cannot be used to change the domain decomposition method. The only exception is for
analyses which use the linear perturbation procedure. For this case, the DDOPTION command must be
entered prior to the SOLVE (p. 1538),ELFORM command. In addition, for a linear perturbation harmonic
analysis, the number of frequency solutions in the subsequent harmonic analysis must be input via the
NUMLPFREQS argument to enable the proper frequency domain decomposition to occur at the
SOLVE (p. 1538),ELFORM stage of the linear perturbation. For more information, see Linear Perturbation
Analysis in the Structural Analysis Guide
For more information and recommendations on how to choose the domain decomposition method,
see Differences in Solution Processing in the Parallel Processing Guide.
For the frequency and the cyclic algorithms, solution information for the harmonic frequencies (Decomp
= FREQ) or cyclic harmonic indices (Decomp = CYCHI) solved by the slave processes is only written to
the output files for those processes (Jobnamen.OUT). See Differences in General Behavior in the Par-
allel Processing Guide for more information.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 417
Specifies "Element birth and death" as the subsequent status topic.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Status (p. 46)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>Solution>Elem Birth/Death
Specifies "Data definition settings" as the subsequent status topic.
POST1 (p. 48): Status (p. 54)
POST26 (p. 55): Status (p. 57)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>General Postproc>Read Options
Utility Menu>List>Status>TimeHist Postproc>Variables
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
418 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Argument Descriptions
Command behavior key:
ALL --
Delete all user-defined parameters, or all user-defined parameters and all system parameters, as specified
by Val2.
(blank) --
Delete the parameter(s) specified by Val2.
ParmName --
Delete a single named parameter, specified here. (Val2 is not used in this case.)
The parameter or parameters to delete (used only when Val1 = ALL or (blank)):
LOC --
When Val1 is (blank), specifies the location of the parameter within the Array Parameters dialog box.
The location number is based on an alphabetically ordered list of all parameters in the database.
_PRM --
When Val1 is ALL, deletes all parameters, including those named with a leading underscore (_) (except
_STATUS and _RETURN). When Val1 is (blank), deletes only those parameters named with a leading
underscore (_) (except _STATUS and _RETURN).
PRM_ --
When Val1 is (blank), deletes only those parameters named with a trailing underscore (_).
(blank) --
When Val1 is ALL, a (blank) value for Val2 causes all user-defined parameters to be deleted.
This is a command generally created by the graphical user interface (GUI). It appears in the log file
(Jobname.LOG) if an array parameter is deleted from within the Array Parameters dialog.
Usage examples:
• Delete only those user-defined parameters named with a trailing underscore: *DEL (p. 419),,PRM_
• Delete all user-defined and all system parameters (except for _STATUS and _RETURN): *DEL (p. 419),ALL,_PRM
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 419
• Delete a parameter by specifying its location within the Array Parameters dialog: *DEL (p. 419),,LOC
• Delete a single specified parameter by name: *DEL (p. 419),ParmName (You cannot specify more than one
named parameter at a time.)
The *DEL (p. 419) command does not free up memory but only deletes the specified reference. For ex-
ample, memory usage increases from the continued issuance of *DEL (p. 419) and *DIM (p. 435) within
*DOWHILE (p. 472) loops, as arrays are stored in the database (memory) and *DEL (p. 419) removes only
the reference to the array. To release the memory in use, issue the SAVE (p. 1389) command after
*DEL (p. 419).
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Specifies that sets in the results file are to be deleted.
The first set in a results file to be deleted.
The final set in a results file to be deleted. This field is used only if deleting more than one sequential sets.
DELETE is a specification command that flags sets in the results file for deletion. It should be followed
by a COMPRESS (p. 338) command, the corresponding action command that deletes the specified sets.
The DELETE command is valid only in the results file editing processor (ANSYS auxiliary processor AUX3).
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
420 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
Key that specifies which file deletion action is performed on all processes in distributed parallel mode
(Distributed ANSYS):
0 (OFF or NO)
The program performs the file deletion only on the master process (default).
1 (ON or YES)
The program performs the file deletion locally on each process.
2 or BOTH
The program performs file deletion for Fname.Ext on the master process and for FnameN.Ext on all
In distributed parallel mode (Distributed ANSYS), only the master process will delete Fname.Ext by
default. However, when DistKey is set to 1 (or ON, or YES) or 2 (or BOTH), the command is executed
by all processes. In this case, Fname will automatically have the process rank appended to it. This means
FnameN.Ext will be deleted by all processes, where N is the Distributed ANSYS process rank. For more
information see Differences in General Behavior in the Parallel Processing Guide.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>File>File Operations>Delete
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 421
Time step size for this step. If automatic time stepping is used (AUTOTS (p. 179)), DTIME is the starting
time substep.
Minimum time step (if automatic time stepping is used). The program automatically determines the default
based on the physics of the model.
Maximum time step (if automatic time stepping is used). The program automatically determines the default
based on the physics of the model.
Time step carry over key:
Use DTIME as time step at start of each load step.
Use final time step from previous load step as the starting time step (if automatic time stepping is
The program automatically determines the default based on the physics of the model.
See NSUBST (p. 1073) for an alternative input.
Use consistent values for DTIME and TIME (TIME (p. 1676)). For example, using 0.9 for DTIME and 1.0
for TIME results in one time step because 1.0 (TIME) is divisible by .9 (DTIME) at most once. If you
intend to load in 10 increments over a time span of 1.0, use 0.1 for DTIME and 1.0 for TIME.
The program calculates the initial incremental time so that (EndingTime - StartingTime)/DTIME
is an integer, which may affect the initial incremental time that you specify. For example, if the starting
time is 0, the ending time is 1, and the initial incremental time is 0.4, the program rounds to the nearest
integer and adjusts the time to 0.33333.
For solution efficiency, specify values for all fields of this command.
Changing the time step size upon restarting an analysis during a load step is not recommended. You
should only change the time step size between load steps.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
422 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Basic
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Time - Time Step
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Basic
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Time - Time Step
Non-structural elements to which mesh movement (morph) applies. If ALL, apply morphing to all selected
elements [ESEL (p. 548)]. If ELEM = P, graphical picking is enabled. A component may be substituted for
Problem dimensionality. Use "2" for a 2-D problem and "3" for a 3-D problem (no default).
Remesh flag option:
Remesh the selected non-structural regions only if mesh morphing fails.
Remesh the selected non-structural regions and bypass mesh morphing.
Perform mesh morphing only and do not remesh.
The selected elements should include only non-structural regions adjacent to structural regions. The
exterior nodes of the selected elements will usually be on the boundary of the region which will have
node positions displaced. For DIMN = 2, elements must lie on a flat plane. The DEMORPH command
requires a single domain grouping of elements be provided (multiple domains of elements are not
permitted). Exterior nodes will be assumed fixed (no nodes will be morphed) unless they coincide with
structural nodes having nonzero displacements.
Nodes in the structural regions move in accordance with computed displacements. Displacements from
a structural analysis must be in the database prior to issuing DEMORPH.
By default (RMSHKY = 0), DEMORPH will remesh the selected non-structural regions entirely if a satis-
factory morphed mesh cannot be provided.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 423
If boundary conditions and loads are applied directly to nodes and elements, the DEMORPH command
requires that these be removed before remeshing can take place.
Exercise care with initial conditions defined by the IC (p. 769) command. Before a structural analysis is
performed for a sequentially coupled analysis, the DEMORPH command requires that initial conditions
be removed from all null element type nodes in the non-structural regions. Use ICDELE (p. 771) to delete
the initial conditions.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Modify Mesh>Phys Morphing>Elements
Arbitrary reference number assigned to the resulting variable (2 to NV [NUMVAR (p. 1086)]). If this number
is the same as for a previously defined variable, the previously defined variable will be overwritten with
this result.
Reference numbers of variables to be operated on. IY is differentiated with respect to IX.
Unused field.
Thirty-two character name for identifying the variable on printouts and displays. Embedded blanks are
compressed for output.
--, --
Unused fields.
Scaling factor (positive or negative) applied as shown below (defaults to 1.0).
Differentiates variables according to the operation:
IR = FACTA x d(IY)/d(IX)
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Math Operations>Derivative
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
424 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Controls default element sizes.
PREP7 (p. 20): Meshing (p. 27)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Minimum number of elements that will be attached to a line when using lower-order elements (defaults
to 3 elements per line). If MINL = DEFA, all arguments will be set back to default values. If MINL = STAT,
list status of command (Including on/off status). If MINL = OFF, deactivate default element sizing. If MINL
= ON, reactivate default element sizing.
Minimum number of elements that will be attached to a line when using higher-order elements. Defaults
to 2 elements per line.
Maximum number of elements that will be attached to a single line (lower or higher-order elements). De-
faults to 15 elements per line for h-elements. To deactivate this limit, specify a large number (such as 9999).
Maximum spanned angle per lower-order element for curved lines. Defaults to 15 degrees per element.
Maximum spanned angle per higher-order element for curved lines. Defaults to 28 degrees per element.
Minimum element edge length. Defaults to no minimum edge length. The MINL or MINH argument can
override this value.
Maximum element edge length. Defaults to no maximum edge length. The MXEL argument can override
this value.
Target aspect ratio for adjacent line. Used only when free meshing. Defaults to 1.0, which attempts to
create equal-sided h-elements.
Target aspect ratio for adjacent line. Used only when map meshing. Defaults to 4.0, which attempts to
create rectangular h-elements.
Command Default
Default settings as described for each argument are used.
DESIZE settings are usually used for mapped meshing. They are also used for free meshing if SmartSizing
is turned off [SMRTSIZE (p. 1530),OFF], which is the default. Even when SmartSizing is on, some DESIZE
settings (such as maximum and minimum element edge length) can affect free mesh density. The default
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 425
settings of the DESIZE command are used only when no other element size specifications [KESIZE (p. 815),
LESIZE (p. 867), ESIZE (p. 554)] exist for a certain line.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Size Cntrls>ManualSize>Global>Other
Main Menu>Solution>Manual Rezoning>Create Remesh Zone(s)>Mesh Controls>Default Element
Sizing Options
DESOL, ELEM, NODE, Item, Comp, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6
Defines or modifies solution results at a node of an element.
POST1 (p. 48): Set Up (p. 48)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Element number for which results are defined or modified. If ALL, apply to all selected elements [ES-
EL (p. 548)].
Node of element (actual node number, not the position) to which results are specified. If ALL, specify results
for all selected nodes [NSEL (p. 1057)] of element. If NODE = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining
command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A component name may also be substituted for NODE.
Label identifying results. Valid item labels are shown in Table 109: DESOL - Valid Item and Component La-
bels (p. 427) below. Some items also require a component label (Comp).
Component of the item (if required); see Table 109: DESOL - Valid Item and Component Labels (p. 427).
Value (in the element coordinate system) assigned to the database item (and component, if any). If zero,
a zero value will be assigned. If blank, value remains unchanged.
The DESOL command defines or modifies solution results in the database at a node of an area or volume
element. For example, DESOL,35,50,S,X,1000,2000,1000 assigns values 1000, 2000, and 1000 to SX, SY,
and SZ (respectively) of node 50 of element 35.
The settings of the POST1 FORCE (p. 644), SHELL (p. 1506), and LAYER (p. 845) commands, if applicable,
further specify which database items are affected.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
426 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
For layered composite shells, specify the current element layer (LAYER (p. 845)) before issuing the DESOL
All data is stored in the solution coordinate system but is displayed in the results coordinate system
(RSYS (p. 1383)). To list the current results, use the PRESOL (p. 1237) command.
Modified solution results are not saved automatically. To save separate records of modified results, use
either the RAPPND (p. 1311) or LCWRITE (p. 859) command.
Result items are available depending on element type; check the individual element for availability.
Valid item and component labels for element results are:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 427
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Define/Modify>Elem Results
Element for which results are to be modified. If ALL, modify all selected elements [ESEL (p. 548)] results. If
ELEM = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the
GUI). A component name may also be substituted for ELEM.
Label identifying results. Valid labels are as defined with the ETABLE (p. 572) command. Issue
ETABLE (p. 572),STAT to display labels and values.
Value assigned to this element table result in the database. If zero, a zero value will be assigned. If blank,
value remains unchanged.
Modifies element table [ETABLE (p. 572)] results in the database. For example,
DETAB,35,ABC,1000,2000,1000 assigns 1000, 2000, and 1000 to the first three table columns starting
with label ABC for element 35. Use the PRETAB (p. 1243) command to list the current results. After deleting
a column of data using ETABLE (p. 572),Lab,ERASE, the remaining columns of data are not shifted to
compress the empty slot. Therefore, the user must allocate null (blank) values for V1, V2...V6 for any
ETABLE entries which have been deleted by issuing ETABLE (p. 572),Lab,ERASE. All data are stored in
the solution coordinate system but will be displayed in the results coordinate system [RSYS (p. 1383)].
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Define/Modify>ElemTabl Data
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
428 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Device function label:
Bounding box mode. For PowerGraphics plots involving elements with /SHOW (p. 1507),x11 and
/SHOW (p. 1507),win32, ANSYS generally displays dynamic rotations faster. If KEY = 1 (ON), then a
bounding box (not the elements) encompassing the model is displayed and rotated, rather than the
element outlines (ON is default in preprocessing). When KEY = 0 (OFF), then dynamic rotations may
be slower (ANSYS redraws the element outlines) for plots involving elements with /SHOW (p. 1507),x11
and /SHOW (p. 1507),win32. OFF is default in postprocessing. This command is ignored if
/EDGE (p. 491),WN,1 is set for any WN. This is ignored in POST1 and SOLUTION plots.
For any PowerGraphics plots involving elements, regardless of /SHOW (p. 1507) settings, plots
will generally be displayed faster.
Vector mode. In vector mode, areas, volumes, elements, and postprocessing display geometries are
shown as outlines (wireframes). When vector mode is off (default), these entities are shown filled with
When dithering is turned on (default), color intensity transitions are smoothed. This selection a
applies only to smooth-shaded images, i.e., Z-buffered [/TYPE (p. 1705)], or raster plots with
Gouraud or Phong shading [/SHADE (p. 1506)].
Select the animation type used on 2-D devices on the PC platform. A KEY value of BMP (or 0) sets an-
imation mode to ANSYS Animation Controller (default). A KEY value of AVI (or 2) sets animation mode
to AVI movie player file.
Font selection for the ANSYS graphics window. When Label = FONT, the command format is:
/DEVICE (p. 429),FONT,KEY,Val1,Val2,Val3,Val4,Val5,Val6 where KEY determines the type of
font being controlled, and values 1 through 6 control various font parameters. Note that these values
are device specific; using the same command input file [/INPUT (p. 791)] on different machines may yield
different results.. The following KEY values determine the font information that will be supplied to the
appropriate driver (e.g., Postscript, X11, Win32, JPEG, ...):
KEY = 1
The command controls the LEGEND (documentation column) font.
KEY = 2
The command controls the ENTITY (node and keypoint number) font.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 429
KEY = 3
The command controls the ANNOTATION/GRAPH font.
Linux: Values 1 through 4 are used to find a match in the X11 database of font strings. Values
1, 2, and 3 are character strings; value 4 is a nonzero integer:
Family name (e.g., Courier). If Val1 = MENU, all other values are ignored and a font selection
menu appears (GUI must be active).
Weight (e.g., medium)
Slant (e.g., r)
Pixel size (e.g., 14). Note that this value does no affect the annotation fonts (KEY = 3). Use
the /TSPEC (p. 1697) command for annotation font size.
PC: The values are encoded in a PC logical font structure. Value 1 is a character string, and
the remaining values are integers:
Family name (e.g., Courier*New) Substitute an asterisk (*) for any blank character that appears
in a family name. If Val1 = MENU, all other values are ignored and a font selection menu
appears (GUI must be active). When this value is blank ANSYS uses the first available resource
it finds.
Weight (0 - 1000)
Orientation (in tenths of a degree)
Height (in logical units)
Width (in logical units)
Italics (0 = OFF, 1 = ON)
Text size specification for the ANSYS Graphics window. Using this label with the /DEVICE (p. 429)
command requires the following form: /DEVICE (p. 429),TEXT,KEY,PERCENT. KEY = 1 for LEGEND fonts;
KEY = 2 for ENTITY fonts. PERCENT specifies the new text size as a percent of the default text size. If
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
430 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
PERCENT = 100, the new text size is precisely the default size. If PERCENT = 200, the new text size is
twice the default text size.
Control key:
OFF or 0
Turns specified function off.
ON or 1
Turns specified function on or designates the LEGEND font.
Designates the ENTITY font.
Designates the ANNOTATION/GRAPH font.
Command Default
Vector mode off (i.e., raster mode); dithering on.
This command is valid in any processor.
The /DEVICE (p. 429),BBOX command is ignored in POST1 and SOLUTION plots. Also, the elements are
displayed and rotated if you use /DEVICE (p. 429),BBOX,ON and /EDGE (p. 491),WN,1,ANGLE (effectively
ignoring the BBOX option).
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Device Options
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Font Controls>Entity Font
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Font Controls>Legend Font
Argument Descriptions
Number between 1 and 32 indicating which degree of freedom is to have its labels changed. For a list of
these quantities, see the degree-of-freedom table in the file. The first few quantities follow:
1 = UX,FX
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 431
2 = UY,FY
3 = UZ,FZ
New label (four-character maximum) for the displacement label. The prior label is no longer valid.
New label (four-character maximum) for the force label for this degree of freedom. The prior label is no
longer valid.
The /DFLAB (p. 431) command is rarely used. Use it if you are writing a custom element and want to
use degrees of freedom that are not part of the standard element set.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Nodes at which the edge-flux (AZ) constraints corresponding to the uniform magnetic flux are to be spe-
cified. Valid options are ALL (default) or Component Name. If ALL, constraints are applied to all selected
nodes (NSEL (p. 1057)).
Real components of magnetic flux B.
The DFLX command sets the constraints on the edge-flux (AZ) degrees of freedom to produce a uniform
magnetic flux B in an edge-based electromagnetic analysis using one of these element types: SOLID226,
SOLID227, SOLID236, or SOLID237. The command ignores the corner nodes of the elements (even if
they were selected) and imposes the AZ-constraints on the mid-side nodes only. The AZ-constraints are
imposed in the active Cartesian coordinate system. A non-Cartesian coordinate system will be ignored
by the DFLX command.
The edge-flux constraints at the mid-side nodes are derived from the magnetic vector potential A, which
is related to the imposed magnetic flux B as follows:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
432 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The DFLX command creates a component named _DFLX for the constrained midside nodes. You can
use this component to delete the constraints imposed by the DFLX command.
Menu Paths
Menu path to be provided at release.
Local coordinate system:
Coordinate system number. Default = 0.
Delete defined incident diffused planar waves.
Radius of the reference sphere on which the incident planar waves are distributed with equal energy. De-
faults to 50 x the half-maximum dimension of the structural panel.
Reference power spectral density. Default = 1.
Mass density of incident planar wave media. Default = 1.2041 kg/m3.
Sound speed in incident planar wave media. Default = 343.24 m/s)
Maximum incident angle (0o <= degree <= 180o) against the positive z axis in the local coordinate system
KCN. Default = 89o.
Number of divisions on the reference sphere with cutting planes parallel to the x-y coordinate plane of
the local coordinate system. Default = 20.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 433
Random sampling option:
Initializes the random generator of incident planar wave phases and samples the phases at each solving
Initializes the random generator of incident planar wave phases at the first frequency and samples the
phases at each solving frequency.
Initializes the random generator of incident planar wave phases and samples the phases only once at
first solving frequency so that the same phases are used over the whole frequency range for each in-
cident planar wave.
Issue the DFSWAVE command to activate a diffuse sound field. (The AWAVE (p. 184) command does
not activate a diffuse sound field.)
The SURF154 surface element must be defined on the surface of the structural solid element for the
The acoustic elements and the absorbing boundary condition must be defined in the open acoustic
domain. Do not define the acoustic domain on the excitation side.
The PRAS (p. 1224) and PLAS (p. 1161) commands calculate the average transmission loss for multiple
sampling phases at each frequency over the frequency range.
The symmetry of a panel structure cannot be used to reduce the simulation size, as the incident plane
waves have varying random phase angles. The z axis of the Cartesian coordinate system (KCN) must be
consistent with the panel’s outward normal unit vector at the center of the panel’s sending side.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Command Default
No surface digitizing.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
434 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Digitizes nodes to the surface defined by the DSURF (p. 478) command. The nodes indicated must be
digitized from the tablet after this command is given. The program must be in the interactive mode
and the graphics terminal show option [/SHOW (p. 1507)] must be active. The global Cartesian coordinates
of the nodes are stored.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Create>Nodes>Digitize Nodes>Digitize Nodes
Specifies "Node digitizing" as the subsequent status topic.
PREP7 (p. 20): Status (p. 32)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utilty Menu>List>Status>Preprocessor>Digitize Module
*DIM (p. 435), Par, Type, IMAX, JMAX, KMAX, Var1, Var2, Var3, CSYSID
Defines an array parameter and its dimensions.
APDL (p. 17): Parameters (p. 17)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Argument Descriptions
Name of parameter to be dimensioned. See *SET (p. 1453) for name restrictions.
Array type:
Arrays are similar to standard FORTRAN arrays (indices are integers) (default). Index numbers for the
rows, columns, and planes are sequential values beginning with one. Used for 1-, 2-, or 3-D arrays.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 435
ARR4 --
Same as ARRAY, but used to specify 4-D arrays.
ARR5 --
Same as ARRAY, but used to specify 5-D arrays.
Array entries are character strings (up to 8 characters each). Index numbers for rows, columns, and
planes are sequential values beginning with one.
Array indices are real (non-integer) numbers which must be defined when filling the table. Index
numbers for the rows and columns are stored in the zero column and row "array elements" and are
initially assigned a near-zero value. Index numbers must be in ascending order and are used only for
retrieving an array element. When retrieving an array element with a real index that does not match
a specified index, linear interpolation is done among the nearest indices and the corresponding array
element values [*SET (p. 1453)]. Used for 1-, 2-, or 3-D tables.
TAB4 --
Same as TABLE, but used to specify 4-D tables.
TAB5 --
Same as TABLE, but used to specify 5-D tables.
Array entries are character strings (up to IMAX each). Index numbers for columns and planes are se-
quential values beginning with 1. Row index is character position in string.
Extent of first dimension (row). (For Type = STRING, IMAX is rounded up to the next multiple of eight and
has a limit of 248). Default = 1.
Extent of second dimension (column). Default = 1.
Extent of third dimension (plane). Default = 1.
Variable name corresponding to the first dimension (row) for Type = TABLE, TAB4, or TAB5. Default = Row.
Variable name corresponding to the second dimension (column) for Type = TABLE, TAB4, or TAB5. Default
= Column.
Variable name corresponding to the third dimension (plane) for Type = TABLE, TAB4, TAB5. Default =
An integer corresponding to the coordinate system ID number. Default = 0 (global Cartesian).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
436 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Up to three dimensions (row, column, and plane) may be defined using ARRAY and TABLE. Use ARR4,
ARR5, TAB4, and TAB5 to define up to five dimensions (row, column, plane, book, and shelf ). An index
number is associated with each row, column, and plane. For array and table type parameters, element
values are initialized to zero. For character and string parameters, element values are initialized to
(blank). A defined parameter must be deleted [*SET (p. 1453)] before its dimensions can be changed.
Scalar (single valued) parameters should not be dimensioned. *DIM (p. 435),A,,3 defines a vector array
with elements A(1), A(2), and A(3). *DIM (p. 435),B,,2,3 defines a 2x3 array with elements B(1,1), B(2,1),
B(1,2), B(2,2), B(1,3), and B(2,3). Use *STATUS (p. 1574),Par to display elements of array Par. You can
write formatted data files (tabular formatting) from data held in arrays through the *VWRITE (p. 1814)
If you use table parameters to define boundary conditions, then Var1, Var2, and/or Var3 can either
specify a primary variable (listed in Table 110: *DIM - Primary Variables (p. 437)) or can be an independent
parameter. If specifying an independent parameter, then you must define an additional table for the
independent parameter. The additional table must have the same name as the independent parameter
and may be a function of one or more primary variables or another independent parameter. All inde-
pendent parameters must relate to a primary variable.
Tabular load arrays can be defined in both global Cartesian (default), cylindrical, spherical, or local (see
below) coordinate systems by specifying CSYSID, as defined in LOCAL (p. 883). Coordinate system
CSYSID must exist prior to issuing the *DIM (p. 435) command.
The following constraints apply when specifying a local coordinate system for your tabular loads:
• Angle values for Y in cylindrical or spherical coordinate systems must be input in degrees and must be
positive values between 0 and 360 degrees (0 Y 360)
• Angle values for Z in spherical coordinate system must be input in degrees and must be positive values
between -90 and +90 ( -90 Z 90)
If specifying a 4- or 5-D array or table, four additional fields (LMAX, MMAX, Var4, and Var5) are available.
Thus, for a 4-D table, the command syntax would be:
You cannot create or edit 4- or 5-D arrays or tables via the GUI.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 437
The X, Y, and Z coordinate locations listed above are valid in global Cartesian, or local (Cartesian, cyl-
indrical and spherical) coordinate systems. The VELOCITY label is applicable only to the calculated fluid
velocity in element FLUID116.
When using PRESSURE as a primary variable, the underlying element must have the pressure DOF asso-
ciated with it, or it must be a supported contact element.
The gap/penetration label (GAP) is only used for defining certain contact element real constants.
The node and element labels (NODE and ELEM) allow you to use node and element numbers as primary
variables, and their axis values should be integers.
The OMEGS, ECCENT, and THETA primary variables only apply to the COMBI214 element. The amplitude
of the rotational velocity (OMEGS) is an absolute value, so only positive values of OMEGS are valid. The
eccentricity (ECCENT) and phase shift (THETA) labels are only valid for nonlinear analyses.
If you use table parameters to define boundary conditions, the table names (Par) must not exceed 32
In thermal analyses, if you apply tabular loads as a function of temperature but the rest of the model
is linear (e.g., includes no temperature-dependent material properties or radiation ), you should turn
on Newton-Raphson iterations (NROPT (p. 1053),FULL) to evaluate the temperature-dependent tabular
boundary conditions correctly.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
438 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Parameters>Array Parameters>Define/Edit
Argument Descriptions
Name of the "string array" parameter which will hold the returned values. String array parameters are
similar to character arrays, but each array element can be as long as 128 characters. If the string parameter
does not exist, it will be created. The array will be created as: *DIM,StrArray,STRING,64,2,numFileName
File name (64 characters maximum). Only files matching this name will be returned. The FileName ALL
may match any file name.
File name extension (8 characters maximum). Only files with an extension matching this name will be re-
turned. A blank or ALL will match any extension.
The directory in which the files reside. The default is the current working directory.
The /DIRECTORY (p. 439) command gets the file names in the current directory and puts them into a
string parameter array. Each file will be included in the array as a name-extension pair.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Specifies "Display settings" as the subsequent status topic.
POST1 (p. 48): Status (p. 54)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 439
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>General Postproc>Plot Results
Window number (or ALL) to which command applies (defaults to 1).
Distance along the view line from the observer to the focus point (defaults to value producing full-window
display). Distances "too close" to the object will produce excessive magnifications. If DVAL = AUTO, zero,
or blank, the program will calculate the distance automatically. If DVAL = USER, the distance of last display
will be used (useful when last display automatically calculated distance).
DVAL interpretation key:
Interpret numerical DVAL values as described above.
Interpret DVAL as a multiplier on the current distance (DVAL of 2 gives twice the current distance; 0.5
gives half the current distance, etc.).
Command Default
Distance is automatically calculated to produce full window magnification.
The scale factor is relative to the window shape. For example, for objects centered in a square window
and with parallel projection (no perspective), a distance of /2 (+10%) produces a full window magni-
fication, where is the largest in-plane vertical or horizontal dimension. See also /AUTO (p. 178) and
/USER (p. 1729) commands.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Pan, Zoom, Rotate
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
440 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Element number or ALL to be specified.
Valid labels are:
Displacement in local x direction.
Displacement in local y direction.
Displacement in local z direction.
Rotation about local x axis.
Rotation about local y axis.
Rotation about local y axis.
Linear velocity in local x direction.
Linear velocity in local y direction.
Linear velocity in local z direction.
Angular velocity in local x direction.
Angular velocity in local y direction.
Angular velocity in local z direction.
Linear acceleration in local x direction.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 441
Linear acceleration in local y direction.
Linear acceleration in local z direction.
Angular acceleration in local x direction.
Angular acceleration in local y direction.
Angular acceleration in local z direction.
Value of the label.
This command is valid for MPC184 joint elements. See DJDELE (p. 443) for information on deleting
boundary conditions applied with the DJ command.
You can apply only one displacement, velocity, or acceleration load at any relative degree of freedom.
If multiple loads are specified, the last applied load overrides the previous ones. For example, the fol-
lowing commands apply loads to element 100:
In this case, the velocity load (VELX) applied in the last command will override the displacement load
%_FIX% is an ANSYS reserved table name. When VALUE is set to %_FIX%, ANSYS will prescribe the
degree of freedom to the “current” relative displacement value. This option is only valid for the following
labels: UX, UY, UZ, ROTX, ROTY, ROTZ. In most cases, %_FIX% usage is efficient and recommended for
all structural degrees of freedom.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Displacement>On Joint
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Displacement>On Joint Elems
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
442 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Element number or ALL. ALL (or leaving this field blank) will delete all joint element boundary conditions
specified by LAB.
Valid labels are:
Displacement in local x direction.
Displacement in local y direction.
Displacement in local z direction.
Rotation about local x axis.
Rotation about local y axis.
Rotation about local z axis.
Linear velocity in local x direction.
Linear velocity in local y direction.
Linear velocity in local z direction.
Angular velocity in local x direction.
Angular velocity in local y direction.
Angular velocity in local z direction.
Linear acceleration in local x direction.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 443
Linear acceleration in local y direction.
Linear acceleration in local z direction.
Angular acceleration in local x direction.
Angular acceleration in local y direction.
Angular acceleration in local z direction.
ALL, or (blank)
Delete all applied boundary conditions.
This command is valid for MPC184 joint elements. See DJ (p. 441) for information on specifying boundary
conditions on the components of relative motion of a joint element.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>All Load Data>All Constraint>On Joint
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Displacement>On Joint
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>All Load Data>All Constraint>On Joint Elems
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Displacement>On Joint Elems
Lists boundary conditions applied to joint elements.
SOLUTION (p. 35): FE Constraints (p. 44)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Element number or ALL (or blank). Lists joint element boundary conditions on the specified element(s).
This command is valid for MPC184 joint elements. See DJ (p. 441) for information on specifying boundary
conditions on joint elements.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Loads>Joint Element DOF Constraints>On Picked Element
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
444 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
DK, KPOI, Lab, VALUE, VALUE2, KEXPND, Lab2, Lab3, Lab4, Lab5, Lab6
Defines DOF constraints at keypoints.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Solid Constraints (p. 40)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Keypoint at which constraint is to be specified. If ALL, apply to all selected keypoints [KSEL (p. 828)]. If KPOI
= P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A
component name may also be substituted for KPOI.
Valid degree of freedom label. If ALL, use all appropriate labels except HDSP. Structural labels: UX, UY, or
UZ (displacements); ROTX, ROTY, or ROTZ (rotations); WARP (warping); HDSP (hydrostatic pressure). Thermal
labels: TEMP, TBOT, TE2, TE3, . . ., TTOP (temperature). Acoustic labels: PRES (pressure); UX, UY, or UZ (dis-
placements for FSI coupled elements). Electric labels: VOLT (voltage). Magnetic labels: MAG (scalar magnetic
potential); AZ (vector magnetic potential). Diffusion labels: CONC (concentration).
Degree of freedom value or table name reference for tabular boundary conditions. To specify a table, enclose
the table name in percent signs (%) (e.g., DK,NODE,TEMP,%tabname%). Use the *DIM (p. 435) command
to define a table.
Second degree of freedom value (if any). If the analysis type and the degree of freedom allow a complex
input, VALUE (above) is the real component and VALUE2 is the imaginary component.
Expansion key:
Constraint applies only to the node at this keypoint.
Flags this keypoint for constraint expansion.
A keypoint may be flagged using KEXPND to allow its constraints to be expanded to nodes on the at-
tached solid model entities having similarly flagged keypoint constraints. Constraints are transferred
from keypoints to nodes with the DTRAN (p. 482) or SBCTRAN (p. 1390) commands. The expansion uses
interpolation to apply constraints to the nodes on the lines between flagged keypoints. If all keypoints
of an area or volume region are flagged and the constraints (label and values) are equal, the constraints
are applied to the interior nodes of the region. See the D (p. 397) command for a description of nodal
Tabular boundary conditions (VALUE = %tabname%) are available only for the following degree of
freedom labels: Electric (VOLT), structural (UX, UY, UZ, ROTX, ROTY, ROTZ), Acoustic (PRES, UX, UY, UZ),
and temperature (TEMP, TBOT, TE2, TE3, . . ., TTOP).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 445
Constraints specified by the DK command can conflict with other specified constraints. See Resolution
of Conflicting Constraint Specifications in the Basic Analysis Guide for details.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Boundary>TimeInt>On Key-
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Boundary>Voltage>On Key-
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Boundary>ScalarPot>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Boundary>VectorPot>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Displacement>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Spectrum>BasePSD>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Spectrum>MultiPtBas>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Temperature>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Spectrum>BasePSD>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Spectrum>MultiPtBas>On
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Boundary>TimeInt>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Boundary>Voltage>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Boundary>ScalarPot>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Boundary>VectorPot>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Displacement>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Spectrum>BasePSD>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Spectrum>MultiPtBas>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Temperature>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Spectrum>BasePSD>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Spectrum>MultiPtBas>On Keypoints
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
446 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Keypoint for which constraint is to be deleted. If ALL, delete for all selected keypoints [KSEL (p. 828)]. If
KPOI = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the
GUI). A component name may also be substituted for KPOI.
Valid degree of freedom label. If ALL, use all appropriate labels. Structural labels: UX, UY, or UZ (displace-
ments); ROTX, ROTY, or ROTZ (rotations); WARP (warping). Thermal labels: TEMP, TBOT, TE2, TE3, . . ., TTOP
(temperature). Acoustic labels: PRES (pressure); UX, UY, or UZ (displacements for FSI coupled elements).
Electric label: VOLT (voltage). Magnetic labels: MAG (scalar magnetic potential); AZ (vector magnetic po-
tential). Diffusion label: CONC (concentration).
Deletes the degree of freedom constraints (and all corresponding finite element constraints) at a key-
point. See the DDELE (p. 414) command for details.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>All Load Data>All Constraint>On All
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>TimeInt>On Key-
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>Voltage>On Key-
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Fluid/ANSYS>Pressure DOF>On Key-
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Boundary>ScalarPot>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Boundary>VectorPot>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Displacement>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Thermal>Temperature>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>All Load Data>All Constraint>On All KPs
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>TimeInt>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>Voltage>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Fluid/ANSYS>Pressure DOF>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Boundary>ScalarPot>On Keypoints
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 447
Lists the DOF constraints at keypoints.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Solid Constraints (p. 40)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
List constraints for this keypoint. If ALL (default), list for all selected keypoints [KSEL (p. 828)]. If KPOI = P,
graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A com-
ponent name may also be substituted for KPOI.
Listing applies to the selected keypoints [KSEL (p. 828)] and the selected degree of freedom labels
[DOFSEL (p. 469)].
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Loads>DOF Constraints>On All Keypoints
Utility Menu>List>Loads>DOF Constraints>On Picked KPs
Line at which constraints are to be specified. If ALL, apply to all selected lines [LSEL (p. 896)]. If LINE = P,
graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A com-
ponent name may also be substituted for LINE.
Area containing line. The normal to the symmetry or antisymmetry surface is assumed to lie on this area.
Defaults to the lowest numbered selected area containing the line number.
Symmetry label (see 2):
Generate symmetry constraints.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
448 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Generate antisymmetry constraints.
Displacement in X direction.
Displacement in Y direction.
Displacement in Z direction.
Rotation about X axis.
Rotation about Y axis.
Rotation about Z axis.
Hydrostatic pressure.
Warping magnitude.
Electric scalar potential.
Magnetic vector potential in Z direction.
Applies all appropriate DOF labels except HDSP.
Value of DOF (real part) or table name reference on the line. Valid for all DOF labels. To specify a table,
enclose the table name in % signs (e.g., DL,LINE,AREA,TEMP,%tabname%). Use the *DIM (p. 435) command
to define a table.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 449
1. You can transfer constraints from lines to nodes with the DTRAN (p. 482) or SBCTRAN (p. 1390) commands.
See the DK (p. 445) command for information about generating other constraints at lines.
2. Symmetry and antisymmetry constraints are generated as described on the DSYM (p. 479) command.
3. Setting Lab = VOLT and Value1 = 0 applies the J-normal boundary condition (current density vector (J)
flows normal to the line). No input is required for the J-parallel condition because it is the natural boundary
4. Tabular boundary conditions (Value1 = %tabname%) are available only for the following degree of
freedom labels: Electric (VOLT), Structural (UX, UY, UZ, ROTX, ROTY, ROTZ), Acoustic (PRES, UX, UY, UZ), and
temperature (TEMP, TBOT, TE2, TE3, . . ., TTOP).
5. Constraints specified by the DL command can conflict with other specified constraints. See Resolution of
Conflicting Constraint Specifications in the Basic Analysis Guide for details.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Boundary>PerfEC>On Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Boundary>Voltage>J-Nor-
mal>On Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Boundary>Voltage>On Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Boundary>VectorPot>Flux
Par'l>On Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Boundary>VectorPot>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Displacement>Antisymm
B.C.>...with Area
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Displacement>Antisymm
B.C.>On Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Displacement>On Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Displacement>Symmetry
B.C.>...with Area
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Displacement>Symmetry
B.C.>On Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Temperature>On Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Boundary>PerfEC>On Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Boundary>Voltage>J-Normal>On Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Boundary>Voltage>On Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Boundary>VectorPot>Flux Par'l>On
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Boundary>VectorPot>On Lines
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
450 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Line for which constraints are to be deleted. If ALL, delete for all selected lines [LSEL (p. 896)]. If LINE = P,
graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A com-
ponent name may also be substituted for LINE
Constraint label:
All constraints.
Symmetry constraints.
Antisymmetry constraints.
Displacement in X direction.
Displacement in Y direction.
Displacement in Z direction.
Rotation about X axis.
Rotation about Y axis.
Rotation about Z axis.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 451
Warping magnitude.
Electric scalar potential.
Magnetic vector potential in Z direction.
Deletes the degree of freedom constraints (and all corresponding finite element constraints) on a line
previously specified with the DL (p. 448) command. See the DDELE (p. 414) command for delete details.
On previously meshed lines, all constraints on affected nodes will also be deleted, whether
or not they were specified by the DL (p. 448) command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>All Load Data>All Constraint>On All
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>PerfEC>On Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>Voltage>On Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Fluid/ANSYS>Pressure DOF>On Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Boundary>VectorPot>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Displacement>On Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Thermal>Temperature>On Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>All Load Data>All Constraint>On All Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>PerfEC>On Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>Voltage>On Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Fluid/ANSYS>Pressure DOF>On Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Boundary>VectorPot>On Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Displacement>On Lines
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
452 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Listing applies to the selected nodes [NSEL (p. 1057)] and the selected degree of freedom labels [DOF-
SEL (p. 469)].
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Loads>DOF Constraints>On All Nodes
Utility Menu>List>Loads>DOF Constraints>On Picked Nodes
Lists DOF constraints on a line.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Solid Constraints (p. 40)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
List constraints for this line. If ALL (default), list for all selected lines [LSEL (p. 896)]. If LINE = P, graphical
picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A component
name may also be substituted for LINE.
Lists the degree of freedom constraints on a line previously specified with the DL (p. 448) command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Loads>DOF Constraints>On All Lines
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 453
*DMAT (p. 454), Matrix, Type, Method, Val1, Val2, Val3, Val4, Val5
Creates a dense matrix.
APDL (p. 17): Matrix Operations (p. 19)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Argument Descriptions
Name used to identify the matrix. Must be specified.
Matrix type:
D --
Double precision real values (default).
Z --
Complex double precision values.
I --
Integer values.
Method used to create the matrix:
Allocate space for a matrix (default).
Resize an existing matrix to new row and column dimensions. Values are kept from the original matrix.
If the dimensions specified by Val1 (rows) and Val2 (columns) are greater than the original matrix
size, the additional entries are assigned a value of zero.
Copy an existing matrix.
Link to an existing matrix. The memory will be shared between the original matrix and the new matrix.
This is useful for manipulating a submatrix of a larger matrix. The Val1 through Val5 arguments will
be used to specify the lower and upper bounds of row and column numbers from the original matrix.
Import the matrix from a file.
The following Valx fields are used with Method = ALLOC or Method = RESIZE:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
454 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Number of rows in the matrix.
Number of columns in the matrix.
Memory allocation type (used only with Method = ALLOC):
In-core memory allocation (default).
Out-of-core memory allocation.
Name of the matrix to copy.
Method used for copying the matrix:
Transpose the original matrix. Val3 and Val4 are ignored.
Copy the real part to the output matrix. This option only applies when copying a complex value matrix
to a real value matrix. Val3 and Val4 are ignored.
Copy the imaginary part to the output matrix. This option only applies when copying a complex value
matrix to a real value matrix. Val3 and Val4 are ignored.
Extract a submatrix based on row and column numbers specified by Val3 and Val4.
Name of integer vector (*VEC (p. 1749)) containing row numbers. If no vector is specified, defaults to all
Name of integer vector (*VEC (p. 1749)) containing column numbers. If no vector is specified, defaults to all
Name of the original matrix.
First column number (defaults to 1).
Last column number (defaults to the maximum column number of the original matrix).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 455
First row number (defaults to 1).
Last row number (defaults to the maximum row number of the original matrix).
The following table describes the Valx fields used with Method = IMPORT:
Method = IMPORT
Val1 Val2 Val3 Val4 Val5 Description
FULL File name Matrix type: (not used) (not used) Import a matrix or load
vector from an existing
STIFF - Stiffness FULL file.
MASS - Mass matrix For a complex
stiffness matrix, you
DAMP - Damping can use the K_RE or
matrix K_IM label to
RHS - Load vector import only the real
K_RE - Real part of part or only the
the stiffness matrix imaginary part. The
K_RE and K_IM
K_IM - Imaginary options both create
part of the stiffness real matrices.
MODE File name First mode number Last mode (not used) Import a set of modes from
number an existing MODE file.
CMS File name Mode type: (not used) (not used) Import a modal basis from
an existing CMS file.
NOR - Normal
IRF - Inertial relief
CST - Constraint
RSD - Residual
TCMS File name Mode type: (not used) (not used) Import a modal basis from
an existing TCMS file.
NOR - Normal
IRF - Inertial relief
CST - Constraint
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
456 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Method = IMPORT
Val1 Val2 Val3 Val4 Val5 Description
RST File name First data set number Last data set Result Import degree of freedom
number Type: results from an existing RST
RF -
SUB File name Matrix type: (not used) (not used) Import a matrix or load
vector from an existing SUB
STIFF - Stiffness (or file.
conductivity) matrix
MASS - Mass (or
specific heat)
DAMP - Damping
RHS - Load vector
HBMAT File name File format: (not used) (not used) Import a matrix from an
existing Harwell-Boeing
ASCII format file.
EMAT File name Matrix type: Element (not used) Import an element matrix or
number load vector from an existing
STIFF - Stiffness EMAT file.
MASS - Mass matrix
DAMP - Damping
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 457
Method = IMPORT
Val1 Val2 Val3 Val4 Val5 Description
This command allows you to create a dense matrix. To create a sparse matrix, use the *SMAT (p. 1522)
command. *SMAT (p. 1522) is recommended for large matrices obtained from the .FULL or .HBMAT
file. Refer to the HBMAT (p. 751) command documentation for more information about .FULL file
For very large matrices, use the OUTOFCORE option (Method = ALLOC or COPY) to keep some of the
matrix on disk if there is insufficient memory.
When importing a dense matrix from a DMIG file, you can define the formatting of the file using the
Val3 and Val4 fields. Here are a few different example of formats:
• A FREE field format file with blank separators (using Val4 = ’S’):
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
458 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
DMIG stiff 1 2 1 2 29988.
1 6 149940. 2 2 -29988.
2 6 149940.
• A FREE field format file with a comma separator (using Val4 = ’,’):
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Digitizes nodes on undefined surfaces, warped surfaces, and along intersection lines. Two orthogonal
views showing the nodes on a plane in each view are required. No surfaces need be specified. Two
coordinates are determined from the second view and the other coordinate is retained from the first
view. Use the DIG (p. 434) command to first define nodes in one view (as determined from the
DSET (p. 475) command). Then reset the view and use this command to move the nodes to the proper
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Create>Nodes>Digitize Nodes>2-View Digitize
Source mode number. There is no default for this field; you must enter an integer greater than zero.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 459
Target mode. Defaults to SMODE.
Array parameter name containing the damping results. Defaults to d_damp.
Beginning frequency range (real number greater than zero) or 'EIG' at eigenfrequency of source mode.
'EIG' is valid only if SMODE = TMODE. Note that EIG must be enclosed in single quotes when this command
is used on the command line or in an input file. There is no default for this field; you must enter a value.
End of frequency range. Must be blank for Freqb = EIG. Default is Freqb.
Number of substeps. Defaults to 1.
DMPEXT invokes an ANSYS macro that uses modal projection techniques to compute the damping
force by the modal velocity of the source mode onto the target mode. From the damping force,
damping parameters are extracted. DMPEXT creates an array parameter Dmpname, with the following
entries in each row:
• response frequency
• damping ratio
The macro requires the modal displacements from the file Jobname.EFL obtained from the RM-
FLVEC (p. 1351) command. In addition, a node component FLUN must exist from all FLUID136 nodes.
The computed damping ratio may be used to specify constant or modal damping by means of the
DMPRAT (p. 463) or MDAMP (p. 931) commands. For Rayleigh damping, use the ABEXTRACT (p. 81)
command to compute ALPHAD and BETAD damping parameters. See Thin Film Analysis for more in-
formation on thin film analyses.
The macro uses the LSSOLVE (p. 906) command to perform two load steps for each frequency. The first
load case contains the solution of the source mode excitation and can be used for further postprocessing.
Solid model boundary conditions are deleted from the model. In addition, prescribed nodal boundary
conditions are applied to the model. You should carefully check the boundary conditions of your
model prior to executing a subsequent analysis.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
460 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Solution>ThinFilm>DampExtract>Eigenfrequency
Main Menu>Solution>ThinFilm>DampExtract>Frequency Range
Type of solution file to combine after a distributed memory parallel solution. There is no default; if (blank),
the command is ignored.
Results files (.RST, .RTH, .RMG, .RSTP)
Element matrix files (.EMAT).
Element saved data files (.ESAV)
Modal results files (.MODE)
Modal load vector file (.MLV)
Initial state file (.IST)
Full matrix file (.FULL)
Reduced complex displacement file (.RFRQ)
Reduced displacement file (.RDSP)
Multiframe restart files (.Rnnn)
Option to combine solution files.
Combine solution files (default for all files except the .Rnnn files).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 461
Do not combine solution files (default for the .Rnnn files only).
Frequency used to combine the local results files during a distributed memory parallel solution. This option
applies only when FileType = RST and Combine = YES.
Do not combine the local results files during solution. The local results files is combined only upon
leaving the solution processor (default).
Combines the local results files at every time point.
Combines the local results files at the last time point of every load step.
Command Default
Local solution files are automatically combined into a single global file upon leaving the solution pro-
cessor (for example, JobnameN.RST files are combined into one Jobname.RST file). This is true for
all files except the .Rnnn files.
The DMPOPTION command controls how solution files are written during a distributed memory parallel
(Distributed ANSYS) solution. This command is most useful for controlling how results files (.RST,.RTH,
etc.) are written.
In a distributed memory parallel solution, a local results file is written by each process (JobnameN.ext,
where N is the process number). By default, the program automatically combines the local results files
(for example, JobnameN.RST) upon leaving the solution processor (for example, upon the FINISH (p. 631)
command) into a single global results file (Jobname.RST) which can be used in ANSYS postprocessing.
Alternatively, the ResCombFreq argument can be used to combine the local results files at certain
time points during the distributed solution to create a single combined results file that can be used to
postprocess the model while the solution progresses. Doing so increases data communication and I/O
between processes, leading to slower performance.
The ResCombFreq option only applies when solving static analyses, and harmonic or transient analyses
that use the full method. It does not apply to mode superposition harmonic and mode superposition
transient analyses. It does not apply when using the frequency domain decomposition option (DDOP-
TION (p. 416),FREQ) in a harmonic analysis.
To reduce communication and I/O, issue DMPOPTION,RST,NO to bypass this step of combining the
local results files; the local files remain on the local disks in the current working directory. You can then
use RESCOMBINE (p. 1328) in the POST1 general postprocessor (/POST1 (p. 1221)) to read all results into
the database for postprocessing.
The RESCOMBINE (p. 1328) command macro is intended for use with POST1. If you want to postprocess
distributed parallel solution results using the POST26 time-history postprocessor (/POST26 (p. 1221)), it
is recommended that you combine your local results files into one global results file (DMPOPTION,RST,YES
or COMBINE (p. 336)).
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462 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Local .EMAT, .ESAV, .MODE, .MLV, .IST, .RFRQ, .RDSP, and .FULL files are also written (when
applicable) by each process in a distributed memory parallel solution. If these files are not needed for
a downstream solution or operation, you can issue the command DMPOPTION,FileType,NO for each
file type to bypass the file combination step and thereby improve performance.
DMPOPTION can be changed between load steps; however, doing so does not affect which set of
solution files are combined. Only the last values of FileType and Combine upon leaving the solution
processor determine whether the solution files are combined. For example, given a two-load-step
solution and FileType = RST, setting Combine = NO for the first load step and YES for the second
load step causes all sets on the local results files to be combined. If the opposite is true (Combine =
YES for the first load step and NO for the second load step), no results are combined.
After using DMPOPTION to suppress file combination, you may find it necessary to combine the local
files for a specific FileType for use in a subsequent analysis. In this case, use the COMBINE (p. 336)
command to combine local solution files into a single, global file.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Sets a modal damping ratio.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Dynamic Options (p. 38)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Modal damping ratio (for example, 2% is input as 0.02).
Command Default
Use damping as defined by Damping in the Structural Analysis Guide.
Sets a damping ratio for use in a mode-superposition transient analysis (ANTYPE (p. 140),TRANS with
TRNOPT (p. 1691),MSUP), a mode-superposition harmonic analysis (ANTYPE (p. 140),HARMIC with
HROPT (p. 762),MSUP) analysis, or a spectrum (ANTYPE (p. 140),SPECTR) analysis.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 463
DMPRAT can also be defined in a substructure analysis that uses component mode synthesis. The
damping ratio is added on the diagonal of the reduced damping matrix, as explained in Component
Mode Synthesis (CMS).
Additional Information
Damping Matrices in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Damping
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Damping
Constant structural damping coefficient.
Average excitation frequency table (Hz) for the calculation of equivalent viscous damping from structural
damping input (DMPSTR and MP (p. 967),DMPS) in a full transient analysis. Enclose the table name in percent
signs (%) and use the *DIM (p. 435) command to define the table with primary variable TIME. To define a
constant frequency instead of a table, see TRNOPT (p. 1691).
Command Default
Use damping as defined by Damping in the Structural Analysis Guide.
Sets a constant structural (or hysteretic) damping coefficient for use in harmonic (ANTYPE (p. 140),HARMIC)
analyses (FULL, MSUP, and VT) and modal analyses (ANTYPE (p. 140),MODAL with MODOPT (p. 951),UNSYM,
DMPSTR is also supported in transient (ANTYPE (p. 140),TRANS) analyses (full or QRDAMP mode-super-
position) as an equivalent viscous damping when an average excitation frequency is specified. For a
full or mode-superposition transient, specify a constant excitation frequency as DMPSFreq on the
TRNOPT (p. 1691) command. For a full transient, you can alternatively specify a table of frequencies using
DMPSFreqTab on this command. DMPSFreqTab overwrites DMPSFreq on TRNOPT (p. 1691).
Note that for structures with multiple materials, MP (p. 967),DMPS can also be used to specify constant
structural material damping on a per material basis. If both DMPSTR and MP (p. 967),DMPS are specified,
the damping effects are additive.
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464 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Damping
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Damping
Node for which results are specified. If ALL, apply to all selected nodes [NSEL (p. 1057)]. If NODE = P, graph-
ical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A component
name may also be substituted for NODE.
Label identifying results, see Table 111: DNSOL - Valid Item and Component Labels (p. 466). Items also require
a component label.
Component of the item. Valid component labels are shown Table 111: DNSOL - Valid Item and Component
Labels (p. 466) below.
DNSOL can be used only with FULL graphics activated (/GRAPHICS (p. 732),FULL); it will not work correctly
with PowerGraphics activated.
DNSOL defines or modifies solution results in the database at a node. For example,
DNSOL,35,U,X,.001,.002,.001 assigns values 0.001, 0.002, and 0.001 to UX, UY, and UZ (respectively) for
node 35. All results that are changed in the database, including the nodal degree of freedom results,
are available for all subsequent operations. All data is stored in the solution coordinate system, but will
be displayed in the results coordinate system [RSYS (p. 1383)]. Use the PRNSOL (p. 1255) command to list
the current results.
Data input by DNSOL is stored in temporary space and does not replace information in the database.
Therefore, data input by this command may be overwritten if a change is made to the selected set of
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 465
Issuing the DNSOL command or its GUI equivalent requires you to place the data type (stress/strain)
in the element nodal records. To get around this requirement, use the DESOL (p. 426) command or
equivalent path to add a "dummy" element stress/strain record.
Result items are available depending on element type; check the individual element for availability.
Valid item and component labels for element results are:
Valid Item and Component Labels for Area and Volume Element Results
Item Comp Description
S X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ Component stress.
" 1, 2, 3 Principal stress.
" INT Stress intensity.
" EQV Equivalent stress.
EPEL X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ Component elastic strain.
" 1, 2, 3 Principal elastic strain.
" INT Elastic strain intensity.
" EQV Elastic equivalent strain.
EPTH X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ Component thermal strain.
" 1, 2, 3 Principal thermal strain.
" INT Thermal strain intensity.
" EQV Thermal equivalent strain.
EPPL X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ Component plastic strain.
" 1, 2, 3 Principal plastic strain.
" INT Plastic strain intensity.
" EQV Plastic equivalent strain.
EPCR X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ Component creep strain.
" 1, 2, 3 Principal creep strain.
" INT Creep strain intensity.
" EQV Creep equivalent strain.
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466 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Valid Item and Component Labels for Area and Volume Element Results
Item Comp Description
EPSW Swelling strain.
NL SEPL Equivalent stress (from stress-strain curve).
" SRAT Stress state ratio.
" HPRES Hydrostatic pressure.
" EPEQ Accumulated equivalent plastic strain.
" PSV Plastic state variable.
" PLWK Plastic work/volume.
SEND ELASTIC Elastic strain energy density. (For viscoelastic materials, the stored
" PLASTIC Plastic strain energy density.
" CREEP Creep strain energy density.
TG X, Y, Z, SUM Component thermal gradient or vector sum.
TF X, Y, Z, SUM Component thermal flux or vector sum.
PG X, Y, Z, SUM Component pressure gradient or vector sum.
EF X, Y, Z, SUM Component electric field or vector sum.
D X, Y, Z, SUM Component electric flux density or vector sum.
H X, Y, Z, SUM Component magnetic field intensity or vector sum.
B X, Y, Z, SUM Component magnetic flux density or vector sum.
FMAG X, Y, Z, SUM Component electromagnetic force or vector sum.
1. For SHELL131 and SHELL132 elements with KEYOPT(3) = 0 or 1, use the labels TBOT, TE2, TE3, ..., TTOP instead
of TEMP.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Define/Modify>Nodal Results
Argument Descriptions
The name of the scalar parameter to be used as the loop index. See *SET (p. 1453) for name restrictions. Any
existing parameter of the same name will be redefined. There is no character parameter substitution for
the Par field.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 467
The block of commands following the *DO (p. 467) command (up to the *ENDDO (p. 527) command) is
executed repeatedly until some loop control is satisfied. Printout is automatically suppressed on all
loops after the first (include a /GOPR (p. 728) command to restore the printout). The command line loop
control (Par,IVAL,FVAL,INC) must be input; however, a Use the *IF (p. 774) within the block can also
be used to control looping [*EXIT (p. 588), *CYCLE (p. 379)]. One level of internal file switching is used
for each nested *DO (p. 467). Twenty levels of nested do-loops are allowed.
Do-loops that include /INPUT (p. 791), *USE (p. 1727), or an "Unknown Command" macro, have
less nesting available because each of these operations also uses a level of file switching.
The *DO (p. 467), *ENDDO (p. 527), and any *CYCLE (p. 379) and *EXIT (p. 588) commands for
a do-loop must all be read from the same file (or keyboard). You cannot use the MULTIPRO
or *CREATE (p. 358) commands within a *DO (p. 467)-loop. Picking operations should also
not be used within a *DO (p. 467)-loop.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
DOF, Lab1, Lab2, Lab3, Lab4, Lab5, Lab6, Lab7, Lab8, Lab9, Lab10
Adds degrees of freedom to the current DOF set.
PREP7 (p. 20): Element Type (p. 21)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Product Restrictions (p. 469)
Command Default
Use degree of freedom set determined from element types.
The degree of freedom (DOF) set for the model is determined from all element types defined. This
command may be used to add to the current set. The ALL label may be used on some commands to
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
468 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
represent all labels of the current degree of freedom set for the model. Issue the DOF command with
no arguments to list the current set. Use the DELETE label to delete any previously added DOFs and
return to the default DOF set.
Product Restrictions
Command Option Available Products
Ux, Uy,Uz, Rx,Ry,Rz DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
MAG, VOLT DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Ax,Ay,Az DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
PRES DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
TEMP,TBOT, DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
CURR,EMF DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
CONC DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
DELETE DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Element Type>Add DOF
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Element Type>Remove DOFs
Label identifying the type of select:
Select a new set of labels.
Add labels to the current set.
Unselect (remove) labels from the current set.
Restore the full set of labels.
Display the current select status.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 469
Command Default
Degree of freedom (and the corresponding force) labels are determined from the model.
Selects a degree of freedom label set for reference by other commands. The label set is used on certain
commands where ALL is either input in the degree of freedom label field or implied. The active label
set has no effect on the solution degrees of freedom. Specified labels which are not active in the
model (from the ET (p. 571) or DOF (p. 468) command) are ignored. As a convenience, a set of force labels
corresponding to the degree of freedom labels is also selected. For example, selecting UX also causes
FX to be selected (and vice versa). The force label set is used on certain commands where ALL is input
in the force label field.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Operate>Scale FE Loads>Constraints
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Operate>Scale FE Loads>Forces
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Settings>Replace vs Add>Constraints
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Settings>Replace vs Add>Forces
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Operate>Scale FE Loads>Constraints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Operate>Scale FE Loads>Forces
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Settings>Replace vs Add>Constraints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Settings>Replace vs Add>Forces
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
470 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Specifies the rotational acceleration of the structure about each of the global Cartesian axes. Rotational
accelerations may be defined in analysis types ANTYPE (p. 140),STATIC, HARMIC (full or mode-superpos-
ition), TRANS (full or mode-superposition), and SUBSTR. See Acceleration Effect in the Mechanical APDL
Theory Reference for details. Units are radians/time2.
The DOMEGA command supports tabular boundary conditions (%TABNAME_X%, %TABNAME_Y%, and
%TABNAME_Z%) for DOMEGA_X, DOMEGA_Y, and DOMEGA_Z input values (*DIM (p. 435)) for full tran-
sient and harmonic analyses.
Related commands are ACEL (p. 85), CGLOC (p. 273), CGOMGA (p. 274), DCGOMG (p. 409), and
OMEGA (p. 1107).
In a modal harmonic or transient analysis, you must apply the load in the modal portion of the analysis.
Mechanical APDL calculates a load vector and writes it to the mode shape file, which you can apply via
the LVSCALE (p. 914) command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Inertia>Angular Accel>Global
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Inertia>Angular Accel>Global
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Inertia>Angular Accel>Global
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Inertia>Angular Accel>Global
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 471
Argument Descriptions
Name of first vector; must have been previously specified by a *VEC (p. 1749) command.
Name of second vector; must have been previously specified by a *VEC (p. 1749) command.
Parameter name that contains the result.
Parameter name that contains the imaginary part of the result (used only for complex vectors).
If Vector1 and Vector2 are complex, the complex conjugate of Vector1 is used to compute the
result (Par_Real, Par_Imag).
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Argument Descriptions
The name of the scalar parameter to be used as the loop index. There is no character parameter substitution
for the Par field.
*DOWHILE (p. 472) loops repeatedly through the next *ENDDO (p. 527) command as long as Par is
greater than zero. The block of commands following the *DOWHILE (p. 472) command (up to the *EN-
DDO (p. 527) command) is executed repeatedly until some loop control is satisfied. Printout is automat-
ically suppressed on all loops after the first (include a /GOPR (p. 728) command to restore the printout).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
472 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The command line loop control (Par) must be input; however, *IF (p. 774) within the block can also be
used to control looping [*EXIT (p. 588), *CYCLE (p. 379)]. One level of internal file switching is used for
each nested *DOWHILE (p. 472). Twenty levels of nested do-loops are allowed.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Scale factor for the real component. Zero (or blank) defaults to 1.0. Use a small number for a zero scale
Scale factor for the imaginary component. Zero (or blank) defaults to 1.0. Use a small number for a zero
scale factor.
Base temperature for temperature difference. For temperatures, the scale factor is applied to the temper-
ature difference (T-TBASE) and then added to TBASE. T is the current temperature.
Scales degree of freedom constraint values (displacement, temperature, etc.) in the database. If velocity
and acceleration boundary conditions are applied in a structural analysis, they are also scaled by this
command. Solid model boundary conditions are not scaled by this command, but boundary conditions
on the FE model are scaled.
Such scaled FE boundary conditions may still be overwritten by unscaled solid model
boundary conditions if a subsequent boundary condition transfer occurs.
Scaling applies to the previously defined values for the selected nodes [NSEL (p. 1057)] and the selected
degree of freedom labels [DOFSEL (p. 469)]. Issue DLIST (p. 453) command to review results.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 473
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Operate>Scale FE Loads>Constraints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Operate>Scale FE Loads>Constraints
Window number (or ALL) to which command applies (defaults to 1).
AUTO or 0
Scale displacements automatically so that maximum displacement (vector amplitude) displays as 5
percent of the maximum model length, as measured in the global Cartesian X, Y, or Z directions.
Do not scale displacements (i.e., scale displacements by 1.0, true to geometry). Often used with large
deflection results.
Scale displacements by numerical value input for FACTOR.
Remove displacement scaling (i.e., scale displacements by 0.0, no distortion).
Set DMULT to that used for last display (useful when last DMULT value was automatically calculated).
Command Default
The default value is AUTO or 0 except when:
Large deflection effects are included (NLGEOM (p. 1028),ON) and it is not a modal analysis; then
the default is 1.
It is a spectrum analysis (ANTYPE (p. 140),SPECTR); then the default is OFF.
The amplitude of a time-harmonic solution is computed using the HRCPLX (p. 760) command
(OMEGAT ≥ 360°); then the default is OFF.
The amplitude of a complex modal or harmonic solution is stored into the database using the
SET (p. 1458) command (KIMG = AMPL); then the default is OFF.
If Multi-Plots are not being displayed, and the current device is a 3-D device [/SHOW (p. 1507),3D], then
the displacement scale in all active windows will be the same, even if separate /DSCALE (p. 474) com-
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
474 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
mands are issued for each active window. For efficiency, ANSYS 3-D graphics logic maintains a single
data structure (segment), which contains only one displacement scale. The program displays the same
segment (displacement scale) in all windows. Only the view settings will be different in each of the
active windows.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Displacement Scaling
Digitizing device type number (device dependent).
Sets drawing scale size and defines the drawing plane orientation for use with a digitizing tablet.
Drawings must be to scale. Views must represent standard orthogonal parallel projections. The three
nodes indicated must be digitized [DIG (p. 434)] from the tablet after this command is issued.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Create>Nodes>Digitize Nodes>Set Plane/Device
Reordering option:
Use the default reordering scheme.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 475
Use a sequential equation reordering scheme. Relative to PARORDER, this option typically results in
longer equation ordering times and therefore longer overall solver times. Occasionally, however, this
option will produce better quality orderings which decrease the matrix factorization times and improve
overall solver performance.
Use a parallel equation reordering scheme. Relative to SEQORDER, this option typically results in
shorter equation ordering times and therefore shorter overall solver times. Occasionally, however, this
option will produce lower quality orderings which increase the matrix factorization times and degrade
overall solver performance.
Memory allocation option:
Use the default memory allocation strategy for the sparse solver. The default strategy attempts to run
in the INCORE memory mode. If there is not enough physical memory available when the solver starts
to run in the INCORE memory mode, the solver will then attempt to run in the OUTOFCORE memory
Use a memory allocation strategy in the sparse solver that will attempt to obtain enough memory to
run with the entire factorized matrix in memory. This option uses the most amount of memory and
should avoid doing any I/O. By avoiding I/O, this option achieves optimal solver performance. However,
a significant amount of memory is required to run in this mode, and it is only recommended on machines
with a large amount of memory. If the allocation for in-core memory fails, the solver will automatically
revert to out-of-core memory mode.
Use a memory allocation strategy in the sparse solver that will attempt to allocate only enough work
space to factor each individual frontal matrix in memory, but will share the entire factorized matrix on
disk. Typically, this memory mode results in poor performance due to the potential bottleneck caused
by the I/O to the various files written by the solver.
This option, when used in conjunction with the Memory_Size option, allows you to force the sparse
solver to run with a specific amount of memory. This option is only recommended for the advanced
user who understands sparse solver memory requirements for the problem being solved, understands
the physical memory on the system, and wants to control the sparse solver memory usage.
Initial memory size allocation for the sparse solver in GB. The Memory_Size setting should always be
well within the physical memory available, but not so small as to cause the sparse solver to run out of
memory. Warnings and/or errors from the sparse solver will appear if this value is set too low. If the FORCE
memory option is used, this value is the amount of memory allocated for the entire duration of the sparse
solver solution.
--, --
Unused fields
Solver output option:
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476 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Turns off additional output printing from the sparse solver (default).
Turns on additional output printing from the sparse solver, including a performance summary and a
summary of file I/O for the sparse solver. Information on memory usage during assembly of the global
matrix (that is, creation of the Jobname.FULL file) is also printed with this option.
Command Default
Automatic memory allocation is used.
This command controls options related to the sparse solver in all analysis types where this solver can
be used.
The amount of memory required for the sparse solver is unknown until the matrix structure is prepro-
cessed, including equation reordering. The amount of memory allocated for the sparse solver is then
dynamically adjusted to supply the solver what it needs to compute the solution.
If you have a large memory system, you may want to try selecting the INCORE memory mode for larger
jobs to improve performance. Also, when running the sparse solver with many processors on the same
machine or on a machine with very slow I/O performance (e.g., slow hard drive speed), you may want
to try using the INCORE memory mode to achieve better performance. However, doing so may require
much more memory compared to running in the OUTOFCORE memory mode.
Running with the INCORE memory mode is best for jobs which comfortably fit within the limits of the
physical memory on a given system. If the sparse solver workspace exceeds physical memory size, the
system will be forced to use virtual memory (or the system page/swap file). In this case, it is typically
more efficient to run with the OUTOFCORE memory mode.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Combine only those modes whose significance level exceeds the SIGNIF threshold. For single point,
multipoint, or DDAM response (SPOPT (p. 1552), SPRS, MPRS, or DDAM), the significance level of a mode is
defined as the mode coefficient of the mode, divided by the maximum mode coefficient of all modes. Any
mode whose significance level is less than SIGNIF is considered insignificant and is not contributed to
the mode combinations. The higher the SIGNIF threshold, the fewer the number of modes combined.
SIGNIF defaults to 0.001. If SIGNIF is specified as 0.0, it is taken as 0.0. (This mode combination method
is not valid for SPOPT (p. 1552), PSD.)
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 477
Label identifying the combined mode solution output.
Displacement solution (default). Displacements, stresses, forces, etc., are available.
Velocity solution. Velocities, "stress velocities," "force velocities," etc., are available.
Acceleration solution. Accelerations, "stress accelerations," "force accelerations," etc., are available.
Time duration for earthquake or shock spectrum. TD defaults to 10.
Label identifying the forces to be combined:
Combine the modal static forces (default).
Combine the modal static plus inertial forces.
This command is also valid for PREP7.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>Mode Combine>DSUM Method
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>MultiPt>Mode Combine>DSUM
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>SinglePt>Mode Combine>DSUM
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>Mode Combine>DSUM Method
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>MultiPt>Mode Combine>DSUM Method
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>SinglePt>Mode Combine>DSUM Method
Surface is located in coordinate system KCN. KCN may be 0,1,2 or any previously defined local coordinate
system number.
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478 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Command Default
Surface associated with DIG (p. 434) command is the global Cartesian X-Y plane with Z = 0.
Defines the surface upon which the nodes to be digitized (with the DIG (p. 434) command) actually lie.
Surfaces are defined by a coordinate system number and a coordinate constant [MOVE (p. 966)]. Two
coordinates are determined from the drawing and converted to surface coordinates. The third coordinate
is defined from the input surface constant. If nodes lie on warped or undefined surfaces, use the
DMOVE (p. 459) command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Create>Nodes>Digitize Nodes>Define Surface
Symmetry label:
Generate symmetry constraints as described below (default).
Generate antisymmetry constraints as described below.
Surface orientation label to determine the constraint set (surface is assumed to be perpendicular to this
coordinate direction in coordinate system KCN):
Surface is normal to coordinate X direction (default). Interpreted as R direction for non-Cartesian co-
ordinate systems.
Surface is normal to coordinate Y direction. θ direction for non-Cartesian coordinate systems.
Surface is normal to coordinate Z direction. Φ direction for spherical or toroidal coordinate systems.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 479
Reference number of global or local coordinate system used to define surface orientation.
Specifies symmetry or antisymmetry degree-of-freedom constraints on the selected nodes. The nodes
are first automatically rotated (any previously defined rotations on these nodes are redefined) into co-
ordinate system KCN, then zero-valued constraints are generated, as described below, on the selected
degree-of-freedom set (limited to displacement, velocity, and magnetic degrees of freedom) [DOF-
SEL (p. 469)]. Constraints are defined in the (rotated) nodal coordinate system, as usual. See the D (p. 397)
and NROTAT (p. 1055) commands for additional details about constraints and nodal rotations.
Normal 2-D 3-D 2-D 3-D
Z -- UZ, ROTX, -- UX, UY,
Normal 2-D 3-D 2-D 3-D
Z -- VZ -- VX, VY
For the 2-D vector magnetic degree of freedom, AZ, symmetry is naturally satisfied and the SYMM label
generates no constraints. The ASYM label generates flux parallel conditions (flux flows parallel to the
Normal 2-D 2-D
X -- AZ
Y -- AZ
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480 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Boundary>VectorPot>Flux
Normal>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Boundary>VectorPot>Flux
Par'l>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Displacement>Antisymm
B.C.>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Displacement>Symmetry
B.C.>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Boundary>VectorPot>Flux Normal>On
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Boundary>VectorPot>Flux Par'l>On
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Displacement>Antisymm B.C.>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Displacement>Symmetry B.C.>On Nodes
Activates a display coordinate system for geometry listings and plots.
GRAPHICS (p. 14): Set Up (p. 14)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Coordinate system reference number. KCN may be 0,1,2 or any previously defined local coordinate system
If a cylinder is displayed in its cylindrical coordinate system (with a 1,0,0 view), it will be
unrolled (developed) into a flat plane (with theta along the Y direction).
Command Default
Global Cartesian (KCN = 0) display coordinate system.
Boundary condition symbols, vector arrows, and element coordinate system triads are not transformed
to the display coordinate system. The display system orientation (for the default view) is X horizontal
to the right, Y vertical upward, and Z out of the screen (normal).
Line directions and area directions (/PSYMB (p. 1295),LDIR and /PSYMB (p. 1295),ADIR) are not plotted for
DSYS >0.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 481
When you create ANSYS 3-D annotation, the coordinates are stored to the database in the DSYS that
was active at the time of creation. Changing the DSYS does not change the annotation coordinate data
in the database.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Change Display CS to>Global Cartesian
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Change Display CS to>Global Cylindrical
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Change Display CS to>Global Spherical
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Change Display CS to>Specified Coord Sys
Transfers solid model DOF constraints to the finite element model.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Solid Constraints (p. 40)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Constraints are transferred only from selected solid model entities to selected nodes. The DTRAN oper-
ation is also done if the SBCTRAN (p. 1390) command is issued, and is automatically done upon initiation
of the solution calculations [SOLVE (p. 1538)].
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Operate>Transfer to FE>Constraints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Operate>Transfer to FE>Constraints
Dump file from record NSTRT (defaults to 1) to NSTOP (defaults to NSTRT). If NSTRT = HEAD, dump only
record 1 of the file (NSTOP and the format specification are ignored). If NSTRT = ALL, dump the entire file.
Dumps the file named on the AUX2 FILEAUX2 (p. 628) command according the format specified on the
FORM (p. 645) command.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
482 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>File>List>Binary Files
Utility Menu>List>Files>Binary Files
Mode label:
Allows ANSYS to use the accumulation buffer for OpenGL graphics. Activating this feature will provide
faster model rotation when shaded backgrounds are in use. This feature is off by default.
Label term to designate the cursor position as the center for automatic dynamic rotational center
capability. The subsequent Key value (see below) turns this capability on and off. This feature is on by
default. (Available for OpenGL displays only)
Animation mode. The ANIM option allows you to create animation frames in pixmap mode instead of
display list mode. This may improve large model performance, but it eliminates local manipulation
while animation is in progress. This feature is on by default.
Label term to control Anti-aliasing, a smoothing technique for your graph plots. (see below) The sub-
sequent Key value turns this capability on and off. The default for this feature is off. (Available for
OpenGL displays only).
Switches banded contours on (1) or off (0) for your 3–D contour display. The default is 1 (ON). Other
contour parameters such as number of contours or the increment and range are defined using the
/CONTOUR (p. 343) command. When either 9 or 128 contours are specified via /CONTOUR (p. 343), this
command is ignored and a smooth contour is always displayed.
Local manipulation degenerate mode. You access the DGEN option to set wire-frame local manipulation
mode for 3-D devices (device dependent). This feature is off by default.
With DLIST, you can specify whether screen updates and redraws will be performed using the ANSYS
Display List (off ), or the 3-D device's Display List (on). DLIST is on by default for Windows systems, but
off for Linux.
You use DELS to suppress contour display screen overwrites when /NOERASE (p. 1042) is active. This
prevents the bleed-through that occurs when you overlay contour plots.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 483
Triangle strip mode. Tri-stripping provides faster 3-D display capabilities and is on by default. Some
display enhancements, such as texturing, are adversely affected by tri-stripping. You can turn off tri-
stripping in order to improve these display functions. Be sure to turn tri-stripping on after the desired
output is obtained.
The following key options apply to Lab = ACCU:
(OFF) The accumulation buffer is not accessed. (default)
(ON) Access to the buffer is enabled.
(OFF) The cursor position has no effect on the existing rotational center for dynamic operations.
(ON) The rotational center for dynamic rotations in OpenGL is determined by the position of
the mouse cursor on (or within 15 pixels of ) the model. Any rotations that are initiated with the
cursor more than 15 pixels from the model will occur about the midpoint of the Z-axis at that
point in space. If the Z-buffer has not been refreshed the Z-axis will have an infinite value, and
rotations will appear to occur about an extremely long Z-axis. This behavior stops when the
graphics window is refreshed or replotted. (default)
Note that when using the GUI in 3-D mode, when ACTR = 1, the Rotational Center option
is grayed out under Utility Menu> PlotCtrls> View Setting because the rotational center
is determined strictly by the position of the mouse cursor.
Display list animation. The object can be dynamically manipulated while animating. No legend,
countour or annotation items are displayed. (see Notes, below)
On Linux, device-dependent pixmap animation is used. On the PC, bitmap animation is provided
(default). When you animate in this mode, you cannot dynamically manipulate your model (see
Notes, below).
On the PC only, this option provides AVI animation which uses the AVI movie player .
Although you can create animations of multiple ANSYS window schemes, animations created
with OpenGL display lists (/DV3D (p. 483), ANIM, 0) do not retain the windowing scheme
information. You CAN save multiple windows via the X11/WIN32 drivers, or via the OpenGL
driver with /DV3D (p. 483), ANIM, KEY in effect (where KEY is not zero).
(OFF) Anti-aliasing is not active (default).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
484 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
(ON) The anti-aliasing technique will be applied to smooth the lines in your displays (valid for
OpenGL only).
Normal manipulation.
Wireframe Manipulation.
(OFF) The ANSYS Display List is used for plotting and dynamic graphics manipulation (Linux
(ON) The local (3-D Device) Display List is used for plotting and dynamic rotation (Windows
(OFF) Tri-stripping is off.
(ON) Tri-stripping is on (default).
ANSYS uses display list animation for its 3-D models. This memory resident array method interfaces
with the OpenGL model information to allow the program to efficiently pan, zoom, rotate and dynam-
ically manipulate your model during animation. The logo, legend, contour and other annotation items
are produced in 2-D and will not appear when /DV3D (p. 483), ANIM, 0 is in effect. To display these
items, use /DV3D (p. 483), ANIM, 1. All screen data will be displayed, but manipulation of the model will
not be possible.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Device Options
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 485
The identification number of the enforced motion base (defined using the D (p. 397) command in the
modal analysis).
Enforced displacement.
Enforced acceleration.
The value or table name reference for tabular boundary conditions. To specify a table, enclose the table
name in percent (%) signs (DVAL,BaseID,U,%tablename%). Use the *DIM (p. 435) command to define
a table.
The value of the second degree of freedom (if present). If the analysis type and the degree of freedom allow
a complex input, VALUE is the real component and VALUE2 is the imaginary component.
Displacement result calculation key:
Calculate absolute displacement and acceleration results (default).
Calculate relative displacement and acceleration results.
In a mode-superposition harmonic or transient analysis, you can apply enforced displacement or accel-
eration loads. If multiple loads are specified for the same base identification number (BaseID), the last
load applied overrides the previous ones. For example, the following commands apply displacement
to the base with identification number 1:
In this case, the acceleration (ACC) applied in the last command will override the displacement (U).
Issue LSCLEAR (p. 894),LSOPT to delete DVAL command options from the database.
For more information, see Enforced Motion Method for Mode-Superposition Transient and Harmonic
Analyses in the Structural Analysis Guide and Enforced Motion Method for Transient and Harmonic
Analyses in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
486 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Non-structural volume to which mesh movement (morph) applies. If ALL, apply morphing to all selected
volumes [VSEL (p. 1805)]. If VOLU = P, graphical picking is enabled. A component may be substituted for
Areas to be excluded from morphing. If ALL, exclude all selected areas [ASEL (p. 166)]. If XAREA = P,
graphical picking is enabled. A component may be substituted for XAREA. If XAREA is blank (default),
allow morphing of nodes attached to areas of the selected volumes (VOLU) which are not shared by unse-
lected volumes. (See Notes for clarification).
Remesh flag option:
Remesh the selected non-structural volumes only if mesh morphing fails.
Remesh the selected non-structural volumes and bypass mesh morphing.
Perform mesh morphing only and do not remesh.
The selected volumes should include only non-structural regions adjacent to structural regions. DVMORPH
will morph the non-structural volumes to coincide with the deflections of the structural regions.
Nodes in the structural regions move in accordance with computed displacements. Displacements from
a structural analysis must be in the database prior to issuing DVMORPH.
By default, nodes attached to areas can move along the areas. You can use XAREA to restrain nodes
on certain areas.
By default (RMSHKY = 0), DVMORPH will remesh the selected non-structural volumes entirely if a satis-
factory morphed mesh cannot be provided.
If boundary conditions and loads are applied directly to nodes and elements, the DVMORPH command
requires that these be removed before remeshing can take place.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 487
Exercise care with initial conditions defined by the IC (p. 769) command. Before a structural analysis is
performed for a sequentially coupled analysis, the DVMORPH command requires that initial conditions
be removed from all null element type nodes in the non-structural regions. Use ICDELE (p. 771) to delete
the initial conditions.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Modify Mesh>Phys Morphing>Volumes
Specifies "Dynamic analysis options" as the subsequent status topic.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Status (p. 46)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>Solution>Dynamics Options
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
488 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
E Commands
E, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P
Defines an element by node connectivity.
PREP7 (p. 20): Elements (p. 29)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Number of node assigned to first nodal position (node I). If I = P, graphical picking is enabled and all re-
maining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI).
J, K, L, M, N, O, P
Number assigned to second (node J) through eighth (node P) nodal position, if any.
Defines an element by its nodes and attribute values. Up to 8 nodes may be specified with the E com-
mand. If more nodes are needed for the element, use the EMORE (p. 521) command. The number of
nodes required and the order in which they should be specified are described in Chapter 4 of the Element
Reference for each element type. Elements are automatically assigned a number [NUMSTR (p. 1085)] as
generated. The current (or default) MAT, TYPE, REAL, SECNUM and ESYS attribute values are also assigned
to the element.
When creating elements with more than 8 nodes using this command and the EMORE (p. 521) command,
it may be necessary to turn off shape checking using the SHPP (p. 1510) command before issuing this
command. If a valid element type can be created without using the additional nodes on the
EMORE (p. 521) command, this command will create that element. The EMORE (p. 521) command will
then modify the element to include the additional nodes. If shape checking is active, it will be performed
before the EMORE (p. 521) command is issued. Therefore, if the shape checking limits are exceeded,
element creation may fail before the EMORE (p. 521) command modifies the element into an acceptable
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Auto Numbered>Thru Nodes
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 489
Reactivates an element (for the birth and death capability).
SOLUTION (p. 35): Birth and Death (p. 44)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Element to be reactivated. If ALL, reactivate all selected elements [ESEL (p. 548)]. If ELEM = P, graphical
picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A component
name may also be substituted for ELEM. To specify a table, enclose the table name in percent signs (%),
e.g. EALIVE,%tabname%.
Reactivates the specified element when the birth and death capability is being used. An element can
be reactivated only after it has been deactivated (EKILL (p. 510)).
Reactivated elements have a zero strain (or thermal heat storage, etc.) state.
The usage of tabular input is described in Using TABLE Type Array Parameters to Control Birth and
Death in the Advanced Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>Birth & Death>Activate Elem
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Other>Birth & Death>Activate Elem
Optimizes degree-of-freedom usage in a coupled acoustic model.
PREP7 (p. 20): Elements (p. 29)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
The ECPCHG command converts uncoupled acoustic element types to coupled acoustic element types
that are attached to the fluid-structure interaction interface. Or it converts coupled acoustic element
types to uncoupled acoustic element types that are not attached to the fluid-structure interaction inter-
face. Issuing ECPCHG can dramatically reduce the size of the Jobname.EMAT file, compared to the
model fully meshed with the coupled acoustic elements.
Performing the ECPCHG conversion on meshed volumes can create circumstances in which more than
one element type is defined for a single volume.
If the acoustic elements are coupled with shell elements (SHELL181 or SHELL281), you must set the
fluid-structure interaction (FSI) flag by issuing the SF (p. 1464),,FSI command before the ECPCHG command.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
490 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
ECPCHG may add new element types to your model, or it may change the element type for existing
acoustic elements. You should verify the defined element types with ETLIST (p. 584) and the element
attributes with ELIST (p. 513) after using this command.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Deleted elements are replaced by null or "blank" elements. Null elements are used only for retaining
the element numbers so that the element numbering sequence for the rest of the model is not changed
by deleting elements. Null elements may be removed (although this is not necessary) with the NUM-
CMP (p. 1076) command. If related element data (pressures, etc.) are also to be deleted, delete that data
before deleting the elements. EDELE is for unattached elements only. You can use the xCLEAR family
of commands to remove any attached elements from the database.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Delete Elements
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Delete>Elements
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Delete>Pre-tens Elemnts
Window number (or ALL) to which command applies. The default window is 1.
Edge key:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 491
Elements Plots
Display common lines between all adjacent element faces.
Display only the common lines between non-coplanar faces (that is, show only the edges).
Contour Plots
Display only the common lines between non-coplanar faces.
Display common lines between all element faces.
Largest angle between two faces for which the faces are considered to be coplanar (0° to 180°). Defaults
to 45°. A smaller angle produces more edges, a larger angle produces fewer edges.
Command Default
For element plots, display common lines between all adjacent element faces. For contour plots, display
only the common lines between non-coplanar faces.
The ANGLE field is used in PowerGraphics to determine geometric discontinuities. It is a tolerance
measure for the differences between the normals of the surfaces being considered. Values within the
tolerance are accepted as coplanar (geometrically continuous). In postprocessing displays, results are
not averaged across discontinuous surfaces.
A surface can be displayed as an edge outline without interior detail. This is useful for both geometry
and postprocessing displays. Element outlines are normally shown as solid lines for geometry and dis-
placement displays. Lines common to adjacent "coplanar" element faces are removed from the display.
Midside nodes of elements are ignored.
The /SHRINK (p. 1516) option is ignored with the edge option.
/EDGE (p. 491) is not supported for PLESOL (p. 1172) and /ESHAPE (p. 552) displays when in PowerGraphics
mode (/GRAPHICS (p. 732),POWER).
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Edge Options
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
492 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Specifies one of the following command behaviors:
Extrudes plane elements (PLANE182 and PLANE183) based on the KEYOPT(3) setting (p. 494). Comple-
mentary elements are also extruded. (See Notes (p. 494) for more information.) This behavior is the
Extrudes elements in the global Z direction. KEYOPT(3) of the parent plane elements is ignored.
Extrudes elements about the global Y axis. KEYOPT(3) of the parent plane elements is ignored.
Extrudes plane and contact elements about the global Y axis. Target elements are extruded in the
global Z direction.
Extrudes plane and contact elements about the global Y axis in a 360-degree span. Target elements
are extruded in the global Z direction if outside the plane elements. Mesh refinement is adapted specific-
ally for tire analysis.
Number of elements to generate in the extruded direction. If you do not specify a number, the program
calculates a number automatically based on the average element size and extrusion distance.
Spacing ratio. If positive, this value is the nominal ratio of the last division size to the first division size (if
> 1.0, sizes increase, if < 1.0, sizes decrease). If negative, |SPACE| is the nominal ratio of the center division
size to the end division size. Default = 1.0 (uniform spacing).
Distance to extrude in the global Z direction for the plane strain case (Action = PLANE). The default is 1.
Angle (in degrees) depending on Action:
Action = AXIS – Ending angle to extrude about the global Y axis for the axisymmetric case.
Default = 360. (The beginning angle is always 0 degrees.)
Action = TIRE – Span of the contact patch for mesh refinement. The program generates an
abrupt mesh transition from fine to coarse. Default = 0.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 493
Factor for increasing the rigid target size. The size of the extruded rigid target elements is determined
automatically based on the size of the contact elements. Default = 0.2.
Reserved for future use.
Controls the nodal orientation in the third direction and boundary-condition mapping (Action = AXIS
or TIRE only):
0 --
All nodes are rotated to a local Cartesian coordinate system where X is the radial, Y axial and Z circum-
ferential direction. All loads and displacements are mapped from the 2-D model to the 3-D model in
the local coordinate system.
If applying rotation ROTY in axisymmetric cases with torsion on the 2-D model, this value sets
UZ = 0 at all corresponding 3-D nodes.
1 --
Only nodes with applied loads and/or displacements are rotated to a local Cartesian coordinate system
where X is the radial, Y axial and Z circumferential direction. All loads are mapped to the 3-D model
and all applied displacements are reset to zero.
The EEXTRUDE command extrudes elements PLANE182 and PLANE183. Complementary elements
TARGE169, CONTA172, and REINF263 also extrude. Extrusion operates automatically on elements in the
selected element set.
Action = TIRE determines if target elements are in the middle ("rim") part of the model or on the
outside ("road") part. The middle elements extrude axisymmetrically about the Y axis, and the outside
elements extrude in the Z direction.
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494 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
If interference exists between road and tire, the command extrudes outside elements within the specified
tolerance (SELTOL (p. 1445)) in the global Z direction. For more information, see 2-D to 3-D analysis.
The BCKEY value is valid only within the 2-D to 3-D analysis environment (that is, after issuing
MAP2DTO3D (p. 925),START and before issuing MAP2DTO3D (p. 925),FINISH).
Use the default BCKEY = 0 setting if you intend to apply minimal new loads or constraints during the
3-D analysis phase; otherwise, set BCKEY = 1.
For more information, including how boundary conditions and loads are mapped from the 2-D model
to the 3-D model, see 2-D to 3-D Analysis in the Advanced Analysis Guide.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 495
This command is valid in the PREP7 (/PREP7 (p. 1235)) and SOLUTION (/SOLU (p. 1537)) processors. Some
options are valid within the 2-D to 3-D analysis environment only (between MAP2DTO3D (p. 925),START
and MAP2DTO3D (p. 925),FINISH).
Element Behavior
For automatic PLANE182 and PLANE183 extrusion (Action = AUTO), based on the element behavior
of the plane elements, the command performs as follows:
KEYOPT(3) = 0 --
Plane stress; the element is ignored.
KEYOPT(3) = 1 --
Axisymmetric; the element is extruded 360 degrees about the Y-axis. THETA is ignored.
KEYOPT(3) = 2 --
Plane strain (Z strain = 0.0); the element is extruded a unit distance in the global Z
KEYOPT(3) = 3 --
Plane stress with thickness input; the element is extruded in the Z-direction as specified
by the thickness input via a real constant.
KEYOPT(3) = 5 --
Generalized plane strain; the element is ignored.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
496 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
KEYOPT(3) = 6 --
Axisymmetric with torsion; the element is extruded 360 degrees about the Y-axis.
THETA is ignored.
For an axisymmetric extrusion (Action = AUTO with KEYOPT(3) = 1, Action = AXIS, or Action =
TANGENT), the command merges any nodes within the specified tolerance (SELTOL (p. 1445),TOLER) of
the axis into a single node, then forms degenerate tetrahedrons, pyramids, or wedges. The default tol-
erance value is 1.0E-6.
You can control shape-checking options via the SHPP (p. 1510) command.
The extrusion behavior of accompanying contact (CONTA172) is determined by the plane element set-
tings. Rigid target (TARGE169) elements are extruded in the global Z direction unless axisymmetric ex-
trusion (Action = AXIS or Action = TIRE) is in effect.
Within the 2-D to 3-D analysis environment (between MAP2DTO3D (p. 925),START and
MAP2DTO3D (p. 925),FINISH), only PLANE182, PLANE183, and associated contact/target elements are
supported for the axisymmetric option (with or without torsion) and plane strain.
All element properties are also transferred consistently during extrusion. For example, a 2-D element
is extruded to a 3-D element, and a mixed u-P 2-D element is extruded to a mixed u-P 3-D element.
Element and node components are passed over the 3-D elements and extruded nodes.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 497
Number of facets per element edge for element plots.
Use 1 facet per edge (default for h-elements).
Use 2 facets per edge.
Use 4 facets per edge.
Command Default
As stated above.
/EFACET (p. 498) is valid only when PowerGraphics is enabled [/GRAPHICS (p. 732),POWER], except that
it can be used in FULL graphics mode for element CONTA174. (See the /GRAPHICS (p. 732) command
and element CONTA174 in the Element Reference for more information.) The /EFACET (p. 498) command
is only applicable to element type displays.
/EFACET (p. 498) controls the fineness of the subgrid that is used for element plots. The element is
subdivided into smaller portions called facets. Facets are piecewise linear surface approximations of the
actual element face. In their most general form, facets are warped planes in 3-D space. A greater number
of facets will result in a smoother representation of the element surface for element plots. /EFACET (p. 498)
may affect results averaging. See Contour Displays in the Basic Analysis Guide for more information.
For midside node elements, use NUM = 2; if NUM = 1, no midside node information is output. For non-
midside node elements, NUM should be set to 1. See the PLNSOL (p. 1190) and PRNSOL (p. 1255) commands
for more information.
With PowerGraphics active (/GRAPHICS (p. 732),POWER), the averaging scheme for surface data with
interior element data included (AVRES (p. 183),,FULL) and multiple facets per edge (/EFACET (p. 498),2
or /EFACET (p. 498),4) will yield differing minimum and maximum contour values depending on the Z-
Buffering options (/TYPE (p. 1705),,6 or /TYPE (p. 1705),,7). When the Section data is not included in the
averaging schemes (/TYPE (p. 1705),,7), the resulting absolute value for the midside node is significantly
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
498 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
For cyclic symmetry mode-superposition harmonic solutions, only NUM = 1 is supported in postprocessing.
If you specify /EFACET (p. 498),1, PowerGraphics does not plot midside nodes. You must use
/EFACET (p. 498),2 to make the nodes visible.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Options for Outp
Main Menu>General Postproc>Plot Results>Contour Plot>Nodal Solu
Utility Menu>List>Results>Options
Utility Menu>Plot>Results>Contour Plot>Nodal Solution
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Multi-Plot Contrls
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Size and Shape
Generates elements from an existing pattern.
PREP7 (p. 20): Elements (p. 29)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Do this generation operation a total of ITIMEs, incrementing all nodes in the given pattern by NINC each
time after the first. ITIME must be >1 if generation is to occur. NINC may be positive, zero, or negative.
If DX, DY, and/or DZ is specified, NINC should be set so any existing nodes (as on NGEN (p. 1017)) are not
Increment material number of all elements in the given pattern by MINC each time after the first.
Increment type number by TINC.
Increment real constant table number by RINC.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 499
Increment element coordinate system number by CINC.
Increment section ID number by SINC.
Define nodes that do not already exist but are needed by generated elements (as though the
NGEN (p. 1017),ITIME,INC,NODE1,,,DX,DY,DZ were issued before EGEN). Zero is a valid value. If blank,
DX, DY, and DZ are ignored.
A pattern may consist of any number of previously defined elements. The MAT, TYPE, REAL, ESYS, and
SECNUM numbers of the new elements are based upon the elements in the pattern and not upon the
current specification settings.
You can use the EGEN command to generate interface elements (INTER192, INTER193, INTER194, and
INTER195) directly. However, because interface elements require that the element connectivity be started
from the bottom surface, you must make sure that you use the correct element node connectivity. See
the element descriptions for INTER192, INTER193, INTER194, and INTER195 for the correct element node
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Copy>Elements>Auto Numbered
Specifies a global identifier for a set of MESH200 elements.
PREP7 (p. 20): Elements (p. 29)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
An integer for identifying a set of MESH200 elements used in a reinforcing analysis. Default = 1.
VAL is a global identifier that you assign to a set of MESH200 elements in a reinforcing analysis. The
command is valid only when using the mesh-independent method for defining reinforcing.
The global identifier that you specify is transferred to the reinforcing members (individual reinforcings)
when they are generated (EREINF (p. 543)).
If necessary, you can change the global identifier for an existing set of MESH200 elements
(EMODIF (p. 520)).
For more information about using this command in a mesh-independent reinforcing analysis, see Se-
lecting and Displaying Groups of Reinforcing Members in the Structural Analysis Guide.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
500 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Argument Descriptions
Name of the stiffness matrix. May be a real or complex-valued matrix.
Name of the mass matrix.
Name of the damping matrix (used only for MODOPT (p. 951),DAMP).
Name of the output eigenvalues vector. It will be an m-long *VEC (p. 1749) vector of complex values, where
m is the number of eigenvalues requested (MODOPT (p. 951)).
Name of the output eigenvector matrix. It will be a n x m *DMAT (p. 454) (dense) matrix of complex values,
where n is the size of the matrix and m is the number of eigenvalues requested (MODOPT (p. 951)).
Use the command ANTYPE (p. 140),MODAL and the MODOPT (p. 951) command to specify the modal
solution options. Only MODOPT (p. 951),DAMP, MODOPT (p. 951),UNSYM, MODOPT (p. 951),LANB, and
MODOPT (p. 951),SUBSP are supported.
*EIGEN (p. 501) with Block Lanczos (LANB) only supports sparse matrices.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 501
Component name containing the reference nodes for calculating the position of poles for generating IN-
FIN257 structural infinite elements.
The number of poles and their positions are based on the number of included nodes:
• If the component includes only one node, the node becomes the pole node. The pole node is
typically located at or near the geometric center of the finite element domain if there is a single
• If the component includes two (2-D) or three nodes (3-D), the program constructs an infinite line
or area, then calculates the pole positions by drawing a perpendicular line from a selected node
to the line or area.
• If the component includes more than two (2-D) or three nodes (3-D), the program uses the first
two or three nodes calculate the position of poles.
Node number for the direct input of the pole node. (A parameter or parametric expression is also valid.)
Specify this value when no CompName has been specified. (If CompName is specified, this value is ignored.)
If NREF2, or NREF2 and NREF3, are defined, this value becomes the first reference node (NREF1)
used to calculate pole positions.
Node number of the second reference node used to calculate pole positions. (A parameter or parametric
expression is also valid.) Specify this value when no CompName has been specified. (If CompName is specified,
this value is ignored.) To input this value, first specify NREF1 (replacing PNODE). Pole positions are calculated
on an infinite line defined by NREF1 and NREF2.
Node number of the third reference node used to calculate pole positions. (A parameter or parametric
expression is also valid.) Specify this value when no CompName has been specified. (If CompName is specified,
this value is ignored.) To input this value, first specify NREF1 (replacing PNODE) and NREF2. Pole positions
are calculated on an infinite line defined by NREF1, NREF2, and NREF3.
Optional material ID of the structural infinite element. (A parameter or parametric expression is also valid.)
If specified, this value defines the material properties of the structural infinite elements explicitly; otherwise,
the material ID is copied from the base elements.
The EINFIN command generates structural infinite elements (INFIN257) directly from the selected face
of valid base elements (existing standard elements in your model). The command scans all base elements
for the selected nodes and generates a compatible infinite element type for each base element. A
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
502 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
combination of different base element types is allowed if the types are all compatible with the infinite
The faces of base elements are determined from the selected node set (NSEL (p. 1057)), and the geometry
of the infinite element is determined based on the shape of the face. Element characteristics and options
are determined according to the base element. For the face to be used, all nodes on the face of a base
element must be selected
Use base elements to model the near-field domain that interacts with the solid structures or applied
loads. To apply the truncated far-field effect, a single layer of infinite elements must be attached to the
near-field domain. The outer surface of the near-field domain must be convex.
The material of the structural infinite elements can be defined in either of two ways. If MATID is specified,
the command uses that value to define the material property of the structural infinite elements. If
MATID is not specified, the material ID of the base element is copied to the attached infinite element.
Although only isotropic material is allowed for the infinite elements, these options enable you to define
anisotropic material for the base elements in a static analysis. (In a transient analysis, however, use the
same isotropic material for both base elements and infinite elements.)
After the EINFIN command executes, you can verify the newly created infinite element types and ele-
ments (ETLIST (p. 584), ELIST (p. 513), EPLOT (p. 536)).
Infinite elements do not account for any subsequent modifications made to the base elements. It is
good practice to issue the EINFIN command only after the base elements are finalized. If you delete or
modify base elements (via EDELE (p. 491), EMODIF (p. 520), ETCHG (p. 581), EMID (p. 518), EORIENT (p. 535),
NUMMRG (p. 1079), or NUMCMP (p. 1076) commands, for example) after generating the structural infinite
elements, remove all affected infinite elements and reissue the EINFIN command; doing so prevents
2-D Elements:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 503
3-D Elements:
et,1,185 ! Generate solid elements
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
504 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
2-D Elements:
et,1,182 ! Generate solid elements
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 505
3-D Elements:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
506 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
2-D Elements:
n1 = node(0,0,0)
n2 = node(0,4,0)
EINFIN,,n1,n2 ! upper right quad. elements
EINFIN,,n2 ! Lower corner element
n3 = node(4,4,0)
EINFIN,,n2,n3 ! Lower elements (y<0)
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 507
3-D Elements:
n1 = node(0,0,0)
n2 = node(0,0,4)
n3 = node(0,4,4)
EINFIN, , n1, n2, n3 ! Upper right part
EINFIN,,n2,n3 ! Corner element
n5 = node(4,4,4)
EINFIN,,n2,n3,n5 ! Lower part (z<0)
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
508 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Tolerance for coincidence (based on maximum Cartesian coordinate difference for node locations and on
angle differences for node orientations). Defaults to 0.0001. Only nodes within the tolerance are considered
to be coincident.
Only used when the type of the elements to be generated is PRETS179. K is the pretension node that is
common to the pretension section that is being created. If K is not specified, it will be created by ANSYS
automatically and will have an ANSYS-assigned node number. If K is specified but does not already exist,
it will be created automatically but will have the user-specified node number. K cannot be connected to
any existing element.
Nodal number ordering. Allowable values are:
The 2-node elements are generated from the lowest numbered node to the highest numbered node.
The 2-node elements are generated from the highest numbered node to the lowest numbered node.
Reverses the orientation of the selected 2-node element.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 509
In coordinate system KCN, elements are created between node 1 and node 2 (= node 1 + dx dy dz).
Node location increments that define the node offset in the active coordinate system (DR, Dθ, DZ for cyl-
indrical and DR, Dθ, DΦ for spherical or toroidal).
When KNONROT = 0, the nodes coordinate system is not rotated. When KNONROT = 1, the nodes belonging
to the elements created are rotated into coordinate system KCN (see NROTAT (p. 1055) command description).
Defines 2-node elements (such as gap elements) between coincident or offset nodes (within a tolerance).
May be used, for example, to "hook" together elements interfacing at a seam, where the seam consists
of a series of node pairs. One element is generated for each set of two coincident nodes. For more than
two coincident or offset nodes in a cluster, an element is generated from the lowest numbered node
to each of the other nodes in the cluster. If fewer than all nodes are to be checked for coincidence, use
the NSEL (p. 1057) command to select the nodes. Element numbers are incremented by one from the
highest previous element number. The element type must be set [ET (p. 571)] to a 2-node element before
issuing this command. Use the CPINTF (p. 352) command to connect nodes by coupling instead of by
elements. Use the CEINTF (p. 264) command to connect the nodes by constraint equations instead of
by elements.
For contact element CONTA178, the tolerance is based on the maximum Cartesian coordinate difference
for node locations only. The angle differences for node orientations are not checked.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Auto Numbered>At Coincid Nd
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Auto Numbered>Offset Nodes
Deactivates an element (for the birth and death capability).
SOLUTION (p. 35): Birth and Death (p. 44)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Element to be deactivated. If ALL, deactivate all selected elements [ESEL (p. 548)]. If ELEM = P, graphical
picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A component
name may also be substituted for ELEM. To specify a table, enclose the table name in percent signs (%),
e.g. EKILL,%tabname%.
Deactivates the specified element when the birth and death capability is being used. A deactivated
element remains in the model but contributes a near-zero stiffness (or conductivity, etc.) value (ES-
TIF (p. 566)) to the overall matrix. Any solution-dependent state variables (such as stress, plastic strain,
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
510 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
creep strain, etc.) are set to zero. Deactivated elements contribute nothing to the overall mass (or capa-
citance, etc.) matrix, and do not generate a load vector (pressures, convections, gravity, etc.).
The usage of tabular input is described in Using TABLE Type Array Parameters to Control Birth and
Death in the Advanced Analysis Guide.
The element can be reactivated with the EALIVE (p. 490) command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>Birth & Death>Kill Elements
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Other>Birth & Death>Kill Elements
Pipe-to-elbow transition flag:
Do not automatically transition pipes to elbows. (This behavior is the default.)
Automatically convert straight PIPE289 elements to ELBOW290 elements where it is beneficial. The
program converts elements in transition regions where curved ELBOW290 elements are connected to
straight PIPE289 elements.
Angle tolerance (in degrees) between adjacent ELBOW290 elements. The default value is 20. A value of -
1 specifies all selected ELBOW290 elements.
Degrees of freedom to couple:
Couple all nodal degrees of freedom (UX, UY, UZ, ROTX, ROTY, and ROTZ). This behavior is the default.
Create ball joints (equivalent to releasing ROTX, ROTY, and ROTZ).
All section deformation
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 511
Section radial expansion
Section ovalization
Section warping
Local shell normal rotation about cylindrical axis t2
Local shell normal rotation about cylindrical axis t1
The ELBOW command specifies end releases and section constraints for ELBOW290 elements and
converts straight PIPE289 elements to ELBOW290 elements.
ELBOW290 elements are generated only if there are existing ELBOW290 elements in the curved areas.
The command works on currently selected nodes and elements. It creates end releases on any two
connected elbow elements whose angle at connection exceeds the specified tolerance. From within
the GUI, the Picked node option generates an end release and section constraints at the selected node
regardless of the angle of connection (that is, the angle tolerance [TOL ] is set to -1).
Elbow and pipe elements must share the same section ID in order for the pipe-to-elbow transition to
To list the elements altered by the ELBOW command, issue an ELIST (p. 513) command.
To list the coupled sets generated by the ELBOW command, issue a CPLIST (p. 354) command.
To list the section constraints generated by the ELBOW command, issue a DLIST (p. 453) command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>End Releases>Elbows>On Selected
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Other>End Releases>Elbows>On Selected set
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
512 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Specifies "Elements" as the subsequent status topic.
PREP7 (p. 20): Status (p. 32)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu> List>
Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report the
status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>Preprocessor>Elements
Node listing key:
List attribute references and nodes.
List attribute references but not nodes.
Real constant listing key:
Do not show real constants for each element.
Show real constants for each element. This includes default values chosen for the element.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 513
Lists the elements with their nodes and attributes (MAT, TYPE, REAL, ESYS, SECNUM, PART). See also
the LAYLIST (p. 847) command for listing layered elements.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Elements>Attributes + RealConst
Utility Menu>List>Elements>Attributes Only
Utility Menu>List>Elements>Nodes + Attributes
Utility Menu>List>Elements>Nodes + Attributes + RealConst
Optional final block separator within an if-then-else construct. See the *IF (p. 774) for details. If a batch
input stream hits an end-of-file during a false *IF (p. 774) condition, the ANSYS run will not terminate
normally. You will need to terminate it externally (use either the Linux “kill” function or the Windows
task manager). The *ELSE (p. 514) command must appear on the same file as the *IF (p. 774) command,
and all five characters must be input.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
*ELSEIF (p. 514), VAL1, Oper1, VAL2, Conj, VAL3, Oper2, VAL4
Separates an intermediate if-then-else block.
APDL (p. 17): Process Controls (p. 19)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Argument Descriptions
First numerical value (or parameter which evaluates to numerical value) in the conditional comparison
operation. VAL1, VAL2, VAL3, and VAL4 can also be character strings (enclosed in quotes) or parameters
for Oper = EQ and NE only.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
514 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Operation label. A tolerance of 1.0E-10 is used for comparisons between real numbers:
EQ --
Equal (for VAL1 = VAL2).
NE --
Not equal (for VAL1 ≠VAL2).
LT --
Less than (for VAL1<VAL2).
GT --
Greater than (for VAL1>VAL2).
LE --
Less than or equal (for VAL1 VAL2).
GE --
Greater than or equal (for VAL1 VAL2).
Absolute values of VAL1 and VAL2 before < operation.
Absolute values of VAL1 and VAL2 before > operation.
Second numerical value (or parameter which evaluates to numerical value) in the conditional comparison
(Optional) Connection between two logical clauses.
True if both clauses (Oper1 and Oper2) are true.
OR -
True if either clause is true.
True if either (but not both) clause is true.
(Optional) Third numerical value (or parameter which evaluates to numerical value).
(Optional) Operation label. This will have the same labels as Oper1, except it uses Val3 and Val4. A
tolerance of 1.0E-10 is used for comparisons between real numbers.
(Optional) Fourth numerical value (or parameter value which evaluates to a numerical value).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 515
Optional intermediate block separator within an if-then-else construct. All seven characters of the
command name (*ELSEIF) must be input. This command is similar to the *IF (p. 774) command except
that the Base field is not used. The *IF (p. 774), *ELSEIF (p. 514), *ELSE (p. 514), and *ENDIF (p. 528)
commands for each if-then-else construct must all be read from the same file (or keyboard).
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Calculates the relative error in an electrostatic or electromagnetic field analysis.
POST1 (p. 48): Magnetics Calculations (p. 52)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
The relative error is an approximation of the mesh discretization error associated with a solution. It is
based on the discrepancy between the unaveraged, element-nodal field values and the averaged,
nodal field values. The calculation is valid within a material boundary and does not consider the error
in continuity of fields across dissimilar materials.
For electrostatics, the field values evaluated are the electric field strength (EFSUM) and the electric flux
density (DSUM). A relative error norm of each is calculated on a per-element basis and stored in the
element table [ETABLE (p. 572)] with the labels EF_ERR and D_ERR. Normalized error values EFN_ERR
and DN_ERR are also calculated and stored in the element table. Corresponding quantities for electro-
magnetics are H_ERR, B_ERR, HN_ERR, and BN_ERR, which are calculated from the magnetic field intensity
(HSUM) and the magnetic flux density (BSUM). The normalized error value is the relative error norm
value divided by the peak element-nodal field value for the currently selected elements.
Use the PLETAB (p. 1179) and PRETAB (p. 1243) commands to plot and list the error norms and normalized
error values.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Elec&Mag Calc>Element Based>Error Eval
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
516 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Forces the writing of all the element matrices to File.EMAT.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Analysis Options (p. 35)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Write key:
Forces the writing of the element matrices to File.EMAT even if not normally done.
Element matrices are written only if required. This value is the default.
The EMATWRITE command forces ANSYS to write the File.EMAT file. The file is necessary if you intend
to follow the initial load step with a subsequent inertia relief calculation (IRLF (p. 800)). If used in the
solution processor (/SOLU (p. 1537)), this command is only valid within the first load step.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Calculates the electromotive force (emf), or voltage drop along a predefined path.
POST1 (p. 48): Magnetics Calculations (p. 52)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
EMF invokes an ANSYS macro which calculates the electromotive force (emf ), or voltage drop along a
predefined path (specified with the PATH (p. 1132) command). It is valid for both 2-D and 3-D electric
field analysis. The calculated emf value is stored in the parameter EMF.
You must define a line path (via the PATH (p. 1132) command) before issuing the EMF command macro.
The macro uses calculated values of the electric field (EF), and uses path operations for the calculations.
All path items are cleared when the macro finishes executing.
The EMF macro sets the "ACCURATE" mapping method and "MAT" discontinuity option on the
PMAP (p. 1210) command. The ANSYS program retains these settings after executing the macro.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 517
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Elec&Mag Calc>Path Based>EMF
Summarizes electromagnetic forces and torques.
POST1 (p. 48): Magnetics Calculations (p. 52)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Use this command to summarize electromagnetic force and torque in both static electric and magnetic
problems. To use this command, select the nodes in the region of interest and make sure that all elements
are selected. If RSYS (p. 1383) = 0, the force is reported in the global Cartesian coordinate system. If
RSYS (p. 1383) ≠ 0, force is reported in the specified coordinate system. However, for torque, if RSYS (p. 1383)
≠ 0, this command will account for the shift and rotation as specified by RSYS (p. 1383), but will report
only the Cartesian components.
Forces are stored as items _FXSUM, _FYSUM, _FZSUM, and _FSSUM. Torque is stored as items _TXSUM,
This command is valid only with PLANE121, SOLID122, SOLID123, PLANE233, SOLID236 and SOLID237
Menu Paths
Main Menu> General Postprocessor> Elec&Mag Calc> Summarize Force/Torque
Add or remove key:
Add midside node to elements (default).
Remove midside nodes from elements.
Add (or remove) midside nodes to (from) all edges of all selected elements, independent of which
nodes are selected (default).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
518 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Add (or remove) midside nodes only to (from) element edges which have either corner node selected.
Add (or remove) midside nodes only to (from) element edges which have both corner nodes selected.
This command adds midside nodes to (or removes midside nodes from) the selected elements. For this
to occur, the selected elements must be midside node capable, the active element type [TYPE (p. 1707)]
must allow midside node capability, and the relationship between the finite element model and the
solid model (if any) must first be disassociated [MODMSH (p. 949)].
By default, EMID generates a midside node wherever a zero (or missing) midside node occurs for that
element. You can control this and add (or remove) midside nodes selectively by using the Edges argu-
ment. Nodes are located midway between the two appropriate corner nodes based on a linear Cartesian
interpolation. Nodal coordinate system rotation angles are also linearly interpolated. Connected elements
share the same midside node. Node numbers are generated sequentially from the maximum node
The EMID command is useful for transforming linear element types to quadratic element types having
the same corner node connectivity.
EMID is also useful for transforming elements created outside of the program.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Move / Modify>Elements>Add Mid Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Move / Modify>Elements>Remove Mid Nd
Material number associated with this emissivity (500 maximum). Defaults to 1.
Emissivity for this material (0.0 < EVALU 1.0). Enter a very small number for zero.
Command Default
Emissivity value of 1.0 is associated with all materials.
Specifies emissivity as a material property for the Radiation Matrix method. This material property can
then be associated with each element.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 519
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Radiation Opt>Matrix Method>Emissivities
EMODIF, IEL, STLOC, I1, I2, I3, I4, I5, I6, I7, I8
Modifies a previously defined element.
PREP7 (p. 20): Elements (p. 29)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Modify nodes and/or attributes for element number IEL. If ALL, modify all selected elements (ESEL (p. 548)).
If IEL = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the
GUI). A component name may also be substituted for IEL.
Starting location (n) of first node to be modified or the attribute label.
If n, modify element node positions n, n+1, etc. (n = 1 to 20). For example, if STLOC = 1, I1 refers
to the first node, I2, the second, etc. If STLOC = 9, I1 refers to the ninth node, I2, the tenth, etc.
Attributes are also modified to the currently specified values.
If MAT, TYPE, REAL, ESYS, SECNUM, or EGID, modify only that attribute to the I1 value.
For attributes (STLOC = MAT, TYPE, etc.), replace the existing value with the I1 value (or the default
if I1 is zero or blank).
For attributes MAT and REAL, inputting the label GCN for I1 replaces the existing attribute value
with zero for the specified elements. This is a special case used only for converting contact elements
(TARGE169 through CONTA177) from a pair-based definition to a general contact definition.
The nodes and/or attributes (MAT, TYPE, REAL, ESYS, SECNUM, or EGID values) of an existing element
can be changed with this command.
The EGID attribute is valid only for MESH200 elements when they are used to generate reinforcing
elements (REINFnnn) via the mesh-independent method for defining reinforcing.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Move / Modify>Elements>Modify Attrib
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
520 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
EMORE, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X
Adds more nodes to the just-defined element.
PREP7 (p. 20): Elements (p. 29)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X
Numbers of nodes typically assigned to ninth (node Q) through sixteenth (node X) nodal positions, if any.
If Q = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI).
Repeat EMORE command for up to 4 additional nodes (20 maximum). Nodes are added after the last
nonzero node of the element. Node numbers defined with this command may be zeroes.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Specifies the selection type for the reinforcing elements:
Reserved for future use.
Reserved for future use.
Minimum value of a group-identifier range.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 521
Maximum value of global identifier range. Default = VMIN for input values.
Value increment within the specified range. Default = 1.
Command Default
All global identifiers are selected.
When using the mesh-independent method for defining reinforcing, the global identifier for a set
of MESH200 elements (specified via EGID (p. 500)) is transferred from the MESH200 elements to
the reinforcing members (individual reinforcings) when the reinforcing elements (REINFnnn) are
generated (EREINF (p. 543)).
The EMSEL command selects groups of reinforcing members (individual reinforcings) via specified
global identifiers.
The following command selects a new group of reinforcing members based on global identifiers 1
through 7:
For more information about using this command in a mesh-independent reinforcing analysis, see Se-
lecting and Displaying Groups of Reinforcing Members in the Structural Analysis Guide.
The EMSEL command is valid only for the reinforcing elements generated via the mesh-independent
method for defining reinforcing.
When using the standard method for defining reinforcing, you can use the LAYER (p. 845) command
to select reinforcing members in POST1. (The LAYER (p. 845) command is not valid in PREP7.)
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
522 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Specifies circular symmetry for electromagnetic sources.
PREP7 (p. 20): Special Purpose (p. 34)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
The number of circular symmetry sections (defaults to 1).
Specifies the number of times to repeat electromagnetic sources for circular symmetry. Applies to
SOURC36 elements and to coupled-field elements with electric current conduction results in the database.
Sources are assumed to be equally spaced over 360° about the global Cartesian Z axis.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Magnetics>Options Only>Copy Sources
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Magnetics>Options Only>Copy Sources
EMTGEN, Ncomp, Ecomp, PNcomp, DOF, GAP, GAPMIN, FKN, EPZERO, --, Smethod
Generates a set of TRANS126 elements.
PREP7 (p. 20): Elements (p. 29)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Component name of the surface nodes of a structure which attach to the TRANS126 elements. You must
enclose name-strings in single quotes in the EMTGEN command line.
Component name of the TRANS126 elements generated. You must enclose name-strings in single quotes
in the EMTGEN command line. Defaults to EMTELM.
Component name of the plane nodes generated by the command at an offset (GAP) from the surface
nodes. You must enclose name-strings in single quotes in the EMTGEN command line. Defaults to EMTPNO.
Active structural degree of freedom (DOF) for TRANS126 elements in the Cartesian coordinate system. You
must enclose the DOF label in single quotes:
Displacement in X direction.
Displacement in Y direction.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 523
Displacement in Z direction.
Initial gap distance from the surface nodes to the plane. Be sure to use the correct sign with respect to
Ncomp node location.
Minimum gap distance allowed (GAPMIN real constant) for TRANS126 elements. Defaults to the absolute
value of (GAP)*0.05.
Contact stiffness factor used as a multiplier for a contact stiffness appropriate for bulk deformation. Defaults
to 0.1. A negative value is interpreted as the modulus of elasticity on which the contact stiffness will be
Free-space permittivity. Defaults to 8.854e-6 (μMKS units).
Unused field.
Stiffness method for TRANS126 elements (KEYOPT(6) setting). You must enclose the following labels in
single quotes:
Augmented stiffness method (default).
Full stiffness method. This method must be used in a linear perturbation harmonic analysis.
The EMTGEN command generates a set of TRANS126 elements between the surface nodes of a moveable
structure and a plane of nodes, typically representing a ground plane. The plane of nodes is created
by the command at a specified offset (GAP). Each element attaches to a surface node and to a corres-
ponding node representing the plane. The generated plane nodes should be constrained appropriately
for the analysis.
By default, the created elements use the augmented stiffness method (KEYOPT(6) = 1), which can help
convergence. You can change to the full stiffness method (KEYOPT(6) = 0) by setting Smethod = FULL.
The full stiffness method is required for a linear perturbation harmonic analysis.
You can use TRANS126 elements for simulating fully coupled electrostatic structural coupling between
a MEMS device and a plane, if the gap distance between the device and the plane is small compared
to the overall surface area dimensions of the device. This assumption allows for a point-wise closed-
form solution of capacitance between the surface nodes and the plane; i.e. CAP = EPZERO*AREA/GAP,
where EPZERO if the free-space permittivity, AREA is the area associated with the node, and GAP is the
gap between the node and the plane. The area for each node is computed using the ARNODE function.
See the *GET (p. 667) command description for more information on the ARNODE function.
With a distributed set of TRANS126 elements attached directly to the structure and a plane (such as a
ground plane), you can perform a full range of coupled electrostatic-structural simulations, including:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
524 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• Prestressed harmonic analysis (system response to a small-signal AC excitation with a DC bias voltage or
mechanical load)
• Large signal transient analysis (time-transient solution due to an arbitrary time-varying voltage or mechan-
ical excitation)
The TRANS126 element also employs a node-to-node gap feature so you can perform contact-type
simulations where the structure contacts a plane (such as a ground plane). The contact stiffness factor,
FKN, is used to control contact penetration once contact is initiated. A smaller value provides for easier
convergence, but with more penetration.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Transducers>Electromechanic>Node to Plane
Label specifying the type of units:
Rationalized MKS system of units (meters, amperes, henries, webers, etc.). Free-space permeability is
set to 4 πe-7 henries/meter. Free-space permittivity is set to 8.85 e-12 F/m.
User defined system of units. Free-space permeability is set to the value input for VALUE. Other units
must correspond to the permeability units. Relative permeability may be altered to absolute values.
User defined system of units. Free-space permittivity is set to the value input for VALUE. Other units
must correspond to the permittivity units.
User value of free-space permeability (defaults to 1) if Lab = MUZRO, or free-space permittivity (defaults
to 1) if Lab = EPZRO.
Command Default
Rationalized MKS system of units (meters, amperes, henries, webers, etc.). Free-space permeability is
set to 4 πe-7 Henries/meter, free-space permittivity is set to 8.85e-12 Farads/meter.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 525
Specifies the system of units to be used for electric and magnetic field problems. The free-space per-
meability and permittivity values may be set as desired. These values are used with the relative property
values [MP (p. 967)] to establish absolute property values.
If the magnetic source field strength (Hs) has already been calculated [BIOT (p. 231)],
switching EMUNIT will not change the values.
For micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), where dimensions are on the order of microns, see the
conversion factors in System of Units in the Coupled-Field Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Electromag Units
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Electromag Units
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Electromag Units
EN, IEL, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P
Defines an element by its number and node connectivity.
PREP7 (p. 20): Elements (p. 29)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Number assigned to element being defined. If IEL = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining
command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI).
Number of node assigned to first nodal position (node I).
J, K, L, M, N, O, P
Number assigned to second (node J) through eighth (node P) nodal position, if any.
Defines an element by its nodes and attribute values. Similar to the E (p. 489) command except it allows
the element number (IEL) to be defined explicitly. Element numbers need not be consecutive. Any
existing element already having this number will be redefined.
Up to 8 nodes may be specified with the EN command. If more nodes are needed for the element, use
the EMORE (p. 521) command. The number of nodes required and the order in which they should be
specified are described in the Element Reference for each element type. The current (or default) MAT,
TYPE, REAL, SECNUM, and ESYS attribute values are also assigned to the element.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
526 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
When creating elements with more than 8 nodes using this command and the EMORE (p. 521) command,
it may be necessary to turn off shape checking using the SHPP (p. 1510) command before issuing this
command. If a valid element type can be created without using the additional nodes on the
EMORE (p. 521) command, this command will create that element. The EMORE (p. 521) command will
then modify the element to include the additional nodes. If shape checking is active, it will be performed
before the EMORE (p. 521) command is issued. Therefore, if the shape checking limits are exceeded,
element creation may fail before the EMORE (p. 521) command modifies the element into an acceptable
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>User Numbered>Thru Nodes
Closes a file opened with *CREATE (p. 358). The *END (p. 527) command is an 8-character command (to
differentiate it from *ENDIF (p. 528)). If you add commented text on that same line but do not allow
enough spaces between *END (p. 527) and the "!" that indicates the comment text, the *END (p. 527)
will attempt to interpret the "!" as the 8th character and will fail.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
One *ENDDO (p. 527) is required for each nested do-loop. The *ENDDO (p. 527) command must appear
on the same file as the *DO (p. 467) command, and all six characters must be input.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 527
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Required terminator for the if-then-else construct. See the *IF (p. 774) for details. If a batch input stream
hits an end-of-file during a false *IF (p. 774) condition, the ANSYS run will not terminate normally. You
will need to terminate it externally (use either the Linux “kill” function or the Windows task manager).
The *ENDIF (p. 528) command must appear on the same file as the *IF (p. 774) command, and all six
characters must be input.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Unused field.
Angle tolerance (in degrees) between adjacent elements. Default = 20. Set TOLERANCE to -1 to release
all selected elements.
Release the warping degree of freedom (default).
Release rotations in the X direction.
Release rotations in the Y direction.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
528 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Release rotations in the Z direction.
Release displacements in the X direction.
Release displacements in the Y direction.
Release displacements in the Z direction.
Create ball joints (equivalent to releasing WARP, ROTX, ROTY, and ROTZ).
Behavior at a junction node (a node shared by more than two elements):
This argument is ignored (due to ambiguity) if KJCT = 1 and multiple pairs of continuous elements
This command specifies end releases for the BEAM188, BEAM189, PIPE288, and PIPE289 elements. The
command works on currently selected nodes and elements. It creates end releases on any two connected
beam elements whose angle at connection exceeds TOLERANCE.
From within the GUI, the Picked node option generates an end release at the selected node regardless
of the angle of connection (TOLERANCE = -1).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 529
To list the coupled sets generated by this command, issue CPLIST (p. 354).
Exercise engineering judgement when using this command. Improper use may result in mechanics that
render a solution impossible.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>End Releases>Beams>On Selected
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Other>End Releases>Beams>On Selected set
Arbitrary reference number assigned to this variable (2 to NV).
Potential energy (stiffness energy)
Kinetic energy
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
530 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Damping energy
Work done by external load
Artificial energy due to hourglass control/drill stiffness or due to contact stabilization damping
Artificial energy due to nonlinear stabilization
Unused field.
A 32-character name identifying the item on printouts and displays. Defaults to a 4-character label formed
by the four characters of the Item value.
Damping energy (DENE) and work done by external loads (WEXT) are available only if the following
were set prior to the analysis solution: EngCalc = YES on the TRNOPT (p. 1691), HROUT (p. 766) or MX-
PAND (p. 1002) command; and Item = VENG, ESOL, or ALL on the OUTRES (p. 1115) command.
If EngCalc = YES on the HROUT (p. 766) or MXPAND (p. 1002) command, Item = SENE and KENE are
the average potential and kinetic energies, respectively.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Generates elements from an existing pattern.
PREP7 (p. 20): Elements (p. 29)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Increment to be added to element numbers in pattern.
Do this generation operation a total of ITIMEs, incrementing all nodes in the given pattern by NINC each
time after the first. ITIME must be > 1 if generation is to occur. NINC may be positive, zero, or negative.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 531
IEL1 = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the
GUI). A component name may also be substituted for IEL1 (IEL2 and IEINC are ignored).
Increment material number of all elements in the given pattern by MINC each time after the first.
Increment type number by TINC.
Increment real constant table number by RINC.
Increment element coordinate system number by CINC.
Increment section ID number by SINC.
Define nodes that do not already exist but are needed by generated elements
(NGEN (p. 1017),ITIME,INC,NODE1,,,DX,DY,DZ). Zero is a valid value. If blank, DX, DY, and DZ are ig-
Same as the EGEN (p. 499) command except it allows element numbers to be explicitly incremented
(IINC) from the generated set. Any existing elements already having these numbers will be redefined.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Copy>Elements>User Numbered
Reorients shell element normals or line element node connectivity.
PREP7 (p. 20): Elements (p. 29)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Element number having the normal direction that the reoriented elements are to match. If ENUM = P,
graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI).
Reorients shell elements so that their outward normals are consistent with that of a specified element.
ENORM can also be used to reorder nodal connectivity of line elements so that their nodal ordering is
consistent with that of a specified element.
For shell elements, the operation reorients the element by reversing and shifting the node connectivity
pattern. For example, for a 4-node shell element, the nodes in positions I, J, K and L of the original
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
532 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
element are placed in positions J, I, L and K of the reoriented element. All 3-D shell elements in the
selected set are considered for reorientation, and no element is reoriented more than once during the
operation. Only shell elements adjacent to the lateral (side) faces are considered.
The command reorients the shell element normals on the same panel as the specified shell element. A
panel is the geometry defined by a subset of shell elements bounded by free edges or T-junctions
(anywhere three or more shell edges share common nodes).
Reorientation progresses within the selected set until either of the following conditions is true:
• More than two elements (whether selected or unselected) are adjacent to a lateral face.
In situations where unselected elements might undesirably cause case b to control, consider using
ENSYM (p. 533),0,,0,ALL instead of ENORM. It is recommended that reoriented elements be displayed
and graphically reviewed.
You cannot use the ENORM command to change the normal direction of any element that has a body
or surface load. We recommend that you apply all of your loads only after ensuring that the element
normal directions are acceptable.
Real constant values are not reoriented and may be invalidated by an element reversal.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Move / Modify>Elements>Shell Normals
Increment to be added to element numbers in existing set.
Unused field.
Increment nodes in the given pattern by NINC.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 533
This command is the same as the ESYM (p. 569) command except it allows explicitly assigning element
numbers to the generated set (in terms of an increment IINC). Any existing elements already having
these numbers will be redefined.
The operation generates a new element by incrementing the nodes on the original element, and reversing
and shifting the node connectivity pattern. For example, for a 4-node 2-D element, the nodes in positions
I, J, K and L of the original element are placed in positions J, I, L and K of the reflected element.
Similar permutations occur for all other element types. For line elements, the nodes in positions I and
J of the original element are placed in positions J and I of the reflected element. In releases prior to
ANSYS 5.5, no node pattern reversing and shifting occurred for line elements generated by ENSYM. To achieve
the same results as you did in releases prior to ANSYS 5.5, use the ENGEN (p. 531) command instead.
See the ESYM (p. 569) command for additional information about symmetry elements.
The ENSYM command also provides a convenient way to reverse shell element normals. If the IINC
and NINC argument fields are left blank, the effect of the reflection is to reverse the direction of the
outward normal of the specified elements. You cannot use the ENSYM command to change the normal
direction of any element that has a body or surface load. We recommend that you apply all of your
loads only after ensuring that the element normal directions are acceptable. Also note that real constants
(such as nonuniform shell thickness and tapered beam constants) may be invalidated by an element
reversal. See Revising Your Model in the Modeling and Meshing Guide for more information about con-
trolling element normals.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Move / Modify>Reverse Normals>of Shell Elems
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Reflect>Elements>User Numbered
Causes an end-of-file exit when encountered on a switched file (see /INPUT (p. 791), *USE (p. 1727), etc.).
Commands are then read continuing from the file that contained the file switching command (or from
the terminal if the switch was made from the terminal). Use the /EXIT (p. 589) command to terminate
an ANSYS run. This command cannot be used in a do-loop or if-then-else construct.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
534 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Specifies which elements to orient.
Specifies that layered solid elements will be oriented. This value is the default. Layered element types
affected by this option include SOLID185 with KEYOPT(3) = 1, SOLID186 with KEYOPT(3) = 1, SOLSH190,
SOLID278 with KEYOPT(3) = 1 or 2, and SOLID279 with KEYOPT(3) = 1 or 2.
The axis and direction for orientation, or an element number. If Dir is set to a positive number (n), then
all eligible elements are oriented as similarly as possible to element n.
The element face with the outward normal most nearly parallel to the element coordinate system’s
negative x-axis is designated (reoriented) as face 1.
The element face with the outward normal most nearly parallel to the element coordinate system’s
positive x-axis is designated (reoriented) as face 1.
The element face with the outward normal most nearly parallel to the element coordinate system’s
negative y-axis is designated (reoriented) as face 1. .
The element face with the outward normal most nearly parallel to the element coordinate system’s
positive y-axis is designated (reoriented) as face 1.
(Default) The element face with the outward normal most nearly parallel to the element coordinate
system’s negative z-axis is designated (reoriented) as face 1.
The element face with the outward normal most nearly parallel to the element coordinate system’s
positive z-axis is designated (reoriented) as face 1.
The maximum angle (in degrees) between the outward normal face and the target axis. Default is 90.0.
Lower TOLER values will reduce the number of faces that are considered as the basis of element reorient-
EORIENT renumbers the element faces, designating the face most parallel to the XY plane of the element
coordinate system (set with ESYS (p. 570)) as face 1 (nodes I-J-K-L, parallel to the layers in layered ele-
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 535
ments). It calculates the outward normal of each face and changes the node designation of the elements
so the face with a normal most nearly parallel with and in the same general direction as the target axis
becomes face 1.
The target axis, defined by Dir, is either the negative or positive indicated axis or the outward normal
of face 1 of that element.
All layered solid elements in the selected set are considered for reorientation. The elements affected
are layered structural solids (SOLID185, SOLID186), solid shell elements (SOLSH190), and layered thermal
elements (SOLID278, SOLID279).
After reorienting elements, you should always display and graphically review results using the
/ESHAPE (p. 552) command. When plotting models with many or symmetric layers, it may be useful to
temporarily reduce the number of layers to two, with one layer being much thicker than the other.
You cannot use EORIENT to change the normal direction of any element that has a body or surface
load. We recommend that you apply all of your loads only after ensuring that the element normal dir-
ections are acceptable.
Prisms and tetrahedrals are also supported for non-layered solid elements. Prisms are supported for
layered solid elements, including layered SOLID185, layered SOLID186, layered SOLID278, layered SOL-
ID279, and SOLSH190. However, layers parallel to the four-node face of the prism are not supported.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Move / Modify>Elements>Orient Normal
Produces an element display.
PREP7 (p. 20): Elements (p. 29)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Produces an element display of the selected elements. In full graphics, only those elements faces with
all of their corresponding nodes selected are plotted. In PowerGraphics, all element faces of the selected
element set are plotted irrespective of the nodes selected. However, for both full graphics and Power-
Graphics, adjacent or otherwise duplicated faces of 3-D solid elements will not be displayed in an attempt
to eliminate plotting of interior facets. See the DSYS (p. 481) command for display coordinate system
This command will display curvature in midside node elements when PowerGraphics is activated
[/GRAPHICS (p. 732),POWER] and /EFACET (p. 498),2 or /EFACET (p. 498),4 are enabled. (To display
curvature, two facets per edge is recommended [/EFACET (p. 498),2]). When you specify /EFACET (p. 498),1,
PowerGraphics does not display midside nodes. /EFACET (p. 498) has no effect on EPLOT for non-midside
node elements.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
536 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>CMS>CMS Superelements>By Picking
Utility Menu>Plot>Elements
Equation solver type:
Sparse direct equation solver. Applicable to real-value or complex-value symmetric and unsymmetric
matrices. Available only for STATIC, HARMIC (full method only), TRANS (full method only), SUBSTR, and
PSD spectrum analysis types [ANTYPE (p. 140)]. Can be used for nonlinear and linear analyses, especially
nonlinear analysis where indefinite matrices are frequently encountered. Well suited for contact ana-
lysis where contact status alters the mesh topology. Other typical well-suited applications are: (a)
models consisting of shell/beam or shell/beam and solid elements (b) models with a multi-branch
structure, such as an automobile exhaust or a turbine fan. This is an alternative to iterative solvers since
it combines both speed and robustness. Generally, it requires considerably more memory (~10x) than
the PCG solver to obtain optimal performance (running totally in-core). When memory is limited, the
solver works partly in-core and out-of-core, which can noticeably slow down the performance of the
solver. See the BCSOPTION (p. 190) command for more details on the various modes of operation for
this solver.
This solver can be run in shared memory parallel or distributed memory parallel (Distributed
ANSYS) mode. When used in Distributed ANSYS, this solver preserves all of the merits of the
classic or shared memory sparse solver. The total sum of memory (summed for all processes) is
usually higher than the shared memory sparse solver. System configuration also affects the
performance of the distributed memory parallel solver. If enough physical memory is available,
running this solver in the in-core memory mode achieves optimal performance. The ideal con-
figuration when using the out-of-core memory mode is to use one processor per machine on
multiple machines (a cluster), spreading the I/O across the hard drives of each machine, assuming
that you are using a high-speed network such as Infiniband to efficiently support all communic-
ation across the multiple machines.
Jacobi Conjugate Gradient iterative equation solver. Available only for STATIC, HARMIC (full method
only), and TRANS (full method only) analysis types [ANTYPE (p. 140)]. Can be used for structural, thermal,
and multiphysics applications. Applicable for symmetric, unsymmetric, complex, definite, and indefinite
matrices. Recommended for 3-D harmonic analyses in structural and multiphysics applications. Efficient
for heat transfer, electromagnetics, piezoelectrics, and acoustic field problems.
This solver can be run in shared memory parallel or distributed memory parallel (Distributed
ANSYS) mode. When used in Distributed ANSYS, in addition to the limitations listed above, this
solver only runs in a distributed parallel fashion for STATIC and TRANS (full method) analyses
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 537
in which the stiffness is symmetric and only when not using the fast thermal option
(THOPT (p. 1674)). Otherwise, this solver runs in shared memory parallel mode inside Distributed
This solver supports use of the GPU accelerator capability. When using the GPU accelerator
capability, in addition to the limitations listed above, this solver is available only for STATIC and
TRANS (full method) analyses where the stiffness is symmetric and does not support the fast
thermal option (THOPT (p. 1674)).
Incomplete Cholesky Conjugate Gradient iterative equation solver. Available for STATIC, HARMIC (full
method only), and TRANS (full method only) analysis types [ANTYPE (p. 140)]. Can be used for structural,
thermal, and multiphysics applications, and for symmetric, unsymmetric, complex, definite, and indef-
inite matrices. The ICCG solver requires more memory than the JCG solver, but is more robust than
the JCG solver for ill-conditioned matrices.
This solver can only be run in shared memory parallel mode. This is also true when the solver
is used inside Distributed ANSYS.
This solver does not support use of the GPU accelerator capability.
Quasi-Minimal Residual iterative equation solver. Available for the HARMIC (full method only) analysis
type [ANTYPE (p. 140)]. Can be used for symmetric, complex, definite, and indefinite matrices. The QMR
solver is more stable than the ICCG solver.
This solver can only be run in shared memory parallel mode. This is also true when the solver
is used inside Distributed ANSYS.
This solver does not support use of the GPU accelerator capability.
Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient iterative equation solver (licensed from Computational Applications
and Systems Integration, Inc.). Requires less disk file space than SPARSE and is faster for large models.
Useful for plates, shells, 3-D models, large 2-D models, and other problems having symmetric, sparse,
definite or indefinite matrices for nonlinear analysis. The PCG solver can also be used for single-field
thermal analyses involving unsymmetric matrices. Requires twice as much memory as JCG. Available
only for analysis types [ANTYPE (p. 140)] STATIC, TRANS (full method only), or MODAL (with PCG Lanczos
option only). Also available for the use pass of substructure analyses (MATRIX50). The PCG solver can
robustly solve equations with constraint equations (CE (p. 259), CEINTF (p. 264), CPINTF (p. 352), and
CERIG (p. 267)). With this solver, you can use the MSAVE (p. 988) command to obtain a considerable
memory savings.
The PCG solver can handle ill-conditioned problems by using a higher level of difficulty (see
PCGOPT (p. 1141)). Ill-conditioning arises from elements with high aspect ratios, contact, and
This solver can be run in shared memory parallel or distributed memory parallel (Distributed
ANSYS) mode. When used in Distributed ANSYS, this solver preserves all of the merits of the
classic or shared memory PCG solver. The total sum of memory (summed for all processes) is
about 30% more than the shared memory PCG solver.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
538 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Iterative solver tolerance value. Used only with the Jacobi Conjugate Gradient, Incomplete Cholesky Con-
jugate Gradient, Pre-conditioned Conjugate Gradient, and Quasi-Minimal Residual equation solvers. For
the PCG solver, the default is 1.0E-8. When using the PCG Lanczos mode extraction method, the default
solver tolerance value is 1.0E-4. For the JCG and ICCG solvers with symmetric matrices, the default is 1.0E-
8. For the JCG and ICCG solvers with unsymmetric matrices, and for the QMR solver, the default is 1.0E-6.
Iterations continue until the SRSS norm of the residual is less than TOLER times the norm of the applied
load vector. For the PCG solver in the linear static analysis case, 3 error norms are used. If one of the error
norms is smaller than TOLER, and the SRSS norm of the residual is smaller than 1.0E-2, convergence is
assumed to have been reached. See Iterative Solver in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference for details.
When used with the Pre-conditioned Conjugate Gradient equation solver, TOLER can
be modified between load steps (this is typically useful for nonlinear analysis).
If a Lev_Diff value of 5 is specified on the PCGOPT (p. 1141) command (either program- or user-
specified), TOLER has no effect on the accuracy of the obtained solution from the PCG solver; a
direct solver is used when Lev_Diff = 5.
Multiplier (defaults to 2.5 for nonlinear analyses; 1.0 for linear analyses) used to control the maximum
number of iterations performed during convergence calculations. Used only with the Pre-conditioned
Conjugate Gradient equation solver (PCG). The maximum number of iterations is equal to the multiplier
(MULT) times the number of degrees of freedom (DOF). If MULT is input as a negative value, then the
maximum number of iterations is equal to abs(MULT). Iterations continue until either the maximum
number of iterations or solution convergence has been reached. In general, the default value for MULT is
adequate for reaching convergence. However, for ill-conditioned matrices (that is, models containing
elements with high aspect ratios or material type discontinuities) the multiplier may be used to increase
the maximum number of iterations used to achieve convergence. The recommended range for the multi-
plier is 1.0 MULT 3.0. Normally, a value greater than 3.0 adds no further benefit toward convergence,
and merely increases time requirements. If the solution does not converge with 1.0 MULT 3.0, or in
less than 10,000 iterations, then convergence is highly unlikely and further examination of the model is
recommended. Rather than increasing the default value of MULT, consider increasing the level of difficulty
(Lev_Diff) on the PCGOPT (p. 1141) command.
Unused field.
Determines whether files from a SPARSE solver run should be deleted or retained. Applies only to Lab =
SPARSE for static and full transient analyses.
Deletes all files from the SPARSE solver run, including the factorized file, .DSPsymb, upon FINISH (p. 631)
or /EXIT (p. 589) (default).
Retains all necessary files from the SPARSE solver run, including the .DSPsymb file, in the working
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 539
Command Default
The sparse direct solver is the default solver for all analyses, with the exception of modal/buckling
For modal/buckling analyses, there is no default solver. You must specify a solver with the MOD-
OPT (p. 951) or BUCOPT (p. 244) command. The specified solver automatically chooses the required in-
ternal equation solver (for example, MODOPT (p. 951),LANPCG automatically uses EQSLV,PCG internally,
and BUCOPT (p. 244),LANB automatically uses EQSLV,SPARSE internally).
The selection of a solver can affect the speed and accuracy of a solution. For a more detailed discussion
of the merits of each solver, see Solution in the Basic Analysis Guide .
You may only specify the solver type in the first load step. You may, however, modify the solver tolerance
in subsequent load steps for the iterative solvers.
Distributed ANSYS Restriction All equation solvers are supported in Distributed ANSYS. However,
the SPARSE and PCG solvers are the only distributed solvers that always run a fully distributed solution.
The JCG solver runs in a fully distributed mode in some cases; in other cases, it does not. The ICCG and
QMR solvers are not distributed solvers; therefore, you will not see the full performance improvements
with these solvers that you would with a fully distributed solution.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Sol'n Options
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Sol'n Options
Explicitly erases the current display.
GRAPHICS (p. 14): Set Up (p. 14)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Similar to a hardware screen erase key. Useful during an "immediate" display to erase the screen without
a replot so that the display continues on a clean screen. This action is automatically included in com-
mands such as NPLOT (p. 1048) and EPLOT (p. 536).
If the /NOERASE (p. 1042) command is active, issuing the erase command will simply clear the display
area. Subsequent replots will provide the display previously generated by the /NOERASE (p. 1042) com-
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
540 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Erase Options>Erase Screen
Command Default
Previous /ERASE (p. 541) or /NOERASE (p. 1042) setting will be used. Initially defaults to /ERASE (p. 541)
Erase occurs with the next display request, but before the display is actually started. /NOERASE (p. 1042)
can be used to suppress the automatic screen erase.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Erase Options>Erase Between Plots
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 541
This read operation is not necessary in a standard ANSYS run but is provided as a convenience to users
wanting to read a coded element file, such as from another mesh generator or from a CAD/CAM program.
Data should be formatted as produced with the EWRITE (p. 585) command. If issuing EREAD to acquire
element information generated from ANSYS EWRITE (p. 585), you must also issue NREAD (p. 1049) before
the EREAD command. The element types [ET (p. 571)] must be defined before the file is read so that
the file may be read properly. Only elements that are specified with the ERRANG (p. 547) command are
read from the file. Also, only elements that are fully attached to the nodes specified on the NR-
RANG (p. 1056) command are read from the file. Elements are assigned numbers consecutively as read
from the file, beginning with the current highest database element number plus one. The file is rewound
before and after reading. Reading continues until the end of the file.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Read Elem File
Amount of refinement to be done. Specify the value of LEVEL as an integer from 1 to 5, where a value of
1 provides minimal refinement, and a value of 5 provides maximum refinement (defaults to 1).
Depth of mesh refinement in terms of number of elements outward from the indicated elements, NE1 to
NE2 (defaults to 0).
Type of postprocessing to be done after element splitting, in order to improve element quality:
No postprocessing will be done.
Smoothing will be done. Node locations may change.
Smoothing and cleanup will be done. Existing elements may be deleted, and node locations may
change (default).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
542 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Flag indicating whether quadrilateral elements must be retained in the refinement of an all-quadrilateral
mesh. (The ANSYS program ignores the RETAIN argument when you are refining anything other than a
quadrilateral mesh.)
The final mesh will be composed entirely of quadrilateral elements, regardless of the element quality
The final mesh may include some triangular elements in order to maintain element quality and provide
EREFINE refines all area elements and tetrahedral volume elements adjacent to the specified elements.
Mesh refinement is not available on a solid model containing initial conditions at nodes (IC (p. 769)),
coupled nodes (CP (p. 348) family of commands), constraint equations (CE (p. 259) family of commands),
or boundary conditions or loads applied directly to any of its nodes or elements. This restriction applies
to nodes and elements anywhere in the model, not just in the region where you want to request mesh
refinement. If you have detached the mesh from the solid model, disable postprocessing cleanup or
smoothing (POST = OFF) after refinement to preserve the element attributes.
For more information about mesh refinement, see Revising Your Model.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Modify Mesh>Refine At>All
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Modify Mesh>Refine At>Elements
Generates reinforcing elements from selected existing (base) elements.
PREP7 (p. 20): Elements (p. 29)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Enable or disable the limit of the angle between a MESH200 element and a base element. Valid for the
mesh-independent method only.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 543
EREINF generates reinforcing elements (REINF263, REINF264 and REINF265) directly from selected base
elements (that is, existing standard structural elements in your model). The command scans all selected
base elements and generates (if necessary) a compatible reinforcing element type for each base element.
(You can select a combination of different base element types.)
Before issuing EREINF, first define the reinforcing geometry, material, and orientation via one of two
Standard Method: Define reinforcing section types (SECTYPE (p. 1433)) with standard
reinforcing location patterns (SECDATA (p. 1397)). The standard reinforcing location input
are given with respect to the selected base elements; therefore, a change in the base
mesh may require redefining the (mesh-dependent) reinforcing section types.
Standard element-definition commands (such as ET (p. 571) and E (p. 489)) are not used for defining re-
inforcing elements.
EREINF creates no new nodes. The reinforcing elements and the base elements share the common
Elements generated by EREINF are not associated with the solid model.
After EREINF executes, you can issue ETLIST (p. 584), ELIST (p. 513), or EPLOT (p. 536) to verify the newly
created reinforcing element types and elements.
Reinforcing elements do not account for any subsequent modifications made to the base elements.
ANSYS, Inc. recommends issuing EREINF only after the base elements are finalized. If you delete or
modify base elements (via EDELE (p. 491), EMODIF (p. 520), ETCHG (p. 581), EMID (p. 518), EORIENT (p. 535),
NUMMRG (p. 1079), or NUMCMP (p. 1076), for example), remove all affected reinforcing elements and reissue
EREINF to avoid inconsistencies.
If you define reinforcing via the mesh-independent method, EREINF creates new reinforcing sections
containing details of the created reinforcing elements, then applies them to all newly generated rein-
forcing elements. The number of new reinforcing sections depends on the number of new reinforcing
elements. (You can examine the properties of new sections [SLIST (p. 1516)].) The program sets the ID
number of the newest reinforcing section to the highest section ID number in the model. After issuing
EREINF, the command shows the highest-numbered IDs (element type, element, and section). Do not
overwrite a new reinforcing section when defining subsequent sections.
EREINF can generate the reinforcing elements with thermal properties if the base elements are thermal
solid elements (SOLID278 or SOLID279):
• If using the mesh-independent method for defining reinforcing, apply element body-force loading
(BFE (p. 206),,HGEN) or nodal body-force loading (BF (p. 192),,HGEN) on the MESH200 elements.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
544 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• If using the standard method for defining reinforcing, apply element body-force loading
(BFE (p. 206),,HGEN) on the reinforcing members directly. (Do not apply nodal body-force loading
[BF (p. 192),,HGEN].)
If performing a subsequent structural analysis after the thermal analysis, EREINF can convert the rein-
forcing elements for the structural analysis:
1. Convert the thermal base elements to the appropriate structural element (ET (p. 571) or EMODIF (p. 520)).
3. Issue EREINF.
Result: The selected reinforcing elements are converted to elements compatible with the con-
verted base elements.
Solution accuracy can be affected if the volume ratio between reinforcing elements and base elements
is high, particularly when body loading (such as heat generation) is applied via the reinforcing elements.
If the program detects a high volume ratio of reinforcing elements generated via the mesh-independent
method, it issues a warning message and saves affected base and MESH200 elements (used to generate
the reinforcing elements) into a component for close model inspection. Only the volume of reinforcing
elements created by the current EREINF command is considered in the volume-ratio calculation (that
is, no volume accumulation occurs over multiple EREINF commands).
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Specifies extrapolation of integration point results.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Analysis Options (p. 35)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Extrapolation key:
If element is fully elastic (no active plasticity, creep, or swelling nonlinearities), extrapolate the integration
point results to the nodes. If any portion of the element is plastic (or other active material nonlinearity),
copy the integration point results to the nodes (default).
Extrapolate the linear portion of the integration point results to the nodes and copy the nonlinear
portion (for example, plastic strains).
Copy the integration point results to the nodes.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 545
Command Default
Extrapolate integration point results to the nodes for all elements except those with active plasticity,
creep, or swelling nonlinearities (default).
For coupled pore-pressure-thermal elements (CPT212, CPT213, CPT215, CPT216, CPT217), the default
behavior is to copy integration point results to the nodes.
Specifies whether the solution results at the element-integration points are extrapolated or copied to
the nodes for element and nodal postprocessing. Structural stresses, elastic and thermal strains, field
gradients, and fluxes are affected. Nonlinear data (such as plastic, creep, and swelling strains) are always
copied to the nodes, never extrapolated. For shell elements, ERESX applies only to integration-point
results in the in-plane directions.
Extrapolation occurs in the element-solution coordinate system. For elements allowing different solution
systems at integration points (such as SHELL281 and SOLID186), extrapolation can produce unreliable
results when the solution coordinate systems in each element differ significantly. (Varying element-
solution coordinate systems can be created via the ESYS (p. 570) command or from large deformation.)
Examine results carefully in such cases, and disable extrapolation if necessary.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Output Ctrls>Integration Pt
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Output Ctrls>Integration Pt
Controls error estimation calculations.
POST1 (p. 48): Controls (p. 48)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Control key:
Perform error estimation (default). This option is not valid for PowerGraphics.
Do not perform error estimation.
Command Default
Error estimation calculations are performed by default unless PowerGraphics is enabled [/GRAPH-
ICS (p. 732),POWER].
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546 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Especially for thermal analyses, program speed increases if error estimation is suppressed. Therefore, it
might be desirable to use error estimation only when needed. The value of the ERNORM key is not
saved on file.db. Consequently, you need to reissue the ERNORM key after a RESUME (p. 1338) if you
wish to deactivate error estimation again.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Options for Outp
Utility Menu>List>Results>Options
Defines the element number range to be read [EREAD (p. 541)] from the element file. If a range is also
implied from the NRRANG (p. 1056) command, only those elements satisfying both ranges will be read.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Read Elem File
Specifies whether to select elements for checking:
List all warnings/errors from element shape checking.
Select the elements based on the .Levl criteria specified below.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 547
Select elements producing warning and error messages.
Select only elements producing error messages (default).
Specifies whether check should be performed on deformed element shapes.
Do not update node coordinates before performing shape checks (default).
Update node coordinates using the current set of deformations in the database.
Shape checking will occur according to the current SHPP (p. 1510) settings. Although ESCHECK is valid
in all processors, Defkey uses the current results in the database. If no results are available a warning
will be issued.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Check Elem Shape>Sel Warning/Error Elements
Label identifying the type of select:
Select a new set (default).
Reselect a set from the current set.
Additionally select a set and extend the current set.
Unselect a set from the current set.
Restore the full set.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
548 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Unselect the full set.
Invert the current set (selected becomes unselected and vice versa).
Display the current select status.
Label identifying data, see Table 113: ESEL - Valid Item and Component Labels (p. 550). Some items also
require a component label. If Item = PICK (or simply “P”), graphical picking is enabled and all remaining
command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). Defaults to ELEM. If Item = STRA (straightened), elements
are selected whose midside nodes do not conform to the curved line or non-flat area on which they should
lie. (Such elements are sometimes formed during volume meshing (VMESH (p. 1784)) in an attempt to avoid
excessive element distortion.) You should graphically examine any such elements to evaluate their possible
effect on solution accuracy.
Component of the item (if required). Valid component labels are shown in Table 113: ESEL - Valid Item
and Component Labels (p. 550) below.
Minimum value of item range. Ranges are element numbers, attribute numbers, load values, or result values
as appropriate for the item. A component name (as specified via the CM (p. 295) command) can also be
substituted for VMIN (in which case VMAX and VINC are ignored).
Maximum value of item range. VMAX defaults to VMIN for input values.
For result values, VMAX defaults to infinity if VMIN is positive, or to zero if VMIN is negative.
Value increment within range. Used only with integer ranges (such as for element and attribute numbers).
Defaults to 1. VINC cannot be negative.
Absolute value key:
Check sign of value during selection.
Use absolute value during selection (sign ignored).
Command Default
All elements are selected.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 549
Selects elements based on values of a labeled item and component. For example, to select a new set
of elements based on element numbers 1 through 7, use ESEL,S,ELEM,,1,7. The subset is used when
the ALL label is entered (or implied) on other commands, such as ELIST (p. 513),ALL. Only data identified
by element number are selected. Selected data are internally flagged; no actual removal of data from
the database occurs. Different element subsets cannot be used for different load steps (SOLVE (p. 1538))
in a /SOLU (p. 1537) sequence. The subset used in the first load step is used for all subsequent load steps
regardless of subsequent ESEL specifications.
Elements crossing the named path (PATH (p. 1132)) are selected. This option is available only in PREP7
and POST1. If no geometry data has been mapped to the path (via PMAP (p. 1210) and PDEF (p. 1146), for
example), the path assumes the default mapping option (PMAP (p. 1210),UNIFORM) to map the geometry
prior to selecting the elements. If an invalid path name is given, the ESEL command is ignored (and
the status of selected elements is unchanged). If no elements are crossing the path, the ESEL command
returns zero elements selected.
For selections based on non-integer numbers (coordinates, results, etc.), items that are within the range
VMIN -Toler and VMAX + Toler are selected. The default tolerance Toler is based on the relative
values of VMIN and VMAX as follows:
To override this default and specify Toler explicitly, issue the SELTOL (p. 1445) (p. 1445) command.
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550 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Valid Item and Component Labels ESEL, Type, Item, Comp, VMIN, VMAX, VINC,
Item Comp Description
ESYS Element coordinate system number.
OVER Overlapping contact elements created during contact pair splitting
LIVE Active elements (EALIVE (p. 490)). VMIN and VMAX fields are
LAYER Layer number (where only composite elements with a nonzero
thickness for the requested layer number are included)
(LAYER (p. 845)).
SEC (blank) Cross section ID number (SECNUM (p. 1423))
MAT Selects the elements with the requested MAT ID specified via
VMIN and VMAX as attached to the section.
STRA Straightened. See the description of the Item argument above.
SFE PRES Element pressure.
CONV Element convection bulk temperature.
HFLUX Element heat flux.
FSI Element (acoustic) fluid-structure interaction flag.
IMPD Element (acoustic) impedance.
SHLD Surface normal velocity or acceleration (acoustic analysis).
MXWF Element Maxwell force flag.
CHRGS Electric surface charge density.
INF Element infinite surface flag.
DFLUX Element diffusion flux.
BFE TEMP Element temperature.
FLUE Element fluence.
HGEN Element heat generation rate.
JS Element current density, magnitude only.
MVDI Element magnetic virtual displacements flag.
DGEN Element diffusing substance generation rate.
CHRGD Electric charge density.
PATH Lab Selects all elements being crossed by the path with name Lab
(PATH (p. 1132)). If Lab = ALL, all elements related to all defined
paths are selected.
Valid item and component labels for element result values are:
ETAB Lab Any user-defined element table label (ETABLE (p. 572)).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>CMS>CMS Superelements>By Picking
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Delete Elements
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 551
Scaling factor:
Use simple display of line and area elements. This value is the default.
Use real constants, section definition, or other information to form a solid shape display of the applicable
Multiply certain real constants, such as thickness, by FAC (where FAC > 0.01) and use them to form a
solid shape display of elements.
Current shell thickness key:
Use current thickness in the displaced solid shape display of shell elements (valid for SHELL181,
SHELL208, SHELL209, and SHELL281). This value is the default.
Use initial thickness in the displaced solid shape display of shell elements.
Command Default
Use simple display of line and area elements (SCALE = 0).
The /ESHAPE (p. 552) command allows beams, shells, current sources, and certain special-purpose ele-
ments or elements with special options to be displayed as solids with the shape determined from the
real constants, section types, or other information. Elements are displayed via the EPLOT (p. 536) com-
mand. No checks for valid or complete input are made for the display.
Following are details about using this command with various element types:
• COMBIN14, COMBIN39, and MASS21 are displayed with a graphics icon, with the offset determined by the
real constants and KEYOPT settings.
• BEAM188, BEAM189, PIPE288, PIPE289 and ELBOW290 are displayed as solids with the shape determined
via the section-definition commands (SECTYPE (p. 1433) and SECDATA (p. 1397)). The arbitrary section option
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
552 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
(Subtype = ASEC) has no definite shape and appears as a thin rectangle to show orientation. The elements
are displayed with internal lines representing the cross-section mesh.
Reduced-integration and lower-order shells (SHELL181 and SHELL208 with KEYOPT(3)=0) are displayed
with uniform thickness, evaluated at the centroid, to reflect the element behavior.
SOLID272 and SOLID273 are displayed as solids with the shape determined via the section-definition
commands (SECTYPE (p. 1433) and SECDATA (p. 1397)). The 2-D master plane is revolved around the
prescribed axis of symmetry.
PLANE182 and PLANE183 with KEYOPT(3) = 6 are displayed as solids with the shape determined by
the nodal locations, and displacements at the nodes for postprocessing.
Contour plots are available for these elements in postprocessing for PowerGraphics only (/GRAPH-
ICS (p. 732),POWER). To view 3-D deformed shapes for the elements, issue OUTRES (p. 1115),MISC or
OUTRES (p. 1115),ALL for static or transient analyses. To view 3-D mode shapes for a modal or eigenvalue
buckling analysis, expand the modes with element results calculation ON (Elcalc = YES for MX-
PAND (p. 1002)).
• SOURC36, CIRCU124, and TRANS126 elements always plot using /ESHAPE (p. 552) when PowerGraphics is
activated (/GRAPHICS (p. 732),POWER).
In most cases, /ESHAPE (p. 552) renders a thickness representation of your shell, plane and layered ele-
ments more readily in PowerGraphics (/GRAPHICS (p. 732),POWER). This type of representation employs
PowerGraphics to generate the enhanced representation, and will often provide no enhancement in
Full Graphics (/GRAPHICS (p. 732),FULL). This is especially true for POST1 results displays, where
/ESHAPE (p. 552) is not supported for most element types with FULL graphics.
When PowerGraphics is active, /ESHAPE (p. 552) may degrade the image if adjacent elements have
overlapping material, such as shell elements which are not co-planar. Additionally, if adjacent elements
have different thicknesses, the polygons depicting the connectivity between the “thicker” and “thinner”
elements along the shared element edges may not always be displayed.
For POST1 results displays (such as PLNSOL (p. 1190)), the following limitations apply:
• Rotational displacements for beam elements are used to create a more realistic displacement display. When
/ESHAPE (p. 552) is active, displacement plots (via PLNSOL (p. 1190),U,X and PLDISP (p. 1171), for example) may
disagree with your PRNSOL listings. This discrepancy will become more noticeable when the SCALE value
is not equal to one.
• When shell elements are not co-planar, the resulting PLNSOL (p. 1190) display with /ESHAPE (p. 552) will ac-
tually be a PLESOL (p. 1172) display as the non-coincident pseudo-nodes are not averaged. Additionally,
/ESHAPE (p. 552) should not be used with coincident elements because the plot may incorrectly average
the displacements of the coincident elements.
• When nodes are initially coincident and PowerGraphics is active, duplicate polygons are eliminated to conserve
display time and disk space. The command may degrade the image if initially coincident nodes have different
displacements. The tolerance for determining coincidence is 1E-9 times the model’s bounding box diagonal.
• If you want to view solution results (PLNSOL (p. 1190), etc.) on layered elements (such as SHELL181, SOLSH190,
SOLID185 Layered Solid, SOLID186 Layered Solid, SHELL208, SHELL209, SHELL281, and ELBOW290), set
KEYOPT(8) = 1 for the layer elements so that the data for all layers is stored in the results file.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 553
• You can plot the through-thickness temperatures of elements SHELL131 and SHELL132 regardless of the
thermal DOFs in use by issuing the PLNSOL (p. 1190),TEMP command (with PowerGraphics and /ESHAPE (p. 552)
• The /ESHAPE (p. 552),1 and /ESHAPE (p. 552),FAC commands are incompatible with the /CYCEXPAND (p. 373)
command used in cyclic symmetry analyses.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Size and Shape
Default element edge length on surface boundaries (i.e., lines). Divisions are automatically calculated
(rounded upward to next integer) from line lengths. If SIZE is zero (or blank), use NDIV.
Default number of element divisions along region boundary lines. Not used if SIZE is input.
Specifies the default number of line divisions (elements) to be generated along the region boundary
lines. The number of divisions may be defined directly or automatically calculated. Divisions defined
directly for any line [LESIZE (p. 867), KESIZE (p. 815), etc.] are retained. For adjacent regions, the divisions
assigned to the common line for one region are also used for the adjacent region. See the MOPT (p. 960)
command for additional meshing options.
For free meshing operations, if smart element sizing is being used [SMRTSIZE (p. 1530)] and ESIZE,SIZE
has been specified, SIZE will be used as a starting element size, but will be overridden (i.e., a smaller
size may be used) to accommodate curvature and small features.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Size Cntrls>ManualSize>Global>Size
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Size Cntrls>SmartSize>Adv Opts
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
554 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
ESLA, Type
Selects those elements associated with the selected areas.
DATABASE (p. 11): Selecting (p. 11)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Label identifying the type of element select:
Select a new set (default).
Reselect a set from the current set.
Additionally select a set and extend the current set.
Unselect a set from the current set.
Selects area elements belonging to meshed [AMESH (p. 106)], selected [ASEL (p. 166)] areas.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Select>Entities
ESLL, Type
Selects those elements associated with the selected lines.
DATABASE (p. 11): Selecting (p. 11)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Label identifying the type of element select:
Select a new set (default).
Reselect a set from the current set.
Additionally select a set and extend the current set.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 555
Unselect a set from the current set.
Selects line elements belonging to meshed [LMESH (p. 881)], selected [LSEL (p. 896)] lines.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Select>Entities
Label identifying the type of element selected:
Select a new set (default).
Reselect a set from the current set.
Additionally select a set and extend the current set.
Unselect a set from the current set.
Node set key:
Select element if any of its nodes are in the selected nodal set (default).
Select element only if all of its nodes are in the selected nodal set.
Label identifying type of nodes to consider when selecting:
Select elements considering all of their nodes (default).
Select elements considering only their active nodes. An active node is a node that contributes DOFs
to the model.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
556 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Select elements considering only their inactive nodes (such as orientation or radiation nodes).
Select elements considering only their corner nodes.
Select elements considering only their midside nodes.
ESLN selects elements which have any (or all EKEY) NodeType nodes in the currently-selected set of
nodes. Only elements having nodes in the currently-selected set can be selected.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Delete Elements
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Delete>Pre-tens Elemnts
Utility Menu>Select>Entities
ESLV, Type
Selects elements associated with the selected volumes.
DATABASE (p. 11): Selecting (p. 11)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Label identifying the type of element selected:
Select a new set (default).
Reselect a set from the current set.
Additionally select a set and extend the current set.
Unselect a set from the current set.
Selects volume elements belonging to meshed [VMESH (p. 1784)], selected [VSEL (p. 1805)] volumes.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 557
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Select>Entities
Arbitrary reference number assigned to this variable (2 to NV [NUMVAR (p. 1086)]). Overwrites any existing
results for this variable.
Element for which data are to be stored. If ELEM = P, graphical picking is enabled (valid only in the GUI).
Node number on this element for which data are to be stored. If blank, store the average element value
(except for FMAG values, which are summed instead of averaged). If NODE = P, graphical picking is enabled
(valid only in the GUI).
Label identifying the item. General item labels are shown in Table 114: ESOL - General Item and Component
Labels (p. 559). Some items also require a component label.
Component of the item (if required). General component labels are shown in Table 114: ESOL - General
Item and Component Labels (p. 559) below. If Comp is a sequence number (n), the NODE field is ignored.
32-character name for identifying the item on the printout and displays. Defaults to a label formed by
concatenating the first four characters of the Item and Comp labels.
See Table 114:ESOL - General Item and Component Labels (p. 559) for a list of valid item and component
labels for element (except line element) results.
ESOL defines element results data to be stored from a results file (FILE (p. 627)). Not all items are valid
for all elements. To see the available items for a given element, refer to the input and output summary
tables in the documentation for that element.
Two methods of data access are available via the ESOL command. You can access some data by using
a generic label (component name method), while others require a label and number (sequence number
Use the component name method to access general element data (that is, element data generally
available to most element types or groups of element types). Element results are in the element coordin-
ate system, except for layered elements where results are in the layer coordinate system. Element forces
and moments are in the nodal coordinate system. Results are obtainable for an element at a specified
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
558 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
node. Further location specifications can be made for some elements via SHELL (p. 1506), LAYERP26 (p. 846),
and FORCE (p. 644).
The sequence number method is required for data that is not averaged (such as pressures at nodes
and temperatures at integration points), or data that is not easily described generically (such as all derived
data for structural line elements and contact elements, all derived data for thermal line elements, and
layer data for layered elements).
In a 2-D to 3-D analysis, this command not supported in the POST26 postprocessor and is ignored.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 559
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
560 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 561
1. For more information about the meaning of contact status and its possible values, see Reviewing Results
in POST1 in the Contact Technology Guide.
2. For SHELL131 and SHELL132 elements with KEYOPT(3) = 0 or 1, use the labels HBOT, HE2, HE3, . . ., HTOP
instead of HEAT.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
562 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Define Variables
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Elec&Mag>Circuit>Define Variables
Label identifying the item:
(currently the only Item available)
element table label:
Any user-defined label from the ETABLE (p. 572) command (input in the Lab field of the ETABLE (p. 572)
Order of sort operation:
Sort into descending order.
Sort into ascending order.
Absolute value key:
Sort according to real value.
Sort according to absolute value.
Number of elements (element table rows) to be sorted in ascending or descending order (ORDER) before
sort is stopped (remainder will be in unsorted sequence) (defaults to all elements).
Command Default
Use ascending element number order.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 563
The element table rows are sorted based on the column containing the Lab values. Use EUSORT (p. 585)
to restore the original order. If ESORT is specified with PowerGraphics on [/GRAPHICS (p. 732),POWER],
then the nodal solution results listing [PRNSOL (p. 1255)] will be the same as with the full graphics mode
[/GRAPHICS (p. 732),FULL].
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>List Results>Sorted Listing>Sort Elems
Title of the electrostatics physics file as assigned by the PHYSICS (p. 1158) command.
Title of the structural physics file as assigned by the PHYSICS (p. 1158) command.
Model dimensionality (a default is not allowed):
2-D model.
3-D model.
Morphing option:
Do not perform any mesh morphing or remeshing.
Remesh the non-structural regions for each recursive loop only if mesh morphing fails (default).
Remesh the non-structural regions each recursive loop and bypass mesh morphing.
Perform mesh morphing only, do not remesh any non-structural regions.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
564 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Component name of the region to be morphed. For 2-D models, the component may be elements or areas.
For 3-D models, the component may be elements or volumes. A component must be specified. You must
enclose name-strings in single quotes in the ESSOLV command line.
Component name of entities excluded from morphing. In the 2-D case, it is the component name for the
lines excluded from morphing. In the 3-D case, it is component name for the areas excluded from
morphing. Defaults to exterior non-shared entities (see the DAMORPH (p. 406), DVMORPH (p. 487), and
DEMORPH (p. 423) commands). You must enclose name-strings in single quotes in the ESSOLV command
Electrostatic energy convergence tolerance. Defaults to .005 (.5%) of the value computed from the previous
iteration. If less than zero, the convergence criteria based on electrostatics results is turned off.
Structural maximum displacement convergence tolerance. Defaults to .005 (.5%) of the value computed
from the previous iteration. If less than zero, the convergence criteria base on structural results is turned
Maximum number of allowable solution recursive loops. A single pass through both an electrostatics and
structural analysis constitutes one loop. Defaults to 100.
Unused field.
Reuse flag option:
Assumes initial run of ESSOLV using base geometry for the first electrostatics solution.
Assumes ESSOLV run is a continuation of a previous ESSOLV run, whereby the morphed geometry is
used for the initial electrostatic simulation.
Structural restart key.
Use static solution option for structural solution.
Use static restart solution option for structural solution.
Element component name for elements containing initial stress data residing in file The
initial stress data must be defined prior to issuing ESSOLV (see INISTATE (p. 783) command).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 565
ESSOLV invokes an ANSYS macro which automatically performs a coupled electrostatic-structural ana-
If non-structural regions are remeshed during the analysis, boundary conditions and loads applied to
nodes and elements will be lost. Accordingly, it is better to assign boundary conditions and loads to
the solid model.
Use RUSEKY > 1 for solving multiple ESSOLV simulations for different excitation levels (i.e., for running
a voltage sweep). Do not issue the SAVE (p. 1389) command to save the database between ESSOLV calls.
For nonlinear structural solutions, the structural restart option (RESTKY = 1) may improve solution time
by starting from the previous converged structural solution.
For solid elements, ESSOLV automatically detects the air-structure interface and applies a Maxwell
surface flag on the electrostatic elements. This flag is used to initiate the transfer for forces from the
electrostatic region to the structure. When using the ESSOLV command with structural shell elements
(for example, SHELL181), you must manually apply the Maxwell surface flag on all air elements surround-
ing the shells before writing the final electrostatic physics file. Use the SFA (p. 1470) command to apply
the Maxwell surface flag to the areas representing the shell elements; doing so ensures that the air
elements next to both sides of the shells receive the Maxwell surface flag.
If lower-order structural solids or shells are used, set KEYOPT(7) = 1 for the electrostatic element types
to ensure the correct transfer of forces.
Information on creating the initial stress file is documented in the Loading chapter in the Basic Analysis
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Physics>Coupled Solvers>Elec/struc
Main Menu>Solution>Physics>Coupled Solvers>Elec/struc
Specifies the matrix multiplier for deactivated elements.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Birth and Death (p. 44)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Stiffness matrix multiplier for deactivated elements (defaults to 1.0E-6).
Command Default
Use 1.0E-6 as the multiplier.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
566 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Specifies the stiffness matrix multiplier for elements deactivated with the EKILL (p. 510) command (birth
and death).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>Birth & Death>StiffnessMult
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Other>Birth & Death>StiffnessMult
Node number that is used only in the following two cases:
XNODE is a single extra node number (ID) used for generating SURF151 or SURF152 elements
when KEYOPT(5)=1.
XNODE is a single pressure node number (ID) used for generating HSFLD241 or HSFLD242 ele-
There is no default. XNODE must be specified for the above cases. If XNODE = P, graphical picking
is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A parameter or
parametric expression can be substituted for XNODE.
Generates target, contact, and hydrostatic fluid elements with correct direction of normals.
This option is valid only with TARGE169, TARGE170, CONTA172, CONTA174, CONTA177, HSFLD241,
and HSFLD242 elements.
Generates target and contact elements over beam and shell elements, or hydrostatic fluid ele-
ments over shell elements, with the normals the same as the underlying beam and shell elements
Generates target and contact elements over beam and shell elements, or hydrostatic fluid ele-
ments over shell elements, with the normals opposite to the underlying beam and shell elements.
If target or contact elements and hydrostatic fluid elements are defined on the same under-
lying shell elements, you only need to use this option once to orient the normals opposite
to the underlying shell elements.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 567
Reverses the direction of the normals on existing selected target elements, contact elements,
and hydrostatic fluid elements.
If target or contact elements and hydrostatic fluid elements are defined on the same under-
lying shell elements, you only need to use this option once to reverse the normals for all
selected elements.
Used to specify the element shape for target element TARGE170 (Shape = LINE or POINT) or TARGE169
elements (Shape = POINT).
The target element takes the same shape as the external surface of the underlying element (default).
Generates LINE or PARA (parabolic) segments on exterior of selected 3-D elements.
Generates POINT segments on selected nodes.
The ESURF command generates elements of the currently active element type overlaid on the free
faces of existing elements. For example, surface elements (such as SURF151, SURF152, SURF153, SURF154,
or SURF159) can be generated over solid elements (such as PLANE55, SOLID70, PLANE182, SOLID185,
or SOLID272, respectively).
Element faces are determined from the selected node set (NSEL (p. 1057)) and the load faces for that
element type. The operation is similar to that used for generating element loads from selected nodes
via the SF (p. 1464),ALL command, except that elements (instead of loads) are generated. All nodes on
the face must be selected for the face to be used. For shell elements, only face one of the element is
available. If nodes are shared by adjacent selected element faces, the faces are not free and no element
is generated.
Elements created by ESURF are oriented such that their surface load directions are consistent with
those of the underlying elements. Carefully check generated elements and their orientations.
Generated elements use the existing nodes and the active MAT (p. 929), TYPE (p. 1707), REAL (p. 1319), and
ESYS (p. 570) attributes. The exception is when Tlab = REVERSE. The reversed target and contact elements
have the same attributes as the original elements. If the underlying elements are solid elements, Tlab
= TOP or BOTTOM has no effect.
When the command generates a target element, the shape is by default the same as that of the under-
lying element. Issue ESURF,,,LINE or ESURF,,,POINT to generate LINE, PARA, and POINT segments.
The ESURF command can also generate the 2-D or 3-D node-to-surface element CONTA175, based on
the selected node components of the underlying solid elements. When used to generate CONTA175
elements, all ESURF arguments are ignored. (If CONTA175 is the active element type, the path Main
Menu> Preprocessor> Modeling> Create> Elements> Node-to-Surf uses ESURF to generate elements.)
To generate SURF151 or SURF152 elements that have two extra nodes from FLUID116 elements, KEY-
OPT(5) for SURF151 or SURF152 is first set to 0 and ESURF is issued. Then KEYOPT(5) for SURF151 or
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
568 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
SURF152 is set to 2 and MSTOLE (p. 999) is issued. For more information, see Using the Surface Effect
Elements in the Thermal Analysis Guide.
For hydrostatic fluid elements HSFLD241 and HSFLD242, the ESURF command generates triangular (2-
D) or pyramid-shaped (3-D) elements with bases that are overlaid on the faces of selected 2-D or 3-D
solid or shell elements. The single vertex for all generated elements is at the pressure node specified
as XNODE. The generated elements fill the volume enclosed by the solid or shell elements. The nodes
on the overlaid faces have translational degrees of freedom, while the pressure node shared by all
generated elements has a single hydrostatic pressure degree of freedom, HDSP (see HSFLD241 and
HSFLD242 for more information about the pressure node).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Surf / Contact>Inf Acoustic
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Surf / Contact>Node to Surf
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Surf / Contact>Surf Effect>Generl
Surface>Extra Node
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Surf / Contact>Surf Effect>Generl
Surface>No extra Node
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Surf / Contact>Surf to Surf
Unused field.
Increment nodes in the given pattern by NINC.
Generates additional elements from a given pattern (similar to EGEN (p. 499)) except with a "symmetry"
reflection. The operation generates a new element by incrementing the nodes on the original element,
and reversing and shifting the node connectivity pattern. For example, for a 4-node 2-D element, the
nodes in positions I, J, K, and L of the original element are placed in positions J, I, L, and K of the reflected
Similar permutations occur for all other element types. For line elements, the nodes in positions I and
J of the original element are placed in positions J and I of the reflected element. In releases prior to
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 569
ANSYS 5.5, no node pattern reversing and shifting occurred for line elements generated by ESYM. To achieve
the same results with ANSYS 5.5 as you did in prior releases, use the EGEN (p. 499) command instead.
If the nodes are also reflected (as with the NSYM (p. 1074) command) this pattern is such that the orient-
ation of the symmetry element remains similar to the original element (i.e., clockwise elements are
generated from clockwise elements).
For a non-reflected node pattern, the reversed orientation has the effect of reversing the outward normal
direction (clockwise elements are generated from counterclockwise elements).
Since nodes may be defined anywhere in the model independently of this command,
any orientation of the "symmetry" elements is possible. See also the ENSYM (p. 533)
command for modifying existing elements.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Reflect>Elements>Auto Numbered
Sets the element coordinate system attribute pointer.
PREP7 (p. 20): Meshing (p. 27)
PREP7 (p. 20): Elements (p. 29)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Coordinate system number:
Use element coordinate system orientation as defined (either by default or by KEYOPT setting) for the
element (default).
Use element coordinate system orientation based on local coordinate system N (where N must be
greater than 10). For global system 0, 1, or 2, define a local system N parallel to appropriate system
with the LOCAL (p. 883) or CS (p. 359) command (for example: LOCAL (p. 883),11,1).
Command Default
Use element coordinate system orientation as defined (either by default or by KEYOPT setting) for the
element (default).
Identifies the local coordinate system to be used to define the element coordinate system of subsequently
defined elements. Used only with area and volume elements. For non-layered volume elements, the
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
570 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
local coordinate system N is simply assigned to be the element coordinate system. For shell and layered
volume elements, the x and y axes of the local coordinate system N are projected onto the shell or
layer plane to determine the element coordinate system. See Understanding the Element Coordinate
System for more details. N refers to the coordinate system reference number (KCN) defined using the
LOCAL (p. 883) (or similar) command. Element coordinate system numbers may be displayed
[/PNUM (p. 1217)].
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh Attributes>Default Attribs
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Elem Attributes
Defines a local element type from the element library.
PREP7 (p. 20): Element Type (p. 21)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
An arbitrary local element-type number. Defaults to 1 + current maximum.
A full element name (such as pipe288) or element number only (such as 288), as given in the element
Specify 1 to suppress all element-solution printout for this element type.
The ET command selects an element type from the element library and establishes it as a local element
type for the current model. Information derived from the element type is used for subsequent commands,
so the ET command(s) should be issued early.
Although specifying a full element name (category prefix and number such as pipe288) for Ename is
optional, it is still displayed in the output.
Ename = 0 is a special option to ignore the specified element type during solution without removing
it from the model. The option is valid only for the previously defined element type. (The preferred
method for ignoring elements is to issue ESEL (p. 548) or another selection command (p. 11).)
KOPn are element key options (KEYOPT(n)), used to enable or disable options available for the given
element. Available KEYOPT values are shown each element documented in the element library. If KEY-
OPT(7) and higher are needed, input those KEYOPT values values via KEYOPT (p. 816).
Although ET defines an element type local to your model, you must point to the desired local element
type before meshing. To do so, issue TYPE (p. 1707) (or a similar command such as KATT (p. 807),
LATT (p. 844), AATT (p. 78), or VATT (p. 1741)).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 571
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Element Type>Add/Edit/Delete
Any unique user-defined label for use in subsequent commands and output headings. A valid label has a
maximum of eight characters and is not a general predefined Item label. Default: An eight-character label
formed by concatenating the first four characters of the Item and Comp labels.
If the same as a previous user label, the result item is included under the same label. Up to 200
different labels can be defined.
Refills all tables previously defined with the ETABLE commands (not the CALC (p. 247) module
commands) according to the latest ETABLE specifications. It is convenient for refilling tables
after the load step (SET (p. 1458)) has changed. Remaining fields are ignored.
Displays stored table values.
Erases the entire table.
Label identifying the item. General item labels are shown in the table below. Some items also require a
component label. Character parameters are valid. Item = ERAS erases a Lab column.
Component of the item (if required). General component labels are shown in the table below. Character
parameters can be used.
Option for storing element table data:
Store minimum element nodal value of the specified item component.
Store maximum element nodal value of the specified item component.
Store averaged element centroid value of the specified item component (default).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
572 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
ETABLE defines a table of values per element (the element table) for use in further processing. The
element table is organized similar to a spreadsheet, with rows representing all selected elements and
columns consisting of result items which have been moved into the table (Item,Comp) via ETABLE.
Each column of data is identified by a user-defined label (Lab) for listings and displays.
After entering the data into the element table, you are not limited to listing or displaying your data
(PLESOL (p. 1172), PRESOL (p. 1237), etc.). You can also perform many types of operations on your data,
such as adding or multiplying columns (SADD (p. 1387), SMULT (p. 1533)), defining allowable stresses for
safety calculations (SALLOW (p. 1388)), or multiplying one column by another (SMULT (p. 1533)). For more
information, see Getting Started in the Basic Analysis Guide.
For reinforcing elements, this command displays the results of reinforcing member (individual reinforcing)
selected via the LAYER (p. 845),N command (where N is a given reinforcing member). LAYER (p. 845),0
(default) or LAYER (p. 845),1 selects the first reinforcing member.
Various results data can be stored in the element table. For example, many items for an element are
inherently single-valued (one value per element). The single-valued items include: SERR, SDSG, TERR,
All other items are multivalued (varying over the element, such that there is a different value at each
node). Because only one value is stored in the element table per element, an average value (based on
the number of contributing nodes) is calculated for multivalued items. Exceptions to this averaging
procedure are FMAG and all element force items, which represent the sum only of the contributing
nodal values.
Two methods of data access can be used with the ETABLE command. The method you select depends
upon the type of data that you want to store. Some results can be accessed via a generic label (Com-
ponent Name method), while others require a label and number (Sequence Number method).
The component name method is used to access the general element data (that is, element data which
is generally available to most element types or groups of element types). All of the single-valued items
and some of the more general multivalued items are accessible with the Component Name method.
Various element results depend on the calculation method and the selected results location
(AVPRIN (p. 181), RSYS (p. 1383), LAYER (p. 845), SHELL (p. 1506), and ESEL (p. 548)).
Although nodal data is readily available for listings and displays (PRNSOL (p. 1255), PLNSOL (p. 1190))
without using the element table, you can also use the Component Name method to enter these results
into the element table for further "worksheet" manipulation. (See Getting Started in the Basic Analysis
Guide for more information.) A listing of the General Item and Comp labels for the component name
method is shown below.
The sequence number method enables you to view results for data that is not averaged (such as pressures
at nodes, temperatures at integration points, etc.), or data that is not easily described in a generic
fashion (such as all derived data for structural line elements and contact elements, all derived data for
thermal line elements, layer data for layered elements, etc.). A table illustrating the Items (such as LS,
LEPEL, LEPTH, SMISC, NMISC, SURF, etc.) and corresponding sequence numbers for each element is
shown in the Output Data section of each element description.
Some element table data are reported in the results coordinate system. These include all component
results (for example, UX, UY, etc.; SX, SY, etc.). The solution writes component results in the database
and on the results file in the solution coordinate system. When you issue the ETABLE command, these
results are then transformed into the results coordinate system (RSYS (p. 1383)) before being stored in
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 573
the element table. The default results coordinate system is global Cartesian (RSYS (p. 1383),0). All other
data are retrieved from the database and stored in the element table with no coordinate transformation.
To display the stored table values, issue the PRETAB (p. 1243), PLETAB (p. 1179), or ETABLE,STAT command.
To erase the entire table, issue ETABLE,ERAS. To erase a Lab column, issue ETABLE,Lab,ERAS.
When the GUI is enabled, if a Delete operation in a Define Element Table Data dialog box writes this
command to a log file (Jobname.LOG or Jobname.LGW), the program sets Lab = blank, Item =
ERASE, and Comp = an integer number. In this case, the program has assigned a value of Comp that
corresponds to the location of a chosen variable name in the dialog list. It is not intended that you type
in such a location value for Comp in a session; however, a file that contains a GUI-generated ETABLE
command of this form can be used for batch input or the /INPUT (p. 791) command.
The MIN and MAX options are not available for thermal elements.
The element table data option (Option) is not available for all output items. See the table below for
supported items.
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574 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 575
1 - EMAX
2 - SMAX
3 - TWSI
4 - TWSR
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
576 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 577
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
578 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 579
1. For SHELL131 and SHELL132 elements with KEYOPT(3) = 0 or 1, use labels TBOT, TE2, TE3, . . ., TTOP instead
of TEMP.
2. Element table option (Option) is available for this element output data item.
3. For the CONT items related to elements CONTA172, CONTA174, CONTA175, and CONTA177, the reported
data is averaged across the element.
4. For MPC-based contact definitions, the value of STAT can be negative. This indicates that one or more
contact constraints were intentionally removed to prevent overconstraint. STAT = -3 is used for MPC bonded
contact; STAT = -2 is used for MPC no-separation contact.
5. When using the EMFT (p. 518) procedure to calculate electromagnetic force (PLANE121, SOLID122, SOLID123,
PLANE233, SOLID236 or SOLID237 elements only), the FMAG sum will be zero or near zero.
6. Some element- and material-type limitations apply. For more information, see PRERR (p. 1236).
7. Failure criteria are based on the effective stresses in the damaged material.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Element Table>Define Table
Main Menu>General Postproc>Element Table>Erase Table
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
580 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Changes element types to their corresponding types.
PREP7 (p. 20): Element Type (p. 21)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Converts the element types to the corresponding type. Valid labels are:
Thermal to Structural
Structural to Thermal
Magnetic to Thermal
Fluid to Structural
Electrostatic to Structural
Electrical to Thermal
Changes the currently defined element types to their corresponding types. Elements without a companion
element (listed above) are not switched and should be switched with the ET (p. 571) command to an
appropriate element type or to a null element. The KEYOPT values for the switched element types are
reset to zero or to their default values. You must check these values to see if they are still meaningful.
Additionally, if Cnv = ETI, ITE, or TTE, all real constants are set to zero.
If Cnv = ITE, you will need to choose a material model that corresponds to your previously-defined
material properties. If working interactively, the application prompts you to do so.
Element Pairs
TTS -- Thermal to Structural
33 > 180 67 > 42 75 > 25 131 > 181
55 > 182 69 > 45 77 > 183 151 > 153
70 > 185 78 > 83 152 > 154
71 > 21 87 > 187 155 > 156
90 > 186 278 > 185
279 > 186
291 > 187
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 581
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Element Type>Switch Elem Type
Element technology control:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
582 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The program offers a suggestion for the best element technology before solving. If necessary, mixed
u-P (KEYOPT(6)) is also included and reset. This behavior is the default.
The program informs you of the best settings and resets any applicable KEYOPT settings automatically.
This action overrides any previous manual settings.
Deactivates automatic selection of element technology. No suggestions are issued, and no automatic
resetting occurs.
Element degenerated shape control:
If element shapes are degenerated, the degenerated shape function is employed and enhanced strain,
simplified enhanced strain, and B-bar formulations are turned off (default).
If element shapes are degenerated, regular shape functions are still used, and the specified element
technologies (e.g., enhanced strain, B-bar, uniform reduced integration) are still used.
The command default is ETCONTROL,SUGGESTION,ON.
This command is valid for elements SHELL181, PLANE182, PLANE183, SOLID185, SOLID186, SOLID187,
BEAM188, BEAM189, SHELL208, SHELL209, PLANE223, SOLID226, SOLID227, REINF264, SOLID272, SOL-
ID273, SHELL281, SOLID285, PIPE288, PIPE289, ELBOW290.
For more information, see Automatic Selection of Element Technologies and Formulations in the Element
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Element Type>Elem Tech Control
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 583
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Element Type>Add/Edit/Delete
This command is valid in any processor.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Properties>Element Types
Specifies "Element types" as the subsequent status topic.
PREP7 (p. 20): Status (p. 32)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>Preprocessor>Element Types
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
584 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Restores original order of the element table.
POST1 (p. 48): Element Table (p. 49)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Changing the selected element set [ESEL (p. 548)] also restores the original element order.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>List Results>Sorted Listing>Unsort Elems
File name and directory path (up to 248 characters, including the characters needed for the directory path).
An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248 characters
for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
Append key:
Rewind file before the write operation.
Append data to the end of the existing file.
Format key:
I6 format (default).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 585
I8 format. Switches automatically to I10 if entity IDs are large.
Writes the selected elements to a file. The write operation is unnecessary in a standard Mechanical APDL
run but is provided as convenience to users wanting a coded element file.
If issuing EWRITE from Mechanical APDL to be used in Mechanical APDL, issue NWRITE (p. 1088) to store
nodal information for later use.
Only elements having all of their nodes defined (and selected) are written. Data are written in a coded
format. The data description of each record is: I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, MAT, TYPE, REAL, SECNUM, ESYS, IEL,
where MAT, TYPE, REAL, and ESYS are attribute numbers, SECNUM is the beam section number, and
IEL is the element number.
The format is (14I6) if Format = SHORT, and (14I8 or 14I10) if Format = LONG.
One element description per record is written for elements having <= 8 nodes. For elements having >
8 nodes, nodes 9 and above are written on a second record using the same format.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Write Elem File
Specifies .EXB file output options in a CMS generation pass.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Analysis Options (p. 35)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Output control for 2nd order invariant:
Do not output (default).
Output the second order invariant.
Output control for .TCMS file:
Do not output (default).
Output the .TCMS file.
Output control for .SUB file:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
586 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Do not output (default).
Output the .SUB file.
Output control for .CMS file:
Do not output (default).
Output the .CMS file.
Output control for node and element component information:
Do not output any component information.
Output node component information only.
Output element component information only.
Output both node and element component information (default).
Output control for the recovery matrix:
Do not output (default).
Output the recovery matrix to file.EXB.
Output the recovery matrix to a separate file, file_RECOVER.EXB.
Invariant calculation:
Calculate all invariants (default).
Suppress calculation of the 1st and 2nd order invariants. NOINV = 1 suppresses OUTINV2 = 1.
Output control for the element data:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 587
Do not output (default).
Output the element data.
Command Default
Default settings as described for each argument are used.
When the body property file (file.EXB) is requested in a CMS generation pass (CMSOPT (p. 313),,,,,,,EXB
command), the .TCMS, .SUB, and .CMS files are not output by default. Use the EXBOPT command to
request these files, as needed.
EXBOPT can also be used to manage some content in the .EXB file for improving performance and
storage (see the OUTINV2, OUTCOMP, OUTRM, NOINV, and OUTELE arguments described above).
If both recovery matrix output (OUTRM = 1 or 2) and the .TCMS file (OUTTCMS = 1) are requested, the
.TCMS file writing is turned off due to potentially large in-core memory use.
For more information on how to generate file.EXB, see ANSYS Interface to AVL EXCITE in the Sub-
structuring Analysis Guide
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
The command following the *ENDDO (p. 527) is executed next. The exit option may also be conditional
[Use the *IF (p. 774)]. The *EXIT (p. 588) command must appear on the same file as the *DO (p. 467)
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
588 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Mode for saving the database:
Save the model data (solid model, finite element model, loadings, etc.) only (default).
Save the model data and the solution data (nodal and element results).
Save the model data, solution data and post data (element tables, path results, etc.)
Do not save any data on File.DB (an existing DB file will not be overwritten).
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
The current database information may be written on File.DB or a named file. If File.DB already
exists, a backup file (File.DBB) will also be written whenever a new File.DB is written.
This command is valid in any processor. Issuing this command at any point will exit the program.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>File>Exit
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 589
Load type:
Surface load
Volume load
Surface options:
Number of significant digits for the fractional part of real data
Key to include face connectivity in the exported profile file
Volume options:
Number of significant digits after the decimal for real data
Specify the value for either Precision or Connectivity.
For Precision, specify the number of significant digits. Can be any value between 1 to 20, default
8. When 0 or an invalid value is specified, the program will use the default value of 8 and issue a
warning message.
For Connectivity, specify the key to include the element face connectivity data for surface loads
(does not support volume loads):
Do not include the connectivity data in the exported file (default)
Include the connectivity data in the exported file
Distributed ANSYS Restriction This command is not supported in Distributed ANSYS.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
590 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
EXP, IR, IA, --, --, Name, --, --, FACTA, FACTB
Forms the exponential of a variable.
POST26 (p. 55): Operations (p. 56)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Arbitrary reference number assigned to the resulting variable (2 to NV [NUMVAR (p. 1086)]). If this number
is the same as for a previously defined variable, the previously defined variable will be overwritten with
this result.
Reference number of the variable to be operated on.
--, --
Unused fields.
Thirty-two character name for identifying the variable on the printout and displays. Embedded blanks are
compressed upon output.
--, --
Unused fields.
Scaling factor applied to variable IA (defaults to 1.0).
Scaling factor (positive or negative) applied to the operation (defaults to 1.0).
Forms the exponential of a variable according to the operation:
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Math Operations>Exponentiate
Number of sector repetitions for expansion. The default is 0 (no expansion).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 591
Specifies that the expansion is for a modal cyclic symmetry analysis.
The harmonic index ID for the results to expand.
The coordinate system number used in the modal cyclic symmetry solution. The default is the global cyl-
indrical coordinate system (specified via the CSYS (p. 364) command where KCN = 1).
The sector angle in degrees, equal to 360 divided by the number of cyclic sectors.
This field is reserved for future use.
The phase angle in degrees to use for the expansion. The default is 0. Typically, the value is the peak dis-
placement (or stress/strain) phase angle obtained via the CYCPHASE (p. 388) command.
Issue this command to display the results of a modal cyclic symmetry analysis.
When you issue the EXPAND,Nrepeat command, subsequent SET (p. 1458) commands read data from
the results file and expand them to Nrepeat sectors. As long as no entities have been modified, this
expansion can be negated (that is, reverted to single sector) by issuing EXPAND with no arguments. If
you modify entities and wish to return to the partial model, use the Session Editor (see Restoring
Database Contents in the Operations Guide).
EXPAND displays the results and allows you to print them, as if for a full model. The harmonic index
(automatically retrieved from the results file) appears in the legend column.
When plotting or printing element strain energy (SENE), the EXPAND command works with brick or tet
models only. Element kinetic energy (KENE) plotting or printing is not supported.
EXPAND is a specification command valid only in POST1. It is significantly different from the /CYCEX-
PAND (p. 373) command in several respects, (although you can use either command to display the results
of a modal cyclic symmetry analysis):
• EXPAND has none of the limitations of the /CYCEXPAND (p. 373) command.
• EXPAND changes the database by modifying the geometry, the nodal displacements, and element stresses
as they are read from the results file, whereas the /CYCEXPAND (p. 373) command does not change the
The EXPAND command creates new nodes and elements; therefore, saving (or issuing the
/EXIT (p. 589), ALL command) after issuing the EXPAND command can result in large databases.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
592 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Cyc Expansion
/EXPAND (p. 593), Nrepeat1, Type1, Method1, DX1, DY1, DZ1, Nrepeat2, Type2,
Method2, DX2, DY2, DZ2, Nrepeat3, Type3, Method3, DX3, DY3, DZ3
Allows the creation of a larger graphic display than represented by the actual finite element analysis
POST1 (p. 48): Special Purpose (p. 53)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Causes a Cartesian transformation of DX, DY, and DZ for each pattern (default).
Causes a polar transformation of DR, D-Theta and DZ for each pattern.
Causes 2-D axisymmetric expansion (that is, rotates a 2-D model created in the X-Y plane about the Y
axis to create a 3-D model).
Causes a Cartesian transformation of DX, DY, and DZ for each pattern about the current local coordinate
system (specified via the CSYS (p. 364) command).
Causes a polar transformation of DR, D-Theta, and DZ for each pattern about the local coordinate system
(specified via the CSYS (p. 364) command).
Causes a normal repeat of the pattern (default).
Uses a symmetry transformation for alternate repeats (to produce an image of a complete circular gear
from the image of half a tooth, for example).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 593
You can use the /EXPAND (p. 593) command to perform up to three symmetry expansions at once (that
is, X, Y, and Z which is equal to going from a 1/8 model to a full model). Polar expansions allow you to
expand a wheel section into a half wheel, then into the half section, and then into the whole.
The command displays elements/results when you issue the EPLOT (p. 536) command or postprocessing
The command works on all element and result displays, except as noted below. As the graphic display
is created, the elements (and results) are repeated as many times as necessary, expanding the geometry
and, if necessary, the displacements and stresses.
• POLAR, FULL or HALF operations are meaningful only in global cylindrical systems and are unaffected by
the RSYS (p. 1383) or DSYS (p. 481) commands. Cartesian symmetry or unsymmetric operations also occur
about the global Cartesian system.
• It does not average nodal results across sector boundaries, even for averaged plots (such as those obtained
via the PLNSOL (p. 1190) command).
• Axisymmetric harmonic element results are not supported for Type = AXIS.
The /EXPAND (p. 593) command differs significantly from the EXPAND (p. 591) command in several re-
• The uses of /EXPAND (p. 593) are of a more general nature, whereas the EXPAND (p. 591) command is
intended primarily to expand modal cyclic symmetry results.
• /EXPAND (p. 593) does not change the database as does the EXPAND (p. 591) command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Symmetry Expansion>
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Symmetry Expansion>Expansion by values
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Symmetry Expansion>Modal Cyclic Symmetry
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Symmetry Expansion>Periodic/Cyclic Symmetry Expansion
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
594 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Expansion pass key:
No expansion pass will be performed (default).
An expansion pass will be performed.
--, --
Unused fields.
Static correction vectors key:
Include static correction vectors in the expanded displacements (default).
Do not include static correction vectors in the expanded displacements.
Specifies that an expansion pass of a modal, substructure, buckling, transient, or harmonic analysis is
to be performed.
This separate solution pass requires an explicit FINISH (p. 631) from the preceding analysis
and reentry into SOLUTION.
The KeyStat argument is applicable to the expansion pass of a substructure analysis, and to the ex-
pansion pass of a component mode synthesis (CMS) analysis when the CMS method is fixed-interface
or free-interface. For a substructure analysis, the static correction vectors are the first terms of Equa-
tion 15.135 in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference. For a CMS analysis, the static correction vectors
are the third terms of Equation 15.158.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>ExpansionPass
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>ExpansionPass
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 595
Argument Descriptions
Name of the matrix to export (must be a matrix previously created with *DMAT (p. 454) or *SMAT (p. 1522),
or a vector previously created with *VEC (p. 1749)).
Format of the output file:
MMF --
Export the matrix in the Matrix Market Format.
SUB --
Export the matrix in the SUB file format.
Export the matrix in the Harwell-Boeing file format.
MAT --
Export the matrix in a native format, to be re-imported using the *DMAT (p. 454) or *SMAT (p. 1522)
Export the matrix to an existing EMAT file.
Export the matrix to an APDL array parameter.
PS --
Export the matrix profile to a Postscript file.
Export the matrix in the DMIG file format.
CSV --
Export the matrix to an ASCII CSV (comma-separated values) file.
Name of the file, or name of the array parameter if Format = APDL (no default).
Additional input for Format = SUB, HBMAT, EMAT, APDL, PS, DMIG, and CSV
Format Val1 Val2 Val3 Description
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
596 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
EMAT Matrix type: Element (not used) Identify the matrix type and
number the element number.
STIFF - Stiffness (or
conductivity) matrix
MASS - Mass (or
specific heat)
DAMP - Damping
APDL First column Last column (not used) Block of columns to export.
PS Color key: (not used) (not used) Identify the output format.
BW - black and
white (default)
COLOR - color
DMIG Matrix containing the row File format: (not used) The row information vector
information (see specifies the mapping
Notes (p. 598)). Not needed FREE between row number, node,
if the matrix was imported - and DOF number.
from an existing SUB or Free
DMIG file. field
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 597
CSV Number of decimal places Delimiter (not used) Identify the accuracy and
(default = 10) character ( formatting.
Use ‘S’ for
space, ‘T’ for
Only sparse matrices can be exported to Postscript files. This option plots the matrix profile as a series
of dots.
If you want to create a .SUB file from several matrices, you need to set Val3 = WAIT for all matrices
but the last, and Val3 = DONE for the last one. The export will be effective at the last *EXPORT (p. 596)
To create a .SUB file or .DMIG file from scratch, you must supply the row information array. (Specify
this array in the Val2 field for .SUB or in the Val1 field for .DMIG.) This must be an m x 2 array, where
m is the size of the matrix. The first column is the node number and the second column is the DOF
number corresponding to each row of the matrix.
The *EXPORT (p. 596) command is not applicable to sparse matrices initialized from .FULL files by
means of the NOD2SOLV option on the *SMAT (p. 1522) command (i.e., *SMAT (p. 1522),,,IM-
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Load type:
Surface load.
Volumetric load.
Surface loads:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
598 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Displacement (in a static analysis) or mode shape and global parameters (in a modal analysis).
Normalized mode shape and global parameters (in a modal analysis only).
Heat flux.
Volumetric loads:
Heat generation.
If a positive integer, specifies the number of the surface or volume interface. If zero (default), the selected
nodes or Named Selection are used.
Field name in CFX Profile file (32-character maximum). Defaults to jobname_bcploadnumber for a
surface load and jobname_subdloadnumber for volumetric load.
The CFX Profile filename (248-character maximum). Defaults to jobname_bcploadnumber for a surface
load and jobname_subdloadnumber for a volumetric load.
The Profile file extension (8-character maximum). Defaults to.csv.
The Profile file directory (248-character maximum). Defaults to current directory.
By default, the EXPROFILE command assumes the data it writes to the Profile file are in SI units. For
models not described in SI units, issue the EXUNIT (p. 604) command as needed to write the correct
unit labels on the Profile file.
For a modal analysis, if Load = DISP or MODE, global parameters including mass, frequency, and max-
imum displacement are also written to the ANSYS CFX Profile file. You should therefore issue the EX-
UNIT (p. 604) command for DISP, TIME, and MASS.
Verify that the coordinate system is set to the global Cartesian (RSYS (p. 1383),0) before using this com-
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 599
To transfer multiple loads across an interface, specify a unique file name and extension for each load.
For modal analysis, this command will write global parameters including mass, frequency, and maximum
displacement to the profile file. If using cyclic symmetry analysis, this command will also write harmonic
indices to the profile file.
For modal analysis, this command does not support the following mode-extraction methods (MOD-
OPT (p. 951)): unsymmetric matrix (UNSYM), the damped system (DAMP), or the QR-damped system
To write the normalized (instead of non-normalized) mode shapes from a modal analysis to the file:
• Verify that the mode shapes are normalized to the mass matrix (MODOPT (p. 951),,,,,,OFF), the default
• Verify that the scale factor is set to 1.0 (SET (p. 1458),,,1.0), the default value.
The nodes and underlying elements must be selected in order to be exported. See The Unidirectional
Load-Transfer Method: Mechanical APDL to CFX for details.
For loads not specified directly via commands (such as SF (p. 1464) and BF (p. 192)), loads must first be
read into the database (SET (p. 1458) or LCASE (p. 849)).
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Expand the solution identified as load step LSTEP and substep SBSTEP.
As an alternative to LSTEP and SBSTEP, expand the solution at, or nearest to, the time value TIMFRQ (for
ANTYPE (p. 140),TRANS or ANTYPE (p. 140),SUBSTR) or frequency value TIMFRQ (for ANTYPE (p. 140),HARMIC).
LSTEP and SBSTEP should be blank.
Element calculation key:
Calculate element results, nodal loads, and reaction loads.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
600 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Do not calculate these items.
Specifies the solution to be expanded from analyses that use the mode-superposition method (AN-
TYPE (p. 140),HARMIC or TRANS) or substructuring (ANTYPE (p. 140),SUBSTR). Use the NUMEXP (p. 1078)
command to expand a group of solutions.
The resulting results file will maintain the same load step, substep, and time (or frequency) values as
the requested solution to be expanded.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>ExpansionPass>Single Expand>By Load
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>ExpansionPass>Single Expand>By Time/Freq
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>ExpansionPass>Single Expand>By Load Step
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>ExpansionPass>Single Expand>By Time/Freq
Label identifying the control option. The meanings of Val1, Val2, and Val3 will vary depending on Lab.
Sets carryover of the material attributes, real constant attributes, and element coordinate system at-
tributes of the pattern area elements to the generated volume elements. Sets the pattern area mesh
to clear when volume generations are done. Val1, Val2, and Val3 are ignored.
Removes all settings associated with this command. Val1, Val2, and Val3 are ignored.
Shows all settings associated with this command. Val1, Val2, Val3, and Val4 are ignored.
Sets carryover of particular pattern area attributes (materials, real constants, and element coordinate
systems) of the pattern area elements to the generated volume elements. (See 2.) Val1 can be:
Sets volume elements to use current MAT (p. 929) command settings.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 601
Sets volume elements to use material attributes of the pattern area elements.
Val2 can be:
Sets volume elements to use current REAL (p. 1319) command settings.
Sets volume elements to use real constant attributes of the pattern area elements.
Val3 can be:
Sets volume elements to use current ESYS (p. 570) command settings.
Sets volume elements to use element coordinate system attributes of the pattern area elements.
Val4 can be:
Sets volume elements to use current SECNUM (p. 1423) command settings.
Sets volume elements to use section attributes of the pattern area elements.
Val1 sets the number of element divisions in the direction of volume generation or volume sweep. For
VDRAG (p. 1748) and VSWEEP (p. 1809), Val1 is overridden by the LESIZE (p. 867) command NDIV setting.
Val2 sets the spacing ratio (bias) in the direction of volume generation or volume sweep. If positive,
Val2 is the nominal ratio of last division size to first division size (if > 1.0, sizes increase, if < 1.0, sizes
decrease). If negative, Val2 is the nominal ratio of center division(s) size to end divisions size. Ratio
defaults to 1.0 (uniform spacing). Val3 and Val4 are ignored.
Sets clearing of pattern area mesh. (See 3.) Val1 can be:
Sets pattern area to remain meshed when volume generation is done.
Sets pattern area mesh to clear when volume generation is done. Val2, Val3 , and Val4 are
Indicates that volume sweeping options will be set using Val1 and Val2. Settings specified with
EXTOPT,VSWE will be used the next time the VSWEEP (p. 1809) command is invoked. If Lab = VSWE,
Val1 becomes a label. Val1 can be:
Indicates whether you will be prompted for the source and target used by VSWEEP (p. 1809) or if
VSWE should automatically determine the source and target. If Val1 = AUTO, Val2 is ON by default.
VSWE will automatically determine the source and target for VSWEEP (p. 1809). You will be allowed
to pick more than one volume for sweeping. When Val2 = OFF, the application prompts you for
the source and target for VSWEEP (p. 1809). You will only be allowed to pick one volume for
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
602 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Indicates whether VSWEEP (p. 1809) will tet mesh non-sweepable volumes or leave them unmeshed.
If Val1 = TETS, Val2 is OFF by default. Non-sweepable volumes will be left unmeshed. When
Val2 = ON, the non-sweepable volumes will be tet meshed if the assigned element type supports
tet shaped elements.
1. EXTOPT controls options relating to the generation of volume elements from pattern area elements using
the VEXT (p. 1754), VROTAT (p. 1797), VOFFST (p. 1784), VDRAG (p. 1748), and VSWEEP (p. 1809) commands. (When
using VSWEEP (p. 1809), the pattern area is referred to as the source area.)
2. Enables carryover of the attributes of the pattern area elements to the generated volume elements when
you are using VEXT (p. 1754), VROTAT (p. 1797), VOFFST (p. 1784), or VDRAG (p. 1748). (When using VSWEEP (p. 1809
since the volume already exists, use the VATT (p. 1741) command to assign attributes before sweeping.)
3. When you are using VEXT (p. 1754), VROTAT (p. 1797), VOFFST (p. 1784), or VDRAG (p. 1748), enables clearing of
the pattern area mesh when volume generations are done. (When you are using VSWEEP (p. 1809), if selected,
the area meshes on the pattern (source), target, and/or side areas clear when volume sweeping is done.)
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh>Volume Sweep>Sweep Opts
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Extrude>Elem Ext Opts
Lists the extreme values (and the corresponding times) for stored and calculated variables. Extremes
for stored variables are automatically listed as they are stored. Only the real part of a complex number
is used. Extreme values may also be assigned to parameters [*GET (p. 667)].
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 603
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>List Extremes
Load type:
Surface load.
Volumetric load.
Surface loads:
Displacement in a static analysis. Mode shape in a modal analysis.
Time. The unit for frequency is the inverse of the unit for time.
Heat flux.
Volumetric loads:
Heat generation
Unit type:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
604 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Predefined unit
User-specified unit
Commonly used predefined unit name or user-specified unit name.
International System of units (meter-kilogram-second) (default)
English System of units (feet-pound-second)
In the SI system, surface loads are in units of m for DISP, degrees K for TEMP, and W/m2 for HFLU;
volumetric loads are in units of m for DISP, N/m3 for FORC, and W/m3 for HGEN.
In the English system, surface loads are in units of ft for DISP, degrees F for TEMP, and BTU/sec-ft2
for HFLU; volumetric loads are in units of ft for DISP, pdl/ft3 for FORC, and BTU/sec-ft3 for HGEN. A
pdl is a poundal, and 32.174 pdl = 1 lbf.
This command only specifies which unit labels are to be written to the file when the EXPROFILE (p. 598)
is issued. It does not perform unit conversions.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 605
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
606 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
F Commands
Node at which force is to be specified. If ALL, NEND and NINC are ignored and forces are applied to all
selected nodes [NSEL (p. 1057)]. If NODE = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields
are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A component name may also be substituted for NODE.
Valid force label. Structural labels: FX, FY, or FZ (forces); MX, MY, or MZ (moments). Thermal labels: HEAT,
HBOT, HE2, HE3, . . ., HTOP (heat flow). Fluid labels: FLOW (fluid flow). Electric labels: AMPS (current flow),
CHRG (electric charge). Magnetic labels: FLUX (magnetic flux); CSGX, CSGY, or CSGZ (magnetic current
segments). Diffusion labels: RATE (diffusion flow rate). Viscous-thermal acoustics labels: FX, FY, FZ (volu-
metric force density).
For structural analyses, DVOL (fluid mass flow rate) is also a valid label. See Notes (p. 607) for more
Force value or table name reference for specifying tabular boundary conditions. To specify a table, enclose
the table name in percent signs (%), e.g., F, NODE,HEAT,%tabname%). Use the *DIM (p. 435) command to
define a table.
Second force value (if any). If the analysis type and the force allow a complex input, VALUE (above) is the
real component and VALUE2 is the imaginary component.
Specifies the same values of force at the nodes ranging from NODE to NEND (defaults to NODE), in steps
of NINC (defaults to 1).
The available force loads per node correspond to the degrees of freedom listed under "Degrees of
Freedom" in the input table for each element type in the Element Reference. If both a force and a con-
strained degree of freedom [D (p. 397)] are specified at the same node, the constraint takes precedence.
Forces are defined in the nodal coordinate system. The positive directions of structural forces and mo-
ments are along and about the positive nodal axis directions. The node and the degree-of-freedom label
corresponding to the force must be selected (NSEL (p. 1057), DOFSEL (p. 469)).
Fluid flow (FLOW) is positive when flow is out of the nodes, and negative when flow is into the nodes.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 607
For hydrostatic fluid elements (HSFLD241 and HSFLD242), DVOL is used to specify fluid mass flow rate
(with units of mass/time) at the pressure node. This allows fluid to be added or taken out of the fluid
elements sharing the pressure node. A fluid density must also be specified (via the MP (p. 967) command
or TB (p. 1603) command) to apply a volume change corresponding to the prescribed fluid mass flow
Tabular boundary conditions (VALUE = %tabname%) are available only for the following labels: Fluid
(FLOW), Electric (AMPS), Structural force (FX, FY, FZ, MX, MY, MZ), Thermal (HEAT, HBOT, HE2, HE3, . . .,
HTOP), Diffusion (RATE). Tabular boundary conditions are valid only in static (ANTYPE (p. 140),STATIC),
full transient (ANTYPE (p. 140),TRANS), full harmonic (ANTYPE (p. 140), HARMIC), modal superposition
harmonic and modal superposition transient analyses.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Excitation>AppCharge>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Excitation>AppCurrent>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Excitation>ImprCurr>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Other>AppCurrSeg>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Other>AppMagFlux>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Force/Moment>On Node
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Force/Moment>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Spectrum>MultiPtNod>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Spectrum>NodePSD>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Spectrum>SinglPtFor>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Heat Flow>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Excitation>AppCharge>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Excitation>AppCurrent>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Excitation>ImprCurr>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Other>AppCurrSeg>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Other>AppMagFlux>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Force/Moment>On Node Components
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Force/Moment>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Spectrum>MultiPtNod>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Spectrum>NodePSD>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Spectrum>SinglPtFor>On Nodes
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
608 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Valid labels:
Use finer tessellation to increase the number of facets for the display. Provides the best representation
(but decreases speed of operation).
Use the basic number of facets for the display (default).
Use a limited number of facets for the display. This option will increase the speed of the operations,
but may produce poor representations for some imported models.
Display model with a wireframe representation (fast, but surfaces will not be shown).
Command Default
Basic number of facets.
Specifies the facet (or polygon) representation used to form solid model displays. Used only with the
APLOT (p. 146), ASUM (p. 175), VPLOT (p. 1790), and VSUM (p. 1808) commands.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Solid Model Facets
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 609
Provides failure criteria information and activates a data table to input temperature-dependent stress
and strain limits.
PREP7 (p. 20): Materials (p. 21)
POST1 (p. 48): Failure Criteria (p. 55)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Material reference number. You can define failure criteria for up to 250 different materials.
Type of data.
Temperatures. Each of the materials you define can have a different set of temperatures to define the
failure criteria.
Specific criteria. Not used if Lab1 = TEMP.
Allowable tensile stress or strain in the x-direction. (Must be positive.)
Allowable compressive stress or strain in the x-direction. (Defaults to negative of XTEN.)
Allowable tensile stress or strain in the y-direction. (Must be positive.)
Allowable compressive stress or strain in the y-direction. (Defaults to negative of YTEN.)
Allowable tensile stress or strain in the z-direction. (Must be positive.)
Allowable compressive stress or strain in the z-direction. (Defaults to negative of ZTEN.)
Allowable XY stress or shear strain. (Must be positive.)
Allowable YZ stress or shear strain. (Must be positive.)
Allowable XZ stress or shear strain. (Must be positive.)
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
610 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
XY coupling coefficient (Used only if Lab1 = S). Defaults to -1.0. [1]
YZ coupling coefficient (Used only if Lab1 = S). Defaults to -1.0. [1]
XZ coupling coefficient (Used only if Lab1 = S). Defaults to -1.0. [1]
XZ tensile inclination parameter for Puck failure index (default = 0.0)
XZ compressive inclination parameter for Puck failure index (default = 0.0)
YZ tensile inclination parameter for Puck failure index (default = 0.0)
YZ compressive inclination parameter for Puck failure index (default = 0.0)
Fracture toughness ratio between GI (mode I) and GII (mode II)
Longitudinal friction coefficient
Transverse friction coefficient
Fracture angle under pure transverse compression (default to 53) [2]
1. Entering a blank or a zero for XYCP, YZCP, or XZCP triggers the default value of -1.0. To
specify an effective zero, use a small, nonzero value (such as 1E-14) instead. For more
information, see Command and Argument Defaults (p. 6).
2. Entering a blank or a zero ALP0 triggers the default value of 53. To specify an effective
zero, use a small, nonzero value (such as 1E-14) instead. For more information, see
Command and Argument Defaults (p. 6).
The data table can be input in either PREP7 or POST1. This table is used only in POST1. When you
postprocess failure criteria results defined via the FC command (PLESOL (p. 1172), PRESOL (p. 1237),
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 611
PLNSOL (p. 1190), PRNSOL (p. 1255), PRRSOL (p. 1265), etc.), the active coordinate system must be the co-
ordinate system of the material being analyzed. You do this using RSYS (p. 1383), SOLU. For layered ap-
plications, you also use the LAYER (p. 845) command. See the specific element documentation in the
Element Reference for information about defining your coordinate system for layers.
Some plotting and printing functions will not support Failure Criteria for your PowerGraphics displays.
This could result in minor changes to other data when Failure Criteria are applied. See the appropriate
plot or print command documentation for more information.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Failure Criteria>Add/Edit
Main Menu>General Postproc>Failure Criteria>Temp Variation
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Failure Criteria>Add/Edit
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Failure Criteria>Temp Variation
Checks both the strain and stress input criteria for all materials.
PREP7 (p. 20): Materials (p. 21)
POST1 (p. 48): Failure Criteria (p. 55)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Issue the FCCHECK command to check the completeness of the input during the input phase.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Failure Criteria>Criteria Check
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Failure Criteria>Criteria Check
Deletes previously defined failure criterion data for the given material.
PREP7 (p. 20): Materials (p. 21)
POST1 (p. 48): Failure Criteria (p. 55)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Material number. Deletes all FC (p. 610) command input for this material.
A value of ALL deletes all FC (p. 610) command input for all materials.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
612 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
This command is also valid in POST1.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Failure Criteria>Delete
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Failure Criteria>Delete
Material number (defaults to ALL for all materials).
Unused field.
Temperature to be evaluated at (defaults to TUNIF).
This command allows you to see what you have already input for failure criteria using the FC commands.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Failure Criteria>List
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Failure Criteria>List
ANSYS file identifier. There is no default. Valid labels are:
Results file.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 613
Database file.
Compression level:
Use a sparsification scheme for file compression (default).
No file compression occurs.
A zlib-based file compression occurs using level number n, which ranges from 1 to 5.
Command Default
The results file and database file are compressed by default using the sparsification scheme.
Specifies file compression options for results files (.rst, .rstp, .rth, and .rmg files) and database
files (.db and .rdb). (See Program-Generated Files in the Basic Analysis Guide for file descriptions.)
Records are compressed as they are written and uncompressed as they are read (for example, by the
SET (p. 1458) command or the RESUME (p. 1338) command).
For results files compressed using the sparsification scheme (LEVEL = SPARSE, which is the default),
use the *XPL (p. 1833) command to uncompress the file. For third party tools that need to read the results
file, use the method described in Accessing Mechanical APDL Binary Files, which automatically decodes
any SPARSE compressed records in the results file.
See File Compression in the Basic Analysis Guide for more details.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Accumulation key:
Subsequent values replace the previous values (default).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
614 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Subsequent values are added to the previous values.
Subsequent values are ignored.
Scale factor for the real component. Zero (or blank) defaults to 1.0. Use a small number for a zero scale
Scale factor for the imaginary component. Zero (or blank) defaults to 1.0. Use a small number for a zero
scale factor.
Command Default
Replace previous values.
Allows repeated force load (force, heat flow, etc.) values to be replaced, added, or ignored. Operations
apply to the selected nodes [NSEL]. and the force labels corresponding to the selected force labels
[DOFSEL (p. 469)]. The operations occur when the next force specifications are defined. For example,
issuing the command F (p. 607),1,FX,250 after a previous F (p. 607),1,FX,200 causes the current value of
the force on node 1 in the x-direction to be 450 with the add operation, 250 with the replace operation,
or 200 with the ignore operation. Scale factors are also available to multiply the next value before the
add or replace operation. A scale factor of 2.0 with the previous "add" example results in a force of 700.
Scale factors are applied even if no previous values exist. Issue FCUM,STAT to show the current label,
operation, and scale factors. Solid model boundary conditions are not affected by this command, but
boundary conditions on the FE model are affected.
FE boundary conditions may still be overwritten by existing solid model boundary con-
ditions if a subsequent boundary condition transfer occurs.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Settings>Replace vs Add>Forces
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Settings>Replace vs Add>Forces
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 615
Operation key:
Activate failure-criteria types. This option is the default behavior.
Remove failure-criteria types.
Valid failure-criteria labels. If ALL, select all available (including user-defined) failure criteria.
Maximum strain criterion (default)
Maximum stress criterion (default)
Tsai-Wu strength index (default)
Inverse of Tsai-Wu strength ratio index (default)
Hashin fiber failure criterion
Hashin matrix failure criterion
Puck fiber failure criterion
Puck inter-fiber (matrix) failure criterion
LaRc03 fiber failure criterion
LaRc03 matrix failure criterion
LaRc04 fiber failure criterion
LaRc04 matrix failure criterion
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
616 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Command Default
The FCTYP command modifies the list of active failure criteria.
By default, active failure criteria include EMAX, SMAX, TWSI, and TWSR.
The command affects any subsequent postprocessing listing and plotting commands (such as
PRESOL (p. 1237), PRNSOL (p. 1255), PLESOL (p. 1172), PLNSOL (p. 1190), and ETABLE (p. 572)).
A single FCTYP command allows up to six failure-criteria labels. If needed, reissue the command to
activate or remove additional failure-criteria types.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Node for which force is to be deleted. If ALL, NEND and NINC are ignored and forces are deleted on all
selected nodes [NSEL (p. 1057)]. If NODE = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields
are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A component name may also be substituted for NODE.
Valid force label. If ALL, use all appropriate labels. Structural labels: FX, FY, or FZ (forces); MX, MY, or MZ
(moments). Thermal labels: HEAT, HBOT, HE2, HE3, . . ., HTOP (heat flow). Fluid labels: FLOW (fluid flow).
Electric labels: AMPS (current flow), CHRG (electric charge). Magnetic labels: FLUX (magnetic flux); CSGX,
CSGY, or CSGZ (magnetic current segments). Diffusion labels: RATE (diffusion flow rate).
Delete forces from NODE to NEND (defaults to NODE) in steps of NINC (defaults to 1).
Lock key:
The DOF is not locked (default).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 617
Displacement on the specified degrees of freedom (Lab) is locked. The program prescribes the degree
of freedom to the “current” relative displacement value in addition to deleting the force. If a displace-
ment constraint (for example, D (p. 397) command) is applied in conjunction with this option, the actual
applied displacement will be ramped during the next load step. The displacement is ramped from the
current value to the newly defined value. This option is only valid for the following labels: FX, FY, FZ,
MX, MY, MZ. This option is intended primarily for use in the ANSYS Workbench interface to apply an
increment length adjustment (bolt pretension loading).
The node and the degree of freedom label corresponding to the force must be selected [NSEL (p. 1057),
DOFSEL (p. 469)].
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>All Load Data>All Forces>On All Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Excitation>AppCharge>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Excitation>AppCurrent>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Excitation>ImprCurr>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Fluid/ANSYS>Flow>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Other>AppCurrSeg>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Other>AppMagFlux>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Force/Moment>On Node
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Force/Moment>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Spectrum>MultiPtNod>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Spectrum>NodePSD>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Spectrum>SinglPtFor>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Thermal>Heat Flow>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>All Load Data>All Forces>On All Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Excitation>AppCharge>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Excitation>AppCurrent>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Excitation>ImprCurr>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Fluid/ANSYS>Flow>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Other>AppCurrSeg>On Nodes
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
618 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
ANSYS file name identifier. Valid identifiers are: EMAT, ESAV, FULL, SUB, MODE, DSUB, USUB, OSAV, and
SELD. See the Basic Analysis Guide for file descriptions.
Keep or delete key:
Keep this file.
Delete (or do not write, if not necessary) this file.
Command Default
Keep all files.
Deletes as soon as possible (or prevents writing) a binary file created by the ANSYS program to save
Deleting files that are necessary for the next substep, load step, or analysis will prevent
continuation of the run.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>File>File Options
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 619
Specifies "Body loads on elements" as the subsequent status topic.
PREP7 (p. 20): Status (p. 32)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>Solution>Body Loads
Specifies "Constraints on nodes" as the subsequent status topic.
PREP7 (p. 20): Status (p. 32)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>Solution>DOF Constraints
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
620 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Specifies "Forces on nodes" as the subsequent status topic.
PREP7 (p. 20): Status (p. 32)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>Solution>Forces
Specifies "Surface loads on elements" as the subsequent status topic.
PREP7 (p. 20): Status (p. 32)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>Solution>Surface Loads
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 621
Argument Descriptions
Type of FFT transformation:
Forward FFT computation (default).
Backward FFT computation.
Name of matrix or vector for which the FFT will be computed. This can be a dense matrix (created by the
*DMAT (p. 454) command) or a vector (created by the *VEC (p. 1749) command). Data can be real or complex
values. There is no default value for this argument.
Name of matrix or vector where the FFT results will be stored. The type of this argument must be consistent
with InputData (see table below). There is no default value for this argument.
The number of terms to consider for a vector, or the number of rows for a matrix. Defaults to the whole
input vector or all the rows of the matrix.
The number of columns to consider for a matrix. Defaults to all the columns of the matrix. (Valid only for
Specifies the result format:
Returns the full result. That is, the result matches the dimension specified on this command (DIM1,
Returns partial results. For real input data, there is a symmetry in the results of the Fourier transform
as some coefficients are conjugated. The partial format uses this symmetry to optimize the storage of
the results. (Valid only for real data.)
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
622 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
In the example that follows, the fast Fourier transformation is used to filter frequencies from a noisy
input signal.
Example Usage
The fast Fourier transformation can be used to create a filter to remove noise from a noisy input signal.
The input signal is decomposed in the Fourier space using the *FFT (p. 622),FORW command so that
the frequencies that compose the signal can be observed.
The filter applies a threshold on the Fourier coefficients. Fourier coefficients of small amplitude are the
result of the noise in the input signal. Only coefficients of a large amplitude are significant. The inversion
of the *FFT (p. 622) command (*FFT (p. 622),BACK command) rebuilds the signal from the remaining
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 623
/com, *** Definition of the parameters for the signal
pi = acos(-1)
periode1 = 2*pi/40.0
phase1 = 4.0
amplitude1 = 2.5
periode2 = 2*pi/150.0
phase2 = 0.0
amplitude2 = 2.0
periode3 = 2*pi/140.0
phase3 = 0.0
amplitude3 = 1.5
amplitudenoise = 6.0
n = 400 !number of points in the sampling input signal
tbegin = 0.0 !start time for the signal
dt = 0.001 !time step
tend = tbegin + (n-1)*dt
threshold = 150.0
FFTmethod = 1 !0 = FFT giving partial results , 1 = FFT giving full results
/com, *** Create a signal from two sinus and add noise
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
624 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
sigvec(ii) = signal(ii)
*FFT,FORW,sigvec,VFFT,,,PART !partial FFT (use symmetry properties)
*FFT,FORW,sigvec,VFFT,,,FULL !full FFT
/com, *** Determine the real part and the imaginary part of the Fourier's coefficients
sizeVR = VR_rowDim
sizeVR = sizeVR/2
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 625
ind(ii) = ii
modfft(ii)= sqrt( fftr(ii)*fftr(ii) + ffti(ii)*ffti(ii) )
modfftdisp(ii) = modfft(ii)
/AXLAB,X,Amplitude spectrum of the FFT
module = modfft(ii)
VR(ii) = 0.0
VI(ii) = 0.0
fsignal(ii) = filterSignal(ii)
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
626 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
If Fname is blank, the extension defaults to RST (for structural, fluid, or coupled-field analyses), to
RTH (for thermal or electrical analyses), or to RMG (for magnetic analyses). For postprocessing contact
results corresponding to the initial contact state in POST1, use the RCN extension.
Unused field.
Command Default
Use the result file with the Jobname as Fname and with the extension corresponding to the analysis
Specifies the ANSYS data file where the results are to be found for postprocessing.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Data & File Opts
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Settings>File
Utility Menu>File>List>Binary Files
Utility Menu>List>Files>Binary Files
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 627
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
ANSYS filename identifier. See the Basic Analysis Guide for file descriptions and identifiers. If not an ANSYS
identifier, Ident will be used as the filename extension.
Unused field.
Specifies the binary file to be dumped with the DUMP (p. 482) command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>File>List>Binary Files
Utility Menu>List>Files>Binary Files
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
628 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Specifies the results file to be edited.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Beginning and ending nodes for fill-in. NODE1 defaults to next to last node specified, NODE2 defaults to
last node specified. If NODE1 = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored
(valid only in the GUI).
Fill NFILL nodes between NODE1 and NODE2 (defaults to |NODE2-NODE1|-1). NFILL must be positive.
Node number assigned to first filled-in node (defaults to NODE1 + NINC).
Add this increment to each of the remaining filled-in node numbers (may be positive or negative). Defaults
to the integer result of (NODE2-NODE1)/(NFILL + 1), i.e., linear interpolation. If the default evaluates to
zero, or if zero is input, NINC is set to 1.
Do fill-in operation a total of ITIMEs, incrementing NODE1, NODE2 and NSTRT by INC each time after
the first. ITIME and INC both default to 1.
Spacing ratio. Ratio of last division size to first division size. If > 1.0, divisions increase. If < 1.0, divisions
decrease. Ratio defaults to 1.0 (uniform spacing).
Generates a line of nodes (in the active coordinate system) between two existing nodes. The two nodes
may have been defined in any coordinate system. Nodal locations and rotation angles are determined
by interpolation. Any number of nodes may be filled-in and any node number sequence may be assigned.
See the CSCIR (p. 360) command when filling across the 180° singularity line in a non-Cartesian system.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Nodes>Fill between Nds
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 629
Define data table as variable IR (2 to NV [NUMVAR (p. 1086)]).
Start at location LSTRT (defaults to 1).
Stop at location LSTOP (defaults to maximum location as determined from data previously stored.
Fill every LINC location between LSTRT and LSTOP (defaults to 1).
Value assigned to location LSTRT.
Increment value of previous filled location by DVAL and assign sum to next location to be filled (may be
positive or negative.)
Locations may be filled continuously or at regular intervals (LINC). Previously defined data at a location
will be overwritten.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Table Operations>Fill Data
Name (32 characters maximum) to be used as the Jobname. Defaults to the initial Jobname as specified
on the ANSYS execution command, or to file if none specified.
Specify whether to use the existing log, error, lock, page, and output files (.LOG, .ERR, .LOCK, .PAGE
and .OUT) or start new files.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
630 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
0, OFF
Continue using current log, error, lock, page, and output files.
1, ON
Start new log, error, lock, page, and output files (old log and error files are closed and saved, but old
lock, page, and output files are deleted). Existing log and error files are appended.
All subsequently created files will be named with this Jobname if Key = 0. Use Key = 1 to start new
log, error, lock, page, and output files. The previous Jobname is typically defined on the ANSYS program
execution line (see the Operations Guide). This command is useful when different groups of files created
throughout the run are to have different names. For example, the command may be used before each
substructure pass to avoid overwriting files or having to rename each file individually.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>File>Change Jobname
Exits normally from a processor.
SESSION (p. 9): Processor Entry (p. 10)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Exits any of the ANSYS processors. When exiting the ANSYS processors, data will remain intact in the
database but the database is not automatically written to a file (use the SAVE (p. 1389) command to write
the database to a file). See also the /QUIT (p. 1304) command for an alternate processor exit command.
If exiting POST1 or POST26, see additional notes below.
POST1: Data in the database will remain intact, including the POST1 element table data, the path table
data, the fatigue table data, and the load case pointers.
POST26: Data in the database will remain intact, except that POST26 variables are erased and specification
commands (such as FILE (p. 627), PRTIME (p. 1269), NPRINT (p. 1048), etc.) are reset. Use the /QUIT (p. 1304)
command to exit the processor and bypass these exceptions.
This command is valid in any processor. This command is not valid at the Begin level.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Finish
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 631
Field number on the command which uses the picking data. (Count the command name as a field, so that
a 2 indicates the first command argument, 3 the second command argument, etc.) The corresponding
field on the command will have a P51X label.
Entity number of the entity picked. Negative entity numbers are used to indicate a range of entities. If the
item picked is a coordinate location, then this field represents the X-coordinate. See also the FLST (p. 639)
Y and Z coordinates of a picked coordinate location. ITEM represents the X coordinate. See also the
FLST (p. 639) command.
This is a command generated by the GUI and will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if graphical
picking is used. This command is not intended to be typed in directly in an ANSYS session (although it
can be included in an input file for batch input or for use with the /INPUT (p. 791) command).
On the log file, a set of FITEM commands is preceded by one FLST (p. 639) command which defines
the picking specifications for that pick operation. The data listed in the FITEM commands are used by
the first subsequent command containing a P51X label in one of its fields.
For a given entity type, a list containing an ITEM that is larger than the maximum defined
entity, could deplete the system memory and produce unpredictable results.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
632 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Element number or ALL to specify all joint elements.
Valid labels:
Force in local x direction.
Force in local y direction.
Force in local z direction.
Moment about local x axis.
Moment about local y axis.
Moment about local z axis.
Value of the label.
Valid for MPC184 (joint options in KEYOPT(1)).
See FJDELE (p. 634) for information on deleting forces and moments.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Force/Moment>On Joint
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Force/Moment>On Joint Elems
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 633
Element number, or ALL. (leaving this blank defaults to ALL)
Valid labels are:
Force in local x direction.
Force in local y direction.
Force in local z direction.
Moment about local x axis.
Moment about local y axis.
Moment about local z axis.
ALL, or (blank)
Delete all valid forces or moments.
Valid for MPC184 (joint options in KEYOPT(1)).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>All Load Data>All Forces>On Joint
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Force/Moment>On Joint
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>All Load Data>All Forces>On Joint Elems
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Force/Moment>On Joint Elems
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
634 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Lists forces and moments applied on joint elements.
SOLUTION (p. 35): FE Forces (p. 44)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Element number or ALL (or blank). Lists joint element forces and moments on the specified element(s).
Valid for MPC184 joint elements. See FJ (p. 633) for information on specifying forces and moments.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Loads>Joint Element Forces>On Picked Element
Keypoint at which force is to be specified. If ALL, apply to all selected keypoints [KSEL (p. 828)]. If KPOI =
P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A
component name may also be substituted for KPOI.
Valid force label. Structural labels: FX, FY, or FZ (forces); MX, MY, or MZ (moments). Thermal labels: HEAT,
HBOT, HE2, HE3, . . ., HTOP (heat flow). Fluid labels: FLOW (fluid flow). Electric labels: AMPS (current flow),
CHRG (electric charge). Magnetic labels: FLUX (magnetic flux); CSGX, CSGY, or CSGZ (magnetic current
segments). Diffusion labels: RATE (diffusion flow rate).
Force value or table name reference for specifying tabular boundary conditions. To specify a table, enclose
the table name in percent signs (%), e.g., FK, KPOI, HEAT,%tabname%). Use the *DIM (p. 435) command
to define a table.
Second force value (if any). If the analysis type and the force allow a complex input, VALUE (above) is the
real component and VALUE2 is the imaginary component.
Forces may be transferred from keypoints to nodes with the FTRAN (p. 654) or SBCTRAN (p. 1390) com-
mands. See the F (p. 607) command for a description of force loads.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 635
Tabular boundary conditions (VALUE = %tabname%) are available only for the following labels: Fluid
(FLOW), Electric (AMPS), Structural force (FX, FY, FZ, MX, MY, MZ), and Thermal (HEAT, HBOT, HE2, HE3,
. . ., HTOP).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Excitation>AppCharge>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Excitation>AppCurrent>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Excitation>ImprCurr>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Other>AppCurrSeg>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Other>AppMagFlux>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Force/Moment>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Spectrum>MultiPtNod>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Spectrum>NodePSD>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Spectrum>SinglPtFor>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Heat Flow>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Excitation>AppCharge>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Excitation>AppCurrent>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Excitation>ImprCurr>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Other>AppCurrSeg>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Other>AppMagFlux>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Force/Moment>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Spectrum>MultiPtNod>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Spectrum>NodePSD>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Spectrum>SinglPtFor>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Heat Flow>On Keypoints
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
636 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Keypoint at which force is to be deleted. If ALL, delete forces at all selected keypoints [KSEL (p. 828)]. If
KPOI = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the
GUI). A component name may also be substituted for KPOI.
Valid force label. If ALL, use all appropriate labels. See the FDELE (p. 617) command for labels.
Deletes force loads (and all corresponding finite element loads) at a keypoint. See the FDELE (p. 617)
command for details.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>All Load Data>All Forces>On All KPs
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Excitation>AppCharge>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Excitation>AppCurrent>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Excitation>ImprCurr>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Fluid/ANSYS>Flow>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Other>AppCurrSeg>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Other>AppMagFlux>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Force/Moment>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Spectrum>MultiPtNod>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Spectrum>NodePSD>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Spectrum>SinglPtFor>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Thermal>Heat Flow>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>All Load Data>All Forces>On All KPs
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Excitation>AppCharge>On Keypoints
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Excitation>AppCurrent>On Keypoints
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 637
List forces at this keypoint. If ALL (default), list for all selected keypoints [KSEL (p. 828)]. If KPOI = P,
graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A com-
ponent name may also be substituted for KPOI.
Force label to be listed (defaults to ALL). See the DOFSEL (p. 469) command for labels.
Listing applies to the selected keypoints [KSEL (p. 828)] and the selected force labels [DOFSEL (p. 469)].
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Loads>Forces>On All Keypoints
Utility Menu>List>Loads>Forces>On Picked KPs
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
638 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A component
name may also be substituted for NODE1.
Listing applies to the selected nodes [NSEL (p. 1057)] and the selected force labels [DOFSEL (p. 469)].
A list containing a node number that is larger than the maximum defined node (NODE2),
could deplete the system memory and produce unpredictable results.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Loads>Forces>On All Nodes
Utility Menu>List>Loads>Forces>On Picked Nodes
Field number on the command which uses the picking data. (Count the command name as a field, so that
a 2 indicates the first command argument, 3 for the second command argument, etc.) The corresponding
field on the command will have a P51X label.
Number of items in the picked list.
Type of items picked:
Node numbers
Element numbers
Keypoint numbers
Line numbers
Area numbers
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 639
Volume numbers
Trace points
Coordinate locations (in Global Cartesian coordinates)
Screen picks (in X, Y screen coordinates (-1 to 1))
Data order:
Data is not ordered (default).
Data is in an ordered list (such as for the E (p. 489),P51X and A (p. 75),P51X commands, in which the
order of the data items is significant for the picking operation).
Length of number of items describing the list (should equal NARG if Otype = NOOR; default).
Specifies data required for the FITEM (p. 632) command during a picking operation. This is a command
generated by the GUI and will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if graphical picking is used. This
command is not intended to be typed in directly in an ANSYS session (although it can be included in
an input file for batch input or for use with the /INPUT (p. 791) command).
On the log file, FLST will always be followed by one or more FITEM (p. 632) commands which in turn
are followed by the ANSYS command that contains a P51X label in one of its fields. This set of commands
should not be edited.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
640 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Calculates the flux passing through a closed contour.
POST1 (p. 48): Magnetics Calculations (p. 52)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
FLUXV invokes an ANSYS macro which calculates the flux passing through a closed contour (path)
predefined by PATH (p. 1132). The calculated flux is stored in the parameter FLUX. In a 2-D analysis, at
least two nodes must be defined on the path. In 3-D, a path of nodes describing a closed contour must
be specified (i.e., the first and last node in the path specification must be the same). A counterclockwise
ordering of nodes on the PPATH (p. 1222) command will give the correct sign on flux. Path operations
are used for the calculations, and all path items are cleared upon completion. This macro is only available
for vector potential formulations.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Elec&Mag Calc>Path Based>Path Flux
File name and directory path of a one-way Fluent-to-Mechanical APDL coupling data file (248 characters
maximum, including the characters needed for the directory path). An unspecified directory path defaults
to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248 characters for the file name. Defaults to jobname.
File name extension of the one-way Fluent-to-Mechanical APDL coupling data file. Defaults to .cgns).
Interpolation data for mapping. A value of 0 (default) or 2 applies 2-D interpolation (where interpolation
occurs on a surface).
Outside region results for mapping:
Use the value(s) of the nearest region point for points outside of the region. This behavior is the default.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 641
Set results extrapolated outside of the region to zero.
Number of nearby nodes considered for mapping interpolation. Minimum = 5. Default = 20.
Lower values reduce processing time; however, some distorted or irregular meshes require a higher
value in cases where three nodes are encountered for triangulation.
Type of items picked:
No listing (default).
List the node coordinates and complex pressure values on the Fluent source side during the solution.
List the node coordinates and complex pressure values on the mapped Mechanical APDL target side
during the solution.
List the node coordinates and complex pressure values on both the Fluent source side and the mapped
Mechanical APDL target side during the solution.
The FLUREAD command reads one-way Fluent-to-Mechanical APDL coupling data from a .cgns file.
The Fluent one-side fast Fourier transformation (FFT) peak complex pressure values are mapped to the
Mechanical APDL structure model during the acoustic-structural solution at each FFT frequency.
The command can be used only for the model with the acoustic elements.
To apply complex pressure to the structure model, define the SURF154 surface element, then define
the one-way coupling interface (SF (p. 1464),,FSIN) on the element.
You can define the solving frequency range via the HARFRQ (p. 749) command. The solver selects the
FFT frequencies between the beginning and ending frequencies. The number of substeps is determined
by the number of FFT frequencies over the frequency range. The number of substeps defined via the
NSUBST (p. 1073) command is overwritten.
• Calculations for out-of-bound points require much more processing time than do points that are within
• For each point in the structural destination mesh, the command searches all possible triangles in the Fluent
source mesh to find the best triangle containing each point, then performs a linear interpolation inside this
triangle. For faster and more accurate results, consider your interpolation method and search criteria carefully.
(See LIMIT.)
It is possible to apply one-way coupling excitation to multiple frequencies. The one-side FFT peak
complex pressure values are necessary to do so.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
642 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Window number (or ALL) to which command applies (defaults to 1).
Location of the object to be at the focus point (center of the window) in the global Cartesian coordinate
system. If XF = AUTO, allow automatic location calculation. If XF = USER, use focus location of last display
(useful when last display had auto focus).
Translate key:
Interpret numerical XF, YF, ZF values as described above.
Interpret XF, YF, ZF values as multiples of half-screens to translate from the current position in the
screen coordinate system. Example: XF of 2.4 translates the display approximately 2.4 half-screens to
the left in the screen X (horizontal) direction.
Interpret XF, YF, ZF values as multiples of half-screens to translate from the current position in the
global Cartesian coordinate system. Example: XF of 1.5 translates the display approximately 1.5 half-
screens in the global Cartesian X direction of the model.
Command Default
Focus location is automatically calculated to be at the geometric center of the object (modified for
centering within the window, depending upon the view).
Specifies the location on (or off ) the model which is to be located at the focus point (center of the
window). For section and capped displays, the cutting plane is also assumed to pass through this location
(unless the working plane is used via /CPLANE (p. 352)). See also /AUTO (p. 178) and /USER (p. 1729)
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 643
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Pan, Zoom, Rotate
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>View Settings>Focus Point
Selects the element nodal force type for output.
POST1 (p. 48): Controls (p. 48)
POST26 (p. 55): Controls (p. 56)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Type of force to be associated with the force items:
Total forces (static, damping, and inertia).
Static forces.
Damping forces.
Inertia forces.
Command Default
Use the total forces.
FORCE selects the element nodal force type for output with the POST1 PRESOL (p. 1237), PLESOL (p. 1172),
PRRFOR (p. 1264), NFORCE (p. 1015), FSUM (p. 652), etc. commands, the POST26 ESOL (p. 558) command,
and reaction force plotting [/PBC (p. 1134)]. For example, FORCE,STATIC causes item F of the
PRESOL (p. 1237) command to be the static forces for the elements processed. Element member forces
(such as those available for beams and shells and processed by Item and Sequence number) are not
affected by this command. The SMISC records extract the static force.
In a non-spectrum analysis that includes either contact or pretension elements in the model, the
PRRSOL (p. 1265) command is valid with the FORCE command. Otherwise, the PRRSOL (p. 1265) command
is not valid with FORCE. Use the PRRFOR (p. 1264) command, which provides the same functionality as
PRRSOL (p. 1265), instead.
Use the FORCE command prior to any load case operations (LCOPER (p. 854)) to insure the correct ele-
ment nodal force combinations.
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644 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
In POST26, the ESOL (p. 558) data stored is based on the active FORCE specification at the time the data
is stored. To store data at various specifications (for example, static and inertia forces), issue a
STORE (p. 1578) command before each new specification.
The FORCE command cannot be used to extract static, damping, and inertial forces for MPC184 joint
To retrieve the different force types, use the *GET (p. 667) command with Entity=ELEM and
The FORCE command is not supported in a spectrum analysis. You can specify the force type directly
on the combination method commands (ForceType on the PSDCOM (p. 1273), SRSS (p. 1558), CQC (p. 357),
etc. commands).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Options for Outp
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Define Variables
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Elec&Mag>Circuit>Define Variables
Utility Menu>List>Results>Options
Specifies the format of the file dump.
AUX2 (p. 58): Binary File Dump (p. 58)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Basic record description only (minimum output) (default).
Same as RECO plus the first ten words of each record.
Same as RECO plus all words of each record.
Command Default
Basic record description (RECO).
Specifies the format of the file dump (from the DUMP (p. 482) command).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 645
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>File>List>Binary Files
Utility Menu>List>Files>Binary Files
Specifies format controls for tables.
POST1 (p. 48): Listing (p. 50)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Number of digits (3 to 32) in first table column (usually the node or element number). Initially defaults to
FORTRAN format type:
G --
Gxx.yy (default)
F --
E --
Total width (9 to 32) of the field (xx in Ftype). Default = 13.
Number of digits after the decimal point (yy in F or E format) or number of significant digits in G format.
Range is 2 to xx-7 for Ftype = G or E; and 0 to xx-4 for Ftype = F. Default = 5.
Number of lines (11 minimum) per page. Default = ILINE or BLINE (/PAGE (p. 1126)).
Number of characters (41 to 240, system-dependent) per line before wraparound. Default = ICHAR or
BCHAR (/PAGE (p. 1126)).
Number of digits for the exponent (Ftype = G):
3 --
Three digits (default).
2 --
Two digits.
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646 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Command Default
The program determines the data format.
Specifies various format controls for tables printed with the POST1 PRNSOL (p. 1255), PRESOL (p. 1237),
PRETAB (p. 1243), PRRSOL (p. 1265), PRPATH (p. 1264), and CYCCALC (p. 372) commands. A blank (or out-
of-range) field on the command retains the current setting. Issue /FORMAT (p. 646),STAT to display the
current settings. Issue /FORMAT (p. 646),DEFA to reestablish the initial default specifications.
For the POST26 PRVAR (p. 1269) command, the Ftype, NWIDTH, and DSIGNF fields control the time
output format.
When viewing integer output quantities, the floating point format may lead to incorrect output values
for large integers. You should verify large integer output values via the *GET (p. 667) command
whenever possible.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Argument Descriptions
Name of the matrix or solver object to delete. Use Name = ALL to delete all APDL Math matrices and solver
objects. Use Name = WRK to delete all APDL Math matrices and solver objects that belong to a given
If Name = WRK, Val1 is the memory workspace number.
A /CLEAR (p. 291) command will automatically delete all the current APDL Math objects.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 647
Defines the frequency points for the SV (p. 1592) vs. FREQ tables.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Spectrum Options (p. 38)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Command Default
No frequency table.
Repeat the FREQ command for additional frequency points (100 maximum). Values are added after the
last nonzero frequency. If all fields (FREQ1 -- FREQ9) are blank, erase SV vs. FREQ tables.
Spectral values are input with the SV (p. 1592) command and interpreted according to the SVTYP (p. 1594)
command. Applies only to the SPRS (single-point) option of the SPOPT (p. 1552) command. See the SP-
FREQ (p. 1544) command for frequency input in MPRS (multi-point) analysis.
Use the STAT (p. 1572) command to list current frequency points.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>SinglePt>Erase Table
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>SinglePt>Freq Table
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>SinglePt>Erase Table
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>SinglePt>Freq Table
FRQSCL, Scaling
Turns on automatic scaling of the entire mass matrix and frequency range for modal analyses.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Dynamic Options (p. 38)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Do not use automatic scaling of the mass matrix and frequency range.
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648 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Use automatic scaling of the mass matrix and frequency range.
Command Default
ANSYS will use automatic scaling if appropriate.
This command is available only for modal analyses using the Block Lanczos, PCG Lanczos, Supernode,
Subspace, or Unsymmetric mode extraction method (MODOPT (p. 951),LANB, LANPCG, SNODE, SUBPS,
or UNSYM).
Use this command to deactivate or force activation of automatic scaling of the entire mass matrix and
frequency range for modal analyses where the entire mass matrix is significantly different (that is, orders
of magnitude different) than the entire stiffness matrix (for example, due to the particular unit system
being used). Where the mass matrix is significantly smaller compared to the stiffness matrix, the eigen-
values will tend to approach very large numbers (>10e12), making the selected mode extraction
method less efficient and more likely to miss modes.
ANSYS uses scaling (if appropriate) by default. However, you can issue FRQSCL,ON to force the entire
mass matrix and frequency range to be scaled to bring the stiffness and mass matrices closer together
in terms of orders of magnitude, improving efficiency and reducing the likelihood of missed modes.
The resulting eigenvalues are then automatically scaled back to the original system. If you are using
micro MKS units, where the density is typically very small compared to the stiffness, you may want to
issue FRQSCL,ON to force scaling on.
If the stiffness and mass are on the same scale, FRQSCL,ON has no effect.
This command is not valid and has no effect when used in conjunction with the MSAVE (p. 988),ON
command in a modal analysis with the PCG Lanczos mode extraction method.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Scale factor for the real component. Zero (or blank) defaults to 1.0. Use a small number for a zero scale
Scale factor for the imaginary component. Zero (or blank) defaults to 1.0. Use a small number for a zero
scale factor.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 649
Scales force load (force, heat flow, etc.) values in the database. Scaling applies to the previously defined
values for the selected nodes [NSEL (p. 1057)] and the selected force labels [DOFSEL (p. 469)]. Issue
FLIST (p. 638) command to review results. Solid model boundary conditions are not scaled by this
command, but boundary conditions on the FE model are scaled.
Such scaled FE boundary conditions may still be overwritten by unscaled solid model
boundary conditions if a subsequent boundary condition transfer occurs.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Operate>Scale FE Loads>Forces
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Operate>Scale FE Loads>Forces
In-plane (X-Y) average radius of curvature of the inside and outside surfaces of an axisymmetric section.
If zero (or blank), a plane or 3-D structure is assumed. If nonzero, an axisymmetric structure is assumed.
Use a suitably large number (see the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference) or use -1 for an axisymmetric
straight section.
Event number to be associated with these stresses (defaults to 1).
Loading number to be associated with these stresses (defaults to 1).
For an axisymmetric analysis (RHO ≠ 0):
Include the thickness-direction bending stresses
Ignore the thickness-direction bending stresses
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650 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Include the thickness-direction bending stress using the same formula as the Y (axial direction )
bending stress. Also use the same formula for the shear stress.
Calculates and stores the total linearized stress components at the ends of a section path [PATH (p. 1132)]
(as defined by the first two nodes with the PPATH (p. 1222) command). The path must be entirely within
the selected elements (that is, there must not be any element gaps along the path). Stresses are stored
according to the fatigue event number and loading number specified. Locations (one for each node)
are associated with those previously defined for these nodes (FL) or else they are automatically defined.
Stresses are separated into six total components (SX through SXZ) and six membrane-plus-bending (SX
through SXZ) components. The temperature at each end point and the current time are also stored
along with the total stress components. Calculations are made from the stresses currently in the database
(last SET (p. 1458) or LCASE (p. 849) command). Stresses are stored as section coordinate components if
axisymmetric or as global Cartesian coordinate components otherwise, regardless of the active results
coordinate system [RSYS (p. 1383)]. The FSLIST command may be used to list stresses. The FS command
can be used to modify stored stresses. See also the PRSECT (p. 1267) and PLSECT (p. 1201) commands for
similar calculations.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Fatigue>Store Stresses>At Cross Sect
Port number of input port. Defaults to 1.
Port number of output port. Defaults to 1.
FSSPARM calculates reflection and transmission coefficients, power reflection and transmission coeffi-
cients, and return and insertion losses of a frequency selective surface.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Elec&Mag Calc>Port>FSS Parameters
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 651
Coordinate system in which to perform summation.
Sum all nodal forces in global Cartesian coordinate system (default).
Sum all nodal forces in the currently active RSYS coordinate system.
Selected set of nodes.
Sum all nodal forces for all selected nodes (default), excluding contact elements.
Sum all nodal forces for contact nodes only.
Sum all nodal forces for all selected nodes, including contact elements.
Sums and prints, in each component direction for the total selected node set, the nodal force and mo-
ment contributions of the selected elements attached to the node set. Selecting a subset of nodes
[NSEL (p. 1057)] and then issuing this command will give the total force acting on that set of nodes (de-
fault), excluding surface-to-surface, node-to-surface, line-to-line, and line-to-surface contact elements
(TARGE169, TARGE170, CONTA172, CONTA174, CONTA175, and CONTA177).
Setting ITEM = CONT sums the nodal forces and moment contributions of the selected contact elements
(CONTA172, CONTA174, CONTA175, and CONTA177). Setting ITEM = BOTH sums the nodal forces for
all selected nodes, including contact elements.
Nodal forces associated with surface loads are not included. The effects of nodal coupling and constraint
equations are ignored. Moment summations are about the global origin unless another point is specified
with the SPOINT (p. 1551) command. This vector sum is printed in the global Cartesian system unless it
is transformed [RSYS (p. 1383)] and a point is specified with the SPOINT (p. 1551) command. By default,
the sum is done in global Cartesian, and the resulting vector is transformed to the requested system.
The LAB = RSYS option transforms each of the nodal forces into the active coordinate system before
summing and printing. The FORCE (p. 644) command can be used to specify which component (static,
damping, inertia, or total) of the nodal load is to be used. This command output is included in the
NFORCE (p. 1015) command.
The command should not be used with axisymmetric elements because it might calculate a moment
where none exists. Consider, for example, the axial load on a pipe modeled with an axisymmetric shell
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652 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
element. The reaction force on the end of the pipe is the total force (for the full 360 degrees) at that
location. The net moment about the centerline of the pipe would be zero, but the program would in-
correctly calculate a moment at the end of the element as the force multiplied by the radius.
The command is not valid for elements that operate solely within the nodal coordinate system with 1-
D option activated and rotated nodes (NROTAT (p. 1055)).
The message warns that the moment summations may not equal the real moment reactions. When
calculating moment summations, the FSUM command assumes that the summation of rotations applies;
however, it does not apply for large rotations, which require pseudovector representation to sum the
In contrast, the results for force reactions will be correct because they depend upon linear displacement
vectors (which can be added).
This message means that the summation of the element nodal forces is performed prior to the combin-
ation of those forces. In this case, RSYS (p. 1383) does not apply. The forces are in the nodal coordinate
systems, and the vector sum is always printed in the global coordinate system.
The spectrum analysis summation is available when the element results are written to the mode file,
Jobname.MODE (MSUPkey = Yes on the MXPAND (p. 1002) command).
Because modal displacements cannot be used to calculate contact element nodal forces, ITEM does
not apply to spectrum and PSD analyses.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Nodal Calcs>Total Force Sum
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 653
Transfers solid model forces to the finite element model.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Solid Forces (p. 41)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Forces are transferred only from selected keypoints to selected nodes. The FTRAN operation is also
done if the SBCTRAN (p. 1390) command is issued or automatically done upon initiation of the solution
calculations [SOLVE (p. 1538)].
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Operate>Transfer to FE>Forces
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Operate>Transfer to FE>Forces
Type of file from which the pressure data will be retrieved (no default):
File from a CFX Transient Blade Row (TBR) analysis export.
File from a CFD-Post BC Profile export.
Formatted file.
Comma-Separated Values file.
Type of pressure data contained in the file:
Only real-valued pressures are on the file.
Real-valued and imaginary-valued pressures are on the file (default).
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654 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
CFX Transient Blade Row files (FileType = CFXTBR) are obtained from the Export Results Tab in CFX-
Pre, with [Export Surface Name]: Option set to Harmonic Forced Response.
CFD-Post files (FileType = CFDPOST) are obtained from the Export action in CFD-Post with Type set
to BC Profile.
Formatted files (FileType = FORMATTED) contain the coordinates and pressure data in fixed-format
columns in the order x, y, z, pressure. You may have other columns of data in the file which
can be skipped over in the Format specifier on the READ (p. 1318) command, but the data must be in
that order.
Comma-separated values files (FileType = CSV) contain the coordinates and pressure data in comma-
separated fields. The data can be in any order, and other fields of data may also be present.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Generates nodes and tetrahedral volume elements from detached exterior area elements (facets).
PREP7 (p. 20): Meshing (p. 27)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Specifies whether to keep the area elements after the tetrahedral meshing operation is complete.
Delete area elements (default).
Keep area elements.
The FVMESH command generates a tetrahedral volume mesh from a selected set of detached exterior
area elements (facets). (Detached elements have no solid model associativity.) The area elements can
be triangular-shaped, quadrilateral-shaped, or a mixture of the two.
The FVMESH command is in contrast to the VMESH (p. 1784) command, which requires a volume to be
The main tetrahedra mesher [MOPT (p. 960),VMESH,MAIN] is the only tetrahedra mesher that supports
the FVMESH command. The alternate tetrahedra mesher [MOPT (p. 960),VMESH,ALTERNATE] does not
support FVMESH. MESH200 elements do not support FVMESH.
Tetrahedral mesh expansion [MOPT (p. 960),TETEXPND,Value] is supported for both the FVMESH and
VMESH (p. 1784) commands. Tet-mesh expansion is the only mesh control supported by FVMESH.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 655
Triangle- or quadrilateral-shaped elements may be used as input to the FVMESH command. Where
quadrilaterals are used, the default behavior is for the pyramid-shaped elements to be formed at the
boundary when the appropriate element type is specified. See the MOPT (p. 960),PYRA command for
The FVMESH command does not support multiple "volumes." If you have multiple volumes in your
model, select the surface elements for one "volume," while making sure that the surface elements for
the other volumes are deselected. Then use FVMESH to generate a mesh for the first volume. Continue
this procedure by selecting one volume at a time and meshing it, until all of the volumes in the model
have been meshed.
If an error occurs during the meshing operation, the area elements are kept even if KEEP = 0.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh>Tet Mesh From>Area Elements
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656 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
G Commands
Specifies "mode-superposition transient gap conditions" as the subsequent status topic.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Status (p. 46)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>Solution>Gap Conditions
Arbitrary reference number assigned to this variable (2 to NV [NUMVAR (p. 1086)]). Overwrites any existing
results for this variable.
Number identifying gap number for which the gap force is to be stored. Issue the GPLIST (p. 731) command
to display gap numbers.
Thirty-two character name for identifying the item on the printout and displays (defaults to the name
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 657
Defines the gap force data to be stored in a variable. Applicable only to the expansion pass of the
mode-superposition linear transient dynamic (ANTYPE (p. 140),TRANS) analysis. The data is usually on
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Define Variables
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Elec&Mag>Circuit>Define Variables
Type of gauging to be performed:
Perform tree gauging of the edge values (default).
Gauging is off. (You must specify custom gauging via APDL specifications.)
Gauging status (returns the current Opt and FREQ values)
The following options are valid when Opt = ON:
Generate tree-gauging information once, at the first load step. Gauging data is retained for subsequent
load steps. (This behavior is the default.)
Repeat gauging for each load step. Rewrites the gauging information at each load step to accommodate
changing boundary conditions on the AZ degree of freedom (for example, adding or deleting AZ
constraints via the D (p. 397) or CE (p. 259) commands).
The GAUGE command controls the tree-gauging procedure required for electromagnetic analyses using
an edge-based magnetic formulation (elements SOLID226, SOLID227, SOLID236 and SOLID237).
Gauging occurs at the solver level for each solution (SOLVE (p. 1538)). It sets additional zero constraints
on the edge-flux degrees of freedom AZ to produce a unique solution; the additional constraints are
removed after solution.
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658 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Use the FREQ option to specify how the command generates gauging information for multiple load
Access the gauging information via the _TGAUGE component of gauged nodes. The program creates
and uses this component internally to remove and reapply the AZ constraints required by gauging. If
FREQ = 0, the _TGAUGE component is created at the first load step and is used to reapply the tree
gauge constraints at subsequent load steps. If FREQ = 1, the tree-gauging information and the _TGAUGE
component are generated at every load step
If gauging is turned off (GAUGE,OFF), you must specify your own gauging at the APDL level.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Magnetics>Options Only>Gauging
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Magnetics>Options Only>Gauging
Option to be performed.
Retain the previous Option setting between SECT1 and SECT2.
Define auto asymmetric contact between surfaces SECT1 and SECT2.
Define symmetric contact between surfaces SECT1 and SECT2.
Define asymmetric contact with SECT1 as the source (contact) surface and SECT2 as the target surface.
Exclude contact between surfaces SECT1 and SECT2. MATID, REALID, SECT1END, and SECT2END
are ignored.
Remove the given definition from the GCDEF table. MATID, REALID, SECT1END, and SECT2END are
Note that GCDEF,DELETE,ALL,ALL does not remove the entire GCDEF table; it merely removes
any existing GCDEF,,ALL,ALL definitions, while leaving intact any existing GCDEF definitions
that are more specific.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 659
It is good practice to list all definitions using GCDEF,LIST before and after a GCDEF,DELETE
List stored GCDEF data entries. MATID and REALID are ignored.
GCDEF,LIST lists all defined interactions. GCDEF,LIST,SECT1,SECT2 lists the entry for the spe-
cific SECT1/SECT2 interaction. GCDEF,LIST,ALL,ALL lists only the ALL,ALL entry (if any).
List interpreted general contact definitions in tabular format. MATID and REALID are ignored.
By default, rows/columns of the table that match neighboring rows/columns are compressed
to simplify the table. Issue GCDEF,TABLE,TOTAL to list the entire GCDEF table without removal
of duplicate rows and columns.
List a table showing actual interactions considered during solution. This option is only available after
the SOLVE (p. 1538) command. MATID and REALID are ignored.
The table shows MAT and REAL entries considered during the solution (actual contact may or
may not have occurred). This is in contrast to GCDEF,TABLE, which shows the user specifications.
For auto asymmetric contact, TABLESOL indicates which of the possible contact versus target
surface combinations was considered.
Section numbers representing contact (SECT1) and target (SECT2) general contact surfaces (no defaults).
(In most cases, the actual determination of contact versus target surfaces takes place during SOLVE (p. 1538).)
A node component name is also valid input for SECT1 and SECT2. The component name is not
stored. Instead, the program loops through all valid section IDs found in the component and creates
GCDEF entries for all possible SECT1/SECT2 combinations that result. These entries are reflected in
the Option = LIST and TABLE output. Section IDs can be further controlled by adding an extension
(_EDGE, _FACE, _VERT, _TOP, or _BOT) to the end of the component name. See Specifying General
Contact Interactions Between Nodal Components in the Contact Technology Guide for more inform-
Self contact.
All general contact sections IDs.
Section IDs of all CONTA177 general contact line elements (which may be on the edges of 3-D
solid and shell base elements, or on beam base elements).
Section IDs of all general contact elements on faces of solid or shell base elements (both top
and bottom faces of shell elements).
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660 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Section IDs of all CONTA175 general contact vertex elements (which may be on convex corners
of solid and shell base elements, and on endpoints of beam base elements).
Section IDs of all general contact elements on top faces of shell base elements, and faces of
solid base elements.
Section IDs of general contact elements on bottom faces of shell base elements, and faces of
solid base elements.
The ALL_ labels apply to all defined general contact element section IDs in the model without regard
to the select status of the elements or attached nodes.
See SECT1/SECT2 Interactions (p. 661) for a description of how the various inputs for SECT1 and
SECT2 are interpreted.
Material ID number for general contact interaction properties at the SECT1/SECT2 interface. If zero or
blank, the previous setting of MATID for SECT1/SECT2 (if any) is retained.
As an example, you could specify "always bonded" contact behavior at the interface by setting
MATID to 2 and issuing the command TB (p. 1603),INTER,2,,,ABOND.
The coefficient of friction MU is also defined by MATID. Since the default is MATID = 0, frictionless
contact (MU = 0) is assumed by default.
Real constant ID number for general contact interaction properties at the SECT1/SECT2 interface. If zero
or blank, the previous setting of REALID for SECT1/SECT2 (if any) is retained.
As an example, you could specify contact stiffness (FKN) = 10 at the interface by setting REALID
to 14 and issuing the command R (p. 1307),14,,,10.
Last section number in the range. For Option= LIST, TABLE, or TABLESOL, data entries are processed for
contact section numbers in the range from SECT1 to SECT1END, and target section numbers in the range
from SECT2 to SECT2END. SECT1END and SECT2END are ignored for all other Option labels.
GCDEF defines the interface interaction between general contact surfaces identified by SECT1 and
SECT2. GCDEF commands are order independent in most cases.
GCDEF definitions should be issued after GCGEN (p. 662). They are saved in the database and are written
to and read from .CDB files.
See General Contact in the Contact Technology Guide for more information on the overall procedure to
create general contact.
SECT1/SECT2 Interactions
The most specific types of general contact definitions are those described below:
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 661
SECT1 = any valid general surface section ID and SECT2 = any different valid general surface
section ID: Option, MATID, and REALID apply to general surface interactions between SECT1
and SECT2. This is one of the most specific types of general contact definitions and is never
SECT1 = any valid general surface section ID and SECT2 = SECT1: Option, MATID, and
REALID apply to general surface self contact interactions involving SECT1. This is one of the
most specific types of general contact definitions and is never overridden.
The remaining general contact definition types can be overridden by the above two general contact
definition types:
SECT1 = ALL and SECT2 = ALL: Option, MATID, and REALID apply to all general surface
interactions, except where overridden by a more specific GCDEF command.
SECT1 = ALL and SECT2 = SELF or SECT1 = SELF and SECT2 = ALL: Option, MATID, and
REALID apply to all general surface self contact interactions, except where overridden by a
more specific GCDEF command.
SECT1 = ALL and SECT2 = any valid general surface section ID: Option, MATID, and REALID
apply to all general surface interactions that include SECT2, except where overridden by a
more specific GCDEF command.
SECT1 = any valid general surface section ID and SECT2 = ALL: Option, MATID, and REALID
apply to all general surface interactions that include SECT1, except where overridden by a
more specific GCDEF command.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Option to be performed.
Create a new general contact definition. This option removes all existing general contact elements
and generates new elements with new section IDs. Any existing GCDEF (p. 659) specifications, general
contact SECTYPE (p. 1433)/SECDATA (p. 1397) data, and general contact element types are also removed.
If no general contact elements or data exist, this option behaves the same as Option = UPDATE.
Generate general contact elements on newly added (or selected) base elements. Newly generated
contact elements are assigned new Section IDs. Existing general contact elements remain with their
previously assigned section IDs and element attributes. Existing GCDEF (p. 659) and SEC-
TYPE (p. 1433)/SECDATA (p. 1397) general contact data are respected. (This is the default option.)
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662 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Remove all existing general contact elements. Existing GCDEF (p. 659) specifications, general contact
SECTYPE (p. 1433)/SECDATA (p. 1397) data, and general contact element types are also removed.
Select all existing general contact elements.
Angle tolerance for determining feature edges (EdgeKEY) and general surfaces (SplitKey). Default =
42 degrees.
Key that controls creation of general contact line and vertex elements (CONTA177, CONTA175) on base
elements. Line elements are overlaid on feature edges of 3-D deformable bodies and on perimeter edges
of 3-D shell structures; vertex elements are overlaid on convex corners of deformable bodies and shell
structures (2-D or 3-D), and on endpoints of 3-D beam structures. See Understanding FeatureANGLE (p. 664)
for an explanation of the feature edge criteria.
Exclude all edges and vertices (default).
Include CONTA177 elements on feature edges only.
Include CONTA177 elements on shell perimeter edges only.
Include CONTA177 elements on feature edges and shell perimeter edges.
Include CONTA177 elements on feature edges and shell perimeter edges, and CONTA175 elements
on vertices.
Include CONTA175 elements on vertices only.
EdgeKey > 0 is intended to add extra contact constraint between an edge or vertex of one surface
and other 3-D surfaces. Both edge and vertex contact always use the penalty method and only include
structural degrees of freedom (UX, UY, UZ).
GCGEN always creates CONTA177 elements on base beam elements, regardless of the EdgeKEY
Key that controls how section IDs and contact element type IDs are assigned to surfaces.
Assign a different section ID and contact element type ID for every general surface of the selected base
elements (default). See Understanding FeatureANGLE (p. 664) for an explanation of the split criteria.
Different section IDs are assigned to the top and bottom surfaces of 2-D shell and 3-D shell bodies.
This allows different GCDEF (p. 659) specifications for different portions of the assembly.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 663
Assign a different section ID and contact element type ID for every general surface which covers a
physical part. Compared to the SPLIT option, this option produces fewer unique section IDs, which can
make it easier to specify interactions via GCDEF (p. 659). However, it may also result in a less accurate
and/or less efficient solution.
Key that controls which base elements are considered for general contact.
Use a recursive adjacency selection to obtain complete physical parts (default). This selection starts
from the selected base elements, progressively adding elements adjacent to the faces of selected
elements until the edge of a part is reached. Then general contact elements are generated.
Use only the initially selected base elements to generate general contact elements.
GCGEN creates general contact elements on the exterior faces of selected base elements. The base
elements can be 2-D or 3-D solids, 3-D beams, 2-D shells (top and bottom), or 3-D shells (top and bottom).
The contact element types can be CONTA172, CONTA174, CONTA175, and/or CONTA177, depending
upon the types of base elements in the model and the specified GCGEN options. General contact ele-
ments are identified by a real constant ID equal to zero.
You can control contact interactions between specific general contact surfaces that could potentially
be in contact by using the GCDEF (p. 659) command. See General Contact in the Contact Technology
Guide for more information on the overall procedure to create general contact.
Understanding FeatureANGLE
The exterior facets of the selected base solid and shell elements are divided into subsets based on the
angle between the normals of neighboring faces. On a flat or smooth surface, adjacent exterior element
faces have normals that are parallel or nearly parallel; that is, the angle between the adjacent normals
is near zero degrees.
When the angle between the normals of two adjacent faces is greater than FeatureANGLE, the two
faces are considered to be on two separate surfaces (SplitKey = SPLIT). The edge between the faces
may be convex or concave. A convex (or outside) edge is considered to be a feature edge and may be
affected by the EdgeKEY setting. For more information, see Feature Angle (FeatureANGLE) in the
Contact Technology Guide.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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664 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
/GCMD (p.665),WN,Lab1,Lab2,Lab3,Lab4,Lab5,Lab6,Lab7,Lab8,Lab9,Lab10,
Lab11, Lab12
Controls the type of element or graph display used for the GPLOT (p. 732) command.
GRAPHICS (p. 14): Set Up (p. 14)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Window number (or ALL) to which this command applies (defaults to 1)
This command controls the type of element or graph display that appears when you issue the
GPLOT (p. 732) command when the /GTYPE (p. 746),,(ELEM or GRPH) entity type is active. If you have
multiple plotting windows enabled, you can also use /GCMD (p. 665) to select one window when you
wish to edit its contents.
For related information, see the descriptions of the GPLOT (p. 732) and /GTYPE (p. 746) commands in
this manual.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Multi-Plot Contrls
Curve number on which label will be applied (integer value between 1 and 10).
Name or designation that will be applied to the curve (8 characters max).
This command is used for an array parameter plot (a plot created by the *VPLOT (p. 1789) command).
Normally the label for curve 1 is "COL 1", the label for curve 2 is "COL 2" and so on; the column number
is the field containing the dependent variables for that particular curve. Issuing /GCOLUMN (p. 665),CURVE,
with no string value specified resets the label to the original value.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 665
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Graphs>Modify Curve
Specifies "General options" as the subsequent status topic.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Status (p. 46)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status (STAT (p. 1572)) topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>Solution>General Options
Dimensionality key:
3-D geometry (default)
2-D geometry (plane or axisymmetric)
Number of divisions in an axisymmetric model. Used only with K2D = 1. Defaults to 0 (2-D plane). The 2-
D model is internally expanded to a 3-D model based on the number of divisions specified (6 NDIV
90). For example, NDIV of 6 is internally represented by six 60° sections.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Radiation Opt>Matrix Method>Other Settings
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666 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Specifies "Geometry" as the subsequent status topic.
PREP7 (p. 20): Status (p. 32)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>Preprocessor>Solid Model
*GET (p. 667), Par, Entity, ENTNUM, Item1, IT1NUM, Item2, IT2NUM
Retrieves a value and stores it as a scalar parameter or part of an array parameter.
APDL (p. 17): Parameters (p. 17)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
The name of the resulting parameter. See *SET (p. 1453) for name restrictions.
Entity keyword. Valid keywords are NODE, ELEM, KP, LINE, AREA, VOLU, etc., as shown for Entity = in the
tables below.
The number or label for the entity (as shown for ENTNUM = in the tables below). In some cases, a zero (or
blank) ENTNUM represents all entities of the set.
The name of a particular item for the given entity. Valid items are as shown in the Item1 columns of the
tables below.
The number (or label) for the specified Item1 (if any). Valid IT1NUM values are as shown in the IT1NUM
columns of the tables below. Some Item1 labels do not require an IT1NUM value.
Item2, IT2NUM
A second set of item labels and numbers to further qualify the item for which data are to be retrieved.
Most items do not require this level of information.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 667
*GET (p. 667) retrieves a value for a specified item and stores the value as a scalar parameter, or as a
value in a user-named array parameter. An item is identified by various keyword, label, and number
combinations. Usage is similar to the *SET (p. 1453) command except that the parameter values are re-
trieved from previously input or calculated results.
*GET (p. 667),A,ELEM,5,CENT,X returns the centroid x location of element 5 and stores the result as
parameter A.
*GET (p. 667) command operations, and corresponding get functions, return values in the active coordinate
system (CSYS (p. 364) for input data or RSYS (p. 1383) for results data) unless stated otherwise.
A get function is an alternative in-line function that can be used instead of the *GET (p. 667) command
to retrieve a value. For more information, see Using In-line Get Functions in the ANSYS Parametric Design
Language Guide.
Both *GET (p. 667) and *VGET (p. 1766) retrieve information from the active data stored in memory. The
database is often the source, and sometimes the information is retrieved from common memory blocks
that the program uses to manipulate information. Although POST1 and POST26 operations use a *.rst
file, *GET (p. 667) data is accessed from the database or from the common blocks. Get operations do
not access the *.rst file directly. For repeated gets of sequential items, such as from a series of ele-
ments, see the *VGET (p. 1766) command.
Most items are stored in the database after they are calculated and are available anytime thereafter.
Items are grouped according to where they are usually first defined or calculated. Preprocessing data
will often not reflect the calculated values generated from section data. Do not use *GET (p. 667) to
obtain data from elements that use calculated section data, such as beams or shells.
Most of the general items listed below are available from all modules. Each of the sections for accessing
*GET (p. 667) parameters are shown in the following order:
General Items
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668 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 669
The following items are valid for all commands except star (*) commands and
non-graphics slash (/) commands.
*GET (p. 667), Par, CMD, 0, Item1, IT1NUM, Item2, IT2NUM
Item1 IT1NUM Description
STAT Status of previous command: 0=found, 1=not found (unknown).
NARGS Field number of last nonblank field on the previous command.
FIELD 2,3...N Numerical value of the Nth field on the previous command. Field
1 is the command name (not available)
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670 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 671
If Item1 = CSYS and no local coordinate system number was assigned to the array parameter
(Name), the program assigns a value of ZERO to Par.
If Item1 = VAR and if IT1NUM refers to a primary variable that does not exist, the program
assigns a blank value to Par.
(where TBTYPE is the material table type as defined via the TB (p. 1603) command, such
[ELASTIC, CTE, etc.], and MatID is the material ID)
Evaluates a material property coefficient for a given set of input field variables.
*GET (p. 667), Par, TBTYPE, MatID, Item1, IT1NUM, Item2, IT2NUM, Fld1, Fld2,...
Item1 IT1NUM Description
TBEV: SINDEX = Item2: CINDEX = Coefficient index
Material Subtable IT2NUM: N = Number of field variables input
table index (1 -
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672 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
(where TBTYPE is the material table type as defined via the TB (p. 1603) command, such
[ELASTIC, CTE, etc.], and MatID is the material ID)
Evaluates a material property coefficient for a given set of input field variables.
*GET (p. 667), Par, TBTYPE, MatID, Item1, IT1NUM, Item2, IT2NUM, Fld1, Fld2,...
Item1 IT1NUM Description
evaluation max number Fld1, Fld2, … : Val = Value of the field variable(s), entered
for query at of in the same order specified via the TBFIELD (p. 1651)
a given field subtables) command(s)
Preprocessing Items
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 673
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674 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 675
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676 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Item2 = DOF: Gives the DOF number for this position in the
constraint equation. (1–UX, 2–UY, 3–UZ, 4–ROTX, etc.)
One of Item2 = TVAL; IT2NUM = nnn
following: where nnn is the temperature value (< = NTEM).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 677
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678 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 679
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680 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 681
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682 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 683
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684 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 685
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686 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 687
Entity = MPlab, ENTNUM =N (MPlab = material property label from MP (p. 967) command;
N = material number.)
*GET (p. 667), Par, MPlab, N, Item1, IT1NUM, Item2, IT2NUM
Item1 IT1NUM Description
TEMP val Material property value at temperature of val. For temperature
dependent materials, the program interpolates the property at
temperature input for val.
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688 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
*GET (p. 667), Par, NODE, 0, Item1, IT1NUM, Item2, IT2NUM, KINTERNAL
The options for the KINTERNAL key are (blank), which counts all nodes except internal
nodes, and INTERNAL, which counts all nodes including internal nodes.
Entity = OCEAN, ENTNUM = Type (where Type is a valid label on the DataType field of
the OCTYPE (p. 1104) command)
*GET (p. 667), Par, OCEAN, Type, Item1, IT1NUM, Item2, IT2NUM
Item1 IT1NUM Description
NAME Name defined for a given Type
DATA 1 Depth when Type = BASI
2 Material ID when Type = BASI
8 KFLOOD when Type = BASI
9 Cay when Type = BASI
10 Cb when Type = BASI
11 Zmsl when Type = BASI
13 Caz when Type = BASI
14 Ktable when Type = BASI
1 KWAVE when Type = WAVE
2 THETA when Type = WAVE
3 WAVELOC when Type = WAVE
4 KCRC when Type = WAVE
5 KMF when Type = WAVE
6 PRKEY when Type = WAVE
PROP NROW Number of rows defined by OCTABLE (p. 1100) command
TABL i Data in table defined by OCTABLE (p. 1100) command i = row
number; Item2 = column number
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 689
Entity = OCZONE, ENTNUM = Name (where Name is a valid label on the ZoneName field of
the OCZONE (p. 1105) command)
*GET (p. 667), Par, OCZONE, Name, Item1, IT1NUM, Item2, IT2NUM
Item1 IT1NUM Description
DATA 8 KFLOOD for a given ENTNUM = Name
9 Cay for a given ENTNUM = Name
10 Cb for a given ENTNUM = Name
13 Caz for a given ENTNUM = Name
PROP NROW Number of rows defined by OCTABLE (p. 1100) command
TABL i Data in table defined by OCTABLE (p. 1100) command i = row
number; Item2 = column number
TYPE Ocean zone type (returns 1, 2 or 3 for ZLOC-, COMP-, or PIP-type
zones, respectively)
COMP Component name when the given ocean zone type is COMP, or
internal component name when the given ocean zone type is PIP
COMP2 External component name when the type of given ocean zone is
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690 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 691
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692 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
1 = Centroid
2 = Shear Center
3 = Origin
0 = User Defined
OFFY Section offset in the Y direction.
OFFZ Section offset in the Z direction.
TXY User transverse shear stiffness XY
TXZ User transverse shear stiffness XZ
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 693
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694 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 695
Entity = TBLAB, ENTNUM = N..(TBlab = data table label from the TB (p. 1603) command; N
= material number.)
*GET (p. 667), Par, TBlab, N, Item1, IT1NUM, Item2, IT2NUM, TBOPT
Item1 IT1NUM Description
TEMP T Item2: CONST IT2NUM: Num Value of constant number Num in
the data table at temperature T. For constants, input an X,Y point;
the constant numbers are consecutive with the X constants being
the odd numbers, beginning with one.
To get all necessary output for materials defined via the TB (p. 1603) command, you
must specify the final argument TBOPT as indicated in the syntax description
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696 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Solution Items
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 697
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698 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Items (1 (p. 699)) are available only after inertia relief solution (IRLF (p. 800),1) or pre-calculation
of masses (IRLF (p. 800),-1).
Item values are consistent with the mass summary printed in the output file. They are based
on unscaled mass properties (see MASCALE (p. 928) command).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 699
For all items except PFACT and MCOEF (as noted above), only the first 10000 values corresponding to
significant modes will be returned.
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700 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The MODE file must be available to retrieve items PFACT and MCOEF with specified Item2. If Item2
is not specified, the last calculated value will be returned.
All values retrieved correspond to the first load step values. For a Campbell diagram analysis (multistep
modal), *GET (p. 667) with Entity = CAMP must be used.
If multiple DDAM analyses are performed, the last calculated value will be returned.
Postprocessing Items
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 701
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702 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Item1 = SIMP, AIMP, MIMP, APRES, FORC, POWER, TL, and RL are available after issuing the
corresponding PRAS (p. 1224) command at the current frequency. The values are obtained at
the current frequency, or at the last frequency for multiple load step and substep cases.
Available after PLCAMP (p. 1165) or PRCAMP (p. 1227) command is issued.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 703
Available after PLCAMP (p. 1165) or PRCAMP (p. 1227) command is issued.
If the sorting is activated (Option=ON on the PRCAMP (p. 1227) and PLCAMP (p. 1165) commands),
all the parameters retrieved are in the sorted order.
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704 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Item3 = DTYPE
IT3NUM = Data type (JINT, IIN1, IIN2, IIN3, K1, K2, K3, G1, G2,
• Set IT2NUM = 1
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 705
Generate date for cyclic results using CYCCALC (p. 372) before retrieving those items.
*GET (p. 667),Par,CYCCALC,spec, Item1, IT1NUM, Item2, IT2NUM
Item1 IT1NUM Item2 IT2NUM Description
FREQ frequency SECTOR sector CYCSPEC (p. 390) result at the IT1NUM frequency and
point IT2NUM sector
SECMAX - CYCSPEC (p. 390) maximum result at the IT1NUM
SECNUM - CYCSPEC (p. 390) sector with the maximum result at
the IT1NUM frequency
SECNODE - CYCSPEC (p. 390) node in the sector with the
maximum result at the IT1NUM frequency
The frequency point refers to the harmonic solution data set number (NSET on the SET (p. 1458) command)
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706 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
1. Some element- and material-type limitations apply. For more information, see the documentation for the
PRERR (p. 1236) command.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 707
Entity = GSRESULT, ENTNUM = 0 (or blank) for generalized plane strain results in fiber
*GET (p. 667), Par, GSRESULT, 0, Item1, IT1NUM
Item1 IT1NUM Description
LFIBER Fiber length change at ending point.
ROT X,Y Rotation angle of end plane about X or Y axis.
F Reaction force at ending point.
M X,Y Reaction moment on ending plane.
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708 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Entity = NODE, ENTNUM = N (node number) for nodal degree of freedom results:
*GET (p. 667), Par, NODE, N, Item1, IT1NUM, Item2, IT2NUM
Item1 IT1NUM Description
U X, Y, Z, SUM X, Y, or Z structural displacement or vector sum. Alternative get
functions: UX(N), UY(N), UZ(N).
ROT X, Y, Z, SUM X, Y, or Z structural rotation or vector sum. Alternative get functions:
TEMP Temperature. For SHELL131 and SHELL132 elements with KEYOPT(3)
= 0 or 1, use TBOT, TE2, TE3, . . ., TTOP instead of TEMP. Alternative
get functions: TEMP(N), TBOT(N), TE2(N), etc.
PRES Pressure. Alternative get function: PRES(N).
GFV1, GFV2 Nonlocal field values 1 and 2.
VOLT Electric potential. Alternative get function: VOLT(N).
CONC Concentration.
MAG Magnetic scalar potential. Alternative get function: MAG(N).
V X, Y, Z, SUM X, Y, or Z fluid velocity or vector sum in a fluid analysis. X, Y, or Z
nodal velocity or vector sum in a structural transient analysis
(analysis with ANTYPE (p. 140),TRANS). Alternative get functions:
VX(N), VY(N), VZ(N).
A X, Y, Z, SUM X, Y, or Z magnetic vector potential or vector sum in an
electromagnetic analysis. X, Y, or Z nodal acceleration or vector
sum in a structural transient analysis (analysis with
ANTYPE (p. 140),TRANS). Alternative get functions: AX(N), AY(N),
CURR Current.
EMF Electromotive force drop.
RF FX, FY, FZ, Nodal reaction forces in the nodal coordinate system. The reaction
MX, MY, MZ, forces returned are the total forces: static, plus damping, plus
CSGX, CSGY, inertial, as appropriate based on analysis type
CSGZ, (see PRRSOL (p. 1265) command). The first exception is modal
BMOM, analyses and mode-superposition transient analyses where static
RATE, DVOL, forces are returned. The second exception is spectrum analyses
FLOW, HEAT, where the PRRFOR (p. 1264) logic is used internally. In this case, the
AMPS or reaction forces are based on the type of force requested (using
CHRG, FLUX, ForceType with combination commands, such as SRSS (p. 1558),
CURT, VLTG PSDCOM (p. 1273), etc.).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 709
Entity = NODE, ENTNUM = N (node number) for nodal degree of freedom results:
*GET (p. 667), Par, NODE, N, Item1, IT1NUM, Item2, IT2NUM
Item1 IT1NUM Description
ORBT A, B, PSI, Whirl orbit characteristics:
ZMAX, Whirl A is the semi-major axis.
B is the semi-minor axis.
PSI is the angle between the local axis y and the major
axis Y.
PHI is the angle between initial position (t = 0) and major
YMAX is the maximum displacement along local y axis.
ZMAX is the maximum displacement along local z axis.
Whirl is the direction of an orbital motion (-1 is backward
whirl, 1 is forward whirl, and 0 is undetermined).
Angles PSI and PHI are in degrees and within the range of
-180 through +180.
Use this command carefully when N represents an internal node, as the nodal
DOFs may have different physical meanings.
Entity = NODE, ENTNUM = N (node number) for averaged nodal results based on selected
*GET (p. 667), Par, NODE, N, Item1, IT1NUM, Item2, IT2NUM
Item1 IT1NUM Description
S X, Y, Z, XY, Component stress.
1, 2, 3 Principal stress.
INT, EQV Stress intensity or equivalent stress.
MAXF Maximum stress failure criterion.
TWSI Tsai-Wu strength failure criterion.
TWSR Inverse of Tsai-Wu strength ratio index failure criterion.
EPTO X, Y, Z, XY, Component total strain (EPEL + EPPL + EPCR).
1, 2, 3 Principal total strain.
INT, EQV Total strain intensity or total equivalent strain.
EPEL X, Y, Z, XY, Component elastic strain.
1, 2, 3 Principal elastic strain.
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710 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Entity = NODE, ENTNUM = N (node number) for averaged nodal results based on selected
*GET (p. 667), Par, NODE, N, Item1, IT1NUM, Item2, IT2NUM
Item1 IT1NUM Description
INT, EQV Elastic strain intensity or elastic equivalent strain.
MAXF Maximum strain failure criterion.
EPPL X, Y, Z, XY, Component plastic strain.
1, 2, 3 Principal plastic strain.
INT, EQV Plastic strain intensity or plastic equivalent strain.
EPCR X, Y, Z, XY, Component creep strain.
1, 2, 3 Principal creep strain.
INT, EQV Creep strain intensity or creep equivalent strain.
ESIG X, Y, Z, XY, Components of Biot’s effective stress.
1, 2, 3 Principal stresses of Biot’s effective stress.
INT Stress intensity of Biot’s effective stress.
EQV Equivalent stress of Biot’s effective stress.
CDM DMG Damage variable
LM Maximum previous strain energy for virgin material
GKS X, XY, XZ Gasket component stress.
GKD X, XY, XZ Gasket component total closure.
GKDI X, XY, XZ Gasket component total inelastic closure.
GKTH X, XY, XZ Gasket component thermal closure.
EPTH X, Y, Z, XY, Component thermal strain.
1, 2, 3 Principal thermal strain.
INT, EQV Thermal strain intensity or thermal equivalent strain.
EPSW Swelling strain.
FAIL MAX Maximum of all failure criterion defined for this node.
EMAX Maximum Strain failure criterion.
SMAX Maximum Stress failure criterion.
TWSI Tsai-Wu Failure Criterion Strength Index failure criterion.
TWSR Inverse of Tsai-Wu Strength Ratio Index failure criterion.
USR1, USR2, ..., USR9
User-defined failure criteria.
HFIB Hashin Fiber Failure Criterion.
HMAT Hashin Matrix Failure Criterion.
PFIB Puck Fiber Failure Criterion.
PMAT Puck Matrix Failure Criterion.
L3FB LaRc03 Fiber Failure Criterion.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 711
Entity = NODE, ENTNUM = N (node number) for averaged nodal results based on selected
*GET (p. 667), Par, NODE, N, Item1, IT1NUM, Item2, IT2NUM
Item1 IT1NUM Description
L3MT LaRc03 Matrix Failure Criterion.
L4FB LaRc04 Fiber Failure Criterion.
L4MT LaRc04 Matrix Failure Criterion.
NL SEPL Equivalent stress (from stress-strain curve).
SRAT Stress state ratio.
HPRES Hydrostatic pressure.
EPEQ Accumulated equivalent plastic strain.
PSV Plastic state variable or plastic work/volume.
PLWK Plastic work/volume.
TG X, Y, Z, SUM Component thermal gradient and sum.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
712 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Entity = NODE, ENTNUM = N (node number) for averaged nodal results based on selected
*GET (p. 667), Par, NODE, N, Item1, IT1NUM, Item2, IT2NUM
Item1 IT1NUM Description
PMSV VRAT, PPRE, Void volume ratio, pore pressure, degree of saturation, and relative
DSAT, RPER permeability for coupled pore-pressure CPT elements.
MPDP TOTA, TENS, Microplane homogenized total, tension, and compression damages
COMP, RW (TOTA, TENS, COMP), and split weight factor (RW).
CONT STAT Contact status.
PENE Contact penetration.
PRES Contact pressure.
SFRIC Contact friction stress.
STOT Contact total stress (pressure plus friction).
SLIDE Contact sliding distance.
GAP Contact gap distance.
FLUX Total heat flux at contact surface.
CNOS Total number of contact status changes during substep.
FPRS Actual applied fluid penetration pressure.
Element nodal results are the average nodal value of the selected elements.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 713
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
714 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
1. Some element- and material-type limitations apply. For more information, see the documentation for the
PRERR (p. 1236) command.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 715
For beam and pipe (including elbow) section results, return values for all elements
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
716 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
For beam and pipe (including elbow) section results, return values for all elements
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 717
For beam and pipe (including elbow) section results, return values for all elements
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
718 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
For beam and pipe (including elbow) section results, return values for all elements
Generate data for section stress results, using PRSECT (p. 1267) before retrieving these
items. Valid labels for ENTNUM are MEMBRANE, BENDING, SUM (Membrane+Bending) ,
PEAK, and TOTAL. (The following items are not stored in the database and the values
returned reflect the last quantities generated by PRSECT (p. 1267) or PLSECT (p. 1201).) Only
MEMBRANE, BENDING, and SUM data are available after a PLSECT (p. 1201) command.
The MEMBRANE label is only valid with Item1 = INSIDE.
*GET (p. 667), Par, SECTION, component, Item1, IT1NUM, Item2, IT2NUM
Item1 IT1NUM Item2 Description
INSIDE S X, Y, Z, XY, Stress component at beginning of path.
1, 2, 3 Principal stress at beginning of path.
INT, EQV Stress intensity or equivalent stress at beginning of
CENTER S X, Y, Z, XY, Stress component at midpoint of path.
1, 2, 3 Principal stress at midpoint of path.
INT, EQV Stress intensity or equivalent stress at midpoint of
OUTSIDE S X, Y, Z, XY, Stress component at end of path.
1, 2, 3 Principal stress at end of path.
INT, EQV Stress intensity or equivalent stress at end of path.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 719
Entity = VARI, ENTNUM = N (variable number after POST26 data storage) (for complex
values, only the real part is returned with Item1 = EXTREM)
*GET (p. 667),Par,VARI,N, Item1, IT1NUM, Item2, IT2NUM
Item1 IT1NUM Description
EXTREM VMAX Maximum extreme value.
TMAX Time or frequency corresponding to VMAX.
VMIN Minimum extreme value.
TMIN Time or frequency corresponding to VMIN.
VLAST Last value.
TLAST Time or frequency corresponding to VLAST.
CVAR Covariance
REAL f Real part of variable N at time or frequency f.
IMAG f Imaginary part of variable N at frequency f.
AMPL f Amplitude value of variable N at frequency f
PHASE f Phase angle value of variable N at frequency f
RSET Snum Real part of variable N at location Snum.
ISET Snum Imaginary part of variable N at location Snum.
Entity = VARI, ENTNUM = 0 (or blank) (after POST26 data storage)
*GET (p. 667),Par,VARI,0, Item1, IT1NUM, Item2, IT2NUM
Item1 IT1NUM Description
NSETS Number of data sets stored.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
720 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
*GET (p. 667), Par, XFEM, PHI, Item1, IT1NUM, Item2, IT2NUM
Item1 IT1NUM Item2 IT2NUM Description
ELEM Ele- NODE Node LSM Phi value for this node number of this
ment Number element
*GET (p. 667), Par, XFEM, PSI, Item1, IT1NUM, Item2, IT2NUM
Item1 IT1NUM Item2 IT2NUM Description
ELEM Ele- NODE Node LSM Psi value for this node number of this
ment Number element
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Parameters>Get Scalar Data
Pixel resolution. Defaults to a pixel resolution of 800. Valid values are from 256 to 2400.
Command Default
800 pixels
Defines the pixel resolution on subsequently written graphics files (for example, JPEG, PNG, TIFF) for
software Z-buffered displays [/TYPE (p. 1705)]. Lowering the pixel resolution produces a "fuzzier" image;
increasing the resolution produces a "sharper" image but takes a little longer.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 721
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
FORTRAN format types (G is the default if this field is left blank.)
Gxx.yy. xx and yy are described below.
Total width (12 maximum) of the field (the xx in Ftype). Defaults to 12.
Number of digits after the decimal point (yy in F or E format) or number of significant digits in G format.
Range is 1 to xx-6 for Ftype = G or E; and 0 to xx-3 for Ftype = F. The default is a function of Ftype
Lets you control the format of the graphical display of floating point numbers. Issue
/GFORMAT (p. 722),STAT to display the current settings; issue /GFORMAT (p. 722),DEFA to let ANSYS
choose the format for the graphical display of floating numbers.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Floating Point Format
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
722 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Window number (or ALL) to which command applies (defaults to 1).
Outline key:
Solid element outlines (default)
Dashed element outlines
No element outlines
Command Default
Solid element outlines
Determines the element outline style. Often used when node numbers are displayed to prevent element
lines from overwriting node numbers.
Unless you are using an OpenGL or Starbase driver, the dashed element outline option
(/GLINE (p. 723),WN,1) is not available in the following situations:
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Edge Options
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 723
Curve number markers will be applied on (integer value between 1 and 10).
Marker key:
No markers will be applied (default).
TRIANGLES will be applied.
SQUARES will be applied.
DIAMONDS will be applied.
CROSSES will be applied.
Determines the curve marking frequency. (a whole number value between 1 and 255). If INCR = 1, markers
are displayed at every data point on the curve. If INCR = 2 then markers are displayed at every second
data point. If INCR = 3 then they are displayed at every third data point.
Command Default
No markers will be applied.
The user-specified markers will not be drawn when the area under the curve is color-filled
(/GROPT (p. 735), FILL).
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Graphs>Modify Curve
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
724 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Geometric symmetry factor. Conductance values are scaled by this factor which represents the fraction of
the total device modeled. Defaults to 1.
Alphanumeric prefix identifier used in defining named conductor components.
Total number of components. If a ground is modeled, it is to be included as a component.
Unused field.
Array name for computed conductance matrix. Defaults to GMATRIX.
To invoke the GMATRIX macro, the exterior nodes of each conductor must be grouped into individual
components using the CM (p. 295) command. Each set of independent components is assigned a com-
ponent name with a common prefix followed by the conductor number. A conductor system with a
ground must also include the ground nodes as a component. The ground component is numbered last
in the component name sequence.
A ground conductance matrix relates current to a voltage vector. A ground matrix cannot be applied
to a circuit modeler. The lumped conductance matrix is a combination of lumped "arrangements" of
voltage differences between conductors. Use the lumped conductance terms in a circuit modeler to
represent conductances between conductors.
• SOLID5 (KEYOPT(1) = 9)
• SOLID98 (KEYOPT(1) = 9)
• LINK68
• PLANE230
• SOLID231
• SOLID232
This command is available from the menu path shown below only if existing results are available.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 725
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Elec&Mag Calc>Component Based>Self/Mutual conductance
Specifies the facet representation used to form solid models.
GRAPHICS (p. 14): Style (p. 15)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Valid Labels:
Value that determines how coarse the facets will be.
An integer value between one (small) and ten (large) that determines the tolerances that will be applied
to the creation of arcs and surfaces. Ten will create many facets, which may in turn cause ANSYS to run
very slowly. One will create fewer facets, which may in turn cause larger tolerance errors.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Solid Model Facets
Argument Descriptions
"Go to" action:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
726 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
:label --
A user-defined label (beginning with a colon (:), 8 characters maximum). The command reader will skip
(and wrap to the beginning of the file, if necessary) to the first line that begins with the matching
This label option may not be mixed with do-loop or if-then-else constructs.
This action will cause an exit from the ANSYS program at this line.
Command Default
Read lines sequentially.
Causes the next read to be from a specified line on the input file. Lines may be skipped or reread. The
*GO (p. 726) command will not be executed unless it is part of a macro, user file (processed by
*USE (p. 1727)), an alternate input file (processed by /INPUT (p. 791)), or unless it is used in a batch-mode
input stream. Jumping into, out of, or within a do-loop or an if-then-else construct to a :label line is
not allowed.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Reactivates printout suppressed with the /NOPR (p. 1045) command without producing any output. The
/GOPR (p. 728) command has the same function except that it also produces a command response from
the program.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 727
Reactivates printout of the data input listing suppressed with /NOLIST (p. 1043).
This command is valid in any processor, but only within a batch run [/BATCH (p. 189)].
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Reactivates printout suppressed with the /NOPR (p. 1045) command. The /GO (p. 727) command has the
same function except that it does not produce a command response from the program.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Node I of gap. If NODE1 = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored
(valid only in the GUI).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
728 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Node J of gap (must be different from NODE1). Non-grounded gap nodes must be defined as master degrees
of freedom or be unconstrained, active DOF in a full analysis type. Grounded gap nodes (those not defined
as MDOF) need not appear elsewhere in the model.
Direction of gap action in the nodal coordinate system (implied from the following force labels): FX, FY,
Stiffness (Force/Length) of closed gap (may be positive or negative).
High stiffness requires a small integration time step for numerical stability.
Initial size of gap. A zero (or positive) value assumes an initially open gap. A negative value defines an in-
terference condition. For a rotational gap, GAP should be in radians.
Damping coefficient (Force*Time/Length) of closed gap using pseudo velocity (Newmark finite difference
expansion scheme).
Defines a gap condition for the mode superposition transient analysis (ANTYPE (p. 140),TRANS with
TRNOPT (p. 1691),MSUP). If used in SOLUTION, this command is valid only within the first load step. Gap
conditions specified in subsequent load steps are ignored.
Repeat GP command for additional gap conditions. Gaps are numbered sequentially as input.
Gaps may be renumbered by the program during the solution (see output listing)
The mode-superposition transient analysis does not allow gap action with the standard gap elements.
However, you can define gap conditions which are similar to gap elements; gap conditions can be
specified between surfaces that are expected to contact (impact) each other during the transient. The
gap condition simulates the basic gap action of the COMBIN40 element.
The gap condition is treated as an explicit force (equal to the interference times contact stiffness) and
affects only the load vector calculation and not the stiffness matrix. The interference is calculated from
the displacement extrapolated from the previous time points.
Gap conditions can only be defined between two master degree of freedom (DOF) nodes or between
master DOF nodes and ground, as shown in the following figure.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 729
Gaps between
master node pairs
Gaps between
master nodes
and ground
(a) (b)
Master degrees of freedom are the unconstrained and active degrees of freedom. Gap nodes not defined
as active degrees of freedom or attached to an element are assumed to be grounded. Grounded gap
nodes do not need a spatial location, nor do they need to be located on an element.
Gap conditions may be defined in parallel (across the same nodes), with varying gap and stiffness values,
to simulate a nonlinear (piecewise) force-deflection curve.
The gap direction is determined from the force label input on the GP command; i.e., FX defines a
translational gap acting in the UX nodal degree of freedom direction, and MZ defines a rotational gap
acting in the nodal ROTZ degree of freedom direction. The actual degree of freedom directions available
for a particular node depends upon the degrees of freedom associated with the element types [ET (p. 571)]
at that node.
If the coordinate systems of the nodes connecting the gap are rotated relative to each other, the same
degree of freedom may be in different directions. The gap, however, assumes only a one-dimensional
action. Nodes I and J may be anywhere in space (preferably coincident). No moment effects are included
due to noncoincident nodes. That is, if the nodes are offset from the line of action, moment equilibrium
may not be satisfied.
The contact stiffness value represents the stiffness of the closed gap. Stiffness values are related to the
integration time step size and should be physically reasonable. High stiffness will require a small integ-
ration time step; otherwise, due to the displacement extrapolation, the solution may go unstable.
Negative stiffness values may be used with gaps in parallel to produce a decreasing force-deflection
The order of specifying the gap nodes is important; i.e., a gap condition connecting two nodes will act
differently depending upon which node is specified first on the GP command. For example, for Node
1 at X = 0.0, Node 2 at X = 0.1, and the gap defined from Node 1 to 2, a displacement of Node 1
greater than Node 2 will cause the gap to close. For the gap defined from Node 2 to 1, a displacement
of Node 2 greater than Node 1 will cause the gap to close (like a hook action). In general, the gap closes
whenever the separation (defined as UJ - UI + GAP) is negative. UJ is the displacement of node J, UI is
the displacement of node I, and GAP is the input gap value. The gap force output appears in the printout
only for the time steps for which the gap is closed. A negative spring force is always associated with a
closed gap (even with the hook option).
• Use enough gap conditions to obtain a smooth contact stress distribution between the contacting surfaces.
• Define a reasonable gap stiffness. If the stiffness is too low, the contacting surfaces may overlap too much.
If the stiffness is too high, a very small time step will be required during impact. A general recommendation
is to specify a gap stiffness that is one or two orders of magnitude higher than the adjacent element stiffness.
You can estimate the adjacent element stiffness using AE/L, where A is the contributing area around the
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
730 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
gap condition, E is the elastic modulus of the softer material at the interface, and L is the depth of the first
layer of elements at the interface.
• A mode-superposition transient using the nonlinear gap damping provided through the DAMP field runs
faster than a full transient analysis using a gap element (COMBIN40).
Use the GPLIST (p. 731) command to list gap conditions and the GPDELE (p. 731) command to delete
gap conditions.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Dynamic Gap Cond>Define
Main Menu>Solution>Dynamic Gap Cond>Define
Deletes gap conditions defined with the GP (p. 728) command. Gap conditions following those deleted
are automatically compressed and renumbered. If used in SOLUTION, this command is valid only within
the first load step.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Dynamic Gap Cond>Delete
Main Menu>Solution>Dynamic Gap Cond>Delete
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 731
This command is valid in any processor.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Dynamic Gap Cond>List All
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Dynamic Gap Cond>List Specified
Main Menu>Solution>Dynamic Gap Cond>List All
Main Menu>Solution>Dynamic Gap Cond>List Specified
Utility Menu>List>Other>Gap Conditions
Controls general plotting.
GRAPHICS (p. 14): Set Up (p. 14)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This command displays all entity types as specified via the /GTYPE (p. 746) command. Only selected
entities (NSEL (p. 1057), ESEL (p. 548), KSEL (p. 828), LSEL (p. 896), ASEL (p. 166), VSEL (p. 1805)) will be dis-
played. See the descriptions of the /GTYPE (p. 746) and /GCMD (p. 665) commands for methods of setting
the entity types displayed.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Plot>Multi-Plots
Graphics key:
Display all model geometry and results.
Activate PowerGraphics (default when GUI is on).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
732 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Command Default
PowerGraphics ON (Key = POWER).
The /GRAPHICS (p. 732) command specifies the type of graphics display. Key = POWER activates the
PowerGraphics capability. PowerGraphics offers faster plotting than the Key = FULL option, and speeds
up element, results, area, line, and volume displays.
The default PowerGraphics mode is enabled automatically when accessing the GUI. This action supersedes
all prior macros or start-up routines (start.ans, config.ans, etc.). Full graphics mode is accessed
only by issuing /GRAPHICS (p. 732),FULL after the GUI is active.
Results values (both printed and plotted) may differ between the Key = FULL and Key = POWER options
because each option specifies a different set of data for averaging and display. For Key = FULL, all
element and results values (interior and surface) are included. For Key = POWER, only element and
results values along the model exterior surface are processed.
When Key = FULL, it is possible to deselect an individual node, select all elements (including the element
that contains that node), and then perform postprocessing calculations on those elements and have
that unselected node not be considered in those calculations. If PowerGraphics is active, however,
postprocessing always displays based on selected elements.
If you have specified one facet per element edge for PowerGraphics displays (via the /EFACET (p. 498)
command or options from the General Postproc or Utility menu), PowerGraphics does not plot midside
nodes. (/EFACET (p. 498) applies to element type displays only.)
Maximum values shown in plots can differ from printed maximum values. This is due to different aver-
aging schemes used for plotted and printed maximum values.
When using solution coordinate systems for results output (RSYS (p. 1383),SOLU) with PowerGraphics,
the deformed or displaced shape in a POST1 contour display can be unexpected (although the contours
are displayed in the expected colors). The program does not rotate displacement values (Ux,Uy,Uz) to
global; instead, the displacements (stored locally) are added directly to the global coordinates (X,Y,Z).
For example, if in PREP7 the nodes are rotated 90 degrees about the z axis and the global Uy displace-
ments are relatively large, the Ux values will be large, causing the model to display a large deformation
in the global X direction.
PowerGraphics does not support the following diffusion analysis results: CONC, CG, DF, EPDI.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 733
The following commands are executed via the Key = FULL option, regardless of whether PowerGraphics
is activated:
/CTYPE (p. 365)ESYS (p. 570) /PBF (p. 1137) PRVECT (p. 1270)
*VGET (p. 1766)
DNSOL (p. 465)*GET (p. 667) PLETAB (p. 1179)
/PSYMB (p. 1295)
*VPUT (p. 1792)
/EDGE (p. 491) SHELL (p. 1506)PLLS (p. 1185) SALLOW (p. 1388)
ERNORM (p. 546)
/NORMAL (p. 1047)
PLSECT (p. 1201)
/SSCALE (p. 1560)
ESORT (p. 563) NSEL (p. 1057) PRETAB (p. 1243)
/SHRINK (p. 1516)
NSORT (p. 1069)/PNUM (p. 1217)
PRSECT (p. 1267)
TALLOW (p. 1601)
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Hidden-Line Options
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
Causes a file to be read to reset the graphics slash (/) commands as they were at the last /GSAVE (p. 740)
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Restore Plot Ctrls
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
734 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Grid key:
0 (OFF)
No grid.
1 (ON)
Full grid (X and Y grid lines).
2 (X)
Partial grid (X grid lines only).
3 (Y)
Partial grid (Y grid lines only)
Command Default
No grid.
Selects the type of grid on graph displays. Graphs with multiple Y-axes can have multiple grids
[/GRTYP (p. 739)]. The grid of the first curve is also used as the background grid (above and behind the
curve). Grids for other curves are limited to be under the curves. See also /GTHK (p. 745) and
/GROPT (p. 735) for other grid options.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Graphs>Modify Grid
Apply display style as selected from the following labels:
Axis division (tick) marks (defaults to KEY = ON).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 735
Axis scale numbers (defaults to KEY = ON, which puts numbers at the back plane of the graph). If KEY
= FRONT, numbers are on the front plane of the graph.
Axis number size scale factor. Input the scale value for KEY (defaults to 1.0).
Automatic scaling of additional Y-axes for multi-curve [/GRTYP (p. 739), 2 or 3] graphs (defaults to KEY
= ON). If KEY = OFF, use base Y-axis scaling (see the /YRANGE (p. 1837) command).
Log X scale (defaults to KEY = OFF (linear)).
Log Y scale (applies only to the base Y axis) (defaults to KEY = OFF (linear)).
Color fill areas under curves (defaults to KEY = OFF).
Superimpose background grid [/GRID (p. 735)] over areas under filled curves (defaults to KEY = OFF).
Number of significant digits before decimal point for axis values. Input the value for KEY (defaults to
Number of significant digits after decimal point for axis values. Input the value for KEY (defaults to 3).
View key for graph displays (defaults to KEY = OFF, in which case the view is (0,0,1) for 2-D graph displays
or (1,2,3) for 3-D graph displays). If KEY = ON, the view settings for graph displays are the same as the
view settings for the model.
Plots the values on the X-axis in reverse order.
Plots the values on the Y-axis in reverse order.
Determines the number of divisions (grid markers) that will be plotted on the X axis.
Determines the number of divisions (grid markers) that will be plotted on the Y axis.
Determines whether ANSYS generated (KEY = 1) or system derived (KEY = 0) fonts will be used for
the axis labels.
Determines the position of the curve labels. If (KEY = 1), the curve label will be plotted in the legend
column, and the label will be displayed in the same color as the curve. If (KEY = 0) the curve labels will
be plotted near the curve. (default).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
736 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
When you use this label, the subsequent KEY value will determine an offset amount from the default
(along the bottom) location for the X axis. If KEY = 1.0, a full offset occurs (the X axis is moved to the
top of the graph). If KEY = 0.5, the axis is offset to the midpoint of the graph, and if KEY = 0 the axis
remains in the original position, along the bottom of the graph. For any offset, a grey copy of the ori-
ginal axis (containing the axis numbering) remains at the original location.
When you use this label, the subsequent KEY value will determine an offset amount from the default
(along the left side of the graph) location for the Y axis. If KEY = 1.0, a full offset occurs (the Y axis is
moved to the right side of the graph). If KEY = 0.5, the axis is offset to the midpoint of the graph, and
if KEY = 0 the axis remains in the original position, along the left side of the graph. For any offset, a
gray copy of the original axis (containing the axis numbering) remains at the original location.
Option values:
OFF (0)
Do not apply selected style.
ON (1)
Apply selected style.
If Lab is DIG1 or DIG2, input the number of digits.
If Lab is AXNSC, input the scale factor.
If Lab is AXNM, FRONT may also be input.
If Lab is DIVX or DIVY, determines the number of divisions (1-99) that will be applied to the axis.
If Lab is LTYP, Kfont is ON (1) or OFF(0). ON will use ANSYS generated fonts for the axis labels, while
OFF will use SYSTEM (Windows, X-system, etc.) fonts. The default value is ON (ANSYS fonts).
Sets various line graph display options. Issue /GROPT (p. 735),STAT to display the current settings. Issue
/GROPT (p. 735),DEFA to reset the default specifications. ANSYS informs you that graph view manipulation
is inactive unless you have issued the /GROPT (p. 735),VIEW,ON command. See the /AXLAB (p. 186),
/GRTYP (p. 739), /GRID (p. 735), and /GTHK (p. 745) commands for other graph control options.
Automatic scaling using the /XRANGE (p. 1835) and /YRANGE (p. 1837) commands will often yield inappro-
priate range values for logarithmic scales (/GROPT (p. 735), LOGX or /GROPT (p. 735), LOGY).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 737
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Graphs>Modify Axes
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Graphs>Modify Curve
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Graphs>Modify Grid
Combine only those modes whose significance level exceeds the SIGNIF threshold. For single point,
multipoint, or DDAM response (SPOPT (p. 1552),SPRS, MPRS or DDAM), the significance level of a mode is
defined as the mode coefficient of the mode, divided by the maximum mode coefficient of all modes. Any
mode whose significance level is less than SIGNIF is considered insignificant and is not contributed to
the mode combinations. The higher the SIGNIF threshold, the fewer the number of modes combined.
SIGNIF defaults to 0.001. If SIGNIF is specified as 0.0, it is taken as 0.0. (This mode combination method
is not valid for SPOPT (p. 1552),PSD.)
Label identifying the combined mode solution output.
Displacement solution (default). Displacements, stresses, forces, etc., are available.
Velocity solution. Velocities, "stress velocities," "force velocities," etc., are available.
Acceleration solution. Accelerations, "stress accelerations," "force accelerations," etc., are available.
Label identifying the forces to be combined:
Combine the modal static forces (default).
Combine the modal static plus inertial forces.
The SIGNIF value set with this command (including the default value of 0.001) overrides the SIGNIF
value set with the MXPAND (p. 1002) command.
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738 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>Mode Combine>GRP Method
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>MultiPt>Mode Combine>GRP
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>SinglePt>Mode Combine>GRP
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>Mode Combine>GRP Method
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>MultiPt>Mode Combine>GRP Method
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>SinglePt>Mode Combine>GRP Method
Axis selection key:
0 or 1
Single Y-axis. Up to 10 curves scaled to a single Y-axis.
Additional Y-axes (one for each curve) (3 curves maximum). Allows better scaling of curves with widely
differing numbering ranges.
Same as 2 but with additional Y-axis and curves projected out of the plane (6 curves maximum). Allows
clearer display with an isometric view. The default view when KAXIS = 3 is View,1,1,2,3.
Command Default
Single Y-axis graph (except as noted for selection key 3).
The basic line graph has one or more curves plotted against the same Y and X axes. Multiple curve
graphs can also be plotted with individual Y axes and the same X axis. The Y axis of the first curve is
referred to as the base Y-axis and the Y axes of the other curves as additional Y axes. Curves are
numbered sequentially from 1 (the base curve) in the order in which they are displayed. See the
/AXLAB (p. 186), /GROPT (p. 735), /GRID (p. 735), and /GTHK (p. 745) commands for other display options.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Graphs>Modify Axes
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 739
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
This command does not save all graphics settings, but only those that may be reset by the /RESET (p. 1336)
command. The database remains untouched. Use the /GRESUME (p. 734) command to read the file.
Repeated use of the /GSAVE (p. 740) command overwrites the previous data on the file. The following
commands are saved by /GSAVE (p. 740):
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Save Plot Ctrls
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
740 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Constraint or load at the ending point in the fiber Z direction.
Apply a force in the fiber direction (default).
Define a length change in the fiber direction.
Value for LabZ. The default is zero.
Constraint or load on rotation about X.
Supply a moment to cause the rotation of the ending plane about X (default).
Define a rotation angle (in radians) of the ending plane about X.
Value for LabX. The default is zero.
Constraint or load on rotation about Y
Supply a moment to cause the rotation of the ending plane about Y (default).
Define a rotation angle (in radians) of the ending plane about Y.
Value for LabY. The default is zero.
All inputs are in the global Cartesian coordinate system. For more information about the generalized
plane strain feature, see Generalized Plane Strain Option of Current-Technology Solid Elements in the
Element Reference.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 741
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Gen Plane Strain
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Gen Plane Strain
Fiber length from the reference point. Defaults to 1.
X coordinate of the reference point. Defaults to zero.
Y coordinate of the reference point. Defaults to zero.
Rotation of the ending plane about X in radians Defaults to zero.
Rotation of the ending plane about Y in radians Defaults to zero.
The ending point is automatically determined from the starting (reference) point and the geometry inputs.
All inputs are in the global Cartesian coordinate system. For more information about the generalized
plane strain feature, see Generalized Plane Strain Option of Current-Technology Solid Elements in the
Element Reference.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Genl plane strn
When using generalized plane strain, lists the input data or solutions.
SOLUTION (p. 35): FE Constraints (p. 44)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Specify the content to be listed.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
742 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
List the data input using GSGDATA
List the data input using GSBDATA.
When the command is issued in POST1, list the reaction force at the ending point,
and the moment about X and Y if the corresponding constraints were applied.
When the command is issued in POST1, list the change of fiber length at the ending point during de-
formation and the rotation of the ending plane about X and Y during deformation.
List all of the above (default).
This command can be used to list the initial position of the ending plane, the applied load or displace-
ments in the fiber direction, the resulting position of the ending plane after deformation, and the
available reaction forces and moments at the ending point.
All inputs and outputs are in the global Cartesian coordinate system. For more information about the
generalized plane strain feature, see Generalized Plane Strain Option of Current-Technology Solid Elements
in the Element Reference.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Other>Genl Plane Strn
Arbitrary reference number or name assigned to this variable. Variable numbers can be 2 to NV (NUM-
VAR (p. 1086)) while the name can be an eight byte character string. Overwrites any existing results for this
Label identifying item to be stored.
Change of fiber length at the ending point.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 743
Rotation of the ending plane during deformation.
Reaction force at the ending point in the fiber direction.
Reaction moment applied on the ending plane.
Component of the item, if Item = ROT or M.
The rotation angle or reaction moment of the ending plane about X.
The rotation angle or reaction moment of the ending plane about Y.
Thirty-two character name identifying the item on the printout and display. Defaults to the label formed
by concatenating the first four characters of the Item and Comp labels.
This command stores the results (new position of the ending plane after deformation) for generalized
plane strain. All outputs are in the global Cartesian coordinate system. For more information about the
generalized plane strain feature, see Generalized Plane Strain Option of Current-Technology Solid Elements
in the Element Reference.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Variable Viewer
Determines whether the Graphical Solution Tracking feature is active. Specify ON to activate GST, or OFF
to deactivate the feature.
For interactive runs using the GUI [/MENU (p. 934),ON], ANSYS directs GST graphics to the screen. For
interactive sessions not using the GUI, or for batch sessions, GST graphics are saved in the ANSYS
graphics file Jobname.GST. The Jobname.GST file can be viewed with the Results Tracker, which is
available from the Mechanical APDL Product Launcher.
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744 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The GST feature is available only for nonlinear structural, thermal, electric, magnetic, fluid, or diffusion
simulations. For more information about this feature and illustrations of the GST graphics for each
analysis type, see the ANSYS Analysis Guide for the appropriate discipline. See also the CNVTOL (p. 328)
command description.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Output Ctrls>Grph Solu Track
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Output Ctrls>Grph Solu Track
Calculates and prints geometry items.
PREP7 (p. 20): Keypoints (p. 23)
PREP7 (p. 20): Lines (p. 24)
PREP7 (p. 20): Areas (p. 25)
PREP7 (p. 20): Volumes (p. 25)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Calculates and prints geometry items (centroid location, moments of inertia, length, area, volume etc.)
associated with the selected keypoints, lines, areas, and volumes. Geometry items are reported in the
global Cartesian coordinate system. For volumes, a unit density is assumed unless the volumes have a
material association via the VATT (p. 1741) command. For areas, a unit density (and thickness) is assumed
unless the areas have a material (and real constant) association via the AATT (p. 78) command. For
lines and keypoints, a unit density is assumed, irrespective of any material associations [LATT (p. 844),
KATT (p. 807), MAT (p. 929)]. Items calculated by GSUM and later retrieved by a *GET (p. 667) or
*VGET (p. 1766) commands are valid only if the model is not modified after the GSUM command is issued.
This command combines the functions of the KSUM (p. 832), LSUM (p. 907), ASUM (p. 175), and
VSUM (p. 1808) commands.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Calc Geom Items>Of Geometry
Apply thicknesses as selected from the following labels:
Modify thickness of ordinate and abscissa axes on graph displays.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 745
Modify thickness of grid lines on graph displays.
Modify thickness of curve lines (when no area fill [/GROPT (p. 735)]).
Thickness ratio (whole numbers only, from -1 to 10):
Do not draw the curve, but show only the markers specified by /GMARKER (p. 724).
0 or 1
Thin lines.
The default thickness.
1.5 times the default thickness.
(up to 10)
Sets line thicknesses for graph lines (in raster mode only). Use /GTHK (p. 745),STAT to show settings.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Graphs>Modify Axes
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Graphs>Modify Curve
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Graphs>Modify Grid
Window number (or ALL) to which this command applies (defaults to 1)
This represents the type of entity to display:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
746 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Graph displays
Turns the entity type off.
Turns the entity type on.
The /GTYPE (p. 746) command controls which entities the GPLOT (p. 732) command displays. NODE,
ELEM, KEYP, LINE, AREA, and VOLU are on by default. When ELEM is activated, you can control the type
of element displayed via the /GCMD (p. 665) command (which also controls the type of graph display).
When the GRPH entity type is activated, all other entity types are deactivated. Conversely, when any of
the NODE, ELEM, KEYP, LINE, AREA, and VOLU entity types are active, the GRPH entity type is deactivated.
The /GTYPE (p. 746) command gives you several options for multi-window layout:
• One window
• Two windows (left and right or top and bottom of the screen)
• Three windows (two at the top and one at the bottom of the screen, or one top and two bottom windows
Once you choose a window layout, you can choose one of the following: multiple plots, replotting, or
no redisplay.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Multi-Plot Contrls
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 747
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
748 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
H Commands
Frequency (Hz) at the beginning of the FREQB to FREQE range (if FREQE > FREQB). If FREQE is blank,
the solution is done only at frequency FREQB (the central frequency of octave bands, when LogOpt =
OB1, OB2, OB3, OB6, OB12 or OB24).
Frequency at end of this range. For non-logarithm spacing (LogOpt is blank), solutions are done at an
interval of (FREQE - FREQB) /NSBSTP, ending at FREQE, and no solution is done at the beginning of the
frequency range, FREQB. NSBSTP is input via the NSUBST (p. 1073) command. See the EXPSOL (p. 600)
command documentation for expansion pass solutions.
Logarithm frequency span. Solutions are done at an interval of (log(FREQE) - log(FREQB)) / (NSBSTP-1),
(NSBSTP>1). The central frequency or beginning frequency is used for NSBSTP = 1. Valid values are:
Octave band.
1/2 octave band.
1/3 octave band.
1/6 octave band.
1/12 octave band.
1/24 octave band.
General logarithm frequency span.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 749
An array containing frequency values (Hz). Combined with the tolerance argument, Toler, these values
are merged with values calculated based on the specifications from FREQB, FREQE, and LogOpt, as well
NSBSTP on the NSUBST (p. 1073) command and Clust on the HROUT (p. 766) command. Enclose the array
name in percent (%) signs (for example, HARFRQ,,,,,%arrname%). Use *DIM (p. 435) to define the array.
Tolerance to determine if a user input frequency value in FREQARR is a duplicate and can be ignored. Two
frequency values are considered duplicates if their difference is less than the frequency range multiplied
by the tolerance. The default value is 1 x 10-5.
Defines the frequency range for loads in the harmonic analysis (ANTYPE (p. 140),HARMIC).
Do not use this command for a harmonic ocean wave analysis (HROCEAN (p. 764)).
When frequencies are user-defined, the array FREQARR must be one-dimensional and contain positive
values. User-defined frequency input is not supported when the frequency-sweep method is used
(HROPT (p. 762),VT ).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Freq and Substeps
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Freq and Substeps
Window reference number. This number can be any window numbered 1 to 5, or ALL (for all active windows).
Default = 1.
Controls hidden-surface boundary condition display behavior:
ON, YES or 1 = Enable – Your boundary condition symbols are processed by the hidden-surface al-
gorithm (for 2-D graphics devices) and use an improved pressure-contour display (for 2-D and 3-D
graphics devices).
OFF, NO or 0 (default) = Disable (default) – Your boundary condition symbols are not processed by
the hidden-surface algorithm..
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
750 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Command Default
/HBC (p. 750),WN,Off
For 2-D graphics devices (such as X11, win32, and PNG), boundary condition symbols are not processed
by the hidden-surface algorithm. All symbols are displayed.
For both 2-D and 3-D graphics devices, no enhanced rendering of pressure contours occurs.
With /HBC (p. 750),WN,ON in effect, Mechanical APDL does not display symbols obscured by the model
in the current view (that is, symbols inside of or behind the model are not drawn). This behavior lessens
display clutter.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Hidden-Line Options
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
Specifies format of output matrix file:
Write output matrix file in ASCII form.
Write output matrix file in binary form.
Specify which matrix to write to the output matrix file:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 751
Write stiffness matrix to output matrix file. Valid for all types of analyses that write a .FULL file.
Write mass matrix to output matrix file. Valid for buckling, substructure, and modal analyses. If .FULL
file was generated in a buckling analysis, then this label will write stress stiffening matrix to output
matrix file.
Write damping matrix to output matrix file. Only valid for damped modal analyses.
Specifies whether to write the right-hand side vector to output matrix file:
Write right-hand side vector to output matrix file.
Do not write right-hand side vector to output matrix file.
Specifies whether to write the mapping file. This file is always named Fname.MAPPING.
Write the mapping file.
Do not write the mapping file (default).
Command Default
By default, assuming a proper filename and extension have been entered, writes the stiffness matrix
and right-hand side vector to jobname.MATRIX in the current working directory in ASCII format.
This command is used to copy a matrix from the assembled global matrix file (.FULL file) or from the
superelement matrix file (.SUB file) as specified on the FILEAUX2 (p. 628) command and write it in
Harwell-Boeing format to a new file, named jobname.MATRIX. The Harwell-Boeing format is widely
used by other applications that deal with matrices.
The assembled global matrix file is created during solution depending on the analysis type, equation
solver, and other solution options. By default, the assembled global matrix file is never deleted at the
end of solution. For most analysis types, the Sparse direct solver and the ICCG solver will write a .FULL
file. All mode extraction methods used for buckling and modal analyses will write a properly formatted
.FULL file to be used with the HBMAT command. However, when using Distributed ANSYS, a majority
of analyses will write a distributed (or local) form of the .FULL file which is not currently supported
by the HBMAT command.
When dumping the stiffness matrix for transient and harmonic analyses, be aware that the element
mass matrix values (and possibly element damping matrix values) are incorporated into the globally
assembled stiffness matrix. Thus, the globally assembled stiffness matrix represents more than the
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
752 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
stiffness of the model for these analysis types. Please refer to the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference for
more details.
When dumping a .FULL file, the rows and columns corresponding to specified constraints (e.g., D (p. 397)
commands) are eliminated from the system of equations and therefore are not written to the .MATRIX
file. Also, rows and columns corresponding to eliminated (slave) degrees of freedom from coupling
and/or constraint equations (e.g., CE (p. 259), CP (p. 348) commands) are also eliminated from the system
of equations and are not written to the .MATRIX file. The DOFs that are eliminated from any coupling
and/or constraint equations are determined internally by the solution code and may not match what
you specified via the CE (p. 259)/CP (p. 348) (or similar) commands.
When dumping a .SUB file, the full nxn matrix will be written to the .MATRIX file for either symmetric
or unsymmetric matrices, regardless of whether any of the matrix coefficients are zero-valued. When
dumping a .FULL file, only the lower triangular part of the matrix will be written to the .MATRIX file
if the matrix is symmetric; the full matrix is written if the matrix is unsymmetric. Only matrix coefficients
that are greater than zero will be written.
The Harwell-Boeing format is column-oriented. That is, non-zero matrix values are stored with their
corresponding row indices in a sequence of columns. However, since the ANSYS matrix files are stored
by row and not column, when the HBMAT command is used with a non-symmetric matrix, the transpose
of the matrix is, in fact, written.
The WRFULL (p. 1823) command, in conjunction with the SOLVE (p. 1538) command, can be used to gen-
erate the assembled global matrix file and eliminate the equation solution process and results output
The mapping file can be used to map the matrix equation numbers found in the .MATRIX file directly
to the corresponding node numbers and degrees of freedom.
When dumping a CMS .SUB file, the last rows/columns of the matrix are non-physical degrees of
freedom added internally by the CMS process and cannot be mapped directly to a node number or
particular degree of freedom.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>File>List>Binary Files
Utility Menu>List>Files>Binary Files
ANSYS page header (system, date, time, version, copyright, title, etc.):
Turns this item on (default for batch mode; not available for interactive mode).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 753
Turns this item off.
Retains the previous setting.
Subtitles (see /STITLE (p. 1577) command): ON, OFF, or (blank) (see above).
Load step information (step number, substep number, time value): ON, OFF, or (blank) (see above).
Information relative to particular table listings: ON, OFF, or (blank) (see above).
Column header labels of table listings (currently only for single column tables): ON, OFF, or (blank) (see
Minimum/maximum information or totals after table listings: ON, OFF, or (blank) (see above).
Command Default
All specifications are on (batch mode); Header = OFF, all other specifications are on (interactive mode)
Sets specifications on or off for page and table heading print controls associated with the POST1
PRNSOL (p. 1255), PRESOL (p. 1237), PRETAB (p. 1243), PRRSOL (p. 1265), and PRPATH (p. 1264) commands.
If the printout caused a top-of-form (page eject to top of next page), the top-of-form is
also suppressed with the printout. Issue /HEADER (p. 753),STAT to display the current
settings. Issue /HEADER (p. 753),DEFA to reset the default specifications.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
754 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
HELP, Name
Displays help information on ANSYS commands and element types.
SESSION (p. 9): Run Controls (p. 9)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Command name or element type. Examples are: HELP,MP or HELP,SOLID185 (or HELP,185). For a list of
elements of a particular type, enter HELP,BEAM, HELP,SOLID, HELP,HYPER, etc.
If Name uniquely matches a command or element name, the description for that command or element
will be displayed in the Help Window. For command help, you must type the complete command name
(including the * or /). The help system cannot find partial matches. If * is used at the beginning of the
string, it will be interpreted as an ANSYS * command.
For help on topics that are not ANSYS commands or element types (for example, help for the word
"material"), use the index or full text search features of the ANSYS online help system.
The HELP command is valid only in GUI mode. To obtain help when not in GUI mode, you can either
activate the GUI by typing /MENU (p. 934),ON, or you can activate the help system directly by issuing
/UI (p. 1712),HELP.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Specifies options for Hemicube view factor calculation.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Radiosity (p. 47)
AUX12 (p. 59): Radiosity Solver (p. 59)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Hemicube resolution. Increase value to increase the accuracy of the view factor calculation. Defaults to 10.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Radiation Opts>View Factor
Main Menu>Radiation Opt>Radiosity Meth>View Factor
Main Menu>Solution>Radiation Opts>View Factor
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 755
Spatial angle label.
Define spatial angles (default).
Display spatial angles. PHI1, PHI2, THETA1, and THETA2 are ignored.
Starting and ending ϕ angles (degrees) in the spherical coordinate system. PHI1 defaults to 0 and PHI2
defaults to 360.
Starting and ending θ angles (degrees) in the spherical coordinate system. THETA1 defaults to 0 and
THETA2 defaults to 180.
Defines or displays spatial angles of a spherical radiation surface.
Use this command only with PLFAR (p. 1180),Lab = PRES, or PRFAR (p. 1244),Lab = PRES.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>List Results>Field Extension>Direct Gain
Main Menu>General Postproc>List Results>Field Extension>Efficiency
Main Menu>General Postproc>List Results>Field Extension>Power Gain
Main Menu>General Postproc>List Results>Field Extension>Rad Power
Main Menu>General Postproc>Plot Results>Field Extension>Direct Gain
Coordinate system reference number. KCN may be 0 (Cartesian), or any previously defined local Cartesian
coordinate system number (>10). Defaults to 0.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
756 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Key for acoustic field boundary condition, as prescribed for the solution, corresponding to the x = constant
No sound soft or sound hard boundary conditions (default).
Sound soft boundary (pressure = 0).
Sound hard boundary (normal velocity = 0).
Key for acoustic field boundary condition, as prescribed for the solution, corresponding to the y = constant
No sound soft or sound hard boundary conditions (default).
Sound soft boundary (pressure = 0).
Sound hard boundary (normal velocity = 0).
Key for acoustic field boundary condition, as prescribed for the solution, corresponding to the z = constant
No sound soft or sound hard boundary conditions (default).
Sound soft boundary (pressure = 0).
Sound hard boundary (normal velocity = 0).
HFSYM uses the image principle to indicate symmetry planes (x, y, or z = constant plane) for acoustic
field computations outside the modeled domain. A sound hard boundary condition must be indicated
even though it occurs as a natural boundary condition.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>List Results>Field Extension>Direct Gain
Main Menu>General Postproc>List Results>Field Extension>Efficiency
Main Menu>General Postproc>List Results>Field Extension>Far Field
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 757
Type of entity on which the hard point will be created.
Hard point will be created on a line.
Hard point will be created within an area (not on the boundaries).
Number of the line or area on which the hard point will be created.
Number assigned to the hard point. Defaults to the lowest available hard point number.
If LABEL = COORD, VAL1, VAL2, and VAL3 are the respective global X, Y, and Z coordinates. If LABEL =
RATIO, VAL1 is the parameter value (this is available only for lines). Valid parameter values are between 0
and 1. VAL2 and VAL3 are ignored.
If LABEL = RATIO, ratio value for line. If LABEL = COORD, global X coordinate value.
If LABEL = COORD, global Y coordinate value.
If LABEL = COORD, global Z coordinate value.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
758 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The ability to enter a parameter value provides a simple way of positioning hard points on lines. For
example, to place a hard point halfway along a line, one can simply specify a VAL1 value of 0.5.
For models imported through the DEFAULT IGES filter, you can place hard points on models only by
specifying coordinates (you can't place a hard point using interactive picking).
If you issue any commands that update the geometry of an entity, such as Boolean or simplification
commands, any hard points associated with that entity are deleted. Therefore, you should add any hard
points after completing the solid model. If you delete an entity that has associated hard points, those
hard points are either
• Deleted along with the entity (if the hard point is not associated with any other entities).
• Detached from the deleted entity (if the hard point is associated with additional entities).
When archiving your model (CDWRITE (p. 256)), hardpoint information cannot be written to the IGES
file. The Jobname.cdb file can be written with the CDWRITE (p. 256),DB option.
Hard points are only applicable for area and volume meshing, not for beams.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Hard Points>Hard PT on area>Hard PT by co-
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Hard Points>Hard PT on line>Hard PT by coordin-
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Hard Points>Hard PT on line>Hard PT by ratio
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Keypoints>Hard PT on area>Hard PT by coordin-
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Keypoints>Hard PT on area>Hard PT by picking
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Keypoints>Hard PT on line>Hard PT by coordinates
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Keypoints>Hard PT on line>Hard PT by picking
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Keypoints>Hard PT on line>Hard PT by ratio
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 759
Deletes all attributes attached to the designated hard points as well as the hard points themselves. If
any entity is attached to a designated hard point, the command detaches the hard point from that
entity (the program will alert you that this will occur).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Delete>Hard Points
Load step number of the data set to be read (defaults to 1).
Substep number within LOADSTEP.
Angle in degrees (Ω (angle) times T (time)).
• All others supply results at that angle. For example, if the angle is set to 0.0°, the real part of the solution
is supplied. If the angle is set to -90° the imaginary part of the solution is supplied.
First load case number (defaults to 1).
Second load case number (defaults to 2).
HRCPLX invokes a macro that combines the real and imaginary parts of the solution. If the angle is
specified, it produces the following:
RR and RI are, respectively, the real and imaginary parts of the results quantity (e.g. the nodal displace-
ments, the reaction forces, ...).
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760 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
1STLCASE and 2NDLCASE are internally generated load cases. You may want to specify these to avoid
overwriting an existing load case number 1 or 2.
Not all results computed by this command are valid. See Summable, Non-Summable and Constant Data
in the Basic Analysis Guide for more information. When the amplitude of the solution is requested
(OMEGAT >= 360°), averaged values (such as the nodal component stresses, which are an average of
element nodal component stresses) are calculated by averaging the amplitudes. Because the degrees
of freedom results have different phases, derived results (such as the equivalent stress SEQV) are not
valid. See POST1 and POST26 – Complex Results Postprocessing for more details about post-processing
complex results.
For postprocessing amplitudes, the only appropriate coordinate system is the solution coordinate system
(RSYS (p. 1383) ,SOLU). When displaying the displacement amplitudes, use a contour display
(PLNSOL (p. 1190) command). Because a deformed shape display (PLDISP (p. 1171) command) could lead
to a non-physical shape, the displacement scaling is off by default (/DSCALE (p. 474),,OFF).
For postprocessing cylindrical geometry, it is suggested that you rotate the element coordinate systems
into the appropriate cylindrical system (EMODIF,,ESYS) before running the solution and then view
the results in this system (RSYS,SOLU) in POST1.
Since HRCPLX performs load case combinations, it alters most of the data in the database. In particular,
it alters applied loads such as forces and imposed displacements. To restore the original loads in the
database for a subsequent analysis, reissue the SET (p. 1458) command in POST1 to retrieve the real and
imaginary set data.
To animate the solution over one period, use the ANHARM (p. 122) command.
This command is not supported after a cyclic symmetry analysis; use /CYCEXPAND (p. 373),,PHASEANG
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Specifies the phase angle for the harmonic analysis expansion pass.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Dynamic Options (p. 38)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Phase angle (degrees) for expansion pass. If ALL (default), use both 0.0° (real) and 90.0° (imaginary) phase
Specifies the phase angle where the expansion pass will be done for a harmonic mode-superposition
expansion pass.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 761
For a specific angle, the following real solution is stored in the results (*.rst) file:
If ANGLE is ALL, both the real and imaginary parts of the solution are stored in the results file.
For more details about the solution equations, see Harmonic Analyses in the Mechanical APDL Theory
This command is ignored if the HROPT (p. 762) command has been issued with Method = VT or
Method = VTRU.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>ExpansionPass>Single Expand>By Load
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>ExpansionPass>Single Expand>By Time/Freq
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>ExpansionPass>Single Expand>Range of
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>ExpansionPass>Single Expand>By Load Step
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>ExpansionPass>Single Expand>By Time/Freq
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>ExpansionPass>Single Expand>Range of Solu's
Solution method for the harmonic analysis:
Automatically select the most efficient method (default). Either the full method (FULL) or the frequency-
sweep method (VT) is selected, depending on the model.
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762 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Full method.
Mode-superposition method.
Frequency-sweep (Variational Technology) method (based on the FULL harmonic algorithm).
Frequency-sweep (Variational Technology) perfect absorber method (based on the FULL harmonic al-
Frequency-sweep (Variational Technology) reuse method (based on the FULL harmonic algorithm).
If the solution method is not specified, the program automatically selects either the Full method or
the frequency-sweep method, depending on which method is most efficient for the model. The
frequency-sweep method uses the underlying Variational Technology method.
The frequency-sweep reuse method (Method = VTRU) simply does the stress pass of a previous
run using the frequency-sweep method (Method = VT) and the .RSX file. It can be used to refine
the frequency range and sample density without redoing the entire analysis.
Largest mode number to be used to calculate the response (for Method = MSUP only). Defaults to the
highest mode calculated in the preceding modal analysis.
Smallest mode number to be used (for Method = MSUP only). Defaults to 1.
Modal coordinates output key (valid only for the mode superposition method MSUP):
No output of modal coordinates (default).
Output modal coordinates to the text file jobname.MCF.
MCout provides a singular (one-time) output of the modal coordinates. It will not provide
the information for LSWRITE (p. 907)/LSSOLVE (p. 906) operations.
Damping mode for frequency-dependent material properties (valid only for the frequency-sweep method,
Method = VT).
Not proportional to the frequency.
Proportional to the frequency (default).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 763
Specifies the method of solution for a harmonic analysis (ANTYPE (p. 140),HARMIC).
For cyclic symmetry mode-superposition harmonic solutions, MAXMODE and MINMODE are ignored.
To include residual vectors in your mode-superposition harmonic analysis, specify RESVEC (p. 1340),ON.
Product Restrictions
If used in SOLUTION, this command is valid only within the first load step.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Specifies how to include ocean wave information in a harmonic analysis:
Performs a harmonic analysis using both real and imaginary load vectors calculated via the harmonic
ocean wave procedure (HOWP). This behavior is the default. This option performs a harmonic analysis
running at a frequency determined by the wave period (specified via OCTABLE (p. 1100) command input).
Performs a static analysis using both real and imaginary load vectors (calculated via HOWP). This option
works by performing a harmonic analysis running at a frequency of 0.0.
Deactivates a previously activated HOWP and performs a standard harmonic analysis.
Positive number specifying the number of phases to calculate forces. This value must be at least 8. The
default value is 20.
Command Default
The default HROCEAN command (issuing the command with no arguments) is:
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764 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The command applies HOWP when ocean wave information is available (that is, when ocean wave in-
formation has been specified via the OCDATA (p. 1091) and OCTABLE (p. 1100) commands). If this command
is issued when no ocean wave information is available, the program generates an error message.
The HROCEAN command applies ocean wave information (obtained via the OCDATA (p. 1091) and
OCTABLE (p. 1100) commands) in a harmonic analysis (ANTYPE (p. 140),HARMIC) as real and imaginary
The applied frequency in the harmonic (Type = HARMONIC) analysis is based on the wave period input
on the OCTABLE (p. 1100) command (and not on HARFRQ (p. 749) command input, which cannot be
used). Phase-shift input on the OCTABLE (p. 1100) command is ignored.
HOWP does not generate a damping matrix. If you require a damping matrix, you must add it separately.
The command applies to regular wave types only (Airy with one wave component, Wheeler with one
wave component, Stokes, and stream function). Irregular wave types are not supported. For information
about wave types, see Hydrodynamic Loads in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference.
The program calculates the forces on each load component of each element at NPHASE solutions,
spread evenly over one wave cycle. Then, the minimum and maximum, and the phase between them,
are calculated. The command uses the resulting information to generate the real and imaginary loads.
HOWP works with the full harmonic analysis method (HROPT (p. 762),FULL) only.
For more information, see Harmonic Ocean Wave Procedure (HOWP) in the Mechanical APDL Theory
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Freq and Substeps
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>HOWP and Substeps
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Freq and Substeps
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>HOWP and Substeps
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 765
Real/Imaginary print key:
Print complex displacements as real and imaginary components (default).
Print complex displacements as amplitude and phase angle (degrees).
Cluster option (for HROPT (p. 762),MSUP):
Uniform spacing of frequency solutions (default).
Cluster frequency solutions about natural frequencies.
Mode contributions key (for HROPT (p. 762),MSUP):
No print of mode contributions at each frequency (default).
Print mode contributions at each frequency.
Additional element energies calculation key:
Do not calculate additional energies (default).
Calculate average, amplitude, and peak values for the following: stiffness and kinetic energies, damping
energy, and work done by external loads.
Specifies the harmonic analysis (ANTYPE (p. 140),HARMIC) output options. If used in SOLUTION, this
command is valid only within the first load step. OUTPR (p. 1112),NSOL must be specified to print mode
contributions at each frequency.
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766 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
if MSUPkey = YES on the MXPAND (p. 1002) command. If MSUPkey = NO, work due to element loads
is calculated, but not work due to nodal loads.
This command is ignored if the HROPT (p. 762) command has been issued with Method = VT, VTPA, or
VTRU. Displacements are not available at expanded frequencies with these solution methods.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 767
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
768 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
I Commands
Node at which initial condition is to be specified. If ALL, apply to all selected nodes (NSEL (p. 1057)). If NODE
= P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A
component name may be substituted for NODE.
Degree-of-freedom label for which the initial condition is to be specified. If ALL, use all appropriate labels.
Structural labels: UX, UY, or UZ (displacements); ROTX, ROTY, or ROTZ (rotations); HDSP (hydro-
static pressure); PRES (pore pressure)
For structural static and transient analyses, specify translational and rotational velocities as initial
conditions using these labels: VELX, VELY, VELZ (translational velocities); OMGX, OMGY, OMGZ
(rotational velocities).
For structural transient analysis, specify translational and rotational accelerations as initial con-
ditions using these labels: ACCX, ACCY, ACCZ (translational accelerations); DMGX, DMGY, DMGZ
(rotational accelerations).
The velocity and acceleration initial conditions are not included with Lab = ALL.
Thermal labels: TEMP, TBOT, TE2, TE3, . . ., TTOP (temperature)
Magnetic labels: MAG (scalar magnetic potential); AZ (vector magnetic potential)
Diffusion label: CONC (concentration)
Acoustic label: ENKE (acoustic energy density)
Initial value of the degree of freedom. Defaults to the program default for that degree of freedom (0.0 for
structural analysis, TUNIF (p. 1700) for thermal analysis, etc.). Values are in the nodal coordinate system and
in radians for rotational degrees of freedom.
Second-order degree of freedom value, mainly used for non-structural DOF where VELX can't be used.
Defaults to the program default for that degree of freedom (0.0 for structural analysis). Values are in the
nodal coordinate system and in radians/time for rotational degrees of freedom.
Specifies the same initial condition values at the range of nodes from NODE to NEND (defaults to NODE),
in steps of NINC (defaults to 1).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 769
The IC command specifies initial conditions, which are the initial values of the specified degrees of
freedom. It is valid only for a static analysis and full method transient analysis (TIMINT (p. 1678),ON and
TRNOPT (p. 1691),FULL). For the transient, the initial value is specified at the beginning of the first load
step, that is, at time = 0.0.
Initial conditions should always be step applied (KBC (p. 808),1) and not ramped.
If constraints (D (p. 397), DSYM (p. 479), etc.) and initial conditions are applied at the same node, the
constraint specification overrides. Exercise caution when specifying constraints. The degree-of-freedom
values start from zero, or the first value given in the table when table name is specified. To match the
nonzero initial condition value with the initial value for degree-of-freedom constraint, use a table for
the degree-of-freedom constraint.
For thermal analyses, any TUNIF (p. 1700) specification should be applied before the IC command; other-
wise, the TUNIF (p. 1700) specification is ignored. If the IC command is input before any TUNIF (p. 1700)
specification, use the ICDELE (p. 771) command and then reissue any TUNIF (p. 1700) specification and
then follow with the IC command.
When issuing the IC command for elements SOLID278 Layered Thermal Solid and SOLID279 Layered
Thermal Solid with through-the-thickness degrees of freedom (KEYOPT(3) = 2), layers are always inter-
polated linearly based on the location of the degrees of freedom.
Define consistent initial conditions. For example, if you define an initial velocity at a single degree of
freedom, the initial velocity at every other degree of freedom will be 0.0, potentially leading to conflicting
initial conditions. In most cases, you should define initial conditions at every unconstrained degree of
freedom in your model. If you define an initial condition for any degree of freedom at the pilot node
of a rigid body (see Modeling Rigid Bodies in the Contact Technology Guide for the definition of rigid
body), then the same initial condition must also be defined for the same degree of freedom on all
other nodes of the rigid body.
After a solution has been performed, the specified initial conditions are overwritten by the actual solution
and are no longer available. You must respecify them if you want to perform a subsequent analysis.
You may want to keep a database file saved prior to the first solution for subsequent reuse.
If you use the CDWRITE (p. 256) command to archive your model, initial displacements, temperatures,
etc. specified via the IC command are not written to the archive file; initial velocities and accelerations
are written.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Initial Condit'n>Define
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Initial Condit'n>Define
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
770 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Deletes initial conditions at nodes.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Misc Loads (p. 42)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Deletes all initial conditions previously specified with the IC (p. 769) or ICROTATE (p. 772) command at
all nodes.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Initial Condit'n
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Initial Condit'n
Label identifying the initial condition to list out:
Displacements, temperature, etc. (default).
Lists the initial conditions specified by the IC (p. 769) or ICROTATE (p. 772) command. Listing applies to
all the selected nodes [NSEL (p. 1057)] and DOF labels. ICLIST is not the same as the DLIST (p. 453) com-
mand. All the initial conditions including the default conditions are listed for the selected nodes.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 771
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Initial Condit'n>List Picked
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Initial Condit'n>List Picked
Utility Menu>List>Loads>Initial Conditions>On Picked Nodes
Multiplication factor applied to the default line width (defaults to 1). The minimum is 1 and the maximum
is 6.
Distributed ANSYS Restriction This command is not supported in Distributed ANSYS.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Scale Icon
ICROTATE, NODE, OMEGA, X1, Y1, Z1, X2, Y2, Z2, Vx, Vy, Vz, ACCEL
Specifies initial velocity at nodes as a sum of rotation about an axis and translation.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Misc Loads (p. 42)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Node at which the initial velocity is to be specified. If ALL, apply to all selected nodes (NSEL (p. 1057)). A
component name may be input for NODE.
Scalar rotational velocity about the rotational axis.
X1, Y1, Z1
Coordinates (in the global Cartesian coordinate system) of the beginning point of the rotational axis vector.
X2, Y2, Z2
Coordinates (in the global Cartesian coordinate system) of the end point of the rotational axis vector.
Initial translational velocity in direction x of the nodal coordinate system.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
772 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Initial translational velocity in direction y of the nodal coordinate system.
Initial translational velocity in direction z of the nodal coordinate system.
Key to initialize acceleration due to centrifugal effects:
Do not initialize acceleration (default).
Initialize acceleration due to centrifugal effects along with the initial velocity.
The ICROTATE command specifies initial velocity for all translational degrees of freedom of the specified
nodes. The velocity value is a combination of velocity due to rotation about an axis and translation.
The velocity at the node is calculated as:
All coordinates are input in the global Cartesian coordinate system, and the velocity due to rotation is
then converted to the nodal coordinate system and added to the prescribed translation.
If ACCEL = CENT is specified, acceleration due to centrifugal effects is initialized as well. The acceleration
at node aN is initialized as:
The ICROTATE command is valid only for static analysis and full method transient analysis
(TIMINT (p. 1678),ON with TRNOPT (p. 1691),FULL). The initial value is specified at the beginning of the
first load step; that is, at time = 0.0.
The command calculates the nodal velocities and saves them in the database as if the IC (p. 769) command
had been used to calculate these velocities. Thus, when the Jobname.CDB or Jobname.DB file is
written, the velocities prescribed by the ICROTATE command appear as IC (p. 769) commands. All as-
sumptions, recommendations, and restrictions for the IC (p. 769) command are also true for the ICROTATE
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 773
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Window number (or ALL) to which command applies (defaults to 1).
Factor applied to the default icon size (defaults to 1).
Scaling the icon size can provide better visualization of the circuit components when using the Circuit
Builder (an interactive builder available in the ANSYS GUI).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Scale Icon
*IF (p. 774), VAL1, Oper1, VAL2, Base1, VAL3, Oper2, VAL4, Base2
Conditionally causes commands to be read.
APDL (p. 17): Process Controls (p. 19)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Argument Descriptions
First numerical value (or parameter which evaluates to a numerical value) in the conditional comparison
operation. VAL1, VAL2, VAL3, and VAL4 can also be character strings (enclosed in quotes) or parameters
for Oper = EQ and NE only.
Operation label. A tolerance of 1.0E-10 is used for comparisons between real numbers:
EQ --
Equal (for VAL1 = VAL2).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
774 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
NE --
Not equal (for VAL1 ≠ VAL2).
LT --
Less than (for VAL1 < VAL2).
GT --
Greater than (for VAL1 > VAL2).
LE --
Less than or equal (for VAL1 VAL2).
GE --
Greater than or equal (for VAL1 VAL2).
Absolute values of VAL1 and VAL2 before < operation.
Absolute values of VAL1 and VAL2 before > operation.
Second numerical value (or parameter which evaluates to a numerical value) in the conditional comparison
Action based on the logical expression (Oper1) being true. If false, continue reading at the next line. This
is conditional, except for the IF-THEN-ELSE constructs described below; any of the following constructs
(through Base1 = THEN) cause all subsequent fields to be ignored:
:label --
A user-defined label (beginning with a colon (:), 8 characters maximum). The command reader will skip
(and wrap to the beginning of the file, if necessary) to the first line that begins with the matching
This label option may not be mixed with do-loop or if-then-else constructs.
This action will cause an exit from the ANSYS program at this line, unless running in interactive mode.
In interactive mode, the program will not stop.
Exit the current do-loop [*EXIT (p. 588)].
Skip to the end of the current do-loop [*CYCLE (p. 379)].
Make this *IF (p. 774) an if-then-else construct (see below).
The following optional values determine the connection between the two logical clauses Oper1
and Oper2
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 775
AND --
True if both clauses (Oper1 and Oper2) are true.
OR --
True if either clause is true.
XOR --
True if either (but not both) clause is true.
Third numerical value (or parameter which evaluates to a numerical value).
Operation label. This will have the same labels as Oper1, except it uses Val3 and Val4. A tolerance of
1.0E-10 is used for comparisons between real numbers.
Fourth numerical value (or parameter value which evaluates to a numerical value).
Action based on the logical expression (Oper1 and Oper2) being true. They will be the same values as
Base1, except as noted.
Command Default
Read commands sequentially.
Conditionally causes commands to be read from a specific block or at a specific location. Twenty levels
of nested *IF (p. 774) blocks are allowed. Jumping to a :label line is not allowed with keyboard entry.
Jumping into, out of, or within a do-loop or an if-then-else construct to a :label line is not allowed.
Using *IF (p. 774) interactively or from the command line prevents rereading the file to find a label.
To do so, use batch mode or /INPUT (p. 791).
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776 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
where "----" represents a block of any number of commands. Any number of *ELSEIF (p. 514) clauses
(or none) may be included (in the location shown). One *ELSE (p. 514) clause (at most) may be included
(in the location shown). The *IF (p. 774) command is executed by evaluating its logical expression. If it
is true, the block of commands following it is executed. The construct is considered to be complete
and the command following the *ENDIF (p. 528) is executed next. If the logical expression is false, the
next *ELSEIF (p. 514) command (if any) following the block is executed. The execution logic is the same
as for *IF (p. 774). The effect is that the logical expressions in the *IF (p. 774) and the *ELSEIF (p. 514)
commands are sequentially tested until one is found to be true. Then the block of commands immediately
following the expression is executed, which completes the execution of the if-then-else construct. If all
*IF (p. 774) and *ELSEIF (p. 514) expressions are false, the block following the *ELSE (p. 514) command
is executed, if there is one. Only one block of commands (at most) is executed within the if-then-else
construct. If a batch input stream hits an end-of-file during a false *IF (p. 774) condition, the ANSYS run
will not terminate normally. You will need to terminate it externally (use either the Linux “kill” function
or the Windows task manager). The *IF (p. 774), *ELSEIF (p. 514), *ELSE (p. 514), and *ENDIF (p. 528)
commands for each if-then-else construct must all be read from the same file (or keyboard).
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
Reads a file containing IGES data and transfers it into the ANSYS database. The file transferred is the
IGES Version 5.1, ASCII format file. IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) is a neutral format de-
veloped by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology. There is no
output transfer file written since the transferred data is read directly into the ANSYS database.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 777
You can import multiple files into a single database, but you must use the same import option (set with
the IOPTN (p. 798) command) for each file.
The IOPTN (p. 798) command sets the parameters for reading the file. Files read via the SMOOTH
method (the only available method) use the standard database.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>File>Import
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
Attribute key:
Do not write assigned numbers and attributes of the solid model entities to the IGES file (default).
Write assigned numbers and attributes of solid model entities (keypoints, lines, areas, volumes) to the
IGES file. Attributes include MAT, TYPE, REAL, and ESYS specifications as well as associated solid model
loads and meshing (keypoint element size, number of line divisions and spacing ratio) specifications.
Causes the selected solid model data to be written to a coded file in the IGES Version 5.1 format. Previous
data on this file, if any, are overwritten. Keypoints that are not attached to any line are written to the
output file as IGES entity 116 (Point). Lines that are not attached to any area are written to the output
file as either IGES Entity 100 (Circular Arc), 110 (Line), or 126 (Rational B-Spline Curve) depending upon
whether the ANSYS entity was defined as an arc, straight line, or spline. Areas are written to the output
file as IGES Entity 144 (Trimmed Parametric Surface). Volumes are written to the output file as IGES entity
186 (Manifold Solid B-Rep Object). Solid model entities to be written must have all corresponding lower
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
778 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
level entities selected (use ALLSEL (p. 101),BELOW,ALL) before issuing command. Concatenated lines
and areas are not written to the IGES file; however, the entities that make up these concatenated entities
are written.
Section properties assigned to areas, lines and other solid model entities will not be main-
tained when the model is exported using IGESOUT.
If you issue the IGESOUT command after generating a beam mesh with orientation nodes,
the orientation keypoints that were specified for the line (LATT (p. 844)) are no longer asso-
ciated with the line and are not written out to the IGES file. The line does not recognize that
orientation keypoints were ever assigned to it, and the orientation keypoints do not "know"
that they are orientation keypoints. Thus the IGESOUT command does not support (for beam
meshing) any line operation that relies on solid model associativity. For example, meshing
the areas adjacent to the meshed line, plotting the line that contains the orientation nodes,
or clearing the mesh from the line that contains orientation nodes may not work as expected.
See Meshing Your Solid Model in the Modeling and Meshing Guide for more information about
beam meshing.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>File>Export
Label specifying the operation to be performed:
Capture the image from the graphics window to a new window.
Restore the image from a file to a new window.
Save the contents of the graphic window to a file.
Delete the window that contains the file.
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 779
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
If no extension is specified, bmp will be used on Windows systems, and img will be used on Linux
Unused field.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Arbitrary reference number assigned to the resulting variable (2 to NV [NUMVAR (p. 1086)]). If this number
is the same as for a previously defined variable, the previously defined variable will be overwritten with
this result.
Reference number of the variable to be operated on.
--, --
Unused fields.
Thirty-two character name for identifying the variable on the printout and displays. Embedded blanks are
compressed upon output.
--, --
Unused fields.
Scaling factor (positive or negative) applied to variable IA (defaults to 1.0).
This command forms a new variable from a complex variable by storing the imaginary part as the real
part. The imaginary part can then be used in other operations. Used only with harmonic analyses (AN-
TYPE (p. 140),HARMIC).
Complex variables are stored in two-column arrays with the real component stored in the first column
and the imaginary component stored in the second column. This command extracts the value stored
in the second column (i.e., imaginary component). However, with harmonic analyses, all variables are
stored in two-column arrays as complex variables. If the variable is not complex, then the same value
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
780 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
is stored in both columns. This command will extract the variable in the second column of the array,
even if this variable is not the imaginary component of a complex variable.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Math Operations>Imaginary Part
Copies mesh according to the following:
LINE or 1
Copies line mesh (default).
AREA or 2
Copies area mesh.
Number that identifies the source line or area. This is the line or area whose mesh will provide the pattern
for the interface elements. ANSYS copies the pattern of the line or area elements through the area or
volume to create the mesh of area or volume interface elements.
Number that identifies the target line or area. This is the line or area that is opposite the source line or area
specified by NSLA. Add NTLA to obtain the copied mesh from the source line or area.
Number that identifies the particular ANSYS coordinate system.
Incremental translation of node coordinates in the active coordinate system (DR, D , DZ for cylindrical,
and DR, D , D for spherical or toroidal). The source line or area coordinates + DX, DY, DZ = the target line
or area coordinates. If left blank, ANSYS automatically estimates the incremental translation.
Tolerance for verifying topology and geometry. By default, ANSYS automatically calculates the tolerance
based on associated geometries.
Generates nodes and interface elements along lines or areas. The IMESH command requires that the
target line or area exactly match the source line or area. Also, both target and source lines or areas
must be in the same area or volume. The area or volume containing the source line or area must be
meshed before executing IMESH, while the area or volume containing the target line or area must be
meshed after executing IMESH.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 781
For three dimensional problems where LAKY = AREA, ANSYS fills the interface layer according to the
following table:
If source mesh consists of: ANSYS fills the interface layer with:
Quadrilateral elements Hexahedral elements
Triangle elements Degenerated wedge elements
Combination quadrilateral and triangle Combination hexahedral and degenerated wedge
elements elements
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh>Interface Mesh>2D Interface
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh>Interface Mesh>3D Interface
Allows immediate display of a model as it is generated.
GRAPHICS (p. 14): Set Up (p. 14)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Immediate mode key:
Display only upon request, i.e., no immediate display (default with the GUI off).
Display immediately as model is generated (default with the GUI on).
Command Default
As described above.
Allows immediate display of a model (as it is generated) without a screen erase or a display request.
Available only during an interactive session at a graphics display terminal. A valid graphics device name
must first be specified on the /SHOW (p. 1507) command.
The IMMED command allows you to control whether or not the model is displayed immediately as it
is generated in an interactive session. By default in the GUI, your model will immediately be displayed
in the Graphics Window as you create new entities (such as areas, keypoints, nodes, elements, local
coordinate systems, boundary conditions, etc.). This is called immediate mode graphics. Also note that
symbols (such as boundary conditions, local coordinate system triads, etc.) are shown immediately and
will be present on subsequent displays unless you "turn off" the appropriate symbol using the GUI plot
controls function or the appropriate graphics specification command.
An immediate image will also be automatically scaled to fit nicely within the Graphics Window -- a
feature called automatic scaling. The new scaling is usually apparent on the automatic replot associated
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
782 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
with immediate mode. To suppress automatic replot, issue /UIS (p. 1716),REPLOT,0. (With automatic replot
suppressed, the immediate image may not always be automatically scaled correctly.)
An immediate display in progress should not be aborted with the usual system "break" feature
(or else the ANSYS session itself will be aborted). When you run the ANSYS program interact-
ively without using the GUI, immediate mode is off by default.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Erase Options>Immediate Display
INISTATE, Action, Val1, Val2, Val3, Val4, Val5, Val6, Val7, Val8, Val9
Defines initial-state data and parameters.
PREP7 (p. 20): Data Tables (p. 22)
SOLUTION (p. 35): Analysis Options (p. 35)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Specifies action for defining or manipulating initial-state data:
Use Action = SET to designate initial-state coordinate system, data type, and material type parameters.
See "Command Specification for Action = SET" (p. 784).
Use Action = DEFINE to specify the actual state values, and the corresponding element, integration
point, or layer information. See "Command Specifications for Action = DEFINE" (p. 785).
Use Action = DEFINE for function-based initial state. See "Command Specifications for Action
= DEFINE (Function-Based Option)" (p. 786).
Use Action = WRITE to write the initial-state values to a file when the SOLVE (p. 1538) command is issued.
See "Command Specifications for Action = WRITE" (p. 787).
Use Action = READ to read the initial-state values from a file. See "Command Specifications for Action
= READ" (p. 788).
Use Action = LIST to read out the initial-state data. See "Command Specifications for Action =
LIST" (p. 788).
Use Action = DELE to delete initial-state data from a selected set of elements. See "Command Spe-
cifications for Action = DELETE" (p. 788)
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 783
INISTATE is available for current-technology elements.
The command can also be used with MESH200 (via the mesh-independent method for defining reinfor-
cing) to apply an initial state to all generated reinforcing elements automatically. For more information,
see Applying an Initial State to Reinforcing Elements in the Structural Analysis Guide.
Initial-state support for a given element is indicated in the documentation for the element under
Special Features.
Initial-strain input (INISTATE,SET,DTYPE,EPEL) enables the nonlinear solver option automatically even
if no nonlinear materials are involved.
The command does not support kinematic hardening material properties (such as TB (p. 1603),BKIN) or
the shape memory alloy material model (TB (p. 1603),SMA).
INISTATE with elastic strain alone is not supported for gasket materials (TB (p. 1603),GASK) and hypere-
lastic materials (TB (p. 1603),HYPER, TB (p. 1603),BB, TB (p. 1603),AHYPER, TB (p. 1603),CDM, TB (p. 1603),EXPE).
INISTATE with initial stress alone is not supported for gasket materials (TB (p. 1603),GASK).
INISTATE with plastic strain (which must include initial strain or stress, plastic strain, and accumulated
plastic strain) does not support gasket materials (TB (p. 1603),GASK), rate-dependent plasticity
(TB (p. 1603),RATE), and viscoelasticity (TB (p. 1603),PRONY, TB (p. 1603),SHIFT).
For more information about using the initial-state capability, see Initial State in the Advanced Analysis
Val1 = Val2 =
CSYS Coordinate system. Val2 is an integer corresponding to the coordinate
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784 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Val1 = Val2 =
Action = SET specifies and modifies the environment into which you will define the initial-state data
(via a subsequent INISTATE,DEFINE command). Otherwise, subsequent INISTATE,DEFINE data is input
as initial stress data in the global Cartesian coordinate system.
Node number when using node-based initial state. Defaults to current node selection.
Gauss integration point (defaults to ALL).
For node-based initial state (Val2 = NODE), element ID (if specified). The INISTATE command is
applied only to the element ID (unlike the default behavior, where the command is applied to all
selected elements containing the specified node).
Not valid for material-based initial-state data (Val1 = MAT) or node-based initial state (Val2 =
Layer number (for layered solid/shell elements) or cell number for beam/pipe elements. Blank for other
supported element types and material-based initial-state data.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 785
ParmInt --
Section integration point within a layer, or cell-integration point for beams (typically four integration
points). The default value is ALL. Not valid for material-based initial-state data (Val1 = MAT) or node-based
initial state (Val2 = NODE).
Not used for node-based initial state with elements that do not have a beam/pipe/shell section
For node-based initial state with beams/pipes, values 1 through 4 can be used to specify the values
at corner nodes within a cell.
For node-based initial state with layered sections, values can be specified at TOP, BOT, and MID, or
left blank (ALL).
You can issue the INISTATE command repeatedly to define multiple sets of initial-state values. initial-
state data can be specified according to elements, layers or integration points.
When the initial-state parameters are being defined based on the material, (INISTATE,SET,MAT,MATID),
the ELID value designates the element number and all subsequent values are ignored.
For coupled-field elements, the stresses to input must be Biot’s effective stresses.
INISTATE, DEFINE, ID, EINT, --, --, FuncName, C1, C2, ..., C12
ID --
Element ID number when using element-based initial state. Defaults to current element selection.
Node number when using node-based initial state. Defaults to current node selection.
Gauss integration point (defaults to ALL). Not valid for material-based initial-state data (Val1 = MAT) or
node-based initial state (Val2 = NODE).
(Blank) --
Reserved for future use.
(Blank) --
Reserved for future use.
FuncName --
LINX | LINY | LINZ. Apply initial-state data as a linear function of location based on the X axis (LINX), Y axis
(LINY), or Z axis (LINZ) in the coordinate system specified via the INISTATE,SET,CSYS command. Default
coordinate system: CSYS,0 (global Cartesian).
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786 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
For FuncName with scalars, only two values C1 and C2 (VALUE = C1 + X*C2) are necessary to
apply the initial state.
You can issue the INISTATE command repeatedly with the function-based option to define multiple
sets of initial-state values. Initial-state data can be specified according to elements or integration points.
For coupled-field elements, the stresses to input must be Biot's effective stresses.
Determines the coordinate system for the initial state:
0 (default)
Write in global Cartesian coordinate system for solid elements.
-1 (or MAT)
Write in material coordinate system
-2 (or ELEM)
Write in element coordinate system for link, beam, and layered elements.
Dtype --
Sets the data type to be written in the .IST file:
Output stresses.
Output elastic strain.
Output plastic strain.
Output equivalent plastic strain.
Output plastic strain energy density.
Output creep strain.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 787
Initial pore pressure.
Initial void ratio.
State variables.
Default is 0 for solid elements and -2 for link, beam, and shell elements.
State variables are always written to the .ist file in the material coordinate system.
Only the three in-plane stresses for the top and bottom surfaces are written.
For coupled-field elements, the stresses written out are Biot’s effective stress values.
Initial pore pressure and void ratio are available for the coupled pore-pressure elements (CPTnnn) only:
CPT212, CPT213, CPT215, CPT216, and CPT217.
Use the READ option to apply complex sets of initial-state data to various elements, cells, layers, sections
and integration points. For more information, see Initial State in the Advanced Analysis Guide.
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788 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Argument Descriptions
Vector or matrix which will be initialized. This can be a vector (created by the *VEC (p. 1749) command), a
dense matrix (created by the *DMAT (p. 454) command), or a sparse matrix (created by the *SMAT (p. 1522)
Initialization method to use:
Fill the vector/matrix with zeros (default).
Fill the vector/matrix with a constant value.
Fill the vector/matrix with random values.
Fill the nth diagonal of the matrix with a constant value. Other values are not overwritten. For this
option, Name must be a dense matrix.
Fill the nth anti-diagonal of the matrix with a constant value. Other values are not overwritten. For this
option, Name must be a dense matrix.
Take the complex conjugate of the values in the vector/matrix (no change for non-complex values).
Initialize a subset of values of a vector using a filtering vector. For this option, Name must be a vector.
The real part of the constant value to use (default = 0).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 789
The imaginary part of the constant value to use (default = 0). Required only for a complex vector/matrix.
The following Valx fields are used with Method = DIAG or Method = ADIAG:
The number of the diagonal to fill. A zero value (which is the default) indicates the main diagonal (or main
anti-diagonal). A positive value indicates an upper diagonal; a negative value indicates a lower diagonal.
The real part of the constant value to use (default = 1).
The imaginary part of the constant value to use (default = 0). Required only for a complex matrix.
2 7 3 8 7 3 2 7 3
6 4 5 6 8 5 OR 8 4 5
1 2 3 1 2 8 1 8 3
The name of an existing integer vector (created by *VEC (p. 1749)) to be used as the filter vector. The values
in this vector indicate the locations in the Name vector that are to be initialized to Val2 (real value) and
Val3 (imaginary value, if applicable). Location values higher than the dimension of the original vector are
The real part of the value used for initialization (default = 0).
The imaginary part of the value used for initialization (default = 0); applicable only if the Name vector
contains complex values.
This command initializes a previously defined vector (*VEC (p. 1749)), dense matrix (*DMAT (p. 454)), or
sparse matrix (*SMAT (p. 1522)).
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
790 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Directory path (64 characters maximum). Defaults to current directory.
A value indicating either a line number in the file or a user-defined label in the file from which to begin
reading the input file.
(blank), 0, or 1
Begins reading from the top of the file (default).
Begins reading from the specified line number in the file.
Begins reading from the first line beginning with the matching user-defined label :label (beginning
with a colon (:), 8 characters maximum).
Indicates whether secondary input from this command should be recorded in the command log (File.LOG)
and the database log:
Record only the /INPUT (p. 791) command on the log (default).
Record commands in the specified secondary file as they are executed.
Switches the input file for the next commands. Commands are read from this file until an end-of-file or
another file switching directive is read. An end-of-file occurs after the last record of the file or when a
/EOF (p. 534) command is read. An automatic switch back one level (to the previous file) occurs when
an end-of-file is encountered. Twenty levels of nested file switching are allowed. Note that files including
*DO (p. 467), *USE (p. 1727), *ULIB (p. 1720), and the "Unknown Command" Macro have less nesting available
because each of these operations also uses a level of file switching. For an interactive run, a /IN-
PUT (p. 791),TERM switches to the terminal for the next input. A /EOF (p. 534) read from the terminal
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 791
then switches back to the previous file. A /INPUT (p. 791) (with a blank second field) switches back to
the primary input file.
Setting LOG = 1 on /INPUT (p. 791) causes all commands read from the specified file to be recorded in
the command log (File.LOG) and the internal database command log [LGWRITE (p. 873)]. This option
is recommended if the log file will be used later. The LOG = 1 option is only valid when the /INPUT (p. 791)
occurs in the primary input file. Using LOG = 1 on a nested /INPUT (p. 791) or on a /INPUT (p. 791)
within a do-loop will have no effect (i.e., commands in the secondary input file are not written to the
command log).
The Dir option is optional as the directory path can be included directly in Fname.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>File>Read Input from
Argument Descriptions
Name of the "string array" parameter that will hold the returned values. String array parameters are similar
to character arrays, but each array element can be as long as 248 characters. If the string parameter does
not exist, it will be created.
Specifies the type of system information returned:
Returns the pathname of the login directory on Linux systems or the pathname of the default directory
(including drive letter) on Windows systems.
Returns the pathname of the ANSYS docu directory.
Returns the pathname of the ANSYS APDL directory.
Returns the pathname of the ANSYS executable directory.
Returns the pathname of the directory in which the license file resides.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
792 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Returns the name of the user currently logged-in.
Returns the pathname of the current directory.
Returns the current Jobname.
Returns rst directory (FILE (p. 627) command).
Returns rst file name (FILE (p. 627) command).
Returns rst file extension (FILE (p. 627) command).
Returns path used for "unknown command" macro (/PSEARCH (p. 1280) command).
Returns the current output file name (/OUTPUT (p. 1114) command).
Specifies the name of the environment variable.
If Substring = 1, the first substring (up to the first colon (:)) is returned. If Substring = 2, the second
substring is returned, etc. For Windows platforms, the separating character is semicolon (;). If this argument
is either blank or 0, the entire value of the environment variable is returned.
Name of the parameter that will hold the returned values.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 793
Specifies the type of file information returned:
Returns a 1 if the specified file exists, and 0 if it does not.
Returns the date stamp of the specified file in the format yyyymmdd.hhmmss.
Returns the size of the specified file in MB.
Returns the status of the write attribute. A 0 denotes no write permission while a 1 denotes write
Returns the status of the read attribute. A 0 denotes no read permission while a 1 denotes read permis-
Returns the status of the execute attribute (this has meaning only on Linux). A 0 denotes no execute
permission while a 1 denotes execute permission.
Returns the number of lines in an ASCII file.
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
The /INQUIRE (p. 792) command is valid in any processor.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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794 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
All solution items (default).
Nodal DOF solution.
Nodal reaction loads.
Element solution items (includes all of the following):
Element nodal loads.
Element nodal stresses.
Element elastic strains.
Element thermal, initial, and swelling strains.
Element plastic strains.
Element creep strains.
Element nodal gradients.
Element nodal fluxes.
Element miscellaneous data (SMISC and NMISC).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 795
Identifies the type of data to be retrieved from the results file for placement into the database through
commands such as SET (p. 1458), SUBSET (p. 1580), and APPEND (p. 149). INRES is a companion command
to the OUTRES (p. 1115) command controlling data written to the database and the results file. Since the
INRES command can only flag data that has already been written to the results file, care should be
taken when using the OUTRES (p. 1115) command to include all data you wish to retrieve for postpro-
cessing later on.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Data & File Opts
Specifies "Inertial loads" as the subsequent status topic.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Status (p. 46)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Loads>Inertia Loads
Utility Menu>List>Status>Solution>Inertia Loads
INT1, IR, IY, IX, --, Name, --, --, FACTA, FACTB, CONST
Integrates a variable.
POST26 (p. 55): Operations (p. 56)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Arbitrary reference number assigned to the resulting variable (2 to NV [NUMVAR (p. 1086)]). If this number
is the same as for a previously defined variable, the previously defined variable will be overwritten with
this result. Table values represent integrated sum of IY to current table position of IX.
Integrate variable IY with respect to IX.
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796 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Unused field.
Thirty-two character name for identifying the variable on the printout and displays. Embedded blanks are
compressed upon output.
--, --
Unused fields.
Scaling factors (positive or negative) applied to the corresponding variables (default to 1.0).
Initial value.
Integrates variables according to the operation:
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Math Operations>Integrate
INVOPT, Option
Enables or disables inverse solving for the current load step.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Analysis Options (p. 35)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Enables or disables inverse solving for a load step:
Disable and revert to forward solving (default).
Option = ON is valid only at the first load step of a static analysis. Large-deflection effects must be
enabled (NLGEOM (p. 1028),ON). The unsymmetric solver (NROPT (p. 1053),UNSYM) is required and the
program selects it automatically.
After issuing INVOPT,ON, inverse solving remains in effect until INVOPT,OFF is issued. The solution
then reverts to traditional forward solving (default).
This command cannot be issued during a restart. Option can only be changed between load steps.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 797
For more information, see Nonlinear Static Analysis with Inverse Solving in the Structural Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Label identifying the import option. The meaning of VAL1 varies depending on Lab.
List overall status of import facilities, including current option values. VAL1 is ignored.
Set default values for all import options. VAL1is ignored.
Entity merge option. VAL1 can be:
Automatic merging is performed (default).
No merging of entities.
Solid option. VAL1 can be:
Solid is created automatically (default).
No solid created.
Entity merging tolerance. If IGES = SMOOTH, the GTOLER,VAL1 can be:
Use system defaults (default).
Use tolerance from the imported file.
A user-specified tolerance value.
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798 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
IGES import option. VAL1 can be:
List status of IGES related options in the output window.
Small areas option. VAL1 can be:
Small areas are deleted (default).
Small areas are retained.
Additional input value as described under each Lab option.
Command Default
Merging is performed during the IGES transfer with no global solid model tolerance (GTOLER) used.
Controls various options during a model file transfer. A global solid model tolerance (GTOLER) can be
The SMALL,YES option (default) delete small areas and can cause geometrical inconsistencies that could
cause the import process to abort. Retaining the small areas increases processor time and memory usage.
The IGES,SMOOTH (default) option is capable of reading in any rational B-spline curve entity (type 126),
or rational B-spline surface entity (type 128) with a degree less than or equal to 20. Attempts to read
in B-spline curve or surface entities of degree higher than 20 may result in error messages.
If you issue the /CLEAR (p. 291) command, the IOPTN settings return to their defaults.
For MERG,YES, merging of coincident geometry items is performed automatically when the IGESIN (p. 777)
command is issued (that is, an internal NUMMRG (p. 1079),KP command is issued). The model is merged
with the consideration tolerance (TOLER on NUMMRG (p. 1079)) set equal to 0.75 * the shortest distance
between the endpoints of any active line. See the NUMMRG (p. 1079) command for more information
about the tolerances. In most cases, the default merging is appropriate. Use the IOPTN command when
you want to:
• Override the default merging and specify a global solid model tolerance value (GTOLER).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 799
The IOPTN command should be issued before the IGESIN (p. 777) command. You cannot change these
options after your model has been imported or created. If you must change the options:
1. Clear the database (/CLEAR (p. 291)) or exit and restart the program.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>File>Import
Specifies that inertia relief calculations are to be performed.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Inertia (p. 41)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Calculation key:
No inertia relief calculations.
Counterbalance loads with inertia relief forces.
Precalculate masses for summary printout only (no inertia relief ).
Command Default
No inertia relief calculations.
The IRLF command specifies that the program is to calculate accelerations to counterbalance the applied
loads (inertia relief ). Displacement constraints on the structure should be only those necessary to prevent
rigid-body motions (3 are needed for a 2-D structure and 6 for a 3-D structure). The sum of the reaction
forces at the constraint points will be zero. Accelerations are calculated from the element mass matrices
and the applied forces. Data needed to calculate the mass (such as density) must be input. Both trans-
lational and rotational accelerations may be calculated.
This option applies only to the static (ANTYPE (p. 140),STATIC) analysis. Nonlinearities, elements that
operate in the nodal coordinate system, and axisymmetric or generalized plane strain elements are not
allowed. Symmetry models are not valid for inertia relief analysis. Models with both 2-D and 3-D element
types are not recommended.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
800 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Loads may be input as usual. Displacements and stresses are calculated as usual.
Use IRLIST (p. 801) to print inertia relief calculation results. The mass and moment of inertia summary
printed before the solution is accurate (because of the additional pre-calculations required for inertia
relief ). See Inertia Relief in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference for calculation details. See also the
Structural Analysis Guide for procedural details.
If the inertia relief calculation is to be performed in the second or later load step, you must specify
EMATWRITE (p. 517),YES in the initial load step for the element matrices needed to perform the calcu-
lations to be available.
When a superelement (MATRIX50) is present in the model, any DOF constraints that you need to apply
(D (p. 397)) on a degree of freedom (DOF) belonging to the superelement must be applied in the use
pass of the MATRIX50 element (not in the generation pass). The command has no effect in the generation
pass of a substructure. In the expansion pass, precalculation of masses for summary printout (IRLF,-1)
occurs only on elements that are part of the substructure.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Inertia>Inertia Relief
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Output Ctrls>Incl Mass Summry
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Inertia>Inertia Relief
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Output Ctrls>Incl Mass Summry
Prints inertia relief summary table.
POST1 (p. 48): Listing (p. 50)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Prints the inertia relief summary data, including the mass summary table, the total load summary table,
and the inertia relief summary table resulting from the inertia relief calculations. These calculations are
performed in the solution phase [SOLVE (p. 1538)] as specified by the IRLF (p. 800) command.
Inertia relief output is stored in the database rather than in the results file (Jobname.RST). When you
issue IRLIST, ANSYS pulls the information from the database, which contains the inertia relief output
from the most recent solution [SOLVE (p. 1538)].
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 801
Argument Descriptions
Specifies the algorithm to be used:
PCG --
Preconditioned conjugate gradient (default).
Name used to identify this iterative solver engine. Must be specified.
Linear solver engine name (*LSENGINE (p. 899)) identifying the factored matrix to be used as the precon-
Name of the matrix to solve.
Matrix (load vector) name.
Solution vector name. If non-zero, it will be taken as the initial vector for the iterative process.
Maximum number of iterations allowed. Default is 2 times the number of rows in the matrix.
Convergence tolerance. Default is 1.0E-8.
This command solves Ax = b using a preconditioned conjugate gradient algorithm. It uses an existing
factored system as the preconditioner. This solution method is useful if an existing matrix has been
solved and minor changes have been made to the matrix.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
802 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
J Commands
Specifies various JPEG file export options.
If Kywrd = QUAL, then OPT is an integer value defining the JPEG quality index on an arbitrary scale
ranging from 1 to 100. The default value is 75.
If Kywrd = ORIENT, then OPT will determine the orientation of the entire plot. OPT can be either Ho-
rizontal (default) or Vertical.
If Kywrd = COLOR, then OPT will determine the color depth of the saved file. OPT can be 0, 1, or 2,
corresponding to Black and White, Grayscale, and Color (default), respectively.
If Kywrd = TMOD, then OPT will determine the text method. OPT can be either 1 or 0, corresponding
to bitmap text (default) or line stroke text, respectively.
If Kywrd = DEFAULT, then all of the default values, for all of the Kywrd parameters listed above, are
OPT can have the following names or values, depending on the value for Kywrd (see above).
1 to 100
If Kywrd = QUAL, a value between 1 and 100 will determine the quality index of the JPEG file.
Horizontal, Vertical
If Kywrd = ORIENT, the terms Horizontal or Vertical determine the orientation of the plot.
If Kywrd = COLOR, the numbers 0, 1, and 2 correspond to Black and White, Grayscale and Color,
If Kywrd = TMOD, the values 1 and 0 determine whether bitmap (1) or stroke text (0) fonts will
be used
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 803
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>HardCopy>ToFile
Arbitrary reference number or name assigned to this variable. Variable numbers can be 2 to NV (NUM-
VAR (p. 1086)) while the name can be an eight-byte character string. Overwrites any existing results for this
Element number for which to store results.
Label identifying the item. Valid item labels are shown in Table 180: JSOL - Valid Item and Component La-
bels (p. 804) below.
Component of the Item (if required). Valid component labels are shown in Table 180: JSOL - Valid Item
and Component Labels (p. 804) below.
Thirty-two character name identifying the item on printouts and displays. Defaults to a label formed by
concatenating the first four characters of the Item and Comp labels.
This command is valid for the MPC184 joint elements. The values stored are for the free or unconstrained
degrees of freedom of a joint element. Relative reaction forces and moments are available only if stiffness,
damping, or friction is associated with the joint element.
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804 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 805
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806 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
K Commands
K, NPT, X, Y, Z
Defines a keypoint.
PREP7 (p. 20): Keypoints (p. 23)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Reference number for keypoint. If zero, the lowest available number is assigned [NUMSTR (p. 1085)].
X, Y, Z
Keypoint location in the active coordinate system (may be R, θ, Z or R, θ, Φ). If X = P, graphical picking is
enabled and all other fields (including NPT) are ignored (valid only in the GUI).
Defines a keypoint in the active coordinate system [CSYS (p. 364)] for line, area, and volume descriptions.
A previously defined keypoint of the same number will be redefined. Keypoints may be redefined only
if it is not yet attached to a line or is not yet meshed. Solid modeling in a toroidal system is not recom-
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Keypoints>In Active CS
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Keypoints>On Working Plane
Keypoints subsequently generated from the keypoints will also have these attributes. These element
attributes will be used when the keypoints are meshed. If a keypoint does not have attributes associated
with it (by this command) at the time it is meshed, the attributes are obtained from the then current
MAT (p. 929), REAL (p. 1319),TYPE (p. 1707), and ESYS (p. 570) command settings. Reissue the KATT command
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 807
(before keypoints are meshed) to change the attributes. A zero (or blank) argument removes the corres-
ponding association.
If any of the arguments MAT, REAL, TYPE, or ESYS are defined as -1, then that value will be left un-
changed in the selected set.
In some cases, ANSYS can proceed with a keypoint meshing operation even when no logical element
type has been assigned via KATT,,,TYPE or TYPE (p. 1707). For more information, see the discussion on
setting element attributes in Meshing Your Solid Model in the Modeling and Meshing Guide.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh Attributes>All Keypoints
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh Attributes>Picked KPs
Ramping key:
Loads are linearly interpolated (ramped) for each substep from the values of the previous load step to
the values of this load step. This is the default value.
Loads are step changed (stepped) at the first substep of this load step to the values of this load step
(i.e., the same values are used for all substeps). Useful for rate-dependent behavior (e.g., creep, visco-
plasticity, etc.) or transient load steps only.
Key for the interpolation of the rotational velocity loading (only supported when KEY = 0):
Rotational velocities are linearly interpolated. This is the default.
A quadratic interpolation is used for the rotational velocities (OMEGA (p. 1107), CMOMEGA (p. 305), and
CMROTATE (p. 309)). All other loads are interpolated linearly.
Command Default
The loading is ramped for:
• transient analysis with transient effects excluded (ANTYPE (p. 140),TRANS and TIMINT (p. 1678),OFF)
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808 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The loading is step-applied for transient analysis with transient effects included (ANTYPE (p. 140),TRANS
and TIMINT (p. 1678),ON; TIMINT (p. 1678),ON is the default for transient analysis).
Specifies whether loads applied to intermediate substeps within the load step are to be stepped or
ramped. Used only if DTIME on the DELTIM (p. 422) command is less than the time span or, conversely,
if NSBSTP on the NSUBST (p. 1073) command is greater than one. Flags (FSI, MXWF, MVDI, etc.) are always
Changing the ramping KEY (i.e., switching between ramped and stepped boundary conditions) between
load steps is not recommended.
For ramped loading (KBC,0), when a load is applied for the first time, it is interpolated from zero to the
value of the current load step, and not from the initial condition or value of the degree of freedom
from the previous load step.
Spatially varying tabular loads or boundary conditions do not support direct ramping or stepping options
and, instead, apply their full values according to the supplied tabular functions regardless of the KBC
Regardless of the KBC setting, any tabular load is applied as step change. This is the case, for example,
for a static or harmonic cyclic symmetry analysis with a load that varies by sector (CYCOPT (p. 383),
LDSECT). Note that when tabular and non-tabular loads are present in the same analysis, the non-tabular
loads are ramped or stepped according to the KBC setting.
Irrespective of the KBC setting, loads are usually step-removed. See Stepping or Ramping Loads in the
Basic Analysis Guide for more information.
It is sometimes difficult to obtain successful convergence with stepped loading in a nonlinear transient
problem. If divergence is encountered, determine if stepped loading was used by default, then determine
if it is appropriate for the analysis.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Transient
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Freq and Substeps
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>HOWP and Substeps
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Time - Time Step
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Time and Substeps
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Transient
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Freq and Substeps
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>HOWP and Substeps
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Time - Time Step
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Time and Substeps
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 809
First keypoint. If KP1 = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored
(valid only in the GUI).
Second keypoint.
Number assigned to the new keypoint. Defaults to the lowest available keypoint number.
Type of input for VALUE.
Value is the ratio of the distances between keypoints as follows: (KP1-KPNEW)/(KP1-KP2).
Value is the absolute distance between KP1 and KPNEW (valid only if current coordinate system is
Location of new keypoint, as defined by Type (defaults to 0.5). If VALUE is a ratio (Type = RATIO) and is
less than 0 or greater than 1, the keypoint is created on the extended line. Similarly, if VALUE is a distance
(Type = DIST) and is less than 0 or greater than the distance between KP1 and KP2, the keypoint is created
on the extended line.
Placement of the new keypoint depends on the currently active coordinate system [CSYS (p. 364)]. If
the coordinate system is Cartesian, the keypoint will lie on a straight line between KP1 and KP2. If the
system is not Cartesian (e.g., cylindrical, spherical, etc.), the keypoint will be located as if on a line (which
may not be straight) created in the current coordinate system between KP1 and KP2. Note that solid
modeling in a toroidal coordinate system is not recommended.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Keypoints>KP between KPs
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810 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Type of entity used to define the circular arc. The meaning of VAL1 through VAL4 will vary depending on
Type. If Type = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only
in the GUI).
Arc is defined by keypoints.
Arc is defined by locations on a line.
Number assigned to new keypoint. Defaults to the lowest available keypoint number.
First keypoint.
Second keypoint.
Third keypoint.
Arc radius. If VAL4 = 0 or blank (default), the arc is defined by the three keypoints specified as VAL1,
VAL2, and VAL3 and arc radius is not used. If VAL4 is nonzero, VAL1, VAL2, and VAL4 are used to
calculate the center point, and VAL3 is used to locate the center point as follows:
VAL4 > 0
Center point and VAL3 are on the same side of the line between the first two keypoints.
VAL4 < 0
Center point and VAL3 are on opposite sides of the line between the first two keypoints.
Line number.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 811
Line ratio (0 to 1) indicating the first location (defaults to 0).
Line ratio (0 to 1) indicating the second location (defaults to 0.5).
Line ratio (0 to 1) indicating the third location (defaults to 1).
KCENTER should be used in the Cartesian coordinate system (CSYS (p. 364),0) only. This command
provides three methods to define a keypoint at the center of three locations. As shown below, the
center point can be calculated based on a) three keypoints, b) three keypoints and a radius, or c) three
locations on a line. Note that for method c, if a circular line is specified by VAL1, VAL2 through VAL4
are not needed.
VAL2 imaginary
circular arc
(+ radius) imaginary
KPNEW circular arc
imaginary (- radius)
circular arc
KPNEW VAL1 (arbitrary line)
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Keypoints>KP at center>3 keypoints
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Keypoints>KP at center>3 KPs and radius
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Keypoints>KP at center>Location on line
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
812 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Deletes all nodes and point elements associated with selected keypoints (regardless of whether the
nodes or elements are selected). Nodes associated with non-point elements will not be deleted. Attributes
assigned as a result of KATT (p. 807) are maintained. In the program's response to the command, if a
keypoint is tallied as "cleared," it means either its node or element reference was deleted.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Clear>Keypoints
Deletes selected keypoints. A keypoint attached to a line cannot be deleted unless the line is first deleted.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Delete>Keypoints
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 813
First keypoint in distance calculation. If KP1 = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command
fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI).
Second keypoint in distance calculation.
KDIST lists the distance between keypoints KP1 and KP2, as well as the current coordinate system
offsets from KP1 to KP2, where the X, Y, and Z locations of KP1 are subtracted from the X, Y, and Z
locations of KP2 (respectively) to determine the offsets. KDIST is valid in any coordinate system except
toroidal [CSYS (p. 364),3].
KDIST returns a variable, called "_RETURN," which contains the distance value. You can use this value
for various purposes; for example, to set the default number of line divisions to be generated along
region boundary lines [ESIZE (p. 554),_RETURN]. In interactive mode, you can access this command by
using the Model Query Picker (Utility Menu> List> Picked Entities), where you can also access auto-
matic annotation functions, and display the value on your model.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Check Geom>KP distances
Stores POST26 definitions and data during active session.
POST26 (p. 55): Display (p. 57)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
State or value
On or 1
Allows you to exit and reenter /POST26 (p. 1221) without losing your current time history variable in-
formation. Keeps a cache of the /POST26 (p. 1221) variable information including the active file name
(FILE (p. 627)), variable definitions (NSOL (p. 1067), ESOL (p. 558), GAPF (p. 657), RFORCE (p. 1343), and
SOLU (p. 1536)) and stored variable data in memory for the current ANSYS session.
Off or 0
/POST26 (p. 1221) variable information is deleted when you exit /POST26 (p. 1221).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
814 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Command Default
ON - Hold time history information in memory. You can, for example, move back and forth between
/POST1 (p. 1221) and /POST26 (p. 1221) without redefining and storing the time history variables each
time you enter /POST26 (p. 1221).
Your variable information is saved in memory only for the current active ANSYS session. It is deleted
when you exit ANSYS. This information is also deleted when you issue /CLEAR (p. 291), RESUME (p. 1338),
SOLVE (p. 1538), or RESET (p. 1336).
When you reenter /POST26 (p. 1221) all time history variable data is available for use. When you issue
STORE (p. 1578),NEW, variable definitions created by math operations such as ADD (p. 88) or PROD (p. 1262)
will not be restored. However, variables defined with NSOL (p. 1067), ESOL (p. 558), GAPF (p. 657),
RFORCE (p. 1343), and SOLU (p. 1536) will be restored. Only the last active results file name is kept in
memory (FILE (p. 627)).
Commands such as LAYERP26 (p. 846), SHELL (p. 1506), and FORCE (p. 644) that specify the location or a
component of data to be stored will retain the setting at the time of exiting /POST26 (p. 1221) .
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Settings>Data
Number of the keypoint whose lines will be adjusted. If ALL, use all selected keypoints [KSEL (p. 828)]. If
NPT = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI).
Size of elements along lines nearest keypoint NPT (overrides any other specified size). If SIZE is zero (or
blank), use FACT1 or FACT2.
Scale factor applied to a previously defined SIZE. Not used if SIZE is input.
Scale factor applied to the minimum element division at keypoint NPT for any attached line. This feature
is useful with adaptive mesh refinement. Not used if SIZE or FACT1 is input.
Affects only the line divisions adjacent to the keypoint on lines not previously assigned divisions by
other line commands [LESIZE (p. 867), etc.]. The remaining line divisions are determined from the division
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 815
nearest the keypoint at the other end of the line (specified by another KESIZE command or the ES-
IZE (p. 554) command). Divisions are transferred to the lines during the mesh operation. If smart element
sizing is being used [SMRTSIZE (p. 1530)], KESIZE specifications may be overridden (i.e., a smaller element
size may be used) to accommodate curvature and small features.
This command is valid in any processor. The command is also valid for rezoning.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Size Cntrls>ManualSize>Keypoints>All KPs
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Size Cntrls>ManualSize>Keypoints>Clr Size
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Size Cntrls>ManualSize>Keypoints>Picked KPs
Element type number as defined on the ET (p. 571) command.
Set element key options for all contact element types, CONTA172, CONTA174, CONTA175, and
Set element key options for all target element types, TARGE169 and TARGE170.
Set element key options for all contact element types used in a general contact definition (that
is, all contact elements having a real constant set number = 0).
See Notes (p. 816) for additional ITYPE input specific to general contact.
Number of the KEYOPT to be defined (KEYOPT(KNUM)).
Value of this KEYOPT.
The KEYOPT command is an alternative method for inputting element key option (KEYOPT) values via
the ET (p. 571) command. (Issue the ET (p. 571) command first to define ITYPE).
The KEYOPT command is required for inputting key options numbered higher than six (that is, > KEY-
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
816 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Element Type>Add/Edit/Delete
Specifies "Keypoints" as the subsequent status topic.
PREP7 (p. 20): Status (p. 32)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 817
Sets a keyword used by the GUI for context filtering (GUI).
SESSION (p. 9): Run Controls (p. 9)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a program-generated command and is not intended for your use. It is included here in the doc-
umentation because it might appear in the log file (Jobname.log). When using log files, or portions
of log files, as input, any included KEYW commands may be left as is, or removed, without consequence.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preferences
NP1, NP2
Beginning and ending keypoints for fill-in. NP1 defaults to next to last keypoint specified, NP2 defaults to
last keypoint specified. If NP1 = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored
(valid only in the GUI).
Fill NFILL keypoints between NP1 and NP2 (defaults to |NP2-NP1|-1). NFILL must be positive.
Keypoint number assigned to first filled-in keypoint (defaults to NP1 + NINC).
Add this increment to each of the remaining filled-in keypoint numbers (may be positive or negative).
Defaults to (NP2-NP1)/(NFILL + 1), i.e., linear interpolation.
Spacing ratio. Ratio of last division size to first division size. If > 1.0, divisions increase. If < 1.0, divisions
decrease. Ratio defaults to 1.0 (uniform spacing).
Generates keypoints (in the active coordinate system) between two existing keypoints. The two keypoints
may have been defined in any coordinate system. However, solid modeling in a toroidal coordinate
system is not recommended. Any number of keypoints may be filled in and any keypoint numbering
sequence may be assigned.
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818 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Keypoints>Fill between KPs
Generates additional keypoints from a pattern of keypoints.
PREP7 (p. 20): Keypoints (p. 23)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Do this generation operation a total of ITIME times, incrementing all keypoints in the given pattern
automatically (or by KINC) each time after the first. ITIME must be more than 1 for generation to occur.
Keypoint location increments in the active coordinate system (DR, Dθ, DZ for cylindrical, DR, Dθ, DΦ for
Keypoint increment between generated sets. If zero, the lowest available keypoint numbers are assigned
[NUMSTR (p. 1085)].
Specifies if elements and nodes are also to be generated:
Generate nodes and point elements associated with the original keypoints, if they exist.
Do not generate nodes and elements.
Specifies whether keypoints will be moved or newly defined:
Generate additional keypoints as requested with the ITIME argument.
Move original keypoints to new position retaining the same keypoint numbers (ITIME, KINC, and
NOELEM are ignored). Valid only if the old keypoints are no longer needed at their original positions.
Corresponding meshed items are also moved if not needed at their original position.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 819
Generates additional keypoints (and corresponding mesh) from a given keypoint pattern. The MAT,
TYPE, REAL, and ESYS attributes are based upon the keypoints in the pattern and not upon the current
settings. Generation is done in the active coordinate system. Keypoints in the pattern may have been
defined in any coordinate system. However, solid modeling in a toroidal coordinate system is not re-
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Copy>Keypoints
Number of the line. If negative, the direction of line (as interpreted for RATIO) is reversed. If NL1 = P,
graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI).
Ratio of line length to locate keypoint. Must be between 0.0 and 1.0. Defaults to 0.5 (divide the line in half ).
Number to be assigned to keypoint generated at division location (defaults to lowest available keypoint
number [NUMSTR (p. 1085)]).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Keypoints>On Line
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Keypoints>On Line w/Ratio
Coordinate listing key:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
820 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
List all keypoint information.
Suppress all but the keypoint coordinates (shown to a higher degree of accuracy than when displayed
with all information).
List only hard point information.
Lists keypoints in the active display coordinate system [DSYS (p. 481)]. An attribute (TYPE, MAT, REAL,
or ESYS) listed as a zero is unassigned; one listed as a positive value indicates that the attribute was
assigned with the KATT (p. 807) command (and will not be reset to zero if the mesh is cleared); one
listed as a negative value indicates that the attribute was assigned using the attribute pointer
[TYPE (p. 1707), MAT (p. 929), REAL (p. 1319), or ESYS (p. 570)] that was active during meshing (and will be
reset to zero if the mesh is cleared).
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Keypoints>Coordinates +Attributes
Utility Menu>List>Keypoints>Coordinates only
Utility Menu>List>Keypoints>Hard Points
Missing nodes required for the generated elements are created and assigned the lowest available
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh>Keypoints
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 821
Modifies an existing keypoint.
PREP7 (p. 20): Keypoints (p. 23)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Modify coordinates of this keypoint. If NPT = ALL, modify coordinates of all selected keypoints [KSEL (p. 828)].
If NPT = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the
GUI). A component name may also be substituted for NPT.
X, Y, Z
Replace the previous coordinate values assigned to this keypoint with these corresponding coordinate
values. Values are interpreted according to the active coordinate system (R, θ, Z for cylindrical, R, θ,Φ for
spherical). If X = P, graphical picking is used to locate keypoint and Y and Z are ignored. A blank retains
the previous value. You cannot specify Y = P.
Lines, areas, and volumes attached to the modified keypoint (if any) must all be selected and will be
redefined using the active coordinate system. However, solid modeling in a toroidal coordinate system
is not recommended.
Redefined entities may be removed from any defined components and assemblies. Nodes
and elements will be automatically cleared from any redefined keypoints, lines, areas, or
The KMODIF command moves keypoints for geometry modification without validating underlying en-
tities. To merge keypoints and update higher order entities, issue the NUMMRG (p. 1079) command instead.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Move / Modify>Keypoints>Set of KPs
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Move / Modify>Keypoints>Single KP
Move this keypoint. If NPT = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored
(valid only in the GUI). A component name may also be substituted for NPT.
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822 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
First coordinate system number. Defaults to 0 (global Cartesian).
X1, Y1, Z1
Input one or two values defining the location of the keypoint in this coordinate system. Input "U" for un-
known value(s) to be calculated and input "E" to use an existing coordinate value. Fields are R1, θ1, Z1 for
cylindrical, or R1, θ1, ϕ1 for spherical.
Second coordinate system number.
X2, Y2, Z2
Input two or one value(s) defining the location of the keypoint in this coordinate system. Input "U" for
unknown value(s) to be calculated and input "E" to use an existing coordinate value. Arguments are R2,
θ2, Z2 for cylindrical, or R2, θ2, ϕ2 for spherical.
Calculates and moves a keypoint to an intersection location. The keypoint must have been previously
defined (at an approximate location) or left undefined (in which case it is internally defined at the
SOURCE (p. 1541) location). The actual location is calculated from the intersection of three surfaces (implied
from three coordinate constants in two different coordinate systems). Note that solid modeling in a
toroidal coordinate system is not recommended. See the MOVE (p. 966) command for surface and inter-
section details. The three (of six) constants easiest to define should be used. The program will calculate
the remaining three coordinate constants. All arguments, except KC1, must be input. Use the repeat
command [*REPEAT (p. 1326)] after the KMOVE command to move a series of keypoints, if desired.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Move / Modify>Keypoints>To Intersect
Arbitrary reference number for keypoint. If zero, the lowest available number is assigned [NUMSTR (p. 1085)].
Node number defining global X, Y, Z keypoint location. If NODE = P, graphical picking is enabled and all
remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A component name may also be substituted
for NODE.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Keypoints>On Node
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 823
Determines what keypoints are plotted (one of the following):
Plots all keypoints.
Plots only those keypoints that are hard points.
This command is valid in any processor.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Plot>Keypoints>Hardpoints
Utility Menu>Plot>Keypoints>Keypoints
Utility Menu>Plot>Specified Entities>Keypoints
Generates a scaled set of (meshed) keypoints from a pattern of keypoints.
PREP7 (p. 20): Keypoints (p. 23)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Scale factors to be applied to the X, Y, Z keypoint coordinates in the active coordinate system (RR, Rθ, RZ
for cylindrical; RR, Rθ, RΦ for spherical). The Rθ and RΦ scale factors are interpreted as angular offsets. For
example, if CSYS = 1, an RX, RY, RZ input of (1.5,10,3) would scale the specified keypoints 1.5 times in the
radial and 3 times in the Z direction, while adding an offset of 10 degrees to the keypoints.) Zero, blank,
or negative scale factor values are assumed to be 1.0. Zero or blank angular offsets have no effect.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
824 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Increment to be applied to the keypoint numbers for generated set. If zero, the lowest available keypoint
numbers will be assigned [NUMSTR (p. 1085)].
Specifies whether nodes and elements are also to be generated:
Nodes and point elements associated with the original keypoints will be generated (scaled) if they
Nodes and point elements will not be generated.
Specifies whether keypoints will be moved or newly defined:
Additional keypoints will be generated.
Original keypoints will be moved to new position (KINC and NOELEM are ignored). Use only if the old
keypoints are no longer needed at their original positions. Corresponding meshed items are also moved
if not needed at their original position.
Generates a scaled set of keypoints (and corresponding mesh) from a pattern of keypoints. The MAT,
TYPE, REAL, and ESYS attributes are based on the keypoints in the pattern and not the current settings.
Scaling is done in the active coordinate system. Keypoints in the pattern could have been generated
in any coordinate system. However, solid modeling in a toroidal coordinate system is not recommended.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Scale>Keypoints
Amount of refinement to be done. Specify the value of LEVEL as an integer from 1 to 5, where a value of
1 provides minimal refinement, and a value of 5 provides maximum refinement (defaults to 1).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 825
Depth of mesh refinement in terms of the number of elements outward from the indicated keypoints
(defaults to 1).
Type of postprocessing to be done after element splitting, in order to improve element quality:
No postprocessing will be done.
Smoothing will be done. Node locations may change.
Smoothing and cleanup will be done. Existing elements may be deleted, and node locations may
change (default).
Flag indicating whether quadrilateral elements must be retained in the refinement of an all-quadrilateral
mesh. (The ANSYS program ignores the RETAIN argument when you are refining anything other than a
quadrilateral mesh.)
The final mesh will be composed entirely of quadrilateral elements, regardless of the element quality
The final mesh may include some triangular elements in order to maintain element quality and provide
KREFINE performs local mesh refinement around the specified keypoints. By default, the indicated
elements are split to create new elements with 1/2 the edge length of the original elements (LEVEL =
KREFINE refines all area elements and tetrahedral volume elements that are adjacent to the specified
keypoints. Any volume elements that are adjacent to the specified keypoints, but are not tetrahedra
(for example, hexahedra, wedges, and pyramids), are not refined.
You cannot use mesh refinement on a solid model that contains initial conditions at nodes [IC (p. 769)],
coupled nodes [CP (p. 348) family of commands], constraint equations [CE (p. 259) family of commands],
or boundary conditions or loads applied directly to any of its nodes or elements. This applies to nodes
and elements anywhere in the model, not just in the region where you want to request mesh refinement.
See Revising Your Model in the Modeling and Meshing Guide for additional restrictions on mesh refine-
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Modify Mesh>Refine At>Keypoints
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826 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Do this scaling operation one time, incrementing all keypoints in the given pattern by KINC. If KINC = 0,
keypoints will be redefined at the scaled locations.
Scale factor ratios. Scaling is relative to the origin of the active coordinate system (RR, Rθ, RZ for cylindrical,
RR, Rθ, RΦ for spherical). If > 1.0, pattern is enlarged. If < 1.0, pattern is reduced. Ratios each default to 1.0.
Generates a scaled pattern of keypoints from a given keypoint pattern. Scaling is done in the active
coordinate system (see analogous node scaling [NSCALE (p. 1056)]). Solid modeling in a toroidal coordinate
system is not recommended.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Keypoint number at concentration. If NPT = ALL, use all selected keypoints. If remaining fields are blank,
remove concentration from this keypoint (if unmeshed). If NPT = P, graphical picking is enabled and all
remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A component name may also be substituted
for NPT.
Radius of first row of elements about keypoint.
Crack tip singularity key:
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 827
Do not skew midside nodes, if any, within the element.
Skew midside nodes of the first row of elements to the 1/4 point for crack tip singularity.
Number of elements in circumferential direction (defaults to approximately one per 45° (or one per 30°, if
KCTIP = 1)).
Ratio of 2nd row element size to DELR (defaults to 0.75, or 0.5 if KCTIP = 1).
Defines a concentration keypoint about which an area mesh will be skewed. Useful for modeling stress
concentrations and crack tips. During meshing, elements are initially generated circumferentially about,
and radially away, from the keypoint. Lines attached to the keypoint are given appropriate divisions
and spacing ratios. Only one concentration keypoint per unmeshed area is allowed. Use KSCON,STAT
to list current status of concentration keypoints. The KSCON command does not support 3-D modeling.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Size Cntrls>Concentrat KPs>Create
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Size Cntrls>Concentrat KPs>List
Label identifying the type of select:
Select a new set (default).
Reselect a set from the current set.
Additionally select a set and extend the current set.
Unselect a set from the current set.
Restore the full set.
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828 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Unselect the full set.
Invert the current set (selected becomes unselected and vice versa).
Display the current select status.
Label identifying data. Valid item labels are shown in the table below. Some items also require a component
label. If Item = PICK (or simply “P”), graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are
ignored (valid only in the GUI). Defaults to KP.
Component of the item (if required). Valid component labels are shown in the table below.
Minimum value of item range. Ranges are keypoint numbers, coordinate values, attribute numbers, etc.,
as appropriate for the item. A component name (as specified on the CM (p. 295) command) may also be
substituted for VMIN (VMAX and VINC are ignored). If Item = MAT, TYPE, REAL, or ESYS and if VMIN is
positive, the absolute value of Item is compared against the range for selection; if VMIN is negative, the
signed value of Item is compared. See the KLIST (p. 820) command for a discussion of signed attributes.
Maximum value of item range. VMAX defaults to VMIN.
Value increment within range. Used only with integer ranges (such as for keypoint numbers). Defaults to
1. VINC cannot be negative.
Absolute value key:
Check sign of value during selection.
Use absolute value during selection (sign ignored).
Command Default
All keypoints are selected.
Selects a subset of keypoints or hard points. For example, to select a new set of keypoints based on
keypoint numbers 1 through 7, use KSEL,S,KP,,1,7. The selected subset is used when the ALL label is
entered (or implied) on other commands, such as KLIST (p. 820),ALL. Only data identified by keypoint
number are selected. Data are flagged as selected and unselected; no data are actually deleted from
the database.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 829
For selections based on non-integer numbers (coordinates, results, etc.), items that are within the range
VMIN -Toler and VMAX + Toler are selected. The default tolerance Toler is based on the relative
values of VMIN and VMAX as follows:
Use the SELTOL (p. 1445) (p. 1445) command to override this default and specify Toler explicitly.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Select>Entities
KSLL, Type
Selects those keypoints contained in the selected lines.
DATABASE (p. 11): Selecting (p. 11)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Label identifying the type of keypoint select:
Select a new set (default).
Reselect a set from the current set.
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830 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Additionally select a set and extend the current set.
Unselect a set from the current set.
This command is valid in any processor.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Select>Entities
KSLN, Type
Selects those keypoints associated with the selected nodes.
DATABASE (p. 11): Selecting (p. 11)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Label identifying the type of keypoint select:
Select a new set (default).
Reselect a set from the current set.
Additionally select a set and extend the current set.
Unselect a set from the current set.
Valid only if the nodes were generated by a meshing operation [KMESH (p. 821), LMESH (p. 881),
AMESH (p. 106), VMESH (p. 1784)] on a solid model that contains the associated keypoints.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Select>Entities
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 831
Calculates and prints geometry statistics of the selected keypoints.
PREP7 (p. 20): Keypoints (p. 23)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Calculates and prints geometry statistics (centroid location, moments of inertia, etc.) associated with
the selected keypoints. Geometry items are reported in the global Cartesian coordinate system. A unit
density is assumed, irrespective of any material associations [KATT (p. 807), MAT (p. 929)]. Items calculated
by KSUM and later retrieved by a *GET (p. 667) or *VGET (p. 1766) command are valid only if the model
is not modified after the KSUM command is issued.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Calc Geom Items>Of Keypoints
Symmetry key:
X (or R) symmetry (default).
Y (or θ) symmetry.
Z (or Φ) symmetry.
Keypoint increment between sets. If zero, the lowest available keypoint numbers are assigned [NUM-
STR (p. 1085)].
Specifies whether nodes and elements are also to be generated:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
832 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Generate nodes and point elements associated with the original keypoints, if they exist.
Do not generate nodes and elements.
Specifies whether keypoints will be moved or newly defined:
Generate additional keypoints.
Move original keypoints to new position retaining the same keypoint numbers (KINC and NOELEM
are ignored). Valid only if the old keypoints are no longer needed at their original positions. Corres-
ponding meshed items are also moved if not needed at their original position.
Generates a reflected set of keypoints (and corresponding mesh) from a given keypoint pattern by a
symmetry reflection (see analogous node symmetry command, NSYM (p. 1074)). The MAT, TYPE, REAL,
and ESYS attributes are based upon the keypoints in the pattern and not upon the current settings.
Reflection is done in the active coordinate system by changing a particular coordinate sign. Keypoints
in the pattern may have been generated in any coordinate system. However, solid modeling in a toroidal
coordinate system is not recommended.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Reflect>Keypoints
Reference number of coordinate system where the pattern is to be transferred. Transfer occurs from the
active coordinate system.
Keypoint increment between sets. If zero, the lowest available keypoint numbers are assigned [NUM-
STR (p. 1085)].
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 833
Specifies whether nodes and elements are also to be generated:
Generate nodes and point elements associated with the original keypoints, if they exist.
Do not generate nodes and elements.
Specifies whether keypoints will be moved or newly defined:
Generate additional keypoints.
Move original keypoints to new position retaining the same keypoint numbers (KINC and NOELEM
are ignored). Valid only if the old keypoints are no longer needed at their original positions. Corres-
ponding meshed items are also moved if not needed at their original position.
Transfers a pattern of keypoints (and corresponding mesh) from one coordinate system to another (see
analogous node transfer command, TRANSFER (p. 1686)). The MAT, TYPE, REAL, and ESYS attributes are
based upon the keypoints in the pattern and not upon the current settings. Coordinate systems may
be translated and rotated relative to each other. Initial pattern may be generated in any coordinate
system. Coordinate values are interpreted in the active coordinate system and are transferred directly.
Solid modeling in a toroidal coordinate system is not recommended.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Move / Modify>Transfer Coord>Keypoints
Specifies whether or not to reuse factorized matrices.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Load Step Options (p. 40)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Reuse key:
Program decides whether or not to reuse the previous factorized matrices.
Force the previous factorized matrices to be reused. Used mainly in a restart. Forcing reuse of the
matrices is a nonstandard use of the program and should be done with caution. For instance, using
this option and changing the number of elements, or the number or type of degrees of freedom, may
cause an abort.
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834 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
All element matrices are reformed and are used to reform new factorized matrices.
Command Default
Program makes decision.
Overrides the program logic to determine whether or not to reuse the previous factorized matrices for
each substep of this load step. Applies only to static or full transient analyses and to full harmonic
analyses if the frequency is not changed for continuing loadsteps. For full harmonic analyses, only KEY
= 1 or KEY = 0 is valid.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>Reuse Factorized Matrix
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Other>Reuse Factorized Matrix
Moves the origin of the working plane to the average of the specified keypoints. Averaging is based
on the active coordinate system.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Offset WP to>Keypoints
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 835
Window number whose viewing direction will be modified to be normal to the working plane (defaults to
1). If WN is a negative value, the viewing direction will not be modified. If fewer than three points are used,
the viewing direction of window WN will be used instead to define the normal to the working plane.
Keypoint number defining the origin of the working plane coordinate system. If KORIG = P, graphical
picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI).
Keypoint number defining the x-axis orientation (defaults to the x-axis being parallel to the global X-axis;
or if the normal to the working plane is parallel to the global X-axis, then defaults to being parallel to the
global Y-axis).
Keypoint number defining the working plane (the normal defaults to the present display view [/VIEW (p. 1776)]
of window WN).
Defines a working plane to assist in picking operations using three keypoints as an alternate to the
WPLANE (p. 1820) command. The three keypoints also define the working plane coordinate system. A
minimum of one keypoint (at the working plane origin) is required. Immediate mode may also be active.
See WPSTYL (p. 1821) command to set the style of working plane display.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Align WP with>Keypoints
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
836 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
L Commands
L, P1, P2, NDIV, SPACE, XV1, YV1, ZV1, XV2, YV2, ZV2
Defines a line between two keypoints.
PREP7 (p. 20): Lines (p. 24)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Keypoint at the beginning of line. If P1 = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields
are ignored (valid only in the GUI).
Keypoint at the end of line.
Number of element divisions within this line. Normally this field is not used; specifying divisions with
LESIZE (p. 867), etc. is recommended.
Spacing ratio. Normally this field is not used, as specifying spacing ratios with the LESIZE (p. 867) command
is recommended. If positive, SPACE is the nominal ratio of the last division size (at P2) to the first division
size (at P1). If the ratio is greater than 1, the division sizes increase from P1 to P2, and if less than 1, they
decrease. If SPACE is negative, then |SPACE| is the nominal ratio of the center division size to those at the
The following fields are used only if specified end slopes on the line are desired, otherwise zero curvature
end slopes will be automatically calculated to produce a line which is "straight" in the active coordinate
system. To specify end slopes, use the following fields to define a "slope vector" (one for each end of
the line, if desired) that has its tail at the origin and its head at the point XV, YV, ZV in the active co-
ordinate system [CSYS (p. 364)]. The corresponding end slope of the line will then be parallel to this
"slope vector."
Defines a line between two keypoints from P1 to P2. The line shape may be generated as "straight"
(in the active coordinate system) or curved. The line shape is invariant with coordinate system after it
is generated. Note that solid modeling in a toroidal coordinate system is not recommended. A curved
line is limited to 180°. Lines may be redefined only if not yet attached to an area.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 837
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Lines>Lines>In Active Coord
Number of the first line to be hit (touched by the end of the new line). If negative, assume P1 (see below)
is the second keypoint of the line instead of the first. If NL1 = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remain-
ing command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI).
Number of the second line to be hit. If negative, assume P3 is the second keypoint of the line instead of
the first.
Angle of intersection (usually zero or 180) of generated line with tangent to first line.
Angle of intersection (usually zero or 180) of generated line with tangent to second line.
Number to be assigned to keypoint generated at hit location on first line (defaults to lowest available
keypoint number [NUMSTR (p. 1085)]).
Number to be assigned to keypoint generated at hit location on second line (defaults to lowest available
keypoint number [NUMSTR (p. 1085)]).
Generates a straight line (PHIT1-PHIT2) at an angle (ANG1) with an existing line NL1 (P1-P2) and
which is also at an angle (ANG2) with another existing line NL2 (P3-P4). If the angles are zero the
generated line is tangent to the two lines. The PHIT1 and PHIT2 locations on the lines are automatically
calculated. Line P1-P2 becomes P1-PHIT1, P3-P4 becomes P3-PHIT2, and new lines PHIT1-P2,
PHIT2-P4, and PHIT1-PHIT2 are generated. Line divisions are set to zero (use LESIZE (p. 867), etc. to
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Lines>Lines>Angle to 2 Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Lines>Lines>Norm to 2 Lines
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
838 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Number of the first line generated line is tangent to. If negative, assume P1 (see below) is the second
keypoint of the line instead of the first. If NL1 = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command
fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI).
Number of the second line generated line is tangent to. If negative, assume P3 is the second keypoint of
the line instead of the first.
Generates a line (P2-P3) tangent at point P2 to line NL1 (P1-P2) and tangent at point P3 to line NL2
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Lines>Lines>Tan to 2 Lines
Controls whether the Block Lanczos eigensolver will perform a Sturm sequence check:
Do not perform the Sturm sequence check (default).
Perform a Sturm sequence check. This requires additional matrix factorization (which can be expensive),
but does help ensure that no modes are missed in the specified range.
Unused field.
Alternative version of the Block Lanczos eigensolver for more difficult modal or buckling problems.
This version of Block Lanczos only runs in shared-memory parallel (SMP) mode. If the analysis is run in
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 839
distributed-memory parallel (DMP) mode, it will switch to SMP mode when this Alternative Block
Lanczos solver is invoked, and resume in DMP mode after the eigensolution.
Command Default
The Sturm sequence check is off for the Block Lanczos eigensolver when it is used in a modal analysis,
and on when it is used in a buckling analysis.
LANBOPTION specifies options to be used with the Block Lanczos eigensolver during an eigenvalue
buckling analysis (BUCOPT (p. 244),LANB) or a modal analysis (MODOPT (p. 951),LANB).
For more difficult eigenproblems, AltMeth = ALT1 could achieve better converged eigensolutions at
the cost of more computing time. This ALT1 option is useful for double-checking solution accuracy. It
should be used for difficult eigenproblems like those with many duplicated eigenmodes, or eigen-
buckling problems with very thin beam/shell structures.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Number of the line to be hit (touched by the end of the new line). If negative, assume P1 (see below) is
the second keypoint of the line instead of the first. If NL1 = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining
command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI).
Keypoint at which generated line must end.
Angle of intersection of generated line PHIT-P3 with tangent to line P1-P2 at PHIT. If 0 (default), the
generated line is tangent to NL1 toward end P1; if 90, the generated line is perpendicular to NL1. If 180,
the generated line is tangent to NL1 toward end P2. ANG can be any value, but is adjusted to the corres-
ponding acute angle with respect to LOCAT. See "Notes" (p. 841) for a discussion of accuracy.
Number to be assigned to keypoint generated at hit location (defaults to lowest available keypoint number
[NUMSTR (p. 1085)]).
Approximate location of PHIT in terms of the ratio of the distance along the line (NL1) to the length of
the line. LOCAT can range from 0 to 1. If LOCAT is blank, the point will be located with less speed and
accuracy, and an arbitrary location may result.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
840 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Generates a straight line (PHIT-P3) at an angle (ANG) with a line NL1 (P1-P2). The location of PHIT
on the line is automatically calculated. Line P1-P2 becomes P1-PHIT and new lines PHIT-P2 and
PHIT-P3 are generated. Line divisions are set to zero (use LESIZE (p. 867), etc. to modify).
PHIT is positioned closest to LOCAT for the given angle, ANG. To ensure better performance, it is re-
commended that LOCAT be input, even if it is 0.
The program uses an iterative procedure to position PHIT. The procedure is not exact, with the result
that the actual value of ANG will sometimes differ slightly from the specified value.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Lines>Lines>At angle to line
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Lines>Lines>Normal to Line
Keypoint at one end of circular arc line. If P1 = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command
fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI).
Keypoint at other end of circular arc line.
Keypoint defining plane of arc and center of curvature side (with positive radius). Must not lie along the
straight line from P1 to P2. PC need not be at the center of curvature.
Radius of curvature of the arc. If negative, assume center of curvature side is opposite to that defined by
PC. If RAD is blank, RAD will be calculated from a curve fit through P1, PC, and P2.
Defines a circular arc line from P1 to P2. The line shape is generated as circular, regardless of the active
coordinate system. The line shape is invariant with coordinate system after it is generated.
When dealing with a large radius arc (1e3), or if the location of the arc you create is far away from the
origin of your coordinate system, anomalies may occur. You can prevent this by creating the arc at a
smaller scale, and then scaling the model back to full size (LSSCALE (p. 905)).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 841
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Lines>Arcs>By End KPs & Rad
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Lines>Arcs>Through 3 KPs
Arc X center location (-1.0 < X < 1.0).
Arc Y center location (-1.0 < Y < 1.0).
Arc radius length.
Starting angle of arc.
Ending angle of arc. The arc is drawn counterclockwise from the starting angle, ANGLE1, to the ending
angle, ANGLE2.
Defines annotation arcs to be written directly onto the display at a specified location. This is a command
generated by the Graphical User Interface (GUI) and will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if an-
notation is used. This command is not intended to be typed in directly in an ANSYS session (although
it can be included in an input file for batch input or for use with the /INPUT (p. 791) command).
All arcs are shown on subsequent displays unless the annotation is turned off or deleted. Use the
/LSPEC (p. 902) command to set the attributes of the arc.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Annotation>Create Annotation
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
842 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
First keypoint of line to be generated. If P1 = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command
fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI).
Second keypoint of line to be generated.
Area containing P1 and P2, or area to which generated line is to be parallel.
Generates the shortest line between two keypoints, P1 and P2, both of which lie on an area. The gen-
erated line will also lie on the area. P1 and P2 may also be equidistant (in global Cartesian space) from
the area (and on the same side of the area), in which case a line parallel to the area is generated.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Lines>Lines>Overlaid on Area
Finds the largest (the envelope) of three variables.
POST26 (p. 55): Operations (p. 56)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Arbitrary reference number assigned to the resulting variable (2 to NV [NUMVAR (p. 1086)]). If this number
is the same as for a previously defined variable, the previously defined variable will be overwritten with
this result.
Reference numbers of the three variables to be operated on. If only two, leave IC blank. If only one, leave
IB blank also.
Thirty-two character name for identifying the variable on the printout and displays. Embedded blanks are
compressed upon output.
--, --
Unused fields.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 843
Creates a new variable by finding the largest of up to three variables according to the operation:
The comparison is done at each time location, so that the new variable is the "envelope" of the three
existing variables.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Math Operations>Find Maximum
Unused field.
Beginning and ending orientation keypoints to be associated with selected, unmeshed lines. ANSYS uses
the location of these keypoints to determine how to orient beam cross sections during beam meshing.
Beam elements may be created along a line with a constant orientation by specifying only one orientation
keypoint (KB), or a pre-twisted beam may be created by selecting different orientation keypoints at each
end of the line (KB and KE). (For a line bounded by two keypoints (KP1 and KP2), the orientation vector
at the beginning of the line extends from KP1 to KB, and the orientation vector at the end of the line extends
from KP2 to KE. The orientation vectors are used to compute the orientation nodes of the elements.)
Section identifier to be associated with selected, unmeshed lines. For details, see the description of the
SECTYPE (p. 1433) and SECNUM (p. 1423) commands.
The element attributes specified by the LATT command will be used when the lines are meshed.
Lines subsequently generated from the lines will also have the attributes specified by MAT, REAL, TYPE,
and SECNUM. If a line does not have these attributes associated with it (by this command) at the time
it is meshed, the attributes are obtained from the then current MAT (p. 929), REAL (p. 1319), TYPE (p. 1707),
and SECNUM (p. 1423) command settings.
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844 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
In contrast, the values specified by KB and KE apply only to the selected lines; that is, lines subsequently
generated from these lines will not share these attributes. Similarly, if a line does not have KB and KE
attributes associated with it via the LATT command at the time it is meshed, ANSYS cannot obtain the
attributes from elsewhere. See the discussion on beam meshing in Meshing Your Solid Model in the
Modeling and Meshing Guide for more information.
Reissue the LATT command (before lines are meshed) to change the attributes. A zero (or blank) argu-
ment removes the corresponding association. If any of the arguments are defined as -1, then that value
will be left unchanged in the selected set.
In some cases, ANSYS can proceed with a line meshing operation even when no logical element type
has been assigned via LATT,,,TYPE or TYPE (p. 1707). See Meshing Your Solid Model in the Modeling and
Meshing Guide for more information about setting element attributes.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh Attributes>All Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh Attributes>Picked Lines
Specifies the element layer for which data are to be processed.
POST1 (p. 48): Controls (p. 48)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Layer-processing mode:
The layer number to process. The default value is 0.
Processes the layer with the largest failure criteria.
Command Default
The default is N = 0, meaning that the entire element is considered to be the default “layer.” Accordingly,
the results data are from the bottom of the bottom layer and the top of the top layer.
Specifies the element layer for which results data are to be listed, plotted, or otherwise processed.
Applies to stress and strain data for layered elements SHELL181, SHELL281, ELBOW290, SOLID185,
SOLID186, SOLSH190, SHELL208, SHELL209, REINF264, and REINF265; heat flux and heat gradient for
SHELL131 and SHELL132.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 845
The SHELL (p. 1506) command can then be used (with shell elements) to specify a location (TOP, MID,
BOT) within the layer for output. (The SHELL (p. 1506) command does not apply to thermal shell elements
SHELL131 and SHELL132.) Transverse shear stresses for MID are linearly averaged from TOP and BOT,
and do not reflect a parabolic distribution. Setting KEYOPT(8) = 2 for SHELL181, SHELL281, SHELL208,
SHELL209, and ELBOW290 writes the mid-surface values directly to the results file and yields more ac-
curate values than linear averaging.
Because energy is a per-element quantity, you cannot use this command for energy output.
When using the LAYER command with SHELL181, SOLID185, SOLID186, SOLSH190, SHELL208, SHELL209,
SHELL281, and ELBOW290, KEYOPT(8) must be set to 1 (or 2 for SHELL181, SHELL281, ELBOW290,
SHELL208, and SHELL209) in order to store results for all layers.
When NUM = FCMAX, you must provide the failure criterion input. If specifying input via the FC (p. 610)
command, all structural elements are processed. For more information, see the documentation for the
FC (p. 610) command.
Use this command with RSYS (p. 1383),LSYS to display results in the layer coordinate system for a partic-
ular layer.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Options for Outp
Utility Menu>List>Results>Options
Specifies the element layer for which data are to be stored.
POST26 (p. 55): Controls (p. 56)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Layer-processing mode:
The layer number to process. The default value is 1.
Command Default
The default is N = 1, meaning that results data are from the “first” layer. If KEYOPT(8) = 0, “first” layer
actually means the bottom of the bottom layer and the top of the top layer.
Defines the element layer for which results data are to be stored for postprocessing. Applies to stress
and strain data for layered elements SHELL181, SOLID185, SOLID186, SOLSH190, SHELL208, SHELL209,
SHELL281, REINF265, and ELBOW290.
The SHELL (p. 1506) command can be used (for shell elements) to specify a location (TOP, MID, BOT)
within the layer for selection on the ESOL (p. 558) command. Transverse shear stresses for MID are linearly
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
846 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
averaged from TOP and BOT, and do not reflect a parabolic distribution. Setting KEYOPT(8) = 2 for
SHELL181, SHELL208, SHELL209, SHELL281, and ELBOW290 writes the mid-surface values directly to the
results file and yields more accurate values than linear averaging.
That this command cannot be used for energy output, as energy is a per-element quantity.
When using the LAYERP26 command with SHELL181, SOLID185, SOLID186, SOLSH190, SHELL208, or
SHELL209, KEYOPT(8) must be set to 1 (or 2 for SHELL181, SHELL208, SHELL209, SHELL281, and ELBOW290)
in order to store results for all layers.
In POST26, the ESOL (p. 558) data stored is based on the active LAYERP26 specification at the time the
data is stored. To store data at various specifications (for example, layers 2 and 5), issue a STORE (p. 1578)
command before each new specification.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Define Variables
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Elec&Mag>Circuit>Define Variables
Element number to be listed. If ALL, list all selected elements [ESEL (p. 548)] of the appropriate type. If blank
and the current element type is a layered element type, list data from the current real constant table in
the layered format.
Range of layer numbers to be listed. If LAYR1 is greater than LAYR2, a reverse order list is produced.
LAYR1 defaults to 1. LAYR2 defaults to LAYR1 if LAYR1 is input or to the number of layers if LAYR1 is
not input.
Mplab1, Mplab2
Material property labels (e.g., EX) to be listed along with the layer real constants.
Lists real constants and any two material properties for layered shell and solid elements.
If matrix input is selected (KEYOPT(2) = 2 or 3), LAYR1, LAYR2, Mplab1, and Mplab2 are not used.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Elements>Layered Elements
Utility Menu>List>Properties>Layer Data
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 847
Element number for the display. If blank and the current element type is a layered element type, display
data from the current real constant table.
Range of layer numbers to be displayed. If LAYR1 is greater than LAYR2, a reversed order display is pro-
duced. Up to 20 layers may be displayed at a time. LAYR1 defaults to 1. LAYR2 defaults to LAYR1 if LAYR1
is input or to the number of layers (or to 19+LAYR1, if smaller) if LAYR1 is not input.
Displays the layer-stacking sequence as defined in the real constant table for layered shell and solid
elements in a form where the layers are visible (like a sheared deck of cards).
Layers are cross-hatched and color-coded for clarity. The hatch lines indicate the layer angle (real constant
THETA) and the color coding is for material identification (real constant MAT).
The actual orientation of a specific layer in three-dimensional space can be seen using
/PSYMB (p. 1295),LAYR. To use /PSYMB (p. 1295),LAYR with smeared reinforcing elements (REINF265), first
set the vector-mode graphics option (/DEVICE (p. 429),VECTOR,1).
Layer thickness can be displayed using the /ESHAPE (p. 552) and EPLOT (p. 536) commands.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Plot>Layered Elements
Load case pointer number. If ALL, apply to all selected load cases [LCSEL (p. 856)].
Absolute value key:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
848 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Use algebraic values of load case LCNO in operations.
Use absolute values of load case LCNO in operations.
Command Default
Use algebraic values.
Causes absolute values to be used in the load case operations [LCASE (p. 849) or LCOPER (p. 854)]. Ab-
solute values are taken prior to assigning a load case factor [LCFACT (p. 852)] and are applied only to
defined load cases [LCDEF (p. 851)].
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Load Case>Calc Options>Absolut Value
Reads a load case into the database.
POST1 (p. 48): Load Case Calculations (p. 52)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Load case pointer number [LCDEF (p. 851),STAT]. Defaults to 1.
Command Default
Load case 1.
Reads a load case into the database. Load cases are created as described on the LCDEF (p. 851) or
LCWRITE (p. 859) commands. The results portion of the database and the applied forces and displacements
are cleared before reading the data in. Absolute values [LCABS (p. 848)] and scale factors [LCFACT (p. 852)]
can be applied during the read operation.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Load Case>Read Load Case
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 849
Specifies "Load case settings" as the subsequent status topic.
POST1 (p. 48): Status (p. 54)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>General Postproc>Load Case Calcs
NL1, NL2
Lines to be concatenated. If NL1 = ALL, NL2 is ignored and all selected lines [LSEL (p. 896)] are concatenated.
If NL1 = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the
GUI). A component name may also be substituted for NL1 (NL2 is ignored).
Concatenates multiple, adjacent lines (the input lines) into one line (the output line) in preparation for
mapped meshing. An area that contains too many lines for mapped meshing can still be mapped
meshed if some of the lines in that area are first concatenated (see Meshing Your Solid Model in the
Modeling and Meshing Guide for details on mapped meshing restrictions).
LCCAT is meant to be used solely for meshing and cannot be used for any other purposes. Specifically,
(a) the output line and any areas that have the output line on their line list [ALIST (p. 100)] cannot be
used as input to any other solid modeling operation (not even another LCCAT command); and (b) the
output line cannot accept solid model boundary conditions [DL (p. 448), SFL (p. 1498)].
The output line will take on the element divisions of the input lines and will not accept element divisions
that are directly assigned [LESIZE (p. 867)]. The output line from the LCCAT operation will be coincident
with the input lines and the input lines will be retained. Consider the LCOMB (p. 854) command instead
of LCCAT if you wish to delete the input lines and if the lines to be combined have similar slopes at
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
850 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
the common keypoint(s). When an LCCAT command is issued, area line lists [ALIST (p. 100)] that contain
all of the input lines will be updated so that the area line lists refer to the output line instead of the
input lines. Deletion of the output line [LDELE (p. 860)] effectively reverses the LCCAT operation and
restores area line lists to their original condition.
You can use the LSEL (p. 896) command to select lines that were created by concatenation, and then
follow it with an LDELE (p. 860),ALL command to delete them. Also see Meshing Your Solid Model in
the Modeling and Meshing Guide for a discussion on how to easily select and delete concatenated lines
in one step.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh>Areas>Mapped>Concatenate>Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh>Volumes>Mapped>Concatenate>Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Manual Rezoning>Create Remesh Zone(s)>Geometry Controls>Concat-
enate Lines
Arbitrary pointer number (1-99) to be assigned to the load case specified by LSTEP, SBSTEP and by the
FILE (p. 627) command. Defaults to 1 + previous value.
Load step number to be defined as the load case. Defaults to one.
Substep number. Defaults to the last substep of the load step.
Used only with results from complex analyses:
Use real part of complex solution
Use imaginary part.
Creates a load case by establishing a pointer to a set of results on a results file (written during the ANSYS
solution phase). This pointer (LCNO) can then be used on the LCASE (p. 849) or LCOPER (p. 854) commands
to read the load case data into the database.
Issue LCDEF,ERASE to delete all load case pointers (and all load case files, if any). Issue LCDEF,LCNO,ERASE
to delete only the specific load case pointer LCNO (and its file, if any). With the ERASE options, all
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 851
pointers are deleted; however only files with the default extension [LCWRITE (p. 859)] are deleted. Issue
LCDEF,STAT for status of all selected load cases [LCSEL (p. 856)], or LCDEF,STAT,ALL for status of all load
cases. The STAT (p. 1572) command may be used to list all load cases. See also LCFILE (p. 852) to establish
a pointer to a set of results on a load case file (written by LCWRITE (p. 859)). Harmonic element data
read from a result file load case is stored at the zero-degree position.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Load Case>Create Load Case
Main Menu>General Postproc>Load Case>Erase Load Case
Main Menu>General Postproc>Load Case>List Load Cases
Load case pointer number. If ALL, apply to all selected load cases [LCSEL (p. 856)].
Scale factor applied to load case LCNO. Blank defaults to 1.0.
Command Default
All factors are 1.0.
Defines scale factors to be used in the load case operations [LCASE (p. 849) or LCOPER (p. 854)]. Scale
factors are applied after an absolute value operation [LCABS (p. 848)] and are applied only to defined
load cases [LCDEF (p. 851)].
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Load Case>Calc Options>Scale Factor
Arbitrary (1-99) pointer number assigned to this load case.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
852 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
The extension defaults to the LCNO value preceded by an" L" (for values 10–99) or by an" L0" (for
values 1–9).
Unused field.
Creates a load case by establishing a pointer to an existing load case file [LCWRITE (p. 859)]. This
pointer (LCNO) can then be used on the LCASE (p. 849) or LCOPER (p. 854) commands to read the load
case data into the database. This command is typically used to reestablish load case pointers in a new
ANSYS session (pointers are not saved on the database file), or when more than one pointer to a single
load case is desired. See the LCDEF (p. 851) command for status and erase operations. See also
LCDEF (p. 851) to establish a pointer to a set of results on a results file (written during the ANSYS solution
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Load Case>Create Load Case
Deletes all nodes and line elements associated with selected lines (regardless of whether the nodes or
elements are selected). Nodes shared by adjacent meshed lines and nodes associated with non-line
elements will not be deleted. Attributes assigned as a result of LATT (p. 844) are maintained. In the
program's response to the command, if a line or keypoint is tallied as "cleared," it means either its node
or element reference was deleted.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 853
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Clear>Lines
Number of the first line to be combined. If NL1 = ALL, NL2 is ignored and all selected lines [LSEL (p. 896)]
are combined. If NL1 = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored
(valid only in the GUI). A component name may also be substituted for NL1 (NL2 is ignored).
Number of the second line to be combined.
Specifies whether to keep the input entities:
Delete lines NL1 and NL2 and their common keypoint. Keypoints will not be deleted if they are meshed
or if they are attached to other lines. Lines will not be deleted if they are attached to different areas.
Keep NL1, NL2, and their common keypoint. (The common keypoint will not be attached to the output
Combines adjacent lines into one line (the output line). This operation will effectively "undo" the
LDIV (p. 861) operation. Line divisions are set to zero (use LESIZE (p. 867), etc. to modify). Lines attached
to the same area(s) can also be combined. See also the LCCAT (p. 850) command for line concatenation
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Add>Lines
Valid operations are:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
854 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Zero results portion of database (LCASE1 ignored).
Square database values (LCASE1 ignored).
Square root of database (absolute) values (LCASE1 ignored).
Recalculate line element principal stresses (LCASE1 ignored). Stresses are as shown for the NMISC
items of the ETABLE (p. 572) command for the specific line element type.
Add LCASE1 to database values.
Subtract LCASE1 from database values.
Square root of the sum of the squares of database and LCASE1.
Compare and save in database the algebraic minimum of database and LCASE1.
Compare and save in database the algebraic maximum of database and LCASE1.
Compare and save in database the absolute minimum of database and LCASE1 (based on magnitudes,
then apply the corresponding sign).
Compare and save in database the absolute maximum of database and LCASE1 (based on magnitudes,
then apply the corresponding sign).
First load case in the operation (if any). See LCNO of the LCDEF (p. 851) command. If ALL, repeat operations
using all selected load cases [LCSEL (p. 856)].
Valid operations are:
Multiplication: LCASE1*LCASE2
This option does a phase angle sweep to calculate the maximum of derived stresses, equivalent strain,
and principal strains for a complex solution where LCASE1 is the real part and LCASE2 is the imaginary
part. The Oper field is not applicable with this option. Also, the LCABS (p. 848) and SUMTYPE (p. 1587)
commands have no effect on this option. The value of S3 will be a minimum. Absolute maximum is
obtained for component quantity. This option does not apply to derived displacement amplitude
(USUM). Load case writing (LCWRITE (p. 859)) is not supported. See POST1 and POST26 – Complex
Results Postprocessing in the Theory Reference for more information.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 855
Second load case. Used only with Oper2 operations.
Sweep angle increment in degrees for phase sweep. Used only with Oper2 = CPXMAX. (Default = 1°)
LCOPER operates on the database and one or two load cases according to:
where operations Oper and Oper2 are as described above. Absolute values and scale factors may be
applied to the load cases before the operations [LCABS (p. 848), LCFACT (p. 852)]. If LCASE1 is not
specified, only operation Oper is performed on the current database. If LCASE2 is specified, operation
Oper2 will be performed before operation Oper. If LCASE2 is not specified, operation Oper2 is ignored.
Solution items not contained [OUTRES (p. 1115)] in either the database or the applicable load cases will
result in a null item during a load case operation. Harmonic element data read from a result file load
case are processed at zero degrees. All load case combinations are performed in the solution coordinate
system, and the data resulting from load case combinations are stored in the solution coordinate system.
The resultant data are then transformed to the active results coordinate system [RSYS (p. 1383)] when
listed or displayed. Except in the cases of Oper = LPRIN, ADD, or SUB, you must use RSYS (p. 1383),SOLU
to list or display, and in the case of layered elements, the layer (LAYER (p. 845)) must also be specified.
Use the FORCE (p. 644) command prior to any combination operation to correctly combine the requested
force type.
If Oper2=CPXMAX, the derived stresses and strain calculation do not apply to line elements.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Load Case>Add
Main Menu>General Postproc>Load Case>Line Elem Stress
Main Menu>General Postproc>Load Case>Min & Max
Main Menu>General Postproc>Load Case>Square
Main Menu>General Postproc>Load Case>Square Root
Main Menu>General Postproc>Load Case>SRSS
Main Menu>General Postproc>Load Case>Subtract
Label identifying the type of select:
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856 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Select a new set.
Reselect a set from the current set.
Additionally select a set and extend the current set.
Unselect a set from the current set.
Restore the full set.
Unselect the full set.
Invert the current set (selected becomes unselected and vice versa).
Display the current select status.
Minimum value of load case pointer range.
Maximum value of load case pointer range. LCMAX defaults to LCMIN.
Value increment within range. Defaults to 1. LCINC cannot be negative.
Command Default
All load cases are selected.
Selects a subset of load cases for other operations. For example, to select a new set of load cases based
on load cases 1 through 7, use LCSEL,S,1,7. The subset is used when the ALL label is entered (or implied)
on other commands, such as LCFACT (p. 852), LCABS (p. 848), LCOPER (p. 854), etc. Load cases are flagged
as selected and unselected; no load case pointers [LCDEF (p. 851), LCWRITE (p. 859), LCFILE (p. 852)] are
actually deleted from the database.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Load Case>Calc Options>Sele Ld Cases
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 857
LCSL, NL1, NL2, NL3, NL4, NL5, NL6, NL7, NL8, NL9
Divides intersecting lines at their point(s) of intersection.
PREP7 (p. 20): Booleans (p. 26)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Divides intersecting (classifies) lines at their point(s) of intersection. The original lines (and their corres-
ponding keypoint(s)) will be deleted by default. See the BOPTN (p. 234) command for the options
available to Boolean operations. Element attributes and solid model boundary conditions assigned to
the original entities will not be transferred to the new entities generated.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Specifies whether to process non-summable items in load case operations.
POST1 (p. 48): Results (p. 48)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Combination option
Only combine summable items [default].
Combine all items including non summable items.
Allows non-summable items (e.g. plastic strains) to be included in load combinations. Issue LCSUM,ALL
before the first load case operation (LCXX command). May also be used to include nonsummable items
in the appending of a results file (RAPPND (p. 1311) command).
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
858 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Arbitrary pointer number (1-99) to be assigned to this load case.
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
The extension defaults to the LCNO value preceded by an "L" (for values 10–99) or by an "L0" (for
values 1–9).
Unused field.
Creates a load case by writing the results data in the database to a load case file. The database remains
unchanged by this operation. A pointer is also established to the written set of results on the load case
file. This pointer (LCNO) can then be used on the LCASE (p. 849) or LCOPER (p. 854) commands to read
the load case data into the database. By default, only summable results data (such as displacements,
stresses, elastic strains) and constant results data (such as volume) are written to the load case file unless
requested (LCSUM (p. 858) command). Non-summable results data (such as plastic strains, strain energy),
boundary conditions, and nodal loads are not written to the load case file. The load case file may be
named by default or by a user name. Rewriting to the same file overwrites the previous data. See the
LCDEF (p. 851) command for status and erase operations.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Load Case>Write Load Case
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 859
Zeroes the results portion of the database.
POST1 (p. 48): Load Case Calculations (p. 52)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Often used before the LCOPER (p. 854) command. Same as LCOPER (p. 854),ZERO.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Load Case>Zero Load Case
Specifies whether keypoints are also to be deleted:
Delete lines only.
Delete lines, as well as keypoints attached to lines but not attached to other lines.
A line attached to an area cannot be deleted unless the area is first deleted.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Concatenate>Del Concats>Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh>Areas>Mapped>Del Concats>Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh>Volumes>Mapped>Del Concats>Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Delete>Del Concats>Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Delete>Line and Below
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
860 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Number of the line to be divided. If negative, assume P1 (see below) is the second keypoint of the line
instead of the first for RATIO. If ALL, divide all selected lines [LSEL (p. 896)]. If NL1 = P, graphical picking
is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A component name may
also be substituted for NL1.
Ratio of line length P1-PDIV to line length P1-P2. Must be between 0.0 and 1.0. Input ignored if NDIV >
Number to be assigned to keypoint generated at division location (defaults to lowest available keypoint
number [NUMSTR (p. 1085)]). Input ignored if NL1 = ALL or NDIV > 2. If PDIV already exists and lies on line
NL1, divide line at PDIV (RATIO must also be 0.0). If PDIV already exists and does not lie on line NL1,
PDIV is projected and moved to the nearest point on line NL1 (if possible). PDIV cannot be attached to
another line, area, or volume.
The number of new lines to be generated from old line (defaults to 2).
Specifies whether to keep the input entities:
Modify old line to use new keypoints and slopes.
Do not modify old line. New lines will overlay old line and have unique keypoints.
Divides a single line NL1 (defined from keypoint P1 to keypoint P2) into two or more lines. Line NL1
becomes the new line beginning with keypoint P1 and new lines are generated ending at keypoint
P2. If the line is attached to an area, the area will also be updated. Line divisions are set to zero (use
LESIZE (p. 867), etc. to modify).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Divide>Line into 2 Ln's
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Divide>Line into N Ln's
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Divide>Lines w/ Options
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 861
LDRAG, NK1, NK2, NK3, NK4, NK5, NK6, NL1, NL2, NL3, NL4, NL5, NL6
Generates lines by sweeping a keypoint pattern along path.
PREP7 (p. 20): Lines (p. 24)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Generates lines (and their corresponding keypoints) by sweeping a given keypoint pattern along a
characteristic drag path. If the drag path consists of multiple lines, the drag direction is determined by
the sequence in which the path lines are input (NL1, NL2, etc.). If the drag path is a single line (NL1),
the drag direction is from the keypoint on the drag line that is closest to the first keypoint of the given
pattern to the other end of the drag line.
The magnitude of the vector between the keypoints of the given pattern and the first path keypoint
remains constant for all generated keypoint patterns and the path keypoints. The direction of the vector
relative to the path slope also remains constant so that patterns may be swept around curves. Keypoint
and line numbers are automatically assigned (beginning with the lowest available values [NUM-
STR (p. 1085)]). For best results, the entities to be dragged should be orthogonal to the start of the drag
path. Drag operations that produce an error message may create some of the desired entities prior to
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Extrude>Keypoints>Along Lines
Valid load label:
Temperatures from a thermal analysis are applied as body force nodal loads (BF (p. 192)) in a structural
analysis or other type of analysis.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
862 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
When used in conjunction with KIMG = 1 or KIMG = 2, temperatures can be applied to a sub-
sequent thermal analysis as nodal loads (D (p. 397)) or initial conditions (IC (p. 769)), respectively.
See the "Notes" (p. 865) section for details on transferring temperatures from layered thermal
shell elements (SHELL131, SHELL132) and layered thermal solid elements (SOLID278, SOLID279).
Forces from an electromagnetic analysis are applied as force loads (F (p. 607)) in a structural analysis.
LDREAD,FORC reads coupling forces. See the discussion on force computation in the Low-Frequency
Electromagnetic Analysis Guide.
For a full harmonic magnetic analysis, FORC represents the time-averaged force (use in conjunc-
tion with KIMG = 2). Values are in the nodal coordinate system for the force loads (F (p. 607)).
Heat generations from an electromagnetic analysis are applied as body force loads (BFE (p. 206)) in a
thermal analysis. For a full harmonic analysis, HGEN represents the time-averaged heat generation
load (use in conjunction with KIMG = 2).
Source current density from a current-conduction analysis are applied as body force loads (BFE (p. 206)).
Values are in the global Cartesian coordinate system.
Electric field element centroid values from an electrostatic analysis are applied as body force loads
(BFE (p. 206)) in a magnetic analysis. Values are in the global Cartesian coordinate system.
Reaction loads from any analysis are applied as force loads (F (p. 607)) in any analysis. Values are in the
nodal coordinate system.
Concentrations from a diffusion analysis are applied to a subsequent diffusion analysis as nodal loads
(D (p. 397)) or initial conditions (IC (p. 769)) when used in conjunction with KIMG=1 or KIMG=2, respect-
Mean flow velocities from a static mean flow analysis are applied to a subsequent harmonic solution
of the convective wave equation as body force loads (BF (p. 192)).
Voltages from an electric, electrostatic, or electromagnetic analysis are applied to a subsequent electric,
electrostatic, or electromagnetic analysis as nodal loads (D (p. 397)) when KIMG = 1 or as initial conditions
(IC (p. 769)) when KIMG = 2.
Load step number of the data set to be read. Defaults to 1. If LAST, ignore SBSTEP and TIME and read
the last data set.
Substep number (within LSTEP). If zero (or blank), LSTEP represents the last substep of the load step.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 863
Time-point identifying the data set to be read. Used only if both LSTEP and SBSTEP are zero (or blank).
If TIME is between two solution time points on the results file, a linear interpolation is done between the
two data sets. If TIME is beyond the last time point on the file, use the last time point.
When used with results from harmonic analyses (ANTYPE (p. 140),HARMIC) KIMG establishes which set of
data to read:
Read the real part of the solution. Valid also for Lab = EHFLU to read in time-average heat flux.
Read the imaginary part of the solution.
Calculate and read the time-average part. Meaningful for Lab = HGEN or FORC.
When used with the PRES label, KIMG represents the shell element face on which to apply the
Apply pressure to face 1
Apply pressure to face 2
When used with the TEMP label, KIMG indicates how temperatures are to be applied.
Apply temperatures as body loads (BF (p. 192))
Apply temperatures as nodal loads (D (p. 397))
Apply temperatures as initial conditions (IC (p. 769))
When used with the CONC label, KIMG indicates how concentrations are to be applied.
Apply concentrations as nodal loads (D (p. 397))
Apply concentrations as initial conditions (IC (p. 769))
When used with the VOLT label, KIMG indicates how voltages are to be applied.
Apply voltages as nodal loads (D (p. 397))
Apply voltages as initial conditions (IC (p. 769))
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
864 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
The extension defaults to RST (or RMF for a static mean flow analysis) if Fname is blank.
Unused field.
The LDREAD command reads results data from the results file and applies them as loads.
The command can also apply results from an analysis defined with one physics environment as loads
on a second analysis using a different physics environment. Results values are applied as loads for field-
coupling effects (for example, output temperatures from a thermal analysis as input to a structural
The command works based on the assumption that the meshes have not changed.
Nodal loads are applied only to selected nodes. Element loads are applied only to selected elements.
Element surface loads are applied only to selected elements where all face nodes for that surface are
To assure proper distribution of the surface loads, select only the nodes on the element face where the
surface load is to be applied.
Scaling and accumulation specifications are applied as the loads are read via the following commands:
• BFCUM (p. 203) for body force loads. (Heat-generation loads are not accumulated.)
• BFLIST (p. 223) or BFELIST (p. 212) for body force loads.
Values may be redefined after being read by issuing LDREAD again with a different load step and
substep, or time value.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 865
If a thermal analysis uses SHELL131 or SHELL132 thermal shell elements, temperatures can be transferred
as body force element loads (BFE (p. 206)). In most cases, only the top and bottom temperatures from
SHELL131 and SHELL132 are used by the structural shell elements; any interior temperatures are ignored.
However, all temperatures are used by SHELL181 having section input, and SHELL281 having section
input; for these elements, therefore, the number of temperature points at a node generated in the
thermal model must match the number of temperature points at a node needed by the structural
When using SHELL131 or SHELL132 information for the LDREAD operation, all element types should
specify the same set of thermal degrees of freedom.
If a thermal analysis uses SOLID278 or SOLID279 thermal solid elements, the temperatures are available
either at the nodes (KEYOPT(3) = 0) or at the nodes and layers (KEYOPT(3) = 1 or 2). Under normal cir-
cumstances, only the nodal temperatures are transferred to the structural elements.
However, if the structural elements are layered solids (KEYOPT(3) = 1 for SOLSH190, SOLID185, SOLID186)
and the thermal elements have KEYOPT(3) = 1 or 2 (layered solid) and KEYOPT(8) = 1 (store data for all
layers), then the layer temperatures are transferred to the structural elements. If the number of layers
do not match, the algorithm reverts back to nodal temperature transfer.
KIMG = 0 (body loads) is the only valid mode for layered temperature transfer.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Boundary>Temperature>From
Therm Analy
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Fluid/ANSYS>Heat Generat>From Mag
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Initial Condit'n>Temp from ANSYS
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Boundary>Temperature>From
Therm Analy
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Excitation>AppCur-
rDens>From Elec An
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Other>Electric Field>From
Elec An
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Force/Moment>From Mag
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Force/Moment>From Reac-
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Pressure>From Fluid Analy
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Temperature>From Therm
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Convection>From Fluid Analy
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Heat Flux>From EMAG Analy
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Heat Flux>From Fluid Analy
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
866 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Specifies the divisions and spacing ratio on unmeshed lines.
PREP7 (p. 20): Meshing (p. 27)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Number of the line to be modified. If ALL, modify all selected lines [LSEL (p. 896)]. If NL1 = P, graphical
picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A component
name may also be substituted for NL1.
If NDIV is blank, SIZE is the division (element edge) length. The number of divisions is automatically cal-
culated from the line length (rounded upward to next integer). If SIZE is zero (or blank), use ANGSIZ or
The division arc (in degrees) spanned by the element edge (except for straight lines, which always result
in one division). The number of divisions is automatically calculated from the line length (rounded upward
to next integer).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 867
If positive, NDIV is the number of element divisions per line. If -1 (and KFORC = 1), NDIV is assumed to
be zero element divisions per line. TARGE169 with a rigid specification ignores NDIV and will always mesh
with one element division.
Spacing ratio. If positive, nominal ratio of last division size to first division size (if > 1.0, sizes increase, if <
1.0, sizes decrease). If negative, |SPACE| is nominal ratio of center division(s) size to end divisions size.
Ratio defaults to 1.0 (uniform spacing). For layer-meshing, a value of 1.0 normally is used. If SPACE = FREE,
ratio is determined by other considerations
KFORC 0-3 are used only with NL1 = ALL. Specifies which selected lines are to be modified.
Modify only selected lines having undefined (zero) divisions.
Modify all selected lines.
Modify only selected lines having fewer divisions (including zero) than specified with this command.
Modify only selected lines having more divisions than specified with this command.
Modify only nonzero settings for SIZE, ANGSIZ, NDIV, SPACE, LAYER1, and LAYER2. If KFORC =
4, blank or 0 settings remain unchanged.
Layer-meshing control parameter. Distance which defines the thickness of the inner mesh layer, LAYER1.
Elements in this layer are uniformly-sized with edge lengths equal to the specified element size for the
line (either through SIZE or line-length/NDIV). A positive value for LAYER1 is interpreted as an absolute
length, while a negative value in interpreted as a multiplier on the specified element size for the line. As
a general rule, the resulting thickness of the inner mesh layer should be greater than or equal to the specified
element size for the line. If LAYER1 = OFF, layer-meshing control settings are cleared for the selected lines.
The default value is 0.0
Layer-meshing control parameter. Distance which defines the thickness of the outer mesh layer, LAYER2.
Elements in this layer transition in size from those in LAYER1 to the global element size. A positive value
of LAYER2 is interpreted as an absolute length, while a negative value is interpreted as a mesh transition
factor. A value of LAYER2 = -2 would indicate that elements should approximately double in size as the
mesh progresses normal to LAYER1. The default value is 0.0.
0, No, and Off means that SmartSizing cannot override specified divisions and spacing ratios. Mapped
mesh fails if divisions do not match. This defines the specification as "hard".
1, Yes, and On means that SmartSizing can override specified divisions and spacing ratios for
curvature or proximity. Mapped meshing can override divisions to obtain required matching divisions.
This defines the specification as" soft".
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
868 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Defines the number of divisions and the spacing ratio on selected lines. Lines with previously specified
divisions may also be changed.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Size Cntrls>ManualSize>Layers>Clr Layers
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Size Cntrls>ManualSize>Layers>Picked Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Size Cntrls>ManualSize>Lines>All Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Size Cntrls>ManualSize>Lines>Clr Size
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Size Cntrls>ManualSize>Lines>Copy Divs
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Size Cntrls>ManualSize>Lines>Flip Bias
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Size Cntrls>ManualSize>Lines>Picked Lines
Number of the line to be extended. If NL1 = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command
fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI).
Number of keypoint at the end of line NL1 to be extended.
Distance that the line will be extended.
Specifies whether to keep the input entities:
Modify old line to use new keypoints and slopes.
Do not modify old line. New line will overlay old line and have unique keypoints.
Extends a line at one end by using its slope. Lines may be redefined only if not yet attached to an area.
Line divisions are set to zero (use LESIZE (p. 867), etc. to modify). Note that solid modeling in a toroidal
coordinate system is not recommended.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 869
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Extend Line
Number of the first intersecting line. If NL1 = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command
fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI).
Number of the second intersecting line.
Radius of fillet to be generated. Radius should be less than the lengths of the two lines specified with NL1
and NL2.
Number to be assigned to generated keypoint at fillet arc center. If zero (or blank), no keypoint is generated.
Generates a fillet line between two intersecting lines NL1 (P1-PINT) and NL2 (P2-PINT). Three keypoints
may be generated, two at the fillet tangent points (PTAN1 and PTAN2) and one (optional) at the fillet
arc center (PCENT). Line P1-PINT becomes P1-PTAN1, P2-PINT becomes P2-PTAN2, and new arc
line PTAN1-PTAN2 is generated. Generated keypoint and line numbers are automatically assigned
(beginning with the lowest available values [NUMSTR (p. 1085)]). Line divisions are set to zero (use LES-
IZE (p. 867), etc. to modify).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Lines>Line Fillet
Component name for the surface lines of the meshed solid areas.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
870 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Component name for the target lines meshed with fluid elements.
This command macro is used to generate surface effect elements overlaid on the surface of existing
plane elements and, based on proximity, to determine and assign the extra node for each surface element.
The underlying areas of the solid region and the fluid lines must be meshed prior to calling this command
macro. The active element type must be SURF151 with appropriate settings for KEYOPT(4), KEYOPT(5),
KEYOPT(6), and KEYOPT(8).
The surface lines of the solid and the target lines of the fluid are grouped into components and named
using the CM (p. 295) command. The names must be enclosed in single quotes (e.g., 'SLINE') when the
LFSURF command is manually typed in.
When using the GUI method, node and element components are created through the picking dialog
boxes associated with this command.
The macro is applicable for the SURF151 and FLUID116 element types.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Surf / Contact>Surf Effect>Attch to
Fluid>Area to Fluid
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Surf / Contact>Surf Effect>Attch to
Fluid>Line to Fluid
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Surf / Contact>Surf Effect>Attch to
Fluid>Node to Fluid
Generates additional lines from a pattern of lines.
PREP7 (p. 20): Lines (p. 24)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Do this generation operation a total of ITIMEs, incrementing all keypoints in the given pattern automat-
ically (or by KINC) each time after the first. ITIME must be > 1 for generation to occur.
Keypoint location increments in the active coordinate system (--, Dθ, DZ for cylindrical, --, Dθ, -- for spher-
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 871
Keypoint increment between generated sets. If zero, the lowest available keypoint numbers are assigned
[NUMSTR (p. 1085)].
Specifies if elements and nodes are also to be generated:
Generate nodes and elements associated with the original lines, if they exist.
Do not generate nodes and elements.
Specifies whether to redefine the existing lines:
Generate additional lines as requested with the ITIME argument.
Move original lines to new position retaining the same keypoint numbers (ITIME, KINC, and NOELM
are ignored). Valid only if the old lines are no longer needed at their original positions. Corresponding
meshed items are also moved if not needed at their original position.
Generates additional lines (and their corresponding keypoints and mesh) from a given line pattern. The
MAT, TYPE, REAL, and ESYS attributes are based upon the lines in the pattern and not upon the current
settings. End slopes of the generated lines remain the same (in the active coordinate system) as those
of the given pattern. For example, radial slopes remain radial, etc. Generations which produce lines of
a size or shape different from the pattern (i.e., radial generations in cylindrical systems, radial and phi
generations in spherical systems, and theta generations in elliptical systems) are not allowed. Note that
solid modeling in a toroidal coordinate system is not recommended. New line numbers are automatically
assigned (beginning with the lowest available values [NUMSTR (p. 1085)]).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Copy>Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Move / Modify>Lines
LGLUE, NL1, NL2, NL3, NL4, NL5, NL6, NL7, NL8, NL9
Generates new lines by "gluing" lines.
PREP7 (p. 20): Booleans (p. 26)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
872 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Use of the LGLUE command generates new lines by "gluing" input lines. The glue operation redefines
the input lines so that they share keypoints at their common ends. The new lines encompass the same
geometry as the original lines. This operation is only valid if the intersections of the input lines are
keypoints at the ends of those lines. See the Modeling and Meshing Guide for an illustration. See the
BOPTN (p. 234) command for an explanation of the options available to Boolean operations. Element
attributes and solid model boundary conditions assigned to the original entities will not be transferred
to the new entities generated.
The LGLUE command results in the merging of keypoints at the common end of the lines. The keypoints
of the lower numbered line will be kept. This means one must be aware of line numbering when multiple
LGLUE commands are applied to avoid any “ungluing” of geometry.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Glue>Lines
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
Flag to suppress nonessential commands:
Do not suppress any commands (default).
Write nonessential commands as comments (starting with !).
Do not write nonessential commands or comments.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 873
Writes the database command log to a named file. The database command log contains all commands
that were used to create the current database. These commands are recorded in the database as they
are issued, and saved in the database file (File.DB) whenever the database is saved. The LGWRITE
command extracts these commands from the database and writes them to a file. Nonessential commands
(for listing, graphics displays, help, etc.) can be excluded from the file by using the Kedit field. The
file resulting from LGWRITE can be used as command input to the program. This command is most
useful if the session log file (File.LOG), which is normally saved during an interactive session, has
been lost or corrupted.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>File>Write DB Log File
/LIGHT (p. 874), WN, NUM, INT, XV, YV, ZV, REFL
Specifies the light direction for the display window.
GRAPHICS (p. 14): Style (p. 15)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Window number (or ALL) to which command applies (defaults to 1).
Ambient or directional light key:
Ambient light (default).
Directional light.
Light intensity factor (defaults to 0.3 for ambient, 1.0 for directional). This option is valid only for 3-D
Light direction (valid only for NUM = 1). The directional light source is parallel to the line from point XV,
YV, ZV to the origin, in the global Cartesian system origin. Defaults to the viewing direction [/VIEW (p. 1776)].
Light reflectance factor (valid only for NUM = 1 and 3-D devices).
Command Default
Use ambient light.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
874 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Defines the light direction for the window. Use this command only with 3-D graphics devices or 2-D
devices when Z-buffering is used [/TYPE (p. 1705),,(6 or 7)]. The ambient light has no direction, only an
intensity. You can position the directional light source by defining a point (in the global Cartesian co-
ordinate system) representing a point along the light directional line. This point, and the global Cartesian
coordinate system origin, define the line along which the light is positioned looking toward the origin.
You can use any point along the light line; for example, both (1.,1.,1.) and (2.,2.,2.) give the same light
effect. For 3-D graphics devices only, the directional light source also has intensity and reflectance
By choosing the highest intensity ambient light for 3-D graphics devices (via the command
/LIGHT (p. 874),WN,0,1), you can nullify color shading and other effects of directional lighting.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Light Source
Finds the intersection of a line with an area.
PREP7 (p. 20): Booleans (p. 26)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Number of line to be intersected. If NL = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields
are ignored (valid only in the GUI).
Number of area to be intersected.
Finds the intersection of a line with an area. New lines will be generated where the lines intersect the
areas. If the regions of intersection are only points, new keypoints will be generated instead. See the
Modeling and Meshing Guide for an illustration. See the BOPTN (p. 234) command for the options available
to Boolean operations. Element attributes and solid model boundary conditions assigned to the original
entities will not be transferred to the new entities generated.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Intersect>Line with Area
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 875
Specifies "Lines" as the subsequent status topic.
PREP7 (p. 20): Status (p. 32)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Line X starting location (-1.0 < X < 2.0).
Line Y starting location (-1.0 < Y < 1.0).
Line X ending location (-1.0 < X < 2.0).
Line Y ending location (-1.0 < Y < 1.0).
Defines annotation lines to be written directly onto the display at a specified location. This is a command
generated by the Graphical User Interface (GUI) and will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if an-
notation is used. This command is not intended to be typed in directly in an ANSYS session (although
it can be included in an input file for batch input or for use with the /INPUT (p. 791) command).
All lines are shown on subsequent displays unless the annotation is turned off or deleted. Use the
/LSPEC (p. 902) command to set the attributes of the line.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
876 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Annotation>Create Annotation
Specifies the length of a printed page.
POST26 (p. 55): Listing (p. 57)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Number of lines per page (defaults to 20). (Minimum allowed = 11).
Command Default
20 lines per page.
Specifies the length of a printed page (for use in reports, etc.).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Settings>List
LINL, NL1, NL2, NL3, NL4, NL5, NL6, NL7, NL8, NL9
Finds the common intersection of lines.
PREP7 (p. 20): Booleans (p. 26)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Finds the common (not pairwise) intersection of lines. The common intersection is defined as the regions
shared (in common) by all lines listed on this command. New lines will be generated where the original
lines intersect. If the regions of intersection are only points, new keypoints will be generated instead.
See the Modeling and Meshing Guide for an illustration. See the BOPTN (p. 234) command for the options
available to Boolean operations. Element attributes and solid model boundary conditions assigned to
the original entities will not be transferred to the new entities generated.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 877
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Intersect>Common>Lines
LINP, NL1, NL2, NL3, NL4, NL5, NL6, NL7, NL8, NL9
Finds the pairwise intersection of lines.
PREP7 (p. 20): Booleans (p. 26)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Finds the pairwise intersection of lines. The pairwise intersection is defined as any and all regions shared
by at least two lines listed on this command. New lines will be generated where the original lines intersect
pairwise. If the regions of pairwise intersection are only points, new keypoints will be generated. See
the Modeling and Meshing Guide for an illustration. See the BOPTN (p. 234) command for the options
available to Boolean operations. Element attributes and solid model boundary conditions assigned to
the original entities will not be transferred to the new entities generated.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Intersect>Pairwise>Lines
Finds the intersection of a line with a volume.
PREP7 (p. 20): Booleans (p. 26)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Number of line to be intersected. If NL = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields
are ignored (valid only in the GUI).
Number of volume to be intersected.
Finds the intersection of a line with a volume. New lines will be generated where the lines intersect the
volumes. If the regions of intersection are only points, new keypoints will be generated instead. See
the Modeling and Meshing Guide for an illustration. See the BOPTN (p. 234) command for the options
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
878 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
available to Boolean operations. Element attributes and solid model boundary conditions assigned to
the original entities will not be transferred to the new entities generated.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Intersect>Line with Volume
Lists out the sets in the results file.
AUX3 (p. 58): Results Files (p. 58)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This command lists the results set number, the load step, substep, and time step for each set. It also
shows all sets marked for deletion.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
Displays the contents of an external, coded file. The file to be listed cannot be in use (open) at the time
(except for the error file, File.ERR, which may be displayed with *LIST (p. 879),ERR).
Use caution when you are listing active ANSYS files via the List> Files> Other and File> List> Other
menu paths. File I/O buffer and system configurations can result in incomplete listings unless the files
are closed.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 879
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Determines what type of listing is used (one of the following):
Prints information about all lines in the specified range.
Prints the radius of certain circular arcs, along with the keypoint numbers of each line. Straight lines,
non-circular curves, and circular arcs not internally identified as arcs (which depends upon how each
arc is created) will print a radius value of zero.
Prints layer-mesh control specifications.
Prints information about only those lines that contain hard points. HPT is not supported in the GUI.
Prints a list of lines, and identifies any orientation keypoints and any cross section IDs that are associated
with the lines. Used for beam meshing with defined orientation nodes and cross sections.
There are 2 listings for the number of element divisions and the spacing ratio. The first listing shows
assignments from LESIZE (p. 867) only, followed by the “hard” key (KYNDIV). See LESIZE (p. 867) for
more information. The second listing shows NDIV and SPACE for the existing mesh, if one exists.
Whether this existing mesh and the mesh generated by LESIZE (p. 867) match at any given point depends
upon meshing options and the sequence of meshing operations.
A "-1" in the "nodes" column indicates that the line has been meshed but that there are no interior
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
880 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
An attribute (TYPE, MAT, REAL, or ESYS) listed as a zero is unassigned; one listed as a positive value in-
dicates that the attribute was assigned with the LATT (p. 844) command (and will not be reset to zero
if the mesh is cleared); one listed as a negative value indicates that the attribute was assigned using
the attribute pointer [TYPE (p. 1707), MAT (p. 929), REAL (p. 1319), or ESYS (p. 570)] that was active during
meshing (and will be reset to zero if the mesh is cleared).
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Lines
Generates nodes and line elements along lines. Missing nodes required for the generated elements are
created and assigned the lowest available numbers.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh>Lines
Line search key:
Do not use a line search.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 881
Use a line search. Note, adaptive descent is suppressed when LNSRCH is on unless explicitly requested
on the NROPT (p. 1053) command. Having line search on and adaptive descent on at the same time is not
The program automatically switches line searching ON and OFF between substeps of a load step as
needed. This option is recommended.
Line search convergence tolerance (default = 0.5).
Truncation key for the line search parameter. Default = OFF, meaning no truncation. To activation truncation,
input the number of digits to use after the decimal point for the line search parameter. (See Line Search
in the Theory Reference for more information.)
Command Default
Line search off, unless contact elements are present.
Activates a line search to be used with the Newton-Raphson method [NROPT (p. 1053)]. Line search is
an alternative to adaptive descent (see Line Search in the Theory Reference).
LNSRCH,AUTO can be very efficient for problems in which LNSRCH is needed at only certain substeps.
You cannot use line search [LNSRCH], automatic time stepping [AUTOTS (p. 179)], or the DOF solution
predictor [PRED (p. 1233)] with the arc-length method [ARCLEN (p. 151), ARCTRM (p. 153)]. If you activate
the arc-length method after you set LNSRCH, AUTOTS (p. 179), or PRED (p. 1233), a warning message
appears. If you choose to proceed with the arc-length method, the program disables your line search,
automatic time stepping, and DOF predictor settings, and the time step size is controlled by the arc-
length method internally.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Nonlinear
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Nonlinear>Line Search
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Nonlinear
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Nonlinear>Line Search
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
882 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Defines a local coordinate system by a location and orientation.
DATABASE (p. 11): Coordinate System (p. 13)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Arbitrary reference number assigned to this coordinate system. Must be greater than 10. A coordinate
system previously defined with this number will be redefined.
Coordinate system type:
0 or CART
1 or CYLIN
Cylindrical (circular or elliptical)
2 or SPHE
Spherical (or spheroidal)
3 or TORO
Location (in the global Cartesian coordinate system) of the origin of the new coordinate system.
First rotation about local Z (positive X toward Y).
Second rotation about local X (positive Y toward Z).
Third rotation about local Y (positive Z toward X).
Used for elliptical, spheroidal, or toroidal systems. If KCS = 1 or 2, PAR1 is the ratio of the ellipse Y-axis
radius to X-axis radius (defaults to 1.0 (circle)). If KCS = 3, PAR1 is the major radius of the torus.
Used for spheroidal systems. If KCS = 2, PAR2 = ratio of ellipse Z-axis radius to X-axis radius (defaults to
1.0 (circle)).
Defines a local coordinate system by origin location and orientation angles. The local coordinate system
is parallel to the global Cartesian system unless rotated. Rotation angles are in degrees and redefine
any previous rotation angles. See the CLOCAL (p. 292), CS (p. 359), CSWPLA (p. 363), and CSKP (p. 362)
commands for alternate definitions. This local system becomes the active coordinate system
[CSYS (p. 364)]. Local coordinate systems may be displayed with the /PSYMB (p. 1295) command.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 883
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Local Coordinate Systems>Create Local CS>At Specified Loc
LOVLAP, NL1, NL2, NL3, NL4, NL5, NL6, NL7, NL8, NL9
Overlaps lines.
PREP7 (p. 20): Booleans (p. 26)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Overlaps lines. Generates new lines which encompass the geometry of all the input lines. The new lines
are defined by the regions of intersection of the input lines, and by the complementary (non-intersecting)
regions. See the Modeling and Meshing Guide for an illustration. This operation is only valid when the
region of intersection is a line. See the BOPTN (p. 234) command for an explanation of the options
available to Boolean operations. Element attributes and solid model boundary conditions assigned to
the original entities will not be transferred to the new entities generated.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Overlap>Lines
Mesh divisions on plotted lines are controlled by the LDIV option of the /PSYMB (p. 1295) command.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
884 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Plot>Lines
Utility Menu>Plot>Specified Entities>Lines
LPTN, NL1, NL2, NL3, NL4, NL5, NL6, NL7, NL8, NL9
Partitions lines.
PREP7 (p. 20): Booleans (p. 26)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Partitions lines. Generates new lines which encompass the geometry of all the input lines. The new lines
are defined by both the regions of intersection of the input lines and the complementary (non-intersect-
ing) regions. See the Modeling and Meshing Guide for an illustration. See the BOPTN (p. 234) command
for an explanation of the options available to Boolean operations. Element attributes and solid model
boundary conditions assigned to the original entities will not be transferred to the new entities generated.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Partition>Lines
Amount of refinement to be done. Specify the value of LEVEL as an integer from 1 to 5, where a value of
1 provides minimal refinement, and a value of 5 provides maximum refinement (defaults to 1).
Depth of mesh refinement in terms of the number of elements outward from the indicated lines (defaults
to 1).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 885
Type of postprocessing to be done after element splitting, in order to improve element quality:
No postprocessing will be done.
Smoothing will be done. Node locations may change.
Smoothing and cleanup will be done. Existing elements may be deleted, and node locations may
change (default).
Flag indicating whether quadrilateral elements must be retained in the refinement of an all-quadrilateral
mesh. (The ANSYS program ignores the RETAIN argument when you are refining anything other than a
quadrilateral mesh.)
The final mesh will be composed entirely of quadrilateral elements, regardless of the element quality
The final mesh may include some triangular elements in order to maintain element quality and provide
LREFINE performs local mesh refinement around the specified lines. By default, the indicated elements
are split to create new elements with 1/2 the edge length of the original elements (LEVEL = 1).
LREFINE refines all area elements and tetrahedral volume elements that are adjacent to the specified
lines. Any volume elements that are adjacent to the specified lines, but are not tetrahedra (for example,
hexahedra, wedges, and pyramids), are not refined.
You cannot use mesh refinement on a solid model that contains initial conditions at nodes [IC (p. 769)],
coupled nodes [CP (p. 348) family of commands], constraint equations [CE (p. 259) family of commands],
or boundary conditions or loads applied directly to any of its nodes or elements. This applies to nodes
and elements anywhere in the model, not just in the region where you want to request mesh refinement.
For additional restrictions on mesh refinement, see Revising Your Model in the Modeling and Meshing
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Modify Mesh>Refine At>Lines
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
886 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Line number of the line whose normal direction is to be reversed. If LNUM = ALL, the normals of all selected
lines will be reversed. If LNUM = P, graphical picking is enabled. A component name may also be substituted
for LNUM.
Indicates whether you want to change the normal direction of the existing elements on the reversed line(s)
so that they are consistent with each line's new normal direction.
Make the normal direction of existing elements on the reversed line(s) consistent with each line's new
normal direction (default).
Do not change the normal direction of existing elements on the reversed line(s).
You cannot use the LREVERSE command to change the normal direction of any element that has a
body or surface load. We recommend that you apply all of your loads only after ensuring that the element
normal directions are acceptable.
Real constants (such as nonuniform shell thickness and tapered beam constants) may be invalidated
by an element reversal.
For more information, see Revising Your Model in the Modeling and Meshing Guide.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Move / Modify>Reverse Normals>of Lines
Generates circular lines by rotating a keypoint pattern about an axis.
PREP7 (p. 20): Lines (p. 24)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 887
Keypoints defining the axis about which the keypoint pattern is to be rotated.
Arc length (in degrees). Positive follows right-hand rule about PAX1-PAX2 vector. Defaults to 360.
Number of lines (8 maximum) around circumference. Defaults to minimum required for 90° (maximum)
arcs, i.e., 4 for 360°, 3 for 270°, etc.
Generates circular lines (and their corresponding keypoints) by rotating a keypoint pattern about an
axis. Keypoint patterns are generated at regular angular locations (based on a maximum spacing of
90°). Line patterns are generated at the keypoint patterns. Keypoint and line numbers are automatically
assigned (beginning with the lowest available values [NUMSTR (p. 1085)]).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Extrude>Keypoints>About Axis
Line (or lines, if picking is used) to be subtracted from. If ALL, use all selected lines. If NL = P, graphical
picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A component
name may also be substituted for NL.
Area (or areas, if picking is used) to be subtracted. If ALL, use all selected areas. A component name may
also be substituted for NA.
Behavior if the intersection of the lines and the areas is a keypoint or keypoints:
The resulting lines will share keypoint(s) where they touch.
The resulting lines will have separate, but coincident keypoint(s) where they touch.
Specifies whether NL lines are to be deleted:
Use the setting of KEEP on the BOPTN (p. 234) command.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
888 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Delete NL lines after LSBA operation (override BOPTN (p. 234) command settings).
Keep NL lines after LSBA operation (override BOPTN (p. 234) command settings).
Specifies whether NA areas are to be deleted:
Use the setting of KEEP on the BOPTN (p. 234) command.
Delete areas after LSBA operation (override BOPTN (p. 234) command settings).
Keep areas after LSBA operation (override BOPTN (p. 234) command settings).
Generates new lines by subtracting the regions common to both NL lines and NA areas (the intersection)
from the NL lines. The intersection can be a line(s) or keypoint(s). If the intersection is a keypoint and
SEPO is blank, the NL line is divided at the keypoint and the resulting lines will be connected, sharing
a common keypoint where they touch. If SEPO is set to SEPO, NL is divided into two unconnected lines
with separate keypoints where they touch. See the Modeling and Meshing Guide for an illustration. See
the BOPTN (p. 234) command for an explanation of the options available to Boolean operations. Element
attributes and solid model boundary conditions assigned to the original entities will not be transferred
to the new entities generated.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Divide>Line by Area
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Divide>With Options>Line by Area
Argument Descriptions
Name used to identify this engine. Must have been previously created using *LSENGINE (p. 899) and fac-
torized using *LSFACTOR (p. 900).
Name of vector containing the right-hand side (load) vectors as input. Must have been previously defined
as a *VEC (p. 1749) vector or a *DMAT (p. 454) matrix.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 889
Name of vector that will contain the solution vectors upon completion. Must be predefined as a *VEC (p. 1749)
vector or *DMAT (p. 454) matrix.
Transpose key. Set TransKey = TRANS to solve the transposed linear system. If blank, transpose will not
be used.
This command performs forward and back substitution to obtain the solution to the linear matrix
equation Ax = b (or ATx = b if TransKey = TRANS). The matrix engine must have been previously
defined using *LSENGINE (p. 899), and the matrix factored using *LSFACTOR (p. 900).
You can use the *DMAT (p. 454),,,COPY (or *VEC (p. 1749),,,COPY) command to copy the load vector to
the solution vector in order to predefine it with the appropriate size.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Line (or lines, if picking is used) to be subtracted from. If ALL, use all selected lines. Lines specified in this
argument are not available for use in the NL2 argument. If P, graphical picking is enabled (valid only in
the GUI) and all remaining fields are ignored. A component name may also be substituted for NL1.
Line (or lines, if picking is used) to subtract. If ALL, use all selected lines (except those included in the NL1
argument). A component name may also be substituted for NL2.
Behavior if the intersection of the NL1 lines and the NL2 lines is a keypoint or keypoints:
The resulting lines will share keypoint(s) where they touch.
The resulting lines will have separate, but coincident keypoint(s) where they touch.
Specifies whether NL1 lines are to be deleted:
Use the setting of KEEP on the BOPTN (p. 234) command.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
890 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Delete NL1 lines after LSBL operation (override BOPTN (p. 234) command settings).
Keep NL1 lines after LSBL operation (override BOPTN (p. 234) command settings).
Specifies whether NL2 lines are to be deleted:
Use the setting of KEEP on the BOPTN (p. 234) command.
Delete NL2 lines after LSBL operation (override BOPTN (p. 234) command settings).
Keep NL2 lines after LSBL operation (override BOPTN (p. 234) command settings).
Generates new lines by subtracting the regions common to both NL1 and NL2 lines (the intersection)
from the NL1 lines. The intersection can be a line(s) or point(s). If the intersection is a point and SEPO
is blank, the NL1 line is divided at the point and the resulting lines will be connected, sharing a common
keypoint where they touch. If SEPO is set to SEPO, NL1 is divided into two unconnected lines with
separate keypoints where they touch. See the Modeling and Meshing Guide for an illustration. See the
BOPTN (p. 234) command for an explanation of the options available to Boolean operations. Element
attributes and solid model boundary conditions assigned to the original entities will not be transferred
to the new entities generated. LSBL,ALL,ALL will have no effect since all the lines (in NL1) will be un-
available as NL2 lines.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Divide>Line by Line
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Divide>With Options>Line by Line
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Subtract>Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Subtract>With Options>Lines
Line (or lines, if picking is used) to be subtracted from. If ALL, use all selected lines. If NL = P, graphical
picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A component
name may also be substituted for NL.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 891
Volume (or volumes, if picking is used) to be subtracted. If ALL, use all selected volumes. A component
name may also be substituted for NV.
Behavior if the intersection of the NL lines and the NV volumes is a keypoint or keypoints:
The resulting lines will share keypoint(s) where they touch.
The resulting lines will have separate, but coincident keypoint(s) where they touch.
Specifies whether NL lines are to be deleted:
Use the setting of KEEP on the BOPTN (p. 234) command.
Delete NL lines after LSBV operation (override BOPTN (p. 234) command settings).
Keep NL lines after LSBV operation (override BOPTN (p. 234) command settings).
Specifies whether NV volumes are to be deleted:
Use the setting of KEEP on the BOPTN (p. 234) command.
Delete NV volumes after LSBV operation (override BOPTN (p. 234) command settings).
Keep NV volumes after LSBV operation (override BOPTN (p. 234) command settings).
Generates new lines by subtracting the regions common to both NL lines and NV volumes (the inter-
section) from the NL lines. The intersection can be a line(s) or point(s). If the intersection is a point and
SEPO is blank, the NL1 line is divided at the point and the resulting lines will be connected, sharing a
common keypoint where they touch. If SEPO is set to SEPO, NL1 is divided into two unconnected lines
with separate keypoints where they touch. See the Modeling and Meshing Guide for an illustration. See
the BOPTN (p. 234) command for an explanation of the options available to Boolean operations. Element
attributes and solid model boundary conditions assigned to the original entities will not be transferred
to the new entities generated. LSBL (p. 890),ALL,ALL will have no effect since all the lines (in NL1) will
be unavailable as NL2 lines.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Divide>Line by Volume
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Divide>With Options>Line by Volume
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
892 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Line (or lines, if picking is used) to be subtracted from. If NL = ALL, use all selected lines. If NL = P, graphical
picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A component
name may also be input for NL.
Behavior of the created boundary.
The resulting lines will share keypoint(s) where they touch.
The resulting lines will have separate, but coincident keypoint(s).
Specifies whether NL lines are to be deleted:
Use the setting of KEEP on the BOPTN (p. 234) command.
Delete NL lines after LSBW operation (override BOPTN (p. 234) command settings).
Keep NL lines after LSBW operation (override BOPTN (p. 234) command settings).
Generates new lines by subtracting the intersection of the working plane from the NL lines. The inter-
section will be a keypoint(s). The working plane must not be in the same plane as the NL line(s). If SEPO
is blank, the NL line is divided and the resulting lines will be connected, sharing a common keypoint
where they touch. If SEPO is set to SEPO, NL is divided into two unconnected lines with separate key-
points. See the Modeling and Meshing Guide for an illustration. See the BOPTN (p. 234) command for an
explanation of the options available to Boolean operations. Element attributes and solid model
boundary conditions assigned to the original entities will not be transferred to the new entities generated.
Areas that completely contain the input lines will be updated if the lines are divided by this operation.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Divide>Line by WrkPlane
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Divide>With Options>Line by WrkPlane
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Divide>Line by WrkPlane
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 893
Clears loads and load step options from the database.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Load Step Operations (p. 43)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Label identifying the data to be cleared:
Delete only solid model loads.
Delete only finite element loads.
Delete only inertia loads (ACEL (p. 85), etc.).
Initialize only load factors (on DCUM (p. 409), FCUM (p. 614), SFCUM (p. 1484), etc.).
Initialize only load step options.
Delete all loads and initialize all load step options and load factors.
Loads are deleted, and load step options are initialized to their default values.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>All Load Data>All F.E. Loads
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>All Load Data>All Inertia Lds
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>All Load Data>All Loads & Opts
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>All Load Data>All SolidMod Lds
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Settings>Replace vs Add>Reset Factors
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Reset Options
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Modify Mesh>Refine At>All
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Modify Mesh>Refine At>Areas
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Modify Mesh>Refine At>Elements
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Modify Mesh>Refine At>Keypoints
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Modify Mesh>Refine At>Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Modify Mesh>Refine At>Nodes
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
894 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Deletes load step files in the current directory (written by the LSWRITE (p. 907) command).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Operate>Delete LS Files
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Operate>Delete LS Files
Argument Descriptions
Name used to identify this engine. Must have been previously created using *LSENGINE (p. 899) and fac-
torized using *LSFACTOR (p. 900).
Name of the file to create.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 895
Dumps a previously factorized linear solver system to a binary file. Only LAPACK and BCS linear solvers
can be used with this feature. The Linear Solver can later be restored with the *LSRESTORE (p. 904)
A BCS Sparse Solver can be dumped only if uses the INCORE memory option (see BCSOPTION (p. 190)).
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Label identifying the type of select:
Select a new set (default).
Reselect a set from the current set.
Additionally select a set and extend the current set.
Unselect a set from the current set.
Restore the full set.
Unselect the full set.
Invert the current set (selected becomes unselected and vice versa).
Display the current select status.
Label identifying data. Valid item labels are shown in the table below. Some items also require a component
label. If Item = PICK (or simply “P”), graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are
ignored (valid only in the GUI). Defaults to LINE.
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896 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Component of the item (if required). Valid component labels are shown in the table below.
Minimum value of item range. Ranges are line numbers, coordinate values, attribute numbers, etc., as ap-
propriate for the item. If VMIN = 0.0, a tolerance of ±1.0E-6 is used, or ±0.005 x VMIN if VMIN = VMAX. A
component name (as specified on the CM (p. 295) command) may also be substituted for VMIN (VMAX and
VINC are ignored). If Item = MAT, TYPE, REAL, ESYS, or NDIV and if VMIN is positive, the absolute value
of Item is compared against the range for selection; if VMIN is negative, the signed value of Item is
compared. See the LLIST (p. 880) command for a discussion of signed attributes.
Maximum value of item range. VMAX defaults to VMIN.
Value increment within range. Used only with integer ranges (such as for line numbers). Defaults to 1.
VINC cannot be negative.
Specifies whether only lines are to be selected:
Select lines only.
Select lines, as well as keypoints, nodes, and elements associated with selected lines. Valid only with
Type = S.
Command Default
All lines are selected.
Selects lines based on values of a labeled item and component. For example, to select a new set of
lines based on line numbers 1 through 7, use LSEL,S,LINE,,1,7. The subset is used when the ALL label
is entered (or implied) on other commands, such as LLIST (p. 880),ALL. Only data identified by line
number are selected. Data are flagged as selected and unselected; no data are actually deleted from
the database.
If Item = LCCA, the command selects only those lines that were created by concatenation. The KSWP
field is processed, but the Comp, VMIN, VMAX, and VINC fields are ignored.
If Item = HPT, the command selects only those lines that contain hard points.
Item = RADIUS is only valid for lines that are circular arcs.
For selections based on non-integer numbers (coordinates, results, etc.), items that are within the range
VMIN -Toler and VMAX +Toler are selected. The default tolerance Toler is based on the relative
values of VMIN and VMAX as follows:
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 897
Use the SELTOL (p. 1445) (p. 1445) command to override this default and specify Toler explicitly.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Select>Entities
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898 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Argument Descriptions
Specifies the algorithm to be used:
BCS --
Boeing sparse solver (default if applied to sparse matrices).
DSS --
MKL sparse linear solver (Intel Windows and Linux systems only).
LAPACK dense matrix linear solver (default if applied to dense matrices).
DSP --
Distributed sparse solver.
Name used to identify this engine. Must be specified.
Name of the matrix to solve.
Option to control the memory mode of the DSS solver (used only if Type = DSS):
In-core memory mode.
Out-of-core memory mode.
This command creates a linear solver engine.
The BCS, DSS, and DSP solvers can only be used with sparse matrices. For dense matrices, use the
LAPACK solver.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 899
Argument Descriptions
Name used to identify this engine. Must have been previously created using *LSENGINE (p. 899).
Option to invert the matrix, used only with an LAPACK engine (*LSENGINE (p. 899),LAPACK):
Invert the matrix.
Performs the computationally intensive, memory intensive factorization of a matrix specified by
*LSENGINE (p. 899), using the solver engine also specified by *LSENGINE (p. 899).
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
LSLA, Type
Selects those lines contained in the selected areas.
DATABASE (p. 11): Selecting (p. 11)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Label identifying the type of line select:
Select a new set (default).
Reselect a set from the current set.
Additionally select a set and extend the current set.
Unselect a set from the current set.
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900 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
This command is valid in any processor.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Select>Entities
Label identifying the type of line select:
Select a new set (default).
Reselect a set from the current set.
Additionally select a set and extend the current set.
Unselect a set from the current set.
Specifies whether all contained line keypoints must be selected [KSEL (p. 828)]:
Select line if any of its keypoints are in the selected keypoint set.
Select line only if all of its keypoints are in the selected keypoint set.
This command is valid in any processor.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Select>Entities
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 901
Specifies "Load step operations" as the subsequent status topic.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Status (p. 46)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>Solution>Load Step Operations
Line color:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
902 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Dark Gray
Light Gray
Line style:
Solid line.
Dashed line.
Line width multiplier (1.0 to 20.0). Defaults to 1.0.
Specifies annotation line attributes to control certain characteristics of the lines created via the
/LINE (p. 876), /LARC (p. 842), /LSYMBOL (p. 908), /POLYGON (p. 1220), /PMORE (p. 1215), /PCIRCLE (p. 1144),
and /PWEDGE (p. 1300) commands. This is a command generated by the Graphical User Interface (GUI)
and will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if annotation is used. This command is not intended to
be typed in directly in an ANSYS session (although it can be included in an input file for batch input
or for use with the /INPUT (p. 791) command).
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Annotation>Create Annotation
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 903
Reads load and load step option data into the database.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Load Step Operations (p. 43)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Identification number of the load step file to be read. Defaults to 1 + highest number read in the current
session. Issue LSREAD,STAT to list the current value of LSNUM. Issue LSREAD,INIT to reset LSNUM to 1.
The load step files are assumed to be named Jobname.Sn, where n is a number assigned by the
LSWRITE (p. 907) command (01--09,10,11, etc.). On systems with a 3-character limit on the extension, the
"S" is dropped for LSNUM > 99.
Reads load and load step option data from the load step file into the database. LSREAD will not clear
the database of all current loads. However, if a load is respecified with LSREAD, then it will overwrite
the existing load. See the LSWRITE (p. 907) command to write load step files, and the LSDELE (p. 895)
command to delete load step files. LSREAD removes any existing SFGRAD (p. 1497) specification.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Read LS File
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Read LS File
Argument Descriptions
Name used to identify this engine.
Name of the file to read from.
Restores a previously dumped Linear Solver (see the *LSDUMP (p. 895) command). This Linear Solver
can be used to solve a linear system using the *LSBAC (p. 889) command.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
904 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Generates a scaled set of lines from a pattern of lines.
PREP7 (p. 20): Lines (p. 24)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Scale factors to be applied to the X, Y, Z keypoint coordinates in active coordinate system (RR, Rθ, RZ for
cylindrical; RR, Rθ, RΦ for spherical). Note that the Rθ and RΦ scale factors are interpreted as angular offsets.
For example, for CSYS (p. 364),1, RR, Rθ, RZ input of (1.5,10,3) would scale the specified keypoints 1.5 times
in the radial and 3 times in the Z direction, while adding an offset of 10 degrees to the keypoints. Zero,
blank, or negative scale factor values are assumed to be 1.0. Zero or blank angular offsets have no effect.
Increment to be applied to keypoint numbers for generated set. If zero, the lowest available keypoint
numbers will be assigned [NUMSTR (p. 1085)].
Specifies whether nodes and elements are also to be generated:
Nodes and line elements associated with the original lines will be generated (scaled) if they exist.
Nodes and line elements will not be generated.
Specifies whether lines will be moved or newly defined:
Additional lines will be generated.
Original lines will be moved to new position (KINC and NOELEM are ignored). Use only if the old lines
are no longer needed at their original positions. Corresponding meshed items are also moved if not
needed at their original position.
Generates a scaled set of lines (and their corresponding keypoints and mesh) from a pattern of lines.
The MAT, TYPE, REAL, and ESYS attributes are based on the lines in the pattern and not the current
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 905
settings. Scaling is done in the active coordinate system. Lines in the pattern could have been generated
in any coordinate system.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Scale>Lines
LSSOLVE invokes an ANSYS macro to read and solve multiple load steps. The macro loops through a
series of load step files written by the LSWRITE (p. 907) command. The macro file called by LSSOLVE
is called LSSOLVE.MAC.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Solution>Solve>From LS Files
LSTR, P1, P2
Defines a straight line irrespective of the active coordinate system.
PREP7 (p. 20): Lines (p. 24)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Keypoint at the beginning of line. If P1 = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields
are ignored (valid only in the GUI)
Keypoint at the end of line.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
906 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Defines a straight line from P1 to P2 using the global Cartesian coordinate system. The active coordinate
system will be ignored. The line shape is invariant with the coordinate system after it is generated. Lines
may be redefined only if not yet attached to an area.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Lines>Lines>Straight Line
Calculates and prints geometry statistics of the selected lines.
PREP7 (p. 20): Lines (p. 24)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Calculates and prints geometry statistics (length, centroid, moments of inertia, etc.) associated with the
selected lines. Geometry items are reported in the global Cartesian coordinate system. A unit density
is assumed, irrespective of any material associations [LATT (p. 844), MAT (p. 929)]. Items calculated by
LSUM and later retrieved by a *GET (p. 667) or *VGET (p. 1766) command are valid only if the model is
not modified after the LSUM command is issued.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Calc Geom Items>Of Lines
Writes load and load step option data to a file.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Load Step Operations (p. 43)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Number to be assigned to the load step file name for identification purposes. Defaults to 1 + highest LSNUM
used in the current session. Issue LSWRITE,STAT to list the current value of LSNUM. Issue LSWRITE,INIT to
reset to 1. The load step file will be named Jobname.Sn, where n is the specified LSNUM value (preceded
by "0" for values 1-9). On systems with a 3-character limit on the file name extension, the "S" is dropped
for LSNUM > 99.
Writes all load and load step option data for the selected model to a load step file for later use. LSWRITE
does not capture changes made to real constants (R (p. 1307)), material properties (MP (p. 967)), couplings
(CP (p. 348)), or constraint equations (CE (p. 259)).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 907
Solid model loads will not be saved if the model is not meshed. Solid model loads, if any, are transferred
to the finite element model. Issue LSCLEAR (p. 894),FE to delete finite element loads.
One file is written for each load step. Use the LSREAD (p. 904) command to read a single load step file,
and the LSDELE (p. 895) command to delete load step files. Use the LSSOLVE (p. 906) command to read
and solve the load steps sequentially.
Solution control commands are typically not written to the file unless you specifically change a default
solution setting.
LSWRITE does not support the following commands: DJ (p. 441), FJ (p. 633), GSBDATA (p. 741), GSG-
DATA (p. 742), ESTIF (p. 566), EKILL (p. 510), EALIVE (p. 490), MPCHG (p. 973), and OUTRES (p. 1115). These
commands will not be written to the load step file.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Write LS File
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Write LS File
X location for symbol (-1.0 < X < 2.0).
Y location for symbol (-1.0 < Y < 1.0).
Symbol orientation angle.
Symbol type:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
908 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Symbol size multiplier (0.1 to 20.0). Defaults to 1.0.
If KEYBMP = 1, the annotation is a bitmap. SYMTYP will then be a number from 1-99, indicating the bitmap
type (see notes), and X and Y will define the lower left corner of the bitmap. The SYMANG, SYMSIZarguments
are ignored. If KEYBMP = 0, or blank, then the argument definitions above apply.
Defines annotation symbols to be written directly onto the display at a specified location. This is a
command generated by the GUI and will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if annotation is used.
This command is not intended to be typed in directly in an ANSYS session (although it can be included
in an input file for batch input or for use with the /INPUT (p. 791) command).
All symbols are shown on subsequent displays unless the annotation is turned off or deleted. Use the
/LSPEC (p. 902) command to set the attributes of the symbol.
The KEYBMP argument reads the symtype argument to determine which bitmap to insert. This bitmap
is defined by an integer between 1 and 99. Numbers 1 through 40 correspond to the standard texture
values found in the /TXTRE (p. 1702) command, while numbers 51 through 99 correspond to user supplied
bitmaps, as defined using the Filename option of the /TXTRE (p. 1702) command. Numbers 51 through
57 are predefined (the logos, clamps and arrows available from the GUI) but can be overridden. Numbers
41 through 50 are reserved.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Annotation>Create Annotation
Symmetry key:
X symmetry (default).
Y symmetry.
Z symmetry.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 909
Keypoint increment between sets. If zero, the lowest available keypoint numbers are assigned [NUM-
STR (p. 1085)].
Specifies whether nodes and elements are also to be generated:
Generate nodes and elements associated with the original lines, if they exist.
Do not generate nodes and elements.
Specifies whether areas will be moved or newly defined:
Generate additional lines.
Move original lines to new position retaining the same keypoint numbers (KINC and NOELEM are ig-
nored). Valid only if the old lines are no longer needed at their original positions. Corresponding meshed
items are also moved if not needed at their original position.
Generates a reflected set of lines (and their corresponding keypoints and mesh) from a given line pattern
by a symmetry reflection (see analogous node symmetry command, NSYM (p. 1074)). The MAT, TYPE,
REAL, and ESYS attributes are based upon the lines in the pattern and not upon the current settings.
Reflection is done in the active coordinate system by changing a particular coordinate sign. The active
coordinate system must be Cartesian. Lines in the pattern may have been generated in any coordinate
system. However, solid modeling in a toroidal coordinate system is not recommended. Lines are generated
as described in the LGEN (p. 871) command.
See the ESYM (p. 569) command for additional information about symmetry elements.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Reflect>Lines
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
910 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Number of the line the generated line is tangent to. If negative, assume P1 (see below), instead of P2, is
the second keypoint of line NL1. If NL1 = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields
are ignored (valid only in the GUI).
Keypoint at which generated line must end.
The following fields are used only if a specified slope on the end of the new line is desired, otherwise
a zero curvature end slope will be automatically calculated. To specify the end slope, use the following
fields to define a "slope vector" that has its tail at the origin and its head at the point XV, YV, ZV in the
active coordinate system [CSYS (p. 364)]. The corresponding end slope of the line will then be parallel
to this "slope vector."
Generates a line (P2-P3) tangent at end point (P2) of line NL1 (P1-P2).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Lines>Lines>Tangent to Line
Reference number of coordinate system where the pattern is to be transferred. Transfer occurs from the
active coordinate system. The coordinate system type and parameters of KCNTO must be the same as the
active system.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 911
Keypoint increment between sets. If zero, the lowest available keypoint numbers are assigned [NUM-
STR (p. 1085)].
Specifies whether nodes and elements are also to be generated:
Generate nodes and elements associated with the original lines, if they exist.
Do not generate nodes and elements.
Specifies whether lines will be moved or newly defined:
Generate additional lines.
Move original lines to new position retaining the same keypoint numbers (KINC and NOELM are ig-
nored). Valid only if the old lines are no longer needed at their original positions. Corresponding meshed
items are also moved if not needed at their original position.
Transfers a pattern of lines (and their corresponding keypoints and mesh) from one coordinate system
to another (see analogous node transfer command, TRANSFER (p. 1686)). The MAT, TYPE, REAL, and ESYS
attributes are based upon the lines in the pattern and not upon the current settings. Coordinate systems
may be translated and rotated relative to each other. Initial pattern may be generated in any coordinate
system. However, solid modeling in a toroidal coordinate system is not recommended. Coordinate and
slope values are interpreted in the active coordinate system and are transferred directly. Lines are
generated as described in the LGEN (p. 871) command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Move / Modify>Transfer Coord>Lines
Formulation key:
Use the element-dependent default mass matrix formulation (default).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
912 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Use a lumped mass approximation.
Unused field.
Formulation key for elements with rotational degrees of freedom; applicable only when the lumped mass
formulation key is turned on (Key = ON):
0 (blank)
Use direct diagonalization of the element mass matrix (default).
Use translational mass only.
Use the frame invariant formulation.
Command Default
Use the default element mass matrix.
In a modal analysis, the lumped mass matrix option (LUMPM,ON) is not allowed when using the Super-
node mode-extraction method (MODOPT (p. 951),SNODE). The eigensolver will automatically be switched
to Block Lanczos (LANB) in this case.
The translational mass only option (LUMPM,ON,,1) applies to the following elements: SHELL181, BEAM188,
BEAM189, SHELL208, SHELL209, SHELL281, PIPE288, PIPE289, and ELBOW290. The frame invariant for-
mulation (LUMPM,ON,,2) applies only to BEAM188, BEAM189, PIPE288, and PIPE289 elements.
This command is also valid in PREP7. If used in SOLUTION, this command is valid only within the first
load step.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>New Analysis
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>New Analysis
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 913
Scale factor applied to both the real and imaginary (if they exist) components of the load vector. Defaults
to 0.0.
Specifies the load step number from the modal analysis (MODCONT (p. 945),ON). It corresponds to the
load vector number. Defaults to 1. The maximum admissible value is the number of vectors written in the
Jobname.MODE file.
Command Default
No load vector is applied.
Specifies the scale factor for the load vector that was created in a modal (ANTYPE (p. 140),MODAL)
analysis. Applies only to the mode-superposition transient analysis (ANTYPE (p. 140),TRANS), mode-su-
perposition harmonic analysis (ANTYPE (p. 140),HARMIC), random vibration analysis (ANTYPE (p. 140),SPEC-
TR with SPOPT (p. 1552),PSD), and multiple point response spectrum analysis (ANTYPE (p. 140),SPECTR
with SPOPT (p. 1552),MPRS). For PSD and MPRS analyses, LVSCALE is only applicable for pressure loading.
The LVSCALE command supports tabular boundary conditions (%TABNAME_X%) for FACT input values
only as a function of time in the mode-superposition transient (ANTYPE (p. 140),TRANS) or as a function
of frequency in mode-superposition harmonic (ANTYPE (p. 140),HARMIC).
MPC contact generates constraint equations that can include constant terms (included on the right-
hand side of the system equation). The LVSCALE command scales the constant terms.
In mode-superposition transient and harmonic analyses, all of the load vectors need to be scaled in the
first load step. Use a zero scale factor if they are not actually used in this first load step. Similarly, in
random vibration and multipoint response spectrum analyses, all of the load vectors need to be scaled
in the first participation factor calculation (PFACT (p. 1157)). Use a zero scale factor if they are not actually
used for the first input table.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Load Vector>For Mode Super
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Load Vector>For PSD
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Load Vector>For Mode Super
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Load Vector>For PSD
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Load Vector>For Mode Super
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914 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Window number whose viewing direction will be modified to be normal to the working plane (defaults to
1). If WN is a negative value, the viewing direction will not be modified.
Number of line to be used. If NL1 = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are
ignored (valid only in the GUI).
Location on NL1, specified as a ratio of the line length. Must be between 0.0 and 1.0. If RATIO = P, use
graphical picking to specify location on the line.
Command Default
Working plane is parallel to the Global X-Y plane at Z = 0.0.
Defines a working plane (to assist in picking operations) normal to a location on a line. See WP-
STYL (p. 1821) command to set the style of working plane display.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Align WP with>Plane Normal to Line
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 915
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916 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
M Commands
M, NODE, Lab1, NEND, NINC, Lab2, Lab3, Lab4, Lab5, Lab6, SUPPORT
Defines master degrees of freedom for superelement generation analyses.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Master DOF (p. 43)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Node number at which master degree of freedom is defined. If ALL, define master degrees of freedom at
all selected nodes (NSEL (p. 1057)). If NODE = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command
fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A component name may also be substituted for NODE.
Valid degree of freedom label. If ALL, use all appropriate labels. Structural labels: UX, UY, or UZ (displace-
ments); ROTX, ROTY, or ROTZ (rotations). Thermal labels: TEMP, TBOT, TE2, TE3, . . ., TTOP (temperature).
Electric labels: VOLT (voltage).
Define all nodes from NODE to NEND (defaults to NODE) in steps of NINC (defaults to 1) as master degrees
of freedom in the specified direction.
Pseudo-constraints key for the free-interface CMS method analysis (CMSOPT (p. 313), FREE):
OFF – defined master degrees of freedom remain free during the mode-extraction analysis (default)
ON – defined master degrees of freedom are constrained during the mode-extraction analysis.
Defines master degrees of freedom (MDOF) for superelement generation. If defined for other analyses,
MDOF are ignored. If used in SOLUTION, this command is valid only within the first load step.
Repeat M command for additional master degrees of freedom. The limit for the number of master nodes
used is determined by the maximum system memory available.
The substructure (ANTYPE (p. 140),SUBSTR) analysis utilizes the matrix condensation technique to reduce
the structure matrices to those characterized by a set of master degrees of freedom.
Master degrees of freedom are identified by a list of nodes and their nodal directions. The actual degree
of freedom directions available for a particular node depends upon the degrees of freedom associated
with element types (ET (p. 571)) at that node. There must be some mass (or stress stiffening in the case
of the buckling analysis) associated with each master degree of freedom (except for the VOLT label).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 917
The mass may be due either to the distributed mass of the element or due to discrete lumped masses
at the node. If a master degree of freedom is specified at a constrained point, it is ignored. If a master
degree of freedom is specified at a coupled node, it should be specified at the prime node of the
coupled set. For cyclic symmetry superelements, if master degrees of freedom are defined at both low-
and high-edge nodes, the cyclic constraint equations between those nodes are ignored.
The SUPPORT argument is considered only for the free-interface CMS method analysis (Cmsmeth =
FREE on the CMSOPT (p. 313) command).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Master DOFs>Define
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>CMS>CMS Interface>Define
Main Menu>Solution>Master DOFs>Define
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918 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
ABSTOLN Absolute tolerance for node matching. Absolute tolerance value. Defaults to 0.01.
Relative tolerance setting (RELTOLN) is
ignored. This is the default option.
RELTOLN Relative tolerance for node matching. Relative tolerance value. It must be greater than
Absolute tolerance setting (ABSTOLN) is 0 and less than or equal to 1. Defaults to 0.5
ignored. Relative tolerance is based on (50%).
a fraction of the minimum element
KEYALGONOD Key to specify the algorithm for node 0 (OFF or NO) – The first node with
matching based on location. distance below tolerance is considered a
match (default).
DOF selection is not supported with UX, UY, UZ, ROTX, ROTY, ROTZ,
node mapping.
U (all translations), ROT (all rotations), STRU
(all structural DOFs)
Value2* –
KEYMASS Key to include the mass matrix diagonal 1 (ON or YES) – Include the mass if
in the MAC calculations. available (default).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 919
Command Default
If MACOPT is not issued prior to RSTMAC (p. 1373), node matching based on location is used by default
in MAC calculations performed by RSTMAC (p. 1373). Unless otherwise specified, an absolute tolerance
(ABSTOLN) value of 0.01 is used for the node matching.
The RSTMAC (p. 1373) command calculates the MAC values based on the options specified via MACOPT.
The MACOPT command must be issued before the RSTMAC (p. 1373) command. These commands enable
you to compare nodal solutions from two results files (.rst or .rstp) or from one results file and
one Universal Format file (.unv). Multiple MACOPT commands can be issued to specify which results
are compared and how.
As listed in the table above, model solutions can be compared using three different mehtods: matching
nodes based on location, matching nodes based on node number, or by node mapping and solution
The corresponding database file (.db) for File1 on RSTMAC (p. 1373) must be resumed before running
the command in the following cases:
When node mapping and solution interpolation is performed (Option = NODMAP), the following applies:
• File1 on RSTMAC (p. 1373) must correspond to a model meshed in solid and/or shell elements. Other
types of elements can be present, but the node mapping is not performed for these elements.
• You should only compare solutions of models having the same dimension (both models are 2-D or
both models are 3-D). Comparing models with different dimensions may lead to incorrect results if the
solution at mapped/matched nodes is not representative of the global solution.
Non-structural degrees of freedom in coupled-field analyses are supported for the matching methods
(Option = ABSTOLN or NUMMATCH). Multiple MACOPT, DOF commands can be issued consecutively
to combine different degrees of freedom.
For a detailed discussion on using MACOPT with examples, see Comparing Nodal Solutions From Two
Models or From One Model and Experimental Data (RSTMAC) in the Basic Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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920 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Specifies options for a 3-D magnetostatic field analysis.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Load Step Options (p. 40)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Option key:
Calculate a complete H field solution in the entire domain using a single (reduced) potential.
When used in problems with both current sources and iron regions, errors may result
due to numerical cancellation.
Calculate and store a preliminary H field in "iron" regions (μr ≠ 1). Requires flux-parallel boundary
conditions to be specified on exterior iron boundaries. Used in conjunction with subsequent solutions
with VALUE = 2 followed by VALUE = 3. Applicable to multiply-connected iron domain problems.
Calculate and store a preliminary H field in "air" regions (μr = 1). The air-iron interface is appropriately
treated internally by the program. Used in conjunction with a subsequent solution with VALUE = 3.
Applicable to singly-connected iron domain problems (with subsequent solution with VALUE = 3) or
to multiply-connected iron domain problems (when preceded by a solution with VALUE = 1 and fol-
lowed by a solution with VALUE = 3).
Use the previously stored H field solution(s) and calculate the complete H field.
Specifies the solution sequence options for a 3-D magnetostatic field analysis using a scalar potential
(MAG). The solution sequence is determined by the nature of the problem.
Distributed ANSYS Restriction The MAGOPT,3 option is not supported in Distributed ANSYS when
the following contact elements are present in the model: CONTA174, CONTA175, or CONTA177.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Magnetics>Options Only>DSP Method
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Magnetics>Options Only>GSP Method
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Magnetics>Options Only>RSP Method
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 921
Static magnetic solution option:
Vector potential (MVP) or edge formulation (default).
Combined vector potential and reduced scalar potential (MVP-RSP).
Reduced scalar potential (RSP).
Difference scalar potential (DSP).
General scalar potential (GSP).
Number of ramped substeps for the first load step of a nonlinear MVP or MVP-RSP solution. Defaults to 3.
If NRAMP = -1, ignore the ramped load step entirely.NRAMP is ignored for linear magnetostatics.
Tolerance value on the program-calculated reference value for the magnetic current-segment convergence.
Used for the MVP, the MVP-RSP, and the edge formulation solution options (OPT = 0 and 1). Defaults to
Tolerance value on the program-calculated reference value for the magnetic flux convergence. Used for
all scalar potential solution options (OPT = 2, 3, 4). Defaults to 0.001.
Maximum number of equilibrium iterations per load step. Defaults to 25.
Option to force execution of a Biot-Savart integral solution [BIOT (p. 231),NEW] for the scalar potential op-
tions. Required if multiple load steps are being performed with different current source primitives (SOURC36
Do not force execution of Biot-Savart calculation (default); Biot-Savart is automatically calculated only
for the first solution.
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922 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Force execution of Biot-Savart calculation.
Sets the convergence tolerance for AMPS reaction. Defaults to 1e-3.
MAGSOLV invokes an ANSYS macro which specifies magnetic solution options and initiates the solution.
The macro is applicable to any ANSYS magnetostatic analysis using the magnetic vector potential (MVP),
reduced scalar potential (RSP), difference scalar potential (DSP), general scalar potential (GSP), or com-
bined MVP-RSP formulation options. Results are only stored for the final converged solution. (In POST1,
issue *SET (p. 1453),LIST to identify the load step of solution results.) The macro internally determines if
a nonlinear analysis is required based on magnetic material properties.
If you use the BIOT option and issue SAVE (p. 1389) after solution or postprocessing, the Biot-Savart cal-
culations are saved to the database, but will be overwritten upon normal exit from the program. To
save this data after issuing SAVE (p. 1389), use the /EXIT (p. 589),NOSAVE command. You can also issue
the /EXIT (p. 589),SOLU command to exit ANSYS and save all solution data, including the Biot-Savart
calculations, in the database. Otherwise, when you issue RESUME (p. 1338), the Biot-Savart calculation
will be lost (resulting in a zero solution).
The MVP, MVP-RSP, and edge formulation options perform a two-load-step solution sequence. The first
load step ramps the applied loads over a prescribed number of substeps (NRAMP), and the second load
step calculates the converged solution. For linear problems, only a single load step solution is performed.
The ramped load step can be bypassed by setting NRAMP to -1.
The RSP option solves in a single load step using the adaptive descent procedure. The DSP option uses
two load steps, and the GSP solution uses three load steps.
The following analysis options and nonlinear options are controlled by this macro: KBC (p. 808),
NEQIT (p. 1013), NSUBST (p. 1073), CNVTOL (p. 328), NROPT (p. 1053), MAGOPT (p. 921), and OUTRES (p. 1115).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Solution>Solve>Electromagnet>Static Analysis>Opt&Solv
Unused field.
Interpolation key:
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 923
0 or 2
Interpolation is done on a surface (default).
Interpolation is done within a volume. This option is useful if the supplied source data is volumetric
field data rather than surface data.
Unused field.
Key to control how pressure is applied when a target node is outside of the source region:
Use the pressure(s) of the nearest source point for target nodes outside of the region (default).
Set pressures outside of the region to zero.
Number of nearby points considered for interpolation. The minimum is 5; the default is 20. Lower values
reduce processing time. However, some distorted or irregular meshes will require a higher LIMIT value
to find the points encompassing the target node in order to define the region for interpolation.
Maps pressures from source points to target surface elements.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Enters the mapping processor. This processor is used to read in source data from an external file and
map it to the existing geometry.
The current database is saved (to BeforeMapping.DB) upon entering the processor, and it is resumed
upon exiting (FINISH (p. 631) command). Any nodes or elements not on the target surface are deleted
for easier viewing of the mapping quantities. A database of this mapping geometry (Mapping.DB) is
also saved at the FINISH (p. 631) command.
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924 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
The 2-D to 3-D analysis action to perform:
Start the analysis process by rebuilding the 2-D analysis database (.db) based on the specified load
step and substep information, and update nodes to their deformed positions in the 2-D mesh.
The load step number at which 2-D to 3-D analysis should occur. The default value is the highest
load step number found in the Jobname.Rnnn files (for the current jobname and in the current
The substep number of the specified load step (VALUE1) at which the 2-D to 3-D analysis should
occur. The default value is the highest substep number found in the specified load step in the
Jobname.Rnnn files (for the current jobname and in the current directory).
Maps boundary conditions and loads from the 2-D mesh to the extruded 3-D mesh. (VALUE1 and
VALUE2 are not used.)
Map nodal and element solutions from 2-D to 3-D and rebalance the results.
The maximum number of substeps allowed during rebalancing. Default = 500.
The MAP2DTO3D command initiates the 2-D to 3-D analysis process, sets analysis options, rebuilds the
database, and maps the solution variables from the 2-D mesh to the 3-D mesh.
Before issuing this command, clear the database (/CLEAR (p. 291)).
For more information, see 2-D to 3-D Analysis in the Advanced Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 925
Maps solved node and element solutions from an original mesh to a new mesh.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Rezoning (p. 43)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
The maximum number of substeps for rebalancing the residuals. The default value is 5.
Used during the rezoning process, the MAPSOLVE command maps solved node and element solutions
from the original mesh to the new mesh and achieves equilibrium based on the new mesh.
During the rebalancing stage, the external loads and time remain unchanged.
The MAPSOLVE command is valid only for rezoning (REZONE (p. 1343)).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Solution>Manual Rezoning>Map Results
Define variables for the specified MatId material ID (default).
List the defined variables for the specified MatId material ID.
The material ID for the state variables which you are defining (Option = DEFINE) or listing (Option =
When Option = LIST, the default value for this argument is ALL (which lists all defined variables).
When Option = DEFINE, you must explicitly specify a material ID.
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926 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The start position of stress-like tensors in the state variables. This value must be either a positive integer
or 0 (meaning no stress-like tensors).
The number of stress-like tensors in the state variables. This value must be either a positive integer (or 0),
and all stress-like tensors must be contiguous.
The start position of strain-like tensors in the state variables. This value must be either a positive integer
or 0 (meaning no strain-like tensors).
The number of strain-like tensors in the state variables. This value must be either a positive integer (or 0),
and all strain-like tensors must be contiguous.
The start position of vectors in the state variables. This value must be either a positive integer or 0
(meaning no vectors).
The number of vectors in the state variables. This value must be either a positive integer (or 0), and all
vectors must be contiguous.
The MAPVAR command identifies the tensors and vectors in user-defined state variables
(TB (p. 1603),STATE) for user-defined materials (TB (p. 1603),USER and UserMat or UserMatTh) or user-
defined creep laws (TB (p. 1603),CREEP,,,,100 and UserCreep).
To handle large-rotation effects and to correctly differentiate between tensor- and vector-mapping,
specify the start position of specific state variables. For stress-like tensors, the shear components saved
as state variables are the tensor component. For strain-like tensors, the shear components saved as
state variables are twice the tensor components. Therefore, issue the MAPVAR command to define the
stress-like and strain-like tensors individually. The command ensures that user-defined state variables
are mapped correctly during rezoning and in 2-D to 3-D analyses.
In a rezoning operation, MAPVAR must be issued after remeshing (REMESH (p. 1321),FINISH) but before
mapping (MAPSOLVE (p. 926)).
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 927
MASCALE, massFact
Activates scaling of the entire system matrix.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Dynamic Options (p. 38)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Scaling factor (> 0) for the mass matrix. Default = 1.0.
Command Default
No scaling is applied.
This command is supported in the first load step of the analysis only.
The mass-related information (mass, center of mass, and mass moments of inertia) printed in the mass
summary is based on unscaled mass properties.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Specifies "Master DOF" as the subsequent status topic.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Status (p. 46)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>Solution>Master DOF
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928 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Sets the element material attribute pointer.
PREP7 (p. 20): Meshing (p. 27)
PREP7 (p. 20): Elements (p. 29)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Assign this material number to subsequently defined elements (defaults to 1).
Identifies the material number to be assigned to subsequently defined elements. This number refers to
the material number (MAT) defined with the material properties [MP (p. 967)]. Material numbers may be
displayed [/PNUM (p. 1217)].
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh Attributes>Default Attribs
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Elem Attributes
Specifies "Material properties" as the subsequent status topic.
PREP7 (p. 20): Status (p. 32)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>Preprocessor>Materials
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 929
Checks mesh connectivity.
PREP7 (p. 20): Meshing (p. 27)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Unselects the valid elements.
Wherever two area or volume elements share a common face, MCHECK verifies that the way the elements
are connected to the face is consistent with their relative normals or integrated volumes. (This may
detect folds or otherwise overlapping elements.)
MCHECK verifies that the element exterior faces form simply-connected closed surfaces. (This may detect
unintended cracks in a mesh.)
MCHECK warns if the number of element facets in a 2-D loop or 3-D shell is not greater than a computed
limit. This limit is the smaller of either three times the number of faces on one element, or one-tenth
the total number of element faces in the model. (This may detect holes in the middle of a mesh.)
The MCHECK command will perform a number of validity checks on the selected elements, including:
1. Normal check: Wherever two area elements share a common edge, MCHECK verifies that the ordering
of the nodes on each element is consistent with their relative normals.
2. Volume check: Wherever two volume elements share a common face, MCHECK verifies that the sign
of the integrated volume of each element is consistent.
3. Closed surface check: MCHECK verifies that the element exterior faces form simply-connected closed
surfaces (this may detect unintended cracks in a mesh).
4. Check for holes in the mesh: MCHECK warns if the number of element faces surrounding an interior
void in the mesh is small enough to suggest one or more accidentally omitted elements, rather than
a deliberately formed hole. For this test, the number of faces around the void is compared to the
smaller of a) three times the number of faces on one element, or b) one-tenth the total number of
element faces in the model.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Check Mesh>Connectivity>Ck Connectvty
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Check Mesh>Connectivity>Sel Bad Connt
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930 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Starting location in table for entering data. For example, if STLOC = 1, data input in the V1 field applies
to the first constant in the table. If STLOC = 7, data input in the V1 field applies to the seventh constant
in the table, etc. Defaults to the last location filled + 1.
Defines the damping ratios as a function of mode. Table position corresponds to mode number. These
ratios are added to the DMPRAT (p. 463) value, if defined. Use the STAT (p. 1572) command to list current
values. This command applies to mode-superposition harmonic (ANTYPE (p. 140),HARMIC), mode-super-
position linear transient dynamic (ANTYPE (p. 140),TRANS), and spectrum (ANTYPE (p. 140),SPECTR)
analyses. Repeat the MDAMP command for additional constants (10000 maximum).
MDAMP can also be defined in a substructure analysis that uses component mode synthesis. The
damping ratios are added on the diagonal of the reduced damping matrix, as explained in Component
Mode Synthesis (CMS).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Damping
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Damping
MDELE, NODE, Lab1, NEND, NINC, Lab2, Lab3, Lab4, Lab5, Lab6, SUPPORT
Deletes master degrees of freedom.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Master DOF (p. 43)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 931
Pseudo-constraints key for free-interface CMS method analysis (CMSOPT (p. 313), FREE):
OFF – delete selected master degrees of freedom and any pseudo-constraints applied on them with
SUPPORT = ON in the M (p. 917) command (default).
Deletes master degrees of freedom. If used in SOLUTION, this command is valid only within the first
load step.
The SUPPORT argument is considered only for the free-interface CMS method analysis (Cmsmeth =
FREE on the CMSOPT (p. 313) command).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Master DOFs>Delete
Main Menu>Solution>Master DOFs>Delete
Function to display.
Damping coefficient
Squeeze coefficient
Damping ratio
Squeeze stiffness ratio
Array parameter name where damping information is stored. Defaults to d_damp.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
932 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Indicates whether to perform a linear or a double logarithmic plot.
Perform a linear plot. Default
Perform a double logarithmic plot.
See Thin Film Analysis for more information on thin film analyses.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Plot Results>ThinFilm>Plot Dmp Parm
When Lab = KEEP, the memory manager's ability to acquire and keep memory is controlled by Kywrd
Turns the memory “keep” mode on or off
Keep any memory allocated during the analysis.
Use memory dynamically and free it up to other users after use (default).
Command Default
Kywrd = OFF.
You can use the MEMM command to ensure that memory intensive operations will always have the
same memory available when the operations occur intermittently. Normally, if a large amount of memory
is allocated for a specific operation, it will be returned to the system once the operation is finished. This
option always maintains the highest level used during the analysis until the analysis is finished.
The MEMM command does not affect the value you specify with the -m switch. When you allocate
memory with the -m switch, that amount will always be available. However, if dynamic memory allocation
in excess of the-m value occurs, you can use the MEMM command to ensure that amount is retained
until the end of your analysis.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 933
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Activation key:
Activates the menu system (device dependent).
Command Default
GUI is on if entering the ANSYS program through the launcher. GUI is off if entering using the ANSYS
execution command.
Activates the Graphical User Interface (GUI).
if you include the /MENU (p. 934),ON command in your start.ans, it should be the last
command in the file. Any commands after /MENU (p. 934),ON may be ignored. (It is not ne-
cessary to include the /SHOW (p. 1507) and /MENU (p. 934),ON commands in start.ans if
you will be using the launcher to enter the ANSYS program.)
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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934 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Argument Descriptions
Name of the matrix or vector to extend.
Name of the matrix or vector to be merged into Name1.
Val1, Val2
Additional input. The meaning of Val1 and Val2 varies depending on the entity type (matrix or vector).
See details below.
The following Val1 and Val2 fields are used if Name1 refers to a dense matrix created by the
*DMAT (p. 454) command:
Column or row number indicating where the new values are to be inserted into the Name1 matrix.
Specifies how the Name2 matrix or vector is copied into the Name1 matrix.
Insert the new values at the column location specified by Val1 (default).
Insert the new values at the row location specified by Val1.
The following Val1 field is used if Name1 refers to a vector created by the *VEC (p. 1749) command:
Row number indicating where the new values are to be inserted into the Name1 vector.
*MERGE (p. 935) can be used to add new columns or rows to a dense matrix that was created by the
*DMAT (p. 454) command. In this case, Name1 must be the name of the dense matrix and Name2 must
refer to a vector or another dense matrix.
The following two examples demonstrate merging columns into a dense matrix.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 935
*MERGE (p. 935) can also be used to add new rows to a vector that was created by the *VEC (p. 1749)
command. In this case, Name1 and Name2 must both refer to vectors, as demonstrated in the example
In all cases, the values of the original matrix or vector are retained, and the matrix or vector is resized
to accommodate the additional rows or columns.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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936 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Specifies "Meshing" as the subsequent status topic.
PREP7 (p. 20): Status (p. 32)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>Preprocessor>Meshing
Argument Descriptions
Type of Fourier operation:
FIT --
Calculate Fourier coefficients COEFF from MODE, ISYM, THETA, and CURVE.
Evaluate the Fourier curve CURVE from COEFF, MODE, ISYM andTHETA
Name of the array parameter vector containing the Fourier coefficients (calculated if Oper = FIT, required
as input if Oper = EVAL). See *SET (p. 1453) for name restrictions.
Name of the array parameter vector containing the mode numbers of the desired Fourier terms.
Name of the array parameter vector containing the symmetry key for the corresponding Fourier terms.
The vector should contain keys for each term as follows:
0 or 1 --
Symmetric (cosine) term
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 937
-1 --
Antisymmetric (sine) term.
Names of the array parameter vectors containing the theta vs. curve description, respectively. Theta values
should be input in degrees. If Oper = FIT, one curve value should be supplied with each theta value. If
Oper = EVAL, one curve value will be calculated for each theta value.
Calculates the coefficients of a Fourier series for a given curve, or evaluates the Fourier curve from the
given (or previously calculated) coefficients. The lengths of the COEFF, MODE, and ISYM vectors must
be the same--typically two times the number of modes desired, since two terms (sine and cosine) are
generally required for each mode. The lengths of the CURVE and THETA vectors should be the same
or the smaller of the two will be used. There should be a sufficient number of points to adequately
define the curve--at least two times the number of coefficients. A starting array element number (1)
must be defined for each array parameter vector. The vector specifications *VLEN (p. 1780), *VCOL (p. 1742),
*VABS (p. 1738), *VFACT (p. 1755), and *VCUM (p. 1744) do not apply to this command. Array elements
should not be skipped with the *VMASK (p. 1783) and the NINC value of the *VLEN (p. 1780) specifications.
The vector being calculated (COEFF if Oper is FIT, or CURVE if Oper is EVAL) must exist as a dimensioned
array [*DIM (p. 435)].
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Parameters>Array Operations>Matrix Fourier
Argument Descriptions
The name of the resulting array parameter matrix. See *SET (p. 1453) for name restrictions.
Copy or transpose function:
Par1 is copied to ParR
Par1 is transposed to ParR. Rows (m) and columns (n) of Par1 matrix are transposed to resulting
ParR matrix of shape (n,m).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
938 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Array parameter matrix input to the operation.
Operates on one input array parameter matrix and produces one output array parameter matrix according
ParR = f(Par1)
Functions are based on the standard FORTRAN definitions where possible. ParR may be the same as
Par1. Starting array element numbers must be defined for each array parameter matrix if it does not
start at the first location. For example, *MFUN (p. 938),A(1,5),COPY,B(2,3) copies matrix B (starting at
element (2,3)) to matrix A (starting at element (1,5)). The diagonal corner elements for each submatrix
must be defined: the upper left corner by the array starting element (on this command), the lower right
corner by the current values from the *VCOL (p. 1742) and *VLEN (p. 1780) commands. The default values
are the (1,1) element and the last element in the matrix. No operations progress across matrix planes
(in the 3rd dimension). Absolute values and scale factors may be applied to all parameters [*VABS (p. 1738),
*VFACT (p. 1755)]. Results may be cumulative [*VCUM (p. 1744)]. Array elements should not be skipped
with the *VMASK (p. 1783) and the NINC value of the *VLEN (p. 1780) specifications. The number of rows
[*VLEN (p. 1780)] applies to the Par1 array. See the *VOPER (p. 1786) command for details.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Parameters>Array Operations>Matrix Functions
Do this generation operation a total of ITIMEs, incrementing all nodes in the set by INC each time after
the first. ITIME must be > 1 for generation to occur. All previously defined master degree of freedom
directions are included in the set. A component name may also be substituted for ITIME.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 939
Generates additional master degrees of freedom from a previously defined set. If used in SOLUTION,
this command is valid only within the first load step.
For the free-interface CMS method analysis (CMSOPT (p. 313), FREE), pseudo-constraints could have
been applied on some master degrees of freedom of the previously defined set (SUPPORT = ON in the
M (p. 917) command). The master degrees of freedom generated from these with the MGEN command
are also defined with pseudo-constraints.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Master DOFs>Copy
Main Menu>Solution>Master DOFs>Copy
Midstep residual criterion activation key.
ON or 1
Activate midstep residual criterion in a structural transient analysis (default).
OFF or 0
Deactivate midstep residual criterion in a structural transient analysis.
List the current midstep residual criterion setting.
Midstep residual tolerance or reference value for bisection. Defaults to 100 times the TOLER setting of the
CNVTOL (p. 328) command.
If TOLERB > 0, it is used as a tolerance about the typical force and/or moment to compare midstep
residual force and/or moment for convergence.
If TOLERB < 0, it is used as a reference force value against which the midstep residual force is
compared for convergence. The reference force value is used to compute a reference moment value
for midstep residual moment comparison.
If midstep residual force and/or moment has not converged and AUTOTS (p. 179),ON is used, then
TOLERB is also used to predict time step size for bisection.
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940 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Key to use response frequency computation along with midstep residual criterion for automatic time
stepping (AUTOTS (p. 179),ON).
OFF or 0
Do not calculate response frequency and do not consider it in the automatic time stepping (default).
ON or 1
Calculate response frequency and consider it in the automatic time stepping.
Command Default
For transient structural analysis, the out-of-balance residual is not checked at the midstep.
When TOLERB is input as a tolerance value (TOLERB > 0), the typical force and/or moment from the
regular time step is used in the midstep residual force and/or moment comparison.
In a structural transient analysis, the suggested tolerance range of TOLERB (TOLERB > 0) is as follows:
TOLERB = 1 to 10 times the TOLER setting of the CNVTOL (p. 328) command for high accuracy
TOLERB = 10 to 100 times the TOLER setting of the CNVTOL (p. 328) command for medium
accuracy solution.
TOLERB = more than 100 times the TOLER setting of the CNVTOL (p. 328) command for low
accuracy solution.
If the structural transient analysis is elastic and linear, and the load is constant or changes slowly, use
a smaller value of TOLERB to achieve an accurate solution. If the analysis involves large amounts of
energy dissipation, such as elastic-plastic material, TOLERB can be larger. If the analysis includes contact
or rapidly varying loads, a smaller value of TOLERB should be used if high frequency response is im-
portant; otherwise, a larger value of TOLERB may be used to enable faster convergence with larger
time step sizes.
For more information on how the midstep criterion is used by the program, see Midstep Residual for
Structural Dynamic Analysis in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Transient
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Transient
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 941
Argument Descriptions
The directory to create (248 characters maximum on Linux; 233 on Windows). If no path is provided, it will
be created in the current working directory. Must be a valid name (and path) for the system you are
working on.
Creates a directory on the computer ANSYS is currently running on.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Lists the master degrees of freedom.
For the free-interface CMS method analysis (CMSOPT (p. 313),FREE), any pseudo-constraints applied on
master degrees of freedom with SUPPORT = ON in the M (p. 917) command will be listed when MLIST
is issued after CMSOPT (p. 313) (see example printout below).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
942 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Master DOFs>List All
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Master DOFs>List Picked
Main Menu>Solution>Master DOFs>List All
Main Menu>Solution>Master DOFs>List Picked
Utility Menu>List>Other>Master DOF>At All Nodes
Utility Menu>List>Other>Master DOF>At Picked Nodes
Flag to activate or deactivate missing mass response calculation.
0 (OFF or NO)
Deactivate (default).
1 (ON or YES)
Zero Period Acceleration Value. If a scale factor FACT is defined on the SVTYP command, it is applied to
this value.
The missing mass calculation is valid only for single point excitation response spectrum analysis (SP-
OPT (p. 1552), SPRS) and for multiple point response spectrum analysis (SPOPT (p. 1552), MPRS) performed
with base excitation using acceleration response spectrum loading. Missing mass is supported in a
spectrum analysis only when the preceding modal analysis is performed with the Block Lanczos, PCG
Lanczos, Supernode, or Subspace eigensolver (Method =LANB, LANPCG, SNODE, or SUBSP on the
MODOPT (p. 951) command).
The velocity solution is not available (Label = VELO on the combination command: SRSS (p. 1558),
CQC (p. 357)...) when the missing mass calculation is activated.
The missing mass calculation is not supported when the spectrum analysis is based on a linear perturb-
ation modal analysis performed after a nonlinear base analysis.
To take into account the contribution of the truncated modes, the residual vector (RESVEC (p. 1340)) can
be used in place of the missing mass response. This is of particular interest if the velocity solution is
requested or if a nonlinear prestress is included in the analysis (linear perturbation), or if a superelement
is present, since the missing mass cannot be used in these cases.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 943
In a multiple point response spectrum analysis (SPOPT (p. 1552),MPRS), the MMASS command must
precede the participation factor calculation command (PFACT (p. 1157)).
Additional Information
Performing a Single-Point Response Spectrum (SPRS) Analysis in the Structural Analysis Guide
Performing a Multi-Point Response Spectrum (MPRS) Analysis in the Structural Analysis Guide
Missing-Mass Response in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference
RIGRESP (p. 1346) command
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Calculates the magnetomotive force along a path.
POST1 (p. 48): Magnetics Calculations (p. 52)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
MMF invokes an ANSYS macro which calculates the magnetomotive force (mmf ) along a predefined
path [PATH (p. 1132)]. It is valid for both 2-D and 3-D magnetic field analyses. The calculated mmf value
is stored in the parameter MMF.
A closed path [PATH (p. 1132)], passing through the magnetic circuit for which mmf is to be calculated,
must be defined before this command is issued. A counterclockwise ordering of points on the
PPATH (p. 1222) command will yield the correct sign on the mmf. The mmf is based on Ampere's Law.
The macro makes use of calculated values of field intensity (H), and uses path operations for the calcu-
lations. All path items are cleared upon completion. The MMF macro sets the "ACCURATE" mapping
method and "MAT" discontinuity option of the PMAP (p. 1210) command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Elec&Mag Calc>Path Based>MMF
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944 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Multiple load step key:
Perform the modal analysis (compute the eigenvalues and the load vector) for each load step. (default)
Perform the modal analysis (compute the eigenvalues and the load vector) only for the first load step;
form the load vector for each subsequent load step (without repeating the eigenvalue calculations)
and write all load vectors to the Jobname.MODE file for downstream mode-superposition analyses.
Enforced motion key:
Do not calculate enforced static modes. (default)
Calculate enforced static modes and write them to the Jobname.MODE file.
Unused field
Fast load vector generation key; valid only when MLSkey = ON:
Do not activate fast load vector generation (default).
Activate fast load vector generation. This option is only supported when each load vector is based on
a unique element surface load (SFE (p. 1487)) applied on one element, and the element result superpos-
ition key is activated (MSUPkey = YES on MXPAND (p. 1002)).
Specifies additional modal analysis (ANTYPE (p. 140),MODAL) options.
Use the LVSCALE (p. 914) command to apply the desired load in a mode-superposition transient or
harmonic analysis.
When MSUPkey = YES on the MXPAND (p. 1002) command, the maximum number of load vectors allowed
in the Jobname.MODE file defaults to 1000. To increase this limit, use the command /CON-
FIG (p. 339),NUMLV. When FastLV = ON, the limit is automatically set to 1x106 and cannot be changed.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 945
The maximum number of load vectors that can be used in the downstream mode-superposition transient
or harmonic analysis is the number of load vectors written in the Jobname.MODE file.
Generation of multiple loads (MLSkey = ON) is supported by the Block Lanczos, PCG Lanczos, Supernode,
Subspace, Unsymmetric, and QR damped modal methods.
The enforced motion calculation (EnforcedKey = ON) is supported by the Block Lanczos and Supernode
mode extraction methods.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Key for enabling remote read-only usage of modal analysis files or substructuring analysis files:
1 (ON or YES)
The program performs the analysis using remote files. The files are read-only.
0 (OFF or NO)
The program performs the analysis using files located in the working directory (default).
Directory path (248 characters maximum). The directory contains the modal analysis files or the substruc-
turing generation pass files.
File name (no extension or directory path) for the modal analysis files or the substructuring generation
pass files.
This command applies to spectrum analyses (ANTYPE (p. 140),SPECTR) and substructuring analyses
(ANTYPE (p. 140),SUBSTR) only.
Using the default for both the directory path (Directory) and the file name (Fname) is not valid. At
least one of these values must be specified.
In a spectrum analysis, MODDIR must be issued during the first solution and at the beginning of the
solution phase (before LVSCALE (p. 914) in particular). Remote modal files usage is not supported when
mode file reuse is activated (modeReuseKey = YES on SPOPT (p. 1552)).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
946 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
In a substructuring or CMS analysis, MODDIR can be issued during either of the following analysis
• The first solution of the first restart of a generation pass. ExpMth on SEOPT (p. 1450) must be set to
MODDIR during the first solve of the primary generation pass.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Number of harmonic waves around circumference for this harmonic loading term (defaults to 0).
Symmetry condition for this harmonic loading term (not used when MODE = 0):
Symmetric (UX, UY, ROTZ, TEMP use cosine terms; UZ uses sine term) (default).
Antisymmetric (UX, UY, ROTZ, TEMP use sine terms; UZ uses cosine term).
Command Default
MODE = 0, ISYM = 1.
Used with axisymmetric elements having nonaxisymmetric loading capability (for example, PLANE25,
SHELL61, etc.). For analysis types ANTYPE (p. 140),MODAL, HARMIC, TRANS, and SUBSTR, the term must
be defined in the first load step and may not be changed in succeeding load steps.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>For Harmonic Ele
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Other>For Harmonic Ele
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 947
Set of data in results file to be modified.
The new load step number.
The new load substep number.
The new cumulative iteration.
The new time/frequency value.
Indicates if the set title should be modified.
Keep the original title.
Change the title to the title specified with the most current /TITLE (p. 1682) command.
Use this command to change the listed values in a data set in a results file. Using this command does
not change any actual model data; it affects only the values listed in the results file.
2 2.0000 2 1 2
second load set
3 3.0000 3 1 3
third load set
4 4.0000 4 1 4
fourth load set
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948 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
2 2.0000 2 1 2
second load set
3 4.5000 5 2 5
modified title for set number 3
4 4.0000 4 1 4
fourth load set
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Other>For Harmonic Ele
Main Menu>Solution>Other>For Harmonic Ele
Controls the relationship of the solid model and the FE model.
PREP7 (p. 20): Meshing (p. 27)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Relationship key:
Gives status of command (default). This applies only to the CHECK option (no status is provided for
the DETACH option).
Deactivates the checking of the solid model and the finite element model. Allows elements and nodes
generated with the mesh commands to be modified directly (EMODIF (p. 520), NMODIF (p. 1041),
EDELE (p. 491), NDELE (p. 1011), etc.). Also deactivates solid model hierarchical checking so that areas
attached to volumes may be deleted etc.
Reactivates future checking of the solid model.
Releases all associativity between the current solid model and finite element model. ANSYS deletes
any element attributes that were assigned to the affected solid model entities through default attributes
(that is, through the TYPE (p. 1707), REAL (p. 1319), MAT (p. 929), SECNUM (p. 1423), and ESYS (p. 570) com-
mand settings and a subsequent meshing operation). However, attributes that were assigned directly
to the solid model entities (via the KATT (p. 807), LATT (p. 844), AATT (p. 78), and VATT (p. 1741) com-
mands) are not deleted.
Affects the relationship of the solid model (keypoints, lines, areas, volumes) and the finite element
model (nodes, elements, and boundary conditions).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 949
Specify Lab = NOCHECK carefully. By deactivating checking, the solid model database can be corrupted
by subsequent operations.
After specifying Lab = DETACH, it is no longer possible to select or define finite element model items
in terms of the detached solid model or to clear the mesh.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Checking Ctrls>Model Checking
For ModeSelMethod = EFFM on the MXPAND (p. 1002) command, the directions correspond to the
global Cartesian directions, i.e. 1=X, 2=Y, 3=Z, 4=ROTX, 5=ROTY, and 6=ROTZ. If dir1 = YES, then
any mode in this direction is expanded if its modal effective mass divided by the total mass (modal
effective mass ratio) is greater than SIGNIF on the MXPAND (p. 1002) command. If dir1=NO, then
the specified direction is not considered as a criterion for expansion. If dir1 is given a numerical
decimal value, modes in that direction are selected (starting from the ones with the largest modal
effective mass ratios to the smallest) until the sum of their modal effective mass ratio equals this
requested threshold.
For ModeSelMethod=MODC on the MXPAND (p. 1002) command, dir1 corresponds to the first
input spectrum, dir2 to the second, etc. (i.e. for multiple spectrum inputs; the actual directions
correspond to their respective SED directions). If dir1=YES, then any mode in this spectrum is ex-
panded if its mode coefficient divided by the largest mode coefficient is greater than SIGNIF on the
MXPAND (p. 1002) command. If dir1=NO, then the specified direction is not considered as a criterion
for expansion.
This command is only applicable when a mode selection method is defined (ModeSelMethod on the
MXPAND (p. 1002) command). See Using Mode Selection in the Structural Analysis Guide for more details.
If a numerical value is specified for a direction, the significance threshold (SIGNIF on the MXPAND (p. 1002)
command) is ignored for the selection of the modes in this direction.
If a mode is determined to be expanded in any of the 6 directions, it will be expanded in the .MODE
file. Otherwise, the mode will not be expanded.
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950 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Mode-extraction method to be used for the modal analysis.
Block Lanczos
PCG Lanczos
Supernode modal solver
Subspace algorithm
Unsymmetric matrix
Damped system
Damped system using QR algorithm
The number of modes to extract. The value can depend on the value supplied for Method. NMODE has no
default and must be specified. If Method = LANB, LANPCG, or SNODE, the number of modes that can be
extracted can equal the DOFs in the model after the application of all boundary conditions.
When Method = LANPCG, NMODE should be less than 100 to be computationally efficient.
When Method = SNODE, NMODE should be greater than 100 for 2-D plane or 3-D shell/beam
models and greater than 250 for 3-D solid elements to be computationally efficient.
The beginning, or lower end, of the frequency range (or eigenvalue range if FREQMOD is specified) of interest.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 951
For Method = LANB, SUBSP, UNSYM, DAMP, and QRDAMP, FREQB also represents the first shift
point for the eigenvalue iterations. Default = -1.0 If values if UNSYM or DAMP are zero or blank. For
other methods, the default is calculated internally.
Eigenvalue extraction is most accurate near the shift point; multiple shift points are used internally
and QRDAMP methods with a positive FREQB, eigenvalues are output beginning at the shift point
and increase in magnitude. For UNSYM and DAMP methods with a negative FREQB value, eigenvalues
are output beginning at zero magnitude and increase.
Choosing higher FREQB values with the LANPCG and SNODE methods may lead to inefficient
solution times because these methods will find all eigenvalues between zero and FREQB before
finding the requested modes between FREQB and FREQE.
The ending, or upper end, of the frequency range (or eigenvalue range if FREQMOD is specified) of interest
(in Hz). Default = 100 Hz when Method = SNODE. The default for all other methods is to calculate all
modes, regardless of their maximum frequency.
To maintain solution efficiency, do not set the FREQE value too high; for example, not higher than
5000 Hz for an industrial problem. The higher the FREQE value used for the SNODE method, the
more accurate the solution and the more eigenvalues produced; however, the solution time also
increases. For example, if FREQE is set to 1e8, it causes the underlying supernodal structures to
find all possible eigenvalues of each group of supernodes, requiring excessive solution time. The
accuracy of the SNODE solution is controlled by FREQE and by the RangeFact value on the
SNOPTION (p. 1533) command.
Complex eigenmode key. (Valid only when Method = QRDAMP or Method = UNSYM).
Determine automatically if the eigensolutions are real or complex and output them accordingly (default
when Method = UNSYM). Not supported for Method = QRDAMP.
Calculate and output complex eigenmode shapes.
Do not calculate complex eigenmode shapes (default). This setting is required if a mode-superposition
analysis is intended after the modal analysis for Method = QRDAMP.
Mode shape normalization key:
Normalize the mode shapes to the mass matrix (default). This option is invalid for damped modal
cyclic symmetry (Method = DAMP or QRDAMP with the CYCLIC (p. 380) command).
Normalize the mode shapes to unity instead of to the mass matrix (default for damped modal cyclic
symmetry [Method = DAMP or QRDAMP with the CYCLIC (p. 380) command]).
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952 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Type of modes calculated by the eigensolver. Only applicable to the unsymmetric eigensolver.
Right eigenmodes (default).
Right and left eigenmodes. The left eigenmodes are written to Jobname.LMODE. This option must
be activated if a mode-superposition analysis is intended.
The block vector size to be used with the Block Lanczos or Subspace eigensolver (used only when Method
= LANB or SUBSP). BlockSize must be an integer value between 0 and 16. When BlockSize = zero or
blank, the code decides the block size internally (normally, a value of 8 is used for LANB and a value of 6
is used for SUBSP). Typically, higher BlockSize values are more efficient under each of the following
• When running in out-of-core mode and there is not enough physical memory to buffer all of the files
written by the Block Lanczos or Subspace eigensolver (and thus, the time spent doing I/O is considerable).
Unused field.
Unused field.
Unused field.
The specified frequency when the solved eigenvalues are no longer frequencies (for example, the model
has the Floquet periodic boundary condition). In a modal analysis, the Floquet periodic boundary condition
(body load FPBC) is only valid for the acoustic elements FLUID30, FLUID220, and FLUID221.
Specifies modal analysis (ANTYPE (p. 140),MODAL) options. Additional options used only for the Supernode
(SNODE) eigensolver are specified by the SNOPTION (p. 1533) command. Additional options used only
for the Subspace (SUBSP) eigensolver are specified by the SUBOPT (p. 1579) command. Additional options
used only for the QRDAMP eigensolver are specified by the QRDOPT (p. 1302) command. Additional options
used only for the Block Lanczos (LANB) eigensolver are specified by the LANBOPTION (p. 839) command.
For more difficult modal problems, you can specify an alternative version of the Block Lanczos eigen-
solver (LANBOPTION (p. 839),,, ALT1).
If Method = LANPCG, ANSYS automatically switches to the PCG solver internally for this modal analysis.
You can further control the efficiency of the PCG solver with the PCGOPT (p. 1141) and EQSLV (p. 537)
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 953
For models that involve a non-symmetric element stiffness matrix, as in the case of a contact element
with frictional contact, the QRDAMP eigensolver (MODOPT, QRDAMP) extracts modes in the modal
subspace formed by the eigenmodes from the symmetrized eigenproblem. The QRDAMP eigensolver
symmetrizes the element stiffness matrix on the first pass of the eigensolution, and in the second pass,
eigenmodes are extracted in the modal subspace of the first eigensolution pass. For such non-symmetric
eigenproblems, you should verify the eigenvalue and eigenmode results using the non-symmetric
matrix eigensolver (MODOPT,UNSYM).
The DAMP and QRDAMP options cannot be followed by a subsequent spectrum analysis. The UNSYM
method supports spectrum analysis when eigensolutions are real.
In a modal analysis, the Floquet periodic boundary condition (body load FPBC) is only valid for the
acoustic elements FLUID30, FLUID220, and FLUID221.
Distributed ANSYS Restriction All extraction methods are supported in Distributed ANSYS. Block
Lanczos, PCG Lanczos, SUBSP, UNSYM, DAMP, and QRDAMP are distributed eigensolvers that run a fully
distributed solution. However, the Supernode eigensolver is not a distributed eigensolver; therefore,
you will not see the full performance improvements with this method that you would with a fully dis-
tributed solution.
Product Restrictions
Command Available Products
LANB DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
LANPCG DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
SNODE DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
SUBSP DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
UNSYM DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
DAMP DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
QRDAMP DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
954 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
One of four variable field numbers in the monitor file whose contents can be specified by the Lab field.
Valid arguments are integers 1, 2, 3, or 4. See Notes section for default values.
The node number for which information is monitored in the specified VAR field. In the GUI, if Node = P,
graphical picking is enabled. If blank, the monitor file lists the maximum value of the specified quantity
(Lab field) for the entire structure.
The solution quantity to be monitored in the specified VAR field. Valid labels for solution quantities are
UX, UY, and UZ (displacements); ROTX, ROTY, and ROTZ (rotations); and TEMP (temperature). Valid labels
for reaction force are FX, FY, and FZ (structural force) and MX, MY, and MZ (structural moment). Valid label
for heat flow rate is HEAT. For defaults see the Notes section.
The monitor file always has an extension of .mntr, and takes its file name from the specified Jobname.
If no Jobname is specified, the file name defaults to file.
You must issue this command once for each solution quantity you want to monitor at a specified node
at each load step. You cannot monitor a reaction force during a linear analysis. The variable field contents
can be redefined at each load step by reissuing the command. The monitored quantities are appended
to the file for each load step.
Reaction forces reported in the monitor file may be incorrect if the degree of freedom of the specified
node is involved in externally defined coupling (CP (p. 348) command) or constraint equations (CE (p. 259)
command), or if the program has applied constraint equations internally to the node.
The following example shows the format of a monitor file. Note that the file only records the solution
substep history when a substep is convergent.
Wall MxDs FY MxRe
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 955
The following details the contents of the various fields in the monitor file:
The current load step number.
The current substep (time step) number.
The number of attempts made in solving the current substep. This number is equal to the number of failed
attempts (bisections) plus one (the successful attempt).
The number of iterations used by the last successful attempt.
Total cumulative number of iterations (including each iteration used by a bisection).
Time or load factor increments for the current substep.
Total time (or load factor) for the last successful attempt in the current substep.
Variable field 1. By default, this field lists the elapsed (or wall clock) times used up to (but not including)
the current substep.
Variable field 2. In this example, the field is reporting the MZ value. By default, this field lists the maximum
displacement in the entire structure.
Variable field 3. In this example, the field is reporting the FY value of a certain node. By default, this field
reports the maximum equivalent plastic strain increment in the entire structure.
Variable field 4. By default, this field reports the maximum residual force in the entire structure.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Nonlinear>Monitor
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Nonlinear>Monitor
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956 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
*MOPER (p. 957), ParR, Par1, Oper, Val1, Val2, Val3, Val4, Val5, Val6
Performs matrix operations on array parameter matrices.
APDL (p. 17): Array Parameters (p. 18)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Argument Descriptions
The name of the resulting array parameter matrix. See *SET (p. 1453) for name restrictions.
First array parameter matrix input to the operation.
Matrix operations. Usage of the Val1 through Val6 arguments varies for each operation, as described
(*MOPER (p. 957), ParR, Par1, INVERT)
Square matrix invert: Inverts the n x n matrix in Par1 into ParR. The matrix must be well condi-
For large matrices, use the APDL Math operation *LSFACTOR (p. 900) for efficiency (see APDL
(*MOPER (p. 957), ParR, Par1, MULT, Par2)
Matrix multiply: Multiplies Par1 by Par2. The number of rows of Par2 must equal the number
of columns of Par1 for the operation. If Par2 is input with a number of rows greater than the
number of columns of Par1, matrices are still multiplied. However, the operation only uses a
number of rows of Par2 equal to the number of columns of Par1.
(*MOPER (p. 957), ParR, Par1, COVAR, Par2)
Covariance: The measure of association between columns of the Par1 input matrix. Par1 of
size m runs (rows) by n data (columns) is first processed to produce a row vector containing
the mean of each column, which is transposed to the output column vector Par2 of n array
elements. The Par1 and Par2 operation then produces ParR, a resulting n x n matrix of cov-
ariances (with the variances as the diagonal terms).
(*MOPER (p. 957), ParR, Par1, CORR, Par2)
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 957
Correlation: The correlation coefficient between columns of the Par1 input matrix. Par1 of
size m runs (rows) by n data (columns) is first processed to produce a row vector containing
the mean of each column, which is then transposed to the output column vector Par2 of n
array elements. The Par1 and Par2 operation then produces ParR, a resulting n x n matrix
of correlation coefficients (with a value of 1.0 for the diagonal terms).
(*MOPER (p. 957), ParR, Par1, SOLV, Par2)
Solution of simultaneous equations: Solves the set of n equations of n terms of the form an1x1
+ an2x2 + ... + annxn = bn where Par1 contains the matrix of a-coefficients, Par2 contains the
vector(s) of b-values, and ParR contains the vector(s) of x-results. Par1 must be a square
matrix. The equations must be linear, independent, and well conditioned.
For large matrices, use the APDL Math operation *LSFACTOR (p. 900) for efficiency (see APDL
(*MOPER (p. 957), ParR, Par1, SORT, Par2, n1, n2, n3)
Matrix sort: Sorts the columns of matrix Par1 according to sort vector Par2 and places the
result back into Par1. Rows of Par1 are moved to the corresponding positions indicated by
the values of Par2. Par2 may be a column of Par1 (in which case it will also be reordered).
Alternatively, you may specify the column of Par1 to sort using n1 (leaving Par2 blank). A
secondary sort can be specified by column n2, and a third sort using column n3. ParR is the
vector of initial row positions (the permutation vector). Sorting Par1 according to ParR should
reproduce the initial ordering.
(*MOPER (p. 957), ParR, Par1, NNEAR, Toler)
Nearest Node: Finds the nodes nearest to the given set of points in Par1, where Par1 is an n
x 3 array of coordinate locations. ParR is a vector of the nearest selected nodes, or 0 if no nodes
are nearer than Toler. Toler defaults to 1 and is limited to the maximum model size.
(*MOPER (p. 957), ParR, Par1, ENEAR, Toler)
Nearest Element: Finds the elements nearest to the given set of points in Par1, where Par1
is an n x 3 array of coordinate locations. ParR is a vector of the nearest selected elements, or
0 if no element centroids are nearer than Toler. Toler defaults to 1 and is limited to the
maximum model size.
MAP --
(*MOPER (p. 957), ParR, Par1, MAP, Par2, Par3, kDim, --, kOut, LIMIT)
Maps the results from one set of points to another. For example, you can map pressures from
a CFD analysis onto your model for a structural analysis.
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958 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Par1 is the Nout x 3 array of points that will be mapped to. Par2 is the Nin x M array that
contains M values of data to be interpolated at each point and corresponds to the Nin x 3 points
in Par3. The resulting ParR is the Nout x M array of mapped data points.
For each point in the destination mesh, all possible triangles in the source mesh are searched
to find the best triangle containing each point. It then does a linear interpolation inside this
triangle. You should carefully specify your interpolation method and search criteria in order to
provide faster and more accurate results (see LIMIT, below).
kOut specified how points outside of the domain are handled. If kOut = 0, use the value(s) of
the nearest region point for points outside of the region. If kOut = 1, set results outside of the
region to zero.
LIMIT specifies the number of nearby points considered for interpolation. The default is 20,
and the minimum is 5. Lower values will reduce processing time; however, some distorted or
irregular sets of points will require a higher LIMIT value to encounter three nodes for triangu-
Output points are incorrect if they are not within the domain (area or volume) defined by the
specified input points. Also, calculations for out-of-bound points require much more processing
time than do points that are within bounds. Results mapping is available from the command
line only.
(*MOPER (p. 957), ParR, Par1, INTP, Par2)
Finds the elements that contain each point in the array of n x 3 points in Par1. Par2 will
contain the set of element ID numbers and ParR will contain their n x 3 set of natural element
coordinates (values between -1 and 1). Par1 must be in global Cartesian coordinates.
(*MOPER (p. 957), ParR, Par1, SGET, Par2, Label, Comp)
Gets the nodal solution item corresponding to Label and Comp (see the PLNSOL (p. 1190)
command) and interpolates it to the given element locations. Par1 contains the n x 3 array of
natural element coordinates (values between -1 and 1) of the n element ID numbers in Par2.
Par1 and Par2 are usually the output of the *MOPER (p. 957),,,INTP operation. ParR contains
the n interpolated results.
Each starting array element number must be defined for each array parameter matrix if it does not start
at the first location. For example, *MOPER (p. 957),A(2,3),B(1,4),MULT,C(1,5) multiplies submatrix B
(starting at element (1,4)) by submatrix C (starting at element (1,5)) and puts the result in matrix A
(starting at element (2,3)).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 959
The diagonal corner elements for each submatrix must be defined: the upper left corner by the array
starting element (on this command), the lower right corner by the current values from the *VCOL (p. 1742)
and *VLEN (p. 1780) commands. The default values are the (1,1) element and the last element in the
matrix. No operations progress across matrix planes (in the 3rd dimension). Absolute values and scale
factors may be applied to all parameters [*VABS (p. 1738), *VFACT (p. 1755)]. Results may be cumulative
[*VCUM (p. 1744)]. Array elements should not be skipped with the *VMASK (p. 1783) and the NINC value
of the *VLEN (p. 1780) specifications. See the *VOPER (p. 1786) command for details.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Parameters>Array Operations>Matrix Operations
Meshing option to be specified (determines the meaning of Value):
Mesh by ascending area size order. Set Value to ON to mesh smaller areas first. Using this results in
finer meshes in critical areas for volume meshes; this can be used for cases where SMRTSIZE (p. 1530)
does not mesh as needed. Default is OFF.
Area mesh expansion (or contraction) option. (This option is the same as SMRTSIZE (p. 1530),,,EXPND.)
This option is used to size internal elements in an area based on the size of the elements on the area's
Value is the expansion (or contraction) factor. For example, issuing MOPT,EXPND,2 before
meshing an area will allow a mesh with elements that are approximately twice as large in the
interior of an area as they are on the boundary. If Value is less than 1, a mesh with smaller
elements on the interior of the area will be allowed. Value for this option should be greater
than 0.5 but less than 4.
Value defaults to 1, which does not allow expansion or contraction of internal element sizes
(except when using AESIZE (p. 93) sizing). If Value = 0, the default value of 1 will be used.
The actual size of the internal elements will also depend on the TRANS option (or upon AES-
IZE (p. 93) or ESIZE (p. 554) sizing, if used).
Tet-mesh expansion (or contraction) option. This option is used to size internal elements in a volume
based on the size of the elements on the volume's boundaries.
Value is the expansion (or contraction) factor. For example, issuing MOPT,TETEXPND,2 before
meshing a volume will allow a mesh with elements that are approximately twice as large in the
interior of the volume as they are on the boundary. If Value is less than 1, a mesh with smaller
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
960 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
elements on the interior of the volume will be allowed. Value for this option should be greater
than 0.1 but less than 3.
Value defaults to 1, which does not allow expansion or contraction of internal element sizes.
If Value = 0, the default value of 1 will be used. If Value is greater than 2, mesher robustness
may be affected.
The TETEXPND option is supported for both the VMESH (p. 1784) and FVMESH (p. 655) commands.
Tet-mesh expansion is the only mesh control supported by FVMESH (p. 655).
Mesh-transition option. Controls how rapidly elements are permitted to change in size from the
boundary to the interior of an area. (This option performs the same operation as SMRT-
SIZE (p. 1530),,,,TRANS.)
Value is the transitioning factor. Value defaults to 2.0, which permits elements to approximately
double in size as they approach the interior of the area. (If Value = 0, the default value of 2
will be used.) Value must be greater than 1 and, for best results, should be less than 4. The
actual size of the internal elements will also depend on the EXPND option (or upon AESIZE (p. 93)
or ESIZE (p. 554) sizing, if used).
For a quad mesh with any element size, this option has no effect, as the program strictly respects
any face size to ensure the most uniform quad mesh possible. To obtain a graded mesh using
this option, apply LESIZE (p. 867) to the lines of the desired face.
Triangle surface-meshing option. Valid inputs for Value are:
Allows the program to choose which triangle mesher to use. In most cases, the program chooses
the main triangle mesher, which is the Riemann space mesher. If the chosen mesher fails for any
reason, the program invokes the alternate mesher and retries the meshing operation.
The program uses the main triangle mesher (Riemann space mesher), and it does not invoke an
alternate mesher if the main mesher fails. The Riemann space mesher is well suited for most surfaces.
The program uses the first alternate triangle mesher (3-D tri-mesher), and it does not invoke another
mesher if this mesher fails. This option is not recommended due to speed considerations. However,
for surfaces with degeneracies in parametric space, this mesher often provides the best results.
The program uses the second alternate triangle mesher (2-D parametric space mesher), and it does
not invoke another mesher if this mesher fails. This option is not recommended for use on surfaces
with degeneracies (spheres, cones, etc.) or poorly parameterized surfaces because poor meshes
may result.
Quadrilateral surface meshing option. (Quadrilateral surface meshes will differ based on which triangle
surface mesher is selected. This is true because all free quadrilateral meshing algorithms use a triangle
mesh as a starting point.) Valid inputs for Value are:
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 961
Let the program choose which quadrilateral mesher to use. In most cases, the program will choose
the main quadrilateral mesher, which is the Q-Morph (quad-morphing) mesher. For very coarse
meshes, the program may choose the alternate quadrilateral mesher instead. In most cases, the
Q-Morph mesher results in higher quality elements. If either mesher fails for any reason, the program
invokes the other mesher and retries the meshing operation. (Default.)
The program uses the main quadrilateral mesher (Q-Morph mesher), and it does not invoke the
alternate mesher if the main mesher fails.
The program uses the alternate quadrilateral mesher, and it does not invoke the Q-Morph mesher
if the alternate mesher fails. To use the alternate quadrilateral mesher, you must also select
Tetrahedral element meshing option. Valid inputs for Value are:
Let the program choose which tetrahedra mesher to use.
Use the main tetrahedra mesher (Delaunay technique mesher). (GHS3D meshing technology by
P. L. George, INRIA, France.) For most models, this mesher is significantly faster than the alternate
Use the alternate tetrahedra mesher (advancing front mesher). This mesher does not support the
generation of a tetrahedral volume mesh from facets (FVMESH (p. 655)). If this mesher is selected
and you issue the FVMESH (p. 655) command, the program uses the main tetrahedra mesher to
create the mesh from facets and issues a warning message to notify you.
Quad splitting option for non-mapped meshing. If Value = 1, ON, or ERR, quadrilateral elements in
violation of shape error limits are split into triangles (default). If Value = 2 or WARN, quadrilateral
elements in violation of either shape error or warning limits are split into triangles. If Value = OFF,
splitting does not occur, regardless of element quality.
Line smoothing option. Value can be ON or OFF. If Value = ON, smoothing of nodes on area
boundaries is performed during smoothing step of meshing. During smoothing, node locations are
adjusted to achieve a better mesh. If Value = OFF (default), no smoothing takes place at area
This option affects the element and node numbering after clearing a mesh. If Value = ON (default),
the starting node and element numbers will be the lowest available number after the nodes and ele-
ments are cleared. If Value = OFF, the starting node and element numbers are not reset after the
clear operation.
Transitional pyramid elements option. Value can be ON or OFF. If Value = ON (default), the program
automatically creates transitional pyramid elements, when possible. Pyramids may be created at the
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962 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
interface of tetrahedral and hexahedral elements, or directly from quadrilateral elements. For pyramids
to be created, you must also issue the command MSHAPE (p. 991),1,3D (degenerate 3-D elements). If
Value = OFF, the program does not create transitional pyramid elements.
Identifies the level of tetrahedra improvement to be performed when the next free volume meshing
operation is initiated (VMESH (p. 1784), FVMESH (p. 655)). (For levels 2-5, improvement occurs primarily
through the use of face swapping and node smoothing techniques.) Valid inputs for Value are:
Turn off tetrahedra improvement. Although this value can lead to faster tetrahedral mesh creation,
it is not recommended because it often leads to poorly shaped elements and mesh failures.
Do the minimal amount of tetrahedra improvement. (Default.) This option is supported by the
main tetrahedra mesher only [MOPT,VMESH,MAIN]. If the alternate tetrahedra mesher
(MOPT,VMESH,ALTERNATE) is invoked with this setting, the program automatically performs tetra-
hedra improvement at level 3 instead (MOPT,TIMP,3).
Perform the least amount of swapping/smoothing. No improvement occurs if all tetrahedral ele-
ments are within acceptable limits.
Perform an intermediate amount of swapping/smoothing. Some improvement is always done.
Perform the greatest amount of swapping/smoothing. Meshing takes longer with this level of im-
provement, but usually results in a better mesh.
Perform the greatest amount of swapping/smoothing, plus additional improvement techniques.
This level of improvement usually produces results that are similar to those at level 4, except for
very poor meshes.
For linear tetrahedral meshes, this value provides the same level of improvement as MOPT,TIMP,5.
For quadratic tetrahedral meshes, this value provides an additional pass of cleanup. This value is
supported for both the main (MOPT,VMESH,MAIN) and alternate (MOPT,VMESH,ALTERNATE) tet-
rahedra meshers.
Display status of MOPT settings. Value is ignored.
Set all MOPT options to default values. Value is ignored.
Value, as described for each different Lab above.
See the Modeling and Meshing Guide for more information on the MOPT command and its options.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 963
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesher Opts
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Size Cntrls>ManualSize>Global>Area Cntrls
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Size Cntrls>ManualSize>Global>Volu Cntrls
Main Menu>Solution>Manual Rezoning>Create Remesh Zone(s)>Mesh Controls>Global
Meshing Options
Utility Menu>List>Status>Preprocessor>Solid Model
MORPH, Option, --, Remeshopt, ElemSet, ARMAX, VOCH, ARCH, STEP, TIME,
Specifies morphing and remeshing controls.
PREP7 (p. 20): Morphing (p. 34)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Turns off morphing for field elements (default).
Turns on morphing for field elements.
Unused field
Do not remesh (default).
Remesh when element qualities fall below values specified by ARMAX, VOCH, or ARCH as explained
below. Valid only when Option is ON.
Remesh all selected elements if the quality of the worst defined element falls below any quality require-
ment (default when Remeshopt = ON).
Specify a component name, up to 32 characters. All elements included in this component name are
remeshed if the quality of the worst element falls below any quality requirement.
The maximum allowable element generalized aspect ratio. Defaults to 5.
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964 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The maximum allowable change of element size (area or volume). Defaults to 3.
The maximum allowable element aspect ratio change. Defaults to 3.
The frequency of element quality checking, based on time steps. A quality check takes place at the intervals
defined by STEP. Defaults to 1 (quality check at every step).
A quality check takes place at the time point specified. Defaults to -1 (a quality check at every time point).
There are no structural elements in the model (default).
There are structural elements in the model and the morphing happens after the structural solution.
MORPH is applicable to any non-structural field analysis (including acoustic elements, but not fluid
elements). It activates displacement degrees of freedom for non-structural elements so that boundary
conditions may be placed on the field mesh to constrain the movement of the non-structural mesh
during morphing. It morphs the non-structural mesh using displacements transferred at the surface
interface between the structural field and the non-structural field. The displacements of non-structural
elements are mesh displacements to avoid mesh distortion, but have no physical meaning except at
the interface. MORPH does not support surface, link, or shell elements, or any element shape other
than triangles, quads, tets, and bricks. Morphed fields must be in the global Cartesian system
(CSYS (p. 364) = 0).
After each remesh, new databases and results files are written with the extensions .rth0n and .db0n,
where n is the remesh file number (FieldName.rth01, FieldName.rth02, ... and Field-
Name.db01, FieldName.db02, etc.). The original database file is FieldName.dbo. The Field-
Name.db01, FieldName.db02, etc. files have elements that are detached from the solid model.
• Valid only for the electrostatic elements (PLANE121, SOLID122, and SOLID123)
• Nodes on the boundary cannot be remeshed; remeshing will not work if morphing failed on the surface
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 965
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>Element Morphing
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Other>Element Morphing
Move this node. If NODE = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored
(valid only in the GUI). A component name may also be substituted for NODE.
First coordinate system number. Defaults to 0 (global Cartesian).
X1, Y1, Z1
Input one or two values defining the location of the node in this coordinate system. Input "U" for unknown
value(s) to be calculated and input "E" to use an existing coordinate value. Fields are R1, θ1, Z1 for cylindrical,
or R1, θ1, Φ1 for spherical or toroidal.
Second coordinate system number.
X2, Y2, Z2
Input two or one value(s) defining the location of the node in this coordinate system. Input "U" for unknown
value(s) to be calculated and input "E" to use an existing coordinate value. Fields are R2, θ2, Z2 for cylindrical,
or R2, θ2, Φ2 for spherical or toroidal.
Calculates and moves a node to an intersection location. The node may have been previously defined
(at an approximate location) or left undefined (in which case it is internally defined at the SOURCE (p. 1541)
location). The actual location is calculated from the intersection of three surfaces (implied from three
coordinate constants in two different coordinate systems). The three (of six) constants easiest to define
should be used. The program will calculate the remaining three coordinate constants. All arguments,
except KC1, must be input. Use the repeat command [*REPEAT (p. 1326)] after the MOVE command to
define a line of intersection by repeating the move operation on all nodes of the line.
Surfaces of constant value are implied by some commands by specifying a single coordinate value.
Implied surfaces are used with various commands [MOVE, KMOVE (p. 822), NSEL (p. 1057), etc.]. Three
surfaces are available with each of the four coordinate system types. Values or X, Y, or Z may be constant
for the Cartesian coordinate system; values of R, θ, or Z for the cylindrical system; and values of R, θ, Φ
for the spherical and toroidal systems. For example, an X value of 3 represents the Y-Z plane (or surface)
at X=3. In addition, the parameters for the cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems may be adjusted
[CS (p. 359), LOCAL (p. 883)] to form elliptical surfaces. For surfaces in elliptical coordinate systems, a
surface of "constant" radius is defined by the radius value at the X-axis. Surfaces of constant value may
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966 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
be located in local coordinate systems [LOCAL (p. 883), CLOCAL (p. 292), CS (p. 359), or CSKP (p. 362)] to
allow for any orientation.
The intersection calculation is based on an iterative procedure (250 iterations maximum) and a tolerance
of 1.0E-4. The approximate location of a node should be sufficient to determine a unique intersection
if more than one intersection point is possible. Tangent "intersections" should be avoided. If an inter-
section is not found, the node is placed at the last iteration location.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Move / Modify>Nodes>To Intersect
Valid material property label. Applicable labels are listed under "Material Properties" in the input table for
each element type in the Element Reference.
Mass matrix multiplier for damping.
Secant coefficients of thermal expansion (also ALPY, ALPZ).
Stiffness matrix multiplier for damping.
Coefficient of diffusion expansion (also BETY, BETZ)
Bulk viscosity
Specific heat
Reference concentration (may not be temperature dependent)
Saturated concentration
Instantaneous coefficients of thermal expansion (also CTEY, CTEZ)
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 967
Heat coefficient at constant volume per unit of mass
Mass density.
Damping ratio.
Constant structural damping coefficient.
Diffusivity coefficients (also DYY, DZZ)
Elastic moduli (also EY, EZ)
Shear moduli (also GYZ, GXZ)
Convection or film coefficient
Thermal conductivities (also KYY, KZZ)
Electric loss tangent
Magnetic loss tangent
Magnetic coercive forces (also MGYY, MGZZ)
Magnetic relative permeabilities (also MURY, MURZ)
Coefficient of friction
Minor Poisson's ratios (also NUYZ, NUXZ) (NUXY = νyx, as described in Stress-Strain Relationships in
the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference)
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968 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Electric relative permittivities (also PERY, PERZ)
If you enter permittivity values less than 1 for SOLID5, PLANE13, or SOLID98, the
program interprets the values as absolute permittivity. Values input for PLANE223,
SOLID226, or SOLID227 are always interpreted as relative permittivity.
Major Poisson's ratios (also PRYZ, PRXZ) (PRXY = νxy, as described in Stress-Strain Relationships in the
Mechanical APDL Theory Reference)
Heat generation rate for thermal mass element MASS71. Fraction of plastic work converted to heat
(Taylor-Quinney coefficient) or fraction of viscoelastic loss converted to heat for coupled-field elements
PLANE222, PLANE223, SOLID226, and SOLID227.
Reference temperature. Must be defined as a constant; C1 through C4 are ignored.
Hall Coefficient.
Electrical resistivities (also RSVY, RSVZ).
Seebeck coefficients (also SBKY, SBKZ).
Sonic velocity.
Thermal strain (also THSY, THSZ).
Material reference number to be associated with the elements (defaults to the current MAT setting
[MAT (p. 929)]).
Material property value, or if a property-versus-temperature polynomial is being defined, the constant
term in the polynomial. C0 can also be a table name (%tabname%); if C0 is a table name, C1 through C4
are ignored.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 969
MP defines a linear material property as a constant or in terms of a fourth order polynomial as a function
of temperature. (See the TB (p. 1603) command for nonlinear material property input.) Linear material
properties typically require a single substep for solution, whereas nonlinear material properties require
multiple substeps.
is evaluated at discrete temperature points with linear interpolation between points (that is, a piecewise
linear representation) and a constant-valued extrapolation beyond the extreme points. First-order
properties use two discrete points (±9999°). The MPTEMP (p. 983) or MPTGEN (p. 984) commands must
be used for second and higher order properties to define appropriate temperature steps. To ensure
that the number of temperatures defined via the MPTEMP (p. 983) and MPTGEN (p. 984) commands is
minimally sufficient for a reasonable representation of the curve, ANSYS generates an error message if
the number is less than N, and a warning message if the number is less than 2N. The value N represents
the highest coefficient used; for example, if C3 is nonzero and C4 is zero, a cubic curve is being used
which is defined using 4 coefficients so that N = 4.
Some elements (for example, FLUID116) support tabular input for material properties. Use the
*DIM (p. 435) command to create the table of property values as a function of the independent variables.
Then input this table name (C0 = %tabname%) when defining the property via the MP command.
Tabular material properties are calculated before the first iteration (that is, using initial values [IC (p. 769)]).
For a list of elements that support tabular material properties and associated primary variables, see
Defining Linear Material Properties Using Tabular Input in the Material Reference.
When defining a reference temperature (MP,REFT), you can convert temperature-dependent secant
coefficients of thermal expansion (SCTE) data from the definition temperature to the reference temper-
ature. To do so, issue the MPAMOD (p. 972) command.
Product Restrictions
Command Option Available Products
ALPD DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
ALPX DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
ALPY DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
ALPZ DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
BETD DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
BETX DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
BETY DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
BETZ DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
BVIS DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
CREF DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
CSAT DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
970 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 971
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Material Models
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Material Models
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Material Models
Material number for which the secant coefficients of thermal expansion (SCTE's) are to be modified. Defaults
to 1.
Definition temperature at which the existing SCTE-versus-temperature tables were defined. Defaults to
This command converts temperature-dependent SCTE data (properties ALPX, ALPY, ALPZ) from the
definition temperature (DEFTEMP) to the reference temperature defined by MP (p. 967),REFT or
TREF (p. 1688). If both the MP (p. 967),REFT and TREF (p. 1688) commands have been issued, the reference
temperature defined by the MP (p. 967),REFT command will be used.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
972 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
This command does not apply to the instantaneous coefficients of thermal expansion (properties CTEX,
CTEY, CTEZ) or to the thermal strains (properties THSX, THSY, THSZ).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Convert ALPx
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Convert ALPx
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Convert ALPx
Assign this material number to the element. Material numbers are defined with the material property
commands (MP (p. 967)).
Element for material change. If ALL, change materials for all selected elements (ESEL (p. 548)).
Changes the material number of the specified element. Between load steps in SOLUTION, material
properties cannot be changed from linear to nonlinear, or from one nonlinear option to another.
If you change from one CHABOCHE model to another CHABOCHE model, the different models need to
have the same number of data points.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Change Mat Num
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Change Mat Num
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Change Mat Num
Unused field
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 973
Material reference number from where material property data will be copied.
Material reference number to where material property data will be copied.
The MPCOPY command copies linear material properties only, which are all properties defined through
the MP (p. 967) command. If you copy a model that includes both linear and yield behavior constants
(for example, a BKIN model), the MPCOPY and TBCOPY (p. 1646), ALL commands are used together to
copy the entire model. All input data associated with the model is copied, that is, all data defined
through the MP (p. 967) and TB (p. 1603) commands.
Also, if you copy a material model using the Material Model Interface (Edit> Copy), both the commands
MPCOPY and TBCOPY (p. 1646), ALL are issued, regardless of whether the model includes linear constants
only, or if it includes a combination of linear and yield behavior constants.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Material Models
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Material Models
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Material Models
Valid property label. Applicable labels are listed under "Material Properties" in the input table for each
element type in the Element Reference.
Mass matrix multiplier for damping.
Secant coefficients of thermal expansion (also ALPY, ALPZ). (See also MPAMOD (p. 972) command for
adjustment to reference temperature).
Stiffness matrix multiplier for damping.
Coefficient of diffusion expansion (also BETY, BETZ)
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
974 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Specific heat.
Reference concentration (may not be temperature dependent)
Saturated concentration
Instantaneous coefficients of thermal expansion (also CTEY, CTEZ).
Mass density.
Constant material damping coefficient.
Diffusivity coefficients (also DYY, DZZ)
Elastic moduli (also EY, EZ).
Shear moduli (also GYZ, GXZ).
Convection or film coefficient.
Thermal conductivities (also KYY, KZZ).
Dielectric loss tangent.
Magnetic coercive forces (also MGYY, MGZZ).
Coefficient of friction.
Magnetic relative permeabilities (also MURY, MURZ).
Minor Poisson's ratios (also NUYZ, NUXZ).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 975
Electric relative permittivities (also PERY, PERZ).
Major Poisson's ratios (also PRYZ, PRXZ).
Heat generation rate.
Reference temperature (may not be temperature dependent).
Hall Coefficient.
Electrical resistivities (also RSVY, RSVZ).
Seebeck coefficients (also SBKY, SBKZ).
Sonic velocity.
Thermal strain (also THSY, THSZ).
Material reference number to be associated with the elements (defaults to 1 if you specify zero or no ma-
terial number).
Starting location in table for generating data. For example, if SLOC = 1, data input in the C1 field is the
first constant in the table. If SLOC = 7, data input in the C1 field is the seventh constant in the table, etc.
Defaults to the last location filled + 1.
Defines a table of property data to be associated with the temperature table. Repeat MPDATA command
for additional values (100 maximum). Temperatures must be defined first [MPTEMP (p. 983)]. Also stores
assembled property function table (temperature and data) in virtual space.
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976 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Product Restrictions
ANSYS Mechanical Enterprise The command MPDATA,LSST is only available to the ANSYS Mechan-
ical Enterprise product family (ANSYS Mechanical Enterprise, ANSYS Mechanical Enterprise PrepPost,
and ANSYS Mechanical Enterprise Solver).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Material Models
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Material Models
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Material Models
Material property label (see MP (p. 967) command for valid labels). If ALL, delete properties for all applicable
Specifies the level of element-associativity checking:
No element-associativity check occurs. This option is the default.
When a section, material, or real constant is associated with an element, ANSYS issues a message
warning that the necessary entity has been deleted.
The command terminates, and no section, material, or real constant is deleted if it is associated with
an element.
This command is also valid in SOLUTION.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Material Models
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 977
Material property label associated with MATF.
Material reference number of property to restore from virtual space.
Material property label associated with MATT (defaults to label associated with MATF).
Material reference number assigned to generated property (defaults to MATF).
Restores into the database (from virtual space) a data table previously defined [MP (p. 967)] for a partic-
ular property, assembles data with current database temperature table, and stores back in virtual space
as a new property.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Other>Change Mat Props>Modify Temps
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Modify Temps
Main Menu>Solution>Other>Change Mat Props>Modify Temps
Determines what path is being set. Possible values are:
Set the read path.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
978 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Set the write path.
Report what read and write paths are currently in use.
The directory path to be used for material library files.
The /MPLIB (p. 978) command sets two path strings used in conjunction with the material library feature
and the MPREAD (p. 981) and MPWRITE (p. 985) commands.
For MPREAD (p. 981), when you use the LIB option and no directory path is given in the file name, the
command searches for the file in these locations: the current working directory, the user's home directory,
the user-specified material library directory (as defined by the /MPLIB (p. 978),READ,PATH command),
and /ansys_dir/matlib.
For MPWRITE (p. 985), when you use the LIB option and the directory portion of the specification for
the material library file is blank, the command writes the material library file to the directory specified
by the /MPLIB (p. 978),WRITE,PATH command (if that path has been set). If the path has not been set,
the default is to write the file to the current working directory.
The Material Library files supplied with the distribution media are meant for demonstration purposes
only. These files are not intended for use in customer applications.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Material Lib-
rary>Lib Path Status
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Material Library>Lib Path Status
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Material Library>Lib Path
Material property label (see the MP (p. 967) command for labels). If ALL (or blank), list properties for all labels.
If EVLT, list properties for all labels evaluated at TEVL.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 979
Evaluation temperature for Lab = EVLT listing (defaults to BFUNIF (p. 226)).
For Lab = EVLT, when the property is from tables, the MPPLOT (p. 980) command will not be valid be-
cause the property could be a function of more than temperature.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Properties>All Materials
Utility Menu>List>Properties>All Matls, All Temps
Utility Menu>List>Properties>All Matls, Specified Temp
Utility Menu>List>Properties>Specified Matl, All Temps
Linear material property label (EX, EY, etc.) [MP (p. 967)].
Material reference number. Defaults to 1.
Minimum abscissa value to be displayed.
Maximum abscissa value.
Minimum property (ordinate) value to be displayed.
Maximum property value.
When the property is from tables, the MPPLOT command will not be valid because the property could
be a function of more than temperature.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
980 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Plot>Materials
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including directory). If you do not specify the LIB
option, the default directory is the current working directory. If you specify the LIB option, the default is
the following search path: the current working directory, the user's home directory, MPLIB_DIR (as specified
by the /MPLIB (p. 978),READ,PATH command) and /ansys_dir/matlib (as defined by installation). If
you use the default for your directory, you can use all 248 characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
If you omit the default extension is MP. extension is units_MPL, where units is the system of units
currently in use. (See the description of the /UNITS (p. 1722) command.) For example, if /UNITS (p. 1722)
is set to SI, the extension defaults to SI_MPL.
Unused field.
Reads material library files previously written with the MPWRITE (p. 985) command. (See the description
of the LIB option for the MPWRITE (p. 985) command.) The only allowed value for LIB is LIB.
The LIB field indicates that the specified file was written by MPWRITE (p. 985) using the LIB option,
and that the file is consistent with the material library file format. When the MPREAD command
executes, the ANSYS program reads material properties defined in the specified file into the current
ANSYS working database. The currently selected material, as defined by the MAT (p. 929) command
(MAT (p. 929),MAT), determines the material number used when reading the material properties.
The LIB option for MPREAD and MPWRITE (p. 985) supports storing and retrieving both linear and
nonlinear properties.
Material properties written to a file without the LIB option do not support nonlinear properties. Also,
properties written to a file without the LIB option are restored in the same material number as originally
defined. To avoid errors, use MPREAD with the LIB option only when reading files written using MP-
WRITE (p. 985) with the LIB option.
If you omit the LIB option for MPREAD, this command supports only linear properties.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 981
Material numbers are hardcoded. If you write a material file without specifying the LIB option, then
read that file in using the MPREAD command with the LIB option, the ANSYS program will not write
the file to a new material number. Instead, it will write the file to the "old" material number (the number
specified on the MPWRITE (p. 985) command that created the file.)
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Material Lib-
rary>Export Library
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Material Lib-
rary>Import Library
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Material Lib-
rary>Select Units
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Read from File
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Material Library>Export Library
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Material Library>Import Library
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Material Library>Select Units
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Read from File
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Material Library>Export
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Material Library>Import
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Material Library>Select Units
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Read from File
Specifies that radiation matrices are to be printed.
AUX12 (p. 59): Radiation Matrix Method (p. 59)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Print key:
Do not print matrices.
Print matrices.
Command Default
Matrices are not printed.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
982 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Specifies that the element and node radiation matrices are to be printed when the WRITE (p. 1824)
command is issued. If KEY = 1, form factor information for each element will also be printed.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Radiation Opt>Matrix Method>Write Matrix
Starting location in table for entering temperatures. For example, if SLOC = 1, data input in the T1 field
applies to the first constant in the table. If SLOC = 7, data input in the T1 field applies to the seventh
constant in the table, etc. Defaults to the last location filled + 1.
Command Default
No temperature table defined (that is, properties must be defined as a constant or linear function of
temperature via the MP (p. 967) command).
Defines a temperature table to be associated with the property data table [MPDATA (p. 974)]. These
temperatures are also used for polynomial property evaluation, if defined [MP (p. 967)]. Temperatures
must be defined in non-descending order. Issue MATER (p. 929) $ STAT (p. 1572) to list the current tem-
perature table. Repeat MPTEMP command for additional temperatures (100 maximum). If all arguments
are blank, the temperature table is erased.
For clear definition, the temperature range you define with the MPTEMP command should include the
entire range you'll use in subsequently defined materials. To assist the user in this, the first (and only
the first) excursion out of the temperature range defined by the MPTEMP commands is flagged with
a warning message. Similarly, the reference temperature (TREF (p. 1688) or MP (p. 967),reft commands)
should also fall in this same temperature range. If not and MP (p. 967),alpx was used, a note will be
output. If not, and MP (p. 967),ctex or MP (p. 967),thsx was used, an error message will be output.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 983
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Material Models
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Material Models
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Material Models
Starting location in table for generating temperatures. Defaults to last location filled + 1.
Number of temperatures to be generated (1-100).
Temperature assigned to STLOC location.
Increment previous temperature by TINC and assign to next location until all NUM locations are filled.
Adds temperatures to the temperature table by generation. May be used in combination (or in place
of ) the MPTEMP (p. 983) command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Other>Change Mat Props>Generate Temp
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Generate Temp
Main Menu>Solution>Other>Change Mat Props>Generate Temp
Material property label [MP (p. 967)].
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
984 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Material reference number.
Restores into the database (from virtual space) a temperature table previously defined [MP (p. 967)] for
a particular property. The existing temperature table in the database is erased before this operation.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Other>Change Mat Props>Restore Temps
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Restore Temps
Main Menu>Solution>Other>Change Mat Props>Restore Temps
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including directory). If you do not specify the LIB
option, the default directory is the current working directory. If you specify LIB and you have specified a
material library directory (via the /MPLIB (p. 978) command), that directory is the default. Otherwise, the
default is the current working directory. If you use the default for your directory, you can use all 248 char-
acters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
If you omit the LIB option, the default extension is MP. If you specify the LIB option, the default
extension is units_MPL, where units is the system of units currently in use. (See the description of
the /UNITS (p. 1722) command.) For example, if /UNITS (p. 1722) is set to BIN, the extension defaults
Unused field.
The only value allowed for this field is the string "LIB."
The LIB option indicates that you wish to have properties associated with the material (MAT) written
to the specified material library file using the material library file format. The material library file
format is ASCII-text-based ANSYS command input. Certain commands associated with this format
have been modified to interpret the string "_MATL" to mean the currently selected material. This
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 985
feature makes the material library file independent of the material number in effect when the file
was written; this enables you to restore the properties into the ANSYS database using the material
number of your choice. The LIB option also enables you to save both linear and nonlinear properties.
If you omit the LIB option, you can save linear properties only.
Specifies the material to be written to the named material library file. There is no default; you must either
specify a material or omit the MAT argument. Even if you specify a MAT value, the ANSYS program ignores
it if the LIB argument is not specified.
Writes linear material properties currently in the database to a file. The file is rewound before and after
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Material Lib-
rary>Export Library
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Material Lib-
rary>Import Library
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Material Lib-
rary>Select Units
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Write to File
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Material Library>Export Library
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Material Library>Import Library
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Material Library>Select Units
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Write to File
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Material Library>Export
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Material Library>Import
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Material Library>Select Units
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Write to File
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
986 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
/MREP (p. 987), NAME, ARG1, ARG2, ARG3, . . . , ARG4, ARG5, ARG6, ARG7, ARG8, ARG9,
ARG10, ARG11, ARG12, ARG13, ARG14, ARG15, ARG16, ARG17, ARG18
Enables you to reissue the graphics command macro "name" during a replot or zoom operation.
GRAPHICS (p. 14): Set Up (p. 14)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
The name identifying the macro file or macro block on a macro library file. The name can contain up to
eight characters maximum and must begin with a letter.
This command reissues the graphics command macro "name" during a replot operation [/REPLOT (p. 1326)]
or a zoom [/ZOOM (p. 1839)] operation. The ANSYS program passes the command macro arguments to
the replot and zoom feature for use by the graphics macro. You should place the s-MREP command
at the end of the graphics command macro, following the last graphics command within the macro, to
enable the replot or zoom feature.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Defines the revolutions per minute (RPM) for a machine rotation.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Misc Loads (p. 42)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
The RPM value (no default).
MRPM defines an RPM value for use in an acoustic analysis. A different RPM value can be defined at
each load step. The RPM value is used to postprocess the equivalent radiated power from the structural
surface (the PRAS (p. 1224) and PLAS (p. 1161) commands) or the radiated sound power level (the PR-
FAR (p. 1244) and PLFAR (p. 1180) commands).
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 987
Sets the solver memory saving option.This option only applies to the PCG solver (including PCG Lanczos).
SOLUTION (p. 35): Analysis Options (p. 35)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Activation key:
0 or OFF
Use global assembly for the stiffness matrix (and mass matrix, when using PCG Lanczos) of the entire
1 or ON
Use an element-by-element approach when possible to save memory during the solution. In this case,
the global stiffness (and mass) matrix is not assembled; element stiffness (and mass) is regenerated
during PCG or PCG Lanczos iterations.
MSAVE,ON only applies to and is the default for parts of the model using the following element types
with linear material properties that meet the conditions listed below.
• SOLID187
• All nodes on the supported element types must be defined (i.e., the midside nodes cannot be removed using
the EMID (p. 518) command).
• For elements with thermally dependent material properties, MSAVE,ON applies only to elements with uniform
temperatures prescribed.
If you manually force MSAVE,ON by including it in the input file, the model can include the following
additional conditions:
• The analysis can be a modal analysis using the PCG Lanczos method (MODOPT (p. 951),LANPCG).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
988 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
All other element types or other parts of the model that don't meet the above criteria will be solved
using global assembly (MSAVE,OFF). This command can result in memory savings of up to 70 percent
over the global assembly approach for the part of the model that meets the criteria. Depending on the
hardware (e.g., processor speed, memory bandwidth, etc.), the solution time may increase or decrease
when this feature is used.
This memory-saving feature runs in parallel when multiple processors are used with the /CONFIG (p. 339)
command or with Distributed ANSYS. The gain in performance with using multiple processors with this
feature turned on should be similar to the default case when this feature is turned off. Performance
also improves when using the uniform reduced integration option for SOLID186 elements.
This command does not support the layered option of the SOLID185 and SOLID186 elements.
When using MSAVE,ON with the PCGOPT (p. 1141) command, note the following restrictions:
• For static and modal analyses, MSAVE,ON is not valid when using a Lev_Diff value of 5 on the
PCGOPT (p. 1141) command; Lev_Diff will automatically be reset to 2.
• For modal analyses, MSAVE,ON is not valid with the StrmCk option of the PCGOPT (p. 1141) command;
Strmck will be set to OFF.
• For all analysis types, MSAVE,ON is not valid when the Lagrange multiplier option (LM_Key) of the
PCGOPT (p. 1141) command is set to ON; the MSAVE activation key will be set to OFF.
• For linear perturbation static and modal analyses, MSAVE,ON is not valid; the MSAVE activation key
will be set to OFF.
When using MSAVE,ON for modal analyses, no .FULL file will be created. The .FULL file may be ne-
cessary for subsequent analyses (e.g., harmonic, transient mode-superposition, or spectrum analyses).
To generate the .FULL file, rerun the modal analysis using the WRFULL (p. 1823) command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
*MSG (p. 989), Lab, VAL1, VAL2, VAL3, VAL4, VAL5, VAL6, VAL7, VAL8
Writes an output message via the ANSYS message subroutine.
APDL (p. 17): Macro Files (p. 17)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Argument Descriptions
Label for output and termination control:
Writes the message with no heading (default).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 989
Writes the message with a "NOTE" heading.
Writes the message with a "WARNING" heading. Also writes the message to the errors file, Job-
Writes the message with a "ERROR" heading and causes run termination (if batch) at earliest "clean
exit" point. Also writes the message to the errors file, Jobname.ERR.
Writes the message with a "FATAL ERROR" heading and causes run termination immediately. Also
writes the message to the errors file, Jobname.ERR.
UI --
Writes the message with a "NOTE" heading and displays it in the message dialog box. This option is
most useful in GUI mode.
Allows writing an output message via the ANSYS message subroutine. Also allows run termination
control. This command is used only when contained in a prepared file read into the ANSYS program
(i.e., *USE (p. 1727),/INPUT (p. 791), etc.). A message format must immediately follow the *MSG (p. 989)
command (on a separate line, without parentheses, as described below).
The message format may be up to 80 characters long, consisting of text strings and predefined "data
descriptors" between the strings where numeric or alphanumeric character data are to be inserted. The
normal descriptors are %I for integer data, %G for double precision data, %C for alphanumeric character
data, and %/ for a line break. The corresponding FORTRAN data descriptors are I9, 1PG16.9 and A8, re-
spectively. Each descriptor must be preceded by a blank. There must be one data descriptor for each
specified value (8 maximum) in the order of the specified values.
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990 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Do not begin *MSG (p. 989) format lines with *IF (p. 774), *ELSE (p. 514), *ELSEIF (p. 514), or *ENDIF (p. 528).
If the last nonblank character of the message format is an ampersand (&), a second line will also be
read as a continuation of the format. Up to nine continuations (ten total lines) may be read. If normal
descriptions are used, then consecutive blanks are condensed into one blank upon output, and a period
is appended. Up to ten lines of output of 72 characters each may be produced (using the %/ descriptor).
Two examples follow.
Here is an example of the *MSG (p. 989) command and a format to print a message with two integer
values and one real value:
*MSG, INFO, 'Inner',25,1.2,148
Radius ( %C) = %I, Thick = %G, Length = %I
The /UIS (p. 1716),MSGPOP command controls which messages are displayed in the message
dialog box when the GUI is active. All messages produced by the *MSG (p. 989) command
are subject to the /UIS (p. 1716) specification, with one exception, If Lab = UI, the message
will be displayed in the dialog box regardless of the /UIS (p. 1716) specification.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Key indicating the element shape to be used:
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 991
Mesh with quadrilateral-shaped elements when Dimension = 2-D mesh with hexahedral-shaped
elements when Dimension = 3-D.
Mesh with triangle-shaped elements when Dimension = 2-D mesh with tetrahedral-shaped elements
when Dimension = 3-D.
Specifies the dimension of the model to be meshed:
2-D model (area mesh).
3-D model (volume mesh).
Command Default
Since specification of element shape [MSHAPE] and meshing type [MSHKEY (p. 994)] are so closely related,
the element shape that ANSYS meshes with depends on the combination of the values that are set for
the two commands. The table below explains what happens when you fail to specify values for these
If no value is specified for Dimension the value of KEY determines the element shape that will be
used for both 2-D and 3-D meshing. In other words, if you specify MSHAPE,0, quadrilateral-shaped and
hexahedral-shaped elements will be used. If you specify MSHAPE,1, triangle-shaped and tetrahedral-
shaped elements will be used.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh>Volumes>Mapped>4 to 6 sided
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesher Opts
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992 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Simplifies the generation of meshes that have matching node element patterns on two different line
groups (in 2-D) or area groups (3-D).
PREP7 (p. 20): Meshing (p. 27)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Copy line mesh (default) if LINE, 0 or 1. Copy area mesh if AREA, or 2.
Meshed line/area to be copied, or a component name containing a list. If LAPTRN = P, graphical picking
is enabled (valid only in the GUI).
Unmeshed line/area to get copied mesh, or a component name containing a list. If LACOPY = P, graphical
picking is enabled (valid only in the GUI).
In coordinate system KCN, LAPTRN + DX DY DZ = LACOPY.
Node location increments in the active coordinate system (DR, Dθ, DZ for cylindrical, DR, Dθ, DΦ for
spherical or toroidal).
Tolerance. Defaults to 1.e--4.
Name of low node component to be defined (optional).
Name of high node component to be defined (optional).
Matching meshes are used for rotational (cyclic) symmetry, or for contact analysis using coupling or
node-to-node gap elements. See Using CPCYC and MSHCOPY Commands in the Modeling and Meshing
Guide for more information.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Copy>Area Mesh
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Copy>Line Mesh
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 993
Specifies whether free meshing or mapped meshing should be used to mesh a model.
PREP7 (p. 20): Meshing (p. 27)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Key indicating the type of meshing to be used:
Use free meshing (the default).
Use mapped meshing.
Use mapped meshing if possible; otherwise, use free meshing. If you specify MSHKEY,2, SmartSizing
will be inactive even while free meshing non-map-meshable areas.
Command Default
As stated above, free meshing is the default. However, since the MSHKEY and MSHAPE (p. 991) settings
are closely related, you should refer to the table in the MSHAPE (p. 991) command description for more
information about defaults.
This command is also valid for rezoning.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh>Areas>Mapped>3 or 4 sided
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh>Areas>Target Surf
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh>Volumes>Mapped>4 to 6 sided
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesher Opts
Main Menu>Solution>Manual Rezoning>Create Remesh Zone(s)>Mesh Controls>Global
Meshing Options
Specifies placement of midside nodes.
PREP7 (p. 20): Meshing (p. 27)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Key indicating placement of midside nodes:
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994 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Midside nodes (if any) of elements on a region boundary follow the curvature of the boundary line or
area (the default).
Place midside nodes of all elements so that element edges are straight. Allows coarse mesh along
Do not create midside nodes (elements will have removed midside nodes).
This command is also valid for rezoning.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesher Opts
Main Menu>Solution>Manual Rezoning>Create Remesh Zone(s)>Mesh Controls>Global
Meshing Options
Specifies pattern to be used for mapped triangle meshing.
PREP7 (p. 20): Meshing (p. 27)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Key indicating triangle pattern to be used (the figures below illustrate the pattern that will be used for
each value of KEY):
Let ANSYS choose the pattern (the default). ANSYS maximizes the minimum angle of the triangular-
shaped elements that are created.
Unidirectional split at node I.
Unidirectional split at node J.
KEY = 0
KEY = 1 KEY = 2
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 995
"Mapped triangle meshing" refers to the ANSYS program's ability to take a map-meshable area and
mesh it with triangular elements, based on the value of MSHPATTERN,KEY. This type of meshing is
particularly useful for analyses that involve the meshing of rigid contact elements.
The MSHPATTERN command is valid only when you have specified that ANSYS use triangle-shaped
elements [MSHAPE (p. 991),1,2D] (or you are meshing with an element that supports only triangles),
and you have also specified mapped meshing [MSHKEY (p. 994),1] to mesh an area.
For details about mapped meshing with triangles, see the Modeling and Meshing Guide.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesher Opts
Main Menu>Solution>Manual Rezoning>Create Remesh Zone(s)>Mesh Controls>Global
Meshing Options
Number of multiple solutions (load steps). This number corresponds to the number of random samplings
for the diffuse sound field in a random acoustic analysis, or the incident angles of the plane wave when
the Floquet periodic boundary condition is present. Default = 1.
The meaning of VAL1 depends on the Lab value.
For Lab = DSF, VAL1 is the norm convergence tolerance defined by comparing the averaged radiated
diffuse sound power of two multiple sampling sets over the frequency range for the diffuse sound
field (default = 0.05).
For Lab = APHI or ATHETA, VAL1 is the beginning angle for the incident angle sweep of the plane
wave (default = 0).
The meaning of VAL2 depends on the Lab value.
For Lab = DSF, VAL2 is the interval of the norm convergence check for the diffuse sound field
(default = 5).
For Lab = APHI or ATHETA, VAL2 is the ending angle for the incident angle sweep of the plane
wave (default = 0).
Label indicating the type of acoustic analysis:
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996 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Diffuse sound field with multiple solutions (default).
Plane wave angle sweep with fixed angle and varied angle (see the APORT (p. 147) command).
Plane wave angle sweep with fixed angle and varied angle (see the APORT (p. 147) command).
The value of the fixed incident angle for the plane wave angle sweep (used only when Lab = APHI or
The MSOLVE command starts multiple solutions (load steps) for a random acoustic analysis with multiple
samplings or for the angle sweep of the incident plane wave with the Floquet periodic boundary con-
dition, as described below.
Use Lab = DSF for a random acoustic analysis. The process is controlled by the norm convergence tol-
erance (VAL1) or the number of multiple solutions (NUMSLV) if the solution steps reach the defined
The program checks the norm convergence by comparing two averaged sets of radiated sound powers
with the interval VAL2 over the frequency range. For example, if VAL2 = 5, the averaged values from
5 solutions are compared with the averaged values from 10 solutions, then the averaged values from
10 solutions are compared with the averaged values from 15 solutions, and so on.
The incident diffuse sound field is defined via the DFSWAVE (p. 433) command.
The average result of multiple solutions with different samplings is calculated via the PRAS (p. 1224) or
PLAS (p. 1161) command.
Use Lab = APHI or ATHETA to perform an angle sweep for the incident plane wave defined by the
APORT (p. 147) command. The process is controlled by the number of multiple solutions (NUMSLV). The
plane wave port must be defined with the default values of incident angles prior to the MSOLVE
The sound power parameters are calculated over the sweeping angles during postprocessing by the
PRAS (p. 1224) or PLAS (p. 1161) command.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 997
Label identifying the GUI component:
Pan, Zoom, Rotate dialog box, off by default.
Offset Working Plane dialog box, off by default.
Working Plane Settings dialog box, off by default.
Edit Toolbar/Abbreviations dialog box, off by default.
Scalar Parameters dialog box, off by default.
Select Entities dialog box, off by default.
Annotation dialog box, off by default.
Hard Copy dialog box, off by default.
Turns on the pre-ANSYS 6.1 (UIDL) GUI, off by default.
Switch value:
OFF or 0
Component does not appear when GUI is initialized.
ON or 1
Component appears when GUI is initialized.
Command Default
Same as Label defaults.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
998 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Controls which components appear when the Graphical User Interface (GUI) is initially brought up. This
command is valid only before the GUI is brought up [/MENU (p. 934),ON] and is intended to be used in
the start.ans file. It only affects how the GUI is initialized; you can always bring up or close any
component once you are in the GUI.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Mapping method:
Hybrid method (default).
Projection method.
Minimum centroid distance method.
Component name for a group of SURF151 or SURF152 elements. The name must be enclosed in single
quotes (e.g., 'COM152') when the MSTOLE command is manually typed in.
Component name for a group of FLUID116 elements. The name must be enclosed in single quotes (e.g.,
'COM116') when the MSTOLE command is manually typed in.
For convection analyses, the MSTOLE command adds two extra nodes from FLUID116 elements to
SURF151 or SURF152 elements by employing the specified mapping method. In the hybrid method,
the projection method is tried first and if it fails the centroid distance method is used. The SURF151 or
SURF152 elements and the FLUID116 elements must be grouped into components and named using
the CM (p. 295) command.
The SURF151 or SURF152 extra node option must be set for two extra nodes (KEYOPT(5) = 2).
For more information, see Using the Surface Effect Elements in the Thermal Analysis Guide.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 999
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Argument Descriptions
Name of matrix M1. Must have been previously specified by a *DMAT (p. 454) or *SMAT (p. 1522) command.
Transpose key. Set T1 = TRANS to use the non-conjugate transpose of M1. Set T1 = CTRANS to use the
conjugate transpose of M1. CTRANS is only applicable when the M1 matrix is complex. If blank, transpose
will not be used.
Name of matrix M2. Must have been previously specified by a *DMAT (p. 454) command.
Transpose key. Set T2 = TRANS to use the non-conjugate transpose of M2. Set T2 = CTRANS to use the
conjugate transpose of M2. CTRANS is only applicable when the M2 matrix is complex. If blank, transpose
will not be used.
Name of resulting matrix, M3. Must be specified.
The matrices must be dimensionally consistent such that the number of columns of M1 (or the transposed
matrix, if requested) is equal to the number of rows of M2 (or the transposed matrix, if requested).
You cannot multiply two sparse matrices with this command (that is, M1 and M2 cannot both be sparse).
The resulting matrix, M3, will always be a dense matrix, no matter what combination of input matrices
is used (dense*sparse, sparse*dense, or dense*dense).
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1000 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
*MWRITE (p. 1001), ParR, Fname, Ext, --, Label, n1, n2, n3
Writes a matrix to a file in a formatted sequence.
APDL (p. 17): Array Parameters (p. 18)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Argument Descriptions
The name of the array parameter. See *SET (p. 1453) for name restrictions.
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
If the file name fields are left blank, the default file is the current output file.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
Can use a value of IJK, IKJ, JIK, JKI, KIJ, KJI, or blank (JIK).
n1, n2, n3
Write as (((ParR(i,j,k), k = 1,n1), i = 1, n2), j = 1, n3) for Label = KIJ. n1, n2, and n3 default to the cor-
responding dimensions of the array parameter ParR.
Writes a matrix or vector to a specified file in a formatted sequence. You can also use the *VWRITE (p. 1814)
command to write data to a specified file. Both commands contain format descriptors on the line im-
mediately following the command. The format descriptors can be in either FORTRAN or C format.
FORTRAN format descriptors are enclosed in parentheses. They must immediately follow the
*MWRITE (p. 1001) command on a separate line of the same input file. The word FORMAT should not be
included. The format must specify the number of fields to be written per line, the field width, the
placement of the decimal point, etc. There should be one field descriptor for each data item written.
The write operation uses the available system FORTRAN FORMAT conventions (see your system FORTRAN
manual). Any standard FORTRAN real format (such as (4F6.0), (E10.3,2X,D8.2), etc.) and character format
(A) may be used. Integer (I) and list-directed (*) descriptors may not be used. Text may be included in
the format as a quoted string. The FORTRAN descriptor must be enclosed in parentheses and the format
must not exceed 80 characters (including parentheses).
The “C” format descriptors are used if the first character of the format descriptor line is not a left paren-
thesis. “C” format descriptors may be up to 80 characters long, consisting of text strings and predefined
"data descriptors" between the strings where numeric or alphanumeric character data are to be inserted.
The normal descriptors are %I for integer data, %G for double precision data, %C for alphanumeric
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1001
character data, and %/ for a line break. There must be one data descriptor for each specified value in
the order of the specified values. The enhanced formats described in *MSG (p. 989) may also be used.
The starting array element number must be defined. Looping continues in the directions indicated by
the Label argument. The number of loops and loop skipping may also be controlled with the
*VLEN (p. 1780) and *VMASK (p. 1783) commands, which work in the n2 direction (by row on the output
file), and by the *VCOL (p. 1742) command, which works in the n1 direction (by column in the output
file). The vector specifications *VABS (p. 1738) and *VFACT (p. 1755) apply to this command, while
*VCUM (p. 1744) does not apply to this command. See the *VOPER (p. 1786) command for details. If you
are in the GUI, the *MWRITE (p. 1001) command must be contained in an externally prepared file and
read into ANSYS (i.e., *USE (p. 1727), /INPUT (p. 791), etc.).
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Parameters>Array Parameters>Write to File
Number of modes or array name (enclosed in percent signs) to expand and write. If blank or ALL, expand
and write all modes within the frequency range specified. If -1, do not expand and do not write modes to
the results file during the analysis. If an array name is input, the array must contain 1 for the expanded
modes and zero otherwise, where the array index corresponds to the mode number. To specify an array
containing the individual modes to expand, enclose the array name in percent (%) signs (for example,
MXPAND,%arrname%). Use the *DIM (p. 435) command to define the array.
Beginning, or lower end, of frequency range of interest. If FREQB and FREQE are both blank, expand and
write the number of modes specified without regard to the frequency range. Defaults to the entire range.
Ending, or upper end, of frequency range of interest.
Element calculation key:
Do not calculate element results, reaction forces, and energies (default).
Calculate element results, reaction forces, energies, and the nodal degree of freedom solution.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1002 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Expand only those modes whose significance level exceeds the SIGNIF threshold (only applicable when
ModeSelMethod is defined).
If ModeSelMethod = MODC, the significance level of a mode is defined as the mode coefficient
of the mode, divided by the maximum mode coefficient of all modes.
If ModeSelMethod = EFFM, the significance level of a mode is defined as the modal effective mass,
divided by the total mass.
If ModeSelMethod = DDAM, the significance level of a mode is defined as the modal effective
weight, divided by the total weight.
Any mode whose significance level is less than SIGNIF is considered insignificant and is not expan-
ded. The higher the SIGNIF threshold, the fewer the number of modes expanded. SIGNIF defaults
to 0.001, except for the case of DDAM mode selection method where it defaults to 0.01. If SIGNIF
is specified as 0.0, it is taken as 0.0.
Element result superposition key:
Do not write element results to the mode file Jobname.MODE.
Write element result to the mode file for use in the expansion pass of a subsequent mode-superposition
PSD, transient, or harmonic analysis (default if Elcalc = YES and the mode shapes are normalized to
the mass matrix).
Methods for mode selection (not supported for complex eigensolvers):
No mode selection is performed (default).
The mode selection is based on the modal effective masses.
The mode selection is based on the mode coefficients.
The mode selection is based on DDAM procedure (see Mode Selection Based on the DDAM Procedure
in the Structural Analysis Guide for more information).
Additional element energies calculation key:
Do not calculate additional energies (default).
Calculate average, amplitude, and peak values for the following: stiffness and kinetic energies, and
damping energy.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1003
Command Default
Mode shapes (displacements) are expanded and output to the results file (so that if you need to inspect
the mode shapes, it is not necessary to run the analysis again). Element stresses are not expanded.
Specifies the number of modes to expand and write over a frequency range for a modal (AN-
TYPE (p. 140),MODAL) or buckling (ANTYPE (p. 140),BUCKLE) analysis. If used in SOLUTION, this command
is valid only within the first load step.
There is no limit on the number of expanded modes (NMODE). However, there is a limit on the maximum
number of modes used via the *GET (p. 667),,MODE (p. 699) command, mode combinations, and the
MDAMP (p. 931) command.
With MSUPkey = YES, the computed element results (Elcalc = YES) are written to Jobname.MODE
for use in subsequent downstream mode-superposition analyses, including harmonic, transient, and
PSD analyses. This significantly reduces computation time for the combination or expansion passes. For
limitations, see Option: Number of Modes to Expand (MXPAND) in the Structural Analysis Guide.
The calculation of additional energies (EngCalc = YES) is valid only for Method = DAMP on the
MODOPT (p. 951) command and Method = QRDAMP with Cpxmod = CPLX on the MODOPT (p. 951)
If a mode selection method (ModeSelMethod) is defined, only the selected modes will be expanded.
See Using Mode Selection in the Structural Analysis Guide for more details about the procedure.
For array input (NMODE), the array must be dimensioned to be the size of the number of modes extracted
(NMODE on the MODOPT (p. 951) command). A value of 1 in the array indicates the mode is to be ex-
panded, and a value of 0 indicates not to expand the mode. For the DAMP modal solution, the modes
are in pairs, so be sure to verify that both modes of a pair have the same value. (For example, if modes
#3 and #4 are a pair, indices 3 and 4 in the array should have the same value, 0 or 1.)
For linear perturbation modal analyses, you must set both Elcalc and MSUPkey to YES so that the
downstream stress expansion pass can produce a solution consistent with the linear or nonlinear base
(static or full transient) analysis. The prestressed nonlinear element history (saved variables) is accessible
only in the first and second phases of the linear perturbation. The downstream MSUP or PSD analysis
can only reuse the nonlinear information contained in the Jobname.MODE file that is generated in the
linear perturbation.
In a Distributed ANSYS analysis, you must issue MXPAND to specify the number of modes to expand
when computing the modes and mode shapes. In a Distributed ANSYS run, MXPAND cannot be issued
in an expansion pass (EXPASS (p. 595)).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>ExpansionPass>Single Expand>Expand
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
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1004 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1005
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1006 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
N Commands
Node number to be assigned. A previously defined node of the same number will be redefined. Defaults
to the maximum node number used +1.
X, Y, Z
Node location in the active coordinate system (R, θ, Z for cylindrical, R, θ, Φ for spherical or toroidal). If X =
P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI).
First rotation about nodal Z (positive X toward Y).
Second rotation about nodal X (positive Y toward Z).
Third rotation about nodal Y (positive Z toward X).
Defines a node in the active coordinate system [CSYS (p. 364)]. The nodal coordinate system is parallel
to the global Cartesian system unless rotated. Rotation angles are in degrees and redefine any previous
rotation angles. See the NMODIF (p. 1041), NANG (p. 1008), NROTAT (p. 1055), and NORA (p. 1045) commands
for other rotation options.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Nodes>In Active CS
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Nodes>On Working Plane
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1007
NANG, NODE, X1, X2, X3, Y1, Y2, Y3, Z1, Z2, Z3
Rotates a nodal coordinate system by direction cosines.
PREP7 (p. 20): Nodes (p. 29)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Rotate coordinate system of this node.
X1, X2, X3
Global X, Y, Z components of a unit vector in new nodal X direction.
Y1, Y2, Y3
Global X, Y, Z components of a unit vector in new nodal Y direction.
Z1, Z2, Z3
Global X, Y, Z components of a unit vector in new nodal Z direction.
Rotates a nodal coordinate system to the orientation specified by the X, Y and Z direction cosines. Ex-
isting rotation specifications on the node are redefined. If only two of the three unit vectors are specified,
the third is defined according to the right hand rule. It is the responsibility of the user to ensure that
input direction cosines are orthogonal in a right-handed system.
See the NMODIF (p. 1041), NROTAT (p. 1055), and NORA (p. 1045) commands for other rotation options.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Nodes>RotateNode>By Vectors
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Move / Modify>RotateNode>By Vectors
Specifies one of the following command behaviors:
Generates nodes around the axis of an axisymmetric section (default).
Clears all nodes around the axis of an axisymmetric section.
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1008 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Specifies the number of facets per edge between nodal planes and integration planes in the circum-
ferential direction to display using PowerGraphics. This option is only valid with /ESHAPE (p. 552),1
and RSYS (p. 1383),SOLU commands.
Tolerance value or number of facets per edge:
When Action = GEN, the tolerance to use for merging the generated nodes around the axis.
When Action = EFACET, the number of facets per element edge for element plots:
Use program-chosen facets per edge (default).
Use 1 facet per edge (default for elements with 9, 10, 11, or 12 nodal planes). Shows nodal and in-
tegration planes only.
Use 2 facets per edge (default for elements with 5, 6, 7, or 8 nodal planes, and maximum for elements
with 9, 10, 11, or 12 nodal planes).
Use 3 facets per edge (default for elements with 3 or 4 nodal planes, and maximum for elements
with 6, 7, or 8 nodal planes).
Use 4 facets per edge (maximum for elements with 5 nodal planes).
Use 5 facets per edge (maximum for elements with 4 nodal planes).
Use 6 facets per edge (maximum for elements with 3 nodal planes).
The NAXIS command generates or clears the nodes for general axisymmetric element sections. The
command applies to elements SURF159, SOLID272, and SOLID273.
The generate option (Action = GEN) operates automatically on any current-technology axisymmetric
element. Any nodes within the tolerance value (TOLER) of the axis are merged into a single node. The
default tolerance is 1.0e-4.
If you want to change the number of nodes, use the clear option (Action = CLEAR) before regenerating
the nodes.
To cause the 3-D element plot to appear more like the actual 3-D model, use NAXIS,EFACET,NUM, where
NUM > 1. In this case, the coordinate system specified for displaying element and nodal results (RSYS)
must be solution (RSYS (p. 1383),SOLU); otherwise, ANSYS resets NUM to 1.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1009
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Nodes>About AXIS Section
Program behavior upon nonconvergence:
Do not terminate the analysis if the solution fails to converge.
Terminate the analysis and the program execution if the solution fails to converge (default).
Terminate the analysis, but not the program execution, if the solution fails to converge.
Terminates program execution if the largest nodal DOF solution value (displacement, temperature, etc.)
exceeds this limit. Defaults to 1.0E6 for all DOF except MAG and A. Defaults to 1.0E10 for MAG and A.
Terminates program execution if the cumulative iteration number exceeds this limit (defaults to infinity).
Terminates program execution if the elapsed time (seconds) exceeds this limit (defaults to infinity).
Terminates program execution if the CPU time (seconds) exceeds this limit (defaults to infinity).
Command Default
As described for each argument above.
Sets the key to terminate an analysis if not converged, or if any of the following limits are exceeded for
nonlinear and full transient analyses: DOF (displacement), cumulative iteration, elapsed time, or CPU
time limit. Applies only to static and transient analyses (ANTYPE (p. 140),STATIC and AN-
TYPE (p. 140),TRANS). Time limit checks are made at the end of each equilibrium iteration.
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1010 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Advanced NL
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Nonlinear>Criteria to Stop
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Advanced NL
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Nonlinear>Criteria to Stop
Deletes selected nodes that are not connected to elements. Nodes may also be redefined instead of
deleted, if desired. Boundary conditions (displacements, forces, etc.) as well as any coupling or constraint
equations containing the deleted nodes are also deleted.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Delete Elements
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Delete>Nodes
First node in distance calculation. If ND1 = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command
fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI).
Second node in distance calculation.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1011
NDIST lists the distance between nodes ND1 and ND2, as well as the current coordinate system offsets
from ND1 to ND2, where the X, Y, and Z locations of ND1 are subtracted from the X, Y, and Z locations
of ND2 (respectively) to determine the offsets. NDIST is valid in any coordinate system except toroidal
[CSYS (p. 364),3].
NDIST returns a variable, called "_RETURN," which contains the distance value. You can use this value
for various purposes, such as the calculation of distributed loads. In interactive mode, you can access
this command by using the Model Query Picker (Utility Menu> List> Picked Entities), where you can
also access automatic annotation functions and display the value on your model.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Check Geom>ND distances
Component name for the surface nodes of the solid elements.
Component name for the target fluid elements.
Model dimensionality:
2-D model.
3-D model.
This command macro is used to generate surface effect elements (SURF151 or SURF152) overlaid on
the surface of existing plane or solid elements and, based on proximity, to determine and assign the
extra node (FLUID116) for each surface element. The active element type must be SURF151 or SURF152
with appropriate settings for KEYOPT(4), KEYOPT(5), KEYOPT(6), and KEYOPT(8).
The surface nodes of the plane or solid elements must be grouped into a node component and the
fluid elements must be grouped into an element component and named using the CM (p. 295) command.
The names must be enclosed in single quotes (e.g., 'NOD') when the NDSURF command is manually
typed in.
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1012 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
When using the GUI method, node and element components are created through the picking dialog
boxes associated with this command.
The macro is applicable for the SURF151, SURF152, and FLUID116 element types.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Surf / Contact>Surf Effect>Attch to
Fluid>Area to Fluid
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Surf / Contact>Surf Effect>Attch to
Fluid>Line to Fluid
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Surf / Contact>Surf Effect>Attch to
Fluid>Node to Fluid
Maximum number of equilibrium iterations allowed each substep.
One iteration forcing key:
Forces one iteration per substep. Leave this field blank otherwise.
Using one iteration per substep may result in unconverged solutions for nonlinear analysis, and the program
may not indicate divergence in this case. This option is intended primarily for use by the ANSYS Workbench
interface. Keep in mind that forcing one iteration per substep is only recommended under very specific
conditions; for example, nonlinearity in bonded penalty type contact. Under these conditions the solution
typically converges in one iteration.
Command Default
The maximum number of equilibrium iterations per substep is set between 15 and 26, depending on
the physics of the problem.
This command is also valid in PREP7.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Nonlinear
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Nonlinear>Equilibrium Iter
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Nonlinear
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1013
Maximum number of warning and error messages displayed per command. Defaults to 5 for interactive
runs with the GUI turned on, 20 for interactive runs with the GUI turned off, 200 for batch runs. If NMERR
is negative, the absolute value of NMERR is used as the maximum number of warning and error messages
written to the error file (file.ERR) per command, as well as the maximum number of messages displayed
per command.
Maximum number of warning and error messages allowed per command before run aborts (must be
greater than zero). Maximum value is 99,999,999. Defaults to 10,000.
Unused field.
Specifies whether or not to abort if an error occurs during a /INPUT (p. 791) operation:
0 or OFF
Do not abort. This option is the default.
1 or ON
The number of invalid command warnings before a stop warning will be issued:
Disables the stop warning/error function.
An integer value representing the number of warnings that will be encountered before prompting the
user to stop (default = 5). The first error encountered will ALWAYS result in a prompt.
Command Default
As described above.
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1014 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Limits the number of warning and error messages displayed for any one command in an interactive
Warning and error messages continue to be written to Jobname.ERR regardless of these limits (unless
NMERR is negative).
Issue this command with NUM = n to specify the number of "invalid command" warnings to be en-
countered before the user is prompted to stop. You can then continue or abort the run. If you choose
to abort the run, the log file can be saved so that any of the processing up to that point can be appended
to an input that rectifies the condition. A batch run always aborts on the first error. Issue
/NERR (p. 1014),STAT to list current settings.
An IFKEY value of 1 or ON causes the ANSYS program to abort immediately upon encountering an
error during a file /INPUT (p. 791) operation. However, use of this option may cause the following con-
ditions to occur:
• The /INPUT (p. 791) command may abort if issued for a log file (jobname.log).
• A CAD connection may fail after reading only a small portion of a CAD model.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>MenuCtrls>Message Controls
Sums the nodal forces and moments of elements attached to nodes.
POST1 (p. 48): Special Purpose (p. 53)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Specifies the selected set of nodes for summing forces and moments for contact elements.
Sums the nodal forces of elements for all selected nodes and excludes contact elements (elements
Sums the nodal forces of elements for contact nodes only.
Sums the nodal forces of elements for all selected nodes, including contact elements.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1015
Sums and prints, in each component direction for each selected node, the nodal force and moment
contributions of the selected elements attached to the node. If all elements are selected, the sums are
usually zero except where constraints or loads are applied. The nodal forces and moments may be dis-
played [/PBC (p. 1134),FORC and /PBC (p. 1134),MOME]. Use PRESOL (p. 1237) to print nodal forces and mo-
ments on an element-by-element basis. You can use the FORCE (p. 644) command to specify which
component (static, damping, inertia, or total) of the nodal load is to be used. Nodal forces associated
with surface loads are not included.
This vector sum is printed in the global Cartesian system. Moment summations are about the global
origin unless another point is specified with the SPOINT (p. 1551) command. The summations for each
node are printed in the global Cartesian system unless transformed [RSYS (p. 1383)]. This command is
generally not applicable to axisymmetric models because moment information from the NFORCE com-
mand is not correct for axisymmetric elements.
Selecting a subset of elements [ESEL (p. 548)] and then issuing this command will give the forces and
moments required to maintain equilibrium of that set of elements. The effects of nodal coupling and
constraint equations are ignored. The option ITEM = CONT provides the forces and moments for the
contact elements (CONTA172, CONTA174, CONTA175, and CONTA177). Setting ITEM = BOTH provides
the forces and moments for all selected nodes, including contact elements.
This command also includes the FSUM (p. 652) command function which vectorially sums and prints,
in each component direction for the total selected node set, the nodal force and moment contributions
of the selected elements attached to the selected node set.
This message means that the summation of the element nodal forces is performed prior to the combin-
ation of those forces. In this case, RSYS (p. 1383) does not apply. The forces are in the nodal coordinate
systems, and the vector sum is always printed in the global coordinate system.
The spectrum analysis summation is available when the element results are written to the mode file,
Jobname.MODE (MSUPkey = Yes on the MXPAND (p. 1002) command).
Because modal displacements cannot be used to calculate contact element nodal forces, ITEM does
not apply to spectrum and PSD analyses.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Nodal Calcs>Sum @ Each Node
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1016 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Generates additional nodes from a pattern of nodes.
PREP7 (p. 20): Nodes (p. 29)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Do this generation operation a total of ITIME times, incrementing all nodes in the given pattern by INC
each time after the first. ITIME must be > 1 for generation to occur.
Node location increments in the active coordinate system (DR, Dθ, DZ for cylindrical, DR, Dθ, DΦ for
spherical or toroidal).
Spacing ratio. Ratio of last division size to first division size. If > 1.0, divisions increase. If < 1.0, divisions
decrease. Ratio defaults to 1.0 (uniform spacing).
The average spacing ratio remains 1.0, such that the location of the last generated set
will be the same regardless of SPACE. SPACE only serves to skew the position of the
nodes between the pattern set and the last set.
Generates additional nodes from a given node pattern. Generation is done in the active coordinate
system. Nodes in the pattern may have been generated in any coordinate system.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Copy>Nodes>Copy
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1017
Arbitrary reference number for node. If zero or blank, defaults to the highest node number +1 [NUM-
STR (p. 1085)].
Keypoint number defining global X, Y, Z location. If NPT = All, then a node will be placed at each selected
keypoint. If NPT = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only
in the GUI). A component name may also be substituted for NPT.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Nodes>On Keypoint
Specifies the element component upon which this command should act:
All selected components, or all selected elements if no component is selected (default).
Component name.
Action to perform on the selected component(s):
Add a criterion to the database.
List the criteria defined for the specified component(s).
Delete the criteria defined for the specified component(s).
Enable the defined criteria for the specified component(s) and specify how frequently and when to
check them (via ON,,,VAL1,VAL2,VAL3):
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1018 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
VAL1 -- Checking frequency. If > 0, check criteria at every VAL1 substeps. If < 0, check criteria
at each of the VAL1 points (approximately equally spaced) between VAL2 and VAL3. (Default
= -1.)
VAL2 -- Checking start time, where VAL2 < VAL3. (Default = Start time of load step.)
VAL3 -- Checking end time, where VAL3 > VAL2. (Default = End time of load step.)
Disable the defined criteria for the specified component(s).
Type of criterion to apply to the selected component(s):
Contact-based. (Valid only for Action = ADD, Action = LIST, or Action = DELETE.)
Energy-based. (Valid only for Action = ADD, Action = LIST, or Action = DELETE.)
A position-based criterion, defined by a box. (Valid only for Action = ADD, Action = LIST, or Action
A mesh-quality-based criterion. (Valid only for Action = ADD, Action = LIST, or Action = DELETE.)
All criteria and options. (Valid only for Action = LIST or Action = DELETE. Option and all subsequent
arguments are ignored.)
Criterion option to apply to the selected component(s):
For target elements only, defines the minimum number of contact elements to contact with each target
element. If this criterion is not satisfied, the program refines the contact elements and the associated
solid elements. For this option, VAL1 must be a positive integer. (Valid only for Criterion = CONTACT
and Action = ADD, LIST, or DELETE.)
Checks the strain energy of any element that is part of the defined component for the condition Ee ≥
c1 * Etotal / NUME (where c1 = VAL1, Etotal is the total strain energy of the component, and NUME is the
number of elements of the component). If this criterion is satisfied at an element, the program refines
the element. For this option, VAL1 must be non-negative. Default = 1. (Valid only for Criterion =
ENERGY and Action = ADD, LIST, or DELETE.)
Defines the location box in which all elements within are to be split or refined. Up to six values following
the Option argument (representing the x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, and z2 coordinates) are allowed. An unspe-
cified coordinate is not checked. (Valid only for Criterion = BOX and Action = ADD, LIST, or DELETE.)
Mesh-quality-control threshold for elements SOLID187, SOLID285, and SOLID227:
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1019
VAL1 – Defines skewness. Valid values: 0.0 through 1.0. Default = 0.9.
VAL2 – Maximum Jacobian ratio at element integration points (SOLID187 and SOLID227
only). Valid values: 0.0 to 1.0. Default = 0.1.
(Valid only for Criterion = MESH and Action = ADD, LIST, or DELETE.)
Mesh-quality control threshold for element PLANE182 and PLANE222. (Valid only for Criterion =
MESH and Action = ADD, LIST, or DELETE.)
VAL1 -- Maximum corner angle of an element in degrees. Valid values are 0 through 180. Default
= 160. An element is remeshed when any of its corner angles reach the specified value.
For contact elements having surface wear specified (TB (p. 1603),WEAR) only, defines VAL1 as a critical
ratio of magnitude of wear to the average depth of the solid element underlying the contact element.
Once this critical ratio is reached for any element, the program morphs the mesh to improve the
quality of the elements. VAL1 must be a positive integer. (Valid only for Criterion = CONTACT and
Action = ADD, Action = LIST, or Action = DELETE.) Cannot be combined with any other option
during solution.
All options. (Valid only for Action = LIST or Action = DELETE. All subsequent arguments are ignored.)
If a specified component (Component) is an assembly, the defined criterion applies to all element
components included in the assembly.
All components must be defined and selected before the first solve (SOLVE (p. 1538)), although their
nonlinear adaptivity criteria can be modified from load step to load step, and upon restart. For nonlinear
adaptivity to work properly, ensure that all components are selected before each solve.
After issuing this command to define a new criterion, the new criterion becomes active. The program
checks the new criterion once per load step, roughly in mid-loading (unless this behavior is changed
via Action = ON).
When a criterion is defined, it overwrites a previously defined criterion (if one exists) through the same
component, or through the component assembly that includes the specified component.
During solution, the same criteria defined for an element through different components are combined,
and the tightest criteria and action control (Action,ON,,,VAL1) are used. If an ON action is defined by
a positive VAL1 value through one component and a negative VAL1 value through another, the program
uses the positive value.
Action = ON
If VAL1 < 0, the program checks VAL1 points between VAL2 and VAL3. The time interval between
each check points is determined by (VAL3 - VAL2) / (VAL1 + 1), with the first check point as close to
VAL2 + (VAL3 - VAL2) / (VAL1 + 1) as possible. Fewer check points can be used if the number of
substeps during solution is insufficient (as the program can only check at the end of a substep).
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1020 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
If VAL2 (start time) and/or VAL3 (end time) are unspecified or invalid, the program uses the start and/or
end time (respectively) of the load step.
VAL1 applies to tetrahedral elements SOLID187, SOLID227, and SOLID285. When the skewness of an
element is >= VAL1, the element is used as the core (seed) element of the remeshed region(s). The
most desirable skewness value is 0, applicable when the element is a standard tetrahedral element; the
highest value is 1, applicable when the element becomes flat with zero volume. To bypass skewness
checking (not recommended), set VAL1 = 0.
VAL2 represents the Jacobian ratio and is required for tetrahedral elements SOLID187 and SOLID227.
When the maximum Jacobian ratio of an element is <= VAL2, the element is used as the core (seed)
element of the remeshed region(s). The most desirable maximum Jacobian ratio is 1, when the element
is a standard tetrahedral element; the lowest reported value is -1, when the element is turned inside
out. To bypass maximum Jacobian ratio checking (not recommended), set VAL2 = 0.
If this criterion is used with any other criteria defined for the same component, and a mesh change is
requested at the same substep, all criteria defined are considered together. For more information about
this special case, see Simultaneous Quality- and Refinement-Based Remeshing in the Nonlinear Adaptivity
Analysis Guide.
For more information about skewness, maximum Jacobian ratio, and remeshing, see Nonlinear Mesh
Adaptivity in the Nonlinear Adaptivity Analysis Guide.
For more granular control of the source mesh geometry, see NLMESH (p. 1036).
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Diagnostic function:
Store the Newton-Raphson residuals information.
Identify or display elements or nodes that violate the criteria.
Write contact information to a single Jobname.cnd diagnostic text file during solution.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1021
Diagnostic function characteristics:
OFF or 0
Suppresses writing of diagnostic information (default).
ON or 1
Writes diagnostic information to the Jobname.ndxxx, Jobname.nrxxx, or Jobname.cnd file. (If
Label = CONT, this option is the same as the SUBS option described below.)
Writes contact diagnostic information at each iteration. Valid only when Label = CONT.
Writes contact diagnostic information at each substep. Valid only when Label = CONT.
Writes contact diagnostic information at each load step. Valid only when Label = CONT.
Lists information about the diagnostic files in the current working directory.
Deletes all diagnostic files in the current working directory.
Maximum number of diagnostic files to create. Valid values are 1 through 999. Default = 4. Valid only when
Label = NRRE or EFLG.
Command Default
No nonlinear diagnostic files are written.
The NLDIAG command is a nonlinear diagnostics tool valid for nonlinear analyses that include structural
degrees of freedom. It is a debugging tool for use when you must restart after an unconverged solution.
The command creates Jobname.ndxxx, Jobname.nrxxx, or Jobname.cnd files in the working
directory to store the information you specify.
Newton-Raphson Residual
Issue the NLDIAG,NRRE,ON command to create Jobname.nrxxx diagnostic files (for each equilibrium
iteration after the first) in which to store the relevant Newton-Raphson residual information of FX, FY,
FZ (forces), MX, MY, MZ (moments), HEAT (heat flow), AMPS (current flow), CHRG (electric charge), or
RATE (diffusion flow rate) for the last MAXFILE equilibrium iterations.
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1022 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Issue a NLDPOST (p. 1026),NRRE,STAT command to list the load step, substep, time, and equilibrium iter-
ation corresponding to each of the Jobname.nrxxx diagnostic files in the working directory, then
issue a PLNSOL (p. 1190),NRRES,,,,FileID command to point to the file from which you want to create
a contour plot of your Newton-Raphson residuals.
If you restart or issue a new SOLVE (p. 1538) command, any Jobname.nrxxx diagnostic files in the
current (working) directory are overwritten.
• Elements contain nodes that have near zero pivots (PIVT) for nonlinear analyses
• Elements for which mixed u-P constraints are not satisfied (mixed U-P option of 18x solid elements only)
• Hyperelastic element (EPHY), cohesive zone material (EPCZ), or damage strain (EPDM) not converged
• MPC184 multipoint constraint elements using KEYOPT(1) = 6 through 16 with the Lagrange multiplier option
fail to satisfy constraint conditions (184J)
For NLDIAG,EFLG,ON, all Jobname.ndxxx diagnostic files (for each equilibrium iteration after the first)
in the current (working) directory are deleted when you issue a new SOLVE (p. 1538) command (or restart).
In the solution processor (/SOLU (p. 1537)), use the STAT option to list the active status of this command.
In the postprocessor (/POST1 (p. 1221)), issue a NLDPOST (p. 1026),EFLG,STAT command to list the load
step, substep, time, and equilibrium iteration corresponding to each of the Jobname.ndxxx diagnostic
files in the working directory, then issue a NLDPOST (p. 1026),EFLG,CM,FileID command to create ele-
ment components that violate the criteria.
Contact Diagnostic
Issue the NLDIAG,CONT,ON command to create a Jobname.cnd diagnostic file which stores contact
information for all defined contact pairs at all substeps. Alternatively, you may issue one of the following
commands to store contact information at a specific frequency:
Contact diagnostic information is available for elements CONTA172, CONTA174, CONTA175, and CON-
TA177; it is not available for CONTA178.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1023
Diagnostic file Jobname.cnd is written during solution and lists, on a pair-base, the following contact
• Contacting area
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1024 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• Number of contact points having too much sliding for small sliding contact
1. Contact pair ID. A positive number refers to a real constant ID for a pair-based contact definition. A negative
number refers to a section ID of a surface in a general contact definition. (See Comparison of Pair-Based
Contact and General Contact.)
3. A positive value indicates penetration and a negative value indicates a gap. If the contact pair has a far-
field contact status, penetration and gap are not available and the value stored is the current pinball radius.
4. Intended primarily for internal use in the contact tracking of ANSYS Workbench.
5. In a 3-D model, the reported item is total force along the Z-axis. In a 2-D axisymmetric model, the reported
item is maximum torque that can potentially act on the Y-axis.
6. The pair-based dissipation energy and stabilization energy do not include contributions from contact ele-
ments that are in far-field. The pair-based strain energy does not include the frictional dissipation energy
and stabilization energy; it only contains an elastic recovery energy when the contact status changes from
closed to open.
In the solution processor (/SOLU (p. 1537)), use the NLDIAG,CONT,STAT command to list the active status
of the contact information. If you subsequently issue a new SOLVE (p. 1538) command (or restart), the
Jobname.cnd diagnostic file in the current (working) directory is not deleted; information is appended
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1025
to it. Delete the existing diagnostic file (NLDIAG,CONT,DEL command) if you do not want to retain
diagnostic information from previous solutions.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Solution>Diagnostics>Nonlinear Diagnostics
Specifies the type of command operation:
Element flag for nonlinear diagnostics.
Newton-Raphson residuals.
Specifies the command action:
List information about the diagnostic files (Jobname.ndxxx or Jobname.nrxxx) in the current
For Label = EFLG, the listing gives a summary that associates the loadstep, substep, time,
equilibrium iteration number, cumulative iteration number, and the number of elements that
fail each criteria with a specific file ID (Jobname.ndxxx). Use the list to create element com-
ponents (via the CM option) based on the cumulative iteration number.
For Label = NRRE, the listing provides a summary that associates the loadstep, substep, time,
equilibrium iteration number, and cumulative iteration number with a specific file ID (Job-
name.nrxxx). Use the list to identify the respective file ID for creating Newton-Raphson residual
contour plots (PLNSOL (p. 1190),NRRE,…,FileID).
Delete Jobname.ndxxx or Jobname.nrxxx files in the working directory, if any exist.
Create components for elements that violate criteria. This value is valid only when Label = EFLG.
Valid only when Label = EFLG and Key = CM, this value specifies file IDs:
The file ID number. Creates the element components from the diagnostic files corresponding to the
specified file ID number in the working directory.
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1026 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Creates element components from all available diagnostic files residing in the working directory. This
value is the default if you do not specify an IDnum value.
Sets the prefix name for components. Specify up to 21 alphanumeric characters.
Command Default
The NLDPOST command returns no nonlinear diagnostic information.
Based on the nonlinear diagnostic results (created via the NLDIAG (p. 1021),EFLG command), the NLDPOST
command creates element components with predefined names.
The following table lists the diagnostic criteria and component names (with specified prefix and without).
Here xxx corresponds to the file ID (FileID) of Jobname.ndxxx or Jobname.nrxxx.
If you have trouble viewing specific element components, see Viewing Hidden Element Components
in the Basic Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Nonlinear Diagnostics
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1027
Includes large-deflection effects in a static or full transient analysis.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Nonlinear Options (p. 37)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Large-deflection key:
Ignores large-deflection effects (that is, a small-deflection analysis is specified). This option is the default.
Includes large-deflection (large rotation) effects or large strain effects, according to the element type.
Command Default
Large-deflection effects are ignored.
Large-deflection effects are categorized as either large deflection (or large rotation) or large strain, de-
pending on the element type. These are listed (if available) under Special Features in the input data
table for each element in the Element Reference. When large deflection effects are included (NLGEOM,ON),
stress stiffening effects are also included automatically.
If used during the solution (/SOLU (p. 1537)), this command is valid only within the first load step.
In a large-deflection analysis, pressure loads behave differently than other load types. For more inform-
ation, see Load Direction in a Large-Deflection Analysis.
The gyroscopic matrix (that occurs due to rotational angular velocity) does not support large-deflection
effects. The theoretical formulations for the gyroscopic matrix support small deflection (linear formulation)
When large-deflection effects are included in a substructure or CMS transient analysis use pass, the
OUTRES (p. 1115) command ignores DSUBres = ALL.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Basic
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Basic
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1028 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Specify results items to track during solution.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Nonlinear Options (p. 37)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Specifies the command operation:
Nodal solution data.
Element nodal data.
Contact data (for pair-based contact).
Contact data (for general contact).
Result section data.
Displays a list of items to track.
OFF or 0
Deactivates tracking of all variables. This value is the default.
ON or 1
Activates tracking of all variables. Tracking also activates whenever any specification changes.
Removes the specified variable from the set of result items to track. If Name = ALL (default), all specific-
ations are removed.
The 32-character user-specified name.
Item, Comp
Predetermined output item and component label for valid elements. See the Element Reference for more
Number identifying one of the following:
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1029
Valid real constant set number identifying a result section (if Key = RSEC).
NODE is required input when Key = NSOL, ESOL, PAIR, GCN, or RSEC.
Valid element number for element results. Used for ESOL items. If ELEM is specified, then a node number
that belongs to the element must also be specified in the NODE field.
Valid labels are TOP, MID or BOT. This field can specify the location on shell elements for which to retrieve
data. Used only for element nodal data (ESOL).
Layer number (for layered elements only). Used only for element nodal data (ESOL).
Critical value of the tracked variable. This value is used to determine if the analysis should be terminated.
This field is only valid for contact data (Key = PAIR or GCN) and result section data (Key = RSEC).
Specifies the conditional relationship between the variable being tracked and the STOP_VALUE upon
which the analysis will be terminated:
Terminate the analysis when the tracked variable is less than or equal to STOP_VALUE.
Terminate the analysis when the tracked variable equals STOP_VALUE.
Terminate the analysis when the tracked variable is greater than or equal to STOP_VALUE.
The NLHIST command is a nonlinear diagnostics tool that enables you to monitor diagnostics results
of interest in real time during a solution.
You can track a maximum of 50 variables during solution. The specified result quantities are written to
the file Jobname.nlh. Nodal results and contact results are written for every converged substep (irre-
spective of the OUTRES (p. 1115) command setting), while element results are written only at time points
specified via the OUTRES (p. 1115) command. Result section data is written only at time points specified
via the OUTPR (p. 1112),RSO,Freq command.
For time points where element results data is not available, a very small number is written instead. If
the conditions for contact to be established are not satisfied, 0.0 will be written for contact results.
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1030 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
All results are tracked in the Solution Coordinate System (that is, nodal results are in the nodal coordinate
system and element results are in the element coordinate system).
Contact results can be tracked for elements CONTA172, CONTA174, CONTA175, and CONTA177; they
cannot be tracked for CONTA178.
Result section data can be tracked for elements CONTA172 and CONTA174.
When contact results (Key = PAIR or GCN) or result section data (Key = RSEC) are tracked , the user-
specified name (Name argument) is used to create a user-defined parameter. This enables you to
monitor the parameter during solution. As an example, you can use a named parameter to easily convert
the contact stiffness units from FORCE/LENGTH3 to FORCE/LENGTH based on the initial contact area
CAREA. Be sure to specify Name using the APDL parameter naming convention.
The STOP_VALUE and STOP_COND arguments enable you to automatically terminate the analysis
when a desired value for a tracked contact result or section result has been reached. This capability is
only available for contact variables (Key = PAIR or GCN) and result section variables (Key = RSEC ).
The Jobname.nlh file is an ASCII file that lists each time point at which a converged solution occurs
along with the values of the relevant result quantities.
The GUI option Solution> Results tracking provides an interface to define the result items to be
tracked. The GUI also allows you to graph one or more variables against time or against other variables
during solution. You can use the interface to graph or list variables from any .nlh file generated by
the ANSYS program.
You can also track results during batch runs. Either access the ANSYS Launcher and select File Tracking
from the Tools menu, or type nlhist201 at the command line. Use the supplied file browser to
navigate to your Jobname.nlh file, and click on it to invoke the tracking utility. You can use this
utility to read the file at any time, even after the solution is complete (the data in the file must be
formatted correctly).
Table 183: NLHIST - Valid NSOL (p. 1067) Item and Component Labels
Item Comp Description
U X, Y, Z X, Y, or Z structural displacement.
ROT X, Y, Z X, Y, or Z structural rotation.
F X, Y, Z X, Y, or Z structural reaction force.
M X, Y, Z X, Y, or Z structural reaction moment.
TEMP [1] - Temperature.
TEMP MAX, MIN Maximum or minimum temperature in the model.
HEAT [2] - Reaction heat flow.
1. For SHELL131 and SHELL132 elements with KEYOPT(3) = 0 or 1, use the labels TBOT, TE2, TE3, . . ., TTOP
instead of TEMP.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1031
2. For SHELL131 and SHELL132 elements with KEYOPT(3) = 0 or 1, use the labels HBOT, HE2, HE3, . . ., HTOP
instead of HEAT.
Table 184: NLHIST - Valid ESOL (p. 558) Item and Component Labels
Item Comp Description
S X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ Component stress.
" 1, 2, 3 Principal stress.
" INT Stress intensity.
" EQV Equivalent stress.
EPEL X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ Component elastic strain.
" 1, 2, 3 Principal elastic strain.
" INT Elastic strain intensity.
" EQV Elastic equivalent strain.
EPPL X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ Component plastic strain.
" 1, 2, 3 Principal plastic strain.
" INT Plastic strain intensity.
" EQV Plastic equivalent strain.
EPCR X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ Component creep strain.
" 1, 2, 3 Principal creep strain.
" INT Creep strain intensity.
" EQV Creep equivalent strain.
EPTH X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ Component thermal strain.
" 1, 2, 3 Principal thermal strain.
" INT Thermal strain intensity.
" EQV Thermal equivalent strain.
EPDI X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ Component diffusion strain.
" 1, 2, 3 Principal diffusion strain.
" INT Diffusion strain intensity.
" EQV Diffusion equivalent strain.
NL SEPL Equivalent stress (from stress-strain curve).
" SRAT Stress state ratio.
" HPRES Hydrostatic pressure.
" EPEQ Accumulated equivalent plastic strain.
" CREQ Accumulated equivalent creep strain.
" PSV Plastic state variable.
" PLWK Plastic work/volume.
TG X, Y, Z, SUM Component thermal gradient or vector sum.
TF X, Y, Z, SUM Component thermal flux or vector sum.
ETABLE items are not supported for ESOL (p. 558) items.
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1032 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
PAIR solution quantities are output on a "per contact pair" basis. GCN solution quantities are output on
a “per general contact section” basis. (See Comparison of Pair-Based Contact and General Contact.) As
a consequence, the corresponding values listed in the Jobname.nlh file represent a minimum or a
maximum over the associated contact pair or general contact surface, as detailed in the table below.
Table 185: NLHIST - Valid Contact (PAIR or GCN) Item and Component Labels
Item Comp Description
CONT ELCN If >0, number of contact elements in contact. Other values
are interpreted as follows:
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1033
1. For PENE, a positive value indicates a penetration, and a negative value indicates a gap. If the contact pair
(or GCN surface) has a far-field contact status, penetration and gap are not available, and the value stored
for PENE is the current pinball radius.
2. The pair-based dissipation energy (CFEN) and stabilization energy (CDEN) do not include contributions
from contact elements that are in far-field. The pair-based strain energy (CTEN) does not include the fric-
tional dissipation energy and stabilization energy; it only contains an elastic recovery energy when the
contact status changes from closed to open.
Table 186: NLHIST - Valid Result Section (RSEC) Item and Component Labels
Item Comp Description
REST SECF Total section force
" SECM Total section moment
" AXST Section axial stress
" BDST Section bending stress
" SPTX Section center X coordinate
" SPTY Section center Y coordinate
" SPTZ Section center Z coordinate
" THXY Rotation about local z
" THYZ Rotation about local x
" THZX Rotation about local y
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1034 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Solution>Results Tracking
Coordinate listing key:
List all nodal information
Suppress all but the XYZ coordinates (shown to a higher degree of accuracy than when displayed with
all information).
First item on which to sort. Valid item names are NODE, X, Y, Z, THXY, THYZ, THXZ
Second and third items on which to sort. Valid item names are the same as for SORT1.
Internal nodes listing key:
List only external nodes.
List all nodes, including internal nodes.
Lists nodes in the active display coordinate system [DSYS (p. 481)]. Nodal coordinate rotation angles
are also listed (relative to the global Cartesian coordinate system).
Node listing can be in a sorted order (ascending). SORT2, for example, will be carried out on nodes
having equal values of SORT1.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1035
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>List Results>Sorted Listing>Sort Nodes
Utility Menu>List>Nodes
The mesh-quality control to adjust:
The sculpting layer adjustment:
VAL1 – The number of sculpting layers, beginning with detected seed elements. Valid for 2-D
and 3-D analysis.
VAL2 – Same as VAL1, except that VAL1 controls remeshing to remove distortion and VAL2
controls element refinement. Default: VAL2 = 1 for 2-D analysis, VAL2 = 2 for 3-D analysis.
For more information about this control, see Sculpting Layers Control in the Nonlinear Adaptivity
Analysis Guide.
The boundary angle threshold in degrees. Use this adjustment to retain geometry features of the original
(source) mesh. Valid for both 2-D and 3-D analysis.
In a 3-D analysis, this value is the dihedral angle (the angle between the normal vectors from
two neighboring surface facets). In a 2-D analysis, this value is the 2-D patch boundary edge
normal angle. If the edge angle or dihedral angle is larger than the specified threshold, the node
shared by 2-D edges or edges shared by 3-D facets are retained during remeshing.
Default for 2-D analysis: VAL1 = 10. Default for 3-D analysis: VAL1 = 15.
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1036 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Generally, a larger VAL1 improves the quality of the new mesh (and may even repair local tiny
edges or facets of poor quality). Too large a value, however, may also smooth out some geometric
features, leading to slightly different results and possibly causing convergence issues in the
substeps immediately following remeshing.
For more information about this control, see Boundary-Angle and Edge-Angle Control in the
Nonlinear Adaptivity Analysis Guide.
The edge angle threshold in degrees. Valid for 3-D analysis only.
Use this control to split 3-D patch segments. The edge angle is the angle between adjacent
surface segment edges sharing a node. If the edge angle is larger than the specified threshold
(VAL1), the segment splits and the node is automatically treated as a node to be retained.
Generally, a larger VAL1 improves the quality of the new mesh, but may result in loss of feature
nodes. The effect is similar to that of boundary angles (Control = BDRA).
For more information about this control, see Boundary-Angle and Edge-Angle Control in the
Nonlinear Adaptivity Analysis Guide.
The global sizing ratio. Valid for 2-D and 3-D analysis.
Default: VAL1 = 1.0. The default value results in the new mesh having a size similar to that
of the original mesh.
Generally, set the value (VAL1) to >= 0.7. The model can be refined (< 1.0) or coarsened (>
1.0) up to 3x depending on the mesh-sizing gradient and number of 3-D elements, and
approximately 2x for 2-D elements.
VAL2 – Same as VAL1, except that VAL1 controls remeshing to remove distortion and VAL2
controls element refinement. Default: VAL2 = 0.75.
For more information about this control, see Global Sizing Control in the Nonlinear Adaptivity
Analysis Guide.
Adjusts the new mesh-sizing gradient during remeshing. Valid for 2-D and 3-D analysis.
Valid values: VAL1 = 0, 1, 2, or 3. Default: VAL1 = 2 for 2-D analysis, VAL1 = 3 for 3-D analysis.
VAL1 = 0 -- The mesh-sizing gradient is not retained. The new mesh is uniform and has an
approximate average size on the entire remeshed domain(s), even if the original mesh has
sizing gradients.
VAL1 = 1 -- The new mesh follows the original mesh-sizing gradient to retain the element
averaged-edge length. This value tends to coarsen the mesh in the location of the distorted
elements during remeshing.
VAL1 = 2 -- The new mesh follows the sizing gradient of the original mesh, with additional
sizing compensation based on the element size change due to deformation during solution.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1037
This value tends to refine the mesh at the location of the distorted elements, where the
distortion may have originated from deformation during solution.
VAL1 = 3 -- Similar to VAL1 = 2, but assumes that perfect mesh quality is not required, thus
avoiding over-refinement of minor distorted regions. Valid for 3-D analysis only.
For more information about this control, see Gradient Control in the Nonlinear Adaptivity Analysis
The new mesh-acceptance tolerance (PLANE182, PLANE222, SOLID187, SOLID227, and SOLID285).
For PLANE182 and PLANE222, VAL2 is the only valid option (for mesh refinement), and the new
mesh is accepted when (MaxCornerAngleNew - MaxCornerAngleOld) / MaxCornerAngleOld <=
For SOLID285, the new mesh is accepted when (SkewnessNew - SkewnessOld) / SkewnessOld <=
For SOLID187 and SOLID227, the new mesh is accepted when, in addition to skewness, (Jacobi-
anOld - JacobianNew) / JacobianOld <= QTOL.
The program uses both tolerance and mesh-quality parameters to determine whether or not a
new mesh is accepted.
The refinement algorithm adjustment (PLANE182, PLANE222, and SOLID285). Valid for 2-D and 3-D
VAL1 –
SPLIT – Use mesh splitting instead of general remeshing. This is the only valid value.
If not specified, mesh refinement occurs via general remeshing (except for PLANE183).
Coordinate truncation adjustments for nodal locations of the meshes during remeshing. Valid for 2-D
and 3-D analysis.
VAL1 –
ON – Truncates the decimal value after the seventh position. Default behavior for PLANE182,
PLANE222, and SOLID285 (augmented Lagrange and penalty contact formulations only).
OFF – No truncation occurs on the decimal value. Default behavior for SOLID187 and SOL-
ID227 (all contact formulations), and PLANE182 and PLANE222 (Lagrange multiplier contact
formulation only).
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1038 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Aggressive remeshing option. Creates meshes with improved shape metrics. May change some global
remeshing control parameters applied by other NLMESH commands, and may increase remeshing
time. Valid for both 2-D and 3-D nonlinear adaptivity analysis.
VAL1 –
Lists all mesh-quality control parameters.
If VAL1 has been specified for a given mesh control, the most recently specified value is listed.
If a value was not explicitly specified, the default value is listed (assuming that the problem has
been solved at least once).
Numerical input value that varies according to the specified Control option.
Valid for all Control options. Can be used when controlling remeshing for both distortion removal
and for element refinement.
Numerical input value that varies according to the specified Control option.
Valid only for these Control options: NLAY, SRAT, and QTOL. Also used for controlling remeshing
for element refinement.
NLMESH is a global control command enabling mesh-quality adjustments for remeshing in nonlinear
adaptivity. The command can be used when components are associated with mesh-quality criteria
(NLADAPTIVE (p. 1018) with Criterion = MESH, or another criterion with mesh change through gen-
eral refinement).
Issue the NLMESH command only in cases where advanced mesh-quality control is desirable for
remeshing in nonlinear adaptivity. The control values specified apply to all components having mesh-
quality-based criteria defined, or components having mesh change through general refinement, and
can be modified at every loadstep during the nonlinear adaptive solution or when performing a restart
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1039
NLOG, IR, IA, --, --, Name, --, --, FACTA, FACTB
Forms the natural log of a variable.
POST26 (p. 55): Operations (p. 56)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Arbitrary reference number assigned to the resulting variable (2 to NV [NUMVAR (p. 1086)]). If this number
is the same as for a previously defined variable, the previously defined variable will be overwritten with
this result.
Reference number of the variable to be operated on.
--, --
Unused fields.
Thirty-two character name identifying the variable on printouts and displays. Embedded blanks are com-
pressed for output.
--, --
Unused fields.
Scaling factor applied to variable IA (defaults to 1.0).
Scaling factor (positive or negative) applied to the operation (defaults to 1.0).
Forms the natural log of a variable according to the operation:
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Math Operations>Natural Log
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1040 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Specifies "Nonlinear analysis options" as the subsequent status topic.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Status (p. 46)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>Solution>Nonlinear Options
Modify coordinates of this node. If ALL, modify coordinates of all selected nodes [NSEL (p. 1057)]. If NODE =
P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A
component name may also be substituted for NODE.
X, Y, Z
Replace the previous coordinate values assigned to this node with these corresponding coordinate values.
Values are interpreted in the active coordinate system (R, θ, Z for cylindrical; R, θ, Φ for spherical or toroidal).
Leaving any of these fields blank retains the previous value(s).
First rotation of nodal coordinate system about nodal Z (positive X toward Y). Leaving this field blank retains
the previous value.
Second rotation of nodal coordinate system about nodal X (positive Y toward Z). Leaving this field blank
retains the previous value.
Third rotation of nodal coordinate system about nodal Y (positive Z toward X). Leaving this field blank retains
the previous value.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1041
Modifies an existing node. Nodal coordinate system rotation angles are in degrees and redefine any
existing rotation angles. Nodes can also be redefined with the N (p. 1007) command.
See the NROTAT (p. 1055), NANG (p. 1008), and NORA (p. 1045) commands for other rotation options.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Nodes>RotateNode>By Angles
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Move / Modify>Nodes>Set of Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Move / Modify>Nodes>Single Node
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Move / Modify>RotateNode>By Angles
Specifies "Nodes" as the subsequent status topic.
PREP7 (p. 20): Status (p. 32)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>Preprocessor>Nodes
Command Default
Issue the command with no arguments to prevent automatic screen erase before creating the next
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1042 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Preventing the normal screen erase between requested displays allows you to overlay multiple views.
Clearing the screen with the ERASE (p. 540) command (Utility Menu> PlotCtrls> Erase Options> Erase
screen) active simply clears the display area. Subsequent replots will provide the cumulative plots
previously generated by the /NOERASE (p. 1042) command.
For 3-D devices, you can issue /DV3D (p. 483),DELS to suppress repeated screen overlays and generate
clear contour plots.
Use the /ERASE (p. 541) command to reactivate automatic screen erase.
For 3-D devices (/SHOW (p. 1507),3D), the model in all active windows will be the same, even if you issue
a different display command (NPLOT (p. 1048), EPLOT (p. 536), etc.) for each active window. Use the Multi-
Plot command (GPLOT (p. 732)) to display different entities, in different windows, on 3-D devices.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Erase Options>Erase between Plots
Command Default
Issue the command with no arguments to suppress the data input listing.
Printout is suppressed until a /GOLIST (p. 728) command is read or the end of the listing is encountered.
This command is valid in any processor, but only within a batch run [/BATCH (p. 189)].
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1043
Prevents the CDREAD (p. 254) command from offsetting specified data items
PREP7 (p. 20): Database (p. 20)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Specifies items not to be offset.
Node numbers
Element numbers
Keypoint numbers
Line numbers
Area numbers
Volume numbers
Material numbers
Element type numbers
Real constant numbers
Coordinate system numbers
Section numbers
Coupled set numbers
Constraint equation numbers
All items will be offset
Shows which items are specified notto be offset.
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1044 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The NOOFFSET command specifies data items not to be offset by a set of data read from a
CDREAD (p. 254) command.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Command Default
Issuing this command with no arguments suppresses the interpreted data input print out.
Suppresses printout of interpreted input data, including information labeled as "Notes." When this
printout is not suppressed, the data input to the analysis is echoed to the output file in an expanded
format. Printout is suppressed until a /GOPR (p. 728) or /GO (p. 727) command is read.
Use of /NOPR (p. 1045) is not recommended when the graphical user interface (GUI) is active. The GUI
sometimes issues "hidden" /NOPR (p. 1045) and /GOPR (p. 728) command sequences, which will counter-
mand user-issued /NOPR (p. 1045) commands, thus making the use of /NOPR (p. 1045) in the GUI environ-
ment unpredictable.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
The area number containing the nodes to be rotated to their normals. If ALL, applies to all selected areas
(see the ASEL (p. 166) command). If AREA = P, graphical picking is enabled.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1045
Direction of the normal. If NDIR = -1, the nodal coordinate system is rotated in the opposite direction of
the surface normal. The default is the same direction as the surface normal.
The NORA command rotates the X-axis of the nodal coordinate system to the surface normal. The rotated
nodal coordinate systems may be displayed through the /PSYMB (p. 1295) command. In case multiple
areas are selected, there could be conflicts at the boundaries. If a node belongs to two areas that have
a different normal, its nodal coordinate system will be rotated to the area normal with the lowest
number. You can use the AREVERSE (p. 156) and ANORM (p. 127) commands to rotate the surface normals
in the appropriate direction. Keep the following in mind when using the NORA command:
• If the nodal coordinate system is parallel to the global Cartesian system, it is not displayed through the
/PSYMB (p. 1295) command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Move / Modify>RotateNode>To Surf Norm>On Areas
Line number containing the nodes to be rotated. If ALL, applies to all selected lines (see the LSEL (p. 896)
command). If LINE = P, graphical picking is enabled.
The area number containing the selected lines. The normal of the line(s) selected is supposed to lie on this
area. Defaults to the lowest numbered selected area containing the line number.
Direction of the normal. If NDIR = -1, the nodal coordinate system is rotated in the opposite direction of
the line normal. The default is the same direction as the surface normal.
The NORL command rotates the X-axis of the nodal coordinate perpendicular to the line normal. The
rotated nodal coordinate systems may be displayed through the /PSYMB (p. 1295) command. In case
multiple lines are selected, there could be conflicts at the boundaries. If a node belongs to two lines
that have a different normal, its nodal coordinate system will be rotated to the line normal with the
lowest number. Keep the following in mind when using the NORL command:
• If the nodal coordinate system is parallel to the global Cartesian system, it is not displayed through the
/PSYMB (p. 1295) command.
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1046 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Move / Modify>RotateNode>To Surf Norm>On Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Move / Modify>RotateNode>To Surf Norm>with Area
Window number (or ALL) to which command applies (defaults to 1).
Display key:
No face distinction.
Show only area elements having their positive normals directed toward the viewing point.
Show only area elements having their positive normals directed away from the viewing point.
Command Default
Do not distinguish between top face and bottom face elements.
/NORMAL (p. 1047) allows you to select area elements and area plots by the top or bottom faces. It is
useful for checking the normal directions on shell elements. The positive normal (element Z direction)
is defined by the right-hand rule following the node I, J, K, L input direction. This command is available
only with raster or hidden-line displays, for WIN32 or X11 2-D displays only.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Shell Normals
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1047
Displays nodes.
PREP7 (p. 20): Nodes (p. 29)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Node number key:
No node numbers on display.
Include node numbers on display. See also /PNUM (p. 1217) command.
Produces a node display. Only selected nodes [NSEL (p. 1057)] are displayed. Elements need not be
defined. See the DSYS (p. 481) command for display coordinate system.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Move / Modify>RotateNode>To Surf Norm>On Areas
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Move / Modify>RotateNode>To Surf Norm>On Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Move / Modify>RotateNode>To Surf Norm>with Area
Utility Menu>Plot>Nodes
Defines which time points stored are to be listed.
POST26 (p. 55): Listing (p. 57)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
List data associated with every N time (or frequency) point(s), beginning with the first point stored (defaults
to 1).
Command Default
List all stored points.
Defines which time (or frequency) points within the range stored are to be listed.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1048 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Settings>List
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
The read operation is not necessary in a standard ANSYS run but is provided as a convenience to users
wanting to read a coded node file, such as from another mesh generator or from a CAD/CAM program.
Data should be formatted as produced with the NWRITE (p. 1088) command. Only nodes that are within
the node range specified with the NRRANG (p. 1056) command are read from the file. Duplicate nodes
already in the database will be overwritten. The file is rewound before and after reading. Reading con-
tinues until the end of the file.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Nodes>Read Node File
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1049
ment. If NN1 = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only
in the GUI). A component name may also be substituted for NN1 (NN2 and NINC are ignored).
Amount of refinement to be done. Specify the value of LEVEL as an integer from 1 to 5, where a value of
1 provides minimal refinement, and a value of 5 provides maximum refinement (defaults to 1).
Depth of mesh refinement in terms of number of elements outward from the indicated nodes (defaults to
Type of postprocessing to be done after element splitting, in order to improve element quality:
No postprocessing will be done.
Smoothing will be done. Node locations may change.
Smoothing and cleanup will be done. Existing elements may be deleted, and node locations may
change (default).
Flag indicating whether quadrilateral elements must be retained in the refinement of an all-quadrilateral
mesh. (The ANSYS program ignores the RETAIN argument when you are refining anything other than a
quadrilateral mesh.)
The final mesh will be composed entirely of quadrilateral elements, regardless of the element quality
The final mesh may include some triangular elements in order to maintain element quality and provide
NREFINE refines all area elements and tetrahedral volume elements adjacent to the specified nodes.
Mesh refinement is not available on a solid model containing initial conditions at nodes (IC (p. 769)),
coupled nodes (CP (p. 348) family of commands), constraint equations (CE (p. 259) family of commands),
or boundary conditions or loads applied directly to any of its nodes or elements. This restriction applies
to nodes and elements anywhere in the model, not just in the region where you want to request mesh
refinement. For more information about mesh refinement, see Revising Your Model.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Modify Mesh>Refine At>Nodes
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1050 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Combine only those modes whose significance level exceeds the SIGNIF threshold. For single point,
multipoint, or DDAM response (SPOPT (p. 1552),SPRS, MPRS or DDAM), the significance level of a mode is
defined as the mode coefficient of the mode, divided by the maximum mode coefficient of all modes. Any
mode whose significance level is less than SIGNIF is considered insignificant and is not contributed to
the mode combinations. The higher the SIGNIF threshold, the fewer the number of modes combined.
SIGNIF defaults to 0.001. If SIGNIF is specified as 0.0, it is taken as 0.0. (This mode combination method
is not valid for SPOPT (p. 1552),PSD.)
Label identifying the combined mode solution output.
Displacement solution (default). Displacements, stresses, forces, etc., are available.
Velocity solution. Velocities, "stress velocities," "force velocities," etc., are available.
Acceleration solution. Accelerations, "stress accelerations," "force accelerations," etc., are available.
Label identifying the CSM (Closely Spaced Modes) method.
Use the CSM method.
Do not use the CSM method (default).
Label identifying the forces to be combined:
Combine the modal static forces (default).
Combine the modal static plus inertial forces.
This command is also valid in PREP7. This mode combination method is usually used for SP-
OPT (p. 1552),DDAM.
This CSM method is only applicable in a DDAM analysis (SPOPT (p. 1552),DDAM). The CSM method combines
two closely spaced modes into one mode when their frequencies are within 10 percent of the common
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1051
mean frequency and their responses are opposite in sign. The contribution of these closely spaced
modes is then included in the NRL sum as a single effective mode. Refer to Closely Spaced Modes (CSM)
Method in the Theory Reference for more information.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>Mode Combine>NRLSUM Method
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>MultiPt>Mode Combine>NRLSUM
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>SinglePt>Mode Combine>NRLSUM
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>Mode Combine>NRLSUM Method
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>MultiPt>Mode Combine>NRLSUM Method
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>SinglePt>Mode Combine>NRLSUM Method
Argument Descriptions
Matrix or vector for which the norm will be computed. This can be a dense matrix (created by the
*DMAT (p. 454) command), a sparse matrix (created by the *SMAT (p. 1522) command) or a vector (created
by the *VEC (p. 1749) command)
Mathematical norm to use:
NRM2 --
L2 (Euclidian or SRSS) norm (default).
NRM1 --
L1 (absolute sum) norm (vectors only).
Maximum norm.
Parameter name that contains the result.
Normalization key; to be used only for vectors created by *VEC (p. 1749):
YES --
Normalize the vector such that the norm is 1.0.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1052 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
NO --
Do not normalize the vector (default).
The NRM2 option corresponds to the Euclidian or L2 norm and is applicable to either vectors or matrices.
The NRM1 option corresponds to the L1 norm and is applicable to vectors only. The NRMINF option is
the maximum norm and is applicable to either vectors or matrices.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Option key:
Let the program choose the option (default).
Use full Newton-Raphson.
Use modified Newton-Raphson.
Use the previously computed matrix (initial-stiffness).
Use full Newton-Raphson with unsymmetric matrices of elements where the unsymmetric option exists.
Option key:
When applicable in a static creep analysis, activates modified Newton-Raphson with a creep-ratio
limit. Valid only when Option1 = AUTO.
If Option2 is blank, Optval is the Adaptive Descent Key (Adptky):
Use adaptive descent (default if frictional contact exists). Explicit ON is valid only if Option = FULL.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1053
Do not use adaptive descent (default in all other cases).
The creep ratio limit for use with the modified Newton-Raphson procedure. Valid only when
Option1 = AUTO (default) and Option2 = CRPL. Typically, this value should not exceed 0.15
in order to make the modified Newton-Raphson solution converge efficiently. For more inform-
ation about the creep ratio limit, see the CUTCONTROL (p. 367) command.
The NROPT command specifies the Newton-Raphson option used to solve the nonlinear equations in
a static or full transient analysis.
The command NROPT,UNSYM is also valid in a linear non-prestressed modal analysis that is used to
perform a brake squeal analysis. In this special case, the command is used only to generate the unsym-
metric stiffness matrix; no Newton-Raphson iterations are performed.
NROPT,MODI and NROPT,INIT are only applicable with the sparse solver (EQSLV (p. 537),SPARSE). Thermal
analyses will always use full Newton-Raphson irrespective of the Option1 value selected.
See Newton-Raphson Option in the Structural Analysis Guide for more information.
Normally, switching from the symmetric Newton-Raphson option (NROPT,FULL) to the unsymmetric
option (NROPT,UNSYM) or from the unsymmetric option to the symmetric option is allowed between
load steps within the same analysis type. This is applicable to linear and nonlinear, static and full tran-
sient analyses.
Under the following circumstances, the solution could be slightly different or inaccurate if you switch
from symmetric to unsymmetric or vice versa:
• The underlying elements or materials are unsymmetric by their mathematical definition, and you switch
from unsymmetric to symmetric.
• You change analysis types and also switch from symmetric to unsymmetric (or vise versa) at the same
time. This situation could result in failures such as data corruption or a core dump and should therefore
be avoided.
• In some rare cases, switching between the symmetric and unsymmetric options can cause a system
core dump when reading/writing the .ESAV or .OSAV file, and the analysis terminates. Typically, this
happens when the record length of the element nonlinear saved variables cannot be altered between
load steps by their mathematical definition.
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1054 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
If all the elements and the material are symmetric by their mathematical definition and you use the
unsymmetric option, the solution accuracy is the same as the symmetric option. However, the analysis
will run twice as slow as the symmetric case.
If the static or full transient solution is used as the base analysis for a linear perturbation, be aware that
switching to the unsymmetric Newton-Raphson option forces the program to use the UNSYM or DAMP
eigensolver in a downstream modal analysis, which may be more expensive than symmetric modal
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Command Default
No automatic nodal rotation.
Rotates nodal coordinate systems into the active coordinate system. Nodal coordinate systems may be
automatically rotated into the active (global or local) coordinate system as follows: Rotations in Cartesian
systems will have nodal x directions rotated parallel to the Cartesian X direction. Rotations in cylindrical,
spherical or toroidal systems will have the nodal x directions rotated parallel to the R direction. Nodes
at (or near) a zero radius location should not be rotated. Nodal coordinate directions may be displayed
[/PSYMB (p. 1295)]. Nodal forces and constraints will also appear rotated when displayed if the nodal
coordinate system is rotated.
When the nodal coordinate systems are defined, they remain parallel to the global Cartesian
system unless subsequently rotated.
See the NMODIF (p. 1041), NANG (p. 1008), and NORA (p. 1045) commands for other rotation options.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1055
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Nodes>RotateNode>To Active CS
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Move / Modify>RotateNode>To Active CS
Defines the range of nodes to be read [NREAD (p. 1049)] from the node file. Also implies an element
range since only elements fully attached to these nodes will be read from the element file.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Nodes>Read Node File
Do this scaling operation one time, incrementing all nodes in the given pattern by INC. If INC = 0, nodes
will be redefined at the scaled locations.
Scale factor ratios. Scaling is relative to the origin of the active coordinate system (RR, Rθ, RZ for cylindrical,
RR, Rθ, RΦ for spherical or toroidal). If absolute value of ratio > 1.0, pattern is enlarged. If < 1.0, pattern is
reduced. Ratios default to 1.0 (each).
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1056 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Generates a scaled pattern of nodes from a given node pattern. Scaling is done in the active coordinate
system. Nodes in the pattern may have been generated in any coordinate system.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Copy>Nodes>Scale & Copy
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Move / Modify>Nodes>Scale & Move
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Scale>Nodes>Scale & Copy
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Scale>Nodes>Scale & Move
Label identifying the type of select:
Select a new set (default).
Reselect a set from the current set.
Additionally select a set and extend the current set.
Unselect a set from the current set.
Restore the full set.
Unselect the full set.
Invert the current set (selected becomes unselected and vice versa).
Display the current select status.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1057
Label identifying data. Valid item labels are shown in the table below. Some items also require a component
label. If Item = PICK (or simply “P”), graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are
ignored (valid only in the GUI). Defaults to NODE.
Component of the item (if required). Valid component labels are shown in the table below.
Minimum value of item range. Ranges are node numbers, set numbers, coordinate values, load values, or
result values as appropriate for the item. A component name (as specified on the CM (p. 295) command)
may also be substituted for VMIN (VMAX and VINC are ignored).
Maximum value of item range. VMAX defaults to VMIN for input values. For result values, VMAX defaults
to infinity if VMIN is positive, or to zero if VMIN is negative.
Value increment within range. Used only with integer ranges (such as for node and set numbers). Defaults
to 1. VINC cannot be negative.
Absolute value key:
Check sign of value during selection.
Use absolute value during selection (sign ignored).
Command Default
All nodes are selected.
Selects a subset of nodes. For example, to select a new set of nodes based on node numbers 1 through
7, use NSEL,S,NODE,,1,7. The subset is used when the ALL label is entered (or implied) on other com-
mands, such as NLIST (p. 1035),ALL. Only data identified by node number are selected. Data are flagged
as selected and unselected; no data are actually deleted from the database.
When selecting nodes by results, the full graphics value is used, regardless of whether PowerGraphics
is on.
Solution result data consists of two types, 1) nodal degree of freedom--results initially calculated at the
nodes (such as displacement, temperature, pressure, etc.), and 2) element--results initially calculated
elsewhere (such as at an element integration point or thickness location) and then recalculated at the
nodes (such as stresses, strains, etc.). Various element results also depend upon the recalculation
method and the selected results location [AVPRIN (p. 181), RSYS (p. 1383), FORCE (p. 644), LAYER (p. 845)
and SHELL (p. 1506)].
You must have all the nodes (corner and midside nodes) on the external face of the element selected
to use Item = EXT.
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1058 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
For Selects based on non-integer numbers (coordinates, results, etc.), items that are within the range
VMIN-Toler and VMAX+Toler are selected. The default tolerance Toler is based on the relative
values of VMIN and VMAX as follows:
Use the SELTOL (p. 1445) (p. 1445) command to override this default and specify Toler explicitly.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1059
Table 188: NSEL - Valid Item and Component Labels for Nodal DOF Result Values
Item Comp Description
U X, Y, Z, SUM X, Y, or Z structural displacement or vector sum.
ROT X, Y, Z, SUM X, Y, or Z structural rotation or vector sum.
TEMP Temperature.
PRES Pressure.
VOLT Electric potential.
MAG Magnetic scalar potential.
V X, Y, Z, SUM X, Y, or Z fluid velocity or vector sum.
A X, Y, Z, SUM X, Y, or Z magnetic vector potential or vector sum.
CONC Concentration.
CURR Current.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1060 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Table 189: NSEL - Valid Item and Component Labels for Element Result Values
Item Comp Description
S X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ Component stress.
" 1, 2, 3 Principal stress.
" INT, EQV Stress intensity or equivalent stress.
EPTO X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ Component total strain (EPEL + EPPL + EPCR).
" 1,2,3 Principal total strain.
" INT, EQV Total strain intensity or total equivalent strain.
EPEL X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ Component elastic strain.
" 1, 2, 3 Principal elastic strain.
" INT, EQV Elastic strain intensity or elastic equivalent strain.
EPPL X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ Component plastic strain.
" 1,2,3 Principal plastic strain.
" INT, EQV Plastic strain intensity or plastic equivalent strain.
EPCR X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ Component creep strain.
" 1,2,3 Principal creep strain.
" INT, EQV Creep strain intensity or creep equivalent strain.
EPTH X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ Component thermal strain.
" 1, 2, 3 Principal thermal strain.
" INT, EQV Thermal strain intensity or thermal equivalent strain.
EPSW Swelling strain.
EPDI X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ Component diffusion strain.
" 1, 2, 3 Principal diffusion strain.
" INT, EQV Diffusion strain intensity or diffusion equivalent strain.
NL SEPL Equivalent stress (from stress-strain curve).
" SRAT Stress state ratio.
" HPRES Hydrostatic pressure.
" EPEQ Accumulated equivalent plastic strain.
" PSV Plastic state variable.
" PLWK Plastic work/volume.
CONT STAT1 Contact status.
" PENE Contact penetration.
" PRES Contact pressure.
" SFRIC Contact friction stress.
" STOT Contact total stress (pressure plus friction).
" SLIDE Contact sliding distance.
TG X, Y, Z, SUM Component thermal gradient or vector sum.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1061
1. For more information on the meaning of contact status and its possible values, see Reviewing Results in
POST1 in the Contact Technology Guide.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Delete Elements
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Delete>Pre-tens Elemnts
Utility Menu>Select>Entities
Label identifying the type of node select:
Select a new set (default).
Reselect a set from the current set.
Additionally select a set and extend the current set.
Unselect a set from the current set.
Specifies whether only interior area nodes are to be selected:
Select only nodes interior to selected areas.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1062 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Select all nodes (interior to area, interior to lines, and at keypoints) associated with the selected areas.
Valid only if the nodes were generated by an area meshing operation [AMESH (p. 106), VMESH (p. 1784)]
on a solid model that contains the selected areas.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Select>Entities
Label identifying the type of node select:
Select a new set (default).
Reselect a set from the current set.
Additionally select a set and extend the current set.
Unselect a set from the current set.
Label identifying type of nodes to consider when selecting:
Select all nodes of the selected elements (default).
Select only the active nodes. An active node is a node that contributes DOFs to the model.
Select only inactive nodes (such as orientation or radiation).
Select only corner nodes.
Select only midside nodes.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1063
Select nodes in position Num.
Select nodes on face Num.
Position or face number for NodeType = POS or FACE.
NSLE selects NodeType nodes attached to the currently-selected set of elements. Only nodes on ele-
ments in the currently-selected element set can be selected.
When using degenerate hexahedral elements, NSLE, U,CORNER and NSLE,S,MID will not
select the same set of nodes because some nodes appear as both corner and midside nodes.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>CMS>CMS Superelements>By Picking
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Delete>Pre-tens Elemnts
Utility Menu>Select>Entities
NSLK, Type
Selects those nodes associated with the selected keypoints.
DATABASE (p. 11): Selecting (p. 11)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Label identifying the type of node select:
Select a new set (default).
Reselect a set from the current set.
Additionally select a set and extend the current set.
Unselect a set from the current set.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1064 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Valid only if the nodes were generated by a keypoint meshing operation [KMESH (p. 821), LMESH (p. 881),
AMESH (p. 106), VMESH (p. 1784)] on a solid model that contains the selected keypoints.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Select>Entities
Label identifying the type of node select:
Select a new set (default).
Reselect a set from the current set.
Additionally select a set and extend the current set.
Unselect a set from the current set.
Specifies whether only interior line nodes are to be selected:
Select only nodes interior to selected lines.
Select all nodes (interior to line and at keypoints) associated with the selected lines.
Valid only if the nodes were generated by a line meshing operation [LMESH (p. 881), AMESH (p. 106),
VMESH (p. 1784)] on a solid model that contains the associated lines.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1065
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Select>Entities
Label identifying the type of node select:
Select a new set (default).
Reselect a set from the current set.
Additionally select a set and extend the current set.
Unselect a set from the current set.
Specifies whether only interior volume nodes are to be selected:
Select only nodes interior to selected volumes.
Select all nodes (interior to volume, interior to areas, interior to lines, and at keypoints) associated with
the selected volumes.
Valid only if the nodes were generated by a volume meshing operation [VMESH (p. 1784)] on a solid
model that contains the selected volumes.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Select>Entities
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1066 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Smooths selected nodes among selected elements.
PREP7 (p. 20): Nodes (p. 29)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Number of smoothing passes. Defaults to 3.
Repositions each selected node at the average position of its immediate neighbors on the selected
elements. The node positions converge after some number of smoothing passes. For some initial con-
ditions, NPASS may need to be much larger than 3. If the boundary of a mesh is to be undisturbed
(usually desirable), the boundary nodes should be unselected before issuing NSMOOTH.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Arbitrary reference number or name assigned to this variable. Variable numbers can be 2 to NV (NUM-
VAR (p. 1086)) while the name can be an eight byte character string. Overwrites any existing results for this
Node for which data are to be stored.
Label identifying the item. Valid item labels are shown in the table below. Some items also require a
component label.
Component of the item (if required). Valid component labels are shown in the table below.
Thirty-two character name identifying the item on printouts and displays. Defaults to a label formed by
concatenating the first four characters of the Item and Comp labels.
For a full harmonic cyclic symmetry solution, the sector number for which the results from NODE are to
be stored.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1067
Stores nodal degree of freedom and solution results in a variable. For more information, see Data Inter-
preted in the Nodal Coordinate System in the Modeling and Meshing Guide.
For SECTOR>1, the result is in the nodal coordinate system of the base sector, and it is rotated to the
expanded sector’s location. Refer to Using the /CYCEXPAND Command in the Cyclic Symmetry Analysis
Guide for more information.
1. For SHELL131 and SHELL132 elements with KEYOPT(3) = 0 or 1, use the labels TBOT, TE2, TE3, . . ., TTOP
instead of TEMP.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Define Variables
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1068 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Label identifying the item to be sorted on. Valid item labels are shown in the table below. Some items also
require a component label.
Component of the item (if required). Valid component labels are shown in the table below.
Order of sort operation:
Sort into descending order.
Sort into ascending order.
Absolute value key:
Sort according to real value.
Sort according to absolute value.
Number of nodal data records to be sorted in ascending or descending order (ORDER) before sort is stopped
(remainder will be in unsorted sequence) (defaults to all nodes).
Allows selection of nodes in the sorted field.
No selection (default).
Select the nodes in the sorted list.
Command Default
Use ascending node-number order.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1069
Values are in the active coordinate system (CSYS (p. 364) for input data or RSYS (p. 1383) for results data).
Various element results also depend upon the recalculation method and the selected results location
(AVPRIN (p. 181), RSYS (p. 1383), SHELL (p. 1506), ESEL (p. 548), and NSEL (p. 1057)). If simultaneous load
cases are stored, the last sorted sequence formed from any load case applies to all load cases. Use
NUSORT (p. 1086) to restore the original order. This command is not valid with PowerGraphics.
Table 192: NSORT - Valid Item and Component Labels for Nodal DOF Result Values
Item Comp Description
U X, Y, Z, SUM X, Y, or Z structural displacement or vector sum.
ROT X, Y, Z, SUM X, Y, or Z structural rotation or vector sum.
TEMP Temperature (includes TEMP, TBOT, TE2, TE3, . . ., TTOP
PRES Pressure.
VOLT Electric potential.
MAG Magnetic scalar potential.
V X, Y, Z, SUM X, Y, or Z fluid velocity or vector sum.
A X, Y, Z, SUM X, Y, or Z magnetic vector potential or vector sum.
CONC Concentration
CURR Current.
EMF Electromotive force drop.
Table 193: NSORT - Valid Item and Component Labels for Element Result Values
Item Comp Description
S X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ Component stress.
" 1, 2,3 Principal stress.
" INT, EQV Stress intensity or equivalent stress.
EPTO X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ Component total strain (EPEL + EPPL + EPCR).
" 1, 2, 3 Principal total strain.
" INT, EQV Total strain intensity or total equivalent strain.
EPEL X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ Component elastic strain.
" 1, 2, 3 Principal elastic strain.
" INT, EQV Elastic strain intensity or elastic equivalent strain.
EPPL X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, XZ Component plastic strain.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1070 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1071
1. Works only if failure criteria information is provided. (For more information, see the documentation for the
FC (p. 610) and TB (p. 1603) commands.)
4. For more information about contact status and its possible values, see Reviewing Results in POST1 in the
Contact Technology Guide.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>List Results>Sorted Listing>Sort Nodes
Utility Menu>Parameters>Get Scalar Data
Defines which time points are to be stored.
POST26 (p. 55): Set Up (p. 55)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Store data associated with every TINC time (or frequency) point(s), within the previously defined range
of TMIN to TMAX [TIMERANGE (p. 1677)]. (Defaults to 1)
Command Default
Store every point.
Defines which time (or frequency) points within the range are to be stored.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Settings>Data
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1072 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Number of substeps to be used for this load step (i.e., the time step size or frequency increment). If auto-
matic time stepping is used (AUTOTS (p. 179)), NSBSTP defines the size of the first substep.
Maximum number of substeps to be taken (i.e., the minimum time step size) if automatic time stepping
is used. The program automatically determines the default based on the physics of the model.
Minimum number of substeps to be taken (i.e., the maximum time step size) if automatic time stepping
is used. The program automatically determines the default based on the physics of the model.
Time step carryover key (program-determined default depending on the problem physics):
Use NSBSTP to define time step at start of each load step.
Use final time step from previous load step as the starting time step (if automatic time stepping is
The program automatically determines the default based on the physics of the model.
See DELTIM (p. 422) for an alternative input. It is recommended that all fields of this command be spe-
cified for solution efficiency and robustness.
When the arc-length method is active (ARCLEN (p. 151) command), the NSBMX and NSBMN arguments
are ignored.
Changing the number of substeps upon restarting an analysis during a load step is not recommended.
You should only change the number of substeps between load steps.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Basic
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Freq and Substeps
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1073
Element type number as defined on the ET (p. 571) command.
Number of extra state variables to save (must be no more than 840).
Command Default
No extra variables are saved.
Defines the number of extra variables that need to be saved for user-programmable (system-dependent)
element options, e.g., material laws through user subroutine USERPL. ITYPE must first be defined with
the ET (p. 571) command.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Symmetry key:
X (or R) symmetry (default).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1074 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Y (or θ) symmetry.
Z (or Φ) symmetry.
Increment all nodes in the given pattern by INC to form the reflected node pattern.
Generates nodes from a given node pattern by a symmetry reflection. Reflection is done in the active
coordinate system by changing a particular coordinate sign. Nodes in the pattern may have been gen-
erated in any coordinate system. Nodal rotation angles are not reflected.
Symmetry reflection may be used with any node pattern, in any coordinate system, as many times as
desired. Reflection is accomplished by a coordinate sign change (in the active coordinate system). For
example, an X-reflection in a Cartesian coordinate system generates additional nodes from a given
pattern, with a node increment added to each node number, and an X coordinate sign change. An R-
reflection in a cylindrical coordinate system gives a reflected "radial" location by changing the "equivalent"
Cartesian (i.e., the Cartesian system with the same origin as the active cylindrical system) X and Y co-
ordinate signs. An R-reflection in a spherical coordinate system gives a reflected "radial" location by
changing the equivalent Cartesian X, Y, and Z coordinate location signs. Nodal coordinate system rotation
angles are not reflected.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Reflect>Nodes
Numbering style:
Color (terminal dependent) the numbered items and show numbers.
Color the numbered items. Do not show the numbers.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1075
Show the numbers. Do not color the items.
Do not color the items or show the numbers. For contour plots, the resulting display will vary (see below).
Specifies whether numbers, colors, or both are used for numbering displays [/PNUM (p. 1217)] of nodes,
elements, keypoints, lines, areas, and volumes.
Shading is also available for terminals configured with more than 4 color planes [/SHOW (p. 1507)]. Color
automatically appears for certain items and may be manually controlled (off or on) for other items.
When you suppress color (NKEY = -1) your contour plots will produce different results, depending on
your graphics equipment. For non-3-D devices (X11, Win32, etc.) your contour plot will be white (no
color). For 3-D devices, such as OpenGL, the resulting display will be in color.
The following items are automatically given discrete colors: Boundary condition symbols [/PBC (p. 1134)],
curves on graph displays, and distorted geometry on postprocessing displays. Contour lines in postpro-
cessing displays are automatically colored based upon a continuous, rather than a discrete, spectrum
so that red is associated with the highest contour value. On terminals with raster capability
[/SHOW (p. 1507)], the area between contour lines is filled with the color of the higher contour.
Explicit entity colors or the discrete color mapping may be changed with the /COLOR (p. 330) command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Numbering
Compresses the numbering of defined items.
PREP7 (p. 20): Database (p. 20)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Items to be compressed:
Node numbers
Element numbers
Keypoint numbers
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1076 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Line numbers
Area numbers
Volume numbers
Material numbers
Element type numbers
Real constant numbers
Coupled set numbers
Section numbers
Constraint equation numbers
All item numbers
The NUMCMP command effectively compresses out unused item numbers by renumbering all the
items, beginning with one and continuing throughout the model. The renumbering order follows the
initial item numbering order (that is, compression lowers the maximum number by "sliding" numbers
down to take advantage of unused or skipped numbers). All defined items are renumbered, regardless
of whether or not they are actually used or selected. Applicable related items are also checked for re-
numbering as described for the merge operation (NUMMRG (p. 1079)).
Compressing material numbers (NUMCMP,ALL or NUMCMP,MAT) does not update the material number
referenced by either of the following:
• A temperature-dependent convection or surface-to-surface radiation load (SF (p. 1464), SFE (p. 1487),
SFL (p. 1498), SFA (p. 1470))
Compression is usually not required unless memory space is limited and there are large gaps in the
numbering sequence.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Numbering Ctrls>Compress Numbers
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1077
The number of solutions to expand. This value is required.
Number of solutions to expand.
Expand all substeps between BEGRNG and ENDRNG (provided that ENDRNG > 0). If BEGRNG and ENDRNG
have no specified values, this option expands all substeps of all load steps.
Beginning and ending time (or frequency) range for expanded solutions. The default is 0 for both values.
The element-calculation key:
Calculate element results, nodal loads, and reaction loads. This value is the default.
Do not calculate these items.
Command Defaults
Issuing this command with no arguments is invalid. You must specify the number of solutions, or all
solutions, to expand (NUM). The default value for both the beginning (BEGRNG) and ending (ENDRNG)
time or frequency is 0. The default behavior of the command is to calculate element results, nodal loads,
and reaction loads (Elcalc = YES).
Specifies a range of solutions to be expanded from analyses that use mode-superposition methods
(ANTYPE (p. 140),HARMIC or TRANS) or substructuring (ANTYPE (p. 140),SUBSTR).
For ANTYPE (p. 140),TRANS, NUM, evenly spaced solutions are expanded between time BEGRNG and
time ENDRNG.
For ANTYPE (p. 140),HARMIC, NUM, evenly spaced solutions are expanded between frequency BEGRNG
and frequency ENDRNG.
The first expansion in all cases is done at the first point beyond BEGRNG (that is, at BEGRNG + (ENDRNG
- BEGRNG) / NUM)).
The resulting results file will maintain the same load step, substep, and time (or frequency) values as
the use pass.
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1078 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
For a single expansion of a solution, or for multiple expansions when the solutions are not evenly spaced
(such as in a mode-superposition harmonic analysis with the cluster option), ANSYS, Inc. recommends
issuing one or more EXPSOL (p. 600) commands.
• In a substructing analysis (ANTYPE (p. 140),SUBST) when a factorized matrix file (the .LN22 file generated
by the sparse solver) does not exist, causing ANSYS to employ the full-resolve method.
• If the full-resolve option is selected using the SEOPT (p. 1450) command.
In both situations, use the EXPSOL (p. 600) command to perform a single expansion for each solution
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>ExpansionPass>Single Expand>Range of
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>ExpansionPass>Single Expand>Range of Solu's
Items to be merged:
Keypoints (will also merge lines, areas, and volumes)
Element types
Real constants
Section types
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1079
Coupled sets
Constraint equations
All items
Range of coincidence. For Label = NODE and KP, defaults to 1.0E-4 (based on maximum Cartesian co-
ordinate difference between nodes or keypoints). For Label = MAT, REAL, SECT, and CE, defaults to 1.0E-
7 (based on difference of the values normalized by the values). Only items within range are merged. (For
keypoints attached to lines, further restrictions apply. See the GTOLER field and Merging Solid Model Entities
Global solid model tolerance -- used only when merging keypoints attached to lines. If specified, GTOLER
will override the internal relative solid model tolerance. See Merging Solid Model Entities below.
Specifies whether to merge or select coincident items.
Select coincident items but do not merge. Action = SELE is only valid for Label = NODE.
Merge the coincident items (default).
Specifies whether the lowest or highest numbered coincident item is retained after the merging operation.
This option does not apply to keypoints; i.e., for Label = KP, the lowest numbered keypoint is retained
regardless of the Switch setting.
Retain the lowest numbered coincident item after the merging operation (default).
Retain the highest numbered coincident item after the merging operation.
The NUMMRG command does not change a model's geometry, only the topology.
After issuing the command, the area and volume sizes (ASUM (p. 175) and VSUM (p. 1808)) may give
slightly different results. In order to obtain the same results as before, use /FACET (p. 609), /NOR-
MAL (p. 1047), and ASUM (p. 175) / VSUM (p. 1808).
The merge operation is useful for tying separate but coincident parts of a model together. If not all
items are to be checked for merging, use the select commands (NSEL (p. 1057), ESEL (p. 548), etc.) to select
items. Only selected items are included in the merge operation for nodes, keypoints, and elements.
By default, the merge operation retains the lowest numbered coincident item. Higher numbered coin-
cident items are deleted. Set Switch to HIGH to retain the highest numbered coincident item after
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1080 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
the merging operation. Applicable related items are also checked for deleted item numbers and if found,
are replaced with the retained item number. For example, if nodes are merged, element connectivities
(except superelements), mesh item range associativity, coupled degrees of freedom, constraint equations,
master degrees of freedom, gap conditions, degree of freedom constraints, nodal force loads, nodal
surface loads, and nodal body force loads are checked. Merging material numbers (NUMMRG,ALL or
NUMMRG,MAT) does not update the material number referenced:
When merging tapered beam or pipe sections, the program first uses the associated end sections for
merging. If the merge is successful, the program replaces the tapered section database with the end
section data.
If a unique load is defined among merged nodes, the value is kept and applied to the retained node.
If loads are not unique (not recommended), only the value on the lowest node (or highest if Switch
= HIGH) is kept (except for "force" loads for which the values are summed if they are not defined via
tabular boundary conditions).
The unused nodes (not recommended) in elements, couplings, constraint equations, etc.
may become active after the merge operation.
The Action field provides the option of visualizing the coincident items before the merging
When merging entities in a model that has already been meshed, the order in which you
issue multiple NUMMRG commands is significant. To merge two adjacent meshed regions
having coincident nodes and keypoints, always merge nodes (NUMMRG,NODE) before merging
keypoints (NUMMRG,KP); otherwise, some of the nodes may lose their association with the
solid model (causing other operations to fail). To prevent mesh failure, avoid multiple merging
and meshing operations .
After a NUMMRG,NODE command executes, some nodes may be attached to more than one solid entity.
As a result, subsequent attempts to transfer solid model loads to the elements may not be successful.
Issue NUMMRG,KP to correct this problem. Do NOT issue VCLEAR (p. 1741) before issuing NUMMRG,KP.
For NUMMRG,ELEM, elements must be identical in all aspects, including the direction of the element
coordinate system.
For certain solid and shell elements, the program interprets coincident faces as internal and eliminate
them. To prevent this from occurring, shrink the entities by a very small factor to delineate coincident
items (/SHRINK (p. 1516), 0.0001) and no internal nodes, lines, areas or elements will be eliminated.
When working with solid models, you may have better success with the gluing operations (AGLUE (p. 97),
LGLUE (p. 872), VGLUE (p. 1775)). Please read the following information when attempting to merge solid
model entities.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1081
Adjacent, touching regions can be joined by gluing them (AGLUE (p. 97), LGLUE (p. 872), VGLUE (p. 1775))
or by merging coincident keypoints (NUMMRG,KP, which also causes merging of identical lines, areas,
and volumes). In many situations, either approach will work just fine. Some factors, however, may lead
to a preference for one method over the other.
Geometric Configuration
Gluing is possible regardless of the initial alignment or offset of the input entities. Keypoint merging is
possible only if each keypoint on one side of the face to be joined is matched by a coincident keypoint
on the other side. This is commonly the case after a symmetry reflection (ARSYM (p. 159) or
VSYMM (p. 1810)) or a copy (AGEN (p. 96) or VGEN (p. 1765)), especially for a model built entirely in ANSYS
rather than imported from a CAD system. When the geometry is extremely precise, and the configuration
is correct for keypoint merging, NUMMRG is more efficient and robust than AGLUE (p. 97) or
VGLUE (p. 1775).
Model Accuracy
As with all boolean operations, gluing requires that the input entities meet the current boolean tolerance
(BTOL). Otherwise, AGLUE (p. 97) or VGLUE (p. 1775) may fail. In such cases, relaxing the tolerance may
allow the glue to complete. An advantage of gluing is that it is unlikely to degrade the accuracy of a
geometric model. Keypoint merging can operate on almost any combination of entities (although you
may have to override the default tolerances on NUMMRG). However, it can also introduce or increase
accuracy flaws, making later boolean operations less likely to succeed. If the input tolerances are too
large, NUMMRG can collapse out small lines, areas, or volumes you intended to keep, possibly rendering
the model unusable.
Mesh Status
As with all boolean operations, gluing requires that the input entities be unmeshed. Keypoint merging
is effective for meshed models under the right conditions. More information on keypoint merging follows.
When merging solid model entities (Label = KP or ALL), keypoint locations are used as the basis for
merging. Once keypoints are merged, any higher order solid model entities (lines, areas, and volumes),
regardless of their select status or attachment to the merged keypoints, are considered for merging.
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1082 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• is less than 1E-5 times the length of the longest line attached to those keypoints (internal
relative solid model tolerance), or is less than GTOLER (global solid model tolerance) if
The TOLER field is a consideration tolerance. If a keypoint is within TOLER of another keypoint, then
those two keypoints are candidates to be merged. If, when "moving" the higher numbered keypoint,
the distance exceeds the internal relative solid model tolerance, or the global solid model tolerance
(GTOLER) if specified, the keypoints will not be merged. Lines, areas, and volumes are considered for
merging in a similar manner.
The internal relative solid model tolerance should be overridden by the global solid model tolerance
(GTOLER) only when absolutely necessary. GTOLER is an absolute tolerance; if specified, relative lengths
of lines in the model will no longer be considered in the merge operation. If GTOLER is too large, you
can "merge-out" portions of your model accidently, effectively defeaturing the model. If using GTOLER,
it is good practice so first save the database before issuing NUMMRG (as undesired merges of solid
model entities could occur).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Merge Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Delete>Pre-tens Elemnts
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Numbering Ctrls>Merge Items
Apply offset number to one of the following sets of items:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1083
Element types
Real constants
Coupled sets
Section numbers
Constraint equations
Coordinate systems
Offset number value (cannot be negative)
Attribute reference key:
Useful for offsetting current model data to prevent overlap if another model is read in. CDWRITE (p. 256)
automatically writes the appropriate NUMOFF commands followed by the model data to File.CDB.
When the file is read, therefore, any model already existing in the database is offset before the model
data on the file is read.
Offsetting material numbers with this command (NUMOFF,MAT) does not update the material number
referenced by either of the following:
• A temperature-dependent convection or surface-to-surface radiation load (SF (p. 1464), SFE (p. 1487),
SFL (p. 1498), SFA (p. 1470))
A mismatch may therefore exist between the material definitions and the material numbers referenced.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Numbering Ctrls>Add Num Offset
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1084 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Apply starting number to one of the following sets of items:
Node numbers. Value defaults (and is continually reset) to 1 + maximum node number in model.
Cannot be reset lower.
Element numbers. Value defaults (and is continually reset) to 1 + maximum element number in
model. Cannot be reset lower.
Keypoint numbers. Value defaults to 1. Only undefined numbers are used. Existing keypoints are not
Line numbers. Value defaults to 1. Only undefined numbers are used. Existing lines are not overwritten.
Area numbers. Value defaults to 1. Only undefined numbers are used. Existing areas are not overwritten.
Volume numbers. Value defaults to 1. Only undefined numbers are used. Existing volumes are not
Default. Returns all starting numbers to their default values.
Starting number value.
Establishes starting numbers for various items that may have numbers automatically assigned (such as
element numbers with the EGEN (p. 499) command, and node and solid model entity numbers with the
mesh [AMESH (p. 106), VMESH (p. 1784), etc.] commands). Use NUMSTR,STAT to display settings. Use
NUMSTR,DEFA to reset all specifications back to defaults. Defaults may be lowered by deleting and
compressing items (i.e., NDELE (p. 1011) and NUMCMP (p. 1076),NODE for nodes, etc.).
A mesh clear operation (VCLEAR (p. 1741), ACLEAR (p. 86), LCLEAR (p. 853), and KCLEAR (p. 813))
automatically sets starting node and element numbers to the highest unused numbers. If a
specific starting node or element number is desired, issue NUMSTR after the clear operation.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1085
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Numbering Ctrls>Reset Start Num
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Numbering Ctrls>Set Start Number
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Numbering Ctrls>Start Num Status
Specifies the number of variables allowed in POST26.
POST26 (p. 55): Set Up (p. 55)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Allow storage for NV variables. 200 maximum are allowed. Defaults to 10. TIME (variable 1) should also be
included in this number.
Command Default
Allow storage for 10 variables.
Specifies the number of variables allowed for data read from the results file and for data resulting from
an operation (if any). For efficiency, NV should not be larger than necessary. NV cannot be changed
after data storage begins.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Settings>File
Restores original order for nodal data.
POST1 (p. 48): Results (p. 48)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This command restores the nodal data to its original order (sorted in ascending node number sequence)
after an NSORT (p. 1069) command. Changing the selected nodal set [NSEL (p. 1057)] also restores the
original nodal order.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>List Results>Sorted Listing>Unsort Nodes
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1086 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Averaging is based on the active coordinate system.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Offset WP to>Nodes
Window number whose viewing direction will be modified to be normal to the working plane (defaults to
1). If WN is a negative value, the viewing direction will not be modified. If fewer than three points are used,
the viewing direction of window WN will be used instead to define the normal to the working plane.
Node number defining the origin of the working plane coordinate system. If NORIG = P, graphical picking
is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI).
Node number defining the x-axis orientation (defaults to the x-axis being parallel to the global X-axis; or
if the normal to the working plane is parallel to the global X-axis, then defaults to being parallel to the
global Y-axis).
Node number defining the working plane (the normal defaults to the present display view [/VIEW (p. 1776)]
of window WN).
Defines a working plane to assist in picking operations using three nodes as an alternate to the
WPLANE (p. 1820) command. The three nodes also define the working plane coordinate system. A min-
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1087
imum of one node (at the working plane origin) is required. Immediate mode may also be active. See
the WPSTYL (p. 1821) command to set the style of the working plane display.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Create Surface>Sphere>At Node
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Align WP with>Nodes
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
Append key:
Rewind file before the write operation.
Append data to the end of the existing file.
Writes selected nodes [NSEL (p. 1057)] to a file. The write operation is not necessary in a standard ANSYS
run but is provided as a convenience to users wanting a coded node file. Data are written in a coded
format. The format used is (I9, 6G21.13E3) to write out NODE,X,Y,Z,THXY,THYZ,THZX. If the last number
is zero (THZX = 0), or the last set of numbers are zero, they are not written but are left blank. Therefore,
you must use a formatted read to process this file. Coordinate values are in the global Cartesian system.
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1088 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Nodes>Write Node File
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1089
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1090 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
O Commands
The OCDATA command specifies non-table data that defines the ocean load, such as the depth of the
ocean to the mud line, the ratio of added mass over added mass for a circular cross section, or the wave
type to apply. The terms VAL1, VAL2, etc. are specialized according to the input set required for the
given ocean load.
The program interprets the data input via the OCDATA command within the context of the most recently
issued OCTYPE (p. 1104) command.
DEPTH -- The depth of the ocean (that is, the distance between the mean sea level and the mud line). The
water surface is assumed to be level in the XY plane, with Z being positive upwards. This value is required
and must be positive.
MATOC -- The material number of the ocean. This value is required and is used to input the required
density. It is also used to input the viscosity if the Reynolds number is used (OCTABLE (p. 1100)).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1091
KFLOOD -- The inside-outside fluid-interaction key:
0 -- The density and pressure of fluid inside and outside of the pipe element (PIPE288 or PIPE289)
are independent of each other. This behavior is the default.
1 -- The density and pressure of fluid inside of the pipe element (PIPE288 or PIPE289) are set to
equal the values outside of the pipe element.
For beam subtype CTUBE and HREC used with BEAM188 or BEAM189 and ocean loading, KFLOOD
is always set to 1.
Cay -- The ratio of added mass of the external fluid over the mass of the fluid displaced by the element
cross section in the y direction (normal). The added mass represents the mass of the external fluid (ocean
water) that moves with the pipe, beam, or link element when the element moves in the element y direction
during a dynamic analysis.
If no value is specified, and the coefficient of inertia CMy is not specified (OCTABLE (p. 1100)), both
values default to 0.0.
If no value is specified, but CMy is specified, this value defaults to Cay = CMy - 1.0.
Caz -- The ratio of added mass of the external fluid over the mass of a cross section in the element z direction
(normal). The added mass represents the mass of the external fluid (ocean water) that moves with the
pipe, beam, or link element when the element moves in the element z direction during a dynamic analysis.
If no value is specified, and the coefficient of inertia CMz is not specified (OCTABLE (p. 1100)), both
values default to 0.0.
If no value is specified, but CMz is specified, this value defaults to Cay = CMz - 1.0.
Cb -- The ratio of buoyancy force used over buoyancy force based on the outside diameter and water
density. Accept the default value in most cases. Adjust this option only when you must account for addi-
tional hardware (such as a control valve) attached to the pipe exterior. A non-default value may lead to
small non-physical inconsistencies; testing is therefore recommended for non-default values.
If this value should be 0.0 (useful when troubleshooting your input), enter 0.0.
Zmsl -- A vertical offset from the global origin to the mean sea level. The default value is zero (meaning
that the origin is located at the mean sea level).
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1092 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• A tidal change (tc) above the mean sea level (Zmsl = tc, and DEPTH becomes DEPTH + tc)
Ktable -- The dependency of VAL1 on the OCTABLE (p. 1100) command:
Z (or 1) -- Values on the OCTABLE (p. 1100) command depend on the Z levels (default).
RE (or 2) -- Values on the OCTABLE (p. 1100) command depend on the Reynolds number.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1093
THETA -- Angle of the wave direction θ from the global Cartesian X axis toward the global Cartesian Y axis
(in degrees).
WAVELOC (valid when KWAVE = 0 through 3, and 101+) -- The wave location type:
0 -- Pierson-Moskowitz (default).
2 -- User-defined spectrum.
KCRC -- The wave-current interaction key.
Adjustments to the current profile are available via the KCRC constant of the water motion table.
Typically, these options are used only when the wave amplitude is large relative to the water depth,
such that significant wave-current interaction exists.
0 -- Use the current profile (as input) for wave locations below the mean water level, and
the top current profile value for wave locations above the mean water level (default).
1 -- Linearly stretch or compress the current profile from the mud line to the top of the
2 -- Similar to KCRC = 1, but also adjusts the current profile horizontally such that total
flow continuity is maintained with the input profile. All current directions Th(j) must be
The following option is valid only when KWAVE = 5 through 7:
3 -- Nonlinear stretch or compress the current profile, as recommended in API RP 2A Codes
of Practice for Designing and Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms.
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1094 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
KMF -- The MacCamy-Fuchs adjustment key, typically used only for larger-diameter pipes in relatively
shallow water:
PRKEY -- The wavelength wave-printout key:
The following input values are valid only when KWAVE = 5 through 7:
APC -- Activate apparent period calculation when a wave is superimposed upon a current:
DSA -- Stretching depth factor:
Stretching is performed between a distance of DSA * Hs below the mean water level (MWL)
and the water surface, where Hs is the significant wave height measured from the MWL. No
stretching occurs outside this range, or if the wave surface is below the MWL. If DSA * Hs is
negative, stretching is performed between that level above the MWL and the water surface. The
default DSA value is 0.5.
DELTA -- Delta stretching parameter (0.0 DELTA 1.0):
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1095
A value of 0.0 corresponds to Wheeler stretching under wave crests, 1.0 corresponds to linear
extrapolation of kinematics at mean water level to crest. (Default = 0.3.) If zero is required,
specify a small positive number (0.01 or less) instead.
Wave kinematics factor or wave spreading angle:
KINE (KWAVE = 5 or 7) -- Wave kinematics factor (0.0 < KINE 1.0). The factor is used to
account for wave spreading by modifying the horizontal wave velocities and accelerations. A
value of 1.0 corresponds to uni-directional wave with no spreading. (Default = 1.0, no spreading.)
SPANGLE (KWAVE = 6) -- Wave spreading angle in degrees (0.0 SPANGLE ≤ 40.0). The
angle is used to compute a wave spreading factor to modify the horizontal wave kinematics for
nearly unidirectional seas. SPANGLE = 0.0 corresponds to no spreading. (Default = 0.0, no
Random seed value for phase angle generation, or wave crest amplitude value:
SEED (KWAVE = 5) -- Initial seed for random phase angle generation. (Default = 1.)
AMPMAX (KWAVE = 6) -- Maximum wave crest amplitude (distance between the mean water
level and maximum wave crest).
AMPCONST (KWAVE = 7) -- Constrained wave crest amplitude (distance between the mean water
level and wave crest).
TOFF -- Time offset at which the maximum wave crest will occur. (Default = 0.0.)
ROFF -- Position offset along the wave direction where the maximum wave crest will occur. (Default = 0.0.)
EVOLVING (KWAVE = 6) -- Activate evolving wave:
SEED (KWAVE = 7) -- Initial seed for random phase angle generation. (Default = 1.)
Recommendations given in API RP 2A Codes of Practice for Designing and Constructing Fixed Offshore
Platforms can be enforced via the following settings (valid only when KWAVE = 5 through 7):
• Set APC = 1 (VAL7) to enable automatic computation of apparent wave period when a wave is
superimposed upon a current.
• If KWAVE = 5 or 7, specify wave kinematics factor KINE (VAL10) to modify the horizontal velocities and
accelerations due to wave spreading. The factor can be estimated from measurement or hindcast
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1096 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
directional spectral wave data as , where n is the exponent in the cosine wave spreading
function at the spectral peak frequency.
• If KWAVE = 6, specify wave spreading angle SPANGLE (VAL10) to modify the horizontal velocities and
accelerations due to wave spreading. This parameter differs from the wave kinematics factor indicated
in the API codes, but the principle is similar nevertheless.
For VAL11 (when KWAVE = 6 or 7), if no maximum or constrained wave crest amplitude (AMPCONST
or AMPMAX) is defined, the value is calculated based on the significant wave height obtained from
the spectrum data (OCTABLE (p. 1100)). For further information, see Hydrodynamic Loads in the
Mechanical APDL Theory Reference.
For VAL14, the Shell new wave model (KWAVE = 6) is evolving (or dispersive) in that the crest height
varies with time. By default, however, the wave is “frozen” so that it can be stepped through in a
quasi-static manner.
When using waves in a superelement generation run (ANTYPE (p. 140),SUBSTR), consider whether you
should take the ocean level into account (SeOcLvL on the SEOPT (p. 1450) command).
KFLOOD -- The inside-outside fluid-interaction key.
Cay -- The ratio of added mass of the external fluid over the mass of a cross section in the element y dir-
ection (normal).
Caz -- The ratio of added mass of the external fluid over the mass of a cross section in the element z direction
Cb -- The ratio of buoyancy force used over buoyancy force based on the outside diameter and water
Arguments not specified default to the global values specified for the basic ocean type. Therefore, the
relationship between Ca and CM values (Ca = CM - 1.0) is not applied to ocean zones.
For a pipe-type ocean zone (OCZONE (p. 1105),PIP), KFLOOD is the only valid option.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1097
Ocean data type to delete. Valid values are BASIC, CURRENT, WAVE, ZONE, and ALL.
The name of the ocean zone to delete. If no name is specified, all defined ocean zones are deleted. Valid
only when DataType = ZONE.
The OCDELETE command deletes previously specified ocean data from the database.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Ocean data type to list. Valid values are BASIC, CURRENT, WAVE, ZONE, and ALL.
The name of an ocean zone to list. If no name is specified, all defined ocean zones are listed. Valid only
when DataType = ZONE.
The OCLIST command summarizes the ocean properties for all defined ocean loads in the current session.
When this command follows the SOLVE (p. 1538) command, certain waves types also list the calculated
wave length.
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1098 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
External ocean data file name (excluding the filename extension) and directory path containing the file.
For more information, see the Notes (p. 1099) section.
Filename extension (limited to eight characters).
Reserved field.
Integer value passed to the userOceanRead subroutine (as iOption) for user-defined waves. This value
does not apply to the diffracted wave type.
The OCREAD command imports ocean data that has been defined externally (for example, via the Hy-
drodynamic Diffraction System (AQWA)).
The command operates on the ocean load ID specified via the most recently issued OCTYPE (p. 1104)
command. Issue a separate OCREAD command for each ocean load that you want to read into the
Fname is limited to 248 characters, including the directory path. If Fname does not include a directory
path, the program searches for the specified file in the current working directory. An unspecified Fname
defaults to Jobname.
For the diffracted wave type (KWAVE = 8 on the OCDATA (p. 1091) command), you must issue an
OCREAD command for the ocean wave ID in order to import the hydrodynamic data from the hydro-
dynamic analysis.
For more information, see Applying Ocean Loading from a Hydrodynamic Analysis in the Advanced
Analysis Guide.
To learn more about creating user-defined waves, see Subroutine userPanelHydFor (Calculating Panel
Loads Caused by Ocean Loading) in the Programmer's Reference.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1099
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
The OCTABLE specifies table data that defines the ocean load. The terms VAL1, VAL2, etc. are specialized
according to the input set required for the given ocean load.
The program interprets the data input via the OCTABLE command within the context of the most recently
issued OCTYPE (p. 1104) command.
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1100 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
CMy = Coefficient of inertia in the element y direction. If no value is specified, and Cay is specified,
this value defaults to Cay + 1.0. If neither this value nor Cay is specified, both values default to
CMz = Coefficent of inertia in the element z direction. If no value is specified, and CMy is specified
on the same OCTABLE command, this value defaults to CMy. If neither this value nor CMy is specified,
and Caz is specified, this value defaults to Caz + 1.0. If neither this value nor Caz is specified, both
values default to 0.0.
• If the current is constant, only one OCTABLE command is necessary and Dep is not required.
• For waves (p. 1101), the current profile is stretched or compressed linearly up to 10 percent.
• The first Dep value (representing the mean sea level) must be zero. The last Dep value (representing the
mud line) must be equal to the DEPTH value input on the OCDATA (p. 1091) command.
• The Cartesian Z values used to locate nodes, etc. decrease as one moves from the ocean surface to the sea
floor, but the Dep values increase. See Figure 7: Basic Ocean Data Type Components (p. 1093).
• Dep is not affected by changes to Zmsl on the OCDATA (p. 1091) command, as that value simply relocates
the origin.
Wave location data to provide in the value fields (valid only when KWAVE = 0 through 3, or 8, on
the OCDATA (p. 1091) command):
H = Wave height (peak-to-trough).
T = Wave period.
Ps = Phase shift (in degrees)
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1101
L = Wavelength. An optional value used only when KWAVE = 0 or 1 (and ignored for all other KWAVE
NORDER = Order used by stream function wave theory (KWAVE = 3). This value is optional.
KPRCO = Key for printing (1) or not printing (0 and default) the calculated dimensionless coefficients
of the stream function wave theory (KWAVE = 3). This value is optional.
• The TIME (p. 1676) command is not used, except perhaps to identify the load case.
• The phase shift (Ps) determines the wave position (that is, the point at which the load
is to be applied).
• When using the Stokes fifth-order (KWAVE = 2) or stream function (KWAVE = 3) wave
type, issue only one OCTABLE command.
• The valid range of the order of the stream function (NORDER) is 3 through 50. If no value
is specified, the program determines a value automatically.
• When using the diffracted wave type (KWAVE = 8), an OCREAD (p. 1099) command is also
required to read in the hydrodynamic data from the hydrodynamic analysis.
Wave spectrum data to provide in the value fields (valid only when KWAVE = 5 through 7 on the
OCDATA (p. 1091) command):
SPECTRUM = 0 (Pierson-Moskowitz spectrum)
HS = Significant wave height of the spectrum.
TP = Peak period for the spectrum.
NWC = Number of wave components (1 NWC 1000) to model the spectrum. (Default = 50.)
SPECTRUM = 1 (JONSWAP spectrum)
HS = Significant wave height of the spectrum.
TP = Peak period for the spectrum.
GAMMA = Peak enhancement factor for the spectrum. (Default = 3.3.)
NWC = Number of wave components (1 NWC 1000) to model the spectrum. (Default = 50.)
SPECTRUM = 2 (User-defined spectrum)
w, s, NWC
w = Angular frequency (rad/s).
s = Spectral energy density (Length2 / (rad/s))
NWC = Number of wave components (1 NWC 1000) to model the spectrum. (Default = 50.)
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1102 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• When defining a Pierson-Moskowitz or JONSWAP spectrum for Shell new wave (KWAVE
= 6 on the OCDATA (p. 1091) command), HS is calculated from the maximum wave crest
amplitude (AMPMAX on the OCDATA (p. 1091) command) if no value is specified. For
further information, see Hydrodynamic Loads in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference.
• For a user-defined spectrum (SPECTRUM = 2 on the OCDATA (p. 1091) command), issue
an OCTABLE command for each frequency data point defining the spectrum. Specify
the frequency data in ascending order. The number of wave components (NWC) is re-
quired on the first OCTABLE command only.
Arguments not specified default to the global values specified for the basic ocean type (OC-
TYPE (p. 1104),BASIC). Therefore, the relationship between Ca and CM values (Ca = CM - 1.0) is not applied
to ocean zones.
The OCTABLE command is not valid for a pipe-type ocean zone (OCZONE (p. 1105),PIP).
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1103
The type of ocean data to be input following this command:
The basic ocean load, required for any ocean loading.
An optional drift current.
An optional ocean wave state.
Specify basic, current, or wave input data via the OCDATA (p. 1091) and
OCTABLE (p. 1100) commands. The example input fragment listed in the Notes (p. 1436)
section shows how to use the ocean load data types.
An eight-character name for the ocean load. An ocean name can consist of letters and numbers, but cannot
contain punctuation, special characters, or spaces.
The OCTYPE command specifies the type of ocean load data to follow (basic, current, or wave). Issue
this command before defining your ocean load data (OCDATA (p. 1091) and OCTABLE (p. 1100)).
Ocean loading applies only to current-technology pipe (PIPE288 and PIPE289), surface (SURF154), link
(LINK180) and beam (BEAM188 and BEAM189) elements.
An ocean current or wave is accessible repeatedly. For example, it is not necessary to input an identical
current table again just because the drag coefficients of the basic input table have changed.
The following example shows how you can use the basic (DataType = BASIC), current (DataType =
CURR), and wave (DataType = WAVE) ocean data types within the context of a simple input file frag-
Do=1.5 ! outside diameter
th=0.1 ! wall thickness
height=10 ! wave height
CS=2 ! surface current speed
Depth=100 ! water depth
matwat=2 ! material number id of the ocean
secpipe= 1 ! section number of the pipe
secdata,Do,th,16 ! 16 cells around circumference
ocdata,Depth,matwat,0,0,0,0 ! suppress added mass and buoyancy
octable,,,.5,.5,,2 ! CD = .5, CM = 2
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1104 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
The type of ocean zone data to be input following this command:
Define by a component.
Define by Z levels.
Associate an internal pipe or pipes with an external pipe.
The ocean zone name. If no name is specified, the program assigns one.
For Zonetype = COMP, the required name of a component.
For Zonetype = PIP, the required name of an external pipe component.
The OCZONE command specifies the type of ocean zone data to follow (component, Z-level, or internal
pipes associated with an external pipe). An ocean zone is a local space where you can override global
ocean-loading parameters.
Names specified for ZoneName, CompNameInt, and CompNameExt can consist of up to 32 alphanu-
meric characters. The name cannot contain punctuation, special characters, or spaces.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1105
For Zonetype = COMP, the zone is defined by a component. Only the elements in the component are
affected by the local parameters. A partial component can be defined as the zone via the Z input on
the OCTABLE (p. 1100) command.
For Zonetype = ZLOC, the zone is defined by Z levels. Structural elements (such as BEAM188, BEAM189,
PIPE288, PIPE289, and LINK180) in the Z levels are included in the zone.
For Zonetype = PIP, the zone is prepared for a special configuration of pipes. It associates an internal
pipe or pipes with an external pipe to remove the hydrodynamic effect on the internal pipe. Only hy-
drostatic pressure is applied on the internal pipe.
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1106 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Issue this command before defining your ocean load data (OCDATA (p. 1091) or OCTABLE (p. 1100)). Define
components before defining a component-type or a pipe-type zone (OCZONE,COMP or OCZONE,PIP,
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
This command specifies the rotational velocity of the structure about each of the global Cartesian axes
(right-hand rule). Rotational velocities may be defined in these analysis types:
The OMEGA command supports tabular boundary conditions (%TABNAME_X%, %TABNAME_Y%, and
%TABNAME_Z%) for OMEGA_X, OMEGA_Y, and OMEGA_Z input values (*DIM (p. 435)) for full transient
and harmonic analyses.
Rotational velocities are combined with the element mass matrices to form a body force load vector
term. Units are radians/time. Related commands are ACEL (p. 85), CGLOC (p. 273), CGOMGA (p. 274),
DCGOMG (p. 409), and DOMEGA (p. 471).
If you have applied the Coriolis effect (CORIOLIS (p. 345)) using a stationary reference frame, the OMEGA
command takes the gyroscopic damping matrix into account for the elements listed in the “Stationary
Reference Frame” heading in the notes section of the CORIOLIS (p. 345) command. The element axis
must pass through the global Cartesian origin. ANSYS verifies that the rotation vector axis is parallel to
the axis of the element; if not, the gyroscopic effect is not applied. After issuing the OMEGA command
when the Coriolis or gyroscopic effect is present, a subsequently issued CMOMEGA (p. 305) command
has no effect.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1107
In a mode-superposition harmonic or transient analysis, you must apply the load in the modal portion
of the analysis. Mechanical APDL calculates a load vector and writes it to the MODE file, which you can
apply via the LVSCALE (p. 914) command.
The load interpolation setting (KBC (p. 808)) applies to the rotational velocity, in particular the OMG-
SQRDKEY option for quadratic interpolation.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Inertia>Angular Veloc>Global
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Inertia>Angular Veloc>Global
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Inertia>Angular Veloc>Global
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Inertia>Angular Veloc>Global
Specifies "Operation data" as the subsequent status topic.
POST26 (p. 55): Status (p. 57)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Degree-of-freedom label used to base a decision for increasing the time step (substep) interval in a
nonlinear or transient analysis. The only DOF label currently supported is TEMP.
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1108 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Factor for increasing the time step interval. Specify when AUTOTS (p. 179),ON is issued and specify a
VALUE > 1.0 (up to 10.0). The default VALUE = 1.5 (except for thermal analysis, where it is 3.0). Generally,
VALUE > 3.0 is not recommended. Note that in some rare cases this specification can be overwritten
by internal heuristics in determining the new time step interval.
Two values used in the algorithm for determining if the time step interval can be increased. Valid only
when Lab = DOF.
The time step interval is increased if the maximum absolute value of the incremental solution at
the specified DOF label is less than VALUE for the number of contiguous time steps specified by
NUMSTEP. The default VALUE = 0.1 and the default NUMSTEP = 3.
This command is available only for nonlinear static or full transient analysis. For linear full transient
analysis, where the time step interval can be predominantly determined by the estimated modal fre-
quency (number of solution points in a cycle in the dynamic system), the OPENUPFACTOR specified
may show no effect.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Nonlinear>Open Control
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Nonlinear>Open Control
Name of the superelement that models the wind turbine supporting structure. Defaults to the current
First time at which the load vector is formed (defaults to be read from SENAME.sub).
Time step size of the load vectors (defaults to be read from SENAME.sub).
Both TIMEB and DTIME must be blank if the time data is to be read from the SENAME.sub file.
The matrix file (SENAME.SUB) must be available from the substructure generation run before issuing
this command. This superelement that models the wind turbine supporting structure must contain only
one master node with six freedoms per node: UX, UY, UZ, ROTX, ROTY, ROTZ. The master node represents
the connection point between the turbine and the supporting structure.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1109
This command will generate four files that are exported to the aeroelastic code for integrated wind
turbine analysis. The four files are Jobname.GNK for the generalized stiffness matrix, Jobname.GNC
for the generalized damping matrix, Jobname.GNM for the generalized mass matrix and Jobname.GNF
for the generalized load vectors.
For detailed information on how to perform a wind coupling analysis, see Coupling to External Aeroelastic
Analysis of Wind Turbines in the Advanced Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Geometry data item for file write control:
Material Properties.
Reset OUTGEOM specifications to their default values.
List the current OUTGEOM specifications.
Specifies how often to write the specified geometry data:
Suppress writing of the specified item for all substeps.
Write the data of the specified item for every substep.
Command Default
All geometry data (including material data) is written to the results file.
The OUTGEOM command controls writing of the specified geometry Item to the results file. The
geometry items correspond to the geometry records that are included in the results file (see the GEO
records of the results file as described in Results File Format in the Programmer's Reference).
The command generates a specification for controlling data storage by either activating storage of the
specified geometry item (Freq = ALL) or by suppressing storage of that item (Freq = NONE).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1110 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
You can issue multiple OUTGEOM commands in an analysis. After the initial command creates the
storage specification, subsequent OUTGEOM commands modify the specification set. The command
processes your specifications in the order in which you input them. If you specify a given Item twice,
output is based upon the last specification.
In addition to OUTGEOM, OUTPR (p. 1112) and OUTRES (p. 1115) also control solution output. You can
issue up to 50 of these output-control commands (any combination of the three) in an analysis.
OUTGEOM,ERASE erases the existing output specifications and resets the counted number of OUTGEOM
commands to zero.
When material property information is not written to the results file (OUTGEOM,MAT,NONE),
clearing the database via /CLEAR (p. 291) and reading in a set of data in the general postpro-
cessor (/POST1 (p. 1221)) via the SET (p. 1458) command results in no material property data
being stored in the database. In this case, the lack of material data prevents a successful
solve from occurring with the modified database, and the results file is only applicable for
carrying out post-processing.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Specifies "Output options" as the subsequent status topic.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Status (p. 46)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>Solution>Output Options
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1111
Item for print control:
Basic quantities (nodal DOF solution, nodal reaction loads, and element solution) (default).
Nodal DOF solution.
Nodal reaction loads.
Element solution.
Element nodal loads. When nonlinear stabilization is active, the stabilization force/moments are also
Stabilization force/moment at the applicable nodes (valid only when nonlinear stabilization is active).
Element energies. When nonlinear stabilization is active, the energy dissipation due to stabilization is
also printed.
Result section force/moment output (valid only when a result section is defined). Result section output
is always written to a file named Jobname.SECF.
Nodal velocity (applicable to structural transient analysis only (ANTYPE (p. 140),TRANS)).
Nodal acceleration (applicable to structural transient analysis only (ANTYPE (p. 140),TRANS)).
All of the above solution items.
Print solution for this item every Freqth (and the last) substep of each load step. If -n, print up to n equally
spaced solutions (only applies to static or full transient analyses when automatic time stepping is enabled).
If NONE, suppress all printout for this item for this load step. If ALL, print solution for this item for every
substep. If LAST, print solution for this item only for the last substep of each load step. For a modal analysis,
use NONE or ALL.
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1112 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Name of the component, created with the CM (p. 295) command, defining the selected set of nodes or
elements for which this specification is active. If blank, the set is all entities.
The component named must be of the same type as the item, i.e. nodal or element. A
component name is not allowed with the BASIC, RSFO, or ALL labels.
Command Default
No printout.
Controls the solution items to be printed, the frequency with which they are printed (in static, transient,
or full harmonic analyses), and the set of nodes or elements to which this specification applies (in static,
transient, or full harmonic analyses). An item is associated with either a node (NSOL (p. 1067),
RFORCE (p. 1343), V, and A items) or an element (all of the remaining items). The specifications are pro-
cessed in the order that they are input. Use OUTPR,STAT to list the current specifications and use
OUTPR,ERASE to erase all the current specifications.
In addition to OUTPR, OUTRES (p. 1115) and OUTGEOM (p. 1110) also control solution output. You can
issue up to 50 of these output-control commands (any combination of the three) in an analysis.
As described above, OUTPR writes some or all items (depending on analysis type) for all elements. To
restrict the solution printout, use OUTPR to selectively suppress (Freq = NONE) the writing of solution
data, or first suppress the writing of all solution data (OUTPR,ALL,NONE) and then selectively turn on
the writing of solution data with subsequent OUTPR commands.
If the generalized plane strain feature is active and OUTPR is issued, the change of fiber length at the
ending point during deformation and the rotation of the ending plane about X and Y during deformation
will be printed if any displacement at the nodes is printed. The reaction forces at the ending point will
be printed if any reaction force at the nodes is printed.
Nodal reaction loads (Item = RSOL) are processed according to the specifications listed for the
PRRSOL (p. 1265) command.
Result printouts for interactive sessions are suppressed for models with more than 10 elements except
when the printout is redirected to a file using the /OUTPUT (p. 1114) command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Output Ctrls>Solu Printout
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Output Ctrls>Solu Printout
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1113
Filename and directory path (248 character maximum, including directory) to which text output will be
redirected (defaults to Jobname if Ext is specified). For interactive runs, Fname = TERM (or blank) redirects
output to the screen. For batch runs, Fname = blank (with all remaining command arguments blank) re-
directs output to the default system output file.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
Location within a file to which output will be written:
Output is written starting at the top of the file (default).
Output is appended to the existing file.
Command Default
Text output is written to the screen for interactive runs and to the system output file for batch runs
(see the Basic Analysis Guide).
Text output includes responses to every command and GUI function, notes, warnings, errors, and other
informational messages. Upon execution of /OUTPUT (p. 1114),Fname, Ext, ..., all subsequent text
output is redirected to the file Fname.Ext. To redirect output back to the default location, issue
/OUTPUT (p. 1114) (no arguments).
When using the GUI, output from list operations [NLIST (p. 1035), DLIST (p. 453), etc.] is always
sent to a list window regardless of the /OUTPUT (p. 1114) setting. The output can then be
saved on a file or copied to the /OUTPUT (p. 1114) location using the File menu in the list
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1114 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>File>Switch Output to>File
Utility Menu>File>Switch Output to>Output Window
Solution item for database and file-write control:
All solution items except LOCI and SVAR (default).
Write only NSOL, RSOL, NLOAD, STRS, FGRAD, and FFLUX records to the results file and database.
Resets OUTRES specifications to their default values.
Lists the current OUTRES specifications.
Nodal degree-of-freedom solution.
Nodal reaction loads.
Nodal velocity (applicable to structural transient analysis only (ANTYPE (p. 140),TRANS)).
Nodal acceleration (applicable to structural transient analysis only (ANTYPE (p. 140),TRANS)).
All available results generated by the CINT (p. 281) command.
State variables (used only by UserMat).
Enables or disables all of the following element-solution items. (These items can also be individually
enabled or disabled.)
Element nodal, input constraint, and force loads (also used with POST1 commands PRRFOR (p. 1264),
NFORCE (p. 1015), and FSUM (p. 652) to calculate reaction loads).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1115
Element nodal stresses.
Element elastic strains.
Element thermal, initial, and swelling strains.
Element plastic strains.
Element creep strains.
Element diffusion strains.
Element nodal gradients.
Element nodal fluxes.
Integration point locations.
Element energies.
Element miscellaneous data (SMISC and NMISC items on the ETABLE (p. 572) command).
Electromagnetic nodal forces.
Element source current density.
Element nonlinear data.
Element heat generation rate.
Element temperatures.
Element surface stresses.
Element contact data.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1116 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Element backstresses. Enabling this output also requires that you enable EPPL.
Element Euler angles.
Enables or disables all of the following advanced element-solution output items. (These items
cannot be individually enabled or disabled.)
Specifies how often (that is, at which substeps) to write the specified solution item. The following values
are valid:
Value Description
n Writes the specified solution item every nth (and the last) substep of
each load step.
-n Writes up to n equally spaced solutions.
The time range is divided into equally spaced time points. The
first solution at or just past the time point is written. If the time
steps span two time points, only one is written.
NONE Suppresses writing of the specified solution item for all substeps.
ALL Writes the solution of the specified solution item for every substep.
This value is the default for a harmonic analysis
(ANTYPE (p. 140),HARMIC) and for any expansion pass
(EXPASS (p. 595),ON).
LAST Writes the specified solution item only for the last substep of each load
step. This value is the default for a static (ANTYPE (p. 140),STATIC) or
transient (ANTYPE (p. 140),TRANS) analysis.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1117
Value Description
%ar- Where array is the name of an n x 1 x 1 dimensional array parameter
ray% defining n key times, the data for the specified solution item is written
at those key times.
The name of the component, created with the CM (p. 295) command, defining the selected set of elements
or nodes for which this specification is active. If blank, the set is all entities. A component name is not allowed
with the ALL, BASIC, or RSOL items.
Reserved for future use.
The number of user-defined state variables (TB (p. 1603),STATE) to be written to the results file. Valid only
when Item = SVAR and user-defined state variables exist. The specified value cannot exceed the total
number of state variables defined; if no value is specified, all user-defined state variables are written to
the results file. This argument acts on all sets of user-defined state variables that exist for the model.
Specifies whether to write additional results in Jobname.DSUB during a substructure or CMS use pass in
a transient or harmonic analysis.
Write the nodal degree-of-freedom solution in Jobname.DSUB (default).
In addition to the nodal degree-of-freedom solution, also write necessary data to compute quantities
using nodal velocity and nodal acceleration (damping force, inertial force, kinetic energy, etc.) in the
subsequent expansion pass. For more information, see Step 3: Expansion Pass in the Substructuring
Analysis Guide.
Command Default
Writes the specified solution item for every substep. Exceptions to the default behavior are as follows:
• For static (ANTYPE (p. 140),STATIC) or transient (ANTYPE (p. 140),TRANS) analyses, the default is to write the
specified solution item for the last substep of each load step.
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1118 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• For a harmonic analysis (ANTYPE (p. 140),HARMIC) and any expansion pass, the default is to write the specified
solution item for every substep.
• For mode-superposition transients, the default is to write the reduced displacements file for every fourth
substep (as well as the last substep); however, if gap conditions exist, the default is to write the specified
solution item of every substep.
OUTRES controls following output parameters:
• The solution item (Item) to write to the database (and to the reduced displacement and results files)
• The frequency (Freq) at which the solution item is written (applicable to static, transient, or full harmonic
The command generates a specification for controlling data storage for each substep, activating storage
of the specified solution item for the specified substeps of the solution and suppressing storage of that
item for all other substeps.
You can issue multiple OUTRES commands in an analysis. After the initial command creating the storage
specification, subsequent OUTRES commands modify the specification set for each substep. The command
processes your specifications at each substep in the order in which you input them. If you specify a
given solution item twice, output is based upon the last specification. Therefore, issue multiple OUTRES
commands carefully and in the proper sequence.
In addition to OUTRES, OUTPR (p. 1112) and OUTGEOM (p. 1110) also control solution output. You can
issue up to 50 of these output-control commands (any combination of the three) in an analysis.
OUTRES,ERASE erases the existing output specifications and resets the counted number of OUTRES
commands to zero. OUTPR (p. 1112),ERASE affects the OUTPR (p. 1112) command in the same way.
A given OUTRES command generally has no effect on solution items not specified. For example, an
OUTRES,ESOL,LAST command does not affect NSOL data; that is, it neither activates nor suppresses
NSOL data storage in any substep. An exception to this behavior involves the EANGL solution item.
• When Freq = NONE, no element Euler angles are output at any substeps.
Without Euler angles, element results postprocessing can occur in the element solution co-
ordinate system only (that is, RSYS (p. 1383) has no effect on element results); therefore,
nodal averaging of element solution items may not be applicable when element solution
coordinate systems are not uniform.
• When Freq = any other value (including the command default), element Euler angles are output at
substeps specified by Freq, and at any substeps where one or more tensorial element solution items
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1119
Additional results in the Jobname.DSUB file (DSUBres = ALL) can only be requested in the first load
In the results-item hierarchy, certain items are subsets of other items. For example, element
solution (ESOL) data is a subset of all (ALL) solution data. An OUTRES,ALL command can
therefore affect ESOL data. Likewise, an OUTRES command that controls ESOL data can affect
a portion of all data.
The example OUTRES commands (p. 1120) illustrate the interrelationships between solution
items and the necessity of issuing OUTRES thoughtfully.
To suppress all data at every substep, issue the OUTRES,ALL,NONE command. (OUTRES,ERASE does not
suppress all data at every substep.)
The NSOL, RSOL, V, and A solution items are associated with nodes. The CINT solution item is associated
with fracture. All remaining solution items are associated with elements.
The boundary conditions (constraints and force loads) are written to the results file only if either nodal
or reaction loads (NLOAD or RSOL items) are also written.
• If you issue multiple OUTRES commands during an analysis, you cannot specify a key time array paramet-
er (p. 1117) (%array%) in a given OUTRES command and then specify a different Freq option in a subsequent
OUTRES command.
For additive manufacturing analyses during the build step (AMSTEP (p. 110),BUILD), Freq refers to the
layer number (for example, output ALL layers, LAST layer, or every Nth layer).
When issuing an OUTRES command, think of a matrix in which you set switches on and off. When a
switch is on, a solution item is stored for the specified substep. When a switch is off, a solution item is
suppressed for a specified substep.
Assuming a static (ANTYPE (p. 140),STATIC) analysis, this example shows how the matrix looks after is-
suing each OUTRES command in this six-substep solution.
To simplify the example, only a subset of the available solution items appears in the matrix.
OUTRES,ERASE -- After issuing this command, the default output specifications are in effect, as shown:
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1120 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
OUTRES,NSOL,2 -- This command modifies the initial specifications so that NSOL is enabled for substeps
2, 4 and 6, and disabled for substeps 1, 3 and 5, as shown:
OUTRES,ALL,3 -- This command further modifies the specifications so that ALL is enabled for substeps
3 and 6, and disabled for substeps 1, 2, 4 and 5, as shown:
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1121
OUTRES,ESOL,4 -- This command once again modifies the specifications so that ESOL is enabled for
the fourth and last substeps, and disabled for substeps 1, 2, 3 and 5, as shown:
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Basic
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Output Ctrls>DB/Results File
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Basic
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Output Ctrls>DB/Results File
Method used to determine which slave DOFs will be eliminated:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1122 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Topological approach (default). This method only works with constraint equations; it does not work
with Lagrange multipliers.
Algebraic approach.
Do not use overconstraint detection logic.
Frequency of overconstraint detection for static or full transient analyses:
For all equilibrium iterations (default).
At the beginning of each substep.
At the beginning of each load step.
Set of equations:
Check for overconstraint between all constraint equations (default).
Check for overconstraint only on the set of equations that involves Lagrange multipliers. This is faster
than checking all sets, especially when the model contains large MPC bonded contact pairs.
Command Default
Overconstraint detection is performed by using the topological approach among constraint equations
only; the topological approach does not support Lagrange multipliers.
The OVCHECK command checks for overconstraint among the constraint equations (CE (p. 259)/CP (p. 348))
and the Lagrange multipliers for the globally assembled stiffness matrix. If overconstrained constraint
equations or Lagrange multipliers are detected, they are automatically removed from the system of
The constraint equations that are identified as redundant are removed from the system and printed to
the output file. It is very important that you check the removed equations—they may lead to convergence
issues, especially for nonlinear analyses.
The Frequency and Set arguments are active only for the topological method (Method = TOPO). If
you do not issue the OVCHECK command, overconstraint detection is performed topologically, and
the slave DOFs are also determined topologically.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1123
Overconstraint detection slows down the run. We recommend using it to validate that your model does
not contain any overconstraints. Then, you can switch back to the default method (no OVCHECK com-
mand is needed).
Equation number 2 will be removed by the overconstraint detection logic. However, this is an arbitrary
decision since equation number 1 could be removed instead. This is an important choice as the constant
term is not the same in these two constraint equations. Therefore, you must check the removed constraint
equations carefully.
For detailed information on the topological and algebraic methods of overconstraint detection, see
Constraints: Automatic Selection of Slave DOFs in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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1124 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
P Commands
Deletes a defined path.
POST1 (p. 48): Path Operations (p. 51)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Path delete option (one of the following):
Delete all defined paths.
Delete a specific path from the list of path definitions. (Substitute the actual path name for NAME.)
Command Default
Deletes the currently active path.
Paths are identified by individual path names. To review the current list of path names, issue the com-
mand PATH (p. 1132),STATUS.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Archive Path>Retrieve>Path from array
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Delete Path>All Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Delete Path>By Name
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Path Operations>Delete Path>All Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Path Operations>Delete Path>By Name
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1125
Number of lines (11 minimum) per "page" or screen. Defaults to 24. Applies to interactive non-GUI to the
screen output only.
Number of characters (41 to 132) per line before wraparound. Defaults to 80. Applies to interactive non-
GUI to the screen output only.
Number of lines (11 minimum) per page. Defaults to 56. Applies to batch mode [/BATCH (p. 189)], diverted
[/OUTPUT (p. 1114)], or interactive GUI [/MENU (p. 934)] output. If negative, no page headers are output.
Number of characters (41 to 240 (system dependent)) per line before wraparound. Defaults to 140. Applies
to batch mode [/BATCH (p. 189)], diverted [/OUTPUT (p. 1114)], or interactive GUI [/MENU (p. 934)] output.
Input 1 to specify comma-separated output for node [NLIST (p. 1035)] and element [ELIST (p. 513)] output.
Command Default
As defined by the items above.
Defines the printout page size for batch runs and the screen page size for interactive runs. Applies to
the POST1 PRNSOL (p. 1255), PRESOL (p. 1237), PRETAB (p. 1243), PRRSOL (p. 1265), and PRPATH (p. 1264)
commands. See the /HEADER (p. 753) command for additional controls (page ejects, headers, etc.) that
affect the amount of printout. A blank (or out-of-range) value retains the previous setting. Issue
/PAGE (p. 1126),STAT to display the current settings. Issue /PAGE (p. 1126),DEFA to reset the default spe-
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1126 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The name of the array parameter that the ANSYS program creates to store the path information. If the array
parameter already exists, it will be replaced with the current path information.
Determines how data will be stored in the parameter specified with PARRAY:
Store the path points, the nodes (if any), and coordinate system. (For information on defining paths
and path points, see the descriptions of the PATH (p. 1132) and PPATH (p. 1222) commands.)
Store the path data items. (See the PDEF (p. 1146) command description for path data items.)
Stores path data labels.
Use the PAGET command together with the PAPUT (p. 1127) command to store and retrieve path data
in array variables for archiving purposes. When retrieving path information, restore the path points
(POINTS option) first, then the path data (TABLE option), and then the path labels (LABEL option).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Archive Path>Store>Path in array
Name of the array variable containing the path information.
Specifies which path data to retrieve:
Retrieve path point information (specified with the PPATH (p. 1222) command and stored with the PA-
GET (p. 1127),POINTS command). The path data name will be assigned to the path points.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1127
Retrieve path data items (defined via the PDEF (p. 1146) command and stored with the PA-
GET (p. 1127),,TABLE command).
Retrieve path labels stored with the PAGET (p. 1127),,LABEL command.
When retrieving path information, restore path points (POINTS option) first, then the path data (TABLE
option), and then the path labels (LABEL option).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Archive Path>Retrieve>Path from array
Read operation:
Read all paths from the selected file (default).
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
This command removes all paths from virtual memory and then reads path data from a file written with
the PASAVE (p. 1131) command. All paths on the file will be restored. All paths currently in memory will
be deleted.
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1128 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Archive Path>Retrieve>Paths from file
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Path Operations>Retrieve>Paths from file
Argument Descriptions
Read operation:
NEW --
Replace current parameter set with these parameters (default).
Extend current parameter set with these parameters, replacing any that already exist.
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
Reads parameters from a coded file. The parameter file may have been written with the PARSAV (p. 1130)
command. The parameters read may replace or change the current parameter set.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Parameters>Restore Parameters
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1129
Argument Descriptions
Write operation:
Write only scalar parameters (default).
ALL --
Write scalar and array parameters. Parameters may be numeric or alphanumeric.
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
Writes the current parameters to a coded file. Previous parameters on this file, if any, will be overwritten.
The parameter file may be read with the PARRES (p. 1129) command.
PARSAV/PARRES (p. 1129) operations truncate some long decimal strings, and can cause differing values
in your solution data when other operations are performed. A good practice is to limit the number of
decimal places you will use before and after these operations.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Parameters>Save Parameters
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1130 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Write operation:
Saves only selected paths.
Saves all paths (default).
Saves the named path (from the PSEL (p. 1281) command).
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
Saves the paths selected with the PSEL (p. 1281) command to an external file (Jobname.path by default).
Previous paths on this file, if any, will be overwritten. The path file may be read with the PARESU (p. 1128)
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Archive Path>Store>Paths in file
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Path Operations>Store>Paths in file
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1131
Name for this path (eight characters maximum. If nPts is blank, set the current path to the path with this
name. If nPts is greater than zero, create a path of this name. If a path with this name already exists, replace
it with a new path. If the NAME value is STATUS, display the status for path settings.
The number of points used to define this path. The minimum number is two, and the maximum is 1000.
Default is 2.
The number of sets of data which you can map to this path. You must specify at least four: X, Y, Z, and S.
Default is 30.
The number of divisions between adjacent points. Default is 20. There is no maximum number of divisions.
The PATH command is used to define parameters for establishing a path. The path geometry is created
by the PPATH (p. 1222) command. Multiple paths may be defined and named; however, only one path
may be active for data interpolation [PDEF (p. 1146)] and data operations [PCALC (p. 1138), etc.]. Path
geometry points and data are stored in memory while in POST1. If you leave POST1, the path information
is erased. Path geometry and data may be saved in a file by archiving the data using the PASAVE (p. 1131)
command. Path information may be restored by retrieving the data using the PARESU (p. 1128) command.
For overlapping nodes, the lowest numbered node is assigned to the path.
The number of divisions defined using nDiv does NOT affect the number of divisions used by
PLSECT (p. 1201) and PRSECT (p. 1267).
For information on displaying paths you have defined, see the Basic Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>List Results>Path Items
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Archive Path>Retrieve>Path from array
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Archive Path>Retrieve>Paths from file
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Define Path>By Location
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Define Path>By Nodes
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Define Path>On Working Plane
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Define Path>Path Status>Defined Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Delete Path>All Paths
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1132 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Temporarily releases the current product license.
SESSION (p. 9): Run Controls (p. 9)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
The PAUSE command temporarily releases (or pauses) the current product license so that another ap-
plication can use it.
This application consumes a license as soon as you launch it, and retains that license until it is finished.
If you launch the product interactively, the license is retained until you either close the application or
issue a PAUSE command via the command line.
No other operation (other than SAVE (p. 1389) or /EXIT (p. 589)) is possible in the current application
while use of the product license is paused.
When the second application has finished and releases the license, issue an UNPAUSE (p. 1724) command
via the command line to restore use of the license to the current application.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1133
Label identifying the item:
Applied translational constraints (UX, UY, UZ).
Applied rotational constraints (ROTX, ROTY, ROTZ).
Applied temperatures (TEMP, TBOT, TE2, TE3, . . ., TTOP).
Applied fluid pressures.
Applied flow velocities (VX, VY, VZ).
Applied voltages.
Applied scalar magnetic potentials.
Applied vector magnetic potentials.
Applied electric charge.
Applied structural forces (FX, FY, FZ).
Applied structural moments (MX, MY, MZ).
Applied heat flows (HEAT, HBOT, HE2, HE3, . . ., HTOP).
Applied fluid flow.
Applied current flow.
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1134 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Applied magnetic flux.
Applied magnetic current segments.
Diffusion flow rate.
Master degrees of freedom.
Coupled nodes.
Nodes in constraint equations.
POST1 nodal forces.
POST1 nodal moments
POST1 reaction forces.
POST1 reaction moments (MX, MY, MZ).
Path geometry (undistorted) associated with the PATH (p. 1132) command after a PDEF (p. 1146) or
PVECT (p. 1299) command has been issued.
Global acceleration (ACELX, ACELY, ACELZ vector).
Global angular velocity (OMEGX, OMEGY, OMEGZ vector) and acceleration (DOMEGX, DOMEGY, DOMEGZ
Represents all appropriate labels.
Unused field.
Symbol key:
Do not show symbol.
Show symbol.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1135
Plot value next to symbol.
Minimum value in a range of values plotted on screen.
Maximum value in a range of values plotted on screen.
Absolute number. If KEY = 2 and ABS = 0, a number falling between the MIN and MAX is displayed. If ABS
is not specified, it defaults to 0. If KEY = 2 and ABS = 1, an absolute value falling between the MIN and
MAX is displayed. ABS = 1 lets you eliminate the display of numbers whose absolute values are less than
a desired tolerance. For example, if ABS = 1, MIN = 10 and MAX = 1e8, values such as .83646 and -5.59737
are not displayed.
Command Default
No symbols displayed.
The /PBC command adds degree of freedom constraint, force load, and other symbols to displays.
Symbols are applied to the selected nodes only. All arrow and arrowhead symbols are oriented in the
nodal coordinate system and lie in two perpendicular planes. Force arrows are scaled proportional to
their magnitude. (If KEY = 1, use /VSCALE (p. 1802) to change arrow length.) For scalar quantities, the
specific component direction (i.e., x, y, or z) of the symbol has no meaning, but the positive or negative
sense (e.g., positive or negative x) represents a positive or negative scalar value, respectively.
The effects of the /PBC command are not cumulative (that is, the command does not modify an existing
setting from a previously issued /PBC command). If you issue multiple /PBC commands during an
analysis, only the setting specified by the most recent /PBC (p. 1134) command applies.
Use /PSTATUS (p. 1293) or /PBC (p. 1134),STAT to display settings. Use /PBC (p. 1134),DEFA to reset all spe-
cifications back to default. See the /PSF (p. 1282) and /PBF (p. 1137) commands for other display symbols.
In a cyclic symmetry analysis, the /PBC (p. 1134) command is deactivated when cyclic expansion is active
(/CYCEXPAND (p. 373),,ON). To view boundary conditions on the basic sector, deactivate cyclic expansion
(/CYCEXPAND (p. 373),,OFF) and issue this command: /PBC (p. 1134),ALL,,1
Issuing the command /PBC (p. 1134),PATH, ,1 displays all defined paths.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Define Path>On Working Plane
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Plot Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Path Operations>Define Path>On Working Plane
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Path Operations>Plot Paths
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1136 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Symbols
Label identifying the item:
Applied temperatures.
Applied fluences.
Applied heat generation rates.
Applied current density magnitude.
X-component of current density.
Y-component of current density.
Z-component of current density.
Phase angle of applied load.
Applied magnetic virtual displacements flag.
Applied electric charge density.
Unused field.
Symbol key:
Do not show body force load contours.
Show body force load contours.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1137
Show current density as a vector (not a contour).
Command Default
No body force load contours displayed.
Shows body force loads as contours on displays for the selected elements.
The effects of the /PBF command are not cumulative (that is, the command does not modify an existing
setting from a previously issued /PBF command). If you issue multiple /PBF commands during an ana-
lysis, only the setting specified by the most recent /PBF (p. 1137) command applies.
Use /PSTATUS (p. 1293) or /PBF (p. 1137),STAT to display settings. Use /PBF (p. 1137),DEFA to reset all spe-
cifications back to default. See also the /PSF (p. 1282) and /PBC (p. 1134) command for other display contours.
Portions of this command are not supported by PowerGraphics [/GRAPHICS (p. 732),POWER].
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Symbols
Type of operation to be performed. See "Notes" (p. 1139) below for specific descriptions of each operation:
Adds two existing path items.
Multiplies two existing path items.
Divides two existing path items (a divide by zero results in a value of zero).
Exponentiates and adds existing path items.
Finds a derivative.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1138 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Finds an integral.
Natural log.
Label assigned to the resulting path item.
First labeled path item in operation.
Second labeled path item in operation. Lab2 must not be blank for the MULT, DIV, DERI, and INTG opera-
Factor applied to Lab1. A (blank) or '0' entry defaults to 1.0.
Factor applied to Lab2. A (blank) or '0' entry defaults to 1.0.
Constant value (defaults to 0.0).
If Oper = ADD, the command format is:
This operation adds two existing path items according to the operation:
Lab2 must not be blank. This operation multiplies two existing path items according to the operation:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1139
Lab2 must not be blank. This operation divides two existing path items according to the operation:
This operation exponentiates and adds existing path items according to the operation:
Lab2 must not be blank. This operation finds a derivative according to the operation:
Lab2 must not be blank. This operation finds an integral according to the operation:
Use S for Lab2 to integrate Lab1 with respect to the path length. S, the distance along the path, is
automatically calculated by the program when a path item is created with the PDEF (p. 1146) command.
If Oper = SIN, COS, ASIN, ACOS, or LOG, the command format is:
where the function (SIN, COS, ASIN, ACOS or LOG) is substituted for Oper and Lab2 is blank.
The operation finds the resulting path item according to one of the following formulas:
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1140 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Add
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>ArcCosine
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>ArcSine
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Cosine
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Differentiate
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Divide
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Exponentiate
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Integrate
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Multiply
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Natural Log
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Sine
Indicates the level of difficulty of the analysis. Valid settings are AUTO or 0 (default), 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5. This
option applies to both the PCG solver when used in static and full transient analyses and to the PCG Lanczos
method in modal analyses. Use AUTO to let ANSYS automatically choose the proper level of difficulty for
the model. Lower values (1 or 2) generally provide the best performance for well-conditioned problems.
Values of 3 or 4 generally provide the best performance for ill-conditioned problems; however, higher
values may increase the solution time for well-conditioned problems. Higher level-of-difficulty values
typically require more memory. Using the highest value of 5 essentially performs a factorization of the
global matrix (similar to the sparse solver) and may require a very large amount of memory. If necessary,
use Memory to reduce the memory usage when using Lev_Diff = 5. Lev_Diff = 5 is generally re-
commended for small- to medium-sized problems when using the PCG Lanczos mode extraction method.
For example, models containing elongated elements (i.e., elements with high aspect ratios) and
models containing contact elements can lead to ill-conditioned problems. To determine if your
problem is ill-conditioned, view the Jobname.PCS file to see the number of PCG iterations needed
to reach a converged solution. Generally, static or full transient solutions that require more than
1500 iterations are considered to be ill-conditioned for the PCG solver.
Unused field.
Controls whether the PCG solver will attempt to reduce I/O performed during equation solution:
Automatically chooses whether to reduce I/O or not (default).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1141
Reduces I/O performed during equation solution in order to reduce total solver time.
Does NOT reduce I/O performed during equation solution.
This option applies to both the PCG solver when used in static and full transient analyses and to
the PCG Lanczos method in modal analyses.
Controls whether or not a Sturm sequence check is performed:
Does NOT perform Sturm sequence check (default).
Performs Sturm sequence check
This option applies only when using the PCG Lanczos method in modal analyses. When using this
option, a factorization must be performed and will require a very large amount of memory for extra
computations. This option is generally recommended for small- to medium-sized problems. If the
Sturm sequence check takes a large amount of computing time, use the Jobname.ABT file to abort
the Sturm check, or press the STOP button if in interactive mode.
Controls whether or not the .FULL file is written.
Write .FULL file (default)
Do not write .FULL file.
This option applies only when using the PCG Lanczos method in modal analyses because the .FULL
file is never written when using the PCG solver in static or full transient analyses.
If using MSAVE (p. 988),ON and conditions for the MSAVE (p. 988) command are met, a complete
.FULL file is never written regardless of this option.
If constraint equations are present in the model, a .FULL file is always written regardless of this
This option is useful in Distributed ANSYS because assembling the global stiffness and mass matrices
on the master machine before writing the .FULL file can take a considerable amount of memory.
By setting Wrtfull = OFF, this assembly process is skipped on the master machine, decreasing
the amount of memory required to compute the modes and mode shapes. Wrtfull = OFF does
not affect the results for the modes and mode shapes. However, without a .FULL file, the particip-
ation factor table computations do not occur.
To generate the .FULL file, such as for a harmonic, transient mode-superposition, or spectrum
analysis, rerun the modal analysis with Wrtfull = ON, or use the WRFULL (p. 1823) command.
Controls whether to run using in-core or out-of-core mode when using Lev_Diff = 5.
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1142 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Automatically chooses which mode to use (default).
Run using in-core mode.
Run using out-of-core mode.
This option applies to both the PCG solver when used in static and full transient analyses and to
the PCG Lanczos method in modal analyses. However, this option only applies when using
Lev_Diff = 5 and does not apply to Distributed ANSYS. Forcing the INCORE option will require
a large amount of memory and is only recommended for small-to-medium sized problems. Using
the OOC option will make the PCG solver use the least amount of memory (relative only to
Lev_Diff = 5) at the cost of additional I/O, which will likely decrease performance as compared
to an in-core run.
Controls use of the PCG solver for MPC184 Lagrange multiplier method elements. This option applies only
to the PCG solver when used in static and full transient analyses.
Do not use the PCG solver for the MPC184 Lagrange multiplier method (default).
Allow use of the PCG solver for the MPC184 Lagrange multiplier method.
The Lagrange multiplier method used by MPC184 elements transfers into multiple point constraints
and, hence, can be solved by the PCG solver. For Lagrange-formulation contact methods, incom-
pressible u-P formulations, and the MPC184 screw joint element, the PCG solver cannot be used
and the sparse solver is required. Distributed ANSYS does not support the LM_Key = ON option.
The MSAVE command does not support the LM_Key = ON option.
ReduceIO works independently of the MSAVE (p. 988) command in the PCG solver. Setting ReduceIO
to YES can significantly increase the memory usage in the PCG solver.
To minimize the memory used by the PCG solver with respect to the Lev_Diff option only, set
Lev_Diff = 1 if you do not have sufficient memory to run the PCG solver with Lev_Diff = AUTO.
The MSAVE (p. 988),ON command is not valid when using Lev_Diff = 5. In this case, the Lev_Diff
value will automatically be reset to 2. The MSAVE (p. 988),ON command is also not valid with the
StrmCk option. In this case, StrmCk will be set to OFF.
Distributed ANSYS Restriction The Memory option and the LM_Key option are not supported in
Distributed ANSYS.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1143
Inner and outer radii (either order) of the circle. A value of either zero or blank for either RAD1 or RAD2,
or the same value for both RAD1 and RAD2, defines a solid circle.
Starting and ending angles (either order) of the circular area. Used for creating a circular sector. The sector
begins at the algebraically smaller angle, extends in a positive angular direction, and ends at the larger
angle. The starting angle defaults to 0.0° and the ending angle defaults to 360.0°. See the Modeling and
Meshing Guide for an illustration.
Defines a solid circular area or circular sector centered about the working plane origin. For a solid circle
of 360°, the area will be defined with four keypoints and four lines. See the CYL4 (p. 392) and CYL5 (p. 393)
commands for alternate ways to create circles.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Areas>Circle>By Dimensions
Circle X center location (-1.0 < X < 2.0).
Circle Y center location (-1.0 < Y < 1.0).
Circle radius length.
Creates an annotation circle to be written directly onto the display at a specified location. This is a
command generated by the Graphical User Interface (GUI) and will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG)
if annotation is used. This command is not intended to be typed in directly in an ANSYS session (although
it can be included in an input file for batch input or for use with the /INPUT (p. 791) command).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1144 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
All circles are shown on subsequent displays unless the annotation is turned off or deleted. Use the
/LSPEC (p. 902) and the /PSPEC (p. 1291) command to set the attributes of the circle.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Annotation>Create Annotation
PCROSS, LabXR, LabYR, LabZR, LabX1, LabY1, LabZ1, LabX2, LabY2, LabZ2
Calculates the cross product of two path vectors along the current path.
POST1 (p. 48): Path Operations (p. 51)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Label assigned to X-component of resultant vector.
Label assigned to Y-component of resultant vector.
Label assigned to Z-component of resultant vector.
X-component of first vector label (labeled path item).
Y-component of first vector label.
Z-component of first vector label.
X-component of second vector label (labeled path item).
Y-component of second vector label.
Z-component of second vector label.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Cross Product
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1145
Label assigned to the resulting path item (8 characters maximum). This item may be used as input for
other path operations.
Label identifying the item for interpolation. Valid item labels are shown in Table 194: PDEF - Valid Item
and Component Labels (p. 1147) below. Some items also require a component label.
Component of the item (if required). Valid component labels are shown in Table 194: PDEF - Valid Item
and Component Labels (p. 1147) below.
Option to average across element boundaries:
Average element results across elements (default).
Do not average element results across elements. If the parameter DISCON = MAT on the PMAP (p. 1210)
command, this option is automatically invoked.
Defines and interpolates a labeled path item along a predefined path (PATH (p. 1132)). Path item results
are in the global Cartesian coordinate directions unless transformed (RSYS (p. 1383)). A path item must
be defined before it can be used with other path operations. Additional path items may be defined
from the PVECT (p. 1299), PCALC (p. 1138), PDOT (p. 1149), and PCROSS (p. 1145) commands. Path items may
be listed (PRPATH (p. 1264)) or displayed (PLPATH (p. 1201), PLPAGM (p. 1200)). A maximum number of
path items permitted is established by the nSets argument specified with the PATH (p. 1132) command.
When you create the first path item (PDEF or PVECT (p. 1299)), the program automatically interpolates
four path items which are used to describe the geometry of the path. These predefined items are the
position of the interpolated path points (labels XG, YG, and ZG) in global Cartesian coordinates, and
the path length (label S). For alternate methods of mapping the path geometry (to include, for example,
material discontinuity) see the PMAP (p. 1210) command. These items may also be listed or displayed
with the PRPATH (p. 1264), PLPATH (p. 1201), and PLPAGM (p. 1200) commands.
If specifying that load case operations act on principal/equivalent stresses (SUMTYPE (p. 1587),PRIN),
derived quantities (principal and equivalent stresses/strains) will be zero for path plots. A typical use
for such a case involves mode combinations in a response spectrum analysis.
The number of interpolation points on the path is defined by the nDiv argument on the PATH (p. 1132)
command. See Mapping Nodal and Element Data onto the Path in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference
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1146 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
for details. Use PDEF,STAT to list the path item labels. Use PDEF,CLEAR to erase all labeled path items,
except the path geometry items (XG, YG, ZG, S).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1147
1. For SHELL131 and SHELL132 elements with KEYOPT(3) = 0 or 1, use the labels TBOT, TE2, TE3, ..., TTOP instead
of TEMP.
2. For more information on the meaning of contact status and its possible values, see Reviewing Results in
POST1 in the Contact Technology Guide.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Clear Path Items
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Define Path>Path Status>Current Path
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Map onto Path
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Map onto Path>FE Results
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1148 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Label assigned to dot product result.
X-component of first vector label (labeled path item).
Y-component of first vector label (labeled path item).
Z-component of first vector label (labeled path item).
X-component of second vector label (labeled path item).
Y-component of second vector label (labeled path item).
Z-component of second vector label (labeled path item).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Dot Product
Constant coordinate location of the first plane of nodes. For PLNOPT = 1 or 2, the constant coordinate
location is the global Cartesian coordinate system [CSYS (p. 364),0] location in the X or Y direction respect-
ively. For PLNOPT = 0, the location is the angle in the global cylindrical coordinate system [CSYS (p. 364),1].
Constant coordinate location of the second plane of nodes. For PLNOPT = 1 or 2, the constant coordinate
location is the global Cartesian coordinate system [CSYS (p. 364),0] location in the X or Y direction respect-
ively. For PLNOPT = 0, the location is the angle (in degrees) in the global cylindrical coordinate system
[CSYS (p. 364),1].
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1149
Tolerance on the constant coordinate location for node selection. Defaults to .00001 for PLNOPT = 1 or
2 and .001 degrees for PLNOPT = 0.
Minimum coordinate location along the second plane of nodes. For PLNOPT = 1 or 2, the coordinate loc-
ation is the global Cartesian coordinate system location in the Y or X direction respectively. For PLNOPT
= 0, the coordinate location is the radial coordinate value in the global cylindrical coordinate system.
Periodic conditions are not applied to nodes at this location.
Maximum coordinate location along the second plane of nodes. For PLNOPT = 1 or 2, the coordinate loc-
ation is the global Cartesian coordinate system location in the Y or X direction respectively. For PLNOPT
= 0, the coordinate location is the radial coordinate value in the global cylindrical coordinate system.
Periodic conditions are not applied to nodes at this location.
Tolerance dimension on node selection along the plane of nodes. Defaults to .00001.
Periodic option:
Odd symmetry (default). Apply constraint equations such that AZ(i) = -AZ(j).
Even symmetry. Apply node coupling such that AZ(i) = AZ(j).
Symmetry plane option:
Planes of constant angle in the global cylindrical coordinate system [CSYS (p. 364),1].
Planes parallel to the global Cartesian X axis [CSYS (p. 364),0].
Planes parallel to the global Cartesian Y axis [CSYS (p. 364),0].
PERBC2D invokes an ANSYS macro which generates periodic boundary condition constraints for 2-D
planar magnetic field analysis. The macro is restricted to node pairs sharing common coordinate values
along symmetry planes separated by a constant coordinate value. Planes (or lines) must lie at either
constant angles (PLNOPT = 0), constant X values (PLNOPT = 1), or constant Y values (PLNOPT = 2).
PERBC2D applies constraint equations (OPT = 0, odd symmetry) or node coupling (OPT = 1, even
symmetry) to each node pair sharing a common coordinate value along the symmetry planes. By default,
periodic conditions are not applied at the first and last node pairs on the symmetry planes unless the
input location values, R1 and R2, are adjusted to be less than or greater than the actual node coordinate
values. Nodes are selected for application of the constraints using the NSEL (p. 1057) command with
tolerances on the constant coordinate location (LOCTOL) and the coordinate location along the plane
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1150 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Boundary>VectorPot>Peri-
odic BCs
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Boundary>VectorPot>Periodic BCs
Type of linear perturbation analysis to be performed:
Perform a linear perturbation static analysis.
Perform a linear perturbation modal analysis.
Perform a linear perturbation eigenvalue buckling analysis.
Perform a linear perturbation full harmonic analysis.
Perform a linear perturbation substructure generation pass.
Do not perform a linear perturbation analysis (default).
Key for specifying how the linear perturbation analysis uses material properties, valid for all structural
elements except contact elements. For more information, see Linear Perturbation Analysis in the Mechan-
ical APDL Theory Reference.
The program selects the material properties for the linear perturbation analysis automatically (default).
The materials are handled in the following way:
• For pure linear elastic materials used in the base analysis, the same properties are used in the linear
perturbation analysis.
• For hyperelastic materials used in the base analysis, the material properties are assumed to be linear
elastic in the linear perturbation analysis. The material property data (or material Jacobian) is obtained
based on the tangent of the hyperelastic material's constitutive law at the point where restart occurs.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1151
• For any nonlinear materials other than hyperelastic materials used in the base analysis, the material
properties are assumed to be linear elastic in the linear perturbation analysis. The material data is
the same as the linear portion of the nonlinear materials (that is, the parts defined by MP (p. 967)
• For COMBIN39, the stiffness is that of the first segment of the force-deflection curve.
Use the tangent (material Jacobian) on the material constitutive curve as the material property. The
material property remains linear in the linear perturbation analysis and is obtained at the point of the
base analysis where restart occurs. The materials are handled in the following way:
• For pure linear elastic materials used in the base analysis, the same properties are used in the linear
perturbation analysis. Because the material constitutive curve is linear, the tangent is the same as
the base analysis.
• For hyperelastic materials used in the base analysis, the program uses the same tangent as that used
for MatKey = AUTO, and the results are therefore identical.
• For any nonlinear materials other than hyperelastic materials used in the base analysis, the material
properties are obtained via the material tangent on the material constitutive curve at the restart
point of the base analysis.
The materials and properties typically differ from Matkey = AUTO, but it is possible the results
could be identical or very similar if a.) the material is elasto-plastic rate-independent and is
unloading (or has neutral loading) at the restart point, or b.) the material is rate-dependent,
depending on the material properties and loading conditions.
• For COMBIN39, the stiffness is equal to the tangent of the current segment of the force-deflection
• In a modal restart solution that follows a linear perturbation modal analysis, the TANGENT option
is overridden by the AUTO option and linear material properties are used for stress calculations in
the modal restart. See the discussion in the Notes (p. 1155) for more information.
Provide the same values as AUTO, but set the spin softening matrix to zero (ignoring the spin softening
The spin softening effect is excluded in all the linear perturbation analysis types except for linear
perturbation buckling. Note that although the spin softening effect is excluded in linear perturb-
ation analysis, it is still included in the base static or full transient analysis if NLGEOM (p. 1028),ON
is issued in the base analysis.
Key that controls contact status for the linear perturbation analysis. This key controls all contact elements
(TARGE169, TARGE170, CONTA172, CONTA174, CONTA175, CONTA177, and CONTA178) globally for all
contact pairs. Alternatively, contact status can be controlled locally per contact pair by using the CNK-
MOD (p. 325) command. Note that the contact status from the base analysis solution is always adjusted by
the local contact controls specified by CNKMOD (p. 325) first and then modified by the global sticking or
bonded control (ContKey = STICKING or BONDED). The tables in the Notes (p. 1154) section show how the
contact status is adjusted by CNKMOD (p. 325) and/or the ContKey setting.
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1152 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Use the current contact status from the restart snapshot (default). If the previous run is nonlinear, then
the nonlinear contact status at the point of restart is frozen and used throughout the linear perturbation
For frictional contact pairs (MU > 0), use sticking contact (e.g., MU*KN for tangential contact stiffness)
everywhere the contact state is closed (i.e., status is sticking or sliding). This option only applies to
contact pairs that are in contact and have a frictional coefficient MU greater than zero. Contact pairs
without friction (MU = 0) and in a sliding state remain free to slide in the linear perturbation analysis.
Any contact pairs that are in the closed (sticking or sliding) state are moved to bonded (for example,
KN for both normal and tangential contact stiffness). Contact pairs that have a status of far-field or
near-field remain open.
Key that controls how the load vector of {Fperturbed} is calculated. This control is provided for convenience
of load generation for linear perturbation analysis. In general, a new set of loads is required for a linear
perturbation analysis. This key controls all mechanical loads; it does not affect non-mechanical loads. Non-
mechanical loads (including thermal loads) are always kept (i.e., not deleted).
Keep all the boundary conditions (loads and constraints) from the end of the load step of the current
restart point. This option is convenient for further load application and is useful for a linear perturbation
analysis restarted from a previous linear analysis. For this option, {Fend} is the total load vector at the
end of the load step at the restart point.
Delete all loads and constraints from the restart step, except for displacement constraints and inertia
loads (default). All displacement constraints and inertia loads are kept for convenience when performing
the linear perturbation analysis. Note that nonzero and tabular displacement constraints can be con-
sidered as external loads; however, they are not deleted when using this option.
Delete all loads and constraints from the restart step, except for displacement constraints. All displace-
ment constraints are kept for convenience when performing the linear perturbation analysis. Note that
nonzero and tabular displacement constraints can be considered as external loads; however, they are
not deleted when using this option.
Behaves the same as the PARKEEP option, except that all nonzero displacement constraints are set to
zero upon the onset of linear perturbation.
Delete all the loads and constraints, including all displacement constraints. For this option, {Fend} is
zero unless non-mechanical loads (e.g., thermal loads) are present.
Command Default
Linear perturbation analysis is disabled (Type = OFF) by default. When the linear perturbation analysis
is enabled, linear material property behavior is assumed for stress calculations; contact status for all
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1153
contact pairs from the point of restart is used by default; and all loads and constraints from the restart
step are deleted, except for displacement constraints and inertia loads, by default.
This command controls options relating to linear perturbation analyses. It must be issued in the first
phase of a linear perturbation analysis.
{Fend} = total loads at the end of the load step of the current restart point (load applications are
read from the .LDHI file). By default, all of the loads in {Fend} are deleted except for displacement
boundary conditions and inertia loads (see the description of LoadControl above).
{Fadd} = Additional (new) loads prescribed by the user in the second phase of the linear perturbation
analysis (after the first SOLVE (p. 1538) command is invoked).
In the first phase of a linear perturbation analysis, the ANTYPE (p. 140),,RESTART command resumes the
Jobname.RDB database and reads in the .LDHI file to establish the {Fend} load. New load application
(adding to {Fadd}) or load removal (changing {Fend}) can be done only in the second phase of the linear
perturbation analysis (after the first SOLVE (p. 1538) command), allowing flexibility in controlling the final
{Fperturbed} to be used.
For Type = STATIC, {Fperturbed} is the actual external load for the static analysis.
For Type = MODAL, {Fperturbed} is calculated and stored in the .FULL and .MODE files for a subsequent
mode-superposition, PSD, or other type of modal-based linear dynamic analysis. Linear dynamic options
such as multiple load generations (MODCONT (p. 945),ON), enforced motion (MODCONT (p. 945), ,ON),
and residual vector methods (RESVEC (p. 1340),ON) can be used in a linear perturbation analysis. For
these methods, the MODCONT (p. 945) or RESVEC (p. 1340) command must be invoked in the second
phase (after the first SOLVE (p. 1538)) of the linear perturbation procedure. For the enforced motion
method, the base identification number should be specified (D (p. 397) command) in the second phase
of the linear perturbation analysis. This base identification number is used later in the downstream
mode-superposition or other mode-superposition based analysis.
For Type = BUCKLE, {Fperturbed} is the actual linear buckling load which is used to generate the linear
stress stiffening matrix for the buckling analysis.
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1154 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
For Type = HARMONIC, {Fperturbed} is the actual external load for the full harmonic analysis. In this case,
{Fperturbed} can be frequency dependent and can use complex input.
For Type = SUBSTR, {Fperturbed} is used to generate the first reduced external load vector of the sub-
• A linear perturbation buckling analysis, to introduce preferred buckling modes into a subsequent post-
buckling nonlinear analysis.
• A linear perturbation modal analysis, to introduce preferred modes into a subsequent bifurcation ana-
If the TANGENT option is used in conjunction with a modal restart solution that follows a linear perturb-
ation modal analysis, then the AUTO option is assumed and linear material properties are used for stress
calculations in the modal restart solution. This occurs because the TANGENT material properties are not
available during the modal restart phase due to a data architecture limitation. Furthermore, linear ma-
terial properties are used for the stress calculation in any downstream analysis that uses the modal restart
For more information about the automatic and tangent options, see Specifying Material Behavior in
Linear Perturbation in the Element Reference.
Table 196: Adjusted Contact Status when Both CNKMOD and PERTURB Are Issued
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1155
Solution at
the Restart
0 - far-field any 0 - far-field any 0 - far-field
1 - near-field 0, 1, 2, 3, 6 1 - near-field any 1 - near-field
4 1 - near-field any 1 - near-field
(if outside
of the
2 - sliding CURRENT or STICKING (mu=0) 2 - sliding
STICKING (mu>0) or BONDED 3 - sticking
(if inside
of the
5 1 - near-field any 1 - near-field
(if outside
of the
3 - sticking any 3 - sticking
(if inside
of the
2 - sliding 0, 2, 4 2 - sliding CURRENT or STICKING (mu=0) 2 - sliding
STICKING (mu>0) or BONDED 3 - sticking
1, 3, 5, 6 3 - sticking any 3 - sticking
3 - sticking any 3 - sticking any 3 - sticking
When ContKey is set to CURRENT, all contact related parameters (such as normal stiffness and tangential
stiffness) will remain unchanged throughout the linear perturbation analysis. However when ContKey
is set to STICKING or BONDED, the program will re-evaluate the contact normal and tangential stiffness
in order to perform the linear perturbation analysis based on the actual sticking behavior regardless of
the friction coefficient value.
Note that the CNKMOD (p. 325) command allows you to take points in the base analysis that are near
contact (within the pinball region) and modify them to be treated as "in contact" in the linear perturb-
ation analysis; see the "1 - near-field" row in the above table with KEYOPT(12) values set to 4 or 5.
CNKMOD (p. 325) also allows you to take points that are sliding in the base analysis and treat them as
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1156 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
sticking in the linear perturbation analysis, irrespective of the MU value; see the "2 - sliding" row in the
above table with KEYOPT(12) values set to 1,5, or 6.
If an open gap exists at the restart point of the base static/transient solution and the contact status is
adjusted as sliding or sticking due to a “bonded” or “no separation” contact behavior definition, then
the program will treat it as near-field contact when executing the CNKMOD (p. 325) command in a
downstream linear perturbation analysis.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Restart
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Restart
Input PSD (Power Spectral Density) table number for which participation factors are to be calculated.
Label defining the location of excitation:
Base excitation (default).
Nodal excitation.
Label defining excitation type (applies only to SPOPT (p. 1552),PSD analysis). Used only when partially cor-
related excitation is due to wave propagation or spatial correlation. Defaults to partially correlated excitation
as defined by COVAL (p. 348) and QDVAL (p. 1301) commands.
Excitation defined by PSDWAV (p. 1279) command.
Excitation defined by PSDSPL (p. 1277) command.
Calculates the participation factors for a particular PSD or multi-point response spectrum table defined
with the PSDVAL (p. 1279) or SPVAL (p. 1555) command. The Jobname.DB file must contain modal solution
data in order for this command to calculate the participation factor. There must be a PFACT command
for each excitation spectrum. You are limited to 300 excitations.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1157
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>MultiPt>Calculate PF
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>PSD>Calculate PF
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>MultiPt>Calculate PF
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>PSD>Calculate PF
Specifies what to do with element information:
Write all appropriate element types, key options, real constants, material properties, solution analysis
options, load step options, constraint equations, coupled nodes, defined components, and GUI prefer-
ence settings to the file specified with the Fname and Ext arguments.
Deletes all solution information (material properties, solution options, load step options, constraint
equations, coupled nodes, results, and GUI preference settings) then reads all the information listed
above into the ANSYS database from the location specified by the Fname and Ext arguments.
Lists currently defined physics files and their titles.
Deletes a specified physics file and its title from the database.
Deletes all material properties, solution options, load step options, constraint equations, coupled
nodes, results, and GUI preference settings from the database. Does NOT clear the active physics file
title from the database.
Displays information about all active elements and settings.
A user-defined title that quickly identifies a set of physics settings. For example, you might use "Fluid,"
"Structural," or "Magnetic" as titles. A title can contain up to 64 characters. It can be entered in lower or
upper case. Lower case is internally converted to upper case within the program.
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
The file name defaults to Jobname. Previous data on this file, if any, are overwritten.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1158 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
The extension defaults to PHn if Fname is blank, where n is a number between one and nine, de-
pending on how many times you have issued the PHYSICS command. (You can have up to nine
separate physics files.) If you issue the command more than nine times, the ANSYS program will
require you to delete an existing file.
Unused field.
Use the PHYSICS command when you are performing a multiphysics analysis that involves two different
disciplines (for example, magnetic and structural analyses) and you cannot solve both analyses simul-
taneously. Once you have set up physics environments for both analyses, you can use the PHYSICS,READ
command to change between the defined physics environments. For more information about doing
multiphysics analyses, see Sequential Coupled-Field Analysis in the Coupled-Field Analysis Guide.
The PHYSICS command outputs all solution information, including analysis options, to the Jobname.PHn
file described above. Although it also outputs components, the ANSYS program does not list entities
(nodes, elements, lines, etc.).
PHYSICS,WRITE will overwrite existing physics files with the same title (even if the name is different).
In other words, if the directory has a physics file with the same title as the active physics file title, but
a different name, the PHYSICS,WRITE command will overwrite the existing physics file and use the ex-
isting filename, not the filename specified on the PHYSICS,WRITE command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Physics>Environment>Clear
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Physics>Environment>Delete
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Physics>Environment>List
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Physics>Environment>Read
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Physics>Environment>Status
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Physics>Environment>Write
Main Menu>Solution>Physics>Environment>Clear
Main Menu>Solution>Physics>Environment>Delete
Main Menu>Solution>Physics>Environment>List
Main Menu>Solution>Physics>Environment>Read
Main Menu>Solution>Physics>Environment>Status
Main Menu>Solution>Physics>Environment>Write
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1159
Determines whether to stop or continue an analysis when a negative or zero equation solver pivot value
is encountered:
Check for negative or zero pivot values for analyses performed with the sparse and PCG solvers. When
one is encountered, an error or warning is issued, per various criteria relating to the type of analysis
being solved. An error causes the analysis to stop; a warning allows the analysis to continue. A negative
pivot value may be valid for some nonlinear and multiphysics analyses (for example, electromagnetic
and thermal analyses); this key has no effect in these cases.
Check for negative or zero pivot values for analyses performed with the sparse and PCG solvers. When
one is encountered, an error is issued, stopping the analysis. A negative pivot value may be valid for
some nonlinear and multiphysics analyses (for example, electromagnetic and thermal analyses); this
key has no effect in these cases.
Check for negative or zero pivot values for analyses performed with the sparse and PCG solvers. When
one is encountered, a warning is issued and the analysis continues. A negative pivot value may be
valid for some nonlinear and multiphysics analyses (for example, electromagnetic and thermal analyses);
this key has no effect in these cases.
Pivot values are not checked. This key causes the analysis to continue in spite of a negative or zero
pivot value.
Provides print options. Print output with these options will be sent to the default output file, not to the
files created by the nonlinear diagnostic tools (NLDIAG (p. 1021)).
Print only the maximum and minimum pivot information on the first call to the sparse solver (which
is the default solver). This is the default behavior.
Print the maximum and minimum pivot information at every call to the sparse solver. This option is
provided for nonlinear analysis diagnostics.
Command Default
The program checks for negative or zero pivot values (Key = AUTO). If any are found, the analysis may
stop with an error or may proceed with only a warning, depending on various criteria pertaining to the
type of analysis being solved.
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1160 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
This command is valid for all analyses. In a nonlinear analysis, a negative pivot may be valid. In some
cases, rigid body motions in a nonlinear analysis will be trapped by error routines checking infinitely
large displacements (DOF limit exceeded) or nonconvergence status. An under-constrained model may
avoid the pivot check, but fail with a DOF limit exceeded error.
Machine precision may affect whether a small pivot triggers an error or bypasses this checking logic.
You may wish to review the ratio of the maximum to absolute minimum pivot values. For ratios exceeding
12 to 14 orders of magnitude, the accuracy of the computed solution may be degraded by the severe
ill-conditioning of the assembled matrix.
Note that negative pivots corresponding to Lagrange multiplier based mixed u-P elements are not
checked or reported by this command. Negative pivots arising from the u-P element formulation and
related analyses can occur and lead to correct solutions.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Plots a specified acoustic quantity during postprocessing of an acoustic analysis.
POST1 (p. 48): Special Purpose (p. 53)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
The acoustic quantity to calculate:
Specific acoustic impedance on the selected surface.
Acoustic impedance on the selected surface.
Mechanical impedance on the selected surface.
Average pressure on the selected surface.
Force on the selected surface.
Acoustic power on the selected surface.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1161
Equivalent radiated power on the selected structural surface (valid only for SHELL181, SOLID185,
SOLID186, SOLID187, SOLSH190 and SHELL281).
Equivalent radiated power level on the selected structural surface (valid only for SHELL181, SOLID185,
SOLID186, SOLID187, SOLSH190 and SHELL281).
Frequency-band sound pressure level on selected nodes.
A-weighted frequency-band sound pressure level on selected nodes.
Acoustic potential energy on the selected elements.
Acoustic kinetic energy on the selected elements.
Acoustic total energy on the selected elements.
Average square of the L2 norm of pressure on the selected elements.
Input sound power level on defined port.
Output sound power level on defined driven port.
Return loss on defined port.
Absorption coefficient on defined port.
Transmission loss on defined ports.
Transmission loss of random acoustic analysis.
Radiated power in random acoustic analysis.
Specified load step. Defaults to the load step number specified on the SET (p. 1458) command, or defaults
to 1 if SET (p. 1458) has not been issued. This default applies to all Lab values except DFSTL and DFSPW.
Load step number.
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1162 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
All load steps.
AVG or 0
Average result of multiple samplings in a random acoustic analysis (see the MSOLVE (p. 996) command).
This option is used only for Lab = DFSTL and DFSPW, and it is the default for these labels.
Specified substep. Defaults to the substep number specified on the SET (p. 1458) command, or defaults to
ALL (all substeps at the specified load step) if SET (p. 1458) has not been issued. For Lab = BSPL or BSPA,
ALL is the only valid value.
Substep number.
All substeps.
Frequency value representing one of the following:
• Beginning frequency of the frequency range (FREQB to FREQE) for the defined load step(s) and substeps
(SUBSTEP = ALL). If a SUBSTEP value is specified, FREQB is invalid.
• Central frequency of octave bands, used when LogOpt = OB1, OB2, OB3, OB6, OB12, or OB24 and
FREQE is blank.
Ending frequency of the frequency range (FREQB to FREQE) for the defined load step(s) and substeps
(SUBSTEP = ALL). If blank, FREQE is set to FREQB. If a SUBSTEP value is specified, FREQE is invalid.
Octave bands:
Narrow bands (default).
Octave bands.
1/2 octave bands.
1/3 octave bands.
1/6 octave bands.
1/12 octave bands.
1/24 octave bands.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1163
Type of plot:
Line plot (default).
Bar pattern plot, used only for Lab = BSPL or BSPA.
Waterfall diagram, used only for Lab = ERP or ERPL.
Input port number for Lab = LWIN, LWOUT, RL, ALPHA, or TL.
Output port number for Lab = TL.
Reference power for Lab = LWIN, LWOUT, or EPRL (defaults to 1x10-12 W).
Fluid mass density for Lab = ERP or ERPL (defaults to 1.2041 kg/m3).
Speed of sound in the fluid for Lab = ERP or ERPL (defaults to 343.25 m/s).
Radiation efficiency for Lab = ERP or ERPL (defaults to 1).
The PLAS command plots the specified acoustic quantity on the selected exterior surface, the energy
on selected elements, or the sound pressure level over frequency bands. The calculation is based on
the pressure and velocity solution or the frequency-band sound pressure level (SPL).
The total pressure and velocity are used if the selected surface is the excitation source surface. To cal-
culate the incoming and outgoing acoustic power and other sound power parameters on the input and
output surfaces, issue the SF (p. 1464),,PORT command in the preprocessor to define port numbers.
The sound pressure level of the octave bands and general frequency band (defined via the HAR-
FRQ (p. 749) command) is calculated at the selected nodes in the model.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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1164 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Flag to activate or deactivate sorting of forward or backward whirl frequencies:
0 (OFF or NO)
No sorting.
1 (ON or YES)
Sort. This value is the default.
The slope of the line to be printed. This value must be positive.
In the stationary reference frame (RefFrame = YES on the CORIOLIS (p. 345) command), the line rep-
resents the number of excitations per revolution of the rotor. For example, SLOPE = 1 represents one
excitation per revolution, usually resulting from unbalance.
In the rotating reference frame (RefFrame = NO on the CORIOLIS (p. 345) command), the line
represents the number of excitations per revolution of the rotor minus 1.
The line represents the stability threshold for stability values or logarithmic decrements printout
(STABVAL = 1, 2, or 3)
Specifies the unit of measurement for rotational angular velocities:
Rotational angular velocities in radians per second (rad/s). This value is the default.
Rotational angular velocities in revolutions per minute (RPMs).
The beginning, or lower end, of the frequency range of interest. The default is zero.
The rotating component name.
Flag to plot the stability values:
0 (OFF or NO)
Plot the frequencies (the imaginary parts of the eigenvalues in Hz). This value is the default.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1165
1 (ON or YES)
Plot the stability values (the real parts of the eigenvalues in Hz).
Plot the inverse of the logarithmic decrements. A negative logarithmic decrement indicates stable
Plot the logarithmic decrements. A positive logarithmic decrement indicates stable motion and is
consistent with API (American Petroleum Institute) standards.
For more information about complex eigenmodes and corresponding logarithmic decrements, see
Complex Eigensolutions in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference.
Key to specify if all frequencies above FREQB are plotted:
0 (OFF or NO)
A maximum of 10 frequencies are plotted. This value is the default.
1 (ON or YES)
All frequencies are plotted.
Key to specify if the negative frequencies are plotted. It only applies to solutions obtained with the damped
eigensolver (Method = DAMP on the MODOPT (p. 951) command):
0 (OFF or NO)
Only positive frequencies are plotted. This value is the default.
1 (ON or YES)
Negative and positive frequencies are plotted.
The following items are required when generating a Campbell diagram:
• Activate the Coriolis effect (CORIOLIS (p. 345) command) in the solution phase (/SOLU (p. 1537)).
• Run a modal analysis using the QR damped (MODOPT (p. 951),QRDAMP) or damped (MOD-
OPT (p. 951),DAMP) method. Complex eigenmodes are necessary (MODOPT (p. 951),QRDAMP,,,,Cpxmod
= ON), and you must specify the number of modes to expand (MXPAND (p. 1002)).
• Define two or more load step results with an ascending order of rotational velocity (OMEGA (p. 1107) or
CMOMEGA (p. 305)).
In some cases where modes are not in the same order from one load step to the other, sorting the
frequencies (Option = 1) can help to obtain a correct plot. Sorting is based on the comparison between
complex mode shapes calculated at two successive load steps.
At each load step, the application compares the mode shape to the loads at other load steps to determine
whirl direction at the load step. If applicable, a label appears (in the plot legend) representing each
whirl mode (BW for backward whirl and FW for forward whirl).
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1166 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
At each load step, the program checks for instability (based on the sign of the real part of the eigenvalue).
The labels “stable” or “unstable” appear in the plot legend for each frequency curve.
The rotational velocities of a named component (Cname) are displayed on the X-axis.
For information on plotting a Campbell diagram for a prestressed structure, see Solving for a Subsequent
Campbell Analysis of a Prestressed Structure Using the Linear Perturbation Procedure in the Rotordy-
namic Analysis Guide.
For a usage example of the PLCAMP command, see Campbell Diagram in the Rotordynamic Analysis
Damped modal cyclic symmetry (CYCLIC (p. 380)) analyses do not support the PLCAMP command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Rotor Dynamics>Plot Campbell
CYCSPEC (p. 390) specification number (ordered 1 to N in the order input; use CYCSPEC (p. 390),LIST to
view the current list order). Defaults to 1.
Beginning sector number to plot. Defaults to 1.
Ending sector number to plot. Defaults to the total number of sectors expanded (/CYCEXPAND (p. 373)).
Following a cyclic mode-superposition harmonic analysis, this command plots the result item given by
a CYCSPEC (p. 390) specification versus the harmonic frequency, one curve for each of the specified
sectors. A CYCCALC (p. 372) command must have been issued prior to this command.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1167
CYCSPEC (p. 390) specification number (ordered 1 to N in the order input; use CYCSPEC (p. 390),LIST to
view the current list order). Defaults to 1.
Harmonic frequency point to plot (the data set number NSET or CUMULATIVE on SET (p. 1458),LIST). Defaults
to the current SET (p. 1458) frequency.
Following a cyclic mode-superposition harmonic analysis, this command creates a histogram plot of
the result item given by a CYCSPEC (p. 390) specification versus the sector number. A CYCCALC (p. 372)
command must have been issued prior to this command.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Plots CINT (p. 281) quantities according to path number (default).
Plots CINT (p. 281) quantities distribution along the crack front.
Crack ID number.
Crack tip node number (default = ALL).
Use only for ACTION = PATH. Plots CINT (p. 281) contour for an individual crack tip node.
Contour number (Default = ALL).
Use only for ACTION = FRONT. Plots CINT (p. 281) distribution along the crack for a given path.
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1168 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Data type to output:
J-integral (default)
Interaction integral 1
Interaction integral 2
Interaction integral 3
Mode 1 stress-intensity factor
Mode 2 stress-intensity factor
Mode 3 stress-intensity factor
Mode 1 energy release rate
Mode 2 energy release rate
Mode 3 energy release rate
Total energy release rate
Total material force X
Total material force Y
Total material force Z
Crack extension
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1169
The PLCINT command is not available for XFEM-based crack growth analyses results processing.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Plots the Φ = 0 level set surface in an XFEM-based crack analysis
POST1 (p. 48): Results (p. 48)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Solid model display behavior:
No display of the solid model (default).
Solid model displayed with translucency and edges disabled.
The PLCKSURF command is available only for XFEM-based crack analysis during results processing.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Specifies the part of a complex variable to display.
POST26 (p. 55): Display (p. 57)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Complex variable part:
Phase angle.
Real part.
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1170 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Imaginary part.
Used only with harmonic analyses (ANTYPE (p. 140),HARMIC).
All results data are stored in the form of real and imaginary components and converted to amplitude
and/or phase angle as specified via the PLCPLX command. The conversion is not valid for derived results
(such as principal stress/strain, equivalent stress/strain and USUM).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Settings>Graph
Displays the displaced structure.
POST1 (p. 48): Results (p. 48)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Undisplaced shape key:
Display only displaced structure.
Overlay displaced display with similar undisplaced display (appearance is system-dependent).
Same as 1 except overlay with undisplaced edge display (appearance is system-dependent).
Displays the displaced structure for the selected elements.
For information on true scale plots, refer to the description of the /DSCALE (p. 474) command
[/DSCALE (p. 474),,1.0].
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Plot Results>Deformed Shape
Utility Menu>Plot>Results>Deformed Shape
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Animate>Deformed Shape
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1171
Label identifying the item. Valid item labels are shown in the table below. Some items also require a
component label.
Component of the item (if required). Valid component labels are shown in the table below.
Undisplaced shape key:
Do not overlay undeformed structure display.
Overlay displaced contour plot with undeformed display (appearance is system-dependent).
Overlay displaced contour plot with undeformed edge display (appearance is system-dependent).
Scale factor for 2-D display of contact items. Default = 1. To invert the display, specify a negative scaling
PLESOL displays the solution results as element contours discontinuous across element boundaries for
the selected elements.
For example, PLESOL,S,X displays the X component of stress S (that is, the SX stress component). Various
element results depend on the calculation method and the selected results location (AVPRIN (p. 181),
RSYS (p. 1383), and ESEL (p. 548)).
Contours are determined by linear interpolation within each element, unaffected by the surrounding
elements; that is, no nodal averaging occurs. The discontinuity between contours of adjacent elements
is an indication of the gradient across elements. Component results are displayed in the active results
coordinate system (RSYS (p. 1383) [default is global Cartesian]).
To display items not available via PLESOL (such as line element results), see ETABLE (p. 572) and
PLETAB (p. 1179).
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1172 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
For PowerGraphics displays (/GRAPHICS (p. 732),POWER), results are plotted only for the model exterior
surface. Items marked [1] are not supported by PowerGraphics.
Table 197: PLESOL - Valid Item and Component Labels for Element Results
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1173
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1174 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
1 = EMAX
2 = SMAX
3 = TWSI
4 = TWSR
5 = PFIB
6 = PMAT
7 = HFIB
8 = HMAT
9 = L3FB
10 = L3MT
11 = L4FB
12 = L4MT
13~21 = USR1~USR9
VAL Value of the maximum failure criterion over the entire
element: [1][3]
SVAR 1, 2, 3, ... N State variable. [1]
GKS X, XY, XZ Gasket component stress.
GKD X, XY, XZ Gasket component total closure.
GKDI X, XY, XZ Gasket component total inelastic closure.
GKTH X, XY, XZ Gasket component thermal closure.
SS X, XY, XZ Interface traction (stress).
SD X, XY, XZ Interface separation.
CONT STAT Contact status: [2]
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1175
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1176 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1177
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1178 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
2. For MPC-based contact definitions, the value of STAT can be negative. This indicates that one or more
contact constraints were intentionally removed to prevent overconstraint. STAT = -3 is used for MPC bonded
contact; STAT = -2 is used for MPC no-separation contact.
3. Works only if failure criteria information is provided. (For more information, see FC (p. 610) and TB (p. 1603).)
6. Some element- and material-type limitations apply. (For more information, see the documentation for the
PRERR (p. 1236) command.)
7. Do not use the PLESOL command to obtain contact forces for contact elements. The force values reported
by this command may not be accurate for these elements. Instead, use the ETABLE (p. 572) command to
obtain contact force values.
8. Total mechanical, thermal, and diffusion strain (EPEL + EPPL + EPCR + EPTH + EPDI) in coupled-diffusion
9. Failure criteria are based on the effective stresses in the damaged material.
10. For reinforcing elements REINF264 and REINF265, issue PLESOL,BFE,TEMP to plot the corner-point temper-
ature of each member. You can also plot intersection-point temperature gradients (PLESOL,TG) and inter-
section-point heat flux (PLESOL,TF). For higher-order reinforcing members (generated when using higher-
order base elements), the midpoint values are not available for the reinforcing members.
11. For SOLID278 and SOLID279 with KEYOPT(3) = 2, use PLESOL,BFE,TEMP to plot the temperature distribution
through the thickness of the element. When other thermal elements are included in the model, they should
be unselected to avoid plotting undefined information.
12. Comp = SUM is not supported for coupled pore-pressure-thermal (CPTnnn) elements.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Plot Results>Contour Plot>Element Solu
Utility Menu>Plot>Results>Contour Plot>Elem Solution
User-defined label, as specified with the ETABLE (p. 572) command, of item to be displayed.
Averaging operation:
Do not average element items at common nodes (default).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1179
Average the element items at common nodes.
Displays items stored in the table defined with the ETABLE (p. 572) command for the selected elements.
For display purposes, items are assumed to be constant over the element and assigned to each of its
nodes. Contour display lines (lines of constant value) are determined by linear interpolation within each
element from the nodal values. These nodal values have the option of being averaged (values are aver-
aged at a node whenever two or more elements connect to the same node) or not averaged (discon-
tinuous). The discontinuity between contour lines of adjacent elements is an indication of the gradient
across elements.
For reinforcing elements, this command displays the results of reinforcing member (individual reinforcing)
selected via the LAYER (p. 845),N command (where N is a given reinforcing member). LAYER (p. 845),0
(default) or LAYER (p. 845),1 selects the first reinforcing member.
Portions of this command are not supported by PowerGraphics [/GRAPHICS (p. 732),POWER].
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Element Table>Plot Elem Table
Main Menu>General Postproc>Plot Results>Contour Plot>Elem Table
Utility Menu>Plot>Results>Contour Plot>Elem Table Data
Plots pressure far fields and far field parameters.
POST1 (p. 48): Special Purpose (p. 53)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Parameters to plot :
Acoustic parameters
Acoustic parameters with the y-axis rotated extrusion
Acoustic parameters radiated by a vibrating structural panel
Plot option, based on the specified plot parameter type:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1180 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Lab Option
PRES, PROT, or PLAT SUMC -- Maximum pressure in Cartesian
coordinate system plot (default)
The following arguments PHI1, PHI2, NPHI, THETA1, THETA2, and NTHETA are used only when Option
Starting and ending φ angles (degrees) in the spherical coordinate system. Defaults to 0.
Number of divisions between the starting and ending φ angles for data computations. Defaults to 0.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1181
Starting and ending θ angles (degrees) in the spherical coordinate system. Defaults to 0 for a 3-D model
and 90 for a 2-D extrusion model.
Number of divisions between the starting and ending θ angles for data computations. Defaults to 0.
Radius of the sphere surface. Used only when Option = SUMC, SUMP, PHSC, PHSP, SPLC, SPLP, SPAC,
When Option = SPLC, SPLP, SPAC, or SPAP: Reference rms sound pressure. Defaults to 2x10-5 Pa.
When Lab = PRES: thickness of 2-D model extrusion in the z direction (no default).
When Lab = PROT: angle of the y-axis rotated extrusion model (no default).
Mass density of acoustic fluid; used only when Lab = PLAT.
Sound speed in acoustic fluid; used only when Lab = PLAT.
Specified load step. Defaults to the load step number specified on the SET (p. 1458) command, or defaults
to 1 if SET (p. 1458) has not been issued.
Load step number.
All load steps.
Specified substep. Defaults to the substep number specified on the SET (p. 1458) command, or defaults to
ALL (all substeps at the specified load step) if SET (p. 1458) has not been issued.
Substep number.
All substeps.
Frequency value representing one of the following:
• Beginning frequency of the frequency range (FREQB to FREQE) for the defined load step(s) and substeps
(SUBSTEP = ALL). If a SUBSTEP value is specified, FREQB is invalid.
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1182 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• Central frequency of octave bands, used when LogOpt = OB1, OB2, OB3, OB6, OB12, or OB24 and
FREQE is blank.
Ending frequency of the frequency range (FREQB to FREQE) for the defined load step(s) and substeps
(SUBSTEP = ALL). If blank, FREQE is set to FREQB. If a SUBSTEP value is specified, FREQE is invalid.
Type of plot:
x-y chart with angle as the x-axis variable (default).
x-y chart with frequency as the x-axis variable.
Waterfall diagram of a field parameter with variables (frequency, angle).
Waterfall diagram of a field parameter with variables (frequency, RPM).
Octave bands (used only when Option = SPLC, SPLP, SPAC or SPAP):
Narrow bands (default).
Octave bands.
1/2 octave bands.
1/3 octave bands.
1/6 octave bands.
1/12 octave bands.
1/24 octave bands.
The PLFAR command plots pressure far fields and far field parameters as determined by the equivalent
source principle. Use this command to plot pressure and acoustic parameters. See the HFSYM (p. 756)
command for the model symmetry and the HFANG (p. 756) command for spatial radiation angles.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1183
Plotting acoustic parameters radiated by a vibrating structural panel (Lab = PLAT) is supported by
elements SOLID185, SOLID186, SOLID187, SHELL181, SHELL281, and SOLSH190. The vibration surface
of the panel must be flagged by the SF (p. 1464),,MXWF command.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Number of contour lines to display. Issue in multiples of 9 (i.e., 9, 18, 27, etc.). Default is 27 contour lines.
Overlay edge outlines by material number.
Overlay edge outlines by real constant number.
Highest material or real constant attribute number. Command will cycle through ANUM element display
overlays. Defaults to 10.
Window number to which command applies. Defaults to 1.
PLF2D invokes an ANSYS macro which plots equipotentials of the degree of freedom AZ. These equi-
potential lines are parallel to flux lines and thus give a good representation of flux patterns. In the
axisymmetric case, the display is actually r*AZ where "r" is the node radius. The macro overlays (OLAY)
edge outlines by material number or real constant number (ANUM) and allows user control over the
number of contour lines to display (NCONT).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Plot Results>Contour Plot>2D Flux Lines
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1184 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Items to plot:
Plot both target and source geometries (default).
Plot only the target geometry.
Plot only the source geometry.
If the source data contains faces (that is, surface elements were created upon the READ (p. 1318) command),
set NODEkey = 1 to plot only the source nodes rather than both the nodes and the elements.
Target faces are displayed in gray and source points in yellow. If the source data contains faces (that
is, surface elements were created upon the READ (p. 1318) command), the source faces are also displayed
in blue (unless NODEkey = 1), and both surfaces are made translucent.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Label of element table item (ETABLE (p. 572)) for node I magnitude.
Label of element table item for node J magnitude.
Scale factor for display (defaults to 1). A negative scaling factor may be used to invert the display.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1185
Undisplaced shape key:
Display selected items on undeformed shape.
Display selected items on deformed shape.
View Up key:
Ignore the view-up (/VUP (p. 1813)) vector when calculating trapezoid orientation (default).
Use the view-up (/VUP (p. 1813)) vector to calculate trapezoid orientation.
Displays selected items (such as shears and moments) as a contoured area (trapezoid) display along
line elements and 2-D axisymmetric shell elements (such as shear and moment diagrams). Three sides
of the trapezoid are formed by the element (one side) and lines at nodes I and J of length proportional
to the item magnitude and displayed normal to the element and the viewing direction (the two parallel
When ViewUP = 1, the trapezoid is oriented within the plane created by the element and the global
Cartesian coordinate system reference orientation (/VUP or view up) vector. In this case, the program
does not perform the calculation involving the element and view direction.
Portions of this command are not supported by PowerGraphics [/GRAPHICS (p. 732),POWER].
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Plot Results>Contour Plot>Line Elem Res
Items to plot:
Plot both target and source pressures (default).
Plot only the target pressures.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1186 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Plot only the source pressures.
Unused field.
If the source data contains faces (that is, surface elements were created upon the READ (p. 1318) command),
set NODEkey = 1 to plot only the source nodes rather than both the nodes and the elements.
Plot the real pressures (default).
Plot the imaginary pressures.
Pressures on the target faces are displayed as a color contour plot using the command
/PSF (p. 1282),PRES,,3. If the source data contains faces (that is, surface elements were created upon the
READ (p. 1318) command), the source faces are also displayed using a color contour plot by default. If
NODEkey = 1 or no source faces are available, the source pressures are displayed as colored node
symbols (/PSYMB (p. 1295),DOT,1 command).
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Plot the solution identified as load step LSTEP and substep SBSTEP
As an alternative to LSTEP and SBSTEP, plot the solution at the time value TIMFRQ (for AN-
TYPE (p. 140),TRANS) or frequency value TIMFRQ (for ANTYPE (p. 140),HARMIC). LSTEP and SBSTEP should
be left blank.
Key for plotting real or imaginary solution. Valid only for ANTYPE (p. 140),HARMIC.
0 (or blank)
Plot the real solution (default).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1187
Plot the imaginary solution.
Plot the amplitude.
HIbeg, HIend
For cyclic symmetry solutions, plot the solutions in the harmonic index solution range HIbeg to HIend.
Defaults to all harmonic indices (all modes).
PLMC plots a histogram of the modal coordinates (the factors which modes may be multiplied by to
obtain their contribution to the response) at a certain time point (transient analyses) or frequency point
(harmonic analyses). The absolute values of the modal coordinates are plotted. Use /XRANGE (p. 1835)
to plot only modes in a certain range, if desired.
For transient analyses, the Jobname.rdsp file must be available. For harmonic analyses, the Job-
name.rfrq file must be available. The content of these files depends on the OUTRES (p. 1115) command
settings. Note that the default for mode-superposition transient analysis is to write the reduced displace-
ment file every 4th substep. For more information, see Command Default (p. 1118) in the OUTRES (p. 1115)
command description.
For a cyclic harmonic mode-superposition analysis, use the CYCFILES (p. 375) command to identify the
Jobname.rfrq and modal Jobname.rst file. You may limit the plot to display only those modes
in a certain harmonic index range. The modes having the same harmonic index are each plotted in a
unique color. If there are less than 10 harmonic indices, they are identified in the graphics legend.
This is a graphical representation of the optional Jobname.mcf text file (see the TRNOPT (p. 1691) and
HROPT (p. 762) commands). To print the modal coordinates, use the PRMC (p. 1250) command. For more
information on modal coordinates, see Mode-Superposotion Method in the Mechanical APDL Theory
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Plots the pressure in the near zone exterior to the equivalent source surface.
POST1 (p. 48): Special Purpose (p. 53)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Plot the maximum pressure or sound pressure level:
on the spherical structure
along the path
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1188 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Maximum complex pressure for acoustics.
Phase angle of complex pressure for acoustics.
Sound pressure level for acoustics.
A-weighted sound pressure level for acoustics (dBA).
KCN is the coordinate system reference number. It may be 0 (Cartesian) or any previously defined local
coordinate system number (>10). Defaults to 0.
Radius of spherical surface in spherical coordinate system.
Starting φ angle (degree) in the spherical coordinate system. Defaults to 0.
Ending φ angle (degree) in the spherical coordinate system. Defaults to 0.
Number of divisions between the starting and ending φ angles for data computations. Defaults to 0.
Starting θ angle (degrees) in the spherical coordinate system. Defaults to 0 in 3-D and 90 in 2-D extension.
Ending θ angle (degrees) in the spherical coordinate system. Defaults to 0 in 3-D and 90 in 2-D extension.
Number of divisions between the starting and ending θ angles for data computations. Defaults to 0.
Reference rms sound pressure. Defaults to 2x10-5 Pa.
Thickness of 2-D model extension in z direction (defaults to 0).
For Lab = PATH (p. 1132), PLNEAR computes the electric field or pressure for the path data points
for the path currently defined by the PATH (p. 1132) and PPATH (p. 1222) commands.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1189
PLNEAR uses the equivalent source principle to calculate the pressure in the near zone exterior to the
equivalent source surface (flagged with the Maxwell surface flag in the preprocessor) for one of the
following locations:
• A path defined by the PATH (p. 1132) and PPATH (p. 1222) commands
To plot the pressure results for a path, use the PLPAGM (p. 1200) or PLPATH (p. 1201) commands. See the
HFSYM (p. 756) command for the model symmetry.
To retrieve saved equivalent source data, issue the SET (p. 1458),Lstep,Sbstep,,REAL command.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Label identifying the item. Valid item labels are shown in the table below. Some items also require a
component label.
Component of the item (if required). Valid component labels are shown in the table below.
Undisplaced shape key:
Do not overlay undeformed structure display.
Overlay displaced contour plot with undeformed display (appearance is system-dependent).
Overlay displaced contour plot with undeformed edge display (appearance is system-dependent).
Scale factor for 2-D display for contact items. Default value is 1. A negative scaling factor inverts the display.
The file index number (obtained via NLDIAG (p. 1021),NRRE,ON). Valid only for Item = NRRE.
Specifies whether random acoustic results are averaged. Valid only for Item = U and PRES.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1190 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
No averaging (default).
Display average results for random acoustics.
PLNSOL displays the solution results as continuous contours across element boundaries for the selected
nodes and elements.
For example, PLNSOL,S,X displays the X component of stress S (that is, the SX stress component).
Various element results depend upon the recalculation method and the selected results location
(AVPRIN (p. 181), RSYS (p. 1383), LAYER (p. 845), SHELL (p. 1506), and NSEL (p. 1057)).
Contours are determined by linear interpolation within each element from the nodal values, averaged
at a node whenever two or more elements connect to the same node. (The exception is FMAG, which
is summed at the node.)
For reinforcing elements (REINFnnn), contours are determined by interpolation within each reinforcing
member of reinforcing elements from the results of base elements, averaged at intersection points of
reinforcing elements and base elements. The average is performed only for common intersection points
of reinforcing members within one reinforcing element.
For PowerGraphics displays (/GRAPHICS (p. 732),POWER), results are plotted for the model exterior surface
only. Items marked [2] are not supported by PowerGraphics.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1191
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1192 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1193
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1194 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1195
1. For SHELL131 and SHELL132 elements with KEYOPT(3) = 0 or 1, use the labels TBOT, TE2, TE3, . . ., TTOP
instead of TEMP to view the individual temperature degree of freedom. When other thermal elements are
included in the model, deselect them to avoid plotting undefined information. To view all temperatures
in the same plot, set /ESHAPE (p. 552),1 and /GRAPHICS (p. 732),POWER and issue PLNSOL,TEMP.
3. For the CONT items for elements CONTA172, CONTA174, CONTA175, and CONTA177, the reported data is
averaged across the element. To obtain a more meaningful STAT value, use the PLESOL (p. 1172) command.
4. For MPC-based contact definitions, the value of STAT can be negative. This indicates that one or more
contact constraints were intentionally removed to prevent overconstraint. STAT = -3 is used for MPC bonded
contact; STAT = -2 is used for MPC no-separation contact.
5. When plotting Newton-Raphson residual items (Item = NRRE) from a file on the deformed geometry, the
displacements are based on the current set of results in the database. These displacements may not cor-
respond to the loadstep and substep in the .nrxxxxx file. (For more information about .nrxxxxx files
and nonlinear diagnostics postprocessing, see the description of the NLDPOST (p. 1026) command and
Performing Nonlinear Diagnostics.)
6. Works only if failure criteria information is provided (FC (p. 610) and TB (p. 1603)).
9. Failure criteria are based on the effective stresses in the damaged material.
10. Only valid for SHELL181, SOLID185, SOLID186, SOLID187, SOLSH190, and SHELL281.
11. Comp = SUM is not supported for coupled pore-pressure-thermal (CPTnnn) elements.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Plot Results>Contour Plot>Nodal Solu
Utility Menu>Plot>Results>Contour Plot>Nodal Solution
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Animate>Animate Over Results
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1196 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Apply display items as selected from the following labels:
Controls the display of the legend (ON or OFF) and allows the choice of preset or Multi-legend place-
ment. Control is provided by the KEY values. (Defaults to KEY=3 when the GUI is on. Defaults to KEY=
2 otherwise.)
Header portion of legend column (defaults to ON).
View portion of legend column (defaults to ON (except off with contour displays)).
View the contour section of the legend column (defaults to ON).
Frame border lines around windows (defaults to ON).
Title (bottom left text) (defaults to ON).
Min-Max symbols on contour displays (defaults to ON).
ANSYS logo (defaults to OFF (displayed as text at top of legend column)). If KEY = ON, the text is re-
moved from legend column but the logo symbol is displayed in whichever active window is either in
the uppermost right corner and on top, or if there is no window in that location, then in the window
to the furthest right of the screen. Version information remains in the legend column.
Controls whether graphics windows automatically stretch or shrink to adjust to screen size as the legend
column is turned off or on [/PLOPTS (p. 1197),INFO] (defaults to ON). If WINS is on and the legend column
is changed from off to on, all windows are shrunk regardless of what their correct size is.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1197
Working plane (defaults to OFF). The working plane is drawn as part of the display (not just an overlaid
image as in WPSTYL (p. 1821)). This option is best used in combination with a hidden-line technique
[/TYPE (p. 1705)].
Controls the display of the date and time in your legend. Subsequent KEY values control the display
as follows:
Controls the display of the ANSYS jobname in your legend. Subsequent KEY values control the display
as follows:
OFF or 0
Do not apply this display item. For Label = DATE, no time or date are displayed.
ON or 1
Apply this display item. For Label = DATE, show only the date.
AUTO or 2
For Label = INFO, initiate Auto-legend mode. If the display has contours, the legend is ON; if the
display has no contours, the legend is OFF. For Label = DATE, display both the date and time.
For Label = INFO , switch to Multi-legend mode. See the /UDOC (p. 1710) command for the available
legend configurations.
Command Default
See individual label defaults.
The Multi-legend mode (/PLOPTS (p. 1197),INFO,3) is the default for contour legend displays.
Use /PLOPTS (p. 1197),STAT to display settings. Use /PLOPTS (p. 1197),DEFA to reset all specifications back
to their defaults.
When you perform multiple results displays, contours on the legend column may be truncated. To avoid
this, specify /PLOPTS (p. 1197),LEG1,0.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1198 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The Multi-legend mode provides a number of legend data item priority and placement options. These
options are accessed via the GUI at Utility Menu> PlotCtrls> Window Controls> Window Options.
The /UDOC (p. 1710) command provides command line options for this capability.
This command is not available for Academic Research or Teaching level products
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Window Controls>Reset Window Options
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Window Controls>Window Options
Displays the orbital motion of a rotating structure
POST1 (p. 48): Results (p. 48)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
When a structure is rotating and the Coriolis or gyroscopic effect is taken into account (CORIOLIS (p. 345)),
nodes lying on the rotation axis generally exhibit an elliptical orbital motion. The PLORB command
displays the orbit of each rotating node as well as the deformed shape at time t = 0 (the real part of
the solution).
To print the characteristics of the orbital path traversed by each node, issue the PRORB (p. 1263) command.
The PLORB command is valid for line elements (such as BEAM188, BEAM189, PIPE288, and PIPE289).
PLORB is not supported for beam elements with the warping degree of freedom activated.
Your model must also involve a rotational velocity (OMEGA (p. 1107) or CMOMEGA (p. 305)) with Coriolis
enabled (CORIOLIS (p. 345)).
Because orbit data is written in the database, a SET (p. 1458) command must be issued after the PLORB
command to ensure proper output for subsequent postprocessing commands.
The coordinate system for displaying nodal results must be global Cartesian (RSYS (p. 1383),KCN = 0).
PLORB is not supported if nodes are rotated in a cylindrical coordinate system.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Rotor Dynamics>Plot orbit
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1199
Specifies "Plotting settings" as the subsequent status topic.
POST26 (p. 55): Status (p. 57)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>TimeHist Postproc>Plot
The path data item to be displayed on the currently active path (defined by the PATH (p. 1132) command).
Valid path items are those defined with the PDEF (p. 1146) or PLNEAR (p. 1188) commands.
Scale factor for the offset from the path for the path data item displays. Defaults to 1.0.
Determines how data is displayed:
Do not display nodes, and scale the display based on the currently selected node set (default).
Display path item data along with the currently selected set of nodes. The display geometry is scaled
to the selected node set.
You can use the Gscale argument to scale the contour display offset from the path for clarity. You
need to type all six characters to issue this command.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1200 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Plot Path Item>On Geometry
Main Menu>General Postproc>Plot Results>Plot Path Item>On Geometry
The path must have been defined by the PATH (p. 1132) and PPATH (p. 1222) commands. Path items and
their labels must have been defined with the PDEF (p. 1146), PVECT (p. 1299), PCALC (p. 1138), PDOT (p. 1149),
PCROSS (p. 1145), or PLNEAR (p. 1188) commands. Path items may also be printed with the PRPATH (p. 1264)
command. Graph scaling may be controlled with the /XRANGE (p. 1835), /YRANGE (p. 1837), and
PRANGE (p. 1223) commands. You need to type all six characters to issue this command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Plot Path Item>On Graph
Main Menu>General Postproc>Plot Results>Plot Path Item>On Graph
Utility Menu>Plot>Results>Path Plot
Label identifying the item to be processed. Valid item labels are shown in Table 199: PLSECT - Valid Item
and Component Labels (p. 1202) below. Items also require a component label.
Component of the item. Valid component labels are shown in Table 199: PLSECT - Valid Item and Component
Labels (p. 1202) below.
In-plane (X-Y) average radius of curvature of the inside and outside surfaces of an axisymmetric section.
If zero (or blank), a plane or 3-D structure is assumed. If nonzero, an axisymmetric structure is assumed.
Use a very large number (or -1) for an axisymmetric straight section.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1201
Through-thickness bending stresses key for an axisymmetric analysis (RHO ≠ 0):
Include the thickness-direction bending stresses.
Ignore the thickness-direction bending stresses.
Include the thickness-direction bending stress using the same formula as the Y (axial direction )
bending stress. Also use the same formula for the shear stress.
Through-thickness bending stresses key for 3-D geometry (RHO = 0):
Include the thickness-direction bending stresses.
Ignore the following thickness-direction bending stresses: SX, SXY, SXZ
Calculates and displays the membrane and membrane-plus-bending linearized stresses (as described
for the PRSECT (p. 1267) command) along a path section [PATH (p. 1132)] as a graph. The path section is
defined by two points specified with the PPATH (p. 1222) command. For linearized stress calculations,
the path must be defined with nodes. The path must be entirely within the selected elements (that is,
there must not be any element gaps along the path). The total stress (equivalent to the PLPATH (p. 1201)
display) is also displayed. This command always uses 48 divisions along the path, regardless of the
number of divisions defined by PATH (p. 1132).
In analyses of 3-D models with RHO = 0, ignoring the calculated out-of-plane bending stresses is recom-
mended in some scenarios when determining the linearized bending stresses. If KBR3D = 0, all calculated
stresses are included in the linearized bending-stress calculations. If KBR3D = 1, these calculated out-
of-plane bending stresses are ignored in the linearized bending-stress calculations: SX, SXY, SXZ. (The
principal bending-stress calculation for S1, S2, S3, SINT, and SEQV is performed with these zeroed
Portions of this command are not supported by PowerGraphics [/GRAPHICS (p. 732),POWER].
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Linearized Strs
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1202 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Minimum time (defaults to the first point stored).
Maximum time (defaults to the last point stored).
Command Default
Use the previously defined range [TIMERANGE (p. 1677)].
Defines the time (or frequency) range (within the range stored) for which data are to be displayed. Time
is always displayed in the Z-axis direction for 3-D graph displays. If XVAR = 1, time is also displayed in
the X-axis direction and this control also sets the abscissa scale range.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Settings>Graph
PLTRAC, Analopt, Item, Comp, TRPNum, Name, MXLOOP, TOLER, OPTION, ESCL,
Displays a charged particle trace on an element display.
POST1 (p. 48): Trace Points (p. 53)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Analysis option
Particle trace in electric field
Particle trace in magnetic field
Particle trace in presence of both electric and magnetic fields (default)
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1203
Label identifying the item to be contoured. Valid item labels are shown in Table 200: PLTRAC - Valid Item
and Component Labels (p. 1205) below. Some items also require a component label. If Item is blank, display
only the path trajectory.
Component of the item (if required). Valid component labels are shown in Table 200: PLTRAC - Valid Item
and Component Labels (p. 1205) below.
Trace point number for storing trajectory data for use with PATH (p. 1132) logic. Defaults to 0 (no trajectory
path data is stored for further processing with PATH (p. 1132) logic).
Name of prefix of array variable. Defaults to TRAC. NamePOIN stores trajectory path points for trace point
number TRPNum. If Analopt = ELEC, MAGN, or EMAG, two additional array parameters, NameDATA and
NameLABL, store trajectory path data and labels for the same TRPNum.
Maximum number of loops traced by a particle. Defaults to 1000.
Length tolerance used for particle trajectory geometry calculation. Valid for Analopt = ELEC, MAGN, or
EMAG. If particle trace appears to terminate inside an element, adjusting the length tolerance may be ne-
cessary. Defaults to 1.0 x 10-8.
Flow trace option:
Use the undeformed mesh for computing the flow trace.
Use the deformed mesh for computing the flow trace.
Electric field scale factor. Setting this scale factor affects only the tracing, not the field solution results. A
negative factor corresponds to the opposite vector direction. Valid only for Analopt = ELEC or EMAG.
Defaults to 1.
Magnetic field scale factor. Setting this scale factor affects only the tracing, not the field solution results.
A negative factor corresponds to the opposite vector direction. Valid only for Analopt = MAGN or EMAG.
Defaults to 1.
For a specified item, the variation of the item is displayed along the particle trace as a color-contoured
ribbon. The TRPOIN (p. 1694) command must be used to define a point on the trajectory path. Multiple
traces may be displayed simultaneously by defining multiple trace points. Issue the TRPLIS (p. 1694)
command to list the current tracing points. Issue the TRPDEL (p. 1693) command to delete tracing points
defined earlier. Use the PAPUT (p. 1127) command with the POIN option to retrieve the particle trajectory
points as path points.
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1204 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The model must be 3-D for the ELEC, MAGN, and EMAG analysis options.
Three array parameters are created at the time of the particle trace: TRACPOIN, TRACDATA and TRACLABL.
These array parameters can be used to put the particle velocity and the elapsed time into path form.
The procedure to put the arrays into a path named PATHNAME is as follows:
If working in the GUI, use the "All information" option to retrieve information from all three arrays at
If OPTION is set to 1, the deformed mesh is based on the displacement degrees of freedom UX, UY,
and UZ, which must be available in the load step.
See the Basic Analysis Guide for more information on charged particle traces. See Animation in the Basic
Analysis Guide for information on particle trace animation.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Plot Results>Particle Trace
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Animate>Particle Flow
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1205
Displays up to ten variables in the form of a graph.
POST26 (p. 55): Display (p. 57)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Variables are displayed vs. variable N on the XVAR (p. 1836) command. The string value will be a predefined,
unique name. For complex variables, the amplitude is displayed by default [PLCPLX (p. 1170)]. Each PLVAR
command produces a new frame. See the /GRTYP (p. 739) command for displaying multiple variables
in a single frame with separate Y-axes.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Graph Variables
Predefined vector item (from Table 201: PLVECT - Valid Item Labels (p. 1208) below) or a label identifying
the i-component of a user-defined vector.
Label identifying the j-component of a user-defined vector. In most cases, this value must be blank if Item
is selected from Table 201: PLVECT - Valid Item Labels (p. 1208). Individual principal stresses (Item = S) or
principal strains (Item = EPxx) may be plotted by specifying the value as 1, 2, or 3.
Label identifying the k-component of a user-defined vector. Must be blank if Item is selected from list
below or for 2-D user defined vector.
Label assigned to resultant vector for display labeling (defaults to Item).
Vector or raster mode override key:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1206 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Use the setting of KEY on the /DEVICE (p. 429) command.
Use raster mode for PLVECT displays.
Use vector mode for PLVECT displays.
Vector location for display of field element results:
Display at element centroid (default).
Display at element nodes.
Nodal results quantities will only be displayed at nodes, not at element centroids.
Edge display override key:
Use the setting of Key on the /EDGE (p. 491) command.
Deactivate the edge display.
Activate the edge display.
Undisplaced shape key:
Display vectors on undeformed mesh or geometry.
Display vectors on deformed mesh or geometry.
Displays various solution results as vectors (arrows) for the selected nodes and/or elements (elements
must contain at least three nodes that are not colinear). For example, PLVECT,U displays the displacement
vector for all selected nodes. For section displays [/TYPE (p. 1705)], the vectors are shown only on the
section face (i.e., cutting plane). The PLVECT display of principal strains and stresses (Item = S, EPTO,
EPEL, EPPL, EPCR, or EPTH) on a "cut" of the model (/TYPE (p. 1705),,1 ,5,7,8, or 9) is not supported. The
resulting plot displays the vectors on all selected elements, not on just the sliced surface. See the /VS-
CALE (p. 1802) command to scale vector lengths. Vector magnitudes may be shown as a contour display
with the PLNSOL (p. 1190) command. Various results also depend upon the recalculation method and
the selected results location [LAYER (p. 845), SHELL (p. 1506), and NSEL (p. 1057)].
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1207
Items may be selected from a set of recognized vector labels (Item) or a vector may be defined from
up to three scalar labels (Item,Lab2,Lab3). Scalar labels may be user-defined with the ETABLE (p. 572)
command. The vectors appear on an element display as arrows showing the relative magnitude of the
vector and its direction. The predefined items will be shown either at the node or at the element
centroid, depending on what item is being displayed and depending on the Loc setting. User defined
ETABLE (p. 572) items will be shown at the element centroid, regardless of the Loc setting. Stress vectors
appear as arrows at the element centroid, with the arrowheads pointing away from each other for
tension and toward each other for compression.
For PowerGraphics, vector arrow displays are generated in Global Cartesian (RSYS (p. 1383) = 0). All sub-
sequent displays will revert to your original coordinate system.
When vector mode is active (Mode = VECT), use the Z-buffered display type [/TYPE (p. 1705),,6] to max-
imize speed of PLVECT plots (other hidden display types may make plotting slow). For PowerGraphics
[/GRAPHICS (p. 732),POWER], the items marked with [1] are not supported by PowerGraphics.
It is possible to plot principal stresses (Item = S) or principal strains (Item = EPxx) individually. To do
so, specify a Lab2 value of 1, 2, or 3. For example, the following are valid commands:
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1208 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Item Description
H Magnetic field intensity vector. If Lab2 is blank, then Item
is interpreted as one of the predefined labels. Otherwise,
Item is interpreted as a user-defined ET (p. 571) label and
ANSYS will request a nonblank Lab2/Lab3 according to
the dimension of the problem.
B Magnetic flux density vector.
CG Concentration gradient vector.
DF Diffusion flux density vector.
FMAG Electromagnetic force vector.
P Poynting vector.
JS Source current density vector for low-frequency magnetic
analyses. Total current density vector (sum of conduction
and displacement current densities) in low frequency
electric analyses.
JT Total measureable current density vector in low-frequency
electromagnetic analyses. (Conduction current density
vector in a low-frequency electric analysis.)
JC Conduction current density vector for elements that
support conduction current calculation.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Plot Results>Vector Plot>Predefined
Main Menu>General Postproc>Plot Results>Vector Plot>User-defined
Utility Menu>Plot>Results>Vector Plot
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Animate>Q-Slice Vectors
Rotational speed in revolutions per minute (RPM) used to define the speed line. If blank, use the rotational
speed (from OMEGA (p. 1107)) specified in the prestressing step of the linear perturbation analysis. If explicitly
input as 0, or if the linear perturbation was not used, no speed lines are plotted.
Adds speed lines about the RotVel speed line corresponding to RotVel ± DeltaRotVel. Only plotted
if RotVel is known.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1209
PLZZ plots the cyclic modal frequencies as points on a frequency vs. harmonic index (nodal diameter)
graph. If rotational speed (RotVel) is provided, the speed line is also plotted, leading to the interference
diagram (also known as the SAFE or ZZENF diagram). If DeltaRotVel is also provided, two additional
speed lines are plotted, enveloping the safe speed line itself.
For more information, see Postprocessing a Modal Cyclic Symmetry Analysis in the Cyclic Symmetry
Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
This command forces the contents of a macro or other input file to be written to Jobname.LOG. It is
valid only within a macro or input file, and should be placed at the top of the file. /PMACRO (p. 1210)
should be included in any macro or input file that calls GUI functions.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Defines the mapping method:
Maps uniform divisions (specified on the nDiv argument of the PATH (p. 1132) command) between
specified points. This is the default.
Map geometry using a small division at the beginning and end of each segment. This gives you accurate
derivatives, integrals, tangents, and normals for curves which do not have continuous slopes at the
specified points. To create nonuniform divisions, the nDiv argument of the PATH (p. 1132) command
must be greater than 2.
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1210 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Sets mapping for discontinuities in the field. The divisions are modified to put a point just before and just
after the discontinuity. The valid label is MAT, for a material discontinuity. No discontinuity is the default.
Discontinuity mapping involves the NOAV option on the PDEF (p. 1146) command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Define Path>Path Options
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Path Operations>Define Path>Path Options
File name (8 characters maximum) to which tabular data and plot files will be written. Must be enclosed
in single quotes when the command is manually typed in. Defaults to MG_TRNS. The data file extension
is .OUT and the plot file extension is .PLT.
Frequency of solution output. Defaults to 1. Every FREQth solution on the results file is output.
Fcnam1, Fcnam2
Names of element components for force calculation. Must be enclosed in single quotes when the command
is manually typed in.
Pcnam1, Pcnam2
Names of element components for power loss calculation. Must be enclosed in single quotes when the
command is manually typed in.
Ecnam1, Ccnam1
Names of element components for energy and total current calculations, respectively. Must be enclosed
in single quotes when the command is manually typed in.
PMGTRAN invokes an ANSYS macro which calculates and summarizes electromagnetic results from a
transient analysis. The results are summarized by element components and listed on the screen as well
as written to a file (Fname.OUT).
Two components may be selected for the summary of electromagnetic forces, two for power loss, and
one each for stored energy (see SENERGY (p. 1449)) and total current (see CURR2D (p. 367)). See the ref-
erenced commands for other restrictions.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1211
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Elec&Mag>Magnetics
PMLOPT, PSYS, Lab, Xminus, Xplus, Yminus, Yplus, Zminus, Zplus, MixOpt
Defines perfectly matched layers (PMLs) or irregular perfectly matched layers (IPML).
PREP7 (p. 20): Artificially Matched Layers (p. 34)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
PML element coordinate system number. PSYS may be 0 (global Cartesian) or any previously defined
local Cartesian coordinate system number (>10). Defaults to 0. (Not used for IPML.)
Label defining the number of dimensions (not used for IPML):
A one-dimensional PML region.
A three-dimensional PML region (default).
For PML, normal reflection coefficient (harmonic analysis) or attenuation factor (static structural analysis)
in negative X direction of PSYS. Defaults to 1.E−3 (equivalent to -60 dB) for a harmonic analysis and 30
for a static structural analysis.
For IPML, normal reflection coefficient (harmonic analysis); the default value is calculated by the
Normal reflection coefficient (harmonic analysis) or attenuation factor (static structural analysis) in positive
X direction of PSYS. Defaults to 1.E−3 (equivalent to -60 dB) for a harmonic analysis and 30 for a static
structural analysis. (Not used for IPML.)
Normal reflection coefficient (harmonic analysis) or attenuation factor (static structural analysis) in negative
Y direction of PSYS. Defaults to 1.E−3 (equivalent to -60 dB) for a harmonic analysis and 30 for a static
structural analysis. (Not used for IPML.)
Normal reflection coefficient (harmonic analysis) or attenuation factor (static structural analysis) in positive
Y direction of PSYS. Defaults to 1.E−3 (equivalent to -60 dB) for a harmonic analysis and 30 for a static
structural analysis. (Not used for IPML.)
Normal reflection coefficient (harmonic analysis) or attenuation factor (static structural analysis) in negative
Z direction of PSYS. Defaults to 1.E−3 (equivalent to -60 dB) for a harmonic analysis and 30 for a static
structural analysis. (Not used for IPML.)
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1212 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Normal reflection coefficient (harmonic analysis) or attenuation factor (static structural analysis) in positive
Z direction of PSYS. Defaults to 1.E−3 (equivalent to -60 dB) for a harmonic analysis and 30 for a static
structural analysis. (Not used for IPML.)
Key for the evanescent wave:
Only the propagating wave is attenuated (default). The PML parameter is set to s = 1–jβ.
Both the propagating wave and the evanescent wave are attenuated. The PML parameter is set to s =
α–jβ (α > 1). The program sets the coefficient α values in terms of the normal reflection coefficients.
The PMLOPT command can be used to define perfectly matched layers (PML). The following element
types support perfectly matched layers:
• Acoustice elements: FLUID30, FLUID220, and FLUID221 (KEYOPT(4) > 0) in a harmonic acoustic analysis
• Structural elements: SOLID185, SOLID186, and SOLID187 (KEYOPT(15) = 1) in a static structural analysis
Each PML region must have a uniquely defined PML element coordinate system (PSYS (p. 1297)). Normal
reflection coefficient values for a harmonic analysis must be less than 1.
The PMLOPT command can also be used to define irregular perfectly matched layers (IPML) for acoustic
analyses. Normal reflection coefficient values for a harmonic analysis must be less than 1.
Issue PMLOPT,STAT to list the current normal reflection coefficient or attenuation factor settings for a
PML or IPML region. Issue PMLOPT,CLEAR to clear all normal reflection coefficient settings and restore
them to the defaults.
Issue PMLOPT,PSYS,CLEAR to clear all normal reflection coefficient settings for the specified PML element
coordinate system and restore them to the defaults.
See Artificially Matched Layers in the Acoustic Analysis Guide for more information about using perfectly
matched layers (PML) and irregular perfectly matched layers (IPML).
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1213
Minimum operating frequency (no default).
Maximum operating frequency (defaults to FREQB).
Minimum distance from the radiation source to the PML or IPML interface (no default).
Maximum distance from the radiation source to the PML or IPML interface (defaults to DMIN).
Thickness of the PML or IPML region (defaults to 0).
Incident angle of wave to the PML or IPML interface (defaults to 0).
Wave speed in PML or IPML medium (defaults to 343.24 m/s).
PMLSIZE determines the number of PML or IPML layers for acceptable numerical accuracy.
PMLSIZE must be issued before any meshing commands. If the thickness of the PML or IPML region is
known, it determines an element edge length (h) and issues ESIZE (p. 554),h. If the thickness of the PML
or IPML region is unknown, it determines the number of layers (n) and issues ESIZE (p. 554),,n.
See Artificially Matched Layers in the Acoustic Analysis Guide for more information about using perfectly
matched layers (PML) and irregular perfectly matched layers (IPML).
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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1214 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
/PMORE (p. 1215), --, X5, Y5, X6, Y6, X7, Y7, X8, Y8
Creates an annotation polygon (GUI).
GRAPHICS (p. 14): Annotation (p. 16)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Unused field.
X location for vertex 5 of polygon (-1.0 < X < 2.0).
Y location for vertex 5 of polygon (-1.0 < Y < 1.0).
X location for vertex 6 of polygon (-1.0 < X < 2.0).
Y location for vertex 6 of polygon (-1.0 < Y < 1.0).
X location for vertex 7 of polygon (-1.0 < X < 2.0).
Y location for vertex 7 of polygon (-1.0 < Y < 1.0).
X location for vertex 8 of polygon (-1.0 < X < 2.0).
Y location for vertex 8 of polygon (-1.0 < Y < 1.0).
Defines the 5th through 8th vertices of an annotation polygon [/POLYGON (p. 1220)]. This is a command
generated by the Graphical User Interface (GUI) and will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if an-
notation is used. This command is not intended to be typed in directly in an ANSYS session (although
it can be included in an input file for batch input or for use with the /INPUT (p. 791) command).
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Annotation>Create Annotation
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1215
Specifies various PNG file export options.
If Kywrd = COMP, then OPT is either ON or OFF (blank is interpreted as OFF). This option allows you
to turn PNG file compression ON or OFF. If OPT = ON, then The VAL field is read to determine the degree
of compression. See the VALUE argument for acceptable compression values.
If Kywrd = ORIENT, then OPT will determine the orientation of the entire plot. OPT can be either Ho-
rizontal (default) or Vertical.
If Kywrd = COLOR, then OPT will determine the color depth of the saved file. OPT can be 0, 1, or 2,
corresponding to Black and White, Grayscale, and Color (default), respectively.
If Kywrd = TMOD, then OPT will determine the text method. OPT can be either 1 or 0, corresponding
to bitmap text (default) or line stroke text, respectively.
If Kywrd = DEFAULT, then all of the default values, for all of the Kywrd parameters listed above, are
Shows the current status of PNG file export.
OPT can have the following names or values, depending on the value for Kywrd (see above).
If Kywrd = COMP, the values On and Off control the use of compression. The degree of com-
pression is determined by VAL
Horizontal, Vertical
If Kywrd = ORIENT, the terms Horizontal or Vertical determine the orientation of the plot.
0, 1, 2
If Kywrd = COLOR, the numbers 0, 1, and 2 correspond to Black and White, Grayscale and Color,
1, 0
If Kywrd = TMOD, the values 1 and 0 determine whether bitmap (1) or stroke text (0) fonts will
be used
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1216 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
VAL is active only when Kywrd = COMP, and determines the degree of compression applied to the exported
file (see above).
Apply the default, optimum value for compression. This value represents the best combination
of speed and compression. It varies according to the release level of the ZLIB compression
Use this value to specify a specific compression level. 1 is the lowest compression level (fastest)
and 9 is the highest compression level (slowest).
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Redirect Plots
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Hard Copy
Type of numbering/coloring:
Node numbers on node and element plots.
Element numbers and colors on element plots.
Section numbers and colors on element and solid model plots (see "Notes" (p. 1218)).
Material set numbers and colors on element and solid model plots (see "Notes" (p. 1218)).
Element type reference numbers and colors on element and solid model plots (see "Notes" (p. 1218)).
Real constant set numbers and colors on element and solid model plots (see "Notes" (p. 1218)).
Element coordinate system numbers on element and solid model plots (see "Notes" (p. 1218)).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1217
Location numbers/colors of the element in matrix assembly order on element plots.
LOC and ELEM numbers will be the same unless the model has been reordered.
Keypoint numbers on solid model plots.
Line numbers on solid model plots (both numbers and colors on line plots).
Area numbers on solid model plots (both numbers and colors on area plots).
Volume numbers on solid model plots (both numbers and colors on volume plots).
Stress (or any contour) values on postprocessing plots, and surface load values and colors on model
plots (when surface load symbols are on [/PSF (p. 1282)]). For tabular boundary conditions, the table-
evaluated values will be displayed on node, element, or contour displays in POST1 when load symbols
(/PBF (p. 1137), /PSF (p. 1282), /PBC (p. 1134)) are on and TABNAM is OFF.
Table names for tabular boundary conditions. If this label is turned on, the table name appears next
to the appropriate symbol, arrow, face outline, or contour as dictated by the /PSF (p. 1282), /PBC (p. 1134),
and /PBF (p. 1137) commands.
Shows current settings for /PNUM (p. 1217).
Resets all /PNUM (p. 1217) specifications back to default.
Turns OFF numbers/colors for specified label.
Turns ON numbers/colors for specified label.
This command specifies entity numbering and coloring for subsequent plots.
The MAT, TYPE, REAL, and ESYS labels activate both the numbering and coloring of the corresponding
attributes for EPLOT (p. 536), KPLOT (p. 824), LPLOT (p. 884), APLOT (p. 146), and VPLOT (p. 1790). The
ELEM, MAT, TYPE, REAL, ESYS, and LOC labels are mutually exclusive, i.e., only one can be specified at
a time. Also, turning on a LINE, AREA, or VOLU label will turn off the MAT, TYPE, and REAL labels.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1218 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
PowerGraphics [/GRAPHICS (p. 732),POWER] displays for/PNUM (p. 1217) can be problematic.
/PNUM (p. 1217),ELEM will display erratically depending on other display command specifications, while
/PNUM (p. 1217),LOC and /PNUM (p. 1217),ESYS are not supported.
Element and volume numbers are not visible for 3-D elements and volumes when Z-buffering is turned
on (/TYPE (p. 1705),,[6,7, or 8]).
Use /PSTATUS (p. 1293) or /PNUM (p. 1217),STAT to show settings. Use /PNUM (p. 1217),DEFA to reset all
specifications back to default. Use the /NUMBER (p. 1075) command to control whether numbers and
colors are displayed together.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Numbering
Specifies "Point flow tracing settings" as the subsequent status topic.
POST1 (p. 48): Status (p. 54)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>General Postproc>Trace Points
Creates a polygonal area based on working plane coordinate pairs.
PREP7 (p. 20): Primitives (p. 22)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Defines a polygonal area on the working plane. The area will be defined with NPT keypoints and NPT
lines, where NPT (must be at least 3) is the number of coordinate pairs defined with the PTXY (p. 1298)
command. See the RPOLY (p. 1366) and RPR4 (p. 1367) commands for other ways to create polygons.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1219
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
/POLYGON (p. 1220), NVERT, X1, Y1, X2, Y2, X3, Y3, X4, Y4
Creates annotation polygons (GUI).
GRAPHICS (p. 14): Annotation (p. 16)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Number of vertices of polygon (3 NVERT 8). Use /PMORE (p. 1215) for polygons with more than 4
X location for vertex 1 of polygon (-1.0 < X < 2.0).
Y location for vertex 1 of polygon (-1.0 < Y < 1.0).
X location for vertex 2 of polygon (-1.0 < X < 2.0).
Y location for vertex 2 of polygon (-1.0 < Y < 1.0).
X location for vertex 3 of polygon (-1.0 < X < 2.0).
Y location for vertex 3 of polygon (-1.0 < Y < 1.0).
X location for vertex 4 of polygon (-1.0 < X < 2.0).
Y location for vertex 4 of polygon (-1.0 < Y < 1.0).
Creates annotation polygons to be written directly onto the display at a specified location. This is a
command generated by the Graphical User Interface (GUI) and will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG)
if annotation is used. This command is not intended to be typed in directly in an ANSYS session (although
it can be included in an input file for batch input or for use with the /INPUT (p. 791) command).
All polygons are shown on subsequent displays unless the annotation is turned off or deleted. Use the
/LSPEC (p. 902) and the /PSPEC (p. 1291) command to set the attributes of the polygon. Use the
/PMORE (p. 1215) command to define the 5th through 8th vertices of the polygon.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1220 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Annotation>Create Annotation
Enters the general database results postprocessor (POST1). All load symbols (/PBC (p. 1134), /PSF (p. 1282),
or /PBF (p. 1137)) are automatically turned off with this command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc
Enters the time-history results postprocessor (POST26).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1221
Calculates the rms power loss in a conductor or lossy dielectric.
POST1 (p. 48): Magnetics Calculations (p. 52)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
POWERH invokes an ANSYS macro which calculates the time-averaged (rms) power loss in a conductor
or lossy dielectric material from a harmonic analysis. The power loss is stored in the parameter PAVG.
Conductor losses include solid conductors and surface conductors approximated by impedance or
shielding boundary conditions. The power loss density for solid conductors or dielectrics is stored in
the element table with the label PLOSSD and may be listed [PRETAB (p. 1243)] or displayed
[PLETAB (p. 1179)]. PLOSSD does not include surface losses. The elements of the conducting region must
be selected before this command is issued. POWERH is valid for 2-D and 3-D analyses.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Elec&Mag Calc>Element Based>Power Loss
The point number. It must be greater than zero and less than or equal to the nPts value specified on the
PATH (p. 1132) command if graphical picking is not being used.
The node number defining this point. If blank, use the X, Y, Z coordinates to define the point. A valid node
number will override X, Y, Z coordinate arguments.
X, Y, Z
The location of the point in the global Cartesian coordinate system. Use these arguments only if you omit
the NODE argument.
The coordinate system for interpolation of the path between the previous point and this point. Omit this
argument if you wish to use the currently active (CSYS (p. 364)) coordinate system. If the coordinate system
of two adjacent points is different, the CS value of the latter point will be used.
For linearized stress calculations, the path must be defined with nodes.
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1222 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
This command is designed and works best in interactive (GUI) mode, using the menu paths listed below.
For command line operations, issue PPATH,P to define your path by picking nodes.
For information on displaying paths you have defined, see Defining Data to be Retrieved in the Basic
Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Define Path>By Location
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Define Path>By Nodes
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Define Path>Modify Path
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Define Path>On Working Plane
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Path Operations>Define Path>By Location
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Path Operations>Define Path>By Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Path Operations>Define Path>Modify Path
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Path Operations>Define Path>On Working Plane
Path variable item to be used as the x-axis plot variable. Any valid path variable may be used (PDEF (p. 1146)
command). Default variable is the path distance, S.
Command Default
Include every interpolation point and entire path distance.
Determines the path distance range for use with the PRPATH (p. 1264) and PLPATH (p. 1201) commands.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Plot Path Item>Path Range
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1223
Prints a specified acoustic quantity during postprocessing of an acoustic analysis.
POST1 (p. 48): Special Purpose (p. 53)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
The acoustic quantity to calculate:
Specific acoustic impedance on the selected surface.
Acoustic impedance on the selected surface.
Mechanical impedance on the selected surface.
Average pressure on the selected surface.
Force on the selected surface.
Acoustic power on the selected surface.
Equivalent radiated power on the selected structural surface (valid only for SHELL181, SOLID185,
SOLID186, SOLID187, SOLSH190 and SHELL281).
Equivalent radiated power level on the selected structural surface (valid only for SHELL181, SOLID185,
SOLID186, SOLID187, SOLSH190 and SHELL281).
Frequency-band sound pressure level on selected nodes.
A-weighted frequency-band sound pressure level on selected nodes.
Acoustic potential energy on the selected elements.
Acoustic kinetic energy on the selected elements.
Acoustic total energy on the selected elements.
Average square of the L2 norm of pressure on the selected elements.
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1224 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Input sound power level on defined port.
Output sound power level on defined driven port.
Return loss on defined port.
Absorption coefficient on defined port.
Transmission loss on defined ports.
All port-related parameters (LWIN, LWOUT, RL, ALPHA, TL).
Transmission loss of random acoustic analysis.
Radiated power in random acoustic analysis.
All random acoustic related parameters (DFSTL, DFSPW).
Specified load step. Defaults to the load step number specified on the SET (p. 1458) command, or defaults
to 1 if SET (p. 1458) has not been issued. This default applies to all Lab values except DFSTL, DFSPW, and
Load step number.
All load steps.
AVG or 0
Average result of multiple samplings in a random acoustic analysis (see the MSOLVE (p. 996) command).
This option is used only for Lab = DFSTL, DFSPW, and DALL, and it is the default for these labels.
Specified substep. Defaults to the substep number specified on the SET (p. 1458) command, or defaults to
ALL (all substeps at the specified load step) if SET (p. 1458) has not been issued. For Lab = BSPL or BSPA,
ALL is the only valid value.
Substep number.
All substeps.
Frequency value representing one of the following:
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1225
• Beginning frequency of the frequency range (FREQB to FREQE) for the defined load step(s) and substeps
(SUBSTEP = ALL). If a SUBSTEP value is specified, FREQB is invalid.
• Central frequency of octave bands, used when LogOpt = OB1, OB2, OB3, OB6, OB12, or OB24 and
FREQE is blank.
Ending frequency of the frequency range (FREQB to FREQE) for the defined load step(s) and substeps
(SUBSTEP = ALL). If blank, FREQE is set to FREQB. If a SUBSTEP value is specified, FREQE is invalid.
Octave bands:
Narrow bands (default).
Octave bands.
1/2 octave bands.
1/3 octave bands.
1/6 octave bands.
1/12 octave bands.
1/24 octave bands.
Unused field.
Input port number for Lab = LWIN, LWOUT, RL, ALPHA, TL, or PALL.
Output port number for Lab = TL or PALL.
Reference power for Lab = LWIN, LWOUT, PALL or EPRL (defaults to 1x10-12 W).
Fluid mass density for Lab = ERP or ERPL (defaults to 1.2041 kg/m3).
Speed of sound in the fluid for Lab = ERP or ERPL (defaults to 343.25 m/s).
Radiation efficiency for Lab = ERP or ERPL (defaults to 1).
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1226 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The PRAS command lists the specified acoustic quantity on the selected exterior surface, the energy
on selected elements, or the sound pressure level over frequency bands. The calculation is based on
the pressure and velocity solution or the frequency-band sound pressure level (SPL).
The total pressure and velocity are used if the selected surface is the excitation source surface. To cal-
culate the incoming and outgoing acoustic power and other sound power parameters on the input and
output surfaces, issue the SF (p. 1464),,PORT command in the preprocessor to define port numbers.
The sound pressure level of the octave bands and general frequency band (defined via the HAR-
FRQ (p. 749) command) is calculated at the selected nodes in the model.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Flag to activate or deactivate sorting of forward or backward whirl frequencies:
0 (OFF or NO)
No sorting.
1 (ON or YES)
Sort. This value is the default.
The slope of the line to be printed. This value must be positive.
In the stationary reference frame (RefFrame = YES on the CORIOLIS (p. 345) command), the line rep-
resents the number of excitations per revolution of the rotor. For example, SLOPE = 1 represents one
excitation per revolution, usually resulting from unbalance.
In the rotating reference frame (RefFrame = NO on the CORIOLIS (p. 345) command), the line
represents the number of excitations per revolution of the rotor minus 1.
The line represents the stability threshold for stability values or logarithmic decrements printout
(STABVAL = 1, 2, or 3)
Specifies the unit of measurement for rotational angular velocities:
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1227
Rotational angular velocities in radians per second (rad/s). This value is the default.
Rotational angular velocities in revolutions per minute (RPMs).
The beginning, or lower end, of the frequency range of interest. The default is zero.
The rotating component name.
Flag to print the stability values:
0 (OFF or NO)
Print the frequencies (the imaginary parts of the eigenvalues in Hz). This value is the default.
1 (ON or YES)
Print the stability values (the real parts of the eigenvalues in Hz).
Print the inverse of the logarithmic decrements. A negative logarithmic decrement indicates stable
Print the logarithmic decrements. A positive logarithmic decrement indicates stable motion and is
consistent with API (American Petroleum Institute) standards.
For more information about complex eigenmodes and corresponding logarithmic decrements, see
Complex Eigensolutions in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference.
Key to specify if all frequencies above FREQB are printed out:
0 (OFF or NO)
A maximum of 10 frequencies are printed out. They correspond to the frequencies displayed via the
PLCAMP (p. 1165) command. This value is the default.
1 (ON or YES)
All frequencies are printed out.
Key to specify if the negative frequencies are printed out. It only applies to solutions obtained with the
damped eigensolver (Method=DAMP on the MODOPT (p. 951) command):
0 (OFF or NO)
Only positive frequencies are printed out. This value is the default.
1 (ON or YES)
Negative and positive frequencies are printed out.
Flag to print the whirl and instability keys for each load step:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1228 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
0 (OFF or NO)
Print the whirl for the last load step. This value is the default.
1 (ON or YES)
Print the whirl and instability keys for each load step.
The following items are required when generating a Campbell diagram:
• Activate the Coriolis effect (CORIOLIS (p. 345) command) in the solution phase (/SOLU (p. 1537)).
• Run a modal analysis using the QR damped (MODOPT (p. 951),QRDAMP) or damped (MOD-
OPT (p. 951),DAMP) method. Complex eigenmodes are necessary (MODOPT (p. 951),QRDAMP,,,,Cpxmod
= ON), and you must specify the number of modes to expand (MXPAND (p. 1002)).
• Define two or more load step results with an ascending order of rotational velocity (OMEGA (p. 1107) or
CMOMEGA (p. 305)).
In some cases where modes are not in the same order from one load step to the other, sorting the
frequencies (Option = 1) can help to obtain a correct printout. Sorting is based on the comparison
between complex mode shapes calculated at two successive load steps.
At each load step, the application compares the mode shape to the loads to determine the whirl direction.
If applicable, a label appears (on the rows of output data) representing the whirl mode (BW for backward
whirl and FW for forward whirl).
If you specify a non-zero slope (SLOPE > 0), the command prints the critical speeds corresponding to
the intersection points of the frequency curves and the added line. In the case of a named component
(Cname), critical speeds relate to the rotational velocity of the component. Critical speeds are available
only if the frequencies are printed (STABVAL = OFF).
If you specify a zero slope (SLOPE = 0), the command prints the stability threshold corresponding to
the sign change of the stability values (or logarithmic decrements). In the case of a named component
(Cname), stability thresholds relate to the rotational velocity of the component. Stability thresholds are
available only if the stability values or logarithmic decrements are printed (STABVAL = 1, 2, or 3).
At each load step, the program checks for instability (based on the sign of the real part of the eigenvalue).
The label “U” appears on the printout for each unstable frequency.
If specified, the rotational velocities of the named component (Cname) are printed out along with the
natural frequencies.
For information on printing a Campbell diagram for a prestressed structure, see Solving for a Subsequent
Campbell Analysis of a Prestressed Structure Using the Linear Perturbation Procedure in the Rotordy-
namic Analysis Guide.
For a usage example of the companion command PLCAMP (p. 1165) (used for plotting a Campbell diagram),
see Example: Campbell Diagram Analysis of a Simply Supported Beam in the Rotordynamic Analysis
For more information on Campbell diagram generation, see Campbell Diagram in the Rotordynamic
Analysis Guide.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1229
Damped modal cyclic symmetry (CYCLIC (p. 380)) analyses do not support the PRCAMP command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Rotor Dynamics>Print Campbell
Crack ID number.
Crack tip node number. Default = ALL. Valid only for 3-D analysis.
Data type to output:
Interaction integral 1
Interaction integral 2
Interaction integral 3
Mode 1 stress-intensity factor
Mode 2 stress-intensity factor
Mode 3 stress-intensity factor
Mode 1 energy release rate
Mode 2 energy release rate
Mode 3 energy release rate
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1230 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Total energy release rate
Total material force X
Total material force Y
Total material force Z
Crack extension
Maximum circumferential stress
Maximum circumferential stress when
Incremental crack extension in a fatigue crack-growth analysis
Number of incremental cycles in a fatigue crack-growth analysis
Equivalent stress intensity factors in a fatigue-crack growth analysis
Stress / Load ratio in a fatigue-crack growth analysis
X coordinate of the crack tip
Y coordinate of the crack tip
Z coordinate of the crack tip
Position attribute of the crack tip node:
End node of a crack front in 3-D
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1231
Other nodes
When a crack tip node is defined, the values associated with the specified node are listed.
Dtype = STTMAX or PSMAX are valid for phantom-node-based XFEM analyses only.
Dtype = DLTA, DLTN, DLTK, R, CRDX, CRDY, CRDZ, and APOS are valid only in a fatigue crack-growth
analysis using singularity-based XFEM.
Dtype = DLTA, DLTN, DLTK, R are valid in a fatigue crack-growth analysis using SMART.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Defines the output form for complex variables.
POST26 (p. 55): Listing (p. 57)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Output form key:
Real and imaginary parts.
Amplitude and phase angle. Stored real and imaginary data are converted to amplitude and phase
angle upon output. Data remain stored as real and imaginary parts.
Defines the output form for complex variables. Used only with harmonic analyses (ANTYPE (p. 140),HARM-
All results data are stored in the form of real and imaginary components and converted to amplitude
and/or phase angle as specified via the PRCPLX command. The conversion is not valid for derived results
(such as principal stress/strain, equivalent stress/strain and USUM).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Settings>List
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1232 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Substep predictor key:
The program uses a predictor but, within certain exceptions, automatically switches prediction off.
This behavior is the default; see "Command Default" (p. 1233) for details.
No prediction occurs.
Use the quadratic predictor on all substeps after the second.
Unused field.
Load step predictor:
No prediction across load steps occurs. This is the default behavior.
Use a predictor also on the first substep of the load step. (Sskey = ON is required.)
Command Default
The default command behavior is to use prediction (Sskey = AUTO). The AUTO option chooses to
either use the linear predictor or to turn the predictor OFF. However, prediction does not occur if one
or more of these conditions exist:
• Over prediction occurs due to a large residual force or excessive element distortion.
• You are mapping (MAPSOLVE (p. 926)) variables to a new mesh during rezoning. (Prediction does not occur
for any MAPSOLVE (p. 926) substeps, nor for the first substep afterwards.)
• You have steady-state analysis defined (SSTATE (p. 1567)), and contact elements exist in the model.
Activates a predictor in a nonlinear analysis on the degree-of-freedom solution for the first equilibrium
iteration of each substep.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1233
When using the arc-length method (ARCLEN (p. 151), ARCTRM (p. 153)), you cannot issue the DOF
solution predictor command (PRED), the automatic time stepping command (AUTOTS (p. 179)), or the
line search command (LNSRCH (p. 881)). If you activate the arc-length method after you set PRED,
AUTOTS (p. 179), or LNSRCH (p. 881), a warning message appears. If you elect to proceed with the arc-
length method, the program disables your DOF predictor, automatic time stepping, and line search
settings, and the time step size is controlled by the arc-length method internally.
When using step-applied loads, such as TUNIF (p. 1700), BFUNIF (p. 226), etc., or other types of non-
monotonic loads, the predictor may adversely affect the convergence. If the solution is discontinuous,
the predictor may need to be turned off.
When performing a nonlinear analysis involving large rotations, the predictor may require using smaller
substeps. If the model has rotational degrees-of-freedom, the quadratic predictor could work more ef-
ficiently than the linear predictor.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Nonlinear
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Nonlinear>Predictor
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Nonlinear
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Nonlinear>Predictor
Type of energies to be printed:
All energies are printed: potential, kinetic, artificial hourglass/drill stiffness, contact stabilization energy,
and artificial stabilization energy when applicable. This is the default.
Potential energy (stiffness energy).
Kinetic energy.
Damping energy.
Work done by external loads.
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1234 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
If Cname1 = ALL, the energies are listed for all selected components.
If Cname1 is neither blank nor ALL, it is the name of an existing component. The energies are listed
for up to 6 selected components named in Cname1 to Cname6.
The PRENERGY command prints out either the total energies of the entire model or the energies of
the components depending on the Cname1 specification.
Only existing components based on elements (defined with the CM (p. 295) command) are supported
when component energies are listed.
Damping energy (DENE) and work done by external loads (WEXT) are available only if the following
were set prior to the analysis solution: EngCalc = YES on the TRNOPT (p. 1691), HROUT (p. 766) or MX-
PAND (p. 1002) command; and Item = VENG, ESOL, or ALL on the OUTRES (p. 1115) command.
If EngCalc = YES on the HROUT (p. 766) or MXPAND (p. 1002) command, average, amplitude, and peak
values are returned for potential (SENE) and kinetic (KENE) energies.
The energy values can be retrieved using the *GET (p. 667) command with Entity = PRENERGY.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Enters the general input data preprocessor (PREP7).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1235
Prints SEPC and TEPC.
POST1 (p. 48): Listing (p. 50)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Prints the percent error in structural energy norm (SEPC) and the thermal energy norm percent error
(TEPC). Approximations of mesh discretization error associated with a solution are calculated for analyses
having structural or thermal degrees of freedom.
The structural approximation is based on the energy error (which is similar in concept to the strain energy)
and represents the error associated with the discrepancy between the calculated stress field and the
globally continuous stress field (see POST1 - Error Approximation Technique in the Mechanical APDL
Theory Reference). This discrepancy is due to the assumption in the elements that only the displacements
are continuous at the nodes. The stress field is calculated from the displacements and should also be
continuous, but generally is not.
Thermal analyses may use any solid and shell thermal element having only temperature degrees of
freedom. The thermal approximation is based on the total heat flow dissipation and represents the error
associated with the discrepancy between the calculated nodal thermal flux within an element and a
continuous global thermal flux. This continuous thermal flux is calculated with the normal nodal averaging
The volume (result label VOLU) is used to calculate the energy error per element (result label SERR for
the structural energy error and TERR for the thermal energy error). These energy errors, along with the
appropriate energy, are then used to calculate the percent error in energy norm (SEPC for structural
and TEPC for thermal). These percentages can be listed by the PRERR command, retrieved by the
*GET (p. 667) command (with labels SEPC and TEPC) for further calculations, and shown on the displace-
ment display (PLDISP (p. 1171)), as applicable.
For structural analyses, the maximum absolute value of nodal stress variation of any stress component
for any node of an element (result item SDSG) is also calculated. Similarly, for thermal gradient compon-
ents, TDSG is calculated. Minimum and maximum result bounds considering the possible effect of dis-
cretization error will be shown on contour displays (PLNSOL (p. 1190)). For shell elements, the top surface
location is used to produce a meaningful percentage value. SERR, TERR, SEPC, TEPC, SDSG, and TDSG
will be updated whenever the nodal stresses or fluxes are recalculated.
If the energy error is a significant portion of the total energy, then the analysis should be repeated using
a finer mesh to obtain a more accurate solution. The energy error is relative from problem to problem
but will converge to a zero energy error as the mesh is refined.
• Valid with most 2-D solid, 3-D solid, axisymmetric solid, or 3-D shell elements.
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1236 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• Transition regions from one material to another are not valid (that is, the entire model should consist
of one material).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>List Results>Percent Error
Utility Menu>List>Results>Percent Error
Label identifying the item. Valid item labels are shown in the table below. Some items also require a
component label.
Component of the item (if required). Valid component labels are shown in the table below.
PRESOL prints the solution results for the selected elements in the sorted sequence.
For example, PRESOL,S prints the stress items SX, SY, SZ, SXY, SYZ, and SXZ for the node locations of
the element. Various element results depend on the calculation method (AVPRIN (p. 181)).
Component results are in the global Cartesian coordinate directions unless transformed (RSYS (p. 1383)).
Shell elements print values at the top, then bottom of the element (or layer). If KEYOPT(8) = 2 (for
SHELL181, SHELL208, SHELL209, SHELL281, or ELBOW290), the results are printed in the order TOP, BOT
and then MID of each element, (or layer). The MID value is the actual value to the results file.
Items are listed as columns of a table versus element number. An exception occurs for item ELEM, which
uses an element format--all applicable line element results are listed per element--instead of a tabular
You can issue FORCE (p. 644) to define which component of the nodal load is to be used (static,
damping, inertia, or total).
To print items not available via PRESOL (such as line element results), see ETABLE (p. 572) and
PRETAB (p. 1243).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1237
For PowerGraphics (/GRAPHICS (p. 732),POWER), results are listed only for the element surface. Items
marked [2] are not supported by PowerGraphics.
Table 202: PRESOL - Valid Item and Component Labels for Element Results
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1238 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1239
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1240 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1241
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1242 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
3. Works only if failure criteria information is provided. (For more information, see FC (p. 610) and TB (p. 1603).)
4. Some element- and material-type limitations apply. (For more information, see PRERR (p. 1236).)
6. Do not use the PRESOL command to obtain contact forces for contact elements. The force values reported
by this command may not be accurate for these elements. Instead, use the ETABLE (p. 572) command to
obtain contact force values.
8. For reinforcing elements REINF264 and REINF265, issue PRESOL,BFE,TEMP to print the intersection-point
temperature of each member. You can also print intersection-point temperature gradients (PRESOL,TG)
and intersection-point heat flux (PLESOL (p. 1172),TF). For higher-order reinforcing members (generated
when using higher-order base elements), the midpoint values are not available for the reinforcing members.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>List Results>Element Solution
Utility Menu>List>Results>Element Solution
PRETAB, Lab1, Lab2, Lab3, Lab4, Lab5, Lab6, Lab7, Lab8, Lab9
Prints the element table items.
POST1 (p. 48): Element Table (p. 49)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Prints the items stored in the table defined with the ETABLE (p. 572) command. Item values will be listed
for the selected elements in the sorted sequence [ESORT (p. 563)]. The FORCE (p. 644) command can be
used to define which component of the nodal load is to be used (static, damping, inertia, or total).
Portions of this command are not supported by PowerGraphics [/GRAPHICS (p. 732),POWER].
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Element Table>List Elem Table
Main Menu>General Postproc>List Results>Elem Table Data
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1243
Prints acoustic far field parameters.
POST1 (p. 48): Special Purpose (p. 53)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Parameters to print:
Acoustic parameters
Acoustic parameters with the y-axis rotated extrusion
Acoustic parameters radiated by a vibrating structural panel
Print option, based on the specified print parameter type:
Lab Option
PRES, PROT, or PLAT SUMC -- Maximum pressure (default)
The following arguments PHI1, PHI2, NPHI, THETA1, THETA2, and NTHETA are used only when Option
Starting and ending φ angles (degrees) in the spherical coordinate system. Defaults to 0.
Number of divisions between the starting and ending φ angles for data computations. Defaults to 0.
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1244 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Starting and ending θ angles (degrees) in the spherical coordinate system. Defaults to 0 for a 3-D model
and 90 for a 2-D extrusion model.
Number of divisions between the starting and ending θ angles for data computations. Defaults to 0.
Radius of the sphere surface. Used only when Option = SUMC, PHSC, SPLC, SPAC, DGCT, PSCT, or TSCT.
When Option = SPLC or SPAC: Reference rms sound pressure. Defaults to 2x10-5 Pa.
When Lab = PRES: Thickness of 2-D model extrusion in the z direction (no default).
When Lab = PROT: Angle of the y-axis rotated extrusion model (no default)
Mass density of acoustic fluid; used only when Lab = PLAT.
Sound speed in acoustic fluid; used only when Lab = PLAT.
Specified load step. Defaults to the load step number specified on the SET (p. 1458) command, or defaults
to 1 if SET (p. 1458) has not been issued.
Load step number.
All load steps.
Specified substep. Defaults to the substep number specified on the SET (p. 1458) command, or defaults to
ALL (all substeps at the specified load step) if SET (p. 1458) has not been issued.
Substep number.
All substeps.
Frequency value representing one of the following:
• Beginning frequency of the frequency range (FREQB to FREQE) for the defined load step(s) and substeps
(SUBSTEP = ALL). If a SUBSTEP value is specified, FREQB is invalid.
• Central frequency of octave bands, used when LogOpt = OB1, OB2, OB3, OB6, OB12, or OB24 and
FREQE is blank.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1245
Ending frequency of the frequency range (FREQB to FREQE) for the defined load step(s) and substeps
(SUBSTEP = ALL). If blank, FREQE is set to FREQB. If a SUBSTEP value is specified, FREQE is invalid.
Unused field.
Octave bands (used only when Option = SPLC or SPAC):
Narrow bands (default).
Octave bands.
1/2 octave bands.
1/3 octave bands.
1/6 octave bands.
1/12 octave bands.
1/24 octave bands.
The PRFAR command prints pressure far fields and far field parameters as determined by the equivalent
source principle. Use this command to print pressure and acoustic parameters. See the HFSYM (p. 756)
command for the model symmetry and the HFANG (p. 756) command for spatial radiation angles.
Printing acoustic parameters radiated by a vibrating structural panel (Lab = PLAT) is supported by
elements SOLID185, SOLID186, SOLID187, SHELL181, SHELL281, and SOLSH190. The vibration surface
of the panel must be flagged by the SF (p. 1464),MXWF command.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1246 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Creates a polygonal area or a prism volume using the vertices as input. This is a command generated
by the Graphical User Interface (GUI) and will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if graphical picking
is used. This command is not intended to be typed in directly in an ANSYS session (although it can be
included in an input file for batch input or for use with the /INPUT (p. 791) command).
For polygons, the PRI2 command will appear in the log file as PRI2,P51X,0.0,0.0 preceded by
FITEM (p. 632) commands that define the vertices (in global Cartesian coordinates). For prisms, the PRI2
command will appear in the log file as PRI2,P51X preceded by FITEM (p. 632) commands that define
the vertices and the Z-end of the prism.
See the RPOLY (p. 1366), POLY (p. 1219), RPRISM (p. 1368), PRISM (p. 1249), and RPR4 (p. 1367) commands for
other ways to create polygons and prisms.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Areas>Polygon>By Vertices
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Volumes>Prism>By Vertices
Specifies "Solid model primitives" as the subsequent status topic.
PREP7 (p. 20): Status (p. 32)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>Preprocessor>Solid Model
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1247
Specifies "Print settings" as the subsequent status topic.
POST1 (p. 48): Status (p. 54)
POST26 (p. 55): Status (p. 57)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>General Postproc>List Results
Utility Menu>List>Status>TimeHist Postproc>List
Argument Descriptions
Name of matrix or vector to print. Must be specified.
File name. If blank, matrix is written to the output file.
The matrix may be a dense matrix (*DMAT (p. 454)), a sparse matrix (*SMAT (p. 1522)), or a vector
(*VEC (p. 1749)). Only the non-zero entries of the matrix are printed.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1248 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Creates a prism volume based on working plane coordinate pairs.
PREP7 (p. 20): Primitives (p. 22)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Z1, Z2
Working plane Z coordinates of the top and bottom of the prism.
Defines a prism volume based on the working plane. The top and bottom areas will each be defined
with NPT keypoints and NPT lines, where NPT (must be at least 3) is the number of coordinate pairs
defined with PTXY (p. 1298) command. Also, a line will be defined between each point pair on the top
and bottom face. See the RPRISM (p. 1368) and RPR4 (p. 1367) commands for other ways to create prisms.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Prints solution summary data.
POST1 (p. 48): Listing (p. 50)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Prints solution summary data (such as time step size, number of equilibrium iterations, convergence
values, etc.) from a static or full transient analysis. All other analyses print zeros for the data.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>List Results>Iteration Summry
Utility Menu>List>Results>Iteration Summry
Label identifying the item. Some items also require a component label.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1249
Relative displacements.
Relative rotations.
Relative linear velocities.
Relative angular velocities.
Relative linear accelerations.
Relative angular accelerations.
Summable miscellaneous quantities.
Component of the item (if required). For Item = DISP, ROT, VEL, OMG, ACC, and DMG, enter the direction
label, X, Y, or Z. For Item = SMISC, enter a valid number.
Prints element output for the MPC184 joint element. The joint element quantities printed are the values
for the free or unconstrained relative degrees of freedom.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Print the solution identified as load step LSTEP and substep SBSTEP.
As an alternative to LSTEP and SBSTEP, print the solution at the time value TIMFRQ (for AN-
TYPE (p. 140),TRANS) or frequency value TIMFRQ (for ANTYPE (p. 140),HARMIC). LSTEP and SBSTEP should
be left blank.
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1250 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Key for printing real or imaginary solution. Valid only for ANTYPE (p. 140),HARMIC.
0 (or blank)
Print the real solution (default).
Print the imaginary solution.
Print the amplitude.
HIbeg, HIend
For cyclic symmetry solutions, print the solutions in the harmonic index solution range HIbeg to HIend.
Defaults to all harmonic indices (all modes).
PRMC prints the modal coordinates (the factors which modes may be multiplied by to obtain their
contribution to the response) at a certain time point (transient analyses) or frequency point (harmonic
The printout contains four columns: the mode number (labelled MODE), the modal frequency (labelled
FREQ), the modal coordinate or mode multiplier (labelled MULT), and the normalized modal coordinate
(labelled NORM). The normalized modal coordinate is the ratio of absolute value of the mode multiplier
divided by the sum of the absolute values of all multipliers listed (at a solution time/frequency and
harmonic index). It may be useful for identifying the dominant modes. Maximum values of each column
are also listed at the end of each report.
By default, the real part of the modal coordinate values are printed even if the modal coordinates are
For transient analyses, the Jobname.rdsp file must be available. For harmonic analyses, the Job-
name.rfrq file must be available. The content of these files depends on the OUTRES (p. 1115) command
settings. Note that the default for mode-superposition transient analysis is to write the reduced displace-
ment file every 4th substep. For more information, see Command Default (p. 1118) in the OUTRES (p. 1115)
command description.
For a cyclic harmonic mode-superposition analysis, use the CYCFILES (p. 375) command to identify the
Jobname.rfrq and modal Jobname.rst files.
This information can also be obtained from the optional Jobname.mcf text file (see the TRNOPT (p. 1691)
and HROPT (p. 762) commands), and it can be plotted using the PLMC (p. 1187) command. For more in-
formation on modal coordinates, see Mode-Superposotion Method in the Mechanical APDL Theory Ref-
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1251
Prints the pressure in the near zone exterior to the equivalent source surface.
POST1 (p. 48): Special Purpose (p. 53)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Print the maximum pressure or sound pressure level:
at the point (x,y,z)
on the spherical structure
along the path
Maximum complex pressure for acoustics.
Phase angle of complex pressure for acoustics.
Sound pressure level for acoustics.
A-weighted sound pressure level for acoustics (dBA).
KCN is the coordinate system reference number. It may be 0 (Cartesian) or any previously defined local
coordinate system number (>10). Defaults to 0.
x coordinate value
y coordinate value
z coordinate value
not used
Thickness of model in z direction (defaults to 0).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1252 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Radius of spherical surface in spherical coordinate system.
Starting φ angle (degree) in the spherical coordinate system. Defaults to 0.
Ending φ angle (degree) in the spherical coordinate system. Defaults to 0.
Number of divisions between the starting and ending φ angles for data computations. Defaults
to 0.
Starting θ angle (degrees) in the spherical coordinate system. Defaults to 0 in 3-D and 90 in 2-
D extension.
Ending θ angle (degrees) in the spherical coordinate system. Defaults to 0 in 3-D and 90 in 2-D
Number of divisions between the starting and ending θ angles for data computations. Defaults
to 0.
Reference rms sound pressure. Defaults to 2x10-5 Pa.
Thickness of 2-D model extension in z direction (defaults to 0).
For Lab = PATH (p. 1132), PRNEAR computes the pressure for the path data points for the path
currently defined by the PATH (p. 1132) and PPATH (p. 1222) commands.
The command uses the equivalent source principle to calculate the pressure in the near zone exterior
to the equivalent source surface (flagged with the Maxwell surface flag in the preprocessor) for one of
the following locations:
• A path defined by the PATH (p. 1132) and PPATH (p. 1222) commands
To list the pressure results for a path, use the PRPATH (p. 1264) command. See HFSYM (p. 756) command
for the model symmetry.
To retrieve saved equivalent source data, issue the SET (p. 1458),Lstep,Sbstep,,REAL command.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1253
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Nodal reaction load type. If blank, use the first ten of all available labels. Valid labels are:
Structural force labels: FX, FY or FZ (forces); F (includes FX, FY and FZ); MX, MY or
MZ (moments); M (includes MX, MY and MZ).
Thermal force labels: HEAT, HBOT, HE2, HE3, . . ., HTOP (heat flow).
Fluid force labels: FLOW (fluid flow); VFX, VFY and VFZ (fluid "forces"); VF (includes
VFX, VFY and VFZ).
Electric force labels: AMPS (current flow); CHRG (charge); CURT (current); VLTG (voltage
drop). Magnetic force labels: FLUX (magnetic flux); CSGX, CSGY, CSGZ (magnetic
current segments); CSG (includes CSGX, CSGY and CSGZ).
Tolerance value about zero within which loads are not printed, as follows:
Relative tolerance about zero within which loads are not printed. In this case, the tolerance is TOL *
Load, where Load is the absolute value of the maximum load on the selected nodes.
Print all nodal loads.
Absolute tolerance about zero within which loads are not printed.
Defaults to 1.0E-9 times the absolute value of the maximum load on the selected nodes.
Selected set of nodes.
Prints the summed element nodal loads for all selected nodes (default), excluding contact elements.
Prints the summed element nodal loads for contact nodes only.
Prints the summed element nodal loads for all selected nodes, including contact nodes.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1254 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Prints the summed element nodal loads (forces, moments, heat flows, flux, etc.) for the selected nodes
in the sorted sequence. Results are in the global Cartesian coordinate directions unless transformed
[RSYS (p. 1383)]. Zero values (within a tolerance range) are not printed. Loads applied to a constrained
degree of freedom are not included. The FORCE (p. 644) command can be used to define which com-
ponent of the nodal load is to be used (static, damping, inertia, or total).
By default, PRNLD excludes elements TARGE169 - CONTA177. Setting ITEM = CONT will only account
for nodal forces on selected contact elements (CONTA172, CONTA174, CONTA175, and CONTA177).
Setting ITEM = BOTH will account for nodal forces on all selected nodes, including contact nodes.
This message means that the summation of the element nodal forces is performed prior to the combin-
ation of those forces. In this case, RSYS (p. 1383) does not apply. The forces are in the nodal coordinate
systems, and the vector sum is always printed in the global coordinate system.
The spectrum analysis summation is available when the element results are written to the mode file,
Jobname.MODE (MSUPkey = Yes on the MXPAND (p. 1002) command).
Because modal displacements cannot be used to calculate contact element nodal forces, ITEM does
not apply to spectrum and PSD analyses.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>List Results>Nodal Loads
Utility Menu>List>Results>Nodal Loads
Label identifying the item. Valid item labels are shown in the table below. Some items also require a
component label.
Component of the item (if required). Valid component labels are shown in the table below. Default = COMP.
--, --, --
Unused fields.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1255
Specifies whether random acoustic results are averaged. Valid only for Item = U and PRES.
No averaging (default).
Print average results for random acoustics.
Prints the nodal solution results for the selected nodes in the sorted sequence. For reinforcing elements
(REINFnnn), results are printed at intersection points of reinforcing elements and base elements.
For example, PRNSOL,U,X prints the X component of displacement vector U (that is, the UX degree of
Component results are in the global Cartesian coordinate directions unless transformed (RSYS (p. 1383)).
Various element results also depend upon the recalculation method and the selected results location
(AVPRIN (p. 181), RSYS (p. 1383), LAYER (p. 845), SHELL (p. 1506), and NSEL (p. 1057)).
If LAYER (p. 845) is issued, the resulting output is listed in full graphics mode (/GRAPHICS (p. 732),FULL).
You can define which component of the nodal load (static, damping, inertia, or total) should be used
(FORCE (p. 644)).
PowerGraphics can affect your nodal solution listings. For PowerGraphics (/GRAPHICS (p. 732),POWER),
results are listed for the model exterior surfaces only.
When shell element types are present, results are output on a surface-by-surface basis. For shell elements
(such as SHELL181 or SHELL281), and for ELBOW290, printed output is for both the top and bottom
surfaces. For solid elements such as SOLID185, the output is averaged for each surface and printed as
• Node at a vertex: Three lines are output (one printed line for each surface).
• Node on an edge: Two lines are output (one printed line for each surface).
If a node is common to more than one element, or if a geometric discontinuity exists, several conflicting
listings may result. For example, a corner node incorporating results from solid elements and shell ele-
ments could yield as many as nine different results; the printed output would be averages at the top
and bottom for the three shell surfaces plus averages at the three surfaces for the solid, for a total of
nine lines of output. The program does not average result listings across geometric discontinuities when
shell element types are present. It is important to analyze the listings at discontinuities to ascertain the
significance of each set of data.
When only reinforcing elements (REINFnnn) are selected, results are listed for intersection points of
reinforcing elements and base elements. Prints include coordinates of intersection points in global
Cartesian coordinate system and results. Results are interpolated from the results of base elements. If
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1256 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
a point is common to more than one reinforcing element, or reinforcing member within one reinforcing
element, averaged results are printed. Prints also include minimum and maximum values.
The printed output for full graphics (/GRAPHICS (p. 732),FULL) averages results at the node. For shell
elements, the default for display is TOP so that the results for the top of the shell are averaged with
the other elements attached to that node.
If NSORT (p. 1069), ESORT (p. 563) or /ESHAPE (p. 552) is issued with PowerGraphics enabled (/GRAPH-
ICS (p. 732),POWER), PRNSOL behaves as though full graphics mode is enabled (/GRAPHICS (p. 732),FULL).
To learn more about the specific behaviors of PRNSOL in a cyclic symmetry analysis and printing results
for nodes at cyclic edges, see Using the /CYCEXPAND Command in the Cyclic Symmetry Analysis Guide.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1257
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1258 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1259
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1260 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
1. For SHELL131 and SHELL132 elements with KEYOPT(3) = 0 or 1, use the labels TBOT, TE2, TE3, . . ., TTOP
instead of TEMP.
3. For the CONT items for elements CONTA172, CONTA174, CONTA175, and CONTA177, the reported data is
averaged across the element. To obtain a more meaningful STAT value, use the PRESOL (p. 1237) command.
4. Works only if failure criteria information is provided. (For more information, see the documentation for the
FC (p. 610) and TB (p. 1603) commands.)
6. Valid only for SHELL181, SOLID185, SOLID186, SOLID187, SOLSH190, and SHELL281.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1261
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>List Results>Nodal Solution
Main Menu>General Postproc>List Results>Sorted Listing>Sort Nodes
Utility Menu>List>Results>Nodal Solution
Multiplies variables.
POST26 (p. 55): Operations (p. 56)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Arbitrary reference number assigned to the resulting variable (2 to NV [NUMVAR (p. 1086)]). If this number
is the same as for a previously defined variable, the previously defined variable will be overwritten with
this result.
Reference numbers of the three variables to be operated on. If only two leave IC blank. If only one, leave
IB blank also.
Thirty-two character name identifying the variable on printouts and displays. Embedded blanks are com-
pressed for output.
--, --
Unused fields
Multiplies variables (up to three at once) according to the operation:
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Math Operations>Multiply
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1262 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
PRORB, WhrlNodKey
Prints the orbital motion characteristics of a rotating structure
POST1 (p. 48): Results (p. 48)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Flag to print the whirl for each node:
1 (ON or YES)
Print the whirl for each node.
0 (OFF or NO)
No printout. This value is the default.
When a structure is rotating and the Coriolis or gyroscopic effect is taken into account (CORIOLIS (p. 345)),
nodes lying on the rotation axis generally exhibit an elliptical orbital motion. The PRORB command
prints out the orbit characteristics A, B, PSI, PHI, YMAX, ZMAX, and Whirl of each rotating node, where
Angles PSI and PHI are in degrees and within the range of -180 through +180.
To display the characteristics of the orbital path traversed by each node, issue the PLORB (p. 1199) com-
The PRORB command is valid for line elements (such as BEAM188, BEAM189, PIPE288, and PIPE289).
PRORB is not supported for beam elements with the warping degree of freedom activated.
Your model must also involve a rotational velocity (OMEGA (p. 1107) or CMOMEGA (p. 305)) with Coriolis
enabled (CORIOLIS (p. 345)).
Because orbit data is written in the database, a SET (p. 1458) command must be issued after the PRORB
command to ensure proper output for subsequent postprocessing commands.
The coordinate system for displaying nodal results must be global Cartesian (RSYS (p. 1383),KCN = 0).
PRORB is not supported if nodes are rotated in a cylindrical coordinate system.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Rotor Dynamics>Plot orbit
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1263
Prints path items with respect to a geometry path (as defined by the PATH (p. 1132) and PPATH (p. 1222)
commands). Path items and their labels must have been defined with the PDEF (p. 1146), PVECT (p. 1299),
PCALC (p. 1138), PDOT (p. 1149), PCROSS (p. 1145), or PRNEAR (p. 1252) commands. Path items may also be
displayed with the PLPATH (p. 1201) and PLPAGM (p. 1200) commands. See the PRANGE (p. 1223) command
for range control of the path.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>List Results>Path Items
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Plot Path Item>List Path Items
Utility Menu>List>Results>Path Data
Prints the constrained node reaction solution. Used with the FORCE (p. 644) command.
POST1 (p. 48): Results (p. 48)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Nodal reaction load type. If blank, use the first ten of all available labels. Valid labels are:
Structural force labels: FX, FY or FZ (forces); F (FX, FY and FZ); MX, MY or MZ (moments); M
(MX, MY and MZ).
Thermal force labels: HEAT, HBOT, HE2, HE3, . . ., HTOP (heat flow).
Fluid force labels: FLOW (fluid flow); VFX, VFY and VFZ (fluid forces); VF (VFX, VFY and VFZ).
Electric force labels: AMPS (current flow); CHRG (charge); CURT (current); VLTG (voltage drop).
Magnetic force labels: FLUX (magnetic flux); CSGX, CSGY, CSGZ (magnetic current segments);
CSG (CSGX, CSGY and CSGZ); CURT (current), VLTG (voltage drop).
Diffusion labels: RATE (diffusion flow rate).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1264 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
PRRFOR has the same functionality as the PRRSOL (p. 1265) command; use PRRFOR instead of
PRRSOL (p. 1265) when a FORCE (p. 644) command has been issued.
In a non-spectrum analysis, if either contact or pretension elements exist in the model, PRRFOR uses
the PRRSOL (p. 1265) command internally and the FORCE (p. 644) setting is ignored.
Because modal displacements cannot be used to calculate contact element nodal forces, those forces
are not included in the spectrum and PSD analyses reaction solution. As a consequence,
the PRRFOR command is not supported when constraints on contact element pilot nodes are present.
PRRFOR is not valid when using the amplitude or phase results set (KIMG = AMPL or PHAS on the
SET (p. 1458) command). Use PRRSOL (p. 1265) instead.
This message means that the summation of the element nodal forces is performed prior to the combin-
ation of those forces. In this case, RSYS (p. 1383) does not apply, and the reaction forces are in the nodal
coordinate systems. Unlike PRRSOL (p. 1265), which retrieves the forces from the database, the PRRFOR
command calculates the forces in the postprocessor.
The spectrum analysis summation is available when the element results are written to the mode file,
Jobname.MODE (MSUPkey = Yes on MXPAND (p. 1002)).
The spectrum analysis summation is not available after reading a load case (LCWRITE (p. 859),
LCZERO (p. 860), LCASE (p. 849)).
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Prints the constrained node reaction solution.
POST1 (p. 48): Results (p. 48)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Nodal reaction load type. If blank, use the first ten of all available labels. Valid labels are:
Structural force labels: FX, FY or FZ (forces); F (FX, FY and FZ); MX, MY or MZ (moments); M
(MX, MY and MZ); BMOM (bimoments).
Thermal force labels: HEAT, HBOT, HE2, HE3, . . ., HTOP (heat flow).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1265
Fluid force labels: FLOW (fluid flow); VFX, VFY and VFZ (fluid forces); VF (VFX, VFY and VFZ).
Electric force labels: AMPS (current flow); CHRG (charge); CURT (current); VLTG (voltage drop).
Magnetic force labels: FLUX (magnetic flux); CSGX, CSGY, CSGZ (magnetic current segments);
CSG (CSGX, CSGY and CSGZ); CURT (current), VLTG (voltage drop).
Diffusion labels: RATE (diffusion flow rate).
Prints the constrained node reaction solution for the selected nodes in the sorted sequence. For coupled
nodes and nodes in constraint equations, the sum of all reactions in the coupled or constraint equation
set appears at the primary node of the set. Results are in the global Cartesian coordinate directions
unless transformed (RSYS (p. 1383)).
PRRSOL is not valid if any load is applied to a constrained node in the direction of the constraint and
any of the following is true:
• LCASE (p. 849) has been used to read from a load case file.
• The applied loads and constraints in the database are not the ones used to create the results data being
PRRSOL provides the total reaction solution (static, plus damping, plus inertial, as appropriate based
on the analysis type); however, modal reactions include only the static contribution.
Use PRRFOR (p. 1264) instead of PRRSOL with the FORCE (p. 644) command to obtain only the static,
damping, or inertial components.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>List Results>Reaction Solu
Utility Menu>List>Results>Reaction Solution
Specifies whether to include pressure load stiffness in the element stiffness formation.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Analysis Options (p. 35)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Pressure load stiffness key. In general, use the default setting. Use a non-default setting only if you encounter
convergence difficulties. Pressure load stiffness is automatically included when using eigenvalue buckling
analyses (ANTYPE (p. 140),BUCKLE), equivalent to Key = INCP. For all other types of analyses, valid arguments
for Key are:
Pressure load stiffness not included for any elements.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1266 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
(blank) (default)
Include pressure load stiffness for elements SURF153, SURF154, SURF156, SURF159, SHELL181, PLANE182,
PLANE183, SOLID185, SOLID186, SOLID187, SOLSH190, BEAM188, BEAM189, FOLLW201, SHELL208,
SHELL209, SOLID272, SOLID273, SHELL281, SOLID285, PIPE288, PIPE289, and ELBOW290.
This command is rarely needed. The default settings are recommended for most analyses.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
In-plane (X-Y) average radius of curvature of the inside and outside surfaces of an axisymmetric section.
If zero (or blank), a plane or 3-D structure is assumed. If nonzero, an axisymmetric structure is assumed.
Use any large number (or -1) for an axisymmetric straight section.
Through-thickness bending stresses key for an axisymmetric analysis (RHO ≠ 0):
Include the thickness-direction bending stresses.
Ignore the thickness-direction bending stresses.
Include the thickness-direction bending stress using the same formula as the Y (axial direction )
bending stress. Also use the same formula for the shear stress.
Through-thickness bending stresses key for 3-D geometry (RHO = 0):
Include the thickness-direction bending stresses.
Ignore the following thickness-direction bending stresses: SX, SXY, SXZ
You may want to linearize the stresses through a section and separate them into categories for various
code calculations. PRSECT calculates and reports linearized stresses along a section path. The linearized
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1267
stresses are also separated into membrane, bending, membrane plus bending, peak, and total stress
Define your section path (PATH (p. 1132) and PPATH (p. 1222) with the NODE option). Your path must lie
entirely within the selected set of elements (that is, no element gaps may exist along the path).
PATH (p. 1132) and PPATH (p. 1222) only retrieve the two end nodes; the path data is not retained. The
section path is defined by the two end nodes, and by 47 intermediate points that are automatically
determined by linear interpolation in the active display coordinate system (DSYS (p. 481)). The number
and location of the intermediate points are not affected by the number of divisions set by
PATH (p. 1132),,,,nDiv.
Your linearized component stress values are obtained by interpolating each element’s average corner
nodal values along the section path points within each path element. PRSECT reports the linearized
component and principal stresses for each stress category at the beginning, mid-length, and end of the
section path. PRPATH (p. 1264) can be used to report the total stresses at the intermediate points.
Section paths can be through any set of solid (2-D plane, 2-D axisymmetric or 3-D) elements; however,
section paths are usually defined to be through the thickness of the structure and normal to the inner
and outer structure surfaces. Section paths (in-plane only) can also be defined for shell element structures.
If the RHO option is set to indicate the axisymmetric option (non-zero), PRSECT reports the linearized
stresses in the section coordinates (SX – along the path, SY – normal to the path, and SZ – hoop direc-
tion). If the RHO option is set to indicate the 2-D planar or 3-D option (zero or blank), PRSECT reports
the linearized stresses in the active results coordinate system (RSYS (p. 1383)]. If the RHO option is zero
or blank and either RSYS (p. 1383), SOLU or RSYS (p. 1383), -1 are active, the linearized stresses are calculated
and reported in the global Cartesian coordinate system.
Linearized stress calculations should be performed in a rectangular coordinate system. Principal stresses
are recalculated from the component stresses and are invariant with the coordinate system as long as
SX is in the same direction at all points along the defined path. The PLSECT (p. 1201) command displays
the linearized stresses in the same coordinate system as reported by PRSECT.
Stress components through the section are linearized by a line integral method and separated into
constant membrane stresses, bending stresses varying linearly between end points, and peak stresses
(defined as the difference between the actual (total) stress and the membrane plus bending combination).
For nonaxisymmetric structures, the bending stresses are calculated such that the neutral axis is at the
midpoint of the path. Axisymmetric results include the effects of both the radius of revolution (automat-
ically determined from the node locations) and the in-plane average radius of curvature of the section
surfaces (user input).
For axisymmetric cases, Mechanical APDL calculates the linearized bending stress in the through-thickness
direction as the difference between the total outer fiber stress and the membrane stress if KBR = 0.
The calculation method may be conservative for locations with a highly nonlinear variation of stress in
the through-thickness direction. Alternatively, you can specify KBR = 2 to calculate the bending stress
using the same method and formula as the Y (axial direction) bending stress. For more information, see
the discussion of axisymmetric cases (specifically Equation 17.38) in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference.
In analyses of 3-D models with RHO = 0, ignoring the calculated out-of-plane bending stresses is recom-
mended in some scenarios when determining the linearized bending stresses. If KBR3D = 0, all calculated
stresses are included in the linearized bending-stress calculations. If KBR3D = 1, these calculated out-
of-plane bending stresses are ignored in the linearized bending-stress calculations: SX, SXY, SXZ. (The
principal bending-stress calculation for S1, S2, S3, SINT, and SEQV is performed with these zeroed
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1268 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Portions of this command are not supported by PowerGraphics (/GRAPHICS (p. 732),POWER].
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>List Results>Linearized Strs
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>List Linearized
Utility Menu>List>Results>Linearized Stresses
Minimum time (defaults to the first point stored).
Maximum time (defaults to the last point stored).
Command Default
Use the previously defined range [TIMERANGE (p. 1677)].
Defines the time (or frequency) range (within the range stored) for which data are to be listed.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Settings>List
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1269
Lists variables vs. time (or frequency). Up to six variables may be listed across the line. Time column
output format can be changed using the /FORMAT (p. 646) command arguments Ftype, NWIDTH, and
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>List Variables
Predefined vector item (from Table 204: PRVECT - Valid Item and Component Labels (p. 1271) below) or a
label identifying the i-component of a user-defined vector.
Label identifying the j-component of a user-defined vector. In most cases, this value must be blank if Item
is selected from Table 204: PRVECT - Valid Item and Component Labels (p. 1271). Individual principal stresses
(Item = S) or principal strains (Item = EPxx) may be printed by specifying the value as 1, 2, or 3.
Label identifying the k-component of a user-defined vector. Must be blank if Item is selected from list
below or for 2-D user defined vector.
Label assigned to resultant vector for printout labeling (defaults to Item).
Prints various solution results as vector magnitude and direction cosines for the selected nodes and/or
elements. For example, PRVECT,U prints the displacement magnitude and its direction cosines for all
selected nodes. For nodal degree of freedom vector results, direction cosines are with respect to the
results coordinate system RSYS. For element results, direction cosines are with respect to the global
Cartesian system. Item components may be printed with the PRNSOL (p. 1255) command. Various results
also depend upon the recalculation method and the selected results location [LAYER (p. 845),
SHELL (p. 1506), NSEL (p. 1057), and ESEL (p. 548)]. Items may be selected from a set of recognized vector
labels (Item) or a vector may be defined from up to three scalar labels (Item,Lab2,Lab3). Scalar labels
may be user-defined with the ETABLE (p. 572) command.
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1270 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Portions of this command are not supported by PowerGraphics [/GRAPHICS (p. 732),POWER].
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1271
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>List Results>Vector Data
Utility Menu>List>Results>Vector Data
Specify the operations for which you intend to enable/disable parallel behavior:
Enable/disable parallel for all areas (default).
Enable/disable parallel during preprocessing (/PREP7 (p. 1235)).
Enable/disable parallel during solution (/SOLU (p. 1537)).
Enable/disable parallel during element matrix generation.
Enable/disable parallel during equation solver.
Enable/disable parallel during element results calculation.
Enable/disable parallel during postprocessing (/POST1 (p. 1221) and /POST26 (p. 1221)).
List parallel operations that are enabled/disabled.
Option control key. Used for all Option values except STAT.
Enable parallel operation.
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1272 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Disable parallel operation.
Command Default
None. The command is ignored if issued with no arguments.
Use this command in shared-memory parallel operations.
This command is useful when you encounter minor discrepancies in a nonlinear solution when using
different numbers of processors. A parallel operation applied to the element matrix generation can
produce a different nonlinear solution with a different number of processors. Although the nonlinear
solution converges to the same nonlinear tolerance, the minor discrepancy created may not be desirable
for consistency.
Enabling/disabling parallel behavior for the solution (Option = SOLU) supersedes the activation/deac-
tivation of parallel behavior for element matrix generation (FORM), equation solver (SOLV), and element
results calculation (RESU).
The SOLV option supports only the sparse direct and PCG solvers (EQSLV (p. 537),SPARSE or PCG). No
other solvers are supported.
This command applies only to shared-memory architecture. It does not apply to the Distributed ANSYS
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Combine only those modes whose significance level exceeds theSIGNIF threshold. For PSD response
(SPOPT (p. 1552),PSD), the significance level is defined as the modal covariance matrix term, divided by the
maximum modal covariance matrix term. Any term whose significance level is less than SIGNIF is con-
sidered insignificant and is not contributed to the mode combinations. The higher the SIGNIF threshold,
the fewer the number of terms used. SIGNIF defaults to 0.0001. If SIGNIF is specified as 0.0, it is taken
as 0.0.
First COMODE number of modes to be actually combined. COMODE must always be less than or equal to
NMODE (input quantity NMODE on the SPOPT (p. 1552) command). COMODE defaults to NMODE. COMODE
performs a second level of control for the first sequential COMODE number of modes to be combined. It
uses the significance level threshold indicated by SIGNIF and operates only on the significant modes.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1273
Label identifying the forces to be combined:
Combine the modal static forces (default).
Combine the modal static plus inertial forces.
This command is also valid for PREP7. This command is valid only for SPOPT (p. 1552),PSD.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>PSD>Mode Combine
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>PSD>Mode Combine
Defines the frequency points for the input spectrum tables PSDVAL vs. PSDFRQ for PSD analysis.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Spectrum Options (p. 38)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Input table number. When used with the COVAL (p. 348) or the QDVAL (p. 1301) command, TBLNO1 represents
the row number of this table. Up to 200 tables may be defined.
Input table number. TBLNO2 is used only for the COVAL (p. 348) or the QDVAL (p. 1301) commands and
represents the column number of this table.
The spectrum values may be input with the PSDVAL (p. 1279), COVAL (p. 348), or QDVAL (p. 1301) commands.
A separate PSDFRQ command must be used for each table and cross table defined. Frequencies must
be in ascending order.
Repeat PSDFRQ command for additional frequency points. Values are added after the last nonzero
frequency. If all fields after PSDFRQ are blank, all input vs. frequency tables are erased. If TBLNO1 is
nonblank, all corresponding PSDVAL (p. 1279) tables are erased. If both TBLNO1 and TBLNO2 are nonblank,
all corresponding COVAL (p. 348) and QDVAL (p. 1301) tables are erased.
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1274 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>PSD>Correlation>Cospectral
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>PSD>Correlation>Erase Co &
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>PSD>Correlation>Quadspectral
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>PSD>Erase Tables
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>PSD>PSD vs Freq
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>PSD>Correlation>Cospectral
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>PSD>Correlation>Erase Co & Quad
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>PSD>Correlation>Quadspectral
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>PSD>Erase Tables
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>PSD>PSD vs Freq
PSD table number to display.
Second PSD table number to display. TBLNO2 is used only in conjunction with the COVAL (p. 348) or the
QDVAL (p. 1301) commands.
Key to display the points markers and numbering:
Display points markers and numbering (default).
Display points numbering only.
Display points markers only.
No points markers or numbering.
The input PSD tables are displayed in log-log format as dotted lines. The best-fit curves, used to perform
the closed-form integration, are displayed as solid lines. If there is a significant discrepancy between
the two, then you should add one or more intermediate points to the table to obtain a better fit.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1275
If TBLNO2 is zero, blank, or equal to TBLNO1, then the autospectra (PSDVAL (p. 1279)) are displayed for
TBLNO1. If TBLNO2 is also specified, then the autospectra for TBLNO1 and TBLNO2 are displayed,
along with the corresponding cospectra (COVAL (p. 348)) and quadspectra (QDVAL (p. 1301)), if they are
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Spectrum>Graph PSD Tab
Main Menu>Solution>Spectrum>Graph PSD Tab
Label identifying the solution output:
Displacement solution (default). One-sigma displacements, stresses, forces, etc. Written as load step
3 on File.RST.
Velocity solution. One-sigma velocities, "stress velocities," "force velocities," etc. Written as load step
4 of File.RST.
Acceleration solution. One-sigma accelerations, "stress accelerations," "force accelerations,” etc. Written
as load step 5 on File.RST.
Key defining relative or absolute calculations:
Calculations are relative to the base excitation (default).
Calculations are absolute.
No calculation of solution output identified by Lab.
Command Default
Relative displacement solution, no velocity or acceleration solution for 1 σ results.
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1276 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Controls the amount and form of solution output written to the results file from a PSD analysis. One-
sigma values of the relative or absolute displacement solution, relative or absolute velocity solution,
relative or absolute acceleration solution, or any combination may be included on the results file.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>PSD>Calc Controls
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>PSD>Calc Controls
Input PSD table number defined with PSDVAL (p. 1279) command.
Minimum distance between excitation points which are partially correlated. Excited nodes closer than
RMIN will be fully correlated.
Maximum distance between excitation points which are partially correlated. Excited nodes farther apart
than RMAX will be uncorrelated.
Defines a partially correlated excitation in terms of a sphere of influence relating excitation point geo-
metry (in a PSD analysis). If the distance between any two excitation points is less than RMIN, then the
excitation is fully correlated. If the distance is greater than RMAX, then the excitation is uncorrelated. If
the distance lies between RMIN and RMAX, then the excitation is partially correlated with the degree
of correlation dependent on the separation distance between the points. This command is not available
for a pressure PSD analysis.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>PSD>Correlation>Spatial Correlat
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>PSD>Correlation>Spatial Correlat
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1277
Input table number.
Label identifying the type of spectrum:
Displacement spectrum (in terms of displacement2/Hz ).
Velocity spectrum (in terms of velocity2/Hz ).
Acceleration spectrum (in terms of acceleration2/Hz ).
Acceleration spectrum (in terms of g2/Hz ).
Force spectrum (in terms of force2/Hz ).
Pressure spectrum (in terms of pressure2/Hz ).
Value of acceleration due to gravity in any arbitrary units for Type=ACCG. Default is 386.4 in/sec2.
Command Default
Defines the type of PSD defined by the PSDVAL (p. 1279), COVAL (p. 348), and QDVAL (p. 1301) commands.
Force (FORC) and pressure (PRES) type spectra can be used only as a nodal excitation.
GVALUE is valid only when type ACCG is specified. A zero or negative value cannot be used. A parameter
substitution can also be performed.
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1278 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>PSD>Settings
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>PSD>Settings
Input table number being defined.
Defines PSD values to be associated with the previously defined frequency points.
Repeat PSDVAL command for additional values, up to the number of frequency points [PSDFRQ (p. 1274)].
Values are added after the last nonzero value.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>PSD>PSD vs Freq
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>PSD>PSD vs Freq
Input PSD table number defined with PSDVAL (p. 1279) command.
Global Cartesian X-velocity of traveling wave.
Global Cartesian Y-velocity of traveling wave.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1279
Global Cartesian Z-velocity of traveling wave.
Defines a traveling wave in a PSD analysis. This command is not available for a pressure PSD analysis.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>PSD>Correlation>Traveling Wave
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>PSD>Correlation>Traveling Wave
Path name (64 characters maximum, and must include the final delimiter) of the middle directory to be
searched. Defaults to the user home directory. If Pname = OFF, search only the ANSYS and current working
directories. If Pname = STAT, list the current middle directory and show the ANSYS_MACROLIB setting.
Command Default
The middle directory searched is the user home directory.
Specifies the pathname of a directory for file searches when reading "unknown command" macro files.
The search for the files is typically from the ANSYS directory, then from the user home directory, and
then from the current working directory. This command allows the middle directory searched to be
other than the user home directory.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Macro>Macro Search Path
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1280 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Label identifying the type of select:
Select a new path.
Reselect a path from the current set of paths.
Additionally select a path and extend the current set of paths.
Unselect a path from the current set of paths.
Restore the full set of paths.
Unselect the full set of paths.
Invert the current set of paths (selected becomes unselected and vice versa).
Selects a path or multiple paths, up to ten. Data are flagged as selected and unselected; no data are
actually deleted from the database. There is no default for this command; you must specify a type and
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Archive Path>Store>Paths in file
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Path Operations>Store>Paths in file
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1281
Item, Comp
Labels identifying the surface load to be shown; see Table 205: /PSF - Valid Item and Component La-
bels (p. 1283).
Key to turn surface load symbols on or off:
Off (default).
On, shown as face outlines. Line surface loads (SFL (p. 1498)) on solid model plots are shown as arrows.
On, shown as arrows.
On, shown as color filled surfaces. Line and area surface loads (SFL (p. 1498) and SFA (p. 1470)) on solid
model plots are shown as arrows.
Visibility key for shell elements.
Off (default), surface load symbols are displayed only on visible load faces.
On, surface load symbols are displayed even if load face is not visible.
Visibility key for contour legend.
The symbols (arrows or face outlines) will show up in color with the legend showing the corresponding
color labels (default).
The contour legend will not be displayed. The symbols (arrows or face outlines) will show up in grey.
The size of the arrows will be proportional to the applied load.
Command Default
No surface load symbols are displayed.
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1282 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
/PSF (p. 1282) determines whether and how to show surface loads on subsequent model displays.
If surface loads are applied to solid model entities, only solid model plots show the load symbols; node
and element plots do not show them unless the loads are transferred (SFTRAN (p. 1505) or
SBCTRAN (p. 1390)). Similarly, solid model plots do not show the load symbols if surface loads are applied
to nodes and elements. For node and element plots of shell element models, the surface load symbols
are shown only if the load face is visible from the current viewing direction.
The effects of the /PSF command are not cumulative (that is, the command does not modify an existing
setting from a previously issued /PSF (p. 1282) command). Only the setting specified via the most recent
/PSF (p. 1282) command applies.
If you issue a postprocessing (POST1) (p. 48) plot command that produces result contours (such as
PLNSOL (p. 1190)), /PSF (p. 1282) has no effect. This behavior prevents conflicting contours in the graphics
When using the radiosity method (Item = RDSF and Comp = ENCL) with Key = 2, the radiation arrows
point outward from any element face. When using SURF154 with KEYOPT(2) = 1, set the Item to PRES
and leave the Component Label blank.
/PSF (p. 1282),STAT displays current /PSF (p. 1282) settings, and /PSF (p. 1282),DEFA resets them back to
Other useful commands are /PNUM (p. 1217),SVAL,1 to show the values of the surface loads, /VS-
CALE (p. 1802) to change arrow lengths, and /PBC (p. 1134) and /PBF (p. 1137) to activate other load symbols.
For beam elements, only the colors representing shear (GREEN) and normal (RED) pressures are displayed
for the arrows. The color of these arrows does not correspond to the magnitudes in the contour legend.
The length of these arrows does, however, correlate to the relative magnitude of the pressures.
For elements SURF159, SOLID272, SOLID273, PIPE288 and PIPE289, /PSF (p. 1282) is not available when
displaying elements with shapes determined from the real constants or section definition
(/ESHAPE (p. 552)). For PIPE288 and PIPE289, only external loads applied via SFBEAM (p. 1476) are displayed.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1283
1. Pressure loads apply to the element coordinate system (KEYOPT(2) = 0). Adjust appropriately for a local
coordinate system (KEYOPT(2) = 1). See Figure : Pressures, Figure : Pressures, and Figure : Pressures in the
Element Reference.
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1284 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Symbols
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
This file name is used for the postscript file name. It defaults to the current Jobname if left blank.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Specify which matrix to write to the output postscript file:
Write stiffness matrix to output postscript file. Valid for all types of analyses that write a .FULL file.
Write mass matrix to output postscript file. Valid for buckling, substructure, and modal analyses. If the
.FULL file was generated in a buckling analysis, then this label will write the stress stiffening matrix
to the output postscript file.
Write damping matrix to output postscript file. Only valid for damped modal analyses.
Specifies whether to display the grid in black and white or in color:
Each nonzero coefficient is symbolized by a black square (default).
Each nonzero coefficient is symbolized by a colored square. The color depends on the module of the
coefficient; the range is from blue for the smallest values to red for the largest values. The color map
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1285
This command is used to copy a matrix from the assembled global matrix file (.FULL file) as specified
on the FILE (p. 627) command and write it in a postscript format to a new file named Fname.Ext (defaults
to Jobname.PS). The matrix is symbolized by a grid in which the black or colored squares represent
the nonzero coefficients of the matrix. The .FULL file must be available for this command to work
If the matrix is large, it may be difficult to display the postscript file. In this case, use Color = BLACK
to reduce the postscript file size.
The assembled global matrix file is created during solution depending on the analysis type, equation
solver, and other solution options. By default, the assembled global matrix file is never deleted at the
end of solution. For most analysis types, the Sparse direct solver and the ICCG solver write a .FULL
file. All mode extraction methods used for buckling and modal analyses write a properly formatted
.FULL file to be used with the PSMAT command.
When copying the stiffness matrix for transient and harmonic analyses, be aware that the element mass
matrix values (and possibly element damping matrix values) are incorporated into the globally assembled
stiffness matrix. Thus, the globally assembled stiffness matrix represents more than the stiffness of the
model for these analysis types. Please refer to the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference for more details.
The PSMAT command is not able to display a lumped mass matrix from a .FULL file generated by a
harmonic analysis.
When copying a .FULL file, the rows and columns corresponding to specified constraints (e.g., D (p. 397)
commands) are eliminated from the system of equations and therefore are not written to the .PS file.
In addition, rows and columns corresponding to eliminated (slave) degrees of freedom from coupling
and/or constraint equations (e.g., CE (p. 259), CP (p. 348) commands) are eliminated from the system of
equations and are not written to the .PS file. The DOFs that are eliminated from any coupling and/or
constraint equations are determined internally by the solution code and may not match what you
specified via the CE (p. 259)/CP (p. 348) (or similar) commands.
When copying a .FULL file, only the upper triangular part of the matrix will be written to the .PS
file if the matrix is symmetric; the full matrix is written if the matrix is unsymmetric. Only matrix coeffi-
cients that are greater than zero will be written.
The WRFULL (p. 1823) command, in conjunction with the SOLVE (p. 1538) command, can be used to gen-
erate the assembled global matrix file and eliminate the equation solution process and results output
Below is an example of an export of the stiffness matrix to a postscript format using the COLOR option.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1286 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
K Matrix
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Creates and meshes a pretension section (PRETS179) or a preload section (MPC184).
PREP7 (p. 20): Meshing (p. 27)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Unique section number. This number must not already be assigned to a section.
Unique eight character descriptive name, if desired.
Pretension node number (for a pretension section using PRETS179) or joint element number (for a preload
section using MPC184).
For a pretension element, the node is defined if it doesn't exist, and the number defaults to the
highest node number plus one.
Egroup, NUM
Element group on which PSMESH will operate. If Egroup = P, graphical picking is enabled and NUM is
ignored (valid only in the GUI).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1287
L (or LINE)
PSMESH operates on all elements in the line specified by NUM. New pretension nodes are associated
with NUM or entities below it. Any subsequent LCLEAR (p. 853) operation of NUM deletes the pretension
elements and nodes created by PSMESH. (MPC184 joint elements and associated contact pairs of a
preload section are not deleted by LCLEAR (p. 853).)
A (or AREA)
PSMESH operates on all elements in the area specified by NUM. New pretension nodes are associated
with NUM or entities below it. Any subsequent ACLEAR (p. 86) of NUM deletes the pretension elements
and nodes created by PSMESH. (MPC184 joint elements and associated contact pairs of a preload
section are not deleted by ACLEAR (p. 86).)
V (or VOLU)
PSMESH operates on all elements in the volume specified by NUM. New pretension nodes are associated
with NUM or entities below it. Any subsequent VCLEAR (p. 1741) of NUM deletes the pretension elements
and nodes created by PSMESH. (MPC184 joint elements and associated contact pairs of a preload
section are not deleted by VCLEAR (p. 1741).)
PSMESH operates on elements selected through the subsequent picking operations, and NUM is ignored
The command operates on all selected elements, and NUM is ignored.
Coordinate system number for the separation surface and normal direction.
For an MPC184 joint element defined as part of a preload section, the coordinate system type must
be Cartesian.
Direction (x, y, or z) normal to separation surface in the KCN coordinate system.
If KCN is cartesian, the pretension section normal will be parallel to the KDIR axis regardless of the
position of the pretension node.
If KCN is non-cartesian, the pretension section normal will be aligned with the KDR direction of
system KCN at the position of the pretension node.
Point along the KDIR axis at which to locate the separation surface. Ignored if NDPLANE is supplied.
Existing node that PSMESH will use to locate the separation surface. If NDPLANE is supplied, the location
of the separation surface is defined by the KDIR coordinate of NDPLANE.
Optional tolerance below VALUE. Allows nodes occurring precisely at or slightly below the separation to
be identified properly as above the plane. Has the effect of shifting the plane down by PSTOL. The following
expression represents the default value:
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1288 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
where ΔX, ΔY, and ΔZ are the dimensions of the locally selected region of the model based on nodal
locations (that is, ΔX = Xmax - Xmin).
If a positive value is specified (or if this argument is left blank), a pretension section that includes PRETS179
elements is generated. The value entered is the element type number for PRETS179. If no number is specified,
the program defines the element type number.
If TORQUE is specified, a preload section that includes a cylindrical joint element (MPC184) with
two force-distributed surface-based constraints is generated.
If a negative value is specified, a preload section that includes a screw joint element (MPC184) with
two force-distributed surface-based constraints is generated. The absolute value of PSTYPE is
defined as pitch for the screw joint.
If specified, the name of a component to be composed of new pretension elements and existing elements
modified by the PSMESH command. This argument is not used with the MPC184 joint element.
Name of a component to be composed of nodes on new pretension elements. This argument is not used
with the MPC184 joint element.
PSMESH generates a pretension section (PRETS179) or a preload section (MPC184) for modeling bolt
fastener preloads. The type of section is specified by the PSTYPE argument.
When it is necessary to define the pretension node, ANSYS uses node NDPLANE. If the NDPLANE value
is not specified, ANSYS defines the pretension node at:
• the centroid location of all selected elements, if Egroup = ALL or if graphical picking is used.
If the elements to which the pretension load is to be applied have already been meshed in two groups,
PSMESH cannot be used to insert the pretension elements. The EINTF (p. 509) command must be used
to insert the PRETS179 elements between the two meshed groups.
The PSMESH operation copies any nodal temperatures you have defined on the split surface of the
original mesh from the original nodes to the newly created coincident duplicate nodes. However, dis-
placements, forces, and other boundary conditions are not copied.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1289
By mathematical definition, the pretension surface must always be a flat plane. In a non-Cartesian co-
ordinate system, the PSMESH command creates that plane at the indicated position, oriented with respect
to the specified direction of the active system (in the same manner that the NROTAT (p. 1055) command
orients a nodal system with respect to a curved system). For example, assuming X = 1 and Y = 45 in a
cylindrical coordinate system with Z as the axis of rotation (KCN = 1), a pretension surface normal to X
tilts 45 degrees away from the global X axis.
For more information, see Defining Pretension in a Joint Fastener in the Basic Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Pretension>Pretensn Mesh>Elements
in Area
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Pretension>Pretensn Mesh>Elements
in Line
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Pretension>Pretensn Mesh>Elements
in Volu
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Pretension>Pretensn Mesh>Picked
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Pretension>Pretensn Mesh>Selected
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Pretension>Pretensn Mesh>With Op-
tions>Divide at Node>Elements in Area
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Pretension>Pretensn Mesh>With Op-
tions>Divide at Node>Elements in Line
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Pretension>Pretensn Mesh>With Op-
tions>Divide at Node>Elements in Volu
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Pretension>Pretensn Mesh>With Op-
tions>Divide at Node>Picked Elements
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Pretension>Pretensn Mesh>With Op-
tions>Divide at Node>Selected Element
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Pretension>Pretensn Mesh>With Op-
tions>Divide at Valu>Elements in Area
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Pretension>Pretensn Mesh>With Op-
tions>Divide at Valu>Elements in Line
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Pretension>Pretensn Mesh>With Op-
tions>Divide at Valu>Elements in Volu
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1290 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Polygon color (0 PCOLOR 15):
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1291
Dark Gray.
Light Gray.
Polygon fill key:
Hollow polygon.
Filled polygon.
Polygon border key:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1292 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
No border.
Creates annotation polygon attributes to control certain characteristics of the polygons created via the
/POLYGON (p. 1220), /PMORE (p. 1215), /PCIRCLE (p. 1144) and /PWEDGE (p. 1300) commands. This is a com-
mand generated by the Graphical User Interface (GUI) and will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG)
if annotation is used. This command is not intended to be typed in directly in an ANSYS session (although
it can be included in an input file for batch input or for use with the /INPUT (p. 791) command).
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Annotation>Create Annotation
Window number for status (defaults to global specifications).
Displays the current global or window display specifications. Global display specifications are common
to all windows (e.g. /SHOW (p. 1507), etc.). Window display specifications are specific to one window (e.g.
/VIEW (p. 1776), /TYPE (p. 1705), etc.).
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>Graphics>General
Utility Menu>List>Status>Graphics>Window 1
Utility Menu>List>Status>Graphics>Window 2
Utility Menu>List>Status>Graphics>Window 3
Utility Menu>List>Status>Graphics>Window 4
Utility Menu>List>Status>Graphics>Window 5
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1293
Specifies whether prestress effects are calculated or included.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Nonlinear Options (p. 37)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Prestress key:
Do not calculate (or include) prestress effects (default).
Calculate (or include) prestress effects.
The PSTRES command specifies whether or not prestress effects are to be calculated or included. The
command should be issued after the ANTYPE (p. 140) command.
Prestress effects are calculated in a static or transient analysis for inclusion in a buckling, modal, har-
monic (Method = FULL), or substructure generation analysis. If used in the solution processor
(/SOLU (p. 1537)), this command is valid only within the first load step.
If you apply thermal body forces during a static analysis to calculate prestress effects, do not delete the
forces during any subsequent full harmonic analyses. If you delete the thermal body forces, the thermal
prestress effects will not be included in the harmonic analysis. Temperature loads used to define the
thermal prestress will also be used in the full harmonic analysis as sinusoidally time-varying temperature
A prestress effect applied with non-follower loads resists rigid body rotation of the model. For example,
an unsupported beam with axial tensile forces applied to both ends will have two nonzero rotational
rigid body modes.
If tabular loading (*DIM (p. 435),,TABLE (p. 437)) was used in the prestress static analysis step, the corres-
ponding value of TIME (p. 1676) will be used for tabular evaluations in the modal analysis.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Basic
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Basic
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1294 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Show symbols as selected from the following labels:
Local coordinate systems.
Nodal coordinate systems (on rotated nodes only).
Element coordinate systems (element displays only).
Line directions (line displays only).
Controls the display of element divisions on lines.
Area direction symbol (for keypoint, line, area and volume plots).
Layer orientations (relative to the projected element x-axis) or fiber orientations in smeared reinforcing
elements. Used only within an element display. Use KEY to specify the layer number.
Element mesh symbols on keypoints and lines.
Larger symbols displayed for node and keypoint locations. When Label = DOT, KEY = 1 by default.
Extra node of surface or circuit elements.
Force boundary condition scaling. Subsequent KEY value determines whether or not to scale the applied
and derived forces/moments to the same maximum value.
Resets the symbol keys so that ANSYS displays none of the symbols controlled by the /PSYMB (p. 1295)
command. The value of the KEY field is ignored.
Prints the status of the settings of the symbol keys controlled by the /PSYMB (p. 1295) command. The
KEY field is ignored.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1295
Controls the marker size (/GMARKER (p. 724)). When Label = MARK, KEY = 10 by default.
Symbol key:
Effective only if Label = LAYR and solid shape element display (/ESHAPE (p. 552)) is active. Orientation
of all layers appears with the solid shape element display.
No symbol (default). If Label = LDIV, then KEY= 0 indicates that the displayed element divisions will
correspond to the existing mesh (the word MESHED or EXISTING can also be substituted). Also, for
Label = LDIV, if you execute any meshing command (such as AMESH (p. 106) or VMESH (p. 1784)), KEY
is set to 0 (MESHED) automatically. If Label = FBCS, then KEY= 0 indicates that boundary condition
scaling will not be common. The applied and derived forces/moments will be scaled to their respective
maximum values.
Include symbol. If Label = LDIV, then KEY = 1 indicates that the displayed line divisions will correspond
to the value assigned by LESIZE (p. 867) (the word LESIZE can also be substituted). Also, for Label =
LDIV, if you execute the LESIZE (p. 867) command, KEY is set to 1 (LESIZE) automatically. If Label =
FBCS, then KEY= 1 indicates that boundary condition scaling will be common. The applied and derived
forces/moments will be scaled to the same maximum value.
If Label = LAYR, then N is equal to the layer number. If Label = DOT, then N can be equal to 0,1,.....15,
indicating the dot size. If Label = MARK, then N can be equal to 1,…..10, indicating the marker size.
If Label = LDIV, then KEY = -1, indicates that no element divisions will be displayed (the word OFF
can also be substituted).
Includes various symbols on the display. Triads are right-handed with x displayed as the longest leg.
Where color is displayed, x is white, y is green, and z is blue. For beams, x is always along the length
of the element. For lines, an arrow represents the direction of a line, from the beginning keypoint to
the end keypoint. See /PLOPTS (p. 1197) command for additional display options. Use /PSTATUS (p. 1293)
or /PSYMB (p. 1295),STAT to display settings. Use /PSYMB (p. 1295),DEFA to reset all specifications back to
their defaults. The command /PSYMB (p. 1295),ECON,1 causes the symbol "M" to be displayed on keypoints
and lines associated with meshed entities. When you issue the command /PSYMB (p. 1295),DOT,1, a larger
symbol is displayed for each node and keypoint location. Using /PSYMB (p. 1295),MARK,1, a smaller
marker size can be displayed.
PowerGraphics (/GRAPHICS (p. 732),POWER) does not support /PSYMB (p. 1295),ESYS and
/PSYMB (p. 1295),LAYR.
If KEY = N and PowerGraphics is off, the centroid of the surface elements is connected to the extra
node using a gray line. However, if PowerGraphics is on, the color of the line connecting the centroid
to the extra node is the same as that for the elements themselves (as determined by /PNUM (p. 1217)).
When Label = LAYR, the layer systems can be visualized with all current-technology layered elements
and the smeared reinforcing element REINF265. To use /PSYMB (p. 1295),LAYR with REINF265, first set
the vector-mode graphics option (/DEVICE (p. 429),VECTOR,1).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1296 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Move / Modify>RotateNode>To Surf Norm>On Areas
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Move / Modify>RotateNode>To Surf Norm>On Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Move / Modify>RotateNode>To Surf Norm>with Area
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Symbols
Sets the PML element coordinate system attribute pointer.
PREP7 (p. 20): Meshing (p. 27)
PREP7 (p. 20): Elements (p. 29)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Coordinate system number:
Use the global Cartesian coordinate system as the PML element coordinate system (default).
Set the PML element coordinate system orientation based on a local Cartesian coordinate system N
(where N must be greater than 10) defined by the LOCAL (p. 883) or CS (p. 359) command (for example:
LOCAL (p. 883),11,0).
Command Default
The PML element coordinate system orientation defaults to the global Cartesian system.
This command identifies the local coordinate system used to define the PML (perfectly matched layers)
coordinate system of subsequently defined PML elements. It is only applicable to volume elements that
support PML. The use of PML coordinate systems is similar to element coordinate systems, as discussed
in Understanding the Element Coordinate System. N refers to the coordinate system reference number
(KCN) defined using the LOCAL (p. 883) (or similar) command.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1297
Dump the file record starting at pointer LOC. BASE is the base pointer, and would be used if LOC is a rel-
ative pointer.
Second 32-bit integer (if required) for defining the 64-bit pointer.
Dumps the record of the file named on the AUX2 FILEAUX2 (p. 628) command according the format
specified on the FORM (p. 645) command.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Defines coordinate pairs for use in polygons and prisms [POLY (p. 1219), RPRISM (p. 1368)]. The coordinates
must be in the Cartesian coordinate system. The coordinate pairs must be input in a continuous order.
PTXY may be repeated (up to 100 pairs) until the required pairs have been defined. The pairs will be
saved until either the POLY (p. 1219) or PRISM (p. 1249) command is entered. Use PTXY,STAT to list the
saved coordinate pairs. Use PTXY,DELE to delete all the saved coordinate pairs. See the RPOLY (p. 1366),
RPRISM (p. 1368), and RPR4 (p. 1367) commands for other ways to create polygons and prisms.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1298 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Valid operations for geometry operations along a path are:
Defines a unit normal vector at each interpolation point in the direction of the cross product of the
tangent to the path and the active Z axis. Resulting vector components are in the active coordinate
system (which must be Cartesian).
Defines a unit vector tangent to the path at each interpolation point. Vector components are in the
active coordinate system (which must be Cartesian).
Defines the position vector of each interpolation point of the path from the center of the active co-
ordinate system (which must be Cartesian).
Label (8 characters maximum) assigned to X-component of the resulting vector.
Label (8 characters maximum) assigned to Y-component of the resulting vector.
Label (8 characters maximum) assigned to Z-component of the resulting vector.
Defines and interpolates a set of labeled path items along predefined path [PATH (p. 1132)] and performs
various geometric operations on these path items. A path item must be defined before it can be used
with other path operations. Additional path items may be defined with the PDEF (p. 1146), PCALC (p. 1138),
PDOT (p. 1149), and PCROSS (p. 1145) commands. Path items may be listed or displayed with the
PLPATH (p. 1201), PLPAGM (p. 1200) and PRPATH (p. 1264) commands. Path geometry items (XG, YG, ZG,
S) are automatically interpolated (in the active CSYS) if not done so previously with the PDEF (p. 1146)
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Unit Vector
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1299
Wedge X center location (-1.0 < X < 2.0).
Wedge Y center location (-1.0 < Y < 1.0).
Wedge radius length.
Starting angle of wedge.
Ending angle of wedge. The wedge is drawn counterclockwise from the starting angle, ANGLE1, to the
ending angle, ANGLE2.
Creates an annotation wedge to be written directly onto the display at a specified location. This is a
command generated by the Graphical User Interface (GUI) and will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG)
if annotation is used. This command is not intended to be typed in directly in an ANSYS session (although
it can be included in an input file for batch input or for use with the /INPUT (p. 791) command).
All wedges are shown on subsequent displays unless the annotation is turned off or deleted. Use the
/LSPEC (p. 902) and the /PSPEC (p. 1291) command to set the attributes of the wedge.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Annotation>Create Annotation
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1300 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Q Commands
Defines PSD quadspectral values.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Spectrum Options (p. 38)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
First input PSD table number associated with this spectrum.
Second input PSD table number associated with this spectrum.
Defines PSD quadspectral values to be associated with the previously defined frequency points. Repeat
QDVAL command with the same table number for additional points. Unlike autospectra [PSDVAL (p. 1279)],
the quadspectra can be positive or negative. The quadspectral curve segment where there is a sign
change is interpolated linearly (the rest of the curve segments use log-log interpolation). For better
accuracy, choose as small a curve segment as possible wherever a sign change occurs.
Two table numbers are required since values are off-diagonal terms. This command is valid for SP-
OPT (p. 1552),PSD only.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>PSD>Correlation>Quadspectral
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>PSD>Correlation>Quadspectral
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1301
QRDOPT, ReuseKey,--,--,SymMeth,CMCCoutKey
Specifies additional QRDAMP modal analysis options.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Dynamic Options (p. 38)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Product Restrictions (p. 954)
Reuse key for method=QRDAMP specified in MODOPT (p. 951) command.
Reuse the symmetric eigensolution from the previous load steps or from the previous solution.
Do not reuse (calculates symmetric eigensolution at current load step). This is the default.
--, --
Unused fields.
Mode-extraction method to be used for the symmetric eigenvalue problem.
Block Lanczos algorithm (default).
Subspace algorithm.
Supernode algorithm.
Complex Modal Contribution Coefficients (CMCC) output key. See Calculate the Complex Mode Contribution
Coefficients (CMCC) in the Structural Analysis Guide for details and usage.
Output the CMCC to the text file Jobname.CMCC.
Do not output the CMCC. This is the default.
If the filename.modesym file exists in the working directory and ReuseKey = ON, filename.mod-
esym will be reused. If filename.modesym does not exist in the working directory, the symmetric
eigensolution will be calculated.
When ReuseKey=ON, both the new modal analysis (filename.modesym usage) and the preceding
modal analysis (filename.modesym generation) must be performed using the same product version
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1302 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Specifies quasi static radiation options.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Radiosity (p. 47)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Quasi static option:
Do not run transient radiation problem to steady-state (default).
Run transient radiation problem to steady-state.
Distributed ANSYS Restriction This command is not supported in Distributed ANSYS.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Quasi-Static
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Quasi-Static
Begin fill-in from this node location. If NODE1 = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command
fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI).
Intermediate or guiding node. Quadratic curve will pass through this location. NINTR may have any node
number and any location. If the quadratic line also generates a node with number NINTR, the generated
location overrides the previous NINTR location.
End quadratic fill-in at this node location.
Fill-in NFILL nodes between NODE1 and NODE2 (defaults to |NODE2-NODE1|-1). NFILL must be positive.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1303
Node number assigned to first filled-in node (defaults to NODE1 + NINC).
Add this increment to each of the remaining filled-in node numbers (may be positive or negative). Defaults
to (NODE2-NODE1)/(NFILL + 1), i.e., linear interpolation.
Peak location factor. If PKFAC=0.5, the peak of the quadratic shape occurs at the NINTR location. If 0.0 <
PKFAC < 0.5, the peak occurs to the NODE2 side of the NINTR location. If 0.5 < PKFAC < 1.0, the peak
occurs to the NODE1 side of the NINTR location. Defaults to 0.5.
Generates a quadratic line of nodes (in the active coordinate system) from three nodes. The three nodes
determine the plane of the curve and may have been defined in any coordinate system. Any number
of nodes may be filled-in and any node number sequence may be assigned.
The quadratic line feature uses three nodes (NODE1,NINTR,NODE2) to determine the plane of the curve.
The curve passes through the three points, beginning from NODE1, through the intermediate (or
guiding) point NINTR, and toward NODE2.
Generated nodes are also quadratically spaced. If the guiding node number is within the set being
generated, it will be relocated according to the quadratic spacing.
The peak location factor is used to determine how the quadratic fits through the three points. Various
nodal progressions can be obtained by different combinations of PKFAC and the guiding node location.
If the guiding node is at mid-length between NODE1 and NODE2, 0.293 PKFAC< 0.707 will ensure
that all generated nodes fall within the NODE1,NODE2 bounds. In the limit, as PKFAC approaches 0.0,
the peak approaches the line through NODE1 and NINTR at an infinite distance from NODE1. The QUAD
command generates quadratic lines of nodes, which in turn may be used as a base line for generating
irregular surfaces of nodes (by repeating [*REPEAT (p. 1326)], generating [NGEN (p. 1017), NSCALE (p. 1056)],
etc.). Irregular surfaces may also be generated with the meshing commands.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Nodes>Quadratic Fill
This is an alternative to the FINISH (p. 631) command. If any cleanup or file writing is normally done by
the FINISH (p. 631) command, it is bypassed if the /QUIT (p. 1304) command is used instead. A new pro-
cessor may be entered after this command. See the /EXIT (p. 589) command to terminate the run.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1304 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
This command is valid in any processor. This command is not valid at the Begin level.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
QUOT, IR, IA, IB, --, Name, --, --, FACTA, FACTB
Divides two variables.
POST26 (p. 55): Operations (p. 56)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Arbitrary reference number assigned to the resulting variable (2 to NV [NUMVAR (p. 1086)]). If this number
is the same as for a previously defined variable, the previously defined variable will be overwritten with
this result.
Reference numbers of the two variables to be operated on.
Unused field.
Thirty-two character name identifying the variable on printouts and displays. Embedded blanks are com-
pressed for output.
--, --
Unused fields.
Scaling factors (positive or negative) applied to the corresponding variables (default to 1.0).
Divides two variables according to the operation:
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Math Operations>Divide
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1305
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1306 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
R Commands
Real constant set identification number (arbitrary). If same as a previous set number, set is redefined. Set
number relates to that defined with the element [REAL (p. 1319)]. Note that the GUI automatically assigns
this value.
Defines the element real constants. The real constants required for an element are shown in the Input
Summary of each element description in the Element Reference. Constants must be input in the same
order as shown in that table. If more than the required number of element real constants are specified
in a set, only those required are used. If fewer than the required number are specified, zero values are
assumed for the unspecified constants.
If using table inputs (COMBIN14, FLUID116, SURF151, SURF152, CONTA172, CONTA174, CONTA175,
CONTA177, and COMBI214 only), enclose the table name in % signs (e.g., %tabname%).
When copying real constants to new sets, ANSYS, Inc. recommends that you use the command input.
If you do use the GUI, restrict the real constant copy to only the first six real constants (real constants
seven and greater will be incorrect for both the master and copy set).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>Real Constants>Add/Edit/Delete
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Mechanical>Mass
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Mechanical>Spring>Nonlin
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Mechanical>Spring>Nonlin Trans
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Transducer>ElecMech
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Edit Real Cnst
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1307
RACE, XC, YC, RAD, TCUR, DY, DZ, --, --, Cname
Defines a "racetrack" current source.
PREP7 (p. 20): Special Purpose (p. 34)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Location of the mid-thickness of the vertical leg along the working plane X-axis.
Location of the mid-thickness of the horizontal leg along the working plane Y-axis.
Radius of curvature of the mid-thickness of the curves in the racetrack source. Defaults to .501 * DY
Total current, amp-turns (MKS), flowing in the source.
In-plane thickness of the racetrack source.
Out-of-plane thickness (depth) of the racetrack source.
--, --
Unused fields
An alphanumeric name assigned as a component name to the group of SOURC36 elements created by
the command macro. Cname must be enclosed in single quotes in the RACE command line. Cname may
be up to 32 characters, beginning with a letter and containing only letters, numbers, and underscores.
Component names beginning with an underscore (e.g., _LOOP) are reserved for use by ANSYS and should
be avoided. If blank, no component name is assigned.
RACE invokes an ANSYS macro which defines a "racetrack" current source in the working plane coordinate
system. The current source is generated from bar and arc source primitives using the SOURC36 element
(which is assigned the next available element type number). The macro is valid for use in 3-D magnetic
field analysis using a scalar potential formulation. Current flows in a counterclockwise direction with
respect to the working plane.
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1308 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Thickness = DZ
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Excitation>Racetrack Coil
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Racetrack Coil
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Excitation>Racetrack Coil
Specifies Radiosity Solver options.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Radiosity (p. 47)
AUX12 (p. 59): Radiosity Solver (p. 59)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Unused field.
Convergence tolerance for radiation flux. Defaults to 0.0001. This value is a relative tolerance.
Choice of solver for radiosity calculation:
Gauss-Seidel iterative solver.
Direct solver.
Jacobi iterative solver (default).
Maximum number of iterations for the iterative solvers (SOLVER = 0 or 2). Defaults to 1000.
Convergence tolerance for the iterative solvers (SOLVER = 0 or 2). Defaults to 0.1.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1309
Over-relaxation factor applied to the iterative solvers (SOLVER = 0 or 2). Defaults to 0.1.
Maximum number of flux iterations to be performed according to the specified solver type:
If the FULL solver is specified (THOPT (p. 1674),FULL), convergence criteria are monitored and iterations
are performed until convergence occurs. If the QUASI solver is specified (THOPT (p. 1674),QUASI), con-
vergence criteria are ignored and one iteration is performed. This value is the default.
1, 2, 3, ...N
If the FULL solver is specified (THOPT (p. 1674),FULL), convergence criteria are monitored and iterations
are performed until convergence occurs, or until the specified number of iterations has been completed,
whichever comes first. If the QUASI solver is specified (THOPT (p. 1674),QUASI), convergence criteria are
ignored and the specified number of iterations are completed.
To view MAXFLUXITER usage illustrations, see Figure : FULL Solution Method When Radiosity Is
Present and Figure : QUASI Solution Method When Radiosity Is Present.
Command Default
The Jacobi iterative solver (SOLVER = 2) is the default; it is only available for 3-D models. If the analysis
is 2-D, the Gauss-Seidel iterative solver (SOLVER = 0) is used instead.
The radiation heat flux is linearized, resulting in robust convergence.
where i is the pass or iteration number and j is the surface facet for radiation.
For a sufficiently small absolute tolerance value, relative tolerance converges in fewer iterations than
absolute tolerance. For a sufficiently large absolute tolerance value, relative tolerance may cause con-
vergence difficulties.
For more information about FLUXTOL and MAXFLUXITER usage, see Figure : FULL Solution Method
When Radiosity Is Present and Figure : QUASI Solution Method When Radiosity Is Present in the Thermal
Analysis Guide.
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1310 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
In Figure : FULL Solution Method When Radiosity Is Present and Figure : QUASI Solution Method When
Radiosity Is Present (under Solving for Temperature and Radiosity in the Thermal Analysis Guide), refer
to the KQQ = FQ equation system via the iterative method.
If TOLER ≥ 0, the iterative solver (SOLVER = 0 or 2) is converged for maximum value over a different
j as shown:
If TOLER < 0, the iterative solver (SOLVER = 0 or 2) is converged for maximum value over a different
j as shown:
The Jacobi iterative solver (SOLVER = 2) is the only solver choice that runs in a fully distributed parallel
fashion. Therefore, it is typically the best choice for optimal performance when running in distributed-
memory parallel mode (Distributed ANSYS).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Radiation Opts>Solution Opt
Main Menu>Radiation Opt>Radiosity Meth>Solution Opt
Main Menu>Solution>Radiation Opts>Solution Opt
Load step number to be assigned to the results data set. If it is the same as an existing load step number
on the results file, the appended load step will be inaccessible. Defaults to 1.
Time value to be assigned to the results data set. Defaults to 0.0. A time value greater than the last load
step should be used.
This command is typically used to append the results from a load case combination to the results file.
See the LCWRITE (p. 859) command to create a separate load case file. Only summable and constant
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1311
data are written to the results file by default; non-summable data are not written unless requested
(LCSUM (p. 858) command). RAPPND should not be used to append results from a harmonic analysis.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Write Results
RATE, Option
Specifies whether the effect of creep strain rate will be used in the solution of a load step.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Analysis Options (p. 35)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Product Restrictions (p. 1312)
Activates implicit creep analysis.
0 or OFF
No implicit creep analysis. This option is the default.
1 or ON
Perform implicit creep analysis.
Command Default
Issuing this command with no arguments deactivates implicit creep analysis.
Set Option = 1 (or ON) to perform an implicit creep analysis (TB (p. 1603),CREEP with TBOPT 1). For
viscoplasticity/creep analysis, Option specifies whether or not to include the creep calculation in the
solution of a load step. If Option = 1 (or ON), ANSYS performs the creep calculation. Set an appropriate
time for solving the load step via a TIME (p. 1676),TIME command.
Product Restrictions
This command works only when modeling implicit creep with either von Mises or Hill potentials.
When modeling implicit creep with von Mises potential, you can use the following elements: LINK180,
SOLSH190, BEAM188, BEAM189, SHELL208, SHELL209, REINF264, SHELL281, and ELBOW290.
When modeling anisotropic creep (TB (p. 1603),CREEP with TB (p. 1603),HILL), you can also use the following
elements: LINK180, SHELL181, PLANE182, PLANE183, SOLID185, SOLID186, SOLID187, BEAM188, BEAM189,
SOLSH190, SHELL208, SHELL209, REINF264, REINF265, SOLID272, SOLID273, SHELL281, SOLID285, PIPE288,
PIPE289, and ELBOW290.
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1312 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Nonlinear
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Nonlinear>Strn Rate Effect
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Nonlinear
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Nonlinear>Strn Rate Effect
Window number (or ALL) to which command applies (defaults to 1).
Distort object in the window X direction by this factor (defaults to 1.0).
Distort object in the window Y direction by this factor (defaults to 1.0).
Command Default
No distortion.
Distorts the object geometry in a particular direction. An example of this command's use would be to
allow long narrow sections to be distorted to a more square area for better display visualization.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Size and Shape
Node at which the force/moment to be distributed will be applied. This node must be associated with an
element for the master node to be included in the degree-of-freedom (DOF) solution.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1313
Refers to the master node DOFs to be used in constraint equations. Valid labels are: UX, UY, UZ, ROTX,
The name of an array parameter that contains a list of slave nodes. Must specify the starting index number.
ALL can be used for currently selected set of nodes. The slave nodes may not be colinear, that is, not be
all located on the same straight line (see Notes below).
The name of an array parameter that contains a list of weighting factors corresponding to each slave node
above. Must have the starting index number. If not specified, the weighting factor for each slave node
defaults to 1.
The force is distributed to the slave nodes proportional to the weighting factors. The moment is distrib-
uted as forces to the slaves; these forces are proportional to the distance from the center of gravity of
the slave nodes times the weighting factors. Only the translational degrees of freedom of the slave
nodes are used for constructing the constraint equations. Constraint equations are converted to distrib-
uted forces/moments on the slave nodes during solution.
RBE3 creates constraint equations such that the motion of the master is the average of the slaves. For
the rotations, a least-squares approach is used to define the "average rotation" at the master from the
translations of the slaves. If the slave nodes are colinear, then one of the master rotations that is parallel
to the colinear direction can not be determined in terms of the translations of the slave nodes. Therefore,
the associated moment component on the master node in that direction cannot be transmitted. When
this case occurs, a warning message is issued and the constraint equations created by RBE3 are ignored.
Applying this command to a large number of slave nodes may result in constraint equations with a
large number of coefficients. This may significantly increase the peak memory required during the
process of element assembly. If real memory or virtual memory is not available, consider reducing the
number of slave nodes.
You can use the DOFSEL (p. 469) command to select the degrees of freedom (DOFs) of the slave nodes
to be included in the resulting constraint equations. (Be sure to issue DOFSEL (p. 469),ALL after issuing
RBE3.) This capability is useful if, for example, you want to ignore radial constraints in cylindrical geo-
metries. The selected DOFs must collectively generate forces and moments on the master node in all
six DOFs.
As an alternative to RBE3, you can apply a similar type of constraint using contact elements and the
internal multipoint constraint (MPC) algorithm. For more information, see Surface-based Constraints.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Coupling / Ceqn>Dist F/M at Mstr
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1314 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Specifies "Real constants" as the subsequent status topic.
PREP7 (p. 20): Status (p. 32)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>Preprocessor>Real Constants
Arbitrary reference number assigned to the resulting variable (2 to NV [NUMVAR (p. 1086)]). If this number
is the same as for a previous variable, the previous variable will be overwritten with this result.
Reference number of the variable to be operated on.
Sector number to calculate the results for.
Thirty-two character name identifying the variable on listings and displays. Embedded blanks are compressed
for output.
This command calculates the harmonic response in the sector specified by SECTOR for the variable
referenced by the reference number IA. Only component values for IA are valid (no principles or sums).
The variable specified by IR will contain the harmonic solution. Jobname.RFRQ from the cyclic mode-
superposition harmonic solve and Jobname.RST or Jobname.RSTP from the cyclic modal solve must
be available for the calculations to occur. The Jobname must be the same for the cyclic modal solve
and the cyclic mode-superposition harmonic solve.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1315
For SECTOR > 1, the result is in the nodal coordinate system of the base sector, and it is rotated to the
expanded sector’s location. Refer to Using the /CYCEXPAND Command in the Cyclic Symmetry Analysis
Guide for more information.
See also Mode-Superposition Harmonic Cyclic Symmetry Analysis in the Cyclic Symmetry Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Command options:
Defines the decimation parameters (default).
Shows the status/listing. Other command options are ignored.
Approximate reduction in the number of surface elements. Valid range is from 0.0 (no decimation, the
default) to 1.0. This number is a factor applied to the initial number of element radiosity surfaces.
Unused field.
Node placement algorithm
Optimal placement. An edge is collapsed by moving both nodes (I and J in the figure below) to a new
Subset placement. An edge is collapsed by moving one node to another one. In the figure below, node
I is moved to node J.
edge edge
I collapse I collapse
Before After Before After
Optimal Placement Subset Placement
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1316 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The RDEC command sets decimation parameters. These parameters are used by the next RSURF (p. 1376)
command to generate radiosity surface elements.
Decimation is the process of simplifying a fine surface mesh into a coarse one. This process is accom-
plished by a sequence of edge collapses.
The maximum degree of decimation (1.0) is unreachable. The real degree of decimation is always less
than 1.0 because the decimated mesh must always consist of at least one element.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Radiation Opts>Advanced Solution Option>Decimation Op-
tions>Define Specifications
Main Menu>Solution>Radiation Opts>Advanced Solution Option>Decimation Options>Define
Specifies the level of element-associativity checking:
No element-associativity check occurs. This option is the default.
When a section, material, or real constant is associated with an element, ANSYS issues a message
warning that the necessary entity has been deleted.
The command terminates, and no section, material, or real constant is deleted if it is associated with
an element.
Deletes real constant sets defined with the R (p. 1307) command.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1317
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>Real Constants>Add/Edit/Delete
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Real Constants
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Real Constants>Add/Edit/Delete
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Other>Real Constants>Add/Edit/Delete
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Number of lines at the beginning of the file that will be skipped while it is read. Default = 0. NSKIP is ignored
for FileType = CFXTBR or CFDPOST on the FTYPE (p. 654) command.
For FileType = FORMATTED on the FTYPE (p. 654) command, Format is the read format in the FORTRAN
FORMAT convention enclosed in parentheses; for example: (3e10.0,10x,e10.0,70x,e10.0)
Reads coordinate and pressure data from the specified file. The file type must have been previously
specified on the FTYPE (p. 654) command.
Upon reading the file, nodes are created for the source points. For FileType = CFXTBR or CFDPOST
on the FTYPE (p. 654) command, if face data is available, SURF154 elements are also created. A nodal
component named SOURCENODES and an element component named SOURCEELEMS are created
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1318 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Sets the element real constant set attribute pointer.
PREP7 (p. 20): Meshing (p. 27)
PREP7 (p. 20): Elements (p. 29)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Assign this real constant set number to subsequently defined elements (defaults to 1).
Command Default
NSET = 1.
Identifies the real constant set number to be assigned to subsequently defined elements. This number
refers to the real constant set number (NSET) defined with the real constant sets [R (p. 1307)]. Real constant
set numbers may be displayed [/PNUM (p. 1217)]. If the element type requires no real constants, this
entry is ignored. Elements of different type should not refer to the same real constant set.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh Attributes>Default Attribs
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Elem Attributes
Arbitrary reference number assigned to the resulting variable (2 to NV [NUMVAR (p. 1086)]). If this number
is the same as for a previously defined variable, the previously defined variable will be overwritten with
this result.
Reference number of the variable to be operated on.
--, --
Unused fields.
Thirty-two character name identifying the variable on printouts and displays. Embedded blanks are com-
pressed for output.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1319
--, --
Unused fields.
Scaling factor (positive or negative) applied to variable IA (defaults to 1.0).
Forms a variable using only the real part of a variable. Used only with harmonic analyses (AN-
TYPE (p. 140),HARMIC).
Complex variables are stored in two-column arrays with the real component stored in the first column
and the imaginary component stored in the second column. This command extracts the value stored
in the first column (i.e., real component). However with harmonic analyses, all variables are stored in
two-column arrays as complex variables. If the variable is not complex, then the same value is stored
in both columns. This command will extract the variable in the first column of the array, even if this
variable is not the real component of a complex variable.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Math Operations>Real Part
X1, X2
Working plane X coordinates of the rectangle.
Y1, Y2
Working plane Y coordinates of the rectangle.
The area will be defined with four keypoints and four lines. See the BLC4 (p. 232) and BLC5 (p. 232)
commands for alternate ways to create rectangles.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Areas>Rectangle>By Dimensions
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1320 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Starts the remeshing operation.
Ends the remeshing operation.
Reads in a generic (.cdb format) new mesh file generated by a third-party application. This remeshing
option applies to both 2-D and 3-D rezoning.
Splits selected elements of an existing 2-D or 3-D mesh such that a quadrilateral element is split into
four quadrilaterals, a degenerate quadrilateral is split into three quadrilaterals, and a quadratic trian-
gular element is split into four quadratic triangles. A tetrahedral element is split into eight tetrahedra.
Name of a .cdb generic mesh file. The default value is jobname. Valid only when Action = READ.
File name extension. The only valid (and the default) extension is CDB. Valid only when Action = READ.
Unused field.
Specifies options for the new mesh when using a generic imported mesh file or the mesh-splitting
remeshing method. Valid only when Action = READ or Action = SPLIT.
Regenerates all node and element numbers on the new mesh using an offset of the highest existing
node and element numbers. This is the default behavior when Action = READ; otherwise, this value
is ignored.
Keeps the similarly numbered nodes and elements in the new and the old meshes unchanged. Valid
only when Action = READ.
Generates transition elements to ensure nodal compatibility between split and unsplit parts of the
mesh. Valid only when Action = SPLIT for 2-D analyses.
Specifies transition options for the mesh when elements are split. These options are valid only when Action
= SPLIT for 2-D analyses.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1321
Minimizes the number of degenerate elements in the transition mesh and tries to maximize the number
of quadrilateral transition elements across several layers of elements from the split regions. This is the
default behavior.
Creates transition zones between the split and unsplit parts of the mesh using mostly degenerate
elements with a single element layer.
The REMESH command is valid only during the rezoning (REZONE (p. 1343)) process.
In rezoning, a REMESH,START command temporarily exits the /SOLU (p. 1537) solution processor and
enters a special mode of the /PREP7 (p. 1235) preprocessor, after which a limited number of preprocessing
commands are available for mesh control, but no solution commands are valid.
A REMESH,FINISH command exits the remeshing process and reenters the solution processor, at which
point no preprocessing commands are available. If the new mesh exists, the command creates contact
elements if needed, and transfers all boundary conditions (BCs) and loads from the original mesh to
the new mesh. You can issue any list or plot command to verify the created contact elements, transferred
BCs, and loads. A REMESH,FINISH command is valid only after a previously issued REMESH,START
command, and is the only way to safely end the remeshing operation (and exit the special mode of the
/PREP7 (p. 1235) preprocessor).
A REMESH,READ command is valid only when you want to perform a rezoning operation using a gen-
eric new mesh generated by a third-party application (rather than a new mesh generated internally by
the ANSYS program). The command is valid between REMESH,START and REMESH,FINISH commands.
In this case, the only valid file extension is .cdb (Ext = CDB). When Option = KEEP, ANSYS assumes
that the common node and element numbers between the old and the new mesh are topologically
similar (that is, these commonly numbered areas have the same element connectivity and nodal coordin-
A REMESH,SPLIT command is valid only when you wish to perform a rezoning operation by splitting
the existing mesh. The command is valid between REMESH,START and REMESH,FINISH commands.
You can use REMESH,READ and REMESH,SPLIT commands for horizontal multiple rezoning provided
that the meshes used in REMESH,READ do not intersect. (ANSYS recommends against issuing an
AREMESH (p. 155) command after issuing either of these commands.)
For more detailed about the remeshing options available to you during a rezoning operation, see
Rezoning in the Advanced Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Solution>Manual Rezoning>Cancel
Main Menu>Solution>Manual Rezoning>Finish
Main Menu>Solution>Manual Rezoning>Read Mesh
Main Menu>Solution>Manual Rezoning>Select and Split Elems
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1322 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Argument Descriptions
Name of the matrix or vector to be revised.
The following Val1 through Val3 fields are used if Name refers to a dense matrix created by the
*DMAT (p. 454) command:
First row or column number to suppress.
Last row or column number to suppress.
Specifies what to remove:
Remove columns of the matrix (default).
Remove rows of the matrix.
The following Val1 and Val2 fields are used if Name refers to a vector created by the *VEC (p. 1749)
First value index to suppress.
Last value index to suppress.
The values of the original matrix or vector specified by Name are retained. The matrix or vector is resized
to the new number of rows and columns.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1323
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Argument Descriptions
Name of the existing vector or matrix to be renamed.
New name for the vector or matrix.
The *RENAME (p. 1324) command is used to rename APDL Math objects.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
/RENAME (p. 1324), Fname1, Ext1, --, Fname2, Ext2, --, DistKey
Renames a file.
SESSION (p. 9): Files (p. 10)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
The file to be renamed. You can also include an optional directory path as part of the specified file name;
if not, the default file location is the working directory.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
The new name for the file. You can also include an optional directory path as part of the new file name; if
not, the default is the working directory. A maximum of 248 characters is allowed for the file name (or
combined file name and directory path, if both are specified).
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1324 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
Key that specifies which rename operation is performed on all processes in distributed parallel mode
(Distributed ANSYS):
0 (OFF or NO)
The program performs the rename operation only on the master process (default).
1 (ON or YES)
The program performs the rename operation locally on each process.
2 or BOTH
The program performs the rename operation for Fname.Ext on the master process and for FnameN.Ext
on all processes.
Renames a file. Ex: /RENAME (p. 1324),A,,,B renames file A to B in the same directory. /RE-
NAME (p. 1324),A,DAT,,,INP renames file A.DAT to A.INP. On all systems, this command will overwrite any
existing file named B. See the Operations Guide for details. Only ANSYS binary files should be renamed.
Use /SYS (p. 1600) and system renaming commands for other files.
In distributed parallel mode (Distributed ANSYS), only the master process will rename Fname1.Ext1
to Fname2.Ext2 by default. However, when DistKey is set to 1 (or ON, or YES) or 2 (or BOTH), the
command is executed by all processes. In this case, Fname1 and Fname2 will automatically have the
process rank appended to them. This means Fname1N.Ext1 will be renamed to Fname2N.Ext2 by
all processes, where N is the Distributed ANSYS process rank. For more information see Differences in
General Behavior in the Parallel Processing Guide.
Renaming across system partitions may be internally done by a copy and delete operation on some
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>File>File Operations>Rename
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1325
Repeats the previous command.
APDL (p. 17): Process Controls (p. 19)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Argument Descriptions
Number of times the preceding command is executed (including the initial execution). Must be 2 or
greater. NTOT of 2 causes one repeat (for a total of 2 executions).
*REPEAT (p. 1326) must immediately follow the command that is to be repeated. The numeric arguments
of the initial command may be incremented in the generated commands. The numeric increment values
may be integer or real, positive or negative, zero or blank. Alphanumeric arguments cannot be incre-
mented. For large values of NTOT, consider printout suppression (/NOPR (p. 1045) command) first.
Most commands beginning with slash (/), star (*), as well as "unknown command" macros, cannot be
repeated. For these commands, or if more than one command is to be repeated, include them within
a do-loop. File switching commands (those reading additional commands) cannot be repeated. If a
*REPEAT (p. 1326) command immediately follows another *REPEAT (p. 1326) command, the repeat action
only applies to the last non-*REPEAT (p. 1326) command. Also, *REPEAT (p. 1326) should not be used in
interactive mode immediately after a) a command (or its log file equivalent) that uses picking, or b) a
command that requires a response from the user.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Controls the type of replot.
Issued internally when a graphics window resize occurs (Default).
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1326 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Only applicable for 3-D devices that allow a fast redisplay for changes in the view characteristics only.
Reissues the last display command (NPLOT (p. 1048), EPLOT (p. 536), KPLOT (p. 824), PLNSOL (p. 1190),
PLVAR (p. 1206), etc.), along with its parameters, for convenience. The current display specifications are
When the last display command is invalid in a particular processor, the use of the /REPLOT (p. 1326)
command is also invalid in that processor. However, if you attempt a /REPLOT (p. 1326) and the last display
command is invalid in the current processor, ANSYS produces an element display [EPLOT (p. 536)] instead,
as long as the last display command was PLNSOL (p. 1190), PLESOL (p. 1172), or PLDISP (p. 1171). ANSYS
performs this substitution of /REPLOT (p. 1326) with EPLOT (p. 536) for your convenience.
For example, the PLNSOL (p. 1190) command, which is used to display solution results as continuous
contours, is a valid command in the general postprocessor [/POST1 (p. 1221)]. If you issue PLNSOL (p. 1190)
followed by /REPLOT (p. 1326) while in the general postprocessor, the /REPLOT (p. 1326) command effectively
reissues your earlier PLNSOL (p. 1190) command, along with its parameters. But if you then exit the
general postprocessor, enter the preprocessor [/PREP7 (p. 1235)], and issue the /REPLOT (p. 1326) command
again, ANSYS internally issues EPLOT (p. 536) instead. This occurs because PLNSOL (p. 1190) is not a valid
command in the preprocessor.
When you click on one of the buttons on the Pan, Zoom, Rotate dialog box to manipulate the view of
a model, the /REPLOT (p. 1326) command is issued internally. Thus, the substitution of /REPLOT (p. 1326)
with EPLOT (p. 536) as described above may occur not only for the PLNSOL (p. 1190), PLESOL (p. 1172),
and PLDISP (p. 1171) results display commands, but also for operations that you perform with the Pan,
Zoom, Rotate dialog box.
/REPLOT (p. 1326) will not show boundary conditions if they are only applied to a solid model and the
last display command (for example, EPLOT (p. 536)) displays the finite element model. To show boundary
conditions, the following options are available:
• Issue /REPLOT (p. 1326) after you issue the SBCTRAN (p. 1390) command to transfer solid model boundary
conditions to the finite element model.
• Issue /REPLOT (p. 1326) after you issue a solid model display command (for example, VPLOT (p. 1790)).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Define Path>On Working Plane
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Delete Path>All Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Delete Path>By Name
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Plot Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Scale Icon
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Path Operations>Define Path>On Working Plane
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Path Operations>Delete Path>All Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Path Operations>Delete Path>By Name
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1327
Reads results from local results files into the database after a distributed memory parallel (Distributed
ANSYS) solution.
POST1 (p. 48): Set Up (p. 48)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Number of local results files that are to be read into the database from the distributed memory parallel
solution. This number should be equal to the number of processes used in the parallel solution.
File name (jobname) used during the distributed parallel solution. The file name must be an alphanumeric
string (up to 32 characters) enclosed in single quotes.
File extension for the results files (for example, RST, RTH, RMG, etc.). The file extension must be an alpha-
numeric string (up to 8 characters) enclosed in single quotes.
Load step number of the data set to be read (defaults to 1):
Read load step N.
Read the first data set (Sbstep and TIME are ignored).
Read the last data set (Sbstep and TIME are ignored).
Read the next data set (Sbstep and TIME are ignored). If at the last data set, the first data set will be
read as the next.
Read the previous data set (Sbstep and TIME are ignored). If at the first data set, the last data set
will be read as the previous.
Read the data set nearest to TIME (Sbstep is ignored). If TIME is blank, read the first data set.
Scan the results files and list a summary of each load step (KIMG, TIME, ANGLE, NSET, and ORDER
are ignored.)
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1328 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Substep number within Lstep (defaults to the last substep of the load step). For a buckling (AN-
TYPE (p. 140),BUCKLE) or modal (ANTYPE (p. 140),MODAL) analysis, Sbstep corresponds to the mode
number (defaults to the first mode). Specify Sbstep = LAST to store the last substep for the specified load
If Lstep = LIST, Sbstep = 0 or 1 lists the basic step information; Sbstep = 2 also lists the basic
step information, but includes the load step title, and labels imaginary data sets if they exist.
Scale factor applied to data read from the files. If zero (or blank), a value of 1.0 is used. A nonzero factor
excludes non-summable items. Harmonic velocities or accelerations may be calculated from the displace-
ment results from a modal (ANTYPE (p. 140),MODAL) or harmonic (ANTYPE (p. 140),HARMIC) analysis. If
Fact = VELO, the harmonic velocities (v) are calculated from the displacements (d) at a particular frequency
(f ) according to the relationship v = 2πfd. Similarly, if Fact = ACEL, the harmonic accelerations (a) are
calculated as a = (2πf )2d.
Used only with complex results (harmonic and complex modal analyses).
0 or REAL
Store the real part of a complex solution (default).
1, 2 or IMAG
Store the imaginary part of a complex solution.
Time-point identifying the data set to be read. For a harmonic analysis, time corresponds to the frequency.
For a buckling analysis, time corresponds to the load factor. Used only in the following cases: If Lstep =
NEAR, read the data set nearest to TIME. If both Lstep and Sbstep are zero (or blank), read data set at
time = TIME. If TIME is between two solution time points on the results file, a linear interpolation is done
between the two data sets. Solution items not written to the results file (OUTRES (p. 1115)) for either data
set will result in a null item after data set interpolation. If TIME is beyond the last time point on the file,
the last time point will be used.
Circumferential location (0.0 to 360°). Defines the circumferential location for the harmonic calculations
used when reading from the results file. The harmonic factor (based on the circumferential angle) is applied
to the harmonic elements (PLANE25, PLANE75, PLANE78, PLANE83, and SHELL61) of the load case. See the
Mechanical APDL Theory Reference for details. Note that factored values of applied constraints and loads
will overwrite any values existing in the database.
Data set number of the data set to be read. If a positive value for NSET is entered, Lstep, Sbstep, KIMG,
and TIME are ignored. Available set numbers can be determined by RESCOMBINE,,,,LIST.
Key to sort the harmonic index results. This option applies to cyclic symmetry buckling and modal analyses
only, and is valid only when Lstep = FIRST, LAST, NEXT, PREVIOUS, NEAR or LIST.
Sort the harmonic index results in ascending order of eigenfrequencies or buckling load multipliers.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1329
No sorting takes place.
RESCOMBINE is an ANSYS command macro that allows you to combine results from a distributed
memory parallel (Distributed ANSYS) solution. Because RESCOMBINE is a command macro, a character
string input for any argument must be enclosed in single quotes (for example, 'FIRST' input for Lstep).
In a distributed memory parallel solution, a global results file is saved by default. However, if you issued
DMPOPTION (p. 461),RST,NO in the parallel solution, no global results file is written and all local results
files will be kept. In this case, you can use the RESCOMBINE command macro in the general postpro-
cessor (/POST1 (p. 1221)) to read results into the database for postprocessing.
The RESCOMBINE command cannot be used to combine results from local files generated during a
distributed memory parallel solution that used the frequency or cyclic harmonic index domain decom-
position method (DDOPTION (p. 416),FREQ or DDOPTION (p. 416),CYCHI).
In order to use the RESCOMBINE command, all local results files from the distributed memory parallel
solution must be in the current working directory. If running on a single machine, the local results files
are saved in the working directory by default. If running on a cluster, the local results files are kept in
the working directory on each compute node. For this latter case, you must copy the local results files
to the working directory on the primary compute node.
Similar to the SET (p. 1458) command, the RESCOMBINE command macro defines the data set to be read
from the results files into the database. Various operations may also be performed during the read op-
eration (see the SET (p. 1458) command for more details). The database must have the model data
available (or use the RESUME (p. 1338) command before the RESCOMBINE command to restore the
geometry from Jobname.DB).
After a set of data is combined into the database using RESCOMBINE, the RESWRITE (p. 1341) command
can be used to write this set of data into a new results file. This new results file will essentially contain
the current set of results data for the entire (i.e., global) model.
Upon completion of the RESCOMBINE command macro, the current file for postprocessing (see the
FILE (p. 627) command) is set to the last local results file specified by RESCOMBINE. For example, if
reading in four local results files, the results file for/POST1 (p. 1221) will be specified as Jobname3.RST
when the RESCOMBINE command macro is complete. Therefore, be aware that some downstream
postprocessing actions (such as a SET (p. 1458) command) may be operating on only this one local results
The RESCOMBINE command macro is intended for use with /POST1 (p. 1221). If you want to postprocess
distributed parallel solution results using the time-history postprocessor (/POST26 (p. 1221)), it is recom-
mended that you combine your local results files into one global results file (DMPOPTION (p. 461),RST,YES).
The load case commands in the general postprocessor (e.g., LCDEF (p. 851), LCFILE (p. 852),
LCOPER (p. 854), etc.) are not supported when using RESCOMBINE. These commands set up pointers
into the results file used for postprocessing; they cannot be used with the local results files used by
The /CYCEXPAND (p. 373) command used to enable cyclic expansion cannot be used in conjunction
with the RESCOMBINE command macro. This is because /CYCEXPAND (p. 373) internally re-reads the
results file to do the expansion, and it cannot read multiple local results files.
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1330 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Command action:
Specifies how often .xnnn restart files (default) or .rdnn remeshing database files (for nonlinear
mesh adaptivity analysis) are written for a load step. The file type controlled by this command is de-
termined by Filetype.
Prints the substep and load-step information for all .xnnn or .rdnn files for the current jobname in
the current directory. If specified, all other arguments are ignored.
Issuing the command lists the current status in the tables of restart controls specified previously by
RESCONTROL. If this option is specified, all other arguments are ignored.
Cleans up some of the restart files after a Distributed ANSYS solution. (Not valid for nonlinear mesh
The host process will not have the following files in the working directory at the end of the run:
.esav, .osav, .xnnn, .rdb, .ldhi. The slave processes will not have the following files in
the working directory at the end of the run: .esav, .osav, .xnnn, .rst (or .rth, etc.). Some
restart files are never written, some are removed upon exiting the solution processor (for example,
upon FINISH (p. 631)), and some are removed upon exiting the program.
This option is useful for cleaning up files written by all Distributed ANSYS processes, especially
when you know that these restart files will not be needed later. If this option is specified, all
other arguments are ignored.
If this option is used in shared-memory parallel (SMP) ANSYS, most restart files in the working
directory are removed. It has the same effect as issuing RESCONTROL,,NONE.
Same as Action = DEFINE, but for linear static applications only. For a linear static analysis, the restart
capability is normally not needed; however, it is typically needed when a subsequent linear perturbation
analysis is desired. By default, none of the restart files are written for a linear static analysis.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1331
Delete the restart control specification corresponding to the Ldstep label on a previous RESCON-
TROL,DEFINE command.
Specifies how the .xnnn or .rdnn files are written for the specified load steps. This option also affects
how often the load history information is written to the .ldhi file.
Write the .xnnn or .rdnn files at the same substep Frequency for all load steps; write the load
history information to the .ldhi file for all load steps. For .rdnn files, this option is the default.
Write the .xnnn or .rdnn files for the last load step only; write load-history information to the .ldhi
file for the last load step only. This option is the default for nonlinear static and full transient analyses
for .xnnn files. If specified, all remaining arguments are ignored.
Number that indicates how often the .xnnn or .rdnn files are written.
Input a positive number to write the .xnnn or .rdnn files at the substep Frequency indicated
only for load step N. Other load steps will be written at the default substep frequency or at a
frequency defined by a previous RESCONTROL specification. Load-history information is written
to the .ldhi file only for load steps N.
Specifying a negative number (-N) is valid for controlling .xnnn files only. The files are written
for every Nth load step at the specified substep Frequency. The load history information is
written to the .ldhi file every Nth load step. This option is suitable for restart applications in
which more than a few hundred load steps are required. Compared to the ALL and positive N
options, it can save disk space, as the .ldhi file is smaller and fewer .xnnn files are written.
If Ldstep = -N, all other Ldstep options specified by RESCONTROL are ignored and the pro-
gram follows the -N option (write load history information every Nth load step). If you want to
change this pattern, issue RESCONTROL,DELETE, -N, then issue another RESCONTROL command
with the desired Ldstep option.
No multiframe restart files (.rdb, .ldhi, .xnnn) are created. (Not valid for nonlinear mesh adaptivity
This option is the default for mode-superposition analyses. The remaining arguments are ignored.
For nonlinear static, linear static, and full transient analyses, this option enables a restart to occur
at the last or abort point (using the .emat, .esav or .osav, and .db files).
For mode-superposition transient analyses, this option allows a restart from the last point using
the .rdsp and .db files.
Frequency at which the .xnnn files are written at the substep level, or at which the .rdnn files are written
at the remeshing level:
Do not write .xnnn files for this load step (not available for .rdnn files).
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1332 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Write the .xnnn files for the last substep of the load step only (default for nonlinear static and full
transient analyses), or write the .rdnn files for the last remesh of the load step only (default for non-
linear mesh adaptivity analysis).
If N is positive, write the .xnnn files at every Nth substep of a load step, or write the .rdnn files at
every Nth remesh of a load step.
If N is negative (not valid for .rdnn files), write N equally spaced .xnnn files within a load step.
In nonlinear static and full transient analyses, -N is valid only when automatic time stepping is
enabled (AUTOTS (p. 179),ON).
Maximum number of .xnnn files to save within a load step (not available for .rdnn files):
Overwrite existing .xnnn files (default). The total maximum number of .xnnn files for one run is 999.
If this number is reached before the analysis is complete, the program will reset the .xnnn file num-
bering back to 1 and continue to write .xnnn files; the program keeps the newest 999 restart files
and overwrites the oldest restart files. For this option, the maximum number of files can be changed
to a number less than 999 by setting the MAXTotalFiles argument.
Do not overwrite any existing .xnnn files. The total maximum number of .xnnn files for one run is
999. If this number is reached before the analysis is complete, the analysis continues but no longer
writes any .xnnn files.
Maximum number of .xnnn files to keep for each load step. When N .xnnn files have been written
for a load step, the program overwrites the first .xnnn file of that load step for subsequent substeps.
N must be <= 999. If a total of 999 restart files is reached before the analysis is complete, the analysis
continues but writes no additional .xnnn files.
Reserved for future use.
Total number of restart files to keep. Default = 999 for .xnnn files and 99 for .rdnn files. This option is
valid only when MAXFILES = -1 (default).
Valid MAXTotalFiles values are 1 through 999 for .xnnn files, and 1 through 99 for .rdnn files.
When the total number of restart files written exceeds MAXTotalFiles, the program resets the
.xnnn or .rdnn file numbering back to 1 and continues to write .xnnn or .rdnn files. The
newest files are retained and the oldest files are overwritten.
The MAXtotalFiles value specified applies to all subsequent load steps. To reset it to the default,
reissue the command with MAXTotalFiles = 0 or some negative value.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1333
If MAXTotalFiles is set to different values at different load steps, and if the value of MAXTotal-
Files specified in the prior load step is larger than that of the current load step, the program can
only overwrite the current number of maximum restart files up to the number MAXTotalFiles
currently specified (which is smaller than the previous number).
The recommended way to control the maximum number of restart files is to specify MAXTotalFiles
at the first load step and not vary it in subsequent load steps. Also, MAXTotalFiles is best used
when Ldstep = -N or ALL.
The type of restart file to be controlled by this command. Valid only when Action = DEFINE:
Control .xnnn files (default).
Control .rdnn remeshing database files. Needed only for a nonlinear mesh adaptivity analysis.
Command Default
If the RESCONTROL command is not issued during a structural analysis, the .rdb and .ldhi files are
written as described in Restarting an Analysis.
RESCONTROL sets up the restart parameters for a multiframe restart, enabling you to restart an analysis
from any load step and substep for which there is an .xnnn file. You can perform a multiframe restart
for static and transient (full or mode-superposition method) analyses only. For more information about
multiframe restarts and descriptions of the contents of the files used, see Restarting an Analysis in the
Basic Analysis Guide.
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1334 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Multiframe restart files are generically indicated here as .xnnn files. They correspond to .rnnn
files for nonlinear static and full transient analyses, and .mnnn files for mode-superposition
Remeshing database files are indicated as .rdnn files. This type of restart file is needed only
after remeshing during a nonlinear mesh adaptivity analysis.
When Action = DEFINE, the specified Filetype determines the type of file (.xnnn or
.rdnn) controlled by this command.
The total number of restart files for any analysis cannot exceed 999 (for example, job-
name.r001 to jobname.r999).
The total number of remeshing database files cannot exceed 99 (for example, jobname.rd01
to jobname.rd99).
To control both .xnnn and .rdnn file writing (Filetype = XNNN and Filetype = RDNN,
respectively), separate RESCONTROL commands are necessary.
Action = NORESTART and Ldstep = NONE are not valid and will cause the analysis to fail.
Ldstep = -N is not valid for controlling .xnnn files.
If you have many substeps for each load step and are writing .xnnn files frequently, you may
want to set MAXFILES to limit the number of .xnnn files saved, as they can fill your disk
You can specify MAXFILES and Frequency for individual load steps. These arguments take
on the default value or the value defined by RESCONTROL,,ALL,Frequency,MAXFILES if they
are not explicitly defined for a specific load step.
When .xnnn files are written over many load steps, you may want to further limit the number
of .xnnn files by setting MAXTotalFiles.
You can specify a maximum of ten load steps; that is, you can issue the RESCONTROL,,N
command a maximum of ten times. Specified load steps cannot be changed in a restart.
The program accepts only one occurrence of RESCONTROL with Ldstep = LAST. If you issue
RESCONTROL,,LAST,Frequency,MAXFILES multiple times, the last specification overwrites
the previous one.
The program accepts only one occurrence of RESCONTROL with a negative Ldstep value
(RESCONTROL,,N where N is a negative number). If you issue RESCONTROL multiple times
with a negative Ldstep value, the last specification overwrites the previous one.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1335
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Sol'n Options
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Nonlinear>Restart Control
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Sol'n Options
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Nonlinear>Restart Control
Resets all POST1 or POST26 specifications to initial defaults.
POST1 (p. 48): Set Up (p. 48)
POST26 (p. 55): Set Up (p. 55)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Has the same effect as entering the processor the first time within the run. In POST1, resets all specific-
ations to initial defaults, erases all element table items, path table data, and load case pointers. In
POST26, resets all specifications to initial defaults, erases all variables defined, and zeroes the data
storage space.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Reset
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Reset Postproc
Resets slash display specifications (/WINDOW (p. 1817), /TYPE (p. 1705), /VIEW (p. 1776), etc.) back to their
initial default settings (for convenience). Also resets the focus location to the geometric center of the
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Reset Plot Ctrls
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1336 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Generates a response spectrum.
POST26 (p. 55): Special Purpose (p. 57)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Arbitrary reference number assigned to the response spectrum results (2 to NV [NUMVAR (p. 1086)]). If this
number is the same as for a previously defined variable, the previously defined variable will be overwritten
with these results.
Reference number of variable containing frequency table (created with FILLDATA (p. 630) or DATA (p. 407)
command). The frequency table defines the number and frequency of oscillating systems used to determine
the response spectrum. The frequency interval need not be constant over the entire range. Frequencies
must be input in ascending order.
Reference number of variable containing the input time-history.
Defines the type of response spectrum to be calculated:
0 or 1
Displacement (relative to base excitation)
Velocity (relative to base excitation)
Acceleration response spectrum (absolute)
Ratio of viscous damping to critical damping (input as a decimal number).
Integration time step. This value should be equal to or greater than the integration time step used in the
initial transient analysis performed to generate the input time-history (LDTAB).
DTIME defaults to a value of 1/(20*FMAX), where FMAX is the highest frequency in the frequency
table (LFTAB) except when the time-history is read from the reduced displacement (RDSP) file fol-
lowing a mode-superposition transient analysis without an expansion pass. In this case, DTIME
defaults to the time step value used in the analysis.
Specifies a subset of the displacement-time history to be used in the response spectrum calculation. Defaults
to the full time range.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1337
Defines the type of the input time-history:
Displacement (default)
This command generates a response spectrum from a displacement or acceleration time-history and
frequency data. The response spectrum is defined as the maximum response of single degree of freedom
systems of varying frequency (or period) to a given input support excitation.
A response spectrum analysis (ANTYPE (p. 140), SPECTR with SPOPT (p. 1552), SPRS or MPRS) requires a
response spectrum input. This input can be determined from the response spectrum printout or display
of this command.
If a response spectrum is to be calculated from a given displacement (or acceleration) time-history, the
displacement time-history may be input to a single one-element reduced linear transient dynamic
(ANTYPE (p. 140),TRANS) analysis, so that the calculated output (which should be the same as the input)
will be properly located on the file.
The integration time step (argument DTIME on the RESP command) and the damping coefficient (ar-
gument dampRatio) are constant over the frequency range. The number of calculations done per re-
sponse spectrum curve is the product of the number of input solution points (TMAX-TMIN)/DTIME and
the number of frequency points (frequencies located in variable LFTAB).
Input solution points requested (using DTIME and the frequency range) at a time not corresponding
to an actual displacement solution time on the file are linearly interpolated with respect to the existing
For the theory of the response spectrum calculation, see POST26 - Response Spectrum Generator (RESP).
For an example of the command usage, see Generating a Response Spectrum in the Basic Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Generate Spectrm
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
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1338 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
Parameter resume key:
All data in the database, including the scalar parameters, are replaced with the data saved on File.DB
All data in the database, except the scalar parameters, are replaced with the data saved on File.DB.
If equal to 1, will suppress automatic plot. Otherwise, if the GUI is on and this RESUME command was not
read from a file, the selected elements from Fname are plotted. (If there are no selected elements, selected
nodes are plotted. If no nodes, volumes; if no volumes, areas; if no areas, lines; if no lines, keypoints. If
there are no selected keypoints, the screen is erased.)
The RESUME command resumes a database file into the ANSYS program. The command causes the
database file (File.DB) to be read, thereby resetting the database (including any geometry settings)
either a) as it was at the last SAVE (p. 1389) command, or b) as it was saved with the last /EXIT (p. 589)
command, whichever was last.
For multiple load step analyses (because only the data for one load step at a time may reside in the
database), the load step data restored to the database will correspond to the load step data written
when the save occurred.
If the database file was saved in another ANSYS, Inc. product, it may contain element type and KEY-
OPT (p. 816) specifications which are invalid in the resuming product. Immediately after the database
resume is completed, you should redefine these invalid element types and KEYOPT (p. 816) settings to
valid ones (ET (p. 571), KEYOPT (p. 816)).
The NOPAR = 1 option should not be used if array parameters are defined, as existing array parameters
might be redefined with arbitrary values. For a more general method of preventing the replacement
of both scalar and array parameters, see PARSAV (p. 1130) and PARRES (p. 1129).)
If a radiosity mapping data file (.RSM file) was saved by the previous SAVE (p. 1389) command, that
mapping file must be present in the directory along with the database file in order for radiosity surface
elements (SURF251, SURF252) to be correctly mapped onto the model when RESUME is issued.
This command is valid in any processor. If used in the solution processor, this command is valid only
within the first load step.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1339
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>File>Resume from
Utility Menu>File>Resume Jobname.db
Residual vector key:
Do not calculate or include residual vectors (default).
Calculate or include residual vectors.
Residual response key:
Do not calculate or include residual responses (default).
Calculate or include residual responses.
Command Default
No residual quantities are calculated or included in the analysis.
In a modal analysis, the RESVEC command calculates residual vectors (or responses). In a mode-super-
position transient, mode-superposition harmonic, PSD or spectrum analysis, the command includes re-
sidual vectors. The command must be issued during the first modal solve.
In a component mode synthesis (CMS) generation pass, the RESVEC command calculates one residual
vector which is included in the normal modes basis used in the transformation matrix. It is supported
for the three available CMS methods. RESVEC,ON can only be specified in the first load step of a gen-
eration pass and is ignored if issued at another load step.
If rigid-body modes exist, pseudo-constraints are required for the calculation. Issue the D (p. 397),,,SUPPORT
command to specify only the minimum number of pseudo-constraints necessary to prevent rigid-body
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1340 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Both residual vector and residual response approaches cannot be used in the same analysis.
For more information about residual vector or residual response formulation, see Residual Vector
Method or Residual Response Method in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
--, --, --
Unused fields.
The complex results flag is set to 0 in the results file header. This is the default option.
The complex results flag is set to 1 in the results file header.
The RESWRITE command appends a data set to the specified file by writing the results data currently
in the database. If the intended results file does not exist, it will be created and will include the geometry
records. The current load step, substep, and time (or frequency) value are maintained. All data (summable
and nonsummable) are written.
When complex results are appended, cFlag must be set to 1 so that the header is consistent with the
results written on the file.
The command is primarily intended for use in a top-down substructuring analysis, where the full model
is resumed and the results data read from the use pass results file (SET (p. 1458)), and subsequently from
all substructure expansion pass results files (APPEND (p. 149)). The full set of data in memory can then
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1341
be written out via the RESWRITE command to create a complete results file (as though you had run a
nonsubstructured analysis).
The RESWRITE command can also be used to write a global results file for a distributed parallel (Distrib-
uted ANSYS) solution. This should only be necessary if the RESCOMBINE (p. 1328) command was used
to combine results from local results files into the database. The RESWRITE command can then be used
to write the combined results into a new results file. This new results file will essentially contain the
current set of results data for the entire (i.e., global) model.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Argument Descriptions
Number of levels to move up from the current level.
Negative --
Move relative to current level. For example: *Return,-2 will go up two levels from the current level.
Positive --
Move to absolute level. For example: *Return,2 will go to level 2.
Level 0 is the primary input file.
This command is used to jump to the macro call sequence, ending the current macro file, and returning
to the line after the calling line in the previous file. Unlike the *GO (p. 726) command, this command
may be used inside *IF (p. 774) or *DO (p. 467) constructs.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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1342 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The rezoning method to employ:
Manual rezoning. You decide when to use rezoning, what region(s) to rezone, and what remeshing
method to use on the selected region(s). This method is currently the default and only option.
The load step number at which rezoning should occur. The default value is the highest load step number
found in the Jobname.Rnnn files (for the current jobname and in the current directory).
The substep number of the specified load step (LDSTEP) at which rezoning should occur. The default
value is the highest substep number found in the specified load step in the Jobname.Rnnn files (for the
current jobname and in the current directory).
The REZONE command rebuilds the database (.db file) based on the specified load step and substep
information, and updates nodes to their deformed position for remeshing.
Before issuing this command, clear the database via the /CLEAR (p. 291) command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Solution>Manual Rezoning>Start
Arbitrary reference number assigned to this variable (2 to NV [NUMVAR (p. 1086)]). Overwrites any existing
results for this variable.
Node for which data are to be stored. If NODE = P, graphical picking is enabled (valid only in the GUI).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1343
Label identifying the item. Valid item labels are shown in the table below. Some items also require a
component label.
Component of the item (if required). Valid component labels are shown in the table below.
Thirty-two character name identifying the item on printouts and displays. Defaults to an eight character
label formed by concatenating the first four characters of the Item and Comp labels.
Defines the total reaction force data (static, damping, and inertial components) to be stored from single
pass (ANTYPE (p. 140),STATIC or TRANS) solutions or from the expansion pass of mode-superposition
(ANTYPE (p. 140),HARMIC or TRANS) solutions.
1. For SHELL131 and SHELL132 elements with KEYOPT(3) = 0 or 1, use the labels HBOT, HE2, HE3, . . ., HTOP
instead of HEAT.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Define Variables
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Elec&Mag>Circuit>Define Variables
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1344 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
/RGB (p. 1345), Kywrd, PRED, PGRN, PBLU, N1, N2, NINC, NCNTR
Specifies the RGB color values for indices and contours.
POST26 (p. 55): Set Up (p. 55)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Determines how RGB modifications will be applied.
Specifies that subsequent color values apply to ANSYS color indices (0-15).
Specifies that subsequent color values apply to contours (1-128). Applies to C-option devices only (i.e.
X11C or Win32C).
Intensity of the color red, expressed as a percentage.
Intensity of the color green, expressed as a percentage.
Intensity of the color blue, expressed as a percentage.
First index (0-15), or contour (1-128) to which the designated RGB values apply.
Final index (0-15), or contour (1-128) to which the designated RGB values apply.
The step increment between the values N1 and N2 determining which contours or indices will be controlled
by the specified RGB values.
The new maximum number of contours (1-128).
Issuing the /CMAP (p. 297) command (with no filename) will restore the default color settings.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1345
Specifies known rigid body modes (if any) of the model. This command applies only to a component
mode synthesis (CMS) analysis (see the CMSOPT (p. 313) command). Any rigid body modes specified
must be permitted by the applied displacement constraints (i.e., do not specify a rigid body mode in a
constrained direction). Reissue the command to redefine the specification. If used in SOLUTION, this
command is valid only within the first load step.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Flag to activate or deactivate the rigid response calculation:
1 (ON or YES)
2 (OFF or NO)
Deactivate. This value is the default.
Method used to calculate the rigid response:
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1346 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Gupta method.
Lindley-Yow method.
If Method = GUPTA, Val1 represents the frequency F1 in Hertz.
If Method = LINDLEY, Val1 is the Zero Period Acceleration (ZPA). If a scale factor is defined (FACT
in the SVTYP (p. 1594) command), it is used to scale this value
If Method = GUPTA, Val2 represents the frequency F2 in Hertz.
This rigid response calculation is only valid for single point response spectrum analysis (SPOPT (p. 1552),
SPRS) and multiple point response spectrum analysis (SPOPT (p. 1552), MPRS) with combination methods
(SRSS (p. 1558)), complete quadratic (CQC (p. 357)) or Rosenblueth (ROSE (p. 1365))
Additional Information
Performing a Single-Point Response Spectrum (SPRS) Analysis in the Structural Analysis Guide
Performing a Multi-Point Response Spectrum (MPRS) Analysis in the Structural Analysis Guide
Rigid Responses in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference
MMASS (p. 943) command
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
The real constant sets listed contain only those values specifically set by the user. Default values for
real constants set automatically within the various elements are not listed.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1347
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Properties>All Real Constants
Utility Menu>List>Properties>Specified Real Constants
Lists all defined master nodes for a ROM method.
REDUCED ORDER MODELING (p. 60): Generation Pass (p. 60)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Distributed ANSYS Restriction This command is not supported in Distributed ANSYS.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>ROM Tool>Setup>Master Nodes>List
Database file name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including directory). The file name defaults
to Jobname.
File extension (8 character maximum). The extension defaults to db.
Unused field.
Model dimensionality:
2-D models
3-D Models
Primary operating direction:
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1348 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Required Inputs:
Menu Paths
Main Menu>ROM Tool>Setup>Model Features
Node number at which master degree of freedom is defined If Node = P, graphical picking is enabled and
all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI).
Valid labels are "ADD" (default) and "DEL".
Defines master nodes for the ROM. Master nodes are used to track the total displacement of a structure
in the operating direction [RMANL (p. 1348)]. They may be used as attachment points for 1-D structural
elements during a ROM use pass via the UX degree of freedom.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1349
Menu Paths
Main Menu>ROM Tool>Setup>Master Nodes>Define
Main Menu>ROM Tool>Setup>Master Nodes>Delete
Reference name for capacitance pair definition.
First conductor (between 1 and 5).
Second conductor (between 1 and 5).
For a capacitance definition between conductor C1 and C2, node components COND%C1% and
COND%C2% (see CM (p. 295) command) must be present containing the conductor nodes. If C1 and
C2 are blank, the capacitance definition with RefName will be deleted. (For example, if C1 = 1, and
C2 = 2, then node components COND1 and COND2 must be defined).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>ROM Tool>Setup>Capacitances>Define>All Capacitances
Main Menu>ROM Tool>Setup>Capacitances>Define>Single Capacitance
Main Menu>ROM Tool>Setup>Capacitances>Delete
Lists all lumped capacitance pairs defined.
REDUCED ORDER MODELING (p. 60): Generation Pass (p. 60)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Distributed ANSYS Restriction This command is not supported in Distributed ANSYS.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1350 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>ROM Tool>Setup>Capacitances>Define>List
Main Menu>ROM Tool>Setup>Capacitances>List
Argument Descriptions
The directory to remove. If no path is provided, it will be assumed to be in the current working directory.
All files in the directory are also removed.
Removes a directory on the computer ANSYS is currently running on. No warning or prompt is given,
so use with extreme caution.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Writes eigenvectors of fluid nodes to a file for use in damping parameter extraction.
POST1 (p. 48): Special Purpose (p. 53)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
RMFLVEC extracts the modal information from the modal results file for all nodes specified in a node
component called 'FLUN'. This component should include all nodes which are located at the fluid-
structural interface. Mode shapes, element normal orientation, and a scaling factor are computed and
stored in a file Jobname.EFL. For damping parameter extraction, use the DMPEXT (p. 459) command
macro. See Introduction for more information on thin film analyses.
FLUID136 and FLUID138 are used to model the fluid interface. Both the structural and fluid element
types must be active. The fluid interface nodes must be grouped into a component 'FLUN'. A results
file of the last modal analysis must be available.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1351
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>ThinFilm>Extract Eigv
Main Menu>Solution>ThinFilm>DampExtract>Eigenfrequency
Main Menu>Solution>ThinFilm>DampExtract>Frequency Range
Main Menu>Solution>ThinFilm>RayleighDamp
Total number of load cases to be considered within a ROM use pass. If Nload = "DELETE", all defined load
vectors are deleted.
Specifies the element load scale factor applied to a ROM analysis use pass. Element load vectors are
extracted from a Static Analysis using the RMNDISP (p. 1355) command. Up to 5 element load vectors
may be scaled and applied to a ROM use pass.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Load Vector>For ROM
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Load Vector>For ROM
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Load Vector>For ROM
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Load Vector>For ROM
Lists all mode specifications for the ROM method.
REDUCED ORDER MODELING (p. 60): Generation Pass (p. 60)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Distributed ANSYS Restriction This command is not supported in Distributed ANSYS.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1352 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>ROM Tool>Mode Selection>List
Mode number. Must be lower or equal to the number of modes extracted via the RMNEVEC (p. 1356) com-
Mode classification key. Valid keys are:
Dominant mode
Relevant mode
Unused mode. Do not consider mode in ROM.
Lower bound for fit range of mode.
Upper bound for fit range of mode.
Number of equidistant steps in fit range of mode.
Modal damping factor. Defaults to 0.0.
Modal scaling factor.
When selected manually (RMMSELECT (p. 1354)), modes must be classified as dominant, relevant, or un-
used. Dominant modes (Key = DOMINANT) are basis functions with large amplitudes. Relevant modes
(Key = RELEVANT) are influenced by the dominant modes but do not cause interactions among them-
selves due to the small amplitude. This assumption leads to essential speed up of the sample point
generator (see RMSMPLE (p. 1362)).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1353
Menu Paths
Main Menu>ROM Tool>Mode Selection>Edit
Total number of modes to be selected
Method for mode selection. Valid methods are:
Automated selection using a test load. TMOD must be enclosed in single quotes.
First Nmode eigenmodes. NMOD must be enclosed in single quotes.
Lower bound for total deflection range.
Upper bound for total deflection range.
Select pertinent modes for use in a ROM. Pertinent mode selection may be enhanced by using the de-
flection state of the structure representative of the operating nature of the device (Method = TMOD).
A static analysis with an applied Test Load may be used. The test load displacements must be extracted
at the neutral plane of the device (if the device is stress-stiffened), or at any plane of the device (non-
stress-stiffened). A node component "NEUN" must be defined for the plane of nodes, and the displace-
ments extracted using the RMNDISP (p. 1355) command prior to issuing this command. If Method =
NMOD, use the first Nmode eigenmodes to select the pertinent modes for the ROM tool. Only those
modes are selected that act in the operating direction of the structure [RMANL (p. 1348)].
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1354 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>ROM Tool>Mode Selection>Select
Load type. Load type must be an alphanumeric string enclosed in single quotes. Valid load types are
'TLOAD' for the test load and 'ELOAD' for the element load.
Determines whether file will be overwritten or appended. Valid labels are 'WRITE' or 'APPEND'. Defaults to
'WRITE' for test load.
This command extracts the displacements at a neutral plane of a model. If LoadT = 'TLOAD', extract
displacements for a test load on a structure that represents the expected deflection state. A test load
is used to assist in the automatic mode selection for the ROM mode characterization. If LoadT = 'ELOAD',
extract the neutral plane displacements for an element load that will be used in the use pass of a ROM
analysis. Typical element loads are gravity, and pressure loading. The element loads may be scaled
[RMLVSCALE (p. 1352)] during the use pass.
The command requires a node component named "NEUN" to be defined. These nodes represent the
nodes at the neutral plane of a structure (in the case of a stress-stiffened structure), or at any plane in
the structure (non stress-stiffened case).
For LoadT = 'TLOAD', node displacements are written to the file jobname.tld. For LoadT = 'ELOAD',
node displacements are written to the file jobname.eld. Up to 5 element load cases may be written
to the file jobname.eld.
Output Files
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>ROM Operations>Extract NP DISP
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1355
Extracts neutral plane eigenvectors from a modal analysis for the ROM method.
REDUCED ORDER MODELING (p. 60): Preparation (p. 60)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This command extracts the eigenvectors at a neutral plane of a model from a modal analysis. The
modal analysis must have expanded modes [MXPAND (p. 1002)] in order to process the data. Only the
first 9 modes are considered. The command requires a node component named "NEUN" to be defined.
These nodes represent the nodes at the neutral plane of a structure (in the case of a stress-stiffened
structure), or at any plane in the structure (non stress-stiffened case).
Output Files
jobname.evx, jobname.evy, jobname.evz, jobname.evn, jobname.evl
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>ROM Operations>Extract NP Eigv
Number of existing real constant set to be modified.
The labels CONT and GCN are also valid input for defining or modifying real constants associated
with contact elements (see Notes (p. 1357)).
Starting location in table for modifying data. For example, if STLOC = 1, data input in the V1 field is the
first constant in the set. If STLOC = 7, data input in the V1 field is the seventh constant in the set, etc. Must
be greater than zero.
New value assigned to constant in location STLOC. If zero (or blank), a zero value will be assigned.
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1356 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Allows modifying (or adding) real constants to an existing set [R (p. 1307)] at any location.
Specify NSET = CONT to define or modify real constants for all real constant sets associated with contact
elements in pair-based contact definitions. Specify NSET = GCN to define or modify real constants for
real constant sets that were previously assigned by the GCDEF (p. 659) command; that is, real constants
used in general contact interactions.
This command is also valid in SOLUTION. For important information about using this command within
the solution phase, see What Are Nonstandard Uses? in the Advanced Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Adds six more real constants to the most recently defined set. Repeat the RMORE command for constants
13 to 18, again for 19-24, etc.
If using table inputs (SURF151, SURF152, FLUID116, CONTA172, CONTA174, CONTA175, and CONTA177
only), enclose the table name in % signs (e.g., %tabname%).
When copying real constants to new sets, ANSYS, Inc. recommends that you use the command input.
If you do use the GUI, restrict the real constant copy to only the first six real constants (real constants
seven and greater will be incorrect for both the master and copy set).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Mechanical>Spring>Nonlin
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Mechanical>Spring>Nonlin Trans
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>Transducer>ElecMech
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Edit Real Cnst
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1357
RMPORDER, Ord1, Ord2, Ord3, Ord4, Ord5, Ord6, Ord7, Ord8, Ord9
Defines polynomial orders for ROM functions.
REDUCED ORDER MODELING (p. 60): Generation Pass (p. 60)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Distributed ANSYS Restriction This command is not supported in Distributed ANSYS.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>ROM Tool>Resp Surface>Poly Order
Name and directory path of the ROM database file (248 character maximum). Default to Jobname.
Extension of the ROM database file. Default to .rom.
Unused field.
Distributed ANSYS Restriction This command is not supported in Distributed ANSYS.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>ExpansionPass
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>New Analysis
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>ROM>Database
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1358 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Performs fitting procedure for all ROM functions to generate response surfaces.
REDUCED ORDER MODELING (p. 60): Generation Pass (p. 60)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
The fitting procedure uses modal analysis data and function data generated using the RMSMPLE (p. 1362)
command and specifications set forth in the RMROPTIONS (p. 1359) command. The files job-
name_ijk.pcs (modes i, j, k) will be generated containing the coefficients of the response surfaces.
These files are needed for the ROM Use Pass along with a ROM data base file [RMSAVE (p. 1361)].
Input Files
Strain energy and capacitance data file jobname_ijk.dec
Output Files
Response surface coefficients jobname_ijk.pcs (modes i, j, k)
Menu Paths
Main Menu>ROM Tool>Resp Surface>Fit Functions
Reference name of ROM function to be fitted. Valid reference names are "SENE" for the strain energy of
the structural domain and any capacitance reference name previously defined by means of RMCAP (p. 1350)
command for the electrostatic domain.
Type of fitting function to be applied for regression analysis. Valid types are:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1359
Lagrange type (default)
Reduced Lagrange type
Pascal type
Reduced Pascal type
Flag to specify whether data should be inverted prior to fitting.
Do not invert data (default for SENE)
Invert data input on Refname field (recommended for capacitance functions).
The objective of response surface fit is to compute an analytical expression for the strain energy and
the capacitance as functions of modal amplitudes.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>ROM Tool>Resp Surface>Options
Reference name of ROM function. Valid reference names are "SENE" for the strain energy of the mechanical
domain and any capacitance definition, previously defined by means of the RMCAP (p. 1350) command, for
the electrostatic domain.
Type of data to be plotted. Valid types are:
Response surface (default)
First derivative of response surface with respect to Mode1.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1360 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Second derivative of response surface with respect to Mode1 and Mode2.
First mode number (used for Type = "FIRST" and Type = "SECOND" only).
Second mode number (used for Type = "SECOND" only).
The objective of response surface fit is to compute an analytical expression for the strain energy and
the capacitance as functions of modal amplitudes. This command assumes that the coefficient files
jobnam_ijk.pcs are available [RMRGENERATE (p. 1359)]. Visualization of the response surface will
help to evaluate the validity of the function fit.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>ROM Tool>Resp Surface>Plot
Prints status of response surface for ROM function.
REDUCED ORDER MODELING (p. 60): Generation Pass (p. 60)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Reference name of ROM function. Valid reference names are "SENE" for the strain energy of the mechanical
domain and any capacitance reference names [RMCAP (p. 1350)], for the electrostatic domain.
Distributed ANSYS Restriction This command is not supported in Distributed ANSYS.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>ROM Tool>Resp Surface>Status
Name and directory path of the ROM database file. Default to Jobname.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1361
Extension of the ROM database file. Default to .rom.
Unused field.
Distributed ANSYS Restriction This command is not supported in Distributed ANSYS.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>ROM Tool>Rom Database>Save
Specify whether a large or small deflection analysis is to be performed for the mechanical domain:
OFF (or 0)
Perform small deflection analysis (default).
ON (or 1)
Perform large deflection analysis.
Capacitance calculation method.
Compute capacitance based on the charge voltage relationship (default).
Employ CMATRIX macro to calculate capacitance.
Solver for structural analysis:
Sparse direct equation solver (default).
Pre-conditioned Conjugate Gradient iterative equation solver.
Solver for electrostatic analysis:
Sparse direct equation solver (default).
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1362 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Jacobi Conjugate Gradient iterative equation solver.
Incomplete Cholesky Conjugate Gradient iterative equation solver.
This command prepares and runs multiple finite element solutions on the Structural domain and the
Electrostatic domain of a model to collect sample points of data for ROM response curve fitting. The
command requires a model database [RMANL (p. 1348)] and two Physics Files (Structural domain, titled
"STRU" and an Electrostatic domain, titled "ELEC"; see PHYSICS (p. 1158) command). Also required is a
complete ROM database generated from the ROM Tools. The Cap = CHARGE method is preferred when
capacitance to "infinity" is not required. Capacitance conductor pairs are defined by the RMCAP (p. 1350)
Required Input
Output Files
Strain energy and capacitance data files jobname_ijk.dec (mode i, j, k).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>ROM Tool>Sample Pt Gen>Compute Points
Type of data to be plotted. Valid types are:
1 or "ON"
Activates ROM use pass.
0 or "OFF"
Deactivates ROM use pass.
Name of the reduced displacement file (.rdsp) created by the ROM Use Pass (required field only for the
Expansion Pass).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1363
Distributed ANSYS Restriction This command is not supported in Distributed ANSYS.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>ExpansionPass
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>New Analysis
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>ExpansionPass
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>New Analysis
Exports ROM model to external VHDL-AMS simulator.
REDUCED ORDER MODELING (p. 60): Generation Pass (p. 60)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Use this command to generate all files necessary to run the ROM analysis in an external VHDL-AMS
Output Files
VHDL files: Initial.vhd, S_ams_ijk.vhd, Cxxx_ams_ijk.vhd, transducer.vhd.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>ROM Tool>Export>VHDL-AMS
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1364 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Specifies a rocking response spectrum effect in the spectrum (ANTYPE (p. 140),SPECTR) analysis.
The excitation direction with rocking included is not normalized to one; rather, it scales the spectrum.
For example, consider a node at coordinates (1,1,0), subject to an excitation in the X direction (SEDX
= 1.0 on SED (p. 1439)), and a rocking with center CGX = 1.0, CGY = CGZ = 0, and angular component
about Z (OMZ = 0.5). The total excitation direction at this node is:
For more information on the equations, see Participation Factors and Mode Coefficients.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>SinglePt>Settings
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>SinglePt>Settings
Combine only those modes whose significance level exceeds the SIGNIF threshold. For single point, multi-
point, or DDAM response (SPOPT (p. 1552), SPRS, MPRS, or DDAM), the significance level of a mode is defined
as the mode coefficient of the mode, divided by the maximum mode coefficient of all modes. Any mode
whose significance level is less than SIGNIF is considered insignificant and does not contribute to the
mode combinations. The higher the SIGNIF threshold, the fewer the number of modes combined. SIGNIF
defaults to 0.001. If SIGNIF is specified as 0.0, it is taken as 0.0.
Label identifying the combined mode solution output.
Displacement solution (default). Displacements, stresses, forces, etc., are available.
Velocity solution. Velocities, "stress velocities," "force velocities," etc., are available.
Acceleration solution. Accelerations, "stress accelerations," "force accelerations," etc. are available.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1365
Time duration for earthquake or shock spectrum. TD defaults to 10.
Label identifying the forces to be combined:
Combine the modal static forces (default).
Combine the modal static plus inertial forces.
For more information on spectrum analysis combination methods, see Combination of Modes
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Number of sides in the regular polygon. Must be greater than 2.
Length of each side of the regular polygon.
Radius of the major (or circumscribed) circle of the polygon. Not used if LSIDE is input.
Radius of the minor (or inscribed) circle of the polygon. Not used if LSIDE or MAJRAD is input.
Defines a regular polygonal area on the working plane. The polygon will be centered about the working
plane origin, with the first keypoint defined at θ = 0°. The area will be defined with NSIDES keypoints
and NSIDES lines. See the RPR4 (p. 1367) and POLY (p. 1219) commands for other ways to create polygons.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Areas>Polygon>By Circumscr Rad
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1366 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The number of sides in the polygon or prism face. Must be greater than 2.
Working plane X and Y coordinates of the center of the polygon or prism face.
Distance (major radius) from the center to a vertex of the polygon or prism face (where the first keypoint
is defined).
Angle (in degrees) from the working plane X-axis to the vertex of the polygon or prism face where the first
keypoint is defined. Used to orient the polygon or prism face. Defaults to zero.
The perpendicular distance (either positive or negative based on the working plane Z direction) from the
working plane representing the depth of the prism. If DEPTH = 0 (default), a polygonal area is created on
the working plane.
Defines a regular polygonal area anywhere on the working plane or prism volume with one face anywhere
on the working plane. The top and bottom faces of the prism are polygonal areas. See the RPOLY (p. 1366),
POLY (p. 1219), RPRISM (p. 1368), and PRISM (p. 1249) commands for other ways to create polygons and
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Areas>Polygon>Hexagon
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Areas>Polygon>Octagon
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Areas>Polygon>Pentagon
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Areas>Polygon>Septagon
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Areas>Polygon>Square
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Areas>Polygon>Triangle
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Volumes>Prism>Hexagonal
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Volumes>Prism>Octagonal
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Volumes>Prism>Pentagonal
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Volumes>Prism>Septagonal
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1367
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Volumes>Prism>Square
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Volumes>Prism>Triangular
Z1, Z2
Working plane Z coordinates of the prism.
Number of sides in the polygon defining the top and bottom faces of the prism. Must be greater than 2.
Length of each side of the polygon defining the top and bottom faces of the prism.
Radius of the major (or circumscribed) circle of the polygon defining the top and bottom faces of the prism.
Not used if LSIDE is input.
Radius of the minor (or inscribed circle) of the polygon defining the top and bottom faces of the prism.
Not used if LSIDE or MAJRAD is input.
Defines a regular prism volume centered about the working plane origin. The prism must have a spatial
volume greater than zero. (i.e., this volume primitive command cannot be used to create a degenerate
volume as a means of creating an area.) The top and bottom faces are polygonal areas that are parallel
to the working plane but neither face need be coplanar with (i.e., "on") the working plane. The first
keypoint defined for each face is at θ = 0°. See the RPR4 (p. 1367) and PRISM (p. 1249) commands for
other ways to create prisms.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Volumes>Prism>By Circumscr Rad
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Volumes>Prism>By Inscribed Rad
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Volumes>Prism>By Side Length
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1368 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Arbitrary reference number assigned to the resulting variable (2 to NV [NUMVAR (p. 1086)]). If this number
is the same as for a previous variable, the previous variable will be overwritten with this result.
Reference numbers of the two variables to be operated on. If only one, leave IB blank.
Defines the type of response PSD to be calculated:
Displacement (default).
Defines the reference with respect to which response PSD is to be calculated:
Absolute value.
Relative to base (default).
Thirty-two character name identifying variable on listings and displays. Embedded blanks are compressed
for output.
Combine only those modes whose significance level exceeds the SIGNIF threshold. The significance level
is defined as the modal covariance matrix term divided by the maximum of all the modal covariance
matrix terms. Any term whose significance level is less than SIGNIF is considered insignificant and does
not contribute to the response. All modes are taken into account by default (SIGNIF = 0.0).
The significance level definition is identical to the one used for the combination (SIGNIF on the
PSDCOM (p. 1273) command); however, the default value is different.
The significance does not apply to spatial correlation (PSDSPL (p. 1277)) and wave propagation
(PSDWAV (p. 1279)) response power spectral density.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1369
This command calculates response power spectral density (PSD) for the variables referenced by the
reference numbers IA and IB. The variable referred by IR will contain the response PSD. You must
issue the STORE (p. 1578),PSD command first; File.PSD must be available for the calculations to occur.
See POST26 - Response Power Spectral Density in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference for more inform-
ation on these equations.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Calc Resp PSD
User-defined anchor point node number. This must be a previously defined target element pilot node (see
"Notes" (p. 1371) for more information). If P0 is specified, RID, KCN, Kdir, VALUE, and NDPLANE are ignored.
The result section is defined in the x-direction of the nodal coordinate system of the pilot node.
If P0 is not specified, the program computes the geometry center point as the anchor point location
by default.
Unique real constant ID number that has not been previously assigned to any other elements. If RID is
not specified, the program selects the next available real constant ID number.
Coordinate system number used to define the result surface and normal direction.
Direction (x, y, or z) normal to the result surface in the KCN coordinate system.
Point along the Kdir axis at which to locate the result surface. Ignored if NDPLANE is specified.
Node number of existing node used to locate the result surface. If NDPLANE is specified, the location of
the result surface is defined by the Kdir coordinate of NDPLANE in the KCN coordinate system.
Optional tolerance below VALUE. Allows nodes occurring precisely at or slightly below the result surface
to be identified properly as above the plane. Has the effect of shifting the plane down by PSTOL. The fol-
lowing expression represents the default value:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1370 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
where ΔX, ΔY, and ΔZ are the dimensions of the locally selected region of the model based on nodal
locations (that is, ΔX = Xmax - Xmin).
If specified, the name of a component to be composed of elements underneath the result section generated
by the RSMESH command.
This command defines a result section and automatically imbeds contact elements (CONTA172 or
CONTA174) on the surface of the selected base elements. See Monitoring Result Section Data During
Solution in the Structural Analysis Guide for more information on how to use this command.
A user-specified anchor point and local coordinate system can be specified by defining a pilot node (a
target element defined using TSHAP (p. 1696),PILO) before issuing the RSMESH command. Input the pilot
node number for P0. Only one pilot node should be associated with a result section; the pilot node
should not be used for any other purpose (such as remote loading). The contact elements generated
for the result section will have the same real constant ID as the pilot node target element.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
File option:
Write the radiosity mapping data to a file. (Default)
Read in the specified mapping data file.
File name for radiosity mapping data file. Defaults to Jobname.
Filename extension for radiosity mapping data file (default = .rsm).
Directory path for radiosity mapping data file. If you do not specify a directory path, it will default to your
working directory.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1371
Use this command to manually create or load a radiosity mapping data file. This command is useful if
you want to create the mapping data file without issuing SAVE (p. 1389) or CDWRITE (p. 256), or if you
want to specify that the file be located in a directory other than your working directory. Also use this
command to manually load an existing mapping data file during a restart.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
RSPLIT, Option, Label, Name1, Name2, Name3, Name4, Name5, Name6, Name7,
Name8, Name9, Name10, Name11, Name12, Name13, Name14, Name15, Name16
Creates one or more results file(s) from the current results file based on subsets of elements.
POST1 (p. 48): Special Purpose (p. 53)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Specify which results to include for the subset of elements.
Write all nodal and element results based on the subset of elements (default).
Write only the nodal and element results that are on the exterior surface of the element subset. The
results data will be averaged as in PowerGraphics (see AVRES (p. 183)) when this results file is brought
into POST1. Only valid for solid elements.
Define where the element subset is coming from.
Use all selected element components (CMSEL (p. 310)) (default).
Use the currently selected (ESEL (p. 548)) set of elements. Name1 defines the results file name.
Use Name1 to Name16 to list the element component and/or assembly names (that contain element
Command Default
Write all data available for the element subset.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1372 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Results files will be named based on the element component or assembly name, e.g., Cname.rst,
except for the ESEL option, for which you must specify the results file name (no extension) using the
Name1 field. Note that the .rst filename will be written in all uppercase letters (CNAME.rst) (unless
using the ESEL option); when you read the file, you must specify the filename using all uppercase letters
(i.e., file,CNAME). You may repeat the RSPLIT command as often as needed. All results sets on the
results file are processed. Use /AUX3 (p. 180) to produce a results file with just a subset of the results
Use INRES (p. 795) to limit the results data written to the results files.
The subset geometry is also written so that no database file is required to postprocess the subset results
files. You must not resume any database when postprocessing one of these results files. The input results
file must have geometry written to it (i.e., do not use /CONFIG (p. 339),NORSTGM,1).
Applied forces and reaction forces are not apportioned if their nodes are shared by multiple element
subsets. Their full values are written to each results file.
Each results file renumbers its nodes and elements starting with 1.
This feature is useful when working with large models. For more information on the advantages and
uses of the RSPLIT command, see Splitting Large Results Files in the Basic Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
RSTMAC,File1,Lstep1,Sbstep1,File2,Lstep2,Sbstep2, --,MacLim,Cname,
Calculates modal assurance criterion (MAC) and matches nodal solutions from two results files or from
one results file and one universal format file.
POST1 (p. 48): Special Purpose (p. 53)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
File name (248 characters maximum) corresponding to the first results file (.rst or .rstp file). If the file
name does not contain the extension, it defaults to .rst.
Load step number of the results to be read in File1.
Reads load step N. Defaults to 1.
Substep number of the results to be read in File1.
Reads substep N.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1373
Reads all substeps. This value is the default.
File name (248 characters maximum) corresponding to the second file (.rst, .rstp, or .unv file). If the
file name does not contain the extension, it defaults to .rst.
Load step number of the results to be read in File2.
Reads load step N. Defaults to 1.
Substep number of the results to be read in File2.
Reads substep N.
Reads all substeps. This value is the default.
Unused field.
Smallest acceptable MAC value. Must be 0 and 1. The default value is 0.90.
Name of the component from the first file (File1). The component must be based on nodes. If unspecified,
all nodes are matched and used for MAC calculations. If a component name is specified, only nodes included
in the specified component are used. Not applicable to node mapping (Option = NODMAP on MA-
COPT (p. 918)).
Printout options:
Printout matched solutions table. This value is the default.
Printout matched solutions table and full MAC table.
Printout matched solutions table, full MAC table and matched nodes table.
The RSTMAC command allows the comparison of the solutions from either:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1374 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The meshes read from File1 and File2 may be different. The nodes of File1 are matched with
the nodes of File2 based on either node location (default) or node number. The solutions are compared
for the identified pair of matched nodes. The nodes can also be mapped and the solutions interpolated
from File1. See the MACOPT (p. 918) command for all options.
Units and coordinate systems must be the same for both models.
Results may be real or complex; however, if results in File1 have a different type than results in File2,
only the real parts of the solutions are taken into account in MAC calculations. The analysis type can
be arbitrary.
Non-structural degrees of freedom can be considered. Degrees of freedom can vary between File1
and File2, but at least one common degree of freedom must exist.
The solutions read on the results files are not all written to the database; therefore, subsequent plotting
or printing of solutions is not possible. A SET (p. 1458) command must be issued after the RSTMAC
command to post-process each solution.
RSTMAC comparison on cyclic symmetry analysis works only if the number of sectors on File1 and
File2 are the same. Also, comparison cannot be made between cyclic symmetry results and full 360
degree model results (File1 – cyclic solution, File2 – full 360 degree model solution). Comparing
cyclic symmetry solutions written on a selected set of nodes (OUTRES (p. 1115)) is not supported.
The modal assurance criterion values can be retrieved as parameters using the *GET (p. 667) command
(Entity = RSTMAC).
For more information and an example, see Comparing Nodal Solutions From Two Models (RSTMAC) in
the Basic Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
The offset type:
Offset the node IDs.
Offset the element IDs.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1375
A positive integer value specifying the offset value to apply. The value must be greater than the number
of nodes or elements in the existing superelement results file.
Command Default
Issuing the RSTOFF command with no specified argument values applies no offsets.
The RSTOFF command offsets node or element IDs in the FE geometry record saved in the .rst results
file. Use the command when expanding superelements in a bottom-up substructuring analysis (where
each superelement is generated individually in a generation pass, and all superelements are assembled
together in the use pass).
With appropriate offsets, you can write results files with unique node or element IDs and thus display
the entire model even if the original superelements have overlapping element or node ID sets. (Such
results files are incompatible with the .db database file saved at the generation pass.)
The offset that you specify is based on the original superelement node or element numbering, rather
than on any offset specified via a SESYMM (p. 1452) or SETRAN (p. 1462) command. When issuing an
RSTOFF command, avoid specifying an offset that creates conflicting node or element numbers for a
superelement generated via a SESYMM (p. 1452) or SETRAN (p. 1462) command.
If you issue the command to set non-zero offsets for node or element IDs, you must bring the geometry
into the database via the SET (p. 1458) command so that ANSYS can display the results. You must specify
appropriate offsets to avoid overlapping node or element IDs with other superelement results files.
The command is valid only in the first load step of a superelement expansion pass.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Command options:
Deletes radiosity surface elements and nodes. The set of elements and nodes to be deleted is defined
by Delopts. ETNUM is ignored.
Creates the radiosity surface elements and nodes (default).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1376 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Shows the status/listing. Other command options are ignored.
Deletion options
Deletes all radiosity surface elements and nodes.
Deletes radiosity surface elements and nodes created by the last RSURF command.
Element type number. Leave blank to indicate the next available number.
This command generates the radiosity surface elements (SURF251, SURF252) based on the RSYMM (p. 1378)
and RDEC (p. 1316) parameters and stores them in the database. It works only on the faces of selected
underlying elements that have RDSF flags on them and all corner nodes selected. You can issue multiple
RSURF commands to build the radiosity model. However, all RSURF commands must be issued after
issuing the RSYMM (p. 1378) command, and after the model is complete (that is, after all meshing oper-
ations are complete).
If you do issue multiple RSURF commands for different regions, you must first mesh the different regions,
and then generate the radiosity surface elements on each meshed region individually. Use RSURF,,,ETNUM
to assign a separate element type number to each region. This procedure allow you to identify the in-
dividual regions later in the multi-field analysis.
If the underlying solid elements are higher order, the radiosity surface elements are always lower order
(4- or 3-node in 3-D or 2-node in 2-D). Decimation will always occur before any symmetry operations.
For 2-D axisymmetric YR models, the newly-generated nodes can have only positive Y coordinates.
The RSURF command assigns real constant set number 1 to all SURF251 and SURF252 elements gener-
ated, irrespective of the current real constant set attribute pointer (REAL (p. 1319) command). If the
generated elements require a real constant set other than number 1, you must manually change the
set number for those elements by using the EMODIF (p. 520),,REAL command.
If you have already issued RSURF for a surface and you issue RSURF again, the program creates a new
set of radiosity surface elements and nodes over the existing set, resulting in an erroneous solution.
This is an action command (that creates or deletes surface meshes) and is serial in nature. Even if Dis-
tributed ANSYS is running, the RSURF command runs serially.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Radiation Opts>Advanced Solution Option>Radiation Surface
Mesh>Clear Radiation Surface Mesh
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Radiation Opts>Advanced Solution Option>Radiation Surface
Mesh>Generate Radiation Surface Mesh
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1377
Command options:
Deletes all symmetry/extrusion definitions. Other command options are ignored.
Defines the symmetry/extrusion definition (default).
Shows the status/listing. Other command options are ignored.
Activates or deactivates condensation in the radiosity solver for all defined radiation symmetries/ex-
trusions. Condensation is the process where the radiosity equation system is reduced in size. Default
is off. (See Figure 9: Usage Example: Option = COND (p. 1381).)
Local coordinate system ( 11) as defined using the LOCAL (p. 883) or CS (p. 359) commands or the global
coordinate system (0). For planar reflection, the coordinate system origin must be on the plane of symmetry
(POS) and one of its axes must be normal to the POS. For cyclic reflection, the coordinate system origin
must be coincident with the center of rotation (COR). Only Cartesian systems are valid.
Axis label of the coordinate system (CS) that is normal to the POS for planar reflection, or label to indicate
the type of extrusion. For cyclic reflection, this field must be blank, and it is assumed that the Z axis is
aligned with the axis of rotation.
X, Y, or Z
Planar reflection. For 2-D model planar reflections, valid labels are X or Y. For 3-D model planar reflec-
tions, valid labels are X, Y, or Z.
Linear extrusion of a line element in the X-Y plane, in the Z direction, to create 4-noded SURF252 ele-
ments. NSECT indicates how many elements will be created. SVAL is the starting Z value, and EVAL
is the ending Z value. CS must be 0.
Circumferential extrusion (theta direction) around the global Y-axis. A 2-noded line element in the X-
Y plane is extruded to create 4-noded SURF252 elements. NSECT indicates how many elements will
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1378 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
be created. SVAL is the starting angle, and EVAL is the ending angle (in degrees). The angles are with
respect to the global X-axis. CS must be 0.
Cyclic reflection.
Number of cyclic reflections to be done, or number of elements in the extrusion direction.
For cyclic reflection, this field must be ≥ 1 or ≤ -1. Use a positive value if you want the sector angle
to be computed automatically. Use a negative value if you want the sector angle to be computed
manually. See Notes (p. 1379) for details.
Condensation key. Valid only when Option = COND.
Activates condensation in the radiosity solver for all defined radiation symmetries/extrusions.
Deactivates condensation in the radiosity solver for all defined radiation symmetries/extrusions (default).
Starting and ending Z values (if Axis = ZEXT) or angle values (if Axis = CEXT) used for the extrusion. Not
used for planar or cyclic reflection.
The RSYMM command is used to define the plane of symmetry (POS) for planar reflection or the center
of rotation (COR) for cyclic reflection. It can also be used to set parameters for a linear or circumferential
extrusion. The input provided on this command is used to generate radiosity surface elements
(SURF251/SURF252) when the RSURF (p. 1376) command is issued.
The RSYMM command must be issued before RSURF (p. 1376), and it may be issued multiple times to
have more than one planar/cyclic reflection or extrusion. The RSURF (p. 1376) command processes RSYMM
commands in the order they are issued.
For planar reflection, you must define a local coordinate system ( 11) with its origin on the POS. One
of its axes must be aligned so that it is normal to the plane. If possible, use the existing global coordinate
system (0).
For cyclic reflection, you must define a local coordinate system ( 11) with its origin coincident with
the COR. Reflections occur about the local Z-axis in the counterclockwise direction. You must align the
Z-axis properly. If possible, use the existing global coordinate system (0).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1379
where θmax and θmin are computed internally based on location of the RDSF (surface-to-surface radiation)
flagged surfaces.
See Figure 10: Usage Example: Positve and Negative NSECT Values (p. 1381) for an example of NSECT
For linear or circumferential extrusion (Axis = ZEXT or CEXT), you must ensure that the extruded area
matches the area of the underlying element; otherwise, the results may not be correct. For example, in
the case of PLANE55 elements with a planar depth = 10, use Axis = ZEXT and set SVAL and EVAL
such that EVAL - SVAL = 10. Likewise, for axisymmetric PLANE55 elements, use Axis = CEXT and set
SVAL and EVAL such that EVAL - SVAL = 360. You must also issue V2DOPT (p. 1736),1 for the axisym-
metric case. See Figure 11: Usage Example: Extrusions with Axis = ZEXT and CEXT (p. 1382) for extrusion
The Axis= ZEXT and CEXT options are not valid for SHELL131 and SHELL132 elements.
New surface elements generated by the RSYMM command inherit the properties of the original elements.
For 2-D axisymmetric models, RSYMM can be used only for symmetrization in the YR plane. It cannot
be used for the theta direction. Use V2DOPT (p. 1736) in that case.
For 2-D axisymmetric YR models, the newly-generated nodes can have only positive X coordinates.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1380 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
RSYMM,,,4 RSYMM,,,-4
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1381
Figure 11: Usage Example: Extrusions with Axis = ZEXT and CEXT
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Radiation Opts>Advanced Solution Option>Radiation Symmetry
Options>Clear Symmetry
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Radiation Opts>Advanced Solution Option>Radiation Symmetry
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Radiation Opts>Advanced Solution Option>Radiation Symmetry
Options>Cyclic Symmetry
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Radiation Opts>Advanced Solution Option>Radiation Symmetry
Options>Planar Symmetry
Main Menu>Solution>Radiation Opts>Advanced Solution Option>Radiation Symmetry Op-
tions>Clear Symmetry
Main Menu>Solution>Radiation Opts>Advanced Solution Option>Radiation Symmetry Op-
Main Menu>Solution>Radiation Opts>Advanced Solution Option>Radiation Symmetry Op-
tions>Cyclic Symmetry
Main Menu>Solution>Radiation Opts>Advanced Solution Option>Radiation Symmetry Op-
tions>Planar Symmetry
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1382 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Activates a coordinate system for printout or display of element and nodal results.
POST1 (p. 48): Controls (p. 48)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
The coordinate system to use for results output:
Global Cartesian coordinate system (default, except for spectrum analyses).
Global cylindrical coordinate system in Z.
Global spherical coordinate system.
Global cylindrical coordinate system in Y.
Global cylindrical coordinate system in X.
> 10
Any existing local coordinate system.
Solution coordinate systems.
Layer coordinate system (default for spectrum analysis).
The RSYS command activates a coordinate system for printing or displaying element results data such
as stresses and heat fluxes, and nodal results data such as degrees of freedom and reactions.
Mechanical APDL rotates the results data to the specified coordinate system during printout, display,
or element table operations (such as PRNSOL (p. 1255), PRESOL (p. 1237), PLNSOL (p. 1190), and
ETABLE (p. 572)).
You can define coordinate systems with various Mechanical APDL commands such as LOCAL (p. 883),
CS (p. 359), CLOCAL (p. 292), and CSKP (p. 362).
The RSYS command has no effect on beam or pipe stresses, which Mechanical APDL displays (via
/ESHAPE (p. 552),1 and PowerGraphics) in the element coordinate system.
Element Results
Element results such as stresses and heat fluxes are in the element coordinate systems when KCN =
SOLU. Nodal requests for element results (for example, PRNSOL (p. 1255),S,COMP) average the element
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1383
values at the common node; that is, the orientation of the node is not a factor in the output of element
For nearly all solid elements, the default element coordinate systems are parallel to the global Cartesian
coordinate system.
For shell elements and the remaining solid elements, the default element coordinate system can differ
from element to element.
For layered shell and layered solid elements, Mechanical APDL initially selects the element coordinate
system when KCN = SOLU. You can then select the layer coordinate system via the LAYER (p. 845)
Nodal Results
Nodal results such as degrees of freedom and reactions can be properly rotated only if the resulting
component set is consistent with the degree-of-freedom set at the node. The degree-of-freedom set
at a node is determined by the elements attached to the node.
Example: If a node does not have a UZ degree of freedom during solution, any Z com-
ponent resulting from a rotation does not print or display in POST1. Results at nodes
with a single degree-of-freedom (UY only, for example) should therefore not be rotated;
that is, they should be viewed only in the nodal coordinate system or a system parallel
to the nodal system. (The default global Cartesian system cannot be parallel to the
nodal system.)
Results at nodes with a 2-D degree-of-freedom set (UX and UY, for example) should not be rotated out
of the 2-D plane.
If an element or nodal coordinate system is not defined, Mechanical APDL uses the global Cartesian
coordinate system.
If you issue a LAYER (p. 845),N command (where N refers to a layer number), the results appear in the
layer coordinate system. (SOLU is the default for spectrum analyses.)
The default coordinate system for certain elements, notably shells, is not global Cartesian and is frequently
not aligned at adjacent elements. Avoid setting KCN = SOLU with such elements, as it can make nodal
averaging of component element results (such as SX, SY, SZ, SXY, SYZ, and SXZ) invalid.
When post-processing expanded nodal results in a cyclic symmetry analysis (/CYCEXPAND (p. 373)), use
of RSYS,SOLU is recommended so that the appropriate cyclic nodal coordinate system is used (see
CYCLIC (p. 380) command). For any other coordinate system (for example, RSYS,1), cyclic rotation is not
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1384 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
carried out, and nodal results at all sectors are expressed in the specified coordinate system (KCN). See
Result Coordinate System in the Cyclic Symmetry Analysis Guide for more details.
If a model has both nonlayered and layered elements, you can use RSYS,SOLU and RSYS,LSYS simultan-
eously (with RSYS,SOLU applicable to nonlayered elements and RSYS,LSYS applicable to layered ele-
When using solution coordinate systems for results output (RSYS,SOLU), the deformed or displaced
shape in a POST1 contour display can be unexpected (although the contours are displayed in the ex-
pected colors). The program does not rotate displacement values (Ux,Uy,Uz) to global; instead, the dis-
placements (stored locally) are added directly to the global coordinates (X,Y,Z). For example, if in PREP7
the nodes are rotated 90 degrees about the z axis and the global Uy displacements are relatively large,
the Ux values will be large, causing the model to display a large deformation in the global X direction.
Large Deflection
If large deflection is active (NLGEOM (p. 1028),ON), Mechanical APDL rotates the element component
result directions by the amount of rigid body rotation.
Mechanical APDL displays the element component results in the initial global coordinate system for
the following elements: SHELL181, SHELL281, ELBOW290, PLANE182, PLANE183, SOLID185, SOLID186,
SOLID187, SOLID272, SOLID273, SOLID285, SOLSH190, SHELL208, and SHELL209.
All other element result transformations, therefore, are also relative to the initial global system.
For all other element types, component results displayed in the co-rotated coordinate system include
the element rigid body rotation from the initial global coordinate system, and all other element result
transformations are relative to the rotated global system.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Options for Outp
Utility Menu>List>Results>Options
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1385
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1386 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
S Commands
Specifies absolute values for element table operations.
POST1 (p. 48): Element Table (p. 49)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Absolute value key:
Use algebraic values in operations.
Use absolute values in operations.
Command Default
Use algebraic values.
Causes absolute values to be used in the SADD (p. 1387), SMULT (p. 1533), SMAX (p. 1525), SMIN (p. 1527),
and SSUM (p. 1567) operations.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Element Table>Abs Value Option
Label assigned to results. If same as existing label, the existing values will be overwritten by these results.
First labeled result item in operation.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1387
Second labeled result item in operation (may be blank).
Scale factor applied to Lab1. A (blank) or '0' entry defaults to 1.0.
Scale factor applied to Lab2. A (blank) or '0' entry defaults to 1.0.
Constant value.
Forms a labeled result (see ETABLE (p. 572) command) for the selected elements by adding two existing
labeled result items according to the operation:
May also be used to scale results for a single labeled result item. If absolute values are requested
[SABS (p. 1387),1], absolute values of Lab1 and Lab2 are used.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Element Table>Add Items
Defines the allowable stress table for safety factor calculations [SFACT (p. 1473),SFCALC (p. 1477)]. Use the
STAT (p. 1572) command to list current allowable stress table. Repeat SALLOW to zero table and redefine
points (6 maximum).
Safety factor calculations are not supported by PowerGraphics. Both the SALLOW and TALLOW (p. 1601)
commands must be used with the Full Model Graphics display method active.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Safety Factor>Allowable Strs>Constant
Main Menu>General Postproc>Safety Factor>Allowable Strs>Reset Stress
Main Menu>General Postproc>Safety Factor>Allowable Strs>Temp-depend
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1388 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
Mode for saving the database:
Save the model data, solution data and post data (element tables, etc.). This value is the default.
Save the model data (solid model, finite element model, loadings, etc.) only.
Save the model data and the solution data (nodal and element results).
Saves all current database information to a file (File.DB). In interactive mode, an existing File.DB
is first written to a backup file (File.DBB). In batch mode, an existing File.DB is replaced by the
current database information with no backup. The command should be issued periodically to ensure a
current file backup in case of a system "crash" or a "line drop." It may also be issued before a "doubtful"
command so that if the result is not what was intended the database may be easily restored to the
previous state. A save may be time consuming for large models. Repeated use of this command overwrites
the previous data on the file (but a backup file is first written during an interactive run). When issued
from within POST1, the nodal boundary conditions in the database (which were read from the results
file) will overwrite the nodal boundary conditions existing on the database file.
Internal nodes may be created during solution (for example, via the mixed u-P formulation or generalized
plane strain option for current-technology elements, the Lagrangian multiplier method for contact
elements or the MPC184 elements, or the quadratic or cubic option of the BEAM188 and PIPE288 ele-
ments). It is sometimes necessary to save the internal nodes in the database for later operations, such
as cutting boundary interpolations (CBDOF (p. 249)) for submodeling. To do so, issue the SAVE command
after the first SOLVE (p. 1538) command.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1389
If radiosity surface elements (SURF251 or SURF252) are present in the model, a radiosity mapping data
file, Fname.RSM, is also saved when the SAVE command is issued. For more information, see Advanced
Radiosity Options in the Thermal Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>File>Save as
Utility Menu>File>Save as Jobname.db
Lists solid model boundary conditions.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Misc Loads (p. 42)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Lists all solid model boundary conditions for the selected solid model entities. See also DKLIST (p. 448),
DLLIST (p. 453), DALIST (p. 406), FKLIST (p. 638), SFLLIST (p. 1504), SFALIST (p. 1476), BFLLIST (p. 223),
BFALIST (p. 202), BFVLIST (p. 230), and BFKLIST (p. 219) to list items separately.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Loads>Solid Model Loads
Transfers solid model loads and boundary conditions to the FE model.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Misc Loads (p. 42)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Causes a manual transfer of solid model loads and boundary conditions to the finite element model.
Loads and boundary conditions on unselected keypoints, lines, areas, and volumes are not transferred.
Boundary conditions and loads will not be transferred to unselected nodes or elements. The SBCTRAN
operation is also automatically done upon initiation of the solution calculations [SOLVE (p. 1538)].
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1390 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Operate>Transfer to FE>All Solid Lds
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Operate>Transfer to FE>All Solid Lds
Argument Descriptions
Name used to identify the vector or matrix to be scaled. Must be specified.
The real part of the constant to use (default = 1).
The imaginary part of the constant to use (default = 0). This value is used only if the vector or matrix specified
by Name is complex.
This command can be applied to vectors and matrices created by the *VEC (p. 1749), *DMAT (p. 454) and
*SMAT (p. 1522) commands.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
SCOPT, TempDepKey
Specifies System Coupling options.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Analysis Options (p. 35)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Temperature-dependent behavior key based on the convection coefficient:
A negative convection coefficient, -N, is assumed to be a function of temperature and is determined
from the HF property table for material N (MP (p. 967) command). This is the default.
A negative convection coefficient, -N, is used as is in the convection calculation.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1391
By default in the Mechanical APDL program, a negative convection coefficient value triggers temperature-
dependent behavior. In some one-way CFD to Mechanical APDL thermal simulations, it is desirable to
allow convection coefficients to be used as negative values. To do so, issue the command SCOPT,NO.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
First section ID to be deleted; defaults to first available section in the database.
Last section ID to be deleted; defaults to last available section in the database.
Increment of the section ID; defaults to 1.
Pretension element cleanup key (pretension sections only).
Perform cleanup of PRETS179 pretension elements (delete pretension elements and reconnect elements
split during PSMESH (p. 1287)).
Do not perform cleanup.
Specifies the level of element-associativity checking:
No element-associativity check occurs. This option is the default.
When a section, material, or real constant is associated with an element, ANSYS issues a message
warning that the necessary entity has been deleted.
The command terminates, and no section, material, or real constant is deleted if it is associated with
an element.
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1392 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Deletes one or more specified sections and their associated data from the ANSYS database.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Delete Section
The name (case sensitive) of the file containing the original superelement matrix created by the generation
pass (Sename.SUB). The default is the current Jobname.
--, --
Unused fields.
Tolerance used to determine if use pass nodes are noncoincident with master nodes having the same
node numbers. Defaults to 0.0001. Use pass nodes will always be replaced by master nodes of the same
node number. However, if a use pass node is more than TOLER away from the corresponding master node,
a warning is generated.
Node number to be assigned to the first virtual node created to store the generalized coordinates in a
component mode synthesis analysis. See "Notes" (p. 1393) for more information.
Defines a superelement by reading in the superelement matrices and master nodes from the superele-
ment matrix file. The matrix file (File.SUB) must be available from the substructure generation pass.
The proper element type (MATRIX50) must be active [TYPE (p. 1707)] for this command. A scratch file
called File.SORD showing the superelement names and their corresponding element numbers is also
nStartVN should be chosen so as to offset the virtual node numbers from the other node numbers
used in the model. Otherwise, nStartVN is internally set by the program to fulfill that condition. The
node number defined through nStartVN is considered only if applied on the first issued SE command.
nStartVN can also be defined during the generation pass using the CMSOPT (p. 313) command. If
nStartVN is defined on both CMSOPT (p. 313) and SE commands, the larger number prevails.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Superelem>From .SUB File
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1393
VAL11, VAL12, VAL13
Supplements or overrides default section properties.
PREP7 (p. 20): Cross Sections (p. 33)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
The SECCONTROL command is divided into these operation types: Beams (p. 1394), Links (p. 1394),
Pipes (p. 1395), Shells (p. 1395), and Reinforcings (p. 1396).
Values are associated with the most recently issued SECTYPE (p. 1433) command. The data required is
determined by the section type and is different for each type.
The command does not apply to thermal shell elements SHELL131 and SHELL132 or thermal solid ele-
ments SOLID278 and SOLID279.
Type: BEAM
Type: LINK
Data to provide in the value fields (VAL1, VAL2, VAL3, VAL4, VAL5, VAL6):
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1394 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
1 = Tension only.
-1 = Compression only.
CV1, CV2 = Damping coefficients.
CV3 = Compressive stiffness scaling factor (CABLE280 only). The the ratio between
compressive stiffness and tensile stiffness. Default = 1.0e-5. Maximum = 1.0.
CV4 = Viscous regularization factor (CABLE280 only). Default = 0.05. Maximum = 1.0.
Type: PIPE
ADDMAS = Added mass per unit length. Use this value to account for extra hardware
• The mass of the internal fluid is accounted for by Mint on the SECDATA (p. 1397) command.
• The mass of the outer covering (insulation) is accounted for by Mins on the SECDATA (p. 1397)
• The mass of the external fluid is accounted for by MATOC on the OCDATA (p. 1091) command.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1395
REMBASE = 1 typically leads to more accurate models. (The base material must support 1-D stress
MEMOPT = 1 is suitable for homogenous reinforcing layers (membrane) and applies only to smeared
reinforcing (SECTYPE (p. 1433),,REINF,SMEAR). When MEMOPT = 1, TENSKEY is ignored, and the default
tension and compression behaviors apply to the reinforcing layers.
Specified TENSKEY, REMBASE and MEMOPT values apply to all fibers defined in the current section.
For more information, see Reinforcing in the Structural Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Beam>Sect Control
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Link>Add
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Link>Edit
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Pipe>Add
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Pipe>Edit
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Reinforcing>Sect Control
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Shell>Lay-up>Add / Edit
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1396 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Describes the geometry of a section.
PREP7 (p. 20): Cross Sections (p. 33)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
The SECDATA command defines the data describing the geometry of a section. The command is divided
into these section types: Beams (p. 1397), Contact (p. 1401), General Axisymmetric (p. 1403), Joints (p. 1403),
Links (p. 1404), Pipes (p. 1404), Pretension (p. 1405), Reinforcing (p. 1406), Shells (p. 1416), Supports (p. 1416), and
Taper (p. 1418).
The data input on the SECDATA command is interpreted based on the most recently issued SEC-
TYPE (p. 1433) command. The data required is determined by the section type and subtype, and is different
for each one.
Type: BEAM
Beam sections are referenced by BEAM188 and BEAM189 elements. Not all SECOFFSET (p. 1423) location
values are valid for each subtype.
H y y
Data to provide in the value fields: Data to provide in the value fields:
B, H, Nb, Nh yI, zI, yJ, zJ, yK, zK, yL, zL, Ng, Nh
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1397
Data to provide in the value fields: Data to provide in the value fields:
R, N, T Ri, Ro, N
where: where:
R = Radius Ri = Inner radius of the tube
N = Number of divisions around the Ro = Outer radius of the tube
circumference; 8 N 120 (where a
greater value improves accuracy slightly); N = Number of cells around the
default = 8 circumference; N 8 (where a greater value
improves accuracy slightly); default = 8
T = Number of divisions through the
radius; default = 2 This subtype is similar to type PIPE (p. 1404).
However, elements using PIPE account for
internal or external pressures, whereas elements
using CTUBE do not.
W3 t3
t3 W3
y y
t1 t1
W1 W1
Data to provide in the value fields: Data to provide in the value fields:
W1, W2, W3, t1, t2, t3 W1, W2, W3, t1, t2, t3
where: where:
W1, W2 = Lengths of the flanges W1, W2 = Width of the top and bottom
W3 = Overall depth flanges
t1, t2 = Flange thicknesses W3 = Overall depth
t3 = Web thicknesses t1, t2 = Flange thicknesses
t3 = Web thicknesses
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1398 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
t3 y
z W1
Data to provide in the value fields:
W1, W2, t1, t2
Data to provide in the value fields: where:
W1, W2, W3, t1, t2, t3 W1, W2 = Leg lengths
where: t1, t2 = Leg thicknesses
W1, W2 = Flange lengths If W2 is a negative value, the section will be
W3 = Overall depth flipped.
t1, t2 = Flange thicknesses
t3 = Stem thicknesses
W4 t4 t5
t1 y
W1 W2
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1399
User-defined mesh.
Data required is created by the
SECWRITE (p. 1439) command and is read
in by the SECREAD (p. 1430) command.
When a user mesh is input via
SECREAD (p. 1430), the program calculates
the area, second moments of inertia,
centroid, torsion constant, warping rigidity,
and shear center.
If you redefine a material for a composite
cross-section after creating the section,
reissue the SECREAD (p. 1430) command.
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1400 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Geometry Correction Contact sections for geometry correction (Subtype = CIRCLE, SPHERE, or
CYLINDER) are referenced by the following elements: TARGE169, TARGE170, CONTA172, and CONTA174.
This geometry correction applies to cases where the original meshes of contact elements or target
elements are located on a portion of a circular, spherical, or revolute surface.
User-Defined Contact Surface Normal The contact section for a user-defined contact surface normal
(Subtype = NORMAL) is referenced by the following elements: CONTA172, CONTA174, and CONTA175.
This geometry correction is used to define a shift direction for interference fit solutions.
Radius values associated with contact or target elements The radius contact section (Subtype
= RADIUS) is referenced by contact or target elements in a general contact definition under the following
• Equivalent 3-D contact radius for beam-to-beam contact - The contact section for a user-defined
equivalent contact radius (Subtype = RADIUS) is referenced by the element type CONTA177 within
a general contact definition. 3-D beam-to-beam contact (or edge-to-edge contact) modeled by this
line contact element assumes that its surface is a cylindrical surface.
• Radius (or radii) of rigid target segments - The contact section for rigid target segment radii is refer-
enced by target elements TARGE169 (circle segment type) and TARGE170 (line, parabola, cylinder,
sphere, or cone segment type) in a general contact definition.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1401
Data to provide in the value fields for Subtype = RADIUS if the section is used as an equivalent
contact radius for 3-D beam-to-beam contact:
VAL1 = Equivalent radius - outer radius
VAL2 = Equivalent radius - inner radius (internal beam-to-beam contact)
VAL3: Set to 1 for internal beam-to-beam contact. Defaults to external beam-to-beam contact.
Data to provide in the value fields for Subtype = RADIUS if the section is used for 2-D or 3-D rigid
target segments:
VAL1 = First radius of the target segment (used for circle, line, parabola, cylinder, sphere, and cone
segment types)
VAL2 = Second radius of the target segment (used only for the cone segment type)
Simplified Bolt Thread Modeling The contact section for bolt-thread modeling (Subtype = BOLT)
is referenced by the following elements: CONTA172, CONTA174, and CONTA175. It applies to cases
where the original meshes of contact elements are located on a portion of a bolt-thread surface. This
feature allows you to include the behavior of bolt threads without having to add the geometric detail
of the threads. Calculations are performed internally to approximate the behavior of the bolt-thread
d (x 2, y 2, z 2 ) (x1 , y 1, z 1)
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1402 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
General Axisymmetric
Type: AXIS
General axisymmetric sections are referenced by the SURF159, SOLID272, and SOLID273 elements. Use
this command to locate the axisymmetric axis.
Joint sections are referenced by MPC184 joint elements.
The following table shows the lengths and angles to be specified for different kinds of joints.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1403
The reference length and angle specifications correspond to the free relative degrees of freedom in a
joint element for which constitutive calculations are performed. These values are used when stiffness
and/or damping are specified for the joint elements.
If the reference lengths and angles are not specified, they are calculated from the default or starting
configuration for the element.
See MPC184 or the individual joint element descriptions for more information on joint element con-
stitutive calculations.
Type: LINK
Link sections are referenced by the LINK180 and CABLE280 elements.
Type: PIPE
Pipe sections are referenced by the PIPE288, PIPE289, and ELBOW290 elements.
D o = Outside diameter of pipe. Use a constant value for a circular pipe and an array
for a noncircular pipe. (Noncircular pipe sections are referenced by the ELBOW290
element only. See Defining a Noncircular Pipe in the Structural Analysis Guide.)
T w = Wall thickness (defaults to Do / 2, or “solid” pipe).
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1404 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The accuracy of the ovalization value (OVAL) output by ELBOW290 (Structural Elbow form only) improves
as the specified number of cells around the circumference (N c ) is increased.
External material (M ins ) adds mass and increases hydraulic diameter, but does not add to stiffness.
Pretension sections are referenced by the PRETS179 element.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1405
SECDATA, 13184, 0.000, 0.000, 1.000
SECMODIF, 1, NAME, example
SLOAD, 1, PL01, TINY, FORC, 100.00 , 1, 2
The PRETENSION section options of SECTYPE (p. 1433) and SECDATA are documented mainly to aid in
the understanding of data written by CDWRITE (p. 256). ANSYS, Inc. recommends that you generate
pretension sections using PSMESH (p. 1287).
Each SECDATA command defines the material, geometry, and orientation (if Subtype = SMEAR) of one
reinforcing member (discrete fiber or smeared surface) in the section. The reinforcing section can be
referenced by reinforcing elements (REINF263, REINF264, and REINF265), or MESH200 elements when
used for temporarily representing reinforcing members. Only one SECDATA command is allowed per
section when referenced by MESH200 elements. For more information, see Reinforcing in the Structural
Analysis Guide.
Defines discrete reinforcing fibers with arbitrary orientations. For the MESH input pattern, reinforcing
section data is referenced by MESH200 elements. For other patterns, issue separate SECDATA commands
to define each reinforcing fiber.
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1406 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
PATT = Input pattern code (described below) indicating how the location of this fiber is defined.
Available input patterns are MESH (when the section is referenced by a MESH200 element), and
LAYN, EDGO, and BEAM (when the section is referenced by a reinforcing element).
V1, V2, V3, V4, V5 = Values to define the location of the reinforcing fiber (depending on
the PATT pattern code used), as shown:
Description: The locations of reinforcing fibers are defined directly via MESH200 element connectivity.
Description: The discrete reinforcing fiber is placed in the middle of a layer in a layered base element.
The orientation of the fiber within the layer is adjustable via offsets with respect to a specified element
Required input:
V1 (or N) -- The number of the layer in the base element on which to apply the reinforcing fiber.
The default value is 1.
V2 (or e) -- The number to indicate the element edge to which the offsets are measured. The default
value is 1.
V3 and V4 (or Y1 and Y2) -- The normalized distances from the fiber to the two ends of the specified
element edge. Valid values for Y1 and Y2 are 0.0 through 1.0. The default value of Y1 is 0.5. The
default value of Y2 is Y1.
(Y1 = 1)
(Y2 = 1)
Reinforcing JJ
II L Base layer n
(Y1 = 0)
(Y2 = 0)
Y2 O
(Y2 = 0)
(Y2 = 1)
L Base layer n
(Y1 = 0)
(Y1 = 1)
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1407
L (Y2 = 1)
Y1 Reinforcing
II JJ K Base layer n
(Y1 = 0)
(Y2 = 0)
(Y2 = 0)
(Y2 = 1)
K Base layer n
Y1 e=2
(Y1 = 0)
I (Y1 = 1)
Description: The orientation of the discrete reinforcing fiber is similar to one of the specified element
edges. The fiber orientation can be further adjusted via offsets with respect to the specified element
Required input:
V1 (or O) -- The number to indicate the element edge to which the offsets are measured. The default
value is 1.
V2 and V3 (or Y1 and Z1) -- The normalized distances from the fiber to the first end of the specified
element edge. Valid values for Y1 and Z1 are 0.0 through 1.0. The default value for Y1 and Z1 is
V4 and V5 (or Y2 and Z2) – The normalized distances from the fiber to the second end of the
specified element edge. Value values for Y2 and Z2 are 0.0 through 1.0. The default value for Y2
is Y1, and the default value for Z2 is Z1.
If the base element is a beam or link, the program ignores values V2 through V5 and
instead places the reinforcing in the center of the beam or link.
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1408 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
(Z1 = 1) e=1
N Z2 K
(Z2 = 1) (Y2 = 1)
(Y1 = 0)
(Z1 = 0) J (Y2 = 0)
(Z2 = 0)
(Z2 = 1)
(Y2 = 0)
(Z2 = 0) L
(Z1 = 1)
N K e=2
(Y2 = 1)
Y1 Z1
(Y1 = 0)
(Z1 = 0) J (Y1 = 1)
(Z2 = 1)
L (Z1 = 1)
(Y2 = 0)
N (Y2 = 1) K e=3
(Z2 = 0)
(Y1 = 0)
(Z1 = 0) J (Y1 = 1)
L (Z1 = 1)
(Z2 = 1)
K (Y1 = 1)
Z1 Y (Y2 = 1)
(Y1 = 0)
(Z1 = 0) J (Y2 = 0)
(Z2 = 0)
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1409
L (Z1 = 1)
(Z2 = 1)
K (Y2 = 1)
(Y1 = 0)
J (Y1 = 1)
(Y2 = 0)
(Z2 = 0)
L (Z2 = 1)
K (Y2 = 1)
I Y1 Y2
(Y1 = 0) Z1
(Z1 = 0)
J (Y1 = 1)
(Y2 = 0)
(Z2 = 0)
L (Y1 = 1)
Y1 Reinforcing
(Z1 = 1)
K (Y2 = 1)
Z2 = Z1
(Y1 = 0) I
J (Y2 = 0)
(Z1 = 0)
(Y2 = 0) L
Z2 = Z1 K (Y2 = 1)
(Y1 = 0) I
J (Y1 = 1)
Z1 = 0
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1410 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Description: Use this specialized input pattern for defining reinforcing in regular constant and tapered
Required input:
V1 and V2 (or Y1 and Z1) -- Y and Z offsets with respect to the section origin in the first beam
section referenced by the base beam element. The default value for Y1 and Z1 is 0.0.
V3 and V4 (or Y2 and Z2) -- Y and Z offsets with respect to the section origin in the second beam
section referenced by the base beam element. The default value for Y2 is Y1, and the default value
for Z2 is Z1. (Because V3 and V4 values apply only to tapered beams, the program ignores them
if the base beam has a constant section.)
Beam section #2
(y2, z2)
Base beam z
(y1, z1)
Beam section #1
Suitable for layers of reinforcing fibers with uniform cross-section area and spacing. Each SECDATA
command defines the one reinforcing layer in the section. When referenced by a MESH200 element,
only one SECDATA command per section is allowed. When referenced by reinforcing elements (REINF263
and REINF265), this limitation does not apply.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1411
Description: The locations of reinforcing fibers are defined directly via MESH200 element connectivity.
Description: The smeared reinforcing layer is placed in the middle of a layer in a layered base element.
Required input: V1 (or n) -- The number of the layer in the base element on which to apply the rein-
forcing layer. The default value is 1.
Base layer n
When applied to 2-D axisymmetric shells: When applied to 3-D layered shells:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1412 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Base L
Reinforcement LL
Base layer n
I Reinforcement
Description: This pattern applies only to 2-D smeared reinforcing element REINF263. The smeared re-
inforcing layer is represented by a line in 2-D. The orientation of the 2-D smeared reinforcing layer is
similar to one of the specified element edges. The fiber orientation can be further adjusted via offsets
with respect to the specified element edge.
Required input:
V1 (or O) -- The number to indicate the element edge to which the offsets are measured. The default
value is 1.
V2 (or Y1) -- The normalized distances from the reinforcing layer to the first end of the specified
element edge. Valid values for Y1 are 0.0 through 1.0. The default value for Y1 is 0.5. V3 (or Z1)
input is ignored.
V4 (or Y2) -- The normalized distances from the reinforcing layer to the second end of the specified
element edge. Valid value values for Y2 are 0.0 through 1.0. The default value for Y2 is Y1. V4 (or
Y2) is ignored for axisymmetric shell elements. V5 (or Z2`) input is ignored.
e=1 e=2
I(Y1 = 0) J(Y2 = 0) Y1 J(Y1 = 1)
I(Y1 = 0)
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1413
K(Y1 = 1 K(Y2 = 0)
Y2 = 1)
e=1 JJ e=2
J(Y2 = 0) J(Y1 = 1
I(Y1 = 0) Y1
Y2 = 1)
I(Y1 = 0)
K(Y2 = 0)
JJ e=3
J(Y1 = 0)
I(Y1 = 1 Y1
Y 2 = 1)
Y1 Y2 =Y1
(Y1 = 0) (Y2 = 0)
Description: The smeared reinforcing layer is oriented parallel to one of three adjacent element faces.
(This pattern does not apply to 2-D smeared reinforcing element REINF263.)
Required input:
V1 (or F) -- The number to indicate the base element face. The default value is 1.
V2 (or d1) -- The normalized distance from the layer to the specified base element face. Valid values
for d1 are 0.0 through 1.0. The default value is 0.5.
V3 (or d2) -- The normalized distance from corners JJ and KK of the layer to the specified base
element face (applicable to 8-node or 20-node solid elements only). Valid values for d2 are 0.0
through 1.0. The default value is d1.
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1414 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
d1 KK f=1 f=2
L d2
K d1 LL
N (d = 1) N
I JJ d1
d2 I (d = 0)
J (d = 1)
J (d = 0)
d1 L KK f=3 where:
M d2
K (d = 1)
d1 = distance II and LL
JJ d2 = distance JJ and KK
J (d = 0)
L (d = 1) L (d = 0)
KK, LL d
f=1 K f=2
J (d = 0) J (d = 1)
II K (d = 1) f=3
d JJ
J (d = 0)
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1415
Shell sections are referenced by the SHELL131, SHELL132, SHELL181, SOLID185 Layered Solid, SOLID186
Layered Solid, SOLSH190, SHELL208, SHELL209, SOLID278 Layered Solid, SOLID279 Layered Solid, and
SHELL281 elements.
THETA = Angle (in degrees) of layer element coordinate system with respect to element coordinate
system (ESYS).
NUMPT = Number of integration points in layer. The user interface offers 1, 3 (default), 5, 7, or 9
points; however, you can specify a higher number on the SECDATA command. The integration rule
used is Simpson's Rule. (NUMPT is not used by SHELL131 and SHELL132.)
Support sections are referenced by SOLID185 and SOLID186 elements.
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1416 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Thermal Structural
VAL1 = Multiplication factor for KXX VAL1 = Multiplication factor for EX
VAL4 = Multiplication factor for DENS VAL4 = Multiplication factor for GXY
The multiplication factors are homogenization factors, and in each direction reflect the ratio of the
support area projected onto the area of a fully solid support.
Values default to 1.0.
Y and Z values default to X values.
GXY value defaults to EX value, GYZ to EY, and GXZ to EZ.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1417
Tapered sections are referenced by BEAM188, BEAM189 and ELBOW290 elements. After specifying the
tapered section type (SECTYPE (p. 1433),,TAPER), issue separate SECDATA commands to define each end
of the tapered beam or pipe.
Sec_IDn = Previously defined beam or pipe section at ends 1 and 2.
XLOC, YLOC, ZLOC = The location of Sec_IDn in the global Cartesian coordinate
For more information about tapered beams and pipes, including assumptions and example command
input, see Defining a Tapered Beam or Pipe in the Structural Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Axis>Add
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Axis>Edit
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Beam>Common Sections
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Beam>Taper Sections>By Picked Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Beam>Taper Sections>By XYZ Location
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Contact>Add
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Contact>Edit
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Joints>Add / Edit
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Link>Add
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Link>Edit
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Pipe>Add
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Pipe>Edit
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Reinforcing>Add / Edit
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Shell>Lay-up>Add / Edit
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1418 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Name of table parameter or array parameter for specifying thickness.
Interpretation pattern for array parameters.
The SECFUNCTION command is associated with the section most recently defined via the SEC-
TYPE (p. 1433) command.
A table parameter can define tabular thickness as a function of coordinates. Alternatively, you can use
an array parameter (indexed by node number) that expresses the function to be mapped. (See PATTERN
of NOD2 for array content.) Enclose the table or array name in percent signs (%) (SECFUNCTION,%table-
The table or array defines the total shell thickness at any point in space. In multilayered sections, the
total thickness and each layer thickness are scaled accordingly.
Refer to the *DIM (p. 435) command for interpreting a table in a local coordinate system.
When PATTERN = NOD2, TABLE should be a 2-D array parameter (where column 1 contains node
numbers and column 2 contains the corresponding thicknesses) that expresses the function to be
Specify PATTERN when TABLE is an array parameter only (and not when it is a table parameter or a
single value).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Shell>Lay-up>Add / Edit
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1419
Keyword that indicates the type of joint element data being defined.
LSYS or blank
Define local coordinate systems at the nodes that form the MPC184 joint element.
Define the relative degrees of freedom to be fixed for an MPC184-General joint element.
Define the pitch of an MPC184-Screw joint element.
Define the geometric quantities required for Coulomb frictional behavior in the MPC184-Revolute or
MPC184-Translational joint element.
If Kywrd = LSYS (or blank), Val1 and Val2 are Identifiers of the local coordinate systems at nodes
I and J, respectively, of the joint element. Val3 through Val6 are not used.
If Kywrd = RDOF, Val1 through Val6 are the relative degrees of freedom to be fixed for a general
joint element. Input 1 for UX, 2 for UY, 3 for UZ, 4 for ROTX, 5 for ROTY, and 6 for ROTZ. You may
input the DOFs in any order.
If Kywrd = PITC, Val1 is the pitch of the screw joint element; pitch is defined as the ratio of relative
axial displacement (length units) to relative rotation (in radians). Val2 through Val6 are not used.
Use this command to define additional section data for MPC184 joint elements. To overwrite the current
values, issue another SECJOINT command with the same Kywrd value. The data input on this command
is interpreted based on the most recently issued SECTYPE (p. 1433) command.
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1420 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Joints>Add / Edit
Sets the read path (default).
Reports the current section library path setting to the Jobname.LOG file.
Defines the directory path from which to read section library files.
When the SECREAD (p. 1430) command is issued without a directory path, the command searches for a
section library in the following order:
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Section Library>Library Path
Local degree of freedom to be locked.
Low end of the range of allowed movement for the specified DOF.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1421
High end of the range of allowed movement for the specified DOF.
Specify up to three DOFs to be locked. Locks are activated when the limit values are reached, and further
motion in that DOF is frozen. If necessary, you may repeat the command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Joints>Add / Edit
If Kywrd = NORM, command format is SECMODIF,SECID, NORM, NX, NY, NZ, KCN
Unique section number. This number must already be assigned to a section.
Keyword specifying that the command will modify the pretension section normal direction.
Specifies the individual normal components to modify.
Coordinate system number. This can be either 0 (Global Cartesian), 1 (Global Cylindrical) 2 (Global Spher-
ical), 4 (Working Plane), 5 (Global Y Axis Cylindrical) or an arbitrary reference number assigned to a coordinate
Unique section number. This number must already be assigned to a section.
Action key that instructs the command to change the name of the specified pretension section.
The new name to be assigned to the pretension section.
The SECMODIF command either modifies the normal for a specified pretension section, or changes the
name of the specified pretension surface.
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1422 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Pretension>Modify Name
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Pretension>Modify Normal
Sets the element section attribute pointer.
PREP7 (p. 20): Cross Sections (p. 33)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Defines the section ID number to be assigned to the subsequently-defined elements. Defaults to 1. See
SECTYPE (p. 1433) for more information about the section ID number.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh Attributes>Default Attribs
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Elem Attributes
The SECOFFSET command is divided into four types: Beams (p. 1424), Pipes (p. 1425), Shells (p. 1425), and
Preintegrated General Shells (p. 1425).
The offsets defined by the SECOFFSET command are associated with the section most recently defined
using the SECTYPE (p. 1433) command. Not all SECOFFSET location values are valid for each subtype.
For the thermal shell elements, SHELL131 and SHELL132, the node offset specified by SECOFFSET is
used in thermal contact analyses. Otherwise, the SECOFFSET command has no effect on the solution
for these elements and is used only for visualization purposes.
This command is not valid with thermal solid elements SOLID278 and SOLID279.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1423
Type: BEAM
Argument data to provide:
Beam node will be offset to centroid (default).
Beam node will be offset to shear center.
Beam node will be offset to origin of the cross section.
Beam node will be offset to the location specified by the OFFSETY and OFFSETZ arguments.
Values that locate the node with respect to the default origin of the cross section when the Location
argument is set to USER. Valid only when USER is set.
The following figure illustrates the offsets for a channel cross section, and shows the relative locations
of SHRC and CENT.
This option should only be used by advanced users modeling composite cross sections.
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1424 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Type: PIPE
Argument data to provide:
Values that locate the node with respect to the center of the pipe.
Argument data to provide:
Location, OFFSET
TOP --
Shell node will be offset to top of the section.
MID --
Shell node will be offset to midplane of the section (default).
BOT --
Shell node will be offset to bottom of the section.
Shell node will be offset to the location specified by OFFSET.
Value that locates the node with respect to the default origin (midplane) of the section. Valid only when
Location = USER.
The offset alters only the reference surface of the shell elements (that is, where the nodes are located).
It does not change the physical dimensions of the shell itself; the volume and mass remain constant
when an offset is specified.
Type: GENS
Argument data to provide:
Location, OFFSET
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1425
MID --
Shell node will be offset to midplane of the section (default).
Shell node will be offset to the location specified by OFFSET.
Value that locates the node with respect to the default origin (midplane) of the section. Valid only when
Location = USER.
The offset alters only the reference surface of the shell elements (that is, where the nodes are located).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Beam>Common Sections
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Beam>Custom Sections>Read Sect Mesh
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Pipe>Add
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Pipe>Edit
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Shell>Lay-up>Add / Edit
The section ID number (as defined via the SECTYPE (p. 1433) command).
The SECPLOT command is valid only for "Beams and Pipes" (p. 1426), "Shells" (p. 1428), and "Reinfor-
cings" (p. 1429).
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1426 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Beam or pipe section mesh display options:
0 --
Display section outline only.
1 --
Display beam or pipe section mesh.
2 --
Display the section mesh with node numbers.
3 --
Display the section mesh with cell numbers.
4 --
Display the section mesh with material numbers and colors.
5 --
Display the section mesh with material colors only.
6 --
Display the section mesh with the RST node numbers. RST nodes are section corner nodes where results
are available. This is applicable when the averaged results format (KEYOPT(15) = 0 for BEAM188,
BEAM189, PIPE288, and PIPE289) is used.
7 --
Display the section mesh with the RST cell numbers. RST cells are section cells where results are available.
This is applicable when the non-averaged results format (KEYOPT(15) = 1 for BEAM188, BEAM189,
PIPE288, and PIPE289) is used.
Options 2 through 6 do not depict centroid and shear center, nor do they list section properties.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1427
Plots the layer arrangement of the shell section showing the layer material and orientation.
The range of layer numbers to be displayed. If LAYR1 is greater than LAYR2, a reversed order display is
produced. Up to 20 layers may be displayed at the same time. LAYR1 defaults to 1. LAYR2 defaults to
LAYR1 if LAYR1 is input or to the number of layers (or to 19+LAYR1, if smaller) if LAYR1 is not input.
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1428 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Plots the arrangement of a reinforcing (p. 1406) section within the base element.
OVERLAY -- The section ID of the base element within which to display the reinforcing section. The
section appears translucent and the reinforcing section is solid. Valid values are:
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1429
For more information about reinforcing, see the documentation for the SECDATA (p. 1397) command,
and the REINF264 and REINF265 elements.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Beam>Plot Section
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Pipe>Plot Section
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Reinforcing>Plot Section
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Shell>Lay-up>Plot Section
Section library file name and directory path containing the section library file (248 characters maximum,
including directory). If you do not specify a directory path, it will default to your working directory and
you can use all 248 characters for the file name.
When the SECREAD command is given without a directory path, the command searches for a section
library in the following order:
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
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1430 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Unused field.
Reads in a library of sections and their associated section data values; the default. A section library may
be created by editing the section-defining portions of the Jobname.LOG file and saving it with a
.SECT suffix.
Reads in a user mesh section file containing the cell connectivity, cell flags, and nodal coordinates
for the current beam section of subtype MESH as defined by SECTYPE (p. 1433). See the
"Notes" (p. 1431) section of this command description for details about user mesh section files.
SECWRITE (p. 1439) builds mesh files based on 2-D models you create.
The SECREAD command operates on the section specified via the most recently issued SECTYPE
command. Issue a separate SECREAD command for each section ID that you want to read in.
First Line: 75 13
Cells Section: 1 3 25 23 2 14 24 12 13 1
3 5 27 25 4 16 26 14 15 1
5 7 29 27 6 18 28 16 17 1
7 9 31 29 8 20 30 18 19 1
9 11 33 31 10 22 32 20 21 1
23 25 45 43 24 36 44 34 35 1
49 51 73 71 50 62 72 60 61 1
51 53 75 73 52 64 74 62 63 1
0 0.0 0.0
0 0.025 0.0
0 0.05 0.0
0 5.0175 0.0
Nodes ...
0 19.98 10.00
Section: 0 20.00 10.00
The mesh file is divided into three sections: the First Line, the Cells Section, and the Nodes Section.
Here are brief descriptions of the contents of each.
First Line: The First Line defines the number of nodes and the number of cells for the mesh.
Cells Section: The Cells Section contains as many lines as there are cells. In this example, there are
thirteen cells, so there are thirteen lines in this section. In each line, the number “1” that follows the
cell connectivity information is the material number.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1431
Cell nodal connectivity must be given in a counterclockwise direction, with the center node being the
ninth node. For details, see Figure 14: Cell Mesh for the Two-hole Box Section (p. 1432).
Nodes Section: The Nodes Section contains as many lines as there are nodes. In this example, there
are 75 nodes, so there are a total of 75 lines in this section. Each node line contains the node's boundary
flag, the Y coordinate of the node, and the Z coordinate of the node. Currently, all node boundary flags
appear as 0s in a cell mesh file (as illustrated in Figure 13: Two-hole Box Section (p. 1432)). Since all node
boundary flags are 0, SECREAD ignores them when it reads a cell mesh file into ANSYS.
There cannot be any gaps in the node numbering of a cell mesh. The nodes in a cell mesh must be
numbered consecutively, with the first node having a node number of 1, and the last node having a
node number that is equal to the maximum number of nodes in the cell mesh.
54 64
43 53
34 42
23 33
12 22
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Beam>Custom Sections>Read Sect Mesh
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Section Library>Import Library
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1432 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Local degree of freedom to be stopped.
Low end of the range of allowed movement for the specified DOF.
High end of the range of allowed movement for the specified DOF.
Stops restrict motion in a DOF; motion beyond the MINVALUE or MAXVALUE is prevented (motion away
from a limit is allowed). You can specify up to three stops. If necessary, you can repeat the command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Joints>Add / Edit
Section identification number. If SECID is blank or zero, the SECID number is incremented by one from
the highest section ID number currently defined in the database. (See Notes (p. 1436) for SECID input spe-
cific to general contact.)
Define the axis for a general axisymmetric section.
Defines a beam section. This option has a Subtype.
Defines a composite (temperature-dependent) beam section. This option has a Subtype.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1433
Defines a contact section. This option has a Subtype.
Defines a nonlinear general (temperature-dependent) beam section. This option has a Subtype.
Defines a preintegrated general (temperature-dependent) shell section.
Defines a joint section. This option has a Subtype.
Defines a link section.
Defines a pipe section.
Defines a pretension section.
Defines a reinforcing section. This option has a Subtype.
Defines a shell section.
Additive manufacturing support. This option has a Subtype.
Defines a tapered beam or pipe section. The sections at the end points must be topologically identical.
When Type = BEAM, the possible beam sections that can be defined for Subtype are:
RECT Rectangle
QUAD Quadrilateral
CSOLID Circular solid
CTUBE Circular tube
CHAN Channel
I I-shaped section
Z Z-shaped section
L L-shaped section
T T-shaped section
HATS Hat-shaped section
HREC Hollow rectangle or box
ASEC Arbitrary section -- integrated cross-section inertia
properties supplied by user
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1434 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The following figure shows the shape of each cross section subtype:
When Type = COMB, the only possible composite-beam section that can be defined for Subtype
MATRIX Matrix.
When Type = CONTACT, the possible contact sections that can be defined for Subtype are:
When Type = GENB, the possible nonlinear general beam sections that can be defined for Subtype
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1435
When Type = JOINT, the possible joint sections that can be defined for Subtype are:
When Type = REINF, the possible reinforcing sections that can be defined for Subtype are:
When Type = SUPPORT, the possible support sections that can be defined for Subtype are:
An eight-character name for the section. Name can be a string such as "W36X210" or "HP13X73" for beam
sections. Section name can consist of letters and numbers, but cannot contain punctuation, special char-
acters, or spaces.
Sets mesh refinement level for thin-walled beam sections. Valid values are 0 (the default - no mesh refine-
ment) through 5 (high level of mesh refinement). This value has meaning only when Type = BEAM.
SECTYPE sets the section ID number, section type, and subtype for a section. A previously-defined
section with the same identification number will be redefined. The geometry data describing this section
type is defined by a subsequent SECDATA (p. 1397) command. Define the offsets (if applicable) by a
subsequent SECOFFSET (p. 1423) command. The SLIST (p. 1516) command lists the section properties, and
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1436 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
the SECPLOT (p. 1426) command displays the section to scale. The SECNUM (p. 1423) command assigns
the section ID number to any subsequently-defined elements.
When defining a section for contact elements (Type = CONTACT) that are used in a general contact
definition, a section number representing a general contact surface can be specified. Alternatively, you
may define a subset of a region by inputting a valid label for SECID (ALL_EDGE, ALL_FACE, ALL_VERT,
ALL_TOP,or ALL_BOT), or by inputting a node component name with or without a component name
extension (_EDGE, _FACE, _VERT, _TOP, or _BOT). For more information, see Applying Surface Geometry
Correction in the Contact Technology Guide.
For a nonlinear general beam section (Type = GENB), the Subtype and REFINEKEY options do not
apply. Subsequent commands are necessary to define the section: BSAX (p. 236), BSM1 (p. 237),
BSM2 (p. 238), BSTQ (p. 242), BSS1 (p. 240), BSS2 (p. 241), BSMD (p. 237), and BSTE (p. 242) are available.
All other section commands are ignored for this section type.
For a preintegrated composite-beam section (Type = COMB), the REFINEKEY options do not apply.
Subsequent commands are necessary to define the section: CBTMP (p. 253), CBMX (p. 252), CBMD (p. 251),
and CBTE (p. 253) are available. All other section commands are ignored for this section type.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1437
reinforcing surface (Subtype = SMEAR). When referenced by a MESH200 element, only one
SECDATA (p. 1397) command is valid.
Product Restrictions
ANSYS Mechanical Pro SECTYPE,COMB is not valid.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Axis>Add
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Axis>Edit
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Beam>Common Sections
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Beam>Composite Sections
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Beam>Custom Sections>Read Sect Mesh
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Beam>NL Generalized
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Beam>Taper Sections>By Picked Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Beam>Taper Sections>By XYZ Location
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Contact>Add
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Contact>Edit
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Joints>Add / Edit
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Link>Add
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Link>Edit
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Pipe>Add
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Pipe>Edit
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Reinforcing>Add / Edit
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Shell>Lay-up>Add / Edit
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Shell>Pre-integrated
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1438 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
Element type attribute pointer (ET (p. 571)) for the elements that are part of the section. See SECREAD (p. 1430)
for a detailed description.
Before creating a user mesh file, first create a model using 2-D meshing. Use PLANE183 or MESH200
with KEYOPT(1) = 7 (quadrilateral with 8 nodes option) to model the cells. SECWRITE creates an ASCII
file that contains information about the nodes and cells that describe a beam section. For detailed in-
formation on how to create a user mesh file, see Creating Custom Cross Sections with a User-defined
Mesh in the Structural Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Beam>Custom Sections>Write From Areas
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1439
The component name corresponding to the group of excited nodes. Only applies to base excitation multi-
point response spectrum analysis (SPOPT (p. 1552), MPRS) and power spectral density analysis (SPOPT (p. 1552),
PSD). Defaults to no component.
In single-point response spectrum analysis (SPOPT (p. 1552),SPRS), the excitation direction without rocking
(ROCK (p. 1364)) is normalized to one so that the SEDX, SEDY, and SEDZ values do not scale the spectrum.
The excitation direction with rocking is not normalized. The SEDX, SEDY, and SEDZ values must be
consistent with the linear components of OMX, OMY, and OMZ values on the ROCK (p. 1364) command.
The calculated direction then scales the spectrum. For more information, see Participation Factors and
Mode Coefficients.
In multi-point response spectrum analysis (SPOPT (p. 1552),MPRS) and power spectral density analysis
(SPOPT (p. 1552),PSD), the excitation direction is normalized to one so that the SEDX, SEDY, and SEDZ
values do not scale the spectrum. The component name (Cname) is required. The constraints corres-
ponding to the excitation direction are applied to the component nodes.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>DDAM Options
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>MultiPt>Settings
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>PSD>Settings
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>SinglePt>Settings
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>DDAM Options
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>MultiPt>Settings
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>PSD>Settings
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>SinglePt>Settings
Name of the superelement in Jobname.DSUB to be listed. If a number, it is the element number of the
superelement as used in the use pass. If ALL, list results for all superelements.
List key:
List summary data only.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1440 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
List full contents. Be aware that the listing may be extensive.
Lists the degree of freedom solution of a superelement after the substructure use pass. Results may be
listed for any superelement on File.DSUB.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>List Results>Superelem DOF
Utility Menu>List>Results>Superelem DOF Solu
The name (case-sensitive) of the superelement matrix file created by the substructure generation pass
(Sename.SUB). Defaults to the initial jobname File. If a number, it is the element number of the super-
element as used in the use pass.
The name of the file containing the superelement degree-of-freedom (DOF) solution created by the sub-
structure use pass (Usefil.DSUB).
Key to specify use of the imaginary component of the DOF solution. Applicable only if the use pass is a
harmonic (ANTYPE (p. 140),HARMIC) analysis:
Use real component of DOF solution (default).
Use imaginary component of DOF solution.
If all solutions are to be expanded (NUMEXP (p. 1078),ALL), Imagky is ignored and both
the real and imaginary solutions are expanded.
Key to specify whether the superelement (ANTYPE (p. 140),SUBSTR) expansion pass (EXPASS (p. 595),ON)
should transform the geometry:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1441
Do not transform node or element locations (default).
Transform node or element locations in the FE geometry record of the .rst results file.
Specifies options for the expansion pass of the substructure analysis (ANTYPE (p. 140),SUBSTR). If used
in SOLUTION, this command is valid only within the first load step.
If you specify geometry transformation (Expopt = ON), you must retrieve the transformation matrix
(if it exists) from the specified .SUB file. The command updates the nodal X, Y, and Z coordinates to
represent the transformed node locations. The Expopt option is useful when you want to expand su-
perelements created from other superelements (via SETRAN (p. 1462) or SESYMM (p. 1452) commands).
For more information, see Superelement Expansion in Transformed Locations and Plotting or Printing
Mode Shapes.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>ExpansionPass>Single Expand>Expand
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>ExpansionPass>Single Expand>Expand Superelem
Storage key:
Store subsequent display in a single segment (overwrites last storage).
Store subsequent displays in unique segments [ANIM (p. 123)].
Delete all currently stored segments.
Stop storing display data in segments.
Display segment status.
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1442 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
This option only applies to PC versions of ANSYS and only when animating via the AVI movie player
(i.e., /DEVICE (p. 429),ANIM,2). This command appends frames to the File.AVI, so that the animation
goes in both directions (i.e., forward--backward--forward). You must have a current animation file to
use this option.
Name of the animation file that will be created when each frame is saved. The .AVI extension is applied
automatically. Defaults to Jobname.AVI if no filename is specified.
Delay factor between each frame, in seconds. Defaults to 0.015 seconds if no value is specified.
Command Default
No segment storage.
Allows graphics data to be stored in the terminal local memory (device-dependent). Storage occurs
concurrently with the display.
Although the information from your graphics window is stored as an individual segment, you cannot
plot directly (GPLOT (p. 732)) from the segment memory.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Redirect Plots>Delete Segments
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Redirect Plots>Segment Status
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Redirect Plots>To Segment Memory
The name (case-sensitive) of the superelement matrix file created by the substructure generation pass
(Sename.SUB). Defaults to the current Jobname. If a number, it is the element number of the superelement
as used in the use pass.
List key:
List summary data only.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1443
List contents, except load vectors and matrices.
List contents, except matrices.
List full contents. Be aware that the listing may be extensive.
Integer printout format key:
Long format for large integers.
This command is valid in any processor.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Other>Superelem Data
Specifies "Superelements" as the subsequent status topic.
PREP7 (p. 20): Status (p. 32)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>Preprocessor>Superelements
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1444 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Sets the tolerance for subsequent select operations.
DATABASE (p. 11): Selecting (p. 11)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Tolerance value. If blank, restores the default tolerance logic.
For selects based on non-integer numbers (e.g. coordinates, results, etc.), items within the range VMIN
- Toler and VMAX + Toler are selected, where VMIN and VMAX are the range values input on the
xSEL commands (ASEL (p. 166) (p. 166), ESEL (p. 548) (p. 548), KSEL (p. 828) (p. 828), LSEL (p. 896) (p. 896),
NSEL (p. 1057) (p. 1057), and VSEL (p. 1805) (p. 1805)).
The default tolerance logic is based on the relative values of VMIN and VMAX as follows:
This command is typically used when VMAX-VMIN is very large so that the computed default tolerance
is therefore large and the xSEL commands selects more than what is desired.
Toler remains active until respecified by a subsequent SELTOL command. A SELTOL < blank > resets
back to the default Toler logic.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Option to be performed:
Criterion for transitioning from the semi-implicit solution phase to the implicit solution phase.
Selective mass scaling factor used during the semi-implicit solution phase.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1445
Safety factor for time incrementation used during the semi-implicit solution phase.
Automatic time stepping and bisection controls used during the semi-implicit solution phase.
Bulk viscosity controls used during the semi-implicit solution phase.
Output and restart file frequency used during the semi-implicit solution phase.
Additional input; varies depending on the Option value. See table below.
Additional input; varies depending on the Option and Type values. See table below.
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1446 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
1. The default time increment (1e-4)*(total step time) is based on the total step time for the load step in which
the solution transitions to the semi-implicit phase.
2. The frequencies specified by Option = EFRQ are based on all substeps, starting from the beginning of
the analysis and spanning both the implicit and semi-implicit solution phases. For example, during the
semi-implicit solution phase results are written for any substep that is divisible by the specified OUTR value.
Command Default
By default, the semi-implicit method is not used.
If the SEMIIMPLICIT command is issued with no arguments specified, the semi-implicit scheme is activ-
ated with the following defaults:
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1447
This command triggers a semi-implicit solution scheme in which the analysis transitions to a semi-im-
plicit solution method when the implicit solution method fails to converge. The command is valid only
in the solution processor (/SOLU (p. 1537)) and must be defined before the first SOLVE (p. 1538) command.
The SEMIIMPLICIT command can be used in a restart, even if the base analysis did not include the
command. Therefore, a problem that failed in the implicit analysis can be restarted with this command
so that it can transition to the semi-implicit method and solve further.
The SEMIIMPLICIT command can overwrite the values on some commands, as described in the following
Commands Behavior
Affected by
NSUBST (p. 1073)
During the semi-implicit solution phase, the
and time incrementation does not follow that
DELTIM (p. 422)set by the NSUBST (p. 1073) and
DELTIM (p. 422) commands.
the SEMIIMPLICIT command is issued,
the ETCONTROL (p. 582) command is
OUTRES (p. 1115)
During the semi-implicit solution phase, the
frequency for writing results specified by
the OUTRES (p. 1115) command is ignored,
unless a negative number was specified on
OUTRES (p. 1115).
1331)the semi-implicit solution phase, the
restart file writing frequency specified by
the RESCONTROL (p. 1331) command is
ignored, unless a negative number was
specified on RESCONTROL (p. 1331).
AUTOTS (p. 179)During the semi-implicit solution phase,
automatic time incrementation is on,
irrespective of what was specified on
AUTOTS (p. 179).
367) the semi-implicit solution phase, the
CUTCONTROL (p. 367) command is ignored.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1448 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Item to be calculated:
Stored magnetic energy.
Stored magnetic co-energy.
Analysis type:
Static or transient.
SENERGY invokes an ANSYS macro which calculates the stored magnetic energy or co-energy for all
selected elements. (For a harmonic analysis, the macro calculates a time-averaged (rms) stored energy.)
A summary table listing the energy by material number is produced. The energy density is also calculated
and stored on a per-element basis in the element table [ETABLE (p. 572)] with the label MG_ENG (energy
density) or MG_COENG (co-energy density). The macro erases all other items in the element table
[ETABLE (p. 572)] and only retains the energy density or co-energy density. Use the PLETAB (p. 1179) and
PRETAB (p. 1243) commands to plot and list the energy density. The macro is valid for static and low-
frequency magnetic field formulations. The macro will not calculate stored energy and co-energy for
the following cases:
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Elec&Mag Calc>Element Based>Co-Energy
Main Menu>General Postproc>Elec&Mag Calc>Element Based>Energy
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1449
The name (case-sensitive, 32-character maximum) assigned to the .sub superelement matrix file. This
field defaults to Fname on the /FILNAME (p. 630) command.
Matrix generation key:
Generate stiffness (or conductivity) matrix (default).
Generate stiffness and mass (or conductivity and specific heat) matrices.
Generate stiffness, mass and damping matrices.
Print key:
Do not print superelement matrices or load vectors.
Print both load vectors and superelement matrices.
Print load vectors but not matrices.
Stress-stiffening key:
Do not save space for stress stiffening in a later run.
Save space for the stress stiffening matrix (calculated in a subsequent generation run after the expansion
Expansion method for expansion pass:
Save necessary factorized matrix files (for example, the .LN22 file) for backsubstitution during the sub-
sequent expansion passes (default). This normally results in a large usage of disk space.
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1450 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
This is the same expansion method as BACKSUB, except that the static correction vectors (see the first term
of Equation 15.135 in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference) are stored on the .bclv file instead of the
.LN22 file. This option is required when remote read-only file usage is used during the first solution of
the first restart of a generation pass (see the MODDIR (p. 946) command).
Do not save factorized matrix files. Global stiffness matrix will be reformed during expansion pass. This
option provides an effective way to save disk space usage. This option cannot be used if the use pass uses
large deflections (NLGEOM (p. 1028),ON).
Do not save factorized matrix files. With this option, the expansion pass is not possible when factorized
matrix files are required.
Do not save factorized matrix files. The static correction vectors (see the first term of Equation 15.135 in
the Theory Reference) are stored in the .bclv file. With this option, the expansion pass is not possible
when factorized matrix files are required.
For the added-mass calculation, the ocean level to use when ocean waves (OCTYPE (p. 1104),,WAVE) are
The ocean level at this point in time (default).
The mean ocean level.
SEOPT specifies substructure analysis options (ANTYPE (p. 140),SUBSTR). If used during solution, the
command is valid only within the first load step.
When ocean waves (OCTYPE (p. 1104),,WAVE) are present, the SeOcLvL argument specifies the ocean
height or level to use for the added-mass calculation, as the use-run analysis type is unknown during
the generation run.
The expansion pass method RESOLVE is not supported with component mode synthesis analysis (CM-
SOPT (p. 313)). ExpMth is automatically set to BACKSUB for CMS analysis. The RESOLVE method invalidates
the use of the NUMEXP (p. 1078) command. The RESOLVE method does not allow the restarting of the
substructure generation pass and the computation of results based on nodal velocity and nodal accel-
eration (damping force, inertial force, kinetic energy, etc.) in the substructure expansion pass.
If ExpMth = NONE or BCLV in a substructure analysis or component mode synthesis (CMS) analysis
(CMSOPT (p. 313)) using the fixed-interface (CMSOPT (p. 313),FIX) or free-interface (CMSOPT (p. 313),FREE)
methods, you cannot restart the generation pass or perform the expansion pass. (In CMS analyses using
those methods, however, the expansion pass is possible when element-results calculation is activated
in the generation pass (ELCALC = YES on CMSOPT (p. 313))). The ExpMth argument is not required for
CMS analysis using the residual-flexible free-interface method (CMSOPT (p. 313),RFFB).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1451
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
The name (case-sensitive) of the superelement matrix file created by the substructure generation pass
(Sename.SUB). Defaults to the current Jobname. If a number, it is the element number of a previously
defined superelement in the current use pass.
Symmetry key:
X symmetry (default).
Y symmetry.
Z symmetry.
Increment all nodes in the superelement by INC.
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
Performs a symmetry operation on a superelement within the substructure use pass by reversing the
sign of component Ncomp in the global Cartesian coordinate system. The node numbers are incremented
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1452 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
by INC. The new superelement is written to File.SUB in the current directory (by default). All master
node nodal coordinate systems must be global Cartesian (no rotated nodes allowed).
The maximum number of transformations for a given superelement is five (including SETRAN (p. 1462),
SESYMM, and the large rotation transformation if NLGEOM (p. 1028) is ON in the use pass).
This command is not supported if the original superelement matrix was created in a component mode
synthesis analysis generation pass with the element results calculation activated (Elcalc = YES on
CMSOPT (p. 313)).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Superelem>By Reflection
Assigns values to user-named parameters.
APDL (p. 17): Parameters (p. 17)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Argument Descriptions
An alphanumeric name used to identify this parameter. Par can contain up to 32 characters, beginning
with a letter and containing only letters, numbers, and underscores. Examples: ABC A3X TOP_END
Command names, function names, label names, component and assembly names, etc., are invalid,
as are parameter names beginning with an underscore (for example, _LOOP).
Parameter names ending in an underscore are not listed by the *STATUS (p. 1574) command. Array
parameter names must be followed by a subscript, and the entire expression must be 32 characters
or less. Examples: A(1,1) NEW_VAL(3,2,5) RESULT(1000)
There is no character parameter substitution for the Par field. Table parameters used in command
fields (where constant values are normally given) are limited to 32 characters.
Numerical value or alphanumeric character string (up to 32 characters enclosed in single quotes) to be
assigned to this parameter. Examples: A(1,3)=7.4 B='ABC3' Can also be a parameter or a parametric
expression. Examples: C=A(1,3) A(2,2)=(C+4)/2. If VALUE is the table array name, the subscripts
are the values of the primary variables and the table is evaluated at these specified index values.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1453
Assigns values to user-named parameters that can be substituted later in the run. The equivalent (and
recommended) format is
which can be used in place of *SET (p. 1453),Par, ... for convenience.
Parameter Definitions
Parameters (numeric or character) can be scalars (single valued) or arrays (multiple valued in one, two,
or three dimensions). An unlimited number of parameter names can be defined in any run. For very
large numbers of parameters, it is most efficient to define them in alphabetical order.
Parameter values can be redefined at any time. Array parameters can also be assigned values within a
do-loop (*DO (p. 467)) for convenience. Internally programmed do-loop commands are also available
with the *VXX commands (*VFILL (p. 1756)). Parameter values (except for parameters ending in an un-
derscore) can be listed with the *STATUS (p. 1574) command, displayed with the *VPLOT (p. 1789) command
(numeric parameters only), and modified with the *VEDIT (p. 1752) command (numeric parameters only).
Older program-provided macro files can use parameter names that do not begin with an underscore.
Using these macros embedded in your own macros may cause conflicts if the same parameter names
are used.
Parameters can also be resolved in comments created by the /COM (p. 334) command (see /COM (p. 334)
for complete documentation). A parameter can be deleted by redefining it with a blank VALUE. If the
parameter is an array, the entire array is deleted. Parameters can also be defined by a response to a
query with the *ASK (p. 77) command or from an "ANSYS-supplied" value with the *GET (p. 667) com-
Array Parameters
Array parameters must be dimensioned (*DIM (p. 435)) before being assigned values unless they are
the result of an array operation or defined using the implied loop convention.
Undefined scalar parameters are initialized to a near-zero value. Numeric array parameters are initialized
to zero when dimensioned, and character array parameters are initialized to blank.
Array parameter names must be followed by a subscript list (enclosed in parentheses) identifying the
element of the array. The subscript list can have one, two, or three values (separated by commas).
Typical array parameter elements are A(1,1), NEW_VAL(3,2,5), RESULT(1000). Subscripts for defining an
array element must be integers (or parameter expressions that evaluate to integers). Non-integer values
are rounded to the nearest integer value.
All array parameters are stored as 3-D arrays with the unspecified dimensions set to 1. For example, the
4th array element of a 1-dimensional array, A(4), is stored as array element A(4,1,1).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1454 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
A forced substitution is available in the text fields of the /TITLE (p. 1682), /STITLE (p. 1577), /TLABEL (p. 1683),
/AN3D (p. 112), /SYP (p. 1599) (ARG1--ARG8), and *ABBR (p. 75) commands by enclosing the parameter
within percent (%) signs. Also, parameter substitution can be forced within the file name or extension
fields of commands having these fields by enclosing the parameter within percent (%) signs. Array
parameters (*DIM (p. 435)) must include a subscript (within parentheses) to identify the array element
whose value is to be substituted, such as A(1,3). Out-of-range subscripts result in an error message.
Non-integer subscripts are allowed when identifying a TABLE array element for substitution. A propor-
tional linear interpolation of values among the nearest array elements is performed before substitution.
Interpolation is done in all three dimensions.
Interpolation is based upon the assigned index numbers which must be defined when the
table is filled (*DIM (p. 435)).
Parameter Expressions
If a parameter operation expression is input in a numeric argument, the numeric value of the expression
is substituted into the command at that point. Allowable operation expressions are of the form
E1oE2oE3 ...oE10
where E1, E2, etc. are expressions connected by operators (o). The allowable operations (o) are
+ - * / ** < >
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1455
For example, A+B**C/D*E is a valid operation expression. The * represents multiplication and the **
represents exponentiation.
Do not use spaces around operation symbols, as “ *” (a space and a star) makes the remainder of the
line a comment. Operation symbols (or symbols and signs) cannot be immediately adjacent to each
other. Parentheses can be used to separate symbols and signs, to determine a hierarchy of operations,
or for clarity. For example, use A**(-B) instead of A**-B. Numbers ending with +0nn or -0nn are assumed
to be of exponential form (as written on files by some computer systems) so that 123-002 is 123E-2
while 123-2 is 121. Avoid inputting this form of exponential data directly. The default hierarchy follows
the standard FORTRAN conventions, namely:
Expressions (E) can be a constant, a parameter, a function, or another operation expression (of the form
E1oE2oE3 ...oE10). Functions are of the form FTN(A) where the argument (A) can itself be of the form
E1oE2oE3 ...oE10. Operations are recursive to a level of four deep (three levels of internally nested par-
entheses). Iterative floating point parameter arithmetic should not be used for high precision input
because of the accumulated numerical round off-error. Up to 10 expressions are accepted within a set
of parenthesis.
Valid functions (which are based on standard FORTRAN functions where possible) are:
SIN(X) Sine
COS(X) Cosine
TAN(X) Tangent
ASIN(X) Arcsine
ACOS(X) Arccosine
ATAN(X) Arctangent
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1456 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Function arguments (X,Y, etc.) must be enclosed within parentheses and can be numeric values, para-
meters, or expressions. Input arguments for angular functions must evaluate to radians by default.
Output from angular functions are also in radians by default. See the *AFUN (p. 77) command to use
degrees instead of radians for the angular functions. See the *VFUN (p. 1762) command for applying
these parameter functions to a sequence of array elements. Additional functions, called "get functions"
are described with the *GET (p. 667) command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Parameters>Scalar Parameters
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1457
Load step number of the data set to be read (defaults to 1):
Read load step N.
Read the first data set (Sbstep and TIME are ignored).
Read the last data set (Sbstep and TIME are ignored).
Read the next data set (Sbstep and TIME are ignored). If at the last data set, the first data set will be
read as the next.
Read the previous data set (Sbstep and TIME are ignored). If at the first data set, the last data set
will be read as the previous.
Read the data set nearest to TIME (Sbstep is ignored). If TIME is blank, read the first data set.
Scan the results file and list a summary of each load step. (KIMG, TIME, ANGLE, and NSET are ignored.)
Substep number (within Lstep). Defaults to the last substep of the load step (except in a buckling or
modal analysis). For a buckling (ANTYPE (p. 140),BUCKLE) or modal (ANTYPE (p. 140),MODAL) analysis,
Sbstep corresponds to the mode number. Specify Sbstep = LAST to store the last substep for the specified
load step (that is, issue a SET,Lstep,LAST command).
If Lstep = LIST, Sbstep = 0 or 1 lists the basic step information. Sbstep = 2 also lists the basic
step information, but includes the load step title, and labels imaginary data sets if they exist.
Scale factor applied to data read from the file. If zero (or blank), a value of 1.0 is used. A nonzero factor
excludes non-summable items.
Harmonic velocities or accelerations can be calculated from the displacement results from a modal
(ANTYPE (p. 140),MODAL) or harmonic (ANTYPE (p. 140),HARMIC) analysis. If Fact = VELO, the har-
monic velocities (v) are calculated from the displacements (d) at a particular frequency (f ) according
to the relationship v = 2 πfd. Similarly, if Fact = ACEL, the harmonic accelerations (a) are calculated
as a = (2 πf )2d.
If Lstep = LIST in an analysis using rezoning, Fact across all rezoning data sets is listed.
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1458 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Used only with complex results (harmonic and complex modal analyses).
0 or REAL
Store the real part of complex solution (default).
1, 2 or IMAG
Store the imaginary part of a complex solution.
3 or AMPL
Store the amplitude
4 or PHAS
Store the phase angle. The angle value, expressed in degrees, will be between -180° and +180°.
Time-point identifying the data set to be read. For a harmonic analyses, time corresponds to the frequency.
Used only in the following cases: If Lstep = NEAR, read the data set nearest to TIME. If both Lstep
and Sbstep are zero (or blank), read data set at time = TIME.
Do not use TIME to identify the data set to be read if you used the arc-length method
(ARCLEN (p. 151)) in your solution.
If TIME is between two solution time points on the results file, a linear interpolation is done between
the two data sets (except in rezoning).
Solution items not written to the results file (OUTRES (p. 1115)) for either data set will result in a null
item after data set interpolation.
If TIME is beyond the last time point on the file, the last time point will be used.
If TIME is between two solution time points and both Lstep and Sbstep are zero (or blank), no
interpolation is performed for the PRCINT (p. 1230)/PLCINT (p. 1168) commands. (That is, for results
generated by the CINT (p. 281) command, only the data set associated with the lower of the solution
time points is used.)
For harmonic elements (PLANE25, PLANE75, PLANE78, PLANE83, and SHELL61), ANGLE specifies the cir-
cumferential location (0.0 to 360°) used when reading from the results file. The harmonic factor (based on
the circumferential angle) is applied to the displacements and element results, and to the applied constraints
and loads which overwrites any values existing in the database. If ANGLE = NONE, all harmonic factors are
set to 1 and postprocessing yields the solution output.
When using ANGLE = NONE with MODE > 0, the combined stresses and strains are not valid.
The default value of ANGLE is 0.0; however if the SET command is not used, the effective default
is NONE.
For full harmonic analyses with the amplitude option (KIMG = 3 or AMPL), ANGLE is the prescribed
phase angle at which the amplitude is computed.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1459
Data set number of the data set to be read. If a positive value for NSET is entered, Lstep, Sbstep, KIMG,
and TIME are ignored. Available set numbers can be determined by SET,LIST.
Key to sort the harmonic index results. This option applies to cyclic symmetry buckling and modal analyses
only, and is valid only when Lstep = FIRST, LAST, NEXT, PREVIOUS, NEAR or LIST.
Sort the harmonic index results in ascending order of eigenfrequencies or buckling load multipliers.
No sorting takes place.
Defines the data set to be read from the results file into the database. Various operations may also be
performed during the read operation. The database must have the model geometry available (or use
the RESUME (p. 1338) command before the SET command to restore the geometry from Jobname.DB).
Values for applied constraints [D (p. 397)] and loads [F (p. 607)] in the database will be replaced by their
corresponding values on the results file, if available. (See the description of the OUTRES (p. 1115) com-
mand.) In a single load step analysis, these values are usually the same, except for results from harmonic
elements. (See the description of the ANGLE value above.)
In an interactive run, the sorted list (ORDER option) is also available for results-set reading via a GUI
pick option.
You can postprocess results without issuing a SET command if the solution results were saved to the
database file (Jobname.DB). Distributed ANSYS, however, can only postprocess using the results file
(for example, Jobname.RST) and cannot use the Jobname.DB file since no solution results are written
to the database. Therefore, you must issue a SET command or a RESCOMBINE (p. 1328) command before
postprocessing in Distributed ANSYS.
• The only appropriate coordinate system is the solution coordinate system (RSYS (p. 1383) ,SOLU). For layered
elements, a layer (LAYER (p. 845)) must also be specified. When displaying the displacement amplitudes, use
a contour display (PLNSOL (p. 1190) command). Because a deformed shape display (PLDISP (p. 1171) command)
could lead to a non-physical shape, the displacement scaling is off by default (/DSCALE (p. 474),,OFF).
• The conversion is not valid for averaged results, derived results (such as principal stress/strain, equivalent
stress/strain, and USUM), or summed results obtained using FSUM (p. 652), NFORCE (p. 1015), PRNLD (p. 1254),
and PRRFOR (p. 1264).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>List Results>Detailed Summary
Main Menu>General Postproc>List Results>Detailed Summary (Freq ordered)
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1460 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Gap separation.
Real constant set option.
Creates separate real constant sets for each selected element with the specified real constant values
Updates existing real constant sets. The gap separation is updated from displacement results in the
database. Other real constants are updated as specified in the command input parameters.
Unused field
Ambient pressure.
Accommodation factor 1 and 2.
Reference pressure for mean free path.
Mean free path.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1461
This command is used for large signal cases to update the gap separation real constant on a per-element
basis. Issue this command prior to solution using the default ROPT value to initialize real constant sets
for every fluid element. After a solution, you can re-issue the command to update the real constant set
for a subsequent analysis. See Introduction for more information on thin film analyses.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>Real Constants>ThinFilm
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Real Constants>ThinFilm
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Other>Real Constants>ThinFilm
SETRAN, Sename, KCNTO, INC, File, Ext, --, DX, DY, DZ, NOROT
Creates a superelement from an existing superelement.
PREP7 (p. 20): Superelements (p. 31)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
The name (case-sensitive) of the file containing the original superelement matrix created by the generation
pass (Sename.SUB). The default is the current Jobname. If Sename is a number, it is the element number
of a previously defined superelement in the current use pass.
The reference number of the coordinate system to where the superelement is to be transferred. The default
is the global Cartesian system. Transfer occurs from the active coordinate system.
The node offset. The default is zero. All new element node numbers are offset from those on the original
by INC.
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
Node location increments in the global Cartesian coordinate system. Defaults to zero.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1462 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Node rotation key (p. 1463):
The nodal coordinate systems of the transferred superelement rotate into the KCNTO system. (That is,
the nodal coordinate systems rotate with the superelement.) The superelement matrices remain un-
changed. This value is the default.
The nodal coordinate systems do not rotate. (That is, they remain fixed in their original global orienta-
tion.) The superelement matrices and load vectors are modified if any rotations occur.
The SETRAN command creates a superelement from an existing superelement and writes the new
element to a file. You can then issue an SE (p. 1393) command to read the new element (during the use
• Transferring the original's geometry from the active coordinate system into another coordinate system
• Offsetting its geometry in the global Cartesian coordinate system (DX, DY, and DZ )
A combination of methods is valid. If you specify both the geometry transfer and the geometry offset,
the transfer occurs first.
If you specify rotation of the transferred superelement's nodal coordinate systems into the KCNTO system
(NOROT = 0), the rotated nodes cannot be coupled via the CP (p. 348) command; in this case, issue the
CE (p. 259) command instead. If you specify no rotation of the nodal coordinate systems (NOROT = 1)
for models with displacement degrees of freedom, and KCNTO is not the active system, the superelement
Sename must have six MDOF at each node that has MDOF; therefore, only elements with all six struc-
tural DOFs are valid in such cases.
There is no limit to the number of copies that can be made of a superelement, provided the copies are
all generated from the same original superelement. However, nested copies are limited to five. In other
words, the total number of different Sename usages on the SETRAN and SESYMM (p. 1452) commands
is limited to five.
This command is not supported if the original superelement matrix was created in a component mode
synthesis analysis generation pass with the element results calculation activated (Elcalc = YES on
CMSOPT (p. 313)).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Superelem>By CS Transfer
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Superelem>By Geom Offset
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1463
Label assigned to results. If same as existing label, the existing values will be overwritten by these results.
First labeled result item in operation.
Second labeled result item in operation (may be blank).
Exponent applied to Lab1.
Exponent applied to Lab2.
Forms a labeled result item (see ETABLE (p. 572) command) for the selected elements by exponentiating
and multiplying two existing labeled result items according to the operation:
Roots, reciprocals, and divides may also be done with this command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Element Table>Exponentiate
Nodes defining the surface upon which the load is to be applied. Use the label ALL or P, or a component
name. If ALL, all selected nodes [NSEL (p. 1057)] are used (default). If P, graphical picking is enabled and all
remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI).
Valid surface load label. Load labels are listed under Surface Loads in the input table for each element
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1464 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
If you issue SFCONTROL (p. 1478) before SF, Lab is the face number for supported solid and shell
elements (p. 1480).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1465
2. For an acoustic analysis, apply the fluid-structure interaction flag (Label = FSI) to only the FLUID29,
FLUID30, FLUID220, and FLUID221 elements.
Surface load value or table name reference for specifying tabular boundary conditions.
If Lab = CONV:
VALUE is typically the film coefficient and VALUE2 (below) is typically the bulk temperature.
If VALUE = -N, the film coefficient may be a function of temperature and is determined
from the HF property table for material N [MP (p. 967)]. (See the SCOPT (p. 1391) command
for a way to override this option and use -N as the film coefficient.) The temperature used
to evaluate the film coefficient is usually the average between the bulk and wall temperat-
ures, but may be user-defined for some elements.
In a viscous-thermal acoustic analysis, if Lab = CONV, VALUE is the real part of the heat
flux and VALUE2 is the imaginary part of the heat flux.
If Lab = PORT, VALUE is a port number representing a waveguide exterior port. The port number
must be an integer between 1 and 50. For acoustic 2×2 transfer admittance matrix, the port number
can be any positive integer. The smaller port number corresponds to the port 1 of the 2×2 transfer
admittance matrix and the greater number corresponds to the port 2. If one port of the transfer
admittance matrix is connecting to the acoustic-structural interaction interface, the port number
corresponds to the port 2 of the transfer admittance matrix. A pair of ports of the 2×2 transfer ad-
mittance matrix must be defined in the same element. In an acoustic analysis, the positive port
number defines a transparent port, through which the reflected sound pressure wave propagates
to the infinity; the negative port number defines a vibro port that is the structural vibration surface.
If Lab = SHLD, VALUE is the surface normal velocity in harmonic analysis and the surface normal
acceleration in transient analysis.
If Lab = IMPD, VALUE is resistance in (N)(s)/m3 if VALUE > 0 and is conductance in mho if VALUE
< 0 for acoustic or harmonic response analyses. In acoustic transient analyses, VALUE2 is not used.
If Lab = RDSF, VALUE is the emissivity value; the following conditions apply: If VALUE is between
0 and 1, apply a single value to the surface. If VALUE= -N, the emissivity may be a function of the
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1466 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
temperature, and is determined from the EMISS property table for material N (MP (p. 967)). The
material N does not need to correlate with the underlying solid thermal elements.
If Lab = FSIN in a one-way structure-to-acoustic coupling, VALUE is the surface interface number.
Second surface load value (if any).
If Lab = PRES, this value is the imaginary pressure component used by the surface-element family
(SURF153, SURF154 and SURF159) and supported solid and shell elements (p. 1480). Supported ana-
lysis types in this case are:
If Lab = CONV, VALUE2 is the bulk temperature for thermal analyses. For viscous-thermal acoustics
VALUE2 is the imaginary part of heat flux.
If Lab = SHLD, VALUE2 is the phase angle of the normal surface velocity (defaults to zero) for
harmonic response analyses while VALUE2 is not used for transient analyses in acoustics.
If Lab = IMPD, VALUE2 is reactance in (N)(s)/m3 if VALUE > 0 and is the product of susceptance
and angular frequency if VALUE < 0 for acoustics.
If Lab = RDSF, VALUE2 is the enclosure number. Radiation will occur between surfaces flagged
with the same enclosure numbers. If the enclosure is open, radiation will also occur to ambient. If
VALUE2 is negative radiation direction is reversed and will occur inside the element for the flagged
radiation surfaces.
If Lab = FSIN in a unidirectional ANSYS to CFX analysis, VALUE2 is the surface interface number
(not available from within the GUI).
If Lab = ATTN, VALUE2 is the transmission loss (dB) of the coupled wall in an energy diffusion
solution for room acoustics.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1467
Individual nodes cannot be entered for this command. The node list is to identify a surface and the
Nlist field must contain a sufficient number of nodes to define an element surface. The loads are in-
ternally stored on element faces defined by the specified nodes. All nodes on an element face (including
midside nodes, if any) must be specified for the face to be used, and the element must be selected.
If all nodes defining a face are shared by an adjacent face of another selected element, the face is not
free and will not have a load applied. If more than one element can share the same nodes (for example,
a surface element attached to a solid element), select the desired element type before issuing the SF
command. The SF command applies only to area and volume elements.
For shell elements, if the specified nodes include face one (which is usually the bottom face) along with
other faces (such as edges), only face one is used. Where faces cannot be uniquely determined from
the nodes, or where the face does not fully describe the load application, issue SFE (p. 1487) instead of
SF. A load key of 1 (which is typically the first loading condition on the first face) is used if the face
determination is not unique. A uniform load value is applied over the element face.
SFE (p. 1487) – Defines surface loads on elements. You can also use it to apply tapered loads on
individual element faces.
SFBEAM (p. 1476) – Applies surface loads to beam elements.
SFCONTROL (p. 1478) – Applies general (normal, tangential, and other) surface loads to supported
structural elements (p. 1480).
SFCUM (p. 1484) – Accumulates (adds) surface loads applied via SF.
SFDELE (p. 1485) – Delete loads applied via SF.
SFFUN (p. 1495) – Applies loads from a node-vs.-value function.
SFGRAD (p. 1497) – Applies an alternate tapered load.
Tabular boundary conditions (VALUE = %tabname% and/or VALUE2 = %tabname%) are available
for the following surface load labels (Lab) only: PRES (real and/or imaginary components), CONV (film
coefficient and/or bulk temperature; or heat flux for viscous-thermal acoustics), HFLUX, DFLUX (diffusion
flux), RAD (surface emissivity and ambient temperature), IMPD (resistance and reactance), SHLD (normal
velocity and phase or acceleration), ATTN (absorption coefficient or transmission loss), VIMP (viscous
impedance), and TIMP (thermal impedance). Issue *DIM (p. 435) to define a table.
This command is also valid in the PREP7 and /MAP (p. 924) processors.
Product Restrictions
ANSYS Mechanical Enterprise SF,FSI and SF,FSIN are available only in the ANSYS Mechanical Enterprise
family of products (ANSYS Mechanical Enterprise, ANSYS Mechanical Enterprise PrepPost, and ANSYS
Mechanical Enterprise Solver).
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1468 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Boundary>AppImped_E>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Boundary>AppShield>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Excitation>AppSurfChar>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Flag>AppInfinite>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Flag>AppMaxwell>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Field Surface Intr>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Fluid/ANSYS>Field Surface>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Fluid/ANSYS>Impedance>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Flag>AppInfinite>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Other>AppMaxwell>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Pressure>On Node Compon-
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Pressure>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Convection>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Heat Flux>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Radiation>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Boundary>AppImped_E>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Boundary>AppShield>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Excitation>AppSurfChar>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Flag>AppInfinite>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Flag>AppMaxwell>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Field Surface Intr>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Fluid/ANSYS>Field Surface>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Fluid/ANSYS>Impedance>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Flag>AppInfinite>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Other>AppMaxwell>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Pressure>On Node Components
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Pressure>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Convection>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Heat Flux>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Radiation>On Nodes
The following commands cannot be accessed from a menu: SF,,ATTN; SF,,RIGW; SF,,VIMP;
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1469
Area to which surface load applies. If ALL, apply load to all selected areas [ASEL (p. 166)]. If Area = P,
graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A com-
ponent may be substituted for Area.
Load key associated with surface load (defaults to 1). Load keys (1,2,3, etc.) are listed under "Surface Loads"
in the input data table for each element type in the Element Reference. LKEY is ignored if the area is the
face of a volume region meshed with volume elements.
Valid surface load label. Load labels are listed under "Surface Loads" in the input table for each area type
in the Element Reference.
Body Load
Discipline Label Description
Structural PRES pressure
Thermal CONV[1] convection
HFLUX[1] heat flux
RAD radiation
RDSF surface-to-surface radiation
Acoustic fluid FSI[2] fluid-structure interaction
IMPD impedance boundary flag
SHLD surface normal velocity or
MXWF Maxwell surface flag or
equivalent source surface
FREE free surface flag
INF exterior Robin radiation
boundary flag
PORT Port number
ATTN Absorption coefficient
BLI Viscous-thermal boundary
layer surface flag
Magnetic MXWF Maxwell force flag
Electric CHRGS surface charge density
MXWF Maxwell force flag
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1470 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Body Load
Discipline Label Description
Infinite INF Exterior surface flag for
element INFIN110 and INFIN111
Field-surface FSIN field-surface interface
interface number
2. For an acoustic analysis, apply the fluid-structure interaction flag (Label = FSI) to only the FLU-
ID129 or FLUID130 elements.
Surface load value or table name reference for specifying tabular boundary conditions.
If Lab = CONV, VALUE is typically the film coefficient and VALUE2 (below) is typically the bulk
temperature. If Lab = CONV and VALUE = -N, the film coefficient may be a function of temperature
and is determined from the HF property table for material N [MP (p. 967)]. (See the SCOPT (p. 1391)
command for a way to override this option and use -N as the film coefficient.) The temperature
used to evaluate the film coefficient is usually the average between the bulk and wall temperatures,
but may be user-defined for some elements.
If Lab = PORT, VALUE is a port number representing a waveguide exterior port. The port number
must be an integer between 1 and 50. For acoustic 2×2 transfer admittance matrix, the port number
can be any positive integer. The smaller port number corresponds to the port 1 of the 2×2 transfer
admittance matrix and the greater port number corresponds to the port 2. If one port of the transfer
admittance matrix is connecting to the acoustic-structural interaction interface, the port number
corresponds to the port 2 of the transfer admittance matrix. A pair of ports of the 2×2 transfer ad-
mittance matrix must be defined in the same element.
If Lab = SHLD, VALUE is the surface normal velocity in harmonic analysis and the surface normal
acceleration in transient analysis for acoustics.
If Lab = IMPD, VALUE is resistance in (N)(s)/m3 if VALUE > 0 and is conductance in mho if VALUE
< 0 for acoustics. In acoustic transient analyses, VALUE2 is not used.
If Lab = RDSF, VALUE is the emissivity value; the following conditions apply: If VALUE is between
0 and 1, apply a single value to the surface. If VALUE = -N, the emissivity may be a function of the
temperature, and is determined from the EMISS property table for material N (MP (p. 967)). The
material N does not need to correlate with the underlying solid thermal elements.
Second surface load value (if any).
If Lab = CONV, VALUE2 is typically the bulk temperature for thermal analyses. For acoustic analyses,
VALUE2 is not used. .
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1471
If Lab = SHLD, VALUE2 is the phase angle of the normal surface velocity (defaults to zero) for
harmonic response analyses while VALUE2 is not used for transient analyses in acoustics.
If Lab = IMPD, VALUE2 is reactance in (N)(s)/m3 if VALUE > 0 and is the product of susceptance
and angular frequency if VALUE < 0 for acoustics.
If Lab = RDSF, VALUE2 is the enclosure number. Radiation will occur between surfaces flagged
with the same enclosure numbers. If the enclosure is open, radiation will also occur to ambient. If
VALUE2 is negative, radiation direction is reversed and will occur inside the element for the flagged
radiation surfaces.
If Lab = FSIN in a unidirectional ANSYS to CFX analysis, VALUE2 is the surface interface number
(not available from within the GUI).
Surface loads may be transferred from areas to elements with the SFTRAN (p. 1505) or SBCTRAN (p. 1390)
commands. See the SFGRAD (p. 1497) command for an alternate tapered load capability.
Tabular boundary conditions (VALUE = %tabname% and/or VALUE2 = %tabname%) are available
for the following surface load labels (Lab) only: PRES (real and/or imaginary components), CONV (film
coefficient and/or bulk temperature) or HFLUX, and RAD (surface emissivity and ambient temperature).
Use the *DIM (p. 435) command to define a table.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Boundary>AppImped_E>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Boundary>AppShield>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Excitation>AppSurfChar>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Flag>AppInfinite>On Areas
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Flag>AppMaxwell>On Areas
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Field Surface Intr>On Areas
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Fluid/ANSYS>Field Surface>On Areas
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Fluid/ANSYS>Impedance>On Areas
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Flag>AppInfinite>On Areas
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Other>AppMaxwell>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Pressure>On Areas
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Convection>On Areas
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Heat Flux>On Areas
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Radiation>On Areas
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1472 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Allows safety factor or margin of safety calculations to be made.
POST1 (p. 48): Element Table (p. 49)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Type of calculation:
No nodal safety factor or margin of safety calculations.
Calculate and store safety factors in place of nodal stresses.
Calculate and store margins of safety in place of nodal stresses.
Command Default
No nodal safety factor or margin of safety calculations.
Allows safety factor (SF) or margin of safety (MS) calculations to be made for the average nodal stresses
according to:
SF = SALLOW/|Stress|
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1473
MS = (SALLOW/|Stress|) -- 1.0
Calculations are done during the display, select, or sort operation (in the active coordinate system
[RSYS (p. 1383)]) with results stored in place of the nodal stresses. Use the PRNSOL (p. 1255) or
PLNSOL (p. 1190) command to display the results.
The results are meaningful only for the stress (SIG1, SIGE, etc.) upon which SALLOW (p. 1388)
is based. Nodal temperatures used are those automatically stored for the node. Related
commands are SFCALC (p. 1477), SALLOW (p. 1388), TALLOW (p. 1601).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Safety Factor>Restore NodeStrs
Main Menu>General Postproc>Safety Factor>SF for Node Strs
Area to which surface load deletion applies. If ALL, delete load from all selected areas [ASEL (p. 166)]. If
AREA = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the
GUI). A component name may be substituted for AREA.
Load key associated with surface load (defaults to 1). See the SFA (p. 1470) command for details.
Valid surface load label. If ALL, use all appropriate labels. See the SFA (p. 1470) command for labels.
Deletes surface loads (and all corresponding finite element loads) from selected areas.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>All Load Data>All Surface Ld>On All
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>AppImped_E>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>AppShield>On
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1474 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1475
Area at which surface load is to be listed. If ALL (or blank), list for all selected areas [ASEL (p. 166)]. If AREA
= P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A
component name may be substituted for AREA.
Valid surface load label. If ALL (or blank), use all appropriate labels. See the SFA (p. 1470) command for labels.
This command is valid in any processor.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Loads>Surface Loads>On All Areas
Utility Menu>List>Loads>Surface Loads>On Picked Areas
Specifies surface loads on beam and pipe elements.
SOLUTION (p. 35): FE Surface Loads (p. 45)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Element to which surface load is applied. If ALL, apply load to all selected beam elements (ESEL (p. 548)).
If Elem = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the
GUI). A component name may be substituted in Elem.
Load key associated with surface load (defaults to 1). Load keys (1, 2, 3, etc.) are listed under "Surface Loads"
in the input table for each element type in the Element Reference. For beam and some pipe elements, the
load key defines the load orientation.
Valid surface load label. Load labels are listed under "Surface Loads" in the input table for each element
type in the Element Reference. Structural labels: PRES (pressure).
Surface load values at nodes I and J. If VALJ is blank, it defaults to VALI. If VALJ is zero, a zero is used.
Second surface load values at nodes I and J. Currently not used.
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1476 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Offset distance from node I (toward node J) where VALI is applied, and offset distance from node J (toward
node I) where VALJ is applied, respectively.
Offset distance flag:
Offset is in terms of length units (default).
Offset is in terms of a length ratio (0.0 to 1.0).
Specifies surface loads on the selected beam elements. Distributed loads are applied on a force-per-
length basis (that is, the width of the underlying element is not considered). To list and delete surface
loads applied with this command, use the SFELIST (p. 1494) and SFEDELE (p. 1493) commands, respectively.
If no offset values (IOFFSET and JOFFSET) are specified, the load is applied over the full element
length. Values may also be input as length fractions, depending on the LENRAT setting. For example,
assuming a line length of 5.0, an IOFFST of 2.0 with LENRAT = 0 or an IOFFST of 0.4 with LENRAT
= 1 represent the same point. If JOFFST = -1, VALI is assumed to be a point load at the location
specified via IOFFST, and VALJ is ignored. (IOFFSET cannot be equal to -1.) The offset values are
stepped even if you issue a KBC (p. 808),0 command.
Offsets are only available for element types BEAM188 and PIPE288 if using the cubic shape function
(KEYOPT(3) = 3) for those element types.
To accumulate (add) surface loads applied with this command, use the SFCUM (p. 1484),,ADD command.
Use the same offset values used on the previous SFBEAM command (for a given element face); otherwise,
the loads do not accumulate. If no offsets are specified, the command applies the previous offset values.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Pressure>On Beams
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Pressure>On Beams
Label assigned to results. If same as existing label, the existing values will be overwritten by these results.
Labeled result item corresponding to the element stress.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1477
Labeled result item corresponding to the element temperature.
Type of calculation:
0 or 1
Use safety factor (SF) calculation.
Use margin of safety (MS) calculation.
Use 1/SF calculation.
Calculates safety factor (SF) or margin of safety (MS) as described for the SFACT (p. 1473) command for
any labeled result item (see ETABLE (p. 572) command) for the selected elements. Use the PRETAB (p. 1243)
or PLETAB (p. 1179) command to display results. Allowable element stress is determined from the SALLOW-
TALLOW table [SALLOW (p. 1388), TALLOW (p. 1601)].
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Safety Factor>SF for ElemTable
Defines structural surface-load properties on selected elements and nodes for subsequent loading com-
SOLUTION (p. 35): FE Surface Loads (p. 45)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Specifies how the load direction is determined:
0 (or blank) – Use the coordinate system of an element face. A local coordinate system is pro-
jected onto the face, if defined (VAL1) (default).
1 – Use a local coordinate system. A local coordinate system must be defined and it is not pro-
jected onto the face.
2 – Use a custom (user-defined) vector in the global Cartesian coordinate system.
Load-component definition when KCSYS = 0 or 1. The following table shows how the component (or
primary direction) is determined based on the coordinate system (p. 1480):
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1478 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
y y z
direction direction direction
[1] [2]
1. The positive x and y directions are determined by the default surface coordinate directions. (See
Figure 15: Coordinate System for Load Application on the Faces of 3-D Solid and Shell Ele-
ments (p. 1480).
2. The positive x and y directions are determined by the user-defined local coordinate system.
4. The local coordinate system is not projected onto the element face.
KCSYS = 2: The X, Y, and Z components of the direction vector in the global Cartesian coordinate
Global tapered load behavior (valid for SFE (p. 1487) only):
For more information, see "Global Tapered Load Behavior (KTAPER)" (p. 1483).
Load direction with respect to the surface normal of the selected face:
Loaded area during large deformation:
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1479
Vector-oriented load (KCSYS = 2) behavior:
0 – Apply the load on the full area and include the tangential component (default).
1 – Apply the load on the projected area and include the tangential component.
2 – Apply the load on the projected area and exclude the tangential component.
SFCONTROL defines the properties of distributed loads for all subsequent SF (p. 1464) or SFE (p. 1487)
loading commands. (SFA (p. 1470) and SFL (p. 1498) are not supported.)
The command does not support cyclic symmetry analysis and analyses in which remeshing occurs (such
as nonlinear mesh adaptivity, 2-D to 3-D analysis, and fracture analysis).
To update a load property or properties, reissue SFCONTROL with the new option(s) before issuing
further SF (p. 1464) or SFE (p. 1487) commands.
When KCSYS = 0, the positive normal load acts in the negative surface normal (-z) direction. The pos-
itive tangential loads act in the positive coordinate direction. A user-defined coordinate system (VAL1)
is ignored if the load is applied on an edge of a plane element (PLANE182, PLANE183, SHELL208,
SHELL209, PLANE222, and PLANE223).
When KCSYS = 1, the loading direction follows the positive direction of the local coordinate system.
The ID of a local coordinate system (VAL1) is required.
The following figure shows how the coordinate directions are determined on a face of a solid or shell
element with different KCSYS and VAL1 input:
Figure 15: Coordinate System for Load Application on the Faces of 3-D Solid and Shell Elements
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1480 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
VAL1 –
> 10
z, x1, y1 : normal and tangential directions (default surface coordinate system)
z, x2, y2 : normal and user-defined tangential directions (user-defined surface coordinate system)
x3, y3, z3 : x, y, and z directions defined by the local coordinate system when KCSYS = 1
When KCSYS = 0, two coordinate systems can define the direction of the surface loads. The default
direction of the first tangential axis (x1) is determined by the local connectivity (I-J) of a face. For example,
the first tangential axis (x1) is given by a unit vector directed from node J to node I on the first face (J-
I-L-K) of an 8-node solid element. The second tangential direction is the cross product of the two vectors
( ). This default surface coordinate system rotates with element deformation (that is, z remains
normal to the face and x1 is determined at current nodal locations). For a user-defined surface coordinate
system (VAL1 > 10), the direction of the first tangential axes (x2) is determined by the projection of the
local coordinate system onto the face. The tangential directions rotate if the direction of the face normal
(z) changes in the space. If the direction of the face normal (z) is fixed (for in-plane rotation, for example),
the tangential axes do not follow element deformation.
When KCSYS = 1, the positive direction of the x3, y3, and z3 axes follow the direction of the local co-
ordinate system without adjustment. Therefore, they do not follow element deformation.
When KCSYS = 2, the loading direction follows the positive direction of the orientation vector, defined
via VAL1, VAL2, and VAL3. The direction is calculated as
, where , , and are unit vectors in the global
Cartesian coordinate system. The loading direction is fixed and does not follow the deformation of a
face of a selected element. You can adjust the load magnitude (KUSE and KPROJ).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1481
The following figure shows the default direction of the normal (z) and tangential (x) components on
an edge of a 3-D shell element (SHELL181 or SHELL281):
Figure 16: Default Coordinate System of Surface Load on the Edge of a 3-D Shell Element
If a local coordinate system is defined and KCSYS = 0 for the edge of the 3-D shell element, the tan-
gential directions are adjusted in the plane of the edge:
Figure 17: Projected Coordinate System of Surface Load on the Edge of a 3-D Shell Element
The following figure shows the positive direction of the loads on the edge of a plane element when
KCSYS = 0. The positive direction of the tangential load is defined by the definition of the faces (J-I, K-
J, L-K, I-L).
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1482 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
If KCSYS = 1 or 2, the load direction does not change and KUSE = 1 or 2 is ignored.
If KCSYS = 1 or 2, or KTAPER > 0, you cannot specify a gradient (slope) for surface loads (SF-
GRAD (p. 1497)) or a varying surface load (SFFUN (p. 1495)).
: Values on SFE (p. 1487) (VAL1 ~ VAL4)
: Global Cartesian coordinates at the current location of the point.
If KTAPER = 2, the magnitude of the load is determined by the initial location of a point:
: Values on SFE (p. 1487) (VAL1 ~ VAL4)
: Global Cartesian coordinates at the initial location of the point.
Load-Stiffness Effects
Load-stiffness effects are included in the supported elements for the real part of normal load (KCSYS
= 0, LCOMP = 0, KTAPER = 0 or 1) at the current configuration. All other load properties are included
in the load vector of the elements.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1483
You can specify an unsymmetric matrix (NROPT (p. 1053),UNSYM) for the load-stiffness effects if needed.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Valid surface load label. If ALL, use all appropriate labels.
Discipline Load Label Description
Structural PRES pressure
Thermal CONV[1] convection
HFLUX[1] heat flux
Substructure SELV load vector number
Electric CHRGS surface charge density
MXWF Maxwell force flag
Magnetic MXWF Maxwell force flag
Infinite INF Exterior surface flag for
element INFIN110 and INFIN111
Diffusion DFLUX Diffusion flux
Accumulation key:
Subsequent values replace the previous values (default).
Subsequent values are added to the previous values.
Subsequent values are ignored.
Scale factor for the first surface load value. A (blank) or '0' entry defaults to 1.0.
Scale factor for the second surface load value. A (blank) or '0' entry defaults to 1.0.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1484 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Command Default
Replace previous values.
Allows repeated surface loads (pressure, convection, etc.) to be replaced, added, or ignored. Surface
loads are applied with the SF (p. 1464), SFE (p. 1487), and SFBEAM (p. 1476) commands. Issue the SFEL-
IST (p. 1494) command to list the surface loads. The operations occur when the next surface load specific-
ations are defined. For example, issuing the SF (p. 1464) command with a pressure value of 25 after a
previous SF (p. 1464) command with a pressure value of 20 causes the current value of that pressure to
be 45 with the add operation, 25 with the replace operation, or 20 with the ignore operation. All new
pressures applied with SF (p. 1464) after the ignore operation will be ignored, even if no current pressure
exists on that surface.
Scale factors are also available to multiply the next value before the add or replace operation. A scale
factor of 2.0 with the previous "add" example results in a pressure of 70. Scale factors are applied even
if no previous values exist. Issue SFCUM,STAT to show the current label, operation, and scale factors.
Solid model boundary conditions are not affected by this command, but boundary conditions on the
FE model are affected.
The FE boundary conditions may still be overwritten by existing solid model boundary con-
ditions if a subsequent boundary condition transfer occurs.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Settings>Replace vs Add>Surface Loads
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Settings>Replace vs Add>Surface Loads
Label defining where to find the list of nodes:
Use all selected nodes [NSEL (p. 1057)]. If P, use graphical picking in GUI. A component label may be
substituted for Nlist.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1485
Valid surface load label. If ALL, use all appropriate labels. See the SF (p. 1464) command for labels.
Deletes surface loads as applied via SF (p. 1464). Loads are deleted only for the specified nodes on external
faces of selected area and volume elements. For shell elements, if the specified nodes include face one
(which is usually the bottom face) along with other faces (such as edges), only the loads on face one
will be deleted. The element faces are determined from the list of selected nodes as described for
SF (p. 1464). Issue SFEDELE (p. 1493) to delete loads explicitly by element faces.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>AppImped_E>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>AppShield>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Excitation>AppSurfChar>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Flag>AppInfinite>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Flag>AppMaxwell>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Field Surface Intr>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Fluid/ANSYS>Field Surface>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Fluid/ANSYS>Impedance>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Flag>AppInfinite>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Other>AppMaxwell>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Pressure>On Node Com-
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Pressure>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Thermal>Ambient Rad>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Thermal>Convection>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Thermal>Heat Flux>On Nodes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Thermal>Radiation>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>AppImped_E>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>AppShield>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Excitation>AppSurfChar>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Flag>AppInfinite>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Flag>AppMaxwell>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Field Surface Intr>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Fluid/ANSYS>Field Surface>On Nodes
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Fluid/ANSYS>Impedance>On Nodes
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1486 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Element to which surface load applies. If ALL, apply load to all selected elements [ESEL (p. 548)]. If Elem =
P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A
component name may be substituted for Elem.
Load key or face number associated with surface load (defaults to 1). Load keys (1,2,3, etc.) are listed under
"Surface Loads" in the input data table for each element type in the Element Reference.
If you issue SFCONTROL (p. 1478) before SFE, LKEY is the face number for supported solid and shell
elements (p. 1480).
Valid surface load label. Load labels are listed under "Surface Loads" in the input table for each element
type in the Element Reference.
Discipline Label Description
Load Label
Structural PRES Pressure
FREQ Frequency (harmonic
analyses only)
Thermal CONV[1] Convection
HFLUX[1] Heat flux
RAD Radiation
RDSF Surface-to-surface radiation
Fluid FSI[2] Fluid-structure interaction
IMPD Impedance boundary flag
Electric CHRGS Surface charge density
MXWF Maxwell force flag
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1487
Discipline Label Description
Load Label
Magnetic MXWF Maxwell force flag
Acoustic fluid FSI[2] Fluid-structure interaction
IMPD Impedance or admittance
SHLD Surface normal velocity or
MXWF Maxwell surface flag or
equivalent source surface
FREE Free surface flag
INF Exterior Robin radiation
boundary flag
PORT Port number
ATTN Absorption coefficient or
transmission loss
BLI Viscous-thermal boundary
layer surface flag
Field-surface FSIN Field-surface interface
interface number
Poromechanics FFLX Fluid flow flux
Infinite INF Exterior surface flag for
element INFIN110 and INFIN111
Substructure SELV[3] Load vector number
Diffusion DFLUX Diffusion flux
2. For an acoustic analysis, apply the fluid-structure interaction flag (Label = FSI) to
only the FLUID29, FLUID30, FLUID220, and FLUID221 elements.
3. When a load vector exists for a thermal superelement, it must be applied and
have a scale factor of 1 (SFE,,,SELV,,1).
Value key. If Lab = PRES:
0 or 1
VAL1 through VAL4 are used as real components of pressures.
VAL1 through VAL4 are used as imaginary components of pressures.
0 or 1
For thermal analyses, VAL1 through VAL4 are used as the film coefficients.
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1488 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
For thermal analyses, VAL1 through VAL4 are the bulk temperatures.
VAL1 through VAL4 are used as film effectiveness.
VAL1 through VAL4 are used as free stream temperature.
0 or 1
VAL1 through VAL4 are used as the emissivities.
VAL1 through VAL4 are ambient temperatures.
0 or 1
VAL1 is the emissivity value between 0 and 1.
VAL1 is the enclosure number.
0 or 1
For acoustic harmonic analyses, VAL1 through VAL4 are used as the real part of the impedance.
For acoustic harmonic analyses, VAL1 through VAL4 are used as the imaginary part of the im-
0 or 1
For acoustic analyses, VAL1 through VAL4 are used as the normal velocity (harmonic) or normal
acceleration (transient).
For acoustic analyses, VAL1 through VAL4 are used as the phase angle for harmonic response
0 or 1
For acoustic analyses, VAL1 through VAL4 are used as the absorption coefficient of the surface.
For acoustic analyses, VAL1 through VAL4 are used as the transmission loss (dB) of the coupled
wall in an energy diffusion solution for room acoustics.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1489
0 or 1
VAL1 is the multiplier on real load vector LKEY.
VAL1 is the multiplier on imaginary load vector LKEY.
If only one set of data is supplied, the other set of data defaults to previously specified values (or
zero if not previously specified) in the all of the following cases:
First surface load value (typically at the first node of the face) or the name of a table for specifying tabular
boundary conditions. Face nodes are listed in the order given for "Surface Loads" in the input data table
for each element type in the Element Reference. For example, for SOLID185, the item 1-JILK associates LKEY
= 1 (face 1) with nodes J, I, L, and K. Surface load value VAL1 then applies to node J of face 1. To specify
a table, enclose the table name in percent signs (%), e.g., %tabname%. Use the *DIM (p. 435) command
to define a table. Only one table can be specified, and it must be specified in the VAL1 position; tables
specified in the VAL2, VAL3, or VAL4 positions will be ignored. VAL2 applies to node I, etc.
If Lab = PRES and KVAL = 2, VAL1 is the imaginary pressure used by the surface-element family
(SURF153, SURF154 and SURF159) and supported solid and shell elements (p. 1480). Supported ana-
lysis types in this case are:
If Lab = CONV, KVAL = 0 or 1, and VAL1 = -N, the film coefficient is assumed to be a function of
temperature and is determined from the HF property table for material N [MP (p. 967)]. (See the
SCOPT (p. 1391) command for a way to override this option and use -N as the film coefficient.) The
temperature used to evaluate the film coefficient is usually the average between the bulk and wall
temperatures, but may be user-defined for some elements.
If Lab = PORT, VAL1 is a port number representing a waveguide port. The port number must be
an integer between 1 and 50. For an acoustic 2×2 transfer admittance matrix, the port number can
be any positive integer. The smaller port number corresponds to port 1 of the 2×2 transfer admittance
matrix, and the greater port number corresponds to port 2. If one port of the transfer admittance
matrix is connecting to the acoustic-structural interaction interface, the port number corresponds
to port 2 of the transfer admittance matrix. A pair of ports of the 2×2 transfer admittance matrix
must be defined in the same element.
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1490 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
If Lab = RDSF, KVAL = 0 or 1, and VAL1 = -N, the emissivity is assumed to be a function of the
temperature, and is determined from the EMISS property table for material N (MP (p. 967)). The
material N does not need to correlate with the underlying solid thermal elements. If Lab = RDSF,
KVAL = 2, and VAL1 is negative, radiation direction is reversed and will occur inside the element
for the flagged radiation surfaces.
If Lab = FSIN in a unidirectional ANSYS to CFX analysis, VAL2 is the surface interface number (not
available from within the GUI). VAL3 and VAL4 are not used.
SFE defines surface loads on selected elements.
You cannot use SFE with the INFIN110 or INFIN111 elements without prior knowledge of
element-face orientation (that is, you must know which face is the exterior in order to flag
it). Also, for surface-effect elements SURF153 and SURF154, use LKEY to enable tangential
and other loads. For supported structural solid and shell elements (p. 1480), issue SFCON-
TROL (p. 1478) to define tangential and other loads.
SFE can apply tapered loads over the faces of most elements.
The SFE command can also define fluid-pressure-penetration loads (Lab = PRES) at a contact interface.
For this type of load, LKEY = 1 is used to specify the normal pressure values, LKEY = 3 is used to specify
the tangential pressure values along the x direction of ESYS (p. 570), LKEY = 4 is used to specify the
tangential pressure values along the y direction of ESYS (p. 570), and LKEY = 2 is used to specify starting
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1491
points and penetrating points. See Applying Fluid Penetration Pressure in the Contact Technology Guide
for details on how to apply this type of load.
Film effectiveness and free-stream temperatures specified via Lab = CONV are valid only for SURF151
and SURF152. Film effectiveness must be between 0 and 1 and it defaults to 0. If film effectiveness is
applied, bulk temperature is ignored. When film effectiveness and free stream temperatures are specified,
the commands to specify a surface-load gradient (SFGRAD (p. 1497)) or surface-load accumulation
(SFCUM (p. 1484)) are not valid. For more information about film effectiveness, see Conduction and
Convection in the Theory Reference.
You can specify a table name only when using structural (PRES) and thermal (CONV [film coefficient,
bulk temperature, film effectiveness, and free stream temperature], HFLUX), diffusion flux (DFLUX), surface
emissivity and ambient temperature (RAD), impedance (IMPD), normal velocity or acceleration (SHLD),
absorption coefficient (ATTN), and substructure (SELV) surface load labels.
When a tabular function load is applied to an element, the load will not vary according to the positioning
of the element in space.
For cases where Lab=FSI, MXWF, FREE, and INF, VALUE is not needed.
This command is also valid in the PREP7 and /MAP (p. 924) processors.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Excitation>AppSurfChar>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Field Surface Intr>On Elements
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Fluid/ANSYS>Impedance>On Elements
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Load Vector>For Superelement
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Pressure>On Element
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Pressure>On Elements
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Convection>On Ele-
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Convection>On Elements>Uni-
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Heat Flux>On Elements
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Radiation>On Elements
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Excitation>AppSurfChar>On Elements
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Field Surface Intr>On Elements
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Fluid/ANSYS>Impedance>On Elements
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Load Vector>For Superelement
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Pressure>On Element Components
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Pressure>On Elements
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Convection>On Elements>Tapered
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Convection>On Elements>Uniform
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Heat Flux>On Elements
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1492 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Element to which surface load deletion applies. If ALL, delete load from all selected elements [ESEL (p. 548)].
If ELEM = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the
GUI). A component name may be substituted for ELEM.
Load key associated with surface load (defaults to 1). If ALL, delete surface loads for all load keys. If SFCON-
TROL (p. 1478) is issued for selected elements, this value is the face number. If ALL, deletes the surface load
based on Lcomp.
Surface load label. If ALL, use all appropriate labels. See SFE (p. 1487) for valid labels.
Label of surface-load components. Valid when the surface load is defined via SFCONTROL (p. 1478). Valid
labels are NORM, TANX, TAXY when KCSYS = 0, LOCX, LOCY, LOCZ when KCSYS = 1, and USER when
KCSYS = 2. (KCSYS is specified when issuing SFCONTROL (p. 1478).) If ALL, deletes all component on the
face defined by LKEY.
Deletes surface loads from selected elements. See the SFDELE (p. 1485) command for an alternate surface
load deletion capability based upon selected nodes.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>All Load Data>All Surface Ld>On All
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Boundary>AppImped_E>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Excitation>AppSurfChar>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Flag>AppInfinite>On Elements
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Flag>AppMaxwell>On Elements
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Field Surface Intr>On Elements
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Fluid/ANSYS>Impedance>On Elements
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1493
Element at which surface load is to be listed. If ALL (or blank), list loads for all selected elements [ES-
EL (p. 548)]. If ELEM = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid
only in the GUI). A component name may be substituted for ELEM.
Valid surface load label. If ALL (or blank), use all appropriate labels. See the SFE (p. 1487) command for labels.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1494 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The surface loads listed correspond to the current database values. The database is not updated for
surface loads in POST1. Surface loads specified in tabular form, however, do list their values corresponding
to the current results set in POST1.
For SURF151 or SURF152 elements with an extra node for radiation and/or convection calculations
(KEYOPT(5) = 1), the bulk temperature listed is the temperature of the extra node. If the thermal solution
does not converge, the extra node temperature is not available for listing.
Film effectiveness and free stream temperatures specified by the SFE (p. 1487) command (Lab = CONV)
can only be listed by this command. The command lists film coefficients and bulk temperatures first
and then film effectiveness and free stream temperatures below those values.
Distributed ANSYS Restriction In Distributed ANSYS within the SOLUTION processor, SFELIST support
is not available for elements SURF151 and SURF152 when surface loading is applied via extra nodes
(KEYOPT(5 > 0). If the command is issued under these circumstances, the resulting surface loads shown
are not reliable.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Loads>Surface Loads>On All Elements
Utility Menu>List>Loads>Surface Loads>On Picked Elems
Valid surface load label. Load labels are listed under "Surface Loads" in the input table for each element
type in the Element Reference. Issue SFFUN,STATUS to list current command settings.
Discipline Label Description
Load Label
Structural PRES pressure
Thermal CONV[1] convection
HFLUX[1] heat flux
Electric CHRGS surface charge density
Diffusion DFLUX Diffusion flux
Parameter containing list of surface load values. If Lab = CONV, values are typically the film coefficients
and Par2 values (below) are typically the bulk temperatures.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1495
Parameter containing list of second surface load values (if any). If Lab = CONV, the Par2 values are typically
the bulk temperatures. Par2 is not used for other surface load labels.
Specifies a surface load "function" to be used when the SF (p. 1464) or SFE (p. 1487) command is issued.
The function is supplied through an array parameter vector which contains nodal surface load values.
Node numbers are implied from the sequential location in the array parameter. For example, a value
in location 11 applies to node 11. The element faces are determined from the implied list of nodes
when the SF (p. 1464) or SFE (p. 1487) command is issued. Zero values should be supplied for nodes that
have no load. A tapered load value may be applied over the element face. These loads are in addition
to any loads that are also specified with the SF (p. 1464) or SFE (p. 1487) commands. Issue SFFUN (with
blank remaining fields) to remove this specification. Issue SFFUN,STATUS to list current settings.
Starting array element numbers must be defined for each array parameter vector. For example, SF-
FUN,CONV,A(1,1),A(1,2) reads the first and second columns of array A (starting with the first array element
of each column) and associates the values with the nodes. Operations continue on successive column
array elements until the end of the column. Another example to show the order of the commands:
sfelist ! expected answer: 3 at both nodes 1 and 2
sffun,pres, nodepres(1)
sfelist ! expected answer: 5+11=16 at node 1, 5+12=17 at node 2
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Settings>For Surface Ld>Node Function
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Settings>For Surface Ld>Node Function
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1496 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Valid surface load label. Load labels are listed under "Surface Loads" in the input table for each element
type in the Element Reference.
Discipline Load Label Description
Structural PRES pressure (real pressure only)
Thermal CONV[1] convection (bulk
temperatures only)
HFLUX[1] heat flux
Electric CHRGS surface charge density
Diffusion DFLUX Diffusion flux
Reference number of slope coordinate system (used with Sldir and SLZER to determine COORD). Defaults
to 0 (the global Cartesian coordinate system).
Slope direction in coordinate system SLKCN:
Slope is along X direction (default). Interpreted as R direction for non-Cartesian coordinate systems.
Slope is along Y direction. Interpreted as θ direction for non-Cartesian coordinate systems.
Slope is along Z direction. Interpreted as Φ direction for spherical or toroidal coordinate systems.
Coordinate location (degrees for angular input) where slope contribution is zero (CVALUE = VALUE). Allows
the slope contribution to be shifted along the slope direction. For angular input, SLZER should be between
±180° if the singularity [CSCIR (p. 360)] is at 180° and should be between 0° and 360° if the singularity is at
Slope value (load per unit length or per degree).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1497
Specifies a gradient (slope) for surface loads. All surface loads issued with the SF (p. 1464), SFE (p. 1487),
SFL (p. 1498), or SFA (p. 1470) commands while this specification is active will have this gradient applied
(for complex pressures, only the real component will be affected; for convections, only the bulk temper-
ature will be affected). The load value, CVALUE, calculated at each node is:
where VALUE is the load value specified on the subsequent SF (p. 1464), SFE (p. 1487), SFL (p. 1498), or
SFA (p. 1470) commands and COORD is the coordinate value (in the Sldir direction of coordinate system
SLKCN) of the node. Only one SFGRAD specification may be active at a time (repeated use of this
command replaces the previous specification with the new specification). Issue SFGRAD (with blank
fields) to remove the specification. Issue SFGRAD,STAT to show the current command status. The SFGRAD
specification (if active) is removed when the LSREAD (p. 904) (if any) command is issued.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Settings>For Surface Ld>Gradient
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Settings>For Surface Ld>Gradient
Line to which surface load applies. If ALL, apply load to all selected lines [LSEL (p. 896)]. If Line = P,
graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A com-
ponent name may be substituted for Line.
Valid surface load label. Load labels are listed under "Surface Loads" in the input table for each element
type in the Element Reference.
Body Load
Discipline Label Description
Structural PRES pressure
Thermal CONV[1] convection
HFLUX[1] heat flux
RAD radiation
RDSF surface-to-surface radiation
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1498 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Body Load
Discipline Label Description
Fluid FSI[2] fluid-structure interaction
IMPD impedance boundary flag
Magnetic MXWF Maxwell force flag
Infinite INF Exterior surface flag for
element INFIN110 and INFIN111
Electric CHRGS surface charge density
MXWF Maxwell electrostatic force
Field-surface FSIN field-surface interface
interface number
2. For an acoustic analysis, apply the fluid-structure interaction flag (Label = FSI) to only the FLUID129 or
FLUID130 elements.
Surface load values at the first keypoint (VALI) and at the second keypoint (VALJ) of the line, or table
name for specifying tabular boundary conditions. If VALJ is blank, it defaults to VALI. If VALJ is zero, a
zero is used.
If Lab = CONV, VALI and VALJ are the film coefficients and VAL2I and VAL2J are the bulk tem-
peratures. To specify a table, enclose the table name in percent signs (%), e.g., %tabname%. Use
the *DIM (p. 435) command to define a table.
If Lab = CONV and VALI = -N, the film coefficient may be a function of temperature and is determ-
ined from the HF property table for material N [MP (p. 967)]. (See the SCOPT (p. 1391) command for
a way to override this option and use -N as the film coefficient.)
If Lab = RAD, VALI and VALJ values are surface emissivities and VAL2I and VAL2J are ambient
temperatures. The temperature used to evaluate the film coefficient is usually the average between
the bulk and wall temperatures, but may be user-defined for some elements.
If Lab = RDSF, VALI is the emissivity value. If VALI = -N, the emissivity may be a function of the
temperature and is determined from the EMISS property table for material N [MP (p. 967)].
If Lab = FSIN in a unidirectional ANSYS to CFX analysis, VALJ is the surface interface number (not
available from within the GUI) and VALI is not used.
Second surface load values (if any). If VAL2J is blank, it defaults to VAL2I. If VAL2J is zero, a zero is used.
To specify a table (Lab = CONV), enclose the table name in percent signs (%), e.g., %tabname%. Use the
*DIM (p. 435) command to define a table.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1499
If Lab = RDSF, VAL2I is the enclosure number. Radiation will occur between surfaces flagged with
the same enclosure numbers. If the enclosure is open, radiation will occur to the ambient.
VAL2I and VAL2J are not used for other surface load labels.
Specifies surface loads on the selected lines of area regions. The lines represent either the edges of area
elements or axisymmetric shell elements themselves. Surface loads may be transferred from lines to
elements with the SFTRAN (p. 1505) or SBCTRAN (p. 1390) commands. See the SFE (p. 1487) command for
a description of surface loads. Loads input on this command may be tapered. See the SFGRAD (p. 1497)
command for an alternate tapered load capability.
You can specify a table name only when using structural (PRES) and thermal (CONV [film coefficient
and/or bulk temperature], HFLUX), and surface emissivity and ambient temperature (RAD) surface load
labels. VALJ and VAL2J are ignored for tabular boundary conditions.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Excitation>AppSurfChar>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Flag>AppInfinite>On Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Flag>AppMaxwell>On Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Field Surface Intr>On Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Fluid/ANSYS>Field Surface>On Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Fluid/ANSYS>Impedance>On Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Flag>AppInfinite>On Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Other>AppMaxwell>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Pressure>On Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Convection>On Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Heat Flux>On Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Radiation>On Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Excitation>AppSurfChar>On Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Flag>AppInfinite>On Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Flag>AppMaxwell>On Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Field Surface Intr>On Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Fluid/ANSYS>Field Surface>On Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Fluid/ANSYS>Impedance>On Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Flag>AppInfinite>On Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Other>AppMaxwell>On Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Pressure>On Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Convection>On Lines
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1500 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Line to which surface load deletion applies. If ALL, delete load from all selected lines [LSEL (p. 896)]. If LINE
= P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A
component name may be substituted for LINE.
Valid surface load label. If ALL, use all appropriate labels. See the SFL (p. 1498) command for labels.
Deletes surface loads (and all corresponding finite element loads) from selected lines.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>All Load Data>All Surface Ld>On All
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Excitation>AppSurfChar>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Flag>AppInfinite>On Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Flag>AppMaxwell>On Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Field Surface Intr>On Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Fluid/ANSYS>Field Surface>On Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Fluid/ANSYS>Impedance>On Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Flag>AppInfinite>On Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Magnetic>Other>AppMaxwell>On
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Structural>Pressure>On Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Thermal>Ambient Rad>On Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Thermal>Convection>On Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Thermal>Heat Flux>On Lines
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>Thermal>Radiation>On Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>All Load Data>All Surface Ld>On All Lines
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>Electric>Excitation>AppSurfChar>On Lines
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1501
Factor to increase axial flexibility. The default value is 1.0.
Factor to increase bending flexibility about element y axis (bending in the element x-z plane). The default
value is 1.0.
Factor to increase bending flexibility about element z axis (bending in the element x-y plane). The default
value is FFBY.
Factor to increase torsional flexibility. The default value is 1.0.
Factor to increase transverse shear flexibility in the element x-z plane. The default value is 1.0.
Factor to increase transverse shear flexibility in the element x-y plane. The default value is FFTSY.
The SFLEX command sets section-flexibility factors for sections used by pipe elements.
The FFBY and FFTSY arguments affect motion in the element x-z plane, and the FFBZ and FFTSZ
arguments affect motion in the element x-y plane. For stout pipe structures with low slenderness ratios,
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1502 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
set both FFBY and FFTSY--and/or both FFBZ and FFTSZ (the related bending and transverse shear factors)-
-to the same value to obtain the expected flexibility effect.
When issued, the SFLEX command applies to the pipe section most recently defined via the SEC-
TYPE (p. 1433) command.
SFLEX is valid only for linear material properties and small strain analyses. The command does not
support offsets, temperature loading, or initial state loading. While the resulting displacements and re-
actions are valid, the stresses may not be valid.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Pipe>Flexibility Factors
Node at which surface load is to be listed. If ALL (or blank), list for all selected nodes [NSEL (p. 1057)]. If NODE
= P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A
component name may be substituted for NODE.
Valid surface load label. If ALL (or blank), use all appropriate labels. See the SF (p. 1464) command for labels
Lists the surface loads as applied with the SF (p. 1464) command. Loads are listed only for the specified
nodes on external faces of selected area and volume elements. Use SFELIST (p. 1494) for line elements.
The surface loads listed correspond to the current database values. The database is not updated for
surface loads in POST1. Surface loads specified in tabular form, however, do list their values corresponding
to the current results set in POST1.
For SURF151 or SURF152 elements with an extra node for radiation and/or convection calculations
(KEYOPT(5) = 1), the bulk temperature listed is the temperature of the extra node. If the thermal solution
does not converge, the extra node temperature is not available for listing.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Loads>Surface Loads>On All Nodes
Utility Menu>List>Loads>Surface Loads>On Picked Nodes
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1503
Line at which surface load is to be listed. If ALL (or blank), list for all selected lines [LSEL (p. 896)]. If LINE
= P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A
component name may be substituted for LINE.
Valid surface load label. If ALL (or blank), use all appropriate labels. See the SFL (p. 1498) command for labels.
Lists the surface loads for the specified line.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Loads>Surface Loads>On All Lines
Utility Menu>List>Loads>Surface Loads>On Picked Lines
Valid surface load label. If ALL, use all appropriate labels.
Discipline Label Description
Load Label
Structural PRES pressure
Thermal CONV[1] convection
HFLUX[1] heat flux
Substructure SELV load vector number
Electric CHRGS surface charge density
Diffusion DFLUX Diffusion flux
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1504 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Scale factor for the first surface load value. Zero (or blank) defaults to 1.0. Use a small number for a zero
scale factor.
Scale factor for the second surface load value. Zero (or blank) defaults to 1.0. Use a small number for a zero
scale factor.
Scales surface loads (pressure, convection, etc.) in the database on the selected elements. Surface loads
are applied with the SF (p. 1464), SFE (p. 1487), or SFBEAM (p. 1476) commands. Issue the SFELIST (p. 1494)
command to list the surface loads. Solid model boundary conditions are not scaled by this command,
but boundary conditions on the FE model are scaled.
Such scaled FE boundary conditions may still be overwritten by unscaled solid model
boundary conditions if a subsequent boundary condition transfer occurs.
This command is also valid in PREP7 and in the /MAP (p. 924) processor.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Operate>Scale FE Loads>Surface Loads
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Operate>Scale FE Loads>Surface Loads
Transfer the solid model surface loads to the finite element model.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Solid Surface Loads (p. 41)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Surface loads are transferred only from selected lines and areas to all selected elements. The SFTRAN
operation is also done if the SBCTRAN (p. 1390) command is issued or automatically done upon initiation
of the solution calculations [SOLVE (p. 1538)].
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Operate>Transfer to FE>Surface Loads
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Operate>Transfer to FE>Surface Loads
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1505
Window number (or ALL) to which command applies (defaults to 1).
Shading type:
FACET or 0
Facet shading (one color per area face).
Gouraud smooth shading (smooth variation of color based on interpolated vertex colors) (default).
PHONG or 2
Phong smooth shading (smooth variation of color based on interpolated vertex normals).
Command Default
Facet shading.
Defines the type of surface shading used on area, volume, and PowerGraphics [/GRAPHICS (p. 732),POWER]
displays when software Z-buffering is enabled [/TYPE (p. 1705)]. This command is only functional for 2-
D display devices.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Hidden-Line Options
Selects a shell element or shell layer location for results output.
POST1 (p. 48): Controls (p. 48)
POST26 (p. 55): Controls (p. 56)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Location within shell element (or layer) to obtain stress results:
Top of shell element (or layer) (default).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1506 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Middle of shell element (or layer). The default method averages the TOP and BOT values to obtain a
mid value. Setting KEYOPT(8) = 2 for SHELL181, SHELL208, SHELL209, SHELL281, and ELBOW290 uses
MID results obtained directly from the results file.
Bottom of shell element (or layer).
Command Default
Shell element (or layer) top location.
Selects the location within a shell element (or a shell layer) for results output (nodal stresses, strains,
etc.). Applies to POST1 selects, sorts, and output [NSEL (p. 1057), NSORT (p. 1069), PRNSOL (p. 1255),
PLNSOL (p. 1190), PRPATH (p. 1264), PLPATH (p. 1201), etc.], and is used for storage with the POST26
ESOL (p. 558) command. For example, SHELL,TOP causes item S of the POST1 PRNSOL (p. 1255) command
or the POST26 ESOL (p. 558) command to be the stresses at the top of the shell elements. For layered
shell elements, use the LAYER (p. 845) (POST1) or LAYERP26 (p. 846) (POST26) command to select the
layer. The SHELL command does not apply to the layered thermal shell elements, SHELL131 and
For PowerGraphics [/GRAPHICS (p. 732),POWER], the SHELL,MID command affects both the printed
output and the displayed results, while the SHELL (TOP or BOT) command prints and displays both the
top and bottom layers simultaneously. Note that /CYCEXPAND (p. 373),ON automatically turns on
PowerGraphics; however, for cyclic mode-superposition harmonic postprocessing (CYCFILES (p. 375)),
the SHELL command prints and displays only the requested layer.
In POST26, the ESOL (p. 558) data stored is based on the active SHELL specification at the time the data
is stored. To store data at various specifications (for example, stresses at the top and bottom locations),
issue a STORE (p. 1578) command before each new specification.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Options for Outp
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Define Variables
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Elec&Mag>Circuit>Define Variables
Utility Menu>List>Results>Options
Device name, file name, or keyword, as listed below:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1507
<device name>
Any valid graphics display device name (e.g., X11, 3-D etc.). Defaults to X11 for most systems. See
Getting Started with Graphics in the Basic Analysis Guide for details. A device name must be defined
before activating the Graphical User Interface (GUI). Once the GUI is activated, the device name cannot
be changed for that session, except for switching between X11 and X11C.
Graphics displays are switched back to the last-specified device name.
This option purges the graphics file buffer. The CLOSE option should be issued any time you are
changing graphics devices or file output types during a session. Graphics displays are switched back
to the last-specified device name, and any open graphics files are closed. The CLOSE option is similar
to the TERM option, however, with the CLOSE option, another process can access the data in the
graphics file. The CLOSE option causes graphics file buffers to be flushed to the graphics file.
Graphics display requests are ignored.
If blank in interactive mode, graphics will be displayed on screen as requested by display commands
(no file written).
Creates JPEG files that are named Jobnamennn.jpg, where nnn is a numeric value that is incremented
by one as each additional file is created; that is, Jobname000.jpg, Jobname001.jpg, Job-
name002.jpg, and so on. Ignores the Ext field.
Creates tagged image format files that are named Jobnamennn.tif, where nnn is a numeric value
that is incremented by one as each additional file is created; that is, Jobname000.tif, Job-
name001.tif, Jobname002.tif, and so on. This value for the Fname argument ignores the Ext
field. (See the TIFF (p. 1675) command for options.)
Creates PNG (Portable Network Graphics) files that are named Jobnamennn.png, where nnn is a
numeric value that is incremented by one as each additional file is created; that is, Jobname000.png,
Jobname001.png, Jobname002.png, and so on. This value for the Fname argument ignores the
Ext field. (See the PNGR (p. 1216) command for options.)
Creates Virtual Reality Meta Language files named Jobname000.wrl that can be displayed on 3-D
Internet web browsers. Ignores the Ext and NCPL fields.
Assign a file name extension or specify reverse video output:
File name extension (eight-character maximum).
Reverse background/image (black/white) colors. Valid with Fname = PNG (recommended), JPEG, and
TIFF. This option is ignored if a previously specified color map table (/CMAP (p. 297) or /RGB (p. 1345)) is
in effect.
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1508 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Specifies raster or vector display mode. This affects area, volume, and element displays, as well as geometric
results displays such as contour plots. See the /DEVICE (p. 429) command for an alternate way to toggle
between raster and vector mode. Changing VECT also resets the /TYPE (p. 1705) command to its default.
Raster display (color filled entities; default)
Vector display (outlined entities; i.e., "wireframe")
Sets the number of color planes (4 to 8). Default is device-dependent. NCPL is not supported by all
graphics devices.
Command Default
For interactive runs, display is shown on the screen; for batch runs, display commands are ignored
(graphics file not written).
Specifies the device to be used for graphics displays, and specifies other graphics display parameters.
Display may be shown at the time of generation (for interactive runs at a graphics display terminal) or
diverted to a file. Issue /PSTATUS (p. 1293) for display status.
Batch runs do not have access to the fonts available on your system. The Courier and Helvetica font
files used for JPEG, PNG and TIFF batch output are copyrighted by Adobe Systems Inc. and Digital
Equipment Corp. Permission to use these trademarks is hereby granted only in association with the
images described above. Batch run JPEG output is produced at the default quality index value of 75,
unless specified otherwise.
Interactive displays default to eight color planes (NCPL = 8) for most monitors, while graph file output
defaults to eight color planes for VRML output, and four color planes for JPEG, PNG, and TIFF.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Device Options
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Redirect Plots>To Screen
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1509
Shape checking option. (When Lab = WARN, STATUS, SUMMARY, or DEFAULT, the remaining arguments
are ignored.)
Activates element shape checking. New elements, regardless of how they are created, are tested against
existing warning and error limits. (The existing limits may be the default limits, or previously modified
limits.) Elements that violate error limits produce error messages and either (a) cause a meshing failure,
or (b) for element creation or storage other than AMESH (p. 106) or VMESH (p. 1784), are not stored.
Elements that violate warning limits produce warning messages. If shape checking was previously
turned off [SHPP,OFF] and you turn it on, existing elements are marked as untested; use the
CHECK (p. 280) command to retest them. With this option, you may also specify a value for VALUE1
to turn individual shape tests on. If you do not specify a value for VALUE1, all shape tests are turned
Activates element shape checking; however, in contrast to SHPP,ON, elements that violate error limits
do not cause either a meshing or element storage failure. Instead, they produce warning messages to
notify you that error limits have been violated. This option does not alter current shape parameter
limits. Since the default shape parameter error limits are set to allow almost any usable element, the
elements this option allows, which would otherwise be forbidden, are likely to be very poorly shaped.
Deactivates element shape checking. This setting does not alter current shape parameter limits. Use
of this option is risky, since poorly shaped elements can lead to analysis results that are less accurate
than would otherwise be expected for a given mesh density. With this option, you may also specify a
value for VALUE1 to turn individual shape tests off. If you do not specify a value for VALUE1, all element
shape tests are turned off.
Determines whether element shape checking runs in silent mode. In silent mode, ANSYS checks elements
without issuing warnings, with the exception of the generic warnings that it issues at solution. With this
option, you must also specify a value for VALUE1 (During the execution of certain commands, ANSYS
automatically runs element shape checking in silent mode, then internally summarizes the shape test
results for all of the new or modified elements. ANSYS does this when it executes any of the following
commands: AGEN (p. 96), AMESH (p. 106), AREFINE (p. 154), ARSYM (p. 159), ATRAN (p. 176),
CDREAD (p. 254), EGEN (p. 499), ENGEN (p. 531), ENSYM (p. 533), EREAD (p. 541), EREFINE (p. 542),
ESYM (p. 569), ET (p. 571), FVMESH (p. 655), KREFINE (p. 825), LREFINE (p. 885), NREFINE (p. 1049),
TIMP (p. 1679), VEXT (p. 1754), VGEN (p. 1765), VIMP (p. 1777), VMESH (p. 1784), VOFFST (p. 1784), VROTAT (p. 17
VSWEEP (p. 1809), VSYMM (p. 1810), and VTRAN (p. 1811).)
Lists the shape parameter limits currently in effect, along with status information about element shape
checking (for example, whether any individual shape tests are off, whether any of the shape parameter
limits have been modified, and so on).
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1510 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Lists a summary of element shape test results for all selected elements.
Resets element shape parameter limits to their default values. Also, if any individual tests were turned
off, turns them back on. (The SHPP,DEFAULT command may be useful if any parameter limits were
previously altered by using the MODIFY option.)
Determines whether element shape test results data is stored in memory. When this option is turned
on, an "object" is created for storing test results in memory. When this option is turned off, no object
is created and no data is stored; thus, any operation that requires shape parameters for an existing
element (such as use of the CHECK (p. 280) command) causes the shape parameters to be recomputed.
(Note the distinction between storing the data in memory and storing it in the database; regardless
of whether this option is turned on or off, no element shape test results data will be stored in the
database. The element shape parameter object is deleted automatically before any solution.) This
setting is independent of shape checking status, with one exception--if shape checking is turned off
[SHPP,OFF], the object is not created. Keep in mind that recomputing shape parameters is more
computationally expensive than retrieving them from the object. With this option, you must also
specify a value for the VALUE1 argument; the VALUE2 argument is ignored.
Determines, for Jacobian ratio tests, whether sampling is done at integration points (DesignSpace
product method), or at corner nodes. When this option is turned on, sampling is done at integration
points, and the default limits for h-element Jacobian ratios are a warning tolerance of 10 and an error
tolerance of 40. When this option is turned off, sampling is done at corner nodes, and the corresponding
default limits are a warning tolerance of 30 and an error tolerance of 1000. Sampling at the integration
points (option on) results in a lower Jacobian ratio, but that ratio is also subjected to a more restrictive
error limit. Some elements that have passed the integration point sampling criterion, have failed the
corner mode sampling criterion. Because of this, use integration point sampling only for simple linear
analyses. For other types of analyses (e.g., nonlinear, electromagnetic), use sampling at corner nodes,
which is the more conservative approach. With this option, you must also specify a value for the VALUE1
argument; the VALUE2 argument is ignored.
Indicates that you want to respecify a shape parameter limit. With this option, you must also specify
values for the VALUE1 and VALUE2 arguments.
Determines the warning and error limits used to test elements that may exhibit nonzero/nonconstant
Z coordinates. With this option, you must also specify values for the VALUE1 and/or VALUE2 arguments.
Valid for the ON, OFF, SILENT, OBJECT, LSTET, MODIFY, and FLAT options only. When Lab = ON or OFF,
use VALUE1 to individually control (that is, turn off or turn on) specific element shape tests. Thus, VALUE1
can be ASPECT (aspect ratio tests), PARAL (deviation from parallelism of opposite edges tests), MAXANG
(maximum corner angle tests), JACRAT (Jacobian ratio tests), WARP (warping factor tests), or ALL (all tests).
When Lab = SILENT, VALUE1 can be ON (to turn silent mode on) or OFF (to turn silent mode off ). When
Lab = OBJECT, VALUE1 can be either 1, YES, or ON to turn on storage of element shape test data (the
default); or it can be 0, NO, or OFF to turn off storage of element shape test data (delete the data and re-
compute as necessary). When Lab = LSTET, VALUE1 can be either 1, YES, or ON to choose Jacobian
sampling at integration points; or it can be 0, NO, or OFF to choose Jacobian sampling at nodes (the default).
When Lab = MODIFY, VALUE1 is the numeric location (within the shape parameter limit array) of the
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1511
shape parameter limit to be modified. Locations are identified in the element shape checking status listing
[SHPP,STATUS]. For more information, see the examples in the Notes section. When Lab = FLAT, VALUE1
is the warning limit for XY element constant Z sets performed at CHECK (p. 280) or SOLVE (p. 1538). The default
is 1.0e-8.
Valid for the MODIFY and FLAT options only. When Lab = MODIFY, specifies the new limit for the shape
parameter that is in the location indicated by the VALUE1 argument. See the examples in the Notes section.
When Lab = FLAT, VALUE2 is the error limit. The default is 1.0e-2.
Command Default
All shape checking tests are on [SHPP,ON,ALL] with default shape parameter limits. Silent mode is off.
Memory object storage of element shape parameters is on.
The following examples illustrate how to use the SHPP,MODIFY,VALUE1,VALUE2 command to respecify
shape parameter limits. Assume that you issued the SHPP,STATUS command, and you received the
output below:
Notice that in the sample output, the warning tolerance for aspect ratios is set to 20. Now assume that
you want to "loosen" this shape parameter limit so that it is less restrictive. To allow elements with aspect
ratios of up to 500 without causing warning messages, you would issue this command:
Also notice that each shape parameter's numeric location within the shape parameter limit array appears
in the sample output within parentheses. For example, the numeric location of the aspect ratio shape
parameter (for warning tolerance) is 1, which is why "1" is specified for the VALUE1 argument in the
example command above.
Now notice that the sample output indicates that any triangle element with an internal angle that is
greater than 179.9 degrees will produce an error message. Suppose that you want to "tighten" this
shape parameter limit, so that it is more restrictive. To cause any triangle or tetrahedron with an internal
angle greater than 170 degrees to produce an error message, you would issue this command:
The existence of badly shaped elements in a model may lead to certain computational errors that can
cause your system to abort during ANSYS solution. Therefore, you run the risk of a system abort during
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1512 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
solution any time that you turn element shape checking off entirely, run shape checking in warning-
only mode, turn off individual shape checks, or loosen shape parameter limits.
Changing any shape parameter limit marks all existing elements as untested; use the CHECK (p. 280)
command to retest them.
Since the shape parameter limit array was completely reorganized at ANSYS 5.4, you should revise any
input files created prior to 5.4 that contain limit changes so that they reflect the reorganized data
For more information about element shape checking, see Meshing Your Solid Model in the Modeling
and Meshing Guide.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Checking Ctrls>Shape Checking
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Checking Ctrls>Toggle Checks
Main Menu>Solution>Manual Rezoning>Create Remesh Zone(s)>Mesh Controls>Element
Shape Checking>Shape Checking
Main Menu>Solution>Manual Rezoning>Create Remesh Zone(s)>Mesh Controls>Element
Shape Checking>Toggle Checks
The real constant set ID that identifies the contact pair on which a shell-to-solid assembly is defined. If
ALL, all selected contact pairs will be considered for assembly.
Builds new shell and contact elements to be used in shell-to-solid assemblies (default). New elements
are stored as internally-created components.
Deletes the nodes and elements created during a previous execution of SHSD,RID,CREATE for the real
constant set identified by RID.
The SHSD command creates a shell-solid interface to be used in shell-to-solid assemblies, or deletes a
previously-created shell-solid interface. “Virtual” shell elements and additional CONTA175 elements are
created at the contact pair identified by RID when Action = CREATE. Set Action = DELETE to remove
the generated nodes and elements at the contact pair identified by RID.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1513
The SHSD command is active only when the following element KEYOPTs of associated CONTA175 and
TARGE170 element types are predefined:
The method used to build shell and contact elements depends on the KEYOPT(5) setting of the target
element type associated with the real constant set identified by the RID argument. If KEYOPT(5) = 1
(projected constraint with translational degrees of freedom only), the virtual shell elements are built
perpendicular to the pre-existing shell elements attached to the contact elements. They geometrically
follow the contact interface edge and are built on both sides of this interface in such a way that each
new shell element (SHELL181) has two nodes that belong to the associated pre-existing shell element
in the shell edge. (See Figure 19: Virtual Shell Elements Following the Contact Interface Edge (p. 1514).)
The width of the new shell elements is half the thickness of the pre-existing shell element. The CONTA175
elements are then created at each node of the virtual shell elements where no CONTA175 element exists.
The new contact elements are identified by the same contact pair ID as the pre-existing contact elements.
Figure 19: Virtual Shell Elements Following the Contact Interface Edge
If KEYOPT(5) = 2 (projected constraint with uncoupled translational and rotational degrees of freedom),
the virtual shell elements (SHELL181 - low order; SHELL281 - high order) overlap the existing high or
low order target elements identified with the RID argument, and share their nodes. Only those target
elements close enough to the contact interface (identified using the PINB real constant) are overlapped.
The program uses the FTOLN real constant (defaults to half the shell element thickness) to define an
influence distance. The associated virtual shell elements are created only for target elements that lie
partially inside the influence distance region (see Figure 20: Virtual Shell Elements Overlapping Target
Elements (p. 1515)).
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1514 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
For the bonded always option (KEYOPT(12) = 5), any contact node inside the pinball region (gap < PINB)
is included in the KEYOPT(5) = 2 process. A relatively small PINB value may be used to prevent false
contact. PINB defaults to 25% of the contact depth for small deformation analyses.
For the bonded initial option (KEYOPT(12) = 6), only those contact nodes which initially lie inside the
adjustment zone (gap < ICONT) are always included in the KEYOPT(5) = 2 process. ICONT defaults to
5% of the contact depth.
For both processes, the new nodes and elements are stored in internally-named components. The in-
ternal naming convention is based on the real constant set ID specified by RID, as illustrated in the
following table.
Contact Elements SHSD_CN_RID
Shell Elements SHSD_SH_RID
Issuing SHSD,RID,DELETE deletes components based on their generated names. Only components whose
names match the internal naming convention will be deleted.
Do not rename or manually delete generated components. Use the SHSD command to
delete generated components.
See Modeling a Shell-Solid Assembly in the Contact Technology Guide for more information.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1515
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Shrinkage ratio (input as a decimal (0.0 to 0.5)). Defaults to 0.0 (no shrinkage). Values greater than 0.5 default
to 0.1 (10% shrinkage).
Command Default
Full size entities.
Shrinks the elements, lines, areas, and volumes so that adjacent entities are separated for clarity. Portions
of this command are not supported by PowerGraphics [/GRAPHICS (p. 732),POWER].
If only the common lines of non-coplanar faces are drawn (as per the /EDGE (p. 491) command), then
this command is ignored.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Size and Shape
First section ID to be summarized. Default = First available section in the database.
Last section ID to be summarized. Default = Last available section in the database.
Increment of the section ID. Default = 1.
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1516 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Determines the content of the summarized information for beam, pipe, shell, and reinforcing sections.
For beams, lists only the section integrated properties (such as Area, Iyy, and Iyz). This option is the
For reinforcing, lists only the input reinforcing properties (such as material, cross-section area,
fiber spacing, and input fiber location parameters).
For beams, lists the section integrated properties, as well as the section nodal coordinates, section cell
connectivity information, and section cell integration point coordinates. For shells, the section stiffness
(membrane, bending, membrane-bending coupling and transverse shear) are printed.
The shell section stiffness listed considers elastic behavior of materials at reference temperature
only. The elements that use the section data may alter the transverse shear stiffness based on
slenderness considerations (in addition to the shear correction factors shown).
Section stiffness terms listed via the FULL option do not include section offsets. The program
accounts for section offsets during the solution phase of the analysis.
For reinforcing sections generated automatically (EREINF (p. 543)), lists the complete information
of reinforcing fibers or surfaces (including material ID, cross-section area, fiber spacing, orientation,
and locations in natural coordinates).
If a section calls other sections, this option lists those sections too.
The section type. Valid arguments are ALL (default) or any valid section type (SECTYPE (p. 1433)).
By default, the command lists information about all sections. You can limit the output to specific section
types via the Type key.
When ocean loading is present, the command lists beam section properties used by ocean loading.
Example Output
Following is example output from the SLIST,,,,BRIEF command for a rectangular beam section subtype
(SECTYPE (p. 1433),,BEAM,RECT):
Area = 6.0000
Iyy = 4.5000
Iyz = 0.11281E-15
Izz = 2.0000
Warping Constant = 0.23299
Torsion Constant = 4.7330
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1517
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>List Sections
Unique section number. The number must already be assigned to a pretension section.
Label representing the pretension load sequence number in the format "PLnn" where nn is an integer
from 1 through 99 (for example, PL01 through PL99).
Specify a value of DELETE to delete all loads on the specified pretension section (SECID). In this
case, the command ignores any other argument values.
Initial action key for pretension load PL01. (This field is omitted for PL02 and up.) Three scenarios are possible:
Constrains (connects) the cutting plane on the pretension section. This value is the default.
Unconstrains (disconnects) the cutting plane on the pretension section.
Applies a very small pretension load (0.1% of FDVALUE) before the desired load is established. The
small load prevents convergence problems which can occur when the desired load is not established
in the first load step. This value is valid only if KFD = FORC.
Force/Displacement key. Specifies whether FDVALUE is a force or a displacement:
Apply a force on the specified pretension section. This value is the default.
Apply a displacement (adjustment) on the specified pretension section.
Pretension load value. If KFD = FORC, this value is a pretension force. If KFD = DISP, this value is a pretension
displacement (adjustment).
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1518 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Load step in which to apply the FDVALUE.
The load step in which the displacement value resulting from the pretension force is locked. This value is
valid only if KFD = FORC.
Command Default
The default pretension load value FDVALUE is zero (no load). A positive value puts the pretension ele-
ments in tension.
No default exists for the LSLOAD applied load step value. You must specify the load step in which to
apply the FDVALUE.
No default exists for the LSLOCK locked load step value. You must specify the load step in which to
lock the FDVALUE.
The SLOAD command applies pretension loads to specified pretension sections (PRETS179-based) created
via the PSMESH (p. 1287) command. A pretension load is ramp-applied (KBC (p. 808) = 0) if it is a force
(KFD = FORC), and step-applied (KBC (p. 808) = 1) if it is a displacement (KFD = DISP).
You can “lock” the load value at a specified load step. When locked, the load changes from a force to
a displacement, and ANSYS applies the load as a constant displacement in all future load steps. Locking
is useful when applying additional loadings. The additional loadings alter the effect of the initial load
value, but because locking transforms the load into a displacement, it preserves the initial load's effect.
In modal and harmonic analyses, any pretension load (force, displacement, or locked) is ignored and
no load is produced.
The SLOAD command is not valid for MPC184-based preload sections created with PSMESH (p. 1287).
In this example, the load is applied to pretension section 1, and the sequence begins with the initial
action key, KINIT, set to TINY. A small stabilization load (5 = 0.10% of 5000) is applied in the first load
step, as the actual pretension force is not applied until the second load step. The next four fields set
the actual load: the KFD value FORC specifies the type of load, FDVALUE defines the pretension load
value (5000), LSLOAD specifies the load step in which the force is applied (2), and the LSLOCK field
specifies the load step in which the force is locked (3). Additional sets of four fields can be used to
define additional loads.
You can use the SLOAD command to edit (overwrite) existing loads on a pretension section. This example
changes the load on pretension section 1 (set above) to 6000:
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Unspecified values (blank fields), as shown in this example, remain unchanged from prior settings. If
no prior specifications exist, then default values (KINIT = LOCK and KFD = FORC) apply.
The command can also delete all loads on a specified pretension section, as shown here:
For a prestressed modal analysis, this command locks the pretension element:
Multiple Loadings
The SLOAD command allows you to apply multiple loadings. You can add up to 15 loadings (PL01
through PL15), or delete loadings, for any given pretension section(s).
The following SLOAD commands, issued in the order shown, establish a pretension load sequence in
pretension section 2 with a force of 25 in load step (LS) 2, locked in LS 3-6, a force of 50 in LS 7, locked
in LS 8-11, a force of 75 in LS 12, locked in LS 13 and beyond:
At the same time, you can issue SLOAD commands to apply loads on other pretension sections. For
example, in addition to the commands listed above, you could issue the following command to apply
a load on pretension section 3:
After you have successfully solved for a specified LSLOAD (GUI field Apply at LS) and eventually LSLOCK
(GUI field Lock at LS) value, you cannot modify that loading's settings during subsequent steps of the
analysis. Similarly, you cannot delete loadings that you have already partially or completely solved.
You can select more than one pretension section at a time in order to specify identical loadings on
them. Before you completely solve a given loading, any combination of pretension sections is valid.
The following limitations apply:
• After you have completely solved one or more loadings, ANSYS allows multiple selection of only those pre-
tension sections having
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1520 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• A multiple selection meeting the necessary criteria retains the settings that are identical for all selected
pretension sections and leaves all other fields blank.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Pretnsn Sectn
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Delete>All Load Data>All Section Lds
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Pretnsn Sectn
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Delete>All Load Data>All Section Lds
Finds the smallest of three variables.
POST26 (p. 55): Operations (p. 56)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Arbitrary reference number assigned to the resulting variable (2 to NV [NUMVAR (p. 1086)]). If this number
is the same as for a previously defined variable, the previously defined variable will be overwritten with
this result.
Reference numbers of the three variables to be operated on. If only two, leave IC blank. If only one, leave
IB blank also.
Thirty-two character name identifying the variable on printouts and displays. Embedded blanks are com-
pressed for output.
--, --
Unused fields.
Finds the smallest of three variables according to the operation:
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Math Operations>Find Minimum
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1521
*SMAT (p. 1522), Matrix, Type, Method, Val1, Val2, Val3, Val4 , Val5
Creates a sparse matrix.
APDL (p. 17): Matrix Operations (p. 19)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Argument Descriptions
Name used to identify the matrix. Must be specified.
Matrix type:
D --
Double precision real values (default).
Z --
Complex double precision values.
Method used to create the matrix:
Import the matrix from a file.
Copy an existing matrix.
Import the matrix from a file.
Method used to create the matrix:
Allocate a diagonal square matrix. Val2 is used; Val3, Val4, and Val5 are ignored.
Matrix size.
CSR --
Create a sparse matrix based on Compressed Sparse Row (CSR) format description vectors. This format
requires 3 input vectors specified as Val2, Val3 and Val4.
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1522 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
row_ptr is a long integer vector (use of L instead of I as the scalar type in the
*VEC (p. 1749) call); col_ind is an integer vector. Val can be a real of complex values
vector, according to the matrix type.
Specifies whether the matrix is symmetric (TRUE) or unsymmetric (FALSE). Default = TRUE.
Name of the matrix to copy (can be either a dense or a sparse matrix).
Method used for copying the matrix:
Copy only the diagonal of the matrix. Val3 and Val4 are ignored.
Transpose the original matrix. Val3 and Val4 are ignored.
Extract a submatrix based on row and column numbers specified by Val3 and Val4.
Name of integer vector (*VEC (p. 1749)) containing row numbers. If no vector is specified, defaults to all
Name of integer vector (*VEC (p. 1749)) containing column numbers. If no vector is specified, defaults to all
The following table describes the Valx fields used with Method = IMPORT.
Method = IMPORT
Val1 Val2 Val3 Val4 Val5 Description
FULL File Matrix type: (not (not Import a matrix from an
name used) used) existing FULL file.
STIFF - Stiffness
matrix For a complex
MASS - Mass stiffness matrix,
matrix you can use the
K_RE or K_IM
DAMP - label to import
Damping only the real
matrix part or only the
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1523
Use the *DMAT (p. 454) command to create a dense matrix.
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1524 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
For more information on the CSR format, see Creating a Sparse Matrix Using the CSR Format in the
ANSYS Parametric Design Language Guide.
For more information on the NOD2SOLV and USR2SOLV mapping vectors, see Degree of Freedom Or-
dering in the ANSYS Parametric Design Language Guide.
For more information about .FULL file contents, see the HBMAT (p. 751) in the Command Refer-
ence (p. 1).
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Label assigned to results. If same as existing label, the existing values will be overwritten by these results.
First labeled result item in operation.
Second labeled result item in operation (may be blank).
Scale factor applied to Lab1. A (blank) or '0' entry defaults to 1.0.
Scale factor applied to Lab2. A (blank) or '0' entry defaults to 1.0.
Forms a labeled result item (see ETABLE (p. 572) command) for the selected elements by comparing
two existing labeled result items according to the operation:
where "cmx" means "compare and save maximum." If absolute values are requested [SABS (p. 1387),1],
the absolute values of Lab1 and Lab2 are used.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Element Table>Find Maximum
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1525
Solid model boundary condition symbols and labels appear at the centroid of the solid model entity
Solid model boundary condition symbols and labels appear inside each constituent element of the
Mode = CENT is designed to reduce the clutter of boundary condition symbols in solid model plots.
For example, if you have assigned normal pressure loads to an area, you may choose to display the
pressures as arrows with the /PSF (p. 1282) command using /PSF (p. 1282),PRES,NORM,2. When Mode =
CENT, the pressure arrow is displayed at the centroid of the area. When Mode = TESS, a pressure arrow
is displayed at the centroid of each polygon of the area's tessellation.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Specifies "Body loads on the solid model" as the subsequent status topic.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Status (p. 46)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>Solution>Body Loads
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1526 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Specifies "Constraints on the solid model" as the subsequent status topic.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Status (p. 46)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>Solution>DOF Constraints
Specifies "Forces on the solid model" as the subsequent status topic.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Status (p. 46)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>Solution>Forces
Label assigned to results. If same as existing label, the existing values will be overwritten by these results.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1527
First labeled result item in operation.
Second labeled result item in operation (may be blank).
Scale factor applied to Lab1. A (blank) or '0' entry defaults to 1.0.
Scale factor applied to Lab2. A (blank) or '0' entry defaults to 1.0.
Forms a labeled result item (see ETABLE (p. 572) command) for the selected elements by comparing
two existing labeled result items according to the operation:
where "cmn" means "compare and save minimum." If absolute values are requested [SABS (p. 1387),1],
the absolute values of Lab1 and Lab2 are used.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Element Table>Find Minimum
Name of the first vector that contains the noisy data set (i.e., independent variable). You must create and
fill this vector before issuing SMOOTH.
Name of the second vector that contains the dependent set of data. Must be the same length as the first
vector. You must create and fill this vector before issuing SMOOTH.
Number of data points to be fitted, starting from the beginning of the vector. If left blank, the entire vector
will be fitted. The maximum number of data points is 100,000 (or greater, depending on the memory of
the computer).
Order of the fitting curve that will be used as a smooth representation of the data. This number should be
less than or equal to the number of the data points. Default (blank) is one-half the number of data points.
Maximum number of smoothed data fitting order is the number of data points up to 50. Depending on
this number, the smoothed curve will be one of the following:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1528 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Curve is the absolute average of all of the data points.
Curve is the least square average of all of the data points.
3 or more
Curve is a polynomial of the order (n-1), where n is the number of data fitting order points.
Name of the vector that contains the smoothed data of the independent variable. This vector should have
a length equal to or greater than the number of smoothed data points. In batch (command) mode, you
must create this vector before issuing the SMOOTH command. In interactive mode, the GUI automatically
creates this vector (if it does not exist). If you do not specify a vector name, the GUI will name the vector
Name of the vector that contains the smoothed data of the dependent variable. This vector must be the
same length as Vect3. In batch (command) mode, you must create this vector before issuing the SMOOTH
command. In interactive mode, the GUI automatically creates this vector (if it does not exist). If you do not
specify a vector name, the GUI will name the vector smth_dep.
Specifies how you want to display data. No default; you must specify an option.
Unsmoothed data only
Smoothed data only
Both smoothed and unsmoothed data
You can control the attributes of the graph using standard ANSYS controls (/GRID (p. 735), /GTHK (p. 745),
/COLOR (p. 330), etc.). If working interactively, these controls appear in this dialog box for convenience,
as well as in their standard dialog boxes. You must always create Vect1 and Vect2 (using *DIM (p. 435))
and fill these vectors before smoothing the data. If you're working interactively, ANSYS automatically
creates Vect3 and Vect4, but if you're working in batch (command) mode, you must create Vect3
and Vect4 (using *DIM (p. 435)) before issuing SMOOTH. Vect3 and Vect4 are then filled automat-
ically by ANSYS. In addition, ANSYS creates an additional TABLE type array that contains the smoothed
array and the unsmoothed data to allow for plotting later with *VPLOT (p. 1789). Column 1 in this table
corresponds to Vect1, column 2 to Vect2, and column 3 to Vect4. This array is named
Vect3_SMOOTH, up to a limit of 32 characters. For example, if the array name is X1, the table name
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1529
Specifies meshing parameters for automatic (smart) element sizing.
PREP7 (p. 20): Meshing (p. 27)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Overall element size level for meshing. The level value controls the fineness of the mesh. (Any input in this
field causes remaining arguments to be ignored.) Valid inputs are:
Activate SmartSizing and set the size level to n. Must be an integer value from 1 (fine mesh) to 10
(coarse mesh). Remaining arguments are ignored, and argument values are set as shown in
Table 207: SMRTSIZE - Argument Values for h-elements (p. 1531).
List current SMRTSIZE settings.
Set all SMRTSIZE settings to default values (as shown in Table 207: SMRTSIZE - Argument Values for
h-elements (p. 1531) for size level 6).
Deactivate SmartSizing. Current settings of DESIZE (p. 425) will be used. To reactivate SmartSizing, issue
Scaling factor applied to the computed default mesh sizing. Defaults to 1 for h-elements (size level 6),
which is medium. Values from 0.2 to 5.0 are allowed.
Mesh expansion (or contraction) factor. (This factor is the same as MOPT (p. 960),EXPND,Value.) EXPND
is used to size internal elements in an area based on the size of the elements on the area's boundaries. For
example, issuing SMRTSIZE,,,2 before meshing an area will allow a mesh with elements that are approx-
imately twice as large in the interior of an area as they are on the boundary. If EXPND is less than 1, a mesh
with smaller elements on the interior of the area will be allowed. EXPND should be greater than 0.5 but
less than 4. EXPND defaults to 1 for h-elements (size level 6), which does not allow expansion or contraction
of internal element sizes (except when using AESIZE (p. 93) element sizing). (If EXPND is set to zero, the
default value of 1 will be used.) The actual size of the internal elements will also depend on the TRANS
option or upon AESIZE (p. 93) or ESIZE (p. 554) sizing, if used.
Mesh transition factor. (This factor is the same as MOPT (p. 960),TRANS,Value.) TRANS is used to control
how rapidly elements are permitted to change in size from the boundary to the interior of an area. TRANS
defaults to 2.0 for h-elements (size level 6), which permits elements to approximately double in size from
one element to the next as they approach the interior of the area. (If TRANS is set to zero, the default value
will be used.) TRANS must be greater than 1 and, for best results, should be less than 4. The actual size of
the internal elements will also depend on the EXPND option or upon AESIZE (p. 93) or ESIZE (p. 554) sizing,
if used.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1530 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Maximum spanned angle per lower-order element for curved lines. Defaults to 22.5 degrees per element
(size level 6). This angle limit may be exceeded if the mesher encounters a small feature (hole, fillet, etc.).
(This value is not the same as that set by DESIZE (p. 425),,,,ANGL.)
Maximum spanned angle per higher-order element for curved lines. Defaults to 30 degrees per element
(size level 6). This angle limit may be exceeded if the mesher encounters a small feature (hole, fillet, etc.).
(This value is NOT the same as that set by DESIZE (p. 425),,,,,ANGH.)
Allowable growth ratio used for proximity checking. Defaults to 1.5 for h-elements (size level 6). Values
from 1.2 to 5.0 are allowed; however, values from 1.5 to 2.0 are recommended.
Small hole coarsening key, can be ON (default for size level 6) or OFF. If ON, this feature suppresses curvature
refinement that would result in very small element edges (i.e., refinement around small features).
Small angle coarsening key, can be ON (default for all levels) or OFF. If ON, this feature restricts proximity
refinement in areas where it is ill-advised (that is, in tight corners on areas, especially those that approach
0 degrees).
Maximum number of sizing iterations (defaults to 4 for all levels).
Surface proximity refinement key, can be off (SPRX = 0, which is the default for all levels) or on via two dif-
ferent values (SPRX = 1 or SPRX = 2). If SPRX = 1, surface proximity refinement is performed and any shell
elements that need to be modified are modified. If SPRX=2, surface proximity refinement is performed
but no shell elements are altered.
Command Default
SmartSizing is off and DESIZE (p. 425) is used for automatic element sizing.
If a valid level number (1 (fine) to 10 (coarse)) is input on SIZLVL, inputs for remaining arguments are
ignored, and the argument values are set as shown in Table 207: SMRTSIZE - Argument Values for h-
elements (p. 1531).
The settings shown are for h-elements. The first column contains SIZLV data, ranging from 10 (coarse)
to 1 (fine). The default is 6 (indicated by the shaded row).
10 5.0 2.0 2.0* 45.0 45.0* 2.0 on on 4* off
9 3.0 1.75 2.0* 36.0 45.0* 1.9 on on 4* off
8 1.875 1.5 2.0* 30.0 45.0* 1.8 on on 4* off
7 1.5 1.0 2.0* 26.0 36.0* 1.7 on on 4* off
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1531
6 1.0* 1.0* 2.0* 22.5 30.0* 1.5* on on 4* off
5 0.65 1.0* 2.0* 18.0 27.0 1.5 on on 4* off
4 0.4 1.0* 2.0* 15.0 22.0 1.5 off on 4* off
3 0.3 1.0* 2.0* 12.0 18.0 1.5 off on 4* off
2 0.25 1.0* 2.0* 10.0 15.0 1.5 off on 4* off
1 0.2 1.0* 2.0* 7.5 15.0 1.4 off on 4* off
Where appropriate, SmartSizing will start with AESIZE (p. 93) settings. Elsewhere, it will start with any
defined ESIZE (p. 554),SIZE setting. It will locally override AESIZE (p. 93) or ESIZE (p. 554) for proximity
and curvature. SmartSizing ignores any ESIZE (p. 554),,NDIV setting.
LESIZE (p. 867) line division and spacing specifications will be honored by SmartSizing, unless you give
permission for SmartSizing to override them (for proximity or curvature) by setting KYNDIV to 1. Lines
not having an LESIZE (p. 867) specification are meshed as well as they can be.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Size Cntrls>SmartSize>Adv Opts
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Size Cntrls>SmartSize>Basic
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Size Cntrls>SmartSize>Status
Specifies "Surface loads on the solid model" as the subsequent status topic.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Status (p. 46)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>Solution>Surface Loads
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1532 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Label assigned to results. If same as existing label, the existing values will be overwritten by these results.
First labeled result item in operation.
Second labeled result item in operation (may be blank).
Scale factor applied to Lab1. A (blank) or '0' entry defaults to 1.0.
Scale factor applied to Lab2. A (blank) or '0' entry defaults to 1.0.
Forms a labeled result item (see ETABLE (p. 572) command) for the selected elements by multiplying
two existing labeled result items according to the operation:
May also be used to scale results for a single labeled result item. If absolute values are requested
[SABS (p. 1387),1], the absolute values of Lab1 and Lab2 are used.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Element Table>Multiply
Factor used to control the range of eigenvalues computed for each supernode. The value of RangeFact
must be a number between 1.0 and 10.0. By default the RangeFact value is set to 2.0, which means that
all eigenvalues between 0 and 2*FREQE are computed for each supernode (where FREQE is the upper
end of the frequency range of interest as specified on the MODOPT (p. 951) command). As the RangeFact
value increases, the eigensolution for the SNODE solver becomes more accurate and the computational
time increases.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1533
BlockSize to be used when computing the final eigenvectors. The value of Blocksize must be either
MAX or a number between 1 and NMODE, where NMODE is the number of modes to be computed as set
on the MODOPT (p. 951) command. Input a value of MAX to force the algorithm to allocate enough memory
to hold all of the final eigenvectors in memory and, therefore, only read through the file containing the
supernode eigenvectors once. Note that this setting is ONLY recommended when there is sufficient
physical memory on the machine to safely hold all of the final eigenvectors in memory.
Parameter used to control the robustness of the SNODE eigensolver. The value of RobustLev must be a
number between 0 and 10. Lower values of RobustLev allow the eigensolver to run in the most efficient
manner for optimal performance. Higher values of RobustLev often slow down the performance of the
eigensolver, but can increase the robustness; this may be desirable if a problem is detected with the eigen-
solver or its eigensolution.
Key to control which computations are performed by the Supernode eigensolver:
The eigensolver computes only the eigenvalues.
The eigensolver computes only the eigenvectors (must be preceded by a modal analysis where the
eigenvalues were computed using the Supernode eigensolver).
The eigensolver computes both the eigenvalues and eigenvectors in the same pass (default).
Unused field
Solver output option:
Turns off additional output printing from the Supernode eigensolver (default).
Turns on additional output printing from the Supernode eigensolver, including a performance summary
and a summary of file I/O for the Supernode eigensolver. Information on memory usage during assembly
of the global matrices (that is, creation of the Jobname.FULL file) is also printed with this option.
Command Default
RangeFact = 2.0. BlockSize is set to min(NMODE,40), where NMODE is the number of modes to be
computed as set on the MODOPT (p. 951) command. RobustLev = 0. Compute = BOTH. Additional
output is not printed (Solve_Info = OFF).
This command specifies options for the Supernode (SNODE) eigensolver.
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1534 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Setting RangeFact to a value between 2.0 and 10.0 will improve the accuracy of the computed eigen-
values and eigenvectors, but will often increase the computing time of the SNODE eigensolver. Con-
versely, setting RangeFact to a value less than 2.0 will deteriorate the accuracy of the computed ei-
genvalues and eigenvectors, but will often speed up the computing time of the SNODE eigensolver.
The default value of 2.0 has been set as a good blend of accuracy and performance. If the model has
rigid body modes, setting RangeFact higher than 2 is recommended to achieve better solution accuracy
for the lower flexible modes.
The SNODE eigensolver reads the eigenvectors and related information for each supernode from a file
and uses that information to compute the final eigenvectors. For each eigenvalue/eigenvector requested
by the user, the program must do one pass through the entire file that contains the supernode eigen-
vectors. By choosing a BlockSize value greater than 1, the program can compute BlockSize
number of final eigenvectors for each pass through the file. Therefore, smaller values of BlockSize
result in more I/O, and larger values of BlockSize result in less I/O. Larger values of BlockSize also
result in significant additional memory usage, as BlockSize number of final eigenvectors must be
stored in memory. The default Blocksize of min(NMODE,40) is normally a good choice to balance
memory and I/O usage.
The RobustLev field should only be used when a problem is detected with the accuracy of the final
solution or if the Supernode eigensolver fails while computing the eigenvalues/eigenvectors. Setting
RobustLev to a value greater than 0 will cause the performance of the eigensolver to deteriorate. If
the performance deteriorates too much or if the eigensolver continues to fail when setting the Ro-
bustLev field to higher values, then switching to another eigensolver such as Block Lanczos or PCG
Lanczos is recommended.
Setting Compute = EVALUE causes the Supernode eigensolver to compute only the requested eigen-
values. During this process a Jobname.SNODE file is written; however, a Jobname.MODE file is not
written. Thus, errors will likely occur in any downstream computations that require the Jobname.MODE
file (for example, participation factor computations, mode superpostion transient/harmonic analysis,
PSD analysis). Setting Compute = EVECTOR causes the Supernode eigensolver to compute only the
corresponding eigenvectors. The Jobname.SNODE file and the associated Jobname.FULL file are
required when requesting these eigenvectors. In other words, the eigenvalues must have already been
computed for this model before computing the eigenvectors. This field can be useful in order to separate
the two steps (computing eigenvalues and computing eigenvectors).
For more information on the eigensolver's accuracy and a discussion of its known limitations, see Super-
node Method in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1535
Arbitrary reference number assigned to this variable (2 to NV [NUMVAR (p. 1086)]).
Label identifying the item. Valid item labels are shown in the table below. Some items may also require a
component label.
Component of the item (if required). Valid component labels are shown in the table below. None are cur-
rently required.
Thirty-two character name identifying the item on printouts and displays. Defaults to an eight character
label formed by concatenating the first four characters of the Item and Comp labels.
See also the PRITER (p. 1249) command of POST1 to display some of these items directly. Valid for a
static or full transient analysis. All other analyses have zeros for the data. Valid item and component
labels for solution summary values are:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1536 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Define Variables
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Elec&Mag>Circuit>Define Variables
This command is valid only at the Begin Level.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Solution
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1537
Specifies "Solution options" as the subsequent status topic.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Status (p. 46)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>Solution>General
SOLVE, Action
Starts a solution.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Analysis Options (p. 35)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Action to be performed on solve (used only for linear perturbation analyses).
Reform all appropriate element matrices in the first phase of a linear perturbation analysis.
Starts the solution of one load step of a solution sequence based on the current analysis type and option
settings. Use Action = ELFORM only in the first phase of a linear perturbation analysis.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Solution>Solve>Current LS
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1538 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Argument Descriptions
Name of the vector to be sorted. This vector can contain real or complex values.
Criteria used to sort the values:
Values are sorted based on their real value (default).
Values are sorted based on their absolute value.
Values are sorted based on the input permutation vector (Val1).
Val1, Val2
Additional input. The meaning of Val1, Val2 varies depending on the specified SortType. See below
for details.
The following Valx fields are used with SortType = VALUE or ABS:
Name of the vector in which permutation values will be saved (optional). This should be an empty vector
of type integer that was created with the *VEC (p. 1749) command. The size of this permutation vector must
be identical to the size of the vector to be sorted. After the sort, this vector contains the permutation used
to sort the values.
Order of the sort operation:
Increasing order (default).
Decreasing order.
Name of the permutation vector used to sort the values. This must be a vector of integer values that was
created with the *VEC (p. 1749) command. The size of this permutation vector must be identical to the size
of the vector to be sorted.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1539
The examples below demonstrate using *SORT (p. 1539) to sort the values of an input vector.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Specifies "Sort settings" as the subsequent status topic.
POST1 (p. 48): Status (p. 54)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>General Postproc>Sort Module
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1540 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Defines a default location for undefined nodes or keypoints.
PREP7 (p. 20): Keypoints (p. 23)
PREP7 (p. 20): Nodes (p. 29)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
X, Y, Z
Global Cartesian coordinates for source nodes or keypoints (defaults to the origin).
Command Default
Global Cartesian origin.
Defines a global Cartesian location for undefined nodes or keypoints moved during intersection calcu-
lations [MOVE (p. 966) or KMOVE (p. 822)].
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Defines a space node for radiation using the Radiation Matrix method.
AUX12 (p. 59): Radiation Matrix Method (p. 59)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Node defined to be the space node.
Command Default
No space node (no radiation to space).
A space node is required in an open system to account for radiation losses.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Radiation Opt>Matrix Method>Other Settings
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1541
Radiating surface enclosure number. Defaults to 1. If ENCL = STAT, the command lists all enclosure space
nodes. If ENCL = DELE, the command deletes all enclosure space nodes.
Node defined to be the space node.
For open systems, an enclosure may radiate to a space node (NODE).
Open systems may be characterized by one or more enclosures (ENCL). Each enclosure may radiate to
a different space node (NODE).
For a space node that is not part of the finite element model, specify the temperature using the D (p. 397)
command. For the first load step, the space node temperature ramps from the uniform temperature
specified by the TUNIF (p. 1700) command to the temperature specified by the D (p. 397) command. For
subsequent load steps, it ramps from the previous value of the space node temperature. For intermediate
load steps, use the SPCNOD,DELETE command and specify the space node temperature again to ramp
from the uniform temperature.
For a space node that is part of the finite element model, the temperature is that calculated during the
finite element solution.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Radiation Opts>Solution Opt
Main Menu>Radiation Opt>Radiosity Meth>Solution Opt
Main Menu>Solution>Radiation Opts>Solution Opt
Radiating surface enclosure number. Defaults to 1. If ENCL = STAT, the command lists all enclosure space
temperatures. If ENCL = DELE, the command deletes all enclosure space temperatures.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1542 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Temperature of free-space in the reference temperature system. The temperature will be offset by the
value specified in the TOFFST (p. 1683) command for internal calculations.
For open systems, an enclosure may radiate to the free-space ambient temperature (TEMP).
Open systems may be characterized by one or more enclosures (ENCL). Each enclosure may radiate to
a different free-space ambient temperature (TEMP).
For the first load step, the space temperature ramps from the uniform temperature specified by the
TUNIF (p. 1700) command to the temperature specified by the SPCTEMP command. For subsequent load
steps, it ramps from the previous value of the space temperature. For intermediate load steps, use the
SPCTEMP,DELETE command and specify the space temperature again to ramp from the uniform tem-
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Radiation Opts>Solution Opt
Main Menu>Radiation Opt>Radiosity Meth>Solution Opt
Main Menu>Solution>Radiation Opts>Solution Opt
Input table number. Corresponds to the frequency table number (TBLNO on the SPFREQ (p. 1544) command).
Input curve number. Corresponds to the spectrum values curve number (CURVNO on the SPVAL (p. 1555)
Damping ratio for the response spectrum curve. Up to 20 different curves may be defined, each with a
different damping ratio. Damping values must be input in ascending order.
Defines multi-point response spectrum damping value to be associated with:
Damping values are used only to identify input spectrum values for the mode coefficients calculation.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1543
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>MultiPt>Spect vs Freq
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>MultiPt>Spect vs Freq
Specifies "Miscellaneous specifications" as the subsequent status topic.
POST1 (p. 48): Status (p. 54)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>General Postproc>Output Options
Input table number. Up to 200 tables may be defined.
The spectrum values are input with the SPVAL (p. 1555) command. A separate SPFREQ command must
be used for each table defined. Frequencies must be in ascending order.
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1544 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Repeat SPFREQ command for additional frequency points. Values are added after the last nonzero fre-
If all fields after SPFREQ are blank, all input vs. frequency tables are erased. If TBLNO is the only non-
blank field, all corresponding SPVAL (p. 1555) curves are erased.
Use the SPTOPT (p. 1553) and STAT (p. 1572) commands to list current frequency points.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>MultiPt>Erase Tables
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>MultiPt>Freq points
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>MultiPt>Erase Tables
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>MultiPt>Freq points
Table number to display. Defaults to 1.
Curve number to display. Defaults to none.
Beginning of the curve number range to display. Defaults to 1.
You can display up to 10 input spectrum curves (SPVAL (p. 1555) and SPFREQ (p. 1544) commands) with
log X scale.
If the input spectrum curves are not associated with a damping value (SPDAMP (p. 1543) command),
CURVNO and CURVNOBeg are not applicable and table TBLNO is displayed. Otherwise, specify CURVNO
• if CURVNOBeg is used, up to 10 curves are displayed. CURVNOBeg is the beginning of the curve number
range of interest.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1545
Working plane X and Y coordinates of the center of the sphere.
Inner and outer radii (either order) of the sphere. A value of zero or blank for either RAD1 or RAD2 defines
a solid sphere.
Defines either a solid or hollow spherical volume anywhere on the working plane. The sphere must
have a spatial volume greater than zero. (i.e., this volume primitive command cannot be used to create
a degenerate volume as a means of creating an area.) A sphere of 360° will be defined with two areas,
each consisting of a hemisphere. See the SPHERE (p. 1547) and SPH5 (p. 1546) commands for other ways
to create spheres.
When working with a model imported from an IGES file (DEFAULT import option), you can create only
solid spheres. If you enter a value for both RAD1 and RAD2 the command is ignored.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Primitives>Solid Sphere
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Volumes>Sphere>Hollow Sphere
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Volumes>Sphere>Solid Sphere
Working plane X and Y coordinates of one edge of the sphere.
Working plane X and Y coordinates of the other edge of the sphere.
Defines a solid spherical volume anywhere on the working plane by specifying diameter end points.
The sphere must have a spatial volume greater than zero. (i.e., this volume primitive command cannot
be used to create a degenerate volume as a means of creating an area.) A sphere of 360° will be defined
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1546 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
with two areas, each consisting of a hemisphere. See the SPHERE (p. 1547) and SPH4 (p. 1546) commands
for other ways to create spheres.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Volumes>Sphere>By End Points
Inner and outer radii (either order) of the sphere. A value of zero or blank for either RAD1 or RAD2 defines
a solid sphere.
Starting and ending angles (either order) of the sphere. Used for creating a spherical sector. The sector
begins at the algebraically smaller angle, extends in a positive angular direction, and ends at the larger
angle. The starting angle defaults to 0.0° and the ending angle defaults to 360.0°. See the Modeling and
Meshing Guide for an illustration.
Defines either a solid or hollow sphere or spherical sector centered about the working plane origin. The
sphere must have a spatial volume greater than zero. (i.e., this volume primitive command cannot be
used to create a degenerate volume as a means of creating an area.) Inaccuracies can develop when
the size of the object you create is much smaller than the relative coordinate system values (ratios near
to or greater than 1000). If you require an exceptionally small sphere, create a larger object, and scale
it down to the appropriate size.
For a solid sphere of 360°, you define it with two areas, each consisting of a hemisphere. See the
SPH4 (p. 1546) and SPH5 (p. 1546) commands for the other ways to create spheres.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Volumes>Sphere>By Dimensions
SPLINE, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, XV1, YV1, ZV1, XV6, YV6, ZV6
Generates a segmented spline through a series of keypoints.
PREP7 (p. 20): Lines (p. 24)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1547
The following fields are used only if specified end slopes on the line are desired, otherwise zero curvature
end slopes will be automatically calculated to produce a line which is "straight" in the active coordinate
system. To specify end slopes, use the following fields to define a "slope vector" (one for each end of
the line, if desired) that has its tail at the origin and its head at the point XVn,YVn, ZVn in the active
coordinate system [CSYS (p. 364)]. The corresponding end slope of the line will then be parallel to this
"slope vector."
The output from this command is a series of connected lines (one line between each pair of keypoints)
that together form a spline. Note that solid modeling in a toroidal coordinate system is not recommended.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Lines>Splines>Segmented Spline
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Lines>Splines>With Options>Segmented Spline
Starting area for display of areas and underlying surfaces. If NA1 = ALL (default), NA2 and NINC are ignored
and all selected areas are displayed (ASEL (p. 166) command).
Last area to be displayed.
Numeric value setting steps between NA1 and NA2 for display. Default value is (1).
Specifies a rectangular mesh density used to display the underlying surface (default 4, i.e. 4 x 4).
This command is valid in any processor. The plot output displays the external and internal trim curves
and underlying surface. You cannot obtain a faceted view of your surface areas when you are using the
/EXPAND (p. 593) command to create larger graphics displays.
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1548 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Reduction method for the calculation of the state-space matrices.
Method based on modal analysis results from LANB, LANPCG, SNODE, or SUBSP eigensolver (default).
Number of modes to be used. Defaults to all modes.
Definition of the inputs. Defaults to all load vectors on the MODE file.
If an integer is entered, it specifies the number of load vectors from the MODE file used for the
definition of the inputs. The first Inputs load vectors are used.
If Inputs is an array parameter, the first column is the node number and the second column is
the structural degree of freedom (1=UX, 2=UY, 3=UZ, 4=ROTX, 5=ROTY, 6=ROTZ) indicating input
points. The number of rows in the array parameter is equal to the number of inputs.
Definition of the input labels. Defaults to the load vector numbers or input definition (node and degree
of freedom array parameter), depending on the Inputs specification.
If a character array parameter is entered (Type=CHAR in the *DIM (p. 435) command), each 8 char-
acter string represents an input label. Only valid when Inputs is an array parameter
Definition of the outputs. Defaults to the inputs.
If an array parameter is entered, the first column is the node number and the second column is the
structural degree of freedom (1=UX, 2=UY, 3=UZ, 4=ROTX, 5=ROTY, 6=ROTZ) of the output points.
The number of rows in the array parameter is equal to the number of outputs.
Definition of the output labels. Defaults to the output definition (node and degree of freedom) if used,
else defaults to the InputLabels.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1549
If a character array parameter is entered (Type=CHAR in the *DIM command), each 8 character string
represents an output label.
Load vector on the MODE file used for the calculation of the initial conditions. Defaults to no initial condition.
Output velocities and accelerations key.
Output displacements only (default).
Output displacements, velocities and accelerations.
The format of the SPM file.
Dense format.
Matrix Market Exchange format (non-zero terms only).
Twin Builder SML format without reference (default).
Twin Builder SML format with common reference.
Twin Builder SML format with independent references.
The SPMWRITE generates the file Jobname.SPM containing the state-space matrices and other inform-
• For conservative systems where the outputs are equal to the inputs (Outputs is left blank):
– The Inputs must use the array parameter option so that the input degrees of freedom (DOFs) are known.
• For non-conservative systems where the outputs are not equal to the inputs:
• Velocity and acceleration results are not included in the state-space matrices calculation (VelAccKey = OFF)
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1550 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
• File format with common reference (FileFormat = 3) does not apply if the inputs are based on DOFs of a
different nature. All input DOFs must be either all rotational or all translational and not a mix of the two.
For more details about the reduction method and the generation of the state-space matrices, see Re-
duced-Order Modeling for State-Space Matrices Export in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Node number of the desired point. If zero, use X,Y,Z to describe point.
X, Y, Z
Global Cartesian coordinates of the desired summation point. Used if NODE is 0. Defaults to (0,0,0).
Inertia key:
Point or node is used for the force/moment summations (default).
Point or node is used for the calculation of total inertia.
Command Default
No point is defined by default; you must either specify a node or coordinates.
By default (InertiaKey = OFF), defines a point (any point other than the origin) about which the
tabular moment summations are computed. If force summations are desired in other than the global
Cartesian directions, a node number must be specified on the NODE field, and the desired coordinate
system must be activated with RSYS (p. 1383). The command must be issued in the /POST1 (p. 1221)
When the inertia key is activated (InertiaKey = ON), the total inertia printed in the precise mass
summary is calculated with respect to the point or node in the global Cartesian system. In this case,
the command must be issued during the first load step in the /SOLU (p. 1537) module.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1551
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Nodal Calcs>Summation Pt>At Node
Main Menu>General Postproc>Nodal Calcs>Summation Pt>At XYZ Loc
Spectrum type:
Single point excitation response spectrum (default). See also the SVTYP (p. 1594) command.
Multiple point excitation response spectrum.
Dynamic design analysis method.
Power spectral density.
Use the first NMODE modes from the modal analysis. Defaults to all extracted modes, as specified by the
MODOPT (p. 951) and BUCOPT (p. 244) commands. NMODE cannot be larger than 10000.
Element results calculation key (for Sptype = PSD only):
Do not calculate element results and reaction forces (default).
Calculate element results and reaction forces, as well as the nodal degree of freedom solution.
Key for existing MODE file reuse when running multiple spectrum analyses:
No spectrum analysis has been performed yet (default).
This is not the first spectrum analysis. The MODE file will be reused and the necessary files will be
cleaned up for the new spectrum analysis.
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1552 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Valid only for a spectrum analysis (ANTYPE (p. 140),SPECTR). This operation must be preceded by a
modal solution (ANTYPE (p. 140),MODAL) with the appropriate files available. Both the spectrum analysis
and the preceding modal analysis must be performed under the same ANSYS version number.
If used in SOLUTION, this command is valid only within the first load step.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Turns on a dashed tolerance curve for the subsequent curve plots.
POST26 (p. 55): Display (p. 57)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Amount of tolerance. For example, 0.1 is ± 10%.
Command Default
No tolerance curve.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Settings>Graph
Specifies "Spectrum analysis options" as the subsequent status topic.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Status (p. 46)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1553
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>SinglePt>Show Status
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>SinglePt>Show Status
Utility Menu>List>Status>Solution>Spectrum Options
Input table number.
Label identifying the type of spectrum:
Displacement spectrum (SPVAL (p. 1555) values interpreted as displacements with units of length).
Velocity spectrum (SPVAL (p. 1555) values interpreted as velocities with units of length/time).
Acceleration spectrum (SPVAL (p. 1555) values interpreted as accelerations with units of length/time2).
Acceleration spectrum (SPVAL (p. 1555) values interpreted as accelerations with units of g/time2).
Force spectrum.
Pressure spectrum.
Value of acceleration due to gravity in any arbitrary units for Type=ACCG table. Default is 386.4 in/sec2.
Key to activate or deactivate the linear interpolation between input response spectrum points and input
response spectrum curves:
0 (OFF or NO)
Deactivate linear and use logarithmic interpolation. This value is the default.
1 (ON or YES)
Activate linear interpolation.
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1554 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Command Default
Acceleration (ACEL) spectrum (length/time2).
Defines the type of multi-point response spectrum defined by the SPFREQ (p. 1544) and SPVAL (p. 1555)
Force (FORC) and pressure (PRES) type spectra can be used only as a nodal excitation.
GVALUE is valid only when Type = ACCG is specified. A zero or negative value cannot be used. A
parameter substitution can also be performed.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>MultiPt>Settings
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>MultiPt>Settings
Defines multi-point response spectrum values.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Spectrum Options (p. 38)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Input table number. It corresponds to TBLNO on the SPFREQ (p. 1544) command.
Input curve number. It corresponds to CURVNO on the SPDAMP (p. 1543) command (optional).
Defines multi-point response spectrum values to be associated with the previously defined frequency
points (SPFREQ (p. 1544)). It can also be associated with the previously defined damping value (SP-
DAMP (p. 1543)). If CURVNO is not specified, the input spectrum is not associated with a damping value.
Repeat SPVAL command for additional values, up to the number of frequency points (SPFREQ (p. 1544)).
Values are added after the last nonzero value.
The interpolation method between response spectrum points and curves is specified using KeyInterp
on the SPUNIT (p. 1554) command. It is logarithmic by default.
Use the SPTOPT (p. 1553) and STAT (p. 1572) commands to list current spectrum curve values.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1555
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>MultiPt>Spect vs Freq
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>MultiPt>Spect vs Freq
Arbitrary reference number assigned to the resulting variable (2 to NV [NUMVAR (p. 1086)]). If this number
is the same as for a previously defined variable, the previously defined variable will be overwritten with
this result.
Reference number of the variable to be operated on.
--, --
Unused fields.
Thirty-two character name identifying the variable on printouts and displays. Embedded blanks are com-
pressed for output.
--, --
Unused fields.
Scaling factor (positive or negative) applied to variable IA (defaults to 1.0).
Forms the square root of a variable according to the operation:
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Math Operations>Square Root
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1556 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
*SREAD (p. 1557), StrArray, Fname, Ext, --, nChar, nSkip, nRead
Reads a file into a string array parameter.
APDL (p. 17): Array Parameters (p. 18)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Argument Descriptions
Name of the "string array" parameter which will hold the read file. String array parameters are similar to
character arrays, but each array element can be as long as 248 characters. If the string parameter does not
exist, it will be created. The array will be created as: *DIM,StrArray,STRING,nChar,nRead
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
Number of characters per line to read (default is length of the longest line in the file).
Number of lines to skip at the start of the file (default is 0).
Number of lines to read from the file (default is the entire file).
The *SREAD (p. 1557) command reads from a file into a string array parameter. The file must be an ASCII
text file.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1557
Combine only those modes whose significance level exceeds the SIGNIF threshold. For single point,
multipoint, or DDAM response (SPOPT (p. 1552),SPRS, MPRS or DDAM), the significance level of a mode is
defined as the mode coefficient of the mode, divided by the maximum mode coefficient of all modes. Any
mode whose significance level is less than SIGNIF is considered insignificant and is not contributed to
the mode combinations. The higher the SIGNIF threshold, the fewer the number of modes combined.
SIGNIF defaults to 0.001. If SIGNIF is specified as 0.0, it is taken as 0.0. (This mode combination method
is not valid for SPOPT (p. 1552),PSD.)
Label identifying the combined mode solution output.
Displacement solution (default). Displacements, stresses, forces, etc., are available.
Velocity solution. Velocities, "stress velocities," "force velocities," etc., are available.
Acceleration solution. Accelerations, "stress accelerations," "force accelerations," etc., are available.
Absolute Sum combination key (for SPOPT (p. 1552),MPRS only):
Do not use the Absolute Sum method (default).
Combine the modes per excitation direction using the Absolute Sum method, then combine the res-
ulting quantities using the square root of sum of squares method.
When using Absolute Sum combination, the excitation direction must be specified using the
SED (p. 1439) command.
Label identifying the forces to be combined:
Combine the modal static forces (default).
Combine the modal static plus inertial forces.
This command is also valid for PREP7.
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1558 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>Mode Combine>SRSS Method
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>MultiPt>Mode Combine>SRSS
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>SinglePt>Mode Combine>SRSS
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>Mode Combine>SRSS Method
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>MultiPt>Mode Combine>SRSS Method
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>SinglePt>Mode Combine>SRSS Method
SSBT, BT 11 , BT 22 , BT 12 ,T
Specifies preintegrated bending thermal effects for shell sections.
PREP7 (p. 20): Cross Sections (p. 33)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
BT 11 , BT 22 , BT 12
Bending thermal effects component [ B ].
The behavior of shell elements is governed by the generalized-stress/generalized-strain relationship of
the form:
The SSBT command, one of several preintegrated shell section commands, specifies the bending thermal
effects quantity (submatrix [ B T ] data) for a preintegrated shell section. The section data defined is
associated with the section most recently defined (via the SECTYPE (p. 1433) command).
The [ B ] quantity represents bending stress resultants caused by a unit raise in temperature on a
fully constrained model. For a layered composite shell, it is usually necessary to specify both the [ B
] and [ M ] quantities (by issuing the SSBT and SSMT (p. 1561) commands, respectively).
Related commands are SSPA (p. 1563), SSPB (p. 1564), SSPD (p. 1565), SSPE (p. 1566), SSMT (p. 1561), and
SSPM (p. 1566).
If you are using the SHELL181 or SHELL281 element's Membrane option (KEYOPT(1) = 1), it is not neces-
sary to issue this command.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1559
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Shell>Pre-integrated
Window number (or ALL) to which command applies (defaults to 1).
Contour multiplier that factors in results based on the product of the multiplier and the result being plotted.
Defaults to 0.0 (no topographic effects).
Command Default
No topographic contour effects.
Use this command to scale values to the geometry when the contours are shown elevated. For section
displays [/TYPE (p. 1705)], the elevation is performed perpendicular to the section face.
Nonzero contour multipliers factoring in large results (stresses or displacements) can produce very large
distortion, causing images to disappear. To bring a distorted image back into view, reduce the contour
multiplier value.
Portions of this command are not supported by PowerGraphics [/GRAPHICS (p. 732),POWER].
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Contours>Contour Style
Factor used to determine small lines. FACT times the average line length in the model is used as the line
length limit below which lines will be selected.
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1560 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Line length limit for line selection. Lines that have a length less than or equal to SIZE will be selected.
Used only if FACT is blank.
SSLN invokes a predefined ANSYS macro for selecting small lines in a model. Lines that are smaller than
or equal to the specified limit (FACT or SIZE) are selected and line numbers are displayed. This command
macro is useful for detecting very small lines in a model that may cause problems (i.e., poorly shaped
elements or a meshing failure) during meshing. All lines that are not "small" will be unselected and can
be reselected with the LSEL (p. 896) command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Check Geom>Sel Small Lines
SSMT, MT 11 , MT 22 , MT 12 ,T
Specifies preintegrated membrane thermal effects for shell sections.
PREP7 (p. 20): Cross Sections (p. 33)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
MT 11 , MT 22 , MT 12
Membrane thermal effects component [ M ].
The behavior of shell elements is governed by the generalized-stress/generalized-strain relationship of
the form:
The SSMT command, one of several preintegrated shell section commands, specifies the membrane
thermal effects quantity (submatrix [ M T ] data) for a preintegrated shell section. The section data
defined is associated with the section most recently defined (via the SECTYPE (p. 1433) command).
The [ M ] quantity represents membrane stress resultants caused by a unit raise in temperature on
a fully constrained model. For a layered composite shell, it is usually necessary to specify both the [ M
] and [ B ] quantities (by issuing the SSMT and SSBT (p. 1559) commands, respectively).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1561
Related commands are SSPA (p. 1563), SSPB (p. 1564), SSPD (p. 1565), SSPE (p. 1566), SSBT (p. 1559), and
SSPM (p. 1566).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Shell>Pre-integrated
Solution option to define:
Geostatic equilibrium step for soil analysis.
Consolidation step for soil analysis.
Stop condition for soil consolidation analysis.
Specific weight load.
No parameter values required.
Option = STOP
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1562 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
A positive value to define the maximum pore pressure increment in a step, or a negative
value to define the percentage of incremental pore pressure in a step to maximum pore
pressure in the solution.
Option = SFSW
Par1, Par2, Par3:
The specific weight load direction. (Default: The -Y axis in the global coordinate system.)
The SSOPT command defines solution options for soil analysis (ANTYPE (p. 140),SOIL) only.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
The behavior of shell elements is governed by the generalized-stress/generalized-strain relationship of
the form:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1563
The SSPA command, one of several preintegrated shell section commands, specifies the membrane
stiffness quantity (submatrix [ A ]) for a preintegrated shell section. The section data defined is associated
with the section most recently defined (via the SECTYPE (p. 1433) command).
Related commands are SSPB (p. 1564), SSPD (p. 1565), SSPE (p. 1566), SSMT (p. 1561), SSBT (p. 1559), and
SSPM (p. 1566).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Shell>Pre-integrated
SSPB, B11 , B21 , B31 , B22 , B32 , B33 , T, B12 , B13 , B23
Specifies a preintegrated coupling stiffness for shell sections.
PREP7 (p. 20): Cross Sections (p. 33)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
The behavior of shell elements is governed by the generalized-stress/generalized-strain relationship of
the form:
If the coefficients B12 , B13 , B23 are undefined, ANSYS uses a symmetric form of submatrix [ B ]. If
any one of the coefficients B12 , B13 , B23 is nonzero, ANSYS considers submatrix [ B ] to be unsym-
The SSPB command, one of several preintegrated shell section commands, specifies the coupling stiffness
quantity (submatrix [ B ] data) for a preintegrated shell section. The section data defined is associated
with the section most recently defined (via the SECTYPE (p. 1433) command).
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1564 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Related commands are SSPA (p. 1563), SSPD (p. 1565), SSPE (p. 1566), SSMT (p. 1561), SSBT (p. 1559), and
SSPM (p. 1566).
If you are using the SHELL181 or SHELL281 element's Membrane option (KEYOPT(1) = 1), it is not neces-
sary to issue this command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Shell>Pre-integrated
The behavior of shell elements is governed by the generalized-stress/generalized-strain relationship of
the form:
The SSPD command, one of several preintegrated shell section commands , specifies the bending
stiffness quantity (submatrix [ D ] data) for a preintegrated shell section. The section data defined is
associated with the section most recently defined (via the SECTYPE (p. 1433) command).
Related commands are SSPA (p. 1563), SSPB (p. 1564), SSPE (p. 1566), SSMT (p. 1561), SSBT (p. 1559), and
SSPM (p. 1566).
If you are using the SHELL181 or SHELL281 element's Membrane option (KEYOPT(1) = 1), it is not neces-
sary to issue this command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Shell>Pre-integrated
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1565
The behavior of shell elements is governed by the generalized-stress/generalized-strain relationship of
the form:
The SSPE command, one of several preintegrated shell section commands, specifies the transverse
shear stiffness quantity (submatrix [ E ] data) for a preintegrated shell section. The section data defined
is associated with the section most recently defined (via the SECTYPE (p. 1433) command).
Related commands are SSPA (p. 1563), SSPB (p. 1564), SSPD (p. 1565), SSMT (p. 1561), SSBT (p. 1559), and
SSPM (p. 1566).
If you are using the SHELL181 or SHELL281 element's Membrane option (KEYOPT(1) = 1), it is not neces-
sary to issue this command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Shell>Pre-integrated
Specifies mass density for a preintegrated shell section.
PREP7 (p. 20): Cross Sections (p. 33)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Mass density.
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1566 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The SSPM command, one of several preintegrated shell section commands, specifies the mass density
(assuming a unit thickness) for a preintegrated shell section. The value specified is associated with the
section most recently defined (via the SECTYPE (p. 1433) command).
Related commands are SSPA (p. 1563), SSPB (p. 1564), SSPD (p. 1565), SSPE (p. 1566), SSMT (p. 1561), and SS-
BT (p. 1559).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Sections>Shell>Pre-integrated
Calculates and prints the sum of element table items.
POST1 (p. 48): Element Table (p. 49)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Calculates and prints the tabular sum of each existing labeled result item [ETABLE (p. 572)] for the se-
lected elements. If absolute values are requested [SABS (p. 1387),1], absolute values are used.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Element Table>Sum of Each Item
SSTATE, Action, CM_Name, Val1, Val2, Val3, Val4, Val5, Val6, Val7, Val8,
Defines a steady-state rolling analysis.
PREP7 (p. 20): Special Purpose (p. 34)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Action to perform for defining or manipulating steady-state rolling analysis data:
Define steady-state rolling analysis data
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1567
List current steady-state rolling analysis data
Delete steady-state rolling analysis data
Element component name
The SSTATE command specifies steady-state rolling analysis parameters for the given element component.
The program runs the steady-state rolling analysis if the corresponding element key option is enabled
for that element component.
Supported Description
SOLID185 3-D 8-Node Structural Solid
SOLID186 3-D 20-Node Structural Solid
SOLID187 3-D 10-Node Tetrahedral Structural
SOLSH190 3-D 8-Node Structural Solid Shell
For information about steady-state rolling for rebar and solid elements, see Steady-State Rolling in the
Mechanical APDL Theory Reference.
• TRANSLATE -- Rigid body motion (velocity) that the spinning component is undergoing
Spin velocity
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1568 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Method to use for defining the spin axis:
Define the spin axis using two points:
In this case, two points with coordinates (0,0,0) and (0,1,0) define
the spin axis in the global Y direction.
Lists all steady-state rolling analysis data defined on the specified element component.
All data is listed if no component (CM_Name) is specified.
Deletes all steady-state rolling analysis data defined on the specified element component.
All data is deleted if no component (CM_Name) is specified.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1569
Key for controlling nonlinear stabilization:
Deactivate stabilization (default).
Activate stabilization. The energy-dissipation ratio or damping factor remains constant during the load
Activate stabilization. The energy-dissipation ratio or damping factor is reduced linearly to zero at the
end of the load step from the specified or calculated value.
The stabilization-control method:
Use the energy-dissipation ratio as the control. This value is the default when Key ≠ OFF.
Use the damping factor as the control.
The energy-dissipation ratio (Method = ENERGY) or damping factor (Method = DAMPING). This value
must be greater than 0 when Method = ENERGY or Method = DAMPING. When Method = ENERGY, this
value is usually a number between 0 and 1.
Option for the first substep of the load step:
Stabilization is not activated for the first substep even when it does not converge after the minimal
allowed time increment is reached. This value is the default when Key ≠ OFF.
Stabilization is activated for the first substep if it still does not converge after the minimal allowed time
increment is reached.
Stabilization is activated for the first substep. Use this option if stabilization was active for the previous
load step via Key = CONSTANT.
The stabilization force limit coefficient, such that 0 < FORCELIMIT < 1. The default value is 0.2. To omit
a stabilization force check, set this value to 0.
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1570 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Key for controlling damping recalculation:
Command Default
Once issued, the stabilization effects of the command remain until you issue either a STABILIZE command
(with no arguments) or a STABILIZE,OFF command. If you issue the command with no arguments, the
effect is to deactivate stabilization.
Once issued, a STABILIZE command remains in effect until you reissue the command.
For the energy dissipation ratio, specify VALUE = 1.0e-4 if you have no prior experience with the current
model; if convergence problems are still an issue, increase the value gradually. The damping factor is
mesh-, material-, and time-step-dependent; an initial reference value from the previous run (such as a
run with the energy-dissipation ratio as input) should suggest itself.
Exercise caution when specifying SubStpOpt = MINTIME or ANYTIME for the first load step; ANSYS,
Inc. recommends this option only for experienced users. If stabilization was active for the previous load
step via Key = CONSTANT and convergence is an issue for the first substep, specify SubStpOpt =
When the L2-norm of the stabilization force (CSRSS value) exceeds the L2-norm of the internal force
multiplied by the stabilization force coefficient, the program issues a message displaying both the sta-
bilization force norm and the internal force norm. The FORCELIMIT argument enables you to change
the default stabilization force coefficient (normally 20 percent).
When using the energy-based stabilization-control method and RECALCDAMP = 1, the damping factor
is recalculated in the following cases:
• In an analysis restart.
This command stabilizes the degrees of freedom for current-technology elements only. Other elements
can be included in the FE model, but their degrees of freedom are not stabilized.
For more information about nonlinear stabilization, see Unstable Structures in the Structural Analysis
Guide. For additional tips that can help you to achieve a stable final model, see Simplify Your Model in
the Structural Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Advanced NL
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Advanced NL
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1571
Displays the status of database settings.
DATABASE (p. 11): Set Up (p. 11)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
STAT is a command generated by the GUI and will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is
requested for some items under Utility Menu> List> Status. Generally, STAT will be preceded by one
of the commands listed below, which specifies the particular topic that status was requested for.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT command should be immediately preceded by the desired
topic command listed below. In processors other than those listed below (for example, AUX12), no
topic command should proceed STAT.
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1572 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1573
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Solution>Solve>Current LS
Lists the current parameters and abbreviations.
APDL (p. 17): Parameters (p. 17)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Argument Descriptions
Specifies the parameter or sets of parameters listed. For array parameters, use IMIN, IMAX, etc. to specify
ranges. Use *DIM (p. 435) to define array parameters. Use *VEDIT (p. 1752) to review array parameters inter-
actively. Use *VWRITE (p. 1814) to print array values in a formatted output. If Par is blank, list all scalar
parameter values, array parameter dimensions, and abbreviations. If ARGX, list the active set of local macro
parameters (ARG1 to ARG9 and AR10 to AR99) [*USE (p. 1727)].
ALL or blank --
Lists all parameters (except local macro parameters and those with names beginning or ending with
an underbar) and toolbar abbreviations.
_PRM --
Lists only parameters with names beginning with an underbar (_). These are ANSYS internal parameters.
PRM_ --
Lists only parameters with names ending with an underbar (_). A good APDL programming convention
is to ensure that all parameters created by your system programmer are named with a trailing underbar.
Lists all toolbar abbreviations.
Lists all parameters (except local macro parameters and those with names beginning or ending with
an underbar).
Lists all APDL Math parameters, including vectors, matrices, and linear solvers.
Lists only the parameter specified. PARNAME cannot be a local macro parameter name.
Lists all local macro parameter values (ARG1- AR99) that are non-zero or non-blank.
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1574 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Range of array elements to display (in terms of the dimensions (row, column, plane, book, and shelf ).
Minimum values default to 1. Maximum values default to the maximum dimension values. Zero may be
input for IMIN, JMIN, and KMIN to display the index numbers. See *TAXIS (p. 1602) command to list index
numbers of 4- and 5-D tables.
Use this field to list your primary variable labels (X, Y, Z, TIME, etc.).
List the labels (default). YES, Y, or ON are also valid entries.
Do not list the labels. NO, N, or OFF are also valid entries.
You cannot obtain the value for a single local parameter (e.g., *STATUS (p. 1574),ARG2). You can only
request all local parameters simultaneously using *STATUS (p. 1574),ARGX.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Other>Named Parameter
Utility Menu>List>Other>Parameters
Utility Menu>List>Status>Parameters>All Parameters
Utility Menu>List>Status>Parameters>Named Parameters
Items to list status for:
List all below (default).
List only titles, Jobname, and revision number.
List only units.
List only memory data statistics.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1575
List only database statistics
List only configuration parameters.
Provides a global status summary.
Provides a solution status summary.
Provides a product summary.
Displays various items active for the run (such as the ANSYS revision number, Jobname, titles, units,
configuration parameters, database statistics, etc.).
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>Global Status
Specifies Stefan-Boltzmann radiation constant.
AUX12 (p. 59): General Radiation (p. 59)
SOLUTION (p. 35): Radiosity (p. 47)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Stefan-Boltzmann constant (defaults to 0.119E-10 Btu/hr/in2/ °R4).
Command Default
0.119E-10 Btu/hr/in2/ °R4.
You can use this command in the general preprocessor (PREP7) and in the Solution processor to specify
the Stefan-Boltzmann constant in analyses using the radiation matrix method or the radiosity solver to
model radiation.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Thermal>Ambient Rad>On Areas
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1576 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Subtitle line number (1 to 4). Defaults to 1.
Input up to 70 alphanumeric characters. Parameter substitution may be forced within the title by enclosing
the parameter name or parametric expression within percent (%) signs. If Title is blank, this subtitle is
Subtitles (4 maximum) are displayed in the output along with the main title [/TITLE (p. 1682)]. Subtitles
do not appear in GUI windows or in ANSYS plot displays. The first subtitle is also written to various
ANSYS files along with the main title. Previous subtitles may be overwritten or deleted. Issue
/STATUS (p. 1575) to display titles.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1577
Valid labels:
Merge data from results file for the time points in memory with the existing data using current specific-
ations (default).
Store a new set of data, replacing any previously stored data with current result file specifications and
deleting any previously-calculated (OPER) variables. Variables defined using the ANSOL (p. 129) command
are also deleted.
Append data from results file to the existing data.
Allocate (and zero) space for NPTS data points.
Create a new set of frequency points for PSD calculations (replacing any previously stored data and
erasing any previously calculated data).
The number of time points (or frequency points) for storage (used only with Lab = ALLOC or PSD). The
value may be input when using POST26 with data supplied from other than a results file. This value is
automatically determined from the results file data with the NEW, APPEN, and MERGE options. For the PSD
option, NPTS determines the resolution of the frequency vector (valid numbers are between 1 and 10,
defaults to 5).
A frequency value, or an array containing frequency values (Hz), which is merged with the frequencies
specified on SPOPT (p. 1552). Use *DIM (p. 435) to define the array and enclose the array name in percent
signs (for example, STORE,,,,%arrayname%). A default value of 1% of damping is considered for clustering
around the user-input frequency values. Supported for Lab = PSD only.
Tolerance to determine if a user-input frequency value (FREQ) is a duplicate and can be ignored. Two fre-
quency values are considered duplicates if their difference is smaller than the frequency range multiplied
by the tolerance. The default value is 10-5. Supported for Lab = PSD only.
Command Default
Merge newly-defined variables with previously stored variables for the time points stored in memory
using the current specifications. If STORE is preceded by TIMERANGE (p. 1677) or NSTORE (p. 1072), the
default is STORE,NEW.
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1578 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
This command stores data from the results file in the database for the defined variables [NSOL (p. 1067),
ESOL (p. 558), SOLU (p. 1536), JSOL (p. 804)] per specification [FORCE (p. 644), LAYERP26 (p. 846),
SHELL (p. 1506)]. See the Basic Analysis Guide for more information.
The STORE,PSD command will create a new frequency vector (variable 1) for response PSD calculations
[RPSD (p. 1369)]. This command should first be issued before defining variables [NSOL (p. 1067), ESOL (p. 558),
RFORCE (p. 1343)] for which response PSD's are to be calculated.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Store Data
One of the following options:
Controls whether a Sturm sequence check is performed.
Do not perform Sturm sequence check (default).
Perform Sturm sequence check.
Controls the memory allocation strategy for the Subspace eigensolver.
Use the default memory allocation strategy (default).
Force the Subspace eigensolver to allocate in-core memory.
Force the Subspace eigensolver to use scratch files.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1579
SUBOPT specifies options to be used with the Subspace eigensolver (MODOPT (p. 951),SUBSP) during
a modal analysis.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Load step number of the data set to be read (defaults to 1):
Read load step N.
Read the first data set (SBSTEP and TIME are ignored).
Read the last data set (SBSTEP and TIME are ignored).
Read the next data set (SBSTEP and TIME are ignored). If at the last data set, the first data set will
be read as the next.
Read the data set nearest to TIME (SBSTEP is ignored). If TIME is blank, read the first data set.
Scan the results file and list a summary of each load step. (FACT, KIMG, TIME and ANGLE are ignored.)
Substep number (within Lstep). For the buckling (ANTYPE (p. 140),BUCKLE) analysis or the modal (AN-
TYPE (p. 140),MODAL) analysis, the substep corresponds to the mode number. Defaults to last substep of
load step (except for ANTYPE (p. 140),BUCKLE or MODAL). If Lstep = LIST, SBSTEP = 0 or 1 lists the basic
step information, whereas SBSTEP = 2 also lists the load step title, and labels imaginary data sets if they
Scale factor applied to data read from the file. If zero (or blank), a value of 1.0 is used. Harmonic velocities
or accelerations may be calculated from the displacement results from a modal (ANTYPE (p. 140),MODAL)
or harmonic (ANTYPE (p. 140),HARMIC) analyses. If FACT = VELO, the harmonic velocities (v) are calculated
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1580 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
from the displacements (d) at a particular frequency (f ) according to the relationship v = 2 πfd. Similarly,
if FACT = ACEL, the harmonic accelerations (a) are calculated as a = (2 πf )2d.
Used only with results from complex analyses:
Store real part of complex solution
Store imaginary part.
Time-point identifying the data set to be read. For harmonic analyses, time corresponds to the frequency.
For the buckling analysis, time corresponds to the load factor. Used only in the following cases: If Lstep
is NEAR, read the data set nearest to TIME. If both Lstep and SBSTEP are zero (or blank), read data set
at time = TIME. If TIME is between two solution time points on the results file, a linear interpolation is
done between the two data sets. Solution items not written to the results file [OUTRES (p. 1115)] for either
data set will result in a null item after data set interpolation. If TIME is beyond the last time point on the
file, use the last time point.
Circumferential location (0.0 to 360°). Defines the circumferential location for the harmonic calculations
used when reading from the results file. The harmonic factor (based on the circumferential angle) is applied
to the harmonic elements (PLANE25, PLANE75, PLANE78, PLANE83, and SHELL61) of the load case. See the
Mechanical APDL Theory Reference for details. Note that factored values of applied constraints and loads
will overwrite any values existing in the database.
Data set number of the data set to be read. If a positive value for NSET is entered, Lstep, SBSTEP, KIMG,
and TIME are ignored. Available set numbers can be determined by SET (p. 1458),LIST.
Reads a data set from the results file into the database for the selected portions of the model only. Data
that has not been specified for retrieval from the results file by the INRES (p. 795) command will be listed
as having a zero value. Each time that the SUBSET command is issued, the data currently in the database
will be overwritten with a new set of data. Various operations may also be performed during the read
operation. The database must have the model geometry available (or used the RESUME (p. 1338) command
before the SUBSET command to restore the geometry from File.DB).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Read Results>By Load Step
Main Menu>General Postproc>Read Results>By Set Number
Main Menu>General Postproc>Read Results>By Time/Freq
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1581
Eight character name for new result data.
First result data upon which to operate.
Mathematical operation to perform.
(lab1 + lab2 + const)
(lab1 - lab2 + const)
(lab1 * lab2 + const)
(lab1 / lab2 + const)
(lab1 ^ fact1 + lab2 ^ fact2 + const)
(cos (lab1) + const)
(sin (lab1) + const)
(acos (lab1) + const)
(asin (lab1) + const)
(atan (lab1) + const)
(atan2 (lab1 / lab2) + const)
(log (lab1) + const)
(abs (lab1) + const)
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1582 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
(0 + const)
Second result data upon which to operate.
First scaling factor (for EXP option only).
Second scaling factor (for EXP option only).
Constant added to the values in the resulting data.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Math Operations>Absolute
Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Math Operations>Add
Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Math Operations>ArcCosine
Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Math Operations>ArcSine
Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Math Operations>ArcTangent
Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Math Operations>ArcTangent2
Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Math Operations>Cosine
Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Math Operations>Divide
Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Math Operations>Exponentiate
Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Math Operations>Initialize
Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Math Operations>Multiply
Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Math Operations>Natural Log
Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Math Operations>Sine
Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Math Operations>Subtract
Eight character surface name.
Surface type.
Surface is defined by the cutting plane in window one (controlled by the working plane (/CPLANE,1),
NOT the view settings (/CPLANE,0)).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1583
Surface is defined by a spherical surface centered about the working plane origin.
Surface is defined by a cylindrical surface centered about the working plane origin and extending in-
definitely in the positive and negative Z directions.
Refinement level.
Appropriate radius value (for INFC or SPHERE).
Tolerance value for inclusion of element facets within a prescribed volume. (for INFC)
This command creates a new surface and stores the following data for that surface:
GCX, GCY, GCZ - global Cartesian coordinates at each point on the surface.
NORMX, NORMY, NORMZ - components of the unit normal at each point on the surface.
DA - the contributory area of each point.
For SurfType = CPLANE, nRefine refers to the number of points that define the surface. An nRefine
value of zero is used for points where the element face intersects the cutting plane.
If SurfType = CPLANE and nRefine = 0, the points reside at the section cuts where the element
intersects the cutting plane. Increasing nRefine from 0 to 1 will subdivide each surface facet into 4
subfacets, and increase the number of points at which results can be interpolated.
For SurfType = CPLANE, the setting from the /EFACET (p. 498) command will affect the creation of
surface facets and the quality of the fit of the surface in the model. SUCR employs geometry data from
PowerGraphics to aid in determining where the surface intersects the model. If /EFACET (p. 498),1 is in
effect when the SUCR command is issued, then the curvature of high order elements (that is, elements
with midside nodes) will be ignored. If your model contains high order elements, you can see a better
fit for your surface if /EFACET,2 is in effect when the SUCR command is issued. Currently, the SUCR
command interprets /EFACET (p. 498),4 to mean /EFACET (p. 498),2.
For SurfType = INFC, a default tolerance of 0.01 will be applied to include the vertices of any facets
that fall out of the cylinder definition. This tolerance increases the facet size by one percent to check
for inclusion. Excluding facets under such a small tolerance may yield unacceptable (aesthetically) results.
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1584 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Increasing the tolerance by a larger amount (0.1 or 10%) will sometimes yield smother edges along the
surface you create.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Create Surface>Inf. Cylinder
Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Create Surface>On Cuttng Plane
Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Create Surface>Sphere>At Node
Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Create Surface>Sphere>By Dimensions
SUDEL, SurfName
Delete geometry information as well as any mapped results for specified surface.
POST1 (p. 48): Surface Operations (p. 51)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Eight character surface name.
SurfName = ALL will delete all surface geometry and result infromation.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Delete Surfaces
APDL parameter name.
Eight character set name for the first set used in calculation.
Operation to perform:
Sum of lab1 result values.
Integral of lab1 over surface.
Area-weighted average of a result item [Σ(lab1*DA) / Σ(DA)]
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1585
The result of this operation is a scalar APDL parameter value. If multiple surfaces are selected when this
command is issued, then the operation is carried out on each surface individually and the parameter
reperesents the culmulative value of the operation on all selected surfaces.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Math Operations>Average Result
Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Math Operations>Integrate Results
Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Math Operations>Sum of Results
Eight character surface name.
Eight character result name.
APDL array parameter name (up to 32 characters).
Switch controlling how data is written.
ON (or 1 or YES)
Writes geometry data and interpolated results information to the parameter.
For Geom = OFF (or 0 or NO), only results information is written to this parameter.
For Geom = ON (or 1 or YES), both geometry data and results information are written to this parameter.
Geometry data includes 7 data items: (GCX, GCY, GCZ, NORMX, NORMY, NORMZ, and DA). Results in-
formation is then written to the 8th column of the parameter. SetNames of GCX, GCY, GCZ, NORMX,
NORMY, NORMZ, and DA are predefined and computed when SUCR (p. 1583) is issued.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Results to Array
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1586 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Eight-character name for the result being mapped.
Label identifying the item.
Valid item labels are defined via PLNSOL (p. 1190). Some items also require a component label.
If Item = CLEAR, the specified result set is deleted from all selected surfaces
Component label of item (if required).
The SUMAP command maps results in the current coordinate system (RSYS (p. 1383)) using the selected
set of elements.
The command interpolates and stores the results data on to each of the selected surfaces.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Clear Results
Sets the type of summation to be used in the following load case operations.
POST1 (p. 48): Results (p. 48)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Summation type
Combine element component stresses only. Stresses such as average nodal stresses, principal stresses,
equivalent stresses, and stress intensities are derived from the combined element component stresses.
Combine principal stress, equivalent stress, and stress intensity directly as stored on the results file.
Component stresses are not available with this option.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1587
Issue SUMTYPE,PRIN when you want to have a load case operation (LCOPER (p. 854)) act on the prin-
cipal / equivalent stresses instead of the component stresses. Also issue SUMTYPE,PRIN when you want
to read in load cases (LCASE (p. 849)). Note that the SUMTYPE setting is not maintained between /POST1
SUMTYPE,PRIN also causes principal nodal values to be the average of the contibuting principal element
nodal values (see AVPRIN (p. 181),1).
BEAM188 and BEAM189 elements compute principal stress, equivalent stress, and stress intensity values
on request instead of storing them on the results file; SUMTYPE,PRIN does not apply for these elements.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Load Case>Calc Options>Stress Options
Eight character surface name. ALL will plot all selected surfaces.
Eight character result name.
Plot in context of model.
Plot results without the outline of selected elements.
Plot results with the outline of selected elements.
If RSetName is left blank, then the surface geometry will be plotted. If the Setname portion of the ar-
gument is a vector prefix (i.e. if result sets of name SetNameX, SetNameY and SetNameZ exist), ANSYS
will plot these vectors on the surface as arrows. For example, SUPL, ALL, NORM will plot the surface
normals as vectors on all selected surfaces, since NORMX NORMY and NORMZ are pre-defined geometry
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Plot Results
Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Plot Vectors
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1588 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Eight character surface name. If SurfName = ALL, repeat printout for all selected surfaces.
Eight character result set name.
When no arguments are specified, SUPR generates a global status summary of all defined surfaces. If
only SurfName is specified, the geometry information for that surface is printed. If both SurfName
and RSetName are specified, the value of the results set at each point, in addition to the geometry
information, is printed.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Print Results
Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Status>Global
Unused field.
Eight character name.
Extension name.
Optional path specification.
Reading (and therefore resuming) surface and result definitions from a file overwritea any existing surface
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1589
Reading surfaces back into the postprocessor (/POST1 (p. 1221)) does not insure that the surfaces (and
their results) are appropriate for the model currently residing in /POST1 (p. 1221).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Resume Surfaces
Eight-character surface name.
If Lab = ALL (default), then all surfaces are saved to the file.
File name and directory path (248 character maximum, including directory). If you do not specify a directory
path, the default is your working directory and you can use all 248 characters for the file name. The file
name defaults to the jobname.
File name extension (eight-character maximum). The extension defaults to “surf”.
Optional path specification.
The SUSAVE command saves surface definitions (geometry information)--and any result items mapped
onto the surfaces--to a file.
Issuing the SUSAVE command has no effect on the database. The database remains unchanged.
Subsequent executions of the SUSAVE command overwrite previous data in the file.
To read the contents of the file created via the SUSAVE command, issue the SURESU (p. 1589) command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Save Surfaces
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1590 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
SUSEL, Type, Name1, Name2, Name3, Name4, Name5, Name6, Name7, Name8
Selects a subset of surfaces
POST1 (p. 48): Surface Operations (p. 51)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Label identifying the type of select:
Selects a new set (default).
Reselects a set from the current set.
Additionally selects a set and extends the current set.
Unselects a set from the current set.
Also selects all surfaces.
Unselects all surfaces.
The selected set of surfaces is used in the following operations: SUMAP (p. 1587), SUDEL (p. 1585), SU-
CALC (p. 1582), SUEVAL (p. 1585), and SUVECT (p. 1591).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Select Surfaces
Eight character name of the result data output. There will be one or three RSetName values depending
on the operation specified in Oper.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1591
Eight character name of the mapped data that forms vector 1. Specified sets must exist on all selected
surfaces for this operation to take place. The names NORM and GC will be reserved for normals and for
global (x, y, z).
Computes dot product between lab1 and lab2 vectors. The result is a scalar parameter (RSetName)
and each value within the set can be modified (incremented) via Offset.
Computes cross product between lab1 and lab2 vectors. Each X, Y, Z value in the result can be
modified (incremented) via Offset.
Scales (lab1x, lab1y, lab1z) vector by scalar lab2. Each X,Y,Z value in the result can be modified (incre-
mented) via Offset.
Eight character name of the mapped data that forms vector 2. Sets with names Lab2X, Lab2Y, and Lab2Z
must exist on all selected surfaces for operation to take place. For Oper = SMULT a scalar value or another
predefined scalar item (e.g., DA) can be supplied.
An offset value to be applied to the resultant RSetName. One value is specified for Oper = DOT, and three
values are specified for Oper = SMULT.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Math Operations>Cross Product
Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Math Operations>Dot Product
Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Math Operations>Scale Result
SV, DAMP, SV1, SV2, SV3, SV4, SV5, SV6, SV7, SV8, SV9
Defines spectrum values to be associated with frequency points.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Spectrum Options (p. 38)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Damping ratio for this response spectrum curve. If the same as a previously defined curve, the SV values
are added to the previous curve. Up to four different curves may be defined, each with a different damping
ratio. Damping values must be input in ascending order.
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1592 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Defines the spectrum values to be associated with the previously defined frequency points [FREQ (p. 648)].
Applies only to the single-point response spectrum. Damping has no effect on the frequency solution.
Damping values are used only to identify SV curves for the mode combinations calculation. Only the
curve with the lowest damping value is used in the initial mode coefficient calculation. Use STAT (p. 1572)
command to list current spectrum curve values.
Repeat SV command for additional SV points (100 maximum per DAMP curve). SV values are added to
the DAMP curve after the last nonzero SV value.
The interpolation method between response spectrum points and curves is specified using KeyInterp
in the SVTYP (p. 1594) command. It is logarithmic by default.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>SinglePt>Spectr Values
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>SinglePt>Spectr Values
Flag to activate or deactivate input spectrum value scaling:
Do not scale the input spectrum values with scale factor FACT (SVTYP (p. 1594) command). This is the
default value.
Scale the input spectrum values with scale factor FACT (SVTYP (p. 1594) command)
Damping ratio corresponding to DAMP (SV (p. 1592) command) defining the first spectrum curve.
Damping ratio corresponding to DAMP (SV (p. 1592) command) defining the second spectrum curve.
Damping ratio corresponding to DAMP (SV (p. 1592) command) defining the third spectrum curve.
Damping ratio corresponding to DAMP (SV (p. 1592) command) defining the fourth spectrum curve.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1593
You can display up to four input spectrum tables (SV (p. 1592) and FREQ (p. 648) commands) with log X
scale. If no damping ratio is specified, all spectrum tables are displayed.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Response spectrum type:
Seismic velocity response spectrum loading (SV values interpreted as velocities with units of length/time).
Force response spectrum loading (SV values interpreted as force amplitude multipliers).
Seismic acceleration response spectrum loading (SV values interpreted as accelerations with units of
Seismic displacement response spectrum loading (SV values interpreted as displacements with units
of length).
Scale factor applied to spectrum values (defaults to 1.0). Values are scaled when the solution is initiated
[SOLVE (p. 1538)]. Database values remain the same.
Key to activate or deactivate the linear interpolation between input response spectrum points and input
response spectrum curves:
0 (OFF or NO)
Deactivate linear and use logarithmic interpolation. This value is the default.
1 (ON or YES)
Activate linear interpolation.
Command Default
Seismic velocity response spectrum.
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1594 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Defines the type of single-point response spectrum [SPOPT (p. 1552)]. The seismic excitation direction is
defined with the SED (p. 1439) command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>SinglePt>Settings
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>SinglePt>Settings
Adds more surfaces to an existing spot weld set.
PREP7 (p. 20): Elements (p. 29)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Name of an existing spot weld set that was previously defined using SWGEN (p. 1596).
Search radius. Defaults to 4 times the spot weld radius defined for the spot weld set (SWRD on SW-
GEN (p. 1596)).
This command adds surfaces to an existing spot weld set defined by the SWGEN (p. 1596) command.
You can add additional surfaces by repeating the SWADD command. However, the maximum number
of allowable surfaces (including the 2 surfaces used for the original set defined by SWGEN (p. 1596)) for
each spot weld set is 11. See Adding Surfaces to a Basic Set for more information.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>SpotWeld>Add More Surfaces>By
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1595
SWDEL, Ecomp
Deletes spot weld sets.
PREP7 (p. 20): Elements (p. 29)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Name of an existing spot weld set that was previously defined using SWGEN (p. 1596). If Ecomp = ALL (default)
all spot welds are deleted.
This command deletes spot weld sets previously defined by the SWGEN (p. 1596) command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>SpotWeld>Delete
Creates a new spot weld set.
PREP7 (p. 20): Elements (p. 29)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Name to identify the new spot weld. This name will be used for the element component containing the
new contact, target, and beam elements generated for the spot weld set.
Spot weld radius.
Name of a component containing nodes on the first spot weld surface, or a meshed area number for the
Name of a component containing nodes on the second spot weld surface, or a meshed area number for
the surface.
Node number of the first spot weld node corresponding to the first surface (NCM1). This node can be on
or close to the first surface.
Node number of the second spot weld node corresponding to the second surface (NCM2). This node can
be on or close to the second surface. ANSYS will create the node if it is not specified.
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1596 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Search radius. Defaults to 4 times the spot weld radius SWRD.
Target element type ID.
Contact element type ID.
This command creates a new spot weld set. You can add more surfaces to the set using SWADD (p. 1595)
after the initial SWGEN command. However, the maximum number of allowable surfaces (including the
2 surfaces used for the original set) for each spot weld set is 11.
Ecomp, SWRD, NCM1, NCM2, and SND1 must be specified. SND2, SHRD, DIRX, DIRY, DIRZ, ITTY,
ICTY are optional inputs. If the second spot weld node (SND2) is specified, that node is used to determ-
ine the spot weld projection direction, andDIRX, DIRY and DIRZ are ignored.
If ITTY is specified, the following corresponding target element key option must be set: KEYOPT(5) =
4. If ICTY is specified, the following corresponding contact element key options must be set: KEYOPT(2)
= 2, KEYOPT(12) = 5.
Use the SWLIST (p. 1597) and SWDEL (p. 1596) commands to list or delete spot welds. See Creating a Basic
Spot Weld Set with SWGEN for detailed information on defining spot welds.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>SpotWeld>Add More Surfaces>By
Node Component
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>SpotWeld>Create New Set>By Area
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>SpotWeld>Create New Set>By Node
Lists spot weld sets.
PREP7 (p. 20): Elements (p. 29)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Name of an existing spot weld set that was previously defined using SWGEN (p. 1596). If Ecomp = ALL (default),
all spot weld sets are listed.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1597
This command lists spot weld node, beam, and contact pair information for all defined spot weld sets,
or for the specified set. To ensure that all defined spotwelds are listed, issue CMSEL (p. 310),ALL (to select
all components) before issuing the SWLIST command.
When SWLIST is issued in POST1, the beam forces and moments are output. For the case of a deformable
spot weld, the stresses are also output in the beam local coordinate system.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>List Results>SpotWeld Solution
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>SpotWeld>List
Utility Menu>List>Results>SpotWeld Solution
In a stationary reference frame (CORIOLIS (p. 345) with RefFrame = ON), RATIO is the ratio between the
frequency of excitation and the frequency of the rotational velocity of the structure. This value must be
greater than 0. The default is an unbalance excitation.
In a rotating reference frame (CORIOLIS (p. 345) with RefFrame = OFF), RATIO is the ratio between
the frequency of excitation and the frequency of the rotational velocity of the structure minus 1.
This value must be greater than or equal to 0. There is no default.
The name of the rotating component on which to apply the harmonic excitation.
The SYNCHRO command specifies whether the excitation frequency is synchronous or asynchronous
with the rotational velocity of a structure in a harmonic analysis. Use the command to take into account
rotating harmonic forces on rotating structures.
Mechanical APDL calculates the rotational velocity Ω of the structure from the excitation frequency f,
defined (via the HARFRQ (p. 749) command) as Ω = 2πf / RATIO. The rotational velocity is applied along
the direction cosines of the rotation axis (specified via an OMEGA (p. 1107) or CMOMEGA (p. 305) com-
In a stationary reference frame, specifying any value for RATIO causes a general rotational force excit-
ation and not an unbalance force. To define an unbalance excitation force (F = Ω2 * Unb), RATIO should
be left blank (the nodal unbalance Unb is specified via the F (p. 607) command).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1598 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
In a rotating reference frame (CORIOLIS (p. 345) with RefFrame = OFF), an unbalance excitation is a
static load; therefore, a value must be supplied for RATIO.
The SYNCHRO command is valid only for the full harmonic analysis method (HROPT (p. 762),FULL) and
the frequency-sweep harmonic analysis method (HROPT (p. 762),VT) involving a rotating structure
(OMEGA (p. 1107) or CMOMEGA (p. 305)) with Coriolis enabled (CORIOLIS (p. 345)).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Inertia>Angular Veloc>Syn-
Main Menu>Solution>Define Loads>Apply>Structural>Inertia>Angular Veloc>Synchronous
/SYP (p. 1599), String, ARG1, ARG2, ARG3, ARG4, ARG5, ARG6, ARG7, ARG8
Passes a command string and arguments to the operating system.
SESSION (p. 9): Run Controls (p. 9)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Command string (cannot include commas). See also the /SYS (p. 1600) command.
Passes a command string to the operating system for execution, along with arguments to be appended
to the command string. See the Operations Guide for details. ANSYS may not be aware of your specific
user environment. For example, on Linux this command may not recognize aliases, depending on the
hardware platform and user environment.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1599
Command string, up to 639 characters (including blanks, commas, etc.). The specified string is passed
verbatim to the operating system, i.e., no parameter substitution is performed.
Passes a command string to the operating system for execution (see the Operations Guide). Typical
strings are system commands such as list, copy, rename, etc. Control returns to the ANSYS program
after the system procedure is completed. ANSYS may not be aware of your specific user environment.
For example, on Linux this command may not recognize aliases, depending on the hardware platform
and user environment.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1600 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
T Commands
Defines the temperature table for safety factor calculations [SFACT (p. 1473), SALLOW (p. 1388)]. Use
STAT (p. 1572) command to list current temperature table. Repeat TALLOW command to zero table and
redefine points (6 maximum).
Safety factor calculations are not supported by PowerGraphics. Both the SALLOW (p. 1388) and TALLOW
commands must be used with the Full Model Graphics display method active.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Safety Factor>Allowable Strs>Reset Temps
Main Menu>General Postproc>Safety Factor>Allowable Strs>Temp-depend
Specifies the target nodes for mapping pressures onto surface effect elements.
/MAP (p. 60): Pressure Mapping (p. 60)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Nodes defining the surface upon which the pressures will be mapped. Use the label ALL or specify a nodal
component name. If ALL, all selected nodes [NSEL (p. 1057)] are used (default). Individual nodes may not be
The node list specified by Nlist must contain a sufficient number of nodes to define an element surface.
The surface must be meshed (ESURF (p. 567) command) with SURF154 elements prior to issuing this
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1601
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
*TAXIS (p. 1602), ParmLoc, nAxis, Val1, Val2, Val3, Val4, Val5, Val6, Val7,
Val8, Val9, Val10
Defines table index numbers.
APDL (p. 17): Parameters (p. 17)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Argument Descriptions
Name and starting location in the table array parameter for indexing. Indexing occurs along the axis defined
with nAxis.
Axis along which indexing occurs. Valid labels are:
1 --
Corresponds to Row. Default.
2 --
Corresponds to Column.
3 --
Corresponds to Plane.
4 --
Corresponds to Book.
5 --
Corresponds to Shelf.
ALL --
Lists all index numbers. Valid only if Val1 = LIST.
To list the index values specified with nAxis, issue Val1 = LIST. If Val1 = LIST, Val2 - Val10
are ignored.
*TAXIS (p. 1602) is a convenient method to define table index values. These values reside in the zero
column, row, etc. Instead of filling values in these zero location spots, use the *TAXIS (p. 1602) command.
For example,
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1602 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
would fill index values 1.0, 2.2, 3.5, 4.7, and 5.9 in nAxis 2 (column location), starting at location 4.
To list index numbers, issue *TAXIS (p. 1602),ParmLoc, nAxis, LIST, where nAxis = 1 through 5 or ALL.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
For a list of elements and the material models they support (Lab value), see Element Support for Mater-
ial Models in the Element Reference.
For a list of material models and the elements that support them, see Material Model Element Support
in the Material Reference.
Material model data table type:
Acoustic frequency-dependent material. (p. 1607)
Anisotropic hyperelasticity (p. 1608).
Anisotropic elasticity (p. 1609).
Anisotropic viscosity (p. 1609).
Bergstrom-Boyce (p. 1610).
Magnetic (p. 1610) field data.
Bilinear isotropic hardening (p. 1610) using von Mises or Hill plasticity.
Bilinear kinematic hardening (p. 1611) using von Mises or Hill plasticity.
Cast iron (p. 1611).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1603
Mullins effect (p. 1612) (for isotropic hyperelasticity models).
Crushable foam (p. 1612).
Crack-growth (p. 1612) fracture criterion (CGROW (p. 275)).
Chaboche nonlinear kinematic hardening (p. 1614) using von Mises or Hill plasticity.
Concrete (p. 1614) element or material data.
Creep (p. 1615). Pure creep, creep with isotropic hardening plasticity, or creep with kinematic hardening
plasticity using both von Mises or Hill potentials.
Coefficient of thermal expansion (p. 1615).
Cohesive zone (p. 1616).
Mass Density (p. 1617).
Anisotropic dielectric loss tangent (p. 1617).
Damage evolution law (p. 1617).
Damage initiation criteria (p. 1618).
Classic Drucker-Prager plasticity (p. 1618).
Anisotropic electric permittivity (p. 1618).
Extended Drucker-Prager (p. 1619) (for granular materials such as rock, concrete, soil, ceramics and other
pressure-dependent materials).
Elasticity (p. 1619).
Anisotropic elastic loss tangent (p. 1620).
Experimental data (p. 1620).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1604 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Fluid conductance data (p. 1621).
Material strength limits (p. 1622) for calculating failure criteria.
Fluid (p. 1622).
Coefficient of friction (p. 1622) based on Coulomb's Law or user-defined friction.
Gasket (p. 1623).
Gurson pressure-dependent plasticity (p. 1624) for porous metals.
Film coefficient data (p. 1624).
Hill anisotropy (p. 1625). When combined with other material options, simulates plasticity, viscoplasticity,
and creep -- all with the Hill potential.
Hyperelasticity (p. 1625) material models (Arruda-Boyce, Blatz-Ko, Extended Tube, Gent, Mooney-Rivlin
[default], Neo-Hookean, Ogden, Ogden Foam, Polynomial Form, Response Function, Yeoh, and user-
Contact interaction (p. 1627).
Joint (p. 1628) (linear and nonlinear elastic stiffness, linear and nonlinear damping, and frictional behavior).
Jointed rock (p. 1631).
Mohr-Coulomb (p. 1632).
Multilinear elasticity (p. 1632).
Migration model (p. 1633).
Microplane (p. 1633).
Voce isotropic hardening law (p. 1634) (or power law) for modeling nonlinear isotropic hardening using
von Mises or Hill plasticity.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1605
Porous elasticity (p. 1636).
Perforated material (p. 1634) for acoustics; equivalent fluid model of perforated media, poroelastic ma-
terial model, and transfer admittance matrix.
Piezoelectric matrix (p. 1635).
Nonlinear plasticity (p. 1635).
Porous media (p. 1636). Coupled pore-fluid diffusion and structural model of porous media.
Prony series (p. 1637) constants for viscoelastic materials.
Piezoresistivity (p. 1638).
Rate-dependent plasticity (p. 1638) (viscoplasticity) when combined with the BISO, NLISO or PLASTIC
material options, or rate-dependent anisotropic plasticity (anisotropic viscoplasticity) when combined
with the HILL and BISO, NLISO or PLASTIC material options.
The exponential visco-hardening option includes an explicit function for directly defining static
yield stresses of materials.
The Anand unified plasticity option requires no combination with other material models.
Material damping (p. 1639) coefficients.
Shift function (p. 1639) for viscoelastic materials.
Shape memory alloy (p. 1640) for simulating hysteresis superelastic behavior with no performance de-
gradation. Plane stress is not supported.
Soil models (p. 1640).
User-defined state variables (p. 1641). Valid with TB,USER and used with either the UserMat or
UserMatTh subroutine. Also valid with TB,CREEP (when TBOPT = 100) and used with the UserCreep
Swelling (p. 1641) strain function.
Thermal properties (p. 1642).
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1606 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
User-defined (p. 1642) material model (general-purpose except for incompressible material models) or
thermal material model.
Contact surface wear (p. 1643).
Material reference identification number. Default = 1.
The number of temperatures for which data will be provided (if applicable). Specify temperatures via the
TBTEMP (p. 1670) command.
For most labels where NPTS is defined, the number of data points to be specified for a given temperature.
Define data points via the TBDATA (p. 1646) or TBPT (p. 1669) commands.
Unused field.
The name of the function to be used (entered as %tabname%, where tabname is the name of the table
created by the Function Tool). Valid only when Lab = JOIN (joint element material) and nonlinear stiffness
or damping are specified on the TBOPT field (see "JOIN -- Joint Element Specifications" (p. 1628)). The function
must be previously defined using the Function Tool. To learn more about how to create a function, see
Using the Function Tool in the Basic Analysis Guide.
Not used.
Acoustic material options:
Material properties
Thin layer
Rectangular cross-section
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1607
Circular cross-section
Diffusion properties for room acoustics
Defining Acoustic Material Properties in the Acoustic Analysis Guide
See the TBFIELD (p. 1651) command for more information about defining temperature- and/or fre-
quency-dependent properties.
Number of data points to be specified for a given temperature.
Anisotropic hyperelastic material options.
Polynomial strain energy potential.
Exponential strain energy potential.
Define the A vector.
Define the B vector.
Volumetric potential.
User-defined potential invariant set type.
User-defined invariant set number.
AU01 --
User-defined material parameters.
FB01 --
User-defined fiber directions.
Anisotropic Hyperelasticity in the Material Reference
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1608 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Subroutine UserHyperAniso (Writing Your Own Anisotropic Hyperelasticity Laws) in the Programmer's
Number of temperatures for which data will be provided. Default = 6. Maximum = 6.
Not used.
Anisotropic elastic matrix options.
0 --
Elasticity matrix used as supplied (input in stiffness form).
1 --
Elasticity matrix inverted before use (input in flexibility form).
Anisotropic Elasticity in the Material Reference
Not used.
Anisotropic viscosity matrix options:
Viscosity matrix (used as specified).
Fluency matrix (converted to viscosity matrix before use).
Anisotropic Viscosity in the Material Reference
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1609
Number of material constants.
Isochoric or volumetric strain-energy function:
ISO --
Define material constants for isochoric strain energy.
Define material constants for volumetric strain energy.
Bergstrom-Boyce in the Theory Reference
Number of data points to be specified. Default = 20. Maximum = 500.
BH curve options.
BH or (blank) --
BH curve data (default).
TCF --
Thermal coefficient data for BH curve modification. This option is valid for the following elements:
PLANE223, SOLID226, SOLID227, PLANE233, SOLID236, and SOLID237.
Magnetism in the Material Reference
Additional Guidelines for Defining Regional Material Properties and Real Constants in the Low-Fre-
quency Electromagnetic Analysis Guide
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1610 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Not used.
Not used.
Bilinear Isotropic Hardening in the Material Reference
Not used.
Stress-strain options.
0 --
No stress relaxation with temperature increase (not recommended for nonisothermal problems).
1 --
Rice's hardening rule, which takes into account stress relaxation with increasing temperature (default).
Bilinear Kinematic Hardening in the Material Reference
Not used.
Cast iron options:
Specifies cast iron plasticity with isotropic hardening.
Defines stress-strain relation in tension.
Defines stress-strain relation in compression.
Defines tension yield surface rounding factor.
Cast Iron in the Material Reference
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1611
Number of data points to be specified for a given temperature.
Mullins effect option:
PSE2 --
Pseudo-elastic model with modified Ogden-Roxburgh damage function. Requires NPTS = 3.
Mullins Effect in the Theory Reference
Not used.
Crushable foam material option:
Initial yield stress values.
Hardening evolution type.
Multilinear hardening evolution points.
PPR --
Plastic Poisson’s ratio.
Crushable Foam in the Material Reference
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1612 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Number of data points to be specified for a given temperature.
Fracture criterion option:
Linear fracture criterion. Valid when NPTS = 3.
Bilinear fracture criterion. Valid when NPTS = 4.
BK --
B-K fracture criterion. Valid when NPTS = 3.
MBK --
Modified B-K (Reeder) fracture criterion. Valid when NPTS = 4.
Wu's Power Law fracture criterion. Valid when NPTS = 6.
User-defined fracture criterion. Valid when NPTS = 20.
Circumferential stress criterion based on when sweeping around the crack tip at a given radius.
Valid when NPTS = 1. This option is used in an XFEM-based crack-growth analysis only.
Maximum circumferential stress criterion. Valid when NPTS = 1. This option is used in an XFEM-based
crack-growth analysis only.
Rigid linear evolution law for the decay of stress. Valid when NPTS = 4. This option is used in an XFEM-
based crack-growth analysis only.
Paris' Law for fatigue crack growth. Valid when NPTS = 2.
In an XFEM-based crack-growth analysis, the only valid options are PSMAX, STTMAX and
RLIN. The PARIS option is valid for XFEM-based fatigue crack-growth analysis only.
Fracture Criteria in the Fracture Analysis Guide
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1613
Number of kinematic models to be superposed. Default = 1. Maximum = 5.
(blank) --
Default option for nonlinear kinematic hardening.
Include temperature-rate term in back-stress evolution.
Nonlinear Kinematic Hardening in the Material Reference
Not used.
Concrete material options.
DP --
Drucker-Prager concrete strength parameters.
Rankine tension failure parameter.
Drucker-Prager concrete dilatation.
HSD2 --
Drucker-Prager concrete exponential hardening/softening/dilitation (HSD) behavior.
HSD4 --
Drucker-Prager concrete steel reinforcement HSD behavior.
HSD5 --
Drucker-Prager concrete fracture energy HSD behavior.
HSD6 --
Drucker-Prager concrete linear HSD behavior.
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1614 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Drucker-Prager concrete joint parameters.
Drucker-Prager concrete joint tension cutoff.
Drucker-Prager concrete joint orientation.
MW --
Menetrey-Willam constitutive model.
Material solution option.
Drucker-Prager Concrete in the Material Reference
Number of data points to be specified for a given temperature.
Creep model options.
1 through 13 --
Implicit creep option. See Table 4.2: Implicit Creep Equations for a list of available equations.
100 --
USER CREEP option. Define the creep law using the USERCREEP.F subroutine. See the Guide to User-
Programmable Features in the Programmer's Reference for more information.
Creep in the Material Reference
Not used.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1615
(blank) --
Enter the secant coefficients of thermal expansion (CTEX,CTEY,CTEZ) (default).
Fluid thermal-expansion coefficient for porous media.
User-defined thermal strain.
Thermal Expansion in the Material Reference
Subroutine userthstrain (Defining Your Own Thermal Strain) in the Programmer's Reference
See also TBFIELD (p. 1651) (for defining frequency-dependent, temperature-dependent, and user-
defined field-variable-based properties).
Number of data points to be specified for a given temperature.
Cohesive zone material options.
Exponential material behavior. Valid for interface elements and contact elements.
Bilinear material behavior. Valid for interface elements, contact elements, and in an XFEM-based crack-
growth analysis when cohesive behavior on the initial crack is desired.
Bilinear material behavior with linear softening characterized by maximum traction and maximum
separation. Valid for contact elements only.
Bilinear material behavior with linear softening characterized by maximum traction and critical energy
release rate. Valid for contact elements only.
Viscous regularization. Valid for interface elements and contact elements. Also valid in an XFEM-based
crack-growth analysis when cohesive behavior is specified for the initial crack.
User-defined option. Valid for interface elements only.
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1616 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Cohesive Zone Material (CZM) Model in the Theory Reference
Subroutine userCZM (Defining Your Own Cohesive Zone Material) in the Programmer's Reference
Crack-Growth Simulation, Interface Delamination, and Fatigue Crack Growth in the Fracture Analysis
XFEM-Based Crack Analysis and Crack-Growth Simulation in the Fracture Analysis Guide
Not used.
See TBFIELD (p. 1651) and User-Defined Field Variables in the Material Reference for more information about
defining temperature-dependent and/or user-defined field-variable-based properties.
Not used.
Not used.
Anisotropic Dielectric Loss Tangent in the Material Reference
Number of data points to be specified for a given temperature. Default = 4 when TBOPT = MPDG
Damage initiation definition:
1 or MPDG --
Progressive damage evolution based on simple instant material stiffness reduction.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1617
2 or CDM --
Progressive damage evolution based on continuum damage mechanics.
Damage Evolution Law in the Material Reference
Number of data points to be specified for a given temperature. Default = 4 when TBOPT = FCRT.
Damage initiation definition:
1 or FCRT --
Define failure criteria as the damage initiation criteria.
Damage Initiation Criteria
Not used.
Not used.
Classic Drucker-Prager in the Material Reference
Not used.
Permittivity matrix options for PLANE223, SOLID226, and SOLID227:
0 --
Permittivity matrix at constant strain [εS] (used as supplied)
1 --
Permittivity matrix at constant stress [εT] (converted to [εS] form before use)
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1618 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Anisotropic Electric Permittivity in the Material Reference
Number of data points to be specified for a given temperature.
EDP material options.
Linear yield function.
Power law yield function.
Hyperbolic yield function.
Linear flow potential function.
Power law flow potential function.
Hyperbolic flow potential function.
Cap yield function.
Cap flow potential function.
See Extended Drucker-Prager (EDP) in the Material Reference
Number of properties to be defined for the material option. This value is set automatically according to
the elasticity option (TBOPT) selected. If TBOPT is not specified, default settings become NPTS = 2 and
Elasticity options:
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1619
Isotropic property (EX, NUXY) (default). Setting NPTS = 2 also selects this option automatically.
Orthotropic option with minor Poisson's ratio (EX, EY, EZ, GXY, GYZ, GXZ, NUXY, NUYZ, NUXZ). NPTS
= 9. Setting NPTS = 9 selects this option automatically. All nine parameters must be set, even for the
2-D case.
Orthotropic option with major Poisson's ratio (EX, EY, EZ, GXY, GYZ, GXZ, PRXY, PRYZ, PRXZ). NPTS =
9. All nine parameters must be set, even for the 2-D case.
Anisotropic option in stiffness form (D11, D21, D31, D41, D51, D61, D22, D32, D42, D52, D62, D33, D43,
..... D66). NPTS = 21. Setting NPTS = 21 selects this option automatically.
Anisotropic option in compliance form (C11, C21, C31, C41, C51, C61, C22, C32, C42, C52, C62, C33,
C43, ..... C66). NPTS = 21.
User-defined linear elastic properties. For more information on the user_tbelastic subroutine,
see the Guide to User-Programmable Features in the Programmer's Reference.
See TBFIELD (p. 1651) for more information about defining temperature- and/or frequency-dependent
Not used.
Not used.
Anisotropic Elastic Loss Tangent in the Material Reference
Number of data points to be specified for a given temperature.
Experimental data type:
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1620 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Uniaxial tension experimental data.
Uniaxial compression experimental data.
Uniaxial experimental data (combined uniaxial tension and compression).
Equibiaxial experimental data.
Pure shear experimental data (also known as planar tension).
Simple shear experimental data.
Volumetric experimental data.
Shear modulus experimental data.
Bulk modulus experimental data.
Tensile modulus experimental data.
Poisson's ratio experimental data.
Experimental Data in the Material Reference
See also TBFIELD (p. 1651) for information about defining field-dependent experimental data.
Number of data points to be specified for a given temperature. Default = 1. Maximum = 100.
Not used.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1621
Number of data points to be specified for a given temperature. Default = 20 when TBOPT = 1. Default =
9 when TBOPT = 2.
Material strength limit definition:
1 --
Define stress-strength limits.
2 --
Define strain-strength limits.
Material Strength Limits in the Material Reference
Number of data points to be specified for a given temperature.
Fluid material options:
Define material constants for a liquid material.
GAS --
Define material constants for a gas material.
Define pressure-volume data for a fluid material.
Fluids in the Material Reference
• Isotropic or orthotropic friction defined in terms of field data (TBFIELD (p. 1651) command)
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1622 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Number of data points to be specified for user-defined friction (TBOPT = USER). Not used for TBOPT =
Friction options:
ISO --
Isotropic friction (one coefficient of friction, MU) (default). This option is valid for all 2-D and 3-D contact
Orthotropic friction (two coefficients of friction, MU1 and MU2). This option is valid for the following
3-D contact elements: CONTA174, CONTA175, and CONTA177.
Orthotropic friction (two coefficients of friction, MU1 and Mu2) with a friction coordinate system fixed
in space. This option is valid for the following 3-D contact elements: CONTA174, CONTA175, and
Equivalent orthotropic friction (two coefficients of friction, MU1 and MU2). This option differs from
TBOPT = ORTHO only in the way the friction coefficients are interpolated when they are dependent
upon the following field variables: sliding distance and/or sliding velocity. In this case, the total mag-
nitude of the field variable is used to do the interpolation.
User defined friction. This option is valid for all 2-D and 3-D contact elements.
Contact Friction in the Material Reference
See also TBFIELD (p. 1651) for more information about defining a coefficient of friction that is depend-
ent on temperature, time, normal pressure, sliding distance, or sliding relative velocity.
Number of data points to be specified for a given temperature. Default = 5 for TBOPT = PARA. Default =
1 for all other values of TBOPT.
Gasket material options.
Gasket material general parameters.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1623
Gasket material compression data.
Gasket linear unloading data.
Gasket nonlinear unloading data.
TSS --
Transverse shear data.
Transverse shear and membrane stiffness data. (If selected, this option takes precedence over TSS.)
Gasket in the Material Reference
Number of data points to be specified for a given temperature.
GURSON material options.
Basic model without nucleation or coalescence (default).
Strain controlled nucleation.
Stress controlled nucleation.
Gurson in the Material Reference
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1624 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Number of data points to be specified for a given temperature. Default = 1. Maximum = 100.
Not used.
Not used.
Hill plasticity option:
(blank) --
Use one set of Hill parameters (default).
PC --
Enter separate Hill parameters for plasticity and creep. This option is valid for material combinations
of creep and Chaboche nonlinear kinematic hardening only.
Hill Yield Criterion in the Material Reference
Number of data points to be specified for a given temperature, except for TBOPT = MOONEY, where NPTS
is the number of parameters in the Mooney-Rivlin model (2 [default], 3, 5, or 9), and TBOPT = RESPONSE,
where NPTS is the number of terms in the volumetric strain energy polynomial.
Hyperelastic material options.
Arruda-Boyce model. For NPTS, default = 3 and maximum = 3.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1625
Blatz-Ko model. For NPTS, default = 1 and maximum = 1.
Extended tube model. Five material constants (NPTS = 5) are required.
Hyperfoam (Ogden) model. For NPTS, default = 1 and maximum is such that NTEMP x NPTS x 3 =
Gent model. For NPTS, default = 3 and maximum = 3.
Mooney-Rivlin model (default). You can choose a two-parameter Mooney-Rivlin model with NPTS =
2 (default), or a three-, five-, or nine-parameter model by setting NPTS equal to one of these values.
NEO --
Neo-Hookean model. For NPTS, default = 2 and maximum = 2.
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1626 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Ogden model. For NPTS, default = 1 and maximum is such that NTEMP x NPTS x 3 = 1000.
Polynomial form model. For NPTS, default = 1 and maximum is such that NTEMP x NPTS = 1000.
Experimental response function model. For NPTS, default = 0 and maximum is such that NTEMP x
NPTS + 2 = 1000.
Yeoh model. For NPTS, default = 1 and maximum is such that NTEMP x NPTS x 2 = 1000.
User-defined hyperelastic model.
Subroutine UserMat (Creating Your Own Material Model) in the Programmer's Reference
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1627
Number of data points to be specified. NPTS is used only for user-defined contact interaction (TBOPT =
Contact interaction options.
The following options are valid only for general contact interactions specified via the
GCDEF (p. 659) command:
Standard unilateral contact (default).
Rough, no sliding.
No separation (sliding permitted).
Bonded contact (no separation, no sliding).
No separation (always).
Bonded (always).
Bonded (initial contact).
The following option is valid for all 2-D and 3-D contact elements:
User-defined contact interaction.
Contact Interaction in the Material Reference
Defining Your Own Contact Interaction (USERINTER) in the Contact Technology Guide
Number of data points to be specified for a given temperature. NPTS is ignored if TBOPT = STIF or DAMP.
If Coulomb friction is specified, NPTS is used only for TBOPT = MUS1, MUS4, and MUS6.
Joint element material options.
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1628 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Linear stiffness.
Nonlinear stiffness behavior in all available components of relative motion for the joint element.
JNS1 --
Nonlinear stiffness behavior in local UX direction only.
JNS2 --
Nonlinear stiffness behavior in local UY direction only.
JNS3 --
Nonlinear stiffness behavior in local UZ direction only.
JNS4 --
Nonlinear stiffness behavior in local ROTX direction only.
JNS5 --
Nonlinear stiffness behavior in local ROTY direction only.
JNS6 --
Nonlinear stiffness behavior in local ROTZ direction only.
Linear damping.
Nonlinear damping behavior in all available components of relative motion for the joint element.
JND1 --
Nonlinear damping behavior in local UX direction only.
JND2 --
Nonlinear damping behavior in local UY direction only.
JND3 --
Nonlinear damping behavior in local UZ direction only.
JND4 --
Nonlinear damping behavior in local ROTX direction only.
JND5 --
Nonlinear damping behavior in local ROTY direction only.
JND6 --
Nonlinear damping behavior in local ROTZ direction only.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1629
Friction Behavior:
MUS1 --
Coulomb friction coefficient (stiction) in local UX direction only.
MUS4 --
Coulomb friction coefficient (stiction) in local ROTX direction only.
MUS6 --
Coulomb friction coefficient (stiction) in local ROTZ direction only.
EXP1 --
Exponential law for friction in local UX direction only.
EXP4 --
Exponential law for friction in local ROTX direction only.
EXP6 --
Exponential law for friction in local ROTZ direction only.
Elastic slip:
SL1 --
Elastic slip in local UX direction only.
SL4 --
Elastic slip in local ROTX direction only.
SL6 --
Elastic slip in local ROTZ direction only.
TMX1 --
Critical force in local UX direction only.
TMX4 --
Critical moment in local ROTX direction only.
TMX6 --
Critical moment in local ROTZ direction only.
SK1 --
Stick-stiffness in local UX direction only.
SK4 --
Stick-stiffness in local ROTX direction only.
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1630 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
SK6 --
Stick-stiffness in local ROTZ direction only.
FI1 --
Interference fit force in local UX direction only.
FI4 --
Interference fit moment in local ROTX direction only.
FI6 --
Interference fit moment in local ROTZ direction only.
MPC184 Joint in the Material Reference
Not used.
Base material parameters.
Base material tension cutoff.
RSC --
Residual strength coupling.
Joint parameters.
Joint tension cutoff.
Joint orientation.
Material solution option.
Jointed Rock in the Material Reference
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1631
MC -- Mohr-Coulomb Specifications
Not used.
Not used.
Mohr-Coulomb material parameters.
Tension cutoff.
RSC --
Residual strength coupling.
Plastic potential.
Friction angle scaling.
Cohesion scaling.
Tension strength scaling.
Dilatancy angle scaling.
Material solution option.
Mohr-Coulomb in the Material Reference
Number of data points to be specified for a given temperature.
Not used.
Multilinear Elasticity in the Material Reference.
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1632 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Not used.
Migration model options.
1 --
Atomic (or ion) flux (default).
2 --
Vacancy flux.
Migration Model in the Material Reference
The number of data points to be specified for a given temperature. Default = 6. Maximum is such that
NTEMP x NPTS = 1000.
Microplane model options:
Elastic microplane material with damage model (default).
DPC --
Coupled damage-plasticity microplane model.
Nonlocal parameters.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1633
Microplane in the Material Reference
Number of data points to be specified for a given temperature. Default = 4. Maximum = 4.
Isotropic hardening options.
Voce hardening law (default).
Power hardening law.
Nonlinear Isotropic Hardening in the Material Reference
Not used.
Equivalent fluid model options:
Johnson-Champoux-Allard model
Delaney-Bazley model
Miki model
Complex impedance and propagating constant model
Complex density and velocity model
Poroelastic material model
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1634 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
General transfer admittance matrix model
Transfer admittance matrix model of square grid structure
Transfer admittance matrix model of hexagonal grid structure
Perforated Media in the Material Reference
Trim Element with Transfer Admittance Matrix in the Acoustic Analysis Guide
See TBFIELD (p. 1651) for more information about defining temperature and/or frequency-dependent
Not used.
Piezoelectric matrix options.
0 --
Piezoelectric stress matrix [e] (used as supplied)
1 --
Piezoelectric strain matrix [d] (converted to [e] form before use)
Piezoelectricity in the Material Reference
Piezoelectric Analysis
Not used.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1635
Plasticity option:
Bilinear isotropic hardening plasticity.
Bilinear kinematic hardening plasticity .
Multilinear isotropic hardening plasticity.
Multilinear kinematic hardening plasticity.
The number of points (TBPT (p. 1669) commands issued) is limited to 100 for this option.
KSR2 --
Kinematic static recovery.
ISR --
Isotropic static recovery.
Rate-Independent Plasticity in the Material Reference
Not used.
Porous elasticity model..
Porous Elasticity in the Material Reference
The number of material constants. Default = 4. The maximum must be a value such that (NTEMP x NPTS)
<= 1000.
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1636 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Porous media options:
Biot coefficient
SP --
Solid property
FP --
Fluid property
Degree-of-saturation table
Relative-permeability table
Gravity magnitude
Porous Media Material Properties in the Material Reference
Initial Degree of Saturation and Relative Permeability Application in the Advanced Analysis Guide
Defines the number of Prony series pairs for TBOPT = SHEAR or TBOPT = BULK. Default = 1. Maximum =
The number of temperatures and Prony pairs specified should be such that NTEMP * 2 * NPTS <
Defines the behavior for viscoelasticity.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1637
Shear Prony series.
Bulk Prony series.
Stress update algorithm.
Complex modulus from experimental data.
Viscoelasticity in the Material Reference
Not used.
Piezoresistive matrix options
0 --
Piezoresistive stress matrix (used as supplied)
1 --
Piezoresistive strain matrix (used as supplied)
Piezoresistivity in the Material Reference
The number of data points to be specified for a given temperature. Default = 2. Maximum is such that
NTEMP x NPTS = 1000.
Rate-dependent viscoplasticity options.
Perzyna option (default).
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1638 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Peirce option.
EVH --
Exponential visco-hardening option.
Anand option.
Rate-Dependent Plasticity (Viscoplasticity) in the Material Reference
Number of properties to be defined for the material option. Default = 1 for each material damping option
(TBOPT) selected.
Material damping options:
STRU or 1 --
Structural damping coefficient (default).
ALPD or 2--
Rayleigh mass proportional material damping.
BETD or 3--
Rayleigh stiffness proportional material damping.
Material Damping in the Material Reference
Number of material constants to be entered as determined by the shift function specified by TBOPT.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1639
3 --
for TBOPT = 1 or WLF
2 --
for TBOPT = 2 or TN
n f --
for TBOPT = 3 or FICT, where n f is the number of partial fictive temperatures
Defines the shift function
1 or WLF --
Williams-Landel-Ferry shift function
2 or TN --
Tool-Narayanaswamy shift function
3 or FICT --
Tool-Narayanaswamy with fictive temperature shift function
100 --
(or USER) User-defined shift function.
Viscoelasticity in the Material Reference
Number of data points to be specified for a given temperature. Default = 6 if TBOPT = SUPE, or 7 otherwise.
Shape memory model option:
Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) in the Material Reference
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1640 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Not used.
Modified Cam-clay material model.
Material solution option.
Cam-clay in the Material Reference
Not used.
Number of state variables.
Not used.
Using State Variables with User-Defined Materials in the Material Reference
Number of data points to be specified for a given temperature. The maximum value of NPTS is such that
NPTS x NTEMP = 1000.
Swelling model options:
Linear swelling function.
Exponential swelling function.
User-defined swelling function. Define the swelling function via subroutine userswstrain (described
in the Programmer's Reference). Define temperature-dependent constants via the TBTEMP (p. 1670) and
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1641
TBDATA (p. 1646) commands. For solution-dependent variables, define the number of variables via the
TB,STATE command.
Swelling in the Material Reference
Not used.
Thermal properties:
Thermal conductivity.
Specific heat. For porous media, solid-skeleton specific heat.
Fluid specific heat for porous media.
Thermal Properties in the Material Reference
Number of temperatures for which data will be provided. Default = 1.
Number of data points to be specified for a given temperature. Default = 48.
User-defined material model (UserMat) or thermal material model (UserMatTh) options:
Nonlinear iterations are applied (default).
Nonlinear iterations are not applied. This option is ignored if there is any other nonlinearity involved,
such as contact, geometric nonlinearity, etc.
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1642 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
This option indicates a UserMat material model to be used with mixed u-P element formulation for
material exhibiting incompressible or nearly incompressible behavior.
Thermal material model (UserMatTh) for a coupled-field analysis using elements SOLID226 and
SOLID227 with thermal degrees of freedom. Use this option in a coupled structural-thermal analysis
to specify a user-defined thermal material model (UserMatTh) independently of the user-defined
structural material model (UserMat).
Creating a User-Defined Material Model in the Material Reference
Subroutine UserMat (Creating Your Own Material Model) in the Programmer's Reference
Subroutine UserMatTh (Creating Your Own Thermal Material Model) in the Programmer's Reference
Number of data points to be specified for the wear option. This value is set automatically based on the
selected wear option (TBOPT). If TBOPT is not specified, the default becomes NPTS = 5 and TBOPT =
Wear model options:
Archard wear model (default).
User-defined wear model.
Contact Surface Wear in the Material Reference
See also TBFIELD (p. 1651) for more information about defining temperature and/or time-dependent
TB activates a data table to be used with subsequent TBDATA (p. 1646) or TBPT (p. 1669) commands. The
table space is initialized to zero values. Data from this table are used for certain nonlinear material de-
scriptions as well as for special input for some elements.
For a list of elements supporting each material model (Lab value), see Material Model Element Support
in the Material Reference.
For information about linear material property input, see the MP (p. 967) command.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1643
Product Restrictions
Command Available Products
AFDM DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
AHYPER DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
ANEL DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
AVIS DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
BB DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
BH DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
BISO DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
BKIN DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
CAST DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
CDM DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
CFOAM DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
CGCR DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
CHABOCHE DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
CONCR DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
CREEP DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
CTE DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
CZM DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
DLST DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
DMGE DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
DMGI DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
DP DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
DPER DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
EDP DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
ELASTIC DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
ELASTIC DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
ELST DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
EXPE DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
FCON DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
FCLI DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
FLUID DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
FRIC DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
GASKET DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
GURSON DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
HFLM DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1644 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Material Models
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Material Models
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Material Models
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1645
Data table label. See the TB (p. 1603) command for valid labels, and see "Notes" (p. 1646) for Lab = ALL.
Material reference number where data table is to be copied from.
Material reference number where data table is to be copied to.
The TBCOPY command, with Lab = ALL, copies all of the nonlinear data defined by the TB (p. 1603)
command. If you copy a model that includes both yield behavior constants and linear constants (for
example, a BKIN model), TBCOPY,ALL and MPCOPY (p. 973) are used together to copy the entire model.
All input data associated with the model is copied, that is, all data defined through the TB (p. 1603) and
MP (p. 967) commands.
Also, if you copy a material model using the Material Model Interface (Edit> Copy), both the commands
TBCOPY,ALL and MPCOPY (p. 973) are issued, regardless of whether the model includes linear constants
only, or if it includes a combination of linear and yield behavior constants.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Material Models
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Material Models
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Material Models
Starting location in table for entering data. For example, if STLOC = 1, data input in the C1 field applies
to the first table constant, C2 applies to the second table constant, etc. If STLOC=5, data input in the C1
field applies to the fifth table constant, etc. Defaults to the last location filled + 1. The last location is reset
to 1 with each TB (p. 1603), TBTEMP (p. 1670), or TBFIELD (p. 1651) command.
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1646 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Defines data for the table specified on the last TB (p. 1603) command at the temperature specified on
the last TBTEMP (p. 1670) or TBFIELD (p. 1651) command (if applicable). The type of data table specified
in the last TB (p. 1603) command determines the number of data values needed in TBDATA. Data values
are interpolated for temperatures or other specified field variables that fall between user-defined TB-
TEMP (p. 1670) or TBFIELD (p. 1651) values.
Some elements (for example, SOLID226) support tabular input for certain linear materials input via the
TBDATA command. For a list of elements that support tabular material properties and associated primary
variables, see Defining Linear Material Properties Using Tabular Input in the Material Reference.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Material Models
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Material Models
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Material Models
Data table label. (See the TB (p. 1603) command for valid labels.) If ALL, delete all data tables.
This command is also valid in SOLUTION.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Material Models
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Material Models
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Material Models
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1647
Parameter name:
Available for the viscoplasticity/creep model (TB (p. 1603),CREEP (p. 1615)), allows two creep models to
be specified via the same material ID when used with the Extended Drucker-Prager model
(TB (p. 1603),EDP (p. 1619)).
Coordinate system to use with location (XCOR, YCOR, ZCOR) or displacement (UX, UY, UZ) field variables.
Parameter value:
Use the shear stress-state creep model with the Extended Drucker-Prager model.
Use the compaction stress-state creep model with the Extended Drucker-Prager model.
Any predefined, user-defined, or custom (LOCAL (p. 883) or CS (p. 359)) Cartesian coordinate
system number.
Issue the TBEO command after activating the material data table (TB (p. 1603)) but before defining data
for the table (TBDATA (p. 1646)) or a point on a nonlinear data curve (TBPT (p. 1669)).
If the defined material data table has subtables, issue the TBEO command for each desired subtable.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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1648 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Operation to perform:
Index of any material parameter specified via the TBDATA (p. 1646) command.
Scale to use for the independent variable. Valid options are LINEAR (linear) or LOG (logarithmic).
Scale to use for the dependent variable (the material parameter specified via Par2). Valid options are
LINEAR (linear) or LOG (logarithmic).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1649
Par1 = LINEAR is available for all material models. The remaining options are limited to a subset
of material models. For more information, see Material Model Support for Interpolation in the Ma-
terial Reference.
Default value of the field variable for which an initial value was not specified.
Lower bound of the field variable.
Upper bound of the field variable.
Enable or disables field-variable normalization for interpolation.
OFF – Disable.
ON – Enable (default).
Enable or disable caching of interpolated material parameters. Enable for better performance.
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1650 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
For a list of the supported material data tables (TB (p. 1603)), see Logarithmic Interpolation and Scaling
in the Material Reference.
Oper = DEFA, BNDS, NORM and CACH are supported for the linear multivariate (TBIN,ALGO,LMUL) in-
terpolation algorithm only.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Field variable type:
A frequency is to be specified in Value
A temperature is to be specified in Value
A time is to be specified in Value
A normal pressure is to be specified in Value
A total sliding distance (algebraic) is to be specified in Value
A total sliding distance (absolute) is to be specified in Value
A sliding velocity is to be specified in Value
A healing cycle number is to be specified in Value
User-defined field variable (UF01,UF02, ..., UF09)
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1651
Pressure degree of freedom
UX / UY / UZ
Displacements in the global/local X, Y, or Z coordinate system, respectively
The field value to be referenced (use this command multiple times to enter values of different field variables).
Define your data tables as field-variable-dependent (via the appropriate TB (p. 1603) command), then issue
the TBFIELD command to define the field values.
Define data values in ascending order for all field quantities. If a field value is to be held constant, define
it only once; subsequent definitions are ignored.
No limit exists on the number of values that you can specify. The specified field value remains active
until the next TBFIELD command is input.
After you have defined the field value(s), define your data for the data tables (TBDATA (p. 1646)).
For more information about the interpolation scheme used for field-dependent material properties, see
Understanding Field Variables in the Material Reference.
For more information about using TBFIELD with TB (p. 1603),ELASTIC or TB (p. 1603),SDAMP, see Full Har-
monic Analysis in the Structural Analysis Guide.
For more information, see Predefined Field Variables in the Material Reference.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Use material curve-fitting to evaluate your experimental data and correlate it to the program's built-in
nonlinear material models. You apply coefficients to your curve data, determine a fit with existing
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1652 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
model, and write the data according to the table configurations outlined in the TB (p. 1603) command.
Curve-fitting is available for nonlinear models associated with the material behaviors listed below:
• For hyperelastic material behavior, see "TBFT Specifications for Hyperelastic Models" (p. 1653).
• For viscoelastic material behavior, see "TBFT Specifications for Viscoelastic Models" (p. 1655).
• For Chaboche plasticity material behavior, see "TBFT Specifications for Chaboche Kinematic Hardening
Plasticity Models" (p. 1659).
• For creep material behavior, see "TBFT Specifications for Creep Models" (p. 1662).
The specific curve-fitting operation:
Define a constitutive model.
Delete a constitutive model.
Write data related to a constitutive model to the database (same as TB (p. 1603) command).
SET --
Initialize coefficients of a constitutive model for nonlinear curve-fitting procedure.
Deletes coefficients at current reference temperature. Applicable only for temperature dependent
Solve for coefficients.
FIX --
Fix (hold constant) the coefficient you specify in Option4.
Add experimental data.
Delete experimental data.
List all data associated with the material model represented by the material ID number.
The material reference number (same as MAT argument used in the TB (p. 1603) command). Valid entry is
any number greater than zero (default = 1) but less than 100,000.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1653
For curve-fit function operations (Oper = FADD, FDEL, FSET, SET, CDEL, SOLVE or FIX) this field specifies
the category (HYPER).
For adding or deleting your experiment (Oper = EADD or EDEL), this field specifies the experimental
data type. Valid options: UNIA, BIAX, SHEA, SSHE,and VOLU (default = UNIA).
For curve-fit function operations (Oper = FADD, FDEL, FSET, SET, CDEL, SOLVE, or FIX), this field specifies
constitutive model type. The valid entries are listed in Table 209: Hyperelastic Options (p. 1655) below.
When you need to specify a file name from which to get experimental data (Oper = EADD), place
that string here. Valid entry is any file name string. You can enter the entire path\filename.ex-
tension string and leave the next two fields (Option3 and Option4) blank, or you can specify
the name here, the extension in the next field, and the path following.
For Oper = FADD, FDEL, FSET, CDEL, SET, SOLVE or FIX, some of the cases specified in Option2 will require
that the polynomial order be specified. The applicable values for the order specification are listed in
Table 209: Hyperelastic Options (p. 1655).
If a file name for experimental data is being specified in Option2 (Oper = EADD), this field will
contain the file extension.
When you are working on a specific coefficient (Oper = FIX), this field specifies the index of that coefficient.
Valid entries vary from 1 to n, where n is the total number of coefficients (default = 1).
For Oper = SET, see Table 208: Set Operations (p. 1654), below.
If a file name for experimental data is being specified in Option2 (Oper = EADD), this field will
contain the directory/path specification.
If Oper = SOLVE, this value specifies the curve-fitting procedure. Valid entries are 0 for unnormalized
least squares curve-fitting procedure, and 1 for normalized least squares curve-fitting procedure.
When you are working on a specific coefficient (Oper = FIX), this field specifies the index of that coefficient.
Valid entries vary from 1 to N, where N is the total number of coefficients (default = 1)
For Oper = SET, see Table 208: Set Operations (p. 1654), below.
* - Specify temperature data in the same specified via TREF (p. 1688).
If Oper = SOLVE, use this field to specify the number of iterations to be used in the calculation of
the coefficients. Valid entry is any positive integer (default = 1000)
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1654 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
If Oper = SOLVE, specifies the allowed tolerance in residual change to stop an iteration. Valid entry is 0.0
to 1.0 (default = 0.0).
If Oper = SOLVE, specifies the allowed tolerance in coefficient change to stop an iteration. Valid entry is
0 to 1 (default = 0).
Following table summarizes the format for hyperelastic operations via the TBFT command:
The specific curve-fitting operation:
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1655
Define a case/constitutive model for viscoelasticity (prony).
Define a constitutive model.
Delete a constitutive model.
Write data related to a constitutive model to the database (same as TB (p. 1603) command).
SET --
Initialize coefficients of a constitutive model for nonlinear curve-fitting procedure.
Deletes coefficients at current reference temperature. Applicable only for temperature dependent
Solve for coefficients.
FIX --
Fix (hold constant) the coefficient you specify in Option4.
Add experimental data.
Delete experimental data.
List all data associated with the material model represented by the material ID number.
The material reference number (same as MAT argument used in the TB (p. 1603) command). Valid entry is
any number greater than zero (default = 1) but less than 100,000.
This option is set to VISCO for adding coefficients (Oper = FADD). The FADD operation is used to specify
the shear order, the bulk order or the shift option.
This option (Oper = CASE) is set to NEW or FINI. The FADD commands are always enclosed by
TBFT,FCASE, ID, NEW and TBFT,FCASE, ID, FINI. See Material Curve-Fitting in the Structural Analysis
Guide for more information.
For other curve-fit function operations (Oper = FDEL, FSET, SET, CDEL, SOLVE or FIX) this field is
set to CASE.
For adding or deleting your experiment (Oper = EADD or EDEL), this field specifies the experiment
type. Valid options: SDEC (Shear Modulus vs. Time) or BDEC (Bulk Modulus vs. Time).
For defining your viscoelastic case (Oper = FCASE), you specify PVHE.
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1656 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
For curve-fit function operations (Oper = FDEL, FSET, SET, CDEL, SOLVE, or FIX), this field specifies
the case name.
To create a new case (Oper = FADD), the valid options are listed in Table 211: Viscoelastic Op-
tions (p. 1658) below.
When you need to specify a file name from which to get experimental data (Oper = EADD), place
that string here. Valid entry is any file name string. You can enter the entire path\filename.ex-
tension string and leave the next two fields (Option3 and Option4) blank, or you can specify
the name here, the extension in the next field, and the path following.
For Oper = FCASE, this field specifies the case name.
If a file name for experimental data is being specified in Option2 (Oper = EADD), this field will
contain the file extension.
When you are working on a specific coefficient (Oper = FIX), this field specifies the index of that coefficient.
Valid entries vary from 1 to n, where n is the total number of coefficients (default = 1).
For Oper = SET, see Table 210: Set Operations (p. 1657), below.
If a file name for experimental data is being specified in Option2 (Oper = EADD), this field will
contain the directory/path specification.
If Oper = SOLVE, this value specifies the curve-fitting procedure. Valid entries are 0 for unnormalized
least squares curve-fitting procedure, and 1 for normalized least squares curve-fitting procedure.
For Oper = SET, see Table 210: Set Operations (p. 1657), below.
If Oper = SOLVE, use this field to specify the number of iterations to be used in the calculation of
the coefficients. Valid entry is any positive integer (default = 1000).
If you are specifying a coefficient to be held constant (Oper = FIX), a 1 FIXES the specified coefficient,
and a 0 allows it to vary (turns fixing OFF).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1657
If Oper = SOLVE, specifies the allowed tolerance in residual change to stop an iteration. Valid entry is 0.0
to 1.0 (default = 0.0).
If Oper = SOLVE, specifies the allowed tolerance in coefficient change to stop an iteration. Valid entry is
0 to 1 (default = 0).
Reserved for future use.
If Oper = SOLVE, enables parameter scaling when set to 1. Default = 0. Used for viscoelastic material curve-
Following table summarizes the format for viscoelastic operations via the TBFT command:
Viscoelastic Models
Oper ID Option1 Option2 Option3 Option4 Option5 Option6 Option7
FADD ID VISCO Option Order
SET ID CASE NA Index Value
Case Norm
Name Flag
Fix /
FIX ID CASE NA Index Unfix
EADD ID File Extension Directory
EDEL ID Type /
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1658 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The specific curve-fitting operation:
Define a case/constitutive model for plasticity.
Define a constitutive model.
Delete a constitutive model.
Write data related to a constitutive model to the database (same as TB (p. 1603) command).
SET --
Initialize coefficients of a constitutive model for nonlinear curve-fitting procedure.
Deletes coefficients at current reference temperature. Applicable only for temperature-dependent
Solve for coefficients.
FIX --
Fix (hold constant) the coefficient you specify in Option4.
Add experimental data.
Delete experimental data.
List all data associated with the material model represented by the material ID number.
The material reference number (same as MAT argument used in the TB (p. 1603) command). Valid entry is
any number greater than zero (default = 1) but less than 100,000.
For Oper = FCASE, set to either NEW or FINI. The command TBFT,FCASE,ID,NEW initializes a new curve-
fitting case. (The TBFT,FADD commands described next are always issued between TBFT,FCASE,ID,NEW
and TBFT,FCASE,ID,FINI commands.) After issuing TBFT,FCASE,ID,FINI, the Chaboche model is created
and is ready to be used to perform other curve-fitting operations. For more information, see Material Curve-
Fitting in the Material Reference.
For Oper = FADD, set to PLAS to add options/parameters for the new case being created (via
TBFT,FCASE,ID,NEW, which must be issued before the TBFT,FADD command). This operation specifies
the order of the Chaboche kinematic model.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1659
For other curve-fitting function operations (Oper = FDEL, FSET, SET, CDEL, SOLVE or FIX), set to
For adding or deleting your experiment (Oper = EADD or EDEL), this option specifies the experiment
type. The only valid option is UNIA (plastic strain vs. true stress).
For Oper = FCASE (defining your Chaboche case), set to CPLA.
For Oper = FDEL, FSET, SET, CDEL, SOLVE, or FIX (curve-fitting function operations), this value specifies
the case name being operated on.
For Oper = FADD (specifying options for the plasticity model), valid options are:
For Oper = EADD (specifying a file name from which to get experimental data), place that string
here. A valid entry is any file name string. You can either:
• Enter the entire path\filename.extension string and leave the next two fields (Option3 and
Option4) blank, or
• Specify the name here, the extension in the next field, and the path in the following field.
For Oper = FCASE, this field specifies the case name.
If a file name for experimental data is being specified in Option2 (Oper = EADD), this field contains
the file extension.
When fixing a specific coefficient to a desired value (Oper = FIX), this field specifies the index of that
coefficient. Valid entries vary from 1 to n, where n is the total number of coefficients (default = 1).
For Oper = SET, see Table 210: Set Operations (p. 1657).
You can also specify TREF to indicate the reference temperature, or COMP for a partial/complete
solution (only for bulk, only for shear, or all coefficients).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1660 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
If a file name for experimental data is being specified in Option2 (Oper = EADD), this field contains
the directory/path specification.
If Oper = SOLVE, this value specifies the normalized/non-normalized option. This option is not
available for Chaboche curve-fitting.
For Oper = SET, refer to the following table.
If Oper = SOLVE, use this field to specify the number of iterations to be used in the calculation of
the coefficients. Valid entry is any positive integer (default = 1000).
If you are specifying a coefficient to be held constant (Oper = FIX): 1 fixes the specified coefficient,
0 allows it to vary (disables fixing).
If Oper = SOLVE, specifies the allowed tolerance in residual change to stop an iteration. Valid entry is 0.0
to 1.0 (default = 0.0).
If Oper = SOLVE, specifies the allowed tolerance in coefficient change to stop an iteration. Valid entry is
0 to 1 (default = 0).
Reserved for future use.
If Oper = SOLVE, enables parameter scaling when set to 1. Default = 0. Used for Chaboche material curve-
The following table summarizes the format for Chaboche curve-fitting operations via the TBFT command:
Following table summarizes the format for viscoelastic operations via the TBFT command:
Chaboche Models
Oper ID Option1 Option2 Option3 Option4 Option5 Option6 Option7
FADD ID PLAS Option Order
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1661
The specific curve-fitting operation:
Define a constitutive model.
Delete a constitutive model.
Write data related to a constitutive model to the database (same as TB (p. 1603) command).
SET --
Initialize coefficients of a constitutive model for nonlinear curve-fitting procedure.
Deletes coefficients at current reference temperature. Applicable only for temperature dependent
Solve for coefficients.
FIX --
Fix (hold constant) the coefficient you specify in Option4.
Add experimental data.
Delete experimental data.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1662 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
List all data associated with the material model represented by the material ID number.
The material reference number (same as MAT argument used in the TB (p. 1603) command). Valid entry is
any number greater than zero (default = 1) but less than 100,000.
For curve-fit function operations (Oper = FADD, FDEL, FSET, SET, CDEL, SOLVE or FIX) this field specifies
the category (CREEP).
For adding or deleting your experiment (Oper = EADD or EDEL), this field specifies the experimental
data type (CREEP).
For curve-fit function operations (Oper = FADD, FDEL, FSET, SET, CDEL, SOLVE, or FIX), this field specifies
constitutive model type. The valid entries are listed in Table 214: Creep Options (p. 1664) below.
When you need to specify a file name from which to get experimental data (Oper = EADD), place
that string here. Valid entry is any file name string. You can enter the entire path\filename.ex-
tension string and leave the next two fields (Option3 and Option4) blank, or you can specify
the name here, the extension in the next field, and the path following.
If a file name for experimental data is being specified in Option2 (Oper = EADD), this field will contain
the file extension.
When you are working on a specific coefficient (Oper = FIX), this field, specifies the index of that coefficient.
Valid entries vary from 1 to n, where n is the total number of coefficients (default = 1).
For Oper = SET, see Table 213: Set Operations (p. 1663), below.
If a file name for experimental data is being specified in Option2 (Oper = EADD), this field will
contain the directory/path specification.
If Oper = SOLVE, this value specifies the curve-fitting procedure. Valid entries are 0 for unnormalized
least squares curve-fitting procedure, and 1 for normalized least squares curve-fitting procedure.
If Oper = SOLVE, use this field to specify the number of iterations to be used in the calculation of the
coefficients. Valid entry is any positive integer (default = 1000)
If you specify a coefficient to be held constant (Oper = FIX), enter a 1 to FIX the coefficient, and a
0 to allow it to vary (turn fixing OFF).
For Oper = SET, see Table 213: Set Operations (p. 1663), below.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1663
* - When TDEP is OFF, the Arrhenius term (e.g. C4) in the strain hardening creep equation is calculated.
Because TBTEMP is not included in the curve-fitting regimen, the experimental data (in absolute
temperature) must be supplied using the /TEMP command.
* - When TDEP is set ON, the Arrhenius term is set to 0 and the constants are separately computed
for each temperature. The curve-fitting regimen uses TBTEMP (p. 1670). You must provide the exper-
imental data using the same units as specified via TREF (p. 1688).
If Oper = SOLVE, specifies the allowed tolerance in residual change to stop an iteration. Valid entry is 0.0
to 1.0 (default = 0.0).
If Oper = SOLVE, specifies the allowed tolerance in coefficient change to stop an iteration. Valid entry is
0 to 1 (default = 0).
Reserved for future use.
If Oper = SOLVE, enables parameter scaling when set to 1. Default = 0. Used for creep material curve-fitting.
Following table summarizes the format for creep operations via the TBFT command:
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1664 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The TBFT command provides tools for comparing experimental material data to the program-provided
calculated data for various nonlinear material options. Based on curve-fitting comparisons and error
norms, choose the model to use during the solution phase of the analysis according to the best fit. All
of the capabilities of the TBFT command are accessible interactively via the standard material GUI. See
Material Curve-Fitting in the Structural Analysis Guide for more information.
Display material model data associated with both the TB (p. 1603) command and the TBFT,FSET command
via TBLIST (p. 1666),ALL,ALL.
Material model data associated with the most recent TB (p. 1603) or TBFT,FSET command overwrites
previous data.
Display material model data associated with both the TB (p. 1603) command and the TBFT,FSET command
via TBLIST (p. 1666),ALL,ALL.
The capability to fix coefficients (Option4 = FIX) applies only to nonlinear curve fits (as listed in
Table 6.3: Hyperelastic Curve-Fitting Model Types.
The uniaxial, biaxial, and shear experimental data use engineering stress. The volumetric data uses true
stress. See the Material Reference for details about experimental data for creep and viscoelasticity.
Menu Paths
Main Menu> Preprocessor> Material Props> Material Models
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1665
Specifies "Data table properties" as the subsequent status topic.
PREP7 (p. 20): Status (p. 32)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status (STAT (p. 1572)) topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items under Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Status>Preprocessor>Data Tables
Data table label. (See the TB (p. 1603) command for valid labels.) Defaults to the active table. If ALL, list data
for all labels.
Material number to be listed (defaults to the active material). If ALL, list data tables for all materials.
This command is a utility command, valid anywhere.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Properties>Data Tables
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1666 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The row and column numbers of the table entry to be modified.
The new value to be used in the ROW, COL location.
The TBMODIF command modifies data for the table specified on the last TB (p. 1603) command.
For temperature-dependent data, the command uses the temperature specified via the last TB-
TEMP (p. 1670) command.
The command is generated by the program's Graphical User Interface (GUI). It appears in the log file
(Jobname.LOG) if a TB (p. 1603) material data table is graphically edited in spreadsheet fashion. The
command is not intended to be typed in directly during an analysis session (although it can be included
in an input file for batch input or for use with /INPUT (p. 791)).
The command supports the following material data tables (TB (p. 1603),Lab values): ANEL (p. 1609) (aniso-
tropic elasticity), AVIS (p. 1609) (anisotropic viscosity), BISO (p. 1610) (bilinear isotropic hardening), BKIN (p. 1611)
(bilinear kinematic hardening), CFOAM (p. 1612) (crushable foam), DLST (p. 1617) (anisotropic dielectric loss
tangent, DP (p. 1618) (classic Drucker-Prager plasticity), DPER (p. 1618) (anisotropic electric permittivity),
ELST (p. 1620) (anisotropic elastic loss tangent), FCON (p. 1621) (fluid conductance data), GASKET (p. 1623)
(gasket), GURSON (p. 1624) (Gurson pressure-dependent plasticity), HFLM (p. 1624) (film coefficient data),
HILL (p. 1625) (Hill anisotropy), JOIN (p. 1628) (joint), MIGR (p. 1633) (migration model), NLISO (p. 1634) (Voce
isotropic hardening law), PIEZ (p. 1635) (piezoelectric matrix), PRONY (p. 1637) (Prony series), PZRS (p. 1638)
(piezoresistivity), SHIFT (p. 1639) (shift function for viscoelastic materials), SMA (p. 1640) (shape memory alloy),
and STATE (p. 1641) (user-defined state variables).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Material Models
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Material Models
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Material Models
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1667
Data table label. Valid labels are: MELAS, BKIN, BISO, BH, GASKET, and JOIN. Defaults to the active table
label. For B-H data, also valid are: NB to display NU-B2, MH to display MU vs. H, and SBH, SNB, SMH to display
the slopes of the corresponding data.
Material number to be displayed (defaults to the active material).
Gasket material or joint element material option to be plotted.
The following gasket material options are valid only when Lab = GASKET:
Plots all gasket data.
Plots gasket compression data only.
Plots gasket linear unloading data with compression curve.
Plots gasket nonlinear unloading data only.
The following joint element material options are valid only when Lab = JOIN:
Plots nonlinear stiffness data that is applicable to all relevant directions.
Plots only the specified nonlinear stiffness data. The "n" can be 1, 4, or 6. For example, JNS4
plots only the nonlinear stiffness data specified in the local direction 4 (ROTX).
Plots nonlinear damping data that is applicable to all relevant directions.
Plots only the specified nonlinear damping data. The "n" can be 1, 4, or 6. For example, JND4
plots only the nonlinear damping data specified in the local direction 4 (ROTX).
Plots nonlinear hysteretic friction data that is applicable to all relevant directions.
Plots only the specified nonlinear hysteretic friction data. The "n" can be 1, 4, or 6. For example,
JNF4 plots only the nonlinear hysteretic friction data specified in local direction 4 (ROTX).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1668 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Specific temperature at which gasket data or joint element material data will be plotted (used only when
Lab = GASKET or JOIN). Use TEMP = ALL to plot gasket data or joint element material data at all temper-
Segment number of plotted curve (valid only when Lab = GASKET):
Segment number is not added to plotted curve (default).
Segment number is added to plotted curve. This option is ignored if the number of data points
in a curve exceeds 20.
Only data for stress-strain, B-H, gasket curves, or joint element nonlinear material model curves can be
The TBOPT and TEMP values are valid only when Lab = GASKET or JOIN.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Plot>Data Tables
Operation to perform:
Defines a new data point (default). The point is inserted into the table in ascending order of X1. If a
point already exists with the same X1 value, it is replaced.
Deletes an existing point. The X1 value must match the X1 value of the point to be deleted (XN is ig-
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1669
TBPT defines a point on a nonlinear data curve (such as a stress-strain curve, B-H curve, etc.) at the
temperature specified on the last TBTEMP (p. 1670) command. The meaning of the values depends on
the type of data table specified on the last TB (p. 1603) command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Material Models
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Material Models
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Material Models
Temperature value (defaults to 0.0 if KMOD is blank).
If blank, TEMP defines a new temperature. (Issue TBLIST (p. 1666) to list temperatures and data.)
The TBTEMP command defines a temperature to be associated with the data on subsequent TBPT (p. 1669)
or TBDATA (p. 1646) commands.
The defined temperature remains active until the next TBTEMP command is issued.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Material Models
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Material Models
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Material Models
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1670 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Name (or the number) of the 20-node tetrahedron element that you want to convert. This argument is
Name (or the number) of the 10-node tetrahedron element to which you want to convert the ENAME ele-
ments. This argument is required.
Element TYPE reference number for ENAME2. If ETYPE2 is 0 or is not specified, the program selects the
element TYPE reference number for ENAME2. See the "Notes" (p. 1671) section for details. This argument is
The TCHG command allows you to specify conversion of any selected 20-node brick that is degenerated
into a tetrahedron to a 10-node tetrahedron.
The TCHG command is useful when used in with the MOPT (p. 960),PYRA command. Twenty-node pyr-
amid shaped elements may be used in the same volume with 10-node tetrahedra.
Performing a conversion is likely to create circumstances in which more than one element type is defined
for a single volume.
If specified, ETYPE2 will usually be the same as the local element TYPE number (ET (p. 571),ITYPE)
that was assigned to ENAME2 with the ET (p. 571) command. You can specify a unique number for
ETYPE2 if you prefer. Although ETYPE2 is optional, it may be useful when two or more ITYPEs have
been assigned to the same element (for example, if two SOLID187 elements have been established in
the element attribute tables for the current model, use the ETYPE2 argument to distinguish between
them). If ETYPE2 is nonzero and it has not already been assigned to an element via ET (p. 571), the
program assigns the ETYPE2 value to ENAME2 as its element TYPE reference number.
If ETYPE2 is 0 or is not specified, the program determines the element TYPE reference number for
ENAME2 in one of these ways:
• If ETYPE2 is 0 or is not specified, and ENAME2 does not appear in the element attribute tables, the
program uses the next available (unused) location in the element attribute tables to determine the
element TYPE reference number for ENAME2.
• If ETYPE2 is 0 or is not specified, and ENAME2 appears in the element attribute tables, the program
uses ENAME2's existing element TYPE reference number for ETYPE2. (If there is more than one occur-
rence of ENAME2 in the element attribute tables (each with its own TYPE reference number), the program
uses the first ENAME2 reference number for ETYPE2 .)
You cannot use element conversion if boundary conditions or loads are applied directly to any selected
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1671
For more information about converting degenerate tetrahedral elements, see Meshing Your Solid
Model in the Modeling and Meshing Guide
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Modify Mesh>Change Tets
Argument Descriptions
Specifies how Mechanical APDL is to interpret this /TEE (p. 1672) command:
NEW --
Signals the beginning of the command text that is to be written to Fname. If Fname already exists,
specifying NEW causes the contents of Fname to be overwritten.
Indicates that you want to append to Fname the command text that follows.
END --
Signals the end of the command text that is to be written to or appended to Fname.
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
If you plan to execute the file as if it were a Mechanical APDL command, use the extension .mac.
Unused field.
You can use the /TEE (p. 1672) command to record a macro to a specified file at the same time that the
macro is being executed. It is similar to the Linux tee command.
For more information about the /TEE (p. 1672) command, see the Introducing APDL of the ANSYS Para-
metric Design Language Guide.
The following example illustrates the use of the /TEE (p. 1672) command. If you issue these commands:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1672 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
This command is valid in any processor, but only during an interactive run.
Enables or disables thermal loading
SOLUTION (p. 35): Analysis Options (p. 35)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Activation key:
Thermal loading is included in the load vector (default).
Thermal loading is not included in the load vector.
Temperatures applied in the analysis are used by default to evaluate material properties and contribute
to the load vector if the temperature does not equal the reference temperature and a coefficient of
thermal expansion is specified.
Use THEXPAND,OFF to evaluate the material properties but not contribute to the load vector. This
capability is particularly useful when performing a harmonic analysis where you do not want to include
harmonically varying thermal loads. It is also useful in a modal analysis when computing a modal load
vector but excluding the thermal load.
This command is valid for all analysis types except linear perturbation modal and linear perturbation
harmonic analyses. For these two linear perturbation analysis types, the program internally sets THEX-
PAND,OFF, and it cannot be set to ON by using this command (THEXPAND,ON is ignored).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1673
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Matrix reform option.
Use the full Newton-Raphson solution option (default). All subsequent input values are ignored.
Use a selective reform solution option based on REFORMTOL.
Property change tolerance for Matrix Reformation (.05 default). The thermal matrices are reformed if the
maximum material property change in an element (from the previous reform time) is greater than the reform
tolerance. Valid only when Refopt = QUASI.
Number of points in Fast Material Table (64 default). Valid only when Refopt = QUASI.
Minimum temperature for Fast Material Table. Defaults to the minimum temperature defined by the
MPTEMP (p. 983) command for any material property defined. Valid only when Refopt = QUASI.
Maximum temperature for Fast Material Table. Defaults to the maximum temperature defined by the
MPTEMP (p. 983) command for any material property defined. Valid only when Refopt = QUASI.
Reserved field.
Specifies which solution algorithm to apply:
Multipass (default).
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1674 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The QUASI matrix reform option is supported by the ICCG, JCG, PCG, and sparse solvers only
(EQSLV (p. 537)). The Quasi method is an approximation to the FULL method and will not be as accurate
when the nonlinearity is strong. However, you can control the inaccuracy by using small time steps.
• Results from a restart may be different than results from a single run because the stiffness matrices are
always recreated in a restart run, but may or may not be in a single run (depending on the behavior
resulting from the REFORMTOL setting). Additionally, results may differ between two single runs as
well, if the matrices are reformed as a result of the REFORMTOL setting.
For more information, see Solution Algorithms Used in Transient Thermal Analysis in the Thermal Ana-
lysis Guide.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Specifies various TIFF file export options.
If Kywrd = COMP, then OPT controls data compression for the output file. If COMP = 0, then compres-
sion is off. If COMP = 1 (default), then compression is on.
If Kywrd = ORIENT, then OPT will determine the orientation of the entire plot. OPT can be either Ho-
rizontal (default) or Vertical.
If Kywrd = COLOR, then OPT will determine the color attribute of the saved file. OPT can be 0, 1, or
2, corresponding to Black and White, Grayscale, and Color (default), respectively.
If Kywrd = TMOD, then OPT will determine the text method. OPT can be either 1 or 0, corresponding
to bitmap text (default) or line stroke text, respectively.
If Kywrd = DEFAULT, then all of the default values, for all of the Kywrd parameters listed above, are
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1675
OPT can have the following names or values, depending on the value for Kywrd (see above).
1 or 0
If Kywrd = COMP, a value or 1 (on) or 0 (off ) will control compression for the TIFF file.
Horizontal, Vertical
If Kywrd = ORIENT, the terms Horizontal or Vertical determine the orientation of the plot.
0, 1, 2
If Kywrd = COLOR, the numbers 0, 1, and 2 correspond to Black and White, Grayscale and Color,
1, 0
If Kywrd = TMOD, the values 1 and 0 determine whether bitmap (1) or stroke text (0) fonts will
be used
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>HardCopy>ToFile
Sets the time for a load step.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Load Step Options (p. 40)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Time at the end of the load step.
Command Default
Previous TIME + 1.0 (at each load step), corresponding to the load step number.
Associates the boundary conditions at the end of the load step with a particular TIME value.
TIME must be a positive, nonzero, monotonically increasing quantity that "tracks" the input history.
Units of time should be consistent with those used elsewhere (for properties, creep equations, etc.).
Typically, for the first load step TIME defaults to 1. However, for the first load step of a mode-superpos-
ition transient analysis (ANTYPE (p. 140),TRANS and TRNOPT (p. 1691),MSUP), the TIME command is ignored
and a static solution is performed at TIME = 0.
For a full transient analyses, the command's default behavior does not apply. You must specify a time
for each load step and it must be greater than the time at the end of the prior load step.
TIME does not apply to modal (ANTYPE (p. 140),MODAL), harmonic (ANTYPE (p. 140),HARMIC), or sub-
structure (ANTYPE (p. 140),SUBSTR) analyses.
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1676 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Basic
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Time - Time Step
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Time and Substeps
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Basic
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Time - Time Step
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Time and Substeps
Minimum time (defaults to first time (or frequency) point on the file).
Maximum time (defaults to last time (or frequency) point on the file).
Command Default
Include all time (or frequency) points in the range.
Defines the time (or frequency) range for which data are to be read from the file and stored in memory.
Use the NSTORE (p. 1072) command to define the time increment.
Use PRTIME (p. 1269) or PLTIME (p. 1203) to specify the time (frequency) range for cyclic mode-superposition
harmonic analyses.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Settings>Data
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1677
Transient effects key:
No transient effects (static or steady-state).
Include transient (mass or inertia) effects.
Degree of freedom label:
Apply this key to all appropriate labels (default).
Apply this key to structural DOFs.
Apply this key to thermal DOFs.
Apply this key to electric DOFs.
Apply this key to magnetic DOFs.
Apply this key to fluid DOFs.
Apply this key to concentration of DOFs.
Command Default
Include transient effects (ON) (ANTYPE (p. 140),TRANS).
Indicates whether this load step in a full transient analysis should use time integration, that is, whether
it includes transient effects (e.g. structural inertia, thermal capacitance) or whether it is a static (steady-
state) load step for the indicated DOFs. Transient initial conditions are introduced at the load step
having Key = ON. Initial conditions are then determined from the previous two substeps. Zero initial
velocity and acceleration are assumed if no previous substeps exist. See the Structural Analysis Guide,
the Thermal Analysis Guide, and the Low-Frequency Electromagnetic Analysis Guide for details.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1678 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Transient
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Time Integration>Amplitude
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Time Integration>Newmark
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Transient
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Time Integration>Amplitude Decay
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Time Integration>Newmark Parameters
Identifies the tetrahedral elements to be improved. Valid values are ALL and P. If ELEM = ALL (default),
improve all selected tetrahedral elements. If ELEM = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining
command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI).
Specifies whether to allow boundary modification. Boundary modification includes such things as changes
in the connectivity of the element faces on the boundary and the addition of boundary nodes. (Also see
the Notes section below for important usage information for CHGBND.)
Do not allow boundary modification.
Allow boundary modification (default).
Identifies the level of improvement to be performed on the elements. (Improvement occurs primarily
through the use of face swapping and node smoothing techniques.)
Perform the least amount of swapping/smoothing.
Perform an intermediate amount of swapping/smoothing.
Perform the greatest amount of swapping/smoothing.
Perform the greatest amount of swapping/smoothing, plus additional improvement techniques (default).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1679
The TIMP command enables you to improve a given tetrahedral mesh by reducing the number of
poorly-shaped tetrahedral elements (in particular, the number of sliver tetrahedral elements)--as well
as the overall number of elements--in the mesh. It also improves the overall quality of the mesh.
TIMP is particularly useful for an imported tetrahedral mesh for which no geometry information is at-
Regardless of the value of the CHGBND argument, boundary mid-nodes can be moved.
When loads or constraints have been placed on boundary nodes or mid-nodes, and boundary mid-
nodes are later moved, ANSYS issues a warning message to let you know that it will not update the
loads or constraints.
No boundary modification is performed if shell or beam elements are present in the mesh, even when
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Modify Mesh>Improve Tets>Detached Elems
Defines transient integration parameters.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Dynamic Options (p. 38)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Amplitude decay factor for 2nd order transient integration, e.g., structural dynamics (used only if ALPHA,
DELTA, ALPHAF, and ALPHAM are blank). Defaults to 0.005.
Alternatively, you can input the application type for the analysis using one of the following labels.
In this case, the program automatically sets the transient dynamic solver algorithm and settings
based on the intended application. For more information, see Transient Dynamic Analysis Settings
Based on Application in the Structural Analysis Guide.
Impact application.
High speed dynamic application.
Moderate speed dynamic application.
Low speed dynamic application.
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1680 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Quasi-static application.
2nd order transient integration parameter (used only if GAMMA is blank). Defaults to 0.2525.
2nd order transient integration parameter (used only if GAMMA is blank). Defaults to 0.5050.
1st order transient (for example, thermal transient) integration parameter. Defaults to 1.0 for the following
analysis types: purely thermal, room acoustic, purely viscous-thermal acoustic, coupled thermal-diffusion,
electromagnetic, and coupled electromagnetic analyses. For all the other 1st order transient analyses, the
default is 0.5.
Specifies the oscillation limit criterion for automatic time stepping of 1st order transients (e.g., thermal
transients). Defaults to 0.5 with a tolerance of TOL.
Tolerance applied to OSLM. Defaults to 0.0.
--, --
Unused fields.
Smoothing flag option:
Include smoothing of the velocity (1st order system) or the acceleration (2nd order system) (default).
Do not include smoothing.
Interpolation factor in HHT algorithm for force and damping terms (used only if GAMMA is blank). Defaults
to 0.005.
Interpolation factor in HHT algorithm for inertial term (used only if GAMMA is blank). Defaults to 0.0.
Command Default
GAMMA defaults to 0.005, which is the same as choosing the High Speed application (GAMMA = HISP).
All other fields default as described above.
Used to define the transient integration parameters. For more information on transient integration
parameters, refer to the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference.
For structural transient analyses, you may choose between the Newmark and HHT time integration
methods (see the TRNOPT (p. 1691) command). In this case, if GAMMA is input and the integration para-
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1681
meters ALPHA, DELTA, ALPHAF, and ALPHAM are left blank, the program will calculate the integration
parameters. Alternatively, you can input these integration parameters directly on this command. However,
for the unconditional stability and second order accuracy of the time integration, these parameters
should satisfy a specific relationship, as described in Description of Structural and Other Second Order
Systems of the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference.
In a transient piezoelectric analysis, required input for this command is ALPHA = 0.25, DELTA = 0.5,
and THETA = 0.5. For a coupled electromagnetic-circuit transient analysis, use THETA = 1.0, the default
value, to specify the backward Euler method.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Transient
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Time Integration>Amplitude
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Time Integration>Newmark
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Transient
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Time Integration>Amplitude Decay
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Time Integration>Newmark Parameters
Input up to 72 alphanumeric characters. Parameter substitution may be forced within the title by enclosing
the parameter name or parametric expression within percent (%) signs.
The title is carried through the printout and written on various files. The title written to a file is the title
defined at that time. Special characters may be used within the title text. Subtitles may also be defined
[/STITLE (p. 1577)].
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>File>Change Title
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1682 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Text X starting location (-1.0 < X < 1.6).
Text Y starting location (-1.0 < Y < 1.0).
Text string (60 characters maximum). Parameter substitution may be forced within the text by enclosing
the parameter name or parametric expression within percent (%) signs.
Defines annotation text to be written directly onto the display at a specified location. This is a command
generated by the Graphical User Interface (GUI) and will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if an-
notation is used. This command is not intended to be typed in directly in an ANSYS session (although
it can be included in an input file for batch input or for use with the /INPUT (p. 791) command).
All text is shown on subsequent displays unless the annotation is turned off or deleted. Use the
/TSPEC (p. 1697) command to set the attributes of the text.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Annotation>Create Annotation
Specifies the temperature offset from absolute zero to zero.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Analysis Options (p. 35)
AUX12 (p. 59): General Radiation (p. 59)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Degrees between absolute zero and zero of temperature system used (should be positive).
Specifies the difference (in degrees) between absolute zero and the zero of the temperature system
used. Absolute temperature values are required in evaluating certain expressions, such as for creep,
swelling, radiation heat transfer, MASS71, etc. (The offset temperature is not used in evaluating
emissivity.) Examples are 460° for the Fahrenheit system and 273° for the Celsius system. The offset
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1683
temperature is internally included in the element calculations and does not affect the temperature input
or output. If used in SOLUTION, this command is valid only within the first load step.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Temperature
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Temperature Units
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Radiation Opts>Solution Opt
Main Menu>Radiation Opt>Radiosity Meth>Solution Opt
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Temperature Units
Main Menu>Solution>Radiation Opts>Solution Opt
*TOPER (p. 1684), ParR, Par1, Oper, Par2, FACT1, FACT2, CON1
Operates on table parameters.
APDL (p. 17): Array Parameters (p. 18)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Argument Descriptions
Name of the resulting table parameter. The command will create a table array parameter with this name.
Any existing parameter with this name will be overwritten.
Name of the first table parameter.
The operation to be performed: ADD. The operation is: ParR(i,j,k) = FACT1*Par1(i,j,k) + FACT2 *Par2(i,j,k)
Name of the second table parameter.
The first table parameter multiplying constant. Defaults to 1.
The second table parameter multiplying constant. Defaults to 1.
The constant increment for offset. Defaults to 0.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1684 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
*TOPER (p. 1684) operates on table parameters according to: ParR(i,j,k) = FACT1*Par1(i,j,k) + FACT2
*Par2(i,j,k) +CON1
Par1 and Par2 must have the same dimensions and the same variable names corresponding to those
dimensions. Par1 and Par2 must also have identical index values for rows, columns, etc.
If you want a local coordinate system for the resulting array, you must dimension it as such using the
*DIM (p. 435) command before issuing *TOPER (p. 1684).
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Parameters>Array Operations>Table Operations
Starting and ending angles (either order) of the torus. Used for creating a toroidal sector. The sector begins
at the algebraically smaller angle, extends in a positive angular direction, and ends at the larger angle. The
starting angle defaults to 0° and the ending angle defaults to 360°.
Defines a toroidal volume centered about the working plane origin. A solid torus of 360° will be defined
with four areas, each area spanning 180° around the major and minor circumference.
To create the toroidal sector shown below, the command TORUS,5,1,2,0,180 was issued. Since "1" was
the smallest radii value specified, it defined the inner minor radius; since "2" was the intermediate radii
value specified, it defined the outer minor radius; and since "5" was the largest radii value specified, it
defined the major radius. The values "0" and "180" defined the starting and ending angles of the torus.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1685
radius Outer
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Volumes>Torus
Reference number of coordinate system where the pattern is to be transferred. Transfer occurs from the
active coordinate system.
Increment all nodes in the given pattern by INC to form the transferred node pattern.
Transfers a pattern of nodes from one coordinate system to another. Coordinate systems may be
translated and rotated relative to each other. Initial pattern may be generated in any coordinate system.
Coordinate values are interpreted in the active coordinate system and are transferred directly.
A model generated in one coordinate system may be transferred to another coordinate system. The
user may define several coordinate systems (translated and rotated from each other), generate a model
in one coordinate system, and then repeatedly transfer the model to other coordinate systems. The
model may be generated in any type of coordinate system (Cartesian, cylindrical, etc.) and transferred
to any other type of coordinate system. Coordinate values (X, Y, Z, or R, θ, Z, or etc.) of the model being
transferred are interpreted in the active coordinate system type, regardless of how they were generated.
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1686 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Values are transferred directly and are interpreted according to the type of coordinate system being
transferred to. For example, transferring from a Cartesian coordinate system to a cylindrical coordinate
system (not recommended) would cause X = 2.0 and Y = 3.0 values to be directly interpreted as R =
2.0 and θ = 3.0 values, respectively.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Move / Modify>Transfer Coord>Nodes
Argument Descriptions
Table array parameter name as defined by the *DIM (p. 435) command.
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
Number of comment lines at the beginning of the file being read that will be skipped during the reading.
Default = 0.
Use this command to read in a table of data from an external file into an ANSYS table array parameter.
The external file may be created using a text editor or by an external application or program. The ex-
ternal file must be in tab-delimited, blank-delimited, or comma-delimited format to be used by
*TREAD (p. 1687). The ANSYS TABLE type array parameter must be defined before you can read in an
external file. See *DIM (p. 435) for more information.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1687
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Parameters>Array Parameters>Read from File
Defines the reference temperature for thermal strain calculations.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Load Step Options (p. 40)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Reference temperature for thermal expansion.
If the uniform temperature (TUNIF (p. 1700)) is not specified, it is also set to this value.
Command Default
Reference temperature is 0.0 degrees.
Defines the reference temperature for the thermal strain calculations in structural analyses. Thermal
strains are given by α * (T - TREF), where α is the coefficient of thermal expansion. Input the strain via
ALPX, ALPY, ALPZ (the secant or mean coefficient value), or CTEX, CTEY, CTEZ (the instantaneous coef-
ficient value), or the thermal strain value (THSX, THSY, THSZ). T is the element temperature. If α is
temperature-dependent, TREF should be in the range of temperatures you define using the
MPTEMP (p. 983) command.
Reference temperatures may also be input per material by specifying a value on the MP (p. 967) material
property command:
MP (p. 967),REFT,MAT,C0.
Only a constant (non-temperature-dependent) value is valid. The value input on the TREF command
applies to all materials not having a specified material property definition.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Settings>Reference Temp
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>Reference Temp
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1688 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Display triad as follows:
Display triad at global origin (default).
Turn off triad display.
Display triad in lower left screen corner.
Display triad in lower right screen corner.
Display triad in upper left screen corner.
Display triad in upper right screen corner.
For efficiency, ANSYS 3-D graphics logic maintains a single data structure (segment), which includes
the triad as a 3-D data object. If a 3-D device is involved (/SHOW (p. 1507),3D), and the ANSYS graphics
are not being displayed as multi-plots, then the triad location is determined by the view settings for
Window #1. A request for triad display anywhere except for the origin could yield an improper display
in windows 2 through 5. The program displays the same segment in all windows. The view settings of
each window constitute the only difference in the display in the active windows.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Window Controls>Reset Window Options
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Window Controls>Window Options
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1689
Apply translucency level to the items specified by the following labels:
Elements. Use N1, N2, NINC fields for element numbers.
Solid model areas. Use N1, N2, NINC fields for area numbers.
Solid model volumes. Use N1, N2, NINC fields for volume numbers.
Isosurfaces (surfaces of constant stress, etc., value). Translucency varies with result value, to a maximum
of the specified translucency level.
Component group. Use N1 for component name, ignore N2 and NINC.
Filled areas under curves of line graphs. Use N1, N2, NINC fields for curve numbers.
If /TYPE (p. 1705),WN,ZCAP is the current display type, then /TRLCY (p. 1690),ZCAP,TLEVEL will display
the model in window WN with the portion of the model in front of the section plane displayed at the
translucency level TLEVEL.
Sets the specified translucency display on or off. All other fields are ignored.
Translucency level: 0.0 (opaque) to 1.0 (transparent).
Command Default
Zero translucency (opaque) level.
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1690 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Specifies the level of translucency for various items. Issue /TRLCY (p. 1690),DEFA to reset the default (0)
translucency levels. This command is valid only on selected 2-D and 3-D graphics devices; see in the
Basic Analysis Guide for more information on applying translucency.
For 2-D devices, ANSYS displays only the visible faces of the items being displayed. The information
behind the facing planes is not displayed. Issuing the /SHRINK (p. 1516) command will force the hardware
to display information behind the translucent items.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Translucency
Solution method for the transient analysis:
Full method (default).
Mode-superposition method.
Largest mode number to be used to calculate the response (for Method = MSUP). Defaults to the highest
mode calculated in the preceding modal analysis.
Unused field.
Smallest mode number to be used (for Method = MSUP). Defaults to 1.
Modal coordinates output key (valid only for the mode-superposition method):
No output of modal coordinates (default).
Output modal coordinates to the text file Jobname.MCF.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1691
Time integration method for the transient analysis:
NMK or 0
Newmark algorithm (default).
HHT or 1
HHT algorithm (valid only for the full transient method).
Velocities and accelerations output key (valid only for mode-superposition transient analysis):
No output of velocities and accelerations (default).
Write velocities and accelerations to the reduced displacement file, Jobname.RDSP.
Average excitation frequency (Hz) for the calculation of equivalent viscous damping from structural
damping input (DMPSTR (p. 464) and MP (p. 967),DMPS). See Damping for more details. Defaults to zero.
If an excitation frequency is not specified, structural damping is ignored. If tabular excitation frequency
data is provided in a full transient analysis (DMPSFreqTab on DMPSTR (p. 464)), it supersedes this value.
Additional element energies calculation key:
Do not calculate additional element energies (default).
Calculate damping energy and work done by external loads.
Specifies transient analysis (ANTYPE (p. 140),TRANS) options. If used in SOLUTION, this command is
valid only within the first load step. Use the TINTP (p. 1680) command to set transient integration para-
To include residual vectors in your mode-superposition transient analysis (Method = MSUP), specify
RESVEC (p. 1340),ON.
By default in a mode-superposition transient analysis, reaction force and other force output contains
only static contributions. If you want to postprocess the velocities, accelerations, and derived results
(Lab = TOTAL, DAMP, or INERT on the FORCE (p. 644) command), set VAout = YES to activate velocity
and acceleration output.
The calculation of additional energies (EngCalc = YES) is valid only for the full solution method
(Method = FULL). The Jobname.ESAV file is always saved in this case. The numerical integration for
damping energy and work are consistent only if solution data are written to the database for every
substep (OUTRES (p. 1115),ALL,ALL, OUTRES (p. 1115),ESOL,ALL, or OUTRES (p. 1115),VENG, ALL). For more
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1692 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
information, see Damping Energy and Work Done by External Loads in the Mechanical APDL Theory
Product Restrictions
Additional product restrictions for the TRNOPT command are shown in the table below.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>New Analysis
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Transient
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Analysis Options
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>New Analysis
Main Menu>Solution>Analysis Type>Sol'n Controls>Transient
Deletes particle flow or charged particle trace points defined with the TRPOIN (p. 1694) command.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1693
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Plot Results>Dele Trace Pt
Opt = LOC lists the trace point number location (X, Y, Z). Default.
Opt = PART lists the trace point number particle settings (velocity, charge, mass).
Lists the particle flow or charged particle trace points in the active display coordinate system
[DSYS (p. 481)]. Trace points are defined with the TRPOIN (p. 1694) command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Plot Results>List Trace Pt
X, Y, Z
Coordinate location of the trace point (in the active coordinate system). If X = P, graphical picking is enabled
and all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI).
Particle velocities in the X, Y and Z directions (in the active coordinate system).
Particle charge.
Particle mass.
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1694 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Defines a point through which a particle flow or charged particle trace [PLTRAC (p. 1203)] will travel.
Multiple points (50 maximum) may be defined which will result in multiple flow traces. Use TRPLIS (p. 1694)
to list the currently defined trace points and TRPDEL (p. 1693) to delete trace points.
The VX, VY, VZ, CHRG, and MASS arguments only apply to charged particles.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Plot Results>Defi Trace Pt
Total Trace Time (seconds) (defaults to 0, which is the full flow trace).
Particle spacing in seconds (defaults to 0).
Particle offset in seconds (defaults to 0). It is used internally in the ANFLOW (p. 120) macro to produce an
animation of particle flow in a flowing fluid or charged particle motion in an electric or magnetic field.
Particle size (defaults to 0, which is a line).
Particle length fraction (defaults to .1).
Command Default
Full particle flow or charged particle trace.
The TRTIME command varies the type of PLTRAC (p. 1203) display produced. Particle flow or charged
particle traces follow a particle's path in the forward and backward direction of travel. The DOF selected
determines the color of the particle trace. SPACING defines the particle spacing in seconds from adjacent
particles in the stream line. OFFSET defines the offset in seconds from the spacing set by the SPACING
LENGTH defines the particle length fraction. The default value (.1), means the particle occupies 10% of
the flow region, and the other 90% is a color-coded line.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1695
SIZE sets the radius of the particle. Use SPACING, OFFSET and LENGTH only when SIZE is nonzero
(i.e., the particle is bigger than the line).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Plot Results>Time Interval
TSHAP, Shape
Defines simple 2-D and 3-D geometric surfaces for target segment elements.
PREP7 (p. 20): Elements (p. 29)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Specifies the geometric shapes for target segment elements TARGE169 and TARGE170.
Straight line (2-D, 3-D) (Default for 2-D)
Parabola (2-D, 3-D)
Clockwise arc (2-D)
Counterclockwise arc (2-D)
Complete circle (2-D)
Three-node triangle (3-D) (Default for 3-D)
Six-node triangle (3-D)
Four-node quadrilateral (3-D)
Eight-node quadrilateral (3-D)
Cylinder (3-D)
Cone (3-D)
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1696 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Sphere (3-D)
Pilot node (2-D, 3-D)
Point (rigid surface node) (2-D, 3-D)
Use this command to specify the target segment shapes for the rigid target surface associated with
surface-to-surface contact (TARGE169, CONTA172 (2-D) and TARGE170, CONTA174 (3-D)), 3-D beam-to-
beam contact (TARGE170 and CONTA177), and 3-D line-to-surface contact (TARGE170 and CONTA177).
Once you issue TSHAP, all subsequent target elements generated via the direct element generation
technique will have the same shape, until you issue TSHAP again with a different Shape value.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Elem Attributes
Text color (0 TCOLOR 15):
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1697
Dark Gray.
Light Gray.
Text size factor.
Text thickness key:
twice as thick.
three times as thick.
four times as thick.
Text path angle (0.0 < angle < 360.0).
Text italic angle (0.0 < angle < 45.0).
Defines annotation text attributes to control certain characteristics of the text created via the /TLA-
BEL (p. 1683) command. This is a command generated by the Graphical User Interface (GUI) and will appear
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1698 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if annotation is used. This command is not intended to be typed in directly
in an ANSYS session (although it can be included in an input file for batch input or for use with the
/INPUT (p. 791) command).
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Annotation>Create Annotation
TSRES, Array
Defines an array of key times at which the time-stepping strategy changes.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Load Step Options (p. 40)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Identifies an Nx1x1 array parameter containing the key times at which the heat transfer time-stepping
strategy changes (the time step is reset to the initial time step based on DELTIM (p. 422) or NSUBST (p. 1073)
settings). The array name must be enclosed by % signs (e.g., %array%). See *DIM (p. 435) for more inform-
ation on array parameters.
Time values in the array parameter must be in ascending order and must not exceed the time at the
end of the load step as defined on the TIME (p. 1676) command. The time increment between time points
in the array list must be larger than the initial time step defined on the DELTIM (p. 422) or NSUBST (p. 1073)
command. Time values must also fall between the beginning and ending time values of the load step.
For multiple load step problems, you must either change the parameter values to fall between the be-
ginning and ending time values of the load step or reissue the command with a new array parameter.
To clear the array parameter specification, issue TSRES,ERASE. Results can be output at the requested
time points if the array or time values in the array are also specified in the OUTRES (p. 1115) command
using FREQ=%array%. Use this command to reset the time-stepping strategy within a load step. You
may need to reset the time-stepping strategy when using tabular time-varying boundary conditions.
See Steady-State Thermal Analysis of the Thermal Analysis Guide for more information on applying
boundary conditions via tabular input. See Transient Thermal Analysis of the Thermal Analysis Guide for
more information on defining the key time array.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Time - Time Step
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Time and Substeps
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Time - Time Step
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Time/Frequenc>Time and Substeps
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1699
Assigns a uniform temperature to all nodes.
SOLUTION (p. 35): FE Body Loads (p. 45)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Uniform temperature assigned to the nodes. If a TEMP value is not specified, the uniform temperature is
set to zero.
Command Default
Set the uniform temperature to the reference temperature (defined via the TREF (p. 1688) command).
TUNIF is a convenient form of the more general BFUNIF (p. 226) command.
In a transient or nonlinear thermal analysis, the uniform temperature is used during the first iteration
of a solution as follows:
• as the starting nodal temperature (except where temperatures are explicitly specified [D (p. 397),
DK (p. 445)]),
In a structural analysis, the uniform temperature is used as the default temperature for thermal strain
calculations and material property evaluation (except where body load temperatures are specified
(BF (p. 192), BFE (p. 206), BFK (p. 216), LDREAD (p. 862)). In other scalar field analyses, the uniform tem-
perature is used for material property evaluation.
Because TUNIF (or BFUNIF (p. 226),TEMP) is step-applied in the first iteration, issue a
BF (p. 192),ALL,TEMP,Value command to ramp on a uniform temperature load.
The command default sets the uniform temperature to the reference temperature defined via the
TREF (p. 1688) command only (and not the MP (p. 967),REFT command).
If using the command default to set the uniform temperature (to the reference temperature set via
TREF (p. 1688)), you can convert temperature-dependent secant coefficients of thermal expansion (SCTEs)
from the definition temperature to the uniform temperature. To do so, issue the MPAMOD (p. 972)
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Electric>Boundary>Temperature>Uni-
form Temp
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Define Loads>Apply>Magnetic>Boundary>Temperature>Uni-
form Temp
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1700 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Changes time to the cumulative iteration number.
POST26 (p. 55): Controls (p. 56)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Time key:
Time is used for the variable TIME.
NCUMIT is used for the variable TIME.
Command Default
TIME is the variable TIME.
Changes the meaning of the time variable to the cumulative iteration number (NCUMIT) variable. Data
can be read from the file, printed, and displayed as a function of NCUMIT rather than time. All POST26
descriptions applying to TIME then apply to NCUMIT.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Settings>Data
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1701
You can apply texture according to the following labels:
Apply texture to elements N1 through N2 in steps of NINC.
Apply texture to areas N1 through N2 in steps of NINC.
Apply texture to volumes N1 through N2 in steps of NINC.
Apply texture to the component named in N1. N2 and NINC are ignored.
Sets the specified texture display on or off. All other fields are ignored.
If Lab = File, the command format is /TXTRE (p. 1702), File, Key_Index, Fname, Fext, --, Format
(This variant of the command is applicable to 2-D drivers).
The texture index associated with the file. If the number fifty-one (51) is used, the imported bitmap
will be used as the window's logo.
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the
directory path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you
can use all 248 characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
The file format. If Format = 0, the file is a pixmap (Linux) or Bitmap (PC). The file cannot contain
a compressed image, and the PC file must be 8 or 24 bit BI_RGB format. If Format = 1 or JPEG,
then the file is in JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) format. If Format = 2 or PNG, then the
file is in PNG (Portable Network Graphics) format.
Select the texture index number from the following list:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1702 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
No Texturing
Aluminum, Brushed
Steel With Bumps
Steel, Embossed
Steel, Pattern
Steel, Riveted
Steel, Scratched
Steel, Etched
Metal, Hot
Iron, Grainy
Metal, Rusty
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1703
Wood, Light
Wood, Walnut
Plastic, Hard Blue
Plastic, Light Blue
Plastic, Hard Red
Plastic, Black
Plastic, Ivory
Plastic, Blue
Plastic, Red
Plastic, Yellow
Plastic, Green
Plastic, Brown
Command Default
No texture (/TXTRE (p. 1702),DEFA)
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1704 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
This command is available for 3-D Open GL devices. 2-D devices are supported only for the Lab = File
variation of the command, allowing imported bitmaps to be used for texturing and annotation. Textures
can affect the speed of many of your display operations. You can increase the speed by temporarily
turning the textures off (Utility Menu> PlotCtrls> Style> Texturing(3D)> Display Texturing). This
menu selection toggles your textures on and off. When textures are toggled off, all of the texture in-
formation is retained and reapplied when texturing is toggled back on.
For some displays, the texture will appear distorted because of a technique used to enhance 3-D displays
(/DV3D (p. 483),TRIS,1). Disabling this function (/DV3D (p. 483),TRIS,0) will improve the quality of some
texture displays. Disabling the TRIS option of the /DV3D (p. 483) command will slow down 3-D displays
significantly. Be sure to reapply the TRIS option after you obtain a satisfactory output.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Texturing(3D)
Window number (or ALL) to which command applies (defaults to 1).
Display type. Defaults to ZBUF for raster mode displays or BASIC for vector mode displays:
BASIC or 0
Basic display (no hidden or section operations).
SECT or 1
Section display (plane view). Use the /CPLANE (p. 352) command to define the cutting plane.
HIDC or 2
Centroid hidden display (based on item centroid sort).
HIDD or 3
Face hidden display (based on face centroid sort).
HIDP or 4
Precise hidden display (like HIDD but with more precise checking). Because all facets are sorted, this
mode can be extremely slow, especially for large models.
CAP or 5
Capped hidden display (same as combined SECT and HIDD with model in front of section plane re-
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1705
ZBUF or 6
Z-buffered display (like HIDD but using software Z-buffering).
ZCAP or 7
Capped Z-buffered display (same as combined SECT and ZBUF with model in front of section plane
ZQSL or 8
QSLICE Z-buffered display (same as SECT but the edge lines of the remaining 3-D model are shown).
HQSL or 9
QSLICE precise hidden display (like ZQSL but using precise hidden).
Command Default
ZBUF for raster mode displays; BASIC for vector mode displays.
Defines the type of display, such as section display or hidden-line display. Use the /DEVICE (p. 429)
command to specify either raster or vector mode.
The SECT, CAP, ZCAP, ZQSL, and HQSL options produce section displays. The section or "cutting" plane
is specified on the /CPLANE (p. 352) command as either normal to the viewing vector at the focus point
(default), or as the working plane.
When you use PowerGraphics, the section display options (Section, Slice, and Capped) use different
averaging techniques for the interior and exterior results. Because of the different averaging schemes,
anomalies may appear at the transition areas. In many cases, the automatically computed MIN and MAX
values will differ from the full range of interior values. You can lessen the effect of these anomalies by
issuing AVRES (p. 183),,FULL (Main Menu> General Post Proc> Options for Outp). This command sets
your legend's automatic contour interval range according to the minimum and maximum results found
throughout the entire model.
With PowerGraphics active (/GRAPHICS (p. 732),POWER), the averaging scheme for surface data with
interior element data included (AVRES (p. 183),,FULL) and multiple facets per edge (/EFACET (p. 498),2
or /EFACET (p. 498),4) will yield differing minimum and maximum contour values depending on the Z-
Buffering options (/TYPE (p. 1705),,6 or /TYPE (p. 1705),,7). When the Section data is not included in the
averaging schemes (/TYPE (p. 1705),,7), the resulting absolute value for the midside node is significantly
The HIDC, HIDD, HIDP, ZBUF, ZQSL, and HQSL options produce displays with "hidden" lines removed.
Hidden lines are lines obscured from view by another element, area, etc. The choice of non-Z-buffered
hidden-line procedure types is available only for raster mode [/DEVICE (p. 429)] displays. For vector
mode displays, all non-Z-buffered "hidden-line" options use the same procedure (which is slightly dif-
ferent from the raster procedures). Both geometry and postprocessing displays may be of the hidden-
line type. Interior stress contour lines within solid elements can also be removed as hidden lines, leaving
only the stress contour lines and element outlines on the visible surfaces. Midside nodes of elements
are ignored on postprocessing displays. Overlapping elements will not be displayed.
The ZBUF, ZCAP, and ZQSL options use a specific hidden-line technique called software Z-buffering.
This technique allows a more accurate display of overlapping surfaces (common when using Boolean
operations or /ESHAPE (p. 552) on element displays), and allows smooth shaded displays on all interactive
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1706 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
graphics displays. Z-buffered displays can be performed faster than HIDP and CAP type displays for
large models. See also the /LIGHT (p. 874), /SHADE (p. 1506), and /GFILE (p. 721) commands for additional
options when Z-buffering is used.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Hidden-Line Options
Sets the element type attribute pointer.
PREP7 (p. 20): Meshing (p. 27)
PREP7 (p. 20): Elements (p. 29)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Assign a type number to the elements (defaults to 1).
Command Default
ITYPE = 1.
Assigns an element-type number to subsequently defined elements. The number refers to the element-
type number (ITYPE) defined with via ET (p. 571). You can display type numbers (/PNUM (p. 1217)).
In some cases, the program can proceed with a meshing operation even when no logical element type
has been assigned via TYPE or XATT,,,TYPE. For more information, see the discussion for setting element
attributes in Meshing Your Solid Model.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh Attributes>Default Attribs
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Elements>Elem Attributes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Extrude>Elem Ext Opts
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1707
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1708 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
U Commands
Argument Descriptions
User-defined command name. Only the first four characters are significant. Must not conflict with any
ANSYS command name or any user "unknown command" macro name.
User subroutine number (1 to 10) programmed for this command. For example, the command
/UCMD (p. 1709),MYCMD,3 will execute subroutine USER03 whenever the command MYCMD is entered.
Use a blank command name to disassociate SRNUM from its command. For example, /UCMD (p. 1709),,3 re-
moves MYCMD as a command.
Assigns a user-defined command name to a user-programmable (system-dependent) subroutine. This
feature allows user-defined commands to be programmed into the ANSYS program. Once programmed,
this command can be input to the program like other commands, and can also be included in the ANSYS
start-up file. See *ULIB (p. 1720) for another way of defining user commands.
Up to 10 subroutines are available for user-defined commands (USER01 to USER10). Users must have
system permission, system access, and knowledge to write, compile, and link the appropriate subpro-
cessors into the ANSYS program at the site where it is to be run. All routines should be written in
FORTRAN. For more information on FORTRAN compilers please refer to either the ANSYS, Inc. Windows
Installation Guide or the ANSYS, Inc. Linux Installation Guide for details specific to your platform or
operating system. The USER01 routine is commented and should be listed from the distribution media
(system dependent) for more details. Issue /UCMD (p. 1709),STAT to list all user-defined command names.
Since a user-programmed command is a nonstandard use of the program, the verification of any ANSYS
run incorporating these commands is entirely up to the user. In any contact with ANSYS customer
support regarding the performance of a custom version of the ANSYS program, you should explicitly
state that a user programmable feature has been used. See User-Programmable Features (UPFs) in the
Advanced Analysis Guide for a general description of user-programmable features and the Guide to User-
Programmable Features in the Programmer's Reference for a detailed description of these features.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1709
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
The window number to which the command applies. (defaults to 1)
The type (and relative importance) of legend item being displayed:
Contour legend. This legend item is controlled separately from the other legend items (see note below).
The items in the DATE class include the date and time, or the ANSYS graphical logo
(/PLOPTS (p. 1197),LOGO,1). This item is shown by default in all plots.
The items in the GWIN class include the entity acronyms that appear in the legend of a multiplot of
entities (Nodes, Elements, Keypoints, Lines, Areas, Volumes). GWIN items are shown by default for all
GPLOT (p. 732) displays.
Items in the TYPE class include the plot type (e.g. ELEMENTS, MATERIALS, NODAL SOLUTIONS, etc.).
TYPE items are shown by default in all plots.
Items in the TYP2 class include supplementary type information, such as DMAX and SMAX for nodal
solutions. TYP2 items are shown by default in all plots.
Items in the INUM class include the number labels generated by the /PNUM (p. 1217) command. This
class is displayed by default in all plots that contain /PNUM (p. 1217) information.
The items in the BCDC class include labels created by the /PBC (p. 1134) command. This class is shown
by default in all plots which contain /PBC (p. 1134) information.
Items in the VECT class include labels created by the PLVECT (p. 1206) command. This class is shown by
default for all PLVECT (p. 1206) plots.
The items in the SURF class include labels from the /PSF (p. 1282) legend. This class is shown by default
on all plots of surface boundary conditions.
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1710 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Items from the BODY class include labels from the /PBF (p. 1137) legend. This class is shown by default
in all plots of body forces.
Items from the PSTA class include stress scaling statistics, such as the /SSCALE (p. 1560) setting. This
class is not shown as the default for any type of plot, and must be specifically referenced to display
the included data.
The items in the VIEW class include view statistics. This class is not shown as the default for any type
of plot, and must be specifically referenced to display the included data.
The items in the MISC class include supplementary labels like /EXPANDED and Stress Section Cross
Section. This class is not shown as the default for any type of plot, and must be specifically referenced
to display the included data.
The legend classes conform to the controls specified in the window options panel (PlotCtrls> Window
Controls> Window Options). In many instances, the legend controls specified with the /PLOPTS (p. 1197)
command will take precedence and override /UDOC (p. 1710) specifications. For instance:
/PLOPTS (p. 1197),LEG1,OFF will disable the TYPE, TYP2, INUM, and MISC classes, regardless of the
/UDOC (p. 1710) settings.
/PLOPTS (p. 1197),LEG2,OFF will disable the VIEW class, regardless of the /UDOC (p. 1710) settings.
/PLOPTS (p. 1197),LEG3,OFF will disable the PSTA class, regardless of the /UDOC (p. 1710) settings.
All items in a class are listed with the same X coordinate (except for contours). The contents of the text
classes are dumped onto the display window from top to bottom, in order of class importance.
The font specification for text items that are included in the user-specified legends are controlled with
the /DEVICE (p. 429) command (PlotCtrls> Font Controls> Anno/Graph Font).
The floating point values for the data presented in the legend(s) are controlled by the /GFORMAT (p. 722)
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>MultiLegend Options>Contour Legend
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1711
/UI (p. 1712), Func, Type, Format, Screen, Color, Krev, Orient, Compress,
Activates specified GUI dialog boxes.
SESSION (p. 9): Run Controls (p. 9)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Label identifying the dialog box to be activated:
Activates the online help system.
Activates the Pan, Zoom, Rotate dialog box
Activates the Working Plane Settings dialog box.
Activates the Offset Working Plane dialog box.
Activates the Query Picking Menu for reviewing results.
Activates the Query Picked Entities (preprocess) dialog box.
Activates the Hard Copy dialog box.
Activates the 2D Annotation dialog box.
Activates the 3D Annotation dialog box.
Activates the Select Entities dialog box.
Activates a picking menu to select nodes.
Activates a picking menu to select elements.
Activates a picking menu to select keypoints.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1712 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Activates a picking menu to select lines.
Activates a picking menu to select areas.
Activates a picking menu to select volumes.
Refreshes the graphics window (non-UI mode only).
Controls the collapse of the ANSYS Main Menu when a FINISH (p. 631) command is issued. See Type
below for a discussion of the arguments.
Label identifying the type of select operation. Valid only for the following Func labels; NSEL, ESEL, KSEL,
Select a new set.
Reselect a set from the current set.
Additionally select a set and extend the current set.
Unselect a set from the current set.
Label identifying the type of results data to be queried. Valid only for Func = RESULT:
Nodal solution data (h-elements only).
Element solution data.
Label specifying the behavior of the ANSYS Main Menu after a FINISH (p. 631) command is issued.
Note that this does not affect user interaction with the Main Menu. Valid only for Func = COLL:
YES, 1 or blank
Allows the Main Menu to collapse after FINISH (p. 631) command.
NO or 0
Prevents Main Menu collapse after FINISH (p. 631) command.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1713
Tagged Image File Format.
(PC only) Bitmap (Windows) file format.
(PC only) Windows Metafile format.
(PC only) Enhanced Metafile format.
JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) file format.
Saves the entire screen in the specified format.
Saves only the ANSYS Graphic window.
A two color (black and white) file is saved.
The specified file format is saved in gray scale.
The file is saved at the specified color depth.
Saves file as shown on the screen.
Saves file with the background color reversed.
Saves file in landscape mode.
Saves file in portrait mode.
Compresses TIFF files and EPS files with TIFF preview (default).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1714 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Saves files with no compression.
JPEG quality index, with 100 being the maximum quality level.
Allows you to activate specified GUI dialog boxes directly in either GUI or non-GUI mode.
The /UI (p. 1712) command itself is valid in any processor, however certain dialog boxes are accessible
only in a particular processor (e.g., /UI (p. 1712),RESULT,... is valid only in the General Postprocessor).
ANSYS JPEG software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group, Copyright 1998,
Thomas G. Lane.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Material number.
Defines constant material properties. This is a command generated by the Graphical User Interface (GUI)
and will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if material properties are specified using the Material
Properties dialog box. This command is not intended to be typed in directly in an ANSYS session (although
it can be included in an input file for batch input or for use with the /INPUT (p. 791) command).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>Change Mat Props>Material Models
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Material Props>Material Models
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1715
Behavior control key:
Controls the functionality of the mouse buttons for dynamic viewing mode only. When Label = BORD,
the three values that follow control the functionality of the LEFT, MIDDLE and RIGHT buttons, respectively
(see below).
Controls which messages from the ANSYS error message subroutine are displayed in a message dialog
Controls whether or not an automatic replot occurs after functions affecting the model are executed.
Controls whether or not ANSYS displays dialog boxes to show the status of an operation in progress
and to cancel that operation.
Controls whether the dynamic mode preview is a bounding box or the edge outline of the model. This
label only applies to 2-D display devices (i.e., /SHOW (p. 1507),XII or /SHOW (p. 1507),WIN32). This "model
edge outline" mode is only supported in PowerGraphics [/GRAPHICS (p. 732),POWER] and is intended
for element, line, results, area, or volume displays.
Controls how graphical entities are highlighted from within the ANSYS Select menu.
Controls whether or not PowerGraphics is active when the GUI is initiated. The ANSYS program default
status is PowerGraphics “ON”; this command is used (placed in the start.ans file) when full graphics
is desired on start up.
Controls whether or not the ANSYS input window displays a dynamic prompt. The dynamic prompt
shows the correct command syntax for the command, as you are entering it.
Controls whether or not the session editor includes nonessential commands or comments in the file
it creates. You can use this option to include comments and other materials in the session editor file.
Controls whether or not the multi-legend is activated when you start the GUI. The multi-legend enables
you to specify the location of your legend items in each of the five graphics windows. You can place
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1716 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
this option in your start.ans file and have the GUI start with the legend items in a pre-specified
Controls whether or not the background shading is activated when you start the GUI. You can place
this option in your start.ans file.
Controls the sorting order for entities that are coincident (directly in front of or behind each other) to
a picked spot on your model. When you pick a spot on your model that could indicate two or more
entities, a message warns you of this condition, and a list of the coincident entities can be generated.
The VALUE term (below) will determine the sort order.
Controls the prioritization of your GUI windows when the contents are ported to a plot or print file
(/UI (p. 1712),COPY,SAVE). OpenGL (3D) graphics devices require that the ANSYS Graphics Screen contents
be set in front of all overlying windows in order to port them to a printer or a file. This operation can
sometimes conflict with /NOERASE (p. 1042) settings. See the VALUE term (below) to determine the
available control options.
Values controlling behavior if Label = BORD:
(These values control the operation according to syntax : /UIS (p. 1716),BORD,LEFT,MIDDLE,RIGHT)
PAN, controls dynamic translations.
ZOOM, controls zoom, and dynamic rotation about the view vector.
ROTATE, controls dynamic rotation about the screen X and Y axes.
You can designate any value for any button, or designate the same value for all
three buttons. If no value is specified, default is LEFT = PAN, MIDDLE = ZOOM
All messages displayed.
Only notes, warnings, and errors displayed.
Only warnings and errors displayed (default).
Only errors displayed.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1717
No automatic replot.
Automatic replot (default).
Display status and cancellation dialog boxes (default).
Do not display status and cancellation dialog boxes.
Same as ON.
Same as OFF.
Use model edge outline when possible (default).
Use bounding box preview.
Picked keypoints and nodes are enclosed by a square. Picked lines are overlaid by a thicker line.
Picked areas, volumes, and elements (non-point/non-line) are redrawn with highlighting colors.
However, if the pick is a box, circle, or polygon pick, the highlighting for all entitles consists
only of a square placed around the entity's centroid.
Picked entities are not highlighted.
5.1 highlighting (that is, no XOR).
Picked entities are highlighted as in VALUE = 0, except that, for a box, circle, or polygon pick,
the picked areas, volumes, and elements (non-point/non-line) are redrawn with highlighting
colors. This technique is slower than the VALUE = 0 technique.
Start GUI in Full Graphics mode.
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1718 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Start GUI in PowerGraphics mode (default).
0 or OFF
Do not display the dynamic prompt.
1 or ON
Display the dynamic prompt (default).
0 or None
Do not suppress any commands (default).
1 or Comment
Write the nonessential commands to the session editor file as comments (with a ! at the begin-
2 or Remove
Do not write nonessential commands or comments.
0 or OFF
Start GUI with the enhanced legend off (default).
1 or ON
Start GUI with the enhanced legend capability activated.
0 or OFF
Start the GUI with the no background shading (default).
1 or ON
Start the GUI with background shading activated.
0 or OFF
No rewrite operations are performed to compensate for items that obscure or overlay the
graphics window (default).
1 or ON
The Graphics screen contents are replotted to ensure that they are situated in front of all other
windows. If /NOERASE (p. 1042) is detected, this operation is suppressed.
Controls certain features of the Graphical User Interface (GUI), including whether the ANSYS program
displays dialog boxes to show you the status of an operation (such as meshing or solution) in progress
and to enable you to cancel that operation. Issue /UIS (p. 1716),STAT for current status. Issue
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1719
/UIS (p. 1716),DEFA to reset default values for all labels. Issue /UIS (p. 1716),Label,STAT and
/UIS (p. 1716),Label,DEFA for status and to reset a specific Label item.
A /UIS (p. 1716),HPOP,1 command employs a fast redraw method which does not allow entering the legend
logic for a /PLOPTS (p. 1197),INFO,1 or /PLOPTS (p. 1197),INFO,2 command. However, the legend is redrawn
for /PLOPTS (p. 1197),INFO,3 because that command also allows a fast redraw.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>MenuCtrls>Message Controls
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Device Options
Argument Descriptions
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
Command Default
No macro library file.
Identifies a macro library file for the *USE (p. 1727) command. A library of macros allows blocks of often
used ANSYS commands to be stacked and executed from a single file. The macro blocks must be enclosed
within block identifier and terminator lines as shown in the example below. If you want to add comment
lines to a macro block, you may place them anywhere within the macro block. (This includes placing
them directly on the lines where the macro block identifier and the macro block terminator appear, as
shown in the example.) Do not place comment lines (or any other lines) outside of a macro block.
ABC! Any valid alphanumeric name (32 characters maximum)
! identifying this data block
---! ANSYS data input commands
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1720 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The name of the macro library file is identified for reading on the *ULIB (p. 1720) command. The name
of the macro block is identified on the *USE (p. 1727) command. The commands within the macro block
are copied to a temporary file (of the macro block name) during the *USE (p. 1727) operation and executed
as if a macro file of that name had been created by the user. The temporary file is deleted after it has
been used. Macro block names should be acceptable filenames (system dependent) and should not
match user created macro file names, since the user macro file will be used first (if it exists) before the
library file is searched. Macro blocks may be stacked in any order. Branching [*GO (p. 726) or *IF (p. 774)]
external to the macro block is not allowed.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Macro>Execute Data Block
Specifies which sets are to be removed from the selected sets.
Specifies one or more particular sets in the results file that are to be removed from the group of sets
selected for deletion.
Removes all selected sets that are currently selected for deletion.
The first set to be removed from the set selected for deletion.
The final set to be removed from the set selected for deletion. This field is used only if operating on more
than one sequential set.
Use this command if you have previously marked a set for deletion (with the DELETE (p. 420) command)
and now wish to keep that set instead of deleting it.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1721
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
UNDO, Kywrd
Allows the user to modify or save commands issued since the last RESUME or SAVE command.
DATABASE (p. 11): Set Up (p. 11)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Create an editable GUI window that allows the user to alter the commands issued since the most recent
SAVE (p. 1389) or RESUME (p. 1338) operations (GUI only).
The UNDO command brings up the session editor, a text window that displays all of the program op-
erations since the last SAVE (p. 1389) or RESUME (p. 1338) command. You can modify command parameters,
delete whole sections of text and even save a portion of the command string to a separate file. The file
is named jobname000.cmds, with each subsequent save operation incrementing the filename by
one digit.
The session editor file can be changed only by the session editor. If you rename your
database file outside of ANSYS and then resume that database, the session editor will
display the old filename.
For more information on the session editor, see Using the Session Editor in the Operations Guide.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Session Editor
Label to denote the system of units used in this job:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1722 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
User-defined system (default).
International system (m, kg, s, K).
MKS system (m, kg, s, °C).
μMKS system (μm, kg, s, °C).
CGS system (cm, g, s, °C).
MPA system (mm, Mg, s, °C).
U. S. Customary system using feet (ft, slug, s, °F).
U. S. Customary system using inches (in, lbf*s2/in, s, °F).
If Label = USER, the remaining fields on this command may be used to enter conversion factors that
are appropriate for the user-defined system of units.
Conversion factor to meter (m). Default = 1.
Conversion factor to kilogram (kg). Default = 1.
Conversion factor to second (s). Default = 1.
Conversion factor to kelvin (K). Default = 1.
Temperature offset from absolute zero in kelvin. Default = 0.
Conversion factor to coulomb. Default = 1.
Conversion factor to newton (N). Default = 1.
Conversion factor to joule (J). Default = 1.
Command Default
User-defined units.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1723
Allows the user to set a marker in the database indicating the system of units used. The setting may
be reviewed with the /STATUS (p. 1575) command at the Begin level. The units label and conversion
factors on this command are for user convenience only and have no effect on the analysis or data. That
is, /UNITS (p. 1722) will not convert database items from one system to another (e.g., from U. S. Customary
to SI, etc.). The units setting will be written to the file of IGES data [IGESOUT (p. 778) or CDWRITE (p. 256)],
which can then be read by many programs that read IGES files. The user must still use consistent units
for the results to be valid.
If you choose the MKS system of units, the EPZRO option for the EMUNIT (p. 525) command is set to
8.85 e-12 F/m. (EPZRO specifies alternate free-space permittivity.)
For micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), where dimensions are on the order of microns, see the
conversion factors in System of Units in the Coupled-Field Analysis Guide.
If you use the ANSYS ADAMS Interface to export model information to the ADAMS program, the
/UNITS (p. 1722) command is required to ensure the correct transfer of data between ANSYS and ADAMS.
You may choose a predefined unit system label (Label = SI, CGS, etc.) or you can select the user-
defined system option (Label = USER) and input the appropriate conversion factors (LENFACT,
MASSFACT, TIMEFACT, and FORCEFACT). The conversion factors will be written to the ADAMS input
file Jobname.MNF in order to correctly generate the load. For more information, see Export to ADAMS
in the Substructuring Analysis Guide.
All differences between the base solution units used by the ANSYS and CFX solvers will be noted in the
ANSYS output file. Unit conversions are automatically applied to all loads transferred unless Label =
USER. Unit conversions are not applied to any of the loads transferred between the ANSYS and CFX
solvers if they use a user-defined unit system.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Restores use of a temporarily released product license.
SESSION (p. 9): Run Controls (p. 9)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
The UNPAUSE command restores use of a temporarily released (paused) product license. The command
is valid only after a previously issued PAUSE (p. 1133) command.
When use of the product license is paused via the PAUSE (p. 1133) command, no other operation (other
than SAVE (p. 1389) or /EXIT (p. 589)) is possible until you issue the UNPAUSE command.
For more information, see the documentation for the PAUSE (p. 1133) command and the ANSYS Licensing
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1724 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Scale factor for displacements being added to nodal coordinates. If FACTOR = 1.0, the full displacement
value will be added to each node, 0.5, half the displacement value will be added, etc. If FACTOR = -1, the
full displacement value will be subtracted from each node, etc.
Key for zeroing displacements in the database:
Do not zero the displacements (default).
Zero the displacements.
The UPCOORD command uses displacements stored in the ANSYS database, and not those contained
within the results file, Jobname.RST. Nodal coordinates are updated each time the command is issued.
After updating, both the nodal displacements and rotations are set to zero if Key = ON.
For structural solutions with an updated mesh, unless the coefficient matrix is otherwise reformed (e.g.,
a new analysis or NLGEOM (p. 1028),ON) it should first be reformed by issuing a KUSE (p. 834),-1 command.
For a multiphysics simulation where a CFD or electromagnetic field is being coupled to a structure un-
dergoing large displacements, all (or a portion) of the surrounding field mesh may take part in the
structural solution to "move" with the displacing structure. You can use the UPCOORD command with
a suitable FACTOR to update the coordinates of the nodes using the newly computed displacements.
The mesh will now conform with the displaced structure for subsequent field solutions. However, the
mesh should always be restored to its original location by using an UPCOORD,FACTOR command before
performing any subsequent structural solutions. This is true for both repeated linear solutions, and for
nonlinear restarts. (All saved displacements are relative to the original mesh location.)
Orientation nodes for beams and pipes always have zero displacements. Therefore, although
this command may alter the locations of other beam and pipe nodes, it has no effect on
orientation nodes. Carefully inspect the element coordinate systems on the updated model.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1725
This command is not intended to replace either the large-displacement or birth-and-death capability.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>Updt Node Coord
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Other>Updt Node Coord
Multiplier for displacements being added to coordinates. The value 1.0 will add the full value of the dis-
placements to the geometry of the finite element model. Defaults to 1.0.
Load step number of data to be imported. Defaults to the last load step.
Substep number of data to be imported. Defaults to the last substep.
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
This command updates the geometry of the finite element model according to the displacement results
of the previous analysis and creates a revised geometry at the deformed configuration. This command
works on all nodes (default) or on a selected set of nodes. If this command is issued repeatedly, it creates
a revised geometry of the finite element model in a cumulative fashion, i.e., it adds displacement results
on the previously generated deformed geometry. The solid model geometry is not updated by this
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1726 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
When UPGEOM is issued, the current finite element model is overwritten by finite element information
from the results file. For this reason, it is important that the finite element information in the results
file matches the finite element model in which the nodal coordinates are being updated. No changes
should be made to the model before the UPGEOM command is issued.
Orientation nodes for beams and pipes always have zero displacements. Therefore, although
this command may alter the locations of other beam and pipe nodes, it has no effect on
orientation nodes. Carefully inspect the element coordinate systems on the updated model.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Update Geom
*USE (p.1727),Name,ARG1,ARG2,ARG3,ARG4,ARG5,ARG6,ARG7,ARG8,ARG9,AR10,
AR11, AR12, AR13, AR14, AG15, AR16, AR17, AR18
Executes a macro file.
APDL (p. 17): Macro Files (p. 17)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Argument Descriptions
Name (32 characters maximum, beginning with a letter) identifying the macro file or a macro block on a
macro library file.
Causes execution of a macro file called Name, or, if not found, a macro block "Name" on the macro library
file [*ULIB (p. 1720)]. Argument values (numeric or character) are passed into the file or block and substi-
tuted for local parameters ARG1, ARG2, ..., AR18. The file Name may also be executed as an "unknown
command" (i.e., without the *USE (p. 1727) command name) as described below.
A macro is a sequence of ANSYS commands (as many as needed) recorded in a file or in a macro block
in a library file (specified with the *ULIB (p. 1720) command). The file or block is typically executed with
the *USE (p. 1727) command. In addition to command, numerical and alphanumeric data, the macro may
include parameters which will be assigned numerical or alphanumerical character values when the
macro is used. Use of the macro may be repeated (within a do-loop, for example) with the parameters
incremented. A macro is defined within a run by "enclosing" a sequence of data input commands
between a *CREATE (p. 358) and a *END (p. 527) command. The data input commands are passive (not
executed) while being written to the macro file. The macro file (without *CREATE (p. 358) and *END (p. 527)
) can also be created external to ANSYS.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1727
Up to 99 specially named scalar parameters called ARG1 to AR99 are locally available to each macro.
Note that the prefix for the first 9 parameters is "ARG," while the prefix for the last 90 is "AR." A local
parameter is one which is not affected by, nor does it affect, other parameters, even those of the same
name, which are used outside of the macro. The only way a local parameter can affect, or be affected
by, parameters outside the macro is if values are passed out of, or into, the macro by an argument list.
Parameters ARG1 through AR18 can have their values (numeric or character) passed via the argument
list on the *USE (p. 1727) command (ARG1 through AR19 can be passed as arguments on the "unknown
command" macro). Parameters AR19 through AR99 (AR20 through AR99 in the "unknown command"
macro) are available solely for use within the macro; they cannot be passed via an argument list. Local
parameters are available to do-loops and to /INPUT (p. 791) files processed within the macro. In addition
to an ARG1--AR99 set for each macro, another ARG1--AR99 set is available external to all macros, local
to "non-macro" space.
A macro is exited after its last line is executed. Macros may be nested (such as a *USE (p. 1727) or an
"unknown command" within a macro). Each nested macro has its own set of 99 local parameters. Only
one set of local parameters can be active at a time and that is the set corresponding to the macro
currently being executed or to the set external to all macros (if any). When a nested macro completes
execution, the previous set of local parameters once again becomes available. Use
*STATUS (p. 1574),ARGX to view current macro parameter values.
An alternate way of executing a macro file is via the "unknown command" route. If a command unknown
to the ANSYS program is entered, a search for a file of that name (plus a .MAC suffix) is made. If the
file exists, it is executed, if not, the "unknown command" message is output. Thus, users can write their
own commands in terms of other ANSYS commands. The procedure is similar to issuing the *USE (p. 1727)
command with the unknown command in the Name field. For example, the command CMD,10,20,30
is internally similar to *USE (p. 1727),CMD,10,20,30. The macro file named CMD.MAC will be executed
with the three parameters. The *USE (p. 1727) macro description also applies to the "unknown command"
macro, except that various directories are searched and a suffix (.MAC) is assumed. Also, a macro library
file is not searched.
A three-level directory search for the "unknown command" macro file may be available (see the Operations
Guide). The search order may be: 1) a high-level system directory, 2) the login directory, and 3) the
local (working) directory. Use the /PSEARCH (p. 1280) command to change the directory search path. For
an "unknown command" CMD, the first file named CMD.MAC found to exist in the search order is ex-
ecuted. The command may be input in lower-, upper-, or mixed-case; however, it converts to uppercase
automatically before the file-name search occurs. On systems that preserve the case as it was input, a
file matching the upper-case name is used first, followed by a file with the matching the lower-case
name, and finally a file matching the mixed-case name. All macro files placed in the apdl directory
must be upper-case.
Note, since undocumented commands exist in the ANSYS program, the user should issue the command
intended for the macro file name to be sure the "unknown command" message is output in the processor
where it's to be used. If the macro is to be used in other processors, the other processors must also be
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Macro>Execute Data Block
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1728 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Window number (or ALL) to which command applies (defaults to 1).
Conveniently resets scale parameters to USER on the /FOCUS (p. 643) and /DIST (p. 440) commands.
Scale parameters will be internally respecified to those used for the last display. Convenient when the
last scale parameters were automatically calculated. User specified parameters hold until changed or
removed [/AUTO (p. 178)]. Parameters may be reset on the individual commands after this command
has been issued.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>View Settings>Automatic Fit Mode
USRCAL, Rnam1, Rnam2, Rnam3, Rnam4, Rnam5, Rnam6, Rnam7, Rnam8, Rnam9
Allows user-solution subroutines to be activated or deactivated.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Load Step Options (p. 40)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Allows user defined scalar field (body force) loads.
Allows user defined convection (surface) loads.
Allows user defined pressure (surface) loads.
Allows user-defined heat flux (surface) loads.
Allows user-defined charge density (surface) loads.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1729
Computes the complex load vector for the frequency domain logic.
Allows user supplied element output.
Allows user control of the hygrothermal growth.
Allows user access before each solution.
Allows user access before each load step.
Allows user access before each substep.
Allows user access before each equilibrium iteration.
Allows user access after each equilibrium iteration.
Allows user access after each substep.
Allows user access after each load step.
Allows user access after each solution.
Allows user access at end of run.
Allows user access to element matrices and load vectors.
Allows a user-defined time step, overriding the program-determined time step.
Allows user-defined convergence checking, overriding the program-determined convergence.
Command Default
No user-solution subroutines are active (even if linked into the program).
Allows certain user-solution subroutines to be activated or deactivated (system-dependent). This com-
mand only affects the subroutines named. Other user subroutines (such as user elements, user creep,
etc.) have their own activation controls described with the feature.
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1730 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The UAnBeg subroutine that allows user access at the start of a run does not require activation by this
command; it is automatically activated when the program is started.
The routines are commented and should be listed after performing a custom installation from the dis-
tribution media for more details. See also the Advanced Analysis Guide for a general description of user-
programmable features.
Users must have system permission, system access, and knowledge to write, compile, and link the ap-
propriate subroutines into the program at the site where it is to be run. All routines should be written
in FORTRAN. (For more information on FORTRAN compilers please refer to either the ANSYS, Inc. Windows
Installation Guide or the ANSYS, Inc. Linux Installation Guide for details specific to your platform or
operating system.) Issue USRCAL,STAT to list the status of these user subroutines. Since a user-pro-
grammed subroutine is a nonstandard use of the program, the verification of any ANSYS run incorpor-
ating these commands is entirely up to the user. In any contact with ANSYS customer support regarding
the performance of a custom version of the ANSYS program, you should explicitly state that a user
programmable feature has been used.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Other>User Routines
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Other>User Routines
Specifies the degrees of freedom for the user-defined element USER300.
PREP7 (p. 20): Elements (p. 29)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
One of the following command operations:
Specify the degrees of freedom (DOFs). This value is the default.
List all previously specified DOFs.
Delete all previously specified DOFs.
The USRDOF command specifies the degrees of freedom for the user-defined element USER300.
Although you can intersperse other commands as necessary for your analysis, issue the USRDOF com-
mand as part of the following general sequence of commands:
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1731
1. Issue the ET (p. 571) command for element USER300, followed by the related TYPE (p. 1707) command.
2. Issue both the USRELEM (p. 1732) and USRDOF commands (in either order).
The DOF list (DOF1 through DOF10) can consist of up to 10 DOFs. Use any valid and appropriate DOF
and CURR).
You can specify a maximum of 10 DOFs per USRDOF command. To define additional DOFs, issue the
command again.
The maximum number of DOFs for a user-defined element--the number of nodes times the number of
DOFs per node--cannot exceed 480.
To learn more about user-defined elements, see Creating a New Element in the Programmer's Reference.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Specifies the characteristics of the user-defined element USER300.
PREP7 (p. 20): Elements (p. 29)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
The number of nodes.
The number of dimensions (of nodal coordinates). Valid values are 2 or 3.
One of the following element shape options:
Any shape (that is, no specified shape). This value is the default. (The ANSYS MeshTool is unavailable.)
Straight line.
Quadrilateral. This shape can be degenerated to a triangle.
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1732 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Brick. This shape can be degenerated to a wedge, pyramid, or tetrahedron.
The number of real constants.
The number of saved variables.
The number of variables saved in results files.
Key for element formulation control:
Create your own material codes within the element formulation. In this case, the real constants are
available to input material properties. You can also input linear material properties via MP (p. 967) and
MPDATA (p. 974) commands .
Use ANSYS standard material routines or the USERMAT subroutine to form structural material data.
ANSYS material properties must be input in the standard way (as you would for non-user-defined
elements). This value is invalid when KeyShape = ANYSHAPE.
The maximum number of integration points (used when KEYANSMAT = 1).
Key for the element stress state (used when KEYANSMAT = 1):
Plane stress elements.
Axisymmetric elements.
Plane strain elements.
3-D solid elements.
3-D solid-shell elements.
Generalized plane strain elements.
Beam elements.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1733
Link/truss elements.
3-D shell elements.
Axisymmetric shell elements.
Key for specifying whether element stiffness matrices are symmetric or unsymmetric:
The USRELEM command specifies the characteristics of the user-defined element USER300.
Although you can intersperse other commands as necessary for your analysis, issue the USRELEM
command as part of the following general sequence of commands:
1. Issue the ET (p. 571) command for element USER300, followed by the related TYPE (p. 1707) command.
2. Issue both the USRELEM and USRDOF (p. 1731) commands (in either order).
The number of real constants (NREAL) can refer to geometry quantities, material quantities, or any
parameters for element formulation.
ANSYS saves variables in the .esav file to preserve element data when you specify a positive
NSAVEVARS value. When KEYANSMAT = 0, all variables of both material and kinematic formulation are
saved. When KEYANSMAT = 1, only the variables for kinematic formulation (such as deformation
gradient tensor) are saved; in this case, the material routine saves all necessary material data automat-
Element data saved in results files (NRSLTVAR) are accessible only as nonsummable miscellaneous data.
ANSYS saves stress and total strain data for structural elements in the .rst file automatically (as it
does for equivalent variables such as thermal gradient and thermal flux in thermal elements); therefore,
NRSLTVAR does not need to include stress and total strain data.
To learn more about creating user-defined elements, see Creating a New Element in the Programmer's
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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1734 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
V Commands
Keypoint defining starting corner of volume. If P1 = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining
command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI).
Keypoint defining second corner of volume.
Keypoint defining third corner of volume.
Keypoint defining fourth corner of volume.
Keypoint defining fifth corner of volume.
Keypoint defining sixth corner of volume.
Keypoint defining seventh corner of volume.
Keypoint defining eighth corner of volume.
Defines a volume (and its corresponding lines and areas) through eight (or fewer) existing keypoints.
Keypoints must be input in a continuous order. The order of the keypoints should be around the bottom
and then the top. Missing lines are generated "straight" in the active coordinate system and assigned
the lowest available numbers [NUMSTR (p. 1085)]. Missing areas are generated and assigned the lowest
available numbers.
Certain faces may be condensed to a line or point by repeating keypoints. For example, use
V,P1,P2,P3,P3,P5,P6,P7,P7 for a triangular prism or V,P1,P2,P3,P3,P5,P5,P5,P5 for a tetrahedron.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1735
Using keypoints to produce partial sections in CSYS (p. 364) = 2 can generate anomalies; check the
resulting volumes carefully.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Volumes>Arbitrary>Through KPs
Choice of geometry:
Planar (default).
Number of divisions for axisymmetric geometry (that is, the number of circumferential segments). Default
is 20. There is no maximum limit if HIDOPT = 0; the maximum is 90 if HIDOPT = 1. If NDIV is ≤ 6, it is reset
to 20.
For more information, see View Factors of Axisymmetric Bodies in the Mechanical APDL Theory Ref-
Viewing option:
Hidden (default).
Number of zones (that is, the number of rays emanating from a surface) for view factor calculation. This is
used if HIDOPT = 0.
If NZONE is blank, it is set to 0 and the view factor algorithm sets the number of rays. (See Command
Default below.)
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1736 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Command Default
By default, a planar geometry is assumed (GEOM = 0) and the hidden viewing option is used (HIDOPT
= 0).
The view factor algorithm sets the number of rays as follows, depending on whether a planar or
axisymmetric geometry is specified:
• For GEOM = 0, HIDOPT = 0 and NZONE = 0, the number of zones used in view the factor calculation is 200.
• For GEOM = 1, HIDOPT = 0, and NZONE = 0, the number of zones used in the view factor calculation is 20.
V2DOPT sets 2-D view factor calculation options for the radiosity solver method. For 2-D view factor
calculations, the ray-emanation method is used.
The geometry type can be either 2-D planar (default) or axisymmetric. For the axisymmetric case, you
can define the number of circumferential segments (defaults to 20). You can also specify the hidden or
non-hidden viewing option (defaults to hidden) and the number of zones for the view factor calculation.
For more information, see Process for Using the Radiosity Solver Method in the Thermal Analysis Guide
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Radiation Opts>View Factor
Main Menu>Radiation Opt>Radiosity Meth>View Factor
Main Menu>Solution>Radiation Opts>View Factor
VA, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10
Generates a volume bounded by existing areas.
PREP7 (p. 20): Volumes (p. 25)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This command conveniently allows generating volumes from regions having more than eight keypoints
(which is not allowed with the V (p. 1735) command). Areas may be input in any order. The exterior surface
of a VA volume must be continuous, but holes may pass completely through it.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Volume by Areas
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1737
Argument Descriptions
Absolute value of results parameter:
0 --
Do not take absolute value of results parameter (ParR).
1 --
Take absolute value.
Absolute value of first parameter:
0 --
Do not take absolute value of first parameter (Par1 or ParI).
1 --
Take absolute value.
Absolute value of second parameter:
0 --
Do not take absolute value of second parameter (Par2 or ParJ).
1 --
Take absolute value.
Absolute value of third parameter:
0 --
Do not take absolute value of third parameter (Par3 or ParK).
1 --
Take absolute value.
Command Default
Do not use absolute values.
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1738 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Applies an absolute value to parameters used in certain *VXX and *MXX operations. Typical absolute
value applications are of the form:
ParR = |f(|Par1|)|
The absolute values are applied to each input parameter value before the operation and to the result
value after the operation. Absolute values are applied before the scale factors so that negative scale
factors may be used. The absolute value settings are reset to the default (no absolute value) after each
*VXX or *MXX operation. Use *VSTAT (p. 1808) to list settings.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Parameters>Array Operations>Operation Settings
VADD, NV1, NV2, NV3, NV4, NV5, NV6, NV7, NV8, NV9
Adds separate volumes to create a single volume.
PREP7 (p. 20): Booleans (p. 26)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Adds separate volumes to create a single volume. The original volumes (and their corresponding areas,
lines and keypoints) will be deleted by default [BOPTN (p. 234)]. See the BOPTN (p. 234) command for
the options available to Boolean operations. Element attributes and solid model boundary conditions
assigned to the original entities will not be transferred to the new entities generated. Concatenated
entities are not valid with this command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Add>Volumes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Add>Volumes
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1739
Deletes a variable (GUI).
POST26 (p. 55): Set Up (p. 55)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
The reference number of the variable to be deleted. NVAR is as defined by NSOL (p. 1067), ESOL (p. 558), etc.
Deletes a POST26 solution results variable. This is a command generated by the Graphical User Interface
(GUI). It will appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if a POST26 variable is deleted from the "Defined
Time-History Variables" dialog box. This command is not intended to be typed in directly in an ANSYS
session (although it can be included in an input file for batch input or for use with the /INPUT (p. 791)
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Define Variables
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Elec&Mag>Circuit>Define Variables
Reference number of the variable (2 to NV [NUMVAR (p. 1086)]).
Thirty-two character name for identifying variable on printouts and displays. Embedded blanks are com-
pressed for output.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Settings>Graph
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Settings>List
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1740 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
These element attributes will be used when the volumes are meshed. If a volume does not have attributes
associated with it (by this command) at the time it is meshed, the attributes are obtained from the then
current MAT (p. 929), REAL (p. 1319), TYPE (p. 1707), ESYS (p. 570), and SECNUM (p. 1423) command settings.
Reissue the VATT command (before volumes are meshed) to change the attributes. A zero (or blank)
argument removes the corresponding association.
If any of the arguments MAT, REAL, TYPE, ESYS or SECNUM are defined as -1, then that value will be
left unchanged in the selected set.
In some cases, ANSYS can proceed with a volume meshing operation even when no logical element
type has been assigned via VATT,,,TYPE or TYPE (p. 1707). For more information, see the discussion on
setting element attributes in Meshing Your Solid Model of the Modeling and Meshing Guide.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh Attributes>All Volumes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh Attributes>Picked Volumes
Deletes all nodes and volume elements associated with selected volumes (regardless of whether the
nodes or elements are selected). Nodes shared by adjacent meshed volumes and nodes associated with
non-volume elements will not be deleted. Attributes assigned as a result of VATT (p. 1741) are maintained.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1741
In the program's response to the command, if a volume, area, line, or keypoint is tallied as "cleared," it
means either its node or element reference was deleted.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Clear>Volumes
Argument Descriptions
Number of columns to be used for Par1 with *MXX operations. Defaults to whatever is needed to fill the
result array.
Number of columns to be used for Par2 with *MXX operations. Defaults to whatever is needed to fill the
result array.
Command Default
Fill all locations of the result array from the specified starting location.
Specifies the number of columns to be used in array parameter matrix operations. The size of the sub-
matrix used is determined from the upper left starting array element (defined on the operation command)
to the lower right array element (defined by the number of columns on this command and the number
of rows on the *VLEN (p. 1780) command).
The default NCOL is calculated from the maximum number of columns of the result array (the
*DIM (p. 435) column dimension) minus the starting location + 1. For example, *DIM (p. 435),R,,1,10 and
a starting location of R(1,7) gives a default of 4 columns ( starting with R(1,7), R(1,8), R(1,9), and R(1,10)).
Repeat operations automatically terminate at the last column of the result array. Existing values in the
rows and columns of the results matrix remain unchanged where not overwritten by the requested input
or operation values.
The column control settings are reset to the defaults after each *MXX operation. Use *VSTAT (p. 1808)
to list settings.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Parameters>Array Operations>Operation Settings
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1742 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Window number (or ALL) to which command applies (defaults to 1).
View cone angle (0.0 to 85.°) to define perspective. Use PHI = 45.0° for typical perspective. Increase angle
for more perspective, decrease angle for less. If the distance [/DIST (p. 440)] is not specified, it will be
automatically calculated to give full window magnification. If the distance is also specified, PHI controls
both the perspective and the magnification. The larger the angle, the more the perspective and the less
the magnification. Defaults to 0.0 (no perspective).
Command Default
0.0 degrees (no perspective (parallel projection)).
Perspective shows the true depth of the object in the display. A variable magnification results since the
back plane of the object is further from the observer than the front plane. The largest magnification
occurs at the front plane. With perspective, the magnification factor (MAGF) is not only a function of
the distance from the object, but also the window shape and the perspective (or view cone) angle Φ
as follows:
where , for square windows, is the largest in-plane vertical or horizontal dimension, d is the distance
from the observer to the plane of (usually the front plane of the object), and Φ is the view cone angle
(defined with the /VCONE (p. 1743) command). The bigger the cone angle, the more the perspective. The
magnification factor proportionally decreases with increasing Φ. The distance can be defined with the
/DIST (p. 440) or the /FOCUS (p. 643) command. Note, the distance input on the /DIST (p. 440) command
is equal to d only if the focus point is located on the plane of . It is recommended that if a general
perspective is desired (i.e., not any specific cone angle), use Φ = 45.0 (since TAN(45.0) = 1.0) and let the
d value be automatically calculated for full window magnification.
Note that any number of /DIST (p. 440), /FOCUS (p. 643), and /VCONE (p. 1743) combinations can be used
to produce the same magnification. Distances less than the object depth will produce views from
within the object.
A magnification factor of 1.0 just fills the window. If the automatic scaling option is used [/AUTO (p. 178)],
the magnification factor is fixed at 0.91 (to allow a 10% margin around the object) and d is automatically
calculated for the given /VCONE (p. 1743) and /FOCUS (p. 643) values. Any value of Φ between 0.0 and
85.0 (usually 45.0) may be used to activate the perspective. Views from inside the object are not possible
when d is automatically calculated (use manual scaling [/USER (p. 1729)] along with /DIST (p. 440) specific-
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1743
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>View Settings>Perspective View
VCROSS, LabXR, LabYR, LabZR, LabX1, LabY1, LabZ1, LabX2, LabY2, LabZ2
Forms element table items from the cross product of two vectors.
POST1 (p. 48): Element Table (p. 49)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Forms labeled result items for the selected element from the cross product of two vectors:
Data must be in a consistent coordinate system. Labels are those associated with the ETABLE (p. 572)
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Element Table>Cross Product
Argument Descriptions
Accumulation key:
0 --
Overwrite results.
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1744 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
1 --
Add results to the current value of the results parameter.
Command Default
Overwrite results.
Allows results from certain *VXX and *MXX operations to overwrite or add to existing results. The cu-
mulative operation is of the form:
The cumulative setting is reset to the default (overwrite) after each *VXX or *MXX operation. Use
*VSTAT (p. 1808) to list settings.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Parameters>Array Operations>Operation Settings
Direction-dependent velocity coefficient for elastic or elastic-plastic analysis option (Default = 0).
Coefficients for the DDAM velocity spectrum equations. See Dynamic Design Analysis Method in the
Mechanical APDL Theory Reference. Default for these coefficients is zero.
This command specifies velocity coefficients to analyze shock resistance of shipboard equipment. These
coefficients are used to compute mode coefficients according to the equations given in Dynamic Design
Analysis Method in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference. The form of these equations is based on the
Naval NRL Dynamic Design Analysis Method. This command, along with the ADDAM (p. 88) and
SED (p. 1439) commands, is used with the spectrum (ANTYPE (p. 140),SPECTR) analysis as a special purpose
alternative to the SV (p. 1592), FREQ (p. 648), and SVTYP (p. 1594) commands.
In order to perform a DDAM spectrum analysis using a units system other than BIN (default), you must
specify the units system complying with the mass and length units of the model using the /UNITS (p. 1722)
command. Issue the /UNITS (p. 1722) command before defining the shock spectrum computation constants
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1745
(VDDAM). The VDDAM command is not supported with the user-defined units system (Label = USER
on the /UNITS (p. 1722) command).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>DDAM Options
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Spectrum>DDAM Options
Specifies whether keypoints, lines, and areas are also deleted:
Delete volumes only (default).
Delete volumes, as well as keypoints, lines, and areas attached to the specified volumes but not shared
by other volumes.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Delete>Volume and Below
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Delete>Volumes Only
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1746 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
volumes [VSEL (p. 1805)] will be listed. If NV1 = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command
fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). You may also substitute a component name for NV1 (ignore NV2
and NINC).
See the Modeling and Meshing Guide for details about parametric degeneracies.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Check Geom>Show Degeneracy>List Degen Volus
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Show Degeneracy>List Degen Volus
Label assigned to dot product result.
Forms labeled result items for the selected element from the dot product of two vectors:
Data must be in a consistent coordinate system. Labels are those associated with the ETABLE (p. 572)
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Element Table>Dot Product
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1747
VDRAG, NA1, NA2, NA3, NA4, NA5, NA6, NLP1, NLP2, NLP3, NLP4, NLP5, NLP6
Generates volumes by dragging an area pattern along a path.
PREP7 (p. 20): Volumes (p. 25)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Generates volumes (and their corresponding keypoints, lines, and areas) by sweeping a given area
pattern along a characteristic drag path. If the drag path consists of multiple lines, the drag direction
is determined by the sequence in which the path lines are input (NLP1, NLP2, etc.). If the drag path is
a single line (NLP1), the drag direction is from the keypoint on the drag line that is closest to the first
keypoint of the given area pattern to the other end of the drag line.
The magnitude of the vector between the keypoints of the given pattern and the first path keypoint
remains constant for all generated keypoint patterns and the path keypoints. The direction of the vector
relative to the path slope also remains constant so that patterns may be swept around curves. Lines
are generated with the same shapes as the given pattern and the path lines.
Keypoint, line, area, and volume numbers are automatically assigned (beginning with the lowest available
values [NUMSTR (p. 1085)]). Adjacent lines use a common keypoint, adjacent areas use a common line,
and adjacent volumes use a common area. For best results, the entities to be dragged should be ortho-
gonal to the start of the drag path. Drag operations that produce an error message may create some
of the desired entities prior to terminating.
If element attributes have been associated with the input area via the AATT (p. 78) command, the op-
posite area generated by the VDRAG operation will also have those attributes (i.e., the element attributes
from the input area are copied to the opposite area). Note that only the area opposite the input area
will have the same attributes as the input area; the areas adjacent to the input area will not.
If the input areas are meshed or belong to a meshed volume, the area(s) can be extruded to a 3-D
mesh. Note that the NDIV argument of the ESIZE (p. 554) command should be set before extruding the
meshed areas. Alternatively, mesh divisions can be specified directly on the drag line(s) (LESIZE (p. 867)).
See the Modeling and Meshing Guide for more information.
You can use the VDRAG command to generate 3-D interface element meshes for elements INTER194
and INTER195. When generating interface element meshes using VDRAG, you must specify the line di-
visions to generate one interface element directly on the drag line using the LESIZE (p. 867) command.
The source area to be extruded becomes the bottom surface of the interface element. Interface elements
must be extruded in what will become the element's local x direction, that is, bottom to top.
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1748 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Extrude>Areas>Along Lines
*VEC (p. 1749), Vector, Type, Method, Val1, Val2, Val3, Val4
Creates a vector.
APDL (p. 17): Matrix Operations (p. 19)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Argument Descriptions
Name used to identify the vector. Must be specified.
Vector type:
D --
Double precision real values (default).
Z --
Complex double precision values.
I --
Integer values.
Method used to create the vector:
Allocate space for a vector (default).
Resize an existing vector to a new length. Values are kept from the original vector. If the length specified
by Val1 is greater than the original vector length, the additional rows are assigned a value of zero.
Copy an existing vector.
Import the vector from a file.
Link to a column of an existing dense *DMAT (p. 454) matrix and use it in subsequent vector calculations.
Any changes to the vector are also made to the corresponding matrix column (memory is shared).
The following Valx field is used with Method = ALLOC or Method = RESIZE:
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1749
Number of rows in the vector.
Name of the vector to copy.
Optional argument to specify either the real or the imaginary part of the values to be copied. This option
only applies when copying a complex value vector to a real value vector.
Copy the real part of the vector to the output vector.
Copy the imaginary part of the vector to the output vector.
The following table describes the Valx fields used with Method = IMPORT.
Method = IMPORT
Val1 Val2 Val3 Val4 Val5 Description
FULL File name RHS - Load vector (not used) (not used) Import a load vector or
nodal mapping vector from
GVEC - Constraint an existing FULL file.
equation constant
BACK - nodal
mapping vector
(internal to user)
FORWARD - nodal
mapping vector
(user to internal)
MODE File name Mode number (not used) (not used) Import a mode from an
existing MODE file.
RST File name Data set number (not used) Result Import degree of freedom
Type: results from an existing RST
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1750 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Method = IMPORT
Val1 Val2 Val3 Val4 Val5 Description
RF -
RFRQ File name FRQ - Frequencies of - (not used) Import the vector of
the modal analysis frequencies of the
Iteration modal analysis.
DSP - reduced complex number
displacement Import a reduced
complex displacement,
at a given iteration
ANS File name Loc - Location in the File Base - base (not used) Import a record in an An-
pointer sys File, specifying its
location. If Base is not 0, Loc
is a relative value from this
base pointer.
DMIG File name - Separator character if Val3 (not used) Import a vector (typically a
(default=blank) == 'F', load vector) from an existing
length Nastran DMIG file.
- or ‘F’ means of the
formatted file (see fields.
*DMAT (p. 454)
notes (p. 458))
SUB File name RHS - Load vector (not used) (not used) Import a load vector from
an existing SUB file.
EMAT File name RHS - Load vector Element (not used) Import an element load
number vector from an existing
EMAT file.
MAT File name (not used) (not used) (not used) Restore from a previous
*EXPORT (p. 596) (FORMAT
= MAT) command.
APDL Array (not used) (not used) (not used) Import an existing array
parameter parameter.
HBMAT File name File format: (not used) (not used) Import a load vector from
an existing Harwell-Boeing
ASCII format file.
Name of the *DMAT (p. 454) matrix.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1751
Column number of the matrix to link to.
Use the *DMAT (p. 454) command to create a matrix.
For more information on the BACK and FORWARD nodal mapping vectors, see Degree of Freedom Or-
dering in the ANSYS Parametric Design Language Guide.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Argument Descriptions
Name of the array parameter to be edited.
Invokes a graphical editing system that displays array parameter values in matrix form, and allows the
use of the mouse to edit individual values. The starting array subscripts must be defined, such as
*VEDIT (p. 1752),A(4,6,1), to indicate the section of the array to be edited. The array section starts at the
specified array element and continues to the maximum extent of the array parameter. Row and column
index values may be set or changed in any plane, and those values will be applied to all planes. The
menu system must be on [/MENU (p. 934)] when this command is issued. Graphical editing is not
available for character array parameters. The *VEDIT (p. 1752) command can not be used in a macro or
other secondary input file.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Parameters>Array Parameters>Define/Edit
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1752 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Number identifying volume for which elements are to be oriented (no default).
Option for defining element orientation:
Orientation is determined by two keypoints on the volume. Input the keypoint numbers (KZ1 and KZ2)
in fields VALUE1 and VALUE2, respectively. The element z-axis points from KZ1 toward KZ2. Element
x and y directions point away from KZ1 along edges of the volume to make a right-hand triad. (The
element x- and y-axes are uniquely determined by this specification.)
Orientation is determined by one of the lines defining the volume. Input the line number in field
VALUE1. The element z direction follows the direction of the line. Input a negative value if the desired
z direction is opposite to the direction of the specified line. (The element x- and y-axes are uniquely
determined by this specification.) (VALUE2 is not used.)
Orientation is determined by one of the areas defining the volume. The area represents the desired
element top surface. Input the area number as VALUE1. The shortest line in the volume connected to
the area will be used to specify the element z direction. (If more than one shortest line exists, the
lowest numbered of those is used.) Element x and y directions are not uniquely specified by this option.
(VALUE2 is not used.)
Align the element z normal to the thinnest dimension of the volume. The shortest line in the volume
is used to specify the element z direction. (If more than one shortest line exists, the lowest numbered
of those is used.) Element x and y directions are not uniquely specified by this option. (VALUE1 and
VALUE2 are not used.)
Delete the previously defined volume orientation for the specified volume (VNUM). (VALUE1 and
VALUE2 are not used.)
Parameters required for the element z-axis direction specification. The meaning of VALUE1 and VALUE2
will depend on the chosen Option. See the description of Option above for details.
Command Default
Elements are not oriented in any specific manner.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1753
Use VEORIENT before the VMESH (p. 1784) command to specify the desired orientation of brick elements
in a mapped mesh. VEORIENT has no effect on tetrahedron meshes, extruded meshes (VROTAT (p. 1797),
VDRAG (p. 1748), VEXT (p. 1754), etc.), or swept meshes (VSWEEP (p. 1809)).
Proper brick orientation is essential for certain element types such as SOLID185 Layered Solid, SOLID186
Layered Solid, and SOLSH190. In such cases, use VEORIENT or EORIENT (p. 535) to achieve the desired
orientation. For other brick element types, you may need to specify element orientation to control or-
thotropic material property directions without concern for the element connectivity. For those cases,
the ESYS (p. 570) command is the preferred method of specifying the material property directions.
For Option = LINE, AREA, and THIN, the orientation will be internally converted to an equivalent Option
= KP specification (KP,KZ1,KZ2). Use the VLIST (p. 1781) command to view the element orientations (in
terms of KZ1 and KZ2) associated with each volume.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh Attributes>Volume Brick Orient>Delete Specification
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh Attributes>Volume Brick Orient>Z Along Line
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh Attributes>Volume Brick Orient>Z by 2 Keypoints
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh Attributes>Volume Brick Orient>Z in Thin Direction
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh Attributes>Volume Brick Orient>Z Normal to Area
Increments to be applied to the X, Y, and Z keypoint coordinates in the active coordinate system (DR, Dθ,
DZ for cylindrical; DR, Dθ, DΦ for spherical).
Scale factors to be applied to the X, Y, and Z keypoint coordinates in the active coordinate system (RR, Rθ,
RZ for cylindrical; RR, Rθ, RΦ for spherical). Note that the Rθ and RΦ scale factors are interpreted as angular
offsets. For example, if CSYS = 1, RX, RY, RZ input of (1.5,10,3) would scale the specified keypoints 1.5
times in the radial and 3 times in the Z direction, while adding an offset of 10 degrees to the keypoints.
Zero, blank, or negative scale factor values are assumed to be 1.0. Zero or blank angular offsets have no
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1754 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Generates additional volumes (and their corresponding keypoints, lines, and areas) by extruding and
scaling a pattern of areas in the active coordinate system.
If element attributes have been associated with the input area via the AATT (p. 78) command, the op-
posite area generated by the VEXT operation will also have those attributes (i.e., the element attributes
from the input area are copied to the opposite area). Note that only the area opposite the input area
will have the same attributes as the input area; the areas adjacent to the input area will not.
If the areas are meshed or belong to meshed volumes, a 3-D mesh can be extruded with this command.
Note that the NDIV argument on the ESIZE (p. 554) command should be set before extruding the
meshed areas.
Scaling of the input areas, if specified, is performed first, followed by the extrusion.
In a non-Cartesian coordinate system, the VEXT command locates the end face of the volume based
on the active coordinate system. However, the extrusion is made along a straight line between the end
faces. Note that solid modeling in a toroidal coordinate system is not recommended.
Use of the VEXT command can produce unexpected results when operating in a non-Cartesian
coordinate system. For a detailed description of the possible problems that may occur, see
Solid Modeling in the Modeling and Meshing Guide.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Extrude>Areas>By XYZ Offset
Argument Descriptions
Scale factor applied to results (ParR) parameter. Defaults to 1.0.
Scale factor applied to first parameter (Par1 or ParI). Defaults to 1.0.
Scale factor applied to second parameter (Par2 or ParJ). Defaults to 1.0.
Scale factor applied to third parameter (Par3 or ParK). Defaults to 1.0.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1755
Command Default
Use 1.0 for all scale factors.
Applies a scale factor to parameters used in certain *VXX and *MXX operations. Typical scale factor
applications are of the form:
ParR = FACTR*f(FACT1*Par1)
The factors are applied to each input parameter value before the operation and to the result value after
the operation. The scale factor settings are reset to the default (1.0) after each *VXX or *MXX operation.
Use *VSTAT (p. 1808) to list settings.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Parameters>Array Operations>Operation Settings
*VFILL (p. 1756), ParR, Func, CON1, CON2, CON3, CON4, CON5, CON6, CON7, CON8,
Fills an array parameter.
APDL (p. 17): Parameters (p. 17)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Argument Descriptions
The name of the resulting numeric array parameter vector. See *SET (p. 1453) for name restrictions.
Fill function:
Assign specified values CON1, CON2, etc. to successive array elements. Up to 10 assignments may be
made at a time. Any CON values after a blank CON value are ignored.
Assign ramp function values: CON1+((n-1)*CON2), where n is the loop number [*VLEN (p. 1780)]. To
specify a constant function (no ramp), set CON2 to zero.
Assign random number values based on a uniform distribution RAND(CON1,CON2), where:
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1756 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Assign random sample of Gaussian distributions GDIS(CON1,CON2) where:
Assigns random number values based on a triangular distribution TRIA(CON1,CON2,CON3) where:
Assigns random number values based on a beta distribution BETA(CON1,CON2,CON3,CON4) where:
Assigns random number values based on a gamma distribution: GAMM(CON1,CON2,CON3) where:
Generates the rigid body modes with respect to the reference point coordinates (CON1, CON2, CON3).
The dimensions of the array parameter ParR are (dim1,dim2) where dim1 is the maximum node number
(including internal nodes but excluding orientation nodes) multiplied by the number of degrees of
freedom, and dim2 is the number of rigid body modes (which corresponds to the number of structural
degrees of freedom).
Generates excitation frequencies with clustering option CLUSTER(CON1,CON2,CON3,CON4,%CON5%)
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1757
CON4 is the constant damping ratio value or an array parameter (size NFR) specifying the
damping ratios (if zero or blank, defaults to constant damping ratio of 0.005)
CON5 is an array parameter (size NFR) specifying the natural frequencies in Hz
The dimension of the resulting array parameter ParR is less than 2+NFR*(2*CON3+1) where NFR is the
number of natural frequencies defined in CON5.
Operates on input data and produces one output array parameter vector according to:
where the functions (f ) are described above. Operations use successive array elements [*VLEN (p. 1780),
*VMASK (p. 1783)] with the default being all successive elements. For example, *VFILL (p. 1756),A,RAMP,1,10
assigns A(1) = 1.0, A(2) = 11.0, A(3) = 21.0, etc. *VFILL (p. 1756),B(5,1),DATA,1.5,3.0 assigns B(5,1) = 1.5
and B(6,1) = 3.0. Absolute values and scale factors may be applied to the result parameter [*VABS (p. 1738),
*VFACT (p. 1755)]. Results may be cumulative [*VCUM (p. 1744)]. See the *VOPER (p. 1786) command for
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Parameters>Array Parameters>Fill
View factor option:
Calculate view factors, store them in the database, and write them to a file. This is an action option
that is executed immediately when the command is issued.
Do not recalculate or read view factors if they already exist in the database; otherwise calculate them
at the next SOLVE (p. 1538) command. Remaining arguments are ignored. This option is the default.
If the command is issued in the solution processor (/SOLU (p. 1537)), this option reads view factors from
the specified binary file when the next SOLVE (p. 1538) command is issued. FileType must be set to
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1758 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
BINA (binary). For subsequent SOLVE (p. 1538) commands, the program switches back to the default
option (OFF).
If the command is issued in the radiation processor (/AUX12 (p. 181)), this option immediately
reads view factors from the specified binary file. FileType must be set to BINA (binary). The
program switches back to the default option (OFF) after reading the view factors.
Do not write view factors to a file when the next SOLVE (p. 1538) command is issued. Remaining argu-
ments are ignored.
File name for view factor matrix. Default = Jobname.
Filename extension for view factor matrix. Default = .vf.
Directory path for view factor matrix. If you do not specify a directory path, it will default to your working
View factor file type:
Binary (default).
Format for the specified Filetype:
No compression. (View factor file size may be very large.)
Zeroes are compressed out. (Useful for large models to reduce the view factor file size.)
10F7.4 (low precision, lower accuracy).
7F11.8 (high precision, higher accuracy).
The VFOPT command allows you to deactivate the view factor computation (Opt = OFF) if the view
factors already exist in the database. The default behavior is OFF upon encountering the second and
subsequent SOLVE (p. 1538) commands in the solution processor.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1759
When Opt = READ, only a previously calculated view factor binary file is valid. View factors are read
only and are not written after they are read in. Do not issue VFOPT,OFF or VFOPT,NONE until after the
next SOLVE (p. 1538) command is executed.
For 3-D analyses, two options are available for calculating view factors when running Distributed ANSYS:
• Issue a SOLVE (p. 1538) command -- View factors are calculated in parallel mode if no view factors were
previously calculated.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Radiation Opts>View Factor
Main Menu>Radiation Opt>Radiosity Meth>Compute
Main Menu>Radiation Opt>Radiosity Meth>View Factor
Main Menu>Solution>Radiation Opts>View Factor
Elements representing the source radiating surfaces used to query the view factor at the target element(s).
If SRCELEM = P, graphical picking is enabled (valid only in the GUI). If SRCELEM = ALL, all selected elements
will have their view factors queried. A component name may also be substituted for SRCELEM. Selected
elements must be flagged for surface to surface radiation in order to query view factors (SF (p. 1464),
SFA (p. 1470), or SFE (p. 1487) with Lab = RDSF). The view factors must have been previously computed.
Element for view factor query. If TARELEM = P, graphical picking is enabled (valid only in the GUI). If
TARELEM = ALL, all selected elements will have their view factors queried. A component name may also
be substituted for TARELEM. Selected elements must be flagged for surface to surface radiation in order
to query view factors (SF (p. 1464), SFA (p. 1470), or SFE (p. 1487) with Lab = RDSF). The view factors must have
been previously computed.
View factors for each target element will be printed.
An average view factor for all target elements will be computed. (Use *GET (p. 667) to retrieve the average
When resuming a database, issue the command VFOPT (p. 1758),READ before issuing the VFQUERY
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1760 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Radiation Opt>Radiosity Meth>Query
Action to be performed:
Define a view factor summation (default)
Resets the scaling method to 0 for all enclosures. All subsequent arguments are ignored.
Outputs the OPT value for each enclosure in the model.
Previously defined enclosure number for the view factor adjustment.
Option key:
The view factor matrix values are not adjusted (default).
The view factor matrix values are adjusted so that the row sum equals 1.0.
The view factor matrix values are adjusted so that the row sum equals 1.0 and the reciprocity relationship
is satisfied.
The view factor matrix values are adjusted so that the reciprocity relationship is satisfied.
The view factor matrix values are adjusted so that the original row sum is maintained and the reciprocity
relationship is satisfied.
Maximum number of iterations to achieve convergence. Valid only when OPT = 2 or 4. Default is 100.
Convergence value for row sum. Iterations will continue (up to MAXITER) until the maximum residual
over all the rows is less than this value. Valid only when OPT = 2 or 4. Default is 1E-3.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1761
To have a good energy balance, it is important to satisfy both the row sum and reciprocity relationships.
For more information, see View Factors in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference.
OPT = 1 and 2 are suitable for perfect enclosures. OPT = 1 is less expensive than OPT = 2 because no
iterations are involved. However, with OPT = 1, the reciprocity relationship is not satisfied.
OPT = 3 and 4 are suitable for leaky enclosures. OPT = 3 is less expensive than OPT = 4 because no it-
erations are involved. However, with OPT = 3, the original row sum is not maintained.
The VFSM command must be used before VFOPT (p. 1758) is issued, or Solve is initiated.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Argument Descriptions
The name of the resulting numeric array parameter vector. See *SET (p. 1453) for name restrictions.
Function to be performed:
Arccosine: ACOS(Par1).
Arcsine: ASIN(Par1).
Par1 is sorted in ascending order. *VCOL (p. 1742), *VMASK (p. 1783), *VCUM (p. 1744), and
*VLEN (p. 1780),,NINC do not apply. *VLEN (p. 1780),NROW does apply.
Arctangent: ATAN(Par1).
Compress: Selectively compresses data set. "True" (*VMASK (p. 1783)) values of Par1 (or row positions
to be considered according to the NINC value on the *VLEN (p. 1780) command) are written in com-
pressed form to ParR, starting at the specified position.
Copy: Par1 copied to ParR.
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1762 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
COS --
Cosine: COS(Par1).
Hyperbolic cosine: COSH(Par1).
Direction cosines of the principal stresses (nX9). Par1 contains the nX6 component stresses for the
n locations of the calculations.
Par1 is sorted in descending order. *VCOL (p. 1742), *VMASK (p. 1783), *VCUM (p. 1744), and
*VLEN (p. 1780),,NINC do not apply. *VLEN (p. 1780),NROW does apply.
Euler angles of the principal stresses (nX3). Par1 contains the nX6 component stresses for the n loca-
tions of the calculations.
EXP --
Exponential: EXP(Par1).
Expand: Reverse of the COMP function. All elements of Par1 (starting at the position specified) are
written in expanded form to corresponding "true" (*VMASK (p. 1783)) positions (or row positions to be
considered according to the NINC value on the *VLEN (p. 1780) command) of ParR.
LOG --
Natural logarithm: LOG(Par1).
LOG10 --
Common logarithm: LOG10(Par1).
Nearest integer: 2.783 becomes 3.0, -1.75 becomes -2.0.
NOT --
Logical complement: values 0.0 (false) become 1.0 (true). Values > 0.0 (true) become 0.0 (false).
Principal stresses (nX5). Par1 contains the nX6 component stresses for the n locations of the calcula-
PWR --
Power function: Par1**CON1. Exponentiation of any negative number in the vector Par1 to a non-
integer power is performed by exponentiating the positive number and prepending the minus sign.
For example, -4**2.3 is -(4**2.3).
SIN --
Sine: SIN(Par1).
Hyperbolic sine: SINH(Par1).
Square root: SQRT(Par1).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1763
TAN --
Tangent: TAN(Par1).
Hyperbolic tangent: TANH(Par1).
Tangent to a path at a point: the slope at a point is determined by linear interpolation half way between
the previous and next points. Points are assumed to be in the global Cartesian coordinate system. Path
points are specified in array Par1 (having 3 consecutive columns of data, with the columns containing
the x, y, and z coordinate locations, respectively, of the points). Only the starting row index and the
column index for the x coordinates are specified, such as A(1,1). The y and z coordinates of the vector
are assumed to begin in the corresponding next columns, such as A(1,2) and A(1,3). The tangent result,
ParR, must also have 3 consecutive columns of data and will contain the tangent direction vector
(normalized to 1.0); such as 1,0,0 for an x-direction vector.
Normal to a path and an input vector at a point: determined from the cross-product of the calculated
tangent vector (see TANG) and the input direction vector (with the i, j, and k components input as
CON1, CON2, and CON3). Points are assumed to be in the global Cartesian coordinate system. Path
points are specified in array Par1 (having 3 consecutive columns of data, with the columns containing
the x, y, and z coordinate locations, respectively, of the points). Only the starting row index and the
column index for the x coordinates are specified, such as A(1,1). The y and z coordinates of the vector
are assumed to begin in the corresponding next columns, such as A(1,2) and A(1,3). The normal result,
ParR, must also have 3 consecutive columns of data and will contain the normal direction vector
(normalized to 1.0); such as 1,0,0 for an x-direction vector.
Transforms global Cartesian coordinates of a point to the coordinates of a specified system: points to
be transformed are specified in array Par1 (having 3 consecutive columns of data, with the columns
containing the x, y, and z global Cartesian coordinate locations, respectively, of the points). Only the
starting row index and the column index for the x coordinates are specified, such as A(1,1). The y and
z coordinates of the vector are assumed to begin in the corresponding next columns, such as A(1,2)
and A(1,3). Results are transformed to coordinate system CON1 (which may be any valid coordinate
system number, such as 1,2,11,12, etc.). The transformed result, ParR, must also have 3 consecutive
columns of data and will contain the corresponding transformed coordinate locations.
Transforms specified coordinates of a point to global Cartesian coordinates: points to be transformed
are specified in array Par1 (having 3 consecutive columns of data, with the columns containing the
local coordinate locations (x, y, z or r, θ, z or etc.) of the points). Only the starting row index and the
column index for the x coordinates are specified, such as A(1,1). The y and z coordinates (or θ and z,
or etc.) of the vector are assumed to begin in the corresponding next columns, such as A(1,2) and
A(1,3). Local coordinate locations are assumed to be in coordinate system CON1 (which may be any
valid coordinate system number, such as 1,2,11,12, etc.). The transformed result, ParR, must also have
3 consecutive columns of data, with the columns containing the global Cartesian x, y, and z coordinate
locations, respectively.
Array parameter vector in the operation.
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1764 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Operates on one input array parameter vector and produces one output array parameter vector according
ParR = f(Par1)
where the functions (f ) are described below. Functions are based on the standard FORTRAN definitions
where possible. Out-of-range function results (or results with exponents whose magnitudes are approx-
imately greater than 32 or less than -32) produce a zero value. Input and output for angular functions
may be radians (default) or degrees [*AFUN (p. 77)]. ParR may be the same as Par1. Starting array
element numbers must be defined for each array parameter vector if it does not start at the first location.
For example, *VFUN (p. 1762),A,SQRT,B(5) takes the square root of the fifth element of B and stores the
result in the first element of A. Operations continue on successive array elements [*VLEN (p. 1780),
*VMASK (p. 1783)] with the default being all successive elements. Absolute values and scale factors may
be applied to all parameters [*VABS (p. 1738), *VFACT (p. 1755)]. Results may be cumulative [*VCUM (p. 1744)].
Skipping array elements via *VMASK (p. 1783) or *VLEN (p. 1780) for the TANG and NORM functions skips
only the writing of the results (skipped array element data are used in all calculations). See the *VOP-
ER (p. 1786) command for details.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Parameters>Array Operations>Vector Functions
Generates additional volumes from a pattern of volumes.
PREP7 (p. 20): Volumes (p. 25)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Do this generation operation a total of ITIMEs, incrementing all keypoints in the given pattern automat-
ically (or by KINC) each time after the first. ITIME must be > 1 for generation to occur.
Keypoint location increments in the active coordinate system (--, Dθ, DZ for cylindrical, --, Dθ, -- for spher-
Keypoint increment between generated sets. If zero, the lowest available keypoint numbers are assigned
[NUMSTR (p. 1085)].
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1765
Specifies if elements and nodes are also to be generated:
Generate nodes and elements associated with the original volumes, if they exist.
Do not generate nodes and elements.
Specifies whether to redefine the existing volumes:
Generate additional volumes as requested with the ITIME argument.
Move original volumes to new position retaining the same keypoint line, and area numbers (ITIME,
KINC, and NOELEM are ignored). Corresponding meshed items are also moved if not needed at their
original position.
Generates additional volumes (and their corresponding keypoints, lines, areas and mesh) from a given
volume pattern. The MAT, TYPE, REAL, and ESYS attributes are based upon the volumes in the pattern
and not upon the current settings of the pointers. End slopes of the generated lines remain the same
(in the active coordinate system) as those of the given pattern. For example, radial slopes remain radial,
etc. Generations which produce volumes of a size or shape different from the pattern (i.e., radial gener-
ations in cylindrical systems, radial and phi generations in spherical systems, and theta generations in
elliptical systems) are not allowed. Note that solid modeling in a toroidal coordinate system is not re-
commended. Volume, area, and line numbers are automatically assigned (beginning with the lowest
available values [NUMSTR (p. 1085)]).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Copy>Volumes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Move / Modify>Volumes
*VGET (p. 1766), ParR, Entity, ENTNUM, Item1, IT1NUM, Item2, IT2NUM, KLOOP
Retrieves values and stores them into an array parameter.
APDL (p. 17): Parameters (p. 17)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Argument Descriptions
The name of the resulting vector array parameter. See *SET (p. 1453) for name restrictions. The program
creates the array parameter if it does not exist.
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1766 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Entity keyword. Valid keywords are NODE, ELEM, KP, LINE, AREA, VOLU, etc. as shown for Entity = in the
tables below.
The number of the entity (as shown for ENTNUM = in the tables below).
The name of a particular item for the given entity. Valid items are as shown in the Item1 columns of the
tables below.
The number (or label) for the specified Item1 (if any). Valid IT1NUM values are as shown in the IT1NUM
columns of the tables below. Some Item1 labels do not require an IT1NUM value.
Item2, IT2NUM
A second set of item labels and numbers to further qualify the item for which data is to be retrieved. Most
items do not require this level of information.
Field to be looped on:
0 or 2 --
Loop on the ENTNUM field (default).
3 --
Loop on the Item1 field.
4 --
Loop on the IT1NUM field. Successive items are as shown with IT1NUM.
5 --
Loop on the Item2 field.
6 --
Loop on the IT2NUM field. Successive items are as shown with IT2NUM.
Retrieves values for specified items and stores the values in an output vector of a user-named array
parameter according to:
where (f ) is the *GET (p. 667) function; Entity, Item1, and Item2 are keywords; and ENTNUM, IT1NUM,
and IT2NUM are numbers or labels corresponding to the keywords. Looping continues over successive
entity numbers (ENTNUM) for the KLOOP default. For example, *VGET (p. 1766),A(1),ELEM,5,CENT,X returns
the centroid x-location of element 5 and stores the result in the first location of A. Retrieving continues
with element 6, 7, 8, etc., regardless of whether the element exists or is selected, until successive array
locations are filled. Use *VLEN (p. 1780) or *VMASK (p. 1783) to skip locations. Absolute values and scale
factors may be applied to the result parameter [*VABS (p. 1738), *VFACT (p. 1755)]. Results may be cumu-
lative [*VCUM (p. 1744)]. See the *VOPER (p. 1786) command for general details. Results can be put back
into an analysis by writing a file of the desired input commands with the *VWRITE (p. 1814) command.
See also the *VPUT (p. 1792) command.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1767
Both *GET (p. 667) and *VGET (p. 1766) retrieve information from the active data stored in memory. The
database is often the source, and sometimes the information is retrieved from common memory blocks
that ANSYS uses to manipulate information. Although POST1 and POST26 operations use a *.rst file,
GET data is accessed from the database or from the common blocks. Get operations do not access the
*.rst file directly.
The *VGET (p. 1766) command retrieves both the unprocessed real and the imaginary parts (original and
duplicate sector nodes and elements) of a cyclic symmetry solution.
Each of the sections for accessing *VGET parameters are shown in the following order:
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1768 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1769
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1770 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Entity = TLAB, ENTNUM = n (TLAB is the Lab data table label on the TB (p. 1603) command. n is the
material number.)
*VGET (p. 1766), ParR, TLAB, n, Item1, IT1NUM, , , KLOOP
Item1 IT1NUM Item2 IT2NUM Description
TEMP val CONST num value is the temperature value at which to retrieve
table data. num is the constant number whose value
is to be retrieved. For constants input as X, Y points,
the constant numbers are consecutive with the X
constants being the odd numbers, beginning with
• Table 227: *VGET POST1 Items, Entity = NODE, Element Nodal Results (p. 1772)
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1771
• Table 228: *VGET POST1 Items, Entity = NODE, Nodal Degree of Freedom Results (p. 1774)
Vector items are in the active results coordinate system unless otherwise specified.
For KLOOP = 4 or SECMAX, returns the requested sector results for all frequencies and IT1NUM is
For KLOOP = 6, returns the requested frequency results for all sectors and IT2NUM is ignored.
Table 227: *VGET POST1 Items, Entity = NODE, Element Nodal Results
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1772 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1773
Table 228: *VGET POST1 Items, Entity = NODE, Nodal Degree of Freedom Results
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Parameters>Get Array Data
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1774 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Array parameter vector in the operation.
Reference number of the variable (1 to NV [NUMVAR (p. 1086)]).
Time (or frequency) corresponding to start of IR data. If between values, the nearer value is used.
Complex number key:
Use the real part of the IR data.
Use the imaginary part of the IR data.
Moves a variable into an array parameter vector. The starting array element number must be defined.
For example, VGET,A(1),2 moves variable 2 (starting at time 0.0) to array parameter A. Looping continues
from array element A(1) with the index number incremented by one until the variable is filled. The
number of loops may be controlled with the *VLEN (p. 1780) (p. 1780) command (except that loop skipping
(NINC) is not allowed). For multi-dimensioned array parameters, only the first (row) subscript is incre-
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Table Operations>Variable to Par
VGLUE, NV1, NV2, NV3, NV4, NV5, NV6, NV7, NV8, NV9
Generates new volumes by "gluing" volumes.
PREP7 (p. 20): Booleans (p. 26)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1775
Use of the VGLUE command generates new volumes by "gluing" input volumes. The glue operation
redefines the input volumes so that they share areas along their common boundaries. The new volumes
encompass the same geometry as the original volumes. This operation is only valid if the intersections
of the input volumes are areas along the boundaries of those volumes. See the Modeling and Meshing
Guide for an illustration. See the BOPTN (p. 234) command for an explanation of the options available
to Boolean operations. Element attributes and solid model boundary conditions assigned to the original
entities will not be transferred to the new entities generated.
The VGLUE command results in the merging of areas, lines, and keypoints at the common volume
boundaries. The areas, lines, and keypoints of the lower numbered volume will be kept. This means
one must be aware of volume numbering when multiple VGLUE commands are applied to avoid any
"ungluing" of geometry.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Glue>Volumes
Window number (or ALL) to which command applies (defaults to 1).
The object is viewed along the line from point XV,YV,ZV (in the global coordinate system) to the global
coordinate system origin. For section displays, the cutting plane is assumed to be perpendicular to this
line. If XV = WP, modify view to be normal to the currently defined working plane. Defaults to (0,0,1).
Command Default
0,0,1 view. The default reference orientation is X-axis horizontal to the right, Y-axis vertical upward, and
Z-axis out from the screen (normal). See /VUP (p. 1813) command to change reference orientation.
The view line is always normal to the screen. The view is selected by defining a point (in the global
Cartesian coordinate system) representing a point along the viewing line. This point, and the global
Cartesian coordinate system origin, define the line along which the object is viewed while looking toward
the origin. Any point along the view line may be used, i.e., (1,1,1) and (2,2,2) give the same view. The
display orientation may be changed as desired [/ANGLE (p. 121)]. The display coordinate system type
may be changed (from Cartesian to cylindrical, spherical, toroidal, etc.) with the DSYS (p. 481) command.
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1776 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Path Operations>Define Path>On Working Plane
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Path Operations>Define Path>On Working Plane
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Pan, Zoom, Rotate
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>View Settings>Viewing Direction
Number of the volume containing the tetrahedral elements to be improved. If VOL = ALL (default), improve
the tetrahedral elements in all selected volumes. If VOL = P, graphical picking is enabled and all remaining
command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI). A component name may also be substituted for VOL.
Specifies whether to allow boundary modification. Boundary modification includes such things as changes
in the connectivity of the element faces on the boundary and the addition of boundary nodes. (Also see
"Notes" (p. 1777) below for important usage information for CHGBND.)
Do not allow boundary modification.
Allow boundary modification (default).
Identifies the level of improvement to be performed on the elements. (Improvement occurs primarily
through the use of face swapping and node smoothing techniques.)
Perform the least amount of swapping/smoothing.
Perform an intermediate amount of swapping/smoothing.
Perform the greatest amount of swapping/smoothing.
Perform the greatest amount of swapping/smoothing, plus additional improvement techniques (default).
VIMP is useful for further improving a volume mesh created in ANSYS [VMESH (p. 1784)], especially
quadratic tetrahedral element meshes.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1777
The VIMP command enables you to improve a given tetrahedral mesh by reducing the number of
poorly-shaped tetrahedral elements (in particular, the number of sliver tetrahedral elements)--as well
as the overall number of elements--in the mesh. It also improves the overall quality of the mesh.
Regardless of the value of the CHGBND argument, boundary mid-nodes can be moved.
When loads or constraints have been placed on boundary nodes or mid-nodes, and boundary mid-
nodes are later moved, ANSYS issues a warning message to let you know that it will not update the
loads or constraints.
Even when CHGBND = 1, no boundary modification is performed on areas and lines that are not modi-
fiable (for example, areas that are adjacent to other volumes or that contain shell elements, or lines
that are not incident on modifiable areas, contain beam elements, or have line divisions specified for
them [LESIZE (p. 867)]).
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Modify Mesh>Improve Tets>Volumes
VINP, NV1, NV2, NV3, NV4, NV5, NV6, NV7, NV8, NV9
Finds the pairwise intersection of volumes.
PREP7 (p. 20): Booleans (p. 26)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Finds the pairwise intersection of volumes. The pairwise intersection is defined as all regions shared by
any two or more volumes listed on this command. New volumes will be generated where the original
volumes intersect pairwise. If the regions of pairwise intersection are only areas, new areas will be
generated. See the Modeling and Meshing Guide for an illustration. See the BOPTN (p. 234) command
for an explanation of the options available to Boolean operations. Element attributes and solid model
boundary conditions assigned to the original entities will not be transferred to the new entities generated.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Intersect>Pairwise>Volumes
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1778 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
VINV, NV1, NV2, NV3, NV4, NV5, NV6, NV7, NV8, NV9
Finds the intersection of volumes.
PREP7 (p. 20): Booleans (p. 26)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Finds the common (not pairwise) intersection of volumes. The common intersection is defined as the
regions shared (in common) by all volumes listed on this command. New volumes will be generated
where the original volumes intersect. If the regions of intersection are only areas, new areas will be
generated instead. See the Modeling and Meshing Guide for an illustration. See the BOPTN (p. 234)
command for an explanation of the options available to Boolean operations. Element attributes and
solid model boundary conditions assigned to the original entities will not be transferred to the new
entities generated.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Intersect>Common>Volumes
Argument Descriptions
The name of the resulting array parameter. See *SET (p. 1453) for name restrictions.
The name of the TABLE array parameter. The parameter must exist as a dimensioned array of type TABLE
[*DIM (p. 435)].
Array parameter vector of I (row) index values for interpolation in ParT.
Array parameter vector of J (column) index values for interpolation in ParT (which must be at least 2-D).
Array parameter vector of K (depth) index values for interpolation in ParT (which must be 3-D).
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1779
Forms an array parameter (of type ARRAY) by interpolating values of an array parameter (of type TABLE)
at specified table index locations according to:
where ParT is the type TABLE array parameter, and ParI, ParJ, ParK are the type ARRAY array
parameter vectors of index values for interpolation in ParT. See the *DIM (p. 435) command for TABLE
and ARRAY declaration types. Linear interpolation is used. The starting array element number for the
TABLE array (ParT) is not used (but a value must be input). Starting array element numbers must be
defined for each array parameter vector if it does not start at the first location. For example, *VIT-
RP (p. 1779),R(5),TAB(1,1),X(2),Y(4) uses the second element of X and the fourth element of Y as index
values (row and column) for a 2-D interpolation in TAB and stores the result in the fifth element of R.
Operations continue on successive array elements [*VLEN (p. 1780), *VMASK (p. 1783)] with the default
being all successive elements. Absolute values and scale factors may be applied to the result parameter
[*VABS (p. 1738), *VFACT (p. 1755)]. Results may be cumulative [*VCUM (p. 1744)]. See the *VOPER (p. 1786)
command for details.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Parameters>Array Operations>Vector Interpolate
Argument Descriptions
Number of rows to be used with the *VXX or *MXX operations. Defaults to the number of rows needed
to fill the result array.
Perform the operation on every NINC row (defaults to 1).
Command Default
Fill all locations of the result array from the specified starting location.
Specifies the number of rows to be used in array parameter operations. The size of the submatrix used
is determined from the upper left starting array element (defined on the operation command) to the
lower right array element (defined by the number of rows on this command and the number of columns
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1780 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
on the *VCOL (p. 1742) command). NINC allows skipping row operations for some operation commands.
Skipped rows are included in the row count. The starting row number must be defined on the operation
command for each parameter read and for the result written.
The default NROW is calculated from the maximum number of rows of the result array (the *DIM (p. 435)
row dimension) minus the starting location + 1. For example, *DIM (p. 435),R,,10 and a starting location
of R(7) gives a default of 4 loops (filling R(7), R(8), R(9), and R(10)). Repeat operations automatically ter-
minate at the last row of the result array. Existing values in the rows and columns of the results matrix
remain unchanged where not overwritten by the requested input or operation values.
The stride (NINC) allows operations to be performed at regular intervals. It has no effect on the total
number of row operations. Skipped operations retain the previous result. For example, *DIM (p. 435),R,,6,
with a starting location of R(1), NROW = 10, and NINC = 2 calculates values for locations R(1), R(3), and
R(5) and retains values for locations R(2), R(4), and R(6). A more general skip control may be done by
masking [*VMASK (p. 1783)]. The row control settings are reset to the defaults after each *VXX or *MXX
operation. Use *VSTAT (p. 1808) to list settings.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Parameters>Array Operations>Operation Settings
An attribute (TYPE, MAT, REAL, or ESYS) listed as a zero is unassigned; one listed as a positive value in-
dicates that the attribute was assigned with the VATT (p. 1741) command (and will not be reset to zero
if the mesh is cleared); one listed as a negative value indicates that the attribute was assigned using
the attribute pointer [TYPE, MAT, REAL, or ESYS] that was active during meshing (and will be reset to
zero if the mesh is cleared). A "-1" in the "nodes" column indicates that the volume has been meshed
but there are no interior nodes. The volume size is listed only if a VSUM (p. 1808) command has been
performed on the volume. Volume orientation attributes (KZ1 and KZ2) are listed only if a VEORI-
ENT (p. 1753) command was previously used to define an orientation for the volume.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1781
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>List>Volumes
Generates a scaled set of volumes from a pattern of volumes.
PREP7 (p. 20): Volumes (p. 25)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Scale factors to be applied to the X, Y, and Z keypoint coordinates in active coordinate system (RR, Rθ, RZ
for cylindrical; RR, Rθ, RΦ for spherical). Note that the Rθ and RΦ scale factors are interpreted as angular
offsets. For example, if CSYS = 1, RX, RY, RZ input of (1.5,10,3) would scale the specified keypoints 1.5
times in the radial and 3 times in the Z direction, while adding an offset of 10 degrees to the keypoints.
Zero, blank, or negative scale factor values are assumed to be 1.0. Zero or blank angular offsets have no
Increment to be applied to keypoint numbers for generated set. If zero, the lowest available keypoint
numbers will be assigned [NUMSTR (p. 1085)].
Specifies whether nodes and elements are also to be generated:
Nodes and elements associated with the original volumes will be generated (scaled) if they exist.
Nodes and elements will not be generated.
Specifies whether volumes will be moved or newly defined:
Additional volumes will be generated.
Original volumes will be moved to new position (KINC and NOELEM are ignored). Use only if the old
volumes are no longer needed at their original positions. Corresponding meshed items are also moved
if not needed at their original position.
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1782 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Generates a scaled set of volumes (and their corresponding keypoints, lines, areas, and mesh) from a
pattern of volumes. The MAT, TYPE, REAL, and ESYS attributes are based on the volumes in the pattern
and not the current settings. Scaling is done in the active coordinate system. Volumes in the pattern
could have been generated in any coordinate system. However, solid modeling in a toroidal coordinate
system is not recommended.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Scale>Volumes
Argument Descriptions
Name of the mask parameter. The starting subscript must also be specified.
Command Default
No mask parameter specified (use true for all operations).
Specifies the name of the parameter whose values are to be checked for each resulting row operation.
The mask vector usually contains only 0 (for false) and 1 (for true) values. For each row operation the
corresponding mask vector value is checked. A true value allows the operation to be done. A false value
skips the operation (and retains the previous results). A mask vector can be created from direct input,
such as M(1) = 1,0,0,1,1,0,1; or from the DATA function of the *VFILL (p. 1756) command. The NOT function
of the *VFUN (p. 1762) command can be used to reverse the logical sense of the mask vector. The logical
compare operations (LT, LE, EQ, NE, GE, and GT) of the *VOPER (p. 1786) command also produce a mask
vector by operating on two other vectors. Any numeric vector can be used as a mask vector since the
actual interpretation assumes values less than 0.0 are 0.0 (false) and values greater than 0.0 are 1.0
(true). If the mask vector is not specified (or has fewer values than the result vector), true (1.0) values
are assumed for the unspecified values. Another skip control may be input with NINC on the
*VLEN (p. 1780) command. If both are present, operations occur only when both are true. The mask setting
is reset to the default (no mask) after each *VXX or *MXX operation. Use *VSTAT (p. 1808) to list settings.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Parameters>Array Operations>Operation Settings
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1783
Missing nodes required for the generated elements are created and assigned the lowest available
numbers [NUMSTR (p. 1085)]. During a batch run and if elements already exist, a mesh abort will write
an alternative database file (File.DBE) for possible recovery.
Tetrahedral mesh expansion [MOPT (p. 960),TETEXPND,Value] is supported for both the VMESH and
FVMESH (p. 655) commands.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh>Volumes>Free
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh>Volumes>Mapped>4 to 6 sided
Area from which generated volume is to be offset. If NAREA = P, graphical picking is enabled and all re-
maining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI).
Distance normal to given area at which keypoints for generated volume are to be located. Positive normal
is determined from the right-hand rule keypoint order.
Increment to be applied to the keypoint numbers between sets. If zero, keypoint numbers will be automat-
ically assigned beginning with the lowest available value [NUMSTR (p. 1085)].
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1784 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Generates a volume (and its corresponding keypoints, lines, and areas) by offsetting from an area. The
direction of the offset varies with the given area normal. End slopes of the generated lines remain the
same as those of the given pattern.
If element attributes have been associated with the input area via the AATT (p. 78) command, the op-
posite area generated by the VOFFST operation will also have those attributes (i.e., the element attributes
from the input area are copied to the opposite area). Note that only the area opposite the input area
will have the same attributes as the input area; the areas adjacent to the input area will not.
If the areas are meshed or belong to meshed volumes, a 3-D mesh can be extruded with this command.
Note that the NDIV argument on the ESIZE (p. 554) command should be set before extruding the
meshed areas.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Extrude>Areas>Along Normal
Specifies "Volumes" as the subsequent status topic.
PREP7 (p. 20): Status (p. 32)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
This is a status [STAT (p. 1572)] topic command. Status topic commands are generated by the GUI and
appear in the log file (Jobname.LOG) if status is requested for some items by choosing Utility Menu>
List> Status. This command will be immediately followed by a STAT (p. 1572) command, which will report
the status for the specified topic.
If entered directly into the program, the STAT (p. 1572) command should immediately follow this command.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1785
Argument Descriptions
The name of the resulting array parameter vector. See *SET (p. 1453) for name restrictions.
First array parameter vector in the operation. May also be a scalar parameter or a literal constant.
Addition: Par1+Par2.
SUB --
Subtraction: Par1-Par2.
Multiplication: Par1*Par2.
DIV --
Division: Par1/Par2 (a divide by zero results in a value of zero).
MIN --
Minimum: minimum of Par1 and Par2.
MAX --
Maximum: maximum of Par1 and Par2.
LT --
Less than comparison: Par1<Par2 gives 1.0 if true, 0.0 if false.
LE --
Less than or equal comparison: Par1 Par2 gives 1.0 if true, 0.0 if false.
EQ --
Equal comparison: Par1 = Par2 gives 1.0 if true, 0.0 if false.
NE --
Not equal comparison: Par1 ≠ Par2 gives 1.0 if true, 0.0 if false.
GE --
Greater than or equal comparison: Par1 Par2 gives 1.0 if true, 0.0 if false.
GT --
Greater than comparison: Par1>Par2 gives 1.0 if true, 0.0 if false.
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1786 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
DER1 --
First derivative: d(Par1)/d(Par2). The derivative at a point is determined over points half way between
the previous and next points (by linear interpolation). Par1 must be a function (a unique Par1 value
for each Par2 value) and Par2 must be in ascending order.
DER2 --
Second derivative: d2(Par1)/d(Par2)2. See also DER1.
INT1 --
Single integral: Par1 d(Par2), where CON1 is the integration constant. The integral at a point is
determined by using the single integration procedure described in the Mechanical APDL Theory Reference.
INT2 --
Double integral: Par1 d(Par2), where CON1 is the integration constant of the first integral and
CON2 is the integration constant of the second integral. If Par1 contains acceleration data, CON1 is
the initial velocity and CON2 is the initial displacement. See also INT1.
DOT --
Dot product: Par1 . Par2. Par1 and Par2 must each have three consecutive columns of data, with
the columns containing the i, j, and k vector components, respectively. Only the starting row index
and the column index for the i components are specified for Par1 and Par2, such as A(1,1). The j and
k components of the vector are assumed to begin in the corresponding next columns, such as A(1,2)
and A(1,3).
Cross product: Par1 x Par2. Par1, Par2, and ParR must each have 3 components, respectively.
Only the starting row index and the column index for the i components are specified for Par1, Par2,
and ParR, such as A(1,1). The j and k components of the vector are assumed to begin in the corres-
ponding next columns, such as A(1,2) and A(1,3).
Gather: For a vector of position numbers, Par2, copy the value of Par1 at each position number to
ParR. Example: for Par1 = 10,20,30,40 and Par2 = 2,4,1; ParR = 20,40,10.
Scatter: Opposite of GATH operation. For a vector of position numbers, Par2, copy the value of Par1
to that position number in ParR. Example: for Par1 = 10,20,30,40,50 and Par2 = 2,1,0,5,3; ParR =
ATN2 --
Arctangent: arctangent of Par1/Par2 with the sign of each component considered.
Transform the data in Par1 from the global Cartesian coordinate system to the local coordinate system
given in CON1. Par1 must be an N x 3 (i.e., vector) or an N x 6 (i.e., stress or strain tensor) array. If the
local coordinate system is a cylindrical, spherical, or toroidal system, then you must provide the global
Cartesian coordinates in Par2 as an N x 3 array. Set CON2 = 1 if the data is strain data.
Transform the data in Par1 from the local coordinate system given in CON1 to the global Cartesian
coordinate system. Par1 must be an N x 3 (i.e., vector) or an N x 6 (i.e., stress or strain tensor) array. If
the local coordinate system is a cylindrical, spherical, or toroidal system, then you must provide the
global Cartesian coordinates in Par2 as an N x 3 array. Set CON2 = 1 if the data is strain data.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1787
Second array parameter vector in the operation. May also be a scalar parameter or a literal constant.
First constant (used only with the INT1 and INT2 operations).
Second constant (used only with the INT2 operation).
Operates on two input array parameter vectors and produces one output array parameter vector accord-
ing to:
where the operations (o) are described below. ParR may be the same as Par1 or Par2. Absolute
values and scale factors may be applied to all parameters [*VABS (p. 1738), *VFACT (p. 1755)]. Results may
be cumulative [*VCUM (p. 1744)]. Starting array element numbers must be defined for each array para-
meter vector if it does not start at the first location, such as *VOPER (p. 1786),A,B(5),ADD,C(3) which adds
the third element of C to the fifth element of B and stores the result in the first element of A. Operations
continue on successive array elements [*VLEN (p. 1780), *VMASK (p. 1783)] with the default being all suc-
cessive elements. Skipping array elements via *VMASK (p. 1783) or *VLEN (p. 1780) for the DER_ and INT_
functions skips only the writing of the results (skipped array element data are used in all calculations).
Parameter functions and operations are available to operate on a scalar parameter or a single element
of an array parameter, such as SQRT(B) or SQRT(A(4)). See the *SET (p. 1453) command for details. Oper-
ations on a sequence of array elements can be done by repeating the desired function or operation in
a do-loop [*DO (p. 467)]. The vector operations within the ANSYS program (*VXX commands) are intern-
ally programmed do-loops that conveniently perform the indicated operation over a sequence of array
elements. If the array is multidimensional, only the first subscript is incremented in the do-loop, that
is, the operation repeats in column vector fashion "down" the array. For example, for A(1,5), A(2,5),
A(3,5), etc. The starting location of the row index must be defined for each parameter read and for the
result written.
The default number of loops is from the starting result location to the last result location and can be
altered with the *VLEN (p. 1780) command. A logical mask vector may be defined to control at which
locations the operations are to be skipped [*VMASK (p. 1783)]. The default is to skip no locations. Repeat
operations automatically terminate at the last array element of the result array column if the number
of loops is undefined or if it exceeds the last result array element. Zeroes are used in operations for
values read beyond the last array element of an input array column. Existing values in the rows and
columns of the results matrix remain unchanged where not changed by the requested operation values.
The result array column may be the same as the input array column since results in progress are stored
in a temporary array until being moved to the results array at the end of the operation. Results may be
overwritten or accumulated with the existing results [*VCUM (p. 1744)]. The default is to overwrite results.
The absolute value may be used for each parameter read or written [*VABS (p. 1738)]. A scale factor
(defaulting to 1.0) is also applied to each parameter read and written [*VFACT (p. 1755)].
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1788 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Parameters>Array Operations>Vector Operations
VOVLAP, NV1, NV2, NV3, NV4, NV5, NV6, NV7, NV8, NV9
Overlaps volumes.
PREP7 (p. 20): Booleans (p. 26)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Overlaps volumes. Generates new volumes which encompass the geometry of all the input volumes.
The new volumes are defined by the regions of intersection of the input volumes, and by the comple-
mentary (non-intersecting) regions. See the Modeling and Meshing Guide for an illustration. This operation
is only valid when the region of intersection is a volume. See the BOPTN (p. 234) command for an ex-
planation of the options available to Boolean operations. Element attributes and solid model boundary
conditions assigned to the original entities will not be transferred to the new entities generated.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Overlap>Volumes
*VPLOT (p. 1789), ParX, ParY, Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5, Y6, Y7, Y8
Graphs columns (vectors) of array parameters.
APDL (p. 17): Array Parameters (p. 18)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Argument Descriptions
Name of the array parameter whose column vector values will be the abscissa of the graph. If blank, row
subscript numbers are used instead. ParX is not sorted by the program.
Name of the array parameter whose column vector values will be graphed against the ParX values.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1789
The column to be graphed and the starting row for each array parameter must be specified as subscripts.
Additional columns of the ParY array parameter may be graphed by specifying column numbers for
Y2, Y3, ...,Y8. For example, *VPLOT (p. 1789),TIME (4,6), DISP (8,1),2,3 specifies that the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
columns of array parameter DISP (all starting at row 8) are to be graphed against the 6th column of
array parameter TIME (starting at row 4). The columns are graphed from the starting row to their max-
imum extent. See the *VLEN (p. 1780) and *VMASK (p. 1783) commands to limit or skip data to be graphed.
The array parameters specified on the *VPLOT (p. 1789) command must be of the same type (type ARRAY
or TABLE; [*DIM (p. 435)]. Arrays of type TABLE are graphed as continuous curves. Arrays of type ARRAY
is displayed in bar chart fashion.
The normal curve labeling scheme for *VPLOT (p. 1789) is to label curve 1 “COL 1”, curve 2 “COL 2” and
so on. You can use the /GCOLUMN (p. 665) command to apply user-specified labels (8 characters max-
imum) to your curves. See Modifying Curve Labels in the ANSYS Parametric Design Language Guide for
more information on using /GCOLUMN (p. 665).
When a graph plot reaches minimum or maximum y-axis limits, the program indicates the condition
by clipping the graph. The clip appears as a horizontal magenta line. Mechanical APDL calculates y-axis
limits automatically; however, you can modify the (YMIN and YMAX) limits via the /YRANGE (p. 1837)
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Plot>Array Parameters
Degeneracy marker:
No degeneracy marker is used (default).
A red star is placed on keypoints at degeneracies (see the Modeling and Meshing Guide). Not available
if /FACET (p. 609),WIRE is set.
Scale factor for the size of the degeneracy-marker star. The scale is the size in window space (-1 to 1 in
both directions) (defaults to .075).
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1790 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Displays selected volumes. (Only volumes having areas within the selected area set [ASEL (p. 166)] will
be plotted.) With PowerGraphics on [/GRAPHICS (p. 732),POWER], VPLOT will display only the currently
selected areas. This command is also a utility command, valid anywhere. The degree of tessellation used
to plot the volumes is set through the /FACET (p. 609) command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Check Geom>Show Degeneracy>Plot Degen Volus
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Show Degeneracy>Plot Degen Volus
Utility Menu>Plot>Specified Entities>Volumes
Utility Menu>Plot>Volumes
VPTN, NV1, NV2, NV3, NV4, NV5, NV6, NV7, NV8, NV9
Partitions volumes.
PREP7 (p. 20): Booleans (p. 26)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Partitions volumes. Generates new volumes which encompass the geometry of all the input volumes.
The new volumes are defined by the regions of intersection of the input volumes, and by the comple-
mentary (non-intersecting) regions. See the Modeling and Meshing Guide for an illustration. See the
BOPTN (p. 234) command for an explanation of the options available to Boolean operations. Element
attributes and solid model boundary conditions assigned to the original entities will not be transferred
to the new entities generated.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Partition>Volumes
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1791
*VPUT (p. 1792), ParR, Entity, ENTNUM, Item1, IT1NUM, Item2, IT2NUM, KLOOP
Restores array parameter values into the ANSYS database.
APDL (p. 17): Array Parameters (p. 18)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Argument Descriptions
The name of the input vector array parameter. See *SET (p. 1453) for name restrictions. The parameter must
exist as a dimensioned array [*DIM (p. 435)] with data input.
Entity keyword. Valid keywords are shown for Entity = in the table below.
The number of the entity (as shown for ENTNUM= in the table below).
The name of a particular item for the given entity. Valid items are as shown in the Item1 columns of the
table below.
The number (or label) for the specified Item1 (if any). Valid IT1NUM values are as shown in the IT1NUM
columns of the table below. Some Item1 labels do not require an IT1NUM value.
Item2, IT2NUM
A second set of item labels and numbers to further qualify the item for which data is to be stored. Most
items do not require this level of information.
Field to be looped on:
0 or 2 --
Loop on the ENTNUM field (default).
3 --
Loop on the Item1 field.
4 --
Loop on the IT1NUM field. Successive items are as shown with IT1NUM.
5 --
Loop on the Item2 field.
6 --
Loop on the IT2NUM field. Successive items are as shown with IT2NUM.
The *VPUT (p. 1792) command is not supported for PowerGraphics displays. Inconsistent results may be
obtained if this command is not used in /GRAPHICS (p. 732), FULL.
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1792 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Plot and print operations entered via the GUI (Utility Menu> Pltcrtls, Utility Menu> Plot) incorporate
the AVPRIN (p. 181) command. This means that the principal and equivalent values are recalculated. If
you use *VPUT (p. 1792) to put data back into the database, issue the plot commands from the command
line to preserve your data.
This operation is basically the inverse of the *VGET (p. 1766) operation. Vector items are put directly
(without any coordinate system transformation) into the ANSYS database. Items can only replace existing
items of the database and not create new items. Degree of freedom results that are replaced in the
database are available for all subsequent postprocessing operations. Other results are changed tempor-
arily and are available mainly for the immediately following print and display operations. The vector
specification *VCUM (p. 1744) does not apply to this command. The valid labels for the location fields
(Entity, ENTNUM, Item1, and IT1NUM) are listed below. Item2 and IT2NUM are not currently used.
Not all items from the *VGET (p. 1766) list are allowed on *VPUT (p. 1792) since putting values into some
locations could cause the database to be inconsistent.
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1794 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Parameters>Array Operations>Put Array Data
Array parameter vector in the operation.
Arbitrary reference number assigned to this variable (1 to NV [NUMVAR (p. 1086)]). Overwrites any existing
results for this variable.
Time (or frequency) corresponding to start of IR data. If between values, the nearer value is used.
Complex number key:
Use the real part of the IR data.
Use the imaginary part of the IR data.
Thirty-two character name identifying the item on printouts and displays. Defaults to the label formed by
concatenating VPUT with the reference number IR.
At least one variable should be defined (NSOL (p. 1067), ESOL (p. 558), RFORCE (p. 1343), etc.) before using
this command. The starting array element number must be defined. For example, VPUT,A(1),2 moves
array parameter A to variable 2 starting at time 0.0. Looping continues from array element A(1) with
the index number incremented by one until the variable is filled. Unfilled variable locations are assigned
a zero value. The number of loops may be controlled with the *VLEN (p. 1780) command (except that
loop skipping (NINC) is not allowed). For multi-dimensioned array parameters, only the first (row) subscript
is incremented.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1795
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Table Operations>Parameter to Var
*VREAD (p. 1796), ParR, Fname, Ext, --, Label, n1, n2, n3, NSKIP
Reads data and produces an array parameter vector or matrix.
APDL (p. 17): Parameters (p. 17)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Argument Descriptions
The name of the resulting array parameter vector. See *SET (p. 1453) for name restrictions. The parameter
must exist as a dimensioned array [*DIM (p. 435)]. String arrays are limited to a maximum of 8 characters.
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
If the Fname field is left blank, reading continues from the current input device, such as the terminal.
Filename extension (eight-character maximum).
Unused field.
Can take a value of IJK, IKJ, JIK, JKI, KIJ, KJI, or blank (IJK).
n1, n2, n3
Read as (((ParR (i,j,k), k = 1,n1), i = 1, n2), j = 1, n3) for Label = KIJ. n2 and n3 default to 1.
Number of lines at the beginning of the file being read that will be skipped during the reading. Default =
Reads data from a file and fills in an array parameter vector or matrix. Data are read from a formatted
file or, if the menu is off [/MENU (p. 934),OFF] and Fname is blank, from the next input lines. The format
of the data to be read must be input immediately following the *VREAD (p. 1796) command. The format
specifies the number of fields to be read per record, the field width, and the placement of the decimal
point (if none specified in the value). The read operation follows the available FORTRAN FORMAT con-
ventions of the system (see your system FORTRAN manual). Any standard FORTRAN real format (such
as (4F6.0), (E10.3,2X,D8.2), etc.) or alphanumeric format (A) may be used. Alphanumeric strings are limited
to a maximum of 8 characters for any field (A8). For storage of string arrays greater than 8 characters,
the *SREAD command can be used. Integer (I) and list-directed (*) descriptors may not be used. The
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1796 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
parentheses must be included in the format and the format must not exceed 80 characters (including
parentheses). The input line length is limited to 128 characters.
A starting array element number must be defined for the result array parameter vector (numeric or
character). For example, entering these two lines:
will read two values from each line of file ARRAYVAL and assign the values to A(1), A(2), A(3), etc.
Reading continues until successive row elements [*VLEN (p. 1780), *VMASK (p. 1783), *DIM (p. 435)] are
For an array parameter matrix, a starting array element row and column number must be defined. For
example, entering these two lines:
will read two values from each line of file ARRAYVAL and assign the values to A(1,1), A(2,1), A(3,1), etc.
Reading continues until n1 (10) successive row elements are filled. Once the maximum row number is
reached, subsequent data will be read into the next column (e.g., A(1,2), A(2,2), A(3,2), etc.)
For numerical parameters, absolute values and scale factors may be applied to the result parameter
[*VABS (p. 1738), *VFACT (p. 1755)]. Results may be cumulative [*VCUM (p. 1744)]. See the *VOPER (p. 1786)
command for details. If you are in the GUI the *VREAD (p. 1796) command must be contained in an ex-
ternally prepared file read into the ANSYS program (i.e., *USE (p. 1727), /INPUT (p. 791), etc.).
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Parameters>Array Parameters>Read from File
Generates cylindrical volumes by rotating an area pattern about an axis.
PREP7 (p. 20): Volumes (p. 25)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Keypoints defining the axis about which the area pattern is to be rotated.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1797
Arc length (in degrees). Positive follows right-hand rule about PAX1-PAX2 vector. Defaults to 360.
Number of volumes (8 maximum) around circumference. Defaults to minimum required for 90° (maximum)
arcs, i.e., 4 for 360°, 3 for 270°, etc.
Generates cylindrical volumes (and their corresponding keypoints, lines, and areas) by rotating an area
pattern (and its associated line and keypoint patterns) about an axis. Keypoint patterns are generated
at regular angular locations (based on a maximum spacing of 90°). Line patterns are generated at the
keypoint patterns. Arc lines are also generated to connect the keypoints circumferentially. Keypoint,
line, area, and volume numbers are automatically assigned (beginning with the lowest available values).
Adjacent lines use a common keypoint, adjacent areas use a common line, and adjacent volumes use
a common area.
To generate a single volume with an arc greater than 180°, NSEG must be greater than or equal to 2.
If element attributes have been associated with the input area via the AATT (p. 78) command, the op-
posite area generated by the VROTAT operation will also have those attributes (i.e., the element attributes
from the input area are copied to the opposite area). Note that only the area opposite the input area
will have the same attributes as the input area; the areas adjacent to the input area will not.
If the given areas are meshed or belong to meshed volumes, the 2-D mesh can be rotated (extruded)
to a 3-D mesh. See the Modeling and Meshing Guide for more information. Note that the NDIV argument
on the ESIZE (p. 554) command should be set before extruding the meshed areas.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Extrude>Areas>About Axis
Volume (or volumes, if picking is used) to be subtracted from. If ALL, use all selected volumes. If P, graph-
ical picking is enabled (valid only in the GUI) and remaining fields are ignored. A component name may
also be substituted for NV.
Area (or areas, if picking is used) to subtract. If ALL, use all selected areas. A component name may also be
substituted for NA.
Behavior of the touching boundary:
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1798 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The resulting volumes will share area(s) where they touch.
The resulting volumes will have separate, but coincident area(s) where they touch.
Specifies whether NV volumes are to be deleted:
Use the setting of KEEP on the BOPTN (p. 234) command.
Delete NV volumes after VSBA operation (override BOPTN (p. 234) command settings).
Keep NV volumes after VSBA operation (override BOPTN (p. 234) command settings).
Specifies whether NA areas are to be deleted:
Use the setting of KEEP on the BOPTN (p. 234) command.
Delete NA areas after VSBA operation (override BOPTN (p. 234) command settings).
Keep NA areas after VSBA operation (override BOPTN (p. 234) command settings).
Generates new volumes by subtracting the regions common to both the volumes and areas (the inter-
section) from the NV volumes. The intersection will be an area(s). If SEPO is blank, the volume is divided
at the area and the resulting volumes will be connected, sharing a common area where they touch. If
SEPO is set to SEPO, the volume is divided into two unconnected volumes with separate areas where
they touch. See the Modeling and Meshing Guide for an illustration. See the BOPTN (p. 234) command
for an explanation of the options available to Boolean operations. Element attributes and solid model
boundary conditions assigned to the original entities will not be transferred to the new entities generated.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Divide>Volume by Area
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Divide>With Options>Volume by
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1799
Volume (or volumes, if picking is used) to be subtracted from. If ALL, use all selected volumes. Volumes
specified in set NV2 are removed from set NV1. If P, graphical picking is enabled (valid only in the GUI)
and remaining fields are ignored. A component name may also be substituted for NV1.
Volume (or volumes, if picking is used) to subtract. If ALL, use all selected volumes (except those included
in the NV1 argument). A component name may also be substituted for NV2.
Behavior if the intersection of the NV1 volumes and the NV2 volumes is an area or areas:
The resulting volumes will share area(s) where they touch.
The resulting volumes will have separate, but coincident area(s) where they touch.
Specifies whether NV1 volumes are to be deleted:
Use the setting of KEEP on the BOPTN (p. 234) command.
Delete NV1 volumes after VSBV operation (override BOPTN (p. 234) command settings).
Keep NV1 volumes after VSBV operation (override BOPTN (p. 234) command settings).
Specifies whether NV2 volumes are to be deleted:
Use the setting of KEEP on the BOPTN (p. 234) command.
Delete NV2 volumes after VSBV operation (override BOPTN (p. 234) command settings).
Keep NV2 volumes after VSBV operation (override BOPTN (p. 234) command settings).
Generates new volumes by subtracting the regions common to both NV1 and NV2 volumes (the inter-
section) from the NV1 volumes. The intersection can be a volume(s) or area(s). If the intersection is an
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1800 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
area and SEPO is blank, the NV1 volume is divided at the area and the resulting volumes will be con-
nected, sharing a common area where they touch. If SEPO is set to SEPO, NV1 is divided into two un-
connected volumes with separate areas where they touch. See the Modeling and Meshing Guide for an
illustration. See the BOPTN (p. 234) command for an explanation of the options available to Boolean
operations. Element attributes and solid model boundary conditions assigned to the original entities
will not be transferred to the new entities generated. VSBV,ALL,ALL will have no effect because all the
volumes in set NV1will have been moved to set NV2.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Subtract>Volumes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Subtract>With Options>Volumes
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Subract>Volumes
Volume (or volumes, if picking is used) to be subtracted from. If NV = ALL, use all selected volumes. If NV
= P, graphical picking is enabled (valid only in the GUI). A component name may also be input for NV.
Behavior of the created boundary.
The resulting volumes will share area(s) where they touch.
The resulting volumes will have separate, but coincident area(s).
Specifies whether NV volumes are to be deleted.
Use the setting of KEEP on the BOPTN (p. 234) command.
Delete NV volumes after VSBW operation (override BOPTN (p. 234) command settings).
Keep NV volumes after VSBW operation (override BOPTN (p. 234) command settings).
Generates new volumes by subtracting the intersection of the working plane from the NV volumes. The
intersection will be an area(s). If SEPO is blank, the volume is divided at the area and the resulting
volumes will be connected, sharing a common area where they touch. If SEPO is set to SEPO, the volume
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1801
is divided into two unconnected volumes with separate areas. The SEPO option may cause unintended
consequences if any keypoints exist along the cut plane. See the Modeling and Meshing Guide for an il-
lustration. See the BOPTN (p. 234) command for an explanation of the options available to Boolean
operations. Element attributes and solid model boundary conditions assigned to the original entities
will not be transferred to the new entities generated.
Issuing the VSBW command under certain conditions may generate a topological degeneracy error.
Do not issue the command if:
• A sphere or cylinder has been scaled. (A cylinder must be scaled unevenly in the XY plane.)
• A sphere or cylinder has not been scaled but the work plane has been rotated.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Divide>Volu by WrkPlane
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Booleans>Divide>With Options>Volu by Wrk-
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Divide>Volu by WrkPlane
Window number (or ALL) to which command applies (defaults to 1).
Ratio value applied to the automatically calculated scale factor (defaults to 1.0, i.e., use scale factor as
automatically calculated).
Relative scaling key:
Use relative length scaling among vectors based on magnitudes.
Use uniform length scaling for all vector lengths.
Command Default
Automatic vector scaling.
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1802 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Allows scaling of the vector length displayed with the PLVECT (p. 1206) command of POST1 and the
/PBC (p. 1134) and /PSF (p. 1282) commands. Also allows the scaling of the element (i.e., /PSYMB (p. 1295),ESYS)
and the nodal (i.e., /PSYMB (p. 1295),NDIR) coordinate system symbols.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Plot Results>Vector Plot>Predefined
Utility Menu>Plot>Results>Vector Plot
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Multi-Plot Contrls
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Vector Arrow Scaling
Argument Descriptions
The name of the resulting scalar parameter. See *SET (p. 1453) for name restrictions.
MAX --
Maximum: the maximum Par1 array element value.
MIN --
Minimum: the minimum Par1 array element value.
Index location of the maximum Par1 array element value. Array Par1 is searched starting from its
specified index.
Index location of the minimum Par1 array element value. Array Par1 is searched starting from its
specified index.
Index location of the first nonzero value in array Par1. Array Par1 is searched starting from its specified
Index location of the last nonzero value in array Par1. Array Par1 is searched starting from its specified
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1803
SUM --
Sum: Par1 (the summation of the Par1 array element values).
Median: value of Par1 at which there are an equal number of values above and below.
Mean: (σ Par1)/NUM, where NUM is the number of summed values.
Variance: (σ ((Par1-MEAN)**2))/NUM.
Standard deviation: square root of VARI.
RMS --
Root-mean-square: square root of (σ (Par1**2))/NUM.
NUM --
Number: the number of summed values (masked values are not counted).
Array parameter vector in the operation.
Operates on one input array parameter vector and produces one output scalar parameter according
ParR = f(Par1)
where the functions (f ) are described below. The starting array element number must be defined for
the array parameter vector. For example, *VSCFUN (p. 1803),MU,MEAN,A(1) finds the mean of the A vector
values, starting from the first value and stores the result as parameter MU. Operations use successive
array elements [*VLEN (p. 1780), *VMASK (p. 1783)] with the default being all successive array elements.
Absolute values and scale factors may be applied to all parameters [*VABS (p. 1738), *VFACT (p. 1755)].
Results may be cumulative [*VCUM (p. 1744)]. See the *VOPER (p. 1786) command for details.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Parameters>Array Operations>Vector-Scalar Func
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1804 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Label identifying the type of volume select:
Select a new set (default).
Reselect a set from the current set.
Additionally select a set and extend the current set.
Unselect a set from the current set.
Restore the full set.
Unselect the full set.
Invert the current set (selected becomes unselected and vice versa).
Display the current select status.
Label identifying data. Valid item labels are shown in the table below. Some items also require a component
label. If Item = PICK (or simply “P”), graphical picking is enabled and all remaining command fields are
ignored (valid only in the GUI). Defaults to VOLU.
Component of the item (if required). Valid component labels are shown in the table below.
Minimum value of item range. Ranges are volume numbers, coordinate values, attribute numbers, etc., as
appropriate for the item. A component name (as specified on the CM (p. 295) command) may also be sub-
stituted for VMIN (VMAX and VINC are ignored). If Item = MAT, TYPE, REAL, or ESYS and if VMIN is pos-
itive, the absolute value of Item is compared against the range for selection; if VMIN is negative, the
signed value of Item is compared. See the VLIST (p. 1781) command for a discussion of signed attributes.
Maximum value of item range. VMAX defaults to VMIN.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1805
Value increment within range. Used only with integer ranges (such as for volume numbers). Defaults to 1.
VINC cannot be negative.
Specifies whether only volumes are to be selected:
Select volumes only.
Select volumes, as well as keypoints, lines, areas, nodes, and elements associated with selected volumes.
Valid only with Type = S.
Command Default
All volumes are selected.
Selects volumes based on values of a labeled item and component. For example, to select a new set
of volumes based on volume numbers 1 through 7, use VSEL,S,VOLU,,1,7. The subset is used when the
ALL label is entered (or implied) on other commands, such as VLIST (p. 1781),ALL. Only data identified
by volume number are selected. Data are flagged as selected and unselected; no data are actually deleted
from the database.
For Selects based on non-integer numbers (coordinates, results, etc.), items that are within the range
VMIN-Toler and VMAX+Toler are selected. The default tolerance Toler is based on the relative
values of VMIN and VMAX as follows:
Use the SELTOL (p. 1445) (p. 1445) command to override this default and specify Toler explicitly.
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1806 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Select>Entities
Label identifying the type of volume select:
Select a new set (default).
Reselect a set from the current set.
Additionally select a set and extend the current set.
Unselect a set from the current set.
Specifies whether all contained volume areas must be selected [ASEL (p. 166)]:
Select volume if any of its areas are in the selected area set.
Select volume only if all of its areas are in the selected area set.
This command is valid in any processor.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Select>Entities
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1807
Lists the current specifications for the *VABS (p. 1738), *VCOL (p. 1742), *VCUM (p. 1744), *VFACT (p. 1755),
*VLEN (p. 1780), and *VMASK (p. 1783) commands.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Calculates and prints geometry statistics of the selected volumes.
PREP7 (p. 20): Volumes (p. 25)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Controls the degree of tessellation used in the calculation of area properties. If LAB = DEFAULT, area cal-
culations will use the degree of tessellation set through the /FACET (p. 609) command. If LAB = FINE, area
calculations are based on a finer tessellation.
Calculates and prints geometry statistics (volume, centroid location, moments of inertia, etc.) associated
with the selected volumes. Geometry items are reported in the global Cartesian coordinate system. A
unit density is assumed unless the volumes have a material association via the VATT (p. 1741) command.
Items calculated by VSUM and later retrieved by a *GET (p. 667) or *VGET (p. 1766) command are valid
only if the model is not modified after the VSUM command is issued.
Setting a finer degree of tessellation will provide area calculations with greater accuracy, especially for
thin, hollow models. However, using a finer degree of tessellation requires longer processing.
For very thin volumes, such that the ratio of the minimum to the maximum dimension is less than 0.01,
the VSUM command can provide erroneous volume information. To ensure that such calculations are
accurate, make certain that you subdivide such volumes so that the ratio of the minimum to the max-
imum is at least 0.05.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Operate>Calc Geom Items>Of Volumes
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1808 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Number identifying the volume that is to be meshed by VSWEEP. If VNUM = P, graphical picking is enabled,
you will be prompted to choose the volume or volumes based on the setting of EXTOPT (p. 601),VSWE,AUTO.
This argument is required.
“ALL” is a valid input value that when selected sends all the selected volumes to the sweeper. If
VNUM = ALL, each volume that can be swept will be and those not able to be swept will be unmeshed
or meshed with tets depending upon the setting of EXTOPT (p. 601),VSWE,TETS.
A component name is a valid input value. All volumes that are part of the specified component will
be sent to the sweeper.
Number identifying the source area. This is the area whose mesh will provide the pattern for the volume
elements. (If you do not mesh the source area prior to volume sweeping, ANSYS meshes it internally when
you initiate volume sweeping.) ANSYS sweeps the pattern of the area elements through the volume to
create the mesh of volume elements. You cannot substitute a component name for SRCA.
This argument is optional. If VNUM = ALL or is a component containing more than one volume,
SRCA is ignored. If SRCA is not provided or if it is ignored, VSWEEP attempts to automatically de-
termine which area should be the target area.
Number identifying the target area. This is the area that is opposite the source area specified by SRCA.
You cannot substitute a component name for TRGA.
This argument is optional. If VNUM = ALL or component containing more than one volume, TRGA
is ignored. If TRGA is not provided or if it is ignored, VSWEEP attempts to automatically determine
which area should be the target area.
Value specifying whether ANSYS should perform line smoothing during volume sweeping. (The value of
this argument controls line smoothing for the VSWEEP command only; it has no effect on the setting of
the MOPT (p. 960) command's LSMO option.) This argument is optional.
Do not perform line smoothing. This is the default.
Always perform line smoothing. This setting is not recommended for large models due to speed con-
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1809
If the source mesh consists of quadrilateral elements, ANSYS fills the volume with hexahedral elements.
If the source mesh consists of triangles, ANSYS fills the volume with wedges. If the source mesh consists
of a combination of quadrilaterals and triangles, ANSYS fills the volume with a combination of hexahedral
and wedge elements.
In the past, you may have used the VROTAT (p. 1797), VEXT (p. 1754), VOFFST (p. 1784), and/or VDRAG (p. 1748)
commands to extrude a meshed area into a meshed volume. However, those commands create the
volume and the volume mesh simultaneously. In contrast, the VSWEEP command is intended for use
in an existing unmeshed volume. This makes VSWEEP particularly useful when you have imported a
solid model that was created in another program, and you want to mesh it in ANSYS.
For related information, see the description of the EXTOPT (p. 601) command (although EXTOPT (p. 601)
sets volume sweeping options, it does not affect element spacing). Also see the detailed discussion of
volume sweeping in Meshing Your Solid Model of the Modeling and Meshing Guide.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Meshing>Mesh>Volume Sweep>Sweep
Symmetry key:
X symmetry (default).
Y symmetry.
Z symmetry.
Keypoint increment between sets. If zero, the lowest available keypoint numbers are assigned [NUM-
STR (p. 1085)].
Specifies whether nodes and elements are also to be generated:
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1810 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Generate nodes and elements associated with the original volumes, if they exist.
Do not generate nodes and elements.
Specifies whether volumes will be moved or newly defined:
Generate additional volumes.
Move original volumes to new position retaining the same keypoint numbers (KINC and NOELEM are
ignored). Corresponding meshed items are also moved if not needed at their original position.
Generates a reflected set of volumes (and their corresponding keypoints, lines, areas and mesh) from
a given volume pattern by a symmetry reflection (see analogous node symmetry command,
NSYM (p. 1074)). The MAT, TYPE, REAL, and ESYS attributes are based upon the volumes in the pattern
and not upon the current settings. Reflection is done in the active coordinate system by changing a
particular coordinate sign. The active coordinate system must be a Cartesian system. Volumes in the
pattern may have been generated in any coordinate system. However, solid modeling in a toroidal co-
ordinate system is not recommended. Volumes are generated as described in the VGEN (p. 1765) command.
See the ESYM (p. 569) command for additional information about symmetry elements.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Reflect>Volumes
Reference number of coordinate system where the pattern is to be transferred. Transfer occurs from the
active coordinate system. The coordinate system type and parameters of KCNTO must be the same as the
active system.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1811
Keypoint increment between sets. If zero, the lowest available keypoint numbers are assigned [NUM-
STR (p. 1085)].
Specifies whether elements and nodes are also to be generated:
Generate nodes and elements associated with the original volumes, if they exist.
Do not generate nodes and elements.
Specifies whether to redefine the existing volumes:
Generate additional volumes.
Move original volumes to new position retaining the same keypoint numbers (KINC and NOELEM are
ignored). Corresponding meshed items are also moved if not needed at their original position.
Transfers a pattern of volumes (and their corresponding keypoints, lines, areas and mesh) from one
coordinate system to another (see analogous node transfer command, TRANSFER (p. 1686)). The MAT,
TYPE, REAL, and ESYS attributes are based upon the volumes in the pattern and not upon the current
settings. Coordinate systems may be translated and rotated relative to each other. Initial pattern may
be generated in any coordinate system. However, solid modeling in a toroidal coordinate system is not
recommended. Coordinate and slope values are interpreted in the active coordinate system and are
transferred directly. Volumes are generated as described in the VGEN (p. 1765) command.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Move / Modify>Transfer Coord>Volumes
Type of viewing procedure:
Hidden procedure.
Non-hidden (faster, but less general) procedure.
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1812 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Number of sampling zones for the hidden procedure (100 maximum for 3-D, 1000 maximum for 2-D).
Defaults to 20 for 3-D, 200 for 2-D. Number of points is 2*NZONE for 2-D and 2*NZONE*(NZONE+1) for 3-
Command Default
Hidden procedure using 20 zones for 3-D, 200 zones for 2-D.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Radiation Opt>Matrix Method>Write Matrix
Window number (or ALL) to which command applies (defaults to 1).
Y vertical upward, X horizontal to the right, Z out from the screen (default).
Y vertical downward, X horizontal to the left, Z out from the screen.
X vertical upward, Y horizontal to the left, Z out from the screen.
X vertical downward, Y horizontal to the right, Z out from the screen.
Z vertical upward, Y horizontal to the right, X out from the screen. With this choice, you should use a
view other than the /VIEW (p. 1776) default of (0,0,1).
Z vertical downward, Y horizontal to the left, X out from the screen. With this choice, you should use
a view other than the /VIEW (p. 1776) default of (0,0,1).
Command Default
Y vertical upward, X horizontal to the right, Z out from the screen.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1813
Specifies the global Cartesian coordinate system reference orientation. The /VIEW (p. 1776) and
/ANGLE (p. 121) commands may be used to reorient the view and are relative to this reference orientation.
All coordinate systems are right-handed.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>View Settings>Viewing Direction
*VWRITE (p.1814),Par1,Par2,Par3,Par4,Par5,Par6,Par7,Par8,Par9,Par10,
Par11, Par12, Par13, Par14, Par15, Par16, Par17, Par18, Par19
Writes data to a file in a formatted sequence.
APDL (p. 17): Array Parameters (p. 18)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Argument Descriptions
Par1, Par2, Par3, . . . , Par19
You can write up to 19 parameters (or constants) at a time. Any Par values after a blank Par value are ignored.
If you leave them all blank, one line will be written (to write a title or a blank line). If you input the keyword
SEQU, a sequence of numbers (starting from 1) will be written for that item.
You use *VWRITE (p. 1814) to write data to a file in a formatted sequence. Data items (Par1, Par2, etc.)
may be array parameters, scalar parameters, character parameters (scalar or array), or constants. You
must evaluate expressions and functions in the data item fields before using the *VWRITE (p. 1814)
command, since initially they will be evaluated to a constant and remain constant throughout the op-
eration. Unless a file is defined with the *CFOPEN (p. 271) command, data is written to the standard
output file. Data written to the standard output file may be diverted to a different file by first switching
the current output file with the /OUTPUT (p. 1114) command. You can also use the *MWRITE (p. 1001)
command to write data to a specified file. Both commands contain format descriptors on the line im-
mediately following the command. The format descriptors can be in either FORTRAN or C format.
You must enclose FORTRAN format descriptors in parentheses. They must immediately follow the
*VWRITE (p. 1814) command on a separate line of the same input file. Do not include the word FORMAT.
The format must specify the number of fields to be written per line, the field width, the placement of
the decimal point, etc. You should use one field descriptor for each data item written. The write operation
uses your system's available FORTRAN FORMAT conventions (see your system FORTRAN manual). You
can use any standard FORTRAN real format (such as (4F6.0), (E10.3,2X,D8.2), etc.) and alphanumeric
format (A). Alphanumeric strings are limited to a maximum of 8 characters for any field (A8) using the
FORTRAN format. Use the “C” format for string arrays larger than 8 characters. Integer (I) and list-directed
(*) descriptors may not be used. You can include text in the format as a quoted string. The parentheses
must be included in the format and the format must not exceed 80 characters (including parentheses).
The output line length is limited to 128 characters.
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1814 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The “C” format descriptors are used if the first character of the format descriptor line is not a left paren-
thesis. “C” format descriptors are up to 80 characters long, consisting of text strings and predefined
"data descriptors" between the strings where numeric or alphanumeric character data will be inserted.
The normal descriptors are %I for integer data, %G for double precision data, %C for alphanumeric
character data, and %/ for a line break. There must be one data descriptor for each specified value (8
maximum) in the order of the specified values. The enhanced formats described in *MSG (p. 989) may
also be used.
For array parameter items, you must define the starting array element number. Looping continues (in-
crementing the vector index number of each array parameter by one) each time you output a line,
until the maximum array vector element is written. For example, *VWRITE (p. 1814),A(1) followed by (F6.0)
will write one value per output line, i.e., A(1), A(2), A(3), A(4), etc. You write constants and scalar para-
meters with the same values for each loop. You can also control the number of loops and loop skipping
with the *VLEN (p. 1780) and *VMASK (p. 1783) commands. The vector specifications *VABS (p. 1738),
*VFACT (p. 1755), and *VCUM (p. 1744) do not apply to this command. If looping continues beyond the
supplied data array's length, zeros will be output for numeric array parameters and blanks for character
array parameters. For multi-dimensioned array parameters, only the first (row) subscript is incremented.
See the *VOPER (p. 1786) command for details. If you are in the GUI, the *VWRITE (p. 1814) command
must be contained in an externally prepared file and read into ANSYS (i.e., *USE (p. 1727), /INPUT (p. 791),
If Par is a table array name, the subscripts refer to the index numbers of the table and not the index
values of its primary variables. See *SET (p. 1453) if you want to evaluate a table array at certain values
of its primary variables for writing.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>Parameters>Array Parameters>Write to File
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1815
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1816 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
W Commands
Argument Descriptions
Time delay (in seconds). Maximum time delay is 59 seconds.
The command following the /WAIT (p. 1817) will not be processed until the specified wait time increment
has elapsed. Useful when reading from a prepared input file to cause a pause, for example, after a display
command so that the display can be reviewed for a period of time. Another "wait" feature is available
via the *ASK (p. 77) command.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Window reference number (1 to 5). Defaults to 1. This number, or ALL (for all active windows), may be used
on other commands.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1817
Copies the current specifications from window NCOPY (1 to 5) to this window. If NCOPY = 0 (or blank), no
specifications are copied.
Command Default
One window at full screen.
Defines the window size on the screen. Windows may occupy a separate section of the screen or they
may overlap. Requested displays are formed in all windows according to the selected window specific-
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Window Controls>Copy Window Specs
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Window Controls>Delete Window
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Window Controls>Window Layout
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Window Controls>Window On or Off
X1, Y1, Z1
Coordinates (in the active coordinate system) of the first point. If X1 = P, graphical picking is enabled and
all remaining command fields are ignored (valid only in the GUI).
X2, Y2, Z2
Coordinates (in the active coordinate system) of the second point.
X3, Y3, Z3
Coordinates (in the active coordinate system) of the third point.
Moves the origin of the working plane to the average of the specified points. A point is considered
specified only if at least one of its coordinates is non-blank, and at least one point (1, 2, or 3) must be
specified. Blank coordinates of a specified point are assumed to be zero. Averaging is based on the
active coordinate system.
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1818 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Offset WP to>Global Origin
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Offset WP to>Origin of Active CS
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Offset WP to>XYZ Locations
Window number whose viewing direction will be modified to be normal to the working plane (defaults to
1). If WN is a negative value, the viewing direction will not be modified.
Coordinate system number. KCN may be 0,1,2 or any previously defined local coordinate system number
(defaults to the active system).
Defines a working plane location and orientation based on an existing coordinate system. If a Cartesian
system is used as the basis (KCN) for the working plane, the working plane will also be Cartesian, in the
X-Y plane of the base system. If a cylindrical, spherical, or toroidal base system is used, the working
plane will be a polar system in the R-θ plane of the base system.
If working plane tracking has been activated (CSYS (p. 364),WP or CSYS (p. 364),4), the updated active
coordinate system will be of a similar type, except that a toroidal system will be updated to a cylindrical
system. See the Modeling and Meshing Guide for more information on working plane tracking.
Some primitive generation commands will not honor R-theta transformations for non-cartesian coordinate
systems. Refer to the primitive commands table (p. 22) for more information.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>General Postproc>Surface Operations>Create Surface>Sphere>At Node
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Align WP with>Active Coord Sys
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Align WP with>Global Cartesian
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Align WP with>Specified Coord Sys
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1819
Defines a working plane to assist in picking operations.
DATABASE (p. 11): Working Plane (p. 13)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Window number whose viewing direction will be modified to be normal to the working plane (defaults to
1). If WN is a negative value, the viewing direction will not be modified. If fewer than three points are used,
the viewing direction of window WN will be used instead to define the normal to the working plane.
Command Default
Working plane parallel to the global X-Y plane at Z = 0.0.
Defines a working plane to assist in picking operations using the coordinates of three noncolinear
points. The three points also define the working plane coordinate system. A minimum of one point (the
working plane origin) is required. Immediate mode may also be active. See WPSTYL (p. 1821) command
to set the style of working plane display.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Align WP with>XYZ Locations
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1820 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Changes the origin of the working plane by translating the working plane along its coordinate system
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Offset WP by Increments
First rotation about the working plane Z axis (positive X toward Y).
Second rotation about working plane X axis (positive Y toward Z).
Third rotation about working plane Y axis (positive Z toward X).
The specified angles (in degrees) are relative to the orientation of the working plane.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Offset WP by Increments
Controls the display and style of the working plane.
DATABASE (p. 11): Working Plane (p. 13)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Snap increment for a locational pick (1E-6 minimum). If -1, turn off snap capability. For example, a picked
location of 1.2456 with a snap of 0.1 gives 1.2, with 0.01 gives 1.25, with 0.001 gives 1.246, and with 0.025
gives 1.250 (defaults to 0.05).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1821
Graphical spacing between grid points. For graphical representation only and not related to snap points
(defaults to 0.1).
Defines the size of a square grid (if WPCTYP = 0) to be displayed over a portion of the working plane. The
opposite corners of the grid will be located at grid points nearest the working plane coordinates of
(GRMIN,GRMIN) and (GRMAX,GRMAX). If a polar system (WPCTYP = 1), GRMAX is the outside radius of grid
and GRMIN is ignored. If GRMIN = GRMAX, no grid will be displayed (defaults to -1.0 and 1.0 for GRMIN
and GRMAX respectively).
The tolerance that an entity's location can deviate from the specified working plane, while still being
considered on the plane. Used only for locational picking of vertices for polygons and prisms (defaults to
Working plane coordinate system type:
Cartesian (default). If working plane tracking is on [CSYS (p. 364),4], the updated active coordinate
system will also be Cartesian.
Polar. If working plane tracking is on, the updated active coordinate system will be cylindrical.
Polar. If working plane tracking is on, the updated active coordinate system will be spherical.
Grid type:
Grid and WP triad.
Grid only.
WP triad only (default).
Grid visibility:
Do not show GRTYPE entities (grid and/or triad) (default).
Show GRTYPE entities. Cartesian working planes will be displayed with a Cartesian grid, polar with a
polar grid.
Snap angle (0--180) in degrees. Used only if WPCTYP = 1 or 2. Defaults to 5 degrees.
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1822 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Command Default
Snap capability on with an increment of .05, spacing between grid points of 0.1, Cartesian coordinate
system, WP triad displayed, and a tolerance of .003.
Use WPSTYL,DEFA to reset the working plane to its default location and style. Use WPSTYL,STAT to
list the status of the working plane. Blank fields will keep present settings.
It is possible to specify SNAP and WPTOL values that will cause conflicts during picking operations.
Check your values carefully, and if problems are noted, revert to the default values.
WPSTYL with no arguments will toggle the grid on and off. The working plane can be displayed in the
non-GUI interactive mode only after issuing a /PLOPTS (p. 1197),WP,1 command. See the Modeling and
Meshing Guide for more information on working plane tracking. See /PLOPTS (p. 1197) command for
control of hidden line working plane.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Builder>ROM>ElecStruc
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Modeling>Create>Circuit>Set Grid
Utility Menu>List>Status>Working Plane
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Display Working Plane
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Offset WP by Increments
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>Show WP Status
Utility Menu>WorkPlane>WP settings
WRFULL, Ldstep
Stops solution after assembling global matrices.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Load Step Options (p. 40)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
Specify action to take:
OFF or 0
Turn off feature (default)
Turn on feature and set it to stop after assembling the global matrices and writing the .FULL file for
load step N.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1823
Command Default
By default the WRFULL command is turned OFF.
This command is used in conjunction with the SOLVE (p. 1538) command to generate the assembled
matrix file (.FULL file) only. The element matrices are assembled into the relevant global matrices for
the particular analysis being performed and the .FULL file is written. Equation solution and the output
of data to the results file are skipped. To dump the matrices written on the .FULL file into Harwell-
Boeing format, use the HBMAT (p. 751) command in /AUX2. To copy the matrices to a postscript format
that can be viewed graphically, use the PSMAT (p. 1285) command.
To use the LSSOLVE (p. 906) macro with this command, you may need to modify the LSSOLVE (p. 906)
macro to properly stop at the load step of interest.
This command only valid for linear static, full harmonic, and full transient analyses when the sparse
direct solver is selected. This command is also valid for buckling or modal analyses with any mode ex-
traction method. This command is not valid for nonlinear analyses. It is not supported in a linear per-
turbation analysis.
In general, the assembled matrix file .FULL contains stiffness, mass, and damping matrices. However,
the availability of the matrices depends on the analysis type chosen when the file is written.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Preprocessor>Loads>Load Step Opts>Stop Solution
Main Menu>Solution>Load Step Opts>Stop Solution
WRITE, Fname
Writes the radiation matrix file.
AUX12 (p. 59): Radiation Matrix Method (p. 59)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Writes radiation matrix file (File.SUB) for input to the substructure thermal "use" pass. Subsequent
WRITE operations to the same file overwrite the file.
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1824 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Radiation Opt>Matrix Method>Write Matrix
Writes interpolated pressure data to a file.
/MAP (p. 60): Pressure Mapping (p. 60)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
File name and directory path (248 characters maximum, including the characters needed for the directory
path). An unspecified directory path defaults to the working directory; in this case, you can use all 248
characters for the file name.
Writes the interpolated pressure data to the specified file. The data is written as SFE (p. 1487) commands
applied to the SURF154 elements that are on the target surface. You may read this data for inclusion
in an analysis by using /INPUT (p. 791),Fname.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Argument Descriptions
Number of the active memory workspace for APDLMath vector and matrices. All the following APDLMath
vectors and matrices will belong to this memory workspace, until the next call to the *WRK (p. 1825) command.
By default, all the APDLMath objects belong to workspace number 1.
This feature enables you to associate a set of vector and matrices in a given memory workspace, so
that you can easily manage the free step:
*VEC,V,D,ALLOC,5 ! V belongs to the default Workspace 1
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1825
This feature can be useful to free all the temporary APDLMath variables inside a MACRO in one call.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Creates weak springs on corner nodes of a bounding box of the currently selected elements.
SOLUTION (p. 35): Misc Loads (p. 42)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
WSPRINGS invokes a predefined ANSYS macro that is used during the import of loads from the ADAMS
program into the ANSYS program. WSPRINGS creates weak springs on the corner nodes of the
bounding box of the currently selected elements. The six nodes of the bounding box are attached to
ground using COMBIN14 elements. The stiffness is chosen as a small number and can be changed by
changing the real constants of the COMBIN14 elements. This command works only for models that have
a geometric extension in two or three dimensions. One dimensional problems (pure beam in one axis)
are not supported.
For more information on how WSPRINGS is used during the transfer of loads from the ADAMS program
to ANSYS, see Import Loads into ANSYS in the Substructuring Analysis Guide.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>Solution>ADAMS Connection>Import fr ADAMS
Element number (next available number by default).
Node number connecting support structure and turbine.
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1826 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Damping option for the turbine:
Damping matrix obtained from the aeroelastic code plus Rayleigh damping (default).
Rayleigh damping only.
Damping from the aeroelastic code only.
WTBCREATE invokes a predefined ANSYS macro that will automatically generate a turbine element
and issue relevant data commands that are necessary to run a full aeroelastic coupling analysis. For
detailed information on how to perform a fully coupled aeroelastic analysis, see Fully Coupled Wind
Turbine Example in Mechanical APDL in the Programmer's Reference.
The generated USER300 turbine element will have 9 nodes with node numbers NODE, NMAX+1, NMAX+2,
..., NMAX+8, where NMAX is the maximum node number currently in the model.
There are 6 freedoms on the first node of the element: UX, UY, UZ, ROTX, ROTY, ROTZ, and these are
true structural freedoms. For all the other nodes (i.e., nodes 2 to 9), only the translational freedoms (UX,
UY, UZ) are used. These are generalized freedoms that are internal to the turbine element and are used
by the aeroelastic code only.
The element type integer of the USER300 element is the current maximum element type integer plus
The command will also set up the analysis settings appropriate for a full aeroelastic coupling analysis.
These include full Newton-Raphson solution (NROPT (p. 1053),FULL) and a USRCAL (p. 1729) command to
activate the relevant user routines.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1827
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1828 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
X Commands
Name of the enrichment specified via the associated XFENRICH (p. 1830) command.
Name of the element component consisting of MESH200 elements that form the crack surface.
Name of the node component consisting of the crack front nodes of the crack surface.
Used in an XFEM-based crack analysis, this command defines a crack in the model when the crack surface
is discretized by MESH200 elements. For more informatiom, see MESH200 Element Method in the
Fracture Analysis Guide.
Issue the XFCRKMESH command multiple times as needed to define multiple crack surfaces in the
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Name of the enrichment specified via the associated XFENRICH (p. 1830) command.
Indicates that level set values are being specified (default).
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1829
Element number.
Node number associated with the specified element ELNUM.
Signed normal distance of the node from the crack.
Signed normal distance of the node from the crack tip (or crack front). Used only in the singularity-based
XFEM method.
Issue the XFDATA command multiple times as needed to specify nodal level set values for all nodes
of an element.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
An alphanumeric name assigned to identify the enrichment. The name can contain up to 32 characters
and must begin with an alphabetic character. Alphabetic characters, numbers, and underscores are valid.
Name of the element set component for which initial cracks are defined and possibly propagated.
Material ID number referring to cohesive zone material behavior on the initial crack. If 0 or not specified,
the initial crack is assumed to be free of cohesive zone behavior. Used only with the phantom-node XFEM
method (Method).
PHAN -- Use phantom-node-based XFEM (default).
Radius defining the region around the crack tip encompassing the set of elements to be influenced by the
crack-tip singularity effects. Default = 0.0. Used only in singularity-based XFEM.
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1830 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Snap tolerance to snap the crack tip to the closest crack face along the extension direction. Default = 1.0E-
6. Used only in singularity-based XFEM.
If MAT_ID is specified, the cohesive zone behavior is described by the bilinear cohesive law.
If issuing multiple XFENRICH commands, the element components (CompName) should not intersect
(that is, the element components should not have any common elements between them).
When multiple XFENRICH commands are issued in an analysis, combining the phantom-node-based
method (Method = PHAN) and the singularity-based method (Method = SING) is not valid. Only one
XFEM method per analysis is allowed.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
XFLIST, EnrichmentID
Lists enrichment details and associated crack information
PREP7 (p. 20): Special Purpose (p. 34)
SOLUTION (p. 35): Misc Loads (p. 42)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
EnrichmentID or (blank)
Name of the enrichment specified via the associated XFENRICH (p. 1830) command. Specifying Enrichmen-
tID is optional.
If no value (or ALL) is specified, the command lists all enrichments and associated data.
This command is valid in PREP7 (/PREP7 (p. 1235)) and SOLUTION (/SOLU (p. 1537)).
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1831
The location or entity (centroid) used to define the center or axis of rotation.
If NODE is chosen for the center of rotation, the node number will be X1. If the rotation is to
be about an axis, then X1 and Y1 define the two nodes between which a line is drawn to de-
termine the axis. The remaining arguments are ignored.
If ELEMENT is chosen for the center of rotation, the element number will be X1. If the rotation
is to be about an axis, then X1 and Y1 define the two elements between which a line is drawn
to determine the axis. The remaining arguments are ignored.
If KP is chosen for the center of rotation, the keypoint number will be X1. If the rotation is to
be about an axis, then X1 and Y1 define the two keypoints between which a line is drawn to
determine the axis. The remaining arguments are ignored.
If LINE is chosen for the center of rotation, the line number will be X1. If the rotation is to be
about an axis, then X1 and Y1 define the two lines between which a line is drawn to determine
the axis. The remaining arguments are ignored.
If AREA is chosen for the center of rotation, the area number will be X1. If the rotation is to be
about an axis, then X1 and Y1 define the two areas between which a line is drawn to determine
the axis. The remaining arguments are ignored.
If VOLUME is chosen for the center of rotation, the volume number will be X1. If the rotation
is to be about an axis, then X1 and Y1 define the two volumes between which a line is drawn
to determine the axis. The remaining arguments are ignored.
If XYZ is chosen for the center of rotation, the location of that center is determined by the co-
ordinates X1, Y1, Z1. If values are specified for X2, Y2, Z2, then the axis of rotation will be
about the line between those two points.
If LAB = OFF, DEFAULT, FOCUS or if no value is specified, then the center of rotation is set at
the FOCUS point, as defined by the /FOCUS (p. 643) command.
The entity number or X coordinate for the center of rotation.
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1832 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
The entity number or Y coordinate for the center of rotation.
The Z coordinate for the center of rotation.
The X coordinate for the axis of rotation.
The Y coordinate for the axis of rotation.
The Z coordinate for the axis of rotation.
Command Default
Issuing /XFRM (p. 1832), with no LAB defined sets the center of rotation at the focal point specified by
the /FOCUS (p. 643) command.
The /XFRM (p. 1832) command is active only when the cumulative rotation key is specified ON for the
/ANGLE (p. 121) command (KINCR = 1). This command affects dynamic manipulations only.
For center rotation, the middle mouse button will rotate the model about the screen Z axis and the
right mouse button will rotate the model about the screen X and Y axis.
For rotation about an axis, the middle mouse button will rotate the model about the defined axis of
rotation and the right mouse button will be deactivated.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>ViewSettings>Rotational Center>ByPick
Specifies the action for scanning file content (no default). Valid labels are:
Open the specified file.
Close the specified file.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1833
List the records at the current level in the hierarchy of records.
Display the current location in the tree.
Step down in the tree of records.
Go up in the tree of records.
Read a record into an APDL Math object.
Display information from a record.
Move directly to a given place in the tree of records (this avoids multiple calls to the STEP and
UP options).
Mark a set of records of the current file; the asterisk (*) character can be used to specify multiple
Copy the current file to a new one, ignoring the marked records.
Save the current file, ignoring the marked records.
Val1, Val2
Additional input. The meanings of Val1 and Val2 vary depending on the specified Action, as described
in the table below.
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1834 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
MARK The complete path to the record(s); use (*) (not used)
character to select multiple records (see example
in next section)
COPY Name of the new file If blank (default), marked records
are not copied to the new file. Valid
inputs are:
The *XPL command enables you to explore the contents of a Mechanical APDL file. Use this command
to traverse up and down the tree structure of the specified file and review what is in the file. Files that
can be scanned include .RST, .MODE, .FULL, .CMS, and .SUB files. For more information and examples,
see Using APDL to List File Structure and Content in the ANSYS Parametric Design Language Guide.
The command *XPL,READ generates either a *VEC (p. 1749) or a *DMAT (p. 454) object according to the
record type. You do not have to create the APDL Math object before issuing this command.
Menu Paths
This command cannot be accessed from a menu.
Minimum abscissa scale value.
Maximum abscissa scale value.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1835
Command Default
Automatically select X-range scale to include all data being displayed.
Specifies a linear abscissa (X) scale range for the line graph display. Use /XRANGE (p. 1835),DEFAULT to
return to automatic scaling.
Automatic scaling will often yield inappropriate range values for logarithmic scales (/GROPT (p. 735),
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Graphs>Modify Axes
Specifies the X variable to be displayed.
POST26 (p. 55): Display (p. 57)
Valid Products: (p. 2) DesignSpace | Pro | Premium | Enterprise | PrepPost | Solver | AS add-on
X variable number:
0 or 1
Display PLVAR (p. 1206) values vs. time (or frequency).
Display PLVAR (p. 1206) values vs. variable n (2 to NV [NUMVAR (p. 1086)]).
Interchange time and PLVAR (p. 1206) variable numbers with time as the curve parameter. PLVAR (p. 1206)
variable numbers are displayed uniformly spaced along X-axis from position 1 to 10.
Command Default
Use time or frequency.
Defines the X variable (displayed along the abscissa) against which the Y variable(s) [PLVAR (p. 1206)]
are to be displayed.
Menu Paths
Main Menu>TimeHist Postpro>Settings>Graph
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1836 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Y Commands
Minimum ordinate scale value.
Maximum ordinate scale value.
Y-axis number to which range applies (defaults to 1). Valid numbers are 1 to 3 for /GRTYP (p. 739),2 and 1
to 6 for /GRTYP (p. 739),3. If ALL, apply to all Y-axes.
Command Default
Automatically select Y-range scale to include all data being displayed.
Specifies a linear ordinate (Y) scale range for the line graph display. Use /YRANGE (p. 1837),DEFAULT to
return to automatic scaling. For multiple Y-axes graphs [/GRTYP (p. 739)], see /GROPT (p. 735), ASCAL
to automatically scale the additional Y-axes.
Automatic scaling will often yield inappropriate range values for logarithmic scales (/GROPT (p. 735),
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Style>Graphs>Modify Axes
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1837
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1838 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Z Commands
Window number to which command applies (defaults to 1).
Label to define the desired type of zoom:
Turns zoom off (refits image of entire model to the window).
Goes back to previous zoom setting (five successive back ups, maximum).
Interprets X1,Y1 as the screen coordinates of the center of a square zoom region; X2,Y2 as the screen
coordinates of a point on one side of that square.
Interprets X1,Y1 and X2,Y2 as the screen coordinates of two opposite corners of a rectangular zoom
Zooms (centers and magnifies) the specified region of a display window. /ZOOM (p. 1839) will operate
on a display that has been formed by an explicit graphics action command (APLOT (p. 146), EPLOT (p. 536),
etc.). /ZOOM (p. 1839) has no effect on an "immediate" graphics display. When /ZOOM (p. 1839) is executed,
the display is automatically replotted such that the specified zoom region is centered and sized to fill
the window.
Auto resizing is disabled when you issue the /ZOOM (p. 1839) command. To restore auto resizing, issue
the /AUTO (p. 178) command, or select FIT from the Pan, Zoom, Rotate box.
Menu Paths
Utility Menu>PlotCtrls>Pan, Zoom, Rotate
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 1839
Release 2020 R1 - © ANSYS, Inc. All rights reserved. - Contains proprietary and confidential information
1840 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.