Enlightened people are an integral and essential part of society. To understand what
enlightenment is, it is enough to turn to Immanuel Kant: dare to use your mind - this is the motto
After all, courage is required from a person with danger and risk. Therefore, to think
percentage of the population is not afraid to think independently and express their personal
guidance from another." Being able to think for oneself or free from the influence of any outside
authority is what Kant defined as being enlightened. I certainly concur that this definition is
individualistic. It becomes clear that Kant is primarily interested in defending the freedom of
expression, which he claims is the only prerequisite for the possibility of an enlightened society.
The second noteworthy aspect of Kant's formulation is the idea that immaturity is always
self-imposed and that people who remain unenlightened are accountable for their failures.
Therefore, the immature are only to blame themselves. According to Kant, our laziness and fear
are the only things that cause us to follow other people's advice rather than thinking for
ourselves. Therefore, all we (as individuals) require is the "courage and resolve" to think for
ourselves. He contends that a lack of bravery causes a lack of maturity to utilize one's reason,
intellect, and knowledge without the assistance of another, not by a lack of comprehension. Kant
asserted that all women and most men view using reason as harmful.
Today, people are limited in their right to express their opinions and question social
structures publicly without trying to attract unnecessary attention from the authorities to their
personal life. Thinking contrary to specific prohibitions the authors prescribe carries an actual
probability of being punished for failing to comply with the specified. We can express and think
freely without fear and shadows of doubt only in the circle of close people. Even social media, in
these cases, become not an assistant but a weapon against us. Public opinion is sometimes so
strong that it can instantly crush a person and destroy his life with one keystroke.