Global Warming

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How global warming does influences our health and well-being?

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How global warming does influences our health and well-being?

In all forms of media, the issues of global warming and climate change are currently

being extensively debated. There is never a day without some mention of these subjects. They

are linked to discussions about rising greenhouse gas concentrations, fossil fuel emissions of

carbon dioxide, emissions reduction, production of renewable energy, sustainability of the

planet's finite resources, and other related issues. The current climate change is faster than most

previous events, making it more difficult for human societies and the natural world to adapt. This

research area is crucial for everyone as its causes affect our daily lives. The paper will mainly

examine how global warming influences our health and well-being.

Numerous factors, including climate change, environmental and human-made health

stresses, and global warming, impact human health and disease. New health threats will appear,

and some current health threats will become more serious. The hazards to public health posed by

wildfires and ground-level ozone pollution are rising, according to the National Center for

Environmental Health (U.S.) (2020). Increased respiratory and cardiovascular disease, injuries

from extreme weather events, changes in the prevalence and geographic distribution of food- and

water-borne illnesses, other infectious diseases, and dangers to mental health are some of the

health repercussions of these disruptions (National Center for Environmental Health, 2020).

Brusseau et al. investigate that an estimated 150,000 people died in 2000 due to global climate

change (2019). According to estimates, 2.4% of diarrhea cases worldwide, 6% of malaria cases

in some middle-income nations, and 7% of dengue fever cases in some industrialized countries

are all related to climate change (Brusseau et al., 2019). Brusseau et al. study has shown that,

between 2030 and 2050, the effects of global climate change will result in an additional 250,000

fatalities per year (2019). Therefore, it may be said that global warming's impact is both serious

and crucial to humanity.

Creating and executing coordinated and sustainable plans to manage socio-environmental

changes and the climate at the global, national, and subnational levels is a widespread call.

According to Dhimal et al., policy and plans must be created to address the effects of climate

change on health (2021). Such action plans are a very effective integrative tool for managing

diseases and risks influenced by the climate. Their implementation is a huge but doable issue,

and it can only move forward if gender, population, environmental challenges, and creative

solutions are considered (Dhimal et al., 2021). Dhimal et al., have also stated that a participatory

process is needed to effectively manage the numerous effects of climate change on health and

enhance human welfare worldwide (2021). This process should include empowering youth,

women, indigenous groups, and sustainable international cooperation.

With significant health effects that are expected to show in various ways in various parts

of the world, global warming poses a dilemma for public health on a worldwide scale. Climate

change contributes to the expansion of pests and pathogens into new areas and the deterioration

of many existing diseases and disorders. Children, the elderly, the impoverished, and individuals

with health issues are at higher risk for adverse health outcomes due to climate change. Actions

that are preventative and adaptive, including installing early warning systems for extreme

weather, and enhancing water infrastructure can lessen the intensity of these effects. Still, their

efficacy is constrained by some expected dangers from climate change.



Brusseau, M. L., Ramirez-Andreotta, M., Pepper, I. L., & Maximillian, J. (2019). Environmental

impacts on human health and well-being. In Environmental and pollution science (pp.

477-499). Academic Press.

Dhimal, M., Bhandari, D., Dhimal, M. L., Kafle, N., Pyakurel, P., Mahotra, N, & Müller, R.

(2021). Impact of Climate Change on Health and Well-Being of People in Hindu Kush

Himalayan Region: A Narrative Review. Frontiers in Physiology, 12, 651189.

National Center for Environmental Health (U.S.). (2020). Preparing for the regional health

impacts of climate change in the United States: A summary of health effects, resources,

and adaptation examples from health departments funded by CDC's climate and health

program. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved September 10, 2022,


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