Lesson Plan

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I. Objectives

a. General Objective/ Learning Competency

Determine the Principles of exercise like Active Recreation (Fitness) by the novice challenges
(strength training without weight)

b. Intended Learning objectives

At the end of lesson student should be able to:

1. To assess the muscular strength
2. To stretch and condition the muscles to be used for the strength.
3. Discuss the importance of proper execution of exercises for safety
4. Analyzes exercise activity.

II. Subject matter

 The principle of Exercise of Active Recreation (Fitness)

A. selection:
 The novice challenges (strength training without weight)

B. skills:

 Humbleness
 Hardworking
 Patience

C. reference:

• Grade 10
Physical Education and Health
(Learner’s materials)
Page: 84-85
 K12 Curriculum

III. Materials

 Exercise mats

IV. Procedure


• The result of the pre-test will check your current knowledge, understanding and

skills of Active Recreation for fitness.

Encircles the correct answer in the following:

1. It is kind of flattening the abs as bring your hands up by your ears and take your

elbows out wide. Then elevate your feet off the floor with a 90 degree bend at your hips

and your knees, what is it?

a. push-up c. twisting crunches

b. decline push-up d. leg raises

2. It is tightening your core by pulling your belly button toward your spine. · Inhale as

you slowly bend your elbows and lower?

a. decline push-up c. leg raises

b. push-up d. glute lift

3. it is a kind of a strength exercise in which the trainee lowers their hips from a standing

position and then stands back up.

a. push-up c. glute lift

b. squat d. triceps dip

4. what is the materials that use for tricep dip?

a. stick c. chair

b. ball d. none of these above

5. What is the kind of push-up that use for the women to do?

a. push-up c. decline push-up

b. knee push-up

Active Recreation (fitness)

1. Perform stretching and warm-up exercises performing the series of strength training


2. Listen to the instruction for the student.

3. Observe the safe and proper execution of exercise to avoid injury by doing activity.

4. Cool down after performing the proper exercises.

A. Flatten the abs

1. Twisting Crunches 2. Leg raises

B. Strengthen your Chest Muscles

1. Push-up 2. Decline Push-up

3. Knee Push-up

C. Build the Lower Body Strength

1. Walking lunge 2. Slide lunge

3. Triceps dip 4. Squat

5. Prone hold 6. Glute lift

Reflective Questions

1. Are these exercises beneficial in improving your muscular strength? What other exercise

or activities can you suggest in order to maintain your level of fitness?

2. Did monitoring your exercise help you keep track of your progress? Why?

3. My performance could have improved more if ____________.


Create a short video that performing the 6 exercise that help you to build your lower body


The video is minimum of 2-3 mins.

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