Cost Codes

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Areas to be covered:
• Cost Codes

• Types Of Codes

• Advantages Of Coding System

• Practice Questions
Cost Codes:
After classifying cost, a coding system can be applied to make it easier to manage the cost

data. It can be manual or computerized. Each cost is identified through its unique code.

Features of good coding system

An effective and efficient coding system should include the following features:

• Code must be easy to use and well communicated.

• Unique code

• Coding system must allow for expansion

• Codes should be flexible

Cost Codes:
• It should be comprehensive system ( suitable code )

• Codes should be time-saving

• Codes should be error free

• Regularly updated codes

• Code numbers should be issued from a single central point ( standardisation)

• Dots, dashes. Colon etc should be avoided in codes

• They should be uniform ( length or structure)

• Not confusing.
Types of Codes

a. Composite codes: In costing, the first three digits in the composite code 211392 might

indicate the nature of the expenditure ( subjective classification ) and the last three might

indicate the cost centre of cost unit to be charged ( objective classification).

b. Sequence (or progressive) codes: Numbers are given to items in ordinary numerical

sequence, so that there is no obvious connection between an item and its code.

c. Block codes: Block codes are often used to categorise sequential codes

together. This means that it is possible to classify up to 1000 different expenses using this

Types of Codes
d. Hierarchical codes: This is a type of faceted code where each
digit represents a classification, and each digit further to the right
represents a smaller subset than those to the left.

e. F a c e t e d C o d e s : T h e s e a r e r e f i n e m e n t o f g r o u p c l a s s i f i c a t i o n c o d e s ,
in that each digit of the code gives information about an item.

f. Group Classification Codes: These are an improvement on simple

codes, in that a digit indicates the classification of an item.

g. Mnemonic codes: Under this type of coding the code means

something, it may be an abbreviation of the object being coded.
Advantages of coding system

• A code is usually briefer than a description, thereby saving clerical time in a manual system
and storage in a computerised system.

• A code is more precise than a description and therefore reduces a ambiguity.

• Coding facilitates data processing.

Practice Question:

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