ANSYS Energico Users Guide
ANSYS Energico Users Guide
ANSYS Energico Users Guide
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Energico User's Guide
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Energico User's Guide
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Energico User's Guide
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vi of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
List of Figures
3.1. ANSYS Energico Interface components ................................................................................................... 7
3.2. Adding a zoning operation, step 1 - Click in workflow tree to open dialog ................................................ 9
3.3. Adding a zoning operation, step 2 - Provide input in dialog and click Apply .............................................. 9
3.4. Adding a zoning operation, step 3 - New item appears in workflow tree ................................................... 9
3.5. Adding a zoning operation, step 4 - Right-click new item in workflow tree to edit or remove ................... 10
3.6. LBO Analysis - Edit/Remove workflow item using context menu ............................................................. 11
3.7. Using display attributes in context menu to specify attributes of items in 3-D View panel ....................... 12
3.8. Display Preferences set for maximum performance. ............................................................................... 13
3.9. Zoom and Translate toolbar buttons ...................................................................................................... 15
3.10. Toolbar button to define custom variable ............................................................................................ 16
3.11. Creating a user-defined variable .......................................................................................................... 16
3.12. Entering a variable’s formula for radius ................................................................................................ 17
3.13. Diagram of user-defined variable examples ......................................................................................... 18
3.14. Screen Capture toolbar button ............................................................................................................ 18
4.1. Preferences dialog - ENERGICO tab ........................................................................................................ 24
4.2. Preferences dialog - Display tab ............................................................................................................. 26
4.3. Preferences dialog - ERN tab .................................................................................................................. 28
4.4. Preferences dialog - LBO tab .................................................................................................................. 30
4.5. Preferences dialog - Model tab .............................................................................................................. 31
4.6. Map Species Names dialog .................................................................................................................... 34
4.7. Spray Source Properties workflow item ................................................................................................. 35
4.8. Map Variable Names dialog ................................................................................................................... 37
4.9. Identify Boundaries dialog .................................................................................................................... 38
4.10. Define Transformation dialog - Transform tab ...................................................................................... 39
4.11. Inlet Condition specification panel ...................................................................................................... 40
4.12. Inlet Condition override for a combination of inlets ............................................................................. 41
4.13. Zone Options dialog ........................................................................................................................... 42
4.14. Add Reactor Criteria dialog - Streamline Criteria ................................................................................... 43
4.15. Add Reactor Criteria dialog - Custom Criteria ....................................................................................... 43
4.16. ERN Options dialog - Default and Advanced tabs ................................................................................. 44
4.17. ERN Options dialog - Dispersed Phase tab ........................................................................................... 45
4.18. Analyze Results dialog ......................................................................................................................... 48
4.19. Select Post-Processing Variables dialog - Data Selection tab ................................................................. 49
4.20. Select Post-Processing Variables dialog - Units of Measure tab ............................................................. 50
4.21. Evaluate LBO dialog ............................................................................................................................ 52
5.1. Chemistry Set Pre-Process Utility ........................................................................................................... 56
7.1. Zone Operation dialog for applying a pre-packaged zone filter .............................................................. 63
7.2. Filter Zones dialog enables the creation of custom filters ....................................................................... 63
7.3. Selection criteria for zone with temperature > 1500K and volume > 5.0e-5m^3 ...................................... 64
7.4. Merge Zones dialog .............................................................................................................................. 65
7.5. Grow Zones dialog ................................................................................................................................ 65
7.6. Add Reactor Criteria dialog used to specify a non-standard reactor type ................................................ 66
7.7. Selection Criteria dialog for editing reactor criteria for selecting zones ................................................... 67
7.8. Set Default Reactor Type dialog ............................................................................................................. 68
7.9. ERN Options dialog - Default options for reactor and stream layout ........................................................ 69
7.10. ERN Options dialog - Advanced tab ..................................................................................................... 70
7.11. Analyze Results panel - to execute calculations on all zones in the ERN ................................................. 71
7.12. Define ERN Plot dialog ........................................................................................................................ 72
7.13.Total NOx production rate example. Each zone, consisting of a collection of cells, is colored according
to the result determined by the ERN ............................................................................................................ 73
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Energico User's Guide
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viii of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
List of Tables
4.1. Memory specification examples for ENERGICO_MEMORY ...................................................................... 22
7.1. Derived Variables .................................................................................................................................. 75
1. File extensions and descriptions of the files ............................................................................................ 127
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x of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Welcome to the ANSYS Energico Simulation Package™, which provides seamless links between detailed
combustion chemistry and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) for accurate simulation of combustion
behavior. This powerful software tool allows you combine analysis using full combustion reaction
mechanisms with the geometric resolution of complex fluid dynamics. When used to its full potential,
the Energico Simulation Package will speed combustion-system design, allow engineers to use detailed
chemistry without requiring specialized understanding of complex kinetics, and result in fewer and
better-directed experimental tests to validate system design.
• Flexibility to create user-defined ANSYS Energico algorithms tailored to meet your specific requirements.
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bustion staging strategies primarily focused on reducing the flame temperatures within the combustor
to limit the formation of thermal NOx through lean premixed combustion.
The ANSYS Energico Simulation Package uses the well-documented concept of evaluating the relative
chemical reaction and fluid dynamic mixing timescales to assess how close regions of the flame are to
LBO. This spatially resolved information on flame stability provides the combustor designer new insights
into how LBO occurs, which enables design changes for improved stability. In uncontrolled combustion
systems, the combustion is limited by the degree of mixing occurring within the combustor, as chemistry
is typically much faster than mixing. However, as the flame temperature is decreased, the chemical re-
action time slows down to the point where it becomes the limiting factor and LBO may occur. The ratio
of chemical reaction time to fluid dynamic mixing time is represented by the dimensionless parameter
called the Damkohler Number (Da). The Energico Simulation Package captures the specific area in the
combustor flow field representing the flame in the CFD simulation and calculates the local Da using
detailed kinetics, in order to provide an indication of how close the flame is to LBO. Identification of
the local Da in the flame front with the Energico Simulation Package is a straightforward, automated
process. You will be able to obtain an idea of how close your combustion system is to LBO without
complete reliance on experimental testing.
• Identify the detailed chemistry mechanism that will be used to solve the ERN.
• Automatically create an equivalent reactor network (ERN) with the use of prepared comprehensive algorithms.
• Display the results of the ERN back onto the combustor flow field.
• Capture the specific region of the flame that represents the flame front and conduct Lean Blow-off analysis.
• Customize ANSYS Energico to suit your specific needs through flexible user-defined algorithms.
Describes the ANSYS Energico Interface and how it guides the workflow.
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2 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Overview of Using the ANSYS Energico Simulation Package
Describes CGNS file formats and ANSYS Energico’s compatibility with other file formats.
Describes creating an Equivalent Reactor Network (ERN) through creation of zones, solving the ERN,
performing parameter studies, and viewing results.
Describes the significance of Lean Blow-off (LBO) analysis and the approach implemented in ANSYS
Energico, as well as the flame capturing algorithms.
Describes how to view the results of an ERN analysis, an LBO analysis, or the original CFD solution.
Explains some specific file format requirements when using STAR-CD to generate CGNS files for use
with ANSYS Energico.
Describes the CGNS Utility, for converting vertex-based solution data to cell-centered data.
Lists the file types, file extensions and a brief description of each.
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4 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 2: Software and License Installation
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6 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 3: Introduction to the ANSYS Energico Interface
The ANSYS Energico Interface guides your work by organizing tasks on a workflow tree structure in the
Workflow panel. Items displayed in the 3-D View panel are accessible via controls in the Model Display
panel. The Interface also provides a Log panel, a toolbar and menus. The Energico Interface, highlighted
with these components, is shown in Figure 3.1: ANSYS Energico Interface components (p. 7).
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Introduction to the ANSYS Energico Interface
Zoning operations divide the CFD model into zones. The number of zoning operations used to divide
the model is problem-dependent, and therefore any number of zoning operations can be added by
selecting one or more of the following workflow items:
• Apply Algorithm: Apply a 'pre-packaged' set of operations (one or more of those mentioned below) to
divide the CFD model into zones.
• Save Algorithm: Save a set of Filters and other Zone operations into an Algorithm template file for future
• Filter Zones: Divide the CFD model into zones based on a field contained in the CFD model.
• Grow Zones: Increase the size of a zone by extending its boundaries a specified number of steps.
Figure 3.2: Adding a zoning operation, step 1 - Click in workflow tree to open dialog (p. 9) shows
the selection of the Filter Zones item under Create Zones on the ERN Analysis workflow tree.
In addition to zoning operations, the ERN Analysis tree provides a means to assign a reactor type to
the zones. Like zoning operations, any number of reactor operations can be added to the analysis.
This is accomplished by selecting the Add Reactor Criteria workflow item, under Create Reactors. This
item is illustrated in Figure 3.3: Adding a zoning operation, step 2 - Provide input in dialog and click
Apply (p. 9).
When either a zoning operation or a reactor operation has been added to the analysis, a workflow
item is inserted into the workflow tree. The settings of the operation can be modified by selecting
the item and clicking it, or the item can be deleted by right-clicking and then selecting Remove from
a context menu.
The Figures Figure 3.2: Adding a zoning operation, step 1 - Click in workflow tree to open dialog (p. 9)
to Figure 3.5: Adding a zoning operation, step 4 - Right-click new item in workflow tree to edit or re-
move (p. 10) illustrate adding a zoning operation to the analysis.
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8 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Workflow Panel
Figure 3.2: Adding a zoning operation, step 1 - Click in workflow tree to open dialog
Figure 3.3: Adding a zoning operation, step 2 - Provide input in dialog and click Apply
Figure 3.4: Adding a zoning operation, step 3 - New item appears in workflow tree
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 9
Introduction to the ANSYS Energico Interface
Figure 3.5: Adding a zoning operation, step 4 - Right-click new item in workflow tree to edit or
The remaining workflow items under Create ERN provide ways to specify ERN options, and finally a
task item to Create and View (and run) the equivalent reactor network.
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10 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Model Display Panel
Figure 3.6: LBO Analysis - Edit/Remove workflow item using context menu
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Introduction to the ANSYS Energico Interface
Figure 3.7: Using display attributes in context menu to specify attributes of items in 3-D View
To improve performance with complex geometries, or for situations in which a remote display
is being used, limit the features that are displayed by default. To do so, edit the Display
Preferences, which can be found from the Edit menu:
The settings shown in Figure 3.8: Display Preferences set for maximum performance. (p. 13)
will result in maximum display responsiveness.
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Model Display Panel
Note that objects in the Model Display panel can be multi-selected by extending the selection with
the Ctrl key held down, allowing a set of properties to be applied to more than one object at a time.
The following list of display settings and descriptions are common to all displayed objects:
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Introduction to the ANSYS Energico Interface
External Boundaries Toggle the visibility of mesh faces in the zone that lie on an
external boundary (i.e. wall)
Internal Boundaries Toggle the visibility of mesh faces in the zone that lie on an
internal boundary (i.e. between two zones)
Periodic Boundaries Toggle the visibility of mesh faces in the zone that lie on a
periodic boundary
Inlet Boundaries Toggle the visibility of mesh faces in the zone that lie on an
inlet boundary
Outlet Boundaries Toggle the visibility of mesh faces in the zone that lie on an
outlet boundary
Draw Streamlines Toggle the visibility of streamline traces in the selected zones
Properties Opens a panel containing various properties of the selected
The Log panel also contains an indicator bar that displays the current memory usage of the application.
The indicator bar’s height varies with time as ANSYS Energico processes various tasks and the amount
of free memory available to the application varies as the application both consumes and frees the
memory resources of the computer. However, excessive memory cycling (consumption and freeing of
memory) indicates that a larger memory setting may improve the performance of the application. On
average, memory usage greater than 2/3 of the memory indicator bar’s height indicates that an increase
in performance can be gained by increasing the Java memory setting. See Allocating Java Memory for
the ENERGICO Interface (p. 21), Allocating Java Memory for the ENERGICO Interface (p. 21).
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14 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
3-D View Panel
The mouse right-click button has two modes, zoom and translate (zoom is default). The mode can
be changed by clicking the Zoom or Translate tool-bar button.
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Introduction to the ANSYS Energico Interface
To create a user-defined variable, click the Add Variable button from the dialog, and enter a name for
the variable, as shown in Figure 3.11: Creating a user-defined variable (p. 16). Note that white spaces
and special characters (e.g., *, /, -, +) are not permitted in the names of user-defined variables.
Enter the formula for the user-defined variable in the cell labeled Formula. If the formula is long, use
the “… ” button to open the Formula Editor dialog, which allows more room for editing the formula,
and provides drop-down shortcuts for inserting variables and functions. The formula in Figure 3.12: En-
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16 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Creating User-defined Variables
tering a variable’s formula for radius (p. 17) will produce a distance variable in the Y-Z plane. See the
following section for more details about formula rules and syntax. Click the Apply button when finished.
• Formulas may only refer to existing solution variables or existing user-defined variables as defined by the
order in which the variables are created
– Addition & Subtraction: use '+ ' and '™ ' operator
– Multiplication & Division: use '* ' and '/ ' operator
– Grouping of Expressions: use '( ' and ') ' to enclose expression groups
– Function Operators
→ sin(argument), cos(argument), and tan(argument) returns the sine, cosine, and tangent
of the argument
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Introduction to the ANSYS Energico Interface
1. Combining several species mass fractions into a single variable (e.g., for use in a zone-filtering step in
ERN creation):
2. Splitting a single composite into fuel species (e.g., for surrogate fuel definition):
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18 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 4: Overview of Workflow
The workflow within ANSYS Energico is divided into four parts, including Model Setup, Equivalent Re-
actor Network (ERN) Analysis, Lean Blow-off (LBO) Analysis, and View Results. You can go through the
required steps in the workflow by following from top to bottom the workflow tree in the left panel
within the main application window of the Energico software. The four parts of the workflow are separ-
ated by four tabs in this panel. The first tab, Model Setup, contains workflow steps relating to initial
problem setup. When all of the steps within the Model Setup tab have been completed, the ERN Ana-
lysis tab and the LBO Analysis tab become enabled. Once problem calculations are complete, the View
Results tab is enabled.
4.1.1. Linux
To start ANSYS Energico, on Linux systems, open a shell. Type alias to see if the chemkinpro alias
is defined. If it is, simply type energico and press the Enter key to launch the Energico Interface.
If the alias is not defined, see Setting Up Environment for Linux (p. 19) for how to initialize your en-
If you have modified your shell initialization to source the ksh file under your $REACTION_DIR for
Energico, then an alias named energico is defined and you can simply type energico and press
the Enter key to launch the Energico Interface. For details about installation and configuration, see
the ANSYS, Inc. Installation and Licensing Set.
4.1.2. Windows
To start ANSYS Energico, go to the Start menu and select ANSYS 2020 R1 > Chemkin > Energico.
For further details about installation and configuration, see the ANSYS, Inc. Installation and Licensing
The UNIX installation script creates two files, chemkinpro_setup.csh (C-shell) and chemk-
inpro_setup.ksh (K-shell), which define variables and aliases based upon the selections chosen
during the install. They are located in the bin directory.
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Overview of Workflow
Although you can set the environment variables locally in a Linux shell every time you run ANSYS
Chemkin-Pro, we recommend that you instead include the environment settings in the file that is
sourced when you create a login shell. This is .profile (Bourne shell) or .profile_Bash (Bash) or
.login (csh or tcsh). (You can alternatively set these definitions in the file sourced whenever a new
subshell is created: .bashrc or .cshrc).
See Chemkin-Pro Linux Environment for details of the environment variables for Chemkin-Pro, which
are also relevant to Energico.
You can source the product environment variables in a C-Shell using the command line. For example,
if your installation is in the $HOME/reaction directory, where typically $HOME is the default ANSYS
install directory of /ansys_inc/v201, then you would use this command to set up ANSYS Chemkin-
source $HOME/reaction/chemkinpro.linuxx8664/bin/chemkinpro_setup.csh
You can source the product environment variables in a Korn or Bourne shell using the command line.
For example, if your installation is in $HOME/reaction directory, you would complete the following
steps to set up ANSYS Chemkin-Pro and ANSYS Energico:
1. Export the appropriate PATH and shared object library path variables with the command:
2. Source the Chemkin-Pro environment variables with the following command. Remember that the period
and space are required at the beginning of the command line.
. $HOME/reaction/chemkinpro.linuxx8664/bin/chemkinpro_setup.ksh
The shell scripts used to run the user Interface are Bourne shell scripts and use the chemk-
inpro_setup.ksh file to source the environment. Therefore, even if all users work in the
C shell environment, the chemkinpro_setup.ksh file is necessary.
The PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH variables must be exported prior to sourcing the
chemkinpro_setup.ksh file.
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20 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Allocating Java Memory for the ENERGICO Interface
You will see that there are 4 (identically functioning) aliases defined to launch the ANSYS Chemkin-
Pro user interface. (This is due to historical reasons.) There are also aliases to launch ANSYS Energico
and Reaction Workbench. These are the aliases:
• energico
• chemkin
• chemkin-pro
• chemkin_pro
• chemkinpro
• rdworkbench
• tcsh: .login.
The exact contents of these commands vary with each release so do not attempt to simply
copy the contents of these files into your shell initialization files. Use the source command
as described in Setting Up Environment for Linux (p. 19).
When the ANSYS Energico user interface is started, it looks for an environment variable named ENER
GICO_MEMORY. If this variable has been defined, the contents of this variable are passed to the program.
The syntax for the arguments defined by the environment variable is strict and is described in
Table 4.1: Memory specification examples for ENERGICO_MEMORY (p. 22).
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Overview of Workflow
If ENERGICO_MEMORY is not defined, then you are prompted for how much maximum memory to allow
when the ANSYS Energico user interface is started. The prompt needs an integer value, which is the
number of GB of memory to use. You can specify an amount less than, equal to, or even exceeding the
physical RAM in your machine. Both physical RAM and swap space (or virtual memory) can be used;
but the performance deteriorates rapidly (up to 100X slower) if the swap space is used. We therefore
recommend you specify a value less than the total physical RAM available.
When the ANSYS Energico user interface starts, using the memory value you provide to the memory
prompt, only the Maximum value is used. It will initially start with less memory and grow its memory
consumption as needed up to that maximum as your Energico session proceeds (i.e., as filter operations
are applied, etc.). If you specify a value equal to the total RAM on your computer, you will notice the
performance of your other programs and your system responsiveness diminishing as the memory is
consumed by the Energico session. For this reason, we recommend specifying a value 500 MB to 1 GB
less than your total system RAM.
To specify a value that is not an integer number of GB of RAM, you need to set the ENERGICO_MEMORY
environment variable. The syntax of the string value contained within that variable is very strict. The
Java Virtual Machine, JVM, processes that string as a set of runtime arguments when it starts. The syntax
allows you to specify both starting memory consumption and maximum memory consumption. Specifying
the starting memory to be equal to the maximum memory will result in a slightly slower initial startup
of your ANSYS Energico session, but can give you slightly faster performance once started.
The syntax required to specify these values is given in Table 4.1: Memory specification examples for
ENERGICO_MEMORY (p. 22). The syntax is case-sensitive; when an uppercase or lowercase letter, such
as “X” is shown, it needs to be exactly as shown in that case:
Note that the amount of used and available memory shown in the ANSYS Energico interface memory
monitor will be slightly below these values because a little memory is allocated within the JVM for in-
ternal use.
Finally, note that the ANSYS Chemkin-Pro user interface also is a Java program and also needs to have
a memory value specified. Since the amount of memory consumed is typically much less than ANSYS
Energico, we specify a default value to the JVM when the Chemkin-Pro interface starts up. The environ-
ment variable CK_JAVA_MEMORY for Chemkin-Pro can be specified in the same way as shown above
to modify this default startup value. The default for Chemkin-Pro is 1024m (1 GB) on Windows and
1536m (1.5 GB) on Linux 32-bit. For Linux 64-bit, the default is the amount of physical RAM or 3 GB,
whichever is less.
When the ANSYS Chemkin-Pro interface is shown using the ANSYS Energico View ERN command, it is
using the same JVM instance and sharing the memory with Energico. When Chemkin-Pro is separately
launched, it will use its own JVM and use the memory specified by CK_JAVA_MEMORY (or the Chemkin-
Pro default amount).
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22 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
ENERGICO Preferences
• Set the ENERGICO_MEMORY environment variable, as described in Allocating Java Memory for the ENER-
GICO Interface (p. 21), which then will allow you to start ANSYS Energico as a background process using
the “& ”
• Start from the command line, answer the memory prompt, and then use ctrl-Z ; bg to place the
process in the background.
ENERGICO Preferences
Miscellaneous preference items having to do with basic application behavior are stored in this tab.
File Editor
The file editor to use when viewing text input and output files.
HTML Browser
The browser application to associate with viewing HTML files within an ANSYS Energico session.
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Overview of Workflow
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24 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
ENERGICO Preferences
Background Color
Allows selection of an alternate background color for the 3D viewing area.
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Overview of Workflow
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26 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
ENERGICO Preferences
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 27
Overview of Workflow
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28 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
ENERGICO Preferences
Flame Criteria
The default flame finding method to display in the Define Flame dialog.
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Overview of Workflow
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30 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
ENERGICO Preferences
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 31
Overview of Workflow
2. Select Properties.
6. If the hardware acceleration is set to Full on the sliding bar, change it to one level lower than Full.
• Select a working directory for the problem. This directory serves as the working folder for both ANSYS
Energico and ANSYS Chemkin-Pro for the current model.
• Select a CGNS file or Fluent data file for import. For details on CGNS requirements, see Reading a Solution
File (p. 59). Reading a Fluent data file will have the benefit of automating the assigning of boundary
conditions and mapping of solution variables.
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Setting Up a Problem with ENERGICO (Model and Chemistry Setup Tab)
• Select a chemistry set. For details, see Setting Up Your Chemistry Set (p. 55).
After the ANSYS Energico Setup tab has been completed, it is important to compare the
values of (INLET_FLOW + SOURCE_FLOW) and OUTLET_FLOW. This can be accomplished
using VIEW RESULTS > New Table. The difference between these two values should typically
be less than a few percent. If it is greater than that, consider selecting all the volumes
and/or re-examining the boundary assignments, to more accurately represent the flows.
4.5.3. Mapping Species Names in the Chemistry Set to CFD Field Names
Once the chemistry set is defined, it is important to map the species names used in the detailed-
chemistry mechanism to the right scalar variable names associated with species used in the CFD
solution. The chemistry set selected in the previous step contains symbolic names for each species
present in the mechanism, such as “O2” or “CH4”. The CGNS data will contain fields corresponding
to some of these species. For example, there may be a solution field in the CGNS file labeled “Scalar-
ConcCH4”, representing the mass fraction of the species CH4 (methane). This solution field must be
“mapped” to the chemistry set symbol that corresponds to this species in the chemistry set, which
may be “CH4”. This mapping must be completed for each CFD solution field representing a species.
ANSYS Energico automatically performs this mapping for as many species as possible. If the automatic
mapping is unsuccessful, however, the Map Species dialog appears; in this case you must assign the
mappings manually. An example of manual mapping, where “CH4” is selected for mapping to the
CFD Symbol “ScalarConcCH4”, is shown in Figure 4.6: Map Species Names dialog (p. 34). Here, clicking
the Apply button would add the selected mapping to the list of mapped species below.
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Overview of Workflow
To identify a source term for a fuel species, use the Source Term pull-down list to the right of the
Mapping table in the Map Species Names dialog (see Figure 4.6: Map Species Names dialog (p. 34)),
after the species name has been mapped to the CFD name. From the pull-down list, select the CFD
variable name that represents the discrete-phase mass source term that corresponds to that species.
In some cases this will be auto-mapped, if the CFD species name is included in the CFD source-
variable name.
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Setting Up a Problem with ENERGICO (Model and Chemistry Setup Tab)
This set of properties should be specified for each fuel species when the energy equation is used
in the ERN calculations:
This specifies the boiling point of the fuel at the operating pressure of the combustor. The tem-
perature specified here is used as the inlet temperature for source term inlets appearing in the
The following three properties are optional but are recommended to obtain the most accurate
energy balance:
• H.O.V. [kJ/kg]
This is the heat of vaporization of the liquid fuel species. Specifying a value will add a heat-loss
term to reactors with inlets derived from the liquid-fuel source terms, to account for the heat
lost during vaporization of the fuel. If no value is specified, the ERN energy balance will not account
for heat lost due to vaporization of the fuel.
This is the inlet temperature of the liquid-phase fuel in the CFD model. If specified, an additional
heat-loss term is added to reactors with inlets derived from the liquid-fuel source terms, to account
for heating of the fuel from this temperature to the boiling point, using the specific heat supplied
in the next column. If either Inlet Temperature or Specific Heat are left unspecified, the ERN energy
balance will not account for heat loss due to liquid-fuel sensible heating prior to vaporization.
This is the specific heat used to calculate the energy that is lost to heat the fuel from the liquid
inlet temperature to the boiling point. If this value is left unspecified, no heat-loss term will be
provided for liquid fuel heating prior to vaporization.
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Overview of Workflow
• Density
• Temperature
• Velocity (X direction)
• Velocity (Y direction)
• Velocity (Z direction)
• Mass source terms (kg/sec) for each species represented in the discrete phase model.
Information about the physical units for each field must also be specified at this step. In addition, a
reference value is required for the pressure field that is stored in the CFD solution, where the absolute
pressure is assumed to be equal to the reference pressure plus the pressure field value. ANSYS Ener-
gico attempts to automatically identify the key fields required. In many cases the absolute pressure
is included as a variable in the CFD solution, and the reference pressure can be left at the default
value of zero. If the automatic identification fails, the Map Variable Names dialog appears; in this case
you must identify the key fields (see Figure 4.8: Map Variable Names dialog (p. 37)). Note that even
if the automatic mapping succeeds, the units information should be verified before proceeding further,
as default values will be used if the units information is missing from the CGNS file. In addition, the
reference pressure may need to be defined even if auto-mapping of variables is successful.
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36 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Setting Up a Problem with ENERGICO (Model and Chemistry Setup Tab)
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Overview of Workflow
file loaded. The boundary type options include wall, inlet, outlet, periodic, and bleed. The bleed
boundary type and the outlet boundary type are two types of boundary conditions used to aggregate
similar fluid flows in the Equivalent Reactor Network. The aggregated flows are reported in the table
described in Creating and Exporting a Table of ERN Results (p. 73). In general the ‘outlet’ is used to
report emissions indices and other overall system data related to emissions. The ‘bleed’ represents
flow that is diverted away from where such emissions values would be measured.
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Setting Up a Problem with ENERGICO (Model and Chemistry Setup Tab)
If there are periodic interfaces, an additional step is required to specify the periodic transformation.
The Define Transformation dialog allows you to specify the periodic transformation (see Fig-
ure 4.10: Define Transformation dialog - Transform tab (p. 39)). In this example, the user has specified
that the CFD geometry is a 90-degree sector that would be repeated 4 times in rotation around the
Z axis.
Periodicity will match cells at one periodic boundary to the cells at another periodic boundary. This
transformed surface does not always have a perfect alignment of cells, so instead ANSYS Energico
must determine which cells are intended to be the corresponding match. In order to soften the re-
quirements for matching cells, there is a tolerance setting on the Advanced tab. Increasing this toler-
ance setting will make it easier to find the corresponding cells on the periodic boundary.
After the inlet boundary conditions have been identified, there is an optional step to specify the exact
values of the inlet conditions. This step is not necessary to create the ERN, because it will override
values calculated from the solution variables. The Inlet Condition override panel is shown in Fig-
ure 4.11: Inlet Condition specification panel (p. 40). This figure also shows two features that will only
appear when the mechanism contains a dispersed coal phase:
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Overview of Workflow
The DPM parameters are used to specify a dispersed coal phase coming in from either:
– An inlet surface.
An unbound inlet injection also requires specifying the coordinate location of the dispersed
particle source.
If the injector area and injection velocity are given, then it is used to calculate the particle
number density set in the ERN, otherwise the volume of the cell containing the injection source
is used to determine the volume fraction and number density.
The required settings can optionally be read from an exported set of injectors from a Fluent
case file, by clicking Import Injections.
Inlet Condition overrides can be applied to multiple inlets. If an inlet is specified on a non-contiguous
region, then the inlet will become split. In this instance, the Inlet Condition override can be specified
for a combination of inlets, as shown in Figure 4.12: Inlet Condition override for a combination of in-
lets (p. 41).
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40 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Generating an Equivalent Reactor Network (ERN Analysis Tab)
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Overview of Workflow
When the algorithm completes, several zones are created from the CFD model. The created zones
are viewable in the Zones tab of the model viewing panel. In the ERN workflow tree, a node corres-
ponding to the applied algorithm or filter step is added under the Create Zones activity.
More details about pre-packaged and user-provided zone-creation algorithms are available in Zone
Creation Algorithms (p. 62), Zone Creation Algorithms (p. 62).
Zones can use the default naming scheme, which includes an arbitrarily assigned zone number, or it
can use zone properties to determine a name. The zone properties available for naming schemes in-
clude Average Temperature, Average Pressure, Volume, and coordinate locations, as shown in the
following figure:
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Generating an Equivalent Reactor Network (ERN Analysis Tab)
Equation). Which reactor model best represents the zone depends on the flow characteristics that
dominate in that zone. For example, if all of the CFD cells within the zone have similar streamline-
trace times and the streamline-trace time is relatively large, such that convection is dominant, then
that zone would be reasonably described as a PFR rather than a PSR. The following example
demonstrates how criteria might be used to determine which zones should be designated as PFR.
Example: Select Add Reactor Criteria from the workflow tree. Select PFR as the reactor type to assign
the selected reactors to Figure 4.14: Add Reactor Criteria dialog - Streamline Criteria (p. 43). Choose
the Select By Criteria option and select the Edit Criteria button to display the Selection Criteria
dialog. Add the criteria shown in Figure 4.15: Add Reactor Criteria dialog - Custom Criteria (p. 43),
using the Add button and making appropriate selections from the drop-down lists. This criterion selects
zones based on how close the standard deviations of streamline-trace times are grouped as well as
the length of the streamline traces. Choose OK to accept the criteria. The zones meeting the specified
criteria will be selected in the list of zones. Press Apply to apply the specified reactor type to the
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Overview of Workflow
reactor-connectivity onto a 2-D diagram, it can be helpful to define a projection plane for the diagram
display. Selecting the ERN Options item from the workflow tree launches a dialog containing options
for converting the 3-D network of zones into a 2-D Chemkin-Pro network-display diagram of an
equivalent reactor network (ERN), as shown in Figure 4.16: ERN Options dialog - Default and Advanced
tabs (p. 44).
Several options are provided for creating the network diagram. The zones positions will be projected
onto the 2-D diagram view by one of several options: You can select a projection along any of the
principle axes, or choose the Use Current Projection option to create a diagram based on the current
orientation of the 3-D model in the viewing area. You can also specify a minimum pixel distance
between reactor models in the generated network diagram. This will scale the diagram such that re-
actors will appear no closer than this distance (in screen pixels) within the diagram view.
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Generating an Equivalent Reactor Network (ERN Analysis Tab)
Number of Moments
Specifies the number of moments used in the simulation for tracking particle size distribution.
MINMO(=3) <=NMOM<=MAXMO(=6). If NMOM = 6, then 6 moments of the size distribution function
are solved, from the 0th moment to the 5th moment.
Specifies the scaling factor for the particles moments (moments method) or number density (sec-
tional method). A non-unity value for this parameter changes the units of the (internal) solution
variable for particle moments or number density. For example, setting it to 1.0E+06 results in mi-
cromoles whereas setting it to 1.0E+09 means that it is nanomoles. A value of 1 would mean that
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Overview of Workflow
the unit should be moles. A recommended value for typical problems is 1.0E+12. Such scaling
helps preserve the positivity of the solution during numerical computation.
Specifies the scaling factor for the particle surface species concentrations. A nonunity value for this
parameter changes the units of the (internal) solution variable for particle surface species. For ex-
ample, setting it to 1.0E+06 results in micromoles whereas setting it to 1.0E+09 means that it is
nanomoles. A value of 1 would mean that the unit should be moles. A recommended value for
typical problems is 1.0E+12. Such scaling helps preserve the positivity of the solution during nu-
merical computation.
Specifies the scaling factor for the particle surface species concentrations. A nonunity value for this
parameter changes the units of the (internal) solution variable for particle surface species. For ex-
ample, setting it to 1.0E+06 results in micromoles whereas setting it to 1.0E+09 means that it is
nanomoles. A value of 1 would mean that the unit should be moles. A recommended value for
typical problems is 1.0E+12. Such scaling helps preserve the positivity of the solution during nu-
merical computation.
Defines a critical particle class under which the oxidation process starts to affect (reduce) the particle
number density. This parameter is only used by the particle burnout model and has no effect on
particle formation and growth. The default value is the minimum particle class plus the maximum
class change due to surface reaction.
Defines the smallest particle class that can exist in the system. This parameter is only used by the
particle burnout model and has no effect on particle formation and growth. The default value is
the smallest inception class defined by the nucleation reactions.
This flag indicates the collision formulation to be used to calculate the collision rate among particles.
Three types of collision formulations are available: free molecular regime (=0), continuum regime
(=1), and transition regime (=3). The collision rate in the transition regime is obtained as the har-
monic mean of the collision rates of freemolecular regime and continuum regime. By default, the
formulation for freemolecular collision is used.
This is a combined correction factor to the coalescent collision between particles. The van der Waals
forces can enhance the collision frequency while non-coalescent collision can reduce the frequency.
The default value is 1.0, that is, the van der Waals effect is off and collisions are 100% coalescent.
Assigns the initial (or estimate for steady-state calculations) number density of the particle consisting
of the designated bulk species. The default value is 0.
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Generating an Equivalent Reactor Network (ERN Analysis Tab)
Assigns the initial (or estimate for steady state calculations) number density of the particle consisting
of the designated material name. The default value is 0.
Assigns the initial (or estimate for steady-state calculations) number density of the particle consisting
of the designated material name. The default value is 0.
Initial values (transient) or estimates (steady-state) for the surface site fraction values for the surface
species on each surface site type (surface phase).
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Overview of Workflow
Select Next Step to launch the Select Post-Process Variables dialog, which allows selection of variables
to include in the ERN results. The Data Selection tab allows the selection of solution results in each
cluster, and the Units of Measure tab allows the selection of units for the various quantity types. Select
Process Solution Data to gather and send the results to ANSYS Energico for post-processing. Ener-
gico will set the View Results tab to be current.
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Generating an Equivalent Reactor Network (ERN Analysis Tab)
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Overview of Workflow
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50 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Performing a Lean Blow-off Analysis (LBO Analysis Tab)
For further details, see Flame Capturing Algorithms (p. 81) and LBO Analysis Options (p. 84).
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Overview of Workflow
Note: The larger the number of “sampled cells,” the slower the calculation will be, but also
the more accurate the results will be.
An ANSYS Energico project file can be saved or loaded at any time by selecting either the Save Project
or Open Project command from the File menu. The contents of the Energico project file include:
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Saving ENERGICO Project Data
• Display settings
• Reference to an ANSYS Chemkin-Pro project, if one has been created as a result of the analysis.
Note that neither the actual chemistry set data nor the ANSYS Chemkin-Pro project itself are saved inside
the ANSYS Energico project file. Energico projects are saved with the extension “.ckcgns”.
When switching from the ERN Diagram View you will be prompted to save any changed ANSYS Chemkin-
Pro Project data. Note that any projects within the ERN diagram view need to be saved independently
of the ANSYS Energico project.
Save a replay file at any time by selecting the File > Save Replay File option from the File menu.
Additionally, replay files are saved automatically at a user-configurable interval. (Select Edit > Prefer-
ences to manage auto-save behavior.)
To load a replay file, select File > Load Replay File from the File menu.
The archive is the preferred file format with which to communicate ANSYS Energico support
To save or load an ANSYS Energico archive file, select File > Archive. Specify a name for the archive,
which will receive a “.ckgzip” extension.
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Overview of Workflow
To restore from an existing ANSYS Energico archive file, select File > Unarchive. Select the desired
“.ckgzip” file, then select a working directory for the problem.
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Chapter 5: Setting Up Your Chemistry Set
Incorporating detailed chemistry into the LBO and ERN Analyses used in ANSYS Energico requires a
chemistry set. The chemistry set consists of element and species information, species properties, reaction
paths, and reaction-rate parameters. The set of reaction paths and rate parameters are often referred
to as a kinetics mechanism. The ANSYS Chemkin-Pro standard format for this type of chemical information
is used by Energico and Chemkin-Pro. While detailed information on setting up chemistry sets within
Chemkin-Pro is provided in the Chemkin-Pro Input Manual and Chemkin-Pro Theory Manual, here we
describe the main aspects of the chemical kinetics input required by ANSYS Energico.
• From the Windows Start menu: Program Files\ANSYS Inc\V201 > ANSYS Chemkin-Pro > Documentation.
In addition to working with chemistry sets within the ANSYS Chemkin-Pro interface, you can access a
utility for creating or editing a chemistry set from the ANSYS ANSYS Energico Utility menu. Selecting
the Run Chemistry Set Pre-Processor command opens the window shown in Figure 5.1: Chemistry
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Setting Up Your Chemistry Set
Set Pre-Process Utility (p. 56). This dialog allows specification of the chemistry input files that comprise
the chemistry set.
Note: LBO analyses require that the chemistry set contain specification of transport-property
data for all of the species in the system.
5.3.1. Troubleshooting
Clicking the Run Pre-Processor button in the ANSYS Energico Utility panel causes the input file to
be read and processed to determine if the data contained in the file are consistent and correctly
entered. Should errors in the input exist, messages are generated in a diagnostic output file. If no
errors are encountered, then the chemistry set is ready for use.
When the pre-processing step does indicate errors, then the information under View Results provides
more details on the problems encountered. Messages found in the Gas-Phase Kinetics Output and
Gas Transport Output will explain the issues, which might include:
2. Multiple instances of a specific reaction path (without explicitly flagging them as duplicates).
4. Corrupted species thermodynamic data that prevent reading of the name, elements, or property values.
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Verification of Chemistry-set Data
6. A species in a reaction that was not identified for the system or that does not have associated thermody-
namic data.
In the View Results file, descriptions of inconsistencies are preceded by the word ERROR. Descriptions
of the data format and formulation requirements can be found in the ANSYS Chemkin-Pro document-
ation, which is available from these locations:
• From the Windows Start menu: All Programs > ANSYS 2020 R1 > ANSYS Chemkin-Pro > Documentation.
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Chapter 6: Reading a Solution File
While the CGNS standard accommodates many different kinds of analysis data, in practice, CFD vendors
may sometimes omit key information when exporting to the CGNS format. In particular, if no 2-D region
information is stored in the CGNS file, there is no clear way to recover and identify the boundary con-
ditions applied in the model. In this special case, an additional file identifying the 2-D regions may be
provided as supplemental input to ANSYS Energico, using a special format. For information about this
format, please see Appendix A: Importing a CGNS File from CFD Software (p. 113).
To determine if a CGNS file requires this additional input, simply attempt to load the file in the “Select
Files” step as described in Selecting the Input Files (p. 32) on Selecting the Input Files (p. 32). If addi-
tional input is required, an additional file entry selection will become visible, where the ANSYS boundary
file should be specified. If no additional file-entry dialog appears, then the CGNS file contains the required
boundary information.
ANSYS Energico includes a CGNS utility for converting vertex-based solution data to cell-centered data.
See Appendix C: CGNS Utility (p. 125) for details.
• Static Temperature
• Density
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Reading a Solution File
• X Velocity
• Y Velocity
• Z Velocity
• Mass source terms (kg/sec) for each species represented in the discrete phase model.
• --Volume elements HEXA_8, PENTA_6, TETRA_4, PYRA_5, NFACE_n, according to CGNS naming
• --Surface element types QUAD_4, TRI_3, NGON_n, according to CGNS naming convention.
The following commercial CFD software include export utilities for the CGNS format and have been
tested with ANSYS Energico:
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Chapter 7: Equivalent Reactor Network Analysis
For gas turbine and other combustor manufacturers, there is an increasing need for in-depth knowledge
about combustion-related chemistries embedded in their systems. This is partly driven by requirements
to reduce emissions and to boost energy efficiency under environmental regulations, and partly due
to increasing global competition that stimulates aggressive approaches in product designs.
An ideal approach to incorporate accurate chemistry capability in computational fluid dynamic (CFD)
simulations for combustion processes would be to directly couple transport (fluid mechanics) and
chemistry, where transport equations of all fluid species are solved with species and energy production
rates determined by detailed chemistry. However, such a direct-coupling approach can be computationally
prohibitive, because detailed combustion chemistry of practical fuels involves a large number of species
and the equations are stiff in most cases. Consequently, there is increasing emphasis on methods that
provide indirect coupling of fluid dynamics and chemistry. The reduced-chemistry CFD model, for ex-
ample, retains the complexity of fluid mechanics, but the chemistry is either replaced by a global rate
expression or calculated separately and determined through lookup tables. Thus, the large number of
species is replaced by a few conserved scalars, such as the mixture fraction and progress variable, which
reduces the computational intensity and removes the stiffness that typically comes with combustion
chemistry. However, the accuracy of the chemical information predicted by such an approach is also
greatly reduced.
The ANSYS Energico ERN Analysis overlays this simplified-chemistry CFD approach with a simplified-
transport/detailed-chemistry approach to get the best of the transport and the best of the chemistry
information available. The reduced-transport model requires a solution from either a reduced-chemistry
or a fast/global chemistry CFD simulation as a starting point. Using the flow-field information from this
preliminary solution, the computational cells can be lumped into a number of special zones that can
be linked together, accounting for flow between neighboring zones in an equivalent reactor network
( ERN). The ERN mainly consists of idealized reactor models such as perfectly-stirred reactors (PSR) and
plug-flow reactors (PFR). The reduced-transport model makes simulations with detailed combustion
chemistry feasible by assuming fine features of heat and mass transport such as diffusion and turbulence
mixing. Influences of geometry and large-scale fluid motions are kept through the use of flow connectivity
among the reactors in the ERN.
Since pollutants are formed by chemical reactions involving intermediate species in flame and post-
flame regions, adequate emission predictions require implementation of detailed combustion chemistry.
Moreover, pollutants such as NOx are formed slowly as the flue gas travels through the post-flame region.
The local NOx level is strongly affected by the thermal and chemical history that the “fluid particle” ex-
perienced. Small-scale mixing processes and local thermochemical properties also have minor influences
on local NOx concentration. Therefore, local NOx concentration cannot be correctly predicted simply by
plugging local gas composition and temperature values into a detailed chemistry model through lookup
tables. In this respect, the ERN has significant advantages in predicting emissions of trace species in a
combustion system, because it can address the history of the fluid and the flow connectivity in the
ANSYS Energico provides a great degree of flexibility for defining and extracting zones, or equivalent
reactors, from a CFD solution. The flow domain or a zone can be partitioned according to values of any
parameter, such as a CFD solution variable or a derived calculation from a few solution variables. The
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Equivalent Reactor Network Analysis
parameters, or criteria, selected to define the zones depend on the purpose of the ERN analysis. In most
cases, temperature is used to separate hot and cold spots in the flow domain, due to the important
role of temperature in determining dominant kinetics behavior. Once the flow domain is divided into
a number of zones, each zone may be assigned a reactor type, ( PSR or PFR) based on its flow residence
time distribution. To take advantage of CFD's detailed heat-transfer models, each reactor in the ERN
may be assumed to be isothermal. The reactor temperature is determined by the mass-weighted average
of temperatures in CFD cells comprising the zone:
Other properties can be used to determine the zonal breakdown, such as mixture fraction or turbulence
parameters. Net flows into the system from external boundaries are determined based on the CFD flow
solution, including inlet composition. Rigorous accounting of the flow into and out of each zone assures
overall mass conservation in the ERN representation of the combustor.
The filter for creating zones is defined in the ERN Analysis tab, as described in Selecting an Algorithm
Template for Zone Creation (p. 42) . A pre-packaged algorithm can be used, which is a collection of
filters applied for the purpose of creating an ERN for a specific type of emissions calculation, such as
NOx. A filter is created based on the local values of variables found in the original CFD solution. The
zones are created by successive applications of filters. Once the zones are created, the reactor model
representing that zone can be changed based on the properties of the cells in the zone. By default,
reactors are assumed to be perfectly stirred reactors (PSR).
Once the zones have been created, there is a translation to an equivalent reactor network, with reactor
models' constraints and input conditions automatically generated based on the corresponding collective
zone properties.
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Zone Creation Algorithms
Figure 7.1: Zone Operation dialog for applying a pre-packaged zone filter
Figure 7.2: Filter Zones dialog enables the creation of custom filters
Once a filter is created, it is then available for editing. The new filter can be edited by clicking on the
corresponding item under the Create Zones item in the ERN Analysis tree.
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Equivalent Reactor Network Analysis
specify a non-standard reactor type (p. 66) . Define a criterion using the form in the dialog. Functions
that are available for use in defining the criteria include:
Average Evaluates the averaged value of the selected field in each existing zone
Mass Average Evaluates the mass-averaged value of the selected field in each existing zone
Minimum Evaluates the minimum value of the selected field in each existing zone
Maximum Evaluates the maximum value of the selected field in each existing zone
St. Deviation Evaluates the standard deviation of the mass-averaged value of the field in each existing
Zone Value Evaluates one of several calculated properties in each existing zone such as surface
area, volume, mean streamline time, etc.
Constant Allows numeric input from the user conforming to the Constant formula requirements
for User-Defined Variables (see Syntax and Rules for User-Defined Variables (p. 17) for details)
For example, to apply the current filter step only to zones with an average temperature greater
than 1500 K and whose volume is greater than 5.0e-5 m^3, use the criteria in Figure 7.3: Selection
criteria for zone with temperature > 1500K and volume > 5.0e-5m^3 (p. 64) . Zones that meet both
criteria will be selected for the current filter. Once the criteria are applied, the zones that meet the
criteria are highlighted in the zone list on the filter-definition dialog, and on the corresponding
geometry view.
Figure 7.3: Selection criteria for zone with temperature > 1500K and volume > 5.0e-5m^3
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64 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Zone Creation Algorithms
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Equivalent Reactor Network Analysis
applied by selecting the option From file from the options under Select an algorithm in the window
shown in Figure 7.1: Zone Operation dialog for applying a pre-packaged zone filter (p. 63) .
Figure 7.6: Add Reactor Criteria dialog used to specify a non-standard reactor type
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66 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Setting Reactor-type Criteria for Zones
Figure 7.7: Selection Criteria dialog for editing reactor criteria for selecting zones
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Equivalent Reactor Network Analysis
When the solution represents a chemical reaction depleting a given species as a negative source (or
sink) term, this can lead to instability in the ERN. To correct this inherent instability of a sink term in-
dependent of the composition, an option to "Linearize" a sink term (see Figure 7.10: ERN Options
dialog - Advanced tab (p. 70) ) is available in the Advanced section of the ERN Options panel. To
linearize the sink term means that the effective sink will have a linear dependency on that species
Instead of writing a species source term as a flow term, use the option to Create an Inlet from Source
Terms (see Figure 7-10) in the diagram to represent this term. This prevents diagram validation errors
when there is flow without a corresponding inlet.
The source terms can be set directly in the reactor model, or they can be written as inlet streams.
Representing a source as an inlet stream prevents a validation error when there is mass flow coming
from a reactor, but no inlet stream corresponds to it.
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Setting Reactor-type Criteria for Zones
Figure 7.9: ERN Options dialog - Default options for reactor and stream layout
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Equivalent Reactor Network Analysis
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Viewing and Analyzing Results
Figure 7.11: Analyze Results panel - to execute calculations on all zones in the ERN
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Equivalent Reactor Network Analysis
Figure 7.13: Total NOx production rate example. Each zone, consisting of a collection of cells, is colored
according to the result determined by the ERN (p. 73) shows the zones painted according to the
zone's total NOx production rate, as determined by the ERN simulation, for example.
See Viewing Results (p. 91) for more information about creating and managing plots.
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Viewing and Analyzing Results
Figure 7.13: Total NOx production rate example. Each zone, consisting of a collection of cells,
is colored according to the result determined by the ERN
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Viewing and Analyzing Results
Variable Definition
Unburned The Unburned Hydrocarbons (UH) value is defined as:
Parts Per Million NO The Gas phase volumetric fraction of NO expressed in parts
Dry Basis (ppmvd NO) per million, after removing the volumetric contribution of
water. The defining equation is the analogous to the equation
for CO.
Parts Per Million NOx The Gas phase volumetric fraction of NOx expressed in parts
Dry Basis (ppmvd NOx) per million, after removing the volumetric contribution of
water. The defining equation is the analogous to the equation
for CO, but NOx includes the volumetric contributions of NO,
NO2 and N2 O.
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Equivalent Reactor Network Analysis
Variable Definition
Zone Contribution to A percentage of a single zone's contribution in relation to the
NOx Production final outlet flux of all NOx species. The defining equations are
elaborated in Calculation of Zone Contribution to Total NOx
Production (p. 76) .
In Equation 7.2 (p. 76) , where is the molar production rate of NO [mol/sec-cm3 ] of reactor ,
is the volume [cm3 ] of reactor , and is molecular weight of NO [gm/mol].
The second expression is used to calculate the mass flux of NOx leaving the system. For example,
the outlet NO mass flow rate [gm NO/sec] is computed from the result of the last gas mixer as
shown in Equation 7.3 (p. 76) :
In Equation 7.3 (p. 76) , is the total combustor outlet mass flow rate [gm/sec] and is the
NO mass fraction in the final gas mixer.
The same calculation is repeated for the NO2 contributions to the NOx production and flux.
Typically, due to the longevity of the NOx species, the sum of over all zones should be
a non-negative number unless some external inlet streams contain NO and/or NO2.
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Viewing and Analyzing Results
The emissions indices are displayed in the outlet mixer entry of the summary table shown in Fig-
ure 7.15: Data table created by Create a Table Utility (p. 74) . Emission indices are calculated using
the mass flux of an emission species, and the total mass flux of fuel species entering the system
from all external inlets.
The emissions index of NOx is defined as the sum of the emission indices of NO and NO2, in terms
of NO2 equivalent:
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Equivalent Reactor Network Analysis
Emissions indices are reported in the ANSYS Chemkin-Pro Visualizer for NOx and CO. They are also
included in the diagnostic output file for the reactor, which can be found in the details of the Run
Calculations panel. In addition to this overall summary information for the combustor, specific results
for each reactor in the ERN can be mapped back to the CFD geometry, as described below.
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78 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 8: Lean Blow-off Analysis
Utilization of very fuel-lean premixed flame (dry low emission technology) is one of the strategies adopted
by modern gas turbine combustors to suppress NOx, CO, unburned hydrocarbons ( UHC), and CO2
emissions. From the combustor-design point of view, the ultimate goal is to push the premixed flame
to be as lean as possible without going under the Lean Blow-off (LBO) limit. Furthermore, with the use
of opportunity fuels gaining popularity, gas-turbine manufacturers are routinely required to verify the
impact of various fuels on operability and emissions. Since fuel-lean premixed flames are very sensitive
to their surrounding environment due to relatively slow chemical reaction and small heat release, it is
especially important to have an analysis tool that can quickly assess the effects of variations in environ-
ment and fuel composition on stability as well as on emissions. ANSYS Energico's LBO Analysis tool fills
this role and is designed to be applicable to a broad spectrum of combustors.
Using this definition, a Damkohler number of ~1.0 would indicate near blow-off condition. When Da is
greater than 1, blow-off is likely to occur in the combustor. The Damkohler number has been found to
capture the influence of fuel variation on blow-off trends. In many cases, the lean blow-off limit could
correlate to a specific Damkohler number value, which could serve as a measure to determine LBO
limits of a combustor system. However, the critical Damkohler number may vary from one combustor
configuration to another and is therefore best correlated with the experience of a particular group or
family of designs.
The characteristic chemical timescale of a combustor system can be estimated by various methods.
When blow-off limits of premixed flames are considered, the characteristic chemical time is often given
where and are, respectively, the laminar flame speed and mixture thermal conductivity. Alternatively,
the blow-off residence time determined by the perfectly stirred reactor model can be adopted as the
chemical time of the same premixed-flame system. In some studies, the space velocity of the combustor
system is often regarded as the flow residence time. However, these approaches require a large degree
of empirical correlation, do not account well for local variations in the flow, and are not generally ap-
plicable over a wide range of conditions or combustors.
The main issue in applying the Damkohler number is in identifying an appropriate characteristic
chemical time and characteristic flow residence time of the combustor system. The two above mentioned
methods of estimating chemical time are simple and would work well for combustors with a single inlet
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Lean Blow-off Analysis
and with uniform fuel-air mixture. In such cases, the reference velocity and equivalence ratio, which are
used to compute chemical time, are well-defined. However, in many practical gas turbine combustors,
the inlet equivalence ratio might not be uniform. Moreover, the combustor could have several inlets
with different gas compositions. All these factors attribute to the ambiguity of defining characteristic
flow residence time and chemical time of the combustor system.
ANSYS Energico's LBO analysis option provides an innovative way to address the issue of defining
Damkohler numbers for a combustor by taking advantage of the local flow and thermochemical prop-
erties extracted from a CFD solution and the detailed combustion kinetics available in the ANSYS
Chemkin-Pro chemistry set. Rather than trying to find and work with “global” chemical and flow
timescales for the whole combustor, the LBO analysis tool defines the appropriate timescales locally to
address the spatial variation of mean flow, turbulence, and gas-mixture properties. Since Energico requires
a CFD solution to be loaded when it starts, the idea of “local” LBO analysis works well within Energico's
framework. The local, or CFD cell, flow residence time can be defined by either the mean cell velocity
and volume or by the cell turbulence kinetic energy and dissipation rate (or by the minimum of the
two). The local chemical timescale is estimated by a representative reaction-rate based on cell temper-
ature and gas composition, based on a detailed combustion-chemistry calculation for each cell. The
LBO tool will verify the integrity of the flame locally and provide the overall soundness of the flame
zone visually as contours of local Damkohler number. The Damkohler number distribution exposes the
location and the size of the stable flame core in the combustor. By examining the structure and topology
of the flame core, the integrity of the flame or the likeliness of blow-off can be determined.
To maximize the simulation efficiency, the LBO analysis limits its focus to cells involved in the CFD-
predicted flame region of the combustor. The LBO analysis first identifies the location of the flame
in the CFD solution by using a pre-defined or a user-defined “flame definition”. A flame definition
can be derived from the CFD solution by using temperature, temperature gradient, reactant/product
mass fraction, or mixture fraction/progress variable. The LBO analysis further allows sampling of only
a specified number of the cells, randomly selected from within the flame. These representative flame
cells are selected by an automated algorithm to ensure that the entire ideal flame zone is properly
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Flame Capturing Algorithms
where is the heat release rate and is the sensible enthalpy change. The sensible enthalpy
change is the difference in sensible enthalpy between the complete combustion mixture and the
current steady-state gas mixture obtained from the cell calculation. When the cell is chemically inactive,
i.e., , and the cell Damkohler number is set to a large value.
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Lean Blow-off Analysis
To edit an existing flame, double-click the flame from the workflow tree, which causes the Flame
Definition dialog to appear.
To remove a flame from the analysis, right-click on the flame in the workflow tree and select the Re-
move option.
The flame-capturing algorithms that come pre-packaged with ANSYS Energico are implemented as
described in the following sub-sections.
• A strongly negative temperature gradient with respect to the cell velocity vector.
• A strongly positive fuel gradient with respect to the cell velocity vector.
• A location within the first 50% of the model bounds, as defined by the choice of axis aligned with the
dominant flow direction.
• A strongly positive temperature gradient with respect to the cell velocity vector.
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Flame Capturing Algorithms
• A strongly negative fuel gradient with respect to the cell velocity vector.
• A location within the first 50% of the model bounds, as defined by the choice of axis aligned with the
dominant flow direction.
Figure 8.2: Find a Flame Region dialog - Upwind and Downwind Flame
To create a user-defined flame, select User Defined from the list of flame choices provided in the
Find a Flame Region dialog. Click the Add button to insert a new criteria into the table.
Select a variable to evaluate from the list on the left side of the table, and enter an expression
evaluating to a constant in the right-hand side. Choose an appropriate comparison operator from
the middle list. For each entry in the table, the value of the selected variable at every cell in the
model will be evaluated and compared with the expression on the right, using the selected com-
parison option. If a cell meets all of the criteria specified, it will be added to the user-defined flame.
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Lean Blow-off Analysis
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LBO Analysis Options
In very extreme circumstances, you will need to adjust the values of control parameters on the Advanced
Control tab (shown in Figure 8.5: Evaluate LBO dialog - Advanced Control tab (p. 86) ), such as Pseudo
Residence Time, a relaxation factor. When the CFD cell under investigation is very coarse or highly
distorted, heat and mass fluxes estimated from the properties of neighboring cells can be unrealistic.
Increasing the value of this factor can help the solver to converge under this kind of situation. In addition,
there is a Pseudo Time-Stepping Option that determines which of two time-integration options are
used to assist in the steady-state convergence. You may select between a more robust “true transient”
integrator to perform pseudo time-stepping during the search for a steady-state solution or a “fast” in-
tegration option. To choose the “fast” option, set the Pseudo Time-stepping Option to Fast, otherwise
the “true transient” integration option will be used that may be slightly less robust. The choice of
method will not affect the steady-state solution, but may affect the convergence behavior. In some
cases, the pseudo time-stepping process may run into difficulties. The Maximum time-stepping Tries
sets the limit on the number of continuous time-stepping trials that are performed on the current CFD
cell before the solver gives up and moves on to the next cell selected. When the Generate Diagnostics
Files box is checked, a diagnostic file will be created for each CFD cell sampled by the LBO analysis.
These diagnostic files are located in the working directory and may be used by ANSYS Technical Support
to help diagnose the reasons behind any convergence failures.
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Lean Blow-off Analysis
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Viewing LBO Results
The sampled cells are colored with the selected variable (Damkohler number, by default) within the
flame boundary, which is automatically rendered transparently. Additionally, chemical timescale, as
calculated by the detailed kinetics analysis, is available for viewing on the sampled cells, and can be
selected from the Select LBO Result drop-down selector in the Display Variables dialog, shown in Fig-
ure 8.7: Display Variables dialog with LBO analysis selected (p. 88) . The plot scale can be adjusted by
editing the Lower range and Upper range entries in the dialog, and selecting the Display button to
refresh the current view.
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Lean Blow-off Analysis
Note: The standard color range is automatically flipped for viewing Damkohler number, i.e.,
red color represents lower values and blue color represents higher values. This was done to
avoid confusion, since blue typically means “cold” (no flame) while red means “hot” (flame
OK) which correspond to Damkohler values (low Damkohler number indicates stable flame,
high Damkohler number indicates flame instability).
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Viewing LBO Results
computationally efficient means, while accounting in detail for local flow and chemistry phenomena.
Using the Damkohler-number approach, the local, or cell, blow-off limit can be represented by a
critical Damkohler number, DaLBO. The critical Damkohler number is usually considered to be 1, unless
it is calibrated to a different number by experimental observations on a particular type of combustor.
When plotting the local Damkohler-number distribution in the flame zone, this critical Damkohler
number can be used as the upper bound, while using 0 as the lower bound. The resulting Damkohler-
number contours will then show cells and/or regions where local blow-off occurs as those cells have
the color associating the extreme level of the contours. For example, a flame cell is marked in blue
if it is unlikely to sustain finite-rate combustion and the flame zone is considered stable when most
flame cells in the flame core are red. See Figure 8.8: LBO results (p. 89) .
Therefore, for a stable flame, the blow-off cells should locate mostly on the perimeter of the flame
zone. On the other hand, if there is a considerable number of blow-off cells sitting in the flame core,
the flame can be interpreted as being at or near its lean blow-off limit. Once the flame core is divided
by contiguous blow-off regions, the real flame is likely to be blown out.
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Chapter 9: Viewing Results
Selecting the View Results tab from the Workflow panel allows viewing the results of:
• An ERN analysis.
• LBO analysis.
Following the analysis, the Plot Settings dialog appears. It contains the available variable choices and
locations for the given plot type.
For variables with associated units, change the unit set with the unit selector.
If the variable value is positive over its entire range, the scale can be set to logarithmic increments
by selecting the Use Log Scale check box.
The default color range for plots will map low values to blue and high values to red. To reverse the
color map so that high values map to blue and low values map to red, select the Reverse Color Scale
check box.
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Viewing Results
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Creating a Visualization Plot
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Viewing Results
To remove an existing plot, right-click the plot’s Workflow item in the Workflow panel to bring up
a context menu, and then select the Remove option. The plot will be removed from both the
Workflow panel and the Model View tab.
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9.2. Streamlines
ANSYS Energico calculates streamline traces for each zone which may be made visible within the zone’s
context menu. The streamline traces are also available for plots that contain zones as locations, and
will be colored by the variable being plotted. Typically, transparency must be set to a setting other than
Opaque for the streamlines to be visible. Figure 9.5: Streamline for CFD solution (p. 96) demonstrates
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Viewing Results
a CFD Plot whose streamlines have been made visible by selecting the Draw Streamlines option and
setting the Transparency option to Medium.
• Select the rows of the table by selecting locations from the list on the left panel.
• Select the columns of the table by selecting variables from the list(s) on the right side of the table.
• To create and view the table, click the View Table button. The units from the Unit Preferences are used to
display the selected content.
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Creating a Table
To remove an existing table, right-click the table’s workflow item in the Workflow panel to bring
up a context menu and select the Remove option. The table will be removed from the Workflow
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Viewing Results
A “.ckview” file contains a data section for each plot that stores selected locations, selected variable
names, range settings, and display attributes. It also contains a data section for each table that stores
the selected locations and variables for each.
If the Replace option is selected, the current list of plots and tables will be deleted before adding
the content from the specified file. If the Append option is selected, the content from the new file
will be added to the current list of plots and tables.
Figure 9.7: Load or Import View Settings from View Template (.ckview)
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Chapter 10: Using the Parameter Study Facility
This section provides a description of the Parameter Study capabilities in ANSYS Energico and in the
ANSYS Chemkin-Pro interfaces.
An important aspect of the ERN is the ability to quickly evaluate how small changes in input parameters
would affect the outcome, prior to re-running the full CFD solution. In this way, initial scoping of the
parameter space can save significant computational time. For example, small changes to the inlet fuel
composition can generally be made without invalidating the flow field or temperature solution. Such
parameter studies can be performed using the Parameter Study Facility within the ERN Diagram View.
The ANSYS ANSYS Chemkin-Pro interface is then launched when the View ERN option is selected in
ANSYS Energico.
A Parameter Study can easily be used to define a large set of cases to run, where each case involves a
change of one or a few parameters. These cases can be set up in an efficient manner and you can
monitor the progress of the runs through either the ANSYS Energico or ANSYS Chemkin-Pro Interface.
A Solution Harvester parses solution files over all runs to create a merged solution set, which can then
be easily analyzed with the ANSYS Chemkin-Pro Visualizer.
This section describes how to set up a Parameter Study of one or more parameters, how to run the
models involving Parameter Study, and how to post-process the solutions. We recommend that you
first read through Chemkin-Pro Getting Started Guide so that you are familiar with using the ANSYS
Chemkin-Pro Interface and Visualizer.
The second method for the specification of parameter studies can be found in the ANSYS Chemkin-Pro
interface, which is described in Chemkin-Pro Getting Started Guide.
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Using the Parameter Study Facility
Figure 10.1: Parameter study creation section of the Equivalent Reactor Network Analysis
workflow tree
The dialog for specifying an inlet/source set is shown in Figure 10.2: Definition of an inlet/source
set (p. 101) . At the top is the name specification of the set, and below it is a list of inlets and mass
sources that can be selected for inclusion in the set. The default state is to select every entry in this
list, whose contents can be manipulated by adding selection criteria. Selection criteria added to the
list in the center will filter out content of the list of inlet and mass sources on the left.
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Setting Up a Parameter Study in ENERGICO
Applying the changes creates a new entry in the workflow tree that is used in the creation of the
parameter variation. In the example shown in Figure 10.2: Definition of an inlet/source set (p. 101) ,
we have selected inlets where the fuel (methane) mass fraction is greater than a minimum value, in
order to identify the premixed fuel/air inlets and distinguish them from air inflows.
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Using the Parameter Study Facility
The values in the Start and End field represent the mass-averaged values that will be used to change
the content of the selected inlet and mass source set for the given number of parameter studies. The
selected species shown in Figure 10.3: Variation of a species composition (p. 102) is CH4. On the right-
hand side of the panel, the N2 and O2 species are identified as species whose mass fractions need
to be modified proportionally to account for the change in the Varied Species, such that the sum
of the mass fractions continues to be one for each case. The Start and End value for CH4 is initially
populated with the nominal fraction value; Edit these text boxes to control the values that will be
used in the parameter study. The values can be populated based on a fixed increment or a fixed
number of values, by selecting from the pull-down menu to the right of the Start/End values and
the corresponding entry to the right of that. In Figure 10.3: Variation of a species composition (p. 102)
, the settings will generate 4 (# values) cases, where the CH4 mass fraction will vary linearly from
0.0851 to 0.092, as shown in the first column of the resulting values table. The Set Values button
automatically calculates the values that will be used to alter the composition of the inlet and mass
sources in the parameter study. For the inlet-composition parameter study, the total and relative inlet
mass flow rates remain the same as for the nominal case.
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Setting Up a Parameter Study in ENERGICO
The second option for the variation of the inlet properties is to alter the flow rate ratios of two in-
let/mass source sets, as shown in Figure 10.4: Varying flow ratios (p. 103) . The selected inlet sets will
pre-populate the content of the start ratio, and will automatically adjust the magnitude of the two
inlet sets, while keeping the sum of flow rate constant. With all properties, the values in the table are
mass averaged, and the resulting parameter study will adjust individual inlets and mass sources in a
set in proportion to their initial value.
The third option for specifying an inlet/source parameter variation is through fuel-to-air ratios, as
shown in Figure 10.5: Fuel/Air Ratio option for specifying parameter studies (p. 104) . For this type of
problem, you have to select which species in the inlet correspond to the fuel (as in the left panel
labeled Fuel in Figure 10.5: Fuel/Air Ratio option for specifying parameter studies (p. 104) ) and which
species correspond to air (as in the right panel in Figure 10.5: Fuel/Air Ratio option for specifying
parameter studies (p. 104) labeled Air). Then you need to select whether you want to fix the fuel air
flow (Fix Air Flow radio button) and vary only the fuel flow or fix the fuel mass flow (Fix Fuel Flow)
and vary only the air flow to achieved the desired fuel-air ratio variation. The Fuel/Air ratio is specified
on a mass basis and is pre-populated in the Start/End boxes by the nominal value for the inlet selected.
The Set Values button populates the table below the button with the resulting flow rate values and
inlet mass fractions for each species affected by the parameter study.
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Using the Parameter Study Facility
The last option for changing inlets is through the direct manipulation of a single property, as shown
in Figure 10.6: Parameter study of a flow rate of an inlet/mass source set (p. 105) . In the example
shown, the mass flow rate is selected from the pull-down list of properties for the selected Inlet Set,
with units for the values of g/sec selected in the units pull-down list to the right of the property. The
parameter study generated will linearly vary the fuel mass flow rate from 0.1126 g/s to 0.01 g/s over
four different runs, as indicated in the table below the Set Values button.
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Running Parameter Study
Additional parameter study steps can be added independently or can be superimposed on top of
previously defined parameter studies. The ERN Analysis workflow tree has a “Review Setup” node,
which will display in tabular form the combination of all Parameter Studies that have been set up for
the open project.
Details on how to run a Parameter Study and post-process results are provided in Chemkin-Pro Getting
Started Guide. We briefly describe the major steps here.
After creating the Parameter Study, you can run the Parameter Study in ANSYS Chemkin-Pro by:
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Using the Parameter Study Facility
1. Double-clicking the Run Calculations node in the ANSYS Chemkin-Pro project tree, and selecting Para-
meter Study in the dialog that opens. Click Begin to start the analysis running. The Monitor Project Run
panel shows progress on individual runs and the combined job.
There are two options for post-processing or visualizing the parameter-study solution results. (A)
Use the View Results in ANSYS Energico option in ANSYS Chemkin-Pro. (B) Use the Chemkin-Pro
Post-Processor. This can be convenient for looking at the details of each simulation. These options
are described below.
Figure 10.7: Analyze Results panel in ANSYS Chemkin-Pro for setting up parameter-study results
2. Once the results have been loaded, results can be viewed in tables. Create a new table using the Create
a Table item in the workflow (Creating a Table (p. 96) ), and select the desired ERN result from the drop-
down list of possibilities.
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106 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Running Parameter Study
Figure 10.8: Configure Table Data panel in ENERGICO for setting up parameter-study results
3. The second method for viewing parameter-study results is to create an ERN results plot from a parameter
study. Create a new ERN Results Plot (Mapping Results of the ERN onto the CFD Geometry (p. 71) ) and
use the Select Data Set drop-down list to select the desired data set.
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Using the Parameter Study Facility
Figure 10.9: Define ERN Plot panel in ENERGICO for setting up parameter-study results
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108 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Running Parameter Study
Section 2.3.6 of Chemkin-Pro Getting Started Guide. The details of working with the Post-Processor
are described in Chemkin-Pro Visualization Manual.
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 109
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110 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 11: Getting Help and Support
There are several resources available to get further help when using ANSYS Energico. Starting points
for these resources are described here.
11.1. Tool-tips
A useful help feature in the ANSYS Energico Interface is “bubble” or “tool-tip” help, also known as
“mouse-over” help. In each of the project-tree input panels, resting your mouse cursor near an input-
parameter label will usually result in temporary display of context-sensitive help. This bubble help
provides more description about the parameter usage and about default behavior or default values.
Access the user manuals from the Help menu on the ANSYS Energico Interface.
ANSYS Energico tutorials are available in the Chemkin-Pro Tutorials and the Energico Tutorials. To access
a product's tutorials and input files, visit the ANSYS Help site.
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Getting Help and Support
• The name and email address of the Licensee, if different from yourself.
• An archive of the project you are running (See Archiving and Unarchiving Projects for how to create an
• Any pertinent error or informational messages you have received from the ANSYS Chemkin-Pro software.
Use the ANSYS Help site to find information about your products. At this site, you can:
• Download tutorials
Call 1-800-711-7199 for ANSYS Support. You must enter the Customer Number from the email that
contained your license file.
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112 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Appendix A. Importing a CGNS File from CFD Software
See Appendix C: CGNS Utility (p. 125) for information about the CGNS Utility for converting vertex-based
solution data to cell-centered data.
All CGNS files must conform to the specifications described in Section Compatibility with Commercial
CFD Software (p. 59).
• Preferences: On the Model tab, deselect Check for Isolated Mesh Volumes.
When importing CGNS files from Fluent into Energico on Windows systems, the import
will typically fail when the size of the CGNS file is ≥2 GB. There are no known issues if the
file is less than 2 GB. There are also no issues on the Linux platform. A workaround for this
problem is to import the Fluent case file instead of the CGNS file.
To export a CGNS file from the Fluent interface, select File > Export > Solution Data from the Fluent
File menu.
Choose CGNS as the file type to export and select the Cell Center option. Select the required fields
and select the write option.
• Mass fractions
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Importing a CGNS File from CFD Software
• Static Temperature
• Density
• X Velocity
• Y Velocity
• Z Velocity
An example of the output is given in Figure 2: Example output from STAR-CD BWRITE - completing region
and interface data (p. 115).
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114 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Boundary File Usage
Figure 2: Example output from STAR-CD BWRITE - completing region and interface data
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 115
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116 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Appendix B. Adding Inputs to an Algorithm File
Algorithm files are applied by clicking the Apply Algorithm workflow item to launch a dialog that
presents the current list of algorithm files (“.ckzone” files) found in either the installation data directory
or your home directory (Figure 1: List of algorithms in Select an ERN Algorithm dialog (p. 117)). If the
algorithm file contains an input section, the algorithm inputs will appear once the algorithm is selected
from the list, as shown in Figure 2: Algorithm inputs in Select an ERN Algorithm dialog (p. 117):
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Adding Inputs to an Algorithm File
To add inputs to the algorithm file, edit the algorithm file in a text editor as follows:
1. Add an <inputs> element after the <ern> element and before the <zones> element:
2. Add an <input> element inside of the <inputs> element with the following attributes:
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118 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Adding Inputs to an Algorithm File
The attributes describe the type of input required, in this case type = “Species” indicates that the drop-down
3. Replace the text “ch4” in the <operation> element with the name of the input “FUEL_FIELD”:
4. Save the file into either the ANSYS Energico user directory or the Energico data directory. For example, on
a Windows machine the data directory will typically be “C:\Program Files\Reaction\ANSYS Energico<ver-
sion>_win64\data” and the user directory will typically be “C:\Documents and Settings\username\ANSYS
5. Test the algorithm by opening an ANSYS Energico project and selecting the “Apply Algorithm” item from
the ERN Analysis tab. If the algorithm file was named “Test Algorithm.ckzone”, the following will be displayed
when the algorithm is selected:
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Adding Inputs to an Algorithm File
The input’s drop-down list will contain the current list of species in the project. For example:
<input type="Species" name="FUEL_FIELD" description="Fuel Field" default="ch4"/>
The input’s drop-down selector will contain the current list of CFD variables in the project. For example:
<input type="Variable" name="FILTER_FIELD_A" description="Filtering field" default="TEMPERATURE"/>
The input’s drop-down selector will contain the choices specified in as shown in the example. For example:
<input type="String" name="FLOW_DIRECTION" description="Dominant Flow Direction" default="X">
<choice value = "X"/>
<choice value = "Y"/>
<choice value = "Z"/>
The input’s drop-down selector will contain “true” and “false” choices. For example:
<input type="Boolean" name="SOLVE_ENERGY" description="Solve for Temperature" default="true"/>
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120 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Adding Inputs to an Algorithm File
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 121
Adding Inputs to an Algorithm File
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122 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Adding Inputs to an Algorithm File
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 123
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124 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Appendix C. CGNS Utility
ANSYS Energico requires that CGNS files contain cell-centered solution data. A command-line utility is
provided to convert vertex-based solution data to cell-centered data using a simple averaging technique
in which the cell-centered value is computed as the average of the nodal values comprising the cell.
The command line utility is can also be used to remove unwanted solution variables from a CGNS file.
C.1.1. Windows
To use the utility on Windows systems, the ANSYS Energico bin directory must be included in the
user's PATH environment variable. For example, this environment variable could be set as follows in
a DOS window for a typical Windows installation:
where InputFileName.cgns is the name of a CGNS file containing vertex-based solution data
and OutputFileName.cgns is the name of the new CGNS file to be created containing cell-centered
where InputFileName.cgns is the name of the CGNS file that will be modified, and KeepVari
ableNames.txt contains a list of solution variable names that should not be removed in this oper-
C.1.2. Linux
To use the utility on Linux systems, the ANSYS Energico bin directory must be included in the user's
PATH variable. This environment variable could be set as follows in a terminal window for a typical
Linux installation:
export PATH=$PATH:~$HOME/201/reaction/chmkinpro.linuxx8664/bin/
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CGNS Utility
where InputFileName.cgns is the name of a CGNS file containing vertex-based solution data
and OutputFileName.cgns is the name of the new CGNS file to be created containing cell-centered
where InputFileName.cgns is the name of the cgns file that will be modified, and KeepVari
ableNames.txt contains a list of solution variable names that should not be removed in this oper-
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126 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Appendix D. File Extensions Used by ANSYS Energico
Table 1: File extensions and descriptions of the files
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File Extensions Used by ANSYS Energico
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128 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
[1] Noble, D. R., Q. Zhang, et al. (2006). “Syngas Mixture Composition Effects upon Flashback and Blowout.”
Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2006 ASME Paper No. GT2006-90470..
[2] Lieuwen, T., V. McDonell, et al. (2008). “Fuel Flexibility Influences on Premixed Combustor Blowout,
Flashback, Autoignition, and Stability.” Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power 130 (1):
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of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates. 129
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130 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.