02 Abstract
02 Abstract
02 Abstract
In Āyurvedic literature, the word Prakéti; broadly gives the meaning of nature
or temperament. Caraka takes the Prakéti as a state of homeostasis reflecting the
disease free condition. Then it grew very fast and become a vital instrument in our
Now a day's lots of people want to solve their unfulfilled needs and problems
with the help of internet. Some of them are using the internet to an extended that it
affects their physical and psychological health, occupational and social life too.
Internet is being widely used all around the world. The number of users is increasing
day by day. The internet is a new tool that is used as an essential part of everyday life
all over the world and its use increases especially among young people. In spite of the
widely perceived merits of this tool, psychologists have been aware of the negative
impacts of its use, especially the over or misuse and the related physical and
psychological problems Meditation is all about breathing correctly and about
integrating that breath into your body along with the mind.
Till date many research studies have been done in regards to anatomical and
psychological changes (i.e. mental health and anxiety) in internet users. Still study on
effect of dhyÁna on them is not present especially internet users in Indian population.
users in the control of dhyÁna, under study entitled, “Psychological well-being and the
Manas Prakéti : A study of internet users with special reference to anatomical
The present study evaluates the changes and improvement seen in the
anatomical and psychological levels in internet users while completing a few months
comprehensive yogic procedure (dhyÁna).
Convenient sampling technique was used. The total sample of 180 students
ranging in age from 17 to 25 years was selected from Varanasi for this research work.
197 students filled the self-reported questionnaires. However, only 180 questionnaires
were considered for the data analysis because of the incompletion of questionnaires.
The following standardized tests and tools were used for the present
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After selecting the subjects on the basis of purposive sampling the internet
addiction scale was administered. Information on the study was provided to selected
students via researcher. Students were briefed about the nature and the purpose of the
current study. Prior to the administration of the scale the students were acknowledge
about the utility of the study. The guide line was also provided to the participants for
filling the given option in questionnaire. Students were being requested, to answer
truly and mark the most appropriate option among those given in the scale for each
question. They were requested not to leave any of the items unanswered. Students
were assured about the confidentiality of the data. Responses of the despondence were
collected individually.
All the three groups are advised to do practice of meditation (AUM chanting)
for three months. And the resultant changes were recorded and correlated with the
available concepts.
Statistical Analyses
All analysis was performed using the SPSS software package version 16.0.
Literary Conclusion
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Demographic Conclusion
The demographic results suggest that the present study shows that out of total
180 students, the students divided into 3 groups on the basis of use of internet. And in
non-internet users group, normal internet users group and addicted internet users
group (11.11%, 62.78% and 26.11% respectively). In non and normal internet users
group majority of students belong to 23-25 years age group(70.0% & 47.8%
respectively),and in addicted group majority of students belong to 20-22 age groups
(70.20%), male students (40%, 51.3% & 51.1%respectively in each group) and female
students (60%, 48.7% & 48.9%respectively in each group ), from joint family (50%,
50.4% & 12.8% respectively in each group) and single family (50%, 49.6% & 87.2%
respectively in each group).
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(78.7%) students were belong to higher parent’s education group. In group-1 and
group-2 maximum students were belong to SÁtvika-RÁjsika Prakéti (40% & 46.9%
respectively) where in group-3 (42.6%) students were belongs to SÁtvika-TÁmsika
Prakéti group.
The number of students with the symptom of disturbed sleep pattern reduces
gradually from 40% to 0% after 2nd follow-up in group-1, while in group-2 and group-
3 the reduction is less significant in comparison to group-1 which is from 23% to
10.6% & 78.7% to 31.9% respectively. These findings may be the attribution of the
interventions i.e. dhyÁna.
This study depicts that better results in normal internet users group because the
sleep pattern of students of normal internet users group was already in average range
in term of sleep duration; normal range of sleep pattern is described in various texts 7
to 8 hrs. That’s why it was more obvious the ratio of increasing of good sleep pattern
was found more in normal internet users group in comparison to other group’s i.e.
non-internet users and addicted internet users group. And it was found that in non-
internet users group after intervention sleep duration was become more adequate.
The anatomical assessment analysis result shows that in each groups before
intervention there was weaknesses, pain numbness and swelling i.e. reduce
functionality of the muscles back, neck and carpal tunnel, in each the groups. The
weaknesses, pain numbness and swelling of all these muscles resolve after the 1st
follow-up in each group and they attain normal functionality which continues after the
2nd follow-up.
In this study it was found that during the initial assessment a significant
percentage of addicted internet users experience poor level of mental health. Mental
health is a level of psychological well-being, or an absence of a mental disorder; it is
the "psychological state of someone who is functioning at a satisfactory level of
emotional and behavioral adjustment". The number of students with the symptom of
poor mental health reduces gradually from 20% in to 0% after 2nd follow-up (after
intervention) in group-1, while in group-2 and group-3 the reduction is less significant
in comparison to group-1 which was from 5.3% to 3.5% & 53.2% to 21.3%
respectively. The psychological parameter is improved by the practice of dhyÁna
(AUM chanting).
This study depicts that non-internet users group shows less autonomous, after
follow ups normal and addicted internet users group autonomycity was increased
respectively, which is a positive attitude.
The number of students with the good grade symptom of anxiety increase
gradually from 60% to 90 % after 2nd follow-up in group-1, while in group-2 the
reduction is less significant in comparison to group-1 which was from 19.5% to 20%
and in group-3 students with the good grade symptom of anxiety increase gradually
from 0% to 21.3 % after 2nd follow-up.
It can be said that anxious people use the internet in order to overcome their
anxiety, to escape from uneasy thoughts that lead to anxiety and finally to attempt to
replace their turbulent thoughts with the attractions and amusements existing in the
internet. In general, it can be said that normal users, i.e. people who use the internet in
moderation have lower anxiety levels and are not afflicted with the destructive effects
of excessive Internet use.
The modern age is no doubt, a scientific age. Science has provided the modern
man all to make his life comfortable, but still there is a cruel paradox of material
plenty without an iota of mental peace. The concept of spirituality is attracting the
attention of researchers all over the world.
No significant side effect or adverse effects were found during the study.
Moreover these interventions open newer vistas for the maintenance of psychological
and anatomical-physiological well-being of internet users. These interventions have
potential to emerge as a newer therapy which is non-invasive, drugless, safe, and cost-
effective to the internet users, which will benefits the society and may be helpful to
prevent as well as minimize addiction rate in internet users.
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