What Is Media Theory
What Is Media Theory
What Is Media Theory
With the relative ease with which new journals can now be established, the launch of
a new journal of media theory obliges us all the more to justify the need for such an
endeavour (Cubitt, this issue), to argue that we do indeed need yet another journal
theorising media (Shome, this issue), and to convince at least some readers that the
journal deserves the name, Media Theory (Mitchell, this issue). For this launch issue of
the journal, editorial and advisory board members were invited to set out their own
views on the importance of (a new journal of) media theory. While the journal can
hardly satisfy the occasionally conflicting and contradictory wishes of everyone on
the boards, this special issue represents a pluralistic manifesto for the journal –
manifestos for various possibilities and directions for Media Theory.
The aim is not to establish a particular theory of any particular media, or to present
the various theories of the various media; it is rather to theorise media by unravelling
and teasing apart, by undermining and critiquing, and by providing genealogical
accounts of alternative attempts at theorising media. To do so necessitates the
transcending and transgressing of disciplinary boundaries, and the bringing into
dialogue of diverse theoretical approaches. The journal will endeavour to encourage
the Marxists as well as the Foucauldians, the media historians as well as the media
archaeologists, those who follow in the footsteps of Williams as well as those who
stand on the shoulders of McLuhan, and those from within the British cultural and
media studies tradition as well as those within German cultural techniques and media
theory, to write as much for each other as for the already converted, resisting the
temptation to settle for the journal becoming an echo chamber for any one
approach. For Media Theory, to theorise is therefore to ‘make, adapt, stretch and
compact distinctions between terms that are generally familiar’ (Baehr, 2000: xix), to
‘dismantle’ traditions (Baehr, 2000: xlv), to ‘flush out assumptions’ (Kendall and
Wickham, 1999: 30), to reconstruct the genealogy of theorisations and to reveal the
DAWES | What Is Media Theory?
Thus far, the contributions to the journal have been from mostly – if, thankfully, not
yet dead – white men from the global north. If the journal is to be effective in its
pursuit of deprovincialising media theory, then more effort needs to be made to
include and engage with theories and theorists from normally neglected communities
and locations. The effort to deprovincialise media theory goes beyond inclusion of
and dialogue with multiple disciplines, locations, identities and perspectives,
however; it means decolonising and geopoliticising theory (Shome, this issue) and
generating a critique of media power.
Aware of its own mediation as an online and open access journal, Media Theory will
aim to be a journal that is both recognisably an academic journal, by paying heed to
scholarly conventions, as well as something new, by challenging those conventions
and what we have come to expect an academic journal to be. Adhering for the most
part to referencing conventions, the double-blind peer-review process, publishing
ethics, indexing and archiving, and publishing articles with a creative commons
licence that ensures the integrity and authorship of the article, we will nevertheless be
open to experiments in radical open access publishing, including the possibility of
open peer-review and remixing content.
Media Theory
Vol. 1 | No. 1 | 2017 http://mediatheoryjournal.org/
For Liam Cole Young, such attempts at triadic thinking highlight the importance of
imagination, conceptual modelling, speculative thinking and experimental writing to
media theory. In his article, ‘Imagination and Literary Media Theory’, Young laments
DAWES | What Is Media Theory?
the waning importance of literary studies (in favour of communication studies and
anthropology) to media theory, reminding us that imagination – as object as well as
method – has been an “engine” that has driven media theoretical debates over the
past sixty years or so. In emphasising the imaginative thinking, close reading and
experimentalism of the literary stream, Young shows how media theory has been
able to ground abstract ideas in material, discursive and technical contexts that have
otherwise been neglected by more historical or philosophical approaches. In light of
the contemporary complexities of everyday life and new forms of computation,
commerce and governance, he argues that a return to the literary roots of media
theory could help provide the new metaphors we need to understand the relation
between technological and social change.
Media Theory
Vol. 1 | No. 1 | 2017 http://mediatheoryjournal.org/
In doing so, we can more ambitiously aim to geopoliticise and decolonise media
studies, producing new epistemological frames within which to study media. This is
what, in her article, ‘Going South and Engaging Non-Western Modernities’, Raka
DAWES | What Is Media Theory?
Shome argues the journal should be doing. Taking issue with the ‘comparing media
systems’ and ‘media/communication and development’ approaches, as well as the
more recent emphasis on ‘dewesternising media studies’, Shome argues that they
tend to position Southern media (studies) in opposition to those in an invisible
North/West. For Shome, therefore, theorising media – rethinking “what media
means, what it can mean, its histories, its scope of operations, and even the objects
that may count as media” – is a question of geopoliticising knowledge production
and non-Western mediated modernities on their own terms. Such a task also entails
rethinking what ‘theory’ might be in relation to media and media studies.
Machinic World
The urgent need to develop new theories and concepts to keep up with rapid
technological and social change has always been an important rationale for media
theory. Today, as abstract data is captured, stored and analysed by machine learning
systems in increasingly complex ways, new conceptual models for thinking about
machine learning and artificial intelligence are required if we are to understand and
critique what is happening beneath the surface of these new computational forms. In
his ‘Prolegomenon to a Media Theory of Machine Learning: Compute-Computing
and Compute-Computed’, David M. Berry attempts to do just this by drawing on
Spinoza’s distinction between Natura naturans (‘naturing Nature’) and Natura naturata
(‘natured Nature’) to think through the difference between constitutive and operative
types of machine learning. In suggesting these concepts, he draws out the
significance of recent developments in this complex technological field not just for
media theory and digital humanities, but for social theory and human attention too.
Media Theory
Vol. 1 | No. 1 | 2017 http://mediatheoryjournal.org/
days (if we accept that we have moved from a logocentric to a machinic world) than
to algorithmic calculations of anticipation and pre-emption. The task becomes,
therefore, one of developing techniques and tactics to assist our political and
subjective orientation in worlds of algorithmic governance and data economies.
But ‘What Are the Theoretical Lessons when Agnostic Hacker Politics Turn to the
Right?’, asks Johan Söderberg. How do we stop these new techniques and tactics
being hijacked by corporations or by the far right? Although originally allied with
left-liberal causes, for example, Internet subcultures and discussion forums provided
the breeding ground for the return to the mainstream of neo-fascists and white
supremacists under the self-proclaimed banner of alt-right politics. Fake news and
the alt-right may urgently demand new theoretical responses, but the they also pose
questions for the efficacy of previous theorisations of media, and for the future of
media theory itself.
Attempts to grasp the character of “rapid and radical social change” and to construct
reality in terms of its actuality have led many media theorists to relish the dissolution
DAWES | What Is Media Theory?
of the opposition between form and matter. For John W.P. Phillips, however, there
remains a tension between those that privilege form and those that privilege matter,
putting a strain on the very idea of ontology itself. In ‘The End of Ontology and the
Future of Media Theory’, Phillips grapples with theoretical and philosophical
attempts to “think things”, to “think the media” in terms of the physical existence of
“the between”, and to think the way each media platform is “displaced by its own
mediatic disruption”.
Responding to this dissolution between form and matter, Mickey Vallee’s article,
‘Contiguity and Interval: Opening Media Theory’, turns our attention to the borders
of mediation. For Vallee, media are both here and there, and mediation, which both
connects and disconnects, is only possible in terms of its own ruptures and intervals.
Arguing that the contemporary boundaries of mediated environments are expanding
and collapsing in continuous variations, affecting the very definitions of ‘media’ we
have come to depend upon, he turns to topology as a creative way of exploring
media as open and fluid. Understood topologically, there is no division between the
contiguous and the interval, but rather these terms are nodes in a network of
continuous variation that underlies evolving definitions of media, bodies,
environment, time, place and space.
Media Theory
Vol. 1 | No. 1 | 2017 http://mediatheoryjournal.org/
the following were written very much in the style or spirit of a manifesto. Taking the
early 20th Century Blast Manifesto of the British Vorticist movement as her starting
point, for example, Jane Birkin shows how the manifesto can be considered as a
material object that makes declarations in form as well as content. In her article,
‘Manifesto: Graphic, Sonic, Affective Object’, Birkin goes on to draw on a range of
concrete poetic and graphic modernist manifestos to highlight the performativity of
their ‘moving information’.
In his call for ‘Open Theory’, Sunil Manghani similarly draws upon a wide range of
examples, from the Communist Manifesto to Bono and 1984, to illustrate a wide range
of issues – from reading and writing, through production and reproduction, to the
relation between (online) journals and their ‘audiences’ – and to argue that media
“gets us faster to what we already know” and that theory “only applies each time it is
In the penultimate article of the issue, ‘10 Propositions for Doing Media Theory
(Again)’, Christoph Raetzsch discusses the significance of the journal’s open access
format, its focus on theory, and its emphasis on the international and
transdisciplinary scope of media theory, which “delimits a space of inquiry where
positions can meet outside their own disciplinary [and geographical] contexts”.
Representing the rich (historical, geographical, disciplinary) legacies of media theory
DAWES | What Is Media Theory?
Finally, the issue ends with the first article to have been submitted to the journal: in
the author’s own words, an ‘unrefereeable rant’ on the kind of journal Media Theory
needs to try to be. In ‘What Is a Journal for?’, Sean Cubitt argues that to survive, a
journal needs, more than anything, a reason to exist. For him, this should be a
transdisciplinary project to actively refuse disciplinary closures, and to critically
interrogate the scope and limits of specialisms and disciplines, in contrast to those
who would defend them for their own sakes. Because specialisms are not intrinsically
valuable or collective enterprises, he insists, the journal’s transdisciplinary project
should be to collectively enable (not determine) media theory, and to foster dialogue
between specialist objects and schools of thought so as to “unleash the potential
each of them has locked up inside its disciplinary firewalls”.
We’ll try our best. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy the ‘Manifestos’ issue.
Baehr, P. (2003) ‘Editor’s Introduction’ in P Baehr (ed.) The Portable Hannah Arendt,
London: Penguin Books.
Foucault, M. (1977) ‘Nietzsche, Genealogy, History’, in DF Bouchard (ed) Language,
Counter-Memory, Practice: Selected Essays and Interviews, Ithaca: Cornell University
Jameson, F. (2009) Valences of the Dialectic. London: Verso.
Kendall, G. and Wickham, G. (1999) Using Foucault’s Methods, London: SAGE.
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