Cannons of Police Ethics
Cannons of Police Ethics
Cannons of Police Ethics
- As an upholder of the law, policemen must know the limitation in enforcing the law, thus:
a. He must be aware of the limitations which the people, through law, have placed him.
b. He must recognize the center of the democratic system of government, which gives person or group
of persons, absolute power.
- The policeman shall assiduously apply himself to the principles of the laws, which he is sworn to apply.
a. He will make certain of his responsibilities in the particular field of enforcement, seeking aid of his
superior in matters technically or in principles not clear to him
b. He shall make special effort to fully understand his relationship with law enforcement agencies,
particularly on matters of jurisdiction, both geographically and substantively.
a. The policeman shall be mindful of his responsibility to have strict selection of methods in discharging
the duty of his office.
b. Violation of law or public safety and property on the part of the officer are intrinsically wrong. They
are self-defeating if they instill in the public mind.
c. The employment of Illegal methods, no matter how worthy the end, is certain to encourage disrespect
for the law and its officers, If the law is to be honored, it must first be honored by those who enforce it.
d. it is the proper performance of duty not the nobleness of the objective or mission which should guide
every police officer.
a. The policeman shall cooperate fully with other public officials in the performance or authorized
duties, regardless of party affiliation or personal prejudices.
b. He shall be meticulous in law, however, in assuring himself as property, under the law, such actions
shall guard against the use of his office or person whether knowingly or in any improper or illegal action.
a. The policeman shall be mindful of his special identification by the public as an upholder of law.
b. The community and the service require that the policeman leads the life of decent and honorable
person, following the career of policeman gives no special pre-requisite.
c. being a law enforcement officer is a noble profession, it follows that every law enforcer must think,
act and speak with decency and appropriately.
b. He shall deal with individuals of the community in the manner calculated to in still respect for its law.
c. He shall conduct his official life in a manner that will inspire confidence and trust.
d. He will do neither personal preference nor prejudice but rather a duly appointed officer of the law
discharging his sworn obligation.
a. Policeman shall use his powers to arrest in accordance with the law and with due regard to the rights
of the citizen concerned.
b. He shall, at all times, have a clear appreciation of his responsibilities and limitation regarding the
detention of the accused.
c. He shall conduct himself in such a manner as will minimize the possibility of having to use force.
d. He shall cultivate a dedication to the people and the equitable upholding of the law whether in the
handling of the accused or law-abiding citizen.
a. Policeman representing the government bears heavy responsibility of maintaining, in his conduct, the
honor and integrity of all government institution.
b. He shall guard against placing himself in a Position in which the public can reasonably assume that
special consideration is being given.
c. He shall be firm in refusing gifts, favors or gratitude, large or small, which can be public mind, be
interpreted as capable of influencing his judgment in the discharge of his duties.
a. Policeman shall regard the best possible of his duties as a public trust and recognize his
responsibilities as a public servant.
b. He shall strive to make the best possible application of science to the selection of the crime and in the
field of human relation.
c. He shall strive for effecting leadership and public influence in matters affecting public safety.
d. He shall appreciate the importance and responsibility of his office, and hold police work to be an
honorable profession rendering valuable service to his community.
e. Through study and experience, a police officer can acquire the high level of knowledge and
competence that is essential for the efficient and effective performance of duty. The acquisition of
knowledge is a neverending process of personal and professional development that should bepursued
a. Policeman shall be concerned equally in the prosecution of the accused or for the defense of the
b. He shall ascertain what kind of evidence and shall present such evidence impartially and without
c. He shall ignore social, political and all other distinction among the person involved, strengthening the
tradition of reliability and integrity of an officer’s word.
2. What tradition is being referred when PNP members’ sacrifices their limbs and lives for the sake of
their countrymen whom they have pledged to serve? VALOR
3. This is a ceremony done to the flag in respect to deceased uniformed members of the command.
Raising the flag at half-mast
4. PNP members stand at attention and salute the national color and standard as these pass by them or
when the national color is raised or lowered during ceremonies. Salute to National Color and Standard
5. What is the most common word used by PNP members with lower ranks in addressing their superiors
or members with higher ranks and position. Sir/Ma’am
6. A police tradition where PNP members manifest their love of country by vowing to defend the
constitution. Patriotism
7. What is manifested by the PNP members’ deep commitment and concern for one another?
SALUTE - This refers to the usual greeting rendered by uniformed members upon meeting and
recognizing a person entitled to this
Courtesy of the Post -The host police unit extends hospitality to visiting personnel who pay respect to
the command or unit.
Promotion call- This courtesy is extended when PNP members are usually given due recognition and
Gentlemanliness - A tradition in the PNP that is exemplified by being dignified in appearance, and
sincere in their concern to fellowmen.
Word of Honor- A police tradition that serves as a bond among PNP members.
All members of the PNP shall perform their duties with excellence, competence, integrity, intelligence
and expertise in the application of specialized skill and technical knowledge.
Professionalism refers to the conduct and qualities that characterize a particular profession.
Professionalism in policing necessitates viewing the position of police officer as a profession, rather than
simply as a job. A profession is a calling that requires specialized knowledge and particular academic
All members of the PNP shall observe the following professional police conduct:
1. Commitment of Democracy
a. Uniformed PNP members shall commit themselves to the democratic way of life and values and
maintain the principles of public accountability.
b. They shall at all times uphold the constitution and be loyal to our country, people and the police
a. PNP members shall always uphold public interest over and above personal interest.
b. All government properties, resources and powers of their respective offices must be employed and
used effectively, honestly and efficiently, particularly to avoid wastage of public funds and revenues.
3. Non-Partisanship
PNP members shall provide service to everyone without discrimination regardless of party affiliation in
accordance with existing laws and regulations.
All PNP members shall strive to be physically fit and in good health at all times. Towards this end, they
shall undergo regular exercises and annual medical examination in any PNP hospital or medical facility.
5. Secrecy Discipline
All PNP members shall guard the confidentiality of classified information against unauthorized
disclosure, including confidential aspect of official business, special orders, communication and other
documents, roster or any portion thereof, contents of criminal records, identities of person who may
have given information to the police in confidence and other classified information on intelligence
a. Official Business
Members of the PNP Shall treat official business confidential and shall not impart the same to anyone
except those for whom it is intended, or as directed by their superior officer, or as required by law.
b. Special Order
PNP members shall not divulge to any unauthorized person any special order or classified document
which they may be made accessible to or may receive or may pass their hands.
c. Roster
PNP Members shall not divulge the roster or any portion thereof to any individual, firm or corporation,
or similar entity.
d. Criminal Record
Contents of criminal record shall not be exhibited or divulge to any person other than duly authorized
police officers or upon approval of their superior officers, or as required by law.
e. Identify of Person
PNP members shall respect the confidence of persons who may give information or seek the aid of the
police names and business or addresses be not made public except when required by law, or which it is
6. Social Awareness
All PNP members and their immediate family members shall be encouraged to actively get involved in
the religious, social, and civic activities to enhance image.
All PNP members shall seek self-improvement through career development and shall:
b. Nor shall they initiate any petition to be prepared and presented by citizens in their behalf.
c. Moreover, they shall advise their immediate relatives not to interfere in the activities of the police
service particularly in the assignment and reassignment of personnel.
d. Not, at any time, suggest, solicit or recommend to any party or accused with pending case, the
employment of any particular bondsman or counsel for his defense or release.
b. Retiring, reassigning, or dismissed members of the PNP shall immediately surrender their badges,
service firearms, identification cards, other insignia of office, and other property of the PNP which may
be in their possession or under their responsibility.
c. All recovered property, used in the commission of crime or alleged to be so, property legally seized,
found or surrender and those found on the person of a prisoner; shall be properly tagged and
immediately delivered to the proper custodian for disposition.
a. In the performance of their duty, PNP members shall respect human dignity and uphold human rights
of all persons.
b. He shall not inflict, investigate, or tolerate extra-judicial killing, arbitrary arrest, any act of torture or
other cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment.
c. He shall not invoke superior order or exceptional circumstances such as state of war, a threat to
national security, internal political instability or any committing such violation of human rights.
a. All PNP members shall perform their duties with devotion, and manifest concern for public welfare.
b. He shall refrain from engaging in any activity which shall be in conflict with their duties as public
c. He shall not rein sickness or Injury or Physical incapacity to avoid performance of duty.
d. He shall not leave his assigned jurisdiction of official business, except by permission of his superior
officer or other competent authority, unless such permission is not practical as in hot pursuit of a
criminal, in which case a report must be made immediately thereafter.
Policemen shall help in the development and conservation of our natural resources for ecological
balance and posterity as these are inalienable heritage of our people.
12. Discipline
They shall conduct themselves at all times in keeping with the rules and regulations of the Philippines.
13. Loyalty
Above all, policemen must be loyal to the Constitution and to the police service as manifested by their
loyalty to their superiors, peers and subordinates as well.
b. He shall see to it that all government resources with laws and regulations and safeguard against losses
thru illegal and improper disposition.
Definition of Terms
2. Favoritism- unfair or unjust acts (“break”) usually given to friends or relatives (nepotism).
4. Dirty Harry Scenario- involves approval for the police to make false promises to (or worse still
torture) hostage takers and kidnappers. characterized from a movie detective who used
unconstitutional means to attain lofty justice goals
(A police officer who is reckless, disregards practices and policies, or who practices vigilantism, or has a
questionable use of force and officer involved shooting incidents.
5. Legitimacy- refers to how fair or just the outcomes of policing are. (conformity to the laws or
-accepting money or money’s worth for doing something under a duty not to do or to do
- a criminal conduct that involve under-using one’s authority, overusing one’s authority, or
profiteering via one’s authority.
1. Police Gratuity
- it is the violation of Code of Ethics because it involves financial gain or reward in which the
officer has been placed in compromising position where favor (“fix”) can reasonably expected in the
- when there is an implied favor (“a wink and nod”), it is called mooching.
- when the officer is quite blatant about demanding free services, it’s called “Chiseling”
- gratuities often lead to things like kickbacks (bribery)for referring business. At the extreme,
opportunistic theft takes place, with police officers skimming items of value that won’t be missed from
crime scenes, property rooms, warehouses, or any place they have access to. Theft of items from stores
while on patrol is sometimes called “ shopping”.
2. Police Perjury
- a means to effect an act of corruption, leaving out certain pertinent pieces of information in
order to “fix” a criminal prosecution.
- Dropsy evidence is typical, where the officers testify untruthfully that he/she saw the offender
drop some narcotics or contraband. Lying in court is called “testilying” and the police can do it coolly;
they are trained witnesses.
3. Police Brutality-
4. Police Profanity-
the use of profane and obscene language such as words having religious connotations (e.g., hell,
goddamn); words indicating excretory functions (e.g., shit, piss) and words connected with sexual
functions (e.g., fuck, prick). Generally, words with religious connotations are considered least offensive
and words connected with sexual functions are considered the most offensive.
Contacts with promiscuous females and minimal supervision is part of the police job. There are
number of women who are attracted to the uniform or aura of the occupation. Every police officers will
be able to tell you stories about police “groupies”. These are women who make the rounds by waving at
officers, getting them to stop or pull over, and then set up meetings to have sex with them, or
sometimes right then and there. It involves:
a.) traffic stop- to get a closer look at the female or information about her.
b.) fox hunting- stopping college girls to get the” I’ll do anything” routine.
e.) opposite sex strip searches- touching and/or sex with jail inmates
road traffic stops -- to acquire a dearer gaze at the woman or intelligence regarding her
•fox chasing -- interrupting college females to get the I will do whatever routine
•conflicting sex strip examinations -- handling and/or intercourse with jail prisoners
6. Sleeping on Duty-
On the night shift, the police car is sometimes referred to as the “travelling bedroom”. In a
police argot, a ”hole” or “coop” is where sleeping takes place, typically the back room of someplace the
officer has a key to and can engage in safe cooping.
- Sleeping on duty, of course is just an extreme example of goldbricking, the avoidance of work
or performing only the amount minimally necessary to satisfy superiors.
Law Enforcers-
one whose prime authority is to enforce the law and whose constitutional duty is to preserve
peace, to defend and protect the people.
-attitudes and behaviors between the police and the communities they serve.
SECTION 2. Declaration of Policy. — It is hereby declared to be the policy of the State to promote
peace and order, ensure public safety and further strengthen local government capability aimed
towards the effective delivery of the basic services to the citizenry through the establishment of a highly
efficient and competent police force that is national in scope and civilian in character. Towards this end,
the State shall bolster a system of coordination and cooperation among the citizenry, local executives
and the integrated law enforcement and public safety agencies created under this Act.
Section 2. Declaration of Policy and Principles. — It is hereby declared the policy of the State to
establish a highly efficient and competent police force which is national in scope and civilian in character
administered and controlled by a national police commission.
The Philippine National Police (PNP) shall be a community and service oriented agency responsible for
the maintenance of peace and order and public safety.
The Men and Women of the PNP is committed to a vision of a professional, dynamic and highly
motivated Philippine National Police working in partnership with a responsive community towards the
attainment of a safe place to live, work, invest and do business with.
To enforce the law, to prevent and control crimes, to maintain peace and order, and to ensure
public safety and internal security with the active support of the community
- a group of persons established, maintained and organized for keeping order, safety, protection
of lives and property and for prevention and detection of crimes
- refers to the civilian populace or the public in general, and shall be used interchangeably with the
terms, public, citizenry, society and private sector
- a body of people organized into political, municipal or social unity or a body of persons living in the
same locality
- derived from the Latin words, communis, which means common, and tatis which means fellowship
- the sum total of the dealings between the police and the people it serves, and whose goodwill
and cooperation it craves, for the greatest possible efficiency in the service
- refers to the reciprocal attitudes of the police and the community attitudes and behaviors between
the police and the communities they serve.
- the act of bringing about better understanding, confidence and acceptance for an
individual or an organization
a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations
and their publics
- the continuing process by which endeavors are made to obtain the goodwill and cooperation of
the public for effective enforcement of the law and accomplishment of the police purposes
the activities performed by police agencies designed to create a favorable image of themselves.
- consist of the fundamental rules both moral and legal, which govern the relationship of men in
all aspects of life relationships between groups of people, especially between workers in a place of work,
or the study of these relationships.
- may be in the form of television, movies, radio or newspaper, and the like
the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a
cause, or a person. 3
- refers to how the people in the community perceive or regard the police
1) The basic mission for which police exist is to prevent crime and disorder as an alternative to the
repression of crime and disorder by military force and severity of legal punishment.
2) The ability of the police to perform their duties is dependent upon public approval of police
existence, actions, and behavior and the ability of the police to secure and maintain public respect.
3) The police must secure the willing cooperation of the public in voluntary observance of the law
to be able to secure and maintain public respect.
4) The degree of the cooperation of the public that can be secured diminishes proportionately the
necessity for the use of physical force and the compulsion in achieving police objectives.
5) The police seek and preserve public favor, not by catering to public opinion, but by constantly
demonstrating absolutely impartial service to the law, in complete independence of policy, and without
regard to the justice or injustice of the substance of individual laws; by ready offering of individual
service and friendship to all members of society without regard to their race or social standing, by ready
exercise of courtesy and friendly good humor, and by ready offering of individual sacrifice in protecting
and preserving life.
6) The police should use physical force to the extent necessary to secure observance of the law or
to restore order only when the exercise of persuasion, advice and warning is found to be insufficient to
achieve police objectives; and police should use only the minimum degree of physical force that is
necessary on any particular occasion for achieving police objectives.
7) The police at all times should maintain a relationship with the public that gives reality to the
historic tradition that the police are the public and the public are the police; the police are only
members of the public who are paid to give full-time attention to duties that are incumbent on every
citizen in the intent of community welfare.
😎 The police should always direct their actions toward their functions and never appear to usurp
the powers of the judiciary by avenging individuals or the state, or authoritatively judging guilt or
punishing the guilty.
9) The test of police efficiency is the absence of crime and disorder, not the visible evidence of
police action in dealing with them.
may be in the form of medical-dental mission, sports clinic, feeding programs, seminars,
- involvement of the community in the various social projects, particularly, in the area of
crime prevention
- projection of the police public image to the people to gain their support and
1) Externally-Oriented Approach
- directed towards the general public or various enclaves within the society
2) Youth-Oriented Approach
- directed the majority of police efforts towards the youth of the community
3) Service-Oriented Approach
- emphasis is given to the alleviation of social problems as the basic objective of the program
4) Internally-Oriented Approach
- essential characteristics is the realization that the officer on beat creates community relations
because “Every officer of the organization is a police-community relations officer
- designed to bridge the communication gap between the police and the public
a) Personal Media
b) Mass Media
- designed to maintain harmony and mutual support between the police and the community
4) Psychological Program
- designed to condition both friendly and hostile public, ensuring the facilitation of the attainment
of police objectives