28q620 2022 Valverde Bryana 10-29-2021 Informal Observation

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Teacher Name: Bryana Valverde Teacher ID: 1722396
28Q620-Thomas A. Edison Career and
School Year: 2021-2022 School Name/DBN: Technical Education Hi


In each observation, all components for which there is observed evidence must be rated. Each form must
contain lesson-specific evidence for each of the components observed during a classroom observation.

This observation was: (check one)

Formal Observation (full period) Informal Observation (15 minutes minimum)

Date of Observation: 10/29/2021 Time/Period: 4th

Component Ratings

1a (obs): Demonstrating knowledge of content and pedagogy 3- Effective

The lesson was aligned to the curriculum and supported the learning objective.

1e (obs): Designing coherent instruction 4- Highly Effective

The class began at 10:30. You had students do a PearDeck activity for the do
now. You introduced the agenda at 10:47. Students watched a short video on
"personal narrative". You checked for understanding by questioning and then went
over the brainstorming ideas from the previous day. You provided a chart of
transition words for the students with corresponding pictures and also a word bank
of adjectives. Student had choice in what they wrote about.

2a: Creating an environment of respect and rapport 4- Highly Effective

You have a nice rapport with the students. They appeared to be comfortable in
class as evidenced by the high level of participation. Every student in the class
volunteered at some point in the lesson. You called all students by name and
related to them in a very encouraging and kind manner. One student asked how
your birthday was and if you had a nice dinner. Mutual respect was obvious.

2d: Managing student behavior 4- Highly Effective

There was an absence of misbehavior. It is clear norms have been set when a
student asked permission to get up and throw something away.

3b: Using questioning and discussion techniques 3- Effective

Last Revised: 11/24/21 2:03:14 PM By ascolavino

2. What is hope?

3c: Engaging students in learning 3- Effective

Students were engaged in writing their personal narratives.

3d: Using assessment in instruction 3- Effective

4e (obs): Growing and developing professionally 4- Highly Effective

You have incorporated many of the instructional approaches you have been
trained on over the past school year. You have volunteered to support students in
the Special Education Academic Recovery program.

Last Revised: 11/24/21 2:03:14 PM By ascolavino

Teacher ID Teacher Name Bryana Valverde


In this section of the form, evaluators should rate evidence for components 1a, 1e, and 4e that was
observed within fifteen (15) school days prior to the classroom observation as part of an assessment
of a teacher’s preparation and professionalism. Each form must contain teacher-specific evidence
for each of the components observed.

Component Ratings

1a (p&p): Demonstrating knowledge of content and pedagogy N/A

1e (p&p): Designing coherent instruction N/A

4e (p&p): Growing and developing professionally N/A

Additional Evaluator Notes (please attach more pages, as necessary):

1. You have done a great job setting a positive and structured tone in this self-contained class. Students

1. When you showed the video on the board up front, all students had their Chromebooks open. While many
of them were watching the video, it is good practice to have the students close their Chromebooks when not
using them. Especially for students who easily loose focus, the lure of the computer could be distracting to

2. When a student asked the question regarding the opening, you went back to the slide that gave opening
examples. This was a missed opportunity to foster student discussion. Before answering a question, call on
students of the class to answer. This will require students to recall information, engage with eachother, and
serve as an opportunity for you to check for understanding.

Teacher's signature: Date

(I have read and received a copy of the above and understand that a copy will be placed in my file.)

Evaluator's name (print): Andrea Scolavino

Evaluator's signature: Date

Last Revised: 11/24/21 2:03:14 PM By ascolavino

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