HRM Lopez LA5
HRM Lopez LA5
HRM Lopez LA5
Second Semester
Submitted by:
Kent Israel Lopez
Submitted to:
Mr. Caesar Billones
Everyone has their own one-of-a-kind personality, which may mature and shift as they go through
life. The word "personality" refers to a person's unique characteristics as well as the patterns of thinking,
conduct, and emotions that define who they are. Personality tends to be rather stable after a certain age.
Because of whom you are as a person, you are likely to behave or think in a consistent manner in a variety
of settings. However, certain aspects of one's personality and patterns of conduct might change throughout
the course of one's lifetime. Your personality is comprised of characteristics such as your loyalty,
perfectionism, and extroversion, as well as your character, which is comprised of your fundamental beliefs
and ethical code, and your temperament, which is something you were born with and is comprised of your
predisposition to act and feel in certain ways (Ferguson, 2022).
The following key parts of a person's personality, including characteristics, patterns of thought and
feeling, and the following essential features, all play vital roles in a person's life. In general, behaviors
adhere to established hierarchies and patterns of order and regularity. When we talk about consistency, we
mean just this. People's actions are very similar to one another across a broad variety of settings, and they
often reflect one another. The following is true from both a psychological and a physiological point of view:
There is evidence that suggests that biological processes and needs also have an effect on personality,
despite the fact that personality is a creation of psychology. Affects both behavior and actions in the
following ways: Not only does our personality impact how we move through the world and how we respond
to what's going on around us, but it also dictates how we act in certain circumstances. Multiple expressions:
It's possible that an individual's personality might be gleaned from more than just their behaviors. It is also
mirrored in our thoughts and feelings, as well as in the close connections we have and the different forms of
social interactions we participate in (Cherry, 2022).
It is generally accepted that our personalities are relatively fixed states that are difficult to alter. It
should not come as a surprise that many diverse approaches have been offered for experimentally
investigating personality, given the richness of human experience and the variety of the elements that make
each of us distinct. Each viewpoint does a good job of describing some parts of what sets us apart from one
another, but each has its own set of limitations due to the assumptions that underpin the method. Only by
looking at things from a variety of angles can we get a complete picture of what it is to have a personality.
The Latin term persona is where we get the English word personality from. A persona was a mask that an
actor would wear while performing in ancient times. When we think of someone wearing a mask, we often
picture them doing so in order to hide their identity. However, the purpose of a theatrical mask was
originally to either symbolize or project a certain personality feature of a character (Dumper & Jenkins,
Determinants of personality
There are many factors that might influence a person's personality, and these aspects can be broken
down into a variety of categories. Psychologists assert that our personalities are mostly the product of the
interaction of four primary factors according to Nimmagadda (2022).
One's biological characteristics are the most reliable indicator of their inherent qualities and
characteristics. While it is true that genetics play the most important role in determining an individual's
personality, there are many other aspects that are also taken into account. The phrase "physical determinants
of personality" encompasses a wide range of factors, including Characteristics that may be predicted at
conception fall under the category of inherited. It is common knowledge that a person's parents are the
primary source of their sex, physical build, temperament, muscle composition, facial features, height, etc.
So, it's clear that the genes found in chromosomes are the final explanation of personality according to the
hereditary perspective. Appearance - One of the many crucial factors in determining one's character is how
they look. In reality, people's first impressions of you will be heavily influenced by how you seem to them.
One's physical appearance, whether it short, tall, skinny, chubby, black, or white, will make an impact on
others and, in turn, shape the person's sense of who they are. Height, skin color, weight, hair color, and
attractiveness are all aspects of a character's physical appearance.
The psychological perspective is one of the most important in understanding personality since it
treats it as a unique set of traits that each person has. Each person's distinctive mode is ultimately established
by the sum of their own mental tendencies, emotions, feelings, cognitive patterns, and complexes. It also
looks at things like a person's internal struggles, desires, goals, repressed emotions, ways of sublimating
them, and overall mental and emotional health. In addition, culture is also a factor in shaping one's
character. Personality is shaped both by the biological factors we are exposed to from birth and the cultural
factors we are exposed to throughout our development. The ritual and conventions in the home, the early
conditioning, the method we are brought up, the social group in which we hang out are the aspects that have
an influential focus on our personality development. People from all walks of life are taught and expected to
act and even breathe in ways that are deemed appropriate by society. Culture has a significant role in
influencing personality formation via influences such as hostility, independence, collaboration, and
competitiveness. Since the cultures of the West and the rest of the world are so different from one other, it is
clear that we need to separate them from our own people.
Furthermore, The influence of one's family is the strongest of all the factors that shape an
individual's character. The majority of our character quirks come from our upbringing, which is a
combination of environmental factors and our parents' direct impact. At a young and impressionable age, the
influence of the family is very important. A youngster raised in a warm, nurturing, and healthy environment,
on the other hand, is likely to be more outgoing and confident than one raised in a violent home. Similarities
in the child's and parent's behaviors, emotions, and perspectives may be used for dentification. One
definition of identification is a child's attempt to emulate his or her role models, usually one's parents. It's
one way of explaining how a kid ends up with their parents' quirks and quirkiness.
Lastly, the social determinants of personality examine a person's character in light of their standing
in their social network and the way they see themselves fitting in there. The primary idea behind this method
is that the opinions of other people matter more than our own when it comes to shaping our identities.
Communication technologies, particularly social media, have emerged on the scene in this century in a big
way. The people who are influential on social media have the ability to influence the opinions of millions of
people all around the world. As a result, people's identities are profoundly shaped by the communities they
inhabit. The people we meet in our social lives, whether online or in person, shape who we become as
unique individuals. This begins at the preschool we attend and continues with classmates and friends, among
other people, in the real world. We are often reminded that the people we associate with have a significant
impact on who we become as individuals and that we should make thoughtful decisions about who we let
into our inner circle.
One thing to keep in mind, however, is that how events shape a formed personality will depend in
part on that personality. A youngster that is social, outgoing, and athletic is more likely to see positive
behavior in their parents. The observable traits would become much more pronounced. A quiet or
introverted youngster may find his parents' actions to be grating on several occasions. It's possible that the
people and places you've interacted with have had an effect on your character. Social scientists have shown
that individuals act more sincere in certain contexts than in others. The same holds true for all characteristics
of character. Personality characteristics, as opposed to being consistent tendencies, are always unique
reactions to unique situations. It's an evolving whole with room for new ideas and innovation. Personality is
shaped and maintained by a combination of environmental variables, genetics, and one's life experiences. In
addition to their cumulative effect, each of these factors might have a different effect on different
personality traits. In any case, the procedure at hand is complex and may vary from one individual to the
next (Prajapati, 2022).
Personality Type Indicators and Frameworks
People have been trying to figure out what motivates individuals to behave in a wide variety of
different ways throughout history. Because our personalities are the source of many of our behaviors, having
a knowledge of the components of personality allows us to more accurately predict behavior. We are able to
classify the facets of personality and conduct research on them thanks to significant theoretical frameworks
and assessment methods. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and the Big Five Personality Model are
the two personality frameworks that are utilized the most frequently and are the most well-known. Both
examine various aspects of a person's personality in order to provide a comprehensive description of that
person's personality. Other frameworks, such as the Dark Triad, can describe certain aspects of an
individual's personality, but they cannot explain the entirety of that personality. Following this, we will
discuss each one, but first, let's look at the predominant frameworks (Robbins & Judge, 2019).
According to Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung, there are really only two types of people in the world: extroverts
and introverts. Those that are naturally extroverted get their juices flowing when they're with other people.
Someone who prefers to recharge by spending time alone is considered introverted. Two distinct modes of
perception (sensing and intuition) and two distinct modes of evaluation were also identified by Jung
(thinking and feeling). Our ability to perceive is what allows us to gather data for use in making judgments.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is based on his theory, and it is utilized in the corporate sector for
purposes such as career guidance, learning new management techniques, forming more cohesive teams, and
resolving conflicts. The MBTI provides insight into personality variance and can aid organizations in
molding their staff (Johnson, 2021).
According to Cherry (2022), sensing-preferring individuals are usually very attuned to reality and
the information available to them through their senses. They are detail-oriented and learn best through direct
participation or observation. Those who rely on their intuition pay more attention to factors like patterns and
impressions. They find pleasure in speculating, forecasting, and formulating theoretical frameworks. Feeling
(F) - Thinking (T) The sensory and intuitive decision-making processes of individuals are the primary
emphasis of this scale. Those who would rather think than feel place a premium on hard evidence. When
weighing a choice, they are typically consistent, logical, and detached. Those who are more intuitive are
more inclined to factor in the feelings of others into their decision-making process. Comparing and
contrasting the faculties of judging (J) and perceiving (P) The final metric looks at how people generally
interact with the world. Judgmental people like everything to be ordered and definitive. Those who are more
perceptive-oriented tend to be more receptive to new experiences and ideas. Both of these tendencies have
an impact on the other axes. Keep in mind that everyone spends at least some of their time participating in
extraverted pursuits. If you are an extravert when it comes to gathering information (sensing and intuition)
and deciding what to do with it, the judging-perceiving scale can assist explain why (thinking and feeling).
The most widely recognized theory of personality among psychologists today is The Big Five
Model, sometimes known as the Five-Factor Model. According to the idea, which goes by the acronyms
CANOE and OCEAN, there are only five essential features that make up a person's personality.
Characteristics of conscientiousness: being either rash and chaotic or methodical and cautious.
Agreeableness, or the degree to which a person is suspicious, uncooperative, or helpful. Anxiety and
pessimism against composure and self-assurance are two facets of neuroticism. Willingness to Try New
Things - values predictability and practicality over novelty and spontaneity. Individuals who are more
introverted and thoughtful tend to have fewer friends and socialize less than those who are more extroverted
and outgoing. The Big Five Model argues that each personality feature is a continuum, in contrast to other
trait theories that place people into binary groups (such as introvert or extrovert). As a result, people are
placed on a scale that runs from the most and least extreme values of five broad dimensions (Lim, 2020).
According to the past of the big five model by Cherry (2022), In the context of personality
characteristic theories, the question of how many different aspects go into making up a person's personality
has been discussed for a very long time. In the past, a number of different estimations have been made.
Raymond Cattell's list of 16 personality components and Gordon Allport's list of four thousand personality
attributes are all fair beginning places, in contrast to Hans Eysenck's three-factor theory of personality.
Many specialists thought that Cattell's concept was very complicated, whilst Eysenck's was too constrained
in its application. As a result of this, the Big Five personality traits were developed; these are the features
that are currently utilized to identify the overarching characteristics that comprise a person's personality.
Certain individuals have characteristics of their personality that can make it challenging to interact
with them. You may enhance their strengths, minimize the troublesome components of their conduct, and
restore team unity with careful management, despite the fact that they may be volatile, arrogant, or
dominant. However, there are a number of additional behaviors and qualities that can be extremely
detrimental, and if an individual exhibits a mix of these features that is toxic, they have the capacity to
poison and destroy a team, as well as undermine their colleagues in a way that is long-lasting. It is quite
improbable that you have come across the concept of the Dark Triad in the context of your place of
employment; yet, it is considered to be one of the "buzzwords" in the field of psychology. Narcissism,
Machiavellianism, and psychopathy are the three separate but connected personality traits that are referred
to by this term (Frothingham, 2022).
Values and Personality
The concepts couldn't be more different from one another. Personality traits are stable qualities of
character that describe "what people are like." These features are not always linked to the arousal of driving
forces but define "what people are like." Values are also consistent, but they determine the priorities that
people have and the kinds of behaviors that they consider to be acceptable. In this manner, the component
that inspires is emphasized to a significant degree. Personality traits play a role in shaping an individual's
actions, but they do not determine an individual's character. On the other hand, they are associated with a
predisposed tendency to engage in action. What makes life worthwhile is adhering to the standards of
conduct that are established by a person's core values. People can define their acts by using either their
qualities or their values, but only their values have an assessment component in their definitions. Due to the
fact that they are not attributes, they are utilized to judge and explain the acts of oneself and others
(Czerniawska & Szydlo, 2021).
Our personalities are reflections of our consistent ways of thinking and feeling, while our values are
indications of what we consider to be morally acceptable (without judgment). They are the fundamental
beliefs that govern how we behave and how we experience the world. Because the use of personality
comparison tools has evolved into an established practice across a variety of industries, the vast majority of
people have some level of familiarity with them. Despite this, in recent years, even the instruments that are
utilized the most, such as the Myers-Briggs, have been subjected to a greater degree of examination. The
Myers-Briggs type indicator is supported by significantly less study than the Big Five indications, which are
covered in the Financial Times and in this essay written by Adam Grant. Because of the substantial body of
research that backs it up, we base our personality assessments on the Big Five. However, the most
significant drawback of personality tests is that they only reveal a portion of the full picture. Consistently,
we have discovered that the constancy of values held by individuals of a team is a better predictor of the
team's performance, particularly in teams where collaboration is essential (Saberr, 2021). Personality has a
more significant influence on how we express ourselves, whereas values have an effect on our motivations
and our sense of what is morally acceptable.
There is a rational connection that can be made between a person's values and their personality. There is
some evidence to show that there is a small link between some of the Big Five personality types and
particular values. These personality types are referred to as the "Big Five." To give one example, there is a
positive correlation between agreeableness and beneficence, although only a minor amount of significance
exists between the two. According to the findings of several studies, extraverts place a high value on being
stimulated and having novel and fascinating experiences. Both an individual's principles and personality
have an effect on their ability to achieve their goals; nevertheless, personality plays a more significant part
in deciding the manner in which we strive to achieve our goals. The specifics of the aim are more highly
influenced by the underlying values that we hold.
Individuals make up the workforce. In what ways does their uniqueness affect the way they
participate in a group or organization? That is a significant question, and there are many distinct points of
view on the best way to respond to it. The majority of responses place at least some significance on the
personality of an individual. Even though there are a few different ways to define personality, one model
that is widely accepted is known as the "Big Five" personality qualities. If you want to remember this
model, you can do so by thinking of the abbreviation OCEAN. Lewis Goldberg, a psychologist specializing
in psychology, is credited with popularizing the use of the following five characteristics when discussing
personality: Openness can be defined as a person's willingness and eagerness to engage in new activities and
think about novel concepts. The degree to which an individual is concerned with being organized, punctual,
reliable, and dependable is referred to as conscientiousness. The degree to which a person is eager to be
outgoing and engage in social interaction is known as extraversion. A person's agreeableness can be
measured by their level of desire to please others as well as their level of friendliness, sensitivity, and
generosity. Neuroticism refers to the degree to which an individual is pessimistic, irritable, and emotionally
unstable (DeFranco, n.d.).
Is our conduct in groups and organizations determined by who we are as individuals? Yes, but only
to a certain extent, and no, but only to a certain extent. Even though we will be discussing the effects of
personality on the conduct of employees, you need to keep in mind that the associations we describe are
only weak correlations. People who have personalities that are friendly and outgoing, for instance, may be
more likely to seek out friends and prefer to be in social situations. This does not necessarily imply that their
personality will have an immediate impact on their behavior at work (UCL, 2021). We each have a certain
task to complete and a part to play in our professional lives. Therefore, our conduct may be more strongly
affected by what is expected of us, as opposed to how we desire to behave. This is because expectations tend
to be more consistent. Personality has a tendency to exert a major influence on work behavior, and this is
especially true in occupations that require a lot of autonomy or freedom. This is something that should be
taken into consideration while engaging in organizing activities such as job design or enrichment. Personal
values are an additional key area of interest and importance, and while personality traits are a significant
part of an individual's make-up, they are not the only part. The things that are seen as being of the utmost
significance to an individual are referred to as their values. Values can be thought of as the fixed and
unchanging objectives that an individual has for their life. As is the case with personality traits, a great deal
of thought has gone into the development of methods for evaluating an individual's values. The Schwartz
theory of basic values is a model that was established by Shalom H. Schwartz and has gained widespread
acceptance since its introduction. It identifies ten such fundamental principles as: Power, Achievement,
Hedonism, Stimulation, Self-direction, Universalism, Benevolence, Tradition, Conformity, and Security.
Cultural Values
The underlying concepts and principles that a community preserves and depends on for its
continuous existence and for maintaining peaceful interactions with other members of the community are
referred to as the community's cultural values. The concept is made up of a variety of distinct elements,
some of which are as follows: customs, which are made up of traditions and rituals; values, which are
beliefs; and culture, which is made up of all of a group's guiding values. On this planet, one can essentially
choose between two different kinds of cultures: western and eastern. The following is a list of several
civilizations that are examples of material cultures since they are the manifestations of various physical
goods, locations, and resources that were created by the people of that specific culture. This extends to cover
locations such as homes, schools, mosques, churches, and temples, as well as industries, businesses, and
other types of workplaces. Non-Material Culture is the term used to describe all components of a culture
that are unable to be defined and cannot be touched, held, felt, or tasted in any way. A culture's non-material
culture covers all of its intangible components in their entirety. Numerous examples of these aspects include
social roles, morality, rules, values, languages, beliefs, arts, literature, music, customs, and traditions (Cio
Views, 2020).
In spite of the fact that the terms 'culture,' 'values,' and 'customs' are sometimes employed
interchangeably, Cliffs (2019) asserts that each one is in point of fact a singular component of the bigger
picture. A ritual or other sort of tradition that acts as an outward embodiment of the cultural values of the
group is referred to as a custom. The organization's core ideals aren't often immediately obvious, but
everyone in the group strongly adheres to them. To get a deeper comprehension of the worldview held by a
people, it is necessary to pay attention to the countless customs that have been practiced by that people over
the course of their history. When all of the fundamental beliefs of a group, in addition to all of the group's
external signs and symbols, are considered as a single coherent unit, we refer to that culture.
Having said that, a culture may uphold a range of ideas, some of which are in direct opposition to
one another. For instance, the priority that is placed on monetary performance may be diametrically opposed
to the significance of charity giving. There is also the possibility that the virtue of individualism and the idea
of equality are in direct opposition to one another and cannot coexist. It is conceivable for such
contradictions to arise as a result of a mismatch between the actions that individuals do and the beliefs that
they profess to have, which is why sociologists need to be careful to discern between what people do and
what they say. Real culture refers to the set of values and norms that are actually carried out by a society,
whereas ideal culture refers to the set of values and norms that a society professes to believe in but does not
actually carry out in everyday life.
The test concluded that my personality type is ISTJ. The description was so spot-on that it piqued
my curiosity, and I discovered that some of my flaws aren't even my fault. I just accept them as a natural
part of who I am. However, I am just as critical of myself as I am of others. An ISTJ is straightforward and
honest, has a strong sense of duty, is responsible, cool under pressure, and has a good head for planning. As
uncomfortable as it may make some people, I always speak my mind. I tend to be frank on all matters.
Because I'm an introvert, I do much of my problem-solving in my head rather than with other people. After
being out in the world for a while, I need to rest and recharge by looking inward. This is extremely clear in
my current academic life, especially in regard to group projects. Though I do take part in the conversation, I
like to be left in peace to think on the points raised. As a sensing guy, I find that literal and straightforward
analysis of data is most useful. One of my strengths is that I am naturally good at keeping meticulous notes
on everything I observe.
The fact that the exam placed so much focus on the ISTJ's purported deficiencies was a very
enlightening and eye-opening revelation for me. People who are predominately ISTJ can give the
impression that they are insensitive: Even though ISTJs are intensely loyal and protective, the fact that they
are honest and direct can frequently get them into trouble. Someone else might view them as uncaring or
even insensitive to your feelings. When things do not go according to plan, ISTJs have a propensity to
unjustifiably blame themselves for being responsible and hard-working, all of which are characteristics that
I possess to a very high degree; hence, I indeed fall into this category.
According to the findings of the Big Five personality test, I scored in the margins for most of the
qualities. I have received very high scores in domains such as agreeableness and conscientiousness, both of
which I consider to be among my most admirable characteristics. My scores for openness and extroversion
were both relatively low. My high level of conscientiousness translates into the fact that I am a hard worker,
reliable, and always seek to be as effective and efficient as I possibly can be. I try my best to be as effective
and efficient as I possibly can. During the time that I've spent working at, I've made it a point to
incorporate this ability into all that I've completed. I consider it to be a component of my job that should be
carried out on a regular basis, rather than just sometimes. As an illustration of this, I make it a point to
adhere as closely as possible to the regulation regarding the pedestrian lane. This is not because doing so is
required by law; rather, I do it because I am aware of the inconvenience it causes for drivers, particularly in
the event that an accident takes place.
I believe that one of my greatest strengths is the fact that I have a high level of agreeableness, which
helps me to effortlessly demonstrate acceptance with the conditions or people that are surrounding me. This
is one of the traits that I consider to be one of my greatest strengths. When I go into a new setting and
interact with a completely new group of people, this aspect of my personality is put to the test, as it is one of
the facets that defines who I am. Because of the results of this section of the test, I have come to the
conclusion that, in general, I am a nice human being when judged against my own personal standards. This
category startled me because of this discovery, which was based on the findings of this section of the exam.
Because I've come to the conclusion that I have an extremely high level of trust in people, it follows that I
search for the admirable characteristics that others possess before deciding whether or not I can put my faith
in them. Something with which I completely and totally agree because, unless someone can persuade me
otherwise, I freely give my trust to others unless they do something to earn it. This is something with which
I have complete and entire agreement.
A world in which people are empathetic toward one another and treat one another in a just and equal
manner is the kind of world that I envision living in. I am of the opinion that people should be forgiven
when it is appropriate to do so, and I give the concepts of justice and mercy similar weight in terms of the
importance they hold in my own personal values. Even though I spend a lot of effort towards making the
world a better place, I'm just as focused on the things I can accomplish for myself as I am on making the
world a better place. I want to set myself apart from the rest, but at the same time, I don't want to cause
anyone else offense in the course of doing so.
Online personality test - Dark Triad
There is a bright and a dark side to each one of us, and we all contain the quality of duality inside
us. The degree to which we consistently display light vs dark patterns of thinking, mood, and conduct in our
day-to-day lives, however, can vary dramatically from one individual to the next. Even when I was a child, I
believed that every human being contains both a good and an evil side to their nature. This concept has
stuck with me throughout my entire life. It was revealed, while taking the test for the Dark Triad, that the
bulk of the criteria related with the test had scores that were lower than 50%. Certain individuals'
personalities, on account of their quirks, make it difficult to engage in conversation with them due to the
difficulties that they provide. They could act in a manner that is rash, pompous, or violent. But as for
myself, I do all in my power to make sure that people can approach me whenever it is possible to do so.
When it comes to managing my connections with other people, I take a very cautious approach to promoting
the positive aspects of their conduct, mitigating the challenging aspects of their behavior, and restoring
harmony within the relationship.
It would be imprudent of me to develop fast judgements about people who display these
characteristics; after all, the positive components of narcissism, such as confidence and leadership, can
actually contribute to the persons' contentment and success in real life. Most of us experience personal
problems, and it's entirely possible that this difficulty has some bearing on how people act and think. In spite
of the fact that conduct and behavior does not shift overnight, I have the impression that if we make such
people aware of such beliefs and embrace who they truly are, they may change on their own time in the
future. This is due to the fact that they will have a better appreciation for who they really are.
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