Developing Understanding in Primary Mathematics - Key Stages 1 & 2 (PDFDrive)
Developing Understanding in Primary Mathematics - Key Stages 1 & 2 (PDFDrive)
Developing Understanding in Primary Mathematics - Key Stages 1 & 2 (PDFDrive)
Understanding in
Primary Mathematics:
Key Stages 1 and 2
Edited by
Andrew Davis
Deirdre Pettitt
1 Introduction 1
Andrew Davis
2 Constructivism 6
Andrew Davis
3 Using Story and Drama to Develop Mathematics 20
Andrew Davis, Peter Millward and Deirdre Pettitt
4 Teachers Constructing Mathematics 48
Brian Woodhouse
5 Pattern in Constructing Mathematics 61
Maria Goulding
6 Constructing Mathematics through Games 83
Andrew Davis and Deirdre Pettitt
7 The World of Sounds and Mathematical Construction 98
Andrew Davis
8 Children Drawing 115
Jennifer Buckham
9 Mathematics Beyond the School and a Summing Up 140
Deirdre Pettitt and Andrew Davis
References 164
Notes on Contributors 168
Index 170
Andrew Davis
In chapter 1 we met an old enemy: the ‘transmission’ view of
learning. We regard this particular model as committing three
major categories of mistake (among others).
What is Mathematics?
It is less controversial than in the sixties to insist that a necessary
condition for effective teaching is the teacher’s adequate grasp of
the subject. (But it is not sufficient; sadly pupils have sometimes
gained little mathematics even after spending long periods with
very competent mathematicians.) Furthermore, what teachers
take a subject to be significantly influences how they teach it.
For example, if history for you consisted of a collection of
discrete facts’ which would include dates and statutes together
with the definitive account of the ‘causes of important events’ you
Mathematical Facts
It might seem that we can easily get hold of mathematical facts. We
could begin to ‘list them, filling many pages with statements about
numbers, space and shape. However, it is important to appreciate
fully that in doing this we have not actually ‘got hold’ of individual
items in any sense. Mathematical facts and concepts do not, and
cannot ‘exist’ on their own, in splendid isolation. They are
embedded within complex clusters of others.
For example, consider 2. Certainly 2 refers to that which all sets
with 2 members have in common. But it is a great deal more—2
has a position in the number system. It relates to 3, 4, 5, 1, 0,
etc.; it has an ordinal value. The richer the account we provide for
2, the more we must spell out these connections and
relationships. There is no complete story. The same point holds
good of number sentences in which 2 occurs, even of the simple ‘2
+3=5’ variety. The very identity of the fact that 2+3=5 is bound up
Few familiar with young children can doubt the extraordinary
motivating power of two connected themes: story and ‘socio-
dramatic play’. School yards used to ring with the sound of ‘cops
and robbers’; now it is more likely to be ‘Thunderbirds’ or
‘Ghostbusters’. Once I lived next to a family whose children spent
much time in their garden. I think the parents had some religious
pretensions; at any rate over the hedge I frequently overheard rich
dialogue from the children involving angels and the devil in
addition to a glittering range of more earthly characters. These
‘games’ were characterized by a total and extended involvement of
the players. They happily negotiated their respective roles, and the
events which were to take place, switching in and out of role to
effect the planning. The same story sequence would be repeated
again and again.
While the most absorbing dramas come into existence when the
children themselves assume roles, similar processes may deploy
puppets or other people symbols. My two oldest children played a
game called ‘towns’, in which a whole metropolis would be created
from bricks, boxes, and so forth. A cast of residents had their own
cars and jobs. The game consisted of running through events in
the life of the community such as burglaries, traffic jams, crashes
and pregnancies. A toy representation of each character was not
always thought to be necessary; the children became actors in the
town as they chose. Solitary play can echo something of this; my
youngest at the age of three explored for herself ideas about an
afterlife by creating a ‘Duplo’ Hades, with a raised dais on which a
reclining toy female person was said to be ‘Mrs Jesus’.
Subsequent events were difficult to interpret, and their underlying
theology would probably not have met with Vatican approval.
In chapter 2 we referred to the rich ‘cognitive map’ which is
required in order that children can make the connections
necessary to find their way around mathematics. Part of that
cognitive map can be explained if we consider what a large part of
thinking is sorted out in the mind by each person linking new
experiences to old by ‘storying’. That is, we take the new idea on
board and fit it into another situation or set of situations which we
remember. For example, driving for the first time in a fog, you
might tell yourself ‘My dad said that the first time he drove in a fog
he jolly nearly had a bad accident because he was going much
faster than he thought. The fog seems to distort your sense of
speed.’ Glancing at the speedometer confirms that this story was
correct and you slow down. As well as beginning to introduce the
notion of learning by storying, this example also indicates that the
actual experience—in this case driving in a fog—is often needed
before the ‘story’ is absorbed into knowing, in this case more about
driving sensibly.
Thinking by internal storying is not a new idea. It has a long
history and is generally accepted as being one way in which we
make sense of our experience. Sometimes the story occurs much
more quickly in the mind than the time it takes us to describe it. I
have lost my umbrella. In my mind a picture forms of where I saw
it last—hanging behind the door in my office and as I am at home
It is quite easy to treat dramatic presentations as copies of
everyday life. One of the common sense characteristics of
dramatic activity is its makebelieve quality, the sense that drama
is ‘only pretend’, that it is playful and unreal. The implication of
such a view is that drama in some way mirrors the world, that it is
a reflection of a world ‘out there’ which is real and abiding and
‘given’. Drama is meaningful and educationally valuable in that it
mirrors the world accurately and gives children the chance to play
at being what they are not. Their contributions are successful
when they are life-like and the measure of success is the degree to
which they can faithfully reproduce everyday experiences.
However, even when they are successful the outcome is not to be
taken too seriously (in the way that everyday living is serious and
‘real in its consequences’) and their work is easily dismissed as
‘only makebelieve’. Clearly, a teacher who sees drama in this light
is likely to encourage the children in their pretence by helping
them to copy the language and actions of those about them;
helping them, as it were to mimic the world. Anyone who has tried
this approach with young children is soon aware of the difficulties
they experience in trying to reproduce speech and actions in any
kind of life-like fashion. Their actions can be awkward and
mannered and their speech stilted and lifeless. They may act like
people in borrowed clothes and they present very vividly the
dangers of models of teaching and learning based on copying and
the transmission of knowledge.
All: ‘Yes…Mmm.’
Teacher: ‘And as long as you get down all right, you’re a member
of the group?’
All: ‘Yes…Mmm.’
Ian: ‘We…we’re true people ‘cause…’
Mark: ‘Yes…’
Ian: ‘Our…fathers and mothers were and if we go up now we’ll
probably be safe.’
Teacher: ‘I see…but me being a stranger…’
Ian: ‘Mmm…’
Teacher: ‘Would I have to do this?’
All: ‘Mmm…yes.’
Julia: ‘You’ll probably have…’
Teacher: ‘Well, I’ll have to give some thought to that because…’
Bev: ‘If you don’t, you’ve got to go…to go away to another
Teacher: ‘Well, I realize that so I’ll have to give…’
All: ‘Mmm…Yes…’
Teacher: ‘It a bit of thought.’
Julia: ‘Mmm…Yes.’
Teacher: ‘Before I decide whether to go or not.’
Some: ‘Yes.’
Shirley: ‘And then you’ll have to build your own house.’
Teacher: ‘All right.’
(Millward, 1988).
This is not a representation but a creation of life; it is new-minted
and those involved know no more about the way in which it might
develop than they would in a similar engagement in everyday life.
It shares few of the qualities of ‘putting on plays’ (there is no
audience, no director, no rehearsing, no learning of lines, no
plotting of moves), but it does have many of the qualities of
everyday life. It is spontaneous, generative, original and
purposeful, and the children and their teacher draw on the skills
they have developed through the management of countless
engagements in their lives. They are mindful of one another and
attentive to the developing context and they contribute in ways
that are appropriate and that will serve to elaborate and sustain
the context. Their interactions even contain the interruptions, the
inconsequentialities and the infelicities of everyday desultory talk
and it is quite clear that they are not putting on plays but living
through their drama. They are actively attentive to one another
and to the developing context of which they are a part, they are
agreed to build him a new house and this meant drawing up plans
which met with his approval (very difficult to get) and at every
stage taking account of his size (‘about as big as your teacher’s
thumb’). All kinds of discussion and argument about the
suitability of available materials in meeting his requirements were
warranted and the children had to keep taking account of his size
in developing their ideas and getting his approval. Clearly, the
more they wrestled with the problems (and the more the teacher
made it manageably difficult for them to do so) the more Tom
Thumb and his predicament was made apparent. The children’s
mathematical knowledge may have been only one element of their
response to Tom Thumb’s predicament, but it clearly worked to
mark his stature and to indicate their expertise and to put them in
place as people who needed to make amends.
Sometimes the children might have to make use of their
mathematical knowledge to prepare for the drama and Paley
(1981) gives a nice example of a group of infant children spending
a lot of time building a proper physical context for their drama.
The drama involved a giant and a wizard, and it was very
important to the children that each house was represented by an
appropriate number of mats (more for the giant than for the
wizard.) Getting the houses right for the drama meant a lot for the
children and they were not prepared to proceed until this was
done to the satisfaction of all. Of course, the decisions they made
at this stage, based on their understanding of size, would affect
the drama throughout its course. In both of these examples the
children are getting the chance to make use of their mathematical
knowledge and to make it work in their world as they draw upon
what they know to meet their purposes. However, their
mathematical knowledge and the use they make of it is part of
their presentation of a dramatic context which is visible,
meaningful and shared in common. They can enjoy what they
have done with their knowledge, and they do so as Tom Thumb,
the wizards and the giants are brought to life.
‘Once upon a time, in a far away country, the king and queen
were very sad because their only child, Princess Augusta was
very very tall.’
(Show the King, queen and princess. Say ‘How do you know
she is very tall?’)
‘They were sad because they liked her as she was but she
needed a husband to help her rule the country after them
and some princes are not keen on tall wives. The princess got
fed up with these silly young men. She went into the palace
garden to talk to Herbert, her cat and Ponsonby, her pet
dragon.’ (Show these cut outs and discuss the fatness of
Herbert and the length and thinness of Ponsonby.)
‘Herbert was a magic cat. He gave the princess three gold
hoops. He told the princess if she stepped into the tiny hoop
she would shrink, into the big one and she would get taller
and the middle one would make her the same as she was
now.’ (By having two more models of the princess and some
sleight of hand these changes could be demonstrated and
‘The princess got on Ponsonby’s back and flew off, high into
the sky to seek a prince who she might like to marry.’
This is episode one. At each point the teacher brings the children
into the story, incorporates their ideas but emphasizes the
language of size and its comparative nature. This story could run
and run. However, it would be nice if the princess’ final choice
didn’t even notice how tall she was. Once an effort is made to
compose and tell the initial story the children themselves can play
with the characters and make up their own plots, hopefully
employing the mathematical language introduced.
Puppets can be used in stories in the same way. One teacher
borrowed her daughter’s knitted Snow White and the Seven
dwarfs, sewed numbers on the dwarfs and used them for number
stories to great effect. For example, naughty ones hid and had to
be identified or they got mixed up and had to get in line to make
sure each took their medicine. History does not record what her
daughter thought about this but teachers’ children are well used
to the appropriation of their property! The more serious point is
that telling stories about mathematics to young children needs
things that they can see and touch including, of course,
themselves as actors in the drama.
likely to stem from them. With slightly older children, for example,
perhaps the magician can’t say numbers less than ten…and must
find other ways of expressing them. The children themselves, if
the activity is handled as recommended, will have a fair amount of
freedom to create alternative explanations of the magician’s bad
temper. Some of these will not be mathematical at all. It will be
hard to predict the mathematical terrain which might be traversed
in later developments. This does not matter, so long as the teacher
keeps a careful account of what has taken place, especially if she
is, for whatever reason, anxious about time and ‘getting through’
relevant National Curriculum programmes of study.
As indicated above in the context of developing rhymes and
stories, going into role and make believing some weakness or
stupidity, with the children cast as experts, is a ploy which many
teachers of young children include in their repertoire. Clearly it
should not be over used, but it can be a powerful tool for the
stimulation of mathematical thinking.
Note other potential in this scenario. Echoing the ‘silly milkman’
activity, we might have the magician’s cat who can’t count…and
always puts one more spell in the cauldron than is asked for. This
part of the story can be acted out, with the magician’s response.
Children can suggest other ways in which the cat might be silly,
and these too can be ‘played’.
With some children, the teacher might suggest that the
magician is clever enough actually to proceed on the assumption
that the cat will make a mistake. The children discuss and then
act out what the magician should say to anticipate the rule-
governed mistakes and complete the spells successfully. Hence,
when magician wants five worms in the cauldron, she asks for six,
We might abandon the ‘bad tempered’ character, and decide
instead that the magician is grossly overworked. Nevertheless, she
is very kind to her assistants, so they all wish to help her as much
as possible. For example, certain simple spells only require eight
items, which must be either slugs or spiders. (Children discuss,
and possibly make spell ingredients, such as snails, worms,
spiders, and the like.) They then make up ‘spell books’ containing
all the possible recipes. So, to infest your neighbour’s garden with
garden gnomes requires six snails and two slugs, or five snails
and three slugs, and so on. Perhaps there is a scene when the
books are presented to the magician…on her birthday? She might
try out the spells. Do they all work?
In another twist of events, the magician’s magic for increasing
and decreasing quantities is not efficacious, but her kind cats
want to help her maintain the fiction that it is. For a ‘doubling’
spell the magician puts four worms in the cauldron, and says her
spell. While she is asleep, the cats ensure that there are eight by
the time she comes back to check. Groups of pupils could suggest
other ‘changing’ spells that the magician might require of this
type, and again could act them out. Perhaps they do NOT always
get it right, but the magician’s arithmetic is excellent, various
complications might ensue, some of which have further
mathematical potential.
A scenario for Y2 and Y3s could involve the lost book of Animal
Spells. All the magician can remember is that it is some aspect of
the number of ingredients which is significant; spells made with
numbers with a given property transform victims into such and
such an animal. Perhaps numbers in the two-times table will
achieve transformation into a frog. A group of children might be
set to make decisions about these matters. They could revise their
knowledge of which numbers are in which ‘tables’ by colouring in
multiples on a 100 square. Twos, threes and fives could be
tackled, at least. Armed with this knowledge, and the patterned
100 squares available for consultation, the children decide on a
number property which is to be the key factor for a given spell.
(The degree of teacher intervention here will have to depend on the
capabilities of the children.) They then allow the magician (by this
stage a child is playing this role, we hope) to try out spells on
them, miming transformations appropriately, so that the magician
can try to rediscover her lost spell recipes. Children could discuss
what other number properties could be used for this kind of
To mention other avenues very briefly…there might be currency
devised which can be spent in a special supermarket; ingredients
and spell books could be on sale; the ‘money’ could be used. There
would be the usual learning opportunities here, but also additional
areas because the children have been involved in inventing the
whole thing…including, for example, the relationship between one
coin and another. Perhaps one is worth three of another. The
shopkeeper may turn out to be a cheat. The children might decide
to create a magician bank. The magician takes cheques to the bank
and obtains currency. Perhaps a cash dispenser could be
simulated. Special cheque books and credit cards could be made
with further dramatic possibilities.
As was said earlier, there are dangers in spelling out
possibilities in this way. It also may seem to imply a degree of
teacher control which we are not ultimately advocating. Indeed,
because this book is about mathematics, the mathematical
Gnome ideas are not original to us. Unable to credit the source,
we can only apologize and acknowledge our gratitude to the
anonymous donor(s). The gnome collection represents a different
genre from the socio-dramatic play of the magician. We have a
‘subcreation’ (Tolkien, 1964)…a fictional world, initiated by the
teacher, peopled by characters of a certain kind. Pupils, probably
older than those involved in the magician scenarios, invent further
details of this world through discussion and investigation.
Dramatic play is less likely, but there is plenty of ‘story making’
and in a whole range of senses, construction. Considerable
language work, both spoken and written, could well arise in
connection with such a project. The teacher provides the initial
definition of the situation, in which key features or constraints
provide the potential for mathematical problem solving.
Props…tables, chairs, plates, cutlery, menus, play dough food.
Children act as staff and as customers. Waiters share out, e.g.
sausages, for diners. Idea of fair shares, or so many each, or
‘grown ups’ getting more than ‘children’. Menus could include the
labelling of dishes with large numerals, Chinese restaurant style,
for recognition practice.
Bills could be created and paid for by customers. This again is
the standard ‘house corner’ play, with teacher intervention in role
to encourage the mathematical elements among others. Dramatic
possibilities with mathematical implications include incorrect bills
given to customers, inappropriate responses to orders, greedy
customers trying to gain more than they have paid for, etc.
The teacher tells the story of a shy and lonely ghost who comes to
join an established spook community in the ‘castle’ set up in the
house corner. She has been frightened of the number three ever
since her sister ghost was bitten by the ghost of a fierce dog with a
large number three hanging from its collar. So messages have to be
exchanged with the ghost, involving numbers, without mentioning
three. The number after two…’, ‘before four…’, etc. Castle ‘doors’
might be set up round the classroom. Established ghosts have their
‘homes’ by these doors. The story line must develop the necessity
for communications with the new ghost. For instance, the ghost
who lives by door three invites the newcomer to tea, etc. Perhaps
Estate agent
Transform a corner of the classroom into a branch of an estate
agent. This will involve large numbers for house prices.
Accordingly, some initial discussion of large numbers and how
they are written and spoken would be appropriate. The activity
itself involves further practice along these lines. Children could
make ‘plans’ of rooms in houses. They could construct a simple
database of available houses; this could be entered on the
computer. ‘Searches’ could be carried out for customers. Perhaps
the houses could be made from card or construction kits. Entering
and accessing information on a database figures in Attainment
Target 5 of the National Curriculum.
The ‘auction’
Children are first introduced to the idea. Decide on what is being
sold to fit in with the topic, perhaps furniture, houses, jewellery.
Children could be given ‘cheque books’. The teacher might have to
play the auctioneer initially, to give pupils the idea. Pupils could
then take over. Further complications could include pupils
becoming ‘buyers’ with a fixed amount of money with which they
must try to make maximum purchases.
Teachers Constructing Mathematics
Brian Woodhouse
Given that resources for the professional development of teachers
are becoming increasingly scarce as LEA INSET provision wanes
and funding is channelled through local management of schools
(LMS), less expensive, more efficient and accountable methods are
being sought to help and support teachers, often through school-
centred or schoolfocused activity. The improvement of teachers’
subject knowledge is widely acknowledged as of central
importance, if primary schools are to make the progress
demanded with teaching the National Curriculum (OFSTED,
1993). Additionally, there is a need for schools to provide more
consistent quality teaching and learning models for student
teachers to witness as more training is transferred to classrooms.
A constructivist view of the teaching and learning of
mathematics would suggest that such INSET would embrace, as a
fundamental tenet, teachers, both individually and with
colleagues, constructing or reconstructing their subject
knowledge, building on prior understanding in ways unique to
them, thereby being better prepared to help children do the same.
An over-reliance on commercial scheme materials and/or
textbooks would then be avoided as teachers and pupils become
more mathematically empowered through an interactive
exploratory approach to the subject. Those primary school
teachers who lack confidence in their mathematical ability or
perceive mathematics in terms of remembering and using
prescribed rules and procedures, should benefit from a
development model based on mutual sharing and the support of
colleagues, which encourages teachers to work in an effective
learning environment, promoting experimentation, questioning,
reflection, discovery, creativity and discussion. Learning
mathematics can then be presented as an involvement in process,
Discussion of an Example
To exemplify some of these considerations, an exercise offered to a
number of in-service courses for primary teachers is described. A
single sheet of A4 paper and a pair of scissors are given to each
participant who is then merely invited to cut the paper. When no
further clarification is given but everyone is encouraged to
proceed, the results and indeed attitudes are interesting to
observe. The ensuing cuts can be variously described as: tentative
—a short anxious snip usually symmetrically placed along and at
right angles to one of the sides; flamboyant—raking thrusts
creating ribbons of paper; inventive—studied cuts creating
intricate patterns; perverse—a dismissive cut chopping a
minuscule triangle from one corner; the list could go on. A
suitable vocabulary to describe the results is then sought and
what emerges is a series of variables as the differences and
samenesses of the results are considered. The number, type
(curved, straight, multi-staged), length, location and angle of cuts
are identified as operative variables while the original shape of the
paper, folding or not before cutting and even whether to use
scissors or not are examples of values of context variables.
What does this introductory and at first sight trivial activity
achieve? The participants have been placed in a situation where
there is a choice of action, a decision to be made and subsequent
analysis to be conducted of the types of possible choices available.
All contributions are equally valid and discussion and
communication are promoted. Minds are now better prepared to
explore new approaches and a first step has been taken in
initiating mathematical activity not just imitating the mathematics
of others.
Returning to the exercise, it is quickly realized that there is no
(mathematical) interest in allowing all the variables to be in play
at the same time. The application of constraints (presetting the
value of some of the variables) defines a number of problems of
differing appeal and levels of difficulty.
One such activity is to consider a single straight cut through the
paper and identify the polygons so formed. The operative variables
are the location and angle of cut. A classification of the polygon
Figure 4.1
Figure 4.2
Figure 4.3
Figure 4.6
Figure 4.7
Figure 4.13
Figure 4.14
In trialling some of these ideas in school, teachers have
commented that they themselves must reappraise their own and
children’s mathematics through their interactions with children,
just as children in their turn interactively construct their
knowledge. This would appear to support a view of school
mathematics based on the principles of constructivism (Steffe and
Wiegel, 1992). This reappraisal is sometimes uncomfortable as it
may require deconstruction of some of the ‘mathematical baggage’
that all teachers take into their classrooms. A reconsideration of
what is thought to be known and understood can create
uncertainty and unpredictability in situations previously felt to be
controlled. Some strongly believed procedures and concept
structures may need to be abandoned or modified and rebuilding
attempted. There is some evidence to suggest that this happens to
teachers from a wide range of mathematical experience, not just to
those with the least mathematical preparation (Goldin, 1990).
In this brief chapter, a view is offered of INSET experience, the
orientation of which is process rather than content together with
the structuring and sequencing of the learning environment, and
which is based on a constructivist appreciation of both the
teacher and the pupil as learners.
A few strategies are presented, arguably simple but important,
which encourage a focus on how learners can make sense of their
mathematics and how these understandings shape the learner’s
mathematics behaviour (Schoenfeld, 1988). Although a
considerable amount of investigative styled material is available to
primary school teachers, little work appears to have been done in
analyzing either the processes involved in mathematics learning
associated with ‘investigations’ or the particulars of efficient
related teaching strategies. It may now be profitable to search for
further strategies which could assist teachers to construct their
own mathematics as opposed to being merely consumers and
imitators of the subject. In this regard, the processes of oral
and written communications of such constructed mathematics to
peers may be worth examination. It may also be worthwhile
revisiting ‘the modern heuristic’ (a study of the process of solving
problems especially the mental operations typically useful in this
Example 1
In Figure 5.1 there are four numbers written in three different
scripts. Can you identify them?
Figure 5.1: Other number scripts
Reasoning from these clues she may be able to identify the four
numbers in the three different scripts. In doing so, she may also
have been aware that the Chinese script differs fundamentally
from the other two with its use of a separate symbol for 10, and
with the vertical rather than horizontal arrangement of symbols.
Despite these differences in culturally agreed systems of number,
it is possible for someone who knows only one of the scripts to
decipher the puzzle. The fact that representing counting numbers
is an activity common to many groups partly accounts for this,
but also significant is the recognition of reasonable patterns in the
codes. Knowing one set of symbols helps us to recognize similar
patterns in unfamiliar scripts.
Example 2
The second problem may also illustrate how common ground can
be achieved, in this case despite different ways of seeing a
mathematical problem.
In Figure 5.2 the first three in a sequence of matchstick models
are given. How many matchsticks would you need to build the
100th model?
Figure 5.2: Matchstick sequence
One person may notice that each time a new square is drawn
three more matches are added. The sequence of matches 4, 7, 10,
13, 16…may be continued until the 100th number is reached.
Another may say that in the 100th model there are 100 squares.
Each square uses 4 matches giving 400 matches. Of the 101
vertical matches, 99 are repeated twice in the count. So the
number of matches is 400–99=301.
Yet another person may say that the first square counts for 4
matches and that all the others count for three, so in 100 squares
there will be one counting for 4 and 99 counting for three.
So that gives 4+3×99=301.
These are only some of the possibilities. If any of the
explanations are difficult to follow this may give the reader some
idea of the difficulties which children experience in understanding
the teacher’s methods for solving problems.
The first of the three methods is laborious but if done correctly
will give the right number of matches. It is probably less time
consuming than drawing the 100 squares and counting the
matches. The second two methods rely on finding a general way of
looking at any shape in the sequence and finding a relationship
between the structure and the number of matches, which could be
applied to any of the models. Such methods are of wider
application than the first but involve more sophisticated thinking,
and some people may prefer to stick to the sequential method if
they are more comfortable with it. This is a very common
phenomenon which teachers will recognize as problematic, e.g.
when children continue to add up using their fingers, when they
fall back upon repeated addition instead of multiplication.
This is not to deny the value of pupils’ personal methods of
working which are often inventive and surprisingly sophisticated.
Although she has not experimented with the lengths of the notes
she does seem to have cracked the idea that the two numbers
Not all features, however, were present in each piece of work. The
use of pattern was clearly important, but because the evidence is
limited we do not know what learning experiences have
encouraged these children to work in this way. In the next
section, we will move on to look at ways in which the teacher can
Making ten
Instead of asking young pupils to do a variety of unconnected
‘sums’ using cuisenaire rods they could be asked to find as many
ways as possible of making ten with two rods. This may result in
an unsystematic set of combinations which can be discussed with
the group (Figure 5.6). Each pupil could share her set describing
them in any way she wishes:
Figure 5.6
Some pupils will have made the same arrangement, or used the
same pair of rods in a different order. If the pupils do not point
this out then the teacher may prompt with:
The teacher can extend the activity by asking pupils to pool their
different arrangements and build a systematic pattern 1+9, 2+8, 3
Figure 5.7
Once pupils are satisfied, they may start to look for patterns in
the lengths of the routes. Again, time spent here in discussion is
well spent. Rose, working on her own, noticed that the grid
lengths were all in the two-times table and went on to test a
conjecture. A big group will notice more patterns—for each length
route the number of possibilities is even and goes up in two’s,
there are more short routes than long, or that the number of turns
in any route is either 1, 2, 3, or 4…. The articulation of these
observations is valuable in its own right but it can also be the
stimulus for further exploration.
At this point there are different avenues which can be pursued,
e.g. finding a link between the size of the grid and the number of
routes, finding the longest/shortest route for different sized grids,
finding how many of each length route in different sized grids,
investigating rectangular grids…These questions constitute
problems to be solved, and if the number patterns generated can
be generalized then there are clear links with algebra. This
The teacher can then ask them to justify this so that they are all
convinced that the relationship will always work whatever the
dimensions of the grid.
It is easy to underestimate the amount of time required for
pupils to fully explore a typical investigation and it is tempting to
push them towards a result too quickly. A useful strategy is to
make time for review sessions when either the whole class or
groups stop work and go over what they have been doing. This
gives them an opportunity to clarify ideas, to collect together
results and to plan ahead. Sharing of work in progress also gives
pupils the opportunity to communicate what they have been doing
and to think about presenting their results to others. When the
teacher feels that enough time has been spent a final whole class
evaluation can be made where the progress of work from the
starting point to the different end points can be shared. In this
way, the class as a social group is constructing and evaluating their
collective findings. The class is working as a mathematical
Moving Pupils On
Pupils themselves may reach points when present understandings
cannot be applied successfully to a new situation or when present
methods are found to be effective but time consuming. If such a
moment arises unexpectedly when a pupil recognizes a problem
and wants to resolve it, so much the better. Alternatively,
situations may be deliberately engineered by the teacher to expose
errors or reveal limitations in the pupils’ existing frameworks.
Creating Conflict
A common expression used by pupils and adults alike is ‘to
multiply by ten you add a nought.’
Some teachers would immediately put pupils right on this one
and say something like:
‘Well actually all the digits are moving to the left as they are
becoming ten times bigger and we have to put a nought in
the units column as a place holder.’
then they may get themselves into position for the next with
something like
PU RT 90 FD 20 RT 90 BK 20
and move back into the editor to change the 100 in the square
procedure to 140.
Pupils will soon realize the need for a procedure which will draw
a square of any size and the time for introducing the variable
command is ripe:
The pupils may then try SQUARE 100 STEP 20 SQUARE 140
SQUARE 160….
In this chapter I have interpreted the use of pattern quite widely
but have chosen familiar mathematical activities to illustrate how
it can be used to both increase the range of possibilities open to
children and to encourage the communication and sharing needed
to make it part of the learning process. It is important to realize that
patterns abound in many common mathematical situations, but
the class as a community can be encouraged to create new
knowledge by exploring systematically and explaining their
patterns in terms of the situations from which they arise. For the
teacher this may mean:
The term ‘game’ is delightfully all-embracing. It could cover many
ideas discussed earlier, such as the instances of socio-dramatic
play. Any attempt to find something common to all games would
probably be futile, as Wittgenstein memorably demonstrated. All
we can say here is that board games and card games are the
kinds of activities we especially have in mind in this chapter. We
will not be discussing Monopoly, Canasta, Ludo or Bridge, but
they are certainly examples of the types of games we want to
It is scarcely original to advocate the virtues of mathematical
games. So what has playing games to do with constructivism?
This is a perfectly reasonable question. The answer in summary
form is this. First, there are arguably aspects of games themselves
which echo the socially constructed nature of mathematics.
Second, if we build into our planning of game activities within the
mathematics curriculum certain specified teacher roles, we then
have a range of opportunities for inventing mathematics fully
exemplifying our constructivist principles. Examples of such roles
in classroom contexts will be developed later.
Even without a teacher role there is perhaps something
distinctive about the intrinsic character of some games linking
them closely to features of mathematics itself. This point is worth
developing a little.
Our ‘social constructivism’ sees mathematics as embodied in the
practices of human communities; there is agreement concerning
the use of abstract symbols, and about how propositions
expressed with such symbols relate one to another. Children are
gradually initiated into these systems of rules. At the other end of
the spectrum, advanced mathematicians may even create new
rules, stipulate uses of new symbols, and formulate new
These, of course, can be attempted at a huge range of levels, and
are widely used for English as well as for mathematical purposes.
Nursery children may be matching pictures, or pictured items up
to five. Reception children may be matching pictures to numerals
while top infants match small amounts of money shown in coins
to amounts of money written in figures or numbers to simple
calculations using any of the four operations. Juniors might
attempt the matching of pictured fractions to fractions written
symbolically, matching symbolic fractions to decimals, linking
fractions to equivalent fractions, matching two or three digit
numbers to place value illustrations employing Dienes, etc.
When children play on their own they are practising skills,
perhaps of turning fractions into decimals, and at a later stage
The teacher might invite the pupils to decide on one of these new
sets of rules and to play a couple of rounds, while she goes to
attend to other children. On her return, she might ask them
whether there had been any problems. Perhaps there weren’t
enough dominoes for the implementation of a particular rule to be
practicable. The teacher invites children to suggest how the set
might be extended to make the game satisfactory. Both discussion
and note taking might aid the thought processes here. The
children might discover on the other hand that certain rules entail
that players keep having to ‘knock’, e.g. the prime number rule,
perhaps, and that even if the set is extended an interesting game
still does not result.
The point about whether children are used to working with each
other and with the teacher is fundamental. It would be easy to
misread the presentation of this example, and as a teacher to
direct the children closely into using all the variants of the rules
outlined above. As with the earlier discussion of drama and story,
it is hoped that some of what is described here can actually be
teased from the children; a subtle art, but one which becomes
easier when both teacher and pupils have had experience of
learning in this fashion.
On another occasion, the teacher might encourage children to
extend the scope of new rules. What other ideas about numbers
could be exploited? Their order? Perhaps the numbers form a two
digit number which has to have such and such a property…it
must be a multiple of 3, a triangular number, or whatever.
With older juniors a player might put two dominoes down at
each turn, according to a rule she decides at the time. In a simple
example, Sarah decides that she is forming two digit odd numbers.
Hence she puts a 5 to the right of a 7, and then puts a 1 to the
right of the 5, making in succession as she sees it, 75, and then
51. Debbie then places her cards according to what she deems to
be the same rule. She explains her actions to Sarah and it is to be
hoped that they can come to an agreement about the nature of the
rule, or at least discuss the fact that more than one rule fits the
‘data’ on the table. Debbie might well have thought that Sarah was
forming two digit numbers which were multiples of 3, and gone on
to form some more of the same. Sarah might object initially, until
she sees that Debbie’s interpretation was perfectly legitimate in
the circumstances. This is becoming quite complicated; there is
scope for vigorous discussion. The teacher will be vital here. That
is not to say that more able Y5s and Y6s, given the appropriately
stimulating start, might not explore some of these matters at some
depth before calling on an adult.
Ladder Games
A very familiar family is outlined here, with some suggestions for
new twists which might help children to think actively about the
properties of the numbers concerned. (I am unable to credit any
author with these games; the idea seems to be widespread.) They
Figure 6.3
paper and pencil are supplied with a pack of cards marked with
numerals 0 to 9. Only one of each numeral is supplied.
They draw on the paper two sets of three boxes, as in
Figure 6.3; these will eventually become two three-digit numbers.
A’s objective in the game is to make a three digit number larger
than B’s, and vice versa. They take it in turns to draw a card.
They may decide whether to write the number in one of their
squares, or in one of their opponent’s squares. When a card has
been used, it is placed at the bottom of the pack. When six cards
have been drawn, the winner may be determined, though often it
is obvious well before the end.
Those who have used this with Y2s, Y3s or Y4s over the years
will testify to the children’s enjoyment of it. Clearly it provides
practice of of place value, gives the teacher who uses it with a new
group the opportunity to make a first step into diagnosing place
value problems, and informal ideas about probability may also be
encouraged. The objective of making the larger three digit number
may be varied. Four digit numbers could be tried, or decimals,
After reasonably extensive experience of the game, the teacher
may venture with Y3s and Y4s at least into some discussion.
Which numbers do they like drawing early in the game? Why?
Which numbers are difficult to decide about? Why? So far, this is
fairly obvious, and what most teachers would do quite naturally at
some stage without giving the matter much thought. By way of
putting more control into the hands of the pupils, the cheater’s
fantasies might be made legitimate. Suppose, the teacher suggests
to a group, you were able to organize the order in which the cards
came up, rather than a decently random sequence being available
from an efficient card shuffle. First of all, how could you fix it for
the first player to win with a given objective? Or the second
player? How could you make life as difficult as possible for both of
them? Once you have recorded your cheater’s charter, find some
willing victims who can test your theories.
Things can become quite interesting if you make the objectives a
little more esoteric, as Dave Kirkby suggests in some of his
booklets on these games (Kirkby, 1983). The aim might be to reach
the nearest three digit number to 501, and to prevent your
partner from getting as near as you. Other possibilities might be
to try to get a prime number and to stop your partner from so
doing, etc. Organizing the card pack to help one player rather than
the other to win might take some thought. The game might be
widened to allow for three players, with nine boxes to fill. On any
one turn, a player can write in one of his own boxes, or in a box
belonging to one of his two opponents. In the spirit of earlier
activities described in this book, it would be nice to have a session
with the children in which experienced players come up with fresh
rules, and these can be tested out.
that each player has a turn where he or she has a chance to think.
That is, the rules should not be like snap where the quickest child
wins every time. Ideally there should also be opportunities built
into a game for every child to attend to others turns as well as
their own.
The game which follows can and has been played by children as
young as top Reception. It has been selected because it has been
found to enable children not only to practise existing counting
skills but also to invent basic addition and to begin to look for
complex patterns in how numbers are constituted. They do this
for themselves or by observing other players. The game is called
Make 5 but can be adapted to use any suitable number.
Make Five
Materials: 36 cards, 6 numbered 0, 6 numbered 1, 6 numbered 2,
6 numbered 3, 6 numbered 4, 6 numbered 5
Number of players: 3
Method: Cards are shuffled and dealt out face down to each
player. In turn, each player turns a card face up next to his or her
pile. The player who has turned a card over may collect all the
cards which are face up which total 5, e.g. 3 and 2. The cards
collected are kept separately by each child and the winner has the
most cards when they have been exhausted.
What children learn: To start with children look for the obvious
pairs like 2 and 3. Before long they will notice that zero can be
involved, e.g. 5 and 0 and that more than two numbers can be
collected, e.g. 2 and 2 and 1. The child waiting for his or her turn
is likely to begin to predict, e.g. ‘I need a 2’. This means that the
child is dealing with
which baffles many children. It will probably still baffle them in its
early written notation, which is normally expressed as
(a) The concepts and the level of each concept which the game
may teach, e.g. ‘addition within 20’.
(b) The materials in a list so children can check these before
and after a game.
(c) How to play.
Games which children play by themselves are almost invariably
more limited in scope and application than those where teachers
are involved.
However, like those games they provide the necessity to use and
apply mathematics and to extend skills, strategies and cognition.
Often it is not until this need arises that children see mathematics
in school as more than getting the answers right in their books.
Games are perhaps the easiest and most direct link or bridge
between pencil and paper activities and what you can do with
these skills.
The World of Sounds and
Mathematical Construction
Andrew Davis
On the whole just two of our five senses are made use of by
children learning mathematics at Key Stages 1 and 2, namely sight
and touch. This chapter explores the thought that we might
extend that number to three, and include hearing. (This idea was
touched on, of course, by Maria Goulding in chapter 5.) It should
be acknowledged at the outset that there is no intrinsic link
between constructivism and the idea that we might make more
use of sounds within primary mathematics. However, the idea has
the advantage of novelty. We have an excuse to explore some more
unusual activities while at the same time illustrating further the
basic principles for teaching and learning mathematics defended
in chapter 2.
Consider first some broad considerations in favour of employing
sounds during the first stages of learning mathematics. The
senses of sight and touch play a very significant role in early
number curricula. Young children sort objects according to colour
and shape. They are shown small sets of objects and taught to
count them. When the child has had plenty of experience with
physical objects, whether commercially produced or natural, they
are invariably presented with work sheets or cards for practice
and consolidation.
One common assumption is that the stage of illustrations on
such sheets or cards, is a stepping stone on the way to abstract
understanding. Teachers and the producers of commercial
schemes seem to agree on this. Pictures of elephants to be
counted, are one step away from the physical reality of live
creatures, and one small step towards context free numbers. The
two-dimensional diagrams of Dienes apparatus—the depiction of
hundreds, tens and units, are thought to move the child away
from the necessity of handling wooden or plastic apparatus, and
Clap one, two or three times and ask students to tell how
many claps they heard…
Close your eyes while I bounce the ball. How many bounces
do you hear?
Or the activity might be introduced during a music period
to the beat of a drum or a tambourine.
Given 5+3, for example, she observed that her students tended to
recognize (without finger counting) when they had counted on
three more:
Obviously this task will be easier if the first beat in each bar is
emphasized and played with a distinctive instrument. Children
have to practise the rhythms and the counting so they can carry
them out in a coordinated fashion.
A group of children could then be asked to generate as many
tunes of differing lengths in triple time using complete bars as th
could think of. Total numbers of notes could be restricted to, say
36. They should record the total number of notes used in each
tune. Similar tasks can be given for duple time and quadruple
time. (While music sometimes is written with five beats in a bar,
this is not an ‘easy’ rhythm, and is not recommended.)
It may be appropriate to encourage children to devise a simple
notation for recording their ‘compositions’. This would help them
to keep track of the number of bars played, and links could then
be made with simple multiplications. Later, discuss with children
which numbers over four never represent the total numbers of
notes in ‘compositions’. (Another route into the idea of prime
Symmetrical Compositions
This activity should suit some Y5s and Y6s, and assumes a solid
grounding in mirror symmetry.
(a) Non-pitched version. Children armed with instruments create
a short tune of, say four or five notes, e.g.
DRUM DRUM chime bar triangle wood block
The ‘answering phrase’ is to be composed by another group, which
must precisely mirror the initial theme:
wood block triangle chime bar DRUM DRUM
The first half is then played, followed immediately by the second
half, to provide the symmetrical composition. Obviously the
teacher would introduce this gently, with a number of examples
using very short tunes.
Children might adopt some method of notation, and this would,
of course, reveal the symmetry in a visual fashion. Try not to
resort to this too soon. Encourage children to hear the symmetry
in the answering half. If necessary, introduce the principle with
very simple tunes…only two or three notes long.
In a development, note length could also be varied. One
advantage of this activity is that it shows up the problems with
the term ‘same’ when we tell children that a shape with line
symmetry is the ‘same’ each side of the line of symmetry. Arguably
if the tune is simply repeated we have the most obvious use of the
term ‘same’. An analogy would be a straightforward translation of
Further Activities
count and check the ‘pips’ for the person whose turn it is, and to
keep a running record of numbers as they come up in sounds.)
Skemp would not talk in constructivist terms; nevertheless, the
game is designed to force children to think mentally about where
on the number line certain moves would take them. They are
discouraged from touching a ‘climber’ and moving until they have
properly thought through all the moves. Interestingly this is in
effect extending the constructivist idea explored comprehensively
elsewhere in this book. It is now being taken to include some
types of imaginative efforts, which may assist the learner to build
and invent new structures on the basis of what she already knows.
Players take turns to use the sound dice. They begin with their
tokens on the bank, which represents zero. They move the
number of stones indicated by their group of pips. BUT, they may
choose whether to go (but once they have touched their player, or
the board, they must move). If a player’s move takes him to the
same stone as another player, he knocks them into the stream,
and they return to the start. Stone 5 is wobbly. Any player who
lands on it falls in the stream and returns to the bank. The
‘constructivist’ principle here again is the peculiar framing of the
rules, which force players to construct a number line in their
heads so to speak before finally committing themselves to a move.
(The use of a ‘sound dice’ means that children do not have a
visible die in front of them to check and re-check the number they
are entitled to move. Perhaps each player could be encouraged to
count and check the ‘pips’ for the person whose turn it is, and to
keep a running record of numbers as they come up in sounds.
Young children might make tally marks for each pip heard.)
It would be important for the teacher to hold short discussions
with players once they were familiar with the basic rules. During a
game, the children could be encouraged to think out loud about
where their dice throw would take them were they to move, and
whether in consequence they actually wish to move.
Each way of making nine would separated from the next on a tape
by a clear space.
Children might have accompanying worksheets. They could
keep a tally of the high sounds heard, and of the low sounds.
Some might be at a stage where they could appropriately be asked
to complete a relevant addition sentence in symbol form.
On some occasions the child will hear NO high sounds, and
nine low sounds, in which case they should be writing:
Obviously if this was felt to be too difficult for given pupils, the
‘zero options’ could be omitted from the tape sequence.
The worksheet method of recording is far from exciting. Children
instead might be encouraged to build a tower from bricks, with a
‘high’ place and a ‘low’ place on which figures could be stood. They
could be asked to count out nine figures at the start. These figures
could be placed high on the tower for a high sound, and low down
for a low sound, etc.
In a given period of time, it might well be that not all the
combinations for making nine would come up. Children could be
Figure 8.1
‘too far away’ to be caught by the king, is in fact untypical for the
child, in terms of the proportion of illustrations to setting and the
location of the setting within the picture frame. The new emphasis
on scale and proportion has been inspired by the idea behind the
On the other hand, the characters in Figure 8.2b bear no
particular spatial relation to the castle, except of being inside it.
The focus of this drawing is similar to that of Figure 8.2a in its
detail. It has clearly differentiated crowns and clothing but most
important is the meaning of the facial expressions of the prince
and princess. The bear’s face has no particular expression, but
the slight space between him and the princess and the
overlapping of the princess and the prince could appear to suggest
an expressive tension; the bear almost appears to be dragging the
princess away from the hapless prince. These two drawings
underline one of the important characteristics of drawing itself
and that is the way it combines objective and expressive modes of
Objective and expressive modes of thinking need to be
appreciated when evaluating children’s drawings and the extent to
which they may indicate some awareness of, for example,
comparative measurement or proportion. The drawing of Tom and
Jerry, Figure 8.2d was carried out three months earlier than
Figure 8.2a. This drawing is also untypical, amongst many
drawings done at that time, yet it appeared in a classroom
situation no different from any other that term. It appears to
indicate an out of classroom experience which, for whatever
reason, had been vividly recalled. The framing of the Tom and
Jerry scene, by the edges of the page and the consequent cropping
of the lady just above the waist are sophisticated procedures that
suggest that they have been inspired by conventions common to
film, television and comics (Wilson, Hurwitz and Wilson, 1987).
The depiction of Tom’s owner calls for an indication of
comparative size but the particular event being imagined has
prompted an awareness of distance and position which can be
described both spatially and expressively. Figure 8.2d is also an
example of the way drawing can depict a particular moment in time
but also suggests movement and duration of time. In cinematic
terms the single frame or still image is never seen in isolation and
the construction of this drawing presupposes the time before and
the action which is taking place and is continuing into the future.
Within the image itself, movement is suggested by the multiple
lines of the arms of the lady holding Tom and other observable
Figure 8.2
Figure 8.3
Figure 8.4
evidence that children often create art work out of school in a way
which is qualitatively different from much ‘school art’ (Taylor,
1986; Wilson, 1992) requires that attention is paid to the factors
that contribute to these differences. A major factor is the role that
the work of adult artists plays in children’s work. Wolf (1989)
describes the sort of learning which takes place through the
interaction of the various acts of making and perceiving art as
‘conversation’ and it is the sort of conversation which has already
been referred to in the discussion on Figure 8.4a. The role of the
teacher in such ‘conversations’ as suggested earlier, is an
important one. The drawing of Tom and Jerry (Figure 8.2d) whilst
illustrating a piece of writing, also provides the sort of opportunity
for discussion that can highlight culturally significant phenomena
in art and mathematics. This is in much the same way that
teachers might use Egyptian wall painting to discuss the
culturally derived mathematical rules that governed their artistic
As Wilson and Ligtvoet (1992), Court (1992) and Varkalis (1992)
have shown in such diverse countries as modern Egypt, Japan,
Holland, Italy, Kenya and the United Kingdom, culturally specific
factors play a very significant role in understanding children’s art
and the mathematical implications of their findings are equally
important, not least for teachers. Introducing children to the work
of artists from a variety of cultures may also be a way of confirming,
both to children and their teachers, that many of the drawing
systems children construct are of value in themselves. They are
not simply steps on the way to a single ‘end point’ of drawing
development, to be forgotten or devalued at a later date
(Matthews, 1991).
Children do continue to use a whole range of systems unless
they are dissuaded from doing so. Unfortunately, this is very often
the case and some of the factors which may be contributory are
adult views of those aspects of art and mathematics discussed so
In order to broaden concepts of shape and space in drawings a
consideration of both of these and how they include time is
relevant. Figure 8.4c is a drawing that deserves careful
consideration, in this respect, as it is a wonderful example of the
ease with which young children may create their own meanings,
through drawing, both in response to a teacher’s task and by
moving beyond it.
Lee and his year-one class had been making bread with their
student teacher. She asked them to record in visual form the
sequence in which they had carried out the activities. The
Figure 8.5
The previous drawings—Figures 8.4c, 8.5a, 8.5b and 8.6—have
opened up discussion of some of the different functions that
drawing can have and within those drawings sensory
characteristics such as motion and duration have been
considered. As children get older they gain an increasing
‘repertoire’ of drawing systems amongst which to choose. The
rules which govern each system also relate to when they might be
appropriate. A drawing that uses the edge of the drawing paper
like a co-ordinate frame (Figure 8.6) differs in other important
respects from Figure 8.7a or Figure 8.7b but all three depend on
the increasing depth of knowledge about measurement and scale
that children acquire as they go through school. Figure 8.7a,
although carried out a little earlier than Figure 8.6 is by the same
child. Here, she is concerned to convey a specific scale-related
image of her drawing of a girl in a city scene. In the PE picture, it
is less important to her that the children should be consistently in
scale with each other, the teacher and the surroundings, than
that they should be carefully spaced and located at many levels in
the drawing.
The girl is in Figure 8.7a is most certainly in scale with her
environment. As her confidence and stance suggest, she is very
much at home in the city. It is no coincidence that the child who did
the dra ing had been with her school to the National Gallery in
London and had been inspired by the discussion with teachers in
the gallery in front of a range of paintings including portraits.
They considered the relationships of individuals to their settings,
including some on a magnificent scale. The visual images that
scale and projection might add to the status of the people in the
portraits is reflected in Figure 8.7a and other drawings the child
did at the same time, mainly outside school.
Figure 8.6
Topology is important to mathematics and geography as well as art.
It can be defined, mathematically, as a branch of geometry
concerned with properties of shape which remain the same even
when the shape itself is deformed. Thus a circle and a square are
topologically equivalent. A three-dimensional example might be
that a piece of plasticene could be moulded into either a cup or a
doughnut shape. The two would be topologically equivalent if the
hole—in the cup handle or the middle of the doughnut—were
retained. Topology, therefore is not concerned with measurement.
It is about a class of relationships such as how one shape is found
within another, closed and open shapes and the relationships
between spaces such as their insides and outsides or how they are
Figures 8.7 CHILDREN DRAWING 135
Figure 8.8
Figure 8.9
Figure 8.10
In chapter 2 we discussed the nature of mathematics, arguing,
amongst other things, that the subject should not be divorced from
‘human activities, interactions and rules’. The puzzling
combination of human invention and objectivity which we noted
exists in mathematics may have had the effect of causing it to be
seen as the exclusive property of mathematicians. These
mathematicians, we suggested, could be seen as delving deeper
and deeper into abstractions, separating them from a’majority of
lesser mortals’. Indeed, it is possible that a view such as this has
contributed to excusing a large number of otherwise educated
people from feeling inadequate, instead of being quite proud when
they announce that mathematics is a closed book to them. It does
not surprise us when such statements are made. We can also feel
it to be an unfortunate fact of life that from quite an early age
mathematics for many people is boring, incomprehensible,
useless, alarming or all of these. Mathematics teaching is
improving. We know too many skilled and devoted teachers at all
levels to doubt this. These teachers are, however, still faced with
an attitude to mathematics which does not help them. Perhaps we
need to be and ought to be surprised that educated people claim
to be totally ignorant about mathematics. We should be surprised
if they boasted of illiteracy. Perhaps the inevitability that many
people find mathematics boring, irrelevant and the like needs to
be challenged. Human minds presumably do not permit more
than a very few people to be polymaths. However, it is a great pity
that rather more people than necessary seem to be entirely cut off
from one substantial and fascinating body of human experience. At
least for practical purposes and to a reasonable level of
understanding we might aspire to the attitude that to be educated
involves feeling fairly comfortable about mathematics.
Spatial Language
We wanted to see if children could spontaneously use the
positional words: in/inside, under/underneath, next to/beside,
on, above/higher up and behind. (One word from these pairs was
acceptable and to avoid repetition we shall use the first word of
each pair to represent either in this account.) We wanted the
children to say the words themselves where possible and not just
to recognize them. To this end we set up a story. A mother sheep
had a naughty lamb who was always hiding. These toys and a box
were in front of the children. The mother sheep faced the children
and the lamb was behind her. The children had to help the
mother to find her lamb by telling her where it was. After pointing
a bit, children soon got the idea that the sheep could not see the
lamb and that they must speak to her. Of course we could not
ensure that children did not know words because they did not use
them. For example, above (or higher up) is heard less often than
‘in’ or ‘on’ and as we had expected this caused the most
difficulties. We therefore had a fall back position. If children ‘failed’
to use the word or words we were looking for we asked them to
put or hold the lamb in the appropriate position using the box
again. That is, we said ‘put the lamb behind the box’ using
whichever words the children had not supplied.
The results were as follows:
Only three children failed to attain 100 per cent of either use or
recognition of a positional word and in each case it was ‘above’
which foiled them. Given the story situation, the children gave an
impressive demonstration of their knowledge of spatial language.
the children in the study could sort and explain their reasons for
their choices. The majority sorted the toys by type though a few
used colour. Some did both, usually starting with type and then
making sub-sets of colour. Often children who sorted by type
added location as a criterion—the horses in the field, the boats in
the water and so on. Two children would only sort the toys which
would stand up. If we had been teaching we could have developed
this idea profitably. That is, an important notion in data handling
is to show that a relationship does not exist. ‘These toys stand up
but those do not’ would have been an extension of the children’s
thinking worth promoting.
We suggest that children, almost without exception, can sort
objects and say why or show why they have used their criteria.
Perhaps the lesson we draw is that criteria should be extended.
Colour, size and shape may be too limiting when there are so
many variables which could be employed, such as texture, type,
use, material and so on, and as we have indicated above, the
introduction of the negative aspect. We did not provide a reason for
the sorting we asked the children to do as we wanted an open
ended response. However, in the classroom purposes might be
easy to think of.
It may be appropriate to explain here why the Durham Project
did not explore ‘pre-number’ activities. (Sorting was not regarded
as such an activity but as early data handling.) This was because
we have become convinced that number concepts are developed
by counting objects of all kinds in a variety of ways and not by
sorting, ordering and matching. That is, we question the value of
these activities when they are deployed by drawing lines between
drawings of identical objects or matching pairs or by colouring
‘sets’ of pictures or drawing circles round pictures of identical
objects. Drawing lines to ‘match’ identical objects’ is expected to
teach children one:one correspondence. But does it do so? It
seems far more likely that children construct early number
concepts by pointing, touching or moving objects, counting as
they do so. Where there are no more objects to count, then the
idea of the cardinal number presents itself immediately. Life gets
more complicated when objects are in a pile or a circle or you have
to count so many from a larger set. But most of the children in
our study could do all this and the sorts of pre-number activities
which are being questioned normally appear in school in
mathematics schemes, not in the nursery or at home.
In a comprehensive review of available research Young-
Loveridge (1987) examines early mathematical instruction and
questions whether it needs to be delayed until ‘more general
School Learning
Although children have a propensity to learn and many do so
easily at home it would be foolish to underestimate the task
teachers have. It could be and has been argued (Tizard and
Hughes, ibid.) that teachers should learn from parents. This is to
underrate the difference between schools and homes. Teachers
have to deal with 30 or so children at once not one at a time.
Parents also have the great advantage of knowing their children’s
history, the family, the likely events, what interests children, their
moods; in fact a great deal (though not all, as parents would be
the first to admit) about them. Teachers do not know all this nor
do they pretend to. They have experience of many children in
many classes but that very experience warns them about what
they do not know. So teachers’ constructivism has to be adaptive
to classroom situations and a great many individual differences.
Furthermore, unlike parents, teachers have a specific agenda
for the content of their teaching. They have a curriculum to
implement and always have had even before the advent of the
National Curriculum. Parents can and perhaps should be wide
ranging in the experiences which they introduce. Teachers are
more restricted. Their job is to introduce socially valued
knowledge of a particular sort. This includes values and attitudes
but curriculum content is prescribed. Enabling children to learn
in school, taking up a constructivist stance, may well be harder
than enabling them to learn at home. To a certain extent we
cannot follow where children lead if we consider the differences of
interests and attainment between 30 or so children across ten
subjects. The skill of teachers is to balance the autonomy of each
learner against the directions which the curriculum must take.
Teachers have to interest children in their agendas while enabling
children to contribute and use what they already know. (This may
include the ‘differentiation by outcome’ approach as discussed in
chapter 2.) We have attempted, in several previous chapters, to
make suggestions which enable children to construct their
mathematics with the teacher. We should emphasize here that
children constructing mathematics is not the same as expecting
children to do this on their own. The role of the teacher and her
teaching is crucial.
Leaving the Durham Project, another interesting scheme is
described by Fenema, Carpenter and Peterson (1989). This
involved what was called ‘Cognitively Guided Instruction’. The
major tenets of CGI are:
Real Mathematics?
In this discussion we shall draw extensively on a recent summary
of ‘street mathematics’ written by Nunes, Schlieman and Carraher
(1993). Street mathematics is the term these authors use for
mathematics employed in everyday life, often by adults and
children with little or no formal schooling. Research in this area,
therefore, is often carried out in countries where compulsory
schooling is brief and of poor quality for poorer sections of the
community. Such disadvantage is unfortunate but it does provide
opportunities for investigations into informal mathematics use
and comparisons with school mathematics.
University lecturers, researchers, advisers and even (because of
new pressures) head teachers can forget, all too easily, what it is
like to be a classroom teacher. Nothing that any of these people
(including ourselves) say or do is profitable unless it can be used
by teachers in their classrooms. It is classroom teachers who will,
if it is possible, raise standards and it is they who will or will not
think it possible or profitable to implement some of our proposals.
Much of what we suggest comes from our own experience as
teachers and from teachers with whom we have worked. We
should like to conclude, therefore, not by repeating what we have
suggested but by leaving the last word with a teacher. The
Durham Project, in its second phase, funded by ESRC, enabled us
to observe Reception class teachers in action. They were also kind
enough to give us their views on teaching mathematics. The
following are excerpts from what one teacher said to us.
On feeling comfortable with mathematics
(After saying that she had always liked mathematics)
you can’t teach everybody at the same level, all of the time…
Your aim isn’t to make everybody a professor of
(a lower attaining child) has still got to enjoy mathematics
at the level she is operating.
I think it’s this small group situation…me sat with them with
either a game or an activity…even if its actually writing sums…
I would still sit with them, keeping tabs on them and what I
need to adjust.
you are going to have W…and what can I add for him or for
S…or whatever.
I think the only way we can get the core (subjects) right is more
time and to explain it more fully to everybody. Because I
think we are just being like butterflies flitting from one to the
I don’t do a lot of recording in maths. The children have got
to write sums but day after day of sums and sums isn’t
teaching a child maths it’s simply keeping them out of your
The word progress is very, very misleading as is
achievement really. What you see is change. Progress infers
that you are going linear forward, achieve suggests a
mountain you are going to climb and neither of those tally
with learning theories—that you are doing this aren’t you;
forward and back, forward and back.
There are a lot of things Reception children know that are
what I would call roots of the plant, that you can’t see, that
they don’t tell you, but nevertheless is being absorbed, being
learnt…must have a good strong root system before any
leaves are going to shoot on top.
On attitude:
On advice to a student:
Andrew Davis is Director of the PGCE Primary Course at Durham
University and Lecturer in Early Years and Mathematics. He
contributes to INSET and the MA programme in Mathematics
Education. Previously a primary teacher for many years, he then
moved to Homerton College, Cambridge to teach Philosophy of
Education. Research interests include philosophical psychology of
mathematics learning, and assessment. Publications include
several related academic papers, together with computer software,
and various curriculum articles in magazines such as Junior
Education and Infant Projects.
Deirdre Pettitt lectures in the School of Education at the
University of Durham. She moved from infant teaching into higher
education at the University of East Anglia, where she directed the
Early Years teacher education course (1985 to 1987). Her major
research interest is Early Years. Since 1990 she has worked with
Carol Aubrey on the investigation of informal mathematical
knowledge children bring to school. Her publications include (with
Joy Palmer) Topic Work in the Early Years —4–8 (1993, London,
Routledge), and chapters on history and writing in The Role of
Subject Knowledge in the Early Years of Schooling, edited by Carol
Aubrey (1994, Falmer Press).
Other Writers
Jennifer Buckham is an artist and art-educator and has had
experience of teaching all age groups of children. She taught for
thirteen years in both primary and secondary schools in Nairobi
and London before moving into higher education. She worked as a
lecturer at Kingston Polytechnic and the University of Exeter
before joining the School of Education in Durham. Her main area