Edge MLOps An Automation Framework For AIoT Applications
Edge MLOps An Automation Framework For AIoT Applications
Edge MLOps An Automation Framework For AIoT Applications
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4 authors, including:
Kimmo Ahola
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects:
All content following this page was uploaded by Magnus Westerlund on 30 November 2021.
Abstract—Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) is the combi- computer exchanges data, but rather model parameters are
nation of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies with the Internet shared (weights and biases) [6]. Traditional ML at the edge,
of Things (IoT) infrastructure to achieve more efficient IoT has also some limitations. For instance, machine learning
operations and decision making. Edge computing is emerging
to enable AIoT applications. In this paper, we develop an models are often trained centrally and deployed manually and
Edge MLOps framework for automating Machine Learning individually to the edge nodes. This process of developing,
at the edge, enabling continuous model training, deployment, deploying and monitoring Machine Learning models needs to
delivery and monitoring. To achieve this, we synergize cloud and be automated to be scalable. Security is an essential challenge
edge environments. We experimentally validate our framework in IoT and edge computing, as edge nodes are prone to attacks
on a forecasting air quality situation. During validation, the
framework showed stability and automatically retrained, inte- [7], [8]. In most cases, privacy and compliance are highly
grated, and deployed models for specific environments when their essential and the edge-cloud setup has to comply with country
performance deteriorated under a certain threshold. specific data privacy laws. In order to fully leverage the
Keywords-Edge Computing, Machine Learning, IoT, 5G Net- capabilities of AIoT, to facilitate automated decision making
works, AI, Automation, Digital Transformation, MLOps. at the data source, a framework for seamlessly integrating
the two paradigms is necessary. The objective of the paper
I. I NTRODUCTION is to investigate and develop methods for enabling automated
In recent years, Internet of Things (IoT) has grown to machine learning at the edge that can be used by enterprises
become ubiquitous and this has led to a need for the devel- or industry.
opment of new process support methods to operate big data Hence the focus of the research is to answer the question:
environments at the edge and a demand for low latency com- How can a framework that integrates continuous delivery and
munication, enabled by technologies such as 5G Networks. continuous deployment of machine learning models at the
This shift in infrastructure helps to digitize physical spaces and edge be implemented using state-of-the-art tools and methods?
enables real-time decision making using Artificial Intelligence Drawing on our experience of building large-scale and real-
[1]. Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) is the combination world machine learning pipelines, utilizing Machine Learning
of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies with the Internet Operations (MLOps) [9], [10], we present a new automated
of Things (IoT) infrastructure to achieve more efficient IoT framework for Machine Learning Operations at the Edge
applications and improved local decision making [2]. Edge (Edge MLOps). The main contributions of the paper are the
computing enables generating insights and making decisions proposed Edge MLOps framework, a use-case verification for
at the data source, reducing the amount of data sent to the a fully automated and scalable process for training, deploying
cloud and central repository [3]. and monitoring IoT data and edge node operations in real-
Performing Machine Learning (ML) inference at the edge time. Finally, we discuss an extended architecture for privacy
has several benefits compared to traditional cloud-based ma- considerations utilizing federated learning.
chine learning [3]. In addition to reducing the amount of data The paper is structured so that we first review the literature
exchanged, Machine Learning models tailored to specific IoT in Section II, then we describe the Edge MLOps framework
devices can be used to perform tasks customised to their in Section III. Section IV presents the setup for experimenting
respective environments [4], which is not the case with the our framework. Section V and Section VI disclose the empir-
cloud-based solutions. In some use cases, consented collection ical choices made for carrying out the experiments. Finally,
and processing of sensitive personal data is required or useful in Sections VII and VIII we discuss a future extension for
for the purpose of improving an individual’s daily routine improving privacy and summarize the results.
[5]. For this purpose, edge computing can facilitate data and
privacy-preserving processing in accordance with privacy laws. II. R ELATED WORK
Additionally, as we note in Section VIII, the dimensions A large number of AI applications such as Computer
of privacy can further be enhanced by methods such as Vision, Autonomous Driving, and AIoT can be realised in
Federated Learning, in which no edge node or centralised edge computing environments. Placing AI services close to
the data source can improve user experience by reducing low processing power, small storage capacity, and varied
the latency, the dependence on network connectivity and the specifications. Training machine learning models on edge
communication cost [11]. Sato [9] introduced MLOps as a devices is a difficult challenge as ML can be intensive in terms
part of DevOps best practices for ML. In [12], MLOps is of computation, memory, and storage. However, edge devices
presented as a solution for handling and improving AutoML connected to a mains power source are often sufficient for ML
and feature-specific ML engineering, such as explainability inference.
and interpretability. Further studies have described how to To provision computation resources for machine learning
perform inference of AI and more specifically Machine Learn- model training, an alternative is to use a cloud platform. Cloud
ing (ML) on the edge [13], [14], [15]. For improving the platforms have several advantages in that they provide pow-
efficiency of ML models’ inference on edge devices, efforts erful processing and computation resources, massive storage
have been made to optimize Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) and efficient management. However, they may be inadequate
workloads by optimizing operations on the cloud and edge because of insufficient data privacy, high bandwidth costs and
nodes [16], [17]. For optimizing the training of ML models reliance on network connection. For the interested reader, a
on edge devices, there are attempts to build a framework to more complete description of the strengths and weaknesses
train machine learning models on resource-constrained IoT of both platforms can be found in [26]. To combine the
edge devices [18]. However, the training and deployment of best of both worlds, we present an ML lifecycle management
the ML models is often done manually and some efforts have framework, Edge MLOps, that uses a hybrid edge and cloud
been made to scale and automate this process. solution.
The discipline of integrating DevOps principles and ML is The overall requirements are addressed by the framework
at its beginnings and the proposed solutions are still often in the following manner using the cloud platform and edge
specific to particular industries or use-cases [19], [20], [21]. devices:
There are also other complementary Ops-based methods being Cloud platform
developed such as DataOps, that consider streamlining the • ML pipeline for model training and retraining
data flow between services, for instance within a microservice • CI and CD
architecture [22], [23]. There exist some attempts of building • Source code management
a framework for the lifecycle management of AI applications • Data Storage
[24]. Most of them, are based on cloud solutions without any • Fleet Analytics (dashboard)
focus to edge environments (e.g. [25]). Our solution proposes Edge devices
a framework for automating the AI workflows by combining • Continuous Integration and data streaming with IoT de-
cloud and edge environments. A similar work to ours is the vices
framework proposed by [26], [27] where cloud and edge • Continuous Integration and Delivery from cloud to edge
platforms are combined together. The main difference with • Hyper-personalization
[26] is the authors’ focus on training ML models on the • ML inference
cloud and deploying them on edge devices while our work The framework facilitates the above requirements and func-
focuses on automating the deployment process. In [27], the tionalities in a modular way. On a high level, there are two
authors proposed to trigger the process by model versioning main layers of the framework. 1) The Cloud Orchestration
while in our work, models’ performance drops or data drift are layer which runs on the cloud platform is dedicated for
considered. Moreover, our framework can be easily extended ML model training, retraining, CI-CD jobs, centralized data
to a Federated Learning setting where data privacy and security storage, source code management, analytics dashboard, and
is mandatory. data and model governance. 2) The Edge Inference layer is
III. E DGE MLO PS F RAMEWORK dedicated for orchestrating ML inference and operations for
IoT devices, such as continuous integration and streaming data
To enable a use case of individually trained AIoT appli- from the IoT devices. To enable robust and low-latency net-
cations on edge nodes, as further discussed in Section IV, work communication between these two layers, 5G Networks
we present an Edge MLOps framework to automate and or WLAN can be used for communicating continuous delivery
operationalize the Continuous Delivery (CD) and Continuous triggers, and to send and receive data as needed. An overview
Integration (CI) of ML models to the nodes. Usually, deploying of our proposal for Edge MLOps is shown in Figure 1.
ML models happens in two distinct steps. The training step The advantages of such a framework are a high level of
fits the parameters of an algorithm to a given dataset. Once decoupling through modularity between the two layers, and
the training is complete, the trained model can be used for utilization of the strengths of both platforms. In the following
inferring new data points during inference [28]. sub-sections we describe the two layers, Cloud Orchestration
Distributed edge devices may have several advantages over and Edge Inference.
a conceptually centralized cloud solutions. For instance, it
allows for processing data in real-time, specialized modelling A. Cloud Orchestration
per node, minimized communication needs, and improving In the Cloud Orchestration layer, multiple services are
data privacy protection. However, edge devices tend to have running on the cloud to perform parallel jobs that adds
Fig. 1. Proposed Framework Architecture for Edge MLOps for AIoT Applications.
additional complexity to the whole process. ML modeling for fitting the model to the dataset (training set).
is used to enable fast and reasonably accurate predictions This step can be done manually, but efficient and
for newly generated data, which is often the case in an automatic solutions such as GridSearch or Random-
AIoT setting. We train our models on the cloud due to the Search [29], exist.
availability of high performance compute resources and we • Model Evaluation: the inference of the trained
use an ML pipeline to facilitate the ML models’ training on model is evaluated according to different metrics
the cloud. Consequently, machine learning steps for handling on a separate set of data points named test set.
specialized ML models per device include training, testing, The output of this step is a report on the model
selecting best model candidates for deployment, monitoring performance.
performance in production, and maintaining prediction quality. • Model Packaging: once the trained model has been
In a scalable setting these steps become tedious tasks that tested, the model is serialised and packaged into a
cannot be manually addressed. Instead, we propose to handle container for standardized deployments.
them with a Cloud Orchestration layer that is composed of • Model Registering: the model candidate, which has
four functionalities: been serialised, is registered and stored in the model
registry from where it is ready for quick deployment
1) Machine Learning Pipelines: An ML pipeline which
into an edge device.
builds and deploys models is usually proposed by cloud
vendors as a basis for cloud-based MLOps. Such a 2) Storage: For storing structured and unstructured data,
service provides computational resources and data stor- services are commonly available in a cloud vendors
age on-demand to enable training of machine learning catalogue. Cloud storage solutions are usually auto-
models. Typically, this service also comes with an ML scaled depending on the demand which makes them
model repository and container storage to enable faster convenient and efficient to use. To be able to keep track
deployment. We use the ML pipeline to train and retrain of the model versions and trace back if needed, data
ML models. To train and validate an ML pipeline for a versioning and governance is necessary.
specific dataset, we consider these five steps: 3) Fleet Analytics: Fleet analytics is a data analysis and
• Data Ingestion: The ingestion script procures data monitoring tool for data generated from the edge and IoT
(based on parameters) and versions the data which devices and also the predictions made by the deployed
will be used for ML model training. As a result models. Cloud vendors usually propose some ready-
of this step, any experiment (i.e. model training or made tools for checking the health and performance of
re-training) can be audited and traced back. IoT and edge devices. A custom dashboard can also be
• Model Training and retraining: a script that per- created to monitor these insights in real-time [30].
forms all the traditional steps in ML such as data 4) CI/CD: Continuous Integration and Continuous Deploy-
pre-processing, feature engineering, feature scaling ment pipeline enables continuous delivery to the edge
before training or retraining any model. Usually, layer. The goal of the CI/CD pipeline is to deploy,
ML models have a set of hyperparameters to tune retrain and maintain models while maintaining end to
end traceability (e.g. maintaining logs, tracking versions IV. E XPERIMENTAL S ETUP
of models deployed as well as datasets and source code To validate our Edge MLOps Framework discussed in
used for model training). The CI/CD pipeline also en- Section III, we carried out experiments on a VTT Technical
ables triggers to perform necessary jobs in parallel, build Research Center campus in Finland where IoT devices and
artefacts and release for deployment to edge devices. edge devices were setup as illustrated in Figure 2. The aim
of the experiment is to continuously monitor air quality and
B. Edge Inference conditions in 3 rooms, each of them equipped with differing
IoT devices.
The Edge Inference layer focuses on orchestrating oper-
ations for the IoT and the edge devices. It enables real-
time machine learning inference and works in sync with the
Cloud Orchestration layer for deploying the ML models to
the edge and transferring data from devices for training and
testing purposes. More details on each capability of the Edge
Inference layer are given below:
1) Continuous Integration and Delivery from cloud to edge:
Continuous delivery to the edge is driven by a high speed
and low latency network for stable and robust communication
Fig. 2. Overview of the experimental setup for 3 rooms. Each room is
and operations. We propose using a private network (e.g. equipped of an IoT and an edge devices.
WLAN) to support the communication between edge devices,
IoT devices, and Cloud layer. Inside this network, edge devices
Below we present the different Hardware, Software and
communicate and infer data from the sensors using the MQTT
Network solutions we used in our experiments. The choice
protocol. For stability and standardization reasons, all these
we made was to use industry standard solutions to make our
operations are run inside containers, (e.g. Docker containers).
framework easily replicable by the industry.
Continuous deployment pipeline facilitates model deployments
1) Hardware Tools: For edge devices we used Raspberry
in containers to the edge, data transfer, and monitoring (ML
Pi 4, Nvidia Jetson Nano 2 and Google TPU edge.
models and edge devices).
2) Software Tools: For software development, we have
2) Hyper-personalization at the edge: Edge and IoT de- chosen common data scientist’s tools for the tech stack to do
vices in a network can be used in different environments, data analysis, model training and deployment, and monitoring
consist of different hardware, and be located in separate - Python, Linux and Docker. Docker containers are used to
geographical locations. In many cases, the devices need to deploy applications in runtime and are a standard in industry.
perform tasks customized to their respective environments. In Microsoft Azure is used as the cloud service because it
such cases, edge nodes can enable customization for each incorporates a plethora of reliable services for Ops and Edge
device using a custom ML model. This way, ML models computing.
deployed at the edge can optimize and retrain themselves when 3) IoT devices and Networking: In this work, we use Treon
needed, while constantly learning to serve better. We train Node IoT sensors to establish an office air quality monitoring
ML models on the cloud (see sub-section III-A), using data system. In addition to temperature and humidity, the sensor
from respective rooms or environments to train customized also measures volatile organic compounds (VOCs), producing
ML models. estimates of air quality. The sensors form a Wirepas sensor
However, devices often come with different hardware ar- mesh network, which features adaptive routing and diagnostics
chitectures (e.g. arm64X, x86 etc) or sensor setups, so to per- monitoring for both the nodes and the network. A node
sonalize a model for deployment demands customization for sends measurements every five minutes, and the sensor mesh
specialized data and the variety in the edge hardware. By using network relays the data to a gateway. The gateway then uses
appropriate docker containers tailored to each architecture we the Message Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol,
improve hardware stability and standardization among nodes a robust real-time messaging protocol for IoT applications
in the network. [32], to send the information to a Mosquitto MQTT broker
3) Automated Machine Learning at the edge: Machine running in a VTT Technical Research Center test network. The
Learning inference and monitoring are automated as part of MQTT protocol was chosen because it is widely used in IoT
Continuous Deployment operations. A periodic trigger from environments and it was the basis of the edge environment
the CI-CD process in the Cloud Orchestration layer is imple- already installed as part of a different research project. The
mented to invoke the monitoring feature in the edge devices, edge nodes run behind a NAT router, also in the test network,
to evaluate model drift and to replace or retrain the existing and they have access to the IoT sensor data via the MQTT
ML model with an alternative [31]. With this approach, the broker.
whole process of ML inference at the edge is automated in 4) Central Storage: For storing all of our data such as
real-time. sensor outputs, ML models, training dataset, artifacts and
logs, we provisioned an auto-scalable storage on the cloud (for MLOps), Azure DevOps (for Source Code Management),
(Azure blob storage) to serve our storage needs. To handle data Azure IoT Central (for Fleet Analytics), Power BI (for Fleet
privacy, we provisioned our central storage in the region of our Analytics) and Azure blob storage (for data and models
closest proximity with a restricted access to the authorized storage).
services and parties only. To achieve that in practice, we used 1) Continuous Integration from IoT to Edge: We commu-
VLAN and subnet configuration. Additionally, the storage is nicate with the IoT devices from edge devices and establish
provisioned with full end-to-end data lineage allowing data continuous integration between the respective IoT devices
traceability. and the edge devices. Communication between IoT and Edge
In the following Sections V and VI we detail our work as Devices is established using the MQTT protocol which has
two separate cycles, design and empirical, in accordance with become a standard pub/sub platform for IoT applications.
the design science method [33]. 2) Continuous Integration from IoT to Cloud: Two pro-
cesses were implemented for Continuous Integration, delivery
V. D ESIGN C YCLE and deployment as shown in Figure 4. These processes were
To design a robust and scalable framework for Edge MLOps setup to facilitate the end to end Continous Integration from
for AIoT applications we did multiple iterations and assess- IoT devices to the Cloud through the edge devices. The two
ments as part of the design cycle. Firstly, we mapped out the scripts are running inside a Docker container and orchestrate
data flow as shown in Figure 3 for the use case (based on the incoming data and the ML pipelines. For system resilience
the requirements discussed in Section III). The data flow is we configured an automated restore to default firefighting
observed in four phases - Data Processing and Model Training, measure. Whenever a node failure is detected the edge device
Model Selection, Inference and Fleet Analytics and Actions. is redeployed with the respective docker container to restore
In the Data Processing and Model Training phase, ML models the default state.
are trained using the training data (collected from IoT Sensors
for a period of 3 months). The trained models are packaged
and registered into the Model Registry. For Model Selection,
we select the best models using the quantitative model recom-
mendations (as described in section VI). The selected models
are then deployed using containers in the respective edge
devices. The ML model detects any anomalies (bad air quality
predictions) via the container port. The predicted anomalies are
reported to the Edge Fleet Analytics dashboard which raises
an alarm notifying the guardian.
We assessed services from Microsoft Azure with the goal
to facilitate various steps in the framework such as continuous
delivery, deployment and monitoring on edge devices, cloud
Fig. 4. Docker container deployed in each edge device
to edge communication orchestration, etc., to name a few.
Then, suitable services were chosen based on the maturity
of the service for the experiment and efficiency for enabling • Ingestion, Inference and Serialization Process:
orchestration and automated pipelines for synergy between – This process enables and maintains continuous in-
edge and cloud. The selected services were Azure ML Service tegration of sensor to edge by fetching data in real
empirically defined threshold, a call is made to replace TABLE I: Event description. IAQ stands for Indoor Air
the existing model by a new version from the Model Quality.
Repository. The approach is generic and can be used
with other evaluation metrics and other threshold values. We collaborated with the Finnish Technical Research Center
This ensures the Continuous Deployment of ML models who are interested in forecasting the air quality in real-time.
to the edge. The aim is to train ML models to be able to predict the air
3) Model Retrain: When a call for replacing a model is quality in the rooms.
made, the existing model is fine-tuned on the Cloud We performed data analysis on the collected data and we
with latest real-time data to keep it up-to-date. Then, observed that 3 rooms out of 26 had a high variance in their
the model is stored in the Model Repository for future air quality (2 of them were meeting rooms). This would force
deployments. our framework to train new forecasting models frequently to
maintain good prediction performance. We report in Table II ML algorithms. We experimented with these 4 supervised ML
the descriptive statistics of the selected 3 rooms. models for producing forecasts: Multiple Linear Regression
(MLR), Support Vector Regressor (SVR), Extreme Learning
Selected Rooms
Room name Room type Unhealthy air quality Avg. air quality
Machines (ELM) and Random forest Regressor (RFR) (see
frequency [28] [35] [36] [37]). The model hyperparameters are selected
Room A10 Office room 2033 61.92 through gridsearch on a Time Series 10 Fold Cross-Validation
Room A29 Meeting 2205 61.40
Room splits.
Room A30 Meeting 1085 55.45 3) Model Evaluation Step: The best model candidates are
selected based on the lowest RMSE averaged over the folds.
TABLE II: Descriptive statistics for air quality in selected Detailed results are reported in Table III.
rooms. Unhealthy air quality frequency is the number of Other feature extractions or ML models could have been
times the value provided by the IoT devices is greater than used to provide more accurate Time Series forecasts but we
a threshold (e.g. 150+). are interested in the ML model lifecycle management in its
Our goal is to provide a satisfactory forecast of the air
quality of each room. To achieve this, we need to perform Model Training Results
Room name Algorithm Cross Test RMSE
a Time Series Analysis [34] to understand better the nature Validation
of the different time series and how to model them. We plot RMSE (train)
Room A10 MLR 5.020 5.875
the room time series in Figure 6 which show a non-stationary Room A10 ELM 6.325 6.208
pattern since mean, variance and covariance are observed to Room A10 RFR 10.710 9.987
be changing over time. It may be due to several factors such Room A10 SVR 6.046 5.977
Room A29 MLR 5.362 4.158
as trends, cycles, random walks or combinations of the three. Room A29 ELM 11.202 4.223
Room A29 RFR 11.676 9.208
Room A29 SVR 8.073 4.176
Room A30 MLR 3.648 3.551
Room A30 ELM 7.920 3.895
Room A30 RFR 9.686 7.720
Room A30 SVR 5.177 3.55
B. Considerations on security and privacy are then trained locally. This process calibrates the global
models that are then audited and stored in the model registry.
In the current version of our framework, security and privacy These fine-tuned global models are then only stored data on the
challenges are not addressed and can be an interesting future cloud. We leave the experimental validation of this extension
direction of our work. Cloud and Edge computing paradigms as a future work.
are not perfect as they are vulnerable to attacks and raise
concerns on privacy. In our framework, deploying models on IX. C ONCLUSION
the edge gives the advantage of moving the computation closer Edge MLOps is a framework combining cloud and edge
to the device itself. As a result, it gives faster responsiveness environments for operationalising ML models. Cloud solu-
and processing compared to cloud-based solutions. In addition, tions propose high computation power and storage, while
Edge computing allows to filter out sensitive data which has edge environments reduce latency and network connectivity
to be sent to the cloud and adding a security level for the data. dependence.
However, Edge computing is also vulnerable to some security We proposed a complete lifecycle for automating AIoT
and privacy attacks such as Eavesdropping, Denial of Service, workloads by orchestrating two main pipelines (cloud orches-
Data Tempering, exploiting weak credentials for protection or tration and edge inference) to ensure modularity. Each pipeline
using insecure communication [44]. For each attack, there exist is in turn composed of other pipelines such as ML pipeline, CI-
countermeasures and additional work can be done on that to CD pipeline, Continuous Deployment pipeline at the edge etc.
propose a more secure MLOps framework. To ensure privacy Traditionally each pipeline is executed separately or connected
on users’ sensitive information a countermeasure proposed in together in an adhoc manner. In this paper, we presented an
[45] is to distribute the sensitive information through Edge approach to synchronise all these steps for realtime automation
computing nodes such that no node has complete knowledge of cloud and edge operations. Our framework was successfully
of the information. As an open research direction, the authors implemented in a real-life scenario where the goal was to
suggest to investigate federated learning strategies in case of deploy ML models to forecast the air quality of rooms directly
Machine Learning application on the Edge. on the edge. It integrates features such as different pipeline
triggers (e.g. data drift, model versioning, model drift), is
C. Framework extension for Federated Learning language and library agnostic (based on containers) and can
Data privacy may be necessary, for instance, in Healthcare be easily extended in a Federated Learning setting.
where in accordance with regulations like the GDPR [46], As future work, we would investigate the behaviour and
patient data cannot be used as it is and personally identifiable the performance of our framework on cases with a more
information should be anonymised. To tackle this challenge, a time-sensitive AI setup, such as a short training time-frame.
Federated Learning approach can be implemented by extend- Moreover, as data privacy and security are becoming increas-
ing the proposed framework as we show in Figure 7. ingly necessary, experimentally validating our framework in
Federated Learning [47] is a way of performing Machine the Federated Learning setting is a natural way forward.
Learning in a collaborative fashion. The training process is
distributed across multiple edge devices storing only a local
sample of the data. Data is not exchanged nor transferred This work is supported by TietoEVRY and the 5G-FORCE
between edge devices or the cloud to maintain data privacy and project “6388/31/2018 5G-FORCE” (www.5g-force.org).
security. In our framework, data storage and model training are R EFERENCES
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