PIR Feedbacks 2021

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What is the most important thing your 

school should continue doing?

Matières et Enseignement
Care about 
Axe 1.4 students' 
Infrastructures & Fonction vitales opinions &  Promote 
personal  Infrastructures & Fonction vitales sustainable 
Spread  Axe 2.2  situation
awareness and  Axes 2.1 & 2.2  consumption
Spread awareness about the fact that 
prepare  Prepare student 
sensibiliser les  there is a need of change in the  Should continue to 
students to act  fontaine à 
economy. Namely in our way of  to be a future  student's opinions on  Continue its 
responsibly étudiants à  Continue to invest in things such 
ethical and  the school eau pour 
l'importance de notre  producing : more thought behind the  actions to 
remplir nos  as bike boxes. Continue to give 
production in terms of human wellness  responsible  become more 
planète classes such as "Environment, 
manager Help students on an  gourdes
and for the ecology "durable"
Push students to have a  individual basis and set  Management and production of 
sustainable vision of the  up more support  energy, energetics, environment 
Tri des  Avoid 
world and the economy. groups. laws, ...". Only place sorting 
déchets flushing. garbage cans on campus. Give 
Ecosystèmes Territoriaux students the choice to print or

Axes 3.3 & 3.4

Keep on 
Matières et Enseignement Ecosystèmes Territoriaux Stimulate &  & Explore 
focusing on  support 
Axes 3.1 & 3.7 innovation
positive impact 
Axes 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 & 1.4 students' 
and strong  It should continue to 
sustainability develop the  talk about social and  internship and abroad  engagement Listen to innovative ideas, select 
sustainability program ecological dilemmas. experiences
My school has to continue the  the best ones and implement them 
approach to sustainable development  Promote and support young  in order to achieve those goals.
My school should keep the  Internship  The 
must not be abandoned. This is the  in Africa- housing  entrepreneurs and help  My school should continue 
sustainability course options on 
key of the school success in the 21st  India and  project them the best they can to  offering the opportunity for 
Provide more lectures  sustainability.
century. Oikos event reach their goals. students to explore the universe 
focusing on ethics, strong 
Oikos  of innovation.
sustainability perspective,  Proposing courses and  The environmental  The school should keep 
We have an  initiative 
environment, green  conferences on management  sustainability side the  developping a culture of 
finance... of environmental impacts. teach to their students
OIKOS  and share it
associative life, which could 
It is a good thing that my 
help the students better  Axes 4.3
Offering an option of  having a staff (teachers)  develop impactful skills and 
school employs teachers  Keep the amount of 
sustainable business models in  concerned by the  be more innovative.
who are, for most of them,  activities available outside 
the business administration  environmental issue in their 
skilled, competent and  the lesson hours (Start Lab  engage students in 
master degree field of knowledge
concerned with  ichec,...) and moreover, the  organizations and projects 
environmental and societal  It should continue to work with various  Ichec should continue to  shcool should promote  that permit them to 
topics. organisations around the Donut Project in  provide differents events  these activities develop practical skill in 
Brussels and maintain the high quality of  and practical courses to its  order to become a 
Integrate ethics and  our economy related courses. Supporter les jeunes qui 
students responsible leader 
sustainability in course  veulent changer les 
Making  Keep all the talks and events related to sustainability,  /manager
programs choses
workshop or  new business models and all other initiatives aimed at 
Engage teachers in using  conferences reducing businesses’ negative impact on their  Empowering sustainable projects where students can 
novative way to learn  environment. develop their skills and feel that they contribute to 
good example :khan  tackling and solving important societal issues
research in 
sustainable finance
What is the most important thing your  Embed  Ecosystèmes Territoriaux Matières et Enseignement
Matières et Enseignement sustainability  Axes 3.3 & 3.4
Giving room to 
Axe 1.6 Make 
school should start doing? Being an  active listening 
example in 
Axes 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 & 1.4
in the entire 
student  Start giving room to speak  To be more organized and  Listening a bit 
and better 
Infrastructures & Fonction vitales online 
Sustainability  support to 
Gouvernance and 
journey to the students make the teachers listen  more to their  students Axes 2.4 & 2.5 efficient
Teach us more on sustainability  the students
Management Integrate sustainability  students
Axes 4.1, 4.2, 4.4 & 4.6 in different courses
and prepare conferences regarding  Être plus organisé et  Even after covid 19  Try to better organize its 
those topics. Support students ideas 
plus à l’écoute de ses  Listen & communicate with  online platforms and set up a 
Do some management on  and give more real life  restrictions keep online 
Create a sustainability report to show the  My school should start changing some programs and to  students (problematic teachers 
étudiants. learning courses calendar where all the 
goals of the school and show the  their side. It's basically a  exemples
make teachers aware of what is sustainability, what are the  and courses, new ideas, ...)
school of management that  Support their  student's tasks / slots are 
improvement in sustainability. School  social and climate issues. How important it is to change their 
isn't applying what they  students in a  marked.
should be an example, by being completely  way of seeing the world of tomorrow like it's the same with  Be more open and assertive. Let's 
sustainable ( renewable electricity, ....) teach. better way, students genuinely feel that they are a 
wind turbines. This
part of the team and the part of the 
Give more courses about  solution that will lead to change. This is 
sustainability management
Lauching classes based on 
teamwork;-) Infrastructures & Fonction vitales
Matières et Enseignement social economy etc,..
My school should try to insist more 
Axes 2.1 & 2.2 
Axes 1.1 et 1.2 Giving more classes related 
on sustainability by giving webinars  Place more water fountains on the campus. 
to sustainable topics (even  At least pay attention to lights 
Evaluate students on their  personal development,  for example. Perhaps place secure charging stations for 
in Bachelor) being switched off when its 
management skills and on their  different way of learning  building is empty out of  electric bike holders if it is within the budget. 
Giving courses about sustainability in the business world during 
entrepreneurship abilities. (active). End this archaic system 
the bachelor degree. I think each student should receive an  Ecosystèmes Territoriaux teaching/working hours. (Ex: 6  Make sure that students are not required to 
that is university. AM). sit in the back of the classroom to have 
education about how important it is to create or to contribute to a  Axes 3.3 & 3.4 access to a plug. Plugs have beco
Giving a real course of Finance instead of using one from  sustainable business
Some organizations in the school 
the UCLouvain School of Management that has 0  I find, it will be a good idea to 
should be more active and more  Promoting more sustainable transport 
interactivity whatsoever. They should also pay more  Not only talking about "new business models" and change in the  have more activity with Oikos  implement more actions to be 
famous for the students. There is a lot  instead of coming by car at school. 
attention to relation between courses which seems mostly  "new business models" track. It should be incorporated in all  or other group school sustainable (in the food for 
of groups but I don't know the aim of  Promoting sustainable and local projects. 
non-existent. courses from the first year till the last year example). there is no incentive 
Stimulate students Club  each group. The school should give  Implementing sustainable subjects during 
for students
Offering more courses (even an  activities and market their  more time to these organizations to  the courses and promoting internship in 
Update  option) related to environmental  clubs to the students create some events etc social companies or NGO's.
Putting sustainability at the 
core of every program economics and sustainable 
the way of  policies. Stimulate 
Make students 
teaching we should have classes  clubs more  sustainable 
environment & sustainability based 
about the sustainability in  active and  consumption
courses + modernize the bathrooms 
bachelor and not only in  bc they suck,
Matières et Enseignement famous
master. Axes 1.3 et 1.4
Courses like CSR and ethics should  Include some knowledge  Challenge the students to start thinking 
be mandatory courses and should  about the creation of "the  Isoler les bâtiments. Rendre 
in another way and motivate them to act 
new world/cities/..." -->  Change the classrom  l'école passive en matière 
Work more  be taught from the very beginning  and not be afraid to speak up about the 
Co-creation especially at anjou énergétique
with NGO  (bac 1!) environmental problems
and social 
Make us discover new ways to reach  Towards 
stakeholders. Implementing new lectures that aim to do business while  Renovate buildings 
profit by considering new visions of the  renewed 
having a positive impact on our societies and environment.  Show that other  durably in order to  Modernize the 
economy (collaborative economy,...) infrastructures
Ecosystèmes Territoriaux Also, why don't they make some "partnerships" with actors  (sustainable)  save a lot of energy bathrooms bc they suck,
ways are 
Axe 3.1 and businesses pursuing a more sustainable world ?
possible and 
Infrastructures & Fonction vitales
Axe 2.1
What is the most important thing your school should stop doing in support of its commitment 
to providing management education that results in positive impact for the world?
Infrastructures & Fonction vitales Stimulating 
Axes 2.1 & 2.2  consumption
Matières et Enseignement inciter les étudiants à venir en 
Apart from corona crisis period, online 
Towards a 
Axes 1.1 et 1.2 courses should be enhanced in order to  transport en commun en  Éviter les Déplacements 
new  remplaçant le parking par un  inutile
reduce the movements to the university and 
pedagogical  so diminish gas emission. espace vert
withdrawing distributors that  Not slowing down but helping and  Stop selling plastic bottles, and stop 
do not offer healthy and  encouraging students to have a 
My school should stop putting grades on a  letting the water fountain being out of 
ethical products better impact on the planet
It should stop evaluating students  high pedestal because grades don't represent  service for weeks.
almost solely on theory and instead it  someone's knowledge and understanding of  Stop sending 15 mails each week 
should try to engage students in taking  anything (including sustainability and  sending the same 
to tell nothing. It puts stress on 
more action during their studies. innovation). email 4-5 times
More acts,  the students and emit CO²
less talk. Enhance the culture of failure. Many teachers don't give 
Not listening to students and 
the tools needed to learn efficiently. Sometimes it seems 
act as if students’ opinions 
Cours trop théoriques,  that the reputation of the school (known as a difficult 
were not important
pas assez de pratique  cursus) is more important that the "business education" of 
des cours plus axés sur le 
réelle. students.
They should stop giving classes which are not  développement écologique, la place 
Negative points when you  helping the students to give a positive impact in the  d'une entreprise dans la société, son 
make a mistake on your  world and make a link in each class on how to be  rôle dans la société,..
exams. more sustainable and give a positive impact to the 
They should stop allowing teacher to pre-record their courses 
and not answer questions or simply take course from other  Strengthen 
course content 
schools that are not aligned with the cursus we have. Having a 
on positive 
positive impact for the world require specific teachings
Matières et Enseignement Beyond  My school should stop proposing  Giving the RSE and ethics in 

Axes 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 & 1.4 traditional  Finance courses that don't tackle  Master 2. It should be given 
ethical and sustainable issues. since Bac1
Sharing exclusively  Stop to give marketing's  Promote a capitalistic way of  Matières et Enseignement
about the profit  courses like it's a life goal  doing where growth is more 
maximisation. There  to sell something important than sustainability
Axes 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 & 1.4
Attract & 
is way more behind it.
Old classes based  develop 
Stop letting think that Neo- on profit win Less focus on traditional  Rethink  people's 
capitalism can take part of the  business theory infrastructure Not supporting international experience Made it 
solutions to the environmental  talents
Not only focusing on finance,  Isoler le bâtiment compulsory not to be paid for internship if we 
issues. It starts with stoppping  banking, insurances,... don’t go abroad as talents will definitely go away 
to give marketing's courses like  It should make sustainable structures 
and take their talents with them
Stop presenting the future life  and to ensable student to have a 
it's a life goal to sell something  self-center, promote 
as a business life where you  positive impact.
or to learn how we make peopl winning alone Not using all human resources (students, lecturers, 
have to get into "the system".
Keeping this old  A better heating method for the buildings.  etc.) that are available in order to make a greater 
The notion of valuable project 
Stop proposing during some  campus in Anjou It's either too hot or too cold. Keeping  impact.
should include other 
lectures to work with Deloitte  to only consider the 
dimensions than cashback. opening sustainable courses/options for the 
capitalistic aspect of 
assistants who were (in my case)  student to choose whatever they want to  Ecosystèmes Territoriaux
far from willing to have a positive  business and consider  learn.
impact for the world. the social aspect Axe 3.3 & 3.4
Infrastructures & Fonction vitales
Axe 2.1

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