UCE Geography1
UCE Geography1
UCE Geography1
Paper 1
July/Aug. 2022
2 ½ Hours
2. Which of the following rocks is a raw material for making building tiles?
A. shale
B. graphite
C. gneiss
D. dolomite
5. The loss of soluble substances from the top layer of soil is known as
A. illuviation
B. leaching
C. elluviation
D. weathering
6. Lines on a map which join places with the same data value are
A. isolines
B. contours
C. isobars
D. isohytes
7. The vertical arrangement of soil from the top down to the parent rock is
A. catena
B. texture
C. structure
D. soil profile
8. Which of the following is not an example of a glacial erosion feature
A. arrete
B. pyramidal peak
C. till plain
D. corrie
12. The diversion of the headwater of one stream into another is known as
A. river rejuvenation
B. river regime
C. delta formation
D. river capture
13. Which of the following is the leading export cash crop of Tanzania?
A. Maize
B. Tobacco
C. Coffee
D. Cotton
3 Turn Over
16. The major problem facing railway transport is
A. inadequate capital
B. competition with road transport
C. high fuel costs
D. limited skilled labour
17. The major factor affecting wild life conservation in national parks of East
Africa is?
A. bush burning
B. poaching
C. soil erosion
D. over grazing
18. Which type of climate is characterised by alternating wet and dry seasons
A. equatorial
B. tropical savannah
C. montane
D. semi desert
20. Which of the following has Uganda benefited out of regional integration?
A. Adopting some governance policies
B. Widening of market for produced goods
C. Adopting same education curriculum
D. Leaving foreign languages
21. The following factors affect forest conservation in East Africa except;
A. gathering forest reserves
B. increased demand for wood fuel
C. rapidly growing population
D. increasing demand for building material
22. Beaches at the East African coast are formed by the process of
A. glacial deposition
B. river deposition
C. wave deposition
D. soil erosion
A. coffee
B. cashew nuts
C. tea
D. sugar cane
24. Which of the following is the major problem affecting Uganda’s export
A. the quota system
B. poor quality goods
C. congestion at ports
D. price fluctuations
26. The major factor favouring horticulture in East Africa is mainly because
A. limited land
B. high labour costs
C. quick transport
D. availability of market
29. Which of the following sources of energy has the lowest effect on the
A. coal
B. wood fuel
C. hydro electrical power
D. petroleum
5 Turn Over
30. Trees in Equatorial rainforests
A. have thorny barks
B. have tap roots
C. are umbrella shaped
D. exist in pure stands
Answer four questions from Part II, including questions 1, 2, and 3 which are
Study the EAST AFRICA 1:50,000 (UGANDA) PAKWACH Map extract,
part of sheet 29/2 series Y732 edition 2-U.S.D and answer questions that
(a) (i) State the grid reference of the bore hole at Payongo (01 mark)
(ii) Name the drainage feature at grid reference 295729 (01 mark)
(b) (i) Calculate the area of the Albert Nile south of northing 68 excluding
permanent swamps. (02 marks)
(ii) With evidence from the extract, state the hemisphere in which Pakwach
is located. (02 marks)
(d) Describe the relief at of the area shown on the map (04 marks)
(e) With evidence from the map, identify the problems faced by people around
Pakwach (04 marks)
(15 marks)
Study the photograph provided below and answer questions that follow
(a) (i) Identify the economic activity taking place in the foreground.
(01 mark)
(ii) Identify any two vegetation types found in the middle ground of
photograph (02marks)
(b) Draw a landscape sketch of the area shown in the photograph and on it
mark and name:
(i) any two relief regions
(ii) settlement
(iii) a banana garden (04 marks)
(c) (i) Giving evidence from the photograph, describe the problems faced by
people living in the area. (04 marks)
(ii) Explain the effects of the activity taking place on the physical
environment. (03 marks)
(d) Suggest one area in East Africa where the photo could have been taken
(01 mark)
7 Turn Over
Answer all parts of this question
For any field work study you have conducted either as an individual or group
(a) State the;
(i) Topic of study (01 mark)
(ii) Objectives of the study (03 marks)
(b) With relevant examples describe how you collected information during
the field work study (06 marks)
(c) Giving evidence from the fieldwork study, explain the influence of the
relief features on human activities in the area studied. (05 marks)
(a) Draw a bar graph to show the number of visitors at Uganda Wildlife
Education Centre. (06 marks)
(b) Using the information from the table and the graph:
(i) Calculate the percentage change in number of visitors received
at the centre between 2012 and 2016. (02 marks)
(ii) Comment on the number of visitors received at the centre.
(03 marks)
(c) Explain the factors favouring the tourism industry in East Africa.
(06 marks)
(d) State any three problems facing the tourist industry in East Africa.
(03 marks)
5. (a) Draw a sketch map of East Africa and on it mark and name
(i) Rivers Kafue and Pangani
(ii) MountainRungwe
(iii) Lakes George and Rudolf
(iv) Ports Mombasa and Mwanza (08 marks)
(b) Describe the processes responsible for the formation
of Lake George (04 marks)
(c) Explain the importance of lakes to the people of East Africa
(04 marks)
(d) Explain the problems faced by people around lakes (03 marks)
6. (a) Distinguish between trawling and drifting method of fishing (04 marks)
(b) With reference to any one fresh water fishing ground state;
(i) any two fish species caught (02 marks)
(ii) fish preservation methods used (02 marks)
(c) Describe the factors which have favoured fresh water fishing in East
Africa. (06 marks)
(d) What are the problems facing fishing activities in East Africa
(06 marks)
7. Study the map of Kenya provided below and answer the questions that follow.
(c) Explain the factors that have influenced the distribution of road and railway
transport. (06 marks)
(d) (i)State advantages of relying on road transport. (04 marks)
(ii) Explain the problems limiting use of water transport in East Africa,
(04 marks)