Science Investigatory Project Draft
Science Investigatory Project Draft
Science Investigatory Project Draft
Chapter I
Introduction and its Background:
What are Milk bio and Cassava bio plastics? Cassava Plastics are plastics made from
Cassava that is an abundant crop in tropical nations like the Philippines, making it a suitable
material for the creation of biodegradable polymers. Milk bio plastics are plastics made of milk
that contains many molecules called casein. What are Milk bio plastics and Cassava bio plastics
for? These plastic inventions are meant to help improve our environment and lessen pollution
and loss of biodiversity.
The Procedure:
Make both bioplastics
Conduct experiments and compare
Formulate new formula for both bioplastics
Conduct experiments and compare
Research Design:
This study is an Experimental Research. We will conduct different tests on both
bioplastics and find out which is better. The group will use the Solomon Four Group design.
Both bioplastics will be tested and improve their formulas after. We will then test the improved
bioplastics to see if the treatments worked. In conclusion, this study will have 2 control groups
and 2 experimental.