ICF Newsletter Feb 2 2023
ICF Newsletter Feb 2 2023
ICF Newsletter Feb 2 2023
Volume No. XXXXV / 3 / 2023 February 2, 2023
(16.1.2023 to 1.2.2023)
1. The Wholesale price Index (WPI)inflation stood at4.95 % for December 2022 as announced by Central Govt. This was 5.85% for November` 2022.
2. New York cotton futures price on 31.01.2023 for Mar `23 is 86.22 cents per lb and May `23 is 86.95 cents per lb and July `23 is 87.46 cents per lb.
Shortage of US dollars, most notably Pakistan February and beyond.In Pakistan lackluster business
and Bangladesh, the execution of import contracts in cotton market.Chinas cotton imports soared after
remained a source of frustration to both mill buyers Xinjiang ban.
and trade sellers. Energy supplies were also a worry,
particularly in the latter country, where a government Cotton Contamination Survey 2022 by the International
announcement confirmed a further rise in the cost Textile Manufacturers Federation (ITMF) shows that
of gas from February 1 that was met with dismay the level of contamination of raw cotton by foreign
from the cotton and textiles industry. The volume of matters and stickiness have decreased compared to
business concluded on the Indian subcontinent was 2019. At the same time the appearance of seed-coat
therefore limited. fragments has remained the same. The survey reveals
significant differences between cotton varieties.
US export sales, the top five countries are:-
The Cotton Contamination Survey 2022 covered
For 2021-22 India was leading with 39500 bales. 104 spinning mills located in 21 countries which
China, Peru ,Vietnam,and Egypt were also among evaluated 78 different cotton growths, ITMF said in
top purchasers,with 14900 bls,13300 bls,11900 bls a media release.
,and 8500 bls respectively. Current shipments only
41.9% last year i.e 165000 bls same time last year. The level of cottons moderately or seriously
contaminated as perceived by the spinning mills
ICAC price projections are that for 2022-23 is that from around the world dropped from 25 per cent in
A index will range 96 cents to 126 cents,with a mid 2019 to 22 per cent in 2022. A closer look at the
point of 104 cents per lb based on ending stock to extent of the contamination shows that 6 per cent
Mills use , Chinas net imports compared to world,and of all cotton evaluated were seriously contaminated
average price in 2021-22 , further adding could be by some sort of foreign matter whereas 16 per cent
95% true, a release from ICAC stated. In Egypt, were only moderately contaminated.
too, the need to generate dollars prompted some
aggressive reductions in export offers, in the face of As the summary data are arithmetic averages of the
poor demand from the customary destinations. Cot different contaminants, the extent of contamination
look’s Giza 94 quotation was reduced substantially is fully illustrated by the results for the individual
as reports surfaced of business considerably below contaminants. They range from 5 per cent of all
the levels previously in force. cottons processed being moderately or seriously
contaminated by ‘tar’ to 43 per cent of them being
Nevertheless, some spinners in the Far East showed moderately or seriously contaminated by ‘organic
a greater willingness to make purchasing decisions matter’, i.e., leaves, feathers, paper, leather, etc.
ahead of the Lunar New Year holiday (beginning Other serious contaminants are ‘strings made of
January 22), ostensibly to ensure the continuity plastic film (31 per cent), ‘fabrics made of plastic
of their supply following return from the break at film’ (39 per cent), ‘strings made of woven plastic’
the end of the month, as well as in response to a (30 per cent) as well as ‘inorganic matter - sand/
tentative broadening of demand for cotton yarn that dust’ (29 per cent).
many hoped would continue to show improvement in
While the demand situation is expected to 2023 will also be the year oflndia’s G20 Presidency.
remain adverse for the larger part of 2023, I am CITI is planning several initiatives to take this
optimistic of growth due to various measures opportunity to initiate dialogues and collaborations
being taken and new markets opening up. with G20 pa1tners in the textile space. We look
One silver lining for the textile sector is the India- forward to your suggestions and suppo1t in this
Australia Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement area to ensure that Te>.1:ile steers the vision and
(ECTA) which has come into force from 29th goals set under the G20 and ensures Green and
December 2022 and will help boost the exports of Inclusive Development that aligns to G20 theme of
textile products. The ECTA has opened new doors LifeStyle for Environment (Li FE)
of opportunities for Indian exp01ters as Australia I thank the Hon’ble Prime Minister for convening
is offering Zero duty rate for all textile & apparel a two-day textile conclave at Varanasi under the
items (HSN 50 to 63) from the date of enforcement leadership of the Hon’ble Minister of Textiles. The
of this ECTA. The trade data shows that during conclave not only witnessed the confluence of
2021, Australia imported Textile & Apparel (T&A) master weavers and craftsmen from Tamilnadu and
commodities worth US$ 645.5 Mn from India while Varanasi who exhibited and shared their experiences
exp01ted T&A commodities worth US$ 181 Mn to with the next generation talent but also gave unique
India during the same year. opportunity to the participants from across India to
Though, Government has fixed a quantitative enjoy the cultural grandeur Varanasi is known for!
restriction of 51000 MT on import of cotton (52010020) Stakeholders also held deliberations on Vision 2047
from Australia in a year, the zero-tariff applicable for the textile sector, progress of Samarth Scheme
for all the textile products will help the Indian textile and TAG Meeting. The Industry greatly appreciated
manufacturers to imp01t good quality cotton, including the event which not only brought all the textile sector
e:,,.1:ra-long staple cotton as also other inputs for stakeholders together for impo1tant deliberations
textile. but also provided a culturally and spiritually rich
backdrop for such discussions.
While industry’s demand for removal of impo1t duty
on cotton is yet to be met, the industry is hopeful 2023 also brings with it some looming fears due to
that the other measures being taken through the TAG recent reports of new variants of corona virus leading
initiatives will help in improving the situation. One to spike in the cases of infections in China, USA,
such initiative was to improve the contract terms for UK, South Korea, Japan, etc. India has shown great
cotton futures under MCX. CITI has been holding resilience to this so far with prompt response from
consultation meetings with the user industry and the Govt. But let us take all precautions to ensure
stakeholders in its effo1ts to bring out a revised MCX a safe and healthy 2023.
Cotton Contract Terms to ensure greater industry I wish everyone very bright, prosperous and healthy
pa1ticipation and strengthen the cotton futures 2023 !
market. These consultations have been very fruitful
as they are expected to address the concerns of the T.Rajkumar
supplies and users of cotton which was hampering Chairman - CITI
their greater participation so far. I am hopeful that
we will be able to bring a revised contract in early (Source : CITI Magazine)
Dr. Jodi Scheffler is Lead Scientist and a Cotton Secretary of Agriculture’s Abraham Lincoln Award,
Geneticist at the USDA-ARS Research Center in the 2022 ICAC Researcher of Year award and is a
Stoneville, Mississippi USA. Dr. Scheffler received 2022 Crop Science Society of America Fellow.
a B.S. and M.S. degree from Iowa State University
and Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin. She Although there is no total replacement for in person
worked 12 years in the United Kingdom and Germany, meet-ings and collaborations, there are ways that
before joining USDA in 2000. At USDA, she has been we can form and maintain meaningful partnerships
instru-mental in developing and making available using modern communication technologies and
molecular markers for the cotton community. Her networking options. The COVID-19 pandemic forced
research fo-cuses on increasing cottonseed use us to find new and nov-el ways to communicate and
and incorporating traits to improve host plant maintain partnerships and we can now use some of
resistance. Internationally, she has worked with these to remain more connect-ed globally and more
research partners developing ultra-early cotton with effectively work together to solve threats to cotton
verticillium wilt resistance and producing cotton leaf production internationally.
curl disease resistant cotton along with diagnostic Growing up my entire world was a farm in Iowa,
tests and best management practices to mitigate but at-tending U.S. public agricultural universities
effects of the disease. Throughout her career she has really opened up my world. At university, I studied
mentored the next generation of scientists, starting and worked with stu-dents from over 40 different
early with STEM outreach activities in the schools. countries without ever leav-ing the USA. Then the
Dr. Scheffler is active in profes-sional organizations opportunity to spend four weeks in China on a
including National Association of Plant Breeders, university study tour, gave me the opportunity to
Crop Science Society of America, ICAC and ICRA. learn that both cultural and agricultural practices
Dr. Scheffler was the recipient of the 2014 National could be very different from what I knew, but still
Cotton Genetics Research Award, the 2016 USDA be effective and useful. The next step in my career
16.01.2023 82.29 0.00 82.60 0.00 82.87 0.00 80.86 0.00 80.79 0.00 80.80 0.00
17.01.2023 82.82 0.53 83.08 0..48 83.30 0.43 81.41 0.55 81.51 0.72 81.56 0.76
18.01.2023 84.81 1.99 85.18 2.10 85.4 2.1 83.25 1.84 83.20 1.69 83.19 1.63
19.01.2023 83.39 -1.42 83.86 -1.32 84.18 -1.22 82.28 -0.97 82.32 -0.88 82.35 -0.84
20.01.2023 86.70 3.31 87.06 3.20 87.22 3.04 84.68 2.40 84.67 2.35 84.62 2.27
23.01.2023 87.39 0.69 87.79 0.73 88.06 0.84 85.63 0.95 85.52 0.85 85.59 0.97
24.01.2023 86.24 -1.15 86.78 -1.01 87.23 -0.83 85.20 -0.43 85.13 -0.39 85.19 -0.40
25.01.2023 86.66 0.42 87.24 0.46 87.71 0.48 85.54 0.34 85.53 0.40 85.63 0.44
26.01.2023 87.50 0.84 88.02 0.78 88.34 0.63 86.13 0.59 85.92 0.39 86.07 0.44
27.01.2023 86.89 -0.61 87.45 -0.57 87.80 -0.54 85.71 -0.42 85.58 -0.34 85.70 -0.37
30.01.2023 85.10 -1.79 85.74 -1.71 86.19 -1.61 84.16 -1.55 84.36 -1.22 84.54 -1.16
31.01.2023 86.22 1.12 86.95 1.21 87.46 1.27 85.74 1.58 85.47 1.11 85.65 1.11
Source : www.cottonchina.org
Cotlook Index 19th January Cotlook Index 24th January Cotlook Index 27th January
100.60(2.00) 102.45(0.65) 102.40(0.75)
Bloomberg Cotton Index Bloomberg Cotton Index Bloomberg Cotton Index
31.6562(1.2085) 31.6416(0.1533) 31.0720(-0.6536)
Karachi Cotton Index Karachi Cotton Index Karachi Cotton Index
20,000.00(UC) 20,000.00(UC) 20,500.00(UC)
Brazil Cotton Index Brazil Cotton Index Brazil Cotton Index
102.95(0.29) 104.84(1.79) 103.89(-0.38)
China Cotton Index 15486(135) China Cotton Index 15486(MC) China Cotton Index 15789(239)
ZCE Cotton Futures ZCE Cotton Futures ZCE Cotton Futures
March 14850(55) March 14850(MC) March 15,010(160)
May14850(65) May14850(MC) May15,005(155)
ZCE Cotton Yarn Future ZCE Cotton Yarn Future ZCE Cotton Yarn Future
May22315(-30) May22315(MC) May22,525(210)
GUJCOT S-6 Spot Rate GUJCOT S-6 Spot Rate GUJCOT S-6 Spot Rate
(US Cents/lb)97.91(-0.90) (US Cents/lb)96.22(0.07) (US Cents/lb)97.35(0.26)
Ncdex S-6 Kapas Ncdex S-6 Kapas Ncdex S-6 Kapas
April 1,618.0(-10.5) April 1,612.0(2.5) April 1,617.5(-9.5)
* Provisional
Loose Cotton delivery is based on the survey of “loose cotton delivery and consumption in India” undertaken by
Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International School of Textiles and Management.
2021-22 (P) 2022-23 (P)
Particulars In lakh bales In In lakh bales In
of 170 kg `000 tonnes of 170 kg `000 tonnes
Opening Stock 71.84 1221.28 45.60 775.20
Crop 312.03 5304.51 341.91 5812.47
Import 18.00 306.00 10.00 170.00
Total Supply 401.87 6831.79 397.51 6757.67
Mill Consumption 276.90 4707.30 275.00 4675.00
S S I Consumption 20.87 354.79 20.00 340.00
Non Textile Consumption 16.00 272.00 16.00 272.00
Export 42.50 722.50 40.00 680.00
Total Demand 356.27 6056.59 351.00 5967.00
Closing Stock 45.60 775.20 46.51 790.67
(P) - Provisional
(Source : COCPC)
February 2, 2023 ICF (SICA) News Letter 21
Published by
February 2, 2023
(16-1-2023 to 31-1-2023) excluding intervening holidays
2nd Fortnight
Varieties &
State High Low Ave
16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 27 28 30 31
(1-1-2023 to 31-1-2023)
V-797, 29 mm, G 11951 12092 12373 12513 12654 12654 12513 12654 12795 12795 12935 12935 12935 12935 11951 12498
Jayadhar, 22 mm, K
J-34 - RG, Bh 16950 17084 17151 17285 17285 17151 17017 16883 16749 17419 16749 17017 16950 17285 16615 16961
Mech-1/H4, 28mm, MP 16731 16731 16872 17013 17013 17013 16872 16731 16591 16731 16872 16872 16872 17153 16450 16838
Legend : G : Gujarat, K : Karnataka, Bh ; Bhatinda, MP : Madhya Pradesh, M : Maharashtra, Mer : Merchant, AP : Andhra Pradesh
Note : The official spot rates fixed and registered by the Indian Cotton Federation (ICF-SICA) are for Upcountry spot rates.