Grammar Time 5 TB
Grammar Time 5 TB
Grammar Time 5 TB
Teacher’s Book
Sandy Jervis, Maria Carling and Gabrielle Pritchard
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Teacher’s Book
Introduction 4
Answer key 7
Grammar Time 5
• tobyhelp
appropriate to the pupils’ age and level.
• spelling rules
them understand new grammatical items
means of simple reference tables and
• unit by unit wordlist
European Framework watching DVDs with his friends.
The new editions of Grammar Time are closely • Beth is 12 years old. She’s an assistant editor on
SO ‘TeenLink’ and is a keen reporter. She’s very
correlated to the Common European Framework. intelligent and has lots of good ideas for the
Grammar Language Common Cambridge magazine.
Time level European
ESOL • Peter is Harry’s best friend. He’s 13 years old. He
loves sport and enjoys teasing his little sister, Lucy.
1 Beginners Starters • Lucy is 12 years old. She’s artistic and very strong-
2 False minded.
Flyers, KET
• Cosmo and Bella are Harry’s cats, although they
spend a lot of time at Peter and Lucy’s house.
4 Pre- B1 PET
Intermediate Core units
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the tables themselves, using language extracted from
the presentation cartoons or articles.
Useful tips
SO Presentation
Following the tables, is a Grammar Box, with
explanations of form and use, which provides further One of the main advantages of this series is its use of
clear examples of the grammar in context. recurring cartoon characters which present grammar
through amusing stories.
The tables and explanations appear together before
the practice section. This makes it easy for pupils to You can start off by asking pupils to look at the
refer to them while working through the exercises. pictures and say what they think is happening.
Depending on the linguistic level and perception of
Exercises their class, you might find it useful to pre-teach key
The controlled practice exercises that follow each lexical items that appear in the presentation (using
presentation are carefully graded to ensure that new the wordlist if necessary).
language can be easily consolidated. They aim to You can ask pupils to repeat parts of the dialogue,
recycle known vocabulary rather than introduce a and allow pupils to comment on the stories and give
large number of new lexical items, which would only their opinions.
serve to confuse and distract the pupils. The cartoon
characters often appear in the exercises to provide Follow-up ideas
realistic contexts for the grammatical items. • Pupils can act out the dialogues in class
Each unit ends with a writing exercise, so that
learners can put the new language they have learnt
• Pupils can be assigned to learn the lines of one of
the characters for homework and act out the
into use. Learners are given a clear model to follow dialogues in the next lesson without books.
and are then guided through the process of
producing their own written work.
• You could write the dialogue on the board, leaving
out key grammatical items, then ask pupils to fill
them in.
‘Use your English’ revision units
There are four revision units in the book. They allow
• Pupils may be encouraged to write their own
version of the story making any desirable changes
for regular consolidation of the language presented (this can be done in class with the teacher as a
and practised so far. The tasks aim to provide resource; pupils then vote for the best version).
realistic and communicative contexts for the
language to make it more memorable. Again, the
lexis used is familiar to the learner.
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Grammar Time 5
always advisable to do a sufficient number of them in four revision units for further consolidation. Only
class, where you can prompt, help and advise. If vocabulary that has been seen in the Pupils' Book
necessary, do more than one item as an example and is used, to facilitate pupils' understanding and allow
ask pupils to work through the rest of the activity them to focus on the grammar.
individually or, preferably, in pairs.
Pupils should be encouraged to ask questions if they
are in difficulty. You can usually guide them towards
finding the answer on their own by looking back at
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Answer key
Unit 1 6
1 are having
1 2 doesn’t eat
I/You/We/They live 3 are you doing
He/She/It lives 4 don’t watch
5 is living
I/You/We/They do not live 6 I’m not cooking
He/She/It doesn’t live 7 Are they looking
8 finishes
Do I/you/we/they live? 9 is laying
Does he/she/it 10 don’t usually listen
I am looking 7
He/She/It is 1 get up
We/You/They are 2 is waiting
3 do you usually do
I ’m not looking 4 isn’t going
He/She/It is not 5 Are they working
We/You/They aren’t 6 don’t have
7 Does she visit
Am I looking?
8 They are studying
Is he/she/it 9 I listen
Are you/we/they 10 is shining
3 8
1 drives 1 at the moment
Grammar Time 5
4 Do you remember
5 We didn’t open the letter because it wasn’t for us.
5 hates
6 They drank some lemonade but they didn’t eat
6 think
SO anything.
7 Does this bag belong
7 He didn’t do his best so he didn’t win the race.
8 doesn’t seem
9 ’s having
10 don’t understand
1 did you see; gave
11 don’t mind
2 Did the film finish; didn’t watch
12 does this word mean
4 a 10 c
She used to have long red hair and green eyes. We
5 a 11 c
used to go everwhere together.
6 c 12 b
2 There used to be fish for dinner twice a week. I
didn’t use to like fish.
3 Our teacher didn’t use to give us a lot of homework.
Students’ own answers
I used to finish early and play with my dolls.
4 I didn’t use to tidy my room very often. I used to
Unit 2 have more important things to do!
1 5 Mum used to hide the biscuit jar in different places.
I/You/He/She/It/ jumped I used to find it every time!
We/They ordered
I/You/He/She/It/ left 1 was studying
We/They held 2 was writing
3 were watching
I/You/He/She/It/ did not jump
4 was having
5 were playing
I/You/He/She/It/ didn’t leave 6 was talking
We/They 7 were flying
Did I/you/he/she/it/we/they order? 8 was marking
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Answer key
8 9 pushed
1 While we were playing football, they were having a 10 spilt
lesson. 11 did you find
2 He listened to music while he was running. 12 was blowing
3 While they were painting the chairs, Tom planted 13 slipped
the new trees. 14 fell
4 Mary made the tea while Ken was making the
sandwiches. 13
5 While Dad was fishing we were swimming in the 1 was taking
sea. 2 didn’t know
6 I did the crossword while you were playing 3 looked
computer games. 4 decided
5 went
9 6 were carrying
1 was taking; realised 7 slipped
2 rang; were watching 8 fell
3 were talking; woke up 9 got
4 was cycling; started 10 were lying
5 hurt; was lifting
6 was driving; happened 14
7 weren’t looking; stole 1 were 5 When
8 left; were buying 2 put 6 While / As
3 didn’t 7 said
10 4 putting 8 thought
1 was locking, rang
2 Did William talk, was waiting 15
3 were working, met Students’ own answers.
4 said, weren’t listening
5 lost, was running Unit 3
1 Mrs Hardy was talking on the phone when Peter got He/She/It has not (hasn’t)
home. Have I/we/you/they changed?
2 Harry fell asleep while he was watching TV. Has he/she/it
3 The Headteacher walked in while we were doing a
I/We/You/They have (‘ve) been looking.
4 I broke the plate as I was doing the washing up.
He/She/It has (‘s)
5 When she got up they were having breakfast in the
kitchen. I/We/You/They have not (haven’t) been looking.
6 It started to snow as they were climbing the He/She/It has not (hasn’t)
Have I/we/you/they been looking?
7 I was getting on the plane when someone shouted
Has he/she/it
my name.
8 The children took this photo of you while you were
1 ’ve found
2 ’s visited
3 haven’t understood
1 was smiling
4 Has he opened
2 stung
5 ’ve eaten
3 wasn’t looking
6 Have you seen
4 hit
7 hasn’t invited
5 didn’t have
8 Have the boys finished
6 was watching
9 ’s changed
7 shouted
10 haven’t listened
8 was drinking
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Grammar Time 5
4 11
1 Have you ever been ; No, I haven’t. 1 I’ve never been
2 Have they ever seen; Yes, they have. 2 has gone
3 Has she ever met; No, she hasn’t. 3 have been
4 Has he ever ridden; No, he hasn’t. 4 Have you been
5 Have you ever had; Yes, I have. 5 has gone
6 Have they ever been; Yes, they have. 6 has gone
7 Have you been
5 8 has gone
1 ’ve done all the work
2 ’s moved to Cornwall 13
3 ’ve seen this film 1 has published
4 ’ve already had lunch 2 answered
5 ’s just left 3 happened
6 ’s never played volleyball before 4 ’s broken
7 haven’t slept well for three days 5 have downloaded
8 ’ve never met him 6 saw
7 ate
1 already 6 so far 14
2 since 7 since 1 Has Emma given; sent
3 yet 8 just 2 Have you seen; saw
4 since 9 ever 3 Have your parents visited; came
5 never 10 always 4 Have you had; had
7 15
1 Has Peter got up yet? 1 has been
Yes, he’s already had breakfast. 2 bought
2 Have the children come out yet? 3 stored
8 17
1 Mike has ever ridden a bike. 1 I’ve been wearing jeans all day.
2 this book three times. 2 We have been revising for the exam lately.
3 ’ve never been to a concert before. 3 Ken has been working on this jigsaw puzzle for a
4 the first time they’ve ever visited a museum. week.
5 Sandra has travelled to the USA. 4 They haven’t been practising at all recently.
6 you’ve ever complained about the food. 5 Jenny has been playing computer games since
7 been to this adventure park four times. 8 o’clock.
8 never snowed here before! 6 You have been reading that magazine all
10 afternoon.
1 Look, Dennis has bought new clothes. b 18
Dennis hasn’t come back yet. a 1 Have you been sitting here; No, I haven’t.
2 Is Mary in her room? b 2 Has she been looking; Yes, she has.
Has Mary had a good time? a 3 Have you been watching TV; No, I haven’t.
3 The boys aren’t at home. a 4 Have they been planning; Yes, they have.
The boys have just come back. b 5 Have you been using; No, I haven’t.
4 Are Jenny and Fiona at work? a 6 Has he been working; Yes, he has.
Jenny and Fiona look great, don’t they? b
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Answer key
5 have you developed 5 What am I going to do?
6 have been working 6 We are going to start exercising more from now
7 Have you ever produced on.
8 have been playing
23 1 D 4 A
1 lived 2 B 5 C
2 never 3 F 6 E
3 have
4 lived 6
5 known 1 won’t mind
6 went 2 is going to start
7 since 3 ’ll be
8 had 4 ’ll get
24 & 25 7
Students’ own answers. 1 starts
2 ’re havinge
Unit 4 3 ’re staying
4 lasts
5 start
They will come tomorrow.
6 ’m cooking
They will not (won’t) come tomorrow.
7 arrives
Will he become a famous businessman?
8 ’re going
Will they come tomorrow?
She is (’s) going to write a note.
1 ’m going
We are (’re) going to see him later.
2 ’ll come
She is not (isn’t) going to write a note.
3 are helping
We are not (aren’t) going to write a note.
4 are doing
Is she going to write a note?
5 Will you do
Are we going to see him later?
6 ’ll get
7 Are you taking
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Grammar Time 5
8 is driving 16
9 ’ll bring 1 have
10 won’t be 2 Will you look
3 see
9 4 ’ll call
I/You/He/She/It will be watching TV. 5 returns
We/You/They 6 starts
7 ’ll buy
I/You/He/She/It will not be (won’t be) watching TV.
8 gets
9 will you dry
Will I/you/he/she/it be watching 10 comes
we/you/they TV?
I/You/He/She/It will have written a 1 I’ll be travelling
We/You/They book. 2 ’ll have packed
3 see him
I/You/He/She/It will not have (won’t have) written a
4 Will you help
5 ’s going to sing
Will I/you/he/she/it have written 6 leaves
we/you/they a book? 7 Are you doing
8 ’ll like
11 9 Is he really going to eat
1 Peter will be eating a sandwich. 10 will have left
2 Lucy will be reading a novel.
3 Mr and Mrs Hardy will be having a cup of tea. 18
4 Mr Davis will be painting the shed. 1 will have to
5 Harry will be editing Teenlink. 2 will be driving
6 Cosmo and Bella will be sleeping on the sofa. 3 will have changed
4 will have become
12 5 will have
1 We’ll be flying to Paris 6 make
2 Will you be working in London 7 will be able
3 I won’t be doing anything 8 Will I have spent
4 Dan will be having a music lesson 9 will be able
15 Unit 5
1 leave
2 ’ll be
I/You/He/She/It/ had arrived early.
3 go
We/You/They left by 8 p.m.
4 comes back
5 ’s finished I/You/He/She/It/ had not (hadn’t) arrived early.
6 read We/You/They left by 8 p.m.
7 ’ve finished
Had I/you/he/she/it arrived early?
8 ’ll have painted
we/you/they left by 8 p.m.?
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Answer key
2 Had she finished reading her school library book; 4 We had been standing outside their house for half
No, she hadn’t. an hour before they arrived..
3 Had she had lunch; Yes, she had. 5 He had been collecting them since he was a boy.
4 Had she washed her hair; Yes, she had. 6 She had been working on that project for weeks
5 Had she written her article for Teenlink; No, she before it was ready.
hadn’t. 7 They had been saving for that trip since last
6 Had she tidied her room; No, she hadn’t. October.
8 Driving to work was difficult as it had been snowing
5 all night.
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Grammar Time 5
14 3
1 b 5 c 1 'll be flying
2 c 6 b 2 is going to take
3 a 7 a 3 won't
4 a 8 a 4 're having
5 have finished
15 6 will be
1 had 5 When 7 Will you lend
2 After 6 had 8 does the next train leave
3 been 7 never 9 isn't going to rain
4 was 8 soon 10 have woken
16 4
1 Jack didn’t waste any time. 1 b 7 a
2 After he had explained the situation... 2 a 8 c
3 By the following Saturday, they had searched 3 c 9 a
everywhere 4 a 10 b
4 they had talked to every homeless person in the 5 b 11 a
town 6 b 12 c
5 but nobody had seen the jacket.
6 By then, Jack had lost five kilos. Unit 6
7 He hadn’t shaved for a week.
8 That Sunday, eight days after he had won the
SO She can ride a bike. She cannot (can’t) Can she ride
lottery, ...
ride a bike. a bike?
9 A homeless old man came and sat next to him.
He could write He couldn’t write Could he
10 In his hands, he had an old brown jacket.
when he was four. when he was four. write when
he was four?
I was able to climb I was not (wasn’t) Was I able to
Students’ own answers.
2 arrived
open the box. (won’t) be able to able to open
3 had been waiting
open the box. the box?
4 didn't have
You have been able You have not Have you
5 had already bought
to talk to him. (haven’t) been been able to
6 used to be
able to talk to him. talk to him?
7 had brought
8 wanted
9 was taking
1 will be able to see
10 slipped
2 are usually able to find
11 fell
3 Are you able to visit
12 didn't work
4 weren’t able to use it
13 had already taken
5 have been able to skate
14 had been asking
6 Was she able to watch
7 wasn’t able to help
1 has lived; for
2 've been watching; since
1 he could ride a bike but he couldn’t play basketball
3 've been listening; for
2 he could use a computer but he couldn’t skate
4 has made; since
3 she could draw but she couldn’t swim
5 have; invited
4 she could read but she couldn’t write
6 have been sitting; since
7 has (ever) seen
8 've known; for
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5 13
1 Were you able to finish Shall I bring you a cup of tea?
2 I could speak Can I help you?
3 Could he use Would you like something to drink?
4 They were able to answer
5 Were you able to sleep 15
6 I could see 1 Would you like
7 He was able to get 2 Can I
3 Shall I
6 4 Would you like
I can use I can’t use Can / Could I use 5 Can I
my mobile. my mobile. my mobile? 6 Would you like
7 Shall I
You may play You may not May I play
8 Can I
outside. play outside. outside?
We are allowed to We are not Are we allowed 16
wear shorts. (aren’t) allowed to wear shorts? Let’s go to the cinema.
to wear shorts. Why don’t we go to the cinema?
8 We could go to the cinema.
1 have some cake; can Shall we go to the cinema?
2 Can I ask you a question; can What about going to the cinema?
3 May I open the window; may How about going to the cinema?
4 Could I make a phonecall
5 May I take off my jumper; may 18
6 Can I borrow your umbrella; can’t 1 Let’s make some sandwiches.
7 Could I play a game on your computer What about ordering a pizza?
8 May I leave my bag here; may 2 Why don’t we go to the sports centre?
We could have a picnic by the lake.
9 3 Shall we cut some out of some magazines?
1 They aren’t allowed to play outside between 2 and How about looking for them on the Internet?
5 p.m.
2 Children under five can’t play in this area. 19
3 We can have one short break before lunch. 1 Can
4 I am only allowed to watch TV at the weekend. 2 can’t
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Grammar Time 5
4 Nick had to borrow his friend’s CD player... He’d better tell He’d better not
5 Do / Will they have to paint the new flat… the truth. tell the truth.
6 Nick had to rewrite his English essay...
7 Do you have to go home now? 14
8 I’ll have to finish the book later. 1 You should exercise ...
2 We had better buy the tickets ...
8 3 The new shop assistant ought to be more polite ...
1 must do 4 You shouldn’t skate ...
2 (will) have to go 5 Jack ought not to leave the door unlocked ...
3 Do you have to wear 6 We had better not take Dad’s camera ...
4 must buy 7 I should turn off the computer ...
5 Must Dad watch 8 Ought we to call everyone ...
6 had to shower
7 must invite 15
8 had to call 1 You should wear a white T-shirt over your swimsuit.
You’d better not / ought not to stay in the sun
9 between 12-4 p.m.
1 We need to go away for the weekend more often. 2 You’d better not / ought not to go to work today.
2 I must speak to Mum about it. You should / ought to take some paracetamol and
3 I need to tidy my room now. drink plenty of water.
4 She must relax. 3 You’d better stay up late and work on it.
5 Must we queue for tickets? You should / ought to talk to your teacher.
6 I need to be more careful in future. 4 You’d better ring them from my mobile and ask if
7 Do we need to answer the question now? they’ve got it.
8 He must visit his grandmother. You should / ought to go back there right now.
10 16
1 mustn’t 1 You should have called first.
2 doesn’t have to You ought to have waited for her.
3 don’t have to 2 He ought to have borrowed an umbrella.
4 mustn’t You shouldn’t have gone out in the rain.
5 don’t have to 3 She shouldn’t have left it there.
6 mustn’t She ought to have asked the waiter to look after it.
7 mustn’t 4 You ought to have washed them.
8 don’t have to You should have worn one of your brother’s T-shirts.
9 mustn’t 5 They ought to have written it down.
10 don’t have to They should have asked me.
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6 have found
8 If she doesn’t like a present, she takes it back to the
shop and changes it.
1 They might have sent the email to the wrong
1 If you heat water to 100°C, it boils.
2 He may not have known the answer.
2 If you freeze water, it becomes ice.
3 It could have been too late to do anything.
3 If you heat ice, it melts.
4 They might have forgotten to turn the TV off.
4 If you don’t drink enough water, you feel dizzy.
5 He may not have liked the idea.
3 If it snows, will they cancel the game?
Students’ own answers.
4 If he tells the truth, he will feel better.
5 If we don’t go now, we’ll be late for dinner.
6 If I come with you, will you buy me lunch?
1 must 5 can’t
7 If she doesn’t pass the exam, she’ll be upset.
2 can’t 6 must
8 If the dog needs to go for a walk, will you take it?
3 must 7 can’t
9 If the car doesn’t start, we’ll take a taxi.
4 must 8 must
10 If you like chocolate, you’ll love these biscuits.
1 The woman in the photo can’t be Jenny.
1 I could make you something to eat
2 Mr Blake must have moved.
2 might be better for his career
3 This shirt can’t be the right size.
3 can turn on the air conditioning
4 They must remember me.
4 may hurt himself
5 You must have put something red in the washing
5 should book in advance
machine by mistake.
6 could lose his sunglasses
6 Anna can’t be at home.
7 might miss your train
7 Eva can’t have broken the vase.
8 You must like green tea a lot.
9 They can’t fly / have flown to New York.
Students’ own answers.
10 It must have been a difficult decision for you.
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Grammar Time 5
3 You can take my camera if you promise to look 3 If you touched the victim, you would get an electric
after it. shock as well.
4 It won’t be the same if you don’t come with us. 4 If you moved him, you might / could / would do
5 Don’t say anything unless you know the answer. more damage to his back.
6 Sam’s parents will be worried if he doesn’t call
them. 19
1 I’d keep it as a pet.
12 I’d scream.
1 What will you do if you don’t pass your violin exam? 2 I’d buy the most expensive BMX bike.
If I don’t pass the exam, I’ll practise for three hours I wouldn’t spend it all; I’d put half of it in the bank.
every day... 3 I wouldn’t believe them.
If you play the violin for three hours every day, I’ll I’d go to see a doctor.
move to aunt Cath’s house! 4 I’d play practical jokes on people.
2 The next issue of Teenlink won’t be ready on time I wouldn’t like it.
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1 I wish I could invite all my friends.
1 a 6 b
If only I had a big house!
2 b 7 a
SO 2 I wish he could send emails.
3 c 8 c
If only he knew how to use a computer!
4 a 9 c
3 I wish my dad didn’t wake me up at 7 a.m. at the
5 a
If only he didn’t get up at 6 a.m.!
4 I wish she wasn’t so stressed.
1 was
7 will replace
8 keep
1 I wish I had bought the right size!
9 would do
2 If only I had talked to him!
10 lose
3 I wish I knew someone.
11 had known
4 If only the car hadn’t broken down!
12 had
5 I wish I had turned the oven off / turned off the
6 If only I had got off at the right station.
1 more people recycled; they take up to 100 years
7 I wish I had gone to a professional hairdresser!
2 There will be a shortage of water; we turned off the
8 I wish I had heard the instructions.
3 we won’t pollute the air we breathe
4 we wouldn’t have created global warming
1 If only / I wish you had chosen a more interesting
5 we had protected their environment; we must start
doing something
2 If only / I wish it wasn’t so heavy!
6 we stop throwing batteries away
3 If only / I wish I hadn’t lent it to him!
4 I wish / If only I hadn’t been rude to her.
5 I wish / If only I could do it.
If we didn’t buy pre-packaged meat, fruit and
6 I wish you wouldn’t wear them.
vegetables from the supermarket, we would create less
7 I wish / If only I had washed it!
8 If only / I wish she wasn’t ill.
If people who work in the same area shared their cars,
they would save on petrol and wouldn’t produce so
much air pollution.
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Grammar Time 5
7 5
1 hadn’t bought 1 pair 6 bag
2 didn’t have 2 piece 7 litres
3 hadn’t moved 3 loaf 8 pieces
4 didn’t have 4 cartons 9 tin
5 had chosen 5 bottle 10 pairs
6 had listened
7 could 6
8 hadn’t accepted 1 some 6 any
2 no 7 no
8 3 any 8 any
1 I wish you would agree with me! 4 some 9 no
2 I wish / If only she had answered my emails. 5 no 10 some
3 I wish / If only he wasn’t always late.
4 I wish / If only I could ride a bike! 7
5 I wish I hadn’t bought this CD. 1 everywhere
6 I wish / If only you hadn’t broken my sunglasses! 2 anywhere
7 I wish they wouldn’t / didn’t make fun of me. 3 anything
8 I wish / If only you had told me about it! 4 something
5 somewhere
9 6 Someone
1 c 4 a 7 Everything
2 c 5 c 8 somewhere
3 a 6 b 9 Nobody
10 nothing
Students’ own answers. 8
1 There isn’t anything in this box.
Unit 10 2 I wear no perfume.
4 11
1 Glass 6 Glasses 1 a few 5 a few
2 Is 7 An 2 a little 6 a few
3 Room 8 There’s a 3 a few 7 a little
4 A 9 Paper 4 a little 8 a little
5 Iron is 10 a
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13 2
1 an 7 an 1 can
2 a 8 a 2 must
3 an 9 an 3 Why
4 an 10 a 4 might
5 an 11 a 5 Let
6 a 12 an 6 should
14 3
1 an 7 a 1 has
2 - 8 the 2 wouldn't have lost
3 an 9 the 3 liked
4 an 10 an 4 stops
5 life 11 a 5 hadn't given
6 - 12 The 6 will you look
15 4
1 the 7 the 1 I had remembered to lock
2 the 8 - 2 I had washed my new jumper
3 - 9 - 3 it was cooler
4 the 10 the 4 I wasn't so
5 The 11 The 5 we had stayed in
6 - 12 -
16 1 c 5 a
1 the 10 nothing 2 a 6 b
2 - 11 any 3 b 7 b
3 the 12 a 4 c 8 c
4 a 13 some
5 the 14 a Unit 11
6 anyone 15 an
7 an 16 few
Glass is made.
8 Someone 17 the
Glass is being made.
9 the
Glass was made.
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Grammar Time 5
4 4 x
1 A new shopping centre will be built near the town. 5 by a well known painter
2 The car had been repaired before they left. 6 x
3 The lights were switched on at 8 p.m. 7 by a famous architect
4 All the students have been informed of the changes. 8 x
5 One of these games is sold every minute.
6 The flowers will be sent tomorrow. 11
7 I was taken to the Headmaster. 1 My computer was repaired in two hours.
8 The walls are going to be painted pale yellow. 2 The best suggestion was made by Tom.
3 Our progress reports will be finished tomorrow.
5 4 We were driven to the airport.
1 are being shown 5 Posters for the school fete had been made by the
2 was being installed students.
3 was being redecorated 6 Our lunch is being prepared.
4 is being sent 7 The room should be painted white.
5 was being repaired 8 I was being followed.
6 is being cleaned
7 is being recorded 12
8 were being used 1 A: Can a solution be found?
B: Something has already been done about it.
6 2 A: Has the whole house been painted?
1 Instructions must be followed carefully. B: The garage hasn’t been done yet?
2 The sandwiches could be made the day before. 3 A: Was that photo taken by Ashley?
3 This T-shirt should be washed at 30oC. B: Yes, it was. The photo frame was made by her,
4 These bags can be recycled. too.
5 The shops might be closed tomorrow. 4 A: Was the door locked from the inside?
6 Your glasses need to be repaired. B: No, but all the windows had been closed.
7 Young children ought not to be left alone at home. 5 A: Will we be taken to the office from the airport?
8 Customers have to be informed of the new opening B: I don’t think so. We should be taken to our hotel
hours. first.
7 13
1 hasn’t been repaired yet 1 Paper and extra stationery are kept in the white
2 Where are the garden chairs kept? cupboard, next to the photocopier.
3 When was this cake made? 2 Special bins have been put in the kitchen to recycle
4 had not been replaced tins and bottles.
5 When will the interview be published? 3 Printed paper could be reused if it is cut into
6 The rubbish wasn’t collected yesterday. squares and the blank side is used for notes.
4 Free snacks and refreshments are provided by the
8 office canteen at lunchtime.
1 were made 5 All cups and plates should be washed before we
2 wasn’t even born leave the office.
3 were made 6 Plants may be kept next to our desks, but not on
4 be bent them.
5 be used 7 Regular memos are sent by email.
6 was taken
7 was processed 14
8 were printed 1 Millions of people watched the last World Cup Final.
9 is stored 2 Ms Fowler has directed the school play for the last
10 can be seen three years.
11 can be erased 3 John Larkin is going to replace Ben Adams in the
12 are downloaded next series.
4 You can buy tickets online.
10 5 They will show the Olympic Games live on TV.
1 by Steven Spielberg 6 The Headteacher cancelled the school trip because
2 x of bad weather.
3 by Harry 7 They have invited all the students to the music
8 You can store personal items in the lockers.
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Answer key
16 Unit 12
1 by 5 by
2 with 6 by 1
3 by 7 with 1 He has his car serviced every year.
4 with 8 with 2 He is having his car serviced at the moment.
3 He had his car serviced yesterday.
18 4 He was having his car serviced at 11 a.m.
1 It is said that... 5 He has had his car serviced.
2 It is believed that... 6 He had had his car serviced before he went away.
3 It is claimed that... 7 He will have his car serviced next week.
4 It is reported that... 8 He is going to have his car serviced next week.
5 It is known that... 9 He should / might have his car serviced soon.
6 It is thought that...
19 1 have it repaired
1 It is known that exercise can fight stress. 2 washed Dad’s car
2 It is thought that the thief has already left the 3 had my hair cut
country. 4 has her clothes repaired
3 It is reported that we are going to have a very cold 5 make it
winter. 6 having our flat redecorated
4 It is said that the new sports centre is excellent. 7 I clean my house
5 It is claimed that the buildings were damaged in the 8 have your eyes tested
SO 4
6 It is expected that the concert will be a success.
1 should have
20 2 has
1 was 3 were having
2 It. 4 ’m going to have
3 being 5 ’m having
9 by
10 are 2 You need to have your jacket dry cleaned.
11 believed / thought 3 They have had their new offices designed by my
12 be uncle’s firm.
4 We will have a new wardrobe made for our
21 bedroom.
1 The character of Indiana Jones was created by 5 I had my mobile phone replaced immediately.
George Lucas. 6 They should have the air conditioning units serviced
2 The adventurous professor was named ‘Indiana before they use them.
Smith’ at first. 7 We had the dog examined by the vet.
3 Indiana Jones is played by the actor Harrison Ford in 8 She is going to have her photo taken by the
all four films. photographer.
4 The first film, ‘Raiders of the Lost Ark’, was followed
by ‘Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom’. 6
5 In the third film, ‘Indiana Jones and the Last 1 A: Did your sister have her house decorated
Crusade’, Indiana’s father is played by Sean professionally?
Connery. B: No, she didn’t have it decorated, she did it
6 The fourth film, ‘Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of herself.
the Crystal Skull’, was produced nineteen years 2 A: Are we going to have a satellite dish installed?
after the third film. B: Yes, we are. But we aren’t going to have it
installed before June.
3 A: Your hair looks beautiful. Have you had it cut?
B: No, I haven’t. I’ve had it styled at the
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Grammar Time 5
8 get it fixed 4 seriously
5 beautifully
8 6 quietly
1 I have my eyes checked every year. 7 wise
2 We have had our locks changed. 8 carefully
3 I had a window broken in my car. 9 warm
4 Anna has had her dog groomed. 10 extremely
5 She is going to have her garden redesigned.
6 I had my wisdom teeth removed. 4
1 warmer
2 better
3 than
4 clever
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Answer key
5 in 12
6 of 1 Lucy is less interested in Maths than Peter.
7 than 2 In real life she was less beautiful than in her photo.
8 more carefully 3 The cheesecake isles sweet than the lemon pie.
9 earlier 4 Train journeys are less expensive than plane
10 strangest journeys.
11 most 5 Ian is less athletic than William.
12 the 6 Reading a foreign language is less difficult than
speaking it.
7 7 Are cats less intelligent than dogs?
1 the most exciting
2 the cheapest 13
3 the most enjoyable 1 Our team played far worse than the other team.
4 the hottest 2 A giraffe is much taller than a cheetah.
5 the most talented 3 This computer is far more powerful than my old
6 the best computer.
7 the hardest 4 I feel much better than I did yesterday.
8 the deepest 5 The last project was far more / less complicated
9 the farthest than this one.
10 the worst 6 She can skate much more easily than she could last
8 7 The results of the test were far worse than he (had)
1 harder than expected.
2 cooler than
3 the most foolish 14
4 more quietly than 1 c 5 c
5 the highest 2 b 6 b
6 the shortest 3 a 7 a
7 more healthy; than 4 a 8 c
8 the laziest
9 more fashionably than 15
10 cheaper; than Students’ own answers.
9 Unit 14
1 the fastest
2 the slowest
1 What did he advise you to do?
3 faster than
2 I hope to come back soon.
4 longest
3 She has arranged to meet us here.
5 rarest
4 Will you promise not to tell anyone?
6 the heaviest
5 They are planning to move to another country.
7 bigger than
6 He forgot to lock the door.
8 largest
7 I wasn’t expecting to see you here.
9 taller than
8 I would like to meet your friends.
10 longer than
1 Katie is too young to stay at home on her own.
1 Mary is as tall as Jenny.
2 It’s early enough to cancel the tickets.
2 A gazelle isn’t as / so fast as a cheetah.
3 I’m too tired to cook dinner tonight.
3 A fox isn’t as / so big as a bear.
4 He is too clever to make any mistakes.
4 Our fathers are as old as each other.
5 The suitcase is big enough to hold your clothes
5 He didn’t speak as / so fluently as her.
and mine.
6 Harry did as well as Ben in the test.
6 It’s too cold to go out.
7 Ann eats as healthily as Sandra.
7 I’m not hungry enough to have dinner now.
8 Yesterday wasn’t as / so hot as today.
8 She trains hard enough to win the competition.
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Grammar Time 5
2 You’d better listen to your mother. 5 is not used to working
3 They’d rather go to the cinema. 6 are used to eating
4 She’d better eat more healthily.
5 We’d better be more careful in the future. 15
6 He’d rather wait for the bus. 1 to rain / raining
2 worrying
8 3 working
1 makes him go to bed; lets him go to bed 4 running / to run
2 makes me knock; let’s me use his computer 5 inviting / to invite
9 16
1 to work 1 eating
2 to meet 2 putting
3 to have 3 calling
4 to speak 4 using
5 buy 5 to buy
6 believe 6 to think
7 talk 7 to finish
8 to make
11 1 breaking
1 cooking 2 doing; help
2 walking 3 to do; go
3 talking 4 to look; to be
4 skating 5 talking; telling
5 fixing 6 finding; coming
6 staying 7 listen; listening
7 studying
8 telling 18
9 listening 1 doesn’t allow us to use
10 washing up 2 looking forward to meeting
3 refreshing to swim
12 4 made me laugh
1 It’s easy to walk everywhere because it’s a flat city. 5 wasn’t old enough to see
2 It was amazing to spend a whole day in Kew 6 would rather buy fruit and vegetables
Botanical gardens. 7 had better go to bed early tonight
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Answer key
19 5
1 b 6 c 1 breaking, wearing
2 c 7 a 2 to see, meeting
3 b 8 b 3 Eating, going
4 a 9 a 4 to clean, to do
5 b 10 c 5 closing, bring
6 to spend, to hear
20 7 to bring, to buy
Students’ own answers. 8 to go, to swim
9 going, stay
Use your English (Units 11–14) 10 eat, hide
1 The door was locked.
Unit 15
2 James Watson is going to be interviewed by Ian. 1
3 The café is being redecorated. Christina said (that) she knew him.
4 The parcel will be delivered by my brother. Dan told me (that) he had answered the phone.
5 The fridge has been repaired. Lucy told Sophie (that) she couldn’t believe it.
6 It is said that she was a famous actress. The policeman ordered the driver to stop the car.
7 Their car is serviced once a year. She asked us not to be late.
8 This plant should be kept indoors. I asked where he had found it.
9 I was given this book by Adam. / This book was My friend asked (me) if / whether I had seen the last
given to me by Adam. episode of the series the day before.
10 The sofa was covered with an old sheet.
2 1 said 5 told
1 will be given 2 said 6 told
2 is being organised 3 said 7 said
3 have already been sold 4 told
4 are snapped up
5 it is said 4
6 have been asked 1 Kenneth said (that) he would be at Jim’s.
7 it is believed 2 Tom said (that) Tina was waiting for him outside.
8 is being collected 3 Fred said (that) he only watched TV at the
9 is going to be given weekend.
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Grammar Time 5
7 Adrian told me (that) we might have a chance to 5 Beth asked Lucy to call her back later.
meet the President. 6 Nick asked his father to lend him his camera.
7 The teacher told us to open our books to page 45.
6 8 Ryan asked her to turn the music down.
1 the following month 9 The man ordered the dog not to touch the food.
2 tomorrow 10 The sergeant ordered the soldier to go with him.
3 they
4 here 13
5 the month before 1 ordered his son to sit down and do
6 there 2 asked Peter to bring her
7 that day 3 asked her mum to let her go
8 next week 4 asked me to put those bottles
9 the following day 5 told Lucy to do what he
10 the previous month 6 asked Peter to open
7 asked her brother to lend her
1 Pam pointed out that the picnic was the following 15
day. 1 Alex asked if it was raining in Berlin.
2 Fred whispered that we should all be very quiet. 2 Sam wanted to know when they were going to
3 Nick added that those shoes looked very finish.
uncomforatable. 3 Andy asked if my brother had won the race.
4 Joe remarked that we had to wear our badges all 4 Chris asked where I had gone / been last Saturday.
the time. 5 Maria wondered if / whether Ken had the right
5 Ben yelled that no-one was allowed to go in there. address.
6 Ellie said that they would visit us again the following 6 Vicky wanted to know why I had packed your
year. suitcase.
7 Ron pointed out that he had learned how to play 7 Kate wondered how long he had been waiting.
tennis the year before / the previous year. 8 Mr Saunders asked if / whether I had fed the
8 Tom remarked that she hadn’t gone out of the goldfish.
house the day before / the previous day. 9 Beth wanted to know if / whether Mark had stayed
9 Maria said that that was a horrible thing to happen. at his aunt’s.
10 Harry said that he was doing his homework then. 10 Steve asked if / whether they were watching TV.
9 16
1 Mr Gordon said that sky divers had to be eighteen 1 I was very bad tempered
or older and that they should be very fit. 2 she didn’t want to speak to me
2 He added that the equipment could only weigh 3 she didn’t have to be my friend anymore
around fifteen kilos. 4 if I meant that
3 Mr Gordon told me that each skydiver had two 5 I wouldn’t bother her in the future
parachutes; one was the main canopy and the 6 we had never fought like that before
other was the reserve parachute. 7 we had had a fight like that the month before
4 He said that at one point he had been falling at a 8 why I was behaving like a four-year-old
speed of 120 mph, and that at that speed he hadn’t 9 because she had started it
been able to breathe. 10 to grow up
5 He pointed out that skydivers didn’t suffocate, and
that their bodies absorbed oxygen through the skin 17
at that pressure. 1 They asked me, ‘Will you return the books next
6 He remarked that he hadn’t landed like a sack of week?’
flour as he had expected, and that the landing had 2 Keira asked me, ‘Will you make a sandwich?’
been quite smooth. 3 The firefighter said, ‘Stay back!’
7 He added that it had been a great experience and 4 Mary said, ‘I’ll get up early tomorrow.’
that he was looking forward to his next jump. 5 He said, ‘We are meeting our friends today’.
6 Jack said, ‘I sent them an email yesterday.’
11 7 Nick said to Tina, ‘You should be more careful in
1 Peter told Lucy to give him his MP3 player back. future.’
2 Kate asked me not to tell anyone about it. 8 Chris said to me, ‘I like football.’
3 Tom told Jen to stop being so silly and listen to him. 9 Ian asked, ‘Where are we going tonight?’
4 The policeman ordered the man not to move. 10 Ron asked me, ‘Where is your brother?’
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Answer key
18 5
1 what had happened the previous Tuesday 1 didn’t he?
2 me that she hadn’t been feeling very well 2 won’t you?
3 she had fainted in the bathroom 3 won’t they?
4 who had called for help 4 is it?
5 it had been Lucky, her golden retriever 5 don’t they?
6 (that) she lived alone and she had trained Lucky to 6 don’t they?
push the speed dial button for her sister’s number 7 can’t they?
on the telephone 8 isn’t it?
7 if / whether it was easy to train a dog to do that 9 hasn’t he?
8 said that Lucky was a clever dog so it had been 10 didn’t he?
easy with him
9 (that) two of her neighbours had asked her to train 7
their dogs, too 1 Neither can I.
10 said she would answer my question in a few weeks 2 So will I.
3 Nor have we.
Unit 16 4 So does mine.
5 So should you.
6 Nor did John.
He is twelve years old, isn’t he?
7 So did we.
You have had dinner, haven’t you?
8 Nor am I.
We’d finished by that time, hadn’t we?
9 Neither do I.
They didn’t give you a key, did they?
10 So were we.
The man had left, hadn’t he?
Neither / Nor am I.
1 So does
So do I.
2 Neither / Nor had
Neither / Nor does he.
3 So have
Neither / Nor have we.
4 So did
10 So may
5 aren’t I?
6 there
7 shall
1 am
8 will
2 don’t
9 does
3 Neither / Nor
10 were they
4 wouldn’t
11 will
5 haven’t
12 hadn’t
6 so
13 didn’t
7 have
14 will
8 doesn’t
9 would
10 does
1 will she?
2 will you?
3 shall we?
1 You’re going to buy the tickets tomorrow, aren’t
4 does he?
5 weren’t you?
2 Neither / Nor do I.
6 does he?
3 You’ve changed the colour of your hair, haven’t you?
7 have they?
4 So do I.
8 aren’t I?
5 Nor / Neither have I.
9 does she?
10 will they
11 could they?
12 haven’t you?
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Grammar Time 5
Unit 17 6
1 –
1 2 Samantha, who had taken French lessons for two
The young man who / that spoke to me was Brian years, could speak the language much better that
Williams. us.
The girl (who / that) you are talking about is my sister. 3 –
The dog which / that appears in the advert belongs to 4 Their garden, which I can see from my bedroom
me friend. window, is the prettiest in the neighbourhood.
The house (which / that) they’ve bought used to be a 5 Kenneth, who knew the area very well, gave us
gallery. directions.
The girl whose turn had come for an audition said she 6 –
wasn’t ready. 7 Early in the morning, when everyone is still asleep,
This is the spot where we should plant the tree. Mary gets up and takes the dog for a walk.
December is the month when the shop is busiest. 7
Frank Campbell, who directed the film, will not be there 1 There are two chairs in the garden shed, which you
for the premiere. can use if you like.
This portrait, which was painted by Henri Matisse, 2 Paul, who was wearing an old T-shirt and shorts,
belonged to my great-grandmother. looked very scruffy.
Mr Smith, whose son was getting married, invited us to 3 The little girl, whose grandmother I had just met,
the wedding. smiled at me.
She’s going to visit Glasgow, where she has relatives. 4 My aunt, who lives in Cornwall, has a pony, two
They moved house in 2001, when their baby was born. dogs and three cats.
5 Edinburgh, which is where I was born, is a beautiful
1 which / that 6 The café, which had a lovely view, was by the sea.
2 who 7 The school concert, which was organised by the two
3 who music teachers, was a great success.
4 (which / that) 8 Fred, who lived in Madrid for five years, can speak
5 whose fluent Spanish.
4 1 Wakeboarding, which is a water sport, is a
1 which 6 whom combination of water-skiing and surfing.
2 which 7 - 2 A herbivore is an animal which / that only eats
3 - 8 that plants.
4 - 9 - 3 A carnivore is an animal which / that only eats
5 - 10 that meat.
4 An omnivore is an animal which / that eats plants
5 and meat.
1 The pizza you have made is great. 5 The Dead Sea, which has 30% salt in its water, is
2 The people who’ve moved next door to us were really a lake.
friendly. 6 The Dead Sea has no plants or animals, which can’t
3 I know a girl whose father is a professional live in such salty waters.
footballer. 7 A safari park is an area where animals are kept in
4 The man who / that was talking to my dad is their natural environment.
Jenny’s coach. 8 People who / that want to take photographs should
5 The day finally came when Brian learned how to be careful, though.
use the Internet.
6 The cottage where we spent our holidays was very 9
comfortable. I’ve bought some apples to make an apple pie.
7 The phone number which / that William gave me is I’ve bought some apples in order to make an apple pie.
wrong. I’ve bought some apples so that we can make an apple
8 This is the CD (which / that) I was telling you about. pie.
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Answer key
The day was hot, so they decided to go for a swim. 5 They leave the window open so that they can get
The day was so hot that they decided to go for a swim. some fresh air.
It was such a hot day that they decided to go for a 6 He set the alarm clock so that he would wake up
swim. early the following day.
The concert was cancelled because there was a
1 an interesting speaker that I can listen to her for
The concert was cancelled because of the
2 small that it could only take two people
I felt tired but I decided to go to my cousin’s party. 3 beautiful flowers that I didn’t want to cut them
I felt tired. However, I decided to go to my cousin’s party. 4 exciting news that I can’t keep it to myself
Although I felt tired, I decided to go to my cousin’s party. 5 a good friend that I would do anything for him
In spite of feeling tired, I decided to go to my cousin’s 6 late that I fell asleep in the car on the way home
party. 7 valuable books that we had to wear white gloves to
Despite feeling tired, I decided to go to my cousin’s touch them
Tom is very energetic, while Sam likes to do things 15
slowly. 1 George’s team has just won the Cup, so he is
Tom is very energetic, whereas Sam likes to do things thrilled.
slowly. 2 There is a sale, so you can buy things at a reduced
11 3 I have got lots of homework to do so I am going
1 in order to home.
2 to 4 We don’t use the coffee machine, so you can have
3 to it.
4 so that 5 She wanted to ask her dad something, so she
5 In order called him.
6 so that 6 The school bus was late yesterday, so I missed the
first lesson.
7 to
8 so that 7 They knew they were wrong, so they apologised.
9 in order 8 I listen to their CDs all the time, so I know all their
10 so that lyrics.
12 16
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Grammar Time 5
won’t remember me. 8
5 We wanted to play football, while / whereas they 1 sorry for
wanted to go skating. 2 interested in
SO 3 laugh at
6 They usually spend their holidays in the mountains,
while / whereas we prefer the sea. 4 fed up with
7 We found some eggs in the fridge so we made an 5 taken care of
omelette. 6 crazy about
8 I try to have a healthy diet, while / whereas he only 7 heard from
eats junk food. 8 the same as
1 because
2 But 3 b 7 a
3 who 4 c
4 whose
5 which / that 10
6 so 1 shouted 5 angry
7 that 2 keen 6 explain
8 However 3 belong 7 similar
4 tired 8 proud
1 The Wind blew as hard as it could. However, the 11
shepherd pulled his coat around him tightly. 1 for 5 for
2 He tied it round his waist with a piece of string 2 from 6 of
because he was cold. 3 about 7 on
3 Although the Wind had done its best, it hadn’t been 4 for
able to blow the man’s coat away.
4 The Sun smiled while the Wind cried with anger, 12
‘Well, if I can’t do it, neither can you!’ 1 on 7 in
5 The Sun turned its head in order to face the Earth. 2 for 8 with
6 It shone so brightly that the old shepherd felt hot 3 about 9 with
and took off his coat. 4 at 10 to
5 for 11 rom
6 for 12 out
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Answer key
8 set off favourite.
3 This is the shop where I buy all my clothes.
16 4 The advice you gave me was very useful.
1 away 6 up 5 Steven Travis, who is a film director, is my dad's
2 off 7 on oldest friend. / Steven Travis, who is my dad's
3 off 8 forward oldest friend, is a film director.
4 off 9 off 6 The time when Tina could run again after the
5 up 10 up accident came at last.
7 The man whose son was in my team thanked me.
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Grammar Time 5
Preparation: Photocopy one activity sheet for
expression. Establish that the sentence is in the every pupil in the class.
present simple. Ask if anyone can think of a
new present simple sentence using the same 1 Read and complete the story.
verb and time expression. Write this on the
• Explain to pupils that some phrases are
missing from the story. Ask them to find the
• Explain that pupils should choose verbs from missing parts and complete the text.
Box A and time expressions from Box B to
• Pupils work on their own to complete the story.
write simple present sentences. While they are working, copy the story onto the
• Check that pupils are writing grammatically board, leaving gaps for the missing parts.
correct and meaningful sentences as they
• When they have finished, invite pupils to the
front to write in the missing sections on the
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Photocopiable activities
The boys have been playing outside for hours.
3 Read your story to the class.
• Pupils take turns to read their stories to
• Circulate as pupils work, checking they are
another pair. Display the most interesting and putting their sentences in the correct column.
funny stories in the classroom.
• Ifoutthere is time, ask pupils to take turns to read
sentences. The rest of the class should say
Unit 3 if the sentence is in the present perfect simple
or present perfect continuous.
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Grammar Time 5
Unit 4 ●
2 Look at Exercise 1 again. Write PPS
next to the past perfect simple
Preparation: Photocopy one activity sheet for sentences and PPC next to the past
every three pupils in the class. perfect continuous sentences.
• Divide the class into groups of three and give • Explain that pupils must decide if each
sentence in Exercise 1 uses the past perfect
each group an activity sheet. Pupils cut the simple or the past perfect continuous. They
cue cards out and place them in a pile face should write PPS or PPC in the space next to
down. each sentence.
• Demonstrate the activity by turning over a
card and writing the cue on the board, using a • As the pupils are working, write the headings
Past perfect simple and Past perfect continuous
different colour for the bold words. Point out on the board. When pupils have finished, invite
the word/s in colour and prompt pupils to volunteers to come and write sentences on the
respond using these words in their answers, board under the correct headings.
correcting any mistakes they make.
• Explain that pupils should take turns to pick up
a cue card and respond using the words in
3 Work with a partner and choose A
or B. Read a sentence opener from
bold. If the others in the group agree that the
your partner’s list. Your partner
sentence is grammatically correct, they should
should choose the best ending.
keep the card; if not, it should be placed at the
Take turns to complete the
bottom of the pile. The winner is the person
with the most cards at the end of the game. sentences in your lists.
• Demonstrate the activity with a volunteer. Tell
Unit 5 the volunteer to choose a sentence opener
from list A. Suggest an ending and prompt the
Preparation: Photocopy one activity sheet for class to either agree or disagree with your
every pupil in the class. choice. Repeat. This time you choose a
sentence from list B and ask the volunteer to
1 Read and complete the sentences. suggest an ending.
• Pupils complete the sentences with the missing • Pupils work in their pairs to complete the
Answers ●
5 Now write the complete sentences
He had been taking photos since from Exercise 3 above.
10 o’clock in the morning.
After the party I had sore feet because
• Pupils work on their own to write eight
sentences from Exercise 3 in their notebooks.
I had been dancing so much. PPC
We had cycled for over an hour before Answers
we found a café. PPS A
I had just finished cooking when the We had just sat down when the baby began
oven broke. PPC to cry.
Sarah had told me all about her She had been living in Germany before she
holiday by the time we got home. PPS moved to France.
They had never seen such a lovely Paul had gone to the cinema by the time I
house before. PPS phoned him.
I had been teaching Peter Spanish The children had been playing in the snow
for several weeks before he gave up. PPC and they were very wet.
By the age of four she had learnt
to read. PPS
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Photocopiable activities
I had started my meal before Jack got home.
Unit 7
He had been running, so he was hot when he Preparation: Photocopy one activity sheet for
got to the bus stop. every pupil in the class.
Sam failed his test because he had not been
working hard enough.
They had been watching TV for a few minutes
1 Choose words from different boxes
and write sentences.
when the lights went out.
• Go through the example with the class. Ask
pupils to make another sentence about Steve
Unit 6 using a modal from a different box. Explain
that pupils should choose modals from
Preparation: Photocopy one activity sheet for different boxes for each of their three
each group of four pupils. sentences.
1 Game.
• Pupils work on their own to write sentences for
each of the prompts. Circulate, and help with
• Divide the class into groups of four and give a
sheet to each group. Ask pupils to cut out the
ideas if pupils are struggling.
2 Underline the modal verb in each
prompt cards on the sheet then put them face
down in a pile. sentence. Write the letter in the
• Demonstrate the game. Pick up a card, read box to show the function for each
out the prompts and write them on the board, type of verb you used.
eg: Permission / may. Ask pupils to make a
permission sentence using the modal, eg May I
• Write the example sentence from Exercise 1
on the board. Ask a volunteer to underline the
go to lunch now? Brainstorm two or three modal verb. Then ask the class to say what
more examples with the class, encouraging function the sentence expresses (obligation).
them to make both statements and questions.
Explain that pupils should take turns to pick up
• Pupils work on their own to underline the
modal verbs and categorise their sentences by
a card and make a sentence using the modal writing the correct letter, A, B, C or D in the
and prompt given. If the group agrees that the box next to each sentence.
sentence is correct, the pupil keeps the card; if
every pupil in the class.
2 Writing
• Ask the groups to collect the prompt cards,
shuffle them and lay them face down in five
1 Make sentences and write them in
the correct columns.
• Go through the example with the class.
Pupils should take one card from each row
and write a sentence according to the prompt • Pupils work on their own to match and write
the sentences in the correct column.
on each of their cards.
• If there is time at the end, bring the class
together and call out prompts from the cards.
Zero conditional
Pupils who have the matching prompt cards If I eat chocolate, I get spots.
should stand up and read out their sentences. If you don’t keep ice cream in the freezer, it
When I do lots of exercise, I feel healthy.
When you sit in the sun for too long, you get
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Grammar Time 5
First conditional
If you don’t want to read your book, you can
Unit 9
give it to me. Preparation: Photocopy one activity sheet for
If you look in the fridge, you should find some each group of four pupils.
If it’s snowing tomorrow, we could make a
1 Game.
If Miss Parks moves to another school, I’ll be • Divide the class into groups of four and give a
sheet to each group. Ask pupils to cut out the
very sad. prompt cards on the sheet then put them face
2 Write about what you would do if
down on the desk in three rows of four cards.
Pupils should choose a partner from the group
you were a good singer. Use the to work with.
second conditional.
• Go through the first part of the activity with the
• Demonstrate the game. Ask a pupil to choose
a card and read out the prompt. Say
class. Write the cues on the board and ask something that begins with I wish… or If
pupils to produce a sentence from the prompts only… to show that you wish the present
using the second conditional. situation were different, or to express regret
• Pupils work on their own, using the prompts to about the past. Then prompt the pupil to make
write sentences in the second conditional. a second sentence.
Answers: • Explain that pupils should take turns to choose
a prompt card. The pair choosing the card
If I were a good singer, I could write a great
should make one I wish / If only sentence each.
If they make two correct sentences they should
If I wrote a really good song, I could make a
keep their card. If they can’t think of two
music video.
sentences, or their sentences aren’t appropriate
If I made a music video, it might get on TV.
2 Writing
house in the country.
If I bought a big house in the country, I would • Ask the groups to collect up the prompt cards,
shuffle them and lay them face down in three
have lots of parties.
3 Write about mistakes you have • Each pupil should take one card from each
row and write two sentences according to the
made in the last few days. Use the
third conditional. prompt on each of their cards.
• Go through the example given in the Pupil’s • If there is time at the end, bring the class
together and call out prompts from the cards.
Book. Ask one or two pupils to tell the class Pupils who have the matching prompt cards
about things that have gone wrong for them in should stand up and read out their sentences.
the past few days. Write key words on the
• Pupils work on their own, writing about Unit 10
mistakes they have made recently. Preparation: Photocopy one activity sheet for
• If you have time, ask some pupils to read out
their work.
every pupil in the class.
1 Your home has been burgled. Your
room is a mess. Describe the scene
for the police report, using all the
words in the boxes.
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Photocopiable activities
• Tell pupils they have arrived home to discover ●2 Rewrite the sentences you haven’t
their home has been burgled. Their bedroom ticked in the passive.
is in a terrible mess. The burglars have
searched through everything so nothing is
• Pupils work on their own to rewrite the
sentences they didn’t tick in Exercise 1 in the
where it should be. passive.
• Explain that they should imagine the scene
and write about it for the police, using all the Answers
prompts in the boxes and any other 2 Great Expectations was written by Charles
vocabulary they need. They can refer to their Dickens.
Pupil’s Book if they need help with ideas. 5 Sports programmes are watched by
millions of people.
2 Work with a partner. Read their 6 Her handbag was stolen (by a man).
10 The pictures are going to be taken by Rick.
report of the burglary. Imagine
you are a police officer, and write
four questions asking for more ●
3 Use the verbs to write passive
sentences in the past, present and
future tenses. Write three different
• Pupils work in pairs, swap sheets and write sentences using the same verb.
four questions about the burglary for their
partner to answer. • Begin by asking pupils to identify one past,
present, and future tense sentence from
3 Now answer your partner’s Exercises 1 and 2. Then explain that pupils
should write three different passive sentences
using the verb given. They must write one in
• Pupils answer their partner’s questions.
each of the tenses.
• Ifread
there is time at the end, ask for volunteers to
out their descriptions. • Circulate as pupils work, checking that they
1 Tick the sentences that are in the
Preparation: Photocopy one activity sheet for
every pupil in the class.
• Pupils read and tick the passive sentences. ●
1 Choose and complete the
• Go through the answers with pupils, checking
they have all correctly identified the passive
sentences. • Pupils complete the sentences with the correct
words from the box.
Passive sentences:
1 I am having my MP3 player repaired at
1 Dinner is being cooked by Susan. ✔
the moment.
3 The washing machine was being mended
2 I will get my duvet cleaned soon.
when I arrived. ✔
3 David had his car stolen yesterday.
4 Cars are going to be made at the new
4 I’m going to get the kettle mended.
factory. ✔
5 They should have their fridge replaced.
7 Cricket is played in many countries. ✔
6 Sam has had a wall knocked down in his
8 Thousands of homes were destroyed by the
garden recently.
flood. ✔
7 We have our windows cleaned every
9 The DVD recorder has not been repaired.
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Grammar Time 5
8 The little girl had had her face painted their card to the person next to them in the
before she went to the party. group. Pupils should write the next sentence on
9 They were having their locks changed at the new card, again comparing two people in
about 10 o’clock this morning. the category. They should continue in this way
until they get their card back again.
2 Work with a partner and think of • Tell pupils they should now take a group vote
some ideas you could use to write on who is the most interesting / best / most
about each event. Write key words talented person in each category. Pupils should
in the boxes. then write the outcome of the vote in the final
• Write the sentences: You had a bad day
yesterday. / You have moved house. on the
box of their category.
for each topic and write notes in the two
boxes. 1 Find and circle eight verbs in the
word square. Two verbs don’t take
3 Choose one event each from the infinitive. Write them below.
Exercise 2. Write about it using • Pupils work on their own to find the eight verbs
your ideas and the causative form. and write the two that don’t take the infinitive
• Explain to pupils that they should now choose
one of the two topics to write about. They must
in the space provided.
• When pupils have finished, elicit the answers
use the causative form for their descriptions. and write them on the board to check that all
Explain that they can refer to the examples in pupils have the correct answers, as they will
Exercise 1 to help them make sentences. need to use these verbs in the next activity.
• Circulate as pupils work, encouraging them to
use a variety of tenses as they write.
p a l t f c k I k d
Unit 13
v d e r s t h o p e
Preparation: Photocopy one activity sheet for l m t y n p d r l c
every four pupils in the class.
• Ask pupils to get into groups of four. Hand out
an activity sheet to each group and ask them
b h j o y r c f p i
l e a r n o r o t d
to cut the sheets along the dotted lines to
make four separate cards. Each pupil in the g u x c f m d r l e
group should take one card. m o g d k i o g h e
• Explain that pupils are going to write about
their favourite people. Write the headings a c p m t s x e c n
Singers, Actors, Sports Stars, Super Heroes k f r l b e u t f k
on the board. Get pupils to name a few of their e y t c w a n t j k
favourite people in each category. Ask
questions about the people in one category, make and let do not take the infinitive
eg: Do you think Brad Pitt is a more serious /
better / funnier / more talented actor than Jim
2 Write a sentence for each verb.
Where words are given use them
• Explain that pupils are going to begin the
activity by writing a sentence in the first box
in your sentences.
on their card comparing two people in the • Explain that pupils should write a sentence for
each verb they circled in Exercise 1. Point out
category indicated. They should then pass
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Photocopiable activities
The baby started crying at midnight. group should then guess who the mystery
3 Ivor hates to watch daytime television. person is.
Ivor hates watching daytime television.
4 Laura continued studying dance at Unit 16
Laura continued to study dance at Preparation: Photocopy one activity sheet for
university. every pupil in the class.
2 Swap activity sheets with your
2 Write a report of your conversation. partner. Read their questions and
put a tick next to the ones you
Use the phrases below to help you.
• Pupils write a report of the conversation
saying what they have learnt about their
agree with.
• Pupils swap sheets with their partner, read the
partner. Explain that they should use the questions and put a tick next to those they
phrases provided to help them write their agree with.
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Grammar Time 5
• Go through the example with the class,
explaining that one pupil should make a
group how many of the words from the box
they managed to use in their stories. Declare
statement about themselves using the the group that used the most as the winner.
sentences they have written and the other Then take a class vote on the best / most
should either agree or disagree with it. exciting story.
• Pupils work with their partner and take turns
to make statements and agree / disagree with Unit 18
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Photocopiable activities
1 He didn’t have to shout at me. I wasn’t
doing anything wrong.
2 I’m not keen on that dress. I prefer the red
3 The park keeper ran as fast as he could to
escape from the tiger.
4 By 7 o’clock Angie was ready for her
5 Joe doesn’t like bats much but he’s really
afraid of snakes.
6 Dad is angry with me because I got
home very late last night.
7 Let’s listen to the concert on the radio
8 Jack doesn’t really believe in aliens. He
just likes to read about them.
3 Read and complete the definitions
with the correct word.
• Pupils work on their own to complete the
1 If you get on with a person, you like being
with them.
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Grammar Time 5
Unit 1
play think in the evening now
go watch sometimes today
leave study on Saturdays at the moment
have walk always for a few days
talk feel never this week
make look every day this month
usually these days
1 Choose verbs from Box A and time expressions from Box B. Write
sentences using the present simple.
1 Anna always looks happy.
2 ................................................................................................................................
3 ................................................................................................................................
4 ................................................................................................................................
5 ................................................................................................................................
6 ................................................................................................................................
7 ................................................................................................................................
2 Using the verbs from Exercise 1 and time expressions from Box C,
write new sentences in the present continuous.
3 Work with your partner. Choose one verb from Box A, and a time
expression from Box B or C. Make as many different sentences as you
can in 3 minutes.
Unit 2
1 Read and complete the story.
When ................................................ , I took a photo of them.
At 1 o’clock ................................................ for a sandwich.
All the people ran away .................................................
After lunch the dinosaurs .................................................
................................................, they heard a baby crying.
The dinosaurs were frightened .................................................
2 Now work with a partner and write your own stories. Choose one of
the openers below and write the first sentence. Swap with your
partner and write the next sentence of their story. Continue in this
way until you have completed your stories.
While I was eating lunch, I heard...
This morning I was playing with friends, when suddenly...
As we were driving, I…
It was 10 o’clock at night when…
3 Read your story to another pair.
Grammar Time 5
Unit 3
1 Draw lines to match the parts of the sentences.
1 Jane has been making to Japan or China.
2 He’s the best friend outside for hours.
3 I haven’t been going liked cats.
4 I have never been lunch yet.
5 Jack has been writing cakes this morning.
6 We haven’t finished to the cinema recently.
7 The boys have been playing I’ve ever had.
8 I have always a book about aliens.
2 Write the sentences from Exercise 1 in the correct columns.
Present perfect simple Present perfect continuous
1 ....................................................... 5 .......................................................
2 ....................................................... 6 .......................................................
3 ....................................................... 7 .......................................................
4 ....................................................... 8 .......................................................
3 Work with your partner. Write as many sentences as you can about
Beth and Peter.
Unit 4
You were late for school today. You can’t make your MP3 player work.
What are you going to do tomorrow? Ask someone if they will help you.
What will you do tonight? at the weekend?
What do you think you will do Say when you will have finished your
Say what you will do to help. What are you going to wear?
after school?
Say when you will have finished it by.
Grammar Time 5
Unit 5
1 Read and complete the sentences.
had told me had been teaching had learnt had been dancing
had cycled had been taking had never seen had just finished cooking
2 Look at Exercise 1 again. Write PPS next to the past perfect simple
sentences and PPC next to the past perfect continuous sentences.
3 Work with a partner and choose A or B. Read a sentence opener from
your partner’s list. Your partner should choose the best ending. Take
4 Now write the complete sentences from Exercise 3.
We had just sat down when the baby began to cry.
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Unit 6
Ability Permission Request Suggestion
can allowed to will you let’s
......................... ......................... ......................... .........................
......................... ......................... ......................... .........................
Offer Suggestion Ability Permission
shall I what about could may
......................... ......................... ......................... .........................
......................... ......................... ......................... .........................
Suggestion Request Offer Ability
Grammar Time 5
Unit 7
A: Obligation/Absence of obligation B: Restriction/Prohibition
must, have to, not have to mustn’t, can’t, not allowed
need to, not need to
C: Advice D: Possibility/Probability
Should, ought to, had better may, might, could
1 Choose words from different boxes and write sentences.
Steve is a French teacher. Your friend is going to Egypt.
■ He has to work hard.
A ............................................... ■ ...............................................
■ ............................................... ■ ...............................................
■ ............................................... ■ ...............................................
Sam has broken his leg. Anne wants to get fit.
■ ............................................... ■ ...............................................
■ ■
............................................... ...............................................
■ ............................................... ■ ...............................................
■ ............................................... ■ ...............................................
■ ............................................... ■ ...............................................
■ ............................................... ■ ...............................................
2 Underline the modal verb in each sentence. Write the letter in
the box to show the function for each type of verb you used.
(e.g. D = possibility, etc.)
Unit 8
1 Make sentences and write them in the correct columns.
If you don’t want to read your book,
If you don’t keep ice cream in the freezer,
When I do lots of exercise, If you look in the fridge, it melts. I feel healthy.
When you sit in the sun for too long, If it’s snowing tomorrow, you get burnt.
we could make a snowman. I’ll be very sad. you should find some drinks.
....................................................... .......................................................
....................................................... .......................................................
....................................................... .......................................................
2 Write about what you would do if you were a good singer. Use the
second conditional.
3 Write about mistakes you have made in the last few days. Use the
third conditional.
I hadn’t gone shopping on Saturday, I wouldn’t have spent so much money.
Grammar Time 5
Unit 9
You have had an argument with your friend. Now he / she isn’t talking to you.
....................................................... .......................................................
You forgot to buy your mum a birthday present. Now the shops are closed.
....................................................... .......................................................
Your friends saw a great film yesterday. You had to stay at home and tidy your room.
....................................................... .......................................................
Your computer doesn’t work. You don’t know what’s wrong with it.
....................................................... .......................................................
You forgot to bring a packed lunch to school today. You haven’t got any money.
....................................................... .......................................................
You have seen some great clothes in a shop. They are very expensive.
....................................................... .......................................................
You sat for too long in the sun yesterday. Now you are sunburnt.
....................................................... .......................................................
You didn’t work hard in your Science lessons. You have failed the exam.
....................................................... .......................................................
Unit 10
1 Your home has been burgled. Your room is a mess. Describe the scene
for the police report, using all the words in the boxes.
My room was in a mess.
2 Work with a partner. Read their report of the burglary. Imagine you
are a police officer, and write four questions asking for more
3 Now answer your partner’s questions.
found two black hairs under the rug.
Grammar Time 5
Unit 11
1 Tick the sentences that are in the passive.
1 Dinner is being cooked by Susan. ■
2 Charles Dickens wrote Great Expectations. ■
3 The washing machine was being mended when I arrived. ■
4 Cars are going to be made at the new factory. ■
5 Millions of people watch sports programmes. ■
6 A man stole her handbag. ■
7 Cricket is played in many countries. ■
8 Thousands of homes were destroyed by the flood. ■
9 The DVD recorder has not been repaired. ■
10 Rick is going to take the pictures. ■
Rewrite the sentences you haven’t ticked in the passive.
1 ................................................................................................................................
2 ................................................................................................................................
3 ................................................................................................................................
4 ................................................................................................................................
3 Use the verbs to write passive sentences in the past, present and
future tenses. Write three different sentences using the same verb.
plant find
This rose was planted in 1997.
1 ........................................................ 1 .......................................................
New herbs are planted each year.
2 ........................................................ 2 .......................................................
Six new trees will be planted here.
3 ........................................................ 3 .......................................................
finish paint
1 ........................................................ 1 .......................................................
2 ........................................................ 2 .......................................................
3 ........................................................ 3 .......................................................
give bite
1 ........................................................ 1 .......................................................
2 ........................................................ 2 .......................................................
3 ........................................................ 3 .......................................................
sell clean
1 ........................................................ 1 .......................................................
2 ........................................................ 2 .......................................................
3 ....................................................... 3 .......................................................
Unit 12
1 Choose and complete the sentences.
had his has had am having my had had her were having have their
will get my have our going to get
9 They ........................ their lock changed at about 10 o’clock this morning.
2 Work with a partner and think of some ideas you could use to write
about each event. Write key words in the boxes.
................................................ ................................................
................................................ ................................................
3 Choose one event from Exercise 2. Write sentences in the causative
form using your notes from Exercise 2.
Grammar Time 5
Unit 13
✄ ...........................................................................................................................................................................................
✄ ........................................................................................................................................
Singers Actors
....................................................... .......................................................
....................................................... .......................................................
....................................................... .......................................................
....................................................... .......................................................
....................................................... .......................................................
✄ ........................................................................................................................................
....................................................... .......................................................
....................................................... .......................................................
....................................................... .......................................................
....................................................... .......................................................
....................................................... .......................................................
✄ ........................................................................................................................................
Unit 14
1 Find and circle eight verbs in the word square.
p a l t f c k I k d
v d e r s t h o p e
l m t y n p d r l c ................
b h j o y r c f p i
l e a r n o r o t d ................
g u x c f m d r l e
m o g d k i o g h e
a c p m t s x e c n
k f r l b e u t f k
e y t c w a n t j k
Two of the verbs above don’t take the infinitive. Write them above.
2 Write a sentence for each verb. Where words are given, use them in
your sentences.
1 ......................................................... . 5 ......................................................... .
too help
2 ......................................................... . 6 ......................................................... .
3 ......................................................... . 7 ......................................................... .
enough not … enough
4 ......................................................... . 8 ......................................................... .
3 Write two sentences. Use the infinitive in sentence 1 and the gerund
in sentence 2.
1 Daisy began / play the piano when she was fifteen
Daisy began to play the piano when she was fifteen.
Daisy began playing …
2 The baby started / cry at midnight
3 Ivor hates / watch daytime television
4 Laura continued / study dance at university
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Grammar Time 5
Unit 15
1 Use the prompts to ask your partner questions. Write notes.
Age? .......................................................
Birthday? .......................................................
2 Write a report of your conversation. Use the phrases below to
help you.
I asked….
................ replied / said / told me / added …
3 Play the guessing game in groups. Choose three pieces of information
and tell the group.
This person is fourteen and his / her birthday is in June. This person wants
to be an actor.
Unit 16
1 Write questions for your partner that you think are true. Use all the
subjects from Box A and choose question tags from Box B.
Box A Box B
family a city do / don’t you? does / doesn’t he / she / it?
food the weather have / haven’t you? has / hasn’t he / she / it?
sport a friend can / can’t you? is / isn’t he / she / it?
holidays clothes are / aren’t you? shall / must we?
school subjects favourite things
Questionnaire Tick
You like spicy food, don’t you? ■
1 ....................................................................................................
2 .................................................................................................... ■
3 .................................................................................................... ■
4 .................................................................................................... ■
5 .................................................................................................... ■
6 .................................................................................................... ■
7 .................................................................................................... ■
8 ....................................................................................................
9 .................................................................................................... ■
10 .................................................................................................... ■
2 Swap activity sheets with your partner. Read their questions and put
a tick next to the ones you agree with.
3 Read and answer the questions.
1 How do you feel at the moment? .......................................................
2 What food don’t you like to eat? .......................................................
3 What are you going to do after school? .......................................................
4 What do you want to do at the weekend? .......................................................
5 Which sports aren’t you good at? .......................................................
6 Have you ever played chess? .......................................................
Grammar Time 5
Unit 17
1 You are going to write a story. Work in groups of three and choose a
title from the list. Talk about what happens in the story and write
2 Write your story using as many of the words in the box as you can.
who in order to which so that that because when in spite of where while
3 Read your finished story to the class.
Unit 18
1 Match and write.
listen for listen to
afraid in ............................................
believe at ............................................
escape with ............................................
keen from ............................................
angry on ............................................
ready to ............................................
shout of ............................................
2 Complete the sentences using the matched words from Exercise 1.
1 listen to the concert on the radio tonight.
Let’s ................
2 I’m not ................ that dress. I prefer the red one.
3 The park keeper ran as fast as he could to ................ the tiger.
4 By 7 o’clock Angie was ................ her guests.
5 Joe doesn’t like bats much but he’s really ................ snakes.
6 Dad is ................ me because I got home very late last night.
7 He didn’t have to ................ me. I wasn’t doing anything wrong.
8 Jack doesn’t really ................ aliens. He just likes to read about them.
3 Read and complete the definitions with the correct word.
get down / get by / get on