Can a final executory ruling be properly executed over a land covered by TCTs but classified as
public forestland?
Has the person named in the TCT acquired valid title to the parcels of land?
“prescription does not lie against the State. . . And as provided in Article 1113 of the Civil Code:
'All things which are within the commerce of men, are susceptible of prescription, unless
otherwise provided. Property of the State or any of its subdivisions not patrimonial in character
shall not be the object of prescription.' ||| (East Asia Traders, Inc. v. Republic, G.R. No. 152947,
[July 7, 2004], 477 PHIL 848-865)”
PHIL 848-865)
(East Asia Traders, Inc. v. Republic, G.R. No. 152947, [July 7, 2004], 477
PHIL 848-865)
as a general rule, the parties will not be allowed, after final judgment,
to object to the execution by raising new issues of fact or of law, except
when there had been a change in the situation of the parties which
makes such execution inequitable or when it appears that the
controversy has ever been submitted to the judgment of the court; or
when it appears that the writ of execution has been improvidently
issued, or that it is defective in substance, or is issued against the
wrong party, or that judgment debt has been paid or otherwise
satisfied; or when the writ has been issued without authority (Vargas
v. Cajucom, G.R. No. 171095 , [June 22, 2015], 761 PHIL 43-63)
Possible Argument
And equally settled is the rule that when a judgment is final and
executory, it becomes immutable and unalterable. 44 It may no longer
be modified in any respect, except to correct clerical errors or to
make nunc pro tunc entries, or when it is a void judgment. Outside of
these exceptions, the court which rendered judgment only has the
ministerial duty to issue a writ of execution. (Ramos v. Ramos, G.R. No.
144294, March 11 2003.)
Possible counter-argument
A decision that has attained finality becomes the law of the case
regardless of any claim that it is erroneous. Any amendment or
alteration which substantially affects a final and executory judgment is
null and void for lack of jurisdiction, including the entire proceedings
held for that purpose (Vargas v. Cajucom, G.R. No. 171095 , [June 22,