Practices, Challenges and Coping Strategies of The Elementary Science Teachers
Practices, Challenges and Coping Strategies of The Elementary Science Teachers
Practices, Challenges and Coping Strategies of The Elementary Science Teachers
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Abstract:- This study aimed to identify the practices, Teaching and learning Science in the 21st century is
challenges encountered and coping strategies of the facing great issue. According to Young and Garcia (2020),
elementary Science teachers during this pandemic. This Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics
study used descriptive -survey design with qualitative educators across the country have shared challenges and
support in gathering the data. There were sixty-one experiences in teaching during COVID-19 crisis. Apart from
purposely chosen teachers that served as respondents of that struggle, pressure of the teachers to teach in multiple
the study. The socio-demographic profile of the modes, there was also a need for them to consider the
respondents, practices in teaching elementary Science, different circumstances that every pupil faced in their homes
and challenges encountered as well as their coping and in their families (Tria, 2020).
strategies were gathered through a survey using Google
forms sent via messenger apps to the principals of Sultan In the Philippines, while government and health
Naga Dimaporo, Lanao del Norte. PSPP software and officials are doing their best in slowing down the outbreak,
MS 365 were used to analyze the data. The practices the education system are collaboratively responding to
were identified based on monitoring and assessment, provide quality education during these difficult times.
designing learner centered-activities, knowledge Furthermore, one of the biggest challenges in Science
construction and finding and implementing ways to Education of today is managing the capacity to produce
extend students’ knowledge and skills. Instructional Science learning that meets all the learning needs. The
materials, parental support, classroom management, endeavor to create a wide variety of effective teaching and
pupils’ motivation, pupils’ cognitive ability and learning learning in Science in these trying times needs to be
environment were the classified challenges encountered addressed.
by the teachers. Results revealed that monitoring and
assessment, designing learner-centered activities and According to DOST-SEI (2022), on the “Framework
finding and implementing ways to extend students’ for Philippine Science Teacher Education” effective Science
knowledge and skills were found to be highly practiced teachers are expected to have professional practices to
by the respondents. Meanwhile, pupils’ cognitive ability achieve quality learning outcomes. To meet this, it is
was considered as the highly encountered challenge by essential to revisit and better understand what the Science
the teachers in teaching elementary Science. To cope teachers were doing to make learners learn Science better.
with the challenges, teachers employed the following Nonetheless, Science education curriculum during the
pandemic has challenged the best of teachers. Yet, they still
strategies: time management, communication, being
optimistic and self-motivated, thinking of alternative manage to be creative and resourceful. Designing creative
plans, and adapting to new trends, strategies, and digital learning experiences using technology to enhance
approaches in delivering the lesson. A proposed action remote agreement and elevating the teaching and learning
plan was also presented in the study. Effective and process with the involvement of the families at home were
efficient communication among parents and colleagues, some of the innovations made by the teachers to sustain the
managing time appropriately and embracing the teaching and learning process amidst the current situation.
changes will help them adjust in the new normal Moreover, Lee, Newton, and Glass (2021) pointed out that
education system. teaching elementary science in “normal times” is
challenging due to issues involving teacher preparation,
Keywords:- Socio-demographic profile, practices, limited access to materials and lack of administrative
challenges encountered, teaching Science. support due to emphasis on tested subjects, and how much
more in the new learning environment.
Hence, it is evident that there are struggles associated
The status of Science Education in the Philippines is at with teaching and learning Science among the elementary
an important crossroads. As the first decade of the 21st school teachers during this pandemic. Thus, it is in these
century ends, we are faced with enormous scientific reasons that makes the researcher interested to conduct this
challenges that everybody will have to confront. Some of study.
these issues include the global climate change and the
expanding pandemic which leads to world hunger and
poverty, economic crisis, and the closure of the traditional
face-to face classes. Whereas the need for scientific
advances is at its peak, learning about Science in school is
facing critical challenges.
C. Objectives of the Study The following were the focus of the study:
The traditional goal of education is to get students to Describe the socio-demographic profile of the
accept the dominant ideologies, directives, and applications respondents;
without questioning (Banks, 2004), however, education Identify the practices and challenges encountered by the
during this time has change the perspective of having an public elementary school teachers in teaching elementary
upside to science education amidst the COVID-19 chaos. Science;
Teachers have embraced technology to promote the wonder Determine the coping strategies used by the elementary
of science. They have also discovered that continuing teachers in the challenges they encountered.
professional learning can boost their understanding of the
a. Age
b. Sex
c. Educational Status
d. Number of Years in teaching Science
e. Training for Distance Learning
f. Mode of Learning
Coping Strategies
The conceptual framework above shows the variables learner-centered activities, and knowledge construction and
of the research on the Practices and Challenges Encountered finding and implementing ways to extend students’
by the Elementary teachers in teaching Science. The knowledge and skills. The challenges of teachers covered
variables were consisting of the socio-demographic profile the instructional materials, parental support, and classroom
of the respondents in terms of age, sex, educational status, management, pupils’ motivation, pupils’ cognitive ability
number of years in teaching Science, training for distance and learning environment. The coping strategies of the
learning and the mode of learning, teachers’ practices in teachers were also identified in the study.
teaching elementary Science and the challenges they
encountered in teaching elementary Science. The practices
were classified into monitoring and assessment, designing
B. Challenges in teaching elementary Science Pupils’ cognitive ability was found to be the highly
Table 3 shows the challenges encountered by the encountered by the teachers in teaching Science. The
teachers in teaching elementary Science. following were the indicators that dealt with pupil’s
cognitive ability: Pupils had difficulty in understanding
Based on the table below, the challenges encountered some scientific terms and processes that makes them less
by the elementary teachers in teaching Science are related to likely to perform well in Science (M=3.34, SD=0.54); My
instructional materials, parental support, classroom pupils had difficulty solving Science problems at home
management, pupils’ motivation, pupils’ cognitive ability, because nobody guides them (M=3.34, SD=0.52); and
and learning environment. Pupils had difficulty in following the lessons (M=3.13,
SD=0.56). The results suggested that pupils’ cognitive
Generally, teachers moderately encountered challenges ability in learning Science considered as a challenge in
in learning science in all aspects presented based on the learning Science specifically during this time. The this
quantitative results of the study. However, pupils’ cognitive corroborates with the study of Sunga and Hermossima
ability obtained the highest mean (M=3.28 and SD= 0.45) (2016) cited in the study of Sadera et. al., (2020) stressed
which was interpreted as highly encountered; pupils’ that international and local research revealed that Filipino
motivation (M=3.20 and SD= 0.61) interpreted as learners have low retention of ideas and have limited
moderately encountered; learning environment (M=3.18; reasoning and analytical skills. According to ST43, some of
SD=0.65) which was interpreted as moderately encountered; her pupils are slow learners and that they need guidance to
classroom management (M=3.03, SD=0.49) which was perform the given task. That is why, ST46 said that there are
interpreted as moderately encountered; instructional some of her pupils’ who cannot answer on their own, they
materials (M=2.84; SD=0.60); and parental support are relying on their brothers and sisters in doing the task,
(M=2.73; SD=0.64) interpreted as moderately encountered. they can read but cannot comprehend the concepts that they
need to learn in Science. It is congruent with Sunga and
Hermosisima (2016) cited in Sadera et al., (2020) which
stressed that international and local research revealed that
Filipino students have low retention of ideas and have
limited reasoning and analytical skills.
Learning environment dealt with physical and Quality of the submitted outputs was another
psychological aspects that surrounds the pupil and believe to challenge raised by the respondents. ST59 mentioned that
have an effect in the learning process. To support the idea of pupil’s penmanship and reading skills was observed to be a
learning environment in this new normal, the following problem especially now where they are doing home-based
indicators were used: Most of the pupils had less suitable learning.
home learning environment (M=3.18, SD=0.65). Based on
the qualitative responses collected by the researcher it The new normal education system itself was a
reveals that teachers encountered numerous challenges in problem by some of the teachers in Sultan Naga Dimaporo,
terms of learning environment. According to ST3, “pupils Lanao del Norte. ST36 expressed that distance learning is
learning environment was limited and they cannot go very difficult for teachers like them who were assigned in a
beyond and explore something new.” ST13 added that, remote area. This is consistent to the statement of Sari and
parents and learners do not like modular learning. Nayir (2020), who identified other challenges in distance
education during pandemic which includes teachers’
Apart from the challenges mentioned, respondents readiness in the new learning environment, classroom
added some of the challenges they encountered in teaching management, teacher, and student behaviors.
Science. ST8 emphasized that distance of the pupils’ home
from school is considered as one of the challenges they Across the countries around the world, numerous
encountered. Hence, they find it hard to do home visitation challenges in Science education was recorded. According to
especially during rainy days. Geographical location and Kaptan and Timurlenk (2012), the main problems includes
poverty were seen to be another challenge encountered by insufficient teacher’s salary and lack of professional growth,
the teachers in delivering the teaching and learning process. students motivation and interests, in learning Science,
Since there are schools which are geographically located in achievement gaps between Science and Mathematics,
far-flung areas wherein fluctuating signal was experienced inadequate classroom resources, large class size and
by the people living there and because of inability to provide intensive curriculum but insufficient time allocation for
their pupils gadgets, ST48 expressed her thoughts that these learning. This was further supported by the results of the
are the reasons wherein there are pupils who could not study of Pesnell (2020), which indicates that literacy and
receive information that will help them in their learning mathematics were the focus of instruction during this remote
process. This was supported by ST9 when she stated that, learning period, giving students minimal opportunities to
“in her location fluctuating signal and connection to the engage in science content.
internet hinders them to conduct online learning. Because of
C. How do teachers cope with the challenges they prioritize. As stated by ST51, “by managing time properly, I
encounter in teaching Science? know I can cope with the challenges and stresses in this new
As elementary teachers face different challenges in normal education system”. According to Sari and Nayir
teaching Science this time, they strive to overcome such (2020), organizing classroom management can be used as a
challenges through different approaches. Amidst the current strategy to deal with the challenges encountered in distance
situation, teachers are still hopeful and felt success in their education.
chosen field, as ST18 said that “teachers met a lot of
difficulties in this new normal education system, but Transition in Science education does not only affect
teachers must always be flexible and ready to adopt to the the teachers but also to the parents and pupils who were
changes in the profession. Based on the responds of the involved in the teaching and learning process. Because of
respondents to the open-ended question given to them this, respondents believe that constant communication
various strategies were given to cope with the challenges between teachers and parents is very important to lessen the
they encountered in teaching Science. challenges they had encountered in the implementation of
home-based learning activities. Sari and Nayir (2020) found
Time Management is an important aspect that a out in their study that getting help from colleagues and
teacher must possess to handle daily tasks easily. This can constant communication using different communication
be done through making schedules on the different activities tools are some of the ways teachers can handle challenges in
they are in to and balancing their tasks. If a teacher has that teaching Science. Importance of constant communication
ability, they may be able to know what they need to was emphasized by the following respondents:
“Be open-minded and innovative.” –ST45— “By simply asking assistance from the school head, co-
teachers and of course be resourceful since not all
“Teaching science in this time is quite a challenge Indeed, elementary teachers are doing their best to
because the teacher really has to find other teaching cope with the challenges they experienced with the
strategies. That is best applicable and attainable in the implementation of the new normal education system. They
given situation.”—ST42— may differ in their ways and means but they both aimed for
the goodness of their learners. Presented below are the
“Teaching Science has not been easy this time strategies used by the respondents to cope with the
especially when it comes to lesson that needs to have challenges the encountered in teaching Science.
hands on activities. So what I did was, I gave them
simple activities that they can do at home without my
presence.”—ST44— Time
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C. Knowledge Construction
Indicators 4 3 2 1
1. I provided opportunities for my pupils to discuss on their own topics they find hard.
2. I required my pupils to make reflective journals on what they had learned in Science.
Others, please specify:
A. Instructional Materials
Indicators 4 3 2 1
1. The teaching materials in Science provided to us is insufficient.
2. I did not have enough financial and material support from the higher officials.
3. I had limited instructional materials which makes Science teaching difficult.
4. The school had minimal support in the purchase of instructional resources in Science.
5. Less teaching materials to engage and maintain pupils’ motivation.
Others, please specify:
B. Parental Support
Indicators 4 3 2 1
1. The parents of my pupils lacked interest/did not take distance education seriously.
2. The parents of my pupils lacked moral support on their children’s studies.
Others, please specify:
C. Classroom Management
Indicators 4 3 2 1
1. I had difficulty in monitoring pupils learning in distance education.
2. I had difficulty in redesigning the instructions to suit on the learners’ interest and needs.
3. I had less competence in fostering interaction in the distance education classroom.
4. I had difficulty managing pupils’ behavior in distance education modality.
5. I had difficulty in monitoring the leaners who do not have contact numbers.
6. I find it difficult to evaluate the authenticity of pupil’s assessment.
7. I had personal fear in monitoring my learners due to health-risks.
Others, please specify:
D. Pupils’ Motivation
Indicators 4 3 2 1
1. My pupils lacked the interests in distance education.
2. Pupils were less motivated due to limited physical teacher-learner interaction.
Others, please specify:
F. Learning Environment
Indicators 4 3 2 1
1. Most of the pupils had less suitable home learning environment.
Others, please specify:
How do you cope with the challenges you encountered in teaching Science?