Central Dense Overcast - Wikipedia
Central Dense Overcast - Wikipedia
Central Dense Overcast - Wikipedia
After a cyclone strengthens to around hurricane intensity, an eye appears at the center of the CDO, defining its
center of low pressure and its cyclonic wind field. Tropical cyclones with changing intensity have more lightning
within their CDO than steady state storms. Tracking cloud features within the CDO using frequently updated
satellite imagery can also be used to determine a cyclone's intensity. The highest maximum sustained winds
within a tropical cyclone, as well as its heaviest rainfall, are usually located under the coldest cloud tops in the
It is a large region of thunderstorms surrounding the center of stronger
tropical and subtropical cyclones which shows up brightly (with cold cloud
tops) on satellite imagery.[1][2][3] The CDO forms due to the development of
an eyewall within a tropical cyclone.[4] Its shape can be round, oval, angular,
or irregular.[5] Its development can be preceded by a narrow, dense, C-
shaped convective band. Early in its development, the CDO is often angular
or oval in shape, which rounds out, increases in size, and appears more Tropical storm Rafael displaying an
smooth as a tropical cyclone intensifies.[6] Rounder CDO shapes occur in example of a CDO.
environments with low levels of vertical wind shear.[2]
The strongest winds within tropical cyclones tend to be located under the
deepest convection within the CDO, which is seen on satellite imagery as the
coldest cloud tops.[7] The radius of maximum wind is usually collocated with
the coldest cloud tops within the CDO,[7] which is also the area where a
tropical cyclone's rainfall reaches its maximum intensity.[8] For mature
tropical cyclones that are steady state, the CDO contains nearly no lightning
activity, though lightning is more common within weaker tropical cyclones
and for systems fluctuating in intensity.[9]
The eye is a region of mostly calm weather at the center of the CDO of strong Cyclone Winston in the Southern
tropical cyclones. The eye of a storm is a roughly circular area, typically 30– Hemisphere with a large CDO
65 kilometres (19–40 mi) in diameter. It is surrounded by the eyewall, a ring surrounding its eye
of towering thunderstorms surrounding its center of circulation. The
cyclone's lowest barometric pressure occurs in the eye, and can be as much as 15% lower than the atmospheric
pressure outside the storm.[10] In weaker tropical cyclones, the eye is less well-defined or nonexistent, and can be
covered by cloudiness caused by cirrus cloud outflow from the surrounding central dense overcast.[10]
Tropical cyclones with maximum sustained winds between 65 mph (105 km/h) and 100 mph (160 km/h) can
have their center of circulations obscured by cloudiness within visible and infrared satellite imagery, which
makes diagnosis of their intensity a challenge.[13] Winds within tropical cyclones can also be estimated by
tracking features within the CDO using rapid scan geostationary satellite imagery, whose pictures are taken
minutes apart rather than every half-hour.[14]
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