SCS Protective Structure
SCS Protective Structure
SCS Protective Structure
Jeon, S. and Rigby, S.E. (2019) Design and numerical assessment of a rapid-construction
corrugated steel-concrete-steel protective structure. International Journal of Protective
Structures, 10 (4). pp. 470-485. ISSN 2041-4196
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Design and Numerical Assessment of a Rapid-Construction
Corrugated Steel-Concrete-Steel Protective Structure
S. Jeon & S. E. Rigby∗
Department of Civil & Structural Engineering, University of Sheffield, Mappin Street, Sheffield, S1 3JD, UK.
[email protected]
A protective structure should be sufficiently resilient to protect its occupants from the harmful
effects of an impact or explosion. In many instances, protective structures are also required to be
assembled quickly, and be cost-effective. Steel-concrete-steel (SCS) sandwich structures combine the
benefits of steel; ductility and anti-scabbing, and concrete; energy absorption and rigidity. Despite
these favourable characteristics, the performance of profiled-plate SCS structures under blast and
impact loads has yet to be studied in detail. This article presents the results from a numerical study
investigating the efficacy of a newly-proposed profiled-plate arched SCS structure under the loading
from an extremely near-field high explosive detonation. It is observed that as arch thickness (concrete
infill depth) increases, a greater proportion of energy is absorbed through concrete crushing and a
larger concrete mass is mobilised. It is shown that a 240 mm arch thickness is adequate to resist the
blast load from a 5.76 kg TNT charge, therefore proving the suitability of the proposed protective
1 Introduction
Protective structures should be designed to shield their inhabitants from a range of malicious attacks.
One such form of attack, which is the focus of this paper, is the use of high explosive projectiles with
the specific intention of causing partial or total collapse of the structure, or damaging the fabric of the
structure in a way that compromises its protective ability. Protective structures are common in conflict
zones worldwide, and the need for protective structures to be rapidly assembled is often paramount.
The Korean peninsula is a particularly active area of conflict between two neighbour states. In 2010,
Yeonpyeong Island was the scene of an artillery engagement between the North Korean military and
South Korean forces which resulted in the deaths of up to 15 people and over 50 casualties. In response
to this, South Korea began to fortify military facilities and certain civilian shelters using corrugated steel
plates as an efficient, cost-effective, and lightweight alternative to reinforced concrete. Numerical and
experimental studies have shown the efficacy of earth-covered corrugated steel protective structures (Kim
& Lee 2015), however to date there has been no research into corrugated steel protective structures for
deployment in situations where construction time is severely constrained.
This paper presents the design of a new type of protective structure designed specifically for rapid
construction: a corrugated steel-concrete-steel (SCS) sandwich structure. Numerical analysis is used to
assess the performance of this newly-proposed structure under blast loads and comments are made on
the suitability of the proposed design.
2 Literature review
Many blast protection systems exist, each with varying levels of blast resistance and robustness, ease
of construction, and cost (Smith 2010). This literature review aims to compile current structural blast
protection techniques and evaluate them against these three criteria. The first criterion is commonly
evaluated in the literature through numerical and experimental studies, as blast resistance generally has
the greatest importance when considering the adequacy of a protective system. Whilst ease of construction
and cost are rarely discussed, they are no less significant for real-life systems.
Fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) sheets have been used to retrofit existing structures to offer increased
blast resistance and ductility. Razaqpur et al. (2007) experimentally tested bare reinforced concrete panels
and reinforced concrete panels with glass fibre-reinforced polymer (GFRP) sheets adhesively bonded to
the front and back faces. The panels were subjected to ANFO charges detonated at scaled distances of
0.9–1.1 m/kg1/3 , and demonstrated an improved performance when bonded with GFRP sheets. Although
more expensive than GFRP, carbon fibre-reinforced polymers (CFRPs) have been shown to demonstrate
superior performance (Ronagh & A 2013). Urgessa & Maji (2010) performed a series of blast tests on
CFRP retrofitted masonry walls, with the specimens exhibiting considerably less damage as the thickness
of the CRFP increased.
Steel fibre-reinforced polymers (SFRPs) are more affordable than CFRPs and have been shown to
increase the strength of FRP-wrapped reinforced concrete (RC) columns to a similar extent (Berger et al.
2012), although FRP-wrapped beams are unlikely to demonstrate such an increase in strength owing to
the propensity for tensile failure in blast-loaded RC beams (Carriere et al. 2009), as opposed to scabbing
or shear failure associated with RC columns. Alternatively, polyurea or polyurethane sprays can be
applied directly to a structure to enhance its blast performance (the reader is directed to Raman et al.
(2011) for a detailed review). These retrofitting methods, whilst cost-effective and relatively simple to
implement, are only suitable for pre-existing structures and are not yet applicable for the design and
build of new systems.
Steel-concrete-steel (SCS) sandwich structures combine the benefits of steel; ductility and anti-
scabbing, and concrete; energy absorption and rigidity (Liew & Sohel 2009). This construction technique
permits high slenderness ratios as the steel layers act as formwork during construction, and the concrete
does not require additional reinforcement. Composite action can be achieved through shear connectors
which prevent shear failure in the concrete and limit separation of the steel by effectively coupling the
deflections of both top and bottom plates (Liew et al. 2017). In order to house these shear connectors,
however the SCS panels should be no less than 210 mm thick (Smith 2010), whereas non-composite SCS
panels as thin as 50 mm have demonstrated adequate blast resilience against near-field high-explosive
blasts (Remennikov & Kong 2012, Wang et al. 2015a). Arched SCS sandwich panels have been shown to
displace considerably less than straight SCS panels under dynamic loads: as little as 13% of the residual
displacement of straight panels (Liew et al. 2017), and have been suggested for use in diverse applications
from blast walls to Arctic caissons to resist the impact load from ice floes (Wang et al. 2016).
Profiled-plate steel sandwich panels are a variation of SCS structures using steel plates formed into
different shapes, e.g. sinusoidal or trapezoidal, and are used in various applications owing to their increased
resistance against different types of loading when compared to flat plates. To date, there have been few
studies which have investigated the performance of profiled-plate SCS structures under blast and impact
loads, as identified in the review of Hilo et al. (2015). Despite limited studies into the effectiveness of
profiled-plate sandwich structures, there is some evidence to suggest that such systems have increased
cracking resistance and buckling resistance due to confinementoffered by the steel plates (Rafiei et al.
2017). In addition to this, a number of studies demonstrate the effectiveness of using bare profiled steel
plates as blast walls, particularly in offshore structures (Malo & Ilstad 1994, Boh et al. 2004, Kim et al.
Wang et al. (2016) showed that the provision of shear connectors between the steel plates could in-
crease the performance of profiled-plate SCS structures. However, removing the need for shear connectors
simplifies the construction and reduces the need for significant pre-fabrication and increased transporta-
tion costs. The stackable nature of profiled steel plates also lends itself to efficient transportation. As
such, in this paper we neglect composite action and rely only on friction between the concrete and steel,
as per Remennikov & Kong (2012), to provide a conservative design solution.
It is posited that un-composite, profiled-plate SCS structures offer a suitable compromise between
the strength of a composite SCS structure and the practicality of a flat-plate SCS structure. An arched
steel-concrete-steel sandwich structure using corrugated steel plates therefore offers the greatest potential
for a rapid-construction protective structure.
expected to remain outside the structure. For simplicity the effects of fragmentation of the explosive
casing and the momentum of the shell itself have been neglected in this study.
150 mm
152 mm shell
95 mm
Centering rings
Driving band
Hollow base
Figure 1: Geometry of a 152 mm calibre artillery shell (MSM Group 2018) and simplified geometry used
in this study
Item Length (m) Height (m) Width (m) Arch radius (m) r/L (-)
Vehicle (M-934) 9.271 3.467 2.490 – –
Protective structure (internal) 9.600 3.750 9.375 4.800 0.4
In order to satisfy the requirements of The Republic of Korea Defense Military Facilities Criteria,
Design and Construction Guide for Steel Protective Structures, DMFC 5-70-80 (ROK Ministry of Defence
a) Blast walls (front and back):
reinforced concrete
Ground level
Curved area
(r = 0.028 m)
(d = 0.050 m)
Flat area Flat area
Arched SCS Blast doors Pitch
sandwich structure y (p = 0.150 m)
Figure 2: a) Schematic view of the protective structure; b) Profile of corrugated steel plate
2012), standard-depth corrugated steel should posses a yield strength of ≥ 245 MPa, an ultimate tensile
stress of ≥400 MPa, an elongation at failure of ≥25%, and an elastic modulus of ≥205 GPa. S275
steel possesses suitable properties (275 MPa yield strength, 430 MPa ultimate tensile stress, and 30%
elongation at failure) and hence in this study the steel is assumed to be S275 with an elastic modulus of
205 GPa. Standard-depth corrugated steel plates, specified in ROK Ministry of Defence (2012), should
have pitch, depth, and curvature radius of 150 mm, 50 mm, and 28 mm respectively (Figure 2b). As
thickness can range from 3.65 mm to 7.1 mm, a thickness of 6.32 mm is selected for the plates. DMFC
5-70-80 also specifies the overlapping of plates and bolt connection details. Whilst it is recommended
that the structure is built in this way, for the purposes of the numerical modelling in this paper the plates
have been assumed to act as a single, continuous entity. This is justified with reference to the modelling
work of Kim & Lee (2015), Tang et al. (2015), and Ju & Oh (2016).
Since rapid construction is a requirement for the protective structure, it is expected that the structure
will be required to be fully functional within 24 hours of construction, hence a high early strength Portland
cement should be used for the concrete infill. According to the Korean Standard, Portland Cement, KS
L-5201 (KATS 2016), high early-strength Portland cement falls into Category 3, and it must have a
compressive strength of 10 MPa or higher after 24 hours. Furthermore, the concrete should possess a
characteristic strength, fck ≥ 18 MPa (ROK Ministry of Defence 2012). After a review of available
commercial products, the concrete has been assumed to possess a characteristic strength at 24 hours of
22.2 MPa and an elastic modulus of 27.3 GPa (Jeon 2018). Coarse aggregates were assumed to have a
maximum size of < 19 mm.
For simplicity, it has been assumed that reinforced concrete footings provide adequate lateral and
rotational restraint at the supports such that the SCS structure can be assumed to be perfectly clamped.
A comprehensive mesh sensitivity analysis was performed as part of a preliminary modelling study in
Jeon (2018). Whilst detailed results are omitted here for brevity, the models analysed in this paper were
designed in accordance with the following findings:
• The corrugated plates were created using line elements, connecting three keypoints per flat part
and three keypoints per curved part of the plate, to match the profile in Figure 2b). An individual
line segment (pitch 150 mm), comprising these keypoints, was copied to cover the length of the
structure and then extruded into the arch shape (note the coordinate axes in Figure 2)
• The converged element size for the corrugated steel plates was found to be 0.06 m, and the converged
element size for the concrete infill was found to be 0.04 m
• The centreline of the structure, in the direction parallel to the span of the arch, was specified as
a symmetry boundary (see Figure 3). The charge was assumed to load the protective structure at
some point along this symmetry line, with the exact impact locations to be defined later in this
• Preliminary findings indicated that it was not necessary to model the full length of the structure
(where ‘length’ refers to the distance perpendicular to the span, as per Figure 3). Deformation
histories for a 3.6 m structural length (1.8 m in half-symmetry) were found to closely match de-
formation histories for a full-length 9.6 m structure (4.8 m in half-symmetry). This is justified by
the highly localised nature of the imparted loading and resultant structural deformation. The end
of the structure remote from the symmetry plane was modelled as a free boundary as negligible
deformations were expected
note that it may yield unrealistic behaviour if the element size is much larger than the actual size of the
cement and aggregates. Remennikov & Kong (2012) argue that the use of element erosion can lead to a
significant underestimation of the overall capacity of concrete, which was supported by numerical results
for models without erosion that compared better with experimental data than the results from models
with erosion included. Jeon (2018) found that the internal energy of the concrete infill was significantly
under-predicted if the elements were allowed to erode. Element erosion is therefore prohibited in this
study, however plastic failure of concrete can still be reported, even if those elements are not eroded.
Symmetry boundary
Steel and concrete FEM parts
Free boundary
Ground level
Height: 3.75 m
(reference only; not modelled)
the centre of the spring line of the arch (note: this is different to the angle of incidence, α which is a
function of the orientation of the arch and the profile of the steel plate, as well as the relative position of
the explosive). All charges were placed on the symmetry plane and therefore only half of the structure
was modelled.
An additional verification case was studied: that of a 5.76 kg hemispherical TNT charge detonated on
the surface, 1800 mm stand-off (to-centre) from the base of the arch (‘Far-field’ in Figure 4), however the
results are omitted in this article as the structure remained elastic throughout and displacements were
negligible. Once the worst-case loading scenario was identified from ‘Near-field 1–3’ for the 120 mm arch
thickness, two further models were run with this loading condition applied to 180 mm and 240 mm arch
thicknesses. The steel plate thickness was kept constant at 6.32 mm throughout.
Far-field (Z = 1 m/kg )
Ground level
Figure 5 shows the magnitude and distribution of reflected pressure distributions on the roof of the
protective structure (in plan view) at various instants in time. Here, the bottom edge of the structure
acts as the symmetry boundary and hence the loading is symmetric above and below this line (as per
the dashed line in Figure 5a). It should be noted that whilst the fringe levels are clipped at a reflected
pressure of 100 MPa, the peak reflected pressure directly beneath the charge reaches a value of ∼400 MPa.
However, this pressure is highly localised and decays rapidly with both space and time. It can be seen
that areas of the corrugated plate orientated towards the charge are subjected to a higher load, and those
orientated away from the charge are subjected to a lower load owing to angle of incidence effects.
c) f)
t = 0.15 ms t = 1.00 ms
Figure 5: Pressure contours acting on the roof of the protective structure for Near-field 1 loading condition
Near-field 1 Near-field 2 Near-field 3
200 70
Maximum steel backplate displacement (mm)
a) b)
0 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Time after detonation (ms) Time after detonation (ms)
Figure 6: Numerical results from worst-case loading study: a) Maximum resultant displacement in the
steel backplate; b) Separation distance between concrete infill and steel backplate
Figure 7 shows fringe plots of resultant displacement of the steel backplate and effective plastic strain
in the concrete infill, for Near-field 1–3 load cases. The deformation in the steel plate is highly localised
and the deformation and concrete damage at the edge of the structure remote from the charge is effectively
zero,justifying the assumption that a structural length of 3.6 m is adequate to describe the response of
the entire structure. Despite the high-magnitude loading, the steel does not reach its failure strain and
therefore in all cases the interior of the structure is not breached. In Near-field 1 and 2 there is a region
of pulverised concrete close to the location of the charge, which is retained by the steel backplate. The
percentage of concrete that has failed, by volume, is 7.8% and 7.4% in Near-field 1 and 2 respectively.
On account of the larger structural displacements and similar concrete failure, Near-field 2 is selected as
the worst-case loading scenario.
Resultant displacement (mm) Effective plastic strain (-)
a) 181.2 b) 1.00
Near-field 1 163.1 Near-field 1 0.90
145.0 0.80
126.9 0.70
108.7 0.60
90.6 0.50
72.5 0.40
54.4 0.30
36.2 0.20
18.1 0.10
0.0 0.00
Figure 7: Fringe plots of maximum resultant displacement in the steel backplate (a, c, e) and effective
plastic strain in the concrete (b, d, f) for Near-field 1–3 load cases, 120 mm arch thickness
120 mm thick 180 mm thick 240 mm thick
200 70
Maximum steel backplate displacement (mm)
a) b)
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Time after detonation (ms) Time after detonation (ms)
Figure 8: Numerical results from arch thickness study: a) Maximum resultant displacement in the steel
backplate; b) Separation distance between concrete infill and steel backplate
120 mm thick arch, as can be seen in the fringe plots of resultant displacement of the steel backplate
and effective plastic strain in the concrete infill in Figure 9. As thickness increases, deformation in the
steel backplate becomes lower in magnitude but is spread over a larger area. The concrete failure is also
less localised, as more of the concrete mass is mobilised to resist the imparted load. 7.2% of the concrete
infill in the 180 mm arch fails (1680 kg, by mass), whereas 7.7% of the concrete in the 240 mm arch fails
(2320 kg, by mass).
Table 2 shows the energy absorbed in each part for the different arch thicknesses studied. This confirms
the observations that as arch thickness increases, a greater proportion of concrete is mobilised, and the
work done by the steel backplate begins to increase with increasing thickness (beyond a certain value
between 180 and 240 mm). This also explains why an increase in residual backplate-concrete separation
was seen for the 240 mm thick arch (Figure 8b). The energy absorbed in the concrete layer is approaching
the value of 50% as observed in Wang et al. (2016).
There appears to be a trade-off between increased stiffness of a thicker arch, and the corresponding
increase in the mass of mobilised concrete and therefore greater requirements for the steel backplate to
resist the inertia of the concrete as it spalls. Whilst both 180 mm and 240 mm arch thicknesses appear
Resultant displacement (mm) Effective plastic strain (-)
a) 197.0 b) 1.00
120 mm thickness 177.3 120 mm thickness 0.90
157.6 0.80
137.9 0.70
118.2 0.60
98.5 0.50
78.8 0.40
59.1 0.30
39.4 0.20
19.7 0.10
0.00 0.00
Figure 9: Fringe plots of maximum resultant displacement in the steel backplate (a, c, e) and effective
plastic strain in the concrete (b, d, f) for 120–240 m arch thickness, Near-field 2 loading
to offer a suitable balance of these properties, it is suggested that: a) thicknesses below 180 mm do not
possess sufficient stiffness, and; b) there may be a critical thickness above 240 mm where the inertia of
the failed concrete cannot be resisted by the steel backplate and therefore the structure is breached. The
optimal arch thickness is therefore within the range of 180–240 mm.
5.3 Recommendations
DMFC 5-70-80 (ROK Ministry of Defence 2012) provides limits on the allowable ductility ratio (peak
displacement divided by elastic deflection limit) of a protective structure, namely this value is not allowed
to exceed 1.75 if tensile membrane action is prohibited, or 6.00 if tensile membrane action is allowed.
These ratios were found to be approximately equal to displacements of 16.0 mm and 54.0 mm respectively
for the structures analysed in this article. It was found that there was little sensitivity on this value for
the different thicknesses of concrete infill, as the failure was primarily driven by deformation of the steel
backplate which was the same thickness throughout.
Of the three arches studied, only the 240 mm thick arch meets this criteria (peak displacement of
52 mm < 54 mm). It can be said that, under a direct hit from the design threat (152 mm calibre artillery
shell with 5.76 kg TNT net explosive quantity), a 240 mm thick arched profiled-plate SCS sandwich
structure is conditionally safe, provided adequate tensile membrane resistance is provided by the steel
backplate as it is deforming. This can be achieved through following guidance in DMFC 5-70-80 with
regards to the overlapping of plates and bolt connection details. Whilst an increase in structural mass
may be detrimental for earthquake resistance, the risk to this protective structure from an explosive
attack is significantly greater, and hence an increase in arch thickness is largely beneficial.
Although none of the structures failed by breaching, both the 120 mm and 180 mm thick arches do
not meet the criteria set in DMFC 5-70-80 (peak displacements of 192 mm and 80 mm respectively),
and do not offer adequate protection under the design threat. It was found, however, that all structures
provided adequate resistance against the ‘Far-field’ loading condition (Figure 4), and therefore a structure
of 120 mm arch thickness provides adequate resistance against an indirect hit from the design threat.
thickness as a greater proportion of the total energy was absorbed through concrete crushing. Accordingly,
residual detachment between the concrete and steel backplate was also seen to increase when the arch
thickness increased from 180 mm to 240 mm.
Of the structures studied in this paper, it is concluded that a 240 mm arch, fabricated to stan-
dards specified in DMFC 5-70-80 (ROK Ministry of Defence 2012) to allow for tensile membrane action
in the steel backplate, provides adequate resistance against the design threat. This article therefore
demonstrates the suitability of an arched SCS sandwich structure using profiled steel plate as a rapid-
construction protective structure, which demonstrates favourable characteristics, namely: spalling/scabbing
resistance; increased cracking and buckling resistance; and hardness/ductility from the profiled steel
plates. The proposed structure is easier to assemble and more cost-effective than equivalent earth-covered
structures currently in use.
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