Contrastive Lexicology. Seminars
Contrastive Lexicology. Seminars
Contrastive Lexicology. Seminars
Seminar 1. LexicologyasaBranchofLinguistics
1. Contrastive Lexicology as a science. The object of Lexicology. Main lexicological
2. The definition of the word/lexeme. Internal and external structure of a word. Formal
and semantic unity of a word.
3. Syntagmatic and paradigmatic levels of studying a word.
4. Methods of study in Contrastive Lexicology.
Exercise 2.Read the following examples. Note the differences in the internal structure of the words in
bold type. Translate the words into Ukrainian. Establish correspondence of the English and Ukrainian words
by their form and meaning.
1. The hearing of the case was fixed for 5 p.m.
His hearing became worse every day.
2. Every cloud has a silver lining.
The process of lining coats was divided into five operations.
3. She didn't like spring; it reminded her mother's death.
Icy water from the spring refreshed them.
4. It was his free will.
I will do this. Promise!
5. In his youth he had many friends.
He had burnt all the papers before her coming.
Find the Ukrainian equivalents to the words and phrases.
1. A house in the country. A full house. Every word was heard in all parts of the house. WhiteHouse.
An ancient trading house in the city. A noisy cheerful house. To keep house. To bring down the house. To
leave one's father's house. On the house.
2.White clouds. White hair. white elephant. The white race. White magic. White meat. As white as
snow. White wine. It's white of you. White lie.
Exercise 4.Compare the semantic structure of the following words in English and Ukrainian. Find
similarities and differences:
home the house, apartment, etc. where дім ДІМ, дому, чол. 1. Будівля, признач.
you live, especially with your family для житла або для розміщення різних
student : SCHOLAR, LEARNERespecially : o установ; будинок.
ne who attends a school студент учень вищого, у деяких країнах і
2: one who studies : середнього навчального закладу.
garden сад окремо виділена ділянка землі, на якій
season вирощують плодові рослини: дерева, кущі
тощо. Також садом називають ділянку
поблизу помешкання, на якій ростуть
плодові рослини та квіти, а часом і самі
сезон Зазвичай те ж, що і пора року
Seminar 2-3. Morphology. Word-Formation
1. Morphemes, their types and specific features.
2. Word-formation. Degree of productivity.
3. Affixation. Etymology and semantics of affixes.
4. Conversion.
5. Compounding. Classification of compounds.
6. Shortening. Types of shortening.
7. Blending. Types of blends.
8. Sound interchange. Stress interchange.
9. Sound imitation. Back-formation.
Exercise 1.Form words with the following productive affixes. State what part of speech they belong to.
Give their Ukrainian equivalents.
a) -er(-or), -ist, -eer(-ier), -ian(-an,-n), -ant(-ent), -ness, -ism, -dom, -hood, -al, -ship, - (i)ty, -ment, -
ion(-tion), -age, -ing, -ie(-y), -ful, -less, -able(-ible), -y, -ish, -ly, -ary(-ory), -ic(-ical), -ive, -ous(-eous), -
ious), -ward, -ed, -ize, -ate, -(i)fy, -en;
b) un-, de-, anti-, non-, in-(il-,im-,ir-), dis-, out-, over-, under-, re-, co-, ex-,pre-, post-, sub-, super-, extra-,
ultra-, inter-, trans-, mis-, be-, en-(em-).
Exercise 2.Fill in the blank with the negative prefixes (im-, in-, il-, un-, dis-)
whichcorrespondtothewordsgiveninbrackets.Supply them with their Ukrainian equivalents. Indicate the
negative affixes (if any) they are formed with.
1. Thechildren’sroomisusuallyvery…………………. .(tidy)
2. I don’tthinkso: I……………….. withyou.(agree)
3. I usually ………………thesuitcasesassoonaswearrivehomefromtheairport.(pack)
4. Wecouldn’tgoonholidayslastyearbecause I was ………………… fortenmonths.(employed)
5. Heneversaysanythingwhenhecomesintotheroom. Heisvery………………..(polite)
6. I neverwatchplaysbecause I…………………….. goingtothetheatre.(like)
7. Theirdog …………………. whiletheywerewalkinginthepark.(appeared)
8. Makingseveralcopiesof a CD andsellingthemis …………………………….(legal)
Hesaiditis…………………. tosolvetheproblemand I agreewithhim: I can’tfind a solution.(possible)
Exercise3.Give the English words that denote sounds produced by the animals. Suggest their Ukrainian
cat – hen –
dog – cricket –
cow – pig –
ox – bee –
cock – duck –
frog – snake –
sheep – goose –
crow – horse –
Exercise8.MatchthefollowingUkrainianandEnglishclippedforms, whereitispossible:
Exercise 1.Write the definitions to illustrate as many meanings as possible for the following polysemantic
Face, heart, nose, smart, to lose. / Обличчя, серце, ніс, розумний, губити
Exercise 2.Identify the denotative and connotative elements of meaning in the following pairs of words.
To conceal ― to disguise, to choose ― to select, to draw ― to paint, money ― cash, odd ― queer,
photograph ― picture, big ― large, clever ― wisdom, sky ― heavens.
Гроші – готівка, розумний – мудрість, небо – небеса, дивитися – бачити.
Промінь надії, гіркі сльози, вушко голки, горіти бажанням, вогонь почуттів, вітер змін,
купатися у славі, гола правда.
Exercise 4.Give words of the same root in Ukrainian. Compare the meaning:
Situation, chance, partner, argument, surprise, phone, magazine.
Exercise 1.Find homonyms in the following extracts. Classify them into homonyms proper, homographs
and homophones.
1. "Mine is a long and a sad tale!" said the Mouse, turning to Alice, and sighing. "It is a long tail,
certainly," said Alice, looking down with wonder at the Mouse's tail; "but why do you call it sad?" 2. Our
Institute football team got a challenge to a match from the University team and we accepted it. 3.
Somebody struck a match so that we could see each other. 4. It was nearly December but the California
sun made a summer morning of the season. 5. On the way home Crane no longer drove like a nervous old
maid. 6. On their left a few feathery coconut palms stretched their necks above the clumped vegetation. 7.
Johnny puffed at his cigarette in his closed palm. 8. She wished she could run a million miles away.
Away from her husband who had cried and wailed constantly for a week. 9. "He's still too weak. Don't
stay long."
Exercise 2.Provide the following words with absolute homonyms. Give their Ukrainian equivalents.
Fair, mood, school, pupil, seal, may, like, firm, club, scale, spring, long, mess, can, bear, band.
Exercise 4.Find homophones to the following words. Translate them into Ukrainian.
Piece, right, sail, see, knight, cite, son, meat, fare, heal, sole, whole, weather, suit, buy, plate.
Exercise 5.Comment on the mechanism of homonyms formation. Define the parts of speech:
Уголос –у голос, настав –на став, додому –до дому, убік –у бік, удень –у день, зате –за те, звечора
–з вечора, догори –до гори, уп’ятьох –у п’ятьох, по-перше –по перше, якби –як би.
Exercise 9.Find antonyms in the following sentences. Classify them into root and affixational.
1. To see both sides of a question vigorously was at once John's strength and weakness. 2. Once people
are dead, you can't make them undead. 3. His vitality was absolute, not relative. 4. And behind his
tangible dread there was always that intangible trouble, lurking in the background. 5. If the stakes over
became higher enough - if the evil were evil enough, if the good were good enough ― I would simply tap
a secret reservoir of courage that had been accumulating inside me over the years. 6. Certain blood was
shed for uncertain reasons. 6. What sticks to memory, often, are those odd little fragments that have no
beginning and no end.
Exercise 1.Group the phraseological units in the following sentences according to the semantic principle.
1. He went to the bed and sat on the edge but didn't lie down. It was not in the cards for him to sleep
that night. 2. Junior was the apple of her eye, and she had big marital plans for him when that time came.
3. Kay was a very different cup of tea from Brenda and the Grenville sisters. 4. He gave a little start and
then suddenly burst into a shout of laughter. 5. Speaking with great affection, you're really on the wrong
track there. 6. He took no notice of me. 7. He didn't work, and he spent a great deal of money, and he
painted the town red. 8. From the age of twelve she knew, that she could wrap men around her little
finger, an expression her mother was fond of using. 9. If she couldn't have her way and get John for good
and all, she felt like dying of privation. By hook or by crook she must and would get him! 10. In the small
hours he slipped out of bed, and passing into his dressing-room, leaned by the open window.
1. Коли опозиція в парламенті, як то кажуть, вставляє палиці в колеса коаліційного
велосипеда, – це зрозуміла тактика політичної боротьби. 2. Отримавши вчора зранку порядок
денний на четвер, рядові депутати чухали потилиці. 3. Забруднене довкілля нікому не муляє очі. 4.
Навіть за водіння мотоцикла без шолома доведеться платити кругленьку суму – 85 гривень. 5.
Ніби все правда і правильно, а десь на серці коти шкребуть. 6. Це не той випадок, щоб він
скаржився, оскільки всі бачили, що живе, як вареник у маслі. 7. Всіх вразило, а Омелько й радий,
бо бовкнув щось на здогад буряків.
Exercise 2.Group the phraseological units in the following sentences according to the structural
1. There was a man I cared about, and this afternoon he told me out of a clear sky that he was poor
as a churchmouse. 2. Then I got a shock that stiffened me from head to toe. 3.What it symbolized was a
fact of banking-corporate life: You scratch my back and I'll scratch yours. 4. I know a man who would
love meeting you. The perfect nut for you to crack your teeth on. 5. There was a list of diets up in the
kitchen, but Auntie had it all at her finger-tips. 6. He started getting serious as hell, like my Dad. 7. The
question caught John, as it were, between wind and water. 8. "Good heavens," Sarah exclaimed. "I'd
forgotten about that." 9. She and Dennis could talk without restraint; they knew each other through and
1. І довго ти будеш товкти воду в ступі? 2. Рано чи пізно прийдете до нас, бо сьогодні ви
спалили останній міст до того берега. 3. День тепер куций, мов заячий хвіст. 4. І знову така тиша
довкола, хоч мак сій. 5. І ця тиха, до краю довірлива розповідь перевернула чоловікові душу. 6.
Ворог хитрий, та і ми не ликом шиті, даємо відсіч. 7. Глянув батько: ніби й не змінився син у місті,
та все ж одрізана скиба. 8. Не так легко досвідченого промовця збити з пантелику, він своє знає і
може годинами баляси точити.
Exercise 3.Describe the meaning of one of the idioms in a short passage with your own illustration:
To work for peanuts, to crunch the numbers, to test the waters, from rags to riches, a pretty penny,
cup of tea, to egg someone on, one smart cookie, to spice things up.
Exercise 5.Write down 3 English and Ukrainian aphoristic familiar quotations and explain their meaning
and origin.
Про вовка промовка – “Talking about the wolf”, speak of the devil
Something that you say when someone you have been talking or thinking about suddenly appears.
Біла ворона – “A white crow”, a black sheep
This idiom is used to describe a person who is unusual or extraordinary, not like others.
Купити кота в мішку – “To buy a cat in a sack”, to buy a pig in a poke
To buy or accept something without examining it carefully first, with the possibility that it may be
something of poor quality or not what you want.
Exercise 1.a) Pick out learned words from the extracts below; b) Translate the extracts into
A. Like most sensitive people he was subject to moods, affected by the weather and the season of the
year. He could pass very rapidly from a mood of exuberant gaiety almost to despair. A chance remark —
as I myself found — was enough to effect that unfortunate change. He had a habit always of implying
more or less than he said, of assuming that others would always jump with the implied, not with the
expressed, thought. Similarly, he always expected the same sort of subtle obliquity of expression in others,
and very seldom took remarks at their face value. He could never be convinced or convince himself that
there were not implications under the most commonplace remark. I suppose he had very early developed
this habit of irony as a protection and as a method of being scornful with seeming innocence. He never
got rid of it (R. Aldington).
B. "Eccentricity... It's the justification of all aristocracies, it justifies leisured classes and inherited
wealth and privilege and endowments and all the other injustices of that sort. /.../ That's the important
thing about an aristocracy. Not only is it eccentric itself- often grandiosely so; it also tolerates and even
encourages eccentricity in others" (A. Huxley).
Exercise 2.Read the following sample of poetry and pick out poetic words. Give their stylistically neutral
Sonnet 90
Then hate me when thou wilt! if ever, now;
Now, while the world is bent by deeds to cross,
Join with the spite of fortune, make me bow,
And do not drop in for an after-loss:
Ah! do not, when my heart hath 'scap'd this sorrow,
Come in the rearward of a conquer'd woe;
Give not a windy night a rainy morrow,
To linger out a purpos'd overthrow.
If thou wilt leave me, do not leave me last,
When other petty griefs have done their spite,
But in the onset come: so shall I taste
At first the very worst of fortune's might;
And other strains of woe, which now seem woe,
Compar'd with loss of thee will not seem so (W. Shakespeare).
Exercise 3.Substitute modern forms and neutral synonyms for the following archaic words.
Aught, agrestic, belike, didst, dost, eke, ere, hast, hath, maiden, naught, quoth,rin, shall, steed, thee,
thou, wert, woe, ye.
Жупан, отверзати, воздвигнути, перст, десниця, чадо, злато, глас, піїт, вельми,
ясновельможний, баталія, рать, дзиґарі.
Aught – anything , agrestic – rustic, belike – probably,
didst - archaic past tense second-person singular of DO ,
dost – present tense second-person singular of DO,
eke – also, ere – before,
hast - rchaic present tense second-person singular of HAVE,
hath - present tense third-person singular of HAVE
maiden – maid, naught – nothing, quoth – said, rin – run, shall – will, steed – horse, thee – thou, thou
– you , wert – be, woe – disaster , ye – you/ the.
Жупан – чоловічий верхній одяг, отверзати - відкривати, воздвигнути - висувати, перст -
палець, десниця – права рука, чадо – діти , злато - золото, глас – голос , піїт – поет , вельми – дуже
, ясновельможний - почесний, баталія – сварка/бій, рать – військо/армія, дзиґарі - годинник.
Exercise4.a) Comment on the historical words in bold type; b) Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.
1.The thane (was the title given to a local royal official in medieval eastern Scotland) was the first
title given to feudal lords and the ceorl (a freeman of the lowest class, ranking directly below a thane), a
free peasant in the Germanic tribes, was becoming more and more like the feudal serf (D. Morgan). 2.
Alfred's successors became in practice kings of England, while the former kingdoms were now shires (a
county, especially in Englan) (later called counties) with local lords called earls (a British nobleman
ranking above a viscount and below a marquess) (Id.). 3.With armed force well in evidence the barons
made the king agree to their demands set out in Magna Carta(Id.). 6. The first Parliament was a new
kind of assembly, including not only the lords but two knights to represent each county and two
burgesses or citizens from each town (Id.). 7. The archers, whether hired professionals or temporary
soldiers from English villages, used the longbow, a simple, popular weapon (Id.). 8. The gentry was
increased in a very important way by the rise of richer peasants or yeomen (Id.).
6 (in the Middle Ages) a man who served his sovereign or lord as a mounted soldier in armour, an
inhabitant of a town or borough with full rights of citizenship
7 a person who shoots with a bow and arrows, especially at a target as a sport.( the zodiacal sign or
constellation Sagittarius), a large bow drawn by hand and shooting a long feathered arrow. It was the
chief weapon of English armies from the 14th century until the introduction of firearms.
8 a man holding and cultivating a small landed estate; a freeholder.
Наслідники Альфреда на практиці стали королями Англії, тоді як колишні королівства тепер
були графствами (пізніше названі графствами) з місцевими лордами, яких називали графами (там
же). 3. Завдяки збройній силі барони змусили короля погодитися на їхні вимоги, викладені у
Великій Хартії вольностей (там же). 6. Перший парламент був нового типу зборів, що включали не
тільки лордів, але й двох лицарів, які представляли кожне графство, і двох міщан або громадян від
кожного міста (там же). 7. Стрільці, наймані професіонали чи тимчасові солдати з англійських сіл,
використовували довгий лук, просту, популярну зброю (там же). 8. Шляхта була значною мірою
збільшена завдяки появі багатших селян або йоменів (там же)
Exercise 5.Pick out terms from the extracts below. State what branch of science or sphere of life
they belong to.
1. Acute leukaemia is more indolent than has been thought. There is good precedence for it in other
haematology disorders.
2. The word plays such a crucial part in the structure of language that we need a special branch of
linguistics to examine it in all its aspects. This branch is called Lexicology and it forms, next to
Phonology, the second basic division of linguistic science.
3. A fraction is a part of something which is treated as a whole or a unit. In arithmetic, a proper fraction is a
number which represents a part, that is, a number which is less than 1. In writing a common fraction, two
numbers are used, called the numerator and denominator.
Exercise6.a) Pick out colloquialisms from the sentences below and соmment on their meaning and word-
formative structure; b) Translate the sentences into Ukrainian
1. The backcountry look never left her. She came from the sticks; there could be no mistake about that
(S. Bellow). 2. Could anybody have been tailing him? Guys with zoom lenses or telescopic sights on the
Chelsea rooftops?―Ithielsmiled, and pooh-poohed this. He wasn’t that important. (Id.). 3. "I don't say that
I'm better than other women. I'm not superior. I’m nutty, also" (Id.). 4. "He said hewas walking around the
apartment..." Imagine, a man like that, lewd and klepto, at large in her home (Id.). 5. "What's your opinion of
Frederic — an occasional stealer or a pro?" (Id.). 6. Involuntarily Clara fell into Dr. Gladstone's way of
talking... As thesessions were short, she adopted his lingo to save time, notwithstanding the danger of false
statements (Id). 7. "Wilder has gone to Minnesota to see some peewee politician who needed a set of
speeches" (Id.). 8. "Did I hurt your feelings?" "If that means bossy, no. My feelings weren't hurt when I
knew you better" (Id.). 9. "What could she do?" "Heaps of things," saidFrankie vigorously (A. Christie). 10.
For three weeks two days he had a breather and slow hauled himself out of the abyss (J. P. Donleavy).
Exercise7.a) Classify the units in bold type into slang words, jargonisms, professionalisms, and
vulgarisms; b) Translate the sentences into Ukrainian.
1. "You know what a pipe it is to buy an unregistered weapon in this town under the counter" (E. Queen).
2. "What do you want?" "Dough," the derelict said. "Do-re-mi. Lots of it" (Id.). 3. Ed Tollman annoyed
him. He was obviously not Barney's kind of case, but a hardworking schmoin deep trouble who probably
thought a hundred dollars was a big fee (Id.). 4. "Why didn't you wake up?" she implored. "Because the
bastard alarm clock didn't go off," he shouted. "Or you forgot to set the bleeding thing, one of the two"
(A. Sillitoe). 5. They could be called on to trek and search for the survivors of any kite that belly-dived in
the north Malayan jungle (Id.). 6. He got his stiff fingers into a pocket, came out with some chicken feed,
picked a nickel and pushed it at me (R. Stout). 7. "A thousand dicks and fifteen thousand cops have been
looking for Hibbard for eight days" (Id.). 8. "But you need the money!... What is it now? Yellows?Reds?
Acid?Speed? What the hell is it now? Grass isn't that expensive!" (R. Ludlum). 9.1 had finished the wine
while Terry slept, and I was proper stoned (J. Kerouac). 10. "Then what is it?" Buck Mulligan asked
impatiently. Cough it up" (J. Joyce). 11. "Has her stomach been pumped?" "That- oh, yes. But she took
a big dose, and they're not certain yet" (S. Bellow), 12. But then we must learn what sort of person Gina
is, really, she thought... I didn't take her for a little hot-pants type (Id.). She was sending her husband up to
make sure the door hadn't been jimmied open (Id.). He /.../ bought her an emerald ring — the real thing...
He dismissed the cheaper items. "Take away all this other shit," he muttered. (Id.). 15. I shook my
onion again. The scheme sounded to me like apple sauce, and Grade A apple sauce at that (Id.).
Exercise 8. Find jargonisms in the following quotations. Identify the sphere of application:
1. Він сомной на дурці лежав (Любко Дереш). 2. Приїхали друзі з Омська, в’юнком трохи
передознулися (Любко Дереш). 3. Чи мене беруть на понт, чи а таки заснув (Любко Дереш). 4. «Та
нічо, він щас у мене пограється! Думає, я не знаю, скільки вони в Росії ментам платять?» (Ірена
Карпа). 5. «Геймерство – це взагалі хвороба. Геймер - важко хвора людина, вилікувати яку майже
неможливо» (Ірена Карпа).
Exercise 1.Look up the meanings of the following pairs of words in the dictionaries. Compare the
semantic structure of English and Ukrainian lexemes:
home – дім green – зелений stand – стояти
way – шлях open – відкритий cry – кричати
paper – папір cold – холодний hope – сподіватися
Exercise 2.Consult a dictionary and correct the lexical mistakes in the following sentences:
1. As far as the flight had been delayed, we arrived in Paris an hour later.
2. Свято вдалося, і організатори подякували усіх за самовіддану працю.
3. The news the class heard about their clean up were good.
4. Як виявилося, письменник написав свою автобіографію задовго до того, як вона була
5. After the cleaning exercise, the house master advised us not to violate against the rules.
6. Це дуже здібний і перспективний на майбутнє спортсмен.
7. I asked my friend to borrow me his phone to make a call.
8. Громадянське доручення варто виконати вчасно, або ж не виконувати взагалі.
9. ThemainroadtoMandoSeniorHighwhereweplayedthegameissharedintotwo.
10. Наш район характерний своєю промисловістю, його продукцію поважають вдома і за
C (asin C18, C19, etc.)
comb. form
LatinAmer. Sp.
Mex. Sp.
Mid. HighGer.
Mid. LowGer.
north. Engl.
OldNorth. Fr.
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