Physical Optics
Physical Optics
Physical Optics
Preface v
6 Diffraction 281
6. 1 Introduction 282
6.2 Huygens' Principle 282
6.2.1 Babinet's Principle 284
6.3 Fraunhofer Diffraction 285
6.3.1 Single Slit 286
6.3.2 Rectangular Aperture 29 1
6.3.3 Ci rcular Aperture 293
6.3.4 Optical Resolution 295
6.3.5 More on Stellar Interferometry 297
6.3.6 Double Slit 298
6.3.7 N Slits: The Diffraction Grati ng 299
6.3.8 The Diffraction Grat ing 301
6.3 .9 Fraunhofer Diffraction as a Fourier Transform 308
6.3.1 0 Apodization 3 11
7 Lasers 345
7.1 Introduction 345
7.2 Energy Levels in Atoms, Molecules, and Solids 346
7 .2. 1 Atomic Energy Levels 346
7.2.2 Molecular Energy Levels 350
7.2.3 Solid-state Energy Bands 352
7 .2.4 Semiconductor Devices 354
7.3 Stimulated Emission and Light Amplification 357
7.4 Laser Systems 361
7.4 .I Atomic Gas Lasers 363
7.4.2 Molecul ar Gas Lasers 364
7.4.3 Solid-State Lasers 367
7.4.4 Other Laser Systems 369
7.5 Longitudinal Cavity Modes 370
7.6 Frequency Stability 371
7.7 Introduction to Gaussian Beams 372
7.7.1 Overview of Gaussian Beam Properties 372
7.8 Derivation of Gaussian Beam Properties 375
7.8.1 Approximate Solutions to the Wave Equation 376
7 .8.2 Paraxial Spherical Gaussian Beams 378
7.8.3 Gaussian Beam Focusing 380
7 .8.4 Matrix Methods and the ABCD Law 384
7.9 Laser Cavities 385
7.9.1 Laser Cavity with Equal Mirror Curvatures 386
7.9.2 Laser Cavity with Unequal Mirror Curvatures 388
7.9.3 Stable Resonators 390
7.9.4 Traveling Wave Resonators 394
7.9.5 Unstable Resonators 394
7.9.6 Transverse Cavity Modes 395
References 483
Index 485
The solution of the difficulty is that the two mental pictures which experiment lead us to fonn -
the one of the pa1ticlcs, the other of the waves- arc both incomplete and have only the validity
of analogies which are accurate only in limiting cases.
- Heisenberg
1.1 Intmdnction 1
1.2 One-Dimensional Wave Equation 2
1.3 General Solutions to the 1-D Wave Equatio n 5
1.4 Harmonic Traveling Waves 8
1.5 The Principle of Superposition 11
1.6 Complex Numbers and the Complex Representation 12
1.7 The Three-Dimensionnl Wave Equation 17
The properties of waves are central to the st udy of optics. As we will see, light (or more
properly, electromagnetic radiation) has both particle and wave properties. These comple-
mentmy aspects are a result of quantum mechanics, and prior to the early 1900s there were
two schools of thought. Newton postulated that light consists of particles, while contem-
poraries Huygens and Hooke promoted a wave theory of light. The matter seemed settled
with Young's important double-slit experiment that offered clear experimental evidence that
light is a wave. Maxwell's sweeping theory of electromagnetism finally provided a deep
and complete description of electromagnetic waves that we consider in detail in Chapter 2.
Although current theories of optics include both wave and particle descriptions, the wave
picture still forms the bedrock of most optical technology. In this chapter, we will outline
some general properties that apply to traveling waves of all types.
Mechanical waves travel within elastic media whose material properties provide restoring
forces that result in oscillation. When a guitar string is plucked, it is displaced away
fro m its equilibrium position, and the mechanical energy of this disturbance subsequently
propagates along the string as traveling waves. In this case, the waves are transverse,
meaning that the displacement of the medium (the string) is perpendicular to the direction
of energy travel. Acoustic waves in a gas are longitudinal, meaning that the gas molecules
are displaced back and forth along the direction of energy flow as regions of high and low
pressure arc created along the wave.
As we shall sec in the next chapter, electromagnetic waves are transverse, but differ from
mechanical waves in that they do not require an elastic medium. Rather, they propagate
as disturbances in the e/ectromaglleticfie/d. Mechanical waves and electromagnetic waves
are both examples of c/assicallwtves, waves that can be described with classical physics 1•
Consider a mechanical wave, and let w(x, t) describe a disturbance of the medium
away from its equilibrium condition. For a transverse wave along a horizontal st ring,
w(x, t) represents a vertical displacement along the y-axis. For a longitudinal acoustic
wave traveling horizontally through air, w(x, t) might represent deviations away from
ambient pressure along the x-axis. In any case, we refer to w(x, t) as the wavefunction.
Since w(a:, t) depends only on the single spatial coordinate x, it is a Olle-dimensional
All classical mechanical waves can be described by the same equation, the d{fferential
wave equation:
1 8 2 w(x, t)
( 1.1)
v2 8t2
where v is the wave speed and w(x, t.) is the wave function. In order to demonstrate that
a given function w(x , t.) describes a classical wave, it is necessary only to show that this
function satisfies Equation 1.1. Conversely, any physical system that can be shown to be
described by Equation 1.1 must necessarily involve classical traveling waves.
Equation 1.1 is an example of a class of mathematical equations known as differential
equations. When taking a partial derivative with respect to a given parameter, the remaining
parameters are treated as constants.
Show that
w(x, t) = (x + vt) 2
1TJ1c term clnssicntrefers to the physics that came before the modern theories of relativity and quantum mechanics.
-cJ2'll a
ax2 = -OX --
[aw] = ox
- [2 (.x + vt )] = 2
Dt = 2 (x
+ vt) &t (x + vt) = 2 (x + ·vt) (v) = 2v (x + vt)
a2 w a a
at2 = at [2v (x + vt)] = at [2vx + 2v
t] = 2v2
Substitute these results into the differential wave equation.
()21J!(x , t) = 2
1 D2 w(x, t )
-v2 ()t2
IJ!(x, t) solves the differential wave equation, and thus we have shown that it is a
traveling wave.
It is instructive to see how Equation 1.1 arises for a particular example from classical
mechanics. Consider the case of a horizontal string supported at both ends and stretched
to a tension of magnitude F. Figure 1.1 shows a small section of the string that has been
displaced from its horizontal equilibrium position. They coordinate of the string in the
figure indicates the values of 'l1 (x, t) bet ween the points x and x + dx . The force of tension
acting on each end of the string segment is indicated in the figure along wi th the x and y
components of theses forces.
X x + dx
Figul'e 1.1 A segment of a tight string that has been displaced from equilibrium. Only the segment
between x and x + dx is shown .
It will simplify the analysis if we assume that the oscillations are small so that the angle
shown in Figure 1.1 remains small across the string segment. To find the net force acting
on the string segment, we sum the horizontal and vertical components. In the horizontal
Fx(x, t) = -Fcos(B)
Fx(x + dx, t) = F cos((} + d(})
For small angles, cos((}+ dB) ~ cos(O) ~ 1, so
Fx(x, t) + Fx(x + dx , t ) ~ 0
Thus the net horizontal force across the string segment is zero. In the vertical direction, we
use the small ang le approximation: sin(B) ~ (}
By Newton's second law, this must be equal to the mass of the string segment times its
acceleration. Let JLbe the mass per unit length of the string. The mass of the string segment
is given by (Julx ). In the case at hand, w(x, t) represents a displacement, so its second
time derivative is the segment 's acceleration:
, EP·ljJ(x, t) EJ21fJ(x, t)
Fy(x + dx , t) + l•y(x , t) =F Dx 2 dx = (JL dx) Dt2
o21/J(x, t) ft o 2 1fJ(x, t)
ox2 F Dt2
This is the differential wave equation with a wave speed given by
Notice that once the wave equation has been deduced, the wave speed may be determined
by inspection.
In summary, we have used the laws of classical mechanics to demonstrate that the
motion of a stretched string can be described by the differential wave equation, Equation
1. 1. Thus, we now know that a disturbance of the string away from its equilibrium position
will propagate along the string as traveling waves. In the next section , we will say more
about the fu nctions w(x, t) that describe these and other classical traveli ng waves.
Consider a plot of \l!(x , t) vs. x. Data for such a plot could be provided by an array of
measuring devices, such as an array of pressure sensors arranged linearly to record the
pressure amplitude of a passing acoustic wave. A plot of \l!(x, t) vs. x at a particular time
t represents a snap shot of the wave as it passes by an array of measuring devices.
There are many possible shapes for this amplitude. Perhaps a sinusoidal function comes
to mind, with distinct periodic crests and troughs. However, such waves are not the most
general solution to Equation 1.1, as you can determine by comparing the sound of your
voice as you hum or sing a specifie musical note (if you can!) to the sound that your hands
make when you clap them together. We will refer to the sound of a clap as a pulse.
We will show below that the most general solutions to Equation 1.1 may be ex pressed
as follows :
w(x, t)
Figure 1.2 The traveling pulse of Equation 1.4, shown at two different times t 1 < l 2.
In order to show that Equation 1.4 represents a traveling wave, we could simply check
to see if it solves the differential wave equation. It is more elegant, however, to show thi s
for any differentiable functions given by Equations 1.2 and 1.3. Begin with the function
f(x - vt) , and define a new variable u given by u = x - vl. Differentiate j(11) using the
chain rule:
Df (u) Df ott
ox Ott OX
In this case, u = x - vt, so the derivative of u with respect to x is just l. Thus,
Of (u ) of
ox ott
()'l f (u) ()2 f au 82 f
ox 2 ou 2 0.1; ou 2
The time derivative of f(u) is given by
of (u) OJ au
- - = - - = - v-
al au at au
Substitute the results of Equations 1.5 and 1.6 into the differential wave equation:
Thus Equation 1.1 is satisfied by f(u) = f(x - vt). In a similar way, you may show that
g(x + vt) also solves Equation L I (see Problem 1.4). Thus f(x- vt) and g(x + vl) both
solve the differential wave equation, and therefore represent traveling waves.
In summary, we have shown that any function of x and l with finite second derivatives
and with explicit occmrences of x and t that can be grouped as x - vt or x + v i. are
solutions to the differential wave equation and thus represent traveling waves. Jn particular,
the function of Equation 1.4 fits this requirement, and is therefore a traveling wave. Of
course, you can also demonstrate this by substituting Equation 1.4 directly into Equation
1. 1 (see Example 1.2 below).
We now show that the function f(x -vt) represents aforward-traveling wave. Consider
values of x and t determined by x- vt = constant. In Equation 1.4, choosing the value
zero for this constant locates the peak of the pulse. As time proceeds, the specific value of
x that satisfies this equation changes according to
dx - vdt = 0
- = +v
Thus, f( x - vt) propagates in the positive x direction with velocity +v. and is therefore
a forward-traveling wave. In a similar way, you can show that g(x + vt) represents a
backward-traveling wave (see Problem 1.5).
Show explicitly that Equation 1.4 satisfies the differential wave equation.
We must substitute
\fl(x, t) =
1 + (x- vl)
1 8 2 \fl(x, l)
v2 ot2
1 ()2 iJ! ()2 iJ!
v2 Dt2 Dx 2
and iJJ(x, t) is a traveling wave.
If you can cast iJJ(x, t) in the form of Equation 1.2 or 1.3, you do not have
to compute the derivatives explicitly in order to show that iJJ(x, t) is a solution to
Equation 1.1.
is a traveling wave, and find the wave speed and direction of propagation. Assume that Jl, (L
and bare all constants, and that a. and b have units that make the quantity in the exponential
function unitless.
Problem 1.4 Show that g(x + vt) in Equation 1.3 is a solution of the one-dimensional
differential wave equation.
Problem 1.5 Show that g(x + vt) in Equation 1.3 represents a wave that travels in the
negative-x direction.
According to the results of the previous section, any function described by Equation 1.2 or
1.3 represents a traveling wave. In particular, lwnnonicfunctions (i.e., sines and cosines)
with the appropriate arguments solve the differential wave equation. Thus, the following
function represents a traveling wave:
ll!(x . T(x
+ /\, t) = Asm 211' + A=f vt) = . [T
A Sill 27T (x T vt) + 27T] = w(x, l)
( 1.10)
The units off are cycles/ s (SI unit: s - ), often referred to as Hertz (Hz ). In terms of
frequency, Equation 1.9 becomes
( 1. 1 I)
A plot of lll(x, t) vs, x is shown in Figure l .3(a). Figure 1.3(b) shows a plot of ll!(x, t)
vs. t. A plot such as this could be obtai ned from data provided by a measuring device
located at a particular value of x .
It is customary to define the propagation constant as follows:
k= - (1.1 2)
This quantity is also sometimes referred to as the wave number. Since k converts meters
to radians, the units are 1'Gdjm (Slunit: m- 1 ). We may rewrite Equation 1.7 as
(a) (b)
Figure 1.3 Plots of a harmonic wavcfunction. (a) A plot of llJ(x, t) vs. position x. (b) A plot of
llt (x , t) vs. time using data recorded by a single measuring device located at M in Figure (a).
Si nee w converts time to radians, the units are rad / s (Slunit: s- ). Note that according to
the last result,
k =v ( 1.14)
Problem 1.6 Show explicitly (by direct substitution) that the function
w(x , t) = A sin T(x =f ut)
It is certainly possible for a fu nction to be periodic but not harmonic. In fact, it is very
conunon for waves to be peri odic, but it is physicall y impossible for any classical wave
to be perfectly harmonic. We will gain more insights into this interest ing fact in Chapter
5. For now, suffice it to say that no laser is perfectly monochromatic, nor does any tuning
fork emit a perfectly precise musical note. An example of a periodic function that is not
harmonic is illustrated in Figure 1.4.
As we will discuss in Chapter 5, a periodic wave with arbitrary profile such as that
shown in Figure 1.4 may be represented as a linear combination of traveling harmonic
waves. However, a forward-traveling periodic wave must be constructed of forward-
traveling harmonic waves, and backward-traveling periodic waves are represented as linear
combinations of backward-traveling harmonic waves. Backward and forward-traveling
waves are linearly independent, meaning that one cannot be obtained as a linear combination
of the other. Thus, the most general solution of the one-dimensional differential wave
equation is a linear combination of both solutions given by Equations 1.2 and 1.3.
Complex numbers can provide algebraic shortcuts that will prove very convenient as we
continue our discussion of classical optics. In this section, we provide a quick overview of
the properties of complex numbers, and a few of their algebraic features that we will find
most useful.
Complex numbers include the concept of the imaginal)' number i :
i=V-1 ( 1.16)
Clearly, the square root of a negati ve number has no counterpart within the set of all real
numbers. A complex number z has both a real part and an imaginary part:
Z =X+ i y ( 1.17)
where x is the real part of z and y is the imaginal)' part of z. Complex numbers may be
visualized in the complex plane, as shown in Figure 1.5.
In the Cartesian representation, a complex number is plotted with coordinates (x, y);
thus the hori zontal axis is called the real axis, and the verti cal ax is is called the imagiiiOI)'
Many of the features of complex numbers that we will find most useful result from the
Euler relation:
e iO = cos e+ ·i. sin e ( 1.18)
See Example 1.3 for a derivation of this important formula. We may use the Euler relation
to express any complex number z in polarform. In Figure 1.5, let
x = rcosB (1.19)
(x, y)
y = rsinB ( 1.20)
r = Jx2 +y2 ( 1.21)
( 1.25)
( 1.28)
Notice that compl ex numbers add just like vectors in a two-dimensional real space . To add
or subtract two complex numbers that are given in the polar representation, first convert to
Cartesian form using the Euler relation (Equation 1.23).
Let Re[z] and Tm[z] denote the real and imaginary parts of z . In the Cartesian form ,
Rc[z] = x and Im[z] = y. In the polar form, Rc[z] = ·1· cos Band Im[z ] = I' sin B. In
either case,
Re[z] = z + z* (1.29)
z- z*
Im[z] = ~ ( 1.30)
ei8 +e- i8
cos B = ( 1.31)
ei8 _ e-iO
sinO = - - - - (1 .32)
Let A be any real number. Scalar multiplication is defi ned by
( 1.34)
(I .36)
Multiplication of a complex number by its complex conjugate gives the square of the
magnitude. In the Cartesian form,
(1 .37)
which, according to Equation 1.2 1, agrees with the previous result. We will also refer to
the magnitude of z as Jzl:
In the Cartesian representation , division is a bit more involved if we wish to express the
result in Cartesian form:
Show that
eiO = cos 0 + ·i sin 0
f(x) = f( xo) + df
~ I d 1
1 13
(x - xo) + 21
I d 1
(x - xo) 2 + 11 /""3
I (x- xo) 3 + .,
X Xo • CX Xo 3. (X xo
where x 0 is the e.\pa11sio11 poi11t. The accuracy of this expansion depends on how
close xo is to the evaluatio11 poi11t x .
Let us expand the function f(x) = sin x in a Taylor series about the point xo = 0.
Begin by computing each of the indicated derivati ves evaluated at the expansion
df d .
- = - Sill X = COS X dfl =1
dx dx dx xo=O
dx3 o
= -1
. x3 x5 x1
Sill X = X - -31 + I - -71
. 5. .
+ ...
In a similar way, one fi nds
x2 x3 x4
ex = 1 +X + ~ + :.__31. + ~
11. + ...
2See, for example,'ll10mas el. al.[ 13].
as the reader should verify. Substitution of x = 'iB with B measured in radians gives
Taking the real part or the imaginary part of ei 0 gives the corresponding harmonic
w(x , t) = Aci(kx'fwt +O) = A cos (kx =F wt + 0) + 'iA sin (kx =F wf, +B) (1.43)
The rules of complex algebra just outlined will often simplify the trigonometry of harmonic
traveling waves, For classical traveling waves, the complex representation is not necessary,
but only a convenience. Techniques for using this representation will be illustrated as we
Problem 1.11 Show the small angle approximation: for small B, sin 0 ~ B. Check the
approximation for 0 = 5°, 10°, and 20°.
P ro bl em 112
. Sh ow tlJat cos x. -- 1 - 21
x2 x·l
+ 71! -
6T + ....
Sl1ow tI1at ex -_ 1 + x. + 21 x3 x4
P ro bl em 113
• + 31 + 71! + ....
Problem 1.14 Express the following numbers in polar form: 4 + 5-i, - 4 - 5i, 11 - 5-i,
-4 + 5'i. In each case, graph the number on the complex plane.
Problem 1.15 Express the following numbers in polar form: 3 + 5-i, -2 - 6i , 5 - 4i,
-3 + 8i. In each case, graph the number on the complex plane.
Problem1.16 Express the following in Cartesian form : (3+5i)/(4 -7i), ( - 3+ 6i)/(3+
Problem 1.17 Let z 1 = 10e0 · 5 i and z 2 = 20e-o.s ;. Find the real part, imagi nary part,
and polar form of
a) Z1 + Z2
b) Z1 - Z2
C) Zl Z2
d) zdz2
Problem 1.18 For each of the following complex numbers, find the real part and the
imaginary part, and express the number in polar form.
a) z=(4 +5i) 2
b) z = 5(1 + i) eir./G
In Cartesian coordinates, the extension of Equation 1.1 to include three dimensions is made
in the obvious way:
EP i¥ EP i¥ EP i¥ 1 EP i¥
-EJx2 + -EJy2 +-=
EJz2 -v2 -EJt2 ( 1.44)
where iJ! = iJ!(x, y, z, t) is now understood to be a function of time and all three spatial
Equation 1.44 can be written in a more general form using the Laplacian operator:
( 1.46)
Spherical Coordinates
Figure L6 illustrates the spherical coordinate system, where the three spatial coordinates
are (7', fJ, ¢ )4 _ The coordinate I' is the magnitude of the position vector F, fJ measures the
angle between .,--:and the positive z-axis, and ¢ measures the angle between the positive
x -axis and the projection of r onto the x -y plane. The transformation equations between
3 When used with vcctorquantitics, the symbol x denotes a l'ector cross product. For details, see any introductory
physics text (e.g. Halliday [I I].
Mathcmaticians typically interchange the roles of() and 4> in spherical coordinates. The convention adopted here
is more common in physics.
(r, B, ¢)
Figul'e 1.6 Spherical coordinates illustrated within a right-handed C m1esian coordinate system.
x = Tsi n Ocos¢ r = J x2 + y2 + z 2
y = nin Bsin ¢ ( 1.47)
z = rcosB
Substitution of the Laplacians given by Equation 1.46 or 1.49 into the coordinate inde-
pe ndent version of the differential wave equation given by Equation 1.45 yield very different
looking but en tirely equivalent differential eq uations. The choice of which coordinate sys-
tem to use will typically be dictated by the symmetJ)' of the problem. Problems with
rectangular sy mmetry arc typically easier to solve in Cartesian coordinates, while problems
with spherical symmetry are more easily solved in the spherical coordinate system. A trav-
eli ng wave solu tion that sati sfies the differential wave eq uation in any particular coordinate
system will always solve the wave equation when expressed in any other coordinate system.
Consider an acoustic wave traveling through air. Pressure is a property of space, and the
pressure variations that define the acoustic wave are defined throughout a region. Jn a
three-dimensional plane wave, the properties of the medium are constant over any plane
oriented normal to the direction of propagation. To describe such a wave, we define the
propagation vector k with magnit ude ~; and direction given by the wave propagation. The
corresponding plane wave is given by
( 1.52)
( 1.53)
For example, in a plane harmonic sound wave traveling in the positive x -direction, the
value of the air pressure is constant over any plane that is parallel to the y-z plane:
This expression only looks one-dimensional; the value of A sin (kx - wt + <p) at any point
on the x-axis determines the value of lll(x, y, z, t) at all points on a plane parallel to the
'!J-Z plane located at x.
In Figure 1.7 it is seen that k is normal to planes defined by k· t = con st. It is convenient
to define wavefmnts located at points where the phase of Equation 1.51 is equal to integer
multiples of 27r. Thus, a three-dimensional plane wave may be visuali zed as a train of
wavefronts separated by one wavelengt h .A and moving with the wave speed u.
In the complex representat ion, harmonic plane waves are given by
It is instructive to show explicitly that the plane wave in Equation 1.55 solves the dif-
ferential wave equation. Plane waves have rectangular symmetry, so we will use Cartesian
( 1.56)
6An object with Cartesian symmetry can be oriented so that it is unaffected by reflections about x, y, or z axes.
It is always simpler to use a coordinates system with the same symmetry as the system being studied.
k ·f = m(27r)
(a) (b)
Figure 1.7 (a)-(b): A wavefront defined by k · r = m(27r), where m is an integer. Vectors k and
r do not have the same units.
{)iJ! = ikx iJ!
{)2 iJ! = - k2 iJ!
Dx2 x
with similar expressions for derivatives with resp ect to y and z. Thus
{)iJ! = -·iwiJ!
{)2 iJ! = - w2 iJ!
Substitution into the wave equation gives
w(i"", t) = IJ!(r, t)
In other words, IJ!(r, t) depends only on the spherical com·dinate rand the timet. Derivatives
of such a function with respect to Band 1> give zero, leading to a simplified version of the
Laplacian for spherical coordinates (Equation 1.49):
If the minus sign is chosen, the wave emanates from an isotropic source located at r = 0.
A plus sign represents a wave that is converging to the point r = 0. The amplitude of 4
the wave is not constant, since it depends on the radial coordinate r. For a wave emanating
from a point, the amplitude decreases as the wave travels. Waves convergi ng to a point
have amplitudes that increase as time increases.
In the complex representation, Equation 1.59 becomes
( 1.60)
Show that Equation 1.59 solves the spherically symmetric differential wave equation.
ow =
a;: A
- ·1' 2 sin (kr =f wt
+ cp) + ;,- (k) cos (kr =f wt + cp)
To evaluate the left-hand side of the wave equati on, multiply this last result by -r2 ,
take another derivative with respect to r, then divide by r 2 :
1 -
- a (r2 aw (r' t)) = -1 - a [r 2 (- -A sm. (kr=j= wt+ cp)+-(k)cos(kr=j=wt
A +cp)) J
1'2 01' 01' 1'2 01' 1'2 T
~ [- A sin (k r =f wt + cp) + rAk cos (kr =f wt + cp)]
= 1' 2 ur
1 .
= -'1'2 [- rA k2 sm (kr =f wt + cp)]
= -k
[~sin (kl· =f wt + cp)]
= -k2 w
The time derivatives on the right-hand side of the wave equation are given by
ow = !'!
(Ar sm. (kr =f wt + cp) ) = =j= w-Acos (k r =f wt + cp)
a2w = - w2w
Substitution into the wave equation gives
Problem 1.19 Show explicitly that the following fu nctions are solutions to the spherically
symmetric wave equation.
(a) w('r, t) = - cos (kr =f wt + cp)
Problem 1.20 Fi nd the equation for a plane electromagnetic wave whose propagation
vector k is parallel to a line in the x-z plane that is 30° measured counter clockwi se from
the positive x -axis. Assume that k lies in the first quadrant of the x-z plane.
Additional Problems
Problem 1.21 Determine the d irection of propagation of the following harmon ic traveling
a) w
(z, t) = Asin(kz - wt)
b) w
(y, t) = Acos(wt - ky)
c) w(x,t) =Acos(wt +kx)
d) w(x, t) =A cos( - wt - J.:x)
Problem 1.22 Show that the Gaussian wave w(x , t) = Ae-a(bx- ct)' is a solution to
the one-dimensional wave equati on. If a = 5.00, b = 10.0, c = 100, with a(bx - ct)2
unitless, determine the wave speed.
Problem 1.23 Sketch or plot the following wavefunction at times t = 0, t = 0.5 s, and
t = l.Os:
w( x, t ) = 2
1 + (x +lOt)
Problem 1.24 A 1-D harmonic traveling wave that travels in the -y direction has ampli-
tude 10 (unit less), wavelength 10.0 m, period 2.0 sand initial phase 1r. Using the complex
representation, find an expression for this wave that uses angul ar frequency and propagati on
Problem 1.25 Light from a helium-neon laser has a wavelength of 633 mn and a wave
speed of 3.00 x 108 m / s. Find the frequency, period, angular frequency, and wave number
for this light.
Problem 1.26 Consider a harmonic wave given by
where U(x, y, z) is called the complex amplitude. Show that U satisfies the Helmho/z
Problem 1.28 Show that z = ::!} (l + i) is a square root of i. Find another one.
Problem 1.29 Find the real and imagi nary parts of
a) z = ( 2e; :f)
b) z = (2 + 3i)
Problem 1.30 Hyperbolic sines and cosines are defined as follows: sinh x = c"' - e - x
and cosh x = ex+ e-".
Show that sin('ix) = isinh(x) and cos(ix) = cosh (x).
Problem 1.31 Find the Taylor series expansions for hyperbolic sine and hyperbolic
Problem 1.32 Consider a vecto r v, u
and let a be the angle between and the positive
x -axis, b be the angle between v and the positive y-axis, and c be the angle between ·uand
the positive z-axis. Define the direction cosines n , {3, and 'Y as follows:
n = cos a = TVf
f3=cos b = -
'Y = cosc = -
a) Show that o· + {3 + 'Y = 1.
2 2 2
A cylindrical wave has a wavefront that is constant on a cylinder. In other words, it does
not depend upon <p or z. Show that
approximately solves the differential wave equation in clylindrical coordinates for values
of p that are sufficiently large.
Problem 1.34 Show that the spherically sy nunetric wave equation can be written as
which is a linear wave equation in the quantity I'll! (1·, t). Show that Equations 1.59 a nd
1.60 are solutions.
Pt·oblem 1.35 Photons m·e particles of lig ht with energy and momentum g iven by
E = hf
p =-
where f is the light frequency, ,\ is the light wavelength, and h is Planck's constant:
h = 6.626 x 10-34 J · s. Show that for photons, E = cp.
When I am judging a theory, I ask myself whether, if I were God, r would have arranged the world
in such a way.
Now, let's look at the first basic action - a photon goes from [A to B]. I will draw this action as
a wiggly line from A to B for no good reason.
- Feynman
2.1 Introduction 25
2.2 E lectromagnetism 26
2.3 Electromagnetic Wave Ecru a lions 32
2.4 Photons 42
2.5 T he Electromagnetic Spect rum 48
Appendix: Maxwell's Equations in Differentia l Form 53
In this chapter, we attempt to answer the question: "What is light?" Interest ingly, there
seems to be more than one answer. The bedrock of our description will be the theory of
electro magnet ism, as sununari zed by Maxwell's equat ions. From thi s perspecti ve, lig ht
is most certai nly a wave- a transverse electromagnetic wave- with properties that we
wi ll obtain fro m Maxwell's equations. We wi ll use the "wave picture" of electromagnetic
radiation extensively in subsequent chapters to develop many optical concepts and appli-
cations. Examples incl ude effects due to interference and diffractio n, coherence, optical
im aging and resolut ion, and many o f the concepts relating to laser design.
However, it will often be necessary to utilize the concept of a light particle, or photon .
Thus, electromagnetic rad iatio n presents complemental)' aspects that are determined by
the type of observat ion being made. From a fundament al point of view, the particle -wave
dualism o f electromag netic radiation (and, as it turns out, of matter as well) offers many
fasci nating mysteries that still await resolution. From a practical perspective, both pic tures
will be useful as we develop the ma ny aspects of modern optical technology discussed
w ithin thi s tex t.
A ll known observation s of classical electromag neti sm can be explained with the set of
equati ons collectively known as Maxwell 's equations 1• T hese equation s are expressed using
Faraday's concept of electric and magnetic fields that ultimately become the framework fo r
our descript ion of electromagnetic waves2 •
The electric field Eat a point is defined as the force per unit charge experienced by a
small positive test charge placed at that poin t. T hus, any real charge q will ex perience a
fo rce F = qE when placed wi thin an electric fie ld £. The magnetic field iJ is also defined
in terms o f a force; however, the charge q mu st be moving in order for a magnetic fo rce
to act: F = q v x B . The combinatio n of the electric and magnetic force is called th e
Lo rentz f o rce:
P=qE+ q:UxiJ (2.1)
Th e Lorentz force can be taken as the definitio n of electric and magnetic fields.
Figure 2.1 (a) Field lines for an electric dipo le. (b) Field lines for a magnetic dipole.
Electri c and magnetic field lines provide an importan t and intuiti ve visual aid. Field
lines are drawn so that the tangent to the curve passing thro ugh a given point gives the field
direction at that point. Electric field lines begin on pos iti ve charges and end on negative
charges, as shown in Figure 2.1 (a). Magnetic field lines arc produced by currents and bar
magnets (apparently, there is no magnetic charge) as shown in Figure 2.1 (b). Jn a solenoid
or bar magnet, magnetic field lines enter into south poles and emerge out of north poles.
Drawing a finite number of field lines allows one to visualize the field strength: regions
where the field lines are more closely spaced indicate where the field magnitude is larger.
Maxwell 's equations consist of four physical laws, each of which is summarized below.
Together, they provide a deep and fundamental explanation of all electromagnetic phenom-
ena, including electromagnetic waves.
Gauss's Law for Electric Fields: the oufll'ard electric flux i11tegrated over a closed
swface is proportio11al to the 11et electric chwge e11closed by the suJface. Electric .flux
throu gh a closed swface is a mathematical concept that can be intuitively visualized
with electric field lines. Outward electric flux is defined so that field lines leavi11g the
closed surface contribute positi vely while field lines entering the closed surface contribute
negatively. The cont ribution to the total electric flu x over an infinitesimally small area is
del> s = f; · fi dA , where i1 is the outward 1111it 11ormalto the surface at the position of dA.
Tt is customary to define dA ii dA. Jf the net charge enclosed by the surface is nonzero,
there will be an imbalance between sources and si nks of electric field lines, and the net flux
will be nonzero. According to Gauss,
<I> E =
f- -E dA = -(Jnct = -1
<'o t:o
J p dV (2.2)
A I'
Eo -
- 8 .8"4
u x
10- 12 Nm2
C2 (2.3)
The term (Jrrct in Gauss's law includes both fi'ee and bou11d charges. Free charges can
consist of charge carriers placed onto or removed from conductors and insulators, or ions
and electrons within a region of space. Bound c harge di stributions result from the molecular
alignment of dipole III0/1/e/lts (i nduced or permanent) within a dielectric material.
Effects related to dielectri c materials may be included using the relative permiffivity,
also referred to as the dielectric co11sta11t J( E:
An external electric field causes ali gnment of molecular dipole moments resulting in bound
c harge densities that te nd to cancel the aligning field . A li11ear isotropic homoge11eous
dielectric is one for which J( E is a constant of the s pace coordinates, and whose value does
not depend on direction3 . Effects d ue to linear isotropic dielectrics (and their associated
bound charge densities) arc partic ularly easy to include within Maxwell's equations: simply
replace every occurre nce of c0 with t: in the equations that involve free charge. For s uch
materi als, Gauss's law becomes
f - ~
E·dA= -e = t1
J Pfree dV (2.5)
A 11
3 For linear dielectrics, the bound charge density at any point is a linear function of the applied electric lield.
where qf.-ee and PJr·ee account for free charge and free charge densities.
Gauss's 4 Law for Magnetic Fields: the outward magneticjfux integrated ol'er a closed
stuface is zero. This is a statement of the interesting empirical fact that magnetic charges
(magnetic monopoles) have never been observed. Thus,
<I>M f
= B. dA = 0
Faraday's5 Law of Induction: a changing magnetic field induces an electric field. For
a curve C that bounds an area A, Faraday's law is stated as follows:
~ ~ dj~ ~
E · dC = - dt
B · dA (2.7)
The minus sign on the right-hand side of Faraday's law is an expression of Lenz's Law,
which states that currents flowing in response to the induced ent.f' produce magnetic fields
oriented so as to oppose the change in magnetic flux.
The magnetic flux integral on the right-hand side of Equation 2.7 removes all explicit
space dependence from the integrand. The time derivative in Faraday's law may be moved
inside the integral sign as a partial derivative:
~ ~ jaB ~
E · dC= -
Dt · dA (2.8)
Since B points into the page, the scalar product iJ · clA evaluates to a product
of scalars B dA. The mag nitude of B
changes in time, so the right-hand side of
Equation 2.8 is nonzero. From the symmetry of the magnetic field region, we choose
a circular path C, and note that the tangential component of the induced electric field
E must be constant along C. However, Equation 2.8 must hole! for an arbitrmy path
C, thus we conclude that the direction of the induced electric field for this very E
symmetrical case is azimuthal (tangent to the circular path). We find the mag nitude
of E with Equation 2.8:
f E~ · dC~ = f E dC = E f d
dC = E (21rr) = - -
J IJ~ · dA~ = - 1r r 2 -diJ
C' C C A
Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss: 1777-1855. German mathematician and physicist.
5 Michael Faraday: 1791- 1867. English physicist who made many remarkable discol'eries in electromagnetism.
6 Th is is an acronym that stands for e/ectromotil•e force . For historical reasons, it is used to describe the induced
'' X
Figure 2.2 Induced azimuthal electric field E when magnetic field iJ points into the page and
~~ > 0.
E=-- -
2 dt
The minus sig n in the last expression results from Lenz's law; the magnitude of E
is of course positi ve. If a circular wire loop of radius r is placed along the dashed
integrati on path shown in Figure 2.2, the current induced in the loop must create a
magneti c field tending to cancel the increase in B. Since B points into the page and
has increasing magnitude, the magnetic field induced by the current in the loop must
point out of the page, so the induced current must flow cow1ter-clockwise. Therefore,
the induced E that causes this current is azimuthal in the counter-clockwise sense,
as shown.
Note that the induced electric field E
has a direction that is perpendicular to the
changi ng magnetic field B.
f- -
B · dC = pI + JL (!
DE · dA-)
As in Faraday's law, C' bounds A. The symbol I represents the flu x of free charge through
For line(IJ; isotmpic mag11etic materials, JL = l(,u po, where/( M is the relative permeability
and is the permeability offree space:
J..lo = 4n X w- 7 A (2.9)
For non-magnetic materials, K111 = 1. In this text, we assume that all optical materials of
interest are non-magnetic. In this case, Ku = 1, f£ = flo, and Ampere's law becomes
B · dC =Po I+ Po (!A
DE · dA~)
Eat (2.10)
X I ',
)<... ~
sl , . . . -.,.,
, - - pat.hC
The displacement current term (in parentheses in Equation 2.10) is necessary from more
than one perspective. Consider Figure 2.3, which shows a circular path C linked by a
current I that charges a capacitor. The surfaces 8 1 and 82 are both bounded by the path C,
but since S 2 extends between the plates of the capacitor, the current I passes tluough 8 1
but not S2. More importantly, Maxwell demanded that if a changing magnetic field induces
an electric field as described by Faraday's law, then a changing electric field should induce
a magnetic field. Thus, Maxwell proposed the displacement current density in the region
between the plates of Figure 2.3:
~ DE
JD = E- (2.11)
As the capacitor in Figure 2.3 charges, a magnetic field is induced between the plates by
the displacement current density J"""'o that can be computed with Equation 2. 10 .
X ''
1' \
Fignl'e 2.4 azimuthal induced magnetic field when E points into the page and ~~ > 0
f n· f
B de= B f
de= B (21rr)
B = f.loEo- -
2 dt
The direction of iJ is given by the right-hand rule: point your thumb in the di rection
of '~f , and your fingers curl in the azimuthal sense of iJ. As in Example 2.1, the
induced field is perpendicular to the changing field.
We will be primarily concerned with regions of space that contain no free charge
distributions and no free currents. In this case, Maxwell 's equations become:
(2. 13)
~ ~ j at
DB ·dA~
E · cLe = -
(2. 14)
Problem 2.1 Find the magnitude and direction of the induced electric field of Example
2.1 at r = 5.00 em if the magnetic field changes at a constant rate from 0.500 T to zero in
0.100 s. Assume that the cylindrical region has a radius of 10.0 em.
Problem 2.2 A cylindrical region of space of radius R contains a uniform magnetic field
B with direction into the page, as shown in Figure 2.2. If the magnitude B inside the
cylinder changes in time and outside the cylinder it is zero, describe the induced electric
field (magnitude and direction) for points outside the cylinder (r > R). Find the magnitude
and direction of the induced electric field at T = 15.00 em if R = 10.0 em. and the magnetic
field changes at a constant rate from zero to 0.500 Tin 0. 100 s.
Problem 2.3 Find the magnitude and direction of the induced magnetic field of Example
2.2 at r = 5.00 em. if the electric field changes at a constant rate from 5000 if/m to zero in
0.100 s. Assume that the cylindrical region has a radius of 10.0 em.
Problem 2.4 A cylindrical region of empty space of radiu s R contains a uniform electric
field Ewith direction into the page, as shown in Figure 2.4. If the magnitude E inside the
cylinder changes in time and outside the cylinder it is zero, describe the induced magnetic
field (magni tude and direction) for points outside the cylinder (r > R). Find the magnitude
and direction of the induced magnetic field at r = 15.00 em if R = 10.0 em and the electric
field changes at a constant rate from zero to 5000 V jm. in 0.100 s.
In this section, we deduce the properties of electromagnetic waves from Maxwell's equa-
tions. Equations 2. 12-2.15 express Maxwell's equations in integral form. To find the
properties of electromagnetic waves, we mu st derive the d(fferential wave equation for
eleetromagnetie waves. This is a differential equation, so we must re-express Maxwell's
equations in differential form; in other words, as a set of differential equations. This is
done in the Appendix 2 at the end of this chapter8 . The results are sununarizecl below:
Faraday's law:
DEy _ DEx
ax ay
DEx DEz _ oBy
{)z - OX = at
Ampere's law:
- - - - - = /-10 E - - (2.A.6)
OX ay at
- - - - - = JtoE - - (2.A.7)
{)z OX at
Ssec also a ny intermediate text in elec tricity and magnetism; e .g. Griffiths [91.
The last term is zero by virtue of Equation 2.A.9, giving the result we seck:
D2 Ex D2 Ex D2 Ex D2 Ex
= Eflo-----;:;--
u 2
We can express this last result using the Laplacian operator defined in Equation 1.46
2 D2 Ex
\1 Ex = E flo Dt2
Repeat this derivation with Equation 2.A.7 to give the wave equation for Ey. and with
Equation 2.A.6 to give the wave equation for Ez. Thus each component of E satisfies the
wave equation, and we have
Equations 2.A.3 - 2.A.8 and 2.A.l0 can be used in a similar way to find the wave equation
At this point, it is worthwhi le to reflect that, if it were not for the extra term added by
Maxwell to Ampere's Jaw, the right-hand sides of Equations 2.A.6- 2.A.8 would all be
zero, making it impossible to obtain Equation 2. 17. Finally, although the differential wave
equations 2. 16 and 2.17 were obtained for the specific case of Cartesian coordinates, the
res ult is quite general and valid for all commonly used coordinate systems.
Equations 2.16 and 2. 17 have the general form of a di ffe rential wave equati o n as
di scussed in Chapter 1:
v = --
The vacuum value of E gives the speed of electromag neti c waves in vacuum.
c= ~ = 2 . 998x 108 m fs (2.18)
v t:o tto
Since t: = Kt:co , th e electromagnetic wave speed in a material becomes
1 c c
u- - -- (2.1 9)
- JKt:t:.opo - VK£ ll
T hus, the index of refraction is given by the square root of the dielectric constant9 . Finally,
we note that J( E depends on frequency, so it is better to say th at the index of refraction is
the square root of the dielectric constant measured at the frequency of the electromag netic
wave (see Section 3.7).
As discussed in Chapter I, func tio ns that solve the differential wave equation are quite
general, needing only suffi cient differentiability and the right form of argument. We will
begin our discussion of the solutions to Equations 2.16 and 2.17 by considering an important
subclass of solutions that have the following properties:
2. T hey are three-dimensional plane waves of the form discussed in Section 1.7 of
Chapter 1.
3. T hey arc linearly polarized , meaning th at the wave ampl itude consists of field vectors
that oscill ate along definite direction s.
4 . Finall y, they are electromag neti c waves, meaning that they must satisfy Maxwell 's
equations (Equations 2.A.3 - 2. A. I0) in addition to the differential wave equations.
9 Recall our convention in this text to assume a 1•aluc of unity for the relative permeability I< m. If T<111 is greater
than o ne, n = ~. For details, see Guenther [ I 0].
Y.le will utili ze the complex representation of three-dimensional waves introd uced in
Chapter I . According to item 2 above, the wave amplitude will consist of the field vectors
E and B. Begin with the electric field E:
(2.2 1)
so that
as found in Chapter I .
According to Max~ell' s e.9uations, and Equations 2.16 and 2. 17, an electromagnetic
wave must have both E and B fields. Thus
By the same arguments given above, Equation 2.23 solves wave equat ion 2. 17.
We now demonstrate that electromagnetic waves are transverse: that is, E and iJ must
both point in directions that arc perpendicular to the direction of propagation, determined
by the direction of F Begi n wit h the electric field and consider Equation 2.A.9:
Since E · k = 0, E and J:: must be perpendicular. In a similar way, Equat ion 2.A.l 0 shows
that B is perpendicular to F Thus, according to Maxwell 's equations, electromagnetic
waves arc transverse.
Figure 2.5 A transverse electromagnetic wave. The electric fie ld E oscillates in the x-z plane, the
magnetic field B oscillates in the y-z plane, and the wave propagates in the z -direction.
We now show that E and B are perpendicular to each other. To do so, we will use
Equations 2.A.3 - 2.A.5. Begin with Equation 2.A.3 and assume a forward-traveling wave
(see Section 1.3):
with similar relations for Equations 2.A.4 and 2.A.5. These results may be summarized
using the cross-product :
From this, ~e conclude that iJ is peryendicul ~· t£ both j and k. Since the wave is
transverse, E is also perpendicular to k. Thus, E, B, and k define a mutually orthogonal
right-handed triad as illustrated in Figure 2.5. The directions in Equation 2.24 may be
cyclically permuted to see that the vector E x iJ points in the direction of k.
Taking the magnitude of both sides of Equation 2.24 gives
E = - B = vB (2.25)
In vacuum, this becomes
E = cB (2.26)
Both fields E and ii are harmonic functions of both space and time, and according to
Equations 2.25 and 2.3.1, they oscillate in phase. The harmonic dependence can be
canceled from both sides, so that Equations 2.25 and 2.3.1 are also satisfied by the wave
amplitudes (Eo and B 0 in Equations 2.21 and 2.23).
In summary, we have shown that functions of the form given in Equations 2.21 and 2.23
solve the differential wave equations that were deduced from Maxwell's equations. Both
solutions combine to form a plane polarized transverse electromagnetic wave, with E and
iJ oriented so that E x ii points in the direction of energy flow, and where the magnitudes
of E and ii are such that E = v B (E = c B in vacuum). By plane polarized, we mean
that E and ii have magnitude and direction that are constant and uniform over an entire
plane £e.g. th~ x-yylane in Figure 2.5). The planes normal to k located at points where
E = Eo and B = B 0 are called wavejro11ts.
The solutions 2.21 and 2.23 are unphysical in several respects. Plane waves have
wavefronts that extend to infinity in two coordinate directions, whereas real waves rarely
have wavefronts that are correlated over distances of over a meter. Real light beams can be
unpolarized, meaning that the polarization states change randomly in time. Furthermore,
real light beams never have precise values of frequency and wavelength. Even laser beams
have wand k values distributed over a spread of values as opposed to the precise values in
implied by Equations 2.21 and 2.23. Nevertheless, the plane wave solutions will be very
important to us as we use them to build more realistic models of electromagnetic waves.
Finally, we note that it is redundant to specify both fields (Equations 2.21 and 2.23)
for a given electromagnetic wave. Once either is specified, the direction and magnitude
of the other can be obtained from the electromagnetic wave properties just deduced. It is
customary to specify the electric field : Equation 2.21.
When x and t are zero, E points along positive x and the wave propagates along
negative y. A diagram similar to Figure 2.6 is helpful to find fl. Using this, we can
see that when x and tare zero, fl must point along positive z . Finally, the magnitude
B must be given by E/ c. Thus, the magnetic field of this wave is given by
B(x, y , z, t) = ( ~0 k) ei(ky+wt)
Figure 2.6 The fields E and jj are oriented so that E x iJ has the same direction as k.
Pt·oblem 2.5 A region of space has a pennittivityof 1.9 x 10- 11 1,~,: 2 • What is the speed
of electromagnetic radiation within thi s region? What is the index of refraction of this
Pt·oblem 2.6 Derive the differential wave equation forB (Equation 2.17).
Problem 2.7 Show that in a transverse electromagnetic wave, the magnetic field is
perpendicular to the propagation direction.
Problem 2.8 A plane electromagnetic wave traveling in vacuum is described by
It takes work to establish electric and magnetic fields, and a reg ion of space that contains
such fields has an associated energy density. We begin by consideri ng a vacuum, then
include the effect of linear isotropic homogeneous materials by letting Eo -? €.
Consider a parallel-plate capacitor of area A, plate separation d and capacitance C = fDjl
charged to an electric potential V. The capacitor stores energy as an electric field. The
energy density between the plates is
·us =
_2_ _ =
!2 (~) (E d) 2
d = Eo E2 (2.27)
Ad Ad 2
Similarly, an inductor stores energy as a magnetic field. Consider a simple solenoid of
length e, current/, cross-sectional area A, and inductance L = p 0 n 2 eA. The magnetic
field has value B = ponl, and the energy density within the solenoid is
The derivations of 2.27 and 2.28 both ignore end effects but nonetheless give correct
An electromagnetic wave has both electric and magnetic fields. The energy density of
the wave is the sum
tt=ttE+ua (2.29)
Equation 2.29 expresses the energy per unit volume in a region where an electromagnetic
wave exists. However, electromagnetic waves travel, so ene1gy flux is a more useful
quantity. Consider a time D.t during which the wave travels a distance c D.t. Let the wave
move through an area A. The amount of energy that flows through A in time D.t is given
by u (c D.t A). The energy flux Sis defined as the energy flux per unit area:
S = u (cD.tA) = uc (2.32)
Using Equations 2.30 and 2.29, we find
S = (EoE
2) c= r; 0 E
EoE B 1
(c B) c = - - = - E B
Eo flo flo
We may use the fact that E x iJ points in the direction of energy flow to express S as a
S- = -EX
1 - 13- (2.33)
S is called the Poynting vector. It has units of Wjm2 .
2.3.3 lrradiance
Optical frequencies for visible light are on the order of 10 14 Hz, and a measurement of§
in this case necessarily involves a time average. The time average of the magnitude of .5 is
what we mean by irradiance.
Since S involves a product of harmonic terms, we must express these fields in their
real rather than complex representations (see Problem 2.23). Thus, for a forward-traveling
E = Eo cos (f . r - wt + <~')
B = Eo cos(k · r - wt + <p)
S- = flo
1 Eo
- x Bo
- cos2 (k- · f - wt + <p) (2.34)
This result requires some explanation. The time average is taken only over the harmonic
term because it is presumed that the field amplitudes either do not vary in time, or that they
do so slowly enough so that their time dependence can be measured.
The fields are perpendicular, giving
-1 ~- - ~= -
Eo x Bo EoBo 2
- = Eoc E 0 (2.36)
/~ Po
lo+ T
( cos 2
( k ·? - wt + cp)) = ~ j cos2 ( k ·? - wt + cp) dt
( eos
(r. r - w t + 'P)) = ~
when integrated over many cycles.
The fastest detectors known have electrical bandwidths that are many orders of
magn itude Jess than the freq uency of visible light.
with w = 2.00 x 10 15 rad/ sand k = 1.00 x 107 radjm. Fi nd (a) the corresponding
magnetic field , and (b) the irradiance of the wave.
As in Example 2.3, we determine that iJ must point a long positive y whe n z and t
are zero. To find the field amplitude, we must first fi nd the wave speed:
w 1n
V = ...,- = 2.00 X 108 -
,.: s
Usc E = v B to g ive
B = (10 - 6T) A;ei(k z+ w t )
Begin with
From part (a), the wave speed u = 2.00 x 108 ~ . Thus, the index of re fraction is
n = 1.50 and for optical frequencies J(E = 2.25. T hus
(2.25) ( s .854 x 10- 12 c (2.00 x 108 m)
I =
. )
s (2ooN)
= 79.7~2
P.-oblem 2.11 Show that average of sin 2 ( k· r - wt + !fJ) over many cycles is 1/ 2.
Pt·oblem 2.12 Let
E = (2oo~) K· ci(ku- w t)
with w = 3.00 x 10 15 rad/s and!.: = 1.50 x 107 radj m. Find the corresponding e lectri c
field and the irrad iance of the wave.
Pl'Oblem 2.14 Find the irradiance of the followi ng transverse e lectromag netic waves,
assuming that they travel in vacuum:
a) E= (2ooYi) Ill
ei(kz - wt )
Pt·oblem 2 .15 The output of a green laser pointer has a beam power of 10.0 m W and a
beam d iameter of 1.00 mm . Calculate the beam irradi ance, and the maximum values of
electric and magnetic fields withi n the bea m. Assume uni fo rm irradiance across the beam's
cross section.
The effo rt to understand light has a long and interesting history. Isaac Newton favored
a particle (corpuscular) theory, as opposed to wave theories advanced by contemporaries
Huygens and Hooke. Newton's arguments were temporarily more convinc ing , and the
corpuscula r theory dominated until the early 1800s, when T homas Young' s analysis of his
do uble-slit experiment and Fresne l's wave theory of di ffraction left little doubt that light
was in fact a wave.
We will di scuss Young's doubl e-slit experiment more compl ete ly in Chapters 5 and 6,
but it will be helpful to give a brief overv iew here. Figure 2.7 shows a double-sli t apert ure
ill uminated by plane-parallel wavefront s. Light from each aperture diffracts to illuminate a
wide area on the observing screen, combini ngcohenmt/y 10 with similar light from the other
Figure 2.7 Plane wavefronts with irradiance 10 illuminate a double-slit aperture in a Young's
double-slit experiment. Interference fringes are indicated in profile on an observing screen. The
figure is not drawn to scale; the observing screen should be very far away, and the width of the
ape1tures should be larger than the illumination wavelength.
aperture. Bright fringes occur where the two beams combine constructively (in phase), and
dark fringes locate areas of destructive interference. Effects such as constructive and
destructive interference are easier to explain with a wave picture, and Young's experiment
seemed to provide evidence that light is a wave. The full development of electromagnetism
as expressed by Maxwell in 1865, and as outlined earlier in thi s chapter, gives a detailed
model of the transverse electromagnetic wave. Such concise and convi ncing evidence for
the wave picture of light set the stage for Einstein's analysis of the photoelectric effect in
Investigations into the photoelectric effect provided early evidence that was difficult to
explain using classical physics and a wave picture of electromagnetic radiation. To see
why, consider Figure 2.8, which shows a metallic plate (labeled E for emitter) illuminated
by a beam of light with irradiance /. The illumination causes electrons to be ejected from
the emitter surface, and collected by the collector plate (labeled C in the Figure). Ammeter
A measures the resulting photocurrent.
A potential difference is applied across plates E and C. Charging C negatively provides
a stopping potential, which can be used to determine the kinetic energy of the ejected
electrons. According to Equation 2.37, one would expect an increase in irradiance to result
.in a larger electric field, causing the electron to be ejected with greater force and hence
greater kineti c energy. Interestingly, this is not at all what is observed: increasing the
irradiance increases the amount of current, but the stopping potential remains the same.
Thus, incrcasing the irradiance increases the 1111111ber of ejected electrons but not their initial
kinetic energy. In order to resolve this, Einstein in 1905 reintroduced the concept of a light
particle or quanta, subsequently termed a photon 11 . According to thi s picture, a photon
11 The term photon wns coined by American chemist G. N. Lewis in 1926.
(a) (b)
Figure 2.8 (a) Diagram of a typical photoelectric effect ex periment. (b) A photomultiplier tube
with semitransparent photocathode.
]J = - (2.40)
By Equation 2.39
hf h
p = - = - =li. k (2.4 1)
c >.
where li. = -21rr' • S ince the momentum is in the di recti on of energy flow, we may wri te
Electromag netic radiation reflect ing from or absorbed by an object must transfer mo-
me ntum to the object, resulting in radiation pressure. The momentum transfer per photon
6.p is twice the photon momentum for complete reflection and equal to the photon mo-
me ntum for compl ete absorption. A beam of light with irradianee I has a photon flu x per
uni t area given by 111 . T hu s, for the case of complete reflection, the pressure exerted on
th e object becomes
p = !_
= 21
12Scc any introductory physics text that includes modern physics (eg. Halliday, Resnick, and Walker [II )).
Equation s 2.40, 2.43, and 2.44 were first obtai ned by Maxwell using electromagnetism
and the wave picture. Briefly, the argument proceeds as follows. The field of an elec-
tromagnetic wave that is incident on a conductor imparts forces on charge carriers that
subsequentl y place a force on the sides of the conductor. Conservation of moment um
gives the momentum of the electromagnetic wave. Details of the analysis can be found in
Guenther [ 10].
S imilarly, there arc semi-classical treatments of the photoelectric effect that yield the
results obtained by Einstein without resorting to photons. In such analyses, matter is quan -
tized but the electromagnetic radiation is not. Thus, experiments such as the photoelectric
effect do not prove the existence of photons .
Emax = hj - TV
where the work f unction W represents the work that must be clone to liberate a
conduction elect ron from the photocathode material. The value of H1 determines the
cutofffrequency for a particular photocathode material :
fc = -h
Photomultipliers use a series of dynodes that are made from or coated with a
material that provides seconckll)' electron emission, as illustrated in Figure 2.8(b).
Each dynode is maintai ned at a positive electric potential relative to the previous
one. A photoelectron ejected from the photocathode is accelerated toward the fi rst
dynode, where two or more e lectrons are liberated by secondary emission. These
travel on through the dynode elwin , each liberating more secondary electrons with
each dynode collision. The result is an avalanche that can create millions of electrons
at the anode for each photoelectron ejected from the photocathode. Very sensitive
photomultipliers that can easily detect indi vidual photons are called photon counters.
As a practical matter, it is necessary to allow the plwtocurrent collected by the
anode to pass through a load resistor R1, and then into electrical ground. If the
secondary e lectrons are not all owed to escape the tube, they can create a n "electron
gas" that spoils the potential difference betwee n dynodes and causes the sensitivity
to suffer dramatically. The value used for RL combines with the capacitance of the
photomultiplier tube and the connect ing signal cable to form an RC network whose
RC time constant affects the time response of the detector. The time response is also
affected by the tm11sit time of photoelectrons through the detector itself.
Photon detectors do not conclusively prove the existence of photons. Detector e lements
contain matter with quantized energy levels that can only respond discretely. Critics of
the photon picture interpret signals from a photon counter as arising from the interaction
of non-quanti zed electromagneti c waves and the discrete quantum levels of the detector
However, other experi ments have been reported that give more convincing evidence
fo r the necessity of the photon pictme 13 . In 1986, coworkers P. Grangier, A. Aspect and
G. Roger placed photon counters on either side of a beam-splitter designed to reflect and
transmit 50% of incident radiation. In the wave picture, the incident wave is divided, with
half the wave energy tran smitted and half reflected. In the photon picture, a photon is
ei ther reflected or transmitted with 50% probability. T hus, in the photon picture, the two
photon counters will onl y rarely measure coi nc ident photon pulses, and the n only as an
artifact of the detection electronics. The result s of the ir experiment fell conclusively in
favor of the photon picture by over 13 standard deviations. Improvements in detector and
electronics technology have currently advanced to the point where this experiment can now
be conducted (even more conclusively) within undergraduate laboratories 14 .
13 For a readable account of these and related issues, see The Quantum Challenge by Greenstein and Zajonc [8[.
~J. J. ·n1orn, M.S. Ncel, V. \V. Donato, G. S. Bergreen, R. E. Davies and M. Beck, "Observing the quantum
behavior of light in an undergraduate laboratory," Am. J. Phys. 72 (9), p. 12 10, 2004.
.. ..
: ...
:. ': .. : '::!. . ·,
-~· .
. ......... .
·.:· .. ... . -~:...' .
.. , . : :..::··
:::~::~->~. ...
~ .'
. ···.·: . .: :
(a) (d) ·:: ·:,' .·.
.. --.·:.· . : i
I .~'
• :: •
(b) (e)
..• ·:., . (c) (f)
. ......
. ._:·.·· ... .
Figure 2.9 Typical data from a single-photon interference experiment. The number of photons
detected increases by 10 in each figure.
Such results imply that photons propagate accordi ng to a probability distribution ob-
tai ned using the irradiance profile of the associated electromagnetic waves. For example, in
Figure 2.9, the probability for detecting a photon is low in regions where the electromagnetic
waves interfere destructively, and is high where there is constructive interference.
In the modern view of Quantum Electrodynamics (QED), particle-wave duality disap-
pears. Electromagnetic waves gives probabilities that allow one to predict the outcome of
measurement, but the measurement itself typically involves rando m detection of photons.
15 \V. Ruecknerand P. Titcomb, "A lecture demonstration of single-photon interference," Am. J. Phys. 64 (2), p.
184, 1996.
These ideas will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 6. For more information, see
Section 6.5, and the elegant introduction by R. P. Feynman: QED: The Strange The01y of
Ligllt mtd Matter [5].
km 1 nnn nm
>. (m)
FIR X-ra~
Radio -y-ray
Since (in vacuum) f = c/ ;\,electromagnetic waves with larger frequencies have smaller
wavelengths. The range of possibi lities for f and;\ is roughly subdivided into the conceptual
categories illustrated in Figure 2.10.
Radio waves include electromagnetic radiation that may be generated and detected with
electric circuit elements such as capacitors and inductors. Examples include AM and FM
radio, broadcast television, and microwaves. The field amplitudes of radio waves may be
detected directly using antennas. For these relatively low frequencies (0 - 10 10 II z), the
photon energy is less than or on the order of thermal fluctuations for detectors cooled to
even a few degrees above absolute zero, making photon detection impractical. Wavelengths
in this region vary from many kilometers for long wave radio waves to millimeters for high-
frequency microwaves. Photon energies range from zero to 10- 3 elf.
Infrared radiation (IR) includes electromagnetic radiation with wavelength onl y some-
what larger than visible (ncar IR, 1-10 Jt'ln) to wavelengths a bit smaller than microwaves
(far IR , 10-1000 pm). Photon detection strategies become more useful in this region, even
though such detectors must usually be cooled to well below room temperature to reduce
thermal noise. Blackbody radiation from a room-temperature object has a wavelength
maximum at around 10 JLnl. Photon energies range from10- 3 ell to about 1 eV.
Visible radiation ranges from about 0.4 Jtm for violet to 0.7 {tm for red. The term
light is usually reserved for visible electromagnetic radiation. Photon energies (1-3 eV)
are large enough to allow routine single-photon detection.
Ultra-violet (UV) radiation has smaller wavelength and higher freq uency than visible
Iight. Photon energies of 4-100 e1' are high enough to be damaging to living tissue. UV
photons with energy greater than about 10 cV will not pass through Earth's atmosphere.
X-rays include photon energies of100 elf to about 10 4 111elf. For all practical purposes,
particle characteristics completely dominate wave properties here. Photons in this region
come mainly from inner-shell atomic transitions.
Gamma-rays (/'-rays) include photons emitted from nuclear transitions. Photon ener-
gies are greater than about 104 111eV. Both x-rays and -y-rays can be extremely damaging
to living tissue, and can provide sources of genetic mutation .
(a) The beam wavelength is in the infrared region, with wavelength 10.0 x w- 6 'ln.
The energy of an individual photon is
The number of photons per second that pass by any point in the beam is
(b) The beam wavelength is in the gamma-ray region with wavelength 1.0 x 10- 10 m..
The energy of an individual photon is
he 4
Eph = = 1.24 x 10 ell
1. 00 X 10 - 10 In
The number of photons per second that pass by any point in the beam is
Ns = (1.602 x 1Q-19Jje V) (1.24 x 10" elf) = 5.03 x 1011 photonjs
Gamma-ray beams are composed of photons with energy that is far greater than
photons in an infrared beam. Optical detectors that detect photons arc affected by
shot noise - a noise source that originates from the fact that the beam energy is
not continuous, but consists of discrete photon packets. The name derives intuitively
from the effect of projectiles fired from a shotgun and striking a surface. As a noise
source, shot noise becomes more significant as the wavelength becomes shorter.
Problem 2.16 The output of a certain laser pointer consists of a beam with uniform
irradiance across the beam's cross section. Assume a beam power of 1.00 mW and a
beam diameter of 1.00 mm. (a) Calculate the beam irradiance. (b) How many photons per
second pass by any point in the beam if the wavelength is 633 nm? (c) Repeat part (b) if
the wavelength is 530 nm.
Pa·oblem 2.17 C alc ulate the radiati o n pressure as the beams of Problem 2. 16 impinge on
pe rfectl y re flecting and perfectly absorbing surfaces. Calculate the photon momentum in
ea ch case.
Additional Problems
Problem 2.18 An elliptically polarized electromagnetic wave has perpendicular compo-
nents of E that are out ofphase. For example,
E y _
ei(kz -wt+<,<>)
with Eox and Eoy real. Find the magnetic field components of this wave, assuming that it
travels in vacuum.
Problem 2.19 Show explicitly that B (x, y, z, t) = Bo ei(k·r'fwt+<,<>) is a solution to the
differential wave equation for B.
Problem 2.20 For an electromagnetic wave, show that k·B = 0, and thus that iJ is
perpendi cular to the direction of propagation.
Problem 2.21 For an electromagnetic wave, show that k x E = w B.
Problem 2.22 For an electromagnetic wave, show that - k x B = E J.1o wE.
Problem 2.23 Let f(x , t) = fo ei(kx - wt ) with fo a real constant.
a) Find Re[PJ .
b) Find (R e[f]) .
b) Tf the beam profile is uniform and the beam diameter is 10 em, what is the
maximum beam power if it is to travel through air?
c) What radiation pressure wou ld thi s beam exert on absorbing and reflecting sur-
faces? In each case, what net force would be exerted by a 10 em-diameter beam?
Pt·oblem 2.30 A certain pulsed laser has a maximum power output of 10 7 H'.
a) F ind the maximum values of E and B if the beam diameter is 10 em. Assume a
uniform beam profile.
b) Find the maximum values of E and B if the beam is focused to a spot of diameter
100 111n.
Problem 2.31 Calcu late the electric and magnetic fields at the top of Earth's atmosphere
where the solar irradiance is 1340 W/m 2 •
Problem 2.32 Find the frequency of a photon whose momentum is that of a 0.300 g DB
traveling at 100m/ s.
Problem 2.33 Determine the rcsponsivity at 550 nm of a photomultiplier tube that has a
gain of 106 and a quantum efficiency of 30%. Repeat for a phototube wi th unity gain and
the same quantum efficiency.
Problem 2.34 A 100 W laser beam wi th 2.00 mm beam diameter illuminates a surface
that absorbs 40% and reflects 60%. Find the net force on the surface due to radiation
Problem 2.35 What is the minimum detectable wavelength of a photodctector with a
cathode workfunction of 2.26 eV?
Problem 2.36 Under ideal circumstances, the human eye can detect a photon flux of
about 250 photons/ s of 550 nm light. If the eye has a pupil diameter of 8.0 m.m, what
irradiance docs this correspond to?
T he most straightforward and elegant way to deduce the d ifferenti al form of Maxwell's
equations is to use the tools of vector calculus; however, it is possible to deduce the differ-
enti al form of Maxwell's equations wi thout relying on these more advanced mathematical
tools. We will use both approaches: Method I takes a simpler approach that is limited
to Cartesian coordinates, and Method 2 uses vector calculu s for a coordinate independent
demonstrat ion.
We begin wi th Faraday's law (Equation 2.1 4). In order to evaluate the left-hand side, we
must evaluate the line integral for an arbitrary electric field E. Consider the path illustrated
in Figure 2.A. I which shows a small rectangle sit uated in the x -y plane. As we proceed
around this path, we ori ent the vector dJl according the rules of vector calculus: a person
in the x-y plane standing in the directi on of dA will be walking around the path positively
if her left shoulder faces the inside of the curve. Thus, traversing the rectangle shown in
Figure 2.A. I in the counter-clockwise sense corresponds to adA that points along positive
(x + 6x, y + 8y, z)
.---------- -------, /
4 2 8y
(x,y, z) 8x
As we proceed around the rectangle, the integrand E·deselects the component o f E that
is tangent to the curve. So, for example, along the bottom of the rectangle, the x-component
of E is selected, while alo ng the top - Ex is selected . Similarl y, the ri ght-hand side of the
rectangle selects +Ey and the left-hand side selects - Ey .
To complete the path integration, we use a Taylor series expansion to express the values
o f Ex and Ey at all points along the path:
ox Ip 6x + {)Ex
+ {)Ex o y Ip 6y + {)Ex
{)z Ip 6 z + ...
1 1 1
Ex ( X ' y ) z 't ) = Ex ( P, t )
Ey ( X I , y I , z I , t ) = Ey ( P, t ) + 8Ey
p ~X + 8Ey
oy I
p ~y + 8Ey
oz I
p ~z + 0 0 0
In these equations, we are expanding each component Ex and Ey about the point P =
(x, y, z) located at the lower left corner of the rectangle in Figure 2.A. l. All partial
derivatives and the leading term on the right-hand side are evaluated at the single point P.
The terms ~x. ~y. and ~z each measure displacements from P; for example, ~x = x 1 - x
where x 1 corresponds to an evaluation point, with x ::::; x 1 ::::; x + ox. The sides ox of the
rectangle are taken to be small enough so that higher-order terms in each series can be
We are now in a position to complete the path integ ration. Begin by breaking the path
up into four segments (see Figure 2.A.l).
Horizontal segments I and 3 involve x-compone nts of E that differ only in the value of y.
Along segment 3, X decreases as increases: e
J -(
J( +
Ex(P, t) o!x IP ~x) dx 1
=- 8Ex I
ay p
j (oy) dxl
= - -8Ex l oyox
ay p
Similarly, vertical segments 2 and 4 involve y-components of E that differ only in the value
~ ~ j E~ · de~ = Yj+oy( Ey + 8E I 8E I )
E . de +
oxy P
ox + oyy P ~y dy
f .E . de= 8
( E!I- DEx)
ax ay I oxoy
The right-hand side of Faraday's law involves an integral over the surface enclosed by
the path of Figure 2.A.l.
- -d
J B~ · dJl~ = - -d
J Bz dJl = - J atoBz
- dA
We assume that the rectangle is sufficiently small so that ~ may be considered constant
in the space coordinates (x, y, z). Thus
j B~ · dA=
~ - -an..
I j dA =- -aB_. I oxoy
p & p
Thus, for the path shown in Figure 2.A.I, Faraday's law 2.14 along with Equations 2.A.I
and 2.A.2 gives
- - ---
DEx aB_. (2.A.3)
ox ay at
where all derivatives are understood to be evaluated at the point (x, y, z). The reader may
show that similar rectangles situated in the x -z and z-y planes give
- - OEz
- - _ 8By
f)z ox at
(x + c5x, y + c5y, z + c5z )
Figure 2.A.2 Smface integration over a cube. The origin of the coordinate axes shown are at
(x , y, z ), and the corner in the first quadrant is located at (x + ox, y + §y, z + 8z ).
as follows:
= ![ (
ffvY dy
dx dz
= {)y dx dy clz
where in the last result, the integration is over the entire vo lume of the cube. Similar results
are obta ined over the other two sets of cube faces:
f ~
b' · dA
= J ({)Ex
Dx + {)Ev DEz )
Dy + Dz clx dy dz = 0
Si nee the volume is arbitrary, the integrand of the volume integral must be zero.
Equation 2.A.9 is the differential for m of Gauss's law for electri c fields.
Similar remarks hold for Gauss's law for magnetic fields (Equation 2.13). Thus,
Equation 2.A.I 0 is the differential form o f Gauss's law for magnetic fields.
Using the gradient operator, we may define two new differential operations: the divergence
and curl. L_et F r~resent an arbitrary vector field. The divergence is given by the dot
product of \1 and F. In Cartesian coordinates,
(2.A.I 3)
DFx _ DFz )
( Dz
3+ ( DFy _ DFx ) k
OX ax Dy
These differential operations lead to the following two theorems, stated here without
proof 16 : the divergence theorem and Stokes' theorem.
where in Cartesian coordinates, dT = dx d·y dz. The divergence theorem states that the
integral of the divergence of a vector field over a region V is determined by the value of
the field on the boundary A that encloses the region.
Stokes' Theorem: Let the area A be bounded by a curve C, and let F be a differentiable
vector field. Then
(2.A. l5)
A c
Stokes' theorem states that the surface integral of the curl of a vector field is determined by
the magnitude and direction of the vector field on the boundary of the area.
We may use the divergence theorem and Stokes' theorem to express Maxwell's equations
in differential form. Begin with Gauss's law for electric fields given by Equation 2.12 and
16Scc, for example, Boas [I].
f £. J(v. e)
dA =
dr = o
Since the volume Vis arbitrary, the integrand of the right-hand side must be zero:
v. E = 0 (2.A. I6)
This is Gauss's law for electric fields (free space) in differential form. In Cartesian
coordinates, it is identical to Eq uation 2.A.9.
Similarly, Gauss's law for magnetic fields (Equation 2.13 gives
f n.etA
= j (v.n) dr = o
f - -= J(- -) -= - J75tDB .
E. dC
\1 X E . dA
f - - J(- -) -= J75tDE ·
B · dC =
\1 x B · dA Jl oC:
(2.A. I9)
This is Ampere's law for free space in differential form. In Cartesian coordinates, it is
equivalent to Equations 2 .A.6 - 2 .A.8.
And perhaps, posterity will thank me for having shown it that the ancients did not know everything.
3.1 Introduction 59
3.2 Oveniew ofHeflection and Uefraction 60
3.3 Maxwell's Equations at an Interface 66
3.4 The Fresnel Equations 69
3.5 Interpretation of the Fresnel Equations 76
3.6 nenectivity and Transmissi Vii)' 87
3.7 • Dispersion 95
3.8 Scattering 110
equations of e lectromagnetism. Fresnel was first to describe the quantity of light reflected
and refracted at a boundary with the equations that bear his name. His accomplishment
was all the more remarkable in that he derived these results well before the availability of
Maxwell's equations. The chapter concludes with an introduction to dispersion in optical
materials that provides a conceptual foundation for refraction and absorption.
Reflection and refraction occur whenever light enters into a new medium where its speed
changes value. From the previous chapter, we found that the speed of light within a material
is given by
1 1 1 1 c
V = _,ftJiO
_q_to = -~r,(=;:
(3. 1)
where c is the speed of light in vacuum, J(E is the dielectric constant, and n is the index of
n=/Ke (3 .2)
Thus, reflecti on and refraction occur whenever light ente rs into a new medium where the
value of n changes value. Table 3. 1 gives the indices of refraction for some common optical
materials .
The law of reflection has been known experimentally since antiquity: tire angle of
incidence is equal to the angle of reflection . In order to define these angles, we make usc of
the concept of a light ray. For a plane wave with plane-parallel wavefronts, the associated
ray is a directed line segment pointing perpendicular to the wavefronts in the direction of
propagation o f the wave.
(a) (b)
An entire beam will reflect accord ing to the law of reflection only if the surface of the
interface between the two media is smooth. Reflection fro m a smooth surface is called
specular reflection. Reflection from a rough surface is called dif}itse reflection. Specular
and diffuse re fl ection are illustrated in Figure 3.1 .
Figure 3.2 shows a beam of light refl ected from an interface separating two media. The
incident beam is indicated by the incident ray, and the reflected beam is indicated by the
reflected ray. The angle of incidence and angle of reflection are measured from the normal
to the intelface. Using these angles, the law of reflection is stated as follows:
Table 3.1. Range of transparency and indices of refraction for selected optical materials.
Vacuum 1
Air 0.2 - 5.0, 9.0 - 1t1.0 1.00029
Water 1.33
Ice 1.31
BK-7 Glass 0.35 - 2.0 1.50
Optical Crown Glass 0.35 - 2.5 1.52
Fused Silica (Si02) UV Grade 0.175 - 2.2, 2.9- 3.6 1.46
Fused Silica (Si0 2 ) IR Grade 0.2 - 3.9 1.46
Quartz Crystal (Si02) 0.2 - 2.4 1.46
Zirconium Dioxide (Z1·02) 0.36 - 7.0 2.40
Sapphire (Al203) 0.15 - 5.0 1.76
Diamond (C) 0.22- 4.3, 5.4 - F I Rb 2.42
Calcium Fluoride (CaF2 ) 0.18 - 8.0 1.40
Magnesium Oxide (M gO) 0.4 -8.0 1.72
Barium Fluoride (BaF2 ) 0.2 - 11 1.47
Strontium Fluoride (STF2) 0.15- 11 1.'14
Strontium Titanate (SrTi03 ) 0.4 - 6 2.31
Sodium Chloride (N aCl) 0.35 - 15 1.53
Potassium Bromide (KB1·) 0.3 - 25 1.54
Potassium Chloride (KCl) 0.3 - 20 1.48
Cesium Iodide (Csf) 0.5 - 70 1.76
Potassium Iodide (I( 1) 0.4- tlQ 1.64
Zinc Selenide (ZnSe) 0.5 - 20 2.49
Zinc Sulfide (ZnS) 0.45 - 14 2.27
Silicon (Si) 1.0 - 100 3.42
Germanium (Ge) 2 - 17 4.02
Gallium Arsenide (GaAs) 1.0- 17 3.14
Cadmium Telluride (CdTe) 1.0 - 28 2.56
Polyethylene, High Density 16 - FIR 1.55
Nominnl, over the rnnge of transparency. See Section 3.7.
The law of refraction, also called Snell's law, was found experimentally by Snell early
in the seventeenth century. In Figure 3.2, the light ray is incident within the i11cident
medium and the light beam transmits into the tm11smitted mediw11. The index of refraction
of the incident medium is n; and the index of refraction of the transmitted medium is n 1 •
According to Snell's law
n; sin 0; = 11 1. sin Bt (3.4)
Finally, it is implicit in Figure 3.2 that the incident, reflected, and refracted rays all lie
within a single plane. This plane is called the plane of incidence.
We will refer to the case where n; < n 1 as e.rtema/ i11cidence. An example of external
incidence occurs at an air-glass interface. lntemal incidence occurs when n; > nt; for
example, when a light beam passes from glass to air.
incident medium
'11 i
transmitted medium
Figure 3.2 An interface between two media, showing the incident, reflected, and refracted rays .
• EXA!\'IPLE 3.1
Show that a light beam passing through a plane slab emerges pmallel to its incident
direction displaced laterally by a distanced given by
Figure 3.3 Light rays refracting through a slab of material with parallel sides.
Let the slab have index of refraction n2 and the incident and transmitted medium
have index of refraction n 1 as shown in Figure 3.3. To show that the incident and
transmitted rays are parallel, begin with Snell's law at the first interface:
. 02 = -n t sm
sm . 01
The beam transmitted by the first interface is incident internally on the second
interface. Since the two interfaces are parallel, the angle of incidence for the second
interface is 82:
. 0 = 1l2
Sill 3 - .
Sill 2
Combining these results gives
. 03 = -n2
(nt . 0 )
sm 1
Since 01 and 03 are both positive and less than 90° , 01 = 83, and thus the incident
and transmitted beams are parallel.
To find the offset distance d, refer to Figure 3.3, and note that
d = asiwy
a = --
cos 02
and 1 = 81 - 82. Combining these results gives Equation 3.5:
The laws of reflection and refraction may be derived from Maxwell's equations, as we
show in Section 3.3.2. Before doing so, it will be instructive to derive these laws using a
variational approach first described by Fermat.
Since the entire path lies within the same medium, the light speed is constant along L .
Thus, the minimum physical path length will give the minimum transit time. Different
1For a modern derivation of this principle from a completely different perspective, sec Section 6.5. See also:
QED: The Strange 1'l1e01)' of Light and Malter, by R. P. Feynman [5]
X p-x~:
Figure 3.4 A light ray originates at S, reflects from the interface, then travels to D.
values for ei and e,. correspond to different values of the parameter X in Figure 3.4. To find
the minimum value of L, take the derivative of L with respect to x, and set this to zero:
dL ~ 2x(l) +~ 2(p-x)(-l)
dx 2Js2+x2 2Jd2+(p-x)2
x (p- x) =
Js2+x2 JcL2+(p-x)2
From Figure 3.4, we identify the two terms above as si nB; and siuB,.. Since
sin 0; = sin Or
t = -+ -=
OD Js2 + x2 Vd 2 + (p - x) 2
+-'---- -- -
'Vi Vt V; Vt
All paths must begin at Sand end at D; however different paths will enter the transmitted
medium at different points 0. To find the path that gives the least time, take the derivative
oft with respect to x and set this equal to zero:
dt 1 _ _!_
x p-x = O
dx v;
Js + x Vt Jct2 + (p _ :~l
transmitted medium
X - - - --+,....p - X--+:
Figure 3.5 A light ray originates at S, refracts at the interface, then travels to D.
substituting v =
* in each medium, and identifying sin 0; and sin 01 in Figure 3.5, we
1l i . llt .
- Sill 0; - - Sl11 Ot = 0
c c
n; sin O; = n 1 sin01
Fermat's principle of least time is an example of a variatio11al pri11ciple. There are many
other cases where Nature can be shown to behave according to maximum or minimum
values of some physical quantit y. It is fascinating and beautiful to discover examples
such as Fermat's principle; however, Maxwell's equations provide a deeper explanation by
describing all features of classical optics and electromagnetism, including Snell 's law and
the law of renection.
Problem 3.1 Find the value of the offset d of Example 3. 1 for a beam of light incident in
air at 30° on a 6.35 nun-thick slab of glass with index of refraction equal to 1.52. Repeat
for a slab of diamond with index 2.42.
Problem 3.2 Find 01 at an air-glass and glass-air interface for 0; = 40°. Usc 1.50 for
the index of refraction of glass. Repeat for water-glass and glass-water interfaces.
We have shown in Chapter 2 that Maxwell's equations can be combined to give differential
wave equations for elec tromagne tic waves. Furthermore, we have found solutions to these
equations in the form of traveling electromagnetic waves. To determine how electromag-
netic waves behave when they encounter a change in the ir medium of travel, we utilize a
boundmy value approach. In other words, we match the solutions of Maxwell 's equations
(i.e., electromagnetic waves) at the bou ndary that separates the two media using the ap -
propriate boundwy conditions. We will obtain these boundary conditions from Maxwell's
(a) (b)
Figure 3.6 (a) Electric field vectors on either side of an interface separating two media . The
rectangle is an integration path for Faraday's law. (b) Repeat of Figure (a) for the case of magnetic
f - - JDtDB ·
E ·de = -
dA- (3.6)
where C is a path that encloses the area A. For a path C, we utilize an infinite ly thin
rec tangle, as shown in Figure 3.6(a). The area enclosed by C is negli gible, so the right
hand side of Eq uation 3.6 is zero:
The bottom of the rectangle lies entirely with in Region I , and the dot product E · de along
this portion of the path selects the tangential component of the electric field in thi s region:
E 11 • The top portion of the rectangle selects the tangential component of E2, this time with
a minus sig n since the orientation of de reverses here. T he sides of the rectangle are small
enough so that their contribution to the line integral can be neglected. Finally, the length L
of the rectangle is small enough so that the values of E 11 and E 12 remain constan t over the
integration. Faraday's law gives
fE f
(Eo - Et2) de= (Etl - Et2) L = o
f- -
B · d f = pol + Po (f tOtaE ·
The small rectangular path in Figure 3.6(b) gives zero for the flux integral. If the current I
enclosed by the path is negligible or zero, Ampere's law becomes
We now derive the laws of reflection and re fraction using the laws of e lectromagnetism.
According to Maxwell's equations, solutions to the differential wave equations are trans-
verse electromagnetic waves. Assume a plane-polarized harmonic electromagnetic wave
incident upon an interface that separates two media, as shown in Figure 3.2. As shown in
Chapter 2, we may specify thi s wave completely by giving its electric field
- - (-
E ; (i;', t) = Eo; cxpi I..· ;· r- w;t ) (3 .9)
where rlocates any point on the interface relative to an arbitrary origin of coordinates, k; is
the propagation vector of the incident wave, and w ; is the angu lar frequency of the incident
wave. In a similar way, we defi ne the reflected and transmitted waves:
- - (-
E,. (r, t) =Eo,· cxp i k ,. · r- w,.t ) (3.10)
2 For the corresponding boundary condition appropriate for materials with magnetic properties, see Guenther [I 0].
(3. 11 )
The amplitudes Eo; , Eo,. and Eo 1 may all be complex to account for any relative phase
shifts in the reflected and transmitted waves.
According to the boundary conditions derived in Section 3.3. 1, the tangential compo-
nents of E and B must be continuous at the interface. The fields on both sides of the
interface are given by Equations 3.9 - 3.11. These solutions are vector quantities that
depend on both space and time coordinates. Thus, in order for the boundary conditions to
hold, Equations 3.9- 3.11 must
3. have amplitudes Eo; , Eo,. and Eot that satisfy the boundary conditions specified by
Equations 3.7 and 3.8.
According to item 1, the boundary conditions must be satisfied for all values of the time
t. This can only be true if the frequencies of all three electromagnetic waves are identical
This result has an interesting and important consequence. Since the wave speed within a
medium must equal the product of frequency and wavelength, the wavelength must change
as it enters the new medium. Consider a wave traveling within a medium whose index of
refraction is n:
f>.. = u = ~ = fo>..o = f ,\o
n n n
cancellation gives
(3. 13)
where ,\ 0 is the vacuum wavelength. Thus, the wavelength becomes smaller in a region of
higher index of refraction.
According to item 2 above, the boundary conditions must hold for all points on the
interface. Thus
(3. 14)
This implies that the propagation vectors k;, k,., and k1 arc all coplanar. To see why,
consider the plane defi ned by k; and f,. and suppose that k1 has a component lying outside
of that plane. Choose the origin 0 so that the position vector points normal to this plane.
Thus k; · i" = k,. · ;-: = 0 but k1 · 1~ =f. 0, so Equation 3.14 can only be satisfied for all points
on the interface if k;, [,., and k1 all lie in the same plane. We will refer to this plane as the
plane of incidence.
Now consider an origin 0 located at an arbitrary point on the interface in the plane of
incidence, as shown in Figure 3.7. For this choice of ori gin , the scalar products indicated
in Equation 3.14 are given by
k; . f = ·r k; sin B; (3. 15)
Figure 3.7 Origin of coordinates located at a point of intersection between the plane of incidence
and the plane of the interface.
S ince the incident and re flected waves travel within the same medium, k; = k,., a nd the
first identity of Equation 3.14 gives
Since the incident and reflected angles arc acute, this gives the law of reflection Equation
0; = (),.
Also, according to Equations 3. 14, 3.15, and 3.17,
By Equation 3.13, k = 2~'T = n (~: ). Substitution into the result above gives the law of
refraction (Eq uat ion 3.4):
n; sinO;= nt sin01
To summari ze our results so far, the requirement that Equations 3.9 - 3. 11 be identical
functions of time and space (items I and 2) leads to the laws of re flection and refraction.
These laws a llow us to specify the directions of the refracted and reflected rays.
We must still apply the boundary conditions found in Section 3.3.1. The vector ampli-
tudes of Equati ons 3.9 - 3.11, E0 ; , Eo,. and Eo 1 , must be oriented so that these boundary
conditions are satisfied. We will examine thi s in the next sect ion, where we will deduce
the exact values of E0 ,. and Eo 1 for arbitrary incident wave with amplitude Eo;.
We wish to apply the boundary conditions found in Section 3.3. 1 to the wave amplitudes of
Equations 3.9 - 3. 11 for arbitrary angle of incidence and arbitrary incident polari zation.
To specify the polarizations of E0 ;, E0 ,., and Eot. we will use Cartesian coordinates where
the x-y plane corresponds to the plane o f incidence and the x -z plane corresponds to the
y y
(a) (b)
plane of the interface, as shown in Figure 3.8. An arbitrary state of linear polarization can
be resolved along the two orthogonal directions indicated by E1. and Eu in the diagram.
The notation E1. corresponds to a state of linear polarization where the electric field is
perpendicular to the plane of incidence, or parallel to the interface itself (in the z-direction
in Figure 3.8). A Eu polarization state has an electric field vector that lies entirely within
the plane of incidence3 .
We first analyze the case where the incident wave has E1. polari zation, as shown in Figure
3.9. The propagation vectors and magnetic field vectors for the incident, reflected, and
transmitted rays are drawn so that E x iJ points in the direction of propagation (i.e. in
the direction of k) as the reader should verify. The vector triads of E, B and k for each
ray are drawn displaced from the point on the interface where the th ree rays meet. This is
done for visual clarity; the reader should realize that we appl y the boundary conditions at
the intersection point on the interface.
According to boundary condition 3.7, the tangential component of the electric field is
continuous at the interface. This gives:
By boundary condition 3.8, the tangential component of the magnetic field is continuous
across the interface. The tangential components of all magnetic field vectors shown in
Figure 3.9 are x -components. The tangential component of Eo; is negative: - Bo; cos B;.
Bo,. has a positive tangential component equal to B 0 ,. cos B; , and the tangential component
3 The notation used to refer to these two polarization states is not standard. Some texts uses and p to refer to E1.
and En, respectil•cly. In this notation, s deril•es from the German word "senkrecht" which means "perpendicular",
and p stands for parallel. In othcrtexts, E1. is called "transverseclcctric" orTE, with the term transverse referring
to the plane oft he interface. In this notation, En is called TM for trans,•erse magnetic.
(3 .20)
Our goal is to solve for Eo,. and Eot. for any given incident wave. Thus, divide both sides
of Equation 3.18 by Eoi and rearrange to give
Eot Eo,.
-- - = 1 (3.22)
Eo; Eoi
Similarly, dividing Equation 3.21 by Eo; and rearranging gives
(11t. COS0t ) -E + (7ljCOS0; ) -Eo,. = 1ljCOS0i (3.23)
Oi Eoi
Solving Equations 3.22 and 3.23 for the two unknowns ~ and k gives (see Example
n; cosBi -nt cos Bt
1,1. = ( Eor ) (3.24)
Eoi 1. IIi cosO;+ nt cosBt
2ni cosBi
t1. = ( Eot.) =
1l i cos ()i + 11t cos (ft
Eoi 1.
where the .l subscript means "normal to the plane of incidence." For notational brevity we
define 1"_1_ = ( ~) j_ and t_1_ = ( j_.t7)
We refer to 1'_1_ and t_1_ as the Fresnel amplitude ratios. It is important to note that they
do not represent fractions of reflected and transmitted power. Rather, they are simply ratios
of the electric field amplitudes of the reflected and refracted waves relative to the incident
wave. The power ratios are called reflectivit y and transmissivity, which we discuss in
Section 3.6.
Find values of 1"_1_ and lj_ for normal incidence when the incident medium is air
(n; = 1.00 ) and the transmitted medium is glass with n~, = 1.50. Repeat the
calculation when the incident medium is glass and the transmitted medium is air.
The boundary condition 3.7 that the tangential component of E be continuous across
the interface leads to
Eo; cos B; + Eo,· cos 0; = Eot cos O, (3.26)
or by Equation 3.20,
n ;Eo;- n;Eo,. = lltEot (3.28)
Eot) -cos O;
cos 01 ( Eo; (Eo,·)
Eo; = cosO; (3.29)
nt ( -Eot)
+ n; (Eo·
-E· ) =
n; (3.30)
Solving Equations 3.29 and 3.30 for the two unknowns ~ and ~ gives (sec Problem
1'11= (-Eo,·)
Eo; II
n; cos Ot - nt cos B;
n; cos 01 + ll t cosO;
til = (Eo')
Eo; II
2n ; cos 8;
n;cos 01 +n1 cos0;
where the 1J subscript means "parallel to the plane of incidence." Again, for notational
brevity we define r11 = (k )II and t11 = (~) 11 .
Find values of1'11 and t11for normal incidence when the incident medium is air and the
transmitted medium is glass with n = 1.5. Repeat the calculation when the incident
medium is glass and the transmitted medium is ai r.
11 ; - 11t
ru(0) = 11 ; + 1lt
t 11 (o) =
n; + llt
When the incident medium is air,
2 00
t 11 (o) = ' = 0.800
If the incident medium is glass, the results are
1. ~~~' = +0.200
5 00
ru (0) =
These results arc identical to those in Example 3.2 for l'j_ and h at normal incidence.
The field orientations of Figures 3.9 and 3.10 give identical values for l'j_ and 'I'll at
normal incidence. This is intuitionally correct, si nce for normal incidence, there is no
physical difference between the two orthogonal polarization states Ej_ and En. For angles
other than normal incidence, the amplitude ratios rand t will depend on polarization.
Show that Equations 3.24 and 3.25 are the solutions to Equations 3.22 and 3.23.
(- 1) Eo,.= 1
(n 1. cos01 ) - Eo
+ (n; cos O; )_,.= n;cosO;
Eo; Eo;
( n; c~sO; )
The value of each unknown quantity is a ratio of determinants. The numerator
for each ratio is obtained by modifying the above matri x by replacing the column
that corresponds to the unknown being solved for with the non-homogeneo us column
vector, then taking its dete rminant. The denominator for both ratios the determinant
of the coefficient matrix given above. Thus,
1 1
= (Eo,·) I
n 1 cos 01 n; cosO; n; cosO;- 11t cos Ot
1'_L =
Eot .L 1 - 1 n; cos O;+ nt cos Bt
11 1 cosOt n ; cos O; I
1 - 1
= ( Eot)
Eot .L =
n ; cosO; II; COS();
I= 2n ; cosO;
'·.L 1 - 1 n ; cosO;+ nt cos Ot
nt cos Ot II ; COS 0;
Cramer's rule is of course not necessary (especially for o nly two simultaneous equa-
tions), it is just convenient. We will use Cramer's rule again with systems o f equations
with more than two unknowns.
Problem3.3 Find the wavelength, frequency, and speed of light with vacuum wavelength
633 nm when it enters a region where the index of refraction is equal to 1. 52.
Problem 3.4 Find values of 1'.L, t .L , ~'II• and /.11 for normal incidence when the incide nt
medium is air and the tra nsmitted medium is diamond with n1 = 2.42. Repeat the
calculation for internal incidence.
Problem 3.5 Find values of '1'.L, t .L, ~'II• and trr for normal incidence when the incident
medium is water (n ; = 1. 33) and the tran smitted medium is glass with n 1 = 1.55. Repeat
the calculation for internal incidence.
Problem 3.6 Find 1'_1_, t .L, ~'II• and tu at grazi ng incidence: 8; = 90°. Include values for
both external and internal incidence using ai r and glass with n = 1.50.
Before plotting the formulas obtained above for I'.L , l_L, 7'11, and t11, we examine some
limiting cases.
As shown in Examples 3.2 and 3.3 above, the values of ·r .L and I'll for normal incidence are
n; - nt
l'j_ (0) = 7'11 (0) = (3.33)
11; + 11t
Similarly, the values of t.L and L11 arc also ide ntical for normal incidence:
t.L (o) = t 11 (o) = (3.34)
For external incidence, T.L and I'll arc negative. This will be interpreted in Section 3.5.5.
A close examinat ion of the equation for 'I' ll shows that it can be zero:
20t = 1f - 20;
fh +fh = -2 (3.35)
Brewster Windows
A w indow oriented at Brewster's angle gives zem reflection for the En polari zation.
Brewster windows are often used in laser cavities. In a typical laser, the beam
traverses the laser cavity tens or perhaps hundred s of times before exiting the laser,
and even a small amount of reflection from the windows can reduce the laser gain
below the threshold required for operation. A laser that uses Brewster windows e mits
a polarized beam, as shown in Figure 3. 11 .
Figure 3.11
*S- -# 1
A cylindrical tube wilh Brcwsler windows auachcd lo lhe ends. The vertical
polari zalion is .E11 lo lhe window inlerfaccs.
Brewster's angle is often called the polarization angle. A beam o f light with arbitrary
polarization can be resolved into two component beams wi th the and E.1 En
polari zations
illustrated in Figure 3.8. For a beam incident on a surface at B; = On, theEn component will
no t be reflected, so the reflected beam will be comple te ly polarized as E.1. For example,
specular reflecti on from horizontal s urfaces typically occurs close enough to Brewster's
angle so that the glare from the surface is almost completely polarized along E.1.An
e lectromagnet ic wave with electric field oriented perpendicular to the plane of in cidence
oscillates parallel to the interface. Thus, glare from horizontal surfaces is hig hly polarized
A polarizer is a device that transmits only the component of incident polari zation that is
parallel to its transmission axis. Polaroid© material is a commo n example of a polarizer,
and thi s material is often used in sunglasses. Orienting the trans missio n axis of the Polaroid
material vertically preferentially absorbs g lare from horizontal surfaces.
Find Brewster's angle for internal and external incidence at an air-glass interface.
Assume a index of refraction of 1.50 for the glass.
Oo = tan-
1 1.50)
( l.OO = 56.3°
For internal incidence, the incident index is that of g lass. Let 0~ be the Brewster's
angle for internal incidence:
When light is inc ident externally on a slab at Brewster's angle, the beam that transmits
into the slab is also incident internally on the second surface at the internal Brewster's angle
O'n. To see that thi s is so, use Equation 3.35. As noted in the Remarks for the previous
Example, the roles of n; and Jt 1 simply interchange in Equation 3.36, so (}B and (}~ are
complements. According to Equation 3.35, the transmitted and incident angles are also
complements when 0; = OlJ. Thus, the beam transmitted into the slab is incident internally
at 0~ at the second parallel surface.
. 0t.
Sill = (71- i) . 0
Sill i
Since (n; > n 1 ), the term in parentheses is greater than unity, so 01 > 0;. The incident ang le
that gives a transmitted angle of 90° is called the critical angle Oc. Since sin (90°) = 1,
. (} 'll t
Sill c = - (3.37)
Angles of incidence that are greater than Oc arc problematic with regards to Snell's law. In
such a case Equation 3.37 appears to imply that sin Ot > 1.
To investigate this, consider r.1 (Equation 3.24)
cos 0 l· - cos Ot
'l '.l =
~ cos 0; + cos Ot.
Use Snell 's law to express cos 01 in terms of the incident angle
1- ___!_sin 0;
( 1!t )
According to Snell's law and Equation 3.37, when 0; > Oc the quantity under the square
root sign becomes negative. In this case, cos Ot becomes imaginary
cos Ot =i _!_
( 11t
si n 0;
- 1
!li cos 0· - i (!!i sin 0·) 1
~'.l = (Eo,·)
nt 1 n, z
!!in, cos 0·' + i (!lin, sin 0·) z - 1
Notice that thi s expression for 'I'.L has the form of a ratio of a complex number and its
complex conjugate. Such a complex number always has a magnitude of one:
l'j_ =
-· )
Eo; _1_
= e''I'.L
Since Eor and Eo; have the same magnitude, the beam is totally reflected. By conservation
of energy, no energy is transmitted across the interface5 . The phase shift 'P.l is given by
(see Example 3.6)
( llisin0
- 1
a=~~--~--- (3.42)
cos O;
Si milarly, by Equation 3.3 1
n; cos B·+ i \/(!li sin 0·)
l nt ' - 1
This also has the form of :. , so it also has unity magnitude. Consequently, for the parallel
(a) (b)
Figure 3.12 (a} T he beam incident from the left has an internal incident angle that is sl ightly less
that the critical angle. The transmitted beam just grazes the interface. (b) Total internal reflection.
(GIPhotoStock/Photo Researchers, Inc.)
In summary, for angles of incidence Oi > Be. there is total inte rnal reflection for both
E.t and Err· The phase shifts cp .1 and 'PI! depend upon angle, and for each value of Oi > Be
are in general not equal.
Show that
'P.l = 2 tan- t ( '-11ta·)
( l.!.i.sinB·) - 1
\ "-' ____' _____
cos Bi
Being careful here can save a lot of work. Recall that l'.l can be expressed as a
complex ratio of the form
'l".l = -
n· n·
z = ___.!_cosO;- i ___.!_sin 0; - 1 (3.46)
11 t ( llt )
Multiplying the numerator and denominator of I'J. by z makes the denominator real :
Consequentl y, the phase angle for I'J. is twice the phase angle for z in Equation 3.46.
c~!isine-) - 1)
( !!i.
cos B·'
nt \
( !!i.
lit sin B·)
- 1)
( n; cos B;
= 2 tan-
This result only has meaning forB; > Be. T his phase angle will be interpreted as a
phase shift in Section 3.5.5.
In order for total internal reflec ti on to remain consistent with the boundary conditions
found in Section 3.3. 1, there must be electric and mag netic fields on the transmission side
of the interface. These fields belong to the evanescent wave, which will be discussed in
more detail in Section 3.6.2.
Fig ure 3. 13 shows plots of reflection and transmission ratios for both external and internal
incidence at a n air-glass inte rface (n9 = 1.50). The symbol l'x.l refers to the re flection
ratio for E.t polarization and external incidence. Similarl y, rxn gives the external incidence
reflecti on ratio fo r En polarization. T he correspondi ng ratios for internal incidence are
indicated by I';J. and 1'i ll· T he values of '~'x n and 'l ';n both pass through zero at Brewster's
a ng les eB and B~. respectively. The internal incidence reflection ratios approach an
absolute value of one at the critical angle for total internal reflection, ind icated by Be. The
transmission ratios for ex ternal incidence arc given by t x.l for E.t polarization and by txll
for Enpolarizatio n. The transmission ratios for internal incidence are not shown, but they
are positive and g reater than one fo r all angles of incidence less than the critical angle .
1'x .L
- 1 ~----~----~-----L----~~--~------~----~----~----~
0 90
Figure 3.13 Fresnel amplitude ratios for intemal and external incidence for an air-glass (n = 1.50)
interface. Ratios subscripted with x are for external incidence, and ratios subscripts with i arc for
intemal inc idence. Transmission ratios for internal inc idence are not shown.
Plotting the Fresnel equations will be easier if we use Snell's law to express them as
a function of only the incident angle 0;. Thus
. ll ; .
Slll ()I = - Sill 0;
n;cosO;- n 1 \ 1- (~sinO;r
I'_L = ---------7=====~ (3.47)
n; cosO;+ n 1 1- (&n, s inB·)'
211 i cos 0;
t.l_ = ------r=====~
n; cosO;+ llt 1- (& sin0·)
11t l
2n; cos 0;
tu = - --,========-------
1- (I!.i
n, sin 0;) +lit cos 0;
For external incidence, you can plot from 0 ::::; 0; ::::; goo. For internal incidence, you
should limit 0; to values less than the critical angle. Plot Equations 3.47 - 3.50 and
compare your results to Figure 3. 13.
There arc many options for plotting these functions. Your favori te spreadsheet
wi ll do a fine job.
Unl ess there is total internal reflecti on, the amplitude ratios g iven by the Fresnel equations
for non-absorbing dielectrics are real, so the only possible phase shifts for the transmitted
and reflected waves relative to the incide nt wave are zero and rr. The angles 0; and Ot are
always acute, so the values given by Equations 3.25 and 3.32 fort.l and t u are positive for all
incident angles. This means that our initial guess for the field directions of the transmitted
rays indicated in Figures 3.9 and 3. 10 were correct. For normal incidence, it is also clear
that th e transmitted beams are not phase shifted, since in thi s case the re lative ori entations
of E and jj arc identical for the incident and transmitted beams. For nonzero angles of
inc ide nce, the direction of propagation for the transmitted rays changes according to Snell 's
law, and we may define the deviation angle between the incident and transmitted beams,
which according to Figure 3.2 is Oa = 0; - Ot. A propagation reversal occurs whenever
IOdl exceeds goo. According to Snell's law, there is never a propagation reversal between
the incident and transmitted rays. We interpret a 7f phase shift for rays with no propagation
reversal according to Figure 3.14(a). Accord ing to this conventi on, the transmitted ray is
never phase-shifted for all angles of external inc idence. For internal incidence, t.t and /.11
are both positive for incident angles less than the critical ang le (see Problem 3.39), IOd I is
again less than goo, and again the re is no phase change. To summarize, the transmitted ray
is never phase-shifted for any polarization or a ny angle of incidence.
From the plots shown in Figures 3.13, it is evident that r.1 and r ucan be positi ve or
negative depending on the angle of incidence. If these ampli tude ratios are negative, then
we did not guess the field directions correctly in Figures 3.9 and 3. 10. Since ei" = - 1,
it is tempting to also interpret a negative value as a phase shift of 7f. However, since the
propagation may reverse for the reflected ray, this must be done with care.
Figure 3.1 4(b) is similar to our initial guess in Figure 3.9, except that it has been
modified to show the true field directi ons be fore and after external reflection for the case
o f E .l polarization. According to our calculations, l'x.l is negative for all incident angles.
Thus, Eo; and E0 ,. point in opposite directions, as shown. It is also clear from the figu re
that for small angles of incidence the propagation of the reflected rays reverses. In order to
__Jr, -;.-_J
Bo,· k,.
Bar Eor - - E )(
6.¢ = 7r
B,rl !
\1 k; ,,
~---- -:. . ,-~. . . . =-. .;
=- -:....:.-_-_ - _- - - -
Figm e 3.14 (a) Definition of a 1r phase shift for the case where there is no propagation reversal.
(b) Extemal incidence of the E.L polarization showing the tme orientations of all fie lds when the
ang le of incidence is s mall. In this case, there is a propagation reversal between the incident and
reflected rays. (c) Defin ition of a 1r phase shift for the case where there is a propagation reversal. (d)
External incidence of the E.L polarization showing the tme orientations of all fields when the angle
of incidence is large. In this case, there is no propagation reversal between the incident and reflected
reverse the propagation of a transverse electromagnetic wave, it is necessary that one (but
not both) of the field directions reverse. Whether or not to interpret the situation of Figure
3. 14(b) as a phase change should be based on observation; na mely, the phase changes
fo r normal incidence that determine whether constructi ve or destructive interference is
observed for reflection from thin films 6 :
I. For external incidence (11; < 11t). the reflected wave is phase-shifted by 1r.
2. For internal incidence (n; > 11 1), the reflected wave is not phase-shifted.
These observations are consistent with an interpretation of Figure 3. 14(b) as a 1r phase shift.
Figure 3.14(c) illustrates the corresponding convention for the case of normal incidence
when the propagat ion reverses. Notice that the D.¢ = 0 case (no phase change) is identical
to the incident wave if you inve rt the page, so this conventi on is both observationally
and in tuitively correct. For large angles of incidence, there is no longer any propagation
reversal, as illustrated in Figure 3.14(d). Accordi ng to the convention of Figure 3.14(a),
there is still a phase change of 1r. Thus, the phase of a E1_ polarized beam is phase-shifted
by 1r for all angles of external incidence.
6See any introductory physics text (e.g Halliday, Resnick and Walker [II )).
Eo ~
V •
, ' Eo,.
~ f
fj k,.
-- ------t: Eo,.
(a) (b)
Figure 3.15 (a) Extemal incidence of the Eupolarization showing the tme orientations of all fields
for ang le of incidence that is less than Brewster's angle. (b) Same as (a), but for a large angle of
To determine the phase shifts for external incidence of En polarization, consider Figure
3.15. Figure 3. 15(a) shows the true orientation of all fields for external incidence of En
polarization for an angle of incidence that is less than Brewster's angle. When 0; > 08, rn
is positive, giving the field directions shown in Figure 3.l5(b).
The reflected ray in Figure 3.15(a) undergoes a propagation reversal, and accordi ng to
the convention of Figure 3. 14(c), we interpret this as a phase shift of 1r. On the other hand,
the reflected ray of Figure 3. 15(b) does not undergo a propagation reversal, and by Figure
3.14(a) is also phase-shifted by n even though r11 for this case is positive. The sign transition
at Brewster's angle is due to Equation 3.35; here, the reflected and transmitted rays are 90°
apart. For 0; < 08, the reflected ray has a propagation reversal relative to the transmitted
ray, and for 0; > 08 , there is no such propagation reversal. The conventions of Figures
3. 14(a) and 3.14(c) indicate for both cases a phase shift of n relative to the transmitted
ray, which as we have shown is never phase-shifted relative to the incident wave. Thus,
the phase of a En polarized beam is phase-shifted for all angles of external incidence. To
summarize this and the previous result, we conclude that an externally reflected wave is
always phase-shifted by n regardless of polarization 7 .
It remains to investigate internal! y reflected rays. Fori nternal incidence we must consider
three cases: 0; < 0Bi, 0Bi :::; 0; :::; Be and 0; > Oc. Comparing the reflection ratios for
internal versus external incidence in Figure 3.13 shows a reversal in sign in each of the first
two cases, so by the same arguments used above, the phase shifts for internal incidence are
opposite to those for external incidence when 0; < Oc. Therefore, for internal incidence
and 0; < Oc. the reflection phase shift is zero for all beam polarizations.
When 0; > Oc. there is total internal reflection. The phase shifts 6.¢ are then given by
the phase angles C{J.L and CfJII found in Section 3.5.3. For a given angle of incidence, the
phase shift is larger for the En polarization, and in both cases varies continuously from
zero ton (see Problem 3. 18). Figure 3. 16 shows the phase shift difference tlcp = VJn - cp.L
versus incident angle for two values of n;/nt. For n;/nt = 1.50, the maximum value of
tlcp is about 45°; in Chapter 5, we will see how to usc this effect to prepare light with
circular polarization.
= 2.42
20 60 80 0;
Figure 3.16 Relative phase shift = l.f'll - l.f'.L for total internal reflection.
I . For all angles of external incidence (n; < lh), the reflected wave is phase-shifted by
2. For internal incidence (n; > n 1 ), the reflected wave is never phase-shifted when
0; <Be.
3. For internal incidence with 0; > Be. the E1_ polarization is phase-shifted according
to Equation 3.41 , and the Err polari zat ion is phase-shifted according to Equation
Problem 3.10 Find Brewster's ang le for internal and external inc idence upon an air-
diamond in terface. Assume an index of refractio n of 2.42 for diamond.
Problem 3.11 Fi nd the critical angle for total internal reflection at an air-glass (n = 1.50)
interface. Repeat fo r an air-diamond (n = 2.42) interface.
Problem 3.12 Show that the phase shift for total internal reflection of the En polarizat ion
is given by
Problem 3.14 Using a block of transparent, unknown material, it is found that a beam of
light inside the material is totally internall y reflected at the air-block interface at a minimum
angle of 42.6 degrees. What is the index of refraction of th is material?
Problem 3.15 A glass block havi ng an index of 1.68 is covered with a layer of plastic
whose index is 1.'16. What is the critical angle for total internal reflection?
Problem 3.16 For glass of index 1.52 immersed in ai r,
a) calculate the critical angle fo r total interna l reflectio n,
b) find the phase shift for total internal reflection when the incident beam is polarized
perpendicular to the plane of incidence and the angle of incidence is 60°.
c) Repeat (b) for E11 polarization.
Problem 3.17 Glass of index 1.50 is immersed in air. If the angle of inc idence is 55° ,
find the tota l internal reflection phase shift difference between E ll and E.1. polari zati on.
Problem 3 .18 Plot the reflection phase shifts cp.l and CfJII for total interna l reflection at
glass (11 = 1.50) and diamond (n = 2.42) interfaces immersed in air. Note that they vary
continuously from zero to -rr for both polarizations. Usc these to reproduce the plots of
Figure 3. 16.
Problem 3.19 Plot the phase difference ~ cp = cpu - cp.l vs. (}i > Be for internal incidence
on a water-air interface.
In thi s section, we use the amplitude ratios found in Section 3.4 to determine the fract ion
of power in the incident beam that is reflected from and transmitted across an interface that
separates two media. The fraction of incident p ower that is reflected is called the reflectivity
R, and the fraction of transmitted power is called the tmnsmissivity T 8 .
Consider an incident beam wit h c ircular cross section that is incident on an interface wi th
incident angle Oi as shown in Figure 3. 17. For simplicity, assume that the beam irradiance
is uniform over its cross section. T he incident, reflected and transmitted beams all intersect
within a "spot" on the interface whose area we define as A. In terms of the spot area, the
incident and reflected beams have cross-sectional area equal to
Ai = Ar = Acos Oi (3.5 1)
However, since the transmitted beam leaves the interface at the refracted angle 01 , it has a
differe nt cross-sectional area:
At = A cos B1. (3.52)
In Chapter 2, we defi ned the irradiance as the time average of the Poynting vector
8Renectivity and transmissivity depend only on material properties. TI1e related termsreflectance and transmit-
/mice can depend on the material dimensions. For example, thin films have rcncctance and transmittance that are
affected by interference.
A cos(fh)
Figure 3.17 Cylindrical beam (shown in cross section) incident on an inte1face at incident angle
8;. The incide nt beam illuminates a spot of area A on the interface. The incident beam has a
cross-sectional area Acos(B;) and the transmitted beam has cross-sectio nal area Acos(O,).
where we have used the fact that n = ..,!l(E. The irradi ance of each beam in Figure 3. 17
is equal to the beam power divided by its cross-sectional area.
The reflectivity is the ratio of reflected to incident power. Since each beam power is the
product of the irrad iance and the cross-sectional area, this gives
T = ____
tran smitted__:___
power ltA eosOt 11 cos Bt
·incident JJOwer I ;A cos B; l; cos B;
The transmitted beam travels within a region where the index of refraction is n 1 , and
Equation 3.53 gives
The explicit form of Rand T may be g iven for the two polarization states illustrated in
Figure 3.8. For the E1. polarization,
R1. =r 2 = (n ;cos B; -ntcosBt) (3.58)
1. n ; cos B; + n1 cos Ot
= 1
Notice that this result is valid for both external and internal incidence.
If T is complex, as is the case for total internal reflection, then R is equal to the
magnitude-squared of r:
From Equations 3.39, 3.44, and 3.55, we see that for internal incidence, R.1. = R11 = 1
when the incident angle exceeds the critical angle .
• EXA:MPLE 3.9
Find values of the reflectivity and transmissivity for normal incidence when the
incident medium is air and the transmitted medium is g lass with n = 1.50. Repeat
the calculation when the incident medium is glass and the transmitted medi um is air.
The polarization states E 1. and Ell are physically identical at normal incidence,
' - n 1.)
R .L -- R II -- ( n·
n·+n (3.63)
l t.
rp 4n;nt
T ..L =-'-u = (n;+nt)
2 (3 .64)
Substituting 11; = 1.00 and nt = 1.50 for the indices of air and glass g ives R =
0.0400 and T = 0.960. Clearly, the roles of n; and nt can be reversed above without
affecting the results, so Rand T have the same values when the incident medium
is g lass and the transmitted medium is air. Thus, ,1% of the incident beam power is
reflected and 96% is transmitted for both external and internal incidence. At normal
incidence, a glass slab (e.g. windowpane) reflects about 4% of externally incident
light. About 4% of the remaining light is reflected internally. For a glass windowpane
or uncoated glass lens, about 8% of incident light is removed by re flection. These
percentages are of course hi gher for materials with a larger index of refract ion.
20 40 GO 80 0;
Figme 3.18 Reflectivity and Transmissivity for extemal incidence when 11; = 1.00 and 11 1 = 1.50.
Figure 3. 18 shows plots of R..L, R u. T..L , a nd Tu vs. 0; for external incidence when
11; = 1.00 and 11 1 = 1.50. The value of each quantity at normal inc idence was computed
in Examples 3.9 and the value of Brewster's angle was calculated in Example 3.5. R ..L and
R u are plotted for internal incidence (11; = 1.50, 11 1 = 1.00) in Figure 3. 19; in thi s case,
T..L and 7l1 are not shown, but can be determined from the relati on that R + T = 1 as shown
in Example 3.8.
Note that R u = 0 and7l1 = 1 at Brewster's angle for both external and internal incidence.
For internal incidence, R u rises sharply from zero at B~ to one at Be. The steepness of the
curve in this reg ion depends on the ratio n ;/ n1 •
0 .2
20 40 60 80 0;
Figure 3.19 Reflectivity for internal incidence when ll i = 1.00 and lit = 1.50.
Generate plots of reflectivity vs. incident angle for external and internal incidence
on an air-diamond interface.
As in Example 3.7, we use Snell 's law to express Rand T in terms of B;:
4n;n1 cosO;
80 0;
For external incidence, use n ; = 1.00 and 11 1 = 2.42. Finish the Example by plotting
the above functions, and compare your results to Figure 3.20.
When discussing total internal reflection in Section 3.5.3 we noted that the boundary
conditions determined in Section 3.3. 1 require a wave to be transmitted across the boundary
even when the incident ray is totally reflected. However, no energy is transmitted across
the interface when B; > Oc. In this section we see how this can occur, and we determine
the properties of this transmitted wave, commonly called the eva11esce11t wave.
Let the plane of incidence be the x-y plane as shown in Figure 3.21, and Jet the wave
transmitted across the interface be given by
_ y,o, ,
/, I ' '
incident medium ' 1
', X
Figure 3.21 Internal incidence (n; > nt). Note that the incident beam arrives from below.
where Bot represents an arbitrary state of polarization. fn Figure 3.21 , the propagation
vector of the transmitted wave lies in the first quadrant, giving
From Figure 3.21, k 1x = k 1 sin Bt and kty = kt cos Ot. As in Section 3.5.3, cos Bt is
imaginary when 0; > Be:
cosBt =VI- 2
sin Bt = i - 1
ktx = kt (~
The transmitted wave forB; > Oc is then given by
The fi rst exponential term rapidly damps the evanescent wave to zero in the direction
normal to the inte1jace. Even for incident angles only slightly larger than the critical angle,
the evanescent wave has negligible amplitude after just a few wavelengths of penetrat ion
into the transmitted medium. So far, we have assumed non-absorbing dielectrics, so by
energy conservation, the wave is totally reflected, and T = 0 for all polarizations. In the
next section, we consider materials where the absorption is not zero.
If the transmitted medium is modified before the evanescent wave damps to zero, energy
can be transmitted across the interface. Figure 3.22 illustratesfrustmted total reflection
produced by two prisms separated by a gap that is a fraction of a wavelength wide. The
incident beam encounters the internal surface of the first prism at an angle greater than the
critical angle. Nevertheless, a beam transmits into the second prism if it can be positioned
close enough to the first prism such that the evanescent wave can couple into it before
damping to zero. The width of the gap determines the amount of energy transmitted
across "forbidden region." This is the classical optical analog of the quantum mechanical
phenomenon of tunneling. By adjusting the width of the gap, the arrangement in Figure
3.22 can be used as a variable attenuator.
Figure 3.22 Fmstrated total reflection. The gap between the two prisms is a fraction of a wavelength
Problem 3.24 Find values of the reflectivity and transmissivity for an angle of incidence
B; = 20° when the incident medium is air and the transmitted medium is glass with
n = 1.50. Repeat the calculation for internal incidence.
Problem 3.25 Find values of the reflectivity and transmissivity for an angle of incidence
(); = 20° when the incident medium is water (n = 1.33) and the transmitted medium is
glass with n = 1.50. Repeat the calculation for internal incidence.
Problem 3.26 Find values of the reflectivity and transmissivity for an angle of incidence
0; = 80° when the incident medium is air and the transmitted medium is glass with
n = 1.50. Repeat the calculation for internal incidence.
Problem 3.27 Generate plots of reflectivity vs. incident angle for external and internal
incidence on an air-water interface.
Problem 3.28 Fill in all algebraic details leading to equations 3.58-3.61 for RJ., T J. ,
RJI. and T11.
In this section, we take a closer look at the index of refraction, and how it depends on
the material properties of the medium. It is usually the case that the index of refraction
of a material varies with frequency, and if this is the case, the material is said to exhibit
dispersion. For most optical materials (i.e., materials that are transparent in the visible),
the index of refraction is larger in the blue than for the red. As we will examine in more
detail in Chapter 4, dispersion causes a prism to spread a white light beam into a rainbow
of colors. Also, many optical materials exhibit abs01ption over some or all of the optical
spectrum, and as we will see below, a material 's absorptive and dispersive properties are
very much related.
A quantitative discussion of dispersion and absorption requires the quantum theory of
solids. However, we can obtain a qualitative understanding and some useful intuitions of
these effects based on some very simple models based on classical physics.
It is customary to define a new field called the electric polarization9 P, defined as the
dipole moment per unit volume:
P= Np (3.67)
where N is the number of dipole moments per unit volume (units: m - 3 ). In Figure 3.23(b),
we may define the dipole moment of the entire dielectric volume according to Equation
3.66: p =(abA) d. Thus, the magnitude of the electric polarization is obtained by P
dividing (abA) d by the volume of the dielectric Ad, giving P =ab . Noting that on either
surface, the bound charge has the opposite sign as the free charge that polarizes the material,
it appears that
ab = P · f~ (3.68)
where ·h is the ollfward unit normal to the dielectric surface. This is in fact the case, and
holds for any shape dielectric surface of arbitrary polarization P.
(a) +
~ j) +
+- +- +- +- +
+- +- e,+- +-
~ _...
+- +- +- +- n. z + n.
+- +- +- +- +
(b) -+:::;--- +
+- +- Eb +- +- +
+- +- +- +- +
+- +- +- +-
+- +- j) +- +- (c)
at ab
Figure 3.23 (a)A molecule with dipole moment ji. (b) A dielectric slab between two conducting
plates. (c) The local electric field in a small spherical cavity inside a dielectric.
The total electric field E within the dielectric is due to the sum of both free and bound
charge distributions:
E = a f - ab = E f - p (3.69)
Eo Eo
where the minus sign on ab acknowledges that it tends to cancel a 1.
The electric polarization Pis due to the molecular orientation caused by the total electric
field E. For linear dielectrics, the polarization is proportional to E:
where Xe is the electric susceptibility (unitless). Combining the last two results gives
Et = (l+xe)E (3.71)
9 The reader should be careful not to confuse electric polarization as discussed in this section with the polarization
of an electromagnetic wave.
As in Chapter 2, the total electric field E for linear isotropic dielectric materials may be
obtained from Ef by multiplying t:o by the dielectric constant Ke:
E= ...!!L_ = EJ
Kcfo Ke
Combining this with the previous result determines the relationship between the dielectric
constant K e and the electric susceptibility:
K c = 1 + Xe (3.72)
As shown in Chapter 2, the index of refraction n given by the square root of the dielectric
n= ffc (3.73)
As we proceed to model the optical properties of dielectric materials, we shift our em-
phasis from the static external electric field Ef produced by the free charge distribution
of Figure 3.23, to consider instead the rapidly oscillating electric field of a passing elec-
tromagnetic wave. As we will sec, the ability of such a rapidly changing field to induce
a dielectric polarization P is a function of frequency, and this makes Xe · K e. and n all
functions of frequency as well. Our goal is to find the dependence of index of refraction n
on the frequency of the electromagnetic wave.
To model a dielectric on the microscopic scale, we imagine that electrons are bound
to nuclei by linear springs that obey Hooke's law. In this model, the electric field of
a passing electromagnetic wave places a force on the electron that stretches the spring,
thereby inducing a dipole moment. However, the electric field of the passing wave is not
the only field that acts on the electron; we must also account for the effects of nearby
dielectric molecules. We will refer to this total electric field as the local field.
Let E be the electric field of the passing electromagnetic wave, and let E1, be the field that
results from nearby polarized dielectric molecules. To find E1, we imagine the molecule
to be enclosed within a tiny spherical volume of radius R, as illustrated in Figure 3.23.
Since Ub = P · f1, the left half of the sphere has positive bound charge and the right half
is charged negatively. The electric field E1, results from this bound charge. We note that
the charge distribution has cylindrical symmetry about the horizontal axis (z-axis in Figure
3.23), so the transverse components of the local field vanish after integration. Integrating
dEz = dE cos() in spherical coordinates, we obtain:
211' 11'
E =
jj [(PcosB) ] cosBR2 sinBdBd<p
Strictly, we have found Ep at the center of the spherical volume. Remarkably, Ep is uniform
throughout the spherical volume 10 . The local field at the position of the electron is thus
10See Example 2 in Chapter 4 of Grifliths [9) for a demonstration that a bound c harge of P · 11 on the surface of
a sphere due to a uniform f5 gives a uniform electric field of magnitude P /3fo inside the sphere.
The local electric field causes the spring to stretch, thereby inducing a dipole moment.
We assume a dipole moment that is proportional to the local field:
p= t:oaEr,
where a is the atomic polarizability. By Equations 3.67 and 3.75, we have
Xc = 1 - (Na/3)
2 No
n = 1+ 1 - (Na/3)
d2x dx 2 E -iwt
2 d - mw0 x + e oe
= -1117- (3.78)
d1 t
where the first term on the right is the resistive damping force whose value depends on the
constant 'Y (units: s- 1 ). The second term is the Hooke's law restoring force, and the third
is the driving force provided by the local electric field (for simplicity, at x = 0) due to the
electromagnetic wave. Rearrangement gives
(3 .79)
We assume an osci llation of the electron position that is at the same frequency as the dri ving
force: x = xoe- iwt. Substituting this into Equation 3.79 gives
This displacement determines the dipole moment of the e lectron-spring system: p = ex.
Since P = Np,
- Ne2 E
P= m
w~ - w2 - 'i"fw
Finally, since P = JV(EonE), Na· is given by
1V L
iVa· = mco
w~- w2 - 'i"fw
So far, our model is a bit unrealistic in that we have only allowed for one value of Hooke 's
law spri ng constant. In a typical dielectric, there may be any number of available electronic
transitions, each characterized by a different spring constant. Let Wj be the resonant
frequency of the j -th Hooke's law spring, and let Nj be the number of electrons per unit
volume that are bound by such a spring. Combining the last result with the Clausius-
Mossotti equation gives
n2 - 1
3_ __ ="""' N-L
J m co
n2 + 2 7 wJ - w
- hiw
It is customary to define the oscillator strellgth fi such that Nj = IJN. Substituting this
into the last result and rearranging gives
n -1
Ne 2 L fj
n2 +2 = 3mEo j w]- w2 - i"fJw
where the symbol k denotes that the index of refraction is now also complex:
- 27r w w . ) w n,. .w 1lim ./3
k = - = -n = - (n ,. + Ill; = - - + 'l -- = k + 1.- (3.83)
,\ c c c c 2
where f3 is the absoJ}Jtioll coejficie11t (units: m.- 1 ).
f3 = 2wn;, (3.84)
Note that we have used the previous symbol k to represent the real part of the complex k.
The traveling e lectromagnetic wave is now given by
E- = E-oe _/I,_
2 e
i(l.- z-wt )
w'• 10'5
w(rad/s) w (•·adfs)
(a) (b)
Figure 3.24 Equation 3.8 1 applied to silicon dioxide. The dashed ve11icallines indicate the visible
spectnun. (a) An absorption band at 160 mn (b) Two absorption bands: 160 n m and 5.0 11m.
• EXAMPLE 3.11
Use Equation 3.81 to investigate dispersion in fused silica glass. Use GOg/mole
and a density of 2.55 for Si02. Assume a UV absorption line at 160 nm., which is a
known absorption band for quartz.
Let N be the number of Si02 atoms per unit volume. First find the volume of a
3 3
, = ( 60 gjmo{e ) ( ----
Tf 1 'In ) = 2 35xl o - 5 -·m- -
2.55gjcm3 100 cm · mole
Use this to find N :
N = 6.023 x 10 n;:leculesjmole = 2 _56 x 102s m - 3
Using e = 1.6 x 10- 19 C, m = 9.11 x 10- 31 kg and Eo= 8.854 x 10- 12 C 2 jNm2
in Equation 3.81 gives
= (2.71 x 103 1 s - 2 )
Na (
w5- wf2 - .
3 +2Na
3- Na
11Most optical detectors measure power rathe r than fi eld amplitude.
For most transparent materials, 11,. increases with frequency. The sudden decrease of n,.
in the vicinity of an absorption feature (see Figure 3.24) is called anomalous dispersion.
- 0.005
Figure 3.25 Equation 3.87 applied to a gas with 30 gfmolc at standard temperature and pressure,
assuming absorption features at 200nm and 2.00 pm. The 200 mn feature uses /t = 0.5 and
11 = wt/50. The 2.00 pm feature uses h = 0.005 and ')'2 = w2jSO. Smaller values of 1 give
sharper resonances with larger peak values of n im . Vet1ical dashed lines indicate the visible spectnun.
= 1.00024 at 650nm and n,. = 1.00029 at 1150 nm, compared to experimental values
11 ,.
of n,. = 1.00029188 at 656.4 nm and n,. = 1.00029713 at 435.8 nm12.
It is useful to separate the quantity 11 2 into real and imaginary parts. Begin wi th
Equation 3.87, and multiply numerator and denominator of the term under the sum sign by
the complex conjugate of the denominator to give
112 _ ( 1 + Ne
L fJ (wJ -2 w )
) + i ( Ne2 L fJ'yw )
· - mfo j (wJ _ w2) + 1']w2 11lfo j (wJ _ w2) 2 + f']w2
= (n,. + 'i1l;m) 2 = 11?.- nrm + i (2n,.n;m)
The real and imaginary parts of n 2 are
2 2 N e2
n - n - = 1 + --
L fJ (wJ - w2)
Ill€ ( 2 2) 2 2 2
,. llll
o i wi - w + l'jw
2n,-11;m -_ -
Ne- " "
L.t Jif'w
2 (3.89)
1w;o (wJ _ w2) + f'JW2
For transparent gases, n,. ~ 1 and n,. >> 11;. Under these circumstances,
we may
develop some approximate formu las. First consider Equation 3.88, and note that since n,.
>> n;,11 , we may ignore the term nr,w Since n,. ~ 1, we may use the binomial expansion:
(1 + x)" ~ 1 + 11x for lxl << 1. Takingthesquarerootofbothsidesandapplyingthis
approximation with n = ~ gives
"' Ne ""
2 fJ (wJ - w
n,. = 1 + - - L.t 2
2mEo j (wJ _ w2) + f'JW2
In Equation 3.89, we may substitute n,. ~ 1 and solve for 11; 111 to give
For frequencies sufficiently far from resonance, we may ignore the damping term in
Equation 3.90, giving
Ne 2 J·
n ,. = 1 + - - ""
2mfo 7 (wJ- w J
which simplifies to
Jt wJJ·) it wJJ·)
n - 1+ -
Ne- _L + (- -
N e2 _2._ w2 (3.93)
r - ( 2mfo 2mfo
12 Sce S. A. Korff and G. Breit, "Optical Dispersion," Re1•. Mod. Plrys. , 4: 471-503 (1932).
n,. = 1 +A+ >.2 (3.94)
Thus, away from resonance, the dispersion varies as one over the wavelength-squared .
• EXAMPLE 3.12
Estimate the val ues of n,. and n im at resonance using the parameter values of Figure
The approximations used above may not be appropriate close to resonance. For
example, let the j = 1 resonance be the 2.0011111 feature of Figure 3.25, and let
1 1 = 8twl. At resonance, 'll;m approaches
For an ideal gas, we use the fact that at ST P, one mole occupies 22.4 x w- 3 m3 to
giveN = 2.69 x 1025 m - 3 . Define wp such th at
Thus, at resonance,
Problem 3 .29 Add an infrared absorption line to the glass modeled in Example 3. 11.
Figure 3.24(b) uses a 1 factor of one third the infrared resonant angular frequency, and an
oscillator strength of 0.001 wit h an infrared absorption line centered at >. = 5.0 pm.
Problem 3.30 (a) Repeat Example 3.12 for the 200 nm absorption feature of Figure 3.25.
(b) Estimate n,. and n;,n for air at 550 nm. using the parameter values of Figure 3.25.
Problem 3.31 Write a computer program that uses the model of Equation 3.87 to inves-
tigate the index of refraction for air. Use the parameter values of Figure 3.25 as a starting
Conductors have free conduction electrons that flow in response to external electric fields.
To account for the induced currents within conducting materials, we need a general form
of Ohm's law. Consider a conducting material in the shape of a cylinder or parallelepiped
with cross-sectional area A, length d, and connected to a voltage source 11, as shown in
Figure 3.26. In terms of the resistivity p (units: nm), the resistance of the piece of material
is given by
R = pA
The resistance R determines the current I that flows through the material according to
Ohm's law expressed as 11 = JR. This current flows because of the electric field E that
exists within the material, due to the potential difference placed across it by the voltage
source V. Assuming a uniform electric field, we obtain
We define the current density J as a vector with magnitude I/ A (units: C / m.2 ) and direction
given by the direction of E. We also define the conductivity u = 1/ p (units: (nm.) - 1 ),
giving 13
This expresses Ohm's law in terms of the electric field, current density, and the conductivity
of the material.
d A
+ --/
+ E
J p
I 11
We may model the conductivity for static fields by defining a damping term 1 that
causes individ ual conduction electrons to reach a terminal velocity. As in Equation 3.78,
13 De careful not to confuse electrical conductil•ity with surface charge density, which also uses the symbol a .
nry- = eE
giving a terminal velocity of
The resulting current density is due to the collective movement of the free electrons
Ne 2
J = Nevt=--E
Ne 2
a=-- (3.95)
We may include the effects of free conduction electrons using an equation similar to
Equation 3.78 with the restori ng force re moved:
We could also include the effects of bound electrons, as in Equation 3.78, wh ich in gold and
copper give the metal a distinctive color. In many cases, however, the absorption effects
of bound electrons can be ignored for conducting media. We also ignore any contribution
to the local field by bound charge distributions, assuming such effects to be reduced by
available free charges. Since unbound charges have a resonance frequency of zero, we find
n? = 1 + N e2 ( f ) (3.97)
mEo -w2 + i')'w
where f is the number of conduction electrons per atom, and 1 is defined above. Define
the plasmafreque/lcy Wp such that
Wp =e {NT (3.98)
Usi ng this, Equation 3.97 becomes
For good conductors at higher frequencies, we may neglect the damping term :
• EXAMPLE 3.13
(a) Find "' for copper with density 8 .95 gf cm3 , 63.5 gf mole, one conduction electron
per atom, and a conductivity of 5. 88 x 10 7 (itm )- 1 . (b) Find plasma frequencies for
copper and for the ionosphere when N = 1011 m.3 .
(a) Following Example 3. I I, we find that for copper, N = 8.49 x 1028 atomsj m 3 .
Equation 3.95 gives
,\ ')' = - = 46.4Jt111
The number density N in the ionosphere fluctuates, reaching peak values during
periods of high solar illumination. Shortwave radio signals propagate worldwide due
to reflections from the ionosphere. The upper limi t of the shortwave band is 30 MHz.
Effects due to "' can be neglected when w > > "f. In thi s cnse, Equation 3. I 00 becomes
n= v1--:j (3 .101)
For frequencies less than the plasma frequency, the index of refraction becomes imaginmy,
with n,. = 0 and 11; 111 g iven by
Usc the Fresnel equations to find the normal-incide nce reflectivity and absorpti vity
of a material with n = n,. + 'i 11; 111 • Evaluate numerically at 560 mn for al uminum
(n = 0.92 + i6. 79) and silver (n = 0.12 + i3.45). Assume an incident mediu m with
n; = 1.00.
R= In-+ 11
n l
= (n ,. -
1):+ n7m
+ 1) + n 2zm
(3. 105)
1- R = 1 -
(n,.- 1)2 +
2 2
(n,. + 1) - (n,. - 1)
_ 4n,.
(n,. + 1) + n; 111
(n,. + 1) + nrm - (n,. + 1)
+ nrm
we identify the absorptivity A:
_ 4n,.
A - (3.106)
(n,. + 1) 2 + n;,
For silver,
4 12
A= (0.
) = 0 .0365
(1.12) + (3.45) 2
and the reflectivity is 96.4 %. For aluminum,
4 92
A = (0.
) = 0 .0739
( 1. 92) + (6.79) 2
with a reflectivity of 92.6 %.
For good conductors with 1 < < wp. there is a large range of frequencies for which
n,. << n;, . From Snell 's law,
. 1l i .
Sll1 Bt = - Sill B;
g iving
'11; ) 2 . 2
cosBt = 1- ( -1lt Sll1 B;
For good conductors and frequencies well under the plasma frequency, n,. is small and
11 ; 111 is large. U nder these circumstances, the second term under the square root in the last
equation can be neglected to give cos 81 ~ 1. This means that the transmitted beam travels
approximately normal to the conductor surface for all angles of incidence. Since n;m is
large, the absorption coefficient is also large (see Equation 3.84), and the beam transmitted
into the conductor is rapidly attenuated. Figure 3.27 shows R1. and Ru for gold at 10 pm
where it is a good refl ector, and at 450 mn where its reflectivity is poor.
Photoconducting Detectors
R 11 , '150nm
0 90
Figure 3.27 Reflectivity for gold at 10 Jlln where n 11.5 + i67.5, and at 450 nm where
11= 1.40 + il.88.
Scattering occurs when electromagnetic waves interact with particles. If the particles have
diameters much larger than the wavelength, the scattering can be understood mostly on a
basis of reflection and refraction. Examples of large-particle scattering include rainbows
and scattering from clouds. Scattering from all sizes of spherical particles can be calculated
rigorously using Mie scattering thcory 14, which takes Maxwell's equations as a starting
point, and thus includes effects of di_Oi·action. In Rayleigh scattering' S, the particle size is
much smaller than the scattering wavelength. Both Rayleigh scattering and large-particle
scattering can utilize simplifying assumptions, but when the particle size is on the order
of the scattering wavelength, Mie scattering must be used. It just so happens that Earth's
atmosphere has just the right buoyancy to suspend particles that arc about equal to the
wavelength of visible light.
Rayleigh scattering makes the daytime sky blue. Equation 3.80 gives the periodic dis-
placement amplitude of a Hooke's Jaw electron interacting with a passing electromagnetic
wave. Clean air has very little absorption, and well away from resonances, this amplitude
is inversely proportional to w 2 , or directly proportional to ,\2 . The scattering resu lts from
radiation by the accelerating electron, which is proportional to the square of the oscillation
amplitude. Hence, the Rayleigh scattering is inversely proportional to X1, and blue is
scattered more effectively than red.
Fjgurc 3.29 Polarization by scaltering. Scaltering at right angles is completely polarized; at other
ang les the polarization is pm1ial.
In most cases, light scattered from particles is partially polarized. As illustrated in Figure
3.29, transverse electromagnetic waves scattered at ri ght angles cannot have a polarization
~Gu s 1avMic (I 869- I 957).
ISJohn Slrull, Lord Rayleigh ( 1842- I 9 19).
sunlight rain
... ......
.... ..
. .. (b)
.. ::.:
• I • : ~• •
..:.. .....
..... •'
(c) I.
.·.... .
e I I I
: . '......
:~ .::·: ·.
Figure 3.30 (a) Ray path for the primary rainbow. (b) Geometry that determines the observation
angles for primary and secondary rainbows. (c) Ray path for the secondary rainbow. Rainbows Rainbows are formed when sunlight is backscattered from rain-
drops. Surface tension causes raindrops to be almost perfectly spherical, and they are often
large enough to allow diffraction effects to be neglected . Figure 3.30(a) shows a light ray
incident on a drop at angle B;, refracting into the drop at angle Ot. Because the two radii
form an isosceles triangle, this ray reflects off the back surface with an incident angle of
Bt. and refracts back into air at the original angle 0; . We determine the deviation angle
Od between the incident and final backscattered ray as follows. The first refraction gives
a deviation of B; - flt. The reflection contri butes a deviation of 180° - 2Bt. Finally, the
last refraction deviates the beam another fac tor of B; - Bt. The net deviation for a single
internal reflection is
To find the minimum deviation angle Bd,min• define a new parameter 11 = sin 0;. Note
that as u varies between zero and one, B; varies between zero and 90°. According to Snell's
law, Equation 3. 107 can be expressed as follows:
;l sin- 1 (au)= n
c·u VI- (au)2
the derivative of od with respect to 'tL is
dOc~ 2
= --===
J1 - ·u.2
To find the minimum deviation angle, set the last result to zero and solve for u:
'U = j4 -;712 (3. 109)
• EXAMPLE 3.15
Describe the rainbow that results if the index of refraction of water is 1.331 in the
red, and 1.344 in the violet.
For red, Equation 3.109 gives u = 0.86187. This gives B; = 59.53°, fh = 40.36°,
and a minimum deviation angle of Bd,min = 137.63°. An observer sees this angle at
180 - Be~ = 42.4° above a line passing from the Sun to the eye. This line extends
to any point that is opposite the Sun (an antisolar point). For example, such a line
passes from the tip of your head to the tip of your shadow, in the direction away from
the Sun.
For violet, ·u = 0.8551, 0; = 58.77°, Bt = 39.51°, Bc~, min = 139.49°. The
observer sees this angle at 40.5° above the antisolar point.
The entire rainbow is about 2° wide. It is circular because of the circular symmetry
about the antisolar point. Colors range from red at the outer circumference to violet
at the inner circumference. Scattering at angles for which Be~ exceeds the minimum
value creates an increase in brightness below the rainbow, but because these angles
can receive contributions from many wavelengths, the brightness here appears white.
Likewise, there is no scattering at angles greater than 42.4° from the antisolar point,
and this area appears dark, giving Ale.mnder's dark band (see Figure 3.30(b)).
To observe a rainbow, the Sun must be low in the sky and reasonably unobstructed
by clouds. The atmosphere in the direction of the antisolar point must contain
suspended rain drops, ideally with diameters of 1-2 mm. Your shadow points the
Figure 3.30(c) shows a ray path with an additional reflection. This causes a secondmy
rainbow that is formed a bit higher in the sky. The deviation angle for this case is
The minimum deviation angle for the secondary rainbow occurs at Oi ~ 72° with the
minimum value of ed,min greater for violet than for red, so the inside of the secondary
rainbow is red, and the outer circumference is violet (see Problem 3.34). From Figure
3.30(c), it is seen that the secondary rainbow contributes no scattered rays below the arc of
the bow; thus, Alexander's band remains dark (see Figure 3.30(b)). See Figure 3.31.
Figm·e 3.31 Double rainbow over the Very Large Array (VLA) radio telescope at SocorTOW, New
Mexico. The d ark region between the two rainbows is Alexander's dark band. (Doug Johnson /Photo
Researchers, Inc.)
3.8. 1.2 Parhelia Parllelia (false suns), otherwise known as Sun dogs, arise from at-
mospheric scattering from hexagonal ice crystals. The ice crystals are usually formed
high in the cold troposphere, but occasionally are located much closer to ground level.
A hexagonal ice crystal is illustrated in Figure 3.32(a). Rays traversing through such a
crystal have a deviation minimum that occurs for rays that transmit symmetrically. To
see that this is so, suppose for a moment that a non-synunetric traversal gives a deviation
minimum. Reversing that ray then gives the equal deviation at another incident angle. By
contradiction, the minimum must occur only for the synm1etric case. Since the index of
refraction for ice is n = 1.31 (see Table 3. 1.), the minimum deviation occurs for Bd ~ 22°,
as shown in Figure 3.32(a). As with the rainbow, there is a concentration of rays at the
deviation minimum, and this causes an increase in brightness at tltis deflection angle.
I \
,'60° \
I \
I \
(a) (b)
Figure 3.32 (a) A ray that passes symmetrically through the effective prism of a hexagonal ice
crystal has a minimum deviation at 22°. (b) Thin plate-like icc crystals often orient horizontally as
they fall through the atmosphere, resulting in two bright parhclia diametrically located 22° from the
Sun along a h01izontalline.
Randomly oriented crystals result in a halo with an angular radius of 22°, centered on
the Sun. Flat crystals tend to orient hori zontally as they fall, as shown in Figure 3.32(b),
and these create two bright parhelia each diametrically 22° from the Sun along a horizontal
line. Each parhelia often contains spectral colors that result from dispersion within the ice.
Prol>lem 3.34 Derive Equation 3.110, then show that the deviat ion angle for a secondary
rainbow has a minimum when
sinO; = / ¥
Additional Problems
Problem 3.36 The optical thickness is the product of physical thickness d and the refrac-
tive index n (see Problem 2.28). Show that within a material, the number of wavelengths
in a physical thickness equals the number of vacuum wavelengths in the corresponding
optical thickness.
Problem 3.37 A fish is at a depth d under the water. What is the apparent depth if it is
viewed at an angle B;?
Problem 3.38 Show that when a beam is reflected from a Oat mirror rotated by () about
an axis passing through its center, the beam direction is changed by 2B.
Problem 3.39 Plot tj_ and tu for interna l incidence with 0; < ()c for a glass-air interface.
Assume n = 1.50 for glass.
P1·oblem 3.40 For a water-glass interface (11 9 = 1.52, nw = 1.33),
a) Plot l'j_, ru, tj_, and tu vs. B; for internal and external incidence.
b) Plot Rj_, Ru. Tj_, and 111 vs. B; for internal and external incidence.
Problem 3.41 Design a cell with Brewster windows si milar to the one shown in Figure
3. 11 using window material with index of refraction 2.112. Label all angles carefull y,
especially the angles for the ends of the cylinder.
Problem 3.42 Suppose you find a linear polari zer with no indicator mark for the trans-
mission axis (this is very common). Describe a method that uses Brewster's angle to
identify the transmission axi s.
Problem 3.43 A photographer wishes to usc a linear polarizer in front of the camera
le ns to reduce glare from a surface with normal vector inclined at 30° to the vertical. How
should the polari zer be oriented? Include a diagram.
Problem 3.44 What percentage of irrad iance transmits completely through a slab of
zirconium dioxide (index of refractio n 2.110) at normal incidence? Ig nore any effects due
to interference or absorption.
Problem 3.45 Using Snell's law, the Fresnel amplitude ratios may be expressed as
si n (0; - Bt)
"l'j_ =-
sin (0; + Ot)
tan ( B; - 8t)
tan (0; + 8t)
2 sin 8 cos 8;
t..L = + --:-:---:--:-
sin (e; + 8t)
2 sin Bt cos B;
t II = +- -:-:----,::-:-=--
sin (0; + Bt) cos (8; - Bt)
Use these fo rmulas to reproduce the graphs of Figure 3. 13.
Problem 3.46 Use experimental values of n,. for air: n,. = 1.00029188 at 656.4 nm and
11,.= 1.00029713 at 435.8 nm, to determine values of A and B for air in Equation 3.94.
Using these constants, compare the result of Equation 3.94 to the experi mental value of
n,. = 1.00029391 at 546. 1 nm.
Problem 3.47 Consider a resonance at WI in a non-conducting gas with "YI < < WI. (a)
Show that the width of an anomalous dispersion region, as determined by the width 6.w
between maximum and minimum points of n,., is equal to "Y· (b) Show that the maximum
and minimum values of 1lr in an anomalous dispersion region occur where n; 111 is at
Problem 3.48 Use Equation 3.100 and the fact the phase velocity v = wf k to derive a
dispersion relation for an electromagnetic wave traveling in a conductor when w > wp :
2 2 WJ1
2 )
n ,. - n;m = l - 2 2
( w + "Y
4.1 Introduction 120
4.2 Reflection and Uefraction at Aspheric Surfaces 120
4.3 Reflection and Refraction at a Spherical Sm·face 125
4.4 Lens Combinations 136
4.5 • Principal Points and Effective Focal Lengths 138
4.6 Abenations 143
4.7 Optical Instruments 148
4.8 • Hadiometry 156
4.9 • optical Fibers 169
4.10 •Thick Lenses 174
4.11 •Introduction to !\'latrix Methods in Paraxial Geomeh·ical Optics 180
Appendix: Calculation of the Jeans Number 197
In this chapter, we explore applications of the laws of reflection and refraction . When
discussing these laws in Chapter 3, we found it convenient to introduce the notion of a
light my, and we will continue to rely heavily on this idea. In fact, the concept of a light
ray is so central to geometrical optics that it is sometimes called my optics. We begin by
discu ssing reflection and refraction from aspheric surfaces, then simplify the analysis with
the paraxial and thin-lens approximations to allow the application of spherical refracting and
reflecting surfaces. Lens combinations are discussed, along with computational techniques
provided by principal points and effective focal lengths that are also later applied to thick
lenses. Aberrations are discussed, and techniques for reducing them are discussed within
the context of specific optical instruments. Techniques of radiometry are introduced and
illustrated for measurement of blackbody radiation, which provided much of the impetus
for the transition from classical to modern theories of physics. A discussion of optical
fiber technology provides an introduction to this important and cunent optical application.
Finally, matrix methods are introduced that can facilitate the analysis of more complicated
optical systems.
~................ ''l
~' ,-,-,-~',~~~~~t----
~ ................J ; ................r----..__
\ ,, ~
(a) (b)
Figure 4.1 (a) An optical element collects a bundle of rays leaving the source points, and redirects
them so that they pass through the collection poi nt p. The time required for light to propagate along
all paths is equal. (b) The optical element redirects rays that leave the sources so that they appear to
emanate from a viitual point p.
A reflecting or refracting surface forms an image by collecting light rays that emanate
from a source poi nt s, and reassembling them so that they emanate or appear to emanate
from another point p, as illustrated in Figure 4.1. T his can happen only if it is possible for
all rays leaving s to converge top in a way that is consistent with Fermat's principle of
least time di scussed in Chapter 3. Since all rays must propagate from s top in minimal
time, and si nce all rays leavings that encounter the reflective or refractive surface converge
top, it then follows that all such rays propagate from s top in the same time. The points s
and JJ of Figure 4.1 are called conjugate poillfs.
The problem of finding surfaces that satisfy these conditions was first solved by
Descartes 1 in 1637. According to thi s analysis, many of the surfaces that reflect or re-
fract rays as in Figure 4 . 1 have cross-sections given by one of the conic sections2 , first
studied by Euclid3 and then more fully by the Greek geometer Apollonius4 around the
second century BC. Conic sections include the ellipse, parabola, hyperbola and circle.
The corresponding surfaces are obtained by rotating these conic sect ions about an axis of
symmetry to give ellipsoids, paraboloids, hyperbolo ids and spheres. In general, surfaces
that refract or reflect rays leaving a source point s to a conjugate point p are known as
Cartesian swfaces. It is instructi ve to examine a few important cases.
~----~._------------~--~--------lt------~ x
Figure 4.2 An ellipse with sources at the left focus and point pat the right focu s. The semi major
axis is a and the semi minor axis is b. The ellipse is defin ed by the equation r1 + r2 = 2a.
We begin with an example of re flection from a concave surface. Figure 4.2 shows an
ellipse with source s at one focus and point pat the other focus. An ellipse is defined by
the relation
T 1 + 1"2 = 2a (4.1)
where ?"1 and r2 are the di stances from any point on the ellipse to the two foci and a. is the
semi major axis, as shown in Figure 4.2. To show that all rays leaving s reflect through p,
we show that rays following r 1 and r2 in Figure 4.2 obey the law of refl ection. Consider
Figure4.3, which shows two such trajectories that reflect from closely sp aced points on the
ellipse. Since the points are spaced by an infinitesimal amount, the secant line connecting
them is the tangent to the surface, so the law of reflection holds if fh = 02 . To see that
this is the case, note that the two paths labeled r 1 and r 1 + dr 1 are parallel, as are the
other two paths. Thus, the two angles labeled 0 1 are equal , as are the two angles labeled
02. According to Equation 4.1 , in going from the left path to the ri ght path , r 1 increases
by precisely the same amount as r 2 decreases. T hus, the bold triang le is isosceles, and
1Rene Descartes: 1596-1650. French philosopher and mathematician.
2 Scc, for example, Thomas 113).
3 Euclid of Alexandria: 325-265 BC. Greek mathematician best known for his text on gcomelry.
4 Apollonius of Perga: 262-190 BC. Greek geometer.
r 1 + dr
Figure 4.3 Construction to s how that the law of re fl ection holds for a ray that leaves o ne foc us and
re fl ects to pass through the other focus.
01 = fh in accord with the law of reflection. Furthermore, by Eq uation 4. 1, all paths from
s top have the same length, so the travel time from s top is the same for all paths, in accord
with Fermat's principle. This is often referred to as the reflection pmperty of the ellipse.
The re are many proofs; see, for example, Stei n [20].
When the separation between s and p approaches infinity, the Cartesian s urface fo r
refl ecti on becomes a parabola. To see that thi s is so, refer to Figure 4.2. According to
Equati on 4. 1,
j(x - s)
+ y2 + V(P - x) + 2
y 2 = 2a = p + s
j (X - S)
+ y 2 + (p - X) = ]J + S
j (X - S)
+ y2 = X + S
Squaring both sides and simplifying g ives
Equati on 4.2 describes a parabola with center of symmetry (vertex) at (0, 0) that opens to
the right with the sources located at the focus J, as shown in Fig ure 4.4(a). By reversing the
directio ns of the rays, it is seen that parallel rays arriving parallel to the x-axis as in F igure
4.4(b) are reflected through f. For thi s reason, parabolic ntirrors are used to fo rm precise
images of astronomical objects; however, thi s is strictly only true for images formed at the
focus. Images formed away from the ax is of sy mmetry are not formed at a conjugate point,
and thus suffer from imperfection s referred to as aberrations. Aberrations are discussed in
more detail in Sectio n 4.6.
A lens is an object that focuses rays from s to p by refraction. To investigate this,
consider a curved boundary that separates two regions of indices n t and n 2 , as shown in
Figure 4 .5. Rays that leave the source s travel in the medium with index n,, and rays
th at arri ve at p travel in the medium of index 11 2 . We seek a boundary that gives equal
(a) (b)
Figure 4.4 (a) A parabolic surface reflects rays emanating from s located at the focus toward
infinity. (b) Conversely, rays arriving from infinity are reflected through the focus.
propagation time for all paths from stop. To facilitate a graphical analysis, we introduce
the notion of optical path length. In a region of higher index, the propagation time is longer
since the light speed decreases. Since the transit time is given by t = dofv = ndofc we can
account for the increase in transit time by letting
d = ndo (4.3)
s ]J
( - s, 0) (p,O) X
Figure 4.5 A refracting boundary separating two media with indices of re fraction nt and 11.2 .
Figure 4.5 shows a refracting boundary with rays leaving source s located 5 at ( -s, 0)
and arriving at p located at (p, 0). The condition that all transit times be equal means that
any arbitrary path has an optical path length equal to that of the straight-line path from s to
5 For notational brevity, we use the symbols s and p to de note point names, point locations, and distances to the
The set of all (x, y) satisfying Equation 4.4 defines surfaces known as Cartesia11 ovals.
Let us investigate the Cartesian oval interface that will refract all rays leavings so that
they travel parallel to the x-axis in the second medium, as illustrated in Figure 4.6(a). Use
Equation 4.4 and take the limit asp approaches infinity. In this case, Equation 4.4 becomes
n1 J(s + x) + y2 = n1s + nzx
Squaring both sides and rearranging gives
b= ( nz - 111) (4.?)
n2 + n1 s
Equation4.5 describes a hyperbola with vertex at the origi n, semim<~or axis a, and semi mi-
nor axis b. Such a surface will refract rays leaving s into a parallel beam as illustrated
in Figure 4.6(a). We may reverse the ray direction in Figure 4.6(a); hence, parallel rays
incident within the region of higher index wi ll refract to pass through a single focus at
a distance s away fro m the hyperbola vertex. By the same reasoning, a double-convex
hyperboloid will focus rays leaving s to another point located at p, as shown in Figure
In practice, there are difficulties associated wit h applying the aspheric Cartesian surfaces
discussed in this section. Each surface is designed for a specific pair of conjugate points,
and using them for different locations of s and p can mean that rays leaving s fail to
converge to a single point p. Such a failure is referred to as an aberratio11, discussed more
full y in Section 4.6. Finally, Cartesian surfaces can be difficult to manufacture with the
accuracy needed for optical applications.
s s p
(a) (b)
Figure 4.6 (a) A hyperbolic s urface that refracts rays leavings toward infinity. (b) A double-convex
hype•·boloid that focuses rays leavings top.
Problem 4.1 The sagitta of a mirror is the depth of the surface curve, measured relat ive
to the nl.irror edge. What is the sagitta of a 25.4 em-diameter parabolic nlirror that has a
25.4 em focal length? Repeat if the focal length is 2.54 m.
Problem 4.2 Find the semi major and semi minor axes of the hyperbolic surface that will
refract rays leaving s located 10.0 em from the vertex into parallel rays. Assume an incident
medium of air and a transmitted medium of glass with index 1.50.
Compared to Cartesian surfaces, spherical surfaces arc relatively easy to prepare. Further-
more, by utilizing the appropriate approximations, use of spherical refractin g and reflecting
surfaces will lead us to relatively simple formulas that describe the location, orientation
and size of images formed from extended objects with a continuous range of location.
We will locate all positions relative to the optical axis. Many optical elements have
cylindrical symmetry, so for a single optical element, the optical axis passes through this
axis of symmetry. Multiple optical elements must be arranged coaxiall y for there to be a
single axis of synunetry and corresponding optical axis. It is almost always important to
arrange optical elements in this way to achieve an optimal image. The Paraxial Approximation We will often find it useful to apply the parax-
ial approximation. For th is approximation to be valid, all rays passing through the optical
system must make angles with the optical axis that satisfy the small angle approximation :
sinO~ B (4.8)
This will be the case if the nonlinear terms in the Taylor series approximation fo r sin 0
can be neglected (see Example 1.3); in other words, that ~ « B. For most purposes,
B = O.l1·ad or about 5° is small enough.
In this section, we use the paraxial approximation to locate images formed by spherical
reflecting surfaces. Figure 4.8 shows a concave spherical reflecting surface with center of
Figure 4.7 An optics table uses precisely aligned holes to mount optical elements along a well-
defined optical axis. (Boris Starosta/Photo Researchers, Inc.)
curvature located at the point R. The source point s is located on the optical axis, which
coincides with the axis of sy mmetry for the spherical surface. An arbitrary ray leavi ng
s intersects the spherical surface at 1H with an angle of incidence given by B;, measured
relative to the radius line that defines the normal to the surface. The reflected ray passes
through a point p that is also located on the optical axis. The surface can form an image if
all rays it receives from s are reflected through p. Let the distance along the optical axis
from s to the re flecting surface be the object distance s 0 , and the distance along the optical
axis from p to the re flecting surface be the image distances; .
The law of sines6 is illustrated in Figure 4.8(b):
sin B; sin B1
= (4. 10)
S0 - R R.
~ --------
Figure 4.8 (a) A light ray emanating from sources reflects at a spherical su rface and passes through
point P . (b) A triangle illustrating the law of sines. Side a is opposite angle ()a, and so on.
According to this result , the value of s 0 would depend on the values of 8 1 and 02 , so it
would not be true th at all reflected rays pass through a single point p. However, we may
make the paraxial approximation that reflected rays have angles el
and e2 small enough
for the small angle approximation to apply: sin B ~ 87 . In this case,
Bt ~
e2 ~ -
After these approxi mations, Equation 4 .1 2 becomes
S; R- S;
So So- R
This may be rearranged to give
1 1 2
-S; +-=-
(4. 13)
An object at infinity gives parallel rays that reflect through the point s; = J, as illustrated
in Figure 4.9(a). This point is referred to as the.foca/ point, and the distance from the mirror
to f is called thefoca/lengtlt. According to Equation 4. 13,
! = !!:_ (4.14)
In terms of the focal length, Equation 4.1 3 becomes
1 1 1
-S = -f (4.1 5)
7 For purposes of illustration, the rays used in Figure 4.8 are inclined at angles that far exceed those appropriate
for the paraxial approximation.
___.____ _
-+-------:;;r\,... _.. ,.. // :
7 / 7
7 7
f f f
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 4.9 (a) A converging minor formed from a concave reftecling surface. A source point at
infinity produces parallel rays that reflect through a real focus located at f. (b) Parallel rays reflecting
from a diverging mirror formed from a convex reflecting surface. The reflected rays appear to diverge
from a virtual focus located behind the mirror. (c) A time reversal of (b). In this case, the incoming
rays converge towards a virtual object located at the vii1ual focus f; hence, the reflected rays arc
4.3. 1.1 Sign Conventions for Reflecting Surfaces The source points in Figure
4.8 is located to the left of the concave reflecting surface to give incoming rays diagrammed
intuitively as arriving from left to right. The corresponding object distance s 0 shown in
this figure is positive relative to an origin located at the center of the reflecting surface.
Likewise, the radius of curvature R, focal point f, and image distance s; are also all
positive as illustrated in Figure 4.8. A convex reflecting surface thus has a negative radius
of curvature, so according to Equation 4.14, it also has a negative focal length f, as
illustrated in Figure 4.9(b). In this case, parallel rays are reflected so that they appear to
emanate from a point located a distance f behind the mirror. Such a point is referred to as
a virtual focus. A virtual object is illustrated in Figure 4.9(c). In thi s case, incoming rays
are reflected before converging to a point located behind the mirror.
We may summarize the sign conventions used with Equation 4.13 for spherical reflecting
surfaces in the following intuitive way. Mirrors reflect light, so images and objects to the
left ofthe reflecting surface are located by positive values of s; and s 0 • The sign conventions
for f and Rare best remembered by recalling that focal lengths for converging mirrors are
positive, and those for diverging mirrors are negative; hence, values off and R located to
the left of the reflecting surface are positive, and are otherwise negative.
We may also use the paraxial approximation to locate images formed by spherical refracting
surfaces. Figure 4.10 shows a convex spherical refracting surface with radius of curvature
R that separates regions with index of refraction "11m and ne > n, . A ray leaves the optical
axis at point s and angle 81 , and is refracted back through the optical axis at p with angle
82 , as illustrated. According the law of sines,
sin (180°- B;) sin (B!) sin(B;)
so+R R S0 +R
Figure 4.10 A light ray emanating from source s refrac ts from a spherical surface and passes
through point P.
sin (Ot)
(4. 17)
S; - R
Divide Equations 4.16 by 4.17 to give
Solving Equat ion 4.18 S; gives an expression whose value depends on the angles Ot and
02 . Thus, there is no unique image point p. However, we may again apply the paraxial
s; -
( So+ R
R) (.!!:£)
=sin (Ot) ~ ~ ~ s;
sin (02) 02 So
nm nc (nc- 11m)
- + -= -'-----''------=__,;c,.:.:.. (4.20)
S0 S; R.
In this equation, the object distance s0 is positive for a source point s located to the left of
the surface, relative to an origin located at the center of the refracting surface. The radius
of curvature R is also positive for the convex refracting surface shown in Figure 4.8.
Most lenses have two refracting surfaces, as shown in Figure 4. 11. Light rays traveling
from left to right encounter smface 1 first, which has radius of curvature R 1• The second
surface has radius of curvature R.2. Note that as diagrammed in Figure 4.11, curvatures R 1
and R2 are both positive. The medium that surrounds the lens has index of refraction 11m,
and the lens has index of refraction nc. The source point s is located a distance s 0 1 from
surface I. By Equation 4.20,
------ ...
s p
•- sol
Figure 4.11 A lens formed by two spheiical refracting surfaces. The radius of curvature of both
spherical swfaces is positive.
11 111
11 111
+ S;2
= II£ -
)(l 1)
R1 - R2 - (s;1) (s;1 -d)
In addition to the paraxial approximation, we must make the additional approximation that
the lens is thin. Thus, we may ignore the last te rm in Equation 4.23. Furthermore, since d
is small, we may let S 0 1 ~ S 0 and Si2 ~ s;, giving
- +-
Sa s;
= (n - 1) (1- - -1)
R1 R2
where n is the relative index of refraction: n = nc/n 711 • As for reflection, the focal length
is defined as the image distance as the object distance approaches infinity
1 1 1
S; S0 f
which is identical to Equation 4.15 for a spherical reflecting surface. We will refer to
this equation as the thin-lens equation, keeping in mind that the same equation describes
spherical paraxial reflecting surfaces and thin spherical lenses.
It is common to specify thef-number of a le ns or mirror:
!/# = j_
where D is the lens diameter and f is the focal length. This is usually represented by the
symbols f /#;so for example, a lens with a focal length of four times the diameter would
be described as an f /4 lens. As the f-number becomes small, the paraxial approximation
becomes less valid.
A typical camcorder forms images with an f /4 converging lens. Estimate the largest
angular deviation from paraxial for this lens, and evaluate the error from the paraxial
approximation in this case. Assume a distant object.
The largest angular deviation from paraxial occurs for plane parallel rays that are
refracted at the edge of the lens through the focus, as illustrated below. Thus,
the maximum angle for any ray collected by this lens has a tangent of 1/8 givi ng
Bmax = 0.124 rad (7 .125°). In thi s case, the error in the paraxial approximation is
sinO - 0
. {}
I X 100% ~ 0.26%
I sm
Whether or not thi s amount of erro r is acceptable is dic tated by the desired image
quality. For inexpensive camcorders, this may be fine. Usi ng an aspheric lens can
reduce this paraxial error, resulting in a mo re accurate image.
Sign conventions for focal lengths of reflecting and refracting optical elements are
illustrated in Figure 4.12. For brevity, we refer to an optical element as an optic. Converging
optics have positive focal lengths and diverging optics have negative focal lengths. As with
reflecting surfaces, sign conventions for the radii R 1 and R 2 of spherical refracting surfaces
are best remembered for the double-convex lens of Figure 4.12(f). In this case, R 1 > 0
and R 2 < 0, so the focal length obtained with Equation 4.25 is positive; thus, a radius is
positive if located to the right of the lens and otherwise it is negative. A lens transmits
light, so a real image is located to the right of the lens, which must also be the positive
side for s;. As always, real objects are located to the left of the optic by a positive object
distance S 0 •
The location and size of images formed by converging and diverging optics may be
obtained intuitively using a ray diagram, as illustrated for a converging lens in Figure 4.13
when the object distance s0 is larger than the focal length f. There are two representations
of the lens in Figure 4.13: a conceptual representation shaded in grey that, for the purposes
of illustration, is thicker than allowed by the thin-lens approximation, and a dashed line
that represents the actual thin lens for purposes of drawing the refracted rays. Three rays
are shown, each beginning at the tip of the arrow that represents the object:
1. The ray that begins traveling parallel to the optical axis is refracted to cross the optical
axis at a distance f behind the lens.
2. The ray that begins in a direction that crosses the optical axis at a distance f in front
of the lens is refracted parallel to the optical axis.
3. The ray that passes through the center of the lens is undeflected.
At its center, the lens is approximately a slab, and we ignore the transverse displacement of
the third ray for a truly thin lens (see Example 3.1 ). The tip of the image is located where
the transmitted rays cross. Similar rays could be drawn originating from every point on the
object; thus this image could be displayed on an observing screen located at the point s;,
indicating that this image is real. From the diagram, we also see that the image is inverted
relative to the object.
The transverse magn{fication (also sometimes referred to as lateral magnification) is
defined as image size divided by object size. Using similar triangles in Figu re 4. I 3, we
Figul'e 4.13 Ray diagram for a converging biconvex lens when the image distance is 1.75f. The
image is inverted and real. Rays are numbered as in the text.
S; <0
(et) (b)
S; <0
(c) (d)
Figure 4.14 Images located by ray diagrams. (a) Converging mirror: real, inve11ed image when
So > f. (b) Converging min·or: vi11ual upright image when so < f. (c) Converging lens: real
inverted image when So > f. (d) Converging lens: virtual upright image when s 0 < f.
j\{ = - Sj
In this formula, a negative magnification indicates an image that is inverted, and if I1HI > 1
then the image size is larger than the object size.
Fig mes 4 .14 and 4.15 illustrate ray diagrams for reflecting and refract ing opti cs for a
variety of object locations. Virtual images are illustrated in Figures 4.l4(b) and (d), and
agai n in Figures 4. 15. In such cases, an observer perceives the image because the lens of
the eye refracts rays that appear to cross at the virtual image location to another real image
formed on the retina of the eye. There are no reflected or refracted rays that reall y cross
at this point; thus the image is not "real." In systems with a single optical elemen t, vi rtual
images are located "behind" the optical clement (see the dashed lines in Figures 4.14 (b),
(a.) (b)
Figure 4.15 Images located by ray diagrams. (a) Diverging lens: vhtual upright image. (b)
Diverging minor: vittual uplight image.
(d), and 4.15). By behind, we mean the side opposite to the transmitted light for a lens and
the reflected light for a mirror. Objects may also be virtual; in this case, rays converging
toward a crossing point are intercepted by the optical element before crossing occurs (see
Figure 4.9(c)). Virtual objects occur often in lens combinations, which are discussed in
Section 4.4.
The image locations; may be obtained analytically using the thin-lens equation. Solving
Equation 4.15 for s; gives
When f > 0 and s 0 > f, s; > 0. This situation is illustrated for the real image diagrammed
in Figure 4.13. When s; < 0, the image is virtual. For light incident from left to right,
real objects are on the left of the optical element (so > 0), and virtual objects are on the
right. The positive side for image distances is different fo r lenses and mirrors. Since lenses
transmit, real images are formed to the right of the lens. Mirrors reflect, so real images are
formed to the left of the mirror.
• EXA!\-IPLE 4.2
For light incident from left to right, a real object is located on the left of the op-
tic. The object distance s 0 for a real object is positive.
(a) Let the optical element be a converging mirror, and let the object be located at
s 0 = 1. 75/. According to Equation 4.28
S; = _1_!!!._ = 1. j2 = 2.33/
S0 - J 0.75J
Since the image distance is positive, the image is real. By Equation 4.27, the
magnification is
M = ---'- = - 1.33
The negative value for M means that the image is inverted. The image height is
1.33 em. The ray diagram for thi s case is shown in Figure 4.14(a).
(b) Converging mirror with S 0 = 0.500]. Equation 4.28 gives an image distance
of s; = - f. Since the image distance is negative, the image is virtual. Equation 4.27
gives a magnification of +2.00, indicating that the image is upright, and the image
size is 2.00 em high. The ray diagram for this case is shown in Figure 4.14(b).
(c) Converging lens with s 0 = 2.00/. Equation 4.28 gives a real image distance
of s; = + 2.00]. This case is interesting since s; = s0 and thus AI = - 1, so the
image is also 1.00 em high. This is the minimum possible separation (4/) between
a real object and its real image. The ray diagram for this case is shown in Figure
(d) Converging lens with s0 = 0.500]. In this case, s; = - 2.00! and the image is
virtual. The magnification is +2.00, and the image is 2.00 em high. The ray diagram
for this case is shown in Figure 4.14(d).
(e) Diverging lens when so = IJJ. Since this is a diverging optic, f < 0.
Thus (so - f) = +2.00 JJJ , and Equation 4.28 gives a negative image distance:
s; = -0.500 lfJ. The image is virtual, and is 0.500 em high (M = +0.500). The
ray di agram for this case is shown in Figure 4.15(a).
(f) Diverging mirror when s 0 = JJJ. The analysis here is the same as that for part
(c), except for the ray diagram, which is shown in Figure 4.15(b).
Problem 4.3 An adjustable iris (called anf-stop) is placed in front of the lens so that its
f /# can be varied. If the focal length of the lens is 5.00 em, what diameter f-stop will
limit the paraxial error to 0.100%?
Problem 4.4 A 1.00 em-high object is located a distance s 0 in front of a converging
mirror of focal length f. Determine the image orientation, size, and location if s0 = 2. 75/.
Repeat for s 0 = 0. 750/. Include ray diagrams for each case.
Problem 4.5 A 1.00 em-high object is located a distance s0 in front of a diverging mirror
of focal length f. Determine the image orientation, size, and location if s0 = J3.00fJ.
Repeat for so = J0.500fJ. Include ray diagrams for each case.
Problem 4.6 A 1.00 cnt-high object is located a distance S0 in front of a converging
lens of foeallcngth f. Determine the image orientation, size, and location if s0 = 2.00/.
Repeat for s0 = 0.250/. Include ray diagrams for each case.
Problem 4.7 A 1.00 em-high object is located a distance s 0 in front of a diverging lens
of focal length f. Determine the image orientation, size, and location if so = J2.00/J.
Repeat for so = J0.500fJ. Include ray diagrams for each case.
Problem 4.8 A luminous object and observing screen are separated by a fixed distance
L. Show that there are two locations separated by a distanced where the lens can be placed
to give a focused image on the observing screen, provided that L > 4f, where f is the
focal length of the lens. Show that f is given by
L2- d2
f= 4L
where d = j L (L- 4!). Note that a measurement of d and L gives a quick and accurate
way to determine the focal length of an unknown lens. Show that the two images formed
on the observing screen have image sizes in the ratio
~::,:·:~ r~ ~ ~r
1 2
(b) (c)
Figul'e 4.16 (a) A combination of two thin biconvex lenses with corresponding front and back
focal points. (b) A point source at fJ gives parallel rays out 2. (c) Parallel rays in are focused at /b.
Let sal be the object distance for lens 1, which forms an image located at
Sol /I
sil = (4.29)
So l - /I
This image becomes the object for lens 2, with object distance given by s 0 2 = d - sil .
Note that the object for lens 2 is virtual whenever s 02 < 0. The image distance fo r lens 2
is given by
h (d - sit) h fd
2 - ~
So t - h
s i2 = _ So2
:.___:----:- (4.30)
So2 - h £l - Sil- h £1 _ h _ Sot /J
S ot - f o
!b = h (d - h) (4.3 1)
d- (!I+ h)
Sim.ilarly, letting Si2 -t oo defines the front focal point. By Equation 4.30, this will be the
case when
cl - h = Sol ft
d- U1 +h)
In this equation, we solve for s0 1 , and identify this with the front focal point:
ft = It (d - h) (4.32)
d- (h +h)
When both lenses are thin , a positive front focal length is measured fJ to the left of the
center of lens I , and a positive back focal length is measured /& to the right of the center of
lens 2, as illustrated in Figure 4.16. Figure 4.l6(a) shows two converging lenses, but the
result of Equations 4.31 and 4.32 are valid for any combination of converging and diverging
The magnification of the combination is the product of the magnifications for each lens:
m -_ ( - -Sil ) ( -Si2
-) -
_ Sil
- -Si2 (4.33)
Sol So2 Sot So2
If both lenses in the combination of Figure 4.16 arc thin, and we let the separation d = 0,
then we have two thin lenses in close contact. Equations 4.3 1 and 4.32 give
1 1 1
-= - + -
! h h
This formula may be extended to any number of thin lenses in close contact:
The reciprocal of focal length is often referred to as the refracting power P of the lens.
Suppose that in Figure 4. 16, h = 20.0 em and h = 10.0 em. Find the front and
back focal lengths when (a) d = 5.00 em, and (b) the lenses are in close contact.
Problem 4.9 Two thin converging lenses wit h h = - 20.0 em and h = 30. 0 e1n are
separated by 25 .0 em on a common optical axi s. Find the front and back focal lengths.
Repeat if the lenses are in close contact.
Problem 4.10 Two thin converging lenses with h = - 20.0 em and h = 40.0 em arc
separated by 5.00 em on a common optical axis. Find the front and back focal le ngths.
Repeat if the lenses are in close contact.
Problem 4.11 In microscopes and telescopes, dis close to h + /2. What are ! b and fJ
in this case?
In Equations 4.30-4.32, the di stances Si2 and /b are both measured relative to lens 2,
while the di stances s 01 and fJ are measured re lative to lens l. Let us define new points of
reference that allow the entire combination to be used as a single optical element described
by the thin-lens equation
1 1 1
- + -=- (4.36)
So Sj /e
where f e is the'ective focal length for the combinati on. For this equation to be valid, the
effective object distance s 0 and'ective image distance Si must be measured relative to
the principal points of the combinati on, as illustrated in Figure 4. 17. In Equation 4.36, s 0
is measured relative to the front principal point hf, and s; is measured relative to the back
principal point hb. If the effective focal length is positive, then the front focal length fJ is
located a di stance fe to the left of hJ. and the back focal length is located f c to the right
of hu. as illustrated. In order to use Equation 4.36 with the lens combination, we must find
values for hf, hu. and f e·
ff I
: fe --':'------..-
1...,__ __
Figure 4.17 (a) A two-lens combination. The effective object distance s 0 and front fo cal length
fJ are measured relative to the front principal point h f. The effective image distance s ; and back
focal point/bare measured relative to the back principal point hb. (b) A ray that first passes through
the fro nt focal point fJ is red irected parallel to the optical axis at the front principal plane that passes
through h f. Similarly, an incident ray that is parallel to the optical axis is redirected at the back
principal plane that contains hb so that it passes through the back focal point /b. The center ray
is drawn to the optical axis at the front principle point, and then from the optical axis at the back
principle point.
According to Equation 4.36, the mag nification of the combination is given by - s;/ s 0
in terms of the effective image and object di stances. Combining this with Equat ion 4.33
m = -Sit -S;2 = - -S; (4.37)
So l So2 So
To find the eff ective focal length , we let s 0 1 --+ oo. In this case, s; 1 --+ f 1, s0 1 --+ S0 and
s; --+ f e· The object distance for lens 2 is then s 0 2 = d - ft, giving
h(d - ft)
d- (h + h)
Combining the last two results gives the effective focal length:
f --
e -
d- d-
h(d-h) - hh
(/I + h) - fi + h - d
or, equivalently,
1 1 1 d
- = - +- - - (4.39)
fc fi h J1h
From Figure 4.17, we see that ht = fc - ft. Combining Equations 4.32 and 4.38 gives
ht = f e - ft !lh
= _ _::__:_:_::____ h (d - h)
ft+h - d d - (h +h)
!I+h - d h
.fth ) d
= ( f1 + f2 - d h
Principal points that lie to the left of the corresponding lens are negative. According to this
sign convention, the value of hb in Figure 4.17 is
h (d - h)
ft= d - (! +h ) =-15.00 em=fe -hf
1 field stop 2
Flgnl'e 4.18 Huygens eyepiece. The field stop limits the field of view to the central area of best
image quality.
h (d - h ) r;
/b =d_ (h + h) = +n.OO em= fe + hb
If the eyepiece is used in an optical instrument that creates an object at fJ, then this
must be a virtual object for lens 1, with Sot = - 15.0 em.. This gives an effective
object distance of S 0 = h1 + s01 = +15.0 em, and an effective image distance of
s 1· = -feso
-- =oo
So- f e
The normal eye is most comfortable viewing objects at infinity (distant stars, for
example); in this case, the eye is said to be relaxed.
Images formed by lens combinations may be located with Equation 4.36 using the
principal points and effective focal length. We may also use ray diagrams to locate images.
Figure 4.17 illustrates three useful rays, the first two of which were used to derive formulas
for the principal points.
I. ray that first passes through the front focal point f1 is redirected parallel to the optical
axis at the front principal plane that contains h 1 .
2. A ray traveling parallel to the optical axis is redirected through the back focal point
fb· The redirection occurs at the back principal plane that contains hb.
3. A ray passing through h1 re-emerges at hb in a parallel direction.
Both principal planes are oriented normal to the optical axis. In contrast to a si ngle thin lens,
Rays 1 and 2 change direction at the principal planes, and so may be thought of as effective
refraction. Ray 3 corresponds to the ray that passes tlu·ough a thin lens undeflected .
- - - So
fe = f
I +
f2 - d = 8.00 em
h1 = hf ed = 4.00cm
f ed
hb = --y;- = - 2.00cm
Using these values, we find that fJ is located a distance /e in front of h1, or 11.00 em
in front of lens l , as in Example 4.3. Si milarly, fb is located f e to the right of hb ,
or 6.00 em behind lens 2, as before. The effective object distance s 0 must locate
the object relative to h1; thus, s0 = 12.0 cm. The thin-lens equation with effective
quantities gives
ProiJlem 4.12 Design a Huygens eyepiece that uses a 3.00 em lens separation and a
1.00 em. focal length lens for fz. Find the effective focal length, the front and back
principal points, and the front and back focal points for this eyepiece.
ProiJiem 4.13 Tn a two-lens combination, let f 1 = - 20.0cm, h = lO.O cm , and
d = 5.00 em. Find the effective focal le ngth, the principal points, and the image d istance
and image size of a 3.00 em-high object located 20.0 em. in front of le ns l .
ProiJlem 4.14 In a two-lens combi nation , let !I = - 20.0 em, h = 10.0 em, and
d = 5.00 em. Find the effec tive focal length, the principal points, and the image distance
and image size of a 3 .00 em-high object located 8.00 em in front of lens I.
ProiJlem 4.15 In a two-lens combination, let fi = 20.0 em, h = 30.0 em, and d =
25.0 em. Find the effecti ve focal le ng th , the principal points, and the image di stance and
image size of a 3.00 em- high oiJject located 8.00 em. in front of lens I.
Problem 4.16 Derive Equation 4.4 1 for the location of the back principal poi nt hb of a
two-lens combinat ion.
An abermtion is any effect that prevents a lens from a perfect image. In this
section, we present an overview of a few common aberrat ions and what may be done to
correct them.
As no ted in Chapter 3, dispersion causes the index of refraction of most materials to vary
wi th freq ue ncy. The dispersive power of a material is defi ned as
_( nb - n,.
Uci = (4.42)
n; - 1
where llb is the index measured at the blue e nd of the target spectrum, n,. is the index
measured at the red end of the target spectru m, and n; is measured at an intermediate
wavelength. Trad itionally, nb is measured with the blue emission line of hydrogen (486. 1
nm), n,. at the red li ne of hydrogen (656.3 nm), and n; at the yellow line of helium (587 .6
nm). For most optical materi als, 8c1 is positive indicating a larger index for blue than for red.
In a prism, this causes more deviation for blue than for red, as illustrated in Figure 4.20(a).
In a lens, th is causes chromatic aberration where the focus depends on wavelength, as
illust rated in Figure 4.20(b). Source points o n the opt ical ax is arc imaged to collection
points also on the optical axis but whi ch depend on wavelength, leading to longitudinal
chromatic aberration . Points off the optical axis are also dispersed transverse to the optical
axis, leading also to transverse chromatic aberration.
Chromatic aberration is reduced in an achroma/ that consists of converg ing and diverging
lenses in combination. Figure 4.20(c) illustrates an achroma! doublet that consists of a
converging and diverging lens in close contact. Each lens in the doublet is made of glass
with different values of index n; and dispersive power 8c1 . If the diverging lens can be made
of a g lass with higher dispersive power and lower n ;, the chromatic aberration i ntroduced
by the converging lens can be reduced by the diverging lens without removing all of the
refractive power of the combination.
Let us des ign an achroma! doublet consisting of thin lenses that gives an identical focus
at the red and blue wavelengths defined above. The focal length of each element in the
doublet is given by Equation 4.25:
f1 = [ 1
(n - 1) R 1 -
1 ]
Figure 4.20 (a) A prism refracts dift'e rent colors through differe nt angles. The red ray passes
through the prism symmetrically. (b) Dispersion causes the focus to vary with wavelength. (c)
Achroma! doublet.
For brevity, we replace the curvature terms with new parameters C 1 and C2 :
Since the lenses are in close contact, the focal length oft he combination is given by Equation
1 1 1
7= ! J+ h
We wish to find a combination such that
1 1
J,. !b
where f,. and fb are the focal lengths of the combination measured at the red and blue
design wavelengths defined above. Tl1us
1lb2- '1lr2
11bl - 11 1'1
where we have grouped terms on the right according to our observation that refrac ti on is
higher for blue. At the intermediate wavelength, we have
- = (nli -1)Cl
11i (4.45)
- = (n2i - 1) c2
cl (n2i - 1) hi
c2 = (nli - 1) fli
Equations 4.44 and 4.46 may be combined to give
Table 4.1. Indices of refraction for selected materials. The intenncdiate wavelength is the
yellow line of helium (587 .6 nm).
where \1; is the i\bbe number and is defined as the reciprocal of the dispersive power 8c~ .
The subscript i in both parameters usually indicates a wavelength near the peak of the solar
spectrum. Rearranging Equation 4.47 gives
Table 4.1. gives values of n; and \1; for some commonl y used optical glasses .
Design a converging achroma! doublet using a 20.0 em focal length BK7 synunet-
ric biconvex converging lens and SF5 for the diverging lens, with identical inner
curvatures as shown in Figure 4.20(c). Find the focal length of the doublet.
= (1. 517 - 1) (~)
giving R = 20.68 em. Thus, the diverging lens will have R 1 = -20.68 em.
h; = - v2 Ju = - 64.2
l' u
_ (20.0 em) =
32 3
- 39.75 ern
The remaining radius of the divergi ng lens is found using Equation 4.25:
1 = 1 673 - 1 (
-/2; 1 - -1 ) = 1
(· ) ( - 20.68cm) R2 - 39.75cm
giving R 2 = - 91.1 em. Estimate the focal length of the doublet using the formula
for lenses in close contact:
1 1 1
-= -+ -
! fu /2;
f = 40.3 em.
The chromatic aberration is removed only for the red and blue design wavelengths.
There could still be aberration at other wavelengths.
It is possible to reduce chromatic aberration with other lens combinations. Consider two
thin converging lenses made of the same material and separated by distanced, as illustrated
in Figure 4.21. The effective focal length of the combination is given by Equation 4.39
l 1 1 d
- = - +- - -
!c JI h hh
Chromatic aberration will be reduced whenever
ofe = 0 (4.49)
Eq uivalently, we may find an extremum of...!... (sec Problem 4.1 7). Again, we replace the
curvatu re terms for f 1 and h with C1 and d;,
respectively. Computing the derivative and
sol ving for d gives
{) ; = {){)
{) n Je
[(n - 1) C', + (n - 1) C'2- d (n - 1) C', c2]
= C', + C'2 - 2d (n - 1) C'1C2 = 0
=? d =~ [ 1 + 1 ] = h+h
2 (n-l)C' 1 (n - l)C'2 2
Thus, chromatic aberration is reduced when the two converging lenses arc separated by the
average of the individual focal leng ths. The Huygens eyepiece (sec Example 4.4) uses this
effect to reduce chromatic aberration. In a typical design , two plano-convex lenses wi th
h ~ 3/I are separated by d = (!1 +h) /2. In thi s orientation, the front focal point is
located between the lenses, as shown in Figure 4.21. The eyepiece is positio ned (focused)
so that the lens I (called the field lens) forms a real image close to fJ. Lens 2 (called the
eye lens) forms a virtual image with rays that are collected by the observer's eye. There arc
many other eyepiece designs, each typically desig ned to reduce o ne or more aberrations.
1 2
-----------------d ------------------
ft !u
Figure 4.21 A combination of two thin plano-convex lenses separated the average focal length.
(a) (b)
Figure 4.22 (a) Spherical abeJTation from a plano-convex lens when rays parallel to the optical
axis first encounter the plane stut:'\cc. (b) Reversing the orientation of the plano-convex lens reduces
the spherical aberration.
When effects due to this approximation are no longer negligible, they produce spherical
Since a circle is closed, spherical lenses typically have more curvature at the edges th an
the corresponding aspheric lens. Thus, rays passing through the outer regions of a spherical
lens focus too closely, as shown in Figure 4.22(a).
Simply reversing the orientation of the lens can reduce the spherical aberration, as shown
in Figure 4.22(b). To see why, consider the prism illustrated in Figure 4.20(a). The ray
that passes through the prism symmetrically has the minimum deviation from the original
direction8. The edges of the lens act as a prism, so orienting the lens so that rays pass
through it symmetrically can reduce the deviation from the edges and hen ce can reduce the
spherical aberration. Since the rays enter and leave the lens orientation of Figure 4.22(b)
with incident and tran smitted angles that are closer in value, it produces less spherical
aberration than the orientation of Figure 4.22(a). Orienting the lens "flat to the focus"
yields the best results.
Optical elements that arc corrected for spherical aberration are called aplanatic. The
corresponding conjugate points are called aplanatic points.
Aspheric optics designed to image perfectl y between conjugate points will nevertheless
produce image di stortions for source points located off the optical axis. In such a case, the
edges of the lens tend to focus farther from optical axis than the center, giving an image that
resembles a comet (Coma derives from the Greek word for comet). Astigmatism results
from the fact that waves encountering an optics obliquely are imaged as if the reflecting
or refracting surfaces have different curvatures in two orthogonal directions. Cylindrical
lenses illustrate the extreme case of an astigmatic optic.
A single thin lens not possessing any of the above aberrations would still suffer from
field curvature. Off-axis source and collection points equidi stant from the thin lens cen ter
are located on spherical rather than plane surfaces, as illustrated in Figure 4 .23 . This is
8 Suppose that some incident angle giving a non-symmetric path gives the minimum deviation. Reversing the path
gives another incident angle with the same deviation. Thus, the deviation for the non-symmetric path cannot be
the minimum.
Figure 4.23 A single thin lens produces a spherical image fie ld.
4.6.5 Diffraction
All aberrations discussed so far can be largely eliminated by precision optical elements
combined in clever ways. However, diffraction is the one aberration that can never be
avoided. Physically, diffraction causes a light beam to spread whenever it passes through
an aperture. The finite size of an objective lens provides just such an aperture, and no other
apertures are necessary for diffraction to occur. Diffraction limits the resolution of, for
example, telescopes to resolve stars with a small angular separation. We will defer further
discussion of this important optical effect until Chapter 6. For more on optical resolution,
see Section 6.3.4.
Problem 4.17 Show that an extremum found with Equation 4.49 is also an extremum of
Equation 4.39.
Problem 4.18 Repeat Example 4.6 if the 20.0 em. focal length symmetric biconvex lens
is made from K5 crown glass.
Problem 4.19 Modify the design of Example 4.6 to give a dil'erging achromat doublet,
again using a 20.0 em focal length symmetric biconvex lens.
Problem 4.20 The lens combination illustrated in Figure 4.21 is designed to reduce at
least two sources of aberration. Identify these, and describe the design elements that reduce
A camera is designed to place a real image on a film plane or detector array. The simplest
such device is the pinhole canwm illustrated in Figure 4.24. Each point on the object
passes through the pinhole as a cone of light that illuminates a finite-sized image element
on the image plane. The resolution of the eye (i.e., the ability of the eye to determine fine
detail) is limited, and is only sufficient to distinguish detail that subtends an angle of greater
than about 1/Jo o . Image elements that are not much bigger than this combine to form a
reasonably precise image. As the pinhole diameter is made even smaller, diffraction effects
begin to increase the image element size. A pinhole of any size to produce a recogni zable
image gathers very little light.
-image el em ent
Figure 4.24 A pinhole camera. Each point on the object expands to an image element whose size
is determined by the diameter of the pinhole.
From Figure 4.24 it is evident that both image and image element increase in proportion
as the distance from the film to the pinhole is increased. Thus, the image of a pinhole
camera is focused equally well no matter where the film is located. Because of thi s, a
pinhole camera is said to have an infinite depth offocus.
B . --- (b)
f ---
(a) C::..s;
Figlll'e 4.25 (a) A camera with apc11urc stop A. S. and field of view 8 f determined by the film size.
The distanced is adjusted to coincide with the image distances;. (b) A large ape11ure stop opening
(small f / #)with a small depth of focus. (c) A small ape11ure stop opening (large f /#)with a large
depth of focus.
The focal length of the eye-lens must be reduced to form retinal images of nearby
objects. The normal eye can form images of objects as close as about 25 em away; thus this
distance is known as the near point (N.P.) of the eye. If the accommodation of the eye is
such that thi s amount of curvature cannot be achieved, then the eye is said to be hyperopic
or farsighted. To correct hyperopia, a conperging spectacle lens is used.
N.P. d
eye f
Figure 4.27 (a) The eye forms an image of an object located at the near point N .P.. (b) A
magnifying glass forms a virtual image I at d:::: N .P.. The object is now much closer.
A magnifying glass is a converging lens that increases the curvature of the eye-lens com-
bination so that objects closer than the N.P. can be viewed, as illustrated in Figure 4.27.
The magnifying power 1H is the ratio of the angular size of the image viewed through the
magnifying glass (Figure 4 .27(b)) relative to the same object viewed from the N. P. (Figure
!vi = Bu (4.50)
() /',Tf'
We may approximate each angle with its tangent, giving Bu ~ hofs and ()N p ~ hofN.P..
Figure 4.28 Optical diagram of a simple microscope. The objective lens forms a real image that
is magnified by the eyepiece.
angles 0; and 01. The law of sines with either tri ang le demonstrates the result we seek. For
example, triangle sci gives
sin 01 s in01 sinO; sinO;
ci m· sc 1'
nsinO; = sin Ot
The specimen is located within the region of hi gher index. This is achieved with immersion
oil which must have an index o f refraction that is very close to that of the objective lens
and cover plate, as shown in Figure 4.29(c).
/ --
o\lc specimen cover plate
im mersion oil
(a) (b) (c)
Figm·e 4.29 (a) Aplanatic conjugate points of a spherical refracting surface. (b) Constmction
triangles. (c) Oil-immersion microscope obj ective.
By using conjugate points, the oil immersion objective can utilize angles that far exceed
the paraxial approximation without the effects of spherical aberration. As we will see in
Chapter 8, increasing this acceptance angle is the only way to reduce aberrations clue to
diffraction. From Figure 4.29(a), rays arc transmitted by the objective through a smaller
angular spread, and additional optical components can provide magnification along with
a reduction of the remaining aberrations. Well-designed oil immersion microscopes can
provide detail that approaches the dijj"'ractionlimit , which as we will see in Chapter 8 is o n
the order of the wavelength of light used for observation.
Astronomical objects have object distances that arc effectively infinite. Figure 4.30 shows
a telescope, which is designed to magnify the angular size of di stant objects. The objective
forms a real image at its focal point fob. and this image is magnified by the eyepiece,
forming a virtual image at infinity when the image is located at th e eyepiece focal point fc ·
The object subtcnds an angular size of 00 to the unaided eye, and the final image subtends
an angular size of De when viewed through the eyepiece. We again approximate each of
these angles by its tangent. The magnification is defined as the ratio of De and 00
M = Oe = ~ = fob (4.57)
Oo h;/fob fe
Figure 4.30 Optical diagram of a simple telescope. The obj ective lens forms a real image that is
magnified by the eyepiece.
The objective should have one conjugate point at infinity. As shown in Section 4.2, a
parabolic reflector or hyperbolic refracting lens fulfills this requirement when the objective
consists of a single element. Both eyepiece and objective typically consist of multiple
elements to correct aberrations.
The eye has an aperture stop called the iris diaphragm that is, on the average, about 5 mm.
wide. The bundle of rays produced by an optical instrument must ideall y pass through a
waist that is no larger than 5 mm; otherwise, some of the light gathered by the instrument
will fail to enter the eye and is therefore wasted. This waist is called the exit p11pil.
Figure 4.31 illustrates the exit pupil for a simple telescope that consists of a single-
clement objective of focal length f ou and a single-clement eyepiece of focal length fe·
Rays that pass from points on the object through the center of the objective are called
principal rays (also sometimes referred to as chief rays). Such rays define the angular
extent of the object, and when propagated through the eyepiece define the angular extent
of the image, as shown by the boldcd rays in Fig ure 4.31 (a).
The exit pupil is most intuitively defined as the image of the objective aperture (or
aperture stop) formed by the eyepiece. Since the exit pupil is an image of the input
aperture, all rays passing through the instrument by definition pass through this image, as
illustrated in Figure 4.31 (b). The distance from the eyepiece to the exit pupil is called the
eye relief For the single-element eyepiece illustrated, the exit pupil is located just beyond
f e (sec Problem 4.23).
The rays in Figure 4.31 (b) that pass through f ob define similar triangles that give
where Dob is the diameter of the objective aperture, and De is the diameter of the exit pupil.
The performance of an optical instrument can often be thought of intuitively in terms of an
ante1ma beam , formed by the reverse projection of the light that actuall y enters the eye. If
the iris diaphragm is smaller than the exit pupil, then the resulting antenna beam unclerfills
the objective aperture, and aperture is wasted. If the iris diaphragm is larger than the exit
pupil, the antenna beam overfills the objective aperture. When the iris and exit pupil are
perfectly matched, the antenna beam optimally fills the object plane, and the maximum
signal is collected with the minimum objective aperture.
principal ray
fob _ _ __ _
eye Telief
Figure 4.31 The ex it pupil. (a) Ray diagram for a telescope. The principal rays are bolded. (b)
The image of the objective formed by the eyepiece defines the exit pupil.
Binoculars are typically described by a figure of merit that includes both objective
diameter in mm, and magnification power in the format: M x Dab (mm) . For example,
a 7 x 35 binocular has a magnifying power of 7, an objective aperture of 35 mm, and by
Equation 4.58, an exit pupil of 5 nun. Increasing the objective diameter of this binocular
would increase both cost and weight without any increase in performance, unless it was
used in low-light conditions when the iris diaphragm could be expected to be larger. In
general, larger objective diameters require larger magnifications: e.g., 8 x 40 and 10 x 50.
Binoculars designed for bright conditions where the expected iris opening is smaller can
usc smaller objectives: e.g., 8 x 25. The maximum exit pupil tends to decrease with age,
so depending on the individual, 8 x 25 mi ght be optimal even at night.
The exit pupil for telescopes is obtained in a similar way: divide the objective dia meter
by the working magnificati on.
The entrance pupil is defined as the area at the input of an optical system that can accept
rays that can be transmitted through the exit pupil. T he entrance pupil is the aperture stop
if it is the first optical ele ment; otherwise, it is determined by the image of the aperture stop
when propagated backwards through the optical elements that precede it.
Problem 4.21 What pinhole diameter will give image elements with an angular diameter
of 310 o using point-source objects located 1.00 m away?
Problem 4.22 What is the focal length of a converging lens that can be used as a
magnifying glass to give a magnification of 5.0? Assume an image formed at a near point
of25 cm..
Problem 4.23 Find an expression for eye relief of a telescope in terms of the eyepiece
and objective focal lengths. You may assume a single-element objective and eyepiece, as
illustrated in Figure 4.31.
Problem 4.24 Find the magnification of a 160 em microscope that uses a 4.0 nun focal
length objective and eyepiece that provides a magnification of 100.
Problem 4.25 Microscope objectives are sometimes characterized by the numerical
aperture N A, defined by
JVA = nsinB
where n is the index of refraction of the medium that contains the object being obser ved,
and B is the half-angle of the collection cone of the objective lens. Show that the f / # of
the objective is approximately given by
f/# ~ 2NA
Problem 4.26 A pair of binoculars are made with objective lenses that have a 50 nun
diameter. What magnifications will result in exit pupils of 3.00 mm and 6.00 rnrn? Which
design might give better results for daytime use, and why?
where r is the di stance from the detector to the source, and A is the projection of the detector
area onto th e area of a concentric sphere of radius r, as illustrated in Figure 4.33(a). Solid
angle is measured in units of stemdians (sr). According to Equation 4.59, a spherical
surface subtends a total solid angle of 471' sr.
Find the solid angle subtended by lens of diameter D located a distance s 0 from a
point source p. Assume a lens of circular cross section coax ial with the line passing
from its center through p.
To find the solid angle subtended by the lens about the point p, we must find
' As
Figure 4.32 Solid angle projected by a thin lens of diameter D (bold line) located a distance so
from a point source p. The lens is coaxial with the line connecting its center with 1J. T he angle 0 is
the half angle sub tended by the lens at 7J.
the spherical area As bounded by the area of the lens (dotted line in Figure 4 .32).
Using spherical coordinates (Section 1.7 .2) and taking the line of symmetry as the
z-axis, we have
As = J
2n R sin 0 dO = 2n R 2 [1 - cos a"]
n = ~; = 2n [1- coso-]
In terms of the lens diameter, the cosine of the half angle is given by
COSO'= --;= ==
. / 82
0 •1
A point source is isotropic if it radiates equally in all directions. Most sources are not
isotropic, and to account for directionality it is useful to defi ne radiant intensity as the
I = 5!'_ (4.61 )
with units W/m2 . Irradiance and radiant intensity are obviously very different quantities.
For example, the irradiance from an isotropic point source follows an inverse-square law,
but the radiant intensity is independent of distance (see Figure 4.33).
(e) (f)
Figure 4.33 (a) Solid angle subtended by an area A that is a pmtion of a sphere of radius R. (b)
Two areas A1 and A2 that subtend the same solid angle !1. (c) Idealized p oint radiators spaced in a
g rid aiTay. (d) The g rid aiTay of radiators in (c) viewed from a different perspective. (e) Projected
area. (f) A Lambe1tian radiato r.
It is standard in radiometry to assign the symbol E to irradiance. We do not do so here to avoid confusion wilh
electric field.
A = Ao case (4.62)
where Ao is the solid angle subtencled by the source when the measurement angle is zero.
The radiance, sometimes referred to as brightness, is defined as the flux enlitted into unit
solid angle per unit projected area:
L= dil> d<I>o
(cosedA) S1 dASl
where dil>o is the flu x received when = 0. Thus, dil> = dil>o cos as indicated by the e,
arrows in Figure 4.33(f). Examples of extended sources that are approxi mately Lambertian
include the surface of the Sun and walls painted with di ffusely reflecting paint.
J ,\ = fJA (4.64)
with units W per steradian per meter. The ~pectral irradiance (sometimes referred to as
the specific irradiance) is given by
h=m (4.65)
with units of l·V per cubic meter. The spectral radiance (sometimes referred to as the
spec{fic radiance) is given by
L>. = {))... (4.66)
The refracted rays define an object solid angle given by Do = Ao/s~ and image solid angle
given by n; = A; Is~' with ratio
D; _ s~
- -2 (4.69)
!10 S;
The optical throughput, sometimes referred to as entendu, is defi ned as the product A D.
From Equations 4 .68-4.69, we see that
ci> <l>
L; = A.l ".lGz. = A o .lt.o
" = Lo (4.71)
where ci> is the flux that is passed by the optical system. In practice, there arc insertion
losses, and L; < L 0 • Tn any case, concentrating the light gathered by the optical system
into a smaller image also increases the image solid angle, so the radiance of the image is at
best equal to that of the source.
Problem 4.27 A lens coaxial with an aperture stop of diameter 5.00 em. is located25.0 em
from a point source p. Find the solid angle subtended by the aperture stop at p.
Problem 4.28 Find the solid angle subtended by a f / 1 lens at a point source located at
its focus.
Problem 4.29 Find the radiant intensity of a Lambertian emitter that radiates 1.00 W
into a hemisphere.
Problem 4.30 Find the maximum solid angle subtended by a 1.00 em-wide detector at a
point one meter away.
Problem 4.31
a) Use Equation 4.21 to show that a single spherical refracting surface can form an
image according to
1 n n-1
So s;
= -R.-
where R is the radius of curvature of the refracting surface and n is the relative
index of refraction. Define a focal length letting the object distance go to infinity:
f = ___!!:__
All objects with a non-zero temperature emit and absorb electromagnetic radiation. An
object that is in thermal equilibrium with its surroundings has equal rates of emission
and absorption as a whole, integrated over all wavelengths; thus, a good emitter is a good
absorber. An ideal blackbody can be approximated by a small hole leading to an irregularly
shaped cavity within a block of absorbing material such as carbon, as illustrated in Figure
4.35(a). The hole is a good absorber (and thus a good radiator) because a photon th at enters
the hole will reflect many times before finding a way out of the cavity, so the probability
for absorption is very high. If the hole is sufficie ntly small , energy radiated through it will
have a negligible effect on the energy density within the cavity, and thermal equilibrium
will be maintained.
Figure 4.35 (a) A small hole leading to an ineg ularly shaped cavity approximates an ideal
blac kbody. (b) Spectral radiance L>.(T) plotted versus wavelength A for temperatures of 5800 I<,
5000 K , 4000 K , and 3000 J(. Data points locate Wien 's displacement maxima for temperatures
that range from 2000 [(and 6000 [(in steps of 100 K.
When light leaving such a cavity is analyzed spectroscopically, the spectrum of Figure
4.35(b) is observed, where spectral radiance L,\ (T) is plotted as a function of wavelength.
The properties of thi s distribution were well documented in the years prior to 1900, and
in the process, certain empirical facts were noted. As the temperature increases, emission
increases at all frequencies, and the wavelength /\nax that locates the peak of the wavelength
spectrum shifts toward shorter wavelengths according to Wien 's displacement law 13
where '\nax is the wavelength at the peak of L>.(T), and T is the temperature in Kelvin.
Also, the total flux radiated is found to be proportional to the fourth power of the tempera-
ture, as summarized by the Stefan-Boltzmann law: 14
!A = aT4 (4.73)
where <I> is the total rad iated flux, A is the blackbody area, T is the absolute temperature,
and a is Stefan's constant: a = 5.6699 x 10- 8 l·l'jm.2 ]( 4 . If the radiator is not a perfect
blackbody, the n it has an emissivity e of less than one:
Lord Rayl eigh 15 and J. H. Jeans 16 independently modeled a blackbody cavity as a collection
of linear oscillators with electrons as the oscillating mass. Because they accelerate, the
oscillating charges radiate. At thermodynamic equilibrium, the oscillators within the cavity
of Figure 4.35(a) will absorb and emit radiation equally, and there will be a steady state
spectml energy density ·u(/\, T) within the cavity that determines the spectral radiance
L>. (T) that exits the outlet hole. According to classical thermodynamics, the average
energy of each oscillator is equal to k 8 T 17 , where k 8 is Boltvnan 's constant,
- 23 J
kR = 1.38065 X 10 - (4.75)
In the Rayleigh-Jeans model, an oscillator can participate only if it emits rad iation in an
available cavity mode: a standing wave with nodes at each wall of the cavity. The number
of such modes per unit frequency interval per unit volume is known as the Jeans nwnber
(sec the Appendix to this chapter)
where c is the vacuum speed of light. We may express the Jeans number as a function of
wavelength by noting that since n(J) df = n(/\) dA. and f /\ = c (sec Problcm4.33),
The Rayleigh-Jeans result is given by the product of the Jeans number and the average
energy per mode. In terms of wavelength, thi s gives
where the spectral energy density ·u ,\ (T) is the radiant energy per unit volume between A.
and /\ + d/\. Expressing this result as a function of frequency gives
where the spectral energy density u 1 ('1') is the radiant energy per un it volume between f
and f + df.
Show that the spectral radiance emitted from the cavity hole can be found by multi-
plying Equations 4.79 and 4.80 by ,1~ .
John William Strutt: 1842-1 9 19. English physicist and recipient of the 1904 Nobel Prize.
16 J.H. Jeans: 1877-1946. English mathematician and astronomer.
17 See the disc ussion of the equiparlilionlheorem in, for example, Schroeder ]1 8].
We begin by noting that the hole in the blackbody cavity of Figure 4.35(a) is a
perfect Lambertian source. The blackbody cavity is filled with electromagnetic
waves that propagate in every possible direction. Flux leaving the hole area oA in a
direction B crosses a projected area of oA cos B; thus the exiting flux is proportional
to cos B giving a radiance that is constant for all angles, as discussed in Section 4.8.1.
Integrating the radiance over the hemisphere of solid angles, we obtain:
27r 2
O<I> = oA j j d<p L cos Bsin BdB
0 0
= JA L (27r) sin2 B 12
2 0
= oA 1r L
1 o<P
L = --
where ~~ is the net power passing tlu·ough the hole, sometimes referred to as the
exitance AI. Note that the multiplicative factor relating radiance and irradiance is
not 21r, as one might intuitively guess.
We may relate exitance to the energy densities of Equations 4.79 and 4 .80 in a
manner that is similar to the arguments used in Section 2.3.2. According to Equation
2.32, a collimated beam with energy density u has an intensity of uc. However, the
energy passing through the blackbody hole propagates in all possible directions. We
first note that only half of the energy within the blackbody cavity propagates in a
direction with a forward component. Now apply conservation of rad iance to two
areas: the area oA of the blackbody hole, and the area of a hemisphere of radius cot,
as illustrated in Figure 4.36.
Figure 4.36 The blackbody hole and a hemisphere of radius cot.
The radiance at the two areas must be equal. Since the radiation passes through
the hemisphere normally, and since the solid angle subtended by the hemisphere is
27r, we obtain
1 o<P (~u) c
;oA =~
o<P c
- = -1l
oA 4
and a corresponding radiance of
L= - u
According to the result of Example 4.8, the radiance predicted by the Rayleigh-Jeans
result is
Max Planck 19 deduced the following expression for blackbody radiation that agrees well
with observation:
87Thj3 1
u (!, T) = ~( !.!L
ekT -1
h = 6.626196 x w- 34 J . s
18 Paul Ehre nfest: 1880- 1933. Austrian physicist and mathematician.
19 M ax Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck: 1858-1 947. German physicist and winner of the 19 18 Nobel Prize.
This distribution function was used by Boltzmann with remarkable success to derive the
laws of classical thermodynamics from statistical arguments. Because of the exponential
dependence, higher energy states are less likely to be populated. Using this distribution
function, we calculate the average energy per oscillator as follows
00 00
2.:: N (n) E, No 2.:: e- k'F" (nhf)
E= _n_= oo=-=0: - - - - - n=O
L 1V (n)
Q+ + 2hf C 3!>_1.
hf C- kT
!>_1. :}!>_1.
kT + 3hf C- kT + •• •
1 + e- U +e- W +e- W + . ..
_ -u(
- hfe
1+2e-M-+3e-W+·· · )
1 + e- M W ¥I
· + e- · + e- · + · · ·
1 f ( 1 + 2x + 3x + · · · )
= l. x 1 + x + x2 + x3 + ...
where in the last step, we make the substitution x = e- M. The denominator of the last
step is the geometric series (Equation 5.85):
00 1
" x" = 1 + x + x2 + ... = - - (4.86)
n= O
The numerator is the derivative of the denominator; thus
+ ···L 1 1
1 + 2x + 3x 2 nx"- =-----no (4.87)
n= O (1 - x)2
2°For an interesting account of this important aspect of the history of physics, see Kuhn [ 15].
21A lbert Einstein: 1879- 1955. Gcnnan physicist and recipient of the 1921 Nobel Prize.
LJ(T) = - 2 ( rfh1 ) (4.91)
c e ·n '1 - 1
Show that the Planck radiation law expressed as a function of wavelength gives
the Wien 's displacement result of Equation 4.72 and the Stefan-Boltzman law of
Equation 4.73.
ex - 1
or, by rearranging,
1 - - =e- x
This equation can be solved numerically to give Xma x = 4 .96511. Thus
he 0.0028978 m J(
Amax = ...,....----..,..--
(4.96511) kn T
as in Equation 4.72.
To verify the Stefan-Boltzmann law, we integrate the radiance over the half-sphere
of solid angle and over all wavelengths. The integration over solid angle gives a factor
of 1r, as in Example 4.8. To integrate over wavelength, we change variables to the
dimensionless parameter defined above, with
d,\=--2k Tdx
X 'B
he )
( - x 2 knTdx
The quantity inside the parentheses is Stefan's constant.
Since wavelength varies inversely with frequency, uniform wavelength intervals do not
give uniform frequency intervals. Thus, the Planck distributions of Equations 4.91 and
4.92 have maxima that occur at different wavelength/frequency values.22
22 For more information, seeM. A. Heald, "Where is the ' \Vien Peak'?," Am. J. Phys 7 1, 1322(2003) and
references therein.
Problem 4.34 Repeat the calculation of the average energy per oscillator by treating it as
an integration over an energy continuum, and show that in this case the average energy per
oscillator becomes the classical value of € = kaT. Show that this gives the Rayleigh-Jeans
Problem 4.35 Verify the Stefan-Boltzmann law using Equation 4.91 which expresses the
Planck radiation law as a function of frequency.
Problem 4.36 Find the peak of the wavelength spectrum of the Sun, assuming that it is
a blackbody of temperature 5800 K .
Problem 4.37 Show that the peak Equation 4.9 1 that expresses the Planck radiation law
as a function of frequency occurs when
/max = (2.821) -h-
Calculate the corresponding wavelength for a 5800 J( blackbody, and compare to the result
of Problem 4.36.
Problem 4.38 Show that the flux of photons per unit frequency interval per steradian is
given by
Problem 4.39 Referring to Problem4.38, show that the number of photons emitted by a
5800 J( blackbody peaks at 1559 nm when measured as a function of frequency.
Problem 4.40 Show that the flu x of photons per unit wavelength interval per steradian
is given by
Problem 4.41 Referring to Problem 4.40, show that the number of photons emitted by a
5800 J( blackbody peaks at 634 nm when measured as a function of wavelength.
Problem 4.42 Assuming a 5800 J( blackbody, use numerical integration to find the
median wavelength of the Planck distribution, defined such that one half of the total radiated
energy falls on either side. Show that the same value is obtained with both wavelength and
frequency distributions.
Optical fibers arc thin cylinders of transparent dielectric material that contain and transmit
light by total internal reflection. This is useful fo r a variety of purposes. High-powered laser
beams can be manipulated with the precision required for medical applications. Bundles of
optical fibers can collect light at the image plane of an optical system, transporting the image
information intact to another location. By far, the most important application of fiber optics
is in communications. Data transmi ss ion over conductors is limited by stray capacitance
and inductance, and ultimately by the frequency of the carrier wave. Optical frequencies
are much higher, and when properly designed , optical fibers can achieve extreme ly high
data transfer rates. Optical fiber technology is the cornerstone of modern high-speed dig ital
Figure 4.37 A step-index optical fiber with core index 11J and cladding index nc . A ray incident
at 8; 111 on the fiber face is incident at the critical angle at the core-cladding inte1face.
Figure 4 .37 illus trates a step index fiber consisting of a central core with index of
refraction n f surrounded by a lower-index cladding with index nc. Light will be transmitted
without loss along the fiber as long there is total internal reflection at the core-cladding
interface. The maximum input angle O;m for a ray that transmits into the fiber may be
found from Snell's law. A ray incident in air at thi s angle is transmitted according to
n; sin O;m = n f sin 01 . For thi s ray to be totally reflected at the fiber-cladding interface, the
transmitted angle must be the complement of the critical angle, which from Section 3.5.3
is given by Be = sin- 1 ( 11cfnf) . Thus
-nc = Slll
. (}c = COS et = v .e
1- 8 1112 t = 1
2 .
2 (}
_ _si_n.,-_;,_,
_ n.!...;
Solving for 11; sin O;m g ives the tutmerical aperture (N A) of the fiber:
Note that the core index must be greater than that of th e cladding in order for total internal
re flection to occur. The cladding mu st be thick enough to accommodate the e1•mtescent
wave discussed in Section 3.6.2.
low mode
axial mode
/ nc
high mode
Figure 4.38 A multi mode optical fiber. The axial mode propagates a given fiber length in the least
Rays with different angles of incidence propagate down a step index fiber as shown in
Figure 4.38. Rays with a non-zero angle of incidence travel a longer path than that of an
axial path whose angle of incidence is zero. The largest path difference is between the axial
path and that of the maximum angle of incidence, the path for which B; = 8; 111 • Tf the axial
distance between points A and B in Figmc 4.38 is then the longest path between these
two points is e"
= e;
sin Oc = en
I Inc. Since the axial path has a transit time A to B of
ta = Cjv = fliJjC, and the max imum path has a transit time between the same points of
th ell nJic,
= the max imum time delay is given by
n1 (~ -e)
6.t = til - la = - -'-----:-
giving a time delay per unit length of
- 6.t. llj ( ~- 1) =e = c (4.94)
This time delay places a practical limit on the usable modulation bandwidth for information
that can be successfully transmitted across the fiber. For example, digital information is
transmitted as a sequence of ones and zeros, represented as discrete changes in the optical
intensity between two reference levels. Tf the time delay of Equation 4.94 exceeds the
time interval between adjacent "bits" of digital information, the variation between these
reference levels becomes indistinct.
• EXAMPLE 4.10
Estimate the time delay for a 1.00 km length of fiber with a core index equal to 1.50
that docs not have a cladding, and is surrounded by ai r. Repeat for a fiber with a
cladding of index 1.49.
When the cladding index is close in val ue to the core index, the critical angle is reduced
to the point where the only paths available are very close to axial. In a more detailed
analysis that includes a full wave treatment using Maxwell 's equations2 3, the fiber diameter
23 Such a treatment is beyond the scope of Ihis discussion. For more informalion, see Snlch nnd Teich [17].
becomes very important. Electromagnetic waves can only propagate without loss if the
wave amplitude and phase repeats at regular periodic intervals along the fiber, and this
restricts the possible non-axial paths that can exist in a fiber with a given cross-sectionai
diameter. A possible propagation path is called qmode, and a larger diameter fiber that can
support many modes is called a multimodefiber. For this reason, the value of given by
Equation 4.94 is said to produce modal distortion of transmitted information. The modal
distortion can be reduced by decreasing the fiber diameter in so called single-mode fiber.
A single-mode fiber wi th cladding index that is close in value to the core index supports a
single transmission mode, minimizing the modal distortion to support the highest possible
bandwidth. Single-mode fibers have diameters that are typica lly 10 wavelengths or less
In addition to the step index model, optical fibers may also be designed with a graded
index where the index of the core decreases with distance from the core axis. Applications
of graded index optics (sometimes referred to as gradient index optics) (acronym: GRIN)
were first investigated by R. K. Luneberg,24 who designed a spherically symmetric lens
that focuses parallel rays perfectly from any incident direction. The difficulty of fabri-
cating the necessary index gradients limited application to all but microwave wavelengths
where a layered design could be implemented until modern ion d{fjltsion technologies were
developed. 25
' '
' '
(~ ~"""
(n) (b)
Figure 4.39 (a) Refraction across an infinitesimal fiber element for a ray traveling away from the
fiber center. (b) A graded index fiber. The fiber index varies as a parabola, decreasi ng with radial
distance fro m the fiber center. A c ladding of index nc encloses the fiber.
Figure 4.39(a) illustrates refraction when a ray transmits into a region of lower index;
in this case refraction causes the ray to refract away from the normal. In a material with
graded index, rays refract toward regions of higher index. A familiar example is that of a
mirage. As the Sun heats a surface such as sand or a roadbed, the density of air is lower
at ground level. Rays are refracted upward as though they were reflected from a puddle of
water, re flecting the sky.
It is possible to vary the index so that all trajectories intersect the axis of symmetry with
the same spatial period, as illustrated in Figure 4.39. In thi s case, all rays periodically pass
through identical points of focus, so by Fermat's principle (Section 3.2.1), the transit times
must be equal for all trajectories (see Problem 4.46). Intuitively, rays with larger periodic
~RudolfKarl Luncberg: 1903-1949.
25 Despite these technical difficulties, Nature invented this design hundreds of millions of years ago in, for example,
the cyeofthe box jellyfish. See D. Ni lsson ct. al., "Advanced optics in a jellyfish eye," Nature Vol435, p. 20 1
115·- - - - - -- -- = --=='"-
114 _ _ _ __ ----=.......,=--- - - - --
113_ _--:;,......,:::c_-------~
111.,..._+-- - -- - -- ------i
amplitude travel longer distances but in regions of lower index, so the travel time is the
same. This all but e liminates the modal distortion of step index designs.
Let us investigate the necessary index gradient to achi eve this. Let T be the transverse
distance from the axis of symmetry. If the periodic trajectories are sinusoidal with period
L, then
where z measures distance along the fiber axis, and I'm is the maximum value of T for a
given trajectory. Each trajectory crosses the axis with a slope that is given by
dr I L
dz z=O
This slope is given by the tangent of the angle that the trajectory makes with the axis,
and for paraxial rays, it is given by the si ne. Since angles of incidence are measured with
respect to the normal, this slope is also given by
coso= L (4.97)
where Bois the angle o f incidence at 7' = 0, henceforth referred to as the crossing angle. We
assume also that the refraction is uniform. Consider the discrete layers illustrated in Figure
4.40, and assume that each layer refracts so that no sin Oo = n 1 sin 81 = n2 sin 82 = ....
Let 7' be the distance from the ax is of synunetry, and n(r) be the index of refraction at this
axial distance. The condition of uniform refraction gives
where O(r) is the angle of refract ion at ax ial distance 1'. In particular,
where n(O) is the index on axis, n(r111 ) is the index at the maximum value of 1' for a
particular trajectory, and 80 is the crossing angle. Since sin {;I = Vl - cos2 {;1,
Each traj ectory has a different value of 1" 111 , so we may drop the subscript. According to
the binomial expansion, Vl - X ~ 1 - ~X, giving
(4.1 00)
Thus, a parabolic index profile gives periodic trajectories of equal transit times for all
paraxial crossing angles.
Material dispersion also limits the usable bandwidth in both GRIN and step index fibers.
As discussed in Section 3.7, different frequency components in a communications signal
will propagate with different velocities, distorting the shape of a digital pulse that travels
along the fiber.
Problem 4.43 A certain multimode fiber has llJ = 1.46 and nc = 1.'15. Find the
numerical aperture and B; 111 if the input medium is air, the critical angle, the time delay for
a I..00 km length , and an estimate of the 1 J..:m bandwidth.
Problem 4.44 Find the trajectory period for a graded index fiber with a 1.00% index
variation across a 100 JL.m diameter. Repeat for a diameter of 50 J171L
Problem 4.45 An optical fiber has a core index of 1.499 and a cladding with index 1.489
and is immersed in air. Find the numerical aperture, the maximum input angle, the critical
angle and the time delay for a 1.00 km segment. Estimate the bandwidth for a 5.00 km
Problem 4.46 Use Fermat's principle to argue that intermodal distortion is e liminated in
GRIN fibers that have a parabolic index profile.
Problem 4.47 A short GRIN rod can used as a GRIN lens. The pitch of a GRIN lens
specifies its length as a fraction of the spatial trajectory period L . For example, a 0.25-pitch
GRIN lens has a length that is L/ 4. Show that a 0.25-pitch GRIN lens will transmit a point
somce placed at one end of the rod as a collimated beam.
where n = ncfnm is the relative index of refraction, and R 1 is the radius of curvature of
side l of the thick lens. We define a focal length for the first surface by letting s; 1 - t oo in
Eq uation 4.10 I (see Figure 4.10):
It = .l.!..!_ (4.102)
n- 1
In Equation 4.105, an infinite object di stance produces an image at the focal point of the
second surface
h =---
n- 1
(4. 106)
As a check, note that for a thin lens, we can combine Equations 4.102 and 4.106 using the
formula for close contact:
as in Equation 4.25.
The front and back focal points of a thi ck lens may be obtained as was done for lens
combinations. According to Equation 4 . 103, surface I produces an image located by
n / 1Sof
s il = --=----=-=- (4 .109)
So l - J
This image becomes the object for surface 2, with object distance given by s 02 = d - sn .
According to Equations 4 .107 and 4.103 , the image distance for surface 2 is given by
f 2 d- f 2 (~)
Sot - / I
(4. 110)
- d- nf 2 - ~ So t - /I
/b = h (d - nfi) (4.111)
d - n(!I +h)
Similarly, letting s;2 --4 oo gives the fron t focal point. This w ill be the case when
I' n fi So!
Sol -
f _ f,(cl-nh) (4. 112)
J - d - n(h+h)
hJ hb:..___ ___ to s;
los0 ----- ~ 1
:- J , -
1 fe
Figure 4.41 Front, back and e ffective focal lengths and principal points for a thick lens.
4.1 0.1 * Principal Points and Effective Focal Lengths of Thick Lenses
We again seek principal points with corresponding effect ive image and object di stances
and an effecti ve focal length (sec Figure 4.41) so that
1 1 1
-+ -= - (4.1 13)
So S; fe
The lens magnification is the product of the magnification for each surface, and must also
be given by the effective quantities:
?n = (- ~)
n So!
( - ns;2 ) =
So l
(s;2 )
= -~
(4. 114)
To find the effective focal length , we let s 01 --4 oo and use Equat ions 4.103 and 4.107.
Thus, sil --4 nft, S 01 --4 s0 and s; --4 f c· The object distance for lens 2 is then
S 0 2 = cl- sil --4 d - nfi, giving
8;2 = - fe
cl - n f 1
The image distance s;2 is given by
h (cl - nf, )
d-n(ft +h)
Combining the last two results gives the effective focal length :
or, equivalently,
1 1 1 d
-= -+ - - - - (4. 116)
fe h h nfth
The front principal point is determined by (see Figure4.41)
nfih !I (d - nh)
hj = f c- fJ = II (JI +h) - d d - II (fi +h)
f1d (11!2)
= n (!I +h) - d nh
Principal points are measu red relative to the points where the lens surface intersects the
optical axis, as shown in Figure4.41. Principal points that lie to the left of the corresponding
lens surface arc negative. According to this sign convention, the value of hb in Figure 4.41
• EXAMPLE 4.11
Find the effective focal lengths, the front and back focal points, and principal points
for the followi ng lenses, all made of glass with index 1.50. In each case, find the image
location and image size for a 1. 00 em -high object with object distance So = 10.0 em.
(a) A biconvex lens with Rt = lO.Oem, R2 = - lO.O e m, and d = l.OOe~n. (b) A
convex lens wi th R 1 = 10.0em, R2 = - 5.00 em, and cl = l.OOem. (c) A concave
lens, with Rt = - lO.O e m, R2 = +5.00em, and d = l.OO em.
(a) A biconvex lens with R 1 = 10.0 em, R2 = - 10.0 em and d = 1.00 em. Beg in
by computing values for !I and f2:
_ Rt _ 10.0 em _
f 1 - n- --1- 0.5
- 20 . 0 em
_ R2 _ - 10.0em _
f2 - - -
n- 1
- - -
• em
- 200
S; = -- -
So - fe
In this case, fe = 10.2 em, which is larger than s0 , so the image is virtual:
s; -510cm
m. = - - = - =51.0
80 10.0 em.
givi ng an upright virtual image that is 51.0 em tall.
Figure 4.42 (n)-(c) Lenses used in the Example 4.1 I. (d) Meniscus lens of Problem 4.49. The
surface curvatures are exaggerated for clarity.
(b) A convex lens with R 1 = 10.0 em, R2 = -5.00 em, and d = 1.00 em. The focal
lengths for both surfaces are
/J = - - = 20.0cm
f2 = - ~ = lO.O em
· n- 1
The e ffective focal length is given by
nhh 300
fe = (! f )
11 1 + 2 - (1
= - 4- = 6.82 em
4 .0
f eel 6.82
h1 = - = - = 0.455em
nh 15.0
fed 6.82
hb = - - = - - = - 0.227 em
1lf, 30.0
The fro nt focal length is
S; 21.4 em
'11t= - - = - - - = - 2.14
So lO.Oem
g iving an inverted real image that is 2. 14 em tall.
(c) A concave lens, with R 1 = -10.0 em, R2 = +5.00 em, and d = 1.00 em . The
focal lengths for both surfaces are
f 1 = - - = -20.0em
n- 1
h = - -R2- = -10.0em
n- 1
The effective focal length is g iven by
_ n/1 h _ 300 _ ~
- - - - - 6.u 2 ent
Je - n (!, + h) - d -46 .0
The principal points are located by
f ed - 6.52
h1 = - = - - = 0.435em
nh - 15.0
fed - 6.52
hb = - nf, = - _ . = - 0.217 em
30 0
The front focal length is
m = -~ = - -3.95cm. = 0.395
80 10.0em.
giving an upright virtual image that is 0.395 em tall.
In part (a), the principal points for a biconvex lens were located about kdon ei ther
side of the lens center. This is a general result when the index of the lens is 1.5.
Problem 4.48 Derive Equation 4.118 for the back principal point of a thick lens.
Problem 4.49 Repeat the calculations of Example 4.11 for the meniscus lens shown in
Figure 4.42(d), with R 1 = 10.0 em, R2 = 5.00 em, d = 1.00 em, and n = 1.50.
Pmblem 4.50 A certain thick lens has R 1 = - 10.0 em, R 2 = +5.0 em, d = 1.00 ern,
and n = 1.50. Find the effective focal length, the front and back focal points, and principal
points. If a 2.00 e1n-high object is located 10.0 em in front of thi s lens, find the image
location and image size.
In principle, images formed by any optical system may be located by tracing rays as they
refiact or reflect at all interfaces in the optical train. If we restrict the analysis to include
only paraxial rays, a matrix approach can be used, as described in this section.
We begin by defining matrices for the processes of translation, refraction, and reflection.
In addition to the paraxial approximation, we further assume that all optical elements have
ro tational sy mmetry and are aligned coaxially along a single optical axis.
We define a ray according to the parameters illustrated in Figure 4.43. The ray is defined
according to its intersection with a reference plane, as shown in Figures 4.43(a) and (b).
optical axis
(b) (c)
Figure 4.43 (a), (b) A ray passes through a reference plane that is normal to the optical ax is. The
ray is described by parameters y and 0, where y is the distance between the points of in tersections of
the reference plane with the optical axis and the ray, and () is the angle the ray makes with the optical
axis. (b) i\ ray passing throug h two reference planes separated by distance d12·
The parameter y is the perpendicular distance between the optical axis and the intersecti on
point, and the angle 0 is the angle that the ray makes with the horizontal. Ray translation
between two reference planes is illustrated in Figure 4.43(c). The rays are assu med to be
meridional, meaning that they lie in the same plane as the optical axi s. T he ray para meter
y varies between the two reference planes accord ing to
Y2 = Yt + c/12 tan81
Since we are using the parax ial approx imation, tan 81 may be replaced with 01, givi ng
( ~~ ) = [ ~ d{ 2 ] ( ~~ ) = MT ( ~: ) (4. 120)
where 1HT is called the translation matrix, since it translates the ray between two reference
planes within the same medium that arc separated by horizontal distance d 12 :
(4. 12 1)
• EXAMPLE 4.12
Find the result of two horizontal translations of distance T 1 and T2 . Generalize the
result to any number of translations.
Let the ray at an initial reference plane Po be given by ( Y; ) . The first trans-
Jation gives
Thus, the net translation is given by the matrix product Mr2 Mr1 • Matrix multipli-
cation is not commutative, so the order is important. Multiply the two matrices as
follows26 :
[~ ~2][~ ~1 ] = [~!~ Th!i2]
Notice that this could be done any number of times, so translations by the amounts
T t followed by T2. T3, ... TN would give
L: T;
n; sin 0; = nt sinOt
B2 -_n
- i Bi -
Yt -_ ni(B
- -
1+- - -Yt -_ --1 ( 1 - -·1.1 i) Yt + -niB1
nt R nt R R R nt nt
This gives the following system of equations:
Y2 = Y1
B2 = - -1 ( 1 - 17j
- ) Y1
R nt
+ -nt B,
( BY2) = [ -~
n R 1
_ (n 1 - n ;) (4. 123)
• EXAMPLE 4.13
Usc the refraction matrix to determine the matrix for a thin lens of focal length f.
We represent a thin lens as two refracting spherical surfaces with negligible translation
in between. Thus
0 ] [
!!.1. ? ]= [ - (ne- 1) ( ri, - ~J ~
Me= [ (4.124)
Figure 4.45 illustrates reflection at a spherical surface. Like refraction, this occurs at a
single point, so y 1 = y 2 . From the law of reflection,
The spherical surface in Figure4.44 is by convention positive, making the spherical surface
in F igure 4.45 11egative. Since thi s mirror is converg ing, we must include the minus sign
explicitly. Using the small angle approximation, we have
The system of equations that describe reflection at a spherical surface arc thus
Y2 = Yl
2 (4.125)
fh = RY1 +Bt
MR= [
~] (4.126)
Problem 4.51 Find a matrix that represents a thin, symmetric biconvex lens when both
surfaces have a radius of curvature of 20.0 em in magnitude. Assume an index of refraction
of 1.5. Repeat when the lens has a thickness of 1.00 em.
Taken as linear sequence of interfaces and translations, we can usc the toolkit of matrices
just defined to model optical systems of arbitrary complexity. Figure 4.46 illustrates a ray
traversing between two reference planes P 1 and P2. Each interface and translation yields
new ray parameters; thus, the matrix multiplication proceeds in the following order:
------- i
1Ms J\IN - 2 \
M~ 1\f.v~ a .i\/N -t
Figure 4.46 A ray travels between reference planes P 1 and P2 in an optical system. The center
box represents an arbitrary number of optical e leme nts. Each interface and translation contributes a
matrix with index that increases from left to right, as shown.
The matrix M in Equat ion 4. 127 is called the ray transfer matrix. The elements of this
2 x 2 matrix can be used to determine many properties of the optical system . In order to
refer to them, we label the elements of 1\1 with the letters A-D as follows:
Figure 4.47(a) illustrates an optical system with a zero value for element A. In th is case,
Equation 4.46 gives
We interpret this equation as follows: parallel input rays with angle (h all pass through
Y2 in reference plane ?2 . Thus, in thi s case P2 locates the bac k focal plane of the optical
system, as illustrated in Figure 4.47(a). Similarly, if D = 0, then
fh = C Yt
Jn this case, all rays emanating from y 1 are transmitted with the same angle ()2 ; thus the
re ference plane P1 is located at the front focal plane of the optical system, as illustrated in
Figure 4.47(d).
-.. -..... . .
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 4.47 Conseq uences of zero values fo r the ray transfer matri x e lements. (a) If A = 0, then
P2 is located at the back foc al plane . (b) If n = 0, then P2 is an image plane of an o bject located
at P1. (c) If C = 0, then the system behaves as a telescope. (d) If D = 0, the n P 1 is located at the
front foca l plane.
If C = 0, then
Thus, entering parallel rays at angle 81 arc transmitted as parallel rays at angle 82 . As
we have seen in Section 4.7.5, this is the case for a telescope with eyepiece adjusted for
the relaxed eye. For this reason, systems with zero values of matrix element C are called
telescopic systems.
If B = 0, we have
y~ z ) -~ [ CA
( 02 0 ] ( !Jt )
D =} Yz = A Yt
In this case, rays leaving y 1 at P 1 all pass through y 2 in P 2 . Thus, reference plane P 2 is
an image plane of an object located at P 1 (i.e., P 1 and P2 are conjugate planes). Since
Y2 = A Yt, the element A gives the magnification .
• EXAMPLE 4.14
1 2
X2 - - -·:
The matrices 1112 and M3, enclosed in parentheses above, represent the back and
front surfaces of lens 1. According to the results of Example 4.13 , the product is
with R1 the radius of curvature of the front surface, and Rb that of the back. Lens 1
has RJ = +20.0 em, Rb = -20.0 e1n, and n = 1.5, giving
= (1. 5 - l) ( 20.~ em.)
giving h = 20.0 em for lens 1. Similarly, lens 2 has a focal length of h = 10.0 em.
Notice that these lenses are identical to those used in Examples 4.5 and 4.3(a). The
ray transformation is thus given by
~~ ~ ~ ] M1 ( ~~
1 1
( ) = M1 [ _ }
] M4 [ _ }, )
~~ ~ ][~ d]
1 [ -\h- 1 M
( 1
) = M1 [ -fz 0 ] ( Y1 ) 1 e1
~ ] M1 ( ~~ )
=M1 [
I 1-d A. ] [ 1 _.l_
= M1 [
- ]2 - *(~- ~)
1- A.
1 -d ~ Ml ye~ )
= M1 [
1 - A.
- fe
1- A.l
M1 ( ~~ )
1 1 1 d
-=-+- - -
fe h fz fdz
gives the effective focal length of the combination (see Equation 4.39). In our case,
this is equal to
-1 = 1
+ 1 5.00em
-..,--- --:--::- -----:-
fe 20.0 em. 10.0 em (20.0 CJn) (10.0 em)
giving f e = 8.00 em, as in Example 4.5. Thus, the transformation from P1 to P 2 is
given by
( ·~~ ) = i1h [
The matrix 1H1 represents the initial translation by x 1 , and ll•h represents the final
translation x2:
where A-D represent the elements of the ray transfer matrix. The back focal pl ane
is found by setting A = 0 and solving for x 2
giving /b = 6 .00 em, as found in Examples 4.5 and 4.3(a). Similarly, setting D = 0
and solving for x 1 gives fJ = 4.00 em as before. If we let x 1 = 8.00 em and set
n = 0, we obtain
8 (~ - ~2 ) = -5- ~2
giving x 2 = 22.0 em, as in Example 4.5 . Evaluating A usi ng x 2 = 22.0 em gives a
magn ification of -2.00, as before. Thus, the 6.00 em image is inverted. See Figure
In Section 4. 10.1 , we found the cardinal points for a two-lens combination. From this
analysis, it should seem ev ident that following a similar approach for all but the simplest
optical systems can be algebraically difficult. In thi s regard, the advantages o f the matri x
approach become especially evident. A ray transfer matri x contains a complete description
of the associated optical system, and in this section we describe how to use the associated
matrix elements to easily determine the cardinal points of an optical system of arbitrary
It will fac ilitate our analysis to choose the input reference plane P 1 to coincide with the
first surface of the optical system, and the output reference plane P2 to coincide with the
final s urface. We refer to the matri x that utili zes these reference planes as the system 111atrix
Figure 4.49 illustrates an optical system bounded by P 1 and P 2 at the initial and fin al
vertex 27 . We ass ume, for simplicity, that the region preceding P 1 and following P 2 have
the same index of refracti on 28 • As in Section 4. 10.1 , the rays in Figures 4.49(a) and (b)
defi ne the cardinal points : in Figure 4.49(a) an inconting parallel ray is redirected at back
principal plane lzb so that it passes throug h the back focal point fb, and in Figure 4.49(b)
a ray first passing throug h front focal point fJ is redirected paralle l to the optical axis at
front principal plane h 1.
Begin with Figure 4.49(a). Equat ion 4.127 gives
where Ms is the system matrix, and where the incanting parallel ray is characteri zed by a
zero value of 8 1 . This gives the following set of equations:
'~/ 1
~~b 1
~- -••••••-•••••-L------- - ---- ~ -------- ~
I ~
I Y2
I • I
i --------------- ~ ------------ ~ -------- 1
I 1 1 I
l~j ~~b
'• • . . • • . . . . . . . . . 'L ------------~--------
' ~
Y1 --.. I1 Y2
..-----''----+- f, ~
e !
I. - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
•I • - - - - - - - - - - - - I - - - - - - •- l
Figure 4.49 An optical system bounded by reference planes P1 and P2. (a) The incoming ray is
parallel to the optical axis. (b) The outgoing ray is parallel to the optical axis.
Note that the angle fJ for any ray is derived from the ray slope, so fJ2 in Figure 4.49(a) is
negative. From the figure, and using the small angle approximation,
where fe is the effective focal length, as defined in Section 4.1 0.1. Thus,
fe = - - (4. 129)
This was confirmed for a two-lens combination in Example 4.14. From the sim.ilar triangles,
fb fe
Y2 Y1
Y2 = - C fbYl = Ay1
/b= - - (4.130)
We must maintai n the sign convention of Section 4.10.1 which assigns negative values to
principal points that lie to the left of the associated reference vertex. Thus, by the same
convention that gives Equation4.118,
hb = - Cfc - fu)
In Figure 4.49(b),
Y2 = Ay1 + B01
0 = Cy1 +D81
l} _ Y1
fJ = - -
c (4.132)
As in Section 4.10.1,
hJ = fe- fJ
D - 1
hj=-c (4. 133)
Equations 4.129-4.133 are summarized in Table 4.2 ..
In ray diagrams with single thin lenses, rays that pass through the center of the lens are
undeftected. For thick lenses and lens combinations, front and back nodal points can be
defined . A ray that enters the system and passes through the front nodal point emerges in
a parallel direction as though it originated at the back nodal point. For more information,
see Gerrard and Burch, Introduction to Matrix Methods in Optics [6]).
• EXAMPLE 4.15
Use the system matrix of a two-lens combination to verify the formulas for cardinal
points found in Section 4.1 0.1.
In Example 4.14, the system matrix for a two-lens combination was found to be
1115 = [
1 - d A.
Clearly, fc = -f;. The front focal point is given by
fJ = _ ~ = fe
(1_ ~) = (
hh ) (h
h +h - d h
-d) h (d - h)
d- (f)+ h)
as in Equation 4.32. Similarly, the back focal point is located by
!u __ A
- c-
_ t (1 _
~) _ ( hh )
h - It + h - d
(11-h d) = h (d - ft)
d- (!J +h)
as in Equation 4.4 1.
• EXAMPLE 4.16
A thick biconvex lens has R 1 = 10.0 em, R2 = - 10.0 em, thickness d = 1.00 em
and is made from a material with index of refraction1 .50. Find the system matrix, and
use thi s to determine the front and back focal points and principal planes. Determine
the image location and size when a 1.00 em-hi gh object is located a distance 20.0 em
in front of the front principal plane. Compare to the results of Example 4. 11 (a).
T he system matri x results from the combination of two refracting surfaces and a
translation of d. Proceed as in Example 4. 13:
Substitution gives
0 ] [ 0.967 0.667 ]
'1.5 = -0.0983 0.967
1 1
f e = - C = - - 0.0983 = 10.2 em.
D- 1 0.967 - 1
ht = -----c:- = _ .
0 0983
= 0.336 em
A - 1
hb = - ----c- = - 0.336 em
D 0.967
ft = - C = _ . = 9. 84 em
0 0983
!b = - C = 9.84 em.
which, to within round-off errors, agrees with the results of Example 4.11 (a). To
locate the image using matrix methods, we must use the distance from the object to
the first optical surface:
Sol = S0 - ht = 19.7 em
M= [ ~ So l ] [
0.967 0.667 ] [ 1
- 0.0983 0.967 0
S;2 ]
19.7 ] [ 0. 967 0.667 ] [ 1 S;2 ]
-- [ 10 1 - 0.0983 0.967 0 1
_=-o~~;8°3 o .~6 7 ] [ ~
1 7 2
= [ s{ ]
s ;2 = 0. 970 = 20.3 em
As a check, use s0 = 20.0 em and f c = 10.2 em.
which agrees with the above to within round-off error. The magnification is
S; 20.8
1n = - - = - - = - 1.04
80 20.0
Thus, the 1.04 em-high image is inverted. A ray diagram is given in Figure 4 .50.
Problem 4.52 It can be shown that the determinant oft he system matrix is unity, provided
that the index of refraction is the same on both sides of the optical system (See, for example,
Gerrard and Burch, Introduction to Matrix Methods in Optics [6]). The determinant of a
2 x 2 matrix is defi ned as
det [ ~ ~ J = AD - nc
Show that this is true for each case below. Assume in each case that the index on both sides
of the optical system is 1.00. This can be used as a convenient computational check.
a) A thin lens
b) A thick lens of thickness d
c) A plane slab of th ick ness d
d) The optical system of Example 4. 15
e) The optical system of Example 4 . 16
Problem 4.53 A thick biconvex le ns has R 1 = 10.0 em, R 2 = - 5.0 em, thi ck ness
d = 1.00 e m and is made from a material with index of refraction 1. 50. Find the syste m
matri x, and usc thi s to determine the fro nt and back focal points and principal planes.
Determine the image location and size when a 1.00 em-high object is located a distance
10.0 em in front of the front principal plane.
Problem 4.54 A thick biconcave le ns has R 1 = - 10.0 e m, R 2 = +5.0cm, thi ckn ess
d = 1.00 em and is made from a materia l with index of re frac ti on 1.50. Find the system
matrix, and usc this to determine the front and back focal points and principal planes.
Determine the image location and size when a 1.00 em-high object is located a distance
10.0 em in front of the front principal plane.
Problem 4.55 A thick meniscus lens has R 1 = 10.0 em, R 2 = 5.0 em, thic kness
d = 1.00 em and is made from a material with index of refraction 1.50. Find the system
matrix, and usc this to determine the fron t and back focal points and principal planes.
Determine the image location and size when a 1.00 em-high object is located a distance
10.0 em. in front of the front principal plane.
Problem 4.56 Show that the system matri x for a vertical parallel slab of index 11 and
thickness L is given by
s ~]
Show that an incoming ray transmits through the slab in a direction that is parallel to the
incoming ray direction, but displaced downward vertically by
6.y = ( n -
1) LB
where B is the angle of the incoming ray. Include a sketch.
Problem 4.57 Repeat Example 4.14 when each biconvex lens is given a thi ckness of
Problem 4.58 Repeat Problem 4.8 on page 135 usi ng matrix methods.
Problem 4.59 A beam expander consists of two lenses of focal lengths f 1 and h
separated by a positive distanced, with d = f1 + /2. Show that the syste m matri x is given
_ [J_
Show that an input collimated beam of width w1 is transformed into an output collimated
beam of width w2, with
Draw two designs, one where both lenses are converging, and another where one lens is
diverging. Tn both cases, trace incoming parallel rays as they transmit through the beam
Additional Problems
Problem 4.60 A spherical concave nlirror has a focal point located 10.0 em from the
center of the mirror. Find the image distance, image height, and magnification for a
2.00 em-high object whose object distance is (a) 20.0 em and (b) 5.00 em. Draw a ray
diagram for each case.
Problem 4.61 A spherical convex mirror has a focal point located 10.0 em from the center
of the mirror. Find the image distance, image height, and magnification for a 2.00 em-high
object whose object distance is (a) 20.0 em and (b) 5.00 em. Draw a ray diagram for each
Problem 4.62 A thin convex lens has a focal point located 10.0 em from the center of the
lens. Find the image distance, image height, and magnification for a 2.00 em-high object
whose object di stance is (a) 20.0 em and (b) 5.00 em. Draw a ray diagram for each case.
Problem 4.63 A thin concave lens has a focal point located 10.0 em from the center
of the lens. Find the image distance, image height, and magnification for a 2.00 em-high
object whose object distance is (a) 20.0 em and (b) 5.00 em. Draw a ray diagram for each
Problem 4.64 Find the magnifying power of a 10.0 em focal length converging lens
when the virtual image is located at (a) the near point of the eye and (b) infinity.
Problem 4.65 A certain microscope has a tube length of L = 16.0 em and a single
objective lens. What would the focal length of the objective be if a 20x eyepiece is to give
a final mag nification of 400?
Problem 4.66 A telescope uses a 25.4 em-diameter f /10 objective. What is the focal
length of an eyepiece that will give an overall magnification of 200?
Problem 4.67 Find the effective focal lengths, the front and back focal points, and
principal points for the following lenses, all made of glass wi th index 1.50. In each case,
find the image location and image size for a 2.00 em-high object with object distance
s0 = 10.0 em. (a) R 1 = -10.0 em, R2 = +10.0 em, and d = 1.00 em. (b) R1 =
-5.00 em, R2 = + 10.0 em , and d = 1.00 em. (c) R1 = +5.0 em, R2 = -10.0 em, and
cl = 1.00 em. (d) R1 = +5.0 em, R2 = + 10.0 em, and cl = 1.00 em.. In each case, draw
a diagram of the lens and indicate the location of the principal points.
Begin by considering a cubic box of width L with perfectly reflecting walls. For a standing
wave to exist within the cavity, L must be an integral number of half wavelengths:
f = ~c = 2c£ 2+
c c
f = ~ = 2LR
or, expressing the radius as a function of frequency, we obtain
The number of available modes of frequency less than f is equal to the number of points
within the radius R. If this number is large, we can approximate this with the volume
within the first octant: ~ R 3 . Since there are two polarization states, we multiply by an
additional factor of 2:
Substituting V = £ 3 gives
i\,T = 811-F/3
1 3c3
Differentiate this expression to obtain the number of modes per unit frequency interval:
The Jeans number is the number of modes per unit frequency interval per unit vol ume
(Equation 4.76):
n(J) = s:r
5.1 Introduction 200
5.2 Superposition of Harmonic Waves 200
5.3 Interference Between1\1•o Monochromatic Electromagnetic Waves 201
5.4 Foul"iet· Analysis 218
5.5 Pmperties of Fourier TI·ansforms 224
5.6 Wavepackets 226
5.7 Group and Phase Velocity 232
5.8 Interferometry 235
5.9 Single-Photon Interference 243
5.10 Mulliple-Bcmn Interference 244
5.11 Interference in Multilayer Films 251
5.12 Coherence 259
AI>J>endix: Fouriet· Series 269
In superposition, waves are combined, and when waves are combined they interfere. We
begin by considering the superposition of harmonic monochromatic waves. The mathemat-
ical description of superposition is greatly facilitated by the ideas of Fourier Analysis, and
we shall take time to develop these ideas fully. In doing so, we will discover that waves must
be modeled as packets with a finite spread in frequency and wavelength , and an associated
group and phase velocity. There are many applications of inteJferomeiJ)' that are not only
technically useful, but that also reveal some of the most subtle aspects of electromagnetic
waves and photons. Specific applications of thin film technology are discussed for both
single and multiple layers. The effects of interference provide the foundation for nearly
all aspects of physical optics, including effects of diffraction and image formation to be
discussed in subsequent chapters.
A wave is any function that satisfies the differential wave equation. As discussed in Section
1.5, the superposition principle guarantees that we may combine waves algebraically to
give other valid wave solutions. Figure 5.1 illustrates the algebraic combination of two
harmonic waves with equal amplitude, frequency, and wavelength; in other words, the two
wave being combined differ only in phase. As discussed in Section 1.4, we may plot a
harmonic traveling wave as a function of either position or time, so the horizontal axes
of the plots of Figure 5.1 are not labeled to allow for either possibility. When waves are
combined in phase, they combine to give a larger amplitude wave, and when they are 7f rad
out of phase, they tend to cancel. The general term for this is inteJference, with the situation
of Figure 5.l(a) referred to as comtmctive inteJference, and that of Figure 5. 1(e) referred
to as destmctive inteJference.
&ti l\/\
\TV - I V \ J V\.
Figure 5.1 In each column, the top wave (wave I) sums algebraically with the middle wave (wave
2) to give the bottom wave . In eac h case, waves I and 2 have the same amplitude and wavelength. (a)
Waves I and 2 arc in phase, g iving constructive interference. (b)- (cl) Wave 2 is shifted in ph ase by
7f / 4 , 71/2 and 371/4 relative to wave I. (e) Wave 2 is shifted in phase b y 71 re lative to wave I, g iving
dcs tmctive interference. Since the amplitudes of waves 1 and 2 are equal , the destructive interfe rence
in (e) is complete.
Figure 5.2 shows two sources S 1 and 8 2 , located by position vectors 81 and ~relati ve
to an arbitrary coordinate origin labeled 0. Also shown is an observation point P (located
by position vector F relative to 0), where the superposition will be observed. The natu re
of the two sources S 1 and S2 are at this point completely arbitrary except that each is
monochromatic. In pm·ticular, the wavefronts emitted by S 1 and S2 are arbitrary. So, for
example, sl and s2 could be two independent point sources that give spherical wavefronts
at P with radius of curvature equal to the separation between P and each source. Or, they
could be two independent laser sources, each with a highly-coiJimated beam that propagates
from each source to P.
Let the disturbance at P due to source 8 1 be the harmonic traveling electromagnetic
wave given by
(5. 1)
where Eo1determines the polarization, k1 is the wavenumber with magnitude k1 = 271' j .-\ 1 ,
A1 is the wavelength, w1 is the angular frequency, and <p 1 is the initial phase. We assume
that the polarization vector Eo1 is real, and thus that <p represents the entire initial phase of
the wave. If 81 locates S1 and r locates P, then the vector i'"1 = ·t - !ft represents the path
from S 1 to P (see Figure 5.2). Similarly, wave 2 that travels from S2 toP is given by
where we again assume that E02 is real. It will facilitate notation to make the following
b2 = k2 · 1"2 - w2t + cp2 (5.4)
where = <h - 8 1 is the phase d ifference between wave I and wave 2.
The last term in Equati on 5.7 determines the interference effects. Note fi rst that if Eo 1
and Eo2 arc perpendicular, then Eo 1 · Ro2 = 0 . Thus crossed polarizations do 110t intelfere.
If Eo1 and Eo2 are parallel, then
02 = k2 · G - wt + t.p2 (5.10)
with the phase difference ogiven by
Note that in this case, the phase difference ois constant in time.
5.3.2. 1 Young's Double-Slit Experiment As noted in Section 2.4, this important
experiment by Young 1 established the wave properties of light. Figure 5.3 shows the
experimental arrangement. In order to observe interference, Young found it necessary to
illuminate the double-slit aperture with light that had first passed through a narrow single-
slit aperture, as shown in Figure 5.3(b). Intuitively, light that passes through S creates
extended wavcfronts that illuminate both S 1 and S 2 , creating electromagnetic disturbances
at bo th slits that are correlated in time. Interference is not observed if the double- slit
aperture is illuminated by an extended thermal source; it is a testament to You ng's physical
and experimental intuition that he knew to include the apertureS in the experimental design.
To analyze Young's experiment, we assu me that Sis illu minated with plane, monochro-
matic electromagnetic waves. This creates disturbances at both slits that propagate toward
an observation pointy. In order to arrive at y, the disturbance from S 1 travels the di stance
l'1 , and the di sturbance from S2 travels a distance T2. If we assume that each slit is so
narrow that we can treat its cross section as a single point (see Figure 5.3), then the dot
products in the phase terms of Equations 5.9 and 5.10 become simple products. T he phase
terms become
(5.1 2)
02 = kr2 - wt + t.p2 (5. 13)
where 1..: = ~\'. The phase difference ois then
(5 .1 4)
The term 1'2 - r1 is the path difference between the two beams.
1TI10mas Young ( t773- 1829): English physicist and physician.
(a) m =+5
m =+ ~
m = +4
m =+ ~
I m =+3
m = +~
''"''"';,; -~
m =+2
aperiUI'C m = +~
m = +1
m = +~
rn = -t
111 = - 1
m = -~
m= -2
m = -~
m= -3
m = -~
m = -4
m = -~
m= -5
(b) (c)
Figure 5.3 Young's double-slit experiment. (a) Geometry detail. Since L > > d, the two rays that
leave St and S2 traveling toward the observation point y are nearly parallel. The path difference
between beams 1 and 2 is d sin 0. (b) The double-slit aperture consists of two very narrow rectangular
openings separated by d. In Figures (a) and (c), the aperture is shown in cross section with the long
slit dimension extending into the page. (c) irradiance profile at the observation screen, along with the
cotTesponding fringe pattern observed as irradiance variations. lrradiance maxima located at positive
angles have positive order numbers m with integer values. Minima have half-integer values. O rders
below the center line arc negative.
The term m is called the onler 1111111ber. For destructive interference, m has half integer
values, as indicated Figure 5.3(c). If 0 is small , we may apply the small angle approximation
Ly = .
tan B ~ sm ()
where again it is understood that integer values of m locate bright fringes and half-integer
values of m. locate dark fringes, as indicated in Figure 5.3.
If the irradiance contribution from each slit is equal, Equation 5.8 gives
f tolal = 2J -1- 2! COS 8 = 4! COS2 2 (5.18)
The maximum irradiance in each fringe is four times the irradiance from either slit, but the
average irradiance over many fringes is 2!, in accord with the conservation of energy.
In obtaining such data, Young was not onl y able to demonstrate unambiguously the
wave nature of light, but he also made the filst direct measurement of its wavelength .
• EXAl\'IPLI~ 5.1
d (1.00 X 10-•l m)
A = D.y- = (2.945 x 10-2 m) = 5.89 x w- 7m = 589 nm
1 J 5.0 0 Ill
Despite the substantial conceptual success of this experiment, there are difficulties with
the analysis. Observation shows fringes that are 1101 evenly spaced, and that diminish in
irradiance as m increases, and that some of the fringes are missing. The discrepancy results
from our approximations. No aperture is small enough to be taken as a single point, and
an exact analysis would integrate contributions over an aperture of finite size. This is the
approach of d(O'ractio11 analysis, which we describe full y in Chapter 6.
Problem 5.2 Using the above analysis and the data from Example 5.1, show that the
spacing between them = + 100 and m = - 100 bright fringes is 7.29m.
Problem 5.3 Show that the above anal ysis predicts a maxi mum value of m . Estimate
this for the data of Example 5.1.
Problem 5.4 Describe the interference from two monochromatic beams of the same
frequency with 11 = 2h. This could be observed, for example, by placing an absorbing
filter with 50% transmission over one of the slit openings in Figure 5.3. Assume that the
phase of the attenuated beam is unaffected by the absorbing filter.
Problem 5.5 Describe the interference that results when a transparent slab of optical
thickness nd is placed over the top sli t in Figure 5.3. In particular, what happens to the
fringe pattern if the slab produces a phase shift of 1r? Repeat if the slab is placed over the
bottom slit.
'll; 71;
ll{ e
·n s
ns •D
(a) (b)
Figure 5.4 (a) Interference from a thin fi lm of thickness and index 11£ deposited on a substrate
of index n s. The interference results fro m beams reflected from the upper and lower surfaces of the
film, as illustrated . (b) Geometry used to calculate the interfe rence in (a).
Figure 5.4(a) shows a thin layer of index n£ and thickness t deposited on a substrate
n 5 • 111in-jilm inte1jerence is caused by the two reflected rays indicated: one ray reflects
from the film externally at the incident interface, and the other internally at the transmitted
where 6.<ppaLh is the phase shift due to additional optical path for the internally reflected
ray, and 6.<pref is the reflection phase change that occurs differently for either of the two
reflected beams.
The phase shift 6.<ppatl> is determined from the bolded line segments of Figure 5.4(b).
The optical path (see Section 4.2) difference is
6.patl> = nc-
2e- - -
- n ;AI3 (5.20)
cos 0c
Line AI3 has length AC sin B;, with AC = 21. tan B,.. Thus
AB = 2C si n B; tan Be (5.21)
6.path =nc e
cos 0c
- 2n;CsinB;tanBc (5.22)
(5 .23)
where .>. 0 is the vacuum wavelength. Note that it is tempting to interpret this phase shift
as being due to the wavelength inside the layer (,\c = .Ao/nc), but note also that one of
the beams travels in the incident index; fortuitous cancellation gives the simple result of
Equation 5.24. Use Snell's law to express 6.<ppatl! in terms of the incident angle B;:
47rC · 2 B;
6.<ppath = To nc2 - n;2 sm (5.25)
1. When the index of refraction of the incident medium is less than that of the tran smitted
medium, the reflected beam is phase-shifted by 1r radians.
2. If the incident index is greater than the transmitted index, there is no additional phase
shift for the reflected ray.
The reader will recall that these rules apply at all angles of incidence.
The total phase shift of Equation 5.19 is given by Equation 5.25 or Equation 5.24, plus
perhaps another factor of 1r, depending on the indices n;, nc, and n 5 •
Oil with index of refracti on nl = 1.25 floats on water with index 11 8 = 1.33. For
no rmal incidence, what minimum film thickness will re flect red light of wavelength
,\ = 650 nm most strongly? At what incident angle will the same film re flect blue
light of wavelength ,\ = 450 nm most strongly?
Since the index increases at each interface, each surface gives a phase shift of 1r,
so D.cp,.c f = 0. Thus,
4r. n c
D.cppatlr = ~ e cos fh
g iving
e_- ~ _ 650 nm _ .
2nc - 2 (1.25) - 260 nm
To find the ang le for whic h the same layer reflects blue strongly, begin wi th
Equation 5.24 and solve for fh
_ 47renc .. _ ~ _ 450 nm _
27r - Ao cos Be ::::} cos Be - 2nce - 2 (1.25) (260n m ) - 0.69 2
giving Be = 46.2° . Snell's law g ives the correspo nding incident angle:
A soap film suspended vert ically by a wire loop becomes very thin at the top just prior
to breaking. Describe the interference in the reflected beam as the film thickness just
goes to zero.
As illustrated in Figure 5.5(a), a refl ection phase shift occurs on the first film
surface that does not occur on the back surface. If the film thickness is sma ll eno ugh
to ignore the contribution of D.<ppatlr. the net phase shift at all angles is 1r, which
(a) (b)
Figure 5.5 A thin soap film of negligible thick ness (a) The front surface gives a reflection phase
shift of 1r, but the back surface does not. (b) Photograph showing reduced reflection at the top of the
film, indicating destructive interference. (Richard Megna!Fundamental Photographs)
Antireflection Coatings
Optical surfaces are often coated with thi n fi lms to reduce reflection. For camera
optics, the fi lm is typically designed to give destructive interference for normal
incidence at 550 nm, which is at the peak of the solar spectrum. The interference
builds back toward constructive for nonzero angles of incidence, which accounts for
the violet tint of light reflected from coated camera optics.
Ideally, optical coatings should have a hardness that allows routine cleaning with-
out fear of scratching the coating. In a more thorough analysis that is given in
Section 5. 11 , we will find that the optimal antireflection coating is achieved when
the coating index n£ is equal to the square root of the substrate index. Magnesium
Fluoride (111 gF2 ) with nc = 1.37 is conunonl y used for antireflection coatings on
glass substrates.
Problem 5.6 Calculate the minimum film thickness of a 11-IgF2 (lie = 1.37) antireflection
coating applied to a crown glass (n = 1.52) lens immersed in air. Assume normal incidence.
Find the required minimum film thi ckness for the back side of the lens where the incident
medium is glass, and for the front side of the lens where the inc ident medium is air. Design
for a vacuum wavelength of 550 nm.
Problem 5.7 Design a normal incidence antireflection coating for zinc selcnide (n =
2.40) for use at a wavelength of 10.6tml. Assume a coating index of 1.55.
Problem 5.8 Design an antireOection coating for a slab of crown glass (11 = 1.52) that
is meant to be used at an angle of incide nce of 45°. Use MgF2 (nl = 1.37) as a coating
material, design for a vacuum wavelength o f 55011111, and assume that the incident index
is that of air.
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1~:
/ '
' (c)
Figure 5.6 (a) Interference of plane waves give a linear fringe pattern. (b) lnte1ference of a plane
wave with a spherical wavefront.
The jri11ge geo111efl)' is determined by the beam propagation and wavefront characteris-
tics. Figure 5.6(a) illustrates the linear fringe pattern that results when two plane-parallel
beams with different propagation directions are combined. In this case, bright fringes are
separated by
d= - - (5.26)
sin ()
where ,\ is the beam wavelength and () is the angle between the two beam directions (see
inse t).
Figure 5.6(b) shows fringes that result when a spherical wavefront originating at the point
S combines with a plane wavefront. The path difference for the disturbances combining at
any point on the observat io n screen is
where x and y are measured on the observing screen. The last expression assumes that bright
fringes occur whenever this path difference is equal to an integral number of wavelengths:
where r?,, =x 2 + y 2 . Thus, the fringes have a radius th at vari es as the square-root of m:
( jm.) r 1 where r 1 = V2RA. is the radius from the center of the pattern to the maximum of
the m = 1 fringe.
between reflected light and the portion of the incident illumination that is not reflected.
Parallel fringes result, as shown in the figure. If the observing screen is placed next to the
end of the dielectric slab, a dark fringe is observed at the point of intersection. This result
is independent of polarization, and is experimental verification that externall y incident rays
are reflected with a 11' phase shift at grazing incide nce, as di scussed in Section 3.5.5. The
fringe spacing is si~ 8 as illustrated in Figure 5.6(a). Note that the angle indicated in thi s
figure is the twice the complement of the angle of incidence in Figure 5.7.
dark fringe
dielectric slab
Figure 5.7 Lloyd's minor. The dark fringe at the intersection oft he dielectric slab and the observing
screen indicate a 1r phase change for extemal grazing incidence. Newton's Rings Newton 's2 rings are observed when a convex lens is placed
in contact with a nat dielectric slab, as shown in Figure 5.8. The interference results from
reflections from the interfaces on either side of the air gap indicated in the figure. Beam 1
reflects internally from the glass-air interface of the lens. Beam 2 reflects externally from
the first slab surface. Since there is no phase shift for the internally reflected beam and the
phase shift is 1r for the externally reflected beam, the center fringe is dark. This result is
independent of polarization, and is experimental verification that externally incident rays
are reflected with a 1r phase shift for normal incidence, as discussed in Section 3.5.5.
If the frequencies are not equal, the total disturbance at P in Figure 5.2 is given by Equation
5.5 and is now a function of time. It wi ll si mplify the analysis to let the field amplitudes be
2 Issac Newton: 1643- 1727. English physicist, mathematician and astronomer.
air ga.p
Figure 5.8 Newton's rings. The reflected light shows a dark fringe at the center, indicating a 1r
phase change of external nonnal incidence. (Photo courtesy Bausch & Lomb)
equal, giving Eo 1 = Eo2 = Eo. Assume also that the polarizations are parallel. Thus
02 = k2x - w2t + <p2 (5 .29)
If the initial phases arc both zero, Equations 5.27, 5.28, and 5.29 give
k= 4(kl + k2)
w= 4(w1 +w2)
are the average values of wavenumber and angular frequency. Similarly,
{\ (\
1\} n
{\ 1\ {\ 1\ n {\
' vv vv. v vv. vv vV
Figure 5.9 (a) Two waves of different wavelength merge in and out of phase. (b) Superposition of
the waves in (a). (c) Superposition of waves with different amplitudes.
are the wavenumber and angular frequency of the amplitude modulation (AM).
If the two field amplitudes are not equal, there is less amplitude modulation, as illustrated
in Figure 5.9(c).
Letting J = ( c5w + c5
8) /2 and !::!.c5 = (c5Lo - c58 ), the sum of both fields is given by
= (
· A6
ELoe'2 + Ese-'2
· A6 ) ( · A6
ELoe-•2 + E e+ '·A6
8 2
Notice that smaller detectors allow larger values of misalignment. It is common to use
detectors that are only a few wavelengths across.
beam splitter
Bm ax
signal, W8 _ _....
_____._ ~2 -------------=- 1/
WLo+ws ~ ..__D -
local oscillator, WLO
(a) (b)
Figure 5.10 (a) A typical schematic for coherent detection. (b) Misalignment of the signal and
local oscillator beams results in beat signals that destmctively interfere.
For optimized optical alignment over a small detector, we may neglect any vmiation in
position or phase across the detector surface. The detected signal then becomes
(IF) amplifier. These high-bandwidth amplifiers typically do not pass the first two DC
terms of Equation 5.34, so the coherent detection signal is given by
(5 .35)
If the local oscillator is a coherent laser beam with a constant amplitude ELo. then the beat
amplitude is linearly proportional to the signal field amplitude E 8 , even though a square-law
detector is used to record the signal. Similarly, a coherent local oscillator allows the signal
phase to be recorded as well. The beat signal may be thought of as a replica of the signal
beam that is frequency downshifted to the intermediate frequency w; 1 . This process is often
referred to as photoelectric mixing, or by analogy to the similar electrical detection process
long used in radio technology, heterodyne detection. The entire system diagrammed in
Figure 5.10(a) is called a heterodyne receiver.
!' = foj~ ~ ~
where f' is the detected frequency, fo
is the frequency detected by an observer at
rest with respect to the source, and v is the source velocity. The sign convention is
that ·v is negative if the source and observer are receding, and positive otherwise. If
v < < c, then approximation gives
Doppler radar uses radio waves to measure this frequency shift in a frequency regime
where antennas measure the amplitude of the radio waves directly. In Dopplerlidar,
coherent detection achieves a similar goal at optical frequencies where antennas
cannot be used.
Figure 5.11 illustrates a typical arrangement. Light from the scattering laser is
reflected from a moving target, causing the reflected light to be Doppler shifted. The
frequency shift is twice the value indicated in Equation 5.36. The first frequency
shift occurs in the frame of reference of the target, with the scattering laser moving
relative to the target. This radiation is then scattered back toward the lidar receiver
from a source with the same relative velocity. The net frequency shift is
2v 2v
6.f = fo- = - (5 .37)
c .Ao
where /\o is the wavelength of the unshifted scattering laser.
Many other designs are possible. The arrangement shown in Figure 5. 11 uses
different lasers for the scattering and local oscillator beams, but a single laser could
serve both purposes. Notice that in this design, a portion of the scattering laser
3See Spacetime Physics, by 11lylor and Wheeler [2 1].
scattering laser
local oscillator
can enter the local oscillator cavity and vice versa, potenti ally causing the lasers to
become unstable .
Carbon dioxide lasers .are commonl y used for lidar since they emit a 10.6 fl7'1l.-
wavelength beam that is within the atmospheric window where clean air is relatively
transparent. Find the frequency shift that occurs when such a beam is scattered from a
target that moves toward the receiver at 1000 m/ s. Express your answer as a fraction
of the scattering laser frequency.
Problem 5.9 Show that when v << c the Doppler shift is given approximately by
!' ~ fo ( 1 + ~ ) .
Problem 5.10 Find the Doppler shift of X-bmul radar radiation (j = 8.4 x 109 II z)
that is reflected from a speeding car traveling at 80 miles per hour. Assume that the car
is traveling toward the stationary radar source, then repeat for a car traveling away from
the stationary radar source. In each case, express your answer as a signed fraction of the
scattering radiation frequency.
Monochromatic plane waves have simple mathematical formulas, and we make frequent
usc of the m for purposes of illustration. However, as noted above and in Chapter 2, no wave
is truly monochromatic, but instead is a composite wave that consists of many frequency
components. The beating wave of Section 5.3.6 is a simple example of a composite wave
with two di screte frequency components, but even that is unrealistic. Electromagnetic
waves found in Nature always contain an infinite number of frequency components no
matter how "monochromatic" they are. This applies not only to thermal sources such as
neon signs, but also to coherent beams such as those emitted by helium-neon lasers.
The Principle of Superposition introduced in Section 1.5 allows us to model real electro-
magnetic waves. Using the appropriate mat hem at ical tools, we can combine the monochro-
matic harmoni c traveling wave solutions found in Chapter 2 to accurately represent any real
traveling e lectromagnetic wave with arbitrary frequency composition. The mathematical
tools we require arc provided by the Fourier integrals4 • The related topic of Fourier series
is di scussed in the Appendix at the end of thi s chapter.
Fourier series may be used to represent an arbitrary periodic function, while Fo urier
transforms can be used to represent functions that are not periodic. It should seem obvious
that no physical function is truly periodic, for even a precise oscillator or laser source must
at some point be switched on and off. For thi s and other reasons that will become obvious
as we proceed, Fourier transforms are much more applicable to the study of optics than are
Fourier series. There is a natural and intuitive concept ual transition from Fourier series to
trans forms that is outlined in the Appendix. Here, we simply define Fourier transforms,
and proceed with the relevant interpretation and application .
We begin by considering two parameters o: and (J whose product is dimensionless and
can be measured in radians. Harmonic waves have a spatial period ,\ and temporal period
T, so the relevant parameter pairs for our purposes will be x, k and/., w. Suitable choices
for n and (J arc referred to as conjugate variables. The Fourier transform "transforms"
the dependence of a function f(o-) into a completely equivalent representation F((J) in the
4 Joseph Fourier ( 1768- 1830): French mathematician who made many contributions to mathematical physics.
following way:
Note that the quantity in the power of the exponent is unitless. The integration variable
is a, so the integration leaves only a dependence on variable (J. We refer to F((J) as the
Fourier transform of the function f(a). The inverse Fourier transform makes the opposite
Iransformat ion:
Note the change of sign in the power of the exponent, and the extra factor of -211T in the
inverse transform; reasons for these changes arc explained in the Appendix.
The functions J(a) and F((J) are referred to as Fourier tmn~form pairs. Both functions
have certain mathematical requirements such as being single-valued, not having an infinite
number of maxima, minima, or discontinuities in any finite interval, and so on. In general,
we proceed with the confidence that ill-behaved functions arc usually not requ ired to
describe real physical phenomena. Readers who arc interested in the foundations of
Fourier analysis and the associated mathematical restrict ions should consult Bracewell [4)
or a si milar text.
- oo
When applied to a specific physical situation, we regard f( x ) and F(k) as equivalent rep-
resentations of the same physical system. In other words, a knowledge of f( x ) completely
specifies F(k) and vice versa. The function f( x ) is referred to as the position-space rep-
resentation of the system, and F(k) is the representation ink-space. This distinction will
become more clear in the next section as we begin to apply Fourier transforms to specific
physical situations .
f(x) =
+1 lxl :::; a
{0 lxl > a
- 2 2 X k
(a) (b)
Figure 5.12 (a) The pulse f(x) with a= 4· (b) The Foutier transfonn F (k).
Begin with Equation 5.40:
oo a
= -
- 1 e- ikx l+a = -2 sm
. ('·,.;a) = 2asin (ka.)
ik - a k ka
A plot of f(x) and its Fourier transform F(J..:) are shown in Figure 5.12.
The Fourier transform of the rectangular pulse is an example of a function that occurs
frequently in the study of optics, referred to as the sincfimction (pronounced like sink) and
defined as
. sin 1rx
SlllC X = - - (5.42)
Defined in this way, the sine function has the following properties (see Problem 5. 11 ):
lim sine x = 1 (5.43)
j sincx dx = 1 (5.45)
We will also have frequent occasion to utilize the Gaussian function, defined as
Show that the Fourier transform of a Gaussian function is another Gaussian with
reciprocal spread.
= Ae- -r-
1 (x 2
exp[- -2 2a
+ i21.:a 2 x - k 2 a 4 )]dx
- oo
= Ae -r-
_ k2a 2 J00
a (x + 1ka ) ]dx
2 2
, 2 2
- 00
dtl = - -dx
In terms of the new variable ·u, F(k ) is given by
~ k2a2
F(k) = v .t:7rcrAe--r-
which is the Gaussian of Figure 5.13(b). Notice that the spread in k-space is the
inverse of that in position-space.
0 0 0
-4 : - 2 2 0 4 X - 4 -2 : : 2 4 k
- - 2,12a--· --~--
a o
(a) (b)
Figure 5.13 (a) The Gaussian f(x) in position space. (b) The Fourier transform F (k) is a Gaussian
function in k-space .
f(x) = 2_ F(k)eikxdk
-oo - ()()
= -A
cr j exp[-- +ikx+ .:..__ - -] dk
-k2cr2 x2 x2
.Ji1f 2 2cr 2cr
2 2
= --Ae-~
cr 2 / cxp[- -cr ( k2 - i2kx x ) ]dk
- - .:..__
.Ji1f 2 0"2 0"4
= joo exp[- 0" (k- i x )\Lk
..,12; 2 0"2
Change variables:
0" (k v'2
. - t.X)
u = v'2 0"2 ; du = -
dk· dk = -du
to give
2~ JF(w)eiwtdw
f(t) = (5.48)
- co
where w is the angular frequency (units: 1·adj s). While it may seem odd to express the
inverse transform in terms of negative frequencies, a real-valued f(t) may be expressed as
an integral over positive frequencies (see Problem 5. 12).
Problem 5.11 Demonstrate the properties of the sine function given in Equation 5.43.
Problem 5.12 Show that if f(t) is real, then F*(w) = F( - w) and thus f(t) may be
expressed as
f(t) = _!__
(F(w)eiwt + F*(w)e-iwt) dw
Problem 5.13 Find the Fourier transform of a Gaussian that is not centered about zero:
It is instructive to deduce some general properties of Fourier transforms that can be used,
for example, to simplify calculation by avoiding unnecessary integration.
It is often useful to note whether a function is even or odd. A function is even iff( - x) =
f(x ). In other words, even functions arc symmetric about the origin. Similarly, a function
is odd if it is antisynunetric about the origin: f( -x) = - f(x). For example, cos(x) is
even and sin(x) is an odd function. The product of an even and an odd function is odd, but
the product of two odd functions or two even functions is even (see Problem 5.16). Sums
of even and odd functions have no particular symmetry in that they are neither even nor
odd. A function is said to be hermitian if the real part is even and the imaginary part is odd.
If the real part is odd and the imaginary part even, then the function is antihermitian.
We begin with Equation 5.38, and apply the Euler relation:
Let f(a) be complex, with real part !Re (a) and imaginary part frm (a). Thus
J!Re Jfrm
00 00
If in addition to being real, /(a') is also even, then the second integral in Equation 5.51
vanishes, giving a Fourier transform that is real:
The result of Equation 5.52 is also even, as can be seen by simple substitution.
Table 5.1. summarizes various symmetry properties of Fourier transforms. Proofs are
left for the problems.
f (a) F (!3)
Real even Real even
Real odd Imaginary odd
Real, no symmetry Hermitian
Imaginary even Imaginary even
Imaginary odd Real odd
Imaginary, no symmetry Anti hermitian
Complex even Complex even
Complex odd Complex odd
Hermitian Real, no symmetry
Antihcrmitian Imaginary, no symmetry
5.5.2 Linearity
co co
Suppose that F (!3) = I f (a·) c-ia/J dn and H ((3) = I h (a) e- ia/Jdo.·. If A and Bare
- co -oo
constants, then the Fourier transform of A f (a')+ B h (a') is given by A F (!3) + B H (!3).
To show this, proceed as follows:
- oo
[Af(o.')+Bh(a)]e-ia f3do. = A I00
j(o.)c- ia{3do. + B I00
- co
h(n)e- iaf3do.·
= A F ((3) + fl H ((3)
Intuitively, this property accounts for the fact that the spectrum of a sum of signals is given
by the sum of the individual spectra.
Problem 5.16 Show that the product of an even and an odd function results in a function
that is odd. Show that the product of two even or two odd functions results in a function
that is even.
Problem 5.17 Show that the integral of an odd function over limits symmetric about the
origin is zero.
Problem 5.18 Show that the Fourier transform of an odd real function gives a result that
is imaginary and odd.
Problem 5.19 Show that
a) The Fourier transform of an imaginary function that is even gives a result that is
imaginary and even.
b) The Fourier transform of an imaginary function that is odd gives a result that is
real and odd.
c) The Fourier transform of a real function that is odd gives a result that is imagi nary
and odd.
Pt·oblem 5.20 Show that
a) The Fourier transform of a hermitian function is real with no symmetry.
b) The Fourier transform of a real function with no symmetry gives a result that is
Problem 5.21 Show that
a) The Fourier transform of an antihennitian function is imaginary with no symme-
b) The Fourier transform of an imagi nary function wi th no symmetry gives a result
that is antihennitian.
Problem 5.22 Show that the Fourier transform of the sine function of Equation 5.42 is
given by the pulse function of Example 5.5.
A perfectl y monochromatic wave cannot exist, for to be perfectly monochromatic the wave
must be perfectly harmonic, and so must have existed for all times in the past. Wavetrains
that begin and end at finite points can be represented with a Fourier transform .
f( x ) = { ~o cos(kox ) - L ~X ~ +L
otherw ise
co L
= E oL
sin (I..:- ko) L
[ (k-l.:o)L
+ sin (k + ko) L ]
F(k) = E oL sine (1.:- ko) L + EoL sine (k + ko ) L
Figure 5.15 shows a plot of F(k) . Two k-spacc packets arc found, one centered
about -ko and another centered around +l<o. The negat ive-/; packet represents a
backward-traveling wave, and the other a forward-traveling wave. Both packets are
possible, and both possibilities arc represented in the transform.
Figure 5.16(a) shows the Fourier transform of the finite wavetrain of Example 5.7 over a
smaller range of positive k-values. By beginning and ending the wavetrain at finite points in
space, we have introduced new wavelength components in the previously monochromatic
wave. We may estimate the spread in new k-values by measuring the distance between the
first zero-crossing in F (k). From Figure 5.16, the spread l::!.k is approximated by
(I.: - l.·o) L = l::!./.: L = 7f =? l::!.k '2. L
Similarly, from Figure 5.14, l::!.x '2, 2L. The product l::!.x l::!.k is independent of the length
of the wavetrain :
(a) (b)
Figure 5.16 (a) Zoom detail of Figure 5.15. (b) An electron bound to an atom makes a transition
from a state of higher energy to a lower energy state. In the process, a photon is emitted.
The real part of f(t) is plotted in Figure 5.17 . Estimate the frequency spread if the
time interval between the ~ points of the Gaussian profile of f(t) is 4.00 x 10- 8 s.
Take the Fourier transform in the time-frequency domain (Equation 5.47). Proceed
/ --..
/ '\
I \
as in Example 5.6:
= A Je- ~eiwote-iwtdt
00 2 2 2 2 2
t . (w- wo) a (w - wo ) a
= A
- oo
exp [- -
· 2
- ·~(w-wo)t +
2a 2
= Ae- (w - wa)
2 2
" J 00
exp[- a1 2 ( t 2
+ i2 (w - wo) a 2 t - (w - w0 ) 2 a 4) Jdt
- oo
= Ae-
(w - wa) ,
2 2
J 00
exp[- - 2
(t + i (w - 2 2
wo) a ) Jdt
- oo
Change variables:
tL = rr; (t + i (w - wo) a 2) ; dt = ha clu
to give
- oo
To estimate ow, we again note (see Example 5.6) that the spread of F(w ) is the
reciprocal of that for f(t). The ~ points occur at t = ±v'2a, soT = 2v'2a. Thus,
D.w =
-- =
(2v'2) 8
=- (5.57)
a T T
Substituting T = 4.00 x 10- 8 s gives D.w = 2 x 108 mdj s or D.j = 3.18 x 107 Hz.
This is much smaller than the width of a visible spectral line in a typical discharge
lamp, which is also broadened by the Doppler effect, and by perturbations caused by
collisions with neighboring atoms.
for a wavepacket with Gaussian profile, where we have used the ~ packet duration T as an
estimate of D.t. Since Equations 5.55 and 5.58 we both based on estimates provided by
specific examples, and since the right-hand sides of both equations are of order unity, it is
appropriate to sununarize them as follows:
important contributions to 6.w. The Doppler effect causes atoms moving toward the de-
tector to emit higher frequencies, and those moving away from the detector to emit lower
frequencies. A thermal distribution of random velocities results in a Gaussian frequency
profile, as in the Example above. This effect is frequently referred to as Doppler broaden-
ing. There is also collisional broadening, caused by collisional perturbations that broaden
the Lorentzian profile.
W2 Wt W3
(b) ~Wt
I !\
W2 W3 w
Figm·e 5.19 (a) A composite wave containing three Gaussian wavcpackcts. (b) The frequ ency
spectnun of (a).
Figure 5.19(a) shows a composite wave plotted in the time domain that consists of
three Gaussian components: a medium-frequency packet with long duration and frequency
w2, a low-frequency packet of medium duration and frequency w1 , and a short duration
packet with the highest frequency w3 . Figure 5.19(b) shows the corresponding frequency
spectrum. The line centered about w2 is narrow because the corresponding packet has the
longest duration. Similarly, the W3 packet has the sh011est duration and a correspondingly
large freq uency spread.
Since A = cj f, we note the following useful relations:
with similar relations for wand f. These are usually summarized as follows:
with a similar expression for w . When A increases, f and w decrease; hence, the minus
sign .
Estimate the wavelength spread in a 589 nm line emitted from a discharge tube if the
frequency spread 6.f is 5.00 x 1010 H z .
Since a monochromatic wave has no beginning or end, it cannot send a signal. Information
can only travel on a wave that is modulated, and signals may only be sent using wavepackets.
Wavepackcts such as those illustrated in Figure 5.19 consist of a range of /.;-components
that are all in phase at the center of the packet. In other words, at the peak of the packet,
each /.;-component has a constant phase value:
d¢ d
dk = d k (kx - wt) = 0
'U -
g -
dl..: (5.64)
The name derives from the image of a collection of /..:-components moving as a group. The
group velocity v 9 will in general have a value that is different from the phase velocity found
in Chapter 2:
w c
'Up = - = - = f /\ (5.65)
k n
'Ug = dw d( )
elk = dk k Vp = 'Up + k (dvp)
dk (5.67)
Vg = Vp [ 1 - ~ ( ~·z)] (5.68)
• EXAMPLE 5.10
As noted in the discussion following Equation 3.101, this implies a phase velocity
that is greater than c. Find the group velocity for this case, and show that it is less
than c.
v g- -- 1 ) (c22!.:) = ck
- dk-
( 2Jc /.:2 + w~2
where in the last step, we substituted from above. Using Equation 5.65, we find
u = c2 1.: = c
n w
J 1- w~
Problem 5.26 Show how the result of Example 5. 10 follows from Equation 5.70.
Problem 5.27 Find the index of refraction, the phase velocity, and the group velocity for
100 nm photons traveling through copper with a plasma frequency of 1.64 x 10 16 rad/ s.
I I M,
Compensat or
\ [,2
Sou1 ·cc
/ ...._
- --
8 High reflectivity fil ms using multiple dielectric coatings arc discussed in Section 5. 11.
9 In the laboratory, lhis can be checked by carefully observ ing the 111'0 rcllections of a small piece of paper. If
lhe coating is on the side closest to the paper, the corresponding reflection will be brighter. Note that metallic
coatings can be damaged by physical contact with the paper.
to Albert A. Michelson (1852-1931 ): American physicist who made many important contributions, especially in
Figure 5.21 (a) Fringe variation in a Michelson interferometer as the mi1Tor is moved by >.j4. (b)
Jnterfcrogram. The thick segment corresponds to the fringes in (a).
beam that does not travel back into the source can illuminate an observing screen, where
interference fringes are observed as indicated in the figure. One of the mirrors is attached
to a precision translation stage so that C.L can be varied.
Figure 5.22 1\vo overlapping diverging beams. The beam from the vittual mirror has a time delay.
Beams 1 and 2 will interfere constructively whenever their optical paths differ by an
integer number of wavelengths. Since each beam traverses its arm of the interferometer
twice, the path difference is given by
Thus, as the movable mirror translates, the central bright fringe changes from dark to bright
and vice versa whenever C.L changes by >.j4. Figure 5.23(a) illustrates changes in the
fringe pattern as C.L varies from 49.25>. to 49.5>.. For a mirror separation of 119.25>. the
center of the pattern is dark, but as the optical path difference increases toward 49.5>., the
central region of the fringe pattern builds toward constructive interference. As the mirror
continues to move, a detector placed behind a pinhole at the center of the fi'ingc pattern
would record the curve of Figure 5.23(b). Such a curve is called an inte1jerogram.
- 50 -40 - 30 -20 - 10 0
Flgul'e 5.23 Fringe patterns as D.L approaches zero. T he patte rns below the interfcrogram arc the
complements of those above. At D.L = 0, the entire fie ld of one inte1fcrome ter output is bright, and
the other field is dark.
C ircular fringes are observed when the illumination has a finite angul ar beam divergence.
The interference results from the overlap of two beams, as show n in Figure 5.22. Reflection
in the beam splitter results in a virtual mirror di splaced by 6.£ from the real mirror as
illustrated. The beam that reflects from the virtual mirror is time-shifted rel ative to the
other beam, and thus has a di ffere nt wavefront curvature if 6.£ is nonzero. F igure 5.23
illustrates fringe patterns for vari ous values o f 6.L when the beam divergence is 9.5°.
When 6.£ is large, conditions for constructive and destructive interfe rence occur for more
than one available path through the interferome ter. Circular fringes 11 occur because o f the
cylindrical symmetry about the beam ax is. If 6.£ = 0, then both beams have the same
wavefront curvature, and this results in interfe rence that causes the entire observation field
to have uniform irradiance, as indicated in Figure 5.23.
White light f ringes may be observed with a Miche lson interferometer adj usted so that
6.L is within a few wavele ngths of zero , as illustrated in Figure 5.24. For small values of
6.L, different freque ncies overlap to give circ ul ar fringes with a splendid iridescence, as
illustrated in Figure 5.24(c). For larger values of 6. L, the different colors combine in a way
that is effectively random, and the di stinct colo rs fade into a uniform whi te illumination.
T he cotTesponding interferograms are illustrated in Figures 5.24(a) and (b).
White light fringes can be observed only if the interferometer is equi pped with a com -
pensator plate, as illustrated in Figure 5.20 . T he compensator plate is identical in size and
composition to the beam splitter substrate. Wi th this in place, a careful examinati on of
F igure 5.20 veri fies an equal th ickness of d ielectric in each arm of the interferometer. T hus,
the di;,persion in each arm is equal. Without the compensator, the optical path d iffere nce
11 Circular fringes only occur wilh interferometers constmcted wilh perfectly flat optical surfaces. Interferometers
conslmcted with distorted optical surfaces g ive d istorted fringe patterns.
(a) (b)
white -
-5 0 5 Jl i'U - 1 0 Jl11l
- 0.4 0 0.4
Figure 5.24 (a) Interferogram for white light. (b) Zoom detail of (a). (c) Interferograms for
different colors combine to give a white fringe at /::,L = 0, and again for larger values of /::,L.
through the interferometer would be frequency dependent, and could vary by many microns
over the optical spectrum, making it impossible to observe white light fringes.
To obtain more monochromatic illumination, one could, for example, illuminate the
interferometer with a single line from a discharge lamp. As discussed in Section 5.6, such a
lin e will contain a continuous range of frequencies distributed over a finite linewidth. Since
the freq uency range is narrow, interference may be observed over a much larger range of
I::!.L, as illustrated in Figure 5.25. As I::!.L increases, the visibility 11 of the fringe pattern
begins to decrease:
\1 = l max - lmin
l max + l min
The coherence length Lc is defined as the value of I::!.L th at gives a visibility of one half.
For example, the coherence length of white light is less than a micron, the coherence length
of a spectral line can be many tens of microns, and Lc for a frequency-stabilized laser with
a lo ng cavity length can be several meters. The coherence time tc is the time required for
the composite wave to travel one coherence length:
To observe white light fringes in the laboratory, the interferometer should first be aligned
with light that has a very long coherence length, such as that from a helium-neon laser. By
monitoring the fringe size (see Figure 5.23) I::!.L can be adjusted to a value that is close
enough to zero to allow fringes to be observed using a white light source that is filtered
-40 0 40
by a narrow bandpass filter 12• Adjusting t::.L for maximum fringe visibility will usually
produce a value small enough to allow white light fringes to be observed when the filter is
removed. If not, repeat with a filter that has a wider bandpass .
I = -; (l +h(x))
where I s is the source irradiance, and the subscript on h(x ) expresses the fact that
the range of wavelengths contained in the source affects the shape of the resulting
interferogram. Using a Fourier transform, we may re-express the modulation term
as a function of k:
where x is the position of the movable mirror relative to the t::.L = 0 point. The
function I(k) gives irradiance as a function of k, or equivalently, wavelength. In
other words, I(k) is the optical spectmm of the source.
As found in Example 5.8 and expressed in Equation 5.59, the capability to resolve
spectral features separated by small values of t::.k is possible only by moving the
mirror through large values of !::.x
The resolving power of the spectrometer is defined as >../ !::.>.., which according to
Problem 5.24 is also equal in magnitude to k/ t::.k
A mirror travel of one meter gives a resolving power in the visible that exceeds 106 .
12The fi lter can be placed in front of the illumination source, or the eye.
Problem 5.28 The coherence length of a spectral source can be estimated by utili zing
the uncertainty relations as an equali ty. Estimate the coherence length of whi te light if the
interferogram is recorded by a detector that has uniform responsivity between 400 nm and
700 mn, and no responsivity outside of this range. Repeat the calculation if the input of
the detector is covered by an optical filter centered at 550 nm with a bandpass of 1.00 mn.
Problem 5.29 Using the uncertainty relations as equalities, estimate the frequency and
wavelength spread of a laser that operates at 530 nrn with a coherence length of 30 em.
PL·oblem 5.30 Find the fringe visibility for an interferometer adjusted to give an in-
terferogram (measured with a linear power detector) with minima that are 10% of the
Problem 5.31 The movable rnirror in a Michelson interferometer is displaced to give an
interferogram with 1000 local maxima. If the illumination wavelength is 633 nm, how far
did the mirror move?
13 For values of 1::!.. L well beyond Lc, the two beams leaving the interferometer have half the source irradiance.
Lt n
s ...-
~ L2 B
Et /
(a) (b)
Figure 5.26 Complementary fringe patterns. (a) Michelson interferometer. (b) Mach-Zehnder
i ntcrferometer.
entire optical path of the interferometer is assumed to be /oss/ess, meaning that the re are
no effects of absorption and/or scattering to remove energy from either of the two beams.
The reflective film of the beam splitter is assumed to reflect and tran smit with arbitrary
phase shifts that may depend on the direction of propagation. Thus, in Figure 5.26(a), the
beam splitter re flects and transmits with complex amplitude coefficient r and t for beams
incident on the side of the beam spli tter closest to the source, and with r' and t' fo r beams
incident on the opposite side. We may express each complex coefficien t in polar form:
Bea m E 1 is the beam in Figure 5.26(a) that does not travel back into the source. Using
Equations 5.73, it is g iven by
where E; is the source amplitude. The phase terms 4lt 1 and ¢ 12 account for all other phase
changes in the optical path:
where ¢M 1 and ¢,,t 2 account for any phase shifts produced by the mirrors 1H 1 and J\12 .
Similarly, the beam that travels back toward the source is given by
Substitution and cancellation of JEd gives
1= Jri 2 JtJ 2 + Jt.J2 Jr'J + 2/rr't 2/ cos (¢12 - f/J1 1+ ¢~. - ¢,.)
+ JrJ 4 + Jtl 2 Jt'J 2+ 2/r 2tt'/ cos (¢22 - ifJ21+ ¢1+ ¢;- 2¢,.)
ifJ12- ¢11 = ifJ22- ifJ21 = ):C:,L + (¢.u2- ¢Mt) = 6.¢r,
Since 6 ¢ r, is arbitrary, the two cosine terms mu st sum to zero for all values of C:.L. The
remaining terms must sum to one:
Rearranging g ives
JrJ Jr'J
Jtl Jt'l
By Equat ion 5.80,
Jrl Jr'J (5.81)
Jl - JrJ2
which has the solutions (sec Problem 5.34)
JrJ = Jr'J
Jtl = Jt'l
Substitution back into Equatio n 5.79 gives
which is true only if the two cosine terms cancel. Thus, the arguments must di ffer by 1r:
The apparent paradox referred to in the opening paragraph of this section is resolved
by an asymmetry at the beam splitter, as is verified by Equations 5.74 and 5.76. This
asynm1etry and the conservation of energy results in the factor of 1r in Equations 5.83 and
5.84 that causes complementary fringe patterns in the two interferometer outputs. Note that
it did not matter to which side of Equation 5.83 the factor of ±1r was added. Regardless
of this uncertainty, an interferometer with flat non-absorbing optics can always be adjusted
with a small value of !J.L that gives one output that is uniformly bright, with the other
uniformly dark.
Problem 5.32 A symmetric beam splitter is one where r 2 = t 2 = 0.5. Show that if there
are no losses, then <!>t- ¢,. = ±~ .
Problem 5.33 Show that
a) ci(¢; - ¢r) + ci(¢~ -¢,) =0
b) 1·*t' + t*r' = 0
Problem 5.34 Show that Equation 5.81 has the solutions given by Equation 5.82.
Problem 5.35 Figure 5.26(b) illustrates a Mach-Zehnder interferometer. Let E 1 be the
beam that travels toward the top of the page, and E 2 be the beam traveli ng to the righ t.
Let i\11 be the mirror in the upper left corner, and M 2 be the mirror in the lower right
corner. Let both beam splitters be identical, with re flection and transmission characterized
by amplitude ratios I' and t when illuminated on the side with the semi-reflecting film, and
r' and t' when illumjnated from the side with the dielectric substrate.
a) Show that
E1 = (r' r ci¢ + t' 2 ci¢
11 12 ) E;
E2 = (1'1tei1>n + t' r' ci¢22 ) E;
b) Show that
reflects with 50% probability, but when it reaches the second identical beam splitter the
probability for reflection is zero! There is no easy resolution to this fasci nating result.
For more information, see The Quantum Challenge by Greenstein and Zajonc [8]. In
particular, see their Figure 2-7 for data, and the subsequent discussion of the "Delayed
Choice Experiment." As in Section 2.4.1, it appears as if the photon takes both paths. Sec
Section 6.5 for more on the "sum over paths" interpretation.
--- c~ --
Eo l', l ,~I I fI
Figure 5.27 Multiple beam interference between two parallel pa1tially reflecting surfaces.
Consider two parallel, fiat reflective surfaces separated by distanced, as shown in Figure
5.27. The first surface has amplitude reflection and transmission coefficients .,. and t, and
the second surface has amplitude reflection and transmission coefficients r' and t'. Normal
incidence is assumed; the angle used in the figure is for purposes of illustration. Multiple
reflections between the two surfaces result in two series of reflected and transmitted terms,
as shown. Let the phase difference between successive transmitted terms be 80 due to the
round-trip optical travel
Oo = k(2nd)
where n is the index of refraction in the region between the two reflecting surfaces. The
transmitted series is
Et = Eott' + Eot (r' r) t.' eioo + Eot (r'1/ t' ei 200 + Eot (r' r) 3 t'ei300 + ...
= Eott' [1 + (r' r) ei<5o + (1·'r) 2 ei 200 + (r'1·) 3 ei36o + ...)
provided lxl < 1, which is obviously valid in our case. Thus, the infinite series of
tran smitted terms is given by
Et = _ ___:_.,..,....
1 - n·' ei6o
If we let T = '1' 1
and t = t', we obtain
Et = Eot2.
. 1- T2c>oo
Recall that for normal incidence, the reflectance R is given by Tr*, and the transmittance
is given by T = tt*. Since irradiance is proportional to EE* , the tran smitted inadiance is
given by
I _ I0 T
t - II - r2ei&o 12
The denominator of the last result is given by
The amplitude reflectance .,. may in general be complex to allow for reflectio n phase shifts.
If we express r 2 in polar form and incorporate any extra reflection phase shifts into a new
phase shift term we obtaino,
u= --+ 2 '/'R
, 47rnd ,~,
where r/>n is the reflection phase change. This gives
11 - r2eiool = 1 _ (T2eioo + .,.•2e-io + R2 0)
= 1- (Reio +Re-i<~)+ R 2
= 1 - 2R.coso + R2
= (1 - R.) + 2R.(1- coso)
From trigonometry,
= (1 - R) [1+
( 1 ~~)2 sin2 (~)]
We define the coefficient offmesse F:
F= 4R. (5.87)
(1 - R.)2
to give
I _ I0T ( 1 ) (5.88)
t. - (1 - R.) 2 1 + Fsin 2 (!)
If there is no absorption, then T = 1 - R, giving
I t = - -- ----;c--;-:=.,- (5.89)
. l +Fsin2 (!)
{N-IH d R R
(a) (b)
Figure 5.28 (a) Transmittance of two identical flat parallel mirTOrs separated by distance d. A
min·or reflectance of 0.5 gives F = 8, and R = 0.95 gives F = 1520. (b)S tanding waves when the
mill'or spacing dis equal to an integer number half wavelengths.
The coefficient of finesse F can become large for mirror reftectances R that approach
unity. Consider two flat, parallel mirrors separated by a distance d. A large value ofF
causes the transmission to be low except withi n a region where sin[o/ 2] is close to zero.
Neglecting reflection phase shifts that are independent of d, this occurs when k(nd) = N1r .
Thus, positions of maximum transmission are separated by A/2, as indicated in Figure
5.28(a). At each of these discrete points, there is 100% transmission 14 even with individual
mirrors that are very reflective. In such a case, the two mirrors form a resonant cavity. At
resonance, energy that transmits into the cavity multiply-reflects between the cavity mirrors.
Furthermore, all reflections interfere constructi vely to produce a relatively large irradiancc.
Intuitively, one expects an irradiance between the mirrors to be inversely proportional to
mirror transmi ttance. For example, a mirror that reflects 95% and transmits 5% needs an
incident irradiancc of 20 Io to transmit the irradiance Io.
At resonance, the radiation field betwcenthe mirrors satisfies a standing wave condition,
as indicated in Figure 5.28(b). Standi ng waves are produced when waves that travel in
opp osite directions constructively interfere. For example, consider the combination of the
following equal amplitude monochromatic waves:
sin A +sinE = 2 sin ~(A+ B) cos~ (A - B)
to give
E = (2Eo sin kx) coswl
The portion within the parentheses is a position-dependent standing wave amplitude such
as that in Figure 5.28(b). There are nodes where the field is zero, and antinodes with
maximum field fluctuations. Nodes and antinodes arc spaced by A/2. Thus, moving one
mirror by A/2 transitions the cavity from one resonance to the next.
14 Most reflective coatings have some absorption. The number of reflections and associated absorption losses
increase as F increases.
Problem 5.36 Given Equation 5.85 for an infinite geometric series, show that the finite
series is given by
L xn- 1 1-
• -
R R s
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 5.29 (a) Scanning Fabl)'-Perot interferometer. (b) Fringe pattem produced by two closely-
spaced spectral lines. (c) Interferogram of (b). The pattern repeats as the interferometer scans over
the free spectral range.
Higher values ofF give a sharper transmission bandpass and greater spectral resolution.
To find the half-width of the bandpass, solve
1 1
1 + Fsin
(¥) 2
g iving
15 Ctmrlcs Fabry: 1867-1945. French physicist who discovered the ozone layer and made important contributions
to interferometry. Alfred Perot: 1863-1925. French physicist and colleague of Charles Fabry. See J. F. Mulligan,
"Who Were Fabry and Perot?" American Journal of Physics 64, II 09 ( 1996).
For large F we may use the small angle approximation. The full width at half maximum
(FWHM) is then
FWHM = 281 /2 = .jF (5.90)
The finesse 16 is defined as the ratio of a full 21r phase change to the FWHM:
lw a.r
Io 0.828/,.,ar
d d
(a) (b)
Figure 5.30 (a) Two closely spaced spectral lines separated by their FWHM. (b) The sum of (a),
showing the saddle point.
The capability to distinguish closely spaced spectral lines is called the resolving power.
Consider two equal-irradiance spectral lines that are much narrower than the profile mea-
sured by the Fabry-Perot interferometer. Let the two profiles intersect at the half-power
points, as shown in Figure 5.30(a). The measured profile is the sum illustrated in Figure
5.30(b) which has a saddle point that is 82.8% of the maximum irradiance. Noting that in
Equation 5 .86, ¢ R < < 2 r.(~"d), we neglect the reflection phase changes to give
Rearranging gives
>. 8
6.>. 6.8
The resolving power is defined as ,\f 6.>.. For 8 we substitute N(21r), where the o1der
nwnber N is the number of half wavelengths in d when there is resonance (see Figure
5.28) :
N = nd = 2nd = !...._ (5.92)
>./2 >. 27T
For 6.8, we use the FW H iVI and Equation 5.90 to give
RP= I~ I = 8 =N(27r)
= NF = N?T/F (5.93)
6.>. FW HM :F
Be careful not to confuse the coefficient of finesse of Equation 5.87 with the fin esse g iven by Equation 5.9 1.
The notation is standard.
(N + 1) A= N (1\ +~A)
~ ,,\ = ~
To avoid overlapping, the wavelength spread of the analysis beam must be limited to the
free spectral range ~~\fsr
A A2
~Afs•· = N = 2nd (5.94)
f,\ c
~!Jsr= -=- (5 .95)
2nd 2nd
Thus, wideband illuminatioh results in a transmitted beam that consists of a number of
narrow frequency components separated by cj2nd. To obtain a transmitted beam with a
narrow frequency range, the illumination must be narrower than the free spectral range .
• EXAl\'IPLE 5.11
The isotopes hydrogen and deuterium have slightly different emission spectra. For
the red Ho: line of the Balmer series, the wavelength is 656.28 n:m for hydrogen and
656.10nm for deuterium (~A = 0.18nm.). Describe how thi s splitting could be
measured using Fabry-Perot mirrors with a reflectance of 90%.
giving a finesse of
:F = 7f\/F =
J366 = 29.8
2 2
The splitting will be bracketed nicely with a free spectral range of 0.5 nm. Assuming
that air fills the space between the mirrors, this requires a mirror spacing of
1\ 2 (G56.2nmi 5
d = 2 ~A = 2 (O 5 . ) = 4.31 x 10 nm = 0.431 mm
fs•· . nm
17This should not be confused with the wavelength spread associated with resolving power.
Such a small mirror separation leaves little room for alignment error! Clearly, the
Fabry-Perot interferometer is best suited for very high resolution measu rements.
Under these conditions, N is equal to
N = 4.31 x 10 nm =
656.2 n.m/2
laser outpttl.
The word LASER is an acronym for Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emis-
sion of Radiation. In stimulated emission, photons interact with excited atoms or
molecules of the laser medium to stimulate the emission of additional photon s. Pho-
tons entitled by stimulated enlission have identical phase and propagation direction
as the stimulating photon, as opposed to the competing process of spontaneous emis-
sion where e mission proceeds randomly. For example, the radiation from a neon
sign results from spontaneous emission, and the beam from a neon laser results from
stimul ated emission. Stimulating photons must reach the excited states before these
decay spontaneously, and thi s is usually achieved by placing the laser medium within
a Fabry-Perot cavity.
Figure 5.31 shows a laser cavity formed by two mirrors that enclose a gain
medium ; in the case illustrated, thi s medium consists of a gas that is excited by
collisions in an electrical discharge. Each mirror typically has a small amount of
curvature (large radiu s of curvature) that serves to confine the multiple reflections. A
partially reflecting mirror on the output end of the laser transmits the output beam.
The reflectivity of the output mirror is typically close to 100%, so the irradiance
within the laser cavity must be substantially higher than that of the output. For
example, if the output mirror transmits 10%, the irradiance in the cavity must be
about ten times greater than that of the output. The high cavity irradiance increases
the probability of stimulated emission.
The Fabry-Perot cavity also makes the laser output very monochromatic. For
example, consider a helium-neon laser with a cavity formed by mirrors of 99%
reflectivity. If the cavity length is 10.0 em, then the resolving-power of the cavity
is nearly 109 by Equation 5.93 . Theoretically, this gives a 6.A that is a very small
fraction of a nm, and a corresponding 6. f of less than a 1H H z. Longer cavity lengths
can be even more monochromatic.
Changes in cavity length cause changes in the wavelength and frequency of the
output. Thermal variations cause frequency changes with time scales on the order
of minutes. Acoustic changes cause more rapid fluctuations. In either case, the
frequency can vary over the entire free spectral range of the cavity.
Problem 5.39 Find the resol ving-power and free spectral range of a scanning Fabry-
Perot interferometer that uses identical mirrors of 80% reflectivity and a mirror separation
of 20 em. Assume an operating wavelength of 540 nm.
Problem 5.40 A 633 n m helium-neon laser has 99% reflecting 1nirrors spaced 10.0 em
apart. Find the free spectral range. Use the Fabry-Perot resolving power to estimate the
spectral width (in both wavelength and frequency) of the output. Repeat for a cavity length
Problem 5.41 A Fabry-Perot cavity is made from a 1.00 em-thick slab of germanium,
with index of refraction 4.02. Find the finesse, the coefficient of finesse, the resolving
power and the free spectral range when the wavelength is 3.00 JLm.
As discussed in Section 5.3.3, single layers of thin dielectric films can be used to create
antireflection coatings. It is also possible to design coatin gs for high reflectivity using
multiple thin-film layers.
Figure 5.32 shows a thin film of thickness and index of refraction nc. It is s urrounded
on the left by an incident region with index of refraction n 0 , and on the right by a transmitted
region with index of refraction nt . Incident li ght that transmits into the film will multiply
reflect between the two dielectric interfaces, and we could certainly solve for the net
transmittance and reflectance as in the last section, by detailed analysis of the infinite series
of transmitted and reflected terms. Instead, we shall solve the bound(//y value problem.
In this approach, Maxwell's equation s are solved in each of the three regions of Figure
5.32, and these solutions are matched at the two boundaries using the bound(//y conditions
determined in Section 3.3.1. Furthermore, we have already found the necessary solutions
to Maxwell's equations; they are the electromagnetic wave solutions found in Section 2.3.1.
nc ,,,
x=O x=e
Figul'e 5.32 A thin film of thickness t and index nc deposited on a substrate of index 1lt.
Figure 5.32 illustrates the transverse electromagnetic wave solutions in each of the three
regions. The incident regiOil contains a forward-traveling wave with field amplitude Eo
and wave vector ko that represents the incident illumination. This region also contains a
backward-traveling solution with E0and k0that represents the net reflected radiation. Both
solutions must be used as we proceed, because they are linearly independent; a forward-
traveling wave can not be represented as a linear combination of backward-traveling waves,
and vice versa. The film region also contains a forward-traveling solution withEe and kc
and a backward-traveling solution with E~ and f~ that account for all multiple reflections
within this region. Finajly, the transmitted region only contains a forward-traveling wave
with Eo and k0 , since we assume a semi-infinite transmitted region that cannot physically
produce a backward component.
According to the boundary conditions found in Section 3.3.1 for non-magnetic di-
electrics, the tangential components of E and iJ are continuous at each boundary. Accord-
ing to Section 2.3.1, E and B are related by
B=!!:.E (5.96)
If we assume normal incidence, the vectors E and iJ are both tangential. According to the
first boundary condition, the tangential components of electric field must be continuous at
X =0:
Eo + E 0= E e + E~ (5.97)
The tangential components of B must also be continuous at x = 0. Here, we must be
careful to note that for the backward-traveling wave, if E points up as shown in Figure
5.32, then B must point into the page. Taking out of the page as positive gives
Bo - Bb = B e - B~
which by Equation 5.96 gives
where we have included the eikt in the term E t by allowing it to become complex, since
in the transmitted region we have no need to distinguish between forward- and backward-
traveling solutions. Similarly, the boundary condition at X = for magnetic fields gives
Our goal is to solve Equations 5.97-5.100 for the reflected and transmitted beams Eb
and E 1 when the incident illumination Eo is known. To do this, we eliminate the fields
internal to the layer: Ee and Ef:. From Equations 5.99 and 5.100 we find
E 'c -_ -1 ( 1 - -
nt ) E t.e ikt (5.102)
2 nc
from which we find
E e + E eI = ( cos kl!- ·i1lt
- sin ld ) Et. (5. 103)
cos kl!) E 1 (5. 104)
From Equation5.97,
1 +- = ( coske -1.-.nt smkl!
. ) -Et (5.1 05)
Eo ne Eo
and from Equation 5.98
J\{ = ( cos ke
-inc sin ke
-,:t sinke )
cos ke ( ·
5 108
Given the incident and reflected fields at x = 0, the transfer matri x determines the fields
at x = e. If there are N layers with indices of refraction nc 1 , ne2 , ••• , nc.v with thicknesses
er. e2 •... ,eN. Equation5.107 becomes 18
1 1 1
( no ) +( -no
) r = J\11 M2···AIN ( nt.
) t (5. 109)
The order of matrix multiplication is important; in the above, i\1r is the layer that the
incident light illuminates first. Let the result of N layers result in a final transfer matrix
with the matrix ele ments indicated below:
1' =
nomu + nont'1n12 - m21 - ntm22 (5. 112)
nomu + nont'm12 + m.21 + n 1m22
2n 0
t = - - - - - - - - = - - - - -- - (5.113)
nomJJ +nont.1n12 + 1n21 + nt'm22
The reflectance and transmittance are then given by R = lrl and T = 1tl2 .
18 Th is result is not obvious. For more information, see Principles of Optics by Bom and Wolf [2]. Note that they
refer to Ihe transfer matrix as the characteristic matrix.
nt. - nc2
1" = -------,';- (5.115)
nt +nz
At the design wavelength, R = 0 when nc = jnt. For glass with index n 1. = 1.5, the ideal
index would be 1.22. Magnesium fluoride (M gF2) with index nc = 1.38 is commonly
used since it is durable and amenable to existing deposition techniques. Note that the index
increases across each interface, giving a 1r phase shift for each reflected component (see
Section 3.5.5); thus the half wavelength round-trip travel for the wave that reflects from
the substrate combines with the front-surface reflection in destructive interference, giving
complete cancellation if ne = ..jni. The film reflectance increases for wavelengths other
than the design wavelength, as illustrated in Figure 5.33. Incident angles that depart from
normal will also increase the film reflectance. Optics with antireflection coatings for the
visible typically use 550 n m as the design wavelength, since thi s is at the peak of the solar
spectrum. The glare from such coatings typically shows a mixture of red and violet.
/ uncoated
Hi= 1.38
Ill = 1.22
400 500 600 700
Figure 5.33 Antireflection coating consisting of a single quarter-wavelength layer applied to glass
of index 1.5. The ideal index of v'f.5 gives zero reflection at the design wavelength of 550 nm.
Magnesium fluoride with index 1.38 gives a reflection of only about 1% at 550 mn. The uncoated
reflectance is about •1%.
5.108 and 5.109, the transfer matrix for the quarter-quarter coating is
lit ) ( 0
-6i2 ) = (
no= 1.00
0.05 ,....---~~-~-------~-..
4 Ht = 1.38
4 n
l it= 1.5
(a) (b)
Figure 5.34 Quarter-qum1er coating on a substrate with index 1. 50. The top layer isM gF2 . (b)
Reflectance when the n2 layer has the ideal index of 1.69.
For the situation illustrated in Figure 5.34(a), if 1\1gF2 is used for the n1. then zero
reflectance is achieved if a material with n = 1.69 for the n 2 layer can be found . Table
5.2. lists some candidates. The index is not the only criterion; the film material must be
transparent over the intended range of use, it must be durable, and it must be amenable to
existing deposition technol ogies. Figure 5.34(b) shows the reflectance R vs. wavelength
for the optimal value of n 2 = 1.69. Although the reflectance does indeed reach zero
at the design wavelength, it increases sharply as the wavelength departs from the design
value. Bmadband antireflection coatings use larger numbers of film layers to achieve low
reflectivi ty over a larger wavelength range. The analysis can be algebraically complicated
and is usually better done with a computer.
A dielectric coating for high-reflectance must use multiple layers. Figure 5.35 shows a
4-layer stack of alternating high and low index layers deposited on a substrate of index nt.
Adjacent layers have a transfer matrix given by
_ _j_
llH ) ( 0
_siL ) = (
n t~ 0
2N 2
[- .!!.L..]N
_ l1t [- !.!.ln :i.. ]N 2 I...
11 !liL
I [ IlL ]
- 1
N + nI [- !.!.l111,:i.. ]N nI [!l.IL]
Il L +1
Since the ratio !.!.1:i..
n,, > 1, the reflectance approaches one for even a few pairs of layers.
Using 1'1gF2 with nr, = 1.38 and Z nS with n 11 = 2.39, find the reflectance of a
coating that utilizes two high-low pairs, as illustrated in Figure 5.35(a). Repeat for a
coating that uses four high-low pairs. Assume a substrate with ·n t = 1.5.
no = 1.00
. -- .--. __..-- N = 6
1 11
/ I --. ',
N = 4
>. »L L
~I 11/1 H I
' \
~ ' I
R = 2
:r »L L
I ·,' .(' N
I \
5 00 GOO
(a) (b)
Figure 5.35 (a) A two-pair high-reflectance coating. (b) Reflectance vs. wavelength for 2, 4 and
6 pair coatings. See Example 5.12.
n [!1.l:L] 2N
(. »L
- 1 2
(1.5) * (21.33!)8)4- 1]2= 0. 743
R= 2N
nt [ !1.i:L
»L ] +1 (1.5) * (~:~~) + 1
'llt [!l.ll.] - 1
»L * (2.39)
1. 38
8 - 1] 2
= 0.968
2N [ (1.5) * (i:~~) + 1 8
'/l.t [!l.ll. ] + 1
Figure 5.36 An interference filter consisting of qum1er-wave high-low pairs deposited on either
side of a half-wave spacer.
wavelengths. For suffic iently large angles, the design bandpass can shift into the infrared,
and a higher frequency bandpass can shift into the visible from the blue.
Problem 5.45 Show that the reflectance of a 2N -layer coating where the top layer has
index ll.£ is given by
[!llL]2N -
'llt 2
[!llL] 2N + n t
Problem5.46 If the incident medium in Figure 5.35(a) has index greater than one, show
that the reflectance is given by
[!llL] 2N -
no 2
Problem 5.47 Find the reflectance at the design wavelength of a six-pair high-re flectance
coating using the data from Exampl e 5.12. Compare your result with th e plot of Figure
Problem 5.48 Find the coefficient o f finesse for the interference filter shown in Figure
5.36 using the layer and substrate data of Example 5. 12.
Two fields are coherent if they are correlated. For example, beams collected from a thermal
source contain emissions that result from individual accelerat ing electrons that radiate in
a statistically random way. The combinati on of these random contributions within a beam
produce fluctuations in irracliance that arc also statistically random. 1\vo beams that exhibit
coherence have fluctuations that are statically correlated in time. Coherence between two
beams that arrive at the same point after traveling different optical paths is called temporal
coherence. Spatial coherence exists when fluctuations measured at different points in space
are correlated.
We assume that the correlations are stationary, meaning that the time average is independent
of the origin of time. We also assume that both beams have identical polarizations. Thus
2 2
where h = Eoc(IEI I ) and h = Eoc(IE2I ). Let the time for beam I to traverse the
interferometer bet, and the corresponding time for beam 2 bet + r . We define the mutual
coherence function
If, after time delay r beams I and 2 are statistically uncorrelated, the real and imaginary
parts of E 1 (t)EHt + r) should be randomly positive and negative, and in this case the
integral of Equation 5.120 gives zero. However, if there is correlation, positive values are
more common, and the integral is non zero. We define the normalized degree of partial
coherence as
'Yl2 = JIJ2
Using this definition, Equation 5.119 for the inadiance measured in a Michelson interfer-
ometer becomes
I = h + /2 + 2 j!J;"Reb12] (5.121)
The function /J2 is a complex-valued function whose value determines the coherence. If
I'YI2I = 1, there is complete coherence. If 0 < l112l < 1there is partial coherence, and if
l1d = 0 there is complete incoherence. Equation 5.71 defined the fringe visibility:
\1 = Imax - Imin
Imax + Imin
Since Imax = h + fz + 2)hl2 bd and Imin = h + /2 - 2v'l~hln21. the visibility
11 = 2Jl112'I/I21 (5.122)
/1 + /2
In other words, the fringe visibility is a measure of correlation, which in turn is a measure
of coherence. Thus, two fields are coherent if they produce inte1jerence fringes when
B= ±-2d
The pairs of points labeled by 2 and 3 are closer together, and thus give fringe patterns
with wider spacing, as illustrated in Figure 5.37(b). As all points on the thermal source are
included, the corresponding fringe patterns overlap to give uniform illumination everywhere
except within the region of zero path difference, where the illumination is brighter. A quasi-
monochromatic source is characterized by random phase shifts that occur, for visible light,
on the order of 10-8 s, as discussed in Section 5.6, and illustrated in Figure 5.38. As
20 Slriclly, this is transverse spatial coherence, as opposed lo longilttdinal spalial coherence where !he lwo points
located along a radius line. Longitudinal spatial coherence is similar lo temporal coherence.
2 --
1 2 3
--~~~-+--------------~-----------------1----~ t
~=ld L
Figure 5.37 (a) Pairs of independent quasi-monochromatic point radiators placed symmetrically
across a single aperture. (b) Each pair of radiators in (a) produces a Young's interference pattem
with fringe spacing inverse ly proportional to the pair separation. (c) The result of adding the fringe
patterns due to all points in the ape11ure.
these phase shifts occur, the fringe pattern for each point pair shifts to either side of the
symmetric point of zero path difference, which widens the central bright area somewhat.
A tiny quasi-monochromatic source located a distance L from an observing screen
shows enhanced brightness at the zero path difference location. Because the central region
is bright, it is an area of constructive interference, and thus is a region of coherence.
Furthermore, the bright area remains as more frequencies are added to the source, since
all frequencies interfere constructively when the path difference is zero. Thus, there is an
area of spatial coherence even for thermal sources that emit with a broad spectrum, such as
planets and stars.
I._________. ,\____
Figure 5.38 A quasi-monochromatic source. For visible light, the phase changes abruptly on a
time scale of 10- 8 s. The coiTesponding wave train uses a long wavelength for the sake of illustration.
where ls is the spatial coherence width and () is measured in radians. The factor of 1.22
comes from mathematical details that will be described fully in Section 6.3.3 .
• EXAMPLE 5.13
Find the spatial coherence width for the following sources: (a) the Sun (0 ~ 0.5°),
(b) Venus (() ~ 1/60°), (c) Betelgeuse (() ~ 0.0000131 °). Assume an average
wavelength of 550 nm, and that each object has circular cross section.
22 550 10 9
ls = (1. )( x - m) = 7.69 x 10-5 m= 0.0768mm
(0.5°) ( ~~~~~)
For Venus,
For Betelgeuse,
(1.22) (550 x 10- 9 m)
(o.oooo131°) (~~~n
2 93
ls = = · m
The Sun is an extended thermal source, and it illuminates a properly oriented observing
screen uniformly. However, two small apertures more closely spaced than the distance
found in Example 5.13 will show Young's interference fringes. To see interference fringes
with more widely spaced apertures, one must modify the source as Young did, by first
passing it through a single aperture of sufficiently small angular size so as to create an
area of coherence at the aperture large enough to contain both openings. According to the
Figure 5.37, () will only be small if Lis large, and waves can only travel with such a small
angular spread if they have effectively plane wavefronts over the dimensions of the source.
Wavefronts that reach us from Betelgeuse or even a more distant star can be propagated
back to the source as a single large wavefront correlated over the entire surface of the star.
Figure 5.39 shows intuitive representations of photons that exhibit different degrees of
coherence. Figure 5.39(a) illustrates light with low temporal and spatial coherence, such as
sunlight. In Figure 5.39(b), the spatial coherence has been increased, indicated by the larger
wavefront; an example here would be starlight. In Figure 5.39(c), the spatial coherence is
21 F. Zernikc: t 888-1966, received the Nobel prize for inventing the phase contrast microscope.
Figure 5.39 Intuitive representations of spatial and temporal coherence: (a) low temporal and low
spatial coherence; (b) low temporal, high spatial; (c) high temporal, low spatial; (d) high temporal
and high spatial coherence.
low but the temporal coherence is higher, indicated by a more monochromatic wave without
as many Fourier frequency components. Light of this kind could be obtained, for example,
by passing sunlight through a narrow-band interference filter. Figure 5.39(d) illustrates the
case where both the spatial and temporal coherence is high. Examples here include filtered
sunlight that is passed through a tiny aperture, and light emitted by many types of lasers.
Coherent light beams sometimes exhibit interesting effects. Star twinkle, for example, is
largely affected by coherence. Before it encounters the atmosphere, starlight is effectively
plane wave, but atmospheric density fluctuations along the optical path causes distortion and
folding of the wavefront. Because the light is coherent, interference occurs when portions
of the wavefront overlap, which increases the observed irradiance fluctuations. For the most
part, planets do not twinkle because they have a large angular size and a correspondingly
small spatial coherence length. Another example of the effects of coherence is given by
laser speckle that occurs when, for example, a laser beam is diffusely reflected from a
painted wall. Interestingly, laser light usually has both temporal and spatial coherence, and
the speckle results from reflections from various levels of the rough surface that combine
on an observing screen to give constructive and destructive interference. Usually, thi s
observing screen is the retin a of the eye. Natural light does not exhibit speckle because (1)
it has a coherence length that is less than the altitude variations of the rough surface and
(2) it has a spatial coherence that is less than the diameter of the illuminated region.
Michelson used interferometry to obtai n the first direct measure ment of the angular size of
a star. The experimental arrangement is shown in Figure 5.40. Light from the same star
is collected by mirrors with transverse spacing ls, and then combined on an observation
screen. The collection mirrors were mounted on a framework that maintained the geometry
fringe pattern
- -------'-- - 71
Figure 5.40 The Michelson stellar interferometer.
of Figure 5.40 as the telescope was rotated, and which also allowed the mirror separation
Is to be varied. This extended framework had to be extre mely stable to allow observation
of a stable fringe pattern. Fringes with nonzero visibility are observed as long as the
inequality of Equation 5.124 is valid. The value of Is that just gives zero fringe visibility
determines the angular size{) of the star. Michelson's first observations were on Betelgeuse
(see Example 5.13).
Jig SO ili'CC
(a) (b)
Figure 5.41 (a)The HBT experiment. (b) Two receivers separated by baseline distance b. A si ngle
wavefront anives at either detector with a geomelric lime delay t 9 = b sin 0/c.
levels, "quantum cl umping" causes groups of photons to divide at the beam splitter, leading
to the HBT observation of correlation.23
Figure 5.41 shows two telescopes with the detectors connected to an e lectronic correlator.
When operated as a phase interferometer, detection usually includes a mixing step where
signals are combined with a local oscillator LO, producing beats as in Section 5.3.6. The
difference frequency, usually refe rred to as the intermediate f requency IF, is low enough
to enable analysis with available analog and digital ci rcuit elements. In the radio spectrum,
the signal frequencies are sufficientl y low to allow detectors such as antennas to measure
the electric field directly, allowing the mixing to occur electronically after detection. For
higher freque ncies, optical mixing typically uses a laser as the local oscillator, with the LO
and signal beams combi ned on the surface of an optical detector for coherent detection, as
described in Section In either case, the field amplitude of the signal is detected
directly, and the correlation step is equivalent to measuring fringe visibility. In an HBT
approach, the telescope de tectors measure the sig nal irradiance, and the irradiance signals
are combined at the correlator as described above. Either approach can be used to measure
stellar diameters; however, the phase interferometer is far more sensitive.
To obtain correlation results, one of the two signals must usually be time-shi fted to
accou nt for the geometric time delay, wh ich is equal to the light travel time difference
along the optical path for light reaching each detector (see Figure 5.4 1(b))
bsin ()
Tg = --
23Sce the discussion of the H BT experiment and the associated single-photon of Grungier ct. al., in '/h e Quamum
Challeuge, by Greenstein and Zajonc [8]. To obtain a tmly single-photon measurement, the Grangier experiment
used a two-photon process where one photon triggered the detection of the other.
where b is the baseline that separates the two tclcscopes24 . Recall that a single optical
reflector sati sfies Fermat's principle that every ray reaching the focus travels in minimum
and therefore equal time. Thus, by including the time shift, the two telescopes behave as
a single telescope aperture with collection area equal to the sum and collection diameter
equal to b. Any number of telescopes can be connected in this way with any practicable
baselines. For example, the Very Large Array (VLA) of the National Radio Observatory
(NRA0)25 consists of 27 telescopes that can be combined to give the resolution of a single
telescope with objective diameter of D = 22 miles. The Very Long Baseline Array 26
consists often 25m-wide radio telescopes distributed across North America with baselines
that extend from Hawaii to the Virgin Islands.
Problem 5.49 Sodium light of wavelength 589 nm is focused through a pinhole before
illuminating a Young's double aperture with an aperture spacing of 1.00 mm. If the spacing
between the pinhole and the aperture is 10.0 em, what is the maximum pinhole diameter
that will illuminate the aperture coherently?
Problem 5.50 Find the spatial coherence length for the sources of Example 5 .13 using
radio waves of frequency 3.00 G H z.
~There are typically also electronic time delays associated with the extended electric circuit that connects the
two telescopes, which must be included in the time shift.
25 Sec
Additional Problems
Problem 5.51 Determi ne the slit spacing in a Young's experiment when a fringe spacing
of 5.50 mm is observed on an observing screen that is 5.00 m from the aperture and the
wavelength is 632.8nm.
Problem 5.52 Describe the Newton's rings pattern that results when the transmitted
irrad iance is studied. Is the central fringe light or dark?
Problem 5.53 A patrolman bounces microwaves off a vehicle moving at 65 mph. If the
base wavelength of the microwaves used is 3.00 em, find the frequency shift, and estimate
the minimum resolving power of the receiving unit if it is just able to measure such a
frequency shift.
Problem 5.54 Find the change in wavelength that occurs when acoustic effects cause the
frequency of a helium-neon laser to "jitter" rapidly across a frequency span of 300M Hz.
Assume an average laser wavelength of 633 nm.
Problem 5.55 In Problem 5.54, calculate the coherence length usi ng the uncertai nty
relations as an equality. Find the coherence length if the j itter is controlled and the laser is
stabili zed to limit frequency fluctuations to 10.0 kHz.
Problem 5.56 Estimate the coherence length ofHa·e mission from a low-pressure mixture
o f hydrogen if the frequency width is 3.00 x 109 H z . Describe the inte rferogram that
results when Ha- light from an 50 : 50 mixture of hydrogen and deuterium is studied with
a Michelson interferometer. See Example 5. 11 for spectral data.
Problem 5.57 What mirror spaci ng is necessary to achieve a resolving power of 105 at
632.8 nm using Fabry-Perot mirrors wit h 95% re flectivity? In this case, what is the free
spectral range?
Problem 5.58 Find the reflectance at the design wavelengt h of a five-pair high-reflectance
coating using the data from Example 5.12. Compare your result with the plot of Figure
Problem 5.59 Find the coefficient of finesse for an interference filter that uses a six-pair
high-reflectance coating. Use the layer and substrate data of Example 5. 12.
Problem 5.60 Estimate the spatial coherence length for sunlight focused through a
1.00 nun-diameter hole when it is observed 2.00 m from the aperture.
Problem 5.61 Find the geometric time delay for radio signals that reach two telescopes
with a baseline of 10.0 km from a source located 30° from zenith.
Fourier series provide a way to represent an arbitrary periodic funct ion as a linear combi-
nation of harmonic terms:
A oo oo
J(x)=-f+ LAmcos(mkx)+ L Bmsin (mkx) (5.A.I )
m=l m= l
where k = 21!' />.and m. is a positive integer. The terms Am and Bm arc collectively called
the Fourier coefficients and are given by
Am=~ j f(x) cos (mkx) dx (5.A.2)
Bm = ~ j J(x) sin (mkx) dx (5.A.3)
- 2
To demonstrate Equations 5.A. l-5.A.3, we begin with the orthogonality relations27 for
the harmonic functions cos(m7rx) and sin(m7rx):
j sin (pkx) sin (qkx) dx = ~Dp,q (5.A.6)
- ~
where p and q are arbitrary integers, and the term Dpq is the Kmnecker delta:
ifp = q
27111e term orthogonality derives from a geometrical interpretation where each hannonic function is proportional
to a unit vector in an infinite-dimensional vector space called a Hilbert space. Equations 5.A.4-5.A.6 arc defined
as scalar products in this space, and scalar products of orthogonal vectors are zero. For more information, sec
Boas [1].
• EXAMPLE 5.14
Use the Euler relation of Section 1.6 to represent each harmonic function:
~ ~
~~ eiqkx _ c-iqkx )
"f ( e ipkx _ e - ipkx)
si n (pkx) sin (qkx) dx = i (
2 2i
-~ -~
= -~ J[(
ei(p+q)kx + e - i(p+q)kx) _ ( ci(p- q)kx + e- i(p- q)kx) ] dx
- i-
~ ~
-i J iJ
2 2
Since p and q are integers, the integrand of the first integral oscillates an integer
number of times over the integration interval. Thus, the first integral is zero. For the
same reason, the second integral is zero unless p = q. In this case the integration
~2 j dx=
. ~2
which verifies Equation 5.A.6.
Equations 5.A.4-5.A.6 may be used to find expressions for the Fourier coefficients.
Multiply both sides of Equations 5.A.l by sin(pkx) dx and integrate to give
J4 ~
f(x) sin (pkx ) dx = J~ [ ~ + 00
LAm cos (mkx) + L
m= l
Bm sin (mkx) sin (pkx) dx
- 2 -2
= J~ ~
sin (pkx) dx + J~ [ LAm
m= l
cos (mkx)
+ L B m sin (mkx)
m= l
l sin (1Jkx) dx
-2 -2
= 0+ J~ [ L00
- 2
m= l
A 111 cos (mkx) sin (pkx ) dx + J~ [ L00
- 2
m= l
Bm sin (mkx) sin (pkx) dx
where the first integral is zero since the harmonic term oscillates an integer number of times
over the interval from 0 to A. Inte rchanging the order of integration and summat ion in the
j f(x)
sin (pkx) dx
- 2
). ).
00 2 00 ~
j f(x)
sin (pkx) dx = 0 + L
m= l
Em ( ~Orn,p) = Bp
- 2
Bp =~ j f( x ) sin (pkx) dx
We note that pis just a symbol that stands for any integer, so we change it to a new symbol
m to give Equation 5.A.3. Equation 5.A.2 may be obtained in a similar way (see Problem
It is often useful to note whether a function is even or odd. A function is even if
J(- x ) = f( x ). In other words, even functions are symmetric about the origin. Similarly,
a function is odd if it is antisymmctrie about the origin: f (- x) = - f (x ). For example,
cos( x) is even and sin(x) is an odd function. The product of an even and an odd function is
odd, but the product of two odd functions or two even functions is even (see Problem 5.16).
Since the integral of an odd function between limits symmetric about zero gives zero, odd
functions must have Am = 0 for all m, and even functions must have all B m = 0.
• EXAMPLE 5.15
+ 1 O<x -<~2
f (x ) =
{ - 1 - ~:<:; x< O
Plot partial Fourier series that use the first term only, the first three nonzero terms,
and the first 25 nonzero terms.
From Figure 5.A.J, it is clear that f(x) is odd, and thus Am = 0 for all m. To
find the B , , we must integrate
Bm = >:
0 .
(-1)(- )sm (
Tx) (- dx)+
2m1f l
(-).-x) dx
Finally, we note that x is, like x, simply a parameter that denotes position. The two
integrals in the last result are equivalent and can be combined to give
Bm-- { 0n~n
·1n even
According to Equation 5 .A. l , the Fourier series for this step function is
f (X ) 4 [.
= :;;: 5111
T + 31 5 111
. (61rx)
T + 51 S .ill (107rx)
- ). - + ... ]
Figure 5.A.2 shows a plot of this series. Since the functio ns used to expand the step
function arc periodic, the expansion is periodic as well. When plotted outside the
range - ~ < x < ~, the expansio n becomes that of a square wave.
Figul'c S.A.2 Fourier expansions of Example 5.15 plolted over two full cycles of the fu ndamental.
In the three expansions, one uses the first nonzero term, another uses three non zero tenns, and the
best approximation uses the first 25 nonzero terms in the sedes.
The terms in a Fourier series are called harmonics. The lowest frequency oscillating
term is called thef undamental. A Fourier expansio n containing terms with m > 0 is always
periodic, and the period is that of the fundamental.
Figure 5.A.2 illustrates the Gibbs phenomenon 28 , sometimes also called the Gibbs
overshoot. T hi s occurs at discontinuities such as those when the square wave of Figure
5.A.2 transitio ns between positive and negati ve values. As more terms are added, the
amount of overshoot converges to a constant value (about 14% for the square wave), and it
moves closer to the point of discontinuity. A partial Fourier series always passes through a
poi nt that is the average of the values of f(x) on e ither side of the discontinuity. Although
functions that represent real physical quantiti es are never trul y discontinuous, the Gibbs
phenomenon is often observed, for example, in electrical sig nals when circui t elements
attenuate the higher frequency components of a rapidly changi ng signal.
It is not straightforward to utilize evenness and odd ness fo r functions that are not defined
symmetrically about zero. However, one may always expand about symmetric limits using
Equations 5.A.I - 5.A.3, and then modify the result with a shi ft in origin. For example, we
may modify the series of Example 5. 15 to give the series for a square wave that is even:
28 Josiah Willard
Gii.JI.Js ( 1839-1903): an American physicist who made important contributions to mathematical
physics and thermodynamics.
• EXAMPLE 5.16
Find the Fourier coeffici ents for a rectangular pulse-train of variable duty-cycle:
f( x) = {+1
lx - n~l <a
where n is any integer. Plot a partial Fourier seri es that consists of the first 5 nonzero
terms when a = 0.5 and 1\ = 2.
We will represent thi s periodic function by expanding one cycle in a Fourier se-
ries. This function is even, so the B m are zero. Begin by finding 110 :
j j dx = -;:4a
Ao = ~
f(x) dx = ~
- a
= ~A ( -mk
- ) sin (mJ..:x)[_
giv ing
A,. 0 (l)
2 s rn 211m\
= -nt11 (
The term X is called the duty-cycle. It is the fraction of a period that the pul se is
nonzero. The pulse-train of Figure 5.A.3 has a duty-cycle o f 1/2.
The Fourier ex pansion of thi s function is g iven by
f(x) = T +~
~ Am cos (mkx) = >: ~ [( mn
2a + ~ 2 ) sin ( 2mn~ a)] cos mJ..:x
m= l m= l
= '12 + :;2[cos (nx) - 31 cos (3nx) + S1 cos (5nx)- '17 cos (77rx) ]
The five-term series in shown in Figure 5.A.4.
Figure 5.A.4 Fourier expans ion of Example 5.16 plotted over three full cycles of the fundame ntal.
It should be noted that the Cn given by Equation 5.A.l0 are in general complex.
Equations 5.A.9 and 5.A.l 0 may be demonstrated by re-expressing the orthogonality
relations of Equations 5.A.4-5.A.6 in complex form:
where p and q are arbitrary integers and Jp,q is the Kronecker delta. As in Example 5.14,
the integral of Equation 5.A.ll is zero unless p = q where the integral then gives ), (sec
Problem 5.62). To demonstrate Equation 5.A. I0 , multiply both sides of Equation 5.A.9 by
e- ipkx and integrate to give
+co +co
2: 2:
rn=- oo
= ,\ cp
It should be noted that the index m. in Equations 5.A.9 and 5.A.l 0 ranges over positive
and negative integer values, whereas in Equations 5.A.l-5.A.3, m. ?: 0 .
• EXAMPLE 5.17
- a
C111 = (-
-) sin (2nm.~)
7r l/l. /\
2a co ( eimkx + e- imkx )
=): +L 2cm
m= l
givi ng
(a) (g)
- 100 m 100
----------~v ~v~--------- ~------------~
Figure S.A.S
A pulse train plotted with increasing values of wavelength. In each case, the
( l)
pul sewidth is constant and equal to 1. (a),\ = 2. (b)>. = 'l. (c)>. = 8. (d)>. = 16. (e)>. = 32. (t)
>. = 100. (g)- (1): A plot of the Cm vs. index m for the series to the immediate left. In each case,
m varies from - 100 to 100. As the wavelength increases, the c 111 values merge toward a continuous
fun ction.
Consider Figure 5 .A.5 which illustrates pulsetrains with increasing values of wavelength.
The series expansions use the complex expansion coefficients of Example 5.1 7 with 201
values of m that range over -100 :S: ·m :S: 100. The pulsewidth for each case is the same,
and as the wavelength increases, neighboring pulses move farther away. Note th at edge
detail disappears for the larger wavelengths, indicating a need fo r more terms in the series.
Also shown for each case is a plot of the em versus index m.. As the wavelength tends
to infinity, values of Cm begin to 1ne1ge into a continuous fun ction. The plots of Figures
5.A.5(g)-(l) are merging toward the Fourier transform of a single rectangul ar pulse.
where we have substituted the integral formula for the Fourier coefficient with a primed-k
to indicate that it is independent of the unprimed-k. To make the transition to the Fourier
transform, we let ,\ ---t oo, so that 6.k ---t dk. We replace the discrete sum with an integral
to give
Note that the primed-k is just notation, which can now be dropped. The function J(x)
given by
(5.A. l3)
- oo
The integrals of Equations 5.A.l2 and 5.A.l5 are known as Fourier integrals.
The Fourier lmnsform is defined as the integral of Equation 5.A.l2. In standard notation:
The inverse Fourier transform from Equation 5.A.l5, again in standard notation:
f( x ) = 2_
j F(k)eikxdk (5.A.l5)
Problem 5.62 Show that Equations 5.A.5, 5.A.4, and 5.A.II are true.
Problem 5.63 Derive Equation 5.A.2 for the Fourier coefficients of the cosine terms.
Verify that Ao is divided by 2 in Equation 5.A.l.
Problem 5.64 Show by explicit integration that all A 111 Fourier coefficients are zero for
the function of Example 5.15.
Problem 5.65 Plot the first 5 nonzero terms of Equation 5.A.8.
Problem 5.66 Find the Fourier coefficients of a sawtooth wave:
Intuition is the undoubting conception of a pure and attentive mind, which arises from the light of
reason alone, and is more certain than deduction.
- Descat1es
I want to emphasize that light comes in this form- particles. It is very important to know that
light behaves like particles, especially for those of you who have gone to school, where you were
probably told something about light behavi ng like waves. I'm telling you the way it does behave
- like particles.
- Feynman
6.1 Introduction 282
Christiaan Huygcns: 1629-1695. Dutch mathematician, astronomer and physicist.
2 See,
for example, Guenther [I 0].
s '-.....
s ource point
/ P
s obscJ·vation po i n t,
(a) (b)
Figme 6.1 (a) Each point on an unobstmctcd wave as a source of Huygens wavelets. (b) When
the wave is obstmeted, wavelets at the aperture edges combine to form a di ffracted wave.
Since s is a point source, the disturbance arrives at a sphere of radius r' centered on s at a
time that we designate as t = 0. Over this sphere, the disturbance has amplitude given by
The aperture point acts as a source of secondary wavelets that propagate on ward to an
observation point p as a spherical wave. The disturbance at p is thu s
The net disturbance at p is obtained by sununing the contributions from all points on the
E = Eoe- 'w 1
.J eik(,·+r')
dA (6.4)
This is the expression for the diffracted wave obtained via Huygens' principle.
The phenomenological arguments of Huygcns were subsequently justified mathemati-
call y and physicall y by the scalar the01y of Fresnel 3 and Kirchhoffl. By scalar theory, we
mean that effec ts clue to polari zation are ignored. The details of the analysis are omitted
here, but can be found elsewhere5 . In the more rigorous theory, the absence of backward
traveling secondary wavelets ari ses naturally from the formalism as an obliquity factor.
Along the portion of the sphere illustrated in Figure 6. l (b), the obliquity factor is equal to
1 + cos O
where 0 is the angle between the source ray and the observation ray at the aperture point,
as shown in the figure. The obliquity fac tor has value + 1 al ong the incident ray di rection,
and is zero in the opposite d irection. T he scalar theory also incl udes a few additional
3 Augustin-Jean Fresne l: 1788-1 827. French physicist who established the wave theory o f light.
4 Gustav Kirchhoff: 1824- 1887. German physicist.
5 See, fo r example, Born and Wolf [2].
· A -zwt
E p = '/.\C
· /[l+cosO]eik(r·+r') /A
2 I G. (6.5)
/\ rr
where A is a constant and .X is the wavelength. The factor of i indicates a 90° phase shift
for the diffracted wave relative to the incident wave.
Despite the apparent simplicity, Equation 6.5 can be difficult to solve without the aiel
of simplifying assumptions. For example, if 0 remains small for all source and receive
directions, the obliquity factor does not depart significantly from 1 over the entire diffracting
aperture, and we may take the Huygens result of Equation 6.4 as a starting point. If
both source and receive points are located far away, then both incident and diffracted
fields become plane wave. This is commonly referred to as far-field, or Fraunlzofer6
diffraction. If either the source or receive point are close enough to the diffracting aperture
so that the curvature of the illuminating or diffracted wavefronts cannot be neglected,
the diffraction approaches the near-field or Fresnel diffraction regime. One measure of
wavefront curvature is given by the quantity J in Figure 6.2(a):
The usual criterion used to determine the validity of the Fraunhofer approximation is that
the total path variation due to curvature in the source and diffracted waves be limited to
much less than one wavelength. Using parameters defined in Figure 6.1, this gives
When expressed in this way, h may be regarded as the size of the diffracting aperture. As
Equation 6.8 approaches equality, the diffraction approaches the Fresnel case. Note that in
the Fresnel regime, h is typically large enough for the obliquity factor to be important, so
Equation 6.5 must be used to determine the diffracted field.
Problem 6.1 Improve the approximation of Equation 6.7 by including the next term in
the expansion used.
Figure 6.2(b) and (c) shows two complementmy apertures that when taken together form a
single opaque screen. Let Ep 1 and Ep2 be the field at point p measured when the individual
~--------------- -_ I
Figure 6.2 (a) Path difference along a spherical wavefront. (b) and (c): Complementary ape1tures.
apertures are illuminated. The combination of these fields must give the unobstructed wave
E 0 , giving Babinet 's principle:
Babinet's principle is particularly useful for Fraunhofer diffraction, where the illumi-
nation is plane wave with zero incident angle. For all nonzero diffracted angles, the
unobstructed wave is zero, and the diffracted fields for the complementary apertures have
the property:
Thus, with Fraunhofer diffraction, the diffracted fields from complementary apertures
differ only by a constant phase difference of n, and have identical irradiance patterns for
all nonzero diffraction angles. For example, when illuminated by a collimated beam, a
small spherical obstacle will produce the same diffraction pattern as a circular hole in an
opaque screen.
As noted in Section 6.2, Fraunhofer diffraction occurs when the curvature of both source
and diffracted waves can be neglected. If the illumination is plane wave, then the source
s must be located infinitely far away. The diffracted waves will also be plane when
the observing screen is located infinitely far away, as shown in Figure 6.3(a). Here, the
diffracted field consists of plane waves inclined at angles that locate bright regions in the
diffraction pattern. In practice, of course, such distances can only be approximated , but
the conditions of Fraunhofer diffraction can be obtained exactly by using focusing lenses,
as illustrated in Figure 6.3(b). A point sources located one focal length from a collection
lens gives plane wave illumination. A second focusing lens placed on the other side of the
aperture collects the diffracted waves. The plane wave components th at leave the aperture
traveling toward the Fraunhofer diffraction pattern at infinity are all brought to a focus at the
focal plane of the second lens. Thus, the second focusing lens creates an exact Fraunhofer
diffracti on pattern on an observing screen coi ncident its focal plane, otherwise known as
the Fratmlwfer plane.
To calculate the amplitude and irradiance of Fraunhofer diff raction patterns, we begin
with Equation 6.5, and make the following assumptions:
(a) (b)
Figure 6.3 (a) In Fraunhofer diffraction, diffracted waves must be plane in order to travel to an
observation screen at Infinity. (b) Infinite source and obse1vation distances obtained with len ses.
1. The angular spread of the diffracted wave is small enough so that the obliquity factor
can be ignored.
ik t~'
2. The quantity 7 is constant over the aperture, and may be moved outside the
y sine
(a) (b)
Figure 6.4 (a) Schematic and parameter definitions for determining the Fraunhofer diffraction
pattern of a single long slit. The long dimension of the slit (X-direction) extends out of the page,
and an arbitrmy point on the cross section is located by the coordinate Y. Rays leaving the aperture
in the Y -Z plane travel to the observing screen with path difference Y sin (} relative to the ray that
leaves from the center. (b) The observation screen. Points in the observation plane are located with
coordinates x andy.
For Fraunhofcr diffraction, T must be large enough to satisfy the cri terion of Equation
6.8. Letting dA = LdY, Equation 6.11 becomes
c ~ eik(ro+ )' sinO) LdY = CLeiho !~ eikYsinOdY = CLeiho ( c.ikYsinO
zk Slll0
b b -:z
-2 - 2
. sin {J . cos {J
I1111 -{3
= {3-+0
11111 - -
= 1
i =lo(~r
I ,-!Ep = Eo(~)
... . . - - ... I
' '
' -' \ I I {3
- 4rr. . _... - 2'1{" / 0 , ,' 271'"
, _, ,_, 6rr
- 6 - 5 -4 -3 -2 - 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 111
Figure 6.5 shows the electric fie ld E p and irradiance I of a single-slit di ffraction pattern
plotted versus /3. Ep and I are both zero at points where f3 equals an integer multiple of
7T . As the analysis in Equation 6. 13 shows, Ep is real-valued at all values of {3. Thus, the
di ffracted field is coherent. Note in particular that the field within the central bright region
located between -7T < f3 < +?T i s coherent and in phase. As with interference, we refer to
each phase reg ion with an order number 1n. The central order is referred to as the zeroth
order (m = 0). As indicated in Figure 6.5, even orders have fields that are in phase, and
odd orders are shifted in phase by 7T relative to the zeroth-order field.
According to the Van-C ittert-Zernike Theorem discussed in Section 5.1 2.2, the field
witl1in the central zeroth-order region is always coherent, even if the illumination is inco-
herent. This region of coherence ex te nds roughl y between the first zero crossing points of
f3 = ~ C:) bsinB = ±7T
. .A
sm B = ±b
Thus, large slit widths give correspondingly small regions of coherence. In Section
we di scussed Young's double-slit experiment, and in particular noted that Young illu mi nated
his double-slit aperture with light that had previously passed through a single slit (see F igure
5.3). To obtain coherent illumination, the single slit needed a width b small enough to give
a zeroth-order coherent beam that extended across each of the double-slit ape rtures. Had
this not been done, the two indi vid ual beams would not have been mutually coherent,
and no interference fringes would have been observed. As discussed in Section 5. 12.2,
the coherence decreases rapidl y outside of the zeroth-order region, especially when the
illumination has a large frequency spread. An extended pattern of definite bright and
null fringes, as illustrated in Figure 6.5, is onl y observed when the single-slit aperture is
illuminated with light that is spatially and temporally coherent.
Figure 6.6 Diffraction of a laser beam by a single-slit aperture. (Edward Kinsman /Photo
Researchers, Inc.)
The irradiance maxima of the diffraction pattern occur at the local extrema of Ep:
Figure 6.7 Graphical solution of the trancendental equation that locates irradiancc maxima in a
single-slit difi"raction pattern .
A 0.100 mm-wide slit is illuminated with plane waves from a helium-neon laser of
wavelength 632.8 nm. Find the distance from the zeroth-order maximum to the fi rst
two irradiance nulls, and to the first- and second-order irradiance maxima when the
pattern is observed on a wall Z = 1.0 m away. Repeat for a slit width of 2.00 JU7l.
Let the slit width be b = 0.100 mm. Using Equation 6.8 and letting h = b, l'o = Z,
and r' = oo, we find
which is in fact much less than >., so we are in the Fraunhofer range. The first
irradiance null is located at
X 1
1O- 4 m - .
which is small enough to use the small angle approximation. Let y measure a point
on the observation screen relative to its intersection with the Z axis. Then
sinO~ tanB = zy
= ZB = 6.328 x w- 3 m = 6.328 mm
The second null is at (3 = 211' which is still well within the range of small
and thus is located at twice this distance from the central maximum. The first-order
maximum is located at (3 = 1.4311', giving
·y = ±1.43b = ± 1.43 (6.328 X l0- 3 n1-) = ±9.05 mm
y = ZtanO = 0.334 m
The second-order nu ll is located at (3 = 211':
Problem 6.2 The central maximum of a single-slit diffraction pattern has a width of
2.00 em when measured on an observing screen LOO m away. If the illumination wave-
length is 632.8 nm, what is the slit width?
Problem 6.3 Repeat Example 6.1 when the illumination wavelength is 400 nm.
Problem 6.4 Using the parameters of Example 6.1, find the maximum order number for
irradiance null s when the slit width is 0.100 nun. Repeat when the wavelength is 400 nm.
T l
b b
l r
-..j (1, 1- -+{ a f.-
(CL) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 6.8 (a) A rectang ular aperture with height b that is three times the width a . (b) The
Fraunhofer diffraction pattem produced by the the aperture in (a) is wider than it is high by about 3
to l. (c) A square aperture with each side equal to a. (d) The Fraunhofer diffraction pattern of (a)
has equal width and height.
2b "2
Rearranging gives
2 2
I = Io ( - - (sin/3)
-- (6.2 1)
a· /3
Figure 6.8(b) shows the diffraction pattern for an aperture with a height of three times
the width (a = 3b). Notice that the shorter dimension produces wider diffraction. Figure
6.8(c) illustrates a square aperture, and Figure 6.8(d) shows the corresponding symmetric
di ffraction pattern .
• E XAMPLE 6.2
Fist, let's double check that we are still in the Fraunhofer region. Use b since it is
the larger dimension:
h2 b2 (3.00 X 10- 4 m)
Dtotal =- =- =
21' 21' 2 (1.00 m)
= 45.0 X w-9 m = 45.0 nm
Depending on the accuracy of our measurements, we might expect to seen some
effects of Fresnel diffraction, especially in the vertical direction. Nevertheless, we
shall proceed wi th the Fraunhofer calculations.
The first diffraction nulls along the horizontal direction are located at angles
determined by
. A 632.8 X w- 9 m 3
Sill r/J =~= lQ--1
n = 6.328 X 10-
Since this angle is measured from the center of the pattern, the horizontal width of
the central maxium is
~x = Z (2¢) = 12.7 mm
In the vertical direction,
. A 632.8 X w- 9 m -3
sm () = -b = 3 .00 x 10- 4 m = 2.11 x 10
~y = Z (2()) = 4.22 nun
The aperture and resulting diffraction pattern are illustrated in Figure 6.8(a).
Problem 6.5 Repeat Example 6.2 for a rectangular aperture of width a = 2.00 J.lm. and
height b = 6.00 J.l1n.
L ysin 0
-~ ~: r
0 z
---------- --1-, D
(a) (b)
Figure 6.9 (a) Circular apei1ure. (b) Fraunhofer diffraction pattem and profi le for a c ircular
The Fraunhofcr diffraction pattern of a circular aperture will have the same c ircular
symmetry as the aperture, so we need only calculate the diffraction profile through a cross
section that passes through its center. Figure 6.9(a) shows a diagram of a ci rcular aperture
of diameter D with an elemental strip of width dy, length 6 x = 2 J(~) 2
- y 2 , and area
dA = 2 J(
~) - y2 dy. The field Ep along a central cross section parallel toy on the
Ep =C J cikrdA = Ccikr'o J 2
eikysin O ( J(~)2 _ y2) dy
We will resort to integration tables to solve this integral. It will help to change variables as
follows: define u and u such that
1L= - (6.24)
u = kD sin O (6.25)
Express the above integration in terms of these variables, noting that dy = ~du and that
when y = ± ~, 11 = ±1:
eiu" v~1
2j -
1 - 'tt~c u-
where J 1 ( u) is the Bessel function of the 1st kind, and where u is defined by Equation 6.25.
0 .3
15 20
- 0.2
(a) (b)
Figure 6.10 (a) J 1 (x) is an oscillating function that is zero at the origin. (b) J1 (x)/x has value
0.500 as x approaches zero.
The Bessel fu nction J 1 (x) is an oscillating function that, like sin(x), has value zero
when the argument is zero, as illust rated in Figure 6.1 O(a). The limit of Jt~x) is finite at
lim J1 (x) = ~
x --->0 X 2
7 Th is answer may also be verified using symbolic programming languages such as l'vlathematica.
as illustrated in Figure 6.10(b). Thus the diffracted field and irradiance are given by
I= Io cJ~(CJ) r
where Eo and Io are the field amplitude and irradiance at CJ = 0. Figure 6.9(b) shows a
cross section irradiance pattern I . The central bright fringe of the diffraction pattern is
called the Airy disk. As indicated in Figure 6.1 0, h (CJ) has its first zero at CJ = 3.832, so
by Equation 6.25,
. 0 - 2 (3.892)
Sill - kD
For small angles, the angular diameter of the Airy disk is given by
This is small enough to allow the small angle approximation. The width of the Airy
disk is twice this angle. Alternatively, Equation 6.28 may be used:
The aperture and resulting diffraction pattern are illustrated in Figure 6. 10.
size and structure of the star. Two stars lying within the field of view of the telescope create
Airy disks that overlap on the focal plane. According to the Rayleigh criterion, two point
sources are just resolved if they have an angular separation equal to the angular radius of
the Airy disk:
Such a situation is illustrated in Figure 6.11 (b), and Figure 6.11 (c) illustrates the case where
two point sources are well resolved. For a given wavelength, the resolution may only be
improved by increasing the diameter of the objective lens.
' I
1 I
1 I
1 I
\ '' D ,'
\ I I 1
1 I
1 I
Figure 6.11 (a) Plane waves difi"I·act at the telescope apet1ure to give an Airy disk at the focal plane.
(b) Diffraction-limited images of two point sources at the minimum angular separation specified by
the Rayleigh ciiterion. (c) Same as (b), but with an angular separation of twice the minimum amount.
According to Equation 6.28 1 the physical size of the Airy disk at the focal plane is
determined by the wavelength and the ! -number of the objective:
Digital cameras typically use optics in the nei ghborhood off /4, so for visible light of
roughly half-micron, the corresponding Airy disk is about 5 Jlln wide. The detector
e lements in a CCD8 array are usually aroundlO p.m . wide spaced by about 5 p m. Lenses
capable of focusing a distant point source to the minimum size given by Equation 6.30
are called diffraction-limited; however, most lenses have aberrations that cause significant
distortion to the diffraction pattern, making it substantially larger than the Fraunhofer result.
The net response of an optical system to a distant point source that includes all aberrations
is called the point spread function, which is discussed more fully in Section 8.3.
8 Charge-Couplcd Device: the detectors used in most digital cameras.
Cs ,\
- = 1.22- (6.3 1)
1' D
where Cs is the spa~i al coherence length, and r is the stellar distance. By Eq uat ion 5. 124,
if can be determined from the fringe visibility, then the star's angular diameter can be
determined. If T Cl!n also be determined by parallax measu rements, then the actual physical
diameter 1) of the star can be determined.
Figure 6.12 Fringe visibility for light from a distant star is determined by the spatial coherence
Problem 6.6 Repeat Example 6.3 if the aperture diameter is 2.00 JDn.
Problem 6.7 The Airy disk of a uniformly illuminated circular hole is measured to be
2.00 em. on an observing screen located 2.00 m from the aperture. If the illumination
wavelerjgth is 632.8 nm, what is the hole diameter?
P roblem ().8 What is the minimum separation of two stars in a binary system 10.0
lightyem:s away if they are to be just resolved by the Hubble telescope whose diameter is
2.40 m. 'A ssume a wavelength of 550 nm.
Problep~ ~.9 find the diameter of the Airy disk formed by a distant star at the image
plane of a telescope that uses a 25 em-wide objective mirror of focal length 2.5 ·m . Assume
!m average wavelength of 550 nm.
I ''
L - 411 -2rr 0
21i 4n 'Y
l b
(a.) (b)
Figure 6.13 (a) Double-slit aperture geometry. (b) hTadiance profile and fringe pattem for the case
where d = 6b.
Ep = C f eik(•·o+ysinO)Ldy + C J
= C Lei lao
[ ('y.sin
1./..: Sill() O
where {3 = 4kb sin() and 1 = 4kd sin 0. The irradiance of the diffraction pattern is thu s
Problem 6.10 Plot the Fraunhofer irradiance distribut ion of a double-slit aperture with
d = 2b. Repeat ford = 40b.
Problem 6.11 The missing orders in a double-slit diffraction pattern occur when condi-
tion for interference maximum coincides with a zero of the ( sipfJ) envelope. Show that
missing orders occur when the ratio of slit spacing to slit width is an integer, and that this
integer determines the order number of the first missing maximum.
Problem 6.12 If the spacing between the missing orders of Figure 6.13 is 6.00 em. and
the observation screen is 2.00 m from the aperture, determine the slit spacing and slit width.
double-s! it analysis:
(N - J)d
eik ysinOdy
. [ eil;ysin Ol b eikysin Old+b eik ysin 0 12cl+b e.iky.sin(J l(N - l)d+bl
= Ce'h0 L ., · B + 'k . 0 + ?I\:
. 0 + ... + k 0
1": Slll O I 'Sin d 2 cl ?. • Slll ( N - l ) cl
. ( e ikb sin 0 _ 1) [ ]
= Ce'ki'OL --'------:-::--:-------c:--'"- 1 + eikd sin 0 + eik 2d sin 8 + ... + e ik(N-J )cl sin8
ik sin O
. ( eikbsin B _ 1) [ 1 - eikNd sin8 ]
= Ce' h oL --'---- - - ' " -
ik sin B 1 - e ikdsi n o
where the last result follows from Equation 5.85 for the sum of a geometric series. Further
simplification gives
sin N'Y N cos N 'Y ~r
lim - - - = lim = ±Jv (6.34)
sin 1
-y--> ""' -y- +nm cos 'Y
the ratio of sines may be normalized by including an extra factor of N in the denomi nator:
( sin ~V'Y )
2 2
~,'~i~; )
The locations of the irradiance maxima are determined by the inte1jerence term ( .
By Equation 6.33, the envelope is determined by the slit width b, while the interference
term is determined by the slit spacing d. Depending on the slit width, the envelope may
be zero at a point where the interfere nce term is maximum, leading to a missing order, as
illustrated in Figure 6.14(b).
According to Equations 6.34 and 6.36, the principle maxima occur when 1 = m11', with
the integer m. referred to as the order number. Secondary local maxima occur when N1 is
an odd-integer multiple of 1r/2. In this case, 1 is the same odd-integer multiple of 1 = 2~, .
Replacing sin 1 with unity gives:
sin iV'Y ) _1_
( JV sin 'Y N2
;- --- -
principle maxim a
y secondary n1axilna
'' ,/ " ""
m issing order
' .....
I; (b)
- iT 0 1T 2n 3n 411" 'Y
' ''
(c) ----- -
-Ia 0 11" 2rr 3 rr •l rr
(d) - 1'' o"' t' ' 2"d 3rd 4th
(a) Or·tler·
Figure 6.14 (a) N-slit ape1ture geometry. (b) irradiance profile for the case where N = 5 and
d = Gb. (c) iJTadiance profile when d = 6b and N = 25. (d) A second wavelength is added that is
10% longer than the one in (b) and (c).
Thus, when N becomes large, the secondary maxima are much smaller than the principle
maxima and are much more localized, as illustrated in Figure 6. 14(c) for N = 25.
Principal maxima occur when 'Y = ~kdsin8 = m:rr, or
dsinB = m.A (6.37)
Thus, di stinct wavelengths give distinctly located principle maxima, as illustrated in Figure
where Oi is the incident angle, and() is the diffracted ray. We refer to Equation 6.38 as the
grating equation.
Figure 6.15 A transmission diffractio n grating illuminated at angle of incidenceB;. The diffraction
pattem at the Fraunhofer plane is due to path differences in both the incident and diffracted beams .
Two monochromatic spectral lines of wavelength 400 nrn and 700 nm illuminate a
1.00 em-wide diffraction grating that has 5, 000 equally spaced rulings with d = 2b.
Find the angles that locate the principle max ima when this grati ng is illuminated at
an angle of incidence of 45.0°.
l0 - 21n - G
d= _ x = 2.00 x 10 m = 2.00 1.un
5 00 103
Since d = 2b, the slit width is 1.00 ftm.
To find the principle maxima, begin with the g rating equation 6.38. The zeroth-
order maxima occurs at
sin Bo = -sin 0;
or Bo = - 45.0°. Note the sign convention for angles calculated according to the
grati ng eq uation: 0 does not become positive until it "crosses over" the grating
When>. = 400 nm, the m = 1 order is located at
There will be no further negative orders, si nce the grating equation gives values for
the sin 8 whose absolute values exceed unity. Continuing with the positive orders,
we find
sin03 = ( +~)>. -sin 0; = ( +3) (0.2)- sin 45° = - 0.107 ==? e3= - 6.15°
Again, the even orders will be missing, so we need only check the odd positive orders.
The first-order principal maxi mum occurs at
(+1)(700mn) o o
sin 0+1 = d - sin 0; = ( + 1) (0.35) - sin45 = -0.357 ==} 01 = - 20.9
Using broadband illumination can result in spectral overlap. For example, using the
grating of Example 6.4 with white light containing all wavelengths between 400 nm and
700nm gives a third-order spectrum that ranges from - 6. 15° to 20. 1° . However, a
dOO mn line will have a fifth-order principal max imum that also falls within this angular
range, creating a fal se data feature. Gratings with imperfect rulings can also have spectral
ghosts. Typically, these result from periodic ruling errors that result from imperfect screw
mechanisms that control the mechani cal ruling apparatus. Such errors can be avoided with
holographic diffraction gratings constructed by exposing a photographic emulsion to an
interference pattern produced by carefully controlled laser illumination.
There are several options available to construct a diffrac ting aperture that behaves as
a diffract ion grating. Figure 6.16(a) illustrates a transmission grating that consists of
parallel openings in an opaque screen. In Figure 6. I 6(b), there arc parallel absorbing strips
deposited on a reflecting surface to give a reflection grating. In practice, this is approx imated
with irregularl y shaped rulings scratched in an optically flat reflecting surface. The rough
rulings scatter light away; however, some of this scattered light can also combine with the
diffracted beam. Figure 6.16(c) illustrates a phase grating. If the material is transparent,
it is a transmission phase grating, where each stepped region differs in opti cal thickness
from the adjacent regions by A/2. In principle, the d(ffraction efficiency of phase gratings
is larger since none of the incident light is absorbed or scattered away. Alte rnatively, a
reflective material can produce a refection phase grating if each stepped region differs in
physical di stance by >./2 from its neighbors. All gratings in Figures 6.16(a)- (c) give an
I (d)
Figure 6.16 (a) A transmission grating. (b) A renection grating with reflective regions separated
by perfectly absorbing regions. (c) A renective phase grating with renective planes separated by
>../2. (d) A blazed difli·action grating with blaze angle </>. (e) Diffrac tio n profile where the maximum
irradiance is in the zeroth order. (t) A blazed difrraction grating shifls the itTadiance maximum to a
nonzero order.
envelope term that is centered about them = 0 principle maxima, as illustrated in Figure
6.l 6(e). The grating of Figure 6.l6(d) is blazed with reflective surfaces that are inclined
at the blaze angle¢, as shown. Adjusting the blaze angle to correspond with the angle of
a particular principal maximum shifts the envelope term so that it is centered about that
angle, giving the nonzero maximum the largest irradiance, as illustrated in Figure 6.l6(f).
This represents a further increase in the efficiency of the grating to diffract light into a
particular nonzero diffraction order.
A diffraction grating is blazed to give maximum diffraction efficiency into first order
at the design wavelength ,\ 0 . If the slit width b is equal to the slit spacing d, show all
other orders are missing.
Figure 6.l6(d) illustrates a blazed grating. The principle maxima occur when the
interference term is maximum; 'Y = ~kd sin e = 1117!' where m. is the order number.
Because the grating is blazed for first order, the maximum irradiance occurs for the
m = 1 order. Since b = d, f3 = 'Y· so all angles that give the above condition for 'Y
also give a similar condition for /3:
This is precisely the condition that gives si~/3 = 0. Thus all other orders (m. # 1)
are missing.
gain medium
Litt1·ow configurat-ion
laser oscillat·i on
la ser out]nlt
Figure 6.17 A laser cavity that is tuned with a blazed diffraction grating in the Littrow configuration.
available wavelengths are localized enough so that the diffraction grating performs
more or less equivalently over all possible output wavelengths.
Lasers can only operate if the gain (e.g., photon production), exceeds all sources
of losses in the cavity. Any light that is coupled into orders other than that of the
blaze design represents a loss. The high diffraction efficiency of a blazed grating
enables thei r usc for this important application. Chromatic Resolving Power The angular location of the principle maxima
is determined by the interference term of Equation 6.36. The chromatic resolving power
of a grating is a measure of its ability to separate two closely spaced spectral lines into
distinct principle maxima, which in turn is determined by the number of slits in the grating,
as illustrated in Figure 6.14.
At any particular principal maximum, both numerator and denominator of the interfer-
ence term are zero. By Equation 6.36, the interference term will be zero again when the
argument of the numerator changes by 1r. Using the symbol to represent a finite change
in this quantity,
o(Ni)=o(N~kdsine) =N~kdo(sinB)
We can estimate this finite change sin B by using a differential: o (sin B) =em; B 6.0. This
along with the previous result must give a change of 1r:
N - -d cosO 6.0 = 1r
2 ,\
Solving for 6.0 gives
6.0 = /\ (6.39)
If we assume normal incidence, the grating equation gives (see Equation 6.37)
We calculate the change in wavelength 6./\ as above:
6.,\ = - cos 0 6.0 (6.40)
According to the Rayleigh criterion (see Figure 6.11), two principle maxima will just be
resolved if the maximum for one coincides with a zero for the other. Thus, we combine the
value of 6.0 found above with the last result to give
6.>. = ~
The chromatic resolving power is defined as
- =Nm (6.41)
where N is the number of slits in the grating that are illuminated coherently by the beam to
be analyzed, and m is the order number. Note that the resolution increases with increasing
order number, as indicated in Figure 6.14(d).
Grating Spectrometer
analysis plane
Problem 6.13 A 5.00 em-wide diffraction g rating with GOOO lines/ em has a slit width
that is one-third the slit spacing . Find the missing orders, and angles of all observable
diffraction orders for 400 nm. illuminatio n. Repeat for light with wavelength 700 nm.
Assume an incident illumination angle of - 45°.
Apert·u re pia 11 e
Observation plane
Figure 6.19 Geometry for Fraunhofer difl'raction. The distance Z is assumed to be large enough
fo r Fraunhofcr diffraction.
The Fraunhofer diffraction integral for the single-slit aperture was found in Section
Ep = c J2
where the constant C is redefined to include all constant terms in Equation6.1 3. Let Z be
the distance from the aperture to the observing plane. If the angle 0 is small, we may write
sm (} : : : ; tan(} = zy
Combining thi s with the previous result gives
Ep = C JcikY~dY
We may represent the aperture with an aperture fimction g(Y). In the case of a si ngle slit,
g(Y) = 1 when JY J < ~ and is zero otherwise. By including the aperture function, we
may use infinite integration limits
Ep = C J00
to give
Apart from the sign of the exponential (which is a maller of convention and can be
adjusted with a change of variables), a comparison with Equation 5.40 shows this to be
mathematically equivalent to the one-dimensional Fourier transform discussed in Section
Diffracting apertures can have arbitrary shape with values of transmission and phase
retardation that vary over the diffracting screen. The interpretation of Equation 6.44 is that
the Fraunhofer diffraction pallern is the Fourier transform of the aperture function g(Y) .
Thus, observation of the Fraunhofer diffraction pattern from an aperture gives a n intuit ive
way to visualize the Fourier transform of the associated aperture function .
• EXA!\oJPLE 6.6
The aperture function fo r thi s slit is the rectangular pulse of Example 5.5:
IYI :s: ~
IYI > ~
In this example, the Fourier transform was found to be a sine function:
sin ( ~) ) sin ( ~)
EP = C b----'l!!!."-b----'- =Eo b
( 2 2
pb = ky ~ = ~l.:b]!_ = ~ l.:bsinB = (J
2 Z2 2 Z 2
where, in the last step we reversed the small angle approximation. Thus, the Frnun-
hofer diffraction pattern is given by
E - E sin(J
p - 0 (3
as in Section 6.3.1
The rectang ular aperture of Section 6.3 .2 can be represented in a similar way as a two -
dilllensional Fourier transform. Begin with the Fraunhofer diffraction integral, and note
that the path to p from any point on the aperture is g iven by
X y
r = l'o + X~ + Y Z (6.45)
where again we have used the s mall angle approximation. The Fraunhofer diffraction
integral becomes
II =
Jl. = k-zy (6.48)
.Q ..-; ,
v1 ]e i(,x+,•>') dvd~r
A 1 (6.49)
-cc - oo
6.3.1 0 Apodization
As we saw in Example 5.6, the Fourier transform of a Gaussian function is also a Gaussian.
This means that the Fraunhofer diffraction pattern of a beam with a Gaussian profile will
have no nonzero diffraction orders. This can be used, for example, to enhance the resolution
of a telescope. Normally, a telescope objective collects light equally from all points across
the lens aperture. This creates a step irradiance profile at the lens, and an Airy profile at the
focal plane. The rings in the Airy profile contain about 16% of the pattern irradiance, and
these can completely obscure a dimmer star with nearby angular separation. By coating
the lens so that its transmission decreases toward the edges, the Airy rings are reduced in
the image, enhancing the image of the dimmer star. An optical element coated in this way
is said to be apodized .
Spatial Filters
out p ut beam
Figure 6.20 (a) An input beam with non-Gaussian stmcture is spatially filtered by a pinhole at the
focus of an objective lens. The filtered beam is collimated by a second lens which is also one foca l
leng th away from the pinhole. (b) Profiles of the no n-filtered beam, the non-filtered beam just prior to
spatial filtering, and the filtered output with the nonzero spatial frequencies removed. In the filtered
profile, the dotted line has a Gaussian profile, and the solid line has an Airy profile.
Ideal laser beams typically have Gaussian output beam profiles. However, dust
and other optical imperfections in the optical train can create undesirable irradiance
variations across the beam. Because the laser beam is coherent, these variations
can be quite large. Such beam imperfections can be removed with a spatial filter, as
illustrated in Figure 6.20. Here, a lens focuses a non-Gaussian beam to its Fraunhofer
diffraction pattern where a pinhole of just the right diameter scrapes away the nonzero
diffraction orders, passing onl y the central Airy disk, which is very nearly Gaussian
where J 0 is the zeroth-order Besse/function ofthefirst kind. In many cases, usi ng the Hankel
rather than a Fourier transform can provide computational and/or analytical advantages .
Use the Hankie transform of Equation 6.50 to find the Fraunhofer diffraction pattern
of a uniform circular aperture.
Ep(p) = C
g(R)Jo - · 2nRdR
= 2nC'
Jo - · -
~) ~ ~
Ep = D / J
21rC- ( D p
k--R RdR
4 2 1'o
Figure 6.22 Fresnel diffraction from a razor blade. (Ken Kay/Fundamental Photographs)
We now consider the case where both source and diffracted waves have spherical wave-
fronts. We begin with the Fresnel Kirchhoff integral theorem (see Equation 6.5 )
1 + cos eik(r+r')
E =C dA (6.52)
P 2 r'·r
As previously noted in Section 6.2, this equation can be interpreted in terms of Huygens
secondary wavelets modified by the obliquity factor I<(B) :
K(B) = '2 (1 +cos B) (6.53)
(a) (b)
Figure 6.23 (a) A spherical wavefront from sources with Fresnel zones. (b) Diagram that illustrates
the path difference o.
where theta is the angle between r' and r, as illustrated in Figure 6.23.
Figure 6.23 shows a wavefront that emanates from s located a distance 7' 1 away, and a
receive point ]J separated from s by r' + r. According to Equation 6.52, each point on
this wavefront becomes a source of secondary Huygens wavelets that combine to give the
disturbance at ]J. For wavelets generated away from the line that joins s and ]J, there is
additional path that leads to additional phase shift, as illustrated in Figure 6.23(b). Using
the horizontal distances z and z' as defined in the figure, we may represent the total path
from s to JJ as
=z'\~ + zJ1+~:
= z' ( 1 + 2~~2 + .. ·) + z (1+ ~: + .. .)
In the Fresnel approximation, the path from s to ]J g iven by
+ 1' = z' + z + -R· ( - + -
1 z1)
We note that Equation 6.54 will only be valid when R is small compared to z' and z . Given
this, we may further simplify Equation 6.52 by assuming that r' and r may be replaced by z'
and z in the denominator of the integrand, reasoning that the main influence of the last term
in Equation 6.54 comes mostly from the exponential term. Finally, if R is small compared
to the source and receive distances, we may safely ignore the effects of the obliquity factor.
Equation 6.52 then becomes
where C'' and Care both constants. The qu antity r' + r is g iven by Equatio n 6 .54.
The Fresnel curvature term of Eq uati on 6.54 prevents analytical solution of Equation
6.55, so we must proceed numeri cally. Before do ing so, it will be useful to develop an
intuitional tool that will allow us to anticipate many of the features of Fresnel diffraction
without the need of detailed numerical analysis.
Find the number of Fresnel zones that fit within a circular aperture of radius 1.00 em
if the source and receive points are 10.0 em away. Assume HeNe illumination with
>. = 632.8 nm. What is the radius of the central Fresnel zone?
By Equation 6.58, L = 20
m.. Solving form in Equation 6.56 gives
R2 (10- 4 m 2 ) (20 m- 1 )
m - - = 3161
,- ).L - 632.8 x lQ- 9 m
The central zone has radius
A ci rcular aperture of radius a centered on the line that connects sand p passes a number
of zones given by the dimensionless Fresnelnu1nber N F:
NF = >.L (6.59)
For non-circul ar apertures, a is a characteristic size that can be used to approximate the
number of zones passed by the aperture. When N F < < 1, Fraunhofer diffraction suffices,
but when NF > 1, Fresnel diffraction must be used.
The Fresnel zone that contains the line passing' from sand pis called the central Fresnel
zone, and all Huygens wavelets that originate within this zone arrive at p with a path
difference of less than ~, and a corresponding phase shift of less !han 1r. In the next
Fresnel zone, this path difference is ~ < 6.r < >., with phase shift n < 6.¢ < 2n. The
zones continue in this fashion to cover the entire spherical wavefront ; however, the Fresnel
approximation will cease to be valid when the zone radius Rm becomes comparable to r'
or 7'. The first few of these zones are illustrated in Figure 6.23(a) using a wavelength that
is much closer to L than in Example 6.8.
Figure 6.24 Phasors for Huygens wavelets in an unobstmcted wave. The fi eld is one half that from
the central Fresnel zone.
Within a given Fresnel zone, integration of Equation 6.52 consists of su mming the
contribution of all secondary wavelets within the zone area. Note that each wavelet arrives
at p as a complex number (see Equations 6.1-6.3). Recall that complex numbers are added
by sununing real and imaginary parts separately, much like adding vector components. We
complete this analogy by defining pl!asors, which we visualize as vectors with amplitude
equal to the amplitude of the secondary wavelet, and direction given by the amount of
additional phase shift caused by the increase in propagation path top. Figure 6.24 illustrates
a vibration Cllll'e that results when these phasors are added. For purposes of illustration,
only 16 phasors for each zone are shown. The vibration curve begins with the phasor that
represents secondary wavelets that emerge from the center of the central Fresnel zone. The
next phasor represents secondary wavelets emitted a bit farther from the center of the zone;
the amplitude of this phasor is almost the same as the first, but the direction is changed
according to the additional phase shift that occurs for these wavelets. As we continue
through the central zone, this phase shift ranges fro m zero at the center to n at the oute r
edge. The net cont ributi on to Ep from the central Fresnel zone is determined the vector sum
of all phasors originating from this zone, illust rated as E1 in Figure 6.24. The phasors that
originate from the second Fresnel zone have phase shifts that range from n to 2n , and su m
together to produce the downward pointing phasor E2 , as illustrated. Zone 3 contrib{Jtes
E3 that points up, zone 4 produces E4 that poi nts down, and so on. As we progress through
higher zones, the phasor amplitude begins to decrease. Part of this decrease comes from
the obliquity factor, since zones away from the cent ral zone have larger val ues of B. Higher
zones also have larger values of 1·, which also causes the phasor amplitude to decrease.
As the phasor amplitude decreases, the vibration curve spirals into the center, and the net
sum of the phasors from all of the zones approaches +, as illustrated in the figure. Thus,
Fresnel's beautiful construct has a llowed us to intuitively determine a fascinating result of
Equation 6.52: the effect at p of all secondary wavelets emerging from the unobst ructed
wavefront is about equal to half the contributi on from the central Fresnel zone.
We can reach the same conclusion in an alternate way. According to the vibration cm ve
o f Figure 6.24 , odd Fresnel zones cont ribute positively and even Fresnel zones decrease
the di sturbance at p :
The terms in the parentheses are close to zero, especially when the decrease in phasor
amplitude with zone number is slow. Thus, Ep = ; for an unobstructed wave, as before.
Figure 6.25 The field measured at pis determined by the Fresnel zones passed by the ape11ure.
When obstructed by an aperture, the disturbance at pis de termined by the Fresnel zones
that the aperture passes, as illustrated in Figure 6.25. When the aperture shape is symmetric,
we can determine many features of the Fresnel diffraction pattern by examining the zones
that are passed. Circular Apertures Fresnel zone anal ysis is particularly useful for circular
apertures and obstacles since in these cases, the symmetry of the aperture matches that of
the Fresnel zones. Figure 6.28(a)- (e) shows Fresne l diffraction pattern s fo r cases where
the aperture passes an integer number of zones when the source and receive points s and p
are located on the axis of symmetry. According to Equation 6.60, when an even number of
zones add , the result is almost zero, and when an odd number of zones add the result gives
about twice the amplitude of the unobstructed wave, or four times the irradiance. Thus,
Figure 6.26 Fresnel diffraction from a circular aperture. (a) Diffraction patterns and central profile
when the apetture passes 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 Fresnel zones. (b) Evolution of the Fresnel patterns and
profiles as the ape11ure passes a range from 2.8 to 2.2 Fresnel zones.
in Figures 6.28(a) where fi ve zones are passed, there is a bright fringe at the center of the
diffraction pattern. The same is true for Figure 6.28(c) where three zones are passed and
again for Figure 6.28(d) where only the central zone is passed by the aperture. In Figures
6.28(b) and (d) even numbers of zones are passed, and the center of the Fresnel diffraction
patte rn is dark. Figure 6.28(f) shows the pattern transition as the number of zones passed by
the aperture ranges from three to two. The diffract ion patterns in Figure 6.28 are simulated
according to nume rical methods to be discussed in Section 6.4.3; Figure 6.27 shows actual
photographs of diffraction from a circular aperture arranged to pass integer numbe rs of
Fresnel zones that range from 10-2 (see also Problem 6.42).
For points on the observation plane that lie off the axis of symmetry, incomplete Fresnel
zones combine to produce the observed irradiance, as illustrated in Figure 6.28. In this
figure, the central point on the observing screen is illuminated by the complete central
Fresnel zone. For points somewhat off center, there is less illumination from the central
zone, and increasing illumination from the second zone; both effects tend to decrease the
Figure 6.27 Fresnel diffraction from a circular aperture. To record these images, HcNc laser
light (A = 632.8 nm) emerging fro m a spatial filter illumi nated a circu lar aperture with diameter
0.865 mm. The diffraction pattern was recorded by allowing it to illuminate the detector ;may in
a digital camera directly. The distances r' (spatial filter to ape11ure) was maintained at a constant
value of 50.5 em; the value of r (aperture to detector an·ay) was then adjusted to pass the number
of Fresnel zones ind icated, according to Equation 6.59. The Fresnel number fo r each photograph is
(a) 10; (b) 9; (c) 8; (d) 7; (c) 6; (t) 5; (g) 4; ((h) 3; (i) 2. There is some mino r inte1fe rence stmcture
that results fro m an infrared fi lter in the cameral optics that should be ignored. Photo credits: Matt
Brown, C hristian Ka ltreider, Casey Pe ters, and Alex Sell.
pattern irradiance. Points further off ax is receive illumination from the third zone wh ich
increases the pattern irradiance, and prod uce the shoulder on the central lobe. Finall y,
points well off the axis are illuminated more or less equall y by alte rnating zones which sum
to give zero irradiance.
6.4. 1.2 Circular Obstacles There is bright spot at the center of the shadow cast by a
spherical obstacle or normally illuminated circular disk, called the .spot ofAraga. This spot
has an interesting history. In 18 18, the French Academy sponsored a competiti on, to which
Figur e 6.28 Off-axis regions of the diffraction pauem result from the contribution of partial zones.
Fresnel submitted his new wave theory of light. At thi s point, Newton's corpuscular theory
still had many proponents, including Poisson, who was one of the judges in the competition.
Poisson used Fresnel's theory to predict the bright spot at the center of a circular shadow,
which he intended as a counter-argument, reductio ad abswdum. Subsequently, Arago
(another of the judges) was able to experimentall y observe the spot, and Fresnel won the
1:\11:1 Bp
Figure 6.29 (a) An opaque circular ape11ure that passes all Fresnel zones> 3 for an observation
po int on the axis of symmetry. (b) The Fresnel diffraction pauern over a plane that contains the point
in (a) The central bright fringe is the spot of Arngo. (c) The vibration curve . The maximum field and
in·adiance in the spot of Arago are about equal to those of the unobstmcted wave.
The disturbance at the center of the shadow is due to the Fresnel zones that are passed
by the obstacle. For example, a circular obstacle that blocks all but the first three zones
produces a disturbance at the center of the shadow represented by the downward vibration
curve arrow of Figure 6.29(b) as will any circular obstacle that blocks an odd number of
zones. If the effect of the obliquity term is negligible, this results in a central spot that
is about equal in irradiance to the unobstructed wave. If an even number of zones are
blocked, the vibration curve arrow points up, again indicating a spot irrad iance equal to the
unobstructed wave. For all other obstacle diameters, the resultant vibrati on c urve arrow is
inclined at an arbitrary angle with about the same length , so the bright spot occurs for all
points on the axi s that pass at least the central Fresnel zone. Presumably, Arago had li ttle
trouble observing his spot!.
Estimate the maximum irradiance from the annular aperture of Figure 6.30(a). As-
sume that this aperture passes the five zones: 4-8.
Figure 6.30(b) shows the vibration curve. The resultant Ep has a magn itude that
is about twice that of the unobstructed wave. Thus, the irradiance of the spot is about
four times that of the unobstruc ted wave.
Fig me 6.30 (a) An annular aperture that passes all Fresnel zones from3 through 8 for an observation
point on the axis of symmetry. (b) The vibration curve. The maximum field and irrad iance in the
spot of Arago is about four times that of the unobstntcted wave.
6.4. 1.3 Fresnel Zone Plate According to Equation 6 .3 1, an obstacle that blocks all
even Fresnel zones gives a disturbance at p that is represented by a series of positive field
terms that sum to a large value, and thus represents a very large observed irradiance at p. If
the odd terms arc blocked, the resultant field surns to a negati ve value with a large absol ut e
value, thus also represents a very large irradiance. Such an obstacle is called a Fresnel
zone plate, illustrated in Figure 6.3 1. The zone plate of Figure 6.31 (b) blocks the even
Fresnel zones, and the zone plate of Figure 6.31 (c) blocks odd zones. Figure 6.31 (a) shows
a vibration curve when the even zones are blocked, where all phasors add and cumulatively
produce a very large final amplitude.
According to Equation 6.56,
1 1 m>.
-+-= - (6.62)
1'1 I' R~l
(b) (c)
Figul'e 6.31 (a) The phasors from a Fresnel zone plate combine to give a very large wave at the
focus. (b) A Fresnel zone plate that passes the central zone. (c) The complemental)' aperture to (b)
has the same fo cus.
where Rm is the radius of the mth Fresnel zone. Thus, a point source at s located a di stance
r' behind the zone plate produces a irradiance maximum at p located a distance r in front
of the plate. The zone plate clearly behaves as a lens, with focal length given by
J = R~~ (6.63)
By Equation 6.56, R, = .fi1iR.1, so Equation 6.63 gives the same result for all values of
f = R~ (6.64)
where R1 is the radius of the central Fresnel zone. Note the dependence on wavelength;
Fresnel zone plates behave as a lens with large chromatic aberration .
• EXAMPLE 6.10
Design a Fresnel zone plate that gives a focused spot 10.0 em away when illuminated
by plane waves of wavelength 632.8 nm. Estimate the focused irradiance when the
zone plate has 20 annular openings. What is the focal length of a zone plate with
R1 = 0.500 em?
R.1 = J>J = V(632.8 x I0- 9 m) (O. lOOm) = 2.52 x 10- 4 111 = 0.252 mm
All other zones are bounded by circles of radius R,. = .jmR1 •
If there arc 20 annular openings, then Ep is twenty times the unobstructed wave
if we ignore the effects of the obliquity factor. The focused irracliance is then 400
times that of the unobstructed wave.
A zone plate with R.1 = 0.500 em has a very lon g focal length:
2 ( 3 )2
j = R.l = 5.00 X 10- In = 39.5 m
.A 632.8 x IQ-9 m
There are focal points of weaker irradiance located at f /3, f /5, f /7, ... ; in other words,
at odd-integerdivisionsofthe focal length given by Equation 6.64. Consider a set of Fresnel
zones where the central zone is }J as large as the central disk in the zone plate. In this
case, each zone plate opening has three times the area of illuminating zones, and so each
opening contains exactly three zones, as illustrated in Figure 6.32(a). By Equation 6.64,
this zone pattern gives an irradiance maximum at J/ 3. The irradiance maxima become
weaker as the odd integer becomes large, since even numbers of zones combine to give a
zero contribution, and the area of the remaining zone gets progressively smaller. The same
argument can be used to predict that no irradiance maxima occur for points located at even-
integer divisions off; however, observation shows bright spots at these locations. This
anomalous effect can be attributed· to the outer, closely spaced zones acting as a c ircular
diffraction grating 10.
(a) (b)
Figure 6.32 (a) A Fresnel zone plate illuminated with a source that fill s each ape11ure opening with
exac tly three Fresnel zones. (b) The interference pattern produced when a plane wave interferes with
a spherical wavefront. Exposing this pattern to pho tog raphic film produces a zone plate that is the
negative of the pattern shown.
Gabor zone plates 11 can be produced optically by photographing the Newton's ring
interference pattern that occurs when two mutually coherent spherical wavefronts with
10 See J. Higbie, "Fresnel zone plalc: ano malous foci ," Am. J. Phys. 44, 929( 1976).
11 Dennis Gabor: 1900-1979; Hungarian bom physicist and inventor of holography.
different radii of curvature combine, as illustrated in Figure 6.32(b). This produces a zone
plate where the transition from each transparent to opaque region is continously smooth.
Figure 6.33 (a) A point source and plane wave inte1fere on a film plane. (b) The zone plate
recorded on the film in (a) is illuminated with a plane wave. Wavefronts from a viltual source behind
the plate are reconstmcted as the plane wave diffracts at the plate ape1ture. (c) A real image is also
reconstmctcd by the zone plate.
Fresnel zone plates such as those ofFigure6.31 with step transitions bet ween transparent
and opaque regions are called binary amplitude zone plates. The multiple foci that occur at
odd-integer divisions of the focus given by Equation 6.64 may be thought of as diffraction
orders with m. > 1, similar to those that occur with diffraction gratings. Because of the
continuously varying transmission of Gabor zone plates, the higher diffraction orders do
not occur, so Gabor zone plates only have the one focus of Equation 6.64. There are,
however, both virtual and real images, as illustrated in Figures 6.33(b) and (c). Both
images occur because the Gabor zone plate can be constructed by a diverging spherical
wavefront as illustrated in Figure 6.33(a), or by a converging wavefront with the same
radius of curvature. If the zone plate is illuminated from behind, an observer in fro nt of
the plate will see a virtual point source behind the plate, and if the observation distance is
great enough, a real image of the point source will be observed at a point that is in front of
the plate. Single real and virtual point images will be observed only if the film is exposed
and developed within its linear recording range. Over-developing photographic film that
has been exposed to a Newton's ring interference pattern steepens the transitions from
transparent to opaque, and can cause the multiple foci and corresponding real and virtual
images to reappear.
In a Binm)' phase zone plates, each zone area is transparent, with the optical thick ness
of each alternate zone adjusted to give a relative phase difference of 1r. Since the two sets
of zones are complimentary, Babinet's principle predicts another phase shi ft of 1T, so the
optical disturbances from each set of zone areas add together in phase. Because every zone
is transparent, the net field increases by 2, so the irradiance from a binary phase zone plate
is greater th an that of the corresponding binary amplitude zone plate by a factor of fo ur.
Bleaching a Gabor amplitude zone plate creates a Gabor phase zone plate that in principle
can produce brighter real and virtual images.
According to Figure 6.33, an illuminated Gabor zone plate recreates the wavefronts that
could be used to produce it. This process is called wavefmnt reconstmction.
6.4.2 Holography
(a) ~
hologmm Q
'- - - - -'~-----*1
: ---~~
. --'~·- \
\ I
(b) \ • 1·econstructed
Figul'e 6.34 (a) Typical a1Tangement for recording a ho logram. (b) Typical arrangement for viewing
a hologram.
In principle, a hologram is very simple. Each point on the object scatters a point source
wave front that combines with the reference beam to produce a Gabor zone plate on the
recording film. When the fi lm is re-illuminated with the original reference beam as shown
in Figure 6.34(b), wavefront reconstruction recreates the wavefronts of the original object
beam, producing a true three-dimensio nal reconstruction of the original object. Both real
and virtual images can be observed.
The interference detail of a hologram represents a recording of both amplitude and phase
of the original object beam. An ordinary photograph records amplitude only. The extra
phase information that is recorded by the film accounts for the three-dimensional image.
Holograms must be recorded with light whose spatial coherence length is greater than
total path difference between all portions of the reference and object beams. The reference
beam must have greater irradiance than the object beam over all portions of the film plane if
the hologram is to reconstruct the object wavefronts. It is not necessary to view the hologram
with spatially coherent light, but the viewing illumination must be monochromatic enough
to avoid the chromatic aberration of Equation 6.64.
The word hologram derives from the Greek word for "whole." The Gabor zone plate for
each source point extends over the entire film plane. Thus, the film may be cut into pieces,
and each piece will reconstruct the entire hologram, although at decreased resolution.
The interference pattern produced by an extended object has intricate cletai I clown to the
scale of the wavelength of light used to produce the hologram. The film used to record thi s
detail must have adequate resolution. Holograms are typically recorded on spectmgraphic
plates; these are glass plates coated with a photographic emulsion with a very small grain
size (typically less than a micron). High-resolution film is very slow, in that it requires more
light energy to achieve a given level of opacity than is required for film with less resolution .
The entire optical arrangement must be very stable. Even the slightest vibration can cause
the intricate fringe pattern to shift and average away during the time interval requ ired for
Problem 6.18 Find the Fresnel number for a 2.00 mm-cliameter circular aperture illumi-
nated by collimated light of wavelength 632.8 nm for the following observation di stances:
(a) 15.0 cm, (b) 1.50m, and (c) 15.0m.
Problem 6.19 Determine the appropriate observation distances r required to observe the
Fresnel diffraction patterns of Figure 6.28(a)-(e) if the aperture diameter is 2.00 mm and
the illumination is plane wave with>. = 633 n.m.
Problem 6.20 Determine the appropriate observation distance r required to observe the
Fresnel diffraction patterns of F igure 6.29 if the obstacle diameter is 2.00 mm and the
illumination is plane wave wi th >.= 633 nm.
Problem 6.21 Using a ruler, estimate the focal length of the Fresnel zone plates of Figures
6.31 (b) and (c) as determined by their actual size. Assume a wavelength of 632.8 nm.
Problem 6.22 A Fresnel zone plate is prepared with a drawing program and printed on a
laser printer. The printed zone plate has a central zone diameter of 5.00 em. A photograph
of this zone plate is to be reduced on high-resolution film to give a working zone plate with
a 1.00 m focal length. If thi s zone plate is to be used with light of 633 nm, what fac tor of
reduction is required?
Problem 6.23 Light from a helium-neon laser (A = 633 run) is focused through a pinhole
prior to illuminating a 1.00 mm diameter aperture. If the pinhole is located 50.0 em behind
the diffracting aperture, how far in front of the aperture should an observing screen be
located to give a Fresnel number of ten?
We return now to the Fresnel diffraction integral of Equation 6.55. When s, JJ, and the
aperture point (X, Y) are collinear, Equation 6 .54 gives the total optical path, but when
this is not the case, we must also add the path increment used for Fraunhofer diffraction,
which for small angles is given by Equation 6.45. Combining both path increments gives
Ep = C JJ ei!.·(•·'+•·)dA = C JJeik(z'+z+X~+~+~ 2
(!>- ++)) dA
= Ceik(z'+z) j j eik~ (!>"+t)ei!.·(X~+Y~)dA
Ep =C JJ(g(A)eik ~ 12
(!>-+O)eik( -~r.+Y?)dA (6.65)
00 00
According to Section 6.3.9, we recognize this as the Fourier transform of the function
g(A) eik ~2 ( =!¢- ).
If the aperture is circularly symmetric, we may use a Hankel transform, as described in
Ep = C Jg(R)eik ~ 1 2
(!>-+0Jo ( k~p) 21rR dR (6.66)
Ep = 21rC J g(R)/"NF ( 5) J 0 ( !t~~p) RdR
where N F is the number of Fresnel zones passed by the aperture opening. Change variables
by letting R = ~ with dR = a. dR.
where a is defined in Equation 6.25. Finally, redefi ne the constant C but retain the factor
NF since each zone contributes to Ep. For a circular opening in an opaque screen, g(R) = 1
Ep = C' Np eirrNpR Jo (aR) RdR. (6.67)
Note that if Np < < 1, then the above result approaches that of Fraunhofer diffraction (see
Equation 6.51).
There are limitations to Equation 6.67 that result from the approximations used to derive
it. First, we have ignored the obliquity factor and all other effects that would otherwise
cause the vibration curve of Figure 6.24 to "spiral in" for large values of Np. Of course, the
Fresnel approximation must also be valid. Despite these limitations, this equation can be
very useful. All circularly symmetric Fresnel profile plots and diffraction patterns used in
the illustrations for this chapter were obtained by numerical integration ofEquation6.67 12 •
• EXAMPLE 6.11
Find expressions for the Fresnel diffraction pattern of a circular aperture that contains
8 Fresnel zones, and the annular opening of Example 6.9.
For a circular opening that contains 8 Fresnel zones, Equation 6.67 becomes
Ep = (8) j 2
e;rrs n Jo (a R) R dR.
Problem 6.24 Determine the integrals to use calculate the Fresnel diffraction pattern due
to (a) a circular aperture that passes 9 Fresnel zones, (b) an annular aperture that passes
zones 5-9, and (c) an annular apertu re that passes zones 6- 9.
Problem 6.25 Write a computer program that plots the central profile of the diffraction
patterns of Problem 6.24.
12 1t shortens the computation time to first use Equation 6.67 to generate a radial profile, which can then be used
a a
(a) (b)
Figure 6.35 Fresnel profiles and diffraction pattems for (a) a circular apc11ure that contains 8
zones, and (b) an annular opening that contains the five zones 4-8. The scales used for (a) and (b)
are identical. ·
As in the previous section, we begin with Equation 6.65 that expresses the Fresnel diffraction
integral as a Fourier transform
In principle, this expression can be evaluated numerically; however in practi ce, it sim-
plifies the analysis to maintain the observation point at the origin of the observation plane
(x = 0 and y = 0), and then to "move the aperture" by varying the li mits of integration.
Assuming that g(X, Y) is unity within the aperture opening and zero otherwise, Equation
6.68 then becomes
where the integration limits are defined by each position of the aperture. Change variables
to u and v· as follows:
2 (z' + z ) 2 (z' + z)
U=X V=Y (6.70)
)..z'z )..z' z
to give
where U1 and U2 , 1'1 and V2 are obtained using Equation 6.70. Redefi ning the constant
term gives
The integrals in Equation 6.72 may be expressed in terms of the Fresnel integrals
j cos ( 1f~ ) dt
(1ft2) dt
C'(u) =
S(u) =
where Dx and Dy denote the results of X andY integration.
Numeric values of the Fresnel integrals can be found in tables and with software, and
can be fo und graphi call y using the Cornu spiral 13 shown in Figure 6.36 .
• EXAMPLE 6.12
Use the Cornu spiral to find the numeric value and magnitude of
em> d·u
- 1
. "2 du = / [ cos ( 'U2) + -isin (·i1f22)] du
- 1 - 1
0 0 1 02 03 04 05 06 07 0 8
(,:1~ 30\
---' 0.5
2.0 - f---- 0 .3
I j e'">
. du I
v 0.2
- 1~
y ~ v / f----
- 0. l /
v r--
/ 0
- 0.2 :-- / v
- 0.3 I I
- 0.•I
~,.f~-· l' \
- 1.~
- 0.5
- 0 .6 \ :~ ~~~}
- 0 .7
- 0.8
- 0.8 - 0.7 - 0.() -0.5 - 0.4 - 0 .3 - 0.2 - 0. 1
Figure 6.36 The Cornu spiral. Any point on the spiral has vertical coordinate equal to iS(11) and
horizontal coordinate equal to G(u) with values o f u g iven along the spiral as s hown. The directed
line segment has magnitude equal to the value of the integral indicated in the fi gure.
C(oo) = S(oo) = ~
j ei;r
"2 du = 0.500 - ( - 0.780) + i. [0.500 - ( - 0.438)] = 1.28 + 0.938i
- 1
The magnitude is equal to the length of the line that connects the integration limits
(see Figure 6.36):
Both sine and cosine Fresnel integrals approach one half as ·u ---+ oo. As the aperture
limits become infinite, the disturbance at p approaches that ofthe unobstructed wave, whose
irradiance we denote as / 00 • Thus, the diffracted irradiance is
Problem 6.26 Using the method of Example 6.12 find values for the relevant Fresnel
integrals and the final numeric result for both complex value and magnitude of
The approach used in Equation 6.69 removes explicit dependence on the o~servation
coordi nates (x, y). These can be restored by using their geometric relationship with the
aperture coordinates (U, V) .
• EXAMPLE 6.13
Find the distance from the geometric shadow to the first ilTadiance maximum when
Lhe source s is 10 em behind the straightedge, and the observation point pis 100 em
in front of the straightedge. Use ,\ = 632.8 nm. Repeat when the illumination is
plane wave.
2 (1.10 m) = (5896) y
(632.8 x lQ-9 m) (0.100 m?)
or equivalently,
.l ~
- 1.22
Figure 6.37 (a) Geometry for calculating Fresnel diffraction by a straightedge. The obstacle
extends infinitely into and out of the plane of the paper (U direction) and extends infinitely in the - ''
direction. The value of \'1 shown is on the line that connects sand p, so in this case, pis located on
the geometlic shadow of the obstacle. Points on the observation plane map to points on the aperture
plane by a ray that begins at the sources. (b) The Cornu spiral, with line segments extending between
the limits of integration: V1 and \'2 = oo. (c) The iiTadiance measured at p. When Vt = 0, pis on
the geometric shadow. (d) Photograph of irradiance pattern. (Ken Kay/Fundamental Photographs)
The geometric shadow is located at y = 0. From Figure 6.37, the first fringe
maximum is located at 1' = - 1.22, or Y = -0.485 mm.. In the observation plane,
'Y = (1. ) ( -4.85 x 10- 4 m) = -5.34 mm
With plane wave illumination, z' ----+ oo. In this case, Equation 6.70 gives
V=ff= 2
(632.8 x 10- 9 nl-) (1.00 m)
= (1778) y
with the first bright fringe located at Y = -0.686 nun. With z' ----+ oo, this is also
the value of y in the observation plane.
Problem 6.27 Find the distance from the geometric shadow to the first irradiance mini-
mum for the parameters of Example 6.13.
Problem 6.28 Estimate the spacing between the two irradiance maxima closest to the
geometric shadow of a plain wave illuminated straightedge if the source distance is 10.0 em
and the observation distance is 20.0 em. Assume>. = 632.8 nm. Single Slit Figure 6.37(a) illustrates a long, narrow slit of width b. The value
of V1 is now finite, and Equation 6.74 gives
where V1 and 172 arc located at the aperture edges, as shown. When 1'1 = 0, V2 locates the
other aperture edge. As the aperture is repositioned, the D. V spacing is determined by the
aperture width and thus remains constant:
2 (z' + z) (6.78)
>.z' z
As the aperture is moved, this constant 6.11 spacing generates line segments on the Cornu
spiral of Figure 6.37(b), which in turn determine the irradiance at p for each aperture
location. Using D. V, we may re-express Equation 6.77 so that it only depends upon one
variable. Jt is convenient to use the aperture center, which is located at
1~_l ______________ __
/ Vo
Figure 6.38 (a) Geometry for calculating Fresnel diffraction by a long narrow slit. T he apet1ure
extends infinitely into and out of the plane of the paper (U direction). T he di ffraction pattem is
plotted for the parameters in Example 6. 14. Note that Vo = +1 for the ape11ure location iUu strated.
(b) Co rnu spiral with line segment for p illus trated in a .
• EXAMPLE 6.14
A 1.00 mm wide slit is located 10.0 ern in fro nt of a source s. Describe the Fresnel
diffraction pattern that is observed on a screenlocatecl100 em from the slit. Assume
A = 632.8nm.
T his is straightforward to evaluate numerically, either by using the Cornu spiral (sec
Figure 6.38(b), or by software 14 .
14 Forexamplc, in Mathcmatica the syntax is:
deltaV =5.90
irmdiance(v_) := 0.5* Abs[FrcsnciC[v + dellaV/2] - Fresne!C[v- dellaV/2] + l*(FresneiS[v + dcllaV/2] - Frcs-
A plot of this diffraction pattern is shown in Figure 6.38. Locating the geometric
shadow edges allows the patterns to be scaled to the observing plane.
D.y = z'+ z )
( -z'- b =
(l.lm.) (10- m)
= 1.00 em
6 4 2 -2 -4 -6 6 4 2 -2 - 4 -6 6 4 2 -2 - ·1 -6
Figure 6.39 Fresnel diffraction from a single slit when z = 100 em and >. = 632.8nm, plotted
for different values oft he source distance z'. (a) z' = 5.00 em. (b) z' = 15.0 em. (c) z' = 30.0 em.
Figure 6.40 shows patterns and profiles from a 1.00 mm-high, 0.300 nun-wide rectangular
aperture for a variety of source and observation distances. When the source and observation
distances are small, many Fresnel zones are passed by the aperture, and the Fresnel diffrac-
tion pattern is higher than it is wide. As the source and observation distances become large,
less Fresnel zones are passed by the aperture, and the diffraction pattern evolves toward
the Fraunhofer case, with the width becoming larger than the height. Compare Figure
6.40(g)-(i) with the Fraunhofer patterns of Figure 6.8.
nelS[v- dellaV/2))]"2
gshadow[x_) := UnitStcp[-(x -delta V/2)*(x + della V/2))
Plot[ {irradiancc[y], gshadow[yl} , {y, -6, 6}, Plot Range -> All, Plot Points -> 1000]
Problem 6.29 Find a relationship between the width I::!..U of a rectangular aperture, and
the number of Fresnel zones passed horizontally. Then show that the number of zones
passes is equal to
NF x = (I::!..U)
' 8
Find a similar expression the number of zones passed vertically: N F,y· Determine N F ,x
and NP,y in Figures 6.40(a)-(i).
.~ .
Ill II
(d) (e) (f)
Figure 6.40 r resnel d iO'r actio n from a rectangular ape11ure with ve11ical dimens ion b 1.00 mm
and horizontal d imens ion a = 0.300 mm. The wavelength is G32.8n m . As the source and
observation d istances increase, the d iffractio n pallern evolves toward Fraunhofer d iffrac tion (see
Figure 6.8(a)-(b)). (a) z' = 2.50 em and z = 5.00 em g iving ~ \1 = 13.8 and ~U = l 3.8/ 3 =
4.60. (b) z' = 5.00em, z = 5.00 em and ~\I = 11 .2. (c) z' = 5.00em , z = lO.O cm and
~ V = 9.74. (d) z' = lO.Oem, z = 10.0 em and~ \1 = 7.95. (e) z' = 20.0cm, z = 20.0 em and
~ V = 5.62. (f) z' = 40.0 em, z = 110.0 em and ~ \1 = 3.98. (g) z' = 80.0 em, z = 80.0 em and
~ V = 2.81. (h) z ' = 160 em, z = lGO em and ~ \1 = 5.62. (i) z ' = 320 em, z = 320 em and
~V = l.'-.11.
In our progress to this point, we have seen examples of the intricacies associated with
resolving the wave and photon pictures of light, especiall y in c ases where the photo n nux
is very small. In Section 2.4.1, we discussed the Young's double-slit experiment conducted
with illumination so dim that only one photon could interact with the slit at any one point in
time. In Section 5.9, we discussed a "delayed-choice" experiment using a Mach-Zehnder
interferometer with similar illumination. In both experiments, the data appear to suggest
that photons take all possible paths. In Quantum Electrodynamics (QED), this is in fact the
QED is a theory of the interaction of light with electrons. It improves upon Schrodinger's
equation which does not include the concept of a photon. Largely developed between
1929-1948, QED is now a mature theory that has been experimentally verified to un-
precedented accuracy. The 1965 Nobel Prize was shared by Feynman 15 , Scl1\vinger 16 , and
Tomonaga 17 for their contributions to the development of this theory.
Before examining some of the details of QED as it relates to photons, it is useful to
re-examine Fresnel diffraction in the following intuitive way. Consider Figure 6.41 (a)
that shows an aperture illuminated by a point source s. According to Equation 6.55, the
irradiancc measured at the recieve point pis given by
Ep = C J ei'-'(r+r·')dA (6.84)
where as usual, dAis an element of area on the aperture opening, r' is the distance from s
to dA, and r is the distance from dA to JJ. In Figme 6.4l(b), we approximate the integral
of Equation 6.84 as a sum of complex numbers, each the result of integrating over a small
patch .6A. As we sum these individual contributions, the resulting complex numbers add
like vectors to approximate the Cornu spiral, as shown. The irradiance measured at JJ is
determined by magnitude-squared of the arrow that represents the sum of the individual
Intuitively, we have associated the model of Huygens wavelets with Equation 6.84.
In this model, a spherical wave propagates from s to the aperture, where the resulting
wavefront becomes a somce of Huygens wavelets that combine at p to give the diffracted
field Ep. Individual wavelets arise from each of the paths indicatated in Figure 6.41 (a):
the path from s to A along r' determines the initial wavelet amplitude and phase, and the
path from A along r determines the final wavelet amplitude and phase at p. Each of the
"little" arrows of Figure 6.4l(b) approximates the contribution to Equation 6.84 from the
corresponding path in Figure 6.4l(a). Each little arrow has a direction that is determined
by the phase of the exponential in Equation 6.84: according to this equation, the little arrow
makes a complete revolution each time the path includes a complete wavelength, so the
final orientation of the little arrow is determined by the number of wavelenths in the total
path r' + r.
The straight line path from s top contributes the little arrow in Figure 6.4l(b) that
is bolded for emphasis. This path and those close by contribute arrows that arc nearly
collinear, and thus provide most of the amplitude of the final result. From Figure 6.36, this
main contribution lies betwee n values on the Cornu spiral determined by - 1 < 11. < +1.
According to the definitions for U and lf in Equation 6.70 , these points correspond to
points on the aperture with Fresnel number N p of one-half (see Equation 6.59)
1 a2 1
-2 < AL < 2
15 R. P. Fcynman: 19 18-1988. Extraordinary American physisict, author and teacher.
16 Julian Schwinger: 191 8- 1994. American theoretical physicist.
17 Sin-ltiro Tomonaga: 1906-1979. Japanese theoretical physicist.
Figure 6.41 (a) An aperture illuminated by source point s, and analyzed at receive point p. (b)
The Fresnel diffraction integral is approx imated by the contributions of many paths that intersect the
ape11ure opening at different points. The contributio n from the straight line path from stop is boldcd
for emphasis. (c) A reflective surface. The path corresponding to the law of reflection contributes
the bold arrow in (b).
1 1 1
r' r
Paths that intersect the aperture outside of thi s range contribute less to the final diffracted
amplitude because the corresponding little arrow lies on the spiral portion of the Cornu
If the apert ure were graduall y widened to include more paths in Figure 6.41 (a), then the
field measured at p would show only small variations as the little arrows twisted their way
around each end of the Cornu spiral. In the limit, the field amplitude of the unobstructed
wave connects the two points detennined by u = ±oo; in this case, all possible paths
are included in the final field amplitude. The bold straight line path from s to JJ and
corresponding balded little arrow on the Cornu spiral are in the middle of the range that
contibutes most to the final amplitude, however nearby paths that do not take the straight
line route contribute nearly as much provided they intersect the aperture plane at points
within a circle of radius a, where according to Equation 6.86,
a= V0JJ2 (6.86)
Thus, the Huygens model describes the unobstructed wave propagation between two points
s and p by including effects due to all possible non-straight line paths that connect these
points. This interesting consequence of Equation 6.84 comes to us from Maxwell's equa-
tions via the Fresnel-Kirchhoff integral theorem. According to classical electromagnetism,
this is the way electromagnetic waves propagate.
In Feynman's view, there are no electromagnetic waves. As summari zed in the prologe
to this chapter, there are only photons. The multiple paths indicated in Figure 6.41 (a)
that generate secondary Huygens wavelets correspond to real physical photon paths in
Feynman 's interpretation.
QED emphasizes events and probabilities. For example, suppose a source of photons
is placed at s that emits photons isotropically at a random rate. A photon counter placed
at p records an event whenever a photon is detected. If s is the only available source, then
a detection event means that a photon left s and arrived at p. According to Feynman, any
path that begins at sand end s at pis possible. The possibility that the photon travels along
a particular path is assigned a probabililty with an equation that is mathematically si mil ar
to the Fresnel diffraction Equation 6.84. In analyzing this equation via the approach of
Figure 6.41 (b), we again have a little arrow that rotates once per wavelenth to eventually lie
along the Cornu spiral. In Feynman's picture, the little arrow is determined by the complex
number that results from the following expression:
.... i Spath
a; = aoe h (6.87)
In the last equation, liw is photon energy and 6.t is the light travel time along a particular
path. The net probability includes contributions from all possible paths
~ .se;;"•
P = Np ~ e' (6.89)
all paths
where Np is a normalization factor. When a large number of photon events are recorded
the photon flux predicted by Equation 6 .89 agrees with the Fresnel diffraction analysis, as
discussed in Section 2.4.1 and illustrated in Figure 2.9. In QED, the classical electromag-
netic wave irradiance represents the probability of detecting a photon at a particular point.
When the photon flux is high, the wave picture gives an intuitive model. When the photon
flux is low, we must work with probabilities.
Since Feynman's approach agrees with Fresnel diffraction results obtained with Equaton
6.84, we can use QED to obtain all results of classical optics. However, QED has greater
predictive power, since it can also be used to describe the motion of electrons. For electrons,
Spath is given by the action integral:
Spath= J
Ldt (6.90)
where L is the Lagrangim1, and is given by the kinetic energy minus potential energy
L = KE - PE
Since a photon has no mass, there is noPE term in its action integral. Identifying the photon
energy with J( E gives Equation 6.88. In this way, QED offers an integrated explanation
for both photons and matter. In particular, Fermat's principle of least time, illustrated by
the bold paths of Figure 6.41 (a) and (c) is seen to be a special case of the principle of least
action, which can be used to deduce Newton's laws of motion 18 .
For more detail on the QED of both photons and electrons, see Fcynman 's introductory
text: QED, The Strange Theory of Light and Matter (Princeton, 1985) [5].
18Sec "Quantum physics explains Newton's laws of motion" Jon Ogbom and Edwin F. Taylor, Physics
Education, Vol. 40, No. I, p26-34 (2005). TI1is and related papers arc currently archived at
Additional Problems
Problem 6.30 The central maximum of a single-slit diffraction pattern has a width of
30.0 em when measured between adjacent nulls on an observing screen 1.00 m away. If
the illumination wavelength is 633 nm, what is the slit width?
Problem 6.31 A single-slit aperture has a slit width of 2.00 ltm. Find the number of
irradiance maxima when this slit is illuminated by light with wavelength 400 nm. Repeat
when the wavelength is 700 nm.
Problem 6.32 The central order for a diffraction pattern from a rectangular aperture is
measured to be 15.0 nun high and 5.00 mm wide on an observing screen 1.00 m away. If
the illumination wavelength is 633 mn what is the aperture's (a) height and (b) width?
Problem 6.33 The central order for a diffraction pattern from a rectangular aperture is
measured to be 10.0 em high and 30.0 em wide on an observing screen 1.00 m. away. If
the illumination wavelength is 633 nm. what is the aperture's (a) height and (b) width?
Problem 6.34 A 1.00 mm-wide single-slit aperture is illuminated by plane waves of
wavelength 633 nm. How far away should the observing screen be placed if the path error
of Equation 6.8 is to be less than one percent of the wavelength?
Problem 6.35 A carbon dioxide laser with wavelength 10.6Jtm. is designed to output a
beam with diameter 10.0 em.. Estimate the size of this beam after it has traveled 3.80 x
10 5 km, to the moon. Repeat for a HeNe laser of the same beam diameter.
Problem 6.36 How far away can a truck be if its headlights are 2.00 nt apart and they are
to be just resolved by the night adjusted eye with a pupil diameter of 7.00 mm? Assume a
wavelength of 550 nm, and that the headlights are bright enough to be seen at this distance.
Comment on whether or not you believe that your eyesight is diffraction-limited.
Problem 6.37 Estimate the diameter of the diffraction-limited Airy disk produced at the
focal plane of the Hubble telescope if it has a objective diameter of2.4 m and a focal length
of 57.6 m. Assume a wavelength of 500 nm.
Problem 6.38 A spectral line of wavelength 656 nm is studied in fourth order using a
diffraction grating illuminated normally. If it is suspected that a fifth order is overlapping,
what would the overlapping wavelength be?
Problem 6.39 The diffraction pattern of a uniformly illuminated double-slit aperture
consists of bright fringes spaced 5.00 em apart on an observation screen located 2.00 m
from the aperture. If the illumination wavelength is 633 nm and the fifth-order fringes are
missing, what is the slit width and slit separation?
Problem 6.40 By direct integration, find a formula for the Fraunhofer diffraction pattern
of a triple-slit aperture, and plot the result when the slit spacing is six times the slit width.
Problem 6.41 Use Equation 6.50 to find the Fraunhofer diffraction pattern of an annular
slit with inner radius equal to half the outer radius. Interpret your result with Babinet's
principle. How would this diffraction pattern be affected if the illumination were not
perfectly collimated?
Problem 6.42 Using information provided in the caption of Figure 6.27, calculate the
value of r used to record each subfigure.
Problem 6.43 Determine the integral to use to calculate the Fresnel diffraction pattern
due to an annular disk that passes all zones greater than 3. What artifacts would you expect
from numerical analysis that did not include an infinite number of zones? Write a computer
program that calculates a diffraction profile.
Problem 6.44 Find the distance from the geometric shadow to the first irradiance max-
imum when a A = 400 nm. point source s is 10.0 em. behind the straightedge, and the
observation point p is 50 em in front of the straightedge. Find the di stance from the
geometric shadow to the first irradiance minimum.
Problem 6.45 Using the method of Example 6.12 find values for the relevant Fresnel
integrals and the final numeric result for both complex value and magnitude of
e"r T du
- 1
Problem 6.46 Write a computer program or use the Cornu spiral to reproduce the Fresnel
single-slit diffractio n profiles of Figure 6.39. Make additional plots that show similar
profiles for observation distances of 10.0 em and 20.0 em.
\ 6
(a) (b)
Figure 6.42 (a) Fresnel diffraction from a narrow obstacle of width ll V = 3.70. (b) Fresnel
diffraction from a double slit with slit width ll V = 3. 70 and slit separation that is twice the slit
Problem 6.47 Find an expression that gives the Fresnel diffraction pattern of a narrow
obstacle of width D.U. Plot the profile, and compare your result to Figure 6.42(a).
Problem 6.48 If the illumination in Figure 6.42(a) is plane parallel with wavelength
632.8 nm, what is the observation distance?
Problem 6.49 Find an expression that gives the Fresnel diffraction pattern of a double-
slit of width D.U and slit spacing twice the slit width. Plot the profile, and compare your
result to Figure 6.42(b).
A splendid light has dawned upo n me about the absorption and emission of radiation.
-Einstein, in a letter to Michael Besso, 1916.
7.1 Int_l"f>duction 345
7.2 Energy Levels in Atoms, Molecules, and Solids 346
7.3 Stimulated Emission and Light Amplification 357
7.4 Laser Systems 361
7.5 Longitudinal Cavity Modes 370
7.6 Ft·equency Stability 371
7.7 Introduction to Gaussian Beams 372
7.8 Derivation of Gaussian Beam Properties 375
7.9 Laset· Cavities 385
The word LASER is an acronym that stands for Light Amplification by the Stimulated
Emission of Radiation. Before discussing stimulated emission, we give an overview in
Section 7.2 of the quantum mechanics of materials that determine energy levels where
population inversions can occur. In Section 7.3, we discuss stimulated emission and how
this can enable amplification. Elements of laser design are discussed in Section 7 .4,
illustrated by examples that use some common gain mediums. Most laser designs use a
Fabry-Perot cavity that usually gives output beams with a Gaussian profile. An overview
of Gaussian beam propagation is discussed in Section 7.7, followed by a more rigorous
treatment in Section 7 .8. The propagation of Gaussian beams through optical systems is
discussed in Sections 7.8.3 and 7.8.4. In Section 7.9.1, we take a closer look at how laser
cavity design affects the output beam characteristics.
A laser generates photons, and photons are produced when a material makes transitions
between available energy levels. The exact nature of these energy levels can be determined
by the methods of quantum mechanics. In this section, we give a brief overview of some
specific cases, noting at the outset that a full quantum mechanical treatment is beyond the
scope of our discussion.
The simplest atomic system is hydrogen, which consists of a single proton in the nucleus,
and a single electron bound by the electric Coulomb force. When an electric current is
passed through a container of hydrogen atoms, the hydrogen spectmm is observed. This
spectrum consists of photons with discrete values of energy, as opposed to the continuous
spectrum emitted by a blackbody radiator. The discrete spectrum of hydrogen was first
analyzed by Bohr 1• According to the Bohr model of hydmgen, electron orbits are restricted
to discrete values that correspond to quantized energy levels given by2
E,. -
__ mee' _2_ _ _ (13.6 el f)_!_ (7.1)
2 2 -
1. Eon n2
where m., is the electron mass, c is the element of charge, his Planck's constant, Eo is the
permitivitty of free space, and the integer n is the principle quantum number. Substitution
gives the hydmgen ionization energy of 13.6 e \f, which is the energy required to completely
remove the bound electron. The negative sign in Equation 7.1 is due to the fact that more
tightly bound states must have lower energy. Electrons excited to a higher energy state
with n = n; decay to a lower energy state (n = n 1) and in the process emit a photon with
energy equal to the energy difference between the initial and final states:
• EXAI\-IPLE 7.1
Find the energy required to excite a hydrogen atom from its grou nd state to the first
excited state. Compare this to the three lowest photon energies of the Balmer series
that have a final state of IIJ = 2.
1 Neils Bohr: 1885- 1962. Danish physicist who received the Nobel Prize in 1922 for his contributions to the
Using Equation 7.1, we calculate the energy of the ground state to be - 13.6 eV,
and that of the first excited state to be -3.4 eV. Thus, it takes 10.2 eV to excite a
hydrogen atom from the ground state to the first excited state. When this excited state
decays back to the ground state, an ultraviolet photon of energy 10.2 eV is emitted.
In the Balmer series, n1 = 2. When n; = 3, Equation 7.2 gives
The integer n that determines the discreteness of Equation 7.1 is referred to as a quantum
number In a more complete quantum mechanical treatment that takes as a starting point\
the hydrogen atom solution is found to depend on two additional quantum numbers that
result from quantization of the orbital angular momentum of the bound electron. The
quantum number edetermines the magnitude of the orbital angular momentum vector, and
the quantum number me determines its spatial orientation. If there are no external electric
and magnetic fields, the energy does not depend on values of eand me, and in this case the
energy is said to be degenerate in eand me. When the only interaction considered is that
of the Coulomb attraction between the electron and the proton, the energy levels given by
Schrodingcr's equation are precisely those obtained by Bohr in Equation 7.1.
Only certain values of eand me are allowed, meaning that the details of the solution of
Schrodingcr's equation result in selection rules that limit the possible values that quantum
numbers can attain. In particular, must be Jess than n, so for example, when n = 2, e
can only have values of zero and one. For each value of there are 2[ + 1 values of me
that range from -e e
to in steps of one. The electron is also found to have an anomalous
magnetic moment, historically referred to as spin. The quantum number associated with
the spi n magnitude is referred to ass, and can only have a value of one half, so the allowed
values Ill s can only be±~. Thus, the full set of quantum numbers for a single electron
atom are (n, '111£, s, m 8 ). Scl11vdinger's equation!liydiVgen atom solution
The quantum mechanics of atoms with more than one electron are subject to the Pauli
exclusion principle4 which requires that each electron within an atom have different sets of
quantum numbers. So for example in helium, there are two electrons and if n = 1, and e
ntc must both be zero. These two electrons can have different sets of quantum numbers if
their spin orientations are different; in other words, provided one electron has m s = ~ and
3 Erwin Schrodinger: 1887-1961. Austrinn physicist who received the Nobel Prize of 1933 for his importnnt
contributions to qunntummcchnnics.
~Wo1fgnng Pauli: 1900-1958. Austrinn-Swiss physicist who mnde important contributions to quantum mechanics.
n En J
= ----- Del' 1
5 0.544el'
4 0.850el'
3 1.5lel'
Ho: H /3 H
~~~ lL l ~~~~
~.,.., ~ C""> C'l ..--4 0 ..-4('1 M "'>i'
'i(?(?(C(C( ~~~~~
~ 5
13 .6 e l'
~~:•£o_-------------------------- -'
(a) (b)
Figure 7.1 (a) Atomic energy levels . (b) Vibration-rotation lines of a diatomic molecule.
the other has ·1n8 = - ~ . This completely fills then= 1 level, which for historical reasons
is called the l s subshell.
Table 7 .I . gives the ground state electron configurations for hydrogen through krypton.
Fro m this table, we see that hydrogen has a single l s electron, and helium has two l s
electrons in a completely filled subshell. The third electron in a lithium atom must reside
in then = 2 level, where possible values of are zero and one. It is found that the third
electron in lithium resides in the 2s subshell, and the fourth electron in beryllium fills the 2s
subshell. Subshells for which e= 1 are referred to asp subshells, and those wit h e = 2 are
referred to as d subshells, again for historical rcasons 5 . From Table 7 .I., we fi nd that boron
has 2 ls electrons, 2 2s electrons, and a single 2p electron. A total of six electrons can
reside in a p subshell, since there arc three possible values of ·me, each with two possible
values of 1n8 • As can be seen from Table 7 . I., the 2p subshell is filled sequentially by
5 Thenotation originated from spectroscopy prior to the development of quantum mechanics. The letters derive
from the words: sllarp, priuciple and d!Oitse.
the elements aluminum through argon. States do not always fill sequentially, as can be
determined from the listed electron configurations of potassium and calcium.
Electrons in lower subshells tend to "shield" the outer electrons from the nuclear charge.
For example, noble gases such as helium, neon, argon and krypton all have completely
filled outer subshells. The alkali atoms such as lithium and sodium all have outer electrons
that are very effectively shielded by completely filled lower subshells, and are thus much
less tightly bound. For example, the excited states of helium and neon are over twenty
electron volts above the ground state, compared to only a few electron volts for lithium and
The electron configurations of the outer electrons determine an atom's chemical reactiv-
ity. For example, noble gases tend not to react with other atoms because the outer electrons
all reside in subshells that are completely filled. Alkali atoms are much more reactive due
to the weakly bound outer electron. Many properties of the periodic table can be accounted
for from the electron configuration of an atom's outer electrons.
Problem 7.1 Verify that the ionization energy of hydrogen is 13.6 eV.
Problem 7.2 Find the first six wavelengths of the Paschen series of hydrogen that have
then = 3 state as the final state.
Problem 7.3 Two examples of alkali atoms were given in the discussion above: lithium
and sodium. Is there another one listed in Table 7 . I.? If so, give the element and explain
your reasoning.
Molecules are composed of atoms held together by intramolecular forces that we may
model as a Hooke's law spring, as illustrated for the diatomic molecule of Figure 7 .2. Such
a molec ule can vibrate in simple harmonic motion, and it can also rotate about its center of
mass. When this system is analyzed by the methods of quantum mechanics, both types of
energy are quantized. The vibrational energy levels are determined by the quantum number
v which takes on positive integer values:
where fo is the natural frequency of vibration. This gives a ladder of equally spaced energy
levels separated by the vibrational energy hfv· The rotational motion is also quantized,
with energy levels determined by an angular momentum quantum number J, which agai n
take positive integer values:
where I is the moment of inertia of the molecule. In general, a molecule can both vibrate
and rotate, and thus has vibration-rotation energy levels given by the sum of the last two
E v, J = hfo (v + ~) + BniJ (J + 1) (7 .5)
Figure 7.2 A molecu le modeled as two atoms connected by a Hooke's law spling. The molecule
can vibrate, and it can rotate about the center of mass (CM).
In a typical molecule, the rotational energy levels are about 500 times more closely
spaced than the vibrational energy level spacing. Figure 7. 1(c) illustrates vibration-rotation
energy levels with the rotational spacing increased for the purposes of illustration. Tran-
sitions between vibration-rotation states are subject to the selection rule that J can only
change by plus one or minus one. When the upper level has the lower value of J, the
transition energy is less than hfo:
Ev+I,J- 1- Ev,J = hfo - tl1rlJ (7.6)
the set of all such transitions is called the P-branch, which consists of transition energies
that are equally spaced in both energy and frequency. Similarly, the set of transitions where
J for the upper level is higher is the R-branch:
EH1 .J-1 - Ev .J = hfo + 47r I (J + 1) (7.7)
Problem 7.4 The vibration-rotation lines of the HCl molecule are separated in energy
by 2.62 x w- 3 eV. What is the moment of inertia of the molecule?
Problem 7.5 The natural frequency of a classical harmonic oscillator of mass m and
spring constant k is given by
fo = ..!..._ {k
27r v:;:;:;
For the H Br molecule, this frequency is 7.68 x 1013 Hz.
a) Calculate the effective spring constant for this intermolecular force. Since the
bromine atom is much heavier than hydrogen, you may assume that the bromine
remains stationary during the vibration.
b) Estimate the frequency of vibration for a DBr molecule where the hydrogen is
replaced by deuterium, which has roughly twice the mass of hydrogen.
In the Bohr model of hydrogen just discussed, the electron is bound to a nucleus by a
central electrostatic potential. In 1923, Louis de Broglie6 postulated matter waves which
were subsequently verified in diffraction experiments from crystal lattices. In the Bohr
model, only certain discrete orbits are allowed, and these can be interpreted as those orbits
within which the electron waves constructively interfere as a standing wave. In a crystalline
solid, atoms are arranged in a periodic array. The atomic nuclei are located at fixed lattice
sites, which creates an electric potential that varies periodically across the entire crystal.
If such a system is analyzed rigorously with Schrodinger's equation, it is found that there
are allowed electron energies that result in constructive interference of the electron matter
waves, and forbidden electron energies that cannot exist within the crystal. Because the
number of lattice sites is so large, the allowable electron energies lie within continuous
energy bands. Electrons in the so-called valence band participate in the bonding of the
solid. In metals, there are also electrons in a conduction band that do not participate in the
bonding forces, and are thus free to move about freely within the conductor. If an electric
field is established within a metal, conduction electrons experience an electrostatic force
that causes a collective movement and a corresponding electric current.
Conduction band
E9 Con(htetion bawl
Eg Cond11ction band
F alencc band V alcnce ba:nd
Valence band
Figure 7.3 (a) Band stmcture of an insulator. The band gap E 9 is large, and thermal fluctuations
only rarely transition electrons from the valence band to the conduction band. (b) Band stmcture of
a semiconductor, with a much smaller band gap. (c) In a metal, there are conduction electrons that
are free to move about within the solid.
Figure 7.3 illustrates the band structure of insulators, semiconductors and conductors.
The top of the valence band and the bottom of the conduction band are called the band
edges, and the spacing between the band edges is called the band gap E 9 . In sulators have
large band gaps and empty conduction bands, and thus are poor conductors of electric
current. Semiconductors have smaller band gaps. At absolute zero they are insulati ng, but
6 Louis de Broglie: 1892- 1987. Rec ipient oft he 1929 Nobel Prize for postulating matter waves in his 1923 Ph.D
thermal fluctuations at nonzero temperatures can eject electrons from the valence band,
leaving a positive ion in the valence band that is referred to as a flo/e. The electron in the
conduction band is then free to move within the solid, and can provide electric current.
The hole vacancy within the valence band can also move in response to an electric force;
the hole changes location when an electron from a neighboring lattice site hops over to fill
the original vacancy, creating a new vacancy at the neighboring site. The electron and hole
move in opposite directions in response to an applied electric field, but contribute equally to
the resulting current as illustrated in Figure 7.4(a). Metallic conductors have overlapping
valence and conduction bands as illustrated in Figure 7 .3(c).
+ +
Figure 7.4 (a) Intrinsic (pure) silicon. Cunent can only be conducted if an electron is ejected from
the valence band into the conduction band. The ejected electron leaves a hole that can move within
the valence band as a positive charge carrier. Each silicon atom has two valence electrons in the
p-subshell. (b) A donor impurity atom with three valence electrons in the p-subshell. After covalent
bonding, there is an extra electron that is weakly bound to the impurity site. Therma l fluctuations
are sufficient to eject this electron into the conduction band, leaving a fixed positive impurity ion.
The mobile conduction electron can provide electric cunent. (c) An acceptor impurity atom with
one valence electron in the p-subshell. After covalent bonding, the neutral impurity site has outer
shell location available. An e lectron from a neig hboring site can fill this site, leaving a fixed negative
impurity site and a mobile hole that can move freely within the valence band to produce electtic
Crystals can be doped with impurity atoms to control the conducting properties of the
semiconductor. For example, atoms in a silicon lattice form covalent bonds by sharing
valence electrons with neighbors to fo rm closed valence subshells. According to Table
7.1., Si needs four additional electrons to completely fi ll the p-subshell. In the Si lattice,
each Si atom has four nearest neighbors, and it can "share" one electron with each neighbor
to completely fill the p-subshell, resulting in the covalent bond illustrated in Figure 7 .4(b).
Phosphorus has three electrons in the p-subshell, so if impurity atoms of P are added to
Si, the lattice sites that contain a P atom contain one weakly bound electron that does
not participate in the covalent bond. Thermal fluctuations are sufficient to promote thi s
electron to the conduction band, leaving a positive P ion at the impurity site. The crystal
of course remains uncharged , and the now-free electron can conduct electrical current as
illustrated in Figure 7.4(b). The P atom is called a donor because it can donate an electron
to the conduction band. Undoped Si is referred to as intrinsic. Silicon doped with donor
impurities is referred to as Jl-lype, since the impurity sites donate mobile electrons that can
conduct current, as illustrated in Figure 7.4(b).
Similarly, boron only has one electron in the p-s ubshell, so lattice sites that contain a
boron atom have an incompletely filled subshell as illustrated in Figure 7 .4(c). A valence
electron from a neighboring site can flop into this subshell, leaving the fixed boron atom
negatively charged, and leaving a electron vacancy (hole) in the neighboring location.
Once the hole is created, valence electrons from other neighboring sites can hop into it,
creating another hole in another location. In this way, the hole appears move freely within
the valence band. Because a hole is an absent electron, it behaves as a positive charge.
Impurity sites such as boron in a silicon lattice are called acceptors since they can accept
valence electrons to create a mobile hole. Silicon doped with boron is referred to asp-type
since current is primarily conducted by mobile holes as illustrated in Figure 7.4(c).
A pn junction is fo rmed when a p-type material is brought into contact with an 11-lype
material, as illustrated in Figure 7.5. Donor electrons diffuse across the boundary, leaving
positive ions on then-side and creating negative ions on the p-si de . This creates an electric
field withi n the boundary region that quickly builds up to a value that stops further diffusion.
At equilibrium, this boundary layer has no unfilled donor or acceptor sites, and thus it is
called the depletion layer. Within the depletion layer, there is an electric field Ed that
points from the n-side to the p-side that causes the material to behave as a diode. If a
voltage is applied with theyositive terminal connected to the p-s!5Je (fonvard bias, Figure
7.5(d)), the applied field E o tends to cancel the depletion field Ec~, and current begins to
flow across the junction. However, if a reverse bias voltage is applied as illustrated in
Fig ure 7 .5(c), the applied electric field adds to Ec~, expanding the depletion region and
further retarding current flow. Thus, the diode conducts current in one direction but not the
other, as illustrated by the plot of current vs voltage in Figure 7.5(b). Pn junctions do not
obey Ohm's law, and so are referred to as non-ohmic.
]J n
0 0
I :··...
(f.:. (f.!
• •
(a) 0 0
- I
(f.) I
- ·...· +
I :-.:.:·t
·...• I
0 0 - I
...• (-!:) c:f.l I
~0 Eo - -
r 00
"· =~· =~· ·=
·= ·:. ·:0:· .;.;. : :
. •
.... ..
+l +
0 0 --I
.. :
::· ... .. ..
.. ..• n
I ·=-:· ··:· ,::0:· ·=•· ~. • 0 0
0 -• ·:-:~
- I
·-:!.:: • ••
' - - -- - --f ,1------....J '-------~,~--------~
(c) (d)
Figure 7.5 (a) P-n junction. Donor electrons diffuse from n to p to establish the electric fie ld Ed
across the depletion layer. (b) Plot of current versus voltage that illustrates the non-ohmic behavior
of the junctio n. (c) Reverse bias, where the applied field Eo points in the same direction as Ed. (d)
Forward bias: the applied field opposes Ed.
by the electric fie ld with in the depletion layer and acqu ire sufficient e nergy to liberate more
electron-hole pairs, leading to ampli fication.
When a forward bias is applied to photodiodes made of certain materials, e lectrons and
holes recombine radiatively in the depletion layer to produce photons in what is essent ially
the reversal o f the process shown in Figure 7.7(a). Such a device is referred to as a
light-emitting diode (LED) .
In a plw tonic bandgap material, also referred to as a photonic bandgap crystal, the
index of refraction of the material is varied periodically throughout the materi al.
In a semiconductor, the crystal lattice creates a periodic potential for electrons that
leads to allowed and forbidden energy bands when analyzed with Schrodinger's
equation. In a photonic bandgap materi al, periodic variation oft he index of refraction
(a) (b)
p n
I I.
......... 1.
I+ ~
(a) (b)
Figure 7.7 Photodiode. (a) A photo-induced electron-hole pair is swept away from the depletion
layer by depletion layer fie ld to give a photocUITent. (b) When illuminated, the photo-current adds to
that of the diode current. The photodiode is typically operated with a reverse bias voltage. When the
bias voltage ll is zero, the device is a solar cell.
creates a similar band structure for plwtons when analyzed with Maxwell's equations.
Intuitively, photon wavelengths that interfere constructively with the index structure
propagate within the material, and those that interfere destructively are rejected.
Figure 7.8 illustrates possible geometries. Figure 7.8(a) illustrates a one-dimensional
layered structure similar to the multilayer films discussed in Section 5.11. Figure
7.8(b) illustrates a two-dimensional structure and Figure 7.8(c) illustrates a three-
dimensional structure. The index variations are typically a fraction of the photon
wavelength, and in this case they are called subwavelengtll structures.
Techniques for manufacturing the very small structures necessary for application
at optical wavelengths are only now becoming feasible. Subwavelenth st ructures can
be integrated into optical fibers, and applications of photonic bandgap materials are
becoming conunon in communications technologies.
Figure 7.8 Step index vmiations in a (a) I D, (b) 2D, and (c) 3D photonic bandgap structure.
The processes by which photons of light interact with energy levels of a material are
illustrated in Figure 7.9. The interaction must conserve energy by involving speci fie energy
levels that arc separated by the photon energy hf. Figure 7 .9(a) represents absmptio11,
where an absorbed photon transfers its energy to a material by causing a transition from
a lower energy state to a higher energy state. If the material is then left undi sturbed, the
excited state will eventually decay, perhaps by spo11ta11eous emissio11 of a photon. The
time interval for spontaneous emission is random, as is the propagation direction of the
spontaneously emitted photon. Quantum mechani cs can be applied to g ive probabilities for
absorption and the most probable spontaneous lifetime of the excited state. In stimulated
emissio11, an incident photon stimulates an excited state to emit, as illustrated in Figure
7.9(c). In order for stimulated emission to occur, the incident stimul at ing photon must
again have energy equal to the energy difference between the upper and lower energy
level. Furthermore, the stimulating photon must interact with the excited state before
spontaneous emission occurs. When stimulated emission does occur, an exact copy of the
incident photon is emitted, identical in both frequency, phase, and propagation direction.
In other words, the stimulated and stimulating photons are both spatially and temporally
coherent. It is useful to think of stimulated emission as the time reversal of absorption
(sometimes also referred to as stimulated absorption).
' '· 1
{\ {1, {1, •
T# ~T -wr
(a) (b) (c)
~T -wr -wr
T T-wr T
{1, {\ {1, • {1, {\ {\ •
vvv -wr 4/tAr -wr
-wr -wr
{\ {1, {\.
vvv -wr
Figure 7.9 (a) Absorption. An incident coherent beam consists of a number of phase coherent
photons with energy equal to the transition energy. A transition is excited from a lower level to a
higher level, and in the process one photon is absorbed. (b) Spontaneous emission. A photon is
emitted with random phase and propagation direction as the transition decays spontaneously from
higher to lower energy level. (c) Stimulated emission. An incident photon field with energy equal
to the transition energy stimulates a transition from higher level to lower level, and in the process a
photon is added coherently to the incident photon field. (d) Amplification. Each stimulated emission
contributes an additional photon.
given by the Einstein A and B coefficients. The probabilities for stimulated emission and
absorption depend on the photon energy density, but since spontaneous emission proceeds
independently of any incident photon, the corresponding probability is independent of
Probability of absorption of a photon: IJ1 2 ·u (f)
Probability of stimulated emission of a photon: B 2 1 u(J)
Probability of spontaneous emission of a photon: A 2 1
Equilibrium is determined by the transition rates, which in turn are determined by the
transition probabilities given above. Let N 1 be the number of states with energy E 1 and
N 2 be the number of states with energy E2. The transition rate for emission R2 1 is given
by the number of states in E 2 times the net probability for emission:
At equilibrium, these rates must be equal. Thus
(7. 11)
Since E2 - E1 = hf,
where kn is Boltzmann's constant, and Tis the equilibrium temperature. Combining the
last two results gives
u(f) = rf!r (7.13)
B12e ·nr - B 21
As the energy density u(f) becomes large, that rate of spontaneous emission becomes
negligible; thus it must be the case that B 12 = B 21 , and Equation 7.13 becomes
1t(j) =
·u 1
(7 .14)
(7. 15)
E E' E'
' ''
~---'•, ' '
' ''
Figure 7.10 Plots of energy E vs. population number N for a system characterized by discrete
energy levels. (a), (b) Equiliblium populations desctibed by the Maxwell Boltzmann distribution
(dashed line). System (a) is at a tower temperature. (c) Population inversion. A non-equilibrium
condition is maintained that causes a higher energy level to have a larger population than a lower
energy level.
Light amplification can occur in non-equilibrium conditions. Figures 7.1 O(a) and (b)
illustrate a series of energy levels in thermal equilibrium; that is, with populations deter-
mined by Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution of Equation 7.11. The exponential dependence
of Equation 7 . 11 causes the population to decrease as the energy increases. Figure 7 .lO(c)
illustrates a population inversion, where the populat ion of a higher state is somehow made
larger than that of a lower energy state. Consider a photon traveling through a material in
such non-equilibrium state, and let the photon energy equal the difference of the inverted
levels. As the photon travels, more emissions are stimulated than absorptions, and the
number of photons increases as illustrated in Figure 7 .9(d); in other words, the photon
beam is amplified.
It is curious that Einstein stopped short of suggesting the possibility of light amplification
by stimulated emission in his 1917 paper. It is possible that in these early days of statistical
thermodynamics, he considered it unlikely that the necessary conditions for thermal non-
equilibrium could ever be reached in practice. It took another forty years for this to be
achieved in the laboratory of Charles Townes7 .
Problem 7.10 Redo the derivation above without allowing for stimulated emission . Show
that at a given temperature, the result obtained is only valid at hi gh frequencies. Why is it
sufficient to only include spontaneous emission in this limiting case?
Charles H. Townes: 1915-. American physicist and corecipient of the I 964 Nobel Prize for the invention o f the
microwave laser (MASER).
Problem 7.11 In this problem, we show that gas molecules or atoms in thermal equi-
librium at temperature T have an average thermal energy of klJT. Assume that the gas
particles are described by a Maxwell Boltzmann distribution of energies:
f(E) = Ce- kuT
(E) = E (E) dE
Using this, along with the normalized distribution, show that the average energy
c) Find the average energy in electron volts of a collection of gas molecules at room
A laser system can be designed around any available gain medium8 that is capable of
sustaini1~g a population inversion that leads to stimulated emission. Gain mediums can
consist of atoms or molecules in a gas (or plasma), liquid or solid phase. Figure 7.1 1(a)
illustratys a typical laser process. A pumping process creates excited states in the gain
medium, but there must also be a strategy for achieving the nonequilibruim population
inversion. In the case illustrated, the initial excited state decays quickly to a metastable
state that has a very long lifetime. This is the upper laser level; it fills quickly and
drains slowly, resulting in the large population in the upper laser level necessary for an
inversion. Furthermore, the lower laser level depopulates quickly, further enhancing and
sustaining the population inversion . Examples of pumping processes include collisions in
&n electri~ discharge (discharge pumping) and photon absorption from an incident beam of
light (optical pumping).
Imagine a gain 1nedium held within a container through which a beam of light can pass,
and let the bean1 consist of photons of energy equal to the difference between the upper
and lower laser levels. Each photon that encounters an upper level state sti mulates a decay
to the lowei: jevel, creating a new photon identical in both energy and phase. At any point
along the beam, the number of photons created by stimulated emission is proportional to
the number' qf photons present in the beam:
where z measures distance along the beam direction,] is the beam irradiance, and G is the
gain with units of m - l . The solution to this differential equation is
I(z ) = loe 0 " (7 .17)
8The gain medium is sometimes also referred to as an acti1•e medium , or as a laser medium.
E pumping process
gain ntediu1n
t fast
IIppe r l aser·/euel
jm''"''""" 4A/'tr
lower· laser /cue/
~ depopulate
(a) (b)
Figure 7.11 A typical laser process. (a) A pumping process selectively populates an excited state
that decays very rapidly to a long-lived metastable state, creating a population inversion between the
two levels responsible for the laser emission (upper laser level and lower laser level). The population
inversion is enhanced if the lower laser level is rapidly depopulated by a relaxation process. (b) The
gain medium consists of a collection o f atoms or molecules excited by the pumping process illustrated
in (a}. Placing the gain medium within a Fabry-Perot resonator increases the photon density, making
stimulated emission much more probable. The partially reHecting mirror on the right of the cavity
transmits the o utput beam.
as can be verified by substitution. Thus, the beam irradiance varies exponent ially with
distance along the gain pat h. Since stimulated emission increases the photon flu x, the
corresponding gain term is posi tive. However, if a pho ton encounters a state in the lower
laser leve l, it is absorbed; thus, the gain for absorption is negative. The net gain is the sum
of all available processes that can add or subtract photons from the beam, and this mu st be
positive if the beam is to be amplified. We must also include losses fro m optical reflections
and defects in the beam path.
Laser systems are often designed around a Fab1y-Pemt resonator, as illustrated in Figure
7.ll(b). T he laser cavity typically consists of one highly reflecting mirror and a partially
reflecting olllput coupler that transmits the output laser beam. Both mirro rs are usually
slig htly c urved, with a radius of curvature that is several times the mirror separatio n; thi s
creates a cavity that is stable, meaning that a photon can multiply reflect between the
two mirrors many times without walking out of the cavity. The laser beam begi ns as a
spontaneous emission in a direction that can be contained in the cavity, then builds as
amplification occurs. The amplification is enhanced by the fact that photons osci llate back
and forth many times before finally passing through the o utput coupler. The irradiance
within the laser cavity is usually much hig her than that of the output beam. For example, a
cavity that utilizes a hig hly re flecting back mirro r and a 90%-reflecting o utput coupler will
have a photo n flu x w ithin the cavity that i s about ten times that of the output beam. A hig h
photon flu x within the cavity makes it more probable that stimulated emission wi ll occur
befo re the upper laser level has time to spontaneously decay. Of course, the power exiting
as the output beam must be included as a negative contribution to the overall system gain.
The cavity and output power finally saturates at a steady state level that is limited by the
pumping process, and perhaps also by effects such as heat generated in the gain medium
and associated optics by the large cavity irradiance.
Atomic gas laser utilize atomic energy levels di scussed in Section 7 .2.1. In the process
illustrated in Figure 7 .ll, the bottom laser level is not the ground state. A process that uses
the ground state as the lower laser level makes it much more difficult to sustain a population
inversion since it is difficult to sufficiently depopulate the ground state. Typically, this can
only be done by very rapid pumping for very short periods of time, giving output beams that
consist of pulses of short duration. Laser systems that give continuous wave (CW) output
beams of constant irradiance are usually built around a process where the lower laser level
is far enough above the ground state so that it is not thermally populated to any sign ificant
The energy level diagrams of most atoms arc similar to that of hydrogen in that the
transition energy from the ground state to the first excited state is much greater than
transition energies between higher energy levels. This results in a low quantum efficiency.
For example, suppose we wish to design a laser to emit the red line of the Balmer series.
For each output photon of energy 1.89 eV, 10.2 eV must be wasted as the lower laser level
is depopulated back to the ground state. In this case, we say that the quantum efficiency is
18.5%. This means that the most you could ever expect for an output power is 18.5% of
the power delivered by the laser power supply. In practice, working laser systems operate
at an efficiency that is far less than the quantum efficie ncy. The poi nt is that the quantum
efficiency of atomic gas lasers is typicall y rather small.
24.6eF - - • 633nm
A flfl,
.. wasted
/ /
He Ne
(a) (b)
Figure 7.12 (a) Energy leve l for the 633 n m helium-neon laser. The helium is pumped by an
elect1ie di scharge, and transfers energy via collisio n to neon atoms. (b) A typical helhim-nebn laser
7.4.2. 1 Carbon Dioxide Laser The carbon dioxide laser is a very effjci~nt laser
system, and can produce CW output beams of irradiance sufficient to cut metal·. The gain
medium typically consists of a m.i xture of about 10% carbon dioxide, 10% niti·ogen, and
80% helium at pressures that can range from low pressure to a few atmospheres. The
pumping process is similar to he lium-neon in that an electric discharge excites the nitrogen
vibrational levels, which then decay quickly to a metastable state that is the first vibrational
level above the ground state. This hi ghly populated nitrogen state has almost the same
energy as the upper laser level of C02, so a vibration-to-vibmtion energy transfer can
occur that very effectively creates a population inversion, as illustrated in Figure 7.13(a).
B ecause C02 is a triatomic molecul e, it has a more complicated spectrum. In a
si mple linear model, the carbon is at the center with each oxygen attached by a Hooke's
law spring. Because there are two coupled springs, there arc three distinct vibmtional
modes: symmetric stretch where the oxygen molecule vibrates along the internuclear axis
synunetrically, asy mmetric stretch, and a bending mode where the oscillation of the atoms
is perpendicular to the internuclear ax is. Each mode gives a di stinct set of equally spaced
vibrational levels, each with rotati onal levels superimposed, as discussed in Section 7 .2.2.
As illustrated in Figure 7.13(b), there are two lower laser levels, each corresponding to
different vibrational modes of C02 . This allows laser output in two distinct wavelength
bands: one centered at 9 .4 fim and the other at 10.61w1.
Each wavelength band consists of a discrete spectrum of R-branch and P-branch as
discussed in Section 7 .2.2. The output spectrum of each wavelength band has a profile
si mil ar to that shown in Figure 7. 14. The center of each band corresponds to the energy
spaci ng of the upper and lower vibrational levels that g ive the laser output in Figure 7.1 3.
Lines in the R-branch result from the selecti on rule that gives a higher energy than the band
center, and P-branch lines result from the selection rule that gives a lower energy than the
band center. The profile shape comes from two effects. There is a degeneracy of (2J + 1)
associated with each rotational level. Also, the rotational levels are populated thermally,
and so have a Boltzmann energy distribution. The profile shape comes from the product of
these two effects: states with low values of J have a greater thermal population but lower
degeneracy, while the high J lines (t hose away from the band center on either side) have
higher degeneracy but lower thermal population. For most electrical discharges, the peak
of the profile occurs at a J of around18 in each branch.
A typical laser design for C02 is illustrated in Figure 7. 13(b). The cavity includes a
blazed diffraction grating (see Section 6.3.8 and Application Note 6.1) that allows laser
output on any of the available vibration rotation lines. Recall that a blazed diffracti on
grat ing diffracts most of the incident energy into the first diffraction order. Intuitively, the
grat ing behaves as a mirror with perfect alignment for only one of the available laser lines;
for the other lines, the mirror is misaligned, and the gain is spoiled. By adjusting the grating
orientation, di fferent R- and P-branch lines may be selected for output. The other end of
the cavity is terminated by a mirror that, if partially reflecting, can transmit an output beam.
Note that the grating also reflects a zeroth-order beam which can also be used for output,
but the direction of this beam changes as the wavelength is adjusted, so using this output is
often less convenient.
In the energy diagram of Figure 7 .13(a), the lower laser level is depopulated thermally,
principally by collisions with the fast-movi ng helium atoms and by transfer to the cavity
walls. For this reason, most C02 designs incorporate some cooling strategy, which for
higher power designs usually involves water cooling. The design illustrated in Figure
7.13(b) uses Brewster windows to terminate each end of the discharge region. Recall that at
Brewster's angle, the reflectivity is zero for polarizations parallel to the plane of incidence
(see Section 3.5.2). The orthogonal polarization is reflected at each window, spoiling the
gain; thus the output of a cavity that uses Brewster windows is polarized.
In many designs, one end of the cavity is controlled by a piezoelectric transducer (PZT).
Applying a voltage to the PZT causes it to change length, typically by a few tens of microns.
- 4AAJ
\--\-- 4AAJ ,. 4
10.6 fl11l. "
6 \ '
(a) (b)
Figure 7.13 Carbon dioxide laser. (a) Energy level diagram. The upper laser levels of C02 arc
selectively pumped by nitrogen molecules in an excited metastable state. (b) A typical design. The
cavity length is controlled by a PZT ( I) attached to the output coupler (2). Brewster windows (3)
allow the cavity beam to enter and ex it the gain medium (6). Cooling water enters and exits (4) to
remove heat generated by the discharge current. The discharge is maintained by the power supply
voltage (7) and the discharge cmTent is limited by a series ballast resisto r (8). A blazed diffraction
grat ing (5) allows specific vibration-rotation transition to be used for the laser output.
The PZT can make small changes in the length of the cavity to maintain the standing wave
condition that gives maximum laser output (sec Section 5.1 0) from the Fabry-Perot cavity.
A typical C02 laser design can provide output on more than 100 R-and P-branch lines
in the two wavelength bands. The actual number of lines available is determined by the
gain-limit, illustrated in Figure 7. 14. The working gain limit is determined by many factors,
including cooling effectiveness, optical alignment, and so on.
gni,~J(rn.i.~-y,-: . . .. . . _~-,-::.············
P -branch R-branch T
Figure 7.14 Output energy spectmm of a single band of the carbon dioxide laser. There is one
band centered at ilo = 9.4~tm and another at Ao = 10.6 pm. Each band consists of a spectrum of
vibration rotation lines.
7.4.3. 1 Diode Lasers A diode laser is formed by placing a light-emitting diode (see
Section 7 .2.4) within a Fabry-Perot cavity. Stimulated emission occurs at the depletion
layer of the p-n junction where electrons and holes recombine radiatively. The output
wavelength of a diode laser can usually be varied continuously over a small wavelength
9T.H. Maiman: 1927-2007. American physicist and inventor o f the mby laser.
range by controlling the diode current and sometimes also with an in-cavity diffraction
grating. This is referred to as tunability, and it facilitates many experimental opportunities
that arc not available to lasers that only output a discrete spectrum or a single line.
Nd: YAG has a strong absorption at 808 nm that is used to optically pump the upper
laser level of the 1064 nm transition. Diode laser sources have been developed with
output at this wavelength at power levels in excess of one watt. A laser constructed
wi th Nd: YAG and a 808 nm diode laser pump is an example of a diode pumped solid
state (DPSS) laser.
I \
[Ep(O ]
1 2 •1 5
Figure 7.16 Diode-pumped solid-state laser: ( I) 808nm diode laser; (2) cavity mirror, AR coated
for 808nm, 99.9% reflect ing for 1064 nm; (3) AR coatings for 1064 mn; (4) Nd·doped laser crystal;
(5) cavity miiTor, partially reflecting for 106•1nm .
A typical DPSS laser design is illustrated in Figure 7.16. The Nd:YAG crystal is
placed within a Fabry-Perot cavity. The 808 nm.diode laser beam enters the cavity by
transmitting through one cavity tninor that is coated for high reflectivity at 1064 nrn
and high transmission at 808 nm. It is absorbed by the Nd: YAG crystal, creating a
population inversion for the 1064 mn transition. Stimulated emission occurs as the
1064 nm radiation oscillates within the cavity.
The DPSS laser output has a much better beam quality than that of the diode laser.
The gain medium of a diode laser typically exists within a thin rectangular depletion
layer region that surrounds the semiconductor junction, giving an output beam that
can have a non-circular b~am spot. Since the Nd: YAG is inside a Fabry-Perot cavity,
the 1064 mn beam is more monochromatic, has better coherence, and has a circular
beam spot. The DPSS Fabry-Perot cavity with Nd:YAG converts poor beam quality
at 808nm to a much better beam quality at 1064 mn.
A similar material, neodymium doped yttrium orthvanadate (Nd:YV04) can also
be pumped at 808 nm, and also provides DPSS output at 1064 nm. Both can be
frequency doubled to provide a green output beam. See Application Note 9.5.
Problem 7.12 Using the information in Figure 7.12, find the quantum efficiency of the
helium-neon laser.
Problem 7.13 Using the information in Figure 7.13, estimate the quantum efficiency of
the carbon dioxide laser in both wavelength bands.
Problem 7.14 Describe the output polarization of the laser design of Figure 7 .13(b).
Explain your reasoning carefully, and include a discussion of Brewster's angle.
Problem 7.15 Carbon dioxide laser lines in the P-branch of the 10.6 micron wavelength
band are spaced apart by about 50 GH z . Estimate the grating resolution that is necessary
to discriminate against adjacent lines. If the grating operates in first order, estimate the
number of rulings that must be illuminated. If the cavity beam is 3 mm across at the
grating, estimate the number of li nes per millimeter that would be sufficient.
P1·oblcm 7.16 Zinc selenide is a material that is transparent across the mid-infrared and
thus is commonly used in applications that involve carbon dioxide lasers. It has a relatively
high index of refraction of 2.42. Find Brewster's angle for Zinc selenide, and identify this
angle in the design of Figure 7 .13(b).
While discussing the Fabry-Perot interferometer in Section 5.10, we identified the free
spectral range over which the interferometer may be tuned. For a laser cavity of optical
length L, the free spectral range is given by
b..fJsr = £ (7.18)
Attaching one end of the cavity to a length transducer such as the PZT of Figure 7.13(b)
allows L to be varied, which can vary the output frequency.
Find the free spectral range for a C02 laser with a cavity length of 1.5 m, a HeN e
laser with a 10 em-long cavity, and a red diode laser with a 1.0 em. (optical length)
cavity. Estimate the wavelength range in each case.
A\ _ \ b..fJsr· _ \2 b..fJsr·
U. /\fs r· - '' - A
f c
For carbon di oxide at 10.6 p.m,
_6 2 108 H z 5
b..AJsr = (10.6 X 10 m) .00 X lOB.!l!. = 3.75 X 10- p.m.
3 s
which again, is a very small tuning range. Similarly, we find that b..fJ 5 ,. is about
0.02 mn for the II eNe laser, and about 0.2 nm for the red diode laser.
Each laser system will have a characteristic gai11 profile that for gases depends on
the Doppler and collisionally broadened absorption profile, and in general also upon the
diffraction grating resolution, or any similar in-cavity device for controlling the output
wavelength. A longitudinal mode with a freque ncy that falls wi thin the gain profile can
provide laser output. A laser designed for single longitudinal mode operation will have
positive gain over a frequency range that is roughly as wide as the free spectral range,
as illustrated in Figure 7 . 17(a). For example, a carbon dioxide laser that uses a pressure
of about 50 Torr has a gai n profi le that is about 100MH z wide, and in this case single-
mode operation can be obtained wi th a cavity length of about 1.5 m. Designs using higher
pressures arc possible with gain profiles up to 1 G H z wide; in this case, a cavity length of
15 em would optimize the system gain while still providing single-mode operation.
A Fabry-Pcrotlaser cavity can also have tmnsverse cavity modes; these will be discussed
in Section 7.9.6.
gai•~l~ '?:'i! _
' •
Figure 7.17 (a) The gain profile as a function of laser cavity length L , varied by a length transducer
such as a PZT. The solid po11ion above the gain limit gives a positive system gain. The solid output
line falls inside the gain region. The frequenc ies that are one free spectral range to each side cannot
provide output because they do not have sufficient gain. (b) The laser output is dithered to give a
small AC component on the laser output. (c) Measuring the AC component gives a derivative signal
that can be used to feedback control the cavity length.
According to Section 5. I 0, the beam that exits a Fabry-Perot cavity has a frequency profi le
that is equal to the free spectral range divided by the finesse. For example, a HeN e laser
that uses 99% reflectors has a fi nesse in excess of 300 (see Problem 7. I7). Using the results
of Example 7.2, we estimate that the minimum laser lincwidthis about 6.7 x I0- 5 nm. In
practice, most lasers have linewidths that are much larger than this estimate due to external
influences. For example, vibrations that couple into the cavity cause length fluctuations
at acoustic frequencies that lead to laser jitter over the corresponding fraction of the free
spectral range. Temperature changes also cause cav ity length changes that lead to slower
variations over the entire free spectral range of the cavity. If the cav ity is not single-mode,
multiple modes can beat causing additional frequency modulation.
It is possible to feedback stabilize a laser cavity to improve the frequency stability. For
cavities that include PZT transducers (sec Fig me 7 .13), the PZT voltage can be dithered by
adding an AC component to the DC control voltage. The dither causes a small frequency
modulation in the output beam, which if swept across the free spectral range sweeps out the
derivative of the gain profile, as illustrated in Figure 7 .17(b) and (c). This derivative signal
(measured as the AC component in the laser output) can be used as a discriminator for
negative feedback control. When the output is at the peak of the gain profile, the derivative
is zero and the laser power is maximum. If the frequency drifts away from the peak, the
derivative signal can be amplified and applied to the PZT in the proper polarity to drive the
laser frequency back to gain center.
Problem 7.17 Fi nd the coefficient of finesse and the finesse of a laser cavity designed to
operate at 530 nm that is terminated on each end with mirrors of reflectivity equal to 99%.
Use thi s to estimate the minimum line width in both frequency and wavelength if the cavity
length is 10 em. Find the free spectral range of this laser.
Problem 7.18 Find the cavity finesse that gives a minimum frequency spread of 100kHz
in the output for a 25 em-long HeN e laser cavity designed to operate at 633 nm. What is
the free spectral range of this cavity?
Laser beams emi tted from well-designed and well-adjusted Fabry-Perot cavities have beam
profiles that are Gaussian in shape. Intuitively, we can understand why as fo ll ows. The
curved mirrors in a stable cavity continually re-image the beam as it passes back and forth.
On each traversal, the beam passes th rough or at least towards a Fraunhofer plane that
co ntains a far-field diffraction pattern. At this point, any structure in the beam tends to
evolve towards outer diffraction orders that are less paraxial and thu s tend to be removed
from the cavity. In a well-designed cavity which may include an aperture to remove
unwanted diffraction orders (as di scussed presentl y, see Figure 7.30), only the central
diffraction order survives. If the cavity has cylindrical sy mmetry, the central diffraction
order is very close to Gaussian in profile. The steady-state beam that emerges from an ideal
Fabry-Perot cavity is very close to Gaussian.
Since most lasers emit Gaussian beams, it is important to know how to work with them.
As we will see, the propagation of a Gaussian beam through a series of lenses and mirrors
is not always accurately described by the methods of geometric optics. In particular, focal
points may not be well-located by the thin-lens equation, and the focal spot has a finite
size that geometric optics cannot determine. Gaussian beam propagation is affected by
d(ffraction, which by definition is not included in geometrical optics.
We begi n with a short overview of some of the more important features of Gaussian beam
propagation. Derivations wi ll follow in the next section.
' '
(bl ({(([(liUIHIIJ])J]jj')
\ /
___ _.....
(c) (d)
-wo wo
Figure 7.18 (a) A lens focuses a Gaussian beam. (b) Close-up of the waist region. The spot size is
a few wavelengths across. The solid curves indicate the wavefront curvature at arbitrary points along
the beam path; they are not spaced by the beam wavelength. (c) A Gaussian profile. (d) The beam
divergence approaches the far field limit for distances greater than the Rayleigh range.
It important not to confuse this symbol with that used for angular frequency; the notation
can be confusing but it is standard. The points T = ±w(z) locate the i-points of the
amplitude profile. The di stance z n is called the Rayleigh range:
z n= - - (7 .21)
where the quantity w 0 represents the minimum value of Equation 7 .20, and thus is called
the beam waist. The value of w at a point of focus is given by w 0 , as indicated in Figures
7.18(a) and (b).
It is useful to think of w(z ) as the spread of the Gaussian profile. The Rayleigh range
determines the rate of change of this spread as the beam passes through a focus.
The irradiance profile is given by the square of the amplitude:
wo - 2,.2
I (r, z) = Io ( - - ) e w <•> (7.22)
w (z)
The points r = ±w(z) locate the ( ~) -points of the irradiance profile, and enclose about
90% of the beam power. Intuitively, the spot that results from illuminating a white card
with a laser beam has a diameter of about 2w(z).
As the Gaussian beam propagates, the radius of curvature of the beam wavefront varies
according to
R(z ) = z + _!l (7.23)
The wavefronts are plane at the beam waist (z = 0). In the far field where z > > zn,
the wavefront curvature increases in proportion to z. The minimum wavefront curvature
occurs at z = ZR where it has the valueR= 2zR (see Problem7.19).
When z > > ZR, thefarfield beam divergence approaches the angle
as illustrated in Figure 7.18. Within the Rayleigh range (lzl < zn), the beam remains
more or less collimated. According to Equation 7.20, w (zR) = /2wo. When irradiance is
observed, the spot sizes = 2w(z) is twice the diameter measured at the beam waist. Note
that beams with a small waist diverge more quickly, as illustrated in Figure 7 .19.
Figure 7.19 The far field divergence of a Gaussian beam is inversely proportional to the beam
wai st.
Find the Rayleigh range, the far field divergence angle, and the spot size at the moon
for a helium-neon laser beam (633 nm) with initial waist sizes of 0.5 mm and 0. 5 m .
Repeat for a carbon dioxide laser with wavelength 10.0 Jlm. Use an Earth-Moon
distance of 4.00 x 10 5 km.
For the helium-neon laser with a 1.00 mm minimum spot size, the Rayleigh range is
nw5 1T (5.00 X 10- 4 m)
ZR = -A- = 633 x 1Q-9m
= 1.247n
When this laser beam is expanded to an initial spot size of one meter, the Raleigh
range is 106 times larger, and the far field divergence angle and Moon-spot size are
1000 times smaller:
nw6 7f (5.00 X 10- 1m) 6
ZR =~= 633 X 10-9m = 1.24 X 10 m
Problem 7.19 Show that the minimum wavefront curvature in a Gaussian beam occurs
at z = ZR , where it has the valueR = 2zn.
Problem 7.20 Repeat Example 7.3 for an X-ray laser of wavelength 14.7 n m .
Problem 7.21 A communications satellite operating at x -band (8.40 G H z) communi-
cates with a base station on Earth using a 2.0-meter wide reflective dish. Assuming that
the satellite emits a Gaussian beam with a 1.00 m beam waist at the dish, find the Rayleigh
range and the minimum spot size on Earth. The altitude of a geosynchronous orbit is
22, 000/.:m.
In this section, we use the wave equation to determine the important properties of Gaussian
beams. We begin by considering the special case of a paraxial spherical beam.
(x , y)
A spherical wave travels outward from a source point, or converges inward towards a
focus, as shown in Figure 7 .20. In Section l.7.2, we verified that such waves are described
,. ~ z [1 + ~ ( x2 ~ y2 ) ]
x2 +y2
=z+ -,........:::-
Thus, the paraxial spherical beam is approximated by
2 2
iJI(x,y,z,t) = A +'' ±iwt
eik z eik· x •• c (7.28)
Jx2 +y2 +z2
with v = 'if· For a traveling wave, the space and time dependence may be separated as
(7 .30)
where, as discussed in Section 1.7, the notation 17 above represents the coordinates in any
three-dimensional coordinate system. Substituting Equation 7.30 into Equation 7.29 gives,
after cancellation ,
(7 .3 1)
The wave equation expressed in this way is called the Hel111holtz equation (see Problem
For a beam that propagates along z as in Figure 7 .20, the spatial function 'LL (i") may be
expressed in Cartesian coordinates by
We wish to substitute Equation 7.32 into the Helmholtz equation. Begin with the following
fJu fJ¢ .k
- = -e' z + ikn
f)z f) z
8 2u _ 8 2·1/J ikz
.k fJu _ 8 '1/J ib .,. 8 ¢ ikz _ 1.2 .
f)z2 - f)z2 c + 1. f)z - f)z2 e + 2 z, f)z e "· u
fJ2u fJ2'1j; ikz
- = - -e
fJx2 fJx2
fJ2u fJ2'1j; ikz
- - = - - c
f)y2 fJy2
The longitudinal variation of 4; along z should be small in comparison with the transverse
variation along x andy, so we may neglect any contribution due to the ~:~ term in Equation
7.33. Cancellation gives
Thus, paraxial beams represented by Equations 7.30 and 7.32 must have amplitude functions
'V' (x , y, z) that satisfy Equation 7.34.
To investigate solutions of Equation 7.34, we begin with a trial solution of the form:
In this equation, P(z) is the co111ple.r phase shift, and q(z) is the co111plex bea111 cuJWifure.
In preparation for substitution into Equation 7.34, we evaluate the following derivatives:
(7 .36)
For this to vanish at all points, the coefficients of the constan t and quadratic terms must
vanish separately, giving
2ik [)P
--21..: - =0
q [)z
[)P i
(7 .37)
[)z q
- = 1 (7.38)
To su mmari ze our progress so far, we have shown that the trial solution of Equation 7.35
represents a valid paraxial beam provided that the complex phase shift P(z) and complex
beam curvature q(z) sati sfy the relations above.
The properties of spherical Gaussian beams, introduced in Section 7.7, can be determined
from the trial sol ution of Equation 7.35. According to Equation 7.38,
q = CJo + z (7.39)
1 1 . A
- = - - +1-- - -2 (7 .40)
q R(z) nw(z)
where R(z) and w(z) are parameters that will be interpreted presently. Substitution of
Equation 7.40 into the trial solution g ives
(7 .4 1)
qo - TIW~
where we refer to w 0 as the beam waist. Inverting this gives
qo = - ·t - - (7.42)
We measure the complex curvature q relative to the beam waist:
q = qo + z = z- 1T (7.43)
q R 7TW
Z-'1. ..\
z + i¥
z2 + ( ;r~~ r
Equating real parts gives
(7 .44)
zn =--
w = wo 1+ (~) 2 (7 .47)
(7 .48)
The parameters just derived are discussed in more detail in Section 7.7.1 and are illus-
trated in Figure 7.18 . The beam divergence approaches the far field value that is given
() = _2__ (7.49)
The complex phase shift determined by Equation 7.37 affects the amplitude of the
Gaussian beam, and results in additional phase shift relative to that of a plane wave. For
more details, see Siegman [ 19] and Problem 7 .24.
[1 + (~ )2]
Problem 7.24 Show that Equation7.37 is satisfied when
P(z) = . [ ·(,\z)]
-dn 1 + 1. nw
q = z- ·i zR (7.50)
The thin-lens equation found in Section 4 .3 (Equation 4.15) is written in terms of image
and object distances Si and 8 0 . Since a point source object on the optical axis is imaged to
another point at s; also on the optical axis, we may re-express Equation 4.15 in terms of
wavefront curvatures. Assuming propagation from left to right, the usual sign conventions
for wavefront radii assign positive values for radii of diverging waves (R 1 in Figure 7.21 (a))
and negative values for wavefronts converging to a point (R2 in Figure 7.21 (a)). Thus, the
thin-lens equation becomes
1 1 1
R1 R2 f
or, equivalently,
1 1 1
-- - (7.51)
R2 R1 f
If truncation of the wings in the output beam can be neglected, the input and output beams
have identical values of w(z) at the lens. Adding a factor of i :=S
to both sides of Equation
7.51 gives
(7 .52)
\ I
f f
Figure 7.21 (a) A converg ing lens transforms the c urvature of a spherical wavefront accord ing to
geometrical optics. (b) An incoming Gaussian beam with waist located at s 1 is transformed by a thin
converging lens into a nother Gaussian beam with waist located at 8 2 . The sign conventions for s 1
and 82 are identical to those for image and obj ect distances in geometrical optics .
Find the output waist when the input waist is located one focal length behind a thin
converging lens.
(J-izm)f -i(j2-ifzm)
q2 = 0 =
~ZR ZR l
= -f -1.-.F
ZR t
= z 2 - izn2
Z2 = - j
Thus, an input beam with waist one focal length in front of the lens is focused to a
waist one focal length behind the lens, independent of the incident Rayleigh range!
This result may seem surprising given the corresponding case in geometrical optics
where a point source one focal length behind a converging lens is transmitted as a
collimated output beam. Equating the imaginary parts of the result above gives
or, equivalently
WotW02 = -
v (7.53)
Thus, a very small beam waist located f behind the lens gives an output beam with
a much larger beam radius and correspondingly larger Rayleigh range.
To solve the more general case where the input waist is located at an arbitrary distance
z 1 behind the lens, begin with
1 1 f - zt + izm
z1- izm f f(zt -i zm)
f (z1- ·i zm)
q2 =
- (zt - J)+izm
f (zt - i zm) [- (z1- f) - i zm] (7.55)
(zt - !) + z'f:u
= z2 - ·i z n2
where z2 < 0 for a converging lens, since in this case the waist is formed behind the lens.
Equating real and imaginary parts gives
It is instructive to cast the result ofEquation7.56 into a form that is similar to the thin-lens
equation of geometrical optics. To do so, we let define s 1 = z 1 but s 2 = -z2 since, in
geometric optics, the image distance is positive if the image is to the right of the lens as in
Figure7.54(b). Thus, by Equation 7.56,
or, equivalently,
1 1 1
---z,,...- +- = -
~ (7.58)
sl + ....:ll.L
S! - /
This result agrees with the thin-lens formula of geometric optics only as the input Rayleigh
range approaches zero, as illustrated in Figure 7 .22(a).
!l. -2 2
-2 I I
- 2
(a) (b)
Figure 7.22 (a) Normali zed output waist location and (b) magnification vs. input waist distance
7 when the normalized input Rayleigh range is =.rr
= 0.1 , 0.25 , 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0.
We define the waist magnification as the ratio of the output to input waist value, which
according to Equation 7.57 is (see Problem 7.27)
Figure 7.22 illustrates the waist magnification vs. normalized input waist location for
a variety of input Rayleigh ranges. As thi s figure suggests, the waist magnification has
a maximum when s 1 = f, which also gives the maximum output Raylei gh range (see
Problem 7 .29).
Transmission of Gaussian beams through arbitrary optical systems can often be described
more easily using the ray transfer matrices developed in Section 4.1 I. Tn thi s approach,
paraxial spherical rays are parameteri zed by column vectors, and optical elements within
the optical train are represented by 2 x 2 matrices. Thus, for an arbitrary optical system
where the ray (x1, 81) is the input ray, (x2 , 82) is the output ray, x 1 and x 2 are the transverse
di stances of the intersection of each ray with a reference plane, and 81 and 02 are the ray
slopes relative to the optical axis. The matrix represents the combined optical system
through which the input ray traverses, and is the result of matrix multiplication of the
individual component matrices as described in Section 4.11. According to Equation 7 .60
X2 = Ax1 + B01
(7 .61)
82 = C'x1 + D01
Substituting 81 = xJ/ R 1 and 82 = x2/ R 2 into Equation 7.60 gives (Problem 7.33)
R _ AR1 +B (7.62)
- C' R1 + D
By the same argument used for Equation 7.52, we may generalize this result to spherical
Gaussian beams by using the complex radius of curvature:
Aq1 +B
q2 - (7.63)
- C'qt + D
where q1 = z 1 + i zm is the complex radius of curvature of the input Gaussian beam, and
qz = z 2 + i. Z R2 is the complex radius of curvature of the output Gaussian beam. The result
is sometimes referred to as the "ABCD Law".
Problem 7.25 A Gaussian beam with a l.OO mm waist is located 10.0 em away from a
thin converging lens of focal length 10.0 em. If the wavelength is 633 nm, find the size
and location of the output waist. Repeat for a wavelength of 10.6 pm.
Problem 7.26 A Gaussian beam with a 1.00 mm waist is located 20.0 em away from a
thin converging lens of focal length 10.0 em . If the wavelength is 633 nm, find the size
and location of the output waist. Repeat for a wavelength of 10.6 vm..
Problem 7.27 Show that the waist magnification is given by Equation 7.59.
Problem 7.28 Show that Equations 7.58 and 7.59 can be expressed in normalized form
as follows:
S2 il.
f - 1
-= 1 + 2 2
J (7-1) +(~)
Problem 7.29 (a) Show that ZR2 :::: m.2 ZRI. (b) Show that the magnification is maximum
when s 1 = f, and that this condition gives the maximum output Rayleigh range.
Problem 7.30 Show that the maximum of the normalized output waist location is given
8 +~ (L)
( J2) max
= 1
~ = 1 + Z RJ
f J
Similarly, show that the minimum is given by
(8f2) min
= 1- ~(
~ = 1 - Z RJ
Problem 7.31 Usi ng the results of Problem 7.29, show that a thin converging lens wi ll
always form an output waist at a positive value of s 2 .
Problem 7.32 Show that Equation 7.59 reduces to Equation 7.53 when the input waist
is displaced from the front focal plane of a thin lens by an amount that is small in relation
to the Rayleigh range.
Problem 7.33 Derive Equation 7.62.
A Fabry-Perot laser cavity is usually designed so that the steady-state radiation field within
the cavity and in the output have Gaussian profiles. Usi ng the results of Gaussian beam
propagation just developed, we are now in a position to determine the effects of cavity
design on the output beam characteristics.
R (a) R
f f f J
)( )(
Figure 7.23 (a) A laser cavity fanned by two concave reflecting surfaces o f equal radius o f
curvature R. The mirrors arc separated by distance d. (b) Equivalent sequence of lenses spaced by
d. Complex beam parameters q1 and q2 arc located just to the rig ht of adjacent lenses.
Figure 7.23(a) shows a laser cavity formed by two converging spherical reflectors of
equal radius of curvature R, separated by distance d. In order to form a stable cavity mode,
the radiation field must reproduce itself exactly afte r each cycle throug h the cavi ty. Figure
7.23(b) shows a linear array of lenses that is equi valent to the cavity in (a) in that a mode
that cycles back and forth with stability in (a) will propagate stably in a single direction
through (b). To investi gate the properties of Gaussian beam modes of such a cavity, we
let CJ1 and q2 be the complex beam curvatures just to the right of adjacent lenses o f Figure
7.23(b). Accordi ng to Equation 7.38, translating q 1 to the posi tion of q2 gives q 1 ----) q1 + d,
so by Equation 7.52
1 1 1
- -- - (7.64)
(/2 CJt + d f
ln o rder to represent a stable cavity mode, q1 = q2 = q, giving
1 1
- - -- (7.65)
q q+d f
This gives the quadratic equation
q + qd + f = 0
or equivalentl y
1 1 1
- + - + - = 0 (7.66)
(p fq fd
-1 - - - 1~4
1 ±- -- -
q - 2f 2 j2 fd
or equivalently,
1 1 /1 1
q = - 2f ± i\ fd - 4j2 (7.67)
This last form facilitates the identification of the beam radius and wavefront curvature by
Equation 7 .40. Noting that the wavefront curvature of a converging Gaussian beam is
negative, we find by inspection that
J= R (7.68)
This result is significant in that it expressed the relation between focal length and curvature
of a spherical reflecting surface, but utilizing the wavefront of the Gaussian beam located
at the reflecting surface. Thus, a stable cavity mode has wavefront curvature equal to tire
mirror cun•ature at each end of the resonant cavity. Similarly, by tak ing the positive root
of Equation 7.67 we identify
7rW 2 = vI 1
fd - 4j2
This last expression must be real, which determines the possible values of R and d that
s upport s table cavity modes. Using the result of Problem 7.23
where, by symmetry, z= g. Thus, the beam waist at the center of the cavity is given by
Find waist, output beam radius, and Rayleigh range for a laser cavity that uses 10m
radius of curvature mirrors separated by 1.5 m. Assume a wavelength of 10.6 tmL
w02 = v
-,\ d (2R.- d)
10.6 X 10- Gm. V 6 2
(1.5) (20 - 1. 5) = 8.99 X 10- m
g iving
wo = 2.98mm
Use Equation 7.70 (or equivalently, Equation 7.69) to find the output beam radius:
w- - - - -
10.6 x w-6 m.Jw (125 )
= 3. 10m:m
- 1fWo - 1f {2.98 X 1Q- 3m)
The output Rayleigh range is given by
d -
Figut·e 7.24 A laser cavity formed by two reflecting surfaces with radii of curvature Rt and R 2.
The minors are separated by distance d. The beam waist is located at z = 0. According to the usual
sign convention, Zt < 0, as are the wavefront radii of the converging wavefronts.
To find the Gaussian beam parame ters for a cavity that uses mirrors with different radii
of curvature, we begin with the requirement that the beam wavefronts coincide with the
mirror curvatures at each end of the cavity. Figure 7.24 illustrates such a cavity formed by
two converging spherical mirrors, where the left mirror has radius R 1 and the right mirror
has radius R 2 . According to Equation 7.46,
R2 = Z2 + _!l (7.72)
where the distance z2 is measured relative to an origin that is located at the beam waist,
as illustrated. Since the wavefront at R2 is diverging, the radius of the Gaussian beam at
this location is positive. However, the Gaussian beam radius at R 1 is converging, so it is
negative. If we let the parameter R 1 represent the cu rvature of the mirror th at, because it
is concave must be positive, Equation 7.46 gives in this case
ZR = jd(R- d) (7.77)
Find the waist size and location, beam radius at each end, and output Rayleigh range
for a laser cavity that uses mirrors with radii R 1 = 20m and R2 = 10 m. Assume a
wavelength of 10.6 Jlm and a mirror separation of 1.5 m.
zn = T
= Jz2 (R2- z2) = J(1.03) (10 - 1.03) = 3.04m
with a beam waist equal to
The waist is 1.5- 1.03 = 0.47m from mirror R 1 . Equation 7.70 gives
_,__ __
m) j 10 (0.47 m) = 2.28 m m
10-6____!,~ _ __:_,_ _...:..
1r (3.20 x 10-3m)
91 = 1 - -
92 = 1 - -
Using these parameters, were-express Equation 7.75 as
9192 (1 - 9192)
ZR =d (7.80)
(91 + 92 - 29192f
w2 = w (z2 ) =
1M [92 (1 -91 9192) ] !
V--:;- (7.82)
W1 = W (zr) = \{iii
!g; W2 (7 .83)
Equations 7.80 and 7.81 give real values for the Rayleigh range and beam waist only if
Laser cavities with 9-values that satisfy Equati on 7.84 are said to have stable resonators.
The condition of Equation 7.84 can be visualized with a stability diagram, as illustrated
in Figure 7.25. Regions of stability are bounded by hyperbolas defined by 92 = ±1...,
as shaded in the diagram. Lasers built with stable resonator cavities are more immune to
misalignments and optical imperfections .
Find the g-values for the cavity of Example 7.6 and verify that it is stable. Use these
to verify the beam parameters using Equations 7.79- 7.8 1.
............................. ...... /
- 1
1 .91
.................................... - 1
Figure 7.25 Stability diagram, with regions of stability shaded. Representative mirror arrangements
in various stability regions are indicated. The special case of plane parallel min·ors (pp) lies on the
boundary of stability and thus requires perfect mi rror alignment.
d 1.5
01 = 1 - - = 1 - - = 0.925
·' R1 20
d 1.5
.92 = 1 - - = 1 - - = 0.85
R2 10
with .9t92 = 0. 786. Thus, according to Equation 7 .84, the cavity is stable. Using the
above g-values with Equations 7.79- 7.8 1 gives
as before.
The half-symmetric resonator of Figure 7.26 is a very common design. Systems that
utilize blazed diffraction gratings are usually built this way, since gratings ruled on curved
surfaces are much more expensive than those ruled on plane substrates.
• EXA:MPLE 7.8
Find the beam parameters for the half-symmetric resonator. Locate such designs on
the stability diagram.
WJ =Wo
I 1
~ Yl
(a) (b)
l [ Y t (1 - 92) ] l [ (1 - g2) ] d
z 2 = (. g ) + 92 - 29192 = (i , 1 + Y2 - 292 = '
In other words, the waist is located at 11'h , since this is where the c urvatures match.
Continuing, we find
ZJl = d
l 1
= Wo = {):d [ 92 (1 - ] = {):d [
v--:; (1 - .92) v--:; 92
(1 - 92)
] ;;-
w2 = V¥ [92 ~ 92)r (1
Stable designs lie along the line 9 1 = 1 within the shaded region of F igure 7.26. As
92 -> 1, the design approaches the plane parallel case.
It is usually the case that one or more of the mirrors is partially transmitting to function
as an output coupler. Typically, thi s is achi eved using dielectric coatings on substrates
with the appropriate curvature. Of course, the substrate and coating materia ls must be
transparent at the laser frequency. If the o utput coupl er has curved surfaces, it provides
refrac tion, which can affect the beam parameters of the laser output.
Usc the design of Example 7.8 with R 2 = 5.00 m, d = 1.5 m , and ,\ = 10.6 Ji m .
Assume an output coupler made of zinc-selenidc, with index of refract ion 2.42 at the
operating wavelength. Ass ume that the output coupler has one flat side that faces
away from the cavity.
The zinc-selenide substrate acts like a diverging lens. Using the thin- lens formula of
Equation 4.25, we find
92= 1- - - = 0.7
1 1 1 1
- -.,.- = (- 0.284) - -----~- = - 0.677
f St + 8:~·1 1.50 m + ~.S;,~!~~~~ 111
or, s2 = -1 .48m, about 2cm in front of mirror 1H 1 . To find the output waist
corrected for the effect of the diverging output coupler, use Equation 7.59 :
Ignoring the minus sign, this gives corrected output waist ofwo = (0.638) (2. 78 m.m) =
1.77 m.m and a corrected Rayleigh range of only zu = ~ = 0.932 m. Thus, the
diverging effect of the output coupler was substantial in this case.
gain medium
(a) (b)
Figmc 7.29 Transverse laser modes. (a) Cat1csian symmetry. Each profile is generated by
multiplication of the line profi les shown, each a function of an independent Cartesian coord inate.
(b) Circular symmetry. Each profile is generated by rotating the line profile shown abo ut the ax is of
sy mmetry.
Figure 7.30 A mode scraper placed at the calculated beam waist of the fundamental cavity mode
prevents higher order transverse modes from lasing.
Problem 7.34 Find the output beam radius and Rayleigh range for a laser cavity designed
for helium-neon at 633n m that uses two 2.00 m. radius of curvature mirrors separated by
25.0 em . You may ignore refraction at the output coupler.
Problem 7.35 Derive Equation 7.77 for the output Rayleigh range for a cavity with a flat
mirror on one end.
Problem 7.36 Find the output beam radius and Rayleigh range for a laser cavity designed
for helium-neon at 633 nm that uses a 2.00 m. radius of curvature mirror for R. 1 and a flat
mirror at the output. Use a separation of 25.0 em, and do not ignore refraction within the
output coupler.
Problem 7.37 Derive Equation 7.75
Problem 7.38 Verify Equations 7.79-7.82.
Problem 7.39 Find the stability parameters g1 and 92 for a laser cavity designed for
helium-neon at 633 mn that uses two 2.00 m radius of curvature mirrors separated by
25.0 em. Locate this design on the stability diagram, and state whether or not the design is
Problem 7.40 A certain laser cavity has stability parameters given by 9 1 = 0.900 and
92 = 0.800. Determine the beam waist size and location, and the Rayleigh range of the
output beam for this design. Assume an operating wavelength of 633 nm.
Problem 7.41 Find g1 , g2, and 91.q2 for the confocal unstable resonator of Figure 7.28 if
M1 has a focal length of +3 .00 m, M2 has a focal length of - 1.00 m, and the cavity length
is 2.00 m. Locate this design on the stability di agram of Figure 7.25.
Problem 7.42 In a symmetric resonator, R 1 = R2 = R. Show that in thi s case,
g1= 92 = g, and that
W J = W2 = r>:d [-1 -
v--;; g2
Where do such systems lie within the stability diagram of Figure 7.25?
Problem 7.43 In a symmetric confocal resonator, R 1 = R.2 = d. Find the beam
parameters, and locate this design on the stability diagram. This is in fact a very stable
Problem 7.44 Find the cavity waist size and location, beam radius at each end of the
cavity, and output waist size, location, and Rayleigh range for a H eN e laser cavity designed
for 633 nm that uses mi rrors with R.1 = R.2 = 3.00 m separated by 25 em. Assume that
the output coupler has an index of refraction of 1.55 and has one flat side that faces away
from the cavity.
Problem 7.45 A 10.6ft11l 1.5m-long half-symmetric resonator uses a 10.0 m radius of
curvature output coupler made of ZnSe wi th index of refraction 2.42 and one fl at side that
faces away from the cavity. Locate the design on the stability diagram, and find the size
and location of the output beam waist, the beam radius as it exits the output coupler, and
the output Rayleigh range.
Additional Problems
Problem 7.46 Derive all details of the Bohr model of the hydrogen-like atoms with nu-
clear charge Z. Begin with a careful articulation of all assumptions, and include expressions
for the quantized orbits.
Problem 7.47 Find the first six wavelengths of the Lyman series of hydrogen that have
the n = 1 state as the final state.
Problem 7.48 Diatomic molecules composed of different atoms of mass ·m.1 and m2
oscillate about the center of mass with a natural frequency given by
fo - -1 ~·-
- 27r \ II·
where k is the spring constant, and J.L is the reduced mass:
JL =
Calculate the effective spring constant for theN 0 molecule if the vibrational frequency is
5.63 x 10 13 H z .
Problem 7.49 Find the average thermal energy in electron-volts of gas molecules in
thermal equilibrium at 1000 K.
Problem 7.50 A beam expander consists of two lenses of focal lengths h and h
separated by a positive distanced, with d = fi + f2. If the input waist is located a distance
j. to the left of the first lens, show that the output waist is expanded by an amount equal
to the ratio of the focal lengths and is located a distance h to the right of the second lens.
Assume that both lenses are converging, and that h > h . Comment on the appropriate
lens diameters for f 1 and f2.
Problem 7.51 A Gaussian beam with a 0.14 mm. waist located 20.0 em away from a thin
converging lens of focal length 10.0 em.. If the wavelength is 633 nm, find the size and
location of the output waist, and the far field beam divergence of the output beam.
Problem 7.52 According to the matrix formulation of geometric optics (Section 4.1 1),
the ray transfer matrix for a thin lens is given by
Usc this matrix to verify the results of Example 7.4 using the mat rix method outlined in
Section 7 .8.4.
Problem 7.53 In a symmetric near-planar resonator, R 1 = R2 = R with R >> L.
Show that in this case,
Wo ~w1 ~ w2 = f} [~f
Thus, in this design, the resonator lengt h is a very small fraction of the Rayleigh range.
Locate such designs on the stability diagram. Comment on the challenges of mirror
alignment and mirror fabrication.
"For the limits to which o ur thoughts are confi ned , are small in respect of the vast extent of Nature
itself; some parts of it arc too large to be comprehended and some too lillie to be perceived. And
from thence it mus t follow, that not having a full sensation of the Object, we mus t be very lame
and imperfect in our conceptions about it, and in all the propositions which we build upon it; hence
we often take the shadow of things for the substance, small appearances for good similitudes,
similitudes for definitions ; and even many of those which we thi nk to be the most solid defin itions,
are rather expressio ns of o ur own misguided apprehensio ns than of the tnte nature of the things
- Robert Hooke, in Micrographica, 1665
8.1 Introduction 400
8.2 Abbe The01·y of Image Formation 400
8.3 The Point Spread Function 407
8.4 Resolving Power of Optical Instruments 413
8.5 Image Recording 415
8.6 Contrast l\·ansfer Function 420
8.7 Spatial Filtering 421
8.8 Adaptive Optics 425
In this chapter, we integrate our previous discussions of geometrical optics and diffraction
to describe the process of image formation in more detail. We begin with the Abbe
theory of coherent image formation in a microscope, idealized as two stages of Fraunhofer
diffraction. The image process is extended to include cameras and telescopes via definition
of the point spread function. Resolving power is defined and discussed, and applied
to the recording of images on both analog and digital media. A discussion of spatial
filters provides an introduction to techniques of image processing. The chapter concludes
with an introduction to adaptive optics techniques for removing image artifacts caused by
atmospheric fluctuations.
In the mid 1800s, Carl Zeiss founded a microscope business, and in 1866, hired Ernst Abbe 1
to study the process of image formation in order to improve the trial and error approaches
of the day with firm scientific principles. Through this effort, Abbe developed a theory of
coherent image formation thai ultimately led to the modern field of coherent optical signal
Abbe realized that the formation of a microscope image involves a double diffraction
process. Figure 8.1 illustrates the formation of an image of a slit aperture by a single
obj ective lens. Light passing through the slit diffracts as Huygens wavelets to form a
Fraunhofer diffraction pattern at the back focal plane of the objective, as discussed in Section
6.3. Conceptually, we may resolve the light diffracted from the slit into components each
with an angular direction that illuminates specific diffraction orders in a distant Fraunhofer
diffraction pattern. Since the Fraunhofer diffraction pattern is infinitely far away, these
angular components must be plane parallel, as illustrated. The objective lens focuses these
plane wave components to form the Fraunhofer diffraction pattern at the back focal plane
of the lens, which we refen ed to in Chapter 6 as the Fraunlwfer plane. The evolution of
waves that travel from the object to the Fraunhofer plane is the first diffraction process
in the formation of the image. As discussed in Section 6.3.9, this evolution is described
mathematically by the Fraunhofer eli ffract ion integral of Equation 6. 11:
where C is a constant, Y measures a point on the object (aperture) g(Y) is the aperture
f unction, k is the wavenumber of the monochromatic illumination, and 0 locates the
observation point p on the Fraunhofer plane. For the single slit of Figure 8. 1, g(Y) is unity
within the aperture, and zero outside of the apertu re opening. The Fraunhofer diffraction
pattern for the single slit was found in Section 6.3.1:
Ep = Eo ( si~,B ) (8.2)
where Eo is the electric field at e = 0 and ,B = ~kb sin 0 with slit width b.
1Emst Abbe: 1840-1905. German physicist, entrepreneur, and social reformer.
Figure 8.1 Abbe image formation as a two-stage diffraction process. (a) Light diffracting from
a single-slit object is partially collected by an objective lens to fom1 a truncated diffraction pattem
at the Fraunhofer plane. Diffraction orders passed by the objective recombine at the image plane to
form I he image. (b) The ape11ure function g(Y), the filter function f(f3) , and the final image. In the
case illustrated, only the first and zero diffraction orders are passed by the lens.
Because the objective lens has a finite size, Equation 8.2 does not represent the exact field
di stribution at the Fraunhofer plane. Diffraction structure at angles that exceed the input
cone of the objective le ns is not focused; this gives a diffraction pattern that is modified
according to the spatial filterfimction f({3). When the object is a single slit, thi s modified
diffrac tion pattern is given by
f( f3 ) = {r f3 :::; f3max
{3 > f3max
where f3max is determined by the maximum angle accepted by the objective lens.
T he second diffraction process begins at the Fraunhofer plane. Each point on the
Fraunhofer diffraction pattern represents a point of focus that re-expands as a source
of Huygens wavelets, overlapping at the image plane, as illustrated in Figure 8. 1. The
angular di stribution of propagation directions at the Fraunhofe r plane is precisely that
which achieves optimal overlap at the image plane, as the ray diagrams of Figure 8.l(a)
illustrate. The second diffraction process includes the spatial filter function:
where I is the image irradiance, y measures a point on the Fraunhofer plane, and ¢ locates
a point on the image.
Equation 8.3 represents coherent imaging, where all Huygens wavelets combine coher-
ently, with both amplitude and phase intact. Mathematically, the image is coherent because
the integral is evaluated prior to evaluating the modulus-square. In incoherent imaging,
Huygens wavelets do not combine with complete coherence at the image plane.
Il l (c)
Figure 8.2 Images formed by diffe rent s patial fi lter functions for the case of a single-slit object.
In each set, the top image is that of the filtered ditTractedfie/d in the rraunhofer plane, followed by
a pattern plot of the con·c sponding irradiancc. Next, there is an irradiancc plot of the corresponding
image, along with a pattern plot. (a) Only lhe central diffraction order is passed, giving an image
with no edge detail. (b) The zeroth and first orders arc passed , giving an image that begins to show
edge detail. Passing more diffraction o rders increases the edge detail, as shown in (c) through 3rd
order and (d) through order 8. (c) The central order is blocked, and nonzero orders through 8 are
passed , giving an image that consists only of edge detail.
Figure 8.2 shows the result of Equation 8.3 for several examples of spatial filter fun cti on
f({J) when the object is a single slit. Each figure grouping shows a profile and fringe pattern
in the Fraunhofer plane along with the corresponding image profile and pattern in the image
plane. In Figure 8.2(a), only the central diffraction order is passed by the objective. In
this case, f({J) is very nearly Gaussian. Each diffraction process can be approximated as a
Fourier transform, and as we found in Example 5.6, the Fourier tran sform of a Gaussian is
another Gaussian with inverse spread. Thus, the image also has a smooth profile that lacks
any edge detail. In Figure 8.2(b), the first order diffraction orders are included by f( {J),
and the image begins to reveal some edge structure. Figure 8.2(c) includes the second
order diffraction orders, and in Figure 8.2(d), eight orders of diffraction arc passed by
the objective lens, producing an image profile and pallern that closely approximates the
sharp edges of the aperture function g(Y). In Figure 8.2(e), the central diffraction order
is blocked, giving an image profile that consists only of the edge detail. Clearly, the edge
detail is contained in the nonzero diffraction orders.
In his original analysis, Abbe represented specimen detail with diffraction gratings of
varying periodicity. Figure 8.3 illustrates images formed of an object that consists of fi ve
parallel slits with slit separation d equal to twice the slit width b (Figure 8.3(a)). The
diffraction pallcrn formed by sucli an aperture was found in Equation 6.35:
E =Eo - {] -
[ sinN[
- -] (8.4)
P {J N sin[
where {J = ~ kb sin B, 1 = ~kcl sin B, and N is the number of slits, in this case equal to 5.
This pattern consists of principal maxima determined by the slit separation d, modulated
by a sin({J)/{J) envelope that is determined by the slit width b. In the grating illustrated
d = 2b, so all even nonzero orders are missing as discussed in Section 6.3 .7. Figure
8.3(b) illustrates the image formed when the spatial filter function passes only the central
envelope order; in this case, the image shows the grating periodicity, but there is no edge
detail on any of the slit images (compare Figure 8.3(a) with Figure 8.2(a)). Notice that the
spatial filter function of Figure 8.3(b) passes both zeroth- and first-order principal maxima.
If only the central principle maximum were passed, then the image would consist of a
broad, essentially Gaussian profile that represents almost constant illumination across the
entire image field. In other words, unless the first -order principal max ima are passed by
the objective lens, the grating periodicity is not resolved. As Figures 8.3(c)-(e) illustrate,
including more diffraction orders increases the edge detail of the image.
Abbe used the spatial filter function of Figure 8.3(f) to estimate the absolute resolution
limit. In thi s case, the spatial filter function truncates the diffraction pattern at the center of
the first-order principal maxima:
where ,.\0 is the vacuum wavelength, and n is the medium that surrounds the object.
Rearrangi ng gives
nsinO L
(8 .5)
,\o d
where the quantity ~ is the spatial frequency of the periodic grating. In this expression, 0
is one-half of the acceptance angle for the objective lens. Abbe called the quantity n sin B
the nwnerical aperture of the objective lens, understanding the central role of this quantity
in determining the resolution limit of the microscope. The higher the spatial frequency, the
((I) (b)
(c) (d)
(c) (!)
Figme 8.3 (a) Abbe grating object. (b) Only the central e nvelope orders arc collected. (c)- (e)
Progressively more envelope orders are collected. (f) Abbe's resolutio n limit.
larger the angul ar dev iation for nonzero diffract ion orders away fro m the optical axis. Tn
orde r to resolve obj ect detail with hi gh spati al frequency, it is necessary to use an obj ective
lens with a large acceptance angle, and a correspondingly large numerical aperture .
Estimate the maxi mum spatial frequency that is resolvable by a n oil immersion
o bjecti ve lens (see Section 4.28 and F igure 4.29) which has an acceptance cone of
134° and uses an immersion oil with index of refraction 1.515. Assume green li ght
of wavelength 550 nm . Estimate the smallest object th at is just resolvable w ith this
1 NA = . , x 106 lincs = ,
2 51 2 540 lines
d Ao 550 x 10- 9 m m mm
The minimum resolvable object size ois half the spatial period:
o= 2cl = (
2 2540
) mm = 394 nm
In the last example, notice that the resolvable structure has a periodicity that is on the
order o f the wavelength of light used to form the image. Edge de tail would begin to appear
on objects with about one third of this spati al frequency (see Figure 8.3(c)), or three ti mes
the minimum resolvable object size.
Biological specimens are often transparent and colorless, producing only a phase shift in
the object plane with very little change in irradiance. T he image of such a specimen shows
a similar phase variation, also with almost constant irradiance. Such an image is invisible
because there is no contrast. Zernike 2 developed phase contrast microscopy as a means of
introduci ng contrast into such an image, thereby making it visible.
When discussing the scalar diffrac ti on theory of Fresnel and Kirchhoff in Section 6.2,
we noted the factor of i in Equation 6.5. T his indicates a 90° phase shift in the diffracted
field relative to the speci men illumination. If there are no further relative phase shifts in
the diffracted or undi ffracted waves, these two sets of waves cannot interfere at the image
plane. This can be seen most clearly by noting that when complex numbers are added, the
imaginary and real parts combine independently, or a lternatively, that waves with a 90°
relative phase shift add as scalars without interference. Zernike reali zed the need fo r a
phase shift in either the illumination or diffracted fields to allow these fields to interfere,
producing contrast that reveals the structure of the transp arent specimen. A microscope
engineered to provide such a phase shi ft is referred to as a phase contrast microscope.
A typical desig n is illustrated in Figure 8.4. The speci men illumination is applied via
an illumination annulus. A focusing lens concentrates thi s illumination into a hollow cone
with focus at the position of the specimen. Undiffrac tcd light exp ands into another ho llow
cone, and the light d iffracted from the specimen expands toward the Frau nhofer field. Both
beams are collected by the second lens of Figure 8.4, and since they are for the most
2 Fritz Zern ike: 1888-1 966. Dutch physicist who received the Nobel Prize in 1953 for the invention of the phase
conlrast microscopc.
part spatially distinct, they may be manipul ated separately. A phase plate has an annular
region that has been etched to decrease the plate thickness to give a phase shift for the
illuminat ion cone of about 90°. When the phase shifted illumination combines with the
diffracted field, interference occurs that causes large irradiance variat ions corresponding
with the speci men structure, and the resulting sharp contrast causes the specimen to now be
visible. Jn recognition of the many biological advances enabled by this innovation, Zernike
received the Nobel Prize in 1953.
In dark field microscopy, the uncliffracted illumination is blocked altogether, so that
only the diffracted beam reaches the image plane. Jn such images, small highly diffracting
objects appear as bright structure against clark background.
Problem 8.1 Image plane profiles such as those of Figures 8.1 and 8.2 can be generated
easily using symbolic programming tools. Use the tool of your choice to plot a spatially
filtered image that only uses the central order in the Fraunhofer plane:
with nan integer. For example, Mathematica evaluates this integral directly, so there is no
need for numerical analysis.
Problem 8.2 Using the approach of the preceding problem, generate the image profile of
Figure 8.2(e) using two integrals, each over limits appropriate for the spatial filter function
illus trated.
Problem 8.3 Find the maximum spatial frequency resolvable with a microscope objective
that has a numerical aperture of 0.65. Assume 550 mn illumination, and estimate the
minimum resolvable object size.
Problem 8.4 Using Figure 8.4 as a guide, draw a design for a dark field microscope.
In principle, the Abbe theory of image formation is also applicable to telescopes and
cameras. For the case of a telescope, light from the di sk of a distant star diffracts into the
Airy pattern for a circular aperture as di scussed in Section 6.3.3; even th ough the star may
be quite large, astronomical di stances arc large enough so that the first diffraction process
in the Abbe model has already occurred before the light enters the telescope aperture.
Since the objec t distance is large, the image is formed at the Fraunhofer plane; thus only
the second diffraction process actually occms within the telescope. Furthermore, the Airy
pattern for a distant star is much larger than the input aperture of any telescope, so no edge
information is revealed in the image. As discussed in Section 6.3.4, a star is essentially
a point source that illuminates the telescope with spatially coherent and essentiall y plane
wave light that diffracts to the Ai ry pattern of the telescope aperture at the Fraunhofer
plane, as illustrated in Figme 8.5. This diffraction pattern is referred to as the point spread
The same idea can be applied to any optical imag ing system. For microscopes and
cameras, rays from a poin t source located at a finite object distance are reassembled at the
conjugate point in the image plane. As with the telescope, the input aperture of the imaging
system produces diffraction that causes the image of the source point to become a point
spread function rather than a distinct conjugate point. If the object is taken as an infinite
collection of unresolvable source points, the image becomes that of a superposition of the
corresponding conjugate point spread func tions.
Figme 8.5 Point spread fun ction produced at the fo cal plane as the image of a distant star. The
central diffraction order of the star is far larger than the telescope aperture, and thus illuminates the
telescope aperture as a plane wave. The diffraction pattem s of the te lescope aperture are greatly
magnified for purposes of illustration. The size of the point spread functi on is inversely proportional
to the objective diameter, and thus is small for a large aperture (Fig ure (a)) and large for a sma ll
aperture (Figure (b)).
Jet the coordinate X locate a point on the object function O(X), and x locate a point on
the image function I(x ). Let p(x) be the point spread function at the image plane. The
convolution 0 * p of the object and the point spread function is given by
0 *p =
- oo
J O(X) p(x - X) dX (8 .6)
Intuitively, the image amplitude I(x) is obtai ned by summ ing the contributions of all
point spread functions centered at X with amplitude O(X). The image irradiance is
proportional to the modulus-squared of Equation 8.6; for simplicity, we may choose the
constant of proportionality to be unity since we are onl y interested in relative irradiance
across the image profile:
+ oo 2
I(x) = IO * pj = O(X) p(x - X) dX (8.7)
Si nce the modulus-squared is taken after the integration, Equation 8.7 represents a model
of coherent image formation. The top profile of Figure 8.6(a) shows the result of applying
Equation 8.7 to the indicated object.
Incoherent images are formed when point spread functions centered at diffe rent objects
points are mutually incoherent. For example, consider a telescope that forms an image
v N v
(a) (b)
Figure 8.6 (a) A coherent image as a convolution of point spread fu nction amplitudes. (b)
Incoherent image as a convolution of point spread function irradiance.
of a distant group of stars. Each star forms an independent point spread function that is
uncorrelated with those of the other stars; thus each point spread function adds as irradiance
instead of field amplitude. For a circular objective aperture, the dij]'mction-limited point
spread function is the Airy pattern of Equations 6.26 and 6.27, illustrated in Figure 6.9. Two
stars are just resolved when they produce point spread functions that overlap incoherently
with the minimum angular separation indicated by Equation 6.29.
As another example, consider a camera that forms an image of an object that is illumi-
nated by sunlight. In this case, the image is formed by the point spread function irradiance
convolved across the object profile:
I(x) = J
- oo
O(X) lp(x - X)l dX (8.8)
Figure 8.6(b) illustrates the result of applying Equation 8.8. Since the modulus-square
destroys all phase information in the point spread function , the interference structure in
part (a) of the figure is missing .
Figure 8.7 Coherent images (tight) fonned by convolution of the indicated object and diffraction-
limited point spread functions on the left. In (a) through (c), the object size decreases with a
corresponding loss of edge detail in the image. In (c), the object width is equal to the central fringe
of the Airy function.
Find the diffraction-limited width of the point spread function for an f / 4 optical
system. Assume spatially incoherent illumination wavelength of550 nm,and assume
that the image is formed at the Fraunhofcr plane.
The angular diameter measured from the first zero of intensity is given by
6.0 =2.44-D
On the image plane, assumed to be at the focal plane, this corresponds to a physical
size !J.y given by
!J.y = j 6.0 = 2.44/\ D
Thus, the diffraction-limited point spread function has a diameter of 2.44 times the
f-number in wavelengths. For an f j 4 system, tltis is about ten wavelengths, or about
five microns.
As the image detail becomes comparable to the size of the point spread function, edge
detail begins to disappear, as illustrated by Figure 8.7 for the case of coherent image
formation. In the Abbe model, illustrated for a similar object in Figure 8.2, the image is
represented by a second Fourier transform over finite limits of integration. The convolution
model gives the results of Figure 8.7. Comparison of these two figures shows that the two
models give similar predictions.
A diffraction-limited image is given by the convolution of the point spread function
determined by diffraction tlu·ough the input aperture of the optical instrument. Aberrations
in the optical elements (see Section 4.6) increase the size of the point spread function,
increasing the size of the minimum resolvable detail.
Using Equation 8.6, compute the convolution oft he functions O(X) and p(x ), where
O(X) = { ~ lXI ~ 1
lXI > 1
and p(x) = g lxl ~ ~
lxl > ~
O(X) p(x)
--_-:1'---<"-----'- - X -I X
The functions O(X) and p(x) are plotted in Figure 8.8. In this case, the integration
of Equation 8.6 can be evaluated graphically. Figure 8.9 illustrates the result. Since
\ I I
p 0 0 O*p p
\ I I -I I '.--____,~.......,-------, 1
8.3.2 Speckle
Image speckle is produced when the light collected from an object by an imaging system
is spatially coherent. Figure 8.10 shows a photograph of a diffusely reflecting surface
illuminated by a spatially coherent laser beam. Light reflecting from peaks and valleys in
the rough surface interferes to produce the random irradiance fluctuations in the image.
Star twinkle is a speckle effect. Light that enters the eye from a distant star is composed
entirely of the spatially coherent central diffraction order from the stellar disk. Atmo-
spheric effects distort and fold the wavefronts, producing time intervals of constructive and
destructive interference that we refer to as the twinkle.
Problem 8.5 Find the width of the central maximum of the diffraction-limi ted point
spread function for a telescope with a 10.0 em objective diameter and a focal length of
l.O m.
Problem 8.6 Compute the convolution of the functions O(X) and p(x), when both
function are identical:
O(X) = { ~ lXI ~ ~
lXI > ~
and p(x)={~ lxl ~ ~
lxl > ~
You may evaluate the convolution graphically, as in Example 8.3.
Figure 8.10 Image speckle produced by diffuse reflection of a spatially coherent laser beam.
Problem 8.7 Compute the convolution of the functions O(X) and p(x ), where
where Dobis the diameter of the objective aperture, and 6.8 is the angular separation of two
points within the field of view that can just barely be resolved with the instrument. In other
words, object detail that is smaller than the resolution limit cannot be detected. In Section
4.7, it was found that the magnification of telescopes and microscopes can be increased to
any desired power simply by changing the eyepiece. The maximum usable magnification
JHmax is the magnification that causes detail at the resolution limit to just be resolvable by
the human eye .
Find the diffraction limited resolution of the eye, and the corresponding minimum
detectable object size. Assume a pupil diameter of 5.00 mm and a wavelength of
A 5.50 X w- 71n -4
6.Beye = 1.22 D = 1.22 .00 X _ 3 m. = 1.34 X 10 Tad= 0.134 mrad
5 10
In reality, the human eye cannot perform at this theoretical maximum. For most
people, the resolution limit of the eye is about 3 x w- 4 Tad. Using a near point of
25 em, this gives a minimum detectable object size for the eye of
For the telescope, we estimate the maximum usable magnification as the ratio of the
angular size of the smallest object the eye can detect, divided by the angular size s pecified
by the resolution limit of Equation 8.9. Using the results of Example 8.4, we find thi s to be
6.Beye 3X w- 47'Cld
Mmax = 1. 22 ..\ Dob = 1. 22 (5 .50 X 10 _ 7 m) Dob ~ 450Dob (8.10)
where the last result is to be interpreted as 450 times the objective diameter in meters.
Thus, the maximum usable magnification for a telescope with 10 in. (25.4 ern) objective is
114. Magnifications larger than thi s do not appreciably increase the image detail.
The resolution limit of a microscope is determined by Equation 8.5. Si nce the object
size r5 is half the spatial period d, we obtain
. B .Ao
n Sll1 max =
where ..\0 is the vacuum wavelength of the illuminating lig ht. Solving for the object size,
we find
(8. 11)
This equation represents the minimum object size that can be imaged by a microscope with
a given numerical aperture N A.
Using the results of Example 8.4, we find that Mmax ~ 275N A. Air immersion objectives
have numerical apertures that range from about 0.1 to 1.0, and oil immersion objectives
have numerical apertures as high as 1.4. Of course, the microscopist may have good reason
to use magnifications in excess of ilimax• but as a rule, exceeding the value of Equation
8.12leads to empty magnification.
Problem 8.9 Find the minimum angular separation that can just be resolved by a telescope
with a 10.0 em. objective diameter. Repeat when the objective diameter is 10.0 m. Jn each
case, express your answer in arc-seconds, where one arc-second is one degree divided by
3600. Assume an illumination wavelength of 550 nm.
Problem 8.10 Verify that the maximum usable magnification for a microscope is given
by 275N A, as stated in the text.
Problem 8.11 Find the maximum usable magnification and minimum detectable object
diameter when /\ = 550 nrn and again when >. = 450 nm for the following microscope
objectives: (a) air immersion with N A = 0.4, (b) air immersion with N A= 0.95, and (c)
oil immersion with N A = 1.4.
Problem 8.12 Find the maximum usable magnification for the 200 inch Hale telescope
of the Mt. Palomar observatory.
Problem 8.13 Find the maximum usable magnification for both telescopes and micro-
scopes in terms of the numerical aperture using the diffraction-limited resolution of the
eye. Assume an iris diameter of 5.00 mm and a wavelength of 550 nm.
Problem 8.14 Estimate the maximum usable magnification for binoculars with 50 m m
diameter objectives used during daylight when the pupil of the eye has decreased to 2.0 mm.
Images formed by optical instruments can be recorded in an analog format using photo-
graphic film, and in a digital format using detector arrays. Both have advantages; however,
digital recording is becoming more common as this technology improves.
Photographic film uses a transparent emulsion that randomly suspends tiny photosensitive
silver halide photographic grains, as illustrated in Figure 8.11. The grains become strongly
absorbing only after e.\posure and development (each of these processes will be discussed
below). Regions on the developed film that receive more exposure have more absorbing
grains, thus the film records an image negative where bright areas in the image appear
darker in the negative. A positive image can be obtained by re-recording the negative.
The developed film has an irradiance transmittance T that is defined as the ratio of
transmitted irradiance to incident irradiance measured at each point on the film. The
photographic d(msity D is defined as the logarithm of the reciprocal of the transmittance:
D (x, y) = log10 ( T ( x,y) ) (8.13)
where the coordinates (x, y) locate a point on the photographic film. The exposure is the
product of the incident irradiance I and the e.\posure timet:
em·lllsion 2
oo\oooo 0 0 D
0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 3
log 10 (E)
0 0
0 •
0 0 0 0
0 0
• •
Figure 8.11 (a) Photographic film. (b) HD curve. (c)-(cl) Image capture and development in
photographic film (sec text).
After exposure, fi I m must be developed in a process that is illustrated in Figures 8.1 1(c)-
(f). In Figure 8.11 (c), photons in the image field illuminate the unexposed emulsion grains,
typically com posed of a silver halide salt such as silver bromide(AgBr). Absorbed photons
create single metallic silver atoms within the grain at the point where the absorption
occurs. The exposed film is now immersed in a developer which transforms exposed
grains completely into metallic silver in a chemical process referred to as reduction. In
practice, a given grai n must absorb more than the threshold n11111ber of photons in order for
reduction to proceed completely within a given development time. The exposed grains in
the undeveloped emulsion record the latent image illustrated in Figure 8.11 (d), whereas the
developed grains in Figure 8. 11 (e) record the final image with the full range of photographic
density. A final fixing step washes away unreduced silver halide salt grains as illustrated in
The film speed and film resollllion are determined largely by the grain size. The fi lm
speed determines the exposure required to achieve a given photographic density; high-
speed film requires less exposure than film with low speed. The film speed determines the
horizontal scale of the HD curve of Figure 8.1l(b). Large grains present a larger cross
section for absorption, and thus more quickly absorb the threshold number of photons;
thus, high speed is generall y achieved by making the grain size large. On the other hand,
small grains give better resolution. In general, the higher the resolution, the lower the film
speed. Film grains typically range from a few nanometers for high resolution holographic
fil m, up to a few microns for high-speed film.
Find the voltage spaci ng between adjacent digital levels for a 16-bit detector with a
voltage output that varies between 0 and 5 volts.
The number of digital levels available for a 16-bit detection system is given by 2
raised to the 16th power:
216 = 65 536
Each of these 65 536 digital levels are spaced equally across the entire operating
range - in this case 5.00 volts. The voltage spaci ng t:::.. \1 between adjacent digital
levels is given by
t:::..V = 5.00\1 = 7.63 x 10- 5 V
65 536
This represents the smallest voltage change than can be detected with this detection
(b) (c)
r '
I ~ ldJ lrf. ~
(d) (e)
Figure 8.12 (a) A focal plane detector array. In plots (b)-(e), the bar above each detector clement
indicates the measured sig nal, calculated as the inadiance average over the detector surfa ce. In each
case, the image is a sinusoid with the illustrated spatial frequency. (b) The image spatial frequency
is lower than the Nyquist limit, resulting in a digital recording with the same spatial frequency as the
object. In (c), the spatial frequency exceeds the Nyquist limit, g iving an aliased signal modulation.
In (d) and (e) the sampled spatial freq uency is at the Nyquist limit. In (d), each detector gives a
constant o utput. In (e), the sampled image is s hifted slightly and now produces a maxi mum s ignal
The regular spacin g of a di gital detector array can produce image artifacts that resu lt
from aliasing. Fig ure 8.l 2(b) illustrates the measure ment of a sinusoidal image of spatial
peri od that is much longer than the detector spacing. In this case, there are several de tector
readings over each cycle of the image, and the recorded image (indicated by I he bars above
each detector element, computed as an average over the detector element) has a spatial
frequency equal to that of the image. In Figure 8.12(c), the spatial period of the image
is less than the detector spacing. In this case the recorded image, again compu ted as an
average of irradiance over each detector e lement, has a spatial frequency that is less than
Figure 8.13 Scanning electron micrograph (2,275x) of a CCD detector array. (David Scharf/Peter
Amold, Inc.)
that of the image, resulting in false detail that is referred to as aliasing. In order to avoid
aliasing, it is necessary that the spatial frequency of the image be less than the Nyquist
frequency, defined as twice the spatial frequency defined by the detector spacing. Strictly,
the image frequency must exceed the Nyquist limit. Figures 8.12(d) and (e) illustrate two
possibilities for recording an image with frequency equal to the Nyquist limit. In Figure
8.12(d) each detector produces a constant output, and with a small lateral adjustment,
the same image produces a large signal amplitude. As long as the freq uency of the image
exceeds the Nyquist limit, the recorded image has some modulation at the image frequency.
In a well-designed digital image recording system, the resolution limit of the system
optics serves as a low-pass filter that functions as an anti-aliasingjilter. In such a system,
blurring from aberrations and diffraction remove spatial frequencies in the image that
exceed the Nyquist limit. As with photographic film, the smaller the detector element, the
fewer photons it receives for a given image irradiance; thus detector arrays that significantly
oversample require longer integration times.
Most modern digital cameras utilize charge-coupled devices (CCD) as the individual
image sensor in the detector array. Each element in a CCD array can be thought of as a
"charge bucket" that increases the amount of charge stored with each new photon detection.
The signal is integrated for some length of time, then each bucket is emptied as the detector
reading is recorded. Individual detectors are referred to as pixels which is short for "picture
element." Electronic noi se in the detector circ uitry can result in a background signal that is
referred to as "dark signal." The dark signal is usually generated as thermal noise, and can
be reduced substantially by cooling the detector.
111 1
111 ::2
-2 -1111=3
~-~~llll =
~ ,u;~... 111
(b) 0.6
- 3-lll - 4
- Ill
4= ~~/,',' ' "'·::.:I Ill = 5
•=m111 : 1 111::6
5 = Ill
6 = Ill Ill 1 (c) 0.6
Figure 8.14 (a) A standard resolution target. (b) Image of (a) recorded by an optical system with
point spread function much smaller than the spatial period of the image. (c) Object intensity levels
fo r the target in (a).
Problem 8.19 What object distance would give a focused image with a spatial frequency
of 50 lp/mm when the object consists of a bar chart with black bars 5 .00 nun wide
separated by 5.00 mm? Assume an objective lens with focal length 50.0 nun.
Problem 8.20 Find the contrast of the recorded image, the target and the image contrast
for the data illustrated in Figures 8.14 (b) and (c).
Problem 8.21 Find the contrast for the CCD image of a bar target when the maximum
pixel value is 20 times that of the minimum pixel value.
(e) 1nm
Figure 8.15 (a)-(d) Coherent and incoherent images formed of a three-bar object. The bottom
figure is the object, the middle figure is the coherent image, and the top figure is the incoherent
image. Each image is the convolution of the object and the points spread functions shown in (e)
The bottom point spread function generates the coherent images and the top point spread function
generates incoherent images. (f) Modulation transfer function. The curve shown is for illustration
only and does not correspond analytically to either of the image sets of (a)-(d).
diffraction orders. Since edge detail is contain in the nonzero orders, the edges of the image
are enhanced. This can often reveal detail in the image that would not otherwise be visible.
A ,<,patial light modulator (SLM) consists of an array of pixel elements each capable
of controlling both amplitude and phase of an illumination wave. SLM's employ several
different technologies to achieve modulation, including liquid crystals and deformable
mirrors. Liquid crystals control the amplitude and phase of transmitted light, and are also
commonly used for laptop and digital projector displays. SLM's that use deformable mirrors
adjust the amplitude and phase of reflected light by adjusting the tilt and displacement of
an array of small mirrors using MEMS (Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems) technology.
Other approaches are also commonly used; see Goodman[?] and references therein for
more information.
Figure 8.16 Spatial filtering with an electrically addressable spatial light modulator. (Com1csy
Michael K. Giles.)
When placed in the Fraunhofer plane, SLM's can be used as real-time spatial filters with
very fast temporal response. An optical system can be designed to respond preferentially
to objects in a given size range by placing a spatial filter in the Fraunhofer plane that only
passes the far-field diffraction pattern of such objects, resulting in an image where objects
in that size range have en hanced brightness. Since this can be done in real time, the size
range can be scanned as the image is observed. Figure 8. 18 shows an example .
Design a spatial filter to be placed at the Fraunhofer plane of a lens with focal length
f that will enhance the brightness of objects with the shape of a vertical slit of width
Accord ing to Section 6.3. 1, the far field diffraction pattern of a single slit is given by
Equation 6.16
E = Eo sin (J
(3 = ~ kb sinO
where k is the wavenumber, b is the slit width and B is defined in Figure 8. 17.
b d
A spatial filter that just passes the central order of the si ngle-slit diffraction pattern
has edges located by the angle that is given by
1 27fb
- - sm . e = 1r
2 ...\
Using the small angle approximation gives
· e ~ e ~ 2f
b>. = sm d
where dis the width of the spatial filter. Solving for cl gives
d = 2...\f
A vertical filter of this width centered on the optical axis in the Fraunhofer plane will
pass the central plus possibly higher orders for vertical slits of width greater than or
equal to b. Vertical slits of width less than b will have a larger diffraction pattern; in
this case only a portion of the central order passes the filter, and the resulting image
will have diminished brightness.
With sufficient resolution, SLM's can also be used to project real-tine holograms that
produce three-dimensional images via wavefront reconstruction, as discussed in Section
. .. _--:- ___..... -.
" ~
.. i·
'I ~~;
(a) (b)
Figm·e 8.18 The image in (a) is spatially liltered in (b) to enhance objects in the size of interest.
(Courtesy Michael K. Giles.)
Problem 8.22 Design a spatial filter to be placed at the Fraunhofer plane of a 50.0 mm
focal length lens if the optical system is designed to preferentially detect horizontal slit
apertures of width greater than 0.100 nun. Assume an illumination wavelength of 550 nm.
Problem 8.23 Design a spatial filter to be placed at the Fraunhofer plane of a lens of focal
length f if the optical system is designed to preferentially detect rectangular slit apertures of
minimum width w and minimum height h. Assume an illumination wavelength of 550nm.
Problem 8.24 Design a spatial filter to be placed at the Fraunhofer plane of a lens with
focal length f if the optical system is designed to preferentially detect objects of circular
cross-section with minimum radius R. Assume an illumination wavelength of 550 nm .
An adaptive optics (AO) system removes image aberrations by adjusting one or more optical
surfaces in the optical train. For example, wavefronts diffracted from distant astronomical
objects are distorted as they pass throug h density fluctuations in the Earth's atmosphere,
causing distortion in images formed by ground-based telescopes. Figure 8.19 illustrates
a distorted wavefront that reflects from a mirror with a surface adjusted to reflect this
particular wavefront as a plane wave. Adaptive optics systems des igned for astronomy
can sense the arriving wavefront and make the necessary adjustments to an active mirror
surface to remove atmospheric image aberrations in real time.
In Figure 8.20, plane wavefronts from a distant star are distorted by the atmosphere
before collection by the AO system. Light reflected from a static mirror is divided by a
beam splitter before reflecting from the active mirror. The split beam is analyzed by a
waveform sensor that measures the wavefront distortion. The result of this measurement is
passed to the active mirror cont rol electronics which make adjustments to the mirror surface
that remove the distortion. The corrected beam then passes through additional optics that
form the finalunclistorted image.
(a) (b)
Figure 8.19 Wavefronts distmted by the atmosphere in (a) are reflected from an adaptive optics
smfacc as plane wves in (b).
undistorted distorted
I beam split.ter
Figure 8.20 An AO system design for astronomy. Plane waves from a distant star are distmted by
the atmosphere. A large s tatic mitTor focuses the dist01ted wavefronts onto an active mitTor whose
shape can be adjusted to remove the distortion. In this design, a beams plitter sends a portion of the
collected sig nal to a wavefront sensor that measures the disto1tion, and sends the necessa1y control
signals to the active mi1Tor. The conected signal is processed by the imag ing system to produce to
COITCCted image.
Figure 8.2 I illustrates the workings of a typical deformable mirror. In this design,
actuators are connected to discrete points behind the reflect ing surface. The le ngth of each
actnator is controlled to achieve the desired mirror profile. Actuators are commonly made
from piezo-electric materials whose length can be controlled by application of a voltage.
Atmospheric fluctuations tend to occur on time scales of about 10 ms, and piezo-electric
actuators are fast enough to correct these in real time (i.e., as they occur).
deformable mirror
~ act·u ator
Figure 8.21 Active mirror design that uses mechanical actuators to bend a flexible mirror sutfaee.
(b) (c)
F igure 8.22 A lens array fo cuses portions of the wavefront from a guide star onto independ ent CCD
aiTays. (a) If the wavefro nt is undistorted, the g uide star is foc used o n the optical axis of each lens.
(b) Wavefront distm1ion causes each image of the guide s tar to be d isplaced. Measurement of this
displacement allows the curvature of the wavefront to be determined. (c) Sodium laser guidestar being
used at the Gemini N011h Telescope atop Mauna Kea, Hawaii. (Stephen & Donna O'Meara/Photo
Researchers, Inc .)
Additional Problems
Problem8.25 Estimate the minimum resolvable object size for a microscope of numerical
aperture of 1.15. Assume 550 nm illumination .
Problem 8.26 Find the width of the central max imum of the diffraction-limited point
spread function for a telescope with a 10.0 m objective diameter and a focal length of
Problem 8.27 Find the normali zed irradiance profile for the convolu tion found in Exam-
ple 8.3.
Problem 8.28 What object distance wou ld give a focused image with a spatial frequency
of 20 lpjmm. when the object consists of a bar chart with black bars 0.500 nnn wide
separated by 0. 500 mm.? Assume an objecti ve lens with focal length 200 m.m..
Problem 8.29 Use the programming language of your choice to verify the coherent
image profiles of Figure 8.2. See Problem 8.1.
Problem 8.30 Use the programming language of your choice to verify the coherent
image profiles of Figure 8.3. See Problem 8.1.
Problem 8.31 Design a spatial filter to be placed at the Fraunhofer plane of a 1.00 m
focal length lens if the optical system is designed to preferentially detect objects of diameter
greater than 10.0 m. Assume 550 nm illumination.
The only laws of matter are those th at our minds must fabri cate and the only laws of mind arc
fabricated fo r it by matter.
- Maxwell
9.1 Introduction 432
9.2 Linear Polarization 432
9.3 Birefringence 439
9.4 Circular and Elliptical Pohu·ization 443
9.5 Jones Vectors and Matrices 449
9.6 The Electro-optic Effect 458
9.7 Optical Activity 461
9.8 Faraday Rotation 463
9.9 Acousto-optic Effect 464
9.10 Nonlinear Optics 469
9.11 Harmonic Generation 471
9.12 Frequency Mixing 478
In this chapter, we continue the discussion of electromagnetic wave polarization that began
in Chapter 2. After reviewing linear polarization and discussing linear polarizers, we
discuss birefringence and how this may be used to construct waveplates and retarders that
produce states of elliptical and circular polarization. The Jones calculus is then introduced
to facilitate and simplify calculations that involve polarizers and waveplates. Methods
for actively controlling the optical properties of materials properties via electro-optic and
acousto-optic effects, optical activity, and Faraday rotation arc introduced. This discussion
is extended in an introduction to nonlinear optics, which includes discussion of harmonic
generation and frequency mixing.
In Chapter 2, it was shown that linearly polarized transverse electromagnetic waves (see
Figure 9.1) were solutions to the electromagnetic wave equation, and thus were solutions
to Maxwell's equations. Using Maxwell's equations, we also determined several important
properties of transverse electromagnetic waves. For example, we showed that such a wave
has both an electric field E and a magnetic field iJ, that E and Bare mutually perpendicular,
and that both fields are oriented transversely to the direction of propagation, determined by
the wave vector k. Moreover, the fields are aligned so that Ex B points in the direction of
k, with the Poynting vectors = ,;0 E x Bgiving the flux of energy transmitted by the wave.
The fields E and B oscillate in phase, with amplitudes determined by E = * B. Finally,
we showed that it was redundant to specify both E and B for any given electromagnetic
wave, since either field is specified completely once the other field is given. We will always
use the electric field to specify the complete electromagnetic wave.
An electromagnetic wave with an electric field vector E that oscillates back and forth
along a fixed direction is said to be linearly polarized. In this case, the electric field oscillates
within the plane ofpolarization , as shown in Figure 9.2. The plane of polarization for the
wave illustrated is inclined between the x-z and y-z planes. At any instant, the electric
k Ex X
Figure 9.2 Li near polarization in the x-y plane. The electric field vector may be resolved into
components along the x and y axes.
field vector has x and y components given by f<)ox and Eou· The corresponding forward
traveling electromagnetic wave is determined by
where we have used the complex representation discussed in Section 1.6. Equation 9. 1
represents a linearly polarized electromagnetic wave traveling in the positive-z direction,
as illustrated in Figure 9.2. The initial phase angle ¢ represents the phase of the wave when
z and t both equal zero.
polarized beam
/.ra nsmission axis
Figure 9.3 A linear polarizer is illuminated by unpolarized light. The transmitted beam is linearly
polarized parallel to the transmiss ion ax is of the linear polarizer. The transmitted inadiance is one
half that of the unpolarizcd beam.
A linear polarizer selecti vely removes light that is linearly polarized along a direction
that is perpendicular to its fransmission axis, as illustrated in Figure 9.3. In an ideal
linear polarizer, the transmission is zero for electric field components perpendicular to the
transmission ax is, andlOO% for electric field components parallel to the transmission axis.
The light that is transmitted by the polarizer is linearly polarized along an axis that is
parallel to the transmission axis, as shown.
Figure 9.4 A linear polarizer is illuminated by a linearly polarized beam. The linear polarizer
rotates incident polarization, giving a transmitted beam that is linearly polarized parallel to the
transmission axis. The transmitted irradiance is given by Malus's law.
The linear polarizer in Figure 9.3 is illuminated with 1111polarized light, illustrated by the
bundle of arrows in the figure. By unpolarized, we mean that the beam is a mixture of many
polarization states, each random in both orientation and phase. Unpolarized light is emitted,
for example, by thermal sources such as the filament of an incandescent lightbulb. On a
microscopic scale, this emission can be visualized as resulting from the random motions
of independent radiators. It is always possible to visualize each independent emission
as a transverse electromagnetic wave that is linearly polarized along an arbitrary axis. A
typical emission process for visible light lasts for only a short time (for visible wavelengths,
typically about w - s s), so an unpolari zcd beam can be thought of as consisting of many
sho rt-lived randomly oriented linear polarization states that we refer to as wal'epackets. In
general, an incident wavepacket will be polarized along an axis that is inclined at some
random angle 0 to the transmission axis of the linear polarizer. If the incident wavepacket
has amplitude Eo, the transmitted wavepacket will have amplitude Eo cos B. As shown in
Section 2.3.3, irradiance is proportional to the square of the amplitude, so the irradiance
of the tran smitted wavepacket is proportional to E6 cos2 0. Since the orientation of each
wavepacket is random, we must average over all possible orientations to obtain the average
transmission. As shown in Example 2.4, the average of cos2 0 over many cycles of is e
1/2. Thus, if an unpolarized beam of irradiance Io is incident o n an ideal linear polarizer,
the transmitted beam consists of wavepackets that are linearly polarized parallel to the
tran smission axis. The average irradiance of the transmitted beam is ~ Io, as shown in
Figme 9.3.
A beam that has been previously polarized transmits through a linear polari zer according
to Malus's law, as illustrated in Figure 9.4. If the incident beam has amplitude Eo , the
transmitted beam has amplitude Eo cos 0. Similarly, if the incident beam has irradiance Io,
the transmitted beam has irradiance
I = Iocos2 8 (9.2)
where() is the angle between the incident polarization axis and the transmission axis of the
linear polarizer. It is important to note that a linear polarizer rotates the polarization state,
transmitting an output beam that is linearly polarized in a direction that is parallel to the
polarizer's transmission axis .
Unpolarized light is incident upon two coaxial ideal linear polarizers whose transmis-
sion angles are inclined at an angle 0, as shown in Figure 9.5. If the irradiance of the
unpolarized beam is ! 0 , find the transmitted irradiance and describe the transmi tted
polarization state when 0 is 0°,45°, goo, 135°, and180° .
Figure 9.5 Two coaxial linear polarizers. The first polarizer is illuminated by an unpolarized beam.
The first polarizer transmits half the unpolarized irradiance, and the second transmits
according to Malus' law. If the unpolarized irradiance is ! 0 , the irradiance transmitted
through the second polarizer is
1 2
I = ;;,locos ()
When () = 0 and 180°, the second ideal polarizer has no effect. When() = 45° and
135°, the transmitted irradiance is 0.25 ! 0 with the beam polarized parallel to the
seco11d polarizer transmi ssion axis. When () = goo, the two polari zers are crossed,
and the transmission is zero.
The second linear polarizer ro tates the polarization axis of the beam that is linearl y
polarized by the first polarizer. A rotation of goo cannot be achieved with this
A linear polarization state can also be rotated by simple reflection, as shown in Figure
9.6. This is especially useful for high-power lasers whose beams arc already polarized.
The arrangement shown in Figure 9.6 allows the polarization to be rotated by 90° without
rotating the laser. This approach has the disadvantage of changi ng the beam height and
beam direction.
Figure 9.6 Vct1ical linear polarization becomes horizontal linear polarization after two mirror
A wire grid linear polarizer is made of an arrangeme nt of small closely spaced parallel
wires, as shown in Figure 9.7. A linearly polarized wave with electric field E parallel to
the wires can initiate currents in the wires, and the energy of the wave dissipated as heat
generated by the wire's resistance. A wave linearly polarized along an axis perpend ic ular
to the wires cannot initiate currents and so is not absorbed. T hus, the transmi ssion axis of
the wire grid polarizer is pe1pendicular to the wires, as shown in Figure 9 .7 . The wires will
not appreciably scatter the beam if they can be spaced apart by half a wavelength or less of
the illuminating light ; however, thi s becomes difficult for wavelengths as small as that of
visible light. For thi s reason, wire grid polarizers are more useful in the infrared region of
the electromagnetic spectrum.
Linear polarizers for the visible region can be made from materials th at are dichroic.
A dichroic material selectively absorbs only one o f two perpendicular linear polarization
states. Dichroic materials typically contain long , thin molecules or crystals that can
be ali gned mechani call y or electromagneticall y. When aligned , they are similar to a
wiregrid polarizer, and have greater absorption for waves that are linearly polarized parallel
to the alignment. This is the process used for Polaroid® material, invented by Edwin
Land 1• Polaroid H-sheet material is made by a process that results in long needle-shaped
1Edwin H. La nd: 1909-1991. American physicist and founder of the Polaroid Corporation.
transmission axis
Figure 9.7 A wiregrid polarizer. The transmission axis is perpendicular to the wires.
Tf _ lmax - Imin
lp - (9.3)
lmax +/min
Vp typicaUy depends upon wavelength. For example, inexpensive Polaroid sheets typically
transmit violet light when crossed. Vp can also depend upon the incident angle. Clearly,
the pile-of-plates polarizer will be most effective for collimated beams incident exactly at
Bn .
Figure 9.8 (a) A pile-of-plates polarizer. At each inte1face, reflection removes a portion of the
E.1. polarization. After several such reflections, the transmitted beam is almost entirely .E11 . (b) A
polarizing beam splilter. The circle shows a zoom image of the nmTow region between the two wedge
halves, which is filled with alternating layers of high- and low-index of refraction layers. A beam
incident normally on the cube face encounters each of these layer interfaces at Brewster's angle .
• EXA!\1PLE 9.2
Design a pile-of-plates polarizer similar to the one shown in Figure 9.8(a) using glass
with index n = 1.5. Estimate the fraction of horizontally polarized light passed in a
collimated beam incident exactly at Brewster's angle.
Ba =tan- 1 (nt)
= 56.3 o
The angle between the plate surfaces and the optical axis should be the compliment
of this angle.
The polarizer shown in Figure 9.8 has eight interfaces, eac h reflecting 14.8% of the
EJ. . After eight reflections, the fraction of E1. polarization left in the transmitted
beam is only (1 - 0.148) 8 = 0.278. Using more plates with a higher index of
refraction can decrease this fraction.
This type of polarizer is commo nly used with hi gh-power lasers. The reflected
beams are absorbed by a water-cooled absorbing enclosure.
Problem 9.1 Find the transmitted irradiance and describe the transmitted polarization
state when an unpolarized beam of irradiance J0 is incident on three coaxial ideal linear
polari zers, where the first transmission axis is vertical, the second is inclined at 45° to
the vertical, and the third is hori zontal. Repeat when the middle polarizer is removed
without disturbing the first and third. If possible, find three linear polarizers and verify
your concl usions.
Problem 9.2 For what angle of external incidence will light reflected from sapphire
(n = 1. 76) be completely polarized? Repeat for internal incidence.
Problem 9.3 Calculate the degree of polarization for the output beam of Example 9.2 if
the input beam is unpolarized.
Problem 9.4 Zinc selenide (ZnSe) is optically transparent with very low absorption in the
infrared region. The index of refraction of ZnSe at 10.6J.l1n is 2.42. Find the appropri ate
plate orientation and ideal extinction ratio for the design of Example 9.2. Include a design
sketch that shows the plate orientation.
Problem 9.5 Suppose you have a piece of Polaroid material that has no indication of its
transmission axis direction. Describe how you might use glare from a horizontal surface
to determine the transmission axis for this polarizer.
··' 1' , ..
l' \.
' '..•
Figure 9.9 Double refraction throug h a calcite crystal. (Leonard Less in/Peter Amold, Inc.)
polarized and mutually orthogonal. If either beam can be isolated, the material can be used
as a linear polarizer. Calcite (CaC0 3) crystals exhibit a very large double refraction effect,
and have long been used in this way.
principal section
ord-inm·y ray
(a) extmord'i·n a·r y Tay
Figure 9.10 (a) A calcite crystal with sides determined by cleavage planes. An unpolarized beam
incident nonnally o n one cleavage plane is doubly-refracted. An optic axis passes through the center
of symmetry of both blunt ends. (b) A principal section contains the ordinary and ex traordi nary rays
and an optic ax is. (c) A square slab of calcite c ut with each square face parallel to an optic axis.
Many crystalline materials are birefringent, but some are not. Materials such as rock
salt (NaCI) with a cubic crystallatlice are highly symmetric and do not exhibit double
refraction. Calcite (CaC03) has a hexagonal crystal structure with three cleavage planes,
as illustrated in Figure 9.10(a). Cleavage planes for calcite intersect at two blunt ends with
three edges inclined equally at 101.55° . A line that passes through the line of symmetry
at either blunt end identifies an optic axis of the calcite crystal. The particular calcite
crystal illustrated in Figure 9. 1O(a) has sides determined by cleavage planes, and is shaped
symmetrically so that a single optic axis passes through both blunt ends. An optic axis is
not unique; any line parallel to a given optic axis is also an optic axis of the crystal. In
other words, an optic axis defines a direction of symmetry within the c rystal. Calcite is an
example of a uniaxial crystal with only one such direction.
Experiments on double re fraction in calcite crystal s lead to the following observations2 :
1. An unpolarizcd ray incident normally on a cleavage plane is refracted into two rays,
as shown in Figures 9. 1O(a) and (b). The ordinmy ray propagates according to
Snell's law for normal incidence, and for all other angles of incidence. The index
of refraction for the ordinary ray is given by n 0 • For calcite, n 0 = 1.6584 at
,\ = 589 nm.
2. The second refracted ray obviously does not propagate according to Snell's law (see
Figure 9.10(b)), and thu s is referred to as the extraordinmy ray. When the incident
ray is normal to a cleavage plane, both rays lie within a principal section of the
crystal, which also contains an optic axis. There arc three sets of cleavage planes,
and three corresponding families of principal sections. Placing a calcite crystal over
a page of text results in two images; when viewed normally, rotating the crystal
causes the image produced by the extraordinary ray to move in a circle abou t the
stationary image produced by the ordinary ray, as indicated by Figure 9.10(b).
3. The ordinary ray is polarized perpendicular to its principle section, and the polar-
ization axis of the extraordinary ray lies within its principle section, as illustrated in
Figures 9.10(a) and (b).
4. There is no double refraction for a ray traveling along an optical axis. T he index of
refraction for this direction of propagation is 110 •
5. A slab cut so that the optic axis is parallel to the slab face, as shown in Figure 9.10(c),
is characterized by two indices of refracti on. For normal incidence, a ray polarized
parallel to the optic axis travels with index of refraction n0 , and a ray polarized
perpendicular to the optic axis propagates with index of refraction ne. For calcite,
H e = 1.48<19 at A = 589 nm. In this orientation, the ordinary and extraordinary
rays do not refract into separate beams. Normally incident light with arbitrary
linear polarization may be resolved into components, with the component parallel
to the optic axis propagating with velocity determined by He, and the component
perpendicular to the optic axis propagating with velocity determined by 71 0 •
Birefringent Polarizers
To use double refraction in calcite as a linear polari zer, we must isolate at least one
of the polarized rays. Two ways of doi ng this are illustrated in Figure 9. 11. Figure
2These observations may be verified analytically by deriving a set of Fresnel equations that do not assume isotropic
dielectric properties. In crystals, the dielcclric constant depends on direction, and is described by a tensor rather
than a single constant number. Details may be found in Guenther [10].
ordinan ray
extraonH1uu·y ray
(a) (b)
9.ll(a) illustrates a Nicol prism , which uses total internal reflection to remove the
ordinary ray. The figure shows a principal section of a calcite crystal that has been cut
into two sections. The two sections are then glued back together with Canada balsam
cement, which has an index of refraction of 1.55. The ordinary ray, with n 0 = 1.66,
totally reflects at the calcite-glue interface. The extraordinary ray transmits through
the glue and into the second calcite section. The ends of the prism are trimmed to
an angle of 68° which gives a linearly-polarized transmitted ray that is parallel to
the incident ray. Figure 9.11 (b) shows a Clan-Foucault prism prepared from two
sections of calcite that are separated by an air gap. The optic axis of both sections is
perpendi cular to the page. The angle of incidence at the internal calcite-air interface
is such that the ordinary ray is totally reflected, but the extraordinary ray is not.
The second section of calcite causes the transmitted ray to propagate parallel to the
incident ray. A similar design where the two sections are cemented together is known
as a Clan- Thompson prism. The non-cemented version is typically more useful for
applications involving high-power lasers. Because they are based on total internal
reflection, the extinction ratios for both prisms illustrated in Figure 9.11 can be very
Problem 9.6 Find the critical angle for total inte rnal reflection for the ordinary ray at
an interface between calcite and Canada balsam cement. Repeat when the cemen t layer is
replaced by air.
Problem 9.7 Estimate the fraction of the extraordinary ray that is lost by both internal
and external reflection at the calcite-cement interface of a Nichol prism. Repeat for the air
interface of a Glan-Foucault prism.
Circular and elliptical polarization results from introducing a relative phase shift between
the components Ex and Ey shown in Figure 9.2. Such phase shifts are very common, and
can occur, for example, when a linearly polarized wave propagates through a birefringent
material. When a wave circularly polarized, the tip of the electric field vector E sweeps
out a circle over each wavelength of travel, as illustrated in Figure 9.13. For an elliptically
polarized wave, this becomes an ellipse. It is important to note that circular and elliptical
polarization is just as fundamental, just as important, and just as conunon as linear polar-
ization. The capability to measure and manipulate these additional polarizati on states can
create opportunities for experiment and application.
Suppose that we someh ow man age to introduce a phase shift for Ex that is different
from that for Ey. In this case, Equation 9.1 becomes ·
where !:::,.¢ = ¢u - ¢x · The term ei<Pr that multiplies both components of E represents
an absolute phase that in practice is not measured, so we can safel y ignore it. Thus, the
electromagnetic wave given by
We will now show that the tip of vector E sweeps out a complete circle as the wave of
Equation 9.5 travels through a complete wavelength. To show thi s, we take the real par t of
Equation 9.5, which by the Euler relation (see Section 1.6) is proportional to a cosine:
Fi gure 9.1 2 illustrates the orientation of Eat two times t 1 and t 2 that are short compared
to the period of the wave. In this figure, the propagation vector k points ou t of the page,
alo ng positive-z. If we let z = 0 at the origin, then Equation 9 .6 becomes
E~ = ·i E0 cos ( - wt)
+ j Eo cos - wt + ?r)
A (
2 (9.7)
Note that the time term in Equati on 9.7 is negative. At t = 0, the component Eox = Eo
and Eoy = 0. A short time t 1 later, Eox has decreased, and Eoy is small and positive. Still
later at l = t 2 , the vector E has a smaller x -component and a larger y-component. Since
the magnitude of E is Eo at all times, the vector E sweeps out a circle of radi us Eo as the
tip of E rotates counter-clockwise.
' /
' /
Figure 9.12 The electric field vector E in a left-circularly polarized electromagnetic wave rotates
counter-clockwise as the wave propagates out of the page.
Figure 9.13(a) shows the wave of Equation 9.5 from another perspective. Figure 9.13(c)
shows the corresponding counterclockwise electric field rotation for a wave that emerges
from the plane of the page. Circularly polarized light with an electric field vector that
rotates as in Figure 9.13(a) is said to be /eft- circularly polarized3.
1f the value of 6.¢ in Equation 9.4 is equal to - I· again with Eox = Eoy = Eo, the
wave is given by
In this case, the electric field rotates as in Figure 9. 13(b). Such a wave is said to be right-
circularly polarized. As this wave emerges from the plane of the page, the electric field
vector rotates clockwise, as shown in Figure 9. 13(d).
If Eox and Eoy arc not equal, or if 6.¢ is anything other than ±~. the wave can be
elliptically polarized. There is left and right elliptical polarization that follows the same
convention as the circular polarization of Figure 9.13. Figure 9.14 illustrates elliptical
polarization states for various values of 6.¢. In Figure 9.l3(a), a value of 6.¢ = 0 gives
linear polarization at an angle of 60° from the horizontal. As 0 < 6.¢ < n, the wave
assumes various states of left elliptical polarization. Similarly, as 0 > 6.¢ > - n, the
wave is right elliptically polarized. A value of 6.¢ = ±n results in a linear polarization
state that is rotated by 60° from the 6.¢ = 0 state. In Figure 9.l3(b) a value of 6.¢ = 0
gives linear polarization at an angle of ,15° from the horizontal, with Eox = Eoy· Thus,
6.¢ = Igives left-circular polarization and 6.¢ = -I
gives right-circular polarization, as
illustrated. For other values of 6.¢ the polarization is left and right elliptical, as illustrated.
When 6.¢ = ±n, the polarization is rotated by !)0°.
A wave plate (also known as a retarder) may be used to introduce the 6.¢ phase shift
necessary to produce elliptically and circularly polarized light. An example of a wave
3 Thc terminology seems opposite to the right-hand mle, but the convention used here is common. The choice is
arbitrary, but once made it is important to be consistent .
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 9.13 (a) Left circular polarization. (b) Right-circular polarization. (c) Rotation of E as a
left-circular wave propagates out of the page. (d) Rotation of E as a right-circular wave propagates
out of the page.
plate is illustrated by Figure 9.lO(c), which shows a birefringent slab characterized by two
indices of refraction n 0 and ne. According to observation 5 in Section 9.2.1, a linearly
polarized beam incident normally on such a slab may resolved into components that each
travel a different optical distance (sec Section 4.2) through the slab. If the thickness of the
slab is d, then the ne ray travels optical distance ned and the n 0 ray travels optical distance
n 0 d. Since a wave changes phase by k6.z when traveling a distance 6.z , the relative phase
shift between the no and ne components after traveling through the slab is
In calcite, ne = 1.4849 and no = 1.658<1 at ,\ = 589nm. The axis with the smallest value
of n is called the fast axis, since light with linear polarization along this axis propagates
with the greater speed. In Figure 9.1 O(c), the fast axis is horizontal.
A q11arter-wave plate can be used to produce circularly polarized light. It is designed
so that
dine- nol = (4m + 1)- 11
1r 1r
-1r 0 4 2
- tr 0 4"
Figul'e 9.14 Polarization states for vaiious phase differences between Ex and Ey. In (a), E x =1- Ey
and in (b) they are equal.
where m = 1, 2, 3, .... Notice that this design is only applicable at the target vacuum
wavelength .-\ 0 . The parameter mallows for a phase shift of m(2tr) ± tr/2. A quarter-
wave plate illuminated with light linearly polarized at 45° transmits circularly polarized
light. If ny > n, (i.e. if the fast axis is horizontal), then 6.¢ = +~ . 4 If such a quarter-
wave plate is illuminated with linearly polarized light inclined a 45° to the horizontal
fast axis, the transmitted beam is left-circularly polarized, as described by Equation 9.5
(see Figure 9.15(a)). Rotating the quarter-wave plate so that its fast axis is vertical gives
6.¢ = -~. which according to Equation9.8 gives right -circular polarization with the same
illumination, as illustrated in Figure 9.15(b).
(a) (b)
Figui'C 9.15 A qum1er-wave plate is illuminated by light linearly polarized at 45° . ln (a), the fast
axis of the wave plate is horizontal, giving a left-circular output beam. In (b), the fast axis is vet1ical,
producing right-circular polarization.
4 We ignore the factor of 2-rr, since it produces no observable effect.
Calcite is brittle and soft, and is not commonly used for wave plates. Crystalline quartz
has a much smaller double refraction, with no = 1.5442 and lie = 1.55335 , which allows
for smaller values of m. Many plastics become birefringent when stretched, as you can
easily verify by placing a stretched piece of plastic wrap between two crossed polarizers.
A very controlled stretch applied to a plastic sheet while monitoring with a probe beam
at the target wavelength is often used to produce wave plates with somewhat less optical
quality than those made of crystalline quartz .
Find the minimum thickness of a quarter-wave plate for use at 589 nm using quartz.
Find the thickness when m = 200.
Figure 9.16 A Fresnel rhomb. In thi s orientation, the transmitted beam is left-circular. Rotating
the rhomb by 90° gives right-circular.
Fresnel Rhomb
It is possible to construct a quarter-wave retarder using total internal reflection. In
Section 3.5.5, we saw that the total internal reflection phase shift for EJ. was larger
Both indices are measured at 589 nm. Since n e > 110 , quartz is called a positi1•e uniaxial crystal. Calcite has a
negati,•e uniaxial crystal.
than that for En, and we defined the relative phase shift 6.¢ = ¢1_ - ¢11, which
is plotted for a glass-air interface in Figure 3.16. The data indicate a 6.¢ of 45°
for an incident angle about 53° . A Fresnel rhomb (see Figure 9.16) uses two such
reflections to give a net phase shift of90°.
A half-wave plate can be used to rotate a linear polarization state. It is designed so that
where m. = 1, 2, 3, ... and >.0 is the target wavelength. Consider a half-wave plate illumi-
nated with light linearly polarized along an axis inclined at 0 to the horizontal. If the fast
axis is horizontal, they-component is phase-shifted by rr and if the fast axis is vertical, the
·y -component is phase-shifted by -rr. In either case, the sign on they-component reverses,
and the polarization is rotated by 28. Using() = 45° rotates the polarization by 90°, which
cannot be done with a single linear polarizer. It should be obvious from Equations 9.11
and 9. 12 that two quarter-wave plates can be combined to give a half-wave plate.
Since the fast axis is horizontal, the vertical axis receives an extra rr /2 phase shift
after passing through the quarter-wave plate. This phase shi ft adds to the one already
there, resulting in an output beam given by
Problem 9.8 In Example 9.3, what value of m would be required if calcite were used to
make a quarter-wave plate with a thickness of about 3.25 mm.
P roblem 9.9 Repeat Example 9.4 when the fast axis is verti cal.
Problem 9.10 Repeat Example 9.4 when the quarter-wave plate is replaced by a half-
wave plate with fast ax is horizontal, and again whe n the fast axis is vertical.
Problem 9.11 Describe the effect of combining two hal f-wave plates with their fast axes
parallel, and again when their fast axes are perpendicular.
Jones vectors and matrices can make it easier to calculate the effect of optical elements such
as linear polarizers and wave plates, especiall y when the optical train consists of several
of these elements combined coaxially in series. We begin by defining a Jones vector for
li nearly polarized light. According to Equation 9.1,
In the Jones representation, the ei(kz-wt+cp) is understood. Thus, the Jones vector for
linearly polarized light is given by
E = [ Eox
J = Eo [ c?s 0 ]
sm (J
(9. 13)
where the notation E simply means that we are representing the vector in this abbreviated
way. Similarly, the elliptically polarized light of Equation 9.4 has a Jones vector given by
Jones vectors can be normalized so that the magnitude of the vector is one. Thus, the
normali zed version of Equation 9.13 is
E- = [ cos eJ
s in O
This is normalized since cos 2 0 + sin2 (J = 1. If the vector is complex, the magnitude-
squared of both components must sum to one. For example, the normalized version of
Equat ion 9.14 is
E= [ cosO ]
sin0e' 6 ¢
(9. 16)
This has magn itude one since lei 6 <PI = (ei 6 <P ) (eiM)* = (ci 6 ¢) (e-iM) = 1.
Jn Section 2.3.3, we found that the irradiance of an electromagnetic wave is given by
(9. 17)
In the Jones notation, a normalized Jones vector represents "one unit" of irradiance. Thus,
the Jones vector
_ ~ [~]
E -2 __ [~])
1 -v'2 v'2 1
represents a wave of one-half unit irradiance, since ( ~) = ~.
We may think of the normalized Jones vectors for horizontal and vertical linear polar-
ization as unit vectors e, and eu:
Using this notation, the arbitrary state of elliptical polarization given by Equation 9.14 can
be represented as a linear combination of linear polarization states:
E- = [ . cos
() ()iCJ.¢ ] = ( cos B) c,
+ (
sm e i Cl. ¢) eu
• () A
sm e
E- = [ Eoe;.;
Eo ] Eo ] =Eo [ 1
[ ·iEo i ]
We may also define unit vectors e,. and Ct given by the normalized Jones vectors for right
and left-circular polarization:
1 [ 1 ] 1 [ 1 ]
e,. = J2
- i C[
= J2 i (9.20)
A e1+e.,.
= --- (9.21)
e -
- e.,.
u - V'ii (9.22)
Thus, any arbitrary state of linear polarization may be represented as a linear combination
of e,. and e1. In fact, both sets of unit vectors are equally fundamental , and may be used
to represent any state of linear or elliptical polarization. In the language of vector algebra,
both sets of unit vectors span the space of all possible polarizat ion states.
Linear Polarizers
Transmission Axis Horizontal
[~ ~ ] Transmission Ax is Vertical [ ~ ~ ]
1 1 1
Transmission Axi s + 45° ! [ 1 1 ] Transmission Ax is - 45° [ -
2 1 1 2 -1 1
Quarter-wave Plates
Fast Axis Horizontal Fast Axis Vertical
coso: -sin a· ]
0 --+ 0 +o:
sin o: cos a·
Jones Matrices
Optical elements such as linear po larizers and wave plates are represented in the Jones
no tation by 2 x 2matrices. They are used according to the following calculation conven tion.
Suppose an incident beam E; illuminates an optical element represented by the matrix 1VI.
T he beam Et that is transmitted by thi s element is g iven by
It is important to note that matrix multiplication is not commutative, so the order is important
in Equation 9.23. Jones matrices fo r a variety of optical elements are given in Table 9.1 ..
S how that the Jones matrix for rotation is g iven by the matri x shown in Table 9.1 ..
The rotation matrix should increme nt the angle in each component of an incident
wave by a::
where we have used the symbo ls a- d to represent the elements of the rotati on matri x.
Multiplying and canceli ng the facto r of Eo g ives
Find the Jones vector of the transmitted beam and the fraction of intensity transmitted
for the following cases: (a) Linearly polarized light at 45° incident on a linear
polarizer with transmission axis vertical and at 45°, and (b) light polarized at 45°
incident on a quarter-wave plate with horizontal fast axis.
(a) Using a normalized Jones vector and the Jones matrix for a linear polarizer
with vertical transmission axis, we obtain
Note that the polarizer has passed the vertical component, but not the horizontal
component, as required. The magnitude squared of the transmitted Jones vector is
one half, so half of the incident intensity is transmitted.
For a linear polarizer with transmission axis at 45°,
Et = 21 [ 1
Of course, in this case, the entire beam is transmitted since the polarization is aligned
with the transmission axis. Similarly, the magnitude squared of the transmitted beam
is one, so all of the intensity is transmitted.
(b) Using a normalized Jones vector for the incident beam and the Jones mat rix
for a quarter-wave plate with hori zontal fast axis gives
giving the normalized Jones vector for a left-circularly polarized transmitted beam.
Thus, none of the beam power was removed by the quarter-wave plate.
The real power of the Jones approach lies in the ability to treat more than one optical
element. Equation 9.23 may be extended to include any number of optical elements in the
following way:
- -
Et = MN ... M21\'hE; (9.24)
where 1\11 represents the element the incident light encounters first, and 1\ h r represents
the element the transmitted beam emerges from. The elements are assumed to be arranged
coaxially so that the beam transmitting from one falls normally on the center of the next.
Find the transmitted beam when light polarized at 45° is incident on a half-wave plate
with fast axis horizontal, followed by a quarter-wave plate with fas t axis vertical,
followed by a linear polarizer with transmission axis at - 45°.
There is no half-wave plate in Table 9.1., but we can represent one with a group
of two quarter-wave plates in series. The transmitted beam is given by
E- t = -1 [ 1 -1 ] [ 1 0 ] [ 1 0 ] [ 1 0 ] 1 [ 1 ]
2 -1 1 0 - 'i 0 i 0 i J2 1
The matrices must be multiplied in g roups of two. Begin with the last two on the
right (M1 and 1112) to obtain the Jones matrix for a half-wave pl ate with horizontal
fast axis:
- 1 [ 1
Et = 2 -1
Now multiply that last two matrices on the right above to obtain the combin ati on of
a half-wave plate with horizontal fast axis and a quarter-wave plate with vertical fast
Et = 2 - 1 - 11 ] [ 01 ~t ] __!___ [ 1
- 1 [ 1 1 ]
You should recognize the last matrix above as that of a quarter-wave plate with
horizontal fast axis. The quarter-wave plate removed half of the phase shift in troduced
by the half-wave plate, g iving the effective combin ation of a quarter-wave p late w ith
horizontal fast axis. The remaining calculations can proceed in any order. It is
instructive to now multipl y the las t matrix and the column vector representing E; :
- =-
Et 1 [ 1
2 -1
This represents left-c ircul ar light (produced by the quarter-wave plate and the incident
linearly polarized beam) incident o n a linear polarizer at 45°. Note that this com-
bination should give the same transmi ssion regardless of orientation of the second
polarizer. The final transmitted beam is given by
E= - 1 [ 1- i ]
t 2v'2 - (1- i)
E- t -- -e
1 -iE:.. [ 1 ] -- - 1 e-i E:• ( -1 [ 1 ] )
2 -1 /2 /2 - 1
where we have grouped the result in terms of the normali zed Jones vector for linear
polarization at -45°. The phase term e-i% can usually be ignored, since it represents
a phase shift that occurs for both components. Since ie- i:f = 1, this term does not
affect the transmitted irradiance, which is one-half the incident irradiance.
The Jones matri x for rotati on can be used to rotate a Jones vector as illustrated in
Example 9.5. Using the rotation matrix to rotate a Jones n~atri x can ~e determined in the
followi ng way. Consider a Jones matri x j\1 that acts upon E; to give Et
Now consider a rotation matrix R (n) that acts upon E; to give E;, and also acts upon Et
to give rotated Jones vector E~. Noting that the inverse of R(n) is given by R(-n) (see
Problem 9.16), we obtain
E~ = R(a)Et
= R(a') (ME;)
= R(n) M(R( - a)R(a)) E1
=R(cr)M(R(- a)R(a)) E;
where in the last step the quantity within the parentheses is the identity mat rix. Rearranging
E~ = (R(a) M R( - a)) E;
Thus, the matri x R (a) M R (- a) produces the same transformation as 1\1 acting on the
unro tated Jones vectors. The rotation of a Jones matrix is therefore given by
Problem 9.12 Describe the transmitted beam fo r the following cases: (a) Vertically
polarized light incident on a linear polarizer with transmission axis horizontal and at - 45°,
and (b) light polarized at 45° incident on a quarter-wave plate with vertical fast axis.
Problem 9.13 Find the transmitted Jones vector when light polarized at 45° is incident
on a ha lf-wave plate with fas t axis vertical, followed by a quarter-wave plate with fas t
ax is vertical, followed by a linear polarizer with vertical transmission axis. Determine the
irradiance of the transmitted beam relative to the incident beam.
Problem 9.14 Use Table 9.1. to show that the Jones matrix for the following optical
elements are given by the expressions indicated.
a) Left-circular polarizer:
b) Right-circular polarizer:
0 ]
d) Show that the Jones matrix for a half-wave plate with fast axis vertical is given
by the expression above, and explain why this makes sense.
Problem 9.15 Show that the combination of two quarter-wave plates, one with fast axis
vertical and one with fast axis horizontal, produces no change in the transmitted wave.
Explain why this is so.
Problem 9.16 Show that if a rotation matrix rotates a Jones vector through an angle a:,
then the rotation matrix that rotates the same Jones vector through - a: is its inverse. In
other words, show that
R(o-)R(-(1') = [ ~ ~]
and thus, R (-a:) is the inverse of R (n):
R(-(l')R(n)=[~ ~]
Problem 9.17 Use the rotation matrix to rotate the Jones matrix for a linear polarizer
with vertical transmission axis by 90°, and show that it gives the result for a linear polarizer
with horizontal transmission axis.
Problem 9.18 Use the rotation matrix to verify the Jones matrices given in Table 9.1. for
linear polarizers with transmission axes at ± 45°.
Many plastics consist of long, randomly oriented polymer molecules, and stretching or
stressing them can cause a partial alignment that can cause a stress birefringence. You can
easily observe this effect by stretching a piece of plastic wrap and placing it between two
polarizers. In most cases, you will see a quite beautiful display of colors that change as
you rotate one of the polarizers or the plastic material.
The colors result from the wavelength dependent phase shifts that result from the
birefringence of the plastic material. Consider the retarder illustrated in Figure 9. 18.
The incident light is polarized at 45°, and this light illuminates the retarder characterized
by indices nx and n y· Light emerging from the retarder passes tlu·ough a second linear
polarizer with transmission axis at - 45°. The Jones matrix for the retarder is given by
. _ ·J
·z.e '2
(ei~ _.e-;~) 1 (9.28)
. 2
= sm (8)'2
The transmi ssion is maximum for wavelengths where 8 is an odd-integer multiple of 1r; in
this case the retarder acts as a half-wave plate, rotating the initial linear polarization by 90°
so that it passes without loss through the second linear polarizer. Similarly, wavelengths
where 8 is an integer multiple of 2rr cause the retarder to function as a full-wave plate, so
the initial linear polarization state is unchanged and so does not pass through the second
crossed polarizer. Illumination with white light results in a transmitted beam with a mixture
of colors, the brightest of which individually give a 8 that is an odd-integer multiple of 1r.
Rotating either polarizer or the retarder will cause the colors of the transmitted light to
change. In general, the transmitted beam will contain polarization states that are highly
elliptical along the transmission axis of the second polarizer for the brightest colors trans-
Figure 9.19 A compressed plastic ring viewed between crossed polarizers. Stress induced
birefringence in the plastic creates elliptical polarization and conesponding variable transmission
through the front polarizer. (Loren WintersNisuals Unlimited)
A certain retarder with a length of 1.00 em. has 11 y - nx = 1.00 x 10-2 . Find o
if the retarder i"s illuminated by light of vacuum wavele ngth 500 nm. What new
wavelength will cause to increase by rr?
(1.00 X 10- 2 m.)
8 = 2rr ( 1. 00 x 10 ) ( ) = 400rr
5.00 X 10-7 m.
To find a new wavelength,\' that will cause 8 to increase by rr, we proceed as follows:
where we have let the new wavelength decrease in order to obtain a hu·ger value of o.
Using the approximation that l~x ~ 1 + x for small x, we obtain
L (~A)
7r = ~8 = 2n (ny - nx) /\o 1-;;-
= 4007T (~/\)
Solving for ~A gives
Problem 9.19 Design a quartz retarder with 8 = 20l n using the indices given in Section
9.4.1, using a vacuum wavelength of 589 nm. Find wavelength values on either side of this
that will give maximum transmission through the arrangement of Figure 9.18.
The electm-optic effect causes a change in the index of refrac tion of a dielectric material by
applying an external electric field. Intuitively, this is caused when the applied electric field
induces or aligns dipole moments within the material. Since the electric field has a particular
direction, the change in refractive index is also directional, producing birefringence. Thus,
the electro-optic effect allows the birefringence of materials to be controlled with an external
Some materials exhibit a linear electro-optic effect , also referred to as the Pockels6 effect.
The quadratic electro-optic effect, also referred to as the Kerr7 effect that depends on the
square of the applied electric field. The Pockels effect, if present, is usually much stronger
than the Kerr effect. Materials must be crystalline and without a center of symmetry to
exhibit a Pockels effect. The Kerr effect is useful in glasses and liquids as well as crystalline
An electro-optic modulator uses an electro-optically controlled birefringent phase re-
tarder in an arrangement similar to that of Figure 9.18. By application of a control voltage,
transmission through the second polarizer can be made maximum or zero. Such changes
can be achieved in a few nanoseconds, enabling very high amplitude modulation rates.
Electro-optic modulators that utilize the Pockels effect are sometimes referred to as Pockets
cells, and those that use the Ken effect are sometimes referred to as Kerr cells.
For many materials used in Pockels cells, it is necessary to apply the external electric field
longitudinally, as illustrated in Figure 9.20. This arrangement induces a birefringence
6 Fricdrich Pockcls: 1865- 191 3. German physicist who discovered the elfect that bears his name.
7 Rev. John Kerr: 1824- 1907. Scottish physicist and minister.
n X = no - -n
2 0T EZ
1ly =no+ 2n5 'I' Ez
where no is the index at zero applied field, Ez is the applied longitudinal electric field, and
T is the electro-optic constant of the material (unit: ( v)),
which because of the crystalline
state of the Pockels material is the component of a tensor. The derivat ion of thi s result
is beyond the scope of our discussion, but may be found in Boyd [3]. The corresponding
retardation of Equation 9.26 is given by
If we take the electric field to be uniform, the last two terms in the numerator may be
combined as the applied voltage 1':
See Table 9.2. for values of rand n 0 for selected materials. Full modulation occurs when
the Pockels material becomes a half-wave retarder.
Figure 9.20 Electro-optic modulators. In (a) the applied electric field is longitudinal, and in (b) it
is transverse.
Material 1'(1f) no
N H4H2P04 (ADP) 8.5 X 10~ 12 1.52
J( H2P0.1 (KDP) 10.6 X 10 ~ 12 1.51
J( H 2 As04 (KDA) 13 X 10~ 12 1.57
J( D2P0,1 (KD*P) 23.3 X 10- 12 1.52
Find the voltage required for full modulation of a Pockels cell constructed with KDP
for use at 550 nm.
2n~ 'I'
Substitution using values from Table 9.2. gives
V= 5.50xl0~7m =7.4kV
2 (1.51) (10.6 x 1o~ 12 v)
Notice that this result is independent of the length of the KDP crystal.
ln the longitudinal design of Figure 9.20(a), the beam must pass through conducting
surfaces that also provide the cell electrode surfaces. There are in fact conducting materials
that are also transparent and which can be used for this purpose. For example: indium
tin oxide (ITO), otherwise referred to as tin-doped indium oxide. Thin coatings of this
material arc transparent and sufficiently conducting for this application.
where J( is the Kerr constant of the material. The corresponding phase change 8 is given
If the plate separation in Figure 9.20(b) is d and the field is assumed to be uniform, the
retardation can be expressed as a function of applied voltage V
- 1'2
o= 2 1fJ( L cf2 (9.34)
The elec tro-optic retarder w ill function as a half-wave plate to give full modulation when
the applied voltage is
11 = d (9.35)
The full modulation voltage for a Ke rr cell is typically much higher that for a Pockels cell.
Material K(-{n)
Benzene C6H6 1.2 x 10- 1'1
Carbon disulfide cs2 6.4 x w- 14
Chloroform CHC[a - 7.0 x w- 14
Water H20 9.4 x w- 14
Nitrotoluene CsH1N02 2.46 x w- 12
Nitrobenzene C6HsN02 4.4 x w- 12
Problem 9.20 Find the full modulation voltage for a Pockel s cells constructed with
deuterated KDP (KD*P) when the wavelength is 546. 1 nm.
Problem 9.21 Some electro-optic materials are expe nsive, so some designs use a quarter-
wave electro-optic retarder in series with a quarter-wave plate that is not electro-optic.
Design such a device. Include a diagram that clearly indicates the modulator indices of
refraction relative to the fast and slow axis of the quarter-wave plate.
Problem 9.22 If the voltage source for a Pockels cell is modulated according to 11 =
Fm sinwt, show that the transmitted beam is g iven by
Linearly polarized light passing through an optically active medium experiences a rotation
o f the linear polarization state, as illustrated in Figure 9.21. Optically act ive materials are
classified according to whether, as looking through the material at the light source, the
polarization is rotated counter-clockwise (levorotal)') or clockwise (dextrorotmy).
h L
Figure 9.21 An optically active material rotates a linear polarization state. The rotation illustrated
is counter-clockwise (levorotary) when viewed from the plane of emergence. The opposite rotation
would be dextrorotmy.
The rotation of the polarization state in an optically active material is not the same
as circular polarization. In circularly polarized light, E rotates a full 21r radians in each
wavelength of travel. In an optically active material, E might only rotate a small fraction
of a radian in a few centimeters of trave l.
Optical activity is due to circular birefringence, in which a material has a different index
of refrac tion for left and right-circular polarizations. Examples of such materials include
the sugar glucose, wh ich is dextrorotary, and the sugar fructose, which is levorotary. Let
n1 be the index of refraction for left-circular light, and n,. be the index of refraction for
right-circular polarization. The phase shift between left and right-circular components of
a beam after passing through a material of length Lis given by
After passing through a length L of optically active material, the emergi ng wave has Jones
As usual, we ignore the phase term that is the same for both components. The phase sh ift
(J = ';¢
is the obserl'ed rotation.
(J = nL (n1 -n,.)
The transmitted beam has a Jones vector given by
• - [ cos. (J
E,- J (9.38)
- sm (J
The spec~fic rotation pis a standard measure of optical activity. For solids, p is defin ed
according to a 1 m.m. thick sample
p= _ (J _ (9.39)
1 nun
For example, the specific rotation of quartz is 21.684°/ nun.
An external magnetic field can cause rotation of a linear polarization state that is very
similar to that caused by optical activity. This is usuall y re ferred to as Famday rotation in
honor of the discoverer8 . The effect is caused by a magnetic field direc ted along the light
pro pagation path, as illustrated in Figure 9.22. In the Faraday effect , the observed rotation
of Equation 9.37 is given by
(J=VBL (9.40)
where B is the magnetic field magnitude, L is the light travel length, and V is the Verdet 9
constant. The Verdet constant, which is a strong func tion of wavelength, is on the order
of 5 ;~~ for solids and 5 x w- 3 ;~~ for gases. Terbium gallium gamer (TGG) has a very
large Verde! constant of -134 :;,an~ at 632.8nm..
The Faraday effect can be used to construct a Faraday modulator as illustrated in Figure
9.22(a). Faraday modulators arc not as widely used as Pockels cells due to the difficulty of
modulating large magnetic fields. More commonly, the Faraday effect is used to construct a
Famday isolator, illustrated in Figure 9.22(b). An isolator is a device that blocks re flected
beams. Here, it is important to note that materials with a positive Verde! constant rotate
the polarizatio n in a sense determined by the current in a solenoid that would produce the
applied mag netic field, for both fo rward m1d backwanl propagation paths. Thus, for the
field indicated in the figure, the rotation is counter-clockwise when viewed from the plane
where iJ points out of the page. In this design, the first polarizer has a vertical transmission
axis, and the second has a transmission axis that is rotated by 45° . The magnetic field is
adjusted to give maximum transmission in the forward direction , which begins with verti cal
polarization. The re turn reflection begins with linear polari zati on inclined at 45°, and ends
horizontal and thu s is blocked by the first polarizer.
8Michael Faraday: 1791 -1 867. English physicist who made many remarkable discoveries in electromagnetism.
9 Emile
Verdet: 1824- 1866. French physicist.
- - ll
( /?
Figure 9.22 Magneto-optic devices. (a) Faraday modulator. (b) Faraday isolator.
Problem 9.25 Find the observed rotation for a material with ne = 1.5582 and 'Tl r
1.5581, measured at a wavelength of 633 n m with a sample thickness of 1.00mm.. Repeat
when ne = 1.5581 and n,. = 1.5582. Which is the levorotary case?
Problem 9.26 Modify the design of the Faraday isolator of Figure 9.22(b) to use a
material such as TGG which has a negative Verdet constant.
Problem 9.27 What length of material is needed to construct a Faraday isolator if the
Verdet constant is 5.00 ;..~;~ and the magnetic field has magnitude O.lOOT. Repeat if the
isolator is constructed of TGG for use at 633 nm.
Bd = 20
path difference between adj acent acoustic wavefronts is 26, where = As sin B and B is
the angle that the incident beam makes with the acoustic wavefronts, as illustrated. If 26 is
equal to an integral number of light wavelengths A, then light reflected from many acoustic
wavefronts will constructively interfere to produce a diffracted beam:
than the illumination wavelength, so it is usually appropriate to apply the small angle
smB =Sill
. (od)
2 ~ 2od = 2As
Bd = - (9.42)
If the medium is isotropic, has parallel sides, and these sides are parallel to the acoustic wave
propagation direction, Equation 9.42 uses external incidence and transmission angles, and
vacuum illumination wavelengths. Figure 9.23(b) illustrates this at each surface. According
to Snell 's law and again using the small angle approximation,
• EXAl\'IPLE 9.10
An acousto-optic device is attached to a voltage source that drives the PZT at40 i\1Hz,
and is illuminated with light from a HeNc laser (,\ = 632.8 nm). If AO device is
constructed from a material for which the speed of 40 1\lH z acoustic waves is
4 , 000 m/ s, find the deviation angle for the first-order diffracted beam.
Vs <10007
,\s = J = 40 X 106 .! = 10 -
Od =~= 6.328 X
10- m= 0 _360
,\s 10- '1m
Note the smallness of this deflection angle.
The photoelastic index variations result in a phase grating, and since these variations
have a si nu soidal profile, the grating typically couples a large percentage (80% or more) of
the incident beam into first-order diffraction. Amplitude modulating the PZT voltage can
modulate the diffracted beam; in this case the AO device is referred to as an AO modulator.
The PZT voltage can also be frequency modulated to give a raster-scanned diffracted beam.
The device illustrated in Figure 9.23, with the acoustic absorber opposite the PZT,
produces a traveling acoustic wave and associated index variations that move at the acoustic
speed v 8 • The incident beam thu s diffracts from a moving grating, giving a first-o rder
diffracted beam that is Doppler-shifted by exactly the PZT modulation frequency 10 . The
frequency-shifted diffracted beam is useful for optical hetemdyne detection, as described
in Section
Problem9.28 Using the parameters o f Example 9. 10, find the PZT modul at ion frequency
that will produce a diffracted angle of 1.00°.
Problem 9.29 Find the deviatio n angle for 633 n m if the AO med ium is fused quartz
with an acoustic wave speed of 5960 m/ sat the modulation frequency of 40 j\f H z .
Problem 9.30 The rise timet.,. for an AO mod ulator is given by
t,. = -
where d is the beam diameter and Us is the acoustic wave speed. Intuitively, the acoustic
wave must interact with the entire illuminati o n beam before it can be fu lly deflected. Find
the ri se time for an illumination beam that is focused to a 100 pm-diameter spot, using the
parameters ofExample 9. 10, and again if the medium is fused quartz with an acoust ic wave
speed is 5960 m/ s. If the AO device were to be used as an amplitude modulator, estimate
the maximum beam modulatio n frequency in both cases. D escribe the signal to be applied
to the PZT to achieve this .
Laser a-Switching
Fast modulators can be used to Q-switch a laser. In thi s application, the modulato r is
placed within the laser cavi ty. When the modulator is adjusted for zero transmission,
the cavity cannot oscillate. In this case, the pumping mechanism (see Section 7.4)
c reates a much larger population inversion than would be possible if oscillation were
permitted. A voltage is the n applied to the modul ator that quickly adjusts it fo r
maximum transmi ssion, allowing the large population inversion to prod uce laser
o utput by stimulated emi ssion. The Q-switehed output is typically a short pulse with
peak irradiance that is many orders o f magnitude larger than that obtained without a
A Q -switch that uses a modul ator is sometimes referred to as an active Q-switch.
A passive Q-switch uses a saturable absorber. In thi s nonlinear application, an
absorbin g material is placed within the laser cavity. As the population inversion
becomes large, the irrad iance within the cavity can be large enough to excite every
g ro und state within the absorber into an excited state . When thi s happens, the absorber
becomes transparent, and the absorber is said to be bleached. The Q-switched pulsed
10Th is is an interesting result that is not immediately obvious. for a derivation that obtains this by a conservation
Mode locking is a technique for obtaining a series of pulses with extremely short pulse
duration. The cavity of a mode-locked laser typically contains a very fast shutter
that only allows a single large pulse to oscillate within the cavity. In active mode
locking, the shutter is a fast EO or AO modulator that is opened and closed with an
applied voltage, and in passive mode locking the shutter is a saturable absorber that
is bleached by the mode-locked pulse. In either case, the shutter opens with a timing
that only allows the mode-locked pulse to pass.
1 2
([] I~ (c)
Figure 9.24 The cavity of a model locked laser contains a gain medium ( 1) and a fast modulator
or saturable absorber (2) that is timed to allow a sing le large pulse to oscillate within the cavity. (a)
The modulator or saturable absorber is opaque when the pulse docs not propagate through it. (b)
The modulator switches to transparent, allowing the pulse to pass. If a saturable absorber is used,
the pulse intensity is large enough to bleach it. (c) The modulator or saturable absorber returns to
opaque when the pulse passes. The mode-locked output is a series of sh011 pulses spaced by twice
the cavity length.
titanium sapphire (Ti:sapphire) has such a mode structure, and is frequently used for
mode locking.
Problem 9.31 Ti:sapphire lasers are commonly mode locked to output short, intense
pulses with a duration of about ten femtoseconds. If the output of the laser is 800 nm, how
long is the pulse in wavelengths? If the laser cavity length is 100 em, what is the repetition
rate of the laser output?
An optical material becomes nonlinear when a beam passes through it with sufficient
irradiance to cause changes in its optical properties. The saturable absorber of Application
Note 9.3 is one example: when the beam irradiance is small, the absorber is opaque, but
for a large irradiance the absorber becomes transparent. As another example, focusing the
output of a pulsed laser can create electric fields at the beam waist that are large enough
to cause air breakdown (see Problem 9.32). Superposition (Section 1.5) is no longer valid
when a material becomes nonlinear. For example, two beams that individually pass through
air can cause breakdown when the beam paths overlap.
By far, the most useful nonlinear materials are dielectrics. In this case, the electric field
of a passing electromagnetic wave is strong enough to change the dielectric properties of
the material. Linear isotropic dielectric materials are characterized by a dielectric constant
J(E, as described in Section 2.2, and an associated constant index of refract ion n = ..flTii
(Section 2.3). Dielectric materials consist of molecules that either have a permanent dipole
moment, or a dipole moment that is induced by an external electric field. Molecules with
dipole moments can be thought of as oblong, where one end is on the average positive
and the other end negative, as illustrated in Figure 9.25(a). A dipole consists of equal and
opposite charges of magnitude Q separated by a displacement vectors. The dipole moment
is defined to be
iJ= Qs (9.43)
The direction of s and hence pis from -Q to +Q, and indicated in Figure 9.25(a).
In order to describe the dielectric properties of bulk materials, we define the dipole
moment per unit volume P:
P= Nj} (9.44)
where N is the number of dipole moments (i .e. molecules) per unit volume. Like E, P
is a vector field that is commonly referred to as the electric polarization, or simply the
polarization 11 • Ordinarily, the individual molecules are randomly oriented and Pis zero,
since in this case L j} = 0. However, an external electric field will orient the individual
j} dipoles to give a nonzero P, as illustrated in Figure 9.25. The degree of alignment
determines the value of P. It is customary to define the electric susceptibility X, defined
11 TI1is must not be confused with the electric field direction of a transverse electromagnetic wave.
+- +- +
+- E +- + p
+- +- +
+- +- +
+ ~
+- Ed+- +
+- +- +
+- +- +
+- j5 +- +
Figure 9.25 (a) A molecule with dipole moment ji. (b) A dielectric slab with net dipole moment
per unit volume P, induced by an external electric field E. The external field is p m1ly canceled by
the dielectric fieldEd. P
(c) Nonlinear em:cts can occur when becomes saturated.
The dielectric constant and index of refraction are related to X according to (see Section
3.7. 1)
J(E =X+ 1 (9.46)
n= JX+ 1 (9.47)
In many cases, P varies linearly with the external field E, in which case X is a constant.
This dependence can become nonlinear when, for example, saturation occurs as illustrated
by Figure 9.25(c). Saturation occurs for strong electric fields, where alignment is so nearly
complete that additional field E produces a relatively small change in P. In this case, X is
a function of E, and we may expand it as a polynomial series:
where the Xi are constants of the polynomial expansion. Combining Equations 9.48 and
9.45 gives
An isotropic material is one for which effects of polarization are independent of direction.
Hence, reversing the electric field direction should produce the opposite polarization, giving
- P2 = t:oX2 ( - E)
Since the electric field is squared, the last two results give P 2 = - P 2 , which can only be
true if P 2 = 0.. Thus, second-order nonlinear effects may only be observed in materials
such as crystals that are non-isotropic.
E = Emcoswt
P2 = coX2E2
= coX2E?n cos wt
2 1
= coX2Em 2 (1 +cos 2wt)
where we have used the double-angle identity to substitute for cos 2 wt. Rearranging gives
1 2 1 , 2
P2 = 2 coX2Em + 2coX2Em cos 2wt (9.50)
The second term in Equation 9.50 represents a sinusoidally varying polarization term that
oscillates at twice the frequency of the illuminating radiation. This oscillating dipole
moment radiates a new electromagnetic wave that is frequency doubled compared to the
illuminating light in a process referred to as second harmonic generation (SHG).
It is useful to develop a simple physical picture of electromagnetic wave propagation
within a nonlinear optical material. In Figure 9.26(a), an illuminating electromagnetic
wave induces an oscillating dipole. The energy absorbed by the dipole is then re-radiated
into a pattern that is isotropic over all azimuthal angles as illustrated. If the induced dipole
depends linearly on the illu minating field amplitude, the re-radiated light only contain the
frequency f of the illuminating field, but if there is a quadratic dependence then there
will be a portion of the re-radiated light of frequency 2f. Figure 9.26(b) illustrates a bulk
dielectric which is composed of an enormous number of individual radiating dipoles. Since
each dipole is driven by the same illuminating field, the dipoles radiate as a phased array,
with a corresponding radiation pattern that only emits in the extreme forward d irection.
Thus, as a beam of light travels through a dielectric, the beam profile is maintained as many
dipole radiators absorb and re-emit the incident radiation.
In a typical SHG application, the illuminating wave is focused into a nonlinear material,
as illustrated in Figure 9.27(a). For Gaussian beam focusing (see Section 7 .7), the beam
spot size is nw~. where wo is the Gaussian beam waist radius. If the beam power is P&,
then the irradiance at the focus is given by (see Section 2.3.3)
I = --
2 = -21cocnEm2 (9.5 1)
tttttttt!!t - = - - - - - -- -
Figure 9.26 (a) The electric field in an illuminating wave induces an oscillating dipole that re-
radiates at the illuminating frequency as well as at the frequency-doubled SHG frequency. The
radiation pattern for a single oscillating dipole is azimuthally isotropic. (b) A large number of
oscillating dipole moments acting as phased a1ray to give a radiation pattem that is extremely lobed
in the forward direction.
Let us focus so that the nonlinear material has a length L of twice the Rayleigh range within
the material:
where ,\ is the vacuum wavelength of the illuminating radiation, and n is the index of
refraction of the nonlinear material. Using the last two results, we obtain
E 111 =2 . (9.53)
In o rder to achieve SHG, the field E, must be large enough to induce second-order effects
within the nonlinear material.
• EXAMPLE 9.11
The material potassium titanyl phosphate, ](TiOP04 , (KTP) has a large second-
o rder nonlinear susceptibility X 2 of 16.6 x 10- 12 m/V, and an index of refraction of
1.8. What beam power Pb at a wavelength of 1.0611 nm focused into a 1.0 em-lo ng
KTP crystal will cause a second-order nonlinear polarization P 2 that is 0.1 % of the
I inear term P 1 ? Assume that the KTP crystal has a length that is twice the Rayleigh
range of the illuminating beam.
By Equation 9.47,
XI = n2 - 1 = (1.8) 2 - I = 2.24
We wish to find an irradiance that gives a electric field so that
E = (0.001)X1 = (0.001 )(2.24) = 1.35 X 108~
X2 16.6 X 1Q - 12V m
P. = cocL>.. E 2
b 4 "'
(a) (b)
Figure 9.27 (a) Gaussian beam focusing into a nonlinear material. The length L of the material
is twice the Rayleigh range. (b) Diode-pumped solid state laser: (I) 808nm diode laser; (2)
cavity mirror, AR coated for 8081ml, 99.9% reflecting for 1064nm; (3) AR coatings for 1064nm
and 532 nm; (4) Nd-doped laser crystal; (5) KTP nonlinear c1ystal ; (6) cavity mirTor, AR coating
for 532nm, 99.9% reflecting for 1064 mn; (7) infrared filter to block any leakage of 808 nm or
that is illuminated by the diode laser is coated for high reflectivity at 1064 nm and high
transmission at 808 mn. The output coupler at the opposite end of the cavity is coated
for high reflectivity at 1064 nm and high transmission at the freq uency-doubled 532 llln.
All optical surfaces within the cavity are coated for zero reflection at both 532 mn and
1064nm. The 1064 nm beam oscillates back and forth withi n the KTP, generating more
532 nm on each pass .
It is currently possible to purchase green laser pointers that utilize the technology
illustrated in Figure 9.27(b) and described above for under $1 00. The optical pump
diode typically emits a few hundred m W at 808 nm, yielding several milliwatts in a
green 532 nm beam.
Extreme caution should be used when working with high-power infrared laser sources
such as the 808 mn diode, Nd: Y AG, and Nd: YV04 sources of Figure 9.27(b). These
wavelengths are too long to be detected by the eye, but still short enough to be focused by
the lens onto the retina. Such beams are completely invisible, but are more than powerful
enough to cause permanent eye damage. The last optical element of Figure 9.27(b) is an
infrared fi lter whose job it is to remove any remaining infrared in the output. Disassembling
such a laser and/or removing theIR filter can be very dangerous.
The nonlinear term P3 in Equation 9.49 can produce frequency-tripled radiation, some-
times referred to as thin! harmonic generation (THG). As above, we let the illuminating
field be given byE = Em coswl. Using a similar trigonometric identity to that used for
Eq uation 9.50, we obtain (see Problem 9.36)
3coX3 3 coXJ 3
P= - - Em coswt + - -Em cos(3wl) (9.54)
4 4
The second term in Equation 9.54 represents THG. The first term contributes to the linear
polarization effect, and if X2 is positive increases the index of refraction within regions of
higher irradiance. An Gaussian beam traveling through such a material will encounter a
higher refractive closer to the beam axis, and in this case the material acts as a focusing lens
that leads to the phenomena of self focusing. Self focusing can result in optical damage
within the material. It can be reduced or eliminated by thermal blooming, where increased
irradirmce and absorption causes heating, which decreases the density and index closer to
the beam axis, causing the material as a diverging lens.
In the photon picture, SHG is a two photon process. In other words, the oscillating
dipole of the nonlinear medium absorbs two photons of the illuminating light, re-emitting
one photon of the frequency-doubled light. Similarly, in THG, three photons are absorbed
for every one photon of frequency-tripled light emitted .
The National Ign ition Facility (Figure 9.28) at Lawrence Livermore Nat ional Labora-
tory currently houses the world's largest laser. The facility exists to study controlled
thermonuclear fusion initiated by the radiation pressure of 192 UV laser beams that
compress small hydrogen- and deuterium-rich targets to temperatures and pressures
similar to that within the core of a star.
Opt!c:s aucm.b~
/ buJd'ng Cat'\tyrr.:uOt
B ~.!J!\ c on ~c.l
& la.stt «f:.a.)•~ostk
' ) \l fl"l'• $ optks
T he beam begins in the master oscillato r that outputs a small nanojoule pulse at
1064 nm which is then amplified by a factor of about 106 in a preamplifier modul e.
This beam is amplified further by making exactly four passes through an amplifier
constructed of flashlamp-pumped Nd-doped glass. A defonnable Adapt ive Opt ics
mirror optimizes the beam profile. The timing for thi s portion of the beam path is
controlled by a optical switch that uses a Pockels cell to rapidly rotate the polarization;
after switching, a polarizing beam splitter directs the amplifi ed beam, now with a
pulse energy of about 10 J, into the remaining beam path. Final amplification of
the 1064 nm. beam is achieved by a power amplification section consisting of 3074
,10 kg slabs of flashlamp-pumped Nd-doped glass mounted at Brewster's angle. At
thi s point, the pulse e nergy at 1064 nm is in excess of 20 J..:J.
The nonlinear material KDP is used for SHG and THG conversion. This material
was chosen due to the capabili ty to grow very large hi gh quality c rystals, as illustrated
in the figure. Current single-beam performance for the green SHG is 11.4 J..:J and at
the UV THG it is 10.4 kJ. With all 192 beams in operation, the fu sion target can be
ilhuninated by 2.2 M J in SHG, and 2.0M·J with THG.
In order for the conjugate wave to be a reflection of the forward traveling incident wave, it
must be backward traveling, and this will only be true if we replace l by -t in Equation
9.56. In other words, a phase conjugate re flection is a time-reversed copy of the incident
wave, except perhaps for a decrease in amplitude due to a non-unity reflectiv ity. Even
polarization is preserved (see Problem 9.39).
ltD l ID PCJ\1
(c) (d)
Figure 9.29 (a) A plane wave passes through a distmting medium before reflecting from a phase
conjugate mirror (PCM). (b) Afler re flection, the time-reversed wave passes back through the same
distmting medium to transmit as the original plane wave. (c) Geometry of four-wave mixing. Pump
beams Ep and E ; are counter-propagating, and are typically obtained within a resonant laser cavity.
The signal beam Es is reflected to give a phase conjugate beam Ec. (d) An index grating is created
by Ep and Es . The conjugate pump beam E; is Bragg reflected from the index grating to g ive the
conjugate reflection Ec.
Phase conj ugate reflection has some remarkable properties. For example, consider a
beam that trave ls through a distorting medium, as illustrated ii1 Figure 9.29(a). If the
distorted wave reflects from a phase conjugate mirror, the re flection is a conjugate copy
that passes back through the distorting medium as a time-reversed copy, so the distortion is
removed in transmission as indicated in Figure 9.29(b). An ordinary reflection would have
transmitted with further distortion.
Phase conjugate mirrors can be produced withdegenemtefour-wave mixing as illustrated
in Figure 9.29(c). In this application, counter-propagating pump beams Ep and E; that
comprise the standing wave inside a resonant laser cavity illuminate the material. A signal
beam Es is incident as indicated in the figure, generating the conjugate re flection Ec that
propagates counter to Es. The term degenerate indicates that all four beams have the
same frequency. Phase conjugate reflection will only occur if the fields are large enough
to support THO. The first term in Equation 9.54 causes an index variation that produces a
stationary phase diffraction grating within the nonlinear material. If we conceptualize the
grating as being generated by Ep and E s as indicated in Figure 9.29(d), then E; Bragg
reflects to give the conjugate reflection Ec. For more information, see Boyd [3].
Problem 9.32 The dielectric strength of a material is the magnitude of the largest electric
field that can exist within the material before breakdown occurs. In solids, breakdown
almost always results in optical damage. If a 5 .00 em-diameter laser beam is focused
to a spot of diameter 100 mum, what beam power in the unfocused beam will cause air
breakdown at the focused spot? What beam power in the unfocused beam will cause
breakdown without focusing? The dielectric strength of air is 3 x lOG Vjm.. You may
assume a step profile for both focused and unfocused beams.
Problem 9.33 Use the complex notation to derive Equation 9.50. With a complex E, we
compute the second-order nonlinear polarization according to
Show that the correct result is not obtained if the illuminating field is represented as
E = E 111 eiwt.. However, if we usc the real part of E by adding the complex conjugate
then Equation 9.50 is obtained. You may assume that the amplitude Em is real. Note
the extra factor of ~ in the expression for E. Using the complex representation when
computing products requires care. See also Problem 2.23.
Problem 9.34 The nonlinear material potassium dihydrogen phosphate]( H2P0 4 (KDP)
has a second-order nonlinear susceptibility X 2 of 2.2 x 10- 12 mj V, and an index of
refraction of 1.5. What beam power Pb at a wavelength of 1.064 nm focused into a 1.0 em-
long KDP crystal will cause a second-order nonlinear polarization P 2 that is 0 .1% of the
linear term P 1 ? Assume that the KDP crystal has a length that is twice the Rayleigh range
of the illuminating beam.
Problem 9.35 If the cavity in Figure 9.27 is terminated on each end by mirrors with a
reflectivity 99.9% at 1064 nm, estimate the number of passes through the KTP crystal that
a photon makes before passing through the output coupler.
As a more general case, we consider the case of a beam of illumination consisting of two
discrete frequencies with identical linear polarization E 1 e 1w1t + E 2 eiwzt, using the complex
notation to facilitate algebra. Let the medium have a nonzero second-order susceptibility,
so that
Letting the amplitudes E 1 and E 2 be real, and noting the results of Problem 9.33, we
compute the second-order polarization term as follows (the symbol cc indicates the complex
P2 = - - ( E1 e 'w
· 1t· + E2e 1·w2t + cc)2
= €0:2 (E~e2iwtt + E~e2iwzt + 2E1E 2 ei(w1+w2)t + 2E1E 2 ci(w1 - w2)t + cc)
+ coX2E1E2cos(wt +wz)t (9.58)
+ coX2E1E2 cos (w1 - w2) t
The first term in Equation 9.58 represents a constant polarization that is sometimes referred
to as optical rectification (there is a similar term in Equation9.50). The next term represents
second harmonic generation by each frequency component in the composite wave. The
term labeled SFG represents sum frequency generation and results in radiation at the sum
of the composite frequencies as illustrated in Figure 9.30(a), and the term labeled DFG
represents d(fference frequen cy generation and results in radiation at the difference of the
composite frequencies as illustrated in Figure 9.30(b).
A laser source is tunable if its frequency can be varied. Tunable laser sources are useful
for applications such as spectroscopy; unfortunately, laser mediums that support tunability
are not conunon. A tunable laser source can be extended into new wavelength regions
by freq uency mixing: into a longer wavelength region by DFG or into a region of shorter
wavelengths by SFG.
h !I
x2 If<+ h. h
(a) (b)
I ~
I; J;
Iv x2
Is Is
__.. Is
L - - - -- - --
F igu re 9.30 (a) Su m frequency generation (SFG). (b) Difference frequen cy generation (DFG).
(c) Optical parametric oscillator. The signal frequ ency fs is determined by the Fabry-Perot cavity
resonance. The idler frequency f; is determined by conservation of energy.
The OPO is tuned by adjusting the cavi ty length L. The idler beam is usually d iscarded,
and the signal beam is used as output.
Problem 9.40 Verify Equation 9.58. Show that elim.i nat ing either frequency term gives
Equation 9.50.
Problem 9.41 A tunable dye laser provides output over a wavelength range of 600 nm to
700 nm . If this beam is combined with a 1064 nm. beam within a second-order nonli near
medium, what frequencies can be obtained with SFG and with DFG?
Problem 9.42 A 1064 nm beam pumps an OPO adjusted to output at 1500 n:m. What
is the frequency of the idler? Can thi s OPO/pump combination be adjusted to output at
800 nm.? If not, why?
Additional Problems
Problem 9.43 Find the percent transmission of a collimated beam of light incident at
Brewster's angle on a single slab of sapphire with index of refraction 1.76 if the incident
polarization is perpendicular to the plane of incidence. Repeat when the polarization if
parallel to the plane of incidence.
Problem 9.44 Unpolarized light passes through three ideal linear polarizers with trans-
mission axes at 0°, 35°, and 55°. Find the fraction of incident light that is passed by this
Problem 9.45 A beam of 589 nm. light passes through calcite in a direction perpendicular
to the optic axis. Calculate the wavelengths of the ordinary and extraordinary waves.
Problem 9.46 Vertically polarized light passes through nine ideal linear polarizers. The
first polarizer is inclined at 10° with respect to the vertical, and the remaining have trans-
mission axes inclined at 10° from the previous polarizer. Find the percentage of incident
irradiance transmitted and final polarization state of the beam passed by this combination.
Problem 9.47 Find the transmitted beam when light polarized at 30° is incident on a
quarter-wave plate with fast axis horizontal. Repeat when the fast axis is vertical.
Problem 9.48 Three optical beams are prepared: one is unpolarized, one is left-circularly
polarized, and the third is right-circular. Using onl y a quarter-wave plate and a linear
polarizer, describe a method for identifying each beam.
Problem 9.49 If the specific rotation of quartz is 21.684°, find the observed rotation
from a 3.50 nun-thick slab illuminated with 633 nm light.
Problem 9.50 Each THG beam of the NlF laser outputs a 101.:1 optical pulse that lasts
for about 5 ns. What is the average power of this beam during the time that it is on? If this
beam is focused to a 100 fUn spot, what is the irradiance? What is the maximum electric
field magnitude within the beam?
Problem9.51 The nonlinear material potassium dihydrogen phosphate J( H 2 P04 (KDP)
has a second-order nonlinear susceptibility X2 of 2.2 x 10- 12 m/V, and an index of
refraction of 1.5. What electric field will give a second-order polarization P 2 that is equal
to the first-order term? What would the intensity be in such a beam?
Problem 9.52 After final amplification at 1064 nm the NIF laser outputs a 20 kJ optical
pulse that lasts for about 3.5ns. If the beam profile is taken to be a step function with a
10 em diameter, what is the electric field amplitude within the berun? If this beam passes
through KDP (see Problem 9.5 1), what is the ratio of the second-order polarization term
relative to P1?
Problem 9.53 In third harmonic microscopy, an infrared probe beam is focused into a
biological sample, and the frequency-tri pled THG light is detected point by point. Explain
why THG is more useful than SHG for this application.
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X-rays, 49