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BT 102 NOV 2019 Mathematics I

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Total No. of Questions : 8) [Total No. of PriuedPages : 4 Roll No BT-102 (CBGS) B.Tech., I & II Semester Examination, November 2019 Choice Based Grading System (CBGS) Mathematics-I Time : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 70 Note: i) Attemptany five questions. fied ofa veal at ea RL ii) All questions carry equal marks. wi neal & TAP sia 21 iii)In case of any doubt or dispute the English version question should be treated as final. fret ft rem & vide stern fare St URS A alot ara & yet of cif ART SEAT @ 2) Verify Rolie's theorem forthe function f(x) =32 —x—12 in the interval [-3, 4]. dea we Bl eT f(Ox)= x? -x-12, (3, 4] & fae weafte Aig b) Expand log x in power of (x— 1) by Taylor's theorem and hence find the value of log 1.1. cer &t a grt logx oI (x-1) A enet F RRaR Ae ‘TaN log 1.1 BTA Ah sre Siig BT-102 (CBGS) PTO [21 y ou Or 2. a) Ifu =sir*( )oensiwtit St 95 x+y a@u=sin™ b) Discuss the maximum or minima of the function S(ay)=2 —4ay 42? fea wa ert an Bites cen ATS eae F(ay)=x —4xy+2y? 3. a) Evaluate by expressing the following limit of a sum in the form of a definite integral. Pifettas att ht Siar ot Pike eee & wa A aT ores Set AISA ft 1 1 lim 4; ——+ — ave (n+l n+2 2n __le+l (log ot le+1 ~ (ogo soo de b) Provethat {J co x : Reg ig [fax 4. a) Evaluate {f,,x°y"dxdy, Where D is the region bounded byx=0,y=Oand x? +y? =1,x20,y>0 wert [f° ydudy, ad are A, vel Dada at x=0,y=0, 2+ y =1x20,y20 Rr Rrra BT-102 (CBGS) Contd... 13] b) Change the order of integration and evaluate it f f o ydydx. Ra ad qereners wr A Teel de BS sre oH ATT t fer ydyde. 5, a) Find the Fourier series for the function fax. -HSXSH pax af srt etry fax. SxS0 b) Test the convergence of the series dtag seh & oftratter M sia HST Eee Bove Va Ys 6. a) Determine whether or not the vectors u(1, 1, 2), v(2,3, 1), w(4,5,5) in R? are linearly dependent. area Ae Po aiRaru(L, 1, 2), v(2,3, 1), A w(4,5,5) RS tain vaca 8 seer wet? b) Let V=R3, show that w is not a subspace of V, where w={(a,b,c): a> 0} af V=R3, droeRia Ary fH , Var ora el &, te w={(a,b,c): a2 0} BT-102 (CBGS) PTO [4] 7. a) Find the Rank of the matrix : hag Afeawr & Rank sat TTI b) Find the characteristic equation of the matrix A and hence Find At. 1g fee an crates wtaoen ara Alig den sea Ao ft sre Aig 21 A=|0 1 11 Nom 8. a) Find the Eigen values and Eigen vectors for the matrix A: ate AR A oor Sito rr en citer Ger ama ARTE 34 A= 1. 2 b) Show that the following equations are consistent or not. srefafer chiiiy ot feat a eeflaneOT consistent ¥ aera met Sx+3y414z=4, yt2z=1, x-y+2z=0 BT199 (CRGS)

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