Etanol Absoluto Panreac

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Ed.: 6 . Vig.: 03.03.2017 . Prod.

: 131086


Ethanol absolute (Reag. USP, Ph. Eur.) for analysis, ACS, ISO


M.= 46,07 CAS [64-17-5] EINECS 200-578-6

TARIC 2207 10 00 90

SYNONYMS: Ethyl Alcohol

PHYSICAL DATA: liquid, Clear, Colourless, Miscible with water and most of the solvents • D 20/4 0,79 • M.P.:
-114,1 °C • B.P.: 78,5 °C • n20/D : 1,361 • Flash P.:13 °C • Ign. T.:425 °C • Vap. press. (20 °C) 59 hPa • Viscosity
25 °C 1,2 mPa.s • D. M. 20 °C 1,7 Debye • Dielec. constant25 °C 24,3 • Evap. number (DIN 53170) 8,3 • Heat evap.
78 °C 855 KJ/Kg • Satur. conc. 20 °C 105 g/m3 • Expl. limit3,5 %(V)15 %(V) •
BIBLIOGRAPHY: Merck Index 12, 3.806 13, 3.795 Sax EFU300 • Ullmann (5.)9 , 587 • Beilstein 1 , IV , 1289 •
BRN 1718733 • ACS XI • ISO 6353/2-1983 R -11 , 14 • BP.2018 • USP 41 • Ph. Eur. 8.0 (2014) 9.0 (2017) •
F.C.C 10 11 • Directive 88/344/E.C.E.92/115/E.C.E.94/52/EC97/60/EC (27/10/1997) 2009/32/CE • Ph. U. IX , 74,
Ph.Fr. X , 15, Royal Decree 472/1990 (6/4/1990) , 2667/1998 (11 /12/1998), 1101/2011 (22/7/2011), JP XV •

HAZARDOUS: C.E: 603-002-00-5 • RTECS: KQ 6300000 • LD L0 oral hmn 1.400 mg/kg • LD50 oral rat 7.060
mg/kg • LC L0 inh gpg 21900 ppm • LC50 inh rat 20000 ppm / 10h • VLA-ED 1.000 ppm1.910 mg/m3

H: H225 • H319 •
P: P210 • P233 • P240 • P241 • P242 • P501 • P243 • P280 • P303+P361+P353 • P370+P378 • P403+P235 •
P264 • P305+P351+P338 • P337+P313 •

TRANSPORT REGULATIONS: UN: 1170 • ADR: 3/II • IMDG: 3/II • IATA: 3/II • PAX: 353 • CAO: 364 • (D/E) •

WEIGHT/VOLUME INFORMATION: 1l~0,790 kg 1kg~1,266 l

OBSERVATIONS: May be subject to special tax. • Storage away from direct light, away from sources of ignition and
heat. Storage at temperature below 25ºC. •


Minimum assay (G.C.) (v/v) 99,8%

Specific Gravity 15,56°C < 0,7962
Identity :
Identity IR passes test
Identity according to Pharmacopoeias: passes test
Density at 20/20 0,790-0,793

Maximum limit of impurities

APHA colour 10
Appearance passes test
Appearance Clarity of solution passes test
Acidity 0,00035 meq/g

Alkalinity 0,0002 meq/g

Insoluble matter in H2O passes test
Non-volatile matter 0,0005 %
Reducing substance to KMnO4 passes test
Darkened substances by H2SO4 passes test
Carbonyl compounds (as CH3CHO) 0,005%
Fusel oil passes test
Absorbance passes test
Residual solvents (Ph.Eur/USP) passes test
Acetone (G.C.) 0,001%
2-Propanol (G.C.) 0,003%
Butanone (G.C.) 0,003%
Higher Alcohols (G.C.) 0,01%
2-Butanol (G.C.) 0,02%
3-Methyl-1-Butanol (G.C.) 0,05%
Volatile impurities (G.C.):
Methanol 0,02 %
Acetaldehyde and acetal 0,001 %
Benzene 0,0002 %
Total other impurities 0,03 %
Water (H2O) 0,2 %
Residual metals ICP: (according to
Class 1A (Pt, Pd) 10 ppm
Class 1B (Ir, Rh, Ru, Os) 10 ppm
Class 1C (Mo, Ni, Cr, V) 25 ppm
Class 2 (Cu, Mn) 250 ppm
Class 3 (Fe, Zn) 1.300 ppm

Metals by ICP [in mg/Kg (ppm)]

Ag 0,05
Al 0,5
As 0,05
Au 0,05
B 0,02
Ba 0,1
Be 0,02
Bi 0,05
Ca 0,5
Cd 0,05
Co 0,02
Cr 0,02
Cu 0,1
Fe 0,1
Ga 0,02
Ge 0,05
Hg 0,05
In 0,05
K 0,1
Li 0,05
Mg 0,1
Mn 0,02
Mo 0,02
Na 0,5
Ni 0,02
P 0,2
Pb 0,1
Pt 0,02
S 0,2
Sb 0,02
Si 0,2
Sn 0,1
Sr 0,2
Ti 0,02
Tl 0,02
V 0,02
Zn 0,1
Zr 0,02

Ed.: 6 . Vig.: 03.03.2017 . Prod.: 131086

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