French and American Approaches To Contract Formation and Enforcea
French and American Approaches To Contract Formation and Enforcea
French and American Approaches To Contract Formation and Enforcea
Recommended Citation
Julie M. Philippe, French and American Approaches to Contract Formation and Enforceability: A Comparative Perspective, 12 Tulsa J.
Comp. & Int'l L. 357 (2005).
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By Julie M. Philippe*
"Ignoring the always present role of the social matrix in contract is akin to
ignoring the role of DNA in the interaction of parts of a living body."
- Ian Macneil, The Many Futuresof Contracts
* J.D., University of Caen (France), L.L.M., University of Orleans (France), L.L.M., Paris-
Sorbonne University (France), L.L.M., St. Louis University (U.S.A., MO) Ph.D. (Law) Candidate,
Assistant-Professor, University of Orleans (France). The author would like to thank the Tulsa
Journal of Comparative and International Law staff for the great work they undertook in working
on the final editing of this paper.
1. Ian R. Macneil, The Many Futures of Contracts,47 S. CAL. L. REv. 691, 710 (1974).
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and the civil law tradition (to which France belongs). The word "tradition"
should not evoke a static past; rather, it denotes a dynamic and ongoing system.
Although there are important differences between these traditions, these
points of difference should not be allowed to obscure the extent to which both
systems, as products of western civilization, share many values. Similarities in
socio-economic conditions may in the end bring the two legal systems closer to
each other in functional term, but through separate routes. This is particularly
true in the realm of contract law. Despite differences in the process of formation
and in the enforceability of a contract, comparable economic needs in the United
States and in France have led to many similarities.
"Civil law did not become a constituent element of English common law
acknowledged and enforced by the courts, but it exercised a potent influence on
the formation of legal doctrines during the critical twelfth and thirteenth
centuries, when the foundations of common law were laid."' 2 The history of law
is a part of the general history of the economic, political, and intellectual
development of Western Europe. From the end of the eleventh to the beginning
of the fourteenth century, two differences appeared in the general legal situation
of the Continent and in England, both of which were to be of crucial importance
for the later history of civil and common law. On the Continent, revived Roman
law based on the study of the Corpus Juris Civilis, had a much greater impact
than in England. 3 During this same period, the English kings, in striking contrast
to their French counterparts, created an effective, centralized system of courts for
the administration of royal law. In the twelfth and thirteenth centuries the
development of the law of contracts on the Continent and in England began to
diver e as different forces came into play in molding the common and the civil
laws. In England, the common law of contracts was developed pragmatically
and judicially.
At first sight, the most striking difference between civil law and common
law systems is that the law is primarily to be found in codes and statutes in the
civil law system, while it is to be found primarily in the decisions of the Courts
in the common-law system. However, as far as contract law is concerned, this
assertion must be attenuated. While principles of French contract law are
codified in the French Civil Code of 1804, 5 in the United States the First
Restatement of Contracts was published in 1932.6 It constitutes an attempt by
the American Law Institute to compile a comprehensive statement of the
2. PAUL VINOGRADOFF, ROMAN LAW INMEDIEVAL EUROPE 97 (2d ed. Oxford Univ. Press 1929)
3. See generallyid. at 71-96.
4. See generallyid. at 97-103.
5. CODE CIVIL arts. 1101-1369 (Fr.) [hereinafter C. ciV.].
principles of contract law, but it is not a statute. The second edition, begun in
1960, reflects the evolution of contract law and changes due to the adoption of
the Uniform Commercial Code concerning the sale of goods. The Restatement
(Second) of the Law of Contracts is authoritative because judges and lawyers
refer to it for guidance when a point of law is not settled in a particular
While some differences can be explained by the fundamental distinction
between common law and civil law, federalism is also an important factor to take
into account. France is a member of the European Union, and the legal nature of
the European Union is subject to much debate. Winston Churchill said, "We
must build a kind of United States of Europe." 7 Maybe this view could be used
in a legal approach, since some people consider the European Union as a kind of
federation. Others
prefer to view the European Union as an international
The future route to European integration remains an open and difficult
question. It must be remembered that many decisions of European Institutions
have legal force, i.e. they are hard law. This law is not only valid at the
European level, but increasingly at the national level as well, creating an
intertwining of the legal orders. The European legal order is one common to all
of the Member States and is to be applied uniformly by the national courts. The
decisions of the European Court are inspired by common traditions of the
Member States, which include the United Kingdom, a nation of common law
tradition. Therefore, even within the European Union, civil law and common
law inspiration may be mixed. In contract law, the Commission on European
Contract Law was founded by the Danish law professor Ole Lando at the end of
the 1970s.
The Commission included legal scholars from all European Union
Members; they undertook the task of drafting a set of general rules of European
contract law. The result of this process was the Principlesof European Contract
Law. 9 In addition to the Principles, a network of scholars under the
chairmanship of Italian law professor Guiseppe Gandolfi, are drafting a proposed
European contract code. 10 Moreover, one should notice that some countries
would approach the same situation with entirely unfamiliar tools, but arrive
nevertheless at almost the same result. The same can be said concerning U.S.
contract law. In the United States there is not a uniform contract law. In most
States the law follows a model code, while in others it deviates from that code
In this work, I will limit my discussion to French contract law rather than
European contract law since this is an aspect of the European unification process
that has not been completed. Comparing the French and American legal systems
is also complicated by differences in linguistic representation and conceptual
treatment. The French and American ways of analyzing and framing a legal
concept are significantly different. The approach adopted in this work is to
adhere to the original texts as much as possible but at the same time to explain
the implications of the significance beyond the literal representation.
The overall organization of this work follows the common patterns of both
U.S. and French contract law. Accordingly, the main objective of this work is to
explain the salient features of each legal system concerning the formation and
the enforceability of a contract as well as a theoretical and functional comparison
between them. A recurrent question in the United States as well as in France is
"which promises should the law enforce?" One of the purposes of contract law
in both countries is to draw a line between enforceable and unenforceable
A contract is a relationship, a link between two people: a promisor and a
promisee. The relational theory of contract law is attributed to Professor Ian
Macneil, who focused on the primal roots of the concept of exchange and
emphasized the relational character of contracts.11 Some relations involving
promisors and promisees are governed by culture and are enforced by social
means: people feel the importance of respecting a promise given. However, one
should admit that little attention has been paid to the relation between contract
law and morality. According to Stanley Fish, "[m]orality is something to which
the law wishes to be related, but not too closely."' 12 In recent years there has
been more concern with the relationship between contract law and economics.
In France, according to the classic doctrine, the "honor-only" deal cannot
produce legal effects. Ripert wrote that these deals concern only the duty of
conscience which the judge cannot enforce so long as he has any soul. 13 In the
past, these "honor-only" agreements seemed to be confined to family or friendly
relations. 14 However, nowadays, a lot of "honor-only" agreements exist
11. Ian R. Macneil, Efficient Breach of Contract: Circles in the Sky, 68 VA. L. REv. 947 (1982).
14. See generally Etienne Ernest Hippolyte Perreau, Courtoisie, Complaisance et Usages, Non
ObligatoiresDevant la Jurisprudence,13 RTD. Clv. 481 (1914).
15. C. civ. art. 1134 (<<Les conventions ligalementfonnes tiennent lieu de loi ct ceux qui les ont
16. C. civ. art. 1101 ((<Le contrat est une convention par laquelle une ou plusieurs personnes
s 'obligent,envers une ou plusieurs autres, a donner, eifaire, ou ez ne pas faire quelque chose ).
18. U.C.C. § 1-201(3) (2004).
19. U.C.C. § 1-201(11) (2004).
20. U.C.C. § 1-205(1) (2004).
21. U.C.C. § 1-205(2) (2004).
22. U.C.C. § 2-208(1) (2004).
23. C. civ. art. 1102-03.
24. C.civ. art. 1102.
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no corresponding obligation undertaken by the other party. It must be noticed
that despite similar terminology, American unilateral and bilateral contracts do
not have the same meaning. In U.S. contract law, a bilateral contract is one
where both parties make a promise and a unilateral contract is one where only
one party makes a promise. A unilateral contract consists of a promise given
for some act to be performed.
Article 1105 of the French Civil Code defines the gratuitouscontract as one
through which one of the parties procures a purely gratuitous advantage for the
other. 8 Article 1106 of the French Civil Code defines an onerous contract as
one which obligates each of the contracting parties to give or to do something.
It is noteworthy that the American concept of bargain corresponds to only one
category of contract in French law: the onerous one.30 Moreover, this last
classification has a practical consequence concerning the French doctrine of
cause and the American doctrine of consideration.
We now take up the first part of this study focusing on the common features
of contract between the United States and France.
33. See Teachers Ins. & Annuity Assoc. of Am., 670 F. Supp. at 498-99.
34. Id.
35. Id.
36. Id.
37. Id. at 498.
38. Id.
39. See Teachers Ins. & Annuity Assoc. of Am., 670 F. Supp. at 498.
40. Id.
41. Id.
42. Id.
43. Id.
44. Id.
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45. PECL, supra note 8, at 137, art. 2:101(2) ("A contract need not be concluded or evidenced in
writing nor is it subject to any other requirement as to form. The contract may be proved by any
means, including witnesses.").
46. U.C.C. § 2-201 (2004).
47. C. civ. art. 1341; see also Decree No. 2001- 476 of May 30, 2001, J.O., June 3, 2001, p.
48. C. civ. art. 1108.
49. 200 F. 287, 293 (D.C.N.Y. 1911).
of case law shows that reference to the intent of parties to be legally bound is
50. Teachers Ins. & Annuity Assoc. of Am., 670 F. Supp. at 497.
OBLIGATIONS] (William David Evans trans., Strahan 1806) (1727).
53. MARCEL PLANIOL & GEORGE RIPERT, CIVIL LAW TREATISE § 970 (La. State L. Inst. trans., St.
Paul West Pub. Co. 1959).
54. C. civ. art. 1984; see also C. civ. art. 1985.
55. C. CIV. art. 894; see also C. civ. art. 932.
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56. See generally Georges Rouhette, Droit de la Consommation et Thgorie Ggnjral du Contrat,
in ETUDES OFFERTES A RENE RODIERE No. 14, 247 (Dalloz 1981).
57. BLACK'S LAW DICTIONARY 1 11 (7th ed. 1999).
58. There are some exceptions to the formalities imposed by the Statute of Frauds. The same can
be said in France concerning offers to enter into certain types of contracts, e.g., offers relating to
certain kinds of loans.
59. 4 JEAN CARBONNIER, DROIT CIVIL 82 (Presses Universitaires de France, 22d ed. 2000) (<toute
action accomplie afin de porter la volontd e7la connaissanced'autrui.>).
to make an offer." Proposals made to the public through advertisement are not
generally held to be an offer. The justification is that if a seller were sold out of
an item for which people made a request, the customers would have a right of
action against the seller for not performing his contract. There are some
exceptions to the general rule that an advertisement is not an offer. In Lefkowitz
v. Great Minneapolis Surplus Store, the Court said "[w]hether in any
individual instance a newspaper advertisement is an offer rather than an
invitation to make an offer depends on the legal intention of the parties and the
surrounding circumstances."62 In this case, the advertisement contained the
sentence: "First Come First served."'63 This constitutes identification as well as a
limitation of the person who can accept the offer, which ultimately contributes to
the definiteness of the offer. The Court concluded that an offer existed, because
the advertisement
"was clear, definite, and explicit, and left nothing open for
In French contract law, the same consequences are attached whenever the
offer is addressed to a definite person or to the public. 65 The contract is formed
with the first person that accepts the offer. Whatever the form of the offer, it
must be sufficiently definite to be accepted without more. The requirement of
definiteness permits us to determine if we are in the presence of an offer and to
distinguish an offer from a mere intent to open negotiations. A case by case
approach prevails to determine the existence of an offer. Williston suggests that
"[t]he only general test which can be submitted as a guide is the inquiry whether
the facts show that some 6 rformance was promised in positive terms in return
for something requested."
In French law, the same reasoning applies: a proposal is an offer if it
contains all the essential elements of the contract. May an offer, once made in
definite terms, at any time be retracted before acceptance is made? At common
law, as a logical consequence of the doctrine of consideration, the general rule is
that an offer has no binding force. This means that the offeror may withdraw his
offer at any time before it is accepted. If the offeror can reasonably notify
everyone who might accept the offer, revocation is not effective as to a particular
offeree unless it has been communicated to that offeree. 67 if the offer is too
U.C.C. 77 concerning the revocation of firm offers. "The primary purpose of this
section is to give effect to the deliberate intention of a merchant to make a
current firm offer binding."' 78 The lack of such "codification" in French law can
be explained by the absence of requirement of consideration and by its corollary
that parties are bound by their agreement without any more as long as it does not
violate public policy. "The offeror's death terminates the power of the offeree
without notice to him." 7 9 The same solution is sustained by the French courts:
the offer is terminated by the death of the offeror and his heir cannot be bound
by the offer. 80 Once an offer has been made and if it is neither terminated nor
rejected by the acceptor, a further step is necessary to form the contract: the offer
must be accepted.
86. Id.
87. <<Qui ne dit mot consent.>>
88. Cass. Civ., May 25, 1870, D. 1870. I. 258 ( <<en droit, le silence de celui qu 'on prdtend oblige
ne peut suffire, en l'absence de toute autre circonstance, pour faire preuve contre lui de
89. Ch. Req., Mar. 29, 1938, D. 1939. 1. 5, note Voirin (<<Si, en principe, le silence gardeparle
destinataired'une offre ne vaut pas acceptation, ilest cependant permis aux juges du fond, dans
leur appriciationsouveraine des faits et de l'intention des parties, et lorsque l'offre a jtj faite
dans P'intert exclusif de celui 6 qui elle est adressde, de ddcider que son silence emporte
acceptation (remise partiellede dettes de loyers 6chus. ).
90. CA Paris, 25 nov. 1920, D. 1922. t. 41.
91. CODE DES ASSURANCES art. Li 12-2 (Fr.).
92. C. civ. art. 1738.
93. McGlone v. Lacey, 288 F. Supp. 662 (D.S.D. 1968) (holding that a lawyer's silence was not
assent to handle case).
94. Hobbs v. Massasoit Whip Co., 33 N.E. 495 (Mass. 1893).
ignorance of the promise made by the offeror, will not generate a contract.
There are two explanations given for this rule. The first one is based on the idea
of consensus. Anson said: "[a] person who does an act for which a reward has
been offered in ignorance of the offer cannot say either that there was a
consensus of wills between him and the offeror, or that his act was done in return
for the promise offered." 96 The second explanation is based on the absence of
Because of the difference in meaning of the expression "unilateral contract"
between French and U.S. law, and the absence of consideration under French
Law, the same mechanism cannot apply in French law. Indeed, in French
"unilateral contracts," only the promisor is bound and so no specific performance
is required from the beneficiary.
In a U.S. bilateral contract, the acceptance is constituted by a return
promise. Three general requirements for an acceptance by a promisee can be
identified. 97 First, there must be an expression of commitment. Second, the
commitment must not be conditional on any further act by either party. Third,
the commitment must be made on the terms proposed by the offer without the
slightest variation. The same reasoning applies in France. The acceptance
should be a mere adhesion to the terms of the offer and should not be
conditional, otherwise it would constitute a counter-offer. Nevertheless, it is
possible to subordinate the acceptance to the realization of a condition (e.g., the
obtaining of a loan). This condition can be suspensive or r'solutoire. In the first
case there is no contract up to the realization of the condition; in the second case
there is a contract as soon as the agreement but which is subject to voidability if
the condition comes into reality. In both cases, the condition must be constituted
by an event which is external to the power of the parties. Otherwise it would
constitute an illusory condition.
In order to determine if the offeror must be notified of the acceptance, it is
necessary to determine what kind of acceptance is required. According to the
Restatement Second of Contracts, "[w]here an offer invites an offeree to accept
by rendering a performance, no notification is necessary to make such an
acceptance effective unless the offer requests such a notification. ' 98 In Carlillv.
Carbolic Smoke Ball Co., 99 the defendants were the manufacturers of a
contraption called a Carbolic Smoke Ball, which was claimed to be capable of
preventing influenza. By the means of an advertisement, the defendants offered
to pay £100 to any person who used the smoke ball and nevertheless caught the
flu. The plaintiff used one smoke ball according to the instructions but caught
influenza. She then claimed payment of the £100. The Court of Appeal upheld
plaintiff's claim. The Court decided that the fact that she had not notified the
Company of her acceptance was not fatal to her claim.100 It decided that the
offeror impliedly intimates in his offer that 10it will be sufficient to act on the
proposal without communicating acceptance. 1
When the offeror seeks an acceptance by means of a promise, it is essential
"either that the offeree exercise reasonable diligence to notify the offeror of
acceptance or that the offeror receive the acceptance seasonably."' 102 Sometimes
a person cannot accept an offer before a certain period of time after receiving it.
For example, a person who borrows money in order to invest in real estate
cannot accept an offer of credit before ten days after receiving it. 103 The purpose
of this rule is to protect the consent of the person before she becomes legally
107. C. civ. art. 1156 (<<On doit dans les conventions rechercher quelle a 6t6 la commune
intention des parties contractantes, plut6t que de s'arr~ter au sens littrral des termes.>).
108. G. H. TREITEL, THE LAW OF CONTRACT 1 (Steven & Sons, 7th ed. 1961) (1987).
109. Id.
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110. R. M. Jackson, The Scope of the Term 'Contract',53 LAW Q. REv. 525, 535 (1937) (quoting
111. 272 N.E.2d 533, 535 (N.Y. 1971) (quoting Mercury Machine Importing Corp. v. City of
New York, 144 N.E.2d 400,403 (N.Y. 1957)).
112. 704 F.2d 924, 927 (7th Cir. 1983) (citations omitted).
113. C.civ. arts. 1111-15.
114. Law of Apr. 29, 1916; see also Law No. 67-545 of July 7, 1967, art. 15.
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law, a threat of lawful action does not constitute duress. 122 The French Cour de
Cassation decided that the threat of an action does constitute violence only if
there is an 12abuse
3 either in twisting it or in using it to obtain a disproportionate
In this part we were concerned with unfair means by which a contract has
been procured; now we shall see how the unfairness of terms may also vitiate a
contract. In both cases, the balance of negotiations has been disturbed.
2. Contracts of Adhesion
The term "contract of adhesion" comes from the French expression "contrat
d'adhesion" coined by Raymond Saleilles to describe contracts "'in which one
predominant unilateral will dictate its law to an undetermined multitude rather
than to an individual.., and all those contracts which, as the Romans said,
resemble a law much more than a meeting of the minds."" 24 It was first used in
the United States by Professor Patterson. 125 The expressions "standardized
contract" and "form contract" are also often used to designate the same reality: a
take-it-or-leave-it proposition in which the only alternatives are adherence or
outright rejection. A general definition was given by Justice Tobriner: "[t]he
term signifies a standardized contract, which, imposed and drafted by the party
of superior bargaining strength, relegates to the subscribing party only the
opportunity to adhere to the contract or reject it."" The question is whether a
party who has signed a standardized contract can reasonably be held to have
seen, understood, and assented to its unfavorable terms and accordingly be
bound by them.
We may wonder if the doctrine of consideration would be helpful to answer
this question. The traditional response has been that the requirement of bargain
under the bargain theory of consideration was plainly met by simple adherence
to a standard form. Indeed, the bargain theory of consideration does not require
that the parties actually bargain over the terms of their agreement. Thus, the
doctrine of consideration offers no grounds for the party who seeks to be
relieved of her agreement in claiming an imposition. The common law rule is
that "in the absence of fraud, one who signs a written agreement is bound by its
terms whether he reads and understands it or not or whether he can read or
122. See Chouinard v. Chouinard, 568 F.2d 430, 434-35 (5th Cir. 1978) (explaining that a lawful
demand or insistence on a legal right, even as against a necessitous person, is not duress).
123. Cass. 3e civ., Jan. 17, 1984, 1984 Bull. Civ. 1II, No. 13.
124. Boase v. Lee Rubber & Tire Corp., 437 F.2d 527, 530 (1970).
125. Edwin W. Patterson, The Delivery of a Life-Insurance Policy, 33 HARV. L. REV. 198, 222
126. Neal v. State Farm Ins. Cos., 10 Cal. Rptr. 781, 784 (Cal. Dist. Ct. App. 1961).
127. Cohen v. Santoianni, 112 N.E.2d 267, 271 (Mass. 1953).
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In France, adhesion contracts do not have a specific regime and the regular
law of contracts applies to them. Nevertheless, a practical view limits this
principle. Indeed, it has been noticed that the majority of clauses abusives could
be found in adhesion contracts. The clauses abusives are clauses that can only
be found in contracts which are concluded between a professional person and a
non-professional person or consumer. These clauses are excessive because they
create a significant imbalance between the professional and the non-professional
or consumer concerning their rights and duties derived from the contract. 128 If
clauses in such contracts
are qualified by the judge as clauses abusives, these
clauses are void.
Under American law, the concept of adhesion contracts is linked to the
notion of unconscionability and to the broader one of public policy. In Jackson
v. FirstNational Bank, the Court pointed out that contracts, by which one seeks
to relieve himself from the consequences of his own negligence (in this case the
Court considered the validity of an exculpatory clause in a lease of property for
business purposes), are generally enforced "unless would be against the
settled public policy of the State to do so, or ...there is something in' ' 3the social
relationship of the parties militating against upholding the agreement. 0
Moreover, a two-step analysis can be followed concerning the judicially
imposed limitations on the enforcement of adhesion contracts or provisions
thereof. "The first is that such a contract or provision which does not fall within
the reasonable expectations of the weaker or 'adhering' party will not be
enforced against him."' 3 1 This idea is close in its result to the French rule
concerning the interpretation of contracts between professionals and consumers,
which says that the judge must interpret the clause in favor of the consumer.132
This demonstrates that public policy of protection of the consumer led to
abandoning classical rules of interpretation of contracts based on the willingness
of the parties. The second step "is that a contract or provision, even if consistent
with the reasonable expectations of the parties, will be denied enforcement
13 3
considered in its context, it is unduly oppressive or 'unconscionable."'
Under French law, the concept of "unconscionability" does not exist in and
of itself, but both French and American law have moved away from permitting
unlimited freedom of contract to protecting weaker contracting parties from
128. CODE DE LA CONSOMMATION art. L132-1 (e<Dans les contrats conclus entre professionnels et
non-professionnels ou consommateurs, sont abusives les clauses qui ont pour objet ou pour effet
de crier,au dtriment du non-professionnel ou du consommateur, un ddsoquilibresignificatifentre
les droits et obligationsdes parties au contrat. ).
129. Id.
130. 114 N.E.2d 721,725 (1953).
131. Graham v. Scissor-Tail, Inc., 171 Cal. Rptr. 604, 612 (1981).
133. Graham, 171 Cal. Rptr. at 612.
134. See, e.g., Le Contratd'Enseignement 6tDistance, Law No. 71-556 of July 12, 1971, arts. 8-9,
J.O., July 13, 1971; see also CODE DE LA CONSOMMATION art. L313-12; see also CODE DE LA
CONSOMMATION art. L311-9; see also CODE DE LA CONSOMMATION arts. L312-6, 7. 8, 9; U.C.C. §§
2-205, 2-201(2) (2004).
135. See, e.g., The contract of life-insurance, CODE DES ASSURANCES art. L132-5-1 (requiring the
delivery of an information note).
136. Steven P. Tapia, Dot Corn Disclosures-InformationAbout Online Advertising, 712 PLIIPAT
321, 329 (2002) (citations omitted).
137. Friedrich Kessler, Contracts of Adhesion-Some Thoughts About Freedom of Contract,43
COLUM. L. REV. 629, 640 (1943).
138. FARNSWORTH, supra note 25, at 361.
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dol is a cause of nullity of the agreement when the artifices practiced by one
party are such that it is evident that without those artifices the other party would
not have contracted. It constitutes a fault which was linked, in Roman law, with
the idea that dishonest acts should be repressed. In the conception of the French
Civil Code, the point is not so much to punish the author of the dol, rather it is to
protect the consent of the victim.
We think that the notion of dol includes concealment as well as
misrepresentation because the dol may be constituted by a lie or by silence.
Even without fraudulent schemes, a simple lie may constitute a dol, 139 as well as
the simple effort to peddle one's wares. Inaccurate advertisement was once 140
considered a bonus dolus (a positive dol) but is now punished by law.
Keeping silence may constitute a dol when a party possessed information that he
should have disclosed but instead did not reveal in order to encourage the other
party to contract. This solution supposes that the party who kept silent had a
duty to speak and to inform the other party. This duty may be implied from the
nature of the contract. For example, in an insurance contract, the person who is
insured has the duty not to conceal information about his health. 14 1 American
courts sustain the same solution. "[A] misrepresentation by a policy buyer
relating to health is a commonplace ground for rejecting a claim." The duty
to give some information may also come from the professional skills of one
party when the other party is a lay person. 143 However, the Supreme Court of
Massachusetts, in Swinton v. Whitinsville Say. Bank,144 said that the rule is non-
liability for bare nondisclosure. 145 In this case, the defendant sold the plaintiff a
house to be used as a dwelling. At the time of the sale the house was infested
with termites, and the defendant knew the house was infested but he did not
disclose that information. The Court said that "[t]he charge is concealment and
nothing more; and it is concealment in the simple 1sense
of mere failure to reveal,
with nothing to show any peculiar duty to speak."
The dol causes a victim's mistake, even if it creates a mistake that
otherwise would not have led to the voidability of the contract. Because the
mistake is caused by the other party, it is possible to consider that there is no
contract if this mistake has determined the consent of the victim of the dol.
American law is more demanding because some degree of diligence is required
139. Cass. 3e civ., Nov. 6, 1970, 1970 Bull. Civ. III, No. 587. (<un simple mensonge, non appuye
d'actes extdrieurs, peut constituer un dob>) (on file with author).
140. CODE DE LA CONSOMMATION art. L121-1, 2, 3.
141. CODE DES ASSURANCES art. L 113-8.
142. FARNSWORTH, supra note 25, at 361.
143. For example, a contract of sale of used car by a professional.
144. 42 N.E.2d 808 (Mass. 1942).
145. Id. at 809.
146. Id. at 808.
The most obvious difference between American Law and French law
concerning the enforceability of contracts is the absence in French law of the
requirement of consideration for the validity of a contract. It is sometimes
thought that the concept of cause performs a function akin to that of
consideration in determining whether or not an agreement is binding in law.
However, it would be a mistake to translate "consideration" as "cause" first
because these two terms do not cover the same meaning, and second because
consideration presents numerous features in its application that allow it to be
distinguished from the French cause. Some comments on the notion of
consideration follow.
147-48 (1913).
151. David Ibbetson, Assumpsit and Debt in the Early Sixteenth Century. The Origins of the
Indebitatus Count, 41 CAMBRIDGE L.J. 142 (1982).
152. David J. Ibbetson, Considerationand the Theory of Contract in Sixteenth Century Common
Law, in TOWARDS AGENERAL LAW OF CONTRACT 67 (John Barton ed., 1990).
154. JEAN DOMAT, THE CIVIL LAW IN ITS NATURAL ORDER 161, § 147 (William Strahan trans.,
Luther S. Cushing ed., Rothman and Co. 1980) (1689).
155. Id.
156. Id. at 162, 1 149.
may not have any effect. ' 57 So, the concept of "cause illicite" must be
distinguished from "absence of cause." If the contract is motivated by the
expectancy of realization of an immoral end, it is what French law calls "cause
illicite." So the equivalent in American law of "cause illicite" or "cause
immorale" cannot be found in the concept of consideration but rather in the
doctrines of illegality and public policy.
Louisiana is unique in its assimilation of the doctrine of cause and
consideration. In Louisiana, there is an admixture of cause and consideration in
the treatment of conventional obligations. "The concept of cause makes its first
recorded appearance in the law of Louisiana in the earliest codification of her
laws, 'A Digest of the Civil Laws Now in Force in the Territory of Orleans
(1808). " ' 158 That Digest reproduces in French the articles of cause found in the
French Civil Code. The English version of the Digest presents a literal
translation of the fourth essential condition to validity of an agreement, "[u ne
cause licite dans l'obligation.'' 159 It is translated as "[a] lawful purpose in the
obligation." 160 This version of cause is continued in the Codes of 1825 and
Capitant made clear the impropriety of speaking of the cause of a contract.
Cause is that element of the will which presupposes the attainment of the end
desired, or the presupposition of performance performed. As such, it is the
cause of the obligation,inseparable from it and indispensable to its validity until
the final moment of execution. 162 What is striking for a French lawyer in the
Civil Code of Louisiana is that the terms cause, consideration and motive are
made practically interchangeable.1 63 As mentioned above, French scholars make
a distinction inside the concept of cause between the cause seen from the
perspective of its existence and the cause seen from the perspective of its
morality, this last one could be seen as the equivalent of the motive.
Article 1893 of the Civil Code of Louisiana is the twin of Article 1131 of
the French Civil Code. 164 The same can be said if we read together Article 1895
of the Louisiana Civil Code and Article 1133 of the French Civil Code. 165 In
Louisiana, as in France, unlawful purposes are reprobated in any contract just as
one may not sanction the enforcement of any agreement, which in common law
terminology, is tainted with illegality. For example, the Court has refused to
recognize an action to settle a partnership, which operated as a gambling
enterprise. 166 In both countries the solutions will depend on the notions of
morality and illegality, and more broadly, they depend on public policy. In view
of strict morality, it is surprising to observe the matters relating to prostitution.
In Kathman v. Walters,167 recovery for rent of a house, which was allowed to be
used as a brothel, was denied on the ground that the claim was founded upon a
contract reprobated by law. Two years later this case was expressly overruled in
Lyman v. Townsend, 1which marked the emergence of an apparently strong
desire to safeguard the security of transactions. Thus, the lease of a house for
purposes of prostitution became enforceable. 69 In 2002, the French
envisaged the re-establishment of brothels.1
Performance, like a promise, can constitute consideration; if we stop here,
the same can be said concerning cause: a performance as well as a promise can
constitute a valid cause. But American contract law adds another requirement as
far as a promise is concerned. A promise can be consideration only if the
performance of the promise can be consideration. 17 Moreover, when a promise
is deemed to constitute consideration, this promise must not be illusory. For
example, a promise to forbear may constitute consideration; if there is no
agreement to forbear for a fixed period of time, but for a time that the creditor
should elect, there is no consideration. 17 1 Faced with a promise, a good test
would be the following question: "Has the promisor bound himself to do
164. LA. CIV. CODE art. 1893 (1870) ("An obligation without a cause, or with a false or unlawful
cause, can have no effect."); see also C. CIV. art. 1131 («L'obligation sans cause, ou sur unefausse
cause, ou sur une cause illicite, ne peut avoir aucun effet.>>).
165. LA. CIv. CODE art. 1895 (1870) ("The cause is unlawful, when it is forbidden by law, when
it is contra bonos mores (contrary to moral conduct) or to public order."); see also C. civ. art. 1133
( La cause est illicite, quand elle est prohibde par la loi, quand elle est contraire aux bonnes
moeurs ou a1I ordre public. >).
166. Martin v. Seabaugh, 54 So. 935, 938 (La. 1911).
167. 22 La. Ann. 54 (La. 1870).
168. 24 La. Ann. 625 (La. 1872) (Howell, J., dissenting).
169. Lilian Mathieu, Women beyond the pale, LE MONDE DIPLOMATIQUE, Oct. 2003, availableat (last visited Mar. 8, 2005).
170. RESTATEMENT (SECOND) OF CONTRACTS § 75 (1981) ("Except as stated in §§ 76 and 77, a
promise which is bargained for is consideration if, but only if, the promised performance would be
171. Strong v. Sheffield, 39 N.E. 330 (N.Y. 1895).
172. RESTATEMENT (SECOND) OF CONTRACTS § 77 (1981) ("A promise or apparent promise is not
consideration if by its terms the promisor or purported promisor reserves a choice of alternative
173. 266 P.2d 856 (Cal. Dist. Ct. App. 1954).
174. Id. at 858.
175. Id. at 861-62.
176. C. civ. art. 1174.
TULSA J. COMP. & INT'L L. [Vol. 12:2
tinted with bilateralism, the contract remains a unilateral one since the
beneficiary of the option has a real liberty of choice given the small amount of
the financial counterpart. Such a situation should be unlikely to exist or at least
should lead to unenforceability in American contract law due to the requirement
of consideration. Nevertheless, U.C.C. § 2-205 appears to lump both situations
as firm 7offers, granting enforcement even though consideration cannot be
In the last third of the nineteenth century, American legal theorists
revolutionized the doctrine of consideration. 78 The idea was to present
consideration as the answer to the question of which promises the law should
enforce. 179 Today, it is still this question which underlies the doctrine of
consideration. ISO Classical theorists made consideration into the axis around
which all of contract revolved. Before the classical period, consideration was a
minor issue in contract theory. Parsons, for instance, devoted less 181
than five
percent of his treatise to the combination of consideration and assent.
The Comparison between French cause and American consideration can
only sensibly be made with respect to French bilateral and onerous contracts. It
is only for those categories that the promise itself, which constitutes the cause,
can also constitute the American consideration. Indeed, unilateral and gratuitous
promises are incompatible with the concept of bargain, which underlies the
concept of consideration.
Both benefit and detriment work within the fully developed notion of
consideration, because one or the other had to be present for the requirements of
consideration to be satisfied. It is possible to say that the French cause is often
183. See generally Feinberg v. Pfeiffer Co., 322 S.W.2d 163 (Mo. Ct. App. 1959).
TULSA J. COMP. & INT'L L. [Vol. 12:2
d. BargainingProcessand GratuitousPromise
Considering whether a promisor is bargaining for a promise or performance
in return for the promisor's own commitment, leads to the question of whether
the promisor conditioned the commitment on that promise or performance. The
use of the word "if" is generally indicative of a bargaining process. For example,
if a seller says "I promise to deliver this furniture if you pay me 1000 dollars,"
the conditional form of the promise seems to make it clear that the seller is
bargaining for the buyer's promise to pay 1000 dollars. In this case the seller
means: "If you do pay me 1000 dollars, you shall have my commitment to
deliver this furniture."
Nevertheless, the language of the condition alone is not determinative,
because the same language may also be used where there is no bargain. A
213. UNIFORM WRITTEN OBLIGATIONS ACT § 1 (1925) ("A written release or promise hereafter
made and signed by the person releasing or promising shall not be invalid or unenforceable for
lack of consideration, if the writing also contains an additional express statement, in any form of
language, that the signer intends to be legally bound.").
214. Only Pennsylvania and Utah adopted this act, and Utah later repealed it.
215. CAL. CIV. CODE § 1614 (West 2001).
(Stevens & Sons Ltd. 1965) (1949).
217. Id. at 398.
218. Karl N. Llewellyn, What Price Contract?- An Essay in Perspective,40 YALE L.J. 704, 717
TULSA J. COMP. & INT'L L. [Vol. 12:2
219. Richard A. Posner, Gratuitous Promises in Economics and Law, 6 J. LEGAL STUD. 411
220 Fuller, supra note 187, at 799.
221. Id. at 815.
222. C. BUFNOIR,PROPRItTI ET CONTRAT 487 (2d ed. 1924).
223. Danby v. Osteopathic Hosp. Assn., 104 A.2d 903, 907 (Del. 1954).
225. Andrew Kull, Reconsidering Gratuitous Promises, 21 J. LEGAL STUD. 39, 50 (1922).
226. C. civ. art. 1674 (stating that the seller of immovable property can, if the price received is
less than seven-twelfths of the value, obtain rescission).
227. Fuller, supra note 187, at 799.
228. Id. at 800.
229. Id.
230. Id.
231. Id. at 814.
232. Id. at 801.
233. Melvin Aron Eisenberg, Donative Promises, 47 U. CHI. L. REv. 1, 5 (1979).
TULSA J. COMP. & INT'L L. [Vol. 12:2
Contracts are legally binding promises. But they are binding only if they
have been freely and voluntarily entered upon. The promise should be a genuine
act of free will. This explains why both U.S. and French law have been
concerned with developing means to reach this goal. By and large, they have
adopted numerous similar mechanisms. Nevertheless, French law's concept of
agreement provides a more consensualistic approach, while American law has an
approach which is linked to the bargain theory.
Despite this difference in approach, we can observe a common trend in U.S.
and French contract law. They both reveal a realization that all parties cannot
always bargain at arm's length. And they both try to instill a balance between
the parties to a contract. They both recognize that the theory of freedom of
contract does not always lead to fair situations because the freedom does not
really exist in and of itself, which is a reflection of society. They both assume
that freedom would be reached by means of equality or at least a lesser
It remains to be determined who will assume the task of intruding in private
relations such as contracts. In both countries, legislators as well as courts are
solicited. They both try to curb offenses to their sense of justice. In this way the
rules cannot be neutral and are necessarily tainted, and the line between public
policy and fairness is often blurred. The role of judges has increased, although
they have not always had the legitimacy and the tools to solve the problems. In
France this has led judges to stretch some notions such as the notion of good
faith, sometimes misrepresenting the notion in order to make it fit with a
predetermined sense of justice. Sometimes some positive duties were discovered
such as the duty of disclosure. Giving a party sufficient information before
entering into a contract is, at the same time, imposing on the other a duty (of
disclosure) whereas the interests of contracting parties are often antagonistic. It
is difficult to justify this duty and the implicit restrictions to the principle that
consensus is the foundation of contract.
Moreover, in deciding cases, courts should be concerned with the
imperatives of certainty and predictability. Certainty is required for stable
transactions. The proclivity of courts to discover rules with sufficient certainty
and predictability is now supported by a "flurry of neoformalism in contracts
scholarship. ' 239 The proposed solution, therefore, is to restrict judicial
239. William J.Woodward, Jr., Neoformalism in a Real World of Forms, 2001 WiS. L. REV. 971,
1004 (2001).
TULSA J. COMP. & INT'L L. [Vol. 12:2
240. Eric A. Posner, A Theory of Contract Law under Conditions of Radical Judicial Error, 94
Nw. U. L. REV. 749 (2000).
241. Robert E. Scott, The Case for Formalism in Relational Contract, 94 Nw. U. L. REv. 847,
851 n. 12 (2000).
242. Omri Ben-Shahar, The Tentative CaseAgainst Flexibility in Commercial Law, 66 U. C1t. L.
REV. 781, 782 (1999).
243. U.C.C. § 1-201(11) (2004).
244. Menachen Mauter, Contract, Culture, Compulsion, or: What is so Problematic in the
Application of Objective Standards in Contract Law?, 3 THEORETICAL INQUIRIES L. 545 (2002).
245. xPuisse Dieu nous prdserverde l'tiquiti de parlements. >
understood and accepted. It prevents judges from having an eye upon the
consequences of their decisions. But the power to decree new laws as solutions
to individual cases would violate the doctrine of separation of powers and
Article 5 of the French Civil Code which states that "[]udges are forbidden 246 to
decide cases submitted to them by way of general and regulatory provisions.
Following the French vision of the separation of powers, the role of the judge is
only to apply the statutes.
But the theory that the legislature can constantly formulate the law in
accordance with social and economic needs is unrealistic. This idea is not a new
one. Even in 1899, Francois Geny in Methode d'Interpretation et Source en
Droit Prive Positif 47 presented a critique of the mechanical, formalistic judicial
practice of his day. Geny's critique inveighed against what he called fetishism 249
of the codified and written statutory law. 24He dismissed "the fatuous notion
that the codes provided complete legal coverage and that all legal solutions could
be found therein. Rather Geny called for free scientific research and for
recognition of the reality that the codes inevitably contain gaps, conflicts and
ambiguities produced by the evolution of modem society. 250
As recognized in common law, judges have in fact a fundamental role in the
establishment and development of legal norms. They are witnesses of economic
changes in society and reformulate the law in accordance with economic needs.
If the legal order does not furnish an adequate legal rule for the case, then the
judge should forge a rule as though he were acting as legislator. 25 1 French
judges could well draw a lesson from common law judges in this regard. This
would go a long way in reviving and reestablishing the sagging reputation of
French judges.
246. C. civ. art. 5 (4l est d~fendu aux juges de prononcerpar voie de disposition gIndrale et
riglementairesur les causes qui leur sont soumises.>).
248. See generally id.
249. See generally id.
250. See generally id. at 17-96.
251. JEAN CARBONNIER, DROIT CIVIL [CIVIL LAW] 35-36 (Presses Universitaires de France, 5th
ed. 1967).