Johor Trial Bi p1 2011

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Kertas I Ogos I iam








1 . Kerla.s .Ktalqn ini ntcngondmgi 1(l .soaleil. 2 . ,Joruh semua :;oalutt.

fiop-liap,soalan cliihtti olelt ttnrpat pililnttlat,ttp.ttt, iditu A, B, C dctttD. Bagi ,setiapsoolan pilih satu jartt;tctn .suhoja.Hitnmkrrn .\(nntd Jolt'dlturt untloI'totlrr lie r ta,sj tr trt Tttt o bf al; t if 1,cttg rI i sad i a lcctt t. n n t

Kertassoalan menganclunci halar.nan ini l-+ bercetak

@ ?01I Hak Cipta JPNJ

[Lihat hirlitman sebelrrh] SULIT

-l() als ltasecl tlte irrt'itrrtttttion git'ttr otr Quertions I

12i I

TALENTED E}..OT,GH? ARE YOI.J "Rutrplu'stiltskitr" lTtlt Jttnc.An ott Tlic Dntpu (llrrb rrill prcscnla courcdl cntlllcd \{trsic Roou at 3.()0ptttott rrill iuld:lctrcsscs trc hcld in tltcr to utttlitittn sclccltlrc irctors 2i'r' l\,lir\20l l.

riiili bc c;tnbcst rcplltccd Tfrcrrtrrclrrtttlitiotr ,\ ll (' D , , r a l q c l i o prr o c c \ s r scssioll rt pr;rcticc ;ittltclingproccss l r l l r c s c t t l t t l i s cts s i o t t ot

vott abovccncotlrirgcs [o bc I hc postcr A ll (l D l i rc l r cltccrtid conl'idcttt irrtclligutt


sctrelahI I Lihlt halnman stJLl'l'

Delr Kak Scri. \I,v llunih'is in a sad stateof allails. l\I'"'murn and dad alguc all thc tirne. .'Lsa lcsult ul\'lnothel ancl ntt'sistct'stat'aq'aY fi'ottt homc rnost of thc timc. I halc nobodt'to discusstnv problu.nsrvith. I am also haling problcms in nrv shrdics.\\'hat arnI to clo'l Lonelv Ror'. Johol Baluu

Lonclr. Ror"s ploblctns strrtcclflorn his -.\ R C D llill'cnts rtfrirs sturlics sit lines

.\clirities . \crolrrc,s

('lrllrit'r hurnl


Su inrnrinq B l i s k r rr l l ; i r r q

ir (t

Thc activitl that l.,r'l thc lcastcalotics ts r.i \ 1l C D .jouuing rcro[,ic,c sriitttnting lrli:k u rlking

\ l l \ l ) \ ' o t R s ;I l 1 ' s


h c p i t r r s cr b , r l c l J l l \ l t s t o rvllk pri-'perlr *llk crrcl-ullr look out fbl the steps lr-roku here \,ou al'e gong



, e : o t t H r kc i p t d r P \ l

[Lihat haliunan sebelah] SLLI'I'




Forgetit Nathan,yo, *r. n o t g o i n ga n y w h e r e n t i l u y o u c l e a n o u rr o o n r l y


Frnrnthe ra,'1oLrn A B C I) pr,uLr sherl abr-r 11 se prarsed r,,atned

THE iI OT)ERN JE\ITELLERY Long rll. gold and drarri'.rrrd rr:eil trr Li:;... :.'::iirrrlrrf e pererrn': i t r e r l t i r o i , l r e v a - t h r s n o I o n g e r n r : e : : : . - - : - - i i r , iI J o r r . a i l a j rf l , s h y h sa -; gadgelsIke the E larkl:,a:i', Anr:r'--::i j.,-:.r,r?irone,rpail anrl pCs are i t . e r r s r : : r r n s 1 ( 1 E { - e d t l i a f r rar ":,:l:i , -f: . : : : : . : . . i r r r t l i e i , . r : i e 1 . l , rp o,Li -ApRiL I. jrllll

Ttre r','r..rrdr:mrLinpassage bes,t rm.:::d i,,,rth tlie 1:e cui a ;-B C D shor'1, brurd drspla','

l2i I O 2rllI lll c{rd/pr{

[Lih at halam an sebelah] STTLIT


bags tve Fronrthe poster, knorvthat pla-stic A B C D the should save people the canPollute rvorld the candestroy earth rtot shottld be usetl

on 9 Questlons -10 arc based tlp tabb bebw.


Tylxs of stress
Wolk relatedsl'ess 'f

\\-irvs to nrlrnis stress tinre011 akesonte hottrs RedLr u'orking ce Go on a relaringvacation tv-Ieditat ion Seea doctor tli Priorit ize irnrrottartt ings

Stress Llncontrolled

rve Ifrve arestressed, shoulddo thefollorvingexcept A B C D nedllate r take netlicine go tbl a holrdal' rl'ork s.ltotter ltout's


with Theword nlanagecanbcstbercplaced A B C D cure sohle cause handle

1217 A.r!ll ftaxcrptaJPl'lJ

[Lihat halamansebelah] SULIT

on Questions11 - 18 are b.tsed thefollcn,ingtatt.


Hundredsof online social networking sites are availablethese claysrelating to r;arious interests'iendships business and netrvolking. arnong others. Siteslike Facebool.NIvSpace. Hi5, Bebo and Friendster ver)'popular. ,A.bout percent N{alaysia's are 85 of onlinepopulation spend theil tirneon l!_ socialnetrvorking sites. \\'hrt realll'drivesonlineusers these to socialnetrvorking sites? Someexperts belier,'e is it theil ability to establish rnaintain and relationships established real life. th'ouch online contacts in 12 evonold relationships. People 13 allou,edto communicate tluclugh intcractive media. They are_!1!-moreoptions interact to fi'equartly rvith their contacts.Expertsalsofbund that existing relationships formedin real-lifemav be sh'engthened 15 socialnetrvorking srtes. Pcoplccancasilyexploreotherpeople's personal livescasil,v. alsoplo.,,ides platform to It a old reconncct relationships. 16 nchvorking sitcs har,'cbccomea tool fbr the . social g onlineuset's improl'e their selt:esteem. to believe thatthe rnoleli'iendsthey have.l"he morepopultr theyf'eel. Pcople 18 cxcitcd to recci."'e fceclbackon thc contcnttheypublish site thloughtl're s. Sorncalsohavea scnsc sccurity of uircn thc\ fccl thatthcl' 31cbcir.rg surrounded bv a circleolll'iends. (,1 clctptel : nst.corn.ny) .f1"6111 1l ;\ B this that
15 -.\ tlrrouqh B C I) rlong ailcr ovcr

Cl thcsc D those

12 ;\ ll (' I)

or scr an t l 't,ut


\ ll (' I)

Furthcmorc \ lorcoli;r I Ionever 'l helelbre


--\ B C I)

rs al'e \\'as werc


,\ B C I)

I \V'E You They'

1,1 A B C D

gir,'e gave girren giving

18 -\ B C D

gct gt't gets q.)ttcn


cilne rPNr @,zortHak

ILihat hahman sebelah] SULIT

6 Q u e s t i o n1 9- 2 1 s choosethe ltest meaningfor thephrasesutclerlinecl. Reaclthe cliologte belovtcorcl friend.Gina. Aqilah rvasvisitedbv irer childhood Aqilah: Gina: Aqilah: now! \\,'owGina! You ale astall asvoul'father Yes,1'ouareright. I takeafter(19) hirn a 1ot. tnl not Ilorv I en'v\,)roulI harre gl'ownrnuch. I canstill put on (20) the blue dress murn boughtlbr rny tu'elfthbir1hday. Aqilah: Gina: the B1'' u'al', are)'ou in the debatingtclm? I up no. IJnlirrtunatell', I havegir.'en (21) debating. am currentlvin the tlramatelm.


take aftcr A Il C D actlike look likc u'alklike like behave


ttuton \ B (' D l'rt trJ' \\ear keeP


ql\ en ull .\ B C D ;ho-.crr stoPl)r.l cLrnttnu.'(l postpon;d


e. roll Eak cipta.rPNI

ILihat halaman sebelah] SULIT

SULIT 22 Questions -21

Reaclthe ston,belov, anclchoosethe bestmeaningfor the etpressions unclerlinecl.


is Darshen the first to arive at school. He is alwavsan earlybird (22).In the classroorn, pavsfull he in attention class.He getsdorvnto (23) cornplete his hornervork all beforehe goeshorne. IIe doesnot like to do his rvorkat the lastmoment.At home.he hasa cat nap(24) alter lunch. Then.he attends pianoclasses playslbotball in the evening. and


an earl),bird ;\ B C D otrervho arri','es beforetime oneu'ho leaves aiia'others onervhopay's attention lull onervholvorkslastminutc


getsrlorvnto A B C D doesa taskplai{ully doesa taskcarefull1' doosa taskseriously cioes taskhumiedll, a


a catnrp A B C D a full rccess a shorlslecp a quicklesson a cornplcte rest


E 2onHakciptarPNr

[Lihat halarnan sebelah] SULIT

Qnestions 2*28 are i,acea'on the ibiiowi ng noster.

1ydcome Puk Bmnut H$:.r-ry*. to fiene


-{ov to get t6ere?

.Sur1 the google map .Take a btrs. o Only 46 kilornetres fi'orn Johor Baluu and 300 kilometres from Kuala Lurnpur.

SffiEaLitias: r Air-conditioned apaftments. r Balbeqtte aleas. e Cal-eter-ias selling local and tlisttes. \,vestem o Prayer room for N'Iuslim rrisitors.
Fudher infornation: http:,/,ilvwu'.beenuttherrlePark. com.In)'

+ Tli.s'alid jiont

I't lo I Jt)'-$ryt+st,201I


The holiday packageis be:t 1br A B C D a group offoreigrr liitors a group ofvisjtors fionr Johor a funill'conristing of six rnernbers drilchen agedhvelve)'earsold urd above


The anraritie: are providetl to A B C D a d df t u rt o t h e e c t i r i t i e : rnake tlte therne park beautilirl proviclecornlott lbr the vidtors encoulagevisitors to cat:y out urore activities


g zatt i{a}r Jipa l!t'lJ

ILihat halaman sebelah] SULIT




Visitorscando the follorvingactivities except A B C D har,inga barbeque surfing the internet playingrvatergames slicling into the tvater


Anl'oncrvhois intcrcsted get to the therne to parkrvill not havediffrculties bccause A B C D it is close thc cities. to public tlansport availablc. is the map of the locationis provided. the park is a popularholiclay destination.

on Questions 29-31 are bctsed the,follou:ing article

Kellie's C-astleis a spcclrcular mansion situatcd ncar Batu Gajah. Pcmk. 'I'he remains of this tnystefious builcling is located about a 30-minutc dlir'"- frout Ipoh. This castlc oncc belonecd to \\iilliarn Kellie Smith. an Lnglish nrbber tvcoon. in the late 19th rsntur\. I'hc castlcurs not cornplctcas Srnith lell fbr [,ngland in the middic of its constluction and ncvcr cimc br;k tr' \hrhr.sra, '. Likc any other okl atrdabandoned buildins. Kcllie Cr,.tlc is surroundcdbr dark mvstelr'. Since it rlas built during lhc llfitish occupationol NIllava, thc stru;turc i,l-thc rnlcnillcent building is vcrv rnuch of a c o l o n i a l d c s i e n . I t h a s l r r { . l e p i l h l s . b i e u i n d o u , p a n c - s r n ru i r J u r g s p i r : r l - s h l p e d s t a i r c a s c s . l TItslc rrc mrnv frscirtattnqret t-nvstelious storics rftr;ir:il t,r it. Thc rnost farnousof thern is that t|: rrr-.tlet-. rt r'1'Srtrrth':lc,r: 1ol his irL1!. -\sncs 5nuth. lir: Pcr':rkState Goverrunenthas taken - : : - : i : : : J . u r 3 1l r , \ . 1 \ 3 i t : - l . l l : l i , , r n l i r r t i r : r t 1 : s t n r c t i t - ' n t. \ \ , 1 : ( r n J i l r s h c l t e rl i t r d r . u g - a d c l i c t s . g g a r s . be
. : : - - -, :. - : t . - . . : : :t-. :,;

, i - : : : 1 : ' . ' .iri:;:: r : : t r l - : - i : i - - S : : i : t : r ' .r l e s c e n t l a n l sn t n g h n d . b u t u ' i t h o u ts u c c c s s c c a u s e h c , r . e i b t $3! n!-,Jr I r-lorl abrrLIl--tt:l tr: ::.r ;l::lilr:r Th; ;:r-tl-- is now' a populal tourist spot., i',:t" a secrcttunncl in drc c:rstlchrt [.ccn Jiu:r--;: :: ]) 1.,!,.i.rn,-.r-u,. be explorccl. to i.):iuy,ttecl .frrtnr Engli,sh E,csential Ibl 9 201 1)


The text is mainly about A B Cl D a populartouristspotin Pcrak. the eflbrt to saveKellie's Castie an Enqlishrubbeltycoon.\\,'illiamKcllie Srnith thehistorvof Perak cluring l3r.itish the occup.rrion


z o t r H a k! - i r r a P N r J

ILih:rt halam:rn sebelah] STiLIT


\/isitols to Kellie's Castle seethefbllo$'in_s can fbatures except A B (l D hugepillars. a secret tururel. u'indingstaircascs. largervindou,panes.


irntscanbe leplaced l'he ri'olddescend rvith ;\ Il C I) ancestofs relativcs workers chilclrcn

i K c l l i c ' sC a s t l cs .\ ts C D a castlcbuilt duringthe British occupation a shelter'1-ol homeless people the locatccl l<rn 30 au,n, 1}omIpoh closecl it is dangerous as


(iol'elrunent saving castle to I he PelakStale is the .\ B ( D atfu'act uloretourists rcrncmbcr AgnesSrnith ; o n r l l l ; t c l sc o r r s t l u c t i o r r i trrcc \\'illianrSmith'sclcscenclants


prolrabl\,farnous its Kcllic's Cr.tlc is nro-ct fbr A B


sccrct historr
localtort nlvstcr\


c A r o r rH a k i p t a r P N J

ILihat hirlanran sebelah] SULIT



35 on Questicrns - 37 are based thefollrn,ing poe.m. The Dead Cro.rv He sau'a clead crorv in a drain nearthe postoffioe. He sarvan old mln lbr easping air anda babvbarely ableto breathe in a cr<-xvdcd rnorning clinrc. This landis sorich. \\-hv shouldrr e sull'elLkc this'l I rrant clcanair' for rnl' granclchildren. I rvanttlrednnnetl/txil.s to lcarrc lbrcstsalonc. the I rvantthe trccsto gros'. thc riversrun 1ice, andtheearthcovelcd ith ullss. rr Li;t thi;politicians plan hc,u\\ c nrlv lir e ii ith tlignit.l , non'ancl aln'a]'s.
.4. Sctntutl Suitl


Theolclmanwasgasping air. fbr bccausc A B (l D he rvrs sick hc rvasat the clinic u rs pollutcd air theclinicu'ascr.orvded

-1(r liLi-rn1 51srrz.2. caninler thlt u'e nre .\ l-] ( D ilir11, ,ita gnant r,,, crllrrrr ing ,:(tntllninatc(l


Tlrerepetition thepkasc L'cutt inthepocmsho*.s thc persona of thrt is A ll (l I) hoping criticising denrandins condemnins


g:.toll Hak iprrpNr u a

[Lihat halamnn sebelah] ST]LIT

Of theshortstor,,- Bunga Telur and Balll' Shoes' on 38 Questions - .10are ba.secl the extractfront

well. that lcavesjust R\{430.00 to be |aised. \\rait a minute. rvhat if he just hard-boiled eggs. fher on coukl sa.,,e the bunga telur. Aller rll, thev rvere of coulcl boil I lot of eggs rvhich rvere clirt cheap if bought tl'orn the l)q;rrtment around on trat's. Hc tried to sell his Agriculture anclthen theY coulcl be hanclecl iclcason the bunga telur to the rvomenfolk. His sislcr glarcd at hrm. ,.And hor.r' rroulcl people knorv it's the bunga telur for I'our rvcdding?" 'that's no problem. \\'e'll stick stickr,'labels ..well." counterecl on Jarnal. them." His sistel rolled her e1'esin disbeliel and slrlckccl [c1 hand o1 [er' 'fho5s bunls tcltrr could bc cluite fbrchcacl.Jarnal thought that rncant clismissal. expcnsive. He h:rclanothcr brilliant idca u'hich [c lccountcd to his sistcr'. .'Horvabouti|}.outlistribtrtcHackssrr.cetsinstcltclot.hrr..i-['oiledcugs.?,' his LIis last icler rvasrcalll'l/te lust strl,n+'.for srstcr .,r\ny rnorc of and thc n ciidinr 1. c,ffl I ril:ln. 1,ourbrilliant suggcstions

OFI;1" She stonncd off into thc kitchLn.


he the distlibuting llacks su eetsbecause suegested Jrrmrrl .\ B (l D his likedteasing sister tlicclto cut cloun his c.tpenses tlought thct u et'chis bestchoicc eggs olcr hard-boilcd s\\ prclcuecl eet5



p l u a s c t h e i ; t ; t r l l ' ' i : ' : : ' ' ' j : ; r- s t ' r / e ls l t t r u - t' l l t t t t : l l ' ' : i ; l

ri;t' llrr'lrll'1t


unsuitable irnpossible irnPractical unaccePtable


t a t . l 0 l l H a kc i i l a r P N l

ILihat halaman sebelah] SUI,IT





From the extrac! we can conclude that A B C D thehard-boiled eggs u'erecostlv .Tamal's ideas n'ereapproved his si,qter bv .Iamal's sisterdid not g.anthim to ect man.iecl the htngcttelur is a must in a \ Ialar.u cclding

K[,RT.\S 5O.\L.\\ T.\\IAT

12/1 ra 20ll Hak ciprrrpNJ

[Lihat halarrran sebelahl SULIT

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