Study of LVDT and Precision Rectifier

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Study of LVDT and Precision Rectifier

Divyam Gupta, SC21B091

27 January 2023
Study of LVDT (Linear Variable Differential Transformer)

Aim- Study of LVDT (Linear Variable Differential Transformer) and to plot the output characteristics
between output voltage and input displacement of LVDT.

Components and equipment’s Required:

LVDT sensor, Connecting Wires, DSO, Function generator, Multimeter, Diode, Resistances (10KΩ),
Capacitor(100nF), DC power supply.

Linear Variable Differential Transformer, LVDT is the most used inductive transducer for converting
translating linear motion into electrical signal. This transducer converts a mechanical displacement
proportionally into electrical signal.

LVDT is a transformer consisting of one primary

winding P and two secondary winding S1 &
S2 mounted on a cylindrical former. The two
secondary winding have equal number of turns
and placed identically on either side of the
primary winding 

A movable soft iron core is placed inside the

former. Actually, the movable core is made of
nickel iron.

The working of LVDT is based on

the principle of Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction
Since the primary winding of Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) is supplied with AC
supply, it produces an alternating magnetic flux in the core which in turn link with the secondary
winding S1 and S2 to produce emf due to transformer action.

The output in secondary S1 is e1 and in the

secondary S2 is e2.So the differential output is,

eout = e1 + e2

This differential output is going to a

demodulating circuit and dc.
When the core is in the centre position, the induced voltage in the two secondary coils is equal, and
the output voltage is zero. As the core moves in one direction, the induced voltage in one secondary
coil becomes greater than the other, and the output voltage becomes positive. As the core moves in
the opposite direction, the induced voltage in the opposite secondary coil becomes greater, and the
output voltage becomes negative.

 Connect the LVDT which is mounted on calibration jig giving AC power supply from
frequency generator to primary coil output from secondary windings e 1 and e2 to
 Switch on the power supply.
 Take different by output voltages from secondary coils by pressing the rod(core) such that
core moves through the body of transducer.
 Now connect the series subtractive polarity output from secondary windings to a Rectifier to
convert the AC output to DC output and connect this output to Oscilloscope.
 Again, by pressing the rod against the return spring, move the ferrite core through the body
of transducer and observe the secondary output waveform on Oscilloscope. Observe the
180-degree phase change as centre of core passes the null position.
 Tabulate the readings when the output passes through the null position and all the
subsequent negative output values and plot the graph.

1- Output in AC

Distance (cm) Voltage(volt)

4.4 0.13
4.6 0.2
5 0.47 4
5.2 0.76 3.5
5.4 1.33
voltage (volt)

5.5 2
5.6 2.25
5.8 3.02
6 3.42
6.2 3.26
6.4 2.69 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5
6.6 1.77 distance (cm)
6.8 0.92
7 0.161
7.2 1.03
7.4 1.75
7.6 2.85
7.8 3.34
8 3.34
8.2 2.77
8.4 2.13
8.6 1.25
8.8 0.68
9 0.36
9.2 0.12





5.8 6.1 6.4 6.7 7 7.3 7.6 7.9 8.2

2-Output converted to DC

Distance (cm) Volatge(volt)

4.4 -0.001
4.6 -0.004
4.8 -0.01
5 -0.015
5.2 -0.026
5.4 -0.052
5.6 -0.057
5.8 -0.032
6 -0.21
6.2 -0.039
6.4 -0.069
6.6 -0.071
6.8 -0.014
7 0.05
7.2 0.106
7.4 0.199
7.6 0.252
7.8 0.302
8 0.304
8.2 0.233
8.4 0.163
8.6 0.099
8.8 0.045
9 0.035
9.2 0.017
9.4 0.009

Performance Parameter

Chart Title

-0.025 4 5 6 7 8 9

Repeatability: It has the degree of closeness is very high for the results of successive measurements
of the same quantity under the same conditions.

Resolution: It has the capability to detect the smallest change in the input that can be detected by
the LVDT.

Linearity: Its output value of the LVDT is proportional to the input over the specified range of
measurement and for the wide range it shows nonlinear behaviour.

Smallest changes in displacement of core detected by the LVDT which produces output. Output ie
vulgates linearly with core displacement

Study of Precision Rectifier
Aim - Study the half wave, full wave precision rectifiers and the improved half wave precision


Function generator, connecting wires, OpAmp(741), DC power supply, diode,

A rectifier circuit is essentially an electronic circuit that converts an alternating current (AC)
input into a direct current (DC) output. The most common types of rectifiers are the
halfwave rectifier and the full-wave rectifier.  A halfwave rectifier circuit uses only one diode
for the transformation. A halfwave rectifier is defined as a type of rectifier that allows only
one-half cycle of an AC voltage waveform to pass while blocking the other half cycle.
A full wave rectifier is defined as a type of rectifier that converts both halves of each cycle of
an alternating wave (AC signal) into a pulsating DC signal. Full-wave rectifiers are used to
convert AC voltage to DC voltage, requiring multiple diodes to construct. Full wave
rectification is the process of converting an AC signal to a DC signal.
In a normal diode rectifier, the cut in voltage across the diode will result in reduction of
output voltage and inaccuracy of rectification. If ideal rectifier is needed in an application, a
precision rectifier may be used.
The precision rectifier is a configuration obtained with an operational amplifier in order to
have a circuit behave like an ideal diode and rectifier. It is very useful for high-precision
signal processing. With the help of a precision rectifier the high-precision signal processing
can be done very easily. .In order to avoid the slew rate issues at high frequencies improved
half wave rectifier is used.

Half-wave precision rectifier

Wire up the half-wave rectifier shown in the figure-8. Use ±12 V supply for the op amp. With
a sinusoidal input Vi (1 V peak, 100 Hz), observe the output Vo(t). Display Vo versus Vi using
oscilloscope and verify that the circuit performs half-wave rectification. Increase the
frequency of the input signal to 5 kHz and observe Vo(t).
Improved half-wave precision rectifier
Wire up the Improved half-wave rectifier shown in the figure-10. Use ±12 V supply for the
op amp. With a sinusoidal input Vi (1 V peak,100 Hz), observe the output Vo(t). Display Vo
versus Vi using oscilloscope and verify that the circuit performs Improved half-wave
Full-wave precision rectifier
Wire up the full-wave rectifier circuit shown in the figure-12 and verify its operation with a
sinusoidal input voltage (1 V peak, frequency ranging from 100 Hz to 5 kHz). Observe the
waveform V0 (t) at the output terminal of the op amp using DSO.
Half-wave precision rectifier

Output for different frequency

For – 100 Hz
For – 500Hz

For – 1KHz

For – 2.5kHz

For – 5kHz
2-Improved Half-wave precision rectifier

For – 100Hz

For – 500Hz

For – 1kHz
For – 2.5kHz

For – 5kHz

3-Full-wave precision rectifier

For – 100Hz

For – 500Hz

For – 1kHz

For – 2.5kHz
For – 5kHz

The main performance parameter for a half wave precision rectifier is the rectification
efficiency, which is the ratio of the output DC power to the input AC power which is quite
high as compare to normal half rectifier. Other parameters that harmonic distortion that is
less in this case as compare to normal half rectifier.
The main performance parameter for an improved half wave precision rectifier is similar to
a regular half wave rectifier, few additional parameters are: -
Harmonic Distortion: It’s the degree to which the output waveform deviates from the ideal
waveform is very less as s compare to half wave precision rectifier.
Temperature stability: It’s the ability of the rectify to maintain a steady output voltage over
a range of temperatures.
The main performance parameter for a full wave precision rectifier is also the rectification
efficiency, which is very high as compare to half wave rectifiers and few others are: -
Ripple factor: it is very less as compare to half wave precision rectifier.
Load regulation: it has the ability of rectify signal to maintain a steady output voltage when
the load current is varied. Harmonic distortion: It has the negligible distortion.

We observed the output graphs and simulated graphs are identical. Precision rectifiers
provides better rectification efficiency than normal rectifiers and have less distortion while
the improved half has much less distortion than half wave rectifier.

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