Pack 1 Session 3 Alien Dabbers

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Alien Dabbers

Dab the pictures under each word to show if it is a real word or an alien word.

trust glomp stamp blend stust

nonsense real nonsense real nonsense real nonsense real nonsense real

crisp slept swoft prind frost

nonsense real nonsense real nonsense real nonsense real nonsense real

blink twost drank trunk prust

nonsense real nonsense real nonsense real nonsense real nonsense real

Alien Dabbers Answers
Dab the pictures under each word to show if it is a real word or an alien word.

trust glomp stamp blend stust

real nonsense real real nonsense

crisp slept swoft prind frost

real real nonsense nonsense real

blink twost drank trunk prust

real nonsense real real nonsense


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