Three Year Indicative Plan

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For the next three years, school programs have been grouped, reviewed, and
funded to appropriately address the Priority Improvement Areas
Maintain zero dropout Data input Zero dropout
Strengthen Program and projects Intensified partnership
relationship with Resolutions and volunteerism
stakeholders Memorandum of
Employ ACADEMIC Collaborative Increased participation
EASE performance tasks of students
Motivate teachers to Rewards and Pool of efficient and
perform better Recognition proficient teachers
Increase enrolment for Data input Increased enrolment
regular students, ALS rate
and SPED
Provide technical Coaching and Peer Mentor and
assistance for teachers Mentoring coaching Teams
LAC Sessions
Teacher Induction
Gender Development
Achieve universal Improve promotion Data input Improved promotion
participation and transition rate and transition rate
Intensify stakeholders’ Conduct of Meetings Restructured SGC
participation through Resolutions and Formulation of Grand
SGC, SPTA and Memorandum of Alumni Association
Alumni Agreement and School parent-
Teacher Association
Stakeholders Congress
Deliver more access to Materials and Increased number of
education of students equipment approval enrolments in SPED
with special needs
Enhance students’ Project proposals and Accredited clubs and
participation in joining Organization structure organizations
accredited Action Plans
Improve health status Health and safety Implementation
and provide health protocols guidelines Monitoring and
and safety measures Conduct of drills Evaluation
Improved facilities
Procurement of
Improve learning Increase MPS Data input Increased MPS, GWA
Outcomes Improve performance Remediation and Improved performance
of learners through enhancement based on results
best practices and programs
programs Continuous
Improve literacy and Programs that address Improved literacy and
numeracy skills learning gaps numeracy skills
Increase general Departments conduct Increased GWA
Weighted Average of Continuous
Improvement program Presentation of results
Seminars Coaching and
Provide professional Trainings Mentoring Program
growth and technical Induction programs for
assistance to teachers newly hired teachers
Action Plans and Conduct of lectures,
Deliver psychosocial Guidance reports symposium
support Students’ anecdotal Narrative report
Motivate teaching and Rewards and Awarding and
non-teaching recognition program/ recognition ceremonies
personnel to improve project
performance Project PRAISE
Restructure and Action Plans Implementation
mobilize School Resolutions
Governing Council
Promote efficiency and Teams and Focal Organized and
proficiency in Persons systematized filing
accomplishing school system
Improve SBM Practices Capacitate personnel Seminars and Seminars attended
in organizing and trainings and organized filing
systematizing school systems
supplies and support
Upgrade SBM level of Documents and Upgraded SBM level of
practice reports practice
Improve school Approval of financial Improved facilities
surroundings and plan
facilities Upgraded internet
Improvement of connections
Table 15: Three-Year Indicative Plan

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