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Basic Computer Skills Test

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1) What type of device is a computer 15.

An operating system is: d) Windows Control Panel

monitor? a) Integrated software 28. What is a URL:
a) Input b) CD-ROM software a) An email address
b) Output c) Application software b) The title of a web site
c) Software d) System software c) The address of a page on the World
d) Storage 16. Software is: Wide Web
2) What type of device is a computer a) A computer program d) A communication method between
keyboard? b) A set of instructions computers and printers
a) Input c) All of the above 29. Which media holds more
b) Output d) Only in operating systems information?
c) Software 17. One MB is equal to: a) Floppy diskette
d) Storage a) The amount of RAM in every computer b) DVD
3) What type of devices are computer b) 1 billion bytes c) CD-ROM
speakers or headphones? c) 1024KB d) Zip drive
a) Input d) 1 thousand bytes 30. Which one is an email address:
b) Output 18. The resolution of a printer is a) http://vianet.com/index.htm
c) Software measured in: b) D:\\Email\Standard
d) Storage a) Megabits c) [email protected]
4) A computer tower is NOT: b) Hz d) Chaminade.org/teachers/mailaddresses
a) A CPU c) Dots per inch (DPI)
b) Hardware d) Inches (diagonal)
c) the "Heart" of the computer 19. Windows and Macintosh computers:
d) A peripheral a) Are both manufactured by Motorola
5) Of the 4 words listed below, which b) Both use Intel microprocessors
one does NOT belong? c) Use the same operating system
a) Applications d) Are not compatible
b) Peripherals 20. A computer port is used to:
c) Programs a) Communicate with other computer
d) Software peripherals
6) What type of device is a computer b) Download files from the web
printer? c) Communicate with all hard drives
a) Input d) Connect computers together
b) Output 21. Which computer is the fastest?
c) Software a) PII 600MHz
d) Storage b) PIII 600MHz
7) What type of device is a 3 1/2 inch c) Pentium 600MHz
floppy drive? d) 486 Turbo
a) Input 22. Which hard disk will be able to store
b) Output more information?
c) Software a) 24MB
d) Storage b) 2400KB
8) What type of device is a computer c) 24Gig
mouse? d) 240MB
a) Input 23. In order for your computer to play
b) Output music you need:
c) Software a) A network card and speakers
d) Storage b) A sound card and speakers
9) What type of devices are CDs or c) Nothing more than the internal speaker
DVDs? d) A CD-ROM drive
a) Input 24. In order to access the World Wide
b) Output Web you need:
c) Software a) An Internet connection, an Internet
d) Storage Service Provider and browser software
10) What type of device is a digital b) Only Internet Explorer or Netscape
camera? Navigator
a) Input c) A modem and a browser
b) Output d) Nothing. All computers can access the
c) Software Internet
d) Storage 25. If you have two different printers
11. Which one is not an output device? attached to your comput
a) Printer a) It is not possible to have two printers
b) Monitor attached to a single computer
c) Keyboard b) You need to install a single printer
d) Modem driver
12. Which one works as an output and c)You need to use application software
input device? that can recognize both printers
a) Modem d) You need to install two different printer
b) Scanner drivers in order to be able to print to either
c) Mouse printer
d) Monitor 26. Which file extensions indicate only
graphics files?
13. All computers must have:
a) BMP and DOC
a) Word processing software
b) JPEG and TXT
b) An operating system
c) TXT and STK
c) A printer attached
d) BMP and GIF
d) A virus checking program
27. Which Windows program do you
14. The brain of the computer is called:
use to manage folders and files?
a) Random Access Memory or RAM
a) Windows Explorer
b) Central Processing Unit or CPU
b) Windows Accessories
c) Read Only Memory or ROM
c) Microsoft Office
computer sold;  with.
__ f) is the only program we must have #14: BASIC, COBOL, Fortran and C++
(for the computer to work);  are all examples of 
__ g) is only needed on big computers. __ a) special computer systems; 
#7: When we install a new program  __ b) programs that can be used to create
__ a) we must learn new mouse and programs; 
keyboard procedures to work with it;  __ c) programming "languages;" 
__ b) it becomes an "icon"; __ d) obsolete operating systems; 
__ c) it lives as a file on a disk;  __ e) computer system brand names.
__ d) it takes control of our computer;  #15: "Exiting" a program 
__ e) we must use it on a regular basis for __ a) removes the program from memory; 
it to keep working properly. __ b) removes the program from a disk; 
#8: Word processing  __ c) removes the program from the
__ a) involves turning a computer into an monitor; 
electronic typewriter; __ d) puts the program to "sleep";
__ b) requires a specific program; __ e) does not remove a program from
__ c) is something all modern personal anywhere;
computers do; __ f) permanently removes a program that
__ d) is a feature of "Windows"; is no longer wanted.
__ e) is essential to all computers; #16: If we write a letter with a word
__ f) requires a solid understanding of how processing program, then exit the
#1: A computer  computers work. program 
__ a) is a machine that runs programs;  #9: If we write a letter and save it with a __ a) the letter is removed from memory; 
__ b) is made up of separate components word processing program __ b) the letter will be lost if it was not
much like a stereo system;  __ a) the letter does not vanish for good saved; 
__ c) does nothing unless there is a when the computer is shut off;  __ c) the letter can never be completely
program in control of it;  __ b) the letter is sent out to a separate lost; 
__ d) is a machine that is used to processes "peripheral device;"  __ d) the letter is automatically saved; 
data. __ c) it is stored as a "file" on a disk;  __ e) the letter is automatically deleted; 
#2: "Windows" is a program that  __ d) no one else can ever find it and read __ f) the program may refuse to go.
__ a) serves as an operating system;  it;  #17: All the letters we write and save
__ b) has word processing as one of its __ e) it cannot be erased;  with our word processing program 
features;  __ f) we can make changes to it at a later __ a) have no physical connection to the
__ c) comes with all computers;  time; word processing program; 
__ d) must be installed like any other __ g) it must be stored on the hard disk; __ b) always stay in the computer's
program;  __ h) it must be copied into memory if we memory unless we delete them; 
__ e) stays in memory the entire time our want to view it or make any changes;  __ c) cannot be read while they are on
computer is on;  __ i) it is saved in the word processing disks only; 
__ f) can't work by itself (without the program;  __ d) cannot be copied into the computer's
involvement of other programs). __ j) it has no connection to the word memory unless the right program is first
#3: The difference between "installing" processing program. copied into memory; 
and "loading" a program is  #10: A spreadsheet program  __ e) can only be read if they are in
__ a) you install a program once and load __ a) helps us work with numbers;  memory.
it many times;  __ b) must be used if we want to add a #18: Which of the following cannot be
__ b) you load a program once and install column of numbers;  examples of standard computer data? 
it many times;  __ c) can be used to calculate a square __ a) an address; 
__ c) you install and load a program many root;  __ b) the sound of a dog barking; 
times;  __ d) cannot be used to work with string __ c) a glass of water; 
__ d) you install and load a program once;  (character/text) data;  __ d) a picture of a car; 
__ e) installing a program usually copies __ e) cannot be learned without extensive __ e) a tree; 
the program to a hard disk;  computer knowledge;  __ f) a wedding video.
__ f) installing a program puts the program __ f) must be the Microsoft "Excel" brand #19: All computer data is (are) 
in memory;  if we use "Windows;"  __ a) represented by numbers; 
__ g) loading a program puts the program __ g) is stored as a file on a disk. __ b) stored in programs; 
on a disk;  #11: "Quicken," a checkbook register __ c) digital in nature; 
__ h) loading a program puts the program program  __ d) binary in nature.
in memory;  __ a) is an example of a database #20: Which of the following are not
__ i) there is no difference between management program;  examples of computer hardware? 
"installing" and "loading." __ b) is stored as a file on a disk; __ a) a monitor (CRT); 
#4: What happens when the "A" key is __ c) stores all of our checkbook __ b) a calculator; 
pressed on the keyboard? information in a file that represents a __ c) a file; 
__ a) It depends on the program;  database;  __ d) a CD; 
__ b) An "A" (or "a") is displayed on the __ d) has no physical connection to the list __ e) RAM; 
monitor;  of checks;  __ f) a hard disk; 
__ c) An "A" is stored on a disk;  __ e) must be used to make changes to our __ g) a floppy disk; 
__ d) An "A" is stored in memory;  list of checks;  __ h) a spreadsheet; 
__ e) The computer saves data. __ f) must be used to extract information __ i) a song.
#5: When a computer is turned off  from the list of checks. #21: Which of the following are not
__ a) everything in memory is lost;  #12: An inventory program would be a examples of computer software? 
__ b) nothing is lost on the hard disk;  specific example of  __ a) "Windows"; 
__ c) nothing in memory is lost;  __ a) a database management program;  __ b) a letter; 
__ d) everything on the hard disk is lost  __ b) a spreadsheet program;  __ c) a picture; 
__ e) data is saved;  __ c) a special kind of word processing __ d) a floppy disk; 
__ f) programs are uninstalled. program;  __ e) a hard disk; 
#6: An operating system  __ d) a financial program. __ f) the Internet; 
__ a) is a program that must be installed;  #13: To send and receive e-mail we must __ g) a web browser; 
__ b) is a program that every personal have  __ h) a game; 
computer must have to work properly;  __ a) an e-mail program;  __ i) e-mail message.
__ c) is added to a computer as part of the __ b) a connection to a computer network #22: A CD-ROM drive 
manufacturing process;  (such as the Internet);  __ a) works like a CD player on a stereo
__ d) can be used to organize files;  __ c) a very fast computer;  system; 
__ e) absolutely must come with every __ d) a computer that is compatible with __ b) is a specific kind of disk drive; 
the other computers we exchange e-mail
__ c) gives us access to files on a CD;  #31: MgHz (megahertz) and GHz can be viewed.
__ d) must come with all computers;  (gigahertz) #39: What we see on our computer
__ e) can be used to listen to music CDs;  __ a) determine how fast a computer can monitor 
__ f) does not work unless we have work, in general;  __ a) is whatever the current program in
speakers. __ b) are measures of the processing speed RAM wants to display; 
#23: The ASCII code  of a CPU;  __ b) is an accurate description of what is
__ a) only applies to string (or __ c) determine which programs you can in memory; 
character/text) data;  use;  __ c) must also be on a disk; 
__ b) is a world-wide standard for string __ d) increase when we add more __ d) has to be saved at some point; 
data that can be used by any program on memory;  __ e) is made up of "pixels."
any computer;  __ e) determine the size of the computer #40: Memory (RAM) 
__ c) is a way to represent characters as monitor's screen. __ a) temporarily stores programs and
code numbers;  #32: "MIPS" stands for  data; 
__ d) is only for mainframe computer __ a) Millions of Instructions per Second;  __ b) loses all programs and data when the
systems;  __ b) Memory Insertion Point computer is turned off; 
__ e) is a standard that makes computers Sequencing;  __ c) holds all of our programs and data; 
compatible; __ c) Multiple Input Processing Standard;  __ d) can usually be increased; 
__ f) must be used by all computers. __ d) Musical Instrument Port Slot. __ e) is a factor that determines the speed
#24: In a physical sense, what is on a #33: Two computers are compatible if of a computer; 
CD-ROM or DVD?  they  __ f) is where any data must be before we
__ a) code numbers;  __ a) can use the same programs;  can view it;
__ b) music;  __ b) can use the same data;  __ g) capacity is measured in bytes. 
__ c) information in binary form;  __ c) have the same keyboard and  
__ d) files;  monitor;  #41: CD-ROMs or DVDs 
__ e) programs;  __ d) have the same speed (megahertz or __ a) are used to store files; 
__ f) phone numbers. gigahertz);  __ b) contain "pits" and "lands"; 
#25: Saving means  __ e) cost about the same;  __ c) contain bits and bytes; 
__ a) copying data from memory to disk;  __ f) are about the same size. __ d) contain directions on how to use
__ b) copying data from disk to memory;  #34: If we have two incompatible them.
__ c) preserving a program;  computers  #42: Bits and bytes are a measures of 
__ d) storing data in a program. __ a) they cannot use each other's __ a) how much memory we have; 
#26: Adding more memory (RAM) to a programs;  __ b) the capacity of a hard disk; 
computer system  __ b) data created on one cannot used on __ c) how much space we have on a CD; 
__ a) allows more programs to be the other;  __ d) how much information we can send
installed;  __ c) we can send e-mail from one to the over a phone or cable line in a given
__ b) will make the computer work faster;  other (provided they both have a amount of time; 
__ c) allows more programs to be loaded;  connection to a computer network such as __ e) the speed of the computer; 
__ d) makes the computer smarter;  the Internet);  __ f) the size of a file; 
__ e) helps to protect data;  __ d) they must be in different rooms;  __ g) how much storage is required by a
__ f) gives us more room for files. __ e) we must get rid of one. program on a disk; 
#27: Opening (or retrieving) means  #35: Data is sent from one computer to __ h) how much storage is required by a
__ a) copying a program or data from disk another over a phone line. To view the program in memory.
to memory;  data, the person on the receiving #43: A hard or floppy disk drive
__ b) copying a program or data from computer must  functions most like a 
memory to disk;  __ a) have a compatible computer;  __ a) tape recorder; 
__ c) displaying something on the __ b) have a large hard disk drive;  __ b) record player; 
monitor;  __ c) have the same size monitor;  __ c) wastepaper basket; 
__ d) protecting a letter or other __ d) have a program that can work with __ d) water bucket.
information;  the data;  #44: Each song on a standard music CD 
__ e) finding information;  __ e) copy the data into memory;  __ a) is stored as a data file; 
__ f) installing a program or data. __ f) be sure both computers are on. __ b) cannot be erased; 
#28: Digitizing means  #36: Booting means  __ c) cannot be played without a program; 
__ a) representing anything as code __ a) turning the computer on;  __ d) is measured in size in bytes.
numbers in binary form;  __ b) loading the operating system #45: "Uninstalling" a program 
__ b) using a computer to create program;  __ a) removes the program from memory; 
something;  __ c) installing the operating system __ b) removes the program from a disk; 
__ c) working with the ASCII code;  program;  __ c) removes the program from the
__ d) transferring data;  __ e) opening any application;  monitor; 
__ e) performing calculations. __ f) preserving special files. __ d) puts the program to "sleep";
#29: The ASCII code  #37: Loading means  __ e) does not remove a program from
__ a) applies only to string (character/text) __ a) copying a program from disk to anywhere;
data;  memory (where it takes control of the __ f) permanently removes a program that
__ b) is built into the hardware of all CPU);  is no longer wanted.
personal computers;  __ b) installing a new program; 
__ c) represents characters as numbers;  __ c) copying data into memory so we can
__ d) is used to save all data;  work with it; 
__ e) is used to encrypt data so it can't be __ d) filling up the hard disk; 
intercepted and decoded. __ e) filling up memory.
#30: If we are writing a letter with a #38: A file 
word processing program and the __ a) is an icon displayed on the monitor; 
power suddenly goes out  __ b) is a sequence of "bits" recorded on a
__ a) we will lose everything in memory;  disk, tape CD, DVD, flash drive or
__ b) we may lose our letter without hope memory card; 
of recovering it;  __ c) may be lost when we turn the
__ c) we will definitely not lose our letter;  computer off; 
__ d) we may lose our word processing __ d) is recorded on a hard disk like a song
program without hope of recovering it;  is recorded on tape; 
__ e) we will be able to recover any part of __ e) is a way of storing programs and
the letter that has been saved;  data; 
__ f) memory may be damaged;  __ f) is what results from saving; 
__ g) information may become hopelessly __ g) can be saved to memory; 
scrambled. __ h) can be viewed directly from a disk; 
__ i) must be copied into memory before it

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