Making Connections.
Directions: Read the paragraphs below and then answer the questions.
Recognizing Influences.
In the lessons discussed, we examined several artistic traditions. These traditions grew from the religious
beliefs of each cultural group presented in the chapter. Without a basic understanding of the influences of
religion on each culture, it is not possible to fully understand the resulting artworks.
Working in your journal, create a table with three columns. Label the columns Cultural Group, Religion,
Description, and Influence on Art. Review the lessons and list as many cultural groups, religions,
descriptions, and influences as you can. Present the result of review in your journal.
Cultural Group Religion Description Influence on Art
ASIAN Hinduism, Asian art was While Western art
Buddhism, enriched by the frequently creates
Confucianism, cultural identity that the sense of three-
Daoism, Islam, affected it, adding dimensional space,
Sikhism, exquisite pottery, Japanese art places a
Shamanism, and textiles, garden greater emphasis on
Shintō designs, beautifully strong lines and flat
painted landscapes, areas of color. While
rich needlework, and Western paintings
more. Temples, are typically oil on
shrines, stupas, canvas, Asian art is
shadow puppets, and frequently created
other buildings are using thin rice paper
common throughout or woodblocks.
Asian art history. It Impressionism was
is safe to conclude highly impacted by
that the compelling Japanese art at the
aspects of great close of the 19th
Asian art are the century. Extensive
main reasons for its patterns, collective
appeal. themes, peculiar
viewpoints, and a
dearth of
chiaroscuro or depth
are characteristics of
Japanese prints.
Japanese painters
like Koide
Narashige, Hazama
Inosuke, and
Hayashi Shizue
visited Paris and
learned about
Western artistic
methods and beliefs
while there.
Muslims, Christians, The various Other cultures have
Sikhs, Buddhists, religions and been influenced by
Jains cultures of India Indian art and
have a significant architecture. As an
influence on a large illustration of the
percentage of Indian holiness of the
art. The culture and Buddha, ancient
religion also have an Indian painters
INDIAN impact on other art created pictorial
forms including symbols. These traits
paintings, include things like a
architecture, folk topknot in the hair.
dance, and others. Since then, the
Buddha has been
represented by
artists using these
1. Semiotic Plane
Describe the visual elements of the painting
o The painting incorporates visual
elements such as lines, light, shape
and time. Which add vague
description or details to the art
making it very pleasing in the eye. It
also have space and movement
element. The placement of the
human figures virtually in the
middle of the composition allows
viewers to quickly identify the major subjects thanks to the colors utilized. Yellow
and brown are the two main hues. The colors of the main topic and the background
are in contrast.
Discuss the choice of medium and technique (Material and style)
o Oil Painting
Identify the format of work
o Impressionalism
(Symbolic elements, figurative representations, shape of work)
o It is a picture of two people residing in a bahay na bato's sala, or living room. It
depicts a Filipino man and a Filipino woman having a lovers' quarrel.
Describe the physical properties (significations of work: importance/relevance)
o A Filipino art critic claims that the painting's "tampuhan" is not its primary subject.
Instead, it depicts a fiesta or other significant event with a procession outside that
the man and the neighbors across the street are seeing.
2. Iconic Plane
This is sometimes called "the silent treatment". The location, where the couples are shown to
reside in a traditional colonial Filipino home known as a bahay na bato, with its recognizable
interior and structure appropriate for a tropical climate, is also significant to Philippine
culture. The woman is dressed in the traditional Maria Clara gown of Filipino women.
3. Contextual Plane
We have all noticed the Filipino couple near the window, who appear to be at conflict. Due to
a disagreement or miscommunication, the two lovers are pouting or having "tampo." The
man is standing on the balcony and has his right hand supporting his head as he looks away
or out onto the street. The woman, on the other hand, is facing away from the man and is
looking down at the ground with eyes that are lonely, lost, and perhaps even disappointed in
something we can't quite make out.
4. Evaluative Plane
Tampuhan is essentially a love dispute, which frequently takes the form of complete silence
or the refusal to communicate. The individual who is nagtatampo anticipates being aamuin or
coaxed out of their miserable or excluded state.