Week 2
Week 2
Week 2
THEORY OF CORPORATION General rule: A corporation has the power to sue in its
corporate name. (Sec. 36)
1. Theory of Concession
Exception: Moral Damages cannot be awarded in favor
It is a principle in creation of corporation, under which a of corporations because they do not have feelings and
corporation is an artificial creature without any existence mental state. They may not even claim moral damages
until it has received the imprimatur of the state acting for besmirched reputation (NAPOCOR v. Philipp
according to law, through Securities and Exchange Brothers Oceanic, 2001).
Commission. The life of the Corporation is a concession
made by the State. However, a corporation can recover moral damages
under Art 2219 (7) if it was the victim of defamation
2. Genossenschaft Theory (Pilipinas Broadcasting Network v. Ago Medical and
Educational Center, 2005).
It is the reality of group of social and legal entity,
independent of state recognition and concession. It
exists because partners want it to exist. CLASSES OF CORPORATIONS
Under Art. XII, Section 16 of 1987 Corporation which It is organized for profit.
provides as follow:
The governing body of a stock corporation is usually the
“The congress shall not, except by general law, provide Board of Directors (except in certain instances, e.g.
for the formation, organization or regulation of private close corporations).
corporations, Government Owned and Controlled
Corporations may be created or established by special There are two elements for a stock corporation to exist:
characters in the interest of the common good and
subject to the test of economic viability” (1) Capital stock divided into shares, and
Special Law can create only (2) An authority to distribute to the holders of such
shares, dividends or allotments of the surplus profits on
1. Public Corporation the basis of shares held
2. Government owned and controlled corporations
provided Even if there is a statement of capital stock, the
a. In the interest of common good corporation is still NOT a stock corporation if dividends
b. Subject to test of economic viability are NOT supposed to be declared, that is, there is no
distribution of retained earnings. (CIR v. Club Filipino de
Cebu, 1962)
Incorporation or in its by-laws for it to declare dividends, Notwithstanding the foregoing, a corporation shall not be
such corporation is a stock corporation. deemed a close corporation when at least two-thirds
(2/3) of its voting stock or voting rights is owned or
controlled by another corporation which is not a close
NON-STOCK CORPORATION corporation within the meaning of this Code.
One where no part of the income is distributable as One organized for educational purposes (Sec. 106).
dividends to its members, trustees, or officers, subject to
the provisions of the Code on dissolution(Sec. 87). RELIGIOUS CORPORATIONS
Not organized for profit. Corporation sole is one formed for the purpose of
administering and managing, as trustee, the affairs,
Its governing body is usually the Board of Trustees. property and temporalities of any religious denomination,
sect, or church, by the chief archbishop, bishop, priest,
rabbi, or other presiding elder of such religious
OTHER CORPORATIONS denomination, sect or church (Sec.110)
One organized for a charitable purpose
One formed or organized for the government of a portion
of the state. Its purpose is for the general good and DOMESTIC CORPORATION
welfare (Sec. 3, Act 1456).
One formed, organized, or existing under the laws of the
One formed for some private purpose, benefit, aim or FOREIGN CORPORATION
end (Sec. 3, Act 1456); it may be either stock or non-
stock, government-owned or controlled or quasi-public. One formed, organized or existing under any laws other
than those of the Philippines and whose law allows
The test to determine whether a corporation is Filipino citizens and corporations to do business in its
government owned or –controlled, or private in nature, is own country and state (Sec. 123).
if a corporation is created by its own charter for the
exercise of a public function, or by incorporation under CORPORATION CREATED BY SPECIAL LAWS OR
the general corporation law (Baluyot v. Holganza, 2000). CHARTER
(1) All the corporation's issued stock of all classes, SUBSIDIARY CORPORATION
exclusive of treasury shares, shall be held of record by
not more than a specified number of persons, not One in which control, usually in the form of ownership of
exceeding twenty (20); majority of its shares, is in another corporation (the
parent corporation).
2) all the issued stock of all classes shall be subject to
one or more specified restrictions on transfer permitted PARENT CORPORATION
by this Title; and
Its control lies in its power, directly or indirectly, to elect
(3) The corporation shall not list in any stock exchange the subsidiary’s directors thus controlling its
or make any public offering of any of its stock of any management policies.
class (see Sec. 96).
Purok Spring 1, Brgy. Morales, Koronadal City
Contact No. 228-1996/887-2051
Business Department
[email protected]
Lecturer: John Jay A. Locsin, JD A.Y. 2nd SEMESTER, 2021-2022
NO-PAR VALUE SHARES These are shares which permit the issuing corporation to
redeem or purchase its shares.
These are shares without a stated value.
A no par share does not purport to represent any stated
proportionate interest in the capital stock measured by 1) Redeemable shares may be issued only when
value, but only an aliquot part of the whole number of expressly provided for in the Articles of Incorporation
such shares of the issuing corporation. (Sec.8).
2) The terms and conditions affecting said shares must
Limitations: be stated both in the Articles of Incorporation and in the
certificate of stock(Sec. 8).
(1) No-par value shares cannot have an issue price of 3) Redeemable shares may be deprived of voting rights
less than P5.00 per share (Sec. 6). in the Articles of Incorporation
4) The corporation is required to maintain a sinking fund
(2) They shall be deemed fully paid and non-assessable to answer for redemption price if the corporation is
and the holders of such shares shall not be liable to the required to redeem.
corporation or to its creditors in respect thereto (Sec. 6). 5) The redeemable shares are deemed retired upon
redemption unless otherwise provided in the Articles of
(3) Entire consideration received by the corporation for Incorporation (i.e., if the Articles of Incorporation allows
its no-par value shares shall be treated as capital and for reissuance of such shares).
shall not be available for distribution as dividends (Sec. 6) Unrestricted Return Earnings is NOT necessary
6). before shares can be redeemed but there must be
sufficient assets to pay the creditors and to answer for
(4) Articles of Incorporation must state the fact that the operations (Republic Planters Banks v. Agana, 1997).
corporation issues no par shares and the number of Redemption cannot be made if such redemption will
shares. result in insolvency or inability of the corporation to meet
its obligations (SEC Opinion, 24 Aug 1987).
(5) Banks, insurance companies, trust companies,
building and loan associations, and public utilities cannot TREASURY SHARES (SEC. 9)
issue no-par value shares (Sec. 6).
These are shares which have been issued and fully paid
(6) The issued price may be fixed in the Articles of for, but subsequently re-acquired by the issuing
Incorporation, or by the Board of Directors pursuant to corporation by purchase, redemption, donation or
authority conferred upon it by the ) Articles of through some other lawful means. Such shares may
Incorporation, or, in the absence thereof, by majority again be disposed of for a reasonable price fixed by the
vote of the outstanding shares in a meeting called for the Board of Directors
purpose (Sec. 62).
General rule: Non-Voting Shares are not entitled to vote.
These are shares, classified as such in the Articles of
Incorporation, which are given certain rights and Exceptions:
privileges not enjoyed by the owners of other stocks.
Where exclusive right to vote and be voted for in the (1) Amendment of the Articles of Incorporation
election of directors is granted, such right must be for a (2) Adoption and amendment of by-laws
limited period not to exceed 5 years subject to approval (3) Sale, lease, exchange, other disposition of all or
by Securities and Exchange Commission. substantially all of the corporate property
(4) Incurring, creating or increasing bonded
The 5 year period shall exclusive rights starts from date indebtedness
of Incorporation (5) Increase or decrease of capital stock
(6) Merger and consolidation
Purok Spring 1, Brgy. Morales, Koronadal City
Contact No. 228-1996/887-2051
Business Department
[email protected]
Lecturer: John Jay A. Locsin, JD A.Y. 2nd SEMESTER, 2021-2022
(7) Investment of corporate funds in another corporation Stock Corporation shall not be required to have minimum
or business authorized capital stock except as otherwise specifically
(8) Dissolution of the corporation. provided for by special laws.
qualified under Philippine laws to own or hold such Filipino equity in a corporation engaged in nationalized
capital stock (R.A. No. 7353, Sec. 4.); and/or partly nationalized areas of activities, is computed
by attributing the nationality of second or even
(8) Corporations engaged in coastwise shipping. — at subsequent tier ownership to determine the nationality of
least 60% of the capital stock of which or of any interest the corporate shareholder.
in said capital is totally owned by citizens of the
Philippines (Pres. Decree No. 1464 [Tariff and Customs There are two rules for determining the corporate
Code], Sec. 806.); nationality of a corporation: Under the "incorporation
test," the nationality of a corporation is that of the state of
(9) Financing companies. — at least 60% of the capital incorporation regardless of the nationality of its
stock shall be owned by citizens of the Philippines (R.A. stockholders. Under the "control test," it depends on the
No. 5980, as amended, Sec. 16.); nationality of the controlling stockholders. The
application of either test depends on the particular
(10) Corporations engaged in the pawnshop business. situation.
— at least 70% of the voting capital stock shall be
owned by citizens of the Philippines (Pres. Decree No. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION NATURE AND
(11) Corporations engaged in the recruitment and (1) Constitutes the charter of the corporation and sets
placement of workers, locally or overseas. — at least forth the rules and conditions upon which the association
75% of the authorized and voting capital stock is owned or corporation is founded.
and controlled by Filipino citizens (Pres. Decree No. 442 (2) Defines the contractual relationships between the
[Labor Code], as amended, Sec. 27.); State and the corporation, the stockholders and the
State, and the corporation and the stockholders.
(12) Corporations engaged in the operation of a private
detective, watchman or security guard agencies. — Must The Articles must be filed with the SEC for the issuance
be 100% Filipino owned (R.A. No. 5487, Sec. 4.); of the Certificate of Incorporation
(13) Under the Flag Law. — In the purchase of articles Contents of Articles of Incorporation
for the Government, preference shall be given to
materials and supplies produced, made, or (1) Corporate Name
manufactured in the Philippines, and to domestic (2) Purpose Clause
entities. The term "domestic entities" means any citizen
of the Philippines or any corporate body or commercial (a) Must indicate the PRIMARY and SECONDARY
company at least 75% of the capital of which is owned purposes if there is more than one purpose, which
by citizens of the Philippines. (C.A. No. 138, Sec. 1.) should not contradict or change the nature of the
corporation (Sec. 14(2)
Business activities wherein foreigner’s ownership could
be more than 40% up to 100% (b) Must not be patently unconstitutional, illegal, immoral,
and contrary to government rules and regulations
1. Export Enterprise
2. Domestic market enterprises with paid-in equity (3) Principal Office
capital of atleast the equivalent of US 200,00.00 dollars.
3. Domestic market enterprises, which involved (a) Must be within the Philippines
advanced technology or employ atleast fifty direct (b) AOI must specify both province or city or town where
employees with paid-in equity capital of at least the it is located
equivalent of US 100,000 dollars.
(4) Corporate Term
(5) The number of directors, which shall not be more
than fifteen (15) or the number of trustees which may be
more than fifteen (15);
(6) The names, nationalities, and residence addresses of
Method used to determine the nationality of a persons who shall act as directors or trustees until the
corporation, in cases where corporate shareholders are first regular directors or trustees are duly elected and
present in the situation, by which the percentage of qualified in accordance with this Code;
Purok Spring 1, Brgy. Morales, Koronadal City
Contact No. 228-1996/887-2051
Business Department
[email protected]
Lecturer: John Jay A. Locsin, JD A.Y. 2nd SEMESTER, 2021-2022
(7) If it be a stock corporation, the amount of its using such name and require corporation to register a
authorized capital stock, number of shares into which it new one.
is divided, the par value of each, names, nationalities,
and subscribers, amount subscribed and paid by each REGISTRATION, INCORPORATION AND
on the subscription, and a statement that some or all of COMMENCEMENT OF CORPORATE EXISTENCE
the shares are without par value, if applicable; (SEC 18)
(8) If it be a non-stock corporation, the amount of its
capital, the names, nationalities, and residence
addresses of the contributors, and amount contributed
Corporation existence and juridical personality shall
by each; and
commence from the date the SEC issues the certificate
(9) Such other matters consistent with law and which the of incorporation under its official seal
incorporators may deem necessary and convenient.
An arbitration agreement may be provided in the articles
of incorporation pursuant to section 181 of RA 11232. The due incorporation of any corporation claiming in
The articles of incorporation and applications for good faith to be a corporation under this Code, and its
amendments thereto may be field with the Commission right to exercise corporate powers, shall not be inquired
in the form of an electronic document, in accordance into collaterally in any private suit to which such
with the Commissioner’s rules and regulation on corporation may be a party. Such inquiry may be made
electronic filing (Sec 13) by the Solicitor General in a quo warranto proceeding.
SEC Power off Summary Order to Cease and Desist To create a corporation de facto, it is not sufficient to
show the existence of a law under which a corporation
SEC has determined any of the 3 grounds for might be formed and an honest attempt to comply with
disallowing a corporate name, it may summarily order the requirements thereof, but it is also necessary to
the corporation to immediately cease and desist from show an actual user or exercise of corporate powers or
Purok Spring 1, Brgy. Morales, Koronadal City
Contact No. 228-1996/887-2051
Business Department
[email protected]
Lecturer: John Jay A. Locsin, JD A.Y. 2nd SEMESTER, 2021-2022
A delinquent corporation shall have a period of 2 years Number and Qualification of Directors (Sec 22)
to resume operations and comply with all requirements
that the Commission shall prescribe. Upon compliance 1. Not more than 15 directors and may be more than
by the corporation, the Commission shall issue an order 15 trustees (Sec 13)
lifting the delinquent status. Failure to comply with the 2. Owner of atleast one share
requirements and resume operation within the period 3. The owner (Legal not beneficial ownership such as
given by the Commission shall cause the revocation of mortgagor) must be stand in the name of the director In
the boo of the corporation.
the corporation’s certificate of incorporation.
4. Possess all the qualification and none of the
disqualification (Sec 26 and 23)
5. If the corporation is vested with public interest, the
board shall also elect a compliance officer
Directors shall be elected for a term of one
At the base are the shareholders (or members) whose Each director and trustee shall hold office until the
vote is required to elect the board of directors (or successor is elected and qualified.
trustees) and to pass on other major corporate actions.
A director who ceases to own at least one (1) share of
The next level is represented by directors who constitute stock or a trustee who ceases to be a member of the
the policy-making body of the corporation and select the corporation shall cease to be such.
officers annually, as a rule. The keystone of corporate
procedure is the provision common to most corporate Independent Director
laws that the business of a corporation shall be
managed by its board of directors. An independent director is a person who apart from
shareholdings and fees received from the corporation, is
Finally, at the top of the pyramid are the officers who independent of management and free from any business
have some discretion but in general deemed to execute or other relationship which could or could reasonably be
policies formulated by the board. perceived to materially interfere with the exercise of
Purok Spring 1, Brgy. Morales, Koronadal City
Contact No. 228-1996/887-2051
Business Department
[email protected]
Lecturer: John Jay A. Locsin, JD A.Y. 2nd SEMESTER, 2021-2022
independent judgment in carrying out the responsibilities as many votes as the number of directors to be elected
as a director. multiplied by the number of his shares shall equal.
Independent directors must be elected by the Illustration: If there are 5 directors to be elected and
shareholders present or entitled to vote in absentia Pedro, as shareholder, has 100 shares, Pedro can give
during the election of directors. Independent directors 500 (5 x 100 shares) votes to just one candidate.
shall be subject to the rules and regulation governing
their qualifications, disqualifications, voting CUMULATIVE VOTING BY DISTRIBUTION
requirements, duration of term and term limit, maximum
number of board membership and other requirements A stockholder may cumulate his shares by multiplying
that the Commission will prescribe to strengthen their the number of his shares by the number of directors to
independence and align with international best practices. be elected and distribute the same among as many
candidates as he shall see fit.
a) Whose securities are registered with the Commission Each stockholder or member shall have the right to
b) Corporation listed with an exchange or nominate any director or trustee who possesses all of
c) With assets of atleast 50,000,000.00 and having 200 the qualifications and none of the disqualifications and
or more holders of share, each holding atleast 100 none of the disqualifications set forth in this Code.
shares of a class of its equality shares.
2. Banks and quasi-banks, NSSLA’s, pawnshops,
corporation engaged in money service business, Except when the exclusive right is reserved for holders
preneed, trust and insurance companies and other of founders' shares under Section 7 of this Code
financial intermediaries and The owners of majority of the outstanding capital stock,
or if there be no capital stock, a majority of the members
3. Other corporations engaged “in business vested with entitled to vote must all be present either in person or
pubic interest similar to the above, as may be through a representative authorized to act by written
determined by the Commission, after taking into account proxy in the elections of directors or trustee.
relevant factors which are germane to the objective and
purpose of requiring the election of an independent When so authorized in the bylaws or by a majority of the
director, such as extent of minority ownership, types of board of directors, the stockholders or members may
financial products or securities, issued or offered to also vote through remote communication or in
investors, public interest involved in the nature of absentia: Provided, that the right to vote through such
business operations, and other analogous factors. modes may be exercised in corporations vested with
public interest, notwithstanding the absence of a
provision in the bylaws of such corporations.
Election of Directors or Trustees (Sec. 23)
The election must be by ballot if requested by any voting
stockholder or member.
Qualification of Corporate Officer (Sec 24)
Cumulative voting for one candidate A stockholder is
allowed to concentrate his votes and give one candidate 1. President – Must be a director
2. Secretary – Resident and Citizen of the Philippines
Purok Spring 1, Brgy. Morales, Koronadal City
Contact No. 228-1996/887-2051
Business Department
[email protected]
Lecturer: John Jay A. Locsin, JD A.Y. 2nd SEMESTER, 2021-2022
Disqualification of Directors, Trustees or Officers The Securities and Exchange Commission shall, motu
(Sec 26) propio or upon verified complaint, and after due notice
and hearing, order the removal of a director or trustee
A person shall be disqualified from being a director, elected despite the disqualification, or whose
trustee or officer of any corporation if, within five (5) disqualification arose or is discovered subsequent to an
years prior to the election or appointment as such, the election. The removal of a disqualified director shall be
person was: without prejudice to other sanctions that the Commission
may impose on the board of directors or trustees who,
with knowledge of the disqualification, failed to remove
(a) Convicted by final judgment: such director or trustee.
(2) For violating this Code; and 1. Other than removal by the stockholders or members
or expiration of term – Majority of the remaining directors
(3) For violating Republic Act No. 8799, or trustees if still constituting quorum.
otherwise known as "The Securities Regulation Code";
2. Removal by stockholder or members or expiration of
term or increase in number of director other than
(b) Found administratively liable for any offense involving
(removal, expiration or increase) but was referred to the
fraudulent acts; and
BOD to the stockholders- Stockholders or members in
the regular or special meeting called for that purpose.
(c) By a foreign court or equivalent foreign regulatory
authority for acts, violations or misconduct similar to
When the vacancy is due to term expiration, the election
those enumerated in paragraphs (a) and (b) above.
shall be held no later that the day of such expiration at a
meeting called for that purpose. When the vacancy
The foregoing is without prejudice to qualifications or arises as a result of removal by the stockholders or
other disqualifications, which the Commission, the
Purok Spring 1, Brgy. Morales, Koronadal City
Contact No. 228-1996/887-2051
Business Department
[email protected]
Lecturer: John Jay A. Locsin, JD A.Y. 2nd SEMESTER, 2021-2022
members, the election may be held on the same day of Directors or trustees shall not participate in the
the meeting authorizing the removal and this fact must determination of their own per diems or compensation.
be so stated in the agenda and notice of said meeting. In Liability of Corporate Officers (Sec 30)
all other cases, the election must be held no later than
forty-five (45) days from the time the vacancy arose. A
director or trustee elected to fill vacancy shall be referred Liability: Jointly and severally for all damages suffered by
to as replacement director or trustee elected to fill a the corporation, stockholders or members and other
vacancy shall be referred to as replacement director or person when such director is trustee
trustee and shall serve only for the unexpired term of the
predecessor in office. 1. Knowingly vote for or assent to patently unlawful acts
of the corporation (Duty of obedience)
However, when the vacancy prevents the remaining 2. Guilty of gross negligence or bad faith in directing the
directors from constituting a quorum and emergency affairs of the corporation (Duty of Diligence)
action is required to prevent grave, substantial, and 3. Acquire any personal or pecuniary interest in conflict
irreparable loss or damage to the corporation, the with their duty as director or trustee (Duty of loyalty)
vacancy may be temporarily filled from among the
officers of the corporation by unanimous vote of the Dealings of directors, trustees or officers with the
remaining directors or trustees. The action by the corporation (Sec 31)
designated director or trustee shall be limited to the
emergency action necessary, and the term shall cease General rule: A contract of the corporation with one or
within a reasonable time form the termination of the more of its directors or trustees is VOIDABLE, at the
emergency or upon election of the replacement director option of such corporation.
or trustee, whichever comes earlier. The corporation
must notify the Commission within three (3) days from Exception: Such contract is VALID if all of the following
the creation of the emergency board, stating therein the conditions are present:
reason for its creation.
(1) That the presence of such director or trustee in the
board meeting in which the contract was approved was
Compensation of Directors (Sec 29)
not necessary to constitute a quorum for such meeting;
(2) That the vote of such director or trustee was not
General Rule:
necessary for the approval of the contract
(3) That the contract is fair and reasonable under the
No compensation except for reasonable per diems
(4) In case of corporations vested with public interest,
material contracts are approved by atleast (2/3) of the
entire membership of the board, with atleast a majority of
Provided for in by laws
the independent directors voting to approve the material
contract; and
1. Vote of the stockholders representing at least a
(5) In case of an officer, the contract has been previously
majority of the outstanding capital stock at regular or
authorized by the board of directors.
special meeting.
2. Total yearly compensation shall not exceed 10% of
the net income before income tax of the preceding year.
In case of absence of the first 3 conditions above,
The position of being chairman and Vice-Chairman, like
contract may be ratified if:
that of treasurer and secretary, are not considered
directorship positions but officership positions that would
(1) Stockholders representing at least 2/3 of the
entitle the occupants to compensation. Likewise, the
outstanding capital stock or at least 2/3 of the members
limitation placed under Sec. 29 of the Revised
in a meeting called for the purpose voted to ratify the
Corporation Code that directors cannot receive
compensation exceeding 10% of the net income of the
(2) Full disclosure of the adverse interest of the directors
corporation would not apply to the compensation given
or trustees involved is made at such meeting.
to such positions since it is being given in their capacity
(3) Contract is fair and reasonable under the
as officers of the corporation and not as board members.
(Western Institute of Technology v. Salas, 1997)
Interlocking Directors (Section 32)
Purok Spring 1, Brgy. Morales, Koronadal City
Contact No. 228-1996/887-2051
Business Department
[email protected]
Lecturer: John Jay A. Locsin, JD A.Y. 2nd SEMESTER, 2021-2022
Certificate must be signed by a majority of the directors Decrease in capital stock generally results in the return
of the corporation and countersigned by the chairperson of capital. Such return of capital must not prejudice the
and secretary of the stockholders' meeting, setting forth: rights of creditors.
(a) That the requirements of this section have There is no prejudice to creditors if they have been
been complied with; informed of such possible or planned returned of capital
at the time they extend credit to the corporation.
(b) The amount of the increase or decrease of
the capital stock;
Nonstock corporations
(c) In case of an increase of the capital stock, They may incur, create or increase bonded indebtedness
the amount of capital stock or number of shares when approved by a majority of the board of trustees
of no-par stock thereof actually subscribed, the and of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the members in a
names nationalities and addresses of the meeting duly called for the purpose.
persons subscribing, the amount of capital stock
or number of no-par stock subscribed, the Bonds issued by a corporation shall be registered with
names, nationalities and addresses of the the Commission, which shall have the authority to
persons subscribing, the amount of capital stock determine the sufficiency of the terms thereof.
or number of no-par stock subscribed by each,
and the amount paid by each on the subscription
in cash or property, or the amount of capital Power to Deny Pre-emptive Right (Sec 38)
stock or number of shares of no-par stock
allotted to each stockholder if such increase is A share subscription gives the subscriber certain
for the purpose of making effective stock proportionate economic and political rights. Economic
dividend therefor authorized; right refers to the right to receive dividends and capital in
case of liquidation, while Political rights refer to the right
(d) Any bonded indebtedness to be incurred, to be nominated to the board and to approve certain
created ot increased; corporate actions.
(e) The amount of stock represented at the To maintain such rights, the law permits a shareholder to
meeting; and proportionately subscribe to new issuance or re-issuance
of the corporation shares. This is called “Pre-emptive
(f) The vote authorizing the increase or decrease rights”
of capital stock, or incurring, creating or
increasing of bonded indebtedness. All Shareholders of a Stock Corporation have pre-
emptive right to subscribe to all issues or disposition of
shares of any class, in proportion to their respective
Any increase or decrease in the capital stock or the
incurring, creating or increasing of any bonded
indebtedness shall require prior approval of the
Commission and where appropriate, of the Philippine
Competition Commission. The application with the
1. If such right is denied by the AOI or an amendment
Commission shall be made within six (6) months from
the date of approval of the board of directors and
2. Shares to be issued in compliance with laws requiring
stockholders, which period may be extended for
stock offerings or minimum stock ownership by the
justifiable reasons.
3. Shares to be issued in good faith with the approval of
Increase in Capital Stock
2/3 of the stockholders representing outstanding capital
stock, in exchange for property needed for corporate
In case of increase in capital stock, 25% of the increase
purposes or in payment of a previously contracted debt.
must be subscribed and 25% of such subscription and
25% of such subscription must be paid.
Sale or other disposition of assets (Sec 39)
Decrease in Capital Stock
Purok Spring 1, Brgy. Morales, Koronadal City
Contact No. 228-1996/887-2051
Business Department
[email protected]
Lecturer: John Jay A. Locsin, JD A.Y. 2nd SEMESTER, 2021-2022
1. Sell, lease, exchange, mortgage, pledge, or otherwise 2. If the proceeds of the sale or other disposition of such
dispose of its property and assets (not all or substantially property and assets be appropriated for the conduct of
all) its remaining business.
* Majority vote of its board of directors or trustees
Power to acquire shares (Sec 40)
2. A sale of all or substantially all of the corporation’s
properties and assets, including its goodwill. The power to purchase or acquire its own shares for a
A sale or other disposition shall be deemed to cover legitimate corporate purpose or purposes, including the
substantially all of the corporate property and assets if following cases:
thereby the corporation would be rendered incapable of
continuing the business or accomplishing the purpose (a) To eliminate fractional shares arising out of
for which it was incorporated. stock dividends;
The determination of whether or not the sale involves all
or substantially all of the corporation’s properties and (b) To collect or compromise an indebtedness to
assets must be computed based on its net asset value, the corporation, arising out of unpaid
as shown in its latest financial statements. subscription, in a delinquency sale, and to
purchase delinquent shares sold during said
1. Subject to the provisions of RA 10667 or Philippine sale; and
Competition Act and other related laws
(c) To pay dissenting or withdrawing
2. Majority vote of its board of directors or trustee and stockholders entitled to payment for their shares
authorized by the vote of the stockholders representing under the provisions of this Code.
at least (2/3) of the outstanding capital stock or at least
2/3 of the members in a stockholders or members 2. Corporation has unrestricted retained earnings in the
meeting duly called for the purpose. books to cover the shares to be purchased or acquired.
3. Written notice of the proposed action and of the time Unrestricted retained earnings means the amount of
and place for the meeting shall be addressed to accumulated profits and gains realized out of the normal
stockholders or members at their places of residence as and continuous operation of the company after deducting
shown in the books of the corporation and deposited to therefrom distributions to stockholders and transfers to
the addressee in the post office with postage prepaid or capital stock or other accounts and which is (1) not
served personally. appropriated by its Board of Directors for corporate
expansion projects or programs; (2) not covered by a
4. Exercise Appraisal right restriction for dividend declaration under a loan
agreement and (3) not required to be retained under
Right of appraisal is the right to withdraw from the special circumstances obtaining in the corporation such
corporation and demand payment of the fair value of the as when there is a need for a special reserve for
shares after dissenting from certain corporate acts probable contingencies.
involving fundamental changes in corporate structure.
Investment of Fund in another Corporation (Not
5. After such authorization or approval by the primary purpose) (Sec 41)
stockholders or members, the board of directors or
trustees may abandon such sale, lease, exchange, 1. Majority of the board of directors or trustees and
mortgage, pledge, or other disposition of property and ratified by the stockholders representing at least two-
assets, subject to the rights of third parties without thirds (2/3) of the outstanding capital stock, or by at least
further approval by the stockholder or member two-thirds (2/3) of the outstanding capital stock, or by at
least two-thirds (2/3) of the members in the case of
nonstock corporations at a meeting duly called for the
No vote of stockholder is required
2. Notice of the proposed investment and the time place
1. Sale of asset which is necessary in the usual and of residence as shown in the books of the corporation
regular course of business or and deposited to the addressee in the post office with
the postage prepaid. Served personally, or sent
electronically in accordance with the rules and
Purok Spring 1, Brgy. Morales, Koronadal City
Contact No. 228-1996/887-2051
Business Department
[email protected]
Lecturer: John Jay A. Locsin, JD A.Y. 2nd SEMESTER, 2021-2022
regulations of the Commission on the use of electronic Power to enter into management contract (Sec 43)
data message, when allowed by the bylaws or done with
the consent of the stockholders. No corporation shall conclude a management contract
with another corporation (Also apply to any contract
3. Any dissenting stockholder shall have appraisal right where by a corporation undertakes to manage or operate
provided that the investment by the corporation is all or substantially all of the business of another
reasonably necessary to accomplish its primary purpose corporation, whether such contracts are called service
as stated in the articles of incorporation, the approval of contract, operating agreements or otherwise) unless
the stockholders or members shall not be necessary. such contract shall have been approved by the Board of
Directors and by Stockholders owning at least majority of
Power to declare Dividend (Sec 42) the outstanding capital stock or by at least majority of the
member in case of non-stock corporation of both the
Cash/Property Stock Dividend managing and the managed corporation at a meeting
Dividend dully called for the purpose.
(c) when it can be clearly shown that such retention is No management contracts shall be entered into for
necessary under special circumstances obtaining in the period longer that five (5) years for any one term.
corporation, such as when there is need for special
reserve for probable contingencies. Exception:
(d) Additional provided by law That such service contracts or operating agreements
which relate to the exploration, development exploitation
or utilization of natural resources may entered into such
Purok Spring 1, Brgy. Morales, Koronadal City
Contact No. 228-1996/887-2051
Business Department
[email protected]
Lecturer: John Jay A. Locsin, JD A.Y. 2nd SEMESTER, 2021-2022
periods as may be provided by the pertinent laws or (1) Where the contract or act is illegal per se, it is wholly
regulations. void or inexistent. It cannot be ratified or validated
(2) Where the contract or act is not illegal per se but
Ultra Vires acts of Corporation (Sec 44) merely beyond the power of a corporation, the same is
merely voidable and may be enforced by performance,
No corporation shall possess or exercise corporate ratification, or estoppel, or on equitable grounds.
powers other than those conferred by this Code or by its
articles of incorporation and except as necessary or
incidental to the exercise of the powers conferred.