Red Oxy Brochure

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Manufactured in Germany

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Surface water
+ ground water Advantages
• No Chlorine
• No Flocculent/alum
Disinfection KATALOX CATALYTIC • No Acids
• No DBPs
• No Ozone
Clean water
Contact KL unit for CC unit for


reaction tank Filtration Polishing
• D rinking water
RED-OXY-ADSORB Dosing Solution
( 5 % Strength ) Watch-Water ® is proud to announce • P rocess water Re-use
the newest treatment method: • Irrigation
Wastewater Oxidation, Adsorption and Filtration • Mining
from any source in one process. • Wastewater
Well pump treatment
Probably the • Oil & Gas industries
• Fracking
WELL Ultimate Invention • Soil Treatment
in Water-Treatment! • P aper and pulp

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Introduction RED-OXY® has proved to remove toxic organic

molecules such as nitrosamine, organic sulfur
Revolution in all waters including waste water compounds including sulfates and phenol, as well as
treatment by RED-OXY®. Treatment of any kind of inorganic ions such as arsenic, copper, chromium,
water with RED-OXY® has showed the best results cadmium, cyanides, fluorides including destroying all
for the removal of turbidity, color, odor, BOD, COD viruses and bacteria.
and inactivation if bacteria. In all waters RED-OXY®
produced high quality of final water, predominantly RED-OXY® holds its greatest reward for residential,
due to its simultaneously action as an adsorbent, commercial, industrial, municipal including fracking
oxidant and disinfectant. Working as an adsorbent, applications. Nothing is better than RED-OXY®, the
RED-OXY® produces BEST QUALITY WATER of final only source for ULTIMATE WATER SOLUTION.
water compared to all the adsorbent based on Iron
or Aluminum. The advantage of using RED-OXY® is
never to change adsorbent thus producing minimum
waste and this makes RED-OXY ® a very promising The fastest, safest and
adsorbent in all waters including wastewater.
cheapest solution
High speed bullet train REDx + OXYx and KATALOX-
Goal LIGHT® both with Formula FeO4-2 + MnO4-2 – are
considered to have the same formula named
Watch-Water ®‘s goal and interest to develop tetrahedral structured ions. Tetrahedral FeO4-2
new technologies for the filtration, adsorption produced with the system REDx having the highest
and disinfection including the removal of organic Oxidation and Reduction potential in acidic solution.
materials from potable water supplies and also RED-OXY® with its ferrate ions is the strongest oxidant
removal of organics from aqueous process streams and is capable of removing inorganic and organic
prior to recycle (water reuse) or discharge into deep impurities just in few seconds of reaction. The ferrate
wells or natural surface waters. will generate iron ions and oxygen molecules. The
oxidation-reduction reaction is the strongest reaction
Most of the research in Watch-Water ® is dedicated with a particular significance in the entire water
to discontinuing the use of treatment industry because of no by-products. After
the oxidation of all organics including inorganics, the
• Chlorine
final left over is the ferric ion. Now to take the maximum
• Chlorine Dioxide efficiency of the valuable ferric iron the solution of
• O zone as all of them produce huge ADSORBx is dosed to create the floc and catch the
amount of disinfection by products. inorganic precipitates of cations and adsorb anions and
all suspended particles including colloids.
RED-OXY® has shown great results as multi-functional
water and waste water treatment product for There is no other method to reach the solution point
with safety, convenient, versatility with lots of cost
• Adsorption
saving using any other train. In this respect RED x ,
• Oxidation OXYx and ADSORB x are an environmentally friendly
• Disinfection bullet train.


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Description bacteria occur faster as the pH drops, a phenomenon

that has been attributed to mono-protonated form of
RED-OXY® generated Ferrate with Watch-Water ® HFeO 4–
process s the most stable form of Ferrate (VI)
because it is generated with Ferric Hexahydrate RED-OXY® treatment can be done without investing
granules. The oxidant used in this process is a strong on the equipments as in most of the systems
acid halogen which generates high voltage of oxidant worldwide the dosing equipment can be used from
without any DBPs. REDOX potential of the oxidant existing feed pumps which will bring substantial
is as high as Hydroxyl Radicals. Watch-Water ® improvements in finished water quality, especially as
has no doubt that its proprietary process will be regards to trace organic contaminants and DBPs.
commercialize world-wide with its own branches or Most water treatment systems, regardless of their
through very close partners. size, use a coagulant which in future is REDx and a
chemical disinfectant which in future is OXYx and the
Watch-Water ® understands chemistry. Generated sand filter in future are KATALOX-LIGHT® systems.
Ferrate with its proprietary process of ONLY TWO However only adding I-SOFT Corrosion Control
COMPONENTS uses chemicals may be necessary if after treatment
corrosion-control is needed. Watch-Water ® has
↔ RED x
developed this technology in INSTANT form of REDx
and OXYx to save transportation cost of chemicals.

RED-OXY® spontaneously decomposes in the Solutions for all contaminants problem just got
presence of all contaminants listed on page 8, in much easier. How to approach some thousands of
any kind of water into strong oxygen and the most communities, municipalities to use this innovative
powerful Adsorbent based on ferric hydroxide with treatment: RED-OXY® – Oxidation and Adsorption
the surface area of 3500 m2/gram. represents an improved Multiple Applications.

The chemical formation reaction is

Fe(OH)3 + ¾ O2 + 2OH–

This reaction is the strongest for the Oxidation-

Adsorption of metals, non-metals and or organic
contaminants in water and wastewater treatment.
These include ammonia, cyanide, thiocyanate and
very high concentration of hydrogen sulfide. All other
contaminants are listed on page 8. As many of the
reactions are pH based reaction it can be controlled
in the process with OXYx (the most powerful oxidant
and disinfectant against viruses and Coli-form
Bacteria). Inactivation of viruses and all kind of


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Watch-Water ® Germany has designed the RED x

system to generate ferrate on very reasonable
costs, in addition to low costs, the RED x is the only
system for treating drinking water, agricultural
irrigation, industrial applications, municipal water
treatment including disinfection and filtration in
one process easier and less expensive that no
other technology can provide in the existing water
treatment company.

RED-OXY ® mobile labs by Watch-Water ® are

provided to test any water on the spot which is
absolutely identical to RED x systems. To order
RED-OXY ® LAB please provide us your company

Watch-Water ® Germany is the only innovator to

introduce the first On-Site RED x generator and
the Strongest Oxidant Solution [SOS] generator
for disinfection and adsorption of almost every
contaminants in water. RED x technology combines
salt of RED x , OXYx and ADSORB x to generate
the most cost effective high capacity Oxidant, VERY IMPORTANT
Disinfectant and Adsorbent with Real Chemistry
Watch-Water ® herewith guarantee that there are
on site. Our Xtremely intelligent and expertly
no toxic products involved in RED-OXY ® Treatment.
designed RED x generators give all our customers
All compounds are “environment friendly”. All other
the freedom to produce oxidants, disinfectants and
Oxidants like Chlorine or Ozone are hazardous
adsorbents in the amount they need and when they
to workers, since they are highly toxic, no such
need it.
compounds are used in RED-OXY ® Treatment.
RED x will serve any kind of water in any kind of RED x in the process is reduced to Fe (III) with adsorb
industries. RED x generators are available in FeOOH water leaving the KATALOX-LIGHT® and
different sizes to fit every applications and to CATALYTIC CARBON® free of iron and zero non-
produce much superior results compared to toxic by-products, including any organisms such as
any other oxidants and disinfectants including cells, bacteria, viruses. In this reaction all organics
adsorbents, available all over the water treat- are oxidized to biological inactivation product.
ment market. RED x chemistries will clean over
Water at outlet of KATALOX-LIGHT® has the
7000 billion gallons of water everyday. Safer,
highest cleaning effect of any sewage to remove
economical and absolutely more effective RED x
coli form bacteria, ammonia and nitrogen. For
is just a new revolution in the process of making
further cleaning effect use of CATALYTIC CARBON®
water neat, clean and safe and without any
as the polishing filter is best recommended.
hazardous byproducts.

We know the water and we can re-use any water.


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What is REDX ? Explanation I

The element of RED x is iron which is one of the
R ED is to reduce
metals in periodic table that is named as “Transition
E xtremely Toxic organics and
Metal”. This is the secret of RED x that it exhibit
Disinfection of water
multiple oxidation states. In fact, theoretically the
valence up to +8 can be generated. But the most
O xidation potential of over 8.5 V
stable valence is +6 which is called Ferrate (FeO 42–).
Xtremely high sulfate and hydroxyl radicals
Yielding breakthrough in chemistry and process
Ferrate is a very powerful oxidizing compound
that can be utilized in many applications. Ferrate
has Oxidation Potential of 2.2 Volts under acidic Explanation II
conditions. As one of the most practical and powerful
transition metal Ferrate [Fe(VI)] can be utilized to
create Fenton’s Reaction (activation of H2O2 with
RED1 + OXY1 → OXY2 + RED2
RED x ) with its modification to Hydroxyl Radicals
(HRs) with an extra oxidation potential of 1.8 – 2.7 RED1 and RED2 are both Reducers
Volts (depends on the pH and dosing of OXYx values). OXY1 and OXY2 are both Oxidizers

Since RED x has now been changed to a catalyst all Each pairs RED1 / OXY2 are corresponding pairs.
sulfates in composition of OXYx generates Sulfate OXY1 / RED2
Radicals (SRs) with a redox potential of 2.5 – 3.1
Volts. Heterogeneous generation of Sulfate Radicals Oxidizers give electron (-) and Reduce
has now changed dissolved RED x ions into the solid Reducers takes electron (+) and Oxidize
phase. Metallic hydroxide (FeOOH) particles (as This process is called REDOXY Reaction
adsorbent) can be easily removed by KATALOX-
LIGHT® Filtration.

Oxidation and Reduction REDX OXY X

Reducing Agent Oxidizing Agent
The reaction mechanisms of REDX + OXY X + ADSORB X
which makes REDOXY based Advanced Oxidation Technology unique. e-

The highest oxidation reduction potential (ORP) e-

2.2 (Ferrate) + 2.7 (HRs) + 3.1 (SRs) = 8.0
for the followings,
• Removal of Toxic Cations → High ORP
• Removal of Toxic Anions
• Oxidation of inorganic
• Oxidation of Organic Contaminants
• Destroy Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care products
• Destroys endocrine disrupting chemicals

Removal of pesticides fungicides and herbicides
Destroys all bacterial and viruses
REDX is oxidized OXY X is reduced
Oxidation is Reduction is
• Destroys Petroleum Hydrocarbons loss of electrons gain of electrons

RED Solids OXY
Compan y


Hydrated Ferric Acidic Halogen
(in granule form) Oxidant
(solid powder)

5 % strength 5 % strength
High purity ferrate solution solution

RED-OXY ® process of mixing Hydrated ferric solution and
strong OXYx solution is the easiest method to produce
pure Ferrate in the reaction tank. The purity of Ferrate is Simultaneous
more than 99 % in the mixed form. The Ferrate reduced feed ratio
is an exclusive process of Watch-Water ® Germany.
RED  : OXY X = ½ : 1

RED-OXY is the safest oxidant, inexpensive and


“environmental friendly”, especially for potable water

and waste water treatment applications. RED-OXY ® is
an ideal treatment for industrial and municipal effluent High purity
containing hazardous organic and inorganic compounds ferrate
as listed on page no. 8. Using RED-OXY ® there is no
need to dose poisonous and corrosive fesses like
chlorine, hypochlorite  or ozone.  These oxidants have M Dosing proportion
deleterious side effects.  Additionally, the handling of Contaminant : RED-OXY = 1 : 1½
chlorine, hypochlorite, HOCl, chlorine dioxide or ozone e. g. 1.5 mg/l of RED-OXY
are potential danger to workers due to their high toxicity.  against 1 mg/l of phosphate
And a major disadvantage of chlorine and chlorine
dioxide  or any other chlorine-containing oxidant produce,
chloramines, chlorinated aromatics, chlorinated amines Dosing proportion (optional)
or hydrocarbons. All of these oxidants are potential M
Contaminant : ADSORB = 1 : ½
mutagens or carcinogens and are for sure more toxic
than the parent contaminants.

RED-OXY ® a new oxidant is designed to move away

from chlorine, as well as ozone. Both of the compositions Contact Reaction Tank
in red and oxy are oxidation products and 100 % for precipitation,
biodegradable. The ferrate molecule precipitates out sludge formation & adsorption
of solution as Fe(OH)3 and now the adsorption process contact time 3 –5 minutes
starts to collect cation as well as anions from the water.
The iron containing sales can be easily filtered out by
KATALOX-LIGHT® leaving iron-free water containing
innocuous by-products. Water Fed to KATALOX-LIGHT® Unit
Fig. 2

Strong Oxidation Solution (SOS)

Strong Oxidation Solution (SOS) is the highest perfor- 1. RED x and OXYx both food grade salts are
ming oxidant and disinfectant without producing any injected into the pipe.
environmentally toxic byproducts. The revolution
2. Strong reaction occurs inside the pipe
starts and its efficiency is derived from the second
producing Strong Oxidant Solution (SOS)
oxidant present in the ADSORB x solution in the form of
hydrogen peroxide which adjusts the COD and BOD to 3. SOS is ready to use
zero after dosing.


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Strong Oxidation (Filtration)

Solution (SOS)
ADSORB x + H2O any contaminated water
It’s safe with RED x-OXYx-ADSORB x .
Only KATALOX-LIGHT® for filtration
and CATALYTIC CARBON® polishing
for better taste and odor and to
catch microorganisms to make
the best water by Watch-Water ®.
RED x + H2O OXYx + H2O
Fig. 3

Adsorption “A Trap”
REDX particles made from ADSORB x have a This unique invention of Watch-Water ® can be used
hydrophobic core and a hydrophilic shell. Then Watch- to extract
water came up with the idea to use these particles
to remove toxic chemicals and pollutants including • Phthalates
hormones from water and soil using UV light. Due • Hormone-Disrupting chemicals used for sof-
to molecular scale forces, in a solution hydrophobic tening plastics
pollutant molecules are attracted more towards the • BPA – another endocrine disrupting synthetic
hydrophobic RED x particles and ADSORB x on to their compound widely used in plastics and plastic
surface, where they effectively become “trapped“. bottles and hundreds of different consumer
Without using ADSORB x these would remain dissolved goods from thermal printing paper samples
and dispersed evenly in water. But when come in contact
• Polycyclic hydrocarbons
with ADSORB x which stabilizes the outer shell of the
particles as a shed - and now “enriched“ by pollutants – • C arcinogenic compounds formed from incom-
they form larger aggregate that can be removed through plete combustion of fuels
KATALOX-LIGHT® filtration. … from contaminated soil.

Even more exciting!
Advantages of ADSORB X
The oxidation, Disinfection, Adsorption and Filtration,
this whole process is irreversible and the backwash
The adsorption of Toxic or dissolved metals
waste is biodegradable – minimizing the risks of toxic
takes place within 3 to 6 minutes. This unique
secondary products to persist in – say “A Body of Soil”.
adsorbent has very high surface of Iron Oxy
hydroxide. The best breakthrough for adsorption Once they switch to this Macro-situation where there
process will be achieved at inlet of the column are big clumps “Nobody can bring them back”.
at pH 6.5. The higher outlet pH‘s of sampling
For the pilot applications where you do not need an ex-
as compared with initial pH coincide with an
pensive system, just use RED-OXY Mobile Lab to purify
extensive accumulation of iron hydroxides role of
water, wastewater or concentrate. It is a cheap testing
adsorption / co-precipitation process.
kit which every water treatment company can afford.


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(Subjected for update according to new data-collection)

Metal 3 - Mercaptopropionic acid p-Aminobenzoic acid 2,4,6 - Trichlorophenol

Cations Removed Acetaldehyde P-Hydroqiunone 2,4 - Dichlorophenol
Aluminum Al (III) Acetone p-Nitroaniline Acenaphene
Arsenic As (III) Alpha-Hydroxy-toluene p-Toluidine Anthracene
Barium Ba (II) Ammonia Sarcosine Bromodichloromethane
Cadmium Cd (II), Cd (III) Aniline Thioacetamide COD
Calcium Ca (II) Benzenesulfinate Thiodiethanol Chlorobenzene
Cerium Ce (III) Chloral Thiosulfate Dichloromethane
Cobalt Co (II) Cyanide Thiourea Diethylphthalate
Copper Cu (II) Cysteine Thioxane Dimethylphthalate
Lead Pb (II) Cysine Trimethylaldehyde Ethylbenzene
Magnesium Mg (II) Diethylamine Hexachlorobenzene
Manganese Mn (II) Diethylsulfide Nitrobenzene
Mercury Hg (II) Dimethylamine Disinfectant Napthalene
Potassium K (I) Dimethylglycine and Oxidants Pentachlorophenol
Silver Ag (I), Ag (II) Dimethylsulfoxide Aerobic spore-bearers Phenanthrene
Thalium Tl (III) Ethyl alcohol B. Cereus Toluene
Tin Sn (II) Ethyl ether Bryopsis sp. Trichloroethylene
Ethylene glycol Caulerpa taxifolia
Anions Removed Ferrocyanide Dasya baillouviana
Arsenate As (III) Fonnic acid Enteromorpha intestinalis
Arsenite As (V) Formaldehyde Eschericha coli (E. Coli) Disrupting
Ammonia NH3 Glycerol F-specific RNA-coliphage QB Chemicals (EDCs)
Chromate CrO42- Glycine f2 Coliphage Bisphenol A
Fluoride F– Glycoaldehyde S. aureus Estrone (E1)
Molybdate MoO4 2- Glycolic acid S. bovis 17 b-Estradiol (E2)
Phosphate PO4 3- Glyoxal S. globigii 17 a-Ethynylestradiol (EE2)
Selenite SeO3 2- Glyoxylic acid S. facalis 16 a-Hydroxyestrone
Silicate SiO2 2- Hydrazine S. fiexneri 4-Nonylphenol
Sulfate SO4 2- Hydrogen sulfide Sphaerotilus 4-tert-Octyphenol
Sulfite SO3 2- Iminodiacetic acid S. Typhumurium
Isopropyl alcohol Styela plicata Pharmaceuticals
Oxidation Methionine Sulfite-reducing clostiridia Sulfamethoxazole
(inorganic & organic Methyl alcohol Thermotolerant coliforms Ibuprofen
Contaminants) Methylamine Total coliform
1 - Diaminopropane Methylhydrazine Pesticides
1,2 - Ethanediol Neopentyl alcohol 1,1,2,2 - tetrachloroethane 2,4  - Dichlorophenoxyacetic
1,2 - Propanediol Nitriloacetic acid 1,1,2 - trichloroethane acid
1,2,4 - Butanetriol Nitrite 1,1 - dichloroethane 2,4,5  -  Trichlorophenoxyacetic
1,3 - Propanediol Nitrosamines 1,2 - dichlorobenzene acid
2 - Mercaptobenzoic acid Methanol 1,2 - dichloroethylene Dursban
2 - Mercaptoethanesulfonic N-methyliminodiacetic acid 1,2,3 - trichlorobenzene EDB (Ethylene di-bromide)
acid Oxylic acid 2 - Chlorophenol
3 - Amino-1-propanol Phenol 2 - Nitrophenol


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Oxidant and Adsorption




RED-OXY-ADSORB Dosing Solution A real prototype of RED-OXY® Dosing system

( 5 % Strength ) Fig. 4 (made by Watch-Water ® Germany)

Dosing Equipment for RED x -OXYx The dosing tank with be proportional. Watch-Water @ recommends the use of
mixer and the dosing pump should make the solution for water-meters with contact cables.
one week. The flow control equipment to dose should WARNING: Do not add salt (NaCl) in the OXYx tank.

Dosing Amount Example 2:

Total B = Value 1 + Value 2. Cations Anions
The chemical requirement could be approximated Select dosing 1 x B amount (mg/l) (mg/l)
according to the half-reaction requirement basis. of the prepared 5 % OXYx Iron As (III)
Here are two examples: dosing solution with Lead As (V)
combination with 0.5 x B Copper Phosphate
Example 1: amount of the prepared Silicate
To neutralize 80 mg/l of phosphate dose 80 mg/l of 5 % RED x dosing solution. Value 1 Value 2
OXYx and 40 mg/l of RED x dosing prepared solution. If ADSORBX is added it shall
This would treat 1250 m3 of water with dosing solution be also 0.5 x B amount of the
prepared from 5 kg of OXYx and 2.5 kg of RED x . prepared 5%.

The Dosing table* proportion according to the upper limit TDS is as below.

Parameters Drinking water Brackish water Water/Sea water Sewage/waste water
TDS limit Up to 2000 mg / l Up to 10 000 mg / l Up to 40 000 mg / l Over 50 000 mg / l
Dilution strenght 5 % 5 % 5 % 5 %
REDX 50 ml/m3 125 ml/m3 200 ml/m3 250 ml/m3
OXY X 100 ml/m3 250 ml/m3 400 ml/m3 500 ml/m3
ADSORBX 50 ml/m3 125 ml/m3 200 ml/m3 250 ml/m3
Total Dosing 200 ml/m3 500 ml/m3 800 ml/m3 1 000 ml/m3
* Adjustment might be required to achieve the desired performance.


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In order to get the best results and to ensure KATALOX-LIGHT®

the necessary Ferric Hxdroxide production, the
operator should take into account the “Total for Filtration
Contaminants“ to be removed. In order to achieve
the best oxidation results to treat mixture of one Water is fed to the KATALOX-LIGHT® units for the
or more impurities such as Biological impurities filtration stage after contact reaction tank. For
the same amount of oxidant to be used as in the KATALOX-LIGHT® sizing please check KATALOX-
process of Adsorbent production in the reaction LIGHT® technical datasheet.
tank. Biological impurities are those materials
having biological origin. Thus any cells, bacteria, All salts and impurities captured by adsorbent are
viruses, tissues or components thereof, whether easier to filter out with KATALOX-LIGHT® media,
from plants or animals can be considered to be leaving iron free water containing none of the toxic
biological impurities. This process will destroy byproducts. In addition the nature of KATALOX-
sulfur-containing impurities and compounds LIGHT® can be utilized in urban or any industrial water
containing sulfur atom including nitrogen-containing treatment plants. Since the RED-OXY® technology is
impurities, radioactive impurities etc. the highest effective and disinfectant technology, it is
possible to replace every chlorinated drinking water
There is virtually no limits of BOD or COD
including TOC that RED-OXY® cannot handle.
Therefore, any water, wastewater, irrigation
water, surface water or ground water mixed with
organic, inorganic or biological impurities in water
can install RED-OXY® adsorption/disinfection
Reaction Tank equipment.

Simple reaction tank should be chosen

to provide a internal contact time of 3 to Note: I f ferrate dosing is low the results may not
5 minutes. The sludge and precipitation satisfactory and on the other hand if ferrate
formed in the Reaction Tank must be
yield is too high, the pressure drop in the
removed before feeding the water to the
Katalox-Light Filtration system. KATALOX-LIGHT® unit will be high.

Reaction tank models Flow rate Inlet / Outlet Contact time

10 x 54 0.5 –   1.0 m 3 / h ¾ inch 3 to 5 minutes
13 x 54 1.0 –   2.0 m 3 / h 1 inch 3 to 5 minutes
16 x 65 2.0 –   3.0 m 3 / h 1 inch 3 to 5 minutes
18 x 65 3.0 –   5.0 m 3 / h 1½ inches 3 to 5 minutes
24 x 69 5.0 –   8.5 m 3 / h 2 inches 3 to 5 minutes
30 x 72 8.5 – 13.0 m 3 / h 2 to 2½ inches 3 to 5 minutes
36 x 72 13.0 – 21.0 m 3 / h 2 to 2½ inches 3 to 5 minutes
48 x 82 22.0 – 36.5 m 3 / h   3 to 4 inches 3 to 5 minutes


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Catalytic Carbon for Polishing

The waste water contaminants can include inlet Fig. 5
aluminium, chlorine, atrazine and all possible bio-
accumulative organics and in the polishing process
the presence of arsenic, cyanide, chromium,
pathogens and selenium; as in the second process
the activated carbon is the media with Metal
Hydroxide coating and iron fillings. Presence of
fluorides, lead and copper including phosphates
and nitrates are also not a problem. All the waste
waters can be discharged as to legally allowed
limits. CATALYTIC CARBON® technology has solved
the problem of trace toxic contaminants prior to
discharge. CATALYTIC CARBON® shall be used as a
polish filter in after the KATALOX-LIGHT® to remove
any trace contaminants to provide the best quality
re-usable water.

Future of Water
and Wastewater
We bring you Imagine wastewater so clean that you could bottle
it. Imagine an oxidant so strong yet safe. Imagine a
the possibilities! disinfectant so powerful but without any byproducts
(DBPs). Imagine 1000 liters of wastewater with just
few grams of solid waste. Imagine a water treatment
facility so safe that you never have to worry about
dangers associated with manufacturing Ozone gas or
transporting, storing and using Acids and chlorates
to produce chlorine gas. All technologies using salts
and water and manufacturing HOCl are useless, just

RED-OXY Mobile Lab has proved to water and

wastewater companies around the world that RED-
OXY on-site test offers significant advantages to
prove that this is the only technology which proves its
efficiency on site and no other technology can prove


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Oil-Field Industry
Watch Water ®’s RED-OXY ® process and system
RED Solids OXY
that can be used to treat any kind of water or waste
water and remove Hydrogen sulfide in the produced
water is the most advanced process in oilfield
industry. Treatment of used oilfield water containing
large amount of hydrogen sulfide is guaranteed using
RED-OXY ® process. After removing Hydrogen sulfide
5 % strength 5 % strength
with RED-OXY ® water can be reused because it isn‘t solution solution

toxic, corrosive or flammable. Big advantage of
using the RED-OXY ® oxidation process is, absolute
GREEN CHEMICAL oxidizer. RED-OXY ® does not
contain any chlorine,  chlorine dioxide as the chlorine
have a complex chemistry with H2S. Example reaction
between chlorine and Hydrogen sulfide include

H2S + ClO2→ HCl + H SO + S 2 4


H S + ClO + NaOH → H SO + NaCl + HCl

2 2 2 4

H S + HClO → H SO + HCl + H O
2 2 2 4 2

Chlorine dioxide oxidize sulfide elemental sulfur that

creates precipitation or bulk precipitation. If the
water contains a precipitate, it can not be reused 
as it clog pipes, plug pore throats and damage
equipments and formations.
Surface water

Option I Option II
Produced water
for hydraulic

Well pump Flow-back

 Fig. 6


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Hydrogen sulfide removal

Watch-Water ® explains the process of fracturing and The oilfield waste water also contain high amounts
oilfields waste water. Waste water is a product of of polyvalent ions these are divalent alkaline earth
injecting water downhole or is formation water that metals such as Ca2+, Mg2+, Sr 2+, Ba2+ these cations
flows from the formation to the surface. present cause sulfate precipitation in an amount that
depends on pH, that the sulfate solubility depends
As shown on the drawing on page 12 (see Fig. 6) on the ph or the solubility product constant of the
oilfield waste water includes produced water, particular sulfate compound as CaSO 4, MgSO 4.
flowback water and the well water or a combination Therefore to control sulfate produced by oxidation
comprising at least one of the foregoing. Produced of sulfides the OXYx contains sequesters in the
water typically is water that flows to the surface formulation having advantages which avoids the
during production of oil and gas from a subterranean precipitation of cations and form scale. To avoid any
hydrocarbon source. corrosion the OXYx does not contain any oxidizers
such as hydrogen peroxide, calcium peroxide or
Flowback water on the other hand, generally is sodium hypochlorite’s.
water that flows to the surface after performing a
hydraulic fracturing job. The oilfield waste water (A) OXYx an exclusive formulation of Watch-Water ® to
Produced water and (B) Flowback water (see Fig. 6 treat waters with high content of sulfides (H2S) with
on page 12) contains a plurality of neutral and ionic its very high oxidation power with RED x changes
species that include the elements which are causing sulfides to sulfates in forming a Recycled water
heavy scale, corrosion and biofouling. Formulation of that is useful as a hydraulic fracturing water or in
RED x Granules contains the iron catalyst with unique enhanced oil production water. The formulation of
combination of ingredients to clarify the oilfield OXYx includes,
waste water with a flocculent which has the highest
capacity to adsorb heavy metals like 1. strong biocide
2. scale stabilizer
• Antimony
3. corrosion inhibitor
• Arsenic
4. friction reducer
• Copper
5. pH-adjusting agent
• Iron
6. scale inhibitor and very important
• Lead
7. a surfactant.
• Manganese
• Phosphorus OXYx is the best formulation to kill bacteria and
reduce the risk of any biofouling, stabilizing water
• Selenium
hardness and provide the best corrosion prevention.
• Sulfur OXYx in combination of RED x reduce all water and
• Uranium fluid tensions.


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Arsenic removal RED-OXY® in small

The ability of RED x or the RED x -OXYx -combination drinking water systems
provides the most efficient method for remediation
of arsenic from any water under mildly acidic Millions of small drinking water systems are equipped
conditions. Both As (III) and As (V) forms of arsenic with Reverse Osmosis and the disadvantage of these
are amenable to treatment since RED x rapidly systems, none of them is working, cannot be repaired
oxidizes the former (+3) to +5 oxidation state. This because of limited financial and human resources,
is the only process which will decrease the amount and some time due to their remote location.
of all adsorbents since RED-OXY ® makes the fresh Watch-Water ® has only one objective to install
adsorbent because of using a soluble form of iron RED-OXY ® systems to solve more than 90 % of
(RED x) to treat all waters. water quality and treatment problems faced by small
communities and villages.
Most importantly, RED-OXY ® method provides the
most economic and inexpensive approach to meet RED-OXY ® has proved to be more effective and less
every drinking water regulation where acceptable detrimental than any existing conventional
levels of arsenic may reach as low as 0.0 µg/l (Zero
parts per billion). Another huge benefit of RED-OXY ® • Adsorbent media
treatment is that a reaction between arsenite and • Chlorination
RED-OXY ® is extremely rapid (within milliseconds) for • Ozonation or
all forms of arsenic.
• Chlorine dioxide oxidation
These technologies are more costly, more hazardous
or require specialized expertise to operate.
Oxidation Kinetics
Watch-Water ® will highlight the ways it can be used
In order to provide our customers of how well RED- to improve water quality, lower cost and provide a
OXY ® will work with “real life”. To treat water with more sustainable treatment alternative to any other
50 ppb Arsenate at pH from 7 to 8 only 0.5 mg of existing technologies. Watch-Water ® is already
RED-OXY ® dosage is needed. As explained often, offering full-scale units for on-site production of the
arsenic is usually present as As (V) in surface waters strongest adsorbent at cost of as low as 0.05 cents
and as As (III) in most of ground-waters, which must to treat one cubic meter (264.2 gallons) of water.
be oxidized to the +5 state to ensure removal. Since RED-OXY ® does not react with bromide like ozone;
RED-OXY ® is the best oxidation method, the reaction so the carcinogenic bromate is not produced in the
kinetics between (AsO3-3) is shown as follows: treatment of bromide-containing water.

2FeO 42- +3AsO3-3 → 2Fe 3+

+ 3AsO 43-
The dream of sustainable
water re-use is now a reality!

The days of Ozone,

Chlorine, Chlorine gas
and Toxic Biocides are gone …

 … Thanks to RED-OXY®!


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Breakthrough experiment
The RED-OXY ® LAB breakthrough columns test can RED x and OXYx into the sample (Step 1). ADSORBX shall
be conducted as a set of comparative tests, usually be added to obtain the best results forming immediate
consisting of 2 to 4 columns in each run. But in the sludge and precipitation (Step 2).
mobile Lab-Kit, a single column (95 mm diameter, 140
mm height) containing KATALOX-LIGHT® granules and The treated sample should be poured thorough
a single column of the same size filled with CATALYTIC KATALOX-LIGHT® (Step 3) and then collected and
CARBON® is employed as a standard test on site. again poured through CATALYTIC CARBON® column
There are two sampling mugs to fill the columns on for polishing effect (Step 4) .
the inlet and collecting sampling at the outlets ends
of the column. To begin a set of breakthrough results To obtain results from the comparative columns both
as to (Fig. 7), a sample jar should be filled with the samples can be send to investigate water quality
Contaminated Water. And now inject the prepared – parameters.

Fig. 7

Step 3 Step 4


Only After KL
(for polishing effect)

Step 1 Step 2

Sample 1 for test Sample 2 for test

A Test Result with RED-OXY®

Lab showed the measured
95 % reduction of very high
concentration of sulfate.

Water origin:
wastewater from stone-wash
facility in Germany


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from the Leader board
FILTERSORB SP3 Our partners will build
SPECIAL FILTER • Laboratory pilot Scale
• On-site Pilot Scale
We will be using any kind of water samples. This will allow us to
prove the technology.
GREEN-ACID If you ask, is FeO42- is the
solution for
• Disinfection
• Oxidation and
• Adsorption followed by
Katalox-Light ® filtration
for water treatment in
Packaging future?
4 x 5 kg bags of REDX
(Hydrated Iron in solid form) The answer is YES!
in a box

4 x 5 kg bags of OXY X RED-OXY® is the most powerful multi-purpose and environment

(oxidizer chemical in solid friendly technology known in water-treatment.
form) in a box
RED-OXY® is available as INSTANT product (solid granule/powder
4 x 5 kg bags of ADSORB X
form) that can be delivered worldwide without unnecessary water.
(adsorbent chemical in solid
form) in a box 99 % purification/separation can be achieved using RED-OXY®
(Ferrate Hexahydrate) Technology.

To know and learn more about this huge potential of RED-OXY® TREATMENT please contact us:

® Watch-Water ® GmbH
Fahrlachstraße 14
68165 Mannheim, Germany
Tel. +49 621 87951-0
Fax +49 621 87951-99
[email protected]

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