Personal Branding Sample
Personal Branding Sample
Personal Branding Sample
Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about
creating yourself.
Discuss situations where the market has influenced brands. What is the
Recommended Activity result of ignoring personal branding? Make a list of the consequences of not
creating a personal brand.
Review Questions Why would someone not pay attention to personal branding?
Brand Mantra
Brand mantras are short, but they are powerful. This short phrase or statement may
only be three to five words, but these words define your brand. A mantra must
explore the brand’s points of difference or how the brand is unique along with what
the company represents. For example, take a look at, Nike’s “Authentic Athletic
Performance.” In order to create a brand mantra, you must first identify what sets
your brand apart and list your points of difference.
Once the points of difference are identified, you must create a mantra that is simple, communicates,
and inspires.
When creating a mantra, you should begin with a word bank of points of difference and your purpose
and mission.
Brand Mantra
Topic Summary
Explore brand mantras.
Complete the worksheet individually. Share your answers with the rest of the
Recommended Activity
Be Real
People are attracted to genuine people. The key to personal branding is to make it
personal. Communicating dry facts will not impress most people. Your brand must
have personality. Develop a persona that attracts people. Share ideas, implement
humor, and make connections with people. Having an online presence makes
sharing your persona much easier.
When you are developing your persona, remember to be real. You are under no obligation to share
personal details about yourself, but everything that you do share must be genuine. Never make up facts,
statistics, or tell lies. Fact-checking has become easier than ever, and lies will do nothing to improve your
brand’s reputation.
SWOT Analysis
In defining yourself, it is helpful to perform a SWOT analysis. By identifying your
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, you will be able to define your
brand and understand what you have to offer. You will also identify areas that need
Strengths: Strengths are internal characteristics that create a competitive advantage. For
example, accounting skills would be a strength.
Opportunities: Opportunities are external. There are always opportunities for you to take
advantage of. Education would be an example of an opportunity.
Threats: External threats cannot be controlled, but they may be addressed in your
opportunities. Competition with a more relevant skill set is a threat.
A SWOT analysis will be unique to each person or business. Taking a moment to honestly assess your
situation will allow you to complete a personal SWOT analysis.
Topic Summary
Practice creating a SWOT analysis.
Complete the worksheet individually. Share your answers with the rest of the
Recommended Activity
Practical Illustration
Sean created a new startup business. At first, everything seemed to be going well, and
sales were 20% higher than he originally projected. Unfortunately, a dissatisfied customer
began making life miserable. The customer had demanded a refund, but Sean refused
because there was nothing wrong with the product. Soon, he found comments online that
he had poor customer service, warning people away from his product. Sean was sure that
the problem would go away on its own, but his sales fell 30% the next month.
Practical Illustration
Topic Summary
Discuss the importance of taking control of a brand’s reputation.
Discuss the outcome of the Practical Illustration. What should Sean have
Recommended Activity
done differently?
a) By your work
b) By the market
c) By the law
d) You will not be branded
You need to brand yourself. The market will brand you if you do not.
a) Monitoring
b) Market
c) Mantra
d) Personal branding
It is important to manage your public reputation. Personal branding helps manage a public
a) 3 to 5
b) 1 to 3
c) 5 to 7
d) It does not matter
a) Simple
b) Communicate
c) Strength
d) Inspire
Strength is not necessary when establishing a mantra. The other answers need to be considered.
a) Brands
b) Persona
c) Authenticity
d) Lies
a) Strength
b) Fact-checking
c) Opportunity
d) Threat
a) Strength
b) Weakness
c) Opportunity
d) Threat
Strengths and weaknesses are internal characteristics. The other answers are external
a) Strength
b) Weakness
c) Opportunity
d) Threat
Opportunities and threats are external characteristics. The other answers are internal
a) The market
b) Your customers
c) Yourself
d) Your projected sales
a) Love
b) Money
c) Branding
d) All of the above
It is easy to underestimate the importance of personal branding and avoid actively participating
in your brand
In the blank space, brainstorm a list of words that describe the differences and purpose of your
organization. Next, create three different brand mantras in the space provided.
Perform a personal SWOT analysis.
1. Index cards
Write the name of a different famous person on five or six index cards. Some examples: Madonna, Tiger
Woods, Lance Armstrong, Nelson Mandela, Bill Gates, Angelina Jolie.
Divide participants into groups of four to six. Give each group one of the cards.
Tell participants that the president of their company (or the head of their department) has resigned and
the position is now being taken over by the person on their index card. Ask each group to think of one
characteristic of this person that will help him or her do well in this new role.
After a few minutes, ask the groups to report on what they decided.
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Personal Branding
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