Hopf Cole Brown
Hopf Cole Brown
Hopf Cole Brown
Tai-Ping Liu
Burgers equation:
Bateman proposed it for considering shock profile:
Bateman, H. Some recent researches on the motion of
fluids, Monthly Weather Review 43, (1915), 163-170.
Burgers proposed it for the study of turbulence:
Burgers, J. M. Application of a model system to illustrate
some points of the statistical theory of free turbulence.
Nederl. Akad. Wetensch., Proc. 43, (1940), 2-12.
Cole derived the Burgers equation from gas dynamics:
∂w ∂w 4 ∂2w
+β = ν∗ 2 .
∂t ∂x 3 ∂x
”for w = excess of flow velocity over a sonic velocity, where
β = (γ + 1)/2, ν ∗ = the kinematic viscosity at sonic
Solution formula for the inviscid Burgers equation
ut + (u 2 /2)x = 0 in the zero dissipation limit κ → 0+:
2 Ry
F (x, y , t) = (x−y)
2t + 0− u(z, 0)dz,
miny F (x, y , t) = F (ξ, t),
limκ→0+ u(x, t, κ) = u(ξ, 0).
Metastable states:
bt + ( )x = κbxx , b(x, 0) = Aδ(x), Burgers kernel
By Hopf-Cole transformation,
√ A x2
√κ (e 2κ − 1)e− 4κt
b(x, t; A) = √ R∞ A
π+ √x
(e 2κ − 1)e−y 2 dy
On the other hand, for inviscid Burgers equation, the solution
tends to N-waves:
− 12
−∞ |u(x,Rt) − N(x, t; p, q)| = O(1)t R ,
x ∞
p = minx −∞ u(x,
( 0)dx, qp= maxx x u(x, 0)dx, two time invariants
, for − −2pt < x < 2qt;
N(x, t; p, q) = t
0, otherwise.
Hoff, D.; Liu, T.-P. The inviscid limit for the Navier-Stokes
equations of compressible, isentropic flow with shock data.
Indiana Univ. Math. J. 38 (1989), no. 4, 861-915. single
shock, zero mass, using Hopf-Cole for initial layer
Bianchini, S.; Bressan, A. Vanishing viscosity solutions of
nonlinear hyperbolic systems. Ann. of Math. (2) 161
(2005), no. 1, 223-342. general initial values, artificial
viscosity, generalized Glimm.
Tai-Ping Liu Hopf-Cole Transformation
Hopf-Cole Transformation
Boltzmann equation
∂t f(x, t, ξ) + ξ · ∂x f(x, t, ξ) = Q(f, f)(x, t, ξ)
Open problem: Riemann problem
Ml (ξ), x < 0,
f(x, t, ξ) =
Mr (ξ), x < 0.