Covert Intel - New Nato War Doctrine Signed
Covert Intel - New Nato War Doctrine Signed
Covert Intel - New Nato War Doctrine Signed
A document will be signed off by NATO defense ministers in Brussels today.
The document states "NATO will be at war on TWO FRONTS."
The first conflict is described as a “high-intensity Article 5 conflict” (Read Russia)
The second conflict is described as “an out-of-area, non-Article 5 event.” (Read China)
Russia AND China.
So here we have it; NATO is literally PLANNING on being in not one, but TWO major
wars. This so-called "defensive alliance" has, in fact, turned into an offensive alliance,
and it seems to be planning offensive military actions completely OUTSIDE U.S.
Congressional authority. In the US, only the Congress has the power to "declare war."
It appears, at least at the moment, that NATO is deliberately planning to circumvent
Congress - and all other NATO legislative bodies, and deliberately engage in wars!
Bear in mind, NATO was created after World War 2 to "defend Europe from Soviet
communism. The Soviet Union dissolved itself in 1991. NATO should have been
dissolved along with it.
Now, instead of a defense against Soviet Communism, we see the rise of a new
offensive alliance planning to go to active war. This is not how things were intended to
NATO should be dissolved. Immediately.
When one considers that NATO trained and equipped the Ukrainian Army from 2014 to
this day, and Ukraine's army has been decimated on the battlefield by Russia, NATO is a
demonstrable failure. To allow such people to deliberately take us into two other wars
would be madness.
Pray, pray, pray, pray, pray that the nuclear armament will not be released, for I say unto thee,
there are enough destructive weapons to destroy this whole planet. There is no place to hide
them and there is no place to keep them. I say unto thee, this whole planet is in danger of
being totally destroyed, annihilated by mankind. It hangs, it hangs, it hangs from a thread.
These are terrible days, My children. Yea, this whole planet is on the eve of Gethsemane, the
hour of the crucifixion of this world has come. And this whole world is about to be crucified, and
I can't find My intercessors who will travail for the redemption of this planet. Oh, My children,
the hour is late, madness rules the hearts of men and men are mad. There is no balance in
anything. Yea, I say unto thee, cry out, cry out, cry out!
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0# RE: COVERT INTEL - New NATO War Doctrine Signed — TB1 2023-02-15 09:59
In the US, only the Congress has the power to "declare war." THAT'S REALLY FUNNY.
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Both nations are leading the world from the petrol dollar. The Western nations need to
eliminate any competition to the one world currency even though we are switching to digital
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+7# Iron Mountain — Angus 2023-02-15 09:43
Years ago (mid 90’s) I read a book called The Report on Iron Mountain. It was think tank
speculation on what control mechanisms could be used to manage humanity and keep it
submissive, because war, though effective, was too destructive to be used in perpetuity….to
the earth- the eradications of humans was not a negative.
They came up with several scenarios: Massive world war…again…to “end all wars” (heard
that as the reasoning behind creating atomic bombs…that well well)accelerated environmental
destruction to such an extent that massive top-down controls would be necessary to
implement on human behavior, consumption and child bearing, and lastly, a convincing alien
attack with clandestine technology created in secret over many decades, while media would
seed the idea of alien invasion through Hollywood movies while they worked on the “event to
come”. This, they reasoned, would unite humanity globally, the same way wars United
countries against a common enemy; which conditioned National groups to endure deprivation
and a reduction in a consumer-based lifestyle all to fight a common enemy. “Aliens” would
periodically “attack”, killing enough to keep the population at the appropriate levels…
world war levels….but no human government would be blamable for mankind’s continued
Looks like they are going to use all three- simultaneously.
There really is no way out, except Divine Intervention. As Hal said in a recent broadcast, “They
cannot be stopped, they WILL NOT be stopped.”
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0# Thanks — SBGlett77 2023-02-15 09:51
Thanks for reminding us of the program, from a great book that should not be forgotten.
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+6# Insaine!!!!!! — Baytownlarry 2023-02-15 09:39
This will be like you or me getting in the ring with Tyasion and Holyfield at the same time !!!!
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-1# aaand.... — dave0975644 2023-02-15 09:37
do they think the war with China will NOT
be high-intensity --- if this goes public
THAT is the first question to force Austin/Milley
to testify to congress about... and if they won't
answer, perhaps Xi will...
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china is part of the problem, and most likely in bed with the new improved communist west.
This goes way beyond merely poking a bear. It is now akin to robbing a bear of its cubs. It
becomes an existential threat to Russia, and for China an opportunity to join Russia in wiping
out their major adversary.
These NATO cretins were just last week moaning about how short they were of ammunition
and manpower. I guess Daddy U.S. promised them the use of his nuclear arsenal. Be careful
what you wish for, Europe.
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-2# Interesting — gjones7777 2023-02-15 09:32
Sure are alot of pro russia anti US keyboard warriors here.....have you noticed Hal? Is that
your program's demographics?
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0# USA? — toddinfl 2023-02-15 09:48
Why would anyone be pro USA at this point? Let it collapse.
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-1# No — gjones7777 2023-02-15 09:29
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I know this will be twisted out of context but when was the last time we were
officially at war? World War 2 I believe. They haven't bothered with congress
since. How long did Vietnam last? How about Korea? Gulf war 1 & 2? Our
leadership has been going around congress with respect to war my entire life.
This should not surprise any of us. The questions is what do we do about it?
How do we hold our leaders accountable?
And New York. Then the U.N. will be gone. I pray God will get everyone who belongs to Him
out of these places.
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+13# RE: COVERT INTEL - New NATO War Doctrine Signed — Dan from ohio 2023-02-15
WW3 will devastate the world and kill billions. So remember those in power who hide in their
bunkers so when it’s over and they poke their heads up chop them off!
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He may have been crooked but he was fucking smart. all our recent presidents are crooked
too but they are stupid
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+3# How much does each side know about the other — Raven1 2023-02-15 08:43
If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If
you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If
you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.
Sun Tzu, The Art of War
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+5# Stupid — remonkok 2023-02-15 08:42
I still cant believe people believe in this shitty organizations. Even if they witness it with their
own eyes. Americans see it with their government. Europeans see it with their governments
and the EU and still dont act. We deserve too be destroyed.
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+8# Two front war worked so well the last time. — Steve in Buffalo 2023-02-15 08:34
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